Vol. 11 No. 7 June 30 - July 29, 2005 COPYRIGHT 2005 Jarrell Communications Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The New Entering its 100th year of publishing COGIG Shining Northern District Defender newspaper shaken Convention 2005 "Star" of with allegations of sex, money, and drugs scandals "Sunday School Yohance Locure the management intends to make Bronzeville The Defender, celebrat­ significant changes in the near fu­ is my Passion" Revitalizing 47th St. ing its 100 years as the nation's sole ture. The boycott and Operation Re­ with culture of the Little African American daily newspaper moval (taking newspapers off news­ Black Pearl Workshop, has been at the center of controversy stands) has been successful resulting The Washington Center and swirling accusations since last in the Defender reducing its publica­ Culture Center, now on year's end. Now it is the center of tion from 4 days to 3 days weekly. 43rd Street is "The Star­ protest that has triggered other me­ "The Defender announced that it light" atrulymustseevenue.lt dia boycotts. The Concerned Citi­ has eliminated Tuesday newspaper is "thee" newest hot spot in zens Against is a direct result of the 11-week boy­ Col Eugene Scott cott. The boycott will continue until town. It's elegant features, and (retired) became Newspaper (CCACD removed the Roland S. Martin, upscale designs; create the publisher of the De­ Chicago Defender Newspapers from official changes are made in the pa­ Executive Editor most pleasing palate for social fender, after the 40 west side and south side locations per's management," said Davis. joined the Chicago ambiance. death of John Seng- in the city over the past weeks in The Chicago Defender official did Defender in July stacke in the their announcement to include a six not say rather the dropping of Tues­ 2004 as an edito­ 43rd Street was the oringal rial consultant and change of manage­ month boycott of Citizen Newspa­ days paper were due to the protest­ Blues district of Chicago, assumed the role ment, he may step per. And expanded the to protest ing. Muddy Waters, Lou Rawls and back up as General of executive editor NBC5 news. In 2002, the Chicago Defender in August 2004. Donnell Jones, just to name a Manager or in a was acquired by Real Times Inc., a more direction in the Harold Davis Jr. President of the Reports are his six few have dwelled and/ or enter­ CCACD said, "We have received group of newspaper related investors figure salary will tained on this side of the city. newspaper manage­ ment word from Defender executives that headed by it Chairman Thomas Pi- not be renewed. Bronzeville is and will forever (Continued on page 4) be known as " The Blues Dis- (Continued on page 17) Aid. Tillman charges of treat, not warrant in court case Bishop Cody Vernon Mar­ shall, Jurisdictional Bishop of the Northern Illinois Slavery ties Churches of God In Christ u made the sermon address revealed by Provoking the movement Sunday is my Passion, " A Bride between the church 4* wd He using and the community" at its Part2 Convention for 2005.. investor Re-jailing the ex- The Northern Illinois Churches Of In what has become an ongoing God IN Christ (COGIC) had its effort to show the depths of the offenders turned official night convention from June roots of slavery in this country, 6 to 9, ending at Simeon High senior executives from the Wa­ insurgents of the School Audito­ chovia Corporation were asked rium with a host to appear before the City Coun­ community of church congre­ cil Finance Committee to ex­ Ms. Beauty Turner gations lead by plain the recent disclosure that Freelance Writer, Bishop Cody two of their predecessor compa­ Vernon Marshall, nies were involved in slavery. "Thugs" (SSJ ) is how Alderman Toni Preckwinkle (4) Jurisdictional Initially, the company had Bishop. signed the City of Chicago's and a host of other elected officials COGIC is a Economic Disclosure Statement describe Voice Of The Ex- Church of the and Affidavit saying none of its Offenders (VOTE). That lead Lord Jesus Christ companies had ties to slavery. Elder Leon Preckwinkle role in the prosecution in which the Upon further research, the com­ Daniel of of Joseph Watkins a leader of word of God is Unity COGIC, pany found its previous state­ VOTE with a four year sentence on preached, ex­ who is cele­ ment was untrue. charges he threaten the Alderman. plained Elder brating his 50 (Continued on page 19) years in the In June of this year prosecutors Words and Leon Daniels, actions very who heads the ministry at representing charges by Aid. Doro­ his church at Northern District thy Tillman (3) failed to prove that Aid. Dorothy Tillman (3) failed to prove that Paul McKinney of VOTE threaten her Sunday June "Deadly Moves" public relations. Paul McKinney of VOTE threaten in 2004; As Aid. Toni Preckwinkle charges of threat lead the prosecution of Jo­ 26, at 4:00 "Its where the pm, 821 W. her in 2004 on 48th and State seph Watkins with a four year sentence ordinances are 69th Street Chicago's Street. McKinney was exonerate administered and of the charges. the doctrine of sanctification or near and Joseph Watkins leaders of Then the other leader Mark United Church of God on his book holiness is emphasized." "They are no compromising in the Residents Carter, face charges by Alderman "America Owes Us'. "It is as being essential to the injustice of residents' parity in the salvation of mankind." Michael Chandler of threats. stated "..desperate measures Randal Rpbinson speaking be­ mass development in Chicago". COGIC is also considered to be need to take place in addressing a member of the great Protestant Journal, fore the congregation of Trinity issues." (Continued on page 9) (Continued on page 7) winner of National Award Rename (AScribe Newswire) — The Society of Professional Journal­ Washington Park Luther ists has announced the first Corner winners of its new national from Vandross award. First Place went to Mary lit/ JMary Patton C. Johns, editor in chief, and George Beauty Turner, assistant editor, Thank To kick Mary's Comer off, of Residents' Journal and Brian to SSJ asked at random, "What J. Rogal, associate editor of The would you want to ask in an Chicago Reporter, for "Deadly Harold you advise and question Moves," a collection of investi­ column?" gative stories on Chicago pub- Continue Continue on Page 16 (Continued on page 9) on page 11 Page 2 June 3Q, • July 13, 2QQ5 South Street Journal Activists said the stamp was offensive, but not unexpected probably pretty insensitive" to UnZip issue the stamp, said Elisa Ve­ The Weatherman m lazquez, an anthropologist who studies Mexico's black communi­ Is Rush Limbaugh back on the "pain ties for the National Institute of medication"? After delivering on-air re­ Anthropology and History. marks that he was "This character is a classic, but considering allow­ it's from another era," Velazquez ing Rev. Al Sharp- said. ton to host his syn­ "It's a stereotype and you don't dicated radio pro­ want to encourage ignorance or gram for 30 min­ prejudices." utes a day to Laveaga, the embassy spokes­ man, countered that "if you look "teach " Sharpton .. ..many Mexicans still assume The series of five stamps re­ Postal Service, closely at many of the cartoon the ins and outs of all blacks are foreigners, de­ However, leased for general use Wednesday said the stamps Penalosa said characters in U.S. pop culture, the medium, Lim­ depicts a child character from a are not offen­ spite the fact that at one point many Mexi­ those who try will be able to find baugh now seems comic book started in the 1940s sive, nor were early in the Spanish colonial cans still as­ something offensive." to be backing off that is still published in Mexico. they intended era, Africans outnumbered sume all But, he noted, "the vast major­ in the wake of The boy, hapless but lovable, is to be. Spanish in Mexico. blacks are ity will see a cartoon character, Sharpton's quick drawn with exaggerated features, "This is a foreigners, which is what Memin Pinguin is." acceptance. thick lips and wide-open eyes. His traditional despite the The 6.50-peso (60 cent) I know we live in a appearance, speech and manner­ character that reflects part of fact that at one point early in the stamps - depicting the character in virtual world but isms are the subject of kidding by Mexico's culture," Caballero said. Spanish colonial era, Africans five poses - was issued with the white characters in the comic "His mischievous nature is part of lets get real for a outnumbered Spanish in Mexico. book. that character." "At this point in time, it was Continue page 10 j second. The best The Mexican government de­ speaker on the Na­ fended the stamps, saying that tional stage is like Speedy Gonzalez - a cartoon Sharpton. If you mouse with a Mexican accent that Smoke-Free Ordinance heard his speech debuted in the in at the Democratic 1953 - the Memin Pinguin charac­ convention in 2000 you could not be any­ ter shouldn't be interpreted as a Introduced Into City Council thing but moved. I realize most white peo­ racial slur. ple hate his guts. That people see him as "Just as Speedy Gonzalez has The American Cancer Society is Smith. never been interpreted in a racial divisive. But if you have been listening to leading the effort to pass a smoke-free 'Tobacco companies and manner by the people in Mexico, him for the past 3 years (when he finally ordinance in Chicago in cooperation their allies will use scare because he is a cartoon character, with the American Heart Association, tactics about lost revenues I am certain that this commemora­ American Lung Association, National and jobs or the inappropri­ tive postage stamp is not intended African American Tobacco Preven­ ate intervention of govern­ to be interpreted on a racial basis tion Network, Campaign for Tobacco ment to oppose smoke-free in Mexico or anywhere else," said Free Kids and other coalition partners, laws, said Steve Derks, Rafael Laveaga, the spokesman including public health organizations, CEO of the American Can­ for the Mexican embassy in associations and community organizations. cer Society, Illinois Division. Washington. Alderman Ed Smith (28th Ward), chair of the "While there is irrefutable medical evidence Activists said the stamp was City Council Health Committee introduced a com­ linking secondhand smoke to illness and death, offensive, but not unexpected. prehensive smoke-free ordinance into the City there also is economic evidence that smoke-free "One would hope the Mexican Council at the request of the coalition. The ordi­ laws do not have a negative economic impact on government would be a little more nance would make Chicago smoke-free in all in­ the hospitality industry. Twenty-two independent careful and avoid continually door public places, including workplaces, restau­ studies, involving 12 different states, have proven opening wounds," said Sergio rants and bars. that smoke-free laws have no negative impact on Penalosa, an activist in Mexico's "Secondhand smoke is a public health issue and the hospitality industry—in some cases business small black community on the we need to act now," said Dr. Steven Sener, presi­ has increased. southern Pacific coast. dent of the National American Cancer Society Smoke-free laws do not prevent people from "But we've learned to expect Board of Directors. eating in restaurants or drinking in bars. They pre­ anything from this government, Added Dr. James Webster, chairman of the Chi­ vent people from dying." just anything," Penalosa said. In cago Board of Health, "All Chicagoans have the Ina Pinkney can testify to both the economic and May, Fox riled many by saying right to breathe clean, smoke-free air. Ten years health benefits of a smoke-free workplace. Pinkney that Mexican migrants take jobs from now, people are going to look back and won­ is the owner of Ina's Restaurant on West Randolph, in the United States that "not even der why it took us so long to enact a smoke-free which has been smoke-free since it opened in 1991. blacks" want. law when we were fully aware of the dangers our "Part of the responsibility of doing business is pro­ Fox expressed regret for any residents, workers and visitors were being exposed viding your employees and customers with a safe offense the remarks may have understood he had a national audience) to." environment," Pinkney said. "My employees are caused, but insisted his comments healthier and take fewer sick days. In fact, one of he has been making sense. "It's time for Chicago to change its status as had been misinterpreted. the largest city in the United States that does not our employees is asthmatic, and she has not missed With a number 1 status as the most popu­ Carlos Caballero, assistant mar­ protect the health of its citizens, particularly its one day of work because of her asthma since she lar senator, U.S. Senator Barack Obama keting director for the Mexican workers, from secondhand smoke," said Aid. started." (D-Ill.) embraces Byron Hobbs, president of SEIU Local 20, the union of Chicago and northwest Indiana health care work­ Coming and Advertise your info in ers, during a recent meeting at Rainbow PUSH. Obama thanked Hobbs for his sup­ ivww,!South8treetJoiiriial,coiii port of the senator's efforts to bring de­ served benefits to Illinois military veter­ ans and for the support he received from Local 20 during his 2004 election cam­ OIM JLJIINI paign. Hobbs also expressed support for Obama's efforts to stop the attack on , Medicare benefits. Mark Allen, South Street Journal Is published Jarrell Communications Mary Starrett, of NewsWithViews is Ron Carter raising the question if people know Publisher & Editor $5 Off j that when you pay FedEx (or any of Vincent E. Walker the spy- happy FedEx family of com­ Associate Publisher One call unlocks them all J panies including Kinko's) for shipping Rahim Hatom or printing or copying, you get the Chair, SSJABA with this ad • value-added bonus of having your Write us: South Street Journal wel­ On lock out service i activities monitored and reported to comes responses from readers. Letters Southside onl-v I the FBI, the Department of Homeland should be as brief as possible and may Security or U.S. Customs, adding that be edited. Send letters to South Street (773) 568-LOCK5625 \ FedEx has its own police department Journal, and a database that's regularly 7915 S. Exchange Ave. shared with the Federal government. Chicago, Illinois 60649, or GLISPIECO. | by e-mail to [email protected]. Call 773/375-0100 LOCKSMITHS: South Street Journal June 3Q, - July 13, 2QQ5 Page 3 Burge case costing city millions, Without Sanctuary exhibit at as Patterson charged with disorder in the court Chicago Historic Society

Disorder in the court Federal Aaron Pat­ prosecutors asked a judge to im­ terson, the pose severe penalties on Aaron freed Death Patterson for courtroom disrup­ Row inmate tions, the freed Death Row in­ (now jailed) mate delivered a long, shouting is suing the City of Chi­ tirade in court. U.S. Judge Re­ cago and becca Pallmeyer abruptly ad­ former Chi­ journed and reconvened without cago Police Patterson in the room. Patterson, Cmdr. Jon who is set for trial on federal Burge for gun and drug charges, shouted police expletives, and at one point, torture. compared himself to Gandhi and John F. Kennedy. He also said if he's acquitted of charges he'd return as a superhero to "crush those under him against police crime" because no one else is torture allegations is quickly doing the job. approaching $4 million, city of­ Pallmeyer said she'll remove ficials told the Chicago Sun- Patterson from the courtroom if Times. he speaks out of turn at trial. She To date, the city has paid will decide by Wednesday more than $3.6 million to defend whether he is fit to stand trial. four federal lawsuits filed Contributing: AP against Burge and others. That News reports are the public dollar figure, generated since price to defend former Chicago two lawsuits were filed in 2003 Police Cmdr. Jon Burge and (Continued on page 4) The lynching of June 15,1920 in Duluth, Minn, as photographed by Ralph Greenspun. The victims were nine­ Support­ teen-year-old Elias Clayton, nineteen-year-old Elmer Jackson, and twenty-year-old Isaac McGhie. This view later appeared on at least two postcards printed after the lynching (photo above not necessary part of the exhibit). ers of Patterson and oth­ Between 1882 and 1968, nearly of someone's parent, child, ers con­ 5,000 were brother, sister, or friend. As tinues to murdered, many at the hands of 1 these images circulated through press lynch mobs. Without Sanctuary white communities stories of issues of at The Chicago Historical Soci­ | terror circulated through Black the ety is located on Clark Street ^communities. cover-up at North Avenue begins by uncovering the This haunting collection documents brutal acts of for stories of more than forty of the victims terror from America's past: Drawn from the collec­ Burge's role in through postcards and photographs from the tions of James Allen and John Littlefield, the im­ police collection of James Allen and John Littlefield. ages depict lynchings in the United States from the torturing. The graphic images depict the brutal murder (Continued on page 8)

