32899 DB place-name forms folio order

Typeset by Keith Briggs with pdfLATEX http://keithbriggs.info

2010-01-20 09:43

1 Shepherdswell, Sibertswold Siberteswald, Sib- erteswalt 1b Dean Dena, Dene 1a Farthingloe Ferlingelai 1b Goslaches Goslaches 1a Limen Limwarlet 2a Dover Doveram, Dovere, Dovre 1a Street Stret 2a Gara Gara 1a Brenzett Brand, Brandet, Brensete 2a Herte 1a Dover Doveram, Dovere, Dovre 2a Herste Herste 1a Hawkhurst Hauochesten 2a Cantuaria, Cantuariam, Cantuari, Canterbury Cantuaria, Cantuariam, Cantuari, Cantuariensis 1a Cantuariensis 2a Buckland in Luddenham Alius Bocheland, Bircholt Bilesold 2a Bocheland, Bochelande 1a Stanstede, Aldington Stanestede, Stanetdeste Horton Hortone 1a 2a Buckland near Dover Bocheland, Bochelande, St Margaret’s At Cliffe Sancta Margarita 2a Tercius Bocheland 1a Mederclive, Hougham Medreclive 2a Wye Wi 1a Norwood Nordeude, Nordewode 2a Penenden, Pinnedennam 1a Rochester Rovecestre 2a Sophis Sophis 1a Shepherdswell, Sibertswold Siberteswald, Sib- Perry Alia Piria, Perie, Piria 1a erteswalt 2a Sandwich Sandwic, Sandwice, Sanwic 1a Scortebroc Scortebroc 2a Brulege, Trevelai 1a West Ripe, Lydd Ripam, Ripe 2a Macknade Macheheve, Machehevet 1a Merclesham Merclesham 2a Ospringes 1a The Walt 2b Oare Ora, Ore 1a Middeltone, Middeltun, Middel- Northburg Northburg 1a tune, Mildentone, Mildetone 2b Oslachintone Oslachintone 1a Favreshant 2b Deal Addelam, Delam 1b Canterbury Cantuaria, Cantuariam, Cantuari, Charlton, Dover Cerlentone 1b Cantuariensis 2b Cornilo Cornelai 1b Elesford 2b West Church Hougham or Hougham Hucham, Dartford Tarentefort 2b Huham 1b Hawley Hagelei 2b Buckland near Dover Bocheland, Bochelande, Rochester Rovecestre 2b Tercius Bocheland 1b Northfleet Norfluet 3a St Margaret’s At Cliffe Sancta Margarita 1b Darenth Tarent 3a Dover Doveram, Dovere, Dovre 1b Holy Trinity Mellingetes, Metlinges 3a Guston Gocistone 1b Maidstone Meddestane 3a

1 Dover Doveram, Dovere, Dovre 3a Levelant 4a Canterbury Cantuaria, Cantuariam, Cantuari, Lympne Limes 4a Cantuariensis 3a Finglesham Flenguessam 4b Old Bexley Bix 3a Hythe Hedæ, Hede 4b Rochester Rovecestre 3a Hoilingeborde, Holingeborne Sundridge Sondresse 3a 4b Crayford Erhede 3a Old Langport, Lydd Lamport 4b Wrotham Broteham 3a Heath Lerham 4b Sandwich Sandwic, Sandwice, Sanwic 3a Ferlaga 4b Otford Otefort 3a Buckland in Woodnesborough Bocoland 4b Gillingham Gelingeham 3b Berwick Berewic 4b Boughton Street Boltune 3b Cliffe Clive 4b Estursete Estursete 3b Orpington Orpinton, Orpintun 4b Fleet Fletes 3b Meopham Mepeham 4b Cheringes 3b East Peckham Pecheham 4b Bishopsbourne Burnes 3b Saltwood Salteode 4b Wingham Wingheham 3b Statenborough Estenberge 4b Mersham Merseham 3b Tilmanstone Tilemanestone 4b Petham Piteham 3b Scape 4b Reculver Roculf 3b Old Romney Romenel 4b Pluckley Pluchelei 3b Monkton Monocstune 4b Northwood, Whitstable Nortone 3b Canterbury Cantuaria, Cantuariam, Cantuari, Estursete Estursete 4a Cantuariensis 5a Farningham Ferlingeham, Ferningeham, Little Chart Litelcert 5a Forningeham 4a Great Chart Certh 5a Eynsford Elesford 4a Chartham Certeham 5a Gravenel 4a Eastry 5a Hollingbourne Hoilingeborde, Holingeborne Estrei 4a Borough Lathe Borowart Lest 5a Canterbury Cantuaria, Cantuariam, Cantuari, Appledore Apeldres 5a Cantuariensis 4a Adisham Edesham 5a Boltone 4a Asmeslant Asmeslant 5a Aldington near Hythe Aldinton, Aldintone Westwell Welle 5a 4a Romney Marsh Maresc de Romenel, Maresch de Brasted Briestede 4a Romenel, Maress de Romenel 5a Orpington Orpinton, Orpintun 4a Seasalter Seseltre 5a Old Romney Romenel 4a Sandwich Sandwic, Sandwice, Sanwic 5a Stowting Estotinghes 4a Warehorne Werahorne 5a St Martins, Canterbury Sanctus Martinus 4a Geddinge Getinge 5a Olecumbe 4a Preston, Faversham Prestetone 5a Hythe Hedæ, Hede 4a Ickham Gecham 5a Newenden Newedene 4a Godmersham Gomersham 5a Lyminge Leminges 4a Northgate, Canterbury Nordeude 5a

2 East Malling, West Malling Mellingetes, Lessness Loisnes 6b Metlinges 5b Howbury Hou 6b Cuxton Coclestane 5b Foots Cray Crai 6b Fawkham and Fawkham Green Fachesham 5b North Cray Craie 6b Halling, North Halling and Upper Halling Chelsfield Ciresfel 6b Hallinges 5b Eltham Alteham 6b Longfield Langafel 5b Greenwich Grenuiz 6b Frindsbury Frandesberie 5b Lee Lee 6b Denton in Gravesend Danitone 5b Paddlesworth Pellesorde 7a Borstal Borchetelle, Borcstele 5b Allington near Maidstone Elentun 7a Bromley Bronlei 5b Eccles Aiglessa 7a Rochester Rovecestre 5b Nashenden Essedene 7a Southfleet Sudfleta 5b Offham Ofeham 7a Tonebrige 5b Leybourne Leleburne 7a Wouldham Oldeham 5b Ditton Dictune 7a Trottiscliffe Totesclive 5b Addington Eddintune 7a Stoke, Little Stoke, Stone Estoches, Stoches 5b Beckenham Bacheham 7a Snodland Esnoiland 5b Rochester Rovecestre 7a Horton Kirby Hortune 6a Siffleton, Ditton Sifletone 7a Darenth Tarent 6a Sandlings, St Mary Cray Sentlinge 7a Farningham Ferlingeham, Ferningeham, Cudham Codeham 7a Forningeham 6a Crofton Croctune 7a Hawley Hagelei 6a Keston Chestan 7a Hartley Erclei 6a Tottington Totintune 7a Eddintone Eddintone 6a Ryarsh Riesce 7a Ash Eisse 6a Fairbourne Fereburne 7b Swanscombe Suinescamp 6a Hadlow Haslow 7b Idleigh Didele 6a Fredenestede 7b Maplescombe Malplescamp, Mapledescam 6a Gravesend Gravesham 7b Ridley Redlege 6a Hariardesham 7b Soninges Soninges 6a Leeds Esledes 7b Pinden Pinnedene 6a Burham Borham 7b Lullingstone Lolingeston, Lolingestone 6a Allington in Hollingbourne Alnoitone 7b Wickham Wicheham 6b Aldington in Thurnham Audintone 7b St Mary Cray Sudcrai 6b Birling Berlinge 7b St Paul’s Cray Alia Craie 6b Tudeley Tivedele 7b Ruxley Rochelei 6b Rochester Rovecestre 7b Plumstead Plumestede, Plumstede 6b Stochingeberge 7b Wricklesmarsh, Charlton Witenemers 6b Shelborough, Harrietsham Selesburne 7b Cary Craie 6b Stokenbury, East Peckham Estochingeberge Carry Craie 6b 7b Seal Lasela 6b Luddesdown Ledesdune 7b Charlton near Greenwich Cerletone 6b West Peckham Pecheham 7b

3 Nurstead Notestede 7b Cliffe Clive 9a Milton near Gravesend Meletune 7b Lower Hardres or Upper Hardres Hardes 9a Offham Ofeham 7b Cooling Colinge, Colinges 9a Canterbury Cantuaria, Cantuariam, Cantuari, Haven in Frindsbury Hadone 9a Cantuariensis 8a Henhurst Hanehest 9a Gillingham Gelingeham 8a Canterbury Cantuaria, Cantuariam, Cantuari, Certh 8a Cantuariensis 9a Fairbourne Fereburne 8a Beckley in Higham Bichelei 9a Harbilton in Harrietsham Herbretitou 8a Tunstall Tunestelle 9a Marley Merlea 8a Bekesbourne Borne, Burnes 9a Broomfield Brunfelle 8a Wickhambreaux Wicheham 9a Boughton Malherbe Boltone 8a Stelling Stellinges 9a Langley Languelie 8a Tonge Tangas 9a Bowley Bogelei 8a Stuppington Stepedone 9a Godeselle 8a Cerce 9a New Shelve Westselve 8a Higham and Lower Higham Hecham 9a Thurnham Turneham 8a Rochester Rovecestre 9a Old Shelve Estselve 8a Oakleigh Arclei 9a Sutton, , Sudtone Merston, Shorne Melestun 9a 8a Patrixbourne Borne 9a Winchelesmere 8a Elham Alham 9b New Shelve Westselve 8a Barham Berham 9b Rochester Rovecestre 8a West Church Hougham or Hougham Hucham, Oteham 8a Huham 9b Old Shelve Esselve 8a Easole Essewelle, Eswalt 9b Otringedene 8a Canterbury Cantuaria, Cantuariam, Cantuari, Ferlaga 8b Cantuariensis 9b Bensted in Hunton Benedestede 8b Barfrestone Berfrestone 9b Celca 8b Shelving, Woodnesborough Selinge, Selinges Great Delce, Rochester Delce 8b 9b Little Delce, Rochester Delce 8b Folkestone Fulchestan 9b Chatham Ceteham 8b Nackington Latintone 9b Boseleu 8b South Ponshall, Coldred Popessale 9b East Bermelie, Bermelinge 8b North Ponshall, Waldershare Popeselle 9b Little Wrotham Litelbroteham 8b Lower Hardres or Upper Hardres Hardes 9b Hoo Allhallows, Hoo St Werburgh and Hoo St Ospringe Ospringes 10a Mary Hou 8b Cildresham Cildresham 10a Pimp Pinpa, Pinpe 8b Ernoltun Ernoltun 10a Stoke, Little Stoke, Stone Estoches, Stoches 8b Macknade Macheheve, Machehevet 10a Otrinberge, Otringeberge 8b Oare Ora, Ore 10a Testan 8b Herste Herste 10a Rochester Rovecestre 8b North Nordeslinge 10a Nettlestead Nedestede 8b Norton Nortone 10a

4 Chilham Cilleham 10a Appleton Apletone 11a Perry Alia Piria, Perie, Piria 10a Betteshanger Bedesham 11a Swalecliffe Soaneclive 10a Woodnesborough Gollesberge, Wanesberge Badlesmere Badelesmere, Bedenesmere 10a 11a Canterbury Cantuaria, Cantuariam, Cantuari, Solton Soltone 11a Cantuariensis 10a Temple Ewell Etwelle, Ewelle 11a Buckland in Luddenham Alius Bocheland, Swanton, Lydden Suanetone 11a Bocheland, Bochelande 10a Tinton Tintentone, Titentone 11a Throwley Brulege, Trevelai 10a Knowlton Chenoltone 11a Stalisfield, Stalisfield Green Stanefelle 10a Sole Soles 11a Brabourne Bradeburne, Breburne 10b Ringleton Ringetone 11a Canterbury Cantuaria, Cantuariam, Cantuari, Leueberge Leueberge 11a Cantuariensis 10b Sandwich Sandwic, Sandwice, Sanwic 11a Buckland in Luddenham Alius Bocheland, Chillenden Cilledene 11b Bocheland, Bochelande 10b Each Ece 11b Buckwell Berchuelle 10b Denton near Barham Danetone 11b Coombe Cumbe 10b Dover Doveram, Dovere, Dovre 11b Dean Dena, Dene 10b Easole Essewelle, Eswalt 11b Bilsington Bilsuitone 10b Elmton in Eythorn Esmetone 11b Aldglose in Hastingleigh Aldelose 10b Canterbury Cantuaria, Cantuariam, Cantuari, Horton Hortone 10b Cantuariensis 11b Afettune Afettune 10b Boswell in Ewell Brochestele 11b Beamston in Westwell Betmontestun 10b Acrise Acres 11b Shalmsford Street Essamelesford 10b Buckland near Dover Bocheland, Bochelande, Pivington Piventone 10b Tercius Bocheland 11b Rongostone 10b Wye Wi 11b Poison, East Langdon Pesinges 10b Newington near Folkestone Neuentone 11b Postling Pistinges, Postinges 10b Waldershare Walwalesere 11b Old Romney Romenel 10b Shelving, Woodnesborough Selinge, Selinges Denge Marsh Maresc 10b 11b Pineham Piham 10b Tickenhurst Ticheteste 11b Luddenham Dodeham 10b Woodnesborough Gollesberge, Wanesberge Eastling Eslinges 10b 11b Fanscombe in Wye Fane, Fanne 10b Ham Hama 11b Palstre Palestrei 10b Midley Midelea 11b West Cliffe Wesclive 11a Hemsted Hamestede 11b Dover Doveram, Dovere, Dovre 11a Hastingleigh Hastingelai, Hastingelie 11b Coldred Colret 11a Marshborough Masseberge 11b Denge Marsh Maresc 11a Lenham Lertham 12a Hammil Aimolde, Hamolde 11a Bekesbourne Borne, Burnes 12a Hartanger in Barfreston Hertange 11a Chislet Cistelet 12a Boswell in Ewell Brochestele 11a Fordwich Forewic 12a Benenden Benindene 11a Garrington Warwintone 12a

5 Dernedale in Wye Darenden 12a Romney Marsh Maresc de Romenel, Maresch de Canterbury Cantuaria, Cantuariam, Cantuari, Romenel, Maress de Romenel 13a Cantuariensis 12a Sevington Seivetone 13a Ashenfield Esmerefel 12a Postling Pistinges, Postinges 13a Plumstead Plumestede, Plumstede 12a Eastwell Estwelle 13a Littlebourne Liteburne 12a Newington near Folkestone Neuentone 13b Minster Tanet 12a Brabourne Bradeburne, Breburne 13b Rooting Rotinge 12a Iaonei Iaonei 13b Sturry Esturai 12a Monks Horton Hortone, Hortun 13b Wilderton, South Wilderton, Throwley Wiren- Lathe Lest 13b tone 12a Court-at-Street Estraites 13b Selling Setlinges 12a Bonnington Bonintone 13b Repton, Ashford Rapentone 12a Tiffenden Tepindene 13b Longport in Canterbury Lanport 12a Orlestone Orlavestone 13b Elmstone Aelvetone 12b Ruckinge Rochinges 13b Kennington Chenetone 12b Siborne Siborne 13b In the Lathe Lest 12b Temple Ewell Etwelle, Ewelle 13b Longport in Canterbury Lanport 12b Swanton, Bilsington Suanetone 13b Great Mongeham Mundingeham 12b Sellindge Sedlinges 13b Burmarsh Borchemeres, Burwarmaresc 12b Poulton Poltone 13b Bawesfeld in Whitfield Beuesfel 12b Hastingleigh Hastingelai, Hastingelie 14a Badlesmere Badelesmere, Bedenesmere 12b Blean Blehem 14a Bodsham Bodesham 12b Evegate Tevegate 14a Lewisham Leuesham 12b Fanscombe in Wye Fane, Fanne 14a Little Mongeham Mundingeham 12b Boughton Aluph Boltune 14a Preston near Fordwich Prestetune 12b Bermelie, Bermelinge 14a Shepherdswell, Sibertswold Siberteswald, Sib- Woolwich Huluiz 14a erteswalt 12b Mereworth Marourde 14a Sibertswold Sibertswold 12b Swetton, Cheriton Suestone 14a 14a Wadholt, Coldred Platenout 12b Hallinges Westerham Oistreham 14a Shillingham, Chilham Cherinchehelle 12b Otterpool Obtrepole 14a Romney Marsh Maresc de Romenel, Maresch de Rochester Rovecestre 14b Romenel, Maress de Romenel 12b Milton Regis Middeltone, Middeltun, Middel- Northbourne Norborne 12b tune, Mildentone, Mildetone 14b Dover Doveram, Dovere, Dovre 13a Canterbury Cantuaria, Cantuariam, Cantuari, Ashford Alia Essetesford, Estefort 13a Cantuariensis 14b Belice Belice 13a Newington near Neutone, Newe- Blackmanstone Blachemenestone 13a tone 14b Atterton in River Etretone 13a Hampton Huntone 13a Tinton Tintentone, Titentone 13a 2 Sussex Eastbridge Estbrige 13a Essella Essella 13a Rotherfield Reredfelle 16a

6 Chichester Cicestre 16a Hooe Hoe 17b Bosham Boseham 16a Alciston Alsistone, Alsitone 17b South Malling Mellinges 16a Upper Wilting Wiltingham, Witinges 17b East Lavant Loventone, Lovintune 16b Penhurst Penehest 17b Alchin in Buxted Alsihorne 16b Uckham, Battle Bocheham 17b Chichester Cicestre 16b Preston near Chichester Presteton 17b Henfield Hamfelde 16b Southease Suesse 17b Ferring Feringes 16b Lower Wilting Wiltingham, Witinges 17b Aldingbourne Aldingeborne 16b Filsham Pilesham, Wilesham 17b Bishopstone Biscopestone 16b Netherfield Nedrefelle, Nirefeld 17b Wootton, East Chiltington Odetone, Odintune East Lavington Levitone 17b 16b Hollington Holintun, Horintone 17b Lewes Lewes 16b West Itchenor Icenore 17b Pagham Pageham 16b Lewes Lewes 17b Stanmer Stanmere 16b Filsham Pilesham, Wilesham 18a West Tarring, Worthing Terringes 16b Ashburnham Esseborne 18a Tangmere Tangemere 16b Bullington, Bexhill Bolintun, Bollintun 18a Patching Petchinges 16b Catsfield Cedesfeld, Cedesfelle 18a South Malling Mellinges 16b Bexhill Bexelei 18a Lewes Lewes 17a Hooe Hoe 18a Rye Rameslie 17a Wartling Werlinges 18a Bosham Boseham 17a Frankwell in Ashburnham Francwelle 18a Hastings Hastinges 17a Herstmonceux Herste 18a Chichester Cicestre 17a Ninfield Nerewelle 18a Amberley Ambrelie 17a Medehei Medehei 18a Bury Berie 17a Hastings Hastinges 18a East Wittering Westringes 17a Dallington Dalintone 18b Parham Perham 17a Beddingham Beddingham, Bedingham, Belinge- Selsey Seleisie 17a ham, Belingham 18b Steyning Staninges 17a Brightling Brislinga 18b West Thorney Tornei 17a Cortesley, Hollington Croteslei 18b Sidlesham Filleicham 17a Crowhurst Croherst, Crohest 18b Preston, Brighton Prestetone 17a Broomham Brunham 18b Beech in Whatlington Bece, Beche 17b Beech in Whatlington Bece, Beche 18b Crowhurst Croherst, Crohest 17b Westfield Westewelle 18b Catsfield Cedesfeld, Cedesfelle 17b Upper Wilting Wiltingham, Witinges 18b Bullington, Bexhill Bolintun, Bollintun 17b Eyelids Ellede, Eslede 18b Chichester Cicestre 17b Mountfield Montifelle 18b Elsted Halestede 17b Warbleton Warborgetone 18b Felpham Falcheham 17b Lower Wilting Wiltingham, Witinges 18b Bathurst in Battle Wasingate 17b Whatlington Watlingetone 18b Wilmington Wilminte 17b Netherfield Nedrefelle, Nirefeld 18b Donnington Doningtune 17b Hollington Holintun, Horintone 18b

7 Broughton in Jevington Bortone 19a Willingdon Wilendone, Willedone, Willendone Etchingwood Achingeworde 19a 19b Chalvington Calvintone, Caveltone 19a Alciston Alsistone, Alsitone 19b East Dean Dene, Esdene 19a Burgham Burgeham 19b West Firle Ferla, Ferle 19a Playden Pleidenam 19b Hazelhurst Haslesse 19a Sherrington Esserintone, Serintone, Sirintone Beddingham Beddingham, Bedingham, Belinge- 19b ham, Belingham 19a Segnescome Segnescome 19b Winton Wiltun 19a Ratton Radetone, Radintone, Ratendone 19b Arlington Herlintone 19a Salehurst Salhert 19b Eckington Hechestone 19a Selmeston Selmestone, Sielmestone 19b Alciston Alsistone, Alsitone 19a Glossams in Beckley Glesham 20a Willingdon Wilendone, Willedone, Willendone Bellhurst Bellest 20a 19a Chalvington Calvintone, Caveltone 20a Sessingham Sasingham, Sesingeham 19a Ewhurst Werste 20a Tilton Telentone, Telitone 19a Footland Fodilant 20a Sherrington Esserintone, Serintone, Sirintone Claverham and Lower Claverham Claveham, 19a Clavesham, Clavreham 20a Stockingham, Laughton Estochingeham, Bodiam Bodeham 20a Stochingham 19a Basingeham Basingeham 20a Waldron Waldere, Waldrene 19a Wellhead, Ewhurst Waliland 20a Jevington Lovingetone, Lovringetone 19a Heighton in Beckley Hectone 20a Ripe Ripe 19a Hurst Herste 20a Preston, Beddingham Prestetone, Prestitone Ivet Ivet 20a 19a Sedlescombe Salescome, Selescome 20a Laughton Lestone, Lestun 19a Lordine Lordistret 20a Ratton Radetone, Radintone, Ratendone 19a Iden Idene 20a Evebentone Evebentone 19b Higham Hiham 20a Ivet Ivet 19b East Hale in Eastbourne Eshalle 20b West Firle Ferla, Ferle 19b Beverington in Eastbourne Bevringetone 20b Guestling Gestelinges 19b Chollington, Eastbourne Clotintone 20b Kitchenham Checeham 19b Eastbourne Borne, Burne 20b Laughton Lestone, Lestun 19b Charleston in West Firle Cerlocestone 20b Eastbourne Borne, Burne 19b Beddingham Beddingham, Bedingham, Belinge- East Dean Dene, Esdene 19b ham, Belingham 20b Berwick Berewice 19b Yeverington, Eastbourne Lovringetone 20b Eckington Eschintone 19b Itford Litelforde 20b Drigsell, Salehurst Drisnesel 19b Preston, Beddingham Prestetone, Prestitone Claverham and Lower Claverham Claveham, 20b Clavesham, Clavreham 19b Tilton Telentone, Telitone 20b Udimore Dodimere 19b Willingdon Wilendone, Willedone, Willendone Burgelstaltone Burgelstaltone 19b 20b

8 Sherrington Esserintone, Serintone, Sirintone Eckington Achintone 22a 20b Hooe Hoe 22a Pevensey Pevenesel 20b Bowley in Hailsham Bogelie 22a Jevington Lovingetone, Lovringetone 21a Willingdon Wilendone, Willedone, Willendone Charleston near Eastbourne Cerletone 21a 22a Exceat Essete 21a Lodintone Lodintone, Lodiutone 22a West Firle Ferla, Ferle 21a Ripe Ripe 22a Compton in West Firle Contone 21a Peelings Palinges, Pellinges 22a West Burton, Friston Westbortone 21a Renching, Westham Remecinges 22a Willingdon Wilendone, Willedone, Willendone Waldron Waldere, Waldrene 22a 21a The Horns Orne 22a Laughton Lestone, Lestun 21a Laughton Lestone, Lestun 22a Ratton Radetone, Radintone, Ratendone 21a Little Horsted Horstede 22a Wannock Walnoch 21a Horse Eye Horselie 22a Westdean Dene 21a Langney Langelie 22a Tilton Telentone, Telitone 21a Brockhurst Biochest 22b Pevensey Pevenesel 21a Felesmere Felesmere 22b South Heighton Estone 21b Ditchling Dicelinges, Diceninges 22b Worth Gorde 21b Burleigh Berchelie 22b Folkington Fochintone 21b Chiddingly Cetelingei 22b Hartfield Hertevel 21b Fairlight Ferlega 22b Hawkridge in Hellingly Haingurge 21b Fletching Flescinge, Flescinges 22b Frog Firle Ferle, Ferles 21b Hamsey Hame 22b Alfriston Alvricestone 21b Brambletye Branbertei 22b Wilmington Wineltone 21b Bevendean and Lower Bevendean Bevedene Wildene Wildene 21b 22b Hendon in Hailsham Hendene 21b Balmer Bergemere, Burgemere 22b Pengest Pengest 21b Allington Allitone 22b Selmeston Selmestone, Sielmestone 21b Sheffield Snelle 22b Sidnor, Selmeston Sidenore 21b Barkham Bercheham 22b Tarring Neville Toringes 21b Birchgrove Bontegrave 22b Sessingham Sasingham, Sesingeham 21b Wootton, East Chiltington Odetone, Odintune Rodmell Ramelle, Redmelle 21b 22b Little Parrock, Lower Parrock Apedroc 21b Standen Standene 22b Chenenolle Chenenolle 22a Whalesbeech, Weir Wood Reservoir Waslebie Eastbourne Borne, Burne 22a 22b Claverham and Lower Claverham Claveham, Wardleigh, East Grinstead Warlege 22b Clavesham, Clavreham 22a Stockingham, Laughton Estochingeham, Cudnor in Westham Coonare, Coonore 22a Stochingham 22b Hailsham Hamelesham 22a Tarring Neville Toringes 22b Hankham Henecham 22a Warningore Uenningore, Waningore 22b Chalvington Calvintone, Caveltone 22a Wildetone Wildetone 22b Bechington in Friston Bechingetone 22a Hazelden Halseeldene 22b

9 Sperchedene Sperchedene 22b Lordington Harditone 24a Mesewelle Mesewelle 22b Hunston Hunestan 24a Inode Inode 22b Compton near Chichester Contone 24a Horsted Keynes Horstede 22b Birdham Brideham 24a East Lavant Loventone, Lovintune 22b West Wittering Westringes 24a Shovelstrode Calvrestot, Celrestuis 22b North Mundham Mundreham 24a South Harting and East Harting Hertinges Racton Rachetone 24a 23a Somerley Summerlege 24a Binderton Bertredtone 23a Stoughton Estone 24a Chithurst Titeherste 23a Westbourne Boren, Burne 24a Cocking Cochinges 23a Storrington Estorchetone, Storchestone, Storge- Chichester Cicestre 23a tune 24a Arundel Harundel 23a Rumboldswhyke Wiche 24a Trotton Traitone 23a New Fishbourne Fiseborne 24a West Harting and East Harting Hertinges 23a Greatham Gretham 24b Mid Lavant Loventone 23a North Stoke Stoches 24b Stedham Stedeham 23a Angmering Angemare, Langemare 24b Treyford Treverde 23a Cootham Codeham 24b Singleton Silletone 23a Goring-by-Sea Garinges 24b Linch Lince 23a West Chiltington Cilletone, Cilletune 24b Old Buddington Botintone 23b Toddington Totintone 24b Duncton Donechitone 23b Burpham Bercheha 24b Chichester Cicestre 23b Warningcamp Garnecampo, Warnecham 24b Glatting Clotingam 23b Lyminster Lolinminstre 24b Graffham Grafham 23b Nyetimber Nitinbreham 24b Bepton Babintone 23b East Preston Prestetune 24b Tillington Tolintone 23b Pulborough Poleberge 24b Sutton Sudtone 23b Sullington Semlintun, Sillintone 24b Barlavington Berleventone 23b West Preston Nonneminstre 24b Westbourne Boren, Burne 23b Parham Perham 24b Grittenham Greteham 23b Nutbourne Nordborne 24b Selham Seleham 23b Borham Borham 25a Stopham Stopeham 23b Slindon Eslindone 25a Little Todham Tadeham 23b Barnham Berneham 25a Warblington, Warblitetone 23b Bilsham Bilesham 25a Great Todham Tadeham 23b Binsted Benestede 25a St Michaels Burton Botechitone 23b Bignor Bigeneure 25a Petworth Peteorde 23b South Stoke Stoches 25a East Marden, North Marsden, Upper Marsden, Offham Offham 25a West Marsden Meredone 24a Wepham Wepeham 25a Chichester Cicestre 24a Climping Clepinges 25a New Fishbourne Fiseborne 24a Hardham Heriedeham 25a West Itchenor Icenore 24a Middleton-on-Sea Middeltone 25a

10 Walberton Walburgetone 25a Hangleton Hangetone 26b Tortington Tortinton 25a Kingston by Sea Chingestone, Chingestune Littlehampton Hantone 25a 26b Goring-by-Sea Garinges 25a Newtimber Niuembre 27a East Hampnett Antone 25b East Chiltington Childeltune, Childentune Chichester Cicestre 25b 27a Halnaker Helnache, Helneche 25b Hurstpierpoint Herst 27a Eastergate Gate 25b Lewes Lewes 27a Boxgrove Bosgrave 25b Keymer Chemele, Chemere 27a Westhampnett Hentone 25b Hurst Wickham Wicham 27a Merston Mersitone 25b Bosham Boseham 27a Strettington Stratone 25b Westmeston Wesmestun 27a Upwaltham Waltham 25b Pangdean Pinhedene, Pinwedene 27a Runcton Rochintone 25b Plumpton Pluntune 27a Iford Niworde 26a Saddlescombe Salescome 27a Falmer Falemere 26a Streat Estrat 27a Harpingden in Piddinghoe Herbertinges 26a Poynings Poninges 27a Ditchling Dicelinges, Diceninges 26a Perching Berchinges, Percinges 27a Rodmell Ramelle, Redmelle 26a Wootton, East Chiltington Odetone, Odintune Laughton Lestone, Lestun 26a 27b Orleswick, Piddinghoe Laneswice 26a Ashcombe Acescome 27b Patcham Piceham 26a Warningore Uenningore, Waningore 27b Lewes Lewes 26a Ovingdean Hoingesdene, Hovingedene 27b Bevendean and Lower Bevendean Bevedene Allington Alintone 27b 26b Moustone, Falmer Molstan 27b Esmerewic Esmerewic 26b Barcombe Bercham 27b Brighton Bristelmestune, Bristelmetune 26b Benefeld in Twineham Benefelle 27b Broadwater in Worthing Bradewatre 26b Lewes Lewes 27b Falmer Falemere 26b Hamsey Hame 27b Frog Firle Ferle, Ferles 26b Upper Beeding Beddinges, Bedinges 27b Upper Beeding Beddinges, Bedinges 26b Bramber Brembre 28a Aldrington Eldretune 26b Upper Chancton Cengeltune 28a Paythorne Paueorne 26b Lower Chancton Cengeltune 28a Balmer Bergemere, Burgemere 26b Old Erringham Eringeham 28a Winterbourne, Lewes Wintreburne 26b Findon Findune, Fintune 28a Ovingdean Hoingesdene, Hovingedene 26b Berth in Wivelsfield Berts 28a Rottingdean Rotingedene 26b Annington Haningedune 28a Perching Berchinges, Percinges 26b Tottington Totintune 28a Portslade Porteslage, Porteslamhe 26b Upper Beeding Beddinges, Bedinges 28a Truleigh Trailgi 26b Wiston Wistanestun 28a Fulking Fochinges 26b Sullington Semlintun, Sillintone 28a Lewes Lewes 26b Wappingthorn Wapingetorne 28a Keymer Chemele, Chemere 26b Truleigh Trailgi 28a

11 Washington Essingetune, Wasingetune 28a North Lancing Lancinges 29a Goring-by-Sea Garinges 28a Woolbeding Welbedlinge 29b Steyning Staninges 28a Iping Epinges 29b Rodmell Ramelle, Redmelle 28a Lyminster Lolinminstre 28a Old Shoreham Soreham, Soresham 28a 3 Surrey Upper Chancton Cengeltune 28b Stoke, Guildford Stochæ 30a Durrington Derentune 28b Guildford Geldeford, Gildeford 30a Coombes Cumbe 28b Reigate Cherchefelle 30a Goring-by-Sea Garinges 28b Bramley Brolege, Bronlei, Brunlege, Brunlei Heene in Worthing Hene 28b 30a Lower Chancton Cengeltune 28b Bermondsey Bermundesy, Bermundesye 30a Applesham Aplesham 28b Woking Wochinges 30a Morley 28b Morleia Southwark Sudwerca, Sudwerche 30a Broadwater in Worthing Bradewatre 28b Merton Meretone 30a Worthing Mordinges, Ordinges 28b Wallington Waletone 30a Kingston by Sea Chingestone, Chingestune Leatherhead Leret 30b 28b Bramley Brolege, Bronlei, Brunlege, Brunlei Sakeham Sacheham 28b 30b Sompting Stultinges, Sultinges 28b Ewell Etwelle 30b Woodmancote Odemanscote 28b Godalming Godelminge 30b Woolfly Ovelei 28b Gomshall Gomeselle 30b Wantley Wantelei 28b Fetcham Feceham 30b Shermanbury Salmonesberie 28b Dorking Dorchinges 30b Offington, Worthing Ofintune 28b Elmbridge Amelebrige 30b West Chiltington Cilletone, Cilletune 29a Cheam Ceiham 30b Dankton in Sompting Dentune 29a Shere Essira, Essire 30b Lower Cokeham Cocheham 29a Southwark Sudwerca, Sudwerche 30b Eatons Etune 29a Mortlake Mortelaga, Mortelage 30b Hurstpierpoint Herst 29a Croydon Croindene 30b Buncton Bongetune 29a Kingston upon Thames Chingestone, Chinges- Angmering Angemare, Langemare 29a tun, Chingestune 30b Hooe How 29a Putney Putelei 30b Ashington Essingetune 29a Tuesley Tiwesle 30b Washington Essingetune, Wasingetune 29a South Merstham, Merstham Merstan 31a Ifield Ifelt 29a Farnham Ferneham 31a South Lancing Lancinges 29a Farncombe Fernecome 31a Old Shoreham Soreham, Soresham 29a East Horsley Horslei 31a Thakeham Taceham 29a Bramley Brolege, Bronlei, Brunlege, Brunlei Warningcamp Garnecampo, Warnecham 29a 31a Storrington Estorchetone, Storchestone, Storge- Chilworth Celeorde 31a tune 29a Kingston upon Thames Chingestone, Chinges- Muntham Moham 29a tun, Chingestune 31a

12 Rodsall Reddesolham, Redessolham 31a Kingston upon Thames Chingestone, Chinges- Woking Wochinges 31a tun, Chingestune 32a Mortlake Mortelaga, Mortelage 31a Sanderstead Sandestede 32a Walworth Waleorde 31a Upper Tooting Totinges 32a Tyting Tetinges 31a Windsor, Berkshire Windesores 32a Chaldon Calvedone 31b Esher Aissela, Aissele 32b Fetcham Feceham 31b Chertsey Certesi 32b Farncombe Fernecome 31b Cobham Covenham 32b Gatton Gatone 31b Egham Egeham 32b Pachesham Pachesham 31b Epsom Evesham 32b Bramley Brolege, Bronlei, Brunlege, Brunlei Effingham Epingeham 32b 31b Chobham Cebeham 32b Ashtead Stede 31b Great Bookham Bocheham 32b Cuddington Codintone 31b Coulsdon Colesdone 32b Banstead Benestede 31b Thorpe Torp 32b Battersea Patricesy 31b Waddington, Coulsdon Watendone 32b Streatham Estreham 32b Southwark Sudwerca, Sudwerche 31b Malden Meldone 32b Mitcham Michelham 31b Kingston upon Thames Chingestone, Chinges- Peckham Pecheham 31b tun, Chingestune 32b Hatcham Hacheham 31b Petersham Patricesham 32b Rodsall Reddesolham, Redessolham 31b Sutton near Cheam Sudtone 32b Streatham Estreham 31b Weybridge Webrige, Webruge 32b Tatsfield Tatelefelle 31b Tooting Graveney Totinges 33a Tadworth 31b Tadeorde, Tadorne Chipstead Tepestede 33a Whitford, Mitcham Witford 31b East Clandon Clanedun 34a Esher Aissela, Aissele 32a Esher Aissela, Aissele 34a Pyrford Peliforde 32a Compton near Chichester, Sussex Contone Mickleham Michelham, Micleham, Mideham 34a 32a Limpsfield Limenesfeld 34a Sutton, Shere Sudtone 32a South Nutfield, Nutfield Notfelle 34a Thames Ditton Ditone 32a Byfleet Biflet 34a Claygate Claigate 32a Brameselle Brameselle 34a Great Burgh Berge 32a Henley Henlie 34a Bramley Brolege, Bronlei, Brunlege, Brunlei Bramley Brolege, Bronlei, Brunlege, Brunlei 32a 34a Chertsey Certesi 32a Barnes Berne 34a Battersea Patricesy 32a Southwark Sudwerca, Sudwerche 34a Weybridge Webrige, Webruge 32a Lambeth Lanchei 34a Wandsworth Wandelesorde, Wandesorde, Wen- Mortlake Mortelaga, Mortelage 34a delesorde 32a Bermondsey Bermundesy, Bermundesye 34a Southwark Sudwerca, Sudwerche 32a Oxted Acstede 34a Morden Mordone 32a Streatham Estreham 34a

13 Weston Green Westone 34a Little Bookham Bocheham 35b Walkingstead, Godstone Wachelestede 34a Albury Eldeberie 35b Wandsworth Wandelesorde, Wandesorde, Wen- Mitcham Michelham 35b delesorde 34a Ockham Bocheham 35b Orde Orde 34b Shalford Scaldefor 35b Burpham Borham 34b Thorncroft Tornecrosta, Tornecroste 35b Chevington Civentone 34b Wandsworth Wandelesorde, Wandesorde, Wen- Farleigh Ferlega 34b delesorde 35b Loseley Losele 34b Tolworth Taleorde 35b Chipstead Tepestede 34b Whitford, Mitcham Witford 35b Chelsham Celesham, Chelesham 34b Tadworth Tadeorde, Tadorne 35b Bletchingley Blachingelei 34b Ockley Hoclei 35b Beddington Beddinton, Beddintone 34b Hambledon Hameledone 36a Tandridge Tenrige 34b Hurtmore Hormera 36a Woldingham Wallingeham 34b West Horsley Orselei 36a Wyke Wucha 34b Litelfeld Litelfeld 36a Streatham Estreham 34b Milton Mildetone 36a Southwark Sudwerca, Sudwerche 34b West Clandon Clanedun 36a Tooting Bec Totinges 34b Abinger Abinceborne 36a Worplesdon Werpesdune 34b Compton Contone 36a Tillingdown Tellingedone 34b Anstie Hanstega 36a Stoke D’Abernon Stoche 35a Balham Belgeham 36a Dirtham in Effingham Driteham 35a Paddington Padendene 36a Ember in Thames Ditton Limeurde 35a Walton-on-Thames Waletone 36a East Molesey, West Molesey Molesham 35a Witley Witlei 36a Mickleham Michelham, Micleham, Mideham Kingston upon Thames Chingestone, Chinges- 35a tun, Chingestune 36a Long Ditton Ditune 35a Carshalton Aultone 36a Apps Ebsa 35a Clapham Clopeham 36a Chessington Cisedune, Cisendone 35a Wanborough Weneberge 36a Walton on the Hill Waltone 35a Peper Harow Pipereherge 36a Woodmansterne Odemerestor 35a Lollesworth Lodesorde 36b Southwark Sudwerca, Sudwerche 35a Send Sande 36b Malden Meldone 35a East Molesey, West Molesey Molesham 36b Tolworth Taleorde 35a Pechingeorde Pechingeorde 36b Walton-on-Thames Waletone 35a Sutton, Woking Sudtune 36b Mickleham Michelham, Micleham, Mideham Titsey Ticesei 36b 35b Headley Hallega 36b West Betchworth in Dorking Becesworde 35b Esher Aissela, Aissele 36b Dirtham in Effingham Driteham 35b Littleton Liteltone 36b Guildford Geldeford, Gildeford 35b Fetcham Feceham 36b Hartshurst Arseste 35b Southwark Sudwerca, Sudwerche 36b Effingham Epingeham 35b Chessington Cisedune, Cisendone 36b

14 Beddington Beddinton, Beddintone 36b Eyeworth, New Forest Iuare 39a Camberwell Cambrewelle 36b Holdenhurst, New Forest Holeest, Holehest Addington Eddintone, Edintone 36b 39a Westcott Wescote 36b Basingestoches 39a Coombe Cumbe 36b Amesbury, Ambresberie 39a Wotton Odetone 36b Wincestre 39a Wisley Wiselei 36b Andover Andovere 39a Kennington Chenintune 36b Titchfield Ticefelle 39a Ferlei 39a , New Forest Rocheborne 39a 4 Hampshire , New Forest Rincuede 39a Slacham Slacham 39a Soberton Sudbertune 38a 39a Mapledurham Malpedresham 38a Esseborne Odiham Odiham 38a Anne 39a Selborne Lesborne, Selesburne 38a Lyndhurst, New Forest Linhest 39a Portchester Porcestre, Portcestre 38a Clere 39a Neatham Neteham 38a Meonstoke Menestoche, Menestoches 39a Greatham Greteham 38a Facumbe 39b Meonstoke Menestoche, Menestoches 38a Knighton, Isle of Wight Chenistone 39b Wymering Wimeringes 38a Kern, Isle of Wight Lacherne 39b Cosham Coseham, Cosseham 38a Furzedown Dunam 39b Holybourne Haliborne 38a Heasley, Isle of Wight Haselie 39b East Meon Mene, Menes 38a King’s Somborne Sumburne 39b North Hayling or South Hayling Halingei, Ladone Ladone 39b Helingey, Helinghei 38a Lessland, Isle of Wight Liscelande, Litesland Chiltlee Ciltelei 38a 39b Cladford 38b Etharin Etharin 39b Bertune 38b Barnsley, Isle of Wight Benverdeslei, Benveslei Christchurch, New Forest Thuinam, Tuinam 39b 38b Abedestone Abedestone 39b Broughton, New Forest Brestone 38b Done Done 39b East Dean Dene 38b Arreton, Isle of Wight Adrintone 39b Alia Wallope, Wallope 38b Bathingbourne, Isle of Wight Bedingeborne Eling, New Forest Edlinges 38b 39b Lasham Esseham 38b Yaverland, Isle of Wight Everelant, Evreland , New Forest Wallop, Wallope 39b 38b Stenbury, Isle of Wight Staneberie 39b Stanswood, New Forest Staneude 38b Woolverton, Bembridge, Isle of Wight Ul- King’s Worthy Ordie 38b wartone 39b Bedecote Bedecote 39a Wenechetone Wenechetone 39b Lower Burgate, New Forest Borgate 39a Week, Isle of Wight Wica 39b , New Forest Brumore 39a Whippingham, Isle of Wight Wipingeham, Broughton, New Forest Brestone 39a Witingeham 39b

15 Wroxall, Isle of Wight Warochesselle 39b Cilbodentune, Cilbodetune 41a Luccombe, Isle of Wight Lovecumbe 39b Chilcomb Ciltecumbe 41a Scaldeford Scaldeford 39b Badley in Crondall Beddeleie 41a Sandford, Isle of Wight Sandford 39b Avington Avintune 41a Nunwell, Isle of Wight Nonoelle 39b Windenaie 41a Nettlestone, Isle of Wight Hoteleston 39b Crondall Crundele 41a Puckpool. Isle of Wight Chochepon 39b and Highclere Clere Sandown, Isle of Wight Sande 39b 41a Beauworth Bieforde 40a Itchel Ticelle 41a Easton Estune 40a Notesselinge 41a Overton Overetune 40a Eisseburne 41a Abla Abla 40a Frigefolc 41a Old Alresford Alresforde 40a North Boarhunt or Boarhunt Borehunte, Twyford Tuiforde 40a Borhunte 41b Niton, Isle of Wight Neeton 40a Droxford Drocheneford 41b Bradley Bradelie 40a Brandesberee 41b Wootton, Isle of Wight Odetone 40a Eceleswelle 41b Bishop’s Waltham Waltham 40a Fawley, New Forest Falegia, Falelie 41b Crawley Crawelie 40a Alverstoke Alwarestoch 41b Ningwood, Isle of Wight Neeton 40a Hannington Hanitune 41b Soberton Sudbertune 40a Exton Essessentune 41b Shoofleet, Whippingham, Isle of Wight Soflet Millbrook Melebroc 41b 40a Farnborough Ferneberga 41b Kilmeston Chelmestune 40a St Clair’s Benstede 41b Bishopstoke Stoches 40a Wonston Wenesistune 41b Meon Mene 40b South Stoneham Stanham 41b Abbotstone Abedestune 40b Odetone 41b Brownwich Burnewic 40b Hinton Ampner Hentune 41b Chingescamp Chingescamp 40b Southampton Hantone, Hantune 41b Fareham Fernham 40b Martyr Worthy Ordie 41b Candevre 40b Hoddington Odingetone 41b Bentley near Farnham Benedlei 40b Polhampton Polemetune 41b Houghton Houstun 40b , New Forest Locherlega, Locherlei, Yavington Ebintune 40b Locherslei 42a East Meon Mene, Menes 40b Candevre 42a Meonstoke Menestoche, Menestoches 40b Lecford, Lechtford 42a West Tisted Tistede 40b Fullerton Fugelerestune 42a Upper Wield Walde 40b Broughton, New Forest Brestone 42a Lower Wield Walde 40b Woodmancott Udemanecote 42a Stoke, Stoches 40b Mortelhunte, Mortesfunde 42a West Meon Menes 40b Alia Tiderlege, Tederleg, Tiderlei Cove Cove 41a 42a Whitchurch Witcerce 41a Tederlec, Tiderlege 42a

16 Pittleworth Puteleorde, Puteorde 42a Penitone 43b West Stratton Stratune 42b Winchfield Winesflet 43b Popham Popeham 42b Romesy 43b Hyde Moors in Winchester Moram 42b Stoche, Stoches 43b Worthy Ordie 42b Leckford Lecford, Lechtford 43b Drayton Draitone 42b Little Ann Anna 44a Cranbourne, Cranbourne Grange and Upper Bosley in Christchurch Bortel 44a Cranbourne Gramborne 42b Bashley Bailocheslei 44a Micheldever Miceldevre 42b Lower Bullington Bolende 44a East Stratton Stratune 42b Upper Bullington Bolende 44a Basingstoke Basingestoches 43a Andret Andret 44a Lower Farringdon Ferendone 43a Middleton Middeltune 44a Bedhampton Betametone 43a Crofton Croftone 44a Bighton Bighetone 43a Winchester Wincestre 44a Upper Farringdon Ferendone 43a Warwelle 44a Havant Havehunte 43a Christchurch, New Forest Thuinam, Tuinam Anna 43a 44a Brockhampton Brochematune 43a Godorde 44a Alton Aultone 43a Sway, New Forest Suei, Sueia 44a Bosham Boscham 43a Totton Dodintune, Totintone 44a Wortinges 43a Tufton Tochiton 44a Lychpit Lichepet 43a Sidemanestone 44a Tatchbury Taceberie 43a Holdenhurst, New Forest Holeest, Holehest North Stoneham Staneham 43a 44a Warnford Warneford 43a Great Funtley Funtelei 44a North Hayling or South Hayling Halingei, , New Forest Bichetone 44b Helingey, Helinghei 43a Hambledon Hamledune 44b Lomer Lammere 43a Houghton Holstune 44b Lavrochestoche 43a Avon, New Forest Avere 44b Kingsclere Clere 43a Winchester Wincestre 44b Linchehou 43a Headley Ceptune 44b North Hayling or South Hayling Halingei, Sunwood Seneorde 44b Helingey, Helinghei 43b Bishop’s Sutton Sudtone 44b Timsbury Timbreberie 43b South Cerdeford 44b Elvetham Elveteham 43b Newtimber, Warblington Neutibrige 44b Lower Froyle Froli 43b Candevre, Candovre 44b Upper Froyle Froli 43b Penton Mewsey Penitone 44b Eversley Evreslei 43b Clattyng in Charford Clatinges 44b Winchester Wintonia 43b North Boarhunt or Boarhunt Borehunte, Hore 43b Borhunte 44b Yavington Ebintune 43b Ewhurst Werste 45a Itchen Stoke Stoche 43b Chineham 45a Liss Lis 43b Abedric 45a

17 Basinges 45a Litchfield Liveselle 45b Corhampton Quedementune 45a Clavesfelle 46a East Hoe Hou 45a Ellisfield Esewelle 46a Wickham Wicheha 45a Clattyng in Charford Clatinges 46a Houghton Holstune 45a Cosham Coseham, Cosseham 46a Bramley Brumelar 45a Hurn Herne 46a Hook Houch 45a , New Forest Tibeslei 46a Westbury Wesberie 45a Cerdeford 46a Winesflot 45a Kiimpton Chementune 46a Segensworth, Titchfield Sugion 45a Binstead Benestede 46a Tuneworde 45a Avon, New Forest Avere 46a Sireburne 45a Wootton St Lawrence Odetone 46a Stubbington Stubitone 45a Ripley, New Forest Riple 46a Warnford Warneford 45a Rockstead Rochesire 46a Hound Hune 45a Rockford, New Forest Rocheford 46a Nataleie 45a Stanpit Stanpeta 46a Knowl Hill Chenol 45a Knapp In Christchurch Chenep 46a Campessete 45a Redbridge Rodbrige 46a Kingsclere Clere 45a Sireborne 46a Nately Nataleie 45a Lestred Lestred 46a Applestead in Boarhunt Aplestede 45b Norton, Selborne Nortone 46a Buckland in Portsmouth Bocheland 45b Southampton Hantone, Hantune 46b North Boarhunt or Boarhunt Borehunte, South Tidworth Tedorde, Todeorde 46b Borhunte 45b Sutton Scotney Sudtune 46b Bramshill Bromeselle 45b Tidgrove Titegrave 46b Chawton Celtone 45b Barton Stacey Bertune 46b Cerewartone 45b Bramshott Brenbresete 46b Aoltone Aoltone 45b Shirley Sirelei 46b Oakley Aclei 45b Middleton Middeltone 46b Brockhampton Brockeastune 45b Bossington Bosintone 46b Littleton Liteltone 45b Hambledon Ambledune 46b Anne 45b Oakley Aclei 46b Over Wallop Alia Wallope, Wallope 45b Botelie Ordie 46b Ludshott Lidessete 45b Otterbourne Otreburne 46b Snoddington Snodintone 45b Gerlei 46b Preston Candover Candevre, Candovre 45b Mapledrewelle 46b Sherfield English Sirefelle 45b Sceptone, Sceptune 46b Stratfield Turgis Stradfelle 45b Cerdeford, Cerdifort 46b Dummer Dummere 45b Hartley Mauditt Harlege, Herlege 46b Lockerley, New Forest Locherlega, Locherlei, , New Forest Forde 46b Locherslei 45b Combe, Berkshire Cumbe 46b Henert 45b Copnor Copenore 46b Heckfield Effelle 45b Great Funtley Funtelei 46b

18 Malshanger Gerlei 47a Swallowfield, Berkshire Sualefelle 48a Bedeslei 47a South Warnborough Wergeborne 48a Fratton Frodintone 47a East Tytherley Alia Tiderlege, Tederleg, Tiderlei Knowl Hill Chenol 47a 48a King’s Somborne Sumburne 47a East Wellow, New Forest Welle, Welleue 48a Deane Dene 47a Fulsescote 48a Ashe Esse 47a Stratfield Saye Stradfelle 48a Swampton Suantone 47a Outwick Otoiche 48a Stradfelle 47a Itchen Abbas Icene 48a Polhampton Polemetune 47a Great Shoddesden Soresdene 48a Sarson Anne 47a Bentley in Mottisfont Beneclege, Beneclei 48b Silcestre 47a East Cholderton Cerewartone 48b Preston Candover Candevre, Candovre 47a Burghclere Clere 48b Norton, Selborne Nortone 47a West Dean, Wiltshire Dene 48b Bessete Bessete 47b King’s Somborne Sumburne 48b Eastrop Estrope 47b Barton Stacey Bertune 48b Cleresden 47b Compton Cuntune 48b Embley Emelei 47b Allington Ellatune 48b Hartley Mauditt Harlege, Herlege 47b Farley Ferlege 48b Awbridge Abedric 47b Woodcott Odecote 48b Fyfield Fifhide 47b Malshanger Gerlei 48b Chilworth Celeorde 47b Rhode Larode 48b Weston Westone 47b Soberton Sudbertune 48b Westone 47b East Tytherley Alia Tiderlege, Tederleg, Tiderlei Shalden Seldene 47b 48b Sumburne 47b Will Hall Wildehel 48b Shipton Bellinger Sceptone, Sceptune 47b , New Forest Sopelie 48b Southampton Hantone, Hantune 47b Selborne Lesborne, Selesburne 48b Headbourne Worthy Ordie 47b Newton Stacey Niwetone 48b Rowner Ruenore 47b Crux Easton Estune 49a Portchester Porcestre, Portcestre 47b Thruxton Olvestune 49a Newton Valence Newentone 47b Broxhead Brocheseve 49a Preston Candover Candevre, Candovre 47b Colemore Colemere 49a Bramshill Bromeselle 48a Boyatt Boviete 49a East Cholderton Cerewartone 48a Wolverton Vluretune 49a South Charford Cerdeford 48a Eastleigh Estleie 49a Chilbolton Cilbodentune, Cilbodetune 48a East Worldham Werildeham 49a Denebrige 48a Empshott Hibesete 49a Eschetune Eschetune 48a Great Funtley Funtelei 49a Oakley Aclei 48a Nutley Noclei 49a Houghton Holstune 48a Soberton Sudbertune 49a East Dean Dene 48a South Tidworth Tedorde, Todeorde 49a Winkton, New Forest Weringetone 48a Pittleworth Puteleorde, Puteorde 49a

19 Heche 49a Little Shoddesden Sotesdene 50a Finley in Finlei 49a Arnewood, New Forest Ernemude 50b East Cholderton Cerewartone 49b Upper Burgate Borgate 50b Dogmersfield Ormeresfelt 49b Broadwater, Sussex Bradewatre 50b Cosham Coseham, Cosseham 49b Canterton and Upper Canterton, New Forest Dummer Dummere 49b Cantortun 50b and , new forest Durley Derleie 50b Gerlei 49b Stone Stanes 50b Bramdean Biondene, Brondene 49b Midgham Mingeha 50b Northam Northa 49b Hannington Hanitune 50b Houghton Holstune 49b Steventon Stivetune 50b Bartley in Odiham Berchelei 49b West Worldham Warilham 50b Sutton Scotney Sudtune 49b Hanger Hangre 50b Oakhanger Acangre 49b Kingsclere Clere 50b Preston Candover Candevre, Candovre 49b Merceode 50b Odiham Odiham 49b Ripley, New Forest Riple 50b Stratfield Saye Stradfelle 49b Totton Dodintune, Totintone 50b Hartley Wespall Harlei, Herlei 49b Old Milton, New Forest Mildeltune 50b Norton, Wonston Nortune 49b Langley, New Forest Langelie 50b Mattingley Matingelege 49b Holybourne Haliborne 50b Longstock Stoche, Stoches 49b , New Forest Bermintune, Bur- Minley Mindeslei 49b mintune 51a Etham 50a Bile Bile 51a Hartley Wespall Harlei, Herlei 50a Batchley, New Forest Beceslei 51a Ferlege 50a Beckley, New Forest Bichelei 51a Hotlop Hotlop 50a Fawley, New Forest 51a Lockerley, New Forest Locherlega, Locherlei, Falegia, Falelie Locherslei 50a Fernhill, New Forest Fernehelle 51a Ellingham, New Forest Adelingeham 50a , New Forest Bedeslei 51a Bentley in Mottisfont Beneclege, Beneclei 50a Allum, New Forest Alwinetune 51a Midgham Mingeha 50a Achelie Achelie 51a North Charford Cerdeford, Cerdifort 50a Ashley, New Forest Esselei, Esselie 51a East Wellow, New Forest Welle, Welleue 50a , New Forest Wolnetune 51a East Tytherley Alia Tiderlege, Tederleg, Tiderlei Oselei Oselei 51a 50a Sway, New Forest Suei, Sueia 51a Nether Wallop, New Forest Wallop, Wallope Pilley, New Forest Pistelei, Pisteslai, Pisteslei 50a 51a West Tytherley Tederlec, Tiderlege 50a Sclive Sclive 51a Over Wallop Alia Wallope, Wallope 50a Througham, In Beaulieu, New Forest Michelton, Broughton Mulceltone 50a Trucham, Truham 51a Sudberie Sudberie 50a Harford, New Forest Hariforde 51a Rockbourne, New Forest Rocheborne 50a , New Forest Lentune 51a Mottisfont Mortelhunte, Mortesfunde 50a , New Forest Herdel 51a

20 Hinton and Hinton Admiral, New Forest Hen- Hoburne, New Forest Hoburne 51b tune 51a , New Forest Melleford 51b Lesteorde Lesteorde 51a Nutlei Nutlei 51b Efford, New Forest Einforde 51b Compton, Isle of Wight Cantune 52a Crow, New Forest Crone 51b Bowcombe, Isle of Wight Bouecome 52a , New Forest Depedene 51b Brook, Isle of Wight Broc 52a Childenhurst in , New Forest Afton, Isle of Wight Affetune 52a Cildeest 51b Wilmingham, Isle of Wight Wilmingeham Buckholt, New Forest Bocolt 51b 52a , New Forest Teocreberie 51b Freshwater, Isle of Wight Frescewatre 52a Gatewood, New Forest Gatingeorde 51b Southampton Hantone, Hantune 52a Godesmanescamp Godesmanescamp 51b Wellow, Isle of Wight Welige 52a Foxlease, High Coxlease and Foxlease, New For- Haldley in Carisbrooke, Isle of Wight Heldelie est Cocherlei 51b 52a Gritnam, New Forest Greteham 51b Calbourne, Isle of Wight Cauborne 52b Brookley in Brockenhurst, New Forest Broche- Dungewood, Isle of Wight Dunniorde 52b lie 51b Chale, Isle of Wight Cela 52b , New Forest Bovre 51b Cheverton, Isle of Wight Cevredone 52b , New Forest Betestre 51b Gatcombe, Isle of Wight Gatecome 52b Ashley, New Forest Esselei, Esselie 51b Gotten, Isle of Wight Gadetune 52b Achelie Achelie 51b Little Atherfield, Isle of Wight Egrafel 52b , New Forest Betramelei 51b Great Appleford, North Appleford or Upper Bolderford, New Forest Bovreford 51b Appleford, Isle of Wight Apledeforde, Apleford Brockenhurst, New Forest Broceste 51b 52b Wygeston Beaulieu, New Forest Wigarestun Alvington, Isle of Wight Alwinestune 52b 51b Atherfield and Atherfield Green, Isle of Wight Sanhest Sanhest 51b Avrefel 52b Pilley, New Forest Pistelei, Pisteslai, Pisteslei Wolverton, Isle of Wight Ulvredestune, Ulwar- 51b cumbe 52b Rollstone, New Forest Roweste 51b Shorwell, Isle of Wight Sorewelle 52b Oxelei Oxelei 51b Lower Watchingwell, Upper Watchingwell, Isle Otterwood, New Forest Otreorde 51b of Wight Watingewelle 52b Sway, New Forest Suei, Sueia 51b Walpan, Isle of Wight Ualpenne 52b Utefel Utefel 51b Great Whitcombe, Isle of Wight Witecome Wootton, Milton, New Forest Odetune 51b 52b Througham, In Beaulieu, New Forest Hardley in Brading, Isle of Wight Hardelei Trucham, Truham 51b 52b , New Forest Herdebrige 51b Shide, Isle of Wight Sida, Side 52b Nutley, Fawley, New Forest Nutlei 51b Luton, Isle of Wight Leuintun, Leuintune 52b , New Forest Mintestede 51b Kingston, Isle of Wight Chingestune 52b Mapleham Mapleham 51b Shalcombe, Isle of Wight Eseldecome 52b Hincheslea, New Forest Hincelveslei 51b Borthwood, Isle of Wight Bordourde 53a Hardley, New Forest Hardelie 51b Hale, Isle of Wight Atehalle 53a

21 Branstone, Isle of Wight Brandestone 53a Meleusford Meleusford 53b Brading, Isle of Wight Berardinz 53a Mottistone, Isle of Wight Modrestan 53b Great Briddlesford, Isle of Wight Breilesforde Great Pan, Little Pan, Isle of Wight Lepene 53a 53b Lessland, Isle of Wight Liscelande, Litesland Lea in Brading, Isle of Wight Alalei 53b 53a Chillerton, Isle of Wight Celertune 53b Loverston, Isle of Wight Levegarestun 53a Freshwater, Isle of Wight Frescewatre 53b Bonchurch and Upper Bonchurch, Isle of Wight Chilton, Isle of Wight Celatune 53b Bonecerce 53a Coombe, Isle of Wight Seutecome 53b Binstead, Isle of Wight Benestede 53a Hamstead, Isle of Wight Hamestede 53b Alverstone, Isle of Wight Alvrestone 53a Adgestone, Isle of Wight Avicestone 53b Adgestone, Isle of Wight Avicestone 53a Chalcroft in Brading, Isle of Wight Celvecrote Barnsley, Isle of Wight Benverdeslei, Benveslei 53b 53a Bagwich, Isle of Wight Abaginge 53b Black Pan, Isle of Wight Bochepone 53a Great Appleford, North Appleford or Upper Yaverland, Isle of Wight Everelant, Evreland Appleford, Isle of Wight Apledeforde, Apleford 53a 53b Scaldeford Scaldeford 53a Brighstone, Isle of Wight Weristetone 53b Whitefield Little Whitefield, Isle of Wight Knighton, Isle of Wight Chenistone 54a Witesfel 53a Chale, Isle of Wight Cela 54a Great Standen, East Standen, Little Standen, Isle Huffingford, Isle of Wight Huncheford, of Wight Standone 53a Ovingefort 54a Shanklin, Isle of Wight Selins, Sencliz 53a Durton, Isle of Wight Drodintone 54a Whippingham, Isle of Wight Wipingeham, Great Appleford, North Appleford or Upper Witingeham 53a Appleford, Isle of Wight Apledeforde, Apleford Witestone Witestone 53a 54a Merstone, Isle of Wight Merestone, Messetone Yarmouth, Isle of Wight Ermud 54a 53a Luton, Isle of Wight Leuintun, Leuintune 54a Rowborough, Isle of Wight Rodeberge 53a Shate, Isle of Wight. Soete 54a Preston, Isle of Wight Prestetone 53a Yafford, Isle of Wight Heceford 54a Ningwood, Isle of Wight 54a Moor, Isle of Wight Lamore 53a Lenimcode Orham Orham 53a Roud, Isle of Wight Rode 53a 5 Berkshire Sheat, Isle of Wight Essuete 53b Thorley, Isle of Wight Torlei 53b Great Haseley and Little Haseley, Oxfordshire Shide, Isle of Wight Sida, Side 53b Haselie 56a Shorwell, Isle of Wight Sorewelle 53b Benson, Oxfordshire Besentone 56a Whippingham, Isle of Wight Wipingeham, Bray Braio, Bras 56a Witingeham 53b Chalgrove, Oxfordshire Celgrave 56a Wolverton, Isle of Wight Ulvredestune, Ulwar- Brightwell-cum-Sotwell Bricstewelle, Bristow- cumbe 53b elle, Sotwelle 56a Shalfleet, Isle of Wight Seldeflet 53b Blewbury Blidberiam, Blitberie 56a Nettlestone, Isle of Wight Hoteleston 53b Albury, Oxfordshire Eldeberie 56a

22 Long Wittenham Witeham 56a Remenham Rameham 57a East Ilsley Eldeslei, Hildeslei, Hisleleu 56a Sparsholt Spersolt 57a Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire Neweham Swallowfield Soanesfelt, Solafel 57a 56a Wantage Wanetinz 57a North Stoke, Oxfordshire Estoche 56a Warfield Warwelt 57a Wallingford Walengeford, Walengefort, Walinge- Wallingford Walengeford, Walengefort, Walinge- ford, Warengeford 56a ford, Warengeford 57a Sutton Courtenay Sudton, Sudtone, Suttone Sutton Courtenay Sudton, Sudtone, Suttone 56a 57a Reading Radinges, Reddinges, Redinges 56a Shinfield Selingefelle 57a West Ilsley Eldeslei, Hildeslei, Hisleleu 56a Eddington Eddevetone 57b Cholsey Celsei 56b South Fawley Faleslei 57b Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire Crem 56b Faringdon Ferendone 57b Cookham Cocheham 56b East Hendred Enrede, Henret 57b Dorchester, Oxfordshire Dorkecestre 56b West Hendred Enrede, Henret 57b Ewelme, Oxfordshire Awilma, Awilme 56b Little Coxwell Alia Cocheswelle 57b Caversham Caveresham 56b Steventon Stivetune 57b Aston Tirrold Estone 56b Compton Contone 57b Aldermaston Aeldremanestone, Eldremanes- Great Coxwell Cocheswelle 57b tune, Heldremanestone 56b Wallingford Walengeford, Walengefort, Walinge- Blewbury Blidberiam, Blitberie 56b ford, Warengeford 57b Windsor Windesores 56b Kingston Lisle Spersolt 57b Waltham St Lawrence Waltham 56b Lambourn Lamborne, Lanborne 57b Watlington, Oxfordshire Watelintune 56b Nakedthorn, Compton Nachededorne 57b Waterperry, Oxfordshire Perie 56b Shrivenham Seriveham 57b Weston, South Oxfordshire Westune 56b Sutton Courtenay Sudton, Sudtone, Suttone Newington, Oxfordshire Niwetone 56b 57b Wallingford Walengeford, Walengefort, Walinge- Shalbourne, Wiltshire Eseldeborne 57b ford, Warengeford 56b Letcombe Regis Ledencumbe 57b Shirburn, Oxfordshire Sireburne 56b Kintbury Cheneteberie 57b Pyrton, Oxfordshire Pirtune 56b East Ilsley Eldeslei, Hildeslei, Hisleleu 58a Thatcham Taceham 56b Littleworth Bricstewelle, Bristowelle, Sotwelle Bray Braio, Bras 57a 58a Earley Erlei, Herlei 57a Earley Erlei, Herlei 58a Bucklebury Borchedeberie, Borcheldeberie, Aldermaston Aeldremanestone, Eldremanes- Borgedeberie, Borgeldeberie 57a tune, Heldremanestone 58a Finchampstead Finchamestede 57a Winterbourne Hocfelle, Offelle 58a Reading Radinges, Reddinges, Redinges 57a West Ilsley Eldeslei, Hildeslei, Hisleleu 58a Betterton Bedretone 57a Reading Radinges, Reddinges, Redinges 58a Charlton Cerletone 57a Swallowfield Soanesfelt, Solafel 58a Barkham Bercheha 57a White Waltham Waltham 58a Lower Basildon Bastedene 57a Wallingford Walengeford, Walengefort, Walinge- Wargrave Weregrave 57a ford, Warengeford 58a

23 Sonning Soninges 58a East Hanney Hanlei, Hannei 59a Pangbourne Pandeborne, Pangeborne 58a Longworth Ordam 59a Bayworth Baiorde 58b Brightwell-cum-Sotwell Bricstewelle, Bristow- Bessels Leigh Leie 58b elle, Sotwelle 59b Beedon Bedene 58b Charney Bassett Cernei 59b Benham Beneham, Benham, Benneham 58b Chaddleworth Cedeledorde, Cedeneord 59b Boxford Bochesorne, Bovsore 58b Curridge Coserige 59b Chieveley Civelei 58b Easthampstead Lachenestede 59b Abingdon Bertune 58b Brightwalton Bristoldestone 59b Kennington Bocheland 58b Buckland Bochelande 59b Compton Contone 58b Ashbury Eissesberie 59b Weston Westun 58b Coleshill Coleselle 59b Wytham Winteham 58b White Waltham Waltham 59b Shippon Sipene 58b West Lockinge Lachinge, Lachinges 59b Tubney Tobenie 58b Shellingford Serengeford 59b Sugworth Sogoorde 58b Pusey Peise, Pesei 59b Sunningwell Soningewel 58b Wallingford Walengeford, Walengefort, Walinge- Welford Waliford 58b ford, Warengeford 59b Cumnor Comenore 58b East Ginge Acenge 59b Seacourt Sevacoorde 58b East Lockinge Lachinge, Lachinges 59b Marcham Merceham 58b East Hendred Enrede, Henret 59b Frilford Frieliford 58b West Ginge Acenge 59b Leckhampstead Lecanestede 58b West Hendred Enrede, Henret 59b Sandford-on-Thames, Oxfordshire Sanford Bucklebury Borchedeberie, Borcheldeberie, 58b Borgedeberie, Borgeldeberie 60a Abingdon Bertune 59a West Challow Ceveslane 60a Draycott Moor Draicote 59a Calcot in Hungerford Colecote 60a Appleford Apleford 59a Buscot Bordardescote 60a Fawler Spersold 59a Catmore Catmere 60a Garford Wareford 59a Fawley Farellei 60a Uffington Offentone 59a Frilsham Frilesham 60a Farnborough Fermeberge 59a Blewbury Blidberiam, Blitberie 60a Chilton Cheltone 59a Aston Tirrold Estone 60a Milton Middeltune 59a Drayton Draitone 60a Little Wittenham Witeham 59a Ashden in Compton Assedone 60a Sutton Courtenay Sudton, Sudtone, Suttone Beckett Becote 60a 59a Long Wittenham Witeham 60a Whistley Green Wiselei 59a Peasemore Praxemere 60a Watchfield Wachenesfeld 59a Wallingford Walengeford, Walengefort, Walinge- Winkfield Wenesfelle 59a ford, Warengeford 60a Goosey Gosei 59a Reading Radinges, Reddinges, Redinges 60a Lyford Linford 59a Sheffield Bottom Sewelle 60a Leverton Lewartone 59a Westrop Green Chrochestrope 60a

24 East Hanney Hanlei, Hannei 60a Stanford Dingley Stanworde 61a Kintbury Cheneteberie 60a Southcote Sudcote 61a West Hendred Enrede, Henret 60a Sulham Soleham 61a West Hanney Hannei 60a Wallingford Walengeford, Walengefort, Walinge- East Hendred Enrede, Henret 60a ford, Warengeford 61a East Ilsley Hislelei 60a East Ilsley Eldeslei, Hildeslei, Hisleleu 61a Bradfield Bradefelt 60b South Moreton Mortune 61a Denchworth Denchesworde 60b Kingston Bagpuize Chingestune 61a Burghfield Borgefel, Borgefelle 60b West Ilsley Eldeslei, Hildeslei, Hisleleu 61a Burlei Burlei 60b Inkpen Hingepene, Ingepene 61a Englefield Englefel, Inglefelle 60b North Moreton Mortune 61a Fyfield Fivehide 60b East Hanney Hanlei, Hannei 61b Bisham Bistesham 60b Maidenhead Elentone 61b Willington Wibalditone 60b Lambourn Lamborne, Lanborne 61b Charlton Cerletone 60b Kintbury Cheneteberie 61b Greenham Greneha 60b Langley in Tilehurst Lonchelei 61b Bagshot, Wiltshire Bechesgete 60b Midgham Migeham 61b Upper Woolhampton Ollavintone 60b Ortone Ortone 61b East Lockinge Lachinge, Lachinges 60b West Hagbourne Hacheborne 61b Sparsholt Spersolt 60b Gratentun Gratentun 61b West Lockinge Lachinge, Lachinges 60b Clapcot, Wallingford Clopecote 61b Pusey Peise, Pesei 60b Bucklebury Borchedeberie, Borcheldeberie, Stanford in the Vale Stanford 60b Borgedeberie, Borgeldeberie 61b Hartridge Hurterige 60b Enborne Aneborne, Taneburne 61b Kingston Lisle Spersolt 60b East Hagbourne Hacheborne 61b West Hendred Enrede, Henret 60b Winterbourne Wintreburne 61b East Hendred Enrede, Henret 60b Wyld Wille 61b Kingston Bagpuize Chingestune 60b Drayton Draitone 61b Childrey Celrea 61a Appleton Apletune 61b Eaton Hastings Etone 61a Betterton Bedretone 61b North Denchworth Denchesworde 61a Chilton Ciltone 61b Compton Beauchamp Contone 61a Eaton Eatone 61b Denford Daneford 61a Pangbourne Pandeborne, Pangeborne 61b Enborne Aneborne, Taneburne 61a Wokefield Hocfelle, Offelle 61b Hodcott Hodicote 61a Ufton Nervet Offetune 61b Woolley Olvelei 61a St Leonards Losfelle 61b Donnington Deritone 61a Sparsholt Spersolt 61b Charlton Cerletone 61a Sulham Soleham 61b Coleshill Coleshalle 61a Wallingford Walengeford, Walengefort, Walinge- Odstone Ordegestone 61a ford, Warengeford 61b Yattendon Etingedene 61a Brimpton Brintone 62a Padworth Peteorde 61a Earley Erlei, Herlei 62a Ufton Nervet Offetune 61a Chaddleworth Cedeledorde, Cedeneord 62a

25 Denchworth Denchesworde 62a Benham Beneham, Benham, Benneham 63a East Garston Lamborne 62a Dedworth Dideorde 63a Hatford Hevaford 62a Bucklebury Borchedeberie, Borcheldeberie, Ardington Ardintone 62a Borgedeberie, Borgeldeberie 63a Oxford Oxineford 62a Boxford Bochesorne, Bovsore 63a Newton Niwetone 62a Childrey Celrea 63a Streatley Estralei 62a East Hagbourne Hacheborne 63a Windsor Windesores 62a West Hagbourne Hacheborne 63a Lollingdon Lolindone 62a Bagnor Bagenore 63a Great Shefford Siford 62a Aldworth Elleorde 63a Peasemore Praxemere 62a Upton Optone 63a Whatcombe Watecumbe 62a Coleshill Coleselle 63a Hurley Herlei 62a Whitley Witelei 63a Letcombe Bassett Ledecumbe 62a Aston Upthorpe Estone 63a West Ilsley Eldeslei, Hildeslei, Hisleleu 62a Wasing Walsince 63a East Ilsley Eldeslei, Hildeslei, Hisleleu 62a South Moreton Mortune 63a Inglewood Ingheflot, Ingleflot, Inglefol 62a Speen Spone 63a East Eling Elinge 62b East Shefford Siford 63a East Hendred Enrede, Henret 62b Purley Porlaa, Porlei 63a Enborne Aneborne, Taneburne 62b Sparsholt Spersolt 63a West Eling Elinge 62b Sulham Soleham 63a Fulscot Follescote 62b Hampstead Norreys Hanstede 63a West Hendred Enrede, Henret 62b North Moreton Mortune 63a Hodcott Hodicote 62b Irish Hill Ebrige 63a Curridge Coserige 62b East Hendred Enrede, Henret 63a Harwell Harowelle 62b Hamstead Marshall Hamestede 63a Clewer Clivore 62b West Hendred Enrede, Henret 63a Charlton Cerletone 62b Lambourn Lamborne, Lanborne 63a Hartley Hurlei 62b Bockhampton Bochentone 63b Cholsey Celsei 62b Carswell Chersvelle 63b Childrey Celrea 62b Bray Braio, Bras 63b Stratfield Mortimer Stradfeld 62b Burlei Burlei 63b Brimpton Brintone 62b Crookham Crocheham 63b Avington Avintone 62b Curridge Coserige 63b Windsor Windesores 62b Benham Beneham, Benham, Benneham 63b Bockhampton Bochentone 62b Duxford Dudochesforde 63b Burghfield Borgefel, Borgefelle 62b Appleton Apletone 63b Newbury Ulvritone 62b Barcote Lierecote 63b Great Shefford Siford 62b Swallowfield Soanesfelt, Solafel 63b Pusey Peise, Pesei 62b Hinton Waldrist Hentone 63b Peasemore Praxemere 62b Padworth Peteorde 63b Purley Porlaa, Porlei 62b Inglewood Ingheflot, Ingleflot, Inglefol 63b Shaw Essages 62b Inkpen Hingepene, Ingepene 63b

26 Shottesbrooke Sotesbroc 63b Melksham Melchesham 65a Gainfield Gamesfel 63b East Knoyle Chenuel 65a West Hendred Enrede, Henret 63b Cricklade Crichelade 65a West Ginge Acenge 63b Lydiard Millicent Lidiarde 65a East Ginge Acenge 63b Westwood Westwode 65b East Hendred Enrede, Henret 63b Little Bedwyn Beduinde, Beduine 65b Avebury Avreberie 65b Alton Priors Awltone 65b 6 Wiltshire Great Bedwyn Beduinde, Beduine 65b Bushton Clive 65b Little Bedwyn Beduinde, Beduine 64b Downton Duntone 65b Salisbury Sarisberie 64b Wanborough Wemberge 65b Wilton Wiltunie 64b Ham Hame 65b Bath, Somerset Bade 64b Great Bedwyn Beduinde, Beduine 64b Burbage Burbetee 65b Amesbury Amblesberie, Ambresberie 64b Fyfield Fifhide 65b Swindon Suindone 64b Stockton Stottune 65b Chippenham Chepeha 64b Upavon Oppavrene 65b Warminster Guerminstre 64b Marlborough Merleberge 65b Bowcombe, Isle of Wight, Hampshire Boue- Pewsey Peuesie 65b come 64b Ogbourne St George Ocheborne 65b Great Cheverell Chevrel 64b East Overton near Marlborough Ovretone Malmesbury Malmesberie, Mamesberie 64b 65b Quintone Quintone 64b Sherston Sorestone, Sorstain 65b Marlborough Merleberge 64b Elingdon in Wroughton Elendune 65b Cricklade Crichelade 64b Highworth Wrde 65b Calne Calne, Cauna, Caune 64b Hazelbury Haseberie 65b Aldbourne Aldeborne 65a Enford Enedforde 65b Collingbourne Ducis Colingeburne 65a Fonthill Bishop Fontel 65b Britford Bredford, Bretford 65a Heytesbury Hestrebe 65b Chute Wood Cetum 65a Calne Calne, Cauna, Caune 66a Compton Chamberlayne Contone 65a Ditchampton Dechementune, Dicehantone Coombe Bissett Cumbe 65a 66a Wilton Wiltone 65a Charnage Chedelwich 66a Rushall Rusteselue 65a Cricklade Crichelade 66a Bromham Bromham 65a Draycot Fitz Payne Draicote 66a Westbury Westberie 65a Littleton Drew Liteltone 66a Wootton Rivers Otone 65a Bishops Cannings Cainingham 66a Netheravon Nigraavra, Nigravre 65a Swindon Suindune 66a Tilshead Theodulueside, Tidulfhide 65a Salisbury Sarisberie 66a Poulshot Paueshou 65a Wilton Wiltune 66a Winterbourne Stoke Wintreburne, Wintre- Yatton Keynell Etone, Etune, Getone 66a burnestoch 65a Somerford Keynes, Gloucestershire Summre- Corsham Cosseham 65a ford 66a

27 Wittenham, Wingfield Withenham 66a Garsdon Gardone 67a North Tidworth Todeworde, Todewrde, Malmesbury Malmesberie, Mamesberie 67a Todowrde 66a Long Newnton, Gloucestershire. Newentone Winterbourne Dauntsey Wintreburne 66a 67a Woodhill Wadhulle 66a Norton near Malmesbury Nortone 67a Malmesbury Malmesberie, Mamesberie 66a Manningford Abbots Maneforde 67a Scepeleia Scepeleia 66a Kemble, Gloucestershire Chemele 67a Potterne Poterne 66a Crudwell Creduelle 67a Higher Pertwood Perteworde 66a Bradford on Avon Bradeford 67b Ramsbury Ramesberie 66a Chiseldon Chiseldene 67b Cricklade Crichelade 66b Chilmark Chilmerc 67b Deverill Devrel 66b Cricklade Crichelade 67b , Hampshire Dobreham 66b Damerham, Hampshire Dobreham 67b Dauntsey Dantesie 66b Beechingstoke Bichenestoch 67b Gomeldon Wintreburne 66b Alvestone Alvestone 67b Grittleton Gretelintone 66b Addestone Wintreburne 67b Christian Malford Cristemeleford, Cristemele- Ashton Keynes Essitone 67b forde 66b Tisbury Tisseberie 67b Mildenhall Mildenhalle 66b North Newnton Newetone 67b Hannington Haningdone 66b Stanton St Bernard Stantone 67b Badbury Badeberie 66b Pewsey Peuesie 67b Winterbourne Monkton Wintreborne 66b Swallowcliffe Sualoclive 67b Longbridge Deverill Devrel 66b Dinton Domnitone 67b Nettleton Niteletone 66b Liddington Ledentone 67b Malmesbury Malmesberie, Mamesberie 66b Great Durnford Darneford, Diarneford 67b Monkton Deverill Devrel 66b Donhead St Andrew and Donhead St Mary Stanton, Stanton St Quintin, Lower Stanton St Duneheve 67b Quinton Stantone 66b Little Durnford Darneford, Diarneford 67b Highway Hiwei, Hiwi 66b Chalke, Bowerchalke and Broad Chalke Littleton Drew Liteltone 66b Chelche 68a Kington Langley Langhelei 66b West Knoyle Chenuel 68a Idmiston Eunestetone 66b Ditchampton Dechementune, Dicehantone Little Langford Langeford, Langeforde 66b 68a Collingbourne Kingston Coleburne 67a Fovant Febefonte 68a Purton Piritone 67a Little Langford Langeford, Langeforde 68a Brinkworth Brecheorde, Brenchewrde 67a Laverstock Lavertestoche, Lawrecestohes 68a Charlton near Malmesbury Cerletone 67a Burcombe Bredecumbe 68a Chelworth in Crudwell Celeorde 67a All Cannings Caninge 68a Brokenborough Brocheneberge 67a Edington Edendone 68a Bremhill Breme 67a Baverstock Babestoche 68a Corston Corstone 67a Wylye Wilgi 68a Little Somerford Sumreford 67a Urchfont Ierchesfonte 68a Cricklade Crichelade 67a Washern Waisel 68a

28 Wardour Werdore 68a Etchilhampton Ecesatingetone, Echesatingetone Little Wishford Wicheford 68a 69a Melchet Wood, Hampshire Silva Milchete, Silva Allington near Amesbury Alentone, Allentone Milcheti 68a 69a Ugford Ocheforde, Ogeford 68a Wilton Wiltone 69a West Overton Ovretone 68a Durrington Derintone 69a South Newton Newenton, Newentone 68a Tytherington Tedrintone 69a West Steeple Ashton, Ashton Aistone 68a Ablington Alboldintone 69a Bulford Boltintone 68b East Winterslow Wintreslei 69a Clyffe Pypard Clive, Sclive 68b Ratfyn Rotefeld, Rotefelde 69a Castle Eaton Ettone 68b Wilcot Wilcote 69a Burcombe Bredecumbe 68b Stratford Tony Stradford 69a Choulston Chelestanestone 68b Shrewton Wintreburne 69a Conock Cowic 68b North Tidworth Todeworde, Todewrde, Eysey Aisi 68b Todowrde 69a Brixton Deverill Devrel 68b Winterbourne Stoke Wintreburne, Wintre- Allington near Amesbury Alentone, Allentone burnestoch 69a 68b Fisherton in Salisbury Fiscartone 69a Latton Latone 68b Orcheston Orcestone, Orchestone 69a Alderbury Alwarberie, Alwaresberie 68b Ludgershall Litlegarsele 69a Boscombe Boscumbe 68b Gussage St Michael, Dorset Gessic 69a West Winterslow Wintreslei, Wintresleu 68b Heddington Edintone 69a Nechendune Nechendune 68b Lus Hill Rusteselle 69a Upton Lovell Uptone 68b Little Langford Langeford, Langeforde 69b Rabson Wintreburne 68b Porton Poertone, Portone 69b Poulton near , Gloucestershire Malmesbury Malmesberie, Mamesberie 69b Poltone 68b Langley Burrell Langefel 69b Retmore Retmore 68b Poole Keynes, Gloucestershire Pole 69b Wilsford near Amesbury Wiflesford, Wifles- Potterne Poterne 69b forde 68b Rockley Rochelie 69b Hanging Langford Langeford 68b Lacock Lacoc, Lacoch 69b Milston Mildestone 68b Hill Deverill Devrel 69b Kingston Deverill Devrel 68b Deptford Depeford 69b Hartham Heortham, Hertham 68b Middleton Mideltone 69b Horningsham Horningesham, Horningham Hartham Heortham, Hertham 69b 68b Keevil Chivele 69b Maddington Wintreburne 68b Chitterne Cheltre, Chetre 69b Alton Barnes Aultone 69a North Wraxall Werocheshalle 69b Compton in Enford Contone 69a Broad Blunsdon Blontesdone 69b Cadenham Cadeham 69a Baycliffe Ballochelie 69b Amesbury Amblesberie, Ambresberie 69a Amesbury Amblesberie, Ambresberie 69b Chitterne Cheltre, Chetre 69a Bishopstrow Biscopestreu 69b Elcombe Elecome 69a Bradenstoke Bradenestoch, Stoche 69b

29 Shrewton Wintreburne 69b Clevancy Clive 70b Winterbourne Earls Wintreburne 69b Fifield Bavant Fifhide 70b Tollard Royal Tollard 69b Great Cumberwell Cumbrewelle 70b Great Somerford Somreforde, Sumreford 69b Compton Bassett Contone 70b Thickwood Ticoode 69b Clyffe Pypard Clive, Sclive 70b East Tytherton, West Tytherton Terintone Cricklade Crichelade 70b 69b Little Cumberwell Cumbrewelle 70b Calne Calne, Cauna, Caune 70a Groundwell Grendewelle 70b Little Cheverell Chevrel 70a Horningsham Horningesham, Horningham Chedglow Chegeslaue, Chegeslei, Cheieslaue, 70b Chigelei 70a Chedglow Chegeslaue, Chegeslei, Cheieslaue, Great Chalfield Caldefelle 70a Chigelei 70b Calstone Wellington Calestone 70a Blunsdon St Andrew Bluntesdone 70b Little Chalfield Caldefelle 70a Wilton Wiltune 70b Chenebuild Chenebuild 70a Burbage Burbetc 70b Cholderton Celdretone, Celdrintone 70a Swindon Svindone 70b Clyffe Pypard Clive, Sclive 70a Ashton Gifford Schetone 70b Buttermere Butremare, Butremere 70a Broughton Gifford Broctone, Broctune 70b Berwick St James Wintreburne 70a Wroughton Wertune, Wervetone 70b Allington in All Cannings Adelingtone 70a Great Smithcot Smitecote 70b Crofton Crostone 70a Lower Widhill Widehille, Wildehille 70b Wintreburne Wintreburne 70a West Tytherton Tedelintone 70b Bechenehilde Bechenehilde 70a Great Somerford Somreforde, Sumreford 70b Bichenehilde Bichenehilde 70a Little Smithcot Smitecote 70b Yatton Keynell Etone, Etune, Getone 70a Stert Sterte 70b Newton Tony Newentone 70a Upton Scudamore Opetone 70b Upton Scudamore Opetone 70a Upper Widhill Widehille, Wildehille 70b Standen, North Berkshire Standone 70a West Kennett Chenet, Chenete 70b Pewsey Peuesie 70a Salthrop Salteharpe 70b Rowde Rode 70a Norton Bavant Nortone 70b Teffont Evias Tefonte 70a Malmesbury Malmesberie, Mamesberie 70b Witcomb Widecome 70a Lacock Lacoc, Lacoch 70b Cricklade Crichelade 70a Lus Hill Rusteselle 70b Lydiard Tregoze Lediar 70a Moredon Mordone, Mortune 70b Hill Deverill Devrel 70a Rockley Rochelie 70b Etchilhampton Ecesatingetone, Echesatingetone Bincknoll Bechenhalle 71a 70a Chisbury Cheseberie 71a Deverill Devrel 70a Chedglow Chegeslaue, Chegeslei, Cheieslaue, Easton, Easton Piercy and Lower Easton Es- Chigelei 71a tone 70a Brinkworth Brecheorde, Brenchewrde 71a Hardenhuish Hardenehus 70a Castle Combe Come 71a Hilmarton Adhelmertone, Helmerintone, Chilton Foliat Cilletone 71a Helmertune 70a Clyffe Pypard Clive, Sclive 71a

30 Colerne Colerne 71a Uffcott Ufecote, Ulfecote 71b Biddestone Bedestone 71a Tockenham Court Tocheham 71b Walcot Walecote 71a Sopworth Sopeworde 71b Manton Manetune 71a Upper Seagry Segrete, Segrie 71b Bathampton Wili 71a Stanmore, Preshute Stamere 71b Thornhill Tornelle 71a Tollard Royal Tollard 71b Wilton WIltune 71a Upton Scudamore Opetone 71b Wootton Bassett Wodetone 71a East Grafton or West Grafton Graftone, Gras- Malmesbury Malmesberie, Mamesberie 71a tone 71b Sherston Sorestone, Sorstain 71a Moredon Mordone, Mortune 71b Poulton, Mildenhall Poltone 71a Lockeridge Locherige 71b Milford Meleford 71a Lackham Lacham 71b Ogbourne St Andrew Ocheburne 71a Hilmarton Adhelmertone, Helmerintone, Rodbourne Redborne 71a Helmertune 71b Winterbourne Bassett Wintreburne 71a Broad Hinton Hantone, Hentone 71b Draycot Foliat Dracote 71a Littleton Pannell Liteltone 71b Littlecott Litlecote 71a Maiden Bradley Bradelie 71b Broad Hinton Hantone, Hentone 71a Buttermere Butremare, Butremere 72a Hartham Heortham, Hertham 71a West Dean Duene 72a Frustfield in Whiteparish Cristesfeld, Ferstesfeld, Clyffe Pypard Clive, Sclive 72a Fistesferie, Fristesfeld 71a Celdewelle Celdewelle 72a Hazelbury Haseberie 71a Clatford Clatford 72a Hurdcott in Barford Hardicote 71a Codford St Mary Coteford 72a Charlton, Hungerford, Berkshire Cerletone East Grimstead or West Grimstead Gramest- 71b ede, Gremestede 72a Ditteridge Digeric 71b Hanging Langford Langeford 72a Codford St Peter Coteford 71b Little Bedwyn Beduinde, Beduine 72a Cholderton Celdretone, Celdrintone 71b Barford St Martin Bereford 72a Chirton Ceritone 71b Bradfield Bradefelde 72a Clyffe Pypard Clive, Sclive 71b Ansty Anestige 72a Compton Bassett Contone 71b Stanley Stanlege 72a Great Durnford Darneford, Diarneford 71b Alderbury Alwarberie, Alwaresberie 72a Little Durnford Darneford, Diarneford 71b Great Bedwyn Beduinde, Beduine 72a Boscombe Boscumbe 71b Great Wishford Wicheford, Witford 72a Beckhampton Bachentune 71b Standlynch Staninges 72a Sevington Sevinentone 71b Tockenham Tocheham 72a Luckington Lochintone 71b Sutton Mandeville Sudtone 72a Wilton Wiltone 71b Steeple Langford Langeford 72a Ashley, Gloucestershire Esselie 71b Stourton Stortone 72a Beversbrook or Lower Beversbrook Bevres- Sutton Veny Sudtone, Sutone 72a broc, Brevresbroc 71b Whaddon, Alderbury Watedene 72a Yatton Keynell Etone, Etune, Getone 71b Highway Hiwei, Hiwi 72a Lower Seagry Segrete, Segrie 71b Standen, Berkshire Standene 72a

31 Malmesbury Malmesberie, Mamesberie 72a Hill Deverill Devrel 72b Imber Imemerie 72a Kellaways Terintone 72b Hullavington Hunlavintone 72a Malmesbury Malmesberie, Mamesberie 72b Hurdcott in Winterbourne Earls Herdicote Beversbrook or Lower Beversbrook Bevres- 72a broc, Brevresbroc 73a East Kennett Chenete 72a Cowesfield Colesfeld, Cwlestone 73a Shaw, Overton Essage, Scage 72a West Chisenbury Chesigeberie 73a Codford St Peter Coteford 72b Calstone Wellington Calestone 73a Biddesden Bedesdene 72b Calne Calne, Cauna, Caune 73a Brigmerston Brismartone 72b East Chisenbury Chesigeberie 73a Barford St Martin Bereford 72b Clyffe Pypard Clive, Sclive 73a Woodborough Witeberge 72b Easton, Easton Piercy and Lower Easton Es- Coleshill, Berkshire Coleselle 72b tone 73a Ebbesborne Wake Eblesborne 72b Etone Etone 73a Fisherton de la Mere Fisertone 72b Bemerton Bermentone, Bimertone 73a Easton Grey Estone 72b Whitley Witelie 73a Fittleton Viteletone 72b Gore Gare 73a Wilton Wiltune 72b Chippenham Chipeham 73a Middleton Mideltone 72b Alderton Aldrintone 73a Foxley Foxelege 72b Corton Cortitone 73a Chippenham Cepeham 72b Marden Meresden 73a Alderton Aldertone 72b Wilton Wiltone 73a Elston ???Wintreburne 72b Zeals Sela, Sele 73a Luckington Lochintone 72b Shorncote, Gloucestershire Schernecote 73a Sherrington Scarentone 72b Winterbourne Gunner Wintreburne 73a Wilsford near Amesbury Wiflesford, Wifles- Trow Troi 73a forde 72b Sutton Veny Sudtone, Sutone 73a Moredon Mordone, Mortune 72b Stratton St Margaret Stratone 73a Surrendell Sirendone 72b Tollard Royal Tollard 73a Shaw, Overton Essage, Scage 72b Westlecott Wichelestote 73a Lower Seagry Segrete, Segrie 72b Yatesbury Etesberie 73a Orcheston Orcestone, Orchestone 72b Hazelbury Haseberie 73a Upper Seagry Segrete, Segrie 72b Shalbourne Saldeborne, Scaldeburne 73a Stanton, Stanton St Quintin, Lower Stanton St Market Lavington Laventone 73a Quinton Stantone 72b Maddington Wintreburne 73a Ugford Ocheforde, Ogeford 72b East Kennett Chenete 73a Fonthill Gifford Fontel 72b Homington Humitone 73a Milston Mildestone 72b West Lavington Laventone 73a Kington St Michael Chintone 72b Malmesbury Malmesberie, Mamesberie 73a Broad Hinton Hantone, Hentone 72b Netheravon Nigraavra, Nigravre 73a Frustfield in Whiteparish Cristesfeld, Ferstesfeld, East Grimstead or West Grimstead Gramest- Fistesferie, Fristesfeld 72b ede, Gremestede 73b Fosbury Fistesberie, Fostesberge 72b Earlscourt Ardescote 73b

32 Gillingham, Dorset Gelingeham 73b Chedglow Chegeslaue, Chegeslei, Cheieslaue, Cricklade Crichelade 73b Chigelei 74a Cowesfield Colesfeld, Cwlestone 73b Frustfield in Whiteparish Cristesfeld, Ferstesfeld, Hazelbury Haseberie 73b Fistesferie, Fristesfeld 74a Hilperton Helperintone, Helperitune, Helprint- East Grimstead or West Grimstead Gramest- one 73b ede, Gremestede 74a Knook Cunuche 73b Hartham Heortham, Hertham 74a Hilmarton Adhelmertone, Helmerintone, Grovely Forest Gravelinges 74a Helmertune 73b Gategram Gategram 74a Malmesbury Malmesberie, Mamesberie 73b Hill Deverill Devrel 74a Coulston Couelestone 73b Barford St Martin Bereford 74a Bemerton Bermentone, Bimertone 73b Mere Mere 74a Alderstone Ferstesfeld 73b Swindon Suindone 74a Calcutt Colecote 73b Stapleford Stipleford 74a Ansty Anestige 73b Longford Langeford 74a Staverton Stavretone 73b Budbury Bodeberie 74a Barley in South Wraxall Berrelege 73b Broad Blunsdon Blontesdone 74a Corsley Corselie 73b Britford Bredford, Bretford 74a Zeals Sela, Sele 73b Broughton Gifford Broctone, Broctune 74a Trowle Trole 73b , Hampshire Bramessage 74a Tockenham Tocheham 73b Witherington Widetone 74a Trowbridge Straburg 73b Tidcombe Titicome 74a Tilshead Theodulueside, Tidulfhide 73b Shalbourne Saldeborne, Scaldeburne 74a Swallowcliffe Sualoclive 73b Stitchcombe Stotecome 74a Whaddon, Semington Wadone 73b Stanton Fitzwarren Stantone 74a Winterbourne Gunner Wintreburne 73b Porton Poertone, Portone 74a Wroughton Wertune, Wervetone 73b , Hampshire Pleiteford 74a Wilsford near Pewsey Wivlesford 73b Tytherley, West Hants Tuderlege 74a Manningford Bohune Maniford 73b Winterbourne Gunner Wintreburne 74a Standlynch Staninges 73b West Winterslow Wintreslei, Wintresleu 74a Rollestone Wintreburne 73b Uffcott Ufecote, Ulfecote 74a Pomeroy Ponberie 73b Hilperton Helperintone, Helperitune, Helprint- Oaksey Wochesie 73b one 74a Monkton Farleigh Farlege 73b Manningford Bruce Maniford 74a Odstock Odestoche 73b Knook Cunuche 74a Potterne Poterne 73b Laverstock Lavertestoche, Lawrecestohes 74a Great Somerford Somreforde, Sumreford 73b Landford Langeford 74a Figheldean Fisgledene 74a Knighton In Durrington Wenistetone 74a Compton Bassett Contone 74a Pewsey Peuesie 74a Etchilhampton Ecesatingetone, Echesatingetone Marten Martone, Mertone 74a 74a Milford Meleford 74a Deverill Devrel 74a Ogbourne Maizey Ocheburne 74a Clyffe Pypard Clive, Sclive 74a Melksham Melchesham 74a

33 Alton in Figheldean Eltone 74b Hawcombe Wood Hauocumbe 75a Clyffe Pypard Clive, Sclive 74b Burton Bradstock Bridetone 75a Buttermere Butremare, Butremere 74b Bradpole Bratepolle 75a Barford St Martin Bereford 74b Knowlton Chenoltone 75a Bradenstoke Bradenestoch, Stoche 74b Dorchester Dorecestre 75a Chelworth in Cricklade Celewrde 74b Gillingham Gelingeham 75a Cricklade Crichelade 74b Bere Regis Bere 75a Deverill Devrel 74b Bridport Brideport 75a Alderbury Alwarberie, Alwaresberie 74b Wintreburne Wintreborne, Wintreburne 75a Westbury Wesberie 74b Shapwick Scapewic 75a Swindon Suindone 74b Wimborne St Giles Opewinburne, Winburne Burbage Buberge 74b 75a Edington Edendone 74b Wareham Warham 75a Thornhill Tornvele 74b Shipton Gorge Sepetone 75a Whitecliff Witeclive 74b Sutton Poyntz Sutone 75a Wolfhall Ulfela 74b Wimborne Minster Winborne, Winburne 75a Ratfyn Rotefeld, Rotefelde 74b Upper Widhill Widehille, Wildehille 74b Winfrith Newburgh Winfrode 75a North Tidworth Todeworde, Todewrde, East Lulworth, West Lulworth Loloworde, Todowrde 74b Luluorde 75a Shalbourne Saldeborne, Scaldeburne 74b Shaftesbury Sceptesberie 75a Smallbrook, Warminster Smalebroc 74b Puddletown Piretone, Pitretone 75a Lower Widhill Widehille, Wildehille 74b Pimperne Pinpre 75a Great Wishford Wicheford, Witford 74b Mappowder Mapertune, Mapledre 75a Draycot Cerne Draicote 74b Moor Crichel Chirce 75a Netheravon Nigraavra, Nigravre 74b Isle of Portland Porland 75a Huish Iwis 74b Purbeck Porbi 75a Harding Haredone 74b Cranborne Creneburne 75b East Grafton or West Grafton Graftone, Gras- Ibberton Abristetone 75b tone 74b Frome St Quintin Litelfrome 75b Hill Deverill Devrel 74b Edmondsham Amedesham, Medesham 75b Marten Martone, Mertone 74b Hampreston Hame 75b Langton Herring Langetone 75b Loders Lodres 75b 7 Dorset Charminster Cerminstre 75b Charborough Cereberie 75a Ashmore Aisemare 75b Frampton Frantone 75a Fleet Flete 75b Colber Colesberie 75a Dorchester Dorecestre 75b Chideock and North Chideock Cidihoc 75a Alton Pancras Altone 75b Charlton Marshall Cerletone 75a Chaldon Herring or East Chaldon Calvedone Child Okeford Acford 75a 75b Fordington Fortitone 75a Yetminster Etiminstre 75b Frome Frome 75a Up Cerne Obcerne 75b

34 Wimborne Minster Winborne, Winburne Leftisford in Cranborne Levetesford 77b 75b Coombe Keynes Comme, Cume 77b Wareham Warham 75b Langford in West Parley Langeford 77b Upwey Waia 75b Lyme Regis Lime, Lym 77b Watercombe Watrecome 75b Monkton up Wimborne Winburne 77b Witchampton Wichemetune 75b Buckland Newton Bochelande 77b Lyme Regis Lime, Lym 75b Bloxworth Blocheshorde 77b Tarrant Gunville Tarente, Terente 75b Gillingham Ingelingeham 77b Little Puddle Litelpidele, Litelpidre, Pidre 75b Affpuddle Affapidele 77b Melcombe, Bingham, Higher Melcombe Mel- Boveridge Bovehric 77b come, Melecome 75b Woodyates Odiete 77b Nutford Nodford, Nortforde 75b Radipole Retpole 77b Scetre Scetre 75b Tarrant Keyneston Tarente 77b Wimborne Minster Winborne, Winburne 76a Sturminster Newton Newentone 77b Hinton Martell Hinetone 76a Tarrant Crawford Tarente 77b Tarente Tarente 76a Tarrant Monkton Tarente 77b Bradford Abbas Bradeford 77a Odenham, Wimborne Minster Odeham 77b Chardstock, Devon Cerdestoche 77a Little Puddle Litelpidele, Litelpidre, Pidre 77b Buckham Bochenham 77a Piddletrenthide Pidrie 77b Bridport Brideport 77a Okeford Fitzpaine Adford 77b Cernel Cernel 77a Pentridge Pentric 77b Nether Compton and Over Compton Contone Preston, Tarrant Rushton Prestetune 77b 77a Hethfelton Elfatune, Hafeltone 78a Corscombe Coriescumbe, Coriscumbe, Milton Abbas Mideltune 78a Corscumbe 77a Littlebredy Litelbride 78a South Bowood Bovewode 77a Holworth Holuerde 78a Beaminster Beiminstre 77a Kimmeridge Cameric, Cuneliz 78a Athelhampton Pidele 77a Lyscombe Liscome 78a Bardolfeston in Puddletown Pidele 77a West Milton Mideltone 78a North Bowood Bovewode 77a Minterne Parva Cerne 78a Wintreburne Wintreburne 77a West Compton Contone 78a Stalbridge Staplebrige 77a Cattistock Stoche 78a Thornford Torneford 77a Long Bredy Langebride 78a Stalbridge Weston Westone 77a Abbotsbury Abedesberie 78a Stoke Abbott Stoche 77a Burleston Pidele 78a Wellwood Welle 77a Clyffe Clive 78a Milborne Port, Somerset Meleburne 77a Worgret Uergroh, Weregrote, Wiregrote 78a Sherborne Scireburne 77a Sydling St Nicholas Sidelince 78a Rampisham Ramesham 77a Woodsford Wardesford, Werdesford 78a Netherbury Niderberie 77a Winterborne Whitechurch Wintreburne 78a Oborne Wocburne 77a Symondsbury Simondesberge 78a Scipeleia Scipeleia 77a Whitcombe Widecome 78a Cerne Abbas Cerne, Cerneli 77b Winterbourne Abbas Wintreburne 78a

35 Woolland Winlande 78a Piddlehinton Pidele 78b Nettlecombe Netelcome 78a Melcombe, Bingham, Higher Melcombe Mel- Stockland, Devon Ertacomestoche 78a come, Melecome 78b Little Puddle Litelpidele, Litelpidre, Pidre 78a North Poorton Bourtone, Pouertone, Pourtone, Ower Ora 78a Powrtone 78b Osmington Osmentone 78a Purse Caundle Candel, Candele 78b Poxwell Pocheswelle 78a Sixpenny Handley Hanlege 78b Renscombe Romescumbe 78a Buckhorn Weston Westone 79a Frampton Frantone 78b Didlington Dedilintone 79a Fifehead St Quintin Fifhide 78b Child Okeford Acford 79a Fontmell Magna Fontemale 78b Chaldon Herring or East Chaldon Calvedone Farnham Ferneham, Fernham 78b 79a Compton Abbas Cuntone 78b Dewlish Devenis 79a Hilton Eltone 78b Forston, Herrison or Pulston Cerne, Cernel Iwerne Minster Euneminstre 78b 79a Kingston in Corfe Castle Chingestone 78b Godmanstone Cernel 79a Hinton St Mary Haintone 78b Bhompston Frome 79a Mapperton in Almer Mapledretone 78b Wintreburne Wintreburne 79a Askerswell Oscherwille 78b Hanford Hanford 79a Horton Hortune 78b Fleet Flete 79a Abbott’s Wootton Widetone 78b Winterborne Stickland Wintreburne 79a Gillingham Gelingham 78b Bere Regis Bere 79a Cheselbourne Ceseburne 78b Winfrith Newburgh Winfrode 79a Atrim Atrem 78b Puddletown Piretone, Pitretone 79a Bridport Brideport 78b Waddon Wadone 79a Burton Bradstock Bridetone 78b West Stafford Staford, Stanford 79a Bincombe Beincome 78b West Pulham Poleham 79a Wimborne Forest Winburne 78b Tarrant Launceston Tarente 79a Tolpuddle Pidele 78b Wey Broadwey, Upwey Wai, Waia 79a West Stour Sture 78b Holwell Halegewelle 79a Tarrant Hinton Tarente 78b Pidele Pidele 79a East Stour Sture 78b Philipston, Wimborne St Giles Winburne Stoke Wake Stoche 78b 79a Wareham Warham 78b Higher Nyland Iland, Inlande 79a Whitchurch Canonicorum Witcerce 78b Lower Nyland Iland, Inlande 79a Wimborne Minster Winborne, Winburne Piddlehinton Pidele 79a 78b Hooke Lahoc 79b Wareham Castle Warham 78b Mappowder Mapertune, Mapledre 79b Melbury Abbas Meleberie 78b East Lulworth, West Lulworth Loloworde, St Mary St Marie 78b Luluorde 79b Shilvinghampton Scilfemetune, Sevemetone, Langton Long Blandford Blaneford, Bleneford Silfemetone 78b 79b Portesham Portesham 78b Knighton In Durweston Deruinestone 79b

36 Littleton Liteltone 79b Littlemayne Maine 80a Mannington Manitone 79b Charmouth Cernemude 80a Matravers Lodram, Lodre 79b Catherston Leweston Cerneli 80a Melbury Osmond Melesberie 79b Afflington Alfrunetone, Alveronetune, Alvre- Hemsworth Hemedesworde, Hemedeswrde tone, Alvronetone 80a 79b Catsley Catselive 80a Creech, West Creech and East Creech Cric, Burstock Burewinestoch 80a Crist, Criz 79b Cerne Abbas Cerne, Cerneli 80a Brockington Brochemmtune 79b Wootton Fitzpaine Odetun, Wodetone 80a Bestwall Beastewelle 79b Tincleton Tincladene 80a Knowlton Chenoltune 79b Wareham Warham 80a Blandford St Mary and Lower Blandford St Trill Trelle 80a Mary Blaneforde, Bleneford, Bleneforde 79b Toller Whelme Tolre 80a Bryanston Blaneford, Bleneford 79b Tyneham Tigeham, Tingeham 80a Gussage All Saints Gessic 79b Warmwell Warmemoille, Warmewelle, Wool Welle, Wille 79b Warmwelle 80a Up Sydling Sidelince 79b South Perrott Pedret 80a Wintreburne Wintreborne, Wintreburne 79b Sturminster Marshall Sturminstre 80a Winburne Winburne 79b Stour Provost Stur 80a Wareham Warham 79b St Gabriel’s Stantone 80a Uploders Lodre 79b Shilvinghampton Scilfemetune, Sevemetone, Warmwell Warmemoille, Warmewelle, Silfemetone 80a Warmwelle 79b Steeple Stiple 80a Winterborne Muston Wintreburne 79b Stourton Caundle Candel, Candele, Candelle Witchampton Wichemetune 79b 80a East Morden, Morden Mordone, Mordune 79b Elworth Aleurde 80b Tyneham Tigeham, Tingeham 79b Kinson, Hampshire Chinestanestone 80b Studland Stollant 79b Lower Kingcombe Chimedecome 80b Stoborough Stanberge 79b Hiwes Hiwes 80b Pidele Pidele 79b Frome Vauchurch Frome 80b Moreton Mortune 79b Higher Kingcombe Chimedecome 80b Spetisbury Spehtesberie, Spesteberie 79b Kington Magna Chintone 80b East Stoke Stoches 79b Leigh in Wimborne Minster Lege 80b Sydling St Nicholas Sidelince 79b Lytchett Matravers Lichet 80b Church Knowle Chenolle, Cnolle, Glole 80a Long Crichel Chirce, Circel 80b Fifehead Magdalen Fifhide 80a Canford Magna Cheneford 80b Corton Corfetone 80a Blandford St Mary and Lower Blandford St Clifton Maybank Clistone 80a Mary Blaneforde, Bleneford, Bleneforde 80b Corscombe Coriescumbe, Coriscumbe, Gillingham Gelingham 80b Corscumbe 80a Allington Adelingtone 80b Creech, West Creech and East Creech Cric, Bradford Peverell Bradeford 80b Crist, Criz 80a Corfe Mullen Corf 80b Ilsington Elsangtone 80a Wynford Eagle Wenfrot 80b

37 Stoke Wallis, Whitchurch Canonicorum Ash Aisse 82a Stoche, Stoches 80b Church Knowle Chenolle, Cnolle, Glole 82a Wimborne Minster Winborne, Winburne Dudsbury Dodesberie 82a 80b Worgret Uergroh, Weregrote, Wiregrote 82a Thornton Torentone 80b Sutton Waldron Sudtone 82a Swyre Suere 80b Wintreburne Wintreburne 82a Terente Terente 80b Winterborne Houghton Wintreburne 82a Wareham Warham 80b Todber Todeberie 82a Woolcombe, Melbury Bubb Wellecome 80b Winterborne Muston, Winterborne Tomson Mapperton near Beaminster Malperetone, Wintreburne 82a Maperetone 80b Little Woolgarston, Woolgarston Orgarestone Ranston Iwerne 80b 82a North Poorton Bourtone, Pouertone, Pourtone, Rushton Ristone 82a Powrtone 80b Stourton Caundle Candel, Candele, Candelle Higher Nyland Iland, Inlande 80b 82a Mappowder Mapertune, Mapledre 80b Spetisbury Spehtesberie, Spesteberie 82a Melbury Osmond Melesberie 80b Silton Seltone 82a Lower Nyland Iland, Inlande 80b Sherborne Scireburne 82a Povington Povintone 80b Smedmore Metmore 82a Stepleton Werne 81b Stock Gaylard Stoches 82a Mapperton near Beaminster Malperetone, Coombe Keynes Comme, Cume 82b Maperetone 81b Langton Long Blandford Blaneford, Bleneford Hammoon Hame 81b 82b Chilfrome Frome 81b Herston Herestone, Herstune 82b West Chelborough Celberge 81b Gold Hill Hille 82b Cruxton Frome 81b Hampreston Hame 82b Little Windsor Windresorie 81b East Holme Holne 82b East Pulham Poleham 81b Maiden Newton Newetone 82b Glanvilles Wootton Widetone 82a Melbury Bubb Meleberie 82b West Knighton, Near Dorchester Chenistetone Church Knowle Chenolle, Cnolle, Glole 82b 82a Bredy Bridie 82b Kimmeridge Cameric, Cuneliz 82a West Bexington Bessintone 82b Hethfelton Elfatune, Hafeltone 82a Afflington Alfrunetone, Alveronetune, Alvre- East Holton Holtone 82a tone, Alvronetone 82b Kington, Little Kington and Kington Magna East Bexington Bessintone 82b Chintone 82a Blandford St Mary and Lower Blandford St Manston Manestone 82a Mary Blaneforde, Bleneford, Bleneforde 82b Milton on Stour Mideltone, Miltetone 82a East Chelborough Celberge 82b Fifehead Neville Fifhide 82a Wyndham Windelham 82b Creech, West Creech and East Creech Cric, Tarrant Gunville Tarente, Terente 82b Crist, Criz 82a Worth Matravers Orde, Wirde, Wrde 82b Afflington Alfrunetone, Alveronetune, Alvre- Waterston, Lower Waterston Pidere 82b tone, Alvronetone 82a Toller Fratrum, Toller Porcorum Tolre 82b

38 Turnworth Torneworde 82b North Poorton Bourtone, Pouertone, Pourtone, Whitecliff Witeclive 82b Powrtone 83a Wraxall Brocheshale 82b Rushton Ristone 83a Milborne St Andrew Meleburne 82b Frome Whitfield Frome 83b Stubhampton Stibemetune 82b East Morden, Morden Mordone, Mordune 83b Rollington Ragintone 82b Martinstown Wintreburne 83b North Poorton Bourtone, Pouertone, Pourtone, Hampreston Hame 83b Powrtone 82b Graston Gravstan 83b East Morden, Morden Mordone, Mordune 82b Langton Herring Langetone 83b Owermoigne Ogre 82b Matravers Lodram, Lodre 83b Powerstock Pourestoch 82b Puncknowle Pomacanole 83b Selavestune Selavestune 82b Quarleston Wintreburne 83b Durweston Deruinestone, Derwinestone 83a Farnham Ferneham, Fernham 83b East Lulworth, West Lulworth Loloworde, Little Cheselbourne, Puddletown Ceoselburne Luluorde 83a 83b Hemsworth Hemedesworde, Hemedeswrde Buckland Ripers Bocheland 83b 83a Bere Regis Bere 83b Edmondsham Amedesham, Medesham 83a Bridge Brigam, Brige 83b West Chaldon 83b Farnham Ferneham, Fernham 83a Celvedune Durweston Deruinestone, Derwinestone 83b Hethfelton Elfatune, Hafeltone 83a Wintreburne Wintreborne, Wintreburne 83b Milborne Stileham Meleborne, Meleburne 83a Tatton Tatentone, Tatetun 83b Moorbath Mordaat 83a Winterborne Houghton Wintreburne 83b Long Crichel Chirce, Circel 83a Wey Broadwey, Upwey Wai, Waia 83b Chettle Ceotel 83a Turners Puddle Pidele 83b Bridge Brigam, Brige 83a Warmwell Warmemoille, Warmewelle, Bradle Bradelege 83a Warmwelle 83b Cernel Cernel 83a Wimborne St Giles Opewinburne, Winburne Compton Valence Contone 83a 83b Wootton Fitzpaine Odetun, Wodetone 83a Winterborne Muston Wintreburne 83b Stinsford Stincteford, Stiteford 83a Ringstead Ringestede 83b Tyneham Tigeham, Tingeham 83a Tarrant Rawston Tarente 83b Tarrant Rawston Tarente 83a Tarente Tarente 83b Stourpaine Sture 83a Higher Sturthill Sterte 83b Stourton Caundle Candel, Candele, Candelle Rushton Ristone 83b 83a West Stafford Staford, Stanford 83b Tatton Tatentone, Tatetun 83a Lower Sturthill Sterte 83b Waia Waia 83a Tarrant Gunville Tarente, Terente 83b Mosterton Mortestorne 83a Hampreston Hame 84a Shillingstone Alford 83a Mappowder Mapertune, Mapledre 84a Ringstead Ringestede 83a Lazerton Werne 84a Petersham Petrishesham, Pitrichesham 83a Kington Magna Chintone 84a West Parley Perlai 83a Hurpston Herpere 84a

39 Langton Long Blandford Blaneford, Bleneford Milborne Stileham Meleborne, Meleburne 84b 84a Lower Kingcombe Chimedecome 84b Lewell Lewelle, Liwelle 84a Moreton Mortune 84b Melbury Bubb, Melbury Osmond Meleberie Chilcombe Ciltecome 84b 84a Bridge Brigam, Brige 84b Milton on Stour Mideltone, Miltetone 84a Bovington Bovintone 84b Creech, West Creech and East Creech Cric, Ailwood Aleoude 84b Crist, Criz 84a Gillingham Gelingeham 84b Chickerell Cicherelle 84a Blackmanston Blachemanestone 84b Blandford St Mary and Lower Blandford St Briantspuddle Pidele 84b Mary Blaneforde, Bleneford, Bleneforde 84a Bryanston Blaneford, Bleneford 84b Worth Matravers Orde, Wirde, Wrde 84a Worgret Uergroh, Weregrote, Wiregrote 84b Gillingham Gelingeham 84a Tyneham Tigeham, Tingeham 84b Acton Tacatone 84a Wool Welle, Wille 84b Brenscombe Brunescume 84a Winterborne Kingston Wintreburne 84b Great Crawford in Spetisbury Craueford 84a Waddon Wadone 84b Wintreburne Wintreborne, Wintreburne 84a Uploders Lodre 84b Thornicombe Tornecome 84a Winterborne Belet Wintreburne 84b Winterborne Houghton Wintreburne 84a Wintreburne Wintreborne, Wintreburne 84b Wilksworth Wedechesworde 84a Woolcombe, Toller Porcorum Wellacome, Wey Broadwey, Upwey Wai, Waia 84a Wilecome 84b Walford, Plympton St Mary Walteford 84a Pilsdon Pilesdone 84b Wilkswood Wilceswde, Wilchesode 84a Studley’, Whitchurch Canonicorum Slitlege, Wimborne St Giles Opewinburne, Winburne Stodlege 84b 84a Stoke Wallis, Whitchurch Canonicorum Winterborne Kingston Wintreburne 84a Stoche, Stoches 84b East Morden, Morden Mordone, Mordune 84a Shilvinghampton Scilfemetune, Sevemetone, Thornhill Tornehelle 84a Silfemetone 84b Swanage Sonwic, Swanwic 84a Ringstead Ringestede 84b Plumber Plumbere 84a Purse Caundle Candel, Candele 84b West Orchard Horcerd 84a Rushton Ristone 84b East Orchard Horcerd 84a Stinsford Stincteford, Stiteford 84b Petersham Petrishesham, Pitrichesham 84a Stourton Caundle Candel, Candele, Candelle Rushton Ristone 84a 84b Thorne, Langton Matravers Torne 84a Moulham, Swanage Moleham 85a East Holme Holne 84b Higher Bockhampton Bochehamtone 85a Frome Billet in West Stafford Frome 84b Broadwindsor Windesore 85a Galton Galtone, Gaveltone 84b Herston Herestone, Herstune 85a Corscombe Coriescumbe, Coriscumbe, Lyme Regis Lime, Lym 85a Corscumbe 84b Galton Galtone, Gaveltone 85a Coombe in Langton Matravers Come 84b Lower Bockhampton Bochehamtone 85a Higher Kingcombe Chimedecome 84b Afflington Alfrunetone, Alveronetune, Alvre- Lewell Lewelle, Liwelle 84b tone, Alvronetone 85a

