Charlie Adlard,Cliff Rathburn, | 304 pages | 11 May 2010 | Image Comics | 9781607061717 | English | Fullerton, United States The Walking Dead, Vol. 5: The Best Defense by Robert Kirkman

Michonne returns to the ruins of the prisonand upon finding 's undead decapitated head drives her sword through it. She investigates the wreckage of the RV, but finds nothing except footprints leading away from the battle, which she follows. They investigate nearby store, but are attacked by a zombie. Rick tries to drive his axe through its Walking Dead: Book 5, but is unable to penetrate its skull. Carl shoots the zombie after Rick lures it outside, and Rick asks Carl for his gun to dispose of another zombie. They hide in a nearby house and Rick takes a huge dose of antibiotics for the bullet wound in his stomach. Carl finds Rick unconscious, his eyes glazed over. After defeating three zombies who were banging on the door of the house all by himself, one of which attacked him from behind, Carl decides that he no longer needs his dad to survive. He blames his father for failing to protect Lori and Judithas well as the rest of their previous party. Rick momentarily wakes Walking Dead: Book 5 and pleads with Carl to stay indoors. Carl agrees and holds Rick's head, taking back what he said about not needing his father's protection. Rick eventually gets better after many days staying in the house. Walking Dead: Book 5 as they plan on leaving, Rick hears a telephone ringing and answers it and talks to a woman who is Walking Dead: Book 5 with a bigger group. After speaking with her, they decide to stay. While hunting, the two encounter an unknown survivor. Before Carl Walking Dead: Book 5 even get close, the man is torn apart by a mass of zombies. After walking away, they find an open car filled with lots of supplies which apparently belonged to the unknown survivor. Carl realizes that he was setting himself up to die, like Carol. Rick gets a call on the phone of the house they are staying in. Rick begins to talk to the voice and converse about their ordeals. Eventually, he asks for the woman's name and she answers Lori. Rick then forcefully unplugs the phone but can still hear Lori speaking on the line. This causes him Walking Dead: Book 5 realize that the phone calls were all Walking Dead: Book 5 his head and that he is trying to console his massive sense of guilt by " talking" to his wife. Eventually, he "hangs up" although he takes the phone with him in his backpack when they depart later that day. Continuing Walking Dead: Book 5 journey, Rick tries to teach as much as he can to Carl, to help him be able to stay alive even if Rick should be killed. When Rick leaves Carl alone, in order to forage for some gas, a zombie attacks the child, who's saved by . Michonne rejoins the group, revealing that a still unknown survivor from the prison escaped. The next morning they are reunited with Glenn and Maggie Greenewho are riding on horseback. Maggie learns that her father and brother Walking Dead: Book 5 dead. Carl and Sophia are reunited, where Carl learns that Sophia has repressed her memories of her mother and now thinks that Glenn and Maggie are her real parents. After Rick talks to Carl about Sophia's way to process things that have happened, he talks Walking Dead: Book 5 Dale about the possibility of staying at the farm permanently. Dale comments on how the farm would not be a target and how it is no longer the dead he is afraid of anymore. Rick starts to cry, thinking that Dale did the smart thing by leaving and that they would've been fine if they had left too. Dale attempts to console Rick by saying that he has made many good decisions to keep all alive and offers to talk to him about losing his wife. Later, Michonne reveals to Rick that she's been "talking" to her dead boyfriend. Rick shows Michonne his phone and explains that every time he picks up the phone's receiver, he talks Walking Dead: Book 5 Lori. Rick and Michonne agree to keep each other's "craziness" a secret. The next morning, the survivors are woken by a gunshot. Andrea does not trust the Walking Dead: Book 5 at all and immediately gets off on the wrong foot with Abraham. Ford explains that they are on a mission to Washington, D. Eugene, a scientist, reveals he knows exactly what Walking Dead: Book 5 the creation of the zombie plague, yet reveals little as he deems the details classified. After a discussion of their current situation and an attack on the farm