Series - 11



SOBHA NAMBISAN Diredor ()f Census Operations. Karnataka


P;l~e Nll.


PREFACE "11-\'111


ANAL YTICAL N< )TE xv-xliv


A. District Primary O;n~us Ahstract

(i) Villageffown Primary Censll~ Ah~·.tr~lct

Alphabetical List of Villa~es r\nkllb CD.Bi,lCh Primary Census Abst ract Ank(lb CD.Bluc].; 3l 1--1 1

AI phahetical List of Villag.c~ Ghalk;d CD.Hlol·k -l)--Ul

Primary Census Ah~t ract - Bh;tlk;d CD.Blnd. -1.'1-))

Alphahetical List of Villa~e~ ILtliy;tI C.D.HI'lel-.

Primary Census Ah~tract - I-Ltliyal CD.Blnd

Alphabetical Li~t of Villa~c~ Ilnll;lvar CD.Bluek

Primary Census Ahst ract Ilpl1;t\'ar C.D.Blol'k l)( 1- I II I

Alphahetical List of Villagc~ Karw;Il' CD,BIIKk 105- J(J(I Primary Census Ahst ract - CD.Hlllck 10.'1-1 1:'1

Alphabetical List of Villagc~ - K ullll a C D.ll I, Il'k 11')-121

Primary Cen~u!> Abstract - KUJ1lla CD.Block 122- I.17

Alphabetical List of Villages - 1\IUlldgod CD.Blllck 1-11-I-r~

Primary Census Ah~t ract - 1\lulld~lld CD.Bllll·k I·U-I))

Alphabetical List of Vi;;age~ Siddapur C.D.Blud I)')- I (I.; Primary Census Abstract - Sidd;tpur C.D.Blud 1(1-1-1 :--0 Alphabetical List of Villagl's - Sirsi C,D.Blllck I') 1- 1')()

Primary Census Ahstract Sir~i CD.l3!llCk 1').'1-22:'1

Alphabetical List of Villa~e!> Supa CD.Blol'k Primary Census Ahstract Supa CD,Hlllck

Alphabetical List of Villa~cs - Ycll;l(H1r CD.Bllll'k

Primary Cen~lIs Abstract - Yclbpur CD.HIllel-;

(ii i) (ii) Town Primary Census Ahslrat'l (Wardv.;isd

Alphahetical List of Town~

Ambikanagar (NMCT)

Ankola (TMC) 27S-2:-:1

Bhalkal (TMC) 27:-:-2:-:1

Binaga (NMCT) 27:-:-2S1

Dandcli (CMe) 27S-2:-:1

(Janeshagudi (NMCT) 27:-;-2:-;1

Haliyal (TMC)

HOnLlvar (TMC)

Kaura KPC Project (NMCT)

Karw~lr (CMe)

Kumta (TM(,)

Magno KPC Project (NI\ICT)

Ydfapur (MP)

Sirsi UA

B. Dislrict Primary Census Abstract for ~ehcdllkd l'~lsIC'

C. Dislrict Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Trihes

Appcnuix.1 • Distri{.'[ Primary Census Ah"tract - Tafuk\\i.\e

Appcnuix-II - List of SdH:Liukd Castes and Sl'ilcdukd Trib,_."

Appendix-Ill - Puhljc,l(ion Pian lLLUSTRATJ< )NS

Map of Karnataka "howillg the Admini"lrati\'c Di\'isiollS

Map of Ullara Kannada District FORE\VORD

Publication of the District Census Handbooks (DCHs) was initiated after the )1)51 Census and is continuing since then \v'ith some innovations/ modilications after cach decennial Census. This is the most valuable district level publi<:ation brought nut hy the Census Organisation on behalf of eaeh State Ciovt./Union Territory administration. It inter-ulia provides data/information on some of the basic demographic and socio-economic characteristics and on the availability of certain important civic amenities/facilities in each village and town of thl.: respective districts. This puhlieation has thus proved to bl.: of immense utility to the planners, administratllfs, acadl.:micians and re::.earchl.:rs.

The scope of the DCB was initially conlined to certain important census tables on population, economic and socio-eultural aspl.:cts as also thl.: Primary Cen ..,lIs Abstract (PCA) of each villagc alltl town (ward-wise) of the district. The DClis puhlished aftl.:r thl.: I% I Cl.:nsus cnntained a lkscriptive account of the district, administrative statistics, census tahles and Village and Town Din:ctoril.:s including PCA. After the ]1)7) Census, tWI) pans of the District Cemus Handhooks (P;lrt-A comprising Village and Tllwn Directories and Part-B cllmpri::.ing Village and Town PCA) were rek;lsed in all thl.: States and Union Territories. The third part, Part C of the Distri<.:t Census )-LlIHlhllllks clllllprising administr;ltivl.: statistics and district census tahks, which was abo tll he hrllught llut. clluld nllt hI.: puhlishl.:d in many Statl:s/UTs due to considnable lleby in compilation of n:levant lllat(;l'iai. In I()X I. ~0I1l1.: nl.:w features alongwilh the restructuring of the formats of Villagl.: and Town Dirl.:l:tory were introdll<.:l:d in the DCHs. Thesl.: wl.:re published in two parts for I.:ach district artl.:r thl.: II)~I Cl.:nsus. Whik ParL-A Cllmprisl:d Village and Town Directories, the PCA of villages and towns (ward-wise) including Schnlukd Caste and Schl:duled Tribe PCA upto tchsil!town level were provilkd in Part-B. To illustratl:, all thl: aml.:nities l:xccpl electricity, were brought togethl.:r in the Villagl.: Directory and if an aml.:nity was not avaibhk in the r(;('l.:rent village. the distance in broad rangl.:s from tIl(; nearl:st place having sudl aml.:nity was given. Infllfmation un soml: new items sueh as adult litnal:Y cl.:nlrl.:s. primary hl.:alth :-ub-u:ntITs and ullllmunity hl.:alth workl:rs in the village werc provided so as to l11el:t somc of thl: rl:quilTlllcnts of the Rl.:vised Minimum Nl.:l.:ds Programme. Similarly, information on approach to the villagl.: was also pro\'ilkd I'm· thl.: lirst timl.: in thl: Village Directory so as to gi\'l.: an idea about thc number of inaccessible villages in each district. In eaSl: of Town Directories also, keeping in view the rl.:quiremenls or tl1l.: [\1inilllum Needs Programme, a Statl:ment IV-A on slums was provilled so as to enahk the pbnners tll chalk out the programmes for providing better civic and other alllenitil:s in the slulll:-. In this Slall.:lllL'lJI tletails on ei\'ic and olhl.:r ;tmenitil.:s W(;fe reported for the slums or Class I and Class II towns. Apart from Ihis. on<.: column on the Schl:dukd Castes and Scheduled Tribl.:s population and ;lIlothl.:r on adult lill.:racy das'l.:s/cl.:ntre:- wl.:re added in Statements IV and V rl:spectivcly.

The manner of prl.:sl.:ntation of thl.: DClls for the I()<) 1 Cen"us i" hy alld largl.: thl.: samL' as followed m ]981. However, the format of peA has bcen rcstructurcd ~Iightly in thc IlI()] Cl:Il'-.U'-. I'm the hcndit of dala Users. Nine-fold industrial c1assilication of main w(lrkl.:rs has bl.:Ul gi\'l.:n a~ again~t four-fold industrial classification presented in the III~) Census. In addition to this, the sl.:x-wisl.: popUlation in the 0-6 age-group has also been included in PCA for the lirsl timl.: with a view to I.:llabling data users to compute l110re realistic literacy rates as all children below 7 years of age haw been treated as illiterate at the time of the 1<)1)) Census. It is expectl:d. that the abovl.: mentioned Illodilications will help the planners in chalking out nHlrl.: cffl.:ctive devdopllll:ntal programmes.

(v) One of the most important innll\'atilllb ill lhL: jl)l)j CL:nslIs is the CllllllllllnilY DL'velO[llllent Block-level presentation of data in the VilLtge Direclury and PCA in~lcad pf the tr;,ditiunal Tahsil!Talllk,TS lc\d presentation. It is expecled !lUI till' l'rc,~cll!a!ioll of Village Dircclilry .JIlt! PCA data at C.D,Block lcn;l will help the planners in forlllulatillil (If miuu-!cvcl (.k:vcloplllenlal plans. a\ the CD. Block is the low..::-.t administrative unit for developmental pl;lIlning.

In order to facilitate the task of administrators, planners and researchers intending to usc Village Directory/PCA data, either from the magnetic lapes/lloppics or from the puhlished records, both the computer and manual codl:s for cach village have been providl:d for the JIJl)] Censll~ along with thl: corresponding eodcs of 1()S I.

This publication is a joint venture of Ihe ~Iate (;O\'l./UT atill1ini\lration and the CeJl\lIS Org;lIli\alioll. The data have been collected ami c(\lllpikJ under tl1(: dirediol1 (\1' 1\1s. Sllhh;, Nanlhi:-';lll, Dire(lllr of Census Operations, Karn;,taka on b..:half of the Stall: (;OVt. administration which has hlH'lle thl: ellst of printing. Thl: task of planning, designing and coordinalilll1 of the puhlicalion wa:-. initi;,ted by Dr.K.P.lu;lln;ln. former Dl:puty Registrar (,l:neral (Social Studies) and Shri l\1.l\1.Dua, .Inint Dirl:clm. For the :-.ake of uniformity in prl:sentatiol1 of infmmation/dala and fl)r preparatiull l)f analytical nute depicting the salienl features emerging from a micro-level analysis of Censlls/nol1-CCnsll!o> data, a modL'l District Census Handbook from each State and Union Tnritmy wa\ thofl)ughly scrutinised in thl: Suei,,1 Studies Division under the guidance of Shri M.KJain, the presl:nt Deputy Rcgistrar General (S.S.). This task was carried out by Shri A.K:.Singh, Deputy Director Whll was assish:d by S:Shri Y.K ..lain and Hariram, Investigatm:-. an~1 stafr. Technical guidance in the preparation of thc maps was initially provided by Dr.B.K.Roy, former Deputy Registrar General (Map)

I am ihankful to all those who have contrihuted 10 this rroject.

)'o;cw ))elhi A.R.Naml:1

june ll, (')n. Rl'gistrar Grllf:ral, India


In the fon:wonl to the }lNl senes of the Di"trict (\:II<;U\ Iblldhuuh, Sri A.R.NallLb, l.AS, the Registrar (ienl:ral ano Cel1!-.us Commissionl:r, India, has traced the hio.tory of the Dio.trict Cl:nSllS Handlmllks. He has also succinctly l:xpbinl:o the scope allLl covcragl: oj" the Di\trict Cl:II\[1\ Ilandbouk\. The\l: Hllullles contain the salil:nt data on the population for eVl:ry village and town ao. rl:veakd by the I ()() I Census. Thl:Y also contain a wl:alth of information rl:garding thl:sl: vilbgl:s and towns which, although not pari of the population census, throw some light on the CirCUIll\tances in which peopk live anll is therefore relevant to the tbta on the population. This information has also Clln~iderahk illlporlann: in the c(lnlext of planned devdopmenl.

The District CenSlls Handbook is thl:rdore divided intD two p:lrh: 1\l1t A Cllllt:lining informatiull regarding each village and town (Village Dirl:ctmy and Town Directory) whidl io. Illlt een\us data and part B which contains lhl: data on the population culkcled during the 1()()1 Census - the Primary Cl:l1SU\ Abstract. The data puhlished in Part B was colkctl:d ill February l'NI i1t the tim.: of the population census. This data was then manually lahuiatl:d in the Regional Tabulation Ollicl:s sd lip for the purposl:. Subsequently, as a part of the c()untrywidl: projl:ct taken up in mllaboration with thl: Natillnal Inforlllalic~ Centre, the Primary Census Abstract data was computl:rised. Thl: data for Part B of the District Ccnsu:.. Handbook was therefore available on tape fur the entire country by Nuvembl:r (lN2. Since lhl: Primary

Census Abstract data was available fir~l 011 the computer, it W:I\ decided to publi.,h the Di~tricl Cell~u~ Handbooks in two sl:paratc voluml:s, with Part B appl:aring in prillt 11rsl.

The process of data collection for thl: Village Dirl:ctory and thl: Town Directory (Part A) comml:llCl:d In early 1l)l)() and conlinul:d lill Ihe middle of I()l)2. For opl:ration;d Clln\'L'niclll'e, IhL' Vilbge Dirl:ctory format was dividcd into two portiolls, Olll: rdating tu till: arca and bnd USl: particulars and the uthl:r rdating to the al11l:nitit.:s available in each village. The rl:IcVallt formats wen: mailed to the Deputy Commissioners of Districts i1nd Chief Secrct:lries of Zilb Parishads for obtaining the \'ilbgewise particulars. Similarly the Town Dircctory formats Wl:re maikd to thl: Deputy CUl11missioners :llld COll1missiuners of Corporations. The vilbgl:wise and town wisl: data furnished by thl:sl: officers Wl:rl: thl:n l:x:lmined exhaustively for consistcncy in reporting and cUll1parability with the information puhlished in the 1()SI Distriel Census Handbooks. The villagewisc inflHI11:llion, thus finali~ed wa:.. also complltl:risl:d during \1)()2-(J3 at the National Informatics Centre, as in the case of Prinwry Cemlls Abstract.

The National Informatics Ccntn:, Bangalon: has undl:rtaken to supply the camera ready cople\ for the District Census Handbooks and this may enabk us to bring out the Di:..lricl Cl:nsus Handbooks fairly early.

In the prcparation of the District Census Handbooks the rok of the CenslIs Directorate is that of data collector. For accomplishing this task we han: had thl: ready clHlperatiun of the staff uf difkrL'nt departments of the State Co"ernml:nl. Thl: cost of printing of thl: District ('ensu\ llandhook:.. i~ h(lrne by the Government llf Karnataka.

(vii) I lake this opportunily III oller my graldlll thanb tll all the l)llil"er~ :lI1d ullil'i:d~ wlHl ha\'e heen actively involved in the cmnpiiation of this \'uIUIl1C,

I am thankful 10 Shri A.Venlqleshan, the SI:llI: Ini'mm:llil'''' Officer, N:ltilHl:d Ini'nrl11:llics (\:ntre, Bangalon: I()r all the assi~tanel: he and hi~ stall IllL'lllbcI's h;l\e relllkrcd tor COllll)ll(l:ri~atioll of the lbta and fll[ prl:paration of the camera ready copy of the !lI:lllll~('('ipt~ llf :dl the Dj-.tril.'ls,

am deeply grateful to Shri A.R,N;mda. I.AS, lhe Reg_i"lr;,r C;encr;d, India for lhc hendil I h;l\\: derived by way of guidance and advice. I expn:s~ my Ih:lI1k~ I\) Shri 1\1. K..lain, the pre~el1t Depuly Registrar (jennal (SS) as wcll a~ 10 1\1r~, I\linali (;h(l\h, Deputy Regi,,[r;lI' (iel1er;d (I\bp),

Lastly, I am thankful to the Government of Karnatab I'm having readily agreed III bear Ihe CI)~1 Ill' printing these District Cen~us Handllllllk V01Ullll'S an,d tl) thl' Director 1)1' Printing, Statilll1ny and Publicalions for the keen inten..:sl he has evinced in hril1gillg out the~e publicatillns,

Uangal"re, Sobha 1'\alllbisan Dale: 16.11.1992 Din'dol' of Cl'lISlIS Opl·l'ations. Karnataka,



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IIOUNDAAlES :- STATE •.•• __ OJSTalCT. •• ___._._ TALUIt •• • ...... _ ...... KEAOQUARTEIS ,.. • ,; STATE •••• OISTIUq... • TALUIt:... 0

~IIIlS '" , , T


...... SumIr of .... _ ... III ...... of III sw,,_ a...!.f ..... TIoo lorrII...... of .... eat.... _ ilia _ Ie • ~ of _ ...... __ ,,_ .. _...... - KARNATAKA DISTRICT


(' ."



