One night after dinner, I went past Lam Tin and dropped by Kai Tin 一個晚上,飯後路過藍田,便順道跑上啟田邨,看看正在那裡擺 Estate to visit the 25 Years of Top 10 Music Headlines Exhibition. 放的「十大樂聞二十五週年」回顧展覽。

Photos, exhibits, and the 24 top-voted arts news I saw at the exhibition 在「十大樂聞」票選活動舉辦初期,我是參與者之一,亦有兩次 brought back a lot of fond memories indeed. As a participant of the 成為幸運兒,贏得那時還算是「新產品」的禮物-鐳射唱片。二 Top Ten Music Headlines polling in the early years when the project 十多年過去,那天晚上置身回顧展覽當中,看到多張趣味盎然的 first started, I still remember receiving a couple of technologically– 照片和多件展品,同時重溫歷年共二十四條得票最高的樂聞,感 advanced products, i.e., CDs, as prizes. 覺份外親切。

The Music Headlines of the past three decades tell the story of the 四份一個世紀的音樂新聞,見證著自八十年代中以來,香港的音 quickly–evolving musical scene in : the founding and 樂面貌正在不斷蛻變-音樂團體的成立和轉型、重量級樂團訪港 restructuring of arts organizations, legendary orchestras visiting Hong 演出、新演出場地落成、大型音樂製作接踵而來、土生土長的音 Kong, inauguration of new performance venues, large-scale local 樂家在國際舞台上屢獲佳績、香港主辦國際音樂比賽、本地高等 productions, local musicians winning international awards and prizes, 音樂�育穩步發展⋯⋯這些發展,實非當年所能預計。 Hong Kong staging international competitions, development of Hong 「十大樂聞二十五週年」回顧展覽的展期至12月底,最後兩個展 Kong’s tertiary music education system…and the story goes on today. 點分別是屯門大會堂(23/12 - 31/12)和樂富商場(28/12 ﹣31/12), ‘25 Years of Top 10 Music Headlines Exhibition’ will finish its tour by 有興趣的話,不訪親臨參觀,亦歡迎網上瀏覽(。其實, the end of December. The final two exhibition venues are Tuen Mun 想更深入了解這些樂聞與這二十多年來香港音樂發展之間的關 Town Hall (23/12 – 31/12) and Lok Fu Plaza (28/12 – 31/12). Pay a visit 係,你可以收聽由樂評人周凡夫和周光蓁主持的沙漠 vs 綠洲: or have a glimpse of it on Radio 4’s website ( 十大樂聞25週年回顧,節目逢星期五下午2時播出。2月2日星期 二下午8時,我們會為你揭曉「2010十大樂聞齊齊選」的結果。 As for the current 25th Top 10 Music Headlines, polling has already 如果你還未投票的話,請立刻行動,一起勾劃出香港音樂的發展 started. Cast your vote and help shape the musical landscape of Hong 軌跡。詳情刊於第10頁。 Kong. Details can be found on page 10. 話題仍然留在歷史的領域當中。10月份,周光蓁曾經在從大會堂 On a related subject, last October, Oliver Chou hosted From City Hall 到西九中,帶領聽眾走過五十年的香港音樂時空。這個節目的英 to West Kowloon - a series reflecting on the musical development in 語版本將於1月份,逢星期日中午12時播出,當中有不少全新的 Hong Kong in the past five decades. I am glad to inform you that this month, the English version of this programme will be broadcast on 內容和專訪,萬勿錯過! Sundays at noon. There are much more new materials and interviews 回望過去,亦展望未來,希望在2011年,音樂能繼續豐富你的 included here, don’t miss it! 生命。順帶一提,午夜12時,新一年來臨的一刻,第四台將為你

Looking ahead, a reminder that the first piece of music in 2011, which 現場直播萊比錫布業大厦樂團及合唱團,聯同四位獨唱家,在指 you will hear on Radio 4 right after the New Year’s countdown, will 揮沙爾的領導下演出貝多芬的第九交響曲,就以這首充滿歡樂與 be a live broadcast from Germany of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 希望的鉅作,向你說聲:「新年快樂!」 performed by the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra and Chorus with 第四台節目總監 蕭樹勝 distinguished soloists, all under the direction of Richard Chailly. With this immortal work, I wish you a fruitful and joyful 2011! SHARE Your LOVE of Music with US, Become a PATRON『美樂集』of ‘FM’ !

Radio 4 would like to thank the patrons DIAMOND PATRONS 鑽石贊助者 for their generous support. If you would Sir Gordon & Lady Wu 胡應湘爵士伉儷 like to become a patron of ‘FM’ Fine Mr. Frankie Shik-leung Yau 邱錫亮先生 M Restaurant Group Music, please call us on 9073 3474 for Jimmy Shiu further information during office hours. PLATINUM PATRONS 白金贊助者 Dr. Margaret W.K. Wong Head, Radio 4 香港電台第四台謹向以下贊助者的慷慨 支持致以最深謝意。有興趣成為「美樂 SILVER PATRON 白銀贊助者 集」贊助者的朋友,可在辦公時間內致電 Ms. Rayne Chai Chih-hui 蔡之慧女士 9073 3474 查詢有關詳情。

January 2011 | FINE MUSIC 1 CONTENTS 目錄 January 2011 二零一一年一月號

01 FROM THE DESK OF HEAD, R4 掌台人隨筆 05

SPECIAL FEATURES 特稿 05 RTHK Quartet’s First Anniversary Concert Flashback 香港電台弦樂四重奏 一週年音樂會剪影 07 In Conversation with Boris Giltburg 09 德奧音樂經典

COLUMNS 專欄 07 10 From City Hall to West Kowloon 從大會堂到西九 13 Early Music - Steps In Musical Ingenuity 早期音樂 - 巧思妙韻 18 Sunday Opera 歌劇世界 23 New Releases 新唱片大本營


25 Top 10 Music Headlines © Eric Richmond 2010 十大樂聞 10 COLUMNS 專欄 31 Concert Highlights 音樂會轉播精選 35 Main Programme Chart 節目時間表 37 Programme Highlights 節目精華 51 ‘FM’ Classified Board 《美樂集》分類廣告 52 Coda 25 © Hong Kong City Hall 13


Raymond Chung


The RTHK Quartet’s First Anniversary Concert was held on 7 December. The members of the Quartet, violinists Le Hoai-nam and Ayako Ichimaru, violist Elvis Chan, and cellist Laurent Perrin, played a programme of Mozart and Debussy quartets and a Schumann piano quintet with pianist Nancy Loo. Although the temperature dropped dramatically within a few hours that evening, the City Hall Theatre was still packed with an enthusiastic audience.

The concert was presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department.

「香港電台弦樂四重奏」成立一週年音樂會,於上月7日假香港大會堂劇院舉行。 四位成員包括小提琴家李海南和一丸綾子、中提琴家陳子信及大提琴家貝樂安除 了合奏莫扎特和德布西的弦樂四重奏外,更與鋼琴家羅乃新合奏舒曼的降E大調 鋼琴五重奏。不少知音人在那個氣溫驟降的晚上莅臨出席,共渡愉快的晚上。


Annikki Arponen (Consul General of Finland) and Marja Korhonen (Consul of Finland)both attended the concert. 芬蘭駐香港及澳門總領事安芬妮(左三) 及領事郭文慧(左四)出席支持音樂會

Nancy Loo rehearsing 排練中的羅乃新

(From left) Tai Keen-man , Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wong and Jimmy Shiu (左起) 戴建文、王永平伉儷及蕭樹勝

Cheers! (From left to right) Amy Kwong (Director of RTHK’s Corporate Development Unit), Tai Keen-man (Assistant Director of Broadcasting - Radio), violist Elvis Chan, violinist Ayako Ichimaru, Franklin Wong (Director of Broadcasting), violinist Lee Hoai-nam, cellist Laurent Perrin, Bryan Curtis (Head of English Programme Service) and Jimmy Shiu (Head of Radio 4). 飲杯!(由左至右)鄺思燕(香港電台機構發展總監)、戴健文(助理廣播處長–電台部)、中提琴家陳子信、 小提琴家一丸綾子、黄華麟(廣播處長)、小提琴家李海南、大提琴家貝樂安、柯文傑(英文台台長) 及蕭樹 勝(第四台節目總監)。


In front of an audience of 15,000 here in Hong Kong last month, Israeli- Russian pianist Boris Giltburg teamed up with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, performing Chopin’s Piano Concerto No. 2. Jonathan Douglas talks

© Eric Richmond to him about playing Chopin.

J : Jonathan Douglas B : Boris Giltburg

J : I read that Artur Rubinstein was a very influential figure for you, who come across with a stronger sense of the elegance of the is that right? music, do you think it’s perhaps too simplistic to make that distinction? B: Well, he’s definitely one of my main musical and piano heroes. I really love and adore his playing and approach to music, his B: Well, sometimes I feel that for Rubinstein, it’s very difficult to sound. classify his Chopin playing- it’s so much his native tongue, it’s so natural to him, that he seems like a class by himself, J : What is it about his sound that you admire? with Chopin especially. For example, even though in his youth he was also one of those pianists who were less concerned B: It’s so naturally beautiful, and it seems like an extension of with playing all the right notes, in his later recordings he was his thoughts, of his will, that he is never doing anything on completely true not just to the spirit of the music, but he was purpose, it just happens. His sound and his overall approach also observing all the indications in the score as much as to music have the tendency of going straight to the heart of Barenboim would observe indications in a Beethoven sonata listeners, sometimes bypassing the mind. or a Schubert sonata. J : Was it his recordings of Chopin that you listened to when you Sometimes this is something that the new generation or the were becoming familiar with Chopin’s music? younger generation does not do as meticulously as he would do, even though he is considered in theory, one of the freer B: Yes, his recordings of Chopin, also Schumann, and Brahms are interpreters. With Rubinstein, sometimes it is a bit more elegant the two of the composers he’s specifically great in performing, but still it’s never on the surface, it’s never just for showing the I find. nicer side of things. His Chopin playing is so noble, there is J : It’s interesting particularly this year, being the Chopin so much emotion- maybe his emotion is one step behind the anniversary year, people have been talking about pianists of frontline so it’s not like he is always wearing his heart on his the past who are the great Chopin interpreters. Obviously sleeve, but it’s always there. Artur Rubinstein is widely recognized as one of the greatest Chopin interpreters. Who else? You can enjoy Boris Giltburg’s performance of Chopin’s Piano Concerto No. 2 in the simulcast of Hong Kong B: A very different approach would be Alfred Cortot, he’s probably Philharmonic Orchestra’s Symphony Under the Stars 2010. one generation before Rubinstein, so he comes still from an It will be brought to you on 15 Jan 2011 at 2:35pm on RTHK era where pianists were a little bit less concerned about Urtext Radio 4, via TVB Pearl and on RTHK’s website: (the original version) or playing exactly all the right notes, and more from an era where pianists were sort of a hero, nearly a god who could do whatever he wanted, people with huge towering personalities - you can tell from his recordings, 「港樂.星夜.交響曲」 his freedom, his rubato which is much more extreme than Rubinstein’s. Still it is so faithful to the spirit of the music, even 以色列裔俄羅斯鋼琴家基特寶剛剛夥拍香港管弦樂團及 though we sometimes find his approach a bit too extreme. 指揮蘇柏軒,於一萬五千名現場觀眾前演奏蕭邦的第二 Still, it almost always convinces and always has something 鋼琴協奏曲。香港電台將為您轉播這場「港樂.星夜. interesting and of unique value to say about the music. 交響曲」音樂會!1月15日(星期六),下午2時35分,請 J : Sometimes I talk to pianists on this subject, and they make 收聽及收看香港電台第四台、無綫電視明珠台及香港電 a distinction between some pianists who somehow come 台網上廣播站。 across with a stronger emotional sensitivity and some pianists



