rrr 18th February 1994 TVDEN Conservative Peers force amendment to NUS reform bill Patten forced to back down \

ohn Patten, Secretary of and Further Education, last sign". the victory was not yet could enable the University to State for Education, has Thursday to discuss the Bill. 13y Helen C tossley complete. exert undue influence." been forced by fellow Following the meeting, NUS Even so he was sceptical Ruse also expressed concern .onservatives into an were informed that Clause 20 another blow to Patten. who has about the introduction of the over the unfeasibilityil of some of embarrassing U•turn over will he dropped and a new been at the centre of a number new Clause and believes it the potential requirements. He student union reform. But clause, aptly titled Clause 21. of political blunders over the simply marks a transfer of said: "One of the suggestions student leaders have warned will now be agreed in last two years. power from the Education calls for the annual review and a 'we're not safe yet'. consultation with the National Patten made student union Secretary to the University. He vote by all members on The rebellion. led by Union of Students and the reform a key part of his speech said: "In effect, the University affiliations to external Baroness Blatch, Minister of CVCP the Committee of at the Conservative Party will become the Government's organisations. but the Union State for Education in the Chairmen and Vice conference last year, but his watchdog." Rose complained anti its societies have hundreds House of Lords, has forced Chancellors). prole isa Is have met with that specific regulations within of affiliations and it would he an Patten to drop Clause 20, the Clause 20 was the part of the disapproval from the student the new Clause would give the expensive process to stage John Patten crucial element in his Student hill which distinguished between community. Conservative peers University the potential to ballots for each one." to overstate the extent or their Union Reform Bill, core and non-core activities and MPs. interfere in Union affairs. Louise Brooks, VP victory, and vowed to continue Baroness Match. a former within students unions. thereby John Rose. General He added: "At the moment Administration of LMUSU, its battle against Patten. A Vice Chancellor of South Bank threatening the funding of Secretary of University there exists a good relationship echoed Rose's worries. She said: spokesperson said: "We hope University, met delegates from student media, societies, RAG. Union, welcomed the removal of between the Union and the "The news is not as good as we that the Government are going the National Union of Students and Student Community Clause 20. However he was University, but there is the originally thought and there is to amend their own legislation and Tim Boswell, Under- Action. quick to stress that although the danger that if the relationship still a lot to he done." in the interests of students and secretary of State for Higher The move comes as yet move was potentially "a good deteriorates these regulations NUS were also cautious not students' unions."

• • • and students fight on over 10 per cent cut in grant

protesters from Leeds are Kevin Sexton. a leading attract bete e'en 15.000 and since September to organise a r expected to join more than member of the National Student 2(1,000 protesters, with students national demo in protest at the 15,000 other students at a Alliance. insisted that they would travelling from all over the reform of NUS. With the national demonstration in London not allow anybody to hijack the country to attend. announcement of a 10 per cent next Wednesday, write Richard demo. Student Unions at both Leeds cut in the grant in November this Fletcher & Howard Florian. "You can never guarantee the Metropolitan University and pressure increased. However the demonstration - safety of those attending a Leeds University plan to send Up until last week NUS had organised by the National demonstration. This demo will coaches to the demonstration. insisted that a national demo Student Alliance - was at the have even more stewards than an John Rose, General Secretary would be counter productive. centre of controversy this week NUS demo would have," he said. of also claiming that individual lobbies after NUS advised its members "The route has been agreed defended the demo, claiming that of MPs and a letter writing not to attend. with the police and we are doing LUU would be sending a large campaign would be more NUS sources have claimed our upmost to ensure that ii will number of stewards to look after successful. that the Socialist Workers Party be a loud but safe demo," he their students. He said: "NUS are However this week NUS plan to break away from the added. basically copping out. They could finally announced their very own official route and march on The march. protesting at the have come on board but because national demo in response to next Parliament. 10 per cent cut in the student of internal bickering they week's protest. The demo will This hijacking. they claim, grant. is being organised by a haven't. Students are angry take place in March. will put the safety of students in number of left wing groups. because they have had their jeopardy. However. organisers of including Left Unity. The grants cuts by 10 per cent" Tickets to the- London demo available from WO dr LAWSU Leeds students demonstrate against the 10 per cent cut In grant last term the march have rejected the idea. organisers expect the march to NUS has been under pressure IH Spotlight exposes sex and sleaze behind closed doors at Westminster: Page 7 F- • 2 News Easy Costly Towers Money • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Students at all Leeds University residences Exec do a bunk could be forced to pay the price for Chemics have the Sentinel Towers, described as the University's expensive residential mistake, our members of Leeds. submission of manifestos for chance to earn an hr writes David Smith. University Union By Nick Curtis-Raleigh the non-sabbatical elections as easy £1,000 If a University proposal goes through, the Executive have been only the Administration putting pen to F paper in ii new multi-million pound complex will join criticised for Inking nearly five admitted that they had taken Secretary - Chris Westwood - other halls and flats in the main funding hours off to attend a 'boozy' nearly the whole afternoon off can officially accept them. competition `DIGEST I pool. In effect this means that students lunch. at a heated Union Council "Friday was the deadline launched by the living in any University accommodation The sabbatical members of meeting on Monday night. and candidates were unable to magazine next year will he forced to subsidise the ItIll Exec. who are paid Mark W altun. an unpaid sort out any last minute Chemistry & problems until Chris Industry. The Towers by paying an extra £22 in rent. NEWS 2,3,4,5 nearly eight thousand pounds member of L nion Executive a year. were supposed to he at left to hold the fort. told the Westwood arrived hack at six writer of the best In return the University promises to cut COMMENT 6,7 a meeting or in the office last meeting that their absence left o'clock." he said. essay on recent the contract of this year's Sentinel Towers In their defence the chemical research residents to 39 weeks instead of 51. ARTS 8,9 Friday, but instead they were students unable to claim from at the Filling Station - a bar the Union's hardship fund. Executive officers claimed that and its Ceri Nursaw. Leeds University Union MUSIC 10,11 and restaurant in Leeds City Walton also told the there had been "a lot of application for Welfare Secretary, said: "It is crap that other first years will have to pay for this FOCUS 12,13 centre. meeting that he and Tim tension in the office and that the benefit of The four officers - Elliot Goodall. a fellow unpaid after a stressful week they society will win mistake, but it is the only way we can get CULTURE 14 Reuben. Liz Rouse. Tess officer also left in the office. needed to get it out of their £1,000. with out of the situation. The Union is doing its Walton and Chris Westwood • were unable to deal with the system." runner up prizes best for both the present first year and BOOKS 15 of £500 and £250 that of next year." CLASS/JAZZ 16 also up for grabs. LIT Council and Executive are yet to Further details agree to the proposal. THE GUIDE .. 17-21 ■ 11= 1 Word is out on Mr LMU can be obtained CLASSIFIEDS 22 in the magazine SPORT 23,24 Leeds Metropolitan itself, or by Satellite dishes out cash t:niversay student will flex writing to the A • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • his pees on that monument to Editor, Chemistry POLICY taste and decency. Channel & industry. 15 The Astru Foundation is to fund the unique Four's The Word. tonight in the Beigrave Square. Clinical Pharmacy Teaching advanced third annual Mr University London diploma course at Leeds University, it was I .e4ds Studoit is an independent competition, ten te.s. Gem mu SWI X 8PS. revealed this week, writes Megan Curtis. newspaper serving students at This new partnership was inaugurated at a Leeds University Leeds Steve James. a 1..eistire special meeting at St James's University Metropolitan Ifni% crsity and student, was selected by LMU as Anti-racist Hospital on 9th February. The Foundation idler in and around a worthy candidate to represent Leeds. All our jounialists abide has So far donated E15.000 to underwrite the them in what a spokeswoman for meeting by a code of conduct, but if you 27-month part-time course for the current 'The Word' described as a contest have any complaints please academic year. which is the only course in contact the Editor. of "brains, brawn and beauty'. The Anti-Racist the world to provide senior clinical pharmacy Steve will be up against some Alliance t ARA) is teachers with a teaching qualification. It is Leeds Student Newspaper hot competition if he wants to holding a public directed by Rob Swallow. Principal Leeds University Union succeed Mr Worcester as the Mr meeting on Pharmacist at St James's Hospital. PO Box 157 University of Great Britain. He Sunday 20th Twenty-two students have already completed Leeds LS1 JUR will face nine opponents from the course and a new intake of 18 students Steve - hopeful for a win for Leeds hunks Plc: Richard Fletcher February at the universities around the country. West Indian have recently begun. Editor There will he three heats and is not taking it too seriously. America awaits where he will Centre in Richard Fletcher including an intelligence test. a But he is quietly confident of his compete in a contest to find the Chapeltown. Mr University of the world. Pete Deputy Editor fitness test and in the final heat chances and is only worried that writes Tim Thanks for support Steve will get to parade around his height may disadvantage him. Davis, Vice President Gallagher. Sam Greenhill • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • in his favourite Lycra swimming But as they say. size isn't Communications at LMU. has The aim of the Assistant Editor trunks. This will undoubtably important.. high hopes for Steve: lies got Leeds Metropolitan University has John McLeod meeting Is to prove to be the most popular pan It' successful tonight. Steve to go on stage, parade in his mobilise people received praise from the National Union of Chief News Editor of the show. will contest the American Mr trunks and prove to the country and, if possible, to Students for its support of its Lesbian, Rosa Steve says that he is entering University on a later cilium of what amazing hunks there are at put an end to the Gay and Bisexual officer, writes Tim ■ Assitant News Editors into the fun of the competition 'The Word'. and a holiday in Leeds Metropolitan Universit ," in-fighting Gallagher. Helen Crossley between anti- Richard Hew kart, NUS LGB Co-convener, Tim Gallagher racist groups. has thanked LMU Exec and staff for the Gareth Hughes Write-on stars sign on to help LUU /law "Thomas, a support they have shown to Alistair Neely. Matt Roper member of the the co-opted LGB officer. David Smith AA utographed hooks by donated the books for free." ALt, said: "We Nelly thanked the "staff and Exec for their By David Smith Focus Editor Branagh. Ben said Brookes. need to stop the support" at this week's Executive meeting. Helen Sage Elton. Stephen Hawking and Sophie Brookes coordinates disagreements Neil Kinnock went on auction circumstances abroad. the World Scholarship Fund. between anti- Arts Editors at Leeds University Union this Brookes felt that the auction which is supported by both racist groups. So Liz Ekstein An author speaks week was "fun and a laugh, and Leeds t niversity and the lung as groups Emma Hartley • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The auction. organised by everybody had a good time". Union. and which is this year remain Music Editors L Welfare Officer Sophie The highest bid reached £20 targetted specifically at committed. The annual University-Waterstone's lecture Alex Sanders Brookes, raised £15S for the for Kenneth Branagh's 'Screen students at South Africa. "We there's the is to be given by poet Sit Stephen Spender Johnny Day is World Scholarship Fund, Adaptation of Henry V' and want to help students there potential for who will talk about his new collection of Class/Jazz aimed at providing Tom Stoppard's 'Travesties'. who can't do a postgraduate getting on." poetry, writes Tim Gallagher. Mark Funnel] opportunities for students "We explained what the course due to lack of money." The meeting is Spender has published more than thirty-five disadvantaged by their auction was for and they she said. hooks of poetry, plays, translations and an Books Editors from 4 - 7pm. autobiography. 'World Within World'. John McLeod In addition. Sir Stephen is the father-in-law Stuart Dam) LMUSU LMUSU bosses step out of line of TV celebrity Barry Humphries, alias The Guide election Dame Edna. whom his daughter Lizzie Stephen Hill A Phd student at Leeds negotiate a reasonable fee with the married in 1990. Sports Editor ./..Metropolitan Unii,ersay has By And Wild Union for the hire of the F-nts Hall. The election Spender was a friend of WH Auden and Roger Domenegheni seen his research project placed in However LMUSU bosses are results for published left-wing poetry during the 1930s. Photo Editor f:opaids because of the state of and a top fitness instructor, More now to charge Doran around LMUSU For a short period, he was also a member of Ed Cnspin 'Student Union finances. than one hundred volunteers: are £1,101) for the four month period. sabbatical posts the Communist Party Domonit. Doran's I month taking part in Step Aerobic Project supervisor Cath will be announced At the lecture. Sir Stephen will be addressing NEWSDESK long project into the effects of sessions in the Union's Ents Hall Sanderson believes ii will he today. Andrew the theme of 'Five Decades of Poetry'. . 314251 DAY exercise on the immune system over the next twenty weeks. difficult to afford such an amount, Snowball is the The lecture will take place on Saturday 5 has been heavily supported by The study has already cost a adding that the project was only candidate for March at the West Yorkshire Playlious 434727 NIGHT Reebok, with the loan of 0,500 large amount of money. and the invaluable for annieung commercial the position of Students can get in free on showing their worth of Step Aerobic equipment organisers were hoping to sponsors for future studies. President. Union card.

Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 18th February 1994 1

News 3 President axed in no confidence vote hall president has been power as President. The as a short cut through the CV."he said. ousted from his meeting addressed allegations By Paul Greenough block and though he dues not Cheryl Pasbach said that, Aposition following that Berry had used his master deny entering a girl's flat one contrary to rumours that she allegations of unwanted sexual key to gain entry to female They brought attention to night, he cannot remember was hoping for the post advances. flats late at night. Other his drunken behaviour at the making any unwanted sexual herself, she had not advanced In the first instance of its accusations included claims of Christmas Ball and displayed advances saying the allegation the idea of a no confidence kind at Henry Price Flats, unwanted sexual advances and copies of the "sexist" posters was a mystery to him as he vote for personal gain. Dave 'Bez' Berry has lost the the fact that he had approved used to advertise the event that was "pissed at the time". "My main concern is presidency of the residents posters for the Christmas Ball Berry had condoned. The Berry said in his defence: for the work of the committee. committee after a motion of no that were blatantly sexist. posters included lines such as "The points raised are very He doesn't even try to work confidence was passed by a The meeting was attended `It's the best £14 you've spent petty and most are were with me." she said. meeting of residents on by more than 121) residents since you bought that rubber untrue. I believe that 1 have The motion was put to the Tuesday night in the Rupert who heard General Secretary doll.' been doing the job reasonably vote and it was carried by a Beckett lecture theatre. John Hartley and Social Berry replied to this by well." He admitted however large majority. Berry was out The vote came after Secretary Cheryl Pasbach saying that it was "only meant that his motives for taking the and a new president was allegations, reported in Leeds outline their objections to to be tongue in cheek". He said post were not the most selfless: elected - Kilab laHand of Student, that he abused his Berry as President. that he had only used his key "It would look good on my block D. Her dn7, of your Me h.. son, f,rertilull Down-under Dorigo meets PR Hussies Romance was on the T eeds United gave a special Liwelcome last Wednesday to By Juliette Garside ----; -1 -A -A cards at CATS two Australian students who ()mantic students have just arrived in England to students are on their way to up .1%descended on CATS. By Alison Wragg study at Leeds Metropolitan Australia. Leeds University Union's gift University. Leeds United star The girls prepared for their shop, at the last minute this this year were risque, but Tony Dorigo. who was born in meeting by spending the year for Valentine gifts. Many women usually go for the Melbourne, was waiting at the afternoon in a pub watching fans panicking students rushed to soppier cards. Our stock is cheering their team through a team's home in to buy on the day itself. more geared to the student near victory in the Leeds/Oxord say "g'day" to the students. Although sales were slightly market." match. Susan Misrahi and Sarah down on last year. Brenda In line with Union policy, "The atmosphere was Bennett. Public Relations Payne. Manageress of CATS, there are no sexist cards in students from the Royal brilliant, they were such hard said "This is the result of stock. Melbourne Institute of fans. Soccer isn't as big in Valetine's Day falling on a Payne pointed out that. Technology fRMIT), who are Melbourne as it is here." Sarah Monday - when it's on a perhaps not surprisingly: here until June, were surprised said. Despite her preparation, Friday, we always sell more. •'titudents are notoriously lust- by their first hands on PR Susan was impressed by the The Friday afternoon before minute: we even have people experience. "We were in a players' dedication: "I couldn't was absolutely packed with asking for belated Valentine daze." said Susan. "but Tony believe Tony was going to run men. There were more men cards!" Many were apparently was extremely friendly and around in his shorts, it was buying this year than women." still buying on Tuesday. asked us about Aussie football - freezing!" Payne also believes that the However it does seem that in a perfect English accent." The girls are determined to exams so close to the big day monogantl, is nol at the front The students are at LW' on hi-me the cold themselves. "I've contributed to the slight Full in of students' minds, with many an exchange; the first since the watched English football on demand. buying more than one card. University signed an exchange television at home but now I'm Despite this. Brenda Payne usually as a joke. Last year a agreement with RMIT. As the looking forward to seeing the said that there were many man bought six identical. girls get their first taste of real thing - and where better to enthusiastic customers: "A soppy cards. Who says British football, four Leeds do it than Leeds?" Susan said, Ton) ()orig.) and hi, number of the cards we snld romance is dead?

•=MMI Intro to Myles of queueing 11■11, Hearts bleed for Valentine vandal love-lom student from Leeds sweet," said Sandra Grimes, a first yles Bremner was elected A.University was driven by By Tim Gallagher year at Leeds University. "I'd give Mas Introweek Secretary for Valentine's day passion to him u cuddle if I knew who it 1994 by Leeds University Union proclaim his (or her") love for the deparunent. was," Council this week, writes Nick student body at large. A spate of hearts appeared on The cleaners who were forced Curtis-Raleigh. Huge hearts daubed all over the Edward Boyle Library. the to remove the hearts were not as But the manner of his victory the University campus have Physics-Admin Building, and and impressed however. "It's just was anything but convincing. baffled security chiefs and on top of the Union Extension. graffito, and vandalism of The Single Transferable Vote students alike_ The hearts are The anonymous Romeo tor University property.' one said. system - which is also used in drawn in pink and blue paint, Juliet?), has touched the hearts of "There's nothing loving about the Union Executive elections - possibly stolen from the fine art many this week. "I think having to clear this muck up." meant that Bremner won on a technicality. On the traditional first-past- the-post-system - still used in PICK UP A PENGUIN POPULAR CLASSIC General Elections - rival candidate David Stanley would FOR ONLY CI !! AVAILABLE FROM have won by three votes. And had Stanley taken advantage of his own vote as a member of Union Council. he would have won on countback. ~lusticlts Bremner, this year's Rag Sabbatical officer. gave an BOOKSHOPS impressive speech to the meeting last Monday, promising greater Introweek integration From RAG to introwrek. .klyles Bynum,' Pk: Ed Crispin AUSTICKS UNIVERSITY BOOKSHOP with Entertainments. Stanley made the hold claim manifesto outlined his wide 21 BLENHEIM TERRACE Stanley and Nicola Williams, that, if he got elected• he would range of experience and who finished third, then WOODHOUSE LANE make it the "best Intoweek ever• . knowledge, who did just enough followed, before all three LEEDS LS2 Williams believed that she "had to take the post which entails candidates were subjected to the right personality to do the paid employment by the Union questions from the Council job•. But it was Bremner. whose during the slimmer. MAIN UN iviazsrry ENTRANCE members present. JUST' otiposrm THE

Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 18th February 1994 News

OFF CAMPUS No show for election hopefuls

dim: andidateN in clic showing. "We went all the plan it ahead a lot more." he ZEIRENIng Post Leedsl'ai‘ersity By Sam Mountford way to Rod and no-one commented. Union Ewa-utile turned up. Partly you can Westwood, however, C denied that the meetings had ablir7= Sabbatical elections have this abandoned due to lack of put it down to student been a complete failure. week slammed the pre-ballot interest. The meeting at apathy, but it's also not been 1_011111M hustings as "shamholic". Tetley Hall attracted about publicised well enough - "The hustings are They blame the poor forty people and was hailed that's the problem," traditionally under-attended attendance on inadequate as a success; but at Charles commented Fred Chubb, events." he said. publicity and student apathy. Morris Hall, the evening who stood for General The candidates' claims Love bites Only a handful of students "descended into farce" Athletics Secretary. appeared to be vindicated by turned up to last week's according to one candidate. Robin Johns, General students who were voting in the Union on Tuesday • Chris Westwood A woman bit the tongue oil a man who meetings, where candidates as around twenty drunk Secretary candidate, laid forced a kiss on her in the street. 11: %%.,1 were to give speeches and students talked in the some of the blame for poor many of whom were Aldridge remarked: "I jailed for one year in Sarreguernines. answer questions from the background and drowned organisation on current LUU unaware that the hustings didn't see any posters for Prance. for heating her up idler the bite. audience. out the candidates' speeches. Administration Secretary had even taken place. the meetings - I would Of the six scheduled Candidates were agreed Chris Westwood: "I just Second year French definitely have gone to one. think that Chris needed to undergraduate Laura Down and out meetings. four had to he on the reason for the poor These issues are important." A retired 85 year old decided to take up Protests at Grammar School take-over Women's skydiving - and was killed on his first attempt when his parachute failed to open. plans to relocate Leeds American Lee Perry jumped out at 4.200 r Grammar School and the work not feet. failed to open his back-up chute and subsequent takeover of its hit the ground in the back-yard of a mobile present site by the University home. may have hit a stumbling done Since retiring. Perry had qualified as a block. omen are taking full diver and was also planning a motorbike Objections to the proposal Wadvantage of the tour of Europe. "He was always willing to have been raised by top expanding number of part- try new things." said son Lee Jnr business man John Jackson, time courses at Leeds boss of Leeds-based clothing University, writes Toby firm Centaur, who has Wakely. Man bites dog compiled a leaflet of reasons Sixty four per cent of the to fight the motion. students are women. Many A man bit an alsation to death in front of its The proposed deal, to are in employment and wish amazed owner. He sank his teeth into the exchange the Grammar to upgrade their dog's throat when it leapt on him in a park School's three sites in the city qualifications. in Dneproetrovsk. Ukraine. Investigators for a phased cash payment and The increased popularity said the dog, Elsa, may have lunged the University's land holding of part-time courses is because the man reeked of booze. of 128 acres in . is mainly due to their diversity claimed to be of benefit to and flexibility. Courses now both parties. range from Applied Suck and blow The deal will allow for the Psychology and Criminology expansion of the Grammar The proposed site Pic: Ed Crispin to History of Art.. A man had his penis ripped off after he Chool to an integrated site opportunity for the are happy with the bid. One Helen Dyson, promoter By Isobel Williams shoved it into the suction tube of a vacuum with modern purpose-built University." mother said: "1 think it is and programme co- cleaner and turned the machine on for a education facilities, and give Claire Hancock. a first has angered some residents in significant that Mr Jackson ordinator for part-time sexual thrill. The victim. 62. was then the University scope to year student at Leeds Aiwoodley who feel that they has four daughters, that's to degrees in Leeds, said : rushed to hospital by taxi in Ravenna. Italy. develop its main campus University, seemed pleased should have been consulted. A say that he has no "We're looking for new clutching his member. Surgeons were which is reaching capacity. with the idea: "I'd like to be vehicular impact study has connections with the ways to break down harriers successful in sewing it back on. One doctor The University's Vice- able to use the swimming concluded that the increase in Grammar School. Perhaps he between the University and said: "The cleaner pulled it straight off. It Chancellor, Professor Alan pool there, and I've heard traffic at the already very busy should be more concerned the local community, was very dusty when he found it.' Wilson. commented: "The that they've got a modern junction could considerable with the education of these whether these are real or possibility of acquiring new theatre. I don't think many disruption and increased boys, rather than whether perceived. We're advertising property and ready-made students will object to the danger. he'll arrive at work late it presently by distributing Fat chance facilities adjacent to our move." Nevertheless, most parents because of an increase in postcards all over the Leeds campus is a marvellous However, the proposition of the Grammar School pupils traffic.' area." she said. A 20-stone chef believes he could win an Olympic place. but bookmakers are refusing to take a bet on it. Fatty Tony Bloomfield wanted to wager £50 at 10t)00- DART hit the target Survey reveals cash traumas 1 that he would represent Britain in the own and Gown relations major survey of over parents for financial support, triple jump in 1996. Tony. 31. from By Nicola Woolcock Thave been strengthened, ,000 final year students By Nick Vysney some 26% depend on term- Tyselcy in Birmingham, said: "I jumped Ar thanks to the efforts of a in 49 universities published time jobs. An NUS spokesman for England when I was 16." But William recently-formed society at of a play called 'Us and this week paints a mixed degree is no longer considered claimed that this could cause a Hill put his chances at less than five million Leeds University Union. Them', in which DART picture of student life. Most a guarantee of a job. Students drop in standards, with as to I and said "We don't take bets like that." Members of DART members show the effects of students are content with the are now being forced into many as one in eight students (Drive Against Racism discrimination and the system - but over half face more diverse fields of work, jeopardising their degree due Today) have been liaising positive side of being cash worries. submitting as many as 40 job to work. Radio con with local school-children different. The themes of the Education Secretary John applications. And further The survey points to and their teachers. in an plays are then discussed. Patten claimed the report degrees and vocational students being in dire financial Three listeners of a Sydney radio Niation attempt to promote The response to the presented "a remarkably training are becoming more straits. 37% of those surveyed were conned out of £70,000 by two tolerance and anti- sessions has been healthy picture". pointing to Popular. said they were "coping" swindlers who posed on air as astrologers discrimination in Leeds. favourable. Student DART the findings that many are One student said: financially. Over half arc who would "bless" their money to give DART has already visited member Tim Burge said: happy with their course. "Nowadays there are fewer having difficulties and only them good luck. The trio handed in their four primary schools, and "The children responded standards of tuition and even jobs and more graduates. if 14% said they were cash and the tricksters gave it them back in another four schools are to well and were willing to job prospects. you walk out of university boxes marked 'Do not open for a week'. "comfortable". benefit this term. The listen. The school visits made However the survey also with a 2/2 and a beer belly In response the NUS When they finally opened them up they scheme originated in me feel optimistic and have found that the money had been replaced reveals that students do have you're not going to get claimed that the 10% cut will Manchester, where students encouraged me to do more. concerns over the effects of anywhere," he said. take the grant below the level with shredded paper. By then the cunning met with children from 20 "It's good to get involved expansion and an In response the NUS of income support. And pair had fled Australia. inner-city schools: and the with the community. and to overwhelming desire to see a claimed that the 109E cut will although over half of all Leeds branch was founded try to deal with racism and standardised marking system take the grant below the level students can rely on their in the summer-term of last discrimination before it for degree exams. of income support. And parents for financial support. year. happens, rather than after," Compiled by Sam Rose According to the survey, although over half of all some 26% depend on term- The visits take the format be added. for many of today's students. a students can rely on their time jobs.

Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 18th February 1994

News 5 Record turn-out in Union elections he elections to the and speechless" with the result. Indeed, a controversy has • ii....mwmm sabbatical posts of Johns had a tough fight for the By Tim Gallagher developed over the TLeeds University Union post. Catherine Sladen battled campaigning. A petition has WRITE TO WR Executive saw a massive turn- it out to the fourth round and On the whole, candidates been signed by 11 of the YOUR nriF. VO out of voters this week. ended up polling 485 votes, were pleased with the result. candidates complaining about An average 1,315 vales were compared to Johns' 634. Mark Walton. Financial the campaign tactics of cast for each of the seven posts, However, the most keenly Affairs Secretary-elect. Catherine Sladen and Fiona I which were contested by some contended post was Women's admitted: "I'm over the bloody Smeaton, who it is claimed twenty-the candidates. Officer, At the fifth round. moon!" deliberately covered There were only two first Rachael Paxford-Jones was However, students were less opponents' election posters round out-right wins, David pipped to the post by Debbie than enthusiastic with the with their own. The signatures Codrington and Tim Goodall Jones by a mere twelve votes. average 646 votes needed to claim that their complaints swept to victory for the posts of All candidates had to run elect the sabs. "What's 600 were ignored by the Election Education Sec and Welfare Sec against RON - Reopen votes out of the entire student Committee. It is believed these respectively. Nominations - which polled a population of 17,500 students?" tactics affected the positions of The prized position of total of 554 votes. 147 of which complained Steve Hunter, third other candidates. The issue is General Secretary was won by went to the post of Education year Civil Engineer at Leeds expected to be raised at an Sec. University. Robin Johns who was "elated, OGM on Tuesday. Another vote for RON? Pk: Ed Crispin How your 94-95 Exec got in: Dog-napping scare in Leeds 6 A Leeds Metropolitan streaks of black and golden ...University student believes By Sam Rose brown, and two different Name Post No of Votes RON Total vote her cross-breed dog named coloured eyes. 'Morris' has been stolen by a dog disappeared a few weeks Day has owned Morris for Robin Johns General Sec 634 68 1,382 group of animal experimenters ago. "I didn't think anything seven years, and she thinks it is Admin Sec 653 88 1,282 operating above the Dental suspicious had happened until I unlikely the dog is missing of its Ellie Clement Hospital in Leeds. read the article and made the own accord, "Morris is very David Codrington Education Sec 649 147 1.247 This allegation follows a story link," she said. streetwise." in last Thursday's Leeds Weekly But after contacting two dug Day, a third year Business Fiona Smeaton Gen Athletics Sec 593 36 1,364 News which warned dog owners owners named in the article, Day Management student has handed of the sudden surge in has become worried that what out a number of "Lost Dog Mark Walton Financial Affairs 675 70 1,304 kidnappings of cross-breed dogs they fear has happened to their posters". and is offering a reward in the West Leeds area. Five dogs. may have happened to hers. of £100 minimum for the safe Debbie Jones Women's Officer 568 76 1,286 disappearances have been "If so, then this is a sad world return of her pet. reported in the last month. that we live in," Day added. Anyone who has spotted Tim Goodall Welfare Sec 719 69 1,338 The student who wishes to be Morris is of medium build Morris should contact Day on known only as "Day" says her with a dark brown coat with 754990. ■ Rag gets saucy for Cuddle Week CASHIERS

Part -time Opportunities are now available for shop and sports venue staff throughout Leeds Rag kiddoti have fun and fronts in the mow Piet Ed Crispin at colour 'Cuddle Badge' were trying to snug as many Wha ve you been wearing this By Amelia Hill people as possible," said Chris week? Like traffic lights. the red, Cottam, a Rag volunteer. "But I'm FOR MORE amber and green badges are and entitled the wearer to a El sure it was done in the spirit of designed to indicate to the hoards discount off various clubs in Valentines Day!" INFORMATION of lust-driven youths whether they Leeds. First year English student Rag is hoping to raise around Ladbrokes CONTACT: should brake, approach slowly or Nicky Lane said: "I bought a £1,500 from 'Cuddle Week', accelerate their way to your heart. green badge to help Rag. but trebling the profit of last year's & A Ladbroke Group Company By Valentine's Day more than when I got to Beat Surrender I event. "Last year Sheffield made Sean Anderson 850 badges had been sold by took it off: I thought it made me about £3500 profit. That's what Leeds University Union Rag, and look a bit cheap!" were aiming for." said Paul on Monday they continued to go fast this There are those for whom the Knight. 21st February week. Paul Knight. Special Events clarity of the message is what It's not too late to buy your Coordinator for Rag, said: "We makes it all so much fun: security Cuddle Badge. On Friday they 0274 531631 are very pleased with the number guards had to restrain Cathy and will be reduced to 50p and badge of badges sold - it was a new idea Vicky, two second year French wearers will get a 50p discount on which has been a great success." students, after they ran not in the entrance to 'Party On' in the The badges were sold for £1 Old Bar earlier in the week. "They Union.

Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 18th February 1994 6 Comment & Analysis "Why do you think northerners never smile?" says: "You know when I of being less capitalist, less here is a cloud nearly three years and I've yet married your mother, we had bourgeois, less genteel. This to encounter the slightest bit hanging over the nothing, not two pennies to may be true but it is at the of this great northern Tnorth and it has rub together..." Yup, and expense of large numbers of hospitality. I've been greeted nothing to do with the Rupert Hamer what have you got now? people never getting with smiles, handshakes and weather. It has everything to Nothing. And what will your general warmth in Leeds but anywhere near fufulling do with the grim, sulken kids have? Absolutely bugger this has been from the Asian their true potential. attitude of northerners in on Friday all if the past 14 years are community rarely from your Perhaps the best lesson general. anything to go by. anyone can learn from Traditionally they are average Yorkshireman "But we were happy", coming into contact with supposed to be the warm outside studentdom. spend some money on your and more 'mportantly t you'll hear them continue. No poverty is that there is hearted alternative to the And how many times have premises. makes them bitter and envious you weren't, you were fucking nothing trendy or bohemian cold, stuck-up southerner. you walked into a Leeds shop Economically the north has of anybody else's success. poor and miserable, Just "We may be poor but we to have the assistant sneer at been hit hard. And the truth Hence, you get the classic about it, It is something admit it. stick together" kind of thing. you as if to say: "What do you is that poverty does not help image of the teenage northern that people suffer from, not Many southern middle The reality is a million miles think you are doing here?" people to love each other, nor couple deciding to get an optional luxury. class students come to the away from the myth. I'm sorry, I apologise does it make them warm married. Enter Father and Why do you think I've lived in Leeds for unreservedly for wanting to hearted. It makes them mean hand on son's shoulder he north because it has the image northerners never smile?

The Editor Leeds Student Legionella bacterium at LMU

Leeds University Union Dear Editor, made available in our weekly is an error caused by your assessment is continuing across P.O Box 157 house journal; consultative misreading of the consultant's the whole of our estate and the I am writing in response to the meetings have taken place with report. There has been and is no consultant's report provides Leeds LS1 1 UH page of articles on the water the Students' Union and the incidence of Legionnaires initial advice to the University. It Letters should be addressed to the Editor and clearly marked supply at LMU in your 11 recognised trade unions; full disease at LMU. The original is a prelude to more detailed to for publication. The Editor reserves the right to edit letters, which February issue and in order to reports have been given to the report accurately states that the more detailed assessment of the should be no longer than 3(X) words. The deadline for letters is the correct a number of aspects of two most recent meetings of the Legionella bacterium had been entire water insulations. Tuesday preceeding publication. that reporting. University's Health and Safety recovered from the water system I appreciate that this matter is My first point is that you Committee; and a full report was at the Calverley Street Site. This of great potential concern to your reffered to the findings of the provided for the December discovery took place at the end readers. I am sure you will agree `leaked report'. It is certainly true meeting of the Board of of November and immediate that it is important they have the that some unknown person Governors. LMUSU is action was taken to eradicate the full context. The University will 'leaked' the report to the press. It represented on the latter body by bacterium. It has been found continue to regularly consult eIt HACK would. however, be wrong for its President. nowhere else in the University's LMUSU on this matter as out your readers to therefore assume Your main report began by systems. reponse to the consultant's report A weekly sketch of student politics that this matter had somehow stating that 'Legionnaires disease' This event occurred at the unfolds. had been recovered from the hot beginning of a round of Yours faithfully, Ulection lever soon becomes Councillors wanted David been dealt with in a secretive manner by the University. On the and cold water system. That is assessments of the University's Mike Wilkinson L:oelection fatigue. At both unis Stanley to he Introweek See; inaccurate and I can only assume water installations. This University Secretary the second term is so crammed eight chose Bremner. But for contrary, briefings have been full of ballot papers that by the Stanley to begin popping the end you expect to see candidates champaigne corks would have standing for Robin Johns premature to say the least. The problems of Drug abuse at University For the other candidate, Costume And Wardrobe Dear Sir unease, panic, fear of sudden Dear Editor. unavoidable course of action for Nicola Williams. proved to be Secretary or Vice President I am writing concerning the death due to a sensation of On reading last weeks's feature some. It is true that there are the deciding factor, with a little Cottaging. recent article on the recent constriction in the chest, on Student Drug abuse I was misconceptions concerning drugs help from STV. Having finished Even this week, as the epic article on the use of' drugs in the depressed mood and disturbed, not by the subject but the problems drugs cause do third she was eliminated from drama of sabbatical elections University. 'Leeds Student', 4th palpitations. The episodes often matter but by the casual manner in not spring from people's was played out across campuses, proceedings, meaning that the February. occur when the patient is alone which it was addressed. Having at exaggerated view of the threats second choices of people who there was another tussle going I can appreciate that many eg studying, or at night. one point or another dabbled in they pose but from the effects of had voted for her came into play. on backstage. Hidden away in persons may wish to University work can be most of the substances you the drugs themselves. Surprisingly. four of them what journalists like to call a experiment with cannabis while affected. mention it woud be hypocritical of Unfortunately, "Everybody preferred Bremner to Stanley; dark smoke-filled room, the they are at University. However In more severe case I have me to moralise. However. I does it" is not a valid argument the other abstained. When the seemingly anonymous Union I feel that users and prospective encountered patients who believe strongly that Leeds with which to condone drug Council was empowered to elect returning officer returned from users should be aware of become severly depressed and Student has committed a crass abuse. While I am aware of my next year's Introweek Secretary'. manipulating his abacus and potential adverse effects suicidal requiring hospital error in printing such subversive inability to comfortably occupy First up was Myles Ironside deliberating his constitution - concerning this substance, the admission or prolonged drivel. It is an indisputable fact any kind of mural high ground. I Bremner. The Rag Sabbatical before being certified obviously active ingredient of which is antidepressant therapy. that drugs fuck people up, that do feel that if your article Officer's manifesto presented a insane - the world was astounded tetrahydrocannabinol (MC.) Cannabis can also impair they do not solve problems and succeeded in reducing certain formidable list of past glones. to hear that Myles Bremner was In my practice I not recent memory, selective that they should not under any misunderstandings (The fact that Next came David Sebastian Introweek Secretary 1994. infrequently encounter persons attention and ultimately circumstances be trivialised. Your they very rarely kill you) they can Stanley. The Union Councillor's The Single Transferable Vote who seek help for attacks of concentrations, especially in comparison of University life to only have been replaced by an manifesto presented a is like a catch-22: its elegance is anxiety after smoking persons who smoke more an LSD trip, with all its "weird alternative form of misconception; formidable list of future glories. beautiful, almost mesmerising, sometimes small amounts of heavily and regularly eg up to and wonderful experiences" was the dangerous and self-destructive There was little to decide which and yet when you become cannabis eg at a party, often for ten joints a day. The memory unjustifiable; your naive and fun. would be spending the summer trapped by its logic it's bloody notion that drugs are safe the first or second time. These defect may persist for weeks stuffing adverts into Introweek frustrating. Such are the tales of assessment of the effects of drugs like toys. Perhaps in future you episodes which can he quite after abstinence. This can have packs and christening LUU's David Stanley and Rachel misleading. should infuse your "comment and disturbing are usually a highly damaging effect on the babies in October. Paxford-Jenkins, who lost the Drug dealing is sad. and 1 have analysis" with a bit more recurrent, extending over students studies. Now, every Union election for the sabbatical post of yet to hear a convincing sob story responsibility and ii bit less utter periods of weeks and sometimes Yours sincerely Constitutional expert knows that Women's Officer in similar of someone forced to deal because bullocks. months. The attacks vary in STV is nothing to do with a TV circumstances. Dr. B.E. Ryan. 'Medical Officer. of money problems. You wrongly Yours sincerely, severity and include feeling of U station run by a rich Australian But for Stanley the story is niversity I lealth Service. implied that this is a common and A. Nonymuus. Ism really stands for Single particularly tragic. As a member Transferable Vote. And of the Council he was fully neither would question within his rights to cast a vote Hamer's hate mail in brief that the result of for himself, in which case "At a time when Leeds University Unfortunately it is not possible to print all of Rupert Hwner's hate reason flamer decides to insult the Introwwk victory would have been his. He Union is considering banning mail in it's entirety. But here is a selection of this weeks. us with his unintelligent election was declined to do so on ethical 'The Sun* for it's sexism and opinons on language students absolutely fair grounds, which just goes to homophobia, Leeds Student student wrote that Hamer thinks "What on earth is Leeds ... hasn't this twat ever heard show that and just. being a good sport is should consider banning Rupert up his articles while enjoying his student doing publishing the of the term `gross- Eleven too often a bad move. Hamer for his bigoted, narrow first dump of the day. I suggest pile of bollocks written by generalisation'.... Please minded opinons. In a day in the that he uses what he prints to wipe Rupert Hamer for last weeks refrain from printing this type The Diary Editor has done a bunk to Hawaii life of Rupert Hamer, last week a his arse on." comment, for some bizarre of crap in future."