"C.D. Iiodl bctuncMry of Uttar Mann.d " co-terminus Wfth I ..... boundary:· ..;PTO

Basad uoon Suncy of- I"dl. ~ •• In the ~r"''SSl.on at tM Surwyor Gene"'" c1 IT'\dIa !u~ ~!:::<"'1:~ tt!. 1:~rl)~~:I~ ~~~ :!~~ '1eol 10 a d'.... nc. of twet\C nautu:oat IMPORTANT STATISTICS


x II. A(iRICULTURAL LABOURERS PERS()NS ;S.')2 19.20 ]\lALES ;().-ti I-U6 fEMALES -t().N) 35..(}7





FEMALES ·t2() ox~ 12. NUMBER OF OCCUPIED RESIDENTIAL HOUSES --- 7.%3.05-t 217,IIXG 13. NUMBER OF VILLAGES TOTAL 2'),1')1 1317 INHABITED 27,()()() I.Ui", UN·INIIABITED 2,127 53 14. NUMBER OF TOWNS 30(1 14


SI. Stat"i Distri.;t Tntal! Ar~a in Total Toial ~'largillal N~Hl~

No. Rural' S'-).KIIIS. Tnh.:~ ~lain \\'oI' J....:1':-. \\\)1 k.-.: r ....

Urhan Work~r' 0-6 \11(6)

2 3 6 7 10 II 12

T 191791.00 44977201 7477611 21013193 7369279 1915691 17292117 1594681 26090403 KARNATAKA R 187520.80 31069413 5378741 12250620 5645186 1629496 12919726 1511858 16637829 U 4270.20 13907788 2098870 8762573 1724093 286195 4372391 82823 9452574

T 2190.00 4839162 693623 3161701 711775 53631 1635987 22311 3180864 01 BANGALORE R 1732.90 669909 109203 317831 178494 14569 261186 12860 395863 U 457.10 4169253 584420 2843870 533281 39062 1374801 9451 2785001

T 5815.00 1673194 260977 708577 326599 49305 623043 96513 953638 02 BANGALORE RURAL R 5758.90 1369908 213142 536439 286780 44594 523233 93755 752920 U 56.10 303286 47835 172138 39819 4711 99810 2758 200718

T 13415.00 3583606 619475 1571044 406955 83076 1340802 176924 2065880 03 BELGAUM R 13118.00 2741820 491892 1045451 325338 65247 1083491 169081 1489248 U 297.00 841786 127583 525593 81617 17829 257311 7843 576632

T 9885.00 1890092 367604 693790 365154 166693 809989 4301.4 1037059 04 BELLARY R 9479.30 1325692 273150 407453 281525 129460 621800 40668 663224 U 405.70 564400 94454 286337 83629 37233 188189 2376 373835

T 5448.00 1255799 255989 451061 260033 104215 466611 34033 755155 05 BIDAR R 5370.70 1010096 209042 315874 228197 98442 404246 33150 572700 U 77.30 245703 46947 135187 31836 5773 62365 883 182455

T 17069.00 2927990 556196 1307674 509862 39535 1110288 108867 1708835 06 BIJAPUR R 16759.10 2239244 439383 916365 421185 34068 918462 102131 1218651 U 309.90 688746 116813 391309 88677 5467 191826 6736 490184

T 7201.00 1017283 147192 531164 195852 26534 412276 45182 559825 07 CHIKMAGALUR R 7125.60 845422 122866 415210 175176 24553 357076 43768 444578 U 75.40 171861 24326 115954 20676 1981 55200 1414 115247

T 10852.00 2180443 362537 1008542 432668 318381 843861 94617 1241965 08 CHITRADURGA R 10754.20 1591765 270697 643282 358069 275326 668696 90919 832150 U 97.80 588678 91840 365260 74599 43055 175165 3698 409815

T 8441.00 2694264 379453 1756119 175548 106159 1112449 50465 1531350 09 DAKSHIN KANNAD R 7967.60 1931670 283299 1192888 140296 94285 816616 43924 1071130 U 473.40 762594 96154 563231 35252 11874 295833 6541 460220

T 13738.00 3503150 607530 1699031 410499 105099 1349942 126121 2027087 10 DHARIoJAP R 12999.50 2279259 410750 978002 290616 84138 975260 113982 1190017 U 738.50 1223891 196780 721029 119883 20961 374682 12139 837070


SI. Stat~1 District Total! Ar~a ill J\larginai Nnll­ No. Rural! S4·KIll" \Vor~l.!r~ \Vor~~r~ Ur\'an 0-6 () to 6)

2 3 7 10 II 12

T 16224.00 2582169 528348 791628 610641 106935 1039922 72269 1469978 11 GULBARGA R 16035.20 1972366 413154 473306 502448 94924 876032 69510 1026824 U lB8.80 609803 115194 318322 108193 12011 163890 2759 443154

T 6814.00 1569684 238297 756948 273379 16581 589529 105108 875047 12 HASSAN R 6735.30 1296962 199263 575243 241053 14868 508173 102671 686118 U 78.70 272722 39034 181705 32326 1713 81356 2437 188929

T 4102.00 488455 71073 285280 59009 40312 220248 9888 258319 13 KODAGU R 4073.20 410514 60019 229585 51477 38899 192275 9560 208679 U 28.80 77941 11054 55695 7532 1413 27973 328 49640

T 8223.00 22168B9 356091 938777 570400 153019 881514 81070 1254305 14 KOLAR R 8109.80 1699906 277846 613731 455560 142496 736073 78410 885423 U 113.20 516983 78245 325046 114840 10523 145441 2660 368882

T 4961.00 1644374 241356 675502 226626 11936 635593 96170 912611 15 MANDYA R 4901. 80 1377570 203408 518823 190551 9485 549610 94181 733779 U 59.20 266804 37948 156679 36075 2451 85983 1989 178832

1 11954.00 3165018 487196 1267148 597921 102102 1183225 89054 1892739 16 MYSORE R 11739.90 2224724 355125 673123 480387 77696 894812 83998 1245914 U 214.10 940294 132071 594025 117534 24406 288413 5056 646825

T 14017.00 2309887 473009 660453 397923 180272 970995 55289 1283603 17 RAICHUR R 13816.30 1829765 384426 439686 326337 163352 823416 53173 953176 U 200.70 480122 88583 220767 71586 16920 147579 2116 330427

T 10553.00 1909663 295043 993542 337921 74106 720984 59868 1128811 18 SHIMOGA R 10395.30 1403421 222752 655002 279830 64379 569006 57161 777254 U 157.70 506242 72291 338540 58091 9727 151978 2707 351557

T 10598.00· 2305819 349229 1065934 408524 167632 916196 183394 1206229 19 TUMKUR R 10523.50 1923656 294404 818448 364376 149641 794734 176777 952145 U 74.50 382163 54825 247486 44148 17991 121462 6617 254084

T 10291.00 1220260 187393 689278 91990 10168 428663 44494 747103 20 UTTAR KANNAD R 10124.70 925744 144920 484878 67491 9074 345529 42179 538036 U 166.30 294516 42473 204400 24499 1094 83134 2315 209067

Note Please read the spellings of two districts vil., "Dakshin Kannad" and "Uttar Knnnnd" as "Dakshina Kannada" and lOUt tara Kannadn" respectively, wherever they appear (both in the texts and maps).


Brief History of' the District Cl'IISlJ'> Handbook :- and cxtcnt of allJenitic~ and ~crYICCS avaibhlc III

the vil1age~ and (1)\\ ns of the di~trict - presenh:d 111 The District Census Handbook scru.:s was, for the form of Vilbge Direct llfy and Tmvn Directory the first time, included in tk census publication respectivdy, (ii) P,ut U - cllnsi~lillg of the Prim:lry programme at the 11)51 census in mJn to satisfv CenslIs Abstr;Jct (including the nine-fuld indu"lrial the growing demand for micro-lcvd data by lh·.: classification of workers) fur the district, the taluks, administrators, the planners and the (It her cen~us the towns, the villages and the cen~us cnullleration data users. The District Census Handbooks sought blllcb in ca.~e of tmVTls; and (iii) Part C - cllnsisting to replace 'Part IV - Taluk Tables' ami 'Part V - l)f an analytical note IMsed on an analysis of the Village Tables' of the earlier censuses and to present ccnw~ uata as wdl as the nOll-census data includcd the basic demographic and economic data in the in the volume, a set 01 t;lilleS depicting the form of 'Primary Census Abstract' in re~pecl of administrativc slatistics in minlltc delail, a scl of each and every villagc and town within the jurisdictilll1 statistical t,lhles h;lsed l)lI the cellSll~ data in re~pel·t of the district concerned. In addition, the~e \"\)Iume~ of the di,tric( ;llld (h l' L'(lJ]"titlll'n( (;dub and [,l\\n, were to contain a set of statistical tables b;Jsnl on thereof hesides a ,et of t:lble, ~eneratcd llJ1 the the census data in respect of the distrid and ib ba,is of the vilbgewise celhUS data ill a"oci;JtioIl constituenl taluks and towns. with the villa~ewise d:lla on the avaibbility of amenities. The main llhj..:ctivl: was to pre~ent a At the 1961 census, the scope of the District comprehensive and intdligihle pllrtrait of the di~trict Census Handbook was grcatly cnlargcd by and an overview of Ihe lIevelojlIllenlal programmcs incorporating in it - (i) a descriptivc account of thc implemented in the dislril'! during the preceding district, (ii) a set of non-censlls tables dealing with dccade. Publicalion llf the Distri<:t ('cn"us the administrative statistics of the district for a Handbooks was planned in ,uch a way a, to minimisc decade, (iii) taluk and town kvcl census tabks on the delay inherent in the l'oIllpibtilln of a \'Olllll1illllllS cconomic and socio-cuitural aspects and (iv) the masS of data gathered fruJ1l differcnt Sl)Url'C,_ village and urban (census enumeration block level) Accurdingly, 'Part A', cOIllpnslIlg the Yill.ll!.e Primary Census Abstract containing thc ninefold Directory and the Town Dircctory for thc linalis;ltioll industrial classilication ()f workers. I n a somcwhat of which ther..: was no apparcnt need tll wait till general way, information 011 the availahility of ceriain th..: <:ol1lplction of thc tahulation of the data galhcred basic amenities in villages and towns, such as the at the c..:nsus, was III be published lir,t and 'ParI sources of drinking water and educational in~titutions, B', cOllsisting of the Vilbg..:iUrball Primary CCIl.'US was also prcsentcd in thesc vplumcs. Thcse gencral Abstract was tll be relea~ed ncx[. A lower priority guidelines were, by und large, f~lllpwcd in K:Il"lJataka was assigned tl) . Part C' for the obvious rC;I.\on that too_ However, the scope of the District Ccnslis besides administrative st;ltistics it was to include a Handbooks of 3 out of the then existing 1() district~, set of ~ocio - dCIllographic and economic tables namely Bangalore, Dharwar and I\f YSllTe, was generatcd on the basis uf thl: data gathered at the conlined to the publication of the village-wise and urban (census enumeration block wise) Primary census and an analytical note prepareu thereof. In Karnataka, how..:vcr, 'Part A' and 'Part B' pOrlillnS Census Abstract only. of the District (_\:n~us Hanub')l)ks werc combined The 1971 census witnessed an l)verall together and puhlished in a single vulume fur cach improvement in the matter of compilation as wcll district except Bangalorl'. In the case of Bangalore as presentation of the data. A count ry-wide District, since it was kit that the sile of such a uniformity in approach and a comprehensi\\.' coverage combined vlliume would bc ullweildy, Part A and arc the hall marks of this series of publications. In Part B were published separately. As n.:gards }1)71, ·the District Census Handbook was split up 'Part C', compilation of lbta tonk more time than into three portions - (i) Part A - consisting of land ,mticip'lt..:d ,md, in additiun, th..:r..: W,IS an inurdinate usc data on villagcs and also the d;Jta on the nat lire delay in executing the printing job at the Slat..:

(xv) Directorate of Printing. As a n:!-,ult, only a pOrlilln number of houschuld". The l'( Inlcnls of Part r\ of Part C (<.kpicting some llf the eensu" tahle,,) werc furth<..:r elllarg<..:d hy illduding Iwo app..:ndic~·", relating to Bangalore Di~tricl w;!!-, Jluhli~hed n:llIlcly, a li~t of \illag..:s nllt h:l\ing any alllcnitic~ ~()mewhat belatedly and the prllpo:-,al tl) f1uhli:-,h the :Ind a di"trihutiun of \'illagec. aC('ordillg to the remaining portion of Part C for Bangalme Di~trict prupllf't iuns of Scheduled Cast e:-, and Scheduled as well as thc entin: pmtion of Part C for the other Tribe" ill the tulal populatilln (If the village. The di:-,tricts was finally abandoned. TO\\ll Dircctory fllf'mah were al~o nllH.lilicd by the addilillll uf a few ilClll~ sudl ;IS eLi"" uf Ill\\n, Instead of witne,,~ing an expansion a~ In the pupubli'lIl, SI.·hedulcd l'a"t..:~ and SdlL'dukd Trih..:" past two censu:-,es the :-,cope of the Il)(,;1 ~erie~ of popubtioll, decadal gl'llwth rat..: uf population, the District Census Handboob was curtailed to a \\orkin!..'. \\ulllen's 11llStCI. ;Idult litcr;ley cb~"es!eentres, considcr,lble extent in that it was cllnlillL:d to the ~Illrage "y!-.km r..:garding drinking water supply etc., publication of Villagl: Direc!my, Town Direclory and abo hy providing for rel.·ording the information and the Village/U rhan Primary Census Ahl racl. ahout the n..:arest place (and dist :IIKe) having Thus, at the initial stage ihelf there wa" Illl proflll"al edu~';llilln:t1, Illedical and lir..:-lighting faeilitil'!-. in to compile and puhli~h the ;ldministratin: st;ltistic~ (.';I"C ~uch a facility i~ III It aV;libble ill the referenl and the various socio-<.kmographic and econlllllic Ill\\'lI. r\" <":lll11p:lrcd tll 1'17 I, while llne stalc111<": nl tahles based on thl.: census data, th;lt is. the portion indie;lting rdigilln-wi"e pupubtiun of the town \\'IS which constituted 'Part C' of the 11)]1 serie~. But dl'llpp..:d. ;1I1<1lh..:r st;llClll..:nt 10 provide infllrll1;ltion for this changc, the apprllaeh in jI)('; I regarding ah<1ut th~' alll~·nitiec. ;1\;lilahle in notilicd slunb in uniformity and comprehensiveness were very much Cbss I and Clac.!-. II Im\ Ib \\'a:-, added. As reg;lrds the same as in lInt. In order tll avuid delay in Ihe Primary Cen"u" Ab~tr;lL'l of towns, Ihe urban publication, as in the pa"l, Ihe Di"trict (_\:n~us hloek-wi~e pfes<":1l1:l1iUIl uf data was given up ,llld Handbook was proposed to be puhli~hed in two dclail~ were pfc"cnted only upto the Ie\el llf parts, namely, 'Part A' consi!-'ting of the Village \Vard~/Divi~illll!-'. IlllwC\'l'f, infllrmatiun llll the Directory and Town Directory and 'Part Lf Cllnsisting numb..:r llf persollC. bdunging 10 Sch..:duled (;astc~ of the VillagclUrban Primary Census r\b~tract and Sdledllkd Tfi"e~ W:I~ I ull1i~h~'d fur each C<":lblic. besides the Special Primary (\:nsus Abstracts at ~'nl1mer;lti,)n "Illek within the tl)Wn in th..: form of taluk/town level in respect of Ihe Sch<..:dulcd Ca~le" an ;Ipp..:ndi" ;Ind ,In ;Inn..:\ure thcrL'lO pl'l)\idL'd Ih.::