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Jed in 1905 bills submitted that have not yet been paid, and In September of 2004 the De­ b> Robert Sena- will continue to climb until the cases go to trial fender presented prospective in­ •e Abbott, and or. settlements are reached, Chicago Law De­ vestors with stock offerings later lead by his partment spokeswoman Jennifer Hoyle said. claiming, "Real Times did not nephew John men employed in the construction industry and Plaintiff attorneys lambasted the hefty bill, earn sufficient cash to satisfy its Sengstacke led the Martin and Nixon did not respond." saying the money has gone toward continuing a debt obligations and is currently movement known cover-up they charge Burge and others started in default of a number of its ma­ as the Great Migra­ Other Media Boycott when they allegedly tortured suspects in the terial financial obligations." Sev­ tion; promoted the On June 43, outside of NBC Towers, 454 N. 1970s and 1980s. They say the city is helping eral months later, executives at activities of pio­ Columbus, CCACD attacked trie TV station for in the cover-up by paying legal costs for more the Defender were delighted not neering aviatrix its lack to cover the boycott. than 30 current and former police personnel — only lo report sharp increases in revenues and Bessie Coleman; led the charge to inte­ Davis, Jr. and the group's media consultant about half of whom are defendants - who re­ subscriptions, but the launching of two addi­ grate the United States Armed Services; met with NBC5 and complained about NBC5 fused to answer questions about torture allega­ tional magazines as well. and promoted the careers of Poet Laureate employee Art Norman and his handling of a tions. Meanwhile allegations of sexual harassment Gwendolyn Brooks, Lu Palmer, renowned CCACD press release obtained in the news sta­ Under advice from their attorneys, Burge and were being leveled at top executives by an Afri­ author Langston Hughes, Ron Carter tion's newsroom in April 2065. other police personnel have taken the Fifth can American female employee. (Publisher South Street Journal) and a host "Norman has a conflict of interest and has Amendment in depositions to avoid charges of On Tuesday, November 30, 2004 charges of of others. participated in censoring coverage of the boy-, furthering a conspiracy. criminal sexual assault were filed with the Chi­ Among its many firsts is the introduc­ cott. We have made multiple requests for cover­ Four Death Row inmates pardoned in 2003 cago Police Department against Joe Gilmore, tion, in 1923, of the Bud Billiken® Page, the age but the last straw was when we were in­ by former Gov. George Ryan ~ Aaron Patter­ Vice President of Sales for the newspaper. first newspaper section just for children. formed that NBC5 officials have been calling son, Madison Hobley, Stanley Howard and Similar charges were filed days later with the The Chicago Defender along with the Chi­ around and asking others not to cover the boy­ Leroy Orange — filed separate suits accusing Equal Employment Opportunity Commission cago Defender Charities, is the producer cott," said Davis. Burge and current and former police personnel (EEOC) and the Illinois Department of Human and organizer of the world famous Bud Bil­ Harold Davis said the decision to include under him of using torture tactics to get confes­ Rights, charges that went a step further in alleg­ liken® Day Parade and Picnic. The parade the Citizen Newspaper was based on both ac­ sions out of them. ing that Clarence Nixon, President and CEO of originated in 1929 as a vehicle to show­ cepted of money from the DaimlerChrysler Separately, a state special prosecutor is con­ Real Times Inc., and Roland Martin, Executive case children. Today, the Bud Billiken® Pa­ Corporation and its editorial policy. ducting a criminal grand jury investigation into Editor of the Defender were guilty of attempt­ rade is the largest event of its kind sched­ The newspaper's continued acceptance of allegations of torture at the hands of Burge and ing a cover-up. ule for August 13, 2005. funds from the Daimler Chrysler Corporation others that could include a cover-up leading The charges also claim that upon reporting The Chicago Defender is now the flag­ has also been pointed to as warrant for the res­ to then States Atty. Richard Daley (SSJ the incidents to Nixon, the woman was told not ship publication of Real Times Inc., a me­ ignation of top executives. Daimler Chrysler June 16, 2005) dia company that also includes among its to file a police report because nobody would was sued in Federal court for denying auto Though the city fired Burge in 1993 for holdings the Chronicle, the Michi­ believe her story. . loans to creditworthy African American appli­ allegedly torturing a confession out of gan Front Page, the New Cou­ Picou dismissed the charges claiming that the cants. Filings revealed that Chrysler executives murder suspect Andrew Wilson, it is EEOC has since dropped its investigation and rier, and the Tri-State Defender. referred to its Black customers as deadbeats, bound to defend him and other city offi­ that no lawsuits have been filed. It is reported Chairman of the Board Thomas Picou porch monkeys and niggers. "Why is it that we that the woman has retained Atty. Dominick and President and CEO Clarence Nixon (African Americans) are always compromising cials named in the suits. Hoyle noted the Ross and plans to file suit for an unspecified our culture, heritage and self respect for suits name the city specifically and as amount of damages. Black community buys the Defender and it does money? many as 13 defendants that the city is re­ More recently, CCACD called for an official not report on issues concerning the community. On April 7, 2005, federal Judge Mark Filip in sponsible for defending. boycott of the newspaper citing several reasons. Numerous times we have tried to get the De­ response to the auto makers motion, refused to "Flint Taylor, who represents Patterson Coalition member Darryl Smith, President of fender to address the problems we have con­ throw the lawsuits out of court. The CCACD and Orange in two lawsuits, criticized the the Englewood Political Taskforce argues, "The fronted regarding our efforts to get young black also believes the Citizen has censored news city Monday for using taxpayer money to coverage of the federal lawsuits in return for "defend the indefensible." Taylor said if financial support. the city loses at trial, it will also have to There are 71,938 Lawyers in the State of Illinois and Cook County but there is only one The Defender's editor, Martin says that tak­ ing money from Chrysler is only business. pay plaintiffs' legal costs, which are also in Davis argued, the Jewish community would not the millions. stand for this from the Nazis in their commu­ nity," the newspaper continued support of Richard The Law firm *— When questioned by SSJ reporters about the Daley for mayor. Defender's dealings with Chrysler, Picou re­ sponded, "the Chrysler case will be over soon, Internal Change E. Duke McNeil & Associates it's just like the situation with Denny's or any CCACD have called for both Nixon's and And The other large corporation that has a few bad peo­ Martin's resignation for failing to report the ple in its ranks, plus the fact those people aren't problem of sexual predators in the African E. Duke McNeil even there anymore. American community, specifically'the develop­ Area of Concentration Associates ""We are imposing a six (6) month boycott entration Law Network ments of the Ryan Harris sexual assault/murder Lewis Myers. Jr. against the Citizen Newspaper and will be in­ Criminal Defense seven years ago for which convicted rapist cluded in Operation Removal beginning this Divorce and Are located at Richard Heaston Floyd Durr is still awaiting trial. weekend." Davis further said, the Citizen news­ Family Law Leslie J. Starks In an effort to intensify the boycott, coalition paper turned its back on the people buy accept­ members announced that in addition to petition Real Estate ing funds from the company," said Joe Ander­ •«» 8541 South drives and garnering supporters' signatures, son, a coalition member. they would begin removing the Defender from Cottage Grove Davis" said, "Garth has disrespected the newsstands. President of People Educated black community and worked against its politi­ Against Crime in Englewood (PEACE), Hal 773/994-0915 Available 7 days a week cal agenda endorsing republican presidential and gubernatorial candidates over the years and (Continued on page 5) Serving Chicagoiand through 4 generation I Heak & i§>ons( jfuneral Homes; Browns' A Family owned and operated business serving the Chicagoiand area Founded By God in 1933 Modern Facilities Ample Parking Sugar Bakery Repast Rooms Available Co-Founded by Let Us Serve You 720 East 75th Street Rev. A. R. Leak, Sr. As Our grandfather Did 773 874-9040 our Fathers Have done for 66 years Baking for you pleasure and well as Specialize In Prearranged Funeral We Do weddings and birthday cakes, Plans That Are Inflation Freel Party cakes, pastries, cook­ ies, croissants

years compared to the prior time pe­ Driving while Black riod. There have also been 3,458 fewer shootings during the same pe­ riod. Chicago Police releases Additionally, reports are that crime through the first five months of this year continues a downward trend. Overall index crime is down Race Data Collected 7.7 percent in every major category (homicide, criminal sexual assault, robbery, aggravated, assault, aggra­ vated battery, theft, motor vehicle from Traffic Stops theft and arson), with the exception of burglary. Chicagp Police officers con­ The data was submitted to North­ Superintendent Cline, also high­ ducted 244,309 traffic stops in 2004. western University's Center for Pub­ lighted the Chicago Police Depart­ 67,809 of the drivers stopped lic Safety, which compared the traf­ ment's long term efforts to strengthen were non-minorities (white). fic stop data to Chicago's estimated relationships between police officers 176,500 of the drivers stopped driving population (residents 15 and Chicago's minority communities. were minorities. years and older). The analysis has "We know that racial profiling, The Chicago Police Department been handed over to the IDOT, whether it's real or perceived, threat­ released preliminary data analysis which will submit a statewide report ens to erode the trust we have from an Illinois Department of to the Illinois General Assembly and worked so hard to establish in all of Transportation (IDOT) report that Governor Rod Blagojevich office by Chicago's communities," said Super­ compares the race of drivers in­ the end of this month. Photo above, an all too familiar scene in the Black community, young intendent Cline. volved in traffic stops to the esti­ The data show: black males searched by the Chicago Police Department. This photo On Going forward, the Department mated driving population in Chicago. Chicago Police conducted 43th Street, continues to will bolster its efforts to Police stopped minority drivers at a 244,309 traffic stops in 2004. young men raise awareness of the OPS/IAD rate 15 percent greater than Chi­ Minority drivers at a rate 15 per­ had run out complaint process to encourage indi­ cago's minority driving population as cent greater than Chicago's minority of gas and viduals who feel they were wrongly estimated by Northwestern Univer­ the cops driving population as estimated by flocked on stopped by the police to file a com­ sity analysts. Northwestern University analysts. them like plaint so it can be fully investigated. However, Dave Bailes spokes­ Of non-minority drivers, 89.7 crows on The Department has also hired person of the Chicago police said, were stopped for moving violations, road kill Lorie Fridell, a nationally-renowned what is missing from the report is the 3.5 percent for equipment violations and later let , expert in the field of race and law number of drivers racial break down and 6.8 for license violations. Also, them go. enforce'ment, to conduct a full review and how many drivers are in the City 84.1 percent of these drivers received SSJ Photos of its policies, training and commu­ of Chicago which will be release a citation while 15.9 percent received by: nications to prevent bias-based polic­ ARMADELL later. a verbal warning. ing. In releasing the data, Police Su­ Of minority drivers, 78.2 percent "It's my commitment and the perintendent Philip J. Cline also cited were stopped for moving violations, commitment of the Chicago Police the Department's five-year long ef­ 8.5 percent for equipment violations Department to send a clear message forts to reduce crime while also and 13.3 for license violations. Also, to our 13,500 police officers and our building trust within Chicago's mi­ 77.1 of these drivers received a cita­ The Police department bolstered its markets and it stepped up efforts to 3 million residents that crime fight­ nority communities and sending a tion while 22.9 received a verbal use of technology on the west and take illegal guns off the street. ing is based on crime data, not race strong message to officers that any warning. south side of Chicago. Which lead to As a result, there have been 352 data," said Superintendent Cline. form of racial profiling is strictly 67,809 of the drivers stopped a cracked down on open air narcotics fewer homicides during the two prohibited. were non-minorities. "Everyone knows that law en­ 176,500 of the drivers stopped forcement and issues of race have were minorities. crossed at many intersections Among the 244,309 total stops, FREE GIFT UPON SUBMITTING THIS AD throughout the history of our coun­ 12,789 consent vehicle searches were try," said Superintendent Cline. "We conducted, 5.2 percent of the total have the power of arrest. We carry stops. weapons. And we are authorized by Minority drivers were nearly our laws to use physical force on three times more likely to consent to individuals when necessary. This a vehicle search compared to non- obligates us all the more to deliver a minority drivers. clear message that bias based polic­ The report was not required to ing is ineffective and unacceptable". submit where an officer stop motor­ In 2003, the Illinois General As­ ize stop and seached and no citation sembly passed the Traffic Stop Sta­ was issued and the driver was let go tistical Study law that required all as the photos shown. police officers in the state to collect African American drivers were specific data, including race and gen­ stopped at a rate 27 percent more der, in each traffic stop than the estimated population of Af­ Under the law, officers -were re­ rican American drivers in Chicago. quired to collect the driver's name, Bailess indicated as the Chicago gender and address; the officer's per­ Police launched several new tactics ception of the driver's race; the viola­ as part of a broader rapid deployment tion that prompted the stop; the make strategy aimed at focusing resources and year of the car stopped; the date, on hot spots where statistics and in­ time and location of the stop; and telligence indicate that violence was whether a consent search of the vehi­ likely to happen, it could account for cle was conducted. the more arrest of minority drivers.

(Continued from page 4) zines were profitable so we're look­ ing into new names for them now so they can return with the Chicago Defender Defender's trademark." Last month, Federal prosecutors Baskin said, "It's important to re­ charged Chicago Defender's land­ move the paper from the stands in lord, Boris Stratievsky and his father order to let the owners know we are Lev with laundering over $200,000 serious. We are asking all stores or from an FBI operative posing under­ vendors to stop selling the paper be­ cover as an assistant to Ukrainian cause it does not serve the needs of narcotics traffickers. Considered its constituency." flight risks and a threat to the com­ It was recently discovered that the munity, both father and son were two magazines launched by Martin held in Chicago Federal Metropoli­ were being distributed as supple­ tan Correctional Center's custody ments inside of the Defender and until their detention hearing. Strati­ relied on monies gathered from De­ evsky bought the Chicago De­ fender advertisers but that the copy­ fender's headquarters in January of rights and trademarks were privately 2003 in a lease sale back agreement. owned by Martin himself and were Picou argues that neither he nor any not legally the properties of the De­ of the rest of the newspaper admini­ fender or Real Times, Inc. When stration had any knowledge of Strati- asked for his opinion by SSJ Picou evsky's dealings. "Our deal was with responded, "he's (Martin) a 35 year- the bank, that's who our mortgage is Open 9 am to 9 pm, Mon -Sat, - Sun IO am to 6 pm old kid, I asked him about it and he with," Picou relayed to SSJ reporters. told me, he's not a liar. The maga- Page 6 Jane 3Q, • July 13, 2QQ5 South Street Journal The South Street Journal Advisory Board Assoieates kSSJABA presents A War on the Poor in Wood lawn By Ms. Beauty Turner The Code of Silence In early spring in late March on a crisp cool day over 60 Woodlawn residents gather at §j the end of the block of 62nd Kimbark chanting and waving signs that read "No More Con dos!" and Stop the gentrification in our neighborhoods.

