History of Scandinavia
THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE HI S T KY o F SCANDINAVIA. HISTOEY OF SCANDINAVIA. gxm tilt €mI% f iiius NORSEMEN AND YIKINGS TO THE PRESENT DAY. BY THE EEV. PAUL C. SINDOG, OF COPENHAGEN. professor of t^e Scanlimafaian fLanguagts anD iLifnaturr, IN THE UNIVERSITY OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. Nonforte ac temere humana negotia aguntur atque volvuntur.—Curtius. SECOND EDITION. NEW-YORK: PUDNEY & RUSSELL, PUBLISHERS. 1859. Entered aceordinfj to Act of Congress, in the year 1858, By the rev. PAUL C. SIN DING, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Southern Distriftt of New-York. TO JAMES LENOX, ESQ., OF THE CUT OF NEW-TOBK, ^ht "^nu of "^ttttxs, THE CHIIISTIAN- GENTLEMAN, AND THE STRANGER'S FRIEND, THIS VOLUME IS RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED, BY THE AUTHOR PREFACE. Although soon after my arrival in the city of New-York, about two years ago, learning by experience, what already long had been known to me, the great attention the enlightened popu- lation of the United States pay to science and the arts, and that they admit that unquestion- able truth, that the very best blessings are the intellectual, I was, however, soon . aware, that Scandinavian affairs were too little known in this country. Induced by that ardent patriotism peculiar to the Norsemen, I immediately re- solved, as far as it lay in my power, to throw some light upon this, here, almost terra incog- nita, and compose a brief History of Scandinavia, which once was the arbiter of the European sycjtem, and by which America, in reality, had been discovered as much as upwards of five Vlll PREFACE centuries before Columbus reached St.
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