and Scheduled Tribes population (If Ihe di"lricl. descriplion of Ihe h,lllnd:lfies of ~';Idl - e..:n"uc. ellum..:ratilln block. Further, inslcad uf the nine-fold At the 11)~1 census, the conh.:nts of the Village clasc.ilication of wllrkerc. adopted al the 1'>7 I l·enc.us, Directory and the Town Directory w..:re :-,Iightly on thic. occa!-'illn the dac.:-,ilication was restril·tcd to enlarged and the formats were n:structun:d. In the .t catcgori..:s. In Karnatab, in )')('; I also, blllh Part Village Directory all till; ameniti..:s exc..:pt pllwer A and Part 13 plll'tions of the District l'..:nsus supply were bfllught togc1her under a hroad hcading llandboob were published toget her in a !-.ingle with the provision that 'in case an amcnity i~ not \olume fllf' L'aeh district. How..:ver. bccausc uf certain available in the referent village, the distance tll the t..:dlllical complilsillllS, all the infofmatiull rebting nearest place where that particular amenilY IS tll Scheduled Ca~tc" alld Scheduled Trib..:~ wa" available may be indicatcd in broad rangl·s'. A exclud..:d fnllll the main formats and was pr..:sented new item 'approach to the village' was includ..:d. In separately at thL' end ill the I'lli'm of a Supplement the remarks column, a provision was made III report (c.eparate bOllklets \\'..:re broughl out in the ease of the number of copies of newspapers in circulatioll Bidar and l\1andya Distri(.b). in the village as also the number of motor cars, the number of motor cycks and the numbcr of 2. SCHJll' of thl' )I)!) I Distl'id Cl'nslis Handbuuks: tractors available in the village. Further, in order to examine whether there is any correlation betwecll As in 1')(';1, in 11)1)1 100, the Di!-.tril·t ('..:nsu" the availability of amenities and the population size Handbooks arc pfo(los..:d 10 he broughl lllll in I\\u of a village, an addililJnal colullln was provided in pllrliuns, n;lmcly Part t\ Cl Insi~1 in,l!. (If I hI.' Villa,l!.c the Village Directory to indicate the population and Directory and the Tuwn Dircclory and P:II1 B (lllhi"tillg \If thL' \'iILtgl' l'rh:tll \\,trt!-\\i..,,· 1'11111.11"\ (·ell."'lI" Ah ... tfai.'! ill :Iddil i, III tp I IlL' Di ... tl id l'rim,ln Till' \·ill:l!.!l· Dirl'd,lr) l"fm;11 ;1L!pplcd for Ih,' (. 'cn ... u;. Ah;.tral'l alld till' SpL'ci:tl PI illl:t I ~ (_ \·Ihll:-. 1'1')1 ;'L·ri L·.., h;I'" 1:-. c"lumlh, \\'l1l'n eX:llllined with Ah... tr:tl'l in re ... pcd llt the S"hedukd ('a..,IL·' :lIld rc:fl'l'l'lh'L' 1" (ItL' I')SI I,'rlll:!t it will he Illlli,:cd that Sdh.:dukd 'frihL·.... ThplIgh, thL' 'COPL' ,If I h,' )'J'J I while onl' ;'L'ri,', {If the Di ... lrict ('ell,lIS I bndh(Hlk;. il:I.." hy nl Ihc: ... c column ..., rekr'> «) the ':--taple fond' tht.: and brge. rellJ:lined the ~,Imc as 111 1'1:0:1,;1 ulhL'l' rd·er ... (u (hL' '1'1..'111;11''''''' undcr \\'hidl, inrllrmali(lIl fe\\ ."igllifil·,lIlt l h:lllge'> h;l\e bCl'll made III dh, )ut the' I Il.ll·l·~ of h ..;ligil,)u ...... hi"t,'1 iCdl (If thl' \ill.tgl.: Uir"l'l,lr: 1,IIIl1;tt :1" \\ell a;. the ;lIl h:le, II, 'gi";al inll'l l' "I III the \ ill.ll'L· a;. ;Ii-.P F'rilllar~ (.'ell"u;. ,\h..,II:I<'I fllflll.ll. 111 K;lrtl;t!akl. infpflll;1I idll ;ai1out I Ill' IIII III hI..' f l', IPll·.~ 01 unlike at the rr,'vIllll'i l'l.:l1'l)o.,L·"'. ,Ill this "I' ne\\'papu", in l'ircul.ltiun. (he llul1lhn of motur Ctr", ()l'L'a..,l\lll. the 'Pari A' alld '('ar! lr p'lItiun'i m')((lr-"il':-d," ;tIld ILld"l" .I\,liLahk ill \·ilbg,· ... W;I ... (If (hI: Di"lric( (lllbli,hl'd ill I').'il. r\., nllllp;lfL'd 10 I')SI. there is

Ill) Ch;lll_L'.e In the SUIIlL' :lIlel C(I\eragc of the The manner of pre<'l'lllatillll (If d;lta h:I'> :a1,p inforlll:tti'lil prC:~"nled in till' I~ L'"llIl1ln;, (If \\hich lIndergllnc a ;.ignificllll ch:u1t'-e in Ikll Ihe \'ill,I~!e S ;lIl' dL'\'oll'd for :lllll'ni(il's ;lIld I,

Directory and Ihe f'rilll:IIY Cl'nSlI' AIl"lract d:I(;1 indi,·;tting the :lIL',1 or the \ilb,l'.e allli the land u;.e an: pre"'l'nll'u a,'c'lf'ding Itl th,' 1(I,'ati(lll (If \'ilbe'l'\ p;allL'rn. Thl: I,'m:lining fum C\lIUlllll;' arc IllL'~lllt amI ((I\\n ... \\ilitin tltl' .iuri..,dicli"n ,01 :1 ('(\llllllUllil\ fur indi':;llin~ Ihl' l(ll':l(i(l1l l',),k ;llld n:lml' (If I Ill' Dc\c1nrIllCIlI BI'ld; ral hl'r titan t hL'ir 1",;11 illl) \\ it hin \ill.l~'.l·, t"La! 1',)plIh(jlln ~Illd IhL' numhel llr a t:tluk·. III ulhl'r wprd.." the tradili

* III Kama(llka. Ihe "Ta{uk PUllella""/ SWllill" wrreSp(lIlifl' 10 tfz(' COl/llllullity [)('\,c{Ojl/ll I'll t Block. alld for the sake of mailllaillill/.: IIl1iforllli/_l' Hill! [lie al/-Illdiu jil//[I'I'II. Iii,' [{'I'm CD. Block lIl/s /)(','11 IIsed [limllg/zol/l ill tile District C(,IlSUS lIullcl/Jooks. Thl' jllrisclil'liOIl oI a 'I'll/Ilk Pilllcl!(/\'Il1 .'\(//11 iIi is c(}lumilllls Willi that of "l\' COITl'SIIOIldiIlK Tutu/.: bill ('xc/uti,'.\' lite .1'1(/1/11011' 1(11\/(.1.

(nii) The mam agency which ha" furni~hed tIll' nllt h:tving any amenitil'~ excq)1 Drinking \\'aln, villagewise information on alllcllitie~ i~ the Zilla bnd ulili~ation data in re~I'l'l't of nllll-Illunicipal Parish ad which in turn ha' ClllkUed the rele\ant Illwns and di~tfihutitln tlf \Oill,lgl'~ al'l'tlrtlillg 10 the particulars I hrough ih field form;lt inns, namely the pnlpllnion of Schcdllkd (':I'lL'o' p"pul:lti'lIl ;IIHI Chief Executive ()fficer~ (i.e., the Billck De\"elllJlllh:nt Schedukd Trihc~ III Ipubt il Ill. Officers) of the various Taluk PU/lclia.,·u( S(/II/i(il'. These details were examined for l'onsistcncy as well (ii) T(I\\11 Din'dory : as with reference to the particulafs reported in 19~1 As in I'IXI, in 11)1) [ too. there are se\'en and cases of deterioration or of abnonn;ti slatelllenh which furni ... h infllrllLttitln nn the foillming developments were referred back for [(;verification a~pect~ gmwlh hi,t(lfY; l'hy"ical a ... peets alld and rectification, For instance, as compared to JI)S I. locatillnal particulars; mUllicip~tl lin;1I1l'e; L·i\ ie ;lIld for several villages, Wells and Tanks Jid nllt lind llther ~lI11enitiL-S: civic amenitiL's ;1\O~liLt"1c in the a mention as a source of t.lrinking \\ ;1lL'r ~upply, Ilotilied ~llIm" of Cb~s I ;lIld ('b~" II tlmn,,; ml'dieal. \\-'hen rderred back, the cllncerncd Chid Executive educ;llilln;t!. fecfe:ltitln:tI ~lIld l"llhural LlI.'ilitie",; alld Officers darified that in most Ill' tlll'~e CN", the tr

10 ensure a higher level of reliabililY,

:lIld I hl' :tggl L°!-!;I(e p:trtil'ul:tr~' :thllUI urh:tll In case of uninhahited villages. I.e., \illa~es :1~gld111L'r;llil\ll~ if ;111\ in the di,trid h:I\L' ;d ... \l been which returned 'nil' popubtion at the 1')') I Cl'lhUS furni,hl'd in thL' ,,;II11e llH.kr. \\'I1LTl' ;tll UI (1;111 count, except the name allll the llltal ,Irea no other :tK!..d0 111C r;tI ion ind L1lle:- t \\ 0 I II' Illl If,' intle pc mIL' nt information is furnished, Instead of pUlling a lb ... h t(\\\I1'.. the na111l· ... of the~l' Cllll,tituClll towns arc under each column 10 indicate this fact, the word ,ho\\n in the l'llfred ~cqUl'I11'e a, PlT thl' alph;lhL'lic;d 'uninhabited' is printed alnng the line, arrangelllent of thC'ir l1anll:~o BUI, thl' dctaib \\hich oughl to h:I\'l' Ill'en furnished in the sllh~l'qul'nl In order to facilitate easy rderenee, an l'olumn~ h;I\"l' (,l','n skippl'd \\ilh ;1 \il'w III a\oiding alphahctical list of villages is given at the hcgining repetition, In'kad. i111I1ll'lli:ltciy :Ihcr the name of in respect of each CO,Block. This li~t indicate" thl' town, a no...... rei'L-rl'nce i~ gi\Ul hy printing the the code numbers assigned to t he villages for message "st:e ..... urban :tgglol11eration", The name purposes of census enullleration as well as the of thl' core town of the urban agglomeration too computer codes assigned (at the slage of appears al its correct ~equence with the legend computcrisation) as also the cOfn,:spollding codes printed thefeafter and imlllediately below that, i,e., according tl\ the 1,)~1 census, At the clld of the in the Ile,t line tht: S;lml' name with the suflix urhan Village Oire(.tory the following appendices are gi\en:­ aKdlHllcr;ltion :11'!1L':lfo' ;1~;lIn withllllt bl';lIoing any CO. Block-wise ab~tracl of aml'nit ie ... ; li ... 1 Ilf \ ilbges

(xviii) ~l:fial number. Against this name the t:lllllulatin: apsl:cts had to hI..: gathernl hy thc cmc authorities towb for the urhan agglomeration as a \1:lli .... tical from sl'\"eral offices and institutions lo(:alcd rn the unit arc pre-"enteu wherever such a procedure i~ town through correspondl'nce and or by tkputing rele\"ant ami meaningful. Thi~ line I~ then follll\\eu lJllil·i .. b lor the PUrr"SI..:, Thl' p .. rticubrs Sll

by those rdating to thl! cum.titu<.:nt towm ur the furnished \\LTl' !>l'flltillisl'd III thl' fir:--t !>tage and urban agglul1lcration starting with the name of the casl'S of abnmmal variation:-. as compared to thc corc town and follo\\ed by the otht:rs arranged in situation In Il)X() and also incllilsistel1l:ics were an alphabetical order of their names, This rekrrcd back tll the repmting agcncy for

pn}('cdurc, il may be recalled, is the same :t .... that fnL'rification and rectification :-'0 as to ensure that auopted in 1971 as well as in 11)~1 anu this enables the det;lils now gi\'l:n in the Town Dircctory reprcsenl one to have a fairly good asscs~ment of thl: uata thl: bctu,11 posit inn. rdating to the smaller civil' adminil--trativc unih th~l( form part of the larger unit and abo of the aggregatc The SCOpl: of the information pn;scnted under data relating to the larger unit ihclf. In 1'~IW thl..:re \'arilllls nllumn:-. and thc abhn.;\'ialions uSl:d arc are 'outgrowthl--' which arc not 'urhan arcas' in Iheir l'xpbincd in a notl: which prl'cClics the prcsl:ntatiull own right, the parliqlbrs rclating tll sudl an:as arc of thc Town Dirl'L'tllry slall'lllellis, magl..:d with the oata rd'iting tIl the eone<.:rned corc (iii) P.-illlary Cl'Il!.U!. Ah:-.It'act : town, SUl·h towns which ha\"l: 'oulgmwths' arl..:

markl..:u out hy an ask risk mark anu fur all purposes, Thl' Primary Cell~lIS Abslract IS presl..:ntcu the term 'town' would cm·l..:r thc (.'llrl' town as well \'ilbge-wisl: in thl' C:I~C of 'rULli' arc;I .... and IIl\\'n-wi.... e as its outgrowths, In an appendix the names of (liplo ward m di\·isilln lc\'eI) in the casc uf urhan the revenue vill;lgcs or arGIS which ha\'c bl'l'n arl·"S. Thc outgrllwths of a tllwn al'l: trealL'd :It identilied as outgrowths and the popuLttilln thl'reof par with a \\:Ird llr di\ision III' thc Cllrl..: lll\\n arc indicakd separatdy. In thl' case of \ illages irrl·slll.:l·ti\l· Ill' thl' nUlllhn III l'CllsUS enullleratilln certain parts (If \\ hidl arc rq'.:lIded ...~ llUt~lll\qhs billd.. :, intll \\ltidJ it i~ l·lInstitlltl·tl. Within the