40 Woodstreet Windestorte 85a Westowe Waistou, Westou 86b Nutford Nodford, Nortforde 85a North Petherton Nordperet, Nordpereth, Nort Swanage Sonwic, Swanwic 85a Peret, Peret, Peretune 86b Wimborne St Giles Opewinburne, Winburne Monksilver Selve, Selvere, Selvre 86b 85a Torrel’s Preston, Milverton Prestetune, Presti- Winterborne Muston Wintreburne 85a tone 86b Woodsford Wardesford, Werdesford 85a Williton Welletone, Welletune, Willetone 86b Winterborne Monkton Wintreburne 85a Dulverton Dolvertone, Dolvertune 86b Walditch Waldic 85a Milborne Port Meleburne, Mileburne 86b Stourpaine Sture 85a Langford Budville Langeford 86b Ilchester Givelcestre 86b Kilmington, Wiltshire Chelmetone, Cilemetone 8 Somerset 86b Langport Langeport, Langporth, Lanport, Lan- Curry Rivel Churi, Curi 86a porth 86b Axbridge Aissebrige, Alsebruge 86a Bruton Cricket St Thomas Cruche 86a Brauetone, Briweton, Briwetone, Brume- 87a Cheddar Ceder, Cedre 86a tone Somerton Sumertone 86a Nether Compton or Over Compton, Dorset Wedmore Wedmore, Wetmore 86a Contone 87a Deadman’s Well in Broomfield Denesmod- North Coker and East Coker Cocre 87a eswelle 86a Chewton Mendip Ciwetune 87a North Petherton Nordperet, Nordpereth, Nort West Coker and East Coker Cocre 87a Peret, Peret, Peretune 86a Congresbury Congresberie, Cungresberie 87a Lower Stratton, Over Stratton Stratone 86a Corton Denham Corfetone 87a South Petherton Sudperet, Sudperetone 86a Belluton Beletone, Belgetone 87a Langport Langeport, Langporth, Lanport, Lan- Bath Bada, Bade 87a porth 86a Frome Frome 87a Cannington Candetone, Cantetone 86b Axbridge Aissebrige, Alsebruge 87a Creech St Michael Crice 86b Batheaston Estone 87a Carhampton Carentone, Caretone 86b Stanton Drew Stantone 87a Capton Capintone 86b Martock Mertoch 87a Old Cleeve Clive 86b Pitney Petenie 87a Crewkerne Cruche 86b Milverton Milvertone, Milvertune 87a North Curry Nortcuri 86b Milborne Port Meleburne, Mileburne 87a Bruton Brauetone, Briweton, Briwetone, Brume- Mudford, West Mudford, Upper Mudford tone 86b Mudiford, Mundiford 87a Bedminster in Bristol Beiminstre 86b Queen Camel Camel 87a Frome Frome 86b Lower Easthams Estham 87a Brushford Brigeford 86b Langport Langeport, Langporth, Lanport, Lan- Nettlecombe Netelcube 86b porth 87a Brompton Regis Brunetone, Burnetone 86b Ilchester Givelcestre 87a Winsford Winesford 86b Hardington Mandeville Hardintone 87a Milverton Milvertone, Milvertune 86b Henstridge Hengesterich, Hesterige 87a

41 Keynsham Cainesham 87a Clewer Cliveware 88a Chaffcombe Caffecome 87b Clapton in Gordano Clotune 88a Hele Hela, Hele 87b Butcombe Budicome 88a Crewkerne Cruche 87b Claverham Cliveham 88a Upper Cheddon Opecedre, Ubcedene 87b Culbone Chetenore 88a Cheddon Fitzpaine Cedre, Succedene 87b Easton-in-Gordano Estone 88a Chilcompton Contone, Contune 87b Bath Bada, Bade 88a West Dowlish, Dowlish Wake and Dowlish Backwell Bacoile 88a Doules 87b Clutton Clutone 88a Hillfarrance Hilla, Hille 87b Ashcombe Aisecome 88a Hiscombe in West Coker Hasecumbe, Hetsec- Kenn Chen 88a ome 87b Barrow Gurney Berue 88a Bradford-on-Tone Bradeford, Bradeforde 87b Withycombe Widicumbe 88a West Bagborough Bageberge, Baweberga 87b Portishead Porteshe[...] 88a Exton Essetune 87b Wilmersham Winemeresham 88a Heathfield Hafella 87b Timsbury Temesbare, Timesberie 88a Halse Halsa 87b Saltford Sanford 88a Nettlecombe Netecube 87b Weston, Gordano Westone 88a Ford Laford 87b Winterhead Wintreth 88a Bleadon Bledone 87b Elborough Eleberie, Lilebere 88a Tolland Talanda, Talham 87b Norton Malreward Nortone 88a Rodney Stoke Stoches 87b Havyatt Atigete 88a Templecombe Come 87b Farmborough Ferenberge 88a Stoke St Mary Stocha, Stoche 87b East Harptree Harpetreu 88a Seaborough, Dorset Alia Seveberge, Seveberge Hutton Hotune, Hutone 88a 87b Compton Dando Contone 88b Salisbury, Wiltshire Sarisberiam 87b Hemington Hamintone, Hamitone 88b Shopnoller Scobindare 87b Freshford Firford 88b Taunton Tantone 87b Englishcombe Engliscome 88b Thorent, Milborne Port Tornie 87b Hardington Hardintone 88b Leigh, Chapel Leigh, Pyleigh, West Leigh, Ly- Keyford Caivel 88b deard St Lawrence Lega 87b Langridge Lancheris 88b Rimpton Rintone 87b Bathwick in Bath Wiche 88b Pitminster Pipeminstre 87b Long Ashton Estune 88b East Nynehead, Nynehead Nichehede 87b Woolley Wilege 88b Maidenbrook Maidenobroche 87b Foxcote Fuscote 88b Lydeard St Lawrence Lidiard 87b Wraxall Werecosale 88b Norton Fitzwarren Nortone 87b Babington Babingtone 88b Oake Acha, Ache 87b Winford Wenfre 88b Rich’s Holford, Treble’s Holford Holeford, Rode Rode 88b Holeforde 87b Tellisford Tablesford 88b Bishopsworth in Bristol Bicheurde, Biscopewrde Lower Swainswick Wiche 88b 88a Stratton-on-the- Fosse Stratone, Stretone 88b

42 Upper Swainswick Wiche 88b Winsham Winesham 89b Twerton, Bath Twerton 88b Ash Priors Aissa, Aixa, Aixe 89b Lullington Loligtone 88b Woodwick, Freshford Undewiche 89b Radstock Stoche 88b Priston Prisctone 89b Pitcote Picote 88b Westbury-Sub-Mendip Westberie 89b Middlecote, Mells Millescote 88b Wedmore Wedmore, Wetmore 89b Orchardleigh Horcerlei 88b Stanton Prior Stantone 89b Portbury Porberie 88b Wanstrow Wandestreu 89b Chard Cerdre 89a Wemberham Waimora 89b Farrington Gurney Ferentone 89a Weston near Bath Westone 89b Combe St Nicholas Cumbe 89a Congresbury Congresberie, Cungresberie 89b Emborough Amelberge 89a Monkton Combe Cume 89b Hallatrow Helgetreu 89a Lyncombe in Bath Lincume 89b West Harptree Harpetreu, Herpetreu 89a Evercreech Evrecriz 89b Cameley Camelei 89a Corston Corstune 89b Bath Bada, Bade 89a Eversy in Dunkerton Evestie 89b Stowell Stanwelle 89a Milverton Milvertone, Milvertune 89b Wellington Walintone 89a Stawell Stawelle 90a Bishops Lydeard Lediart, Lidegar 89a Andersey in Cheddar Ederesige 90a Wiveliscombe Wivelescome 89a Winscombe Winescome 90a Ston Easton Estone 89a Sutton Mallet Sutone 90a Weathergrove, Dorset Weregrave 89a Walton near Glastonbury Waltone 90a Stony Littleton Liteltone 89a Woolavington Hunlavintone 90a Upton Noble Opetone 89a Ashcott Aissecote 90a Wells Welle 89a Blackford near Wincanton Blacheford 90a Kingsbury Episcopi Chingesberie 89a Shepton Mallet Sepetone 90a Newton St Loe Niwetone 89a Pedwell Pedewelle 90a High Littleton Liteltone 89a Shapwick Sapeswich 90a Kingston Seymour Chingestone 89a Glastonbury Glastonbere 90a Litnes, Huish Episcopi Litelande 89a Pilton Piltone 90a Midgell Megele 89a Panborough Wadeneberie 90a Banwell Banwelle 89b Podimore Mideltone 90a Bishops Lydeard Lediart, Lidegar 89b Middlezoy, Weston Zoyland Sowi 90a Batheaston Estone 89b Edington Edwinetone 90a Bath Bada, Bade 89b East Lydford Lideford 90a Bathampton Hantone 89b Lattiford Lodreford 90a Bathford Forde 89b Greinton Graintone 90a Charlcombe Cerlecume 89b High Ham and Low Ham near Street Hame Chew Magna Chiwe 89b 90a Ashwick Escewiche 89b Leigh, Lower Leigh, Mid Leigh, Over Leigh, Yatton Iatune 89b Street Lega 90a Wilmington Wimedone 89b Meare Mere 90a Litton Litune 89b Butleigh Bodechelie, Bodeslege, Boduchelei 90a

43 Durborough Dereberge 90a Lyng Lege 91a Croscombe Coristone 90a Frome Frome 91a Compton Dundon Contone 90a Ashill Aisselle 91a Catcott Caldecote 90a Drayton Draitone 91a Chilton Polden Ceptone 90a Ilton Atiltone 91a Cossington Cosintone 90a Thorney Torlere 91a Dundon Dondeme 90a Long Sutton Sutone, Sutune 91a East Pennard Pennarminstre 90b Muchelney Michelenie 91a Lamyatt Lamieta 90b Stoke sub Hamdon Stoca, Stoche, Stochet 91a Mells Mulle 90b Seavington Abbots Seovenamentone 91a West Monkton Monechetone 90b Northover, Ilchester aecclesiam Sancti Andreae, Marksbury Mercesberie 90b aecclesiam Sancti Andree de Givelcestre 91a Hornblotton Horblawetone 90b Puriton Peritone 91a Edingworth Lodenwrde 90b Stogumber Warverdinestoch 91a Pylle Pille 90b Stratton-on-the- Fosse Stratone, Stretone 91a Westcombe Westcumbe 90b Hiscombe in West Coker Hasecumbe, Hetsec- Wrington Weritone 90b ome 91a Whatley near Frome Watelei 90b Milborne Port Meleburne, Mileburne 91a Tintinhull Tintehalle, Tutenelle 90b Limington Limingtone, Limintone 91a Camerton Camelertone 90b Ilminster Ileminstre 91a Batcombe Batecumbe 90b Hutton Hotune, Hutone 91a Pilton Piltone 90b Ilchester Givelcestre 91a Alhampton Alentone 90b Isle Abbotts Ile 91a Baltonsborough Baltunesberge 90b Midelney Midelenie 91a North Wootton Utone 90b Chelwood Celeworde, Cellewert 91b Dinnington Dinnitone 90b Curry Rivel Churi, Curi 91b Downhead Dunehefde 90b Cricket St Thomas Cruche 91b Brent, East Brent and Brent Knoll Brentemerse Combwich Comich, Commiz 91b 90b Compton Durville Contitone, Contune 91b Cranmore Crenemelle 90b Crowcombe Crawecumbe 91b Doulting Doltin 90b Henstridge Hengesterich, Hesterige 91b Ditcheat Dicesget 90b Holnicote Honecote, Hunecote 91b Charlton in Shepton Mallet Cerletone 90b Carhampton Carentone, Caretone 91b Bossington Bosintone, Bosintune 91a Belluton Beletone, Belgetone 91b Draycott in Limington Draicote, Dreicote 91a Aller in Sampford Brett Alre 91b Chipstable Cipestaple 91a Tetton Tedintone 91b West Camel Camelle 91a Abbots Leigh Lege 91b Butleigh Bodechelie, Bodeslege, Boduchelei 91a Beere Bera 91b Cathanger Cathangre 91a Cannington Candetone, Cantetone 91b Crewkerne Cruche 91a Whitestaunton Stantune 91b Elborough Eleberie, Lilebere 91a North Petherton Nordperet, Nordpereth, Nort Hamp Hame 91a Peret, Peret, Peretune 91b Abbas Combe Cumbe 91a Shepton Beauchamp Sceptone 91b

44 Sampford Brett Sanford 91b Lower Easthams Estham 92a South Petherton Sudperet, Sudperetone 91b East Harptree Harpetreu 92a Ridgehill Ragiol 91b Langport Langeport, Langporth, Lanport, Lan- Seavington St Mary Sevenehantune 91b porth 92a Tintinhull Tintehalle, Tutenelle 91b Middle Chinnock Cinioch 92b Isle Brewers Ile, Isle 91b Cucklington Cocintone 92b North Newton, West Newton Newentone, Cloford Claford 92b Newetone, Newetune, Niwetone 91b Chiselborough Ceolseberge 92b Loxton Lochestone 91b West Chinnock Cinioch 92b Lexworthy Lecheswrde 91b Clapton in Cucklington Clopetone 92b Kilmersdon Chenemeresdone 91b Closworth Clovewrde 92b Kingweston Chinwardestune 91b Eckweek Ecewiche 92b Lopen Lopen, Lopene, Loptone 91b Foddington Fedintone, Fodindone 92b Milverton Milvertone, Milvertune 91b East Chinnock Cinioch 92b Bickenhall Bichehalle 92a Carlingcott Credelincote 92b Crewkerne Cruche 92a North Barrow Berrowene, Berue 92b South Bradon Bredene 92a Alford Aldedeford 92b Bradford-on-Tone Bradeford, Bradeforde 92a Ford Eford 92b North Bradon Bredde, Brede 92a Babcary Babachan, Babecari 92b Brompton Regis Brunetone, Burnetone 92a South Barrow Berrowene, Berue 92b Cricket Malherbie Cruchet 92a Charlton Adam Cerletone 92b Curry Rivel Churi, Curi 92a Yarlington Gerlintune 92b Beer Crocombe Bere 92a Redlynch Roliz 92b Appley Apelie, Appelie 92a Weston Bampfylde Westone 92b Brushford Brucheforde 92a Sutton Montis Sutone 92b Ashill Aiselle 92a Stoke Trister Stoche 92b Broadway Bradewie 92a Shepton Montague Sceptone 92b Kingstone Chingestone 92a Stoney Stoke Stoche 92b Ashbrittle Aisse 92a Taunton Tantone 92b Torrel’s Preston, Milverton Prestetune, Presti- Woolston, North Cadbury Ufetone, Ultone tone 92a 92b Montacute Montagud 92a Goathill Dorset Gatelme 92b Thornfalcon Torne 92a North Perrott Peret 92b Stoke sub Hamdon Stoca, Stoche, Stochet 92a Odcombe Udecome 92b Staple Fitzpaine Staple 92a Norton Fitzwarren Nortone 92b Steart Esturt 92a Hele Hela, Hele 92b Swell Sewelle 92a Keinton Mandeville Chintone, Chintune 92b Thurlbear Torlaberie 92a Norton sub Hamdon Nortone 92b Donyatt Doniet 92a Pendomer Penne 92b Merriott Meriet 92a Clayhill Claihelle 93a Hatch Beauchamp Hache 92a Hemington Hamintone, Hamitone 93a Greenham Grindeham 92a Hadworthy Hateware 93a Draycott in Limington Draicote, Dreicote 92a Currypool Curiepol 93a

45 Curry Mallet Curi 93a Kilve Clive 93b Gothelney Godelege 93a Huish in Nettlecombe Hewis 93b Hardington Hardintone 93a Knowle St Giles Chenolle 93b Houndstone Hundestone 93a Dodisham, Cannington Dudesham 93b Kolgrimr’s Land Terra Colgrin 93a Chilton Trivett Cildetone 93b Chilton Trinity Cildetone, Cilletone 93a Blackmore Blachemore 93b Charlynch Cerdesling 93a Alwine’s Land Terra Aluuini 93b Appley Apelie, Appelie 93a Aisholt Terra Olta 93b Waldron Wuerontone 93a Ashway Ascwei 93b Perry Peri 93a Broford Broford 93b Adber, Dorset Ateberie, Etesberie, Ettebere Coleford Coleford, Colforde 93b 93a Worth, Cudworth Worde 93b Bishopstone in Montacute Biscopeston, Biscope- Lower Vexford Fescheforde 93b stone 93a Theodric’s Land Terra Teodrici 93b Chilthorne, Chilthorne Domer or Chilthorne Higher Vexford Fescheforde 93b Vagg Cilterne 93a Swang Suindune 93b Yeovil Givele, Ivle 93a Stringston Strenegestone, Strengestune 93b Poyntington, Dorset Ponditone 93a Weacombe Waicome 93b Thorne Coffin Torne 93a Withiel Widiete 93b Shearston Siredestone 93a Woolstone, Stogursey Ulwardestone 93b Rexworthy Rachedeworde 93a Westowe Waistou, Westou 93b Purse Caundle, Dorset Candel 93a Lopen Lopen, Lopene, Loptone 93b Rime Rime 93a Stockland, Bristol Stocheland 93b Sock Dennis Soche 93a Puckington Pochintune 93b Trent, Dorset Trente 93a Pillock, Cannington Pilloch 93b Lufton Lochetone 93a Pardlestone Perlestone 93b Porlock Portloc 93a Monksilver Selve, Selvere, Selvre 93b Otterhampton Otramestone, Otremetone 93a Petherham, Otterhampton Perredeham 93b Mudford, West Mudford, Upper Mudford Pixton Potesdone 93b Mudiford, Mundiford 93a Radlet Radeflot, Radeflote 93b Milborne Port Meleburne, Mileburne 93a Doverhay Dovri 94a Marston Magna Merstone 93a Bruton Brauetone, Briweton, Briwetone, Brume- Montacute Montagud 93a tone 94a North Newton, West Newton Newentone, Combe in Withycombe Cumbe 94a Newetone, Newetune, Niwetone 93a Cheddar Ceder, Cedre 94a Pightley Puchelege 93a South Brewham Briweham 94a Higher Hill and Low Hill Hille 93b North Brewham Briweham 94a Emble Imele 93b Downscombe Donescumbe 94a Halsway Halsweie 93b Enmore Animere 94a Eleigh Illege 93b Exford Aisseford, Aisseforde 94a Edstock in Cannington Ichetoche 93b Earnshill Ernesel, Erneshele 94a Holcombe in Aisholt Holecumbe 93b Fairoak Ecferdintone 94a Idson Edevestone 93b Witham Friary Witeham 94a

46 Drayton Draitone 94a Halse Halse 94b White Ox Mead Witochesmede 94a Sydenham Sideham 94b Ashington Essentone 94a Barrington Barintone 94b Blaxhold Blachesale 94a Whitelackington Wislagetone 94b Aller in Carhampton Alre 94a Raddington Radingetune 94b Bagley in Stoke Pero Bagelie 94a Timberscombe Timbrecumbe 94b Barton St David Bertone, Bertune 94a Sutton Bingham Sutone 94b Almsworthy in Exford Edmundesworde 94a Sandford, Wembdon Sanford 94b Tolland Talanda, Talham 94a Skilgate Scheligate 94b Shipham Sipeham 94a Long Sutton Sutone, Sutune 94b Ponteside Panteshede 94a Tuxwell Tocheswelle 94b Sampford Arundel Sanford 94a Huish Champflower Hiwis 94b Rich’s Holford, Treble’s Holford Holeford, Penselwood Penne 94b Holeforde 94a Mudford Sock Soche 94b Oake Acha, Ache 94a Marston Bigot Mersitone 94b Moortown Lamore 94a Kittisford Chedesford 94b Standerwick Stalrewiche 94a Lyde, Yeovil Eslide 94b Stone, Exford Estone 94a Milton, Skilgate Mildetune 94b Thorne St Margaret Torne 94a North Newton, West Newton Newentone, Stoke Pero Stoche 94a Newetone, Newetune, Niwetone 94b Farleigh Hungerford Ferlege 94a Bawdrip Bagetrepe 95a Holnicote Honecote, Hunecote 94a Bridgwater Brugie 95a Gilcott in Withycombe Gildenecote 94a Bratton Seymour Broctune 95a Holne in Holnicote Holme 94a West Bower Bur, Bure 95a Fivehead Fifhide 94a East Bower Bur, Bure 95a Milverton Milvertone, Milvertune 94a Bradney Bredenie 95a Keinton Mandeville Chintone, Chintune 94a Brean Brien 95a Limington Limingtone, Limintone 94a Bruton Brauetone, Briweton, Briwetone, Brume- Littleton in Compton Dundon Liteltone 94a tone 95a Lexworthy Lecheswrde 94a Burnham-on-Sea Burneham 95a Berkley Berchelei 94b South Barrow Berrowene, Berue 95a Cudworth Cudeworde 94b Badgworth Bagewerre 95a Cheddon Fitzpaine Cedre, Succedene 94b Alston Sutton Alnodestone 95a Cary Fitzpaine Cari 94b Walpole Wallepille 95a Brympton D’Evercy Brunetone 94b Horsey Hursi 95a Charlton Mackrell Cerletune 94b Allerton Alwarditone 95a Upper Cheddon Opecedre, Ubcedene 94b Ansford Almundesford 95a Durston Destone 94b North Barrow Berrowene, Berue 95a Halswell Hasewelle 94b Yarnfield, Wiltshire Gernefelle 95a Beckington Bechintone 94b Pawlett Pauelet 95a Ash Priors Aissa, Aixa, Aixe 94b Wincanton Wincaletone 95a Perry Peri 94b Weare, Lower Weare Werre 95a Fiddington Fitintone 94b Stretcholt Stragelle 95a

47 Sparkford Spercheforde 95a Huish in burnham-on-sea Hiwis 95b Tarnock Ternoc 95a Coleford Coleford, Colforde 96a Wembdon Wadmendune 95a Leigh in Milverton Lege 96a Worle Worle 95a Holford near Nether Stowey Holeford 96a Castle Cary Cari 95a Elworthy Elwrde 96a Milton, Weston-Super-Mare Middeltone, Midel- Combe Sydenham Come 96a tone 95a Hartrow Haretreu 96a Ilchester Givelcestre 95a Knowle, Timberscombe Ernole 96a East Huntspill Honspil, Hunespil 95a Luxborough Lolochesberie 96a Crook in Bawdrip Cruce 95a East Lydeard Lidiard 96a Chapel Allerton and Stone Allerton Alwardi- Chubworthy Cibewrde 96a tone 95a West Bagborough Bageberge, Baweberga 96a Dunwear Doneham 95a Kilton Chilvetune 96a West Huntspill Honspil, Hunespil 95a Broomfield Brunfelle 96a Melcombe Melecome 95a Bratton Bratone 96a Alcombe Aucome 95b Heathfield Herfeld 96a Brown in Treborough Brune 95b Allercott Alvrenecote 96a Broadwood Bradewrde 95b Bathealton Badeheltone 96a Aley Ailgi 95b Woolston, Bicknoller Ulvretune 96a Aville Avena 95b Shortmansford Sordemaneford 96a Brompton Ralph Burnetone 95b Willett Willett 96a Chilcompton Contone, Contune 95b Torweston Turvestone 96a Clatworthy Clateurde 95b Stoke St Mary Stocha, Stoche 96a Adsborough Tetesberge 95b Stocklinch St Magdalen Stoche 96a Street Strate 95b Old Stowey Staweit 96a Bickham Bichecome 95b Watchet Wacet 96a Alstone Alsistune 95b Williton Welletone, Welletune, Willetone 96a Langham Langeham 95b Manworthy in Milverton Maneworde 96a Adber, Dorset Ateberie, Etesberie, Ettebere Runnington Runetone 96a 95b Poleshill Pouselle 96a Staunton Stantune 95b Newton, Bicknoller Niwetune 96a West Huntspill Honspil, Hunespil 95b East Myne Mene 96a Seaberton, Stogursey Sedtametone 95b West Myne Mene 96a Minehead Maneheve 95b Oaktrow Wochetreu 96a Leigh in Winsham Lege 95b West Quantoxhead Cantocheve 96a North Quarme Coarme 95b South Brewham Briweham 96b Shurton Stochelande 95b Chilton Cantelo Citerne 96b Cutcombe Udecome 95b North Cheriton Ciretone, Ciretune 96b East Huntspill Honspil, Hunespil 95b Carhampton Carentone, Caretone 96b West Harptree Harpetreu, Herpetreu 95b South Cheriton Cherintone 96b Eckweek Ecewiche 95b Hinton Blewett Hantone 96b Dunster Torre 95b Hinton St George Hantone 96b Exford Aisseford, Aisseforde 95b North Brewham Briweham 96b

48 West Bagborough Bageberge, Baweberga 96b Preston Bowyer Prestetone 97a Newhall Neuhalle 96b North Petherton Nordperet, Nordpereth, Nort Laverton Lauretone 96b Peret, Peret, Peretune 97a Oare Are 96b Monksilver Selve, Selvere, Selvre 97a Beggearn Huish Hewis 96b Otterhampton Otramestone, Otremetone 97a Yeovilton Geveltone 96b Plainsfield Planesfelle 97a Tickenham Ticheham 96b Radlet Radeflot, Radeflote 97a Wootton Courtenay Otone 96b North Cheriton Ciretone, Ciretune 97b Whatley, Winsham Watelege 96b Dunkerton Duncretone 97b Walton, Gordano Waltone 96b Clapton and Higher Clapton, Maperton Clop- Woodspring Worspring 96b tone 97b Yeovil Givele, Ivle 96b Chew Stoke Stoche 97b Horsington Horstenetone 96b Chillyhill Cilele 97b Stowey, Oare Stawei 96b Compton Pauncefoot Cuntone 97b Stockland, Bristol Stocheland 96b Eastrip in Bruton Estrope, Storpe 97b Nunney Noivn 96b Goathurst Gahers 97b East Quantoxhead Cantocheheve 96b South Cadbury Sudcadeberie 97b Stogursey Stoche 96b Bruton Brauetone, Briweton, Briwetone, Brume- Charlton Musgrove Cerletone 97a tone 97b Isle Brewers Ile, Isle 97a Blackford near Wincanton Blacheford 97b Dyche Leding 97a Oakley Achelai 97b Chelwood Celeworde, Cellewert 97a Aldwick Alduic 97b Combwich Comich, Commiz 97a Blagdon Blachedone 97b Huntworth Hunteworde 97a North Cadbury Cadeberie 97b Leigh in Old Cleeve Lege 97a Woolston, North Cadbury Ufetone, Ultone Luccombe Locumbe 97a 97b Carhampton Carentone, Caretone 97a Quantock Cantoche 97b East Bower Bur, Bure 97a Witham Friary Witeham 97b Allerford Alresford 97a Wanstrow Wandestreu 97b Alfoxton Alfagestone 97a Syndercombe, Clatworthy Reservoir Sinder- Aller near Langport Alre 97a come 97b Bossington Bosintone, Bosintune 97a Uphill Opopille 97b West Bower Bur, Bure 97a Weston Bampfylde Westone 97b Woolmersdon Ulmerestone 97a Wltune Wltune 97b Rodhuish Radehewis 97a Hillfarrance Hilla, Hille 97b Stringston Strenegestone, Strengestune 97a Pitcombe Pidecome 97b Stawley Stawei 97a Martock Mertoch 97b Selworthy Seleurde 97a Luckington Lochintone 97b Spaxton Spachestone 97a Little Keyford Chaivert 97b Nether Stowey Stalwei 97a Maperton Malpertone 97b Treborough Traberge 97a Merridge Malrige 97b Marsh Mills Mulselle 97a Great Elm Telwe 98a Rapps Epse 97a Knowle, Bristol Canole 98a

49 Kewstoke Chiwestoch 98a North Newton, West Newton Newentone, Hinton Charterhouse Hantone 98a Newetone, Newetune, Niwetone 98b Kilmington, Wiltshire Chelmetone, Cilemetone Honibere Herdeneberie 98b 98a Merriott Meriet 98b Lovington Lovintune 98a Lytescary Curi 98b Luccombe Locumbe 98a Lilstock Lulestoch 98b Compton Martin Contone 98a Huntstile Hustille 98b Chelvey Calviche 98a Lopen Lopen, Lopene, Loptone 98b Woodborough Ubeberge 98a Melcombe Melecome 98b Wheathill Watehelle 98a Milton, Weston-Super-Mare Middeltone, Midel- Bath Bada, Bade 98a tone 98b Clevedon Clivedone 98a Cannington Candetone, Cantetone 98b Weston near Bath Westone 98a Hay Street Haia 98b Ridgehill Ragiol 98a Earnshill Ernesel, Erneshele 98b Tickenham Ticheham 98a Dulverton Dolvertone, Dolvertune 98b Ston Easton Estone 98a Chilton Trinity Cildetone, Cilletone 98b Capland 98b Rodden Reddene 98a Capilande Curry Rivel Churi, Curi 98b Stone, Mudford Stane 98a Durleigh Derlege 98b Ubley Tumbeli 98a Goosebradon Brade 98b Matthew Chelvey Carme 98a Cannington Candetone, Cantetone 99a Mudford, West Mudford, Upper Mudford Draycott in Rodney Stoke Draicote 99a Mudiford, Mundiford 98a Crandon Grenedone 99a Milton Clevedon Mideltune 98a Claverton Claftertone 99a Moreton, Chew Valley Lake Mortone 98a Chew Stoke Stoche 99a Norton St Philip Nortune 98a Combe Hay Cume 99a Wearne Warne 98b Discove Dinescove 99a East Bower 98b Bur, Bure Eastrip in Bruton Estrope, Storpe 99a Withypool Widepolle 98b Foddington Fedintone, Fodindone 99a Wigborough Wincheberie 98b Buckland Dinham Bochelande 99a Wellisford Wilesforde 98b Batheaston Estone 99a Winsford Winesford 98b Adber, Dorset Ateberie, Etesberie, Ettebere Barton St David Bertone, Bertune 98b 99a West Bower Bur, Bure 98b Dinnington Dunintone 99a Buckland St Mary Bocheland, Bochelande 98b Holton Altone 99a Walton, Kilmersdon Waltune 98b Babcary Babachan, Babecari 99a St Michael Church Michaeliscerce 98b Brockley Brochelie 99a Seavington St Michael Sevenemetone 98b Writhlington Writelinctone 99a Pignes, Bridgwater Pegens 98b Scepeworde Scepeworde 99a Perry Peri 98b Tuxwell Tocheswelle 99a Pitcote Picote 98b Tadwick Tatewiche 99a Siwoldestone Siwoldestone 98b Lower Swainswick Wiche 99a Ston Easton Estone 98b Stocklinch Ottersey Stoche 99a

50 Upper Swainswick Wiche 99a Diptford Depeforde 100b Timsbury Temesbare, Timesberie 99a Fardel Ferdendel, Ferdendelle 100b Warleigh Herlei 99a Hartland Hertitone 100b Haselbury Plucknett Halberge 99a Ermington Ermentone 100b Sandford Orcas, Dorset Sanford 99a Kenton Chentone 100b Preston Plucknett Prestetone 99a Blackawton Auetone 100b West Lydford Lideford 99a Axminster Alseminstre 100b Hawkwell Hauechewelle 99a West Alvington Alvintone 100b Knowle, Shepton Montague Chenolle 99a Farleigh Ferlie 100b Otterhampton Otramestone, Otremetone 99a Bampton Badentone 100b Rode Rode 99a Tiverton Tivretone 100b East Ash in South Tawton Aisse 100b Axmouth Alsemude 100b 9 Devon Yealmpton Elintone 100b Charlton, Upottery Cheletone, Cherletone Undercleave Odesclive 100b 100a Little Torrington Liteltorelande, Torintone, Filleigh Filelei, Filelie 100a Toritone 100b Exeter Execestre, Exonia 100a Trebeigh, Cornwall Trebichen 100b Exminster Aisseminstre, Axeminstre, Es- South Tawton Tauestone, Tauetone 100b seminstre 100a Sutton, Plymouth Sudtone 100b Hemyock Hamihoch 100a Walkhampton Wachetone 100b Honiton near Axminster Honetone 100a Wonford, Exeter Wenford 100b East Budleigh Bodelie 100a Woodbury Wodeberie 100b Barnstaple Barnestapla, Barnestaple 100a Witheridge Wirige 100b Axminster Alseminstre 100a Kings Tamerton in Plymouth Tanbretone Braunton Bracton, Brantone 100a 100b York Eboracum 100a Sherford near Kingsbridge Sireford 100b Ringedone Ringedone 100a North Molton Nortmoltone 100b North Tawton Tauetone, Tawetone 100a Ludbrook, Higher Ludbrook Lodebroc, Lude- Silverton Sulfretone 100a broch 100b Smallridge Smarige, Smaurige 100a Landinner, Cornwall Lanliner 100b Totnes Totenais, Totheneis 100a Kingskerswell Carsewelle 100b Kingsteignton Teintone 100a Lifton Listone 100b Rawridge Rouerige, Rourige 100a Maker, Cornwall Macretone 100b Membury Maiberie, Maneberie 100a Plympton Plintone 100b Lydford Lideford, Lideforde, Tideford 100a Broadclyst Clistone 101a South Molton Sudmoltone 100a Kilmington Chenemetone 101a Dinnaton Altera Dunitone, Dunintone, Duni- Halwill Halgewelle 101a tone 100b Colaton Raleigh Coletone 101a Colyton Culitone 100b Clovelly Clovelie 101a Deneworthy in Membury Deneord 100b Exeter Execestre, Exonia 101a Chillington Cedelintone 100b Holsworthy Haldeword 101a Broadaford Bradeford 100b King’s Nympton Nimetone 101a

51 Langford in Ugborough Langeford 101a Winkleigh Wincheleie 101b Bradstone Bradestone 101a Morchard Bishop Morchet 101b Higher Blackpool, Lower Blackpool Blachepole Stoke Canon Stoche 101b 101a St Marychurch Aecclesia Sanctae Mariæ, Sanctæ Bideford Bedeford 101a Mariæ Cerce 101b Beaford Baverdone 101a Newton St Cyres Niwetone 101b Alphington in Exeter Alfintone 101a Staverton Sovretone 101b High Bickington Bichentone 101a Tawstock Tauestoch, Tauestoche 101b Black Torrington Torintone 101a Halberton Alsbretone, Halsbretone 101b Higher Blackpool, Middle Blackpool Blachep- Lapford Slapeford 101b ole 101a Ide Ide 101b Whitford Witeford 101a Holcombe Burnell Holecumbe 101b Pinhoe Pinnoch 101a Haxton Haustone 101b Totnes Totenais, Totheneis 101a Iddesleigh Edeslege, Iweslei 101b Tawstock Tauestoch, Tauestoche 101a Irishcombe Eruescome 101b Shebbear Sepesberie 101a Brungarstone Brungarstone 102a West Putford Podiford, Poteford, Poteforde, Branscombe Branchescome 102a Pudeforde 101a Brightston in Clyst Honiton Bedricestan Spitchwick Spicewite 101a 102a Topsham Topeshant 101a Little Bovey Adonebovi 102a Werrington, Cornwall Ulvredintone 101a Bovey Tracey Bovi 102a Langtree Langetreu 101a Buckland Filleigh Bocheland 102a Northlew Leuia 101a Clyst St Mary Cliste 102a Moretonhampstead Mortone 101a Coryton Coriton 102a Molland near West Anstey Mollande 101a Chudleigh Knighton Chenistetone 102a Littleham near Bideford Liteham 101a Dittisham Didasham 102a Littlehempston Hamestone, Hamistone 101a Ashburton Essebretone 102a Morebath Morbade 101a Merton Mertone 102a Nimete Nimete 101a Sidbury Sideberie 102a Bishopsteignton Tantone 101b Horton Hortone 102a Dawlish Doules 101b Bondleigh Bolenei 102a Crediton Critetone 101b Ashwater Aisse 102a Bratton Fleming Braton, Bratone, Brotone Barnstaple Barnestapla, Barnestaple 102a 101b Bishop’s Nympton Nimetone 102a Bury Berie 101b Great Barlington or Middle Barlington Culmstock Culmestoche 101b Baldrintone, Beldrendiland 102a Down St Mary Done, Ulwardesdone 101b Worlington, Instow Uluretone 102a Exeter Execestre, Exonia 101b Scobitor Scabatore 102a Bishop’s Tawton Tautone 101b Roborough Raweberge 102a Benton Botintone 101b Salcombe Regis Selcome 102a Ashprington Aisbertone 101b Pullabrook Polebroch 102a Langley Aisse 101b Paignton Peintone 102a High Bickington Bichentone 101b Slapton Sladone 102a

52 Warmhill Wermehel 102a Whitefield, Challacombe Witefelle 102b Woolleigh, Bovey Tracey Uluelei 102a Whitefield, High Bray Witefelle 102b Talaton Taletone 102a Warcombe, Higher Warcombe Warcome Elsford Eilauesford 102a 102b Hartleigh Herlege 102a Metcombe Metcome 102b Fremington Framintone 102a Nymet Tracey Limet 102b Hamsworthy Hermodesword 102a West Middleton Middeltone 102b Exeter Execestre, Exonia 102a Northcote Norcote 102b Huish in Instow Torsewis 102a East Middleton Middeltone 102b Hatherleigh in Bovey Tracey Harlei 102a Plaistow Pleistou 102b Henscott Engestecote 102a Patchole Patsole 102b Horwood Horewod, Horewode 102a Pilland Pillande, Welland 102b Hawkmoor Hauocmore 102a Pilton Wiltone 102b West Down Dune 102b Pickwell Wedicheswelle 102b Buscombe Burietescome 102b Stoodleigh near Oakford Stodlei, Stollei 103a Coldridge Colrige 102b Up Exe Ulpesse 103a Challacombe Celdecome 102b Thelbridge Talebrige 103a East Buckland near South Molton Bocheland Tapeley Tapelie 103a 102b Sutcombe Sutecome 103a Bridwick Breduiche 102b Teigncombe Taincome 103a Gratton Gretedone 102b Thorne Torne 103a Hele in Ilfracombe Hela 102b Welcombe Walcome 103a Killington Cheneoltone 102b East Worlington near Witheridge Uluredintune East Hagginton Hagetone, Hagintone 102b 103a Martinhoe Matingeho 102b Spurway Sprewe 103a Barnstaple Barnestapla, Barnestaple 102b Sourton Surintone 103a Higher Aylescott Eileuescote 102b Peadhill Pedehel 103a Lower Aylescott Eileuescote 102b Rowley Rodelie 103a South Aller in South Molton Alre 102b Molland near West Anstey Mollande 103a Bremridge Bremerige 102b Rewe Rewe 103a Beara Charter Bera 102b Sowton Clis 103a Bray in South Molton Brai 102b Milford, Stowford Meleford 103a High Bray and Little Bray near Stoke Rivers Crealy Crauelech 103a Braia 102b Loxbeare Lochesbere 103a Braunton Bracton, Brantone 102b Farway Farewei 103a Winsham Wenneham 102b Cruwys Morchard Morceth, Morchet 103a Varley, Marwood Fallei 102b Lower Creedy Credie, Cridie 103a West Stowford, West Down Staueford 102b Nether Exe Niresse 103a Trentishoe Trendesholt 102b Kimworthy Chemeworde 103a Stoodleigh, West Buckland Stodlei, Stotlege Middlewick Wiche 103a 102b West Anstey Anestige 103a Raleigh Radelie 102b North Coombe or South Coombe in Templeton Wallover Waleurde 102b Come 103a

53 Celvertesberie Celvertesberie 103a Heathfield Hetfeld 104a Brampford Speke Branford, Branfortune, Bren- Littleham near Exmouth Liteham 104a ford 103a South Brent Brenta, Brente 104a Bittadon Bedendone 103a Beer near Seaton Bera 104a West Bradley Bradelie 103a Abbotskerswell Carsuelle 104a East Buckland near South Molton Bocheland Abbots Ash Aisse 104a 103a Lower Ashton Aiserstone 104a Chagford Cageford, Chageford 103a Braunton Bracton, Brantone 104a Denbury Deueneberie 103b Yarcombe Herticome 104a Great Houndtor Hundatore 103b Rawridge Rouerige, Rourige 104a Exeter Execestre, Exonia 103b Trusham Trisma 104a Down St Mary Done, Ulwardesdone 103b Sidmouth Sedemude 104a Hatherleigh near Okehampton Adrelie 103b Seaton Flueta 104a Langage Langehewis 103b Swimbridge Birige 104a Leigh in Milton Lege 103b Umberleigh Umberlei 104a Coffinswell Welle 103b Loosebeare Losbere 104a Canonteign Teigne 103b Ottery St Mary Otrei 104a Ash in Petrockstow Aisse 103b Norton, Churchstow Notone 104a Abbotsham Hame 103b South Molton Sudmoltone 104a Burrington near Chulmleigh Bernintone Northam Northam 104a 103b Otterton Otritone 104a Charlton, Upottery Cheletone, Cherletone Farringdon Ferentone, Ferhendone 104b 103b Holbrook Colebroch, Holebroch 104b Zeal Monachorum Limet 103b Hareston Harestane 104b Ruston Rinestanedone 103b Galsworthy Galeshore 104b Higher Worthygate Wrdiete 103b Frithelstock Fredelestoch 104b Thornbury near Holsworthy Torneberie Gidleigh Chiderleia 104b 103b Hewis Hewis 104b Tavistock Tavestoc 103b Honiton near Axminster Honetone 104b Uplyme Lim 103b Landeshers Landeshers 104b Lower Worthygate Wrdiete 103b Exeter Execestre, Exonia 104b Liddaton Lideltone, Liteltone 103b Culleigh Colelie 104b Romansleigh Liege 103b Buckland Brewer Bocheland 104b Polsloe, Exeter Polesleuge, Poleslewe 103b Alwington Alwinetone 104b Petrockstowe Petrochestou 103b East Anstey Anestige, Anestinge 104b Milton Abbot Middeltone 103b Bulkworthy Buchesworde 104b Plymstock Plemestoch 103b East Densham, Higher Densham or Lower Den- Raddon, Thorverton Radone, Redone 103b sham Dimewoldesham, Doneuoldehame 104b Buckfast Bucfestre 104a Wyke near Crediton Wiche 104b Exeter Execestre, Exonia 104a Shobrooke near Crediton Sotebroch 104b Cullompton Colitone 104a Winston Winestane 104b Charford Chereford 104a Stowford, Colaton Raleigh Staford 104b Dennington Donitone 104a Stochelie Stochelie 104b

54 Smytham Smitheham 104b Harford Hereford 105a Stockleigh, Highampton Stochelie 104b Modbury Mortberie, Motbilie 105a Little Torrington Liteltorelande, Torintone, Bridestowe Bridestou 105b Toritone 104b Curscombe Cochalescome 105b Womberford, Cotleigh Wiburde 104b Chichacott Cicecote 105b Ludbrook, Higher Ludbrook Lodebroc, Lude- Broadaford Bradeford 105b broch 104b Higher Cheriton and Lower Cheriton, Payhem- Rockbeare Rochebere 104b bury Cherletone 105b East Putford Potiforde 104b Chitterley Chiderlie 105b Northleigh Lege 104b Dinnaton Altera Dunitone, Dunintone, Duni- Lupridge Loperige, Luperige 104b tone 105b Monkleigh Lege 104b Ermington Ermentone 105b Poughill Pocheelle, Pochehille 104b Bratton Clovelly Bratone 105b West Raddon, Shobrooke Ratdone 104b Bolberry Boltesberie, Boteberie 105b Broadhempston Hamistone 105a Bickleigh near Silverton Bichelie 105b Crockers Hele and Friars Hele Hele 105a Barnstaple Barnestapla, Barnestaple 105b Cornwood Cornehude 105a Batson Badestane 105b Buckland in Thurlestone Bocheland 105a Boasley Boslie 105b Clyst St Lawrence Clist 105a Bowcombe Cume 105b Cotleigh Cotelie 105a Venn Fen 105b Croyde Crideholde 105a Okehampton Ochementone 105b Denscombe Donicestone 105a Thornbury, Drewsteignton Turneberie 105b Bratton Fleming Braton, Bratone, Brotone Shilston Silvestene 105b 105a Great Orcheton Orcartone 105b Bigbury Bicheberie 105a Little Orcheton Orcartone 105b Alwinestone Alwinestone 105a Spriddlescombe, Higher Spriddlescombe Alverdiscott Alveredescote 105a Combe 105b Bere Ferrers Birland 105a Torpeek Pech 105b Bolberry Boltesberie, Boteberie 105a Exeter Execestre, Exonia 105b Wedfield Widefelle 105a Modbury Mortberie, Motbilie 105b Spriddlestone Spredelestone 105a Lipson, Plymouth Lisistone 105b Torridge, Plympton St Mary Tori, Torix 105a Honicknowle, Plymouth Hanechelole 105b Stockleigh, Meeth Stochelie 105a Fardel Ferdendel, Ferdendelle 105b St Marychurch Aecclesia Sanctae Mariæ, Sanctæ Hollowcombe in Ermington Holescome 105b Mariæ Cerce 105a Kenn Chent 105b Stockleigh English Stochelie 105a Ludbrook, Higher Ludbrook Lodebroc, Lude- Tattiscombe Totescome 105a broch 105b Wederige Wederige 105a Germansweek Wiche 106a Feniton Finetone 105a Honeychurch Honecherde 106a Newton Ferrers Niwetone 105a Heanton Satchville Hantone 106a Matford Madford, Matford 105a Lower Gorhuish Gohewis 106a Hareston Harestane 105a Higher Gorhuish Gohewis 106a Frizenham Friseham 105a Guscott in Bratton Clovelly Godescote 106a

55 Highampton Hanitone 106a East Beere, Great Beere and Little Beere in Inwardleigh Lege 106a North Tawton Bera 106b Kelly Chenleie 106a Appledore in Clannaborough Apledore 106b Exbourne Echeburne, Hechesburne 106a Ashford Aisseford 106b Dunsland Donesland 106a Barnstaple Barnestapla, Barnestaple 106b Brixton in Broadwood Kelly Bristanestone Beetor Begatore 106b 106a Brushford Brigeford, Brisforde 106b Belstone Belestham 106a Woolleigh, Beaford Uluelie 106b Ashmansworthy Essemundehord 106a Meeth Meda 106b Bradford near Cookbury Bradeford 106a Walson Limet 106b Broadwood Kelly Bradehode 106a Shirwell Ascerewelle, Sirewelle 106b Dunterton Dondritone 106a Nymet Rowland Limet 106b Yarnscombe Herlescome, Hernescome 106a Mockham Mogescome 106b Great Potheridge Porrige 106a Shapley, Chagford Scapelie 106b Warson Wadelescote 106a North Tawton Tauetone, Tawetone 106b Stockleigh In Meeth Stochelie 106a Wembworthy Mameorde 106b Sampford Courtenay Sanford 106a Halse Hax 106b Little Potheridge Porrige 106a Mamhead Mammeheve, Manneheve 106b Sedborough Sedeborge, Seteberge 106a East Leigh, East Leigh, Coldridge Liege 106b Little Torrington Liteltorelande, Torintone, Kenn Chent 106b Toritone 106a Heanton Punchardon Hantone 106b Woolladon Oladone 106a Helescane Helescane 106b Kigbeare Cacheberge 106a Landcross Lanchers 106b Parkham Percheham 106a Loxhore, Lower Loxhore Locheshore, Lochesore Higher Oak Acha 106a 106b Middlecott, Broadwood Kelly Mildecote, Ashclyst Clist 107a Mildelcote 106a Filleigh Filelei, Filelie 107a Lashbrook Lochebroc 106a Clyst Hydon Clist 107a Lewtrenchard Lewe 106a Blakewell Blachewelle 107a Monkokehampton Monuchementone 106a Blackborough Blacheberge, Blacheberie 107a Lower Oak Acha 106a Braunton Bracton, Brantone 107a Burston Limet 106b West Clyst Cliste 107a George Teign Teigne 106b Fursham Fierseham 107a Dolton Dweltone, Oueltone 106b Hockworthy Hocheorde, Hocoorde 107a Chawleigh Caluelie 106b West Anstey Anestige 107a Charles Carmes 106b Yarde, Ilfracombe Laierda 107a Clannaborough Cloenesberg 106b Whimple Winple 107a Exeter Execestre, Exonia 106b Ringcombe Ringedone 107a Greenslade Gherneslete 106b Snydles Smidelie 107a West Hagginton Haintone 106b Whitstone Wadestan 107a West Buckland near South Molton Bocheland Aller in Kentisbeare Alre, Aura 107a 106b Ponsford Pantesford 107a Broadnymett Limet 106b North Lobb, Lobb Loba, Lobe 107a

56 Polsloe, Exeter Polesleuge, Poleslewe 107a Rockbeare Rochebere 107b North Newton, South Newton, Chittlehampton Oldridge Walderige 107b Neutone 107a Martin Mertone 107b Middle Marwood Merehode, Merode 107a Maidencombe Medenecome 107b Monk Culm, Silverton Colun 107a Melhuish Melewis 107b Payhembury Hanberie, Henberie 107a Ringmore, Shaldon St Nicholas Rumor 107b Poltimore Pontimore, Pultimore 107a Ford in Musbury Forde 108a Holcombe Rogus Holecome 107a Musbury Musberie 108a Lincombe Lincome 107a Manaton Magnetone, Manitone 108a Langford in Cullompton Langeford 107a Hennock Hanoch 108a Kentisbury Chentesberie 107a Haccombe Hacome 108a Ilfracombe Alfreincome 107a Langstone Langestan 108a Kentisbeare Chentesbere 107a Meshaw Mauessart 108a Kingsford Chinnesford 107a Neadon, Manaton Benedone 108a Larkbeare Laurochebere 107a Petecote Petecote 108a Culm Pyne Colun 107b Eltemetone Eltemetone 108a Exwick in Exeter Essoic 107b Chulmleigh Calmonleuge 108a Higher Eggbeer Eigebere 107b Chettiscombe Chetelescome 108a Dotton Otrit 107b Aylesbeare Eilesberge 108a Drewsteignton Taintone 107b Cheldon Cadeledone, Cheledone 108a Lower Eggbeer Eigebere 107b Chevithorne Chenetorne, Chiveorne 108a Great Fulford Foleford 107b Creacombe near Witheridge Crawecome 108a Hittisleigh Hiteneslei 107b Yard, Rose Ash Hierde 108a Cowick in Exeter Coic 107b Thorncombe Dorset Tornecome 108a Bridford Bredeford, Brideford 107b Woodburn Odeburne 108a Bolham Water Boleham 107b Wilson Welingedinge 108a Clifford Cliford 107b Whitestone Witestan 108a Bernardsmoor in Silverton Bernardesmore Whiteway Witewei 108a 107b Wolborough Ulueberie 108a Brampford Speke Branford, Branfortune, Bren- Worthy Ordie 108a ford 107b Rackenford Rachenefode 108a Clayhidon Hidone 107b Teigngrace Taigne 108a Whitestone Witestan 107b East Tapps Ause 108a Higher Rocombe, Lower Rocombe Rachun, Sellake Selac 108a Racome, Racumbe 107b Rockbeare Rochebere 108a Teignharvey Taine 107b Rose Ash Aisse 108a Spreyton Spreitone 107b Sparkwell Sperchewelle 108a Higher Rocombe, Lower Rocombe Rachun, West Tapps Ause 108a Racome, Racumbe 107b Broadwoodwidger Bradewode 108b Rushford Risford 107b Great Englebourne or Key’s Englebourne En- Tedburn St Mary Teteborne, Teteburne 107b gleborne 108b Uppacott Opecote 107b Combpyne Come 108b Hole in Clayhidon Holne 107b Clawton Clauetone 108b

57 Colwell Colewille 108b Brixham Briseham 109a Downicary Kari 108b Woolston Ulsistone 109a Exeter Execestre, Exonia 108b Lupton Lochetone 109a Lydford Lideford, Lideforde, Tideford 108b Sorley Surlei 109a Bradaford Bradeford 108b Shiphay Coletone 109a Barnstaple Barnestapla, Barnestaple 108b West Portlemouth Porlemute 109a Alreford Alreford 108b South Pool Pole 109a Moor More 108b Poulston Polochestone 109a Ashleigh Aisselie 108b Soar Sure 109a Beer in Offwell Collebere 108b Thurlestone Torlestan 109a Wilmington Wilelmitone, Willelmetone 108b Henford Hindeford 109a Stedcombe Stotecome 108b Loventor Lovenetorne 109a Tillislow Tornelowe 108b Littlehempston Hamestone, Hamistone 109a Tetcott Tetecote 108b East Leigh, East Leigh, Harberton Lege 109a Sydenham Damerel Sidelham 108b South Huish near Thurlestone Hewis 109a Sydenham, Marystow Sidreham 108b North Huish near Diptford Hewis 109a Thrushelton Tresetone 108b Ilton Eddetone 109a Totnes Totenais, Totheneis 108b Lidemore Lidemore 109a Mary Tavy Tavi 108b Loddiswell Lodeswille 109a Smallicombe Smelecome 108b Compton, Plymouth Contone 109b Pyworthy Paorde 108b Lambside Lamesete 109b Offwell Offewille 108b Follaton Foletone 109b Norton, Broadwoodwidger Nortone 108b Down Thomas Done 109b West Prawle Prenla 108b Eggbuckland in Plymouth Bocheland 109b Raddon, Marystow Ratdone 108b Ford in Chivelstone Forde 109b Collaton Coletone 109a East Leigh, East Leigh, Modbury Lege 109b Churston Ferrers Cercetone 109a Leuricestone Leuricestone 109b Coleton Coletone 109a Coleridge, Plymouth Colrige 109b West Charleton Cheletone 109a Chittleburn Chichelesberie 109b East Charleton Cheletone 109a Burrington, Plymouth Buretone 109b Combe Fishacre Cumbe 109a Blachford Blacheurde 109b Cornworthy Corneorde 109a Brixton near Yealmpton Brisestone 109b Curtisknowle Cortescanole 109a Butterford Botreforde, Butreforde 109b Combe in South Pool Cumbe 109a Chivelstone Cheveletone 109b Galmpton near Thurlestone Walementone West Worthele Ordihelle 109b 109a Stadbury Stotberie 109b Broadley Bradelie 109a Wollaton Ulvevetone 109b Bridford Bredeford, Brideford 109a Weston, Plymouth Westone 109b North Bovey Bovi 109a Staddiscombe Stotescome 109b Alston Alwinestone 109a Stancombe Stancome 109b South Allington Alintone 109a Whitleigh, Plymouth Witelie 109b Bagton Bachedone 109a East Worthele Ordihelle 109b Bradford in Pyworthy Bradeford 109a Malston Mellestone 109b

58 East Sherford, West Sherford, Plymouth Sire- Combeinteignhead Cumbe 110b ford 109b Colebrook Colebroche 110b Okenbury Ocheneberie 109b Countisbury Contesberie 110b Membland Mimidlande 109b Hewise Hewise 110b Manadon, Plymouth Manedone 109b West Ilkerton Crintone 110b Meavy Goodameavy, Hoo Meavy, Meavy Ivedon Otri, Otrie 110b Mewi 109b Buckland in Combeinteignhead Bocheland Mutley, Plymouth Modlei 109b 110b Ringmore near Bigbury Reimore 109b Bradninch Bradenese 110b Elfordleigh Lege 110a Badgworthy in Brendon Bicheordin 110b Halwell Hagewile 110a Ash in Braunton Essa 110b Fernhill in Shaugh Prior Fernehelle 110a Puddington Potitone 110b Exeter Execestre, Exonia 110a Awliscombe Aulescome, Holescome, Holes- Exminster Aisseminstre, Axeminstre, Es- cumbe, Horescome, Orescome 110b seminstre 110a Bradford Tracy in Witheridge Bradeford 110b Haccombe Hacome 110a Buckland in Braunton Bocheland 110b Holland Houelande 110a Yowlestone Aedelstan 110b Hooe Ho 110a Rapshayes Otri 110b Eastleigh Lei 110a Whimple Winple 110b Clayhanger Clehangre 110a Toredone Toredone 110b Brixton in Shaugh Prior Brictricestone 110a Higher Rocombe, Lower Rocombe Rachun, Baccamore Alia Bachemore, Bachemore 110a Racome, Racumbe 110b North Buckland, Braunton Bocheland 110a Higher Rocombe, Lower Rocombe Rachun, Coldstone Coltrestan 110a Racome, Racumbe 110b Woolacombe Wellecome, Wolnecome 110a Tedburn St Mary Teteborne, Teteburne 110b Shaugh Prior Scage 110a Weston, Awliscombe Otri 110b Walford, Plympton St Mary Waliforde 110a Whipton, Exeter Wipletone 110b Torridge, Plympton St Mary Tori, Torix 110a East Lyn Line 110b Shillingford Abbot Selingeforde 110a North Radworthy, South Radworthy, North Staddon Stotdone 110a Molton Raordin 110b Virworthy Fereordin, Fereurde 110a Oakford Alforde 110b Woodford Alia Odeford, Odeford 110a Membury Maiberie, Maneberie 110b Huntshaw Huneseue 110a Lynton Lintone 110b West Putford Podiford, Poteford, Poteforde, West Lyn Line 110b Pudeforde 110a Mackham Madescame 110b Matford Madford, Matford 110a Mildon Mildedone 110b Langdon Langedone 110a Pirzwell Pissewelle 110b Instaple Essastaple 110a Bradford in Witheridge Bradeford 111a Loughtor Lochetore 110a Dean Prior Dene 111a Pithill Pidehel 110a Dart in Cadeleigh Derte 111a Cadeleigh Cadelie 110b Cockington Cochintone 111a East Ilkerton Crintone 110b Cadbury Cadebirie 111a Cruwys Morchard Morceth, Morchet 110b Combe Martin Cumbe 111a

59 Dartington Dertrintone 111a Bickleigh near Plymouth Bichelie 111b East Densham, Higher Densham or Lower Den- Challonsleigh Lege 111b sham Dimewoldesham, Doneuoldehame 111a Battisford Botesforde 111b Dewdon in widecombe in the moor Deptone Stoodleigh, West Buckland Stodlei, Stotlege 111a 111b Blagrove Blachegrave 111a Woolfardisworthy near Witheridge Ul- Beare in East Worlington Bere 111a faldeshodes 111b Assecote Assecote 111a Uffculme Offecome 111b Bowley Bouelie 111a Sutreworde Sutreworde 111b Churchill Cercelle 111a Whitestone Witestan 111b Axminster Alseminstre 111a Worth Worde 111b Beaworthy Begeurde 111a Hollacombe in Kentisbury Holecome 111b East Worlington near Witheridge Olurintone West Spurway Esprewei 111b 111a Little Rackenford Litelracheneford 111b Radworthy, Challacombe Radeode 111a Knowstone Chenudestane, Chenuestan 111b Stoke Rivers Stoche 111a Kerswell in Hockworthy Cressewalde 111b Southleigh Lege 111a Powderham Poldreham 111b Rattery Ratreu 111a Sampford Spiney Sanford 111b Shirwell Ascerewelle, Sirewelle 111a Bywood Biude 112a Stoke, Holne Stoche 111a Craze Lowman Lonmele 112a Washford Pyne Waford, Wasforde, Wesford Combe Raleigh Otri 112a 111a Canonsleigh Leige 112a Great Englebourne or Key’s Englebourne En- Coleridge, Stokenham Colrige 112a gleborne 111a Coombe in Uplowman Come 112a Pedley Pidelige 111a Drayford Draheford 112a Melbury Meleberie 111a Exeter Execestre, Exonia 112a Holne Holle 111a Buckland-tout-Saints Bocheland, Bochelande Furze Ferse 111a 112a Harbourneford Erberneforde 111a Brampford Speke Branford, Branfortune, Bren- Luscombe Loscume 111a ford 112a Parracombe Pedrecumbe 111a Bere Bere 112a Dipford Depeforde 111b Appledore in Burlescombe Suraple 112a Goosewell Gosewelle 111b Ayshford Aisseford 112a Exminster Aisseminstre, Axeminstre, Es- Boehill Bihede 112a seminstre 111b Broadhembury Hamberie, Hanberie 112a Dunsford Dunesford 111b Woodcombe Wodicome 112a Farwood Forhode 111b West Raddon, Shobrooke Ratdone 112a East Hagginton Hagetone, Hagintone 111b Washford Pyne Waford, Wasforde, Wesford Hockworthy Hocheorde, Hocoorde 111b 112a Dart Raffe Derte 111b Sydeham Sideham 112a Buckland Monachorum Bocheland 111b Shapcombe Cobecume, Scobecome 112a Berrynarbor Hurtesberie 111b Stoke Fleming Stoch 112a Bampton Baentone 111b Townstall Dunestal 112a

60 Withycombe Raleigh Widecome 112a Lower Newton, Man’s Newton, Zeal Monacho- Goodrington Godrintone 112a rum Newentone, Niwetone 112b Murley Morlei 112a Cookbury Wick Wiche 113a Luppitt Lovapit 112a Hazard Haroldesore 113a Kidwell in Uplowman Cadewile 112a Goodleigh Godelege 113a Greenway Grenowei 112a Flete Flutes 113a Hetfelle Hetfelle 112a Farway Farewei 113a Leonard Lannor, Limor 112a Gidcott Gildescote 113a Mohun’s Ottery Otri 112a Halstow in Woodleigh Haletreu 113a Dodscott Dodecote 112b Herstanhaia Herstanhaia 113a Hampson Nimet 112b Lupridge Loperige, Luperige 113a Gittisham Gidesham 112b Collacombe Colecome 113a Dowland Dwelande 112b Bickham Bichecome 113a Fenacre Wennacre 112b Barnstaple Barnestapla, Barnestaple 113a Goodcott Godevecote 112b North Backstone, East Backstone Bachestane 113a Huish near Dolton Hiwis, Iwis 112b West Backstone, East Backstone Bachestane Iddesleigh Edeslege, Iweslei 112b 113a Coombe in Uplowman Come 112b Beenleigh Beuleie 113a Chetelescote Chetelescote 112b Buckland-tout-Saints Bocheland, Bochelande Brushford Brigeford, Brisforde 112b 113a Ash Thomas Disa 112b Woodleigh Odelie 113a Awliscombe Aulescome, Holescome, Holes- Ulestanecote Ulestanecote 113a cumbe, Horescome, Orescome 112b Widey, Plymouth Wide 113a Burlescombe 112b Berlescome Whitleigh, Plymouth Witelie 113a Ciclet Ciclet 112b Westleigh near Bideford Weslege 113a Woodbeare Widebere 112b Washbourne Waseborne 113a North Pool Pole 112b Whitefield, Marwood Witefelle 113a Virworthy Fereordin, Fereurde 112b Whitnage Witenes 113a Uplowman Lonmine, Oplomie, Oppelaume Willestrew Wilauestreu 113a 112b Lympstone Levestone 113a Riddlecombe Ridelcome 112b Thuborough Teweberie 113a Shobrooke, Morchard Bishop Schipebroc Sampford Peverell Sanforde 113a 112b Milton Damerel Mideltone 113a Villavin Fedaven 112b East Manley Maenelege 113a Wolfin Nimet 112b Marwood Mereude 113a Instow Iohannestou 112b Ottery, Lamerton Odetreu 113a Nichols Nymet Nimet 112b Stoke, Plymouth Stoches 113a Newton Tracey Newentone 112b Bradwell Bradewelle 113b Loteland Loteland 112b Dunstone in Yealmpton Donestanestone, Leigh in Churchstow Lege 112b Dunestanetone 113b Loosedon Lollardesdone, Lollardestone 112b East Down Dune 113b Lupridge Loperige, Luperige 112b Chagford Cageford, Chageford 113b

61 Combe Royal Cumbe 113b Rapshayes Otri 114a Dunchideock Dunsedoc 113b Lower Tale Tale 114a Edginswell Wille 113b Stockleigh Pomeroy Stochelie 114a Efford, Plymouth Elforde 113b Sheldon Sildene 114a Blachford Blacheurde 113b Standone Standone 114a East Allington Alintone 113b Higher Tale Tale 114a Tiverton Touretone 113b Great Torrington Torilande, Toritone 114a Ilsington Iestintone 113b Huxham Hochesham 114a Aller in Kentisbeare Alre, Aura 113b West Putford Podiford, Poteford, Poteforde, Bickfordtown Bichefor, Bicheford 113b Pudeforde 114a Woodhuish Odehiwis 113b West Ogwell Ogewille 114a Natsworthy Noteswrde 113b Mowlish Bolewis, Milchewis 114a Throwleigh Trule 113b Lank Combe, Brendon Lacome 114a Southweek Wiche 113b Lydford Lideford, Lideforde, Tideford 114a Roadway Radehide, Radewei 113b East Ogwell Ogewille 114a Stonehouse, Plymouth Stanehus 113b Peamore Peumere 114a Little Washfield Wasfelte 113b Bruckland Brocheland, Brochelande 114b Exeter Execestre, Exonia 113b Gappah Gatepade 114b Mortehoe Mortehou 113b Dunstone in Widecombe in the Moor Dunes- Kerswell in Broadhembury Carsewelle 113b tanetune 114b Ingsdon Ainechesdone, Ainichesdone 113b Lower Creedy Credie, Cridie 114b Galmpton in Churston Ferrers Galmentone Chevithorne Chenetorne, Chiveorne 114b 113b Dunscombe Danescome 114b Ipplepen Iplepene 113b Exeter Execestre, Exonia 114b Lovaton Metwi 113b Heavitree Hevetroue 114b Brendon Brandone 114a Heppastebe Heppastebe 114b Dunsdon Dunewinesdone 114a Bridgerule Brige 114b Clyst St George Chisewic 114a Berry Pomeroy Berie 114b Caffyns Heanton Hantone 114a Aunk Hanc, Hanche 114b Cheriton in Brendon Ciretone 114a Adworthy Odeordi 114b Dunkeswell Doducheswelle 114a Afton Afetone 114b Holcombe in Dawlish Holecome 114a Awliscombe Aulescome, Holescome, Holes- Horwood Horewod, Horewode 114a cumbe, Horescome, Orescome 114b Bradworthy Brawordine 114a Blackslade Blacheslach 114b Awliscombe Aulescome, Holescome, Holes- Yeadbury Addeberie 114b cumbe, Horescome, Orescome 114a Stoodleigh near Oakford Stodlei, Stollei 114b Ashcombe Aissecome 114a Weycroft Wigegroste, Willecroste 114b Alwineclancavele Alwineclancavele 114a Upottery Otri 114b East Ash and West Ash in Bradworthy Aisse Tamerlande Tamerlande 114b 114a Strete Ralegh Estrete 114b Aunk Hanc, Hanche 114a Uplowman Lonmine, Oplomie, Oppelaume Blackborough Blacheberge, Blacheberie 114a 114b Weston, Awliscombe Otri 114a Washfield Wasfelle 114b

62 Wonford, South Wonford, Thornbury Wen- Pulham Polham 115a ford 114b Saunton Santone 115b Highleigh Henlei 114b Widworthy Wideworde 115b Smallridge Smarige, Smaurige 114b Twitchen Tuichel 115b North Pool Pole 114b Spreacombe, Higher Spreacombe Sprecome Lamerton Lambretone 114b 115b Ivedon Otri, Otrie 114b Sprytown Sprei 115b Keynedon Chenigedone 114b Washford Pyne Waford, Wasforde, Wesford East Panson, West Panson Panestan 114b 115b Radish, Southleigh Redic, Redix 114b Willsworthy Wifleurde 115b Hemerdon Hainemardun 115a Wilmington Wilelmitone, Willelmetone 115b North Lobb, Lobb Loba, Lobe 115a Rifton Restone 115b East Kimber Chempebere 115a Ossaborough Aseberge 115b Hollam Holnham 115a Higher Molland, Lower Molland, North Mol- South Hole in Hartland Hola 115a land Molland 115b Huxhill Hochesile 115a Middle Marwood Merehode, Merode 115b West Kimber Chempebere 115a Orway Orrewai 115b Lovacott Lovecote 115a Owlacombe Olecumbe 115b Milford, Hartland Meleforde 115a Little Marland Merland 115b Hankford Hancheford 115a Derte Derte, Dertre 115b West Dockworthy Docheorde 115a North Hole and South Hole in Georgeham Buck’s Cross Bochewis 115a Hole 115b Whitchurch Wicerce 115a Georgeham Hame 115b Aveton Gifford Avetone 115a Exeter Execestre, Exonia 115b Crockernwell Crochewelle 115a Ferding Ferding 115b Exeter Execestre, Exonia 115a Gorwell Gerwille 115b Yarnscombe Herlescome, Hernescome 115a Hollowcombe in Fremington Holecome 115b Great Rutleigh Radeclive 115a Woolacombe Wellecome, Wolnecome 115b Winscott Winescote 115a Culm Davy Cumbe 115b Twigbeare Tuchebere, Tuichebere 115a Churchstanton, Somerset Stantone 115b Speccott Spececote 115a Bickleton Picaltone 115b Sigford Sigeford 115a Arlington Alferdintone 115b Train Alfelmestone 115a Cheriton Fitzpaine Cerintone 115b Weare Giffard Were 115a Coombe in Cheriton Fitzpaine Cumbe 115b Winswell Wifleswille 115a Budshead in Plymouth Bucheside 116a Monkswell Macheswelle 115a Exbourne Echeburne, Hechesburne 116a West Putford Podiford, Poteford, Poteforde, Curworthy Corneurde 116a Pudeforde 115a Cheldon Cadeledone, Cheledone 116a Praunsley Plantelie 115a Creacombe in Newton Ferrers Crawecome Peters Marland Mirland 115a 116a East Peeke Pech 115a Dolton Dweltone, Oueltone 116a West Peeke Pech 115a Exeter Execestre, Exonia 116a Poughill Pocheelle, Pochehille 115a Giffords Hele Hiele 116a

63 Brimblecombe Bremelcome 116a South Tawton Tauestone, Tauetone 116b Battleford Bacheleford 116a Little Weare Litelwere 116b North Battisborough Bachetesberie 116a Willand Willelande 116b Stafford Staford 116a Huish near Dolton Hiwis, Iwis 116b Ashbury Esseberie 116a Shirwell Ascerewelle, Sirewelle 116b South Battisborough Bachetesberie 116a Shapcombe Cobecume, Scobecome 116b Blaxton Blachestane 116a Parford Patford 116b Whimple Winple 116a Huntsham Honesham 116b Peter Tavy Tawi 116a Plymtree Plumtrei 116b Ugborough Ulgeberge 116a Shilstone Selvestan 116b Tamerton Foliot, Plymouth Tambretone 116a Exeter Execestre, Exonia 117a Roadway Radehide, Radewei 116a Hook Hoche 117a Sutton, Halberton Suetetone 116a Hele in Petrockstow Hela 117a Great Torrington Torilande, Toritone 116a Hackworthy Hacheurde 117a Westleigh, Burlescombe Lege 116a Greenslinch Grennelize 117a Grimpstone Grismetone 116a Halstow in Dunsford Alestou 117a Muxbere Mochelesberie 116a Holbeam Holebeme 117a South Milton Mideltone 116a Ideford Ludeford 117a Ingleigh, Ingleigh Green and Lower Ingley Ingsdon Ainechesdone, Ainichesdone 117a Genelie 116a Doddiscombsleigh Leuge 117a Grimpstonleigh Lege 116a Burn Burne 117a Larkbeare Laurochebere 116a Bagtor Bagetore 117a Moreleigh Morlei 116a Abbots Bickington Bichetone 117a Clyst Gerred Clist 116b Clifford Cliforde 117a Hacche Achie 116b Higher Ashton Essestone 117a Essebeare Labere 116b Brushford Brigeford, Brisforde 117a Delley Dalilei 116b Chilton Cilletone, Cillitone 117a Derte Derte, Dertre 116b Yarde, Silverton Heierde 117a George Nympton Limet 116b Higher Rocombe, Lower Rocombe Rachun, Hillersdon Hilesdone 116b Racome, Racumbe 117a Honiton in South Molton Hunitone 116b Webbery Wiberie 117a Chilton Cilletone, Cillitone 116b Stokeinteignhead Stoches 117a Broadhembury Hamberie, Hanberie 116b Shapley, Chagford Scapelie 117a Almiston Almerescote 116b Satterleigh Saterlei 117a North Aller in South Molton Alre 116b Stoke, Hartland Nistenestoch 117a Brayley Bredelie 116b South Tawton Tauestone, Tauetone 117a Buckland in Dolton Bocheland 116b West Whitnole Withechenolle 117a West Worlington near Witheridge Ulurintone Lambert Lanford 117a 116b Higher Rocombe, Lower Rocombe Rachun, Stallenge Thorne Stanlinz 116b Racome, Racumbe 117a Whiddon Willedene 116b Nutcott Nochecote 117a Great Torrington Torilande, Toritone 116b Mullacott Molecote 117a Stowford near Lifton Staford 116b Lowton Lewendone 117a

64 Lowley Leuelege 117a Coddiford Codeford 118a West Manley Manelie 117a Chittlehampton Curemetone 118a Lower Newton, Man’s Newton, Zeal Monacho- Culsworthy Coltesworde 118a rum Newentone, Niwetone 117a Dunsbeare Denesberge 118a East Ogwell Wogwel 117a Hame Hame 118a Cadeleigh Cadelie 117b Down Umfraville in Rousdon Dune 118a Farringdon Ferentone, Ferhendone 117b West Heanton Hantone 118a Culm Vale Colun 117b Chilsworthy Chelesworde 118a Coombe in Cruwys Morchard Cumbe 117b Calverleigh Calodelie 118a Columbjohn Colum 117b Brexworthy Bristelesworde 118a Crooke Burnell Cruc 117b Bickfordtown Bichefor, Bicheford 118a Eveleigh in Broad Clyst Ivelie 117b Allisland Alesland 118a Gatcombe Gatecumbe 117b Bray in South Molton Brai 118a Hollacombe near Holsworthy Holecome Bulworthy Boleborde 118a 117b Cheriton Bishop Ceritone 118a Buckland in the Moor Bochelande 117b Wyke Green Wiche 118a Bolham in Tiverton Boleham 117b Parkham Percheham 118a Aller in Abbotskerswell Alre 117b Woolfardisworthy near Hartland Olvereword Bicton Bechetone 117b 118a Hill Hille 117b Varleys, Petrockstow Ferlie 118a Blackborough Blacheberge, Blacheberie 117b Rousdon Done 118a Great Bradley Bradelie 117b Payhembury Hanberie, Henberie 118a Torre Torre 117b Sedborough Sedeborge, Seteberge 118a Raddon, Thorverton Radone, Redone 117b Week, Thornbury Wiche 118a Taw Green Tauelande 117b Wray Werei 118a Staplehill Stapelie 117b Holbrook Colebroch, Holebroch 118a West Ruckham Rouecome 117b West Ogwell Wogewille 118a East Ruckham Rouecome 117b Newton St Cyres Niwetone 118a Shillingford St George Esselingeforde 117b Medland Mideland 118a Sutton, Widworthy Sutone 117b Manaton Magnetone, Manitone 118a South Tawton Tauestone, Tauetone 117b Lambert Lanford 118a East Huish and Great Huish in Tedburn St Meddon Madone 118a Mary Chiwartiwis 117b Natson Limete 118a Poltimore Pontimore, Pultimore 117b Nutwell Noteswille 118a Newton St Petrock Niwetone 117b Middlecott, Chagford Midelcote 118b Leonard Lannor, Limor 117b Clyst William Clist 118b Ilsham Ilesham 117b Dunsford Dunesford 118b Leigh in Loxbear Lege 117b Knowstone Chenudestane, Chenuestan 118b Mariansleigh Lege 117b Mamhead Mammeheve, Manneheve 118b Northleigh Lege 117b Dunstone in Yealmpton Donestanestone, Coombe in Drewsteignton Cume 118a Dunestanetone 118b Colscott Colsouenescote 118a Dodbrooke Dodebroch 118b Combesatchfield Colun 118a Butterleigh Buterlei 118b

65 Waspley Wasberlege 118b Roseworthy Ritwore 120a Mowlish Bolewis, Milchewis 118b Rinsey Renti, Rentin 120a Skerraton Siredone 118b Roscarnon Roscarnan 120a Torbryan Torre 118b Poundstock Podestot, Pondestoch 120a Wadham Wadeham 118b Tredower Tretdeword 120a Twinyeo Betunie 118b Skewes Schewit 120a St James Church, Exeter Iacobescherche 118b Towan Bewintone 120a Shapley, North Bovey Essaple 118b Treal Tragol 120a St Gennys Sainguinas, Sanwinas 120a Coswarth Cudiford, Gudiford 120b 10 Cornwall Lawhitton Languitetone 120b Gulval Landicle 120b Kilkhampton Chilchetone 120a Lower Lanherne Lanherweu 120b Garah Garuerot 120a Methleigh Matele 120b Helston Henlistone 120a Halliggye Heligin 120a Nancekuke Lanchehoc 120b Crawle in Breage Cariahoil, Cariorgel 120a Carworgie Carewrge 120b Connerton in Gwithian Conarditone 120a Bodmin Bodmine 120b Lanow Lanehoc, Lantloho 120a Binnerton Bennartone 120b Mawgan Scanctus Mawan 120a Burniere Bernerh 120b Pendavey Pendavid 120a Truthwall Treiwal, Treuthal 120b Lizard Lusart 120a St Winnow Sanwinuec 120b Pendrim Paindran 120a Treliever Trewel 120b Bojorrow Bodeworwei 120a Tinten Thinten 120b Boden, Higher Boden and Boden Vean Boten Tregear Tregel 120b 120a Trevalga Melledham 120b Bodigga Botchatwo 120a Padstow Lanwenehoc 120b Blisland Glustone 120a St Stephens Lanscauetone 120b Climsom Clismestone 120a Rialton Rieltone 120b Bonyalva Pennadelwan 120a Pawton Pautone 120b Callington Calwetone 120a St Germans Ecclesia Sancti Germani 120b Carnanton Carneton 120a Polroad Polrode 121a Bucklawren Botconoan 120a St Enoder Heglosenuder 121a Winnianton Winetone 120a Sheviock Savioch 121a Trenance, Mullion Trenant 120a Probus Lanbrebois 121a Trelowarren Trellewaret 120a Rame Rame 121a Trembraze Trenbras 120a St Buryan Eglosberrie 121a Trelan Treland, Tretland 120a St Keverne Lannachebran 121a Tregoose Tricoi 120a St Neot Neotestou, Nietestou 121a Treveador Travider 120a Perran, Perranzabuloe Lanpiran 121a Treworder Trewode 120a Halwyn in Perranzabuloe Elhil 121a Truthall Trouthel 120a Ellenglaze Elil 121a Trewarnevas Treurnivet 120a Withiel Widie 121a Penheale Pennehel 120a Crantock Langoroch 121a

66 Fursnewth Fosnewit 121a Rillaton Risleston 121b Lancarffe Lancharet, Nanchert 121a Tolcarne, North Hill Talgar 121b Coswarth Cudiford, Gudiford 121a Landreyne Lander 122a Treninnick Trinnonec 121a Gear Caer 122a Callestick, Higher Callestick and Callestick Killigorrick Chilorgoret 122a Vean Calestoch 121a Ellbridge Telbrig 122a Antony Antone 121a Cosawes Cudawoid 122a Trevornick Trefornoc 121a Langunnett Langenewit 122a Tywarnhayle, Perranzabuloe Tiwarthel 121a Lantyan Lanthien, Lantien 122a Bossiney Botcinnii 121a Larnick Lanher 122a Cargoll Cargau 121a Lanhadron Lanlaron 122a Higher Tolcarne, St Mawgan Talcarn 121a Lewarne Langver 122a Trenhaile Trenhal 121a Calstock Calestoch 122a Tremore Tremhor 121a Bosent Buchent 122a Treloy Trelloi 121a Halton Haltone 122a Tregenna Tregon 121a Ashton Aissetone 122a Treknow Tretdeno 121a Appledore Pideleford 122a Tremail Tremail 121a Bicton Bichetone 122a Trengale Turgoil 121a Newton Ferrers Niwetone 122a Hennett Hesland 121b Braddock Brodehoc 122a Launceston Dunhevet 121b Trezance Thersent 122a Illand Elent, Heli 121b Trehawke Trehauoc 122a South Hill Hela 121b Lower Tregantle Argentel 122a Landinner Landiner 121b Tregarland Gargalle 122a Liskeard Liscarret 121b Higher Tregantle Argentel 122a Moresk, St Clement Moireis 121b Helstone Henliston 121b Trefrize Treverim 122a Brannel Bernel 121b Trelawne Trewellogen 122a Alverton in Penzance Alwaretone 121b Tremeer Tremor 122a Stratton Stratone 121b Trevelyan Trewillen 122a Boyton Boietone 121b Trematon Tremetone 122a Fawton Fawintone 121b Maker Macretone 122a Tybesta, Creed Tibesteu 121b Tredinnick Trehinoch 122a Treglasta Teglaston 121b Torwell Trewelle 122a Trewirgie Trewitghi 121b Polscoe Polescat, Polscat 122a Trevilla Trewille 121b Penpoll Paenpau 122a Trenowth Trenwit 121b Penhawger Pennhalgar 122a Trewanta Treiswantel, Trewant 121b Pillaton Piletone 122a Trewornan Tregrenon 121b Raphael Raswale 122a Patrieda Peret 121b Trecan Richan 122a Trebeigh Trebichen, Trebihan 121b Downinney Donecheniv 122b Tehidy Tedintone 121b Lanescot Lisnestoch 122b Penharget Pennehalgar 121b Kelynack Chelenoch 122b

67 Goviley Major and Goviley Vean Ghivaile Arrallas Arganlis 123a 122b Thorne Torne 123a Goodern Woderon 122b Milton Mideltone 123a Hamatethy Hamotedi 122b Woolstone Ulnodestone 123a Landulph Landelech 122b Bennacott Betnecote 123a Lanreath Lauredoch 122b Boyton Boietone 123a Lansallos Lansalhus 122b Worthyvale Guerdevalan 123a Colquite Chilcoit 122b Trenance, St Austell Trenant 123a Cartuther Croftededor 122b Wadfast Wadefeste 123a Bodrugan Bodeworgoin 122b Trewoon Tregoin 123a Willsworthy Wilewrde 122b Tretheake Trethac 123a Minster Talcar 122b Trethake Tredhac 123a Bodiggo Bodewitghi 122b Trewall Trewallen 123a Burthy Brethei 122b Treworrick Treworoc 123a Chapel Amble and Lower Amble Amal 122b Week Orchard Orcert 123a Week St Mary Wich 122b Rosecraddoc Recharedoc 123a Trelan Treland, Tretland 122b Tremoddrett Tremodret 123a Tucoyse, St Ewe Ticoith 122b Trelowia Treloen 123a Treverbyn Treverbin 122b Tregavethan Treganmedan 123a Trenode Trewinedoi 122b Trebartha Tribertham 123a Trenewan Chenowen 122b Tregamellyn Tregemelin 123a Trethevy Tewardevi 122b Trehaverne, Truro Tregauran 123a Trevisquite Trawiscoit 122b Trelowth Trelwi 123a Tywardreath Tiwardrai 122b Dizzard Disart, Lisart 123b Lantivet, Lanteglos-By-Fowey Nantvat 122b Lanow Lanehoc, Lantloho 123b Trebarwith Treverbet 122b Lametton Lantmatin 123b Polsue Polduh 122b Hornacott Horniecote 123b Pencarrow Penguare 122b Galowras Gloeret 123b Ludgvan Luduham 122b Lamellen Landmanuel 123b Otterham Otrham 122b Lancarffe Lancharet, Nanchert 123b Penhallym Penhalun 122b Great Moreton Mortune 123b St Juliot Sanguiland 122b Polyphant Polefand 123b Crawle in Breage Cariahoil, Cariorgel 123a West Curry Chori 123b Marhamchurch Maronecirche 123a Crackington, Crackington Haven, Higher Kilminorth Clunewic 123a Crackington and Middle Crackington Eglosroose Egleshos 123a Crachenwe 123b Dawna Douenot 123a East Balsdon Bellesdone 123b Gurlyn Woreslin 123a Westcott Wescote 123b Lee Lege 123a Norton Nortone 123b Penpell Penpel 123a Alvacott Alvevacote 123b Penventinue Penfontenio 123a West Balsdon Bellesdone 123b Caradon Carnetone 123a East Curry Chori 123b Bodardle Botharder 123a Treworgie Treurgen 123b

68 Trefreock, St Gennys Trerihoc 123b Roscarrock Roscaret 124a Trevague Trevagau 123b Penhalt Pennalt 124a Treslay Roslech 123b Penpont Penponte 124a Trenuth Trevoet 123b St Neot Neotestou, Nietestou 124a Tregrebri Tregrebri 123b Tregrill Tregril 124a Trerice Treuret 123b Idless Edelet 124b Tresparrett Rosperuet 123b Gothers Widewot 124b Trewen Trewin 123b Halvana Ermenheu 124b Poundstock Podestot, Pondestoch 123b Elerkey Elerchi 124b Tredaule Tredaual 123b Draynes Drainos 124b St Gennys Sainguinas, Sanwinas 123b Landegea Landighe 124b Rosebenault Rosminuet 123b Lesnewth Lisniwen 124b Roscarnon Roscarnan 123b Pelynt Plunent 124b Roscarrock Roscaret 123b Lanwarnick Lanlawernec 124b Rosecare Roschel 123b Pengelly Pengelle 124b Treblary Trebleri 123b Domellick Dimelihoc 124b Botelet Botiled 124a Carsella Karsalan 124b Lantyan Lanthien, Lantien 124a Higher Cabilla Cabulian 124b Cann Orchard Orcet 124a Woolston Ullavestone 124b Brea Bret 124a Hele Hela 124b Bowithick Bowidoc 124a Bosvisack in Kenwyn Beveshoc 124b Buttsbear Brecelesbeorge 124a Carmar in St Kew Chenmerch 124b Glynn Glin 124a Dizzard Disart, Lisart 124b Launcells Landseu 124a Trewince Trewent 124b Manely Mingeli 124a Trehudreth Trewderet 124b Borough, Devon Borge 124a Trevesson Trefitent 124b Boconnoc Bochenod 124a Trethurffe Tretweret 124b Avalde Avalde 124a Trenance, St Keverne Trenant 124b Hilton Hiltone 124a Trelamar Trelamar 124b Poughill Pochehelle 124a Trescowe Trescau 124b Bera Bret 124a Trevell Trewale 124b Bodbrane Bodbran 124a Treviliud Treviliud 124b Widemouth Witemot 124a Penhole Polhal 124b Treligga Treluge 124a Tregole Tregal 124b Trevillyn Trevelien 124a Tregardock Tragaraduc 124b Trenant, Little Trenant, Duloe Trenand 124a Rinsey Renti, Rentin 124b Tremadart Tremeteret 124a Perranuthnoe Odenol 124b Trenant, Fowey Trenant 124a Pentewan Bentewoin 124b Treveniel Treviniel 124a Porthallow Portatlant 124b Whalesborough Walesbrau 124a Tolgullow Talgolle 124b Penfound Penfou 124a Tregeagle Tregingale 124b Trelaske Trelosch 124a Trevillis Trefilies 125a Thurlibeer Tirlebere 124a Tucoyse, Constantine Tucowit 125a

69 Trewint Trawint 125a Tottenham Court, St Pancras Totehele 128a Trewethart Treveheret 125a St Pancras Sanctus Pancratius 128a Truthwall Treiwal, Treuthal 125a Stanestaple Stanestaple 128a Boduel Botiual 125a Stoke Newington Neutone 128a Carbihan Carbihan 125a Staines, Surrey Stanes 128a Treroosel Tremarustel 125a Harmondsworth Hermodesworde 128b Tregony Trelingan 125a Greenford Greneforde 128b Whitstone Witestan 125a Hanwell Hanewelle 128b Leigh Legea 125a Cowley Couelie 128b Trefreock, St Endellion Trefrioc 125a Sunbury, Surrey Sunenberie 128b Tregunnick Trevocarwinoc 125a Hendon Handone 128b Tredwen Riguen 125a Marylebone Tiburne 128b Pengold Panguol 125a Shepperton, Surrey Scepertone 128b St Michael Pigesdone 125a Kingsbury Chingesberie 128b Higher Pigsdon Pigesdone 125a Harlington Herdintone 129a Polscoe Polescat, Polscat 125a East Bedfont Bedefunde, Bedefunt 129a Tackbear, Devon Tacabere 125a Dawley in Harlington Dallega 129a Dannonchapel Duvenant 125a Hanworth Haneworde 129a Helland Henland 125a Feltham Felteham 129a Froxton Forchetestane 125a Colham Green Coleham 129a Delabole Deliou 125a Ashford, Surrey Exeforde 129a Delamere Deliau 125a Staines, Surrey Stanes 129a Hammett Hamet 125a Harmondsworth Hermodesworde 129a Hillingdon Hillendone 129a 11 Middlesex Kempton, Surrey Chenetone 129a Laleham, Surrey Leleham 129a Elthorne Heletorne 127a Ickenham Ticheham 129a Ossulstone Osulvestane 127a Hatton Haitone, Hatone 129a Holborn Holeburne 127a Ickenham Ticheham 129b Harrow on the Hill Herges 127a Edmonton Adelmetone 129b Hayes Hesa 127a Greenford Greneforde 129b Nanesmaneslande Nanesmaneslande 127a Enfield Enefelde 129b Stepney Stibenhed, Stibenhede 127a Ebury in Westminster Eia 129b Willesden Wellesdone 127b Stanmore Stanmere 129b Stepney Stibenhed, Stibenhede 127b Islington Iseldone, Isendone 129b Harlesden Heruluestune 127b South Mimms, Hertfordshire Mimes 129b Fulham Fuleham 127b Ruislip Rislepe 129b Rug Moor, St Pancras Rugemere 127b Northolt Northala 129b Twyford Tueverde 127b Kingsbury Chingesberie 129b Islington Iseldone, Isendone 128a South Harefield and Harefield Herefelle 130a Hampstead Hamestede 128a West Bedfont, Surrey West Bedefund 130a Hoxton Hochestone 128a Hampton Hamntone 130a West Drayton Draitone 128a Haggerston Hergotestane 130a

70 East Bedfont Bedefunde, Bedefunt 130a Flexmore in Kings Walden Flesmere, Flexmere Stepney Stibenhed, Stibenhede 130a 133a Hatton Haitone, Hatone 130a Hitchin Hiz 133a Isleworth Gistelesworde 130a Hexton Hegæstanestone, Hegestanestone 133a Stanwell, Surrey Stanwelle 130a Datchworth Daceworde 133a Ickenham Ticheham 130a Bayford Begesford 133a Kensington Chenesitone 130b Weyleye, Ippollitts Welei, Wilei 133a Chelsea Cercehede 130b Libury Stuterehela, Stuterehele, Suterehele, Sutre- Gore Gara 130b hella, Sutreshele 133a Islington Iseldone, Isendone 130b Great Offley Offelei 133a Greenford Greneforde 130b Shephall Escepehala, Escepehale 133a Cranford Cranforde 130b Wellbury Welle 133a Charlton, Surrey Cerdentone 130b Watton at Stone Watone, Wodtone 133a Tottenham Toteham 130b Sacombe Seuechampe, Stuochampa, Sueuecampe, Laleham, Surrey Leleham 130b Sueuechamp 133a Staines, Surrey Stanes 130b Lilley Linlei, Linleia 133a Stepney Stibenhed, Stibenhede 130b Much Hadham Hadam 133b Tollington, Islington Tolentone 130b Brent Pelham, Furneaux Pelham and Stocking Little Stanmore Stanmera 130b Pelham Peleham 133b Lisson Grove Lilestone 130b Little Hadham Hadam, Parva Hadam 133b Chaldean Celgdene 133b 12 Hertfordshire Albury Eldeberie 133b Widford Wideford, Wideforde 133b Hoddesdon Hodesduna 2b Levenage in Widford Lewarewiche 133b Amwell, Hertfordshire Emwella 2b Patmore Patemere 133b Borough of Hertford Burgu Hertforde 132a Throcking Trochinge 133b Minsden Menlesdene 132a Little Hadham Hadam, Parva Hadam 134a Hertford Hertforde 132a Aston Estone 134a Hitchin Hiz 132a Boxbury Boxe 134a Great Wymondley Wimundeslai 132a Graveley Gravelai 134a Little Offley Altera Offelei 132b Brent Pelham, Furneaux Pelham and Stocking Hitchin Hiz 132b Pelham Peleham 134a Great Offley Offelei 132b Bishop’s Stortford Storteford 134a King’s Walden Waldenei 132b Little Almshoe, Almshoe Bury and Almshoe Charlton Cerletone 132b Almeshou 134a Weyleye, Ippollitts Welei, Wilei 132b Little Wymondley Wimundelai, Wimundeslai Temple Dinsley Deneslai 132b 134a Wandon End, Wandon Green Wavedene Hixham Tedricesham 134a 132b Libury Stuterehela, Stuterehele, Suterehele, Sutre- Westoning, Bedfordshire Westone 132b hella, Sutreshele 134a Wandon Wavedone 132b Theobald, Aldenham Titeberst, Titebersth Ley Green Leglega 133a 134a Cottered Chodrei 133a Wickham Wicheham 134a

71 Thorley Torlei 134a Sandridge Sandrige 135b Puttenham Puteham 134a Shephall Escepehala, Escepehale 135b Lampeth Lampeth 134a St Paul’s Walden Waldene 135b Kimpton Kamintone 134b Theobald, Aldenham Titeberst, Titebersth Buckland Bochelande 134b 135b Echington, Layston Ichetone 134b St Albans Villa Sancti Albani 135b Hodenhoe Odenhou 134b Shenley Scenlai, Senlai 135b Haslehangra Haslehangra, Helsangre 134b Cassio, Watford Caissou, Chaissou 136a Clothall Cladhele 134b Barley Berlai 136a Barley Berlai 134b Ardeley Erdelei 136a Thundridge Tonrinch 134b Caddington, Bedfordshire Cadendone 136a Luffenhall Lufenel, Lufenelle, Lufenhate 134b Bendish Benedis 136a Radwell Radewelle 134b Aldenham Eldeham 136a Reed Rete, Retth 134b Sandon Sandone 136a Throcking Trochinge 134b Therfield Derevelde, Furrewelde 136a Rye Eia 134b Hexton Hegæstanestone, Hegestanestone 136a Redbourn Redborne 134b Luffenhall Lufenel, Lufenelle, Lufenhate 136a Orwell Bury Ordwelle 134b Redbourn Redborne 136a Hatfield Hetfelle 135a Rickmansworth Prichemareworde 136a Ashwell Ascewelle, Escewelle 135a Newnham Neuham 136a Broadfield Bradefella, Bradefelle 135a Kensworth, Bedfordshire Canesworde 136a Datchworth Daceworde 135a Gubblecote Bublecote 136b Little Hadham Hadam, Parva Hadam 135a Aldbury Aldeberie 136b Bygrave Bigrave 135a Boarscroft Bure 136b Ayot St Lawrence Aiete 135a Dunsley and Upper Dunsley Daneslai, Deneslai Aldenham Eldeham 135a 136b Wheathampstead Watamestede 135a Little Gaddesden Gatesdene 136b Kelshall Cheleselle 135a Brickendon Brichedone, Brichendone 136b Stevenage Stigenace 135a Berkhamsted Berchamstede, Berchehamstede Theobald, Aldenham Titeberst, Titebersth 136b 135a Wigginton Wigentone 136b Welwyn Welga, Welge, Wilga, Wilge 135a Wormley Wermelai 136b Watton at Stone Watone, Wodtone 135a Hemel Hempstead Hamelamestede 136b Tewin Tewinge, Theunge 135a Miswell Mascewelle, Missewelle 136b North Mymms Mimmine 135a Redbourn Redborne 136b Redbourn Redborne 135b Tring Tredunga, Tredunge, Treunge 136b Abbots Langley Langelai 135b Watton at Stone Scenlie 136b Hanstead Henammesteda 135b Pendley Pentlai 136b Oxwyce Oxewiche 135b Kings Langley Langelei 136b Napsbury Absa 135b Hoddesdon Dodesdone, Hodesdone, Odesdone Codicote Codicote 135b 137a Norton Nortone 135b Bengeo Belingehou 137a Windridge Wenriga, Wenrige 135b Carney Bury Cornei 137a

72 Clothall Cladhele 137a Welwyn Welga, Welge, Wilga, Wilge 138a Echington, Layston Ichetone 137a Alswick Alsieswiche 138a Cheshunt Cestrehont, Cestrehunt 137a Westmill Wesmele, Westmele 138a Berkesdon in Aspenden Berchedene 137a Wallington Wallingtone 138a Anstey Anestei, Anestige 137a Miswell Mascewelle, Missewelle 138a Wormley Wermelai 137a Hinxworth Haingesteworde, Hainsteworde, Langport in Great Hormead Langeport 137a Hamsteworde 138b Reed Rete, Retth 137a Bengeo Belingehou 138b Throcking Trochinge 137a Clothall Cladhele 138b Wakeley Wachelei 137a Hertingfordbury Herefordingberie 138b Wallington Wallingtone 137a Graveley Gravelai 138b Tring Tredunga, Tredunge, Treunge 137a Boxbury Boxe 138b Stein Ware Stein Ware 137a Weston Westone 138b Great Munden Mundene 137a Welwyn Welga, Welge, Wilga, Wilge 138b Graveley Gravelai 137b Little Hormead Horemede 138b Beauchamps Alfledawicha 137b Stagenhoe Stagnehou 138b Braughing Brachinges 137b Stevenage Stigenace 138b Chells Escelveia, Scelva, Scelve 137b Ware Waras 138b Cockhampstead Cochehammestede 137b Stanstead Abbotts Stanestede 138b Broadfield Bradefella, Bradefelle 137b Hunsdon Hodesdone, Honesdone 138b Bozen Green Bordesdene 137b Hoddesdon Dodesdone, Hodesdone, Odesdone Ayot St Peter Aiete 137b 139a Little Wymondley Wimundelai, Wimundeslai Aspenden Absesdene 139a 137b Echington, Layston Ichetone 139a Hoddesdon Dodesdone, Hodesdone, Odesdone Great Gaddesden Gatesdene 139a 137b Barkway Berchewei, Bercheweig 139a Letchworth Leceworde 137b Barley Berlai 139a Polehanger, Bedfordshire Polehangre 137b Theobald, Aldenham Titeberst, Titebersth Wakeley Wachelei 137b 139a Woolwicks, Stevenage Wlwenewiche 137b Old Knebworth Chenepeworde 139a Tiscott, Tring Theisescote 137b Little Munden Mundane, Mundena 139a Mardleybury Merdelai 137b Great Offley Offelei 139a Little Hormead Horemede 137b Reed Rete, Retth 139a Hainstone Hainstone 138a Newsells Neusela, Nuesselle 139a Little Amwell Emmewelle 138a Libury Stuterehela, Stuterehele, Suterehele, Sutre- Bozen Green Bordesdene 138a hella, Sutreshele 139a Flamstead Flammestede 138a Digswell Dicheleswelle 139b Caldecote Caldecota 138a Barkway Berchewei, Bercheweig 139b Barwythe, Bedfordshire Bereworde 138a Bozen Green Bordesdene 139b Pirton Peritone 138a Bushey Bissei 139b Great Amwell Emmewelle 138a Cassio, Watford Caissou, Chaissou 139b Hyde Summersele 138a Brickendon Brichedone, Brichendone 139b Sapeham Sapeham 138a Bengeo Belingehou 139b

73 Ashwell Ascewelle, Escewelle 139b Digswell Dicheleswelle 141a Wallington Wallingtone 139b Flexmore in Kings Walden Flesmere, Flexmere Hainstone Hainstone 139b 141a Langport in Great Hormead Langeport 139b Graveley Gravelai 141a Shenley Scenlai, Senlai 139b Boxbury Boxe 141a Stivicesuuorde Stivicesuuorde 139b Bengeo Belingehou 141a Stanstead Abbotts Stanestede 139b Ashwell Ascewelle, Escewelle 141a Sawbridgeworth Sabrixteworde 139b Benington Belintone 141a Hoddesdon Dodesdone, Hodesdone, Odesdone Woolwicks, Stevenage Wlwenewiche 141a 139b Hinxworth Haingesteworde, Hainsteworde, Hexton Hegæstanestone, Hegestanestone 140a Hamsteworde 141a Great Amwell Emmewelle 140a Libury Stuterehela, Stuterehele, Suterehele, Sutre- Chells Escelveia, Scelva, Scelve 140a hella, Sutreshele 141a Datchworth Daceworde 140a Sacombe Seuechampe, Stuochampa, Sueuecampe, Hailey Hailet 140a Sueuechamp 141a Cokenach Cochenac 140a Tewin Welga, Welge, Wilga, Wilge 141a Little Amwell Emmewelle 140a Stonebury Stanes 141a Barley Berlai 140a Radwell Radewelle 141a Windridge Wenriga, Wenrige 140a Hitchin Hiz 141a Hitchin Hiz 140a Broadfield Bradefella, Bradefelle 141b Rodenehangre Rodehangre, Rodenehangre Echington, Layston Ichetone 141b 140a Clothall Cladhele 141b Thorley Torlei 140a Haslehangra Haslehangra, Helsangre 141b Wickham Wicheham 140a Hinxworth Haingesteworde, Hainsteworde, Willian Wilie 140a Hamsteworde 141b Welwyn Welga, Welge, Wilga, Wilge 140a Berkesdon in Aspenden Berchedene 141b Theobald, Aldenham Titeberst, Titebersth Ashwell Ascewelle, Escewelle 141b 140a Barley Berlai 141b Lilley Linlei, Linleia 140a Barkway Berchewei, Bercheweig 141b Graveley Gravelai 140b Wyddial Widihale 141b Blakemore in Hertford Blachemene 140b Therfield Derevelde, Furrewelde 141b Datchworth Daceworde 140b Wakeley Wachelei 141b Eastwick Estewiche 140b Throcking Trochinge 141b Brickendon Brichedone, Brichendone 140b Wallington Wallingtone 141b Bengeo Belingehou 140b Hodenhoe Odenhou 141b Great Wymondley Wimundeslai 140b Sacombe Seuechampe, Stuochampa, Sueuecampe, Roxford Rochesforde 140b Sueuechamp 141b Stanstead Abbotts Stanestede 140b Orwell Bury Ordwelle 141b Wickham Wicheham 140b Luffenhall Lufenel, Lufenelle, Lufenhate 141b Wallington Wallingtone 140b Reed Rete, Retth 141b Sele, Hertford Sela 140b Briceuuolde Briceuuold, Briceuuolde 142a Chells Escelveia, Scelva, Scelve 141a Dunsley and Upper Dunsley Daneslai, Deneslai Echington, Layston Ichetone 141a 142a

74 Brickendon Brichedone, Brichendone 142a Monks Risborough Riseberge 143b Broadfield Bradefella, Bradefelle 142a Stoke Mandeville Stoches 143b Epcombs Thepecampe 142a Upton, Slough Opetone 143b Hoddesdon Dodesdone, Hodesdone, Odesdone Wendover Wandovre, Wendovre 143b 142a Swanbourne Soeneberno, Sueneberie, Bramfield Brandefelle 142a Sueneberne, Sueneborne 143b Barkway Berchewei, Bercheweig 142a Princes Risborough Riseberge, Risenberga Anstey Anestei, Anestige 142a 143b Little Berkhamsted Berchehamstede 142a Chesham Cestreham 144a Wormley Wermelai 142a Dinton Danitone 144a Tring Tredunga, Tredunge, Treunge 142a Amersham Elmodesham, Elnodesham 144a Watton at Stone Watone, Wodtone 142a Bierton Bortone 144a Walkern Walchra 142a Chalfont St Peter Celfunde 144a Welwyn Welga, Welge, Wilga, Wilge 142a Bedgrove Begrave 144a Great Hormead Horemede 142a Stone Stanes 144a Sacombe Seuechampe, Stuochampa, Sueuecampe, Buckland Bocheland 144a Sueuechamp 142a Wooburn Waborne 144a Meppershall, Bedfordshire Maperteshale 142a Dilehurst, Taplow Dileherst 144a Libury Stuterehela, Stuterehele, Suterehele, Sutre- Lower Hartwell Herdewelle 144a hella, Sutreshele 142a Lude Lede 144a Rushden Risendene 142a Weston Turville Westone 144a Stanstead Abbotts Stanestede 142b Taplow Thapeslau 144a Rodenehangre Rodehangre, Rodenehangre Horsenden Horsedene, Horsedune 144a 142b Gawcott Chauescote 144a Broxbourne Brochesborne 142b Drayton Parslow Draintone, Draitone 144b Standon Standone 142b Hughenden Huchedene 144b Ayot St Lawrence Aiete 142b Foscote Foxescote 144b Hunsdon Hodesdone, Honesdone 142b Hanechedene Hanechedene 144b Sacombe Seuechampe, Stuochampa, Sueuecampe, Ilmer Imere 144b 142b Sueuechamp Lenborough Edingeberge, Ledingberge 144b Beachendon Bichedone 144b 13 Buckinghamshire Leckhampstead Lechamstede 144b Dunton Dodintone 144b Buckingham Bochingheham 143a Aston Sandford Estone 144b Bourton Bortone 143a West Wycombe Wicumbe 144b Aylesbury Eilesberia, Elesberie 143a Stowe Stou 144b Ivinghoe Evinghehou 143b Westbury near Brackley Westberie 144b Halton Haltone 143b Waldridge Wadruge, Waldruge 144b Biddlesden Bechesdene, Betesdene 143b Whaddon, Slapton Wadone 144b Brill Brunhelle 143b Little Marlow, Marlow Berlaue, Merlaue 144b Aylesbury Eilesberia, Elesberie 143b Shalstone Celdestane, Celdestone 144b Haddenham Hedreham 143b Preston Bissett Merstone 144b West Wycombe Wicumbe 143b Saunderton Santesdone, Santesdune 144b

75 Lathbury Lateberie, Latesberie 145a Wingrave Withungrave, Witungrave 146a Barton Hartshorn Bertone 145a Winslow Weneslai 146a Chetwode Ceteode 145a Wing Witehunge 146a Gayhurst Gateherst 145a Pitstone Iforde 146a Eaton Leys Etone 145a Cheddington Cetedone, Cetendone 146b Great Brickhill or Little Brickhill Brichella, Horton in Ivinghoe Hortone 146b Brichelle 145a Hillesden Ilesdone, Ulesdone 146b Ludgershall Lotegarser 145a Ivinghoe Aston Estone 146b Worminghall Wermelle 145a Lavendon Lavendene, Lawedene, Lawendene Little Linford Linforde 145a 146b Oving Olvonge 145a Biddlesden Bechesdene, Betesdene 146b Stewkley Stivelai 145a Loughton Lochintone 146b Tyringham Tedinwiche 145a Caldecote Caldecote 146b Simpson Sevinestone, Siwinestone 145a Weston Underwood Westone 146b North Marston Merstone 145a Woughton on the Green Ulchetone 146b Clifton Reynes Clistone, Clystone 145b Salden Sceldene 146b Weston Underwood Westone 145b Swanbourne Soeneberno, Sueneberie, Bow Brickhill Brichellae, Brichelle 145b Sueneberne, Sueneborne 146b East Burnham Esburneham 145b Shenley Church End Senelai 146b Aston Abbots Estone 145b Wavendon Wavendone, Wawendone 146b Denham Daneham 145b Great Linford Linforde 146b Stoke Goldington Stoches 145b Pitstone Pincelestorne, Pincenestorne 146b Crafton Croustone 145b Mentmore Mentemore 146b Granborough Grenesberga 145b Marsh Gibbon Mersa, Merse 146b Olney Olnei 145b Mursley Muselai 146b Sherington Serintone 145b Pitstone Pincelestorne, Pincenestorne 147a Lavendon Lavendene, Lawedene, Lawendene Swanbourne Soeneberno, Sueneberie, 145b Sueneberne, Sueneborne 147a Emberton Ambretone, Ambritone 145b Lower Pollicott, Upper Pollicott Policote Boveney Bovenie 146a 147a Crafton Croustone 146a Shenley Church End Senelai 147a Lower Burston or Upper Burston Bricstoch Lower Winchendon Wichendone 147a 146a Wotton Underwood Oltone 147a Drayton Beauchamp Draitone 146a Whitchurch Wicherce 147a Helsthorpe Helpestorp, Helpestrope 146a Easington Hesintone 147a Bledlow Bledelai 146a Chilton Ciltone 147a Slapton Slapetone 146a Fawley Falelie 147a Hardwick Hardvich 146a Great Missenden Missedene 147a Amersham Elmodesham, Elnodesham 146a Long Crendon Credendone 147a West Wycombe Wicumbe 146a Great Kimble Chenebella 147a Horsenden Horsedene, Horsedune 146a Dorton Dortone 147a Little Missenden Missedene 146a Lower Hartwell Herdewelle 147a Upper Winchendon Witchende 146a Littlecote Litecota, Litecote 147a

76 Addingrove Eddingrave 147a Lower Hartwell Herdewelle 148a Chearsley Cerdeslai, Cerleslai 147a Great Linford Linforde 148a Great Brickhill or Little Brickhill Brichella, Hogshaw Hocsaga 148a Brichelle 147a Haversham Havresham 148a Ashendon Assedone, Assedune 147a Lavendon Lavendene, Lawedene, Lawendene Lower Burston or Upper Burston Bricstoch 148a 147a Cheddington Cetedone, Cetendone 148b Woolstone Wlsiestone 147b Little Hampden Hamdenam 148b Beachampton Becentone, Bechentone 147b Ellesborough Esenberga, Esenberge 148b Akeley Achelei 147b Great Hampden Hamdenam 148b Edgcott Achecote 147b Hoggeston Hochestone 148b Hillesden Ilesdone, Ulesdone 147b Hollingdon Holedene, Holendone 148b Loughton Lochintone 147b Woolstone Ulsiestone 148b Lamport Lanport 147b Caldecote Caldecote 148b Bourton Burtone 147b Bradwell Bradewelle 148b Leckhampstead 147b Lechamestede Ditton Ditone 148b Whaddon near Bletchley Wadone 147b Tyringham Tedlingham, Telingham 148b Great Horwood Hereworde 147b Princes Risborough Riseberge, Risenberga Lenborough Edingeberge, Ledingberge 147b 148b Maids Moreton Mortone 147b Stoke Poges Stoches 148b Newton Longville Neutone 147b Soulbury Soleberie 148b Singleborough Sincleberia 147b Swanbourne Soeneberno, Sueneberie, Mursley Muselai 147b Sueneberne, Sueneborne 148b Lillingstone Dayrell Lelinchestane 147b Great Linford Linforde 148b Little Horwood Hereworde 147b Newport Pagnell Neuport 148b Bow Brickhill Brichellae, Brichelle 148a Marsh Gibbon Mersa, Merse 148b Caversfield, Oxfordshire Cavrefelle 148a Littlecote 148b Broughton in Aylesbury Brotone 148a Litecota, Litecote Broughton near Moulsoe Brotone 148a North Marston Merstone 148b Middle Claydon Claindone 148a Clifton Reynes Clistone, Clystone 149a Hardmead Herouldmede, Herulfmede, Stone Stanes 149a Horelmede 148a Chicheley Cicelai 149a East Botolph Claydon or Claydon Claidone, Cheddington Cetedone, Cetendone 149a Clamdone 148a Oakley Achelei 149a Ravenstone Raveneston 148a Tickford End Ticheforde 149a Bradwell Bradewelle 148a Hardmead Herouldmede, Herulfmede, Adstock Edestocha 148a Horelmede 149a Upton, Dinton Opetone, Upetone 148a Iver Evreham 149a Milton Keynes Middeltone, Midueltone 148a Padbury Pateberie 149a Stoke Goldington Stoches 148a Milton Keynes Middeltone, Midueltone 149a Moulsoe Moleshou 148a High Wycombe Wicumbe 149a Shipton Lee Sibdone 148a Horton in Ivinghoe Hortone 149b Tetchwick Tochingewiche 148a Leckhampstead Lechamstede 149b

77 East Botolph Claydon or Claydon Claidone, Cheddington Cetedone, Cetendone 150b Clamdone 149b Creslow Cresselai 150b Dorney Dornei 149b Hardmead Herouldmede, Herulfmede, Edlesborough Eddinberge 149b Horelmede 150b Cheddington Cetedone, Cetendone 149b Amersham Elmodesham, Elnodesham 150b Amersham Elmodesham, Elnodesham 149b Bradwell Brodewelle 150b Hitcham Hucheham 149b Addington Eddintone 150b Wraysbury Wirecesberie 149b Calverton Calvretone 150b Ivinghoe Aston Estone 149b Whaddon, Slapton Wadone 150b Quarrendon Querendone 149b Soulbury Soleberie 150b Swanbourne Soeneberno, Sueneberie, Stewkley Stivelai 150b Sueneberne, Sueneborne 149b Stanton Bury Stantone 150b Waldridge Wadruge, Waldruge 149b Wavendon Lateberie, Latesberie 150b Water Stratford Stradford 149b Little Missenden Missedene 150b Upton, Dinton Opetone, Upetone 149b Linslade, Bedfordshire Lincelada 150b Shalstone Celdestane, Celdestone 149b Great Linford Linforde 150b Marsworth Missevorde 149b Medmenham Medemeham 150b East Botolph Claydon or Claydon Claidone, Grendon Underwood Grennedone 151a Clamdone 150a Hardwick Hardvic 151a Hollingdon Holedene, Holendone 150a Lower Burston or Upper Burston Bricstoch Lower Burston or Upper Burston Bricstoch 151a 150a Fleet Marston Merstone 151a Chearsley Cerdeslai, Cerleslai 150a Eton Ettone 151a Horton in Ivinghoe Hortone 150a Ludgershall Lotegarser 151a Ickford Iforde 150a Burnham Burneham 151a Beachendon Bichedone 150a Turweston Turvestone 151a Ashendon Assedone, Assedune 150a Lower Hartwell Herdewelle 151a Hardwick Hardwich 150a Little Kimble Parva Chenebelle 151a Aston Sandford Estone 150a Shipton Lee Sibdone 151a Wingrave Withungrave, Witungrave 150a Southcote, Stone Sudcote 151a Saunderton Santesdone, Santesdune 150a Little Marlow, Marlow Berlaue, Merlaue 151a Soulbury Soleberie 150a Horton near Slough Hortune 151a Shabbington Sobintone 150a Chalfont St Giles Cestreham 151b Shortley, Quainton Sortelai 150a Charndon Credendone 151b Waddesdon Votesdone 150a Dadford Dodeforde 151b Littlecote Litecota, Litecote 150a Drayton Parslow Draintone, Draitone 151b Quainton Chentone 150a Beachampton Becentone, Bechentone 151b North Marston Merstone 150a Twyford Ternitone 151b Little Marlow, Marlow Berlaue, Merlaue 150a Thornton Tueverde 151b Pitstone Pincelestorne, Pincenestorne 150a Amersham Elmodesham, Elnodesham 151b Aston Clinton Estone 150b Westbury, Shenley Westberie 151b Chesham Cestreham 150b Radclive Radeclive 151b Broch Broch 150b Towersey, Oxfordshire Eie 151b

78 Shenley Brook End Senelai, Senlai 151b Lavendon Lavendene, Lawedene, Lawendene Turville Tilleberie 151b 153a Ellesborough Esenberga, Esenberge 151b Maids Moreton Mortone 153a Nashway Lesa 151b Cheddington Cetedone, Cetendone 153a Haseley in Thornton Haseleie 151b Beachampton Becentone, Bechentone 153a Farnham Royal Ferneham 151b Caldecote Caldecote 153a Little Missenden Missedene 151b Bradenham Bradeham 153a Drayton Beauchamp Draitone 152a Wendover Wandovre, Wendovre 153a Lamport Landport 152a Simpson Sevinestone, Siwinestone 153a Wolverton Wlverintone 152a Wandene Wandene 153a Aston Sandford Estone 152a Soulbury Soleberie 153a Cublington Coblincote 152a Steeple Claydon Claindone 153a Amersham Elmodesham, Elnodesham 152a Wavendon Wavendone, Wawendone 153a Loughton Lochintone 152a Milton Keynes Middeltone, Midueltone 153a Grove Langrave 152a Shortley, Quainton Sortelai 153a Woughton on the Green Hammescle 152a Salden Sceldene 153a Padbury Pateberie 152a Mursley Muselai 153a Soulbury Soleberie 152a Shipton Lee Sibdone 153a Thornborough Torneberge 152a Stoke Hammond Stoches 152a Shenley Brook End Senelai, Senlai 152a 14 Oxfordshire Helsthorpe Helpestorp, Helpestrope 152a Twyford, Buckinghamshire Tuiforde 154a Hambleden Hanbledene 152b Shipton-under- Wychwood Sciptone 154a Boveney Bovenie 152b Oxford Oxeneford 154a Clifton Reynes Clistone, Clystone 152b Bloxham Blochesham 154a Emberton Ambretone, Ambritone 152b Bletchingdon Blecesdone, Blicestone 154a Datchet Daceta 152b Hampton Poyle Hantone 154a Broughton near Moulsoe Brotone 152b Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire Rise- Weston Underwood Westone 152b berge 154a Wingrave Withungrave, Witungrave 152b Taynton Teigtone, Tentone 154a Hardmead Herouldmede, Herulfmede, Bloxham Blochesham 154b Horelmede 152b Headington Hedintone 154b Ibstone and Ibstone Common Hibestanes Cornbury Corneberie 154b 152b Kirtlington Certelintone, Chertelintone, Little Marlow, Marlow Berlaue, Merlaue 152b Cortelintone 154b Quainton Chentone 152b Langford Langefort 154b Lavendon Lavendene, Lawedene, Lawendene Benson Besintone 154b 152b Adderbury Edburgberie 154b Hollingdon Holedene, Holendone 152b Wootton Optone 154b Chesham Cestreham 153a Bampton Bentone 154b Horsenden Horsedene, Horsedune 153a Wychwood Forest Huchewode 154b Dadford Dodeforde 153a Stockley Stochelie 154b Evershaw Evresel 153a Verneveld Verneveld 154b

