And Students Fight on Over 10 Per Cent Cut in Grant
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rrr 18th February 1994 TVDEN Conservative Peers force amendment to NUS reform bill Patten forced to back down \ ohn Patten, Secretary of and Further Education, last sign". the victory was not yet could enable the University to State for Education, has Thursday to discuss the Bill. 13y Helen C tossley complete. exert undue influence." been forced by fellow Following the meeting, NUS Even so he was sceptical Ruse also expressed concern .onservatives into an were informed that Clause 20 another blow to Patten. who has about the introduction of the over the unfeasibilityil of some of embarrassing U•turn over will he dropped and a new been at the centre of a number new Clause and believes it the potential requirements. He student union reform. But clause, aptly titled Clause 21. of political blunders over the simply marks a transfer of said: "One of the suggestions student leaders have warned will now be agreed in last two years. power from the Education calls for the annual review and a 'we're not safe yet'. consultation with the National Patten made student union Secretary to the University. He vote by all members on The rebellion. led by Union of Students and the reform a key part of his speech said: "In effect, the University affiliations to external Baroness Blatch, Minister of CVCP the Committee of at the Conservative Party will become the Government's organisations. but the Union State for Education in the Chairmen and Vice conference last year, but his watchdog." Rose complained anti its societies have hundreds House of Lords, has forced Chancellors). prole isa Is have met with that specific regulations within of affiliations and it would he an Patten to drop Clause 20, the Clause 20 was the part of the disapproval from the student the new Clause would give the expensive process to stage John Patten crucial element in his Student hill which distinguished between community. Conservative peers University the potential to ballots for each one." to overstate the extent or their Union Reform Bill, core and non-core activities and MPs. interfere in Union affairs. Louise Brooks, VP victory, and vowed to continue Baroness Match. a former within students unions. thereby John Rose. General He added: "At the moment Administration of LMUSU, its battle against Patten. A Vice Chancellor of South Bank threatening the funding of Secretary of Leeds University there exists a good relationship echoed Rose's worries. She said: spokesperson said: "We hope University, met delegates from student media, societies, RAG. Union, welcomed the removal of between the Union and the "The news is not as good as we that the Government are going the National Union of Students and Student Community Clause 20. However he was University, but there is the originally thought and there is to amend their own legislation and Tim Boswell, Under- Action. quick to stress that although the danger that if the relationship still a lot to he done." in the interests of students and secretary of State for Higher The move comes as yet move was potentially "a good deteriorates these regulations NUS were also cautious not students' unions." • • • and students fight on over 10 per cent cut in grant protesters from Leeds are Kevin Sexton. a leading attract bete e'en 15.000 and since September to organise a r expected to join more than member of the National Student 2(1,000 protesters, with students national demo in protest at the 15,000 other students at a Alliance. insisted that they would travelling from all over the reform of NUS. With the national demonstration in London not allow anybody to hijack the country to attend. announcement of a 10 per cent next Wednesday, write Richard demo. Student Unions at both Leeds cut in the grant in November this Fletcher & Howard Florian. "You can never guarantee the Metropolitan University and pressure increased. However the demonstration - safety of those attending a Leeds University plan to send Up until last week NUS had organised by the National demonstration. This demo will coaches to the demonstration. insisted that a national demo Student Alliance - was at the have even more stewards than an John Rose, General Secretary would be counter productive. centre of controversy this week NUS demo would have," he said. of Leeds University Union also claiming that individual lobbies after NUS advised its members "The route has been agreed defended the demo, claiming that of MPs and a letter writing not to attend. with the police and we are doing LUU would be sending a large campaign would be more NUS sources have claimed our upmost to ensure that ii will number of stewards to look after successful. that the Socialist Workers Party be a loud but safe demo," he their students. He said: "NUS are However this week NUS plan to break away from the added. basically copping out. They could finally announced their very own official route and march on The march. protesting at the have come on board but because national demo in response to next Parliament. 