\\.hik the other parts .. re ClllI;,idcrl'd a~ 'rural', thl' di~tril'l, thl' (\IIllIllUllil\ l)cwlllPlIll'lIt BIlld;s arc data rdating tn the nutgfllwth;, (i.e .. the mll,1II arr:lIJ~cd ill thc alpluhl'lical order of thcir 1I'lInl..:S component) is included in thl' Tnwn Dirn·tllry in ElI~li"h ,lilt! cll\l'rl'd onc :Iftl..:r till: othl..:f in th;lt slatcml'nls and thc dala pertaining III Ihc rest of mdl·r. I'm l';ldl CD,Block, the tlltal ligurl'~ \Iith lhe portion retained in t'llL' rural Ir:lll1e appl':Il'S In the rur.ti-urh:lll hfl'ak-up i~ gi\"I:ll lir!'>t and this i~ the Village Directory. In Statl'll1cn[:" II, III and VI followl'u by the \'illa!!l'-wisc data and then by the whne it is not rekvant tll 4.:lJlI1hilll.: the (bta for ward-wisl' data for thc tOWIIS if any, within the thc urban ag,_donll:ratioll as a \ .... hok, the Ic~l'nd '!>el' jurisdi<:lilHl of thl: CD.Block, In tl1l..: case of a villagl: thl: constituent towns' is printcd again..,t thl' n:lllIl' or which only a pllftion has bcclI incorporated in or the urban agglullIeration illstead llf allll\\ing thc a town Ill' lu~ bcen recll~niscd as an oUl!!:rowth of ent irc line to remain hlank. a tl1\\n, the dL't:lil~ rcLtting tll only that portion \\hich i\ nllt ~o illl'llfpm:lteu Dr so recognised but The particulars furnished in Stalcllll:nt I which h:ls hl'l'n rL't:linL'l1 ill the rur,t1 framc is prl'''l..:llteu deal;, with thl' gnmth hi!>tmy arc elltirdy b:I;'L·d lIn under \arillUS l·olulIIns. The 1I,llIIe;, of \'ilbgcs (and the current as \\.ell as rhe pre\'iolls l'el1~uses, A" thl'ir rl'sI)l'di\"c arl'as) which arc fully indudnl in such, this has heen cnmpiled 111 the t\·n:-.us urh:1 n arc as or ha\ l' hl:l'lI rl..:cllgnisl..:d as lllllgfll\\ th!> Direl:lllralc wirhllut seeking information fl"lllll the Ill' tll\\I1:-' fllr purpl)~CS of the ('NI Cl:nsus (hut arc eoncuneJ ci\'ie hlldil:s, The dl.'laib prl'Sl'l1t..:d in rdained in the jurisdil'lillll:t1 lists Ill' th,: Surwy and thl: remaining stalL'llll'nls hayc h..:en furnishL'l1 m:linly Sclllcllll'nt allthllritil'~) if :llIy within thl' hllllllLlaril's by the concerned ei\il' authmitics such as the of the t'.D.BlllCk :Irl' indiLltL'l1 in tIll' J1~kaf which I\lunicipal COll1l11issillnl'rS, Chil·f Olli(·l..:rs of towns, prcl'l'llc" the 1'(.'..\ statl'mult lor the CD.BIllck Sccrctarics of I\bndal 1':II1Ch:IY:Ils, Admini!>t ral i\..: Officers etc. Except for the information regarding After prl'.'>l'nling thl' PCA data fIll' alllhe \'ilbgl's municipal finance, most of the inform:ltillll on othu and tllwns cO\'I:I"I..:U h~' the (. ',D. BlllCb. in the district,

(xix) the PCA data relating to all the: urhan ar~·:t~ Ill' the district (i.e., statutory as well a~ non-~t;Jtuhlry towns) arc furnished. For this purpose, the I()wn~/urhan elllllllerators, n;lI11ely the Ilousdwid Scheduk and agglomerations arc arranged in an a~cending order the Indi\'idual Slip arc hrief in th~'ir \\'mdil1g~ ;lIld of their location code numbers. And, for each town the ellncepls u:-.ed fur purposl.''' of the l'N I Cen:-.u:-, the ward or divisioJ1-,vise details arc pn.'~ented here. Ope:ralions and the manner in \\ hieh t hc ~chl:duk" ;trI.' til bc lilkd in k,,'c hecll explained in a hllllkkt In Karnaiaka, as already mentioncd, the l:nlilkd lnslrlldi\ln~ \0 Enllm.:rall)l'~ fur filling lip jurisdiction of a CO.Block is cOlerminus with that the J hll1:-.ehold Sche:dule and the Individual Slip, of the Taluk of the same name, but excludes thl.' Some of the important COIH.:L'ph and [hI.' rckvanl arcas incorporated in statutory towns and l'itie~. By l:xpbnal illns are indicated In I hL' fnlluwing and large, a CO.Block corresponds to the rural para!:!raph~, areas of the taluk. Howe"er, if there arc any non-municipal census towns and areas which have (i) lh'han m't'as The dctil1il iOIl adupled in Il l(lI heen identified as outgrowths of ~tatutury t()wn~ and adhered to in 1')71 a:- \\dl a, in II/!\I (tlhlUgh within the juri~diction of the taluk, then ~ul'h tuwn:-. \\ it h a :-.Ii!!,ht Illlldifil';ll illil r~'g"rdillg t h..: l'b,,:-,ifi~';11 illll and outgrowths arc also regarded a~ lyint', within Ill' li"hing. ;tIld fl)l'e~lry) h;l~ hel'n 1\:Lli!1~'d It)! th\.' the jurisdiction of the l'Oncerned CD. Block. The 1')')1 l'l'lbll" ,,),,1, t\~'l'l)J'ding til thi~ del'initilln Ihe PCA particulars relating to :-.uch units arc pre~l'llIed lIrh;tn area,,, indude : under the concertln} C.D,BhlCk~ again", the urban category and arc n:pc;ttcd again at the end lIflde:f i) all pb~'e~ with a I\lunicipalilY. Corporalioll. the caption 'District Urban', Canlonment Bo;mi or Notilil.'li Town Area ('Ilmmille:e:-" eh:, I n the case of an urban aKduI11e rat iun, the ii) all ot h~'r pbce:-, which ~al i"f~ the fulll)\\ ing aggregate ligure~ obt;lined hy thc addil i, 1I1 uf the ni[ni:l: data relating to the cnn"litlle:lll IllWll~ and uUI~r\)\\'lh~ thereof if any arc prc~en[eJ a~;tinst it~ n;lI11e, a) "1ll11l1l111l1ll (lopllLttillll ul :'.(11111 Thereafter, the data for the ("oll!->titue:nt to\\n" "t;trting. h) ;Ilka"t 75 ()L'r cellt III Ihe nl;tle wl'lrkillg from the Cllre to\\"n including Ihe 11)(,:aliol1 C!)lle, arc pllPliLitilln engagcd In IHlIl-agrinlltural prcsented in a continuous sequence, In case it town plIr"uih ;lIld ha~ outgrowths (which arc not towns in their own c) a dell:-,ity of J1oJlllbtioll of at lea,,1 -too per righl) in the lirsl lim: the ag_!!fegatl.'S relating til the :-.qll;lr\.' kiloml'lre (111111) pLT "quare mill') core town as wdl as its olltgro\\ths arc gi,'cn and thi~ is then fullowed hy Ihe detail" rebtinl! to thc d) ;dl pbl'e:-. which, thoUL',h Iwt :-';lti,l\"ing th~' ("ore town and the (lutgnlwth" ~ep;tr;ltcly, 1:;Il'h ahll\\' l.'ritl'l'i:t, 1t;lll pn','llllunl'l'd urh;1I1 outgrowth is treated at p;tr with a municipal \\;Ird dl:lr;Jd,'ri,til''', or division while pr~'sentillg th~' \\,lrd-wi,,1.' PCA lor (ii) l"l'han ;\gglolllt'.'atillll: Thi" l.'I)l1l'I..'PI. \\hidl lowns, rL'pbcl'd the l'lllll'Cpl ,II '1IIwll-grllup' ill 1'171. 11;1,

3. Hriel" Illltt' 1111 Ct'IIMIS ClIlIl'l'pts : h"~'11 r~'laiI1L'd lor lhl' I')') I ,'''':I1,''lh, It h;t:-. h,'Cll llh'L'r\ed th;1I ",en (lrt~'1l Llilw;IY l"olonie\, ulli"er"ilv Census taking i" a Illa~"i\'e ulK'ratinn clrril.'d CUl1Plhc·". pOri ;11'\.';1" milit:tn ~';lIllP'" "Ild bn!e oul III a short span of t illlc \\ it h the a <.'I i\ c r~'"idL'llti;d c,llulli,· ... l·ll' .. l'llllll.' lip quite adjacent to. participation of a very largc numher Ill' Cl:n"m, bUl "illlatcd (luhidl' tilL' ,t"tUt'll'\' limit\ of citie" and enumerators, The rekrCIll"c 1l1l1f1]en[ f,lI' th~' I'/'JI 1'1\\11:--, Such area, l11a~ nut h~ Ih":l1hd\'e:-- l)u;dit~ Cel1!'>Us count is [Ill: sUllri"e of I\Ltrch I. )1)') l. tll h" Ir~';ltcd ;'" tl\\\lh, BUI if tllL'\' I'llI'm a ClllltillUlIU:-. However, the enull1l.'r;ltilln of thc popubtil1l1 \\;1" spr~';ld \\ith thl' tll\l'll lhl'\' :11'1,: llul~ro\\,lhs llf the spread o\'er a periuJ of ~() days from ')-~-II)')) to 111\\'n and de,,~'r\e til he lre:lled a" urhan, Such 28-2-1991 follllwed by a re"i"ional n lund fWlll lo\\n" ttlge[h~'r with thl.'ir oUlgn)\\lh, ha\'c bcen 1-3-1991 to 5-3-1')<)1 for updaling the popubt illn urball unit ctlkd "urhan agglom\:ratioll". An urhall a)!._l!.ltlllH.:ratillll m;IY clln,i~t thL' Irunclted pUl(iun itself is (.un"idl'rnl a:-. an of indqh.:ndenl re\'elllll' I'ilb!!e.

2) \Vhcll llullying pOrlillns of ~'l'llain rl'\enue villages a) A \:ily wilh conlinuous oUlgn)\\lh (thL' parI arc illl'llrpllrated inlll Ihe limit;. of urh;1Il area" of outgrowth being outside Ihe ~tatulury by a (Il)\'l'rnl1ll'nt Nl)tilic~ltil)n such area~. limib but falling wit hin I he 1)( llllllLtriL'~ 1)1' I,hl'lher Pl)Publcd llr Ill'(' arc excludl'd from the au.joining village or Yillage~); the re\'l'nue \'ilbg..: concerned alld the \ ilhgl' h) O,lC (llwn wilh simiLtr oUlgnmth\ or t\\"(1 or bl)ulllbrie~ arc reddilled lor celhU" purpo~l's. m(lre adjnining towns with their llutgnl\llh:-. :\) Re\'Cllue I'ilbge:-. which arL' eOl1lpkldy as In (a) ; Ilr illcmpmated in the lil1lits 01 urban are;l~ m d A city :100 nne or more adjoining t'lwn~ wilh c]"e. arc ~uhlllerged Clllllpktcly under n.:serHllf their (lutgrowth~ all of which form a pmjL'L'lS hut arc ~Iill retainl'd in the jurisdiClillnal continuous spread. lish (If IhL' Survey and SL'lticl1ll'nl authllritie" pellding a re\Url'l'\' and ~llch other pruc,'dures, (ieo~.!raphical contiguity wilh the ~1;llul \lry lilllih arl' Liken Illlll' nf ;1, relCl1l1e \'ill;l!.~es hut ;lrL' of the core town ,IS the main fal·tOf in dl'll'rlllining omitll'" for l'l'lI\Us purpnsl'" i,c,. thL'\L' arl' nut wheth..:r or Ill)t a n..:arhy :-.alL'lIitc 1(I\\'n Ilr an Ire;lIl'd a\ l'L'lhU, \ illagc". Sil1librly. l'nlire outgrowth I!> to h..: included In I he urban rL'\L'nue \ilbg,'s. I\hi"h h;I\'l' hL'en idelltilied a~ aK!Slomnalion. Thi~ is purdy a stali,lical l'lllll'ept olilgrulIlh\ nf urban arL'a" fllr purpnses of 1')1)1 and for carrylllg oul the ael u;ti Cl'lhU". ! he n:nsll, arc IrL'ated nul a" cen:-.u~ villages bUI a~ administrative juri~diclilllb ()f the city m the towns urklll ;Ireas. The namL'S ,If \Udl \'illages. if any, conccrned as well as of the outgnm t h,\ hal l' hl'l'n In ;1 ·Lduk,'C.D.Bllll'k an: indil';lted in a fly leaf. kepI quite inl.ll't. The dala arc presl:nled fill' I Ill: urhan agglomeration as a whllie and abll seYl:rally -I) H IhL·n.: arc fure,t arL'as Iklt dl) nul fllrm part for each of the constituent units. llf any nf thL' re\'L'nuc \ilbges lhcn such areas ;11": id,'nlitied dl';trly ;lI1d the smalle"t (iii) Ruml an'as • i.e .• \illagl's: ArL"I~ which an: ;ldlllilli,lr;llile unil illtn which ,udl fnrL'st ;Irea:-. nol classifil:d as 'urhan' according tl) thl' ddlnilion arc dil i,kd (l'g.F'lrL'\1 Ikal) i" fecKnlll'd as the: given above (.'(lnslilul~ Ihc rural .... eas. The h;l"il' l'L'lhUs \'iILtge. t\ Furest R;tllgl' ll1ay consi"t llf

unit ftlr rural areas is the revenue \'illage \1 hidl has ~l'l'l'r;J1 sllch CL'Il\U,\ liILtgL'~, (Ill Karn:I!:lka Ihi" definite surveyed houndaries. In the ca~e l.f phL'lllllllenllll i~ nlllie,:ahlc only in Kolkgal T;duk unsuncyed \'ilbges, the boundaries a\ dl'lermilll'd of !\Iysme Di"lri,·l). hy the local usage have heen adopted. The rel'l'lIue village may con~isl of a ~ingk llud";lted sL'lllelllellt (i\') C(,IISIIS ElIlIlIll'l'atioll Block: The smallest unil or comprise of ~en:ral sellkments or du"lels of ;Idupll:d fur Cell"U" LIking i~ the CCI1SU, Enull1eration houses located al ~e\'l:ral pbces within the terrilmi;t1 BllIl'k, Generally. Ihl' I,)\\'ns and cilil', arc dividl'd limits of the \'ilbge or the \'ilbge may not he h;lIing inlll ward" lli' dil'i,inl1" ;lIld' Ilhere\el' ~ul'h unih any human settkmenh at all (i.e., il may he toLdl" exist. IhL'ir di"lill,'ljl'e idcllliliL'~ h;t\L' hl'ell m:lint;tined. uninhahited). The census vilLige and the rewnlle The ,!!eogr;lphicti ;trea ('lIll1l)l·i" .. d·il1 cal'll such ward village arc identical in thl: malIn (II jllli~,klilln. ll1' divi"i'1I1 lll. IhL' tll\IJl in ih enlifelv. i" cOI1,tilutl'o Howel'er. there arc a few exceptions III this gl'nLT;d inlll "eler.d hl<.d.s in sllch ;t way lhal every hit of ruk: Lind \pedllcdly slallds includcd In ol1e or the other l'nlllllcratilll1 hlock and also that thcre IS no 1) When the lllalll sl'ltkment llf the \ilLtgc with ll\'l'r-Ltpping lIf arl'a~. In IhL' urhan arl'a .... the or without the sUIToulllling "pen bnds IS Ccnsus Ellullll'ratioll BI\ll'ks ;Ire nll1"lituted in "ueh constituted into an lIrh;1I1 alea. the rl:maliling :1 \\ay 1lt,Il ,'ach \uch HI, .ck Clm[;lin" ahuul 120