79 Stowford Staworde 154b Great Tew Teoua, Teowe, Tewa, Tewam, Tewe Woodstock Wodestoch 154b 155b Launton Lantone 154b Somerton Sumertone 155b Shotover Scotorne 154b Great Milton Middeltone, Mideltone 155b Oxford Oxeneford 154b Saxinton, Bucknell Sexintone 155b Ledwell Ledewelle 154b Stanton Harcourt Stantone 155b Shipton-under- Wychwood Sciptone 154b Nethercott Hidrecote 156a Eynsham Eglesham 155a Shipton-on-Cherwell Sciptone 156a Bampton Bentone 155a Pereio Pereio 156a Cropredy Cropelie 155a South Newington Neutone, Niwetone 156a Dunsden Dunesdene 155a Sesswell’s Barton Bertone 156a Dorchester Dorchecestre 155a Stanton St John Stantone 156a Banbury Banesberie 155a Steeple Aston Estone 156a Adderbury Edburgberie 155a Ludwell Ludewelle 156a Witney Witenie 155a Duns Tew Teowe, Tewa, Tewam, Twam 156a Great Milton Middeltone, Mideltone 155a Burford Bureford 156a Cogges 156a Little Rollright Parva Rollandri 155a Coges Hensington Hansitone 156a South Stoke Stoch 155a Cassington Cersetone, Cersitone, Chersitone Thame Tame 155a 156a Shifford Scipford 155a Woodperry Peregie 156a Newington Neutone 155a Bladon Blade 156a Deddington Dadintone 155b Bampton Bentone 156a Fritwell Fertewelle, Fertwelle 155b Yarnton Hardintone 156a Forest Hill Fostel 155b Barford St John Bereford 156a Finmere Finemere 155b Brighthampton Bristelmestone 156a Fringford Feringeford 155b Great Tew Teoua, Teowe, Tewa, Tewam, Tewe Great Haseley Haselie 155b 156a Little Haseley Haselie 155b Wilcote Widelicote 156a Cropredy Cropelie 155b Toot Baldon Baldedone, Baldendone, Balden- Brightwell Baldwin Bretewelle, Britewelle tone 156a 155b Little Tew Teoua, Teowe, Tewa, Tewam, Tewe Cowley Covelie 155b 156a Banbury Banesberie 155b Thomley Tobelie, Tumbeleia 156a Combe Cumbe 155b Lower Whitehill, Old Whitehall Wistelle Yarnton Hardintone 155b 156a Little Tew Teoua, Teowe, Tewa, Tewam, Tewe Cassington Cersetone, Cersitone, Chersitone 155b 156b Waterstock Stoch 155b Dunthrop Dunetorp 156b Thame Tame 155b Cuddesdon Codesdone 156b Tythorp, Buckinghamshire Duchitorp 155b Chastleton Cestitone 156b Wykham Wicham 155b Duns Tew Teowe, Tewa, Tewam, Twam 156b Marsh Baldon Baldedone, Baldendone 155b Garsington Gersedune 156b

80 Lewknor Levecanole, Levechanole 156b Oxford Oxeneford 157a Barford St Michael Bereford 156b Milton-under-Wychwood Mideltone 157a Ascott Earl Estcote 156b Mollington Mollitone 157a Alkerton Alcrintone 156b Preston Crowmarsh Craumares 157a Lower Arncott or Upper Arncott Alia Erni- Caversham, Berkshire Cavesham 157b cote, Ernicote 156b Crowmarsh Gifford Craumares 157b Balscote Berescote 156b Chastleton Cestitone 157b Over Worton Hortone 156b Old Chalford Celford 157b Tadmarton Tademertone 156b Crowell Clawelle 157b Warpsgrove Werplesgrave 156b Emmington Amintone 157b Great Tew Teoua, Teowe, Tewa, Tewam, Tewe Ewelme Lauelme, Lawelme 157b 156b Bix Bixa 157b Little Tew Teoua, Teowe, Tewa, Tewam, Tewe Asce Asce 157b 156b Dean Dene 157b Westcott Barton Bertone 156b Cowley Covelie 157b Lyneham Lineham 156b Ambrosden Ameresdone 157b Stanton St John Stantone 156b Badgemore Begeurde 157b Sandford-on-Thames Sanford 156b Tusmore Toresmere 157b Salford Salford, Salword 156b Lysbrook in Shiplake Lachebroc 157b Sandford St Martin Sanford 156b Sibford Ferris Scipforde 157b Showell Sevewelle, Sivewelle 156b Minster, Little Minster, Minster Lovell Minstre Churchill Cercelle 157a 157b Grafton Graptone 157a Mapledurham Malpedreham, Mapeldreham Dunthrop Dunetorp 157a 157b Cutteslowe Codeslam, Codeslaue 157a Rycote Reicote, Rocote 157b Enstone Henestan 157a Stoke Lyne Stoches 157b Horley Hornelie 157a Fifield Fifhide 157b Kirtlington Certelintone, Chertelintone, Lew Lewa 157b Cortelintone 157a Hunesworde Hunesworde 157b Chippinghurst Cibbaherste 157a Gatehampton Gadintone 157b Cadwell Cadewelle 157a Hempton Hentone 157b Ardley Ardulveslie 157a Iffley Givetelei 157b Bodicote Bodicote 157a Drayton Draitone 158a Chastleton Cestitone 157a Goring Garinges 158a South Weston Westone 157a Elsfield Esefelde 158a Showell Sevewelle, Sivewelle 157a Duns Tew Teowe, Tewa, Tewam, Twam 158a Toot Baldon Baldedone, Baldendone, Balden- Fulwell Fulewelle 158a tone 157a Hardwick Hardewich 158a Tackley Tachelie 157a Upper Heyford Haiforde, Hegford 158a Taynton Teigtone, Tentone 157a Bromscott Bumerescote 158a Watlington Watelintone 157a Middle Aston Estone 158a Milcombe Midelcumbe 157a Water Eaton Etone 158a Pyrton Peritone 157a Bucknell Buchehelle 158a

81 Adderbury Edburgberie 158a Kirtlington Certelintone, Chertelintone, Bicester Bernecestre 158a Cortelintone 158b Wheatfield Witefelle 158a Ludwell Ludewelle 158b Pemscott Pismanescote 158a Cutteslowe Codeslam, Codeslaue 159a Stratton Audley Stratone 158a Great Haseley Haselie 159a Shirburn Scirburne, Scireburne 158a Gatehampton Gadintone 159a Great Rollright Rollandri Maiore, Rollendri Ewelme Lauelme, Lawelme 159a 158a Foscot Foxcote 159a Stonesfield Stuntesfeld 158a Godington Godendone 159a Watlington Watelintone 158a Little Haseley Haselie 159a Hook Norton Hochenartone 158a Horley Hornelie 159a Oxford Oxeneford 158a Clanfield Chenefelde 159a Lewknor Levecanole, Levechanole 158a Bodicote Bodicote 159a Ilbury Galoberie 158a Whitchurch Witecerce 159a Horley Hornelie 158a Broughton Brohtone 159a Kidlington Chedelintone 158a Walton Waltone 159a Northbrook Norbroc, Nortbroc 158a Aston Rowant Estone 159a Chalgrove Celgrave 159a Brookhampton Hantone 158b Wolvercote Ulfgarcote 159a Hensington Hansitone 158b Rotherfield Peppard Redrefeld 159a Duns Tew Teowe, Tewa, Tewam, Twam 158b North Stoke Stoches 159a Ducklington Dochelintone 158b Steeple Barton Bertone 159a Fulbrook Fulebroc 158b Rousham Rouesham, Rowesham 159a Holton Eltone 158b Sarsden Secendene 159a Holywell in Oxford Haliwelle 158b Stoke Talmage Stoches 159a Brize Norton Nortone 158b Thrupp Trop 159a Beckley Bechelie 158b Idbury Ideberie 159a Asthall Esthale 158b Nuneham Courtenay Neuham 159a Ascott D’Oyley Esthcote 158b Nethercote Altera Cote 159a Bampton Bentone 158b Mapledurham Malpedreham, Mapeldreham Bletchingdon Blecesdone, Blicestone 158b 159a Woodeaton Etone 158b Kingston Blount Chingestone 159a Northbrook Norbroc, Nortbroc 158b Middleton Stoney Mideltone 159a Weston-on-the-Green Westone 158b Northbrook Norbroc, Nortbroc 159a Shirburn Scirburne, Scireburne 158b Chilworth Celelorde 159b Rousham Rouesham, Rowesham 158b Gangsdown Gangulvesdene 159b Waterperry Pereiun 158b Draycot Draicote 159b Lower Whitehill, Old Whitehall Wistelle Church Hanborough Haneberge 159b 158b Cuxham Cuchesham 159b Horspath Horspadan 158b Ewelme Lauelme, Lawelme 159b Mixbury Misseberie 158b Garsington Gersedune 159b North Leigh Lege 158b Harpsden Harpendene 159b Kencot Chenetone 158b Chesterton Cestretone 159b

82 Berrick Salome Berewiche 159b Chipping Norton Nortone 160a Alkerton Alcrintone 159b Littlestoke Stoch 160a Cowley Covelie 159b Kiddington Chidintone 160a Adwell Advelle 159b Hempton Hentone 160a Bainton Baditone 159b Islip Istelape 160a Britwell Salome Brutwelle 159b Lillingstone Lovell, Buckinghamshire Lillinges- Wroxton Werochestan 159b tan 160a Newnham Murren Niweham 159b Benson Besintone 160b Watcombe Watecumbe 159b Chadlington Cedelintone 160b Swyncombe Suinecumbe 159b Brightwell Baldwin Bretewelle, Britewelle Rycote Reicote, Rocote 159b 160b Somerton Sumertone 159b Bix Bixa 160b Thomley Tobelie, Tumbeleia 159b Bletchingdon Blecesdone, Blicestone 160b Wendlebury Wandesberie 159b Brize Norton Nortone 160b Hempton Wainhill and Lower Wainhill Wine- Chinnor Chenore 160b hele, Winehelle 159b Claywell Welde 160b Nethercote Altera Cote 159b Middle Aston Estone 160b Kingston Blount Chingestone 159b Tiddington Titendone 160b Heythrop Edrope 159b Hanwell Hanewege 160b Henton Hentone 159b Cowley Covelie 160b Upper Heyford Haiforde, Hegford 159b Swinbrook Suinbroc 160b Kingham Caningeham 159b Alvescot Elfegescote 160b Marsh Baldon Baldedone, Baldendone 159b Shipton-under- Wychwood Sciptone 160b Barford St Michael Bereford 160a Lillingstone Lovell, Buckinghamshire Lillinges- Broadwell Bradewelle 160a tan 160b Black Bourton Bortone, Burtone 160a Great Rollright Rollandri Maiore, Rollendri Bispesdone Bispesdone 160a 160b Boycott, Buckinghamshire Boicote 160a Oddington Otendone 160b Broughton Poggs Brotone 160a Ludwell Ludewelle 160b Checkendon Cecadene 160a Minster, Little Minster, Minster Lovell Minstre North Aston Estone 160a 160b Alwoldesberie Alwoldesberie 160a Rofford Ropeford 160b Westwell Westwelle 160a Rycote Reicote, Rocote 160b Wigginton Wigentone 160a Drayton Draitone 160b Lower Arncott or Upper Arncott Alia Erni- Lew Lewa 160b cote, Ernicote 160a Ibstone and Ibstone Common, Buckinghamshire Yelford Aieleforde 160a Ebestan, Ypestan 160b Ludwell Ludewelle 160a Ewelme Lauelme, Lawelme 160b Sibford Ferris, Sibford Gower Sibeford 160a Easington Esidone 160b Merton Meretone 160a Hampton Poyle Hantone 160b Piddington Petintone 160a Ipsden Yppesdene 160b Toot Baldon Baldedone, Baldendone, Balden- Chastleton Cestitone 161a tone 160a Hensington Hansitone 161a

83 Fritwell Fertewelle, Fertwelle 161a Portskewett, Monmouthshire Poteschiuet Cornwell Cornewelle 161a 162a Ducklington Dochelintone 161a Rogerstone, Monmouthshire Strigoielg 162a Hempton Wainhill and Lower Wainhill Wine- Llanvair Discoed, Monmouthshire Lamecare hele, Winehelle 161a 162a Ingham Adingeham 161a Down Hatherley Athelai 162b Kiddington Chidintone 161a Barton in Gloucester Bertune 162b Brighthampton Bristelmestone 161a Brawn Brewere, Brwne 162b Black Bourton Bortone, Burtone 161a Cheltenham Chinteneham 162b Astrop Estrope 161a Cirencester Cirecestre 162b Albury Aldeberie 161a Brookthorpe Brostorp 162b Adlach Adlach 161a Bitton Betone, Betune 162b Begbroke Bechebroc 161a Wapley Wapelei 162b Bolney Bollehede 161a Winterbourne Wintreborne 162b Over Worton Hortone 161a Harescombe Hersecome 162b Salford Salford, Salword 161a Morwent, Hartpury Merewent, Merwen 162b Woodleys Widelie 161a Lower Slaughter Sclostre 162b Watcombe Watecumbe 161a Winchcombe Wicecombe, Wicelcombe, Wicel- Swerford Surford 161a cumbe, Wincelcumbe 162b Sydenham Sidreham 161a Upton St Leonards Optune, Utone 162b Watlington Watelintone 161a Sandhurst Sanher 162b Worton Wrtone 161a Haresfield Hersefel 162b Kirtlington Certelintone, Chertelintone, Cromhall Cromale, Cromhal 163a Cortelintone 161a Cam Camma 163a Rotherfield Greys Redrefeld 161a Clingre Claenhangare 163a Noke Acam, Acham 161a Coaley Couelege 163a Mongewell Mongewel 161a Clifton upon Teme, Worcestershire Cliftone Milcombe Midelcumbe 161a 163a Milton-under-Wychwood Mideltone 161a Bristol Bristou 163a South Newington Neutone, Niwetone 161a Bledisloe Bliteslau 163a Radford Radeforde 161a Dursley Dersilege 163a Etloe Etelau, Eteslau 163a Gossington Gosintune 163a 15 Gloucestershire Horfield in Bristol Horefelle 163a Fiddington Fitentone 163a Chepstow, Monmouthshire Estrighoiel, Elberton Eldbertone 163a Strigoielg 162a Hullasey Hunlafesed 163a Caerleon, Monmouthshire Carleion 162a Almondsbury Almodesberie 163a Caldicot, Monmouthshire Caldecote 162a Alveston Alwestan 163a Caerwent, Monmouthshire Caroen 162a Hill Hilla 163a Gloucester Glowecestre 162a Hinton Hinetune 163a Chepstow Castle Castelle de Estrighoiel 162a Gloucester Glowecestre 163a Dinham Monmouthshire Dinan 162a Alkington Almintune 163a

84 Beverston Bevrestane 163a Dixton Dricledone 163b Arlingham Erlingeham 163a Fiddington Fitentone 163b Aston on Carrant Estone 163a Hentage in Alderton Hundewic 163b Barton in Bristol Bertune Apud Bristou 163a Kemerton, Worcestershire Caneberton, Chene- Berkeley Berchelai 163a mertone, Chenemertune, Chinemertune 163b Awre Aure 163a Avening Aveninge 163b Ashleworth Esceleworde 163a Ashton under Hill, Worcestershire Essetone, Wotton-Under-Edge Wtune 163a Estone 163b Southwick Sudwicham 163a Thornbury Turneberie 163b Purton Peritone, Peritune 163a Forthampton Fortemeltone 163b Sharpness Nesse 163a Alderton Aldritone 163b Slimbridge Heslinbruge 163a Aston on Carrant Estone 163b Sapina Sapina 163a Wincot, Warwickshire Wenecote 163b Pamington Pamintonie 163a Stanway, Wood Stanway Stanwege 163b Ozleworth Osleworde 163a Great Washbourne Waseborne 163b Symonds’ Hall Simondeshale 163a Tewkesbury Tedechesberie, Tedekesberie, Tredington Trotintune 163a Teodechesberie, Teodekesberie 163b Walton Cardiff Waltone 163a Stoke Orchard Stoches 163b Westbury-on-Severn Wesberie, Westberie 163a Taddington Tatintone 163b Uley Ewelege 163a Walton Cardiff Waltone 163b Tewkesbury Tedechesberie, Tedekesberie, Winchcombe Wicecombe, Wicelcombe, Wicel- Teodechesberie, Teodekesberie 163a cumbe, Wincelcumbe 163b Hurst and Old Hurst Hirslege 163a Lower Lemington Limentone 163b Langeberge Langeberge 163a Stanley Pontlarge Stanlege 163b Kingscote Chingescote 163a Shenington, Oxfordshire Senendone 163b Kingsweston in Bristol Westone 163a Natton Aetone, Natone 163b Kyre Chire 163a The Mythe Tuninge 163b Kingstone in Weston under Penyard, Hereford- shire Chingestune 163a Oxenton Oxendone 163b Kiftsgate Cheftesihat 163a Old Sodbury Sopeberie 163b Nympsfield Nimdesfelle 163a Dymock Dimoch 164a Mangotsfield Manegodesfelle 163a Ashton under Hill, Worcestershire Essetone, Meon, Lower Meon, Warwickshire Mene Estone 164a 163a Beckford, Worcestershire Beceford 164a Newent Noent 163a Chedworth Cedeorde 164a Newington Bagpath Neueton 163a Down Ampney Omenel 164a Natton Aetone, Natone 163a Berkeley Berchelai 164a Marshfield Meresfelde 163a Great Barrington Bernintone, Bernitone 164a Boddington Botingtune, Botintone 163b Arlington Alvredintune 164a Hanley Castle, Worcestershire Hanlege 163b Woodchester Udecestre, Widecestre 164a Fairford Fareforde 163b Hempsted in Gloucester Hechanestede 164a Clifford Chambers, Warwickshire Clifort Madgetts Modiete 164a 163b Poulton, Awre Pontune 164a

85 Tidenham Tedeham, Tedeneham, Tideham Foxcote Fuscote 165a 164a Gotherington Godrinton 165a Tockington Tochintune 164a Hambrook Hanbroc 165a Purton Peritone, Peritune 164a Cold Aston Estone 165a Naas Nest 164a Cassey Compton Contone 165a Lydney Lindenee 164a Wapley Wapelie 165a North Cerney Cernei 164b Gloucester Glowecestre 165a Condicote Condicote, Connicote 164b Southam Surham 165a Compton Abdale Cuntune 164b Bishop’s Cleeve Clive 165a Upper Coberley Culberlege 164b Cold Ashton Escetone 165a Churchdown Circesdune 164b Winchcombe Wicecombe, Wicelcombe, Wicel- Colesbourne Colesborne, Colesburne 164b cumbe, Wincelcumbe 165a Compton Greenfield Contone 164b Pegglesworth Peclesurde 165a Farmington Tormentone 164b Stoke Orchard Stoches 165a Hampen Hagenepene, Hagepine 164b Sapperton, Bishops Cleeve Sapletone 165a Bristol Bristou 164b Prestbury Presteberie 165a Bibury Becheberie, Begeberie 164b Pucklechurch Pulcrecerce 165a Aycote Aicote 164b Sevenhampton Sevenhamtone 165a Withington Austreclive 164b Tytherington Tidrentune 165a Barnsley Bernesleis 164b Harry Stoke Estoch 165a Bishop’s Norton Nortune 164b Olveston Alvestone 165a Yate Giete 164b Notgrove Nategrave 165a Shipton Solers Scipetune, Sciptune 164b Lee in Almondsbury Lega 165a Westbury on Trym, Bristol Huesberie 164b Hilcot Willecote 165a Stowell Stanwelle 164b Iron Acton Actune 165a Standish Stanedis 164b Littleton-on-Severn Liteltone 165a Stoke Bishop, Bristol Stoche 164b Oldland Aldelande 165a Swindon Suindone 164b Ampney St Peter Omenie 165b Widford, Oxfordshire Widiforde 164b Charlton Abbots Cerletone 165b Henbury in Bristol Henberie 164b Bourton-on-the-Water Bortune 165b Redwick Redewiche 164b Barton in Gloucester Bertune 165b Lower Oddington Otintune 164b Barnwood in Gloucester Bernewde 165b Lassington Lessedune 164b Bledington Bladintun 165b Hucclecote in Gloucester Hochilicote 164b Boxwell Boxewelle 165b Itchington Icetune 164b Churcham Hamme 165b Northleach Lecce 164b Coln St Aldwyns Culne 165b Upper Oddington Otintune 164b Aldsworth Aldesorde, Aldeswrde 165b Little Colesbourne Colesburne 165a Adlestrop Tedestrop 165b Gaunt’s Earthcott Herdicote 165a Stanton Stantone 165b Doynton Didintone 165a Buckland Bochelande 165b Dodington Dodintone 165a Sherborne Scireburne 165b Condicote Condicote, Connicote 165a Upleadon Ledene 165b Dowdeswell Dodeswelle 165a Admington, Warwickshire Edelmintone 165b

86 Windrush Wenric 165b Kemerton, Worcestershire Caneberton, Chene- Morton, Churcham Mortune 165b mertone, Chenemertune, Chinemertune 166a Tuffley, Lower Tuffley, Gloucestershire Hawkesbury Havochesberie 166a Tuffelege 165b Ellings in Tirley Telinge 166a Snowshill Snawesille 165b Deerhurst Walton Ualton 166a Naunton, Toddington Niwetone 165b Duntisbourne Leer Tantesborne 166a Morwent, Hartpury Merewent, Merwen 165b Dumbleton Dubentone, Dunbentune 166a Preston, Dymock Prestetune 165b Deerhurst Derheste 166a Stow-on-the-Wold Edwardes Stou 165b Little Compton, Warwickshire Contone 166a Twyning Tueninge 165b Elmstone Hardwicke Almundestan 166a Cow Honeybourne, Worcestershire Heniberge Hardwicke Herdewic 166a 165b Hasfield Hasfelde 166a Maugersbury Malgeresberiæ 165b Evington Givingtune 166a Highnam Hamme 165b Weston-on-Avon, Warwickshire Westone, West- Frocester Frowecestre 165b une 166a Duntisbourne Abbots Dantesborne, Duntes- Winchcombe Wicecombe, Wicelcombe, Wicel- borne, Tantesborne 165b cumbe, Wincelcumbe 166a Frampton Court Freolintune 165b Wightfield Wicfeld 166a Hidcote Boyce Hidicote 165b Willersey Willersei 166a Hinton on the Green, Worcestershire Hine- Wickhamford, Worcestershire Wiquennam tune 165b 166a Stoke, Lower Stoke, Lark Stoke, Warwickshire Coln St Dennis Colne 166a Stoch 166a Woolstone Olsendone 166a Newent Noent 166a Bourton-on-the-Hill Bortune 166a Preston on Stour, Warwickshire Preston 166a Calcot Caldecot 166a Oridge Street Tereige 166a Boddington Botingtune, Botintone 166a Moreton-In-Marsh Mortune 166a Daglingworth Duntesborne 166b Mickleton Muceltude 166a Lasborough Lesseberge 166b Sutton-under-Brailes, Warwickshire Sudtune Edgeworth Egeiswrde, Egesworde 166b 166a Driffield Drifelle 166b Tirley Trinleie 166a Horsley Horselei 166b Todenham Teodeham, Toteham 166a Longborough Langeberge 166b Upper Swell Swelle 166a Meysey Hampton Hantone 166b Welford-on-Avon, Warwickshire Welleford Chipping Campden Campedene 166b 166a Aston Subedge Estune 166b Uckington Hochinton 166a Alverston in Woolaston Alvredestone 166b Cowley Kulege 166a Gloucester Glowecestre 166b Staverton Starventon 166a Ampney St Mary Omenie 166b Broadwell Bradewelle 166a Bisley Biselege 166b Long Marston, Warwickshire Merestone 166a Wyegate Wigheiete 166b Hidcote Bartrim Hedecote 166a Stonehouse Stanhus 166b The Leigh Lalege 166a Westonbirt Westone 166b Lemington Leminingtune 166a Througham Troham 166b

87 Tarlton Torentune, Tornentone 166b Huntley Huntelei 167a Tidenham Tedeham, Tedeneham, Tideham Pebworth, Worcestershire Pebeworde 167a 166b Eastleach Turville Lecce 167b Woolaston Odelaveston 166b Kempley and Kempley Green Chenepelei Minchinhampton Hantone 166b 167b Little Sodbury Sopeberie 166b Hailes Heile 167b Rodmarton Redmertone 166b Edgeworth Egeiswrde, Egesworde 167b Pinbury Penneberie 166b English Bicanofre 167b Norcote Norcote, Nortcote 166b Icomb Place Iccumbe 167b Preston near Chichester Prestetune, Prestitune Leckhampton Lechametone, Lechantone 167b 166b Littleton in Dumbleton Litentune, Litetune Roel Rawelle 166b 167b Caldicott, Hawling Callicote 167a Duntisbourne Abbots Dantesborne, Duntes- Dumbleton Dubentone, Dunbentune 167a borne, Tantesborne 167b Culkerton Culcortone, Culcortorne 167a Carswalls Crasowel 167b Cirencester Cirecestre 167a Whittington Witetune 167b Castlett Cateslat 167a Taynton Tatinton 167b Lower Clopton, Warwickshire Cloptune 167a Gloucester Glowecestre 167b Daglingworth Duntesborne 167a Condicote Condicote, Connicote 167b Dyrham Dirham 167a Wyck Rissington Risedune 167b Ebrington Bristentune 167a Temple Guiting Getinge 167b Little Barrington Bernintone 167a Windrush Wenric 167b Aylworth Ailewrde, Elewrde 167a Williamstrip Hetrope 167b Taynton Tetinton 167a Tidenham Tedeham, Tedeneham, Tideham Newnham Neuneham 167a 167b Siddington Suditone 167a Turkdean Turchedene, Turghedene 167b Tibberton Tebriston 167a Winchcombe Wicecombe, Wicelcombe, Wicel- Badgeworth Beiewrde 167a cumbe, Wincelcumbe 167b Wincot, Warwickshire Wenecote 167a Wotton, Gloucester Uletone 167b St Briavels Ledenei 167a Madgetts Modiete 167b Westonbirt Westone 167a Shipton Oliffe Scipetune 167b Ullington, Worcestershire Wenitone 167a Painswick Wiche 167b Stears Staure 167a Upper Moorcroft, Moorcroft Morcote 167b Lower Swell Suelle 167a Mitcheldean Dene 167b Westbury-on-Severn Wesberie, Westberie 167a Oxenhall Horsenehal 167b Winchcombe Wicecombe, Wicelcombe, Wicel- Quenington Quenintone 167b cumbe, Wincelcumbe 167a Charingworth Cheuringaurde 168a Farmcote Fernecote 167a Dodington Dodintone 168a Shipton Moyne Scipetone, Sciptone 167a Coberley Coberleie 168a Longhope Hope 167a Childswickham, Worcestershire Wicuene Hewelsfield Hiwoldestone 167a 168a Guiting Power Getinge 167a Coates Achelie 168a Hampen Hagenepene, Hagepine 167a Culkerton Culcortone, Culcortorne 168a

88 Dorsington, Warwickshire Dorsintune 168a Trewsbury Tursberie 168b Frampton Mansell Frantone 168a Stoke Gifford Stoche 168b Cerney Wick Cernei 168a Shipton Solers Scipetune, Sciptune 168b Ampney in Driffield Omenie 168a Southrop Lece 168b Stratton Stratone 168a Tormarton Tormentone 168b Horton Horedone 168a Turkdean Turchedene, Turghedene 168b Siddington Suintone 168a Icomb Proper Iccumbe 168b Wapley Wapelie 168a Rockhampton Rochementune 168b Bromsberrow Brunmeberge 168a Rendcomb Rindecome, Rindecumbe 168b Wormington Wermetun 168a Naunton near Bourton-on-the-Water Niewtone Siston Sistone 168a 168b Tetbury Upton Uptone 168a Littleton in Dumbleton Litentune, Litetune Tarlton Torentune, Tornentone 168a 168b Upper Slaughter Sclostre 168a Moreton Valence Mortune 168b Lower Swell Suelle 168a Oldbury, Elkstone Aldeberie 168b Tetbury Teteberie 168a Little Rissington Risendune 168b Winchcombe Wicecombe, Wicelcombe, Wicel- Bulley Bulelege 169a cumbe, Wincelcumbe 168a Hatherop Etherope 169a Hampnett Hantone 168a Frampton Cotterell Frantone 169a Sapperton near Cirencester Sapletorne 168a South Cerney Cernei 169a Leonard Stanley Stanlege 168a Hanham Hanun 169a Hazelton in Rodmarton Hasedene 168a Kempsford Chenemeresforde 169a Harnhill Harehille 168a Lechlade Lecelade 169a Icomb Place or Icomb Proper Icumbe 168a Brockworth Brocowardinge 169a Great Rissington Risendone 168a Bagendon Benwedene 169a Culkerton Culcortone, Culcortorne 168b Ampney St Nicholas Omenie 169a Haresfield Court Hersefeld 168b Acton Turville Achetone 169a Eastleach Martin Lece 168b Badminton Madmintune 169a Didmarton Dedmertone 168b Great Barrington Bernintone, Bernitone 169a Duntisbourne Rouse Duntesborne 168b Winchcombe Wicecombe, Wicelcombe, Wicel- Frampton on Severn Frantone 168b cumbe, Wincelcumbe 169a Lower Harford Hurford 168b Sezincote Cheisnecot, Cheisnecote, Chesnecote, Upper Harford Hurford 168b Chiesnecote 169a Condicote Condicote, Connicote 168b Weston-on-Avon, Warwickshire Westone, West- North Cerney Cernei 168b une 169a Baunton Baudintone, Baudintune 168b Sudeley Sudlege 169a Ashbrook Esbroc, Estbroce 168b Shipton Solers Scipetune, Sciptune 169a Aylworth Ailewrde, Elewrde 168b Toddington Todintun 169a Brimpsfield Brimesfelde 168b Willicote, Little Willicote, Warwickshire Coates Achelie 168b Wilcote 169a Whaddon Wadune 168b Broad Marston, Worcestershire Merestune Sezincote Cheisnecot, Cheisnecote, Chesnecote, 169a Chiesnecote 168b Salperton Salpretune 169a

89 Quinton, Lower Warwickshire Quenintune Kilcot Chilecot 170a 169a Charfield Cirvelde 170a Pebworth, Worcestershire Pebeworde 169a Ampney Crucis Omenie 170a Oldbury on the Hill Aldeberie 169a Hayes Hege 170a Quinton, Lower Warwickshire Quenintune Siddington Sudintone 170a 169a Ashbrook Esbroc, Estbroce 170a Ruddle Rodele 169a Yanworth Teneurde 170a Cherington Cerintone 169b Shipton Moyne Scipetone, Sciptone 170a Elkstone Elchestane 169b Wickwar Wichen 170a Colesbourne Colesborne, Colesburne 169b Temple Guiting Getinge 170a Coates Achelie 169b Upton St Leonards Optune, Utone 170a Duntisbourne Abbots Dantesborne, Duntes- Winstone Winestan, Winestane 170a borne, Tantesborne 169b Latton, Wiltshire. Lechetone 170a Eyford Aiforde 169b Sezincote Cheisnecot, Cheisnecote, Chesnecote, Fretherne Fridorne 169b Chiesnecote 170a Burnt Norton Nortune 169b Pauntley Pantelie 170a Batsford Beceshore 169b Longborough Langeberge 170a Ampney Crucis Omenie 169b Norcote Norcote, Nortcote 170a Alderley Alrelie 169b Preston near Chichester Prestetune, Prestitune Aston Somerville, Worcestershire Estune 170a 169b Longney Langenei 170b Brawn Brewere, Brwne 169b Bickmarsh, Worcestershire Bichemerse 170b Winstone Winestan, Winestane 169b Baunton Baudintone, Baudintune 170b Shipton Solers Scipetune, Sciptune 169b Duntisbourne Abbots Dantesborne, Duntes- Weston-Sub-Edge Westone 169b borne, Tantesborne 170b Syde Side 169b Leckhampton Lechametone, Lechantone 170b Upper Siddington Sudintone 169b Bitton Betone, Betune 170b Tortworth Torteword 169b Aldsworth Aldesorde, Aldeswrde 170b Winson Winestune 169b Alkerton Alcrintone 170b Woodchester Udecestre, Widecestre 170b Hillesley Hildeslei 169b Naunton near Bourton-on-the-Water Niewtone Sezincote Cheisnecot, Cheisnecote, Chesnecote, 170b Chiesnecote 169b Rodmarton Redmertone 170b Postlip Poteslepe 169b Wheatenhurst Witenhert 170b King’s Stanley Stantone 169b Windrush Wenric 170b Miserden Grenhamstede 169b Winchcombe Wicecombe, Wicelcombe, Wicel- Saintbury Suineberie 169b cumbe, Wincelcumbe 170b Clifton, Bristol Clistone 170a Rudford Rudeford 170b Iron Acton Actune 170a Pinnock Pignocsire 170b Hawling Hallinge 170a Duntisbourne Abbots Dantesborne, Duntes- borne, Tantesborne 170a 16 Worcestershire Hazleton near Andoversford Hasedene 170a Ketford Chitiford 170a Middlewich, Droitwich Midelwic 172a

90 King’s Norton, Birmingham, Warwickshire Teulesberge Teulesberge 172a Nortune 172a Tessall, Birmingham, Warwickshire Thessale Lindswort, Birmingham, Warwickshire Linde- 172a orde 172a Suduuale Suduuale 172a Lea Green Lea 172a Wannerton Wenvertun 172a Kidderminster Chideminstre 172a Trimpley Trinpelei 172a Hurcott Worcote 172a Tynsall, Tutnall, Cobley Tuneslega 172a Lower Mitton Mettune 172a Upwich, Droitwich Upewic 172a Oldington Aldintone 172a Tutnall Tothehel 172a Ribbesford Alia Ribeford, Ribeford 172a Fladbury Fledebirie 172b Rednal, Birmingham, Warwickshire Were- Holt Holte 172b deshale 172a Gloucester Glowecestre 172b Moseley, Birmingham, Warwickshire Museleie Greenhill Gremanhil 172b 172a Kempsey Chemesege 172b Shurvenhill Suruehel 172a Kenswick Checinwiche 172b Franche Alia Frenesse, Frenesse 172a Droitwich Wic, Wich 172b Droitwich Wic, Wich 172a Clopton in St John in Bedwardine Cloptune Fockbury Focheberie 172a 172b Fastochesfelde Fastochesfelde 172a Clent Clent 172b Cooksey Cochesei 172a Cotheridge Codrie 172b Houndsfield Hundesfelde 172a Upper Wolverton Ulfrintun 172b Grafton near Bromsgrove Grastone 172a Tardebigge Terdeberie, Terdesberie 172b Helpridge Helperic 172a Little Witley Witlege 172b Hereford Hereford 172a Whittington Widintun 172b High Habberley and Low Habberley Har- Wick Episcopi Wiche 172b burgelei 172a Lower Wolverton Ulfrintun 172b Comble in Bromsgrove Comble 172a Kingswinford, Staffordshire Suinesford, Suines- Wythwood Witeurde 172a forde 172b Worcester Wirecestre 172a Stoulton Stoltun 172b Wythall Warthuil 172a Laughern, Temple Laughern, Lower Temple Wribbenhall Gurbehale 172a Laughern Laure 172b Woodcote, Woodcote Green Udecote 172a Kinver, Staffordshire Chenefare 172b Willingwick, Bromsgrove Welingewiche, Will- Mucknell Mucenhil 172b ingewic 172a Droitwich Wic, Wich 173a Ashborough Asseberga 172a Daylesford, Gloucestershire Eilesford 173a Bromsgrove Bremesgrave 172a Ditchford, Gloucestershire Dicford 173a Chadwich in Bromsgrove Celdvic, Celdwic Cutsdean, Gloucestershire Codestune 173a 172a Croome Crumbe 173a Burcot Bericote 172a Earl’s Croome Crumbe 173a Bristitune Bristitune 172a Hill Hylle 173a Suckley Suchelei 172a Hill Croome Hilcrumbe 173a Timberhonger Timbrehangre 172a Evenlode, Gloucestershire Eunilade 173a Sutton Sudtone 172a Holdfast Holefest 173a

91 Bushley Biselege 173a Droitwich Wic, Wich 173b Bredon Breodun 173a Worcester Wirecestre 173b Blockley, Gloucestershire Blochelei 173a Shipston on Stour, Warwickshire Scepwestun Barley Burgelege 173a 173b Abbots Lench Abeleng 173a Whittington Widintun 173b Bishampton Bisantune 173a Warndon Wermedun 173b Bradley Green Bradelege 173a Spetchley Speclea 173b Bredon’s Norton Nortune 173a Tibberton Tidbertun 173b Wyre Piddle Pidele 173a White Ladies Aston Estun 173b Ripple Rippel 173a Wiburgestoke Wiburgestoke 173b Little Washbourne, Gloucestershire Waseburne Northwick Norwiche 173b 173a Sedgeberrow Secgesbarue 173b Tredington, Warwickshire Tredinctun 173a Perry, Worcester Pirian 173b Teddington, Gloucestershire Teotintune 173a Overbury Ovreberie 173b Rous Lench Biscopesleng 173a Oddingley Oddunclei 173b Tidmington, Warwickshire Tidelmintun 173a Offerton Alcrintun 173b Upton Upon Severn Uptun 173a Pendock Penedoc, Peonedoc 173b Westmancote, Lower Westmancote West- Radley, St Peter the Great Rodeleah 173b monecote 173a Cleeve Prior Clive 174a Icomb, Gloucestershire Iacumbe 173a Eardiston Ardolvestone 174a Redmarley D’Abitot, Gloucestershire Ridmer- Crowle Croelai, Crohlea 174a lege 173a Cofton Hackett Costone 174a Pendock Penedoc, Peonedoc 173a Cropthorne Cropetorn 174a Lower Moor More 173a Droitwich Wic, Wich 174a Little Malvern Malferna 173a Gloucester Glowecestre 174a Inkberrow Inteberge 173a Little Hampton and Hampton Hantun, Han- Mitton, Gloucestershire Mitune 173a tune 174a Upper Moor More 173a Bockleton Boclintun 174a Queenhill Cumhille 173a Baddington in Stoke Prior Bedindone 174a Grimley Grimanleh 173b Aston Fields Estone 174a Huddington Hudintune 173b Alvechurch Alvievecherche 174a Himbleton Himeltun 173b Atch Lench Achelenz, Lenc 174a Hallow Halhegan 173b Bengeworth Beningeorde, Bennicworte 174a Harvington Herferthun 173b Wolverley Ulwardelei 174a Hindlip Hindelep 173b Ovretone Ovretone 174a Knightwick Cnihtewic 173b Tonge, Alvechurch Tonge 174a Longdon, Warwickshire Longedun 173b Stoke Prior Stoche 174a Eastbury Eresbyrie 173b Phepson Fepsetenatun 174a Cudleigh Cudelei 173b Salwarpe Salewarpe 174a Broadwas Bradewesham 173b Tenbury Wells Tamedeberie, Tametdeberie Blackwell, Warwickshire Blachewelle 173b 174a Bredicot Bradecote 173b Wast Hills Warstelle 174a Churchill near Worcester Circehille 173b Hanbury Hambyrie 174a

92 Netherton Neotheretune 174a Naunton Beauchamp Newentune 175a Kyre Chure, Cuer 174a Pershore Persore 175a Inkberrow Inteberge 174a Bransford Bradnesforde 175b Hartlebury Huerteberie 174a Droitwich Wic, Wich 175b knighton on teme Cnistetone 174a Church Honeybourne Huniburne 175b Leopard Lappewrte 174a Bretforton Bratfortune 175b Eckington Aichintune 174b Church Lench Circelenz 175b Birlingham Berlingeham 174b Evesham Evesham 175b Defford Depeforde 174b Fishborough Fissesberge 175b Droitwich Wic, Wich 174b Bevington in Abbots Morton Buintun 175b Dormston Dormestun 174b Badsey Badesei 175b Bricklehampton Bricstelmestune 174b Aldington Aldintone 175b Besford Beford 174b Abbots Morton Mortune 175b Wick Wicha, Wiche 174b Atch Lench Achelenz, Lenc 175b Longdon Longedune 174b Bengeworth Beningeorde, Bennicworte 175b Pensham Pendesham 174b Worcester Wirecestre 175b Powick Poiwic 174b Mathon, Herefordshire Matma 175b Upton Snodsbury Snodesbyrie 174b Ombersley Ambreslege 175b Pershore Persore 174b Offenham Offenham 175b Martin Hussingtree Husentre 174b Norton Nortune 175b Chivington Civintone 175a Oldberrow, Warwickshire Oleberge 175b Drake’s Broughton Broctune 175a Wickhamford Wiquene 175b Great Comberton Cumbrintune, Cumbritone Little Hampton and Hampton Hantun, Han- 175a tune 175b Little Comberton Cumbrintune, Cumbritone Middle Littleton South Liteltune 175b 175a Lenchwick Lenchewic 175b Droitwich Wic, Wich 175a Ildeberga Ildeberga 175b Grafton Flyford Garstune 175a Leigh Lege 175b Broughton Hackett Broctune 175a Middle Littleton North, Middle Littleton South Beoley Beolege 175a Liteltune 175b Abberton Edbretintune, Edbritone 175a Bastwood in Eastham Bestewde 176a Alderminster, Warwickshire Sture 175a Dunclent Dunclent 176a Broadway Bradeweia 175a Bayton Betune 176a Yardley, Birmingham, Warwickshire Gerlei Droitwich Wic, Wich 176a 175a Eastham Estham 176a Pirton Peritune 175a Lovett Aelmeleia 176a Wick Wicha, Wiche 175a Astley Eslei 176a Severn Stoke Stoche 175a Acton Beauchamp, Herefordshire Actune Wadborough Wadbergae, Wadberge 175a 176a Wyre Piddle Pidele 175a Abberley Edboldelege 176a Nafford Nadford 175a Alton Alvintune 176a North Piddle Pidelet 175a Worsley Wermeslai 176a Peopleton Piplintune 175a Rock Moor More 176a

93 Sheriff’s Lench Lenche 176a Hadzor Hadesore 177a Salwarpe Salewarpe 176a Hagley Hageleia 177a Shelsley Beauchamp Celdeslai 176a Cradley Cradeleie 177a Worcester Wirecestre 176a Bellington Belintones 177a Halac Halac 176a Bartley in Bartley Reservoir and Bartley Green, Redmarley Redmerleie, Ridmerlege 176a Birmingham, Warwickshire Berchelai 177a Lindon in Rock Linde 176a Bellem 177a Halesowen Halam 176a Churchill near Kidderminster Cercehalle Lutley Ludeleia 176a 177a Morton Mortune 176b Willingwick, Bromsgrove Welingewiche, Will- Sodington Sudtune 176b ingewic 177a Shell Scelves 176b Pedmore Pevemore 177a Redmarley Redmerleie, Ridmerlege 176b Old Swinford Suineforde 177a Lower Sapey Sapie 176b Selly Oak, Birmingham, Warwickshire Escelie Shelsley Walsh Caldeslei 176b 177a Stanford on Teme Stanford 176b Stildon Stilledune 177a Stockton on Teme Stotune 176b Warley Wigorn, Birmingham, Warwickshire Martley Merlie, Mertelai 176b Werwelie 177a Kyre Chure, Cuer 176b Hanley Child and Hanley William Hanlege Hereford Hereford 176b 177a Hanley Child and Hanley William Hanlege Orleton Alretune 177a 176b Martley Merlie, Mertelai 177a Kington Chintune 176b Hollin Holim 177a Mamble Mamele 176b Northfield, Birmingham, Warwickshire Nord- Hanley Hanlege 176b feld 177a Crowle Croelai, Crohlea 176b Cofton Hackett Costone 177b Elmbridge Elmerige 176b Doverdale Lunvredele 177b Droitwich Wic, Wich 176b Cookhill Cochehi 177b Doddenham Dodeham 176b Cooksey Cochesie 177b Edvin Loach, Herefordshire Edevent 176b Droitwich Wic, Wich 177b Hamcastle Hamme 176b Hampton Lovett Hamtune, Hantune 177b Tenbury Wells Tamedeberie, Tametdeberie Chawson Celvestune 177b 176b Lower Bentley Beneslei 177b Conningswick Colingvic 176b Belbroughton Brotune 177b Carton Carletune 176b Upper Bentley Beneslei 177b Berrington Beritune 176b Worcester Wirecestre 177b Wychbold Wicelbold 176b Thickenappletree, Hampton Lovett Tichenaple- Brook Broc 176b treu 177b Clifton upon Teme Clistune 176b Witton Witone In Wich, Witune In Wich Droitwich Wic, Wich 177a 177b Glasshampton Glese 177a Upton Warren Uptune 177b Dudley, Staffordshire Dudelei 177a Woodcote, Woodcote Green Udecote 177b Frankley Franchelie 177a Hatete Hatete 177b

94 Stone Stanes 177b Risbury Riseberie 180a Osmerley, Alvechurch Osmerlie 177b Wharton Wavertune 180a Horton Hortune 177b Stanford Regis Stanford 180a Rushock Russococ 177b Sarnesfield Sarnesfelde 180a Hereford Hereford 178a Wapley Wapletone 180a Droitwich Wic, Wich 178a Wigmore Wigemore, Wighemore 180a Feckenham Fecheham 178a Hamnish Hamenes 180a Chaddesley Corbett Cedeslai 178a Newton Newentone 180a Worcester Wirecestre 178a Lye Lege 180a Hillhampton Hilhamatone 178a Hampton Wafer Hantone 180a Martley Merlie, Mertelai 178a Humber Humbre 180a Suckley Suchelei 178a Middleton on the Hill Mideltone 180a Hollow Holewei 178a Worcester Wirecestre 180b Feckenham Feccheham 180b Martley Merlie 180b 17 Herefordshire Suckley Suchelie 180b Wormelow Urmelauia 179a Queenhill Chonhelme 180b Hereford Hereford 179a Hollow Hiloede 180b Archenfield Arcenefelde 179a Bushley Biselie 180b Lawton Lautone 179b Yarpole Iarpol, Iarpole 180b Cusop Chewesope 179b Alac Alac 180b Kingsland Chingestone 179b Forthampton Forhelodentone 180b Eardisland Clive 179b Luntley Lutelei 180b Wilton Wiltone 179b Pull Iapule 180b Linton Lintune 179b Monmouth Castle Castello Monemude 180b Marden Maurdine 179b Hanley Castle Hanlie 180b Much Marcle Merchelai 179b Eldersfield Edresfelle 180b Wapleford Wapleford 179b Dewsall Westeude 181a Merestone Merestone 179b Kilpeck Chipeete 181a Lugwardine Lucuardine 179b Garway Lagademar 181a Brimfield Bromefelde 180a Eardisley Herdeslege 181a Eaton Etone 180a Godrich Hulla 181a Butterley Buterlei 180a Kings Caple Cape 181a Broadward Bradeford 180a Mateurdin Mateurdin 181a Dilwyn Dilge 180a Chickward Cicuurdine 181a Fencote Fencote 180a Birch Mainaube 181a Gattertop Gadredehope 180a Archenfield Arcenefelde 181a Ashe Ingen Ascis 180a Baysham Baissan 181a Hampton Hantone 180a Burlingjobb Berchelincope 181a Broadfield Bradefelde 180a Yatton Getune 181a Ford Forne 180a Lower Welson Ulfelmestune 181a Hatfield Hetfelde 180a Whitney Witenie 181a Yarpole Iarpol, Iarpole 180a Upper Welson Ulfelmestune 181a

95 Westwood Westuode 181a Hazle Hasles 182a Woonton, Almeley Wennetune 181a Ross-on-Wye Rosse 182a Newarne Niware 181a Ledbury Liedeberge 182a Rowden Ruadene 181a Holmer Holemere 182a Pontrilas Elwistone 181a Moreton on Lugg Mortune 182a Old Radnor Raddebenove 181a Credenhill Cradenhille 182b Penebecdoc Penebecdoc 181a Gatsford Hope 182b Redbrook Brocote 181a Dormington Dementune 182b Didley Dodelegie 181b Felton Feltone 182b Eaton Bishop Etune 181b Hinton Hinetune 182b Donnington Dunninctune 181b Kingstone Chingestune 182b Holme Lacy Hamme 181b Collington Collintune 182b How Caple Capel 181b Bridge Sollers Bricge 182b Brockhampton Caplefore 181b Bishopstone Malveshille 182b Barton Bertune 181b Hereford Herefordie 182b Withington Widingtune 181b Brampton Abbotts Bruntone 182b Bishops Frome Frome 181b Bromyard Bromcerde 182b Yarsop Ardeshope, Edreshope, Erdeshop, Erdesope Wormsley Wermeslai, Wrmesleu 182b 181b Pipe Pipe 182b Lulham Lulleham 181b Whitney Witenie 182b Moreton Jeffries Mortune 181b Thinghill Tingehalle 182b Preston Wynne Prestetune 181b Priors Frome Frome 182b Ullingswick Ullingwic 181b Westelet Westelet 182b Woolhope Hope 181b Winetune Winetune 182b Tyberton Tibrintintune 181b Lea Lecce 182b Preston on Wye Prestretune 181b Norton Canon Nortune 182b Madley Medelagie 181b Moor More 182b Bosbury Boseberge 182a Middlewood Mideurde 182b Colwall Colewelle 182a Lyde Leode 182b Canon Pyon Peune 182a Moccas Moches 182b Coddington Cotingtune 182a Much Marcle Merchelai 182b Eastnor Aestenotre 182a Dinedor Dunke 183a Hampton Bishop Hantune 182a Sutton Sutune 183a Bagburrow Bageberge 182a Bartestree Bertoldestreu 183a Huntington Huntenetune 182a Clifford Cliford 183a Cradley Credelaie 182a Cowarne Colgre 183a Walford Walecford 182a Chadnor Chadenor 183a Whippington Wibuldingtune 182a Avenbury Aweneburi 183a Shelwick Scelwiche 182a Bowley Bolelie 183a Upton Bishop Uptune 182a Winforton Widferdestune 183a Sugwas Sucwessen 182a Maund Mage 183a Tupsley Topeslage 182a Monkland Leine 183a Warham Werham 182a St Guthlac Hide 183a

96 Willersley Willaueslege 183a Webton Webetone 184a Thinghill Tingehele 183a Longtown Pillesdune 184a Monnington on Wye Manitone 183a Mawfield Malfelle 184a Moccas Moches 183a Lyde Lude 184a Covenhope Camehoy 183b Marden Maurdine 184a Harpton Ortune 183b Ocle Pychard Acle 184a Downton on the Rock Duntune 183b Eardisley Herdeslege 184b Elton Elintune 183b Kings Pyon Pionie 184b Ledicot Leidecote 183b Evesbatch Sbech 184b Leinthall Lenhale, Lintehale 183b Fernhill Fernehalle 184b Burrington Boritune 183b Lawton Lautune 184b Orleton Airetune 183b Leadon Lede 184b Aston Hesintune 183b Canon Frome Frome 184b Birley Burlei 183b Birley Burlie 184b Wigmore Castle Castelli Wigemore 183b Alton Pletune 184b Staunton on Arrow Stantune 183b Street Lestret 184b Lower Weston, Upper Weston, Wales Westune Brobury Brocheberie 184b 183b Woonton, Almeley Wennetune 184b Stoke Edith Stoches Eddied 183b Munsley Muneslai 184b Underley Ulferlau 183b Tarrington Tatintune 184b Wigmore Wigemore, Wighemore 183b Staunton on Wye Standune 184b Lye Lecwe 183b Swanstone Suenestun 184b Shobdon Scepedune 183b Weobley Wibelai 184b Pilleth Pelelei 183b Ledicot Lidecote 184b Middleton Mildetune 183b Monkhide Hide 184b Radlow Radelau 183b Mansell Gamage Malveselle 184b Castle Frome Brismerfrum 184a Lyonshall Lenehalle 184b Ewias Ewias 184a Marcle Merchelai 184b Cobhall Cobewelle 184a Collington Colintune 185a Chanstone Elnodestune 184a Grendon Grenedene 185a Edwardestune Edwardestune 184a Cuple Chipelai 185a Halmonds Frome Herefrum 184a Ewyas Harold Ewias 185a Heath Hed 184a Marston Stannett Merstune 185a Bullinghope Boniniope 184a Priors Frome Frome 185a Yarkhill Archel 184a Byford Buiford 185a Wye Waia 184a Bredenbury Brideneberie 185a Woonton, Laysters Wenetone 184a Hanley Hanlei 185a Bodenham Bodeham 184a Bishops Frome Frome 185a Weston Beggard Westune 184a Butterley Butrelie 185a Putley Poteslepe 184a Yazor Iavesoure 185a Stretton Sugwas Stratone 184a Lower Upton Upetone 185a Rosemaund Magene, Magge 184a Yarpole Iarpol, Iarpole 185a Stradel Valley Stradelei 184a Wolferlow Ulferlau 185a

97 Wormsley Wermeslai, Wrmesleu 185a Monnington Manetune 186a Yarsop Ardeshope, Edreshope, Erdeshop, Erdesope Pembridge Penebruge 186a 185a Sollers Hope Hope 186a Richards Castle Castellena de Auretone 185a Tarrington Tatintune 186a Tedstone Wafre Tetistorp 185a Thornbury Torneberie 186a Stanford Bishop Stanford 185a Stretford Stratford 186a Sawbury Hill Sargeberie 185a Pixley Picheslie 186a Stoke Lacy Stoches 185a Much Cowarne Cuure 186a Broadward Bradeford 185b Byton Boitune 186b Hope Mansell Hope 185b Dorstone Dodintune 186b Croft Crofta 185b Coldborough Calcheberge 186b Careleon Carleon 185b Clatterbrune Clatretune 186b Dilwyn Diluen 185b Cascob Cascope 186b Hopton Sollers Hopetune 185b Clehonger Cleunge 186b Linton Lintone 185b Discoed Discote 186b Bickerton Bicretune 185b Hanleys End Hanlie 186b Ashperton Spertune 185b Harpton Hertune 186b Rushock Ruiscop 185b Burcstanestune Burcstanestune 186b Alvington Alwintune 185b Broad Heath Hech 186b Aylton Merchelai 185b Bradley Bradelege 186b Yarsop Ardeshope, Edreshope, Erdeshop, Erdesope Ashperton Spertune 186b 185b Milton Mildetune 186b Ruardean Ruuirdin 185b Bodenham Bodeham 186b Walsopthorne Walesapeldor 185b Brampton Bruntune 186b Venn’s Green Fenne 185b Bullinghope Boninhope 186b Stretton Grandison Stratune 185b Whyle Huilech 186b The vern Ferne 185b Querentune Querentune 186b Whitwick Witewiche 185b Titley Titelege, Titellege 186b Marston Stannett Merstune 185b Staunton on Arrow Stantune 186b Poston Poscetenetune 185b Rochford Recesford 186b Munsley Moneslai, Muleslage 185b Richards Castle Castello Auretone 186b Maund Bryan Magga 185b Rotherwas Retrowas 186b Much Marcle Merchelai 185b Thruxton Torchestone 186b Newton Nawetune 185b Weston under Penyard Westune 186b Ewyasharold Ewias 186a Knill Chenille 186b Amberley Amburlege 186a Pontshill Panchille 186b Bredwardine Brocheurdie 186a Mynydd-Brith Ruunore 186b Bullinghope Boninhope 186a Lyde Lude 186b Burghill Burgelle 186a Litley Lutelei 186b Brinsop Hope 186a Ludford Ludeford 186b Aston Ingham Estune 186a Lye Lege 186b Hill of Eaton Eatune 186a Newton Neutone 186b Upleadon Ledene 186a Beltrou Beltrou 187a

98 Eardisley Herdeslege 187a 18 Cambridgeshire Clehonger Cleunge 187a Chetestor Chetestor 187a Borough of Cambridge Burgum de Grentebrige Chickward Creuurdine 187a 189a Credenhill Credenelle 187a Cambridge Grantebrige, Grentebrige 189a Fownhope Hope 187a Soham Saham 189a Harewood Harewde 187a Comberton Bertone, Cumbertone 189b Barland Bernoldune 187a Fordham Fordeham 189b Alcamestune Alcamestune 187a Great Chesterford, Essex Cestreforde 189b Wellington Walintone 187a Cheveley Chavelai 189b Sutton Sudtune 187a Kingston Chingestone 189b Ailey Walelege 187a Chesterton Cestretone 189b Bach Becce 187a Woodditton Ditone 189b Exning, Suffolk 189b Wlvetone Wlvetone 187a Esselinge, Essellinge Hinxton Hestitone, Histetone, Histetune 189b Pixley Picheslie 187a Soham Saham 189b Wilmastone Wilmestune 187a Great Wilbraham Witborham 189b Stretton Sugwas Stratone 187a Isleham Gisleham 189b Priors Frome Frome 187a Haslingfield Haslingefeld, Haslingefelde 189b Strangford Etone 187a Fen Drayton Draitone 190a Westhide Hide 187a Great Abington Abintone 190a Winnall Wilehalle 187a Bassingbourn Basingborne 190a Kenchester Chenecestre 187a Great Chesterford, Essex Cestreforde 190a Peterchurch Almundestune 187a Clopton in Croydon Cloptune 190a Middlewood Midewde 187a Cambridge Grantebrige, Grentebrige 190a Lincumbe Lincube 187a Babraham Badburgh, Badburgham, Badburham Lege Lege 187a 190a Marston Merstone 187a Abington Pigotts Abintone 190a Munsley Muleslage 187a Steeple Morden Mordune 190a Marden Maurdine 187b Fulbourn Fuleberne 190a Bunshill Bunesulle 187b Histon Histone 190a Lye Lege 187b Litlington Lidlingtone, Lidlintone, Lidtingtone, Mansell Lacy Malveselle 187b Litingtone 190a Curdeslege Curdeslege 187b Newport, Essex Neuport 190a Ashperton Spertune 187b Great Shelford Escelforde 190a Yarsop Ardeshope, Edreshope, Erdeshop, Erdesope Madingley Madingelei, Madinglei 190a 187b Ickleton Hichelintone, Ichelintone, Inchelintone Marstonstannett Merstune 187b 190a Noakes Iacre 187b Hinxton Hestitone, Histetone, Histetune 190a Stoke Bliss Stoch 187b Soham Saham 190b Wicton Wigetune 187b Childerley Cilderlai, Cildrelai 190b Rowden Ruedene 187b Isleham Gisleham 190b Mateurdin Mateurdin 187b Balsham Belesham, Belessham 190b

99 West Wratting Waratinge 190b Little Downham Duneham 192a Stetchworth Sticesworde, Stiuicesworde, Sutton Sudtone 192a Stwicesworde 190b Witchford Wiceford, Wiceforde 192a Swaffham Prior Suafam, Suafham 190b Linden in Haddenham Lindone 192a Westley Waterless Weslai 190b Soham Saham 192a Hauxton Hauochestone, Hauochestun 191a Wisbech Wisbece 192a Harston Herlestone 191a Witcham Wiceham 192a Whaddon Wadone 191a Wilburton Wilbertone 192a Fulbourn Fuleberne 191a March Mercha, Merche 192a Babraham Badburgh, Badburgham, Badburham Chatteris Cetriz 192b 191a Graveley Gravelei 192b Stapleford Stapleforde 191a Bourn Brone, Brunam, Brune 192b Barham Bercheham 191a Burwell Burewelle, Burwella, Burwelle 192b West Wickham Wicheham 191a Boxworth Bochesworde 192b Horningsea Horningesie 191a Over Ovre 192b Pampisford Pampesworde 191a Girton Gretone 192b Teversham Teversham, Tevresham 191a Wisbech Wisbece 192b Thriplow Trepeslai, Trepeslau 191a Cottenham Coteham 192b Great Shelford Escelforde 191a Fen Drayton Draitone 192b Ely Ely 191b Longstowe Stou 192b Histon Histone 191b Whittlesey Witesie 192b Little Gransden Grantedene, Gratedene 191b Oakington Hochinton, Hochintone 192b Impington Epintone 191b Knapwell Chenepewelle 192b Littleport Litelport 191b Elsworth Elesworde 192b Doddington Dodinton 191b Over Ovre 193a Chatteris Cetriz 191b Shepreth Esceprid, Escepride 193a Hardwick Harduic 191b Sawston Salsiton, Salsitone 193a Cottenham Coteham 191b Shingay Scelgei 193a Witchford Wiceford, Wiceforde 191b Steeple Morden Mordune 193a Stuntney Stuntenei 191b Girton Gretone 193a Whittlesey Witesie 191b Barton Bertone 193a Little Thetford Liteltedford 191b Barrington Barentone 193a Willingham Wivelingham 191b Foxton Foxetone 193a March Mercha, Merche 191b Orwell Ordewelle, Ordwelle, Oredwelle, Stretham Stradham 191b Orewelle 193a Oakington Hochinton, Hochintone 191b Dullingham Dulingham, Dullingeham, Dulling- Melbourn Melleborne, Melleburne 191b ham 193a Shepreth Esceprid, Escepride 191b Guilden Morden Alia Mordune, Mordune Hill Row Helle 192a 193a Wentowrth Winteworde 192a Grantchester Granteseta, Grantesete 193a Ely Ely 192a Histon Histone 193a Hainey Haneia 192a Wisbech Wisbece 193a Haddenham Hadreham 192a Dry Drayton Draitone 193a

100 Burwell Burewelle, Burwella, Burwelle 193a Barrington Barentone 194b Abington Pigotts Abintone 193a Witewell Watewelle, Witewella, Witewelle Croydon Crawedene 193a 194b Horseheath Horsei 193b Melbourn Melleborne, Melleburne 194b Kingston Chingestone 193b Orwell Ordewelle, Ordwelle, Oredwelle, Cherry Hinton Hintone 193b Orewelle 194b Fulbourn Fuleberne 193b Shepreth Esceprid, Escepride 194b Arrington Erningtone, Erningtune 193b Toft Tosth 194b Barham Bercheham 193b Wimpole Winepol, Winepole 194b Witewell Watewelle, Witewella, Witewelle Swavesey Suavesy, Suavesye 194b 193b Ratford Warateworde, Werateworde 194b Melbourn Melleborne, Melleburne 193b Meldreth Melrede 194b Orwell Ordewelle, Ordwelle, Oredwelle, Hatley St George Hatelai 195a Orewelle 193b Bourn Brone, Brunam, Brune 195a Teversham Teversham, Tevresham 193b Cheveley Chavelai 195a West Wickham Wicheham 193b Fen Drayton Draitone 195a Ratford Warateworde, Werateworde 193b Dry Drayton Draitone 195a Meldreth Melrede 193b Boxworth Bochesworde 195a Croydon Crawedene 194a Caldecote Caldecote 195a Harston Herlestone 194a Woodditton Ditone 195a Babraham Badburgh, Badburgham, Badburham Landbeach Bece, Bech 195a 194a Longstowe Stou 195a Cambridge Grantebrige, Grentebrige 194a Swaffham Bulbeck Suafam, Suafham 195a Bassingbourn Basingborne 194a Willingham Wivelingham 195a Little Abington Abintone 194a Swavesey Suavesy, Suavesye 195a Linton Lintone 194a Papworth Everard Papeworde 195a Whittlesford Witelesforde 194a Longstanton Stantone, Stantune 195a Duxford Dochesworde, Dodesworde 194a Balsham Belesham, Belessham 195b East Hatley Atelai, Hatelai 194a Burwell Burewelle, Burwella, Burwelle 195b Pampisford Pampesworde 194a Burrough Green Burch 195b Wendy Wandei, Wandrie 194a Dullingham Dulingham, Dullingeham, Dulling- Little Shelford Escelford, Escelforde 194a ham 195b Little Linton Alia Lintone 194a Exning, Suffolk Esselinge, Essellinge 195b Fowlmere Fugelesmara, Fugleme 194a Badlingham Bellingeham 195b Haslingfield Haslingefeld, Haslingefelde 194b Fordham Forham 195b Kingston Chingestone 194b Carlton Carlentone 195b Arrington Erningtone, Erningtune 194b Wicken Wicha 195b Little Eversden Averesdone, Avresdone, Evres- West Wratting Waratinge 195b done 194b Isleham Gisleham 195b Grantchester Granteseta, Grantesete 194b Soham Mere Saham 195b Great Eversden Averesdone, Avresdone, Evres- Stow Cum Quy Coeia 195b done 194b Weston Colville Westone 195b Whaddon Wadune 194b Great Wilbraham Witborham 195b

101 Westley Waterless Weslai 195b Orwell Ordewelle, Ordwelle, Oredwelle, Stetchworth Sticesworde, Stiuicesworde, Orewelle 197a Stwicesworde 195b Sawston Salsiton, Salsitone 197a Soham Saham 195b Swavesey Suavesy, Suavesye 197a Grantchester Granteseta, Grantesete 196a Shepreth Esceprid, Escepride 197a Carlton Carlentone 196a Papworth St Agnes Papeworde 197a Duxford Dochesworde, Dodesworde 196a Longstanton Stantone, Stantune 197a Eltisley Hecteslei 196a Burwell Burewelle, Burwella, Burwelle 197b Bottisham Bodichessham 196a Dullingham Dulingham, Dullingeham, Dulling- Barrington Barenton 196a ham 197b Weston Colville Westone 196a Clopton in Croydon Cloptune 197b Harlton Herletone 196a Croydon Crawedene 197b Orwell Ordewelle, Ordwelle, Oredwelle, Fen Drayton Draitone 197b Orewelle 196a Fenstanton, Huntingdonshire Stantone 197b Trumpington Trumpinton, Trumpintone 196a Boxworth Bochesworde 197b Swaffham Bulbeck Suafam, Suafham 196a Kingston Chingestone 197b Ickleton Hichelintone, Ichelintone, Inchelintone Carlton Carletone 197b 196a Conington Cunitone 197b Babraham Horseheath Horsei 196b Badburgh, Badburgham, Badburham 197b Harston Herlestone 196b Wimpole Winepol, Winepole 197b Duxford Dochesworde, Dodesworde 196b Pampisford Pampesworde 197b Fowlmere Fugelesmara, Fugleme 196b Swavesey Suavesy, Suavesye 197b Whaddon Wadune 196b Sawston Salsiton, Salsitone 197b Barrington Barentone 196b Swaffham Prior Suafam, Suafham 197b West Wratting Waratinge 196b Westley Waterless Weslai 197b Kennett Chenet 196b Gamlingay Gamelinge, Gamelingei 197b Shudy Camps Campas 196b Longstanton Stantone, Stantune 197b West Wickham Wicheham 196b Hatley St George Hatelai 197b Wisbech Wisbece 196b Little Gransden Grantedene, Gratedene 197b Trumpington Trumpinton, Trumpintone East Hatley Atelai, Hatelai 197b 196b Guilden Morden Alia Mordune, Mordune Papworth St Agnes Papeworde 196b 198a Guilden Morden Alia Mordune, Mordune Hinxton Hestitone, Histetone, Histetune 198a 197a Hauxton Hauochestone, Hauochestun 198a Foxton Foxetune 197a Horseheath Horsei 198a Chippenham Chipeham 197a Ickleton Hichelintone, Ichelintone, Inchelintone Fenstanton, Huntingdonshire Stantone 197a 198a Fulbourn Fuleberne 197a Duxford Dochesworde, Dodesworde 198a Elsworth Bochesworde 197a Babraham Badburgh, Badburgham, Badburham Conington Contone 197a 198a Thriplow Trepeslai, Trepeslau 197a Abington Pigotts Abintone 198a Haslingfield Haslingefeld, Haslingefelde 197a Croydon Crawedene 198a

102 West Wratting Waratinge 198a Snailwell Snellewelle 199a Litlington Lidlingtone, Lidlintone, Lidtingtone, Swaffham Prior Suafam, Suafham 199a Litingtone 198a Thriplow Trepeslai, Trepeslau 199a Little Shelford Escelford, Escelforde 198a Stetchworth Sticesworde, Stiuicesworde, Wendy Wandei, Wandrie 198a Stwicesworde 199a Whittlesford Witelesforde 198a Papworth St Agnes Papeworde 199a West Wickham Wicheham 198a Hildersham Hildricesham 199b Weston Colville Westone 198a Great Abington Abintone 199b Steeple Morden Mordune 198a Babraham Badburgh, Badburgham, Badburham Pampisford Pampesworde 198a 199b Little Eversden Averesdone, Avresdone, Evres- Cheveley Chavelai 199b done 198b Castle Camps Canpas 199b Kingston Chingestone 198b Little Abington Abintone 199b Bassingbourn Basingborne 198b Ashley Esselie 199b Great Eversden Averesdone, Avresdone, Evres- Little Wilbraham Wiborgham 199b done 198b Horseheath Horsei 199b Caxton Caustone 198b Papworth St Agnes Papeworde 199b Whaddon Wadone 198b Silverley Severlai 199b Caldecote Caldecote 198b Swaffham Prior Suafam, Suafham 199b Witewell Watewelle, Witewella, Witewelle Saxon Street Sextone 199b 198b Hinxton Hestitone, Histetone, Histetune 200a Longstowe Stou 198b Great Eversden Averesdone, Avresdone, Evres- Meldreth Melrede 198b done 200a Ratford Warateworde, Werateworde 198b Grantchester Granteseta, Grantesete 200a Shepreth Esceprid, Escepride 198b Guilden Morden Alia Mordune, Mordune Orwell Ordewelle, Ordwelle, Oredwelle, 200a Orewelle 198b Little Eversden Averesdone, Avresdone, Evres- Melbourn Melleborne, Melleburne 198b done 200a Balsham Belesham, Belessham 199a Harston Herlestone 200a Dry Drayton Draitone 199a Trumpington Trumpinton, Trumpintone 200a Boxworth Bochesworde 199a Orwell Ordewelle, Ordwelle, Oredwelle, Elsworth Elesworde 199a Orewelle 200a Great Eversden Averesdone, Avresdone, Evres- Ratford Warateworde, Werateworde 200a done 199a Tadlow Tadelai 200a Babraham Badburgh, Badburgham, Badburham Stow Cum Quy Coeia 200a 199a Pampisford Pampesworde 200a Croxton Crochestone 199a Eynesbury, Huntingdonshire Einuluesberie Conington Cunitone 199a 200b Over Ovre 199a Kingston Chingestone 200b West Wratting Waratinge 199a Bourn Brone, Brunam, Brune 200b Little Eversden Averesdone, Avresdone, Evres- Comberton Bertone, Cumbertone 200b done 199a Croydon Crawedene 200b Pampisford Pampesworde 199a Clopton in Croydon Cloptune 200b

103 Abington Pigotts Abintone 200b Dullingham Dulingham, Dullingeham, Dulling- Barrington Barentone 200b ham 202a Witewell Watewelle, Witewella, Witewelle Croxton Crochestone 202a 200b Kirtling Chertelinge 202a Grantchester Granteseta, Grantesete 200b Babraham Badburgh, Badburgham, Badburham Harlton Herletone 200b 202a East Hatley Atelai, Hatelai 200b Dry Drayton Draitone 202a Rushden, Hertfordshire Risedene 200b Westwick Westwiche 202a Toft Tosth 200b Carlton Carletone 202a Ratford Warateworde, Werateworde 200b Caldecote Caldecote 202a Haslingfield Haslingefeld, Haslingefelde 200b Whittlesford Witelesforde 202a Guilden Morden Alia Mordune, Mordune Gamlingay Gamelinge, Gamelingei 202a 200b Pampisford Pampesworde 202a Impington Epintone 201a Trumpington Trumpinton, Trumpintone 202a Over Ovre 201a Westley Waterless Weslai 202a Fen Drayton Draitone 201a Waterbeach Utbech 202a Hatley St George Hatelai 201a Tadlow Tadelai 202a Rampton Rantone 201a Grantchester Granteseta, Grantesete 202a Girton Gretone 201a Toft Tosth 202b Willingham Wivelingham 201a Oakington Hochinton, Hochintone 202b Lolworth Lolesworde 201a Comberton Bertone, Cumbertone 202b Madingley Madingelei, Madinglei 201a Over Ovre 202b Papworth St Agnes Papeworde 201a Childerley Cilderlai, Cildrelai 202b Rushden, Hertfordshire Risedene 201a Dry Drayton Draitone 202b Oakington Hochinton, Hochintone 201a Tadlow Tadelai 202b Longstanton Stantone, Stantune 201a Comberton Bertone, Cumbertone 201b 19 Huntingdonshire Milton Middeltone 201b Babraham Badburgh, Badburgham, Badburham Hurstingstone Herstingest 203a 201b Broughton Bractone 203a Childerley Cilderlai, Cildrelai 201b Huntingdon Huntedone, Huntedun, Huntedune Bourn Brone, Brunam, Brune 201b 203a Westwick Westwiche 201b Grafham Grafham 203b Barton Bertone 201b Keyston Chetelestan, Ketelestan 203b Waterbeach Utbech 201b Great Gransden Grantesdene 203b Cottenham Coteham 201b Leighton Bromswold Lectone 203b Gamlingay Gamelinge, Gamelingei 201b Orton Waterville, Peterborough Ovretone, Lolworth Lolesworde 201b Ovretune 203b Teversham Teversham, Tevresham 201b Godmanchester Godmundcestre 203b Longstanton Stantone, Stantune 201b Denton Dentone 203b Landbeach Bece, Bech 201b Brampton Brantuna 203b Fulbourn Fuleberne 201b Hartford Hereford 203b

104 Great Gidding Geddinge, Gedelinge, Redinges Hemingford Grey Alia Emingeforde, Eminge- 203b forde 204b Pertenhall, Bedfordshire Partenhale 203b Sawtry Saltrede 204b Stilton Stichiltone, Sticiltone 203b Offord D’Arcy Opeforde, Upeforde 204b Botolph Bridge in Peterborough Botuluesbrige Lutton, Northamptonshire Lodintune 204b 203b Old Weston Westune 204b Cotton Cotes 203b Orton Waterville, Peterborough Ovretone, Diddington Dodinctun, Dodintone 203b Ovretune 205a Buckden Bugedene 203b Alwalton Alwoltune 205a Alconbury Acumesberie, Almundeberie 203b Glatton Glatune 205a Great Staughton Tochestone 203b Old Fletton Fletone, Fletun 205a Holywell Haliewelle 204a Haddon Adone 205a Alconbury Acumesberie, Almundeberie 204a Old Fletton, Peterborough Fletone, Fletun Little Catworth Alia Cateworde, Parva Cate- 205a worde 204a Chesterton Cestretune 205a Hargrave, Northamptonshire Eregrave, Here- Yaxley Lacheslei 205a grave 204a Sibson Sibestun, Sibestune 205a Colne Colne 204a Stibbington Stebintone, Stebintune 205a Bluntisham Bluntesham 204a Whittlesey Mere Witelesmare 205a Abbots Ripton Riptune 204a Woodston, Peterborough Wodestun 205a Wistow Wistou 204a Water Newton Newetone 205a Morborne Morburne 204a Stanground, Peterborough Stangrun 205a Spaldwick Spalduic, Spalduice 204a Folksworth Folchesworde 205b Little Stukeley Stivecle 204a Buckworth Buchesworde 205b Upwood Upehude 204a Little Catworth Alia Cateworde, Parva Cate- Thurning, Northamptonshire Torninge 204a worde 205b St Ives Slepe 204a Covington Covintune 205b Somersham Summersham 204a Coppingford Copemaneforde 205b Brington Breninctune 204b Catworth Cateworde 205b Dillington Dellinctune 204b Upton Opertune 205b Bythorn Bierne 204b Woodwalton Waltune 205b Great Gidding Geddinge, Gedelinge, Redinges Hamerton Hambertune 205b 204b Kimbolton Chenebaltone, Kenebaltone 205b Hemingford Abbots Emingeforde 204b Great Paxton Pachstone, Parchestune 205b Bluntisham Bluntesham 204b Waresley Wederesle, Wedreslei, Wedresleie Elton Idelintuna 204b 205b Ellington Elintuna 204b Swineshead, Bedfordshire Suineshefet 205b Houghton Hoetuna 204b Offord Cluny Upeforde 205b Yelling Gelinge, Gellinge, Ghellinge 204b Keysoe Bedfordshire Caissot 205b Steeple Gidding Redinges 204b Great Gidding Geddinge, Gedelinge, Redinges Old Weston Westune 204b 206a Warboys Wardebusc 204b Hargrave, Northamptonshire Eregrave, Here- Wyton Witune 204b grave 206a

105 Grafham Grafham 206a Diddington Dodinctun, Dodintone 207a Hemingford Grey Alia Emingeforde, Eminge- Yelling Gelinge, Gellinge, Ghellinge 207a forde 206a Hemingford Emingeforde 207a North Luddington in the brook, Northampton- Hemingford Grey Alia Emingeforde, Eminge- shire Lolinctune 206a forde 207a Catworth Cateworde 206a Southoe Sutham 207a Alconbury Weston Westune 206a Waresley Wederesle, Wedreslei, Wedresleie Alconbury Acumesberie, Almundeberie 206a 207a Botuluesbrige Botuluesbrige 206a Great Paxton Pachstone, Parchestune 207a Woolley Ciluelai 206a Hemingford Abbots Emingeforde 207a Orton Longueville, Peterborough Ovretune Woolley Ciluelai 207b 206a Sawtry Cateworde 207b Stilton Stichiltone, Sticiltone 206a Brampton Brantuna 207b Swineshead, Bedfordshire Suineshefet 206a Keysoe Bedfordshire Caissot 207b Washingley Wasingelei, Wasingeleia 206a Washingley Wasingelei, Wasingeleia 207b Winwick Winewiche 206a Catworth Cateworde 208a Thurning, Northamptonshire Torninge 206a Easton Estone 208a Great Stukeley Stivecle 206a Little Catworth Alia Cateworde, Parva Cate- Sawtry Saltrede 206a worde 208a Molesworth Molesworde 206b Conington Coninctune 208a Catworth Cateworde 206b Great Gidding Geddinge, Gedelinge, Redinges Cotton Cotes 206b 208a Hail Weston Westone, Westune 206b Grafham Grafham 208a Eynesbury Einuluesberiam, Einuluesberie Buckworth Buchesworde 208a 206b Alconbury Acumesberie, Almundeberie 208a Conington Coninctune 206b Brampton Brantuna 208a Boughton Buchecone 206b Waresley Wederesle, Wedreslei, Wedresleie Broughton Broxone 208a 206b Boxted, Essex Bocstede 208a Offord D’Arcy Opeforde, Upeforde 206b Yelling Gelinge, Gellinge, Ghellinge 208a West Perry Pirie 206b Kimbolton Chenebaltone, Kenebaltone 208a Southoe Sutham 206b Spaldwick Spalduic, Spalduice 208a Great Stukeley Stivecle 206b Great Paxton Pachstone, Parchestune 208a Sawtry Saltrede 206b Pertenhall, Bedfordshire Partenhale 208a Papworth St Agnes, Cambridgeshire Pape- Swineshead, Bedfordshire Suineshefet 208a worde 206b Hail Weston Westone, Westune 208a Hail Weston Westone, Westune 207a Keyston Chetelestan, Ketelestan 208a Everton, Bedfordshire Evretune 207a Hemingford Grey Alia Emingeforde, Eminge- Fenstanton Stantone 207a forde 208a Little Gidding Redinges 207a Hemingford Abbots Emingeforde 208a Great Gidding Redinges 207a Huntingdon Huntedone, Huntedun, Huntedune Eynesbury Einuluesberiam, Einuluesberie 208a 207a Sawtry Saltrede 208b

106 Old Fletton, Peterborough Fletone, Fletun Sharnbrook Scernebroc, Sernebroc, Serneburg 208b 210a Riseley Riselai 210a Bedford Bedeford 210b 20 Bedfordshire Chicksands Chichesana, Chichesane 210b Biddenham Bideham, Bidenham 210b Luton Lintone, Loitone 209a Blunham Bluneham, Blunham 210b Bedford Bedeford 209a Cranfield Cranfelle 210b Leighton Buzzard Lestone 209a Holwell Hertfordshire Holewella, Holewelle Houghton Regis Houstone 209b 210b Bolnhurst Bolehestre, Bulehestre 209b Barton-le-Clay Bertone 210b Lower Dean Dena, Dene 209b Arlesey Alricesei, Alriceseia, Alriceseie 210b Eaton Bray Eitone 209b Clifton Cliftone 210b Eversholt Evreshot, Evresot 209b Little Barford Bereforde 210b Upper Dean Dena, Dene 209b Wyboston Wiboldestone, Wiboldestune 210b Carlton Carlentone 209b Shillington Sethlindone 210b Biscot Bissopescote 209b Lower Stondon Standone 210b Wilden Wildene 209b St Edmundsbury St Edmundi 210b Knotting Chenotinga 209b Stanwick, Northamptonshire Stanewiga 210b Melchbourne Melceburne 209b Upper Stondon Standone 210b Sewell Sewelle 209b Kinwick in Sandy Chenemondewiche 210b Turvey Tornai, Tornei, Torneia, Torvei, Torveie Peterborough St Burg 210b 209b Millow Melehou 210b Stagsden Stachedene 209b Leighton Buzzard Lestone 210b Milton Bryan Middeltone, Mildentone 209b Pegsdon Pechesdone 210b Luton Lintone, Loitone 209b Holwell Hertfordshire Holewella, Holewelle Hinwick Hanewic, Hanewich, Henewic, He- 211a newich 210a Biddenham Bideham, Bidenham 211a Bleadon, Somerset Bledone 210a Bromham Brimeham, Bruneham 211a Lower Dean Dena, Dene 210a Harrowden Hergentone, Herghetone 211a Easton, Huntingdonshire Estone 210a Caddington Cadendone 211a Goldington Coldentone, Goldentone 210a Bolnhurst Bolehestre, Bulehestre 211a Upper Dean Dena, Dene 210a Battlesden Badelesdone, Badelestone 211a Bolnhurst Bolehestre, Bulehestre 210a Woburn Woberne, Woburne 211a Biddenham Bideham, Bidenham 210a Lidlington Litincletone 211a Yelden Giveldene 210a Pavenham Pabeneham 211a Newton Bromswold, Northamptonshire Stagsden Stachedene 211a Newentone 210a Turvey Tornai, Tornei, Torneia, Torvei, Torveie Rushden, Northamptonshire Risedene 210a 211a Shelton near Swineshead Eseltone 210a Stevington Stiventone 211a Turvey Tornai, Tornei, Torneia, Torvei, Torveie Sharnbrook Scernebroc, Sernebroc, Serneburg 210a 211a Tempsford Tamiseforde 210a Odell Wadehelle, Wadelle 211a

107 Easton, Huntingdonshire Estone 211b Northill Nortgible, Nortgive, Nortgivele 212b Campton Chambeltone 211b Riseley Riselai 212b Cudessane Cudessane 211b Southill Sudgible, Sudgivele 212b Upper Dean Dena, Dene 211b Tilsworth Pileworde 212b Lower Dean Dena, Dene 211b Stagsden Stachedene 212b Colmworth Colmeborde, Colmeworde, Culme- Rushden, Northamptonshire Risedene 212b worde 211b Putnoe Putenehou 212b Stratton Sqatone 211b Haynes Hagenes 213a Tilbrook, Huntingdonshire Tilebroc 211b Maulden Meldone 213a Hanefelde Hanefeld, Hanefelde 211b Higham Gobion Echam 213a Marston Moretaine Merestone, Merstone 211b Houghton Conquest Houstone, Oustone 213a Millow Melehou 211b Milton Bryan Middeltone, Mildentone 213a Upper Sundon Sonedone 211b Milton Ernest Middeltone, Mildentone 213a Lower Sundon Sonedone 211b Upper Gravenhurst Cravenhest 213a Maulden 211b Meldone Willington Welitone 213a Kimbolton, Huntingdonshire Chenebaltone Salford Salsford 213a 211b Lower Gravenhurst Cravenhest 213a Chalgrave Celgrave 212a Eversholt Evreshot, Evresot 213a Clapham Clopeham 212a Aspley Guise Aspeleia 213a Chawston Calnestorne, Chauelestorne 212a Colmworth Colmeborde, Colmeworde, Culme- Eaton Socon Etone 212a worde 213a Edworth Edeworde 212a Bletsoe Estone 213a Campton Chambeltone 212a Riseley Riselai 213a Toddington Dodingtone 212a Ware, Hertfordshire 213a Sutton Suttone 212a Wares, Warres Arlesey Alricesei, Alriceseia, Alriceseie 212a Stotfold Stodfald, Stotfalt 213a Wyboston Wiboldestone, Wiboldestune 212a Salph End Salchou 213a Holme Holma, Holme 212a Streatley Stradlei, Stradli, Straillei 213a Milton Ernest Middeltone, Mildentone 212a Cople Estwiche 213b Southill Sudgible, Sudgivele 212a Biddenham Bideham, Bidenham 213b Tempsford Tamiseforde 212a Chawston Calnestorne, Chauelestorne 213b Thurleigh Lalega 212a Colmworth Colmeborde, Colmeworde, Culme- Streatley Stradlei, Stradli, Straillei 212a worde 213b Sandy Sandeia 212a Bromham Brimeham, Bruneham 213b Millow Melehou 212a Great Barford Bereforde 213b Keysoe Caisot, Caissot, Chaisot 212b Stanford Stanforde 213b Cardington Chernetone 212b Wyboston Wiboldestone, Wiboldestune 213b Blunham Bluneham, Blunham 212b Goldington Coldentone, Goldentone 213b Goldington Coldentone, Goldentone 212b Roxton Rochesdone, Rochestone 213b Channel’s End Chainhalle 212b Thurleigh Lalega 213b Clifton Clistone 212b Ware, Hertfordshire Wares, Warres 213b Beeston Bistone 212b Turvey Tornai, Tornei, Torneia, Torvei, Torveie Ware, Hertfordshire Wares, Warres 212b 213b

108 Sharnbrook Scernebroc, Sernebroc, Serneburg Chawston Calnestorne, Chauelestorne 215a 213b Eyeworth Aieworde, Aisseworde 215a Holme Holma, Holme 213b Northill Nortgible, Nortgive, Nortgivele 215a Clophill Clopelle 214a Flitton Flictha 215a Cudessane Cudessane 214a Edlesborough, Buckinghamshire Edingeberge Cople Chochepol, Cochepol 214a 215a Cotton End Wescota, Wescote 214a Beeston Bistone 215a Husborne Crawley Crauelai, Crawelai 214a Old Warden Wardone 215a Marston Moretaine Merestone, Merstone 214a Pavenham Pabeneham 215a Cainhoe Cainou, Chainehou 214a Southill Sudgible, Sudgivele 215a Willington Welrone 214a Thurleigh Lalega 215a Harlington Herlingdone 214a Turvey Tornai, Tornei, Torneia, Torvei, Torveie Ampthill Ammetelle 214a 215a Ware, Hertfordshire Wares, Warres 214a Studham Estodham 215a Lower Shelton Eseltone, Esseltone 214a Roxton Rochesdone, Rochestone 215a Silsoe Sewilessou, Siwilessou 214a Milton Ernest Middeltone, Mildentone 215b Upper Shelton Eseltone, Esseltone 214a Stratton Sqatone 215b Tingrith Tingrei 214a Henlow Haneslau, Haneslawe, Hanslau, Maulden Meldone 214a Hanslaue 215b Pulloxhill Polochessele 214a Holme Holma, Holme 215b Northill Nortgible, Nortgive, Nortgivele 214a Astwick Estwiche 215b Millbrook Melebroc 214a Langford Langeford 215b Priestley Prestelai 214a Wymington Wimentone 215b Hinwick Hanewic, Hanewich, Henewic, He- Odell Wadehelle, Wadelle 215b newich 214b Southill Sudgible, Sudgivele 215b Arlesey Toangedone 214b Totternhoe Totenehou 215b Biddenham Bideham, Bidenham 214b Turvey Tornai, Tornei, Torneia, Torvei, Torveie Harrowden Hergentone, Herghetone 214b 215b Henlow Haneslau, Haneslawe, Hanslau, Thurleigh Lalega 215b Hanslaue 214b Podington Podintone 215b Carlton Carlentone 214b Flitwick Flictewiche 216a Arlesey Alricesei, Alriceseia, Alriceseie 214b Husborne Crawley Crauelai, Crawelai 216a Radwell Radennelle 214b Hinwick Hanewic, Hanewich, Henewic, He- Wymington Wimentone 214b newich 216a Holme Holma, Holme 214b Podington Podintone 216a Milton Ernest Middeltone, Mildentone 214b Potsgrove Potesgrava, Potesgrave 216a Streatley Stradlei, Stradli, Straillei 214b Farndish Fernadis 216a Wyboston Wiboldestone, Wiboldestune 214b Battlesden Badelesdone, Badelestone 216a Turvey Tornai, Tornei, Torneia, Torvei, Torveie Dunton Daintone 216a 214b Easton, Huntingdonshire Estone 216a Steppingley Stepigelai 214b Wyboston Wiboldestone, Wiboldestune 216a Hulcote Holecote 214b Segenhoe Segenehou 216a Oakley Achelei, Acheleia 215a Shirdon, Sandy Segresdone 216a

109 Southill Sudgible, Sudgivele 216a Sharnbrook Wardone 217a Tempsford Tamiseforde 216a Houghton Conquest Houstone, Oustone 217a Totternhoe Totenehou 216a Oakley Achelei, Acheleia 217a Sudbury, Eaton Socon Subberie 216a Maulden Meldone 217a Silsoe Sewilessou, Siwilessou 216a Kempston Cameston, Camestone 217a Sharnbrook Scernebroc, Sernebroc, Serneburg Nares Gladley Gledelai 217a 216a Cockayne Hatley Hatelai 217b Carlton Carlentone 216b Clifton Cliftone 217b Easton, Huntingdonshire Estone 216b Stratton Bluneham, Blunham 217b Chalgrave Celgrave 216b Chalton Cerlentone 217b Elvedon in Pertenhall Elvendone 216b Sutton Sudcone 217b Farndish Fernadis 216b Everton Eurecone 217b Campton Chambeltone 216b Cardington Chernecone 217b Wootton Otone 216b Southill Sudgible, Sudgivele 217b Beeston Bistone 216b Cople Chochepol, Cochepol 217b Little Barford Bereforde 216b Holme Holma, Holme 217b Turstin Turstini 216b Kempston Cameston, Camestone 217b Riseley Riselai 216b Lower Shelton Eseltone, Esseltone 217b Lower Shelton Eseltone, Esseltone 216b Upper Shelton Eseltone, Esseltone 217b Sharnbrook Scernebroc, Sernebroc, Serneburg Potton Potone 217b 216b Houghton Conquest Houstone, Oustone 217b Upper Shelton Eseltone, Esseltone 216b Harrowden Hergentone, Herghetone 217b Felmersham Falmeresham, Flammeresham Biddenham Bideham, Bidenham 218a 216b Chicksands Chichesana, Chichesane 218a Pavenham Pabeneham 216b Cainhoe Cainou, Chainehou 218a Keysoe Caisot, Caissot, Chaisot 216b Cockayne Hatley Hatelai 218a Hinwick Hanewic, Hanewich, Henewic, He- Eyeworth Aieworde, Aisseworde 218a newich 216b Battlesden Badelesdone, Badelestone 218a Meppershall Malpertesselle 216b Stanford Standone 218a Bolnhurst Bolehestre, Bulehestre 217a Beeston Bistone 218a Felmersham Falmeresham, Flammeresham Arlesey Alricesei, Alriceseia, Alriceseie 218a 217a Wyboston Wiboldestone, Wiboldestune 218a Bromham Brimeham, Bruneham 217a Lower Stondon Standone 218a Elstow Elnestou 217a Stotfold Stodfald, Stotfalt 218a Harrold Harewelle 217a Upper Stondon Standone 218a Holme Holma, Holme 217a Old Warden Wardone 218a Bletsoe Blacheshou, Blecheshou 217a Henlow Haneslau, Haneslawe, Hanslau, Stratton Sqatone 217a Hanslaue 218a Radwell Radennelle 217a Sharnbrook Scernebroc, Sernebroc, Serneburg Biggleswade Bicheleswade, Picheleswade 217a 218a Wilstead Winessamestede 217a Hockliffe Hocheleia 218a Potsgrove Potesgrava, Potesgrave 217a Hinwick Hanewic, Hanewich, Henewic, He- Stagsden Stachedene 217a newich 218a

110 Milton Ernest Middeltone, Mildentone 218a Northampton Hantone, Northantone 219a Cotton End Wescota, Wescote 218b Great Casterton or Little Casterton Castretone Edworth Edeworde 218b 219b Lower Dean Dena, Dene 218b Brigstock Bricstoc 219b Upper Dean Dena, Dene 218b Brixworth Briclesworde 219b Eversholt Evreshot, Evresot 218b Blakesley Baculveslea, Blacheslewe, Blaculveslea, Goldington Coldentone, Goldentone 218b Blaculveslei 219b Carlton Carlentone 218b Arthingworth Arningvorde, Arniworde, Erni- Sutton Sudcone 218b wade, Narninworde 219b Beeston Bistone 218b Corby Corbei, Corbi 219b Stanford Standone 218b Desborough Deisburg, Dereburg, Desburg Bromham Brimeham, Bruneham 218b 219b Wymington Wimentone 218b Duddington Dodintone 219b Priestley Prestelai 218b Great Cransley Craneslea, Cranesleg 219b Turvey Tornai, Tornei, Torneia, Torvei, Torveie Fawsley Falelau, Falewesle, Faleweslei, 218b Falewesleie, Feleslewe, Felewesleie, Felveslea 219b Streatley Stradlei, Stradli, Straillei 218b Adstone Atenestone, Etenestone 219b Tempsford Tamiseforde 218b Rothwell Rodewelle 219b Woburn Woberne, Woburne 218b Islip Slepe 219b Hanefelde Hanefeld, Hanefelde 218b Draughton Dractone 219b Potsgrove Potesgrava, Potesgrave 218b Clipston Clipestone 219b Maulden Meldone 218b Gretton Grecone 219b Holme Holma, Holme 218b Orton Overtone 219b Luton Lintone, Loitone 218b Upton Optone 219b Milton Ernest Middeltone, Mildentone 218b Whitfield Witefelle 219b Portland Portland 219b 21 Northamptonshire Old Walda 219b Great Oxendon Ocedone, Oxendone 219b Luffenham, South Rutland Lufenham 219a Nassington Nassintone 219b Bisbrooke, Rutland Bitlesbroch 219a Kingsthorpe near Northampton Torp 219b Ketton, Rutland Chetene 219a Stanion Stanere 219b Luffenham, North Rutland Lufenham 219a Walgrave Waldgrave, Woldegrave, Woldgrave King’s Cliffe Clive 219a 219b Glaston, Rutland Gladestone 219a Weston Favell Westone 219b Barrowden, Rutland Berchedone 219a Towcester Tovecestre 219b Tixover, Rutland Tichesovre 219a Faxton Fextone 219b Morcott, Rutland Morcote 219a King’s Sutton Sudtone, Sutone 219b Sculthorp, North Luffenham, Rutland Scule- Holcot Holecote 219b torp 219a Hardingstone Hardingestone, Hardingestorp Stoke Bruerne Stoche, Stoches 219a 219b Thorpe By Water, Rutland Torp 219a Glendon Clendone, Clenedone 219b Seaton, Rutland Segentone, Segestone, Seieton, Geddington Gadintone, Geitentone 219b Seietone 219a Greens Norton Nortone 219b

111 Harlestone Erlestone, Herolvestone, Herolves- Little Addington Alia Edintone, Edintone tune 219b 220b Kelmarsh Cailmarc, Calme, Keilmerse 219b Woodford Wodeford 220b Brafield-on-the-Green Brachefeld, Brachesfeld, Islip Islep 220b Bragefelde 220a Clipston Clipestone 220b Finedon Tingdene 220a Peterborough Deneforde 220b Great Everdon Everdone 220a Great Addington Edintone 220b Braunston Brandestone 220a Raunds Rande 220b Corby Corbei, Corbi 220a Wadenhoe Wadenho 220b Fawsley Falelau, Falewesle, Faleweslei, Stanion Stanere 220b Falewesleie, Feleslewe, Felewesleie, Felveslea 220a Scaldwell Scadewelle, Scaldeswelle, Scaldewelle Greatworth Grentevorde 220a 220b Hartwell Hertewelle 220a Thrapston Trapestone 220b Barnwell Bernewelle 220a Wellingborough Waletone, Wedlingeberie, Rushton Rusdone 220a Wendleberie, Wendlesberie 220b Houghton Hohtone 220a Hantone Hantone 220b Barford Bereford 220a Preston Deanery Prestone 220b Charlton Certintone 220a Lowick Ludewic, Luhwic 220b Hulcote Halecote 220a Little Harrowden Alia Hargindone 220b Apethorpe Patorp 220a Great Harrowden Hargedone, Hargindone, Wilbarston Wilberdestone, Wilbertestone 220a Hargintone 220b Puxley Pocheslai, Pocheslei 220a Isham Hisham, Isham 220b Walton Grounds Waletone, Waltone 220a Newton Bromswold Niwetone 220b Stoke Albany Stoche 220a Castor Castre 221a Roade Rode 220a Glinton Glintone 221a Rockingham Rochingeham 220a Essendine, Rutland Esindone 221a Tansor Tanesovre 220a Chacombe Cewecumbe 221a Weekley Wiclei 220a Elton Huntingdonshire Adelintone 221a Nether Heyford Haiford, Haiforde 220a Finmere, Oxfordshire Finemere 221a Passenham Bassonham, Paseham, Passeham Glympton, Oxfordshire Glintone 221a 220a Hethe, Oxfordshire Hedham 221a Nassington Nassintone 220a Caldecott Caldecote 221a King’s Cliffe Clive 220a Petersborough Petri de Burg 221a Horn, Rutland Horne 220a Croughton Gneveltone 221a King’s Sutton Sudtone, Sutone 220a Cottingham Cotingeha 221a Nether Heyford Haiford, Haiforde 220a Horton Hortone 221a Barton Seagrave Bertone 220b Ailsworth Eglesworde 221a Edgcote Hocecote 220b Over Worton Hortone 221a Cranford St John Craneford 220b Snelston, Rutland Smelistone 221a Burton Latimer Burton, Burtone 220b Werrington Widerintone 221a Densford Deneforde 220b Stoke Dry, Rutland Stoche 221a Finedon Tingdene 220b Stoke Doyle Terninge 221a Hackleton Bachelintone, Hachelintone 220b Wootton, Oxfordshire Oitone 221a

112 Upper Heyford, Oxfordshire Egforde 221a Clopton Clotone, Dotone 222a Shelswell, Oxfordshire Scildeswelle 221a Deene Dene 222a Oundle Undel, Undele 221a Elton Huntingdonshire Adelintone 222a Longthorpe Torp 221a Arthingworth Arningvorde, Arniworde, Erni- Hollowell Holewelle 221a wade, Narninworde 222a Lyddington, Rutland Lidentone 221a Little Addington Alia Edintone, Edintone Pilsgate Pillesgete 221a 222a Armston Mermeston 221b Dentone Dodintone 222a Glinton Glintone 221b Clipston Clipestone 222a Castor Castre 221b Dallington Dailintone 222a Ashton in Oundle Ascetone 221b Hemington Hemintone 222a Burghley Burglea 221b Aldwincle St Peter Eldewincle 222a Cotterstock Codestoche 221b Wisthon Wicetone 222a Irthlingborough Erdiburne, Erdinburne 221b Lutton Lidintone, Luditone 222a Kettering Cateringe 221b Titchmarsh Ticemerse, Tircemesse 222a Ailsworth Eglesworde 221b Scaldwell Scadewelle, Scaldeswelle, Scaldewelle Warmington Wermintone 221b 222a Milton Meletone 221b Maidwell Medewelle 222a Hemington Hinintone 221b Pytchley Picteslei, Pihteslea, Piteslea 222a Southorpe Sudtorp 221b Sudborough Sutburg 222a Achurch Asechirce 221b Warkton Werchintone 222a Wothorpe Widetorp, Wridtorp, Writorp 221b East Farndon Faredone, Ferendone 222a Stoke Doyle Stoche 221b Lamport Langeport 222a Winwick, Huntingdonshire Winewiche, Irthlingborough Erdiburne, Erdinburne 222a Winewincle 221b Hanging Houghton Hohtone 222a Wadenhoe Wadenho 221b Geddington Gadintone, Geitentone 222a Tinwell, Rutland Tedinwelle 221b Halefield Hala 222a Werrington Widerintone 221b Hothorpe Udetorp 222a Wittering Witeringham, Witheringham 221b Kelmarsh Cailmarc, Calme, Keilmerse 222a Kingsthorpe in Polebrook Chingestorp 221b Brafield-on-the-Green Brachefeld, Brachesfeld, Stanwick Stanwige 221b Bragefelde 222b Polebrook Pochebroc 221b Fawsley Falelau, Falewesle, Faleweslei, Lutton Lidintone, Luditone 221b Falewesleie, Feleslewe, Felewesleie, Felveslea 222b Luddington in the brook Lullintone 221b Cold Ashby Essebi 222b Oundle Undel, Undele 221b Braybrooke Badebroc, Baiebroc, Bradebroc Slipton Sliptone 221b 222b Ashton in Oundle Ascetone 222a Charwelton Celvertone, Cerveltone, Cerweltone Cranford St Andrew Craneford 222a 222b Catworth, Huntingdonshire Cateworde 222a Elmington Elmintone 222b Boughton in Weekley Boctone 222a Glendon Clendone, Clenedone 222b Barnwell Bernewelle 222a West Haddon Ecdone, Eddone, Edone 222b Braybrooke Badebroc, Baiebroc, Bradebroc Boughton near Northampton Bochetone, 222a Buchedone, Buchenho, Buchetone 222b

113 Adstone Atenestone, Etenestone 222b Passenham Bassonham, Paseham, Passeham Winwick Winewiche 222b 223a Whiston Wicetone 222b Weedon Bec Wedone 223a Great Addington Edintone 222b Sywell Snewelle 223a Badby Badebi 222b Pitsford Pidesford, Pitesford 223a Wothorpe Widetorp, Wridtorp, Writorp 222b Pipewell Pipewelle 223a Newbottle, Harrington Neubote 222b Sibbertoft Sibertod 223a Wellingborough Waletone, Wedlingeberie, Tiffield Tifelde 223a Wendleberie, Wendlesberie 222b Weston Favell Westone 223a Sawbridge, Warwickshire Salwebrige 222b West Farndon Ferendon, Ferendone 223a Passenham Bassonham, Paseham, Passeham Little Oxendon Oxedone 223a 222b Haselbech Esbece 223a Twywell Teowelle, Tuiwella 222b Hanging Houghton Hohtone 223a Weston Favell Westone 222b Furtho Forho 223a Harrington Arintone 222b Fawsley Falelau, Falewesle, Faleweslei, Marston, Church Eaton, Staffordshire Merse- Falewesleie, Feleslewe, Felewesleie, Felveslea 223a tone 222b East Haddon Eddone, Edone, Hadone 223a Litchborough Liceberge 222b Harlestone Erlestone, Herolvestone, Herolves- tune 223a King’s Sutton Sudtone, Sutone 222b Helmdon Elmedene 223a Kilsby Chidesbi 222b Evenley Avelai, Evelai, Evelaia 223b Lapley, Staffordshire Lepelie 222b Easton Neston Adestanestone, Estanestone Maidwell Medewelle 222b 223b Bugbrooke Buchebroc, Buchebroch 223a Elkington Eltetone, Etendone 223b Desborough Deisburg, Dereburg, Desburg Dodford Dodeforde 223b 223a Little Creaton Creptone, Cretone 223b Cosgrove Covesgrave 223a Farthingstone Fordinestone 223b Church Brampton Brantone 223a Flore Flora, Flore 223b Celverdescote 223a Celverdescote Furtho Forho 223b Cold Higham Hecham 223a Fawsley Falelau, Falewesle, Faleweslei, Creaton Craptone, Cretone 223a Falewesleie, Feleslewe, Felewesleie, Felveslea 223b Dingley Dingle, Dinglei, Tinglea 223a Glassthorpehill Clachestorp 223b East Farndon Faredone, Ferendone 223a Great Brington or Little Brington Brinintone, Little Bowden, Leicestershire Bugedone 223a Brintone 223b Arthingworth Arningvorde, Arniworde, Erni- Croughton Cliweltone 223b wade, Narninworde 223a Foxley Foxele 223b Staverton Stavertone 223a Charlton Cerlintone 223b East Carlton Carlintone 223a Cold Ashby Essebi 223b Alderton Aldritone 223a Brockhall Brocole 223b Upper Heyford Harford 223a Charwelton Celvertone, Cerveltone, Cerweltone Althorp Olletorp 223a 223b Little Billing Belinge, Bellica 223a Chilcote in Thornby Cildecote 223b Whilton Woltone 223a Bugbrooke Buchebroc, Buchebroch 223b

114 Yelvertoft Celvrecot, Gelvrecote, Givertost Adstone Atenestone, Etenestone 224a 223b Over Whitacre Witacre 224a Syresham Sigreham, Sigresham 223b Spratton Spretone, Sprotone 224a Silverstone Selvestone, Silvestone 223b Pytchley Picteslei, Pihteslea, Piteslea 224a Snorscomb Snochescumbe 223b Snorscomb Snochescumbe 224a Little Purston Prestetone 223b Preston Capes Prestetone 224a Nether Heyford Haiford, Haiforde 223b Over Whitacre Witacre 224a Thrupp Grounds Torp, Westorp 223b Syresham Sigreham, Sigresham 224a Towcester Tovecestre 223b Walgrave Waldgrave, Woldegrave, Woldgrave Walton Grounds Waletone, Waltone 223b 224a Tiffield Tifelde 223b Weston Favell Westone 224a East Haddon Eddone, Edone, Hadone 223b Thorpe Malsor Alidetorp 224a Muscott Misecote 223b East Haddon Eddone, Edone, Hadone 224a Lilbourne Lilleburne, Lineburne 223b Irchester Hirecestre, Irencestre 224a King’s Sutton Sudtone, Sutone 223b Holdenby Aldenesbi, Aldenestone 224a Harlestone Erlestone, Herolvestone, Herolves- Hollowell Holewelle 224a tune 223b Nether Heyford Haiford, Haiforde 224a Hannington Hanintone, Hanitone 223b Orlingbury Ordinbaro 224a Nether Heyford Haiford, Haiforde 223b Lilbourne Lilleburne, Lineburne 224a Kislingbury Ceselingeberie, Cifelingeberie Nether Heyford Haiford, Haiforde 224a 223b Nortoft Nortot 224a Middleton Cheney Mideltone 223b Long Buckby Buchebi 224a Farthinghoe Ferningeho 224a Charlton-on-Otmoor, Oxfordshire Cerlentone Bugbrooke Buchebroc, Buchebroch 224a 224b Evenley Avelai, Evelai, Evelaia 224a Greens Norton Nortone 224b Church Brampton Brantone 224a Eydon Egedone 224b Long Buckby Buchebi 224a Charwelton Celvertone, Cerveltone, Cerweltone Brackley Brachelai 224a 224b Farthingstone Fordinestone 224a Cottisford, Oxfordshire Cotesforde 224b Grafton Regis Grastone 224a West Farndon Ferendon, Ferendone 224b Greens Norton Nortone 224a King’s Sutton Sudtone, Sutone 224b Fawsley Falelau, Falewesle, Faleweslei, Maidford Merdeford 224b Falewesleie, Feleslewe, Felewesleie, Felveslea 224a Byfield Bifelde, Bivelde 224b Guilsborough Gisleburg 224a Blakesley Baculveslea, Blacheslewe, Blaculveslea, Wakefield Wacafeld 224a Blaculveslei 224b Halse Hasov 224a Ashby St Ledgers Ascebi 224b Norton Norton 224a Welton Welintone 224b Alderton Aldenestone 224a Ashby St Legers Ascebi 224b Upper Boddington Botendone 224a Lower Boddington Botendone 224b Welton Waletone 224a Yelvertoft Celvrecot, Gelvrecote, Givertost Berkswell, Warwickshire Berchewelle 224a 224b Blakesley Baculveslea, Blacheslewe, Blaculveslea, Thrupp Grounds Torp, Westorp 224b Blaculveslei 224a Little Weldon Parva Weledone 224b

115 Watford Wadford, Watford 224b Bradden Bradene 225b Trafford Trapeford 224b Boughton near Northampton Bochetone, Weedon Bec Wedone 224b Buchedone, Buchenho, Buchetone 225b Woodford Halse Wodeford 224b Braybrooke Badebroc, Baiebroc, Bradebroc Marston St Lawrence Merestone 224b 225b Thorpe Lubenham Torp 224b Chelveston Celvestone 225b Radstone Rodestone 224b Courteenhall Alio Cortenhalo, Cortenhale, Middleton Cheney Mideltone 224b Cortenhalo 225b Marston Trussell Mersitone 224b Little Creaton Creptone, Cretone 225b Newbottle near Brackley Niwebotle 224b Blatherwycke Blarewiche 225b Shipton-on-Cherwell, Oxfordshire Sciptune Rushden Risdene 225b 224b Moulton Maltone 225b Potterspury Perie, Pirie 225a Caldecott Caldecote 225b Seaton, Rutland Segentone, Segestone, Seieton, Clipston Clipestone 225b Seietone 225a Rushton Ristone 225b Great Purston Prestone 225a Althorp Olletorp 225b Saswalo Saswalo 225a Great Weldon Waledone, Walesdone, Weledene, Seawell Sewelle 225a Weledone 225b Stoke Albany Stoche 225a Irchester Hirecestre, Irencestre 225b Pipewell Pipewelle 225a Raunds Rande 225b Wicken Wicha 225a Nobottle Neubote 225b Ashley Asce 225a Knuston Cnutestone 225b Rushton Ristone 225a Naseby Navesberiæ, Navesberie 225b Ecton Echentone 225a Podington, Bedfordshire Potintone 225b Dingley Dingle, Dinglei, Tinglea 225a Spratton Spretone, Sprotone 225b Wilbarston Wilberdestone, Wilbertestone 225a Duston Dustone 225b Braybrooke Badebroc, Baiebroc, Bradebroc Higham Ferrers Hecham 225b 225a Grafton Underwood Grastone 225b Barrowden, Rutland Berchedone 225a Flore Flora, Flore 225b Brampton Ash Brantone 225a Easton Maudit Estone 225b Desborough Deisburg, Dereburg, Desburg Farndish, Bedfordshire Farnedis 225b 225a Glassthorpehill Clachestorp 225b Stoneton, Warwickshire Stantone 225a Harlestone Erlestone, Herolvestone, Herolves- Weston by Welland Westone 225a tune 225b Titchmarsh Ticemerse, Tircemesse 225a Barnack Bernac 226a Sutton Bassett Sutone 225a Catesby Catesbi 226a Thenford Taneford, Teworde 225a Braunston Brandestone 226a Great Weldon Waledone, Walesdone, Weledene, Blakesley Baculveslea, Blacheslewe, Blaculveslea, Weledone 225a Blaculveslei 226a Blisworth Blidesworde 225b Bozeat Bosieta, Bosiete 226a Collyweston Westone 225b West Bromwich, Staffordshire Bromwic 226a Great Brington or Little Brington Brinintone, Churchover, Warwickshire Wavre 226a Brintone 225b Cold Ashby Essebi 226a

116 Barby Berchebi 226a Evenley Avelai, Evelai, Evelaia 226b Arthingworth Arningvorde, Arniworde, Erni- Isham Hisham, Isham 226b wade, Narninworde 226a Hantone Hantone 226b Ravensthorpe Ravenestorp 226a Hanging Houghton Hohtone 226b Great Houghton Holitone 226a Great Harrowden Hargedone, Hargindone, Mollington Oxon Molitone 226a Hargintone 226b Winwick Winewic 226a Astwell Estwelle 227a Ashton in Roade Aceshille, Asce 226a Collingtree Colentrev 227a Tolethorpe, Rutland Toltorp 226a Chipping Warden Waredone 227a Hollowell Holewelle 226a Aynho Aienho 227a Teeton Teche 226a Brime in Culworth Brime 227a Nortoft Nortot 226a Cogenhoe Cugenho 227a Kelmarsh Cailmarc, Calme, Keilmerse 226a Cranford St Andrew Craneford 227a Naseby Navesberiæ, Navesberie 226a Easton on the Hill Estone 227a Paulerspury Pirie 226a Aston le Walls Estone 227a Thornby Torneberie 226a Sutton Sutone 227a Coton Cota, Cote 226a Hinton Hintone 227a Higham Ferrers Hecham 226a Croughton Creveltone 227a West Haddon Ecdone, Eddone, Edone 226a Cranford Craneford 227a Empingham Epingeham 226a Aldwincle All Saints Aldevincle 227a Courteenhall Alio Cortenhalo, Cortenhale, Weedon Lois Wedone 227a Cortenhalo 226a Stuchbury Stoteberie 227a Desborough Deisburg, Dereburg, Desburg Wakerley Wacherlei 227a 226a Syresham Sigreham, Sigresham 227a Guilsborough Gisleburg 226a Sulby Solebi 227a Harpole Horpol 226a Sulgrave Sulgrave 227a Burton Latimer Burton, Burtone 226b Thorpe Mandeville Torp 227a Cosgrove Covesgrave 226b Wappenham Wapeham 227a Canons Ashby Ascebi 226b Elkington Eltetone, Etendone 227a Cold Higham Hecham 226b Steane Stane 227a Cottesbrooke Codesbroc, Cotesbroc 226b Silverstone Selvestone, Silvestone 227a Easton Neston Adestanestone, Estanestone Moreton Pinkney Mortone 227a 226b Milton Malsor Mideltone, Mildetone 227a Astcote Aviescote 226b Rothersthorpe Torp 227a Wootton Witone 226b Stanford on Avon Stanford 227a Horton Hortone 226b Church Stowe Stowe 227b Ashton in Roade Aceshille, Asce 226b Easton Neston Adestanestone, Estanestone Wythemail Widmale 226b 227b Lamport Langeport 226b Crick Crec 227b Pitsford Pidesford, Pitesford 226b Great Cransley Craneslea, Cranesleg 227b Pattishall Pascelle 226b Cold Ashby Essebi 227b Pipewell Pipewelle 226b Creaton Craptone, Cretone 227b Stanford on Avon Stanford 226b Culworth Culeorde 227b

117 Easton on the Hill Estone 227b Draughton Braestone 228a Elkington Eltetone, Etendone 227b Wilby Wilebi 228a Long Buckby Buchebi 227b Boughton near Northampton Bochetone, Little Billing Belinge, Bellica 227b Buchedone, Buchenho, Buchetone 228a Welford Wellesford 227b Yardley Hastings Gerdelai 228a Hulcote Hulecote 227b Ryhall, Rutland Riehale 228a Newton Nevtone 227b Winwick, Huntingdonshire Winewiche, Wollaston Wilavestone 227b Winewincle 228a Boughton in Weekley Boctone 227b Thrapston Trapestone 228a Whichford, Warwickshire Wicford 227b Sutton Bassett Sutone 228a Nether Heyford Haiford, Haiforde 227b Stoke Bruerne Stoche, Stoches 228a Thrupp Grounds Torp, Westorp 227b Thenford Taneford, Teworde 228a Silverstone Selvestone, Silvestone 227b Weston by Welland Westone 228a Roade Rode 227b Woodnewton Niwetone 228a Old Grimsbury Grimberie 227b Grafton Underwood Grastone 228a Rothersthorpe Torp 227b Polebrook Pochebroc 228a Sulby Solebi 227b Maidwell Medewelle 228a Weston Favell Westone 227b Lamport Langeport 228a Empingham Epingeham 227b Harringworth Haringeworde 228a Knuston Cnutestone 227b Hannington Hanintone, Hanitone 228a Hinton-in-the-Hedges Hintone 227b Isham Hisham, Isham 228a West Haddon Ecdone, Eddone, Edone 227b Lowick Ludewic, Luhwic 228a Flore Flora, Flore 227b Mears Ashby Asbi 228a Old Grimsbury, Oxfordshire Grimberie Bisbrooke, Rutland Bitlesbroch 228b 227b East Farndon Faredone, Ferendone 228b Nether Heyford Haiford, Haiforde 227b Kislingbury Ceselingeberie, Cifelingeberie Castle Ashby Asebi 228b 227b Brafield-on-the-Green Brachefeld, Brachesfeld, Braybrooke Badebroc, Baiebroc, Bradebroc Bragefelde 228b 228a Bozeat Bosieta, Bosiete 228b Earls Barton Bartone, Burtone 228a Braybrooke Badebroc, Baiebroc, Bradebroc Dingley Dingle, Dinglei, Tinglea 228a 228b Clopton Clotone, Dotone 228a Daventry Daventrei 228b Chadstone Cedestone 228a Glaston, Rutland Gladestone 228b Great Cransley Craneslea, Cranesleg 228a Hackleton Bachelintone, Hachelintone 228b Great Doddington Dodintone 228a Wollaston Wilvestone 228b Earlsbarton Bartone, Burtone 228a Welton Weletone 228b Fotheringhay Fodringeia 228a Newton Newetone 228b Brampton Ash Brantone 228a Grendon Grendone 228b Belmesthorpe, Rutland Belmestorp 228a Denton Dodintone 228b Wicken Wiche 228a Moulton Moltone 228b Broughton Burtone 228a Rushton Risetone 228b Ashley Asee 228a Whiston Wicentone 228b

118 Wellingborough Waletone, Wedlingeberie, Yardley Hastings Gerdelai 229a Wendleberie, Wendlesberie 228b Stibbington, Huntingdonshire Stabintone Quinton Quintone 228b 229a Twywell Teowelle, Tuiwella 228b Quinton Quintone 229a Thrupp Grounds Torp, Westorp 228b Spratton Spretone, Sprotone 229a Seaton, Rutland Segentone, Segestone, Seieton, Pytchley Picteslei, Pihteslea, Piteslea 229a Seietone 228b Preston Deanery Prestone 229a Scaldwell Scadewelle, Scaldeswelle, Scaldewelle Watford Wadford, Watford 229a 228b Wellingborough Waletone, Wedlingeberie, Thorpe By Water, Rutland Torp 228b Wendleberie, Wendlesberie 229a Tickencote, Rutland Tichecote 228b Wothorpe Widetorp, Wridtorp, Writorp 229a Walgrave Waldgrave, Woldegrave, Woldgrave Great Weldon Waledone, Walesdone, Weledene, 228b Weledone 229a Hanging Houghton Hohtone 228b Great Doddington Dodintone 229a Great Oxendon Ocedone, Oxendone 228b Potterspury Perie, Pirie 229a Moulton Park Muletone, Multone 228b Kirby Chercheberie 229a Horn, Rutland Horne 228b Greatweldon Waledone, Walesdone, Weledene, Hardingstone Hardingestone, Hardingestorp Weledone 229a 228b East Farndon Faredone, Ferendone 229a Holcot Holecote 228b Easton Maudit Estone 229a Luffenham, South Rutland Lufenham 228b Greatbilling Bellinge 229a Great Oakley Achelau 228b Hollowell Holewelle 229a Bradden Bradene 229a Lilford Lilleford 229a Boughton near Northampton Bochetone, Buchedone, Buchenho, Buchetone 229a 22 Leicestershire Bozeat Bosieta, Bosiete 229a Great Billing Bellinge 229a Barrow upon Soar Barhou 230a Benefield Benefeld 229a Burton Overy Burtone 230a Brafield-on-the-Green Brachefeld, Brachesfeld, Broughton Astley Broctone, Brohtone, Brostone, Bragefelde 229a Brotone 230a Cogenhoe Cugenho 229a Birstall Burstele, Burstelle 230a Corby Corbei, Corbi 229a Belgrave Merdegrave 230a Great Casterton or Little Casterton Castretone Bromkinsthorpe in St Mary, Leicester Bran- 229a destorp, Brunechinestorp, Brunestinestorp 230a Cottesbrooke Codesbroc, Cotesbroc 229a Nether Broughton Broctone 230a Abington Abintone 229a Croxton Kerrial Crohtone 230a Wollaston Wilavestone 229a Little Dalby Dalbi 230a Piddington Pidentone 229a Wigston Magna Wichingestone 230a Hardwick Hardewiche 229a Tur Langton Cherlintone, Terlintone 230a Denton Dodintone 229a Thorpe Acre Torp 230a Laxton Lastone 229a Sileby Seglebi, Siglebi, Siglesbie 230a Ravensthorpe Ravenestorp 229a Anstey Anstigie 230a Wootton Witone 229a Stockerston Stoctone, Stotone 230a