Leeds 1 Student Independent Newspaper 18th February 1994

Comment & Analysis 7 "Doing the institution of union elections a service" h er such keenly candidates, both current non sab candidates - of whom there was a contested and highly previously clean campaign. members of Exec. maliciously record number - showed respect ommitted campaigns, But if they believe the cause covered opponents' campaign for their rivals' publicity material it is perhaps inevitable that is just. then they must continue posters with their own. "We and made every attempt not to to fight it. If an offence has there should be a post-election believe this has affected the infringe upon it. It was more been committed, it is their right fall-out of one kind or another. position of all other candidates." STUDENT common to see candidates posters to take the offenders to task. For it all to end on says the letter. was only strengthened in reaction Smeaton and Sladen's alleged side by side than overlapping each In doing so they will do the Wednesday. when the results The real shame is that anything to the apathy they encountered transgression is more serious than other . institution of Union elections were posted in Leeds should sour the brilliant spirit in time after time at the pre-ballot it appears. With hustings muted So the idea that one or two yet another service. University Union. would have which the elections were hustings. and few other platforms for candidates might have sought an Only when all those been too tidy. conducted. And in the little group that promotion. the candidates' use of unfair advantage at others' involved in the election process And so a number of the A genuine sense of permanently occupied a corner of posters was one of their most expense is all the more frustrating. are satisfied that it was candidates for the Exec comradeship developed among the Old Bar on Wednesday there conspicuous but time-consuming Of course if the rest pursue conducted in the proper manner Sabbatical elections have the students who had put was no mistaking their unity and sources of publicity. their complaint they are likely to will it have served them as well submitted a letter complaining themselves forward for a tilt at support for each other. Putting them up must have seen by some as had losers who as they represented it. about the campaign tactics of sitting on the Union's most It now seems a pity that the been demanding enough without couldn't stomach defeat and who Fiona Smeaton, who won. and significant committee. determination to play hard but fair seeing them then obscured or are looking for quick revenge. It David Smith Catherine Sladen. who didn't. The candidates shared a real was apparently not observed by all hidden within hours, will he easy to portray them as the Leeds Strident News Editor They argue that both feeling of commitment. which the participants. The vast majority of the spoilers who are dirtying a and a defeated candidate House of s1 eaze he atmosphere in London hotels. exclusive parts of London. prolific level of sexual activity 66Tthe House just has Emily, features editor of There, the power-hungry around the house, and the an aphrodisiac London Student and NUS politicians. with a libido to success middle-aged MPs seem effect. I'm not powerful enough Journalist of the Year, had met SPISTLIGHT match find themselves far to have with beautiful young to do any serious pulling, but if Booth when she worked part away from their constituencies, women is due to the power you're wandering around the time as his research assistant. Following the resignation of a Tory MP and are drawn Into the London factor. House of Commons looking Following the Booth/Barr after allegations of a relationship with social scene.. "The atmosphere in the official, then you get noticed. scandal, the term "research his student researcher; Rosa Prince Hartley Booth's alleged House just has a powerful There must be something in assistant" has become examines the sauce and sleeze in the affair with Emily Barr marks effect on the hormones. I'm not the power thing," Neil Lindsey somewhat of a political Houses of Parliament and speaks to Leeds the eighth sex scandal to have high up enough to do be Leeds University student and a euphemism - read bit of fluff. rocked the Government since involved in any scandal, but if research assistant at the house Leeds University has nine University students working as research the Conservatives won the you're wandering around the of commons is in no doubt students currently working as assistants in the House of 'Cards'. 1992 General Election. And the House of Commons looking about the sexual atmosphere at research assistants to MPs as tales the Leeds University important, then you get research assistants tell seem to noticed. There must he the House of commons. part of their Politics and fact that he was discovered and he claims to be part of confirm Edwina Currie's something in the power thing," It's this sexual atmosphere Parliamentary Studies Course. with an orange in his mouth their social scene. "It's all very impression of the place as a Lindsey said. that is seriously And like Emily was kept very hush hush in the incestuous around here," he seething den of vice. The researchers at the damaging John Barr, one of those media: but we were all said. "Some women It has gone so far that House get in on all the gossip Major's Back to students, Imogen gossiping about it here." Like Imogen Ridgeway, come here accusations are circulating that long before it hits the front Basics policy. Ridgeway. is a Ridgeway, research Lindsey described the intrigue research assistants pages. The Yeo's love child, with the regular assistant to Labour MP Mo and rumour circulating are applying to Scallywag list of' the death of contributor to her Mowlam, claims that the Parliament. He said: "There's specific aim of work in the House "All we do at suspected gay Stephen campus paper, shadow front bench are. "very an underlying level of gossip for dubious MPs was Milligan, the bedding an MP" Leeds Student. squeaky clean." She which we hear, but which lunch is sit reasons - an circulating death of Lady Ridgeway complained: "All the real never gets into the paper. The accusation Imogen around and round the offices Caithness are continued this describes a House of Commons scandal goes on on the other whole of the house is just a Ridgeway stoutly for MPs (and week with the discovery that a seething with rumour and side, so I'm not in on that gossip institution." chat about the denies. their assistants) senior figure in the gossip. circuit, but we still hear all the Lindsey denied however However, latest scandal" to have a laugh Conservative party had been "All we do at lunch is sit rumours. that the Conservative; are any Labour NIP Tony at weeks before involved in a "friendship" with around and chat about the "I did hear that a top naughtier than the Opposition. Banks has said of the House of its publication. his female research assistant. latest scandal." she said. "The cabinet minister was observed "There's plenty of stuff going Commons: "Some women Imogen Ridgeway said: Hartley Booth. place is rife with rumour. We shagging another top cabinet on among Labour," he said. come here with the specific aim "The whole place is full of dirt. Conservative MP, and PPS to sit in the cafe, and people point minister. The person who saw "The papers just aren't of bedding an MP." Neil Even the cleaner shouted out Foreign Office Minister, out the Tory mistresses as they got three rapid promotions in a interested at the moment." Lindsey confirms this. "There and told me I had nice legs the Douglas Hogg, resigned after go past." row." Ridgeway continued. According to Edwina does seem to he a large number other day when I was wearing revelations that he had shared "Whenever something Neil Lindsey, however, who Currie MP, a circuit of of very attractive females one of my particularly short nights with art history student happens, we hear it first. When works for Leeds MP Keith highflyers, revolving round an here."Lindsey suggests that the skirts." Emily Barr at exclusive Milligan was found dead. the Hampson is in with the Tories, active party scene exists in From Back to Basics to back to my place

Chill. Mail smarm s Mir 6,


Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 18th February 1994 Arts A. gracefully

The Age of Innocence Odeon Cinema

he task of adapting Edith Wharton's novel, with its emphasis on the studied decadence of New York's ruling classes in the nth century, found an unlikely champion in Martin Scorsese. His critical reputation is largely Tdue to his claustrophobic, often violent visions of contemporary New 'York. However in Wharton's society errurs of etiquette were reproached by malicious gossip, not the summary fittings of tailor made concrete boots. Scorsese leads us into the highly ritualised upper eschelons of society, dominated by the observance of unwritten codes of practice and stifling morality. Newland Archer (Daniel Day Lewis), recently engaged to N seemingly vacuous May (Winona Ryder), finds himself beginning to question the established values of his social caste. Archer's doubts are exacerbated by the arrival of May's cousin the estranged wife: Countess Olenska (Michelle Pfeiffer). Archer's disillusionment is furthered by the hostility shown to her by society and gradually their mutual attraction threatens to propel them into an illicit affair. Through the virtue of outstanding cinematography, we can linger over the sumptuous dining tables and revel in the lavish opera scenes and evening balls. However, the acute attention to detail reveals cluttered, over- decorated interiors, hinting at the superficial existence behind the grandiose settings and Archer increasingly appears trapped in this lifeless, gilded prison Day Lewis is perfectly cast giving a tense performance as a man at odds with his conscience, whilst Ryder and Pfeiffer are fine portraying characters who eventually display greater emotional resources than Archer. to his first period drama picture, Scorsese attempts an ambitious panoramic sweep befitting a film-maker of his ability. However the genre he is operating within is not always as flexible as his grand ideas. Technically, and visually this is an excellent film, but you are left marvelling at it's scope instead of the often exhilarating contents, Akin Ojumu

show was made even worse by the ominous significance of spilt blood rather Andrew Newton 'entertainment' that supplemented IL Ju Dou than sexual desire, Andrew Newton may be an amazing Even after the death of the old man, City Varieties hypnotist but he is certainly no comedian. Bradford Film Theatre the lovers cannot reveal their relationship to Himself, a rather slick-Rick character, with a the world as Chinese custom forbids non-stop DJ drawl, has a notion of comedy widows to remarry. Their love becomes 'This evening you will enter the world of n a dyeing workshop in 1920's China, the which seems to be founded on petty insults more and more restricted until desperation 1 the subconscious, in which you will ageing master, Sho-cheng buys a new - a strain of comedy in which the fat guy is I leads them to make love in a cave barely big experience a new realm of relaxation". This wife, the beautiful Ju Dou (played by Gong enough to hold them. enticing promise of self - discovery and poked fun at, as is the greasy.. long haired Li, star of Farewell My Concubine), whom he Twisted, frustrated sexuality enigma, boomed out over speakers at the student, and the man wearing the flowery tortures until she agrees to bear him a child. pervades the whole film and is highlighted opening of the show. The stage was lit with shirt is spoken to in art outrageously camp On the brink of collapse, Ju Dou confides in by the bright colours and darkness of the purple and white lights to instill the sense voice all night. Yes I know we should all be her nephew who works as a slave in the workshop. Occasional glimpses of the clear of mystery, and filled with enough dry ice able to take the piss out of ourselves, but the workshop, and when one day the master is blue sky and of lengths of coloured fabric to outdo any 'Goth' night. The audience manner of Newton's humour left me feeling absent, compassion turns to passionate billowing in the wind prove to be nothing was gripped with anticipation. distinctly uncomfortable. adultery on the workshop floor. but false images of a freedom that can never The reality of the show, however, It is indisputable that hypnotism is Here begins a desperate spiral into he attained. Symbols and reality swap and proved a vastly disappointing contradiction fascinating. However I think the potential sin and tragedy in the enclosed space of the mutate; a nephew becomes a lover, a son to this build up: a fat man danced to Mr for entertainment in this form is limited: workshop, with its coloured pools and becomes a murderer and the sound of Blobtry, a woman thought she was a chicken eventually even people thinking that they clanking machinery creating an atmosphere children singing changes from a lullaby to a and two blokes snagged, (well virtually). are sumo wrestlers and Elvis gets boring. of claustrophobia. A child is born whom Sho death knell. Yes, it was funny, up to a point, but I doubt On the other hand the hand the show was Cheng believes to be his, and when the there were many people who had not seen sold out, so perhaps I'm expecting too master suddenly becomes paralysed the This is a masterpiece of tragedy: bitter-sweet and beautiful, it lulls its something almost identical before, much, lovers cannot believe their luck. Adulterous (although of course, there is the element of lust leads inevitably to tragedy, and as the audience into a false sense of security before wanting to see hypnotism live to believe it). film progresses, the red pools of the dashing all hopes entirely. The sense of predictability that gripped the Zoe James workshop seem to take on the more Chris Williams

Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 18th February 1994 Arts 9 In the midst of life cogito

xams make you feel like a victim in Death of a Salesman the good old-fashioned sense of the Eword. Were you picked on in West Yorkshire Playhouse school? Did you have four older brothers and sisters and no credibility in the A II hail America, land of free enterprise. With the right skills you - even you -CI.- at bathroom-stakes? Ever walked up the the back there, can be a success that we can all take pride in. Headrow at twelve o'clock on a Friday But not all of you. Oh no. Not all of you. night wearing your oh-so-cool Leeds Willy Loman is a man who has fallen for the dream that an entire University student scarf? All these country tried to build itself on, but who in the process has failed to arouse pride experiences combined with the heady inaccrue the respect of the company to whom he has devoted forty years of his humiliation of the monthly grovel at the life. Miller's concern was to write a play that would demonstrate, in his own bank, have nothing on exams. In fact, the phrase, the 'bullshit of capitalism'. And in a wonderful new interpretation more I think about it the more terrifying the whole shennanigans seems. Matthew Warchus and his cast reveal that and much, much more. But ask yourself, now the first Miller's original stage directions are quite specific: the stage is split into bout of examination insanity has passed, two halves and as Willy lives out the last 36 hours of his life he is visited by what exactly it is that is so terrifying ghosts from his regret-filled past, encountering them in the lower portion of the about sitting in a hall with a bunch of set. Here, Rae Smith's set is a single space that, by doing away with this other people - half of whom you know convention, creates an anarchic architecture of the imagination. The play gives a anyway - answering questions on the shake and becomes, instead of a carefully separated plot, the story and - and this subject of your choice. And it is worth is vital - sight of the inside of Willy's rapidly decaying mind. There are moments remembering that most of us did choose that are almost cinematographic - the disappearing figure of Willy's brother Ben to study politics/zoology/econometrics down a corridor of slowly extinguishing lights is straight out of Ingmar Bergman and hairstyling .. . and went through a long procedure of psychological torture - that combine with a subliminal music and Paule Constable's precise lighting, to (otherwise known as "interview") for the achieve a smooth integration of all the aspects of theatre. privilege. Willy's tragedy is perhaps that he fails to realise where his real wealth What is it that could possibly lies - that he is a deeply loved husband and father - and it is in this area that Ken drive such a very large number of tott builds a performance as emotionally finely measured out as gold bullion, otherwise sane people to such stupidly hich it resembles. Ellie Haddington is a Linda whose failure to tie together the high levels of peculiar behaviour, twice a en in her life, the way she can mend stockings, is an essential part of the year now. 1 mean, it's not as if we didn't ragedy. James Purefoy and Jude Law as Biff and Happy complete a family have a clue what we were letting ourselves in for - four years of 0' levels, rapped in an chasm that only goes down. GCSEs, A levels and sundry other This production is stunning for the sense it makes of chaos, the rhythm assorted delights provided at least a hint 1 finds in dissonance and it's, at most, half an hour from your front door. of the treasure trove of human experience thrown open for us at institutions of higher education. And vet there is no limit to the Liz Ekstein. depths of weirdness plumbed at this time of year. For instance, I know one girl, who shall remain nameless, (because unlike London Student we up here in yet rather than lost in the audiences inability to fathom out abundance in King of the Hill, Leeds don't like to drop our mates in it - Century exactly what Poliakoff is trying to say about layer them over and over, risking saturation, Emily Barr, my heart bleeds) who has it. The side plots successfully blur the issue 5oderbergh takes the wise step of interlacing apparently spent the entirety of the past Hyde Park Picture House so that we are not sure whether we are them with the kind of harsh lessons which month and a half in the bath, broken only being told to hang on to our youth at all truly introduce one to adulthood. by short, shrivelled scurries down to the Milne flies, fashions change, and the world costs or look solely to the future for solace. Soderbergh's young hero is 12-year- newsagents to get more ten pence pieces moves ever onwards and upwards. While Clive Owen and Charles old Aaron Kurlander (played with immense for the hot water meter. And then there's This, in a nutshell, is the central tenet of Dance coast along in their respective roles, charm and not a trace of puppy dog by Jesse the guy - very steady bloke - who went to Stephen Poliakoff's directorial follow up to Miranda Richardson alone excels, as the Bradford) who lives in a hotel in 1930's St. pieces unexpectedly, just froze up in fright and stopped working at the the acclaimed Close My Eyes. Never afraid lowly laboratory assistant with whom Louis with his family. As a result of their impoverished situation, Aaron's brother is beginning of January. He was the star of of controversy, Poliakoff leaves behind the Reisner falls in love. By far the Best British tutorials, the Lord of the libraries, heir to dilemmas posed by incest, the onset of AIDS actress of our time, she adds to a list of sent to live with an uncle, his mother the reading-list Raj, and then, come the and the corruption of wealth to tackle the credentials that any other would die for. admitted to a sanatorium and his father beginning of the assessment essay problems of racism, eugenics and medical All in all, worth a visit simply to forced temporarily to work in another state. period, he packed it in and began tidying ethics, within the confines of the year 1900. savour a good British film, rare enough Aaron continues to live alone in their hotel up, drinking coffee and watching The film follows the fortunes of a these days, and one which refuses to pander room and he is swiftly administered harsh daytime television. Strange behaviour young man, Paul Reisner (Clive Owen) to the demands of commercialism, by giving truth number one: in this life you're on your indeed... between New Year's eve 1899, when he and us something more than just love or action own. As Aaron struggles to maintain his But why? What Freudian time- his family choose to celebrate the new to think about. health, sanity, reputation at school and bomb has been planted in our academic century, and New Year's eve 1900, when the acclaimed cigar-band collection, he soon yearbooks? Why does my father still recognises one more - everyone, ultimately, wake up on occasion - he says - a quarter rest of the country chooses to do so. In this David Litterick of a century after his finals, with a year of apparent limbo between the old and kicks you in the teeth. Nothing and no one is pounding heart and fevered brow, sure new worlds, Reisner travels to London on a forever. that the Chemistry exam he has to sit that mission to revolutionise medicine; He It is in the demonstration of such day has not been prepared far? - And this becomes the assistant of Dr Mandray painful realities that this film triumphs. is a man who never studied chemistry! Is (Charles Dance) whom he idolises as a King of the Hill While Aaron survives by his intelligence, it fear of failure? Fear of ourselves? A pioneer in the field, until he becomes aware ingenuity and faith, all around him in the trananational conspiracy to boost the of Mandray's intentions to rid Britain of the Pictureville Cinema hotel are characters of sadness and sales of safety-knickers? If I knew I could social underclass by a programme of desolation who are unable to deal with such make a fortune selling the antidote. One thing I am sure of though, is eugenics and selective sterilisation. Caught a spiritual test. Yet depressing as it may sound King of the Hill is ultimately an that however often you have to take then in a dilemma between opposing the Wing of the Hill is Sex, lies, and videotape exams they don't become any less hassle. Doctor and carrying on his research into director Steven Soderbergh's mesmeric uplifting film - utterly human, beautifully Semesterisation means twice the trouble Diabetes under his auspices, Reisner faces film depiction of the joys and woes of filmed with acting of a heart-rendingly and does not, as some smart-alecks the problem his arrogance had previously childhood. realistic standard. Aaron's story must be suggested, halve the pressure and steady shielded from him, that no-one can change This must be such a tempting experienced. We've all been there, but your nerves. But at least - Praise the Lord the world single handedly. theme for film-makers. Nostalgia, magic, maybe not quite as courageously or stylishly and pass me a pint - at least it's over for The basic premise of the film - that suspense, wonder - those very reasons we as him. this term. of the fleeting nature of time - and the visit the cinema - are all inherent in the Hannah Jones Emma Hartley poignancy it affords however is somewhat subject matter. These factors are present in

1 Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 18th February 1994 - -

10 Music Musical Youth actually; we sit in the heavily-gra ffitied dressing room a hectic schedule for Glaswegian punk popsters Baby Sara McDonnell pushed her way into t's (which boasts the signatures of FMB - whoop!) while vast Chaos. Glasgow's King Tuts last night, the Duchess Elastica's sell out Duchess gig to quantities of alcohol are brought in by the crate. tonight, Stoke-on-Trent tomorrow... Such are the trials I meet their support the acclaimed How would Baby Chaos describe themselves then? and tribulations of supporting the so-called Next Big Thing: Are they influenced by grunge, for example? "Grunge is a Elastica. cutesters Baby Chaos. I feel compelled to ask the inevitable "What is it dead word - it has no meaning now" Chris firmly states. like to support one of Britain's hottest-tipped new bands?". They admit, however to liking Soundgarden and previously But the answer is obvious from the huge queues forming played at the Poiy supporting Terrorvision, showing an outside the Duchess of York tonight; Baby Chaos are playing aspiration towards readers of Kerrang! as well as NME to packed out venues around the country. They could not which is curious, since onstage they remind me more of have done much better supporting Michael Jackson. Radiohead than Motorhead. Their songs are explosive and Meeting the band surrounded by all this media razor sharp with surprisingly melodic harmonised vocals. A attention turned out to be a bit of a surprise. A Nicer Bunch little like their name, perhaps? of unassuming chaps probably could not be found this side "Yes, we got the band name from one of Bobby's of the Scottish border. They are clearly indifferent to the (bassist) old bands" their rather cute guitarist Grant tells me. media in general, being the sort of band who prefer to Just "We used to be called The Thin Men" Get On With Things. They formed in Stewardine (just Quite inappropriate really, since none of them look south of Glasgow, apparently) with "whoever happened to anorexic. They make no claims, thank goodness, to being be around at the time" about five years ago, but things really the Next Big Thing. There are mutters of "Never" and "No started happening last year when they signed to the East way" when I ask them this. "It doesn't matter if we play to West label. 2000 people or 20 - we still love playing live" Bobby reckons. So, how are you getting on with the Much-Hyped Ambition, it seems, is not a key word in their vocabulary. ones? "They're really friendly" asserts tartan trousered singer As our conversation draws to a close I ask the all Chris. "On the first day of the tour Justine came straight up important question: Any message for us students in Leeds? to us and introduced herself' They ponder on that one for a while. "Not really." What a rock God she truly is. It's all very rock'n'roll So there we have it.