Iracts of the revenue vilbg..: arc logl'lher lrc'lll'li hllll~ellllld~ Cll\'l'rIllg ;1 IlllpuLllioll \If ahuul (,00

as a separate unit fl)r purpl)~es of l'l:n~u~ i,e .. I'l'l''','"" 11t)\\l'\l'I'. ill l'i"I\ ,.f lh,' c'lIndilillll IILlI

(\xi) each hlock should have c1l:ar-cut bUllndarie~ easily thc ilil:nlily 01 any p"rtieubr Cl'n"u" LllllIIIl'I.ltillll recognisahle on thl: field, blocks which an: cithef hllll'k Gin hI.: k,Hl\' n lJuite L;l...,ily, ThL' nlllllhns larger or smallcr than Ihe norm ha\'c abo been a>.signL'd ;Irc in ,\l";ll>ic 1l11llll'ral", CXL'l'jll ill th,,' \.';I~l' const il tiled. In the case of non-mllnici p;iI Iu\\ ns. lIf ((l\\n" in which ca"e RUI11;l11 lIulllLr;tls ha\'l' bl:cll if the lown houndaries arc nol specificdly Iwl ified, adoplL'd, For ;c.,signing Ihe IllCllioll l'utk Illlillher" the jllrisdktion of thl: enlire rl'\\:llliC \ilLt~e lhc St;lk~ in IIlL' ('uUlllr\, tilL Di,.,lrieh ill til,,' St:ltl', concerneJ is regaflkd as the jurisdictilln of thl: thL' T(I\\m ill the Di,tl id ;lIld Ihl' Talllb, ("D,Blueb town as well. In thl.: casl.: nr towns which ;1I"e under ill Ihe Di"lrid arc allangl'd in Ihl: alphahLtictl onkr the administration of Mandai P;llleIJ;ly;lts, the uf thcir IMIlID. The \ilbgL's in ,I t;tIllk arL organised Panchayal juri~diction nl.:ed not IH,:cc"saril~ b..: illll) rC\l..'lIl1l.: l'irek" ur Iwllli>. I'llr adlllini>.trati\'l: idl.:ntical with the jurisdiclinn of the nun-municipal purpmL'S ;llld L';IL'h "ueh unil \\ill h,I\L' a hl,:tdqu;lrt..:r census town, 10WI1 or \'ilbgc. Thl' idL'lllity of "ul'h unit.... i" l1l .. inl:lilh.:d while a,signing Ihl: lllcatinll clldL In Ihe ca,.,e of \'ilbges, depending upon lhe nllllllln" St;lIling fronl Ihc cirde of \\hich Ihl: population data bascd un th..: Iiouscii"ting Op''!';ttions T;tIuk Ilcadqu:lrln\ h;IPlll'lb 10 hl: th<: ('irck I ()'I(J, IJ;I~ carrieu (lut durin!! caeh ,iILtg,' hL'l:1l hl';ldqll,lIkl~ ;1, wdl. thL' \ilbge, ill it>. juri~diuill(l constitulcd into one or mure number uf ('ell'>us ;tIc ",'I i;llI~ nlllllbl'l'L'd by prlll'Cl.:dint,! ill a d"cb\i~c

Enumeration Blnd;s, The wmk-Iuad Ilurm f,lr the direL'lilln Uf ill C' ;, "'"'parale l'l)tlc slrlll'lllrL has beclI whik constiluting thl: l3Iocks, Each h;lIlllcl or i~bnd, den'loped. TilL' L'lllll)llltLT l'olk" :t,>,>ignl'd lu the if any, found within Ihl: jUI i\diclilln Ill' Ihl: \'ilb!,!c - \iILtgL''' ill L'adl 'Llluk Ill' (',I),Blllet.; ;Ifl' indi""ke! irrcspecli\'(: of its population ~i/e has bcLn in the alphahL'lic:d li~t uf \illage~ ;dllll_!!. wilh IhL constituted into a scparate Block in ordn III lIl.lintain C'lITl'sl)(lIlding lllcitilln l'mk nUlllhlTs :t~\i.l!ned fur its geographicil ilkntity, Further, evcn thl.: \'illagl:" cllulllL'raliulI pUrplhl:"', Su alsu particulars ahlllll known to be uninhabited at thc tim..: of hllll"distill~ thL l'l)lk~ 'I~~igned III 11l\\1I, :IrL' illdil';IlL'd ill lhl' OPCfilliol1s h;J\'e hLLn l'IlIIslillilLd inltl scp:lrak hlocks, alph:,hl'lical lisl Ill' (ll\\IIS \\hich -prl'l'L'lks IhL' In olher words, a l'ol1lplck Cm"Lragc of IhL tl'l rilllri,d pi L',,"'lIl;lt illn "I' Ih l' f'( ',\ ..,t;ltl'lllL'nh ill IL',Pl'L'! llf jurisdiction pI' each alld l'vcry \'ilbgL h;I" !>l'l'lI th,' ull';111 arl';!,., of Ihl' di~lril'(, ensured.

(\i) BlIildill~ : A hllildill!! i~ l!llll'r.dl} ,I ~illl!k

(v) I.IlCatioll ('ude Number : [very :--'1;llc in the .,lruL'lllrt' 1111 Ih l' glllllnd, Sllllll'lillll" il i~ 1II:ld" up

Country, every Distrid in lhl: Siall.;. ncr .. Tallik or \11' lllllr,' Ih;11l Ulll' l'lllllpllnl'lII unil which :trl: l1~..:d

Town in th..: Di"lrid, I.:\'l:ry C:D. BI(Kk (or its llf likdy hl bc USL'd <1\ dwdlinl!" (rl,.,ilklll.'e.,) \lr equivalenl) in Ihe Di"lril'l. I.:wry \ill:lge "ill tIK- 1;,luk c,t;,hli,hllll:nt" \uch ;1" ShllP', hllSil1l:~" hllllSl'." llrricl''', and cvery \,>ard or di\isilln in IhL l'ily llr 11IWI1 ;lllL! Lid III it',.,. \\ III k"hL'lb. SdH luis, pLtl'LS llf t' nIL' rt;lillJ))l' Ill. every enumeralion hlock in the vilbg..: or 11I\\n i" pbl'l'" llf \\\lI,hip, glldll\\lh, "Illrc~, l'!L', It i~ ;tI," as"igned a lIumher ill ;1 p:lrlinrtar llrdn for l'.l1'('~ill!! P'l,.,~i"k- Ih;l! hllildillg~ \\ hich h;l\l: l'llIIlP""l'lll 1I11ih out the census Clllll1leralilln. \Vhcn the~L' 11111111ll:r~ 111;IY he llsl'd flll' ;1 C\llllhill;ltilHl \11' pUI P"""., ~lI,'h arc wrillen side by side in the ":lIl1e ortILr, slarling ;IS .,hllIH'III1l-I".,i,k 11 l'L' , \\\11 k ~hl'P-(,1/I1/ -rl'~id,' Ill'l', from the Siale anu sl:paratcd by all (l]'liqul.: 11l;lrk, llfllL'L'·('I{III-ll'~id"II'"l', etl", (vii) Cl'nSIIS III1USl' : A 'c~'n~u~ Iwu,e' i, a hllildill~ 3) AI~o tho,e who ;lrl' klln\\n tn I>l' 11IlIlll:dl~

(}f part of a building having a ,~'p~lr~llc' main entrancc rL',idill!! and arc Ihll prL'sent :It lh L, timL' 01 IIIL' from the road or C(ll11l11lll1 lilUrl\:lI d or ,t:lirCl~L'. l'I1UIlll'fdt(lr\ \'isit hut arc l'xpcl"lcd til return clc.. used or rec(l):!.ni~cd a~ a 'L'p:lratc unit. It Ill:!\ hd'nrc Fl'hruary 2S. [l)l) 1 :lIld he occupied or \ al·ant. It 1ll:1\ hL' u,cd fllr a 4) \'i~itor, Wlhl arc pre~enl ill the lHlllsehokl residenti;11 or nOIl-re"idL'nli,d plIrpo,c or bUlh. cl"n~lI'L'd and arc away from th..: plan'(~) (If thcir usual rcsidellce during thc l'nl ire (viii) lIollsl'illlld : A 'hllU'L'hllkl' i, ;1 grllu(I llf enull1eralillll peri'lll. For the purpose llf per!->ons willi l"l11ll1l1111l1~ li\e tll~cthl'r a III I t:lkc thL'ir enullleration :--uch \'isilors will he tr..:ated as meals from a l'llmllHlIl kitdlL'1l unle" (he CXI~~'lll"lCS normdl residellts of the hmtsclHlld in \\hidl thL'Y of work prl'n:nleo any of thcm frum d'ling ,0. arc adually fllllnd during the ellunll;ratilln period There may be a hou>.ehold of per"on!-> rd~l{Ld by l)l"o\'ided they h:l\e nol been ellullleralcd blood or a hou~eh()ld of unrelated per"ons or having elsewhere. a mix of both. Examples of Illluse holds having unrelatcd members an: hoarding hou"es. ml'"~e,,. (x) Litcl'atc : A (lcr"ll1 who can hoth rl';ld :lIId host cis, residential hotels, rescue hOllll's, j:lib. \\rile \\ilh Undl'rslanding ill all~ i.ln,l!u:lf.'-e is 'lilL'l,ltL'·. lJshrail ws etc. Thl',e are calkd '11l~1 it ul ion:d t\ per~llll who Clll Illcrcl~ rL';ld hut C:lIlllllt WI it..:. HouscllllIJs'. There may he one ml'mhl'r IHlu"l'hllld,. is not 'Ii tl'rate'. It I~ Il\)t liecc~sarv t h;lt a 1)L'r'lln 2 memher households or multi-memhl'r Ihlu'l'hlllds. whll is lilLrate "IHluld h:l\l' recl'i\~'d ;111~ l"rm,1I Fm census purpo"es, each one of thl'"e type..; i\ edUCali'1I1 llr should h:l\L' p;l~snl :111:-; minimulll regarded as a 'househllld'. If a gr'lup of pl'rMllh educati'lilal "tdndard. All childrell uf the ;l!.!.l' uf (I who arc unrelated to each olher Ii\'\.: In a l'L'lbU, \l'~lr" or less dre Ire;llL'd :IS illiter;llc. hlluse hut do not han' their me:ils hum th~' CUIIlIlIIIII kitchen, thl'y wnuld Ilot l'ull,titulc an in,tituli'1I1:d (xi) \\'OI'l,CI'S and NOIl-\\'OI'kcl's : For l'l'n:--us purposcs Iwu"dH lid. Each "Udl perSlln \\ (lldd he tl L':IlL'd :1" '\\urk' is dclined as 'p:lIticipatilln ill any Cl'olllllllieally a separalL' hou:--ehllid. The illlpmtant link in finding prllducti\e activity'. Sudl participation may he out whl'i'her lhere is a Ihlu~eh(lld or nllt is a COllllIlllll (lh~sil';d or mental in nature and w\luld 111\(lI\'e not kill'hen. There may I~e a hnu,dhlld which d'll'~ nut only aclu:d \\ork hut also dkUi\'e ~upcr\'ision :llld haw a h()use to li\'e ill and lllay lL'lllporarily t!\\L'll dirl'clion of work. It also inL"lul.ks unpaid work on on the ro:ldside pavemellt, in hUllle pipc~. templc~. brm or in bmily L'llterprisc. Th..: rdL'r~'Ill'e (lcriod /ll(IIl/lIPS, platforms etc., or mo\'e abuut fn lIll placc fllr dLl<.:rlllinill~ \\hcthn :1 pcrsun is a \\\lIkn or a to placc re~ting underncalh ~hade-hcarillg tree~, IHlll-\\Orh.l'I' is the year i.e" the .>(,:) lb~..,. IHl'l'nEI:l}!. pavements and \'erervil.'e, fur :I \L'ry brief on the night of Febru;lry 2S, 1')') l. period i:-- enlilkd 1\1 hl' cllcguris~'d :IS a wmk..:r. Depending Ullllll the 11:1tllre or his or her activity ix) Critcl"ia fur cnulIlcration of a IWI'son in a during IhL' rdncnc\.' IK'riud, e\'ery perSlln enunwraled partit'u lar IlIIuschold : at the l'Clhll;; is cl:is,ilil'd as either a \\\H'ker or a Illlll-\\ llrh.l'r. I) All thl)',e whl) nurmally ~tay and

2) All those who arc known to be nllfm

fur a m;lj'lf part IIf the Vc';lr ulhk'r rl kl ..:nn' j I'" 1"\\.11', ",'11,1, 11I.li/" 1,1,:i, b,lIk\, I'll'. tIHl~l' who havc \\\)rkl'd lur k"" t lUll ,j\ 111< )lIt II'­ 1'1I1'L" ,\Ih.II, "1,1111, L";lli, 1111)\III~, 111,I ... UI. . (i,l'" lur k~~ Ihan 1-":.\ d;I\'» dUlill!.', thl' l'ntil": Illd, ,'k rdefl'lln.: peri'lll.

often das~ilil'd , ,I' 4. (lit I.."Lel" : Sc".I111UI11, gl,'IIII,IIlUI. I'!l" non-rl'pllrlillg ,II th,'ir vv,'lk \)1' ;1" tll'''l' \,11<1 ILI\l' ""'d, 1l11l,l.tld. tilh",'d, "lIllrt.,\,,'I, ,',1.,,1"1, nut WI)fKc'd lur a ma.l,ll' 1';lIt "I Ilh' "'.11, 'I'c"'j;d ,•.'l .... ·. l:ffl)n~ havl' hl'l'll m;ldl' ;It th" 1'1'11 n'II'Ii' I"r

dicit ill)! ;ICCUI;ltc: illl"l 1ll,11 i"l1 1>\ .I' Li 111'. 1'1, ,I 'i II!.',

qUl'~t ilHlS, Tit" "I"\\III~' ,d thL 1,.t!,,\\illC: ,'I"lh i\ I]II[

((IJl\:(/~'/('4! ~l"'" l'ldti\,lli\lll In r,'~p'Tt 01 11I;lln 1,,)rkl'I'> a" .il,,' lll.lll'.ill.d wurkl'r~, furthl'! d"t;lil~ "1l'lhl' 'C'd'\[ 1,1 \,,'''11''111\ I. f'l.llll.dl<'11 e I, 'I" in \\hidl thl'v \\llrkl'd. thl' ;Ii.'lll.d 11;11111,' "I \\\11 t.. Jonl: hy thl'm, thl'ir ":1111'1":1111'l1t ,Lilli' (i,c'" l'l1lploycr, employ,'c, Ul1p;,id f.1I11ih" \\\), ke'r I), "I", I.dil,!c- IlUh ("Ik 1111,111 EIIIt!II,IIlUI) : \\';tll1lll, aCl'ount ~ingk \1' llkl'!) h;l\,' hl'l'lI g;ll he'lul ;t! I he' .tll11' 111.1, l'.1"lk\\ Illii. \'lc'.


