A publication ofTHEGLBSOCI TY INCPOBox100GLE BE 2037 Glebe Society Bulletin 5/2005 June/July Costa. Pho:BruceDvis. Jan &NeilMacindoelistenttvlyoonda into curdsa whey,andceesiv ted. of thepacknimalsud e milktosparate natio ofrenntihbags nd themovnt bags madefromnimalt chs. Teombi- made. Inabout4,000BCmil k wascrriedin Kevin Trloathdus w cheeseafirst cashew, rryjammarmaladnlioice. intrgug collectiofexampls;udng usally holdexpnivclat,an Small whitecardboxs,liktonat of flavoursthatwemigindace. taste ofachwin.Huggdvrty process ofaeingthpp,mand them. NlsondaSilvguiuhrughe sitting otheircl,waitifoury Four mewins,thitadre ing theamsofwouldbtatig. had placematrintewitsxclotain- cloths weradrnit.Eapon We thnsattablwrgamiite glasses ofparklinwifomthYrrVally. cheese andwi.Wrlomith Kevin TrloadNsSiltalkbout in theGlbRowgCuBoatsdoar Over 50GlbSocityMmsandfet Stars. buildings witcheoffortFtivalofhe the HarbouBidgndbygse more dimlythanusalwitflooligon The city,asviwdfromtbalnlit The vnigofFrday17Juwsmoble. Cheese andWinTtng on aStryrrNight successfl evnt. on theig,sadatiwr ‘It jusgoevrywh’. on theGlbIsladctai r teminals: polluters ah‘atci’floo dlighting the star.Hnamdoof e worstlight was needeallop le aviwof enrgy, icrasdillumiatio n wherit pointig themdw,citysaved putting lihtsateopofbuildiand the SydnObsrvato.Haiby July, quotedDrNickLmbhatof The Photo: BruceDavis Kevin Trloashowuthechees. MorningHeald who, altugunabletcme We alsothankmbrs wines adchees. tables andhptorvhe team ofhlprswouphe Kevin adNlso,thir We sndabigthk-youto Riverna. was dessrtinfomhe enjoyd aftrhceestatig, The sixtwn,cwe cheese mad6,000yargo. version ofthatyfoft own kitche,asQur One ofthm,madiKv’s from cw,sheepandgatmilk. France dAustaliamade varied chees,fomSpain, We thntasdvry www.glebes ociety.rgau , Tuesday14 - EdwinaDoe Update on the Foreshore Walk and Cycleway Reclaiming the Glebe Foreshore A project update was delivered at the • The irregular surfaces of the for ecological restoration in harmony Glebe Foreshore Community Forum sandstone walkways in with recreation and amenity. Polarisa- meeting on 7 June. Bicentennial Park are required to tion amongst some community groups The six stages of the project were out- comply with disabled access and was recognised. lined: health and safety needs. Partial From its beginnings in March 2004, a smoothing by grinding is a pro- proposal for a ‘mangrove area’ has been Stage 1: Bicentennial Park – landscap- posed solution and tests will be ing, lighting and path upgrades. This part of the development application for commenced after notice boards the Rozelle Bay to Blackwattle Park work has been completed. are erected to advise park users. Stage 2: Glebe Foreshore Promenade – foreshore walk and its upgrade. The Members of the Foreshore Com- concept of a mangrove habitat area goes path upgrades and construction of new munity Forum will be notified so paths between Rozelle Bay and Cook back to the Bicentennial Park Stage 1 that they can see the result on a Master Plan (1987) and the Bicentennial Street represent a substantial proportion trial area. of the total project for which the DA has Park Stage 2 Master Plan (1994) in • In Park some of which such an area was designated in the been approved. Water-based elements the dead trees, now confirmed to such as boardwalks, pontoons and decks bay adjacent to Bicentennial Park Stage 2 have been poisoned, are being (west). The current proposal includes a have NSW Maritime Authority approval removed. Banners are to be hung pending. Major work will commence in mangrove area that is approximately 40 between some of the remaining 2 late 2005. m long and 20 m wide (area 800 m ) and trees. Dead pepper trees will be is located in Bicentennial Park West. Stage 3: Bellevue – restoration for public replaced with pepper trees. There However, it is only about 1/3 of the area use. The DA has been lodged and work will be progressive planting of originally proposed. (The relevant plans will commence in late 2005. eucalypts and angophoras. can be accessed from http:// Stage 4: Jubilee Park and Federal Park – • A Plan of Management is to be www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/Develop- restoration of the grandstand and lighting undertaken for Blackwattle Bay ment/Documents/CityImprovements/ upgrades to the sports oval Park, the draft to be displayed GlebeForeshore/ around September and hopefully CreatingAMangroveHabitat.pdf). Stage 5: Glebe Foreshore Promenade – finalised by December 2005. This major reduction was the outcome of construction of a new path from Ferry Amongst other things, the Plan Road to Pyrmont Bridge Road, to run extensive community consultation will canvass uses for Bellevue. conducted by the . Opposi- adjacent to the Blackwattle Bay Campus Uses for the restored Burley of Sydney Secondary College. Concept tion to the mangrove area was highly Griffin Incinerator also will be orchestrated and persistent, coming plans are in preparation in consultation canvassed in a corresponding Plan and a DA is to be lodged. mainly from the Save Rozelle Bay Group. of Management for the Australand Their claim of major loss of open space Stage 6: Pyrmont Bridge Road – path site. and views flew in the face of the statistics upgrades between the Sydney Fish - Bob Armstrong – the area representing only 4.1% of the Markets Light Rail and the Sydney Fish parkland area in Bicentennial Park West Markets. between the playground and the water. Posters illustrating the current plans for Mangrove Habitat for The Glebe Society has been consistent in the parks and foreshore are currently its strong support of the introduction of displayed in the parks. Submissions for Bicentennial Park mangroves in the western part of Rozelle the Anchorage site closed on 24 June Bay. Our view has been informed by 2005. However, Council has agreed to At its meeting on Monday evening, 20 extensive consultation with residents and receive late submissions and seems to be June, the Planning Development and with Council officers and environmental very flexible about this. Transport Committee of the City of advisers. The Council’s resolution will Sydney resolved 7 to 1 to recommend be a step in the direction of encouraging Particular information arising from that ‘the mangrove habitat area be greater biodiversity to the area and discussion included: included in the foreshore project as augment the few mangroves remaining in • The causes of the stunted growth originally recommended by Council’s the local Bays. It is worthy of note that of many of the fig trees in independent planning consultant Mr in the 14 km of harbour frontage in the Bicentennial Park have been Lindsay Fletcher’. City of Sydney local government area there are but four mangrove trees! These identified. Affected trees will be Speakers for and against the proposal are located in a small area adjacent to lifted, soil problems eliminated presented arguments that would be Blackwattle Bay Park in Glebe. and then selected trees will be familiar to readers of the Bulletin and replanted, with poor stock being local papers. The matter has been The resolution of the mangrove habitat replaced. canvassed widely over the past year or proposal has been a time-consuming • The outcome of contamination so. The Councillors were certainly well matter. The Councillors and the Council tests on the foreshore should be informed on the issues and this was officers involved should be congratulated known by the end of July. Tests reflected in their individual comments – on the time and effort they have given to have not been extended to the recognising, amongst other aspects, the achieve this outcome. seabed in the bays. opportunity the mangrove habitat offers - Bob Armstrong 2 Glebe Society Bulletin Traffic Forum - Reducing Come and Through Traffic in Glebe celebrate The The meeting at Glebe Town Hall on 8 the tunnel is built. Cowper Street June, organised by Andrew Kay, was well and Bay Street in Glebe were Glebe attended by residents with strong con- specifically mentioned (Cowper cerns about the traffic situation in the Street was projected to have an suburb. (Unfortunately it clashed with additional 2,000 vehicles per Society’s our own Management Committee day); Birthday with meeting.) • The community needs to be kept Andrew began the meeting with a aware of the Before and After general presentation covering matters traffic situation, with data pro- Twilight Jazz such as traffic volume, accidents, aggres- vided (which we had already sive driving, the fact that the whole of written about to the RTA and Glebe was affected, and the query as to Sandra Nori); why, with two major roads at each side of • The desirability of making Glebe it, ( and the City-West Point Road a 40km zone in order Link) through traffic still funnelled to enhance its attraction as our through Glebe. High Street and to discourage its Future concerns are the impact of the use as a through traffic route; Cross City Tunnel, with estimated • The desirability of the City increases of over 1,800 vehicles on Council’s undertaking a local Bridge Road and Cowper Street; the traffic area study. This ideally consequences of any upgrading of should be linked into the monitor- Parramatta Road and a general increase ing of the impact of the Cross of traffic for longer periods on already City Tunnel, so that a traffic Enjoy the city skyline at dusk, busy roads. management plan can be devel- themed by jazz musicians and accompanied by canapés and a great To date, a 3,000 signature petition has oped, in consultation with the drop. been collected; discussions have been Glebe community. held with initially Leichhardt and A suggestion for this last matter had The cost is $25 general, $15 conces- subsequently Sydney City Councils; already come up in discussion and was sion. $30,000 has been allocated for a study supported by the Councillors present, Please feel free to invite non-mem- into heavy vehicle movements, though Robyn Kemmis, John McInerney and bers to this Glebe Society gathering. there had been no action on this so far; Verity Firth. The Glebe Society’s and a popular scheme has been put suggestions were broadly supported by The Glebe Rowing Club is at the together from consultation with resi- the meeting, as was my own comment bottom of Ferry Road - turn right just dents. that traffic was not a specifically Glebe before the Boathouse Restaurant. problem and that in the longer term we For more information, phone Liz In general discussion from the floor the should be lobbying for improved public Simpson-Booker on 9518 6186. points made included the problems of transport. hoons speeding along Wentworth Park Road, the need to lobby the State Govern- To go forward, it was proposed to send a Glebe Rowing ment to put pressure on the RTA, the resolution to Council, to seek to develop phasing of traffic lights at the intersec- and trial a local area traffic management Club. Sunday 17 tion of Bridge Road and scheme to reduce through traffic by 50% July from 4 to 7 pm Road which disadvantaged pedestrians, or more by December 2006, to monitor the impact of the Cross City Tunnel on traffic on Bridge Road, the need to A booking form is enclosed with approach our local member both as Glebe traffic and to seek a meeting with Sandra Nori. The resolution on traffic this Bulletin. RSVP by Monday individuals and with a delegation, and 11 July. the need to talk to local police particu- reduction in principle, with follow up to larly as regards better traffic enforce- Council and to the State Government, was formally endorsed by the meeting ment. and a delegation to Sandra Nori was Membership On behalf of Chris Hallam, who was authorised. Renewals unable to attend, I presented the four A copy of the Glebe Society’s points was points that he had raised for discussion: given to Andrew Kay and sent to the A gold coloured Membership Form is enclosed with this Bulletin for all • The Minister’s consent for the Councillors present. Andrew has set up a members paid to June 2005. Please Cross-City Tunnel requires the web site www.reduceglebetraffic.info for future reference. complete it and return it before 31 developer to monitor traffic flows July 2005. in certain areas, before and after - Jeanette Knox