若將古典音樂以國家分派,德奧樂派肯定是最重要的一派。有人認為,所謂音樂史,其實就是德奧樂派的歷史。這樣說,有點文化 霸權的味道,但無可否認,現時我們認識的古典音樂佳作,絕大部份都由德國或奧地利作曲家創作。德語是兩國的共同語言,語言 以外,德奧樂派有一位公認的祖師爺,名家大部份都受其影響,他的名字叫巴赫。

巴赫:公認的「祖師爺」 浪漫時期羣像

巴赫並不是第一位德國作曲家,更不 巴赫 貝多芬亦是將音樂的古典時 貝多芬 能說他創立了德奧的音樂派系,反 期,帶到浪漫時期的橋樑。 之,他融合了三個的音樂派系:德國 早期的浪漫派作曲家,包括 北部的管風琴音樂及聖樂、法國的鍵 與貝多芬同期、於維也納土 盤音樂,以及意大利的器樂。他亦將 生土長的舒伯特。於德國活 對位技法推至高峰,雖然在巴赫死 躍的,則有創立德意志歌劇 前,複音音樂 (contrapuntal music) 的韋伯,以及孟德爾遜及舒 已不合時宜,但他對這門技術的貢獻 曼。浪漫派注重個人情感的表達,對古典樂派的格式,時而拓 流傳至今,將對位法提升為音樂訓練 展,時而破壞。雖然孟德爾遜、舒曼及受到舒曼提携的布拉姆 的必備一環。 斯,在樂壇各有成就,但他們都對巴赫推崇備至,鞏固了巴赫 在德奧樂派的祖師地位。

維也納:音樂世界的樞紐 荀伯格:意走偏鋒

德奧音樂另一軸心是「音樂之都」維也納。二三百年前的奧 十九世紀後期,布拉姆斯保存 荀伯格 地利,並不是今天的歐洲小國;當年她國土廣闊,是中歐的盟 德奧傳統的同時,又帶有華格 主。奧地利的王室貴族對音樂的需求甚殷,維也納是音樂家的 納衝擊調性的極限,經過馬勒 上佳落腳點。生於薩爾茲堡的莫扎特與大主�鬧翻後,到維也 及李察.史特勞斯,調性幾已 納發展;海頓侍奉艾斯特哈齊(Esterházy)家族三十年後,到 體無完膚。荀伯格再走一步, 維也納安享晚年; 推動無調性音樂,並於1920 維也納著名的「金色大廳」 而出身德國波恩的 年代發明十二音技法。荀伯格 貝多芬,成年後便 認為十二音技法能令德國音 到維也納碰運氣。 樂,在往後的一百年繼續稱霸。雖然十二音技法支配了二次世 海頓、莫扎特及貝 界大戰後三十年的前衛音樂,但亦令古典音樂走向偏鋒,脫離 多芬,確立了奏鳴 主流。可以說,德奧樂派的領導地位,從巴赫的集各家大成開 曲、交響曲、弦樂 始,以荀伯格的前衛破滅告終。 四重奏的曲式,成 為後世的典範。

本月逢星期六下午7時到9時播出的「情有獨鍾」,為你選播德奧的「3B」: 巴赫、貝多芬和布拉姆斯的精彩樂曲。更多德奧音樂經典的播出時間,請查閱本刊的「節目精華」部份。

January 2011 | FINE MUSIC 9 SPECIAL FEATURES 特稿 © Hong Kong City Hall

Sundays 12:00pm Oliver Chou

1962, the year City Hall was built, is generally regarded as the Each of the programme’s five episodes will explore a decade of music starting point for classical musical culture in Hong Kong. Before that, development, mainly narrated by interviewees who witnessed the the territory was without a proper concert hall, a fact that took Hong process either as participants on stage or managerial policy makers Kong off the map of concert tours by renowned musicians of the at the time. Narratives aside, the hour-long episode will also feature world. Those that made it here would have to make do with whatever vintage recording excerpts, including live performances. Some of the was available, such as the Mongkok Macpherson Stadium for Alfred highlights include Hong Kong’s first recording of theButterfly’s Lovers Wallenstein and the Los Angeles Philharmonic in 1956, or the Lee Violin Concerto played by Y. S. Liu, Barbara Fei’s singing of Doming Theatre for Herbert von Karajan and the Philharmonic in 1959. Lam’s Three Night Songs of Li-Po, plus other legendary performances When the cornerstone of City Hall was laid on 25 February 1960, by Hans Mommer, Ng Tai-kong, , Kwan Nai- Hong Kong ushered in a new era as a musical promised land. chung, , Yip Wing-sie, Samuel Wong, Colleen Lee Ka- ling, and the recent celebrated Mahler cycle by . 50 years have passed. Once again we find ourselves on the eve of a brand new cultural hub, the West Kowloon Cultural District. Aside Aside from classical repertoire, new works by Hong Kong composers from eager anticipation, however, much of Hong Kong today differs will also be highlighted in the programme. The list begins with Doming from those pre-City Hall days. It was then a time when arts programmes Lam, followed by Richard Tsang, Chan Wing-wah, and some young were run by volunteers instead of professionals, where passion did not composers as well. All major local performing groups, orchestras, often correspond with expertise. Now, professionals from around the choruses and soloists alike, will also be showcased, exhibiting the world contribute to Hong Kong’s musical vitality. wealth of artistic contributions to Hong Kong’s musical culture.

From City Hall to West Kowloon documents the half-century of growth Some of the recordings contain more than music: they hold the tears of musical culture in Hong Kong starting from a largely amateurish and memory of our history. The best example was the Hong Kong setting to its current role as a leading centre of Asia. Beginning with Chinese Orchestra’s 2003 Drum Festival staged at Victoria Park to the inauguration of City Hall’s Concert Hall by Sir Malcolm Sargent boost the morale of Hong Kong after SARS. The moment when some and the Philharmonic Orchestra in 1962, the programme will 3,000 drums played together, which turned out to be a Guinness review the gradual emergence of local musicians and groups in the World Record, was captured. Another moving moment is Yip Wing- 1960s, the takeoff of music institutions in the 1970s, the upsurge of sie’s tearful speech during the height of SARS just before she led the talents and venues in the 1980s, Hong Kong’s handover in the 1990s, Hong Kong Sinfonietta to perform for an audience in gauze masks. and the Special Administrative Region decade of the early 21st century, You will also hear the unforgettable 1985 recording of the Hong including the fight against the deadly SARS, the support for the 2008 Kong Philharmonic Orchestra under then–music director Kenneth Beijing Olympics and the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. Schermerhorn with pianist Hsu Fei-ping. There will also be excerpts from the memorable inaugural concert for the new Cultural Centre in 1989.


The January airing of the programme is more than just an English repeat of the Cantonese version aired last October. Though the format is the 從大會堂到「西九」— 英文篇 same, the quotes come from a new round of interviews in English. 周光蓁 Looking back now, it continues to amaze this writer how expressive and fresh the interviewees were when asked to repeat in English their 本節目在去年10月連續五輯、每輯一小時,回顧香港過去五 recollections of Hong Kong’s musical past. Most chose not to repeat 十年的音樂發展。除了找來珍貴歷史錄音,亦邀請了近三十 what they said in Cantonese four months earlier. In fact, many people 位親歷者現身說法,與聽眾分享他們的寶貴經驗。 threw in details not covered previously. One example is the remarks by the celebrated soprano Barbara Fei on the Shanghai audience’s 從大會堂到「西九」播出後,有意見認為可以製作英語版 reaction to her performance shortly after the Cultural Revolution. Tune in for the second episode to listen for yourself. 本,於是我又拿著錄音機,請專家們以英文再開金口。另 外,亦加進同樣貢獻良多的居港外藉專家,例如�育家兼作 But most important of all, the English series will bring the voice 曲家紀大衛�授、唱片業巨擘夏希文、香港管弦樂團總指揮 of Hong Kong’s expatriate community, whose contributions are no less than their local colleagues’. We’ll hear interviews with 迪華特,還有多位香港演藝學院和樂團的資深成員的訪問。 Professor David Gwilt, Maestro Edo de Waart, Naxos head Klaus 他們在大氣電波首度開腔,道出在港的所見所聞,暢談香港 Heymann, as well as a league of distinguished members from 起飛、回歸、經歷沙士等百般感受。 the local academic and orchestra communities, reflecting on 50 years of their own contributions to Hong Kong’s musical scene. 各位嘉賓是構建香港音樂文化的重要成員,他們參與本節 They, too, constitute a major share in the making of Hong Kong’s 目,將香港半世紀的音樂發展脈絡更完整地記錄在案。這也 music culture. Their participation in this programme will certainly 是本節目的所有支持及參與者的共同願望。 complement the Chinese series and thus result in a more complete understanding and documentation of our musical past than otherwise possible.

Barbara Fei Edo de Waart Yip Wing-sie

David Gwilt © Hong Kong Sinfonietta Ltd © Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra & Keith Hiro © West Kowloon Cultural District Authority © West

January 2011 | FINE MUSIC 11 COLUMNS 專欄

Colin Touchin Sundays 10:00 am Here’s an invitation to explore Early European Music in the Medieval and Renaissance through a series of 9 weekly programmes. Steps in Musical Ingenuity traces vocal music from early chant through the growth of counterpoint up to the beginnings of opera, steps along to dances from Europe and the Middle East, and explores some instrumental inventions. During this outline of some 700 years of musical history we’ll hear some of the most famous compositions performed by beautiful voices and virtuosic ensembles. With so many recordings available nowadays we can more easily follow the developments, assess the impact made by trade and war on international musical cross-fertilisation, and compare Hildegard von Bingen celebrations of the main festivals.

A Constantly Changing of Creativity Each of these nine programmes is self-contained, but the The closeness of southern France and northern Spain brought overall picture is a constantly changing world of inventive Moorish influence to bear; the court performers almost certainly creativity, harnessing new instrumental manufacture, and more included Arabs, Jews, Christians, and Moslems. The Crusades, adventurous vocal lines and counterpoint. Our musical history a series of wars begun in 1095 and ostensibly fought to free relies upon misfortunes of war and fortunes of trade, and has Jerusalem from the Muslim infidels, inspired great creativity been shaped by the rulings of the Church and the intrepid in many forms; expeditions for the cause came from all over derring-do of the travelling musicians and Crusaders carrying Europe carrying poetry and music to and fro. skills across frontiers in and out of foreign courts between It is easy today to take for granted the availability of printed diverse peoples of many lands. music, but it was only in 1501 that Ottaviano Petrucci in Venice produced the first printed music using movable type, Programme 1 - Chant whilst in Paris in 1527 Pierre Attaignant produced Chansons The series begins with chant, one of the most important aspects nouvelles using simple type printing, after which a stream of of Western classical music: the first music that we can see written new publications flowed across the continent. Composers down, beginning in the 9th century, though the aural tradition everywhere exploited the latest imported dance forms and more stretches back millennia. There are truly beautiful and moving exotic instruments. performances to enjoy in this programme, and we encounter the remarkable Hildegard of Bingen, a polymathic visionary Programme 3 and 8 – Spain and whose music still today has breath-taking power. Two programmes concentrate on single countries: programme 3 on Spain’s versatile church and court composers – listen Programme 2 - Cross Europe with the Minstrels for the cantigas and irresistible dances from Montserrat; and Next we accompany Musical Travels and Musical Travellers programme 8 on England, featuring the ‘English Monteverdi’ - during the second programme. From the awesome splendour of the great Thomas Weelkes, plus examples of the Dompe (a sad Notre-Dame in Paris and the great masters Léonin and Pérotin, song), Dowland’s lute-songs, and a brief contribution from no we cross Europe through the evocative songs of minstrels, known less a person than King Henry VIII himself. variously as troubadours, trouvères, joglars and minnesingers - and also through their dance music, such as the energetic estampie or istampita, words probably derived from the French Léonin (right) and Pérotin(Left), both worked in the Notre Dame Cathedral around the word estamper, meaning to stamp one’s feet. The troubadours beginning of the 13th century, are the significant composers of polyphonic organum. were active down into Catalonia and as far as Italy, whereas the trouvères were their northern French counterparts who tended to bowdlerise the language and ethos of the noble southerners. The words troubadours and trouvères derive from words meaning ‘finders’ or ‘inventors’. The composer of a song was called a troubadour, while whoever performed for payment was called a joglar or jongleur, a player. Travelling musicians required constant new material collected from each other and woven into their performances, much as stand-up comedians today lift unsuspecting public contributions overheard in bars and parties!

