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2017 Annual report 2017 REPORT ANNUAL 2017 Annual report 4 Table of contents

Table of contents

I. Message from the President 5 II. Mission Statement 6 III. The General Committee 8 IV. FCI staff 10 V. Executive Director’s report 11 VI. Outstanding Conformation of the Year 14 VII. Our commissions 17 VIII. Financial report 45 IX. Figures 48 X. 2018 events 60 XI. List of members 70 XII. List of clubs with an FCI contract 79

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter I Message from the President 5

Message from the President

The time has come for a groups and activities, and to support already-existing youth new report about FCI ac- groups in FCI member National Canine Organisations. tivities. It is always a stim- Following the publication of the Guide: How to Create a ulating experience to go National Youth Canine Organisation, the FCI Youth has pro- through our achievements vided support during the past year to several National Canine when writing this yearly Organisations that were interested in initiating youth groups outline. Having a retro- and national youth activities. spective look at the huge During the 2017 General Assembly, the FCI General work carried out and short- Committee appointed a new FCI Youth Coordination: Mr listing the priority tasks for Augusto Benedicto Santos. FCI Youth welcomed Blai Llobet the next term is one of the from Spain, and Jimmie Wu from China, as the two new most rewarding and chal- group members who are now on board. lenging things one has to The FCI Youth was present with a stand at the World take time to do regularly. This is what I am sharing with you Show in Leipzig, Germany, where FCI Youth reference con- here. tents were displayed, and where all of the group members had the opportunity to network, conduct interviews, ques- FCI General Assembly – Leipzig, Germany tionnaires, distribute information, answer questions and During the FCI General Assembly on 6-7 November, I was present FCI Youth´s efforts aimed at the general public. reelected President for a two-year mandate. I was very hon- oured by the confidence expressed in this vote; be assured 2017 highlights that it is always in my mind and in all my efforts. I would now like to remind you of a few events which left Our federation welcomed Armenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, their mark on 2017. Kyrgyzstan and Viet Nam as associate members. Let us The FCI extended to new emerging countries: Lebanon again wish the warmest welcome to the Armenian Dog- ( of Lebanon), Kuwait (Kuwait Cynological Lovers’ Association, the Kinološki Savez u Bosni i Hercegovini Association) and (Association Cynologique (KSuBiH), the Union of Cynologists of Kyrgyz Republic and Algérienne). It is always extremely gratifying to open to new the Vietnam Kennel Association (VKA). cultures. The following canine organisations were admitted as full The FCI World was organised in Leipzig by our members of the FCI: Pakistan (Kennel Club of Pakistan), San German member VDH, establishing a historical record: more Marino (Kennel Club San Marino), Turkey (Köpek Irklari ve than 31,000 dogs, from 330 different breeds - were entered! Kinoloji Federasyonu), Montenegro (Kinoloski Savez Crne Never before had there been so many dogs gathered in the Gore) and Bahrain (Bahrain Kennel Club). Congratulations to framework of a single event! They came from 73 different our new full members! countries. This unforgettable event attracted 90,000 visitors. During the discussions, the point on the General Assembly In addition of the conformation shows, we could also attend agenda regarding FCI Statutes and FCI Standing Orders the German Agility Championships, the European Dog Diving opened such a long discussion that it was suggested to Championships, the Dog Dancing World Championships and hold an extraordinary General Assembly to deal with it. An the Junior Handling World Championships. Extraordinary GA will then be celebrated in Brussels, on 14- Again, congratulations for this amazing success! 15 August 2018. I hope that this important development in FCI history will reaffirm a strong cohesion, shaping a firm In the framework of its meetings, and via virtual exchange confidence in the future of our federation. too, the FCI General Committee has resolved a huge number of proposals, questions and problems related to the compul- FCI Youth sory and non-compulsory commissions, to the FCI members, FCI Youth was active with the creation and development of and to other institutions or partners. support documents for all FCI member general organisations In addition, the FCI General Committee is also working hand and the general public, publishing new Recommendations in hand with the commissions in order to publish standards, for National Junior Handling Competitions, with the purpose regulations and best-practice documents for our hobby, aim- of encouraging a Junior Handling sport which supports val- ing at a sport practice which is safe, ethical, and respectful of ues that are more similar to breed ring handling; including animal welfare and health. more information for both Handlers and Judges regarding Our work as FCI General Committee members has been, is the future conduction of Junior Handling Competitions in and will always be to serve all our members and contract International FCI Shows held by FCI member National Canine partners’ interests, in the specific framework of the complex- Organisations. ity of an international structure. One of the main objectives of the FCI Youth has been to en- courage FCI member countries in the foundation of youth Rafael de Santiago FCI President

2017 Annual report 6 Chapter II Mission Statement

Mission Statement

Introduction Introduction In accordance with the celebration of the 100 Anniversary Dans le cadre du futur 100e anniversaire de la Fédération of the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, the General Cynologique Internationale, le Comité Général de la FCI a Committee of the FCI reviewed its Mission and Vision revu la mission, les visions et les valeurs de la FCI afin de Statements and Values to maintain our leadership world- maintenir notre position de leader mondial. wide. Mission Mission statement La FEDERATION CYNOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONALE (FCI) est The FEDERATION CYNOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONALE (FCI) is l’autorité cynophile mondiale. Elle est responsable de la the supreme authority of the canine culture worldwide. préservation de la santé des chiens et des activités ca- The FCI is responsible for safeguarding canine health and nines internationales dont le but est de promouvoir les international dog activities to enhance the relations be- relations entre le chien et l’homme. La FCI a été fondée en tween dogs and humans. Established in 1911 the FCI in- 1911 et compte 94 membres et partenaires sous contrat cludes 94 members and contract partners (one member (un membre par pays). Chaque membre émet ses propres per country). Each member issues their own pedigrees and pedigrees et forme des juges de manifestations canines train highly qualified judges. The FCI makes sure that the hautement qualifiés. La FCI garantit la reconnaissance des pedigrees and judges are mutually recognised by all the pedigrees et des juges par tous ses membres, partenaires FCI members, contract partners and any person involved sous contrat, ainsi que par toute personne active sur leur in their domestic canine scene. scène canine nationale.

Vision statement Vision The FCI supports, via its members and contract partners, par l’intermédiaire de ses membres et partenaires sous the well-being of all dogs Worldwide. contrat, la FCI soutient le bien-être de tous les chiens dans le monde entier. Values • THE FCI cares about all dogs worldwide. Valeurs • THE FCI considers the health, temperament and behav- • La FCI se préoccupe du bien-être de tous les chiens dans iour as the most important matters in dogs and their le monde. Breed Standards. • La FCI considère la santé, le caractère et le comporte- • THE FCI promotes dog activities and dog sports world- ment comme les points essentiels pour les chiens et leur wide, which it considers beneficial to the dogs. standard de race. • THE FCI entrusts its commissions to make recommen­ • La FCI soutient, dans le monde, les activités canines et dations about other important matters. les disciplines canines sportives qu’elle considère béné- • THE FCI divides geographically the world of dogs fiques pour les chiens. through its five sections. • La FCI charge ses commissions d’émettre des recom- • THE FCI trusts its members and contract partners to mandations sur d’autres thèmes importants. protect the integrity of their National Registries. • La FCI divise le monde canin en cinq sections géogra- • THE FCI recognises and respects agreements with non- phiques. member national organisations. • La FCI exprime toute sa confiance dans la capacité de ses • THE FCI sets the highest standards for its headquarters. membres et partenaires sous contrat à se porter garants • THE FCI ensures the regular celebration of World and de l’intégrité de leurs livres des origines. Section Championship events. • La FCI respecte et reconnaît les accords qui ont été conclus avec des organisations nationales non-membres. • La FCI établit des normes de la plus haute qualité pour son siège social. • La FCI veille à l’organisation régulière de championnats du monde et de section.

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter II Mission Statement 7

Introducción Einleitung en el marco del 100º aniversario de la Fédération Im Rahmen des 100-jährigen Jubiläums der Fédération Cynologique Internationale, el Comité General de la FCI Cynologique Internationale hat der FCI-Vorstand das ha revisado y modificado su Declaración de Misión y su Mission-Statement und das Vision-Statement so- Declaración de Visión, así como los Valores de la FCI, a fin wie die „Werte“ der FCI überarbeitet, um die weltweite de mantener nuestra posición de liderazgo mundial. Führungsposition in der Kynologie zu erhalten.

Declaración de misión Mission-statement la FEDERATION CYNOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONALE (FCI) es die FEDERATION CYNOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONALE (FCI) ist la autoridad máxima a nivel mundial para la cinofilia. La die oberste Autorität für Hundekultur weltweit. Die FCI ist FCI es responsable del aseguramiento de la salud de los für die Sicherstellung der Gesundheit von Hunden und perros y de las actividades caninas internacionales para für internationale Hundeaktivitäten zur Förderung der fomentar las relaciones entre los perros y las personas. Beziehungen zwischen Hunden und Menschen verant- La FCI fue fundada en 1911 y tiene 94 miembros y países wortlich. contratantes (un miembro por cada país). Cada miembro expide sus propios pedigríes y forma a jueces altamente Die FCI wurde 1911 gegründet und hat 94 Mitglieder und cualificados. La FCI se asegura de que todos los miembros, Vertragspartner (ein Mitglied pro Land). Jedes Mitglied países contratantes y personas que en cada país se dedi- erstellt seine eigenen Ahnentafeln und bildet hochqualifi- can al mundo del perro reconozcan y acepten los pedi- zierte Richter aus. Die FCI stellt sicher, dass die Ahnentafeln gríes y los jueces en el seno de la FCI. und Richter innerhalb der FCI von allen Mitgliedern, Vertragspartnern und allen in der Hundeszene tätigen Declaración de visión Personen anerkannt werden. con ayuda de sus miembros y países contratantes, la FCI Vision-statement ampara y fomenta el bienestar de todos los perros del die FCI unterstützt durch ihrer Mitglieder und mundo. Vertragspartner das Wohlergehen aller Hunde weltweit.

Valores “Werte” • A LA FCI le importa y preocupa mucho el bienestar de • DER FCI liegt das Wohlergehen aller Hunde weltweit am todos los perros del mundo. Herzen. • LA FCI considera que la salud, el carácter y el comporta- • DIE FCI erachtet die Gesundheit, das Wesen und das miento de los perros son las cuestiones más importantes Verhalten als wichtigste Merkmale für Hunde und für en lo que se refiere a los perros y a su estándar de cría. deren Rassestandards. • LA FCI fomenta a nivel mundial aquellas actividades • DIE FCI fördert weltweit Hundeaktivitäten und caninas y disciplinas de deporte canino que considera Hundesportarten, die sie für die Hunde als vorteilhaft beneficiosas para los perros. erachtet. • LA FCI encarga a sus Comisiones ofrecer recomenda‑ • DIE FCI beauftragt ihre Kommissionen damit, ciones para otros temas importantes. Empfehlungen zu anderen wichtigen Themen • LA FCI clasifica el mundo del perro en cinco sectores, abzugeben. conforme a sus cinco secciones. • DIE FCI unterteilt die Welt der Hunde in fünf Bereiche, • LA FCI confía en que sus miembros y países contratantes entprechend ihren fünf geographischen Sektionen. mantengan la homogeneidad e integridad de sus regis- • DIE FCI vertraut auf die Wahrheit und Vollständigkeit der tros nacionales. nationalen Register ihrer Mitglieder und Vertragspartner. • LA FCI respeta y acepta los acuerdos tomados con orga- • DIE FCI anerkennt und respektiert Vereinbarungen, nizaciones nacionales de países que no son miembros. die mit nationalen Nicht-Mitglieder-Organisationen • LA FCI es extremadamente exigente con su sede central. abgeschlossen wurden. • LA FCI se encarga de las celebraciones periódicas de los • DIE FCI setzt für ihren Hauptsitz in jeglicher Hinsicht Campeonatos Mundiales y de Sección höchste Ansprüche. • DIE FCI sorgt für das regelmäßige Abhalten von Weltund Sektionsmeisterschaften.

2017 Annual report 8 Chapter III The General Committee

FCI General Committee


Rafael de Santiago (Puerto Rico): President Elected member for the first time in 1999 at the General Assembly held in Mexico (MX). Elected FCI President for the first time at the General Assembly in Budapest (HU) in 2013.

Current positions: President of the FCI and President of the Federación Canófila de Puerto Rico (Kennel Club of Puerto Rico).

Carla Molinari (Portugal): Vice-President Elected member for the first time in 1987 at the General Assembly held in Tel Aviv (IL). Member from 1987 until 1999. Member of the Executive Committee from 1995 until 1999 as Treasurer. Elected member in 2013 at the General Assembly held in Budapest (HU). FCI Treasurer from May 2013 until November 2017. Elected as Vice-President of the FCI in Leipzig (November 2017)

Current positions: FCI Vice-President and President of the Clube Português de Canicultura (Portuguese Kennel Club) since 1985.

Tamas Jakkel (Hungary) : Treasurer Elected member in 2009 at the General Assembly held in Bratislava (SK). Elected as FCI Treasurer in Leipzig (November 2017).

Current position: FCI Treasurer.


Miguel-Ángel Martínez (Argentina) Elected in 1995 by the General Assembly of The Americas and the Caribbean Section held in Brussels (BE). President of The Americas and the Caribbean Section from 1995 until 2015. Elected member in 2015 at the General Assembly held in Milan (IT)

Current positions: Member of the FCI General Committee and Vice President of the Federación Cinólogica Argentina (Argentinian Kennel Club)

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter III The General Committee 9

Kari Järvinen (Finland) Gerard Jipping Elected member for the first (The ) time in 1995 at the General Elected member for the first time Assembly held in Brussels (BE). in 2011 at the General Assembly held in Paris (FR). President of Current position: Member of the Raad van Beheer (Dutch the FCI General Committee. Kennel Club) from June 2004 until December 2016. FCI Vice- President from May 2013 until November 2017.

Current position: Member of the FCI General Committee REPRESENTATIVES OF THE FCI SECTIONS

Jorgen Hindse (Denmark)

Sitting member in the FCI General Committee: elected in 1991 by the General Assembly of the European Section in Zurich (CH).

Current positions: Member of the FCI General Committee, President of the Dansk Kennel Klub (Danish Kennel Club) and President of the European Section.

Jose Luis Payró (Mexico) Augusto Benedicto Santos III (Philippines) Member of the FCI Standards Member of the FCI Asia & Pacific Commission from 1998 un- Section General Committee since til 2015. Sitting member in its establishment in 2006. the FCI General Committee; Sitting member in the FCI General Elected in 2015 by the General Committee: elected in 2013 by Assembly of The Americas and the General Assembly of the FCI the Caribbean Section held in Asia and Pacific Section in Ooty Milan (IT). (IN).

Current positions: Member of the FCI General Committee, Current positions: Member of the FCI General Committee. President of the Federación Canófila Mexicana (Mexican President of the Philippine Canine Club (Kennel Club of ) since 2005 and President of the FCI Americas Philippines) since 2005 and President of the FCI Asia and and the Caribbean Section. Pacific Section.


Yves De Clercq (Belgium) Appointed Secretary General in 1997 by the General Committee in Buenos Aires (AR).

Current position: Executive Director of the FCI.

2017 Annual report 10 Chapter IV FCI staff

FCI staff

Marie Luna Durán Marjorie Grimmelprez Sabine Segers Hired in 2006 Hired in 2008 Hired in 2010 Marketing and Public Relations In charge of the Judges In charge of Data Processing Manager; Publication Director of and Breeds Standards and Applications for events & the FCI newsletter; (Spanish) Departments Schedules (CACIB) Translations and IT Projects

Pascale Mocellin Wendy Lagniaux Hired in 2017 Hired in 2016 Yves De Clercq In charge of Data Alexandra Decoster In charge of the Hired in 1994 Processing Hired in 2009 CACIB Department Executive Director In charge of the Titles Department


Margareth Devaux Catherine Gomrée Marie-France Grulois Hired in 1973 Hired in 2003 Hired in 1992 In charge of the Awards In charge of Accountancy In charge of Kennel Department and and Administration Names and Breed Application for events & Departments; Translations Standards (English - schedules (CACIAG/CACIOB/ and IT Projects French) Departments CACIL/CACIT/CACITR)

Graziella Soravia Lynda Dock Hired in 1981 Hired in 1994 Rosa Vinci In charge of Kennel Names, Cleaning Operative Hired in 2006 Breed Standards (German) and In charge of Data Processing and Administration Departments Application for events & schedules (CACIAG/CACIOB/CACIL/CACIT/ CACITR)

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter V Executive Director’s report 11

Executive Director’s report

Dear Readers, Globally, 2017 was a Dear FCI Members and Contract Partners, good year for the FCI 2017 is definitely behind us and once again, it was a busy, if we take a look at the nice and interesting year. international activity of our members and Unfortunately, I would like to open this brief report by paying contract partners. tribute to some personalities who passed away in 2017. They may have been friends, acquaintances or colleagues, but all With a total of 1,243 of them were highly appreciated for their competence and international CACIB kindness. The Dog World is missing them: Mr Ch. Eymar- shows (vs 1,206 in Dauphin (France), President of the Société Centrale Canine, 2016), the number of well-known and much appreciated judge; he attended most those events keeps of the last FCI General Assemblies, Mrs Ingeborg Kincaid increasing. However,

(Panama), FCI judge, long-standing President of the Club © FCI paradoxically, the to- Canino de Panamá who also was a regular attendee of so tal number of dogs many FCI General Assemblies, Mr Ole Staunskjaer (Denmark), entered slightly decreased from 1,030,336 dogs in 2016 to FCI judge, Vice-President of Dansk Kennel Klub for many years 1,016,612 for 2017 (although the figures for 2017 may be and another regular delegate at the FCI General Assemblies, not yet totally complete), which shows that global partici- Mr C. Fernández-Renau (Spain), famous judge and breeder pation at international dog shows has diminished in 2017, from the Real Sociedad Canina de España, Mrs Rita Trainin even though the World Dog Show (Leipzig) set a new World (Israel), judge from the Israel Kennel Club and finally, Mr Record in terms of entry with a total of 24,682 dogs. A Steve Gladstone (USA), member of the AKC Board and AKC country-specific (or even show-specific) study of the figures judge, who left us last June. There may be more for which would be of high interest. we were not notified and I apologise if I fail to mention them! May they all rest in peace! The FCI Office confirmed more titles of Int.Ch than ever: 10,628 (beauty and working) vs 9,722 for the year 2016!

Our members organised a total of 2,162 trials (all disciplines together), slightly lower than in 2016 (2,426 trials). The dis- ciplines are the following: utility, tracking, obedience, agility, field-trials and tests, racing, and herding tests.

Mr Ch. Eymar-Dauphin Mrs Ingeborg Kincaid Finally, to end up with statistics, the FCI accepted and regis- tered 22,580 kennel names applications, which makes it the 3rd best result since 2010.

We are proud of our official title, granted to us by the City Council of Thuin: “Thuin, World Capital of Dogs” and we do our utmost to keep strengthening our roots in our local area by organising different dog-related-activities: a canine walk Mr Ole Staunskjaer Mr C. Fernández-Renau and a cynothon (walking or jogging with one’s dog on two distances, 5 or 10 km), both with an increasing number of participants from one year to another. © Yigal Pardo Mrs Rita Trainin Mr Steve Gladstone © FCI

2017 Annual report 12 Chapter V Executive Director’s report © FCI © FCI

In addition, the FCI headquarters have started a new “visiting dogs” campaign in two local institutions hosting people with light mental disorders. The interest raised is great and we are happy to be able to show how dog can be useful to society. © FCI © FCI © FCI © FCI

In June 2017, we were glad to host a meeting of the FCI Executive Committee at the FCI Office.

Following talks with Four Paws at the FCI Office in 2016 and in order to reaffirm our fight and strong position against any dog cruelty, we also launched a campaign entitled Dogs are not consumer goods, with pins and stickers being distributed on the FCI stand. The campaign was republished by several FCI partners (NCOs, breed clubs,…). In addition, recommen- dations to veterinarians in the framework of their duties dur- © FCI

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter V Executive Director’s report 13

ing dog shows were considered and hopefully, clear propos- als will be tabled in the next months.

We are happy to inform our members that the FCI headquar- ters renewed their agreement with Brussels Airlines and the © FCI Lufthansa Group: a discount is granted on a huge number of flights for those who take part in canine events. Please do not hesitate to consult our website en/2018-Official-Carrier-Programmes-2390.html)

Our website keeps developing and in 2017, we have offered a brand new online tool allowing all FCI members and contract partners to apply for international trials. We have worked on the new FCI Judges Directory which will be launched in 2018. All the important decisions, and communications have been put online on the FCI website at the following links, either

© FCI in the “public section” (Nota Bene) or the “LOG IN section” (News): and

A final word to our faithful and professional staff: end of 2016, a new person joined our staff and was followed by another one in March 2017, following Mr Corliano’s wish to take a new path in his professional career. I would like all of you to welcome Ms W. Lagniaux ([email protected]) who took over Mr Corliano’s task and Ms P. Mocellin (mocellin.p@ who joined the team in charge of processing the show results (4 in total). © FCI

Another public campaign was conducted, focusing on all the advantages which a pedigree dog can bring us. This cam- paign, as well as a blog against dog cruelty, lasted from June to April 2018.

My warmest thanks to the FCI General Committee members, the FCI members and all the presidents of the FCI commissions for their good cooperation.

Best regards,

Y. De Clercq FCI Executive Director

2017 Annual report 14 Chapter VI Outstanding conformation dogs of the year

Outstanding Conformation Dogs of the Year

WORLD DOG SHOW, Leipzig (Germany) 9-12/11

1 Australian Shepherd 2 (Best in Show) , fawn Markýz Srdcove Eso Queenie Eye Del Castel Levante Judge: Naveda Carrero Juan (Spain) BIS Judge: Kliebenstein Horst (Germany) Owner: Hodová Zuzana+Linda (Czech Republic) Group judge: Schäfer Guido (Germany) Owner: Vidano Patrizia Maria (Italy) 1 3 (BIS 2) Fox Terrier (wire) Hampton Court’s Monte Cristo BIS Judge: Kliebenstein Horst (Germany) Group judge: Korozs Andras (Hungary) OwnerMalzoni Victor (United Kingdom)

4 Rabbit , Smooth-haired Picollo Teckel Infanta Judge: De Giuliani Claudio (Italy) Owner: Ekaterina Pikul (Russia)

5 Samoyed Smiling Snowball Luminous Phobos Judge: Machetanz Peter (Germany) Owner: Uspenski Kristiine & Uspenski Kristiine (Estonia) © Oleg Bochkov

  © Oleg Bochkov © KYNOWEB - - Ron Baltus © KYNOWEB -

  © Oleg Bochkov © Oleg Bochkov

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter VI Outstanding conformation dogs of the year 15

6 (BIS 3) Dialynne Peter Piper  BIS Judge: Kliebenstein Horst (Germany) Group judge: Jakkel Tamas (Hungary) Owner: Spavin Melanie (United Kingdom)

7 Italian Spinone Epithelium Dinamo Judge: Martínez Miguel Ángel (Argentina) Owner: Zemtsova Irina (Russia)

8 (BIS 4) American Cocker Spaniel Afterglow Miami Ink Judge: BIS Judge Kliebenstein Horst (Germany) Group judge: Santos Augusto Benedicto III (Philippines) Owner: Lynn Jason & Da Silva Rui Jorge (United Kingdom) © Oleg Bochkov 9 Standard (brown, black, white) Dawin Steal My Heart Judge: Doedijns Rony (The Netherlands) 9 Owner: Campbell Linda C (Canada)

10  – Russian Hunting Solovyev Bravy Gusar Judge: Pinto Teixeira Luis (Portugal) Owner: Uspenskiy Dmitriy & Marina Ostrovskaya (Russia)

 © Oleg Bochkov © Oleg Bochkov

  © Oleg Bochkov © Oleg Bochkov

2017 Annual report 16 Chapter VI Outstanding conformation dogs of the year


Fila Brasileiro Alua Hernández Xin Mex Judge: Satoshi Bessho () Owner: Criadero Alua Hernández (Mexico) © Mario Ernesto Martínez (Mertinore)

EUROPEAN SECTION SHOW Kiev (Ukraine) 24-27/8

Old English Sheepdog Bottom Shaker Zephyr Dream Judge: Zoia Olinikova (Ukraine) Owner: ozsef Koroknai (Hungary) © Oleg Bochkov


Border Collie Iben Ed of Ku Rui Kennel Judge: Dinky S. Santos (Philippines) Owner: Zhou Hongfeng © Oleg Bochkov

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter VII Our commissions 17


President: Dr Kirsi Sainio Tornjak (FCI Standard Nr 355): The Scientific Commission Members: Prof. Åke Hedhammar (until 2017), Dr Andreas was impressed by the data supplied in a comprehensive Villalobos, Dr Margarita Durán, Dr Gregoire Leroy and appealing format. Based on the data the Scientific New member starting in 2018: Dr Kucerova-Chrpova Commission recommended the definitive recognition of the breed Tornjak without hesitation. The FCI Scientific Commission did not held its annual meeting during 2016 and thus the meeting held in Paris, April 2017, The Commission recommended the provisional recognition was the first one in two years. During our stay in Paris, we of the following breeds: also had a traditional joint meeting with the FCI Standards Commission. Also, the 3rd Dog Health Workshop organised (from the ENCI, Italy). by the Société Centrale Canine (France) and International Partnership For Dogs (IPFD) was held at the same time, and all our members participated in this meeting, except for Dr New members of the Commission Durán. The long-time Commission member, Prof. Åke Hedhammar (SW) was not a nominee for a new term in the Commission, The Commission had several breeds recognised on a defin- and thus his membership in the Commission came to the itive basis in its list of issues. The definitive recognition of end. On behalf of the Scientific Commission – and I believe I the provisionally recognised breeds (as decided by the FCI can speak in the name of the whole FCI – I want to express General Assembly, 2017): my heartfelt appreciation and gratitude for all the work that he has done over the decades for the Commission and FCI. In Cimarron Uruguayo (FCI Standard Nr 353): The Scientific the elections held, our present members, Dr Margarita Durán Commission recommended the definitive recognition of the (UY) and Dr Andreas Villalobos (MX) were re-elected. Our new Cimarron Uruguayo. The only recommendation would be member is Dr Kucerova-Chrpova from the Check Republic getting some data of the ED in the future. The report provid- (CMCK). I am sure she has been a great choice and addition ed to the Commission was excellent. to our Commission.

