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Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio)

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. Vol .. XLVIII CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1964 TEN CENTS No. 19 BEARCATS CLAW XAVIER, 94-92 ,Thomas, Botlteti Star Itt Last Ditclt Muskie Effort By KEN CZILLINGI':R News Sport.<> Editor "I'm proud of my ballclub, we have nothing to be ashamed about. We a1·e vel'y disap[lOinted." 'l'hese were the fil'st wol'ds uttered by Xavier coach Don Ruber·g. after the neve•·-say-die Musketeer·s bowed to Cincinnati's Bear·­ cats, H4-92 Wednesday night at Cincinnati Gardens. A CROWD of 11,615 witnessed tlUIIIIUIUUUUUIIIIHUIIIIIIttiiiUUIIU!UIIHIU!UIIUIUHtiiiiiiiiUitUIIIUWIU!IIliiiHIIItU.. a game in which tht·ee officials were the main attraction. Bob Fire Upstages Came McAtister, Datlas Shil'ley, and While tempers flared at the Cin­ Russ Kaefer, who temporarily einnati Gardens Wedpesd:tY !'i~ht, s u b bed for the late-arriving local firemen httd a hot problem Shit·ley, called a total of 56 per­ of their own. The city's larg·est so~al fouls and what seemed to fire since the "Black Sunday'" nl be a rccot·d numbet· o( walking the 1937 Hood rmtred through lhe violations, most of which were vacant seven-story, block-lon~t charged against Xavier. Baldwin l'iano Company Wttre­ The Gardens' floor was in ex­ house at Florence Ave. and Eden tremely poor condition for such Park entrance downtown. an Important game. There were A wind-whipped Wtl.ll of name, many slick spots caused by the which loomed 200 feet Into the The Glee Before The Gloom remnanb of a Tuesday night blackened sky, was visible for 15 hockey game. miles, turing many fans from the Xavier-UC contest. Others ke.,t More than a hundred wildly cheering fans Led by Pat Stapleton, .Jiui Kemp, and Cincinnati didn't make a (ield posted by radio as WKRC perioii­ from Elet, Marion, and , Brockman Halls Dave (Squh1·el) Almeroth, ·the spirited goal in the final 6 minutes and cally interrupted its play-by-pia.,. marched .on the Fieldhouse at 4 p.m. Tues.:. 49 seconds. The Cats 20 of 23 g•·oup chanted· for a few words f•·om Coach account of the game to. bring di· ~~ty-to •stllge an impromptu tiel, rally. during - free throws fot· all .their points Don Ruberg, WllO complh~d. with· "Behave rec& reports from the scene of Ut


Pare Twe CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 6, .19M News Platform For Progress At Xavier: e lnCf'etued emphasis on the f'esponsibUitu of &he iHiok Grupenhofr, '16 fo students tht'OUgh the equitable REPOUTERS .•.•••. )lik• lbrtml<•· '64: Dirk Helmick, '6': John St·iantnnlli, '115; Bill KN·k. 't:6: Bill Kr•mrr, '66: Larry Sdtlem~nn, '66; •dministration of ltudent serv- ,ft•Tn· Stt•nJ!'PI' 'tHi: Bob Alhfrt, '67: Jinl ~\ lt'rtlmr:, '67: ices. · Mike .'.morini, '67; .Tim Bnrrett_ 'fi7; Oa.,id Dird, 'fi7; ,Tnd; fo:!'!'l'lmnn, 'fii: nnn Gardner, '67: T<'m 6raTf'11fo, 'fi7; More emphGsfs on scholaf'oo Frank Jnncurn. '67; 'fony Ln.ne, '6i; Fr•nk Sht-p11ard, '17; e Tony 'rNit, '67. 1hip bu the addition of meanincr JIURt:AUS.,.,,,, •••• ,.,,,,,,,., ••• ,,,,,, ••• Pari•: Donald l..t'onnrd the Dean's heretofore • R•rlin: Allen llohnn to List, Chicnf:o: .>\.lex P. llfnrGre.,or. :lr. 1omewhat emptv honor. Wnshm~rton: Alan C. Vonderhanr lnCf'etued IJ4t'ticipation 8PORTS WRITERS., .. ,.,,.,.,, •• •••.••••.. PRt Dunn•, '66; Pete Muceut, 117 e tta l'HOTOGRAI'II ~;Hs ...... •• ,.,,.,., .. Hill Sl'hlaudeckcr, '65; Tom Kitrh, 'fifi; e X t I' a - curriculat' p t' 0 g r am S ('hnrlie \\·ntker, '6;; Je-rry \\•otter, '67 through the at'ousal of interest CHIEF UOllSTABOt:T ...... Nnncy Higgins by student 1eadf!t'l, ('IRCl1l,ATIO'\' 1HHECTOR .....•...... •..•.....•...•••... Tl'a\'0 Long, '65 }'ACl'l.'l''i AO\"ISOR .....•..•...... R~-"-~Thomn• G. Savngo, S.J. e Elminatkm of duplication~, Puhlh·ht>cl wt.~t'kly dnrinJ: the' Frhool :n~nr f'Xl't:'pt during vnrntinn ptrhHh by :Xnvit•r Unin•r.,ity, Hnmilh1n County, EvnnHon, Cincinnnti 7, Ohio ...2.00 per yPnr. wasted motion, discoordination, Eutt~r<'tl nl' F('cond rln~!i= mnttrr Oetoher 4, 1046 nt. the Post Ofti~e at Cincinnati, and genet'CJl confusion in 1'egis­ Ohio under thC' ..\t._•t of March 3, 1S711. · tration tht'ough gene1'al 1'eform of the system. e Expansion of cczmpus- paf'k• Bob R)'an ing facilities. e Continuation of the faculty evaluation progt"am through vol­ Below Tlte Masthead untat'y IJ4t'fic:if)4ticm.