Rendering of the Florian Architects LTD. Is designing 28 condos to be build by Woodlawn Renais­ sance Partners LLC in the 1501-21 block of East 65th Place. The condos will sell for $175,000 to Power Politics and $250,000, as a sample of what residents say is pushing them out of their community.

the Role of the Black Media: The residents had gather to­ minimums wage tax credit job. doing is right, there are many sen­ Addressing the polities of Chicago gether to express their outrage with Otherwise the median income is iors that live in those buildings, an organization formerly known as less then $18,000 a year. TWO are putting them out knowing In a roll call discussion TWO The Woodlawn Organization "Where are we suppose to live?" that they can't afford a condo," SSJABA takes a closer look at Chicago, known for now known as WCDC Woodlawn One of the protestor asked the crowd Robin Clippard Walls who is a Plantation Politics and the two most noted Black men on Community Development Corpora­ of protestors that had gather at the twenty seven year resident of earth: tion. end of the block. Woodlawn said. This organization owns and Standing in the mist of the "No More Condo's affordable Rev. Jesse L. Jackson and Min. Louis Farrakhan. manage a large amount of subsi­ crowd was an elderly lady holding a living she chanted as she walked Reporting the promise of the future, how should the dized property in the Woodlawn sign shouting to the top of her lungs away into the thick mass of protes­ Black media stand as symbols for the area some in which a lot of the resi­ "No More Condo," a lady who iden­ tors. promise dents are renter of. tified herself only as Ms. Johnson However, the condos are com­ Recently many of these residents said. ing. The city of Chicago put out a received a letter telling them that "I have been living here in requst for development proposals for they would have to move because Woodlawn for over 30 years, now 37 city owned, non-contiguous Monday, their buildings are due to become TWO is trying to push us out of our vacoant paracels in the Woodlawn condo's. apartment," Johnson said. community between 65 th and 67th July 25,2005 Five scatter site project base "This doesn't make any sense." Street between Dorchester and section 8 buildings so far are being she continue. Stony Island Aveues in the 5th and 6:00-9:00 p.m. William 'Doc" affected - they are 6201-07 South Why are they trying to push you 29th wards. Walls, Con­ Kimbark, 1311-17 East 62nd, 1359- all out, I asked. "I have lived in the area for vener of the 61 East 62nd 6141-45 South Kim­ 'They allegedly lied and told us twenty three years this is not new to Spoon's Boutique Committee bark, 6134-44 South Kim bark, that there may be lead in our build­ me, I watch TWO put a bunch of for A Better 6241-43 South Kimbark the resi­ ing," Johnson went on to say. people out on 61st Stony Island a 712 East Chicago, potential can­ dents were recently told at a TWO "But I have been here for over long time ago," Sharon Payne a long didate for meeting that these buildings would thirty years now and as long as I time resident and member of TStli Street Mayor, be converted to condos and the ten­ have been living here ;don't you {STOP} Student Tenant Organizing ants of these building should be out think that they would have found it Project said. 111 The Forum is free, serv­ by May. by now!' "I'm not leaving without a ing as a subscription drive for SSJ: of Many of the residents that reside "They just want to turn these fight,' Ebonee Stevenson a three $27, in these building are living on a buildings into condo," Johnson year resident said into the mega General Contribution Open, Limited fixed income some are receiving added. phone as the crowd cheer in accep- I TANF, SSI, Pension, or working a "I don't think that what they (Continued on page 19) space. Please RSVP by: July 21, 2005, (<_ 312-543-8885 Special Si- lent Art Auction of the work by Advertising in • Ron Carter Get Delivery to ensure yourself South Street Journal uninterrupted delivery. 773-238-3502 :....->*

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TALK ABOUT DIRTY LAUNDRY - COGIG Northern District Convention 2005 Altgeld Residents take "Sunday School is my Passion" laundry list to CHA

By Martha Boyd Busloads of Altgeld Gardens residents brought their concerns about renovation plans for their de­ velopment to convince the Chicago Housing Authority's Board of Commissioners to vote in their favor at their monthly meeting where CHA Commission­ ers are expected to vote on the issue of ^ Altgeld's washer /->^*.C/ and dryer at least seven of 21 CHA devel­ hookups, opments (including Henry which were Horner Homes, Lawn- excluded from dale Gardens, and Wash­ Adm. Asst., Dr. Curtis A. Rodgers, Juris Sunday School Supt. 1st Asst. Elder Elliot Powell, board renovation plans ington Park) do have member Elder Lawrence Rodgers with an unidentified woman and Bishop Cody V. Marshall with against residents' objec hookups, and some even Evag. Dr. C. Frances Parks, State representative of Sunday School tions. have entire rooms set aside within Hundreds of residents of CHA's the apartments for washers and dry­ Board Altgeld Gardens Murray Homes are ers. body though it did not members demanding that the CHA acknowl­ One older resident at the Meet­ directly evolve from the Supt. edge and fix the problems with the ing stated angrily, "I am a taxpayer, I European or English Alfred Wil­ redevelopment plans that were cre­ work from 7:30 AM to 5 pm, I come Reformation but had its liams and ated without required community home to my handicapped son, and I origin within the Gen­ Elder input and participation. Residents have to go to dialysis three times a eral Association to the Leon feel the resulting plans will decrease week. Now CHA expects me to get Baptist Church. Daniels residents' quality of life. my clothes out to a Laundromat?" Elder Charles Har­ present at The current blueprints for Alt­ Residents have been confronting rison Mason, who later the con­ geld Gardens located at 130th and this issue with CHA since September became the founder and vention. Langley, of over 1,400 units do not of 2004 when the plans for renova­ organizer of COGIC, include hookups for washers and tion were first revealed. Ms. Malone was born September dryers even though the majority of said she had only dealt with the Lo­ 8,1866, on the Prior residents own their appliances and cal Advisory Council (LAC) Presi­ Farm near Memphis, have had hookups in their units for dent and Vice President in the Work­ Tennessee. decades. CHA is proposing residents ing Group for Altgeld. Subsequently, in to use Laundromats. Residents want Cheryl Johnson, Executive Di­ 1897, while seeking a to know who has been offered con­ rector of PCR said, "This plan didn't spiritual name which tracts to operate these businesses, have any community input, and the would distinguish the and what CHA expects them to do people who are making the decisions church from others of with their washers and dryers. for Altgeld are getting paid by CHA. the similar title, the On April 12, CHA sent senior We need a federal investigation to name "Church of God in project manager and architect, Jac­ ensure that funds are being used ap­ Christ" was revealed to queline Malone, to address a Town propriately for the redevelopment of Bishop Mason while Hall Meeting in Altgeld Gardens our community and not for the per­ walking along a certain sponsored by the Far South Commu­ sonal benefit of those who are in street in Little Rock, nity Accountability Council power." Arkansas. (FSCAC). She told residents she She charged that all members of The following scrip­ agreed that it makes more sense from the Altgeld Working Group are paid ture supported his reve­ both a design and economic stand­ directly or indirectly by CHA, in­ lation: I Thessalonians point to keep the washer and dryer cluding the President of the LAC, 2:14, "For ye brethren hookups in the units. "Frankly, it's who is employed by Eastlake Man­ became followers of the easier for me as an architect to design agement, the management company. Churches of God which them in the units than to design a Altgeld's LAC President, Ber- in Judea are in Christ Elder Daryl Burton (above) pre­ whole new building [Laundromat]." nadette Williams told residents in Jesus: for ye have suf­ sented the Bishop Marshall for re­ When residents learned they March about the plans to install elec­ fered like things of your marks and address remarks of the would not be able to keep their appli­ tronic monitoring devices on stoves own countrymen even play "Shankes" that address the ances. Ms. Malone contends she and refrigerators, which would trig­ as they have of the spiritual side of the COGIC with slav­ never heard residents' objections. ger a police response when appli­ Jews." ery (photo left). Residents who have attempted to find ances are moved. CHA denied the Under Bishop Ma­ out more about the decisions and "LoJack" story, but since then resi­ son's spiritual and apos­ take part in the Working Group for dents from Altgeld toured Lowden tolic direction COGIC Altgeld Gardens believe their rights Homes on 95th Street and reported has grown from ten con­ to participate and to represent them­ they had seen electronic monitoring gregations in 1907, to selves have been violated by CHA, devices on those units' stoves and the second largest Pen­ its contractor Eastlake Management, refrigerators. tecostal group in Amer­ and Altgeld's Local Advisory Coun­ "Installing hookups makes bet­ ica from three million in cil (LAC). ter financial sense over the long term 1973 to an estimated Residents assert that Laundro­ if these units are going to have de­ eight million in 1997. mats are inconvenient and expensive, sired amenities and stay marketable. Churches are now and become a center for unwanted The Transformation Plan shouldn't established throughout activity. Ms. Malone explained that design Altgeld to be a second-rate the United States, on CHA has fiduciary responsibilities community," says Unique Gibson, every continent, and in and needs to show taxpayers funds lifelong resident and founder of CHA many of the islands of are spent wisely. "A lot of money is Residents Who Care youth organiza­ the sea. going into this project, lots to land­ tion. scaping, creating safe places for kids "For years, people have looked Pastors of the Northern Illinois District in attendance of the to play." the other way and forgotten about SAINTS Sunday Convention. FSCAC President Stephen Altgeld and our problems. CHA's iff in* White asked, "What then is the dif­ Plan will perpetuate this. We want ference between Altgeld Gardens and more resident empowerment and LAND OF the CHA developments that are get­ participation, and control over our ting washer and dryer hookups? own lives." says Johnson. LINCOLN Saints In the Land of Lincoln For months, CHA's response to A resident at encouraged the In next issue South Street Journal will review the book "Saints In The questions from People for Commu­ gathered residents to go to the Board Land of Lincoln", written by Pastor Mack C. Mason on the rich history nity Recovery (PCR) and community of Commissioners' Meeting, saying, and accomplishments of the COGIC. It traces the insider's keen perspec­ residents was that all family develop­ "Government lies to you openly tive as he tells the story, largely ignored and undeservedly so, of a vi­ ments have to be the same, and none about things you don't have informa­ THe Urban D«Y^IO{W

had washer and dryer hookups in the tion about. Don't allow the fear they and th« Birth of ih

