FOREWORD 前言 One night after dinner, I went past Lam Tin and dropped by Kai Tin 一個晚上,飯後路過藍田,便順道跑上啟田邨,看看正在那裡擺 Estate to visit the 25 Years of Top 10 Music Headlines Exhibition. 放的「十大樂聞二十五週年」回顧展覽。 Photos, exhibits, and the 24 top-voted arts news I saw at the exhibition 在「十大樂聞」票選活動舉辦初期,我是參與者之一,亦有兩次 brought back a lot of fond memories indeed. As a participant of the 成為幸運兒,贏得那時還算是「新產品」的禮物-鐳射唱片。二 Top Ten Music Headlines polling in the early years when the project 十多年過去,那天晚上置身回顧展覽當中,看到多張趣味盎然的 first started, I still remember receiving a couple of technologically– 照片和多件展品,同時重溫歷年共二十四條得票最高的樂聞,感 advanced products, i.e., CDs, as prizes. 覺份外親切。 The Music Headlines of the past three decades tell the story of the 四份一個世紀的音樂新聞,見證著自八十年代中以來,香港的音 quickly–evolving musical scene in Hong Kong: the founding and 樂面貌正在不斷蛻變-音樂團體的成立和轉型、重量級樂團訪港 restructuring of arts organizations, legendary orchestras visiting Hong 演出、新演出場地落成、大型音樂製作接踵而來、土生土長的音 Kong, inauguration of new performance venues, large-scale local 樂家在國際舞台上屢獲佳績、香港主辦國際音樂比賽、本地高等 productions, local musicians winning international awards and prizes, 音樂�育穩步發展⋯⋯這些發展,實非當年所能預計。 Hong Kong staging international competitions, development of Hong 「十大樂聞二十五週年」回顧展覽的展期至12月底,最後兩個展 Kong’s tertiary music education system…and the story goes on today. 點分別是屯門大會堂(23/12 - 31/12)和樂富商場(28/12 ﹣31/12), ‘25 Years of Top 10 Music Headlines Exhibition’ will finish its tour by 有興趣的話,不訪親臨參觀,亦歡迎網上瀏覽(rthk.hk)。其實, the end of December. The final two exhibition venues are Tuen Mun 想更深入了解這些樂聞與這二十多年來香港音樂發展之間的關 Town Hall (23/12 – 31/12) and Lok Fu Plaza (28/12 – 31/12). Pay a visit 係,你可以收聽由樂評人周凡夫和周光蓁主持的沙漠 vs 綠洲: or have a glimpse of it on Radio 4’s website (rthk.hk). 十大樂聞25週年回顧,節目逢星期五下午2時播出。2月2日星期 二下午8時,我們會為你揭曉「2010十大樂聞齊齊選」的結果。 As for the current 25th Top 10 Music Headlines, polling has already 如果你還未投票的話,請立刻行動,一起勾劃出香港音樂的發展 started. Cast your vote and help shape the musical landscape of Hong 軌跡。詳情刊於第10頁。 Kong. Details can be found on page 10. 話題仍然留在歷史的領域當中。10月份,周光蓁曾經在從大會堂 On a related subject, last October, Oliver Chou hosted From City Hall 到西九中,帶領聽眾走過五十年的香港音樂時空。這個節目的英 to West Kowloon - a series reflecting on the musical development in 語版本將於1月份,逢星期日中午12時播出,當中有不少全新的 Hong Kong in the past five decades. I am glad to inform you that this month, the English version of this programme will be broadcast on 內容和專訪,萬勿錯過! Sundays at noon. There are much more new materials and interviews 回望過去,亦展望未來,希望在2011年,音樂能繼續豐富你的 included here, don’t miss it! 生命。順帶一提,午夜12時,新一年來臨的一刻,第四台將為你 Looking ahead, a reminder that the first piece of music in 2011, which 現場直播萊比錫布業大厦樂團及合唱團,聯同四位獨唱家,在指 you will hear on Radio 4 right after the New Year’s countdown, will 揮沙爾的領導下演出貝多芬的第九交響曲,就以這首充滿歡樂與 be a live broadcast from Germany of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 希望的鉅作,向你說聲:「新年快樂!」 performed by the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra and Chorus with 第四台節目總監 蕭樹勝 distinguished soloists, all under the direction of Richard Chailly. With this immortal work, I wish you a fruitful and joyful 2011! SHARE Your LOVE of Music with US, Become a PATRON『美樂集』of ‘FM’ ! Radio 4 would like to thank the patrons DIAMOND PATRONS 鑽石贊助者 for their generous support. If you would Sir Gordon & Lady Wu 胡應湘爵士伉儷 like to become a patron of ‘FM’ Fine Mr. Frankie Shik-leung Yau 邱錫亮先生 M Restaurant Group Music, please call us on 9073 3474 for Jimmy Shiu further information during office hours. PLATINUM PATRONS 白金贊助者 Dr. Margaret W.K. Wong Head, Radio 4 香港電台第四台謹向以下贊助者的慷慨 支持致以最深謝意。