June/July 2005 3 From the Archives Reproduced from Bulletin No 4 of 1975 WHEN WE WERE VERY YOUNG Some Dates in the Formation of the Glebe Society H. Morton, to inform The Glebe Society that the North- Western Expressway between Lombard Street and Maxwell December 7th, 1968: “Things are Humming in Glebe” by Street would be a bored tunnel. Sandra Jobson in Saturday’s Sydney Morning Herald. She states residents new and old are meeting to discuss the future March 6th, 1971: The Ferry Road protest march followed by of the suburb. meeting in Earnest Pedderson Park which was successful in preventing the building of a block of flats at 61 Ferry Road. February 27th, 1969: Diary note (Bernard Smith’s) Glebe Association meeting. February, 1972: Anti-inner-urban-expressway demonstration in the “Lyndhurst” - Glebe Point Road area, organized by the March 27th, 1969: Inaugural meeting of The Glebe Society in Leichhardt Council and actively supported by Glebe Society. Glebe Town Hall. November, 1972: Glebe Society’s monograph No. 1 published; June 19th, 1969: First general meeting of The Glebe Society. a 30 page booklet entitled “An Alternative to Inner Urban Draft constitution put to the meeting; Management Commit- Expressways”. tee elected. Leaflet circulated stating aims of society to: September, 1973: House and Garden Inspection. About 350 Preserve our historic buildings; people visited Glebe. Encourage parks and gardens; April, 1974: A submission regarding the existing Child Improve amenities; Welfare Act (1939) sent to the Department of Youth, Ethnic Promote interest in Glebe as a community. and Community Services in , relevant to “”, “Royleston” and the Girls Shelter in Glebe. July, 1969: Vol. 1, No. 1, The Glebe Society News Bulletin produced by the Hon. Secretary, Sandra Darroch. October, 1974: Anti-inner-expressway demonstration and vigil at Fig Street, Ultimo. The President of the Glebe Society Early successes chaired the street meeting following the cessation of housing July 19th, 1969: First activity of the Society - a walk around demolition. Neville Wran, Joe Owens, Albert Mispel, Joye Glebe led by Max Solling. Wallace and others addressed the meeting. December, 1974: Glebe Society’s monograph No. 2 published August 2nd, 1969: First demonstration as a society to support “A North Western Railway instead of the Expressway”. Paddington Society in protest against the widening of Jersey Road. Kate Smith August 27th, 1969: Demonstration to support the residents in Arcadia Road in their protest against proposal to open an (Dr Bernard Smith and the late Kate Smith were Founder entrance to Harold Park at the end of Arcadia Road. Members of the Glebe Society. Bernard Smith was President of the Society 1969-1971 and 1974/5.) March, 1970: Letter from the Minister for Highways, Mr. D.