Im(lnr!;w! 1l'''1lJ~ "ueh "" cuili,'dtur\, agl il'tllltll.r! laboufl'rs and hOll~dlllld il1du~lr\' alC: "'ld,lillc:d hdow,

a) Cuitinlt(lrs: For rurro~es of CClbll!'., a per!'.o!) IS

working as a <:ult ivator if hl: or .,hl' is ell)!;lgl'd 7, Flowe r~ either as employer, single Wllrkl:r or famify \\'(lI'kl'r s, in (.'ultivation of land ownl:d Of hl'ld from (;l)\'crnml:l1t

or hdd from privale per~OIl'" or in!'.1 it ut il \[)... for I) \'l'g_clahk ... payml:nt in money, kind or share, Cultivation ind\ld,'~ 10, Other Cfl)p~ not spl'l'ilil'ally indudl:d under supervision or direction of cultivation ;IS well. A nllt ivai ion, person who has given out his or hl:r land 1\1 anotiJl'f person or persons fm cultivation fur lllOnl'Y, kind b) .. \grkullunll LabulIn'I' : A pl:r\;lll, whl! 1'lIrb in

or ~hare of nop and who dl)e~ not cl'l'n supl:rv'i~l: ;llIo1hL'r p'T\lln',~ bnd I'llI' wag",\ in lll(lnl'~, kind Ill'

Of direct the eultiv;ltion of land. will not bl' trL'atcd .,h:II,' is regankd ;I!'. ;1Il a)!riulltural blhlll!'l:r. Hl'

as 'cultivator', Similarly, a [KrSOn working ill allolhL'r or :-.hl' ha ... III I ri ... k ill 11ll' ,'lIl1i\a!i,1l1. Tht: ;(griclillural

pl:rson's land for wages in ("ash or kind ,\I' a lahoul'l'r lu~ no right of k,,"'e o! l'lHllract Oil thl: comhina!ioll ofholh will no! he tfL'atnl as' culli\;llm', lalld ull \\ hich he ur ~hl' \\'ur"~,

Cultivation involvcs ploughing. sowing and l') lIuu~l'Iwld Indusll') Hllll~l'hold Illdll~try I;' harvesting, For cntain rL'ason~. thL' growing of dclinl'd a., an indll~try l'lHldllclL'd by the head of certain crops is no! considl:feJ as cufti\'alion and the hlHI.,cllllld hilll~clf nl' hl'r ... clf :lIId or by th~' a person engaged in growing of such crops is nol 1lll'lllhL'fS of thl: hou~l' h"ld at hlllllL' PI' within thL'

regarded as a cultivator, A person (.'an he cla ...... ilinl village In rural ilrl'''~ and 'lIlly within thl' prl'cil1l'h

as cultivator or not, ()1l~\, Oil Ihe /){Isis of the of Ihl' house whl:n..: thl' Illlu"'l,hoid li,'l'~ III Ihl' Cil~C crops Krowll. The growing PI' thL' following crop~ of urban areas, Thl: iargn proportion of \\l)rkns

is considen:d as 'cultivation, In a hou~clJ()ld illdll~lry wlluld u\lhi.,t of lllClllhl'r!'. lIf the hOll:-'L'hnld including thl' he;ld. Thl' indu.,trv should not be run on the scale of a regi~tered according to the categories or non-workers but factory which would qualify tn be registered under indicates the total number of non-workers hy sex. the Indian Factories Act. 1I0u"ehold Industry should relate to product inn, processing. scrvil'ing, repairing a) I1ousdlOld dutil'S : This COVl'rs all persons who or making and selling (but not merely selling) of arc engagcd ill unpaid home duties and who do Ill) gDods. The goods produced should nut be other work or have not done any work at all during exclusively for consumption by the household itself the b;.t one year. but should be wholly or p:.lftly for sale. b) Studt'llts : This will cover all full-time students including children attcnding school. d) Other \Vot'kel's : All workers, i.e., those who have heen engagcd in some economic activity during c) Dt'pt'IHIt'llts : This category includes all dependents the reference period of last one year, who are not such as infants, children not attending school and Cultivators or Agricultural Labourers or workers in permanent Iy disahled from work b<.:cause of illness Household Industry were categorised as 'Other or old age. Dependents will include even able Workers' (OW) at the time of census enunH.:ration Ill1dicd per;.ons whl) cannot be catcgorised in any and further details about the nature of industry, other cltegory of non-workers but arc dependent trade or service in which they werc engaged Were on ot her~. gathered hy the enumerators. 011 the basis of this d) Rl'Iil"t'd Pl'l'sons 01' l~entil'I-S : A person who descriptive information, at the tabulation stage, each has retired rrom service and i;. doing no other work such worker has been further categorised as i.e .. not emplllyed again in "ome llill time work llf belonging to one or the otlli.;r of the foll()\\ ing not engaged in some othcr work. such as cultivation, Industrial Categories based on Revised Naliunal busincss, trade. etc., or a pcrson who is a rentier I ndustrial Classification - 1l)~7. or living on agricultural or non-agricultural royalty, rL'nt or dividend, llr any olher per.'>oll of indCf)L'ndenl III Workers in livestock, fon;stry, fishing, hunting, means for securing which he or she does not have plantations, orchards and allied activities; to work, will come under this category. IV Workers in mining and quarrying activities; e) Bl'ggal"s : This will cover beggars, vagrants or V(b) Workers in manufacturing, processing, servicing cascs such as persons witllllut indicatiun or source and repairs which are carried on as other of income and thu;.e with unspeeilied sourL:CS of than household industry; subsistence wh,) are ()

* Source Census of India 1981 - Di.I·lrid Censlls Handhook, U//am "':,1111111.1" Di.l/rict, !Jallga!or<'. underground drainage pipes and sewral terracota about 540 A.D. when tht;y Wt;f(; subdued by figurines besides silver and lead coins. Mallryan Pulikeshi-ll of the Chalukyas of Badami, who emperor Ashoka, it is stateUin Mahavamsha,

(xxvii) especially on the coast, and exerted considerable control oyer the district till he fell lighting the influ~ncc on the political and administrativc sct up. British in 17,)(J. Thereafter thc dislrict came undcr In 1347, Marapa of Vijayanagara invaded Banavasi the administrati\'e Clllltrol of the British. In IX()()-()1 and paid a visit to Gokarna the holy place of therc were sOllle anti-British riots \\hich werc S(Hln pilgrimage. Thereafter, Bana\'a~i and the surrounding put down. Again in IX3()-31 thL:re was an upri"ing country began to be administered from Chandragutti. and this too was ljudled. The district ha" sCClIred A little later Banavasi beeame the headquarters ano ~l)f itsdf a credilahk place in the freedom struggle, was placed under the charge of Mauhava Mantri, ha\'ing been in the fnrcfront of the Forest Satyagraha, who is said to have conquered north western parts Salt Satyagraha and thc no-tax cOl11paign. of this district from Goa Kauambas. In the initial stages the Saluvas of Gerusoppa and Haduvalli With the ad\'cnt of tIll' British, this di"triCl resisted the supremacy of Vijayanagara. Their became a part of the l\LtLIras Presidency. For IllOTe resistance coulu not last long and they too becamc than a decadc this area along wit h Kundapur tallik the feudatories of the Vijayanagara empire. For in thL: south had a scparale colkctoratc :lI1d frolll about four centuries the Saluvas of Gerusoppa 1S17 to IX(12 this fonncd part of the COm[Hlsite exercised control over the fertile tracts on either Canara di,..,tricL Initiall\' there werc se\'cn I:dub side of the river Shara\'at i. Channahhairadeyi of namcd after KundaplIr, I-Iona\'ar, Ankob, Bilgi, the Haduvalli family was captured in l(IOR A.D. by Bana\'asi, Sonda and Supa. Thcre wcre hllwe\,er Shivappa Nayaka of Keladi. Tht: other important se\'eral changes in the organi,satiun of the district dynasties of local chid's arc those of Bilgi and into taluks. In IX(12 the northern di\'ision of the Sonda. The Bilgi Odeyas had their capital at lir~t then composite CanaLt district excluding Kundapllr at Isur in and rukd thc an:as tallik was transferred to Bomhay Pre>.idency. The comprised in the present day taluks of Siddapur headqll:trters of the district was shifted to K:trwar and Sagar. Chante Odcya shiftcd Iht: capital 10 from Hona\'ar. Thc district cOl1lpri>.ed of thc X Ldub Bilgi which he fortified anu then conquered Bedkani of Ankob, !iona\,:tr. K:tl\\ar, KlImta, , and Kondli. Sonda Nayakas had their capital at Siddapur, Sirsi and Yclbpur heside~ thc :~ suh-taluh Snnda in Sirsi taluk and gained prominence during or Pclhas named aftL:r , l\ll1ndgod and Supa. the latter half of the Vijayanagara period. Thcsc In 1947 with the dawn of independencc this district Nayakas patronised Banavasi and its Madhukeshvara continuL:d as a part of thc Bomhay ~ti.ltc. In 1')41'1 temple. With the decline of Vijayanagara power, l\lundgod Petha was elevated tll thc status of a this district was gradually taken over by thL: Nayakas taluk. With thL: n:nrganisatiun of the States in 1(JS(I, of Kcladi, who continued their cordial and friendly Uttar Kannad district became a part of the Karnataka tics with the Portuguese. This policy helped the State. In 1%0, the suh-taluk~ of Bhatkal and Supa gro~1h of overseas trade and kept the economy of were upgraded and c()n~titutcd into full-Ikdgcd the district in a flourishing state. The POrlugul:se taluks thus hringing the tutal numh..:r of t:tluks in were permilled in about ]C,7S to establish factories the district to the pre~ent tally of elevcn. Since then and Churches at Mirjan, Chandavar, llonavar and therc ha\·c not been allY changes in the organisational Bhatkal. The English too made their presence felt set up of thc district. For administrative con\'enience by establishing factories at Karwar and Bhatkal. A the ele\'cn taluks arc groupcd into three rcvenue mention may also be made of the Maratha incursinns sub-divisions as full()\\~ Karw:tr suh-di\'isiun and the fact that fur a brief period in 1(175, Shivaji (Karwar, Supa and Haliyal); KUl1lta sub-division occupied the territory from Karwar to CJanga\'ali. (Kumta, Ilona\'ar, Bh;ltkal and AI;kob): Sirsi In 1763, the district was annexed to Mysore kingdul11 sub-di\'i~ion (Sir~i. Siddapur, !'vi undgod and by Haider Ali. After him. his sun and successor ). The district itself COIllCS under the Tipu Sultan strengthened the forts, and rl:tained full jurisdiction of Bclgaulll Divi~i()n.

(xx\'iii) 5. Location and Physical Aspects* vcgetatiol1 including ~ome of the mm,t magnifieicnt foresh. Uttara Kannada district IS situalcd 111 the north-western sector of the State and is bllunded In bro;,d tcrms it Illay hl: ubservcd that the by the Arabian sea on its west. Covering an expansive taluks of Ankola, Karwar, KUlllta, Hnnavar and area of 10,291 square kilomclres this di~trict lies Bhatkal have long stretches of coastal strips besides between the latitudinal parallds of 13 degree 55 large areas of the low and rising hilly tracts; the minult:s North and 15 degree .11 minules North and cenLral and wesLern bells of Lhe LaJuks of Siddapur the longitudinal para lIds of 74 degree m minulcs and Sirsi and almost the entire Supa taluk consist East and 75 degn.:e 05 minutes East. From north of a hilly terrain; thL: taluks of Haliyal, M UlldgDd to south and from cast to west the district spans and Y cllapur besides the eastern Zllnes of Siddapur a distance of 32g km and 1(,() k111 respectivdy. The and Sirsi have undulating pbin:-.. As rl:gards thl: southern-most portion of the uistrict is only III km hill peaks. it may be noted that Darshanigudda (\)15 wide and the district bulges out mainly towards the Ill. MSL) is tIt.: highest peak and that this is cast as one mon:s north. After crossing the middlt: loeatcd in SlIpa taluk at the trijunction of the I.one the eastern boundary line turns west and districts of Ullara Kannada and Bdgaum and Ihe proceeds in an irn:gular manllcr IImards the Union Territory of (;oa. The olher prominent peaks north-west. The wes(l:rn boundary line on the other an: kalti~udda (7hJ m) 111 I-Ionavar taluk, hand follows the eoast in the north by north we~l Bheds~a\"t: (7(13 111) and (iudehalli (5·N m) in Sir~i direction and after reaching the mid-zone turns cast talllk and Nishanigudda (-l57 Ill) ill Ycllapur laluk and proceeds in a north by north-easterly dir<.;ction hc:--ides the :--mallcr peaks nf Shirvegudda, Hubli, describing an arc. Thus the district is seen to he l\1avinagundi alllI l\lllligudda. Gudehalli and of an irregular shape. It is boumkd on the tlllrth-wc~t Kalt igudda havl: bee n recognised and developed as hy the Union Tcrritory of Goa, Daman and Diu; health rl:sorts in rceent years. lll1 the north by Bdgaul11 district; on the north-cast ami e.:ast (upper hall) by Dharwad district; on the Kali, Bedthi, anu Sharavathi arl: cast (lower hall) and s()uth-l:ast by Shimoga district Ihe principal Wl:st flowing ri\·ers of Ihe district. The and on its southern tip by Dakshina Kannada district. Kali rin:r in fact clln"ish of two slreams which flow into l:aeh other ncar SlIpa. Pandri the main stream, Topographically thl: district can be divided into also called Ujili, urigin;l!cs in the extreme north thrl:e distinct zon<.;s: the coastal belt which is and t10ws at fir"t in a "ulIth-easterly direction and nllthing hut a succession of e~tuarine plains Cllllnected loses its ilicntity after ih confluence with the other by narrow coastal ~trip~; the central helt ellnsi"ting slream called IhL' Diggi hole or lhe Kari (lhe Black) of the hills and valkYI> of the Sahyadri rang.: and hole ("tream) whieh ((\\) nows eastwards at firs!. the eastern tab-[C land. Broadly sp..:aking the district The river thus rormeu c\)ntinues to Ilnw in a snuth can be catl:gorised as essl:ntially an upland, that is by south-west direction I'm a di"tance of about 50 a hilly malnad. More.: than 75 pc.:r cent of the lands km and then t~,k<.;~ a sudden westward turn. At of this district belongs tn this category. The this pbn;, calkd the Ltlguli Falls, thl: west !lowing importance of the h)\v lands and the coast in the Thallihalb stream abo joins the Kali and river !lows economy of the district cannot howcver he west by south-west and then direclly Wl:slwards till under-estimated, for it is these areas which arl: fairly it falls into the Arahian sea ncar Karw:!!". Before wdl devdoped and arc al"o more densely popubted. reaching thl: sca it is joined by the Nuji stream The eastern belt consists of a narrow transition zone which itsdf has two tributaries named Kancri halla of undulating lands and vast strl:tchl:s of plains as and Yaki halla. The riYer is nayigable from Kadra one moves further eastwards. By and large the 10 Karwar fnr a dist;IIKe nr about ~() km. Bedthi district is hilly in terrain and is covered hy thick or Gangavali is also forllled of two main streams -

* CensLis of India 1981 - Distriel Censlls Ham/hook, VI/ar Kalllllllj Dis/riel, BUllgu/ore.

