REAL-TIME SYSTEMS: an INTRODUCTION Keep up with the Data Stream from the Landing Radar
R REAL-TIME SYSTEMS: AN INTRODUCTION keep up with the data stream from the landing radar. AND THE STATE-OF-THE-ART However, it was discovered that the missed deadlines were nonfatal, and the scheduler automatically adjusted, INTRODUCTION to meet soft real-time behavior for the landing tasks. Our goal in this article is to give an overview of the broad Periodic and Aperiodic Tasks area of real-time systems. This task daunting because real- Real-time applications are also classified depending on the time systems are everywhere, and yet no generally tasks that comprise the application. In some systems, tasks accepted definition differentiates real-time systems from are executed repetitively within a specified period. A task t non–real-time systems. We will make an attempt at pro- i is characterized as (p ,e), where p its periodicity and e is viding a general overview of the different classes of real- i i i i its (worst-case) execution time. Monitoring patient’s vitals time systems, scheduling of tasks (or threads) in such is an example of such a system. Hard real-time systems are systems, design tools and environments for real-time sys- usually designed using periodic tasks, and static schedul- tems, real-time operating systems, and embedded systems. ing can be used for periodic tasks. We will conclude our discussions with research challenges Aperiodic tasks are tasks that are executed on demand that still remain. (or with unknown period). A task is executed in response to an event, and a task t is characterized as (a ,r,e,d) where Definitions i i i i i ai its the arrival time.
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