shouldn't be - sanitised, unoriginal, and he prefers a synthesised rhythm section Therapy? are above making a record Alice in Chains utterly worthless. It's much more indicative which does not do justice to the more unlistenable and don't entertain puerile efforts of the current sorry state of affairs that Pearl deserving tracks on the . to make listeners ears bleed . Jar of Flies/Sap (Columbia) Jam or Stone Temple Pilots, or any of the Overall this recording does not Therapy? have already enjoyed Top critic's favourite targets. Its only achievement signify a great future for the latest Great Ten success and 'Troublegum' will only is loading another shot in the cannon of the Brummie Hope. Unfortunately his consolidate their position as one of Britain's escribed as a 'double CD mini-album', 'Rock Is Dead' brigade. upbringing in the business seems to have most consistent bands. Try not to be too Dthis isn't quite as good value as it might instilled within him too healthy a respect of snobbish they do deserve some of your time. seem at first, lasting only fifty minutes in Joe Williams musical compromise and not enough total. It's packaged this way because it brings reverence for the drum and bass. Matt Ball together two separate releases, one new, one old. Bitty Mclean Akin Ojumu First of all there's 'Sap', a five-track mini-album recorded in 1991 and previously Just To Let You Know (Brilliant) unreleased in Britain. According to the sleeve Therapy? notes the idea was 'to get back to the reasons espite protests to the contrary, everyone Troublegum (A & M) for being in a band', whatever that may Dappreciates a fairy tale with a happy mean. It's exactly what you'd expect from a ending; so read on, 12 months ago Bitty grunge band in mellow mode. Some of their Mclean was a lowly sound engineer at UB40's ashions come and go and only style mates come along to lend a hand, including Abattoir studios in Birmingham, a year later Fremains. In other words you've either got it Post -Valentine-Indie-Saddo Chris Cornell from Soundgarden, and the be has recorded what was probably the or you ain't. While Therapy? can hardly be whole record does sound rather like a summer hit of last year "It Keeps Rainin"' described as ubiquitous when it comes to the Bedroom Top Ten subdued Soundgarden. Which is pretty which gets played ad nauseum on Radio 1 public's musical tastes their fourth album Compiled by Dan at Crash! boring, in the main. After a couple of tracks Fabtastic FM (an unfortunate side effect of 'Troublegum' is a quality recording. 1 Suede Stay Together of this, you'll be wishing they'd rock out any real pop success) and now he releases his 'My girlfriend says I need help, my properly instead of messing around with this debut album. boyfriend says I'm better off dead. I'm gonna 2 Pavement Crooked Rain, sensitive stuff. Surprisingly for a singer who began get drunk, come round and fuck you up! So Crooked Rain Of course this was all done before his career from around the other side of the begins another trawl through Andy Cairns's 'Dirt', the album that carried Alice in Chains soundproofing wall, twiddling knobs rather disturbed psyche. Pop's conveyer belt seems to 3 S*11,1*A*S*H Shame into the major league in America on the crest than exercising his vocal chords, the be churning out no end of tortured souls at the 4 St Etienne Pale Movie of the grunge wave. Late last year the band production values on display here are not moment and to the more cynical of us it does 5 Jan Spencer Blues Explosion Afro repeated their old back-to-basics trick and inspiring, merely competent. Bitty's erstwhile seem a bit contrived especially as most of these recorded 'Jar of Flies'. The idea's the same as bosses UB40, consistently produce albeit not doom-stricken individuals enjoy vast success. 6 Afghan Whigs Debonair that behind 'Sap', the obvious difference bona fide reggae but a generally pleasing However all art is (or should be) inspired by 7 Cornershop Hold on it being that this time they were clearly going amalgam of reggae, pop and soul music. emotion and a creative medium does act as an Hurts to sell records. And, of course, that it's even Left to his own devices Bitty has excellent forum for exorcising those inner worse than its predecessor. largely imitated his mentors using influences demons. Anyway it would he ludicrous to 8 Voodoo Queens Chocolate Revenge If you thought you'd had enough from all the above mentioned genres, whilst expect or even want sugar-coated sweet lyrics 9 Truman's Wafer God Speed the grunge, this album crosses the line between neglecting to inject any originality or passion twinned with Therapy?'s grinding and enough and too much. Alice in Chains have into his songs. Many of the songs featured guttural guitar rock. Punchline moved with the limes all right - from the are old cover versions enhancing the Musically Therapy? have thrown off 10 Cocteau Twins Blue Beard designer grunge of 1992 to the formularised impression that you have heard these songs punk pretensions and thwarted any grungy guitar-rebellion-by-numbers that is currently or similar before. Instantly accessible, but sucking out the minds of a brainwashed MTV preconceptions and by blatantly showing their possessing little lingering appeal, Maclean's heavy metal leanings. We're not talking cock Crash! for all your winter faves; generation. Cool. Huh-huh. Huh-huh. This cheerful vocals bounce along the ten tracks, really will make you cringe with its pseudo- rock but state of the art intensity provided by Icicle Works. Ice Cube and, of halting only for the briefest emotional Cairns's controlled yet frantic rifting and a philosophical lyrics and its tight harmonies" involvement within a few chosen songs. course, Snowboy. and acoustic guitars, which drip with blatant rhythm section who would probably name a Often barely recognisable as reggae commercialism instead of having any kind of road drill as their main influence. To call it music of even the weakest type, Mclean emotional depth. merely hardcore would be doing Therapy? a eschews the powerful, rhythmic bass lines 'Jar of Flies' is everything that music disservice as 'Troublegum' it far too structured that are characteristic of this music. Instead and clever to sink to this base musical level.

Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 18th February 1994

Music 11 Twins Peak

John McLeodI proves it's only a small step from Marlowe to Marillion.

BLUR Girls and Boys (Food)

It's always a mistake to give people who even vaguely sound like cockneys a recording contract. This dreadful little dirge sounds like Trevor Brooking singing a Kareoke version of the Ariston advert after wolfing a Bombay efore I launch into the usual stream of If Robin is a (guitar) God, then Liz Duck at Naffee's. The lyrics suggest lots of metaphors that journalists always use Cocteau Twins Fraser surely exists beyond divinity. Her healthy trans-sexual shenanigans, but Bwhen reviewing Cocteau Twins, a brief garbled Fraser-speak is teasing, confusing unfortunately the music is as daring as a mention for support Seefeel. Imagine what Town & Country Club and utterly perfect. Languages are too Casio VL-Tone. Bollox. My Bloody Valentine would've sounded like bogged down in explanations and context to if they'd continued the dreampop/ dance judging from the large numbers of entwined fit a sound that is mood, not meaning. S*M*A*S*H collision of "Soon" to even spacier places. At couples here, I'm not the only one who Simply, you get whatever you want from the Shame (Southern) times, Seefeel sound like the perfect merging shares that opinion. You rarely get scenes Cocteaus, whether it's love or hate, pain or of guitars and technology, with bonus points like this down the Duchess, unfortunately. pleasure, or any point in between. It's totally There once was a rock band called for the best digital drum sounds I've ever Sensibly ditching their temperamental drum inappropriate to single out certain songs, SW• A•S*H, heard. machine for this tour, the Cocteaus have since the Cocteaus are an experience, not a Who wrote pseudo-Buzzcocks trash, I read somewhere recently that the boosted their line up to a seven piece (Liz, 3 set list. Their new single 'Shame phrase "Rock and Roll" was originally coined guitars, bass, 2 drummers). The impressive, If you think what I've written Is torpid and tame, as a blues euphemism for sex. If that's true, enveloping sound allows Robin Guthrie to seems to convoluted, and you want a Believe me, don't waste your cash. then Cocteau Twins are the greatest "Rock gaze benevolently at the crowd, then play soundbite that sums it all up, here's one and Roll" band in the world. Their music heaven sent melodies that simply deserve Cocteau Twins ARE sensuality. Big Time. FREAKPOWER flows in sensual and carnal waves, and reverence. Rush (4th B-Way) Martin Futrell Oooh, baby. I love a good funking, and record of the year so far, pour yourself a Freakpower achieved the miraculous task of Mark Lanegan drink, light a cigarette turn the lights down Influx getting my delicate frame wobbling along to and lose yourself in sweet sadness. their smart, neat single. It's a got a bassline to Whisky for the holy ghost Unique (Sapho) die for, and a horn section brighter than my James Muir mother's bathroom. And guess what! A wha- (Sub Pop) t's , it's good, and for once its not wha pedal makes a delightful cameo in the IEuropean. Influx (aka James Bernard) is guitar role! Anybody want to lend me a bog hisIcy for the Holy Ghost' is a darkly Truman's Water the New York synth programmer behind 3 floppy hat? I'm hooked. ,Wbeautiful record inhabiting a recent Hard Chart number ones twilight world of darkened bars where God Speed the Punchline (one as Cybertrax), and 'Unique' is proof lonely men slump on the counter narrating positive of his talents. After the relentless POP WILL EAT ITSELF their life story to strangers over a bottle of (Rough Trade) banging of the 'Disrupticon' EP , '0.d.' and Ich Bin Ein Auslander (Infectious) whisky. Lanegan (lead singer of the 'Braineater', it's dark and transparent Screaming Trees) has gathered together a The music press love them. John Peel sounding and not half as hard as you'd Oh piss off. This tries to be as politically 'on band of Seattle celebrities (members of 1 adores them. Why? Who knows? Here's expect. the streets' as New Model Army, and ends up Mudhoney, Dinosaur Jnr and the mighty what you need to know about Truman's Bernard seems to have an just as effective. There's a great deal of money Tad Doyle) and created an astonishing Water: they're American, of course. Their exceptional ear ,putting the most effective to be made by rapping about urban decay, it record, dominated by his deep cracked first, self-produced import album, 'Of sounds next to each other - such as the acidic seems. It pays to posture one's social croon, it weaves a spell that is impossible to Thick Turn', impressed Peel so much that chiming and feedback of 'Still'. 'Emotions' awareness, Co-opted, capitalist, resist. he played the whole thing on the radio and manages to sound fresh and spine-tinglingly postmodernist piss-poor socially inept Each song is an evocative story phoned them up for a surprise interview. poignant despite featuring those sweeping bastards. that lives and breathes as vou are drawn The press soon caught on and hyped them synths and piano touches that are almost further into his world of the faded thirty to the sky, So they must be super great, two-a-penny in trance music. There are SMASHING PUMPKINS something alcoholic confessing his sins. right? Here's their new album to prove it. hints of the Aphex Twin on a couple of Disarm (Hut Records) Carnival is a glorious rush of acoustic They might sound a bit like tracks; 'Monday' is all metallic buzzsaw and guitars and soaring violin, Lanegan Captain Beefheart except that Beefheart awkward beat, and the Dawn mix of Smashing single, "moaning for more other medicine" as the knew what he was doing. They might 'Dreamscape' is strikingly similar to today's treat of the breathless momentum builds, Sunrise is a sound like Sonic Youth if Sonic Youth 'Polynomia-c' off the 'Xylem Tubes' EP. week. Nice, gorgeous lament, country tinged blues stopped writing songs and just played any However, eleven good tunes do moody acoustic harmonised with lilting deep south backing old rubbish, too much sounds like random not an album make. As a double EP for guitar forge a vocals. Throughout, the LP is a bruised chaos, I didn't realise till half way through mixing this works fantastically (apart from sensitive backdrop confessional of a man beyond redemption the first track that I was playing it at the the top-heavy production - more bass would to some rather calling for "more whisky for everyone" wrong speed. I should have kept it at 45, 1 have been nice) but it just doesn't have the incomprehensible content to wallow in the mire rather than would have wasted less of my tie. coherent structure to be called an album. lyrics which dean up and sort his life out. Here's a couple of good points. Most of the uptempo tracks are concentrated actually suit things It may be theatrical but it never The sleeve's made of hemp which is very on the first record , and then the beats peter well. It's a well sounds pretentious or contrived, after a environmentally conscious. But they'd out into ambience and the two halves just crafted, while you really believe he must be this have been better off smoking them instead don't follow. However, Bernard creates wonderfully desperate; his cracked voice the result of a of inflicting this on the world. some beautiful and emotional atmospheres understated song misspent life. It's not a depressing record it Best thing of all is that there are and some storming tunes, even if he never about violence. Imagine that someone tied a has beauty and magic and an emotive only 2000 of these, so if you're lucky you'll quite transcends his electronics. 'Unique' tourniquet around Tort Amos's neck, stuffed a power that so few can communicate to never see one, let alone have the isn't quite unique, but it is definitely wad of sandpaper down her throat and touch other peoples lives. It sings to broken misfortune of hearing any of it. different. nicked her piano - that's the nearest I can get hearted romantics and the gutters but to how things sound. I'm a fan. ultimately it's Life affirming and the best Joe Williams Claire Rowland

Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 18th February 1994

12 F( Taking to it!

After months of speculation and ■Ir Meet the DJ's VIEWPOINTS FM is finally back on the air. Garet the voices, with additional "I haven't really heard about it before. but if they put up all their frequencies I might give it a go. It wasn't very good last Network FM broadcasts last year weeks and I time. They made so many mistakes, and didn't play very good music. It didn't sound very good last time, but I will were simply a turn off. Poor Chris Gregg give it a go to see if h has improved." quality reception, presentation problems are and licence problems dogged main task i Tanya Mason; Second Year the station during the month it convincing Medical Science, Leeds University was on air. population to Now Network is back second chance "I will tune in and leave it on for the whole month - broadcasting for another four This time G it should be much better than Dream FM." Ms New)* studio • it should be your horns Pic: Ed Crispin Dan Crowley, First year both fun and challenging. Politics student, Leeds University XTetwork's staff hardly IN live the rock 'n roll Network is also very lifestyle. Gregg insists on sociable, and the mix of strict standards in the studio people is interesting. will tune in now you have told me about it. "Being a DI is quite wasn't even aware we had got a student radio!" itself. No swearing, smoking, eating or drinking difficult at the start. You've Julie Dent: First Year is allowed. There are also got to develop your own Diploma in Playwork, LMU controls on what DJs can identity, and the recording mention on air_ studio should feel like a Richard Jordan, a third second home, "No, I won't be listening. It was too amateurish and the DJs year Physics student and "If you are talkative, you seemed to talk about their own friends. Unless you knew the Network member, said: "If are away. Once you are djs it was just be irrelevant nonsense. 1 might give it a go. people eat, drink and smoke happy with the studio, that but if it is anything like last time it won't be for long." in the studio it damages the enables you to learn equipment and the records. production techniques. You Dan Guthrie, Second Year You've got to be strict have got to be original, Politics, Leeds University otherwise it just isn't worth different from the guy that doing at all. Besides, comes before and different regulations on what can be from the guy that comes "I couldn't find it on my radio last year, If I find the broadcast are imposed by after." he added. frequency, then yes. see what it is like." the radio authority." Russell Chamberlain. lst Angela Howarth, Fourth Year There are about sixty Ws year Management and Business Management. LMU that are involved with Spanish, is also a DJ at the Network and they are station, but he does feel that enthusiastic about the work he is restricted as to what he "If it was all specialist then more people would tune that they do, Virginia can play: "I joined so that in to what music they would like rather than pop Murray, third year the University could hear music which can be heard anywhere." Philosophy and Psychology. me. I used to run a pirate Gary Kempster, ist year said: "I became a DJ radio station but as I Architectural Engineering Leeds University because I like music and I couldn't start one up here I am interested in presenting. joined Network. It gives me I've been doing it for about a reason for getting out of bed, It really annoys me that "Last time the dance features at the weekend were a year now, and basically it is a lot of fun. I started off Ican't play hip hop. It's hard enjoyable. The breakfast show wasn't very good. I Netwc to get specialist as there are haven't got a radio at the moment, but I guess I would as a newsreader. but if are have listened to it if I had, for a laugh." keen you can soon do more, few specialist slots. I am I think Network provides a told to play pop, so there is n the past Network FM has into slightly Paul Slater. Second Year good service for the Union. very little scope for I been criticised for not offering "Every Ft Philosophy. Leeds University It is also personally very variety." a full news service. hour weekly valuable when it comes to Network has over three Rachel Corp, Head of News which inclu' getting a job. hundred members, but that and Current Affairs, says that reports. We "Yes, I'll listen, because I thought it was hilariously funny Richard Bond, first year does not mean that potential this time the news service has Heads of I last time, even though it wasn't supposed to be. It sounded Communications Studies. volunteers are unwelcome. been greatly expanded: "There is explain the I like it had been broadcast in a toilet." agreed: "It's good Gregg stresses this. saying: news every hour, which is two or stories in too Amy Mallett, Second Year experience and a good We are always looking three minutes. Every day, "On rues Music and Philosophy, Leeds University laugh_ I enjoy the celebrity for more people. We don't towards the end of the afternoon, debate. On ' status! It's relevant to my only need Ws. We need there is a fifteen minute round- Network Inn course, and might get me people to review arts, to up of the day's news, which goes foreign stude "No. I won't listen. I expect it will be• alright. into the whole journalism help with the technical side. business." but its just not my cup of tea.- news readers, reporters. We Another DI gave similar are looking at producing Dan Smith, First Year Social reasons; "At the start I just plays for the radio, so we Anthropology, Leeds University did it because I thought it need actors and those would help with my course. interested in performing but now I do it because it is comedy. "

ILeeds Student Independent Newspaper 18th February 1994


ag Week starts next sucking will be messy and fun wackier side of student life, involved. Our aim is to spread Monday for Leeds and we hope to get more and with charity Karaoke singing, the workload. It's all part of Rstudents, featuring fun- more people involved in worm charming and the Rag getting bigger and better packed frolics such as Bungee raising money for charity." infamous 'Guess where the each year. jumping, Vodka jelly guzzling Fox explained that this Goat is going to crap' "Eseryone can take part. and. of course, goat crapping. year's events would be smaller competition. either by coming in to the Rag "Rag Week is the climax of because in previous years the "There's something for Office or just by turning up to the whole calender for us," large events had been less everyone," said Fox. "If events. We hope that the Rag explained the Rag Week Co- profitable. However. Rag you're a drinker there are Parade will have a great ordinator, Alex Fox. "And this Week still promises to he the drinking competitions. if turnout. year the emphasis is even most ambitious to date. with you're a sports fanatic there is "We want to keep the more on fun. But we still hope an action-packed programme Co AFL, an all-night sports event and if momentum going from to raise thousands of pounds of events. you're a goat fancier then..." previous events," Fox added. for local and national These range from the Pullout compiled by Matt Roper He appealed for volunteers "Rag has always been fun. charities. daring to the down-right to raise sponsorship and help That's the best way to get "The week is designed to ridiculous. On Sunday. 80 another 50 daredevil students between them and certain with events: "Each day of the people involved. We want bring out the traditionally would-be SAS members plan will raise money by hurling death. week will be run by a different people to enjoy themselves, silly side of Rag," said Fox, to abseil down the Hilton themselves off a 130ft crane However the focus of the first year committee member. not to be boring. That's the —events like the Vodka jelly Hotel. And on 27th February. with only a bit of elastic week is definitely on the but everyone should get best way to raise money." Myles Bremner, the man behind the banana Ue's had his head shaved for charity. He's been successful rel. "Our initial target of I:50.000 was Rag Week Lion countless hitches and Rag raids. He is broken in the first term. which was fantastic news. "IL is the hard work and enihusium of even rumoured to be the mastermind behind next We got a good start with the Rag Tour in the volunteers has ensured that Rag will continue to week's sponsored Worm Charming event. On the summer. which put more than 1:1I0X) in the bank grow." he added. surface Myles Bremner. Rag Sabbatical Officer. straight away and des eloped a core group of Myles argues that Rag is not simply about seems to fit well into the traditional 'wild and volunteers. fund-raising. "There is the obvious charity aspect. wacky' image of Rag. "But it's been the response to events like the Ws a chance for students to give back. However. But as he explains its not all baths of baked Paris Hitch. Ball and Beer Festival that has Rag also enables volunteers to develop the beans and hungee jumps: "The main emphasis is brought in the most money." he adds. organisational. communication and personal skills on fun. But now Rag is a far more professional Myles is only the Union's second Rag that they wouldn't otherwise learn. It's good organisation. Sabbatical Officer. But he stresses that he is experience for employment." "This is my fourth year involved with Rag." he building on the work of previous years: "We've Although he appreciates the threat to Rag from says. "At first we were the 'social outcasts' of the tripled last year's total already. But of course last the Government reforms of the NUS. Myles Union. but now we're taken seriously as a society. year was in many ways a foundation. with i1 being predicts that Rag will survive: "The Union gives The change to a sabbatical post has been the first year of a sabbatical post. We've used past us minimum funding - much of their help is important We may have kept to the 'wild and events such as Cuddle Week. .Shark and made through goodwill: the use of an office. the wacky' image but there is a serious side as well them even more successful:. computer and the like. This good working "Now we can boast that nearly half of all first And he points to important changes this rear: relationship should not end simply because of the years are members of Rag. That means that for the "The best thing for this year's Rag Week is the reforms. next three years Rae should still be at the forefront appointment of a full-time carnival organiser. "In reality. the NUS reforms will cost us a lot of Union activity." Simon Green. Together we are working to ensure more adminisration costs. But it will not kill off' that the carnival weekend is the grand finale of Rag. It's the students which will keep Rag going Myles expects this year's Rag to be the most Wacky and wild Rag sabbatical Myles Bremner A FULL GUIDE TO RAG WEEK INSIDE: PAGES II & III II The Ultimate