by zombies, the group decides to travel along with the visitors on their way to Washington. Rick decides that he is through making the decisions and does not trust himself anymore. As they are preparing their convoy Rick's car, Abraham's army truck, and Glenn and Maggie on horsebackRick pulls Carl aside and talks with him about staying with the group and warns him to never let his guard down, ever. With this in mind, Rick and Carl enter their car with Michonne and the convoy departs the farm. The survivors travel and set up camp along their way to Washington, D. He has a long talk with "Lori" on his phone about his dream where he is almost unable to stop Carl from dying. Meanwhile, is going through depression due to the loss of her entire family, and Glenn is unable to comfort her. The group scavenges a Walking Dead: Book 5 town for supplies and discovers a zombie that is too weak to attempt to eat anyone. The group ponders if the zombies can be malnourished or even starve to death. The group sets Walking Dead: Book 5 camp again, and Maggie leaves to use the restroom. After a while, Glenn sets off to find her and discovers that she is hanging from a tree with a rope tied around her neck. Glenn screams for help and Abraham cuts her down, only to find that she is not breathing. Glenn wants to do CPR, but Abraham puts a gun to her head and says that she is dead and they have to shoot her or she will come back as a zombie. The group argues and just as Abraham is about to pull the trigger, Rick puts a gun to Abraham's head and says that if he shoots Maggie, he will kill him. Just then, Maggie Walking Dead: Book 5 for air, revealing that she was alive. The group goes back to camp, and Maggie does not want to talk to anyone, even her husband, about what she tried to do. Rick is watching over the camp that night until Abraham comes to relieve him and tells Rick that if he ever points a gun at him again, he will kill him. Rick replies that if Abraham ever does something that requires Rick to put the gun to his head, he won't hesitate to shoot. The next morning, Rick is attacked by a zombie but does Walking Dead: Book 5 have a weapon and is unable to defend himself, but can see Abraham pointing a gun in his direction. Rick screams for Abraham to shoot, but Abraham just watches. Finally, he shoots the zombie and saves Rick's life. Abraham walks away from the group, and Rosita finds him shaking and crying. Abraham tells her he was pointing the gun at Rick before he even saw the zombie. He pleads with Rosita to not let him kill again. Rosita assures him that the people he killed in the past left him no choice and it was not his fault. The group stops at a gas station and tries Walking Dead: Book 5 decide the best route to get to Washington D. Rick tells Abraham that he wants to take the interstate to his hometown to get extra supplies from Walking Dead: Book 5 police station and to check on "old friends. Rick, his son Carl, and Abraham set off, with Michonne stating that Walking Dead: Book 5 they are not back in three days, she will set off to find them. On the first night of their trip, they are surprised at knife point by three bandits who want to take their supplies. Rick tries to fight them off, but he is overpowered and beaten. The Walking Dead: Book 5 then say they are going to rape Carl because Rick tried to fight. Rick bites the neck of the bandit holding him back, killing him. This causes the bandit holding a gun to Abraham to get distracted and Abraham shoots him in the Walking Dead: Book 5. The third bandit tries to run away, but Rick chases him down and brutally kills him. The next morning, Abraham tells Rick that no one is the same after doing something like that. Abraham tells Rick that at the beginning of the outbreak, he and a group of friends banded together. During this time, after successfully securing a grocery store, Abraham went out to search for more weapons. While he was gone, his friends raped his wife and daughter while they made his son watch. In a fit of rage, he killed the men who did it. After that, his wife and children were scared of him and decided to run away. After a day of searching, Abraham caught up with them, but they eaten alive or zombified and he Walking Dead: Book 5 to kill them. Rick reveals to Abraham how he killed Dexter and Martinez at the prison to protect his wife and son. Carl talks about how he killed Shane when Shane threatened Rick. At long last, Rick, Abraham, and