(xxix) the Shalmali which originates ncar the Someshvara Honavar at the sea mOllth for a distanc.: of ahllut temple south of Dharwad and the Bedthi which has 27 km the rivL'f is navigable. Abnut X km cast nf its origins ncar Hubli. These two streams join near the cstuary the river widens intll a 3 kill bwad Kalghatgi and /low west amI south-west for a total lagoon conlaining a fe\v islands of \vhich Mavinkufw distance of about 96 km. On its meandering way des.:rves mention. to the Arabian sea the river dashes down the western face of the Sahyadri's in a cataract which has come Besides these major fivers there arc several to be known as the . Beyond J larigadtk slreams and rivulets which arc known after the the Sonda rivulet also Ilows into this river. At villages ncar which they traVl:rse. Varada and Dharma Gundabala the river meets the tidal waters and, arc th.: twu imp()rtant east-ll11wing rivers in the from this place upto Gangavali a distance of 25 km soulh-eastern sector of the district. Varada has its the river is navigable. Aghanashini, abo known as origin at Varadamub n.:ar Ikkeri in Sagar taluk and Tadri river, Ilows into the Arabian sea ahout 10 llows past Banavasi for a short distance in this km south of Gangavali. This river too is composed district and finally joins the Tungahhadra at of two major streams besides Benehalla. Tw() of Galaganalh in Havcri tal uk. Dharma fiver ISSUCS these streams originate in Sirsi taluk and now forth as a small stream from a tank in Islur village southwards at first. The other stream traverses alnlllst of Sirsi tal uk. across the entire breadth of Siddapur taluk in a Ci.:()lllgically, the w(·k fllrlllatillns of this distriU west by north westerly direction and this is joined belong to a nlllst ancient perilld uf earth's histury near Harigar by one of the streams fwm Sirsi taluk. and (."lll1sist nr archean (."lJlnplex - the oldest rOL·k A short distance to the west from here, near Unchalli, of the carth's crust. The mck furm;ltiun is the river leaps dow'1. a precipitous rock and this charactl:rised by a syslelll of ridges and a plateau has come to be known as the Lushington Falls. on the west descending rapidly into a nanllW strip Further west, in the limits of KUlllta taluk Benehalla of low lands covered by alluvial rocks. Thl.: eastern also Ilows into it and the river finally meets the sector is hilly and cunsish uf the Oharwars and the tidal waters at Uppinapatna, from where it becomes peninsular gneisses. The Oharwars arc rcpresented n ... vigabk for a distance of about 25 km upto Tadri. by chlmilic schists which arc yuunger to hornblcndic From Mirjan, the river forms a lagoon parallel to type~. Pegmatites and quartz veins als(~ arc knllwn th<..: coast for a distancc of ahout 13 kill. Ncar th<..: to occur in parts of lhe district. The archean estuarine mouth there is a narrow creck blncked granites and gneisses arc capped by Iateritc at by a rocky reef. , also known as Rlnaganga sevcral places. The district, it may he hroadlv rises at Ambulirtha ncar Kavalcdurga ill Shimoga obsennl, lies oUhide the great f1l)WS of trap. L111ar ... district. It Ilows in a north westerly dircction and Kannada district is quite rich in mineral wealth. receives Haridravati and Yenne hole. Ncar the Iron and manganese arc thc majm items while border of thc district after covering a distance of limestone, quartz, bauxite" silica, lime shells, sand about 64 km, the river bend~ to the west and for and cby arc the ol her impoflant minerals. The about 13 km forms the natural boundary betw.:.:n iron ore occurs mainly in the western half of the UUara Kannada and Shimoga. Ncar Kodakani the district in the taluks Df Ankola, Honavar and Ycllapur place where the river touches the district borders, and a special mentilln may he made ()f the extensivc it leaps over a precipice, about 2()() metres in height, reserves in Apsarkond area of Honavar talllk, Bisgod, into a deep cataract. The river divides itself into Kakhc

(xxx) Sirsi-Kumla-Ankola. Limestnne occurs in brge lht.: C,l"tcrn plains thrnug,h the hilly malnad and quantities in the taluks of Sura, YclLtpur and Kumta. rt.:aches the coast line. All rollnd the year the White clay is found at numerou~ pLtces the nlllst humidities an; high espct'ially in the western sector. important of which arc: Ca~tk Rock arca and The year lllay be divided into 4 seasons. The SUI1lIlH:r Kuntagani area of Sura taluk, Achav.: vill:tgl.: of sea~on lasts from March to May and is mark.:d by Ankola taluk, and Heravalta area of Kumla taluk. the rising temperature. May happen~ to be the Bauxite is known to occur ncar tvlunLilllli ami Tal1,'-lld hut lest month and at times the maximum temperature of Bhatkal taluk while corper i!'l known to occur reaches 1S degree cdcius. Thl: weather during this ncar Kaiga. Glass sand is found ncar Rengre area period may be regarded as oppressive due to the and ilmenite sand is found at numerous places all moist heal. In the coastal an.:a~ hnwever the cool along the sea-shore. A mention may be made of sea hreCl'e provides some relief during the laller granite and laterite which arl.: very u~dul a~ building half of the day and early evening hums. From June material. to Septemher, which mark:-, the l11onSl)l)n or the Wl:t season, th~ sky rcmains overcast and the day Llllara Kannada district is very rich in forest temperaturl:~ I11llve down tll tolerable limits. During wealth and about 81 per cent of its toud gcogr;Iphic;d this period th.:re would be inces~ant rains in most area stands classified as forests. The ~I\)pes of the rarts of the district. This monotony i~ howev.:r westcrn ghats and the lofty peaks as well arc d'lthcd broken a few brief dry ~p.:lls which provide some with dcnsc vegetation stimulated by heavy til very relief to the people. The lllonths of October and heavy rainfall and the krtilc soils. The teak wood Novemher mark th.: retr.:ating IllllllS00n and during available in the forests of this district ranks amongst this period th.: day temr\.:rat ure registers a slight the bcst in the world and is found highly useful in inneasl' whil.: t he night temperat lift.: gradually mov.:s the ship building industry. The forests of the di~trict down. Since Ihis rerilld j:-- free from incessant rainfall can be categorised into the evergreen and the and the oppre.,sive heat of the summer as well one semi-evergreen which arc rich in soft wood and can reg~Ird thc~e (Wll I11nnths a~ the must pleasant packing-timber yielding trees; the moi~t li<.:ciduous nlllnlhs nf the year. \Vinlc.;r :--ea:--on sets ill during which are rich in teak, rose wood, honne and other Deccmher and ia"ts till the end of February. During limber; the scrub jungle containing sandal \\'llod this period th.: we;Ither is dry with a ell'ar brighl trees among other species of tree growth and lastly sky and an agreeably low lcmpcrature as well as the unwoodeu or sparsely wooded fon:sls. There humidity. 1'h.: district nnw has three meterologieal arc reserved forcsts, plantations, protccted f(lrests observatmie;, and these arc located at , and village forcsts. This forest wealth is being Honavar and Karwar. , exploitcd ovcr the decades and has now be.:n grcatly depicted. In spite of this, in the maller of forest The district reccives an average r"infall of 27 .. J.1.7 wealth, Utlara Kannada happens to be Ihe richest 111m pcr annulll. (ienerally the rainfall is h.:avi.:r in among the 19 districts of the State. The fauna of the coastal helt th;1!l ill the uplands towards Ihe the district is also rich and vari.:J. A wild life sanctuary covering an area of 5729 square kilometres ea~t and the north. Hu\\'e\'er Ih.: wellest areas arc was constituted in ]953 near . The wild at the fool of the Sahyadris. The rainfall varies frol11 animals found here include the tiger, ('hecla, bison, 3S54 111m in Bh;ltbl i.e. the ~outh-weslern coastal clephant, sambar, barking deer etc. The di;,trict is zonc, 10 1155 nlln at Mundgml ncar the north also noted for thc marine and inland fishing activities and the variegated nature of its fish-wealth. eastern hord.:r. .I lily is the month which records the heaviest rainfall. The number of rainy day" v;Iries The which lie acro;.s th.: path of hetween 114 in Bhatbl and S7 al and the slJuth west monsoons cause he;lvy to very hl'avy rainfall ov.:r the cnastal ar.:as and nwderak (() heavy the ovcrall a\'erage for the di,trict is 103 days. In

I ,lins in the hilly malnad tracts. The ek:vatilln "',11 ies the mailer of r;linf;dl lIllara Kannada i~ quile a" ulle moves cast and north and a~ a rec-ult the fortunate and i~ ""-'~,cd hy th~ presence or the climate also varies as one moves we:--t \\"lrd~ from

(xxxi) western ghats. It do,,;s not suffer from

sC:11c variations in the amnunl of rainrall from year suiLahk ('or ndtivalion e\"i.:n t hI lugh Ihe farmr.:rs have to year. Its location on the sea coast !lao, however for long heen an:L1~IOl11~'J (0 raii-.c a l'mp of paddy rendered it vulnerable to the havoc lH.'casionally of a rar1icular variety in su<:h Jiclds abo. As already caused by,the depressions

zones based on topogr~lphy:-·thc cO:lt>t:.l1 alluvi:Jl soils 6. Admillislralil'e Di\'i.-,iull.<; ~lIld Juri.sdicti{Ul:il and the upghat btcritic and granitic soils. Mixcu changl's laterites and traps arc found in the t.t1uks of Supa, The Stall! n(' Karnataka has four revenue Haliyal and M undgod which contain cCr[:lin P:llchcs divisioll!'.. The district hdung~ to lhe Belgaull1 of blaek colton soils as well. The 1;llerilic soils arc Division. The di!'.lricl has] I I'llllks 'Illtl four rCVCllue highly Ic~chcd. reddish brmvn in colour, shallow to sub-division. rn I ()()J thc disl ri<.:L has 1317 villages medium in depth and- loamy in tc.:xture. These soils anti 14 tOWIlS. A talllkwise distribution of lhl:~c arc met with in the taluks. of Karwar, Ku 111 La, villages and lowns is shmvll ill t hI.: statement given Honavar" Bhatkal, Sirsi and Siddapur. Rcd loamy below. The Sl

~xxii) Statement showing the number or vilh.ges/towns in each ... Iuk or the District. decadal variations if

Sl.l\!o. Taluk Total 1'\0. of Villages :-':0. of Reasons for variation in the l\!(). of Villages between according to the list Towns as 19~1 and I 'N I census finalised for per 19')1 t'ensus list I??I Census ICJSI Census I 2 3 4 5 (, 1. J\nkola S6 S(, I - 2. Bhatkal 61

I 'N I cen~llS. 9. Sirsi 223 227 I Sirsi. I ~lI)dakanahalli. Kalkuni and I'ultanamane erstwhile revenue villages of 1')IlI ('en~us arc now treated

as urban he III " the out_g_ruwth of Sir,. Town. 10. Supa 123 140 - 18 viHagcs vi!.. 1.f\U~l1g~ol1 2.Adulli 3.Asangaon 4.Bhamardc 5.lliroda (1.i)ongarw

Further l~amanagar i.l n(;\... ly l"lll1stitlllted village comprising the a,'eas of tltree villages namely'·.LShitawade 2.i\dhali and 3.J\krali of Khanapur taluk l~f Helgaum dist ril·t is added during 1')9 I census. lienee the dilTcrcnce. II. Yclla_[lur 127 127 I -

Pariculars of villages which are fully towns of the district arc given tn the or partly included In the Urban areas I.e., following statement.

(xxxiii) Particulars of villages which are fully or partly included in the UI'ban Areas III' the Distdct (Area in IIcdar-cs (1,00

Sl.)';o. Name of Taluk :-':al11C of Town :-':amc of Village Total Rural Lrhan wllh L.c. "'0. Geographical Conlponc..:nl COIn po I) t.:III Arca of the Village as per Rcv<.:11 U<.: recurds 1 2 3 .t 5 I, 7

1. Ankola Ankola (TMC) Ankola ~(,.7.t , ~(>.7.t Shcdgeri 395.13 - '-\,)5.13 2. Bhatkal Bhatkal (rMC) Sll~gJdi 50-1J.:Z - 504.(,2 4(,. llunanvl.lrga I·H30 I ~(,'JH lb.]:? H Chpulhani 113.')3 1I2.lJ2 ].1)1 3. JJaljyal Ilaliyal ("I"\IC) llallyal 331.79 - :>31.71)

I. Gultigcn ~3.72 :U:UI 70.31 2. Chatranal 21,2.02 245.7(> ](>.21, 3. (iuddap"r 155.1>5 71.U2 S·U3 -I. llullatll (rl5.3(, 5'!').35 41>,(11 ._------~-.- f---~---- J)anJcli (CMq' I. Danddi (Rural) 307.02 2-1.1>') 2S2.33

112. KlIlllbar~op 33(dl3 (,7.71 21,S.32 113. Amhcwadi ](,3U.O') !3ISU I 21,5.uX Ill. Keowad (.f;5.71 6102.07 .Hrl I JO. BaJanan 15:?-I.t.O 1510.1'4 1.1.71, Sirdoa

i\m~)ikanilgar (:-\;\ICI') IO:? J\l1)g~ 22S2.67 2221).1J7 52.70 ltB. Jamagc 1-107.% 13H2.rn 25.13

4. I10navar llonavar ('1'\1<:) K."aha Ilonava r 1)2·UO 3~'),~(J· oX(d)-1

5. Karwar K~lwar (C\IC) Kodibag Inoo 172.110 KalinKnnc 122.25 - '122.25 KOlle 27.(,S 27.(>X ]. Sunkeri I W.05 70.(,7 3')..1S 7. Bailhlml 30-l.'JR Ikl).27 115.71 .------. ----.-.~-t------.. - -- Il. Balld 11LUI 23:1'1" "7H.33 9. ,"\a'llJanagauuc 1-12..15 (,2.H7 71).58

Binaga (,,\leI') Bin~ga 7HI'.-I2 7SI,..1:! Kadra Colony (:'\\1(T) 3-1. Kadra :\81:;5.-11) :\81,525 20.2-1 6. KUl11la Kunlla (T:\IC) KlInlla 57 ]'(d 57 ]'(d Chikkollo 2:\.-12 23.-12 llale I krawalla 125.1." 125.1,5 I h"a I kruwalla 253.1() 253.11) lprado n.21, 27.21,

]~agg()n 117.70 117.7U Vannalli IS(,.77 181,.77 I. Chitragl 251>.3U I (.'}.-11, 81,.1'-1 -1. Kalbhag 5110.85 -1IS.2IJ H:?.(L'i 3-1. :\Ianaki (,S('.7!) 51)1'1)-1 5S.(,(,

(xxxiv) Sl.:-':o. r\amc of Tallik l'\amc of Town r\all1c of \'Illage Tolal {{uriJI L: rban wlll1 I..c. .'\0. (icographical Compo'lcnt Componenl Arc" of thc

Village u~ pcr Revenue rccords

I 2 3 ~ 5 (, 7 7. Sirsi Sirsi (TMC) I. Sirsi (Kasal'l

3-1. Kalkulll 3-12.(,3 1,,1 23.13 -II. Ilccpallhalli 2')').X(, 2-12.')() S(,.')(, -1(,. :\1allj"valli .'iIK.'n -IW.23 5S.7-1 117. Pullan" \lallC .J(J() ..J(> (;, 7.S5 ()1I1 growths of Sir" Clly Sir,i (Rural) W(,2.1') 2')S.'J? Puttal11anc 4m.-I(, - -152.61 1 ..aJaJ.:anallalli SN,.5S - 566.5S ~.~-~---- .-~ K,Jlkuni 3-12.(,3 31'J.5o -- 8. Supa Ganc~hguui C'\;\1Cr) I ,\mbcll 2732.0) 2705.3-1 2(l.71 1I). /\\'cda HID3 71 (l.(d '}(,.n 20. BaJgullu IO:;3.KS 1142.1-1 11.7-1 Dalldcli (C'v1C) , 2-1. Viramrali 2(, 7K. 72 2(,:;').5() 1').22 'J. Ycllapllf Yellapur (MI') Yeltapllr l3.17.5(, 1337.5(>

Ilal.lguI11i.II1C ·P(,.-I(, -I7(l..J(, Sahgcrc 2-1').13 - 2·l'J.13 K(H1J(.."manc 121.35 - 121.35 Sahasralli 3(,25.01 - 3(,25.01 Ilillal-ar;;addc (,)1).30 (J5().30

* The jurisdiction of this town extelll!s over the villages belonging to two taluks uf Haliyal and Supa.