119 Thurcaston Turchilestone, Turchitelestone Bittesby Bichesbie 230b 230a Baggrave Badegrave 230b Watford, Northamptonshire Wadford 230a Wycomb Wiche 230b Shepshed Scepehefde, Scepeshefde 230a Tilton on the Hill Tiletone, Tillintone 230b Legham Legham 230a Smeeton Westerby Esmeditone, Smitetone, Smi- Rothley Rodolei 230a tone 230b Nether Broughton Broctone 230a Stretton, Little Stretton, Stretton Magna Stra- Letitone Letitone 230a tone 230b Leicester Ledecestre 230a Thorpe Acre Torp 230b Loughborough Locteburne, Lucteburne 230a Somerby Sumerdeberie, Sumerlidebie, Sum- Newton Harcourt Neutone, Niwetone 230a merdebi, Summerdebie 230b Saddington Sadintone, Setintone 230a Skeffington Sciftitone 230b Desford Deresford, Diresford 230a Sileby Seglebi, Siglebi, Siglesbie 230b Knipton Cnipetone, Gniptone 230a Tugby Tochebi 230b Kegworth Cacheworde, Cogeworde 230a Turlangton Cherlintone, Terlintone 230b Hereswode Hereswode 230a Whatborough Wetberga, Wetberge 230b Enderby Andretesbie, Endrebie 230a Wartnaby Worcnodebie 230b Earl Shilton Sceltone 230a Tur Langton Cherlintone, Terlintone 230b Harston Herstan 230a Knossington Closintone, Nossitone 230b Ingarsby Gerberie, Inwaresbie 230a Medbourne Medburne, Metorne 230b Kibworth Harcourt Chiborne, Cliborne 230a Leicester Ledecestre 230b Gaddesby Gadesbi, Gadesbie 230b Marefield, North Marefield Alia Merdefelde, Chadwell Caldewelle 230b Merdefelde 230b Dishley Dexleia, Dislea 230b Lubenham Lobenho, Lubanham, Lubeham Frisby on the Wreake Frisebi, Frisebie 230b 230b Cranoe Craueho, Craweho 230b West Langton Lagintone, Langetone 230b Carlton Curlieu Carletone, Carlintone 230b Shepshed Scepehefde, Scepeshefde 230b Burfielde in Loddington Burgo 230b Oakham, Rutland Ocheham 230b Gaulby Galbi 230b Saxelby Saxelbie 230b Illston on the Hill Eluestone, Neluestone 230b Shangton Sanctone, Santone 230b Keythorpe Caitorp, Cheitorp 230b Seagrave Satgrave, Segrave, Setgrave 230b Keyham Caiham 230b Saddington Sadintone, Setintone 230b Halstead Elstede 230b Buckminster Buchesminstre 231a King’s Norton Nortone 230b Holyoaks Haliach 231a Allexton Adelachestone 230b Great Dalby Dalbi 231a Twyford Tuivorde 230b Cotes-de-Val Toniscote 231a Abegrave Abegrave 230b Burbage Burbece 231a Welham Alebi 230b South Croxton Crochestone, Croptone 231a Foxton Foxestone 230b Great Easton Estone 231a Great Bowden Bugedone 230b Illston on the Hill Eluestone, Neluestone 231a Asfordby Esseberie, Offerdebie 230b Kimcote Chenemundescote 231a Barsby Barnesbi 230b Beeby Bebi 231a Blaston Bladestone, Blastone, Blauestone 230b Arnesby Erendesberie, Erendesbi 231a

120 Packington Pachintone 231a Shoby Seoldesberie 231b Holwell Holewelle 231a Sutton in the Elms Sutone 231b Branston Brantestone 231a Theddingworth Dedigworde, Tedingesworde, Misterton Ministone 231a Tediworde, Tevlingorde 231b Stapleton Stapletone 231a Walton on the Wolds Waletone 231b Barwell Barewelle 231a Huncote Hunecote 231b Wigston Parva Wicestan 231a Shearsby Seuesbi, Suesbi, Sueuesbi 231b Middle Poultney Pontenei 231a Norton Juxtatwycross Nortone 231b Swinford Suineford, Suinesford, Suinford 231a Market Bosworth Boseworde 231b Sutton Cheney Sutone 231a Knaptoft Cnapetot 231b Sharnford Sceneford, Scerneford, Scerneforde Norton Juxta Twycross Nortone 231b 231a Sapcote Sapecote, Scepecote 231b Scraptoft Scrapentot 231a Burton Overy Burtone 232a Shearsby Seuesbi, Suesbi, Sueuesbi 231a Groby Grobi 232a Sutton in the Elms Sutone 231a Frolesworth Frelesworde, Frellesworde 232a Walcote Walecote 231a Desford Deresford, Diresford 232a Kirby Muxloe Carbi, Cherchebi 231a Carlton Curlieu Carletone, Carlintone 232a Great Poultney Pontenei 231a Earl Shilton Sceltone 232a Peatling Magna Petlinge 231a Glenfield Clanefelde 232a Leire Legre 231a Humberstone Humerstane 232a Knighton Cnihtetone 231a Illston on the Hill Eluestone, Neluestone 232a West Langton Lagintone, Langetone 231a Bruntingthorpe Brandinestor, Brunestanestorp Peatling Magna Petlinge 231a 232a Potters Marston Mersitone 231a Braunstone Brantestone 232a Bilstone Bildestone 231b Birstall Burstele, Burstelle 232a Fenny Drayton Draitone 231b Anstey Anstige 232a Castle Donington Dunintone, Dunitone 231b Belgrave Merdegrave 232a Bitteswell Betmeswel, Betmeswelle 231b Brascote Brocardescote 232a Broughton Astley Broctone, Brohtone, Brostone, Bromkinsthorpe in St Mary, Leicester Bran- Brotone 231b destorp, Brunechinestorp, Brunestinestorp 232a Cosby Cosbi, Cossebi 231b Wigston Magna Wichingestone 232a Frolesworth Frelesworde, Frellesworde 231b Sharnford Sceneford, Scerneford, Scerneforde Hinckley Hinchelie 231b 232a Aylestone Aileston, Ailestone 231b Thurcaston Turchilestone, Turchitelestone Appleby Apleberie, Aplebi 231b 232a Littlethorpe Aplebi 231b Swinford Suineford, Suinesford, Suinford 232a Croft Crebre 231b Smeeton Westerby Esmeditone, Smitetone, Smi- Sibson Sibetesdone 231b tone 232a Appleby Parva Apleberie, Aplebi 231b Stockerston Stoctone, Stotone 232a Wanlip Anelepe 231b Thorpe Langton Torp 232a Shenton Scentone 231b Thurmaston Turmodestone 232a Walton, Gilmorton Waltone 231b Kirkby Mallory Cherchebi, Cherebi 232a Swinford Suineford, Suinesford, Suinford 231b Sapcote Sapecote, Scepecote 232a

121 Peckleton Pechintone 232a Congerstone Cuningestone 233a Newbold Verdon Niwebold 232a Gopsall Gopeshille 233a Leicester Ledecestre 232a Market Bosworth Boseworde 233a Lestone Lestone 232a Newbold Folville Niwebold 233a Noseley Noueslei 232a Ashby de la Zouch Ascebi 233a Ratby Rotebie 232a Whitwick Witewic 233a Broughton Astley Broctone, Brohtone, Brostone, Stapleford Stapeford 233a Brotone 232b Alton Heletone 233a Great Glen Glen 232b Coston Castone 233a Frisby near Billesdon Frisebi 232b Tonge Tunge 233a Cotesbach Cotesbece 232b Wymondham Witheham 233a Enderby Andretesbie, Endrebie 232b Wyfordby Werdebi, Wivordebie, Wordebi Gaulby Galbi 232b 233a Glenfield Clanefelde 232b Sileby Seglebi, Siglebi, Siglesbie 233a Ingarsby Gerberie, Inwaresbie 232b Waltham on the Wolds Waltham 233a Braunstone Brantestone 232b Thorpe Arnold Torp 233a Barlestone Beruluestone 232b Smockington Snochantone 233a Evington Avintone 232b Staunton Harold Stantone 233a Cadeby Endrebie 232b Twycross Tuicros 233a Croft Crec 232b Worthington Werditone 233a Twyford Tuworde 232b Newbold Verdon Niwebold 233a Birstall Burstele, Burstelle 232b Shepshed Scepehefde, Scepeshefde 233a Wymeswold Wimundeswald, Wimundeswale, Sheepy Magna Scepa 233a Wimundewalle 232b Saxby Saxebi 233a Shearsby Seuesbi, Suesbi, Sueuesbi 232b Orton on the Hill Wortone 233a Thurmaston Turmodestone 232b Seagrave Satgrave, Segrave, Setgrave 233a Sutton Cheney Sutone 232b Shenton Scentone 233a Sheepy Parva Scepehe 232b Burrough on the Hill Burc, Burg, Burgo 233b Stonton Wyville Stantone 232b Little Dalby Dalbi 233b Syston Sitestone 232b Coleorton Ouertone, Ouretone 233b Willoughby Waterless Wilebi, Wilechebi 232b Burton Lazars Burtone 233b Kirkby Mallory Cherchebi, Cherebi 232b Burrough on the Hill Burc, Burg, Burgo 233b Shangton Sanctone, Santone 232b Long Clawson Clachestone 233b Peatling Parva Alia Petlinge 232b South Croxton Crochestone, Croptone 233b Oadby Oldebi 232b Donisthorpe Durandestorp 233b East Langton Langtone 232b Horninghold Horniwale 233b Neulebi Neulebi 232b Bottesford Botesford, Botlesford, Holesford Peatling Petlinge 232b 233b Sapcote Sapecote, Scepecote 232b Blaston Bladestone, Blastone, Blauestone 233b Ashby Folville Ascbi 233a Barkby Barcheberie, Barchebi 233b Houghton on the Hill Hohtone 233a Laughton Lachestone 233b Edmondthorpe Edmerestorp 233a Harby Herdebi 233b Barton in the Beans Bartone 233a Appleby Parva Apleberie, Aplebi 233b

122 Barkestone Barchestone 233b Thorpe Langton Torp 234a Boothorpe Bortrod 233b Kibworth Harcourt Chiborne, Cliborne 234a Woodcote Udecote 233b Shangton Sanctone, Santone 234a Osgathorpe Osgodtorp 233b Newton Harcourt Neutone, Niwetone 234a Swepstone Scopestone 233b North Kilworth or South Kilworth Chiue- Somerby Sumerdeberie, Sumerlidebie, Sum- lesworde, Cleueliorde 234a merdebi, Summerdebie 233b Leire Legre 234a Redmile Redmelde 233b Peatling Magna Petlinge 234a Quenby Queneberie 233b Primethorpe Torp 234b Seal Netherseal, Overseal, Derbyshire Alia Scalford Scaldeford 234b Scela, Scella, Sela 233b Rearsby Redresbi, Reresbi 234b Stretton En Le Field Stretone 233b Ratcliffe Culey Redeclive 234b Windesers Windesers 233b Ragdale Ragendel, Ragendele 234b Hose Hoches, Howes 233b Ratcliffe on the Wreake Radeclive 234b Newton Burgoland Neutone 233b Saltby Saltebi 234b Medbourne Medburne, Metorne 233b Seagrave Satgrave, Segrave, Setgrave 234b Long Clawson 233b Clachestone Shackerstone Sacrestone 234b Knipton Cnipetone, Gniptone 233b Odstone Odestone 234b Hungarton Hungretone 233b Wymondham Wimundesham 234b Linton Derby. Lintone 233b Holwell Holewelle 234b Lubenham Lobenho, Lubanham, Lubeham Grimston Grimestone 234b 233b Harby Hertebi 234b Newbold near Melton Mowbray Neubold Wistow Wistanestou 234b 233b Loddington Ludintone 234b Cosby Cosbi, Cossebi 234a Gumley Godmundelai, Gutmundeslea 234a Leire Legre 234b Frolesworth Frelesworde, Frellesworde 234a Burton Lazars Burtone 234b Dunton Bassett Donitone 234a Kibworth Beauchamp Chiburde 234b Gilmorton Mortone 234a Fleckney Flechenie, Flechenio 234b Husbands Bosworth Bareswerde, Baresworde, Congerstone Cuningestone 234b Barrehorde, Basurde 234a Coleorton Ouertone, Ouretone 234b Illston on the Hill Eluestone, Neluestone 234a Great Dalby Dalbi 234b Bottesford Botesford, Botlesford, Holesford Goadby Marwood Goltebi, Goutebi 234b 234a Knossington Closintone, Nossitone 234b Ashby Parva Parva Essebi 234a Smeeton Westerby Esmeditone, Smitetone, Smi- Evington Avintone 234a tone 234b Welham Walendeham 234a Ab Kettleby Chetelbi 234b Barlestone Beruluestone 234a Wyfordby Werdebi, Wivordebie, Wordebi Walcote Walecote 234a 234b Shenton Scentone 234a Sutton in the Elms Sutone 234b Swinford Suineford, Suinesford, Suinford 234a Snarestone Snarchetone 234b Slawston Slachestone, Slagestone 234a Stoney Stanton Stantone 234b Stathern Stachedirne, Stachetone 234a Willowes, Ragdale Wilges 234b

123 Wymeswold Wimundeswald, Wimundeswale, Cold Newton Netone, Niwetone 235b Wimundewalle 234b Goadby Marwood Goltebi, Goutebi 235b Ashby Magna Essebi 235a Godtorp Godtorp 235b Husbands Bosworth Bareswerde, Baresworde, Hallaton Alctone 235b Barrehorde, Basurde 235a Goadby Near Noseley Goutebi 235b Old Dalby Dalbi 235a Keythorpe Caitorp, Cheitorp 235b Bromkinsthorpe in St Mary, Leicester Bran- Billesdon Billesdone 235b destorp, Brunechinestorp, Brunestinestorp 235a Pickwell Pichewelle 235b Long Clawson Clachestone 235a Rolleston Rollestone 235b Hose Hoches, Howes 235a Eastwell Estewelle 235b Kibworth Beauchamp Chiburde 235a Burton on the Wolds Bortone, Burtone 235b North Kilworth or South Kilworth Chiue- Bitteswell Betmeswel, Betmeswelle 235b lesworde, Cleueliorde 235a Burrough on the Hill Burc, Burg, Burgo 235b Arnesby Erendesberie, Erendesbi 235a Burton Lazars Burtone 235b Sproxton Sprotone 235a Great Bowden Bugedone 235b Osbaston Sbernestun 235a Wyfordby Werdebi, Wivordebie, Wordebi Foston Fostone 235a 235b Misterton Menstretone 235a Theddingworth Dedigworde, Tedingesworde, East Norton Norton 235a Tediworde, Tevlingorde 235b Wistow Witenesto 235a Stormsworth, Westrill Stormeorde, Stormode Withcote Wicoc, Wicote 235a 235b Stanford on Avon Stanford 235a Sysonby Sistenebi, Sixtenebi 235b Waltham on the Wolds Waltham 235a Swinford Suineford, Suinesford, Suinford 235b Thrussington Turstanestone 235a Stofalde Stofalde 235b Stonesby Stouenebi 235a Stathern Stachedirne, Stachetone 235b Stormsworth, Westrill Stormeorde, Stormode Thurcaston Turchilestone, Turchitelestone 235a 235b Tilton on the Hill Tiletone, Tillintone 235a Welby Alebi, Alebie 235b Weston, Sheepy Magna Westone 235a Withcote Wicoc, Wicote 235b Kirby Muxloe Carbi, Cherchebi 235a Ullesthorpe Ulestorp 235b Somerby Sumerdeberie, Sumerlidebie, Sum- Kirby Bellars Cherchebi, Chirchebi 235b merdebi, Summerdebie 235a Mowsley Muselai 235b Old Dalby Dalbi 235a Lilinge Lilinge 235b Lubbesthorpe Lupestor, Lupestorp 235a Melton Mowbray Medeltone 235b Leicester Ledecestre 235a Leesthorpe Lwestorp 235b Long Clawson Clachestone 235a Stanton under Bardon Stantone 235b East Norton Nortone 235a East Norton Nortone 235b Ravenstone Ravenestorp 235a Sewstern Sewesten 235b Freeby Fredebi 235b Somerby Sumerdeberie, Sumerlidebie, Sum- Diseworth Diwort 235b merdebi, Summerdebie 235b Framland Wapentake Franlund 235b Queniborough Cuniburg 235b Eye Kettleby Chitebie 235b Donington le Heath Duntone 236a Little Dalby Dalbi 235b Cosby Cosbi, Cossebi 236a

124 Great Dalby Dalbi 236a Burrough on the Hill Burc, Burg, Burgo 236b Cold Overton Ovretone 236a Blaston Bladestone, Blastone, Blauestone 236b Catthorpe Torp 236a Belgrave Merdegrave 236b Elvelege Elvelege 236a Brooksby Brochesbi 236b Greatdalby Dalbi 236a Cold Newton Netone, Niwetone 236b Gumley Godmundelai, Gutmundeslea 236a Gaddesby Gadesbi, Gadesbie 236b Frolesworth Frelesworde, Frellesworde 236a Glooston Glorstone 236b Heather Hadre 236a Ashby Folville Ascbi 236b Burton on the Wolds Bortone, Burtone 236a Allexton Adelachestone 236b Broughton Astley Broctone, Brohtone, Brostone, Sproxton Sprotone 236b Brotone 236a Eastwell Estewelle 236b Barsby Barnesbi 236a Owston Osuluestone 236b Misterton Minstretone 236a Welham Walendeham 236b Foxton Foxtone 236a Asfordby Esseberie, Offerdebie 236b Ashby Magna Essebi 236a Wymeswold Wimundeswald, Wimundeswale, Great Bowden Bugedone 236a Wimundewalle 236b Burton on the Wolds Bortone, Burtone 236a Scalford Scaldeford 236b Wymeswold Wimundeswald, Wimundeswale, Welby Alebi, Alebie 236b Wimundewalle 236a Stonton Wyville Stantone 236b Seal Netherseal, Overseal, Derbyshire Alia Sharnford Sceneford, Scerneford, Scerneforde Scela, Scella, Sela 236a 236b Rearsby Redresbi, Reresbi 236a Stockerston Stoctone, Stotone 236b Ringlethorp, Scalford Ricoltorp 236a Theddingworth Dedigworde, Tedingesworde, Prestwold Prestewald, Prestewolde 236a Tediworde, Tevlingorde 236b Peatling Magna Petlinge 236a Wigston Magna Wichingestone 236b Sharnford Sceneford, Scerneford, Scerneforde Hoton Hohtone, Holetone 236b 236a Saxby Saxebi 236b Welby Alebi, Alebie 236a Peatling Parva Alia Petlinge 236b Willoughby Waterless Wilebi, Wilechebi 236a Oadby Oldebi 236b Sysonby Sistenebi, Sixtenebi 236a Lowesby Glowesbi 236b Hoby Hobie 236a Newbold Folville Niwebold 236b Othorpe Actorp 236a Peatling Petlinge 236b Mowsley Muselai 236a Ringlethorp, Scalford Ricoltorp 236b Lutterworth Lutresurde 236a Castle Donington Dunintone, Dunitone 237a Kilby Cilebi 236a Frisby on the Wreake Frisebi, Frisebie 237a Husbands Bosworth Bareswerde, Baresworde, Claybrooke Magna and Claybrooke Parva Barrehorde, Basurde 236a Claibroc 237a Lubenham Lobenho, Lubanham, Lubeham Long Clawson Clachestone 237a 236a Charley Cernelega 237a Markfield Merchenefeld 236a Claybrooke Claibroc 237a Oadby Oldebi 236a Dishley Dexleia, Dislea 237a Barkby Barcheberie, Barchebi 236b Gaddesby Gadesbi, Gadesbie 237a Cranoe Craueho, Craweho 236b Hathern Avederne 237a

125 Burton on the Wolds Bortone, Burtone 237a Wellesbourne Waleborne 238a Brooksby Brochesbi 237a Warwick Waruic, Warwic 238a Barrow upon Soar Barhou 237a Sutton Coldfield Sutone 238a Aylestone Aileston, Ailestone 237a Pillerton Priors Pilardetune, Pilardintone Cossington Cosintone 237a 238a Bagworth Bageworde 237a Bidford-on-Avon Bedeford 238b Blaby Bladi 237a Broom Brome 238b Bruntingthorpe Brandinestor, Brunestanestorp Birdingbury Berdingeberie, Derbingerie 238b 237a Binley Bilnei, Bilveie 238b Whetstone Westham 237a Bishop’s Tachbrook Taschebroc 238b Plotelei Plotelei 237a Clifton upon Dunsmore Cliptone 238b Sileby Seglebi, Siglebi, Siglesbie 237a Coundon Condelme, Condone 238b Seagrave Satgrave, Segrave, Setgrave 237a Beausale Beoshelle 238b Rearsby Redresbi, Reresbi 237a Arrow Arue 238b Prestwold Prestewald, Prestewolde 237a Alveston Alvestone 238b Rotherby Redebi 237a Atherstone on Stour Edricestone 238b Shawell Sawelle 237a Little Wolford, Wolford Ulwarda, Ulware, Theddingworth Dedigworde, Tedingesworde, Uolwarde, Worwarde 238b Tediworde, Tevlingorde 237a Loxley Lochesham, Locheslei 238b Hose Hoches, Howes 237a Surland Surland 238b Peatling Magna Petlinge 237a Spelsbury, Oxfordshire Spelesberie 238b Long Clawson Clachestone 237a Southam Sucham 238b Kegworth Cacheworde, Cogeworde 237a Stratford-Upon-Avon Stradforde 238b Hoton Hohtone, Holetone 237a Warwick Waruic, Warwic 238b Ibstock Ibestoche 237a Cubbington Cobintone, Cubintone, Cubitone North Kilworth or South Kilworth Chiue- 238b lesworde, Cleueliorde 237a Hampton Lucy Hantone 238b Loughborough Locteburne, Lucteburne 237a Flecknoe Flechenho, Flechenoc 238b Farnborough Ferneberge 238b 23 Warwickshire Fillongley Felingelei, Filingelei, Filungelei, Filunger 238b Kineton Quintone 238a Grandborough Graneberge, Greneberge 238b Lower Brailes Brailes 238a Church Lawford Leileforde 239a Coleshill Coleshelle 238a Leamington Spa Lamintone 239a Kenilworth Chinewrde 238a Honington Hunitone 239a Coten in Warwick Cotes 238a Frankton Franchetone 239a Upper Brailes Brailes 238a Harbury Edburberie, Erburberie, Erburgeberie Bidford-on-Avon Bedeford 238a 239a Wellesbourne Hastings, Wellesbourne Mount- Kinwarton Cheneuertone 239a ford Waleborne 238a Newbold, Leamington Spa Niwebold 239a Optone Optone 238a Newnham, Aston Cantlow Neweham 239a Stoneleigh Stanlei 238a Chadshunt Cedeleshunte 239a Tamworth, Staffordshire Tameworde 238a Bilton Beltone 239a

126 Great Alne Alne 239a Sherbourne Scireburne 239b Chesterton Salford 239a Ansty Anestie 239b Austrey Aldulvestreu 239a Alspath Ailespede 239b Bishop’s Itchington Icetone 239a Warmington Warmintone 239b Wolston Ulvestone, Ulvricetone 239a Smeeton, Combe Fields Smitham 239b Stretton- on-Dunsmore Stratone 239a Woodcote, Woodcote Green Widecote 239b Weethley Wilelei 239a Ansley Hanslei 239b Walsgrave on Sowe Sowa 239a Bourton on Dunsmore Bortone 240a Stretton- on-Dunsmore Stratone 239a Hodnell Hodenelle, Hodenhelle 240a Ufton Ulchetone 239a Claverdon Clavendone 240a Wasperton Wasmertone 239a Bulkington Bochintone 240a Wixford Witelavesford 239a Frankton Franchetone 240a Pillerton Priors Pilardetune, Pilardintone Honiley Donnelie 240a 239a Ilmington Ilmedon, Ilmedone 240a Shipley, Shropshire Sciplei 239a Berkswell Berchewelle 240a Rudge, Shropshire Rigge 239a Whitchurch Estleia 240a Radway Radwei, Radweia, Rodewei 239a Marton Mortone 240a Priors Hardwick Herdewiche 239a Willey Welei 240a Quatt, Shropshire Quatone 239a Wilnecote Wilmundecote 240a Romsley, Shropshire Rameslege 239a Snitterfield Snitefeld 240a Sambourne Sandburne 239a Weston, Arden Westone 240a Hartshill Ardreshille 239b Weddington Watitune 240a Old Milverton Malvertone 239b Thurlaston Torlavestone 240a Myton Moitone, Muitone 239b Werlavescote Werlavescote 240a Old Milverton Malvertone 239b Wibtoft Wibetot 240a Moreton Morrell Mortone 239b Kington Grange Cintone 240a Nuneaton Etone 239b Shuttington Cetitone 240a Radway Radwei, Radweia, Rodewei 239b Seckington Secintone 240a Roundshill Rincele 239b Napton on the Hill Eptone, Neptone 240a Harbury Edburberie, Erburberie, Erburgeberie Preston Bagot Prestetone 240a 239b Upper Shuckburgh Socheberge 240a Lower Fulbrook Fulebroc 239b Fenny Compton Contone 240b Coventry Coventreu 239b Luddington Luditone 240b Walton Waltone 239b Lillington Illintone, Lillintone 240b Foleshill Focheshelle 239b Ilmington Ilmedon, Ilmedone 240b Upper Fulbrook Fulebroc 239b Ladbroke Lodbroc, Lodbroch 240b Compton Verney Contone 239b Loxley Lochesham, Locheslei 240b Atherstone near Nuneaton Aderestone 239b Marston Jabbett Merstone 240b Churchover Wara, Waura, Waure 239b Minworth Meneworde 240b Bramcote Brancote 239b Curdworth Credeworde 240b Avon Dassett Derceto 239b Bickenhill or Middle Bickenhill Alia Bichehelle, Charlecote Cerlecote 239b Bichehelle 240b Clifton upon Dunsmore Cliptone 239b Barnacle Bernhangre 240b

127 Whitchurch Orlavescote 240b Upper Radbourn Redborne 241a Bedworth Bedeword 240b Little Packington, Packington Patitone 241a Cubbington Cobintone, Cubintone, Cubitone Marston Green, Bickenhill Merstone 241a 240b Napton on the Hill Eptone, Neptone 241a Wormleighton Wimelestone, Wimenestone, Lower Radbourn Redborne 241a Wimerestone 240b Brandon Brandune 241b Stoneleigh Stanlei 240b Ettington Etedone, Etendone 241b Little Wolford, Wolford Ulwarda, Ulware, Compton Verney Contone 241b Uolwarde, Worwarde 240b Churchover Wara, Waura, Waure 241b Weston under Wetherley Westone 240b Coughton Coctune 241b Tachbrook Mallory Tacesbroc 240b Fenny Compton Contone 241b Warmington Warmintone 240b Fulready Fulrei 241b Wolfhampcote Ulfelmescote, Wlfesmescot Binley Bilnei, Bilveie 241b 240b Bericote Bericote 241b Woodcote, Woodcote Green Widecote 240b Ashow Asceshot 241b Newbold, Leamington Spa Niwebold 240b Baginton Badechitone 241b Sole End Soulege 240b Biggin, Stoke Holme 241b Shilton Scelftone 240b Wormleighton Wimelestone, Wimenestone, Preston Bagot Prestetone 240b Wimerestone 241b Oversley Oveslei 240b Nuneaton Etone 241b Ryton-on-Dunsmore Rietone 240b Warwick Waruic, Warwic 241b Smercote, Bedworth Smerecote 240b Radford Semele Redeford 241b Calcutt Caldecote 241a Ratley Rotelei 241b Hodnell Hodenelle, Hodenhelle 241a Weston under Wetherley Westone 241b Elmdon Elmedone 241a Harbury Edburberie, Erburberie, Erburgeberie Dosthill Dercelai 241a 241b Flecknoe Flechenho, Flechenoc 241a Myton Moitone, Muitone 241b Ladbroke Lodbroc, Lodbroch 241a Lillington Illintone, Lillintone 241b Longdon in Solihull Langedone 241a Kingston Cestreton 241b Birdingbury Berdingeberie, Derbingerie 241a Little Lawford Lilleford 241b Bentone Bentone 241a Marston, Wolston Merstone 241b Baddesley Ensor Bedeslei 241a Ettington Etedone, Etendone 242a Cawston Bercestone, Bertanestone 241a Ladbroke Lodbroc, Lodbroch 242a Biggin, Stoke Holme 241a Harbury Edburberie, Erburberie, Erburgeberie Wolfhampcote Ulfelmescote, Wlfesmescot 241a 242a Rugby Rocheberie 241a Hillmorton Mortone 242a Wiggins Hill Winchicelle 241a Lapworth Lapeforde 242a Walcote, Frankton Walecote 241a Loxley Lochesham, Locheslei 242a Upper Shuckburgh Socheberge 241a Cubbington Cobintone, Cubintone, Cubitone Nether Whitacre Witecore 241a 242a Willoughby Wilebec, Wilebei, Wilebene, Wile- Burton Hastings Bortone 242a bere 241a Austrey Aldulvestreu 242a Mackadown in Sheldon Machitone 241a Billesley Billeslei 242a

128 Butlers Marston Mersetone 242a Morton Bagot Mortone 242b Willoughby Wilebec, Wilebei, Wilebene, Wile- Lea Marston Leth 242b bere 242a Marston near Kingsbury Merston 242b Shrewley Servelei 242a Norton Lindsey Nortone 242b Whatcote Quatercote 242a Ruin Clifford, Old Stratford Cliforde 242b Thurlaston Torlavestone 242a Birmingham Bermingeham 243a Warwick Waruic, Warwic 242a Edgbaston, Birmingham Celboldestone 243a Ovder Whitacre Witacre 242a Chillington, Staffordshire Cillentone 243a Marston, Bickenhill Merstone 242a Budbrooke Budebroc 243a Rowington Rochintone 242a Bushbury, Staffordshire Biscopesberie 243a Pillerton Hersey Pilardetone 242a Coundon Condelme, Condone 243a Oxhill Octeselve 242a Erdington Birmingham Hardintone 243a Pillerton Priors Pilardetune, Pilardintone Ermendone Ermendone 243a 242a Binton Beninton, Benintone, Benitone 243a Bubbenhall Bubenhalle 242b Barcheston Berricestone, Berricestune 243a Ditchford Dicforde 242b Ardens Grafton Graston 243a Compton Scorpion Parva Contone 242b Barford Bereford 243a Churchover Wara, Waura, Waure 242b Grafton Graston 243a Burmington Burdintone 242b Aston, Birmingham Estone 243a Clopton in Old Stratford Clotone 242b Bearley Burlei 243a Compton Wynyates Contone 242b Wolverton Ulwarditone 243a Edstone Edricestone 242b Seckington Secintone 243a Fillongley Felingelei, Filingelei, Filungelei, Wishaw Witscaga 243a Filunger 242b Warwick Waruic, Warwic 243a Bramcote Brancote 242b Stretton near Nuneaton Stratone 243a Barton-on-the-Heath Bertone 242b Studley Stodlei 243a Barston Bercestone, Bertanestone 242b Weston under Wetherley Westone 243a Langley Edelmitone 242b Witton Birmingham Witone 243a Barton-on-the-Heath Bertone 242b Essington, Staffordshire Eseningetone 243a Bearley Burlei 242b Mappleborough Mapelberge 243a Wootton Wawen Wotone 242b Kineton Green in Solihull Cintone 243a Lower Tysoe, Middle Tysoe Tiheshoche 242b Hodnell Hodenelle, Hodenhelle 243a Wolverton Ulwarditone 242b Exhall Ecleshelle 243a Whitley Witeleia 242b Hunningham Huningeham 243a Warwick Waruic, Warwic 242b Lighthorne Listecorne 243a Ullenhall Holehale 242b Binton Beninton, Benintone, Benitone 243b Nether Whitacre Witecore 242b Hampton In Arden Hantone 243b Little Wolford, Wolford Ulwarda, Ulware, Long Compton Cuntone 243b Uolwarde, Worwarde 242b Brownsover Gaura 243b Wolvey Ulveia 242b Cestersover Wara 243b Idlicote Etelincote 242b Little Dorsington Dorsitone 243b Lower Tysoe, Middle Tysoe Tiheshoche 242b Harbury Edburberie, Erburberie, Erburgeberie Offord, Wootton Wawen Offeworde 242b 243b

129 Hillborough Hildebereurde, Hildeborde 243b Ipsley, Worcestershire Epeslei 244a Bentley Benechelie 243b Long Itchington Icentone 244a Upton Optone 243b Long Itchington Icentone 244a Upton Ullwintone 243b Walsgrave on Sowe Sowa 244b Wormleighton Wimelestone, Wimenestone, Harborough Herdeberge 244b Wimerestone 243b Hillmorton Mortone 244b Newbold Revel Feniniwebold 243b Lower Shuckburgh Socheberge 244b Studley Stodlei 243b Radway Radwei, Radweia, Rodewei 244b Spernall Spernore 243b Harborough Magna and Harborough Parva Newnham Paddox Niweham 243b Herdeberge 244b Shustoke Scotescote 243b Chesterton Cestretone 244b Stretton on Fosse Stratone 243b Grandborough Graneberge, Greneberge 244b Wappenbury Wapeberie 243b Barcheston Berricestone, Berricestune 244b Hopsford Apleford 243b Bramcote Brancote 244b Newbold on Avon Newebold 243b Ettington Etedone, Etendone 244b Upper Milcote Melecote 243b Flecknoe Flechenho, Flechenoc 244b Long Compton Cuntone 243b Fillongley Felingelei, Filingelei, Filungelei, Long Lawford Lelleford 243b Filunger 244b Long Lawford Lelleford 243b Corley Cornelie 244b Monks Kirby Chircheberie 243b Barston Bercestone, Bertanestone 244b Bickmarsh, Worcestershire Bichemerse 244a Dunchurch Donecerce 244a Burton Dassett Dercetone 244a 24 Staffordshire Binton Beninton, Benintone, Benitone 244a Congreve Comegrave 246a Chilvers Coton Celverdestoche 244a Dunston Dunestone 246a Haseley Haseleia 244a Crockington in Trysull Cocortone, Cocretone Haselor Haselove 244a 246a Austrey Aldulvestreu 244a Lower Cowley Couelau 246a Arley Arlei 244a Upper Cowley Couelau 246a Ailstone Alnodestone 244a Drayton in Penkridge Draitone 246a Barford Bereford 244a King’s Bromley Bromelei 246a Altone Altone 244a Kingswinford Suinesford 246a Aston Cantlow Estone 244a Compton Contone 246a Wilmcote Manor Wilmecote 244a little bloxwich bloxwich and bloxwich Newbold Pacey Niwebold 244a Blocheswic 246a Ulverley Green Ulverlei 244a Bescot Bresmundescote 246a Stretton on Fosse Stratone 244a Alrewas Alrewas 246a Salford Priors Salford 244a Beffcote Beficote 246a Temple Grafton Grastone 244a Bilston Billestune 246a Whitnash Witenas 244a Bradley near Stafford Bradelia, Bradelie 246a Hillborough Hildebereurde, Hildeborde 244a Worfield, Shropshire Guruelde, Wrfeld 246a Mollington, Oxfordshire Mollitone 244a Tettenhall Totehala, Totenhale 246a Leamington Hastings Lunnitone 244a Willenhall Winehala, Winenhale 246a

130 Wigginton Wigetone 246a Rudyard Rudierd 246b Trentham Trenham 246a Rocester Rowecestre 246b Wednesbury Wadnesberie 246a Penkhull Pinchetel 246b Wightwick Wistewic 246a Shelton under Harley Scelfitone 246b Wolgarston Turgarestone 246a Stanton Stantone 246b Penkridge Pancriz 246a Uttoxeter Wotocheshede 246b Tamworth Tamworde 246a Wolstanton Wlstanetone 246b Sheriffhales, Shropshire Halam, Halas 246a Tamworth Tamworde 246b Sandon Scandone 246a Stanshope Stanesope 246b Upper Penn Pennam, Penne 246a Hilderstone Heldulvestone, Hildulvestune Shelfield Scelfeld 246a 246b Stafford Stadford, Statford 246a Meretown Mera 246b Farley Fernelege 246b Kinver Chenevare 246b Drayton Bassett Draitone 246b Lufamesleg Lufamesleg 246b Endon Enedun 246b Mayfield Medevelde 246b Enson Hentone 246b Leek Lec 246b Elford Eleford 246b Hopwas Opewas 246b Denstone Denestone 246b Pattingham Patingham 246b Crakemarsh Crachemers 246b Millmeece Mess 246b Forsbrook Fotesbroc 246b Musden, Upper Musden, Musden Grange Harlaston Horulvestone 246b Musedene 246b Upper Hatton Hetone 246b Oakley, Mucklestone Aclei 246b Heighley Heolla 246b Newton, in Draycott-in-the-Moors Niwetone Lower Hatton Hetone 246b 246b Fulford Fuleford 246b Milwich Melewich, Mulewiche 246b Hilcote Helcote 246b Doxey Dochesig 247a Cannock Chenet 246b Coldmeece Mess 247a Aston in Stone Estone 246b Cotes Cota 247a Biddulph and Over Biddulph Bidolf 246b Croxton Crochestone 247a Bucknall Buchenole 246b Doresley in Eccleshall Dorueslau 247a Barton-under-Needwood Bertone 246b Coton Clanford Cote 247a Alton Elvetone 246b Coley Scoteslei 247a Cotwalton Codewalle, Cotewoldestune 246b Chatcull Cetquille 247a Chartley Certelie 246b Charnes Cervernest 247a Clifton Campville Clistone 246b Drointon Dregetone 247a Coton in Milwich Cote 246b Ellastone Edelachestone, Elachestone 247a Consall Cuneshala 246b Flashbrook Fletesbroc 247a Cheadle Cedla, Celle 246b Freeford Fraiforde 247a Wootton, Ellastone Wodetone 246b Gerrard’s Bromley Bramelie 247a Sheen Sceon 246b Fradswell Frodeswelle 247a Rownall Rugehala 246b Ellenhall Linehalle 247a Rugeley Rugelie 246b Eccleshall Echeselle, Ecleshelle 247a Rushton, Leek and Lowe Risetone 246b Hammerwich Humerwich 247a

131 Bishop’s Offley Offeleia 247a Rowley Roweleia 247a Adbaston Edboldestone 247a Lichfield Lecefelle, Licefelle 247a Aston in Seighford Estone 247a Moreton, Upper Moreton, Colwich Mortone Baswich Bercheswic 247a 247a Bednall Bedehala 247a Packington Padintone, Pagintone 247a Baden Hall Badehale 247a Podmore Podemore 247a Aspley Haspeleia 247a Pipe Ridware Ridware 247a Acton Trussell Actone 247a Norton Canes Nortone 247a Chapel Chorlton Cerletone 247a Litelbech Litelbech 247a Brewood Breude 247a Church Leigh Lege 247b Little Bridgeford Brigeford 247a Hatherton Hargedone 247b Brocton in Baswich Broctone 247a Hamstall Ridware Rideware, Riduare 247b Burouestone Burouestone 247a Featherstone Ferdestan 247b Broughton Hereborgestone 247a Darlaston Derlauestone 247b Brockton in Eccleshall Broctone 247a Gnosall Geneshale 247b Great Bridgeford Brigeford 247a Haswic Haswic 247b Yoxall Iocheshale 247a Hilton in Shenstone Iltone 247b Tunstall Tunestal 247a Hilton near Featherstone Haltone 247b Smethwick Smedewich 247a Bushbury Biscopesberie 247b Sugnall Sotehelle 247a Branston Brantestone 247b Tamhorn Tamahore 247a Bedintone in Penkridge Beddintone 247b Tipton Tibintone 247a Abbots Bromley Brunlege 247b Swinchurch Suesneshed 247a Upper Arley, Worcestershire Alia Ernlege, Stychbrook Tichebroc 247a Ernlege 247b Slindon Slindone 247a Bilbrook Bilrebroch 247b Seighford Cesteforde 247a Burton upon Trent Bertone] 247b Tymmor, Lichfield Timmor 247a Wolverhampton Hantone 247b Walton-on-the-Hill Waletone 247a Stafford Stadford, Statford 247b Wolseley Ulselei 247a Whiston Witestone 247b Little Wyrley Wireleia 247a Wednesfield Wodnesfelde 247b Wootton, Eccleshall Wodestone 247a Tettenhall Totehala, Totenhale 247b Weeford Weforde 247a Stretton, Burton-Upon-Trent Stratone 247b Walton, Eccleshall Waletone 247a Trescott Cote 247b Handsacre Hadesacre 247a Wetmore Witmere 247b Knighton In Adbaston Chnitestone 247a Willenhall Winehala, Winenhale 247b Great Haywood Haiwoda, Haiwode 247a Hocintune Hocintune 247b Hill Chorlton Cerueledone 247a Perton Pertone 247b Hixon Hustedone 247a Pelsall Peleshale 247b Hortone Hortone 247a Meaford Mepford, Metford 247b Hints Hintes 247a Hocinture Hocintune 247b Little Haywood Haiwoda, Haiwode 247a Kinvaston Chenwardestone 247b Harborne, Birmingham, Warwickshire Hore- Okeover Acovre 247b borne 247a Penkridge Pancriz 247b

132 Claverley, Shropshire Claverlege 248a Bradley near Stafford Bradelia, Bradelie 248b Creswell Cressuale 248a Cauldon Caldone 248b Coton in St Mary Stafford Cote 248a Tutbury Toteberie 248b Colt Colt 248a Lower Tean Tene 248b Cobintone Cobintone 248a Tillington Tillintone 248b Colton Coltone, Coltune 248a Upper Tean Tene 248b Cotwalton Codewalle, Cotewoldestune 248a Stoke, Little Stoke, Stone Stoca 248b Derrington Dodintone 248a Worfield, Shropshire Guruelde, Wrfeld 248b Gayton Gaitone 248a Walton, Stone Waletone 248b Cheddleton Celtetone 248a Lower Woollaston Ullauestone 248b Ashley Esselie 248a Upper Woollaston Ullauestone 248b Alveley, Shropshire Alvidelege 248a Weston, Standon Westone 248b Almington Almentone 248a Standon Stantone 248b Alstonefield Aenestanefelt 248a Salt Selte 248b Amerton Mersetone 248a High Offley Offelie 248b Blithfield Blidevelt 248a Rudge Rigge 248b Yarlet Erlide 248a Rolleston Roluestune 248b Moreton, Gnosall Mortone 248a Moreton, Hanbury Mortune 248b Walton Grange, Gnosall Waltone 248a Mitton Mutone 248b Stafford Stadford, Statford 248a Little Sandon Parva Sandone 248b High Onn Otne 248a Silkmore, Stafford Selchemore 248b Norbury Nortberie 248a Stafford Stadford, Statford 248b Sheriffhales, Shropshire Halam, Halas 248a Shenstone Seneste 248b Tixall Ticheshale 248a Chebsey Cebbesio 248b Warslow Wereslei 248a Grindon Grendone 248b Hamstall Ridware Rideware, Riduare 248a Chipnall, Shropshire Ceppecanole 248b Moddershall Modredeshale 248a Fauld Felede 248b Mavesyn Ridware Riduare 248a Draycott in the Clay Draicote 248b Loxhore, Lower Loxhore Locheslei 248a Cheswardine, Shropshire Ciseworde 248b Kingsnordley, Shropshire Nordlege 248a Marchington Merchametone 248b Knightley Chenistelei 248a Haughton Halstone, Haltone 248b Marston near Stafford Mertone 248a Littywood Lutiudæ 248b Meaford Mepford, Metford 248a Longnor Longenalre 248b Basford Bechesword 248b Hopton Hotone 248b Apeton Abetone 248b Caverswall Cavreswelle 249a Barton in Bradeley Bernertone 248b Gratwich Crotewiche 249a Aston in Stone Estone 248b Dilhorne Dulverne 249a Alstone Aluerdestone 248b Colton Coltone, Coltune 249a Agardsley Edgareslege 248b Cheadle Cedla, Celle 249a Billington Belintone 248b Cooksland Cuchesland 249a Brough Hall Bughale 248b Ellastone Edelachestone, Elachestone 249a Burtone Burtone 248b Hilderstone Heldulvestone, Hildulvestune Burton in Castle Church Burtone 248b 249a

133 Ingestre Gestreon 249a Wombourn Wamburne 249b Burslem Barcardeslim 249a Rickerscote Ricardescote 249b Bradelie Bradelie 249a Water Eaton Etone 249b Blore Blora 249a Shareshill Servesed 249b Aston in Stone Estone 249a Great Saredon Sardone 249b Abbey Hulton Heltone 249a Ruscote Ruscote 249b Barlaston Bernulvestone 249a Sedgley Segleslei 249b Bobbington Bubintone 249a Stretton, Penkridge Estretone 249b Bramshall Branselle 249a Wilbrighton Wilbrestone 249b Wychnor Wicenore 249a Loynton Leuintone 249b Rushton, Burslem Risctone 249a Upper Penn Pennam, Penne 249b Weston Coyney Westone 249a Oxley Oxelie 249b Tittensor Titesoure 249a Orton Ouertone 249b Swynnerton Sulvertone 249a Monetvile Monetvile 249b Stoke-on-Trent Stoche 249a Morfe Morve 249b Syerscote Fricescote 249a Otherton Orretone 249b Tixall Ticheshale 249a Lower Penn Penne 249b Wrottesley Wrotolei 249a Essington Eseningetone 250a Madeley in Checkley Madelie 249a Great Barr Barra 250a Ranton Rantone 249a Bradley and Lower Bradley in Bilston Bradeleg Oakley near Alrewas Acle 249a 250a Norton in the Moors Nortone 249a Crockington in Trysull Cocortone, Cocretone Maer Mere 249a 250a Madeley near Stoke-on-Trent Madelie 249a Drayton, Oxfordshire Draiton 250a Milwich Melewich, Mulewiche 249a Bushbury Biscopesberie 250a Oaken Ache 249a Little Barr Barre 250a Patshull Pecleshella 249a Aldridge Alrewic 250a Coppenhall Copehale 249b Trysull Treslei 250a Haughton Halstone, Haltone 249b Ettingshall Etinghale 250a Hamstall Rideware, Riduare 249b Moseley Moleslei 250a Enville Efnefeld 249b Perry Birmingham, Warwickshire Pirio 250a Coven Cove 249b Seisdon Seisdone 250a Gailey Gragelie 249b Sibford Gower, Oxfordshire Sibeford 250a Hamstall Ridware Rideware, Riduare 249b Rushall Rischale 250a Himley Himelei 249b Pendeford Pendeford 250a Levedale Levehale 249b Handsworth, Birmingham, Warwickshire Cippemore Cippemore 249b Honesworde 250a Chasepool Catspelle 249b Codsall Codeshale 250b Bradley near Stafford Bradelia, Bradelie 249b Clayton Claitone 250b Amblecote Elmelecote 249b Clifton Campville Clistone 250b Blymhill Brumhelle 249b Checkley Cedla 250b Brineton Brunitone 249b Cannock Chenet 250b Church Eaton Eitone 249b Croxden Crochesdene 250b

134 Estendone Estendone 250b Betton Abbots and Betton Strange Betune Fenton Fentone 250b 252a Dimsdale Dulmesdene 250b Shrewsbury Sciropesberie 252a Hanchurch Hancese 250b North Lydbury Lideberie 252a Betley Betelege 250b Meole Brace Melam 252a Balterley Baltredelege 250b Prees Pres 252a Beighterton Bertone 250b Shelton Saltone 252a Audley Aldidelege 250b Onibury Aneberie 252a Brocktongrange Brotone 250b Marsley Park Marsetelie 252a Bickford Bigeford 250b Cleestanton Clee 252b Bradley in the Moors Bretlei 250b Lesserposton Possetorn 252b Brockton Grange near Blymhill Brotone 250b Emstrey Eiminstre 252b Bishton Bispestone 250b Deuxhill Dehocsele 252b Winnington Wennitone 250b Eyton on Severn Aitone 252b Thorpe Constantine Torp 250b Madeley Madelie 252b Stramshall Stagrigesholle 250b Meole Brace Melam 252b Talke Talc 250b Bromfield Brunfelde 252b Shushions Sceotestan 250b Boreton Burtune 252b Little Saredon Seresdone 250b Astley Heslere 252b Thursfield Turuoldesfeld 250b Broughton Burtune 252b Weston under Lizard Westone 250b Bourton Burtune 252b Whitmore Witemore 250b Much Wenlock Wenloch 252b Weston near Stafford Westone 250b Shrewsbury Sciropesberie 252b Hanford Heneford 250b Ticklerton Ticheleuorde 252b Moreton, Upper Moreton, Colwich Mortone Stoke St Milborough Godestoch 252b 250b Soulton Suletune 252b Knighton In Mucklestone Chenistetone 250b Sutton near Shrewsbury Sudtone 252b Knutton Clotone 250b Little Wenlock Wenloch 252b Kingsley Chingeslei, Chingesleia 250b Much Wenlock Wenloch 252b Rodbaston 250b Redbaldestone Shipton Scipetune 252b Mucklestone Moclestone 250b Pickthorn Pichetorne 252b Normacot Normanescote 250b Mytton Mutone 252b Little Onn Anne 250b Perkley Petelie 252b Newton, Blithfield Niwetone 250b Lesser Poston Possetorn 252b Bicton Bichetone 253a 25 Shropshire Dinthill Duntune 253a Chawson, Worcestershire Caluestone 253a North Lydbury Lideberie 252a Charlton, Shawbury Cerletone 253a Buildwas Beldewes 252a Condover Conendovre 253a Leintwardine, Herefordshire Lenteurde 252a Little Eton, Pitchford Etone 253a Longner Languenare 252a Hodnet Odenet 253a Chatsall in Stoke upon Tern Cesdille, Cestulle Baschurch Bascherche 253a 252a Alnodestreu Alnodestreu 253a

135 Broughton Burtone 253a Maesbury Meresberie 253b Albrightlee Etbretelie 253a Minsterley Menistrelie 253b Atcham Atingeham 253a Castlewright, Wales Cestelop 254a Yorton Iartune 253a Aston, Wales Estune 254a Preston Gubbals Prestone 253a Bolebec Bolebec 254a Uckington Uchintune 253a Benehale Benehale 254a Rossall Rosela 253a Acton Round Achetune 254a Preston Montford Prestone, Prestune 253a Ackley, Wales Achelai 254a Shrewsbury Sciropesberie 253a Chetton Catinton 254a Wrockwardine Recordine 253a Culmington Comintone 254a Lilleshall Linleshelle 253a Eardington Ardintone 254a Onslow Andrelau, Andreslaue 253a Dudston Dudestune 254a Marton Mertune 253a Church Stretton Stratun, Stratune 254a Little Eton Etone 253a Easthope Stope 254a Longdon upon Tern Languedune 253a Tugford Dodefort 254a Morville Membrefelde 253a Starcote, Montgomery, Wales Staurecote 254a Dawley Magna Dalelie 253b Trelystan, Wales Ulestanesmude 254a Edgmond Edmendune 253b Stottesdon Stodesdone 254a Donington Donitone 253b Stanway, Rushbury Staneweie 254a Ditton Priors Dodintone 253b Abdon Abetune 254a Droitwich, Worcestershire Wich 253b Walcot Walecote 254a Ellesmere Ellesmeles 253b Wropton, Forden, Wales Urbetune 254a high Ercall Archelou 253b Great Wytheford Wicford 254a Culvestan Comestane 253b Weston Madoc, Wales Westune 254a Chirbury Cireberie 253b Stantune Stantune 254a Alberbury Alberberie 253b Overs Ovre 254a Whittington Wititone 253b Marchamley Marcemeslei 254a Berwick and Upper Berwick in St Alkmond, Montgomery, Wales Montgomeri, Muntgumeri Shrewsbury Berewic 253b 254a Corfham, Diddlebury Corfan 253b Mellington, Wales Mulitune 254a Wittery Witetreu 253b Ial District, Wales Gal 254a Great Ness Nessham 253b Horsewall in Montgomery, Wales Horseforde Trewern, Wales Alretone 253b 254a Reweset Reweset 253b Pen-y-Lan, Wales Wadelestun 254a Oswestry Luvre 253b Shrewsbury Sciropesberie 254a Tong Tuange 253b Stanton upon Hine Heath Stantune 254a Wellington Walitone 253b Siefton Sireton 254a Ford Forde 253b Quatford Quatford 254a Montgomery, Wales Montgomeri, Muntgumeri Edderton, Wales Edritune 254a 253b Goseford Goseford 254a Merset Meresberie 253b Upper Edenhope Etenehop 254a Lydham Lidum 253b Gaer, the Wales Torneberie 254a Loppington Lopitone 253b Forden, Wales Furtune 254a

136 Lower Edenhope Etenehop 254a Cardington Cardintune 255a Hopton, Wales Hoptune 254a Aston Botterell Estone 255a Gretton Grotintune 254a Acton Reynald Achetone 255a Great Hem and Little Hem, Wales Heme Albright Hussey Abretone, Etbretone 255a 254a Aston Eyre Estone 255a Hockleton Elchitun 254a Clungunford Clone 255a High Hatton Hetune 254a Yeaton Aitone 255a Brockton in Long Stanton Broctune 254b Rossall Rosela 255a Eaton Constantine Etune 254b Woolston, West Felton Osuluestune 255a Cound and Upper Cound Cuneet 254b Welshampton Hantone 255a Child’s Ercall Arcalun 254b Strefford Straford 255a Dawley Parva Dalelie 254b Shrawardine Saleurdine 255a Eaton Mascott Etune 254b Upton Cressett Ultone 255a Golding Goldene 254b Weston Coton Westune 255a Berwick in Atcham Berewic 254b Wootton Udetone 255a Acton Pigott Aectune 254b Kynaston Chimerestun 255a Longnor Lege 254b Osbaston Sbernestune 255a Berrington Beritune 254b Little Ness Nesse 255a Morton Mortune 254b Munslow Aston Estune 255a Aitone Aitone 254b Melverley Meleurlei 255a Wroxeter Rochecestre 254b Middleton Scriven Middeltone 255a Lutwyche Loteis 254b Myddle Mulleht 255a Upton Magna Uptune 254b Oldbury Aldeberie 255a Rodington Rodintone 254b Detton Dodintone 255b Maesbrook Meresbroc 254b Loton Luchetune 255b Tibetone Tibetune 254b Great Hanwood Hanewde 255b Weston Rhyn Westone 254b Eyton in Alberbury Etune 255b Hadley Hatlege 254b Leighton, Wales Lestune 255b Leighton near Wellington Lestone 254b Marche Mersse, Messe 255b Kenly Chenelie 254b Montford Maneford 255b Halston Halstune, Haustune 254b Cherrington Cerlintone, Cerlitone 255b Kenley Chenelie 254b Bausley, Wales Beleslei 255b Leegomery Lega 254b Acton Burnell Actune 255b Edeirnion District, Wales Derniou 255a Farley Fernelese 255b Hadnall Hadehelle 255a Albrighton in St Alkmond, Shrewsbury Etbri- Fouswardine in Sidbury Fuloordie 255a tone 255b Eudon Burnell Eldone 255a Cardeston Cartistune 255b English Frankton Franchetone 255a Yockleton Ioclehuile 255b West Felton Feltone 255a Wentnor Wantenoure 255b Glazeley Gleslei 255a Wollaston Willauestune 255b Hatton in Shifnal Etone 255a Whitton Wibetune 255b Henley Haneleu 255a Westbury Wesberie 255b Cynllaith District, Wales Chenlei 255a Winsley Wineslei 255b

137 Worthen Wrdine 255b Middlehope Mildehope 256b Norton, Aston Botterell Nortone 255b Droitwich, Worcestershire Wich 256b Welbatch Huelbec 255b Corfton Cortune 256b Stapleton Hundeslit 255b Bitterley Buterlie 256b Preston Montford Prestone, Prestune 255b Caynham Caiham 256b Pontesbury Pantesberie 255b Cressage Cristesache 256b Rorrington Roritune 255b Little Wytheford Wideford 256b Wattlesborough Wetesburg 255b Stoke upon Tern Stoche, Stoches 256b Edgeley Edeslai 256a Whixall Witehala 256b Marrington Meritune 256a Weston near Westune 256b Lowe in Wem Lai 256a Waters Upton Uptone 256b Eyton in Baschurch Hetone 256a Wheathill Waltham 256b Longden Langedune 256a Woodcote, Newport Udecote 256b Marche Mersse, Messe 256a Patton Patintune 256b Middleton, Chirbury Mildetune 256a Stanton Long Stantune 256b Moreton Say Mortune 256a Sheinton Scentune, Schentune 256b Dodington, Whitchurch Dodetune 256a Plaish Plesham 256b Choulton Cautune 256a Rushbury Riseberie 256b Aston in Oswestry Estone 256a Shifnal Iteshale 256b Tibberton Tetbristone 256a Catsley Cateschesleie 257a Brompton Brantune 256a Edstaston Stanestune 257a Crudgington Crugetone 256a Coton in Wem Cote 257a Woolstaston Ulestanestune 256a Cleobury Mortimer Claiberie, Cleberie 257a Steel Stile 256a Chelmarsh Celmeres 257a Womerton Umbruntune 256a Cosford Costeford 257a Lower Wigmore Wigemore 256a Cross Hills Corselle 257a Sutton near Market Drayton Sudtone 256a Eudon George Eldone 257a Walford Waleford 256a Harcourt in Stanton upon Hine Heath Upper Wigmore Wigemore 256a Harpecote 257a Woodcote, Bicton Udecote 256a Burwarton Burertone 257a Oaks Hach 256a Bayston, Baystonhill and Lower Bayston Beges- Stanwardine in the Fields Staurdine 256a tan 257a Ratlinghope Rotelingehope 256a Aston in Wem Estune 257a Petton Pectone 256a Wolverley Ulwardelege 257a Onslow Andrelau, Andreslaue 256a Alkington Alchetune 257a Priestweston Westune 256a Lower Baveney Barbingi 257a Rorrington Roritune 256a Brockton in Longford Brochetone 257a Forton Fordune 256b Great Wytheford Wicford 257a Kemberton Chenbritone 256b Peplow Papelau 257a Hopton in Hodnet Hotune 256b Wem Weme 257a Higford Huchefor 256b Wall Town Walle 257a Huntington Hantenetune 256b Sidbury Sudberie 257a Lacon Lach 256b Preston upon the Weald Prestune 257a

138 Tyrley, Staffordshire Tirelire 257a Middleton, Bitterley Middeltone 257b Walton Waltone 257a Puleston Pliuesdone 257b Whitchurch Westune 257a Clungunford Clone 258a Highley Hugelei 257a Hopesay Hope 258a Overton Ovretone 257a Edgton Egedune 258a Neenton Newentone 257a Coston Cozetune 258a Isombridge Asnebruge 257a Clunton Clutune 258a Hinstock Stoche 257a Little Drayton Draitune 258a Horton in Wem Hortune 257a Fitz Witesot 258a Market Drayton Draitune 257a Hopton Castle Opetune 258a Norton, Condover Nortune 257a Kempton Chenpitune 258a Eyton upon the Weald Moors Etone 257b Clunbury Cluneberie 258a Horton in Wellington Hortune 257b Chinbaldescote Chinbaldescote 258a Hardley Hordelei 257b Brompton Brantune 258a Gravenhunger Gravehungre 257b Barlow Berlie 258a Faintree and Lower Faintree Fauentrei 257b Bearstone Bardestune 258a Grinshill Griuelesul 257b Caurtune Caurtune 258a Hordley Hordelei 257b Clun Clune 258a Howle Hugle 257b Woolston, Wistanstow Wistanestune 258a Ingardine Ingurdine 257b Pitchford Piceford 258a Dorrington Derintune 257b Wigwig Wigewic 258a Buttery Buterei 257b Sibdon Carwood Sibetune 258a Brockton in Sutton Maddock Broctone 257b Preston Brockhurst Preston, Prestone 258a Beslow Beteslawe 257b Purslow Posselau 258a Badger Beghesoure 257b Westhope Weshope 258a Bratton Brochetone 257b Willey Wilit 258a Buchehale Buchehale 257b Lawley Lauelei, Lauelie 258a Chetwynd Catewinde 257b Obley Obelie 258a Wykey Wiche 257b Moreton Corbet Mortone 258a Ruyton-Xi-Towns Ruitone 257b Menutton Munetune 258a Udeford Udeford 257b Leintwardine, Herefordshire Lenteurde 258a Sudtelch Sudtelch 257b Lurkenhope Edretehope 258a Sambrook Semebre 257b Merrington Gellidone 258a Ryton Ruitone 257b Myndtown Munete 258a Sleap Eslepe 257b Norton, Hales Nortune 258b Little Sutton Sudtone 257b Shawbury Sawesberie 258b Woore Waure 257b Sandford Sanford 258b Lawley Lauelei, Lauelie 257b Little Oxenbold Oxibold 258b Ruyton-Xi- Towns Ruitone 257b Great Oxenbold Oxibold 258b Onneley Anelege 257b Greater Poston Possetorne 258b Marston, Diddlebury Merstun 257b Selley Hibrihteselle 258b Upper Ledwyche Ledewic 257b Steventon Scevintone 258b Longford Langeford 257b Great Sutton Sudtone 258b

139 Upper Millichope Melicope 258b Haughton Haustone 259a Kynnersley Chinardeseie 258b Albrighton in Shifnal Albricstone 259a Holdgate Stantune 258b Betton in Norton in Hales Baitune 259a Greater Poston Possetorne 258b Little Wytheford Wideford 259a Felton Butler Feltone 258b Slackbury Slacheberie 259a Harley Harlege 258b Wollerton Uluretone 259a Hope Bowdler Fordritishope 258b Welshampton Hantone 259a Meadowley Madolea 258b Stockton Stochetone 259a Ellerdine Elleurdine 258b Spoonley Sponelege 259a Bouldon Bolledone 258b Sutton Maddock Sudtone 259a Clee St Margaret Cleie 258b Withington Wientone 259a Cherrington Cerlintone, Cerlitone 258b Wrentnall Werentenehale 259a Chatsall in Stoke upon Tern Cesdille, Cestulle Kinnerley Chenardelei 259a 258b Shavington Savintune 259a Charlcotte Cerlecote 258b Pulverbatch Polrebec 259a Chelmick Elmundewic 258b Preston Brockhurst Preston, Prestone 259a Church Preen Prene 258b Longslow Walanceslau 259a Cold Hatton Hatune 258b Lee Brockhurst Lege 259a Uffington Ofitone 258b Moston Mostune 259a Bosle Bosle 258b Pulley Polelie 259a Bedstone Betietetune 258b Ruthall Rohalle 259a Adley Moor, Herefordshire Adelestune, Edelac- Halston Halstune, Haustune 259b tune 258b Farlow Ferlau 259b Uppington Opetone 258b Frodesley Frodeslege 259b Wilderley Wildredelega 258b Fenemere Finemer 259b Alcaston Aelmundestune 258b Eyton in Alberbury Etune 259b Belswardyne Belleurdine 258b Cothercott Cotardicote 259b Colemere Colesmere 259a Lower Harcourt and Upper Harcourt in Stottes- Castle Pulverbatch and Church Pulverbatch don Hauretescote 259b Polrebec 259a Langley Languelege 259b Cheneltone Cheneltone 259a Leaton Letone 259b Cantlop Cantelop 259a The Lack Lach 259b Calverhall Caurahalle 259a Leebotwood Botewde 259b Cotton in Stoke upon Tern Ludecote 259a Brockton in Longford Brochetone 259b Hatton in Shifnal Etone 259a Acton Scott Actune 259b Hawksley in Langley Auochelie 259a Benthall Benehale 259b Estone Estone 259a Amaston in Cardeston Enbaldestune 259b Ightfield Istefelt 259a Burtone Burtone 259b Broom in Ellesmere Bruma 259a Conditre Condetret 259b Beckbury Becheberie 259a Broome in Cardington Brame 259b Adderley Eldredelei 259a Church Stoke, Wales Cirestoc 259b Bishton Bispetone 259a Church Stretton Stratun, Stratune 259b Besford Betford 259a Cheney Longville Languefelle 259b

140 Yagdons, St Alkmond, Shrewsbury Iagedone Stanway, Leintwardine, Herefordshire 259b Stanewei 260a the lack Lach 259b Shirley, Herefordshire Sirelei 260a Rowton, Ercall Magna Routone 259b Stanage, Wales Stanege 260a Stapleton Hundeslit 259b Little Stepple, Stepple Steple 260a Smethcote Smerecote 259b Tumberland, Leintwardine, Herefordshire Rowton, Alberbury Rutune 259b Tumbelawe 260a Rhiston Ristune 259b Lowe in Farlow Lau 260a Tunestan Tunestan 259b Offers Ovre 260a Wlferesforde Wlferesforde 259b Neen Savage Nene 260a Wotherton Udeuertune 259b Mawley Melela 260a Whittingslow Witecheslawe 259b Lye, Upper Herefordshire Lege 260a Leominster, Herefordshire Leominstre 259b Milson Mulstone 260a Netley Netelie 259b Middleton, Chirbury Mildetune 259b Neen Sollars Nene 260a Munton, Worthen Muletune 259b Buckton, Herefordshire Buctone 260b Minton Munetune 259b Earlsditton Dodentone 260b Lydley Hayes, Cardington Litlega 259b North Cleobury Claiberie, Cleberie 260b Poynton Peuentone 259b Cleu Cleu 260b Newetone Newetone 259b Lower Edgebold Edbaldinesham 260b Overs Ovre 259b Upper Edgebold Edbaldinesham 260b Polmere Pole 259b Bucknell Buchehalle 260b Offers Ovre 259b Aldon Alledone 260b Earlsditton Dodentone 260a Adley Moor, Herefordshire Adelestune, Edelac- Lel Lel 260a tune 260b Kinlet Chinlete 260a Adleymoor Adelestune 260b Fech Fech 260a Brampton Bryan, Herefordshire Brantune Humet Humet 260a 260b Leintwardine, Herefordshire Lenteurde 260a Wistanstow Wistanestou 260b Letton, Herefordshire 260a Lectune Pulley Polelie 260b Lingen, Herefordshire Lingham 260a Stokesay Stoches 260b Coreley Cornelie 260a Sheinton Scentune, Schentune 260b Cascob, Wales Cascop 260a Stanton Lacy Stantone 260b Ashford Carbonel Esseford 260a Ackhill, Wales Achel 260a Walford, Herefordshire Waliford, Waliforde 260b Adforton, Herefordshire Alfertintune 260a Burford Bureford 260a Hopton Wafers Hoptone 260b Cleobury Mortimer Claiberie, Cleberie 260a Pedwardine, Herefordshire Pedewrde 260b Walford, Herefordshire Waliford, Waliforde Meole Brace Melam 260b 260a Knighton, Wales Chenistetune 260b Sheet Setham 260a Llanvair Waterdine Watredene 260b Tetstill Tedenesolle 260a Norton Wales Nortune 260b

141 26 Cheshire Antrobus Entrebus 263b Alderlegh in Frodsham Aldredelie 263b Redcliff, Chester Radeclive, Redeclive 262b Elton Eltone 263b Englefield District, Wales Englefeld, Inglefeld Coddington Cotintone 263b 262b Rushton Rusitone 263b Chester Cestre 262b Alretone Alretone 263b Newton, Chester Neutone, Newentone 262b Wimbolds Trafford Troford 263b Boughton in Chester Bocstone 263a Opetone Opetone 263b Clifton Clistune 263a Wepre, Wales Wepre 263b Cheaveleyhall Cavelea 263a Pulford Pulford 263b Bridge Trafford Trosford 263a Over Ovre 263b Burton in Tarvin Burtone 263a Weaverham Wivreham 263b Chester Cestre 263a Wich, Middlewich, Nantwich, Northwich Croughton Crostone 263a Wich 263b Eyton in Holt, Wales Eitune 263a Helsby Helesbe 263b Bettisfield, Wales Beddesfeld, Bedesfeld 263a Ollerton Alretune 263b Little Sutton Sudtone 263a Manley Menlie 263b Middleton Midestune 263a Lea near Aldford Lai 263b Huntington Hunditone 263a Lache In Chester Leche 263b Great Sutton Sudtone 263a Macclesfield Maclesfeld 263b St Mary St Marie 263a Mickle Trafford Traford 263b Wybunbury Wimeberie 263a Capesthorne Copestor 264a Raby Rabie 263a Gawsworth Gouesurde 264a Tarvin Terve 263a Clive Clive 264a Saughall Salhale, Salhare 263a Cholmondeley Calmundelei 264a Redcliff, Chester Radeclive, Redeclive 263a Chelford Celeford 264a Saighton Saltone 263a Christleton Cristetone 264a Shotwick Sotowiche 263a Edge Eghe 264a Wervin Wiuevrene, Wiurevene 263a Henbury Hamedeberie, Hameteberie 264a Farndon Ferentone 263a Hofinchel Hofinchel, Hofinghel 264a Neston Nestone 263a Burwardestone Burwardestone 264a Ince Inise 263a Antrobus Entrebus 264a Hoseley, Wales Odeslei 263a Adlington Eduluintune 264a Guilden Sutton Sudtone 263a Hampton Hantone 264a Iddenshall Etingehalle 263a Marton Merutune 264a Lea in Backford Wisdelea 263a Alsager Eleacier 264a Little Budworth Bodeurde 263b Bettisfield, Wales Beddesfeld, Bedesfeld 264a Eddisbury Edesberie 263b Worthenbury, Wales Hurdingberie 264a Done Done 263b Sutton, Middlewich Sudtune, Sutone 264a Conersley in Whitegate Kenardeslie 263b Werneth Warnet 264a Dunham-on-the-Hill Doneham 263b Upton, Chester Optone 264a Frodsham Frotesham 263b Tilston Tillestone 264a Hadlow in Neston Edelaue 263b Tintwistle Tengestuisie 264a

142 Weaver Wevre 264a Ledsham Leuetesham 265a Wimboldsley Wibaldelai 264a Hooton Hotone 265a Hollingworth Holisurde 264a Golborne Bellow in Tattenhall Colburne Little Stanney, Stanney Stanei 264a 265a Romiley Rumelie 264a Hassall Eteshale 265a Malpas Depenbech 264a Landican Landechene 265a Hungrewenitune Hungrewenitune 264a Leftwich Wice 265a Leighton in Stockport Laitone 264a Moulton Moletune 265a Occlestone Green Aculuestune 264a Crewe in Barthomley Creu 265a Sandbach Sanbec, Sanbecd 264a Caluintone Caluintone 265a Tushingham Tusigeham 264b Bostock Botestoch 265a Burwardsley and Higher Burwardsley Bur- Ashton Estone 265a wardeslei 264b Audlem Aldelime 265a Broxton Brosse 264b Bredbury Bretberie 265a Beeston Buistane 264b Cogshall Cocheshalle 265a Wallasey Walea 264b Willington Winfletone 265a Bickley Bichelei 264b Higher Shurlach Suruelec 265a Bunbury and Lower Bunbury Boleberie 264b Upton, Overchurch Optone 265a Butley Botelege, Butelege 264b Thingwall Tuiguelle 265a Caldy Calders 264b Lower Shurlach Suruelec 265a Tiverton Tevretone 264b Tattenhall Tatenale 265a Thurstaston Turstanetone 264b Ulure Ulure 265a Overton Ovretone 264b Wervin Wiuevrene, Wiurevene 265a Bickerton Molintone 264b Ness Nesse 265a Thornton Hough Torintone 264b Shipbrookhill Sibroc 265a Tilstone Fearnall Tidulstane 264b Prenton Prestune 265a Spurstow Spuretone 264b Pool, Netherpool and Over Pool, Eastham Pol Heswall Eswelle 264b 265a Peckforton Pevretone 264b Noctorum Chenoterie 265a Meols Melas 264b Picton Pichetone 265a Larkton Lauorchedone 264b Poulton, Pulford Pontone 265a Leighton in Neston Lestone 264b Saughall Salhale, Salhare 265a Little Neston Nestone 264b Barthomley Bertemeleu 265b Shocklach Socheliche 264b Church Minshull Maneshale 265b Chowley Celelea 264b Chorley Cerlere 265b Hargrave Haregrave 264b Broomhall Green Brunhala 265b Edge Eghe 264b Batherton Berdeltune 265b Cuddington Cuntitone 264b Buerton Burtune 265b Cranage Croeneche 264b Chorlton Cerletune 265b Crewe in Farndon Creuhalle 264b Frith Tereth 265b Duckington Dochintone 264b Marbury Merberie 265b Guilden Sutton Sudtone 264b Baddiley Bedelei 265b Davenham Deveneham 265a Aston in Wrenbury Estune 265b

143 Hatherton Haretone 265b Higher Whitley Witelei 266a Basford Berchesford 265b Over Tabley Stabelei 266a Acton Actune 265b Poole Pol 266a Coppenhall Copehale 265b Lower Peover Pevre 266a Shavington Santune 265b Raby Rabie 266a Austerson Essetune 265b Warburton Warburgetone, Wareburgetune Wrenbury Wareneberie 265b 266a Walgherton Walcretune 265b Lower Whitley Witelei 266a Wisterson, Nantwich Wistetestune 265b Halton Heletune 266a Wirswall Wiresuelle, Wireswelle 265b Netherleigh, Chester Lee 266a Wilkesley Wiuelesde 265b Millington Mulintune 266a Whitchurch, Shropshire Westone 265b Lach Dennis Lece 266a Willaston Wilauestune 265b Handbridge in Chester Bruge 266a Wistaston Wistanestune 265b Knutsford Cunetesford 266a Worleston Werblestune 265b Little Leigh Lege 266a Minshull Vernon, Middlewich Manessele Neston Nestone 266a 265b Eyton in Holt, Wales Eitune 266b Tittenley, Shropshire Titesle 265b Congleton Cogeltone 266b Stapeley Steple 265b Dunham, Bowdon Doneham 266b Poole Pol 265b Cocle Cocle 266b Nantwich Wich 265b Church Lawton Lautune 266b Norbury, Marbury Norberie 265b Farndon Ferentone 266b Sproston Sprostune 265b Grange Calders 266b Stoneley Green Stanleu 265b Hale Hale 266b Great Barrow Bero 266a Goostrey Gostrel 266b Dutton Duntune 266a Handbridge in Chester Bruge 266b Cholmondeston Chelmundestone 266a Bosley Boselega 266b Great Budworth Budewrde 266a Nether Alderley Aldredelie 266b Little Barrow Bero 266a Alretunstall in Bowdon Alretune 266b Capenhurst Capeles 266a Ashley Ascelie 266b Clutton Clutone 266a Caldecott Caldecote 266b Eanleywood Enelelei 266a Bowdon Bogedone 266b Goostrey Gostrel 266a Buglawton Lautune 266b Barnston Bernestone 266a Byley Beuelei 266b Aston juxta Mondrum Estone 266a Bramhall Bramale 266b Over Alderley Aldredelic 266a Wimboldsley Wibaldelai 266b Norton Nortune 266a Sutton, Middlewich Sudtune, Sutone 266b Weston Westone 266a Somerford Sumreford 266b Aston in Runcorn Estone 266a Sutton Green, Wales Sutone 266b Aston Park Estone 266a Siddington Sudendune 266b Wich, Middlewich, Nantwich, Northwich Sandbach Sanbec, Sanbecd 266b Wich 266a Thornton-le-Moor Torentune 266b Newton, Chester Neutone, Newentone 266a Wardle Warhelle 266b

144 Weaver Wevre 266b Newbold, Astbury Neubold 267a Trevalyn, Wales Alentune 266b Newton, Middlewich Neutone 267a Kermincham Cerdingham 266b Peover Pevre 267a Norbury, Stockport Nordberie 266b Rostherne Rodestorne 267a Mobberley Motburlege 266b Bartington Bertintune 267b Nether Alderley Aldredelie 266b Erbistock, Wales Erpestoch 267b Lea near Aldford Lai 266b Clotton Clotone 267b North Rode Rodo 266b Butley Botelege, Butelege 267b Overleigh, Chester Lee 266b Dutton Duntune 267b Pulford Pulford 266b Golborne in Handley Colborne 267b Redcliff, Chester Radeclive, Redeclive 266b Grappenhall Gropenhale 267b Puddington Potitone 266b Appleton Thorn Epletune 267b Chapmonswiche in Rostherne Cepmundewiche Kingsley Chingeslie 267b 267a Cheadle Cedde 267b Kinderton Cinbretune 267a Hatton Etone 267b Hartford Herford 267a Alvanley Elveldelie 267b Davenport Deneport 267a Waverton Wavretone 267b Cogshall Cocheshalle 267a Ollerton Alretune 267b Eccleston Eclestone 267a Storeton Stortone 267b Hope, Wales Hope 267a Poulton, Bebington Pontone 267b High Legh Lege 267a Oulton Altetone 267b Lymm Lime 267a Somerford Booths Sumreford 267b Brereton Bretone 267a Warburton Warburgetone, Wareburgetune Blacon in Chester Blachehol 267a 267b Witton Witune 267a Greasby Grauesberie 267b Croxton Crostune 267a Mottram St Andrew Motre 267b Winnington Wenitone 267a Lach Dennis Lece 267b Alpraham Alburgham 267a Gresford, Wales Gretford 267b Blakenhall Blachenhale 267a Handley Hanlei 267b Wincham Wimundisham 267a Lymm Lime 267b Stapleford Stapleford 267a Middlewich Wich 268a Wheelock Hoiloch 267a Baguley, Lancashire Bagelei 268a Warford Wareford 267a Gresford, Wales Gretford 268a Tarporley Torpelei 267a Chespuic Chespuic 268a Tabley Stablei 267a Acton Acatone 268a Tetton Tadetune 267a Sinderland Green Sundreland 268a Wettenhall Watenhale 267a Nantwich Wich 268a Wich, Middlewich, Nantwich, Northwich Northwich Norwich 268a Wich 267a Rode, Astbury Rode 268a Mere Mera 267a Radenoure Radenoure 268a Snelson Senelestune 267a Northenden, Lancashire Norwordine 268a Peover, Lower Peover Pevre 267a Edritone Edritone 268b Ollerton Alretune 267a Bagillt, Wales Bachelie 268b

145 Claverton in St Mary on the Hill, Chester Melchanestone Melchanestone 269a Claventone 268b Llys-y-Coed in Cilcain, Wales Lessecott 269a Coleshill, Wales Coleselt 268b Llanelwy, Wales Lanwile 269a Dodleston Dodestune 268b Leeswood, Wales Legge 269a Clayton in Hawarden, Wales Claitone 268b Llewerllyd, Wales Lauarludon, Lewarlude Broughton, Wales Brochetone, Brochetune 269a 268b Picton, Wales Pichetone 269a Aston in Hawarden, Wales Estone 268b Gwynedd, Wales Nortwales, Nortwalis 269a Wepre, Wales Wepre 268b Pengdeslion Pengdeslion 269a Golftyn, Wales Ulfemiltone 268b Penegors Penegors 269a Leadbrook, Wales Latbroc 268b Pentre, Wales Peintret 269a Marlston Heyes Merlestone 268b Meliden, Wales Ruestoch 269a Radington, Holywell, Wales Radintone 268b Munentone Munentone 269a Soughton, Wales Sutone 268b Mostyn, Wales Mostone 269a Northwich Norwich 268b Mertyn, Wales Meretone 269a Llys Edwin in Northop, Wales Castretone Mulintone Mulintone 269a 268b Kelston, Wales Calstan 269a Hawarden, Wales Haordine 268b Englefield District, Wales Englefeld, Inglefeld Rhufoniog District, Wales Reweniou 269a 269a Sudfell Sudfell 269a Glust, Wales Lesthunied 269a Rhydorddwy, Wales Rewordui 269a Gelli Loveday, Wales Cheslilaved 269a Ruargor Ruargor 269a Golden Grove, Wales Uluesgrave 269a Tan-y-Fron, Wales Danfrond 269a Greenfield, Wales Folebroc 269a Tredueng Tredueng 269a Dyserth, Wales Dissard, Dissaren 269a Rhuddlan, Wales Roelend, Roelent 269a Cyrchynen, Wales Charcan 269a Rhos District, Wales Ros 269a Cwybr, Wales Cauber 269a Rahop Rahop 269a Dincolyn Wales Dicolin 269a Rhos Ithel, Wales Risteselle 269a Cwybr Bach, Wales Parvum Cauber 269a Prestatyn, Wales Prestetone 269a Hendrebifa in Mold, Wales Hendrebifau 269a Weltune Weltune 269a Horsepol Horsepol 269a Whitford, Wales Widford 269a Hiraddug, Wales Raduch 269a Wenfesne Wenfesne 269a Inglecroft Inglecroft 269a Widhulde Widhulde 269a Gronant, Wales Gronant 269a Trefraith, Wales Treveri 269a Halkyn, Wales Alchene, Helchene 269a Ulchenol Ulchenol 269a Gwespyr, Wales Wesberie 269a Trellyniau, Wales Treuelesneu 269a Gwaenysgor, Wales Wenescol 269a Trelawnyd, Wales Riuelenoit 269a Gwysaney, Wales Quisnan 269a Tremeirchion, Wales Dinmersch 269a Witestan Witestan 269a Wiselei Wiselei 269a Blorant, Wales Blorat 269a Maen Efa, Wales Maineval 269a Bodfari, Wales Botewarul 269a Mechlas in Cilcain, Wales Moclitone 269a Bodeugan, Wales Bodugan 269a Marian Trefedwen, Wales Coiwen 269a Breteuil Eure, France Bretuill 269a Meincatis Meincatis 269a Broncoed, Wales Bruncot 269a

146 Bistre, Wales Biscopestreu 269a Upton, Dronfield Upetun 272a Arwystli District, Wales Aruester 269a Old Tupton Topetune, Toptune 272a Ysceifiog, Wales Schiviau 269a Temple Normanton Normantune 272a Axton, Wales Asketone 269a Unstone Honestune, Onestune 272a Cil Owen, Wales Chiluen 269a Old Whittington Witintune 272a Caerwys, Wales Cairos 269a Newbold, Upper Newbold Newebold 272a Carn-y-Chain, Wales Cancarnacan 269a Tansley Taneslege, Teneslege 272a Calcoed, Wales Caldecote 269a Ravenesholm Ravenesholm 272a Cefndy in Rhuddlan, Wales Kevend 269a Norton, Sheffield, Yorkshire Nortun, Nortune Bryn Hedydd, Wales Brennehedui 269a 272a Bychton, Wales Putecain 269a Padinc Padinc 272a Brynford, Wales Brunfor, Brunford 269a Snitterton Sinitretone 272a Bryn, Wales Bren 269a Conksbury Cranchesberie 272b Bryngwyn, Wales Brenwen 269a Calver Calvoure 272b Skelmersdale Schelmeresdele 269b Chellaston Celardestune, Celerdestune 272b Warrington Walentune 269b Clifton Campville, Staffordshire Cliftune Smithdown Esmedune 269b 272b Westderby Derbei, Derberie 269b Coldeaton Eitune 272b Argarmeles Erengermeles 269b Chilcote, Leicestershire. Cildecote 272b Raven Meols Mele 269b Carsington Ghersintune 272b Lathom Latune 269b Callow Caldelawe 272b Derby Derbei, Derberie 269b Burton in Bakewell Burtune 272b Newton-Le-Willows Neweton 269b Cottons Codetune 272b Blackburn Blacheburne 270a Darley Derelei, Dereleie 272b Penwortham Peneuerdant 270a Fenny Bentley Benedlege 272b Leyland Lailand 270a Haddon or Over Haddon Hadun, Haduna, Hadune 272b 27 Derbyshire Hanson Grange Hanzedone 272b Flagg Flagun 272b Cotes in Darley Cotes 272a Edale Aidele 272b Ible Ibeholon 272a Cromford Crunforde 272b Dronfield Dranefeld 272a Hassop Hetesope 272b Darley Derelei, Dereleie 272a Ashford in the water Aisseford 272b Greyhurst in Wingerworth Greherst 272a Ingleby Englebi 272b Matlock Meslach 272a Taddington Tadmaine 272b Matlock Bridge Mestesforde 272a Alsop en le Dale Elleshope 272b Chesterfield Cestrefeld 272a Ashbourne Esseburne 272b Brimington Brimintune 272a Thorpe Torp 272b Boythorpe Buitorp 272a Milton Middeltune 272b Bonsall Bunteshale 272a Hopton Opetune 272b Burley Fields Berleie 272a Bubnell Bubenenle 272b Wingerworth Wingreurde 272a Aston in Hope Estune 272b Tapton Tapetune 272a Barrow upon Trent Barewe, Barwe 272b

147 Birchills Berceles 272b Monyash Maneis 272b Bretby Bretebi 272b Draycott Draicot 273a Broadlowash Bredelawe 272b Coton in the Elms Cotes 273a Blackwell Blachewelle 272b Higher Dinting Dentinc 273a Baslow Basselau 272b Lower Dinting Dentinc 273a Bakewell Badequella 272b Dalbury Delbebi, Dellingeberie 273a Wirksworth Werchesuorde, Werchesworde Chunal Ceolhal 273a 272b Chisworth and Higher Chisworth Chisewrde Stoke, Eyam Stoche 272b 273a Repton Rapendun, Rapendune 272b Long Eaton Aitone 273a Rowland Ralunt 272b Eyam Aiune 273a Shatton Scetune 272b Old Glossop Glosop 273a Smalley Smalei 272b Findern Findre 273a Rowsley Reuslege 272b Edensor Ednesoure, Hennesoure 273a Rosliston Redlauestun 272b Hadfield Hetfelt 273a Priestcliffe Presteclive 272b Appleby Magna, Leicestershire Apleby 273a Parwich Pevrewic 272b Hilton Hitaine 273a Swarkestone Sorchestun, Suerchestune 272b Sudbury Sudberie 273a Tideswell Tideswelle 272b Whitfield Werfeld 273a Walton-on-Trent Waletune 272b Sawley Salle 273a Weston-on-Trent Westone, Westune 272b Caldwell Cildewelle 273a Willesley, Leicestershire Wiuleslei, Wiulesleie Chatsworth Chetesuorde 273a 272b Aston-on-Trent Aestun, Estune 273a Welledene Welledene 272b Beeley Begelie 273a Trangesbi Trangesbi, Trangesby 272b Charlesworth Cheueneswrde 273a Ticknall Tichenhalle 272b Bupton Bubedene, Bubedune 273a Hognaston Ochenauestun 272b Bearwardcote Berewardescote, Beruerdescote Measham, Leicestershire Messeham 272b 273a Hope Hope 272b Winshill, Staffordshire Wineshalle 273a Kirk Ireton Hiretune 272b Stoney Middleton Middeltone, Middeltune Mapleton Mapletune 272b 273a Matlock Bridge Mestesforde 272b Shardlow Serdelau 273a Little Longstone Langesdune 272b Spondon Spondune 273a Kidsleypark Chiteslei 272b Stapenhill, Staffordshire Stapenhille 273a Holme in Bakewell Holun 272b Snelston Snellestune 273a Osmaston, Derby Osmundestune 272b Rodsley Redeslei, Retlesleie 273a Middleton, Wirksworth Middeltune 272b Repton Rapendun, Rapendune 273a Muchedesuuelle Muchedesuuelle 272b Sutton on the Hill Sudtun, Sudtune 273a Normanton, Derby Normanestune, Norman- Tibshelf Tibecel 273a tune 272b Weston-on-Trent Westone, Westune 273a One Ash Aneisc 272b Ticknall Tichenhalle 273a Offcote Ophidecotes 272b Thornsett Tornesete 273a Newton Solney Newetun 272b Hayfield Hedfelt 273a

148 Littleover Parva Ufre 273a Bradbourne Bradeburne 274a Hopwell Opewelle 273a Bolun Bolun 274a Langley In Edensor Langeleie 273a Brassington Branzinctun 274a Kinder Chendre 273a Doveridge Dubrige 274a Hoon Hougen 273a Stanton near Burton Upon Trent Stantun Potlock Potlac 273a 274a Longdendale Langedenedele 273a Winster Winsterne 274a Mapperley Maperlie 273a Wallstone Walestune 274a Padfield Padefeld 273a Stretton En Le Field Leicestershire Streitun Mickleover Overe, Ufre 273a 274a Ludworth in Mellor, Cheshire Lodeuorde Tissington Tizinctun 274a 273a Willesley, Leicestershire Wiuleslei, Wiulesleie Hardstoft Hertestaf 273b 274a Allestree Adelardestreu 273b Hollington Holintune 274b Blingsby Gate Blanghesbi 273b Alkmonton Alchementune 274b Ednaston Ednodestun, Ednodestune 273b Sapperton Sapertune 274b Beighton, Yorkshire Bectune 273b Shirley Sirelei 274b Stainsby Steinesbey 273b Aston in Sudbury Estune 274b South Wingfield Winefeld 273b Bentley in Longford Beneleie 274b Kniveton near Hognaston Chenivetun 273b Hilton Hiltune 274b Mackworth Macheuorde 273b Foston Faruluestun 274b Sutton Scarsdale Sudtune 273b Ashe Eisse 274b Tunstall, Ault Hucknall Tunestal, Tunestalle Hatton Hatun 274b 273b Yeldersley Geldeslei 274b Markeaton Marchetone, Merchetune 273b Scropton Scroftun, Scrotun, Scrotune 274b Lowne in Heath Lunt 273b Sutton on the Hill Sudtun, Sudtune 274b Hartshorne Alia Heorteshorne, Heorteshorne Somersall Herbert Alia Summersale 274b 274a Toxenai Toxenai 274b Pilsbury Pilesberie 274a Bradley near Ashbourne Braidelei 274b Marston on Dove Merstun 274a Potter Somersall Summersale 274b Ivonbrook Grange Winbroc 274a Church Broughton Broctune 274b Newton Grange Neutune 274a Brailsford Brailesford 274b Shottle Sothelle 274a Houghpark Hoge 274b Soham, Hartington Salham 274a Bupton Bubedene, Bubedune 275a Hartington Hortedun 274a Eaton Dovedale Aitun 275a Linton Linctune 274a Little Cubley Cobelei 275a Catton Chetun 274a Chaddesden Cedesdene 275a Cowley Collei 274a Great Cubley Cobelei 275a Ludwell Lodowelle 274a Duffield Duvelle 275a Edingale, Staffordshire Ednunghale, Ednung- Edlaston Duluestune 275a halle 274a Herdebi Herdebi 275a Atlow Etelawe 274a Breaston Bradestune, Braidestone, Braidestune Croxall, Staffordshire Crocheshalle 274a 275a

149 Boylestone Boilestun 275a Sinfin Sedenefeld 275b Milton Muleforde 275a Stanton, Peak Stantune 275b Hatton Hatun 275a Swarkestone Sorchestun, Suerchestune 275b Holbrook Holebroc 275a Wruenele 275b Norbury Nortberie 275a Kedleston Chetelestune 275b Bradley in Belper Bradelei 275a Osmaston, Derby Osmundestune 275b Yeaveley Gheveli 275a Mugginton Mogintun 275b Roston Roschintone, Roschintun 275a Middleton, Youlgreave Middeltune 275b Thurvaston Torverdestune, Turverdestune Great Longstone Longesdune 275b 275a Muchedesuuelle Muchedesuuelle 275b Spondon Spondune 275a Normanton, Derby Normanestune, Norman- Sedsall Segessale 275a tune 275b Snelston Snellestune 275a Codnor Cotenoure 276a Sturston, Nether Sturston Stertune 275a Glapwell Glapewelle 276a Wyaston Widerdestune 275a Edensor Ednesoure, Hennesoure 276a Kniveton, Ashbourne Faitune 275a Dalbury Delbebi, Dellingeberie 276a Rodsley Redeslei, Retlesleie 275a Etwall Etewelle 276a Osmaston near Ashbourne Osmundestune Hazelbadge Heselebec 276a 275a Heanor Hainoure 276a Mickleover Overe, Ufre 275a Castleton Pechesers 276a Makeney Machenie 275a Abney Habenai 276a Markeaton Marchetone, Merchetune 275a Bradwell Bradewelle 276a Osleston Oslavestune 275a Litton Litun 276a Rocester, Staffordshire Rouecestre 275a Bolsover Belesovre 276a Barrow upon Trent Barewe, Barwe 275b Nether Water Watrefeld 276a Chellaston Celardestune, Celerdestune 275b Radbourne Rabburne, Radburne 276a Breadsall Braideshale 275b Snodswick, Morton Esnotrewic 276a Bearwardcote Berewardescote, Beruerdescote Shirland Sirelunt 276a 275b Smithycote, Codnor Park Smitecote 276a Birchover Barcovere 275b Ufton Fields Uffentune, Uftune 276a Burnaston Burnulfestune 275b Great Hucklow Hochelai 276a Cottons Codetune 275b South Normanton Normentune 276a Ireton Iretune 275b Mercaston Merchenestune 276a Aston-on-Trent Aestun, Estune 275b Little Hucklow Hochelai 276a Twyford Tuiforde 275b Langley in Heanor Langeleie 276a Harthill Hortil 275b Nether Water Watrefeld 276a Gratton Gratune 275b Breaston Bradestune, Braidestone, Braidestune Morley Morelei 275b 276b Arleston Erlestune 275b Elvaston Alewoldestune 276b Youlgreave Giolgrave 275b Egginton Eghintune 276b Pilsley, Edensor Pirelaie 275b Ednaston Ednodestun, Ednodestune 276b Thulston Torulfestune, Turulvestun 275b Elmton Helmetune 276b Stenson Steintune 275b Etwall Etewelle 276b

150 Holmesfield Holmesfelt 276b Wessington Wistanestune 277a Old Brampton Brandune, Brantune 276b Nether Hurst and Upper Hurst Herct 277a Alvaston Aelwoldestun 276b Scarcliffe Scardeclif 277a Hollington Holintune 276b Palterton Paltretune 277a Morton Mortune 276b Mosborough, Yorkshire Moresburg 277a Ambaston Emboldestune 276b Kirk Langley Langelei 277a North Wingfield Winnefelt 276b Ogston Ougedestun, Oughedestune 277a Thulston Torulfestune, Turulvestun 276b Pentrich Pentric 277a Wessington Wistanestune 276b Ripley Ripelie 277b Old Tupton Topetune, Toptune 276b Old Brampton Brandune, Brantune 277b Wadshelf Wadescel 276b Stavely Stavelie 277b Williamthorpe Wilelmestorp 276b Barrow upon Trent Barewe, Barwe 277b Hulland Hoilant 276b Breaston Bradestune, Braidestone, Braidestune Stony Houghton Holtune 276b 277b Owlcotes Caldecotes 276b Denby Denebi 277b Ockbrook Ochebroc 276b Shipley Scipelie 277b Ogston Ougedestun, Oughedestune 276b Horsley Horselei 277b Pilsley, North Wingfield, Derbyshire Pinneslei Clifton Cliptune 277b 276b Melbourne Milburne 277b Beighton, Yorkshire Bectune 277a Weston Underwood Westune 277b Egstow Tegestou 277a Kirk Hallam Halun 277b Crich Crice 277a Wadshelf Wadescel 277b Boulton Boletune 277a Pentrich Pentric 277b Clowne Clune 277a Stanton-by-Dale Stantone 277b Duckmanton Dochemanestun 277a Werredune Werredune 277b Handley in North Wingfield Henlege 277a West Hallam Halen 277b Hathersage Hereseige 277a Killamarsh Chinewolde, Chinewoldemaresc Barlborough Barleburg 277a 277b Ballidon Belidene 277a Holme in Brampton Holun 277b Harthill Hortel 277a Herdebi Herdebi 277b Eckington Echintune 277a Ilkeston Tilchestune 277b Ashover Essovre 277a Breaston Bradestune, Braidestone, Braidestune Bamford Banford 277a 278a Wirksworth Werchesuorde, Werchesworde Drakelowe Drachelawe 278a 277a Donisthorpe, Leicestershire Durandestorp Shuckstonfield Scochetorp 277a 278a Ufton Fields Uffentune, Uftune 277a Dore, Yorkshire Dore 278a Tansley Taneslege, Teneslege 277a Foremark Fornewerche 278a Stoney Middleton Middeltone, Middeltune Hearthcote Hedcote 278a 277a Bramley Vale Branlege 278a Stretton Hall Alia Stratune 277a Alfreton Elstretune 278a Tunstall, Ault Hucknall Tunestal, Tunestalle Ingleby Englebi 278a 277a Stanley Stanlei 278a

151 Beighton, Yorkshire Bectune 278a Clifton in Nottingham Cliftun, Cliftune Trangesbi Trangesbi, Trangesby 278a 280b Rowthorne Rugetorn 278a Doveridge, Derbyshire Dubrige 280b Swadlincote Siuardingescotes 278a Collingham Colingeham 280b Smisby Smidesbi 278a Brailsford, Derbyshire Breilesfordham 280b Stapenhill, Staffordshire Stapenhille 278a Worksop Werchesope, Werchessope 280b Ticknall Tichenhalle 278a Granby Granebi, Grenebi 280b Norton, Sheffield, Yorkshire Nortun, Nortune Morton, Derbyshire Mortune 280b 278a Pilsley, North Wingfield, Derbyshire Pin- Risley Riselei, Riseleia 278a nesleig 280b Ravenstone, Leicestershire Ravenestun 278a Markeaton, Derbyshire Marcheton 280b Oakthorpe, Leicestershire 278a Achetorp Carlton-on-Trent Carentune, Carlentun, Car- Repton 278a Rapendun, Rapendune lentune, Carletone, Carletun, Carletune 281a Clowne Clune 278b Bothamsall Bodmescel, Bodmesceld 281a Edingale, Staffordshire Ednunghale, Ednung- Carburton Carbertone 281a halle 278b Carlton in Lindrick Careltune, Caretone, Car- Coal Aston Estune 278b letone 281a Middle Handley, Nether Handley and West Budby Butebi 281a Handley Henleie 278b Ilkeston Tilchestune 278b Beesthorpe Bestorp 281a Cellesdene Cellesdene 278b Barnby Moor Barnebi 281a Ingleby Englebi 278b Clown in Welbeck Clune 281a Barleie Barleie 278b Darlton Derlwetun 281a Calow Calehale 278b Dunham on Trent Dune, Duneham 281a Ulvritune Ulvritune 278b East Drayton Draitone 281a Killamarsh Chinewolde, Chinewoldemaresc Clumber Clunbre 281a 278b Eakring Echeringhe, Ecringhe 281a Risley Riselei, Riseleia 278b Thoresby Turesbi 281a Stanton by Bridge Stantun 278b Skegby, Sutton In Ashfield Schegebi 281a Totley, Yorkshire Totingelei 278b Swanston in Dunham Suanesterne 281a Old Tupton Topetune, Toptune 278b Sutton, Ashfield Sutone 281a Tapton Tapetune 278b Upton Upetone 281a Sandiacre Sandiacre 278b Babworth Baburde 281a Marsh Mers 278b Warsop Wareshope, Waresope, Warsope 281a Willoughby, Walesby Wilgebi 281a 28 Nottinghamshire Whimpton Wimentun 281a Walesby Walesbi 281a Quarndon, Derbyshire Cornun 280a Scofton Scotebi 281a Litchurch, Derbyshire. Ludecerce 280a Ompton Almentun, Almentune, Almuntone Little Chester, Derbyshire Cestre 280a 281a Little Eaton, Derbyshire Detton 280a Normanton, Bothamsall Normentone 281a Nottingham Snotingeham, Snotingham 280a Odestorp Odestorp 281a Ednaston, Derbyshire Ednodestune 280b Nottingham Snotingeham, Snotingham 281a

152 Little Morton, Babworth Altera Mortune Arnold in Nottingham Ernehale 281b 281a Bramcote Broncote 281b Morton, Babworth Mortune, Nordermortune, Car Colston Colestone, Colestune 281b Nortmortun 281a Bilborough in Nottingham Bileburch, Bileburg Ordsall Ordeshale, Suderdeshale 281a 281b Ragnall Ragenehil 281a Broxtowe, Nottingham Brochelestou, Rayton Reneton, Rowetone 281a Bruchelestou 281b Ranby Ranebi, Ranesbi 281a Bycarrs Dyke Bigredic 281b Perlethorpe Torp 281a Upper Broughton Brotone 281b Edwinstowe Edenestou 281a Wollaton, Nottingham Olauestone, Ollaue- Headon and Nether Headon Hedune 281a stone, Waletone 281b Farnsfield Farnesfeld, Franesfeld 281a Walkeringham Wacheringeham, Wacheringham Little Gringley Grenelei, Greneleig, Grenleige 281b 281a Thoroton Toruentun, Toruertune 281b Grimston Hill Grimestone, Grimestune 281a Tiln Tille, Tilne 281b Elkesley Elchesleie, Elchesleig, Elcheslie 281a Thorpe Le Glebe Torp 281b Mattersey Madressei, Madresseig 281a Sturton Le Steeple Estretone 281b Kirton Schidrictune, Schidrinctune, Schidrinton, Staunton in the Vale Stantun, Stantune 281b Schidrintune, Schitrintone 281a Welham Wellon, Wellun 281b Mansfield Mamesfeld, Mamesfelde, Mammesfed South Wheatley Watelaie, Wateleia, Wateleie 281a 281b East Markham Marcham, Markam 281a Wiseton Wisetone 281b Maplebeck Mapelbec, Mapelberg, Mapleberg North Wheatley Watelaie, Wateleia, Wateleie 281a 281b Lound Lund 281a Mission Misna, Misne 281b Kneeton Cheniueton, Cheniuetone 281b Orston Oschintone 281b Flintham Flinteham, Flintham 281b Misterton Ministretone 281b Kirton in Lindsey, Lincolnshire Chircheton, Newbold, Kinoulton Neubold 281b Circeton 281b Misson 281b Little Gringley Grenelei, Greneleig, Grenleige Misna, Misne 281b Sneinton, Nottingham Notintone 281b Clayworth Clauorde 281b Saundby Sandebi 281b Clarborough Claueburch, Claureburg 281b Screveton Escreventone, Screvetone, Screvintone Laughton near Blyton, Lincolnshire Leston 281b 281b Simentone Simenton, Simentone 281b South Leverton Cledretone 281b Scarrington Scarintone 281b Littleborough Litelburg 281b South Leverton Cledretone 282b Lenton in Nottingham Lentone, Lentune Gotham Gatham 282b 281b kingston on Soar Chinestan 282b Meering Meringe 281b East Leake Lecche, Leche 282b Aslockton Aslachestone, Aslachetone, Asla- West Leake Lecche, Leche 282b chetune, Haslachestone 281b Kneeton Cheniueton, Cheniuetone 282b Fenton Fentone 281b Keyworth Cauorde, Caworde 282b

153 Carlton-on-Trent Carentune, Carlentun, Car- Welham Wellon, Wellun 283a lentune, Carletone, Carletun, Carletune 282b South Wheatley Watelaie, Wateleia, Wateleie Treswell Tireswelle 282b 283a Newthorpe Neutorp 282b Willoughby, Norwell Wilgebi 283a Ruddington Roddinton, Roddintone, Rodin- North Wheatley Watelaie, Wateleia, Wateleie tone, Rodintun 282b 283a Stanton-on-the-Wolds Stantun, Stantune 282b North Muskham Nordmuscham 283a Sutton on Trent Sudtone 282b Scaftworth Scafteorde 283a Syerston Sirestun, Sirestune 282b East Retford, West Retford Redford, Redforde Sutton Bonington Bonniton, Bonnitone, Sud- 283a tone, Sutone 282b Oxton Ostone, Ostune 283a Sibthorpe Sibetorp 282b Norwell Nortwelle 283a Normanton on Soar Normanton, Normantone, South Muskham Muscham 283a Normantun, Normantune 282b Osmanthorpe Oswitorp 283a Little Gringley Grenelei, Greneleig, Grenleige Ranskill Raveschel 283a 283a Saundby Sandebi 283a Cropwell Bishop Crophille 283a Barnby in the Willows Barnebi 283b Everton Evretone 283a Cotham Cotes, Cotun 283b Clarborough Claueburch, Claureburg 283a North Clifton Cliftone, Cliftune, Clistone, Cli- Caunton Calnestone, Calnestune 283a tone 283b Hockerton Hocretone, Hocretune, Ocretone South Clifton Cliftone, Cliftune, Clistone, Cli- 283a tone 283b North Leverton, Habblesthorpe Legretone Elston Eluestun, Eluestune 283b 283a Girton Gretone 283b Lound Lund 283a Balderton Baldretone, Baldretune 283b Laneham, Church Laneham, Nottinghamshire Farndon Farendune 283b Lanun 283a Coddington Cotintone 283b Lowdham Ludeham, Ludham 283a Winthorpe Wimuntorp 283b Beckingham Bechingeham, Bechingham 283a Spalford Spaldesforde 283b Hickling Echelinge 283a Thorney Torneshaie 283b Askham Ascam 283a Syerston Sirestun, Sirestune 283b Eaton Ettone 283a Wigsley Wigesleie 283b Little Carlton Carleton, Carletun 283a Harby Herdebi, Herdrebi 283b Blidworth Blideworde 283a South Scarle Scornelei 283b West Burton Burtone 283a Kilvington Chelvinctune, Chelvintone, Chelvin- Calverton Calvretone 283a tun 283b Bole Bolun 283a Hawton Holtone, Houtune 283b Woodborough Udeburg, Udesburg 283a Newark-on-Trent Newerce, Newerche 283b Tiln Tille, Tilne 283a Collingham Colingeham 284a Southwell Sudwelle 283a Rolleston Rollestone 284a Sutton near East Retford Sudtone 283a Barnby in the Willows Barnebi 284a Simentone Simenton, Simentone 283a Upton Opetone 284a Scrooby Scrobi 283a Coddington Cotintun 284a

154 Stokeham Estoches 284a Babworth Baburde 285a Cotham Cotes, Cotun 284a Blyth Blide 285a North Muskham Nordmuscham 284a Caldecotes Caldecotes 285a Screveton Escreventone, Screvetone, Screvintone Worksop Werchesope, Werchessope 285a 284a East Retford, West Retford Redford, Redforde Normanton on Trent Normentone, Normen- 285a tune 284a Tuxford Tuxfarne 285a Fledborough Fladeburg 284a Serlby Serlebi 285a Cottam Cotune 284b Roolton, Worksop Roluetune 285a Flawborough Flodberga, Flodberge 284b Torworth Turdeworde 285a Egmanton Agemuntone 284b Warsop Wareshope, Waresope, Warsope 285a Elston Eluestun, Eluestune 284b Lound Lund 285a Gamston in Eaton Gamelestun, Gamelestune Perlethorpe Torp 285a 284b Odestorp Odestorp 285a Grove Grave 284b West Markham Westmarcham 285a South Clifton Cliftone, Cliftune, Clistone, Cli- Mansfield Mamesfeld, Mamesfelde, Mammesfed tone 284b 285a Broadholme Brodeholm 284b Morton, Babworth Mortune, Nordermortune, Broadholme Brodeholm 284b Nortmortun 285a North Clifton Cliftone, Cliftune, Clistone, Cli- Old Clipstone Clipestune 285a tone 284b Epperstone Eprestone, Epstone 285b Walesby Walesbi 284b Harworth Hareworde 285b Ordsall Ordeshale, Suderdeshale 284b Gedling in Nottingham Ghellinge 285b Spalford Spaldesforde 284b Grassthorpe Grestorp 285b Ranby Ranebi, Ranesbi 284b Hockerton Hocretone, Hocretune, Ocretone Tuxford Tuxfarne 284b 285b Headon and Nether Headon Hedune 284b Kelham Calun 285b Misson Misna, Misne 284b Carlton-on-Trent Carentune, Carlentun, Car- East Markham Marcham, Markam 284b lentune, Carletone, Carletun, Carletune 285b Kirton Schidrictune, Schidrinctune, Schidrinton, Barnby Moor Barnebi 285b Schidrintune, Schitrintone 284b Gunthorpe Gulnetorp 285b West Markham Westmarcham 284b Weston Westone 285b Old Clipstone Clipestune 285a Burton Joyce Bertune 285b Gleadthorpe Gletorp 285a Woodborough Udeburg, Udesburg 285b Cuckney Cuchenai 285a Oxton Ostone, Ostune 285b Clumber Clunbre 285a Styrrup Estirape 285b Elkesley Elchesleie, Elchesleig, Elcheslie 285a East Retford, West Retford Redford, Redforde Grove Grave 285a 285b Hodsock Odesach 285a Skegby, Marnham Scachebi 285b Carlton in Lindrick Careltune, Caretone, Car- Sutton on Trent Sudtone 285b letone 285a Lowdham Ludeham, Ludham 285b Bothamsall Bodmescel, Bodmesceld 285a Odestorp Odestorp 285b Bilby Billebi 285a Low Marnham Alia Marneham 285b

155 High Marnham Marneham 285b Bole Bolun 286b Normanton on Trent Normentone, Normen- Beckingham Bechingeham, Bechingham 286b tune 285b West Burton Burtone 286b Keyworth Cauorde, Caworde 286a South Wheatley Watelaie, Wateleia, Wateleie West Leake Lecche, Leche 286a 286b Lamcote Lanbecote, Lanbecotes 286a Harwell Herewelle 286b Kneeton Cheniueton, Cheniuetone 286a Misterton Ministretone 286b East Leake Lecche, Leche 286a Saundby Sandebi 286b Normanton on Soar Normanton, Normantone, Walkeringham Wacheringeham, Wacheringham Normantun, Normantune 286a 286b Normanton-on-the-Wolds Normantone, Nor- North Wheatley Watelaie, Wateleia, Wateleie mantun 286a 286b Holme Pierrepont Holmo 286a Sturton Le Steeple Estretone 286b Clipston Clipestune 286a Owthorpe Obetorp, Ovetorp 286b Bingham Bingheham 286a Kneeton Cheniueton, Cheniuetone 286b Bassingfield Basinfelt, Basingfelt 286a Willoughby-on-the-Wolds Wilgebi, Willebi East Bridgford Brugeford 286a 287a Costock Cortingestoche, Cortingestoches, Bassingfield Basinfelt, Basingfelt 287a Cotingestoche 286a Adbolton Alboltune 287a Wysall Wisoc 286a Barton in Fabis Bartone 287a Stanton-on-the-Wolds Stantun, Stantune 286a West Bridgford Brigeforde 287a Warby, Plumtree Warberga, Wareberg 286a Clifton in Nottingham Cliftun, Cliftune 287a Thrumpton Turmodestun 286a Wilford Wilesforde 287a Thorpe Le Glebe Torp 286a Thrumpton Turmodestun 287a Tollerton Troclauestune 286a Stanton-on-the-Wolds Stantun, Stantune 287a Willoughby-on-the-Wolds Wilgebi, Willebi Treswell Tireswelle 287a 286a Sibthorpe Sibetorp 287a Plumtree Pluntre 286a South Leverton Cledretone 287a Stanford on Soar Stanford 286a Radford, Nottingham Redeford 287a Screveton Escreventone, Screvetone, Screvintone Mattersey Madressei, Madresseig 287a 286a Normanton-on-the-Wolds Normantone, Nor- Ruddington Roddinton, Roddintone, Rodin- mantun 287a tone, Rodintun 286a Rampton Rametone 287a Rempstone Rampestone, Rampestune, Repestone Colwick in Nottingham Colewi, Colewic, 286a Colui 287a Saxondale Saxeden 286a Keyworth Cauorde, Caworde 287a Shelford Scelford, Scelforde 286a Gamston in West Bridgford Gamelestune Clarborough Claueburch, Claureburg 286b 287a Everton Evretone 286b Costock Cortingestoche, Cortingestoches, Clayworth Clauorde 286b Cotingestoche 287a Flintham Flinteham, Flintham 286b Gonalston Gunnulfestone, Gunnulvestone, Gringley on the Hill Gringeleia 286b Gunnulvestune 287a Car Colston Colestone, Colestune 286b Brinsley Brunesleia 287b

156 Cossall Coteshale 287b Wiverton Wivretone, Wivretun, Wivretune Bulwell in Nottingham Bulewelle, Bulwelle 288a 287b Rempstone Rampestone, Rampestune, Repestone Broxtowe, Nottingham Brochelestou, 288a Bruchelestou 287b Tythby Tiedebi 288a Chilwell Chidewelle, Cidwelle, Cillewelle, Selston Salestune 288a Ciluellis, Estrecilleuelle, Estrecillewelle 287b Watnall Watenot 288a Eastwood Estewic 287b Langar Langare 288a Greasley Griseleia 287b Radcliffe on Trent Radeclive 288a Bilborough in Nottingham Bileburch, Bileburg Newthorpe Neutorp 288a 287b Manton Mennetune 288a Stapleford Stapleford 287b Old Basford Baseford 288a Beeston Bestune 287b Car Colston Colestone, Colestune 288b Bramcote Brunecote 287b Fiskerton Fiscartune 288b Old Basford in Nottingham Baseford 287b Dallington in Flawborough Dallintune 288b Wollaton, Nottingham Olauestone, Ollaue- Cotham Cotes, Cotun 288b stone, Waletone 287b Farnsfield Farnesfeld, Franesfeld 288b Old Basford Baseford 287b Flawborough Flodberga, Flodberge 288b Toton Toluestone, Touetune 287b Flintham Flinteham, Flintham 288b Strelley Sraelie, Straleia 287b Bulcote Bulecote 288b Papplewick Paplewic 287b Alverton Alvretun, Alvriton 288b Sutton Passeys, Wollaton, Nottinghamshire Rolleston Rollestone 288b Sudtune, Sutone 287b Thurgarton 288b Watnall Watenot 287b Turgarstune Lenton in Nottingham Lentone, Lentune Aslockton Aslachestone, Aslachetone, Asla- 287b chetune, Haslachestone 288b Nuthall Nutehale 287b Tythby Tiedebi 288b Newbound Neubold 287b Knapthorpe Chenapetorp, Chenatorp 288b Linby Lidebi 287b Southwell Sudwelle 288b Morton, Lenton, Nottinghamshire Mortune Morton near Southwell Mortun, Mortune 287b 288b Newthorpe Neutorp 287b Oxton Ostone, Ostune 288b Old Basford in Nottingham Baseford 288a Staunton in the Vale Stantun, Stantune 288b Costock Cortingestoche, Cortingestoches, Hawksworth Hochesuorde, Huchesworde 288b Cotingestoche 288a Kelham Calun 288b Bulwell in Nottingham Bulewelle, Bulwelle Horsepool in Thurgarton Horspol 288b 288a Hawton Holtone, Houtune 288b Hempshill Hamessel 288a Hockerton Hocretone, Hocretune, Ocretone Hucknall Hochehale, Hochenale 288a 288b Barnstone Bernestune 288a Hoveringham Horingeham 288b Adbolton Alboltune 288a Carlton-on-Trent Carentune, Carlentun, Car- Kimberley Chinemarelie 288a lentune, Carletone, Carletun, Carletune 289a Awsworth Eldesuorde, Eldeurde 288a Eakring Echeringhe, Ecringhe 289a

157 Colwick in Nottingham Colewi, Colewic, Norwell Nortwelle 289b Colui 289a Shelton Sceltune 289b Caunton Calnestone, Calnestune 289a Annesley Aneslei 289b Cropwell Butler Crophelle, Crophille 289a Bunny Bonei 289b Gedling in Nottingham Ghellinge 289a Woodborough Udeburg, Udesburg 289b Granby Granebi, Grenebi 289a Southwell Sudwelle 289b Little Carlton Carleton, Carletun 289a Wansley Wanddeslei 289b Burton Joyce Bertune 289a thorpe near newark-on-trent Torp 289b Barnstone Bernestune 289a Teversal Tevreshalt 289b Hickling Echelinge 289a Toton Toluestone, Touetune 289b Beesthorpe Bestorp 289a Widmerpool Wimarspol, Wimarspold 289b Carlton in Nottingham Carentune 289a Hawton Holtone, Houtune 289b Wiverton Wivretone, Wivretun, Wivretune Owthorpe Obetorp, Ovetorp 289b 289a Morton near Southwell Mortun, Mortune Radcliffe on Trent Radeclive 289a 289b Willoughby, Norwell Wilgebi 289a Kirkby in Ashfield Chirchebi 289b Stoke Bardolph Stoches 289a Keyworth Cauorde, Caworde 289b Shelford Scelford, Scelforde 289a Knapthorpe Chenapetorp, Chenatorp 289b Walesby Walesbi 289a Norwell Nortwelle 289b Willoughby, Walesby Wilgebi 289a Gamston in Eaton Gamelestun, Gamelestune Kinoulton Chineltone, Chineltune 289a 290a Ompton Almentun, Almentune, Almuntone Drayton Draitun 290a 289a Costock Cortingestoche, Cortingestoches, Laxton Laxintune 289a Cotingestoche 290a Knapthorpe Chenapetorp, Chenatorp 289a Cropwell Butler Crophelle, Crophille 290a Kirton Schidrictune, Schidrinctune, Schidrinton, Edwalton Edwoltone, Edwoltun 290a Schidrintune, Schitrintone 289a Cotgrave Godegrave 290a Langar Langare 289a Calverton Calvretone 290a North Muskham Nordmuscham 289a Haughton Hoctun 290a Chilwell Chidewelle, Cidwelle, Cillewelle, Willoughby-on-the-Wolds Wilgebi, Willebi Ciluellis, Estrecilleuelle, Estrecillewelle 289b 290a Epperstone Eprestone, Epstone 289b Hucknall Hochehale, Hochenale 290a Cossall Coteshale 289b Lamcote Lanbecote, Lanbecotes 290a Clifton in Nottingham Cliftun, Cliftune Ossington Oschintone 290a 289b Walesby Walesbi 290a Collingham Colingeham 289b Warby, Plumtree Warberga, Wareberg 290a Danethorpe Dordentorp 289b Rempstone Rampestone, Rampestune, Repestone Gibsmere Gipesmare 289b 290a Gonalston Gunnulfestone, Gunnulvestone, Ompton Almentun, Almentune, Almuntone Gunnulvestune 289b 290a Carlton-on-Trent Carentune, Carlentun, Car- Kelham Calun 290a lentune, Carletone, Carletun, Carletune 289b Kirton Schidrictune, Schidrinctune, Schidrinton, Barton in Fabis Bartone 289b Schidrintune, Schitrintone 290b