Polish , Gonczy Polski (FCI Standard Nr 354): The President of the Commission, Dr Kirsi Sainio, has been Information on population size and behaviour (working tri- busy answering several questions and inquiries coming from als) was very satisfying, but the Scientific Commission was the member kennel organisations, but also from individuals concerned about the amount of eye diseases (especially that have been concerned of a certain health or genetic issue retinopathies) in the breed, and also the lack of data on the in dogs. HD screenings that should be provided in the future. The work of the Commission still faces challenges, but noth- Russian Toy, smooth- and longhaired varieties, Russkiy ing that we could not deal with. The Commission still con- Toy (FCI Standard Nr 352): the Scientific Commission ex- tinues its work in the name of the healthy and happy dogs. presses its great concern about the lack of proper health information of this breed. More precise data of the patel- la luxation and the hereditary eye diseases were missing, with statistics of the total number of dogs examined. The Commission was nevertheless, with the minimum amount of Kirsi Sainio information, able to recommend the definitive recognition of President of the FCI Scientific Commission the Russian Toy breeds, but attention must be paid to these health concerns.

2017 Annual report 18 Chapter VII Our commissions


The FCI Standards Commission meeting took place in Paris (France) on Thursday, April 7th, 2017.

Participants: Mr Jorge Nallem, President of the Commission Mr Rui Oliveira Dr Ferdinando Asnaghi Prof. Claude Guintard Mr Petru Muntean

Due to personal circumstances, Mr Hans Wiblishauser did not attend.

Secretary of the meeting: C. Guintard

We want to thank the team from the Sociéte Centrale Canine Breeds for final recognition for the excellent preparation of the meeting and the welcome Bosnian and Herzegovinian – Croatian Shepherd Dog (355) to all members, taking care of reservation of hotel rooms and Cimarrón Uruguayo (353) preparing all the useful equipment for our meeting. Polish Hunting Dog (354) Russian Toy (352) The Standards Commission’s main work continues being to revise and adapt new and existing standards. The focus on We revised all the material sent by the countries of origin of dog health continues to cause countries to review the text in these breeds and recommended the acceptance of their final standards extra carefully to avoid wordings that may result recognition. in interpretations that can lead to exaggerations that might cause health risks for dogs. Standards updated a) South Russian Shepherd Dog (326) The Commission continuously amends or thoroughly revises b) Hamiltonstövare (132) standards and the cooperation with the member countries is c) Schillerstövare (131) usually efficient. Still, the procedure has to go through sev- d) Smalandsstövare (129) eral steps before a standard can be published, and rightly so e) Irish (302) as these documents are the backbone in the work of the FCI f) Irish Red and White Setter (330) and its member countries. g) Irish Red Setter (120) h) Irish Terrier (139) Viewing of the text in standards from a health and welfare i) Irish Water Spaniel (124) perspective is intensified. This is not always to the liking of j) (160) the countries of origin but, in the interest of keeping the k) Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier (40) breeds for the future, we all have to realise that exaggera- l) Kerry Blue Terrier (3) tions in type as well as character issues in guard dogs might not only jeopardise the health of the dogs, it may also in- Irish Standards should be revised and adapted to our model crease the risk to have breeds banned by law. standard. We sent them back to Ireland with all our recommendations We tried to mark a working method within the commission; but still have not finished with them. how to manage the standards since they arrive at the office The rest of updated standards is finished. until they are seen and discussed by the commission and send back to the General Committee. Revised standards which were received from the nation- al canine organisation Bavarian Mountain Scent (217)

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter VII Our commissions 19

KC standard changes I would like to thank my colleagues for the friendship and February announcement on The Kennel Club’s changes in good work in the Commission; I also want to thank the breeds and breed standards. Scientific Commission, as well as the staff at the FCI General We will follow the changes made on UK breed standards. Secretariat in Thuin for the excellent collaboration, and the General Committee for their support. We suggested to reduce the time from 25 years to 15 years of registrations in the country of origin of a breed as a re- quest for provisional recognition.

The next meeting will take place in Sibiu (Romania), on April Jorge Nallem 14th, 2018. President of the FCI Standards Commission

FCI AGILITY COMMISSION – ACTIVITY REPORT World Agility Championship in Liberec, Czech Republic

The security was, though not always perfect, effective and very friendly.

Information The website of the championship, as well as the Facebook page, looked very nice and provided lots of information. The team leaders where kept well informed about every little thing – I never saw so many emails dropping in about the championship than this year. The meeting with the team captains went smooth and quick. As usual the first day had its usual teething problems, but once off the mark handing out the information to the teams © Guido Kuester went fairly well – each country had its own box in which information/results were posted. The same information was General overview provided for the VIP lounge and Press office. In the hall, near One championship had been organised in Liberec in 2012. the information desk, the same information was placed on a The same venue and a lot of familiar faces amongst the vol- big board (visitors), but it was also posted on the internet, so unteers. Five years ago, the event was superbly organised as everybody with a tablet or iPhone could get the information it was this time. It was really well prepared and it certainly on Facebook, which was very handy. showed. The organising committee and the volunteers de- Huge screens above the ring, facing the four directions, serve to be congratulated for a well-done job. showed all the information the spectators needed – infor- The VIP lounge was lovely and very comfortable. The lunches mation about the dog that was running and the provisional that were served were kept simple, but were very nice – food top three. and drinks were actually available for most of the day. The commentators must be mentioned here as well – they did a fine job. The venue The venue was fantastic. The seats were comfortable, the Miscellaneous supporters were in good form and the atmosphere was ex- Cooperation with the organisers cellent. Contact with the organisers before the event was mostly The carpet seemed to suit most dogs, no complaints there. done through e-mail. The different countries could keep their dogs and crates in A lot of effort was put into this and a lot of volunteers made separate rooms. They were built in a separate area, away all the hard work look easy. from the ring, where it was fairly quiet – except when all the As usual, all contact with the people involved with the or- dogs started barking at the same time. ganisation was superb and extremely friendly. Many, many A big number of trade stands filled the outer ring of the hall, thanks for this. making it easy for the Agility people and visitors to spend their money.

2017 Annual report 20 Chapter VII Our commissions

Judges meeting off into two areas were the next starters waited and a third The judges meeting was held on Wednesday afternoon. All area was set up for the chip control after the dogs completed the courses were reviewed – a few judging issues were dis- their run. cussed, but both judges seemed up to the task ahead. A steward blocked the first hurdle until the judges start sig- Rapport with the judges during the championships was very nal, thus avoiding false starts. nice. Veterinary/Medical Aid Measuring judges The veterinary control ran nice and smooth. Only a couple of The three measuring judges started measuring dogs on minor problems were reported. Wednesday, late afternoon (10 countries). The dogs from all One dog from Denmark (116) had to be replaced by the re- the other countries were measured on Thursday morning. serve dog (115) when it was injured on Thursday, just before One or two dogs were very close to the height limit, but no the competition got under way. dogs were measured out. Fifty-three dogs were measured. Chip numbers were also checked and every measured dog Compliance was added to the list of measured dogs. Unfortunately, one dog from Brazil was eliminated from the competition because it was not registered with the Brazilian Gala dinner canine organisation. This was very nice. A live band made sure that the people The Danish team leader complained that one of the Russian attending this gala were properly entertained while they handlers in Large walked the course twice. After talking to ate and drank the food provided. All in all, it was a pleasant the Russian team leaders it was decided to give them a stern evening. warning because: − there was no one actually checking whether all countries Test dogs respected this guideline; On each course a test dog was used. For the first time, the − they were not trying to deny this, but were very surprised test dog ran the course before the competitors walked the that this was a problem – they thought if only one team course. A big thank you to these handlers, having to go first leader was in the ring it would be alright; in a round is not always easy. − the handler was acting on the advice of the team man- agement; Results The system using several computers (backup) worked well. It is highly recommended that guidelines about this are add- The team leaders could pick up the results in their box fairly ed either to the information provided to the future organ- quickly after every class. Each country could also pick up the isers or to the Specifications for the World Championships. course plans as soon as the next course was being set up. All the results were also available on the internet – most of Spectators it in real time. The hall was superb. Lots of options for food and drinks. The After each class, a small prize-giving ceremony was held for atmosphere was very friendly and fair. It was a real shame that class. This has now become a normal procedure and it that so many seats stayed empty. went very smoothly. Opening/Closing ceremony Scoreboard As usual the teams walked into the ring preceded by name The four screens showed information to every corner of the board and flag. There were a few words from Mr Tibor arena. The top of the screen showed the information about Batthyany - the Mayor of the City of Liberec, Senator Mr the dog in the ring. The screen also showed the provisional Michael Canov, Mr Martin Puta – Governor of the Liberec top three – this ranking was updated after each run. If the Region, Mr Lubomir Siroky – President of the Czech-Moravian dog that just finished was not in the top-three places, the Cynolog Union, Mrs Helena Sabatova – Vice-President of bottom of the screen showed where it was ranked / placed. the Czech Cynological Union, the President of Organising Committee Michaela Bakrlikova and Mrs Christa Bremer - Ring party President of the FCI Agility Commission, who then opened The people helping in the ring were all very good, there were the Championship. lots of them and they all did a great job. Bringing dogs into and taking them out of the ring went very well. A group of cheerleaders showed us some new dance moves The handlers were escorted to the start and the chip control that were going to be used during breaks in the competition. by a member of the ring party, after they finished their run. After this, the FCI flag was raised and the proceedings got underway. Start and finish procedure The next two/three handlers and dogs waited in the collect- This year a slight change at the end of the championship – ing ring near the start. The collecting ring was nicely fenced the prize giving (for which all the teams were marched into

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter VII Our commissions 21

the ring) preceded the actual closing ceremony. After that Things that need surveillance the dignitaries and the delegates were invited into the ring Some countries are usually called on to have their Medium for the closing ceremony. Speeches by the President of the and Small dogs measured on Wednesday. organising committee and the President of the FCI Agility Mostly these are countries that have travelled quite a way, Commission who closed the championships. The FCI flag was for example Japan, USA etc. lowered and handed over to representatives from Sweden who will be hosting next year’s event. This year the first countries on the list were called up. With a short presentation of next year’s event in Sweden and I think organisers should stick to the idea of having coun- a few words from the President of the Swedish organising tries that have travelled a long way – they arrive quite early committee, this year’s championship came to an end. and should have no problem of presenting their dogs for vet control and measuring. If a few more countries are required Overall these championships were well planned and execut- then the organisers should call on their neighbouring coun- ed. The atmosphere during the event was terrific - this was in tries. They do not need to travel far – handlers from countries no small part down to the organisers and their whole team. further away may have to take an extra day off work to arrive Well done Czech Republic!! on time.

The champions Regulations to have more control over who is in the ring dur- 42 countries took part (514 dogs were entered, including re- ing course walking should be a high priority. serve dogs). No system is perfect, but now there is little or no control. Teams: 37 in Large, 31 in Medium, 33 in Small. 322 dogs competed in the individual events - 145 in Large - Wilfried Claes 80 in Medium and 97 in Small. Vice-president of the FCI Agility Commission

Team Large: 1st Poland 2nd Germany 3rd Estonia Medium: 1st Slovenia 2nd Czech Republic 3rd France Small: 1st Germany 2nd Estonia 3rd France Indiv. Large: 1st Tereza Králová (CZ) 2nd Anita Szilágyi (HU) 3rd Nicola Giraudi (IT) Medium: 1st Daniel Schröder (DE) 2nd Kateřina Malačková (CZ) 3rd Svetlana Gushchina (RU) Small: 1st Tobias Wüst (DE) 2nd Sandra Sjöberg (SE) 3rd Eli Beate Sæther (NO)

2017 Annual report 22 Chapter VII Our commissions


The annual meeting of the Breeding Commission was ar- only one export pedigree, which must include the name ranged in Sochi, May 27th, with excellent hospitality from of the owner of the dog; if the owner’s name is not the Russian canine organisation. written on the pedigree, a separate owner’s certificate must be issued by the national kennel organisation. Representatives from the following member countries at- This should also be enforced and we feel that FCI should send tended: Kari Järvinen (Finland, FCI Board Member), Johanna a circular about this to all members. We feel that there is Kuru (Finland), Janne Orro (Estonia), Ruth O’Connor (France), need for a circular, as some countries are not following this Maria Ceccarelli (Italy), Astrid Indreboe (Norway), Luis Gorjão- rule. We don’t ask for a new rule, but a reminder to follow Henriques (Portugal), Annica Uppström (Sweden), Elisabeth the already existing rule. The Breeding Commission proposal Manner (Austria), Helle Friis Proschowsky (Denmark), is to send a reminder to NCOs about already-existing circular. Kataryna Fiszdon (Poland), Maja Korošek (Slovenia), František Nahodil (Czech Republic), Larisa Galiaskarova (Russia). FCI should take actions against the new EU law that does not allow each country to decide that puppies The following guests also attended: less than 3 months can be imported from just some EU Mr Alexander Inshakov, Mrs Natalia Sedykh, Mrs Etel Nilova, countries (free of rabies); the new law says that if a Mrs Elena Komarnitskaya, Mr Svyatoslav Pisarenko, Mrs country allows import from some EU countries, they Elizaveta Sham, Mr Dmitriy Ilin, Mrs Maria Babkovskay, all have to allow import from all EU countries. from Russia. There are no further proposals from the Breeding Commssion as FCI European Section is taking care of this subject. The Secretary for the Commission was Dr Janne Orro. Guidelines regarding criteria for limited registration. The following issues were discussed: The BC will resend our suggestions to have guidelines for Proposal from the FCI Breeding Commission (BC) to the NCOs on FCI website. We don’t ask for any additional rules. FCI General Committee, 2014: to add to FCI Breeding rules Type of coat, colour and size in the three-genera- White Swiss Shepherd Dogs tion pedigree, including export pedigrees. WSSD cannot be mated with white GSD. WSSD cannot be Although the Delegates understand that this can be more entered in studbooks if there is white GSD in their ancestry difficult for small NCOs, the general feeling is that FCI should within 3 generations. start implementing this, and the Circular reminding that the It was noted that a lot of countries do not follow the FCI Standing Orders are amended should be sent. circulars of 2007 and 2013. Genetic diversity is needed. The Breeding Commission has decided that the Dutch NCO that GA decision 2015: Standing Orders, Art 8.5: ….Each dog brought the issue on discussion and the Swiss NCO will have of a litter has to be provided with only one pedigree and a meeting with the other concerned NCOs before October.

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter VII Our commissions 23

The General Committee will wait for the outcome of the HD screening results seem to be worse in Scandinavia: meeting. are requirements harder? Several emails were exchanged between Mr Gorjão- FCI should organise a Conference between all official X-ray Henriques and Mr Wauben regarding this subject, but still readers in order to have the same criteria, which do not we had no news about any evolution on this subject. Also change from one country to the other or from one official the Swiss NCO was never contacted in order to organise a reader to the next one. The last similar conference was held meeting or participate in a meeting on this issue. many years ago in Copenhagen and many new vets are now There is no feedback from interested parties. involved in the dog world. It would be good to give them the The BC discussed this issue and felt that there is need for opportunity to be updated. help from FCI to organise the meeting, as rules are still not The matter was referred to the FCI Scientific Commission and followed. There is also a proposal to have a joint meeting was on the agenda of the meeting. between members of the BC and the Scientific Commission The FCI Breeding Commission is waiting for the FCI Scientific in order to formulate a clear proposal. Commission’s opinion and there is no further proposal at the moment. Breeding for function presentations and discussions on that subject Should we register the litter that is born abroad in FCI The Brachycephalic syndrome / BOAS country in the country where the breeder name is con- The FCI Breeding Commission would like the following sen- formed by an other FCI country? tence to be added to all standards of all breeds: “The length In an open Europe there are breeders registered in one coun- of the muzzle in relation to the skull should be at least 1:2 try and living currently in another country. FCI Breeding (measured respectively from the tip of nose to the inner cor- Rules paragraph 18 states the demand that litter has to be ner of the eye to occiput)“… registered in the country where puppies are born and raised. The General Committee believes that the above proposal There is probably need for clear statement for situations does not apply to all breeds and that it is against the rights where breeder wants to have litter born and raised in differ- of the countries of origin. This matter needs to be discussed ent country. within the Standards and Scientific Commissions, so the sub- The Breeding Commission proposes that if breeder wants his ject will be forwarded to them. bitch to have litter born and raised outside breeder’s country There is no additional proposal from the Breeding of legal residence, there has to be special permission asked Commission, and we will wait for the results of the Scientific from breeder’s NCO beforehand. Commission meetings about this. The world is getting more and more global, how shall/ FCI should send a reminder to its members that they should handle the situation where two breeders owning have to follow the FCI Breeding Rules and Standing a kennel name live in two different countries? Orders. Pedigrees issued by unrecognised organisations The Finnish NCO has had inquiries about how can 2 persons should not be accepted as FCI official pedigrees. In ad- living in 2 different countries have a kennel name together. dition, dogs born in a country A have to be registered in FCI Standing Order Article 9 regulates it. It prohibits having country A and not a country B. the same kennel name in 2 different countries. If NCO ap- This was approved by the General Committee and we hope proves, litter can be born in different country and there has that finally all NCOs decide to follow it. to be permission from NCO. Discussion: if 2 different people in 2 different countries have Nomenclature of coat colours kennel name together, 1 person has to be responsible for the There is a need for a standardised nomenclature of coat col- litter. ours as it is now required to write the coat colours on the There is no proposal, as this question is already covered by pedigrees. The NCOs are using different descriptions. Problem Standing Order. raises from traditionally used colour names in breed stand- ards as genetically identical colours are named differently Recognition of a ridgeless variant of ridgeback breeds in different breeds. The FCI Breeding Commission asked the (Rhodesian and Thai)? General Committee to turn to the FCI Scientific Commission Equal recognition in the breed standard of individuals which to make a table with code for colours (for pedigrees and ex- are genetically impossible to avoid in order to breed what is port pedigrees). accepted in the breed standard has been an issue in our com- The idea was found interesting and appreciated. The matter mission since 2012. In 2013 we sent a list to the FCI General was forwarded by the General Committee to the FCI Scientific Committee, on their request, of the breeds in question. The Commission. The General Committee draws the attention to breed standard of Great Dane and Peruvian Hairless has been the curious division of the colours in in some countries changed, although they are still not equally recognised in (the correct distribution for CACIB should be Black and Fawn, the breed standard (merle Grand Danois, the hairy variant of only). Peruvian and Mexican Hairless). No further proposal. The Breeding Commission is available Nothing has happened with the or Thai for any questions about this subject that can be raised by the Ridgeback. In June 2016, the Rhodesian Ridgeback World Scientific Commission. Congress was arranged in Lund, Sweden. Both Kirsi Sainio

2017 Annual report 24 Chapter VII Our commissions

(President of FCI Scientific Commission) and Astrid Indrebø Update from the countries concerning FCI general and (President of FCI Breeding Commission until 29.05.2016) breed-specific guidelines about crosses between breeds were invited to speak at the congress. One of the issues and breed varieties – approved by General Assembly that were discussed was equal recognition of the Rhodesian 2015? Ridgeless dogs. There was a lot of positivity in the audience There is a request to other members of the Breeding for our proposal to recognise the Rhodesian Ridgeless as a Commission to give a short overview of the current situation variety of Rhodesian Ridgeback; the two variants could be directly to the BC Secretary in order to give overview during crossed, but would not have to compete with each other in next meeting. the show ring. It is possible to breed ridgebacks without breeding ridge- Joint meetings between the Breeding Commission, the less dogs, if at least one of the parents is homozygot for the Judges Commission and the Show Commission? ridge allele. But the result will be a high risk of dermoid sinus, Last year’s proposal from Mr Wauben, former delegate from which might be fatal for the dog: The Netherlands on the Breeding Commission and President Hilbertz et al (2007): 10 out of 12 dogs with dermoid sinus of the Judges Commission, to organise the meeting of all was homozygote for the ridge allel (83%). three commissions together in 2017, was postponed for a Hillbertz (2005): No reports of dermoid sinus in ridgeless better occasion, when it can be properly planned. dogs of this breed. The Breeding Commission still feels joint meeting would be If the ridgeless dogs were recognizsed as a variety of the useful and an attempt will be made to arrange it. Rhodesian dog (or Thai dogs), the two varieties could be crossed: A dog homozygote for the ridge gene can be mated Breeding for longevity? with a ridgeless dog, The subject has been postponed until next meeting, as the • which to a great extend will reduce the risk of dermoid si- nominated delegate to make a presentation on the subject nus has changed. Ruth O’Connor, Helle Friis Proschowsky and • two heterozygote dogs will produce 25% ridgeless dogs – Maria Ceccarelli volunteered to work together for a pres- and 25% homozygote dogs entation on next year’s meeting. • a heterozygote dog mated to a ridgeless dog will produce about 50% ridgeless dogs Artificial Insemination (ownership of paillettes and au- thorised storage) They will be registered either as ridgebacks or ridgeless dogs Ownership of paillettes when dog has been sold to another – depending on the ridge. They do not have to compete with owner. each other in the show ring; they can be judged as varieties There are different opinions amongst the delegates. For of the same breed. some, paillettes are part of the dog so these also have to This issue has been discussed in Scientific Commission and move to the new owner. Also, for some other, storage of the Breeding Commission many times. Should the Breeding semen is costly and all parties involved have to have a writ- Commission send a proposal? There could be legal problems, ten agreement. If there is agreement from the time semen for example in Germany, if the government realises ridgeless was stored, then there is also owner of the semen. There has dogs are not registered. There has been a World Congress to be a written contract from the time semen was collect- of Rhodesian Ridgeback breeders and the audience of this ed and stored, and owner of the semen can also remain the congress was very positive towards recognition of ridgeless same even if stud dog has changed. variety. The position of the South African NCO is not known. Discussion to follow next year. There is need for data, how many ridgeless puppies are ac- tually born. The healthiest variety of this breed is not rec- Wolf hybrid in Czech Wolf Dog ognised and some of these puppies are not registered so Some kennels are under investigation, because of suspicion we really don’t know the proportion of ridgeless puppies. of wolf blood in some litters. Ridgeless puppies are often killed or neglected, recognition In Italy there are hybrids between wolf and dog under the of ridgeless variety is therefore also an animal welfare issue. breed Czech Wolfhound. There are approximately 100 ped- The BC had a consensus that ridgeless dogs are needed. igrees under investigation and DNA tests have been done. The BC recommends that ridgeless Rhodesian Ridgebacks These pedigrees have been suspended until DNA of parent- and Thai Ridgebacks could be recognised as a breed variety. age is done. Ridgeless dogs of and Rhodesian Ridgeback In Poland there have been similar cases with Saarloos wolf- should be recognised as a breed variety, this would reduce dog, genetically these dogs were crosses between wolf and incidence of dermoid sinus in these dogs dramatically. dog and between Saarloos and Czech wolfdogs. Ridgeback breeds need these dogs. There is no official opinion on the subject from the Czech This matter has to be discussed with the Scientific Republic NCO. Commission. The Breeding Commission asks the General This subject will be again discussed in the next meetings. Committee to urge the Scientific Commission to speak about it with South Africa and Thailand.