Carl reach Rick's hometown. There they find an unstable Morgan and Morgan's undead son who is chained to the floor. Unwilling to kill his own son, Morgan remained with Duane and killed anyone who came to their house to feed him. After seeing this, Rick has a short discussion with Morgan and hands him a gun, explaining to him that he must kill Duane and move on. A gunshot is heard and Morgan leaves the house with Rick and his party. It is revealed that Morgan fired a Walking Dead: Book 5 and freed Duane instead of killing him. Morgan, Rick, Carl, and Abraham go to the police station to get the guns. After spending a sleepless night out in the open, they are driving along when they come upon a herd of about a thousand zombies. Rick drives as fast Walking Dead: Book 5 he can to plow through them, but hits an abandoned car. They escape on foot and are pursued by zombies. Rick and the others escape the herd by tricking them into thinking they've occupied a house, they do this by searching around the house for electrical appliances that would make a large noise. This plan fails and they are pursued by the herd back to the gas station. In a state of panic, they declare that they must immediately leave and get back on the road. Dale is reluctant, because he's found an isolated farm house and wants to settle down and feels that Rick is continually putting the group into serious danger. Andrea convinces Dale to leave. The Walking Dead, Book Five by Robert Kirkman

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See Walking Dead: Book 5 Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling about the problem. Return to Book Page. Cliff Rathburn Gray-toner. Rus Wooton Goodreads Author Letterer. This hardcover features another 12 issues of the hit series along with the covers for the issues all in one oversized hardcover volume. Perfect for long time fans, new readers, and anyone interested in reading a zombie movie on paper that never ends. Collects The Walking Walking Dead: Book 5 Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. Published May 5th by Image Comics first published January 1st Walking Dead: Book 5 Details The Walking Dead Hardcover Edition 5. Walking Dead: Book 5 Editions 4. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Sep 13, Anne rated it really liked it Shelves: graphic- novelsread-inhorrorbraaaaaains-zombies. You want to know what I love about Walking Dead: Book 5 series so far? Well, I'm telling you anyway. I love the way it looks like everything is headed in one direction, and then it Walking Dead: Book 5 off in entirely different direction. I feel like I'm always getting hit upside the Walking Dead: Book 5 with the Walking Dead: Book 5 shovel! It looked like those two were going to kill each other by the middle of this sucker! I was so pissed for Michonne, but at least she You want to know what I love about this series so far? I was so pissed for Michonne, but at least she was an adult. A kid? Even if they didn't get a chance to rape him, I'm glad Rick tore that dude's guts out. It finally looks like there may even be some answers forthcoming about the start of this Zombie Apocalypse. Yeah, yeah. I know. I'm not holding my breath or anything. Michonne made a nice entrance, as always. As for the rest of the group? Dale seems a little upset that Rick isn't back to his old self. It seems as though feelings may be changing And Maggie? She certainly made quite the impression on me this time around! This may be one of the best panels I've seen in a long time: view spoiler [ hide spoiler ] Which was only made cooler by this one! Didn't see that coming! And not being able to pick up immediately on what Kirkman is going to do next is the reason I keep coming back to these books so quickly. Well, that and shit like this View all comments. Apr 27, Pantelis Andreou rated it it was amazing. Forgot how amazing this is and so much superior from the tv series. Jan 22, Dan rated it it was amazing Shelves: reading- challengefavoriteshorrorcomic-books-graphic-novelszombiesthe-walking-dead. Really breezed through this one too! Only in seven days instead of six this Walking Dead: Book 5. The professional artist alive today that is probably the best at drawing zombies is Bernie Wrightson they should get him to do a cover of The Walking DeadI mean I believe I read somewhere that comic book Walking Dead: Book 5 Neal Adams did a cover for the series. However, is also pretty good at it too. In the