2017 Annual report 2017 ANNUAL SECRETARIAT GENERAL DE LA FCI Place Albert 1er, 13 REPORT B-6530 THUIN • BELGIUM Tel. : +32 71 59 12 38 Fax : +32 71 59 22 29 E-mail: [email protected] 2017 www.fci.be • www.dogdotcom.be www.facebook.com/FederationCynologiqueInternationale 2017 Annual report 4 Table of contents Table of contents I. Message from the President 5 II. Mission Statement 6 III. The General Committee 8 IV. FCI staff 10 V. Executive Director’s report 11 VI. Outstanding Conformation Dogs of the Year 14 VII. Our commissions 17 VIII. Financial report 45 IX. Figures 48 X. 2018 events 60 XI. List of members 70 XII. List of clubs with an FCI contract 79 Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter I Message from the President 5 Message from the President The time has come for a groups and activities, and to support already-existing youth new report about FCI ac- groups in FCI member National Canine Organisations. tivities. It is always a stim- Following the publication of the Guide: How to Create a ulating experience to go National Youth Canine Organisation, the FCI Youth has pro- through our achievements vided support during the past year to several National Canine when writing this yearly Organisations that were interested in initiating youth groups outline. Having a retro- and national youth activities. spective look at the huge During the 2017 General Assembly, the FCI General work carried out and short- Committee appointed a new FCI Youth Coordination: Mr listing the priority tasks for Augusto Benedicto Santos. FCI Youth welcomed Blai Llobet the next term is one of the from Spain, and Jimmie Wu from China, as the two new most rewarding and chal- group members who are now on board. lenging things one has to The FCI Youth was present with a stand at the World Dog take time to do regularly. This is what I am sharing with you Show in Leipzig, Germany, where FCI Youth reference con- here. tents were displayed, and where all of the group members had the opportunity to network, conduct interviews, ques- FCI General Assembly – Leipzig, Germany tionnaires, distribute information, answer questions and During the FCI General Assembly on 6-7 November, I was present FCI Youth´s efforts aimed at the general public. reelected President for a two-year mandate. I was very hon- oured by the confidence expressed in this vote; be assured 2017 highlights that it is always in my mind and in all my efforts. I would now like to remind you of a few events which left Our federation welcomed Armenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, their mark on 2017. Kyrgyzstan and Viet Nam as associate members. Let us The FCI extended to new emerging countries: Lebanon again wish the warmest welcome to the Armenian Dog- (Kennel Club of Lebanon), Kuwait (Kuwait Cynological Lovers’ Association, the Kinološki Savez u Bosni i Hercegovini Association) and Algeria (Association Cynologique (KSuBiH), the Union of Cynologists of Kyrgyz Republic and Algérienne). It is always extremely gratifying to open to new the Vietnam Kennel Association (VKA). cultures. The following canine organisations were admitted as full The FCI World Dog Show was organised in Leipzig by our members of the FCI: Pakistan (Kennel Club of Pakistan), San German member VDH, establishing a historical record: more Marino (Kennel Club San Marino), Turkey (Köpek Irklari ve than 31,000 dogs, from 330 different breeds - were entered! Kinoloji Federasyonu), Montenegro (Kinoloski Savez Crne Never before had there been so many dogs gathered in the Gore) and Bahrain (Bahrain Kennel Club). Congratulations to framework of a single event! They came from 73 different our new full members! countries. This unforgettable event attracted 90,000 visitors. During the discussions, the point on the General Assembly In addition of the conformation shows, we could also attend agenda regarding FCI Statutes and FCI Standing Orders the German Agility Championships, the European Dog Diving opened such a long discussion that it was suggested to Championships, the Dog Dancing World Championships and hold an extraordinary General Assembly to deal with it. An the Junior Handling World Championships. Extraordinary GA will then be celebrated in Brussels, on 14- Again, congratulations for this amazing success! 15 August 2018. I hope that this important development in FCI history will reaffirm a strong cohesion, shaping a firm In the framework of its meetings, and via virtual exchange confidence in the future of our federation. too, the FCI General Committee has resolved a huge number of proposals, questions and problems related to the compul- FCI Youth sory and non-compulsory commissions, to the FCI members, FCI Youth was active with the creation and development of and to other institutions or partners. support documents for all FCI member general organisations In addition, the FCI General Committee is also working hand and the general public, publishing new Recommendations in hand with the commissions in order to publish standards, for National Junior Handling Competitions, with the purpose regulations and best-practice documents for our hobby, aim- of encouraging a Junior Handling sport which