January 2011 | FINE MUSIC 13 Arts Happenings 藝壇快訊

Programme 4 – Songs from France and Italy Raymond Yiu 姚恩豪 We touch on the origins of opera following the trail from France’s chansons and rondels to Italy’s madrigals and caccias, through early oratorio style leading to the adoption of secular subjects – this is programme 4 that also examines the leading roles of outstanding composers Guillaume de Machaut and Francesco Landini. Programme 5 and 6 – Dance Music and the Keyboard Works Programme 6 examines the development of keyboard Malcolm Crowthers instruments (the organ, regal, clavichord, spinet, virginal, © harpsichord), following programme 5’s sequence of dance music from the Middle East and Europe. Old instruments we Raymond Yiu, a Hong Kong–born composer, has won the hear include the oud, kaval, gaida, and chalumeau alongside Chamber category award at the British Composer Awards 2010. various percussion instruments which remain almost unchanged He is the first Chinese composer to win this award. in use today. One dynamic musical exchange from Syria bears remarkable similarity to the way a modern jazz ensemble Yiu began writing music as a teenager and took up composing play choruses together inviting each player in turn to solo and again while studying electrical engineering at Imperial College improvise. Another example features the rebec, a sort of early in London. After working for a few years as an engineer, Raymond decided to devote himself wholly to music. As violin, accompanied by nakers, a pair of drums played at the a composer, Raymond is mostly self-taught. His love of side of the body, and two drone instruments, the citole and the classical, contemporary, jazz, and Canto-pop made his musical tromba marina. compositions unique and most innovative. His works have been selected and performed three times by the Society for the Programme 7 - Liturgy of the Church Promotion of New Music. His compositions have also been The seventh programme covers settings of the Mass, essentially performed and recorded by the BBC Singers, London Symphony the five sections of the Ordinary: the Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Orchestra, , and pianist . Sanctus and Benedictus, and Agnus Dei. We will hear two Yiu’s recent composition, Northwest Wind, written for and examples of each mass section by different composers premiered by the Lontano Ensemble, was an early attempt in (Dunstaple and Byrd, Sheppard and Machaut, Lassus and de using Chinese elements in writing music. This work won him la Rue, Palestrina and Taverner, Josquin and Dufay) revealing the British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors enlightening contrasts in counterpoint and intensity. (BASCA) British Composer Awards 2010 (Chamber category). Raymond is now pursuing a doctoral degree in composition at Programme 9 – Musical Feast the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. Finally we hear more Music for Feasts, featuring Christmas song, New Year music, an Easter anthem, some heroic keyboard and 姚恩豪獲頒英國作曲家獎 brass playing, and party games such as The Barley Break. Oh, and there’s something from the original 12th century Carmina 香港出生的旅英作曲家姚恩豪,最近獲英國作曲家及作詞家 Burana – all human emotion covered in nine programmes! 學院頒發英國作曲家獎(室樂作品組)。姚恩豪在倫敦帝國理 工學院修讀電機工程,自小已熱愛作曲。大學畢業後,他有 I hope you will enjoy the selection and join me each week - step forward, step lively, step into Steps in Musical Ingenuity 幾年從事了與電機有關的工作,後來決意把作曲這興趣發展 every Sunday at 10am. 為專業。由於姚恩豪最初是自學作曲,沒有受學院派的規 範,加上對很多曲種如古典、現代、爵士以至廣東流行曲有 所涉獵,所以他的作品不拘一格。姚恩豪的創作曾三次被 在1至2月份逢週日上午10時的「早期音樂」,身兼指 新音樂推廣協會選奏,倫敦交響樂團、英國廣播電台合唱 揮家、作曲家及�育工作者的英國音樂家杜程將會主持 團、倫敦小交響樂團和鋼琴家朗郎亦演出過他的作品。是次 「早期音樂 — 巧思妙韻」 ,於九集節目中為你細說歐洲中 世紀到文藝復興時期的各種宗�音樂、節慶歌謠和特色舞 得獎作品《西北風》是他對「六四事件」二十週年的回應。 曲。節目播出後亦可於radio4.rthk.hk節目重溫內收聽。 《西北風》是指八、九十年代 的中國搖滾樂風潮,姚恩豪在 作品中引用了中國歌調,這個 寫作方法得到評審員讚同,為 他贏得英國作曲家獎。

姚恩豪現於喬凱音樂及戲劇學 院修讀博士讀程。希望很快有 Malcolm Crowthers 機會在香港欣賞到他的作品! © Raymond Yiu and pianist Lang Lang in rehearsal 姚恩豪與郎朗

January 2011 | FINE MUSIC 15 Arts Happenings 藝壇快訊

After lying hidden for about 270 years, two of Antonio Vivaldi’s violin sonatas were recently discovered in a 180-page A 890-year-old guqin has portfolio, donated in 2008 by the late been sold in Beijing for a businessman Gerald Coke to the Foundling record-breaking price of Museum in London. According to the BBC $136 million RMB. This News, Coke had acquired the anthology at traditional seven-string auction, and it was given to the Foundling zither had been made in Museum after his death. The collection 1120 at the order of the consists of manuscripts, compiled between Emperor Huizong of the 1715 and 1725, with Vivaldi’s sonatas filed Song Dynasty. In 1741, alongside works by Handel, Corelli, and Emperor Qianlong of the Purcell. The sonatas were discovered during Qing Dynasty ordered a cataloguing of the anthology. The sonatas case to be tailor-made for have been authenticated by Vivaldi expert this guqin and later he had Michael Talbot, a noted Vivaldi scholar and former Professor of Music at his seal engraved at the the University of Liverpool. Talbot said that the pieces found were likely to bottom of the instrument. The guqin was lost from be written for amateur musicians. In fact, many of Vivaldi’s compositions the imperial collection were composed for the female music ensemble of the Ospedale della Pietà, about the time of Emperor a charitable institution for orphaned and abandoned girls where Vivaldi Qianlong and was later worked from 1704 until 1740. found at the Summer Palace Three months ago, a lost flute concerto entitled Il Gran Mongol, also by and then it was lost again Vivaldi, was discovered among a set of papers housed in Scotland’s National during the 1860 French- Archives in Edinburgh. University of Southampton Research Fellow Andrew English sacking of the Woolley, who found the work, says that it belongs to a quartet of ‘national’ Palace. It was discovered concertos; the others, titled La Francia, La Spagna, and L’Inghilterro, remain in the early 20th century lost. This flute concerto will be performed at Perth Concert Hall on26 and last acquired by Fan Boyan, a Shanghai musician, in January, 2011, with Katy Bircher as soloist. 1953, who kept the instrument intact during the years of Best known for his Four Seasons violin concertos, Vivaldi wrote almost 50 revolution and war. operas, more than 500 concertos, around 90 sonatas, and many sacred This antique guqin was auctioned in Beijing last month. choral pieces. It seems that the total number of his composition is on the Bidding for this instrument inlaid with gold, silver, deer rise! antler, and pearl began at 16 million RMB and reached 136 million, a purchase price that was a record for an ancient guqin. 靜候知音270年 英國發現韋華第的樂譜 史上最昂貴的古琴 兩首由韋華第所寫,遺失了270年的小提琴奏鳴曲,最近被發現藏於倫敦育 一張古琴的最高價值會是多少?一百萬元?一千萬元? 嬰堂博物館之中。 答案是一億三千六百萬元人民幣! 英國廣播公司報導,有關樂譜被存放在一個文件匣內。文件匣內有多個檔 一張屬於北宋宋徽宗趙佶的古琴,上月在北京拍賣。古琴 案最初由已故商人卻克在一個拍賣場合投得;卻克離世後,文件匣於2008 底價一千六百萬元,但經多口叫價後,最終破天荒以一億 年被捐贈予博物館。除了韋華第的奏鳴曲外,文件匣內還有韓德爾、柯里尼 三千六百萬元成交,創下歷來古琴最高拍賣價。 和浦賽爾於1715到1725年間寫作的樂譜。

前利物浦大學�授、韋華第音樂學者泰保特証實這兩首奏鳴曲均出自韋華第 這張古琴名為「松石間意」,在北宋宣和二年(1120年)由 的手筆,並認為兩首作品是為業餘樂手所寫。 宋徽宗命官琴局御製,鑲有金、銀和鹿角。此琴傳到清 朝,深受乾隆帝喜愛,於辛酉年(1741年)由乾隆帝為古琴 三個月前,在蘇格蘭國家檔案館內,也找到了一首韋華第的長笛協奏曲。這 裝匣,並於一年後於琴背刻上「乾隆壬戌御賞並題」。 份曾消失的樂譜由修咸頓大學研究員胡利發現,並証實作品是屬於一套四首 此琴曾於皇宮的內府典藏中不翼而飛,後被尋回,但卻於 的「國家」協奏曲。學者至今仍未找到另外三首的樂譜。2011年1月26日, 1860年英法聯軍掠奪圓明園時流出宮外,輾轉落入不同 女長笛手伯克將於珀斯音樂廳演奏這首長笛協奏曲。 收藏者之手。1953年,上海琴人樊伯炎取得此琴並收藏至 除了創作《四季》協奏曲外,韋華第還寫了50套歌劇、超過500首協奏 今。時至今日,古琴仍保留宋代原貌,琴匣及琴上配件全 曲、90首奏鳴曲和多不勝數的宗�合唱曲,似乎這些數字仍在不斷上升呢! 部是清宮舊物。「松石間意」跨越歷代皇朝,見證我國近 九百年的興衰。

January 2011 | FINE MUSIC 17 Lo King-man

Sundays 2:00pm Happy New Year!

Sunday Opera inaugurates the year 2011 with Rupert Chan’s presentation of a delightful comic opera of the bel canto period in a recording featuring two of the greatest opera singers of the 20th century. The other four works are representative masterpieces of diverse styles and periods.

2 January : Donizetti’s L’Elisir d’Amore This marvellous work was created in only 14 days, seven of which were taken up by the librettist, Felice Romani, preparing the text from an older French script. Delightful music flowed from Donizetti’s pen at great speed. The parts were passed immediately from copyists to performers eagerly waiting to rehearse it on stage. The world première in May 1832 was a sensational success with the Milan public and the first run lasted for 32 consecutive performances. L’Elisir d’Amore (The Elixir of Love) has remained a constant favourite worldwide and is considered one of the highest achievements of its kind. Gaetano Donizetti (1797-1848) began writing operas when he was 17. He composed Italian composer Italian poet and librettist prolifically, producing some 65 works in his career. Like his contemporaries, Rossini Gaetano Donizetti Felice Romani (1788-1865) and Bellini, he wrote for that great race of bel canto singers of his time, and his musical style reflects the prevailing taste and circumstances of that era. With the modern revival of bel canto singing led by such legendary performers as Callas, Sills, Sutherland, and Caballé, Donizetti’s best works have regained their important position in the international repertoire. Our recording of this charming rustic love story features the outstanding partnership between soprano Joan Sutherland and tenor Luciano Pavarotti, supported by the Ambrosian Opera Chorus and English Chamber Orchestra under conductor Richard Bonynge.

9 January : Verdi’s Un Ballo in Maschera Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901) composed this musical melodrama in 1857, shortly after the successful trio of works of his early creative maturity: Rigoletto, Il Trovatore, and La Traviata. The libretto by Antonio Somma is based on a historical event, the assassination of King Gustave III of Sweden in 1792, but which has been much romanticized with the introduction of a fictional love affair between the monarch and the wife of his trusted friend and minister. This opera is one of Verdi’s most passionate works on the subject of pure, unselfish love between a man and a woman. As usual, Verdi had great trouble with the censors, this time in Naples where the opera was commissioned for its world première at the Teatro San Carlo, but was actually given its premiere at the Teatro Apollo in Rome in 1859 when Verdi and Neapolitan censors couldn’t come to an agreement. The killing of a royal sovereign on stage was not allowed, so the plot had to be transferred to Boston with the hero demoted to the rank of The plot of Un ballo in maschera (A Masked Ball) was colonial governor. It is in this modified form that the opera was performed for more than a hundred years until written by Frenchman Eugène recent revivals restored the original story. Scribe (1791-1861).

