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INDEX A Accommodation, visual, 67, 127, in single-task performance, Abbreviated injury scale (AIS), 1448, 1565 96–102 1600 Acculturation, 512 and spatial compatibility, 144–147 Ability tests, 478 ACGIH (American Conference of and stimulus-response Absolute threshold, 61, 62 Governmental Industrial compatibility, 97–98 Abstract information, 1211 Hygienists), 1542 and uncertainty, 143 Abstraction hierarchy analysis, Achievable performance, 1071–1072 Action slips, 736 1196–1198 Achievement and Success Index, Active electronic hearing protection ABWS (advance brake warning 483 devices, 651 system), 320 Achromatic colors, 74 Active errors, 1587 ACASs (automated collision Acoustics, see Sound Active failures, 1089 avoidance systems), 1673 Acoustical calibrators, 646, 647 Active noise reduction (ANR), 653, ACC (adaptive cruise control), Acoustic trauma, 655 668 1616–1617, 1624–1625 Acquired needs, McClelland’s Active surveillance, 854 ACCERS (Aviation Casual theory of, 405–406 Active touch, 81 Contributors for Event Action-based detection of errors, Active training, 1464 Reporting Systems), 789 751 Activities, tasks vs., 285 Accessibility: Action goals, 99–100 Activity network models, 964–965 of AmI environments, 1361 Action implementation automation, and OP diagrams, 965–968 and interactivity, 1382–1384 1623 and task analysis, 964–965 reactive vs. proactive strategies Action kansei, 584 Activity theoretical analysis, for, 1485–1487 Action levers, for quality of working 1245–1247 regulations and guidelines, life, 539 Activity theory, 579 1415–1416
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