有興趣成為「美樂 SILVER PATRON 白銀贊助者 集」贊助者的朋友,可在辦公時間內致電 Ms. Rayne Chai Chih-hui 蔡之慧女士 9073 3474 查詢有關詳情。 January 2011 | FINE MUSIC 1 CONTENTS 目錄 January 2011 二零一一年一月號 01 FROM THE DESK OF HEAD, R4 掌台人隨筆 05 SPECIAL FEATURES 特稿 05 RTHK Quartet’s First Anniversary Concert Flashback 香港電台弦樂四重奏 一週年音樂會剪影 07 In Conversation with Boris Giltburg 09 德奧音樂經典 COLUMNS 專欄 07 10 From City Hall to West Kowloon 從大會堂到西九 13 Early Music - Steps In Musical Ingenuity 早期音樂 - 巧思妙韻 18 Sunday Opera 歌劇世界 23 New Releases 新唱片大本營 COVER STORY 封面故事 25 Top 10 Music Headlines © Eric Richmond 2010 十大樂聞 10 COLUMNS 專欄 31 Concert Highlights 音樂會轉播精選 35 Main Programme Chart 節目時間表 37 Programme Highlights 節目精華 51 ‘FM’ Classified Board 《美樂集》分類廣告 52 Coda 25 © Hong Kong City Hall 13 January 2011 | FINE MUSIC 3 SPECIAL FEATURES 特稿 Raymond Chung 鍾子豪 The RTHK Quartet’s First Anniversary Concert was held on 7 December. The members of the Quartet, violinists Le Hoai-nam and Ayako Ichimaru, violist Elvis Chan, and cellist Laurent Perrin, played a programme of Mozart and Debussy quartets and a Schumann piano quintet with pianist Nancy Loo. Although the temperature dropped dramatically within a few hours that evening, the City Hall Theatre was still packed with an enthusiastic audience. The concert was presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. 「香港電台弦樂四重奏」成立一週年音樂會,於上月7日假香港大會堂劇院舉行。 四位成員包括小提琴家李海南和一丸綾子、中提琴家陳子信及大提琴家貝樂安除 了合奏莫扎特和德布西的弦樂四重奏外,更與鋼琴家羅乃新合奏舒曼的降E大調 鋼琴五重奏。不少知音人在那個氣溫驟降的晚上莅臨出席,共渡愉快的晚上。 今場音樂會由康樂及文化事務署主辦。 Annikki Arponen (Consul General of Finland) and Marja Korhonen (Consul of Finland)both attended the concert. 芬蘭駐香港及澳門總領事安芬妮(左三) 及領事郭文慧(左四)出席支持音樂會 Nancy Loo rehearsing 排練中的羅乃新 (From left) Tai Keen-man , Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wong and Jimmy Shiu (左起) 戴建文、王永平伉儷及蕭樹勝 Cheers! (From left to right) Amy Kwong (Director of RTHK’s Corporate Development Unit), Tai Keen-man (Assistant Director of Broadcasting - Radio), violist Elvis Chan, violinist Ayako Ichimaru, Franklin Wong (Director of Broadcasting), violinist Lee Hoai-nam, cellist Laurent Perrin, Bryan Curtis (Head of English Programme Service) and Jimmy Shiu (Head of Radio 4). 飲杯!(由左至右)鄺思燕(香港電台機構發展總監)、戴健文(助理廣播處長–電台部)、中提琴家陳子信、 小提琴家一丸綾子、黄華麟(廣播處長)、小提琴家李海南、大提琴家貝樂安、柯文傑(英文台台長) 及蕭樹 勝(第四台節目總監)。 January 2011 | FINE MUSIC 5 SPECIAL FEATURES 特稿 In front of an audience of 15,000 here in Hong Kong last month, Israeli- Russian pianist Boris Giltburg teamed up with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, performing Chopin’s Piano Concerto No. 2. Jonathan Douglas talks © Eric Richmond to him about playing Chopin. J : Jonathan Douglas B : Boris Giltburg J : I read that Artur Rubinstein was a very influential figure for you, who come across with a stronger sense of the elegance of the is that right? music, do you think it’s perhaps too simplistic to make that distinction? B: Well, he’s definitely one of my main musical and piano heroes. I really love and adore his playing and approach to music, his B: Well, sometimes I feel that for