Our recording boasts a magnificent cast including soprano Maria Callas as Amelia, tenor Giuseppe di Stefano as Riccardo, and baritone Tito Gobbi as Renato, supported by the Chorus and Orchestra of La Scala Theatre, Milan, conducted by Antonino Votto.

18 FINE MUSIC | January 2011 COLUMNS 專欄 Prof. Lo King-man, producer and director of numerous opera productions in Hong Kong.

16 January : Massenet’s Esclarmonde

This is a truly grand and spectacular opera, which the composer described as an ‘Opéra Romanesque’ in four acts and eight tableaux. It was first performed at the Opéra- Comique in Paris in May 1889 as a production to celebrate the Universal Exposition. The work was composed at the time when Jules Massenet (1842-1912) was cultivating an intimate relationship with the beautiful American soprano Sybil Sanderson, for whom the title role was written. Well-instructed in the mysteries of magical powers, young Esclarmonde has been crowned Queen of Byzantium. She is in love with Roland, who is, however, betrothed to a French princess. Esclarmonde manages to win Roland’s favours with the help of magic and she meets him in secret every night until dawn when she disappears into thin air without a trace. This relationship lasts until Esclarmonde’s magic spell is broken American soprano Sibyl French composer by a Bishop. The lovers reunite in the end and ascend the throne together as Empress Sanderson (1864 –1903) in this Jules Massenet title role for her professional and Consort. debut in May, 1889 Joan Sutherland and Giacomo Aragall are the soprano and tenor leads; with the John Alldis Choir and the National Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Richard Bonynge.

23 January : Mozart’s Don Giovanni Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-91) visited Prague in January 1787 to attend the triumphant premiere of his latest masterpiece, The Marriage of Figaro. He returned to Vienna with a contract for another opera to be produced in October. His skillful librettist, Lorenzo da Ponte, suggested the popular story of the Spanish libertine Don Juan in an unusual treatment that combines the brilliance of opera buffa with the spirit of opera seria in the Italian tradition.

Mozart composed a score that abounds in swift changes of mood, ranging from gentle romance to sinister fulminations. Giovanni is the anti-hero, and Leporello, who embodies many comic characteristics, is an admirable foil for his master. The anxieties of the two ladies, Anna and Elvira, are drawn with extraordinary feeling, while the young village couple Zerlina and Masetto provide an innocent contrast to the scheming nobility; in the Commendatore, we see a personification of divine justice. These diverse qualities are marvellously fused in a work deservedly regarded as one of the greatest operas of all time. With bass Roger Soyer in the title role and a cast comprising tenor Luigi Alva and sopranos Antigone Sgourda, Heather Harper, and Helen Donath, the Scottish Opera Chorus and the Italian operatic baritone Engraving of the Venetian Luigi Bassi (1766-1825) opera librettist and poet English Chamber Orchestra give a superb performance under Daniel Barenboim. in the title role of Mozart’s Lorenzo da Ponte Don Giovanni which was (1749-1838) world premiered in Prague in 1787 30 January : Cilea’s Adriana Lecouvreur In real life, Adrienne Lecouvreur was a famous French actress in early 18th century Paris. The plot of this opera is built around the triangular love affair involving the actress, the Count of Saxony, and the Princess de Bouillon. The story is therefore full of passion, intrigues and jealous confrontations. Francesco Cilea (1866-1950) was one of the last composers of the Italian verismo (realism) school. He was a superb melodist and a skillful orchestrator. Adriana Lecouvreur, his most successful work, contains many fine scenes and arias with expressive vocal lines that convey sweeping passion. Soprano Renata Scotto, in the title role, is partnered by tenor Plácido Domingo as the Count and mezzo-soprano Elena Obraztsova as the Princess. The Ambrosian Opera Chorus and Italian conductor Cleofonte The opera was inspired by Campanini (1860-1919) the life of French actress Philharmonia Orchestra participate under the direction of James Levine. conducted the première in Adrienne Lecouvreur November, 1902, in Milan. (1692–1730)

January 2011 | FINE MUSIC 19 Friends of Radio 4 第四台之友


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Friends of Radio 4 Society Limited 第四台之友協會有限公司

January 2011 | FINE MUSIC 21 COLUMNS 專欄

Tina Ma 馬盈盈 New Releases Tina Ma, Ben Pelletier Mondays 8:00pm

Tina Ma and Ben Pelletier guide you through some of the most interesting new releases to keep you in touch with the latest in fine music recordings. The programmes are also available on Radio 4’s website for streaming:

新唱片大本營 馬盈盈 彭禮傑 逢星期一晚上8時

馬盈盈和彭禮傑邀請你加入「新唱片大本營」,一同欣賞市面上新近推出的影 音製作;節目更可於網上重溫。 Ben Pelletier 彭禮傑

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January 2011 | FINE MUSIC 23 COVER STORY 封面故事

January 2011 | FINE MUSIC 25 COVER STORY 封面故事

26 FINE MUSIC | January 2011 COVER STORY 封面故事

January 2011 | FINE MUSIC 27 COVER STORY 封面故事 Date 日期 Highlights 重點推介

RTHK String Quartet Anniversary Concert 1/1 Presented by LCSD as part of the ‘Our Music Talents’ series, (Sat 六) RTHK Quartet together with pianist Nancy Loo play string quartets 8:00pm by Mozart, Debussy, and a Schumann quintet, celebrating their first anniversary as a performing group. 22/1 (Sat 六) 香港電台弦樂四重奏音樂會 2:35pm* 這場香港電台弦樂四重奏音樂會屬於康文署的「音樂顯才華」 Repeat 重播 系列,演奏曲目包括莫扎特和德布西的弦樂四重奏,更夥拍鋼 Nancy Loo RTHK Quartet 琴家羅乃新,演奏舒曼的鋼琴五重奏,慶祝創團一週年。 香港電台弦樂四重奏 羅乃新

Live at the Wigmore – Pavel Haas Quartet 8/1 Ravel’s String Quartet, completed in 1903, is a pillar of the quartet repertoire, and (Sat 六) Prokofiev’s Quartet No.1, commissioned by the Library of Congress and premiered 8:00pm in 1931, is one of the few chamber pieces Prokofiev wrote in his career. The Pavel Haas Quartet from the Czech Republic brings you these two 20th century works 13/1 from London’s Wigmore Hall. (Thu 四) 2:00pm 威格摩音樂廳的迴響–巴維哈斯弦樂四重奏 Repeat 重播 來自捷克的巴維哈斯弦樂四重奏在英國威格摩音樂廳,送上拉威爾於1903年完

成的弦樂四重奏,及浦羅歌菲夫應美國國會圖書館邀請而寫的第一弦樂四重奏。 Marco Borggreve © Pavel Haas Quartet 巴維哈斯弦樂四重奏

Symphony Under the Stars 2010 15/1 Under the magnificent starry night, the Hong Kong Philharmonic (Sat 六) Orchestra and conductor Perry So presents an evening of 2:35pm* wonderful music from the Happy Valley Recreation Ground, including Prokofiev’s dramatic Romeo and Juliet and Dvořák’s Carnival Overture. Pianist Boris Giltburg plays Chopin’s Piano Concerto No. 2. 「港樂.星夜.交響曲」2010 繁星點點的夜空下,香港管弦樂團與指揮蘇柏軒在跑馬地馬場 遊樂場送上多段動人樂章,包括浦羅歌菲夫的《羅密歐與茱麗 葉》選段和德伏扎克的《狂歡節序曲》,並聯同鋼琴家基特寶

© Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra / Cheung Chi Wai 演奏蕭邦的第二鋼琴協奏曲。

Live at the Wigmore – Emerson Quartet 15/1 The Emerson Quartet, the legendary New York–based quartet, performs (Sat 六) Haydn’s extraordinary meditations on the seven last words of Christ 8:00pm on the cross, written in 1786 at the request of the Bishop of Cádiz Cathedral, for the solemn Good Friday service . 20/1 (Thu 四) 威格摩音樂廳的迴響–愛瑪遜弦樂四重奏 2:00pm 來自美國的愛瑪遜弦樂四重奏送上海頓發人深省的《十架七言》。作品 Repeat 重播 由加的斯大�堂主�於1786年委約,特別為耶穌受難日的莊嚴彌撒而 創作。 Mitch Jenkins © Emerson String Quartet 愛瑪遜弦樂四重奏

January 2011 | FINE MUSIC 31 COLUMNS 專欄

Date 日期 Highlights 重點推介

NHK Symphony Orchestra Special Concert 21/1 From the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union, this concert was (Fri 五) recorded at the NHK Hall, Japan. The NHK Symphony Orchestra 8:00pm and the Kunitachi College of Music Chorus under the baton of Helmuth Rilling bring us a performance of Beethoven’s NHK Symphony Orchestra 26/1 © magnificent Choral Symphony No. 9 in D minor. (Wed 三) NHK Symphony Orchestra NHK交響樂團 2:00pm NHK 交響樂團音樂會 Repeat 重播 來自亞太廣播聯盟的精彩錄音。音樂會在日本NHK音樂廳錄 音。NHK交響樂團在指揮利靈的帶領下,聯同日本國立音樂 Michael Latz

© 大學合唱團以及多位歌唱家送上貝多芬氣勢磅礴的第九交響 Helmuth Rilling, conductor 利靈,指揮 曲「合唱」。

Musical Journeys with Three Virtuosi 22/1 This Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra’s concert offers the amazingly diverse (Sat 六) moods of Chinese music performed by three virtuosi; Huo Yonggang 8:00pm performs the banhu concerto Variables; dongxiao and dizi soloist Tam Po- shek plays a medley of traditional Cantonese tunes entitled Hong Kong’s 27/1 West Side Story; and Feng Shaoxian, an expert on narrative singing, (Thu 四) brings music from the hearty warmth of northeastern China. 2:00pm Repeat 重播 中樂三遊俠

香港中樂團帶來三種截然不同的音樂風采:胡琴演奏家霍永剛送上豪邁的板 HKCO © 胡協奏曲《變數》、儒雅的洞蕭演奏家譚寶碩演奏《塘西風月》,還有爽朗 Feng Shaoxian on narrative singing with the 的馮少先會演出東北彈唱,同樣帶來驚喜。 Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra 馮少先與香港中樂團

Rachel Cheung from the Chopin Festival 1/2 From the 65th International Chopin Festival held in Duszniki Zdrój, the (Tue 二) Hong Kong–born pianist Rachel Cheung performs a concert of exquisite 8:00pm music by Chopin, including the Ballade No.4, Sonata in B flat minor and the Polonaise-Fantaisie in A flat major. dzinski / NIFC ę 張緯晴的蕭邦演繹 年青鋼琴家張緯晴應第65屆國際蕭邦節邀請,彈奏蕭邦的作品,包括第四敘事 Wojciech Grz Wojciech

© 曲、降B小調奏鳴曲和降A大調幻想波蘭舞曲。 Rachel Cheung 張緯晴

* simulcast on RTHK Radio 4, via TVB Pearl and on RTHK’s website. 香港電台第四台、無綫電視明珠台及香港電台網站同步播出 。

– be in touch in 3 minutes –三分鐘錦囊

Topic 內容 Host 主持 星期一 : 今日話當年 馬盈盈 Tue : From City Hall to West Kowloon Oliver Chou Wed : Arts News Jenny Lee Thu : Early Music Colin Touchin Fri : Arts News Jonathan Douglas Sat : Operetta Lo King-man 星期日 : 新CD介紹 馬盈盈

Mon- Fri 星期一至五 : 7:55am, 12:55pm, 5:55pm, 10:55pm Weekends 週末 : 9:55am, 4:55pm, 10:55pm