158 Bilsthorpe Bildestorp 290b Bathley Badeleie 291b Hawksworth Hochesuorde, Huchesworde 290b Alverton Alvretun, Alvriton 291b Kersall Cherueshale 290b Bradmore Brademere 291b Kirklington Cherlinton 290b Willoughby-on-the-Wolds Wilgebi, Willebi Inkersall Wirchenefeld 290b 291b Eakring Echeringhe, Ecringhe 290b Stockerston, Leicestershire Stoctun 291b Aslockton Watone 290b Syerston Sirestun, Sirestune 291b Kneesall Cheneshale 290b Sutton Bonington Bonniton, Bonnitone, Sud- Normanton, Southwell Normantun, Normen- tone, Sutone 291b tun 290b Thrumpton Turmodestun 291b Ruddington Roddinton, Roddintone, Rodin- Newark-on-Trent Newerce, Newerche 291b tone, Rodintun 290b Saxilby, Lincolnshire Saxebi 291b Southwell Sudwelle 290b Ruddington Roddinton, Roddintone, Rodin- Wellow Creilege 290b tone, Rodintun 291b Rufford Rugforde 290b Owthorpe Obetorp, Ovetorp 291b Ompton Almentun, Almentune, Almuntone Sandiacre Derby. Sandiriaca 291b 290b East Leake Lecche, Leche 292a Maplebeck Mapelbec, Mapelberg, Mapleberg Broxtowe, Nottingham Brochelestou, 290b Bruchelestou 292a Elston Eluestun, Eluestune 291a Granby Granebi, Grenebi 292a Alwoldestorp Alwoldestorp 291a Colston Basset Coletone 292a Averham Aigrun 291a Bramcote Bruncote 292a Cropwell Butler Crophelle, Crophille 291a Wiverton Wivretone, Wivretun, Wivretune Cromwell Crunwelle 291a 292a Aslockton Aslachestone, Aslachetone, Asla- West Leake Lecche, Leche 292a chetune, Haslachestone 291a Stanford on Soar Stanford 292a Alverton Alvretun, Alvriton 291a Trowell Torwalle, Trowalle 292a Winkburn Wicheburne 291a Salterford Saltreford 292a Finningley Feniglei 291a Colwick in Nottingham Colewi, Colewic, Kilvington Chelvinctune, Chelvintone, Chelvin- Colui 292b tun 291a Kirkby in Ashfield Chirchebi 292b Staythorpe Startorp 291a Gotham Gatham 292b Thoroton Toruentun, Toruertune 291a Cromwell Crunwelle 292b Sibthorpe Sibetorp 291a kingston on Soar Chinestan 292b Kelham Calun 291a Knapthorpe Chenapetorp, Chenatorp 292b Cuckney Cuchenai 291b Lambley Lambeleia 292b Kilvington Chelvinctune, Chelvintone, Chelvin- Clifton in Nottingham Cliftun, Cliftune tun 291b 292b Edwaltion Edwoltone, Edwoltun 291b Calverton Calvretone 292b Edwalton Edwoltone, Edwoltun 291b Barton in Fabis Bartone 292b East Leake Lecche, Leche 291b Old Basford in Nottingham Baseford 292b West Leake Lecche, Leche 291b Carlton-on-Trent Carentune, Carlentun, Car- Broadholme Brodeholm 291b lentune, Carletone, Carletun, Carletune 292b

159 Woodborough Udeburg, Udesburg 292b Warsop Wareshope, Waresope, Warsope 293a Ratcliffe on Soar Radeclive 292b Willoughby-on-the-Wolds Wilgebi, Willebi Trowell Torwalle, Trowalle 292b 293a Sutton Bonington Bonniton, Bonnitone, Sud- Misson Misna, Misne 293a tone, Sutone 292b Ordsall Nutehale 293a Strelley Sraelie, Straleia 292b Morton, Babworth Mortune, Nordermortune, Thorpe Le Glebe Torp 292b Nortmortun 293a Willoughby-on-the-Wolds Wilgebi, Willebi South Muskham Muscham 293a 292b Old Basford Baseford 293a North Muskham Nordmuscham 292b Awsthorp Alestanestorp 293b Papplewick Paplewic 292b Rutland Hameldun, Hameldune 293b Odestorp Odestorp 292b Normanton, Southwell Normantun, Normen- tun 292b 29 Lincolnshire Normanton on Soar Normanton, Normantone, Stamford Stanford 336b Normantun, Normantune 292b Upper Hambleton, Rutland Hemeldune 336b Osberton Osbernestune 292b Lincoln Lincolia, Lincoliæ, Lincolie 336b Eastern Chilwell Chidewelle, Cidwelle, Torksey Dorchesyg, Torchesey, Torchesig, Torch- Cillewelle, Ciluellis, Estrecilleuelle, Estrecillewelle esiy, Torchesyg 337a 293a Hardwick in Torksey Harduic 337a Kinoulton Chineltone, Chineltune 293a Lincoln Lincolia, Lincoliæ, Lincolie 337a Gonalston Gunnulfestone, Gunnulvestone, Dunsthorpe in Grantham Dunetorp 337b Gunnulvestune 293a Harlaxton Herlavestune 337b Elkesley Elchesleie, Elchesleig, Elcheslie 293a Great Gonerby Gunfordebi 337b Kelham Calun 293a Evedon Evedune 337b Kirton in Lindsey, Lincolnshire Chircheton, Ewerby Thorpe Oustorp 337b Circeton 293a Grantham Graham, Grandham, Granham, Lamcote Lanbecote, Lanbecotes 293a Grantham 337b Clarborough Claueburch, Claureburg 293a Harrowby Herigerbi 337b Old Basford in Nottingham Baseford 293a Heckington Echintune, Hechintone, Hechintune Aslockton Aslachestone, Aslachetone, Asla- 337b chetune, Haslachestone 293a Coleby near Boothby Graffoe Colebi, Coleby Arnold in Nottingham Ernehale 293a 337b Awsworth Eldesuorde, Eldeurde 293a Boothby Graffoe Bodebi 337b Chilwell Chidewelle, Cidwelle, Cillewelle, Welby Wellebi 337b Ciluellis, Estrecilleuelle, Estrecillewelle 293a Barkston Barchestone 337b Wollaton, Nottingham Olauestone, Ollaue- Denton Dentone 337b stone, Waletone 293a Belton near Grantham Beltone 337b Sutton Passeys, Wollaton Sudtune, Sutone Braceby Breizbi, Brezbi 337b 293a Wellingore Welingoure, Wellingoure 337b Widmerpool Wimarspol, Wimarspold 293a Sapperton Sapretone 337b Trowell Torwalle, Trowalle 293a Aswardhurn Aswardhurn 337b Syerston Sirestun, Sirestune 293a Stamford Stanford 337b

160 Old Somerby Sumerdebi, Summerdebi 337b Somerby, Corringham Sumerdebi, Summerdebi, Spittlegate, Grantham Nongetune, Nongtone Summertebi 338a 337b Skillington Schellintune, Schillintone, Stoke Rochford Stoche, Sudstoches 337b Schillintune 338a Washingborough Washingeburg 337b Scunthorpe Escumetorp 338a Howell Hwelle, Welle 337b Swinthorpe Sonetorp 338a Quarrington Corninctone, Corninctun, Corn- Tydd St Mary Tid, Tite 338a inctune, Cornintone 337b Wickenby Wichingebi, Wighingesbi 338a Londonthorpe Lundertorp, Lundetorp 337b Whaplode Copelade, Copolade 338a South Kyme Chime 337b Thorpe on the Hill Torp 338a Kirkby La Thorpe Cherchebi, Chirchebi 337b Hemswell Helmeswelle 338a Lincoln Lincolia, Lincoliæ, Lincolie 337b Morton, Gainsborough Mortum, Mortune Great Ponton Magna Pamptune, Magna Pan- 338a tone, Pamtone 337b Holbeach Holebech, Holeben, Holobec, Holobech Gedney Gadenai, Gadenay 338a 338a Braceby Breizbi, Brezbi 338a Londonthorpe Lundertorp, Lundetorp 338a Dunholme Duneham 338a Kirton in Lindsey Chirchetone 338a Dunsthorpe in Grantham Dunetorp 338a Hibaldstow Hiboldeston, Hiboldestone, Hi- Brumby, Scunthorpe Brunebi 338a boldestou, Hilboldestou 338a Blyton Blitone, Blittone 338a Sapperton Sapretone 338a Belton near Grantham Beltone 338a Nettleham Eteleham, Netelham 338a Glentworth Glenteurde, Glentewrde 338a Pilham Pileham 338a Grayingham Graingeham, Grangeham 338a Redbourne Radburne, Reburne 338a Harrowby Herigerbi 338a Reasby Reresbi 338a Harpswell Herpeswelle 338a Northorpe near Kirton In Lindsey Torp 338a Grantham Graham, Grandham, Granham, Grainthorpe Germundstorp, Germundtorp Grantham 338a 338b Heapham Iopeham 338a Derby in Burton upon Stather Derbi 338b Fleet Budlesford 338a Gayton le Wold Gedtune, Gettune 338b Denton Dentone 338a Glentworth Glenteurde, Glentewrde 338b Coningham Coringham 338a Fonaby Fuldenebi 338b Barkston Barchestone 338a Clixby Clisbi 338b Bassingham Basingeham 338a Cadney Catenai, Catenase 338b Winterton Wintretune 338a Grasby Grosbi, Grosebi 338b Ashby in Scunthorpe Aschebi 338a Grimoldby Grimalbi, Grimoldbi 338b Aisby in Corringham Asebi, Aseby 338a Harpswell Herpeswelle 338b Welby Wellebi 338a Heapham Iopeham 338b Yaddlethorpe Iadulfestorp, Iadulftorp 338a Habrough Aburne, Haburne 338b Stainton, Waddingham Staintone, Stantone Grayingham Graingeham, Grangeham 338b 338a Hemswell Helmeswelle 338b Snitterby Esnetrebi, Snetrebi 338a Hundon Humendone 338b Old Somerby Sumerdebi, Summerdebi 338a Caistor Castre 338b Springthorpe Springetorp 338a Croxton Crochestune 338b

161 Howsham Coringham 338b Thimbleby Humblebi 339a Bottesford Budlesford 338b West Ashby Aschebi 339a Burton upon Stather Burtone 338b Fulsby in Tumby Folesbi 339a Winterton Wintretune 338b Haltham Holtham 339a Ashby in Scunthorpe Aschebi 338b Coningsby Cuningesbi 339a Brumby, Scunthorpe Brunebi 338b Alvingham Alvingeham, Alvingham 339a Blyton Blitone, Blittone 338b Roughton Rocstune 339a Aisby in Corringham Asebi, Aseby 338b Wood Enderby Endrebi 339a Yarburgh Gereburg 338b Langton near Horncastle Langetone 339a North Somercotes, South Somercotes Summer- Moorby Morebi 339a cotes 338b Skidbrooke Schitebroc, Scitebroc 339a Scunthorpe Escumetorp 338b Welton Le Wold Welletone, Welletune 339a Snitterby Esnetrebi, Snetrebi 338b Wilksby Wilchesbi, Wilgesbi 339a Somerby, Corringham Sumerdebi, Summerdebi, High Toynton, Low Toynton Tedintone, Summertebi 338b Tedlintune, Todintune, Totintune 339a Searby Seurebi, Sourebi 338b Scrivelsby Scrivelesbi, Scriwelesbi 339a Saltfleetby All Saints, Saltfleetby St Clement, Mareham Le Fen Marun 339a Saltfleetby St Peter Salflatebi 338b Old Clee in Great Grimsby Cleia 339b Redbourne Radburne, Reburne 338b Holton cum Beckering Houtone, Houtune Springthorpe Springetorp 338b 339b Thealby Tedulbi, Tedulfbi 338b Hackthorn Agetorne, Hagetone, Hagetorn, Yaddlethorpe Iadulfestorp, Iadulftorp 338b Hagetorne 339b Waddingham Wadingeham, Wadingham, Cuxwold Cucualt 339b Widingeham 338b Healing Hechelinge, Hegelinge, Heghelinge Stainton, Waddingham Staintone, Stantone 339b 338b Keelby Chelebi, Chilebi 339b Hibaldstow Hiboldeston, Hiboldestone, Hi- Lissington Lessintone 339b boldestou, Hilboldestou 338b Benniworth Beningurde 339b Kirton in Lindsey Chirchetone 338b West Barkwith Barcourde, Barcwrde 339b Keelby Chelebi, Chilebi 338b Ailby Alebi, Halebi 339b South Kelsey Colesi 338b Addlethorpe Herdetorp 339b Kirmington Chernitone 338b East Barkwith Bacwrde, Barcwrde 339b North Kelsey Chelsi, Norchelsei, Nortchelesei Beckering Bechelinge 339b 338b South Willingham Ulingeham 339b Holton le Moor Hoctun, Hoctune 338b Swallow Sualun 339b Pilham Pileham 338b Thrunscoe, Cleethorpes Ternesco, Ternescou, Great Limber, Little Limber Limberge, Lin- Ternescrou 339b berge, Linbergham 338b Tatebi, Ulceby Tatebi 339b Newsham Neuhuse 338b Swinthorpe Sonetorp 339b Owmby Odenebi 338b Tetford Tedforde, Tesforde 339b Northorpe near Kirton In Lindsey Torp 338b Trusthorpe Dreuistorp, Druistorp 339b Manby near Grimoldby Mannebi 338b South Ormsby Ormesbi 339b Horncastle Hornecastre 339a Sutton on Sea Sudtone, Sudtune, Sutune 339b

162 Snelland Esnelunt, Sneleslunt 339b Toynton All Saints, Toynton St Peter Totintun, Panton Pantone 339b Totintune 340b Rigsby Rigesbi, Righesbi 339b Martin near Horncastle Martone 340b Stallingborough Stalinburg, Stalingeburg Langton by Wragby Langetona, Langetone 339b 340b Billinghay Belingei 340a East Keal Estrecale 340b Hainton Gaintone, Haintone, Haintun, Hain- Wold Newton Neutone 340b tune 340a Louthesk Cherchebi, Chirchebi 340b Dowsby Dusebi 340a Louthesk Wapentake Louthesk 340b Graby Greibi 340a Hundleby Hundelbi 340b Harpswell Herpeswelle 340a Eresby in Spilsby Iresbi 340b Horbling Horbelinge, Orbelinge 340a Little Grimsby Grimesbi 340b Billingbrough Bellingeburg, Billingeburg, Bolin- Grainthorpe Germundstorp, Germundtorp burg 340a 340b Bicker Bichere 340a Fotherby Fodrebi, Forebi 340b Easton Estone 340a Fulstow Fugelestou, Fulgestou 340b Billingborough Bellingeburg, Billingeburg, Grebby Gredbi, Greibi 340b Bolinburg 340a Hardwick in Panton Harduic, Hardwic 340b Worlaby near Tetford Wlvricebi, Wlvricesbi Waddingworth Wadingurde, Waldingurde 340a 340b Stallingborough Stalinburg, Stalingeburg 340a Covenham St Mary Covenham 340b North Witham Nortwine, Wime 340a Brocklesby Brachelesbi, Brochelesbi 340b Twyford, Colsterworth Tuiforde, Tuivorde Blyborough Bliburg 340b 340a Wispington Wispinctune 340b Walcot, Billinghay Walecote 340a Barlings Berlinga, Berlinge 340b Woolsthorpe-By-Colsterworth Colstewrde Brattleby Brotulbi 340b 340a Bullington Bolintone 340b Laneham, Church Laneham, Nottinghamshire Braceby Hundred Brezbi 341a Lanun 340a Grebby Gredbi, Greibi 341a Skillington Schellintune, Schillintone, Evedon Evedune 341a Schillintune 340a South Cadeby, Calcethorpe Catebi 341a Great Limber Limberge, Linberge 340a North Cockerington or South Cockerington Lenton Lavintone 340a Cocrinton, Cocrintone, Crochinton 341a Newton on Trent Neutone 340a Great Gonerby Gunfordebi 341a Mavis Enderby Endrebi 340b Haceby Hundred Hazebi 341a Tattershall Thorpe Torp 340b East Keal Estrecale 341a Spilsby Spilesbi 340b Biscathorpe Biscopetorp 341a Skidbrooke Schitebroc, Scitebroc 340b Aylesby Alesbi 341a Raithby near Spilsby Radebi 340b Ashby by Partney Aschebi 341a Snarford Snardesforde, Snereforde, Snerteforde, Addlethorpe Herdetorp 341a Suardesforde 340b Newton Neutone 341a Little Sturton, Baumber Stratone 340b Ashby de la launde hundred Hascebi 341a Thorpe St Peter Torp 340b Aylesby Hundred Alesbi 341a

163 Wainfleet All Saints, Wainfleet St Mary Wem- Rothwell Rodowelle 342a flet, Wenflet 341a Ingleby Englebi 342a West Ravendale Ravenedal 341a Coates Cotes 342a Tattershall Thorpe Torp 341a Ingham Ingeham 342a Silk Willoughby Wilgebi 341a Risby Risebi 342a Saltfleetby All Saints, Saltfleetby St Clement, Willingham by Stow Welingeham, Wilingeham Saltfleetby St Peter Salflatebi 341a 342a Scremby Screnbi 341a Osgodby near West Rasen Osgotebi, Osgotesbi South Rauceby Hundred Altero Rosbi 341a 342a Wainfleet Wemflet, Wenflet 341a North Thoresby Toresbi 342a Keddington Cadinton, Cadintone, Caditon Stainton, Waddingham Staintone, Stantone 341a 342a Pickworth Picheuorde, Picheurde, Picheworde Sturton by Stow Stratone 342a 341a Waddingham Wadingeham, Wadingham, North Rauceby Hundred Rosbi 341a Widingeham 342a Kirkby La Thorpe Cherchebi, Chirchebi 341a Glentworth Glenteurde, Glentewrde 342a Kelby Chelebi, Chillebi 341a Northorpe near Kirton In Lindsey Torp 342a Laythorpe, Kirkby la Thorpe Ledulftorp Newton by Toft Neutone 342a 341a Hemswell Helmeswelle 342a Orby Heresbi 341a Kingerby Chenebi 342a Fulletby Fullobi 341b Normanby-by-Spital Normanebi, Normanestou Bonthorpe Brunetorp 341b 342a Fenby in Ashby Cum Fenby Hundred Fenbi Grasby Grosbi, Grosebi 342b 341b Itterby in Cleethorpes Itrebi 342b Calceby Calesbi 341b Healing Hechelinge, Hegelinge, Heghelinge Newton Neutone 341b 342b Worlaby near Tetford Wlvricebi, Wlvricesbi Hainton Gaintone, Haintone, Haintun, Hain- 341b tune 342b Haugh Hage, Haghe 341b Houfleet in Stallingborough Wenflet 342b Sloothby Lodeby, Slodebi 341b Keelby Chelebi, Chilebi 342b Welton Le Wold Welletone, Welletune 341b Langton near Horncastle Langetone 342b Threekingham Trichingeham, Trichingham, Little Coates in Great Grimsby Sudcotes Trichingheham, Trinchigeham 341b 342b Oxcombe Oxecumbe, Oxetune 341b Old Clee in Great Grimsby Cleia 342b Audby in North Thoresby Adulvesbi, Aldul- East Barkwith Bacwrde, Barcwrde 342b vebi, Alwoldebi, Alwoldesbi 342a Audby in North Thoresby Adulvesbi, Aldul- Elsham Eleham, Elesham 342a vebi, Alwoldebi, Alwoldesbi 342b South Carlton Carlentone, Carletune 342a Burreth in Tupholme Burgrede 342b Audleby Aldulvebi 342a Great Coates in Great Grimsby Cotes 342b Cleatham Cletham 342a Toft Next Newton Tofte 342b East or West Firsby Frisebi 342a Strubby, Langton by Wragby Strubi 342b Glentham Glandham, Glantham, Glentham North Thoresby Toresbi 342b 342a Swallow Sualun 342b

164 Great Sturton Stratone 342b Bracebridge in Lincoln Brachebrige, Bragebruge Tealby Tavelebi, Tavelesbi 342b 343b Thrunscoe, Cleethorpes Ternesco, Ternescou, Casthorpe in Barrowby Caschingetorp, Ternescrou 342b Chaschingetorp, Chaschintorp, Kaschingetorp Old Clee Cleia 342b 343b Stallingborough Stalinburg, Stalingeburg Canwick Canewic, Canuic 343b 342b Stapleford Stapleforda 343b Sotby Sotebi 342b Spittlegate, Grantham Nongetune, Nongtone Middle Rasen Rasa, Rase 342b 343b West Rasen Rase 342b Dry Doddington Dodintone, Dodintune 343b Ashby Puerorum Aschebi 343a Grantham Graham, Grandham, Granham, Great Grimsby Grimesbi 343a Grantham 343b Old Clee in Great Grimsby Cleia 343a Owmby-by-Spital Dunebi, Ounebi, Ounesbi Bag Enderby Adredebi, Andrebi 343a 343b Brigsley Brigelai, Brigeslai 343a Londonthorpe Lundertorp, Lundetorp 343b Great Gonerby 343b North Cockerington or South Cockerington Gunfordebi Cocrinton, Cocrintone, Crochinton 343a Upton Opetune 344a Bishop Norton Nortune 344a Itterby in Cleethorpes Itrebi 343a Wootton Voltone 344a kirkby on bain Cherchebi, Chirchebi 343a Welton Welletone 344a Ashby cum Fenby Achesbi, Aschebi 343a Bigby Bechebi 344a Ailby Alebi, Halebi 343a Caenby Couenebi 344a Thorganby Torgrebi 343a Elsham Eleham, Elesham 344a Bradley Abi 343a Ingham Ingeham 344a Alvingham Alvingeham, Alvingham 343a Croxton Crochestone 344a Withcall Wichale, Widcale 343a Burton Burton 344a Stewton Stiveton, Stivetone 343a Brampton Brantune 344a Waithe Wade 343a Coates Cotes 344a Thrunscoe, Cleethorpes Ternesco, Ternescou, Goxhill Golse 344a Ternescrou 343a Wyham Widun 344a Strubby near Maltby Le Marsh Strobi 343a North Ormsby Ormesbi 344a Tattershall Thorpe Torp 343a Willingham by Stow Welingeham, Wilingeham Tothby Tovedebi 343a 344a South Willingham Ulingeham 343a Stow near Torksey Sanctæ Mariæ Stou, Stou Laceby Lenesbi, Levesbi 343a 344a Sixhills Sisse 343a Owmby-by-Spital Dunebi, Ounebi, Ounesbi Rigsby Rigesbi, Righesbi 343a 344a North Owersby, South Owersby Aresbi, Ulceby near Wootton Uluesbi 344a Oresbi 343a Worlaby near Elsham Ulvricebi, Wirichebi Markby Marchebi, Marchesbi 343a 344a East Ravendale Ravenedal, Ravenedale 343a Glentham Glandham, Glantham, Glentham Scartho Scarhou 343a 344a Claypole Claipol 343b Normanby by Stow Normanebi 344a

165 Knaith Cheneide 344a Cherry Willingham Gullingham, Ulingeham, Grayingham Graingeham, Grangeham 344a Wilingeham 345a Kexby Cheftesbi, Chestesbi 344a Kingerby Chenebi 345a Messingham Messingeham 344a Silk Willoughby Wilgebi 345a Dunsby near Bourne Dunesbi 344b Haythby in West Halton Hedebi 345b Gosberton Cheal Ceila 344b Lincoln Lincolia, Lincoliæ, Lincolie 345b Ewerby Geresbi, Grenebi, Grenesbi, Ieresbi Houghton in Grantham Hochtune, Hoctune, 344b Hogetune, Hogtone 345b Evedon Evedune 344b Holme in Sudbrooke Holme 345b Gosberton Gosebertcherche, Gosebertechirche, Lenton Hundred Lavintone 345b Gozeberdecherca 344b Manthorpe, Witham on the Hill Mannetor, Haconby Haconebi, Haconesbi, Hacunesbi Mannetorp 345b 344b Northorpe near Kirton In Lindsey Torp 345b Heckington Echintune, Hechintone, Hechintune Folkingham Folchingeham, Folchingham, 344b Fulchingeham 345b Corby Glen Corbi, Corby 344b Adewelle Adewelle, Bergestorp 345b Carlby Carlebi 344b Fiskerton Fiscartune 345b Bitchfield Billefelt, Billesfelt 344b Donington Duningtune 345b Canwick Canewic, Canuic 344b Reepham Refaim 345b Cherry Willingham Gullingham, Ulingeham, Little Bytham Bintham, Bitham 345b Wilingeham 344b Yawthorpe Iolestorp, Ioletorp 345b Swinstead Suinham, Suinhamstede 344b Sudbrooke Sudborc, Sutbroc 345b Quadring Quadheveringe, Quedhaveringe Whitham on the Hill Witham 345b 344b Walcot, Alkborough Walecote 345b Southrey Sudtrie, Sutrei, Sutreie 344b Thurlby near Bourne Torulfbi, Turolvebi Ringstone, Rippingale Ringesdene, Ringesdune 345b 344b Walcot near Folkingham Walecote 345b Quarrington Corninctone, Corninctun, Corn- Witham on the Hill Witham 345b inctune, Cornintone 344b Osgodby, Lenton Osgotebi 345b Sleaford Eslaforde 344b Scotton Scotone, Scotune 345b Swayfield Suafeld 344b Scotter Scotere, Scotre 345b Howell Hwelle, Welle 344b Riseholme Risun 345b North Owersby, South Owersby Aresbi, Scothern Scoltorne, Scotorne, Scotstorne 345b Oresbi 344b Ashby in Scunthorpe Aschebi 346a Leasingham Lessingham, Leuesingham 344b Haythby in West Halton Hedebi 346a Keelby Chelebi, Chilebi 344b Barholm Bercaham, Bercham, Bercheham 346a Laythorpe, Kirkby la Thorpe Ledulvetorp Cleatham Cletham 346a 344b Hibaldstow Hiboldeston, Hiboldestone, Hi- Lobthorpe Lopintorp 344b boldestou, Hilboldestou 346a St Marys S Marie 345a Holme in Bottesford Holm 346a Redbourne Radburne, Reburne 345a Alkborough Alchebarge 346a Hougham Hacam, Hacham 345a Lound Toftlund 346a Louth Ludes 345a Appleby Aplebi 346a

166 Doddington Dodingtone 346a Barnoldby le Beck Catenai, Catenase 347a Manton Manetuna 346a Swallow Sualun 347a Witham on the Hill Witham 346a Marton Martone 347a Scunthorpe Escumetorp 346a Howsham Huson 347a Thurlby near Bourne Torulfbi, Turolvebi Lea Lea 347a 346a Somerby, Corringham Sumerdebi, Summerdebi, Stowe, Barholm, Stowe Estou 346a Summertebi 347a Thorpe on the Hill Torp 346a Searby Seurebi, Sourebi 347a Walcot In Alkborough Walecote 346a North Kelsey Chelsi, Norchelsei, Nortchelesei Manthorpe, Witham on the Hill Mannetor, 347a Mannetorp 346a Kirmington Chernitone 347a Sawcliffe, Roxby Saleclif 346a North Killingholme Chelvingeholm, Chelvinge- Raventhorpe, Broughton Rageneltorp, Regenal- hou, Chelvingholme 347a torp 346a South Killingholme Chelvingeholm, Chelvinge- Messingham Messingeham 346a hou, Chelvingholme 347a Peterborough, Northamptonshire Burg 346a Owmby Odenebi 347a High Risby, Low Risby Risebi 346a Great Coates or Little Coates in Great Grimsby Coteland, Ruskington Coteland 346b Cotes 347a Drayton Draitune 346b Holton le Clay Holtone, Holtun 347a Algarkirk Alfgare 346b Grainsby Grenesbi 347a Belchford Badesford, Beltesford 346b Fulstow Fugelestou, Fulgestou 347a Burtoft Burtoft 346b Gate Burton Bortona, Bortone 347a Baston Bacstune, Bastune 346b Heapham Iopeham 347a Langtoft Lingetof 346b North Cadeby Cadebi 347b Bucknall Buchehale 346b Gelston Chevelestune 347b Whaplode Copelade, Copolade 346b Fenby in Ashby Cum Fenby Fendebi 347b Cranwell Cranewelle, Dunnesbi 346b Carlton Scroop Carletun, Carletune 347b Dowdyke Dwedic 346b Fulbeck Fulebec 347b Quarrington Corninctone, Corninctun, Corn- Gunnerby Gunresbi 347b inctune, Cornintone 346b Halton Holegate Hundred Haltun 347b Spalding Spallinge 346b Brigsley Brigelai, Brigeslai 347b Threekingham Trichingeham, Trichingham, Beesby in Hawerby Basebi, Besebi 347b Trichingheham, Trinchigeham 346b Wold Newton Neutone 347b Old Sleaford Eslaforde 346b Beelsby Belesbi, Bilesbi 347b Holbeach Holebech, Holeben, Holobec, Holobech Brant Broughton Hundred Burtune 347b 346b Welton Le Wold Welletone, Welletune 347b Crowland Croiland 346b Spridlington Sperlinctone, Sperlintone, Spre- Waithe Wade 347a delintone 347b Aylesby Alesbi 347a North Thoresby Toresbi 347b Willingham by Stow Welingeham, Wilingeham Stow near Torksey Sanctæ Mariæ Stou, Stou 347a 347b Waltham Waltham 347a Little Steeping Stepi 347b Ashby cum Fenby Achesbi, Aschebi 347a Swinhope Suinhope 347b

167 Waltham Waltham 347b Holbeach Holebech, Holeben, Holobec, Holobech Hatcliffe Hadeclive 347b 348b East Ravendale, West Ravendale Altera Candlesby Hundred Calnodesbi 348b Ravenedale, Ravendale, Ravenedal 347b Bicker Hundred Bichere 348b hough on the hill Hag 347b Beesby in the Marsh Besebi, Bizebi 348b Hawerby Hawardebi 347b Addlethrope Harbetorp 348b Hough on the Hill Hach, Hache, Hag 347b Algarkirk Hundred Alfgare 348b Leadenham Ledeneham 347b Bicker Bichere 348b Fishtoft Toft 348a Burgh le Marsh Burch, Burg 348b Frampton Hundred Franeton 348a Whaplode Copelade, Copolade 348b Fishtoft Hundred Toft 348a Riskenton, Kirton Hundred Reschintone Foston Hundred Foztune 348a 348b Harrowby Herigerbi 348a Theddlethorpe All Saints, Theddlethorpe St Horbling Horbelinge, Orbelinge 348a Helen hundred Tedlagestorp, Telagestorp 348b Drayton Hundred Draitone 348a Strubby near Maltby Le Marsh Strobi 348b Billingborough Hundred Bilingeburg 348a Stenning, Swineshead Steveninge 348b Donington Donninctune 348a Stoke Rochford Stoche, Sudstoches 348b Burton-le-Coggles Hundred Bertone, Bertun, Sutton on Sea Sudtone, Sudtune, Sutune 348b Bertune 348a Tric Tric 348b Wyberton Hundred Wibertune 348a Huttoft Hundred Hotot 348b Pointon Pochinton, Pochintone, Poclintone Riche Riche 348b 348a North Hykeham Hundred Northniche 348b Wrangle Weranghe, Werangle 348a Mumby Mundebi 348b Skirbeck Hundred Schirebec 348a Legbourne Lecheburne 348b Westby Westbi 348a Maltby Le Marsh Maltebi, Malteby, Maltesbi Wyberton Wibertune 348a 348b Kirkby Underwood Cherchebi 348a Mumby Hundred Mundbi, Mundebi 348b Old Leake Hundred Leche 348a Quadring Quadheveringe, Quedhaveringe Leverton Hundred Levretune 348a 348b Old Leake Leche 348a Crosby, Scunthorpe Cropesbi 349a Long Bennington Hundreds Beninctun 348a Claxby Pluckacre Clachesbi, Clasbi 349a Claxby near Alford Clachesbi 348b Coleby in West Halton Colebi 349a Hagworthingham Haberdingham, South Conesby in Crosby Cunesbi 349a Hacberdincham, Hacberdingam, Hacberdingeham, Claythorpe Clactorp 349a Hacberdingham 348b Calceby Calesbi 349a Gedney Gadenai, Gadenay 348b Brinkhill Brincle 349a Cumberworth Combreuorde 348b Dexthorpe Dreistorp, Dristorp 349a Donington Hundred Dunnintune 348b Habrough Aburne, Haburne 349a Gosberton Gosebertcherche, Gosebertechirche, West Halton Haltone 349a Gozeberdecherca 348b Haugh Hage, Haghe 349a Hagworthingham Mumby Haberdingham, Hagworthingham Haberdingham, Hacberdincham, Hacberdingam, Hacberdingeham, Hacberdincham, Hacberdingam, Hacberdingeham, Hacberdingham 348b Hacberdingham 349a

168 Fulstow Fugelestou, Fulgestou 349a Sutterby Sutrebi 349a Haythby in West Halton Hedebi 349a Somerby near Howsham Sumertebi, Summer- Ashby by Partney Aschebi 349a tebi 349a Fordington Fortintone 349a Riby Ribi 349a Winterton Wintretona 349a Farforth Farforde 349b Aby Abi 349a Hemingby Hamingebi 349b Greetham Gretham 349a Harmston Hermestune, Hermodestone, Her- Dalby Dalbi 349a modestune 349b Bratoft Breietoft, Bretoft 349a Fulletby Fullobi 349b Barnetby le Wold Bernedebi, Bernetebi, Bern- Hallington Halintun 349b odebi 349a Haugham Hecham 349b Belleau Elgelo 349a Kelstern Cheilestorne, Chelestorne, Chelesturne Bilsby Billesbi 349a 349b Bigby Bechebi 349a Ketsby Chetelesbi 349b Barton-upon-Humber Bertone, Bertune 349a Coningsby Cuningesbi 349b Worlaby near Elsham Ulvricebi, Wirichebi Ashwell, Rutland Exewelle 349b 349a Horsington Horsintone 349b Tothill Totele 349a Bucknall Buchehale 349b Thealby Tedulbi, Tedulfbi 349a Waddington Widitun 349b South Thoresby Toresbi 349a Bullington Bolintone 349b Thurlby in Bilsby Torulvesbi 349a Walmsgate Walmesgar 349b Theddlethorpe All Saints, Theddlethorpe St Reasby Reresbi 349b Helen hundred Tedlagestorp, Telagestorp 349a Timberland Timbrelund 349b Tetford Tedforde, Tesforde 349a Stainton by Langworth Staintune 349b Swaby Suabi 349a Ruckland Rocheland 349b Trusthorpe Dreuistorp, Druistorp 349a Tathwell Tadewelle 349b Walcot In Alkborough Walecote 349a High Toynton, Low Toynton Tedintone, Withern Widerne 349a Tedlintune, Todintune, Totintune 349b Winceby Winzebi, Wizebi 349a Maidenwell Welle 349b Wainfleet All Saints, Wainfleet St Mary Wem- Raithby near Louth Radresbi 349b flet, Wenflet 349a South Ormsby Ormesbi 349b Huttoft Hotoft, Hotot 349a Metheringham Medricesham, Medrichesham Mablethorpe Malbertorp, Maltetorp, Maltorp 349b 349a Maltby Maltebi 349b langene, Irby in the Marsh Langene 349a Newball Neuberie 349b Legbourne Lecheburne 349a Oxcombe Oxecumbe, Oxetune 349b Lobingham in Killingholme Lobingeham Dunstall, Corringham Tonestale, Tonestele 349a 350a Langton near Spilsby Langetune 349a Normanby le Wold Normanebi, Normanesbi Irby upon Humber Irebi, Iribi 349a 350a Sutton on Sea Sudtone, Sudtune, Sutune 349a Holton le Clay Holtone, Holtun 350a Markby Marchebi, Marchesbi 349a Glentham Glandham, Glantham, Glentham Salmonby Salmundebi 349a 350a

169 Morton, Gainsborough Mortum, Mortune Cawkwell Calchewelle 350b 350a Westlaby, Wickenby Westledebi 350b Normanby-by-Spital Normanebi, Normanestou Redbourne Radburne, Reburne 350b 350a Sturton, Scawby Straitone, Stratone 350b Normanbyle Wold Normanebi, Normanesbi Scawby Scalebi, Scallebi 350b 350a Saxby All Saints Saxebi 350b Croxby Crocsbi, Crosbi 350a Scamblesby Scamelesbi 350b Claxby near Walesby Clachesbi 350a Stenigot Wade 350b Thorganby Turgisbi 350a Irby upon Humber Irebi, Iribi 350b Blyborough Bliburg 350a Newsham Neuhuse 350b Old Clee in Great Grimsby Cleia 350a Little Limber Limberge, Linberge 350b North Willingham Wifilingham, Wivilingeham North Killingholme Chelvingeholm, Chelvinge- 350a hou, Chelvingholme 350b Somerby, Corringham Sumerdebi, Summerdebi, Keelby Chelebi, Chilebi 350b Summertebi 350a South Killingholme Chelvingeholm, Chelvinge- Thoresway Toreswe 350a hou, Chelvingholme 350b Tealby Tavelebi, Tavelesbi 350a Lobingham in Killingholme Lobingeham Tetney Tatenai 350a 350b Thrunscoe, Cleethorpes Ternesco, Ternescou, Bullington Bolintone 351a Ternescrou 350a Hundleby Hundelbi 351a Old Clee Cleia 350a Halton Holegate Haltun 351a Snitterby Esnetrebi, Snetrebi 350a Burreth in Tupholme Burgrede 351a Owmby-by-Spital Dunebi, Ounebi, Ounesbi Edlington Ellingetone 351a 350a Hareby Harebi 351a Osgodby near West Rasen Osgotebi, Osgotesbi East Keal Endrebi 351a 350a Bolingbroke Bolinbroc 351a Otby Otebi, Otesbi 350a Asterby Estrebi 351a Scotton Scotone, Scotune 350a Ludford Ludeforda 351a Donington on Bain Duninctune 350b Horsington Horsintone 351a Hemingby Hamingebi 350b Kingthorpe Chinetorp 351a Habrough Aburne, Haburne 350b Asgarby near Spilsby Asgerebi 351a Gainsthorpe in Hibaldstow Gamelstorp 350b Benniworth Beningurde 351a Goulceby Colchesbi 350b Wyham Widun 351a East Halton Haltune 350b Stickford Stichesforde 351a Hibaldstow Hiboldeston, Hiboldestone, Hi- Thorpe St Peter Torp 351a boldestou, Hilboldestou 350b Strubby, Langton by Wragby Strubi 351a Holton le Moor Hoctun, Hoctune 350b Stickney Stichenai 351a Cuxwold Cucualt 350b Stixwould Stigeswald, Stigeswalde, Stigeswalt Cabourne Caburne 350b 351a Belchford Badesford, Beltesford 350b Thorley, Minting, Gautby Turlai 351a Crowle Crul 350b Toynton All Saints, Toynton St Peter Totintun, Alkborough Alchebarge 350b Totintune 351a Brocklesby Brachelesbi, Brochelesbi 350b Miningsby Melingesbi 351a

170 Little Steeping Stepi 351a Hackthorn Agetorne, Hagetone, Hagetorn, Sibsey Sibolci 351a Hagetorne 352a North Ormsby Ormesbi 351a Hainton Gaintone, Haintone, Haintun, Hain- Minting Mentinghes 351a tune 352a Minting, Little Minting Mentinghes 351a Elsham Eleham, Elesham 352a Raithby near Spilsby Radebi 351a Dunstall, Corringham Tonestale, Tonestele Spilsby Spilesbi 351a 352a Wilsthorpe Wiflestorp 351b South Kelsey Colesi 352a Braceby Breizbi, Brezbi 351b Market Rasen Altera Rase, Rase 352a Long Bennington Beninctun, Beningtone Northorpe near Kirton In Lindsey Torp 352a 351b Laughton near Blyton, Lincolnshire Lacestone, Austerby in Bourne Brune 351b Lactone, Lastone 352a Bassingthorpe Torp 351b Osgodby near West Rasen Osgotebi, Osgotesbi Boothby in Welton le Marsh Bodebi 351b 352a Burton-le-Coggles Bertone, Bertune 351b Cadney Catenai, Catenase 352a Carlton Scroop Carletun, Carletune 351b Bleasby Belesbi, Blasebi, Blesbi, Blesebi 352a Weston Westune 351b East Barkwith or West Barkwith Barcuorde, Honington Hundintone 351b Barcwrde 352a Barkston Barchestone 351b Wharton Warton 352a Barrowby Berghebi 351b Walesby Walesbi 352a Moulton Moltun 351b Audleby Aldulvebi 352a Syston Sidestan 351b Beckering Bechelinge 352a Welton Le Marsh Waletone, Waletune 351b Blyton Blitone, Blittone 352a Obthorpe Opestorp, Opetorp 351b Yawthorpe Iolestorp, Ioletorp 352a Spalding Spallinge 351b Thonock, Gainsborough Tunec 352a Sapperton Sapretone 351b Swallow Sualun 352a Pinchbeck Picebech, Pincebec 351b Tealby Tavelebi, Tavelesbi 352a Revesby Resvesbi 351b Strubby, Langton by Wragby Strubi 352a Sloothby Lodeby, Slodebi 351b Stainton, Waddingham Staintone, Stantone Toynton All Saints, Toynton St Peter Totintun, 352a Totintune 351b Thornton Le Moor Torentone, Torentun, Claxby near Alford Clachesbi 351b Torentune 352a East Kirkby Cherchebi 351b West Torrington Terintone 352a Helpringham Helpericham, Helperincham Winghale, South Kelsey Wingeham 352a 351b Thorpe Northorpe near Kirton In Lindsey, Hagnaby Hagenebi 351b Southorpe, Northorpe Torp 352a North Elkington Archintone 351b Otby Otebi, Otesbi 352a Little Grimsby Grimesbi 351b Southrey Sudtrie, Sutrei, Sutreie 352a Hanby in Welton le Marsh Hunbi, Hunbia, Snarford Snardesforde, Snereforde, Snerteforde, Hundebi 351b Suardesforde 352a West Keal Cale, Westrecale 351b Scotton Scotone, Scotune 352a Holton le Moor Hoctun, Hoctune 352a Middle Rasen Rasa, Rase 352a

171 North Owersby, South Owersby Aresbi, Grantham Graham, Grandham, Granham, Oresbi 352a Grantham 353a Riby Ribi 352a Binbrook Binnibroc 353a Sixhills Sisse 352a Avethorpe in Aslackby Avetorp 353a Southorpe, Northorpe Altero Torp 352a Aslackby Aslachebi 353a Ingham Ingeham 352b Aubourn Aburne 353a Bracebridge in Lincoln Brachebrige, Bragebruge Banthorpe in Braceborough Barnetone, Barne- 352b torp, Barnetorpi 353a Nettleton Neteltone 352b Wyville Hwelle 353a Ingleby Englebi 352b Ropsley Ripeslai 353a Bloxholm Blochesham 352b Tallington Talintone, Talintune 353a Bransby Branzbi 352b Scottlethorpe Scachertorp, Scachetorp 353a Broxholme Broxholme 352b Sempringham Sepingeham, Spingeham, Stepinge- Croxton Crocestone 352b ham 353a Coates Cotes 352b Woolsthorpe Ulestanestorp, Ulestanetorp 353a Branston Brantestone 352b Greatford Greteford, Griteford, Griteforde Appleby Aplebi 352b 353a Burton Burtone 352b Ringstone, Rippingale Ringesdene, Ringesdune Corringham Coringeham 352b 353a East Wykeham Wicham 352b Laughton in Folkingham Loctone 353a Legbourne Lecheburne 352b Hungerton Hungretune 353a North Somercotes, South Somercotes Summer- Kirkby Underwood Cherchebi 353a cotes 352b Ludborough Ludeburg 353a Sawcliffe, Roxby Saleclif 352b Cabourne Caburne 353b High Risby, Low Risby Risebi 352b Haddington Hadinctone, Hadinctune 353b Snarford Snardesforde, Snereforde, Snerteforde, Dunholme Duneham 353b Suardesforde 352b Cuxwold Cucualt 353b Welton Le Wold Welletone, Welletune 352b Habrough Aburne, Haburne 353b Buslingthorpe Esetorp 352b Immingham Imungeham, Mingeham 353b Greetwell Grentewelle 352b North Kelsey Chelsi, Norchelsei, Nortchelesei Eagle Achelei, Aclei, Acley, Akeley, Aycle 352b 353b Canwick Canewic, Canuic 352b Beckering Bechelinge 353b South Cadeby, Calcethorpe Catebi 352b Aubourn Aburne 353b Cold Hanworth Haneurde, Haneworde 352b Winterton Wintrintone 353b Fillingham Felingeham, Figelingeham, Filinge- Whitton Witenai 353b ham 352b West Allington Adelinctune, Adelingetone Braceborough Braseborg, Breseburc, Breseburg 353b 353a Barnetby le Wold Welingeham, Wilingeham Fotherby Fodrebi, Forebi 353a 353b Croxby Crocsbi, Crosbi 353a Snelland Esnelunt, Sneleslunt 353b Folkingham Folchingeham, Folchingham, Westlaby, Wickenby Westledebi 353b Fulchingeham 353a Stow near Torksey Sanctæ Mariæ Stou, Stou West Graby in Aslackby Greibi 353a 353b

172 Stainfield near Lincoln Stainfelde, Steinfelde Middle Carlton in North Carlton Carletone, 353b Carletune 354b Thornton Le Moor Torentone, Torentun, Edenham Edeham, Edeneham 354b Torentune 353b South Ferriby Ferebi 354b Wickenby Wichingebi, Wighingesbi 353b Greatford Greteford, Griteford, Griteforde North Kyme Nortchime 353b 354b Scothern Scoltorne, Scotorne, Scotstorne 353b Barton-upon-Humber Bertone, Bertune 354b North Owersby, South Owersby Aresbi, Bardney Bardenai 354b Oresbi 353b Santon Sanetone 354b Laceby Lenesbi, Levesbi 353b Appleby Aplebi 354b Lobingham in Killingholme Lobingeham Burton Burtone 354b 353b Aisthorpe Aestorp, Estorp 354b Reasby Reresbi 353b Barholm Wintringeham 354b Bullington Bolintone 354a Roxby Roscebi, Roxebi 354b South Ferriby Ferebi 354a Sudtone Sudtone 354b Covenham St Bartholomew Covenham 354a Southrey Sudtrie, Sutrei, Sutreie 354b South Elkington Alchinton 354a Sawcliffe, Roxby Saleclif 354b Fotherby Fodrebi, Forebi 354a Scampton Scanton, Scantone, Scantune 354b Grainthorpe Germundstorp, Germundtorp Stow near Torksey Sanctæ Mariæ Stou, Stou 354a 354b Baumber Badeburg 354a Thorpe Le Fallows Torp 354b Apley Apelei, Apeleia 354a Horkstow Horchetou 354b Little Carlton Carletone 354a Riseholme Risun 354b Ludford Ludeforde 354a Osgodby, Bardney Osgotebi 354b Barlings Berlinga, Berlinge 354a Wragby Waragebi 354a Lusby Luzebi 354b North Reston Ristone 354a Keisby Chisebi 354b Stainton Le Vale Stainton, Staintone 354a Low Langton Langetone 354b Saxilby Englebi 354a Nettleham Eteleham, Netelham 354b Somerby near Howsham Sumertebi, Summer- High Risby, Low Risby Risebi 354b tebi 354a Claxby near Alford Clachesbi 355a Wickenby Wichingebi, Wighingesbi 354a Carlby Carlebi 355a Little Grimsby Grimesbi 354a Casewick Casuic 355a Owmby Odenebi 354a Candlesby Calnodesbi 355a Kirmond Le Mire Chevremont 354a Burgh le Marsh Burch, Burg 355a Holtham in Legsby Houten 354a Cranwell Cranewelle, Dunnesbi 355a Legsby Lagesbi 354a Ewerby Geresbi, Grenebi, Grenesbi, Ieresbi Baston Bacstune, Bastune 354b 355a Edlington Ellingetone 354b Ewerby Thorpe Oustorp 355a Cherry Willingham Gullingham, Ulingeham, Culverthorpe Torp 355a Wilingeham 354b Hagworthingham Haberdingham, Brattleby Brotulbi 354b Hacberdincham, Hacberdingam, Hacberdingeham, Baumber Badeburg 354b Hacberdingham 355a

173 Braceborough Braseborg, Breseburc, Breseburg Alford Alforde 355b 355a Croft Croft 355b Barholm Bercaham, Bercham, Bercheham 355a Well Welle 355b Banthorpe in Braceborough Barnetone, Barne- Aswarby Aswardebi, Wardebi 355b torp, Barnetorpi 355a Withern Widerne 355b Lound Lund 355a Osbournby Ulesbi 355b Addlethorpe Herdetorp 355a Scott Willoughby Wilgebi 355b Willoughby Wilgebi 355a Pickworth Picheuorde, Picheurde, Picheworde Bardney Bardenai 355a 355b Boothby in Welton le Marsh Bodebi 355a Saleby Salebi, Saleby 355b Witham on the Hill Witham 355a Strubby near Maltby Le Marsh Strobi 355b Partney Partenai, Partene 355a Wainfleet All Saints, Wainfleet St Mary Wem- Wainfleet All Saints, Wainfleet St Mary Wem- flet, Wenflet 355b flet, Wenflet 355a Hanthorpe Hermodestorp 355b Great Steeping 355a Stepinge Oasby Asedebi 355b Skendleby Scheveldebi 355a Maltby Le Marsh Maltebi, Malteby, Maltesbi Scremby Screnbi 355a 355b Sloothby Lodeby, Slodebi 355a Little Lavington, Lenton Lavintone 355b Stowe, Barholm, Stowe Estou 355a Holme in Beckingham Holm 355b Welton Le Marsh Waletone, Waletune 355a South Kyme Chime 355b Great Hale Hale 355a Mablethorpe Malbertorp, Maltetorp, Maltorp Obthorpe Opestorp, Opetorp 355a 355b Manthorpe, Witham on the Hill Mannetor, Morton near Hanthorpe Mortun, Mortune Mannetorp 355a 355b Howell Hwelle, Welle 355a Bonby Bundebi 356a Hasthorpe Haroldestorp 355a hough on the hill 356a Little Hale Hale 355a Hach, Hache, Hag Heckington Echintune, Hechintone, Hechintune Cuxwold Cucualt 356a 355a Burton Pedwardine Burton, Burtun 356a Lusby Luzebi 355a Cabourne Caburne 356a Mumby Mundebi 355a Helpringham Helpericham, Helperincham Boothby Pagnell Bodebi 355b 356a Edenham Edeham, Edeneham 355b Howell Hwelle, Welle 356a Dembleby Delbebi, Dembelbi, Denbelbi 355b Ingoldsby Goldesbi, Ingoldesbi 356a Burley, Rutland Burgelai 355b Birthorpe Berchetorp 356a Cranwell Cranewelle, Dunnesbi 355b Audby in North Thoresby Adulvesbi, Aldul- Driby Dribi 355b vebi, Alwoldebi, Alwoldesbi 356a Folkingham Folchingeham, Folchingham, Aslackby Aslachebi 356a Fulchingeham 355b Brandon Brandune 356a Haceby Hazebi 355b Croxton Crocestone 356a Beesby in the Marsh Besebi, Bizebi 355b Aswarby Aswardebi, Wardebi 356a West Ashby Aschebi 355b Billingborough Bellingeburg, Billingeburg, Honington Hondintone 355b Bolinburg 356a

174 Worlaby near Elsham Ulvricebi, Wirichebi Saleby Salebi, Saleby 356b 356a Sloothby Lodeby, Slodebi 356b Silk Willoughby Wilgebi 356a Cammeringham Camelingeham, Cameslinge- Threekingham Trichingeham, Trichingham, ham 356b Trichingheham, Trinchigeham 356a Hemingby Hamingebi 356b Stow In Threekingham Stou 356a Friesthorpe Frisetorp 356b Stainton Le Vale Stainton, Staintone 356a Faldingworth Faldingeurde, Faldingurde, Stallingborough Stalinburg, Stalingeburg 356a Falingeurde 356b North Thoresby Toresbi 356a Claxby near Alford Clachesbi 356b Walcot near Folkingham Walecote 356a Cold Hanworth Haneurde, Haneworde 356b Kirkby La Thorpe Cherchebi, Chirchebi 356a Fillingham Felingeham, Figelingeham, Filinge- Sempringham Sepingeham, Spingeham, Stepinge- ham 356b ham 356a Hackthorn Agetorne, Hagetone, Hagetorn, Pointon Pochinton, Pochintone, Poclintone Hagetorne 356b 356a North Cockerington or South Cockerington Laughton in Folkingham Loctone 356a Cocrinton, Cocrintone, Crochinton 357a Kirmington Chernitone 356a Hackthorn Agetorne, Hagetone, Hagetorn, Great Limber, Little Limber Limberge, Lin- Hagetorne 357a berge, Linbergham 356a Ewerby Thorpe Oustorp 357a Scredington Scredinctun, Scredintune 356a Dembleby Delbebi, Dembelbi, Denbelbi 357a Sudbrooke Sudborc, Sutbroc 356b Dry Doddington Dodintone, Dodintune 357a Barlings Berlinga, Berlinge 356b Fillingham Felingeham, Figelingeham, Filinge- Woodthorpe Endretorp 356b ham 357a Thoresthorpe Thuorstorp 356b Heckington Echintune, Hechintone, Hechintune Withern Widerne 356b 357a West Wykeham, Ludford Wicham 356b Helpringham Helpericham, Helperincham Bigby Bechebi 356b 357a Brattleby Brotulbi 356b Great Carlton Carlentun 357a Strubby near Maltby Le Marsh Strobi 356b Barlings Berlinga, Berlinge 357a Ludford Ludeford 356b Marston Merestone 357a Horsington Horsintone 356b Coates Cotes 357a Bucknall Buchehale 356b Newton Neutone 357a Fiskerton Fiscartone 356b Billingborough Bellingeburg, Billingeburg, Ingham Ingeham 356b Bolinburg 357a Reepham Refan 356b Threekingham Trichingeham, Trichingham, Spridlington Sperlinctone, Sperlintone, Spre- Trichingheham, Trinchigeham 357a delintone 356b Pointon Pochinton, Pochintone, Poclintone Holme in Sudbrooke Holme 356b 357a Scothern Scoltorne, Scotorne, Scotstorne 356b Spridlington Sperlinctone, Sperlintone, Spre- Riseholme Risun 356b delintone 357a Kettleby Thorpe in Bigby Torp 356b Scawby Scalebi, Scallebi 357a Maltby Le Marsh Maltebi, Malteby, Maltesbi Redbourne Radburne, Reburne 357a 356b South Reston Risun 357a

175 Spanby Spanebi, Spanesbi 357a Kirkby La Thorpe Cherchebi, Chirchebi 357b Sturton, Scawby Straitone, Stratone 357a Linwood Lindude 357b Hibaldstow Hiboldeston, Hiboldestone, Hi- Calcethorpe Torp 358a boldestou, Hilboldestou 357a Deeping, Deeping St James and Market Deeping Ouseby, Billingborough Uluesbi, Wesbi 357a Estdeping, Estdepinge 358a Kirkby La Thorpe Cherchebi, Chirchebi 357a Creeton Cretone, Cretun, Cretune 358a Howell Hundred Hwelle 357a Casewick Casuic 358a Hougham Hacam, Hacham 357a North Cockerington or South Cockerington Kexby Cheftesbi, Chestesbi 357a Cocrinton, Cocrintone, Crochinton 358a Laythorpe, Kirkby la Thorpe Ledulvetorp Cuxwold Cucualt 358a 357a Elsthorpe Aighelestorp, Aiglestorp 358a Bitchfield Billefelt, Billesfelt 357b Grimoldby Grimalbi, Grimoldbi 358a Evedon Evedune 357b South Cadeby, Calcethorpe Catebi 358a Great Coates in Great Grimsby Cotes 357b Little Bulby, Irnham Bolebi 358a Burton-le-Coggles Bertone, Bertune 357b Alvingham Alvingeham, Alvingham 358a Cabourne Caburne 357b Uffington Offintone 358a Cuxwold Cucualt 357b Brackenborough Brachenberg 358a Habrough Aburne, Haburne 357b Cabourne Caburne 358a Haceby Hazebi 357b East Wykeham Wicham 358a Aylesby Alesbi 357b Stamford Stanford 358a Ashby de la launde Aschebi 357b Tallington Talintone, Talintune 358a Rothwell Rodewelle 357b Stixwould Stigeswald, Stigeswalde, Stigeswalt Caistor Castre 357b 358a Goxhill Golse 357b Stewton Stiveton, Stivetone 358a Aisby in Heydour Asebi 357b Stowe, Barholm, Stowe Estou 358a Audby in North Thoresby Adulvesbi, Aldul- vebi, Alwoldebi, Alwoldesbi 357b West Torrington Terintone 358a Westby Westbi 357b Hainton Gaintone, Haintone, Haintun, Hain- Pickworth Picheuorde, Picheurde, Picheworde tune 358a 357b Stainby Stigandebi 358a North Thoresby Toresbi 357b Roxholm, Ruskington Rochesham 358a Swaton Suavetone, Suavintone, Suavitone Irnham Gerneham, Greneham 358a 357b Hawthorpe Awartorp 358a Middle Rasen Rasa, Rase 357b Kelstern Cheilestorne, Chelestorne, Chelesturne Swallow Sualun 357b 358a Tealby Tavelebi, Tavelesbi 357b Saltfleetby All Saints, Saltfleetby St Clement, Thoresway Toreswe 357b Saltfleetby St Peter Salflatebi 358a Healing Hechelinge, Hegelinge, Heghelinge Bloxholm Blochesham 358b 357b Brocklesby Brachelesbi, Brochelesbi 358b Market Rasen Altera Rase, Rase 357b Boothby Graffoe Bodebi 358b North Kyme Nortchime 357b Brauncewell Branzewelle 358b Horbling Horbelinge, Orbelinge 357b Habrough Aburne, Haburne 358b Heydour Haidure, Heidure 357b Huttoft Hotoft, Hotot 358b

176 Billingborough Bellingeburg, Billingeburg, Wickenby Wichingebi, Wighingesbi 359a Bolinburg 358b Tealby Tavelebi, Tavelesbi 359a Austerby in Bourne Brune 358b Sturton, Scawby Straitone, Stratone 359a Marston Merestone 358b Swinthorpe Sonetorp 359a Avethorpe in Aslackby Avetorp 358b Waddingham Wadingeham, Wadingham, South Witham Wime, Wimme 358b Widingeham 359a Theddlethorpe All Saints, Theddlethorpe St Willingham by Stow Welingeham, Wilingeham Helen hundred Tedlagestorp, Telagestorp 358b 359a Thurlby near Bourne Torulfbi, Turolvebi Owmby-by-Spital Dunebi, Ounebi, Ounesbi 358b 359a Thistleton, Rutland Tisteltune, Tistertune Stainton, Waddingham Staintone, Stantone 358b 359a Tisteltune Alia Tisteltune, Tisteltone, Tisteltune Snelland Esnelunt, Sneleslunt 359a 358b Redbourne Radburne, Reburne 359a Kirkby Underwood Cherchebi 358b Middle Rasen Rasa, Rase 359a Somerton, Boothby Graffoe Summertune Reasby Reresbi 359a 358b Scawby Scalebi, Scallebi 359a Rippingale Repinghale 358b Snitterby Esnetrebi, Snetrebi 359a Newsham Neuhuse 358b Hagnaby Hagenebi 359b Sempringham Sepingeham, Spingeham, Stepinge- West Keal Cale, Westrecale 359b ham 358b Holton cum Beckering Houtone, Houtune Cleatham Cletham 359a 359b Normanby le Wold Normanebi, Normanesbi Hagworthingham Haberdingham, 359a Hacberdincham, Hacberdingam, Hacberdingeham, Hackthorn Agetorne, Hagetone, Hagetorn, Hacberdingham 359b Hagetorne 359a Hameringham Hameringam 359b Cold Hanworth Haneurde, Haneworde 359a East Keal Estrecale 359b Glentworth Glenteurde, Glentewrde 359a kirkby on bain Cherchebi, Chirchebi 359b Harpswell Herpeswelle 359a Maltby Le Marsh Maltebi, Malteby, Maltesbi Normanby-by-Spital Normanebi, Normanestou 359b 359a Claxby Pluckacre Clachesbi, Clasbi 359b Osgodby near West Rasen Osgotebi, Osgotesbi Boothby in Welton le Marsh Bodebi 359b 359a Bag Enderby Adredebi, Andrebi 359b Claxby near Walesby Clachesbi 359a Ashby Puerorum Aschebi 359b Bleasby Belesbi, Blasebi, Blesbi, Blesebi 359a Beesby in the Marsh Besebi, Bizebi 359b Ingham Ingeham 359a Burgh le Marsh Burch, Burg 359b Bottesford Butesforde 359a Wispington Wispinctune 359b Coates Cotes 359a Tattershall Thorpe Torp 359b Beckering Bliburg 359a Welton Le Marsh Waletone, Waletune 359b North Willingham Wifilingham, Wivilingeham Waddingworth Wadingurde, Waldingurde 359a 359b Stow near Torksey Sanctæ Mariæ Stou, Stou Tetford Tedforde, Tesforde 359b 359a Tumby Tunbi 359b

177 Wainfleet All Saints, Wainfleet St Mary Wem- Lobingham in Killingholme Lobingeham flet, Wenflet 359b 360a Winceby Winzebi, Wizebi 359b Mumby Mundebi 360a Markby Marchebi, Marchesbi 359b Claxby near Walesby Clachesbi 360b Sutton on Sea Stratone 359b Grantham Graham, Grandham, Granham, Scremby Screnbi 359b Grantham 360b Martin near Horncastle Martone 359b Coningsby Cuningesbi 360b Somersby Summerdebi 359b Counthorpe in Castle Bytham Cudetorp Sudtone Sudtone 359b 360b Coton in Brocklesby Cotes 360a Hagworthingham Haberdingham, Keelby Chelebi, Chilebi 360a Hacberdincham, Hacberdingam, Hacberdingeham, Itterby in Cleethorpes Itrebi 360a Hacberdingham 360b Great Grimsby Grimesbi 360a Holywell Hundred Bredestorp 360b Dexthorpe Dreistorp, Dristorp 360a Castle Bytham Bitham, Wesbitham, Westbitham Gunby near Candlesby Gunnebi 360a 360b East Keal or West Keal Cale 360a Anwick Amuinc, Haniwic 360b Kettleby in Bigby Chetelbi 360a North Stoke Nortstoches 360b North Killingholme Chelvingeholm, Chelvinge- Thimbleby Stimblebi 360b hou, Chelvingholme 360a Carlton-le-Moorland Hundred Carletune Little Coates in Great Grimsby Sudcotes 360a 360b Burgh le Marsh Burch, Burg 360a Witham on the Hill hundred Witham 360b Saxby Sassebi 360a Ruskington Reschintone, Rischintone 360b Addlethorpe Herdetorpe 360a Stroxton Hundred Stroustune 360b Goxhill Golse 360a Stainton Le Vale Stainton, Staintone 360b Barrow upon Humber Barewe 360a Stoke Rochford Half-Hundred Stoche, Stoches Candlesby Calnodesbi 360a 360b Weelsby, Great Grimsby Wivelesbi 360a Walesby Hundred Walesbi 360b Raithby near Spilsby Radebi 360a Langton near Horncastle Langetone 360b Tric Tric 360a Little Ponton Alia Pamtone, Parva Pantone Tattershall Thorpe Torp 360a 360b Skirbeck Quarter In Boston Scirebec 360a North Ormsby Ormesbi 360b Tattershall Tateshale 360a Little Bytham Hundred Bintham, Bitham Thealby Tedulbi, Tedulfbi 360a 360b Wainfleet All Saints, Wainfleet St Mary Wem- Normanby le Wold Normanebi, Normanesbi flet, Wenflet 360a 360b South Killingholme Chelvingeholm, Chelvinge- Great Ponton Magna Pamptune, Magna Pan- hou, Chelvingholme 360a tone, Pamtone 360b Normanby Normanebi 360a Burton-le-Coggles Hundred Bertone, Bertun, Mavis Enderby Endrebi 360a Bertune 361a Great Limber, Little Limber Limberge, Lin- Humby Humbi 361a berge, Linbergham 360a Great Gonerby Hundred Gunfordebi 361a Kirmington Chernitone 360a Houghton in Grantham Hochtune, Hoctune, Laceby Lenesbi, Levesbi 360a Hogetune, Hogtone 361a

178 Ingoldsby Goldesbi, Ingoldesbi 361a Immingham Imungeham, Mingeham 361b Kirkby Green Hundred Cherchebi 361a Lobingham in Killingholme Lobingeham Branston Hundred Branztune 361a 361b Blankney Blachene 361a Kirkby Green Hundred Cherchebi 361b Belton near Grantham Hundred Beltone 361a North Killingholme Chelvingeholm, Chelvinge- Blankney Hundreds Blachene 361a hou, Chelvingholme 361b Westhorpe, Old Somerby Westorp, Westtorp Keelby Chelebi, Chilebi 361b 361a South Killingholme Chelvingeholm, Chelvinge- Sudwelle Suduuelle, Sudwelle 361a hou, Chelvingholme 361b Timberland Hundred Timberlunt 361a Little Limber Limberge, Linberge 361b Swinstead Hundred Suamestede 361a Brocklesby Brachelesbi, Brochelesbi 362a Walcot, Billinghay Hundred Walecote 361a North Conesby in Flixborough Cunesbi 362a Metheringham Medricesham, Medrichesham Middle Carlton in North Carlton Carletone, 361a Carletune 362a Old Somerby Sumerdebi, Summerdebi 361a Canwick Canewic, Canuic 362a Potterhanworth Hundred Haneworde 361a Coleby near Boothby Graffoe Colebi, Coleby Old Somerby Sumerdebi, Summerdebi 361a 362a Scopwick Hundred Scapuic 361a South Conesby in Crosby Cunesbi 362a Brocklesby Brachelesbi, Brochelesbi 361b Crosby, Scunthorpe Cropesbi 362a Flixborough Flichesburg 361b Barnetby le Wold Bernedebi, Bernetebi, Bern- Great Coates or Little Coates in Great Grimsby odebi 362a Cotes 361b Goxhill Golse 362a Cawkwell Calchewelle 361b Burnham Brune 362a Claxby near Walesby Clachesbi 361b Dunston Dunestune 362a Croxby Crocsbi, Crosbi 361b Nettleton Neteltone 362a Habrough Aburne, Haburne 361b Wragby Waragebi 362a Haythby in West Halton Hedebi 361b Nocton Nochetune 362a Beckering Bechelinge 361b Thornton Curtis Torentone, Torentune 362a Ulceby near Wootton Uluesbi 361b South Ormsby Ormesbi 362a Winterton Wintrintone 361b Scothern Scoltorne, Scotorne, Scotstorne 362a Thorganby Torgrembi 361b Ulceby near Wootton Uluesbi 362a Wootton Udetone 361b Habrough Aburne, Haburne 362a Walcot In Alkborough Walecote 361b Newsham Neuhuse 362a Thealby Tedulbi, Tedulfbi 361b Melton Ross Medeltone 362a Martin, Timberland Timberlunt 361b Harmston Hermestune, Hermodestone, Her- Stubton Stobetun, Stubetune 361b modestune 362a Scopwick Hundred Scapuic 361b Kettleby in Bigby Chetelbi 362a North Owersby, South Owersby Aresbi, Messingham Messingeham 362a Oresbi 361b Burton-le-Coggles Bertone, Bertune 362b Roxby Roscebi, Roxebi 361b Fulnetby Fulnedebi 362b Stallingborough Stalinburg, Stalingeburg Collow Caldecote 362b 361b Coleby in West Halton Colebi 362b Swinhope Suinhope 361b Dunholme Duneham 362b

179 Grayingham Graingeham, Grangeham 362b Sturton, Scawby Straitone, Stratone 363a Hardwick in Panton Harduic, Hardwic 362b Stow near Torksey Sanctæ Mariæ Stou, Stou Burgh on Bain Burg 362b 363a Winterton Wintritone 362b Swallow Sualun 363a Girsby Griseby 362b Thornton Curtis Torentone, Torentune 363a Broughton Bertone 362b Helpringham Helpericham, Helperincham Hatton Hatune 362b 363a West Barkwith Barcourde, Barcwrde 362b Snarford Snardesforde, Snereforde, Snerteforde, Wragby Waragebi 362b Suardesforde 363a Swinstead Suinham, Suinhamstede 362b Middle Rasen, West Rasen Altera Rase, Rase, North Willingham Wifilingham, Wivilingeham Resne 363a 362b Irnham Gerneham, Greneham 363a East Torrington Terintone 362b Normanton Hundred Normenton 363a Tealby Tavelebi, Tavelesbi 362b Scawby Scalebi, Scallebi 363a Walcot In Alkborough Walecote 362b Belton near Grantham Beltone 363b Witham on the Hill Witham 362b Coningsby Cuningesbi 363b Langton by Wragby Langetona, Langetone Burgh le Marsh Burch, Burg 363b 362b Butyate, Bardney Butiate 363b Roxby Roscebi, Roxebi 362b Fulstow Fugelestou, Fulgestou 363b Rand Rande 362b Haltham Holtham 363b Osgodby near West Rasen Osgotebi, Osgotesbi Aunsby Ounesbi 363b 362b Syston Sidestham 363b Panton Pantone 362b Addelthorpe Herdertorp 363b Middle Rasen, West Rasen Altera Rase, Rase, Roughton Rocstune 363b Resne 362b Thornton Torintune 363b Bonby Bundebi 363a Wood Enderby Endrebi 363b Hanbeck in Wilsford Rosbi 363a Scrivelsby Scrivelesbi, Scriwelesbi 363b Frieston in Caythorpe Hundred Fristun 363a Tric Tric 363b Caythorpe Carltorp, Catorp 363a Great Steeping Stepinge 363b Great Grimsby Grimesbi 363a Tathwell Tadewelle 363b Harmston Hermestune, Hermodestone, Her- Wilksby Wilchesbi, Wilgesbi 363b modestune 363a Ingoldmells Guldelsmere 363b Heckington Echintune, Hechintone, Hechintune Scott Willoughby Wilgebi 363b 363a Mareham on the Hill Meringhe 363b Bodebi Bodebi 363a Low Langton Langetone 363b Wootton Udetone 363a Partney Partenai, Partene 363b Brandon Brandune 363a Cumberworth Combreuorde 364a Waddington Wadintone 363a Keddington Cadinton, Cadintone, Caditon Ashby de la launde Aschebi 363a 364a West Willoughby Hundred Wilgebi 363a Holtham in Legsby Houten 364a Stenning, Swineshead Steveninge 363a Hainton Gaintone, Haintone, Haintun, Hain- Swaton Suavetone, Suavintone, Suavitone tune 364a 363a Holton le Clay Holtone, Holtun 364a

180 Great Limber Limberge, Linberge 364a Scothern Scoltorne, Scotorne, Scotstorne 364b Mablethorpe Malbertorp, Maltetorp, Maltorp Stainfield, Haconby Steintone, Stentuith 364b 364a Hanthorpe Hermodestorp 364b North Cockerington or South Cockerington Quarrington Corninctone, Corninctun, Corn- Cocrinton, Cocrintone, Crochinton 364a inctune, Cornintone 364b Alvingham Alvingeham, Alvingham 364a Market Stainton Staintone 364b Ludford Ludeforde 364a Laughton in Folkingham Loctone 364b Ingham Ingeham 364a Morton near Hanthorpe Mortun, Mortune Walesby Walesbi 364a 364b East Barkwith or West Barkwith Barcuorde, Great Coates in Great Grimsby Cotes 365a Barcwrde 364a Glentworth Glenteurde, Glentewrde 365a West Wykeham, Ludford Wicham 364a Ewerby Geresbi, Grenebi, Grenesbi, Ieresbi Strubby, Langton by Wragby Strubi 364a 365a South Willingham Ulingeham 364a Cuxwold Cucualt 365a Tealby Tavelebi, Tavelesbi 364a Eagle Achelei, Aclei, Acley, Akeley, Aycle 365a Sturton, Scawby Straitone, Stratone 364a Ewerby Thorpe Oustorp 365a Ulceby near Well Ulesbi 364a Haceby Hazebi 365a Withcall Wichale, Widcale 364a Hackthorn Agetorne, Hagetone, Hagetorn, Newton by Toft Neutone 364a Hagetorne 365a Stainton Le Vale Stainton, Staintone 364a Claxby near Walesby Clachesbi 365a Sixhills Sisse 364a Cammeringham Camelingeham, Cameslinge- Saltfleetby All Saints, Saltfleetby St Clement, ham 365a Saltfleetby St Peter Salflatebi 364a Audby in North Thoresby Adulvesbi, Aldul- Redbourne Radburne, Reburne 364a vebi, Alwoldebi, Alwoldesbi 365a Scawby Scalebi, Scallebi 364a Broughton Bertone 365a North Somercotes, South Somercotes Summer- Rothwell Rodowelle 365a cotes 364a Cabourne Caburne 365a Bourne Brune 364b Castlethorpe Castorp 365a Dyke Dic 364b Wykeham, Nettleton Wiham 365a Burreth in Tupholme Burgrede 364b Scawby Scalebi, Scallebi 365a Cawthorpe Caletorp 364b North Thoresby Toresbi 365a Edenham Edeham, Edeneham 364b Stixwould Stigeswald, Stigeswalde, Stigeswalt Haconby Haconebi, Haconesbi, Hacunesbi 365a 364b Searby Seurebi, Sourebi 365a Avethorpe in Aslackby Avetorp 364b Silk Willoughby Wilgebi 365a Reepham Refam 364b Sturton, Scawby Straitone, Stratone 365a Ranby Randebi 364b Wellingore Welingoure, Wellingoure 365a Aslackby Aslachebi 364b Hemswell Helmeswelle 365a Great Sturton Stratone 364b Middle Rasen Rasa, Rase 365a Ringstone, Rippingale Ringesdene, Ringesdune Manby in Broughton Mannebi 365a 364b Irby upon Humber Irebi, Iribi 365a Spanby Spanebi, Spanesbi 364b Horbling Horbelinge, Orbelinge 365a Rippingale Repinghale 364b Linwood Lindude 365a

181 Navenby Navenbi, Navenebi 365a Tisteltune Alia Tisteltune, Tisteltone, Tisteltune Haceby Hazebi 365b 366a Itterby in Cleethorpes Itrebi 365b Swarby Suarrebi 366a Hackthorn Agetorne, Hagetone, Hagetorn, Stowe, Barholm, Stowe Estou 366a Hagetorne 365b Thurlby near Norton Disney Torolvebi, Tur- Keelby Chelebi, Chilebi 365b olfbi, Turolvesbi, Turulfbi 366a Kelstern Cheilestorne, Chelestorne, Chelesturne Wilsford Wivelesforde 366a 365b Greatford Greteford, Griteford, Griteforde Bleasby Belesbi, Blasebi, Blesbi, Blesebi 365b 366a Thorganby Torgrebi 365b Silk Willoughby Wilgebi 366a Newton Neutone 365b Nettleham Eteleham, Netelham 366a Beelsby Belesbi, Bilesbi 365b Helpringham Helpericham, Helperincham Wragby Waragebi 365b 366a Langton by Wragby Langetona, Langetone Deeping St James and Market Deeping Estde- 365b ping, Estdepinge 366a East Ravendale, West Ravendale Altera Saltfleetby All Saints, Saltfleetby St Clement, Ravenedale, Ravendale, Ravenedal 365b Saltfleetby St Peter Salflatebi 366a Scawby Scalebi, Scallebi 365b Authorpe Agetorp 366b Threekingham Trichingeham, Trichingham, Faldingworth Faldingeurde, Faldingurde, Trichingheham, Trinchigeham 365b Falingeurde 366b Willoughton Wilchetone 365b Binbrook Binnibroc 366b Swinhope Suinhope 365b Casewick Casuic 366b Redbourne Radburne, Reburne 365b Ganthorpe in Great Ponton Germuntorp Ouseby, Billingborough Uluesbi, Wesbi 365b 366b Deeping, Deeping St James and Market Deeping Hougham Hacam, Hacham 366b Estdeping, Estdepinge 366a Uffington Offintone 366b Eagle Achelei, Aclei, Acley, Akeley, Aycle 366a Belmesthorpe Belmestorp 366b West Deeping West Depinge 366a Barkston Barcheston 366b Deeping, Deeping St James, West Deeping or Burwell Buruelle 366b Market Deeping Depinge 366a North Witham, South Witham Widme 366b Dunholme Duneham 366a Little Ponton Alia Pamtone, Parva Pantone Faldingworth Faldingeurde, Faldingurde, 366b Falingeurde 366a Twyford, Colsterworth Tuiforde, Tuivorde Glentworth Glenteurde, Glentewrde 366a 366b Croxby Crocsbi, Crosbi 366a Stretton, Rutland Stratone 366b Castle Bytham Bitham, Wesbitham, Westbitham Swinstead Suinham, Suinhamstede 366b 366a Welton Le Wold Welletone, Welletune 366b Little Bytham Bintham, Bitham 366a Market Overton, Rutland Overtone, Ovretone Barholm Bercaham, Bercham, Bercheham 366a 366b South Cadeby, Calcethorpe Catebi 366a Great Ponton Magna Pamptune, Magna Pan- Creeton Cretone, Cretun, Cretune 366a tone, Pamtone 366b Withcall Wichale, Widcale 366a Norton Disney Nortune 366b Skidbrooke Schitebroc, Scitebroc 366a Muckton Machetone 366b

182 Pointon Pochinton, Pochintone, Poclintone Osbournby Esbernebi, Osbernebi, Osbernedebi 366b 367b Dowsby Dusebi 367a Scott Willoughby Wilgebi 367b Market Overton, Rutland Overtone, Ovretone Swaton Suavetone, Suavintone, Suavitone 367a 367b Laughton in Folkingham Loctone 367a Towthorpe, Londonthorpe Todetorp, Tudetorp, Eagle Achelei, Aclei, Acley, Akeley, Aycle 367a Twetorp 367b Exton, Rutland Exentune 367a Tytton, Wyberton Wibertone 367b Laughton near Blyton, Lincolnshire Lacestone, Horbling Horbelinge, Orbelinge 367b Lactone, Lastone 367a Marston Mereston 367b Minting, Little Minting Mentinges 367a Frampton Franetone 367b Normanby Normanebi 367a Butterwick Butruic 367b Coleby near Boothby Graffoe Colebi, Coleby Kirton Cherchetune 367b 367a Welby Wellebi 367b Blyton Blitone, Blittone 367a Heydour Haidure, Heidure 367b Bicker Bichere 367a Folkingham Folchingeham, Folchingham, Santon Santone 367a Fulchingeham 367b Ashby cum Fenby Achesbi, Aschebi 367a Harrowby Herigerbi 367b Binbrook Binnibroc 367a Great Gonerby Gunfordebi 367b Brigsley Brigelai, Brigeslai 367a Freiston near Boston Fristune 367b South Witham Wime, Wimme 367a Haceby Hazebi 367b Thistleton, Rutland Tisteltune, Tistertune Heckington Echintune, Hechintone, Hechintune 367a 367b Whitwell, Rutland Witewelle 367a Wrangle Weranghe, Werangle 367b Waithe Wade 367a Fishtoft Toft 367b Thurlby near Norton Disney Torolvebi, Tur- Cold Mareham in Burton Pedwardine Marram olfbi, Turolvesbi, Turulfbi 367a 367b Tisteltune Alia Tisteltune, Tisteltone, Tisteltune Belton near Grantham Beltone 367b 367a Aswarby Aswardebi, Wardebi 367b Whissendine, Rutland Wichingedene 367a Burton Pedwardine Burton, Burtun 367b North Witham Nortwine, Wime 367a Dembleby Delbebi, Dembelbi, Denbelbi 367b Orford, Stainton Le Vale Erforde 367a Avethorpe in Aslackby Avetorp 368a Swinderby Suindrebi, Sunderby 367a Casthorpe in Barrowby Caschingetorp, Scottlethorpe Scachertorp, Scachetorp 367a Chaschingetorp, Chaschintorp, Kaschingetorp East Ravendale Ravenedal, Ravenedale 367a 368a Pointon Pochinton, Pochintone, Poclintone Boothby Pagnell Bodebi 368a 367a Bicker Bichere 368a Rippingale Repinghale 367a Bulby Bolebi 368a Scotton Scotone, Scotune 367a Elsthorpe Aighelestorp, Aiglestorp 368a Kelby Chelebi, Chillebi 367b Holbeach Holebech, Holeben, Holobec, Holobech Threekingham Trichingeham, Trichingham, 368a Trichingheham, Trinchigeham 367b Weston Westune 368a Swarby Suarrebi 367b Moulton Multune 368a

183 Barrowby Bergebi 368a Scott Willoughby, Silk Willoughby Wilgebi East Allington Adelinctune 368a 368b Drayton Draitone 368a Scredington Scredinctun, Scredintune 368b Long Sutton Sudtune 368a Thurlby near Bourne Torulfbi, Turolvebi Wilsford Wivelesforde 368a 368b Southorpe, Edenham Sudtorp 368a Greatford Greteford, Griteford, Griteforde Welbourn Wellebrune 368a 368b Stenwith Stanwald, Stanwalt 368a South Rauceby Rosbi 368b Spalding Spallinge 368a North Rauceby Altera Rosbi 368b Towthorpe, Londonthorpe Todetorp, Tudetorp, Haconby Haconebi, Haconesbi, Hacunesbi Twetorp 368a 368b Whaplode Copelade, Copolade 368a Metheringham Medricesham, Medrichesham 368b Houghton in Grantham Hochtune, Hoctune, North Rauceby, South Rauceby Altero Rosbi, Hogetune, Hogtone 368a Rosbi, Roscebi 368b Old Somerby Sumerdebi, Summerdebi 368a Dyke Dic 369a Sedgebrook Sechebroc 368a Haconby Haconebi, Haconesbi, Hacunesbi Keisby Chisebi 368a 369a Ingoldsby Goldesbi, Ingoldesbi 368a Graizelound Altero Lund 369a Pinchbeck Picebech, Pincebec 368a Epworth Epeurde 369a Skillington Schellintune, Schillintone, Gainsborough Gainesburg 369a Schillintune 368a Gunby near North Witham Gunnebi 369a Braceborough Braseborg, Breseburc, Breseburg Hanthorpe Hermodestorp 369a 368b Haxey Acheseia 369a Counthorpe in Castle Bytham Cudetorp Low Burnham Altero Brune 369a 368b Blyborough Bliburg 369a Carlby Carlebi 368b Beltoft Beltot 369a Little Bytham Bintham, Bitham 368b Althorpe Aletorp 369a Casthorpe in Barrowby Caschingetorp, Belton near Epworth Beltone 369a Chaschingetorp, Chaschintorp, Kaschingetorp High Burnham Brune 369a 368b Yawthorpe Iolestorp, Ioletorp 369a Creeton Cretone, Cretun, Cretune 368b Snitterby Esnetrebi, Snetrebi 369a Grantham Graham, Grandham, Granham, Waddingham Wadingeham, Wadingham, Grantham 368b Widingeham 369a Boultham in Lincoln Buletham 368b Stainton, Waddingham Staintone, Stantone Banthorpe in Braceborough Barnetone, Barne- 369a torp, Barnetorpi 368b Somerby, Corringham Sumerdebi, Summerdebi, Burton Burtone 368b Summertebi 369a Austerby in Bourne Brune 368b Stainfield, Haconby Steintone, Stentuith 369a Bitchfield Billefelt, Billesfelt 368b Surfleet Suerefelt 369a Westby Westbi 368b North Witham Nortwine, Wime 369a Scampton Scanton, Scantone, Scantune 368b Kirkby Green Cherchebi 369a Skinnand Schinende 368b Scopwick Scapeuic, Scapewic 369a

184 Owston Ferry Ostone 369a Ingoldsby Goldesbi, Ingoldesbi 370a Martin In Timberland Timberlunt 369a Threekingham Trichingeham, Trichingham, East Lound Lund 369a Trichingheham, Trinchigeham 370a Morton near Hanthorpe Mortun, Mortune Kettleby in Bigby Chetelbi 370a 369a Skellingthorpe Scheldinchope, Schellingop Redbourne Radburne, Reburne 369a 370a West Butterwick Butrewic 369b Whisby Wizebi 370a Evedon Evedune 369b Haddington Hadinctone, Hadinctune 370a Digby Dicbi 369b South Hykeham Hicham 370a Coteland, Ruskington Coteland 369b Howell Hwelle, Welle 370a Dunsby in Brauncewell Dunnesbi 369b Heckington Echintune, Hechintone, Hechintune Garthorpe Gerulftorp 369b 370a Leasingham Lessingham, Leuesingham 369b North Hykeham Northhicam, Northicam Brauncewell Branzewelle 369b 370a Anwick Amuinc, Haniwic 369b Bicker Bichere 370b Dorrington Derintone 369b South Carlton Carlentone, Carletune 370b Amcotts Amecotes 369b Canwick Canewic, Canuic 370b Belton near Epworth Beltone 369b Bratoft Breietoft, Bretoft 370b Luddington Hubaldestorp 369b Candlesby Calnodesbi 370b The Marshes, Luddington Maræ 369b North Carlton Nortcarletone 370b Westborough Westburg 369b Coningsby Cuningesbi 370b Waterton, Luddington Watretone 369b Dowsby Dusebi 370b Westwoodside Westude 369b Belton near Grantham Beltone 370b Crowle Ostone 369b Drayton Draitone 370b Stubton Stobetun, Stubetune 369b Barkston Barcheston 370b Roxholm, Ruskington Rochesham 369b Addelthorpe Herdertorp 370b North Rauceby, South Rauceby Altero Rosbi, Burton Burtone 370b Rosbi, Roscebi 369b West Ashby Aschebi 370b Rowston Rouestune 369b Towthorpe, Londonthorpe Todetorp, Tudetorp, Ruskington Reschintone, Rischintone 369b Twetorp 370b Burg Burg 370a Londonthorpe Lundertorp, Lundetorp 370b Elsham Eleham, Elesham 370a Swinderby Suindrebi, Sunderby 370b Claypole Claipol 370a Old Somerby Sumerdebi, Summerdebi 370b Dry Doddington Dodintone, Dodintune 370a Metheringham Medricesham, Medrichesham Evedon Evedune 370a 370b Ewerby Geresbi, Grenebi, Grenesbi, Ieresbi Ouseby, Billingborough Uluesbi, Wesbi 370b 370a Sutton on Sea Sudtone, Sudtune, Sutune 370b Austerby in Bourne Brune 370a Theddlethorpe All Saints, Theddlethorpe St West Ashby Aschebi 370a Helen hundred Tedlagestorp, Telagestorp 370b Alford Alforde 370a Friskney Frischenei 370b Newton Neutone 370a West Keal Cale, Westrecale 370b Austerbt Brune 370a Houghton in Grantham Hochtune, Hoctune, Wrawby Waragebi 370a Hogetune, Hogtone 370b

185 Grantham Graham, Grandham, Granham, Hainton Gaintone, Haintone, Haintun, Hain- Grantham 370b tune 375a Little Gonerby in Grantham Gunnewordebi Low Langton Langetone 375a 370b Keddington Cadinton, Cadintone, Caditon Grasby Grosbi, Grosebi 370b 375a Huttoft Hotoft, Hotot 370b Haugham Hecham 375a Cleatham Cletham 371a Hanby in Welton le Marsh Hunbi, Hunbia, Fillingham Felingeham, Figelingeham, Filinge- Hundebi 375a ham 371a Huttoft Hundred Hotot 375a Creeton Cretone, Cretun, Cretune 371a Langton by Wragby Langetona, Langetone Colsterworth Colsteuorde 371a 375a Corby Glen Corbi, Corby 371a Louth Hundred Lude 375a Cuxwold Cucualt 371a Mablethorpe Malbertorp, Maltetorp, Maltorp Hanby in Lenton Parva Lavintune 371a 375a Hibaldstow Hiboldeston, Hiboldestone, Hi- Gayton le Wold Gedtune, Gettune 375a boldestou, Hilboldestou 371a Claythorpe Clactorp 375a Burg Burg 371a Great Carlton Hundred Carleton 375a Aisthorpe Aestorp, Estorp 371a Baumber Badeburg 375a Ingham Ingeham 371a Greetham Gretham 375a Goxhill Golse 371a Burwell Hundred Buruelle 375a Winterton Wintritone 371a Little Carlton Hundred Carleton 375a Beelsby Belesbi, Bilesbi 371a Cumberworth Combreuorde 375a Yaddlethorpe Iadulfestorp, Iadulftorp 371a Yarburgh Gereburg 375a Skillington Schellintune, Schillintone, Swaby Hundred Suabi 375a Schillintune 371a Withcall Hundred Widcale 375a Westby Westbi 371a Ulceby near Well Ulesbi 375a Ulceby near Wootton Uluesbi 371a Tattershall Thorpe Torp 375a Swinstead Suinham, Suinhamstede 371a Tathwell Hundred Tadewelle 375a Thorpe Le Fallows Torp 371a Theddlethorpe All Saints, Theddlethorpe St Waddingham Wadingeham, Wadingham, Helen hundred Tedlagestorp 375a Widingeham 371a Willoughby Hundred Wilgebi 375a North Witham, South Witham Widme 371a Wragby Waragebi 375a Keisby Chisebi 371a Maidenwell Welle 375a North Owersby, South Owersby Aresbi, Sutton on Sea Sudtone, Sudtune, Sutune 375a Oresbi 371a South Somercotes Hundred Summercotes Osgodby, Lenton Osgotebi 371a 375a Lobthorpe Lopintorp 371a Skidbrooke Hundred Schitebroc 375a Kexby Cheftesbi, Chestesbi 371a Riding Westreding 375a Newton by Toft Neutone 371a Mumby Hundred Mundbi, Mundebi 375a Osgodby near West Rasen Osgotebi, Osgotesbi Rigsby Hundred Richesbi 375a 371a North Somercotes Hundred Summercotes North Reston, South Reston Risun 371b 375a Nettleton Neteltone 371b Stewton Stiveton, Stivetone 375a

186 Baumber Badeburg 375b Claxby near Walesby Clachesbi 376a Coningsby Cuningesbi 375b Winghale, South Kelsey Wingeham 376a Bullington Bolintone 375b Owmby-by-Spital Stratone 376a Brocklesby Brachelesbi, Brochelesbi 375b Scampton Scanton, Scantone, Scantune 376a Great Coates in Great Grimsby Cotes 375b Riseholme Risun 376a Edlington Ellingetone 375b Scothern Hundred Scotstorne 376a South Ferriby Ferebi 375b Tealby Hundred Tavelesbi 376a Barton-upon-Humber Bertone, Bertune 375b Lincoln Lincolia, Lincoliæ, Lincolie 376a Bardney Bardenai 375b South Owersby Hundred Oresbi 376a Apley Apelei, Apeleia 375b Osgodby near West Rasen Osgotebi, Osgotesbi Caistor Castre 375b 376a Ashby by Partney Aschebi 375b Nettleham Hundred Netelham 376a Barlings Berlinga, Berlinge 375b North Ormsby Ormesbi 376a South Willingham Ulingeham 375b North Owersby Hundred Oresbi 376a Searby Seurebi, Sourebi 375b Haxey Acheseia 376b Swine, Grainthorpe Suine 375b Edenham Edeham, Edeneham 376b Stallingborough Stalinburg, Stalingeburg Hardwick, Northamptonshire Harduic 376b 375b Deeping, Deeping St James and Market Deeping Stainfield near Lincoln Stainfelde, Steinfelde Estdeping, Estdepinge 376b 375b Castle Bytham Bitham, Wesbitham, Westbitham Swallow Sualun 375b 376b Ulceby near Wootton Uluesbi 375b Irnham Gerneham, Greneham 376b Keelby Chelebi, Chilebi 375b Kirton in Lindsey Chirchetone 376b Scremby Screnbi 375b Laughton near Blyton, Lincolnshire Lacestone, Mare, South Somercotes Mare 375b Lactone, Lastone 376b Great Limber Limberge, Linberge 375b Kirkby Green Cherchebi 376b Legsby Lagesbi 375b Lenton Lavintone 376b Great Limber, Little Limber Limberge, Lin- Casewick Casuic 376b berge, Linbergham 375b Belton near Epworth Beltone 376b Saltfleet Salfluet 375b Barholm Bercaham, Bercham, Bercheham 376b Cuxwold Cucualt 376a Amcotts Amecotes 376b Great Grimsby Hundred Grimesbi 376a Belmesthorpe Belmestorp 376b Fulstow Fugelestou, Fulgestou 376a Aslackby Aslachebi 376b Fotherby Fodrebi, Forebi 376a Barholm Hundred Bercham 376b Gate Burton Bortona, Bortone 376a Burton-le-Coggles Hundred Bertone, Bertun, Great Grimsby Grimesbi 376a Bertune 376b Lawress Wapentake Lagulris 376a Witham on the Hill hundred Witham 376b Croxby Crocsbi, Crosbi 376a Riding Westreding 376b Middle Carlton in North Carlton Carletone, Thealby Hundred Tedulbi 376b Carletune 376a Skillington Schellintune, Schillintone, Reepham Refan 376a Schillintune 376b Burton Burtone 376a Scotter Scotere, Scotre 376b Broctone Broctone 376a Scopwick Scapeuic, Scapewic 376b

187 Scotton Scotone, Scotune 376b Thurlby near Norton Disney Torolvebi, Tur- Tallington Talintone, Talintune 376b olfbi, Turolvesbi, Turulfbi 377a Winteringham Hundred Wintringeham 376b Stoke Rochford Half-Hundred Stoche, Stoches Little Bytham Hundred Bintham, Bitham 377a 376b Skellingthorpe Scheldinchope, Schellingop Raventhorpe, Broughton Rageneltorp, Regenal- 377a torp 376b Rippingale Repinghale 377a Northorpe near Kirton In Lindsey Hundred Stenwith Stanwald, Stanwalt 377a Torp 376b Thorpe on the Hill Torp 377a Normanby Normanebi 376b Whisby Wizebi 377a Navenby Navenbi, Navenebi 376b Heckington Echintune, Hechintone, Hechintune Muskham, North Nottinghamshire Muscham 377a 376b Little Ponton Pamptune 377a Ness Wapentake Nesse 376b Morton near Hanthorpe Mortun, Mortune South Rauceby Hundred, North Rauceby Hun- 377a dred Rosbi 376b Kirkby La Thorpe Cherchebi, Chirchebi 377a Potterhanworth Haneworde 376b South Hykeham Hicham 377a Dyke Dic 377a North Hykeham Northhicam, Northicam Haconby Haconebi, Haconesbi, Hacunesbi 377a 377a Ingoldsby Goldesbi, Ingoldesbi 377a Gonerby, Great Gonerby, or Little Gonerby in Kirkby Underwood Cherchebi 377a Grantham Goverdebi 377a Great Ponton Pamptune 377a Ewerby Geresbi, Grenebi, Grenesbi, Ieresbi Dowsby Dusebi 377b 377a Grantham Graham, Grandham, Granham, Eagle Achelei, Aclei, Acley, Akeley, Aycle 377a Grantham 377b Ewerby Thorpe Oustorp 377a Gedney Gadenai, Gadenay 377b Grantham Graham, Grandham, Granham, Drayton Hundred Draitone 377b Grantham 377a Gosberton Gosebertcherche, Gosebertechirche, Haddington Hadinctone, Hadinctune 377a Gozeberdecherca 377b Hanthorpe Hermodestorp 377a Holbeach Holebech, Holeben, Holobec, Holobech Dunsby near Bourne Dunesbi 377a 377b Casthorpe in Barrowby Caschingetorp, Honington Hundred Hundinton 377b Chaschingetorp, Chaschintorp, Kaschingetorp Billingborough Bellingeburg, Billingeburg, 377a Bolinburg 377b Canwick Canewic, Canuic 377a Belton near Grantham Beltone 377b Long Bennington Beninctun, Beningtone 377a Barkston Barcheston 377b Marston Mereston 377a Marston Mereston 377b Bourne Brune 377a Bicker Hundred Bichere 377b Carlton Scroop Carletun, Carletune 377a Westhorpe, Old Somerby Westorp, Westtorp Caythorpe Hundred Catorp 377a 377b Woolsthorpe Ulestanestorp, Ulestanetorp 377a Stenning, Swineshead Steveninge 377b Quarrington Corninctone, Corninctun, Corn- Walcot near Folkingham Hundred Walecote inctune, Cornintone 377a 377b

188 Towthorpe, Londonthorpe Todetorp, Tudetorp, Whitwell Witewelle 367r Twetorp 377b Exton Exentune 293v Tydd St Mary Tid, Tite 377b Whissendine Wichingedene 367r Welby Hundred Wellebi 377b Market Overton Overtone, Ovretone 367r Osbournby Esbernebi, Osbernebi, Osbernedebi Cottesmore Cotesmore 293v 377b Seaton Segentone, Segestone, Seieton, Seietone Old Somerby Sumerdebi, Summerdebi 377b 219r Rippingale Repinghale 377b Luffenham Lufenham 219r Pickworth Picheuorde, Picheurde, Picheworde Morcott Morcote 219r 377b Sculthorp Sculetorp 219a Quadring Quadheveringe, Quedhaveringe Tickencote Tichecote 228v 377b Thorpe By Water Torp 228v Ropsley Hundred Ropeslai 377b Seaton Segentone, Segestone, Seieton, Seietone 228v Luffenham Lufenham 219r 30 Rutland Thorpe By Water Torp 219r Hor Horne 220r Teigh Ite 293b Awsthorp in Burley Alestanestorp 293v Seaton Segentone, Segestone, Seieton, Seietone Burley Burgelai 293v 225a Barrowden Berchedone 225r Ridlington Redlinctune 293b 294a Tixover Tichesovre 219r Stretton Stratone, Stratune 293v Oakham Ocheham 230v Oakham Ocheham 293b Bisbrooke Bitlesbroch 228v Market Overton Overtune 293v Stoke Dry Stoche 221r Hambleton, Middle, Nether and Upper Hamble- Tolethorpe Toltorp 226r ton Hameldun, Hameldune 293v Ryhall Riehale 228r Thistleton Tistertune 293v Belmesthorpe Belmestorp 228r Whitwell Witewelle 294r Tinwell Tedinwelle 221v Oakham Ocheham 294a Snelston Smelistone 221r Essendine Esindone 221r Ketton Chetene 219r Stamford Stanford 294r Glaston Gladestone 228v Hambleton, Middle, Nether and Upper Hamble- Luffenham, South Lufenham 228v ton Hameldun, Hameldune 294a Bisbrooke Bitlesbroch 219r Whissendine Wichingedene 293b Glaston Gladestone 219r Lyddington Lidentone 221a Barrowden Berchedone 219r Stretton Stratone 366v Horn Horne 228v Upper Hambleton Hemeldune 349vv Ashwell Exewelle 349v Market Overton Overtone, Ovretone 366v 31 Yorkshire Burley Burgelai 355v Thistleton Tisteltune, Tistertune 358v Stockton on the Forest Stochetun, Stocthun Greetham Gretham 293b 298a Exton Exentune 367r Osbaldwick Osboldewic 298a Thistleton Tisteltune, Tistertune 367r Heworth Hewarde, Heworde 298a

189 York Eboracum 298a Lebberston Ledbestun, Ledbeztun 299a Gate Fulford Mortun, Mortune 298a Birkby Bretebi 299a Sandburn Sanbura, Sanbure 298a Brompton near Snainton Brunetona, Brunton, Skelton near York Sceltun, Scheltun 298b Bruntun, Bruntune 299a Mortona, Overton Mortun 298b Borrowby in Leake Bergebi 299a Cottingham Cotingeham, Cotingham 298b Blansby Blandebi 299a York Eboracum 298b Brompton near Northallerton Brinton, Brun- Wiggington Wichintun 298b tone, Bruntun, Bruntune 299a Clifton near York Cliftun, Cliftune 298b Burniston Brinitun, Brinnistun 299a Coxwold Cucualt 298b Burton Dale, Scarborough Bertune, Bortun Rawcliffe Roudclif, Roudeclif, Roudeclife 298b 299a Filey Fiuelac, Fiuelace 299a Barton-le-Street Bartone, Bartun, Bartune Harswell Ersewelle 299a 299a Gristhorpe Grisetorp 299a Aschilesmares Aschelesmersc, Aschilesmares Goodmanham Gudmundham 299a 299a West Harlsey in Osmotherley Herelsaie, Her- Ainderby Steeple Andrebi, Eindrebi 299a lesege, Herselaige 299a Allerston Alueston, Aluestune, Alurestain, Hemingbrough Hamiburg 299a Alurestan 299a Hotham Hode, Hodhum 299a West Ayton Alia Atune, Atune 299a Farmanby in Thornton Dale Farmanesbi Easingwold Eisicewalt, Eisincewald 299a 299a East Cowton Corketune, Cottune, Cotun, Co- Eterstorp Eterstorp 299a tune 299a Ebberston Edbriztun, Edbriztune 299a Over Dinsdale Digneshale, Dineshale, Dirne- Ellerburn Elrebrune, Elreburne 299a shala, Dirneshale 299a Falsgrave Walesgrif, Walesgrip, Wallesgrif Crosby Croxbi, Croxebi 299a 299a High Deepdale, Middle Deepdale and Low Easthorpe in Appleton-le-Street Estorp 299a Deepdale Depedale 299a Kirby Sigston Sigestun, Sighestun 299a Duggleby Difgelibi, Dighelibi 299a Lazenby near Northallerton Leisenchi, Leis- Chigogemers Chigogemers, Chigomersc, Ghi- inghi 299a gogesmersc 299a Knayton Cheneuetone, Cheniueton, Cheniue- Cowesby Cahosbi, Colebi, Colesbi 299a tune, Chennieton, Keneuetun 299a Cloughton Cloctone, Cloctune 299a Kirby Wiske Cherchebi, Chirchebi, Kirkebi Chiluesmares Chiluesmares, Chiluesmersc 299a 299a Landmoth Landemot 299a North Cliffe Clive 299a Leake Lece, Leche 299a Cold Kirby Carebi 299a Huby Hobi 299a Yafforth Eiford, Iaforbe, Iaforde, Laforde, Kingthorpe Chinetorp 299a Laiforde 299a Kelsit Chelesterd, Chelestuit 299a Snainton Snechintone, Snechintun, Snechintune Hutton Buscel Hoton, Hotune 299a 299a Irby Irebi 299a Sutton-on-the-Forest Sudtune, Suton, Sutune North Kilvington Chelvinctune, Chelvintun 299a 299a Sowerby near Thirsk Sorebi 299a

190 Sowerby, Kirby Sigston Sourebi 299a Sandhutton Hottune, Hotune 299a Staintondale Steintun 299a Ravensthorpe Ravenestorp, Ravenetorp 299a Thimbleby Timbelbi, Timbelli 299a West Rounton Runtune 299a Thirley Cote Tornelai, Torneslag 299a Rodebestorp Rodebestorp, Roudelvestorp 299a Little Smeaton, Birkby Smidetune, Smitune Romanby Romundebi, Romundrebi 299a 299a Roxby, Thornton Dale Rozebi 299a Shiptonthorpe Epton, Eptone 299a Nunburnholme Brunham 299a Scalby Scalebi, Scallebi 299a Preston, Hutton Buscel Presteton, Prestetune Seaton Ross Seton, Setton, Settone 299a 299a Great Smeaton Smeton, Smetton, Smidetun, North Otterington Otrinctun, Otrintune Smidetune 299a 299a Scagetorp Scagestorp, Scagetorp 299a Odulfesmare Odulfesmare, Oudulvesmersc Turodebi Turodebi 299a 299a Wilton near Thornton Dale Wiltune 299a Osgodby near Scarborough Asgozbi 299a Warter Warte, Wartre 299a Pickering Picheringa, Picheringe 299a Warlaby Warlavesbi, Werlegesbi 299a Eastburn in Kirkburn Augustburne, Austburne Westhuse Westhuse 299a 299b Wykeham near Ruston Wicam, Wicham 299a Emley Amelai, Ameleie 299b Thormanby Tormozbi, Turmozbi 299a Elestolf Elestolf, Estolf 299b Thorpe, Sutton-on-the-Forest Torp 299a Elmswell Elmeswelle, Helmeswelle 299b Thornton-le-Street Torentun 299a Fangfoss Frangefos 299b Thornton Dale Torentona, Torentun, Torentune Flixton Fleuston, Fleustone 299b 299a Earlsheaton Etone, Ettone 299b Thornton-le-Beans Gristorentun 299a Great Driffield Drifeld, Drifelt 299b Thorp, Thorpe Le Street Torp, Torpi 299a Lower Cumberworth Cumbreworde, Cum- Levisham Levecen, Lewecen 299a brewrde 299b Moxby Molscebi, Molzbi 299a Dewsbury Deusberia, Deusberie 299b Newton-on-Rawcliffe Neuton, Newetun, Newe- Little Driffield Drigelinghe 299b tune 299a Cruttonstall in Erringden Crumbetonestun Neuuetun Neuuetone, Neuuetun 299a 299b Murton, Sutton-on-the-Forest Mortun, Mortune Grindale Gerendele, Grendele 299b 299a Hayton Haiton, Haitone 299b Newsham near Northallerton Neuhuse 299a Haisthorpe Ascheltorp, Aschiltorp, Haschetorp Northallerton Alreton, Aluerton, Aluertone, 299b Aluretune 299a Harpham Arpen, Harpein 299b Northfield Nordfeld, Norfel 299a Hensall Edeshale 299b Middleton near Pickering Middeltun, Mideltun Foxholes Foxele, Foxhole, Foxohole 299b 299a Grimthorpe Grimtorp, Grintorp 299b Maunby Mannebi, Mannesbi 299a Great Givendale near Pocklington Gevedale, Market Weighton Wicstun 299a Ghivedale 299b Martin Garth Martun, Martune 299a Ganton Galmeton 299b Maxudesmares Maxudesmares, Maxudesmersc Gransmoor Grentesmor, Grentesmora, Grenz- 299a more 299b

191 Hilderthorpe Hilgertorp, Hilgretorp 299b Thornholme Thirnon, Tirnum 299b Barmby Moor Barnebi, Bernebi 299b Wadsworth, Heptonstall Wadeswrde 299b Bielby Belebi 299b Tibthorpe Tibetorp, Tipetorp 299b Bessingby Basingebi, Basinghebi 299b Thwing Tuenc, Twenc 299b Beswick Basewic 299b Upperthong Thoac, Tohac 299b Boynton Bouinton, Bouintone, Bouintorp Hiltone Hilton, Hiltone 299b 299b Kilham Chillon, Chillun 299b Boynton Hall Alia Bouintone 299b Kirkburn Burnous, Westburne 299b Austonley Alstaneslei, Alstanesleie 299b Kilnwick Chilewic, Chilewid, Chilewit 299b Aldborough Burc, Burg 299b Kilnwick Percy Chelingewic, Chilewic, Woolley Wiluelai 299b Chillewinc 299b Allerthorpe near Pocklington Alwarestorp Kirkburton Bertone 299b 299b Langtoft Langetou, Langhetou 299b Crigglestone Crigeston, Crigestone 299b Great Kendale Cheldal, Cheldale 299b Burton Agnes Bortona, Burton, Burtone 299b Horbury Horberie, Orberie 299b Clareton Clareton, Claretone 299b Holme near Holmfirth Holne 299b Burton Leonard Burton, Burtone 299b Kelleythorpe Calgestorp 299b Cartworth Cheterwrde, Cheteworde 299b Sandal Magna Sandala, Sandale 299b Cranswick Cranswic, Cranzuic 299b Nunburnholme Brunham 299b Boythorpe Buitorp 299b Pocklington Poclinton 299b Burnby Brunebi 299b Ossett Osleset 299b Bridlington Bredinton, Bretlinton 299b Ousethorpe 299b West Bretton Bretone 299b Torp Buckton Bocheton, Bochetone 299b Potter Brompton Bruneton, Brunetone 299b Yateholm Altera Holne, Holne 299b Marton, Sewerby Marton, Martone, Martun Southburn Sudburne 299b 299b Stanley Stanlei, Stanleie 299b Northcrosselande, Huddersfield Crosland Sowerby near Halifax Sorebi 299b 299b Speeton Specton, Spetton, Spretone 299b Midgley Micleie 299b Stansfield Stanesfelt 299b Meltonby Metelbi 299b Staxton Stacstone, Stactone, Staxtun 299b Normanton Normatone, Normatune, Norme- Skerne Schirne 299b tune 299b Shepley Scipelei, Seppeleie 299b Steintun Esteintona, Steintun 300a Shelley Scelneleie, Sciuelei 299b Thoraldby Toroldesbi, Turoldesbi 300a Shitlington, Thornhill Scellintone, Schelintone Susacres Sosacra, Sosacre, Sotesac 300a 299b Tanton Tametona, Tametun 300a Santone Sactun, Santone 299b Thornaby-on-Tees Tormozbi, Tormozbia, Tur- Wakefield Wachefeld, Wachefelt 299b mozbi 300a Willerby near Staxton Widlafeston, Widlave- Thornton Dale Torentona, Torentun, Torentune ston 299b 300a Waplington Waplinton 299b South Stainley Stanlai, Stanlei, Stanleie 300a Warley Werlafeslei 299b Scriven Scravinge, Scravinghe 300a Wilsthorpe Wiflestorp, Wivlestorp 299b Roxby near Loftus Roscebi, Rozebi 300a

192 Skutterskelfe Codeschelf, Codreschef, Codreschelf Low Dalby Dalbi 300a 300a Ellenthorpe in Aldborough Adelingestorp East Rounton Rantune, Rontun 300a 300a Tunstall, Nunthorpe Tonestale, Tonnestale Dunsley Dunesla, Dunesle 300a 300a Easby near Ingleby Greenhow Esebi 300a Upsall, Ormesby Upesale, Upeshale 300a Ellerburn Elrebrune, Elreburne 300a Ugthorpe Ugetorp, Ughetorp 300a Faceby Feizbi, Fezbi, Foitesbi 300a Walkingham Hill Walchingeham, Walchingham Cropton Croptun, Croptune 300a 300a Clifton in Norwood Cliftone 300a Thornton Fields Tornetun 300a Chetelestorp in Thornton Dale Chetelestorp Troutsdale Truzstal 300a 300a Timble Timble 300a Crathorne Cratorn, Cratorna, Cratorne, Gra- Thornton Riseborough, Normanby, Near Salton torne 300a Tornentun, Tornitun 300a Cayton near Scarborough Caimtona, Caitun, Tollesby Tolesbi, Tollesbi 300a Caitune 300a Whipley Wipelei, Wipeleie, Wipelie 300a Great Habton Abbetune, Abetune, Habetun Lazenby in Ormesby Laisinbia, Leisingebi, 300a Lesighebi, Lesingebi 300a Hilton near Stokesley Hiltona, Hiltun, Hiltune Loft Marishes Loctemares, Loctemersc 300a 300a Lockton Lochetun 300a Little Habton Abbetune, Abetune, Habetun Loftus Alia Loctehusum, Loctusum 300a 300a Martin Garth Martun, Martune 300a Killinghall Chenehalle, Chenihalle, Chilingale, Knaresborough Chenaresburg 300a Kilingala 300a Kilton Thorpe Torp 300a Felliscliffe Felgesclif 300a Farnham Farneham 300a Guisborough Chigesburg, Ghigesborg, Ghiges- Kirkleatham Weslide, Westlid, Westlidum, West- burg, Gighesborc, Giseborne 300a lidun, Westude 300a Fewston Fostun, Fostune 300a Pinchinthorpe Oustorp, Torp 300a Ferrensby Feresbi 300a Newsham, Amotherby Neuhuse, Newehusum, Goulton Goltona, Gotun, Goutun 300a Niehusum 300a Wrelton Wereltun 300a Normanby, Fylingdales Normanebi 300a Allerston Alueston, Aluestune, Alurestain, Newton under Roseberry Neweton, Newetun, Alurestan 300a Nietona 300a Little Ayton Atun 300a Nunthorpe Torp 300a Great Ayton Alia Atun, Atun 300a Marton, Middlesbrough Martona, Martun, Baschebi Baschebi, Baschesbi 300a Martune 300a Battersby Badresbi 300a Newham Neuham, Neweham, Niueham, Niwe- Aislaby near Pickering Aslachebi, Aslachesbi ham 300a 300a Moorsholm Morehusum, Moreshusun, Acklam in Middlesbrough Achelum, Aclum, Morhusum 300a Aclun 300a Milby Mildebi 300a Wykeham Near Ruston Wicam, Wicham Morton, Ormesby Mortona, Mortun 300a 300a Kilton Chilton, Chiltun 300a Aireyholme Ergun 300a

193 Cayton in South Stainley Cheitone, Chetune Claxton Claxtorp 300b 300a Dalby Dalbi 300b Great Broughton Alia Broctun, Broctun, Magna Brafferton Bradfortune, Bratfortone, Bratfortune Broctun 300a 300b Camisedale Camisedale 300a Broughton in Appleton-le-Street Broctun, Broc- Great Busby Buschebi 300a tune, Brostone 300b Cawthorne in Middleton near Pickering Cal- Carlton Miniott Carleton, Carletun 300b torn, Caltorna, Caltorne 300a Coulton Coletun, Coltun, Coltune 300b Beeston in Fewston Besthaim, Bestham 300a Crambe Crambom, Crambun, Cranbon, Cran- Brompton near Snainton Brunetona, Brunton, bone 300b Bruntun, Bruntune 300a Castlelevington in Kirklevington Alia Lentun, Boulby Bolebi, Bollebi 300a Alia Lentune, Alia Levetona 300b Berguluesbi Bergolbi, Berguluesbi 300a Caldenesche Caldenesche 300b Brearton Baretone, Braretone 300a Brodeby in Osmotherley Bordalebi, Bordelbia, Harton Heretun, Heretune 300b Bordlebi 300b Flaxton Flastun, Flaxtun, Flaxtune 300b Yarm Gerou, Iarun, Larun 300b Griff Grif 300b Thirsk Tresc, Tresch, Tresche 300b West Harlsey in Osmotherley Herelsaie, Her- Little Smeaton, Birkby Smidetune, Smitune lesege, Herselaige 300b 300b Harome Harem, Harum, Harun 300b Sproxton Sprostune 300b East Harlsey Alia Herlesege, Herlesia 300b Sutton-on-the-Forest Sudtune, Suton, Sutune Ganthorpe Galmetona, Gameltorp 300b 300b Ellerbeck Alrebec, Elrebec 300b Swinton, Appleton-Le-Street Suintun, Suintune Diche Dic, Diche 300b 300b Helmsley Almeslai, Elmeslac 300b Stiltons Tilstun, Tilstune 300b Holtby near York Boltebi, Holtebi 300b Sowerby near Thirsk Sorebi 300b Low Hutton Hotun 300b Over Silton Silftune, Silvetune 300b Kirklevington Lentune, Levetona 300b Sheriff Hutton Hotone, Hotun, Hotune 300b East Lilling Lilinga, Lilinge 300b Thorpe near Ampleforth Torp 300b Ingleby Arncliffe Englebi, Englebia 300b Welbury Wellberga, Welleberg, Welleberge Hutton Bonville Hotune 300b 300b Hildenley Hildingeslei, Ildingeslei 300b High Worsall Wercesel 300b West Lilling Lilinga, Lilinge 300b Wykeham Hill Alia Wich, Alia Wiche, Wichum Little Barugh Alia Berg, Berch, Berg 300b 300b Huntington Huntindune 300b Wykeham, Malton Wich, Wicum 300b Appleton Wiske Apeltona, Apletun, Apletune Low Worsall Alius Wercesel, Wercheshala 300b 300b Arncliffe in Ingleby Arncliffe Erneclive, Wiganthorpe Wichgastorp, Wichingastorp Gerneclif, Lerneclif 300b 300b Great Barugh Berch, Berg 300b Welburn, Kirkdale Wellebrune 300b Appleton-le-Street Apeltun, Apletun 300b Old Malton Maltun, Maltune 300b Amotherby Aimundrebi, Andebi, Ed- Nunnington Noningtune, Nonninctune, Non- mundrebia, Eindebi 300b nintune, Nunnigetune 300b

194 Myton-on-Swale Mitune 300b Lowthorpe Langetorp, Logetorp, Loghetorp East Newton, Stonegrave Neuton, Neutone, 301a Newentune, Neweton 300b Kepwick Capuic, Chipuic 301a Normanby near Salton Normanebi 300b Kirby Underdale Cherchebi, Chirchebi 301a High Northolme Holm, Holme, Hom 300b Kilham Chillon, Chillun 301a West Newton, Oswaldkirk Neutune, Newetune East Keswick Chesinc, Chesing 301a 300b Kirby Grindalythe Chirchebi 301a Newsham, Kirby Wiske Neuhuse, Neuhusum Menethorpe Mennistorp 301a 300b Auburn Eleburne 301a Morton, East Harlsey Mortona, Mortune Bielby Belebi 301a 300b Bardsey Berdesei, Bereleseie 301a Scackleton Eschalchedene, Scachelden, Belby Ballebi, Bellebi 301a Scacheldene 300b Boynton Bouinton, Bouintone, Bouintorp Osmotherley Asmundrelac 300b 301a Oulston Ulueston, Uluestone, Uluestun 300b Bridlington Bredinton, Bretlinton 301a Riccal Ricalf 300b Ashton in Preston, Lancashire Estun 301a Sand Hutton Hottune, Hotun, Hotune 300b Anlaby Umlouebi, Unlouebi 301a Easton 301a Romanby Romundebi, Romundrebi 300b Eston Alwoodley Alwoldelei 301a Raskelf Raschel 300b Argam Ergone 301a South Otterington Ostrinctune, Otrintona, Flixton Fleuston, Fleustone 301a Otrintune 300b Cowlam Coletun, Colnun 301a Hawnby Halmbi, Halmebi 301a Darton Dertone, Dertun, Dertune 301a Horsforth Horseford, Horseforde, Hoseforde Crosby Croxbi, Croxebi 301a 301a Dale Town Dal 301a Haywold Holde 301a Eddlethorpe Eduardestorp, Gedwalestorp, Gud- Holme near Holmfirth Holne 301a walestorp 301a Huggate Hughete 301a Burdale Bredale, Breddale, Bredhalle 301a Little Kelk Alia Chelch, Chelche 301a Cleaving Clevinde, Clevinge 301a North Grimston Grimeston, Grimestone, Burythorpe Bergetorp, Berguetorp 301a Grimetona, Grimston, Grimstone 301a Burton Fleming Burton, Burtone 301a Fridaythorpe Fridagstorp, Fridagtorp, Low Caythorpe Caretorp 301a Fridarstorp, Fridastorp 301a Yeadon Iadun, Ladun 301a Fordon Fordun 301a Stub House Stubushun, Stubusun 301a Fornetorp Fornetorp 301a Thorpe Bassett Torp 301a Goldthorpe Godetorp, Goldetorp, Guldetorp Old Sunderlandwick Sundrelanwic, Sundreslan- 301a wic 301a Folkton Fulcheton 301a Sutton near Malton Sudton, Sudtone, Suton Langtoft Langetou, Langhetou 301a 301a Lofthouse in Harewood Locthusun, Lofthuse Thwing Tuenc, Twenc 301a 301a Tibthorpe Tibetorp, Tipetorp 301a Ledemare Ledemare 301a Stillingfleet Steflinflet, Steflingefled 301a Old Lindley Linlei, Linleie 301a Sprotbrough Sproteburg 301a