By BOB RYAN News Editor-in-Chief "LIKE BIRD-WATCHING AND GIRL-WATCHING, executive­ "'atching is part of contemporary American life, perhaps falling ~omewhere between the other two in popularity," Thomas L. Whi~ler. professor of industrial relations at the University of Chl­ e.ago, declared last week. Dr. Whisler explained that social ll't:i­ Dollar Diplomacy and The Silver Rush entists, physicians, and business researchers are all taking what might seem to be an inordinate interest in the "boss'' in order to Well, although the tax cut has always struck into ones, which at least can be reduced into determine what qualities he possesses which distinguish him from us as about as sensible as the fellow who enough copper for a congressm~n's statue ..• the "flunkie.'' scissored his suspenders because his feet were brass. No, if he tries to turn his money into cold, well it is nice to have those extra few something solid, he's told that fifty ones are Following a recent analysis of changing organiZ!Itional structures, dollars in om· pockets. Only don't look too convertible to one fifty, and vice-ver;;a. And Dr. Whisler noted that expansion of American business interests close at them. The dollars, we mean, not the if he asks to see the gold that supports the o\·erseas has brought into the managerial group a need for "greater pockets, even if it is true vou can never tell currency ... poor fellow don't yon know we're ~ophistication in anthropology, economics, and organizational de­ what government tax-man· moonlights as a off the gold standard? "'ell, then, where's the ~Sign."' dip these days; Johnson has put so many out hoard of silver dollars? In coin shops, where Dr. Whisler neglected to explain just where the anthropology of work. cle? · comes in. but it is reported that UC's student council has formed So, look .at the dollar bill. It used to be that Of comse, if tl1e poor mistrustful wretch a committee to im·estigate the matter. the dollar ,\·as the solidest of the solid. so forth will fly in the face of om· country's one truth, • • • and so on, the -very 1\Iaria Theresa· taler to th§..t Progress is something mystically more WE ~IIGHT HAVE E..XPECTED IT: A noted physician says that the nomacls of Suburbia, and redeemable for than the fact that tomorrow follows a today, alternatino-s to marriage must be found because "monogamous mar­ a cartwheel at any bank, especially in Nevada. why, then, Jet him go and at least admire the riage is a bizarre and unnatural state'' for the normal husband. No more. The timorous fellow who used to very fine lathe-work in Washington's wig! Dr. Russell V. Lee. who is on the faculty of se,•eral prominent mistrust th·e and tens because thev are Federal Why must he fear that perhaps we will not California institutes of higher learning, concluded before a sym­ Reserw Notes, redeemable in good will and keep spiraling upwards of our own w.eight posium on family problems in San Francisco that he has found a stake in the future-he has no resource any towards greater and greater prosperity, so that t:uch exclush·e arrangements to deviate from patterns followed by more. He can't rush to change his paycheck it will never be necessary to show something other animals. "Perhaps it's time to see if some other arrange­ besides assumnccs. that the future will come, ment can't be worked out for some people,'' he advised. as the solid base on which to ground our currency? Dr. Lee did not suggest any specific alternative. Weak Men and Dirt • Surely the future will come, gloriously, in a • • Recently a formerly second-run movie confetti of doll:n hills and bond issues, all THE MOST REV. JOHN KING MUSSIO. Bishop of Steuben­ theater in the Cincinnati area announced ''ille. Ohio. wants the Church to stop demanding promises of the payable and recallable the day after tomorrow I non-Catholic partners to mixed marriages. a new "art policy." The manager's intent, . I,et anyone who doubts go collect his pny so ~·e were misled to believe; was to raise Under present Canon Law, the Church will sanction a mixed m small change, bulky, perhaps, but capable its film standards a little higher than its of being buried in t.he back yard. marriage only if the non-Catholic parm.;r promises (1) not to previous Steve Reeves-Godzilla fare. interfere in any way with the Catholic spouse's practice of his or But now it seems this community would her Faith; and (2) to let all children be reared as Catholics. be a lot better off if the drive-in junk had Bishop Mussio says the pre-nuptial pledges "spawn deceit and continued. For "art" apparently means Copying_ Is Legal rontempt" and put a strain on marriages beeause the non-Catholic ''dirt" and "blasphemy" to this theater's member enters the wedded state "smarting from a sense of com­ manager. Last May, the News reported that theftl pulsion." One "art work" was so miserable that ln the university library were on the in­ a local newspaper critic, trying his best to cre~se. Not only were more books stolen "The better way today to safeguard the faith of the Catholic seem open-minded while nevertheless sing- durmg ~he. semester tha~ in previous yeanJ, member of a mixed marriage is to concentrate on the preparation Jng a totally confused accolade for it, was but pertodacals were bemg damaged more of the Catholic partner," the Bishop dedares. forced to admit that it was "dirty, revolt- frequently by ambitious researchers who Richard Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Boston, has expressed ing, disgusting, degrading, and ugly." He chose to take articles witlt them rather thaD llimilar ''iews. added-as if this would make his readers spend the time to copy them. • • • jump and click their heels in glee-that it However, there may be some defense tot CO:t\"FLICTING MOTIVATION plagues most persons at one was "a parody of God, Christ, and the ~be_ persons who excised portions of the time or another, but few e"ncounter it in the same manner as Uni­ Virgin Mary in the most blatantly negative Journ~ls. In certain instances Information "ersity of Cincinnati official basketball scorer Andy Hopple did terms." contamed in the periodicals was required Wednesday night. • Later, another '.'art work" shown at the study material for examinations. In other Bearcat-Xnvier clash was locked at 34 all when a radio news­ theater drowned out whatever argument cases perhaps t.he' students needed the spe­ man happened to mention to Hopple that a !h•e-alarm fire was. that the psuedo-intellectuals who defended cific articles for extensive quotations in r&e I'Oaring through the Baldwin Piano Company on -Reading Road. its predecessor might have had. The next search pap~rs. ., Hopple, a member of Box 13, a local fire buff organization, fum­ feature was "dirty, revolting, disgusting, AlU10ugh the a.pparent worthiness or the bling· with his pencil, breathed a little harder lost track of the degrading, and ugly" too, but it was noth- ~cissors-wielding students' purposes did not . ' ' ing more than a run-of-the-mill Bardot modify the objective dishonesty or t h e i r ICore--fmally raced out of the Gardens and donned his fire clothes. exposure. act.s, it did serve t.o out an obvious "We b€-at Xavier e\·ery year," he panted as he arrived on the Many citizens are understandably dis- deficiency:. the Xavier library was the only ~eene, "but Baldwin Piano burns down only now and then." turbed. They are probably watching the one of its size in the city that did not operate formation of this community's third the- n copying service for persons using its re• ater dedicated to the principles and the search facilities. The pre'' rnuo.,t ht· urult·\i~,!tll~h l11">.·l t11 tf1t· propagation of perverts. They, are watch- Recognizing the need, Chief Librarian Jng this through the two local newspapers, Albert Worst decided that his department truth. le,l ih i•dlut'IH.. T ht• e\crt ,...,t..·d ·'"ll'~ 1 ltt: tr qtl both of which are apparently too spineless WO\lld have a <~opier at any cost, so be of "hit h \\ t· 'Jlt'.th j, the trt~th irr 'I 'Inti "l~t·11·l" to buck the local civil liberties fanatics by purchased the device himself and donated \'(HI "'Ct' t"\t·trh Jt·.dh ·'' tht·\ h.tppctt ,tlld the tr1J!Ir refusing to print the theaters' advertise- it to Uw unh·ersity. Students now can obtain i11 prt·,etd.dJoll \\l~~·•\·l1\ \Oil report L•dldtt]], ( H·r.t' ments. And as they sit and watch and single cotlies of nny page of library material ·'' \ IHJ. lt.t\ l 'tt 11 !lit'lll ,t!HI Jldt·f]llt'l dtt 111 In Jll' moan to themselves, a county Jlrosecutor within 24 hours ror n. 15-cent charge. ot}u·r 'lLtnd.trd, tl.tll tluh(' •d pt .. lttt .trtd 1!t.rrd· !Sits and shivers at the prospect or taking In contributing the facility, 1\lr. WorB~ on ~be ACLU. . . . continues a tradition of conserving tlte time I'• 'I I I' I' ' .\II "eak men d1d not form Uus conmm- and incrensing the accuracy of student re­ ..'· ni~y's culture, but weak men can easily st~11rchers-a tradition be initiated more tbaa ... aso.. •. rum it. th1·cc d«?cadcs ....