January 2011 | FINE MUSIC 33 MAIN PROGRAMME CHART 節目時間表 RTHK Radio 4 香港電台第四台 FM Stereo 97.6-98.9MHz Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 星期日 6:00am

Aubade 晨曲 E 7:00am

Sunday Morning 8:00am Music Infusion on 4 Morning Call with Jonathan Douglas 樂樂無窮 週日早晨 清晨妙韻 杜格尊 Ben Pelletier 彭禮傑 Stacey Rodda 9:00am E 盧迪思 E E

10:00am Minutes That Matter Early Music 早期音樂 Play by Ear Colin Touchin E 11:00am 週末隨想 杜程 Non-stop Classics Synthia Ko 美樂無休 高德儀 Church Service E 主日崇拜 E 12:00pm Bethan Greaves / Stacey Rodda 紀碧琳 / 盧迪思 From City Hall to E Artbeat Jonathan Douglas 杜格尊 West Kowloon E E 從大會堂到西九 1:00pm Oliver Chou 周光蓁 News at One Music à la Carte 午間精點 C / 李德芬 / 馬盈盈 2:00pm Daphne Lee Tina Ma 25 Years of Top Ten Live on 4 Music Headlines C 第四台音樂會 B 十大樂聞25週年回顧 Sunday Opera 3:00pm (Repeat 重播) Chow Fan-fu / Oliver Chou 周凡夫 / 周光蓁 R4 Buddies 歌劇世界 Lo King-man Music from China 四台插班生 盧景文 (1st b/c: Wed) (1st b/c: Thu) (1st b/c: Fri) (1st b/c: Sat) 樂在神州 C Raymond Chung / E (首播:星期三) (首播:星期四) (首播:星期五) (首播:星期六) Calvin Lai Carmen Leung 4:00pm 賴建群 鍾子豪 / 梁倍嘉 Rupert Chan 陳鈞潤 C (1st Sunday 首個週日) C

5:00pm Four for Classics with Jenny Lee 愛樂同盟 李嘉盈 All or Nothing Children’s Corner 情有獨鍾 C 親親童樂日 B Rebecca Siu 羅乃新 C 蕭程佳明 Nancy Loo 6:00pm News at Six Arts News 藝壇快訊 C All or Nothing Appassionata 7:00pm 情有獨鍾 C 只愛音樂 Happy Hour with Kathy Lam Raymond Chung Cantilena 鍾子豪 歡樂時光 林家琦 C 自投羅網 C Nancy Loo 羅乃新 C 8:00pm BBC Feature 英國廣播公司專輯 New Releases 9:00pm 新唱片大本營 Live on 4 E Tina Ma / Ben Pelletier 第四台音樂會 馬盈盈 / 彭禮傑 B Sunday B Divertimento 10:00pm 星夜樂逍遙 Wendy Ng Tunes to 伍穎文 Nocturne with Calvin Lai Remember C 11:00pm 夜夜笙歌 夜心曲 賴建群 Jazzing Up Emma Liu 廖碧楨 C E C 爵士靈感 Dave Packer 12:00am * Reflections 晚禱 Mon-Fri (星期一至五)11:57pm B Bilingual 雙語 C Cantonese 粵語 E English 英語

Music for All Music Exploration Concerts Artnews Education Religion News 適合所有樂迷 擴闊音樂領域 音樂會時段 藝術資訊 �育節目 宗�節目 新聞

January 2011 | FINE MUSIC 35 PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS 節目精華 Programme Highlights 8:00pm BBC FEATURES - LIQUID ASSETS: 8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會 節目精華 TRACING HANDEL’S Isang Enders (vc) THOUSANDS Dan Zhu (v) 英國廣播公司專輯 - 流動資產: 1/1/2011 (Sat 星期六) Tzimon Barto (p) Erik Schumann (v) 追尋韓德爾的財產 Alisa Weilerstein (vc) 5:00pm ALL OR NOTHING – Peter Day explores a lesser-known side of George Schleswig-Holstein Festival Orch. / THE GERMAN THREE B’S Frideric Handel. He talks to Handel scholars and Christoph Eschenbach 情有獨鍾─德國作曲家: financial historians to trace the surprising story of Berlioz: Overture from ‘Benvenuto Cellini’ 11’ 巴赫、貝多芬及布拉姆斯 Handel’s fortune. Schumann: Cello Concerto in A minor, Op. 129 23’ Brahms: Hungarian Dance No. 5 in G minor 3’ Violin Concerto in D minor 33’ Bach: ‘Sheep May Safely Graze’ from 彼得‧戴爾探討韓德爾鮮為人知的一面—與學 Beethoven: Triple Concerto in C major, Op. 56 37’ Cantata No. 208 5’ 者及金融史學家看韓德爾家財的故事。 Beethoven: Symphony No. 7 in A major, 恩特斯(大提琴) Op. 92 (excerpt) 11’ 3/1/2011 (Mon 星期一) Brahms: Cello Sonata No. 2 in F major, 朱丹(小提琴) 11:00am DE FALLA 法雅 Op. 99 (third movement) 7’ 巴圖(鋼琴)艾力‧舒曼(小提琴)艾莉莎‧ The Three-Cornered Hat 17’ Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 7 in D major, 韋拿斯坦(大提琴) Jan DeGaetani (ms) Op. 10, No. 3 (first movement) 7’ 德國石荷州音樂節管弦樂團 / 艾遜巴赫 New York Phil. / Pierre Boulez and more 白遼士:《本韋努托‧徹里尼》序曲 三角帽 舒曼:A小調大提琴協奏曲,作品129 狄加坦尼(女中音) 布拉姆斯:G小調第五匈牙利舞曲 D小調小提琴協奏曲 紐約愛樂樂團 / 布萊茲 巴赫:「羊兒安然吃草」,選自第二○八 貝多芬:C大調三重協奏曲,作品56 清唱劇 貝多芬:A大調第七交響曲,作品92(選段) 2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) Isang Enders 恩特斯 布拉姆斯:F大調第二大提琴奏鳴曲, 第四台音樂會(重播) 作品99(第三樂章) Philipe Bianconi (p) 貝多芬:D大調第七鋼琴奏鳴曲,作品10, Monte-Carlo Phil. Orch. / Yakov Kreizberg 第3首(第一樂章) Adams: Harmonielehre 30’ Vasks: Cantabile for String Orchestra 18’ 及其它作品 Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor, Op. 18 35’ 8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會 Nancy Loo (p) RTHK String Quartet 比安康尼(鋼琴) Mozart: String Quartet in C major, K. 157

蒙地卡羅愛樂樂團 / 基列斯保 © Isang Enders Debussy: String Quartet 亞當士:和聲 Schumann: Piano Quintet in E flat major, Op. 44 瓦斯克斯:如歌的,為樂團而作 /1/2011 (Wed 星期三) 拉赫曼尼諾夫:C小調第二鋼琴協奏曲, 5 Presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services 11:00am 萊察 作品18 REICHA Department. Recorded at City Hall Theatre on String Quintet with Solo Cello No. 3 28’ 7/12/2010. 4/1/2011 (Tue 星期二) Anner Bylsma (vc) L’Archibudelli 第三弦樂四重奏及大提琴獨奏 11:00am SCHUBERT 舒伯特 羅乃新(鋼琴)香港電台弦樂四重奏 拜士瑪(大提琴)羊腸弦古樂團 Mass No. 3 in B flat major, Op. 141 28’ 莫扎特:C大調弦樂四重奏,K. 157 Vienna Boys’ Cho. 德布西:弦樂四重奏 Orch. of the Age of Enlightenment / Bruno Weil 2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 舒曼:降E大調鋼琴五重奏,Op. 44 降B大調第三彌撤曲,作品141 第四台音樂會(重播) Lin Yu-hsien (dizi) 維也納童聲合唱團 康樂及文化事務處主辨。2010年12月7日香港 啟蒙時期樂團 / 偉爾 Zhang Ying () 大會堂劇院錄音。 Luo Jing (zheng) 2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) Xu Hui (banhu) /1/2011 (Sun 星期日) 2 第四台音樂會(重播) Hong Kong Chinese Orch. / Yan Huichang 2:00pm SUNDAY OPERA歌劇世界 Rafał Blechaz (p) Qian Zhaoxi: Dizi Concerto ‘The Pirouetting Donizetti: L’Elisir d’Amore Royal Concertgebouw Orch. / Andris Nelson Danseuse’ Adina: Joan Sutherland (s) Debussy: Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune 11’ Gu Guanren: Pipa Concerto ‘Wang Zhaojun’ Nemorino: Luciano Pavarotti (t) Saint-Saëns: Piano Concerto No. 2 in G minor, Chen Ning-chi: Zheng Concerto ‘Xi Shi’ Belcore: Dominic Cossa (b) Op. 22 24’ Wu Hua: Banhu Concerto ‘The Royal Concubine’s Dulcamara: Spiro Malas (b) Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6 in B minor, Passions’ English Cham. Orch, / Richard Bonynge Op. 74, ‘Pathétique’ 47’ Presented by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. 唐尼采弟:愛情靈藥 布列哈茲(鋼琴) Recorded at City Hall Concert Hall on 10/12/2010. 阿迪娜:修德蘭(女高音) 阿姆斯特丹音樂廳樂團 / 安德斯‧尼爾森 林育仙(笛子) 內莫利諾:巴筏諾堤(男高音) 德布西:牧神之午後前奏曲 張瑩(琵琶) 貝爾科雷:哥沙(男低音) 聖桑:G小調第二鋼琴協奏曲,作品22 羅晶(箏) 杜卡馬拉:馬勒斯(男低音) 柴可夫斯基:B小調第六交響曲, 英國室樂團 / 邦寧 作品74,「悲愴」 徐慧(板胡) 香港中樂團 / 閻惠昌


錢兆熹:笛子協奏曲「旋舞女」 Franssens: Grace 17’ 8/1/2011 (Sat 星期六) 顧冠仁:琵琶協奏曲「王昭君」 Beethoven: Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 61 45’ 5:00pm ALL OR NOTHING – 陳能濟:箏協奏曲「西施」 Prokofiev: Alexander Nevsky, Op. 78 41’ THE GERMAN THREE B’S 吳華:板胡協奏曲「貴妃生死戀」 情有獨鍾─德國作曲家: 邦娜(女高音) 巴赫、貝多芬及布拉姆斯 香港中樂團主辦。2010年12月10日大會堂音 卓絲蒂亞高娃(女中音) Brahms: Lullaby, Op. 49, No. 4 3’ 樂廳錄音。 卡伐確斯(小提琴) Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 5 in E flat major, 荷蘭電台愛樂樂團及合唱團 / 佩特連科 Op. 73, ‘Emperor’ 8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會 法蘭臣斯:恩典 (third movement) 11’ Nicola Benedetti (v) 貝多芬:D大調小提琴協奏曲,作品61 Bach: ‘Come, ye Daughters, Share My Mourning’ Leonard Elschenbroich (vc) 浦羅歌菲夫:亞歷山大‧涅夫斯基,作品78 from St. Matthew Passion, BWV244 8’ Alexei Grynyuk & Hugh Tinney (p) Brahms: Intermezzo No. 1 in E flat major, RTÉ Vanbrugh Quartet, Danish String Quartet, Vasily Petrenko Op. 117 5’ Escher String Quartet 佩特連科 Beethoven: Symphony No. 2 in D major, Fleischmann: Piano Quintet 24’ Op. 36 (fourth movement) 6’ Nielsen: String Quartet in G minor, Op. 13 32’ 布拉姆斯:搖籃曲,作品49第4首 Zemlinsky: String Quartet No. 4, Op. 25 26’ 貝多芬:降E大調第五鋼琴協奏曲,作品73, Schumann: Piano Trio No. 3 in G minor, 「帝皇」(第三樂章) Op. 110 27’ 巴赫:「來吧,女兒們,與我一起哀悼」, 選自《聖馬太受難曲》,BWV244 賓納迪蒂(小提琴) 布拉姆斯:降E大調第一間奏曲,作品117 埃爾申布勞伊希(大提琴) 貝多芬:D大調第二交響曲,作品36

