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Close Encounter of the Greatest Kind I. Intro

Close Encounter of the Greatest Kind I. Intro

Close Encounter of the Greatest Kind Isaiah 6:1 – 8

I. Intro A. Movie “Close Encounters” (name that tune) B. Experience of worship about encountering God; many churches attempted to improve this encounter C. Encounter illustration: 10 questions to ask to make worship services more appealing: 10. Is it really possible to introduce pyrotechnics gradually? 9. Do rhinestones on choir robes ever make a positive statement? 8. Should you enlist a Worship Leader with a tattoo that says “Mother”? 7. While drums can be a welcome addition to any worship service, is it really necessary to have them rise out of the platform? 6. Visual Aids such as LCD projectors and new lighting can add to the impact of any service, but do lava lamps really create the right atmosphere? 5. Is it wise to issue laser pens to all the ushers? 4. The participation of every member in the worship experience is not only biblical, it’s essential. Having said that, should tambourines be handed out to the entire congregation? 3. While it’s true that instrumental variety really adds to the worship experience, should kazoos be one of those instruments? 2. Can your preacher really pull off wearing a gold colored suit? Previous questions humorous, but next more serious, the number one question to ask before changing your worship to attempt to make it more appealing is: 1. Are the changes being made in order to please man, or to truly enhance a real encounter with God? D. Every person who has entered into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior has experienced (continue daily to experience) the greatest encounter any person could ever know – that encounter is what creates in us that desire, an attitude, of worship; of message, “Close Encounter of the Greatest Kind” E. Prophet Isaiah speaks of this kind of encounter; READ Isaiah 6:1 – 8 F. SONG – In the Presence of Jehovah G. Charles Stanley's Life Principles Bible note: “Isaiah's awesome vision of God pierced him to the very core and prompted him to cry out, 'I am a man of unclean lips … for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.' You will never deal effectively with your sin without first realizing who God is. When you study His word, and grasp His holiness, a deep reverence for Him begins to grow in your heart. Like Isaiah, you are humbled before Him and realize that you fall short of His holiness. Yet before discouragement creeps in, remember God loves you with an everlasting love. Through Jesus' death on the cross, God takes away your sins and shows you His amazing love. The crucifixion and resurrection are the beautiful visions God gives you of His holiness and . H. Isaiah's real encounter with God Almighty didn't lead him to just attend a time of worship on a specific day for a certain length of time; it didn't lead him to be just a spectator of worship, Isaiah couldn't help but be fully engaged, consumed in his worship of God because of this greatest encounter with God – this worship encounter for Isaiah was a genuine, real, powerful experience I. Church member statement: People say you can worship just as good at home than you can at church – person disagreed because of missing worship in corporate setting; but, when truly in midst of presence of God, location, time, of worship makes no difference J. Question: Why was this encounter the greatest encounter Isaiah would ever know, and any person CAN ever know. - 3 reasons

II. 1st Reason – Majesty of God; Lordship of Jesus Christ A. Core of our worship is a revelation of God Himself to us; coming into God’s presence and true worship we come to experience how great God is B. v. 1: Isaiah given vision of Lord, seated on His throne, train of His robe filling the whole temple (in heaven); Isaiah's reaction? Awe, fear, great and majestic God C. 2 things discovered about God when we are in His presence i. 1 – Majesty and Glory a) Psalm 147:5 (NIV) 5 Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit. ii. 2 – Holiness a) Of all attributes used in scripture to describe God, only “holy” is used in triplicate b) Seraphs cry out v. 3: Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty c) Not only is He holy, He is holier, He is holiest – the Holy of holies D. The very core of our worship is God revealing more of Himself to us: more of His majesty and glory, and His holiness E. R.C. Sproul quote: “Men are never duly touched and impressed with the conviction of their insignificance, until they have contrasted themselves with the Majesty of God.” F. Question: What’s your worship experience like this morning, even at home? Do you sense the presence of God wherever you are? What is your reaction, response to His presence with you? G. 2nd reason why presence of God is greatest encounter III. 2nd Reason – Depravity of Man A. We 't like to be confronted with the worst of ourselves; certainly not what those of the world would accept i. World teaches us total confidence in self, self-sufficient, self- empowering, self-reliant, etc.; even taught by in some mega- churches B. But in the presence of God, we are forced to see ourselves for who we truly are in comparison to a holy God; many don’t want to see that – why many reject God i. Philippians 2:10-11 (ESV) 10 … at the name of Jesus every knee [will] bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (one day every person will physically see the holiness and majesty of God, and will realize their complete unworthiness) ii. Example: Like putting on a shirt/clothing that looks fine until you walk out into light and you discover it's stained iii. When in the presence of God, we are under the “light” of His holiness and righteousness; under that “light” the stain of our sin, our unrighteousness is exposed C. When a person has a particular need, if they can’t see the need or refuse to see the need, then no steps are taken to address the need D. God's Word tells us we have a need: Romans i. Romans 3:10-12 (NIV) 10 … "There is no one righteous, not even one; 11 there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God. 12 All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one." ii. Romans 3:23 (NIV) 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, iii. Romans 6:23 (NIV) 23 For the wages [penalty] of sin is death, BUT (alternative option) the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

IV. 3rd Reason – Essential Need for Salvation A. Coming into God's presence we see God for who He truly is – His holiness and perfect righteousness; in God's presence we see who we truly are – depraved, lost and dying in our sin B. We see God, we realize our sinfulness, we come to understand we have a desperate need – READ v. 5 i. It draws us to Christ and salvation through faith in Him – READ v. 6, 7; Question: How does this relate to Christ? READ Isaiah 4:2 – 4; READ Isaiah 11:1 - 3a ii. It draws us into service for God – READ v. 8 C. In this greatest encounter with presence of God that any human being could ever have is that God has reached down and: revealed Himself to us through person of Jesus Christ; shown us through a relationship with Christ as Lord and Savior, His presence is with/in us always; shown us our essential need for salvation only through surrendering to Jesus Christ as Lord by faith D. Acts 4:12 (ESV) 12 And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

V. Close A. Question: Have you experienced this “close encounter of the greatest kind” that any human could ever experience? It’s not an alien encounter, it’s a real-life encounter with a perfectly holy and righteousness God who desires an intimate, personal relationship with you through the presence of His Spirit in you B. To invite His presence into your life, simply ask (Bow heads): Confess your sinfulness, admit your essential need for salvation from your sin, believe that Christ died in your place and paid the penalty for your sin, and that He rose three days later conquering death so that you might have everlasting life through trusting Him as your Lord and Savior