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter VII Our commissions 25

International Partnership for dogs - 3rd International property of the organisation. On the other hand, if it is for- Dog Health Workshop malised in the FCI Regulations, it would be easier to share in- A comment about the meeting would be appreciated by formation from database for FCI members and contract part- the Breeding Commission. Several delegates attended that ners. The RKF offers to consider and to formalise the format congress and an exchange of opinions would be helpful. of exchange a procedure for the exchange of information The members of the mandatory Commissions of the FCI from databases, as well timing and other details concerning have been invited, with the approval of the FCI, to organise this process in the FCI Regulations. their meetings in Paris the days before the International Dog Consensus is that normally overall information is freely sent Health Workshop. (like how many registrations of specific breed are done every The first two workshops were held a day before and at the year). Open database is solution and great help for breed- same location with Breeding Commission meeting, but not ers. Nordic and some other countries have open databases this year. so everyone is able to see registrations and pedigrees as well Exaggerations group has come to an agreement, that action as health data. Breeders give agreement to make their data has to be started before governments take this matter into public. Ownership data is not public, so it can be impossible their hands. There are ideas of making crosses to add genetic to legally share it. diversity to some breeds. This subject will be discussed more accurately on the next Breed-specific strategies group: action is often based on meeting. work of one active person. There is risk of creating serious harm to breed selecting on specific diseases only, it can even How to handle the numerous existing websites where hurt the breed until breed is dead. pedigrees and databases of various dogs tests (hip dys- There is work in progress in order to collect data to deter- plasia, patella, retinal test, ataxia, deafness and other mine if specific breed is able to survive and is there is enough test) are posted? genetic material in the breed to improve health or alterna- There is an agreement that only official NCO databases can tively cross-breeding is needed. The programme is called be trusted. It is not possible to make lists of trusted data- Diagnostic Registration. Blood samples are collected from bases. registered dogs as well as unregistered dogs (non-FCI pedi- ECVO also has an open database of all eye check results. grees and no pedigrees), health issues don’t feel the borders There are also very good databases kept for some specific of pedigrees. breeds (like ) and it is a pity we can- Validation of genetic tests working group: Nordic canine or- not use them officially. It is up to every dog owner’s decision ganisations are working together on this subject. which database to trust, but canine organisations can trust Health statistics can be helpful, but they have to be correct. their own registries. Some problems may arise regarding Insurance companies, as Conclusion of the discussion in the BC: we recommend ca- they start to charge more from the owners of specific breeds. nine organisations to share the data on request to other ken- Swedish insurance company Agria is already doing it, as they nel organisations. have extensive database of dog health data and breeds are already divided between specific groups that are charged dif- Update on breeding for function ferently, there are also groups where specific health condi- Problem with dogs nowadays is change of function, dogs tions (in ex. Cesaeran section) are not covered. are not used by their traditional function and are companion The next Dog Health Workshop will be in the UK, dates are not dogs mostly. Many breeds don’t have the original function fixed yet. Most Delegates would like to have a Commission anymore, so the function has changed. But idea for breeding meeting together, although there is the difficulty that it is for function is not only their physical and mental exercise, outside FCI countries. but also physical and mental health. Proposal to have presentation on the same subject focused Exchange breed database among FCI members on breeds that are still fulfilling the same purpose they’ve had Recently RKF has received several requests from various long time and also on breeds whose function has changed. NCOs to provide information regarding the national breeds There will be follow-up presentation during next meeting. from the RKF database (e.g. a request from Estonian Kennel Union concerning ). According to the legis- Luis Gorjao-Henriques lation of the Russian Federation, this data is the intellectual President of the FCI Breeding Commission

2017 Annual report 26 Chapter VII Our commissions


The yearly meeting was held the day before the European On March 4th, the traditional Prix d’Excellence took place with Cup in Zadar (Croatia), on march 5th, 2017. around 184 participants in 13 batteries. The winner with CAC-CACIT was Mr Pezzulli with LOLITA 13 members attended the meeting and the discussion about (D.Kurzhaar) from Italy. the various rules and the future European Cup were good and serious. The event ended with the awards ceremony run by the President, Mr Branko Sare. The European Cup was held on March 6th, in the area of Zadar, and started with the presentation of 13 National On 8-9 March, in the area of Zadar, the World Championchip Teams – with 62 dogs entered. D. Kurzhaar Verband- took place with 13 national teams. (Argentina, France, Serbia, Belgium, Italy, Croatia, Ukraine, Winning Team: Italy. Spain, The Netherlands, Sweden, Portugal, Romania,Czech Republic).

The Experimental European Cup in Couple was held on March 7th, with 60 dogs.

The Cup was held in 4 batteries, with judges from Croatia and Serbia.

Results at the barrage European Champion: Ivica Torbarina with Attila Aeternum Fidelis (D. Kurzhaar ) from Croatia.

Team results: 1st BELGIUM On 10-11 March, the European Championchip Epagneul Breton, AICEB took place. Winning Team: Ukraine.

A big thank to Croatia; see you in 2018, in France. © Mr Ragatzu The winner of the running in pairs was the Epagneul Breton Bayli od Postara (Mr Antonucci), conducted by Mr Scarpecci (IT) which obtained CACIT.

Giancarlo Passini President of the FCI Commission for Continental Pointers

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter VII Our commissions 27


The first versions of the judge’s guidelines and organiser’s guidelines were also drafted and continue to be processed in the commission.

The other big milestone for the Dog Dancing world was the first official Dog Dancing FCI World Championship competi- tion held in Leipzig, Germany in November. There was a great variety of breeds and different nationalities represented in the event and the first FCI World Championship titles were awarded both for individuals and national teams in our two sports (HTM and freestyle).

The commission is looking forward to seeing the sport devel- op further at international level as the work for the develop- ment of FCI dog dancing continues.

The year 2017 was a year of huge development in the inter- Johanna Saariluoma national Dog Dance world. The commission managed to pro- President of the FCI Commission for Dog Dancing pose a draft of rules for the sport, which was later accepted and lead to the first official FCI rules to be established to dog dancing. The commission had two meetings during the year 2017 in order to manage this.


Meetings 2017 FCI Europa-Cup-Vielseitigkeitsprüfung für Teckel Our meeting was held in Malaga, Spain, on February 12th. 10 delegates attended. Stephanus Middendorf, President of The 2016 FCI Europa-Cup-Prüfung took place in Cimafava - WUT, took part as a guest. Carpaneto – Piacenza (Italia) on 7-8 October. Six dogs took part. The best one was “Lysander vom We discussed the general rules and 13 regulations for CACIT, Lubowsee”, with Mr Stefan Fuß, from Germany. and prepared 10 regulations to be sent to the FCI General Committee.

I would like to express my gratitude to all the delegates of the FCI Earth Dog Commission for their support and active coop- eration. I would also like to thank the FCI General Committee for its consistently positive appraisal of our motions, which likewise expresses its appreciation of our work.

The 2018 meeting will take place on February 4th in Strasbourg, France.

2017 Annual report 28 Chapter VII Our commissions


Team 1° ITALY (523 points) 2° GERMANY (498 points)

II would like to express my gratitude to the organisers for their excellent work.

The 2018 FCI Europa-Cup-Prüfung will be held in Germany.

My thank goes also to the FCI General Secretariat for the cooperation and help over the last year.

Steffen Maar President of the FCI Earth Dog Commission

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter VII Our commissions 29


In 2017, the FCI Show and Show judges Commission accept- Before the meeting ended, a golden FCI pin for lifetime ed the Russian Kennel Federation’s invitation and had their achievement was given by the President of the FCI Show annual meeting in the beautiful Olympic city of Sochi, at the Commission, Barbara Müller, to Mr Nicolas Schwab from Black Sea. Luxembourg, for his longtime work in the commission as Vice-president. The delegates congratulated Nick Schwab with a standing ovation.

The RKF invited all delegates for the official dinner with live music on Saturday evening and also to a very special and spectacular trip to Sochi Olympic park Sunday late afternoon. The meeting ended in a friendly way on Monday when all delegates left Sochi.

Our great thanks go to President Mr A. Inshakov, the whole board of RKF and the most friendly RKF staff who made our stay in Sochi so unique.

Mr Aleksandr Inshakov, President of the RKF, opened the meeting and wished a very warm welcome to 43 delegates from 29 countries and many observers from RKF.

We all spent two very interesting and informative days. The discussions, which were also simultaneously translated into Russian, included new regulations for shows and show judges, behaviour of dogs and exhibitors, and how to handle problems. The following proposals were sent to the FCI General Another point raised was that dog shows, judges and ex- Committee: hibitors are in the spotlight of the press and animal welfare 1. Agenda point 6 organisations. Observers reports from World and Section Shows It is up to us, what we show to the rest of the world. 2014/2015 Decision: Proposal to the FCI General Committee to add It was agreed that we need to give a better impression of at the bottom of the observers form: The report has to be our hobby to the public. We need to show all the positive sent back to FCI within 30 – 45 days maximum. aspects of showing dogs, as great contact between visitors, Decision by the General Committee: from now on, the dogs and handlers and we have to show excellent care and FCI observer will have 45 days to send the report. well-looked-after dogs during the whole day at a show. 2. Agenda point 8, Proposal from FCI office about dog We do not want the public to leave show classes our shows with the feeling that they Decision: Proposal to the FCI General Committee to add saw overcrowded cages or dogs to- in the Regulations for FCI Dog Shows: tally wrapped, having to stand for Classes (age) hours on a grooming table. It is up For single shows: The dog has to be entered in the class to us to show more friendly pictures where the dog reaches the age on the day. and show the World that dog shows For multiple dog shows: The age of a dog is determined are a very nice hobby, not only for on the 1st day of the show. exhibitors, but also for dogs and Decision by the General Committee: Regarding age, visitors. the day to take into account is the day when the dog is shown. If a dog has its birthday on the day it is shown (turning 9 months, for example), it is up to the exhibitor to choose in what class he wants to enter the dog (puppy or junior). Regarding show circuits (4 different shows in

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4 days, for example), it is up to the exhibitor to enter his Asia and the Pacific Section Show in Shanghai, 3-6 dog in the appropriate class for each show. October and finally the World Dog Show in Leipzig, 9-12 November, attracted many exhibitors and visitors. All 4 3. Agenda point 9, Proposals from Luxembourg Shows where organised with great professionalism and 1. Double Handling knowledge and got best qualifications from the official Decision: Proposal to the FCI General Committee to add observers, the exhibitors and visitors. in the Regulations for FCI Dog Shows: Double Handling: Double Handling, i.e. attracting dogs’ Concerning the official International Dog Show List dur- attention by means of a person outside the ring, is pro- ing 2017, 1,247 Shows where organised under the FCI hibited. roof, divided into 779 in Europe, 201 in The Americas and Decision by the General Committee: the General the Caribbean, 254 in Asia and the Pacific, 12 in Africa Committee agrees with the following proposal: “dou- and 1 in the Middle East. These figures demonstrate that ble handling, i.e. to attract the dog’s attention from our shows did not lose any attractiveness compared to outside the ring, is strictly prohibited”. It is pointed the previous years. out that this ruling existed in the previous version of the Show Regulations. Last but not least, my thanks go to Dr Tamás Jakkel for his The FCI Show Regulations will be adapted as follows: support in the FCI General Committee, Yves de Clerq and 6 Qualifications and placings his staff for the excellent cooperation and my colleagues CANNOT BE JUDGED. This rating is to be given to any Luis M. Catalan and Ronnie Natividad for their help and dog which does not move, which is lame, which con- support. stantly jumps up and down on its handler or tries to get out of the ring, which makes it impossible to assess the gait and the movement or avoids constantly to be ex- amined by the judge and makes it impossible to inspect teeth, anatomy and structure, tail or testicles. This rating is also to be given if traces of operations or treatment can be observed which seem to indicate that the exhibi- tor wanted to deceive the judge. The same applies if the judge has ample reason to suspect operations that were intended to correct the original condition or feature (e.g.: eyelid, ear or tail). This rating is also to be given in case of “double handling” (i.e. attracting the dog’s attention from outside the ring) - which is strictly prohibited. The reason why the dog was rated CANNOT BE JUDGED has to be stated in the judge’s report.

2. International Working Certificate Decision: Proposal to the FCI General Committee to send out to all NCOs Barbara Müller 1. a list of all breeds, which are entitled to be shown in President of the FCI Show Commission working class and information that working class is not automatically open to all the breeds. Decision by the General Committee: List of breeds which can be entered in working class: this document already exists and is available on the FCI website.

4. Proposal from the meeting, National Championship titles to send out a questionnaire to all NCOs on how many championship titles they have and how many CCs are needed to achieve the championship title. Decision by the General Committee: Circular to all NCOs requesting the list of their national titles and the requirements to get them: not approved.

I am very happy to mention that The Americas and the Caribbean Section Show in Guatemala, 25-26 March, the European Section Show in Kyiv, 25-27 August, the

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FCI COMMISSION FOR OF THE 6TH GROUP ACTIVITY REPORT Podgorica, Montenegro, 15th September Dr Bosio explains that in today’s agenda, if voted, it is possi- ble to decide for the participation of each country with dogs Present: couple. President Gian Carlo Bosio (Italy) Secretary Giovanni Brumana (Switzerland) Dr Bosio says that the European Cup needs to grow, to be Organiser of the 25th European Cup 2017 Montenegro, enlarged and gets more participants and therefore it is nec- Miodrag Vretenicic (Montenegro) essary to give greater possibilities to all European countries Vice President Manfred Pircher (Switzerland) to participate. Jacques Menut (France) Enio Monaldini (San Marino) Wolfang says that we could, in fact, also introduce the cou- Wolfang Ramsl (Austria) ples category and Bosio confirms this suggestion. Tom Wenger (Norway) Drazen Tilicic (Croatia) Tilicic says that the various organising nations, may have Freddy Kjellstrom (Sweden) problems in finding the test grounds for the European Cup Jani Mantyla (Finland) for hounds and therefore it is absolutely necessary to know the exact number of competitors first. 10.10 starting time Greeting by Miodrag Vretenicic, organiser of the European All unanimously agree. Cup and General Secretary of the national canine organisa- tion of Montenegro. The President Bosio announces that, in any case, those who have proposals to submit in good time, namely the next The President, Dr Gian Carlo Bosio, takes the word suggesting meeting of the European Cup, in order to insert them in the the agenda below, which is approved. following agenda.

Agenda The Report of the previous year is unanimously approved. 1. Reading and approval of the previous session. 2. European Cup Proposal for Wild Boar Hounds (Regulatory 2. European Cup Proposal for Wild Boar Hounds Proposal) (Regulatory Proposal) 3. Proposal to introduce the category COUPLES for the European Cup for hounds of hare. Dr Bosio suggests a draft regulation for the European Wild 4. Proposal to introduce the age limit for hounds participat- Boar Cup and awaits for any comments or additions, in writ- ing in the contest. ing within two months so to be discussed in the next meet- 5. Verification of European Cup candidates for hounds on ing. hare 2018. 6. Any other business. He asks the representatives of the countries present if they are interested in this proposal, that is to carry out the 1. Reading and approval of the previous session European Cup on Boar.

The report of the meeting of the previous year is read; Pircher, Switzerland, agrees and asks the other countries’ Manfred Pircher (CH) asks why from the participation of representatives. three dogs per country to single, as it was established, then only two were accepted per country. Finland says that this type of hunting cannot be done by them, but they approve. The organisation explains that the problem is the lack of ter- ritory due to weather conditions. Tilicic says that many countries will be available but certainly not all. Wolfgang Ramsl takes the word and asks why you cannot participate either with a pack of dogs and with a single dog; Bosio intervenes by saying that he wants to know only their the President explains that it is not possible due to the cur- opinion and he knows that not everyone will have the op- rent regulation that states the distinction of countries par- portunity to carry out these tests, but the president of the ticipating with packs and countries that participate with FCI Commission for Hounds of the 6th Group reiterates single dog. that these tests serve for the promotion of the hound, of all hounds, and not for the promotion of one’s own nation!!

2017 Annual report 32 Chapter VII Our commissions

Freddy Kjellstrom (Sweden) intervenes saying that in his 5. Verification of European Cup candidates for hounds country they can hunt hare and fox, but that he agrees, ap- on hare 2018 proving the spirit that President Bosio has well explained. There are no nominations for the organisation of the 2018 Pircher observes that some nations, like Switzerland, do not European Cup. Jacques Menut (France) proposes to carry out have judges for the boar but will organise themselves for the the next European Cup in France, where it will however only expansion of the judges, this is a further element of support take place in the month of January or February 2019. and stimulus to undertake this European Cup for wild boar hounds. The availability of France is confirmed and accepted by unan- imous vote. The President Bosio intervenes explaining that these mani- festations are indispensable for the protection and the pro- Pircher asks how many competitors per nation are accepted. motion of the hound because in Europe and in the world, we have a strong drift against the use of the hound and these The members present decide for 2 competitors per category demonstrations clearly show that our dogs are wonderful per country. animals and absolutely in symbiosis with nature and the wild animals they hunt. The President Gian Carlo Bosio closes the session of the com- mission asking everyone the utmost commitment, a lot of Everyone agrees and this point is approved unanimously. passion to defend and promote the SEGUGIO in all places and states so that the love for our dog must be the extraor- 3. Proposal to introduce category COUPLES for the dinary stimulus to use it in all countries around the world European Cup for hounds of hare in the most appropriate way, respecting its peculiarities, for which it was selected. Dr Bosio suggests to introduce the couple category to ap- proach other countries that traditionally use it, such as The meeting closes with applause at 12:15. Greece, and explains that in the couple category can partici- pate both the countries that now participate in the European Hounds – European Cup Cup with the SOLO (single) and the countries that now par- ticipate with the pack. The 25th European Cup was organised on 15-16 September in Montenegro. 12 countries took part, as well as 74 judges All European countries can participate in this category. (37 international) who judged 30 dogs (solo) and » 7 packs (3 from France, 3 from Italy and 1 from Macedonia). Bosio asks if everybody agrees and everyone accepts. Results Unanimously approved. Solo 4. Proposal to introduce age limit to participating 1 Serbian Tricolour Hound owned by Dalibor Pezer (BA); 132 hounds points 2 Serbian Hound owned by Keser Ivanovic (FR); 87 points Argument inserted following requests to put an age limit on 3 Istrian Short-Haired Hound owned by Perica Miljkovic the dog. (FR); 80 points

This proposal is not accepted.

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter VII Our commissions 33

Packs 1 Small blue Gascony owned by Yves Sirgan (FR); 1125 points 2 - owned by Gérard et Guillaume Thomas (FR); 949 points 3 Ariégeois owned by Benjamin Lanau (FR); 865 points

Gian Carlo Bosio President of the FCI Commission for Hounds of the 6th Group Giovanni Brumana Secretary

2017 Annual report 34 Chapter VII Our commissions



New organiser below the Swiss canine organisation: “Swiss Club of Continental Herding Dogs” So the FCI trial is pro- gressing.

Italy There is a Club recognised by the ENCI who is responsible for national herding training and trials: “Cani da lavoro su Bestiame” CLB ( In 2016, Italy organised a 150- hour official course for trainers, theoretical and practical. There were 14 official trials for Border Collies and 15 for Traditional, with different breeds including the Bergamasco, plus many Aptitude Tests and HWT (working Test). In total, The FCI Commission for Herding Dogs had its annual meeting Italy has approximately 180 dogs competing. Italy organised in Interlaken, Switzerland, 20-23 April. several training seminars on sheep breeding, on sheepdog training and on sheep welfare. There are 14 training fields Members of the following countries were present: Italy, Mr spread throughout Italy. Actually, there are two judges, plus GUIDOBONO CAVALCHINI Luigi, President; Switzerland, Mrs one in training. VON ERLACH Sandra, Secretary; Germany, Mr VOIGT Manfred; Finland, Mr SIITONEN Jouko; Austria, Mr KURZBAUER Hungary Johann; Hungary, Mr ARKOSI Jozsef; The Netherlands, Mrs Many problems in the NCO’s administration. Now, the sit- KARREMAN Hanka (reserve for Mrs HELMERS-DE REGT Lia, uation is clear. They have 5 herding breeds + 4 guarding confirmed by the NCO); Czech Republic, Mr LOUCKA Radko, dogs. They have national rules and traditions for herding. Ing.; Russia, Mrs BARANOVA Inna. Committee for judges + committee for rules and organisa- tion of herding events. 3 clubs organise TS events, 3 clubs At the meeting, a new President was elected to the organise CS events. Now they have ~9 judges. They have Commission: Mr SIITONEN Jouko. special national herding tests. NAHT & HWT are for breeding. They have several special training centres for . The new President, Mr SIITONEN, would like to thank the resigning president, Mr GUIDOBONO CAVALCHINI Luigi, Russia for his previous work on the FCI Commission for Herding Another training centre was set up in the city of St. dogs. At the same time, a new secretary was elected to the Petersburg. In a year, there are approximately 18 NHAT in Commission, Mrs BARANOVA Inna. which about 210 dogs take part, 28 dogs have passed HWT. There are 3 IHT-TS and 2 IHT-CS per year. In 2016 7 training Concerning the Herding situation in the various countries: sessions were held: in Vladivostok, Perm, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Murmansk and two in Moscow. Finland The problem is that Finland does not have many farms for Austria FCI TS and CS trials, because the volume of sheep is small on 6 trial CS (146 participants), 1 herding judge, national rules the farms. for herding event as a show, not for the sport competitions.

In 2016, there were only 3 of these farms, so - like in every Germany country - it is very important to find new farms available, be- Same problems as in Austria and Italy – herding is not a cause the number of enthusiasts will increase over the years! sport, but a special zootechnical event. 3 events TS. Finland currently has 5 FCI TS judges and 10 FCI CS judges. Czech Republic France Czech Herding Commission (R. Loucka +4) and 2 Herding Many trials by French rules and only several by FCI rules. clubs (SPCZ and CAOPP). All information available on their Discussion about the license for herding events in other web pages. The Czech International Herding Judges Pool countries. Situation in France: the license is a border between counts 12 judges. Detailed database system of registration of countries; the payment of the additional license for foreign all events and participants, including the results of individual dogs it is not good basis for communication. dogs.

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter VII Our commissions 35

In 2016, CZ organised 22 events in the CS, attended by 332 posals before the Interlaken meeting where the proposals teams and 23 TS events attended by 404 teams. In 2017, 35 were discussed and approved. The working group made a events were planned (59 days), including 2 CACITR CS and good job taking into account the animal welfare and the dif- 8 CACITR TS. Statistics from last year shows that there is a ferent countries’ situations. significant increase not only in the number of events and competitors, mainly in TS lHT-3, but also in the requirements The new rules consist of: for the level of trials, judges and organisers. - GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR THE ORGANISATION OF FCI HERDING EVENTS The Netherlands - FCI RULES FOR HERDING WORKING TEST TRADITIONAL They have just finish national rules. They are starting to com- STYLE pete. They have the clinic for TS. - FCI RULES FOR INTERNATIONAL HERDING TRIALS TRADITIONAL STYLE Herding commission on FCI website - SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE ORGANISATION OF THE FCI TRADITIONAL STYLE HERDING EUROPEAN html CHAMPIONSHIPS The commission’s web pages collected every country’s list of - FCI INTERNATIONAL HERDING CHAMPION TITLE Herding Dogs judges (Collecting and Traditional Style). Every REGULATIONS country’s NCO must send the list of judges. Every country’s “Useful national links” are also available on these pages. The working group also drew up a new judging sheet which each member-country can use. New FCI TS rules for herding dog In 2016, the commission decided to set up a new set of rules Jouko Siitonen for herding and started to prepare and write new rules pro- President of the FCI Commission for Herding Dogs


Annual meetings The FCI Obedience Commission had its annual meeting on the 20th and 21st of May in Zürich, Switzerland, with repre- sentatives from 14 countries.

