Officers for 2020 Chronicle Former Blue Friars
OFFICERS FOR 2020 FORMER BLUE FRIARS 41. Conrad Hahn†, bf, Connecticut 1964 1. J. Raymond Shute ii†, bf, N. Carolina 1932 42. Bernard E. Jones†, bf, England 1964 Arturo de Hoyos. bf 2. J. Hugo Tatsch†, bf, New York 1933 43. Norman S. Meese†, bf, Dist. of Col. 1965 Grand Abbot 3. J. Edward Allen†, bf, N. Carolina 1934 44. Alphonse Cerza†, bf, Illinois 1966 4. Charles C. Hunt†, bf, Iowa 1935 45. James D. Carter†, bf, Texas 1967 Mark A. Tabbert, bf 5. Henry V. A. Parsell†, bf, New York 1936 46. Allen E. Roberts†, bf, Virginia 1967 Deputy Grand Abbot 6. Ray V. Denslow†, bf, Missouri 1937 47. Dwight L. Smith†, bf, Indiana 1968 7. Harold V. B. Voorhis†, bf, New Jersey 1938 48. Henry Emmerson†, bf, New York 1968 8. Arthur E. Waite†, bf, England 1939 49. Ronald E. Heaton†, bf, Pennsylvania 1969 Richard E. Fletcher. bf 9. Carl H. Claudy†, bf, Dist. of Col. 1940 51. Frederick H. Smyth, bf, England 1970 Secretary General 10. Hubert M. Poteat†, bf, N. Carolina 1940 50. William G. Peacher†, bf, California 1969 11. Melvin M. Johnson†, bf, Massachusetts 1941 52. Donavon D. Tidwell†, bf, Texas 1971 12. William L. Cummings†, bf, New York 1942 53. Gerald D. Foss†, bf, New Hampshire 1972 13. Henry Falls Evans†, bf, Colorado 1943 54. Ralph H. Gauker†, bf, Dist. of Col. 1973 14. Wallace E. Caldwell†, bf, N. Carolina 1943 55. George A. Newbury†, bf, New York 1974 CHRONICLE 15. Charles H. Johnson†, bf, New York 1945 56. Walter M. Callaway†, bf, Georgia 1975 16.
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