葛瑞紐克、天尼(鋼琴) © Mark McNulty (第四樂章) 愛爾蘭廣播電視公司雲堡四重奏、 丹麥弦樂四重奏、埃舍爾弦樂四重奏 7/1/2011 (Fri 星期五) 8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會 費沙曼:鋼琴五重奏 11:00am BENTZON 班特桑 Pavel Haas Quartet 尼爾森:G小調弦樂四重奏,作品13 Kronik om René Descartes, Op. 357 27’ Prokofiev: String Quartet No. 1 in B minor, 策姆林斯基:第四弦樂四重奏,作品25 Danish Nat. Radio Sym. Orch. / Ole Schmidt Op. 50 26’ 舒曼:G小調鋼琴三重奏,作品110 笛卡兒編年史,作品357 Ravel: String Quartet in F major 29’ 丹麥國立電台交響樂團 / 奧利.舒密特 巴維哈斯弦樂四重奏 8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會 浦羅歌菲夫:B小調第一弦樂四重奏,作品50 Deborah Voigt (s) 拉威爾:F大調弦樂四重奏 San Francisco Sym. / Michael Tilson Thomas Ives: Symphony No. 3, ‘The Camp meeting’ 21’ Pavel Haas Quartet R. Strauss: Final Scene from ‘Salome’ 17’ 巴維哈斯弦樂四重奏 Shostakovich: Symphony No. 5 in D minor 49’

RTÉ Vanbrugh Quartet 科爾芝(女高音) 愛爾蘭廣播電視公司雲堡四重奏

© RTÉ Vanbrugh Quartet Vanbrugh © RTÉ 三藩市交響樂團 / 狄遜湯馬士 艾菲斯:第三交響曲,「營會」 6/1/2011 (Thu 星期四) 李察‧史特勞斯:終幕,選自《莎樂美》 11:00am SCHUMANN 舒曼 蕭斯達高維契:D小調第五交響曲 Kreisleriana, Op. 16 29’ Murray Perahia (p) Daborah Voigt 克萊斯勒偶記 科爾芝 柏拉亞(鋼琴)

2:00pm YOUNG MUSICIAN OF THE YEAR 2010 「傑出青少年音樂家大獎」2010 © Marco Borggreve Organized by Tom Lee Music Foundation, co- presented by Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. Recorded at Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall 9/1/2011 (Sun 星期日) on 20/12/2010. 2:00pm SUNDAY OPERA 歌劇世界 Verdi: Un Ballo in Maschera 通利音樂基金主辦,香港管弦樂團合辦。2010 Amelia: Maria Callas (s) 年12月20日香港文化中心音樂廳錄音。 Riccardo: Giuseppe di Stefano (t) Renato: Tito Gobbi (br) 8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會 Ulrica: Fedora Barbieri (s) Yvette Bonner (s) Orch. and Cho. del Teatro alla Scala, Milano / Irina Tschistjakova (ms) Antonino Votto Leonidas Kavakos (v)

Netherlands Radio Phil. Orch. and Cho. / © CAMI Vasily Petrenko January 2011 | FINE MUSIC 39


威爾第:假面舞會 8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會 8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會 艾美莉亞:卡拉絲(女高音) German Chamber Phil., Bremen / Paavo Järvi Royal Concertgebouw Orch. / Mariss Jansons 力卡度:狄史提芬奴(男高音) Schumann: Manfred Overture, Op. 115 12’ Wagner: Tannhaüser Overture 14’ 雷納度:哥比(男中音) Symphony No. 3 in E flat major, Wagner: ‘Siegfried’s Rhine Journey’ and 尤莉卡:巴比艾里(女高音) Op. 97 33’ ‘Siegfried’s Funeral Music’ from 米蘭斯卡拉歌劇院樂團及合唱團 / 霍圖 ‘Götterdämmerung’ 23’ 不萊梅德國室樂管弦樂團 / 巴孚.約菲 Shostakovich: Symphony No. 10 in E minor, 8:00pm BBC FEATURES – 舒曼:曼弗雷德序曲,作品115 Op. 93 53’ THE REAL HISTORY OF OPERA 降E大調第三交響曲,作品97 英國廣播公司專輯 – 阿姆斯特丹音樂廳樂團 / 楊遜斯 歌劇的真實歷史 12/1/2011 (Wed 星期三) 華格納:《湯豪舍》序曲 11:00am HUMMEL 亨密爾 「齊格弗里德的萊茵之旅」及「葬禮 Many famous operas were written in reaction to the Mass in B flat major, Op. 77 32’ 進行曲」,選自《神界的黃昏》 personalities of events of their day. Huw Edwards Collegium Musicium 90 / Richard Hickox 蕭斯達高維契:E小調第十交響曲,作品93 offers a fascinating glimpse into the real-life history 降B大調彌撒曲,作品77 of famous operas. 九零年代古樂合奏團 / 希覺斯 Mariss Jansons Puccini: Tosca 楊遜斯 2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 許多名歌劇均以當時的人和事為創作藍本,主 第四台音樂會(重播) 持愛德華斯會與你探討歌劇背後引人入勝的真 Prog. as 7/1/2011, 8pm 人真事。 節目與2011年1月7日晚上8時相同 浦契尼:托斯卡 8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會 10/1/2011 (Mon 星期一) Nicola Benedetti (v) Hartmut Rohde (va) 11:00am VAUGHAN WILLIAMS 佛漢威廉士 Leonard Elschenbroich (vc) Partita for Double String Orchestra 20’ Dominic Dudley (db) Kirill Gerstein (p)

English Sinfonia / John Farrer Artis Quartet © Mariss Jansons 雙弦樂團組曲 Weigl: String Quartet No. 1 in C minor, 英國交響樂團 / 法拉 Op. 20 40’ 14/1/2011 (Fri 星期五) Schubert: Piano Quintet in A major, ‘Trout’ 45’ 11:00am RUBINSTEIN 魯賓斯坦 2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) Eroica Fantasia, Op. 110 28’ 第四台音樂會(重播) 賓納迪蒂(小提琴)羅特(中提琴) Slovak Radio Sym. Orch. / Robert Stankovsky Prog. as 5/1/2011, 8pm 埃爾申布勞伊希(大提琴) 英雄幻想曲,作品110 節目與2011年1月5日晚上8時相同 杜特利(低音大提琴)格爾斯坦(鋼琴) 捷克斯洛伐克電台交響樂團 / 史丹高維斯基 亞迪斯四重奏 /1/2011 (Tue 星期二) 11 韋爾:C小調第一弦樂四重奏,作品20 8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會 11:00am GRIEG 葛利格 舒伯特:A大調鋼琴五重奏,「鱒魚」 Alexander Toradze (p) Cello Sonata in A minor, Op. 36 28’ London Sym. Orch. / Valery Gergiev Truls Mørk (vc) Håvard Gimse (p) Tchaikovsky: Romeo and Juliet A小調大提琴奏鳴曲,作品36 Fantasy-Overture 20’ 莫克(大提琴)金沙(鋼琴) Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No. 2 in G minor 36’ Tchaikovsky: Hamlet Fantasy-Overture 18’ 2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) Prokofiev: Symphony No. 7 in C sharp minor 30’ 第四台音樂會(重播) Prog. as 6/1/2011, 8pm 托拉撒(鋼琴) 節目與2011年1月6日晚上8時相同 倫敦交響樂團 / 葛濟夫 柴可夫斯基:羅密歐與朱麗葉幻想序曲 浦羅歌菲夫:G小調第二鋼琴協奏曲 柴可夫斯基:哈姆雷特幻想序曲 浦羅歌菲夫:升C小調第七交響曲 Artis Quartet 亞迪斯四重奏

© Lucas Beck Valery Gergiev 葛濟夫 13/1/2011 (Thu 星期四) 11:00am RACHMANINOV 拉赫曼尼諾夫 Moments Musicaux, Op. 16 27’ Leonid Kuzmin (p) 音樂瞬間,作品16 古斯文(鋼琴)

2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播) Paavo Järvi Prog. as 8/1/2011, 8pm © Marco Borggreve / Decca 巴孚.約菲 節目與2011年1月8日晚上8時相同 © Mathias Bothor January 2011 | FINE MUSIC 41 PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS 節目精華

15/1/2011 (Sat 星期六) Emerson String Quartet 18/1/2011 (Tue 星期二) 2:35pm 2010 SYMPHONY UNDER 愛瑪遜弦樂四重奏 11:00am LALO 拉羅 THE STARS Cello Concerto in D minor 25’ 太古「港樂‧星夜‧交響曲」2010 Hanna Chang (vc) Boris Giltburg (p) Saint Cecilia Acad. Orch. / Antonio Pappano Hong Kong Phil. Orch. / Perry So D小調大提琴協奏曲 Dvořák: Carnival Overture, Op. 92 張漢娜(大提琴) Chopin: Piano Concerto No. 2 in F minor, Op. 21 羅馬聖西西利亞學院樂團 / 巴班奴 Mussorgsky: Prelude: Dawn over the River Moscow from ‘Khovanshchina’ 2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) Prokofiev: Selections from ‘Romeo and Juliet’ 第四台音樂會(重播) Tchaikovsky: 1812 Overture, Op. 49 Prog. as 13/1/2011, 8pm 節目與2011年1月13日晚上8時相同 Presented by the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. Recorded at Happy Valley Recreation Ground on © Lisa-Marie Mazzucco 8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會 26/11/2010. Simulcast on RTHK Radio 4, via TVB Nelson Goerner (p) Pearl and on RTHK’s website ( 16/1/2011 (Sun 星期日) Nat. Polish Radio Sym. Orch., Katowice / 2:00pm SUNDAY OPERA 歌劇世界 Tadeusz Strugala 基特寶(鋼琴) Massenet: Esclarmonde Schumann: : Symphony No. 1 in B flat major, 香港管弦樂團 / 蘇柏軒 Esclarmonde: Joan Sutherland (s) Op. 38 32’ 德伏扎克:狂歡節序曲,作品92 Le Chevalier Roland: Giacomo Aragall (t) Chopin: Piano Concerto No. 1 in E minor, Op. 11 42’ 蕭邦:F小調第二鋼琴協奏曲,作品21 Parseis: Huguette Tourangeau (ms) L’Empereur: Clifford Grant (b) Tchaikovsky: Romeo and Juliet Fantasy- 穆索斯基:「莫斯科河上的晨曦」序曲, Overture 20’ 選自《霍凡斯基之亂》 Finchley Children’s Music Group, John Alldis Cho. National Phil. Orch. / Richard Bonynge 歌爾拿(鋼琴) 浦羅歌菲夫:羅密歐與朱麗葉(選段) 波蘭電台國家交響樂團 / 史圖加拉 柴可夫斯基:「1812」序曲,作品49 馬斯奈:埃斯克拉芒 舒曼:降B大調第一交響曲,作品38 騎士路蘭特:阿拉加爾(男高音) 蕭邦:E小調第一鋼琴協奏曲,作品11 香港管弦樂團主辦。2010年11月26日跑馬地馬 埃斯克拉芒:修德蘭(女高音) 柴可夫斯基:羅密歐與朱麗葉幻想序曲 場遊樂場錄音。香港電台第四台、無綫電視明 巴莉以絲:杜倫素(女中音) 珠台及香港電台網上廣播站 ( 同 國王:格蘭(男低音) Nelson Goerner 步播出。 歌爾拿 芬奇利兒童合唱團、約翰雅狄士合唱團 國家管弦樂團 / 邦寧 5:00pm ALL OR NOTHING – THE GERMAN THREE B’S 情有獨鍾─德國作曲家: 8:00pm BBC FEATURES – 巴赫、貝多芬及布拉姆斯 THE REAL HISTORY OF OPERA 英國廣播公司專輯 – Beethoven: Für Elise 3’ 歌劇的真實歷史 Calm Sea and a Prosperous Voyage, Op. 112 9’ Many famous operas were written in reaction to the Brahms: Rhapsody in G minor, Op. 79 No.2 6’ personalities of events of their day. Huw Edwards Bach: Prelude and Allemande from Suite offers a fascinating glimpse into the real-life history No. 3 for Unaccompanied Cello 7’ of famous operas. Beethoven: Romance No. 2 in F major, Op. 50 8’ Handel: Semele