Premier’s Action Plan for Flying the FLAG formally open the show. The Town Hall the Glebe Community for Glebe Day will be open between the hours of 10am to 4pm. Light refreshments will be This plan has been developed as a result It is intended that an Information Day available to support a fun day. of issues around criminal activity in will be held at the Glebe Town Hall on Glebe last February. Major stakeholders For further information please contact: Saturday 24 September 2005. The aim is are involved in working collaboratively in to promote the different agencies that • Jan Wilson, 9660 2698 order to solve some of the social issues in support the Forest Lodge and Glebe [email protected] Glebe. These include the Glebe Police, communities and provide information Department of Housing, DOCS and • Susie Cleary, 9660 4189 about the range of activities available. It Department of Education. The draft plan [email protected] is intended to have a number of stalls in identifies lead agencies, strategies and the Glebe Town Hall and some activities • Jenny Underwood, 9298 3191 timeframes. At this stage it is in the upstairs that people can observe. GlebeTown Hall hands of Senior Management. However The Glebe Society will have a stall and is [email protected] there is a strong reference to and ac- looking for volunteers who can assist - Jan Wilson knowledgement of the FLAG Coordina- with handing out information. The Lord The Glebe Society representative on tion Group. Mayor Clover Moore has agreed to FLAG - Jan Wilson