195 Skelton near York Sceltun, Scheltun 301a Newton, Dalton-In-Furness, Lancashire Neu- Sowerby, Kirby Sigston Sourebi 301a tun 301b Staxton Stacstone, Stactone, Staxtun 301a Mythop, Lancashire Midehope 301b Shadwell Scadewelle 301a Newsham, Lancashire Neuhuse 301b Wharram Percy Warran, Warron 301a Newsholme, Keighley Neuhuse 301b Wothersome Wodehuse, Wodehusum 301a Neuhuse Neuhuse 301b Wike Wic, Wich 301a Minskip Minescip 301b Wold Newton Neuton, Neutone 301a Middleton, Westmoreland Middeltun 301b Yapham Iapun, Lapun 301a Newton, Kirkham, Lancashire Neutune 301b Torp Torp 301a Newton, Lancaster, Lancashire Neuton 301b Waldershelf, Bolsterstone Sceuelt 301a Orgrave, Lancashire Ouregrave 301b Uncleby Unchelfsbi, Unchelsbi, Unglesbi 301a Oakworth Acurde 301b Towthorpe, Wharram Percy Touetorp, Toue- Newton, Whittington, Lancashire Neutune torpe 301a 301b Wakefield Wachefeld, Wachefelt 301a Otterburn Otreburne 301b Lytham, Lancashire 301b East Morton Mortun, Mortune 301a Lidun Leathley Ledelai 301b Newhall, Harewood Niwehale, Niwehalle Leece, Lancashire 301b 301a Alia Lies, Lies Lupton, Westmoreland Lupetun 301b Octon Ocheton 301a Leck, Over Leck, Lancashire Lech 301b Normanton Normatone, Normatune, Norme- Lea Town, Lancashire Lea 301b tune 301a Middleton, Lancashire Middeltun 301b Norton near Malton Norton, Nortone 301a Malham Malgon, Malgun 301b Onesacre Anesacre 301a Marton, Dalton-In-Furness, Lancashire Mere- Painsthorpe Thorf, Torfe 301a tun 301b Nafferton Nadfartone 301a Melling near Carnforth, Lancashire Mellinge Muston Muston, Mustone 301a 301b West Morton Mortun, Mortune 301a Great Marton, Little Marton, Poulton-le-Flyde, Mortune Mortune 301a Lancashire Meretun 301b Naburn Naborne 301a Mansergh, Westmoreland Manzserge 301b Scampston Scameston, Scamestona 301a Little Layton, Layton, Lancashire Latun Rawdon Rodum, Roudun 301a 301b Rillington Redlinton, Redlintone, Renliton Ribston, Little Ribston, Great Ribston Ripes- 301a tain, Ripestam, Ripestan, Ripesten 301b Reighton Ricton, Rictone 301a Rawcliffe, Lancashire Alia Rodeclif 301b Riddlesden Redelesden, Redelesdene 301a Ribby, Lancashire Rigbi 301b Ruston Parva Roreston 301a Ribchester, Lancashire Ribelcastre 301b Penistone Pangeston, Pengeston, Pengestone Upper Rawcliffe, Lancashire Rodeclif 301b 301a Preston Patrick, Westmoreland Prestun 301b Rawcliffe Roudclif, Roudeclif, Roudeclife 301a Preston, Lancashire Prestune 301b Raisthorpe Redrestorp 301a Roose, Lancashire Rosse 301b Priest Hutton, Lancashire Hotune 301a Rossett Green Rosert, Roserte 301b Rastrick Rastric 301a Scosthrop Scotorp 301b

196 Salwick, Lancashire Salewic 301b Gargrave Geregrave, Gheregrave 301b Rossall, Lancashire Rushale 301b Gerleuuorde Gerleuuorde 301b Great Ouseburn Usebruna, Useburne 301b Goosnargh, Lancashire Gusansarghe 301b Pennington, Lancashire Pennigetun 301b Gleaston, Lancashire Glassertun 301b Out Rawcliffe, Lancashire Tercia Rodeclif Garstang, Lancashire Cherestanc 301b 301b Laycock Lacoc 301b Oxcliffe, Lancashire Oxeneclif 301b Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmoreland Cherchebi Overton, Lancashire Ovretun 301b 301b Little Ouseburn Alia Useburne, Useburne Nether Kellet and Over Kellet, Lancashire 301b Chellet 301b Preese, Lancashire Pres 301b Killerwick in Dalton-In-Furness, Lancashire Great Plumpton, Little Plumpton, Lancashire Chiluestreuic 301b Pluntun 301b Kirby Hill Chirchebi 301b Poulton, Poulton-le-fylde and Little Poulton, Kildwick Childewic 301b Lancashire Poltun 301b Keighley Chichelai 301b Preesall, Lancashire Pressouede 301b Ireby, Lancashire Irebi 301b Poulton, Morecambe, Lancashire Poltune Kirkham, Lancashire Chicheham 301b 301b Knaresborough Chenaresburg 301b Poppleton, Fountains Earth Popletone 301b Laverton Lavreton, Lavretona, Lavretone Sedbergh Sedbergt 301b 301b Hambleton, Lancashire Hameltune 301b Lancaster, Lancashire Loncastre 301b Grimsargh Lancashire Grimesarge 301b Kirksanton, Cumberland Santacherche 301b Halton East Altone, Haltone 301b Hietun Hietun 301b Halton, Lancashire Haltun, Haltune 301b Hornby, Lancashire Hornebi 301b Haighton, Lancashire Halctun 301b Holme in Stirton Holme 301b Gressingham, Lancashire Ghersinctune 301b Hopperton Homptone, Homtone, Hopretone Greenhalgh, Lancashire Greneholf 301b 301b Hanlith Hanelif, Hangelif 301b Holme Westmoreland Holme 301b Heaton, Lancashire Hietune 301b Hillam, Lancashire Hillun 301b Hellifield HæLgefeld, Helgefeld, Helgefelt, Helge- Inskip, Lancashire Inscip 301b flet 301b Hougenai Hougenai 301b Heldetune Heldetune 301b Hutton Roof, Westmoreland Hotun 301b Hart in Aldingham, Lancashire Hert 301b Ingleton Inglestune 301b Higher Heysham and Lower Heysham, Lan- Hutton in Lancaster, Lancashire Hotun 301b cashire Hessam 301b Hougun Hougun 301b Freckleton, Lancashire Frecheltun 301b Embsay Embesie 301b Farnhill Fernehil 301b Borch Borch 301b Fordbottle in Dalton-In-Furness, Lancashire Bispham, Lancashire Biscopham 301b Fordebodele 301b Bolton-le-Sands, Lancashire Bodeltone 301b FortonLancashire Fortune 301b Bootle, Cumberland Bodele 301b Fishwick, Lancashire Fiscuic 301b Bolton Abbey Bodeltone 301b Farleton, Lancashire Fareltun 301b Bishopthorpe Badetorp, Badetorpes 301b Grassington Chersintone, Ghersintone 301b Birstwith Beristade 301b

197 High Bradley and Low Bradley Bradelei 301b Draughton Dractone 301b Branton Green Brantona, Brantun, Brantune Burton in Lonsdale Borctune 301b 301b Casterton, Westmoreland Castretune 301b Burn, Lancashire Brune 301b Cantsfield, Lancashire Cantesfelt 301b Broughton, Preston, Lancashire Broctun Carnforth, Lancashire Chreneforde 301b 301b Carleton and Little Carleton, Lancashire Car- Brampton in Kirby Hill Branstone, Brantone lentun 301b 301b Burton-in-Kendal, Westmoreland Bortun Nether Burrow or Over Burrow, Lancashire 301b Borch 301b Claughton, Garstang, Lancashire Clactune Barbon, Westmoreland Berebrune 301b 301b Arkendale Archedene, Arghendene 301b Castley Castelai 301b Aschebi Aschebi 301b Catterall, Lancashire Catrehala 301b Austwick Oustewic 301b Chipping, Lancashire Chipinden 301b Arkholme, Lancashire Ergune 301b Chercaloncastre Chercaloncastre 301b Anley Anele, Anlei, Anleie 301b Caton, Lancashire Catun 301b High Bentham, Low Bentham 301b Benetain Sicklinghall Sidingal, Sidingale 301b Bardsea, Lancashire Berretseige 301b Tatham, Lancashire Tathaim 301b Barnoldswick in Burton in Lonsdale Stapleton Terne, Bolton-Le-Sands, Lancashire Bernulfeswic 301b Stopeltierne 301b Beamsley Bedmeslei, Bedmesleia, Bemeslai, Sutton-In-Craven Sutun 301b Bomeslai 301b Swainshead, Lower Swainshead, Lancashire Barton in Preston, Lancashire Bartun 301b Suenesat 301b Bare, Lancashire Bare 301b Suntun Suntun 301b Allerton Mauleverer Aluertone, Alureton, Stalmine, Lancashire Stalmine 301b Aluretona, Aluretone 301b Stainton, Lancashire 301b Dalton-in-Furness, Lancashire Daltune 301b Steintun Coniston Cold Coneghestone, Coningeston, Thirnby, Whittington, Lancashire Tiernebi Cuningestone 301b 301b Great Crimbles and Little Crimbles, Lancashire Thornton, Lonsdale Tornetun 301b Crimeles 301b Threlfall, Kirkham, Lancashire Trelefelt 301b Crivelton in Dalton-in-Furness, Lancashire Thornton, Little Thornton, Poulton-le-fylde, Clivertun 301b Lancashire Torentun 301b Cononley Cutnelai 301b Thorlby Toredderebi, Torederebi 301b Clifton, Lancashire Cliftun 301b Threshfield Freschefelt 301b Claughton near Lancaster, Lancashire Clactun Low Snaygill Snachehale 301b 301b Skerton, Lancashire Schertune 301b Dilworth, Lancashire Bilewrde 301b Skipton Scipton, Sciptone 301b Eastburn in Kildwick Esebrune, Estbrune Slyne, Lancashire Sline 301b 301b High Skibeden, Low Skibeden Schibeden, Sci- Elswick Lancashire Edeleswic 301b peden 301b Great Eccleston or Little Eccleston, Lancashire Singleton, Little Singleton, Lancashire Single- Alia Eglestun, Eglestun 301b tun 301b

198 Stainton, Bank Newton Stainton, Staintone Helmsley Almeslai, Elmeslac 302a 301b Dendron, Lancashire Dene 302a Sowerby, Dalton-In-Furness, Lancashire Dalton, Westmoreland Daltun 302a Sourebi 301b Halsham Halsam, Halsem, Halsham 302a St Michael’s on Wyre, Lancashire Helsington, Westmoreland Helsingetune 302a Michelescherche 301b Old Hutton, Westmoreland Hotun 302a Staining, Lancashire Staininghe 301b Burton-in-Kendal, Westmoreland Bortun Stainburn Stainburne, Stanburne 301b 302a Sowerby, St Michael on Wyre, Lancashire Bothelford in Kendal, Westmoreland Sorbi 301b Bodelforde 302a Aldfield Aldefeld, Aldefelt 301b Aldingham, Lancashire Aldingham 302a Woodplumpton, Lancashire Pluntun 301b Bolton, Lancashire Bodeltun 302a Whicham, Cumberland Witingham 301b Burnby Brunebi 302a Whittington, Lancashire Witetune 301b Winestead Wifestad, Wifestede, Wistede, Wives- Wilsden Wilsedene 301b tad 302a Whittingham, Lancashire Witingheham 301b Strickland Ketel, Strickland Roger, Kendal, Wheatley, Lancashire. Watelei 301b Westmoreland Stercaland 302a Westby, Lancashire Westbi 301b Thurlesthorp, Patrington Toruelestorp 302a Addingham Edidham, Ediham, Odingehem, Swine Suine, Swine 302a Odingehen 301b Thorpe, Welwick Torp 302a Aighton in Mitton, Lancashire Actun 301b Ulverston, Lancashire Ulvrestun 302a Aldcliffe, Lancashire Aldeclif 301b Kendal, Westmoreland Cherchebi 302a Aldborough Burc, Burg 301b Stainton, Westmoreland Steintun 302a Addlethorpe Adulfestorp, Ardulfestorp, Ardul- Patrington Patrictone 302a vestorp 301b Kirkby near Ulverston, Lancashire Cherchebi Lower Thurnham, Upper Thurnham, Lan- 302a cashire Tiernun 301b Mint, Westmoreland Mimet 302a Walton, Dalton-In-Furness, Lancashire Wal- Patton, Westmoreland Patun 302a letun 301b Dunnington near York Domniton 302b Treales, Lancashire Treueles 301b Fridaythorpe Fridagstorp, Fridagtorp, Utley Utelai 301b Fridarstorp, Fridastorp 302b Tunstall, Lancashire Tunestalle 301b Elloughton Elgendon 302b Torrisholme, Lancashire Toredholme 301b Everingham Evringham 302b Wennington, Lancashire Wennigetun, Wininc- Goodmanham Gudmundham 302b tune 301b Gowthorpe Geutorp, Gheuetorp 302b Warte Warte 301b North Cave Alia Cave, Cava, Cave 302b Warton near Carnforth, Lancashire Wartun Bishop Wilton Widton, Wilton, Wiltone 302b 301b Aike Ach 302b Weeton near Harewood Widetone, Widetun, Barmby Moor Barnebi, Bernebi 302b Widetune, Widitun 301b Bolton in Bishop Wilton Bodelton 302b Weeton, Lancashire Widetun 301b Youlthorpe Aiulftorp, Aiultorp, Auiltorp Warton, Kirkham, Lancashire Wartun 301b 302b Coulton Coletun, Coltun, Coltune 302a Sherburn, Elmet Scireburne 302b

199 Wauldby Walbi 302b Ulchiltorp Ulchiltorp 303a Towthorpe, Londesborough Toletorp 302b Tholthorpe Turolvestorp, Turulfestorp 303a Walkington Walcheton, Walchinton, Walchin- Sutton near Malton Sudton, Sudtone, Suton tone 302b 303a Wetwang Wetwangham 302b Stonegrave Stainegrif, Stanegrif, Steinegrif Greenwick Grenewic 302b 303a Riccall Richale 302b Weaverthorpe Wifretorp 303a North Newbald Niwebold, Niwebolt 302b Wombleton Wilbetun, Winbeltun 303a Grindale Gerendele, Grendele 302b Wykeham Hill Alia Wich, Alia Wiche, Wichum Londesborough Lodenesburg 302b 303a South Newbald Niwebold, Niwebolt 302b Wide Open Wibedstune, Wipestune 303a North Grimston Grimeston, Grimestone, Old Malton Maltun, Maltune 303a Grimetona, Grimston, Grimstone 303a Nawton Nageltone, Naghelton, Nagletune Cowlam Coletun, Colnun 303a 303a Gate Helmsley Alia Hamelsech, Hamelsec Low Mowthorpe, Kirby Grindalythe Meletorp, 303a Muletorp, Muletorpe 303a Flaxton Flastun, Flaxtun, Flaxtune 303a Myton-on-Swale Mitune 303a Low Caythorpe 303a Caretorp Murton, Sutton-on-the-Forest Mortun, Mortune Carlton in Stockton on the Forest Careltone, 303a Careltun 303a Marton, Sewerby Marton, Martone, Martun Haxby 303a Haxebi 303a Helperthorpe Elpetorp 303a Stillington Stivelinctun 303a East Lutton Ludton 303a East Newton, Stonegrave Neuton, Neutone, Langtoft Langetou, Langhetou 303a Newentune, Neweton 303a Helperby Helprebi, Hilprebi, Ilprebi 303a Salton Saletun 303a West Lutton Ludton 303a Sherburn Schirebur, Schiresburne, Sciresburne Baxby in Husthwaite Bachesbi, Baschebi, 303a Baschesbi 303a Pockley Pochelac, Pochelaf 303a Ampleforth Ambreforde, Ampreforde 303a Ripon Ripum, Ripun 303b Little Barugh Alia Berg, Berch, Berg 303a Great Barugh Berch, Berg 303a Osbaldwick Osboldewic 303b Alne Alne 303a Pool Pouele 303b Carlton Husthwaite Carleton, Carletun 303a Upper Poppleton Alia Popletone, Popletune, High Belthorpe Balchetorp 303a Popletone 303b Brawby Bragebi 303a Otley Otelai, Othelai 303b Bugthorpe Buchetorp, Bugetorp, Bughetorp Nunwick Nonnewic 303b 303a Nidd Nit, Nith 303b Birdsall Brideshala, Briteshala, Briteshale, Brit- Sawley Sallai, Sallaia 303b shale 303a Sleningford Scleneforde, Sclenneford 303b Youlton Loletun, Loletune 303a South Stainley Stanlai, Stanlei, Stanleie 303b Warthill Wardhilla, Wardhille, Wardille 303a Strensall Strenshale 303b Thirkleby, Kirby Grindalythe Alia Turgislebi, North Stainley Nordstanlai, Nordstanlaia, Turgilebi, Turgislebi 303a Staneleia, Stanlei 303b

200 Skelton near Boroughbridge Scheldone, Schel- Bishop Monkton Monucheton, Monuchetone tone 303b 303b Stubham, Ilkley Stube 303b Warmfield Warnesfeld 303b Hutton Hotone, Hottone 303b Acomb Achum, Acum, Acun 303b Hashundebi Hashundebi 303b Baildon Beldone, Beldun, Beldune 303b How in Markington Erleshold, Erlesholt 303b Bikerton, Newall With Clifton Bichertun, Howgrave Hogram, Hograve, Hogrem 303b Bicherun 303b Helperby Helprebi, Hilprebi, Ilprebi 303b Aldfield Aldefeld, Aldefelt 303b Guiseley Gisele 303b Wilsill Wifleshale, Wiveshale 303b Middleton, Ilkley Middeltune, Mideltun 303b Gembling Chemelinge, Ghemelinge 304a Ilkley Ilecliue, Illecliue, Illiclei, Illicleia 303b Flinton Flentun, Flintone 304a Knayser In Skelding Chenaresford, Kenares- West Flotmanby Flotemanebi 304a forde, Neresford, Neresforde 303b Garton-on-the-Wolds Garton, Gartune 304a Markington Merchinton, Merchintone 303b East Flotmanby Flotemanebi 304a Menston Mersintone 303b Etton Eton, Etton, Ettone 304a Littlethorpe Torp 303b Eske Asch 304a Grimston in Garton Killinghall Chenehalle, Chenihalle, Chilingale, Grimeston, Grimestone, 304a Kilingala 303b Grimestun Great Kelk Chelc, Chelche 304a Grantley Grentelai, Grentelaia 303b Kipling Climbicote, Clinbicote 304a Earswick Edreswic, Edrezuic 303b Kelleythorpe Calgestorp 304a Burley in Wharfedale Burgelei, Burghelai Haisthorpe Ascheltorp, Aschiltorp, Haschetorp 303b 304a Copt Hewick Hadewic 303b Leconfield Lachinfeld, Lachinfelt 304a Corburn in Wigginton Coteborne, Coteburun Burton Constable Santriburtone 304a 303b Beverley Bevreli 304a Clifton near Newall Cliftun 303b Bishop Burton Burton, Burtone 304a Bridge Hewick Hawic, Hawinc 303b Brandesburton Bortun, Brantisburnine, Brantis- Bishop Thornton 303b Torentone, Torentune burtune, Branzbortune, Burtun 304a Eavestone Evestone 303b Bilton near Hull Bileton, Biletone, Billetone Estanlai Estanlai, Stanlai 303b 304a Farnley, Otley Fernelai, Fernelie 303b Bentley near Beverley Benedlage 304a Great Givendale near Ripon Gherindale 303b Drypool Dridpol, Dripold, Dritpol 304a Estuinc Estuinc, Estuuic 303b Catwick Catingewic, Catinwic, Cotingewic Ectone Ectone, Estone 303b 304a Studley Roger Alia Estollaia, Stollai 303b Great Cowden Coledun 304a Ulleskelf Oleschel, Oleslec 303b Danthorpe Danetorp, Dantorp 304a Sutton Grange Sudton, Sudtunen 303b South Dalton Delton 304a Nether Timble Timbe 303b Cherry Burton Burton, Burtone 304a Towthorpe, Huntington Touetorp 303b Withernwick Widfornewic, Widfornewinc, Thorpe, Hawksworth Alia Hauochesord, Alia Withfornewinc 304a Henocheswrde 303b Sutton-on-Hull Sudtone, Sutone 304a Suthewic Suthauuic, Sutheuuic, Suthewic 303b Sigglesthorne Siglestone, Siglestorne 304a

201 Southcoates Sotecote, Sotecotes 304a Brantinghamthorpe Alia Bretingham, Brenting- Stork Hill Estorch 304a ham 304b Skidby Schitebi 304a Belby Ballebi, Bellebi 304b Ruston Parva Roreston 304a South Cliffe Clive 304b Routh Rute, Rutha 304a Welton Welleton 304b Tickton Tichetone 304a Skelton in Howden Scilton 304b Weel Uela, Wela 304a Thorpe Lidget Torp 304b Welwick Welwic 304a Sutton Howgrave Suctone 304b Weeton, Welwick Wideton 304a Sessay Sezai 304b Wawne Wagene, Waghene 304a Torp Torp 304b Leven Levene 304a Winton Winetun 304b Monkwith Monewic, Monnewic 304a Sessay Sezai 304b Sutton Howgrave Sudton, Sudtone, Sutone Lowthorpe Langetorp, Logetorp, Loghetorp 304b 304a Thorpe Lidget Torp 304b Molescroft Molecroft, Molescroft 304a Skelton In Howden Schilton, Scilton 304b Middleton-on-the-Wolds Middeltun, Middel- Yorkefleet near Blacktoft Iucufled 304b tune, Midelton 304a Scorborough Scogerbud 304b Lockington Lecheton, Locheton 304a Newton, Cherry Burton Neuton, Neutone Rise Rison, Risun 304a 304b West Newton, Aldbrough Neutone 304a Hutton Conyers Hotone, Hottone 304b Raventhorpe, Cherry Burton Rageneltorp, Knayton Cheneuetone, Cheniueton, Cheniue- Ragheneltorp 304a tune, Chennieton, Keneuetun 304b Risby Rasbi, Risbi 304a Lund near Beverley Lont 304b Reighton Ricton, Rictone 304a Knedlington Cledinton 304b Ottringham Otrege, Otrengham, Otringeham Kilpin Chelpin 304b 304a High Hunsley and Low Hunsley Hundeslege, Barmby on the Marsh Barnebi 304b Hundreslege 304b Winton Winetun, Winetune 304b Howgrave Hogram, Hograve, Hogrem 304b Asselby Aschilebi 304b Norton Conyers Norton, Nortone 304b Barlby Bardulbi 304b Persene Persene 304b Babthorpe Babetorp 304b Riccall Richale 304b Yokefleet near Blacktoft Iucufled, Iugufled Saltmarshe Saltemersc 304b 304b Portington Portinton, Portiton 304b Welton Weleton, Welleton, Welletone 304b Owsthorpe Dwestorp 304b Walkington Walcheton, Walchinton, Walchin- Cotness Cotes 304b tone 304b Gardham Gerdene 304b Barnhill Berneheld, Bernehelt 304b Deighton near Welbury Dictune 304b Brantingham Bredingham, Brendingham, Ellerker Alrecher 304b Brentingeham, Brentingham, Bretingham 304b Foxton Fostune, Foustune 304b Brompton near Northallerton Brinton, Brun- Eastrington Estrincton, Estrinton 304b tone, Bruntun, Bruntune 304b Crayke Creic 304b Cavil Chevede 304b Howden Houed, Houeden, Houedene 304b

202 Girsby Grisebi 304b Stainsby Steinesbi 305a Holme in Pickhill Hulme 304b Sneaton Sneton, Snetune 305a Horebodebi Horebodebi, Horenbodebi 304b Seaton, Hinderwell Scetun, Scetune 305a Hotham Hode, Hodhum 304b Roxby near Loftus Roscebi, Rozebi 305a Holme on the Wolds Hougon 304b High Stakesby Staxebi 305a Hive Hidon 304b Thornaby-on-Tees Tormozbi, Tormozbia, Tur- Goldsborough in Lythe Golborg, Goldeburg mozbi 305a 305a Ugglebarnby Ugleberdesbi 305a Fyling Figclinge, Figelinge, Figlinge 305a Upleatham Upelider 305a Garton-on-the-Wolds Garton, Gartune 305a Thornton near Hemlington Torentun 305a Gnipe Howe Ghinipe 305a Steintun Esteintona, Steintun 305a Fylingthorpe Nortfigelinge 305a Lackenby Lachebi, Lachenebi 305a Flowergate in Whitby Flore, Florun 305a Marske-by-the-Sea Mersc, Mersch, Mersche Flamborough Flaneburc, Flaneburg 305a 305a Grimesbi Grimesbi 305a Liverton Livretun 305a Hemlington Himeligetun, Himelintun 305a Lythe Lid 305a Hutton Mulgrave Hotone, Hotune 305a Maltby near Middlesbrough Maltebi 305a Ingleby Englebi 305a South Loftus Loctehusum, Loctushum 305a Hinderwell Hildrewelle, Ildrewlle 305a Lazenby in Ormesby Laisinbia, Leisingebi, Guisborough Chigesburg, Ghigesborg, Ghiges- Lesighebi, Lesingebi 305a burg, Gighesborc, Giseborne 305a Roscheltorp Roscheltorp 305a Kirkleatham Weslide, Westlid, Westlidum, West- Mickleby Michelbi 305a lidun, Westude 305a Newholm Neueham, Neuham 305a Borrowby in Ugthorpe Bergebi, Bergesbi 305a Prestebi in Whitby Prestebi 305a Acklam in Middlesbrough Achelum, Aclum, Rawcliff Banks Roudclive, Roudeclif 305a Aclun 305a Newton Mulgrave Neutone, Newetune 305a Bauldbyes in Whitby Baldebi 305a Mulgrave Castle Grif 305a Bentley near Beverley Benedlage 305a Great Habton Abbetune, Abetune, Habetun Aislaby near Whitby Asuluebi, Asuluesby 305b 305a Falsgrave Walesgrif, Walesgrip, Wallesgrif Ellerby Alwardebi, Elwordebi 305a 305b Boulby Bolebi, Bollebi 305a Goulton Goltona, Gotun, Goutun 305b High Catton and Low Catton Caton, Cattune Guisborough Chigesburg, Ghigesborg, Ghiges- 305a burg, Gighesborc, Giseborne 305b Easington near Loftus Esingetun 305a High Foxton Fostun, Foxtun 305b Egton Egetune 305a Fadmoor Fademora, Fademore 305b Coulby Colebi 305a Eston Astun, Astune 305b Brecca in Whitby Brecca, Breche 305a Little Habton Abbetune, Abetune, Habetun Whitby Witebi 305a 305b Stainton near Thornaby-on-Tees Steintun Hilton near Stokesley Hiltona, Hiltun, Hiltune 305a 305b Sewerby Siwarbi, Siwardbi 305a Hutton Rudby Hotun 305b Sourebi, Whitby Sourebi 305a Kilton Chilton, Chiltun 305b

203 Hutton Lowcross Hotun 305b Old Malton Maltun, Maltune 305b Harome Harem, Harum, Harun 305b Lackenby Lachebi, Lachenebi 305b Kilton Thorpe Torp 305b Oswaldkirk Oswaldescherca, Oswaldescherce Brotton Broctune, Brotune 305b 305b Barnaby Bernodebi 305b Moorsholm Morehusum, Moreshusun, Beadlam Bodlum, Bodlun 305b Morhusum 305b Blaten Carr in Great Busby Blatun 305b Newsham, Amotherby Neuhuse, Newehusum, Barton-le-Street Bartone, Bartun, Bartune Niehusum 305b 305b Nunnington Noningtune, Nonninctune, Non- Little Ayton Atun 305b nintune, Nunnigetune 305b Crathorne Cratorn, Cratorna, Cratorne, Gra- Normanby in Eston Normanebi 305b torne 305b Little Moorsholm Alia Morehusum, Morehusum Great Broughton Alia Broctun, Broctun, Magna 305b Broctun 305b Sheriff Hutton Hotone, Hotun, Hotune 306a Cawton Caluetone, Caluetun 305b Marton-in-the-Forest Martun 306a Cloughton Cloctone, Cloctune 305b Seaton Ross Seton, Setton, Settone 306a Chigogemers Chigogemers, Chigomersc, Ghi- Myton-on-Swale Mitune 306a gogesmersc 305b Linton-on-Ouse Luctone 306a Carlton in Cleveland Carletun 305b West Lilling Lilinga, Lilinge 306a Wilton, Ormesby 305b Widtune, Wiltune Skewsby Scoxebi 306a Skutterskelfe Codeschelf, Codreschef, Codreschelf High Stittenham Stidnun 306a 305b Terrington Teurinctun, Teurinctune, Teurinton, Scackleton Eschalchedene, Scachelden, Teurintone, Teurintune 306a Scacheldene 305b Stiltons Tilstun, Tilstune 306a Seamer near Stokesley Semer, Semers 305b Thornton-le-Clay Torentun, Torentune 306a Skelton near Saltburn Sceltun, Scheltun 305b Helmsley Almeslai, Elmeslac 306a Scawton Scaltun, Scaltune 305b Fryton Frideton, Fritun 306a Rudby Rodebi 305b Ganthorpe 306a Pockley Pochelac, Pochelaf 305b Galmetona, Gameltorp Slingsby Eslingesbi, Selungesbi 305b Claxton Claxtorp 306a Tanton Tametona, Tametun 305b East Lilling Lilinga, Lilinge 306a Whorlton Wiruelton, Wirueltun, Wirueltune Upper Helmsley Hamelsec, Hamelsech 306a 305b North Kilvington Chelvinctune, Chelvintun Tocketts Tocstune, Toscotun 305b 306a Stemanesbi Stemainesbi, Stemanesbi 305b Leake Lece, Leche 306a Kirkleatham Weslide, Westlid, Westlidum, West- Hundulfthorpe Hundulftorp 306a lidun, Westude 305b Fornetorp Fornetorp 306a Middleton-on-Leven Middelton, Middeltun, Cornborough Corlebroc 306a Mideltun 305b Bulmer Boleber, Bolemere 306a Loft Marishes Loctemares, Loctemersc 305b Coneysthorpe Coningestorp, Coungestorp Marske-by-the-Sea Mersc, Mersch, Mersche 306a 305b North Cave Alia Cave, Cava, Cave 306a Middeltone Middeltone, Mideltune 305b Breckenbrough Bracheberc 306a

204 Brafferton Bradfortune, Bratfortone, Bratfortune Warter Warte, Wartre 306b 306a Steintorp Steintorp, Steitorp 306b Coulton Coletun, Coltun, Coltune 306a Raventhorpe, Cherry Burton Rageneltorp, Farlington Farlintun, Ferlintun 306a Ragheneltorp 306b North Ferriby Ferebi 306a Osgodby, Hemingbrough Ansgotebi, Ansgotesbi Crambe Crambom, Crambun, Cranbon, Cran- 306b bone 306a Spaldington Spellinton 306b Upsall, South Kilvington Upsale 306a Toschetorp Toschetorp 306b Whitwell-on-the-Hill Witeulla, Witewelle Welton Weleton, Welleton, Welletone 306b 306a Hotham Hode, Hodhum 306b Waruelestorp Waruelestorp 306a Lockington Lecheton, Locheton 306b Welburn, Bulmer Wellebrune 306a Laytham Ladon, Ladone 306b Warthill Wardhilla, Wardhille, Wardille 306a Kipling Climbicote, Clinbicote 306b Beadlam Bodlum, Bodlun 306a Howden Houed, Houeden, Houedene 306b Wiganthorpe Wichgastorp, Wichingastorp Kilnwick Chilewic, Chilewid, Chilewit 306b 306a Kirk Ella Aluengi 306b Anlaby Umlouebi, Unlouebi 306a Leconfield Lachinfeld, Lachinfelt 306b Barton-le-Willows Bartun 306a Fraisthorpe Frestintorp 307a Aldwark Adewerca, Aldewerc 306a Cranswick Cranswic, Cranzuic 307a East Cottingwith Alia Cotewid, Cotewid North Dalton Dalton, Daltone 307a 306b Cherry Burton Burton, Burtone 307a Etton Eton, Etton, Ettone 306b Brigham Bringeham 307a Easthorpe in Londesborough Estorp, Esttorp Garton-on-the-Wolds Garton, Gartune 307a 306b Howsham Huson 307a North Duffield Dufeld, Dufelt, Nortdufelt Hutton Cranswick Hotone, Hottune, Hotune 306b 307a Great Driffield Drifeld, Drifelt 306b Grimston in Dunnington near York Grime- South Duffield Suddufel, Suddufeld, Suddufelt ston, Grimestone 307a 306b Kirby Grindalythe Chirchebi 307a Ellerton near Bubwith Elreton, Elretone 306b Bridlington Bredinton, Bretlinton 307a Foggathorpe Fulcartorp 306b Birdsall Brideshala, Briteshala, Briteshale, Brit- Goodmanham Gudmundham 306b shale 307a Cliffe near Hemingbrough Clive 306b Bempton Benton, Bentone 307a Beswick Basewic 306b Acklam Near Leavening Aclun 307a Asselby Aschilebi 306b Bainton Bagenton 307a Watton Wattune 306b Barthorpe Barchertorp, Barchetorp 307a Aike Ach 306b Binnington Bigneton, Binneton 307a Aughton near Bubwith Actun 306b Boynton Bouinton, Bouintone, Bouintorp Brantingham Bredingham, Brendingham, 307a Brentingeham, Brentingham, Bretingham 306b Wharram Le Street Warham, Warran 307a Willitoft Wilgardi, Wilgetot 306b Sewerby Siwarbi, Siwardbi 307a Middleton-on-the-Wolds Middeltun, Middel- Towthorpe, Wharram Percy Touetorp, Toue- tune, Midelton 306b torpe 307a

205 Thirkleby, Kirby Grindalythe Alia Turgislebi, Oglethorpe Ocelestorp, Oglestorp 307b Turgilebi, Turgislebi 307a Long Sandall Sandala, Sandale, Sandalie, Sudnicton Sudcniton, Sudnicton 307a Sandela 307b Speeton Specton, Spetton, Spretone 307a Toulston Oglestun, Togelestun, Togleston, Sutton upon Derwent Sudton, Sudtone 307a Toglestun 307b Thixendale Sixtedale, Sixtendale, Xistendale Hexthorpe Egescop, Estorp, Hestorp 307b 307a Marr Marle, Marr, Marra 307b Welton Weleton, Welleton, Welletone 307a Long Sandall Sandala 307b Kirkham Chercam, Chercan, Chirchan 307a Hooton Pagnell Hotone, Hotun 307b Scagglethorpe, Settrington Scachetorp 307a Hooton Levitt Hotone 307b Rillington Redlinton, Redlintone, Renliton Littleworth Scitelesworde 307b 307a Loversall Gevreshale, Lovreshale, Luvreshale Neswick Nessewic, Nessuinc 307a 307b Menethorpe Mennistorp 307a Brampton en le Morthen Brantone 308a Marton, Sewerby Marton, Martone, Martun Doncaster Donecastre 308a 307a Clayton near Thurnscoe Claitone 308a Low Mowthorpe, Kirby Grindalythe Meletorp, Brodsworth Brochesworde, Brodesworde, Muletorp, Muletorpe 307a Brodeswrde 308a Neuson Neuson 307a Deightonby in Thurnscoe Dictenebi 308a Rudston Rodestain, Rodestan, Rodestein 307a Handsworth Handesword, Handeswrde 308a Balby Ballebi, Ballesbi 307b Great Houghton Haltun, Haltune 308a Cookridge Cucheric 307b Bentley near Doncaster Benedleia, Benelei, Be- Bramham Braham, Brameham, Bramham neslaie, Beneslei 308a 307b Adwick le Street Adewic, Adewinc, Hadewic Barnby Dun Barnebi 307b 308a Bilham Bilam, Bilan, Bileham, Bilham 307b Aston Estone 308a Burden Head Burgedurun, Burghedurum 307b Whiston Widestan 308a Doncaster Donecastre 307b Aughton near Aston Actone, Hacstone, Hactone Eccup Echope 307b 308a Austerfield Oustrefeld 307b Wheatley Watelag, Watelage 308a Arthington Ardinton, Hardinctone 307b Skynythorp, Sprotbrough Scinestorp 308a Croome Crogun 307b Ulley Ollei, Olleie 308a Clifford Cliford 307b Todwick Tatewic 308a Adel Adele 307b Thurnscoe Dermescop, Ternusc, Ternusch, Ter- Auckley Alceslei, Alchelie, Alcheslei 307b nusche 308a Warmsworth Wemesford, Wemesforde, Wermes- Treeton Trectone, Tretone 308a ford 307b Wales Wales, Walis, Walise 308a Monk Hay, Barwick in Elmet Monechet, Kirk Sandall Sandale, Sandalia, Sandalie 308a Monuchetone 307b Shafton Sceptone, Sceptun 308a Sledmere Slidemare 307b Pickburn Picheburne 308a Rotherham Rodreham 307b Langthwaite in Adwick le Street Langetouet Newton Kyme Neuton, Neutone, Neweton, 308a Niweton 307b Marr Marle, Marr, Marra 308a

206 Pilley Pillei 308a Great Smeaton Smeton, Smetton, Smidetun, Leckby Ledebi 308b Smidetune 309a Caldewell in Marton-le-Moor Caldewella, Ovington Ulfeton 309a Caldewelle 308b Northallerton Alreton, Aluerton, Aluertone, Hunsingore Holsingoure, Hulsingoure, Ul- Aluretune 309a sigouere 308b Scargill Scracreghil, Seacreghil 309a Ingmanthorpe Gemunstorp, Germundstorp Stanwick-St-John Alia Stenweghe, Steinueges, 308b Steinwege, Stenwege, Stenweghes 309a Cundall Cundel, Goindel 308b Thorpe, Wycliffe Torp 309a Brampton in Kirby Hill Branstone, Brantone Hartforth Herford, Herfort 309a 308b Mortham Mortham 309a Wortley Wirlei, Wirtleie, Wrleia 308b Manfield Manefeld, Mannefelt 309a Norton-Le-Clay Nortone 308b East Layton Latone, Latton 309a North Stainley Nordstanlai, Nordstanlaia, Hutton Magna Hottun, Hotune 309a Staneleia, Stanlei 308b Great Langton Langeton 309a Tankersley Tancreslei, Tancresleia 308b West Layton Laston, Lastun 309a East Tanfield Danefeld, Danefelt, Tanefeld Middleton Tyas Middeltun, Midelton 309a 308b Cleasby Clesbi 309b Pallathorpe Torp 308b Kiplin Chipeling 309b South Cowton Cudtone, Cudtun 309a Croft-on-Tees Crofst, Croft 309b Gilling Gellinges, Ghellinges, Ghellinghes 309a Easby near Richmond Asebi 309b Eryholme Argun 309a Kirby Wiske Cherchebi, Chirchebi, Kirkebi Egglestone Eghiston, Eghistun 309a 309b Over Dinsdale Digneshale, Dineshale, Dirne- Kirkby Fleetham Fleteham 309b shala, Dirneshale 309a Carlton in Stanwick-St-John Cartun, Cartune Eppleby Aplebi 309a 309b Forcett Forsed, Forset 309a Brompton-on-Swale Brunton 309b Girlington Gerlinton 309a Aldbrough St John Aldeburne 309b Low Hail Hale 309a Bolton-on-Swale Boletone 309b North Cowton Alia Cudtone, Alia Cudtun Caldwell Caldewell, Caldewelle 309b 309a Torp Torp 309b Carlton in Stanwick-St-John Cartun, Cartune Richmond Hindrelag, Hindrelaghe, Indrelag, 309a Indrelage 309b Barningham Berningham 309a Startforth Stradford 309b Moulton Moltun 309a Skeeby Schirebi 309b Kneeton Naton 309a Solberge Solberge 309b Barforth Bereford 309a Thrintoft Tirnecofte, Tirnetoste 309b Brignall Bringhale, Bringhenale 309a Little Langton Langeton 309b Cliffe in Manfield Clive 309a Northallerton Alreton, Aluerton, Aluertone, Wycliffe Witclive 309a Aluretune 309b Newton Morrell Neuton 309a Morton-on-Swale Mortun, Mortune 309b Stapleton near Cleasby Stapledun, Staplendun Maunby Mannebi, Mannesbi 309b 309a Neutone Neutone 309b

207 Dalton in Ravensworth Alia Dalton, Alia Dal- Langthorne Langetorp 310b tun, Dalton, Daltun 310a Scruton Scurveton, Scurvetone 310b Ellerton in Bolton-on-Swale Alreton 310a Hipswell Hiplewelle 310b Danby Wiske Danebi 310a Kirkby Fleetham Fleteham 310b Didirston in Melsonby Dirdeston, Dirdreston Hornby near Hackforth Hornebi 310b 310a Holtby near Ainderby Mires Eltebi, Heltebi Gilling Gellinges, Ghellinges, Ghellinghes 310a 310b Hunderthwaite Hundredestoit 310a Killerby in Catterick Chiluordebi 310b East Cowton Corketune, Cottune, Cotun, Co- Fors in Low Abbotside Fors 311a tune 310a Preston-Under-Scar Preston, Prestun 311a Broghton in Newsham near Barningham Broc- Hudswell Hudreswelle, Udreswelle 311a tun, Broctune 310a Grinton Grinton, Grintun 311a Mickleton Micleton 310a Marrick Mange 311a Ainderby Steeple Andrebi, Eindrebi 310a Redmire Ridemare 311a Cotherstone Codreston, Codrestune 310a Reeth Rie 311a Yafforth Eiford, Iaforbe, Iaforde, Laforde, Eshington Ecinton 311a Laiforde 310a Downholme Dune 311a Ravensworth Ravenesuet, Raveneswet 310a Worton Werton 311a Scorton Scortone 310a Fremington Fremington 311a Rokeby Rochebi 310a Dentone Denton, Dentone 311a Romaldkirk Rumoldescerce, Rumoldescherce Ellerton Abbey Elreton, Elretun 311a 310a Crooksby in Newbiggin Crochesbi, Crocsbi Warlaby Warlavesbi, Werlegesbi 310a 311a Lartington Lertinton 310a Aysgarth Echescard 311a Northallerton Alreton, Aluerton, Aluertone, Carperby Chirprebi 311a Aluretune 310a Brough in Bainbridge Borch, Burg 311a Melsonby Malsenebi 310a West Bolton Bodelton 311a Lonton Lontone, Lontune 310a West Burton Burton 311a Newsham near Barningham Neuhuson 310a Castle Bolton Alia Bodelton 311a Catterick Catrice 310b Richmond Hindrelag, Hindrelaghe, Indrelag, Great Fencote Fencotes 310b Indrelage 311a Colburn Corburne 310b Askrigg Ascric 311a Little Fencote Fencotes 310b Thornton Rust Torenton, Toreton 311a Hackforth Acheford, Acheforde 310b Thoralby, Aysgarth Turodesbi, Turoldesbi Brough near Catterick Borc, Burg 310b 311a East Appleton Apelton, Apleton 310b High Thoresby, Low Thoresby Toresbi 311a Ainderby Mires Endrebi 310b East Witton Witone, Witun, Witune 311a Aske Hase, Hasse 310b Carlton near Middleham Carleton 311b Tunstall near Catterick Tunestale 310b High Ellington and Low Ellington Ellintone Kirkby Near Great Langton Cherchebi, 311b Chirchebi 310b Coverham Covreham 311b Scotton near Richmond Scottune, Scotune Constable Burton Bertone, Bortone 311b 310b Danby in Thornton Steward Danebi 311b

208 Garriston Gerdeston, Gerdestone 311b Swinton, Masham Suinton 312a Harmby Ernebi, Hernebi 311b High Sutton Sudton, Sudtone, Sutone 312a Caldbergh Caldeber 311b Masham Massan 312a Barden Bernedan 311b Rookwith Rocuid 312a Agglethorpe Aculestorp 311b Swartrups, High Ellington Siwartorp 312a Ascam Ascam, Ascham 311b Heselton Eslinton, Heslintone 312b Bellerby Belgebi 311b Kirkilington Cherdinton 312b West Witton Witun 311b Howgrave Hogram, Hograve, Hogrem 312b Spennithorne Speningetorp 311b Hunton Hunton, Huntone 312b Wensley Alia Wendreslaga, Wendreslaga, Wen- Masham Massan 312b treslage 311b Melmerby near Middleton Quernhow High Thoresby, Low Thoresby Toresbi 311b Malmerbi 312b Thornton Steward Tornenton, Tornentone, Great Crakehall Crachele 312b Tornentune 311b Kirklington Cherlinton 312b East Witton Witone, Witun, Witune 311b Newton Le Willows Nevton 312b East Hauxwell Hauocheswelle, Hauocswelle Carthorpe Caretorp 312b 311b Yarnwick, Kirklington Gernuic 312b West Scrafton Scalfton, Scraftun 311b East Tanfield Danefeld, Danefelt, Tanefeld Melmerby, Coverham Melmerbi 311b 312b West Hauxwell Alia [Hauocheswelle], Alia Upsland Opsala, Upsale 312b Hauocswelle 311b West Tanfield Alia Tanefeld, Tanefeld 312b Leyburn Leborne 311b Wath near East Tanfield Wat 312b Middleham Medelai 311b Middleton Quernhow Middeltun, Mideltune Burrill Borel 312a 312b Fearby Federbi 312a Sutton Howgrave Sudton, Sudtone, Sutone Clifton Castle Clifton 312a 312b High Burton Burton, Burtone 312a Patrick Brompton Brunton, Bruntone 312b Cowling in Bedale Torneton 312a Normanebi Normanebi 312b Finghall Finegal, Finegala 312a Ruswick Risewic 312b Firby in Bedale Fredebi 312a Clifton near York Cliftun, Cliftune 313a Bedale Bedale 312a Foston Fostun 313a Achebi Achebi 312a Exelby Aschilebi 313a Ilton Hilchetun 312a Escrick Ascri 313a Opetone Opetone 312a Deighton in Escrick Diston, Distone 313a Aiskew Echescol 312a Eseby in Baldersby Asebi 313a Worsborough Wircesburg 312a Flaxton Flastun, Flaxtun, Flaxtune 313a Thirn Thirne 312a Gate Fulford Foleforde, Fuleford, Fuleforde Watlass Wadles 312a 313a Thorp Perrow Torp 312a Gatenby Chenetesbi, Ghetenesbi 313a Thornton Watlass Torreton, Torretun 312a Chetelstorp Chetelstorp 313a Twislebro, Masham Tuislebroc, Tulebroc 312a Baldersby Baldrebi 313a East Witton Witone, Witun, Witune 312a Allerthorpe in Pickhill Erleuestorp, Her- Hutton Hang Hotun, Hotune 312a leuestorp 313a

209 Acaster Selby Acastra, Acastre, Alius Acastre, Dalby Dalbi 314a Alter Acastre 313a Wiganthorpe Wichgastorp, Wichingastorp Overton Ovretun 313a 314a Ainderby Quernhow Aiendrebi, Andrebi Oswaldkirk Oswaldescherca, Oswaldescherce 313a 314a Askham Bryan Ascam, Ascham 313a Terrington Teurinctun, Teurinctune, Teurinton, Burneston Brennigston 313a Teurintone, Teurintune 314a Water Fulford Fuleforde, Fuletorp 313a Snainton Snechintone, Snechintun, Snechintune Sinderby Senerebi 313a 314a Theakston Eston 313a Sinnington Seuenictun, Siuenintun, Siuerinctun, Low Swainby Suanebi 313a Siuerintune 314a Stillingfleet Steflinflet, Steflingefled 313a Spaunton Spantun, Spantune 314a Skelton near York Sceltun, Scheltun 313a Thornton Dale Torentona, Torentun, Torentune Stockton on the Forest Stochetun, Stocthun 314a 313a Leidtorp Leidtorp, Liedtorp 314a Terrington Teurinctun, Teurinctune, Teurinton, High Northolme Holm, Holme, Hom 314a Teurintone, Teurintune 313a Naburn Naborne 314a Thornton-le-Clay Torentun, Torentune 313a Little Marish, Ebberston Parvus Mersc 314a Kelfield Chelchefeld, Chelchefelt 313a Marton, Sinnington Martone, Martun 314a Seuenetorp Seuenetorp 313a Newton-on-Rawcliffe Neuton, Newetun, Newe- Pickhill Picala, Picale 313a tune 314a Newton Picot, Leeming Neutone 313a Bank Newton Neutone, Neutune 314b Langwith Languelt 313a Buckton Holms in Settrington Bocheton, Bo- Moreby Morebi 313a chetone 314b Ounesbi Ounesbi 313a Broughton near Skipton Broctune 314b Rainton Rainincton, Rainingewat, Ranewat, Burythorpe Bergetorp, Berguetorp 314b Reineton 313a Cowlam Coletun, Colnun 314b Great Edstone Micheledestun 314a Askwith Ascuid 314b Low Hutton Hotun 314a Heathfield Higrefeld 314b Fornetorp Fornetorp 314a Croome Cogrun 314b Little Edstone Alia Edestun, Parva Edestun Weston Westone 314b 314a Welburn, Kirkdale Wellebrune 314b Henderskelfe in Bulmer Hildreschelf, Ilderschelf Settrington Sendriton 314b 314a Uncleby Unchelfsbi, Unchelsbi, Unglesbi 314b Kirby Misperton Alia Cherchebi, Alia Sinnington Seuenictun, Siuenintun, Siuerinctun, Chirchebi, Cherchebi, Chirchebi, Mispeton 314a Siuerintune 314b Lastingham Lestingeham, Lestingham 314a Waletune Waleton, Waletun, Waletune 314b North Dalton Dalton, Daltone 314a Duggleby Difgelibi, Dighelibi 314b Broughton in Appleton-le-Street Broctun, Broc- Nawton Nageltone, Naghelton, Nagletune tune, Brostone 314a 314b East Ayton Atun, Atune 314a East Heslerton Eslerton, Esrelton, Heslerton, Brompton near Snainton Brunetona, Brunton, Heslertone 314b Bruntun, Bruntune 314a Harome Harem, Harum, Harun 314b

210 Menethorpe Mennistorp 314b Fairburn Fareburne 315b Coldcotes Caldecotes 315a Little Church Fenton and Fenton Fentun Headingley Hedingelei, Hedingeleia 315a 315b Gipton Chipertun, Chipetun, Cipetun 315a South Elmsall Ermeshale 315b Cowthwaite in Aberford Cudford, Cuford Frickley Fricelei, Friceleia, Frichehale, Frichelie 315a 315b Colton in Temple Newsam Coletun, Colletun Hunchilhuse Hunchilhuse, Hunchilhuses 315b 315a Kirkby Wharfe Chirchebi 315b Garforth Gereford, Gereforde, Ingereforde Burton Burtone, Burtun 315b 315a Brayton Bretone, Brettan 315b Halton in Temple Newsam Halletun, Halletune Barkston Barchestun 315b 315a Hambleton Hameltun 315b Kiddal Chidal, Chidale 315a Ledsham Ledesham 315b Kippax Chipesch 315a Birkin Berchige, Berchine, Berchinge 315b Chapel Allerton Alretun 315a Burghwallis Burg 315b Barwick in Elmet Berewit, Berewith 315a Whitwood Witewde 315b Allerton Bywater Alretun, Alretune 315a Norton near Campsall Nortone 315b Leeds Ledes 315a Sutton near Campsall Sutone 315b Manston Manestun 315a Skellow Scanhalla, Scanhalle 315b Austhorpe Ossetorp 315a Owston Austhun, Austun 315b Birkby Hill Bretebi 315a Ryther Ridre, Rie 315b Wetecroft Thorner Watecroft 315a Snaith Esneid, Esnoid, Esnoit 315b Seacroft Sacrofft, Sacroft 315a Thorpe Willoughby Torp 315b Thorner Torneure, Tornoure 315a South Kirkby Cherchebi, Chirchebi 315b Sturton Stretun, Stretune 315a Niuueshusum Neuhuse, Niuuehusum 315b Skelton, Leeds Sceltun, Sceltune 315a Newton, Ledsham Niweton, Niwetun 315b Shippen Scipene 315a Moorthorpe Torp 315b Snitertun Snitertun 315a North Milford Mileford, Mileforde 315b Swillington Suillictun, Suilligtune, Suillintun Neuuose Neuhuse, Neuuose 315b 315a Niuuehusum Neuhuse, Niuuehusum 315b Thorpe Stapleton, Leeds Torp 315a Ferrybridge Fereia, Ferie 316a Lead Led, Lede, Lied 315a Kellington Chelinctone, Chelintune, Chellinc- Saxton Saxtun 315a tone, Ghelintune 316a Great Preston Prestun, Prestune 315a West Hardwick Arduwic, Harduic 316a Parlington Perlinctune, Perlintun, Pertilinctun, Glass Houghton Hoctun 316a Pertilintun 315a Hessle in Wragby Asele, Hasele 316a Ledston Ledestun, Ledestune 315a Kirk Smeaton and Little Smeaton in Womersley Newsam Green Neuhusum, Newhusum 315a Smedetone 316a Potterton Potertun 315a Knottingley Notingelai, Notingeleia 316a Little Preston Prestun, Prestune 315a North Featherstone Ferestane, Fredestan 316a Campsall Cansale 315b Beal Begale 316a Grimston in Kirkby Wharfe Grimeston, Ackworth, high and low Acewrde 316a Grimestun 315b Badsworth Badesworde, Badeswrde 316a

211 Darrington Darnintone, Darnitone 316a High Eggborough and Low Eggborough Womersley Wilmereslege, Wlmeresleia 316a Acheburg, Eburg, Egburg, Egeburg 316b Thorpe Audlin Torp 316a South Hiendley Hindeleia, Indelie 316b Water Fryston Fristone 316a Upper Cumberworth Combreworde, Cum- Upton, Badsworth Ultone, Uptone 316a brewrde 317a Walden Stubbs Eistop, Istop 316a Hunshelf Hunescelf 317a Wheldale Queldale, Weldale 316a Lower Denby and Upper Denby near Penistone Nostell Osele, Osle 316a Denebi 317a Stubbs Hanepol 316a Darton Dertone, Dertun, Dertune 317a Skelbrooke Scalebre, Scalebro 316a Hoyland Swaine Holan, Holande, Holant Purston Jaglin Preston, Prestone 316a 317a Ingbirchworth Berceworde 317a Rogerthorpe Rogartorp, Rugartorp 316a Keresforth in Barnsley Creuesford 317a Stapleton, Darrington Stapleton, Stapletone Crofton Scroftune, Scrotone 317a 316a West Clayton Claitone 317a Barnby in Cawthorne, near Barnsley Barnebi Ackton Aitone, Attone 317a 316b Barnsley Berneslai 317a Carlton near Barnsley Carlentone, Carleton Chevet Cevet 317a 316b Cold Hiendley Hindelei, Hindeleia 317a Barugh Berg 316b Westrebi Westrebi 317a Brierley Breselai, Breselie 316b Skelmanthorpe Scelmertorp, Scemeltorp 317a Cawthorne near Barnsley Caltorn, Caltorne Thurgoland Turgesland 317a 316b Stainborough Stainburg, Stanburg 317a Clactone Clactone 316b Old Snydale Snitehala, Snitehale 317a Tanshelf Tateshale, Tateshalla, Tateshalle, Tates- Tanshelf Tateshale, Tateshalla, Tateshalle, Tates- sella 316b sella 317a Shafton Sceptone, Sceptun 316b Thurlstone Turolveston, Turulfestune 317a Roall Ruhale 316b Methley Medelai 317a Royston Rorestone, Rorestun 316b Shafton Sceptone, Sceptun 317a Silkstone Silchestone, Silcston 316b Roughbirchworth Berceworde, Bercewrde Penistone Pangeston, Pengeston, Pengestone 317a 316b Notton Norton, Notone 317a High Hoyland Holand, Holant 316b Monk Bretton Bretone, Brettone 317a Kinsley Chineslai, Chineslei 316b Oxspring Osprinc, Ospring 317a Kellington Chelinctone, Chelintune, Chellinc- Ryhill Rihella, Rihelle 317a tone, Ghelintune 316b Dalton near Huddersfield Daltone 317b Kexbrough Cezeburg, Chizeburg 316b Honley Hanelei, Haneleia 317b Minsthorpe Manestorp 316b Flockton Flocheton, Flochetone 317b Darton Dertone, Dertun, Dertune 316b Upper Denby in Upper Whitley Denebi 317b Hoyland Swaine Holan, Holande, Holant Farnley Tyas Fereleia, Ferlei 317b 316b Golcar Gudlagesarc, Gudlagesargo 317b North Elmsall Ermeshala, Ermeshale 316b Upper Hopton Hoptone, Hoptun 317b Dodworth Dodesworde, Dodeswrde 316b Huddersfield Oderesfelt, Odresfeld 317b

212 South Crosland Alter Crosland, Croisland Thornton near Bradford Torenton, Torentone 317b 318a Armley Ermelai 317b Cleckheaton Hetone, Hetun 318a Almondbury Almaneberie 317b Hartshead Horteseue, Hortesheue 318a Thornhill Torni 317b Farsley Fersellei, Ferselleia 318a East Ardsley Erdeslau, Erdeslawe 317b Drighlington Dreslingtone, Dreslintone 318a Carlton in Lofthouse, near Wakefield Carlen- Clifton near Brighouse Cliftone 318a tone 317b Elland Elant, Elont 318a Whitwood Witewde 317b Gomersal Gomershale, Gomeshale 318a Pudsey Podechesai, Podechesaie 317b Dadsley Dadeslei, Dadesleia 319a Thorpe on the Hill Torp 317b Grimeshou Grimeshou 319a Reestones, Armley Riston, Ristone 317b Ecclesfield Eclesfeld, Eclesfelt 319a Quarmby Cornebi, Cornelbi 317b Old Denaby Degenebi, Denegebi 319a Rothwell Rodewelle 317b Dinnington Domnitone, Dunintone, Dunnitone Lower Whitley Witelaia, Witelei 317b 319a Kirkheaton Heptone 317b Greasbrough Gersebroc, Greseburg, Gresseburg Morley Morelege, Morelei, Moreleia 317b 319a Hellaby 319a Meltham Meltham 317b Elgebi, Helgebi Hooton Roberts Hotun 319a Lindley Lillai, Lillaia 317b Brinsworth Brinesford 319a Lepton Leptone 317b Barnburgh Barneburg, Berneborc, Berneburg Lofthouse Near Wakefield Locthuse, Loftose 319a 317b North Anston Anestan 319a Middleton, Leeds Mildentone, Mildetone 317b Adwick upon Dearne Adewic, Hadewic 319a Bolton in Bradford Bodeltone 318a South Anston Litelastone, Titelanstan 319a Calverley Caverlei, Caverleia 318a Bilham Bilam, Bilan, Bileham, Bilham 319a Bradford Bradeford 318a Wickersley Wicresleia, Wincreslei 319a Bowling Bollinc 318a Stainton near Tickhill Stainton, Staintone, Bramley in Armley Bramelei, Brameleia 318a Stantone 319a Chellow Celeslau 318a Wadworth Wadeuorde, Wadewrde 319a Clayton near Bradford Claiton, Claitone 318a Throapham Trapum, Trapun 319a North Bierley, Bradford Birle 318a Thorpe Salvin Torp 319a Batley Bateleia, Bathelie 318a Tinsley Tineslawe, Tirneslawe 319a Tong Tuinc 318a Wales Wales, Walis, Walise 319a Allerton Alreton 318a Laughton-en-le-Morthen Lastone 319a Wyke Wich 318a Slade Hooton Hotone 319a Beeston in Leeds Bestone 318a Newhill Neuhalle, Niwehalla 319a Wibsey Wibetese 318a Mexborough Mechesburg 319a Hunslet Hunslet 318a Maltby near Rotherham Maltebi 319a Southowram Overe, Ovre 318a Newhall Neuhalle, Newehalla 319a Mirfield Mirefeld, Mirefelt 318a Orgreave Nortgrave 319a Liversedge Livresec, Livresech 318a Brodsworth Brochesworde, Brodesworde, Shipley Scipelei, Scipeleia 318a Brodeswrde 319b

213 Hexthorpe Egescop, Estorp, Hestorp 319b Brodsworth Brochesworde, Brodesworde, Goldthorpe Godetorp, Goldetorp, Guldetorp Brodeswrde 320a 319b Attercliffe Ateclive 320a Cusworth Cuzeworde, Scuscewrde 319b Adwick le Street Adewic, Adewinc, Hadewic Cadeby Catebi 319b 320a Frickley Fricelei, Friceleia, Frichehale, Frichelie Bentley near Doncaster Benedleia, Benelei, Be- 319b neslaie, Beneslei 320a Hampole Honepol 319b Hallam Hallun 320a Holdworth Aldeworde, Haldewrde 319b Scawsby Scalchebi 320a Little Houghton Haltone 319b Drewton Drowetone 320b South Bramwith Alia Branwat 319b South Cave Cave 320b Billingley Bilingelei, Bilingeleia, Bilingelie, Bin- Dale Town Dal 320b gelie 319b North Cave Alia Cave, Cava, Cave 320b Balby Ballebi, Ballesbi 319b East Carlton Carletun, Carletune 320b Stotfold Stodfald 319b Guisborough Chigesburg, Ghigesborg, Ghiges- Arksey Archesei, Archeseia 319b burg, Gighesborc, Giseborne 320b Barnby Dun Barnebi 319b Horebodebi Horebodebi, Horenbodebi 320b Bolton Upon Dearne Bodeltone, Bodetone Hotham Hode, Hodhum 320b 319b Hawnby Halmbi, Halmebi 320b Worrall Wihala, Wihale 319b Kettlethorpe Torp 320b Thurnscoe Dermescop, Ternusc, Ternusch, Ter- Old Byland Begeland 320b nusche 319b Burnby Brunebi 320b Wildthorpe, Sprotbrough Widuntorp 319b Little Ayton Atun 320b Wath Upon Dearne Wade, Wat, Wate 319b Acklam in Middlesbrough Achelum, Aclum, Ughill Ughil 319b Aclun 320b Toftes Toftes 319b Houghton Houeton 320b Wadsley Wadelei, Wadesleia 319b Great Ayton Alia Atun, Atun 320b Wentworth Winteword, Winteworde, Win- Bernebi Bernebi 320b trewrde 319b Great Busby Buschebi 320b Wombwell Wanbella, Wanbuelle 319b Yokefleet near Blacktoft Iucufled, Iugufled Hoyland Nether Hoiland, Holand 319b 320b Swinton near Rotherham Sinitun, Suintone Stainton near Thornaby-on-Tees Steintun 319b 320b West Melton Medeltone, Merelton, Mereltone, Tollesby Tolesbi, Tollesbi 320b Middeltun, Mideltone 319b Thornton-le-Clay Torentun, Torentune 320b Marr Marle, Marr, Marra 319b Thornaby-on-Tees Tormozbi, Tormozbia, Tur- Kimberworth Chibereworde 319b mozbi 320b Kirk Bramwith Branwat, Branwet, Branwite, Thormanby Tormozbi, Turmozbi 320b Branwithe, Branwode 319b Thornton near Hemlington Torentun 320b High Melton Medeltone, Middeltun 319b Thornton-le-Moor Torentone, Torentune Sprotbrough Sproteburg 319b 320b Sheffield Escafeld, Scafeld 320a Welton Weleton, Welleton, Welletone 320b Marr Marle, Marr, Marra 320a Market Weighton Wicstun 320b

214 Scawton Scaltun, Scaltune 320b Greasbrough Gersebroc, Greseburg, Gresseburg Pocklington Poclinton 320b 321a Normanby in Eston Normanebi 320b Fishlake Fiscelac, Fixcale 321a Murton near Hawnby Mortun 320b Harthill Hertil 321a Marton, Middlesbrough Martona, Martun, Kirk Bramwith Branwat, Branwet, Branwite, Martune 320b Branwithe, Branwode 321a Newham Neuham, Neweham, Niueham, Niwe- Cowthorpe Coletorp 321b ham 320b Hackerby in Healaugh Hagedebi, Hagendebi, Pinchinthorpe Oustorp, Torp 320b Haghedenebi 321b Sancton Santun, Santune 320b Doncaster Donecastre 321b Bilham Bilam, Bilan, Bileham, Bilham 321a Dalton in Rotherham Dalton, Daltone 321b Cusworth Cuzeworde, Scuscewrde 321a Old Edlington Eilintone, Ellintone 321b Clifton, Conisbrough Clifton, Cliftone, Clif- Hazelwood Eselewode, Heselewode 321b tune 321a Healaugh Hailaga, Hailage, Helage 321b Braithwell Bradewelle 321a Brinsworth Brinesford 321b Bramley in Braithwell Bramelei 321a Bolton Upon Dearne Bodeltone, Bodetone Conisbrough Coningesborc, Coningesburg, 321b Cuningesburg 321a Barnby Dun Barnebi 321b Dalton in Rotherham Dalton, Daltone 321a Bolton Percy Badetone, Bodeltone, Bodeltune, Dinnington Domnitone, Dunintone, Dunnitone Bodetone 321b 321a Braithwell Bradewelle 321b Barnburgh Barneburg, Berneborc, Berneburg Whixley Crucheslaga, Cucheslage, Cuselade 321a 321b North Anston Anestan 321a Steeton, Bolton Percy Stiueton, Stiuetone, Stiue- Acaster Malbis Acastra, Acastre 321a tune 321b Acaster Acastra, Acastre 321a Thrybergh Triberga, Triberge 321b Acaster Selby Acastra, Acastre, Alius Acastre, Stutton Stanton, Stouetun, Stutone, Stutun, Stu- Alter Acastre 321a tune 321b Aughton near Aston Actone, Hacstone, Hactone Tadcaster Tatecastre 321b 321a Thurnscoe Dermescop, Ternusc, Ternusch, Ter- Wilsic Wilsewice, Wiselewinc 321a nusche 321b Kiveton Park Civetone 321a Hornington Horninctune, Hornintone, Horni- Tudworth Green Tudeforde, Tudeworde 321a tone 321b Long Sandall Sandala, Sandale, Sandalie, Saxhalla Saxehale, Saxhale, Saxhalla 321b Sandela 321a Ouston Ulsitone, Wlsitone 321b Middlethorpe Torp 321a Ilkley Ilecliue, Illecliue, Illiclei, Illicleia 321b Ravenfield Ravenesfeld 321a Malchetone Malchetone 321b Stainforth, Hatfield Steinforde, Stenforde 321a Pallathorpe Torp 321b Warmsworth Wemesford, Wemesforde, Wermes- Plompton Plontone 322a ford 321a Newsholme, Gisburn Neuhuse 322a Edenthorpe Scirestorp, Stirestorp 321a Paythorne Pathorme, Pathorp 322a Kirk Sandall Sandale, Sandalia, Sandalie 321a Painley Padehale, Paghenale 322a Hoyland Nether Hoiland, Holand 321a Nesfield Nacefeld 322a

215 Nappa Napars 322a Tetherfield, Kirkby Overblow Todovre 322a Raygill Moss Raghil 322a Braham, Great Braham and Little Braham Rudfarlington Rofellinton, Rofellintone, Rofell- Litelbran, Michelbram, Michelbran 322a nton 322a Aismunderby in Littlethorpe Asmundrebi Starkeshergh, Rimington Stratesergum 322a 322a Spofforth Spoford 322a Barrowby Berghebi 322a Ribston, Little Ribston, Great Ribston Ripes- Bolton-by-Bowland Bodeltone 322a tain, Ripestam, Ripestan, Ripesten 322a Askwith Ascuid 322a Studley Royal Stollai, Stollei, Stolleia 322a Elvington Alwinton, Alwintone 322b Knaresborough Chenaresburg 322a Goodmanham Gudmundham 322b Kearby Cherebi 322a Foston on the Wolds Fodstone 322b Kirkby Overblow Cherchebi, Chirchebi 322a Fyling Figclinge, Figelinge, Figlinge 322b Kelbrook Chelbroc, Cheuebroc 322a Grimston in Dunnington near York Grime- Horton in Gisburn Hortone, Hortun 322a ston, Grimestone 322b Little Middop Mithope 322a Hayton Haiton, Haitone 322b Leathley Ledelai 322a Easthorpe in Londesborough Estorp, Esttorp Malham Malgon, Malgun 322a 322b Markenfield Merchefeld 322a Clifton near York Cliftun, Cliftune 322b Linton in Spofforth Lintone 322a Arnodestorp Arnodestorp 322b Holme in Bolton by Bowland Holme 322a Burnby Brunebi 322b Crooks Croche, Croches 322a Dunnington near York Domniton 322b Coniston Cold Coneghestone, Coningeston, Wheldrake Coldrid 322b Cuningestone 322a Nafferton Nadfartone 322b Crauwel in Spofforth Caldeuuelle, Cradeuuelle Sutton upon Derwent Sudton, Sudtone 322b 322a Pockthorpe Pochetorp 322b Cowthorpe Coletorp 322a Scoreby Scornesbi 322b Clotherholme Cludun 322a Warter Warte, Wartre 322b Cheldis Chelchis, Cheldis 322a Hinderwell Hildrewelle, Ildrewlle 322b Dishforth Disforde 322a Marske-by-the-Sea Mersc, Mersch, Mersche Gisburn Ghiseburne 322a 322b Hellifield HæLgefeld, Helgefeld, Helgefelt, Helge- Kirkleatham Weslide, Westlid, Westlidum, West- flet 322a lidun, Westude 322b Glusburn Glusebrun 322a Ianulfestorp Ianulfestorp 322b Ellenthorpe in Gisburn Elwinetorp, Hal- Kipling Climbicote, Clinbicote 322b widetorp 322a Leconfield Lachinfeld, Lachinfelt 322b Swinden Suindene 322a Crakehill Crecala 323a Whixley Crucheslaga, Cucheslage, Cuselade Falsgrave Walesgrif, Walesgrip, Wallesgrif 322a 323a Thornton-in-Craven Torentun, Torentune Dalton near Topcliffe Deltune 323a 322a Everley Evrelag, Evrelai 323a Wetherby Wedrebi 322a Hackness Hageneise, Hagenesse 323a Walton Head, Kirkby Overblow Waltone Hill Grips in East Ayton Hildegrip, Ildegrip 322a 323a

216 Cloughton Cloctone, Cloctune 323a Cleeton Cleton, Cletun, Cletune 323b Berghebi Bergebi, Berghebi 323a Little Cowden in Mappleton Coldun 323b Asenby Aestanesbi 323a Dringhoe Dringolme 323b East Ayton Atun, Atune 323a Easington near Kilnsea Esintone, Hesinton, Catton Catune 323a Hesintone 323b Torp Torp 323a Danthorpe Danetorp, Dantorp 323b Rainton Rainincton, Rainingewat, Ranewat, Coniston Coiningesbi, Coningesbi 323b Reineton 323a Withernwick Widfornewic, Widfornewinc, Snainton Snechintone, Snechintun, Snechintune Withfornewinc 323b 323a Thirtleby Torchilebi 323b Seamer near Scarborough Semær, Semer 323a High Skirlington Schereltun, Schereltune 323b Skipton-on-Swale Schipetune 323a Sproatley Sprotelai, Sprotele, Sprotelie 323b Topcliffe Topeclive 323a Tansterne Tansterne 323b Ingolftwayt in Easingwold Inguluestuet 323a Sutton-on-Hull Sudtone, Sutone 323b Normanby in Eston Normanebi 323a Southorpe Torp 323b Killerby in Cayton Chiluertebi, Chiluertesbi North Skirlaugh Schirelai, Schireslai, Scirlai 323a 323b Irton Iretune 323a Skeckling Scachelinge 323b Marske-by-the-Sea Mersc, Mersch, Mersche Thorngumbald Torn, Torne 323b 323a Upton, Skipsea Uptun 323b Hilston Heldeweston, Heldouestun 323b Winestead Wifestad, Wifestede, Wistede, Wives- Flinton Flentun, Flintone 323b tad 323b Goxhill Golse 323b Withernsea Widfornessei, Witfornes 323b Great Hatfield Haiefelt, Haifeld, Haifelt 323b Waxholme Washam, Wassum, Waxham 323b Grimston in Garton Grimeston, Grimestone, Tunstall near Withernsea Tunestal, Tunestale Grimestun 323b 323b Fostun Fostun, Fostune 323b Marfleet Mereflet, Mereflot 323b Fitling Fidlinge, Fitlinge 323b Paull Holme Holm, Holme 323b Etherdwick Redewic, Redewince 323b Nuthill Notele, Nothele 323b Hollym Holam, Holun 323b Owthorne Thorne, Torne 323b Hornsea Burton Bortun, Burtune 323b Paull Pagele, Paghel 323b Kilnsea Chilnesse 323b Owstwick Hostewic, Ostewic 323b Lelley Dyke Dic, Diche 323b Newton Garth Nichuetun, Niweton 323b Humbleton Humeltone, Umeltun 323b Routh Rute, Rutha 323b Hornsea Hornesse, Hornessei 323b Preston near Hedon Preston, Prestone, Prestune Mappleton Mapletone 323b 323b Camerton Camerinton 323b Ringbrough Rigeborch, Righeborg, Ringeborg, Andrebi Andrebi 323b Ringeburg, Ringheborg, Ringheburg 323b Burstwick Brocstewic, Brostewic 323b Rolston Rolvestun, Roolfestone 323b Burton Pidsea Bortun, Bortune 323b Roos Rosse 323b Arnestorp Arnestorp 323b Long Riston Riston, Ristun, Ristune 323b Wyton Widetun 323b Redmere, Owthorne Redmar, Redmare, Red- Elstronwick Astenewic 323b mære, Rotmare 323b

217 Easington near Kilnsea Esintone, Hesinton, Redmere, Owthorne Redmar, Redmare, Red- Hesintone 324a mære, Rotmare 324a Keyingham Caingeham, Chaingeham 324a Catwick Catingewic, Catinwic, Cotingewic Halsham Halsam, Halsem, Halsham 324a 324b North Frodingham Fotingham, Frotingham Ganstead Gagenestad 324b 324a Chenecol Chenecol, Chenucol, Chenuthesholm Low Fosham Fosham, Fossham 324a 324b Garton Garton, Gartun 324a Old Ellerby Aluerdebi, Alwardebi 324b Holmpton Holmetone, Holmetune, Ulmetun Great Hatfield Haiefelt, Haifeld, Haifelt 324b 324a Little Hatfield Heiefeld, Heifeld 324b Lissett Lessete 324a Catfoss Catefos, Catefoss 324b Marton, South Skirlaugh Meretone, Meretune Bilton near Hull Bileton, Biletone, Billetone 324a 324b Dunnington in Beeford Dodintone 324a Arram Argun 324b Dimlington Dimelton 324a Bewholme Begun 324b Benningholme Benicol, Benincol 324a Brandesburton Bortun, Brantisburnine, Brantis- Barmston Benestone, Benestun 324a burtune, Branzbortune, Burtun 324b Aldbrough Aldenburg 324a Withernwick Widfornewic, Widfornewinc, Beeford Biworde 324a Withfornewinc 324b Bewick Biuinch, Biwich 324a Long Riston Riston, Ristun, Ristune 324b Dowthorpe Dwetorp 324a Ulrome Ulfram, Ulreham 324b Winkton, Barmston Winchetone 324a Seaton, Sigglesthorne Settun 324b Ringbrough Rigeborch, Righeborg, Ringeborg, Sutton-on-Hull Sudtone, Sutone 324b Ringeburg, Ringheborg, Ringheburg 324a Wassand Wadsande 324b Wawne Wagene, Waghene 324a Langthorpe Near Old Ellerby Lambetorp Torp Torp 324a 324b Rysome Garth Rison, Utrisun 324a Rise Rison, Risun 324b Rowton Rugeton, Rugheton 324a Nunkeeling Chelinge, Chilinghe 324b South Skirlaugh Scherle, Schirelai, Schirle, Scire- Long Riston Riston, Ristun, Ristune 324b lai 324a Oubrough Uleburg, Ulenburg 324b Totleys Totele 324a North Ferriby Ferebi 325a Waxholme Washam, Wassum, Waxham 324a Marton, South Skirlaugh Meretone, Meretune Meaux Melse 324a 325a Rimswell Rimeswelle 324a Kirk Ella Aluengi 325a Out Newton Niweton, Niwetone 324a Gribthorpe Gripetorp 325a Nunkeeling Chelinge, Chilinghe 324a Foggathorpe Fulcartorp 325a Little Newsome Neuhuson, Niwehusum 324a Hessle near Hull Hase 325a Great Newsome Neuhuson, Niwehusum 324a Lund in Breighton Lont 325a East Newton, Aldbrough Niweton, Niwetone Melbourne Middelburne, Midelborne 325a 324a Myton Mitun, Mitune 325a Ottringham Otrege, Otrengham, Otringeham Drypool Dridpol, Dripold, Dritpol 325a 324a Chetelestorp Chetelestorp 325a

218 Camblesforth Camelesford, Camelesforde, Wykeham Hill Alia Wich, Alia Wiche, Wichum Canbesford, Gamesford 325a 325b Anlaby Umlouebi, Unlouebi 325a Scampston Scameston, Scamestona 325b Welham Wellon 325a Thorganby Turgisbi 325b Breighton Bricstune, Briston, Bristone, Bristun Stonegrave Stainegrif, Stanegrif, Steinegrif 325a 325b West Carlton Carlentun, Carletun 325a Thirkleby, Kirby Grindalythe Alia Turgislebi, Cleeton Cleton, Cletun, Cletune 325a Turgilebi, Turgislebi 325b Wressle Weresa 325a Toresbi Toresbi 325b Sutton near Malton Sudton, Sudtone, Suton Newton-on-Ouse Neuton, Newetone 325b 325a Rudston Rodestain, Rodestan, Rodestein 325b Wintringham Wentrigeham, Wentrigham Place Newton Neuton, Newetone 325b 325a Nunnington Noningtune, Nonninctune, Non- Willitoft Wilgardi, Wilgetot 325a nintune, Nunnigetune 325b Totfled Totfled 325a Ribston, Little Ribston, Great Ribston Ripes- Thornton near Pocklington Tornetun, Tortetun tain, Ripestam, Ripestan, Ripesten 325b 325a Wombwell Wanbella, Wanbuelle 326a Wauldby Walbi 325a East Flotmanby Flotemanebi 326a Wilsthorpe Wiflestorp, Wivlestorp 325a Adlingfleet Adelingesfluet 326a Wolfreton, Kirk Ella Ulfardun, Ulvardune Branton Brantone 326a 325a West Flotmanby Flotemanebi 326a Newsholme, Wressle Nesse, Neuhusam 325a Healaugh Hailaga, Hailage, Helage 326a Sproatley Sprotelai, Sprotele, Sprotelie 325a Wold Newton Neuton, Neutone 326a Southcoates Sotecote, Sotecotes 325a Toftes Toftes 326a Riplingham Ripingham 325a Cantley Canteleia 326a Norton near Malton Norton, Nortone 325a Wighill, Wighill Park Wicheles 326a Preston near Hedon Preston, Prestone, Prestune Thorpe Underwood Tuadestorp 326a 325a Rawmarsh Rodemesc 326a Roos Rosse 325a Ripley Ripeleia, Ripeleie, Ripelie 326a Spaldington Spellinton 325a Ricstorp Ricstorp 326a Gilling East Gellinge, Ghellinge 325b Scolfstona Scloftone, Scolfstona 326a Knapton In Wintringham Cnapeton, Hunmanby Hundemanebi 326a Cnapetone 325b Newton-on-Ouse Neuton, Newetone 326a Goldsborough near Knaresborough Godenes- West Melton Medeltone, Merelton, Mereltone, burg, Godesburg 325b Middeltun, Mideltone 326a South Holme Holm, Holme 325b North Kirk Deighton and Deighton Distone East Ness Neisse, Nesse 325b 326a West Ness Neisse, Nesse 325b Muston Muston, Mustone 326a Drax Drac 325b Breighton Bricstune, Briston, Bristone, Bristun West Cottingwith Cotinwi 325b 326b Little Airmyn Ermenia, Ermenie 325b Gribthorpe Gripetorp 326b Barlby Bardulbi 325b North Duffield Dufeld, Dufelt, Nortdufelt Dalby Dalbi 325b 326b

219 Bubwith Bubuid 326b Kilburn Chileburne 327a Brimham Birnebeham 326b Baxby in Husthwaite Bachesbi, Baschebi, Chrachetorp Chrachetorp, Crachetorp 326b Baschesbi 327a Foggathorpe Fulcartorp 326b Arden Ardene 327a Gunby Bonnebi 326b Bagby Bagebi, Baghebi 327a Hessle near Hull Hase 326b Ampleforth Ambreforde, Ampreforde 327a Bramhope Brahop, Bramhop 326b Cawton Caluetone, Caluetun 327a Beckwith Becui 326b Bilbrough Mileburg 327a Anlaby Umlouebi, Unlouebi 326b Braham, Great Braham and Little Braham Addingham Edidham, Ediham, Odingehem, Litelbran, Michelbram, Michelbran 327a Odingehen 326b Carlton Miniott Carleton, Carletun 327a Aldborough Burc, Burg 326b Bilton near Harrogate Biletone, Billeton, Bil- Beamsley Bedmeslei, Bedmesleia, Bemeslai, letone 327a Bomeslai 326b Yearsley Eureslage 327a Bilton near Harrogate Biletone, Billeton, Bil- Thirkleby near Thirsk Turchilebi 327a letone 326b Steeton, Kildwick Stiuetune 327a Wressle Weresa 326b Sutton-under-Whitestonecliffe Sudtune 327a Sancton Santun, Santune 326b Rudfarlington Rofellinton, Rofellintone, Rofell- Thorpe Le Street Rudetorp, Rudtorp 326b nton 327a Spaldington Spellinton 326b Plompton Plontone 327a Scotton, Farnham Scotona, Scotone 326b Thirsk Tresc, Tresch, Tresche 327a Siuuarbi Siuuarbi 326b Threshfield Freschefelt 327a Swinton near Rotherham Sinitun, Suintone Wildon Wilema 327a 326b Thorpefield Torp 327a Willitoft Wilgardi, Wilgetot 326b Kirby Knowle Chirchebi 327a Holme-on-Spalding-Moor Holme 326b Osgoodby Ansgotebi 327a Rossett Green Rosert, Roserte 326b Newsham, Kirby Wiske Neuhuse, Neuhusum Pocklington Poclinton 326b 327a Leathley Ledelai 326b Middlethorpe Torp 327a Kirk Ella Aluengi 326b Linton near Hebden Lipton 327a Laytham Ladon, Ladone 326b Knapton Near York Cnapetone 327a Lund in Breighton Lont 326b Marderby Martrebi 327a North Rigton Riston, Ristone 326b Moor Monkton Monechetone, Monechetune Grassington Chersintone, Ghersintone 327a 327a Eastburn in Kildwick Esebrune, Estbrune Oakworth Acurde 327a 327a Flaxton Flastun, Flaxtun, Flaxtune 327b Glusburn Glusebrun 327a Cowesby Cahosbi, Colebi, Colesbi 327b Coxwold Cucualt 327a Danby near Castleton Danebi, Danebia 327b Cheldis Chelchis, Cheldis 327a Felixkirk Fridebi 327b Hessay Esdesai, Hesdesai 327a Ellerbeck Alrebec, Elrebec 327b Islebeck Iselbec 327a Crunkly in Glaisdale Crumbecliva, Crumbe- Kepwick Capuic, Chipuic 327a clive, Crunbeclif 327b Iretone Iretone 327a Coulton Coletun, Coltun, Coltune 327b

220 Camisedale Camisedale 327b Kirby Misperton Alia Cherchebi, Alia Fryton Frideton, Fritun 327b Chirchebi, Cherchebi, Chirchebi, Mispeton 327b Gilling East Gellinge, Ghellinge 327b Hoveton in Kirkdale Hovetune 327b Harome Harem, Harum, Harun 327b Howthorpe Holtorp 327b Hauuade Hauuade 327b Hutton-le-Hole Hotun 327b Grimston in East Gilling Grimeston 327b Hovingham Hovingham 327b Gillamoor Gedlingesmore 327b South Holme Holm, Holme 327b Heslington Eslinton, Haslinton 327b East Ness Neisse, Nesse 327b Beningbrough Benniburg 327b Kirkbymoorside Chirchebi 327b Amotherby Aimundrebi, Andebi, Ed- Lealholm Laclum, Lelun 327b mundrebia, Eindebi 327b Middelham Middelham 327b Great Barugh Berch, Berg 327b Nawton Nageltone, Naghelton, Nagletune Little Barugh Alia Berg, Berch, Berg 327b 327b Barnby in Bossall Barnebi 327b Marton, Sinnington Martone, Martun 327b Buttercrambe Butecram, Butecrame 327b Laysthorpe Lechestorp 327b Butterwick Butruic, Butruid 327b Cranswick Cranswic, Cranzuic 328a Birkby, Lancashire Bretebi 327b East Heslerton Eslerton, Esrelton, Heslerton, Bossall Boscele 327b Heslertone 328a Broughton in Appleton-le-Street Broctun, Broc- Fraisthorpe Frestintorp 328a tune, Brostone 327b Danby near Castleton Danebi, Danebia 328a Great Broughton Alia Broctun, Broctun, Magna Crunkly in Glaisdale Crumbecliva, Crumbe- Broctun 327b clive, Crunbeclif 328a Brandsby Branzbi 327b Etton Eton, Etton, Ettone 328a Boltby Boltebi 327b North Grimston Grimeston, Grimestone, Welburn, Kirkdale Wellebrune 327b Grimetona, Grimston, Grimstone 328a Scackleton Eschalchedene, Scachelden, Heworth Hewarde, Heworde 328a Scacheldene 327b High Hunsley and Low Hunsley Hundeslege, East Newton, Stonegrave Neuton, Neutone, Hundreslege 328a Newentune, Neweton 327b Cottingham Cotingeham, Cotingham 328a Ravensthorpe Ravenestorp, Ravenetorp 327b Camisedale Camisedale 328a Sand Hutton Hottune, Hotun, Hotune 327b Buckton Holms in Settrington Bocheton, Bo- Normanby near Salton Normanebi 327b chetone 328a Newsham, Amotherby Neuhuse, Newehusum, Welham Wetton 328a Niehusum 327b Bainton Bagenton 328a West Ness Neisse, Nesse 327b Bishopthorpe Badetorp, Badetorpes 328a Scrayingham Escraingham, Escringham, Screng- Burdale Bredale, Breddale, Bredhalle 328a ham 327b North Cave Alia Cave, Cava, Cave 328a Stearsby Estiresbi, Stirsbi 327b Little Weighton Wideton, Widetone 328a Waletune Waleton, Waletun, Waletune 327b Pillwood Pileford 328a Wath, Hovingham Wad 327b Stillingfleet Steflinflet, Steflingefled 328a Thorpe Hill, Sand Hutton Torp 327b Skerne Schirne 328a Slingsby Eslingesbi, Selungesbi 327b Scrayingham Escraingham, Escringham, Screng- Holker, Lancashire Holecher 327b ham 328a

221 Raisthorpe Redrestorp 328a Knaresborough Chenaresburg 328b Sherburn Schirebur, Schiresburne, Sciresburne North Kirk Deighton and Deighton Distone 328a 328b Skipwith Schipewic 328a Ribston, Little Ribston, Great Ribston Ripes- Torp Torp 328a tain, Ripestam, Ripestan, Ripesten 328b Hutton Cranswick Hotone, Hottune, Hotune Old Thornville Alia Cathala, Cathale 328b 328a Wetherby Wedrebi 328b Norton near Malton Norton, Nortone 328a Stillingfleet Steflinflet, Steflingefled 328b Lealholm Laclum, Lelun 328a Lower Dunsforth Doneforde, Dunesford, Dunes- Kirk Ella Aluengi 328a forde 328b Kelfield Chelchefeld, Chelchefelt 328a Ingmanthorpe Gemunstorp, Germundstorp Kennythorpe Cheretorp 328a 328b Langton Lanton 328a Hopperton Homptone, Homtone, Hopretone Moreby Morebi 328a 328b Copgrove Copegrave 328b Hainworth Hageneworde 328b Branton Green Brantona, Brantun, Brantune Eldwick Helguic, Helwic 328b 328b Upper Dunsforth Doneforde, Dunesford, Dunes- Brimham Birnebeham 328b forde 328b Braham, Great Braham and Little Braham Flaxby Flatesbi 328b Litelbran, Michelbram, Michelbran 328b Halton in Bingley Hatelton, Hateltun, Bingley Bingelei, Bingheleia 328b Heldetone 328b Copmanthorpe Copeman Torp, Copemantorp Hunsingore Holsingoure, Hulsingoure, Ul- 328b sigouere 328b East Cottingwith Alia Cotewid, Cotewid Hessay Esdesai, Hesdesai 329a 328b Knapton Near York Cnapetone 329a Cullingworth Colingaworde 328b Hornington Horninctune, Hornintone, Horni- Cottingley Cotingelai, Cotingelei 328b tone 329a Dacre Dacre 328b Hutton Wandersley Wandeslage 329a Aldborough Burc, Burg 328b Long Marston Mersetone, Merstone 329a Marley Mardelei 328b Nun Monkton Monechetone, Monuchetone Acaster Selby Acastra, Acastre, Alius Acastre, 329a Alter Acastre 328b Colton near York Coletone, Coletune 329a Grafton Graftona 328b Bilton near Wetherby Biletone 329a Bewerley Beurelie 328b Appleton Roebuck Apeltone, Apleton, Apletone Arkendale Archedene, Arghendene 328b 329a Barrowby Berghebi 328b Askham Richard Ascam, Ascham 329a Beamsley Bedmeslei, Bedmesleia, Bemeslai, Catterton Cadretone, Cadretune 329a Bomeslai 328b Wilstrop Wilestorp, Wivlestorp 329a Baildon Beldone, Beldun, Beldune 328b Scagglethorpe, Moor Monkton Scachertorp, Whipley Wipelei, Wipeleie, Wipelie 328b Scarchetorp 329a Newsome Neusone 328b Tockwith Tocui 329a Loftus Hill Locthusun, Lotes, Lothuse 328b Steeton, Bolton Percy Stiueton, Stiuetone, Stiue- Micklethwaite Muceltuit, Muceltuoit 328b tune 329a

222 Thorpe Arch Torp 329a Kirk Hammerton Alia Ambretone, Altera Han- Walton near Wetherby Waletone, Waletune, bretone 329b Walitone 329a Skirpenbeck Scarpenbec, Scarpinberg 329b Pallathorpe Torp 329a Scradiztorp Scardiztorp, Scradiztorp 329b Rufforth Ruford, Ruforde, Rufort 329a Pocklington Poclinton 329b Upper Poppleton Alia Popletone, Popletune, Newton Kyme Neuton, Neutone, Neweton, Popletone 329a Niweton 329b Nether Poppleton Altera Popletone, Popletone Oglethorpe Ocelestorp, Oglestorp 329b 329a Raisthorpe Redrestorp 329b Rodouuelle Rodouuelle 329a Silsden Siglesdene 329b Fridaythorpe Fridagstorp, Fridagtorp, Kirby Hill Chirchebi 330a Fridarstorp, Fridastorp 329b Heuuorde Heuuorde, Heuurde 330a Hopperton Homptone, Homtone, Hopretone Kex Moor Chetesmor, Cotesmore 330a 329b Humberton Burton, Burtone, Burtun 330a Hebden 329b Hebedene Grewelthorpe Torp 330a Green Hammerton Ambretone, Hanbretone Clareton Clareton, Claretone 330a 329b Kirkby Malzeard Chirchebi 330a Hanging Grimston Grimeston, Grimstone Langthorpe In Kirby Hill Torp 330a 329b Laverton Lavreton, Lavretona, Lavretone Hickleton Chicheltone, Icheltone 329b 330a Kilham Chillon, Chillun 329b Knayser In Skelding Chenaresford, Kenares- Kirby In Little Ouseburn Chirchebi 329b forde, Neresford, Neresforde 330a Drebley Drebelaie 329b Marton near Boroughbridge Martone 330a Cadeby Catebi 329b Birstwith Beristade 330a Bugthorpe Buchetorp, Bugetorp, Bughetorp 329b Farnham Farneham 330a Aldborough Burc, Burg 329b Azerley Aserla, Aserle, Asserle, Haserlai 330a Barthorpe Barchertorp, Barchetorp 329b Bickerton Bichretone 330a Burnsall Brineshale, Brinshale 329b Carlesmoor Calesmor, Carlesmore 330a Cattal Catale, Cathala 329b Brafferton Bradfortune, Bratfortone, Bratfortune Youlthorpe Aiulftorp, Aiultorp, Auiltorp 330a 329b Brimham Birnebeham 330a Stutton Stanton, Stouetun, Stutone, Stutun, Stu- Cadretone Cadretone 330a tune 329b High Bramley and Low Bramley Brameleia, Toulston Oglestun, Togelestun, Togleston, Bramelie 330a Toglestun 329b Askwith Ascuid 330a Thixendale Sixtedale, Sixtendale, Xistendale Winksley Wichingeslei, Wincheslaie 330a 329b Thorpe Hill near Whixley Torp 330a Susacres Sosacra, Sosacre, Sotesac 329b Weeton near Harewood Widetone, Widetun, Swaythorpe Suavetorp 329b Widetune, Widitun 330a Thorpe near Hebden Torp 329b Weardley Wardam, Warde, Wartle 330a Whixley Crucheslaga, Cucheslage, Cuselade Thornton, Brafferton Torenton, Torentone 329b 330a

223 Thornborough, Allerton Mauleverer Torn- Weeton near Harewood Widetone, Widetun, burne, Torneburne 330a Widetune, Widitun 330b Addlethorpe Adulfestorp, Ardulfestorp, Ardul- Tibthorpe Tibetorp, Tipetorp 330b vestorp 330a Snaith Esneid, Esnoid, Esnoit 330b Aldfield Aldefeld, Aldefelt 330a Scotton, Farnham Scotona, Scotone 330b Allerton Mauleverer Aluertone, Alureton, Thorpe Juxta Scotton, Farnham Torp 330b Aluretona, Aluretone 330a Wath Upon Dearne Wade, Wat, Wate 330b Aldborough Burc, Burg 330a Widdington Widetona, Widetone 330b Middeltun Middeltun 330a Huggate Hughete 330b Sledmere Slidemare 330a Pocklington Poclinton 330b Poppleton, Fountains Earth Popletone 330a Nunburnholme Brunham 330b Skelton near Boroughbridge Scheldone, Schel- West Melton Medeltone, Merelton, Mereltone, tone 330a Middeltun, Mideltone 330b Oulston Ulueston, Uluestone, Uluestun 330a Laverton Lavreton, Lavretona, Lavretone Swetton Sualun, Suatune 330a 330b Snainton Snechintone, Snechintun, Snechintune Loftus Hill Locthusun, Lotes, Lothuse 330b 330a Mulede Mulede, Mulehale, Mulhede 330b Studley Royal Stollai, Stollei, Stolleia 330a Little Ouseburn Alia Useburne, Useburne Old Sunderlandwick Sundrelanwic, Sundreslan- 330b wic 330a Hilderthorpe Hilgertorp, Hilgretorp 331a Staveley Stanlei, Stanleia 330a Harpham Arpen, Harpein 331a Bishopthorpe Badetorp, Badetorpes 330b West Heslerton Alia Eslerton, Heslertone Darfield Dereweld, Derewelle 330b 331a Carlton near Snaith Carletona, Carletun 330b East Heslerton Eslerton, Esrelton, Heslerton, Brampton in Wath upon Dearne Brantone Heslertone 331a 330b Hanging Grimston Grimeston, Grimstone Bolton in Bishop Wilton Bodelton 330b 331a Camblesforth Camelesford, Camelesforde, Gransmoor Grentesmor, Grentesmora, Grenz- Canbesford, Gamesford 330b more 331a North Dalton Dalton, Daltone 330b Huby Hobi 331a Flamborough Flaneburc, Flaneburg 330b Kildale Childala, Childale 331a Hopperton Homptone, Homtone, Hopretone Kirby Underdale Cherchebi, Chirchebi 331a 330b Kilham Chillon, Chillun 331a Billingley Bilingelei, Bilingeleia, Bilingelie, Bin- Ingleby Greenhow Englebi 331a gelie 330b Kirkby Near Stokesley Cherchebi 331a Armthorpe Einulvestorp, Ernulfestorp 330b Great Busby Buschebi 331a Allerton Mauleverer Aluertone, Alureton, Birdsall Brideshala, Briteshala, Briteshale, Brit- Aluretona, Aluretone 330b shale 331a Whitely Achum, Acum, Acun 330b Busby Alia Buschebi, Buschebia 331a Anlaby Umlouebi, Unlouebi 330b Little Broughton Broctun, Broctune 331a Azerley Aserla, Aserle, Asserle, Haserlai 330b Watton Waton 331a Wombwell Wanbella, Wanbuelle 330b Garrowby Geruezbi, Gheruenzbi 331a East Rigton Riston, Ritone, Ritun 330b Carnaby Cherendebi 331a

224 Dromonby Dragmalebi 331a Lower Dunsforth Doneforde, Dunesford, Dunes- Fraisthorpe Frestintorp 331a forde 331b Elmswell Elmeswelle, Helmeswelle 331a Upper Dunsforth Doneforde, Dunesford, Dunes- North Cliffe Clive 331a forde 331b Wilton, Ormesby Widtune, Wiltune 331a Bilton near Harrogate Biletone, Billeton, Bil- Thoralby, Bugthorpe Turalzbi 331a letone 331b Stokesley Stocheslag, Stocheslage 331a Acklam Near Leavening Aclun 331b Tanton Tametona, Tametun 331a Bishopsthorpe Badetorp 331b Sutton near Malton Sudton, Sudtone, Suton Grafton Graftone 331b 331a Acaster Selby Acastra, Acastre, Alius Acastre, Stemanesbi Stemainesbi, Stemanesbi 331a Alter Acastre 331b Skutterskelfe Codeschelf, Codreschef, Codreschelf Appletreewick Apletrewic 331b 331a Wortley Wirlei, Wirtleie, Wrleia 331b Ripley 331b Thoraldby Toroldesbi, Turoldesbi 331a Ripeleia, Ripeleie, Ripelie Thorpe near Hebden Torp 331b Upsall, Ormesby Upesale, Upeshale 331a Snaith Esneid, Esnoid, Esnoit 331b Wharram Percy Warran, Warron 331a Rylstone Rilestun, Rilistune 331b Walkington Walcheton, Walchinton, Walchin- Studley Royal Stollai, Stollei, Stolleia 331b tone 331a Whipley Wipelei, Wipeleie, Wipelie 331b Tollesby Tolesbi, Tollesbi 331a Hartlington Herlintone, Herlintun 331b Lazenby in Ormesby Laisinbia, Leisingebi, North Rigton Riston, Ristone 331b Lesighebi, Lesingebi 331a Kilnsey Chileseie 331b Marton, Sewerby Marton, Martone, Martun Heuuorde Heuuorde, Heuurde 331b 331a Hensall Edeshale 331b West Lilling Lilinga, Lilinge 331a Holedene Holedene 331b Marton, Middlesbrough Martona, Martun, Leavening Alia Ledlinge, Ledlinge, Ledlinghe 331a Martune 331b Lowthorpe Langetorp, Logetorp, Loghetorp Ellel, Lancashire Ellhale 332a 331a Eshton Estune 332a East Lilling Lilinga, Lilinge 331a Ellenthorpe in Gisburn Elwinetorp, Hal- Sewerby Siwarbi, Siwardbi 331a widetorp 332a Newsham, Amotherby Neuhuse, Newehusum, Elslack Eleslac 332a Niehusum 331a Farleton, Westmoreland Fareltun 332a Painsthorpe Thorf, Torfe 331a Flasby Flatebi 332a Rudston Rodestain, Rodestan, Rodestein 331a Easington in Slaidburn Esintune 332a Ormesby Ormesbi, Ormesbia 331a Dunnow Badresbi 332a Bishopsthorpe Badetorp, Badetorpes 331b Crooks Croche, Croches 332a Dunkeswick Chesuic 331b Earby Alia Eurebi, Eurebi 332a Burnsall Brineshale, Brinshale 331b Cowling near Glusburn Collinghe 332a Bishopthorpe Badetorp, Badetorpes 331b Hawkswick Hocheswic 332a Branton Green Brantona, Brantun, Brantune Heversham, Westmoreland Evreshaim 332a 331b Hellifield HæLgefeld, Helgefeld, Helgefelt, Helge- Conistone Cunestune 331b flet 332a

225 Hetton Hetune 332a Thornton-in-Craven Torentun, Torentune Hincaster, Westmoreland Hennecastre 332a 332a Gargrave Geregrave, Gheregrave 332a Wigglesworth Wiclesforde, Winchelesworde, Hammerton Hamereton 332a Wincheleswrde 332a Gisburn Ghiseburne 332a Waddington Widitun 332a Giggleswick Ghigeleswic 332a Winterburn Witreburne 332a Grindleton Gretlintone 332a Stackhouse Stacuse 332a Horton in Gisburn Hortone, Hortun 332a Stock Stoche 332a Ashton in Lancaster, Lancashire Estun 332a Stainton, Bank Newton Stainton, Staintone Bashall Eaves Baschelf 332a 332a Bank Newton Neutone, Neutune 332a Stainforth near Settle Stainforde, Stranforde Barnoldswick near Gisburn Bernulfeswic 332a 332a Starbotton Stamphotne 332a Beetham, Westmoreland Biedun 332a Horton in Ribblesdale Hortune 332a Bogeuurde Bogeuurde 332a Kirkby Malham Chirchebi 332a Arnford Erneforde 332a Lees Sotleie 332a Anley Anele, Anlei, Anleie 332a Lanesdale Lanesdale 332a Airton Airtone 332a Langcliffe Lanclif 332a Arncliffe near Litton 332a Arneclif Leuetat Leuetat 332a Coniston Cold Coneghestone, Coningeston, Levens, Westmoreland Lefvenes 332a Cuningestone 332a Kettlewell Chetelewelle 332a Calton Caltun 332a Ingthorpe Ucnetorp 332a Carleton Carlentone 332a Hubberholme Huburgheham 332a Caretorp Caretorp 332a Kelbrook Chelbroc, Cheuebroc 332a Cockerham, Lancashire Cocreham 332a Painley Padehale, Paghenale 332a Bordley Borelaie 332a Broughton near Skipton Broctune 332a Newsholme, Gisburn Neuhuse 332a Bracewell Braisuelle 332a Little Newton Neutone 332a Borwick, Lancashire Berewic 332a Newton, Slaidburn Neutone 332a West Bradford Bradeforde 332a Otterburn Otreburne 332a Yealand Conyers, Yealand Redmayne, Lan- Litton Litone 332a cashire Ialant 332a Great Mitton Mitune 332a Rimington Renitone 332a East Marton Martun 332a Selside Selesat 332a Lothersdale Lodresdene 332a Scosthrop Scotorp 332a West Marton Martun 332a Scotforth, Lancashire Scozforde 332a Newham Neuham, Neweham, Niueham, Niwe- Settle Setel 332a ham 332b Slaidburn Slateborne 332a Nunthorpe Torp 332b Rathmell Rodemare, Rodemele 332a Newsham, Amotherby Neuhuse, Newehusum, Long Preston Prestune 332a Niehusum 332b Preston Richard, Westmoreland Prestun 332a Newton under Roseberry Neweton, Newetun, Radholme Laund Radun 332a Nietona 332b Paythorne Pathorme, Pathorp 332a Ormesby Ormesbi, Ormesbia 332b

226 South Otterington Ostrinctune, Otrintona, Kildale Childala, Childale 332b Otrintune 332b Kilnwick Percy Chelingewic, Chilewic, Morton, Ormesby Mortona, Mortun 332b Chillewinc 332b Moorsholm Morehusum, Moreshusun, Kirklevington Lentune, Levetona 332b Morhusum 332b Hopperton Homptone, Homtone, Hopretone Leathley Ledelai 332b 332b Marton, Middlesbrough Martona, Martun, Low Hutton Hotun 332b Martune 332b Horsforth Horseford, Horseforde, Hoseforde Morton, East Harlsey Mortona, Mortune 332b 332b Hornby in Great Smeaton Hornebia 332b Lazenby in Ormesby Laisinbia, Leisingebi, Hotham Hode, Hodhum 332b Lesighebi, Lesingebi 332b Grewelthorpe Torp 332b Scotton, Farnham Scotona, Scotone 332b North Cave Alia Cave, Cava, Cave 332b Tanton Tametona, Tametun 332b Crambe Crambom, Crambun, Cranbon, Cran- Steintun Esteintona, Steintun 332b bone 332b Susacres Sosacra, Sosacre, Sotesac 332b Cawthorne in Middleton near Pickering Cal- Thornaby-on-Tees Tormozbi, Tormozbia, Tur- torn, Caltorna, Caltorne 332b mozbi 332b South Cliffe Clive 332b Great Ouseburn Usebruna, Useburne 332b Crathorne Cratorn, Cratorna, Cratorne, Gra- Scampston Scameston, Scamestona 332b torne 332b Rawdon Rodum, Roudun 332b Lower Dunsforth Doneforde, Dunesford, Dunes- Pinchinthorpe Oustorp, Torp 332b forde 332b Rudston Rodestain, Rodestan, Rodestein 332b Castlelevington in Kirklevington Alia Lentun, Thornholme Thirnon, Tirnum 332b Alia Lentune, Alia Levetona 332b Haisthorpe Ascheltorp, Aschiltorp, Haschetorp Camblesforth Camelesford, Camelesforde, 332b Canbesford, Gamesford 332b East Heslerton Haselintone 332b Busby Alia Buschebi, Buschebia 332b East Harlsey Alia Herlesege, Herlesia 332b Carlton near Snaith Carletona, Carletun 332b Harpham Arpen, Harpein 332b Burythorpe Bergetorp, Berguetorp 332b West Heslerton Haselintone 332b High Foxton Fostun, Foxtun 332b Hilton near Stokesley Hiltona, Hiltun, Hiltune Goulton Goltona, Gotun, Goutun 332b 332b Ganthorpe Galmetona, Gameltorp 332b Guisborough Chigesburg, Ghigesborg, Ghiges- Garrowby Geruezbi, Gheruenzbi 332b burg, Gighesborc, Giseborne 332b Gransmoor Grentesmor, Grentesmora, Grenz- Millington Milletona 332b more 332b Brompton near Snainton Brunetona, Brunton, Upper Dunsforth Doneforde, Dunesford, Dunes- Bruntun, Bruntune 332b forde 332b North Grimston Grimeston, Grimestone, Foxholes Foxele, Foxhole, Foxohole 332b Grimetona, Grimston, Grimstone 332b Faceby Feizbi, Fezbi, Foitesbi 332b Laverton Lavreton, Lavretona, Lavretone Eddlethorpe Eduardestorp, Gedwalestorp, Gud- 332b walestorp 332b Ingleby Arncliffe Englebi, Englebia 332b Firby in Westow Friebia 332b Kirkburn Burnous, Westburne 332b Thornthorpe Torgrimestorp 332b

227 Upsall, Ormesby Upesale, Upeshale 332b Lealholm Laclum, Lelun 333a Low Worsall Alius Wercesel, Wercheshala Thornton Dale Torentona, Torentun, Torentune 332b 333a Welbury Wellberga, Welleberg, Welleberge Harpham Arpen, Harpein 333a 332b Cliffe near Hemingbrough Clive 373a Widdington Widetona, Widetone 332b Dunnington near York Domniton 373a Yarm Gerou, Iarun, Larun 332b North Duffield Dufeld, Dufelt, Nortdufelt Acklam in Middlesbrough Achelum, Aclum, 373a Aclun 332b North Dalton Dalton, Daltone 373a Tollesby Tolesbi, Tollesbi 332b South Cliffe Clive 373a Thwing Tuenc, Twenc 332b Great Driffield Drifeld, Drifelt 373a Thorpe Juxta Scotton, Farnham Torp 332b South Duffield Suddufel, Suddufeld, Suddufelt Tibthorpe Tibetorp, Tipetorp 332b 373a Burton Agnes Bortona, Burton, Burtone 332b Ellerton near Bubwith Elreton, Elretone 373a Berguluesbi Bergolbi, Berguluesbi 332b Fyling Figclinge, Figelinge, Figlinge 373a Branton Green Brantona, Brantun, Brantune Cherry Burton Burton, Burtone 373a 332b Burland Birland 373a Birdsall Brideshala, Briteshala, Briteshale, Brit- Belby Ballebi, Bellebi 373a shale 332b York Eboracum 373a Brantingham Bredingham, Brendingham, Aughton near Bubwith Actun 373a Brentingeham, Brentingham, Bretingham 332b Brantingham Bredingham, Brendingham, Brodeby in Osmotherley Bordalebi, Bordelbia, Brentingeham, Brentingham, Bretingham 373a Bordlebi 332b North Cave Alia Cave, Cava, Cave 373a Allerton Mauleverer Aluertone, Alureton, Whitby Witebi 373a Aluretona, Aluretone 332b Pocklington Poclinton 373a Azerley Aserla, Aserle, Asserle, Haserlai 332b Appleton Wiske Apeltona, Apletun, Apletune Stonegrave Stainegrif, Stanegrif, Steinegrif 332b 373a Amotherby Aimundrebi, Andebi, Ed- Scoreby Scornesbi 373a mundrebia, Eindebi 332b Sancton Santun, Santune 373a Arncliffe in Ingleby Arncliffe Erneclive, Sand Hutton Hottune, Hotun, Hotune 373a Gerneclif, Lerneclif 332b Sheriff Hutton Hotone, Hotun, Hotune 373a Gransmoor Grentesmor, Grentesmora, Grenz- Welton Weleton, Welleton, Welletone 373a more 333a Grimston in Dunnington near York Grime- Crunkly in Glaisdale Crumbecliva, Crumbe- ston, Grimestone 373a clive, Crunbeclif 333a Osgodby, Hemingbrough Ansgotebi, Ansgotesbi Eskdale in Whitby Eschedala 333a 373a Danby near Castleton Danebi, Danebia 333a Naburn Naborne 373a Cayton near Scarborough Caimtona, Caitun, Lund in Breighton Lont 373a Caitune 333a Howden Houed, Houeden, Houedene 373a Wykeham Near Ruston Wicam, Wicham Ianulfestorp Ianulfestorp 373a 333a Middleton-on-the-Wolds Middeltun, Middel- Hangton in Glaisdale Hanechetona 333a tune, Midelton 373a

228 Newton, Cherry Burton Neuton, Neutone Tadcaster Tatecastre 373b 373a Walkington Walcheton, Walchinton, Walchin- Kirk Sandall Sandale, Sandalia, Sandalie 373b tone 373b Hazelwood Eselewode, Heselewode 373b Welton Weleton, Welleton, Welletone 373b Great Houghton Haltun, Haltune 373b Wilsic Wilsewice, Wiselewinc 373b Kirk Bramwith Branwat, Branwet, Branwite, Wheldrake Coldrid 373b Branwithe, Branwode 373b Weardley Wardam, Warde, Wartle 373b Hexthorpe Egescop, Estorp, Hestorp 373b Niuuehusum Neuhuse, Niuuehusum 373b Fishlake Fiscelac, Fixcale 373b Saxhalla Saxehale, Saxhale, Saxhalla 373b Elvington Alwinton, Alwintone 373b East Rigton Riston, Ritone, Ritun 373b Lead Led, Lede, Lied 373b Ryther Ridre, Rie 373b Lowthorpe Langetorp, Logetorp, Loghetorp Risby Rasbi, Risbi 373b 373b Oglethorpe Ocelestorp, Oglestorp 373b Morley Morelege, Morelei, Moreleia 373b Stutton Stanton, Stouetun, Stutone, Stutun, Stu- North Milford Mileford, Mileforde 373b tune 373b Loversall Gevreshale, Lovreshale, Luvreshale Scradiztorp Scardiztorp, Scradiztorp 373b 373b Stainforth, Hatfield Steinforde, Stenforde 373b Newton Kyme Neuton, Neutone, Neweton, Steeton, Bolton Percy Stiueton, Stiuetone, Stiue- Niweton 373b tune 373b Bramham Braham, Brameham, Bramham Stancil Steineshale 373b 373b Skirpenbeck Scarpenbec, Scarpinberg 373b Adwick le Street Adewic, Adewinc, Hadewic Old Ellerby Aluerdebi, Alwardebi 374a 373b Chenecol Chenecol, Chenucol, Chenuthesholm Birkin Berchige, Berchine, Berchinge 373b 374a Barnburgh Barneburg, Berneborc, Berneburg Colton near York Coletone, Coletune 374a 373b Catwick Catingewic, Catinwic, Cotingewic Cantley Canteleia 373b 374a Edenthorpe Scirestorp, Stirestorp 373b Catfoss Catefos, Catefoss 374a Catterton Cadretone, Cadretune 373b Hackerby in Healaugh Hagedebi, Hagendebi, Clifton near York Cliftun, Cliftune 373b Haghedenebi 374a Conisbrough Coningesborc, Coningesburg, Holmpton Holmetone, Holmetune, Ulmetun Cuningesburg 373b 374a Colton near York Coletone, Coletune 373b Hornington Horninctune, Hornintone, Horni- Clifton, Conisbrough Clifton, Cliftone, Clif- tone 374a tune 373b Healaugh Hailaga, Hailage, Helage 374a Yeadon Iadun, Ladun 373b Keyingham Caingeham, Chaingeham 374a Wakefield Wachefeld, Wachefelt 373b Brandesburton Bortun, Brantisburnine, Brantis- Thorpe Le Street Rudetorp, Rudtorp 373b burtune, Branzbortune, Burtun 374a Tudworth Green Tudeforde, Tudeworde 373b Askham Richard Ascam, Ascham 374a Wadworth Wadeuorde, Wadewrde 373b Appleton Roebuck Apeltone, Apleton, Apletone Toulston Oglestun, Togelestun, Togleston, 374a Toglestun 373b Acaster Selby Acastra, Acastre, Alius Acastre, Thorner Torneure, Tornoure 373b Alter Acastre 374a

229 Oxton Ositone 374a Laughton-en-le-Morthen Lastone 379a Andrebi Andrebi 374a Lead Led, Lede, Lied 379a Askham Bryan Ascam, Ascham 374a Langthwaite in Adwick le Street Langetouet Bolton Percy Badetone, Bodeltone, Bodeltune, 379a Bodetone 374a Kirk Sandall Sandale, Sandalia, Sandalie 379a Waxholme Washam, Wassum, Waxham 374a Ledston Ledestun, Ledestune 379a Southcoates Sotecote, Sotecotes 374a Hexthorpe Egescop, Estorp, Hestorp 379a Rysome Garth Rison, Utrisun 374a Hazelwood Eselewode, Heselewode 379a Scagglethorpe, Moor Monkton Scachertorp, Hellaby Elgebi, Helgebi 379a Scarchetorp 374a Heworth Hewarde, Heworde 379a Rufforth Ruford, Ruforde, Rufort 374a Headingley Hedingelei, Hedingeleia 379a Rise Rison, Risun 374a Handsworth Handesword, Handeswrde 379a Sproatley Sprotelai, Sprotele, Sprotelie 374a Great Houghton Haltun, Haltune 379a Torp Torp 374a Hickleton Chicheltone, Icheltone 379a Walton near Wetherby Waletone, Waletune, Hooton Levitt Hotone 379a Walitone 374a Hooton Roberts Hotun 379a Steeton, Bolton Percy Stiueton, Stiuetone, Stiue- Horsforth Horseford, Horseforde, Hoseforde tune 374a 379a Langthorpe Near Old Ellerby Lambetorp Hooton Pagnell Hotone, Hotun 379a 374a Holdworth Honepol 379a Redmere, Owthorne Redmar, Redmare, Red- Newsam Green Neuhusum, Newhusum 379a mære, Rotmare 374a Murton, Osbaldwick Mortun, Mortune 379a Nether Poppleton, Upper Poppleton Popletuna Newhall, Harewood Niwehale, Niwehalle 374a 379a Ouston Ulsitone, Wlsitone 374a Newhill Neuhalle, Niwehalla 379a Mulede Mulede, Mulehale, Mulhede 374a Newhall Neuhalle, Newehalla 379a Luuetotholm Luuetotholm 374a Mortona, Overton Mortun 379a Nun Monkton Monechetone, Monuchetone West Morton Mortun, Mortune 379a 374a Newton, Ledsham Niweton, Niwetun 379a Pallathorpe Torp 374a Niuuehusum Neuhuse, Niuuehusum 379a Preston near Hedon Preston, Prestone, Prestune Osbaldwick Osboldewic 379a 374a Otley Otelai, Othelai 379a Kippax Chipesch 379a Oglethorpe Ocelestorp, Oglestorp 379a Hunchilhuse Hunchilhuse, Hunchilhuses 379a Newton Kyme Neuton, Neutone, Neweton, East Keswick Chesinc, Chesing 379a Niweton 379a Kimberworth Chibereworde 379a Littleworth Scitelesworde 379a Kiddal Chidal, Chidale 379a West Melton Medeltone, Merelton, Mereltone, Ilkley Ilecliue, Illecliue, Illiclei, Illicleia 379a Middeltun, Mideltone 379a Hoyland Nether Hoiland, Holand 379a Loversall Gevreshale, Lovreshale, Luvreshale Little Houghton Haltone 379a 379a Kirk Bramwith Branwat, Branwet, Branwite, Marr Marle, Marr, Marra 379a Branwithe, Branwode 379a High Melton Medeltone, Middeltun 379a Kirkby Wharfe Chirchebi 379a Maltby near Rotherham Maltebi 379a

