Nautilus V14 N7 May 1912

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Nautilus V14 N7 May 1912 APR 23 1912 Medicine Dies Hard TT\S DYING JUST TUE SAME That you may BE SHOWN send for the c o t t A u t o l o g y As Engineered Against the People by the Medical Trust. The Truths, Facts and Sense in this book are epoch-making— The W ork of a Woman. Should have the hearty and undivided support of every good American Citizen. ONI Y 20 CENTS WITHE THEY LAST Address: E. R. MORAS, M. D. DEPT. 301, HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. Soy you saw it i„ T hk N a u t i i .u s . See guarantee, page 5. t r a n s c r i p t HOI,YORK, MASS. APR 23 1912 •a -* 5 vy i it; ^ ? ? ' n NAUTILUS I I .X ECEIVE $ g § R your thoughts o C t'lf'J J ttiougUts i \ U ^ ,A' =< as guests but S-ssiiSS'j . A i s r h ^eat your de' i^y sires as chil- '4 m $ \ dren 'i W PUBLISHED BY THE ELIZABETH TOW NE CO., HOLYOKE, MASS. THE NAUTILUS. O M A IIA , N e b r.— Omaha New Thought Fellowship, Room 3, Lyric Theatre building. Services, Sunday NEW THOUGHT CENTERS. morning, 10 o’clock; Wednesday night at 8 o’clock. ORANGE, N. J.— Mrs. Frances A. Ross, The Fair­ banks, 477-481 Main street. P A T E R SO N , N. J.— G. Van D a lin d a , 321 Romainc b ld g . PHILADELPHIA, Pa.— Mary E. Brown, 1839 N 11th street. PITTSBURG, Pa.— I)r. IT. Lewis Belknap, 813 Wood HIIKKRLEV, Calif.— Berkeley Business College Bldg., S. 1C. cor. Shattuck and Center streets. street, Second floor, Wilkinsburg Station. HILLINGS, Ok la — Dr. II. G. CofTeen. PORTLAND, Ore.— W . E. Jones, 284 Oak street, Henry Building. B O STO N , M ums«— Miss Leonora llsley Joslyn, Suite Ü1C, 59 Temple Place. PROVIDENCE, R. I.— Miss S. C. D u n h a m , 104 Olney street. B O STO N , M ASS.— The Metaphysical Club, 211 Hunt ington Chambers, 30 Huntington avenue. SALT LAKE CITY', Utah.— Shepard, the Magazine Man, 77 East 3d South. BRUNSWICK, O.— Co-operative Book and Subscription Agency, U. 3. S E A T T L E , WaMli.— Mrs. Agnes J. Galer, 516-518 Crary building. B U F F A L O , N. A'.— Mrs. Candis J. ITall, 528 Delaware SPOKANE, Wash.— Sphkane Book and Stationery Com­ avenue. pany, 114 South Post street. CALGARY, Alberta, C anada.— Mrs. M. Mason, 230 ST. LOUIS, Mo.— II. II. Schrocder, 3537 Crittenden Eighth avenue, West. street. C A N TO N , Ohio.— Ralph W . Young, 323 North Market SAN DIEGO. Cal.— Loring & Co., 762-766 Fifth street. street. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.— Olivia Kingslar.d,48 Portola CAFE TOWN, South A fr ic a .— Modern Science Pub. street, near Steiner and Waller. Co., 4 McPherson’s Bldgs, Plein and Barrack streets. SANTA BARBARA, Cal.— Ramona Book Store,, J. M. C H IC A G O , 111.— Mrs. Louise Alden, 400 Hermitage Barbour, Prop., 707 State street. avenue. TACOMA, Waah ___C. Albin Thorell, 1014 South 11th C H IC A G O , III.— The Progressive Thinker, 40 Loomi*. street. street. TORONTO, Can.— W . H. Evans, 488 College street. V A L P A R A ISO , C H IL E , S. A .— Georgina Hammer- CHICAGO, 111.— The Chicago Fellowship; Benjamin ton, Carilla, 271 P. O. B. Fay Mills, Lecturer and Leader. Meetings Sundays WASHINGTON, D. C.— Oriental Esoteric Society, 1443 at 11 a. m. at the Whitney Opera House. Q street, N. W. CHICAGO, 111.— Priscilla Knox McArthur, 1340 La W ILLI MAN SETT, M m n m .— Mrs. S . A . Emerson, 30 Salle avenue. Emerson street. DAYTON, Ohio.— Lotos Library, 50 Stillwater avenue YOUNGSTOWN, O___Flora G. Whiteside, 108 West Annie Mclvor,- librarian. Wood street. DENVER, Col.— Mrs. Edith Marie Raymond, 302 THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, supplies The Twenty-second street. Nautilus on a returnable basis to all newsdealers EDINBURGH, Scotland.— Helen Rhodes-Wallace and who request it. Robert Wallace. AMERICAN WOMAN’S LEAGUE«—-The Nautilus HAMILTON, Ontario, Can.— Cloke & Son, 16 King is a Class A publication. Subscriptions taken by St., West. every American Woman’s League Member. IIA RROGATE, England.— Talisman Publishing Co., 526 Station Pde. JAMESTOWN, N. Y W . L. Peters, 11 B. East 8th street. JERSEY CITY' HEIGHTS, N. J.— Mt. Pitcairn Spir­ itual Association, 386 Central avenue. JULIA ETTA, Idaho.— S. A. Roe. M. D. KI ESTER, Minn.— Mrs. Emilie Ewald. Short-Story Writing KALAMAZOO, Mich Home of Truth, 211 West Dutton street. New Thought Library. L A M A R , Mo.— James C. Thomson, N. D. D. C., Box 22. A course of forty les­ LONDON, England— Higher Thought Center, 10 Che:, iston Gardens, W. sons in the history, form, LONDON, England— L. N. Fowler & Co., 7 Imperial structure, and writing of avenue, E. C. LONDON, England.