4 Glebe Society Bulletin Planning Matters

The Abbey, 156-60 Bridge 3. An underground carpark is The Tramsheds, Harold Park Road proposed, requiring the demolition of Hamilton, to be replaced by a single- The current zoning of the sheds is Open At the June Committee meeting Peter storey dwelling of the same size and on Space. In its initial objection the Society Mayoh, architect, and Richard Mackay, the same spot, above the carpark entrance pointed out that, as well as many other heritage consultant, presented a revised, from Bridge Road. impediments, the current proposal for reduced, concept proposal for the Abbey 122 dwellings is prohibited under this 4. The Church is proposed to be zoning. site. The main changes from the Devel- restored and to have a freestanding, opment Application rejected by the Court lightweight series of commercial floors Harold Park attempted to circumvent this on 16 December, 2004, are: inside. prohibition by claiming existing use rights. The Society asserted there were no 1. Reussdale, restored as a single The Committee referred the proposal to such rights in this case. Council has dwelling, is proposed to have a separate, the Planning Subcommittee, which given Harold Park until mid-July to prove modern addition at the rear, including discussed the concept on Saturday, 11 it has such rights. If they are unable to do two car spaces and transfer of some land June and agreed it was an improvement so, as seems likely, Council officers to enable vehicles to turn in and out of over the previous DA. The Subcommittee propose to recommend refusal. Purves Street. It is proposed to be sold recommended the proponents seek separately. further consultation with residents, the However, we should not assume this is Society and Council before lodging an the end of the matter. This is Harold 2. Seven two-storey townhouses are application. Until such an application is Park’s second attempt to exploit an asset proposed for the rear of the site, with a lodged, it is not appropriate for the obtained so remarkably cheaply. We small setback and windows, but no access Society to give any further indication of should continue our pressure for a more to Reuss Street. its views. appropriate owner and use. Harold Park Stables Council will hold an inspection at the stables site at 9am on Saturday 25 June. More news next month. Brelco Building, 48-64 Wentworth Park Road Richard Mackay I reported on this heritage-listed indus- (left) and trial building in the May Bulletin. On 6 Peter June Council approved the application to Mayoh rebuild the northern and western walls (right) with strict controls to ensure the finish show us and detail is the same as in the existing the revised building. plans for - Neil Macindoe the Abbey site.