The commission members made efforts to increase the num- ber of member countries in the FCI Obedience Commission, as well as the activity to attend the commission meetings.

One of the main topics at our annual meeting was discussing the feedback on our obedience rules in force since 1.1.2016. This was also the start off for planning ahead what changes and improvements have to be made when revising the rules for 2021. Delightfully, most - if not all -European countries are applying these rules for classes I-III and there is some interest outside Europe as well. In addition, most countries have national rules for dogs to achieve the title Obedience have a national beginners’ class with exercises and judging Champion. The requirements for this title should be brought criteria of their own, but probably well aligned with the FCI in line in all countries. Also the requirements for achieving classes I-III. the title Obedience Champion of another country was been dealt with. All in all, the aim is to promote the recognition of Obedience Champion titles these titles and to have an alignment in the requirements of The commission discussed the details of international obe- all countries. dience competitions and awarding CACIOBs, as well as the requirements for receiving the title International Obedience Mr Johann Kurzbauer decided to resign from his position as Champion. This title is well established. An important delegate so this meeting was the last one for him. He was the challenge, however, is to promote the recognition of a na- delegate for Austria for some twenty years, having been both tional title Obedience Champion in all countries and to Vice president and President of the Commission.

2017 Annual report 36 Chapter VII Our commissions

Planning of World Winner Competitions

As the World Winner Competition in Obedience is not tied to the World Winner Dog Show anymore, the Commission plans and decides on the sites of future World Winner competi- tions, some 4-5 years ahead, and appoints the judges for the WW competitions. The Commission worked on the new rules and guidelines for World Winner competitions.

The future World Winner Competitions 2018 The Netherlands 2019 Czech Republic 2020 Spain 2021 Switzerland 2022 Latvia 2023 Germany

World Winner competition 2017 The World Winner competition 2017 in Obedience was ar- ranged in Ostend, Belgium on 15-18 June. It was an outdoors competition and the site was very suitable for an Obedience competition. Altogether 109 competitors participated, from 20 countries.

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter VII Our commissions 37

The judges of the competition were Mr Jean-Pierre Deplancke from Belgium, chief judge, and Rudy Cattrysse from Belgium, Per Eigil Gylland from Norway, Lucie Gabrielová from the Czech Republic and Ingrid Tkáĉová from Slovakia.

Team results: 1. FINLAND 900.50 2. RUSSIA 868.00 3. SWEDEN 856.75

The individual medals were presented to: 1. Valentina Balli Italy Mind the Dog Lycan 283.30 2. Maarit Hellman Finland Stjerne 278.25 3. Oili Huotari Finland Tending Occult 276.80

Carina Savander-Ranne President of the FCI Obedience Commission

2017 Annual report 38 Chapter VII Our commissions



The commission had only one meeting in 2017: 25-26 February in Helsinki, Finland.

The 2018 Rescue Dog Team WC will be arranged in Zatec, Czech Republic.

The future IPO-R regulations were discussed thoroughly, and Mr Jansen informed that the adaption work of IPO-R regu- lations is going on, and that they may be able to make them official from 2019/2020. Man-Trailing will be included in the regulations, and, depending on IRO, also Water Work.

Many other subjects were discussed, e.g. statistics, sending score sheets to FCI, the judges list etc.

The meeting ended and Mr Jansen thanked the Finnish Kennel Club for their great hospitality.

During 2017, the combined working group for the adaptation of the present IPO-R regulations had several meetings, with a final meeting in November 2017, before the concept is sent to the NAO’s and the NRO’s for reactions.

In January/February, the working group will deal with the re- actions to make a final document, which will be sent to the FCI General Committee and the IRO board for approval.

Frans Jansen President of the FCI Commission for Rescue Dogs

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter VII Our commissions 39


RKF was the host of our annual meeting that was held in Breed-by-breed education Russia, in the beautiful Olympic city of Sochi. Our meet- Our aim to have a uniform education for every individual ing was held on February 4th, with 28 delegates from all FCI breed, developed by the country of origin, for international Sections and many Russian guests. On February 5 th, we had use became reality. the joint meeting together with the FCI Show Commission. A circular was sent by the FCI to all the NCOs requesting The meetings were at Hyatt Regency Hotel, everything was them to prepare breed-by-breed PowerPoint presentations very well set and perfectly organised, including transla- for all their national breeds, in order to use them for national tion into Russian. We congratulate and thank our host RKF, and international education purposes. Although we made a President Mr Inshakov and his team for the perfect job and to lot of efforts to make our colleagues enthusiastic to develop give all of us a memorable and very pleasant stay. and publish this important breed information, unfortunately only a few countries have developed some PowerPoint pres- Our work and discussion often led to several proposals for entations and sent them to us. the FCI General Committee. Many countries that didn’t use to send delegates to our meetings are joining the Show Judges Guidelines and instructions on how to write a dog’s Commission and that is a great achievement. report We often hear that some judges have problems with writing Joint Meetings with our colleagues from the FCI good dog reports while judging. Basic guidelines and instruc- Show Commission tions about how to write reports and a list of words that can Like every year, we also organised joint meetings with the be used would be very helpful. FCI Show Commission. It is always the last meeting in our We prepared guidelines in the four FCI working languag- weekend during which we talk about topics that involve both es about how to write a report and developed a list of the commissions. But we also inform each other about the spe- most common words used. The list has already been used cific topics that can have an influence on the other commis- in several countries. However, the wording we compiled is sion. not approved yet to be published officially, the FCI General Committee suggesting a more technical lexicon. It will be a We talk about the code of ethics, regulations for shows that next task for the Commission to do in coordination with our affect judges and the other way round, the publishing of FCI General Committee delegate, Dr Tamas Jakkel. online catalogues, the possibility to ban dogs and people at shows, the way to use online and digital systems in the ring, Judges and NCOs that do not follow FCI rules etc. A long, intense and deep discussion regarding judges who move to other countries because of problems with their own NCO or judges who get their license in countries not follow- ing our FCI regulations, started some years ago. During the last years, we saw some strange things happening: • People became All-Breed Judges in a few months or one year. Not a period of 10 years; • People who are nominated by a country other than the one where they live; • Judges who get problems with their own NCO and go (with- out really moving) to other FCI NCOs who accept them.

The FCI General Committee is aware of our concerns and tries to help where possible, we are glad they already took European Judges Directory action about the cases of three judges after an independent The FCI is working on updating the FCI Judges Directory. This commission did an investigation. The FCI office has also done was the task for early 2017. However, the FCI Office wants to research in several cases. update and modernise more than this. So, it requires a total review of applications. A circular pointed out that the Judges But it is not enough; there is a lot of work to do on this topic. Directory would be compulsory since the 1st of July 2017. If we don’t keep fighting for equal rights for our judges and We are happy to know that the NCOs have become aware of if we let a few NCOs do what they have been doing for years, the importance of this Judges Directory and have completed we will never come to a uniform, worldwide organisation the data. Even so, several judges are still missing on the list. with equal rights for everyone.

2017 Annual report 40 Chapter VII Our commissions

st 1 International FCI Show Judges Congress • Physical and mental health of judges to perform in the ring. It has been added to the Regulations that judges must be fit in order to judge the breeds they are assigned to, paying respect to the dogs and exhibitors. • Judging cropped and docked dogs. • We proposed to change the Standing Orders regarding the details of judges when being published in the official judg- es list. Next to the already-mentioned details, the NCO also has to mention the year of the judge’s nomination for the first breed. It is necessary to check whether the nomination of All-Breed Judges has been done properly. • We developed a form with which NCOs have to inform the One of our goals was to organise a World congress for all FCI about the nomination of All-Breed Judges. This form is FCI judges. With the support of the FCI General Committee obligatory to use when an NCO has nominated an All-Breed and the FCI Head Office, the FCI European Section and the Judge. Unfortunately, not all members follow it. Ukrainian Kennel Union, the 1st International Show Judges • In the last meeting the members agreed to develop a Congress became reality. It was held on the day before the working group to work out a more detailed education pro- European Dog Show in Kyiv, Wednesday 23rd of August 2017. gramme that can be used by the NCOs to educate their Show Judges. The topic was “It’s all about Balance”. Balance in judging, balance in using and interpreting standards. Balance for the best of our dogs and to protect their function. We thank Yves De Clercq It was as a very successful congress with 190 participants and his colleagues from from 42 different countries. We had simultaneous transla- the FCI Thuin office for tion into Russian. The opening was in charge of FCI President, the way in which our Mr Rafael De Santiago. We had an international and respect- documents were at all ful panel of speakers integrated by Anne Marie Class (France), times sent promptly and Jorge Nallem (Uruguay), John Wauben (The Netherlands), correctly translated to Jose Luis Payró (Mexico), Barbara Müller (Switzerland), Peter our members, our thanks Friedrich (Germany), Laurent Pichard (Switzerland), Jorgen also go to the General Hindsen (Denmark), Branislav Rajic (Slovenia), and Claudio committee and its representative in our Commission Dr de Giuliani (Italy). We have to congratulate and thank UKU Tamás Jakkel who supported and defended our proposals. President, Mr Georgy Onishchenko, and his team for the great support and organisation; very special thank you to Helen Skliarova and John Wauben who were responsible for the Adrian Landarte organisation and general coordination of this great event. Deputy president of the FCI Show Judges Commission Anne-Marie Class Secretary

Besides the above-mentioned topics we also spoke about:

• Obligations for NON-FCI Judges officiating at FCI shows. They should not only have the same rights but also the same obligations when judging at the FCI Shows. We pro- posed an amendment to the Regulations. • Country of nomination of a judge. The country that should appear on the Show Programme is the country where the judge’s FCI license is registered. It makes clear what nation- al canine organisation (NCO) has approved the license of the judge.

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter VII Our commissions 41


Year 2017 was a normal year in the European racing and pants were announced from 20 different countries. We had European community. 35 European Lure Coursing Champions from 12 different countries. On January 1st, we introduced new Regulations for International Sighthounds Races an Lure Coursing Events. The European Championships Racing was held in Alsónémedi, Hungary on 1-3 September; over 300 participants from 13 An Annual Meeting of the FCI Commission for Sighthounds different countries were announced. We had 24 European Races was held in Lotzwill, Switzerland, on June 28th. We Racing Champions from 9 different countries. planned 73 races and 89 lure coursing.

The European Championship Coursing was held in Lotzwil, Maria Stenberg Switzerland from June 29th to July 3rd. Over 1,000 partici- FCI Commission for Sighthounds Races


In 2017, the FCI Commission for Sledge Dogs continued its dogs at national level, the commission would have to draft work and met in Budapest, Hungary, on 27 and 28 May 2017. FCI Rules that should be applicable to all FCI Member coun- A perfectly well-organised meeting thanks to the organis- tries. ers, Mrs Andrea Der and the Hungarian canine organisation. Fifteen countries were present and three were excused. Then the work of the commission focused mainly on the discussion of different issues, the drafting of a set of rules The meeting started with some explanations on the new work for the delivery of CACIT for sledge dogs, possibly mainly on that the commission has to do now, different from the type snow races, and another one to establish the requirements in of work that had been done in previous years as now, instead order to be able to deliver the title of International Working of “Guidelines” for the harmonisation of the work of sledge Champion.

2017 Annual report 42 Chapter VII Our commissions

As these rules would be FCI rules once adopted by the FCI General Committee, a long discussion took place about the possibility for FCI Member countries to be allowed to organ- ise CACIT races on dryland races for countries that do not have snow. Many other issues were discussed, like the mini- mum result on show to be eligible to the delivery of a CACIT, as well as the minimum distances per class and type of races on CACIT races.

However, one main issue discussed was also dog welfare for these “Polar” breeds that should not be working with high temperatures and humidity. The commission hopes that such an issue could be understandable by all FCI Member coun- tries. The next meeting of the commission is planned to be held, The commission hopes to be in the position to implement the probably in July 2018, in Tallinn, Estonia. draft rules with all technical appendices and possibly finalise the complete draft for these rules at the next meeting of the commission. Franco Mannato President of the FCI Commission for Sledge Dogs

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter VII Our commissions 43


During these three years we have had three official meetings, during which some national regulations for CACIT «A» have been examined and approved, and some countries have been instructed to be able to adjust the regulations and continue to organise trials with CACIT «A «, as well as deciding on the organisation of the European Cup.

At the meeting of May 20th, 2017 in Pisa (Italy), changes were made to the CACIT «A» Regulations and to the Rules of the European Cup, which will be approved at the next meet- ing scheduled on January 26th, 2018 in Belgium at the next European Cup.

Andrea Cupini From left to right: Isabelle Ley, Andrea Cupini, Heinrich Nikoll, President of the FCI Commission for Spaniels Jari Parkisseniemi, Jan Luijendijk, Framstad Knut, Mr. Jacques Monscavoir.


Meetings In the ranking of the countries, Germany was first and 2017 FCI IPO-FH World Champion with a total of 391 points. There were two meetings of the FCI Commission for Utility 2nd: Italy with a total of 378 points. Dogs in 2017: 11-12 .March in Meppen, Germany and 18 3rd: The Netherlands with a total of 375 points. September in Rheine, Germany. I want to thank all delegates that attended these meetings. The results were: 1 x Excellent, 6 x Very Good, 11 x Good and 15 x Unsatisfactory. FCI-World Championship Tracking Dogs 2017 The FCI IPO FH WC 2017 was held from May 14th until 17th, FCI- European Open für Fährtenhunde 2017 in Ptulj, Slovenia. In 2017 there was no FCI European Open for Tracking Dogs. On behalf of the FCI Commission for Utility Dogs, I want to thank Mr Miran Mars and Mr Brane Pus and their teams for The 2018 FCI-World Championship for Tracking Dogs the excellent organisation. Also our thanks to the Supervisor will be held in Vranov nad Toplou, Slovakia. Mr Andreas Wohlschläger from Austria and the Judges Mr Toon Hop from The Netherlands and Mr Martin Gügler from FCI-World Championship for Utility Dogs 2017 Germany for their excellent work. The FCI-World Championship for Utility Dogs 2017 was held from 14 until 17 September in Rheine, Germany, with 140 The participants in this World Championship, 33, came from participants from 37 countries. 17 different countries. On behalf of the FCI Commission for Utility Dogs I want FCI Tracking Dog World Champion 2017 is Michael Tomczak to thank Mrs Christa Bremer and all her assistants for the from Germany, with his dog Aik vom Rio organisation of this World Championship. I also want to Negro from Germany with 196 points. thank the supervisors and judges for this 2017 FCI IPO World 2nd: Thomas Thies from Germany, with his GSD tara von den Championship: Wannaer Höhen with 196 points. Supervisor of the World Championship, Mr Robert 3rd: Svetlana grigoreva from Russia, with her GSD Djeta last Markschläger from Austria. Tracking supervisor, Mr E. Hathy with 193 points. Uekötter from Germany. Judges: Tracking Mr T. Muchizuki from Japan, Obedience Mr. G. Verlinden from Belgium and Protection Mr M. Greub from Switzerland.

2017 Annual report 44 Chapter VII Our commissions

FCI-IPO World Champion 2017: Mr Yannick Keizer from The 2017 FCI World Championship and Grand Prix for Germany, with his Belgian Shepherd Punk vom Futher Moor, Mondioring Dogs were held in Gorliz, Spain, from 29 with 294 points. September until 4 October and there were in Category I 15 participants from 15 different countries. In Category II, there Results: 9 x Excellent, 18 x Very Good, 76 x Good, 6 x Sat- were 13 participants from 13 different countries. In Category isfactory, 13 x Insufficient, 4 x Reported ill and 4 x Disqual- III, there were 50 participants from 20 different countries. ification. FCI World Champion Mondioring is Stephane Leca from At the 2017 FCI WC for Utility Dogs there were 4 participants France, with his Begian Shepherd Chost du Vallon du Roucas with a „Wild Card“. These participants were the 2017 IPO World with 337.5 points out of 400. Champions of the FCI affiliated organisations of , 2nd: Jos Helsen from Belgium, with his Belgian Shepherd Jeff , Hollandse Herder and Riezenschnauzer. van het Retrohof. 3rd: Marc Willems from Belgium, with his Belgian Shepherd FCI World Championship for Mondioring Dogs 2017 Mickey van‘t Stekkerke. SIn 2017 there were two meetings of the section Mondioring of the FCI Commission for Utility Dogs (23-02-2017 in On behalf of the FCI Commission for Utility Dogs I want to Meñaka, Spain and 04-10-2017, in Gorliz, Spain). thank Mr Ricardo Salazar and his assistants for the per- fect organisation of this 2017 FCI World Championship for Mondioring.

The performance of the organisation was appreciated by the participants and the spectators.

We would also like to thank the supervisor Mr Valeer Linclau from Belgium and the judges for their excellent work.

I want to thank all delegates of the FCI Commission for Utility Dogs for their contribution and active work in 2017. I also want to thank the FCI General Committee for the posi- tive support and acceptance of our proposals. It shows their appreciation of our work.

My special thanks go to the Executive Director and staff of the FCI General Secretariat for the excellent cooperation.

Frans Jansen President of the FCI Commission for Utility Dogs

The following FCI commissions did not share any Activity report for the year under review: British Pointers and Retrievers.

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter VIII Financial report 45

JULIÁN HERNÁNDEZ LUIS Economist Madrid, Spain


To the members of the Fédération Cynologique Internationale

I went to the headquarters in Thuin (Belgium) on 19th and 20th April this year in order to audit the accounts for the 2017 financial year.

1. - Over the course of the two days I was there, I audited the FCI’s financial statements, which include the balance sheet to 31st December 2017, the profit and loss account, the statement of changes in net equity and the report on these latter, all corresponding to the financial year ending on the aforesaid date.

The General Committee is responsible for drawing up the organisation’s financial statements, in accordance with the regulatory framework for financial information which is applicable to it and in such a way as to ensure that it provides an accurate picture of the FCI’s assets, financial position and results.

It is my own responsibility to offer an opinion about the financial statements as a whole, based upon the work carried out in accordance with the applicable regulatory standards, and this requires an examination - carried out by means of selective tests - of the evidence provided to back up the financial statements and an assessment of whether its presentation, the accounting principles and criteria used and the estimates made are in accordance with the applicable regulatory framework for financial information.

2. - OPINION In my opinion, the financial statements for the 2017 financial year do, in all significant aspects, indeed provide an accurate picture of the assets and financial situation of the Fédération Cynologique Internationale at 31st December 2017 and the results of its operations relating to the financial year which ended on the aforesaid date.

Signed: Julián Hernández Luis

Madrid, 4th May 2018

2017 Annual report 46 Chapter VIII Financial report

Financial report

BALANCE SHEETS (as of 31/12)


0.45% 4.70% Tangible assets 20.19% 0.00% Stocks 6.85% Trade debtors 67.38% Other debtors 0.44% Investments Cash at bank and in hand


2.17% 1.94% 0.02% Social fund 1.71% Allocated fund

Accumulated profits 37.85% 37.55% Provisions for liabilities and charges 18.76% Trade debts

Social debts Deferrals and accruals income

PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Miscellaneous 0.36%

TURNOVER Penalty on CACIOB trials 0.07% Export pedigree s 0.58% 0.03%

CACIAG Sponsorships+misc . 0.10% 2.30% CACIL Subscription s 0.26% 4.22% Penalty on show s 0.35% CACIT 2.23% Kennel names Subscriptions 7.76% CACIB (tax per dog) World dog show World dog show 4.23% CACIT Kennel names Penalty on shows CACIOB CACIL CACIB (tax per dog) CACIAG 77.51% Export pedigrees Miscellaneous Penalty on trials Sponsorships+misc.

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter VIII Financial report 47


0.89% 2.03% 0.00% Goods for resale Services and other goods Remuneration and social security costs Depreciation of fixed assets and provisions

47.71% 49.37% Other operating charges





E 1,200,000.00 U R 1,000,000.00




200,000.00 2016 2015 2014 2013

0.00 2012 2011

ME 2010 CO 2009 2008 2007 OPERATING IN OPERATING CHARGES 2,000,000.00


TURNOVER / PROFIT 1,600,000.00

1,400,000.00 E 1,200,000.00 U R 1,000,000.0 0

800,000.00 2017 2016 2015 600,000.00 2014 2013 400,000.00 2012 2011 200,000.00 2010 2009 0.00 2008 R TURNOVE


2017 Annual report 48 Chapter IX Figures



International Beauty Champion (C.I.B.) 8547 International Show Champion (C.I.E.) 1713 International Working Champion (C.I.T.) 157 International Working Champion (hunting trial) (C.I.T. ec) 38 International Working Champion (field trial) (C.I.T. ft) 23 Cumulative Title of International Beauty and Working Champion (C.I.B.T.) 30 International Races Champion (C.I.C.) 75 International Champion of Beauty and Performance (C.I.B.P.) 41 International Agility Champion (C.I.AG.) 2 International Obedience Champion (C.I.OB.) 0 FCI-Centenary Shows Champion (C.E.C.) 0 International Herding Champion (C.I.Tr) 2 Total 10628


Algeria 0 Dominican Republic 0 Italy 776 Armenia 0 Ecuador 6 Japan 351 Argentina 25 Egypt 1 Kazakhstan 15 Australia 0 El Salvador 1 Kirghizistan 2 Austria 76 Estonia 90 Korea (Rep. of) 50 Azerbaïjan 1 Finland 1202 Kosovo 0 Bahrain 0 France 580 Kuwait 0 Belgium 141 Germany 387 Latvia 64 Belorussia 74 Georgia 1 Lebanon 0 Bolivia 1 Gibraltar 0 Lithuania 54 Bosnia-Herzegovina 5 Great Britain 28 Luxembourg 6 Brazil 118 Greece 19 Macedonia 5 Bulgaria 16 Guatemala 16 Malaysia 8 Chile 0 Honduras 0 Malta 1 China 114 Hong Kong 0 Mexico 0 Colombia 14 Hungary 167 Moldavia 0 Costa Rica 1 Iceland 50 Monaco 0 Croatia 79 India 1 Mongolia 0 Cuba 0 Indonesia 8 Montenegro 5 Cyprus 0 Iran 0 Morocco 0 Czech Republic 483 Ireland 80 Netherlands 135 Denmark 158 Israel 19 New Zealand 0

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter IX Figures 49

Nicaragua 0 San Marino 2 Turkey 2 Norway 242 Serbia 115 Ukraine 215 Pakistan 0 Singapore 5 Uruguay 0 Panama 0 Slovakia 124 Uzbekistan 0 Paraguay 2 Slovenia 54 United States 6 Peru 10 South Africa (Rep. of) 36 Venezuela 0 Philippines 51 Spain 99 Vietnam 0 Poland 330 Sri Lanka 0 Portugal 3 Sweden 502 Puerto Rico 3 Switzerland 57 Romania 39 60 Russia 1101 Thailand 55


Austria 34 Hungary 36 Portugal 5 Belgium 50 Iceland 18 Romania 6 Belorussia 5 Ireland 37 Russia 208 Bulgaria 3 Israel 2 Serbia 6 Croatia 8 Italy 178 Slovakia 21 Cyprus 1 Kazakhstan 8 Slovenia 12 Czech Republic 89 Kirghizistan 4 Spain 45 Denmark 41 Latvia 7 Sweden 111 Estonia 16 Lithuania 23 Switzerland 18 Finland 225 Luxembourg 1 Ukraine 33 France 146 Malta 2 Uzbekistan 1 Germany 92 Netherlands 66 Great Britain 19 Norway 25 Greece 4 Poland 107


Austria 8 Great Britain 1 Slovakia 4 Belgium 1 Hungary 1 Spain 4 Czech Republic 6 Italy 46 Switzerland 7 Finland 16 Norway 6 Ukraine 11 France 23 Poland 1 Germany 7 Russia 15

WORK (C.I.T.-ec)

France 5 Hongrie 2 Italy 31

2017 Annual report 50 Chapter IX Figures

WORK (C.I.T.-ft)

Denmark 1 Greece 1 Norway 1 France 18 Italy 1 Ukraine 1


Austria 1 France 7 Netherlands 1 Czech Republic 1 Hungary 1 Russia 1 Finland 5 Italy 13