(Continued from page 3) Demanding respect 1870s to 1960s. CHS augments Miscegenation the exhibition with materials from Trying to vote its own collection—most notably Disorderly conduct Chicago-based artist Franklin Mistaken identity McMahon's drawings of the Em- Unpopularity mett Till murder trial—and has Eloping with white woman developed programming to help Molestation address the difficult issues sur­ Unruly remarks rounding such violent images. Entered white woman's room The following is a list of the rea­ Murder son a black person could find him­ Using obscene language self hanging from a tree anywhere Enticement in America. Non-sexual assault Acting suspiciously Vagrancy Gambling Extortion Altgeld Gardens resident Cheryl Johnson, of People for Community Recovery, at a press confernce with resdi- ents of the far south side opposes expanding the dump at 130th and Bishop Ford Freeway. 'Trash to Park' Campaign on South Side Dump Far South - Early June the Chicago City Council Envi­ landfills beyond their originally permitted capacity 20 ronmental Protection Committee, 10th Ward Alderman years ago, and CID's permit requires it to close in June John Pope's proposed amendment to extend the City's of2005. Landfill moratorium for another twenty years. His ac­ "Waste Management is lying to our communities, and tions were supported by community groups opposed to is trying to manipulate us into supporting a park that will Waste Management Inc.'s "Gateway Park" proposal to only be built if the company is allowed to expand the expand the giant CID Landfill in southeast Chicago in dump," says Altgeld Gardens resident Cheryl Johnson, exchange for the company's promise to build a park on of People for Community Recovery, which opposes ex­ the site. panding the dump. "A new park in our community After the City Council hearing, community groups would be wonderful - but not at the cost of endangering outlined the reasons for their support for Alderman our health and environment with new dumping." Pope's proposal, and to expose what they call Waste Community groups say the promised jobs already ex­ Management's deceptive campaign to build a park at the ist at WM's current recycling facility and are unrelated dumpsite. to expanding the CID Landfill, which will instead ex­ Waste Management has proposed expanding their pose residents to the fumes and health hazards posed by 200-acre landfill at 130th and the Bishop Ford Freeway, dumping an additional six million tons of waste for five adjacent to the communities of Hegewisch, Riverdale years in a region already saturated with environmental and Altgeld Gardens. Chicago's landfill moratorium hazards. established no further development or expansion of Quarreling Peeping Tom Adultery Violated quarantine Grave robbing Fraud Advertise your info in Race hatred; Race troubles Pillage Aiding murderer Voodooism South Street Improper with white woman Plotting to kill Journal Rape Voting for wrong party Arguing with white man Frightening white woman HOLT, WOODS & EVANS, LTD Incest Poisoning well Rape-murders Senators Who Re­ 30 N. LASALLE STREET, SUITE 3400 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60602 ON LINE Arson Inciting to riot TEL. (312) 294-0022 FAX (312) 294-0143 lanwright publishing Resisting mob fused to sign the 773-988-1484 Assassination AntiLynching SUBURBAN LOCATIONS Inciting trouble 1024 PARK DRIVE Legislation FLOSSMOOR, ILLINOIS 60422 Robbery GERALDINE W. HOLT (708) 647-8200 FAX (708-647-8300 Attempted murder The list of Senators who re­ Indolence fused to sign anti lynching resolu­ Running a bordello tion. Its 95% Republican this gives FREE PICK UP AM) DELIVERY ^ ^ Banditry the GOP a bad name. 4 PANTS (PLAIN), OR Inflammatory language Here are the 20 Senators who 1) refused to co-sponsor the anti- 4 SHIRTS (PLAIN), OR Sedition By Leonard Being disreputable lynching resolution passed the 4 SKIRTS (PLAIN), OR Informing week of June 6th, 2005, and 2) 4 SWEATERS (PLAIN) Slander refused a roll-call vote so they'd Being obnoxious have to put their name on the reso­ FOR $10 Injuring livestock lution. But it was found out who "A Florist Specializing in Spreading disease they are 441 East 79th Street http://www.senate.gov/ Quality Service Boasting about riot Phone 773- 723-8832 Insulting white man Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Beautiivl Designs Stealing Robert Bennett (R-UT) Burglary Christopher Bond (R-MO) 1 i 121R 47th St. Insulting white woman Jim Bunning (R-KY) [0;Uai^Jvl Chicago, II60653 Suing white man Conrad Burns (R-MT) Child abuse Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) CLEANERS 773-268-6613 Insurrection Thad Cochran (R-MS) Swindling Kent Conrad (D-ND) Ss. J) Conjuring John Cornyn (R-TX) L Michael Crapo (R-ID) Kidnapping Copies • Flyers • Resumes Terrorism Michael Enzi (R-WY) Affordable Health Care Chuck Grassley (R-IA) Entire Family $69.95/Month Pluggers • Signs • Forms Courting white woman Killing livestock Judd Gregg (R-NH) Self-Employed, Uninsured, Under-insured Banners • Programs Testifying against white man Orrin Hatch (R-UT) 400 East 79th Street Criminal assault Trent Lott (R-MS) Living with white woman Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) jm Off, (847) 674-7780 Chicago, Illinois 60619 Throwing stones Richard Shelby (R-AL) | Cell (312) 623-0199 Cutting levee John Sununu (R-NH) (773) 783-8989 Craig Thomas (R-WY) *F 9317Ewing . (773)783-9570^/ Looting Evanston, IL 60203 Train wrecking George Voinovich (R-OH) Conyers Ransom Jr. Emaii; [email protected] Color Laser Copies Defending rapist 19 Republicans and 1 Democ­ independent Marketing Rep rat, IMF? * 103305 www, careentree. com/103305 Bulk Rate Discounts Making threats 24hr Fax Service Trying to colonize blacks South Street Journal June 3Q, - July 13, 2QQ5 Page 9 Residents Journal, "Provoking the movement winner of (Continued from page 1) general construction McKinley says in his company headed by National Award movement for the people. Tillman's ex chief of What was treat to an staff Ken Jackson. elected officials, Tillman, McKinney said that the fort to kick back, re­ Jackson have been garding the CHA, given money to Citi­ Direct verdict when all zen to Elect Tillman, evidence submitted on a on the day after he breach tail, is there were was arrest and Powell not any merit to the case, Construction has did because of the in charges the same. were inconsistence. "It is evident that In the 12- 13 court these aldermen, hearings on the case, Tillman, Preckwinkle Tillman attended most of and even CHA CEO The winners of the journalist them and testified against Terry Peterson are awards went to (I) Mary C. Johns, McKinney., along with trying to cover up editor in chief, and Beauty Turner, Powell and Son construc­ their part in receiving lie housing. assistant editor, of Residents' tion Company that money from contrac­ The series exposed unforeseen but Journal, along with Brian J. Ro- deadly flaws in the way the city was gal, associate editor of The McKinney used profanity tors as they are not relocating some 25,000 families from Chicago Reporter, for "Deadly and threaten Tillman with following the law to obsolete projects into new mixed- Moves," a collection of investi­ the words, "I am going to hire community resi­ gative stories on Chicago pub­ income neighborhoods. get you". dents." Said McKin­ lic housing. The announcement of the winners The charges happen ney. of the SPJ New America Award was May 2004, on 48th and Tillman nor her of­ made by SPJ National President Ir­ Residents' Journal is an 8-year-old State Street where the fice did not return win Gratz at the first National Expo bimonthly publication written by VOTE members were phone calls on the of Ethnic Media public housing residents and protesting a CHA site, issue. held June 9 in New other low in­ York City at the come people that it was in non compli­ At one of the protest for jobs by VOTE, CHA public McKinney said from Columbia Univer­ across the city, ance of HUD/CHA Section relation representative Derrick Hill consults with their protesting 12 sity Graduate was a product of 3 program to hire residents. Paul McKinney. workers were hired by School of Jour­ CHA. McKinney said. "I never Powell and Son devel­ nalism. CHA decided to was within 100 feet of her McKinney questions Alder­ opment. Alyssa Katz of stop the publish­ (Tillman)" man Tillman's 70/30% plan "We see everyone, every City Limits and Abu ing of the newspa­ "With 30 police officers at the where any construction in the nationality but us working in our Taher of Bangla Pa- per that lead its pub­ scene, I never spoke to Tillman, 3rd ward would have 70% black community." Said McKinney. trika won second lisher Ethan Micha- only speaking to the people at workers. "All we are doing is bringing place for their joint eli, to branch of its investigation into own. It is now pro­ the site. "I told our people we CHA study have not meet their attention to issues that has been how Bangladeshi DEADLY MOVES, duced by We The don't have to listen to these goals in meeting Section 3 goals continually overlooked by the push cart food en- People Media, a fools." He told SSJ. claimed McKinney. However, status quo leadership and elected dors in Central Park special report not-for-profit or­ "I was singled out by Tillman's Derrick Hill of CHA indicated officials." were exploited by a onCHA ganization, and dis­ personal friend and security that those goals are still in the VOTE members have been private company tributed to 35,000 guard Stg. Boze who was on process of being met and the bringing aggressive action to all. with a lucrative contract that paid families living in public housing in duty from the 51st Street district. numbers will be forthcoming. Even at times when other pro­ millions of dollars to New York City Chicago. Its readers are primarily He was instructed to arrest me Powell and Sons, a biack con­ gressive organizers say their ac- while failing to protect its workers. African-American but every issue by Tillman. tractors, a front company Loin Third Place went to The Orange also contains articles in Korean, (Continued on page 19) County Register and its Spanish- Spanish, Chinese and Russian in or­ language weekly affiliate, Excelsior der to reach the diverse population of del Condado de Orange, for jointly public housing in Chicago. | Selected Locations you can pick-up publishing "Toxic Treats" or "Dulces Johns and Turner, both long-time Toxicos," a series of investigative public housing residents who have reports. Their stories exposed exten­ been involved with Residents' Jour­ South Street Journal sive lead contamination in popular nal since it started, were able to use Neieh Artistic Expressions Reymar Clinic candies imported from Mexico and their firsthand knowledge and con­ 3467 S. King Dr. 6021 S. Halsted widely consumed by children in im­ tacts within the community to trace Scott's Poppin Toyota on Western migrant communities. the causes of the unforeseen upsurge 3469 King Dr. 69th and Western Gratz said the judges were im­ in crime back to the turf wars of pressed by the fact the stories went newly displaced gangs and drug deal­ Temple of Mercy Unity Church of deeper and had greater impact as a ers. They were also able to gain the 78th Halsted God in Christ result of the collaboration between trust of families victimized by the John's Hardware 821 W. 69th Street the two publications involved. violence in order to show the human 7350 S. Halsted The new award was unanimously impacts. authorized last year by the society's The Chicago Reporter, a non-profit Scots Enterprise Mid-way board of directors after it was jointly magazine founded in 1972 to focus 11513 S. Michigan 5502 S. State Street proposed by Sally Lehrman, chair of on issues of race and poverty, has a Brass Furniture Mr. Jacks the society's Diversity Committee, long tradition of award-winning in­ 11431 S. Michigan 5901 S. State Street and Guy T. Baehr, chair of the soci­ vestigative reporting and is read by ety's Awards and Honors Committee. many of the city's power brokers. Calumet Foods African Image "Deadly Moves," the first place Rogal, who has been a full-time re­ 43rd Prairie 2000 W. 95th entry by The Chicago Reporter and porter for the magazine since 1999 Paper Store CFAO Technical Residents' Journal, was notable for and associate editor since 2002, con­ 43rd & King 1824 W. 95th Street the close collaboration between the tributed his experience both as a beat two publications, the complementary reporter covering the city's public Harris Bank Hall Branch Library contributions made by each and the housing bureaucracy and as an inves­ 47th & Drexel 48th and Michigan importance and impact of their work tigative reporter, including his exper­ RainbowPUSH Urban League together, Baehr said. tise in the use of databases. 930 E. 50th Street 45th Michigan The investigative stories, which The winners will receive their Pearl's Place 113 Club were published in identical form in awards at the society's annual Sigma 3901 S. Michigan 113 East 47th Street both publications, exposed how the Delta Chi Awards banquet to be held Chatham Foods relocation of public housing tenants at the National Press Club in Wash­ Inner City Studies 337 E. 79th Street left many of them, especially young ington, D.C. on July 8. 700 East Oakwood Daley's Rest people, more vulnerable to gang vio­ "The Society of Professional Jour­ Foods lence and led to an upsurge in turf nalists award is part of an effort by 39th & King 63rd Cottage wars and gang-related murders. SPJ to continue and expand that role E. Duke McNeil Taurus Flavors After the stories were published, as the United States becomes ever 8541 S. Cottage 8534 S. Stoney the Chicago Police Department an­ more diverse in both its population BOP Business Center nounced plans to deploy 120 addi­ and its journalism," said Baehr. Leak & Sons 7915 S. Exchange tional officers to the affected projects 7838 S. Cottage and neighborhoods to deal with the problems highlighted in the stories. For your location to be a drop location a.n773-375-010 0 Page IP June 3Q, - July 13, 2QQ5 South Street Journal

WOW! I finally I can eat fast food again. Reading Ms. Uzzell Scores Reach All-Time High, QUENCHI\ Daley )A SATISFYING YOUXDESfRE FOR FOOD, FAST M \ Announces The Chicago Public Schools \ 5101.75th Street have reached an all-time high in reading scores on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills, Mayor Richard M. Daley announced. However, the Chicago Urban League rated the CPS in its report "Still Separate unequal: Race, place, mm- mmMME ASIAN XPEMENCI policy and the State of Black Chi­ cago." The report stated that nearly six in 10 African American 9th graders do not graduate with a regu­ At&x/c&rr fn&j&/r&cf £?£*f&fs*&- CARRY OUT & CATERING lar high school degree within furs years in Chicago. 352 E. 71st St. ^JP^s^ itss * m %«# § I i •%# § f • ^Sr'%*»•• * However pleased with test scores

*tre#* I! »»n I reflect the population as a whole. The 1995 scores were under old norms. All results from 1997 on are under new norms. "It's a tribute to the entire city of Chicago that, after ten years of hard Open 365 days A year, 7 days a week, work, we have lifted this enormous system to a new all-time high," Daley said in a news conference at Mitchell Elementary School, 2233 W. Ohio St. "But we still haven't reached our goal of becoming the best school Midway MR. system in America, and nothing will stop us until we get there," he said. Food & Liquor "We will continue to challenge our­ Liquor JACKS selves each and every day." (Continued from page 2) 4700 S. C 5901 S. State St

... : '••:•••'•••• '" 1 y 7:00 am - 773-92/ ^ 773-667-5 * Mexican ft am—7 pm Friday and Sat Friday and Saturdr- 12:00 am ' i 12:00 am Sunday t Stamp domestic market in mind, but Cabal- lero noted it could be used in inter­ th July Shop for SerW ction and Savi national postage as well. A total of 750,000 of the stamps will be issued. Ben Vinson, a black professor of Paul Latin American history at Penn State Seagram Smooth University, said he has been called "Memin Pinguin" by some people in Masson ted or Citrus Mexico. He also noted that the char­ acter's mother is drawn to look like an old version of the U.S. advertis­ Brandy $2.99 ing character Aunt Jemima. The stamps are part of a series that pays tribute to Mexican comic 6 ok books. Memin Pinguin, the second in the series, was apparently chosen for this year's release because it is ...2/5 the 50th anniversary of the company that publishes the comic. Publisher Manelick De la Parra told the government news agency Notimex that the character would be Event. Partv sort of a good-will ambassador on Mexican letters and postcards. "It seems nice if Memin can travel & Wedding all over the world, spreading good news," de la Parra said, calling him "so charming, so affectionate, so Catering Available wonderful, generous and friendly."

Story from the Associated Press South Street Journal June 3Q, • July 13, 2QQ5 Page 11

conversation, man or woman on the telephone. How JWary's Corner should I approach this situation? Undercover By Jllary Platton Mary: Dear Undercover, To kick Mary's Corner off, SSJ asked at Ask him! Chances are he will deny it. My concern is random, "What would you want to ask in not that of your husband's but yourself. If your suspi­ an advise and question column?" cions are correct, how would this affect your marriage? Q. There was a front page story on the Chi­ If indeed he is bisexual, he may just be glad the cat's out cago Sun-Times newspaper about a month ago, with of the bag or he may have just been happy with this life­ the question, in essence, "Is it expected for women style. If your instincts are correct in matter to make more money in the household?" of time it may just be another friend, then another. Your husband will survive, but ask I did not get a chance to read the story, and yourself; if he favors both sex what would wish I did. However, being raised from the old you do? school of a man's role as the bread winner, I have been dealing with the question from many angles. From a man being less of a man, him feeling infe­ Q. My son ask the question why did rior to the woman, or from a woman should al­ rapper Cassidy, shot someone with a ways make sure her mate is her financial equal or gun. In his concern when asking about greater. I guess this concern is greater among it, it wasn't the sympathizing for the black men. How should one view this new trend victim; it was for Cassidy and his fu­ of financial relationship between a couple? ture. What is the message here? Not A Successful Woman, Jackson State College putting any judgment on Michael Jack­ son or even actor Russell Crowe public out bursts Mary: Dear Successful Woman, on persons, are people in general torment with the Since the beginning of time men were judged by fate of celebrities than the victims. their successes and women by their beauty. Not all men @U*Uc are successful, neither are all women beautiful, vice Public Opinion versa. A man's success is not what he does but what he Mary: Dear Public Opinion, Patient-centered clinic is. It's not a woman's job to find a mate that's financially Did you explain to your son that there are conse­ compatible but to find one that's secure with himself quences for shooting someone? If not, I strongly suggest regardless of her successes or failures. We have all you do so as soon as possible. If we communicate more 6021 S. Halsted St graduated from the same school - they never taught us with our children that's the only message they will hear. Dating, we have that in our corner now. If you have con­ We live in a culture where money doesn't buy the Justice Services cerns, invite him out to various events and gatherings. I System therefore we have a lot to be grateful for. I don't have always found if you really want to know someone, think people are tormented with the fate of celebrities, I Internal Medicine Bone Density Scan watch them under pressure. If he brings up income too Pharmacy uursxMS aaeracai &upp*y think people ought to be happier with their own lives. Laboratory ECHO Cardiogram frequently continue dating but marriage may not be a Dentistry Oepplar Flow smart move. Ultrasound Studios. Mary Patton studied Business at X-Ray One-day surgery Q. The term "Down Low", I just recently over­ The University of Toronto. Podiatry Electrocardiogram B.A. Psychology & Liberal Arts & B.S. Health Sci­ Family Practice OB-OYH heard what it meant a few months ago. Which if I am Pain Management Foot Massage correct it means married men, that are undercover gay. It ence in New York State. Coordinate Activities of 773 never cross my mind until, I over heard my husband in Daily Living for the physically and mentally chal­ what I thought he was talking to another woman. Furious lenged & Real Estate Investor. as I was I was patient not to say anything, so I could see For question to Mary; Write to South Street Journal 651-9200 the whole picture. After his phone call was over, I at 7915 S. Exchange, Chicago, Illinois 60649 or Email checked the caller ID and found it was not a woman, but at [email protected] FREE ear piercing for members, all others only $3 his friend. Shock and appalled because of the tone of the