Stenger Craves U. D. Stude·nt Cout~cil Presetzts ...

Letters to the·"-: .Editor ' "' Reefer Smokes '1'0 TTIE EDITOR OF THE NF:WS: FORD CARAVAN OF IUSIC fJ(ant, Zola, Et Al Defend Mountees The cigarette sales tax collec­ J'O '!'HE EDITOR OF THE NF.WS: Emile Zola said: "Human na­ tion for Ohio is off some eight Folk and Jazz Wing Ding . I'm sick and tired of hearing ture is so constituted that it hundred thousand dollars. This llow stupid the girls from the does not recover from the in­ creates a catastrophic situation in STARRING 'Mount are. We. are just as smart itial disaste11 of the civilizing Ohio. These monies used for as any girls from any other school process." parks, school buildings, and rec­ and we are just as sophisticated Balzac said: "The desensitiz­ reation facilities are no longer lilA SIMOIE & HERBIE MANOR es other girls, Everybody thinks ed realm of the cultural rub­ available. This has caused an WITH that we don't do any intellectual bish heap of the mind." anonymous union spokesman to THE MOONSHINER$ 6 RON ELIRAN things but I. know that we all Flaubert says: "The forms of say "they may have to revise like art and music and stuff like .things unknown." the tax structure and make it that out here. A lot of boys at And finally, Machiavelli said: equitable." FRIDAY, MARCH 13-8:00 P.M . Xavier don't like the Mount be­ "Electricity is the result of de­ But what really can be done'!' ·eause they feel'that it is far away caying owl pellets." . University of Dayton Fieldhouse and the mixers are no good, but Cigarettes are evil, mean, wick­ I guess that proves what I said ed, bad, and nasty, UnUI, or if, TICKETS $4.00 - $3.00 - $2.00 - $1.00 we try our best to please the about the girls at the Mount be­ boys. Just to prove my point, cigarettes can be remedied of fore.· I hope Freddy sees this let­ their cancerous qualities, theJ llere are a few quotes ~Y famous ter. because he is the one w"o · people: · are not an ethically IJOUnd form started all this, Really, the Mount of entertainment. Kant says: "Instead of hu­ is a wonderful place to go to · man knowledge being shaped school· because you .learn about What can be done? Will our to reality, it is our human jud«­ home economics,· -music, history roads fall into dusty trails? Will ·'1-n ment which determines what­ and math, and other subjects, our schools sink into the mire o.e..o(Author of "Rally Round the Flag, Boy11l" ever is to have the character too. I hope that the boys at Xav­ of oblivion? Will our children •nd "BarejotX Boy With Cheek.") of being reality for us." ier will come out to our mixers be deprived of safe, sanitary rec­ D. H. Lawrence says: "The because they are really fun and reational facilities? Is this pos­ only reality worth fighting for . you can meet different girls. Don't sible? of COUI'Se it is. A ROBE BY ANY OTHER NAME print any more letters about the is that which can be proven to But out of the back alleys of be false." Mount because it really makes us the nation there chat·ges a solu­ Wit,h the Commencement Day just a couple of short months Henry MilJer said: "There is MAD. tion. Yes, the long awaited leg­ awuy, the question on everyone's lir>s is: "How did the differ­ ent disciplines come tQ be marked by academic robes witla no room for philosophy in the Boy, I bet you won't print this! islation of marijuana. evolving ethic, the ·successful Thelma Retina Genovese, hoods of different colors?" Everybody is asking it; I mmua integration of basic religious College of Mount Saint Marijuana is habitual, as are everybody! I mean I haven't been able to walk ten feet ora any campus without somebody grabs my elbow and says, "HoW" truths and biological realities." Joseph on the Ohio, ·cigarettes. did the different disciplines come to be marked by academio Marijuana is an oft' practiced robes with hoods of ditierent colors, hey?" 'News· Is Unscrupulous, Sensational form of entertainment, But mari­ This, I must say, is not the usual question asked by colle­ juana is free from the noxious gians who grab my elbow. Ordimtrily they say, "Hey, ~horty, got :1 Murlboro'f" And this is fitting. After all, are-they not tars and evil nicotine that ciga­ And Prints Second-Hand Information' collegians and therefore loaded with bmi~1. And does not TO 'I'HI•: NOTTOR OF THF: NF.WS; editor who sends his copy boy . rettes are known to contain. By intclli~euce demand the tastiest in tobacco flavor? And dOC!I Your article on John Gilligan out to take notes, :fl'Om which the legalizing marijuana, by free­ not Marlboro deliver a fl1wor that is uniquely delicious'( And was a fine example of the ·sensa­ editor then writes his biased story ing its consumption, the state am I not short? tional quality of news •:eporting without even the benefit of hav­ could tax it. Since it too is habit Hut [ digress. Back to the colored hoods of academic robes. which has made the News a con- ing witnessed the speech? fot·ming, the tax from it would A doctQr of philosophy wears blue, a doctor of medicine weare .. siderably less than first-class col­ more than adequately compen­ This is second-hand informa­ lege newspaper. sate for the now falling cigarette tion to say the least, and it seems Statements like the ones quoted taxes. to me to be a fine example of 'from Mr. Gilligan's talk, when "looking the o t h e r way." A The roads shall again be cross­ taken completely out of context, speaker can hardly be · expected ing the forests, and towns, and can be used to advantage by any to contribute his time to an ad­ • parks, and farms of the state. unscmpulous editor who is look­ dress here at Xavier when . he Children shall continue to play ing for a big headline to sell knows that h.e will not even rec­ in adequate playgrounds. Schools his rag. It is my contention that ·ognize his speech in print. "Veri­ will be bale to replace their now the editor has a duty to his read­ tas" vos liberavit? [Sic.] eye-sot·e gymnasiums with new, ers to present the news fully Sincerely, bigger and better gymnasiums. and truthfully, But how can such We will have better educational a iask even be attempted by an William B. Eastlake. institutions, and in turn, our / athletes will triumpll in th~ 'Irresponsibility Marks The News'. world of spot·ts. '1'0 'l'lllo! l<:DITOR OF THI;' NF.WS: film, especially when he chooses, Marijuana will give us better "Veritas vos liberabit" you as in this case, to .heap so much Americans! preach; but you seem to forget praise on the movie's thematic Marijuana will produce su­ that anyone who purports to statement. perior athletes! present the truth also takes upon The fact that this review was himself certain responsibilities, published the day after the With the rise in tax revenue, among them the necessity of green, a master of arts wenrs white, a doctor of humanities movie in question lt!ft Cincinnati better narcotic clinics could be weurs m·imson, a muster of library science wears lemon yellow. spreading the whole truth. This, serves to mitigate some of the obtained and converted into can­ Why'f Why, for example, should a ma.