Photo: Bruce Davis

Letter to the Editor

In the last Bulletin, Neil Macindoe search fees paid to various government commented in relation to the tramsheds departments - the research itself was pro that ‘The Society has paid Ted McKeown bono. I would not like it thought that I considerable sums to undertake research was funding my retirement plans cour- on this important site’. tesy of the Glebe Society! This is true, but I would like to clarify Ted McKeown that these ‘considerable sums’ were all

June/July 2005 5 166d Glebe Point Road : The Valhalla Heritage notes and news Cinema (formerly the Astor Cinema) was built in 1932. Its façade shows Art Deco decorative elements with a stepped From the terraces parapet and strong horizontal lines which overlay a tectonic assemblage of verticals. Glebe – morphing 431 Glebe Point Road : (formerly the Traveland building) also demonstrates to modern? Art Deco features. Its controversial bulk has strong horizontals cut through Glebe is not the first place which leaps to asymmetrically by a light well with mind in connection with the Art Deco vertical non-functional elements. movement! Love them or hate them, Glebe’s Art One’s mind is more inclined to race to Deco buildings are markers of the the celebrated Chrysler Building (1928- transition to the modern. Other style 30) in New York or, nearer home, the incursions followed but managed to make or the Anzac relatively little headway in Glebe thanks Memorial (1934) in Hyde Park. to those campaigners since the 1970s who Described by one commentator as battled so hard to ensure Sydney did not ‘visually stimulating and intellectually sacrifice its entire heritage. It is those undemanding’, Art Deco emerged in shopfronts and milk bars but also in visionaries we can thank for Glebe’s human scale, with coherent and largely Europe to counter the severe functionality commercial and residential interiors. of Le Corbusier, Gropius, etc. and also as complete streetscapes. While most of Glebe is Victorian, with a an antidote to the curving lines and - Liz Simpson-Booker sinuous tendrils of Art Nouveau. Rather good sprinkling of Federation houses; like the Futurist movement in art, Art there are some examples of Art Deco in References: Deco had modernist pretensions and tried Glebe Point Road which, in their small Apperley, R et al; Identifying Australian to suggest the power of new technology, way, serve as markers for the transition Architecture, 1989 streamlining, speed and progress. from our 19thC past to that of the 20thC Jahn, Graham; Sydney Architecture, The Art Deco style, which is generally with its rationalist imperative for func- 1997 dated c1915-c1940, was characterised by: tionalism, lack of decoration and clean lines. • Decorative, non-functional, elements These examples are : • Straight lines (often three in 90 Glebe Point Road : The parallel) and geometric curves supermarket on the corner • Low-relief sculpture of Glebe Point Road and Mitchell Street was the • Strong vertical and/or horizontal former Currency Lass Hotel lines (1858). It has been signifi- • Chevrons, ‘stepped’ lines, rising cantly remodelled and the sun motifs parapet zig-zag motif shows In Australia, Art Deco was a predomi- off a characteristic feature nantly commercial style and was used in of Art Deco. 90 Glebe Point Road. Photo: Edwina Doe

Buy your environmentally friendly hessian bag now! The Glebe Society Hessian bags were such a success last year that a new improved version is now on sale - see page 5. Bags cost $8.50 each if you buy one or two, and $8 each if you buy three or more (give them to all your friends). Bags will be available at all Glebe Society functions, includ- ing the Birthday Party on Sunday 17 July. But don’t wait until then - ring Fay Mander Jones on 9552 4172 straight away.