Austria 6 Germany 14 Slovakia 3 Belgium 1 Hungary 6 Slovenia 1 Czech Republic 6 Italy 8 Sweden 5 Denmark 1 Netherlands 3 Switzerland 4 Finland 7 Poland 5 France 4 Russia 1


Austria 1 Hungary 2 Sweden 9 Belgium 1 Italy 5 Switzerland 3 Czech Republic 4 Poland 2 Estonia 1 Russia 1 Finland 3 Slovakia 3 Germany 5 Slovenia 1


Irland 1 Finland 1

HERDING (C.I.Troupeau)

Poland 1 Switzerland 1


Affenpinscher 16 American 49 Australian Cattle Dog 24 74 American Cocker Spaniel 86 3 Airedale Terrier 48 American Staffordshire Terrier 72 Australian Shepherd 75 Akita 35 American Water Spaniel 1 Australian Silky Terrier 35 63 12 Australian Terrier 26 Alpenländische Dachsbracke 5 1 11

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter IX Figures 51

Barbet 3 Cesky Fousek 2 English 27 51 Cesky Terrier 16 English Setter 28 Basser Bleu de Gascogne 1 Chart Polski 1 English Springer Spaniel 26 Basset Fauve de Bretagne 1 Chesapeake Bay Retriever 3 English Toy Terrier 25 22 Chien de Berger Belge 31 Entlebucher Sennenhund 19 Bayrischer Gebirgsschweißhund 4 Chien de Berger des Pyrénées à Poil long 1 Epagneul Breton 16 Beagle 52 Chien de Montagne des Pyrénées 38 Epagneul Français 1 Bearded Collie 41 Chihuahueño 179 Epagneul Nain Continental 114 Bedlington Terrier 34 Chin 34 20 Berger Blanc Suisse 34 83 Field Spaniel 11 Berger de Beauce 10 44 Fila Brasileiro 9 Berger de Brie 11 Ciobanesc Romanesc Carpatin 1 Flat Coated Retriever 46 Berner Sennenhund 76 Cirneco dell’Etna 6 Fox Terrier Smooth 35 Bichon à poil frisé 79 Clumber Spaniel 3 Fox Terrier Wire 47 Bichon Havanais 42 Coban Köbegi 1 Galgo Español 8 3 Collie Rough 93 Golden Retriever 77 27 Collie Smooth 42 Gordon Setter 19 Border Collie 28 Coton de Tuléar 39 Gos d’Atura Catala 7 Border Terrier 54 Crnogorski Planinski Gonic 1 Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen 5 Boston Terrier 63 Curly Coated Retriever 8 24 Bouledogue Français 93 Dachshund 270 Griffon à poil dur - Korthals 6 Bouvier des Ardennes 3 Dalmatinski pas 69 Griffon Belge 23 Bouvier des Flandres 3 Dandie Dinmont Terrier 13 Griffon Bruxellois 22 13 Deerhound 21 Gronlandshund 2 Braque d’Auvergne 7 Deutsch Drahthaar 15 Grosser Münsterländer 2 6 Deutsch Kurzhaar 30 Grosser Schweizer Sennenhund 22 – type Pyrénées 11 Deutsch Langhaar 1 Haldenstover 1 Briquet Griffon Vendéen 1 Deutsche Dogge 134 Hamiltonstövare 1 Broholmer 9 Deutscher Boxer 53 Hannover’Scher Schweisshund 1 Bull Terrier 40 Deutscher Jagdterrier 16 1 Bulldog 96 Deutscher Pinscher 48 Hollandse Herdershond 16 Bullmastiff 46 Deutscher Schäferhund 29 Hovawart 5 Cairn Terrier 52 Deutscher 231 Hrvatski Ovcar 4 Canaan Dog 3 Deutscher Wachtelhund 2 Hygenhund 1 Italiano 27 Do-Khyi (Tibetan ) 25 Irish Glen of Imaal Terrier 4 Cane de Pastore Bergamasco 9 Dobermann 68 Irish Red and White Setter 5 Cane da Pastore Maremmano/Abbruzzese 10 Dogo Argentino 16 Irish Red Setter 19 Caniche 359 Dogo Canario 14 Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier 43 Cao da Serra da Estrella 4 46 Irish Terrier 27 Cao da Serra de Aires 3 Drentsche Patrijshond 2 Irish Water Spaniel 4 Cao de Agua Português 22 4 Irish Wolfhound 33 Cao Fila de São Miguel 3 Drovitzörü Magyar Vizsla 5 Islenkur Fjarhundur 17 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 77 1 64 Ceskoslovensky Vlcak 15 English Cocker Spaniel 46 Jämthund 12

2017 Annual report 52 Chapter IX Figures

Jugoslovenski ovcarski pas Sarplaninac 4 Old English Sheepdog 45 Skye Terrier 24 Kai 1 2 15 Karjalankarhukoira 3 26 Slovensky Cuvac 5 Kavkazskaia Ovtcharka 22 54 Slovensky Kopov 6 Kerry Blue Terrier 27 Perdiguero de Burgos 1 2 King Charles Spaniel 18 Perro de Agua Español 20 Sredneasiatskaia Ovtcharka 16 4 Perro Dogo Mallorquin 18 Srpski Trobojni Gonic 1 Kleiner Münsterländer 8 Perro Sin Pelo del Perú 5 St.Bernardshund 59 Komondor 2 Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen 8 Stabijhoun 3 Korea Jindo Dog 3 2 Staffordshire Bull Terrier 77 Kraski Ovcar 4 Petit Brabançon 27 Suomenajokoira (Finsk Stövare) 10 Kromfohrländer 1 Petit Chien Lion 18 Suomenlapinkoira 22 Kuvasz 7 21 Suomenpystykorva (Finsk Spets) 12 74 Piccolo Levriero Italiano 70 Sussex Spaniel 2 24 Podenco Ibicenco 9 Svensk Lapphund 8 Lakeland Terrier 19 Podengo Portugues 31 4 Landseer (TCE) 17 Polski Owczarek Nizinny 18 Terrier Brasileiro 10 Lapinporokoira 20 Polski Owczarek Podhalanski 7 Thai Ridgeback Dog 13 Leonberger 49 Pug 92 44 54 Puli 19 49 Magyar Agar 10 Pumi 13 11 Maltese 89 Rhodesian Ridgeback 87 Västgötaspets 14 Manchester Terrier 15 Riesenschnauzer 18 9 Mastiff 26 Rottweiler 39 Vostotchno-Sibirskaia 4 Mastin del Pirineo 8 Rovidszörü Magyar Vizsla 22 Weimaraner 32 Mastin Español 14 Russkaya Psovaya Borzaya 70 Welsh Corgi Cardigan 38 Mastino Napoletano 18 Russkiy Tchiorny Terrier 53 Welsh Corgi Pembroke 82 Miniature Bull Terrier 33 Saarloos Wolfhond 6 Welsh Springer Spaniel 14 Mudi 5 54 Welsh Terrier 16 Nederlandse Kooikerhondje 24 Samoiedskaia Sabaka (Samoyede) 63 West Highland White Terrier 91 Nederlandse Schapendoes 25 32 101 Newfoundland 51 Schnauzer 106 Xoloitzquintle 22 Nihon Supittsu 38 Scottish Terrier 74 Yorkshire Terrier 138 Nihon Teria 2 Sealyham Terrier 16 Yuzhnorusskaya Ovcharka 6 Norfolk Terrier 21 a Pelo forte 1 Zapadno-Sibirskaïa Laïka 1 3 Segugio Italiano a Pelo raso 3 Zwergpinscher 66 Norsk Buhund 3 50 Zwergschnauzer 282 Norsk Elghund Grä 16 Shetland Sheepdog 105 Norsk Elghund Sort 1 Shiba 66 Norsk Lundehund 3 74 Norwich Terrier 47 Shikoku 1 Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever 12 Siberian 99

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter IX Figures 53


Airedale Terrier 1 Deutsch Drahthaar 11 Jack Russel Terrier 17 Alpenlandische 3 Deutsch Kurzhaar 17 Jämhund 2 Australian Kelpie 14 Deutscher Boxer 41 Karjalankarhukoira 1 6 Deutscher Jagdterrier 3 Kleiner Münsterländer 7 Basset Artésien Normand 3 Deutscher Schäferhund 17 Labrador Retriever 65 Basset Bleu de Gascogne 1 Deutscher Wachtelhund 6 Norsk Elghund Gra 1 Basset Fauve de Bretagne 4 Dobermann 36 Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever 36 Basset Hound 28 Drentsche Patrijshond 3 Ogar Polski 1 Bayrischer Gebirgsschweisshund 7 Drotzörü Magyar Vizsla 6 Parson Russell Terrier 3 Beagle 47 English Cocker Spaniel 72 Perdigueiro Portugues 1 Berger de Beauce 20 English Pointer 14 Perdiguero de Burgos 1 Berger de Brie 39 English Setter 26 Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen 14 Border Collie 51 English Springer Spaniel 38 Petit Bleu de Gascogne 1 Border Terrier 6 Epagneul Breton 11 Riesenschnauzer 60 Bouvier des Flandres 17 Epagneul Français 2 Rottweiler 31 Bracco Italiano 14 Erdelyi Kopo 1 Rövidszörü Magyar Vizsla 24 Braque d’Auvergne 6 Field Spaniel 10 2 Braque du Bourbonnais 5 Flat Coated Retriever 53 Segugio Italiano a pelo forte 1 Braque Français – Type Gascogne 1 Fox Terrier Smooth 4 Segugio Italiano a pelo raso 1 Braque Français – Type Pyrénées 7 Fox Terrier Wire 9 Slovensky Kopov 1 Cane Corso Italiano 7 Gammel Dansk Honsehund 1 Spinone Italiano 9 Ceskoslovensky Vlcak 23 Golden Retriever 83 Stabyhoun 6 Cesky Fousek 1 Gordon Setter 40 Suomenajokoira 1 Chesapeake Bay Retriever 5 Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen 11 Suomenpystykorva 1 Chien de Berger Belge 77 Griffon à poil dur – Korthal 3 Sussex Spaniel 5 Chien de Berger des Pyrénées à face rase 2 Griffon Fauve de Bretagne 3 Vostotchno-Sibirskaïa Laïka 2 Chien de Berger des Pyrénées à poil long 9 Grosser Münsterländer 4 Weimaraner 39 Chien de Saint Hubert 4 Hannover’scher Schweisshund 2 Welsh Springer Spaniel 23 Cirneco Dell’Etna 8 Hovawart 36 Welsh Terrier 7 Clumber Spaniel 11 Irish Red & White Setter 18 Zapadno-Sibirskaïa Laïka 3 Curly Coated Retriever 12 Irish Red Setter 50 Dachshund 274 Irish Water Spaniel 3


Ariegeois 1 English Cocker Spaniel 2 Gordon Setter 6 Bayrischer Gebirgsschweisshund 1 English Pointer 16 Irish Red Setter 7 Border Terrier 1 English Setter 38 Jack Russel terrier 1 Dachshund 31 English Springer Spaniel 2 Jamthund 3 Deutscher Jagdterrier 15 Fox Terrier Smooth 3 Karjalankarhukoira 4 Dunker 1 Golden Retriever 4 Labrador Retriever 7

2017 Annual report 54 Chapter IX Figures

Norrbottenspets 1 Slovensky Kopov 1 Welsh Terrier 2 Norsk Elghund Gra 1 Suomenajokoira 2 Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen 1 Suomenpystykorva 2 Segugio Italiano a Pelo Forte 1 Vostotchno-Sibirskaïa Laïka 3


Bracco Italiano 9 Drotzörü Magyar Vizsla 1 Perdigueiro Portuges 1 Braque Français – Type Pyrénées 1 Epagneul Breton 11 Rövidszörü Magyar Vizsla 1 Deutsch Drahthaar 3 Epagneul Français 1 Spinone Italiano 1 Deutsch Kurzhaar 7 Griffon à poil dur – Korthals 1 Weimaraner 1


Braque Du Bourbonnais 1 Deutsch Kurzhaar 3 Kleiner Münsterländer 1 Braque Français – Type Pyrénées 2 Epagneul Breton 6 Weimaraner 1 Deutsch Drahthaar 2 Griffon d’Arrêt à Poil Dur - Korthals 7


Beagle 1 English Setter 2 Kleiner Münsterländer 1 Bracco Italiano 1 Epagneul Breton 1 Rövidszörü Magyar Vizsla 1 Braque Français – Type Gascogne 1 Fox Terrier (Wire) 4 Vostotchno-Sibirskaïa Laïka 2 Braque Français – Type Pyrénées 1 Griffon à poil dur – Korthals 1 Weimaraner 2 Dachshund 4 Jämthund 2 English Pointer 5 Karjalankarhukoira 1


Afghan Hound 11 Greyhound 2 Saluki 9 Azawakh 1 Magyar Agar 1 Sloughi 2 Deerhound 2 Piccolo Levriero Italiano 13 Whippet 23 Galgo Español 3 Russkaya Psovaya Borzaya 8


Afghan Hound 2 Magyar Agar 4 Sloughi 5 Azawakh 1 Piccolo Levriero Italiano 7 Whippet 1 Galgo Español 5 Russkaya Psovaya Borzaya 11 Irish Wolfhound 1 Saluki 4


Border Collie 1 Parson Russel Terrier 1

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter IX Figures 55


Cane Da Pastore Bergamasco 1 Shetland Sheepdog 1


Argentina 38 Germany 15 Poland 64 Austria 24 Greece 126 Portugal 7 Belgium 39 Hungary 24 Romania 32 Belarus 1 Ireland 7 Russia 14 Bulgaria 42 Italy 662 Serbia 56 Croatia 73 Japan 3 Slovakia 44 Cyprus 4 Lithuania 1 Slovenia 2 Czech Republic 44 Luxembourg 1 Spain 157 Denmark 57 Macedonia 2 Sweden 30 Ecuador 1 Montenegro 1 Switzerland 37 Finland 93 Netherlands 37 Ukraine 53 France 308 Norway 63 Total 2162


Algeria 0 Egypt 45 Kuwait 0 Argentina 990 El Salvador 2 Kyrgyzstan 2 Armenia 5 Estonia 49 Latvia 38 Australia 0 Finland 516 Lebanon 0 Austria 229 France 1560 Lithuania 100 Azerbaijan 5 Georgia 3 Luxembourg 4 Bahrain 10 Germany 1476 Macedonia 7 Belarus 167 Gibraltar 2 Malaysia 0 Belgium 198 Greece 108 Malta 86 Bolivia 104 Guatemala 0 Mexico 4 Bosnia-Herzegovina 30 Honduras 10 Moldavia 7 Brazil 1500 Hong Kong 0 Monaco 0 Bulgaria 113 Hungary 337 Mongolia 87 Chile 1140 Iceland 26 Montenegro 25 China 2905 India 0 Morocco 9 Colombia 89 Indonesia 0 Netherlands 376 Costa Rica 8 Iran 0 New Zealand 0 Croatia 87 Ireland 119 Nicaragua 4 Cuba 7 Israel 19 Norway 357 Cyprus 29 Italy 276 Pakistan 0 Czech Republic 1079 Japan 952 Panama 3 Denmark 221 Kazakhstan 37 Paraguay 28 Dominican Republic 8 Korea (Republic of) 609 Peru 320 Ecuador 17 Kosovo 4 Philippines 33

2017 Annual report 56 Chapter IX Figures

Poland 1456 Slovakia 291 Thailand 0 Portugal 124 Slovenia 50 Turkey 139 Puerto Rico 8 South Africa 0 Ukraine 506 Romania 135 Spain 667 Uruguay 136 Russia 1318 Sri Lanka 0 Uzbekistan 2 San Marino 0 Sweden 721 Venezuela 0 Serbia 242 Switzerland 133 Vietnam 0 Singapore 8 Taiwan 63 Total 22580

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter IX Figures 57 0 0 492 6100 6000 2500 4000 33000 42000 48600 510000 470000 500000 150000 668000 120000 304000 7000000 1500000 6000000 1735082 1300000 1500000 2500000 2000000 10000000 34662192 68532157 104931931 OWNERS OF DOGS (PURE-BRED OR NOT) Lastest update : 5/15/2018 0 3000 3000 4500 7452 4500 58310 52000 55500 30000 881000 570000 270000 502000 350000 800000 300000 656000 150000 500000 2000000 7340000 6900000 1500000 3000000 9000000 48596891 55932762 15000000 15000000 280104716 166570563 DOGS (PURE-BRED OR NOT) 3401 1988 1277 2973 2405 5263 5237 24104 10295 42167 51350 34020 66262 46467 39608 42368 54793 96809 24886 117370 284188 791465 238419 600000 555263 320000 160599 249496 1178906 1310205 4697307 7206621 1598975 1750000 2865653 2353263 2980000 3040000 4689692 55551080 18007985 32051350 TOTAL PURE-BRED DOGS TOTAL REGISTERED UNTIL END 2017 1 370 446 247 188 452 830 159 7107 2471 4414 3819 4938 1356 2322 8736 7865 8443 5422 1275 10705 51059 25717 17192 49051 23515 12570 16156 42178 13182 42060 20555 59836 38000 28854 53000 15333 14378 167123 235312 582391 268473 263522 2111023 1244638 PURE-BRED DOGS REGISTERED 2017 1 1 5 3 0 3 5 2 11 71 31 72 12 34 58 72 36 48 32 35 26 74 28 30 40 54 114 241 213 202 136 179 169 206 505 320 306 122 264 155 222 593 1100 8961 2062 1522 1689 11104 CLUBS 8 0 0 0 29 30 885 590 308 658 590 659 1117 8711 8100 1025 2167 2331 2431 4785 2350 2900 4000 1394 6547 1547 3697 3242 25717 92215 70689 50300 26336 57989 53465 44200 23500 32030 148071 114000 162481 270000 250000 186242 1408914 1667336 INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS 2 0 0 0 4 0 2 3 STATISTICS 2017 - EUROPE STATISTICS 41 31 21 51 10 37 13 22 59 13 35 97 33 97 63 307 141 519 182 127 896 324 175 560 280 329 246 272 120 160 222 139 353 120 225 744 6415 2203 9278 JUDGES 1 4 3 4 2 4 9 8 4 1 8 5 4 4 6 11 11 11 11 10 10 51 10 21 27 20 19 17 36 22 12 16 30 25 18 15 17 19 14 76 26 30 26 40 707 186 120 1024 CACIB SHOWS 6 1 1 7 4 0 5 8 3 0 5 1 4 1 1 8 2 11 10 10 31 28 19 17 15 14 97 12 29 16 38 19 67 57 14 27 23 52 86 83 34 315 174 1142 2204 2430 6040 1339 CAC SHOWS 1 88 89 37 49 87 27 507 931 770 270 635 453 984 538 403 677 130 2018 8231 1042 1351 3461 2314 5317 9287 5320 1447 1426 3652 1350 9865 2999 2945 4328 2660 70811 11266 10293 46848 69697 15773 36746 187085 263725 524208 LITTERS 6 601 417 446 185 182 750 134 2117 1183 8108 2104 3015 1614 2015 4201 4298 3952 6508 7684 6860 3305 11513 41196 10217 51059 26714 40728 19156 15163 46546 22494 14982 36000 59993 50823 13639 18200 13698 12683 231621 571843 265749 163853 259673 1204472 2057228 PUPPIES ITALY SPAIN ISRAEL MALTA LATVIA SERBIA AFRICA RUSSIA TURKEY CYPRUS GREECE FRANCE POLAND KOSOVO ALGERIA AUSTRIA ESTONIA ICELAND IRELAND CROATIA SWEDEN FINLAND UKRAINE GEORGIA BELARUS BELGIUM NORWAY MONACO COUNTRY ARMENIA ROMANIA HUNGARY SLOVENIA SLOVAKIA BULGARIA GERMANY DENMARK PORTUGAL MOROCCO LITHUANIA MOLDAVIA GIBRALTAR UZBEKISTAN AZERBAIJAN MACEDONIA MIDDLE EAST SAN MARINO KAZAKHSTAN KIRGHIZISTAN LUXEMBOURG TOTAL WORLD TOTAL SWITZERLAND MONTENEGRO TOTAL EUROPE TOTAL CZECH REPUBLIC ASIA AND PACIFIC THE NETHERLANDS BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA THE AMERICAS AND CARIBBEAN N.B.: The data have been collected from the national canine organisations member of FCI. Blank cells in table mean either no answer organisation FCI, or not available. N.B.:

2017 Annual report 58 Chapter IX Figures 0 0 820 2500 2500 2500 86308 96529 702700 198725 650000 1735082 1735082 34662192 68532157 34662192 68532157 104931931 104931931 OWNERS OF DOGS OWNERS OF DOGS (PURE-BRED OR NOT) (PURE-BRED OR NOT) Lastest update : 5/15/2018 Lastest update : 5/15/2018 4500 4500 7000 4500 9000000 9000000 1400000 1500000 48596891 55932762 48596891 45689891 55932762 280104716 166570563 280104716 166570563 DOGS DOGS (PURE-BRED OR NOT) (PURE-BRED OR NOT) 2973 5335 70070 98717 30160 66091 2973 2973 103501 791465 4697307 791465 1618043 2705390 55551080 4697307 18007985 32051350 55551080 18007985 32051350 TOTAL PURE-BRED DOGS TOTAL TOTAL PURE-BRED DOGS TOTAL REGISTERED UNTIL END 2017 REGISTERED UNTIL END 2017 188 292 3112 2196 188 188 5908 3527 3683 58063 15333 42746 582391 15333 268473 148946 2111023 582391 268473 1244638 2111023 1244638 PURE-BRED DOGS REGISTERED 2017 PURE-BRED DOGS REGISTERED 2017 0 7 2 7 10 0 0 62 12 79 13 49 241 213 241 213 8961 1689 11104 8961 1689 11104 CLUBS CLUBS 0 0 29 42 820 134 573 662 29 29 3697 6503 92215 83481 162481 3697 92215 1408914 1667336 162481 1408914 1667336 INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS 0 5 1 41 13 22 35 16 519 141 0 0 144 242 6415 9278 2203 519 141 6415 9278 2203 JUDGES STATISTICS 2017 - MIDDLE EAST STATISTICS JUDGES 3 5 1 6 4 6 3 10 24 55 14 707 120 186 1024 1 1 10 707 120 186 1024 CACIB SHOWS STATISTICS 2017 STATISTICS - THE AMERICAS AND CARIBBEAN CACIB SHOWS 0 0 8 10 39 67 45 19 407 649 162 1339 6040 2430 2204 0 0 67 6040 1339 2430 2204 CAC SHOWS CAC SHOWS 49 47 931 461 609 743 1021 3652 11356 69697 12294 42235 187085 524208 263725 49 49 3652 LITTERS 69697 187085 524208 263725 LITTERS 182 275 2010 4308 3456 2837 3589 57582 14982 42746 571843 265749 148946 2057228 1204472 182 182 PUPPIES 14982 571843 265749 2057228 1204472 PUPPIES PERU CUBA CHILE BRAZIL AFRICA EUROPE BOLIVIA MEXICO PANAMA COUNTRY ECUADOR URUGUAY COLOMBIA PARAGUAY HONDURAS ARGENTINA VENEZUELA COSTA RICA COSTA NICARAGUA GUATEMALA PUERTO RICO PUERTO MIDDLE EAST EL SALVADOR TOTAL WORLD TOTAL AFRICA EUROPE BAHRAIN COUNTRY ASIA AND PACIFIC CARIBBEAN TOTAL WORLD TOTAL DOMINICAN REPUBLIC ASIA AND PACIFIC TOTAL MIDDLE EAST TOTAL THE AMERICAS AND TOTAL THE AMERICAS AND CARIBBEAN TOTAL N.B.: The data have been collected from the national canine organisations member of FCI. Blank cells in table mean either no answer organisation FCI, or not available. N.B.: N.B.: The data have been collected from the national canine organisations member of FCI. Blank cells in table mean either no answer organisation FCI, or not available. N.B.:

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter IX Figures 59 0 0 2500 2500 97145 43012 42000 1735082 1735082 34662192 68532157 68532157 34662192 68350000 104931931 104931931 OWNERS OF DOGS OWNERS OF DOGS (PURE-BRED OR NOT) (PURE-BRED OR NOT) Lastest update : 5/15/2018 Lastest update : 5/15/2018 4500 4500 88563 62000 8920000 9000000 9000000 9000000 48596891 55932762 48596891 55932762 280104716 280104716 166570563 157500000 166570563 DOGS DOGS (PURE-BRED OR NOT) (PURE-BRED OR NOT) 2973 5790 2973 86430 816287 791465 534489 791465 785675 1169659 4697307 4697307 15401120 55551080 18007985 32051350 55551080 18007985 32051350 TOTAL PURE-BRED DOGS TOTAL TOTAL PURE-BRED DOGS TOTAL REGISTERED UNTIL END 2017 REGISTERED UNTIL END 2017 188 531 188 1756 13577 15333 77211 70524 21355 40434 76426 15333 582391 268473 2111023 295910 582391 268473 2111023 1244638 1244638 PURE-BRED DOGS REGISTERED 2017 PURE-BRED DOGS REGISTERED 2017 9 0 6 2 0 89 13 24 213 241 204 104 213 241 403 162 886 8961 1689 8961 1689 11104 11104 CLUBS CLUBS 29 29 306 376 223 530 3391 3697 3697 92215 33921 92215 32872 76809 17750 162481 162481 1408914 1667336 1408914 1667336 INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS 0 7 0 0 37 44 40 14 141 141 141 519 519 141 133 6415 6415 1787 9278 2203 9278 2203 JUDGES JUDGES STATISTICS 2017 - AFRICA 2017 - STATISTICS 5 5 0 2 2 1 1 10 10 15 27 23 117 707 707 120 120 186 186 1024 1024 STATISTICS 2017 STATISTICS - ASIA AND THE PACIFIC CACIB SHOWS CACIB SHOWS 4 2 6 0 0 63 67 25 67 583 155 152 139 1142 6040 1339 2430 1339 2204 6040 2204 2430 Blank cells in the table mean either no answer from national canine organisation member of FCI, or data not available. CAC SHOWS CAC SHOWS 49 49 327 130 3325 6403 3652 3652 14319 19851 42087 69697 69697 104295 187085 187085 524208 263725 524208 263725 LITTERS LITTERS 472 182 182 1548 69918 70528 75281 13434 40088 14982 19896 14982 571843 571843 295660 265749 265749 2057228 1204472 2057228 1204472 PUPPIES PUPPIES IRAN INDIA EGYPT CHINA JAPAN AFRICA EUROPE EUROPE KUWAIT TAIWAN VIETNAM COUNTRY COUNTRY LEBANON PAKISTAN THAILAND MALAYSIA SRI LANKA AUSTRALIA INDONESIA MONGOLIA SINGAPORE PHILIPPINES HONG KONG MIDDLE EAST MIDDLE EAST TOTAL AFRICA TOTAL TOTAL WORLD TOTAL TOTAL WORLD TOTAL SOUTH AFRICA NEW ZEALAND ASIA AND PACIFIC REPUBLIC OF KOREA TOTAL ASIA AND PACIFIC TOTAL THE AMERICAS AND CARIBBEAN THE AMERICAS AND CARIBBEAN N.B.: The data have been collected from the national canine organisations member of FCI. N.B.: N.B.: The data have been collected from the national canine organisations member of FCI. Blank cells in table mean either no answer organisation FCI, or not available. N.B.:

2017 Annual report 60 Chapter X 2018 events

2018 events FCI Dog Shows Calendar (as of 01/06/2018)

Please check the updated version of this list at

EUROPE Gent, 17 Feb Shkorpilovtzi, 15 Jun ALGERIA Gent, 18 Feb Shkorpilovtzi, 16 Jun Antwerpen, 21-22 Apr Shkorpilovtzi, 17 Jun Genk, 30 Jun-1 Jul Shkorpilovtzi (Varna), 11 Jul ARMENIA Liège, 21 Jul Shkorpilovtzi (Varna), 12 Jul Yerevan, 29 May Liège, 22 Jul Shkorpilovtzi (Varna), 13 Jul Yerevan, 30 May Mechelen, 25-26 Aug Shkorpilovtzi (Varna), 14 Jul Yerevan, 25 Sep Charleroi, 6-7 Oct Shkorpilovtzi (Varna), 15 Jul Yerevan, 26 Sep Leuven, 27-28 Oct Shkorpilovtzi, 21 Aug Kortrijk, 17 Nov Shkorpilovtzi, 22 Aug AUSTRIA Kortrijk, 18 Nov Shkorpilovtzi, 23 Aug Graz, 3-4 Mar Bruxelles, 8 Dec Shkorpilovtzi, 24 Aug Salzburg, 7-8 Apr Bruxelles, 9 Dec Shkorpilovtzi, 25 Aug Wieselburg, 12-13 May Asenovgrad, 12 Sep Klagenfurt, 9 Jun BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Asenovgrad, 13 Sep Klagenfurt, 10 Jun Banja Luka, 11 Mar Asenovgrad, 14 Sep Oberwart, 14-15 Jul Medugorje, 3 May Asenovgrad, 15 Sep Innsbruck, 18 Aug Medugorje, 4 May Asenovgrad, 16 Sep Innsbruck, 19 Aug Vitez, 20 May Bansko, 7 Sep Tulln, 29 Sep Novi Grad, 10 Jun Bansko, 8 Sep Tulln, 30 Sep Sarajevo, 14-15 Jul Bansko, 9 Sep Wels, 8 Dec Bihac, 25 Aug Asenovgrad, 17 Oct Wels, 9 Dec Grude, 31 Aug Asenovgrad, 18 Oct Posusje, 1 Sep Asenovgrad, 19 Oct AZERBAIJAN Gradiska, 2 Sep Asenovgrad, 20 Oct Baku, 16 Mar Tuzla, 6 Oct Asenovgrad, 21 Oct Baku, 17 Mar Gradacac, 7 Oct Sofia, 16 Nov Baku, 18 Mar Sofia, 17 Nov Baku, 24 May BULGARIA Sofia, 18 Nov Sofia, 14 Dec Baku, 25 May Plovdiv, 19 Jan Sofia, 15 Dec Baku, 26 May Plovdiv, 20 Jan Sofia, 16 Dec Baku, 27 May Plovdiv, 21 Jan Baku, 29 Sep Plovdiv, 16 Feb CROATIA Baku, 30 Sep Plovdiv, 17 Feb Baku, 16 Nov Plovdiv, 18 Feb Rijeka, 24 Feb Baku, 17 Nov Sofia (BW), 17 Mar Rijeka, 25 Feb Baku, 18 Nov Sofia (BW), 18 Mar Dubrovnik, 25 Apr Sofia (BW), 19 Mar Dubrovnik, 26 Apr BELARUS Sofia (BW), 20 Mar Zadar, 28 Apr Minsk, 24 Feb Asenovgrad, 23 Apr Zadar, 29 Apr Minsk, 25 Feb Asenovgrad, 24 Apr Zadar, 30 Apr Minsk, 2 Jun Asenovgrad, 25 Apr Zadar, 1 May Minsk, 3 Jun Asenovgrad, 26 Apr Varazdin, 26 May Minsk, 8 Sep Asenovgrad, 27 Apr Varazdin, 27 May Minsk, 9 Sep Dobrich, 17 May Umag, 2 Jun Minsk, 24 Nov Dobrich, 18 May Umag, 3 Jun Minsk, 25 Nov Dobrich, 19 May Split, 27 Jul Dobrich, 20 May Split, 29 Jul BELGIUM Shkorpilovtzi, 12 Jun Karlovac, 8 Sep Karlovac, 9 Sep Weelde, 6-7 Jan Shkorpilovtzi, 13 Jun Osijek, 15 Sep Mouscron, 27-28 Jan Shkorpilovtzi, 14 Jun

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter X 2018 events 61

Osijek, 16 Sep Kokkola, 21-22 Jul Lingen, 28-29 Apr Zagreb, 24 Nov Kemi, 21-22 Jul Dortmund, 11-13 May Zagreb, 25 Nov Pori, 28-29 Jul Dortmund Europasieger, 11-13 May Mikkeli, 28-29 Jul Neumunster, 2-3 Jun CYPRUS Kuopio, 5 Aug Erfurt, 17 Jun Lemesos, 3 Mar Eckero, 29-30 Sep Hannover, 30 Jun Lemesos, 4 Mar Seinajoki, 27-28 Oct Hannover, 1 Jul Lemesos, 26 May Jyvaskyla, 11 Nov Ludwigshafen, 7-8 Jul Lemesos, 27 May Helsinki, 16 Dec Giessen, 4-5 Aug Lefkosia, 6 Oct Leipzig, 25 Aug Lefkosia, 7 Oct FRANCE Leipzig, 26 Aug Paris le Bourget, 7 Jan Bremen, 1 Sep CZECH REPUBLIC Bordeaux, 14 Jan Rostock, 6-7 Oct Karlsruhe, 10-11 Nov Brno, 3 Feb Perpignan, 28 Jan Dortmund, 16-18 Nov Brno, 4 Feb Troyes, 3-4 Feb Dortmund Bundessieger, 16-18 Nov Ceske Budejovice, 21-22 Apr Toulouse, 24-25 Feb Kassel, 9 Dec Praha, 5-6 May Perigueux, 10-11 Mar Litomerice, 19-20 May Montluçon, 18 Mar GIBRALTAR (BRITISH OVERSEAS Brno, 23-24 Jun Angers, 25 Mar TERRITORY) Mlada Boleslav, 25-26 Aug Limoges, 7-8 Apr Ceske Budejovice, 6-7 Oct Mulhouse, 14-15 Apr Gibraltar, 6 Oct Praha, 2 Dec Lyon, 28-29 Apr Gibraltar, 7 Oct Amiens, 28-29 Apr DENMARK Martigues, 7-8 May GREECE Rennes, 13 May Fredericia, 10-11 Feb Lamia, 20 Jan Marmande, 19 May Roskilde, 12 May Lamia, 21 Jan Marmande, 20 May Roskilde, 13 May Athens, 5 May Paris, 3-4 Jun Vejen, 16 Jun Athens, 6 May Ajaccio, 9-10 Jun Vejen, 17 Jun Thessaloniki, 2 Jun Lamothe-Beuvron, 16-17 Jun Bornholm, 18 Aug Thessaloniki, 3 Jun Ales, 7 Jul Bornholm, 19 Aug Athens, 22 Jun Ales, 8 Jul Copenhagen, 22-23 Sep Athens, 23 Jun Calais, 13-14-15 Jul Herning, 3 Nov Athens, 24 Jun Macon, 1 Sep Herning, 4 Nov Ermoupoli Syros Island, 30 Jun Compiegne, 15-16 Sep Ermoupoli Syros Island, 1 Jul Villepinte, 29-30 Sep ESTONIA Beach, Fthiotida, 14 Jul Douai, 6-7 Oct Raches Beach, Fthiotida, 15 Jul Tallinn, 10-11 Feb Poitiers, 20-21 Oct Katerini, Pieria, 21 Jul Narva, 17-18 Mar St Etienne, 27-28 Oct Katerini, Pieria, 22 Jul Tallinn, 14-15 Apr Metz, 4 Nov Thessaloniki, 15 Sep Harju mk, 2-3 Jun Tarbes, 18 Nov Thessaloniki, 16 Sep Pärnu, 7 Jul Marseille, 25-26 Nov Athens, 19 Oct Pärnu, 8 Jul Rouen, 1-2 Dec Athens, 20 Oct Harju mk, 18-19 Aug Nantes, 16-17 Dec Athens, 21 Oct Tallinn, 22 Sep Athens, 17 Nov Tartu, 3 Nov GEORGIA Tartu, 4 Nov Tbilisi, 24 Mar HUNGARY Tbilisi, 25 Mar FINLAND Budapest, 15 Feb Batumi, 1 Jun Budapest, 16 Feb Kajaari, 13-14 Jan Batumi, 2 Jun Budapest, 17 Feb Turku, 20-21 Jan Batumi, 3 Jun Budapest, 18 Feb Lahti, 24-25 Mar Tevali, 22 Sep Pecs, 17 Mar Lappeenranta, 1-2 Apr Tevali, 23 Sep Pecs, 18 Mar Vaasa, 14-15 Apr Debrecen, 14 Apr Tampere, 6 May GERMANY Debrecen, 15 Apr Helsinki, 19-20 May Nürnberg, 13-14 Jan Szilvásvárad, 19 May Joensuu, 26 May Offenburg, 10-11 Mar Szilvásvárad, 20 May Oulu, 7-8 Jul Chemnitz, 7-8 Apr Szilvásvárad, 21 May

2017 Annual report 62 Chapter X 2018 events

Budapest, 23 Jun Livorno, 14 Apr Erba, 8-9 Dec Budapest, 24 Jun Campobasso, 15 Apr Verona, 15-16 Dec Szombathely, 14-15 Jul L’Aquila, 21 Apr Debrecen, 21 Jul Marsala, 22 Apr KAZAKHSTAN Kecskemet, 22 Sep Ravenna, 25 Apr Almaty, 14 Apr Kecskemet, 23 Sep Casale Monferrato, 28 Apr Almaty, 15 Apr Békéscsaba, 6 Oct Casale Monferrato, 29 Apr Astana, 27 May Békéscsaba, 7 Oct Martina Franca, 30 Apr Ust-Kamenogorsk, 10 Jun Komárom, 19 Oct Martina Franca, 1 May Kapchagay, 22 Jun Komárom, 20 Oct Ercolano, 5 May Kapchagay, 23 Jun Komárom, 21 Oct Ercolano, 6 May Kapchagay, 24 Jun Budapest, 2 Dec Rieti, 12 May Karaganda, 23 Sep Ferrara, 13 May Almaty, 20 Oct ICELAND Palermo, 19 May Almaty, 21 Oct Reykjavik, 3-4 Mar Firenze, 20 May Reykjavik, 10 Jun Rende, 26 May KIRGHIZISTAN Rende, 27 May Reykjavík, 26 Aug Bishkek, 7 Apr Viterbo, 2 Jun Bishkek, 8 Apr Viterbo, 3 Jun IRELAND Bishkek, 6 Oct Prato, 10 Jun Dublin, 17 Mar Bishkek, 7 Oct Rho, 15 Jun Dublin, 18 Mar Rho, 16-17 Jun Dublin, 31 Mar KOSOVO Porano, 23 Jun Clonmel, 5 May Porano, 24 Jun Peja, 2 May Dublin, 6 Oct Torino, 30 Jun Peja, 3 May Dublin, 7 Oct Torino, 1 Jul Peja, 2 Aug Fermo, 15 Jul Peja, 3 Aug ISRAEL Mondovi, 22 Jul Gjilani, 4 Sep Savion, 27-28 Jan Modica, 29 Jul Gjilani, 5 Sep Kanot, 28 Apr Chiaravalle, 3 Aug Arad, 20 Oct Chiaravalle, 4 Aug LATVIA Chiaravalle, 5 Aug Riga, 17 Mar ITALY Gradisca d’Isonzo, 13 Aug Riga, 18 Mar Modena, 5 Jan Gradisca d’Isonzo, 14 Aug Riga, 9-10 Jun Modena, 6 Jan Scanno, 19 Aug Riga, 10-11 Nov Massa, 7 Jan Rapallo, 26 Aug Padova, 13 Jan Treviso, 1-2 Sep LITHUANIA Padova, 14 Jan Santa Giusta 9 Sep Kaunas, 27 Jan Rho, 19-20 Jan Frosinone, 15 Sep Kaunas, 28 Jan Bari, 21 Jan Roma, 16 Sep Vilnius, 2 Mar Cesena, 26 Jan Mapello, 22 Sep Vilnius, 3 Mar Cesena, 27 Jan Mapello, 23 Sep Vilnius, 4 Mar Cesena, 27 Jan Chieti, 29 Sep Moletai, 26 May Caresanablot, 3 Feb Chieti, 30 Sep Moletai, 27 May Biella, 4 Feb Bastia Umbra, 6-7 Oct Druskininkai, 3 Aug Arezzo, 10 Feb Messina, 27 Oct Druskininkai, 4 Aug Arezzo, 11 Feb Messina, 28 Oct Druskininkai, 5 Aug Riva Del Garda, 24 Feb Busto Arsizio, 2 Nov Vilnius, 21 Dec Cagliari, 25 Feb Busto Arsizio, 3 Nov Vilnius, 22 Dec Rapallo, 4 Mar Busto Arsizio, 4 Nov Vilnius, 23 Dec Gonzaga, 10-11 Mar Foggia, 10 Nov Reggio Emilia, 16 Mar Gravina in Puglia, 11 Nov LUXEMBOURG Reggio Emilia, 17 Mar Genova, 17 Nov Luxembourg, 7-8 Apr Reggio Emilia, 18 Mar Sanremo, 18 Nov Luxembourg, 1-2 Sep Catanzaro, 25 Mar Roma, 24 Nov Sassari, 31 Mar-1 Apr Roma, 25 Nov MACEDONIA Montichiari, 7 Apr Teramo, 1 Dec Montichiari, 8 Apr Poggibonsi, 2 Dec Skopje, 24 Feb Skopje, 25 Feb

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter X 2018 events 63

Bitola, 31 Mar Bar, 6 May Zielona Gora, 2-3-4 Mar Bitola, 1 Apr Bijelo Polje, 2 Jun Warszawa, 7-8 Apr Prilep, 14 Apr Pljevlja, 3 Jun Opole, 28-29 Apr Prilep, 15 Apr Danilovgrad, 30 Jun Lodz, 12-13 May Skopje, 28 Apr Danilovgrad, 1 Jul Rzeszow, 26-27 May Skopje, 29 Apr Cetinje, 31 Jul Leszno, 2-3 Jun Skopje, 30 Apr Cetinje, 1 Aug Krakow, 16-17 Jun Gevgelija, 12 May Golubovci, 2 Sep Szczecin, 30 Jun-1 Jul Gevgelija, 13 May Golubovci, 3 Sep Gorgow Wielkopolski, 14-15 Jul Skopje, 9 Jun Nikšić, 29 Sep Czestochowa/Konopiska, 21-22 Jul Skopje, 10 Jun Nikšić, 30 Sep Zakopane, 28-29 Jul Mavrovo, 20 Jul Podgorica, 27 Oct Sopot, 4 Aug Mavrovo, 21 Jul Podgorica, 28 Oct Sopot, 5 Aug Skopje, 4 Aug Canj, 24 Nov Bialystok, 18-19 Aug Skopje, 5 Aug Kotor, 25 Nov Koszalin, 8-9 Sep Ohrid, 25 Aug Wroclaw, 29-30 Sep Ohrid, 26 Aug MOROCCO Nadarzyn (Warsaw) Ohrid, 27 Aug (European Section Show) Ohrid, 28 Aug NETHERLANDS 11-14 Oct Skopje, 23 Oct Kielce, 10 Nov Eindhoven, 2-3-4 Feb Skopje, 24 Oct Poznan, 17 Nov Groningen, 3 Mar Skopje, 25 Oct Poznan, 18 Nov Groningen, 4 Mar Skopje, 8 Dec Lublin, 15-16 Dec Leiden, 17-18 Mar Skopje, 9 Dec Goes, 31 Mar PORTUGAL Goes, 1 Apr MALTA Utrecht, 14-15 Apr Porto (Norte), 13 Jan Mosta, 9 Jun Venray, 20-21 May Porto (Norte), 14 Jan Mosta, 10 Jun Tilburg, 9-10 Jun Santarem, 18 Mar Zwolle, 23 Jun Ponte De Lima, 15 Apr MOLDAVIA Zwolle, 24 Jun Elvas, 12 May Chisinau, 2 Feb Den Bosch, 4 Aug Montijo, 3 Jun Chisinau, 3 Feb Den Bosch, 5 Aug Lisboa, 13 Jul Chisinau, 4 Feb Amsterdam Lisboa, 14 Jul Chisinau, 9 Mar (World Dog Show) Sintra, 29 Jul Chisinau, 10 Mar 9-12 Aug Torres Vedras, 25 Aug Chisinau, 11 Mar Rotterdam, 8 Sep Torres Vedras, 26 Aug Chisinau, 20 Apr Rotterdam, 9 Sep Aveiro, 30 Sep Chisinau, 21 Apr Maastricht, 29 Sep Braga, 11 Nov Chisinau, 22 Apr Maastricht, 30 Sep Ribeira Grande Tiraspol, 8 Jun Bleiswijk, 3 Nov (Azores), 18 Nov Tiraspol, 9 Jun Bleiswijk, 4 Nov Santarem, 2 Dec Tiraspol, 10 Jun Amsterdam, 14 Dec Tiraspol, 17 Aug Amsterdam, 15-16 Dec ROMANIA Tiraspol, 18 Aug Venray, 22-23 Dec Cluj Napoca, 10 Feb Tiraspol, 19 Aug Cluj Napoca, 11 Feb Chisinau, 28 Sep NORWAY Bistrita, 24 Mar Chisinau, 29 Sep Kristiansand, 17-18 Mar Bistrita, 25 Mar Chisinau, 30 Sep Tromso, 17 Jun Satu Mare, 21 Apr Chisinau, 21 Dec Trondheim, 30 Jun-1 Jul Satu Mare, 22 Apr Chisinau, 22 Dec Bodo, 4-5 Aug Suceava, 29 Apr Chisinau, 23 Dec Lillehammer, 18-19 Aug Timisoara, 5 May Rogaland, 15-16 Sep Timisoara, 6 May MONACO Lillestrom, 17-18 Nov Sibiu, 26 May Monaco, 5-6 May Sibiu, 27 May POLAND Bucharest, 9 Jun Bucharest, 10 Jun MONTENEGRO Legnica, 20-21 Jan Ploiesti, 7 Jul Herceg Novi, 4 Feb Bydgoszcz, 3-4 Feb Ploiesti, 8 Jul Bar, 5 May Katowice, 10-11 Feb

2017 Annual report 64 Chapter X 2018 events

Alba Iulia, 28 Jul San Marino, 7 Dec Celje, 17 Feb Alba Iulia, 29 Jul San Marino, 8-9 Dec Celje, 18 Feb Targu Mures, 15 Sep Maribor, 21 Apr Targu Mures, 16 Sep SERBIA Pohorje, 22 Apr Arad, 29 Sep Belgrade, 4 Mar Bled, 16 Jun Arad, 30 Sep Bogatic, 24 Mar Bled, 17 Jun Turda, 20 Oct Vrsac, 25 Mar Rogla, 30 Jun Turda, 21 Oct Jagodina, 7 Apr Rogla, 1 Jul Oradea, 27 Oct Zajecar, 8 Apr Lendava, 15 Sep Oradea, 28 Oct Odzaci, 14 Apr Lendava, 16 Sep Kragujevac, 15 Apr Lipica, 6 Oct RUSSIA Natalinci, 22 Apr Lipica, 7 Oct Perm, 27-28 Jan Kraljevo, 28 Apr Vrtojba Sempeter, 10 Nov St. Petersburg, 24-25 Feb Stara Pazova, 29 Apr Vrtojba Sempeter, 11 Nov Belgorod, 31 Mar-1 Apr Vranje, 1 May St. Petersburg, 7 Apr Ruma, 6 May SPAIN St. Petersburg, 8 Apr Topola, 13 May Vigo (Pontevedra), 21 Jan Ekaterinburg, 14-15 Apr Ada, 26 May Martorell (Barcelona), 21 Jan Krasnodar, 29 Apr Subotica, 27 May Zaragoza, 4 Feb Moscow, 5 May Nis, 3 Jun Granada, 18 Feb Moscow, 6 May Sabac, 10 Jun Valladolid, 25 Feb Samara, 12-13 May Becej, 17 Jun Sevilla, 4 Mar Stavropol, 20 May Irig, 8 Jul Gerona, 17-18 Mar Omsk, 19-20 May Raca, 14 Jul Aviles (Asturias), 8 Apr Vladivostok, 27 May Sokobanja, 28 Jul Irun (Guipuzcoa), 22 Apr Irkutsk, 2 Jun Smederevo, 18 Aug Madrid, 27-28 Apr Novorossiysk, 12 Jun Obrenovac, 2 Sep Tenerife, 13 May Smolensk, 16-17 Jun Pozarevac, 16 Sep Badajoz, 13 May Tjumen, 14-15 Jul Leskovac, 23 Sep Torre Pacheco (Murcia), St. Petersburg, 21-22 Jul Gorni Milanovac, 29 Sep 20 May Kazan, 28-29 Jul Backa Topola, 30 Sep Sonseca (Toledo), 10 Jun Kaliningrad, 28-29 Jul Krusevac, 7 Oct Castellon, 17 Jun Kursk, 29 Jul Novi Sad, 20 Oct Medina de Pomar (Burgos), 24 Jun Pskov, 4-5 Aug Belgrade, 18 Nov Cantabria, 1 Jul Chelyabinsk, 18-19 Aug Portugalete (Vizcaya), 8 Jul Ulan-Ude, 25 Aug SLOVAKIA Bilbao (Vizcaya), 9 Sep Velikiy Novgorod, 25-26 Aug Nitra, 10 Feb Leon, 23 Sep Rostov-On-Don, 26 Aug Nitra, 11 Feb Talavera de la Khabarovsk, 8-9 Sep Nitra, 7 Apr Reina (Toledo), 6-7 Oct Krasnodar, 16 Sep Nitra, 8 Apr Palma de Mallorca, 21 Oct Sochi, 23 Sep Lucenec, 12 May Valls (Tarragona), 27-28 Oct Vladivostok, 30 Sep Lucenec, 13 May Vigo (Pontevedra), 28 Oct Voronezh, 7 Oct Nitra, 8 Jun Jerez de la Frontera (Cadix), 4 Nov Nizhniy Novgorod, 20 Oct Nitra, 9 Jun Pamplona, 11 Nov Nizhniy Novgorod, 21 Oct Nitra, 10 Jun Malaga, 25 Nov Moscow, 3 Nov Velka Ida, 7 Jul Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1-2 Dec Moscow, 4 Nov Velka Ida, 8 Jul Alicante, 2 Dec Ekaterinburg, 17-18 Nov Bratislava, 18 Aug Valencia, 16 Dec Novosibirsk, 25 Nov Bratislava, 19 Aug St. Petersburg, 15 Dec Bratislava, 26 Oct SWEDEN St. Petersburg, 16 Dec Bratislava, 27 Oct Goteborg, 5-6 Jan Bratislava, 28 Oct Malmö, 31 Mar-1 Apr SAN MARINO Nitra, 8 Dec Pitea, 14-15 Jul San Marino, 4 Mar Nitra, 9 Dec Marsta, 4-5 Aug San Marino, 24-25 May Visby, 26 Aug San Marino, 26-27 May SLOVENIA Sundsvall, 6-7 Oct San Marino, 8-9 Sep Celje (Slovenia Winner Show), 6 Jan Vaxjo, 2 Nov Celje (Slovenia Winner Show), 7 Jan