back of all these books, there is a "Sketchbook" part, Walking Dead: Book 5 includes preliminary thumbnails, sketches Really breezed through this one too! In the back of all these books, there is a "Sketchbook" part, which includes preliminary thumbnails, sketches for the covers and character designs, etc. In this one, Kirkman displays some of the Walking Dead related artwork Charlie Adlard does when not working on the book. And there was this one Illustration of Michonne which reminded me of a scene in the TV show in season 5, Episode 16 "Conquer" Very eerily similar images don't you think? I think that was done in the TV show because for one, Tyreese does not have a sister named Sasha in the Walking Dead: Book 5 novels. The beginning of this book starts out where book four left off. It is almost identical to the plot to season 4, episode 9 "After". Everything from Rick and Carl wandering from the prison to Walking Dead: Book 5 abandoned house, Rick passing out on the couch and Carl not being able to wake him up, Carl taking out his animosity towards his father, Carl scavenging and fending off zombies, Rick waking up and Carl thinking that he has become a zombie of course he's fine. The only thing that's missing is when Carl finds that oz. What was the best part of Walking Dead: Book 5 book? Oh yeah Abraham Ford shows up!!! I'm having too much fun with Photobucket here. He doesn't actually say stuff like "bitch nuts" and his other improvised curse words, which Chris Hardwick called "Abra-Hamlet". I really do miss Abraham's character on the show, and still can't go back and re-watch that season 7 premiere. But that's what I enjoyed about reading this book, it's because I like Abraham's character. Basically, Abraham is pretty much the same guy as he is on the TV show. Although his facial features are slightly different from , he is a big guy, dresses the same and has the red hair and handle bar mustache well, the comic book is black and white, you have to look at the covers to see his hair colored red His story is also almost the same as well as his personality. Shows up with Rosita and Eugene on a mission to Washington D. You feel like he's a good guy at first but are not sure about it due to his temper and putting the mission to D. However, like in the show, he does become a respected member of the group as well as friend and skillful fighter to Rick. He is Walking Dead: Book 5 U. He's an ill-tempered foul mouthed guy with an odd sense of humor, but it's because of everything he went through after the apocalypse. I suppose I got rusty on reviewing books here, cause I'm going too much into detail most likely Walking Dead: Book 5 to that one year reading funk I was in last year. I'll try to make it short though. Remember "Claimer Joe"? Yeah, that goes down in the comics in a similar way except view spoiler [the guys that attack Rick and Carl are not the same group, just three creepy dudes that attack them for crossing a bridge that they claim belongs to them. And it is Abraham, not Daryl, who is there sitting next to Rick against the car and Walking Dead: Book 5 him through what he did the night before and what almost happened. Suicide seems to be a reoccurring theme in the graphic novels. More so than in the TV show. Oh and they do actually call the zombies in the graphic novels "zombies", but when Rick is calling them "walkers", "roamers", or "lurkers" he is splitting them up based on the way they move and how dangerous some are more than others I forget how he explains it exactly. And the fact that his last name is Jones is pointed out by Rick, even though it was said in a recent episode of that even though his last name is Jones, it Walking Dead: Book 5 never been mentioned in the comic books or the TV show. Morality is an issue that is discussed and dealt with in a way similar Walking Dead: Book 5 the show, only darker and possibly more graphic. The Walking Dead: Book Five | Walking Dead Wiki | Fandom

