Bioinformatical Analysis of Intrinsically Disordered Regions in Eukaryotes: Insights Into the Evolution of Folding-On-Binding

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Bioinformatical Analysis of Intrinsically Disordered Regions in Eukaryotes: Insights Into the Evolution of Folding-On-Binding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