10 per cent cut in the student of internal bickering they week's protest. The demo will This hijacking. they claim, grant. is being organised by a haven't. Students are angry take place in March. will put the safety of students in number of left wing groups. because they have had their jeopardy. However. organisers of including Left Unity. The grants cuts by 10 per cent" Tickets to the- London demo available from WO dr LAWSU Leeds students demonstrate against the 10 per cent cut In grant last term the march have rejected the idea. organisers expect the march to NUS has been under pressure IH Spotlight exposes sex and sleaze behind closed doors at Westminster: Page 7 F- • 2 News Easy Costly Towers Money • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Students at all Leeds University residences Exec do a bunk could be forced to pay the price for Chemics have the Sentinel Towers, described as the University's expensive residential mistake, our members of Leeds. submission of manifestos for chance to earn an hr writes David Smith. University Union By Nick Curtis-Raleigh the non-sabbatical elections as easy £1,000 If a University proposal goes through, the Executive have been only the Administration putting pen to F paper in ii new multi-million pound complex will join criticised for Inking nearly five admitted that they had taken Secretary - Chris Westwood - other halls and flats in the main funding hours off to attend a 'boozy' nearly the whole afternoon off can officially accept them. competition `DIGEST I pool. In effect this means that students lunch. at a heated Union Council "Friday was the deadline launched by the living in any University accommodation The sabbatical members of meeting on Monday night. and candidates were unable to magazine next year will he forced to subsidise the ItIll Exec. who are paid Mark W altun. an unpaid sort out any last minute Chemistry & problems until Chris Industry. The Towers by paying an extra £22 in rent. NEWS 2,3,4,5 nearly eight thousand pounds member of L nion Executive a year. were supposed to he at left to hold the fort. told the Westwood arrived hack at six writer of the best In return the University promises to cut COMMENT 6,7 a meeting or in the office last meeting that their absence left o'clock." he said. essay on recent the contract of this year's Sentinel Towers In their defence the chemical research residents to 39 weeks instead of 51. ARTS 8,9 Friday, but instead they were students unable to claim from at the Filling Station - a bar the Union's hardship fund. Executive officers claimed that and its Ceri Nursaw. Leeds University Union MUSIC 10,11 and restaurant in Leeds City Walton also told the there had been "a lot of application for Welfare Secretary, said: "It is crap that other first years will have to pay for this FOCUS 12,13 centre. meeting that he and Tim tension in the office and that the benefit of The four officers - Elliot Goodall. a fellow unpaid after a stressful week they society will win mistake, but it is the only way we can get CULTURE 14 Reuben. Liz Rouse. Tess officer also left in the office. needed to get it out of their £1,000. with out of the situation. The Union is doing its Walton and Chris Westwood • were unable to deal with the system." runner up prizes best for both the present first year and BOOKS 15 of £500 and £250 that of next year." CLASS/JAZZ 16 also up for grabs. LIT Council and Executive are yet to Further details agree to the proposal. THE GUIDE .. 17-21 ■ 11= 1 Word is out on Mr LMU can be obtained CLASSIFIEDS 22 in the magazine SPORT 23,24 Leeds Metropolitan itself, or by Satellite dishes out cash t:niversay student will flex writing to the A • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • his pees on that monument to Editor, Chemistry POLICY taste and decency. Channel & industry. 15 The Astru Foundation is to fund the unique Four's The Word. tonight in the Beigrave Square. Clinical Pharmacy Teaching advanced third annual Mr University London diploma course at Leeds University, it was I .e4ds Studoit is an independent competition, ten te.s. Gem mu SWI X 8PS. revealed this week, writes Megan Curtis. newspaper serving students at This new partnership was inaugurated at a Leeds University Leeds Steve James. a 1..eistire special meeting at St James's University Metropolitan Ifni% crsity and student, was selected by LMU as Anti-racist Hospital on 9th February.