supports val- ing at a sport practice which is safe, ethical, and respectful of ues that are more similar to breed ring handling; including animal welfare and health. more information for both Handlers and Judges regarding Our work as FCI General Committee members has been, is the future conduction of Junior Handling Competitions in and will always be to serve all our members and contract International FCI Shows held by FCI member National Canine partners’ interests, in the specific framework of the complex- Organisations. ity of an international structure. One of the main objectives of the FCI Youth has been to en- courage FCI member countries in the foundation of youth Rafael de Santiago FCI President 2017 Annual report 6 Chapter II Mission Statement Mission Statement Introduction Introduction In accordance with the celebration of the 100 Anniversary Dans le cadre du futur 100e anniversaire de la Fédération of the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, the General Cynologique Internationale, le Comité Général de la FCI a Committee of the FCI reviewed its Mission and Vision revu la mission, les visions et les valeurs de la FCI afin de Statements and Values to maintain our leadership world- maintenir notre position de leader mondial. wide. Mission Mission statement La FEDERATION CYNOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONALE (FCI) est The FEDERATION CYNOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONALE (FCI) is l’autorité cynophile mondiale. Elle est responsable de la the supreme authority of the canine culture worldwide. préservation de la santé des chiens et des activités ca- The FCI is responsible for safeguarding canine health and nines internationales dont le but est de promouvoir les international dog activities to enhance the relations be- relations entre le chien et l’homme. La FCI a été fondée en tween dogs and humans. Established in 1911 the FCI in- 1911 et compte 94 membres et partenaires sous contrat cludes 94 members and contract partners (one member (un membre par pays). Chaque membre émet ses propres per country). Each member issues their own pedigrees and pedigrees et forme des juges de manifestations canines train highly qualified judges. The FCI makes sure that the hautement qualifiés. La FCI garantit la reconnaissance des pedigrees and judges are mutually recognised by all the pedigrees et des juges par tous ses membres, partenaires FCI members, contract partners and any person involved sous contrat, ainsi que par toute personne active sur leur in their domestic canine scene. scène canine nationale. Vision statement Vision The FCI supports, via its members and contract partners, par l’intermédiaire de ses membres et partenaires sous the well-being of all dogs Worldwide. contrat, la FCI soutient le bien-être de tous les chiens dans le monde entier. Values • THE FCI cares about all dogs worldwide. Valeurs • THE FCI considers the health, temperament and behav- • La FCI se préoccupe du bien-être de tous les chiens dans iour as the most important matters in dogs and their le monde. Breed Standards. • La FCI considère la santé, le caractère et le comporte- • THE FCI promotes dog activities and dog sports world- ment comme les points essentiels pour les chiens et leur wide, which it considers beneficial to the dogs. standard de race. • THE FCI entrusts its commissions to make recommen- • La FCI soutient, dans le monde, les activités canines et dations about other important matters. les disciplines canines sportives qu’elle considère béné- • THE FCI divides geographically the world of dogs fiques pour les chiens. through its five sections. • La FCI charge ses commissions d’émettre des recom- • THE FCI trusts its members and contract partners to mandations sur d’autres thèmes importants. protect the integrity of their National Registries. • La FCI divise le monde canin en cinq sections géogra- • THE FCI recognises and respects agreements with non- phiques. member national organisations. • La FCI exprime toute sa confiance dans la capacité de ses • THE FCI sets the highest standards for its headquarters. membres et partenaires sous contrat à se porter garants • THE FCI ensures the regular celebration of World and de l’intégrité de leurs livres des origines. Section Championship events. • La FCI respecte et reconnaît les accords qui ont été conclus avec des organisations nationales non-membres. • La FCI établit des normes de la plus haute qualité pour son siège social. • La FCI veille à l’organisation régulière de championnats du monde et de section. Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter II Mission Statement 7 Introducción Einleitung en el marco del 100º aniversario de la Fédération Im Rahmen des 100-jährigen Jubiläums der Fédération Cynologique Internationale, el Comité General de la FCI Cynologique Internationale hat der FCI-Vorstand das ha revisado y modificado su Declaración de Misión y su Mission-Statement und das Vision-Statement so- Declaración de Visión, así como los Valores de la FCI, a fin wie die „Werte“ der FCI überarbeitet, um die weltweite de mantener nuestra posición de liderazgo mundial.
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