— Power Book C o., 29 Ludgate the Short-Story, taught Hill, E. C. by 'J. Berg Esemvein, 1 .0 NG B E A C H , Cal.— Mrs. S . F. Connley, 14 Ameri­ can avenue. Editor of Lippincott's 1.05 ANGELES, Calif---- The Fountain of Life Insti­ Magazine. tute, 943 So. Broadway. LOS ANGELES, Calif.— The Holmes Book Co., 333 South Main street. Occult, New Thought, and Theo- UK. ESEWVK1X sophical Books. 1.05 ANGELES, Cal.— Metaphysical Library, 611 Grant Bldg., 355 South Broadway. We are continually hearing from stu­ 1.05 ANGELES, Cal.— Occult B o o k C o ., 213 Mercar. dents and graduates notifying us of the tile Place. receipt of checks for accepted manuscripts, 1.05 ANGELES, Cal.— The Los Angeles Fellowship; and expressing their appreciation of the Reynold E. Blight, Minister. Meetings Sundays at 11 a. m. in Blanchard Hall. Office, 430 Blanchard course and of Dr. Esenwein’s personal building. service. LYN N , Mumm.— Mrs. Sarah F. Meader, Metaphysician, 10 Kenwood terrace. M ELBO U R N E, A ustralia— Miss E . R . Hinge, 178 Little Collins street. MILWAUKEE, WI hc---- Gustave Pinske, 713 State street. M INNEAPOLIS, Minn.—The New Life Fraternity, Amelia A. Randall, Room 480, Auditorium building. NEW YORK CITY.— Mystic Light Library Associa­ 250-page catalogue free. Write today. tion, 49 John street. N E W Y O R K C IT Y — New Thought College Free Read­ ing Room, 110 W . 34th street. N E W Y O R K C IT Y .— Roger Bros., 429 Sixth avenue. THE HOME CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL N E W YORK C IT Y .— Dr. Richard R. Schlcusner, 138 East 27th street. Dept. 141, Springfield, Mass. O A K L A N D , C al.— Rest Reading Rooms, 727 14th street. OAK PARK, Cal.— B. E. Moyer, 2915 34th street. Say you saw it in T h e N a u t i l u s . Sec guarantee, page 5. THE NAUTILUS, 1 Nautilus News. B y t h e E d i t o r s . The special feature for Church and the June N a u tilu s will Important Notice Club in Our be a symposium entitled Town. “Good Things Accom­ plished by Church and To Nautilus Subscribers. Club in Our Town.” IF YOU FIND a red delinquent notice and order The leading article is a second prize winner, form attached to this space it means that your sub­ “The Spirit of Co-operation,” by Eleanor Rob­ scription expires with this issue (UNLESS your re­ bins Wilson, relating the story of a small New newal has crossed this notice in the mails). Please renew at once so as to avoid missing an issue, and to England town that was awakened from its Rip save us the expense of removing and replacing your Van Winkle sleep by the initiative of a few name on our list. IF YOU W ILL RETURN THE successful wives who found their home occupa­ RED ORDER BLANK WITH YOUR REMIT­ tions lessening and their own energies crying TANCE SO THAT IT REACHES US BY THE 20th OF THE MONTH OF THIS ISSUE, WE for new avenues of expression. The article is WILL CREDIT YOU WITH 13 MONTHS FOR full of suggestions and inspiration for other $1.00. We can afford to give you an extra month wives, and for husbands, and for towns small for PROMPT renewal. and large. THE ELIZABETH TOWNE CO., HOLYOKE, MASS. Following this article is another equally as interesting and suggestive, by Fred Brush, of New York city—“The Best Thing Our Church Ever Did for Our Town.” Mrs. Emma Hallem shows what New Have You Read Thought did for a small community in Arizona, and just how it was accomplished, through the initiative of one woman. Clarence Burr Byxbee tells how New Part 2 (Two) Thought works in a church in Norwalk, Conn., and Mary E. Bradford, of Boston, explains of “Our Invisible Supply, How to Obtain” ? If “The Best Thing Our Church Ever Did for Its Members.” not, you will find in it the same satisfaction de­ rived from the first vol. H. Emilie Cady writes: For the June number “I think Mrs. Frances Larimer Warner’s book, Spiritual Anne Warner provides ‘Our Invisible Supply,’ one of the most practical SparKara for some “Old Sayings contributions to New Thought literature. This June. Turned Inside Out.” They remind me of a book puts in a nutshell the EXACT METHOD pongee dress I had, OF AN ACTIVE FAITH WHICH BRINGS that was much more satisfactory after it was THE INVISIBLE SUPPLY INTO VISIBLE made over. That bright young vagabond, Thomas Dreier, POSSESSION.” T ea ch ers along New Thought will tell us about “Madame Curie: A Coura­ lines use these books as te x t books and advise geous Woman”—beginning with the time when them for their pupils as the cle a re st instruction she lived on 10 cents a day and spent her to be found.
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