The Rag week programme H Where will th Sunday 20th February Abseiling off Leeds Hilton. From 1 lam -3pm. £15 deposit Rag omebody comes up to you in the never actually know that so many members, £20 non-member. Get enough sponsorship and it's free. 1.3Old Bar. brandishing a huge people are relying on the exact grided piece of card. "Excuse me", positioning of his morning Karaoke at Hyde Park Pub. Evening. All welcome to croon the night the man holding the piece of card constitution. away. Loads of prizes for the best and worst singers. asks, "would you like to guess A prize of a month's supply of Monday 21st February where the goat will crap?" Baked beans wraps up this exciting Yes, after a sad and prolonged event. Bus Push, outside Leeds University Union. From 12pm-2pm Teams of absence, the Goat crap has Perhaps the most bizarre event six. 50p per person returned - probably the most of the week is worm charming. The Vodka Jelly Sucking Competition. From 9pm in the Old Bar. Done in valuable faeces in the world. brainchild of 'wacky' Rag heats, winner gets very, very drunk. £1.00 entry. After complaints from Animal Sabbatical, Myles Bremner. details Go Ac's Rights activists, this year's event are obscure on the exact nature of the Tuesday 22nd February will be officially 'goat-friendly'. event. However Myles confidently Human Fruit Machine & Wheel of Fortune. From 12pm -2pm. The event will take place at the predicts that the event will be the Outside Leeds University Union. Cheap & tacky prizes to give away. Urban Valley Farm, most popular of the week. and the unsuspecting animal will So, Join the throngs and dig for MI Night Sports Competition. From It/pm - 10am. Teams of at least six, including two girls, playing Volleyball. Football and Hockey. Quizzes and drinking to last through the night. £4 per person. £3.50 Rag members. Drink-a-pub-dry. The Bricklayers. All day.lop per pint to charity, and go and watch the sponsored Darts Marathon, throwing their 'arrers' with true acuracy! Wednesday 23rd February Midnight footie Bouncy Castle in the Riley Smith Hall. 12pm-2ptn. 20p for a good number of bounces. Arc you an insomniac sports freak? If so this could be the event for you. Yes, it's that time again, after the success of Rag raid to Scarborough. Afternoon. For Royal Assoc for deaf. A sunny last year. once more teams of eight will compete at hockey, trip to the seaside and a chance to go for a paddle. soccer and volleyball from 10 pm Tuesday to 10am the The Night of the Loonpants. 9pm - 2am. Late licence in the Tartan Bar. following morning. Drinks promo, f1.10 double gin. Dig out your Loonpants for the 70's cool The teams should be mixed. with at least two in every sounds 50p cool (Loonpants or 70's gear) £1.50 uncool. team. Rag promise that no talent is required, which is Thursday 24th February probably a good thing for most malco-ordinated students. There is a prize for the winning team, although the exact AGM. 1.00pnn Riley Smith Hall. If it's quorate, then we get to put the details remain a closely guarded secret. And when you aren't whole of Exec in the stocks. If you fancy throwing a wet sponge at competing there are quizzes and other games in which to Monsieur le Cool Elliot Reuben, then go along. compete. The cost to take part is £3.50 (rag members) and £4 for Atomic. Evening, in the Tatrtan Bar. In association with Monkey House non-members. So don your winter woolies, shin pads, footie and Artificial Life. Rag week brings you a night of alternative music. boots and go to the Rag Office for more information. 1.1.50 members. £2.00 non-members. Drinks Promo £1.10 double Vodka. Friday 25th February Worm Charming. Lunctime. Outside Leeds University Union. Join the throng and dig for victory. Fantastic prizes for those who charm the best wiggly things. Teams of four. 50p per team, Union Bar Games. Evening. Including continuation of Vodka Jelly Adrenaline it Sucking Competition. Maybe some throwing up? Saturday 26th February For the more daring of you. Rag zip Rag Carnival. Highlight of the week. See opposite. proudly present the two ultimate io adrenaline experiences. Sunday 27th February For starters, on Sunday the ten Bungee Junp at Granary Wharf. Watch over 100 mad people hurtling 27th February, over 50 students tof themselves off a 130ft crane over the Leeds Canal. Sign up at the Rag. will be risking life and limb by office for the last few places. Cost £39.00, which includes membership to hurling themselves off a 1300 1.61 the UK Bungee Club for one year. Again. it's a sponsored event so if you crane. collect enough sponsorship you can do it for free. Yes, the hungee jump craze ,44 which started in New Zealand, has vtoi And the classic. Where will the Goat Crap? Use your skill and test hit Leeds again. Last year. OW el, your nerve by guessing where the goat will drop his load. Choose one of a 100 foolhardy students hurtled all thousand skills and see if you can win a month's supply of Baked Beans. - the crane, raising thousands of 17... Don't worry, the goat is owned by Meanwood Urban Valley Farm and the the process. Goat Crap will take place in a specified time, when the Goat would have a pounds for charily in And Rag hope to repeat the crap anyway. The only abnormal feature will be somebody measuring the co-ordinates. success of that event this year. to„ For those daring, or terminslb 4,0441 Getonimo . take a leap with Rag 1E0.01\4 Leeds Student Newspaper Rag Week Special - 18th February 1994 a4 Guide to Rag III e ram I:1 a he goat crap? The Rag Carnival '94 I-

victory outside the union on the steaent Cho, grass Friday lunchtime 12-2pm. Use whatever skills you can muster Isedsl?('493 bs to catch the wiggly things. But, remember the two golden rules - the ground surface must not 411. Carnival % be broken, and worms are not to be eaten. Rag don't want any complaints. For the less squeemish among you there arc other 'wild and e Rag Carnival has gradually evolved from the tradtional Rag Go parade. This year. Carnival '94 consists of the Rag Parade. along tr wacky' events such as a bus push. APE./ with a huge Balloon Release from the City Centre. the Centre seventies kitsch disco dancing type T 4/Radio Aire FM Roadshow, plus live PA's from local hands. Including love thangs with Night of the Little Chief and the Muldoon Brothers. all of this happens on Saturday Loonpants. and Vodka jelly 26th February. plus there's the Bungee lump at Granary Wharf on sucking for the soberly challenged. Happy crappinyttaeces value Sunday the 27th February, completing the carnival weekend. And all profits from the day go to local charities, of course. Carnival '94 will be the largest student event in Leeds for years. It is the one chance in the year for students to show that we do have something to put hack in the community. The Rag parade consists of about 15-20 floats on a procession through the City Centre. Participants include Rag, Action, some other university societies, some local charities and student bands. Exec take stock It starts at 12pm from and should last about an hour Any society or hand wishing to take part should contact the Rag Office Do you hate Exec ? Are you fed up with their smug self- immediately. satisfied smiles ‘7 Well now is your chance for revenge. Our centre of entertainment for Saturday 26th February is Victona In a "blatant attempt to get the AGM quorate" those wild Gardens, The Centre 4/Radio Aire FM Roadshow will be in town and wacky folks at Rag have proposed a motion to mandate between 11am and 3pm. with top DJ's from the local station plus Exec to he pm in stocks so frustrated students can vent their competitions and prizes and a karaoke hour from I 1.30arn, anger on them. Local hands wil also be performing on the Rag stage, next to the Put simply, this means that if enough apathy ridden students Roadshow. Little Chief will kick it off at about 12.15pm - The Muldoon can be bothered to turn up at the AGM. they get the chance to Brothers wil be on stage at 2pm - plus other bands to be arranged. throw whatever they fancy at their least favourite member of The Balloon Release is the launch of thousands of balloons in a race Exec. And what's more they will even be raising money for into Europe. Each balloon can be sponsored for f I - the winner of the race charity. is the person whose ballot' is returned from furthest away, The top prize is So if you fancy chucking a rotten tomato at 'golden boy' a Sega Game Gear. You can enter at the Rag office, or on a stall in want to ban The Sun' Rouse or an John Rose. a sponge at Liz 'I Victoria Gardens on the day. The balloons are to be released at 2.30pm. egg at that Monsieur of Cool Elliot Reuben, you better find Anyone wishing to participate with these events should contact the Rag your voting card. The event takes place next Thursday. Don't office. We need collectors, stewards, float-holders, street-entertainers, forget to bring a brick. float decorators and anyone else with a few ounces of enthusiasm.

The Rag Carnival

Rag Parade. 12pm-2pm. Starting from Woodhouse Moor, the Parade junkies only will travel through town. Join the Carnival atmosphere and show the townsfolk that Leeds students really can enjoy themselves whilst doing a lot of good for the local community. stupid enough to take part, the where 80 paratrooper types will the aim is to raise enough sponsorship lower themselves by rope down Radio Aire FM Roadshow. 11am- 3pm. Victoria Gardens, outside to hungee for free. For those who the building and back to terra An gallery on the FIeadrow. Fun and games with top DJ's and live sets can raise enough cash, the deposit firma. from Little Chief and the Muldoon Brothers. Sponsored by Centre 4 of £39 will he returned. There will be a £15 deposit for Each Carnival programme has a raffle number - top holiday prizes on The venue for the jump is the Rag members and one of £20 for offer. rarified surroundings of Granary those non-members. Massive Ballon release. 2.30 pm. During the day. 10,00(1 balloons will %hail. And with only an elastic But as with the hungee jump. compete against the other to travel the furthest into Europe. The winner hand stopping the would-be the abseilers will he sponsored, will recieve a Sega Game Gear, and we will donate a computer to the lemmings from a dip in the toxic and if you raise enough dosh, the school of their choice. Balloons can be bought for only £ I.(X) each from tsaters of the Leeds - Manchester privilege of scaring yourself to the Rag Office. or your Rag Hall Rep. We need your help to make this ship canal it is guaranteed to be an death comes free. day successful so please give up a few hours of your time to help others experience to remember for the So, take a deep breath, take out within the local community. Lots of incentives for collectors on the day. rest of your - all too brief - a large life insurance policy and and great prizes for top collectors. existence. sign on for the thrill of a lifetime. But the thrill seekers don't stop Life's too short to miss out on there. Next stop the Hilton Hotel.. this chance.

Leeds Student Newspaper Rag Week Special -18th February 1994

IV Television CH 4 --I BBC 1 --I BBC 2 -I ITV 6.00 Blossom Jewish Aran-wan Princ oss socks 41.1viLc 5.55 Calendar 6.00 News amt Weather 6.00 Olympic Grandstand Conte haak l il.lie the on sea. Next stop the Mouat Jones Lounge. grump Eagle. all is fixer. en 6.30 Superchamps 6.30 Look North arid you'll trod a hunch 701 Celebrity Squares .and Kilian: they are_ 6_30 Happy Days are here again. 0.00 Red Dwarf 7.1$) Channel 4 News bastards. 7.30 Coronation Street starring Reg Holcbwonh. 7.00 Hume Truth Steve Wright on due radio. Cie.._ 930 Gardener's World 8.00 The Bill please earton. 7.511 You Don't Know Me But New series. How the 10.00 Blieciutdder U funk ate we supposed to knua what tong on T 830 Surgical Spirit it's like.' 7.30 Tomnerovi's World 10.30 Newanight !races of the Family 9.01) The Chief 8.00 8.1$) f/nlv Furls and Horses ..V.Och this teig a old 1,, 11.15 What the Papers Say Awards 830 Itrnesksidel)ealon't.do-dat-doe-do-deatal. N;is hollers gel a taste 10.00 Newa at Ten 8.511 Drive 11.55 Fantasy Football League 10.40 Street Legal 4.00 Nature Perfected Don't forget to set the video. 9.00 laa: Hurts Zoe. "Wanamakerder entsitcon gets of stardom, This %seek featuring ,andiess laitigeley 1135 Tower of Kati Gratuitous sex and violence make 9.30 Home Improvement Essential viewing for Leeds leader alarm Ethiopia 12.25 It isfystere Picasso Famous hushand of airs up for this otherwise lackluatte laindionts 10.20 High Plains Drawl Big Clint. hie on.. big house 1.05 Whale On Switch off, 10.00 Rose:maw Fat poor people in ;mull 11.05 The 34 ord Rumoured appearance by Leeds 6 -asr 12.(15 The internecine Project Fnika night. tier altuationist tuaketecra "Dead Pimp' midnight, Isa. a Irani the pub. Ana you really that used 12.10 Paradbut Hawaiian Style Elvis gets it on with his secretary. Great political pmspects.

BBC 1 1-- BBC 2 ITV CH 4

530 New Adventurer of Superman Top Baywateh 6.10 Scrutiny 5.15 Thunderball 635 Right to Reply replacement. 6.40 News 7.30 Barrymore 7,00 A Week in Politics 6.15 Noel's House Party Featuring unfunny pink 6.55 Kenneth Clark at the Tate Not the Chancellor 01 8.30 Beadle's About to get the alai kicked out of him 8.00 Bake - People of the Rainforest need a lot of spotty bloke and Mr. Blobby the Exchequer but still a boring twat. one of these days. umbrellas. 7.15 Big Break Jimi Davidson's neck and John Virgo's 7.25 Unplugged: 101100 Maniacs 9.00 News 9.00 NYPD Blue legs if we're kicky. 8.10 Olympic Grandstand Latest instalment of BBC 9.15 Heartbreak Ridge See Friday, 10.20 BBC 1 10.00 Don't Forget your Toothbrush A funny bloke 7.45 Birds of a Feather 2's alpine Soap. minus the stetsons. with ginger hair now there's a novelty. 8.15 Casualty 10.05 Between the Lines 11.40 Gideon Oliver: By the Risers of Babylon 11.05 United States of Television 9.05 That's Life Esther gets her teeth into some meaty 1055 Under Satan's Sun Ifs fucking hot. Boney M I Gideon 0 11.50 Broadway Storks issues.(Ha....Ha!) 12.341 Later with „tools Holland 1.25 Tour of Duty 1230 Late Licence: Viva Cabaret 9.45 News and Sport 1055 Match of The Day: The Road to Wembley "About 200 miles down the M I It's the 3rd on your

11,15 The Last Capone

BBC 1 I--- BBC 2 --I ITV 1- CH 4 1--

6.10 News 6.10 The Natural World: Sex. Hot Lampoons and 620 News 6.00 Movie Watch 6.25 Songs of Praise More tea Vicar? Chilli Peppers. Soft porn set in Naffees. 630 The Karate Kid Ht-Y a! 630 The Cosby Show 7.00 As Time Goes By 7.00 Olympic Grandstand Omnibus edition of soap 830 You've Been Framed Have you ever secen his 7.110 Encounters People who spend their weekends 7.341 The House of Elliot Drama with sewing on slope. left hand'? catching tornadoes on video. Proof that American's are machines? Next 9.00 Match of the Day Fiona McGee and Bernard 9.00 Look Who's Talking Too a few butti short of a bubble bath_ X.25 King Ralph Manning. Not. 10.30 News The story continues. 8.00 Distant Echoes Echoes _Echoes ....Echoes. 9.55 News and Weather 9.50 Picasso's Piles Sorry that's 'Files". 10.45 The South Bank Show Melvyn Bragg and his 9.00 Misery Misery _Misery...... Misery 10.10 Sunday Night Clive Eat bald antipidean but at 10.35 Moving Pictures Handy hints fmm ad removal amazing talking anus. 11.00 The Falklands War Maradonna couldn't help least he's funny (unlike this hag of sham experts. 11.50 Urban Angel you then could he? 10.55 Heart of the Matter Cod in Batter eh?) 11.25 Longtime Companion 12.45 Quiz Night Stuart Hall and lager The best of 1130 Steven Spielberg's Amazing Stories "There's British. this bloke right..." Previewed by 1155 Channel Hopping Aptly named: now's the time to switch over. Martin Cole and Darryl Allen

3 7 ' a ...G E

Across:- 26. Birthplace In South Afnca. (51 (7) q 1. Benefactress allows you to have a ball. 27. I roam and end up on the highway. (4.4) Killer whale difficult to get in fruit trees! (7) 21. • ill (5.9) 28. Desert inn If you can do this! (5,3,3,3) 22. Allow to change head and turn into a frog. 9. Twelve months of spring? (4.4) Down:- (6) 10. Take sedan over mountains. (5) 2. Decorate cake straight from fridge - it's 25. Hindustani or Indian plant, you say. (4) 12 Took overdose after a short while, being freezing (3,4) an emotionalstate (4) 3. Does this, perhaps. it raised neuter (4) Answers to last week 1 3. After-shave's apparent efficacy due to 4. Bandit who pays out cash (If you're lucky) Across:- (C) physical strength. (5,5) needs a hand. (3.51 1 Vicaress 5. Stored 10. King of the castle 15. Jesus Christ - or rather "deer me, your 5. Deserves rewards. (6) 11 Needless 12. Aplomb 14. Apt 15 • NI S majesty. . Cops. (8) 6. Cars spread ot? Hardly! (7,3) Pyrometric 19. Chasteness 19. Use 22 16. Account held little money, causing stress, 7 Write on back "return to sender. /eve". (7) Priory 23. Idyllist 25. Reed-instruments 26 ■ iii ■ (6) 8. Senator in a station gives his obsequious Drying 27 Stipules S 18. Part ot getting over It; you see the truth. (6) agreement. (11) Down:- ■al 20. Change course and circulate (3,5) 11. Little devil is roving around and making it 1. Viking 2. Contemplatively 3. Resettle 4. 23 Rescue from trouble this time - you can up. tit) Satisfying 6. Trampled 7 Retrogressional 8 w a bank on a (4.3,3) 14 Eventful modem contest? (10) Died back 9 Per 13. Consider it 16. 24. Resoundingly successful method for 17. Supposed to be one up at vet. (8) Sceptered 17. Star sign 20 Clam up 21 ■ 11C• locating objects'? (4) 19 .. but alien turns up in stream with joiner Al • Eit Stasis 24 Ask 111 • ra The first correct answer drawn from the hat will win a £5 Waterstones book voucher. Send your answers to Crossword Competition, Leeds Student Newspaper, Leeds University Union, P.O Box a is MIMI 157, Leeds LS1 11.11-1. Answers must arrive by Wednesday the 16th of February. For full answers to all your questions check out the biggest and best bookshop in the North. il Waterstone's Booksellers 93-97 Albion Street (Just off the Headrow) 0532 - 444588

The Ultimate Guide to Rag Week a Leeds Student Newspaper pull out supplement. :us 13 ■ le a1 riAfavl

!certainty about its future, Network Hughes speaks to the faces behind Problems solvedl- ?porting by Isobel Williams. The Music I Since its early beginnings Network has had more than its fair share of problems. Station lion manager the service will be available to oday there are so many manager, Chris Gregg (pictured opposite) laims that its all students. Everyone within a specialist shows in he Tdifferent forms of music evening, such as jazz, indie, acknowledges the fact that the intermittent (hind it. But his five mile radius of the university popular to students. The days metal, classical, dance, world broadcasting has confused many potential going to be will now be able to tune in. of all students headbanging music, and the daytime is listeners in the past, but he explains how they the student However, with the licence to goth-rock and indie music more general, chatty stuff. are constrained by law: live Network a only lasting a month Network has gone. Students now have "We will also be faces the problem of getting more sophisticated and broadcasting 24 hours a day. "Any problems that we have are ultimately the 'gg claims that and keeping an audience. diverse tastes. Over recent We have been working the responsibility of the government. We have had problems. years there has also been a month before, recording the but they are nearly always to do with legislation. We cannot trend towards specialist shows that will be played at get a permanent licence at the moment. What we are doing stations, for example Dream night. We aren't allowed in instead is running a short-term FM licence which is FM and Classic FM. This is the building overnight, so it's available to anyone and is a professional, not a student a problem that Network FM a case of being practical, and licence. It is quite expensive and we are, however, only has had to take into account rather than switching over to allowed it for a maximum of 2g days, twice a year and Station Manager Gregg a satellite, it was thought it separated by three months! It is therefore not a permanent disputes claims that there is would be better to provide set-up, but it is tar better quality than AM, which is very not enough variety of music student-produced prone to interference. That is what we have been using. The on Network: "There are programmes continually. current legislation means that if we were to spend the specialist slots in the "It is also planned that money we were given for a permanent AM station now, we evenings. However, if there will be three interviews would end up with a limited, expensive, out-of-date system anyone feels that their a week. We have already got compared to what we could get if we were to wait and spend favourite form of music is interviews with hands such the money on the system which is currently being being neglected, we will as The Wonderstuff, Primal developed." allow them on air. If you Scream and the Wedding All members of Network have expressed frustration at not want a diet of non-stop dance Present." being able to broadcast continually to the student population music, however. then listen Network FM does not in of Leeds. DJ Tony Surdhar. first year Communication to Dream FM. We want to do fact receive money Studies, says: "It is frustrating going on and off the air. It something different and do specifically for buying knocks your presentation skills, because you are on such a not have many DJs that want records. Toon explains how high when you start, and it is a real knock when you get to play dance music. Network gets around this thrown aside. But it is still enjoyable throughout the year. It "It is u question of problem: "What we do is we is just a pity that we aren't allowed by law to broadcast compromise. Hopefully. are in contact with permanently." Richard Jordan, third year Physics at Leeds everybody will hear tunes practically every record University, agrees: "The fact that we are unable to establish they like in the daytime. company in the country, and ourselves permanently is annoying, but we knew the Both Heads of Music. when they've got new position when we started. We knew everything was reliant Virginia Murray and Kate releases they send them to us on radio authority position. We were hoping we could have Toon, support Gregg's for free. We get about four or a more full-time arrangement, but it just wasn't possible." defence of the station. five records sent to us every Murray says: "Even though day. This time round we • Top of the complaint list for students last year was things are moving slowly. have got a couple of deals the poor, or even non-existent, quality of reception. I'm sure every big student with record shops in town. Gregg claims that the reception will be far superior this organisation had teething They give us a couple a time: "The transmitter now has twice the aerial height problems at the start. The week. as long as we that is normally given to these licences. Reception in Leeds Student Newpaper has acknowledge them on the some areas last year was poor. but it should now be k News been going for nearly thirty show and thank them for perfect all over the student area, from the university to years. and has had a long providing the records. Rodington. ALso, the transmitter is now in the centre of "At the moment we have e detail. time to reach its present the area, rather than at the university as before." everyone, which will be a about 560 items. We also are 5 I host a half- mixture of features, and news standards. Something as big as this could never have been given full access to the ws programme, from specific countries." • Last year students claimed that standards of presentation problem-free. Hopefully, we record library at the Union. slightly longer Gregg agrees that the news is were "laughable". But Network member Richard Jordan are laying solid groundwork which have about 30000 lave people like now more comprehensive. predicts that standards will be more professional this time for future students." records and CDs. The Ws out: "The fact that we have been broadcasting in month-long trtments in to adding: "We also will cover Term adds: "We've been play a mixture of our records bursts gives everyone a chance to prepare and to know what ticatians of news more local and student news. For training ever since we went and theirs. Obviously, if you is corning up. It has worked out quite well for pre-recorded etaii." she says. example, we have contacts with off air last summer. so want to be a DJ, it is because programmes. For example, we have now got a huge range of , we have a live most other student stations hopefully this time round you want to play your own band interviews already an the can." lnesday there is through E-mail. Our listeners mistakes will not happen." records. itional, aimed at should recognise that our news She emphasises the "We have also negotiated • Gregg also disputes claims that few students actually but accessible to service is now very good." variety of music genres that a deal with HMV to provide listened to the station during its four-week run in 1993: Network FM will include: us with a lop 20 chart. so we "We did do a poll of one hundred people last year, and All types of music will be will have a chart show every 99% of those students had at some point listened to covered, There will be week." Network FM, and about half of those continued to listen to it_ This is evidence that Network FM is listened to by students, and with the improved version now on offer, hopefully we will get even more regular listeners."

Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 18th February 1994 14 Culture For Ever

Johnathan Harvey is writer in residence at the Bush theatre In London, and last year he co-won the George Devine award for his play Babies. His new play Beautiful Thing is a gay love story, currently showing at the West Yorkshire Playhouse.

omebody said that it shouldn't be the jazz singer Mama Cass. Ste is a sports done/And he with a grin Beautiful Thing fanatic determined to build a career and Sreplied,/He'd never be one to say it West Yorkshire Playhouse Jamie - Jamie is falling in love with Ste. couldn't be done,/Leastways, not till he'd Together the three of them find a way of tried/So he buckled right in with a wink expressing themselves with the help and and a grin/ By golly, he went right to it/He interference of Jamie's mother Sandra and tackled the thing that couldn't be done/ her dappy boyfriend Tony. As Ste and And made a success of it, uplifting the Jamie develop their relationship Leah spirits of an entire audience with a becomes more despondent, having one blistering humour that alone justifies night a bad acid trip when she becomes, going to see Beautiful Thing at the hilariously, Mama Cass, who apparently Playhouse. died by choking on a bacon and egg I have re-written the last line for sandwich. Sandra is a barmaid who the sake of accuracy. eventutally has the opportunity of her own Clause 28. Remember that? Part of pub - she won a hanging basket in the a government bill in 1988 designed to stop South East Thames Barmaid Of The Year the 'promotion of homosexuality' because that Leah headbuts in an attempt to it is a lethal disease on its own entirely improve her singing voice. It's true. responsible for a life-threatening disease The wonderful thing about this is and we must protect the innocents of our that it refuses to compromise on its world from evil and sin and perversity. optimism - you can make it, it And here we are, six years later, unequivocably states. Watching painful with a paper about to go to vote in the TV docu-drama or, indeed, other plays - Commons (this coming Monday) that will such as Jim Cartwright's Road - which beat vote on reducing the age of consent you over the head with the bleakness of amongst the gay community to sixteen. A innercity life ("Some'ow, some'ow, might Radio 4 debate earlier this week took a call get owe' is the chanting refrain that haunts from the actor Michael Cashman (who was the end of Road) in the tradition of John recently seen in Gypsy with Sheila Osborne has its place but their brand of Hancock at the West Yorkshire Playhouse) entirely humourless realism feels too one- who said that the important issue at stake sided to be a real representation of wasn't a case of putting young people at people's lives. Harvey finds a real sense of the risk of corruption from their elder community amongst people with genuine peers, a fear that has been expressed in problems because he does not preclude the certain quarters, so much as making sure possibility that people are able and willing that they could choose partners of their to help each other. The play seduces the own age. There is a fear that the bill, if it audience into believing in the possibility goes through, will allow the 'unsuspecting' of success and it is this which makes it so to be seduced into homosexuality away refreshing. It is also incredibly funny. from the 'norm' of heterosexuality. "Anyone got a match," Sandra says, As one commentator noted, it has looking to light her cigarette. "Yeah," Leah been far more the case that members of the replies, "My arse your face." gay community have felt pressured into The performnces are all superb, leading lives of apparent heterosexuality but Richard Bonneville as Tony perhaps and have become incredibly unhappy deserves special mention. He is an through social pressure to conform to obesquious, bull-headed fool whose only rigorously promoted, over-romanticised real use is to get the tripping Leah inside. heterosexuality than there being evidence "Christ, er, I saw a video about Woodstock that anyone has ever experienced the once. What do we do?" His timing is reverse. immaculate - his creation of a character Beautiful Thing is Johnathan simultaneously familiar and stupendously Harvey's new play, up from London to unique is wonderful. Mark Letheren as. show at the Playhouse tonight and Jamie and Shaun Digwall as Ste find a tomorrow. Nice to see the Bush touring sensitivity and a maturity that is utterly again after a fifteen-year break. The play is winning. You'll find it hard to watch this the story of Jamie, Ste and Leah, three without feeling warmed and encouraged. teenagers living on a low-rise London estate. Leah, kicked out of school, lives out a vicarious life through her obsession with Liz Ekstein Sophie Stanton as Leah and Mark Letheren as Jamie

Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 18th February 1994 . Book s 15 Wood Group Blood Posse Philip Baker (Picador £5. 99) loud Posse is an exceptional novel, not encounters a group of Rastafarians who least for the extraordinary believe that, through passivity and pacifism, Bcircumstances of its creation. Its author, they can escape the persecution and racism currently serving fifteen years in jail, is a that surrounds them. But theirs is the reformed cocaine-smuggler. Both the stable, struggle between cultural ideals and practical proportioned life that he has found in prison, realities, and they soon learn the coupled with an opportunity to write, have impossibility of upholding any kind of given him an escape from the corrupt and values. Action is unavoidable, and the power immoral world in which he used to live. that violence holds is magnetic. When, to What Baker has created, within the avoid another beating, Danny pulls a gun on safe license of fiction is essentially an his father, he too is struck by the terror that account of his own difficult upbringing. The he can inspire. scene is the Brooklyn of the 1970s, where the Danny's life follows the familiar police have lost control, and gang-warfare downward spiral that leads, eventually, to has taken over, asserting its own definitions jail; but Baker's drive towards realism of law and order. As the old Jewish prevents an over-sympathetic reading of this community flee from the murder and the life-style. Nor is the book tainted by idealistic violence, they are replaced by Jamaican or fairy-tale endings. Danny's flight from the immigrants, who fit uneasily in to the slums into an affluent life of drug-funded ghettos. For Danny Palmer, one such luxury cannot liberate him from one stark immigrant, this violence is to be encountered reality: that violence can lead only to violence. at first hand. He is frequently thrashed by his This is an expertly crafted and father and by the police, while his best brilliantly written book, that makes good use friend, lured to a party in a school of language. Baker has managed an escape gymnasium under the promise of sex, is through his writing from the reality of his stabbed to death, and made the first sacrifice torrid experience, giving a glimpse of hope to of a new, anti-Jamaican gang. an otherwise hopeless and distressing story. Isolated by his accent, Danny seeks the company of his fellow Jamaicans. He Peter Rees Phillip Baker. currently serving 15 years in prison

expulsion from Kenya is interspersed with rural village. Thrown is, unfortunately, the various guises in order to block out traumatic Nomad cameos of African tribal life. These tales range operative word and, while research is events and memories. New York psychiatrist, from Maasai circumcision ceremonies to the admirable, Wilson's book falls between two Jake Silver, and his wife, Claire Baxter, discover Mary Anne Fitzgerald intricacies of the political situation in the stools. Used with subtlety, less is more in that they have both been treating Felix, or more (Picador £5.99) Liberian civil war. She brings home the full putting this kind of material into fiction, but precisely, two of his schizoid identities. The extent of the economic and humanitarian conversely this book lacks a clear enough humdrum middle-class lives of our therapist Nteary Anne Fitzgerald presents an account of breakdown through details such as a bottle of evocation of the period to convince. couple - tennis, good sex, diet coke, and '10-cal' er travels and experiences in and around water being rendered more expensive than a This is particularly evident in the tone meals - is shattered when they realise that Felix Kenya in the 1980s which goes beyond the prostitute. of the novel. It consists of one conversation has murdered all of his previous doctors ... impersonal distance of a report. Thrown out of The scope of her account is immense. between Alice Slade, a woman about to be Felix is initially charged for fraud, President Moi's Kenya in the mid-80s for her In the main, she relates the staggering extent of hanged for witchcraft, and Richard Berkeley, a having carried out various computer swindles dangerously accurate reporting on what was the carnage and suffering brought about by parson desperate for her confession, and is via his handy collection of alter-egos. Attempts happening, Fitzgerald refused to take repeated corrupt and closely guarded dictatorships with punctuated by the testimonies of the other to unearth some hard evidence of Felix's advice to treat Moi and his lawlessness with the clarity. Yet the writing lacks the passion villagers. These witnesses reveal their own involvement with the doctors' gruesome deaths reverence he demanded, if not deserved. expected from such material. But her love for desire for Alice's death, their own reasons for is conveniently swept aside as the narrative She and her daughters became Kenya is clear, as is her pain that this love is wishing her silenced. Alice knows too much. degenerates into arduous courtroom drama. refugees with nowhere to flee because of unrequited. She should feel heartened by the Despite the occasional stylistic experiment, Simon's lack of imaginative style is thankfully Fitzgerald's determination to expose the knowledge that she took a stand, made a noise, these voices sound more like late twentieth compensated for with a quick fire, edge-of-the- atrocious truth behind Moi's dictatorship. and made a difference. century than mid-seventeenth. seat dialogue: ideal, in fact, for the imported TV After a nomadic trail through Jessica Loudon Lacking narrative tension, mini-thriller which it will no doubt become. Tanzania and Dar-es-Salam, gratefully receiving unconvincing as a historical novel, rarely Key moments of tension come dose to snapping any suspension-of-disbelief. In fact, hospitality from very distant connections, the chilling enough to be effective as a book about for psychoanalysts, our married duo seem three reach London. England provides peace the supernatural and never surprising, Malefice remarkably dim-witted. Being fully aware of from political persecution, yet as a white Malefice offers the worst of a number of worlds. It's all been done before only much, much better. Felix's history of sexual murders and multiple African Fitzgerald feels boxed in by the Leslie Wilson (Picador f4.99) personalities, Claire still manages to ask the comparative safety and starkness of London. Mark Robson most profoundly probing of questions: "I have itchcraft and incest, troubled faith and Frank letters of loving affection from her something to ask. Is there something upsetting adopted African children effectively bring her Wthe Civil War - you'd think a novel with your Even while witnessing the cold-blooded this potent mix couldn't fail. Yet it is precisely experiences out of the political and into the Dissociated States murder of her 'intimate associate, Max, Claire is personaL this attempt to juggle so many elements that is able to ponder analytically: "Max was right. It Wrenched from her home, her the downfall of Leslie Wilson's second book. Leonard Simon (Signet £4.99) was all Oedipal." Nevertheless, the novel homeland, her friends and her career Fitzgerald Prose with personality I like, but with a climaxes on an obligatory high note which is does not ask for pity; she seeks another personality crisis? Hollywood's ongoing fixation with more stressful than the final rounds of Master challenge to help her climb out of the stasis of Malefice is set in the turbulence of 1655 hizophrenic serial killers is a godsend to Chef at gun point. her London life. The result is a commission from and the novel charts the doubts and confusions writers like Leonard Simon. is debut Dissociated If you have a soft-spot for serial killers, the Sunday Times to be their roving reporter, of a period in which the supposed stability of States boasts a terror to rival The Silence Of The this book is for you. If not, it may well be wiser scanning the countries in Africa for stories Church and state are challenged. Wilson Lambs. to opt for complete dissociation. reflecting the spectrum of African experience. throws in historical detail to add a touch of the Felix Kiehl, the villain/anti-hero, is Her account of her travels after her unusual to her tale of tension and rivalry in a prone to 'dissociate', reinventing himself in David Salmo

Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 18th February 1994

16 Classical & Jazz Taste of Suite Success Halle Orchestra Yehudi Menuhin St George's Concert Hall, Bradford

ritain's oldest (and probably most the con mobs with some glorious overworked) symphony orchestra woodwind playing. Only in the Presto non Bpaid remarkable homage last Friday troppo did they lose some of their powers of night in Bradford to one of the world's articulation, falling prey to enigmatic oldest, most respected musicians and syncopations wreathed in the rumblings of renowned philanthropists, their President expectant timpani. The Andante Finale, Sir Yehudi Menuhin. It was a display that though, bound together by a remarkably would have left Kent Nagano, their persuasive choice of rigidly held tempo, Principal Conductor, either fuming with was superbly majestic. envy or palpitating in an ecstasy of self- Yet the Halle quite rightly held adulation. back their most grandiloquent energies for Haydn's Symphony No 94 in•G Tchaikovsky's Suite No 3 in G major. major, 'The Surprise', was so named Although momentarily tripped up again by because of the shocking fortissimo chord a recalcitrant syncopated sequence rearing that bursts in on the delicate rustlings of the up out of the agitated scuffling in the Andante of which Haydn is supposed to Elegie, the Halle put on a thrilling display have said would set the ladies screaming. of raw verve and sensitive insight, no more I'm sure it was less a reflection on what was so than when the fireworks were loosed in largely an accomplished performance and the final festive Variation. The solo violin's more that the female members of the poignant meanderings in the cadenzas to audience had gleaned advance warning the ninth and tenth Variations and the from the programme notes that they didn't. demisemiquaver runs of the flutes in the Finesse and genial charm (offset a few times fourth were especially memorable, as by wobbly brass) was achieved throughout, Menuhin whipped up the contributions of but then again Haydn isn't exactly severely individual and ensemble alike to a demanding. formidable standard of application. The broad range of mood and As audience members seeped back texture in Brahms"St Anthony Variations' into the city's pores, proving my brain the received expansive and colourful treatment female to my soul became an artless matter from the Halle, who revelled marvellously as, mounting on low, all was left grossly in the Vivaces with some incisively sharp there to die. strings work, and wallowed sumptuously in Mark Funnel! Yehudi Menuhin

noted in the 'Symbolum Nicenurri'. The with grace and subtlety. A solid continuo was The recital had a particularly Parisian Department of Music sorrowful 'Crucifixus' was sensitively provided by the organ, although at times this flavour. Both pieces - Debussy's Sonata in D interpreted, giving a sombre sense of death in too fell victim to mysterious acoustical forces Minor. and Chopin's Sonata in G Minor - were Orchestra and Chorus its fading conclusion. A burst of new life, in and was lost. The instrumental sections of the both composed in Paris. Paul Marleyn on the the form of a fanfare from the magnificent 'Osanna' provided the orchestra with a good cello and Scott Mitchell on the piano expertly Bach trumpet section, heralded the 'Resurrection'. opportunity to impress, which it did with the articulated the frantic energy of Debussy, the The soaring vocal sequences ascended to the help of the microphone. Sonata being one of the last he was to complete Mass in B minor ceiling, and the sopranos, with a strikingly But it was the combined force of vocal before his death. Aware of his illness as he beautiful tone, excelled especially. and instrumental talent which made this composed, the Sonata is full of Debussy's Parkinson Court Whilst on the subject of striking performance of the Mass in B Minor a success. desperate vitality in the face of impending sopranos, congratulations must go to Judith A generally impressive balance and quality of destruction, a monument to the strength of the e people at the Department of Music Caplan, whose performance in each of three sound ensured that the emotional grandeur of human will. rriknew what they were letting themselves in duets threatened to eclipse those of her the work was successfully communicated to a In contrast the second sonata, for by staging a performance in the Parkinson partners. Alto Karen England was best receptive audience. although also produced near the end of Court. The huge interior presents a challenge equipped to compete, and in the Et in Unune a Chopin's life, was a far more delicate and to even the most accomplished performers. pleasing balance in the answering phrases Louise Palfreyman dignified piece. Its intricacies gradually And so, armed with the technological between the two voices was achieved. eclipsed the abruptness of Debussy and drew wizardry of Dr David Cooper and his The Parkinson Court demands the best out of both the cello and the piano, suspended microphone, and of course the strength and clarity from any soloist who The Paris although at times Scott Mitchell's piano did music of j S Bach, chorus and orchestra dares to sing there. Judith Caplan, Karen tend to unfairly dominate Marleyn's cello. prepared to do battle against the peculiar England and bass Phillip O'Reilly coped Connection Even so, the high overall quality made it easy acoustic of this monstrous cavern. admirably. Kirsty Taylor (soprano) and Leeds City Art Gallery to get lost in fantasies of an elegant nineteenth The Mass in B Minor is an immense Christopher Hogan (tenor) gave competent century Paris far from the realities of twentieth work, which ultimately proved to be at home performances, but were ultimately swallowed he increasing popularity of these century Leeds. in this austere setting, helped by a powerful up in the vastness. TWednesday afternoon recitals reflects the The musicians clearly enjoyed and uplifting performance. Bach drew together Acoustically it seemed that the continuing success of classical . themselves as much as the audience, and all his skills to produce a diverse and complex instrumental soloists had an easier time, Sylvia Last year the hall would have been less than returned to play an unscheduled third piece. I blend of choral styles, which move through a Roberts (violin) provided an elegant half full, but this week it was crowded by a left surprisingly refreshed, and even the range of moods evoking the text. accompaniment to Kirsty Taylor in the rich mix of students, pensioners, and city pensioners who slept through most of it The chorus, under the solid guidance 'Laudamus te' of the Kyrie, and Charlotte workers on lunchbreaks. Although at times it seemed to enjoy IL So if you still do nothing of Graham Barber, was of a consistently high Bird's mastery of the oboe was evident to the looked as if the majority of the pensioners had more than sit in front of the TV on your standard, the first indication of which came in point of over exposure in tutti sections, but simply come in to keep out of the cold, this Wednesday afternoon, I recommend that you the precise rendition of the choral fugue in the extremely potent when blending with the gave the whole event a much more relaxed try one of these (free) recitals instead. 'Kyrie'. A marked sense of contrast also voices of Karen England and Phillip O'Reilly. and lighthearted air than is often the case at characterised the performance, perhaps best The orchestra as a whole performed such recitals. Steve Ranger

', Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 18th February 1994 NE tit The Guide 17

tr, Previews Pussy Galore In Brief S Marillion, Leeds Town & Country Club, Thursday 24th, 7.00pm, £12. Cats Fish-less (or Dick-less if you prefer), Marillion are on tour again with a singer Bradford Alhambra who presumably doesn't drink quite so Wien in tights acting out animal instincts much. Rockers rejoice, wallets weep. £12 is MI can think of worse things. The feeling's a bit steep. Nearly vertical, actually. mutual? Then take note that feline frenzy opens this season at Bradford's Alhambra in Raymond Froggat, St George's Concert the shape of a sparkling new touring version Hall, Monday 21st, 7.30pm. of Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical 'Cats'. Who the hell is Raymond Froggat? Well, Served up for the next two months he's Britain's No.I Country Music star, and will be an "intoxicating blend of fantasy, provides a dang fine or night out drama and romance" based on T.S. Eliot's wherever he plays Supported here by 'Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats'. Which Randy Van Warmer, a name which is just raises interesting questions. What, may I begging for some sort of sexual innuendo. enquire, is a Practical Cat? A creature that How's that for self-restraint. tells you to stop whingeing and get on with your revision? Or one that'll plumb in the Zubop Worldbeat Jazz, York Arts Centre, washing machine whilst you nip out for a Saturday 19th, 8pm, E4.75 / £3.75. swift drink? Or perhaps a furry friend of A potent mix of dance rhythms and jazz general household utility - door stop, dish impru, Zubop comprise 3 horns, a piano, a cloth, or lamp shade according to bass and a set of butt-shaking drums_ requirement. Excitement and off-the-wall humour make For we all know that cats are Zubop gigs something a little different; a bit anything but practical. It is said that they like defrosting a portion of curry by accident absorb stress from their surroundings, which when you've cooked spaghetti, and then might explain the number of psychopathic discovering it's actually quite nice. Guess moggies wandering around Leeds 6. what I did this week... However, this is the subject to which Lloyd-Webber chose to devote The Slightly Naughty Jethro, City himself. Luckily for his bank manager, the Varieties, Sunday 20th Feb, 7.30pm. guy whose appearance brings new meaning Does anyone know what this bloke does? to the term 'frogman' succeeded in creating how naughty is "slightly''? Answers on the longest running musical in British lust Theatre History. No one chucks a bucket of a postcard, or in a brown envelope Hitt water or ponders what constitutes the texture pictures enclosed, to Leeds Student Guide of their kebab when, in the middle of the Editor, He looks like Terry Waite, night, Webber's Jellicle Cats meet for the incidentally. Jellicle Ball_ Instead, we are introduced to Hungarian State Symphony Orchestra, Macavity the mystery cat, Grisabella the Town Hall, Saturday 19th, 7.3Opm. glamour cat, and Skimbleshanks, the cat Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant. Either this lot whose name should not be attempted when are taking the piss, or they just haven't got a inebriated. As T.S. Eliot offers that well kept clue. Brahms & Liszt on the same secret; "A Cat is not a Dog", appearances and programme? Ho Ho Ho! Strauss & Kodaly disappearances are made by Mr Mistoffelees, make up the bill, and mercifully don't rhyme the Conjuring Cat, and Mungojerrie & with anything rude. Rumpleteazer, the original Cat Burglars. Plus, not to be forgotten, that thespian feline Steppin' Out, Riley Smith Hall LLRJ, Weds than the price lots of people paid to see it in named Asparagus. Just begging to be made thang. If more incentive is needed, the show 23rd, Mors 24th (7.30pm), & Sun 27th which charmed the West End for so long London (Bitter? Twisted? Who, me? Naaa). into a quiche if you ask me. (4pm), £2.50 / £2.00. There's also a student discount available, just If this all sounds irritatingly boasts many a funky tune, on top of such High-kickin', finger-lickin' good times in the 'pass-the-Kleenex's as 'Memories'. The run to rub it in. So go on, get your claws into this cutesome, I promise it won't be. Sleek and Riley Smith this week, as the stage version of starts today and continues until Saturday one - it's time to see 'Tiddles' in a whole new sensual dancing should demonstrate exactly the film starring Lisa Minelli steps out to put 23rd April. Tickets start at E7.50, which light. the positions cats get into... Not catsuits of a smile on your face. Not a song by Joe might seem expensive, but is a tad cheaper Natalie Highwood the Anneka Rice genre, these are the real Jackson in sight, but nonetheless an excellent way to spend your evening. Tickets available from stall in union foyer every lunchtime.