貝多芬:獻給愛麗絲 許多名歌劇均以當時的人和事為創作藍本,主 風平浪靜及一帆風順,作品112 持愛德華斯會與你探討歌劇背後引人入勝的真 布拉姆斯:G大調狂想曲,作品79第2首 人真事。 © Brice Toul 韓德爾:塞墨勒 巴赫:前奏曲及阿拉曼德舞曲, /1/2011 (Wed 星期三) 選自第三無伴奏大提琴組曲 19 11:00am SCHUBERT 舒伯特 貝多芬:F大調第二浪漫曲,作品50 /1/2011 (Mon 星期一) 17 Symphony No. 8 in B minor, D. 759, 11:00am 狄特斯多夫 DITTERSDORF ‘Unfinished’ 22’ Symphony No. 4 in F major 23’ 8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會 Vienna Phil. Orch. / Carl Schuricht Cantilena / Adrian Shepherd Emerson Quartet B小調第八交響曲,D. 759,「未完成」 F大調第四交響曲 Haydn: The Seven Last Words of Our Saviour 維也納愛樂樂團 / 舒力克 on the Cross 49’ 根達蓮拿室樂合奏團 / 蕭柏特 2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 愛瑪遜弦樂四重奏 2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播) 第四台音樂會(重播) 海頓:十架七言 Prog. as 14/1/2011, 8pm Prog. as 12/1/2011, 8pm 節目與2011年1月14日晚上8時相同 節目與2011年1月12日晚上8時相同


8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會 Enrico Pace Danish String Quartet, Artis Quartet 巴齊 22/1/2011 (Sat 星期六) Grieg: String Quartet in G minor, Op. 27 38’ 2:35pm RTHK STRING QUARTET Mozart (Went arr.): Don Giovanni (Act 1) 51’ ANNIVERSARY CONCERT 香港電台弦樂四重奏音樂會 丹麥弦樂四重奏、亞迪斯四重奏 Prog. as 1/1/2011, 8pm 葛利格:G小調弦樂四重奏,作品27 節目與2011年1月1日晚上8時相同 莫扎特(溫特編):唐喬萬尼(第一幕) Simulcast on RTHK Radio 4, via TVB Pearl and on RTHK’s website ( 香港電台第四台、無綫電視明珠台及香港電台 網上廣播站 ( 同步播出。

5:00pm ALL OR NOTHING – THE GERMAN THREE B’S 情有獨鍾─德國作曲家: 巴赫、貝多芬及布拉姆斯 Brahms: Capriccio in B minor, Op. 76 No. 2 3’ Beethoven: Symphony No. 6 in F major, Op. 68, ‘Pastoral’ (first movement) 9’ © Marco Borggreve Bach: ‘I love the Almighty with Deepest Devotion’ from Cantata No. 174 8’ 21/1/2011 (Fri 星期五) Beethoven: Piano Sonata in F minor, Op. 57, 11:00am SIBELIUS 西貝流士 ‘Appassionata’ (first movement) 9’ The Maiden in the Tower 37’ Brahms: Academic Festival Overture, Op. 80 10’ Solveig Kringelborn (s) Estonian Nat. Sym. Orch. & Male Cho. / 布拉姆斯:B小調隨想曲,作品76第2首 Paavo Järvi 貝多芬:F大調第六交響曲,作品68, 塔中的姑娘 「田園」(第一樂章) Danaish String Quartet 克林格布(女高音) 巴赫:「我以全身心熱愛上主」, 丹麥弦樂四重奏 愛沙尼亞國家學院交響樂團及男聲合唱團 / 選自第一七四清唱劇 巴孚‧約菲 貝多芬:F小調鋼琴奏鳴曲,作品57, © Nikolaj Lund 「熱情」 8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會 布拉姆斯:大學節慶序曲 20/1/2011 (Thu 星期四) Tamara Wilson (s) 11:00am WAGNER 華格納 Daniela Sindram (a) 8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會 Wesendonck Lieder 20’ Dominik Wortig (t) Feng Shaoxian (zhongruan, sanxian and Agnes Baltsa (ms) London Sym. Orch. / Michael Nagy (br) narrative singing) Jeffrey Tate Kunitachi College of Music Cho. Hou Yonggang (banhu) 韋森東克歌曲 NHK Sym. Orch. / Helmuth Rilling Tam Po-shek (dixi, xiao and Chinese calligraphy) 比爾莎(女中音)倫敦交響樂團 / 達替 Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Hong Kong Chinese Orch. / Yan Huichang Op. 125, ‘Choral’ Yau Shiu-bun (arr.): Hong Kong’s West Side Story 2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) Dong Weijie & Huo Yonggang: Flowing Sleeves 第四台音樂會(重播) 威爾遜(女高音) Sui Lijun: Song of the Black Earth Prog. as 15/1/2011, 8pm 冼特林姆(女中音) Lu Huang: Variables 節目與2011年1月15日晚上8時相同 伏迪(男高音) Sui Lijun: Zhongruan Concerto ‘An Autumn 拿基(男低音) Gathering by the Campfire’ 8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會 日本國立音樂大學合唱團 Law Wing-fai: Flying Brush Enrico Pace (p) NHK交響樂團 / 利靈 Netherlands Radio Ch. Phil. / 貝多芬:D小調第九交響曲,作品125, Presented by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. Tchaikovsky: Suite No. 4 in G major, 「合唱」 Recorded at City Hall Concert Hall on 7/1/2011. Op. 61, ‘Mozartiana’ 25’ Rachmaninov: Rhapsody on a Theme by Helmuth Rilling 馮少先(中阮、三弦、彈唱) 利靈 Paganini, Op. 34 23’ 霍永剛(板胡) Ravel: Ma Mère l’Oye 27’ 譚寶碩(笛、簫、書法) 香港中樂團 / 閻惠昌 巴齊(鋼琴) 邱少彬編:塘西風月 荷蘭電台室樂愛樂樂團 / 范瑞韋頓 董為杰,霍永剛:水袖 柴可夫斯基:G大調第四組曲,作品61, 隋利軍:黑土歌 「莫扎特風格曲」 呂黃:變數 拉赫曼尼諾夫:巴格尼尼主題狂想曲,作品34 隋利軍:中阮協奏曲「五音花會」 拉威爾:鵝媽媽 羅永暉:毫飛集


© Holger Schneider 廳錄音。 January 2011 | FINE MUSIC 45 23/1/2011 (Sun 星期日) 2:00pm SUNDAY OPERA 歌劇世界 Mozart: Don Giovanni Don Giovanni: Roger Soyer (b) Donna Anna: Antigone Sgourda (s) Don Ottavio: Luigi Alva (t) Scottish Opera Cho. English Ch. Orch. / Daniel Barenboim

莫扎特:唐喬萬尼 唐喬萬尼:史維耶(男低音) 安娜:斯古達(女高音) 奧大維歐:艾爾華(男高音) 蘇格蘭歌劇院合唱團 英國室樂團 / 巴倫邦

8:00pm BBC FEATURES – THE REAL HISTORY OF OPERA 英國廣播公司專輯 – 歌劇的真實歷史

Many famous operas were written in reaction to the personalities of events of their day. Huw Edwards offers a fascinating glimpse into the real–life history of famous operas. Rossini: William Tell

許多名歌劇均以當時的人和事為創作藍本,主 持愛德華斯會與你探討歌劇背後引人入勝的真 人真事。 羅西尼:威廉‧泰爾

24/1/2011 (Mon 星期一) 11:00am HAYDN 海頓 ‘Winter’ from ‘The Seasons’ 32’ Krisztina Laki (s), Helmut Wildhaber (t) Peter Lika (b), Cho. of the Flanders Opera La Petite Bande / Sigiswald Kuijken 《四季》之冬 拉奇(女高音),韋特哈巴(男高音) 力卡(男低音),佛蘭德歌劇院合唱團 小樂隊 / 古伊根

2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播) Prog. as 19/1/2011, 8pm 節目與2011年1月19日晚上8時相同

25/1/2011 (Tue 星期二) 11:00am STRAVINSKY 史達拉汶斯基 Suite from ‘Pulcinella’ 22’ New York Phil. / 普切內拉組曲 紐約愛樂樂團 / 伯恩斯坦

2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播) Prog. as 20/1/2011, 8pm 節目與2011年1月20日晚上8時相同


8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會 列迪傑克(女高音) 28/1/2011 (Fri 星期五) Kit Armstrong (p) 格爾斯坦、約菲(鋼琴) 11:00am ALBENIZ 亞爾班尼斯 NDR Sym. Orch. / Manfred Honeck 庫西斯圖、告魯斯曼(小提琴) Iberia 23’ Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 3 in C minor, 羅特(中提琴) Miguel Baselga (p) Op. 37 35’ 力娜(大提琴) 伊比利亞 Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5 in E minor, 愛爾蘭廣播電視公司雲堡四重奏、 巴斯加(鋼琴) Op. 64 45’ 埃舍爾弦樂四重奏 約格.韋特文:第五弦樂四重奏及女高音 8:00pm 第四台音樂會 岩士唐(鋼琴) 「賦格曲實驗」 LIVE ON 4 Royal Concertgebouw Orch. / Bernard Haitink 德國北部電台交響樂團 / 洪納傑克 艾尼斯高:第二鋼琴四重奏,作品30 Bruckner: Symphony No. 8 in C minor 81’ 貝多芬:C小調第三鋼琴協奏曲,作品37 蕭頌:D大調鋼琴、小提琴及弦樂四重奏 柴可夫斯基:E小調第五交響曲,作品64 協奏曲,作品21 阿姆斯特丹音樂廳樂團 / 凱亭 布魯克納:C小調第八交響曲 Kit Armstrong 岩士唐 Bernard Haitink 凱亭

Escher String Quartet 埃舍爾弦樂四重奏 © J. Henry Fair © Anderhub 27/1/2011 (Thu 星期四) 11:00am RAMEAU 拉摩 29/1/2011 (Sat 星期六)

© Künstlersekretariat Schoerke GmbH Concert No. 2 in G major 18’ 5:00pm ALL OR NOTHING – London Baroque THE GERMAN THREE B’S 情有獨鍾─德國作曲家: 26/1/2011 (Wed 星期三) G大調第二合奏曲 巴赫、貝多芬及布拉姆斯 倫敦巴羅克合奏團 11:00am DES PRES 祖士昆‧德普利 Bach: Badinerie from Suite No. 2 in B minor, Missa L’homme armé super voces musicales 34’ BWV1067 2’ 2:00pm Maîtrise des Pays de Loire / Bernard Fabre-Garrus LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) Brahms: Ballade No. 4 in B major, Op. 10 5’ 第四台音樂會(重播) 六聲音階彌撒曲「武裝了的人」 Beethoven: Symphony No. 3 in E flat major, Prog. as 22/1/2011, 8pm 盧瓦爾兒童合唱團 / 費比-嘉路斯 Op. 55 ‘Eroica’ (first movement) 15’ 節目與2011年1月22日晚上8時相同 Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G major, 2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) (third movement) 3’ 第四台音樂會(重播) 8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會 Brahms: Piano Quartet No. 1 in G minor, Prog. as 21/1/2011, 8pm Royal Concertgebouw Orch. / Iván Fischer Op. 25 (second movement) 8’ 節目與2011年1月21日晚上8時相同 Bartók: Music for Strings, Percussion 巴赫:嬉戲曲,選自B小調第二組曲, and Celesta 32’ BWV1067 8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會 Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 4 in F minor, 布拉姆斯:B大調第四敘事曲,作品10 Op. 36 43’ Charlotte Riedijk (s) 貝多芬:降E大調第三交響曲,作品55, Bartók: Dance Suite 6’ 「英雄」(第一樂章) Kirill Gerstein, Anja Lechner, Angela Yoffe (p) 巴赫:G大調第三布蘭登堡協奏曲 Pekka Kuusisto, Vadim Gluzman (v) 阿姆斯特丹音樂廳樂團 / 艾雲‧費殊 (第三樂章) Hartmut Rohde (va) 巴托:為弦樂、敲擊樂及鐘琴而寫的音樂 布拉姆斯:G小調第一鋼琴四重奏,作品25 Anja Lechner (vc) 柴可夫斯基:F小調第四交響曲,作品36 RTÉ Vanbrugh Quartet, Escher String Quartet 巴托:舞蹈組曲 8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會 Jörg Widmann: Versuch über die Fuge, ‘String Pierre-Laurent Aimard (p & cond.) Quartet No. 5 with soprano’ 26’ Mahler Ch. Orch. Enescu: Piano Quartet No. 2, Op. 30 30’ Chausson: Concerto in D major for Piano, Haydn: Symphony No. 102 in B flat major 25’ Violin and String Quartet, Op. 21 45’ Ligeti: Etudes for Solo Piano 17’ Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 2 in B flat major, Op. 19 31’