~ter of library science of com·se, holds for both col­ possible evil effects stemming cet· research institutions to solve wear lemon yellow'( umnists and editors. from the column's incomplete­ the cancer problem caused by the Well sir, to answer this vexing question, we must go back to Thus, Dick Grupenhoff's "Cur­ ness; but this fact also serves to vile cigarette habit. March 14, 1844. On that date the first public library in the rent and Choice" of the Feb. 21 emphasize again the irresponsi­ United States was established by Ulrich Sigafoos. All of Mr. Optimistically, News is, as it stands, entirely bility that all too frequently Sigafoos's neighbors were of course wildly grateful-all, that is, except Wrex Todhunter. out of place in any Catholic marks the News. Get·ald Wm. Stenger, 'st. univet·sity newspaper because Let Mr. Grupenhotf remem­ Mr. Todhunter had hated Mr. Sigafoos since 1822 when both the film reviewed in it is on the men had wooed the beautiful Melanie Zitt and Melanie had ber, then, that "veritas" im­ chosen Mr. Sigafoos because she was mad for dancing and Mr. Legion of Decency's condemned plies "omnis veritas" - all the 'Constitution Must Sip;afoos knew all the lntest steps-like the Missouri Com· list. Now, if Mr. Grupenholt truth- and let him begin to pwmise ~amba, the Shays' Hebellion Schottische, and th& wants to view such fare, that is apply this principle to his writ­ Be Moral Or Not James K. Polk Polka-while :Mr. Todhunter, alas, could not his business; but lie ·ought to ing, lest we change the name of Moral-Not A moral' dance at all, owrng to a wound he had received at the Battle think twice before deciding to his column from "Current and of New Or·leans. (He was struck by a falling praline.) review such films in a column Choice" to • • P a s t and Con- '1'0 'l'HE EDI'l'OR OF THI'! NF.WS: Consumed with jealousy at the success of Mr. Sigafoos's lihmry, Mr. Todhunter resolved to open competing libr.u·y. meant :ror general consumption. demned." Arthur Lyons '67 In Mr. Vonderhaar's otherwise a And if in the end he determines interesting essay on the Playboy This he did, but he hu·ed not one single p11tron away frona Philosophy, he was guilty of a Mr. Sigafoos. "What has Mr. Sigafoos got that I have not?" that a review is called for, it Mr. Todhunter kept asking himself, and finally the answer would seem that in the interests 'Candles Lighted' most glaring inconsistency, One carne to him: books. of ll'uth-all the truth-that is­ TO 'l'H•1 ND!'l'OR 0~' '!'Hg Nl•!WS: who holds a Natural Law philos­ So :Mr. Todhunter stocked his lil.mtry with lots of lovely he must make at least some Yout· editorial "Pay 'I'elcvision ophy cannot, on the premises of hooks, and soon he was doiug more business tlmn his hated rival. mention of the potentially dan­ Comes to Xavier," asks some "lhat philosophy, speak of an But Mr. Sigafoos struck back. To regain his clientele, he began gerous moral character l)f the · good questions. Its factual base amoral constitution. sm·ving tea at his library every afternoon. Thereupon Mr. is deficient in one respect: there ·The ultimate legal instrument Todhunter, not to be outdone, beg1m serving tea tui/11 sugar. Thereupon 1\lr. Sigafoos begun serving tea with sugar antJ is no "little extra [charge] to setting forth the purposes, pro­ covet· the •usual fees.' " It might cremn. Thereupon Mr. Todhunter began :;erving tea with sug:'r Kudos Counter cedures a n d authorization for and cream a11cllemon. also be noted that many, per­ c i v i I government either falls Playboy Hefner haps most, of those enrolled in This, of com·se, clinched the victory for Mr. Todhuut~r within the scope of Natural Law because he had the. only lemon t.rec in town-in fact, in t.he ~;DJTOR Fine .Arts H do pay because '2'0 'J'J1•; OF TilE Nll!WS: not prescriptions as a positive decla­ entire stnte of Maine-nod since that day lemon yellow ha.'l, Your interpretative analysis of they have a scholarship or some ration or further specification and of course, been the color on the robes of masters of library the Playboy "philosophy" is a other reason for remission of hence is moral, or it violates acience. particularly outstanding example tuition. Natural Law prescriptions and is (Incidentally, the defeated 1\lr. Sigafoos p&cked up his li· of the high caliber journalism Finally, to add to your ques­ to that extent immoral. · brary and moved to Culifornia where, alas, he failed once rnore. consistently displayed in t h e tions: can this course in the 'l'here were, to be sure, plenty of lemons to serve with his .tea, News. Kudos to your stall for its history of modern and contem­ The adjective amoral as applied hut., nlus, there was no crenm because the cow was not int.ro­ · aingul~rly professional approach porary art together with the art to a constitution can be justified dtwed tQ California until 1937 by John Wityne.) to all too often thankles& en­ seminal'S be thought of as two only in ·terms of Kantian legal @ 196t M•• Shutm• de~vo•·s .•• a concept Mr. Hefner small but lighted candles? Or is positivism or a selective ethic of it better to curse the difficulties personal illumination. • • • and his followers cannot under­ f'oda11 Californian•, happfl amon• tl•eir milcl• l.·ine. ar• aland. of darkness? Sincerely yours, e~tjoyillll filtered ltlarlboro Cit~arelte/1 in aoft pncl.; or Fli1•· Robert Walter, W. H. Kenney, S.J., Top Bo.