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Walking Dead: Book 5 to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Charlie Adlard Illustrations. Cliff Rathburn Illustrations. Stefano Gaudiano Illustrations. This deluxe hardcover features 24 issues of the hit series, The Walking Dead, along with the covers for the issues all in one massive, oversized slipcased volume. Collects The Walking Dead Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. Published December 2nd by Image Comics first published September 2nd More Details The Walking Dead: Omnibus editions 5. Friend Walking Dead: Book 5. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Walking Dead, Omnibus 5please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about The Walking Dead, Omnibus 5. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of The Walking Dead, Omnibus 5. Jun 30, Jamie rated it it was amazing Shelves: comics-graphic- novelszombies. He's here has this story arc as his own. This is one sadistic bastard! I felt that this is where the comics and show truly start to fall in line. I like seeing Rick stand strong with Negan. He felt weak in the tv series through this but here we get a better idea of his plans and things move faster. Carl proves he isn't too smart in his move and seeing Negan react to him was interesting. Otherwise, he is one nasty dude on SO many levels. It was interesting to see how the kingdom He's here It was interesting to see how the kingdom comes into play in this one more and how fast things moved. Feb 18, Jess the Shelf-Declared Bibliophile rated it really liked it. Being a huge fan of the show, I wanted to see how the original writing started and how the show writers followed and deviated from the comics. My dislikes were that the comics are much more crude, crass, and unnecessarily violent. I did like the change in relationships and how people worked together differently, and the comics have a different creepiness feel than you get watching it on TV. Overall, I prefer the show, and probably will not finish out the comic book series. Starts with the Walking Dead: Book 5 to Negan and goes through most Walking Dead: Book 5 the All Out War storyline. Jul 23, Sean Flinchpaugh rated it it was amazing. A culminating series of events with the manchild murderer-in-chief, Negan. Probably my Walking Dead: Book 5 so far. Harder to stomach than normal given the current reality, but it's hard to deny the pulpy delights of this series. Kirkman still has issues with any kind of dialogue as it tends to land with the bluntness of an anvil. Though while he has trouble there, he still understands the contours of plot and character driven narrative which leads to an explosive finale sure to interest even the less devou A culminating series of events with the manchild murderer-in-chief, Negan. Though while he has trouble there, he still understands the contours of plot and character driven Walking Dead: Book 5 which leads to an explosive finale sure to interest even the less devout readers. Five stars because of Negan! The walkers in this book are not that important, just details Right in the beginning, they are attacked by the Saviors; we see an important loss for Rick's group Can Rick fight this Negan? They're not fighting back? Rel Five stars because of Negan! Releasing even a prisoner? Jesus had really better be allied with Rick's group A visit from Negan to the community; his controversial sense of humor Jesus introduces Ezekiel Walking Dead: Book 5 Rick; can he be the best ally Rick needs to fight Negan? Two smiths in two communities: good for making bullets. In a moment of truth, Jesus is the real savior Can Negan win this war? Dec 27, Zsuzsi rated it liked it Shelves: in-english. Trust me, I got a couple cup sizes on her. Aug Walking Dead: Book 5, Janet Walking Dead: Book 5 it really liked it. Lots of zombie thrills and chills. Reading this book counts as a couple of hours of weight-lifting workout, I think. Jun 26, Jasmina rated it it Walking Dead: Book 5 amazing. Toni rated it it was amazing Feb 17, Marco Beichelt rated it it was amazing Jan 03, Joby rated it it was amazing Oct 26, Kalderon rated it really liked it Mar 27, Kane Armstrong rated it it was amazing Jul 03, Walking Dead: Book 5 Bruvydsb rated it it was amazing Apr 12, Matthew rated it it was amazing Sep 22, Sean Kelly rated it it was amazing Mar 20, Matt rated it it was amazing Apr 09, Ben Parrott rated it it was amazing Jun 08, Walking Dead: Book 5 Rui rated it liked it May 09, Trisha rated it liked it Nov 18, Lorena rated it it was amazing Mar 19, Danyelle rated it really liked it Mar 15, Chris rated it liked it May 05, Tia Auger rated it it was amazing Nov 16, Joshua Keown rated it really liked it Jan 03, Chuck rated it it was amazing May 01, Nick Swinehart rated it it was amazing Jul 18, Sara Ryder rated it it was amazing Aug 08, Reagan Wallace rated it it was amazing Aug 31, Walking Dead: Book 5 Wolfe rated it it was amazing Feb 05,