The Slow Club, The Warehouse, every Re -Cline Thursday, I Opin to 2am, £3.501 E3.00. This Thursday sees the opening night party Hamilton IV, who himself performed with of the dub which claims to be "dropping the Cline early in his career. The rest of the cast Stag funk bomb". Come out of your bunker, don e play the many people involved in Patsy's life, a tin hat, and groove on down to some of the including Elvis, and Brenda Lee, and Sandra best funk, soul, latin & jazz. Otherwise, be Patsy Cline - A Musical Tribute Kelly has the near impossible task of really sad and stay in watching Blackadder Grand Theatre impersonating the singer. repeats. Her meteoric rise from being Over thirty years ago, Country music lost one discovered on the Arthur Godfrey talent show Leeds Alternative Cabaret, Cafe Mex, of its great all time female voices. Patsy Cline to performing at Carnegie Hall is followed, Sunday 20th February, 7pm, E2.50. was killed in a plane crash at the height of her with excitement and nostalgia aplenty; and its "Sounds, comedy & good vibes" at the Cafe career, but left behind such all time greats as a heaven of sorts for fans of the music, too. Mex this Sunday, as Ronald Arthur 'I Fall 'Crazy', 'Walking After Midnight', and The show is running at The Grand Dewhirst, Frank Nobacon, and DJ Chico To Pieces'. This new musical production Theatre from Monday 21st to Saturday 26th Malo Iine up to breath life into your celebrates her short and tumultuous reign as February, with performances at 7.30pm on otherwise sad Sunday night. Tickets on the Queen of C&W, and of course, brings those Mon-Thurs, and at 6.00pin & 8.3Opm on Friday door only, so get there early. Next week. the songs to life again. & Saturday. Tickets start at £6.50, and there's a Cabaret will be visiting the University - The story is threaded together 20% discount for students, if you really needed watch this space for more details. through a narrator, none other than George any more incentive. Sweet dreams.

Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 18th February 1994 18 The Guide FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY Clubs f lubs Clubs 7:111.77 Stage MISTlitt CRAIG'S • Student night, £22 r4rul. 1 rank. teanxini• CITY VARIETIES PIP 15 at 10 UP YER RONSON at MUSIC FACTORY - Doer & garaFe THE COOKER at ARCADIA - Jars f The SLightly Naughty Jethro - 7.30pm. front £7 58 THE WORLD at RiTZY'S - Student night, II a pint_ £6 NUS. 930pm to 3am_ DI El TOP BANANA at THE TOWN & COUNTRY - AO, auto: CAFE HEX UPTHE JUNCTION at THE GALLERY Student rug 4-t. 50p DOWNBEAT at ITIE MI/SIC FACTORY - Hip-hop Anti acid CRAIG'S Leeds Alternative Cabaret Present Ronald Arthar De-whim. a pint / double spirits, £:.50 NUS. 9pm to 2am. Jazz_ f3.50 NUS, 9 30pni to Sam, L 1 4 pint MAINSTREAM at MISTER . - Dance Frank Nobac-on, & DI Chico Melo - ?pm. E2 50. OFF THE RAILS at ARCADIA • Student night. 50p a pint TRIBE at RICKY'S - Acid taus, Funk & Dance_ RACE TO BASICS in THE MUSIC FACTOR) THE LIZARD t'LUEI at RICKY'S - Best of Rock. £31 £3$0. ohms doors LOVE TRAIN at rowNox COUNTRY CLUB - 70's. £4 50 STUDENT NIGHT at YEL - a pint. £1 spirits ANYTHING GOES in THE WAREHOUSE' - Dance 10pin to :am GALLERY - 9pm to 2ima. £6 Student night Ll with Ryer. cheap drinks THE POWER HOUSE at THE er: Musi c SEX CASINO at ARCADIA L7. casual dress. ALTERNATIVE r INDIE at SCRUMPIES - 12-6pm. all DENIM & DANCE at MISTER CRAIG'S Stage al itionon THE GROVE INN STOMP 41_1412 - Indic. grunge. INCARCERATED at SCRUMPIES - Alternative / hatdcort VAGUE at THE WAREHOUSE - £5. into-dressing. TWA Doctor Brown's Blues Bind (lunchtime} SATURDAY BOP at LEEDS METRO UNI - r C-I gue‘t Kit.TUD Halpin Levening 1 WEST YORKSHIRE PLAYHOUSE night - £2.50 S3 QUARRY THEATRE RIFFS - 60's night. E2_50 I £3, THE DOUK & DRAKE TIME TUNNEL at Death Of A Salesman' - 7.30pm 7k-7 Stag GRAND THEATRE Patsy Clint - A Musical - 7 Atm. from £6.50. Stage ALHAMBRA as Friday WEST YORK.SHIRE PLAYHOUSE tel. 4-12111 Film SHEFFIELD CRUCIBLE as Saturday as Saturday WEST YORKSHIRE PLAYHOUSE tel 442 111 QUARRY THEATRE SHEFFIELD LYCEUM QUARRY THEATRE 'Death Of A Sale:run' - 8,00pm. from £4 SHOWCASE 27 Geltlant Road. Biaggi Tel. 0924 420071. The LASE Yankee' 5.0Opm. COURTYARD THEATRE as• Fridny 'Death Or A Salesman' - 7.30p.m. from L-I GRAND THEATRE as Friday Tickets £4 25 1/.3 OD NUS Music COURTYARD TURA TRH CIVIC THEATRE as Friday A Brost Tale Free Willy 'Beautiful Thing • 7.45pm, from £4. CITY VARIETIES as Friday Tiu-et Musketeers In The Name Of The Father GRAND THEATRE: lei. 459351 1440971 THEATRE IN THE MILL Pea-lest World Wayne's World 2 THE DUCHMS '1;dt/docks & The Three Beare - 2 30pro & 7.15put, front 24 hour show performame as 7.30pte 'The Fugitive Intastella plus Strange /root £7.50. ALHAMBRA Tombsunte Mts Doubt/ire RELISHES CIVIC THEATRE. lel: 476 962/455 505 Vats' 2.30pro & P 30prn Malice Remains Of The Day Was Martini 'Brighton Beach Memoir" - 7 30prii, £4 /13, ST GEORGE'S CONCERT HALL as Friday Addams Family Values THE DRUM t...Try VARIETIES ALHAMBRA STUDIO Carlito's Way Age Of Innocence Rill Sykes Sweeney Todd' - 7 30pra„ Titus 'Sweeney" - 2 3Optn, & 'Civil War - a C1211Ce - S Wpm. £5.50 r £3 50. ST GEORGE'S CONCERT HALL 'Sweeney Unbound' - 10 15prii. HARROGATE THEATRE as Friday COTTAGE ROAD CINEMA Raymond Froggat & his hand - 7.301m, E7.50. STUDIO THEATRE LMU SHEFFIELD CRUCIBLE Cottage Road. Far . Tel 751606 Am Theatre Company present 'Pantomime' 7.30pm. £4.50 / 'caves Or Wrath' - 7.10pm. Three Isiasktiecri, - ring Our lull ;Yogi-4=w &Awls. £3.00 SHEFFIELD LYCEUM Late show at ilpm. Fri & Sat - The Exiwost 'Mt & My - 7A5pm g Film ALHAMBRA tel. 0274 752 000 'Cats 7.30pm, trom £7.515. LOUNGE CINEMA ST GEORGE'S CONCERT HALL North Lane, Headingtey 'Tel 751 ijoi For full programme details for MGIN Movie Hauge, `Pincechia - '1 Ifipra. Mrs Doublinc - ring to check programme details Showcase Cfnuna, Lounge Cinema. Cottage Road Cinema ALHAMBRA STUDIO ~ Music and Hyde Park Picture House. see Sunday. tiarry aim - h 1.1r.pro, £61 HI DE PARK PICTURE HOUSE PICTUItEVILLE CINEMA THEATRE IN 'rim situ_ tel. 0214 383 185 THE DUCHESS Brudenell Road, Leeds 6, Tel 752045 The Hoar Of The Pig - 61X1prii 24 hours show, starts at 7.30prit 'Mother Mary Manhattan Muni= Mystery 8,45pm every day, plus 6.30prn Fri Manhattan Murder Mystery - it lsrori HARROGATE THEATRE tel nazi. 502116 THE DRUM & SAT lWT1 'Antigone' - 7 45put. from £5_50 Grandads Don't indium. Lea Enfant.% Dts Parudise • 3.110rm Sat & Sun only On stage - Salt Of The Earth - 7.30pm. ROYAL. PARK Ruby In Paradise - 6.10pin, Sunday to -Thursday ODEON Rush Pilot Late Show at 11pm Fri & Sat Bad Lieutenant The Headiow, Tel. 430031 THE GROVE INN Mrs Douhdire - I.40.5.00, 8.00, Sat only at 10.40 Music Waller Mammas; Band PICTUREVILl_E CINEMA The Age Of Innocence • 1 20. 4 20, 7.45 HADDON HALL The Hour Of The Pig - 6.00prn Reservoir Dogs - Sat only, 10.45 THE DUCHEQS Hullabaloo Manhattan Munirr Mystery - 8 15pm Three Musketeers - 1.50. 5.10. 8.20 Manure& plus Kill City Kill SHEFFIELD CITY HA11-1- Cool Running - 1050 Sill only THE DRUM Strayanger Symphony Orchestra play One& Nielsen & Dvorak MGM. MOVIE HOUSE Aladdin - 1 25 Snateh - 7.00pm. Vicar Lane. L51, Tel 451031 Remains Of The Day - 4,55. 7-55 ROYAL PARK LEEDS TOWN HALL l. Wayne's World 2 1.15, 3.311 6.00. 8.45 fn The Line Of Eire 10.35pm Sat only 7,mi:isle. Bush Pilot. Summit Victims 5 - 8 30pm, E 1. Hungarian State Symphony Orchestra play Liszt. Brahma. 2 in The Name Of The Father - 1.30. 5 30, 3.15 Thursday only - Cyrinur De Bergerac - 1.25, 445, 7.55 THE GROVE INN Strauss & Kodak: • 7 31Ipni, from f2. 3. Free Willy - 1.15. 335. 6110, 835 A Bruns Tale - 130, 5 Hi, 8.05, Sat only at 10.45 Folk Club present Paull LEEDS UNIVERSITY MEG ADQG - Underworld & Drum Club - £10 110. ODEON • see Monday CI Telly g Film Film Telly 'Northern Ea-pow-re 1C4. 10.00p00 • Oh yes, yes YES'. My For MU programme details. are Sunday. lift is complete for 55 truBuies cash wcck, at The Rcst Show PICTUREVILLE CINEMA teL 0274 732277 For full programme druids see Sunday. The Natural World : Sea. Hot Eruptions and C'hilii On Tele makes it far-too-long delayed return to our shores. I've The Hour of the Pig - 6.00pm PICTISREVILLE CINEMA Peppers" (111112. 6.1)pred - Ens-irsunctital changes, and spicy, got the annuaL N-e got the soundtrack, I've got Me pictures of Manhattan Murder Mystery - K 15prn 'Die Hour Of The Pig - 6 0Orrin mall-moving encounters Anyone for inhasen sauce', Jerunne Turner on my wall. and 1 ftel like Joel Flaiedunann BETI Manhattan hl order Mystery - 8,15pm 'Sunday Night ORO, 10.10pm) - I always, say a good Tonight_ Maggie decides to write a fetter era an old Indium Farewell My Cons-utrine - 7 30pm IMAX - Rolling Stone, 'At The Max' - 8,011trio (=live on Sunday night dots wonders for your ability to mai - no all her dead boyfriends. She's got quite a collection, BFT2 PET I L'smeentrate on Monday morning you know. Including Rick. who came hack as a dot 'Arm me. Tints Le., Mathis Du Monde • 6.00 & 8 /5 Farewell My Concuhow 4.45pm & 7.45prn 'Encomsters' 1C4, 7.00pm) • Tonight. storm chasers - people loveNorthern Exposure Rut don't let that put you off. 5(1-11 FANTASY Sr HORROR SOC BEM who vidoo tornadoes Stupid. stupid bastanh. Have you never 'liming Musician Of The Year' (RIBC2. 7.20pm) - Little farts 'Star Wars - Wide Screen' - RBLT. 7.00pm, 1:1 14:2 Taus Lea Matins Du Monde - 6.00 & 815 seen The Wizen! Of Or,"? nor the woodwind

• ry ,


EVERY TIIIMD.Kr gTAR13t4G, l-4rIt flaVAlkY 1114 AT 'ti-IE


' Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 18th February 1994


Friday 16th February :- 'High Plains Drifter (BBC!, 10.20pm) - Clint dubs Eastwood eats a chocolate bar, stars in, and BEAT SURRENDER at THE MUSIC FACTORY . 60's to DIG at THE GALLERY ARC'ADLA - 10pm u. aunt Live LOADED at THE MUSIC FACTORY • Indic / Dance I Dub / directs this pessimistic, eerie western. His 9(rs, £150 on door. £ I a pint tan (Win / hulk / soul F hip hop. Hip-hop t Psychedelia L21E2.50. mysterious cowboy stops off in an utterly THE ROOST at ARCADIA - Live Orr., £2 adm. f I n pint CIRCUS CIRCUS at 'HIE MUSIC FACTORY • I floors of ROCK NIGHT atTHE WAREHOUSE - L2 134 I tom worthless community, orders the town be DECADENCE at SCRUMPOIS - Gotha:, / Alternative. pop. 60's to 90's pint THE MILE HIGH CLUB at RICKY S l THE GALLERY painted red, and renames it- Hell. Brilliant. HELL RAISER at THE OBSERVATORY • ROs:3% night 8-12. 70'S NIGHT at YEL ARCADIA • 70s deco. MELT at ASHFIELDS iMerrion Centre) • Wpm to 2am, *2 BLACK LODGE at SCRUMPIES • Hanle re / alternative, PARTY NIGHT at MISTER CRAIG'S • LI before 12.0n The Internecine Project' (BBCI, 12.05amJ - entry, f i 20 Inner / lager, LI.30 eider, Wpm to tam, 11-2 1 1150 , BANANAS at RITZY'S - f 1 a pint Nifty plot, great ending; a top murder GORGEOUS at LEEDS UN! ELM .B. A CLUB CALLED COLIN at LEEDS METROPOLITAN STUDENT* NIGHT at ST(XiC1Y'S • Free before I 1pm, LI thriller for anyone heartily sick of old Elvis UNI - L4 on the door, 9pm to 2am. toter. I irpnt lo 2am films at this time on a Friday night. NORTHERN EXPOSURE at RICKY'S Saturday 19th :- Stage 'Thunderball' (ITV, 5.15prn) - Sean Connery Stage and his amazing rumbling testicle. wEs.r YORKSHIRE PLAYHOUSE Stage 'Heartbreak Ridge' (ITV, 9.I5pm) - Clint QUARRY THEATRE WEST YORKSHIRE PIAYHOUSE Eastwood stars and directs this tough-old- The Last Yankee' - 500pm WEST YORKSHIRE PLAYHOUSE tel. 44211 1 QUARRY THEATRE - as Tuesday 'Death 01 A Salesman' - 7.30pm QUARRY THEATRE GRAND THEATRE as Monday son-of-a-bitch-marine-makes-rookies-come- GRAND THEATRE as Monday The Last Yankee' - I 30prn STUDIO THEATRE 1-1411 good movie, with excellent results - HARROGATE THEATRE as Friday !heath Of A Salesman' - 7,30poi. Alison Andrews Company present An Eye For An Eye' - humour, realism, & sharp observation, plus ALHAMBRA as Friday GRAND THEATRE as Monday 7 30pm, £4.50/ £3.00 the obligatory gung-ho showdown. SHEFFIELD CRUCIBLE as Friday RILEY SMITH HALL, LIM RILEY SMITH HALL. LUU as Wednesday SHEFFIELD LYCEUM as Friday ISCC present •Stepprit' Out' • 7.10pm, x.501 £2.00 THEATRE IN THE MILL Sunday 20th :- HARROGATE THEATRE a.s Enday BU G&S Society present 'Euddigtue* - 7.30pm. £3 f..3 'The Karate Kid' ([TV, (t.30prri) - Who's ALHAMBRA HARROGA'TE THEATRE as Friday Ralph Macchio's fairy godmother? Could it 'Cats' - 2.00pm & i 30pnt ALHAMBRA as Friday be Pat, the mild-mannered martial arts Music SHEFFIELD CRUCIBLE as Friday SHEFFIELD CRUCIBLE as Friday SHEFFIELD LYCEUM as Friday SHEFFIELD LYCEUM expert Japanese janitor? Could be! BELUSHIS 'Me & My - 2 00pot & 7 45pm 'King Ralph' (BBCI, 8.25pm) - After the A Taste Of Honey entire British Royal Family is electrocuted THE DUCK & DRAKE during a photo-shoot in the rain, it's left to Pearl Divers Musi c THE GROVE INN Music John Goodman as Ralph Jones to continue him Set:strut THE IX.ICHESS the line. He'd probably make a better job of THE DUCHESS Toss The Feathers THE DRUM it than the current lot, anyway. Big mouth, Voodoo Queens phis AC Acoustics THE DRUM (kit• Rock Night no taste, but surprisingly funny. THE DRUM The Guar Imperial Yoyu THE DUCHESS Procession THE GROVE INN The Cast plus The Big Sky 'Look Who's Talking Too' (ITV, 9.00pm) - LEEDS METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY Paul Buckley LEEDS TOWN & couNrraa. Unfortunately, it's Roseanne Arnold, so no- Pavement - £7.00. BELUSITES Menthol, - 7.00pm. one else gets much of a look in. Crap. THE ROYAL PARK Price Of Ivory (C4, Silas 'Misery' 9.00pm) - Oscar-winning THE GALLERY performace from Kathy Bates as crazy no-I DEG' THE GROVE INN Film ALHANIIIIRA STUDIO Bluegrass Night fan of author James Caan. After nursing Piano duet 1.05pm, free THE IRISH CENTRE. him back from a car crash, she proceeds to For full programme details for The I 'demi. MGM Movie CLCM RECITAL ROOM The Stars from The Commitments - f9.50 imprison hint in her house. Brilliant stuff. CLOTHWORKER'S CONCERT HALL House. Showcase Cinema, Lounge Clnenta„ Cottage Road A Singers Showcase 7 30pm, L3 / £1 50. 'Longtime Companion' (BBC2, 11.25pm) - Chums and Hyde Park Picture House, ace Sunday, CLO'FHWORKERS CONCERT HALL Elestmnic Music Mon Leeds - I 10prit, free. PICTUREVIELE CINEMA Allegri String Quartet play Beethoven Cycle Concert No 4 • CITY VARIETIES With the release of 'Philadelphia' imminent, Manhattan Murder Mystery- • 6 00mn 7.30prn. Sean Wilson & Sally O'Brien - 8.00pm. from £7 75 this is a timely showing of on eof the first The Hoer Of The Pig - 8. 15pm BRADFORD CATHEDRAL QUEENS HALL CELLAR BAR. BRADFORD AIDS films. Very successful look at the He Fell Over (part of Anti-Nazi League Benefit'. Tint Cit Of Bradford Chamber Orchestra play Bach, Poulenc, disease's devastating effects, but nut as On Stage - Salt Of The Earth - 7.10pm Coalman & Haydn - 7.30pm, e750 /13, HYDE PARK MB BFI'S UNIVERSITY OF YORK tel. 0904 432439 Stella Marks 'Risen From The Ashes' four populist as Tom Hanks' effort. Had Behaviour 8.00pra Nash Ensemble play Dvorak & Franck - Spin. Tuesday 22nd :- 'Love Me Tender' (BBC2, 6.00pm) - Elvis AO Film double-entendre about honking 'till you're CI Telly go, Film sore. For ft& pnigramme see Sunday. 'Paris By Night' (C4, 10.00prn) - is extremely 'Olympic Grandstand' (BBC2.. 7.2.5pmt - Including team ski- For MU programme details sec Sunday. PICTUR.E VILLE CINEMA dangerous, especially with Charlotte Manhattan Murder Mystery - 6 00pin jumping, where four people hold hands as they jump off a large PICTURENTLLE CINEMA Rampling around. cliff Points are awarded for nut impaling your mates on your Manhattan Murder Mystery - o 00poi The Hour Of The Pig - 8.15pm skis, and ter landing the right way up What nest? The How Of The Pig - S. LSprn (MAX 'Biloxi Blues' (BBC I, I 1.15pm) - Matthew rand Cany.e Synchronised skiing? liFT1 G l / Flyers - 8.00pm Broderick stars in the second part of Neil 'Omnibus' (BBC*, 10.2Spent - First of a new series Some On Stage : Sail of the Earth - 7.30pm BET I Simon's autobiographical story - if you On stage Salt of the Earth - 7.30pm arty-types who act out it, shock. Tip. guys, connect the Mown BFT2 enjoyed Brighton Beach Memoirs, this is for wire to the =Aral pin. Thai works Bad Behaviour - 1.00pm 'Without Walla Oliver Reed's Obituary' (C4. 9.00pm) - Sr,. you. did Oily Reed fritter away his prodigous talent on dnnk, drugs CI Telly Wednesday 23rd :- ttc women? It takes forty five minutes to decide that? Telly 'Blazing Saddles' (BBC], 10.20pm) - Starring *Grow Your Greens' IIC4, ILOOprol - Eat enough greens and "The Fart Scene" and "the bit where the eventually you'll hare en Envimunctual Movement 'Absolutely Fabulous' IBBC I, 935pm) - Guest starring Brit 'Countdown' (C4, 4.30pm) - But only if Susie's on the dictionary. The Match - Live' IITV, 8.00pmi - Sheffield Wednesday FklAnd. Lulu. and Tundra Rhixles. Sycophants bloke punches the horse". The say she wraps her tongue round those king words_ vas-us Manchester United. Come on Thc Owls' 'Ben Elton' t1311C I. 10.0Spmt - Pot hum willy rims nob.


Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 18th February 1994

40 20 The Guide Hit The Woof Music FrP- MEGADOG Drum Club & Underworld Leeds University training at it's leash, and with fangs Sfrothing, the highly popular London club Megadog arrives in Leeds this weekend for a night of musical magic. With two top groups featured, Underworld and Drum Club, the night of Saturday 19th February should be • surrendered to this canine celebration. defence force. However, they also listen to Drum Club, pictured right, boast "a plenty of Led Zeppelin , and stuff by sound that's maturing into the most spiritual Music new bands like Jane's Addiction & Nirvana. and melodic flowering of the current trend eesas Blend these two together, and you for club/house collisions". This claim is Stella Maris Drum Club, just out of bed... have a distinctive sound combining traditional backed up by numerous studio Hyde Park Pub Croatian music with hard-edged guitar - reconstructions, and the award of Single of Week' under their belts than Drum Club. extremely loud, and beautifully melodic. the Week from for their own Tracks like 'Rez', 'Spikee', and The title of the tour says it all - "Risen From 'Mmm...Skyscraper I Love You' have The Ashes". Stella Maris are a Croatian rock / When people come to see us they are curious track, 'Alchemy'. because we're from Croatia, but they are Their album, 'Everything Is Now', catapulted Underworld to the dizzy heights grunge / indie band who left their war-torn surprised by our originality," says Zdenko, was released in June 1993 to critical acclaim, of stardom, and their debut album, native country, in late 1992, and are now based their guitarist. and Drum Club have simply gone from 'Dubnobasswithmyheadman' has been in London with a considerable following. Cast strength to strength, even starting their own christened 'the best album since the Stone your mind back to December 1992, and you Don't get the idea that you'll be , Midi Circus projects. A second Roses' by Melody Maker. Remixing work might remember them being featured on Steve bombarded by high-volume preaching on LP, provisionally entitled 'Drums Are includes songs by Bjork, Shakespeare's Wright In The Afternoon; cast your whole Thursday; the band say they don't really care Dangerous' is in the pipeline, so for glimpses Sister, and Simply Red, and they're body over to the Hyde Park pub on Thursday for the politics of the war, just the human of the new material, and a whole lot more apparently superb live as well. 24th, and you'll get the full, awesome rights aspects. "We're trying to achieve booty-shaking sounds as well, catch them Tickets for Megadog will set you experience live. something with our lives ... who knows how doing their Dog-tracks. back £10, but with two great bands on offer, a The band's music & lyrics are very long the situation might continue?" Keeping you on your feet as well on night of consummate pleasure is guaranteed. much influenced by their own individual So for an evening's brilliant Saturday night will be Underworld, who Don't be a party-pooper-scooper, get yourself experiences of the Yugoslavian conflict; all the entertainment, pop along to the Hyde Park on have even more awards of 'Single Of The a ticket now - you'd be barking mad not to. members served for a spell in the Croatian Thursday; you might be pleasantly surprised.

UNITED newspapers CRASH! PRESENT: WOULD YOU LIKE TO WORK IN MEDIA? LIVE United Newspapers are offering penultimate year students the opportunity to apply for a challenging and rewarding vacation job 10-PIECE this summer. JAZZ! The UK's leading magazine and newspaper publishers will be awarding six places on a media management work experience scheme to be held in July and August. You will be taken from national newspapers at the Daily Express to local newspapers in Wales, taking in business publications, advertising periodicals and leisure magazines on the way. You will be given the opportunity to try your hand at marketing, sales, production, distribution and circulation, sampling all aspects of & The Latin Section publishing in one unique scheme.

Successful candidates will be paid £1,000 for six weeks. They may then be awarded sponsorship through their final year and invited to apply for a place on a year's training scheme after graduation. Something's Coming

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Call in at your Careers Department for more information.

L Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 18th February 19941

Election Special 21 Leeds University Union non-sabbatical elections

General Atheltics Sec Publicity Sec Publicity Sec Social Services

AIL Valerie Millington Sara McDonnell Mark McDonald Rebbecca Ryan Combined Studies English Economics English Sports continue in the third term. So I think I intend: The government has slashed student If elected, I shall work to secure it's important there's a sports secretary to grants (again) and our union is under reasonable rents both in university 1.To ensure all union events are well- represent this - me! threat from those who wish to deprive accomodation and the private sector. I publicised both on campus and in the us of the facilities which benefit us. also hope to make the grant service So why vote Val: halls and flats at least a week before Publicity is crucial to keep you more accountable to students and will they occur, if possible. -I've been involved with sport for many years! informed of the issues that concern you! oppose the 10% grant cuts. I will - I genuinely want to see sport at all levels! 2.To give worthwhile causes and I plan to utilize all present student provide support for overseas and mature activities a higher profile, such as the - Wednesday afternoons must be kept free! media to keep you constantly in touch students and other minority groups, Green Initiative and No Means No with the issues and campaigns of opposing all forms of discrimination - I want to see equality for all sports - not campaigns_ L.U.U. But also plan to publicise the and combating harassment on university just the main stream ones 3.To make good a go of this post as issues you want. Don't want to get left property. In short, I will improve your possible! in the dark. life as a student like free sex. VOTE VAL - I DO IT FOR FREE Vote Mark - publicity sec! Vote for Sec, Social Services Sec.


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Number of dirt Average From Lred5 to weekday services . journey times' Middlesbrough 7 1 hour 35 mins York 34 28 mins Huddersfield 48 21 mins Manchester Piccadilly 48 I hour Liverpool 15 I hour 49 mins


I Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 18th February 1994

22 Classifieds

mind. Cad XXX but maybe repressed sexual desire. Tonight Star Wars Wide Screen. Jeremy - One year Inter and you're REIT &pm. still as Incompetent. but a e still love James. of Meanwood. Remember forsaken in the name of the the Classifieds Personals resolution.. Freer Rhin - Beat me round the head with you. Thanks a minion. From the two Friday° Belerve me • There's more women in your life. where that came front' Planie toe Joanna. Anna and Jeremy thank all of tubber g,alokbers any sou:. baby Classifieds cost 'tip per word (ilvsl (tans Dave. MARKET RESEARCH THAT PAYS Cart,liFIC the cast and production team of Well done to all those candidates who and must he submitted to MONEY FOR YOUR OPINION. Sion NleFJeeen - What a 'Stepping Out" for all their hard work got elected. commisenitions to those tile, keep On doing the things you do either our LMUSU or Leeds Excellent grant 5uppltmeni for term Phenomenon! How can any man let his girlfriend who didn't. Thanks to everyone who so well: railing in and out of love and University Union office by or vacation.s. For your free colour voted Mark Walton. lust, singing songs, drinking cider, and Lung Time Ago A Galaxy Far tat sleep in a sleeping hag when they are brochure without obligation Tel: In being it babe I truly admire. 5.110 theWednesday preceding RBLT together? "Stepping Out' in the Riley Smith Hall David on 0484-640765 : 24hr - 7 Day Assay .. Tonight 7pm publication. "Stepping Out" in the Riley Smith Hall Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th Ilove you service "Stepping Out" in the Riley Smith February at 7.30pm and Saturday 26th Hall 1Vednesday 23rd and Thursday Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th Was it for you? Andtevs. from Charles Morris, Cm really February at 8.30pm 24th February at 73apin and February at 7.30pm and Saturday 26th sorry It was a domestic and he'd come Hcadingly Avenue boys on the pull! Saturday 26th February at 8.30pm February at 8.30pm Art you ready for a bite of the from home Can 1 explain? Mary welcome hack to Leeds is it a Feers? Or is it the last dance of Cherry? Raven Theatre. week 7. Services Jen - hello.you stunner from a secret Did Jim fertilize your eggs at shark on Numl'ct thirteen, lucky for nu: admirer Fred Astaire? C.B. Sorry your card got lust in the post! Friday Claire': I1:1111 ■,11,1111.4111C to chat 111 call Hannah. I cherish you 101 the warmth in Christlane. don't let Rob come The Sarth Londoner would like to say You don't really expect a mention do Room free. Henry Price. On campus. thanks to everybody who has helped Nightliia- on 442602. For Information Tel 4414139 tAsk for Helen-rot 0313) your bedroom, the biscuits in your tin. without the 'phone! you Vicki' 1 in sure B A went !' out this week, you know a ho you are. Ito jir4 v4 ■1111.414111: to talk to. and for having a growling lion! How or call in. Now. Girl only. Too stoned, too pissed, and always David. Administraion is crap. Never could I want to change you? You alright mate I dartin'. Trotimov & Ania - Okay, not true love. asleep before ale Ga5.. ? Lesbian') Bisexual Ms you feel isolated or confused' ICEBREAKERS is here to help - ae 're friendly and informal. Just call Paul Simmonds Nightline on 4426(12 and ask for ORD PROCESSING ICEBREAKERS I am interested in WORD PROCESSING speaking to you. Please Lssays & I )isserial ions contact me on 314251 1111111111111M ESSAYS, DISSERTATIONS, GRAPHICS, MATH- only !...5.00 r I t.10.7' . or 434727. Or send me Lirs only f.7.00 tn. five a message to the usual at Troup EQUATIONS, CV's, LASER OUTPUT, DESK-TOP fro; ...I. 'le,: address. I will meet you PPI Muth- Equal ions, C11.1t PUBLISHING, POSTERS, INVITATION CARDS... Tables, 1) "1..1', at your convenience. (chard Marti* lidiny,loss l itic'hax., over Richard Fletcher Wednesday 7.30 23rd February I with window) only' t...1.70 Leeds Student Editor Thursday 7.30 24th February ORIENT COPY SHOP Copies & Graphic Licsi:Aii Saturday 8.30 ir 26th February !ash jchs atm. extri 3S CROMER TERRACE, 101 rrith Hsll A MIN. WALK FROM LEEDS UNIV. STUDENTS UNION Telephone V A WtirkFiles Paul Simmonds 02.50 ley Unto, Also available: on 11532 486821 Photocopying (A4. 6p, A3: ?Op), Binding, Fax Services, Stationery Shop, Typesetting

Leeds Student Election Richard Fletcher Alex Saunders Rosa Prince Johnny Davis Al Gardner Akin Ojumu Sam Rose Stephen Dick Charlotte Lomas Martin Futrell David Smith Phil Scowen John Revill Sara McDonell The following people are able to vote or stand for Matthew Roper Claire Rowland Gareth Hughes Emma Hartley the position of Leeds Student Editor. Martyn Beauchamp Mark Funnel! Helen Crossley John McLeod Sam Greenhill Stuart Davies Paul Greenough Matthew Pateman The primary election will take place at our Alison Wragg Liz Ekstein Rupert Hamer Juliette Garside Amelia Hill Steve Hill LMUSU office on Tuesday 22nd February at 5pm. Tim Gallagher Martin Cole Howard Hockin Eleanor Rose If anybody has written for eight or more issues Sam Mountford Hannah Jones Toby Wakely Rea Podas Ed Crispin Mark London and is not on the list please contact Richard. Helen Sage Tony the Porter Roger Domenghetti Andy Wild

Leeds Student Newspaper

L tz DAWN VI-IUNCk KY HAL still needs new staff.

EVALENTWES DAV.) (.2._ -itilk SlEvE, .1 FoR BUT- A- T L A sr, ----I i 1.406.1001 Hots DAWN, 5 FA LIZ - . : ONE FOR MANY 1 iv 6 pars. .1. Fe/ Ps 7 tt4 — - If you fancy helping out ■ ME P. i/ on the country's largest ii 40 • V I student newspaper contact Richard at cA s i 61,. either our LUU or k 2.. "it, 0 „:----_ ....._.* ,f/A../: M SI-- LMUSU office

1jL4 , Student Independent Newspaper 18th February 1994 -

Sport 23 A smashing performance

Leeds restored their advantage Leeds display potential •:‘ -st Rugby League before halftime as Danny Doughty set off on

watt a rather and exciting match. In fad, by 104 Sir John Moores 6 magnificient touchline run apprehensivel 1st team who the third quarter Leeds were heating three players. Owen 1111% Leeds l'ni 38 turned up to play in the losing by one goal. Everybody 4 Holly man again effected the UAU Challenge Round against played an excellent game, By Rob Lowe coroersion Stirling. However, if the especially Jessica who moved the second half saw the wind standard of play by Stirling up from the 2nds to play WD std: travelled 141 1 iverpool and slope at Leeds hacks and was anything to go by. Scottish and who demonstated some Lhoping For a win which these were used well to take Universities still live up to the very good interceptions. Final would further their claims for a contorl of the match. Even so. it reputation of fielding rather score 44-38. top lour playoff place and were was sometime before the rcsili poor netball! teams. Writes riot disappointed, emerging John Moores defence Louise Wagener. The 2nds were not so victors by 3?i-ft. Despite missine breached as Martin Hill sit Leeds produced no lucky. We started off very well some key regulars. an impressive on to a long pass to go (Act' spectacular play. but still and, after the first quarter. performance was displayed, the his first try. The floodgates managed to thrash the were winning 10-8. As the highlight being Ines fur all the opened as John Moores discipline opposition from the first five match became progressively three-quarters. was lost and LLIU produced seconds of the game. Perhaps more aggressive, Leeds' John Moores applied early sonic excellent rugby. Doughty they would have been a better performance went downhill. pressure after the kick-off, but set up Wilson for a long distance match for the 2nds. This can be blamed on the UM quick'y seized the effort_ and then a superb pass Even so. Leeds did some disastrous reshuffling of terntorial advantage and opened from Simon Webster put Hill excellent ilittereeptions and players at half-time, as well as the scoring through Simon squeeled over in the corner to Dawn Shires and knna the desire to `get the match Boyle_ Leeds continued to press. clinch it deserved hat-tirck. it was Thomas displayed some over with' for the Sports Ball but failed to score. and John kit to Owen Hollyman to put the amazing shooting, bringing a that evening! The match Moores drew level when their icing on the cake with a rather one-sided game to a finished on a rather hooker was allowed 10 go over tremendous touchline conversion final score of 56-21. emhara.ssing score of 20-49. from acting half Hi11,41:1 cr his fifth of the day. Saturday's NIA match As a final note, the club against Durham was another wish to congratulate Liz Roche Keep those sport reports coming in. success for the Isis. However, for being selected For the Drop them into our LUU .or LMUSU the opposition fielded a strong English Universities 2nd team learn. resulting in a very close as WD. Well done! Leeds notch up another point office before Monday 5.00pm.

Annual General Meeting 1FThurs0240iFobruo[y1M

Leeds vrtorOvolo

Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 18th February 1994 18th February 1994 TVDEN Historic result he Cross Country Club 24th. THE celebrated both indivdual As a result of fixture FINAL WHISTLE Tand team successes at the congestion the BUSF British Students Championships Championships this year . Peter Swales' s mother in Durham last weekend. incorporated the Christie Cup. will confirm. Francis Andrea Duke led the way Having demolished A'Franny' Lee was a with an incredible victory in the Manchester and Liverpool in popular choice as Manchester 6km women's race. In an the women's event. Leeds were City's new chairman. He has exhilerating finish with assured of maximum points ridden into Maine Road on a wave Chester's Jayne Spark, Andrea when neither of the opposition of optimism, hailed as nothing stole the win in the final few managed to finish a complete short of a messiah. But it is metres. men's team. It is doubtful optimism misguided. A very impressive third. anyway if they would have Lee has talked of major despite recently cracking a rib. worried the strong Leeds reconstruction and of the re- was Angie HuHey. making her outfit. Both Mark Colpus (8th) organisation of the club and team first appearance for Leeds in the and Danny Gibbons 122nd) in an attempt to win a first trophy final year of a Psycholo*. PhD. lived up to their own high for almost twenty years. He has for the first time in years expectations. and they were got to work swiftly to bring in the dominance of backed up by great runs from team-mates from the ultra- Loughborough was threatened, Willy Speake (60th). Chris successful, but there is a suspicion two Leeds vests at the front. Maxwell 163rdi, Pete Steel that his considerable enthusiasm is and excellent runs by Laura 1711th) and Paul Sudlow 182nd). almost dangerously misdirected. Woffenden (114(h) and Jenny This left Leeds sixth of the 64 When one thinks hack to the Harrison (30th) really bad competing teams. and just ten great teams over the years. and them sweating. points short of Staffordshire's remembers who made them great. in the final analysis, our fourth place. It was our best Leeds vests to the fore: Angle Nutley (109) who finished third and Andrea Duke (103). the eventual winner it is very difficult to find a girls were an agonizing seven result for several years, and all race to finish 83rd and 167th Green well (43rd I. Tony Bennett combined BUSF result in the chairman responsible for that points short of a sensational but Paul will be eligible again respectively. LMU finished 149th) and Roland Sutton club's history, cross country at success. Bill Nicholson at Spurs, victor. but nevertheless next year. so there is scope for 12th in this event, headed by 163rd). Andrew Davies (66th) the University appears to be Bill Shankley at Liverpool. Matt comfortably came in the silver further improvement if the Julian Nloorhouse in 16th and Duncan Wellery 181st) also going from stength to strength. Bushy at Manchester united and. medal position. Michelle same dedication, effort and place. experienced running the same Last weekend was an more pertinently, Joe Mercer at Birdsall 157thi and Helen team- spirit can he maintained. Earlier, in the men's •B' race course that will he used for the achievement of which all Manchester City were all Wells 1137(h) were the other Nick Mannion and Todd over 4 laps. Leeds had finished World Cross Country involved can feel rightly proud managers. Leeds Uni runners, while Sue Stewart also slogged around 9th thanks to good runs by Championships in 1995. - the partying in Durham that The continuing ascendancy at Harrison led the LIMA: home in the 6 laps (12km) of the main Mark Philipson (26th), John So with arguably the best night was well justified. Blackburn is led by the tactical nous on the field and in the transfer market of Kenny Daiglish.

11111■1/ supported by the money of the + ROUND UP + ROUND UP + chairman Jack Walker. Lee is Leeds Student Elections making what could be a big player can be proud of the injuries. mistake in seeming to take over Rugby League immense passion, fire and The team, Pete Blackburn. team affairs, Brian Horton must be skill with which they played. Stuart Rowen, Andew Trippitt. feeling the carpet authority 1 niversites Ind XIII V. Result: 30-32 Mr Chukei and David Ogden. slipping away under his feet. The Primary Election for iirredale College Craig had a worrying start coming up As chairman. Franny Lee against a very strong Sheffield should concentrate on running the Leeds Student Editor will Decimated by injuries and Judo - LUU team and losing 4-1. club, keeping its members happy. exams, the University Rugby Sheffield were the eventual and providing resources for take place on Tuesday League 2nds produced one British Universities winners of the championship Horton to strengthen his team. For of the performances of the Championships and this meant that teams that is where the problem lies the 22nd at 5.00pm. season in narrowly losing to previously knocked nut by them now: the team is the difference Airedale College. Writes competed for the bronze medal between success and Craig Soulsby. The Leeds' University Judo position. dissappointment. Lee would do Powerful driving by the team produced a superb Since Leeds were the first well to heed the words of Joe forwards, led by superb performance at the British team to be defeated they faced Mercer -"The chairman is so For full details and a list debutante Bruce Charles- Universities Championships the daunting task of defeating important. we had little Albert worth (2 tries) allowed the this weekend, taking the bronze Bath, Oxford and Durham in Alexander. He knew nothing of those eligble to vote hacks to show their immense medal. competing against 26 consecutive fights to take the about football. A lovely man who talents, especially the superb other teams. bronze medal. Durham having loved Manchester City. Masonry. Neil Alien (2 tries). Andrew Trippitt was the had particular good results in Rotary and his wife...in that please see page 22. If it wasn't for defensive only member of the team to earlier rounds. order". frailties at crucial stages of manage anything of distinction Bath and Oxford were easily Francis Lee's knowledge of the match, Leeds Uni could at individual level, taking the overcome 4-1, 4-1 leaving a football is undoubted, and so is his well have won. bronze medal at under 60 kilo's very exciting contest against knowledge of business. He must It was an excellent team - although captain Rob Lewis Durham. Leeds winning a close use all of his knowledge now performance, and every showed a nice line in 10 second contest, 3-1. without confusing his new role. Paul Goldsmith

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