~. n11 are l11eir fellow Americana ill all/iftiJ alate• ol United Press-Interqatioaat, Chait·man, (Rev.) Geo, A. Currari, S.J., llli• ~larlboro Countr11l Philosoph)' Department. WashiDJtoD, D. C. ~hilC'-op~ Dept. CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, MARCH '· 19M FOUR SENIORS END CAGE CAREERS Geiger, Freppon, Mtteller, Thomas Establishes New Records Steve Thomas established two son record for most rebounds. Pelkington in Home Finale new free throw shooting records His 23 grabs Wednesday night and tied another against Ci~cin­ 'upped his total to 544. The old Four seniors, including two of Last Wednesday night against uati. record was 529. · 1.he best basketbnll players in Cincinnati, Pelkington c r a sed Xavier's brilliant guard now XU's 92 points were the most :Xavier's history, conclude their Corny Freeman's old season rec­ holds the record !or most free t.aJlied against an Ed Jucker­ home cage careers Saturday night ord of 529 rebounds from the throws made both in one game coachoo · UC team. and Thomas• 111 the Fieldhouse. record book. ,(19) and one season (168). He total of 45 points was the second Joe Geiger, Bob Pelkington, "The Bear" has done his share tied the mark for most FTA in · highest individual effort against :Ray Mueller, and Tom Freppon of scoring too. Like Geiger, Pelk­ .one game (21). Cincinnati since Jucker became nrc the Muskie seniors who will ington is also a member of the Bob Pelkington broke the sea- coach. be perfo!1lling on the Fieldhouse 1000 Point Club. He s.tands in hnrdwood for the final time, tenth place among XU's all time ·wJwn Xavier challenges the in­ leading pointmakers. vnding Marquette Warriors. Ray Mueller, who teamed with -Wily did U.S. H-Bamllers Tip off time is 8:00 p.m. ano Pelkington nt Ft. Wayne_Ccntml attack Rullla? . f.hc oamc will be televised by Catholic, turned in the most out-

BOB PELKINGTON WCPO-TV (Channel 9). This standing performnnce of his var­ will be the Musketeers first ap­ sity career against Memphis pcnr.rnce on local television this State. Fieldhouse. He tallied 11. points, while subbing for the suspended f;C

Little Muskies Do Better r-- --, KEN'S. KORNER I THIS SUNDAY I .,,. Ken Cslllinrer, NEWS Sport. Editor XU Frosh Cagers Hold UC Bearkittens To ·89-89 Tie 1 When I joined the staff of the they play before the home folks _ IN CONCERT _ Coach AI Gundrum's fighting The Little Muskies had a I I It Xavier News four years ago, my for the last time. first assignment was to cover Little Muskies put on a blazing chance 1o wrap wp the game, I know the student body will last minute ndly in regulation when Tony Zych went to the line t:he 1960-61 freshman basketball give each of these seniors a I time and t.hen went on to battle for 11 bonus free throw situation team. ·Until shortly before the rousing ovation Satmday night· October 15 workouts got under­ the UC Bcarkittens to an 89-89 in the last 20 seconds. to express, in some small way, overtime ·tie. DICK I way, I knew neither the coach our appreciation for the work Zych missed his first charity nor the players. they have done at Xavier Uni- · Down 87-82 with just. 45 sec­ toss ann the Kit.tens sped down l.'OIIrt. Steve Schweitzer pitched Since that time, things have versity, onds to play, the XU frosh got a thz·ee point play from Jim Henge­ in a twelve-footer fro'T.l the left. rhanged. Don Ruberg, who was There will be more pictures, GREGORY coml'r to tie the contest at 89-89. then a successful frosh basket­ information, and statistics about hold- to narrow the gap to 87-85. Walt Allt'n's 15 foot jumper·_ ball coach, is now Xavier's head the seniors in upcoming issues of The Muskies pressing def~nse basketball coach. And still a suc­ the News. · resulted in a steal and Dave bounced off the rim and the finn! . In· Living ressful coach. Ruberg has al­ Lynch knotted the count at 87- buzzer ~ounded with the score ready set a record for the most • • • 87. on a rebound shot with 17 tied, 89-89. J'egular season victories by a Facts and Figures . . . The seconds remaining. There was no .lim Hengehold led all scorers Color coach in .his first season at Xav­ Musketeers az'e the top scoring further scoring in regulation with 38 points. Jim Hess and ier. team in Ohio. This fact has been time. D<~ve Lynch had 15 apiece for PLUS The 1960-61 frosh basketball overlooked in recent weeks. As In the three minute overtime X;1vicr. team compiled · an impre~sive this week's play commenced, in which the c 1 o c k was not Paul Weidner topped UC with EDDIE HARRIS 17-3 record. There were many only two Ohio schools had tallied slopped, Hengchold s w i s h e d 23. Milte Rolf

Poet Elected NOTICIE: Dick Grupenhoff '~) New, Lower Auto lnsuntnce R•te• Mermaid Host FOR SINGLE MALES, AGE 20 AND UP. Senior Howard B. Charbeneau WITH GOOD DRIVING RECORD, Current and Choice ~ was elected host of the Mennaid Tavern this w e e k,. succeeding Ja•s E. Winter Agency 821-048!- 522·2988 Aceording to Aristotle, true What I'm trying to gel across is Charles J. McClain. He will hold Comedy is an artistic representa­ that I am continually asking.my­ this position as head of the cam­ tion of men who are morally in­ sclf whcthet· or not tlw pt·o~ pus literary society until May of fl'l'ior. not in the sense of being duccrs used the nO\'el as a ve~ this year. Why • Df.ltrangelave thoroughly evil, but only in the hicle to present near grossness Charbeneau, an associate editor ten WODIID for ucb •n? sense of being ludicrous. Em­ and bawdiness just for the sake of the Athenaeum, won the ploying this definition we shnll of its drawing power, or whether poetry medal of the American examine the movie version of or not it was presented artistic Catholic Poetry Society last year .t'iclding's Tom Jones. qualities o! the presentment ol for his "Elegy: The Mountain Tom himself is a mor·ally in­ reality. and an Unfinished Day." ferior person, in that he has cer­ 1f it was pt·oduccd for the fit·st tain faults or limitations. How­ instance alone, then il ceases to Investors Wait For ever, his faults are of a differ­ be ludicrous, and loses its value. Ship To Come In ent natur·c than to what we are It can then become a great moral a c custom e d. You see, Tom's injustice- e s p c c i a I l y to the "Business (machines) before faults are 'that he is too lucky, younger set, many of whom, I pleasure (boats)," might well be too handsome, and too 1>rone to feel, view the picture and see the slogan Df the Xavier Invest­ the l>leasm·es of