The Valhalla, 166d Glebe Point Road. Photo: Edwina Doe

6 Glebe Society Bulletin Wanted: Askin cut a fine figure at the Police Commis- sioner’s Ball and he tried to get all GALLUZZO, Melina (Mary Anecdotes policewomen to wear the same shade of Carmel) lipstick. Late of Glebe. Passed away Bob Askin once asked his driver to peacefully June 16, 2005 with reverse outside David Jones so he could all her family present. Beloved retrieve a 5-cent coin out of the gutter. wife of Frank, adored mother These are the kinds of stories I am and mother-in-law of Catherine looking for. and Lou, Sam and Tosca, John I can be reached by email on and Linda, Michael and Julie, [email protected] or c/- New Tony, Joe and Elena, Damian Theatre 542 King Street Newtown 2042. and Kelly, and their families. I know there are some delicious ‘frozen Loving grandmother of 17 moments’ out there! grandchildren. - Lyn Collingwood (Sydney Morning Herald, Monday 20 June.)

Photo of the late Premier of NSW, Sir New Members’ Night The funeral was on Tuesday 21 Robert Askin, from David Hickie’s book, The June at St James Catholic Those members who have joined The Prince and the Premier. Church, Woolley Street. Those old enough will remember him, Glebe Society since our last New Mem- and younger people will have been bers’ function, were invited to meet each The Galluzzo family own one reminded of this type of Premier when other and Committee members at the of Glebe’s oldest businesses - F Sir Joh died recently. GIG Gallery on Friday 27 May. J Galluzzo & Sons, Fruiterers, at 187 Glebe Point Road. The Most people will know Askin’s instruc- Everyone who attended was blown away thoughts of Glebe Society tion ‘run over the bastards’ even if these by the glass artworks and elegant sur- members and all Glebe resi- weren’t his exact words. He liked being roundings of the GIG Gallery. We are thought of as a bully and never denied grateful to Maureen Cahill for making dents are with Frank and his saying it when President Lyndon the venue available to us. Kevin Treloar’s family at this sad time. Johnson’s motorcade met anti-Vietnam organising skills (not to mention his War protesters on a Sydney road. Robin yummy canapés) ensured a stylish event. (he switched to Robert by deed poll when There were many introductions, much he had himself knighted) was an old boy Letter to warmth and some extraordinary connec- of Glebe Public School and the subject of a biography in Glebe Society Bulletin tions. the Editor 8/2004 last year. Its title: A Real Bas- One new member discovered that she and Dear Editor tard? a Committee member had been one year It was with great interest that I read your New Theatre’s last production for 2005 is apart at Wiley Park Girls’ High School. article on the in Foley Manly Mates, a farce by local writer They had a great time recalling their school days. Park. My attention was drawn to this Frank Hatherley. It features Bob, Mollie article by my brother Greg Fardy who and Norm plus a cast of ill-assorteds One of the Committee was introduced to while doing family history via the (including Kitty, one of the Askins’ new members who had lived almost internet happened upon your article, beloved cats) who gather in the Octopus opposite her since 2000. when doing a Google search on our Room of the Hotel Manly for a spot of SP grandfather Matthew Fardy, who was the betting on a Saturday afternoon in 1972. Other new members shared their stories model of the Digger bust. Our father of life in Paris with Bruce and Dorothy I am directing the show and am keen to confirmed that his father did indeed work Davis. uncover personal anecdotes about Bob, for Ansell Olding as a marble polisher Mollie and Norm for program notes and but had never heard this story. It was a most successful evening and we advance publicity. The source/s of the Thankyou again to your author Max hope that some of the new members will stories will not be revealed (unless you Solling for such an enlightening article. soon become actively involved in one of want to!). the Society’s many Subcommittees. Norm Allan was keen to give constables Mrs Marilyn Wall (nee Fardy) time off for dancing lessons so they could - Liz Simpson-Booker Wallarah NSW 2259 June/July 2005 7 World Wars - Built Heritage News and Notes Researchers are undertaking a project to assess and catalogue the physical fabric that has survived from World War I and Thirsty Thursdays World War II. What makes some of these structures important All members are invited to meet for dinner in Glebe on the first is the technical ingenuity which was applied in building a war Thursday of each month, to eat and talk with other people who infrastructure from scratch, on a large scale and in a short time live in Glebe. frame. Researchers have already studied the St Marys Muni- Last month was a great success - we went to La Tavolaccia tions Filling Factory and some airport installations, including Garden Restaurant, 355 Glebe Point Road (near the Toxteth Bellman hangars and surviving concrete bunkers. Hotel). So we will go there again on Thursday 7 July, at 7pm. Heritage NSW (Autumn 2005) reports that the project is funded under the Heritage Incentives Program. There is no need to book, so just turn up. And BYO wine. For further information or to contribute to the World Wars Built Heritage Project please contact Scott Robertson, Robertson and Touch Rugby Hindmarsh Architects, phone 02 9439 7779 or email: [email protected] The Glebe Youth Service and the Glebe Police are playing a Touch Rugby match at Wentworth Park at mid-day on Saturday Sustaining Heritage: Engineering 2 July, followed by a BBQ. Heritage Conference It would be great to have some supporters present. Community This conference will be not only for engineers, but for all who bridge building helps everyone. are interested in heritage conservation. Topics include heritage and the environment, conserving timber structures, Birthday presents for Centipede keeping the knowledge and maintaining skills, movable herit- age, conserving non-adaptable structures and more. Maria Bamford, Coordinator of Glebe School Child Care, has written to the Glebe Society thanking us for inviting the commu- Venue: nity through the Bulletin to give birthday presents for the chil- Date: 21-23 September 2005 dren at Centipede. Maria noted that advertising the Book Fair as More info: www.sydney.ieaust.org.au/heritage/ a collection point for presents worked well and ‘the presents are heritage_Syd_Confa.htm very much appreciated and will bring a lot of happiness to those children who receive them’. Change of name To save confusion, the Leichhardt Local History Group has The Glebe Art Show 2005 - a Reminder changed its name to the Heritage Group of Leichhardt District. Entries are to be delivered on Wednesday 29 June and will be on exhibition from Saturday 2 July to Sunday 10 July. City of Sydney Councillors The official opening will be on Friday 1 July at 6pm. Lord Mayor For more information contact Robin Lawrence on 9660 8036. Clover Moore MLA Councillors 16th Annual Glebe Music Festival, 11 Philip Black November to 4 December 2005 Verity Firth Chris Harris David McIntosh, who organises the Glebe Music Festival in Marcelle Hoff conjunction with the Glebe Society, has sent us news of this Robyn Kemmis year’s program. The concerts vary widely in content and Michael Lee provide a great opportunity to visit many locations in and Shayne Mallard around Glebe. There will be more information in future Bulle- John McInerney tins. Tony Pooley Full details of the program, together with a Booking Form, Phone the Town Hall, 1300 651 301, for contact details. are on www.glebemusicfestival.com.