230 Lofthouse in Harewood Locthusun, Lofthuse Manston Manestun 379a 379a Halton in Bingley Hatelton, Hateltun, East Morton Mortun, Mortune 379a Heldetone 379a Menston Mersintone 379a Gipton Chipertun, Chipetun, Cipetun 379a Micklethwaite Muceltuit, Muceltuoit 379a Frickley Fricelei, Friceleia, Frichehale, Frichelie North Milford Mileford, Mileforde 379a 379a Monk Hay, Barwick in Elmet Monechet, Gate Fulford Foleforde, Fuleford, Fuleforde Monuchetone 379a 379a Middleton, Ilkley Middeltune, Mideltun 379a Gereburg Gereburg 379a Mexborough Mechesburg 379a Garforth Gereford, Gereforde, Ingereforde Parlington Perlinctune, Perlintun, Pertilinctun, 379a Pertilintun 379a Farnley, Otley Fernelai, Fernelie 379a Colton in Temple Newsam Coletun, Colletun Fairburn Fareburne 379a 379a Goldthorpe Godetorp, Goldetorp, Guldetorp Little Church Fenton and Fenton Fentun 379a 379a Grimeshou Grimeshou 379a Clifton near Newall Cliftun 379a Guiseley Gisele 379a Coldcotes Caldecotes 379a Halton in Temple Newsam Halletun, Halletune Clifton near York Cliftun, Cliftune 379a 379a Clayton near Thurnscoe Claitone 379a Grimston in Kirkby Wharfe Grimeston, Chapel Allerton Alretun 379a Grimestun 379a East Carlton Carletun, Carletune 379a Greasbrough Gersebroc, Greseburg, Gresseburg Conisbrough Coningesborc, Coningesburg, 379a Cuningesburg 379a Darfield Dereweld, Derewelle 379a Cottingley Cotingelai, Cotingelei 379a Doncaster Donecastre 379a Cusworth Cuzeworde, Scuscewrde 379a Deightonby in Thurnscoe Dictenebi 379a Dadsley Dadeslei, Dadesleia 379a Dewsbury Deusberia, Deusberie 379a Cowthwaite in Aberford Cudford, Cuford Dinnington Domnitone, Dunintone, Dunnitone 379a 379a Cookridge Cucheric 379a Old Denaby Degenebi, Denegebi 379a Dalton in Rotherham Dalton, Daltone 379a Darrington Darnintone, Darnitone 379a Hambleton Hameltune 379a Eldwick Helguic, Helwic 379a Barlow Berlai 379a Drax Drac 379a Clifford Cliford 379a Eccup Echope 379a Denton Dentone 379a Old Edlington Eilintone, Ellintone 379a Cantley Canteleia 379a Eldeberge Eldeberge 379a Aston Estone 379a Ectone Ectone, Estone 379a Carlton near Snaith Carletona, Carletun 379a Ecclesfield Eclesfeld, Eclesfelt 379a Leeds Ledes 379a Camblesforth Camelesford, Camelesforde, Marley Mardelei 379a Canbesford, Gamesford 379a Whiston Widestan 379a Armthorpe Einulvestorp, Ernulfestorp 379a Wigginton Wichintun 379a Little Airmyn Ermenia, Ermenie 379a Overton Overtun 379a Alwoodley Alwoldelei 379a

231 South Anston Litelastone, Titelanstan 379a Burley in Wharfedale Burgelei, Burghelai 379a North Anston Anestan 379a Brodsworth Brochesworde, Brodesworde, Allerton Bywater Alretun, Alretune 379a Brodeswrde 379a Adwick upon Dearne Adewic, Hadewic 379a Bardsey Berdesei, Bereleseie 379a Adwick le Street Adewic, Adewinc, Hadewic Bikerton, Newall With Clifton Bichertun, 379a Bicherun 379a Arthington Ardinton, Hardinctone 379a Barnburgh Barneburg, Berneborc, Berneburg Aughton near Aston Actone, Hacstone, Hactone 379a 379a Barwick in Elmet Berewit, Berewith 379a Austhorpe Ossetorp 379a Bentley near Doncaster Benedleia, Benelei, Be- Baildon Beldone, Beldun, Beldune 379a neslaie, Beneslei 379a Austerfield Oustrefeld 379a Barnby Dun Barnebi 379a Auckley Alceslei, Alchelie, Alcheslei 379a Barkston Barchestun 379a Balby Ballebi, Ballesbi 379a Bowling Bollinc 379a Wickersley Wicresleia, Wincreslei 379a Bilham Bilam, Bilan, Bileham, Bilham 379a Weardley Wardam, Warde, Wartle 379a Bingley Bingelei, Bingheleia 379a Wetecroft Thorner Watecroft 379a Birkin Berchige, Berchine, Berchinge 379a Wheatley Watelag, Watelage 379a Bolton Upon Dearne Bodeltone, Bodetone Wentworth Winteword, Winteworde, Win- 379a trewrde 379a Birkby Hill Bretebi 379a Wath Upon Dearne Wade, Wat, Wate 379a Billingley Bilingelei, Bilingeleia, Bilingelie, Bin- Adel Adele 379a gelie 379a Wike Wic, Wich 379a Pickburn Picheburne 379a Wombwell Wanbella, Wanbuelle 379a Skelton near York Sceltun, Scheltun 379a Wothersome Wodehuse, Wodehusum 379a Seacroft Sacrofft, Sacroft 379a Yeadon Iadun, Ladun 379a Sherburn, Elmet Scireburne 379a Wooldale Uluedel 379a Shippen Scipene 379a Wildthorpe, Sprotbrough Widuntorp 379a Shadwell Scadewelle 379a Warmsworth Wemesford, Wemesforde, Wermes- Saxton Saxtun 379a ford 379a Saxhalla Saxehale, Saxhale, Saxhalla 379a Brayton Bretone, Brettan 379a Skelton, Leeds Sceltun, Sceltune 379a Bramhope Brahop, Bramhop 379a Slade Hooton Hotone 379a Brampton in Wath upon Dearne Brantone Sprotbrough Sproteburg 379a 379a Stainton near Tickhill Stainton, Staintone, Branton Brantone 379a Stantone 379a Brampton en le Morthen Brantone 379a Snitertun Snitertun 379a Bramham Braham, Brameham, Bramham Skynythorp, Sprotbrough Scinestorp 379a 379a Stockton on the Forest Stochetun, Stocthun Braithwell Bradewelle 379a 379a Brinsworth Brinesford 379a Rawdon Rodum, Roudun 379a Burden Head Burgedurun, Burghedurum 379a Potterton Potertun 379a Burton Burtone, Burtun 379a Little Preston Prestun, Prestune 379a Cadeby Catebi 379a Rawcliffe Roudclif, Roudeclif, Roudeclife 379a

232 Great Preston Prestun, Prestune 379a Thorpe Hesley Tor, Torp 379a Pool Pouele 379a Nether Poppleton Altera Popletone, Popletone Sandburn Sanbura, Sanbure 379a 379b Rawmarsh Rodemesc 379a Owston Austhun, Austun 379b East Rigton Riston, Ritone, Ritun 379a Pallathorpe Torp 379b Ryther Ridre, Rie 379a Pilley Pillei 379b Long Sandall Sandala, Sandale, Sandalie, Penistone Pangeston, Pengeston, Pengestone Sandela 379a 379b Rotherham Rodreham 379a Oxspring Osprinc, Ospring 379b Riddlesden Redelesden, Redelesdene 379a Ouston Ulsitone, Wlsitone 379b Wales Wales, Walis, Walise 379a Little Ouseburn Alia Useburne, Useburne Toulston Oglestun, Togelestun, Togleston, 379b Toglestun 379a Upper Poppleton Alia Popletone, Popletune, Nether Timble Timbe 379a Popletone 379b Todwick Tatewic 379a Purston Jaglin Preston, Prestone 379b Toftes Toftes 379a Rastrick Rastric 379b Tinsley Tineslawe, Tirneslawe 379a Roall Ruhale 379b Thurnscoe Dermescop, Ternusc, Ternusch, Ter- Reestones, Armley Riston, Ristone 379b nusche 379a Quarmby Cornebi, Cornelbi 379b Thrybergh Triberga, Triberge 379a Pudsey Podechesai, Podechesaie 379b Towton Touetun 379a Rogerthorpe Rogartorp, Rugartorp 379b Ulleskelf Oleschel, Oleslec 379a Northcrosselande, Huddersfield Crosland Wadsley Wadelei, Wadesleia 379a 379b Wadworth Wadeuorde, Wadewrde 379a Moorthorpe Torp 379b Ulley Ollei, Olleie 379a Mulede Mulede, Mulehale, Mulhede 379b Treeton Trectone, Tretone 379a Normanton Normatone, Normatune, Norme- Stub House Stubushun, Stubusun 379a tune 379b Tadcaster Tatecastre 379a Neuuose Neuhuse, Neuuose 379b Sturton Stretun, Stretune 379a Morley Morelege, Morelei, Moreleia 379b Swillington Suillictun, Suilligtune, Suillintun Moor Monkton Monechetone, Monechetune 379a 379b Swinton near Rotherham Sinitun, Suintone Great Ouseburn Usebruna, Useburne 379b 379a Northowram Ufrun 379b Stutton Stanton, Stouetun, Stutone, Stutun, Stu- Nostell Osele, Osle 379b tune 379a Nun Monkton Monechetone, Monuchetone Stubham, Ilkley Stube 379a 379b Throapham Trapum, Trapun 379a Ossett Osleset 379b Thorner Torneure, Tornoure 379a Notton Norton, Notone 379b Thorpe, Hawksworth Alia Hauochesord, Alia Norton near Campsall Nortone 379b Henocheswrde 379a Monk Bretton Bretone, Brettone 379b Thorpe Stapleton, Leeds Torp 379a Stainborough Stainburg, Stanburg 379b Thorpe Willoughby Torp 379a Skelbrooke Scalebre, Scalebro 379b Thorpe Salvin Torp 379a Skelmanthorpe Scelmertorp, Scemeltorp 379b

233 Southowram Overe, Ovre 379b Hornington Horninctune, Hornintone, Horni- Old Snydale Snitehala, Snitehale 379b tone 379b Skellow Scanhalla, Scanhalle 379b Hoyland Swaine Holan, Holande, Holant Silkstone Silchestone, Silcston 379b 379b Shitlington, Thornhill Scellintone, Schelintone Horbury Horberie, Orberie 379b 379b Honley Hanelei, Haneleia 379b Stainland Stanland 379b High Hoyland Holand, Holant 379b Stapleton, Darrington Stapleton, Stapletone Thornhill Torni 379b 379b Bickerton Bichretone 379b Stubbs Hanepol 379b Grafton Graftona 379b Sutton near Campsall Sutone 379b Oxton Ositone 379b Steeton, Bolton Percy Stiueton, Stiuetone, Stiue- Hemsworth Hemeleswrde 379b tune 379b West Clayton Claitone 379b Stanley Stanlei, Stanleie 379b Allerton Alreton 379b Rothwell Rodewelle 379b West Hardwick Arduwic, Harduic 379b Scagglethorpe, Moor Monkton Scachertorp, Tong Tuinc 379b Scarchetorp 379b Greetland Greland 379b Royston Rorestone, Rorestun 379b Hallam Hallun 379b Ryhill Rihella, Rihelle 379b Hanging Heaton Etun 379b Hackerby in Healaugh Santone Sactun, Santone 379b Hagedebi, Hagendebi, Haghedenebi 379b Sandal Magna Sandala, Sandale 379b Wyke Wich 379b Rufforth Ruford, Ruforde, Rufort 379b Mirfield Mirefeld, Mirefelt 379b Roughbirchworth Berceworde, Bercewrde Long Marston Mersetone, Merstone 379b 379b Lindley Lillai, Lillaia 379b Shipley Scipelei, Scipeleia 379b Liversedge Livresec, Livresech 379b Scawsby Scalchebi 379b Malchetone Malchetone 379b Sheffield Escafeld, Scafeld 379b Lofthouse near Wakefield Locthuse, Loftose Shelley Scelneleie, Sciuelei 379b 379b Shepley Scipelei, Seppeleie 379b Old Lindley Linlei, Linleie 379b Shelf Scelf 379b Lepton Leptone 379b Shafton Sceptone, Sceptun 379b Knottingley Notingelai, Notingeleia 379b Tankersley Tancreslei, Tancresleia 379b Marton near Boroughbridge Martone 379b Hipperholme Huperun 379b Methley Medelai 379b Hensall Edeshale 379b Middleton, Leeds Mildentone, Mildetone 379b Hessay Esdesai, Hesdesai 379b Minsthorpe Manestorp 379b South Hiendley Hindeleia, Indelie 379b Middlethorpe Torp 379b Hessle in Wragby Asele, Hasele 379b Meltham Meltham 379b Hepworth Heppeword 379b Huddersfield Oderesfelt, Odresfeld 379b Healaugh Hailaga, Hailage, Helage 379b Kexbrough Cezeburg, Chizeburg 379b Hartshead Horteseue, Hortesheue 379b Hunslet Hunslet 379b Holme near Holmfirth Holne 379b Ingbirchworth Berceworde 379b Upper Hopton Hoptone, Hoptun 379b Keresforth in Barnsley Creuesford 379b

234 Kellington Chelinctone, Chelintune, Chellinc- Burghwallis Burg 379b tone, Ghelintune 379b Campsall Cansale 379b Hutton Wandersley Wandeslage 379b Carlton in Lofthouse, near Wakefield Carlen- Hunshelf Hunescelf 379b tone 379b Knapton Near York Cnapetone 379b Calverley Caverlei, Caverleia 379b Kinsley Chineslai, Chineslei 379b Brierley Breselai, Breselie 379b Kirk Smeaton and Little Smeaton in Womersley Bilton near Wetherby Biletone 379b Smedetone 379b Ferrybridge Fereia, Ferie 379b South Kirkby Cherchebi, Chirchebi 379b Emley Amelai, Ameleie 379b Kirkheaton Heptone 379b Farnley Tyas Fereleia, Ferlei 379b Kirkburton Bertone 379b North Featherstone Ferestane, Fredestan 379b Kirby In Little Ouseburn Chirchebi 379b Farsley Fersellei, Ferselleia 379b Gomersal Gomershale, Gomeshale 379b Farnley, Armley Fernelei 379b Cleckheaton Hetone, Hetun 379b South Elmsall Ermeshale 379b Cawthorne near Barnsley Caltorn, Caltorne North Elmsall Ermeshala, Ermeshale 379b 379b Fixby Fechesbi 379b Chevet Cevet 379b Frickley Fricelei, Friceleia, Frichehale, Frichelie West Clayton Claitone 379b 379b Clayton near Bradford Claiton, Claitone Glass Houghton Hoctun 379b 379b Golcar Gudlagesarc, Gudlagesargo 379b Chellow Celeslau 379b Fulstone Fugelestun 379b Catterton Cadretone, Cadretune 379b Flockton 379b Cartworth Cheterwrde, Cheteworde 379b Flocheton, Flochetone Clifton near Brighouse Cliftone 379b South Crosland Alter Crosland, Croisland Colton near York Coletone, Coletune 379b 379b Cowthorpe Coletorp 379b Dodworth Dodesworde, Dodeswrde 379b Crigglestone Crigeston, Crigestone 379b Upper Cumberworth Combreworde, Cum- Copmanthorpe Copeman Torp, Copemantorp brewrde 379b 379b Darton Dertone, Dertun, Dertune 379b Cold Hiendley Hindelei, Hindeleia 379b Upper Denby in Upper Whitley Denebi 379b Crofton Scroftune, Scrotone 379b Lower Denby and Upper Denby near Penistone Branton Green Brantona, Brantun, Brantune Denebi 379b 379b Dalton near Huddersfield Daltone 379b Bithen Bithen 379b Lower Cumberworth Cumbreworde, Cum- Bolton Percy Badetone, Bodeltone, Bodeltune, brewrde 379b Bodetone 379b Elland Elant, Elont 379b Bramley in Armley Bramelei, Brameleia 379b Drighlington Dreslingtone, Dreslintone 379b Bradford Bradeford 379b Upper Dunsforth Doneforde, Dunesford, Dunes- Bolton in Bradford Bodeltone 379b forde 379b Bishopthorpe Badetorp, Badetorpes 379b Eccleshill Egleshil 379b Carlton near Barnsley Carlentone, Carleton High Eggborough and Low Eggborough 379b Acheburg, Eburg, Egburg, Egeburg 379b West Bretton Bretone 379b Earlsheaton Etone, Ettone 379b

235 Lower Dunsforth Doneforde, Dunesford, Dunes- Askham Richard Ascam, Ascham 379b forde 379b Armley Ermelai 379b Tanshelf Tateshale, Tateshalla, Tateshalle, Tates- Arksey Archesei, Archeseia 379b sella 379b Barugh Berg 379b Wheldale Queldale, Weldale 379b Beal Begale 379b Walton near Wakefield Waleton 379b Bentley near Doncaster Benedleia, Benelei, Be- Warmfield Warnesfeld 379b neslaie, Beneslei 379b Westrebi Westrebi 379b North Bierley, Bradford Birle 379b Water Fryston Fristone 379b Beeston in Leeds Bestone 379b Walton near Wetherby Waletone, Waletune, Batley Bateleia, Bathelie 379b Walitone 379b Worrall Wihala, Wihale 379b Waldershelf, Bolsterstone Sceuelt 379b Ackworth, high and low Acewrde 379b Walden Stubbs Eistop, Istop 379b Wortley Wirlei, Wirtleie, Wrleia 379b Lower Whitley 379b Witelaia, Witelei Acaster Malbis Acastra, Acastre 379b Wibsey Wibetese 379b Ackton Aitone, Attone 379b Wighill, Wighill Park Wicheles 379b Acaster Selby Acastra, Acastre, Alius Acastre, Wilstrop Wilestorp, Wivlestorp 379b Alter Acastre 379b Widdington Widetona, Widetone 379b Yateholm Altera Holne, Holne 379b Whitwood Witewde 379b Worsborough Wircesburg 379b Womersley Wilmereslege, Wlmeresleia 379b West Ardsley Erdeslau 379b Thorpe Underwood Tuadestorp 379b Acomb Achum, Acum, Acun 379b Thornton near Bradford Torenton, Torentone Adwick le Street 379b Adewic, Adewinc, Hadewic 379b Thorpe Audlin Torp 379b Thorpe on the Hill Torp 379b Appleton Roebuck Apeltone, Apleton, Apletone 379b Thorpe Hill near Whixley Torp 379b Thorpe Arch Torp 379b East Ardsley Erdeslau, Erdeslawe 379b Thornborough, Allerton Mauleverer Torn- Almondbury Almaneberie 379b burne, Torneburne 379b Adlingfleet Adelingesfluet 379b Wakefield Wachefeld, Wachefelt 379b Anley Anele, Anlei, Anleie 380a Thurgoland Turgesland 379b Aldfield Aldefeld, Aldefelt 380a Thurstonland Tostenland 379b Allerton Mauleverer Aluertone, Alureton, Upperthong Thoac, Tohac 379b Aluretona, Aluretone 380a Upton, Badsworth Ultone, Uptone 379b Aldborough Burc, Burg 380a Ughill Ughil 379b Aismunderby in Littlethorpe Asmundrebi Thurlstone Turolveston, Turulfestune 379b 380a Bilbrough Mileburg 379b Arkendale Archedene, Arghendene 380a Barnby in Cawthorne, near Barnsley Barnebi Azerley Aserla, Aserle, Asserle, Haserlai 380a 379b Barrowby Berghebi 380a Askham Bryan Ascam, Ascham 379b Askwith Ascuid 380a Attercliffe Ateclive 379b Beamsley Bedmeslei, Bedmesleia, Bemeslai, Badsworth Badesworde, Badeswrde 379b Bomeslai 380a Austonley Alstaneslei, Alstanesleie 379b Whipley Wipelei, Wipeleie, Wipelie 380a

236 Weeton near Harewood Widetone, Widetun, High Skibeden, Low Skibeden Schibeden, Sci- Widetune, Widitun 380a peden 380a Wetherby Wedrebi 380a Sicklinghall Sidingal, Sidingale 380a Walton Head, Kirkby Overblow Waltone Skelton near Boroughbridge Scheldone, Schel- 380a tone 380a Addlethorpe Adulfestorp, Ardulfestorp, Ardul- Scriven Scravinge, Scravinghe 380a vestorp 380a Scotton, Farnham Scotona, Scotone 380a Whixley Crucheslaga, Cucheslage, Cuselade Skipton Scipton, Sciptone 380a 380a Low Snaygill Snachehale 380a Winksley Wichingeslei, Wincheslaie 380a Spofforth Spoford 380a Addingham Edidham, Ediham, Odingehem, Sleningford Scleneforde, Sclenneford 380a Odingehen 380a Stainburn Stainburne, Stanburne 380a Wilsill Wifleshale, Wiveshale 380a Weston Westone 380a Walkingham Hill Walchingeham, Walchingham Heathfield Higrefeld 380a 380a Rowden Rodun 380a Burton Leonard Burton, Burtone 380a Farnham Farneham 380a Bridge Hewick Hawic, Hawinc 380a Scosthrop Scotorp 380a Brimham Birnebeham 380a Westwick Westuic 380a Rudfarlington Brearton Baretone, Braretone 380a Rofellinton, Rofellintone, Rofell- nton 380a Brampton in Kirby Hill Branstone, Brantone Sawley Sallai, Sallaia 380a 380a Rossett Green Rosert, Roserte 380a Caldewell in Marton-le-Moor Caldewella, Torp Torp 380a Caldewelle 380a Thorlby Toredderebi, Torederebi 380a Castley Castelai 380a East Tanfield Danefeld, Danefelt, Tanefeld Cattal Catale, Cathala 380a 380a Carlesmoor Calesmor, Carlesmore 380a Tetherfield, Kirkby Overblow Todovre 380a Beckwith Becui 380a Swetton Sualun, Suatune 380a Birstwith Beristade 380a Sutton Howgrave Sudton, Sudtone, Sutone Bewerley Beurelie 380a 380a Bilton near Harrogate Biletone, Billeton, Bil- Thornton, Brafferton Torenton, Torentone letone 380a 380a Beeston in Fewston Besthaim, Bestham 380a Thorpe Juxta Scotton, Farnham Torp 380a High Bramley and Low Bramley Brameleia, Timble Timble 380a Bramelie 380a Old Thornville Alia Cathala, Cathale 380a Bishop Monkton Monucheton, Monuchetone North Stainley Nordstanlai, Nordstanlaia, 380a Staneleia, Stanlei 380a Bolton Abbey Bodeltone 380a Sutton Grange Sudton, Sudtunen 380a Braham, Great Braham and Little Braham Susacres Sosacra, Sosacre, Sotesac 380a Litelbran, Michelbram, Michelbran 380a Studley Roger Alia Estollaia, Stollai 380a Bishop Thornton Torentone, Torentune 380a Stainton, Bank Newton Stainton, Staintone Cayton in South Stainley Cheitone, Chetune 380a 380a South Stainley Stanlai, Stanlei, Stanleie 380a

237 Staveley Stanlei, Stanleia 380a Malham Malgon, Malgun 380a Studley Royal Stollai, Stollei, Stolleia 380a Markenfield Merchefeld 380a Suthewic Suthauuic, Sutheuuic, Suthewic 380a Loftus Hill Locthusun, Lotes, Lothuse 380a Ripon Ripum, Ripun 380a Nidd Nit, Nith 380a Knayser In Skelding Chenaresford, Kenares- Milby Mildebi 380a forde, Neresford, Neresforde 380a Nesfield Nacefeld 380a Kirkby Overblow Cherchebi, Chirchebi 380a Newsome Neusone 380a Knaresborough Chenaresburg 380a Minskip Minescip 380a Kirkby Malzeard Chirchebi 380a Clareton Clareton, Claretone 380a Kirk Hammerton Alia Ambretone, Altera Han- Ellenthorpe in Aldborough Adelingestorp bretone 380a 380a Langthorpe In Kirby Hill Torp 380a Eavestone Evestone 380a Leathley Ledelai 380a Ebberston Edbriztun, Edbriztune 380a Leckby Ledebi 380a Dunkeswick Chesuic 380a Laverton Lavreton, Lavretona, Lavretone Draughton Dractone 380a 380a Ellesworth in Norwood Elesworde 380a Linton in Spofforth Lintone 380a Embsay Embesie 380a Ingmanthorpe Gemunstorp, Germundstorp Estanlai Estanlai, Stanlai 380a 380a Elwicks Elewic 380a Hunsingore Holsingoure, Hulsingoure, Ul- Estuinc Estuinc, Estuuic 380a sigouere 380a Copgrove Copegrave 380a Hutton Conyers Hotone, Hottone 380a Clotherholme Cludun 380a Humberton Burton, Burtone, Burtun 380a Coniston Cold Coneghestone, Coningeston, North Kirk Deighton and Deighton Distone Cuningestone 380a 380a Clifton in Norwood Cliftone 380a Kearby Cherebi 380a Dacre Dacre 380a Killinghall Chenehalle, Chenihalle, Chilingale, Copt Hewick Hadewic 380a Kilingala 380a Crauwel in Spofforth Caldeuuelle, Cradeuuelle Kirby Hill Chirchebi 380a 380a Kex Moor Chetesmor, Cotesmore 380a Cundall Cundel, Goindel 380a Howgrave Hogram, Hograve, Hogrem 380a Cowthorpe Coletorp 380a Plompton Plontone 380a How in Markington Erleshold, Erlesholt 380a Nunwick Nonnewic 380a Hellifield HæLgefeld, Helgefeld, Helgefelt, Helge- Otterburn Otreburne 380a flet 380a Norton-Le-Clay Nortone 380a Hanlith Hanelif, Hangelif 380a Norton Conyers Norton, Nortone 380a Hashundebi Hashundebi 380a Poppleton, Fountains Earth Popletone 380a Halton East Altone, Haltone 380a North Rigton Riston, Ristone 380a Grewelthorpe Torp 380a Ripley Ripeleia, Ripeleie, Ripelie 380a Hiltone Hilton, Hiltone 380a Ribston, Little Ribston, Great Ribston Ripes- Holme in Stirton Holme 380a tain, Ripestam, Ripestan, Ripesten 380a Hopperton Homptone, Homtone, Hopretone Littlethorpe Torp 380a 380a Markington Merchinton, Merchintone 380a Holme in Pickhill Hulme 380a

238 Felliscliffe Felgesclif 380a Brecca in Whitby Brecca, Breche 380b Green Hammerton Ambretone, Hanbretone Cawton Caluetone, Caluetun 380b 380a Burniston Brinitun, Brinnistun 380b Goldsborough near Knaresborough Godenes- Busby and Great Busby Buschebi 380b burg, Godesburg 380a Carlton in Cleveland Carletun 380b Gargrave Geregrave, Gheregrave 380a Cawthorne in Middleton near Pickering Cal- Fewston Fostun, Fostune 380a torn, Caltorna, Caltorne 380b Ferrensby Feresbi 380a Camisedale Camisedale 380b Flaxby Flatesbi 380a Burton Dale, Scarborough Bertune, Bortun Great Givendale near Ripon Gherindale 380a 380b Grantley Grentelai, Grentelaia 380a Brawby Bragebi 380b Crathorne Cratorn, Cratorna, Cratorne, Gra- Gnipe Howe Ghinipe 380b torne 380b Fryton Frideton, Fritun 380b Chigogemers Chigogemers, Chigomersc, Ghi- Fylingthorpe Nortfigelinge 380b gogesmersc 380b Gilling East Gellinge, Ghellinge 380b Cloughton Cloctone, Cloctune 380b Ganthorpe Galmetona, Gameltorp 380b Coulton Coletun, Coltun, Coltune 380b Fyling Figclinge, Figelinge, Figlinge 380b Coulby Colebi 380b High Foxton Fostun, Foxtun 380b Chiluesmares Chiluesmares, Chiluesmersc Flowergate in Whitby Flore, Florun 380b 380b Goldsborough in Lythe Golborg, Goldeburg Chetelestorp in Thornton Dale Chetelestorp 380b 380b Griff Grif 380b Cayton near Scarborough Caimtona, Caitun, Gristhorpe Grisetorp 380b Caitune 380b Great Habton Abbetune, Abetune, Habetun Cropton Croptun, Croptune 380b 380b Dalby Dalbi 380b Guisborough Chigesburg, Ghigesborg, Ghiges- Danby near Castleton Danebi, Danebia 380b burg, Gighesborc, Giseborne 380b Dromonby Dragmalebi 380b Grimesbi Grimesbi 380b High Deepdale, Middle Deepdale and Low Goulton Goltona, Gotun, Goutun 380b Deepdale Depedale 380b Easby near Ingleby Greenhow Esebi 380b Low Dalby Dalbi 380b Ellerby Alwardebi, Elwordebi 380b Crunkly in Glaisdale Crumbecliva, Crumbe- Easthorpe in Appleton-le-Street Estorp 380b clive, Crunbeclif 380b Little Edstone Alia Edestun, Parva Edestun Dunsley Dunesla, Dunesle 380b 380b Bulmer Boleber, Bolemere 380b Ellerburn Elrebrune, Elreburne 380b Brompton near Snainton Brunetona, Brunton, Egton Egetune 380b Bruntun, Bruntune 380b Great Edstone Micheledestun 380b Broughton in Appleton-le-Street Broctun, Broc- Easington near Loftus Esingetun 380b tune, Brostone 380b Farmanby in Thornton Dale Farmanesbi Little Broughton Broctun, Broctune 380b 380b Great Broughton Alia Broctun, Broctun, Magna Eston Astun, Astune 380b Broctun 380b Everley Evrelag, Evrelai 380b Brotton Broctune, Brotune 380b Fadmoor Fademora, Fademore 380b

239 Falsgrave Walesgrif, Walesgrip, Wallesgrif Boulby Bolebi, Bollebi 380b 380b Battersby Badresbi 380b Faceby Feizbi, Fezbi, Foitesbi 380b West Barnby Barnebi 380b Eterstorp Eterstorp 380b Great Barugh Berch, Berg 380b Little Habton Abbetune, Abetune, Habetun Baschebi Baschebi, Baschesbi 380b 380b Little Barugh Alia Berg, Berch, Berg 380b Whorlton Wiruelton, Wirueltun, Wirueltune Barton-le-Street Bartone, Bartun, Bartune 380b 380b Upsall, Ormesby Upesale, Upeshale 380b East Barnby Barnebi 380b Welburn, Bulmer Wellebrune 380b Barnaby Bernodebi 380b Whitby Witebi 380b Bauldbyes in Whitby Baldebi 380b Welburn, Kirkdale Wellebrune 380b Berguluesbi Bergolbi, Berguluesbi 380b Waletune Waleton, Waletun, Waletune 380b Blaten Carr in Great Busby Blatun 380b Upleatham Upelider 380b Borrowby in Ugthorpe Bergebi, Bergesbi 380b Ugthorpe Ugetorp, Ughetorp 380b Blansby Blandebi 380b Wiganthorpe Wichgastorp, Wichingastorp Beadlam Bodlum, Bodlun 380b 380b Acklam in Middlesbrough Achelum, Aclum, Wilton near Thornton Dale Wiltune 380b Aclun 380b Wrelton Wereltun 380b Appleton-le-Moors Apeltun 380b Wykeham, Malton Wich, Wicum 380b Aislaby near Pickering Aslachebi, Aslachesbi Wykeham Hill Alia Wich, Alia Wiche, Wichum 380b 380b Allerston Alueston, Aluestune, Alurestain, Wombleton Wilbetun, Winbeltun 380b Alurestan 380b Wilton, Ormesby Widtune, Wiltune 380b Ampleforth Ambreforde, Ampreforde 380b Wykeham Near Ruston Wicam, Wicham Amotherby Aimundrebi, Andebi, Ed- 380b mundrebia, Eindebi 380b Thornton near Hemlington Torentun 380b Aislaby near Whitby Asuluebi, Asuluesby Ruston Rostun 380b 380b Suffield Sudfeld 380b Aireyholme Ergun 380b Thornton Fields Tornetun 380b West Ayton Alia Atune, Atune 380b Thornton Dale Torentona, Torentun, Torentune Appleton-le-Street Apeltun, Apletun 380b 380b Aschilesmares Aschelesmersc, Aschilesmares Ryton Ritone 380b 380b Barwick Berewic 380b Great Ayton Alia Atun, Atun 380b Ugglebarnby Ugleberdesbi 380b Little Ayton Atun 380b Thornton Riseborough, Normanby, Near Salton East Ayton Atun, Atune 380b Tornentun, Tornitun 380b Arnodestorp Arnodestorp 380b Tollesby Tolesbi, Tollesbi 380b Thornaby-on-Tees Tormozbi, Tormozbia, Tur- Troutsdale Truzstal 380b mozbi 380b Tunstall, Nunthorpe Tonestale, Tonnestale Riccal Ricalf 380b 380b Pinchinthorpe Oustorp, Torp 380b Torp Torp 380b Prestebi in Whitby Prestebi 380b Tocketts Tocstune, Toscotun 380b Rawcliff Banks Roudclive, Roudeclif 380b

240 Preston, Hutton Buscel Presteton, Prestetune Stainton near Thornaby-on-Tees Steintun 380b 380b Pockley Pochelac, Pochelaf 380b Stainsby Steinesbi 380b Pickering Picheringa, Picheringe 380b Stokesley Stocheslag, Stocheslage 380b Oswaldkirk Oswaldescherca, Oswaldescherce Swinton, Appleton-Le-Street Suintun, Suintune 380b 380b Rodebestorp Rodebestorp, Roudelvestorp 380b Terrington Teurinctun, Teurinctune, Teurinton, East Rounton Rantune, Rontun 380b Teurintone, Teurintune 380b Roxby, Thornton Dale Rozebi 380b Thoraldby Toroldesbi, Turoldesbi 380b Salton Saletun 380b Thirley Cote Tornelai, Torneslag 380b Salescale Salescale 380b Tanton Tametona, Tametun 380b Roxby near Loftus Roscebi, Rozebi 380b Stonegrave Stainegrif, Stanegrif, Steinegrif Roscheltorp Roscheltorp 380b 380b Scagetorp 380b Scackleton Eschalchedene, Scachelden, Scagestorp, Scagetorp Scacheldene 380b Sinnington Seuenictun, Siuenintun, Siuerinctun, Siuerintune 380b Normanby near Salton Normanebi 380b Scawton Scaltun, Scaltune 380b East Newton, Stonegrave Neuton, Neutone, Seamer near Stokesley Semer, Semers 380b Newentune, Neweton 380b Sheriff Hutton Hotone, Hotun, Hotune 380b Newton-on-Rawcliffe Neuton, Newetun, Newe- Seaton, Hinderwell Scetun, Scetune 380b tune 380b Seamer near Scarborough Semær, Semer 380b Normanby, Fylingdales Normanebi 380b Scalby Scalebi, Scallebi 380b Normanby in Eston Normanebi 380b Sproxton Sprostune 380b West Newton, Oswaldkirk Neutune, Newetune Skelton near Saltburn Sceltun, Scheltun 380b 380b Snainton Snechintone, Snechintun, Snechintune Newton under Roseberry Neweton, Newetun, 380b Nietona 380b Sourebi, Whitby Sourebi 380b Osgodby near Scarborough Asgozbi 380b Spaunton Spantun, Spantune 380b Northfield Nordfeld, Norfel 380b Sneaton Sneton, Snetune 380b Nunnington Noningtune, Nonninctune, Non- Slingsby Eslingesbi, Selungesbi 380b nintune, Nunnigetune 380b Hackness Hageneise, Hagenesse 380b Odulfesmare Odulfesmare, Oudulvesmersc Kirby Misperton Alia Cherchebi, Alia 380b Chirchebi, Cherchebi, Chirchebi, Mispeton 380b Ormesby Ormesbi, Ormesbia 380b Kildale Childala, Childale 380b Nunthorpe Torp 380b Kilton Chilton, Chiltun 380b High Northolme Holm, Holme, Hom 380b Kingthorpe Chinetorp 380b Newton Mulgrave Neutone, Newetune 380b Kilton Thorpe Torp 380b High Stittenham Stidnun 380b Killerby in Cayton Chiluertebi, Chiluertesbi Staintondale Steintun 380b 380b Steintun Esteintona, Steintun 380b Irton Iretune 380b Stiltons Tilstun, Tilstune 380b Ingleby Greenhow Englebi 380b Stemanesbi Stemainesbi, Stemanesbi 380b Kirkby Near Stokesley Cherchebi 380b High Stakesby Staxebi 380b Lackenby Lachebi, Lachenebi 380b

241 Lazenby in Ormesby Laisinbia, Leisingebi, Newham Neuham, Neweham, Niueham, Niwe- Lesighebi, Lesingebi 380b ham 380b Lebberston Ledbestun, Ledbeztun 380b Newholm Neueham, Neuham 380b Lealholm Laclum, Lelun 380b Neuuetun Neuuetone, Neuuetun 380b Lastingham Lestingeham, Lestingham 380b East Ness Neisse, Nesse 380b Kirkleatham Weslide, Westlid, Westlidum, West- Levisham Levecen, Lewecen 380b lidun, Westude 380b Maltby near Middlesbrough Maltebi 380b Leidtorp Leidtorp, Liedtorp 380b Lockton Lochetun 380b Hinderwell Hildrewelle, Ildrewlle 380b Loftus Alia Loctehusum, Loctusum 380b Helmsley Almeslai, Elmeslac 380b Lythe Lid 380b Henderskelfe in Bulmer Hildreschelf, Ilderschelf South Loftus Loctehusum, Loctushum 380b 380b Loft Marishes Loctemares, Loctemersc 380b Hilton near Stokesley Hiltona, Hiltun, Hiltune Liverton Livretun 380b 380b Maxudesmares Maxudesmares, Maxudesmersc Hill Grips in East Ayton Hildegrip, Ildegrip 380b 380b Old Malton Maltun, Maltune 380b Hemlington Himeligetun, Himelintun 380b Marske-by-the-Sea Mersc, Mersch, Mersche 380b Harome Harem, Harum, Harun 380b Marton, Middlesbrough Martona, Martun, Ingleby Englebi 380b Martune 380b South Holme Holm, Holme 380b Marton, Sinnington Martone, Martun 380b Hutton Lowcross Hotun 380b Martin Garth Martun, Martune 380b Hutton Rudby Hotun 380b Little Marish, Ebberston Parvus Mersc 380b Low Hutton Hotun 380b Twislebro, Masham Tuislebroc, Tulebroc 381a Hutton Mulgrave 380b Hotone, Hotune Brodeby in Osmotherley Bordalebi, Bordelbia, Hutton Buscel Hoton, Hotune 380b Bordlebi 381a Newsham, Amotherby Neuhuse, Newehusum, Brignall Bringhale, Bringhenale 381a Niehusum 380b Upsall, South Kilvington Upsale 381a Mulgrave Castle Grif 380b Upsland Opsala, Upsale 381a Middleton near Pickering Middeltun, Mideltun Broghton in Newsham near Barningham Broc- 380b tun, Broctune 381a Moorsholm Morehusum, Moreshusun, Breckenbrough Bracheberc 381a Morhusum 380b Brafferton Bradfortune, Bratfortone, Bratfortune Morton, Ormesby Mortona, Mortun 380b 381a Little Moorsholm Alia Morehusum, Morehusum Towthorpe, Huntington Touetorp 381a 380b Tunstall near Catterick Tunestale 381a Middleton-on-Leven Middelton, Middeltun, Borrowby in Leake Bergebi 381a Mideltun 380b Brough near Catterick Borc, Burg 381a Middeltone Middeltone, Mideltune 380b Brough in Bainbridge Borch, Burg 381a Mickleby Michelbi 380b Watlass Wadles 381a Nawton Nageltone, Naghelton, Nagletune Welbury Wellberga, Welleberg, Welleberge 380b 381a West Ness Neisse, Nesse 380b Warlaby Warlavesbi, Werlegesbi 381a

242 Wath near East Tanfield Wat 381a Corburn in Wigginton Coteborne, Coteburun Warthill Wardhilla, Wardhille, Wardille 381a 381a Brompton near Northallerton Brinton, Brun- Constable Burton Bertone, Bortone 381a tone, Bruntun, Bruntune 381a Cornborough Corlebroc 381a Brompton-on-Swale Brunton 381a Cleasby Clesbi 381a Burneston Brennigston 381a Cold Kirby Carebi 381a Thorp Perrow Torp 381a Clifton Castle Clifton 381a Thorpe, Wycliffe Torp 381a Cliffe in Manfield Clive 381a Bedale Bedale 381a Colburn Corburne 381a Bellerby Belgebi 381a Wensley Alia Wendreslaga, Wendreslaga, Wen- Thorpe near Ampleforth Torp 381a treslage 381a Baxby in Husthwaite Bachesbi, Baschebi, West Burton Burton 381a Baschesbi 381a Old Byland Begeland 381a Barton-le-Willows Bartun 381a Whitwell-on-the-Hill Witeulla, Witewelle Thornton-le-Moor Torentone, Torentune 381a 381a Thornton-le-Street Torentun 381a Wide Open Wibedstune, Wipestune 381a Caldbergh 381a Torp Torp 381a Caldeber Whenby Quennebi 381a Topcliffe Topeclive 381a Westhuse Westhuse 381a Toresbi Toresbi 381a Burrill Borel 381a West Bolton Bodelton 381a High Burton Burton, Burtone 381a Bolton-on-Swale Boletone 381a Carlton Miniott Carleton, Carletun 381a Berghebi Bergebi, Berghebi 381a Carlton in Stanwick-St-John Cartun, Cartune Birkby Bretebi 381a 381a Bernebi Bernebi 381a Carlton in Stockton on the Forest Careltone, Thorpe, Sutton-on-the-Forest Torp 381a Careltun 381a Thrintoft Tirnecofte, Tirnetoste 381a High Worsall, Low Worsall Wirceshel 381a Barningham Berningham 381a Wycliffe Witclive 381a Carthorpe Caretorp 381a Winton Winetun, Winetune 381a Castlelevington in Kirklevington Alia Lentun, West Witton Witun 381a Alia Lentune, Alia Levetona 381a East Witton Witone, Witun, Witune 381a Youlton Loletun, Loletune 381a Caldwell Caldewell, Caldewelle 381a Castle Bolton Alia Bodelton 381a Carlton Husthwaite Carleton, Carletun 381a Catterick Catrice 381a Cotherstone Codreston, Codrestune 381a Catton Catune 381a Sinderby Senerebi 381a Yarnwick, Kirklington Gernuic 381a Great Smeaton Smeton, Smetton, Smidetun, Yarm Gerou, Iarun, Larun 381a Smidetune 381a Carlton near Middleham Carleton 381a Skeeby Schirebi 381a Carperby Chirprebi 381a Skewsby Scoxebi 381a Yafforth Eiford, Iaforbe, Iaforde, Laforde, Little Smeaton, Birkby Smidetune, Smitune Laiforde 381a 381a Coneysthorpe Coningestorp, Coungestorp Solberge Solberge 381a 381a Over Silton Silftune, Silvetune 381a

243 Seuenetorp Seuenetorp 381a Thormanby Tormozbi, Turmozbi 381a Sessay Sezai 381a Arncliffe in Ingleby Arncliffe Erneclive, Nether Silton Alia [Silftune] 381a Gerneclif, Lerneclif 381a Scruton Scurveton, Scurvetone 381a East Appleton Apelton, Apleton 381a Startforth Stradford 381a Thirsk Tresc, Tresch, Tresche 381a Stillington Stivelinctun 381a Tholthorpe Turolvestorp, Turulfestorp 381a Stearsby Estiresbi, Stirsbi 381a Appleton Wiske Apeltona, Apletun, Apletune Strensall Strenshale 381a 381a Sowerby, Kirby Sigston Sourebi 381a Thornton Watlass Torreton, Torretun 381a Stapleton near Cleasby Stapledun, Staplendun Thornton-le-Beans Gristorentun 381a 381a Barden Bernedan 381a Spennithorne Speningetorp 381a Barforth Bereford 381a Sowerby near Thirsk Sorebi 381a Askrigg Ascric 381a Stanwick-St-John Alia Stenweghe, Steinueges, Baldersby Baldrebi 381a Steinwege, Stenwege, Stenweghes 381a Aysgarth Echescard 381a Sutton Howgrave Sudton, Sudtone, Sutone Thornton Rust Torenton, Toreton 381a 381a Thornton Steward Tornenton, Tornentone, Huntington Huntindune 381a Tornentune 381a Kirklington Cherdinton 381a Achebi Achebi 381a Ilton Hilchetun 381a Low Swainby Suanebi 381a Mickleton Micleton 381a Swartrups, High Ellington Siwartorp 381a Newton-Le-Willows Neuton 381a Ainderby Quernhow Aiendrebi, Andrebi Howe Hou 381a 381a Claxton Claxtorp 381a Ainderby Steeple Andrebi, Eindrebi 381a Barton Barton 381a Swinton, Masham Suinton 381a Fremington Fremington 381a Ainderby Mires Endrebi 381a West Scrafton Scalfton, Scraftun 381a Agglethorpe Aculestorp 381a Scargill Scracreghil, Seacreghil 381a High Sutton Sudton, Sudtone, Sutone 381a Scorton Scortone 381a Sutton-on-the-Forest Sudtune, Suton, Sutune Scoreby Scornesbi 381a 381a Scotton near Richmond Scottune, Scotune Thirn Thirne 381a 381a Theakston Eston 381a Opetone Opetone 381a Thimbleby Timbelbi, Timbelli 381a Worton Werton 381a Allerthorpe in Pickhill Erleuestorp, Her- Tollerton Tolentun 381a leuestorp 381a Shipton Hipton 381a Alne Alne 381a Well Welle 381a Aiskew Echescol 381a Thornton-le-Clay Torentun, Torentune 381a Aldwark Adewerca, Aldewerc 381a Thoralby, Aysgarth Turodesbi, Turoldesbi Aldbrough St John Aldeburne 381a 381a East Tanfield Danefeld, Danefelt, Tanefeld High Thoresby, Low Thoresby Toresbi 381a 381a Ascam Ascam, Ascham 381a West Tanfield Alia Tanefeld, Tanefeld 381a Aske Hase, Hasse 381a Sandhutton Hottune, Hotune 381a

244 Leyburn Leborne 381a Kirby Wiske Cherchebi, Chirchebi, Kirkebi Lonton Lontone, Lontune 381a 381a East Lilling Lilinga, Lilinge 381a Kirkby Near Great Langton Cherchebi, West Lilling Lilinga, Lilinge 381a Chirchebi 381a Manfield Manefeld, Mannefelt 381a Hutton Hang Hotun, Hotune 381a Marrick Mange 381a Rainton Rainincton, Rainingewat, Ranewat, Leake Lece, Leche 381a Reineton 381a West Layton Laston, Lastun 381a Ravensthorpe Ravenestorp, Ravenetorp 381a East Layton Latone, Latton 381a Raskelf Raschel 381a Lazenby near Northallerton Leisenchi, Leis- Ravensworth Ravenesuet, Raveneswet 381a inghi 381a Redmire Ridemare 381a Lartington Lertinton 381a Preston-Under-Scar Preston, Prestun 381a Melsonby Malsenebi 381a Patrick Brompton Brunton, Bruntone 381a Middleton Quernhow Middeltun, Mideltune Ovington Ulfeton 381a 381a Pickhill Picala, Picale 381a Middleham Medelai 381a Ounesbi Ounesbi 381a Middleton Tyas Middeltun, Midelton 381a Rookwith Rocuid 381a Marton-in-the-Forest Martun 381a Ruswick Risewic 381a Melmerby near Middleton Quernhow West Rounton Runtune 381a Malmerbi 381a Sand Hutton Hottune, Hotun, Hotune 381a Maunby Mannebi, Mannesbi 381a Reeth Rie 381a Masham Massan 381a Romanby Romundebi, Romundrebi 381a Melmerby, Coverham Melmerbi 381a Rokeby 381a Mortham Mortham 381a Rochebi Kelsit Chelesterd, Chelestuit 381a Richmond Hindrelag, Hindrelaghe, Indrelag, Killerby in Catterick Chiluordebi 381a Indrelage 381a Kepwick Capuic, Chipuic 381a Romaldkirk Rumoldescerce, Rumoldescherce North Kilvington Chelvinctune, Chelvintun 381a 381a Morton, East Harlsey Mortona, Mortune 381a Kiplin Chipeling 381a Murton near Hawnby Mortun 381a Irby Irebi 381a Neutone Neutone 381a Ingleby Arncliffe Englebi, Englebia 381a Myton-on-Swale Mitune 381a Hutton Magna Hottun, Hotune 381a Newsham, Kirby Wiske Neuhuse, Neuhusum Ingolftwayt in Easingwold Inguluestuet 381a 381a Little Langton Langeton 381a Newsham near Barningham Neuhuson 381a Knayton Cheneuetone, Cheniueton, Cheniue- Murton, Sutton-on-the-Forest Mortun, Mortune tune, Chennieton, Keneuetun 381a 381a Langthorne Langetorp 381a Low Mowthorpe, Terrington Muletorp 381a Landmoth Landemot 381a Morton-on-Swale Mortun, Mortune 381a Great Langton Langeton 381a Moxby Molscebi, Molzbi 381a Kirby Sigston Sigestun, Sighestun 381a Oulston Ulueston, Uluestone, Uluestun 381a Kirklevington Lentune, Levetona 381a Northallerton Alreton, Aluerton, Aluertone, Kirkby Fleetham Fleteham 381a Aluretune 381a

245 North Otterington Otrinctun, Otrintune Cowesby Cahosbi, Colebi, Colesbi 381a 381a East Cowton Corketune, Cottune, Cotun, Co- Osmotherley Asmundrelac 381a tune 381a South Otterington Ostrinctune, Otrintona, Didirston in Melsonby Dirdeston, Dirdreston Otrintune 381a 381a Newsham near Northallerton Neuhuse 381a Danby Wiske Danebi 381a Normanebi Normanebi 381a Dentone Denton, Dentone 381a Newton Picot, Leeming Neutone 381a Deighton near Welbury Dictune 381a Newton Morrell Neuton 381a Diche Dic, Diche 381a Newton-on-Ouse Neuton, Newetone 381a Crooksby in Newbiggin Crochesbi, Crocsbi Coverham Covreham 381a 381a Egglestone Eghiston, Eghistun 381a Danby in Thornton Steward Danebi 381a Ellerton in Bolton-on-Swale Alreton 381a Dale Town Dal 381a Ellerbeck Alrebec, Elrebec 381a Crosby Croxbi, Croxebi 381a Ellerton Abbey Elreton, Elretun 381a Dalton in Ravensworth Alia Dalton, Alia Dal- High Ellington and Low Ellington Ellintone tun, Dalton, Daltun 381a 381a Hutton Bonville Hotune 381a Eppleby Aplebi 381a Helperby Helprebi, Hilprebi, Ilprebi 381a Easingwold Eisicewalt, Eisincewald 381a Hildenley Hildingeslei, Ildingeslei 381a Earswick Edreswic, Edrezuic 381a Heselton Eslinton, Heslintone 381a Downholme Dune 381a Hipswell Hiplewelle 381a Easby near Richmond Asebi 381a Holtby near Ainderby Mires Eltebi, Heltebi Over Dinsdale Digneshale, Dineshale, Dirne- 381a shala, Dirneshale 381a Upper Helmsley Hamelsec, Hamelsech 381a Great Fencote Fencotes 381a Hawnby Halmbi, Halmebi 381a Filey Fiuelac, Fiuelace 381a West Hauxwell Alia [Hauocheswelle], Alia Little Fencote Fencotes 381a Hauocswelle 381a Finghall Finegal, Finegala 381a Haxby Haxebi 381a Eryholme Argun 381a East Hauxwell Hauocheswelle, Hauocswelle Fearby Federbi 381a 381a Exelby Aschilebi 381a Hudswell Hudreswelle, Udreswelle 381a Eseby in Baldersby Asebi 381a Hundulfthorpe Hundulftorp 381a Farlington Farlintun, Ferlintun 381a Hunderthwaite Hundredestoit 381a Firby in Bedale Fredebi 381a Hunton Hunton, Huntone 381a South Cowton Cudtone, Cudtun 381a Holtby near York Boltebi, Holtebi 381a Crambe Crambom, Crambun, Cranbon, Cran- Huby Hobi 381a bone 381a Hornby near Hackforth Hornebi 381a Great Crakehall Crachele 381a Horebodebi Horebodebi, Horenbodebi 381a Crayke Creic 381a Howgrave Hogram, Hograve, Hogrem 381a Croft-on-Tees Crofst, Croft 381a Flaxton Flastun, Flaxtun, Flaxtune 381a North Cowton Alia Cudtone, Alia Cudtun Foxton Fostune, Foustune 381a 381a Gate Helmsley Alia Hamelsech, Hamelsec Cowling in Bedale Torneton 381a 381a

246 Garriston Gerdeston, Gerdestone 381a Cavil Chevede 381b Gatenby Chenetesbi, Ghetenesbi 381a Chetelstorp Chetelstorp 381b Gilling Gellinges, Ghellinges, Ghellinghes 381a Cherry Burton Burton, Burtone 381b Foston Fostun 381a South Cave Cave 381b Fornetorp Fornetorp 381a Brantinghamthorpe Alia Bretingham, Brenting- Forcett Forsed, Forset 381a ham 381b Fors in Low Abbotside Fors 381a Fraisthorpe Frestintorp 381b Harton Heretun, Heretune 381a Fangfoss Frangefos 381b Harlsey, East Harlsey and West Harlsey Erle- Flamborough Flaneburc, Flaneburg 381b seie 381a Foggathorpe Fulcartorp 381b Harmby Ernebi, Hernebi 381a North Ferriby Ferebi 381b West Harlsey in Osmotherley Herelsaie, Her- Everthorpe Evertorp 381b lesege, Herselaige 381a Everingham Evringham 381b Hartforth Herford, Herfort 381a Gardham Gerdene 381b Girlington Gerlinton 381a Little Givendale Alia Gevedale 381b Low Hail Hale 381a Gowthorpe Geutorp, Gheuetorp 381b Grinton Grinton, Grintun 381a Goodmanham Gudmundham 381b Girsby Grisebi 381a Great Givendale near Pocklington Gevedale, Hackforth Acheford, Acheforde 381a Ghivedale 381b East Cottingwith Alia Cotewid, Cotewid Great Driffield Drifeld, Drifelt 381b 381b Eastrington Estrincton, Estrinton 381b North Cliffe Clive 381b South Duffield Suddufel, Suddufeld, Suddufelt Cotness Cotes 381b 381b Cottingham Cotingeham, Cotingham 381b Eastburn in Kirkburn Augustburne, Austburne South Cliffe Clive 381b 381b Cliffe near Hemingbrough Clive 381b Easthorpe in Londesborough Estorp, Esttorp Cleaving Clevinde, Clevinge 381b 381b West Cottingwith Cotinwi 381b Dunnington near York Domniton 381b North Dalton Dalton, Daltone 381b North Duffield Dufeld, Dufelt, Nortdufelt Deighton in Escrick Diston, Distone 381b 381b South Dalton Delton 381b Etton Eton, Etton, Ettone 381b Cranswick Cranswic, Cranzuic 381b Ellerton near Bubwith Elreton, Elretone 381b Drewton Drowetone 381b Elmswell Elmeswelle, Helmeswelle 381b High Catton and Low Catton Caton, Cattune Escrick Ascri 381b 381b Elvington Alwinton, Alwintone 381b Bridlington Bredinton, Bretlinton 381b Elloughton Elgendon 381b Burland Birland 381b Greenwick Grenewic 381b Burnby Brunebi 381b Welton Weleton, Welleton, Welletone 381b Bubwith Bubuid 381b Yapham Lapun 381b Breighton Bricstune, Briston, Bristone, Bristun Youlthorpe Aiulftorp 381b 381b Little Weighton Wideton, Widetone 381b Chrachetorp Chrachetorp, Crachetorp 381b Yokefleet near Blacktoft Iucufled 381b North Cave Alia Cave, Cava, Cave 381b Wressle Weresa 381b

247 Wolfreton in Kirk Ella Ulfardon 381b Barlby Bardulbi 381b Wetwang Wetwangham 381b Barmby on the Marsh Barnebi 381b Willerby near Hull Wilgardi 381b Belby Ballebi, Bellebi 381b Wilsthorpe Wiflestorp, Wivlestorp 381b Barnhill Berneheld, Bernehelt 381b Willitoft Wilgardi, Wilgetot 381b Barmby Moor Barnebi, Bernebi 381b Wheldrake Coldrid 381b Youlthorpe Aiulftorp, Aiultorp, Auiltorp Aike Ach 381b 381b Millington Mileton 381b Scorborough Scogerbud 381b Bowthorpe Boethorp 381b Risby Rasbi, Risbi 381b Houghton Houeton 381b Saltmarshe Saltemersc 381b Laxton Laxinton 381b Sancton Santun, Santune 381b Easton Eston 381b Rotsea Rotesse 381b Bainton Bagenton 381b Riplingham Ripingham 381b Millington Mileton 381b Riccall Richale 381b Watton Waton 381b Seaton Ross Seton, Setton, Settone 381b Bowthorpe Boletorp 381b Shiptonthorpe Epton, Eptone 381b Laxton Laxinton 381b Skerne Schirne 381b Houghton Houeton 381b Skelton In Howden Schilton, Scilton 381b Bainton Bagenton 381b Sewerby Siwarbi, Siwardbi 381b Brantingham Bredingham, Brendingham, Skidby Schitebi 381b Brentingeham, Brentingham, Bretingham 381b Owsthorpe Dwestorp 381b Bishop Burton Burton, Burtone 381b Newton, Cherry Burton Neuton, Neutone Bessingby Basingebi, Basinghebi 381b 381b Beverley Bevreli 381b Osgodby, Hemingbrough Ansgotebi, Ansgotesbi Bielby Belebi 381b 381b Beswick Basewic 381b Ousethorpe Torp 381b Bentley near Beverley Benedlage 381b Nunburnholme Brunham 381b Bempton Benton, Bentone 381b Newsholme, Wressle Nesse, Neuhusam 381b Bishop Wilton Widton, Wilton, Wiltone 381b Reighton Ricton, Rictone 381b Boynton Bouinton, Bouintone, Bouintorp Persene Persene 381b 381b Pocklington Poclinton 381b Brackenholme Bracheneholm, Brachenelholm Raventhorpe, Cherry Burton Rageneltorp, 381b Ragheneltorp 381b Bracken Brachen 381b Portington Portinton, Portiton 381b Bolton in Bishop Wilton Bodelton 381b Pillwood Pileford 381b Allerthorpe near Pocklington Alwarestorp South Newbald Niwebold, Niwebolt 381b 381b Water Fulford Fuleforde, Fuletorp 381b Babthorpe Babetorp 381b Towthorpe, Londesborough Toletorp 381b Asselby Aschilebi 381b Waplington Waplinton 381b Aughton near Bubwith Actun 381b Warter Warte, Wartre 381b Auburn Eleburne 381b Walkington Walcheton, Walchinton, Walchin- Anlaby Umlouebi, Unlouebi 381b tone 381b High Belthorpe Balchetorp 381b Totfled Totfled 381b

248 Torp Torp 381b Gunby Bonnebi 381b Wauldby Walbi 381b Grimston in Dunnington near York Grime- Wressle Weresa 381b ston, Grimestone 381b Yokefleet near Blacktoft Iucufled, Iugufled Hive Hidon 381b 381b Haywold Holde 381b Yapham Iapun, Lapun 381b Heslington Eslinton, Haslinton 381b Wolfreton, Kirk Ella Ulfardun, Ulvardune Hilderthorpe Hilgertorp, Hilgretorp 381b 381b Hessle near Hull Hase 381b Skipwith Schipewic 381b Hemingbrough Hamiburg 381b Sutton upon Derwent Sudton, Sudtone 381b North Newbald Niwebold, Niwebolt 381b Spaldington Spellinton 381b Molescroft Molecroft, Molescroft 381b Stillingfleet Steflinflet, Steflingefled 381b Marton, Sewerby Marton, Martone, Martun Old Sunderlandwick Sundrelanwic, Sundreslan- 381b wic 381b Meltonby Metelbi 381b Steintorp Steintorp, Steitorp 381b Middleton-on-the-Wolds Middeltun, Middel- Southburn Sudburne 381b tune, Midelton 381b Tibthorpe Tibetorp, Tipetorp 381b Melbourne Middelburne, Midelborne 381b Thorganby Turgisbi 381b Market Weighton Wicstun 381b Thorp, Thorpe Le Street Torp, Torpi 381b Lund in Breighton Lont 381b Thorpe Lidget Torp 381b Moreby Morebi 381b Thorpe Le Street Rudetorp, Rudtorp 381b Naburn Naborne 381b Thornton near Pocklington Tornetun, Tortetun Neuson Neuson 381b 381b Neswick Nessewic, Nessuinc 381b Gribthorpe Gripetorp 381b Myton Mitun, Mitune 381b Hutton Cranswick Hotone, Hottune, Hotune Kilnwick Percy Chelingewic, Chilewic, 381b Chillewinc 381b Hotham Hode, Hodhum 381b Knedlington Cledinton 381b Huggate Hughete 381b Kipling Climbicote, Clinbicote 381b High Hunsley and Low Hunsley Hundeslege, Kirkburn Burnous, Westburne 381b Hundreslege 381b Kirk Ella Aluengi 381b Howden Houed, Houeden, Houedene 381b Kilpin Chelpin 381b Holme-on-Spalding-Moor Holme 381b Lund near Beverley Lont 381b Holme on the Wolds Hougon 381b Langwith Languelt 381b Ianulfestorp Ianulfestorp 381b Leconfield Lachinfeld, Lachinfelt 381b Kelleythorpe Calgestorp 381b Londesborough Lodenesburg 381b Kettlethorpe Torp 381b Lockington Lecheton, Locheton 381b Great Kendale Cheldal, Cheldale 381b Laytham Ladon, Ladone 381b Kelfield Chelchefeld, Chelchefelt 381b Gransmoor Grentesmor, Grentesmora, Grenz- Kilnwick Chilewic, Chilewid, Chilewit 381b more 382a Hayton Haiton, Haitone 381b Ganton Galmeton 382a Grimthorpe Grimtorp, Grintorp 381b Garton Garton, Gartun 382a Hagthorpe Achetorp 381b Gembling Chemelinge, Ghemelinge 382a Harswell Ersewelle 381b Garton-on-the-Wolds Garton, Gartune 382a

249 Garrowby Geruezbi, Gheruenzbi 382a Lelley Dyke Dic, Diche 382a Ganstead Gagenestad 382a Leavening Alia Ledlinge, Ledlinge, Ledlinghe North Frodingham Fotingham, Frotingham 382a 382a Langtoft Langetou, Langhetou 382a Grimston in Garton Grimeston, Grimestone, Little Hatfield Heiefeld, Heifeld 382a Grimestun 382a Holmpton Holmetone, Holmetune, Ulmetun Haisthorpe Ascheltorp, Aschiltorp, Haschetorp 382a 382a East Heslerton Eslerton, Esrelton, Heslerton, Hanging Grimston Grimeston, Grimstone Heslertone 382a 382a Hilston Heldeweston, Heldouestun 382a Harpham Arpen, Harpein 382a Hollym Holam, Holun 382a Halsham Halsam, Halsem, Halsham 382a West Heslerton Alia Eslerton, Heslertone North Grimston Grimeston, Grimestone, 382a Grimetona, Grimston, Grimstone 382a Helperthorpe Elpetorp 382a Great Hatfield Haiefelt, Haifeld, Haifelt 382a Little Kelk Alia Chelch, Chelche 382a Folkton Fulcheton 382a Hornsea Hornesse, Hornessei 382a Flinton Flentun, Flintone 382a Howsham Huson 382a East Flotmanby Flotemanebi 382a Hunmanby Hundemanebi 382a West Flotmanby Flotemanebi 382a Great Kelk Chelc, Chelche 382a Flixton Fleuston, Fleustone 382a Humbleton Humeltone, Umeltun 382a Fitling Fidlinge, Fitlinge 382a Hornsea Burton Bortun, Burtune 382a Fridaythorpe Fridagstorp, Fridagtorp, Leppington Lepinton 382a Fridarstorp, Fridastorp 382a Brigham Bringeham 382a Fordon Fordun 382a Bilton near Hull Bileton, Biletone, Billetone Low Fosham Fosham, Fossham 382a 382a Fostun Fostun, Fostune 382a Birdsall Brideshala, Briteshala, Briteshale, Brit- Foxholes Foxele, Foxhole, Foxohole 382a shale 382a Foston on the Wolds Fodstone 382a Brandesburton Bortun, Brantisburnine, Brantis- Fornetorp Fornetorp 382a burtune, Branzbortune, Burtun 382a Etherdwick Redewic, Redewince 382a Boythorpe Buitorp 382a Knapton In Wintringham Cnapeton, Binnington Bigneton, Binneton 382a Cnapetone 382a Bewick Biuinch, Biwich 382a Kilham Chillon, Chillun 382a Bewholme Begun 382a Kirby Grindalythe Chirchebi 382a Buckton Bocheton, Bochetone 382a Kirkham Chercam, Chercan, Chirchan 382a Bugthorpe Buchetorp, Bugetorp, Bughetorp Kirby Underdale Cherchebi, Chirchebi 382a 382a Kilnsea Chilnesse 382a Burstwick Brocstewic, Brostewic 382a Keyingham Caingeham, Chaingeham 382a Burton Agnes Bortona, Burton, Burtone 382a Kennythorpe Cheretorp 382a Burdale Bredale, Breddale, Bredhalle 382a Langthorpe Near Old Ellerby Lambetorp Buckton Holms in Settrington Bocheton, Bo- 382a chetone 382a Langton Lanton 382a Burton Constable Santriburtone 382a Ledemare Ledemare 382a Andrebi Andrebi 382a

250 Welham Wellon 382a Catwick Catingewic, Catinwic, Cotingewic Acklam Near Leavening Aclun 382a 382a Aldbrough Aldenburg 382a Wold Newton Neuton, Neutone 382a Wyton Widetun 382a Tansterne Tansterne 382a Croome Cogrun 382a Sudnicton Sudcniton, Sudnicton 382a Benningholme Benicol, Benincol 382a Sutton-on-Hull Sudtone, Sutone 382a Argam Ergone 382a Swine Suine, Swine 382a Arram Argun 382a Swaythorpe Suavetorp 382a Barthorpe Barchertorp, Barchetorp 382a Sutton near Malton Sudton, Sudtone, Suton Beeford Biworde 382a 382a Barmston Benestone, Benestun 382a Stork Hill Estorch 382a Arnestorp Arnestorp 382a Staxton Stacstone, Stactone, Staxtun 382a Eske Asch 382a Thirkleby, Kirby Grindalythe Alia Turgislebi, Dunnington in Beeford Dodintone 382a Turgilebi, Turgislebi 382a Thixendale Sixtedale, Sixtendale, Xistendale Danthorpe Danetorp, Dantorp 382a 382a Drypool Dridpol, Dripold, Dritpol 382a Thorngumbald Torn, Torne 382a Duggleby Difgelibi, Dighelibi 382a Thornholme Thirnon, Tirnum 382a Dowthorpe Dwetorp 382a Thoralby, Bugthorpe Turalzbi 382a Cowlam Coletun, Colnun 382a Thirtleby Torchilebi 382a Little Cowden in Mappleton Coldun 382a Thorpe Bassett Torp 382a Easington near Kilnsea Esintone, Hesinton, South Skirlaugh Scherle, Schirelai, Schirle, Scire- Hesintone 382a lai 382a Elestolf Elestolf, Estolf 382a Sherburn Schirebur, Schiresburne, Sciresburne Elmswell Elmeswelle, Helmeswelle 382a 382a Elstronwick Astenewic 382a Skeckling Scachelinge 382a Old Ellerby Aluerdebi, Alwardebi 382a North Skirlaugh Schirelai, Schireslai, Scirlai Eddlethorpe Eduardestorp, Gedwalestorp, Gud- 382a walestorp 382a Sigglesthorne Siglestone, Siglestorne 382a Burton Fleming Burton, Burtone 382a Settrington Sendriton 382a Carnaby Cherendebi 382a Sproatley Sprotelai, Sprotele, Sprotelie 382a Burythorpe Bergetorp, Berguetorp 382a High Skirlington Schereltun, Schereltune 382a Camerton Camerinton 382a Sledmere Slidemare 382a West Carlton Carlentun, Carletun 382a Southorpe Torp 382a Butterwick Butruic, Butruid 382a Speeton Specton, Spetton, Spretone 382a Burton Pidsea Bortun, Bortune 382a Southcoates Sotecote, Sotecotes 382a Great Cowden Coledun 382a Skirpenbeck Scarpenbec, Scarpinberg 382a Catfoss Catefos, Catefoss 382a Seaton, Sigglesthorne Settun 382a Low Caythorpe Caretorp 382a Wharram Percy Warran, Warron 382a Cleeton Cleton, Cletun, Cletune 382a Weel Uela, Wela 382a Coniston Coiningesbi, Coningesbi 382a Welwick Welwic 382a Chenecol Chenecol, Chenucol, Chenuthesholm Wharram Le Street Warham, Warran 382a 382a Weeton In Welwick Wideton 382a

251 Weaverthorpe Wifretorp 382a Oubrough Uleburg, Ulenburg 382a Waxholme Washam, Wassum, Waxham 382a Octon Ocheton 382a Willerby near Staxton Widlafeston, Widlave- Owthorne Thorne, Torne 382a ston 382a Mappleton Mapletone 382a Winkton, Barmston Winchetone 382a Lissett Lessete 382a Withernsea Widfornessei, Witfornes 382a East Lutton Ludton 382a Withernwick Widfornewic, Widfornewinc, West Lutton Ludton 382a Withfornewinc 382a Lowthorpe Langetorp, Logetorp, Loghetorp Wintringham Wentrigeham, Wentrigham 382a 382a Linton in Wintringham Linton 382a Winestead Wifestad, Wifestede, Wistede, Wives- Muston Muston, Mustone 382a tad 382a Marfleet Mereflet, Mereflot 382a Thorpe, Rudston Torp 382a Meaux Melse 382a Totleys Totele 382a Monkwith Monewic, Monnewic 382a Thurlesthorp, Patrington Toruelestorp 382a Low Mowthorpe, Kirby Grindalythe Meletorp, Tickton Tichetone 382a Muletorp, Muletorpe 382a Torp Torp 382a Menethorpe Mennistorp 382a Thwing Tuenc, Twenc 382a Marton, South Skirlaugh Meretone, Meretune Thorpe, Welwick Torp 382a 382a Wawne Wagene, Waghene 382a Scrayingham Escraingham, Escringham, Screng- Towthorpe, Wharram Percy Touetorp, Toue- ham 382a torpe 382a Rudston Rodestain, Rodestan, Rodestein 382a Turodebi Turodebi 382a Rolston Rolvestun, Roolfestone 382a Uncleby Unchelfsbi, Unchelsbi, Unglesbi 382a Routh Rute, Rutha 382a Wassand Wadsande 382a Rowton Rugeton, Rugheton 382a Ulrome Ulfram, Ulreham 382a Roos Rosse 382a Tunstall near Withernsea Tunestal, Tunestale Long Riston Riston, Ristun, Ristune 382a 382a Rise Rison, Risun 382a Leven Levene 382a Ruston Parva Roreston 382a Nunkeeling Chelinge, Chilinghe 382a Scagglethorpe, Settrington Scachetorp 382a Little Newsome Neuhuson, Niwehusum 382a Scolfstona Scloftone, Scolfstona 382a East Newton, Aldbrough Niweton, Niwetone Scradiztorp Scardiztorp, Scradiztorp 382a 382a Scampston Scameston, Scamestona 382a Norton near Malton Norton, Nortone 382a Rysome Garth Rison, Utrisun 382a West Newton, Aldbrough Neutone 382a Painsthorpe Thorf, Torfe 382a Newton Garth Nichuetun, Niweton 382a Potter Brompton Bruneton, Brunetone 382a Great Newsome Neuhuson, Niwehusum 382a Paull Pagele, Paghel 382a Nafferton Nadfartone 382a Place Newton Neuton, Newetone 382a Nuthill Notele, Nothele 382a Pockthorpe Pochetorp 382a Ottringham Otrege, Otrengham, Otringeham Paull Holme Holm, Holme 382a 382a Patrington Patrictone 382a Out Newton Niweton, Niwetone 382a Ringbrough Rigeborch, Righeborg, Ringeborg, Owstwick Hostewic, Ostewic 382a Ringeburg, Ringheborg, Ringheburg 382a

252 Preston near Hedon Preston, Prestone, Prestune Brightlingsea Brictriceseia 6a 382a Terling Terlingas 7a Redmere, Owthorne Redmar, Redmare, Red- Newport Neuport 7a mære, Rotmare 382a Great Sampford Sanfort 7b Rillington Redlinton, Redlintone, Renliton Little Sampford Sanfort 7b 382a Stisted Stiesteda 8a Rimswell Rimeswelle 382a West Mersea Meresai 8a Ricstorp Ricstorp 382a St Lawrence Niwelant 8a Raisthorpe Redrestorp 382a East Mersea Meresai 8a Lawling Lalinge 8a Bocking Bochinges 8a 32 Essex Little Coggeshall Coghessala 8a Latchingdon Lachenduna 8a Witham Witham 1b Great Coggeshall 8a North Benfleet Benflet 1b Coghessala South Benfleet Benflet 1b Little Stambridge Stanbruge 8b Hertford in Hertfordshire Herefort 2b Southchurch Sudcerca 8b Havering-atte-Bower Haveringae 2b Milton Mildentuna 8b White Roding Rodinges 3a Great Stambridge Stanbruge 8b Roding Rodinges 3a Wanstead Wenesteda 9b Latchingdon Lessenduna 3a Ramsden, Bellhouse, Crays Ramesdana 9b Studly in Woodham Ferrers Estolleia 3a Laindon Legenduna 9b Loughton Lochetuna 3a Slampseys Slamondesheia 9b Shellow Bowells Scelda 3a Southminster Raines 10a Little Chesterford Cestreforda 3b Layer, Breton, De la Hay, Marney Legra 10a Birchanger Becangra 3b Southminster Sudmunstra 10a Shalford Celdeforda 3b Wickham Bishops Wicham 10b Great Chesterford Cestreforda 3b Great Warley Wareleia 10b Wethersfield Westrefelda 4a Chelmsford Celmeresfort 10b South Benfleet Benflet 4a Copford Copeforda 10b North Benfleet Benflet 4a Little Warley Wareleia 10b Finchingfield Phincinghefelda 4a Little Totham Toteham 11a Stanway Stanewega 4b St Osyth Cice 11a Lexden Uluuinescherham 4b Colchester Colecestra 11a Steeple Steplam 4b Great Clacton Clachintuna 11a Layer, Breton, De la Hay, Marney Legra 4b Little Clacton Clachintuna 11a Maldon Melduna 4b Cranham Wocheduna 11a Writtle Wochenduna 5a Great Totham Toteham 11a Margaretting Ciltendis 5a Little Burstead Burghesteda 11b Woolston Phingheria 5a Alresford Elesforda 11b Margretting, Mountnesling Ginga 5a Great Burstead Burghesteda 11b South Ockendon Wochenduna 5a Well Wella 11b Writtle Wiritela 5b Little Totham Toteham 11b Lawford Herchesteda 6a Corringham Turrucam 11b

253 Great Totham Toteham 11b Paslow Passefelda 16a Tendring Tenderinge 11b Loughton Lochintuna 16a Ramsden, Bellhouse, Crays Ramesdana 12a Woodford Wdefort 16a Howbridge Hobruge 12a Alderton Alvertuna 16a Little Braxted Bracteda 12a Debden Tippedana 16a Chadwell Celdewella 12a Nazeing Nasinga 16a Great Braxted Bracteda 12a South Weald Welda 16b Horndon on the Hill Horninduna 12a Upminster Upmonstra 16b Laindon Leienduna 12a Walter Walcfara 16b Ulehams Uleham 12b Little Parndon Perenduna 17b Lee Lea 12b Mucking Mucinga 17b Great Hallingbury Halingheberia 12b Bulphan Bulgeven 17b Belchamp Otten, Belchamp St Paul and Barking Berchingae 17b Belchamp Walter Belcham 12b Fanton Fantuna 17b Bassets Mildemet 12b Great Parndon Perenduna 17b Chingford Cinghefort 12b Ingatestone Inga 18a Little Hallingbury Halingheberia 12b Fristling Festinges 18a Lee Chapel Lea 12b Fryerning and Ingatestone Inga 18a Wickham St Pauls Wicham 13a Fryerning Colecastro 18a Norton Mandeville Nortuna 13a Little Wigborough Wicgheberga 18a Navestock Tillingham 13a Stifford Stiforda 18a the naze Nasa 13b Little Warley Wareleia 18a The Naze Aeldulvesnasa 13b Great Wigborough Wicgheberga 18a Heybridge Tidwoldituna 13b Great Warley Wareleia 18a Barling Nassestocia 13b Tollesbury Tolesberia 18b Runwell Runewella 13b Broxted Broccheshevot 18b Kelvedon Chellevedana 14a Hockley Hocheleia 18b Bowers Gifford Bura 14a Strethall Ratenduna 19a North Benfleet Benflet 14a Hadstock Cadenhou 19a South Benfleet Benflet 14a Littlebury Litelbyria 19a Fanton Phantuna 14a Roding Aythorpe, High Roding Aythorpe, Leyton Leituna 14b Leaden Aythorp Rodinges 19a West Ham Hame 14b Latton Breddinchou 19b Feering Pheringae 14b Harlow Herlaua 19b Colchester Cole Castro 14b Wrabness Wrabenasa 20a East Ham Hame 14b Great Waltham Waltham 20a Wennington Wemtuna 15a Earls Colne, Wakes Colne and White Colne South Ockendon Wochenduna 15a Colun 20a Moulsham Molesham 15a Alphamston Alfelmestuna 20a Geddesduna Geddesduna 15a Stapleford Abbotts, Stapleford Tawney Staple- North Ockendon Wochenduna 15a fort 20a Paglesham Pachesham 15a Little Waltham Waltham 20a Waltham Holy Cross Walham 15b Matching Metcinga 20b

254 Horseham Hersam 20b Stifford Estinfort 24b Hutton Atahou 20b Aveley Alvithelea 24b Lindsell Lindesela 20b Cranham Craohu 24b Takeley Tacheleia 21a Stifford Estinfort 24b Dengie Widituna 21a Upminster Upmunstra 24b Birchanger Bilichangra 21a Grays Thurrock, West Thurrock Turroc 25a St Peters Chapel Effecestra 21a West Hanningfield and East Hanningfield Felstead Phensteda 21b Haneghefelda 25a Great Baddow Baduuen 21b Limpwella Limpwella 25a Little Baddow Baduuen 21b Berewic Berwic 25a Panfield Penfelda 22a South Hanningfield and East Hanningfield East Mersea Meresaia 22a Haneghefelda 25a Layer, Breton, De la Hay, Marney Legra 22a Lawn Laghenberia 25a West Mersea Meresaia 22a Walter Walfara 25b Vange Phenge 22b Thorrington Torinduna 25b Ingrate Burghesteda 22b Moulsham Melesham 25b Dunton Dantuna 22b Patching Pacingae 25b Barstable Berdestapla 22b Alresford Eilesforda 25b Little Burstead Burghesteda 22b Moulsham Molesham 25b Ingrave Inga 22b Tolleshunt d’Arcy, Tolleshunt Knights, Wickford Wicfort 23a Tolleshunt Major Toleshunta 25b Ramsden, Bellhouse, Crays Ramesdana 23a Writtle Writa 26a Wheatley Wateleia 23a Fobbing Phobinge 26a Chadwell Celdewella 23a Shenfield Scenefelda 26b Hassenbrook Hasinghebroc 23a White Notley Nutlea 26b Wickford Wincfort 23a Little Coggeshall Cogheshala 26b East Horndon Torinduna 23b Gravesend in Tilbury Gravesanda 26b Beckney Bacheneia 23b Great Coggeshall Cogheshala 26b Hatfield Peverel Hafelda 23b Black Notley Nutlea 26b Creeksea Criccheseia 23b Orsett Dorseda 26b Barling Berlinga 23b Witham Witham 27a Little Stambridge Stanbruge 23b Little Parndon Perenduna 27a West Horndon Torinduna 23b Colchester Cole Castro 27a South Shoebury Soberia 23b Blunt’s Hall Blundeshala 27a Great Stambridge Stanbruge 23b Great Parndon Perenduna 27a North Shoebury Soberia 23b Rivenhall Ruenhale 27a Sampsons Samantuna 24a Purleigh Purlai 27b Dengie Daneseia 24a Langenhoe Herlaua 27b Napstead in Little Maplestead Nepsteda 24a Great Dunmow Dommawa 27b Aldham Aldeham 24a Plesingho in Willingale Plesinchou 27b Bradwell Quay Hacflet 24a Little Dunmow Dommawa 27b Stifford Gilbert Turocham 24b Iltney Eltenai 27b Rainham Reneham 24b Latton Lattuna 27b

255 Shortgrove Sortegrava 28a Goldhanger Goldhangra 32a Layer, Breton, De la Hay, Marney Legra 28a Blatchams Blacham 32a Abberton Edburghetuna 28a Tollesbury Tolesberia 32a Ridgewell Ridewella 28a Tendring Tendringa 32b Little Yeldham Geldeham 28b Frowick Frorwica 32b Steeple Bumpstead Bummesteda 28b Frating Fratinga 32b Claret Clare 28b Burna Burna 32b Belchamp Otton, Belchamp St Paul and Birch Elesforda 32b Belchamp Walter Belcham 28b Frinton Frietuna 32b Shortgrove Sortegrava 28b St Osyth Cita 32b Great Yeldham Geldeham 28b Tendring Tendringe 33a Smeetham Smedetuna 29a Little Holland Hoilanda 33a Finchingfield Phincingefelda 29a Chrishall Hoilanda 33a Weston Westuna 29a Lawford Leleforda 33a Toppesfield Topeffelda 29a Elmdon Lee Cishella 33b Belchamp Otton, Belchamp St Paul and Bendysh Benedisc 34a Belchamp Walter Belcham 29a Great Bardfield Birdefelda 34a Ulehams Uleham 29b Crawley Crawelaea 34a Colchester Colecestra 29b Newnham Newham 34a Boxted Bocchesteda 29b Little Bardfield Birdefelda 34a Tey Teia 29b Great Yeldham, Little Yeldham Gerham 35a Easthorpe Estorp 30a Steeple Bumpstead Bumesteda 35a Earls Colne, Wakes Colne and White Colne Epping Eppinga 35a Colun 30a Great Canfield Canefelda 35a Little Birch Bricceia 30a Little Canfield Canefelda 35a Great Birch Bricceia 30a Finchingfield Phincingefelda 35a Colchester Colecastro 30a Willingale, Doe, Spain Ulinghehala 35a East Donyland Dunulanda 30a Rothend Roda 35b Stanford Rivers Stanfort 30b Emanuel Wood Monehala 35b Ongar, Chipping Lagafara 30b Great Bentley Benetlea 35b Writtle Wiretela 31a Stevington Stavintuna 35b High Laver, Little Laver, Magdalen Laver Little Bentley Benetlea 35b Laghefara 31a Finchingfield Phincingefelda 35b Little Baddow Badwen 31a West Tilbury Tiliberia 36a Fyfield Fifhida 31a Quicksbury Cuica 36a Great Baddow Badwen 31a Little Easton Estanes 36a Lambourne Lamburna 31a Great Easton Estanes 36a Newland Newelanda 31a Upham Upham 36a Little Waltham Waltham 31b Housham Ouesham 36a Runwell Runewella 31b East Tilbury Tiliberia 36a Boreham Waltham 31b High Roding Rodinges 36b Tolleshunt d’Arcy, Tolleshunt Knights, Little Dunmow Dommaua 36b Tolleshunt Major Toleshunta 32a Little Canfield Canefelda 36b

256 Great Canfield Canefelda 36b Cheneboltuna Cheneboltuna 40a Great Dunmow Dommaua 36b Halstead Halsteda 40a Roding Aythorpe, High Roding Aythorpe, Boyton Boituna 40a Leaden Aythorp Rodinges 36b Foxearth Focsearde 40a Steeple Bumpstead Bumesteda 37a Steeple Bumpstead Bumesteda 40a Hunts Hall Polheia 37a Wethersfield Westrefelda 40a Halstead Haltesteda 37a Twinstead Tumesteda 40a Peyton Pachen Hou 37a Pebmarsh Pebenhers 40a Kenningtons Kelituna 37b Morrell Roding in White Roding Roinges 40b South Hanningfield and East Hanningfield Boyton Boituna 40b Haningefelda 37b Bures Bura 40b Belstead Belestedam 37b Colne Colun 40b Boreham Borham 37b Little Bromley Brumlea 40b West Hanningfield and East Hanningfield Alresford Aleforda 40b Haningefelda 37b Little Bentley Menetlea 40b Wendens, Ambo, Lofts Wendena 38a Great Bromley Brumlea 40b Paglesham Pachesham 38a Great Bentley Menetlea 40b Fordham Forham 38a Little Sampford Sanforda 41a Chardwell Eineswrda 38a West Bergholt Bercolta 41a Plumberow Plumberga 38a Great Bardfield Birdefelda 41a Wallbury Walla 38b Langham Laingaham 41a Great Chishall and Little Chishall, Cam- Fordham Fordeham 41a bridgeshire Cishella 38b Witesworda Witesworda 41a Great Dunmow Dommawa 38b Little Bardfield Birdefelda 41a Little Dunmow Dommawa 38b Great Sampford Sanforda 41a Thaxted Tachesteda 38b Hempstead Hamsteda 41b Little Yeldham Geldham 39a Great Bardfield Berdefelda 41b Wickham St Pauls Wicam 39a Barrow Berrewera 41b Gestingthorpe Ghestingetorp 39a Little Bardfield Berdefelda 41b Finchingfield Phincinghefelda 39a West Tilbury Tiliberia 42a Panfield Penfelda 39a West Horndon Torninduna 42a Great Yeldham Geldham 39a Horndon on the Hill Ciltedic 42a Finchingfield Fincinghefelda 39b East Horndon Torninduna 42a Alderford Alreforda 39b East Tilbury Tiliberia 42a Howe Weninchou 39b Wickford Belesduna 42b Bulmer Bulenemera 39b Wickford Wicfort 43a Bures Buro 39b North Benfleet, South Benfleet Benflet 43a Binsley in Bulmer Bineslea 39b Wheatley Watelea 43a Ashen Asce 39b Thundersley Thunreslea 43a Finchingfield Phincinghefelda 40a Rayleigh Rageneia 43b Middleton Mildetuna 40a Hassenbrook Hasingebroc 43b Alphamstone Alfelmestuna 40a Eastwood Estwda 43b Coupals Celvestuna 40a Hockley Hocheleia 43b

257 Little Wakering Wachelinga 44a Stapleford Abbotts, Stapleford Tawney Staple- South Shoebury Essoberia 44a fort 47b Prittlewell Pritte Wella 44a Great Warley Warleia 47b Canewdon Essoberia 44a Tolleshunt d’Arcy, Tolleshunt Knights, Great Wakering Wachelinga 44a Tolleshunt Major Toleshunta 48a Little Stambridge Stanbruge 44b Kenningtons Helituna 48a South Shoebury Essoberia 44b Elmstead Almesteda 48a Rochford Rochefort 44b Foulton Fuletuna 48a Littlethorpe Torpeia 44b Maldon Melduna 48a North Shoebury Essoberia 44b Little Totham Totham 48b Great Stambridge Stanbruge 44b Great Totham Totham 48b Little Wakering Wacheringa 45a Roding Rodinges 49a Plumberow Plumberga 45a Harlow Herlaua 49a Sutton Suttuna 45a Great Braxted and Little Braxted Brachesteda Pudsey Puteseia 45a 49a Lindsell Lindeseles 49a Hockley Wacheringa 45a Mundon Munduna 49b Iltney Suttuna 45b Down Dona 49b Hawkwell Hachewella 45b Landuna Landuna 49b Eastwood Nestuda 45b Steeple Steplam 49b Pudsey Puteseia 45b Acleta Acleta 49b Ashingdon Nesenduna 45b Wringehala Wringehala 49b Rivenhall Ruwenhala 46a Lawling Lalinge 49b Black Notley Nuthlea 46a Takeley Dommawa 50a Great Hallingbury Halingebia 46a Broxted Brocheshvot 50a Asheldham 46a Hainctuna Hawkwell Dommawa 50a Little Hallingbury Halingebia 46a Shellow Bowells Scelga 50a White Notley Nuthlea 46a Theydon Bois, Mount Garnon Taindena 50b Willingale, Doe, Spain Willingehala 46b Abbess Roding Roinges 50b West Mersea Meresai 46b Boxted Bucchesteda 50b Little Dunmow Dommawa 46b Pledgdon Plichedana 50b Clavering Clavelinga 46b Weeley Wileia 51a Abberton Edburgetuna 46b Quendon Lega 51a Great Dunmow Dommawa 46b Rettendon Ratenduna 51a East Mersea Meresai 46b Radwinter Redewintra 51b Peldon Peltenduna 46b Hawkwell Hacwella 51b Berden Berdane 47a Arkesden Archesdana 51b Nayland Eiland 47a Roding Rodinges 52a Clavering Clavelinga 47a Great Hallingbury Halingeberia 52a Asheldham Haintuna 47a Arkesden Archesdana 52a Little Warley Warleia 47b Little Hallingbury Halingeberia 52a Theydon Bois, Mount Garnon Teidana 47b Ramsden, Bellhouse, Crays Ramesdana 52b Boreham Borham 47b Kelvedon Chellevadana 52b

258 Purleigh Purlai 53a Great Tey, Little Tey, Marks Tey Teia 57b Havering-atte-Bower Havelingae 53a North Ockendon Wochaduna 57b Latchingdon Lachentuna 53a Shelley Senleia 57b St Peters Chapel Effecestre 53b Abbess Roding Roinges 57b Layer, Breton, De la Hay, Marney Legra 53b South Ockendon Wochaduna 57b Halesduna Halesduna 53b Little Waltham Waldham 58a Studly in Woodham Ferrers Estoleia 53b Chatham Cetham 58a Rayne Raines 53b Great Waltham Waldham 58a Wix Wica 54a Mashbury Massebirig 58b Great Totham Totham 54a Chignal Cingehala 58b Bensted in Sandon Bedenesteda 54a Broomfield Brumfelda 58b Goldhanger Totham 54a Patching Pacinges 58b Tolleshunt d’Arcy, Tolleshunt Knights, Chignall Cingehala 58b Tolleshunt Major Toleshunta 54b Moze Danengeberia 59a Ateleia Ateleia 54b Chignal Cingehala 59a Faulkbourne Falcheburna 54b Cuton Keuentuna 59a Hatfield Broad Oak Hatfelde 55a Great Leigh, Little Leigh Legra 59a Little Braxted Bracchesteda 55a West Tilbury Tiliberia 59b Little Dunmow Dommawa 55a White Notley Nutlea 59b Great Dunmow Dommawa 55a Frinton Frientuna 59b Great Braxted Bracchesteda 55a Ardleigh Erleia 59b Ryes Siriceslea 55a Black Notley Nutlea 59b Black Notley Nutlea 55a East Tilbury Tiliberia 59b Rayne Raines 55a Matching Matcinga 60a Roding Marci Rodinges 55a Great Hallingbury Halingeberia 60a White Notley Nutlea 55a Ridley Retleia 60a Little Wigborough Wigheberga 55b Good Easter and High Easter Estra 60a Stambourne Stanburne 55b Little Hallingbury Halingeberia 60a Toppesfield Topesfelde 55b Roding Rodinges 60b Farnham Pherneham 55b Barnston Bernestuna 60b Northey Island Carseia 55b Newton Niwetuna 60b Great Wigborough Wigheberga 55b Shellow Bowells Scelga 61a Little Totham Toteham 56a Great Dunmow Dommawa 61a Norton Mandeville Nortuna 56a Bigods Alferestuna 61a Kelvedon Hatch Kalenduna 56a Little Dunmow Dommawa 61a Greensted Gernesteda 56a White Roding Rodinges 61b Navestock Astoca 56a Little Easton Estanes 61b Great Totham Toteham 56a Great Dunmow Dommawa 61b Tilty Tileteia 56b Great Canfield Chenefelda 61b Osea Island Uveseia 56b Little Canfield Chenefelda 61b Woodham Ferrers Udeham 57a Little Dunmow Dommawa 61b Steeple Steplam 57a White Roding Rodinges 62a Buttsbury Cinga 57a Shellow Bowells Scelga 62a

259 Little Dunmow Dommaua 62a Chignall Cinguehella 67a Great Dunmow Dommaua 62a Fryerning Inga 67a Saffron Walden Fenne 62a Tolleshunt d’Arcy, Tolleshunt Knights, Pledgdon Munehala 62b Tolleshunt Major Toleshunta 67b Birchanger Blichangra 62b Little Oakley Accleia 67b Emanuel Wood Munehala 62b Ardleigh Erleia 67b Grays Thurrock, West Thurrock Turruc 63a Great Oakley Accleia 67b Wenesuuic Weneswic 63a Dickley Tendringa 67b Stow Maries Phenna 63a Tolleshunt d’Arcy, Tolleshunt Knights, Ramsden, Bellhouse, Crays Ramesdana 63b Tolleshunt Major Toleshunta 68a Witham Witham 63b Elsenham Elsenham 68a Rivenhall Riwehala 63b Widdington Widintuna 68a Howbridge Hobruge 63b Arkesden Archesdana 68a Matching Matcinga 64a Shortgrove Scortegrava 68a East Ham Hame 64a Ulting Ultinga 68b Chingford Cingefort 64a Woodham Mortimer, Woodham Walter Wde- West Ham Hame 64a ham 69a Great Whitmane Witham 64b Great Dunmow Dommawa 69a Loughton 64b Lochetuna Cold Norton Nortuna 69a Lega Lega 64b Curling Tye Green Curlai 69a Leyton Leituna 64b Little Dunmow Dommawa 69a Purleigh Purlai 64b Wimbish Wimbeis 69b Wendens, Ambo, Lofts Wendena 65a Messing Metcinges 69b Takeley Tacheleia 65a Barn Hall Borooldituna 69b Manuden Magghedana 65a Manuden Magellana 69b Bentfield Bury Stanesteda 65a Little Baddow Burneham 70a Virley Salcota 65a Little Maplestead Menghedana 65b Ramsey Rameseia 70b Farnham Phernham 65b Michaelstow Michelestou 70b Bollington Bolituna 65b West Hanningfield and East Hanningfield Wormingford Widemondefort 66a Haningefelda 70b Little Birch Bricia 66a Witelebroc Witelebroc 70b Great Birch Bricia 66a Great Oakley Adem 70b Wivenhoe Wivnhou 66a South Hanningfield and East Hanningfield South Weald Walda 66b Haningefelda 70b Rainham Renaham 66b Lawford Laleforda 70b Fryerning and Ingatestone Inga 66b Little Oakley Adem 70b Stapleford Abbotts, Stapleford Tawney Staple- Wendens, Ambo, Lofts Wendena 71a forda 66b Ashdon Ascenduna 71a Springfield Springinghefelda 67a Henham Henham 71a Fryerning and Ingatestone Inga 67a Langford Langheforda 71a Culverts Richeham 67a Paglesham Pachesham 71a Patching Pacingas 67a Vange Bura 71b

260 Tolleshunt d’Arcy, Tolleshunt Knights, Thunderley Tunreslea 76b Tolleshunt Major Toleshunta 71b Horseham Hersam 77a Terling Hadfelda 72a Belchamp Otten, Belchamp St Paul and Blunt’s Hall Blundeshala 72a Belchamp Walter Belcamp 77a Ingrave Inga 72a Earls Colne, White Colne and Eakes Colne West Ham Hame 72b Coles 77a Fairstead Fairsteda 72b Helions Bumpstead Bumesteda 77b Chickney Colecestra 72b Little Bentley Benetleia 77b East Ham Hame 72b Beaumont Fulepet 77b Woodham Mortimer, Woodham Walter Ode- Great Bentley Benetleia 77b ham 73a Dovercourt Druvrecurt 77b Maldon Meldona 73a Sheering Sceringa 78a Hazeleigh Halesheia 73a Latton Stavintuna 78a Willingale, Doe, Spain Willingehala 73a Radwinter Redewintra 78a Little Wigborough Wigheberga 73b Little Parndon Perinduna 78b Layer, Breton, De la Hay, Marney Legra 73b North Weald Basset Walda 78b Debden Deppedana 73b Higham Hecham 78b Abberton Edburgetuna 73b Leyton Leintuna 78b Amberden Halesleia 73b Great Parndon Perinduna 78b Great Wigborough Wigheberga 73b Theydon Bois, Mount Garnon Taindena 79a Stebbing Stabinga 74a Ballingdon, Suffolk Belindune 79a Little Henny Henies 74a Binsley in Bulmer Bineslea 79a Great Henny Henies 74a Ballingdon Belindune 79a Stansgate Stanesgata 74b Loughton Lochetuna 79a Lawling Lalinge 74b Ramsden, Bellhouse, Crays Inga 79b Down Duna 74b North Weald Basset Walla 79b Lamarsh Lamers 74b Roydon Ruindune 80a Tendring Radenduna 75a Great Parndon Perenduna 80a Maldon Melduna 75a Harlow Herlaua 80a Plunker’s Green Plumtuna 75a North Weald Basset Perenduna 80a Springfield Springafelda 75a Waltham Holy Cross Waltham 80b Tolleshunt d’Arcy, Tolleshunt Knights, Nazeing Nasinga 80b Tolleshunt Major Toleshunta 75b Birdbrook Epinga 80b Frating Fretinga 75b Thorpehall Thorp 80b Leigh Legra 75b Great Yeldham, Little Yeldham Geldham 81a St Osyth Cice 75b Margaretting Babiterna 81a Goldhanger Goldhangra 76a Margretting, Mountnesling Ginga 81a Great Canfield Canedfelda 76a Bobbingworth Bubingeorda 81a Udecheshale Udecheshale 76a St Lawrence Niwelanda 81a Little Canfield Canedfelda 76a Yardley Gerdelai 81b Ugley Ugghelea 76b Lawford Laleforda 81b Castle Hedingham and Sible Hedingham Cowbridge Cubrigea 81b Haingheham 76b Derleigh in Little Bromley Derleia 81b

261 Fouchers Ginga 81b Tolleshunt d’Arcy, Tolleshunt Knights, Margaretting Ginga 81b Tolleshunt Major Toleshunta 86a Sturmer Redewintra 82a Bowers Gifford Bura 86a Stevington Stevituna 82a Paglesham Pachesham 86a Helions Bumpstead Bunsteda 82a Stow Maries Fenna 86b Steeple Bumpstead Bumesteda 82a Little Easton Eistanes 86b Tilbury-Juxta-Clare Tiliberia 82b Great Easton Eistanes 86b Rayne Raines 82b Earls Colne, Wakes Colne and White Colne Sturmer Sturmere 82b Colun 86b Rayne Raines 83a Purleigh Purlai 86b Messing Metcinges 83a Wix Wica 87a Dedham Delham 83a Great Chesterford Cestrefort 87a Castle Hedingham and Sible Hedingham Hed- Great Bromley Brumleia 87a ingham 83a Little Bromley Brumleia 87a Mistley Mitteslea 83b Little Chesterford Cestrefort 87a Cliff Cliva 83b Pebmarsh Pebeners 87b Bradfield Bradefelda 83b Great Henny Heni 87b Ardleigh Erlega 83b Belchamp Otten, Belchamp St Paul and Jacques Hall Manestuna 83b Belchamp Walter Belcham 87b Great Saling Salinges 84a Ovington Ovituna 87b Black Notley Nutlea 84a Castle Hedingham and Sible Hedingham Hid- Great Maplestead Mapledesteda 84a ingham 87b Great Henny Heni 84a Little Henny Heni 87b Little Henny Heni 84a Goldingham Goldingham 88a Little Maplestead Mapledesteda 84a Stanstead Stanesteda 88a White Notley Nutlea 84a Weston Westuna 88a High Ongar Angra 84b Earls Colne, Wakes Colne and White Colne Fyfield Fifhida 84b Colun 88b Aveley Avileia 84b Stanstead Stanesteda 88b Bures Bura 84b Moreton Mortuna 88b Ongar, Chipping Angra 84b Colne Engaine Parva Colun 88b Smallands Smalelant 85a Mount Bures Bura 89a Lawling Lalinge 85a Bradfield Bradefelda 89a Doddinghurst Doddenhenc 85a West Bergholt Bercolt 89a Leyton Leintuna 85a Liston Listuna 89b Little Waltham Waltham 85b Fordham Forham 89b West Hanningfield and East Hanningfield Ardleigh Erleia 89b Haningefelda 85b Grays Thurrock, West Thurrock Turruc 90a Foulton Fuletuna 85b East Horndon Torinduna 90a Bensted in Sandon Bedenesteda 85b Brundon Branduna 90a South Hanningfield and East Hanningfield Brundon, Suffolk Branduna 90a Haningefelda 85b West Horndon Torinduna 90a Great Waltham Waltham 85b Chiswick Cesewic 90b

262 Chignell Cinghe Wella 90b Peldon Peltenduna 94a Brundon Brumduna 90b Stebbingford Horstedafort 94a Niuetuna Niuetuna 90b White Notley Nutlea 94a Brundon, Suffolk Brumduna 90b Witham Witham 95a Chigwell Cinghewella 90b Layer, Breton, De la Hay, Marney Legra 95a Upminster Upmunstre 91a Shalford Scaldeford 95a High Laver, Little Laver, Magdalen Laver Ashwell Assewella 95a Laghefara 91a Creeksea Criccheseia 95a Little Holland Holanda 91a Wickford Wicfort 95a Great Holland Holanda 91a Wickford Wicfort 95b Housham Ouesham 91a Liston Leituna 95b Rainham Reineham 91a Crepping Crepinges 95b Old Hall Barlea 91b Derleigh in Little Bromley Dereleia 95b Great Easton Estanes 91b East Donyland Dunilanda 95b Little Easton Estanes 91b Tendring Tendringa 95b Margretting, Mountnesling Ginga 91b West Tilbury Tiliberia 96a Walthamstow Wilcumestou 92a Rainham Raineham 96a Radwinter Redewintra 92a North Fambridge Fanbruge 96a Layer, Breton, De la Hay, Marney Legra 92b Little Coggeshall Cogheshala 96a Childerditch Ciltedic 92b Great Coggeshall Cogheshala 96a Cray’s Hall Winthelle 92b East Donyland Dunilanda 96a Stanmer Stanemere 92b Nevendon Nezendena 96a Little Warley Warleia 92b East Tilbury Tiliberia 96a Black Notley Nutlea 92b Rivenhall Rivenhall 96b Pinchpools Pincepo 92b Little Baddow Baduuen 96b Great Warley Warleia 92b Sutton Suttuna 96b White Notley Nutlea 92b Great Baddow Baduuen 96b Horndon on the Hill Horninduna 93a Felsted Felstede 96b Scilcheham Scilcheham 93a Theydon Bois, Mount Garnon Taindena 97a Wicken Wicam 93a Felstead Felesteda 97a Bonhunt Banhunta 93a Great Bromley Brumbeleia 97a Great Birch Parva Bricceia 93b Aveley Alvilea 97a Great Wigborough Wigheberga 93b Westnanetuna Westnanetuna 97a Horndon on the Hill Horninduna 93b Little Bromley Brumbeleia 97a Little Birch Parva Bricceia 93b Stifford Stifort 97a Matching Matcinge 93b Tolleshunt d’Arcy, Tolleshunt Knights, Little Wigborough Wigheberga 93b Tolleshunt Major Toleshunta 97b Nevendon Nezendena 94a Belstead Belestedam 97b Lohou Lohou 94a South Fambridge Phenbruge 97b Ilford Ilefort 94a Pitsea Bura 98a Byrton in Stanway Bertuna 94a Chadwell Celdewella 98a Willingale, Doe, Spain Willinghehala 94a Middleton Mildeltuna 98a Black Notley Nutlea 94a Gestingthorpe Glestingethorp 98a

263 Wethersfield Witheresfelda 98b Little Henny Hanies 101a Latchingdon Lacenduna 98b Great Maplestead Mappesteda 101a Walter Walfaram 98b Pebmarsh Pebeners 101a Little Thurrock Thurrucam 99a Little Maplestead Mappesteda 101a Dunton Dantuna 99a Manuden Magghedana 101a Horndon on the Hill Horninduna 99a Finchingfield Phincingefelda 101b Little Henny Henies 99b Howe Branchetreu 101b Widdington Widituna 99b Halstead Halsteda 101b Great Coggeshall Cogheshala 99b Lashley Lacelea 101b Great Henny Henies 99b Great Henny Heni 101b Little Coggeshall Cogheshala 99b Horseham Ersham 101b Midebroc Midebroc 99b Lamarsh Lamers 101b Burnham Burnham 99b Little Henny Heni 101b Terling Terlinga 99b Borley Barlea 102a Lamarsh Lamers 99b Toppesfield Topesfelda 102a Paglesham Pachesham 99b Alphamstone Alfelmestuna 102a Little Stambridge Stanbruge 99b Ovington Olvituna 102a Stansgate Stanesgata 99b Great Yeldham, Little Yeldham Geldeham Great Stambridge Stanbruge 99b 102a Layer, Breton, De la Hay, Marney Legra 99b Cornish Hall Nortuna 102a Rockells Wigghepet 100a Great Saling Salinges 102a Havering-atte-Bower Havelingas 100a Steeple Bumpstead Bumesteda 102a Little Canfield Canfelda 100a Pebmarsh Bebenhers 102a Bockingham Botingham 100a Great Bardfield Byrdefelda 102b Great Canfield Canfelda 100a Hasingham Hasingham 102b Feering Feringas 100a Hocsenga Hocsenga 102b Mashbury Masceberia 100a Fordham Forham 102b Northey Island Careseia 100b Crepping Crepinga 102b Wesuunic Wesuunic 100b Little Bardfield Byrdefelda 102b Arkesden Archesdana 100b West Bergholt Bercolt 102b Plesingho in Willingale Plesinchou 100b Earls Colne, Wakes Colne and White Colne Little Wigborough Wigheberga 100b Colun 102b Rockells Wiggepet 100b Bendysh Benedisc 102b Wendens, Ambo, Lofts Wendena 100b Lawling Lalinga 103a Great Wigborough Wigheberga 100b Helions Bumpstead Bumesteda 103a Stambourne Stanburna 100b Chaureth Ceauride 103a Great Henny Hanies 101a Sciddeham Sciddeham 103a Bertuna Bertuna 101a Steeple Stepla 103a Bollington Bollington 101a Braintree Branchetreu 103a Coupals Celvestuna 101a Earls Colne, Wakes Colne and White Colne Liffildewella Liffeldewella 101a Colun 103a Farnham Pherneham 101a Horeham Hersham 103a Smalton Smaltuna 101a High Ongar Angra 103b

264 Stevington Staumtuna 103b Hingham Hinham 111a Middleton Mildetuna 103b Stibbard Stabyrda 111b Ongar, Chipping Angra 103b Pudding Norton Nortuna 111b Lexden Lexsendena 104a Dunton Dontuna 111b Colchester Colecestra 104a Caston Katestuna 111b Greenstead Grenesteda 104a Holt Holt 111b Feering Ferigens 106b Cley next the Sea Claia 111b Ardleigh Erligam 106b Fakenham Fagenham 111b Shalford Celdeforde 106b Snitterley, Blakeney Esnuterle 111b Elmstead Elmestedam 106b Briston Burstuna 112a Tolleshunt d’Arcy, Tolleshunt Knights, Bale Bathele 112a Tolleshunt Major Tollensum 107a Bayfield Baiafelda 112a Colchester Colecestra 107a Holt Holt 112a Maldon Meldona 107a Stody Stodeia 112a Cley next the Sea Claia 112a 33 Norfolk Hempstead near Holt Henepsteda 112a Hunworth Huneworda 112a Titchwell Tigeswella 109b Glandford Glanforda 112a Great Massingham, Little Massingham Masin- Wighton Merstona 112b cham 109b Fakenham Facenham 112b Southmere Sutmere 109b Neutuna Neutuna 112b Stanhoe Stanho 110a Holt Holt 112b Griston Castestuna 110a Cawston Caustune 112b Breckles Breccles 110a Gunthorpe Gunestorp 112b Fakenham 110a Phacham Sharrington Scarnetuna 112b Saham Toney Saham 110a Holkham Egemere 113a Stow Bedon Stou 110b Hindringham Hindringham 113a Hingham Castetuna 110b Fakenham Faganham 113a Griston Breccles 110b Wighton Guelle 113a Little Ellingham Elincgham 110b Houghton St Giles Hohttune 113a Saham Toney Saham 110b Fakenham Fachenham 111a Stiffkey Stinekai 113a Ocselea Ocselea 111a Warham All Saints, Warham St Mary East Barsham or West Barsham Barfham Guarham 113a 111a Great Walsingham, Little Walsingham Galsin- North Creake or South Creake Kreic 111a gaham 113a Alethorpe Alatorp 111a Quarles Huerueles 113a Hingham Risinga 111a Martham Marcham 113b Flockthorpe Flocthore 111a Holkham Dallinga 113b Little Snoring Snaringa 111a Clippesby Clepesbei 113b Stibbard Estanbyrda 111a Holt Holt 113b Thorpland, Fakenham Torpaland 111a Woodbastwick Bastwic 113b Stanhoe Stanhou 111a Moulton St Mary Mothetuna 113b

265 Warham All Saints, Warham St Mary South Acre Acra 119b Guarham 113b South Acre Acra 119b Winterton Wintretuna 113b North Pickenham, South Pickenham Pichen- Wighton Wistune 113b ham 119b Ormesby St Margaret, Ormesby St Michael North Pickenham, South Pickenham Pichen- Ormesbei 113b ham 120a Earl Framingham or Pigot Framlingham Knettishall Gnateshala 120a Framingaham 114a Cockley Cley Cleia 120a Diss Dice 114a South Acre Acra 120a Foulsham Watlingeseta 114a Holme Hale Holm 120a Burston Borstuna 114a Newton near Castle Acre Nieutuna 120a Norwich Norwici 114a Rougham Cheninchala 120b Trowse Treussa 114a Knettishall, Norfolk or Suffolk Kenmohala Diss Dice 114a 120a Ormesby St Margaret, Ormesby St Michael Knettishall Gnateshala 120a Orbeslei 114a Horningtoft Hornincgetoft 120b Foulsham Felethorp 114b Kipton Chiptena 120b Brandiston Brantestuna 114b Carleton Forehoe Karletuna 121a Whitwell Witewella 114b Bittering Britringa 121a Cawston Taverham 114b Bowthorpe Boethorp 121a Marsham Marsam 115a Bowthorp Wesenham 121a Blickling Blikelinga 115a Kimberley Chineburlai 121a Oulton Oulserma 115a Mileham, Bittering Meleham 121a Cawston Caustuna 115a Sporle Esparlea 121a Wickmere Wicmara 115b Mileham Meleham 121a Ormesby St Margaret, Ormesby St Michael Bowthorp Suatinga 121b Felmincham 115b Crownthorpe Congrethorpe 121b Cawston Caustuna 115b Thurstuna Thustuna 121b Colby Colebei 115b Cranworth Cranaworda 121b Matlask Matelasc 115b Runhall Runhala 121b Stratton Strawless Stratuna 115b Thuxton Turstanestuna 121b Runham Ronham 116a Stow Bedon Stou 122a Gillingham Kildincha 116a Shipdham Scipdham 122a Gorleston Gorlestuna 116a Manson Mantatestona 122a Ormesby St Margaret, Ormesby St Michael Flockthorpe Flokethorp 122a Ormesbei 116a Cranworth Craneworda 122a Thorpe St Andrew Torp 117b Helhoughton Haelgatuna 122a Norwich Norwic 117b East Raynham, West Raynham Reineham Beccles in Suffolk Beccles 117b 122a Yarmouth Norwic 118a Stiffkey Stivecai 122a Thetford Tetford 118b Wells-next-the-Sea Guella 122b Sporle Sparle 119b Stiffkey Stivecai 122b Palgrave Paggrava 119b Cantley Cantelai 122b

266 Alsige Helesham 122b Alburgh Aldeberga 125b Great Snoring Snaringa 122b Redenhall Radanahalla 125b Thursford Turesfort 122b Starston Sterestuna 125b Strumpshaw Stromessaga 123a South Wootton Wdetuna 126a Hasingham Hasingeham 123a Stow Bedon Stuo 126a North Burlingham or South Burlingham Saham Toney Saham 126a Berlingeham 123a Little Ellingham Katestuna 126a Freethorpe Frietorp 123a Holme next the Sea Holm 126a Limpenhoe Limpeho 123a Sporle Esparlai 126a Witton near Norwich Witona 123b North Wootton Wdetuna 126a Shotesham All Saints, Shotesham St Mary Hou Stow Bedon Stou 126b 123b Saham Toney Saham 126b Eaton Aretuna 123b Old Buckenham Bucham 126b Buckenham Bucanaham 123b Little Ellingham Brecchles 126b Great Plumstead, Little Plumstead Plummest Griston Grestuna 126b 123b Sporle Sparlea 126b South Walsham Walessam 123b Roudham Rudham 127a Rockland St Mary Porringelanda 124a Kenninghall Essebei 127a Kirby Bedon Kerkebei 124a Kilverstone Culvertestuna 127a Eaton Aretuna 124a Quidenham Cuidenham 127b Yelverton Ailvertuna 124a East Harling or West Harling Herlinga 127b Shotesham All Saints, Shotesham St Mary Al- Garboldisham Gerboldesham 127b tera Scottessam 124a Kenninghall Chenikehala 127b Surlingham Suterlingeham 124a Gasthorpe Gatesthor 128a Whitlingham Wislingeham 124a Aylsham Eilessam 128a Stoke Holy Cross Stoches 124a Burnham Overy Brumeham 128a Kirby Bedon Kerkebei 124b East Beckham Becheam 128a Bramerton Brambretuna 124b Gasthorpe Keningehala 128a Holverston Wisinlingaham 124b Morston Merstuna 128a Rockland St Mary Rokelunda 124b Stiffkey Stivekeia 128a Stoke Holy Cross Stoches 124b Morsto Merstuna 128a Trowse Treus 124b Moulton St Mary Modetuna 128b Saxlingham Nethergate, Thorpe Saiselingaham Acle Acle 128b 124b Hemblington Fiscele 129a Trowse Treus 125a Fishley and Upton Halfriate 129a Saxlingham Nethergate, Thorpe Sasilingaham Woodbastwick Bastuic 129a 125a Panxworth Pankesford 129a Newton near Norwich Newotona 125a Upton Uptune 129a Holverston Aretuna 125a South Walsham Walessam 129a Kirby Bedon Kerkebei 125a Ranworth Randuorda 129a Redenhall Stokes 125a Moulton St Mary Modetuna 129b East Winch Eastwninc 125b Burgh St Margaret Burc 129b Sporle Esparlea 125b Clippesby Clepesbe 129b

267 Martham Martham 129b Belaugh Belaga 133a Caister Castra 129b Aylsham Aelsaham 133a Hemblington Wintretuna 129b Witton near North Walsham Crachefort 133a Reedham Redaham 129b Itteringham Utrincham 133a South Walsham Walessam 129b Scottow Scotohou 133a Wickhampton Wichhamtun 129b Hevingham Hevincham 133a Rollesby Rotholfuesbei 129b Lessingham Hapesburc 133b Winfarthing Wineferthinc 130a Palling Pallinga 134a Shimpling Simplinga 130a Caister Hemsteda 134a Gissing Gersinga 130a Runham Malteby 134b Winfarthing Borstuna 130a South Walsham Walsam 135a Fersfield Fersevella 130a Stoke Holy Cross Stokes 135a Shelfanger Scelvangra 130a Bowthorpe Bowethorpe 135a Tivetshall St Margaret, Tivetshall St Mary Runham Erlham 135a Totessalla 130a Thrigby Trukebei 135a Winfarthing Wineferthinc 130b Raveningham Raverincham 135b Fersfield Fersevella 130b Hunstanton Carletuna 135b Bedingham Bresingaham 130b Howe Howa 135b Shimpling Simplinga 130b Necton Neketuna 135b Woodton Uidetuna 131a Hilgay Wetinga 136a Shotesham All Saints, Shotesham St Mary Thetford Tedforda 136a Scotessam 131a Feltwell Feltwella 136a Mundham Mundaham 131a Methwold Methelwalde 136a Bedingham Aretuna 131a Upwell Wella 136a Bedingham Bedingaham 131a Hilgay Crokestuna 136b Sall Sislanda 131a East Wretham, West Wretham Wretham Great Witchingham, Little Witchingham 136b Wittcingeham 131b Thetford Tedfort 137a Sprowston Sprowestuna 131b Litcham Licham 137a Catton near Norwich Catetuna 131b Great Dunham or Little Dunham Dumham Sall Folsam 131b 137a Thurning Tyrninga 131b Mileham Britringa 137a Wroxham Vrocsham 132a Kirtling Kertlinga 137a Rackheath Racheitha 132a Mileham Mulham 137a Beeston St Andrew Besetuna 132a Wymondham Wimundham 137b Eaton Aretuna 132a Thorpe St Andrew Torp 138a Aylsham Elesham 132a Mileham Meleham 138a Brundall Scipedana 132a Thorpe St Andrew Hameringahala 138a Saxthorpe Saxthorp 132b East Somerton, West Somerton Somertuna Brundall Mameruna 132b 138a Matlask Matelasc 132b Earsham Hersam 138b Cawston Caustuna 133a Alburgh Aldeberga 138b Little Barningham Berneswrde 133a Denton Dentuna 138b