life. He is not that the older audience avidly ment Club. thoroughly evil, for many of his approves of the action and are President J o h n O'Shea an­ adventures are mere coinci­ unable to make the distinction nounced this week that the or­ dence; and, in fact he shows ganization had voted to purchase "::~~ Dr. Strangalove that what was allowed in 18th mor·e good than evil. If there is century England might not be three shares of Addressograph­ Or: ..I....,,,- WIIYJfll WlMIIIIW. any problem whatsoever in Tom allowed in 20th centut·y America. Multigraph, a business machine AC....._..._ Jones. it arises with the ques­ corporation. Chris Craft Indus­ SEE IT NOW! AT THE tion ~f whether or not it was May•be I didn't get my point tries placed second on the vote. ludicrous, and we shall gel to across, and undoubtedly many The organization's st<>ek pod­ VAI.I~EY THEATRE that point presently. meanings will be read into this folio now includes sixteen shares Jnst paragraph. Perhaps I should Technically, Tom Jones is of stock in I o u r companies: virtually a masterpiece. Its re­ sec the movie a second time. Or alistic depiction of 18th centmy let me know what you think. England is very well done. The rolling. sprawling countryside • • • greenly unfolds before us in the Just a few notes that might New England excitement of the hunt which interest those who have read endf; in the somewhat shocking !.his far: The Kingston Trio will ~ccne of the mad, triumphant apear on the XU campus on Hat sl<~.dng of the young deer .. The Apl'il 23. Start making plans for r. for a fine picture. Nnw to the question that was left unan~wered. I am willing to gr~nl that comedy is concerned with the ideas of the day, and 'l'h.e Shield of Quality True artistry is expressed in the brilliant many things which are funny in fashion styling of every Keepsake diamond the lBlh century might not be 656 East McMillan Phone 961-%474 engagement ring. Each setting is a master· enjoyed loday. It all goes along piece of design, reflecting the full brilliance with the idea of changin:,::g~r~n::_:o~n~Jl:_s:_. _;=====-======~=-= and beauty of the center diamond ••• a perfect gem of .flawless clarity, fine color and meticulous modern cut. ·botany:·::·monotony· The name, Keepsake, in the ring and on the tag is your assurance of fine qualily and Iasling satisfaction. Your very per• sonal Keepsake diamond ring is awaiting notes••• quotes•• ~ trig your selection at your Keepsake Jeweler's slol'e. Find him in the yellow pages. Prices fmm $100 to $2500. Rings enlarged to show ••• dig••• review~ •• stew beauty of detail ®T1·ade-mark registered. fuss. •• discuss.•• cram exam ••• wow•• ~whew ••• pause thtngsgo .b~~th KEEPSAKE DIAMOND RINGS C:.1rt11tte4 perfect ce11ter dit-lld ill every "Keepuke" e•PitMtllt rill1 (or rel!luet~~cllt assured_!.. Certificate of llcaistratio• with ri111. Also lou .... «,_, ...... pr•wtlcae llld Coo4 HOIIMbtP'illl Sill...... , lllllrt 1trla. Look fot "Kttpsah" ill ri111 eiMI 1111 tee. Coke....-&•IIA• .. ROTEPOHL JEWELERS 6000 Vi"•- 121-6285 lott••" ,_ "·· '"• •"'""'ltv ef The eeca:eeia Ct...,_,- COCA-COLA IOnLIHG WOUS C& ·\·::··vier University L~L~·=·<,i

CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1964 Noon Muss Added ~Carole Zerhusen A "new noon - time Lenten BRENNER'S THE SHIRT Mass," scheduled for 12:30 in PHARMACY LAUNDRY Bellarmine Chapel every week­ fiA The Night Beat 3618 Montgomery Road 3616 Montgomery Road day, has been added to the reg­ Between Chico's and Shirt Laundry EVANSTON ular Mass schedule, Rev. Frank One Block South of Dana From among some 800 evening Gamble, is the daughter of Mr. Oppenheim, S.J., chairman of Friemls of Xavier Meet At Few Blocks North of the Dorm clivision students, the following and Mrs. Hubert Hornback of the Religious Welfare Commit­ BACHELOR SERVICE were named to the Dean's List Pleasant Ridge, Her older broth­ tee, announced this week. Dana Gardens for the fall semester: Louis Al­ 1832 Dana Avenue FLUFF DRY BUNDLES How long this added Mass will len, Grace E. Barnes, Kathleen er, Dave, is a senior at Xavier, FINE FOOD AND DRINKS • 4-HOUR SERVICE • Brannen, John A. Bruning, Rich­ and Jerry, her twin brother, is a be continued, "depends on stu­ 7'/te Dan Delanys ard W. Devine, Melvin Drigger, freshman. dent use of this opportunity," Marie Flournoy, Clyde Foster, .Happy Birthday, Carl. Father Oppenheim said • Jeanne Goodman, Peter T. Gut­ man, George A. Karwisch, Rich­ ar·d N. Klein, Norbert J. Menke, ;-IIIIU.I.PM'I~ Robert W. Mischler, Daniel W. ! Iaviiie Ill* own IIIII? Schuler, Rose Mary Spellacy, Al­ Wantto save plenty ban V. Stumpf, · Otto Swanner, on your Easter trip? Donald Trauthwein, Ruth Wnl- 1ace, Ronald Wegmann, Robert Write to this man. Wurzclbacher• Right now. • • •• The ED student council will hold a general meeting next Who Is this man? Sheraton's College Relations Director. Good man to Monday at 7:30 p.m. in Alter know if you're taking a trip this Easter or any ether time. He can give Hall. Pat Woracek, secretary of you a free Sheraton Student I D or Faculty Guest Card. With your Card, the council, announced that com­ you can luxuriate at any of the 90 Sh.eraton Hotels and Motor Inns mittees will be set up for the around the world at special low discount rates ... even in single rooms. spring dance. Further informa­ tion can be obtained by calling Save even more with 2 or 3 in a room. Group rates for clubs and teams. Miss Woracek at 922-0501. For more information and your I D card, write to: • • • K:~~~~~~ Dr. Strangelove College Relations Director i Or. How I Learned Ta stop Worrying And Lave College Relations Dept., Sheraton-Park Hotel, Washington 8, D.C. Recently we had an opportu­ 11le Bamll AColumbil Pictures Release nity to talk with Janet Hornbeck, SEE IT NOW! AT THE Sheraton Hotels~ Motor Inns newly elected honorar·y cadet Coast to coast in U.S.A.; In Hawaii; Canada; Nassau; Jamaica; colonel of Xavier's ROTC. VALLEY THEATRE Mexico; Puerto Rico; Venezuela; Tel Aviv, Israel. On Tuesday nights Honornry Cadet Colonel Hornbnck hangs up her military uniform and clons a referee's outfit. Through 1he graduate sodality at Regina High School; lively Janet offici­ ates at local high school intra­ mural volleyball games. Janet herseU participated in sports in both grade and high school. At Regina ('63) :;he was a member of the intramural ,;quad !or various sports, includ­ ing volleyball and . Be­ ing actively interested in ath­ letics, Janet finds her new job more fun than work. She. along with other members or the of­ ficiating tenm, make sure there's time for a little personal vollcy­ bnll practice and some good­ natured competition w i t h the high school girls. Jan is most anxious to get out on the tennis courts agnin. It's her favol'ite summer pa:;time, and she spends a good bit of her leisure hours sharpening her