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter X 2018 events 65

SWITZERLAND Kyiv, 29 Apr Dnipropetrovsk, 15 Sep Aarau, 23 Jun Mariupol, 5 May Dnipropetrovsk, 16 Sep Aarau, 24 Jun Mykolayiv, 5 May Vinnytsia, 23 Sep Kreuzlingen, 4-5 Aug Kharkiv, 6 May Zaporizhzhia, 29 Sep Genf, 9 Nov Lviv, 12 May Zaporizhzhia, 30 Sep Genf, 10 Nov Lviv, 13 May Lviv, 6 Oct Genf, 11 Nov Dnipropetrovsk, 13 May Lviv, 7 Oct Odesa, 19 May Kherson, 7 Oct TURKEY Odesa, 20 May Odesa, 20 Oct Kharkiv, 20 May Odesa, 21 Oct Istanbul, 21 Jul Dnipropetrovsk, 3 Jun Kharkiv, 4 Nov Istanbul, 22 Jul Ivano-Frankivsk, 9 Jun Kyiv, 8 Dec Izmir, 8 Sep Ternopil, 10 Jun Kyiv, 9 Dec Izmir, 9 Sep Sumy, 23 Jun Antalya, 6 Oct Sumy, 24 Jun UZBEKISTAN Antalya, 7 Oct Poltava, 30 Jun Tashkent, 14 Apr Poltava, 31 Jun UKRAINE Tashkent, 15 Apr Rivne, 8 Jul Tashkent, 29 Sep Zaporizhzhia, 18 Feb Kharkiv, 4 Aug Tashkent, 30 Sep Odesa, 24 Feb Chernivtsi, 4 Aug Odesa, 25 Feb Kyiv, 24 Aug Uzhgorod, 17 Mar Kyiv, 25 Aug Uzhgorod, 18 Mar Kyiv, 26 Aug Kyiv, 28 Apr


ARGENTINA Cochabamba, 19 Aug Cuiabá, 4-5 Aug Cordoba, 4 Mar Santa Cruz, 22 Sep Recife, 4-5 Aug Salta, 25 Mar La Paz, 21 Oct Porto Alegre, 11-12 Aug Buenos Aires, 6 Apr Uberlândia, 18-19 Aug Buenos Aires, 8 Apr BRAZIL Curitiba, 25-26 Aug Necochea, 22 Apr São Paulo, 24-25 Feb Distrito Federal, 25-26 Aug Rosario, 6 May São Paulo, 17-18 Mar Rio de Janeiro, 15-16 Sep Mendoza, 13 May Porto Alegre, 24-25 Mar Santana do Livramento, 15-16 Sep Santa Fe, 27 May Cuiabá, 7-8 Apr Londrina, 22-23 Sep San Luis, 10 Jun Rio de Janeiro, 14-15 Apr Niterói, 22-23 Sep Buenos Aires, 16 Jun Uberlândia, 21-22 Apr Florianopolis, 29 Sep Buenos Aires, 17 Jun Joinville, 22 Apr Espirito Santo, 29-30 Sep Corrientes, 1 Jul Niterói, 19-20 May Londrina, 13-14 Oct Cordoba, 8 Jul Ceará, 1 Jun João Pessoa, 20-21 Oct Escobar, 29 Jul Ceará, 2 Jun São Paulo, 20-21 Oct Tucuman, 5 Aug Ceará (The Americas and Caxias do Sul, 27-28 Oct Lomas de Zamora, 26 Aug the Caribbean Section Show) Minas Gerais, 27-28 Oct Jauregui, 9 Sep 3 Jun Salvador, 27-28 Oct Tandil, 15 Sep Juiz de Fora, 9-10 Jun Curitiba, 3-4 Nov Tandil, 16 Sep São Paulo, 22-24 Jun Belo Horizonte, 3-4 Nov Santa Fe, 23 Sep Minas Gerais, 16-17 Jun Sorocaba, 10 Nov Rosario, 7 Oct São Paulo, 30 Jun-1 Jul Rio de Janeiro, 10-11 Nov Neuquen, 28 Oct João Pessoa, 7-8 Jul Pará, 10-11 Nov Mar del Plata, 4 Nov Goiania, 7-8 Jul Pelotas, 11 Nov Villa Gesell, 18 Nov Sorocaba, 7-8 Jul Rio de Janeiro, 17-18 Nov Buenos Aires, 25 Nov Porto Alegre, 14-15 Jul Porto Alegre, 17-18 Nov Itajai, 21 Juil São Paulo, 24-25 Nov BOLIVIA Crato, 21-22 Jul Recife, 24-25 Nov Distrito Federal, 24-25 Nov Tarija, 1 Apr Niteroi, 21-22 Jul Ipatinga, 1 Dec Cochabamba, 18 Aug Rio de Janeiro, 28-29 Jul

2017 Annual report 66 Chapter X 2018 events

Cuiabá, 1-2 Dec Guayaquil, 22 Sep PANAMA Ceara, 1-2 Dec Guayaquil, 23 Sep Ciudad de Panama, 29 Apr Santa Maria, 1-2 Dec Cuenca, 10 Nov Ciudad de Panama, 13 Oct Natal/Pipa, 8-9 Dec Cuenca, 11 Nov São Bernardo do Campo, 8-9 Dec PARAGUAY Lauro de Freitas, 8-9 Dec EL SALVADOR Ciudad Del Este, 28 Apr Atibaia, 8-9 Dec San Salvador, 5 May Asunción, 24 Jun Uberlândia, 8-9 Dec San Salvador, 6 May Asunción, 10 Aug São Paulo, 14 Dec San Salvador, 24 Nov Asunción, 11 Aug São Paulo, 15 Dec San Salvador, 25 Nov Asunción, 12 Aug São Paulo, 16 Dec GUATEMALA PERU CHILE Guatemala, 27 Jan Lima, 13 Jan Santiago, 23 Jun Guatemala, 28 Jan Lima, 14 Jan Santiago, 19 Aug Guatemala, 12 May Lima, 3 Feb Santiago, 27 Oct Guatemala, 13 May Lima, 4 Feb Santiago, 28 Oct Guatemala, 17 Nov Lima, 3 Mar Guatemala, 18 Nov Lima, 4 Mar COLOMBIA Arequipa, 8 Apr Bogota, 16 Mar HONDURAS Lima, 5 May Bogota, 17 Mar Tegucigalpa, 24 Feb Lima, 6 May Bogota, 18 Mar Tegucigalpa, 25 Feb Lima, 9 Jun Bogota, 19 Mar Tegucigalpa, 28 Jul Lima, 10 Jun Tegucigalpa, 29 Jul Lima, 14 Jul COSTA RICA Tegucigalpa, 3 Nov Lima, 15 Jul San Jose, 26 May Tegucigalpa, 4 Nov Lima, 18 Aug San Jose, 27 May Lima, 19 Aug MEXICO Chiclayo, 16 Sep CUBA Guadalajara Jalisco, 24 Feb Lima, 27 Oct La Habana, 19 Apr Guadalajara Jalisco, 25 Feb Lima, 28 Oct La Habana, 20 Apr Mexico DF, 17 Mar Lima, 17 Nov La Habana, 21 Apr Mexico DF, 18 Mar Lima, 18 Nov La Habana, 22 Apr Tijuana Mexico, 12 Apr La Habana, 15 Nov Tijuana Mexico, 13 Apr PUERTO RICO La Habana, 16 Nov Tijuana Mexico, 14 Apr San Juan, 18 May La Habana, 17 Nov Tijuana Mexico, 15 Apr San Juan, 19 May La Habana, 18 Nov Mexico DF, 13 May San Juan, 15 Nov Mexico DF, 22 Jul San Juan, 16 Nov DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Mexico DF, 19 Aug San Juan, 17 Nov Santo Domingo, 23 Nov Mexico DF, 20 Sep San Juan, 18 Nov Santo Domingo, 24 Nov Mexico DF, 21 Sep Santo Domingo, 25 Nov Mexico DF, 22 Sep URUGUAY Mexico DF, 23 Sep Punta del Este, 18 Feb ECUADOR Mexico DF, 3 Nov Montevideo, 13 Oct Mexico DF, 4 Nov Quito, 17 Feb Montevideo, 14 Oct Mexico DF, 6 Dec Quito, 18 Feb Mexico DF, 7 Dec Santo Domingo, 10 Mar VENEZUELA Mexico DF, 8 Dec Santo Domingo, 11 Mar Mexico DF, 9 Dec Riobamba, 7 Apr Riobamba, 8 Apr NICARAGUA Quito, 28 Apr Quito, 29 Apr Managua, 3 Mar Guayaquil, 19 May Managua, 4 Mar Guayaquil, 20 May Granada, 27 Oct Quito, 7 Jul Granada, 28 Oct Quito, 8 Jul Quito, 4-5 Aug

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter X 2018 events 67

ASIA AND THE PACIFIC AUSTRALIA Chongqing, 1 Jun Chengdu, 21 Dec Adelaide, 1 Jun Chongqing, 2 Jun Chengdu, 22 Dec Perth, 13-14 Jul Chongqing, 3 Jun Chengdu, 23 Dec Sydney, 31 Aug Chongqing, 4 Jun Hangzhou, 29 Dec Hobart, 28 Oct Nanjing, 15 Jun Hangzhou, 30 Dec Nanjing, 16 Jun Hangzhou, 31 Dec CHINA Nanjing, 17 Jun (+Hangzhou, 1 Jan 2019) Changchun, 29 Jun (+Shaoxing, 31 Dec 2017) Changchun, 30 Jun INDIA Shaoxing, 1 Jan Changchun, 1 Jul Shaoxing, 2 Jan Ootacamund, 5 May Dali, 20 Jul Shaoxing, 3 Jan Ootacamund, 6 May Dali, 21 Jul Shenzhen, 5 Jan Hyderabad, 29 Dec Dali, 22 Jul Shenzhen, 6 Jan Hyderabad, 30 Dec Guiyang, 24 Aug Shenzhen, 7 Jan Guiyang, 25 Aug Shenzhen, 2 Feb INDONESIA Guiyang, 26 Aug Shenzhen, 3 Feb Jakarta City, 21 Jul Langfang, 31 Aug Shenzhen, 4 Feb Jakarta City, 22 Jul Langfang, 1 Sep Weifang, 2 Mar Bandung City, 25 Aug Langfang, 2 Sep Weifang, 3 Mar Bandung City, 26 Aug Jinan, 7 Sep Weifang, 4 Mar Surabaya City, 9 Sep Jinan, 8 Sep Langfang, 9 Mar Jakarta City, 27 Oct Jinan, 9 Sep Langfang, 10 Mar Semarang City, 25 Nov Xi’an, 14 Sep Langfang, 11 Mar Xi’an, 15 Sep Nanning, 16 Mar IRAN Xi’an, 16 Sep Nanning, 17 Mar Dalian, 21 Sep Nanning, 18 Mar Dalian, 22 Sep JAPAN Hangzhou, 23 Mar Dalian, 23 Sep Kanagawa, 11 Feb Hangzhou, 24 Mar Beijing, 28 Sep Aichi, 4 Mar Hangzhou, 25 Mar Beijing, 29 Sep Gunma, 18 Mar Zhengzhou, 30 Mar Beijing, 30 Sep Tokyo, 31 Mar-1 Apr Zhengzhou, 31 Mar Hangzhou, 5 Oct Tokushima, 15 Apr Zhengzhou, 1 Apr Hangzhou, 6 Oct Shiga, 13 May Shanghai, 6 Apr Hangzhou, 7 Oct Yamagata, 27 May Shanghai, 7 Apr Hangzhou, 12 Oct Niigata, 10 Jun Shanghai, 8 Apr Hangzhou, 13 Oct Chiba, 24 Jun Benxi, 19 Apr Hangzhou, 14 Oct Hokkaido, 8 Jul Benxi, 20 Apr Langfang, 18 Oct Saitama, 22 Jul Benxi, 21 Apr Langfang, 19 Oct Okayama, 21 Oct Benxi, 22 Apr Langfang, 20 Oct Fukuoka, 25 Nov Xi’an, 27 Apr Langfang, 21 Oct Osaka, 2 Dec Xi’an, 28 Apr Wuhan, 26 Oct Tokyo, 16 Dec Xi’an, 29 Apr Wuhan, 27 Oct Shenzhen, 1 May Wuhan, 28 Oct KUWAIT Shenzhen, 2 May Hefei, 2 Nov Shenzhen, 3 May Kuwait, 8 Dec Hefei, 3 Nov Changchun, 11 May Hefei, 4 Nov Changchun, 12 May LEBANON Zhongshan, 22 Nov Changchun, 13 May Beirut, 13 Oct Zhongshan, 23 Nov Qiqihar, 16 May Beirut, 14 Oct Zhongshan, 24 Nov Qiqihar, 17 May Zhongshan, 25 Nov Qiqihar, 18 May MALAYSIA Wenzhou, 7 Dec Jinan, 25 May Wenzhou, 8 Dec Kuala Lumpur, 13 Apr Jinan, 26 May Wenzhou, 9 Dec Kuala Lumpur Jinan, 27 May Changsha, 14 Dec (Asia and the Pacific Section Show) Harbin, 28 May Changsha, 15 Dec 14 Apr Harbin, 29 May Changsha, 16 Dec Kuala Lumpur, 15 Apr Harbin, 30 May

2017 Annual report 68 Chapter X 2018 events

Gunsan, 8 Apr Taipei, 22 Jul MONGOLIA Daegu, 19 May Tainan, 19 Aug Daegu, 20 May Tainan, 9 Sep NEW ZEALAND Seoul, 23 Jun Taipei, 23 Sep Seoul, 24 Jun Taichung, 7 Oct Daejeon, 14 Jul Taipei, 20 Oct PAKISTAN Daejeon, 15 Jul Taipei, 21 Oct Islamabad, 18 Feb Seoul, 24 Aug Taichung, 17-18 Nov Lahore, 25 Feb Seoul, 25 Aug Chiayi, 2 Dec Seoul, 26 Aug Miaoli, 16 Dec PHILIPPINES Gangwon-do, 15 Sep Quezon, 18 Jan Gangwon-do, 16 Sep THAILAND Quezon, 19 Jan Daegu, 13 Oct Bangkok, 26 Jan Quezon, 20 Jan Daegu, 14 Oct Bangkok, 27 Jan Quezon, 21 Jan Iksan, 3 Nov Bangkok, 28 Jan Marikina, 16 Mar Iksan, 4 Nov Bangkok, 24 Feb Marikina, 17 Mar Gyeonggi-do, 17 Nov Bangkok, 25 Feb Marikina, 18 Mar Gyeonggi-do, 18 Nov Bangkok, 24 Mar Marikina, 26 May Seoul, 7 Dec Bangkok, 25 Mar Marikina, 27 May Seoul, 8 Dec Bangkok, 7 Apr Marikina, 16 Jun Seoul, 9 Dec Bangkok, 8 Apr Marikina, 17 Jun Bangkok, 12 May Marikina, 21 Jul SINGAPORE Bangkok, 13 May Marikina, 22 Jul Singapore, 27-28 Jan Bangkok, 9 Jun Marikina, 18 Aug Singapore, 8 Apr Bangkok, 10 Jun Marikina, 19 Aug Bangkok, 5 Jul Marikina, 15 Sep SRI LANKA Bangkok, 6 Jul Marikina, 16 Sep Bangkok, 7 Jul Marikina, 20 Oct TAIWAN Bangkok, 8 Jul Marikina, 21 Oct Bangkok, 25 Aug Taipei, 13 Jan Marikina, 17 Nov Bangkok, 26 Aug Taipei, 14 Jan Marikina, 18 Nov Bangkok, 27 Oct Tainan, 4 Feb Bangkok, 28 Oct REP. OF KOREA Hsinchu, 4 Mar Taichung, 18 Mar Anseong, 3 Feb VIETNAM Taipei, 28 Apr Anseong, 4 Feb Taipei, 29 Apr Ha Noi, 15 Dec Daejeon, 24 Mar Taichung, 20 May Ha Noi, 16 Dec Daejeon, 25 Mar Tainan, 24 Jun Gunsan, 7 Apr


EGYPT BAHRAIN Cairo, 17 Mar Hamala, 23 Mar Alexandria, 8 Sep Zallaq, 23 Nov Cairo, 1 Dec

SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg, Gauteng, 18 May Bloemfontein, Free State, 31 May Johannesburg, Gauteng, 24 Aug Johannesburg, Gauteng, 11 Oct

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter X 2018 events 69

FCI SECTION SHOWS CALENDAR Asia and the Pacific Section Show 14 April, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) The Americas and the Caribbean Section Show 1-3 June, Ceará (Brazil) European Section Show 9-12 August, Amsterdam (The Netherlands) World Dog Show 11-14 October, Warsaw-Nadarzyn (Poland)

FCI CHAMPIONSHIPS CALENDAR British Pointers - European Cup 29-30 March, Arleux en Gohelle (France) Continental Pointers – European Cup 30-31 March, Châlons en Champagne (France) Tracking Dogs - World Championship 12-15 April, Vranov (Slovaquia) Obedience – World Championship 21-24 June, Ermelo (The Netherlands) Coursing - European Championship 22-24 June, Norresundby (Denmark) Flyball – World Championship 18-19 August, Dunkerque (France) Rescue Dog Teams - World Championship 23-26 August, Zatec (Czech Republic) Earth Dogs – European Cup 24-26 August, Kleve (Germany) Races - World Championship 31 August - 2 September, Awans (Belgium) Utility - World Championship 12-16 September, Lignano Sabbiadoro (Italy) Mondioring - World Championship 3-7 October, Moscow (Russia) Agility – World Championship 4-7 October, Kristianstad (Sweden) Retrievers - European Cup 13-14 October, Copenhagen (Denmark)

MEETINGS OF THE FCI GENERAL COMMITTEE 28 February – 1 March Seville, Spain 22-23 May Budapest, Hungary 6-7 November Thuin, Belgium

MEETINGS OF THE FCI COMMISSIONS Earth Dogs 4 February, Strasbourg (France) Agility 4-5 February, Stockholm (Sweden) Rescue 17 February, Zatec (Czech Republic) Show 24-25 February, Vilamoura (Portugal) Show Judges 24-25 February, Vilamoura (Portugal) Utility 10-11 March, Lignano (Italy) British Pointers 28 March, Noyelles Godault (France) Continental Pointers 29 March, Châlons en Champagne (France) Dog Dancing 29-31 March (virtual meeting) Standards 14-15 April, Sibiu (Romania) Scientific 14-15 April, Sibiu (Romania) Retrievers 25 May, Bologna (Italy) Breeding 2 June, Lucerne (Switzerland) Herding Dogs 15-18 June, Helsinki (Finland) Dog Dancing 1-2 July, Paris (France) Sledge Dogs 28-29 July, Tallinn (Estonia) Flyball 16 August, Gravelines (France) Rescue 26 August, Zatec (Czech Republic) Obedience 1-2 September, place to be determined (Finland) Utility 17 September, Lignano (Italy) Agility 8 October, place to be determined

2017 Annual report 70 Chapter XI List of members

List of members (as of 01/06/2018) Full members : 43 Associate members : 7 Europe Contract partners : 2

1. ALGERIA ( Contract partner ) 7. BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ( Associate member ) Association Cynologique Algérienne Kinološki Savez u Bosni i Hercegovini (KSuBiH) 27, Rue Du Vercors Air de France Ulica Vladimira Rolovica, 6b DZ 16341 ALGER BA 78000 BANJA LUKA Tel. 00 213 21 93 50 12 Tel. 00387 51 305 131 Fax. 00 213 21 93 50 12 Fax. 00387 51 305 131 [email protected] [email protected] 8. BULGARIA ( Full member ) 2. ARMENIA ( Associate member ) Bulgarian Republican Federation of Armenian Dog-Lovers’ Association 11, Plovdivsko pole str. 9 Tpagrichner str. entr.1, office 1 AM 0010 YEREVAN BG 1756 SOFIA Tel. 00 374 10 54 00 81 Tel. 00 359 2 996 44 62 Tel. 00 374 95 28 88 78 [email protected] [email protected] 9. CROATIA ( Full member ) 3. AUSTRIA ( Full member ) Hrvatski Kinoloski Savez Österreichischer Kynologenverband Ilica 61 Siegfried Marcus - Strasse 7 HR 10000 ZAGREB AT 2362 BIEDERMANNSDORF Tel. 00 385 1 48 46 125 Tel. 00 43 2236 710 667 Fax. 00 385 1 48 46 124 - 1 48 46 126 Fax. 00 43 2236 710 667 30 [email protected] [email protected] 10. CYPRUS ( Full member ) 4. AZERBAIJAN ( Full member ) Cyprus Kennel Club Kennel Union of the Republic of Azerbaijan 44 Vassiliou Voulgaroktonou 57/2 Nobel av. Flat 3-4 AZ 1025 BAKU CY 1010 NICOSIA Tel. 00 994 12 480 35 32 Tel. 00357 22677488 Tel. 00 994 12 480 35 92 Fax. 00357 22669407 Fax. 00 994 12 489 54 19 [email protected] [email protected] - [email protected] 11. CZECH REPUBLIC ( Full member ) 5. BELARUS ( Full member ) Ceskomoravská Kynologická Unie Belorussian Cynological Union (BCU) Maskova 3 P.O. Box 532 CZ 18253 PRAHA 8 BY 220050 MINSK Tel. 00 420 234 221 371 Tel. 00 375 17 306 31 64 Fax. 00 420 234 221 371 Fax. 00 375 17 306 05 95 [email protected] [email protected] 12. DENMARK ( Full member ) 6. BELGIUM ( Full member ) Dansk Kennel Klub Union Royale Cynologique Saint Hubert Parkvej 1 Avenue A. Giraud, 98 DK 2680 SOLRØD STRAND BE 1030 BRUXELLES Tel. 00 45 56 1881 00 Tel. 00 32 2 245 48 40 Fax. 00 45 56 1881 91 Fax. 00 32 2 245 87 90 [email protected] [email protected]