HON. BOBBY L. RUSH in the House of Representatives MONDAY, OCTOBER 30,1995 • Mr. RUSH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to the South Street Journal, a community based newspaper on Chicago's South Side, on the occasion of their second anniversary. The South Street Journal has always prided itself on social responsibility providing objective and insightful news while keeping in mind the welfare of the residents of the communities it services. It has built a strong foundation of not only disseminating information but also encouraging communities to become involved in the current events and politics that affect them. The South Street Journal has provided Chicago's South Side with an informative and relevant community newspaper that fosters open dialogue on current events and helps to strengthen community relations. They have helped register voters and have provided a voice to communities that are sometimes overlooked. South Side communities such as Washington Park, Hyde Park, Douglas, Oakland, Kenwood, Woodlawn, Fuller Park, Armour Square, Grand Boulevard, and the Gap have all seen the benefits the Journal has provided. Mr. Speaker, today I stand here to formally recognize the South Street Journal for their contribution to the South Side of Chicago, the State of Illinois, and the United States of America. I am pleased to enter these words of commendation into the Record. [Page: E2071] GPO's PDF S 9L € AUTC DARTS 7500 ASHLAND AVE. We buy Used Cars, Vans & Trucks Complete Stock of Used Auto Complete Stock of Used Parts Some Foreign Parts Available 773-846-1343 or 1344 rial lieu Tcwlns Service Available Paeisu™ lilalilc in %i rue ireas Page 12 June 3Q, - July 13, 2QQ5 Sooth Street Journal

wait and bring the idea to a cross section of Chicago's In the face of July 4°*, "To announce that there must be no critic is Congratulations to grassroots leadership. No one group could sustain the right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally tr ability to generate enough troops to maintain the every­ — Theodore Roosevelt. day direct action of doing the informational picketing This is for all those who still naively believe in their government. Conrad Worrill outside the fest and continually educate the masses of our people who wanted to be entertained versus standing up to Mayor Byrne on principle on her disrespect of the Afri­ Til T" A. and NBUF can American community. The boycott was successful because the majority of And the new Chicago's Black grassroots leadership all took a role in leading the pickets and informational campaign to our By Darrin C community. Following this was the first major Mayoral The Lost world black order Campaign of Harold Washington. I remember the meet­ "We are putting all the infor­ Mark Allen, ings we used to have at PUSH, when people who ordinar­ mation that we have together- ily didn't like each other and swore not to work with each the intelligence information, other again for various issues, actually put aside their dif­ the information being gener­ want to publicly offer my congratulations to Dr. ferences at the door and focused only what our "operational unity" could do to elect Harold Washington. ated by the FBI and other law Conrad Worrill and The National Black United enforcement agencies. And I IFront (NBUF) on their 26th year anniversary as an or­ The same thing happened when one of Rev. Jackson's sons was erroneously tied to some drug dealer. We all think we will put before the ganization. In my 29 years in public service, I know that a world, the American people, a majority of those years, I have known and actively came together again, despite our past differences and stood strongly behind Rev. Jackson and his son. persuasive case that there will worked with Dr. Worrill and his organization on a num­ be no doubt, when that case is ber of issues of importance to the aMHMlse&'$$?i In my judgment, the concept of presented, that it is Al-Qaida, African American community. "operational unity" MUST be used led by Osama bin Laden, who From the campaigns of the late again to address the State of Emer­ Mayor Harold Washington, to the gency that the African American has been responsible for this Million Man March, and other po­ community finds itself again today. terrible tragic situation." litical and grassroots issue cam­ We no longer control the economics -Colin Powell, two weeks after paigns. And I've always benefited of our community, leading to our the attacks on 9/11 from Dr. Worrill's counsel as I tried Black men and women being forced PRESIDENT BUSH: to establish myself as an activist to choose an illegal and life threat­ "Saddam Hussein recently with my own Independent views ening economy versus legitimate sought significant quantities and leadership style. ones, leading to more of our people of uranium from Af­ I can remember like it was yes­ dying, and others going to jail than rica." [2003 State of the Un­ terday Dr. Worrill's advice on how- school. ion]: America took him at to promote your independence with­ We no longer control the gas sta­ his word. tions, car dealerships, car rentals, out alienating yourself from the But now we find out that it other organizing groups and efforts meat and produce markets, Ma and Pa grocery stores, sandwich shops, wasn't true. that were also going on in the com­ Far worse, the Administra­ munity. In my youth, there was no clothing stores, shoe shops, etc. We have now become everybody else's tion knew it wasn't true. effort or issue that I would address HEADLINES: White that at one time or another was not consumers, rather than producers. House Says Iraq Claim was addressed currently or before by We have lost our financial institu­ Flawed [New York Times, other existing groups in the Black tions with the exception of maybe 2 community. And, if you alienate yourself, then you only or 3. We spend about 30 billion dollars in the Chicago 7/8/03]: A year earlier, that stration from invading and occu­ end up helping enough people to satisfy your individual economy with less that 10% being spent with Black claim was already proven to be pying two sovereign, Islamic self, but not successfully addressing the masses of our owned and operated businesses. false. nations, originally described as a people. It appears to me, that we must return immediately to The CIA knew it. [New York "crusade" by the president. Af­ That's why I was extremely moved by the theme of the "operational unity" concept when it comes to building Times, 7/6/03]: The State De­ ghanistan and Iraq had abso­ Dr. Worrill and NBUF's theme of their convention, and re-building the African American community. partment knew it. [New York lutely nothing to do with 9/11, "Operational Unity and Grassroots Organizing." History Congratulations again to Dr. Worrill and NBUF on it's Times, 7/6/03] and our actions have proven that will show that we progressed as a people best when we 26th year anniversary as an organization. And it is my The White House knew it. [NBC we are only interested in liberat­ operated as a united front on the major issues that im­ sincerest hope that the concept of "operational unity" News, 6/26/03] ing resources- not people. pacted our people across organizational lines. We can all does not pass us by as just another catch phrase and not The whole world sees through point to our individual group successes, but when we an active and systematic way of addressing our inability this administration's propa­ used "operational unity" we achieved much more for the to address the lack of legitimate economic opportunities ganda, except for the truly faith­ masses of our people. for our people. We must all be tired of visiting jails and early four years later, ful zealots on the right- and their funerals when we've got the collective genius to solve For instance, when a nameless, faceless person called we're still waiting numbers are shrinking too as it in to a talk show where Rev. Jesse L Jackson, Sr was the this State of Emergency facing our people. foNr that evidence. But that has­ becomes clear that we can't guest, the suggestion was made to boycott former Mayor Mark Allen, President of the Monroe Founda­ n't stopped the Bush Admini­ "win" in Iraq. As Bush's poll 's Chicagofest. Instead of Rev. Jackson imme­ tion's Black Leadership Development Institute diately saying that PUSH would take it on, he decided to 773-392-0165

strategies against the Google threat is to offer users more email Yahoo Shut Down Black space and enhanced features on their groups portal. What they don't let unsuspecting users know is that if they use Yahoo! services is that they will be censored and that they running the risk of losing Online Discussion Group. intellectual property. Dear Editor; To read the LA Times article, see the message thread, find out On April 29, Yahoo deleted both my email account and my six- who else yahoo is deleting, or to read the What Happened to Scifi- Prterisr year-old African American science fiction discussion list of 485 Noir at Yahoogroups FAQ, go to: http://www.visitfloripa.com/ members, called SciFiNoir. scifinoir/ No warning, notification or explanation was provided. Since the Tracey de Morsel la deletion of my email account and discussion list, 1 have discovered Email: [email protected] Sesame Street may be put many people are having their yahoo email accounts and discussion groups deleted in a similar fashion. My phone inquiry proved fruit­ on the streets less. Customer support refused or was unable to answer my ques­ Rev. Jackson's of A House panel has voted to eliminate all public funding for NPR tions. I was informed that I violated Yahoo !'s terms of service, but and PBS, starting with "Sesame Street," "Reading Rainbow," and that they were not permitted to explain how I had done so. They also Michael Jackson other commercial-free children's shows. If approved, this would be explained that there was no one to whom I could turn to find out The Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., the most severe cut in the history of public broadcasting, threatening more about the violation, getting service restored, gain access to my issued the following statement on the to pull the plug on Big Bird, Cookie Monster, and Oscar the Grouch. emails, copy my address book, or retrieve six years of files, images, acquittal of Michael Jackson: The cuts would slash 25% of the federal funding this year - and hundreds of thousands of messages from the deleted discussion $100 million ~ and end funding altogether within two years. The list. Yahoo! has responded to member inquiries with a form letter Dear Editor; loss could kill beloved children's shows like "Clifford the Big Red that suggests that I shut down the list. We express our relief at the jury's Dog," "Arthur," and "Postcards from Buster." Rural stations and A review of recent messages on my science fiction discussion decision to exonerate Michael Jackson those serving low-income communities might not survive. Other forum have revealed that less than 48 hours before the list was de­ on all 10 charges. Throughout this trial, stations would have to increase corporate sponsorships. Already, leted, there was an extended message thread regarding an article in Michael maintained his innocence, and 300,000 people have signed the petition. Can you help us reach the Los Angeles Times covering the Toronto Sex Crimes Unit that he has now been vindicated. 400,000 signatures today? http://www.moveon.org/ focused on their fight against child pornography and how the major­ This trial has taken an incredible toll publicbroadcasting/ ity of those arrested are Trekkers. As far as 1 know, there is nothing on all parties and there has been ex­ in Yahool's terms of service that forbids users from discussing cur­ Thanks! traordinary pain. This trial swayed rent events (even subjects of a sensitive nature) on their groups. Yahoo! is currently in a cutthroat battle with Google. One of their from the highest of highs to the deepest

J_ J South Street Journal June 3Q, - July 13. 2QQ5 Page 13 m of the president, or that we are to stand by the president easonable to the American public." The Code of Silence Rename Washington Park from

Crusade George to Harold? Ron Carter, •sborne Publisher decep­ here is a group in Chicago petitioning to re­ and Editor tive, because we are building name George Washington Park to Harold 14 permanent military bases Washington Park, lead by Osei David An­ prise to learn the park isn't named after the 1st Black in Iraq, which means that we drews- Hutchinson. . have no plans to leave. De­ Could this be as challenging as proposing to rename However, with the forth of July upon us we should be pending on how many troops the Daley center to the Rev. Jackson Center? remind of the first president of this country as he repre­ we plan to keep there, our Sometimes you just can't help being what you are and sented the solid foundation of the constitution, that is continued presence could what one should be about. And being an African Ameri­ written so prefect that it justify celebrating a president cost American taxpayers can in Chicago when it comes to the 4th of July or that was a slave owner, while supporting stealing land over 5 billion dollars a year. president's day, its party time. Fireworks on the 4th of from native Americans and the torturing Africans as While the mainstream media July, Independence Day, and of course Washington slaves. continues to ignore this real­ Park is the place to be. The park is home of many bar­ Consequently, from then to this day grade students ity, the Arab world is well becue's and get-togethers worthy of celebration along are taught to respect the our 1st president as a way of aware of what we are doing, with the Bud Billinkin Parade, and the African Festival life in American. What city council member would sup­ and the overwhelming ma­ of the Arts, the family reunions and the baseball games, port such a movement to rename Washington Park, jority of them are militantly and the 53rd street Hole picnics. When you think of from George to Harold? What elected official would opposed to it. Washington Park or even drive through it you think of lead the cause to the Chicago Park District. getting away from the Naturally, upon Despite the rosy scenario everyday hassle and the renaming, painted by the Bush Admini­ bussal. people would stration, over 80% of the American history continue to call it Iraqi people want us to leave has its shortcomings Washington Park, now. They've been the vic­ for the Black citizens. or as Harold tims of colonialism before, Indeed the roots ex­ would like, and they are not going to sit tend far beyond the (Harold's Park). back and watch it happen shores of America. Would the again without a fight. The The past present and statue on 51 st and military bases we are cur­ future is important to King Drive be rently building are going to all descendants and taking down as make it impossible for us to the generations of Saddam Hussein win the hearts and minds of tomorrow. No one statue was as a numbers continue to plummet the Iraqi people- if that was ever should be left out probe of freedom and support for the "war" part of the strategy to begin rather bad or good. As the saying goes: "If you do not for Iraqis? evaporates, he is launching a with. know where you come from, you surely won't know Comparing what Daley has done to the people from new offensive to sell his brand Remember, it was the American where you are going." 51st Street to 61st Street with what Rev. Jackson has of neo-colonialism to the Ameri­ military bases in Saudi Arabia With that names symbolize culture and past. As the done maybe that challenge should be on the agenda as can people. In a prime time that caused our former ally, Declarations of Independence was written in 1776, in well. speech delivered Tuesday eve­ Osama bin Laden, to start work­ 1789 George Washington became president of the Somehow the mission is worthy of the renaming of ning, Bush gave us the same old ing against us over a decade United States. 100 years later black folks were legally Washington Park that will poke very hard at the nexus rhetoric, and no real plan to get ago. The bases in Iraq will only free from chains. Another 100 years later Harold Wash­ between George of 1789 and Harold of 1983 and the out of Iraq. Instead of specifics, insure the rise of future bin ington was elected Mayor of the City of Chicago. And real meaning of the Forth of July. he gave us vagaries like "we Ladens in that region, and no now two Hundred years from the presidency of George This is only scratching the surface here, but even this will stay in Iraq as long as we matter how much the Bush Ad­ Washington, the truth of renaming Washington is not cursory glance makes the current look at the name are needed - and not a day ministration tries to spin it, that just for the future but the shame of the ugly past. The change like some grand geopolitical "clash of history" longer." doesn't make anyone in the code of silence of the 1st president of the U.S. is he sup­ to come and more like a nasty falling out among thieves world any safer. ported slaverly should be the main reasons to rename of history-who sometimes collude, sometimes collide- But even this non-statement is the park. now duking it out for turf, cloaking the rhetoric about However, who really notice the statue of the man on freedom, security, and addressing the code of silence of the horse (George) at 51st and King Drive? And for the park in the black community named after a slave owner. most part, people under 25 years of age would be sur- Washington Park of Chicago.