268 Thorp Abbots Torp 139a Rising, Castle Risinga 142b Redenhall Redanaha 139a Flitcham Flicham 142b Brockdish Hersam 139a West Newton Niuetuna 142b Starston Sterestuna 139a Roydon near Kings Lynn Reiduna 142b Thorpe Abbots Torp 139b Kirby Bedon Kerkebei 143a Pyrleston, Scole Prelestuna 139b Docking Dochinge 143a Earsham Hersam 139b Holverston Holvestuna 143a Denton Dentuna 139b Earl Framingham or Pigot Framlingham Brockdish Dicingaham 139b Framingaham 143a Pulham St Mary Magdalene, Pulham St Mary Bircham Tofts Stofsta 143a the Virgin Pulham 139b Yelverton Alvertuna 143a Redenhall Redanahalla 139b Poringland Porringalanda 143a Toft Monks Stoftes 140a Snettisham Snetesham 143a Mundham Mundaham 140a Warham All Saints, Warham St Mary Warham Earsham Hersam 140a 143a Horstead Silinga 140a Stanhoe Stanho 143a Horstead Horsteda 140b Shotesham All Saints, Shotesham St Mary Belaugh Belaga 140b Scotessam 143a Catton near Norwich Cattuna 140b Flordon Florenduna 143b Horstead Thorp 140b Cringleford Kiningaford 143b Lakenham Lakemham 140b Cringleford, Holverston Kiningaford 143b Sprowston Sprowestuna 140b Bramerton Brambretuna 143b Stanninghall Staningehalla 140b Wickmere Wicmera 143b Mileham Mulham 140b Holverston Holvestuna 143b Wymondham Wimundham 141a Snettisham Snetesham 143b Talconeston Tacoluestuna 141a Weston Longville Westuna 143b Earsham Ersam 141a Swaffham Suafham 144a Stockton Stontuna 141a Clareia Clareia 144a Haddiscoe Hadescou 141a Mileham Mulham 144b Toft Monks Toft 141a Costessey Coteseia 144b Toft Monks Toft 141b Foulden Fulenduna 144b Raveningham Ravincham 141b Great Cressingham or Little Cressingham Earsham Ersam 141b Cressingaham 144b Stockton Stontuna 141b Narford Suafham 144b Gillingham Kildincha 141b Palgrave Pagrava 144b Iarpestuna Ierpstuna 141b Sculthorpe Sculatorpa 144b Ellingham Elincham 141b Stanfield Stanfelda 144b Thurlton Turuertuna 141b North Pickenham, South Pickenham Altera Snettisham Nestesham 142a Pichenham 144b Grimston Grimestuna 142a Costessey Costeseia 145a Gayton Thorpe Torp 142a Bawburgh Bauenburc 145a Harpley Herpelai 142a Brandon Parva Brandim 145a Shernborne Scernebruna 142b Barford Bereforda 145a

269 Wramplingham Wranplincham 145a Weston Longville Westuna 147a Easton near Norwich Estuna 145a Foxley Tudenham 147a Honingham Thorpe Torp 145a Weston Westuna 147a Runhall Runhal 145a Lyng Ling 147a Honingham Hunincham 145a Billingford near East Dereham Billingeforda Flockthorpe Flochethor 145b 147b Baskenea Baskenea 145b Attlebridge Atebruge 147b Carleton Forehoe Carletuna 145b Beck Bec 147b Costessey Costeseia 145b Bawdeswell Baldereswella 147b Toketorp Toketorp 145b Foxley Taverham 147b Appetorp Appetorp 145b Costessey Costeseia 147b Yaxham Iachesham 145b Foxley Foxle 147b Honingham Hunicham 145b Swannington Sueningatuna 147b Syderstone Westfelda 145b Felthorpe Feletorp 147b Wramplingham Waranplicham 145b Worstead Ordesteda 148a East Tuddenham Todeneham 145b Scottow Scotohou 148a Marlingford Merlingeforda 145b Panxworth Pancforda 148a Hunworth Hunewrde 146a Hickling Hikelinga 148a Bale Bathele 146a Dilham Dilham 148a Field Dalling Dallinga 146a Ludham Ludham 148a Holkham Holkham 146a Saxthorpe Sastorp 148a Briningham Bruningaham 146a Stalham Stanham 148a Syderstone Guella 146a Waxham Wacstanest 148b Matlask Matingeles 146a Ingham Hineham 148b Saxthorpe Saxiorp 146a Stalham Stalha 148b Warham All Saints, Warham St Mary Wicken Wica 149a Guarham 146a East Walton Waltuna 149a Syderstone Scidesterna 146a Middleton near Kings Lynn Mildetuna 149a East Rudham, West Rudham Rudeham 146a Bawsey Boweseia 149a Suffield Sutfelle 146b Ashwicken Wica 149a Saxthorpe Sastorp 146b Beechamwell Bycham 149a Matlask Matelesc 146b Stoke Ferry Stoches 149a Gunton Gunetune 146b Waxham Wactanesham 149a Bastwick Bastuic 146b Old Buckenham Bucham 149b Martham Martham 146b Aldburgh Aldeberga 149b Repps Repes 146b Baconsthorpe in Attleborough Baconstorp East Somerton, West Somerton Somertuna 149b 146b Alburgh Aldeberga 149b Foulsham Folsam 147a East Walton Waltuna 149b Beck Bec 147a East Harling or West Harling Herlinga 149b Costessey Costesei 147a Rumburgh, Suffolk Romborc 149b Bylaugh Belega 147a Shelfanger Scelvagra 149b Bawdeswell Baldereswella 147a Kenninghall Keninchala 149b

270 Shelfanger Scelvangra 150a Fundenhall Habetuna 153a Ludham Ludham 150a Nayland Eilanda 153a Happisburgh Hapesburc 150a Kilverstone Heuseda 153b Dunston Dunestun 150a Glosthorpe Glorestorp 153b Catfield Catefelda 150a Thelveton Telvetaham 154a Hethersett Hederseeta 150a Shotesham All Saints, Shotesham St Mary Palling Pallinga 150a Scotessam 154a Middleton, Forncett Mildeltuna 150b Gissing Gessinga 154a Carleton Rode Carletuna 150b Kilverstone Borstuna 154a Cringleford Cringaforda 150b Frenze Frisa 154a Flordon Florenduna 150b Saxlingham Nethergate, Thorpe Sasilingaham Kettleton Kekilinctuna 150b 154a Earlham Erlham 150b Shotford Scotoford 154a Costessey Costeseia 150b Thorpe Parva Torp 154b Aslacton Oslactuna 150b Shimpling Simplingaham 154b Wacton Waketuna 150b Roydon near Diss Regadona 154b Stratton Estratuna 150b Woodton Wodetona 155a Swanton Tuanetuna 150b Horsford Borstuna 155a Tibenham Tibham 150b Gissing Gessinga 155a Tasburgh Taseburc 150b Semere Semera 155a Stratton St Mary, Stratton St Michael Es- Sprowston Sprotuna 155b tratuna 150b Beeston St Andrew Beofetuna 155b Moulton St Michael Muletuna 150b Horsford Horsham 155b Thurlton Thuruertuna 151a Fritton Frietuna 156a Stratton St Mary, Stratton St Michael Stratuna Dilham Dilham 156a 151a Bacton Eia 156a Clavering Claveringa 151a Stinton Stinetuna 157a Morningthorpe Masincham 151a Kerdiston Kerdestuna 157a Tasburgh Taseburc 151a Lewes, Sussex Laquis 157a Great Witchingham, Little Witchingham Thurning Tyrninga 157b Witcingeham 151b Sall Salla 157b Fring Frenge 151b Hackford near Reepman Hacforda 157b Ashwellthorpe Folsam 151b Wood Dalling Dallinga 157b Nayland Neilanda 151b Elsing Helsinga 157b Weybourne Scerepham 152a Lewes, Sussex Laquis 157b Old Buckenham Bucham 152a Wickmere Wicmara 158a Ashwellthorpe Kellinga 152a Itteringham Ulterincham 158a Snetterton Snetretuna 152a Little Barningham Bernincham 158a Woodton Wdetuna 152b Taverham Cokereshala 158a Hedenham Hedenaham 152b Mortoft Mortosst 158a Weybourne Sithinga 152b Crackford in Colby Crakeforda 158b Raveningham Ravincham 153a Aylsham Ailesham 158b Kirby Cane Kerkebey 153a Corpusty Corpestih 158b

271 Cawston Caupstuna 158b Mundford Mondefort 162b Brampton Brancuna 158b Ickburgh Keburna 162b Tuttington Tatituna 158b Otringhithe in Weeting Otrinkeehia 162b Great Hautbois or Little Hautbois Hobuist Northwold Covestuna 162b 158b Lewes, Sussex Aqua 162b Irmingland Urminclanda 158b Santon Santuna 162b Paston Laquis 158b Lewes, Sussex Lawes 163a Hoveton St John or St Peter Hovetuna 158b Cranwich Cranewisse 163a Witton near North Walsham Wituna 159a Caston Catestuna 163b Sco Ruston Ristuna 159a Threxton Trestuna 163b Filby Philebey 159a Rockland St Peter Tofftes 163b Barton Turf Bertuna 159a Fring Frainghes 163b Paston Colceteshala 159a Lewes, Sussex Laues 163b Lewes, Sussex Laquis 159a Snettisham Snetesham 163b North Walsham Walsam 159a Thompson Tomestuna 164a Marham Marham 159b Rockland All Saints, Rockland St Andrew Fincham Phincham 159b Rokelun 164a Carleton Rode Carletuna 159b Larling Lurlinga 164a Hilgay Hidlingheia 159b Old Buckenham Bucheham 164a Wimbotsham Winebotesham 160a Little Ellingham Ailincham 164a Outwell Utwella 160a Lewes, Sussex Laquis 164a Downham Market Dunham 160a Scoulton Sculetuna 164a Denver Danefella 160a Roudham Rudham 164b West Dereham Derham 160a Kenninghall Chenighehala 164b Fincham Forham 160a Old Buckenham Bucham 164b West Walton Waltuna 160a Banham Wica 164b Grimston Acre 160b Blo Norton Nortuna 164b Great Massingham, Little Massingham Marsin- Illington Illinketuna 164b cham 161a Lewes, Sussex Laquis 164b Hillington Nidlinghetuna 161a Weasenham All Saints, Weasonham St Peter Congham Congreham 161a Leccesham 165a Grimston Grimestuna 161a Gressenhall Gressenhala 165a Lewes, Sussex Laes 161a Banham Laquis 165a Harpley Harpelai 161b Scarning Scerninga 165a Barwick Berewica 161b Tittleshall Ruhham 165b Anmer Ananere 161b Kempstone Kemestuna 165b Flitcham Phlicham 161b Weasenham All Saints, Weasonham St Peter Stow Bedon Stohu 162a Frandesham 165b Northwold Hocwella 162a Lewes, Sussex Laquis 165b Feltwell Fatwella 162a Scarning Scernenga 165b Methwold Matelwalde 162a Lewes, Sussex Laquis 166a Rising, Feltwell Risinga 162a Tittleshall Berham 166a Weeting Wetinge 162b Griston Grestuna 166a

272 Toketorp Tokestorp 166a Clipstone Clipestuna 168b Colton Coletuna 166a Fulmodeston Snaringes 168b Wymondham Widmundham 166a Stibbard Stabrige 169a Mileham Muleham 166a East Rudham, West Rudham Rudeham 169a Stow Bedon Stou 166a Burnham Thorpe Bruneham Torp 169a Wicklewood Wikelepuda 166a Fulmodeston Crokestona 169a Welborne Walebruna 166a Little Ryburgh Reieburh 169a Stanfield Stanuelda 166a Tattersett Rudeham 169b Mattishall Mateshala 166b Helhoughton Helgatuna 169b Hingham Hincham 166b Bagthorpe Bachestorp 169b Lewes, Sussex Laquis 166b Barmer Benemara 169b Letton Lettuna 166b Houghton Houtuna 169b Deopham Depham 166b Syderstone Scisterna 169b Wymondham Wimundham 166b Wiveton Wiventona 170a Morley St Boltoph, Morley St Peter Morlea Great Ryburgh Reieborh 170a 166b Helhoughton Helgetuna 170a Southburgh Turstanestuna 166b Tattersett Hamatuma 170a Shipdham Scipdham 166b Briston Burstuna 170a Foulden Acra 167a Lewes, Sussex Laquis 170a Thurstuna Turestune 167a Shereford Sciraforda 170a Didlington Dudelingatuna 167a Sidestrand Sistran 170b Yelverton Aluntuna 167a Holkham Holcham 170b Letton Lettuna 167a Egmere Estgamera 170b Shernborne Scernebuna 167a Burnham Brunaham 170b Woodrising Risinga 167a North Barsham, East Barsham or West Barsham Stanhoe Stanho 167a Barsaham 170b Lewes, Sussex Laquis 167a Burnham Norton, Burnham Sutton, Burnham Palgrave Pagrava 167b Ulph or Burnham Westgate Brunaham 170b Hilborough Hildeburhwella 167b Gimingham Gimingheham 170b East Bradenham or West Bradenham Braden- Knapton Kanapatone 170b ham 167b Trunch Trunchet 171a Foulden Claia 167b Southrepps, Northrepps Repes 171a Lewes, Sussex Leuis 167b Northrepps, Southrepps Repes 171a Toftrees Toffas 168a Mundesley Muleslai 171a North Pickenham, South Pickenham Pichen- Knapton Kanapatone 171a ham 168a Northrepps Norrepes 171a East Barsham or West Barsham Barseham Sidestrand Sistran 171a 168a Thorpe Market Torp 171a South Acre Budeneia 168a Northrepps Norhrepes 171b Sculthorpe Sculetorpa 168a Aylmerton Muleslai 171b Waterden Waterdenna 168b Gresham Gersam 171b Kettlestone Ketlestuna 168b Aldborough Aldeburc 171b North Creake or South Creake Creich 168b Trunch Truchet 171b

273 Salthouse Salhus 171b Bramerton Kerkebei 175b Southrepps Sutrepes 171b Poringland Porrinkelanda 176a Thorpe Market Torp 171b Earl Framingham or Pigot Framlingham Sustead Surstede 171b Framingaham 176a Sidestrand Sistran 171b Kirby Bedon Kerkebei 176a Wolterton Ultretune 172a Holverston Holvestuna 176a Helhoughton Hamingeham 172a Bixley Rokelunda 176a Aylmerton Berningeham 172a Stoke Holy Cross Stokes 176a Plumstead Plumestede 172a Yelverton Ailvertuna 176a Fakenham Faganaham 172b Surlingham Sutherlingaham 176a Helhoughton Norbarsam 172b Shotesham All Saints, Shotesham St Mary East Winch Eastwininc 173a Scottessam 176a Thetford Tedfort 173a Gissing Gessinga 176b Great Massingham, Little Massingham Mas- Bixley Biskele 176b ingheham 173a Bramerton Brambretuna 176b Flitcham Pliceham 173a Bixley Sutherlingaham 176b Gayton Thorpe Torp 173a Mundham Rokelunda 176b Pentney Penteleia 173a Shimpling Simplingaham 176b East Walton Waltuna 173a Osmondiston, Scole Osmundestuna 176b Hunstanton Totintuna 174a Hellington Halgatona 177a Appleton Wadetuna 174a Ashby St Mary Asebi 177a Lynford Lineforda 174a Claxton Clarestona 177a Rollesby Rotholfuesbei 174a Earl Framingham or Pigot Framlingham Sutton near Stalham Suttuna 174a Framingaham 177a Repps Repes 174a Carleton St Peter Carletuna 177a Oby Oebei 174b Algamundestuna Algamundestuna 177a Billockby Bitlakebi 174b Mundham Mundaham 177a Clippesby Clepesbei 174b Rumburgh, Suffolk Romborc 177a Burgh St Margaret Burc 174b Woodton Wodetona 177a Bastwick Bastuic 174b Seething Sithinga 177a Thurne Thura 174b Norton sub Course Norfen 177a Ormesby St Margaret, Ormesby St Michael Claxton Clakestona 177b Omesbei 174b Ashby St Mary Asebei 177b Shotesham All Saints, Shotesham St Mary Sut- Carleton St Peter Karlentona 177b tune 174b Ashby St Mary Assebei 177b East Somerton, West Somerton Somertuna Alpington Appletona 177b 174b Thurton near Loddon Tortuna 177b Repps Repes 174b Earsham Hersam 177b Surlingham Sutherlingaham 175a Narborough Sithinga 177b Seething Sithinges 175a Pirnhow Pirenhoe 177b Bramerton Rokelunda 175a Mundham Mundaham 177b Stoke Holy Cross Stokes 175a Snetterton Snetretuna 178a Whitlingham Framingaham 175b Kenninghall Hocham 178a

274 Narborough Parvo Hocham 178a Keswick Chesewic 180b Great Snarehill, Little Snarehill Snareshella Swanton Tuanatuna 181a 178a Kettleton Kekilingetuna 181a Whissonsett Kenichala 178b Stratton St Mary, Stratton St Michael Stretuna Banham Benham 178b 181a Kenninghall Nortuna 178b Moulton St Michael Muletuna 181a North Lopham, South Lopham Alio Lopham Fritton Fredetuna 181a 178b Forncett St Mary or St Peter Fornesseta 181a North Creake or South Creake Creic 179a Tharston Waketuna 181a Burnham Bruneham 179a Aslacton Aslaketuna 181a Burnham Norton, Burnham Sutton, Burnham Halas Hala 181a Ulph or Burnham Westgate Bruneham 179a Tibenham Tibham 181a Whissonsett Jachesham 179a Swanton Tuanatuna 181b Field Dalling Dalliga 179a Hempnall Hemenhala 181b Mileham Muleham 179a Haddiscoe Hatescou 181b Quarles 179a Gueruelei Tharston Hals 181b Hingham Ahincham 179a Hudeston Hadestuna 181b Catfield Catesfelda 179b Raveningham Raveringham 182a Aldborough Aldeburc 179b Hales Hals 182a Calthorpe Calatorp 179b Haddiscoe Hadescou 182a Brumstead Alabei 179b Heckingham Hechingheam 182a Thurgarton Turgaitune 179b Thurlton Turuertuna 182b Ingworth Ingewrda 179b Norton sub Course Nortuna 182b Sustead Sutstede 179b Earl Framingham or Pigot Framlingham Fram- Sutton near Stalham Suttuna 179b incham 182b Roughton Roftuna 179b Bixley Bischelai 182b Horsey Horsheia 180a Filby Filebey 180a Heckingham Hethingham 182b Hethel Trikebei 180a Poringland Porringhelanda 182b Mautby Maltebey 180a Mundford Mundeforda 183a Runham Ronham 180a Breckles Breces 183a Stalham Stalham 180a Griston Grestuna 183a Ness, Mautby Nessa 180a Hunstanton Hunestuna 183a Forncett St Mary or St Peter Fornesseta 180b Hockham Hocham 183a Halas Halas 180b Grimston Erimestuna 183a East Carleton Karletuna 180b Besthorpe Besethorp 183a Flordon Florenduna 180b Wilby Wilebey 183a Aslacton Oslactuna 180b Saham Toney Saham 183a Hethel Tuanatuna 180b Stanford Stanforda 183a Hethel Hetella 180b Thompson Tomestuna 183a Ketteringham Kitrincham 180b Titchwell Tigewella 183a Newton Flotman Niwetuna 180b Sturston Esterestuna 183a Kettleton Kekelingetuna 180b Shropham Serpham 183a

275 Burnham Norton, Burnham Sutton, Burnham Earl Framingham or Pigot Framlingham Ulph or Burnham Westgate Bruneham 183b Framingaham 185b Besthorpe Besethorp 183b Burgh St Margaret Ailvertuna 185b Old Buckenham Bucham 183b Shotesham All Saints, Shotesham St Mary Burnham Bretham 183b Scotessam 185b Thurstuna Thurstuna 183b Stoke Holy Cross Stokes 185b Shropham Scerpham 183b Trowse Treus 185b North Creake or South Creake Creich 183b Winterton Wintretuna 185b North Lopham, South Lopham Lopham Surlingham Scutherlingaham 185b 183b Shotesham All Saints, Shotesham St Mary Rockland All Saints, Rockland St Andrew Scotessam 185b Rochelant 183b Yelverton Ailvertuna 186a Quidenham Guidenham 183b Seething Ersam 186a Kenninghall Kenichala 183b Bedingham Bethingaham 186a Felbrigg Felebruge 184a Saxlingham Nethergate, Thorpe Bethingaham Burnham Deepdale Depedala 184a 186a Aylmerton Almertuna 184a Poringland Porrinkelanda 186a Starston Sterestuna 186a Burnham Sutstede 184a Broome Bron 186b Metton Hametuna 184a Alby Alebei 186b East Raynham, West Raynham Reineham Baconsthorpe near Holt Sithinga 186b 184a Burgh next Aylsham Buc 186b South Raynham Sut Reinham 184a Erpingham Erpincham 186b Morston Marstuna 184a Mundham Mundaham 186b Felbrigg Felebruge 184b Carleton St Peter Karlentona 186b Antingham Bernigeham 184b Felmingham Felmicham 187a Aylmerton Almertuna 184b Antingham Antingham 187a Aldborough Aldebur 184b Dilham Dillam 187a Sustead Sutstede 184b Baconsthorpe near Holt Wicmera 187a Gresham Gressam 184b Palling Palinga 187a Roughton Rustuna 184b Suffield Sudfelda 187a Suffield Sutfelle 184b Waxham Wacstenesham 187a Runton Runetune 184b Smallburgh Smaleberga 187a Metton Metune 184b Horsey Horseia 187b Thurgarton Turgartuna 185a Brumstead Bunestada 187b Burgh St Margaret Berningeham 185a Flordon Braccas 187b Antingham Aldeburc 185a Wreningham Urnincham 187b East Beckham Betham 185a Nayland Neilanda 187b Shipden Scepedane 185a Swardeston Suerdestuna 187b Saxlingham Nethergate, Thorpe Brambretuna Walsingham, East Carleton Wasincham 187b 185b Stalham Stalham 187b Fritton Friestuna 185b Swardeston Suedestuna 188a Rockland St Mary Rokelunda 185b Nayland Eilanda 188a

276 Mangreen Manegrena 188a West Dereham Straseta 190b Dunston Dunestun 188a West Tofts Stofftam 191a Flordon Torp 188a Gaywood Gaiwde 191a Ketteringham Ketrincham 188b Great Cressingham Cresincghaham 191a Flordon Colenen 188b Thornham Tornham 191a Keswick Kesewic 188b Saxlingham Elmenham 191b Flordon Florenduna 189a Beetley Betellea 191b Halas Halsa 189a Colkirk Colechirca 191b Carleton Rode Carletuna 189a Mileham Milham 191b Cringleford Cringaforda 189a Hindolveston Hidolfestuna 192a Aslacton Oslactuna 189a East Beckham Becham 192a Flordon Rainestorp 189a Hempstead near Holt Hemesteda 192a Forncett St Mary or St Peter Fornesseta 189a Brinton Bruntuna 192a Kettleton Kikelingatuna 189a Saxlingham Guella 192a Newton Flotman Niwestuna 189a Hindringham Hindringaham 192a Moulton St Michael Fredetuna 189a Swanton Novers Suanetunam 192a Hapton Habituna 189b Warham All Saints, Warham St Mary Warham Moulton St Michael Fornesseta 189b 192a Fundenhall Fundahala 189b Thornage Tornedis 192a Carleton Rode Carletuna 189b Saxlingham Saxelingham 192a Shelton Scelruna 189b Guestwick Blawefelda 192b Wacton Waketuna 189b Egmere Edgamera 192b Kettleton Kikelingatuna 189b Cockthorpe Torp 192b Stratton St Mary, Stratton St Michael Taseburc Murlai Murlai 192b 189b Norton, Wood Nortuna 192b Tibenham Tibham 189b Hemblington Hemelintuna 192b Swanton Tuanestuna 189b Hindringham Hidringham 192b Moulton St Michael Muletuna 189b Langham Langham 192b Fundenhall Fundehala 190a Holkham Locham 192b Stratton St Mary, Stratton St Michael Hindolveston Hidolfestunam 192b Bekeswella 190a Swafield Suaffelda 193a Downham Market Dunham 190a Hindolveston Hidolvestuna 193a West Dereham Aslactuna 190a Guist Gegeseta 193a Wallington Walingheruna 190a Cawston Caustuna 193a Tibenham Tibham 190a Guestwick Corpsty 193a Haddiscoe Hatescou 190a Helmingham Helmingham 193a Hilgay Hulingheia 190a Stratton St Mary, Stratton St Michael Stratuna Tacolneston Tacoluestuna 190a 193a Tasburgh Taseburc 190a Sedgeford Secesforda 193b Moulton St Michael Muletuna 190a Fring Frenga 193b Heckingham Ekincham 190a Langham Langaham 194a East Winch Eastwninc 190b Eccles Eccles 194a Beechamwell Bycham 190b Gunton Gunetune 194a

277 South Walsham Walassam 194b Melton Constable Maeltuna 198a Holkham Hoccham 194b Briningham Burningaham 198a Gunton Gunetune 194b Snitterley, Blakeney Snuterlea 198a Beighton Begetuna 194b Saxlingham Lagaam 198a Blofield Indregeham 194b Hindringham Hindringaham 198b Shipden Scepedane 194b Blickling Blikelinges 198b Great Plumstead, Little Plumstead North Barningham Berningeham 198b Plummesteda 195a Hottune Hottune 198b Hemsby Hemesbei 195a East Beckham Beccheham 198b Martham Sutherlingham 195b Cockthorpe Torp 198b Rockland St Mary Rokelunda 195b Great Plumstead, Little Plumstead Martham Martham 195b Plummesteda 199a Hemsby Heimesbei 195b Freethorpe Berlungeham 199a Mendham Mendaham 195b Hemblington Hemelintuna 199a Sco Escou 195b South Burlingham Letha 199b Winterton Wintretuna 195b Freethorpe Berlungeham 199b Thurning Turninga 196a Catton in Postwick Cattuna 200a Helmingham Helmingeham 196a North Burlingham or South Burlingham Attlebridge Atebruge 196a Berlingham 200a Guist Gregesete 196a Brundall Leta 200a Taverham Taverham 196a South Burlingham Breiestuna 200a Stratton Strawless Stratuna 196b Buckenham Bucham 200a Horsey Bliclinga 196b South Burlingham Berlingaham 200a Little Barningham Bernincham 196b Witton near Norwich Witona 200b Hevingham Strincham 196b East Somerton, West Somerton Somertuna Marsham Marsam 196b 200b Thrigby Trikebei 197a Brundall Brundala 200b Scratby Scroutebei 197a Brundall Aschebei 200b Ormesby St Margaret, Ormesby St Michael Martham Wintretuna 200b Osmesbei 197a Sco Esco 201a Horsey Haimesbei 197a Burgh St Margaret Burh 201a Raveningham Ravincham 197a Bastwick Bastuwic 201a Stratton St Mary, Stratton St Michael Stratuna Martham Bitlakebei 201a 197a Rollesby Roluesbi 201a Gateley Gatelea 197b Tivetshall St Margaret, Tivetshall St Mary Great Cressingham Gresingaham 197b Tevetessalla 201b Fakenham Fangeham 197b Surlingham Sutherlingaham 201b Little Cressingham Cresingaham 197b Banham Benham 201b Colkirk Colekirka 197b Clippesby Clepesbei 201b Stanford Estanforda 197b Taverham Taverham 201b Hunstanton Hunestanestuna 197b Tasburgh Taseburc 202a Mintlyn Meltinga 197b Hindringham Hindringham 202a Saxlingham Muleham 197b Forncett St Mary or St Peter Foneseta 202a

278 Wick in Garboldisham Wica 202a Swainsthorpe Sueinestorp 205a Gooderstone Godestuna 202a Southwood Sudwda 205b Kenninghall Keninchala 202a Marham Marsam 205b Wramplingham Waranplincham 202b Fincham Phincham 205b Upton Opetune 202b Heckingham Hals 205b Gooderstone Godestuna 202b Norton sub Course Nortuna 205b Toketorp Toketorp 202b Wormegay Wermegai 206a South Acre Acr 202b Stow Bardolph Wesbruge 206a Oxborough Oxenburch 202b Barton Bendish Stou 206a South Walsham Walessam 202b Thorpland near Downham Market Torpelanda Kirby Bedon Kerkebei 203a 206a Bramerton Brambretuna 203a Wimbotsham Winebotesham 206b Holverston Holvestuna 203a Terrington St Clement, Terrrington St John Earl Framingham or Pigot Framlingham Stou 206b Framingaham 203a Stow Bardolph Ristuna 206b Alpington Ailvertuna 203a Stradsett Strateseta 206b Poringland Porrikelanda 203a Upwell Wella 206b Stoke Holy Cross Stoke 203a West Winch Eswinic 207a Surlingham Sutherlingaham 203a Litcham Helincham 207a Rockland St Mary Rokelund 203a North Runcton Rynghetona 207a Washingford Wasingaford 203b Whinburgh Wineberga 207b Loddon Lotna 203b Rougham Ruhham 207b Claxton Clakestona 203b Litcham Leccham 207b Ashby St Mary Ascebei 203b Garveston Torp 207b Alpington Karlentona 203b Mileham Muleham 207b Hellington Halgatuna 203b Roughham Ruhham 207b Norton sub Course Nortuna 203b Yaxham Iakesham 208a Sparham Sparham 204a Whinburgh Wineberga 208a Great Melton Besetuna 204a Shipdham Scippedana 208a Alcmuntona Altmuntona 204a Garveston Girofestuna 208a Alcmuntona Alcmuntona 204a East Tuddenham Toddenham 208a Torp Torp 204a Hilgay Hidlingeia 209a Bintree Binctre 204a West Dereham Derham 209a Sisland Sislanda 204a Fincham Phincham 209a Little Melton Duabus Meltunis 204b Old Buckenham Buccham 209a Great Melton Duabus Meltunis 204b Thorpland near Downham Market Torp 209a Colney Hederseta 204b North Lynn Lena 209a Great Melton, Little Melton Meltuna 204b Runcton Holme, South Runcton Runghetuna Swardeston Suerdestun 205a 209a Keswick Kesewic 205a Southery Sutreiam 209a Hethersett Hederseta 205a Middleton near Kings Lynn Middeltuna 209a Flordon Florenduna 205a East Harling or West Harling Herlinga 209b Colney Kenincham 205a Buckenham Buchanaham 209b

279 Gasthorpe Gadesthorp 209b Morningthorpe Torp 212a Blo Norton Nortuna 209b Stratton St Mary, Stratton St Michael Stratuna Wendling Wenlinga 209b 212a Kenninghall Cheninghala 209b Langhale Langhala 212a Quidenham Guidenham 209b Norton sub Course Nortuna 212b Great Snarehill, Little Snarehill Snareshul Loddon Lodnes 212b 209b Hales Hals 212b Marlingford Marthingefordam 209b Bexwell Becheswella 212b Shotesham All Saints, Shotesham St Mary Hales Kechinga 212b Scotessa 210a Marham Mareham 212b Howe Hou 210a West Walton Waltuna 213a Brooke Broc 210a Fordham Forham 213a Caistor St Edmund Castrum 210a Feltwell Acra 213a Harleston Heroluestuna 210b Fincham Dunham 213a Brockdish Brodise 210b Fodderstone Photestorp 213a Earsham Hersam 210b Hilgay Hidlingeia 213a Brooke Broc 210b Roudham Rudham 213b Poringland Herolvestuna 210b Mundford Mondefort 213b Mendham Mendham 210b Bridgham Brugam 213b Thorpe Abbots Thorp 210b Banham Benham 213b Starston Sterestuna 210b Feltwell Breham 213b Mendham Menhan 210b Kenninghall Nortwalde 213b Frenze Frense 211a Thorpe, Shipdham Muleham 214a Bressingham Bresingham 211a Hoe Hou 214a Dickleburgh Tivetessala 211a Blo Norton Nortuna 214a Gissing Gessinga 211a Kenninghall Derham 214a Shelfanger Scelvagram 211a Kenninghall Keninghala 214a Shimpling Simplinga 211a Oxwick Ossuic 214a Roydon near Diss Ragheduna 211a Mattishall Mateshala 214b Loddon Lodna 211b Thurstuna Turstuna 214b Bressingham Bresingham 211b Calvely Cavelea 214b Gissing Gessinga 211b Broomsthorpe Brunestor 214b Broome Brom 211b Thorpe, Shipdham Iachesham 214b Dickleburgh Mundhala 211b Pulham St Mary Magdalene, Pulham St Mary Semere Semere 211b the Virgin Pullaham 214b Shimpling Simplinga 211b Thorpe, Shipdham Torp 214b Shelfanger Scelvagram 211b North Tuddenham Dodenham 214b Roydon near Diss Regadona 211b Pyrleston, Scole Plestuna 214b Kirby Cane Kercheby 212a Tivetshall St Margaret, Tivetshall St Mary Brooke Broc 212a Teveteshala 215a Hales Frietuna 212a Thelveton Telvetunam 215a Topcroft Tibham 212a Hilgay Hidlingeia 215a Kirstead Kerchestuna 212a Torp Torp 215a

280 Hardwick Herdenure 215a Saxlingham Nethergate, Thorpe Thoroluesby Bergh Apton Berc 215a 217a Stratton St Mary, Stratton St Michael Stratuna Oby Hovby 217a 215a Wroxham Vrochesham 217b Thurton near Loddon Tortuna 215a Scottow Scotohou 217b Fordham Phorham 215b Hoveton St John or St Peter Hovetuna 217b Burnham Bruneham 215b Easton in Scotton Folsam 217b West Dereham Derham 215b Rackheath Racheia 217b Burnham Norton, Burnham Sutton, Burnham Great Witchingham, Little Witchingham Wic- Ulph or Burnham Westgate Bruneham 215b inghaham 217b Brancaster Brocestra 215b Erpingham Erpincham 218a Wimbotsham Winebotesham 215b Banningham Banincham 218a Hunstanton Huntantstuna 215b Calthorpe Caletorp 218a Snore Snora 215b Easton in Scotton Tutincghetuna 218a Walsoken Walsocam 215b Great Hautbois or Little Hautbois Hobuisse Titchwell Fliceswella 215b 218a Outwell Wtwella 215b Swanton Abbot Suanetuna 218a Reedham Redeham 216a Thwaite Tuit 218a Barford Berefort 216a Hoveton St John or St Peter Hovetuna 218a Fishley Fiscele 216a Wolterton Ultertuna 218b Northrepps, Southrepps Repes 216a North Walsham Hovetuna 218b Carleton Forehoe Carletuna 216a Belaugh Belaga 218b Antingham Attinga 216a Horning Horningam 218b Woodbastwick Bastwic 216a Neatishead Snateshirda 218b Shipden Scipedana 216a Wickmere Wic Mera 218b Thurgarton Turgartuna 216a Worstead Wrdesteda 219a South Walsham Walesham 216a Paston Pastuna 219a Upton Uptuna 216a Barton Turf Bertuna 219a Southrepps, Northrepps Repes 216a North Walsham Felmincham 219a Rollesby Rotholfuesby 216b Witton near North Walsham Widituna 219a Ashby near Acle Asseby 216b Honing Haninga 219b Thurne Terna 216b Beeston St Lawrence Besetuna 219b Winterton Wintretuna 216b Easton in Scotton Estuna 219b Oby Orbi 216b Dilham Dilham 219b Grensvill Grenesuill 217a Barton Turf Bertuna 219b Billockby Bithlakebei 217a North Walsham Walsam 219b Clippesby Clipesby 217a Sco Ruston Ristuna 219b Burgh St Margaret Burc 217a Sloley Saleia 219b Bastwick Bastwic 217a Smallburgh Smalberga 219b Shotesham All Saints, Shotesham St Mary Scottow Scotohou 219b Scotesham 217a Whimpwell Hwimpwella 220a Martham Martham 217a Ludham Lodham 220a Repps Repes 217a Waxham Wactanesham 220a

281 Whimpwell Hwimpwella 220b Great Plumstead, Little Plumstead Plumestede Scratby Phileby 220b 224b Eccles on Sea Heccles 220b Southwood Suthuide 224b Ludham Ludham 220b Winterton Wintretona 224b Stalham Stalham 220b Stokesby Stokesbei 224b Tibenham Tipham 221a Repps Repes 224b Caister Castro 221a Paston Pastuna 225a Scratby Hecham 221a Corpusty Corpestig 225a Well Wella 221b Foulsham Foulsam 225a Islington Ilsinghetuna 221b Attlebridge Atlebruge 225a Gayton Gartuna 221b Great Witchingham, Little Witchingham Clenchwarton Eclewartuna 221b Witcincham 225a North Runcton Runghetuna 222a Stokesby Tortuna 225a Great Massingham, Little Massingham Masin- Weston Longville Westuna 225a cham 222a Swafield Suauelda 225a Great Bircham Mideltuna 222a Thurlton Thuruertuna 225b Wilby Brecham 222b Tasburgh Taseburch 225b Great Bircham Holm 222b Filby Filebey 225b Kenninghall Cheninchala 223a Bircham Newton Coleneia 225b Old Buckenham Bucham 223a Mautby Maltebei 225b Wilby Benham 223a Thrigby Trikebei 225b East Harling or West Harling Herlinga 223a West Walton Waltuna 226a Southrepps, Northrepps Repes 223b Great Ellingham Elincham 226a Salthouse Salthus 223b Great Bircham Brecham 226a Letton Letetuna 223b Bircham Newton Bucham 226a Beeston Regis Creic 223b Swanton Morley Suanetua 226b Northrepps, Southrepps Repes 223b East Lexham, West Lexham Lecesham 226b Sheringham Silingeham 223b Mileham Mulham 227a Stokesby Stoches 224a Deopham Derham 227a Reedham Redeham 224a Morley St Boltoph, Morley St Peter Morlea North Burlingham or South Burlingham 227b Berningeham 224a Hingham Hincham 227b Beeston Regis Besetuna 224a Barford Bereforda 227b Panxworth Pankesforda 224a Deopham Cronkethor 227b Runton Runetune 224a Wroxham Grossam 228a Limpenhoe Linpeho 224b North Tuddenham Toddencham 228a Ashby near Acle Aschebei 224b Mattishall Mateshala 228a Fishley Fiscele 224b Hockering Helinga 228a North Burlingham or South Burlingham East Tuddenham Easttudenham 228a Berningeham 224b Woodbastwick Bastuic 228a Brant Brant 224b Wroxham Regedona 228b Great Witchingham, Little Witchingham Markshall Merkeshalle 228b Witcingeham 224b Caistor Castra 228b

282 Blofield Blafelda 228b Fodderstone Fortesthorp 231b Caistor St Edmund Castra 228b Beechamwell Wiche 231b Great Plumstead, Little Plumstead Plumesteda Caldecote Caldanchata 231b 228b West Winch Weswinic 231b Woodbastwick Bastuic 228b Great Massingham, Little Massingham Crostwick Crotwit 229a Masinicham 231b Beeston St Andrew Besetuna 229a Stanford Estanforda 231b Buxton Vroscham 229a Upwell Wella 231b Felthorpe Felethor 229a Shouldham Thorpe Thorp 231b Sall Salla 229a North Pickenham, South Pickenham Pinken- Taverham Tavresham 229a ham 232a Rackheath Racheia 229a Houghton on the Hill Houtuna 232a Hoveton St John or St Peter Hovetuna 229b Cleythorpe Cleietorpa 232a Buxton Buchestuna 229b Panworth Pennewrde 232a Great Hautbois or Little Hautbois Ohbowessa Yaxham Iachesham 232b 229b Sutton near Mileham Suttuna 232b East Carleton Carletuna 229b Pensthorpe Penestorpa 232b Belaugh Belaga 229b Ashill Essalai 232b Brampton Brancuna 229b Mileham Muleham 232b Wolterton Ultertuna 229b Saham Toney Saham 232b Lamas Lamers 229b Threxton Trecstuna 232b Mulbarton Molkebertuna 229b Wiveton Wivetuna 233a Skeyton Scengutuna 229b Stivkey Reineham 233a Swardeston Suerdestuna 229b Fakenham Fagenham 233a Sloley Slaleia 229b Stiffkey Stivecai 233a Scottow Scotohou 229b Great Walsingham, Little Walsingham Walsin- Marsham Marsam 229b gaham 233a Barton Bendish Thurketeliart 230a Great Witchingham, Little Witchingham Aldeby Aldebury 230a Witeingeham 233b Dunstan Dunestun 230a Stivkey Witewella 233b Toft Monks Toft 230a Carleton St Peter Karlentona 233b Fincham Pincham 230a Scottow Heveringalanda 234a Norton sub Course Nortuna 230a Felthorpe Faltorp 234a Raveningham Ravincham 230a Norton, Wood Nortuna 234a Markshall Markeshalla 230a Worstead Urdestada 234b Wereham Wigreham 230b Sloley Slaleia 234b Toombers Toimere 230b Ingworth Inghewurda 234b Crimplesham Creplesham 230b Banningham Banincham 234b Barton Bendish Bertuna 230b Scottow Caustuna 234b Stoke Ferry Stokes 230b Scottow Scothou 234b Upwell Wella 231a Thurton, Witchingham Tortuna 234b Boughton Buchetuna 231a North Pickenham, South Pickenham Pichen- Upwell Sculdeham 231a ham 235a

283 Little Cressingham Parvo Cressingaham 235a Buckenham Tofts Buchenham 238b East Bradenham or West Bradenham Braden- Gateley Gatelea 239a ham 235a Bodham Bodham 239a Great Cressingham Cressingaham 235a Shropham Scerepham 239b Necton Nechetuna 235a Rockland All Saints, Rockland St Andrew Sturston Esterestuna 235b Rokelvnt 239b Godwick Goduic 235b Brettenham Bretham 239b Great Dunham or Little Dunham Dunham Tunstall Tunestalla 239b 235b Old Buckenham Bucham 239b Carbrooke Cherebroc 235b Roudham Rudham 239b Bodney Bodeneia 235b Postwick Possuic 240a Custthorpe Culestorpa 235b Catton in Postwick Cattuna 240a Great Fransham or Little Fransham Frouue- Swainsthorpe Torp 240b sham 235b Foulsham Folsa 240b Necton Neketuna 235b Intwood Binnetre 240b East Winch Estwinc 236a Intwood Intewida 240b Shingham Scingham 236a Great Witchingham, Little Witchingham South Lynn Lena 236a Witcingeham 241a Gayton Thorpe Thorp 236a Norton, Wood Nortuna 241a Castle Acre or West Acre Acre 236a Guist Gegesete 241a Ickburgh Icheburna 236a Wood Dalling Dallinga 241a Necton Naketuna 236a Foulsham Folsam 241a East Walton Waltuna 236a Helmingham Sueningatuna 241a East Wretham, West Wretham Alio Wertham Hevingham Evincham 241b 236b Attlebridge Atebruge 241b Breckles Breccles 236b Foulsham Folsam 241b Necton Neketuna 236b Felthorpe Felethorp 241b South Creake Suth Creich 237a Helmingham Stratuna 241b Burnham Bruneham 237a Irmingland Remingaland 241b Bodney Budeneia 237a Rippon Rippetuna 241b Burnham Norton, Burnham Sutton, Burnham Marsham Marsam 241b Ulph or Burnham Westgate Bruneham 237a Lynford Lineforda 242a Runton Rugutune 237b Ickburgh Iccheburc 242a East Raynham, West Raynham Reineham West Beckham Becham 242a 237b Irmingland Phuldona 242a Beeston Regis Helgetuna 237b Bodham Bodenham 242b South Raynham Scutreinaham 237b North Barningham Berningeham 242b Beeston Regis Marham 238a Bayweld Baiafelda 242b West Bilney Benelai 238a Bayfield Baiafelda 242b Middleton near Kings Lynn Mideltuna 238a Letheringsett Warham 242b Stanford Estanforda 238b Glandford Glamforda 242b West Bilney Bilenei 238b Letheringsett Laringaseta 242b Wick in Garboldisham Wica 238b Snitterley, Blakeney Esnitterlea 242b

284 Hunworth Hunaworda 242b Crostwight Crostwit 248a Stoke Holy Cross Stokes 243a Barton Turf Bertuna 248a Saxlingham Nethergate, Thorpe Sasilingaham East Ruston Ristuna 248a 243a Hempnall Hamehala 248b Shotesham All Saints, Shotesham St Mary Schieteshaga in Hempnall Schieteshaga 248b Scotessam 243a Raveningham Hamehala 249a Stratton Strawless Estratuna 243b Boyland Boielund 249a Mayton Maidestuna 243b Hardwick Herduic 249a Crostwick Crostueit 243b Fritton Frietuna 249a Frettenham Hamforda 243b Hudeston Hatestuna 249a Tunstead Tunesteda 244a Southwood Sudwda 249b Frettenham Fretam 244a Norton sub Course Nortuna 249b Spixworth Coketeshala 244a Iarpestuna Ierpstuna 249b Westwick Westwic 244b Raveningham Kerkebey 249b Shernborne Noutuna 244b Wheatacre Hals 250a Hoveton St John or St Peter Ristuna 244b Thurlton Thuruertuna 250b Shotford Scotoford 244b Shouldham All Saints, Shouldham St Margaret Oxborough Oxenburh 245a Phincham 250b Didlington Dudelingatuna 245a Wheatacre Bertuna 250b Great Massingham, Little Massingham Masin- Haddiscoe Hadescou 250b cham 245b Shouldham All Saints, Shouldham St Margaret Docking Babinghelea 245b Sculdeham 250b Dersingham Dersincham 245b Shouldham All Saints, Shouldham St Margaret Hillington Idlinghetuna 245b Scuddeham 251a Topcroft Hersam 246a Boughton Buchetuna 251a Denton Dentuna 246a Fordham Phordham 251a Docking Aldeberga 246a West Dereham Wigghenham 251a Denton Thormoth Dentuna 246a Shouldham Thorpe Carboistorp 251a Tibenham Tybenham 246a Tottenhill Tottenhella 251a Woodton Wodetuna 246b Wiggenhall WIgghenham 251a Carleton Rode Carletuna 246b Stoke Ferry Stoches 251a Topcroft Tibenham 246b Terrington St Clement, Terrrington St John Saxlingham Nethergate, Thorpe Sasilingaham Tilinghetuna 251b 247a Stoke Ferry Stokes 251b Bessingham Basingeham 247a West Dereham Dereham 251b North Barningham Berningeham 247a West Dereham Hekeswella 251b Hindringham Hindringaham 247a West Lynn Lun 251b Reepham Refham 247b Sturston Steirtuna 251b Kerdiston Kerdestuna 247b Wilby Willebeih 252a Burgh next Aylsham Burc 247b East Bradenham or West Bradenham Bradeham Erpingham Erpincham 247b 252a Kerdiston Thorth Kerdestuna 247b Merton Meretuna 252a Skeyton Scedgetuna 248a Griston Grestuna 252a

285 Wicklewood Titeshala 252b Great Snoring Snaringa 258a Mileham Muleham 252b Barney Berlei 258a East Bradenham or West Bradenham Brehend- Binham Hochaham 258a ham 252b Great Walsingham Walsingeham Magno 258a Scarning Scherninga 252b Stoke Holy Cross Stokes 258b Wellingham Walnccham 252b Foulsham Folsam 258b Hingham Hincham 253a Sandringham Santdersincham 258b Chedgrave Idikethorpe 253a Wood Dalling Dallinga 258b Carleton St Peter Karlentona 253b Saxlingham Nethergate, Thorpe Sasilingaham Walsingham, East Carleton Walsincham 254a 258b East Carleton Carletuna 254a Starston Sterestuna 259a Billingford near East Dereham Billingeforda Loddon Lothna 259a 254a Rushall Ruesalla 259a Foulsham Folsam 254a Ingloss Golosa 259a Walsingham, East Carleton Walsincham 254b Mundham Mundaham 259a Great Melton Meltuna 254b Mundham Mundaham 259b Ketteringham Keterincham 254b Broome Brom 259b Great Melton, Little Melton Meltunana 254b Little Barningham Bernincham 259b Sparham Sparham 255a Loddon Lotna 259b Thorpe Market Torp 255b Tharston Sterstuna 260a Loddon Lodues 255b Haddiscoe Hatescou 260a Baconsthorpe near Holt Naruestuna 255b Iarpestuna Iarpestuna 260a Norton sub Course Nortuna 255b Fritton Fridetuna 260a Dersingham Dersincham 256a Stratton St Mary, Stratton St Michael Stratuna Appleton Appletuna 256a 260a Babingley Babinkeleia 256a Walcott Haninga 260b Pattesley Patesleia 256b Erpingham Erpincham 260b Ingoldisthorpe Evlvestorp 256b Swafield Suafelda 260b Dersingham Dersincham 256b Stody Estodeia 261a Gateley Gatelea 256b Edgefield Edisfeldam 261a Toftrees Toftes 257a Walcott Laringaseta 261a Little Ryburgh Parva Reienburh 257a Guton Gutheketuna 261b Helhoughton Halgetuna 257a Calthorpe Caletorp 261b Mileham Reienburh 257a Booton Botuna 261b Little Snoring Esnaringa 257a Cawston Caustuna 261b Toftrees Totes 257b Roding Aythorpe, High Roding Aythorpe, Saxlingham Saxelingaham 257b Leaden Aythorp Rochinges 262a Gunthorpe Gunatorp 257b East Harling or West Harling Herlinga 262a Binham Berneia 257b Burnham Thorpe Bruneham Torp 262a Edgefield Edisfelda 257b Field Dalling Dallinga 262a East Rudham, West Rudham Rudeham 257b Riddlesworth Redelefworda 262a Testerton Estretona 257b Tatterford Taterforda 262b Wells-next-the-Sea Etdwella 258a Foulsham Folsam 262b

286 Billingford near East Dereham Billingeforda Buckenham Tofts Buckenham 266b 262b Ickburgh Icheburc 266b Kenninghall Keninghehala 262b Scoulton Sculetuna 266b Osmondiston, Scole Osmundestuna 263a Rockland All Saints, Rockland St Andrew Tottington Totintuna 263a Rokelund 267a Mildenhall, Suffolk Midelhale 263a Kelling Kellinga 267a Pyrleston, Scole Plestuna 263a Attleborough or Attleborough Minor Alio Starston Sterestuna 263b Atleburc 267a Hethel Hethella 263b Thurlton Turuertuna 267b Earsham Ersam 263b Hudeston Hatestuna 267b Rainthorpe Rainiltorp 263b Grimston Grimestuna 267b Woodton Wdetuna 264a Mundham Concham 267b Stow Bedon Stou 264a Hillington Ravelincham 267b Mundham Mundaham 264a Thompson Tomestuna 268a Great Dunham or Little Dunham Dunham Scoulton Sculetuna 268a 264a Ashill Asscelea 268a Beighton Begetona 264a Hillington Scernebrune 268a Langhale Langahala 264a North Pickenham, South Pickenham Pikeham Seething Silinga 264a 268b Thompson Tomestuna 264a Old Buckenham Bucham 268b Stoke Holy Cross Holcham 264b Overstrand Hacforda 268b Hackford Hinghan Hakeforda 264b Thelveton Telventuna 269a Seething Sithinga 264b Appethorp Appethorp 269a Swainsthorpe Torp 265a Brundall Plumestede 269a Newton Flotman Niwetuna 265a Guist Gegesete 269b Stoke Holy Cross Kenincham 265a Bintree Binnetre 269b Stoke Holy Cross Stokes 265a Moor Mora 269b Hunstanton Hunestanestuna 265b Filby Philebey 269b Ringstead Rincteda 265b Norton, Wood Nortuna 270a Carbrooke Cherebroc 265b Kelling Kellinga 270a West Carbrooke in Carbrooke Weskerebroc Mundham Mundaham 270a 265b Kelling Wester Kellinga 270a Griston Grestuna 265b Guestwick Gegestueit 270a Carbrooke Cherebroc 266a Weston Longville Westuna 270a Brettenham Bretham 266a Sall Salla 270a Thurton near Loddon Turmentuna 266a Sparham Sparham 270a Saham Toney Saham 266a Tyby Tytheby 270a Saxlingham Nethergate, Thorpe Sasilingaham Thurning Tirninga 270a 266a Sall Wester Salla 270a Walpole Walpola 266a Witton near Norwich Witona 270b Old Buckenham Bucham 266a Kenninghall Keninchala 270b Stanford Stanforda 266b Attleborough or Attleborough Minor Bucham Ingoldisthorpe Torp 266b 270b

287 Larling Luringa 270b Downham Market Duneham 274a Wells-next-the-Sea Guella 271a West Dereham Dereham 274a Hellesdon Bucham 271a Thorpland near Downham Market Winebote- Warham All Saints, Warham St Mary Warham sham 274a 271a Fordham Fordeham 274a Hellesdon Oxenedes 271b Ryston Ristuna 274a Barnham Broom Bernham 271b Stow Bardolph Stou 274a Gnatingdon Nettinghetuna 271b Shouldham Thorpe Carboistorp 274a North Tuddenham Toddenham 271b Hilgay Hidlingheia 274a Shelfanger Scelnangram 272a North Kings Lynn, South Kings Lynn, West Repps Repes 272a Kings Lynn Lena 274b Cawston Caluestune 272a Old Buckenham Bucham 274b Burgh St Margaret Burc 272a Gayton Thorpe Torp 274b Clippesby Clepebei 272a Longham Lawingham 274b Rollesby Rothbfuesbei 272a Great Ellingham Helingham 274b Horsey Horseia 272b Thurstuna Toruestuna 274b Billockby Bitlakebei 272b West Winch Weswenic 274b Potter Heigham Echam 272b Mileham Muleham 274b Eccles on Sea Eccles 272b Wiggenhall Wigrehala 274b Bastwick Bastuic 272b East Winch Estwnic 274b Winterton Wintretuna 272b Wiggenhall St Germans, Wiggenhall St Mary Ludham Ludham 272b Magdalen, Wiggenhall St Mary the Virgin, East Somerton, West Somerton Somertuna Wiggenhall St Peter Wigrehala 274b 272b West Walton Waltuna 274b Waxham Wactanesham 272b Mattishall Mateshala 275a Stalham Stalham 272b Bickerston Bicherstuna 275a Martham Martham 272b Fincham Phincham 275a Thurlton Turuertuna 273a Kimberley Kiburnelai 275a Runham Ronham 273a Letton Letuna 275a Norton sub Course Nortuna 273a Hingham Hincham 275a Herringby Haringebei 273a Dykebeck Hidichetorp 275a East Carleton Carletuna 273a Barton Bendish Bertuna 275a Moulton St Michael Muletuna 273a Yaxham Iachesham 275a Ormesby St Margaret, Ormesby St Michael Mileham Muleham 275a Ormesbey 273a Scarning Scerninga 275a Scratby Scroutebey 273a Stoke Ferry Stoches 275a Wormegay Wermegai 273b Wymondham Wimundeham 275a Raveningham Ruverincham 273b North Tuddenham Nordtudenham 275a West Briggs Wesbruge 273b Southburgh Burc 275a Barton Bendish Bertuna 273b Reymerston Raimerestuna 275a Fincham Phincham 273b Hastings, Sussex Hastinges 275b Fodderstone Fotestorp 274a West Dereham Dereham 275b Bexwell Bekeswella 274a Fordham Fordeham 275b

288 Downham Market Brasincham 275b Swardeston Suerdestuna 278a Winfarthing Wineferthinc 275b Osmondiston Osmundestuna 278a Roxham Rochesham 275b Filby Phileby 278a Shelfanger Scelvagravam 275b Bixley Porringhelanda 278a Shropham Scerepham 275b Woodbastwick Sexforda 278b Runcton Holme, South Runcton Runghetuna Dersingham Dersincham 278b 275b Binham Benincham 278b Fordham Fordham 276a Hapton Bucheham 278b Bexwell Becheswella 276a Hargham Hercham 278b Fincham Phincham 276a Shernborne Scernebruna 278b Downham Market Weswenic 276a Kelling Challinga 279a North Kings Lynn, South Kings Lynn, West Wick in Garboldisham Wicham 279a Kings Lynn Lena 276a West Bilney Binelai 279a Ryston Ristona 276a Bodham Botham 279a Upwell Wella 276a North Barningham Bastuic 279a North Pickenham, South Pickenham Pichen- Kenninghall Keninchala 279a ham 276a Salthouse Salthus 279a Fersfield Feruessella 276b Upton Optuna 279a Cockley Cley Dice 276b Weybourne Wabrune 279a East Bradenham or West Bradenham Bradeham Thorpe St Andrew Torp 279a 276b Raveningham Ravingeham 279a Swaffham Suafham 276b Walcott Walcheta 279b Fritton Frietuna 276b Postwick Possuic 279b Kilverstone Culvertestuna 276b Limpenhoe Limpehou 279b Leziate Lesiet 276b Erpingham Herpincham 279b Gissing Gessinga 276b North Barningham Torp 279b Griston Grestuna 277a Great Melton, Little Melton Meltuna 279b Little Cressingham Parvo Cresingham 277a Southwood Sutwde 279b Flitcham Plicham 277a East Winch Est Wnic 280a Forncett St Mary or St Peter Forneseta 280a Cockley Cley Toddenham 277a Tibenham Tibham 280a Holme Hale Holma 277a Shipdham Scipedeham 277a Thompson Saham 277a 34 Suffolk Hockham Hocham 277b Bixley Bucham 277b Great Blakenham Blacham 281b Bramerton Brambretuna 277b Thorney Tornei 281b Thompson Terna 277b Somersham Sumersham 281b Kenninghall Keninchala 277b Bramford Brunfort 282a Snetterton Snetretuna 277b Brome Brom 282a East Somerton, West Somerton Somertuna Blythburgh Blideburo 282a 277b Riseburc Riseburc 282a Great Snarehill, Little Snarehill Snareshul Earl and Little Stonham Stanham 282a 277b Gislingham Gislingaham 282a

289 Hemingstone Haminghelanda 282a Thurston Torstuna 284b Easton Bavents Estuna 282a Norton near Bury St Edmunds Nortuna Worlingham Werlingaham 282b 284b Rushmere St Andrew Riscemara 282b Gorleston, Norfolk Gorlestuna 284b Darsham Dersham 282b Great Finborough Fineburga 285a Weston Westuna 282b Thorney Tornie 285a Ringsfield Stickingalanda 282b Badley Badelea 285a Kessingland Kessingelanda 283a Darmsden Dermodesduna 285a Ringsfield Bechetuna 283a Earl and Little Stonham Staham 285a Gorleston, Norfolk Gorlestuna 283a Coddenham Codenham 285a Gisleham Gisleham 283a Ashbocking Essa 285a Barnby Barnebei 283a Parham Perreham 285a Weston Westuna 283a Sharpstone, Barham Scarverstuna 285a Yarmouth, Norfolk Gernemutha 283a Little Finborough Fineburga 285a Kirkley Kirkelea 283a Langhedena Langhedena 285a Pakefield Pagafella 283a Norton near Bury St Edmunds Nortuna 285a Worlingham Werlingaham 283a Great Saxham Saxam 285a Rushmere Riscemara 283a Little Saxham Saxam 285a Mutford Mutforda 283a Offton Offetuna 285a Kislea Kislea 283a Mendlesham Menlessam 285a Belton Beletuna 283b Great Blakenham Blacham 285a Lound Lunda 283b Wickham Skeith Wiccham 285b Lowestoft Becles 283b Thornham Magna Tornham 285b Willingham Willingaham 283b Mendlesham Melnessam 285b Corton Karetuna 283b Cotton Cottuna 285b Somerleyton Sumerledetuna 283b Occold Acolt 285b Ellough Elga 283b Wetheringsett Weringheseta 285b Gapton Hall in Belton Bradwell Gabbetuna Mendlesham Mundlesham 286a 283b Hunston Hunverstuna 286a Gorleston, Norfolk Gorlestuna 283b Gislingham Gislingham 286a Gillingham, Norfolk Gillingaham 283b Marlesford Marlesforda 286a Flixton Flixtuna 283b Hoxne Hoxa 286a Somerleyton Sumerledetuna 284a Chilbourne Cileburna 286a Browston Fridetuna 284a Cotton Cottuna 286a Hopton Hopetuna 284a Wyverstone Wiuerthestuna 286a Flixton Flixtuna 284a Norton near Bury St Edmunds Nocturna Belton Beletuna 284b 286a Browston Aketorp 284b Stoke Ash Stoches 286a Neutuna Near Corton Neutuna 284b Little Thurlow Tritlawa 286a Fritton Fridetuna 284b Wickham Skeith Wicham 286a Tostock Totestoc 284b Weybread Weibrada 286a Gapton Gabbatuna 284b Great Thurlow Tritlawa 286a Herringfleet Herlingaflet 284b Redenhall, Norfolk Radenhala 286a

290 Great Cornard Cornierda 286b Bradfield Combust, Bradfield St Clare and Brad- Parham Perreham 286b field St George Bradefella 291a Brightlingsea, Essex Brictesceseia 286b Drinkstone Rengestuna 291a Cotton Cottuna 286b Rattlesden Rachestdena 291a Sudbury Sutberie 286b Great Welnetham Telueteham 291a Little Cornard Cornierda 286b Ringshall Ringhesehla 291b Harkstead Herchesteda 286b Creeting St Peter Cratingh 291b Marlesford Merlesforda 286b Helmingham Helmingheam 291b Hacheston Hecestuna 286b Battisford Betesfort 291b Shotley Scoteleia 287a Brettenham Bretham 291b East Bergholt Bercolt 287a Combs Cambas 291b Groton Grotena 287a Creeting All Saints, Creeting St Mary and Creet- Shotley Scoteleia 287b ing St Olave Cratingas 291b East Bergholt Bercolt 287b Whatfield Gowatefelda 292a Canappetunam Canappetunam 287b Morston Hall Morestuna 292a Bucklesham 292a Aldham Adaldeham 287b Bukelesham Alteston in Trimley Alteinestuna 292a Shelley Sceueleia 287b Morston Morestuna 292a Bentley Benetleia 287b Ash Street Asce 292a Chattisham Cetessam 287b Grimston Hall Grimestuna 292a Shotley Scoteleia 287b Thorpe Common Torp 292a Layham Lafham 288a Darsham Dersam 292b Bungay Bongeia 288a Middleton Mideltuna 292b Brampton Bramtuna 288a Walpole Walepola 292b Covehithe Northals 288a Cowlinge Culinge 292b Shadingfield Scadenafella 288b Torp Brifelda 292b Icklingham Ecclingaham 288b Weston Colville Westuna 292b Denham Deham 288b Rumburgh Ramburc 292b Weston Westuna 288b Stone Street Ston 292b Hoxne Hoxa 288b Wenhaston Wenadestuna 292b Mildenhall Mitdenehalla 288b Thorington Torentuna 292b Ipswich Gipeuuid 289a Covehithe Norhhala 293a Bramford Branfort 289a Sutton Suttuna 293a Akenham Acreham 289a Bromeswell Bromeswella 293a Hintlesham Hintlesham 289a Capel St Andrew Capeles 293a East Bergholt Bercolt 289b Chediston Sedestana 293a Badmondisfield Bademondesfelda 289b Burgh Burc 293a Barrow Baro 289b Sibton Bischelea 293a Ipswich Turuestuna 290b Wrabetuna Wrabetuna 293a Little Welnetham Telueteham 291a Earl Soham Saham 293a Stanningfield Stanfella 291a Melton Coua 293a Onehouse Anuhus 291a Wissett Wisseta 293a Combs Cambas 291a Tuddenham Tudenham 293a

291 Rushmere St Andrew Ryscemara 293a Ipswich Gipeswiz 295a Halesworth Halesuuorda 293a Thurlston Turuestuna 295a Charsfield Ceresfella 293b Little Welnetham Wenham 295a Martley Martelaia 293b Great Welnetham Wenham 295a Boulge Bulges 293b Sharpstone, Barham Scaruestuna 295a Campsey Ash Campsea 293b Woolverstone Uluerestuna 295b Bredfield Bradefella 293b Pannington Hall Painetuna 295b Melton Horepola 293b East Bergholt Bercolt 295b Wickham Market Wikham 293b Brantham Brantestuna 295b Debach Depebek 293b Bentley Benetleia 295b Hacheston Hacestuna 293b Dodnash Todenes 295b Little Charsfield Parva Ceresfella 293b Kaleweton Calvwetuna 295b Rendlesham Ludham 293b Wherstead Wervesteda 295b Kettleburgh Ketlebere 293b Blaxhall Blachessala 296a Earl Soham Saham 293b Parham Perreham 296a Bromeswell Brumfella 294a Carlton Carletuna 296a Carlton Carletuna 294a Parham Perreham 296a Martley Martelaia 294a Sutton Suttuna 296a Blundeston Dunstuna 294a Boynton Boituna 296a Brodertuna Brodertuna 294a Little Welnetham Wenham 296a Rendlesham Horepola 294a Brantham Brantham 296a Butley Butelai 294a East Bergholt Bercolt 296a Woodbridge Udebryge 294a Wantisden Wanttesdena 296a Cretingham Gretingaham 294a Great Welnetham Wenham 296a Earl Soham Saham 294a Hintlesham Hinclesham 296a Ipswich Gepeswiz 294a Canapetuna Canapetuna 296a Marlesford Merlesforda 294a Wantisden Wantesden 296b Kettleburgh Cetelbirig 294a Blaxhall Blachessala 296b Gedgrave Gatagrava 294a Chillesford Cesefortda 296b Dallinghoo Dalingehou 294a Sternfield Sternesfelda 297a Westerfield Westrefelda 294b Kettleburgh Chetelberia 297a Earl and Little Stonham Stanham 294b Bruisyard Buresiart 297a Coddenham Codeham 294b Great Glemham Gliemham 297a Nettlestead Netlesteda 294b Little Glemham Thieue Gliemham 297a Darmsden Dermodesduna 294b Swefling Suestlingan 297b Hemingstone Hamingestuna 294b Benhall Benehalla 297b Hemingstone Hamigestuna 295a Rendham Rincham 297b Nettlestead Netlesteda 295a Swefling Sueflinga 298a Beria Beria 295a Rumburgh Roburc 298a East Bergholt Bercolt 295a Cransford Craneforda 298a Ashfield Assefelda 295a Great Glemham Gliemham 298a Holbrook Holebroc 295a South Elmham, Elmham All Saints Almaham Westerfield Westrefelda 295a 298a

292 Thorpe Hall Torp 298b Rattlesden Ratesdana 303a Framsden Framesdena 298b Little Finborough Fineburga 303a Winston Winestuna 298b Elveden Heluedona 303a Ashfield Asfelda 298b Ousden Uuesdana 303a Manuuic Manuuic 298b Stanfelda Stanfelda 303b Wattisfield Watesfelda 299a Highham Hetham 303b Saxtead Saxteda 299a Buxhall Bukesalla 303b Framlingham Framincham 299a Higham Heiham 303b Ashfield Assafelda 299a East Bergholt Bercolt 303b Halesworth Healesuurda 299a Raydon Reinduna 303b Thorpe Torp 299a Edwardstone Eduardestuna 304a Uggeshall Uggiceheala 299b Chilton Ciltuna 304a Middleton Mideltuna 299b Creeting St Peter Cratinga 304a Grundisburgh Grundesburh 300a Olden, Coddenham Uledana 304b Burgh Burh 300a Hemingstone Hamingestuna 304b Bungay Bunghea 300a Coddenham Codenham 304b Cretingham Gretingaham 300a Creeting All Saints, Creeting St Mary and Creet- Mettingham Metingaham 300b ing St Olave Cratingis 304b Ilketshall St Andrew, Ilketshall St John, Ilket- Debenham Depbenham 305a shall St Lawrence and Ilketshall St Margaret Barham Bercham 305a Ilcheteleshala 300b Kenton Kenetuna 305a Sotterley Soterlega 301a Earl and Little Stonham Stanham 305a Ringsfield Ringesfelda 301a Westerfield Westrefelda 305b Ilketshall St Andrew, Ilketshall St John, Ilket- Rushmere St Andrew Rissemera 305b shall St Lawrence and Ilketshall St Margaret Debenham Depbenham 305b Ilcheteshala 301a Winston Winestuna 305b Bungay Bongeia 301a Henley Henlea 305b Mettingham Metingaham 301a Bedingfield Batingefelda 305b Shipmeadow Scipmedu 301a Manuuic Manuuic 305b Worlingham Werlingaham 301b Thorpe Torp 305b Kessingland Kessingalanda 301b Westerfield Westrefelda 306a Hetheburgafella Hetheburgafella 301b Earl Soham Saham 306a Croscroft Croscroft 301b Brantham Brantham 306a Ilketshall Ilcheteshala 301b Ashfield Assefelda 306a Sotterley Soterlega 301b Belstead Belesteda 306a Rushmere Ryscemara 302a Brutge Brutge 306a Gisleham Gisleham 302a Thorpe Torp 306a Barnby Barneby 302a Wantisden Wantesdana 306b Carlton Colville Karletun 302a Blaxhall Blachessala 306b Rodenhala Rodenhala 302a Parham Perreham 306b Pakefield Paggefella 302b Staverton Stauertuna 306b Ethereg Ethereg 302b Niuetuna Niuetuna 306b Framlingham Framelingham 302b Wantisden Wantesdana 307a

293 Tunstall Tunestal 307a Dunwich Duneuuic 311b Parham Perreham 307a Westleton Westlentuna 312a Blaxhall Blaccheshala 307a Fordley Forle 312a Rendham Rimdham 307b Blythburgh Blieburc 312a Cransford Cranefort 307b Middleton Mideltuna 312a Blaxhall Blachessala 307b Dunwich Duneuuic 312a Kelton Cheletuna 307b Strickland Stikingalande 312a Swefling Sueflinga 308a Uurabretuna Uurabretuna 312b Great Glemham Gliemham 308a Peasenhall Pisehalla 312b Stratford St Andrew Straffort 308b Blythburgh Blideburh 312b Cransford Ferneham 308b Dunwich Duneuuic 312b Benhall Benenhala 308b Sibton Sibbetuna 312b Great Glemham Gliemham 308b Sibton Sibbetuna 313a Wyverstone Wiuertestuna 309a Darsham Dersam 313a Cransford Craneforda 309a Westleton Wesletuna 313b Badingham Hadingham 309a Strickland Stichinghelanda 313b Cransford Benhalla 309a Hoppetuna Hoppetuna 313b Great Glemham Gliemham 309a Darsham Dersam 313b Westhorpe Westorp 309b South Cove Coua 313b Cotton Cottuna 309b Warabetuna Warabetuna 313b Finningham Finningaham 309b Linstead Magna, Linstead Parva Linesteda Rickinghall Superior Rikingahala 309b 314a Brome Brom 310a Stratton Strattuna 314a Oakley Acle 310a Fordley Forlea 314a Aldringham Alrincham 310a Leiston Ledestuna 314a Bedingfield Badingafelda 310a Darsham Dersam 314a Rickinghall Superior Carletuna 310a Holton Holetuna 314a Thrandeston Thraudestuna 310a Wrabbatuna Wrabbatuna 314a Denham Denham 310a Minsmer Mensemara 314a Hoxne Hoxa 310a Theberton Thewardetuna 314a Leiston Leistuna 310a Withersdale Weresdel 314a Kelsale Keleshala 310a Westleton Westetuna 314a Eye Heia 310a Peasenhall Pesehala 314a Mendham Menham 310b Stratton Hall Strattuna 314b Fordley Forlea 310b Mycelegata Mycelegata 314b Bedingfield Badingafelda 310b Playford Plegeforda 314b Aldringham Alrincham 310b Hasketon Haschetuna 315a Darsham Dersam 310b Necchemara Necchemara 315a Kelsale Kereshalla 310b Kesgrave Gressegrava 315a Linstead Magna, Linstead Parva Linestede Hopestuna Hopestuna 315a 311a Waldringfield Minima Waldringafelda 315a Huntingfield Huntingafelda 311a Rushmere St Andrew Ryscemara 315a Blythburgh Blideburgh 311a Tuddenham Tudenham 315b

294 Hasketon Hascetuna 315b Sutton Suttuna 318a Great Bealings Belinges 315b Bromeswell Brameswella 318a Burgh Burch 315b Littlecros Littlecros 318a Clopton Clopetuna 315b Ramsholt Laneburc 318b Grundisburgh Grundesburh 315b Boyton Bohtuna 318b Rushmere St Andrew Ryscemara 315b Halgestou Halgestou 318b Sternfield Sternesfella 316a Melton Meltuna 318b Cransford Cranesforda 316a Shottisham Capeles 319a Boyton Bohtuna 316a Bredfield Bredefeld 319a Aldeburgh Aldeburc 316a Ramsholt Suttuna 319a Snape Snapes 316a Boulge Bulges 319a Cransford Cranesfod 316b Bromeswell Brammeswella 319a Dennington Dinguituna 316b Charsfield Caresfelda 319a Clepham Clepham 316b Loudham Ludham 319b Farnham Farnham 316b Bromeswell Brumeswella 319b Boyton Bohtuna 316b Shottisham Stavertuna 319b Thorpe Torp 316b Bing Benga 319b Leiston Ledestuna 316b Eye Eia 319b Sternfield Sternefella 316b Redlingfield Radinghefelda 320a Sudbourne Sutburna 316b Gislingham Gissilincham 320b Rushmere Lodge Farm Riscemara 316b Occold Briseworde 320b Burgesgata Burgesgata 317a Aspall Espala 320b Sutton Suttuna 317a Yaxley Iacheleia 320b Burch Burch 317a Wortham Wordham 320b Bawdsey Baldeseia 317a Mellis Mellels 320b Alderton Alretuna 317a Thornham Parva Parvo Thornham 320b Turstanestuna, Bromeswell Turstanestuna In Thrandeston Thrundestuna 320b Bromeswell 317a Thornham Magna Marthorham 320b Capel St Andrew Capeles 317a Brome Brum 321a Ingoluestuna Ingoluestuna 317a Aspall Espala 321a Prestetuna Prestetuna 317a Braiseworth Brisewrda 321a Laneburh Laneburh 317a Knettishall Gnedeshalla 321a Hollesley Holeslea 317a Westhorpe Westurp 321a Hoo in Sutton Hou 317b Eye Eia 321a Culeslea Culeslea 317b Fressingfield Fessefelda 321a Sutton Suttuna 317b Thrandeston Strandestuna 321a Alderton Alretuna 317b Finningham Finingaham 321a Bawdsey Baldeseia 317b Wyverstone Wiverthestuna 321b Hollesley Holeslea 317b Stoke Ash Soches 321b Shottisham Scotesham 318a Caldecota Caldecota 321b Capel St Andrew Capeles 318a Thornham Magna Martonham 321b Bredfield Bredefelda 318a Thornham Magna Thornham 322a Alderton Alretuna 318a Gislingham Gislingheham 322a

295 Wortham Wortham 322b Dallinghoo Dalingahou 325b Stoke Ash Stoches 322b Dennington Dinguietuna 325b Cotton Cottuna 322b Framlingham Framalingaham 325b Aspall Parvo Thornham 322b Monewden Munegadena 325b Thorndon Torentuna 323a Rendlesham Remlesham 326a Occold Acolt 323a Kenton Kenetuna 326a Aspall Risangra 323a Dennington Dinguietuna 326a Wickham Skeith Wicham 323b Easton Estuna 326a Finningham Felincham 323b Kettleburgh Ketdesbirig 326a Bedingfield Badinghefelda 323b Clachestorp Clachestorp 326b Braiseworth Brisewrda 323b Staverton Stavertuna 326b Mellis Metles 323b Campsey Ash Campeseia 326b Wetheringsett Weringheseta 324a Brodertuna Brodertuna 326b Stokerland Stokerlanda 324a Ash Esce 326b Loudham Ludham 324a Rendlesham Remlesham 326b Bromeswell Brumeswella 324a Gedgrave Gategraua 326b Staverton Stavertuna 324a Marlesford Merlesforda 326b Gislingham Gildincham 324a Possefelda Possefelda 326b Shottisham Scotesham 324a Hacheston Hecetuna 326b Ufford Uffeworda 324a Dallinghoo Dalingehou 327a Bredfield Berdefelda 324b Dennington Dinguietuna 327a Harpole Horepola 324b Clachestorp Clachestorp 327a Bing Benges 324b Campsey Ash Campeseia 327a Boulge Bulges 324b Ash Esce 327a Sutton Suttuna 324b Woodbridge Wudebrige 327a Alderton Alretuna 324b Earl Soham Saham 327a Wickham Market Bromeswella 324b Gedgrave Gategraua 327a Loudham Ludham 324b Kelton Keletuna 327a Ufford Uffeworda 324b Framlingham Framlingaham 327a Sogenhoe, Ufford Suggenhou 324b Icheburna Icheburna 327b Hundesthoft Hundesthoft 324b Martley Mertlega 327b Wickham Market Horepola 325a Hollesley Holeslea 327b Sutton Suttuna 325a Barsham Barsham 327b Staverton Stavertuna 325a Butley Butelea 327b Dennington Dedingmetona 325a Woodbridge Wiebrige 327b Wilford Square Wileforda 325a South Elmham, Elmham All Saints Elmeham Bredfield Bredefella 325a 327b Kettleburgh Ketelbiria 325a Thicchebrom Thicchebrom 327b Ufford Ufforda 325a Walsham Le Willows Walsam 327b Loudham Ludham 325a Thelnetham Thelueteham 327b Hollesley Holeslea 325a Tannington Tatintuna 328a Woodbridge Wudebryge 325b Dennington Dinguietuna 328a Hacheston Haetcetuna 325b Rickinghall Inferior Rikinchala 328a

296 Wingfield Wineberga 328b Fordley Forlei 334a Laxfield Laxefelda 328b Hoppetuna Hoppetuna 334a Badingham Badincham 328b Minsmere Milsemere 334a Bedfield Berdefelda 328b Strickland Stykelande 334b Hoxne Cibbehala 329a Fordley Forlei 334b Wilby Wilebi 329a Knodishall Diresham 334b Stradbroke Horam 329a Kelsale Chylesheala 334b Weybread Weibrada 329b Thorington Tornintuna 335a Hoxne Hoxa 329b Barsham Bersham 335a Hoxne Menham 329b Willingham Willingaham 335a Chickering Citiringa 330a Ringsfield Ringesfella 335a Horham Badingefelda 330a Shipmeadow Scipmetdua 335b Whatfield Watesfelda 330b Mutford Mutford 335b Barnham Berham 330b Barsham Bersham 335b Kelsale Carahalla 330b Weston Westuna 335b Horham Horam 331a Ellough Elga 335b Hinton Hinetuna 331a Shadingfield Scadenafella 335b Bridge Bringas 331a Buxhall Bukessalla 336a Denham Delham 331a Baylham Belham 336a Uggeshall Ulkesala 331b Blundeston Dunestuna 336a Dunwich Duneuuic 331b Bridge Bringas 336a Brampton Bramtuna 331b Wimundahala, Weston Wimundahala 336a Hinton Hinetuna 331b Darsham Dersham 336a Warabetuna Warabetuna 332a Ringshall Righeshala 336a Heveningham Evelincham 332a Shadingfield Scadena 336a Chediston Cidestanes 332a Redisham Redesham 336a Peasenhall Nordhalla 332a Baylham Beleham 336b Peasenhall Pesehalla 332a Battisford Betesfort 336b Yoxford Iokesfort 333a Offton Offetuna 337a Halesworth Haleurda 333a Somersham Sumersham 337a Bulcamp Bulecampe 333a Baylham Belham 337a Peasenhall Pesehealle 333a Flowton Flochetuna 337b Stoven Stoune 333b Baylham Belham 337b Knodishall Cnotesheala 333b Earl and Little Stonham Stanham 337b Cookley Cokelei 333b Langhedena Langhedena 338a Holton Holetuna 333b Coddenham Codenham 338a Thorpe Torpa 333b Hemingstone Hamingestuna 338a Covehithe Norhhala 333b Saxmundham Saxmondeham 338b Saxmundham Sasmundesham 333b Knodishall Cnenotessala 338b Uurabetuna Uurabetuna 334a Coddenham Codeham 338b Knodishall Heueniggeham 334a Becclinga near Friston Becclinga 338b Dunwich Duneuuic 334a Kelsale Cheressala 338b Middleton Mideltuna 334a Peasenhall Pesehala 338b

297 Saxmundham Saxmondeham 339a Kuluertestuna Kuluertestuna 342b Bruisyard Buresiart 339a Stratton Strattuna 342b Brome Brom 339a Kirton Kirketuna 342b Kelsale Cheresala 339a Alteston in Trimley Alteinestuna 342b Morston Hall, Trimley Maistana 339b Levington Leuetuna 342b Buregata Buregata 339b Thorpe, Trimley Torp 342b Walton Waletuna 339b Oxlanda Oxlanda 343a Falkenham Faltenham 339b Kembroke Kinebroh 343a Wadgate Wadgata 340a Nortuna Nortuna 343a Plumgeard Plumgeard 340a Charsfield Cerfella 343b Gulpher Gulpelea 340a Wilford Wileforda 343b Walton Waletuna 340a Bredfield Bredefella 343b Burch Burch 340a Capel St Andrew Capeles 343b Nortuna Nortuna 340a Walton Waletuna 343b Turstanestuna, Bromeswell Turstanestuna Harpole Horepola 343b 340a Wickham Market Wikham 343b Struustuna Struustuna 340b Debach Debenbeis 343b Kembroke Kenebroc 340b Kelsale Keleshala 343b Guthestuna Guthestuna 340b Rendlesham Renlesham 343b Kirton Kirketuna 340b Ufford Offeworda 343b Falkenham Faltenham 340b Loudham Ludham 343b Hemley Helmelea 340b Gedgrave Gategraua 343b Morston Hall, Trimley Mothestuna 340b Woodbridge Udebriga 344a Trimley St Martin, Trimley St Mary Tremlega Sternfield Sternesfelda 344a 341a Blaxhall Blactheshala 344a Lestaneston Leofstanestuna 341a Rendham Rindham 344a Candlet Candelenta 341a Wantisden Wantesdana 344a Alteston in Trimley Alteinestuna 341a Sternfield Sternesfelda 344b Falkenham Faltenham 341a Cransford Cranefort 344b Levington Leuetuna 341a Farnham Farnham 344b Thorpe Torpa 341b Benhall Benhala 344b Langer Langestuna 341b Rendham Rindeham 344b Alteston in Trimley Alteinestuna 341b Swefling Suestlingua 345a Grimston Hall Grimestuna 341b Great Glemham Gliemham 345a Struestuna Struestuna 341b Bruisyard Buresiart 345a Wadgate Wadgata 342a Rendham Rinham 345a Mycelegata Mycelegata 342a Great Glemham Gliemham 345b Buregata Buregata 342a Benhall Benenhala 345b Lestaneston Leofstanestuna 342a Dunningworth Duniworda 345b Nortuna Nortuna 342a Tuddenham Tedenham 346a Trimley St Martin, Trimley St Mary Tremlega Culpho Culfole 346a 342b Grundisburgh Grundesburc 346a Morston Hall, Trimley Mothestuna 342b Thistleton Hall Thisteldena 346b

298 Hasketon Haschetuna 346b Cavendish Kanauadis 350a Hasketon Haschetuna 347a Great Waldingfield Walingafella 350a Burgh Burc 347a Tunstall near Wickham Market Tonestala Otley Oteleia 347a 350b Alnesbourn Aluesbrunna 347a Earl and Little Stonham Stanaham 350b Grenewic Grenewic 347a Thorney Tornie 350b Rushmere St Andrew Riscemara 347b Creeting St Peter Cratinga 350b Monewden Mangedena 347b Old Newton Newetuna 350b Kettleburgh Kettleberga 347b Willisham Willaluesham 351a Boulge Bulges 347b Earl and Little Stonham Stalham 351a Easton Estuna 347b Claydon Clainduna 351a Debach Depebes 347b Mendlesham Meldeham 351a Melton Meltuna 347b Tunstall near Wickham Market Tonestala Newbourn Nebrunna 347b 351b Dallinghoo Dallingahou 348a Great Blakenham Blacheham 351b Ingham Incham 348a Olden, Coddenham Uledana 352a Catesfella Catesfella 348a Langedana Langedana 352a Martley Mertlega 348a Earl and Little Stonham Stanham 352a Butley Butelai 348a Hemingstone Bercham 352a Woodbridge Wdebride 348a Coddenham Codenham 352a Letheringham Ledringaham 348a Hemingstone Hamingestuna 352a Sudbourne Sutburna 348a Langhedena Langhedena 352a Wickham Skeith Wikham 348a Westerfield Westrefelda 352b Thrandeston Thrandestuna 348a Hemingstone Hamingestuna 352b Monewden Mungadena 348a Akenham Achream 352b Thurston End, Hawkendon Thurstanestuna Barham Bercham 352b 348b Henley Henlea 352b Hawkedon Hauochenduna 348b Coddenham Codeham 352b Thorpe Morieux Torp 348b Thurlston Turlestuna 352b Whittingham Hall Wettingaham 349a Wantisden Wantesdena 353a Stradbroke Statebroc 349a Great Glemham Gliemham 353a Hoxne Hoxa 349a Blaxhall Blacheshala 353a Chickering Cikelinga 349a Henley Henlea 353a Mendham Weibrada 349a Great Blakenham Blacham 353a Hoxne Hoxa 349b Nordberia Nordberia 353a Brockley Hall Brocle 349b Market Weston Westuna 353b Mendham Clopetuna 349b Cookley Cokeli 353b Boxted Boesteda 349b Ixworth Thorpe Torp 353b Hemley Halmeleia 349b Thurstanestuna, Bromeswell Thurstanestuna Little Waldingfield Walingafella 350a 354a Preston near Lavenham Prestetona 350a Bawdsey Baldeseia 354a Buxhall Buckeshala 350a Barningham Barnicham 354a Boxted Boesteda 350a Thurlston Turoluestuna 354a

299 Wortham Wortham 354b Wangford Wamforda 358b Ramsholt Ramesholt 354b Santon Downham Dunham 359a Brome Brom 354b Great Livermere Liuelmera 359a Worlington Wirilintona 355a Cockfield Cothefelda 359a Lavenham Lauenham 355a Long Melford Melaforda 359a Kentwell Kanewella 355a Preston near Lavenham Prestetune 359b Thelnetham Heteseta 355a Eleigh Brent and Monks Lelega 359b Kentwell Hall Kanewella 355a Somerton Sumerledetuna 359b Tuddenham Todeham 355a Groton Grotena 359b Mendham Mendham 355b Little Cornard Cornerda 360a Blyford Blideforda 355b Bures Bura 360a Buxhall Bukessalla 355b Great Cornard Cornerda 360a Uuarle Uuarle 356a Harleston Heroluestuna 360a Ilketshall Ilcheteshala 356a Wetherden Wederdena 360a Holton Holetuna 356a Milden Mellinga 360a Bulcamp Bulecampa 356a Great Waldingfield Waldingefelda 360a South Elmham, Elmham All Saints Almaham Little Waldingfield Waldingefelda 360a 356a Newton Niwetuna 360a Whepstead Huepestede 356b Thorpe Torp 360b Risby Resebi 356b Onehouse Anhus 360b Little Horringer Manor Horningesworda Great Glemham Gliemham 360b 356b Earl and Little Stonham Stanham 360b Little Saxham Sexham 357a Mickfield Mulcelfel 360b Nowton Neotuna 357a Redgrave Regraua 360b Chevington Ceuentuna 357a Wortham Wordham 361a Lackford Leacforda 357a Gislingham Gislingheham 361a Great Saxham Sexham 357a Palgrave Palegrava 361a Little Saxham Sexham 357b Brockford Brocfort 361a Ickworth Kkewortha 357b Rickinghall Superior Richingehala 361a Fornham All Saints Fornham 357b Pakenham Pachenham 361b Flempton Flemingtuna 357b Fornham St Martin Fornham 361b Hengrave Hemegretha 357b Great Barton Bertuna 361b Great Saxham Sexham 357b Fornham St Genevieve Genonefae Forham Rede Reoda 358a 362a Lackford Leacforda 358a Bradfield Combust, Bradfield St Clare and Brad- Hawstead Haldsteda 358a field St George Bradefelda 362a Brockley Broclega 358a Woolpit Wlfpeta 362b Risby Resebi 358a Hessett Eteseca 362b Hengrave Hemegretha 358a Drinkstone Drencestuna 362b Manston Hall Manestuna 358a Rougham Ruhham 362b Westley Westlea 358b Bradfield Combust, Bradfield St Clare and Brad- Herringswell Hyrningwella 358b field St George Bradefelda 362b Elveden Eluedena 358b Felsham Fealsham 362b

300 Thurston Thurstuna 362b Thelnetham Wridewella 366b Little Welnetham Huelfiham 363a Troston Trostuna 366b Timworth Timwrtha 363a Culford Culeforda 366b Gedding Geldinga 363a Thelnetham Teolftham 366b Ingham Incham 363a Troston Trostuna 366b Ampton Hametuna 363a Little Livermere Litla Livermera 366b Rattlesden Ratlesdena 363a Wordwell Wridewella 366b Great Welnetham Huelfiham 363a Walsham Le Willows Washam 367a Tostock Totstocha 363b Great Ashfield Eascefelda 367a Rushbrooke Ryscebroc 363b Hunston Hunterstuna 367a Rougham Ruhham 363b Langham Langham 367a Great Livermere Livermera 363b Ixworth Thorpe Torpa 367a Stanningfield Stanesfelda 363b Little Fakenham Litla Fachenham 367b West Stow Stowa 364a Ixworth Ixeword 367b Culford Culeforda 364a Euston Euestuna 367b Ingham Incham 364a Knettishall Ghenetessala 367b Stanton Stantuna 364a Great Fakenham Fachenham 367b Lackford Lecforda 364a Ixworth Thorpe Torp 367b Rickinghall Inferior Richingehalla 364b Worlingworth Wyrlingwortha 368a Elmswell Elmeswella 364b Mendham Mendham 368a Hinderclay Hilderclea 364b Bedingfield Bedingefelda 368a Stowlangtoft Stoua 365a Chippenhall Cybenhalla 368a Coney Weston Cunegestuna 365a Monk Soham Saham 368a Coney Weston Cunegestuna 365a Weybread Weibrade 368b Wattisfield Watlesfelda 365b Layham Lafham 368b Coney Weston Cunegestuna 365b Chelsworth Cerleswrda 368b Stanton Stantuna 365b Semer Seamera 368b Hepworth Hepworda 365b Whatfield Watefelda 369a Barningham Barnicham 365b Rushbrooke Farm Rescebroc 369a Hopton Hopetuna 365b Kettlebaston Kitelbeornastuna 369a Coney Weston Cunegestuna 365b Manton Manetuna 369a Rickinghall Inferior Richingehalla 365b Brettenham Bretenhama 369a Sapiston Sapestuna 366a Aldham Ealdham 369a Coney Weston Cunegestuna 366a Lindsey Blalsega 369a Bardwell Beordewella 366a Thorpe Morieux Torpa 369a Honnington Himegetuna 366a Thorpe Morieux Torp 369b Coney Weston Cunegestuna 366a Marlesford Merlesforda 369b Market Weston Westuna 366a Haspley Hespelea 369b Thelnetham Teolfcha 366b Beccles Becles 369b Barnham Bernham 366b Kenton Kenetuna 369b Little Livermere Litla Livertiera 366b Hacheston Hecetuna 369b Barnham Bernham 366b Waldringfield Waldringafelda 369b Culford Culeforda 366b Newbourn Neubrunna 369b

301 Wyverstone Wiuerthesstuna 370a Little Thurlow Thrillauura 371b Wickham Skeith Wicham 370a Uggeshall Ugghecala 371b Thornham Magna Tornham 370a Little Wratting Waracatinge 371b Stoke Ash Stotas 370a Great Wratting Waracatinge 371b Linburne Mill Linburna 370a Ufford Uffeforda 371b Thorndon Tornduna 370a Great Thurlow Thrillauura 371b Wetheringsett Wederingaseta 370a Toppesfield Topesfelda 372b Worlingham Werlingaham 370a Moulton Muletuna 372b Great Ashfield Escefella 370b Hadleigh Hetlega 372b Oakley Acle 370b Seckford Hall Sekeforda 373a Finningham Finingaham 370b Little Bealings Parvo Belinges 373a Caldecota Caldecota 370b Eleigh Brent and Monks Illeleia 373a Cotton Codetun 370b Haverhill Haverhella 373a Wyverstone Wiuerthestuna 370b Seckford Sekeforda 373a Rickinghall Superior Rikingahala 370b Wickham Market Wikham 373b Thornham Magna Tornham 370b Debach Debeis 373b Westhorpe West Torp 370b Charsfield Cerfella 373b Stuston Stutestuna 370b Kenton Kenetuna 373b Occold Acolt 371a Brandeston Brantestona 373b Brome Brom 371a Cretingham Gretingeham 373b Chippenhall Cebbenhala 371a Eleigh Brent and Monks Ilelega 373b Mendlesham Melinessam 371a Rodeham Rodeham 374a Mellis Melles 371a Crowfield Crofelda 374a Caldecota Caldecota 371a Creeting St Peter Cratinga 374a Cotton Codetun 371a Old Newton Newetona 374a Wyverstone Wiuerdestuna 371a Olden, Coddenham Uledana 374b Stoke Ash Stoches 371a Creeting All Saints, Creeting St Mary and Creet- Thornham Magna Thornham 371a ing St Olave Cratingis 374b Westhorpe West Torp 371a Earl and Little Stonham Stanham 374b Wickham Skeith Wicham 371a Pachetuna Pachetuna 375a Wetheringsett Weringheseta 371a Burstall Burgestala 375a Thrandeston Frandestuna 371a Coddenham Codeham 375a Thorndon Torneduna 371a Sharpstone, Barham Scaruestuna 375b Poslingford Poslindewrda 371b Hemingstone Hamingestuna 375b Benacre Benagra 371b Helmingham Helmingheam 375b Haverhill Haverhol 371b Earl and Little Stonham Stanham 375b Hoxne Hoxa 371b Olden, Coddenham Uledana 375b Kedington Kidituna 371b Ulverston Hall Uluestuna 376b Horham Horant 371b Debenham Depbeham 376b Little Bradley Bradleia 371b Ashfield Asfelda 376b Stansfield Stanesfelda 371b Ulverston Uluestuna 376b Yarmouth, Norfolk Iersnesmua 371b Manewic Manewic 377a Southwold Sudholda 371b Debenham Depbenham 377a

302 Ashfield Asfelda 377a Mendham Menneham 379b Winston Winestuna 377a South Elmham, Elmham All Saints Halmeham Burstall Burghestala 377a 380a East Bergholt Bercolt 377a Framlingham Framalingaham 380a Little Wenham Wenham 377b Flixton Flixtuna 380a Ulverston Uluestuna 377b Homersfield Humbresfelda 380a Pettaugh Petehaga 377b Flixton Flixtuna 380b East Bergholt Bercolt 377b Barsham Barsham 380b Raydon Reinduna 377b Thrandeston Thrandestuna 381a Great Wenham Wenham 377b Flixton Flixtuna 381a Raydon Reindune 378a Yaxley Iacheleia 381a Brantham Brantham 378a Brome Brom 381a Belenei Belenei 378a Freckenham Frakenaham 381a Higham Heihham 378a Westhorpe Westor 381b Boynton Boituna 378a Rattlesden Ratesdane 381b Alfildestuna Alfildestuna 378a Brandon Brandon 381b Belstead Belesteda 378a Drinkstone Drincestona 381b East Bergholt Bercolt 378a Rede Reda 381b Tattingstone Tatituna 378b Undley Lundale 382a Ipswich Gypeswiz 378b Lakenheath Laringahetha 382a Debenham Depenham 378b Great Livermere Liuermera 382a Toft Toft 378b Glemsford Clamesford 382a Aspall Espala 378b Hartest Hertest 382a East Bergholt Bercolt 378b Santon Downham Dunham 382a Lawshall Lawessela 378b Stoke Stoches 382b Weybread Weibrada 379a Finborough Fineberga 382b Hoxne Hoxana 379a Barking Berkinges 382b Eye Eia 379a Chilton Ciltuna 382b Wilby Wilebi 379a Buxhall Bukessalla 382b Barsham Barsham 379a Finborough Fineberga 382b Homersfield Humbresfelda 379a Coddenham Codenham 383a South Elmham, Elmham All Saints Almeham Badley Badeleia 383a 379a Barking Berchingas 383a Horham Horam 379b Ashbocking Hassa 383a Yaxley Iacheleia 379b Olden, Coddenham Uledana 383a Denham Denham 379b Darmsden Dermodesduna 383a Chickering Ciccheliga 379b Horswold Horswalda 383a Wilby Wilebi 379b Little Blakenham Blacham 383a Bedingfield Badingelelda 379b Hemingstone Hamingestuna 383a Hoxne Hoxna 379b Westerfield Westrefielda 383b Syleham Seilanda 379b Winston Winestuna 383b Wingfield Wighefelda 379b Sharpstone, Barham Escarlestuna 383b Thrandeston Thrandestuna 379b Debenham Depleham 384a

303 Ashfield Assefelda 384a Sutton Suttuna 387a Blaxhall Blachessala 384a Bawdsey Baldeseia 387a Henley Henlea 384a Rushmere St Andrew Alretuna 387a Wantisden Wantesdena 384a Shottisham Scotesham 387a Pettaugh Petehaga 384a Bromeswell Brameswella 387a Sudbourne Sutburne 384a Charsfield Carsfelda 387a Thorpe Torp 384a Melton Meltuna 387a Sharpstone, Barham Scaruetuna 384a Finesford Finesford 387a Wetheringsett Weringheseta 384b Capel St Andrew Capeles 387a Clopton Hall in Wickhambrook Copletuna Hundestuf Hundestuf 387b 384b Bromeswell Brumesuelle 387b Chattisham Cedeberia 384b Bawdsey Baldereseia 387b Hitcham Hecham 384b Bredfield Berdesfella 387b Wingfield Wineberga 385a Hoo in Sutton Hoi 387b Monk Soham Saham 385a Ufford Ufforda 388a Hitcham Hecham 385a Melton Meltuna 388a Hoxne Hoxa 385a Hoo near Kettleburgh Hou 388a Nedging Niedinga 385a Bredfield Bradefelda 388a Dunwich Dunewic 385b Harpole Horepola 388a Alneterne Alneterne 385b Bromeswell Brumeswella 388a Bosmere Besemera 385b Loudham Ludham 388a Walton Waletuna 385b Shottisham Scotesham 388a Trimley St Martin, Trimley St Mary Tremlega Dallinghoo Dalingahou 388b 385b Brandeston Brandestuna 388b Hoxne Oxa 385b Charsfield Ceresfelda 388b Morston Hall, Trimley Morestuna 385b Cretingham Gretingaham 388b Plumgeard Plumgeard 385b Campsey Ash Capesia 388b Kembroke Kenebroc 385b Aldeburgh Aldeburc 388b Newbourn Neubruma 386a Woodbridge Udebriga 388b Grundisburgh Grundesburc 386a Letheringham Letheringaham 388b Thistleton Thisteldena 386a Monewden Mungedena 388b Brightwell Brihtewella 386a Udeham Udeham 388b Hasketon Haschetuna 386a Rendlesham Renslesham 388b Ingoluestuna Ingoluestuna 386b Loudham Ludham 388b Bucklesham Buclesham 386b Olden, Coddenham Uledana 389a Foxhall Foxehola 386b Kersey Caresea 389a Burgh Burh 386b Creeting St Peter Cratinga 389a Bixley Bischelea 386b Creeting All Saints, Creeting St Mary and Creet- Tuddenham Todenham 386b ing St Olave Cratinga 389a Isleton Isleuestuna 386b Old Newton Nieutuna 389a Little Bealings Parva Belinges 386b Hundon Clara 389b Rushmere St Andrew Kalletuna 386b Desning Hall Deselinga 390a Bredfield Bredefelda 387a Dalham Dalham 390a

304 Clopton Clopetuna 390a Herringswell Hernigawella 392a Hundon Danerdestuna 390a Groton Grotena 392b Farley Green Farleia 390b Coresfella Coresfella 392b Boyton in Stoke-by-Clare Boituna 390b Eleigh Brent and Monks Ilelega 392b Denham Denham 390b Cavendish Ranauadisc 392b Brockley Green Brochola 390b Little Waldingfield Waldingafella 392b Farley Farleia 390b Hartest Herterst 392b Little Wratting Wratinga 390b Shelland Sellanda 392b Hawkedon Auokeduna 390b Great Waldingfield Waldingafella 392b Kedington Kidituna 390b Ipswich Gepeswiz 392b Great Wratting Wratinga 390b Rigneseta Rigneseta 393a Stoke By Clare Stoches 390b Earl and Little Stonham Stanham 393a Hundon Hunedana 390b Badley Badeleia 393a Rattlesden Rastedena 391a Bramford Branfort 393a Bardwell Bardewella 391a Ipswich Gepeswiz 393a Hitcham Hetcham 391a Flowton Flochetuna 393b Bredfield Bredefella 391a Great Bricett Brieseta 393b Cotton Codetun 391a Little Bricett Brieseta 393b Wimundestuna Wimundestuna 391a Thurlston Toroluestuna 394a Stoke By Clare Stoches 391a Ashbocking Assia 394a Timworth Timeworda 391a Facheduna Facheduna 394a Westley Westlea 391a Thurlston Turoluestuna 394b Wattisham Wetesham 391a Purtepyt Alwartuna 394b Stowlangtoft Stou 391a Torp Helmingheam 394b Elveden Haluedona 391b East Bergholt Bercolt 394b Barton Mills Bartona 391b Ipswich Gipeswiz 394b Desning Deselinga 391b Shotley Scoteleia 394b Cavenham Manestuna 391b Raydon Reindune 395a Little Saxham Saxham 391b Erwarton Eurewardestuna 395a Hawstead Hersteda 391b East Bergholt Bercolt 395a Rede Reda 391b Purtepyt Toft 395a Great Saxham Saxham 391b Burstall Burghestala 395a Horringer Horningeserda 391b Eduinestuna Eduinestuna 395a Desning Deslinges 392a Kirkton Cherchetuna 395a Barton Mills Bartona 392a Freston Fresetuna 395b Great Cornard Cornierda 392a Burstall Burghestala 395b Little Cornard Cornierda 392a Stansfield Stanesfelda 395b Bures Bure 392a Higham Heihham 395b Cavenham Wamforda 392a East Bergholt Bercolt 395b Ely, Cambs Eli 392a Little Wratting Vratinga 396a Lakenheath Lakingahethe 392a Haverhill Hauerhella 396a Tuddenham Totenham 392a Hanchet Haningehet 396a Mildenhall Mudene Halla 392a Hanchet Hall Haningehet 396a

305 Great Wratting Vratinga 396a Middleton Mideltuna 400a Little Wratting Wratinga 396b Covehithe Norhals 400a Withersfield Urdresfelda 396b Debach Depebecs 400b Hawkedon Hauokeduna 396b Bredfield Berdefelda 400b Little Bradley Bradeleia 396b Torstanestuna in Bromeswell Torstanestuna Boyton in Stoke-by-Clare Boituna 396b 400b Chilbourne Cileburna 396b Boulge Bulges 400b Poslingford Poslingeorda 396b Burgh Burhc 400b Great Wratting Wratinga 396b Withermarsh Green Withermers 401a Poslingford Poslingewrda 397a Rede Riete 401a Haverhill Hauerhella 397a Manston Manestuna 401a Kedington Kidituna 397a Polstead Polesteda 401a Hawkedon Hauokeduna 397a Stoke By Nayland Stokes 401a Little Bradley Bradeleia 397a Aveley Aluenelega 401b Withersfield Wedresfelda 397a Nayland Eilanda 401b Stoke By Clare Stoches 397a Aveley Hall Aluenelega 401b Great Thurlow Tridlauua 397a Wherstead Wervesta 402a Wickhambrook Wicham 397a Pannington Painetuna 402a Little Thurlow Tridlauua 397a Freston Frisetuna 402a Stradishall Stratesella 397a Ipswich Gepeswiz 402a Wimundestuna Wimundestuna 397b Stratford St Mary Stratfort 402a Stone Street Stanestrada 397b Peyton Hall Peituna 402b Loose Hall Losa 397b Chamberlain’s Coclesworda 402b Kersey Careseia 397b Eriswell Hereswella 402b Hitcham Hecham 397b Tuddenham Todenham 403a Lindsey Balesheia 397b Lakenheath Lakingaheda 403a Rushbrooke Risebroc 397b East Bergholt Bercolt 403a Whatfield Watefelda 397b Cavenham Kanauaham 403a Rattlesden Ratesdana 398a Great Glemham Glemham 403a Herringswell Herningawella 398a Raydon Rienduna 403a Elveden Heluedana 398a Layham Leiham 403b Buxhall Buressalla 398a Finborough Fineberga 403b Gedding Gedinga 398a Finborough Fineberga 403b Lewes, Sussex Lewes 398a Pileberga Pileberga 404a Withersfield Wedresfelda 398b Thorney Tornie 404a Creeting All Saints, Creeting St Mary and Creet- Somersham Sumersham 404a ing St Olave Gratingis 398b Flowton Flochetuna 404a Depden Depdana 398b Offton Offetuna 404b Wrentham Wretham 399a Langhedana Langhedana 404b Blythburgh Blideburgh 399a Ella in Somersham Ella 404b Wrentham Wereteham 399b Great Bricett Brieseta 404b Henstead Henestede 399b Little Bricett Brieseta 404b Thorington Torintuna 400a Horswold Horswalda 404b

306 Little Blakenham Blacham 404b Old Newton Neutuna 408a Whatfield Watefelda 405a Gislingham Gislingaham 408a Finesford Finesford 405a Caldecotan Caldecotan 408a Elmsett Elmeseta 405a Cotton Codetun 408a Ringshall Ringeshala 405a Caldecoten Caldecoten 408a Wattisfield Watefelda 405b Great Livermere Liuermera 408a Monk Soham Saham 405b Stanstead Stanesteda 408a Great Bricett Brieseta 405b Haughley Hagala 408b Barnham Bernham 405b Thorney Tornie 408b Little Bricett Brieseta 405b Dagworth Dagaworda 408b Ringshall Ringeshala 405b Wetherden Watdena 409a Horham Horant 406a Torstuna Torstuna 409a Brihtoluestuna Brihtoluestuna 406a Eruestuna Eruestuna 409a Culuerdestuna Culuerdestuna 406a Thorney Tornie 409a Bedingfield Badingafelda 406a Chilton Ciltuna 409a Stoven Stouone 406a Torpe Torpe 409a Isteuertona Isteuertona 406a Ultuna Ultuna 409a Nacton Nachetuna 406a Old Newton Newetuna 409b Occold Acolt 406a Thorney Tornie 409b Levington Leuentona 406a Westerfield Westrefelda 410a Brithtoluestuna Britholuestuna 406b Ipswich Gereswiz 410a Clopton Clopetuna 406b Darmsden Dermodesduna 410a Britholuestuna Britholuestuna 406b Dagworth Betesfort 410a Bixley Bischelea 406b Beyton Begatona 410a Nacton Nachetuna 406b Earl Soham Saham 410a Burgh Burg 406b Nacton Nechetuna 410a Cretingham Gretingaham 406b Westerfield Westrefelda 411a Little Bealings Parva Belinges 406b Holton St Mary Holetuna 411a Charsfield Keresfelda 406b Creeting St Peter Cratinga 411a Worlingham Warlingaham 407a Raydon Reinduna 411a Hatheburgfelda Hatheburgfelda 407a Charsfield Cerefelda 411b Willingham Willingaham 407a Belstead Belesteda 411b Weston Westuna 407a Boulge Suttuna 411b Beketuna Beketuna 407a Raydon Reinduna 411b Kessingland Kessingelanda 407a Debach Depebek 411b Wimundahala Wimundahala 407b Ipswich Gipewiz 411b Rodenhala, Pakefield Rodenhala 407b Moze, Essex Mosa 411b Hornes Hornes 407b East Bergholt Bercolt 411b Carlton Colville Carletuna 407b Woodbridge Udebrige 412a Gisleham Gisleham 407b Shadingfield Scadenafella 412a Kirkley Kirkelea 407b Letheringham Ledringaham 412a Rushmere Riscemara 407b Boulge Meltuna 412a Wyverstone Wluerthestuna 408a Wickham Market Wikam 412a

307 Wichedis Wichedis 412b Onehouse Aneus 417a Thorington Turintuna 412b Whatfield Watefelda 417b Covehithe Norhals 412b Debenham Depheam 417b Weston Westuna 412b Clopton near Woodbridge Clopetuna 417b Burgh Burcg 412b Debach Depebes 417b Grundisburgh Grundesburg 412b Ulverston Uluestune 417b Thorpe Torp 412b Ulverston Uluestuna 418a Neckemara Neckemara 413a Lavenham Lauenham 418a Ingoluestuna Ingoluestuna 413a Aspall Aspella 418a Hasketon Hashetuna 413a Tusemera Tusemera 418a Culpho Culfola 413a Little Waldingfield Walingafella 418b Burgh Burg 413a East Bergholt Bercolt 418b Finlesforda Finlesforda 413a Burgate Burgata 418b Hobbestuna Hobbestuna 413a Belstead Belesteda 418b Isleton Isleuestuna 413a Canapetuna Canapetuna 418b Poslingford Poslingewrda 413b Great Waldingfield Walingafella 418b Kedington Kidituna 413b Wortham Wordam 419a Wixoe Witeskeou 414a Thornham Magna Torham 419a Brampton Bramtuna 414a Mellis Metles 419a Reydon Reinduna 414a Burgate Burgata 419a Wangford Wankeforda 414b Aldham Ialdham 419a Frostenden Froxedena 414b Gislingham Gislingeham 419a Henham Henham 414b Rickinghall Superior Richingehala 419a Ubbeston Upbestuna 415a Thrandeston Strandestuna 419a Cratfield Cratafelda 415a Manesfort Manesfort 419b Stanningfield Stanfella 415b Brantham Brantham 419b Shimpling Simplinga 415b Sutton Suttuna 419b Shadingfield Scadenafella 415b Churchford Hall, Capel St Mary Cercesfort Little Waldingfield Walingafella 416a 419b Icklingham Ecclingaham 416a Woolverstone Hulferestuna 420a Assington Asetona 416a Tattingstone Alfildestuna 420a Honilega Honilega 416a Sutton Suttuna 420a Great Waldingfield Walingafella 416a Brantham Brantham 420a Onehouse Anuhus 416b Turchetlestuna Turchetlestuna 420a Glemsford Clamesforda 416b Layham Latham 420b Loes Losam 416b Great Fakenham Fachenham 420b Ulverston Oluestuna 417a Churchford Ciresfort 420b Mickfield Mucelfelda 417a Tattingstone Eduinestuna 420b Coddenham Codeham 417a Harkstead Herchesteda 420b Little Bricett Brieseta 417a Wyken Wicam 421a Great Bricett Brieseta 417a Ixworth Thorpe Torp 421a Burstall Burghestala 417a Barningham Barnicham 421a Earl and Little Stonham Stanham 417a Sapiston Sapestuna 421a

308 Westhorpe West Torp 421b Newbourn Walingafella 425a Ipswich Gepeswiz 421b Haspley Haspelega 425a Bures Bura 421b Ipswich Gepeswiz 425a Crowfield Crofelda 421b Great Waldingfield Walingafella 425a Linhou Linhou 421b Hemley Almelega 425a Stonham Aspal Estena 422a Little Wenham Wenham 425b Coddenham Codeham 422a East Bergholt Bercolt 425b Westerfield Westrefelda 422b Brockley Broclega 425b Coddenham Codenham 422b Barkestone Barchestuna 425b Great Bricett Brieseta 422b Somerton Sumerledetuna 425b Westerfield Achreham 422b Great Wenham Wenham 425b Little Bricett Brieseta 422b Whatfield Watefelda 426a Langhedana Langhedana 422b Swilland Suinlanda 426a Westerfield Westrefelda 423a Swilland Bilestuna 426a Stonham Aspal Estuna 423a Thorington Hall Torintuna 426a East Bergholt Bercolt 423a Westhorpe Westtorp 426b Helmingham Helmingheam 423a Thurlston Turoluestuna 426b Westerfield Codeham 423a Akenham Acreham 426b Newton Hall Niwetuna 423a Swilland Bachetuna 426b Tuddenham Toddenham 423a Caldecota Caldecota 426b Grundisburgh Grundesbur 423b Westerfield Westrefelda 426b Otley Oteleia 423b Wetherden Watdena 427a Falkenham Finlesford 423b Milden Mellinga 427a Burgh near Woodbridge Burg 423b Henley Henlea 427a Kirton Kirketuna 423b Dagworth Dagaworda 427a Woodbridge Udebrige 423b Weledana Weledana 427a Morston Hall, Trimley Morestuna 423b Witnesham Wittlesham 427b Stonham Aspal Estuna 423b Eleigh Brent and Monks Ilelega 427b Tuddenham Tudenham 423b Akenham Acheham 427b Trimley St Martin, Trimley St Mary Tremelaia Otley Oteleia 427b 423b Bruntuna Bruntuna 427b Newton Neutune 423b Finesforda Finesforda 427b Morston Hall, Trimley Motestuna 424a Houghton Hall Hoketona 428a Hemley Halmelega 424a Fenstead Finesteda 428a Martlesham Merlesham 424a Houghton Hoketona 428a Waldringfield Waldingafelda 424b Cavendish Kanavadisc 428a Newbourn Nebrunna 424b Haverhill Hauerhella 428a Martlesham Haspelega 424b Bedingfield Bedingafelda 428b Preston, Martlesham Prestetuna 424b Little Cornard Cornierda 428b Eduluestuna Eduluestuna 425a Coddenham in Boxford Rodenham 428b Aluredestuna Aluredestuna 425a Cavendish Kanavadis 428b Brantham Branham 425a Cavendish Kodeham 428b Boulge Bulges 425a Great Cornard Cornierda 428b

309 Newton Neuuetona 428b Bricticeshaga Bricticeshaga 433b Occold Acolt 429a Olden, Coddenham Wledana 434a Hestley Hastelea 429a Bermesdena Bermesdena 434a Cranley Cranlea 429a Ashfield Assefelda 434a Little Bradley Bradeleia 429a Icklingham Ecclingaham 434a Framlingham Framelingaham 429a Westhorpe West Torp 434b Hestley Hall Hastelea 429a Coddenham Codenham 434b Yoxford Gokesford 429b Battisford Betesfort 434b Hoxne Hox 429b Flixton Flixtuna 434b Mells Mealla 429b Wattisham Wecesham 435a Syleham Seilam 429b Hargrave Haragrava 435a Stratford St Andrew Straffort 430a Lidgate Litgata 435a Blaxhall Blachessala 430a Bures Bura 435b Great Glemham Gliemham 430a Barton Mills Bertunna 435b Harkstead Belesteda 430b Wyverstone Wiuertestuna 436a Shimpling Simplinga 430b Olden, Coddenham Uledana 436a Chadacre Scerdacra 430b Eusfort Eusfort 436a Monewden Mungadena 431a Billingford, Norfolk Belingesfort 436a Gusford Gutthuluesforda 431a Coddenham Codenham 436a Charsfield Ceresfella 431a Hemingstone Hauungestuna 436a Boulge Bulges 431a Onehouse Anehus 436a Harkstead Burg 431a Sapiston Bercolt 436b Debach Depebes 431a Higham Heihham 436b Hemley Helmelea 431a Ixworth Thorpe Torp 436b Hemley Helmele 431b Raydon Reinduna 437a Clopton Clopetuna 431b Layham Lafham 437a Brandeston Brantestuna 431b Sapiston Bercolt 437a Stuston Estutestuna 432a Market Weston Westuna 437a Layham Leiham 432a Thornham Magna Thorham 437b Sotherton Sudretuna 432a Hemingstone Hamingestuna 437b Thrandeston Frondestuna 432b Hemingstone Sumersham 437b Creeting All Saints, Creeting St Mary and Creet- Offton Offetuna 437b ing St Olave Cratinga 432b Redles Redles 438a Creeting St Peter Cratinga 432b Horham Horam 438a Olden, Coddenham Uledana 432b Earl and Little Stonham Stanham 438a Cretingham Gretingaham 433a Hemingstone Henlea 438a Otley Oteleia 433a Hemingstone Hamingestuna 438a Clopton Clopetuna 433a Ipswich Gepeswiz 438a Burgh Burg 433a Ixworth Giswortha 438b Cretingham Gratingeham 433b Denston Damardestuna 438b Ashbocking Assa 433b Badmondisfield Bademundesfelda 438b Helmingham Helmingheam 433b Hoxne Hoxa 438b Otley Oteleia 433b Walsham Le Willows Walsam 439a

310 Great Ashfield Eascefelda 439a Loudham Ludeham 443a Wyken Hall Wicam 439b Rendlesham Renlesham 443b Sapiston Sapestuna 439b Campsey Ash Campeseia 443b Langham Langham 439b Potsford Potesforda 443b Hepworth Hepworda 439b Glevering Glereuinges 444a Ixworth Icsewrda 439b Dallinghoo Delingahou 444a Wyken Wica 439b Easton Bavents Cranesforda 444a Ixworth Icsewrda 440a Easton Bavents Estuna 444a Gislingham Gisilincham 440a Uggeshall Uggecehala 444b Great Ashfield Escefella 440a Euston Eustuna 444b Finningham Finingaham 440a Chediston Cedestan 444b Wyverstone Wiuerthestuna 440a Easton Bavents Estuna 444b Walsham Le Willows Walesam 440a Gislingham Gislincham 444b Westleton West Ledestuna 440a Somerleyton Sumerledestuna 445a Whatfield Watefella 440a Burgh Castle Burch 445a Westhorpe West Torp 440a Caldecott Caldecota 445a Pettaugh Pettehaga 440b Lidgate Litgata 445a Thorney Tornie 440b Ousden Uuesdana 445b Hemingstone Hamingestuna 440b East Bergholt Bercolt 445b Colston Hall Colestuna 441a Boynton Boituna 445b Brutge Brutge 441a Belstead Belesteda 445b Ashfield Assefelda 441a Lafham Lafham 445b Beversham Beuresham 441a Creeting All Saints, Creeting St Mary and Creet- Chippenhall Cipbenhala 441a ing St Olave Cratingis 446a Kembroke Kelebroc 441b Battisford Betesfort 446a Great Bealings Belinges 441b Bramford Brumfor 446a Cransford Cranesforda 441b Thurlston Turolwestuna 446a Grundisburgh Grundesburg 441b Facheduna Facheduna 446a Tuddenham Tudeham 442a Ipswich Gipeswiz 446a Nechemara Nechemara 442a Olden, Coddenham Uledana 446a Great Bealings Belinges 442a Hemingstone Hamigestuna 446a Little Bealings Parva Belinges 442a Westerfield Westrefelda 446b Rushmere St Andrew Riscemara 442a Ipswich Gipeswiz 446b Ingoluestuna Ingoluestuna 442b Whitton Widituna 446b Bredfield Berdefelda 442b Thurlston Claindune 446b Thistleton Thisteldena 442b Thurlston Turoluestuna 446b Derneford Derneford 442b Ixworth Thorpe Torp 447a Wickham Market Wikham 443a Instead Manor House Isteda 447a Bredfield Bredefelda 443a Horham Horant 447a Sutton Suttuna 443a Coddenham Codenham 447a Harpole Horapola 443a Hoxne Hoxa 447a Martley Martela 443a Ixworth Icsewrda 447a Boulge Bulges 443a Hoxne Hoxa 447b

311 Cavendish Kavanadisc 447b Bedingfield Badingafelda 447b Cavendish Bradeleia 447b Groton Grotena 447b Saibamus Saibamus 448a Great Cornard Cornierda 448a Cavendish Kavanadis 448a Little Cornard Cornierda 448a Knettishall Gnedassala 448b Somersham Sumersam 448b Stanton Stantuna 448b Nettlestead Nedesteda 448b Finborough Fineberga 448b Bardwell Beordewella 448b Bricett Brieseta 448b Baylham Belham 448b Wissett Wiseta 449a Lavenham Lauen 449a Cavendish Kanauadisc 449a Coddenham Kodenham 449a Uggeshall Wggessala 449a Odiham, Hampshire Hodiham 450a Bedingfield Badingefelda 450a Aspall Aspala 450a Occold Acolt 450a

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1/tex/DB_place-name_forms.tex last changed 2010-01-20 09:43