In her second seme~

'II' flat's tJ p? Fred Bernstein · Pops Concei"l To Spotlight Pianist Dear Freddy Nero Tomo1·row By FRED BERNSTEIN prefer to think of this as a publle Pianist Peter Nero and his trio News Society Editor service. C!(lme to Music Hall tomorrow The golden age of the "drink The elimination of the '~drown" evening for the third "8 O'Clock ~· drown" is over. No mm·e will problem was probably 'ttie most Pops" Concert of the Cincinnati those grand nights of Epicurean impm·tant contributing factor to Symphony Orchestra. lrf)leridor ' reign supreme in our the tremendous success (at least Nero, undisputed favorite of social desert. (Unless you' wish in attcnd~nce) of the Leadership n1illions for his special appraach to consider the Mount Mixer as Rett·eat. There is a marked- 1m.; to •he best of popular music, the exception!) -Those pl'Ofli..;. provcment in a t tend a n c e oD will join Ronald Ondrcjka and gates, who regularly attended the Monday mornings in the local the full orchestra in George -inherently evil sessions of un­ gil'is' "academies." And there is Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue. govemable debauchery have now a 'growing spirit of intcllectm1i The program will open with been cast adrift on the once com­ cut·iosity on the Xavier campus; Leonard Bernstein's Overture to paratively calm sea of civiliza­ the crowning a'chievenient of that Candide, and f o 11 ow in g the tion. The powers of light, giddy sweep which 'ended once and ro-: all the I a _s c I v -, u s "drink •a• Rhapsody in Blue, the m·cheslra with well-earned victory are o drown.'" will play Ferde GroCe's familiar 'Look, I'd Rather Do It Myself!' seeking out and destroying the Grand Canyon Suite. last · vestiges of those black.:. - Newly appointed full Cadet Col. Richard Helmick accepts the guards-the party-givers! · The complete second half ot regimental colors [t·om Xavier ROTC detachment commander Col'. The succeiJS- in eradieatii'l&' the Trouble Brewing? the program will feature lh•.? Vincent F. Fazio dut·ing ceremonies last Friday. Also honored at the unruly- drlnkin~r boui has_ been Campus authorities this weelc Peter· Nero Tl'io, with Peter· Nero solemn proceedings were Cadet· Lt. Cols. Merrick E. Murphy, Paul phenomenal, Unfortunately, it were investigating the 'appear­ himself at the piano. Playing as H. Fischer, and Robert C. Wilkins, who were awarded Distinguished has ~riven rise to a series of other ance on university bulletin ~oards a group, without fhe orchestra, Military Student insigniae by Col. Fazio. - crimes of perhaps an even more of posters promoting a "drink 'n' the Trio will demonstrate its in­ heinous nature. The "rape of drown" allair scheduled for the dividual and u n i que appeal EmerY Hall' mi~rht be cited as American Legion Hall, 1837 Sut­ which has made the Peter Nero Just one example, in which • ton Ave., Mt. Washington,. to­ Trio tops in entertainment in Nelvs Pl1oto Wins Prize In carcon miserable viciously perp­ night. smad supper clubs, co n c e r t etrated the theft of the Hallowed Participation by Xavier stu­ theaters and major television National Safety Competition Gon~r. Others may wish to in­ dents in such functions or their shows. clude &he &bert of the Mount promotion on ,campus was for­ Popular-priced tickets are on An editorial photogra(>h, which News Editor-in-Chief Bob Ryan, Deanery sicns in this list ~f bidden by Rev. Patrick H. Rat­ sale at the Symphony Box Office, appeared in the Xavier News who will receive a cash prize dastardly .deeds, but as the &iris ierman, S ..J., dean of men, in a 415 Race Street. Call 24 l -2538 last November, has been awarded from the sponsoring firm. we~e oonsequenlt, campused, we directive issued October 18, 1963. for further information. second prize in the 16th annual • • * College Newspaper Contest on Thomasfest-the annual public Safe Driving, sponsored by the Tile Saga of 'Stno:ketJ' _Kra11aer obset·vance of- the fe11st of St. Lumberman's Mutual Casualty Thomas Aquinas by the Xavier Company. con test officials an­ University philosophy depat·t­ nounced in Palm Springs, Cali­ Rep~rter Battles While Ludlolv Burns ment- w i 11 be pt·esented this fornia yesterday. By BILL KRAMER llllll\1\lllll\11\lllllllll\11111111111111111111\lll\1111\llllll~llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllf 'rough. Sixteen w e r e n • t this year Sunday, March 8, in the Depicting the frenzied ellorts ., News Reporier lucky. They went down over­ Cash Room of Logan Hall at of police and firemen to extricate Although 11 full time student 11t Xavier at 8:00 p.m. eome with smoke or heat ex­ a trapped motot·ist - r r o m the It was 3:30 a.m. Sunday morn­ Xavier University and 4 part Dr. Norman wilt speak "On haustion. Four were bospltaUaed. wreckage of his demolished ve­ ing and I was sound asleep, tirne student- at UC, Ne-ws Re­ Having or Not H a vi n g the The occupants of the burning hicle, the photograph was chosen Suddenly the loud beep of my porter Bill K':amer still fi-nds Thomist Vision." homes were unusually reserved. from among 202 entries under radio alet·ter sent me jolting to time to fight fires. Dr. Norman is a non-Thomist. While some bt·aved the flames to consideration in the national my feet. As a 'member of the Kno-wn to--many as "Smokey'' Rev. W. Hem·y Kenney, S.J., rescue fm·niture and belongings, competition. Mack Fil·e Departement, I never he is an active member of the chairman of the philosotlhy de­ most stood by helplessly looking The Xavier publication was the think twice about getting out of Mack Vohmteer Fire Depart­ partment, is mode t' at or for on. Among them,_ there were no only campus newspapet· in the bed to fight a fire. The next ment, the We stern Hamilton Thomasfest. The public is in­ casualties. Midwest to w in honors in