8A FEATURES THE DAILY ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 2015 Dad wants to stay in touch Tomorrow’s horoscope By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. Dear Annie: I am a 51-year-old man the family. Your sister and her husband and have been unemployed for the past were “the family.” While you are not ob- ARIES (March 21-April 19). It’s nice the essence of that behavior. Annie’s when things come easily, but it’s not always SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Your con- three years. Last year, my wife asked for ligated to go to the funeral of someone beneficial. Difficulties are just part of your science will prevent you from fully indulg- a divorce. Mailbox you barely know, it would have been a initiation. They give you a sense of belong- ing in extravagance. You’ll dip your toe in, Creators My question is: What can I do to re- kindness to go for your sister’s sake, or ing you wouldn’t have otherwise, and they though. How can you help it when such Syndicate Inc. vitalize my relationship with my three at least give her the impression that you get you ready for the challenges ahead. luxurious options present themselves? teenage children? I have to initiate all Kathy Mitchell wanted to be there but had other serious TAURUS (April 20-May 20). People SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). phone calls and texts. They never ask and obligations. have a tendency to reject what they haven’t There’s a competition going on, and if you how I am. The youngest is forthcoming We do think your sister overreacted tasted, but you’re more adventurous than continue to work hard, you’ll be the sure Marcy Sugar that. The vegetables (and life’s equivalent) winner. Be sure to distinguish between about events in his life, but my daughters in the moment, but we also know you’d are typically good for you, and you’ll like competition and fun, though. There’s no require extensive questioning, and all I OLNHWR¿[WKLV6RDSRORJL]HWRKHU7HOO them if you give them a chance. winner at fun (unless you count everyone). get are brief answers. I understand that ship — for their sakes. Your contact at her you are so sorry you didn’t go to the GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’ll find CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). It’s said they are angry with me, but I am trying WKLVPRPHQWLQWLPHZLOOUHÀHFWRQWKHLU funeral, that you should have been there yourself in a room full of VIPs, and you very that the right habits will give you the key to my best to get a new job and move on feelings for you in the future, when they for her and her husband, and that you much belong there. Bring reality to the group the universe. Indeed, if you can command with my life. Every time I see them, I tell are more mature and able to gain per- deeply regret it and hope she can forgive before anyone’s head explodes. When ev- yourself to do as you think you should, them that I miss them, but only my son spective. We know it’s hard. Please don’t you. It’s not too much to do for a sibling eryone is famous, no one is famous. you’ll have many new options. says he misses me, too. make it permanent. relationship that you value. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Your half- AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Don’t as- hearted effort will yield results that are on sume that people know what you’re about. It is so frustrating that I don’t want to Dear Annie: My sister and her hus- Dear Annie: I read the letter from par with your wholehearted effort. Maybe Start from the beginning. Give them some do this much longer. I have started apply- band have disowned us because we did “Frustrated Wife,” whose husband this is unfair, or maybe it’s extremely fair, context. Take your time — they want you ing for jobs out of state so I won’t have not go to a memorial service for her hus- leaves the cabinet doors open and never considering you’ve already put in your time to. You’re more entertaining than you know. to deal with the disappointment. I feel band’s brother, who passed away after a puts tools away. and paid your dues. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You don’t that they are trying to keep me out of their long battle with cancer. My wonderful, hardworking, intel- LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Love may be write your name now the same way you lives. If so, I should just stop trying so My wife and I saw this brother once ligent husband exhibits these same ten- stabilizing, but it’s not like a rock. You can’t did when you were 8, and you don’t dress hard. I don’t like spending my days think- every few years at family occasions. dencies. I would come home from work give it to someone and expect it to keep the the same way you did in the ’90s. Your style same shape through the ages. Like bread, is ever-evolving, as is evident by today’s ing about them and feeling hurt. What do We were never at his home. The day of H[KDXVWHGDQG¿QGWKHFXSERDUGGRRUV you have to make it fresh every time you choices. you suggest? — Feeling Unloved the service, my sister called and asked open and things all over the countertops. give it. WEDNESDAY’S BIRTHDAY (March Dear Unloved: Please do not cut your whether I was coming. I said no, that I $W¿UVW,IXPHG7KHQ*RGSXWWKH VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Rigor, rele- 4). This month’s challenge is a no-brainer. children out of your life because they are had other things going on, and she hung thought into my head: If my husband vance, relationships and responsibility. It’s You’ll excel because you do what you’re angry and confused and taking it out on up. were dead, my cupboard doors would more than a high school motto; it’s the way supposed to be doing. Next month will you. No matter how upsetting their be- We are in our late 60s, and I think it’s be closed, the screwdriver would be put you live your life. These four “r’s” will shape bring a new deal. Putting in extra work havior, they still need you. They also need a shame for them to end a relationship away and nothing would be out of place. your days this week. hours will help you fulfill a wish. June brings to know that you will not give up on them. over this. Were we wrong? — Weighing 6R , VWDUWHG VD\LQJ WR P\VHOI ³7KDQN LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Einstein sug- you a gift that’s hard to come by, rare or gested that reality is a (very persistent) illu- expensive. Someone special will capture Talk to your ex-wife. Explain how on My Mind in Pennsylvania you. Hubby is still alive.” The difference sion, making a good case for persistence your heart in September. Aries and Aquar- this hurts the children, and ask for her Dear Weighing: The point of at- in my attitude makes a big difference in in general. If you behave in a certain way ius people adore you. Your lucky numbers help in a better relation- tending a funeral is to pay respects to my life. — Petite Wife in Nebraska enough times, you’ll be characterized as are: 10, 8, 30, 15 and 19. FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE