SEEU Review Volume 14 Issue 2 DOI: 10.2478/seeur-2019-0016 PERFORMING INDIVIDUALISM. TWO TENDENCIES DISMANTLING WAR IMAGERY IN CROATIAN AND SERBIAN HISTORICAL NOVELS OF THE 1960S (KRSTO ŠPOLJAR, RANKO MARINKOVIĆ AND MATE RAOS, RADOMIR SMILJANIĆ) Maciej Czerwiński Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej UJ ul. Ingardena 3, 30-060 Kraków
[email protected] ABSTRACT The article aims at addressing the question of representations of World War Two in Croatian and Serbian literature that were subversive in the sense that they queried the legend not simply by rejecting communism and affirming nationalism, but by emphasizing the uncertainty and sensibility of the human beings, a typical modern reaction to violence and, in general, modernist topoi. In this article I will focus on modernist novelistic representations of the 1960s in which the uncertainty and instability of collective warrants are foregrounded. As a result a subversive meaning is produced which contradicts not only communism and revolution but more generally war as such, including the universal features of war such as confronting loneliness, love as an expression of an individual rather than a collective sense of existence, and the impossibility of a valid representation of past events. Key words: war literature, fiction, Croatian literature, Serbian literature, Yugoslav memory, modern novel 2 SEEU Review Volume 14 Issue 2 INTRODUCTION When speaking about World War Two and its representations in the literatures of Yugoslavia, one gets the immediate impression that the topic of the discussion would be the People’s Liberation Movement, Josip Broz Tito, the partisans, fascists, Germans and Italians, the Ustashas, Chetniks, black-and-white visions, total heroes and total enemies, great battles and the consummate victory of the revolution.