艾瑪(鋼琴及指揮) 31/1/2011 (Mon 星期一) Op. 38 28’ 馬勒室樂團 11:00am VIVALDI 韋華第 Vierne: Piano Quintet, Op. 42 34’ 海頓:降B大調第一○二交響曲 Dixit Dominus in D major, RV594 28’ Boris Tchaikovsky: Piano Quintet 41’ 利格第:鋼琴練習曲 English Bach Festival Orch. and Cho. / 貝多芬:降B大調第二鋼琴協奏曲,作品19 Jean-Claude Malgoire 庫西斯圖(小提琴) D大調「主說」,RV594 力娜(大提琴) Pierre-Laurent Aimard 艾瑪 英國巴赫節日管弦樂團及合唱團 / 馬顧華 格爾斯坦、卡薩爾、蘇洛維耶娃(鋼琴) 丹麥弦樂四重奏、愛爾蘭廣播電視公司雲堡 2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 四重奏 第四台音樂會(重播) 約格‧韋特文:第一小提琴獨奏練習曲 Prog. as 26/1/2011, 8pm 布拉姆斯:E小調大提琴奏鳴曲,作品38 節目與2011年1月26日晚上8時相同 韋尼:鋼琴五重奏,作品42 波歷斯‧柴可夫斯基:鋼琴五重奏 1/2/2011 (Tue 星期二) 11:00am POULENC 浦朗克 3/2/2011 (Thu 星期四) Les Biches 19’ 11:00am TCHAIKOVSKY 柴可夫斯基 Concert Society Conservatory Orch. / Grand Sonata in G major, Op. 37 32’ Georges Prêtre Shura Cherkassky (p) 母鹿 G大調大奏鳴曲,作品37 巴黎音樂學院管弦樂團 / 柏烈特 卓加斯基(鋼琴)

2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播) 第四台音樂會(重播) Prog. as 27/1/2011, 8pm Prog. as 29/1/2011, 8pm © Felix Broede / DG 節目與2011年1月27日晚上8時相同 節目與2011年1月29日晚上8時相同

30/1/2011 (Sun 星期日) 8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會 8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會 2:00pm SUNDAY OPERA 歌劇世界 Rachel Cheung (p) Pierre-Laurent Aimard (p) Cilea: Adriana Lecouvreur Chopin: Ballade No. 4 in F minor, Op.52 11’ Royal Concertgebouw Orch. / David Robertson Adriana Lecouvreur: Renata Scotto (s) Mazurkas, Op. 24, Nos. 1-4 12’ Ravel: Le Tombeau de Couperin 20’ Maurizio: Plácido Domingo (t) Andante spianato and Grande Polonaise Benjamin: Duet for Piano and Orchestra 11’ La Principessa di Bouillon: Elena Obraztsova (ms) in E flat major, op. 22 14’ Messiaen: Un Vitrail et des Oiseaux 8’ Il Principe di Bouillon: Giancarlo Luccardi (b) Sonata in B flat minor, Op. 35 20’ Keuris: Sinfonia 13’ Ambrosian Opera Cho. Polonaise-Fantaisie in A flat major, Stravinsky: Symphony in Three Movements 21’ Philharmonia Orch. / James Levine Op. 61 13’ 艾瑪(鋼琴) 齊里亞:阿德里安娜‧萊古芙露爾 張緯晴(鋼琴) 阿姆斯特丹音樂廳樂團 / 羅伯遜 阿德里安娜‧萊古芙露爾:史葛圖(女高音) 蕭邦:F小調第四敘事曲,作品52 拉威爾:庫普蘭之墓 莫利齊奧:杜鳴高(男高音) 馬祖卡舞曲,作品24,第1至4首 班祖民:二重奏 布以安公主:奧伯沙素華(女中音) 降E大調流暢的行板與華麗大波蘭舞曲, 梅湘:彩繪玻璃和鳥 布以安王子:路卡第(男低音) 作品22 庫瑞斯:交響曲 亞布斯安歌劇合唱團 降B小調奏鳴曲,作品35 史達拉汶斯基:三樂章交響曲 愛樂樂團 / 利雲 降A大調幻想波蘭舞曲,作品61 K E Y 8:00pm BBC FEATURES – 2/2/2011 (Wed 星期三) TO ABBREVIATIONS THE REAL HISTORY OF OPERA 11:00am BEETHOVEN 貝多芬 英國廣播公司專輯 – Eroica Variations in E flat major, Op. 35 23’ A ALTO FH FRENCH HORN PER PERCUSSION 歌劇的真實歷史 ACAD. ACADEMY FP FORTEPIANO PHIL. PHILHARMONIC Sviatoslav Richter (p) ARR. ARRANGED BY FEST. FESTIVAL R RECORDER 降E大調英雄變奏曲,作品35 B BASS GHM GLASS HARMONICA S SOPRANO Many famous operas were written in reaction to the 力克特(鋼琴) BN BASSOON G GUITAR SX SAXOPHONE BR BARITONE H HARP SYM. SYMPHONY personalities of events of their day. Huw Edwards CH. CHAMBER HC HARPSICHORD T TENOR offers a fascinating glimpse into the real–life history 2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) CHO. CHOIR, CHORALE, HM HARMONICA TB TROMBONE of famous operas. 第四台音樂會(重播) CHORUS L LUTE TR TRUMPET Wagner: Tristan and Isolde CL CLARINET MS MEZZO﹣SOPRANO TRAD. TRADITIONAL Prog. as 28/1/2011, 8pm COMP COMPOSER N NARRATOR TRANS. TRANSCRIBED BY 節目與2011年1月28日晚上8時相同 COND CONDUCTOR NAT. NATIONAL TY TIMPANI 許多名歌劇均以當時的人和事為創作藍本,主 CT COUNTERTENOR O ORGAN V VIOLIN CV CLAVICHORD OB OBOE VC VIOLONCELLO 持愛德華斯會與你探討歌劇背後引人入勝的真 8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會 DB DOUBLE BASS ORCH. ORCHESTRA VA VIOLA 人真事。 EH ENGLISH HORN P PIANO VIGA VIOLA DA GAMBA Pekka Kuusisto (v) 華格納:崔斯坦與伊索爾德 F FLUTE PC PICCOLO VIH VIHUELA Anja Lechner (vc) Kirill Gerstein, Philippe Cassard, Olga Solovieva (p) BBC RADIO INTERNATIONAL Danish String Quartet, RTÉ Vanbrugh Quartet RADIO NETHERLANDS Jörg Widmann: Etude No. 1 for Solo Violin 15’ Brahms: Cello Sonata No. 1 in E minor, January 2011 | FINE MUSIC 49 PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS 節目精華

In Loving Memory of Lam Wai Choi We announce with great sadness that Mr. Lam Wai Choi, former colleague of Radio 4, passed away on 20 Nov 2010, aged 42. The funeral service for Mr. Lam was held on 15 December 2010. Mr. Lam served RTHK Radio 4 as a producer and presenter in the 1990s. Featuring news and reviews of the arts scene, he brought listeners updates on events affecting the development of Hong Kong cultural life. Colleagues of Radio 4 are saddened by the news and express their deepest condolences to Mr. Lam’s family.

懷念林偉才 本台前編導及節目主持人林偉才於2010年11月20日因病辭世,享年42歲。 其喪禮已於12月15日舉行。 林偉才於九十年代曾任職香港電台第四台,主持多個藝訊節目, 積極介紹城中藝壇活動,其工作態度深獲同行及聽眾讚賞。 香港電台第四台謹向林先生的家屬致以深切慰問。

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January 2011 | FINE MUSIC 51 COLUMNS 專欄

Chung Siu Sun

Rebecca Siu joined Radio 4 in the 1980s and over the years, has presented numerous programmes, including Piano Exam, Good Morning On 4, Children’s Corner and live broadcasts of many concerts. As a producer and presenter, Rebecca has a reputation for being thorough in context and warm in manner. Such characteristics had been revealed earlier when she was a student.

Early in her life, two questions came to Rebecca and they were important in her professional growth. The first, ‘Why do seeds grow?’ pointed her toward the study of Biology. Despite her work, after completing her degree and teaching in a secondary school for 4 years, she did not learn the answer. Later, Rebecca was deeply moved by music and the second question, ‘Why is music so powerful and moving?’ prompted her to focus on the study of music. This time she went abroad with her newly-married husband, who was studying Divinity. I didn’t ask if she has got the answer to the power of music, but from her continuous passion in music, she certainly did!

In All Or Nothing, beautiful ‘short and sweet’ pieces are the focus of the hour. We carefully choose works to let music ‘speak’ for itself. After featuring British composers last month, the spotlight this month will be on the German Three B’s: Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms. To Rebecca, the biggest challenge for producing this programme is not on the technical side, such as fitting up the balanced selections and precise timing. The challenge comes from discipline control! ‘During music selection, I am tempted to listen to so much of the music of Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms. There’s so much to choose from that I could listen for days and days.’ Indeed, she enjoys every moment while listening to music for every programme.

You will have your own opportunity to enjoy the music selections of Rebecca Siu in January’s All Or Nothing, every Saturday from 5pm to 7pm.

樂在其中的蕭程佳明 鍾兆燊

曾為第四台主持「鋼琴考試講座」、「第四台早晨」、「親親童樂日」,以及無數音樂會直播 節目足有二十五年的蕭程佳明,最近為我們製作了兩輯「情有獨鍾」。在聽眾的印象中,蕭程 佳明的語調親切爾雅;在行內人眼中,她對節目預備則一絲不苟。她這種細緻而精密的氣質, 原來早於學生時代經已養成。

「小時候不明白,為何種子能開出花來?」蕭程佳明進大學選修生物學,可惜始終找不到她的 答案。畢業後在中學執教了四年,一次在音樂裡深受感動,她又再問:「為何音樂如此感人?」 憑著其音樂天份,她跟隨立志要當牧師的丈夫雙雙負笈海外,讀神學,修音樂。結果他們找到 的,是生命的航向。

一連兩個月,蕭程佳明主持「情有獨鍾」,每集節目會精選多段簡短動聽的樂曲。上月的主題 是英國作曲家作品,本月主題是古典音樂世界的「3B」–巴赫、貝多芬和布拉姆斯。節目中有 關樂曲的介紹盡量省免,純以音樂的配搭組成節目的起承轉合。「選曲和編排音樂順序所花的 時間往往是超乎自己想像的」,蕭程佳明笑著說:「又如這個月節目的準備工作,三位作曲家 真教我難以選曲,要是沒有時間限制,我真的會一首一首停不了的聽好幾天呢!」能投入每首 樂曲,發掘出當中的不同情感,相信這是蕭程佳明樂在其中的原因吧。想欣賞她的選曲,本月 逢星期六,下午5時到7時,不要錯過「情有獨鍾」! Rebecca Siu in 1980s 八十年代的蕭程佳明

52 FINE MUSIC | January 2011