the time the truck stops, it might be Count-y Fire Protective Associa­ vited. contest. Fourteen other univet·sity in front of my door. We respond­ tion, .and the Ohio State Fire­ As daylight appeared on the Dr·. Norman, assistant professor joumals received similar awards. ed to a gt·ass fire on Wesselman man's Association. In these para­ horizon, the flames had been of religion and philosophy, has The pnotogt·aph was shot by Road' and extinguished it with graphs he tells how he helped brought into subjection. The Red been on the facult,v of Miami no more than Iive gallons of fight the $2 million fire that de­ Cross was on hand to supply University's College of Arts & watet·. stroyed a city block in Ludlow, well-earned coffee and dough­ Science since 1961. nuts to the 210 fire fightet·s and Then I saw Kentucky, Stmday. He came to Miami as an in­ Peace Corps Exams establish a relief centet·. The Sal­ the glare in lliiiiiiiiii\IIIIIIHIHI\IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII\IIIIIIIIIII\IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII\IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII\111 structor from Yale University, vation Army was also on the Slated For March 14 the sky and where he had taught cout·ses and scene. knew that houses. But firemen had con­ had been assistant director of Non-competitive examinations Gradually the neighbol'ing fire s o m e w h ere fined the fire to the one block Wesley Foundation while also -with no passing score-will be departments began the weari­ t h is morning and were concentrating now on working on graduate degrees. administered to local Peace Corps some task of picking up and mot·e than saving the church and remaining Born in Knoxville, Tenn., Nor­ applicants at the Cincinnati Fed­ pulling out. One by one they gt·ass was homes within the ·block. man already had earned 'a baeh­ eral Building, Room 903, Firth began to disappear, their job burning. The elnr's degree in 1954 and a mas­ and Walnut Sts., at 8:30 a.m., As time wore on, I went from done. They had played a role in ter's degree in 1956 in addition Saturday, March 14, R. Sargent news came one scene to another lending a KRAMER a pre-planned mutual aid move­ to spending nearly a year at Shriver, corps director, announc­ qui~kly t h a t hand whet·ever it was needed, up system, and with their quick Eberhard-Karls Univen:itiit in ed in Washington yesterday. an entire city block in Ludlow, aiding any department in its at­ I'esponse and unified action they 'l'uebingen, Germany, before go­ Volunteel's for overseas service Kentucky-13 miles away-was tack on the ragin'g holocaust. As prevented a re-run of the tragic ing to Yale. must be Amet·ican citizens and buming. I was there in thit·ty an independent I was often able Chicago Fire of 1871. In return At Yale, he then t·eceived the at least 18 years old. Registration minutes. Although police were· to impt·ove cooperatiQn between for their assistance they are Bachelor of Divinity degree in for the examination may be made already rel'Outing would-be spec­ different fire departments, granted the assurance that the 1958; a second master's degree by completing a questionnaire tators, my red light and siren On all sldea I touch& beside mutual aid system will work for in 1960 and the Ph.D. degree in which is available at the univet·­ got me through their road, blocks eompaniea of tire fl~rbten whose ·them, too, when they must shout !961. sity placement office and at all and my badge put me in t~e fire eyes were burnln~r with lllloke, for help. Among the fire depart­ He was promoted to assistant Post Office branches. area, &heir faces wUh heat. Many were ments to move in with full sup­ professot• in 1962 at the begin­ Results of the test help to de­ I eould see the Duro paper half relieved w- II e a th~ Join• JOt port will be Ludlow. ning or his second academic year tet·mine for what assignment the factory, a block lon~r, flamln~r at Miami, applicant is best qualified, Mr. from end to end. A dosea ad­ • • • Shrivet• said. New convocation requirements jacent homes were either burn­ and this stn·ing's convocation ing or stalldinc dan«erousl1 el01e schedule were announced last Marketers To Hear ~ the amlihlla&lnc 'flames. week by Rev. Patrick H. Ratter­ This was the kind of fit•e that man, S.J., Dean of Men. Carnegie Director makes half of the firemen want There will be no "8-scries" Ray O'Bryant, director of the to go home and the othet·_ half convocations this semester. Stu­ Dale Carnegie Courses in this fight twice as hat·d. I'm ·always dents will be required to attend area, and president of the Cin­ a member .of the second group.' two "A-series" instead of the cinnati Club Annex will be tl~e Donning protective equipment, I usual one "A'' and one "B", he_ speaker at the March mectin_g of rushed to help a sm'alt company said. the Xavier Marketing Club, Wi!d­ of· fire fighters· ft•om Covington The bi-weekly fine arts lec­ ncst!ay. who were tt·ying desj>et;ately to tures arc expected to compensate O'Bt•yant, a native of St. Louis, get water to the l·oor or one house to some extent for the lack of Missoul'i, hos been a sal'esman that had just been ignited by ..B" convocations this spring. and sales executive for the past fly'ing embers.' Witt\ an' extension John Howard Griffin, author nineteen years. During twet've of ladder we -reached the to1> and wit.h water SU(>port -_ft·om Pat•k or "Black Like Me," will speuk these years he has been o sponsor Hiils [_iremen, we quenched· 'the at the next convocation or the of the Carnegie Coul'ses in lndi­ flames. spring sel'ics on Tuesday, Mar·ch ana and Southwest~m Ohio. His 10, at 8:15 p.m .. Xavier students sponsorship has never 'I> laced IT WAS THE SAME slot·y all with coats and lies will be ad­ 1owet· than tenth internationally over. Eleven different_ fire de­ mitted to the Armory talk free out or n i n e t y throughout the partments were uniling their on presentation of their ro cards. wm·ld. effot•ts to hold the fit•e at -bay. . -WKRC-TJ? (R,tJ•) PhH Admission Cor other students is The meeting will be held at the The !aclot·y was beyond hope of $2.1 Million. Blaze Leaves _50 Homeless 10 cents and for all others $1.00. Cash Room, Lo~&an Hall at 8 p.m. saving and so were most -of. tbe - -Pre-dawa- bl&le was 'risible for. 18 mllea • ·~ •