Rubinstein, it’s very difficult to sound. classify his Chopin playing- it’s so much his native tongue, it’s so natural to him, that he seems like a class by himself, J : What is it about his sound that you admire? with Chopin especially. For example, even though in his youth he was also one of those pianists who were less concerned B: It’s so naturally beautiful, and it seems like an extension of with playing all the right notes, in his later recordings he was his thoughts, of his will, that he is never doing anything on completely true not just to the spirit of the music, but he was purpose, it just happens. His sound and his overall approach also observing all the indications in the score as much as to music have the tendency of going straight to the heart of Barenboim would observe indications in a Beethoven sonata listeners, sometimes bypassing the mind. or a Schubert sonata. J : Was it his recordings of Chopin that you listened to when you Sometimes this is something that the new generation or the were becoming familiar with Chopin’s music? younger generation does not do as meticulously as he would do, even though he is considered in theory, one of the freer B: Yes, his recordings of Chopin, also Schumann, and Brahms are interpreters. With Rubinstein, sometimes it is a bit more elegant the two of the composers he’s specifically great in performing, but still it’s never on the surface, it’s never just for showing the I find. nicer side of things. His Chopin playing is so noble, there is J : It’s interesting particularly this year, being the Chopin so much emotion- maybe his emotion is one step behind the anniversary year, people have been talking about pianists of frontline so it’s not like he is always wearing his heart on his the past who are the great Chopin interpreters. Obviously sleeve, but it’s always there. Artur Rubinstein is widely recognized as one of the greatest Chopin interpreters. Who else? You can enjoy Boris Giltburg’s performance of Chopin’s Piano Concerto No. 2 in the simulcast of Hong Kong B: A very different approach would be Alfred Cortot, he’s probably Philharmonic Orchestra’s Symphony Under the Stars 2010. one generation before Rubinstein, so he comes still from an It will be brought to you on 15 Jan 2011 at 2:35pm on RTHK era where pianists were a little bit less concerned about Urtext Radio 4, via TVB Pearl and on RTHK’s website: rthk.hk. (the original version) or playing exactly all the right notes, and more from an era where pianists were sort of a hero, nearly a god who could do whatever he wanted, people with huge towering personalities - you can tell from his recordings, 「港樂.星夜.交響曲」 his freedom, his rubato which is much more extreme than Rubinstein’s. Still it is so faithful to the spirit of the music, even 以色列裔俄羅斯鋼琴家基特寶剛剛夥拍香港管弦樂團及 though we sometimes find his approach a bit too extreme. 指揮蘇柏軒,於一萬五千名現場觀眾前演奏蕭邦的第二 Still, it almost always convinces and always has something 鋼琴協奏曲。香港電台將為您轉播這場「港樂.星夜. interesting and of unique value to say about the music. 交響曲」音樂會!1月15日(星期六),下午2時35分,請 J : Sometimes I talk to pianists on this subject, and they make 收聽及收看香港電台第四台、無綫電視明珠台及香港電 a distinction between some pianists who somehow
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