of valleys. Yet through it all, Michael never surrendered; nor champion. Now Michael must reflect on this trial and draw Chuck Bowen offered the following, according to the respec­ did Michael's family - his mother and father, brothers and on his strengths and his faith in God to see him through. We tive issues of concerns: sisters, and his friends who stuck by him through this ordeal. look forward to the day when Michael Jackson again sings Parking There were two trials taking place at once in this case: the and soars, and once again can display his wonderful creative The University of Chicago parking facilities on 55th & Ellis media trial, and the courtroom trial. This jury weighed the gifts to the world. and 59th and Cottage are being negotiated for public parking. facts and disregarded innuendo; it studied the evidence and The space across the Armory (52nd and Cottage) to be ne­ disregarded rumor. Michael's legal team led by Tom Me- gotiated as additional public parking sereau presented a masterful defense. His publicist team led African Festival of the Arts Space will be made available for handicapped parking by Raymone Bain kept the community informed and edu­ along Cottage cated. And clearly, based on the evidence presented in the Meeting with the Washington Tow trucks to periodically patrol to tow illegally parked courtroom, Michael was vindicated. It was the legal system at Park Advisory Council vehicles especially in front of parking garages and blocking its best. alleyways Dear Editor Grasping the depth of the pain and agony of this ordeal, we Sound The meeting with the Washington Park Advisory Council mst learn the lessons of this trial, Re-orientation of stage away from residential areas on Tuesday was attended by a cross section of individuals )f the court process and environ- Debris and my guess is that some were and others were not members lent. Now is the time to move to- th 4 Ward office is looking to bring additional city resources of the Advisory Council. The 4 & 5th Wards were repre­ /ard healing and rehabilitation. Mi­ to help clean the neighborhood sented by their respective Aldermen and Chiefs of staff, chael Jackson is free but not un- Periodic festival cleaning crew patrol to pickup debris in Chuck Bowen represented City Hall and representatives from scarred. Also, the accuser and his the affected areas before, during and after the festival the Park district were present. family, they, too must go through It was generally agreed that the festivals will stay in their cur­ Please thank everyone who asked about the status of the [their own process of healing and rent locations for this year. African Festival of the Arts and assure them that the Week­ ^rehabilitation. The park District in conjunction with the interested parties end will proceed this year on Labor Day Weekend, and in it's JF V have known Michael since he was will begin looking at alternative sites in Washington for next normal location. jight years old, and my prayers go year. Alderman Preckwinkle and Chuck Bowen are in sup­ Thank you. )ut to him and his family. I talked port of developing a permanent festival sight in Washington Patrick rith Michael today, and reminded Park. Jfi* _ Bhim the ground is no place for a The Park District supported by the Aid. Preckwinkle and

J Page 14 June 3Q, - July 13. 2QQ5 South Street Journal South Street Events

South Street events. Don't see your event listed? Send your cal­ endar listing to SoStreetJournal @aol.com or to SSJ Events 7915 S. Exchange Ave. Chicago, III. 60649 June 24-July 4 , Grant Park Free Admission

4th Ward Democratic Organiza­ tion Presents A Community Mid- | Summer Night Ex­ travaganza Come Out ! For Food, Fun, Danc- ! ing & Music Saturday, I July 30, 2005 8:00 |PM - 1:00 AM Little Black Pearl Culture Center 1060 East 47th Street Donation In 1959, Dr. Margaret T. G. $20.00 At Door $25.00 21 and Burroughs launched the first over Make Checks Payable To: Lake Meadows Art Fair where 4th Ward Democratic Organiza­ many of Chicago's African tion For more info phone: 773- 536-8103 Fax: 773-536-7296 American Artists began their careers. Thursday, June 3Q Forty-Six years later, in 2005, The 71st St. Advisory Council Neleh Artistic Expressions The above photo by Robert Sengstacke is part of Collecting Photography at Nicole Gallery 2: present "Art Renaissance" Re­ Hosts The 4th Annual Town 4653 S. King Drive, -an exhibition Great Trio: Photography by Bryant Johnson Raymond Mays birth of The Lake Meadows Hall Meeting - 6:30 pm. St. and Sengstacke, thru - July 31, 2005 Columbanus Church 331 East Art Fair, honoring Dr. 71st Street, Topics * Chicago De­ Burroughs for her contribu­ African Caribbean International partment of Transportation one sessions at 773-626-6088. the Battlefield, Selective Commu­ Fest, 55th & South Cottage tions to Chicago, the world, (CDOT), 71st Streetscape update nication vs. Dishonesty. Frank Grove, 10 a.m. -10:30 p.m Saturday, Jnly 9th, Cannon is a community activist, and especially the Black com­ Streetscape plan and timeline munity. Also honored were Planters maintenance agreement Solutions for Eliminating the former Black Panther, Chairman two additional art legends Syl­ Timeline of Construction Employ­ Jnly279,&16t Impact of Plantationism in of Brothers and Sisters in Consoli­ vester Britton and Melvin ment Opportunities 71st Street African Hand Drumming class Relationships with Mates, Fam­ dation and author King. Neleh Artistic Expres­ Bridge * Plans for the 50th Year continues with Master Drummer ily, Friends and others, a candid, "Understanding the Power of the Commemoration Activities of Em- Atiba Y. Jali, Saturdays @ Afri- presentation by Frank Cannon,, Union: Relationships Between sions is located in the Lake mett Till * Sign-up for the Advi­ Ware 948 Lake St., Oak Park 7 pm, free @ Afri-Ware, 948 Lake Black Men and Black Women Meadows Shopping Center sory Council The 71st Street­ 10:30-11:30am, $15/class ages 7 St. Oak Park, 708-524-8398. Can­ 3467 S. King Drive scape program will affect busi­ and up. Atiba Jali also has a best non will discuss: * Selecting FREE @ Afri-Ware. CREATIVE nesses and residents from State selling CD "Karibu" $15 available Healthy Nontoxic Relationships, ARTS NIGHT 7pm, event taped to Cottage Grove. at Afri-Ware. Djembe and log by Tami Yarbrough of Channel Identifying the Danger of False July 9 drums are available for purchase. Support Systems, Love is Observ­ 19. This program will be aired Call to confirm upcoming classes each Saturday in July on channel I Have A Vision Gospel Fest, able and Measurable, Bedroom 7200 S. Dobson St. (Hoard Park), Jnly 1-4 or call Atiba directly for one-on- 19 at 9:30pm. Revolutionaries vs. Romance on II a.m. - 8 p.m.

K.I.D.S. Zone Festival, 6700 - 6900 S. on Halsted Street, 10:00 AmCA \NimHAl\OHAl HOUS1, ICE Theater* & WVON present a.m. -4:00 p.m.

Chinatown Summer Fair, BLACK WORLD CINEMA-CHICAGO Wentworth from Cermak to ICE Theater's Chatham 14 movie complex 210 West 87th Street 24th Street, 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. PJMMMliMiM^ July 3Q Altgeld Gardens Commu­ nity Gospel Fest, Carver Park (939 E. 132nd Street) 11 a.m. -8 p.m.

Ghana Fest, Washington Park, 54th on Payne Dr., 11:00 a.m. -10:00 p.

Southside Youth Festival, Foster Park (84th & Loomis), 6 a.m. - 8 p.m.

August 14, THE 2005 Summer Poetry Resi­ dences at The Poetry Center of iiirste3f,My Chicago www.poetrycenter.org Neil's StoryCSoieia Infantil) Submission Deadline: ]uly 17, inurseaj, Aogim % #:uu pm 2004 - The Poetry Center and the School of the Art Institute of The slory of Netio (the brigfit-eved Sergio Titos), m almost child Critical Assignment Chicago it will award two poetry soldier and street kid in Mozambique, is a fantastical journey y&/K&Hyi/Soijth Africa, 2004, 120 m\m residencies in a national applica­ from the horror of dvii war in the countryside to the dally struggle The President of an African country tion pool, working independently decrees that the Arms budg&t will b& the selected poets will be invited for survival on the streets of the capital city, A magical lizard n to give a reading at The Poetry woman, a disappearing dwarf and spirits of the dead all cross diverted in to the WMm For Air, Center as part of the 2005-2006 Meiio's path on his journey. Surprisingly uplifting, the film Is Meet. The jounrtirt, Mchae! Reading Series** and to submit carried rjy a gang of non-actor street kids as they create what Power, discovers a coup set by the several poems, one of which will arms dealers. be published as part of The Poetry ley can out of life despite the odds against them. Adults: $10, Children $5 Center's Broadside Series. Accom­ For more inform Mm call: modations will be provided at The 773-892-3204 eki 2 School of the Art Institute's new IBI http://bla ckwof Iclclnema, net/ residency tower, located in the South Street Journal June 3Q, • July 13, 2QQ5 Page 15 ASHFORD & SIMPSON IN Monday SL Presents @The New Dating Game 8926 S. WASHINGTON PARK "SPOT LIGHT" Every Saturday Stony Island. Red Level Enter­ Saturday, July 2nd Night at the 212 on the River res­ tainment Presents Monday Mad­ Martin's Inter-Culture, Ltd Pre­ taurant and bar 212 N. Canal St. ness Live Comedy Poetry Hip sents Chicago's Only "Sax (Canal & Lake) 10pm -3am Dis­ Hop & R & B Hosted By Chi­ Preacher" performing "Live" with counted Admission for Ladies be­ cago's Own KB, Every Doors "Energy, Time, & Space" at the fore 11pm. Host Stevie, plus a Open @9 pm Sign Up By 9:45 13th Annual African/Caribbean new surprise every week!, bi-level pm. Ladies Free Before 10 pm Int'l Festival of Life Washington party where each floor has a dif­ Fellas $5 Includes 1st Beer btwn Park @ 55th St. & S. Cottage ferent vibe! Upstairs hip-hop and 9-10 pm Food & Drink Spe­ Grove, on the Main Stage at 12 R&B with music by Tim Buck 2 cials .25 Cent Wings. Music By Triple A. For More Info 773-468- noon Til 1 pm July 4th on the 2nd and Mustafa Rocks, downstairs 3057. Stage at 2 pm Admission: Free old school hip-hop and R&B with for children 6 & Under $5 Chil­ music by Dj Hot! dren / Seniors 65 & Older $10 All promoters, Dj's, etc. in­ Adults 12 & Older &25 Season volved in the nightlife are invited Sunday Pass This is a 4 day event from to bring a team of 5 to Hoops McKeela's Pesonal Touch Friday July 1st - Mon. July 4th (1380 W. Randolph) at 7pm. Test hosts Sunday Gospel Brucn, live From 10am - 10pm For ticket info your court skills against your blues, jazz, open mics, Stepper Call: 773-483-9608 or 773-507- peers. Promoters Basketball @ sets and classes, Mckeela's Star­ 7705 Hoops Gym, 1380 W. Randolph light Hall, 43rd and Vincennes, St. 7 pm. Call 773-924-0881 The 2nd Monday of every month the hottest cabaret scene in Chicago. Hosted by "Maven of the Microphone" Sue Conway and Cliff Kelley of WVON & V- 103 Radio, admission is only $15; $12 for groups of 10 or more. Light refreshments available. 7- for African Caribbean 10 pm at eta Square, 7558 S. South Chicago Avenue. Call 773/752-3955. International Festival of Life The celebrated songwriting and performing duo Soul legends Ashford & "Billy Branch & The Sons of Simpson who scored their first songwriting hit in 1966 with Ray Charles' re­ Blues", or the "SOB's" still play cording of their "Let's Go Get Stoned" went on to one of the great songwriting at Artis" Lounge at 1249 E. 87th and performing careers. St. (87th & Kimbark) 10:00 pm to The African Caribbean International Festival of Life, which kicks off on Fri­ 2:00 a.m. Also every Wednesday day, July 1 with celebrated Dub poet Mutabaruka, followed on Saturday with the contemporary Reggae group Inner Circle of "Bad Boys'VCops fame, en­ in Country Club Hills, at the rd Genesis Club on 183rd & Cicero. ters its 3 day with headline performances by Ashford & Simpson and Ca- lypso/Soca queen Calypso Rose on the Main Stage. Gospel great Darius Showtime is from 8:00 pm to Mid­ th night. Brooks headlines on the gospel stage. The festival, now in its 13 year, will close out on the 4th of July with Reggae dancehall star Beenie Man. Tuesday Daily admission is $10 adults; $5 children under 12 and seniors 65 and older; Flamingo Lounge, live music and free to kids 6 and under. A $25 season pass covers all four days. Tickets are snack buffet, with Jimmy Pryor available at ticketmaster.com (312-559-1212) and at 312/427-0266 or visit the and WJ Band with Coumar, 9- web site at www.festivaloflife.com or www.martinsinterculture.com 1:30 am, 6644 S. Cottage. Every Thursday Promoters Anthony Jones, An- A2 Promotions introduces Up- thony Close Thursdays, at the Exclu­ Every Wednesday sive Nightclub ...Wet, 209 W. hosted by Power 92's Leon FRIDAY'S Lake St./ Wells Doors open Rogers at the Bi-Level Sibley Black Alumni & Elite Entertain­ - T t v< M skffM? si \m M.HI i fu Dolton, IL .$10. For info call 219- Alumni from different Colleges : : SceneVip.com Music by Jay ilia, iSfpg&m that is km pmm&ifm iNTI:I: l .4l:NillM1 MfS Mi k 808-9312 Doors open at 8 pm and Universities hosts Muham­ Sean Mac, John Young and Chi­ md p&w&p0ti &s miss* A -$h@w m, Showtime at 9:45 pm mad Shabazz & Marques Dixon ih&i mptmm 0m fkvw ®fm cago's newest DJ Kid Kris Hosted every Friday at a Brand New mtf&^mMriml affkk •mcigm By your favorite Thursday Night downtown Club JEFFERSON 325 {2 Blocks cas? f>\ Ksrt£ Tmn'A tmd rvpamtxmu "\Wv /&#> N. Jefferson 10 pm-4 am LADIES > X $}titS *< ' if? %/WSH V103 IS MY RADIO STATION! FREE B4 11 pm. Dress code in Listen this week far, full effect, Birthday parties and Free Steppin Lessons VIP RSVP'S welcome. Black- Wree Admission * Free Parking * Free Food [email protected]. The C&icago Alumni Chapter of VIP will take place at the All New 212 on the River! offers *PA ALPHA PSInUTCRNTTY THREE LEVELS of entertain­ ment! Level One features Sounds by Vince Adams & Phatmike .. Imm, To £t&j> with Style ars4 (*tm Level Two features Sounds by And Y«§# You fiat Th$ Pg&©... Mustafa Rocks Level Three fea­ EVERY WEDNESDAY tures Jazz outside on the rooftop 8:00 pjm. - 10:00 pin deck overlooking Chicago's Sky­ at cfoe legendary line! 212 N. Canal (Canal & Lake) 9pm until 2am every Friday nite. Oub Studio 79 Ladies FREE before 11pm 1004 West on'79th Street & Morgan Saturday* July 2,2005 Chicago, Mnois 60620 OPEN MIC Welcoming ALL Spo­ The Teaching Segins at 7:00 p.m. Sharp v ken word Artist, Singers , Come­ > w* Bmim €$c *Free Stepping Lesson* with Wortds Largest Finalist* dians, Rappers 1808 W, 103rd **The Wizard of Qz" Pinner Served at 7;30 p*m. St. $10 Door, $8 Adv. & Perform- Ymtt Qrigm&t Steppms Danc& instructors ers.This includes FOOD. For Stepprrt Greg & Qeorge Macaroni more Info, call 708-790-3275 or - V103 Contest Winners - ^ 312-479-0816. Sat. 7 pm-11 pm Hyait Regency Chicago Free l^ood tor Everyone » Free Stepping Lessons * Good Stepping IWusic More Auditions Music hosted by From the play "Skipper" based Uncle Jam & Mark Allen • Wo#d$ • JMn mm- on the life of PFC Milt on L. (< .4 x\\- <*s ij, ,u Oliver, an American hero, Written Ju$sS Aitothm Fsbuiims JL Minor After* Ashtft Entertainment Bxcktsim by Oscar Walden, Jr. and pre­ D&n *t Miss SteppiHt Si€ppinf And M®r% Steppin sented and directed by William -For More Ms. (??3) 726-7S20 - T _< \ - < Brown. To audition provide a re­ Every Second Sunday 0 p.m. ttf Midnight sume and pit accrues (Black and Steppin, Steppln & Mow Sieppin WHn Chosen 1 white, a 5 minute monologue, m Mr. G *«t&47 W. 87th (87th & AsNand) plus a song sang solo. For infor­ EVEJRFBODY/S DANCING NOW ON WBDNBSDA YS A FTERWORK mation call (312) 315-5359. Page 16 June 3(h - July 13, 2QQ5 South Street Journal