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter XI List of members 71

13. ESTONIA ( Full member ) 20. HUNGARY ( Full member ) Eesti Kennelliit Magyar Ebtenyésztok Országos Egyesületeinek Szövetsége Alajaama 8 Hofherr Albert u. 38-40 EE 11314 TALLINN HU 1194 BUDAPEST Tel. 00372 654 0130 Tel. 00 36 1 208 2307 Fax. 00 36 1 208 2306 [email protected] [email protected] 14. FINLAND ( Full member ) - Finska Kennelklubben 21. ICELAND ( Full member ) Kamreerintie 8 Hundareaktarfelag Islands - Icelandic Kennel Club FI 02770 ESPOO Sioumúla 15 Tel. 00 358 9 887 300 IS 108 REYKJAVIK Fax. 00 358 9 887 303 31 Tel. 00 354 588 52 55 Fax. 00 354 588 52 69 [email protected] [email protected] 15. FRANCE ( Full member ) Société Centrale Canine pour l’Amélioration des Races de 22. IRELAND ( Full member ) Chiens en France 155, avenue Jean Jaurès Fottrell House Unit 36 - Greenmount Office Park FR 93535 AUBERVILLIERS CEDEX (Harold’s Cross Bridge) Tel. 00 33 1 49 37 54 00 IE DUBLIN 6W Fax. 00 33 1 49 37 01 20 Tel. 00 353 1 453 3300 Tel. 00 353 1 453 2309 [email protected] Fax. 00 353 1 453 3237 16. GEORGIA ( Associate member ) [email protected] Fédération Cynologique de Géorgie 39 Pekini Ave. 23. ISRAEL ( Full member ) GE 0160 TBILISSI Israel Kennel Club Tel. 00 995 322 37 02 59 6, Hamasger Street Fax. 00 995 322 37 02 59 PO Box 162 IL 60251 OR YEHUDAH [email protected] Tel. 00 972 3 672 71 74 Fax. 00 972 3 672 71 73 17. GERMANY ( Full member ) Verband für das Deutsche Hundewesen [email protected] Postfach 10 41 54 DE 44 041 DORTMUND 24. ITALY ( Full member ) Tel. 00 49 231 56 50 00 Ente Nazionale della Cinofilia Italiana Fax. 00 49 231 59 24 40 Viale Corsica 20 IT 20137 MILANO [email protected] Tel. 00 39 02 700 20 31 Fax. 00 39 02 700 20 323 18. GIBRALTAR ( Full member ) Gibraltar Kennel Club [email protected] P.O. Box 493 19/23 Naval Hospital Road 25. KAZAKHSTAN ( Associate member ) GI GIBRALTAR Union of Cynologists of Kazakhstan Tel. 00 350 200 41791 Gagarin ave. 73 Fax. 00 350 200 40826 KZ 050 009 ALMATY Tel. 00 53 7 727 375 66 01 [email protected] Fax. 00 53 7 727 375 66 01 19. GREECE ( Full member ) [email protected] Kennel Club of Greece P.O. Box 51 957 26. KIRGHIZISTAN ( Associate member ) GR 145 65 AG. STEFANOS Union of Cynologists of Kyrgyz Republic Tel. 00 30 210 8145 165 Scherbakova st. 38/1 Fax. 00 30 210 8145 167 KG 720042 BISCHKEK Tel. 00 996 555 975 808 [email protected] Fax. 00 996 312 551 300 [email protected]

2017 Annual report 72 Chapter XI List of members

27. KOSOVO ( Contract partner ) 34. MONACO ( Full member ) Federata Kinologjike e Kosovës Société Canine de Monaco Bill Clinton 12/1 Avenue d’Ostende 12 - Palais des Congres KV 30000 PEJA MC 98000 MONTE CARLO Tel. Mobile: 00 377 44 258 554 Tel. 00 377 93 50 55 14 Tel. 00 381 433 077 Fax. 00 377 93 30 55 03 [email protected] [email protected] 35. MONTENEGRO ( Associate member ) 28. LATVIA ( Full member ) Kinoloski Savez Crne Gore (KSCG) Latvijas Kinologiska Federacija Zupci 64/A Elijas 21 ME 85000 BAR LV 1050 RIGA Tel. 00 382 30 323 306 Tel. 00 371 6 7614 819 Fax. 00 382 30 323 306 Fax. 00 371 6 7618 015 [email protected] [email protected] 36. MOROCCO ( Full member ) 29. LITHUANIA ( Full member ) Société Centrale Canine Marocaine Lietuvos Kinologu Draugija Résidence Auteuil Visoriu Street 8 158 Bd d’Anfa, Bureau 28, 7ème étage LT 08300 VILNIUS MA 20 050 CASABLANCA Tel. 00 370 5 279 68 81 Tel. 00 212 5 22 39 17 39 Tel. 00 212 5 22 36 68 47 [email protected] Fax. 00 212 5 22 39 13 67 30. LUXEMBOURG ( Full member ) [email protected] Fédération Cynologique Luxembourgeoise Boîte Postale 69 37. NORWAY ( Full member ) LU 4901 BASCHARAGE Norsk Kennel Klub Tel. 00 352 50 28 66 PO BOX 52 Holmlia Fax. 00 352 50 54 14 NO 1201 OSLO Tel. 00 47 21 600 900 [email protected] Fax. 00 47 21 600 901 31. MACEDONIA ( Full member ) [email protected] Kennel Association of Republic of Macedonia Kosta Shahov str. No. 6/1/1/1, 38. POLAND ( Full member ) P.O. Box 728 Zwiazek Kynologiczny w Polsce MK 1000 SKOPJE Al. Jerozolimskie 30 lok. 11 Tel. 00 389 23 085 860 PL 00 024 VARSOVIE Fax. 00 389 23 085 860 Tel. 00 48 228 26 05 74 Fax. 00 48 228 26 46 54 [email protected] [email protected] 32. MALTA ( Full member ) Malta Kennel Club 39. PORTUGAL ( Full member ) 54, rue D’Argens Clube Português de Canicultura MT MSIDA, MSD 05 MALTA Rua Frei Carlos 7 Tel. 00 356 21 34 35 24 PT 1600 095 LISBONNE Fax. 00 356 21 34 35 24 Tel. 00 351 21 799 47 90 Fax. 00 351 21 799 47 99 [email protected] [email protected] 33. MOLDAVIA ( Full member ) Uniunea Chinologica din Moldova (UChM) 40. ROMANIA ( Full member ) Str. Traian 1/1 of.1 Asociatia Chinologica Romana MD 2060 CHISINAU Bd Dinicu Golescu 37, Bl. 4, Entrance C, Floor 1, Ap. 70 Tel. 00 373 22 660777 RO 010867 BUCHAREST Fax. 00 373 22 562541 Tel. 00 40 21 314 3763 Fax. 00 40 21 316 1320 [email protected]; [email protected] [email protected]

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41. RUSSIA ( Full member ) 48. SWITZERLAND ( Full member ) Russian Kynological Federation Société Cynologique Suisse P.O Box 28 RKF Brunnmattstrasse 24 Gostinichnaja 9-4 CH-3007 BERN RU 127106 MOSCOW CH Postfach 3055 CH-3001 BERN Tel. 00 7 495 956 82 17 Tel. 00 41 31 306 62 62 Fax. 00 7 495 956 82 17 Fax. 00 41 31 306 62 60 [email protected]; [email protected] [email protected] 42. SAN MARINO ( Full member ) 49. THE NETHERLANDS ( Full member ) Kennel Club San Marino Raad van Beheer op Kynologisch Gebied in Nederland Strada Cardio, 58 Postbus 75901 SM 47899 SERRAVALLE NL 1070 AX AMSTERDAM Z Tel. 00 378 903 591 Tel. 31 20 664 44 71 Fax. 00 378 904 465 Fax. 31 20 671 08 46 [email protected] [email protected] 43. SERBIA ( Full member ) 50. TURKEY ( Full member ) KINOLOSKI SAVEZ REPUBLIKE SRBIJE (KSS) Köpek Irklari ve Kinoloji Federasyonu Bukovicka 1 Inönü Caddesi Sümer Sokak Sümko Sitesi No : L 4 Blok D: 1 RS 11000 BEOGRAD Kozyatagi/Kadiköy Tel. 00 381 11 393 38 88 TR 34737 ISTANBUL Fax. 00 381 11 247 25 51 Tel. 00 90 216 909 14 68 Tel. 00 90 216 909 14 77 [email protected] Fax. 00 90 216 969 68 75 44. SLOVAKIA ( Full member ) [email protected] Slovenska Kynologicka Jednota Furmanská 9 51. UKRAINE ( Full member ) SK 841 03 BRATISLAVA Ukrainian Kennel Union Tel. 00 421 2 52 49 22 98 Vul. Obolonska Str, 39, Office 17 Fax. 00 421 2 64 28 27 35 UA 04071 KIEV Tel. 00 380 44 531 37 56 [email protected] Tel. 00 380 44 531 37 63 45. SLOVENIA ( Full member ) Fax. 00 380 44 531 37 64 Kinološka zveza Slovenije - Cynological Association of [email protected]; [email protected] Slovenia Zapoge 3 D 52. UZBEKISTAN ( Associate member ) SI 1217 VODICE Kynological Federation of Uzbekistan Tel. +386 (0)1 23 40 950 Buyuk Ipak Yuli 65 Fax. +386 (0)1 23 40 960 UZ 700 077 TASHKENT Tel. 00 998 712 68 18 82 [email protected] Fax. 00 998 712 68 18 82 46. SPAIN ( Full member ) [email protected] Real Sociedad Canina de España Lagasca 16, Bajo derecha ES 28001 MADRID Tel. 00 34 91 426 49 60 Fax. 00 34 91 435 11 13 - 435 28 95 [email protected] 47. SWEDEN ( Full member ) PO Box 771 SE 191 27 SOLLENTUNA Tel. 0046 (0)8 795 3000 Fax. 0046 (0)8 795 3040 [email protected]

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Full members : 19 Associate members : 1 The Americas and the Caribbean Contract partners : 0

1. ARGENTINA ( Full member ) 7. CUBA ( Full member ) Federación Cinológica Argentina Federación Cinológica de Cuba Moreno 1325 San Mariano No. 607 e ave Mayía Rodríguez y La Sola AR C1091ABA BUENOS AIRES Víbora Tel. 00 54 11 43 83 00 31 CU 12300 CIUDAD DE LA HABANA Tel. 00 55 11 43 81 39 45 Tel. 0053 72673156 Fax. 00 54 11 43 84 77 85 Tel. 0053 78749757 [email protected]; [email protected] [email protected] 8. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC ( Full member ) 2. BOLIVIA ( Associate member ) Federación Canina Dominicana Kennel Club Boliviano Ciudad Ganadera Avenida Busch # 1572 (Entre Calle Panamá y Av. Pasoskanki) DO SANTO DOMINGO, D.N Edificio Boston, Planta Baja Oficina 09 Tel. 00 809 532 8716 BO LA PAZ Tel. 00 809 532 8337 Tel. 00 591 2 725 111 97 (office) Tel. 00 591 2 656 365 36 (secretary) [email protected]; [email protected] 9. ECUADOR ( Full member ) [email protected] Asociación Ecuatoriana de Registros Caninos 3. BRAZIL ( Full member ) Juana Miranda S/N y Mariscal Sucre Confederaçao Brasileira de Cinofilia Sector La Comuna - Teleférico de Quito Rua Teófilo Otoni, 82 – 11° EC 170519 QUITO - PICHINCHA Centro Tel. 00593 2233078 BR 20090-080 RIO DE JANEIRO RJ Tel. 00593 22541723 Tel. 0055 21 2585-2500 [email protected]; [email protected] [email protected] 10. EL SALVADOR ( Full member ) 4. CHILE ( Full member ) Asociación Canófila Salvadoreña Kennel Club de Chile 83, Avenida Sur, Pasaje A#18 Dr. Barros Borgoño 236 - of.1201-1204 Colonia Escalón Providencia SV SAN SALVADOR CL SANTIAGO Tel. 00 503 2556 1693 Tel. 00 56 2 597 02 01 Tel. 00 503 2556 1694 Tel. 00 56 2 597 02 02 Fax. 00 503 2263 5201 Fax. 00 56 2 597 02 09 [email protected] [email protected] 11. GUATEMALA ( Full member ) 5. COLOMBIA ( Full member ) Asociación Canofila Guatemalteca Asociación Club Canino Colombiano Avenida de Las Américas 19-54, zona 13 Calle 123 n° 60-23 GT GUATEMALA CIUDAD Apartado Postal 102268 Tel. 00 502 2332 1442 CO BOGOTA D.C Fax. 00 502 2332 1442 Tel. 00 57 1 624 60 16 Fax. 00 57 1 226 41 95 [email protected] 12. HONDURAS ( Full member ) [email protected] Asociación Canófila de Honduras 6. COSTA RICA ( Full member ) Colonia Humuya Calle Sendero Alfa Casa 2401 Asociación Canófila Costarricense HN TEGUCIGALPA Los Yoses Sur del Club Alemán 75 metros Sur, Casa # 808 Tel. 00 504 2 239 2433 CR SAN PEDRO Fax. 00 504 2 239 2626 Tel. 00 506 2280 8711 Tel. 00 506 2280 8749 [email protected] Fax. 00 506 2524 3041 [email protected] ; [email protected]

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13. MEXICO ( Full member ) 17. PERU ( Full member ) Federación Canófila Mexicana Kennel Club Peruano Apartado Postal 22 535 Avenida Mariscal Miller n°2649 MX 14001 MÉXICO DF. MEXICO P.O. Box 18-0320 Tel. 00 52 55 56 55 93 30 PE LIMA 14 Fax. 00 52 55 56 55 73 62 Tel. 00 511 441 13 67 Tel. 00 511 441 12 47 / 00 511 441 12 07 [email protected] ; [email protected] Fax. 00 511 441 13 67 Ext. 25 14. NICARAGUA ( Full member ) [email protected] Asociación Canina Nicaraguense Carr. Vieja a Leon, Km 14 1/2 18. PUERTO RICO ( Full member ) El Planetarium, calle Saturno n°4 Federación Canófila de Puerto Rico NI MANAGUA P.O.Box 13968 Santurce Station Tel. 00 505 22 650 813 PR 00908-3968 SAN JUAN Tel. 00 505 88 834 637 Tel. 00 1 787 748 36 54 Tel. 00 1 787 748 36 55 [email protected] Fax. 00 1 787 283 11 43 15. PANAMA ( Full member ) [email protected] Club Canino de Panamá Apartado 0818-00112 19. URUGUAY ( Full member ) PA PANAMA Kennel Club Uruguayo Tel. 00 507 261 5118 Carlos Quijano 1333 Piso 1 [email protected] UY MONTEVIDEO Tel. 00 598 2 901 8155 16. PARAGUAY ( Full member ) Tel. 00 598 2 902 6278 Paraguay Kennel Club Fax. 00 598 2 902 6278 Casilla de Correo 1809 - La Franconi n° 4264 C/ Choferes del Chaco [email protected] PY ASUNCION Tel. 00 595 21 608 595 20. VENEZUELA ( Full member ) Tel. 00 595 0981 331 484 (mobile) Federación Canina de Venezuela [email protected] Urbanizacion California Norte Avenida Madrid, Quinta FCV VE 1071 CARACAS Tel. 00 58 212 271 3426 Tel. 00 58 212 232 5475 Fax. 00 58 212 232 5475 [email protected] ; [email protected]

Full members : 11 Associate members : 4 Asia and the Pacific Contract partners : 4

1. AUSTRALIA ( Associate member ) 2. CHINA ( Full member ) Australian National Kennel Council China Kennel Union P.O. Box 309 Room 508, Building A, Center V , Beichen Fudi Plaza Carina Changhui Road AU 4152 QUEENSLAND CN 100024 BEIJING Tel. 00 61 7 3398 8608 Tel. 00 86 139 1126 1975 Fax. 00 61 7 3395 3858 Fax. 00 8610 6553 9813 [email protected] [email protected]

2017 Annual report 76 Chapter XI List of members

3. INDIA ( Full member ) 9. MALAYSIA ( Full member ) Malaysian Kennel Association P.O. BOX 6872 N°8A (1st Floor) Jalan Tun Mohd Fuad Dua Nr 28/89, AA Block - First street Anna Nagar Taman Tun Dr Ismail IN 600 040 CHENNAI MY 60000 KUALA LUMPUR Tel. 00 91 44 2621 4035 Tel. 00603 7729 2027 Tel. 00 91 44 2621 3661 Tel. 00603 7729 7822 Fax. 00603 7728 2312 [email protected] [email protected] 4. INDONESIA ( Full member ) 10. MONGOLIA ( Contract partner ) The All Indonesia Kennel Club Mongolian Kynological Federation (MKF) Pusat Niaga Roxy Mas Blok D3/28 Lantai 3 Khan-Uul district, 15th khoroo, Ikh Mongol street Jl. KH. Hasyim Ashari Khansvill 101-1, # 902 ID 10150 JAKARTA MN 17011 ULAANBAATAR Tel. 00 62 21 630 6905 Tel. 00976 99735573 Tel. 00 62 21 6386 2089 Tel. 00976 99833232 Fax. 00 62 21 630 6904 [email protected] [email protected] 11. NEW ZEALAND ( Associate member ) 5. IRAN ( Contract partner ) Iran Kennel Club (IKC) Prosser Street, Eldson - Private Bag No.20 Third Alley NZ 50903 PORIRUA IR QAZVIN (HaftSangan) Tel. 00 64 4 237 4489 Tel. 00 98 28 33292599 Fax. 00 64 4 237 0721 [email protected] [email protected] 6. JAPAN ( Full member ) 12. PAKISTAN ( Full member ) Kennel Club of Pakistan 1-5 Kanda, Suda-cho, Chiyoda-ku LG-21 Gulberg Arcade, JP 101-8552 TOKYO Gulberg II. Tel. 00 81 3 32 511 651 PK 54660 LAHORE Fax. 00 81 3 32 511 659 Tel. 00 92 30 84566974 Tel. 00 92 42 35788291 [email protected] Fax. 00 92 42 35788291 7. KUWAIT ( Contract partner ) [email protected] Kuwait Cynological Association Mirqab, KBT Tower 13. PHILIPPINES ( Full member ) 9th floor Philippine Canine Club, Inc. KW 13110 SAFAT Rm 206 Hillcrest Condominium Tel. 00965 22916326 1616 E. Rodriguez, Sr Avenue corner Hillcrest Street Tel. 00965 55585856 (Mob.) PH 1100 CUBAO, QUEZON CITY Fax. 00965 22916309 Tel. 00 63 2 721 83 45 Fax. 00 63 2 721 71 52 [email protected] [email protected] 8. LEBANON ( Contract partner ) The Kennel Club of Lebanon 14. REPUBLIC OF KOREA ( Full member ) Corniche el Mazraa Korea Kennel Federation Saeb Salam Avenue, Ramadan Saidi Building (3rd floor) 5F, 252-23 LB BEIRUT Yongdu-dong, Dongdaemun-gu Tel. 00961 1303145 KR SEOUL Tel. 00961 1 317575 Tel. 00 82 2 2278 0661 Fax. 00961 1 317575 Fax. 00 82 2 2277 4073 [email protected] [email protected]

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15. SINGAPORE ( Full member ) 18. THAILAND ( Full member ) Singapore Kennel Club The Kennel Association of Thailand 170, Upper Bukit Timah Road 338/468 Ladprao 87 Rd. (Soi. Chantrasuk) #12-02, Bukit Timah Shopping Centre Chaokunsing Wangthonglang SG 588179 SINGAPORE TH 10310 BANGKOK Tel. 00 65 6469 4821 Tel. 00 662 539 8394 Fax. 00 65 6469 9118 Tel. 00 662 539 8395 Fax. 00 662 539 8405 [email protected] [email protected] 16. SRI LANKA ( Associate member ) The Kennel Association of Sri Lanka 19. VIETNAM ( Associate member ) NO. 75 (G/2) - Nelum Court Vietnam Kennel Association (VKA) KANDEWATTE ROAD 188C Lê Van Sy, Phuong 10 LK NUGEGODA Quân Phu Nhuân, TP.HCM Tel. 00 94 11 438 65 86 VN HO CHI MINH CITY Tel. 00 84 839 91 69 01 [email protected]; [email protected] Fax. 00 84 839 91 69 01 [email protected] 17. TAIWAN ( Full member ) Kennel Club of Taiwan 1F, 303-1, Da Chang, 1st Road KAOHSIUNG TW TAIWAN ROC Tel. 00 886 7 389 2957 Tel. 00 886 7 389 2964 Fax. 00 886 7 389 3060 [email protected] Full members : 0 Associate member : 1 Middle East Contract partners : 0

1. BAHRAIN ( Full member ) Bahrain Kennel Club P.O. Box 82499 BH MANAMA Tel. 00 973 3667 7934 Fax. 00 973 1779 1096 [email protected]

Full member : 1 Associate members : 0 Africa Contract partner : 1

1. EGYPT ( Contract partner ) 2. SOUTH AFRICA ( Full member ) Egyptian Kennel Federation Kennel Union of Southern Africa 4 Moaz Ibn Gabal St. P.O. Box 2659 El Hegaz St. ZA 8000 CAPE TOWN EG HELIOPOLIS, CAIRO Tel. 00 27 21 423 9027 Tel. 00 20 226230530 Fax. 00 27 21 423 5876 Tel. 00 20 1121666888 (Cell) Fax. 00 20 226230460 [email protected] [email protected]

2017 Annual report 78 Chapter XII List of clubs with an FCI contract

List of clubs with an FCI contract

Cooperation agreements between the FCI and world associations (of breed clubs)


WUSV Weltunion der Schäferhundvereine e.V. Augsburg (DE) 18/04/2013 Deutscher Schäferhund 166

DD-WV Deutsch Drahthaar Weltverband Rosenheim (DE) 15/10/2005 Deutsch Drahthaar 98

Riesenschnauzer 181 Schnauzer 182 Zwergschnauzer 183 ISPU Internationale Schnauzer Pinscher Union e.V. Remscheid (DE) 15/10/2005 Deutscher Pinscher 184 Zwergpinscher 185 Affenpinscher 186 WUT Weltunion der Teckel Duisburg (DE) 15/10/2005 Teckel 148 Weltverband Deutsch-Kurzhaar Langlingen/ Celle (DE) 15/10/2005 Deutsch Kurzhaar 119

Internationale Föderation für Eurasierzucht - IFEZ Hedingen (CH) 19/02/2006 Eurasier 291 Eurasier Weltverband

IULH Internationale Union für Leonberger Hunde (DE) 19/02/2006 Leonberger 145 Internationaler Verband für Deutsche IV-DJT (DE) 19/02/2006 Deutscher Jagdterrier 103 Jagdterrier

Weltverband «Association Technique COUNTRY OF THE ATIBOX 19/02/2006 Deutscher Boxer 144 Internationale du Boxer» PRESIDENT

IHF Internationale Hovawart Föderation Gummersbach (DE) 15/07/2006 Hovawart 190 Internationale Föderation der IFR Borken (DE) 24/07/2006 Rottweiler 147 Rottweilerfreunde KIM-I Verband Kleine Münsterländer - International Nürnberg (DE) 7/12/2006 Kleiner Münsterländer 102 Amicale Internationale des Clubs de A.I.C.E.B Ancenis (FR) 10/11/2007 Epagneul breton 95 l’Epagneul Breton

Bayerischer Gebirgsschweisshund- Bayerischer BGS-WV München (DE) 27/03/2008 217 Weltverband e.V. Gebirgsschweisshund

A.M.D.A. World Association for Dogo Argentino Rosario (AR) 24/02/2010 Dogo Argentino 292 FMBB Fédération Mondiale du Berger Belge Stalhille (BE) 26/01/2011 Berger Belge 15 WDSF World Dog Shepherd Federation Zeewolde (NL) 10/08/2015 Hollandse Herdershond 223 Association mondiale des Dogues de ATIBORDEAUX Bus-la-Mésière (FR) 21/08/2015 Dogue de Bordeaux 116 Bordeaux COUNTRY OF THE I.I.R.S.C. International Irish Red Setter Club 25/07/2016 Irish Red Setter 120 PRESIDENT

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Fédération Cynologique Internationale SECRETARIAT GENERALDELAFCI B-6530THUIN•BELGIUM Fax :+3271 592229 T el. :+3271 591238 E-mail: [email protected] Place Albert1 er 13 , •

2017 Annual report 2017 REPORT ANNUAL