Repairing old floorboards Forest Lodge Public The Heritage Council’s Technical Advisory Group has just School released a new information sheet giving practical guidance on the repair of tongue and groove floorboards (Information Sheet Home of The Glebe 5.4). There is also an information sheet (5.3) on patching old Society Archives floorboards. Download individual technical sheets from the ‘publications and forms’ page of the Heritage Office website: Phone 9660 3530 www.heritage.nsw.gov.au

8 Glebe Society Bulletin For your diary ...

Friday 1 July, 6pm - Official opening of the Glebe Art Show 2005, Benledi. Saturday 2 July, 12 noon - Touch Rugby match, Glebe Youth Service vs Glebe Police - Wentworth Park. Saturday 2 to Sunday 10 July - Glebe Art Show Exhibition. Wednesday 13 July, 7.30pm - Glebe Society Management Committee Meeting - The Old Fire Station, 115 Mitchell Street. All members welcome - come along after the Traffic meeting. Sunday 17 July, 4 - 7pm - The Glebe Society’s Birthday Party - Glebe Rowers Club. See p3 and Booking Form. Thursday 4 August, 7pm - ‘Thirsty Thursday’ - Dinner at La Tavolaccia, 355 Glebe Point Road. Wednesday 10 August, 7.30pm - Glebe Society Management Committee Meeting - The Old Fire Station, 115 Mitchell Street. All members welcome. Sunday 28 August, 11am - The Glebe Society’s Annual General Meeting, Benledi. 11 November to 4 December - 16th Annual Glebe Music Festival. Sunday 20 November - Glebe Point Road Street Fair.