the Bop. The rough guys in the neighborhood were teach­ Street Dedication for "Soul Foods" Steppin Out ing each other how to step, th and every neighborhood had Actress's 70 Birthday Irma P. Hall, its own legends. On the south east side, the legends were LV, and a Chocolate brother named Blood, who mastered steppin' with two girls at the same time. City "Blood was ice cold", as By Vincent Walker Chocolate City reflects back. If you want to get out have some By the time J B's Monorail fun any night of the week, then I came out, we were Skatin' & suggest that you do like more and Steppin'. Now we're real more Chicago party people are serious about this Steppin" doing and check out the Chicago thing, says Chocolate. We Nite Life schedule put together by have Chocolate City and the man simply known as Choco­ The Chocolate Girls, and late City. we put our, " Show on the Maybe a drink, some live mu­ Flo". sic, or do you have enough nerve Although, back in the to grab the microphone and day, we didn't care what throw down on karaoke night. you looked like. We were How about some live comedy, working up a sweat, having competitive bid whist, or are you a good time. Now the step­ a part the popular dance craze pers' culture is high fash­ that is spreading across the nation ion. From head to toe, Aid. Howard Brookins (21) lead the dedication for Irma Hall say­ known as Steppin'? steppers like to look sharp. ing she is not just a talented person who deserves this honor on The Chicago Nite Life sched­ Chocolate prefers the her 70th birthday, I am proud she is of the 21st ward as a resi­ ule will let you know how to get neighborhood club over the dent. She is truly deserving of this special recognition." seating that particular groove on. 1 re­ big ballroom scene, and he recommends that you don't right rear is comedian and action Carl Wright. cently talked to Chocolate City to SSJPhoto Vincent Walker get his take on the so called Step­ spend to much time in a pin' Craze. He is one of the best steppers' class, just get on steppers in Chicago. If you don't the floor and do what you Street Dedication Tops List of Immediately following her reading, a th believe him, ask him. do, and don't forget to have Events for Actress's 70 Birthday second film from her impressive fil- fun with it. He started Steppin' in 1972, Irma P. Hall, one of Hollywood's mography, "The Ladykillers" with and back then the lab was the You can check out his giant talents and one of Chicago's Tom Hanks, will be shown. basement sets. With a lot of 24hr. Party Hotline, (312) most endearing figures, as she was All of the public events celebrating James Brown music playing, 458-0994 and visit his web honored June 3 street naming dedica­ Irma P. Hall's birthday are free of th everybody would put there own site: www. tion at the southeast corner of 95 charge. variation on what was then called chicagohottestparty.com. and Halsted tops a flurry of events A native of Beaumont, Texas, Hall honoring her 70th birthday. Mayor was raised in Chicago where she Richard M. Daley and the Chicago completed high school before head­ Welcome Back to Smez 'N The Alley 2005* City Council recently declared June ing off to Briar Cliff University in 3 "Irma P. Hall Day" in Chicago. Sioux City, Iowa. She had carved out Tfcwi year Jazz TM The Alley will h—pcn jarttor mttimtkt* On hand to pay tribute to Hall at a career for herself as a high school Ally* August afwJ September - i*niMl 3** $«*urtlay* ffrwn S:*» PM «mi! fttiNOPM. the street naming ceremony will be language teacher when she was bit­ Harry J. Lennix, star of stage and ten by the acting bug in 1973 after The- Kne up villi he ever changing m we revisit the Saturday Jam.SewioBW wtttt the great** mtupiejamt, screen and frequent Hall collabora­ landing a small role in actor-director vocalist* arwi spoken word artiitif tor. Raymond St. Jacques's "Book of "Irma is not just a talented person Numbers." She soon formed her own Check, out the tint of retwiMf^ wtwt»: who deserves to be feted on her 70th regional theater company in Dallas birthday, she's an amazing role and began working in television fea­ 1st Si 3rd Safiiril*!!'* 3RM to »•*!** model," said Randy Crumpton, chair tures, but would not get her big film of the Irma P. Hall Day Committee break until 1996 when at the age of July 21 Jk-I m - Aug 6it20 - S«f*t 3« T'- 2

Limn Joyuu. IT* rur AtHmmmAmtixm mr Ooll BflQfidMv* f*hH Cottrii It's the time of ^iytM H&A Re* Bmrnmrnm Wmmm Mmwwmwm A traditional eating place on the Southside Kmi C|ufMW|| sm «* AC BM is 9* t fin Your choice of, Turkey or ham, greens or strings beans, macaroni Victorian 8h«ree * #ldi*ha and cheese, Homemade dressing, cranberry sauce, and more Cypher OaMailttiaw** BparikttM [ OPEN-MIC JAM SESSIONS | 432 E 63 St. 773.684-8214 EFntWUL «• PaZ 6NM* H RVMSNei Home cooked Soul Food Open 5 am to 10 pm Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner New A^moACH f*esrr*wwMMT - «>5 • E * f ;».** rr,* *?3^«e All major credit cards accepted South Street Journal June SO, - July 13, 2QQ5 Page 17 AL'S RECORDS & BALLOONS Specializing in Music & Balloons, i StarLight We bring the sound a withe vision for Any Occasions (Continued from page 1) trict. 10715 S.Michig ' Now the opening of the Hip-Hop, R&B, Gospel, StarLight has hosted rela­ tionship chats with Art Birthdays are even "Chat Daddy" Sims who more special with Bal refers to the StarLight as a I lopnsfrom "healing center". The StarLight host daily events, jazz, blues, poetry, theater, after work steppers RtlBKNarTUDOARD sets, corporate functions, We can also YUNGWUW and private parties that rmw TO rm m? deliver the perfect gift or. are open to the public WALK FT TALK iV Balloon Bouquet Tuesday through Sunday 6 pm.- 1 am. Currently, for more information call: for the next six weeks The StarLight is featur­ ing the play "Save the 773-201- Last Dance for Me" by Eugene Dillanado on Tuesdays starting June 28. This screenplay ex­ plores the fever of an ex­ Erica Renee Christian (above) Star- tra-marital affair, racism Light's M.C. & Phylis Hyman, Jill and reparations. Every Scott, impressionist). And Tim Bol- CD Duplication Wednesday through Fri­ har, singer and entertain director day after work starting at 6 pm The StarLight wel­ and Luther Vangoss impressionist. comes all professionals to come out and step, net­ mobiliza­ 700/$49.00 work, and have fun. On Saturday evenings the signa­ tion cen­ ture theatrical production "Broadway-N-Bronzeville" ter in the U.S. focused exclusively on African Ameri­ Ideal for recording Artist, cans. Phill Wilson believes that the AIDS epidemic is is hosted at the StarLight. Instructional methods, Sermons a "Our people. Our problem. Our solution" agenda. The StarLights' charity is the Black Aids Institute The StarLights open earlier this year goal is to em­ 8800 S. Cottage Grove Suite founded by Phill Wilson, a Chicago native. Wilson is power the community by creating employment op­ widely respected as a global warrior in the fight portunities and provide quality service in the area of #2 against HIV/AIDS. The Black Aids Institute is the entertainment. See Receptionist 9:00 am—4:30 pm only national HIV/AIDS public policy, training and No Cash Money Orders only- 2 years in Business , Place jour ad in South Street Journal 773.881.0116 723-8863 Money Back Guaranteed Same day service

-A. . ^WR J ^mSmmmm ^fc.._J^ ^WL„J^ ^J^ ICAGO JVITE LIFE DISTRIBUTED MONTHLY - TO RECORD SHOPS -NITE CLUBS Hotels-Airports-Restaurants Calt The Chicago's 24hr.Party Hotline For More Party Info: 312-453-0994 Info: 773-759-6018 13 f4 ts 16 17 18 FAMILY DEN MUSIC TRACKS FAMILY DEN FAMILY DEM i 755 E. 87th ST. ln» Id* 1 be Parfc Held 75S 8940 S.StonylslamJ 8940S STONYISLAND Kj O 1704«SilalKted PRESENTS R&B 142NI> &Cott*ge GR. PRESENTS PRESENTS LIVE JAZZ RAP 142 NO Cottage GR. AFTER WORK SET PRESENTS BID WHIST The B-Cote Comedy with BLUES Bid Whist S.PM-UnlTIL Show Crosswinds STEPPING ^m Night 9:PM-2:AM Every Friday 7:pm-10:pm EVERY TUESDAY Every Thursday 773-734-S54S Sl.SO-Beers 6:pm-Unta STEPPERS 7:PM-2:AM 6:pm I ntil EVERY SUNDAY 7:pm-2:am GOSPEL Every Wednesday Every Saturday 773-783-S505 708-841-7870 "Come Play Cartfe** Every 20 Sunday 21 22 23 24 25 77T~p6 — Red Peppers RED PEPPERS RED PEPPERS RED PEPPERS Red Peppers Red Peppers *73-570q J^ 428E.87thSL 4*8 X. 8TTH ST. •28 E. 87TH ST j* 428 E. 87th ST. - 428 E. 87th St. 428 E.S7A St Red Peppers JAZZ NIGHT Presents I Presents € Presents Wmmmfm 428 B. 871tl ST. Every 2nd-3rd-4th intimate Treasures ACOMEDY.X Live Blues Band YOTJUEIM Uexaocsrats Presents Standay Ladies , Ewiy WEDNESDAY 7:pm-"Urntil The Late Adult Steppers 0 SIP & GIGGLE \J STEPPERS SET 7:PM-UNTIt tfter Work Set cSHtJ! Social Club HOST:Diane Corder Every 1st 8* 3nd Tim. 7:pm-llnlU 4:PM-LWnL Fish Fry~4:pm-8;pm 7:pm-uniil Every 1st Si^iday Every Monday Comedy -8:pm-12:Mid Er«rry 4tli Thursday Every SAT. With MS. Eariene 8:pm-Untit Every Friday 773-873-5700 Every Tuesday ~tfcr~~~ w* 27 ~^0 Si LARISTO'S LARISTO'S LARISTO'S LARISTO'S LARISTO'S LARISTO'S 606 E. 7STH ST 606 E.75TH ST.'.%' 606E.75THST 6O6 E. 75TH STj'ttj 606E.75THST 606R.75THST PRESENTS Unisirs PRESENTS -A PRESENTS PRESENTS 'M WlfsSENTS Steppers Set MMi.Tsntsr THE SATURDA\ KARAOKE GAME NIGHT PKSiMTS PARTY NIGHT pit a m— MIGHT Music By: LIZ DRINK SPECIALS £ Night LADIES NIGHT DANCE PARTY D.JRapheal EVERY MOJTOAY You play-We pour Every Wed. mar wnmemm Fish Fry E V ER Y SAT. "Come Out & Sing" EVERY FRIDAY EVERY SUNDAY Every Tuesday DJL CLAUDE Karaoke LXJ DUEL "Free Food" 773-651-2862 Open Mic .—Q. i Hi AI inp Page 18 June 3Q, - July 13, 2QQ5 South Street Journal

