[On Inner-Party Struggle]

Mao Zedong

August 16,1959

The main topic of the draft is why wrong views exist in the party and how to treat party members who make mistakes. It illustrates Mao’s thinking on some aspects of dia- lectical materialism and his application of dialectics to inner-party conflicts. This draft was written on the last day of the Central Committee conference at Lushan, which had been the scene of intense debate over the course of the . Minister of Defense had attacked the Great Leap, not only for its economic failures, but also as an attempt to established forms of communal organiza- tion that allegedly did not correspond to the development of China’s forces of produc- tion. After his confrontation with Mao at Lushan, Peng lost his role in the party leader- ship, although technically he remained a member of the Party’s Central Committee. The source for this translation is Mao Zedong’s Manuscripts Since the Founding of the State [建国以来毛泽东文稿], Beijing, 1990, volume 8, p. 451-455.The first paragraph is omit- ted.

A struggle emerged at Lushan, a reactionary thinking corresponding to class struggle. In the past 10 years of the remnants of past ages—namely the the course of socialist revolution, the thinking of the capitalists and the upper capitalist class and the proletariat have strata of the petty bourgeoisie--occupies continued the life-and-death struggle of a big part of people's brains and will not these two big antagonistic classes. It change in a short time. Change takes appears that in China, inside our party, it time, and moreover, it requires a long is still possible for this is kind of struggle time. This is society’s mounting class to continue. We will still need to fight for struggle. Inner party struggle reflected two more decades, possibly half a cen- heightened class struggle in society. tury. In short, the whole capitalist class This is hardly surprising. Not having this must be destroyed for the struggle to kind of struggle is inconceivable. In the stop. Struggle has ended in past socie- past this principle has not been ex- ties and also arose in new societies. In plained fully, and it is not obvious to accordance with materialist dialectics, many comrades. When an issue arises, there is always contradiction and strug- for example, the Gao-Rao matter in gle, otherwise the world would not be- 1953, 1 and now the issue of Peng, come fully developed. Capitalist politi- cians say that the communist party's philosophy is simply a philosophy of 1 In 1953 Gao Gang and Rao Shushi struggle. This is a little inaccurate on were accused of a conspiracy to divide one point: the form of struggle depends the party and seize control of the party on the era, and is a little bit different in and the government. In March 1954, the different eras. Communist Party of China National About the present, I say that so- Delegate Assembly adopted a resolution ciety’s economy has changed, but the expelling them from the party. 1 Huang, Zhang, and Zhou,2 many people cial party committees and of the Central are amazed. Committee, and individual comrades This kind of wonder is under- should remain in the Central Committee standable, since social contradictions Political Bureau. Is there a danger in this are hidden until they become apparent. policy? There can be, but so long as we People’s understanding of class struggle adopt the correct policy, it is possible to in the socialist period should be able to avoid danger. deepen step by step, by means of their There are only two possibilities own experience and practice. In particu- about their mistakes: that they will mend lar, there are some kinds inner-party their ways and that they will not. Full struggle, for example, the Gao-Rao and conditions exist for mending ways. First, Peng-Huang affairs, which have a com- they have two aspects. One aspect is plex and convoluted character. revolutionary and the other aspect is re- Yesterday someone was still a actionary. Up to now, there is a distinc- meritorious person, but today he be- tion among those who supported the comes the chief culprit. “How do you traitors Chen Duxiu, Luo Zhanglong, figure out whether or not a mistake has Zhang Guozhou, and Gao Gang. One is been made?” People are not aware of a contradiction among the people, and their path of historical change, and they one is a contradiction between our- don’t know the complex and tortuous selves and the enemy. history of their path. Isn’t this quite natu- Contradictions among the people ral? Comrades should be led correctly, can change into contradictions between step-by-step, and the complex and con- ourselves and the enemy if both sides voluted character of this kind of case adopt improper words on approach and should be clearly explained to them. policy. It is possible for these contradic- Furthermore, over-simplified tions not to change into contradictions methods cannot be used to handle this between ourselves and the enemy, but kind of incident, and it cannot be han- they can be regarded as contradictions dled as a contradiction between our- among the people from beginning to selves and the enemy, but it must be end. These can be given a thorough treated as a contradiction among the resolution, if we can handle this kind of people. We must adopt the policies of contradiction promptly and use words of "unity-criticism-unity," "punishment first resolution. and caution afterwards, cure the sick- The following conditions are im- ness to save the patient," "criticize rigor- portant. The whole people’s supervision ously but treat leniently," and "look after of the party. The political level of the and help." Not only should they be al- vast majority of the central and local lowed remain in the party, but they cadres is high, and compared to the pe- should also remain members of provin- riod of the 1953, has greatly improved, understanding things better. Isn’t the

2 successful struggle preceding the Peng Dehuai, , Zhang evidence of this? Wentian, Zhou Xiaozhou. In August Furthermore, our approach and 1959 Central Committee meeting at policy for treating them, the Marxist ap- Lushan they were designated the so- proach and policy, must suit the circum- called "Peng Dehuai, Huang Kecheng, stances, but we already had such an , Zhou Xiaozhou anti- approach and policy. It is not only pos- party group." 2 sible for change to arise, it exists. If history has provided full evidence this, nothing goes on to make a disturbance as is known by everyone. In order to then we are courting destruction. If a help comrades who make mistakes, we few members are added to the ranks of are still going to treat them as com- Chen Duxiu, Luo Zhanglong, Zhang rades, treat them equally as brothers, Guozhou, and Gao Gang, what loss is give enthusiastic help, provide them that to our great party and our great time in order to correct mistakes and people? continue to be engaged in the outlet of We are convinced that all errors revolutionary work. of mistaken comrades, except for an ex- They must continue to have tremely small number people besides some leeway. They must have warmth, Chen, Luo, Zhang, and Gao, can always they must have springtime--they cannot change under certain conditions, which always remain in winter of life. I think accumulate with each passing day. We these comrades are all extremely impor- must have firm confidence that these tant. exceptions are few. Our party's 38-year