Contacting The Glebe Society Inc Established 1969 The Glebe Society Management Committee: Mail President Bob Armstrong 9660 4189 Vice-president Bruce Davis 9660 7873 All correspondence should be addressed Immediate Past President Andrew Craig 9566 1746 to: Secretary Liz Simpson-Booker 9518 6186 The Glebe Society Inc Treasurer Bruce Davis 9660 7873 PO Box 100, Glebe NSW 2037 Committee Members: John Buckingham 9660 7780 Sue Ingram 9692 8534 Website Tony Larkum 9660 7030 David Mander Jones 9552 4172 The Society has a growing website Hilary Wise 9660 5848 (www.glebesociety.org.au) for the infor- Sub-committee Convenors: mation of members and anyone with an All sub-committee convenors are ex officio members of the Management interest in Glebe. Committee The website will only flourish if members Arts, Culture and Media Sue Ingram 9692 8534 use the site. Send contributions or Bays and Foreshores Mark Dent 9566 2511 comments to Environment (Acting) Asa Wahlquist 9660 8261 [email protected] Glebe Point Road Revitalisation Jan Wilson 9660 2698 Heritage David Mander Jones 9552 4172 The Bulletin Infrastructure Defect Reporting Margaret Sheppard 9660 4121 We are glad to publish letters or articles Membership Kevin Treloar 9660 6720 on any matters of interest to Glebe, any Parks & Open Spaces topic raised in the Bulletin, or any issues Planning Neil Macindoe 9660 0208 relating to the Glebe Society. Write to Transport and Traffic Chris Hallam 9660 3670 the address above or send an email to Adopt-a-Park Contacts: Kirsova Fay & David Mander Jones [email protected] Foley Park Bobbie Burke (9692 0343) Other Contacts: Disclaimer Archivist Lyn Milton 9660 7930 Views expressed in this Bulletin are not Bulletin Editor Edwina Doe 9660 7066 necessarily those of the Glebe Society Historian Max Solling 9660 1160 Inc. History of the Glebe Society Jeanette Knox 9660 7781 Bulletin Deadline Liaison with CityRags Bob Armstrong 9660 4189 Liaison with FLAG Jan Wilson 9660 2698 The next edition of the Bulletin will be Publicity Sue Ingram 9692 8534 published in July. The deadline for Social events Jeanette Knox 9660 7781 contributions is Saturday 23 July. Website Cynthia Jones 9660 2451 June/July 2005 9 In this issue

l Cheese and Wine Tasting Report - p1 l Reclaiming the Glebe Foreshore - p2 l Reducing through Traffic in Glebe - p3 l Birthday Party invitation - p3 l Planning Matters - p5 l From the Terraces - p6 l Glebe Matters - p7


Membership renewal form inside

MEMBERSHIP OF THE GLEBE SOCIETY COMMUNITY CONTACTS Individual member $45 Place Manager, Glebe, Forest Lodge & Camperdown: Joint (2 people, one address) $55 Jenny Underwood, 9298 3191 (direct), or 0414 617 048. Household (more than 2 adults and/or email: [email protected] children, one address) $60 Glebe Town Hall Office: 9298 3190, 8am-6pm Mon - Fri Concession (student or pensioner) $20 Sydney City Council Customer Service Business or institution $110 Telephone (24 hours): 1300 651 301 email: council@cityof sydney.nsw.gov.au Write to PO Box 100, Glebe, 2037 or phone the website: www.cityof sydney.nsw.gov.au Secretary, Liz Simpson-Booker, on 9518 6186. Dumped Shopping trolleys: Bi-Lo - 9281 4511. Most other major stores - 1800 641497. Pacific Services If you have a matter that you would like to discuss with - 0500 847 000 or [email protected]. the Management Committee, please phone the Aircraft noise: 1800 802 584 Secretary.

10 Glebe Society Bulletin