Franchising Part One South Street Business: Why Franchising? may be in business for yourself, but Con. Rush and SBA bring Business not by yourself. You simply have a connection to a vehicle that Ownership Training to District Franchising provides the helps you realize your goals. You will have a proven system at In an ongoing effort to increase provide midsize loans for small busi­ your disposal for your utilization. business ownership in the First Con­ nesses. potential to bring out the The S.Y.S.T.E.M., when you follow gressional District, Congressman "Small businesses and startups it will give you access to training Bobby L. Rush announced that Ser­ continue to face barriers when ac­ and support, a consistent brand vice Corps of Retired cessing midsize loans between best for Small Businesses name and the use of trademarks, Executives (SCORE), $35,000 and $200,000, with and logos, that supposedly will will kick off their busi­ affordable terms and condi­ save a business owner, time, ness training workshops tions." Said Rush. energy, and money. It will pro­ at Rush's office "With all of the banking vide you a structure to follow Designed with the industry consolidation, the and you will find yourself in busy entrepreneur in method by which banks make mind, SCORE, which is small business credit deci­ funded by the Small sions has changed to the dis­ Business Administra­ advantage of small or startup tion (SBA), will hold Con. Bobby L. Rush businesses. Nonprofit inter­ By Steve Braxton monthly workshops at mediary lenders, including By Stevi Rush's city and suburban offices community development corpora­ aving had the opportu­ through October. tions, are in a better position to pro­ nity to be exposed to vide financial support to small busi­ franchise development "Many areas of the First Congres­ nesses. " and experience the sional District are in need of critical whole realm of the business culture business services, which are key to Rush outline the program in that of the franchising industry; during stimulating economic growth and nonprofit intermediary lenders pro­ H community stabilization," said Rush. vide riskier, up front capital to small the time of what was known as, the "revolution and expansion age", of "I'm committed to providing the nec­ businesses, with more flexible terms the industry in the early 70's. The essary resources to spur business and underwriting procedures. These performance and exposure encoun­ growth, and challenge aspiring or lenders also offer technical assistance tered was amassed in corporate man­ established entrepreneurs to come to reduce the transaction costs and agement. out and take advantage of the risk exposure of banks. At this juncture let me preference SCORE workshops." Rush continued to say the effec­ the fact; that small businesses are the preju­ At each of the business work­ tiveness of these types of programs fastest growing concern in America, dices and negative thoughts discour­ shops, SCORE representatives will has been demonstrated by several age you or block your career path. unique win;win; relationship in the provide participants with training and Federal programs, including the Mi- and in particularly women-owned world of business to interact with small business owners. Small busi­ You could be thwarting a new direc­ counseling on things to know when croloan Program under the Small tion for a bright and profitable fu­ people in the "business of busi­ starting a business, how to improve Business Act, and the Intermediary nesses also account for the largest nesses" real growth and incremental gains ture. You may sometime perceive or expand existing business as well Relending Program in the Depart­ It must be a "business of busi­ both in the "growth domestic prod­ change as a bad thing. However, you as business financing resources. ment of Agriculture. nesses" to get you to your goals, and ucts", (GDP) and employment op­ must forge ahead to meet the chal­ To register, please call (708) 385- There are more than 1,000 non­ it may not always be something you portunities. lenges and the conflicts head on, in 9550 or email Younus Suleman at profit intermediaries around the order to overcome barriers, conflicts love or that you have a great deal of [email protected]. country that are providing financial In addition, small businesses are skills in. But you can capitalize on it, touted as one of the most dynamic and obstacles. Rush introduce the Small and technical assistance, and creating 3. "Failure", also remember, a and be committed to it, by realizing employment opportunities for low and resilient market sectors in the U. the success of it, just be in the right Business Intermediary S., because of the enormity of the single attempt may result in failure. income individuals. But perseverance is a main stay that consciousness for it, and put forth Lending Pilot Program Act The bill would establish a midsize potential, and the vast market appeal, the efforts it will take to achieve it. which makes it a viable option for must be employed, to get to the de­ In his announcement on the con­ loan pilot program, providing loans In next month's column I shall the marketplace. And to be involved sired results you are seeking. There­ gressional floor Rush said this bill averaging $150,000 to eligible inter­ continue with part II on the franchis­ in the franchising industry bode well fore, that single attempt is not ulti­ would establish a pilot program to mediaries, particularly for startup, ing process. We shall focus on the for a stronger force, larger slice of mate failure; it just happens to be a provide low interest loans to non­ newly established, or growing small "Residual Benefits of a Franchising the pie, and a greater impact in the by-product called "risk". Moreover, profit, community-based lending businesses.. Concept" economy of the business sector. in franchising, that "risk" is a shared intermediaries. The bill would also one, and it is always minimized Always remember, "We are not Why is the concept of franchising here just to meet yours needs, but to unique among small businesses? Because, when you do the re­ exceed expectations" Let us hear In some circles today it may be search and delve deeper into the from you we invite your questions referred to as "The F Word", which Palace Home ie Corporation process for the concept of franchis­ and comments contact us: @ does not necessarily means a bad ing; you may learn, discover, or even [email protected] connotation. At first blush when one SAM BROWN uncover, some things that may be !««*tr»t* M*if*. fHr: difference hears the term; "The F Word", these helpful to you, as you seek the keys Steve Braxton, is a business consult­ Loan Officer are the thoughts, that usually comes for your success in a given business ant executive coach freelance col­ 20180 Governors Hwy to mind: initiative, you may: umnist, and has amassed over 25 1. "Frustration", which is a feel­ Suite 206 > observe some franchise myths years in the franchising industry .He ing you may have in your present job Olympia fields, II 60461 being dismantled; is a proven & seasoned business 2. "Fear", don't be fooled; re­ > become better informed about veteran. He has written two books 708-283-1200. Fax: 708-283-1284 member; fear is an illusion, its noth­ effective trends in franchising; with an impending publishing date in Email: [email protected] ing more than false evidence appear­ > learn more about how to ex­ the fall of 2005,the titles are: "The ing real. But never forget, only true plore all your options; Road That is Difficult To Travel" i evidence is for real. Do not let old A [ ii<'fi\^:rilf^m,M

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(Continued from page 9) ard Daley, Rev. Jesse Jackson, "The crowd reply back to felons. ings, VOTE is no difference than the Chicago Defender, and on VOTE Spoke-person McKinley- But, VOTE actions have pro­ those before them. During the and on. Their confrontational NOW. A large crowd of 50 to 75 duced people getting jobs, in­ late 80's and early 90's 21st protests have made both sea­ people approached the construc­ cluding public policy of jobs on Century VOTE, roused as a Provoking soned community activist and tion site the Dan Ryan construction to the youth movement that faded. Pro­ elected officials affect the con­ Attorney Bart E. Beals, repre­ legislation rights of ex-offenders. fessor Bob Sharks replied on tions are too much of a sacrifice science of community organiz­ senting VOTE at one time says Mark Carter says "We've been VOTE. "They are not thugs, they are noble and debatable, "They ing. "Their actions are due to the vast beating our drums, asking for are not gang bangers. They are need to hold and fold then come Watkins reoccurrence of the un-employment roles in the low- police review boards, more jobs, ex-offenders that have served back again", in their tactics." law began at Alderman Toni income black communities and better housing and we are not their time and standing up for Said one organizer. Preckwinkle office where a lot of to the ex-offender dilemma of shutting up and going to lay still what they know is the right thing VOTE has demonstrated at chaos jumped off which lead to not having a job, a concern that while the issues on our commu­ to do. They (elected and public Rainbow/PUSH vowing. "We Watkins being arresting accused Hill says is a concern of CHA nity are piling up on our people. officials) have to understand they are the new Sheriffs in town," of assaulting two police officers- hiring public housing .tenants We understand that the problem are here and not going any They have unset meetings of Watkins is expected to be release under the HUD Section 3 guide­ is elected officials." where." Gov. Blagojevich, Mayor Rich­ in December from his sentence. lines of not to hire persons with With considerably mixed feel­

(Continuedfrom page 1) undetermined number of these indi­ ment. council as to the nature of that in­ to play a role in the process," said viduals when customers defaulted on "It's a disclosure ordinance. It's volvement and we go forward from Rizer in a statement before the Fi­ their loans. not designed to be punitive," ex­ there." nance Committee on Wednesday. Slavery ties As a limited partner and syndica- plained 4th Ward Aid. Toni Preck­ The Finance Committee has Aid. Preckwinkle said that she is tor in the 4th Ward's Madden-Wells winkle. The precedent has already asked Wachovia executives to return grateful that Wachovia is taking the revealed by in project, Wachovia Affordable Hous­ been set with J.P. Morgan Chase, for further questioning. Rizer said EDS seriously and that senior man­ th ing Community Development Cor­ which initially denied having any the company appreciates the oppor­ agement came in person to acknowl­ 4 ward poration' is slated to build 162 af­ historical ties to slavery. So, you tunity to tell . edge the company's historical ties to fordable housing units. This recent come forward and basically admit "We recognize the value of the slavery and explain their initial fil­ disclosure threatens the project, the error of your ways and apologize proposed Oakwood Shores redevel­ ing. On June 1, Wachovia Corporation since several aldermen are calling both for your involvement in slavery opment project and its strong bene­ submitted 110 pagps outlining the for rescission of the bank's involve­ and inadvertently misleading the fits to the community, and we want company's involvement. In the wake of the disclosure, senior level executives were called to Chicago to field questions before the Finance Committee. "...We recognized that we needed to conduct further research to fully comply with the City of Chi­ cago's Slavery Era Disclosure," stated Michael Rizer, senior vice president and director of communi­ cations of the North Carolina based company. "We directed the research team to include any predecessor in­ stitution that was in any way in­ volved in slavery....." The research company deter­ mined that the Georgia Railroad and Banking Company owned at least 162 slaves, and the Bank of Charles­ ton accepted at least 529 slaves as collateral on mortgaged properties or loans, and subsequently acquired an

(Continued from page 6) Woodlawn

tance. I haven't been living in Wood- lawn for one year yet, why would TWO move me here only just to move me out, David Malley said. "I just put my daughter in school; now we will have to move again that is not fair to us, Malley added looking disappointed while standing near his teenage daughter. "W e need to stand up for our rights we are only as weak as our weakest link," Malley added. "We are here in support of the People Of Woodlawn, the people expressed to us that they are not being paid attention to, and they are not being treated fairly, we are here to help, and see what is going to happen and most of all to let peo­ ple know that it is not about us," One of the lead organizers of {MAGIC} Bryan Echols Executive Director said. I called three places one of the places was TWO WCDC to talk to Darnell Bond who is the property manager; Bonds told me to call an­ other number and talk to the Chair- mari Leon Finley, so I called the number he gave me and a secretary at Apostolic Church told me that Finley was in a meeting with some developers and he would get back in touch with me. I'm still waiting! Paa:e 2° Jmie 3Q. • July 13. 2QQ5 South Street Journal WE FINANCE! GOOD CREDIT! DAD CREDIT! NO CREDIT!



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Go to col­ merce is looking for experienced maintaining stock/inventory and Lou can do it all!!!! lege at Talladega in Alabama or sales account executives for busi­ BP Amoco various positions delivering orders. Call 312-280- Also specializes in basement and you can go to college at North­ ness development division. Site Systems Coordinator, HR 1220. parage clean up. Call for a Free Esti­ eastern Illinois University in Chi­ Should have the ability to gener­ Generalist, Training Mgr., Sr. Per­ mate Call Lou cago or you can go to college at ate their own leads, and have 3-5 formance Analyst, Help Desk and Medical Management Nurse 773-445-3329 Knoxville in Tennessee. RE­ years experience in business to Customer Service Reps. Send Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc DUCED ITS TUITION FROM business sales. An A.A. Degree resume to Margaret Jensen at in Sears Tower, Contact www. Donald Carter $5,000 TO $1,400 PER STU­ or better is preferred, but not re­ [email protected] thetachisigmal 922.org. Photography DENT INCLUDING ROOM, quired. Fax resumes to: BOP visit the website at www. Video Taping Photos BOARD, AND BOOKS! 15-20 Chamber of Commerce Member­ chicagoenergyjobs.com. slots open for student who can ship 773-933-5470 or Roland Real Estate All occasions by appointment 772 488-8648 start in Aug 2005. They have Davis 773-375-0100 Ext 243. Total Janitorial looking for experi­ Rooms for Rent scholarship dollars seeking stu­ enced for residential and com­ 50th and Indiana. $275 and $285 dents with C average and above Accts Payable Supervisor mercial properties. Call 312-850- Share bath and kitchen. Call 773- Porches Rehab and will accept students with less 9348. Martin-Brower Company needs 536-2821. Seniors Welcome Roofs. Call Marshall than 20 ACT. Students, parents, an . Rosemont area. Email re- Very reasonable or teachers can contact: Mr. Mon­ [email protected], or Branch Mgr.ll, Direct Pay Spe­ Carter Realty, Inc. roe Thornton- Director Of Admis­ fax 847-227-6683 or mail to 9500 cialist I, Teller/Supervisor, Per­ 773-846-5005 sions Talladega College 627 w W. Bryn Mawr, Ste. 700, Rose­ sonal Banker, Teller II and III. County Club Hills, II Battle St Talladega , Ala.35160 mont II 60018. First Midwest Bank, Fax resume 708-922-1150 We do Repairs [email protected] 256- INSIDE / OUTSIDE SALES 708-614-5581 or website www. [email protected] Stoves and Refrigerators Charles Patterson 362-0206 Oron's Fresh Produce Market FirstMidwest.com. Intercontinen­ Quintessa Carter, Broker $600 FOR THE ENROLLMENT "Bringing Health Back to The tal Hotel positions: 773-794-1100 DEPOSIT AND $800 CAN BE Community" is currently looking T.A.G Properties, Inc. PAID IN FOUR MONTHLY IN­ for inside and outside sales reps. Where your Real Estate invest­ Terrelle's Bears STALLMENTS OF $200 EACH. Candidate should have at least 1- ment Works for you. Manage­ THE PROGRAM IS FUNDED BY 2 years sales experience, have a ment for property owners costume designs Teddy CORPORATE SPONSORS AND flexible schedule and have own 1752 E. 87th Street bears for the Holiday GUARANTEES A COLLEGE transportation. We will train quali­ Malcolm X, Iman Jamil Chicago, 1160617 and all occasions EDUCATION WHERE STU­ fied candidate. For more informa­ Bobby E. Wright PhD 773/768-7600 Call 312-785-2862 DENTS GRADUATE DEBT tion contact Oron @ 773-368- The Black Panther Party any time day or night. FREE. 3028. Martin L. King Handy man wanted Dr. Barbara Sizemore Scholarship for graduating Harvey vicinity preferred (No high school seniors The Valerie Woody Cooper contractors) floors, refurnish­ Khalid Muhammad Smith Reid Scholarship Fund has ing, title roof, paintings. 847- STEWARD OFFICE CENTER scholarships available for high These tapes provides 888-0097. school students that graduated information and inspiration to W. 76tll (Steward) June 2005 and will be entering LOAN OFFICERS NEEDED you and your family. BOP Investment Group. Ideal When you need office college in September 2005. If you Only $8.00 per tape, 3 / $20.00 space today, come see know anyone interested, have candidates should have at least Call Mansong Kulubally at 1-2 years experience in sales and what we have to offer. With them visit The South Side Help a variety of suits and attrac­ Center, Inc., 10420 South Hal- have reliable transportation. Pre­ vious mortgage experience pre­ 773.624-4453 tive leases, we can deliver the office environment to get sted, Chicago, IL 60628 (773) you up and running. 445-5445, ferred, but not required. Training provided. Call 773-375-0100. Call: 773 873-5600 11431 S. MICHIGAN AVE. CHICAGO, IL 60628 ALL PHONES: (773) 264-3070 . RE HOURS ND FHI. 9:30-0:00 • THURS. 8:30 • 5:00 • SUN. CLOSED Financing Available FURNITURE h RUG C Se Habla Espanpl Take Advantage Of Our Free Layaway