(xxxv) 7. Brief Analysis of Data In the villagcs of the di"tricl live 470,332 mak:" and 455,412 funaks. Populationwi~e the Honavar (i) 'Area and Population taluk which is situated on the coast is biggest The total area of the district is 10,291.00 sq.kllls. followed by another coa"wl taluk of KUl11ta and The taluks claim 10,124.70 and towns l(,(dll sq.kms Sirsi taluk. Other big taluks arc Bhatkal and respectively. Total population in the Jistrict is Siddapur. Out of a total of 1317 villages in 11 1,220,260 in which 925,744 live in villages and resl taluks 12(,4 arc popUlated. Highest number of of 294,516 in towns. Out of 11 taluks in the Jistricl populated villge" arc in Sirsi t,tlllk followed hy the most populous is Honavar wilh 129,(,50 persons Siddapllr taluk. Least number or villages arc III followed by Kumta (107,963) and .Sirsi (102,040). Karwar tafuk. Numbcr of populatcd villages ano Least populated taluk in the district is Supa with extent or population in a lafuk arc nol always in 43,447 inhabitants followed by Ydlapur (50,902) and proportional relation as with ll(, villages Supa has Haliyal (70,294). Among towns chicf ones arc only 43477 persons, whcn:as with only 55 villages 1 Dandcli (52,701), Karwar (51,022) and Sirsi (50,W)5). the Karwar has a popUlation of 7 ),41(,. In Y<.:llapur The smallest one is Magod Colony (71)K) followcu laluk th<.:re is no uninh;tbitcJ villages. In other by Kadra (2,563) and Ganeshgudi (:\371). taluks only small number of \·illagcs are de-ropubted. The towl1wis<.: distribution of urhan population is (ii) Rural-Urban Composition presented in 'Llhle-2 he low.

In the total popUlation of 1,220,2W the rUfal Tahle 2: Pop"lalioll alld :"lIl11h.. r of TO"II~, 1<)<)1 chunk is 925,744 and the rest is urban. There arc 11 laluks and 14 towns in the district. About 24 Sf. Pupulatlun ~o. AUlllilli5-.(r,JtIlHl S[dfU~ per cent popUlation in the district is urban. It 01 Til"''''' means that a overwhelming proportion of people in Pt.:r~ul1" \1alcs 1 Femalsl..__. the district are villagers. The corresponding I 2 : _.1_ r-~_., _ L AmhiLl11J_g..l):_.Q\H·I). ("".; ~11 __ . ", ,- proportions for the State arc 30.92 per cent anJ 2. 1\l1h(1la~!_t_l. ____ . _i_i_~_. ' .",\ ... " 69.08 per cent. Obviou,ly the index of urbanisation _Llll1al'.,UllliL__ : _.i[' '0._ _j ,';_'{ _ i 1';1)';, .). 1l1lw"a ('\\1('1/ -,-); " in the district is low. The pen:entage of urb~lI1 5. t)aI1JI:I1 (C\IL.L_ _ '.' -'" 21HC._ population which was 2532 per cent at the 19S I (,. (jal1l:sha"lIJI ('\\I(-TI_ ~-- \.171 ._ 1742 7. 1l:lfi\·;1f (T\IC) I SIII)5 '12.).) census slowed down to 24.14 per cent in 1(1)). This s. Ilol1"";lr (T\I(") 11>1'12 K171 ,,1)21 has been so for the reason of declassiricatilln of 'I. K"Jra (KI'C I'rllJ!:cl 25(,3 13-12 1221 Cololl ,) (,\\lel'l towns of Mundgod anu Siduapur in }<)I)I, although 10. Karwar jC\IC) 51022 2114-11 24:,X1 three new census towm an: included in the district I L KUl1lta (T\ICI 2(>181 I"I{){) for the first time in :991, namely Bin I Pcrsons Maks Fcmales Total Inha- each line having nearly equal shar<.: of the half llr biteJ the toud urban population in the district. Rest or 1 2 3 4 5 () 7 lIrb,ll1 populatiUIl is di"trihuated in 11 towns, in 1. Ankola 7780. 3')922 37879 8(, !W ., lhatkal ')7S39 48317 4')"7 61 (J() which large ones arc I3hatkal, KUI11ta and HaIiyal. 3. Iialival 7021)-1 :V)285 3-1()()') I:l1 112 At the 11)t\1 cenSliS there Was no tOWIl in the di"trict 4. Iionavar 12%50 (,.j(,16 (,So.1.1 'J) '!2 5. Karwar 7'J41() -10115 3')31)1 57_ f--._55 helonging to class-II cat...:gmy (Sl).()()()_')'),')\)'»). Such 6. Kumta 107%:, 51.'i.'iO 53-113 11'1 II] towns arc now two in numher. In I')KI censu~ there 7. MunJ"oJ 7~ru() 3W,S') 35357 '14 84 8. Siddaour 9 I (..t() -I(..t5!, -15 I ')() ~Ol 1'1') were .'i lown~ belonging tll cl;l\s-111 calegllry 9. Sirsi IO:!(I·lO -I'184() 521'14 221 222 (2ll,I)()()-~'),')I)')). Three towns \\ hich were part or 10 Sun; 43-147 1~1'18 I 2124'1 p, lliL._ 11. Yellaour 50')02 25'1')5 24'11I7 127 127 this cb"s at the 1')K I ccn"us arc n()w included in Disl riel Rural '125744 47(1332 455412 1.11 7 12(>-1. cbss-ll.

(xxxvi) (iii) Classilicution of new places as towns, Among the thrt.:t.: of the total, rural anO urban declassilication and/or merger of towns dul"ing uecadal variations. the cxtent of the urban variation t he decade 19M 1-91. is ~malkst in tht.: district. As is clear from the Three new towns have come up in the district abuvt.: eited avt.:ragcs for the Statt.: it is against the during 1981-91. Two of them arc project sites with normal trenu fllUllU ill tht.: State as a whole, where population of 798. and 2S()3 respectively. The Table-3 the extent of urban variation IS much more given below shows dctails about this. pronouneeo than tht.: rural one. In tht.: Ullara Kannada district this peculiar position has largely Tahl.. 3 "'l'W Town... /T",ul ... J)l'.·la ...... iI1l· ... \Iagl·" in come into being on accllunt of thc declassilications 19'.11 Cen ... l1 ...

dTeclt.:d ((l taluks uf Siddapur and M undgod. Partlcula.rs :'\alllc of Towil 1'0 )lil,!llL,!L____ I 2 1 Olherwi~l: onc may note th;1I the urban variation (a) ALlJed (i) Kaura (KI'C) l5(,:> (1')')1 cellsus) has been lesser than the rural in the talliks of I'rl)ccl lULL 13l1l;)"a 7~i'n J.l ')'!I l·c.;_~ Ankola. Bhalkal. Honavar and KUlllta. Incidt.:ntally, (iii) MagoLl (KIT) 7')S (1')')1 (.'CIl~lIS) all of thcse taluI.;., art.: c()a~tal olles and urban unib Projecl (h) Dcclassi fieLl I (j) 'vlll l(1<><)LI 11)312 (I ')Slsru,IDl here arc very old ami ~atllrated. Among the re;.t I(il) SluLlaplir 112S') i I')SI Cl' n .... .!:_!.2l_ (c) Wholly :"11. - of the taluks the hight.:st total decadal v;lrialilll1 merged with during Il)SI-I)l ha~ been in the case of 13hatkal. olher lowil This increase here h:ls hecn mainlv on account of

(iv) Decadal Variation in population rural increa~t.:. The dyn:lI11ics of population growth in this and abo in other t;dllb of cO:lstal art.:a ;.how During the decade !

B.()(J per cent. It is far behinu the growth ratt.: of corrt.:~ponuing urhan growth. SinCe most of the 21.12 per cent witnessed in the State. The deeadal jlllJlllLlI ion of the disl rict is compriseu frum the growth in rural and urban parts of the district has cllntriilutiun of coastal Lduks it i~ lherefore naturally to Ilt.: seen at the district level al~o that thl: rural remained below the ft.:spcctive State average llf 17.()() per eent and 29.62 per ecnt a~ ean he ~cen fnlIll \·ariation is much higher than the cnrresponding Tahk-4 hdow. urhan variation. In short the growth of population in taluks of tht.: Oi~lricl has remailleu comparatively

Tahh' ..j Dl'nulal (.'hang(· in di ... lrihlJlioll of PupuJalion

--~- -- Tallik 1")l'ul;llilln Pcrccntagt.: Jec';IJ;iI PCITCJ11~lgc III \-a rJ~1 til)l1 (1')1-;1-')11 llrhan pl)rlliatll)J1 I')SI I'NI

Total Rural L'rban Tolal 1{1I ral L'rban Tol;" Rli r~11 L'rban 1')f;1 I I')'!I 1 2 :> ·1 5 (, 7 S ') 10 II 12 I. I\nkola SI057 (,S')I\..l t2151 ')L1IU 77SI)I 135()1) 12.(,5 12')1 11.1(, 1-1.')<) 1-1.7') 2. Bhalkal l)(,S<)(, 71211 2SC'(,5 12')1)17 'J75,') :l1-17S :11.15 :1( .. '):1 22.(,) 2(,.-1') 2-1.-111

:I, I [ali),al 132552 (oI5:>S 71111-1 ').J1(,J 7112')-1 2·j()(,<) 1~,21 (,(.. 11 28.SI - 5:1.57 2551 .J. Ilnnavar 127')SS 112S(,.j 1512-1 1-15S12 L~()(lS() 1(,( ')2 t:1')5 I·~ S7 7,1)(, II.S2 II l!I 5. Kalwar 125(,:15 7S-125 -17211) 1-11)21-;2 7')-11(, (,1"':(,(, IIH, U(, 2S'I1 :l7.5S -1:1.:1') (I. KUl11la 117:125 'XI')-11l 2.1:IS5 nll-1-1 11l7')(,:I 2(,( S I 1-1,:>-1 1-1.'):1 11.<)(, 11),'!3 1').52

7. \lunLlgoJ 5S7-15 -1S-113 111132 751~(, 75Iq(, 27.75 55.111 17.S'! S SiJLlapur S.J525 7:12:11, 112S') ') ((>-1(, ')((>-j(, - S -12 25.1-1 11,:\1, '). Sirsi D5107 ')(,2110 :lS')(J7 152'):15 1i121l-1() 511S')5 11.211 (,,117 :l11.SI I 2S,S() :112S -- 10. Supa 5:17-12 -1S~QII -1')22 -I(,SIS -1.'-1-17 .,:171 -12 SS -11.111 -31.51 '),1(, 7211

II. Yellapur 5')<)S') -lSI'!? 117')~ ('{,IS(, SII')II;-r- IS~-'-1 I02S S.col ~q.~(J 1')('(, 21.1J() j----- I)". .,"\('I 107:lS(oI S(J17(,S 2717'):1 12211201 <)2S7~.~ 2')-1-' 1(, 1.1.(,(, 15.-1(, S.. 11> 2S ..12 2-1,1-1

(x\x\ii) higher than the corresponding urban population two census towns namely l3il1aga and Kildra arc 111 growth and this factor has given a lower urban Karwar tal uk. proportion of population in 1991 census than what (vi) Populatioll Sizt' of \"ilIagt's it was at 19R1 census. There arc 12()ol inhabited villages in the district. (v) Trends of" Urbanisation The average populalion of a village in 1')')1 is 71,; ..

There arc live- ta I u k·'S In W I·llC 11 1I le average poru jral I of The proportion of urban popultion is 2ol.14 per of a village is helow the district average of 732. cent in the district. It was 25.32 per cent at the These arc Supa (:)75), Ycllapur (ol01), Sirsi (4W), 1981 census. The proportion of urban population Siddapllr (ol()1) and Haliyal (i)2:)). It may be recalkd is below the district average in taluks of Ankola, that these arc hilly malnad talllks. On the other I-lonavar, Kumta and YellapuT. M undgod and hand it is higher in Mundgod (S'n), Ankola (92(», Siddapur do not have any urban population in 1<)') 1 Kumta (955), Homar (14ll'», Karwar (l44ol) and as compared to 1981 due to declassification of a BhatLiI (1()2(»). Out of the"e six laluk", only town in each tal uk. In the c~se of taluks of Bhatkal, l\lundgod is of hilly Illalnad area and rest arc coastal Sirsi and Karwar the proportion of urban pupulatilln laluks. Among re>.l of five coastal lalllks except is above the district average, being highest in Karwar. the Karwar which lies in the north bordering Coa There were 13 towns in the district at the 1<):)1 one finds more average population per village as census, which arc now lol in 1()()1. As nokd abo\'(; one tra\·c!s from north to south along the coastal Dandc:Ii town is spread over two laluks of 511Pol populated \·illages 7Kl) arc with same name. Yellapur and Magod Colony arc in less. than soo population. Thus the extent of "mall Yellapur taluk while Caneshgudi is in Supa taluk villages in the di"lrict i" ;\l)(lLlt (,2 Per c;,;nl. Such and Ambikanagar is in Haliya! ta!uk. Rest of the villages arc ahun: the dis! riel average (If ()Z per

Tahle 5: I'cro:"nlal-!" dblrihlliion of ,illal-!"~ h} populalion ralll-!e~, 19')1

·faluk/C.I).Biock 1':0. and ~l). ~nd r cn.. 't.:i1lagc 01 .... iIlHgc:-. in c~h:h "':lllgc ( figllres ill ral·<.Inlhc~is inJicate rcrl'cnl~Jgl..: Percentage of \'lIlagc~ in cadl range) of inhabiled villages I,c" than 21!() 200 - -1')') 500 -I 'J')') 211()() - -1')'J') 5()OO - ')')'N 10.0011 8: above I 2 .1 .; .') () 7 S 1. Ankola K-l If) 2-1 .1~ 7 2 _(I01l.()()) (l'I.().'i) ( 21'-.<;7) . (-1)()Zl __lS.:>.1) _(2.:lS) 2. Bhalbl hO 11 II 17 .! .5 2 ( IIJO.OO) (35.0111 (IS.:m ("ILl3) ((d)7l _uu:» _l3·:1·n 3. lIaliyal 112 35 .12 3S 7 _Llon.()o) 01'5) ( 2S.s7) _(33.'111 .J.().25) - 4. I IOllavar ')2 .....ll...... __._ 1------...-1 1__ 37 i7 3 I t--.Ll oo.O()) ( 1-1. t:l) 122.S2 ) . (-1()nl __liS.IS) n.2()[ (1.1)')) 5. Karwar 55 s K ______;;_K __~ ') 1 t--- --_ -~--"- c- D OIl.OO) (1-1.55 ) ( 1-15S) (5(J.')a ..lildl») (.1.1,.1 6. KUlllla 113 33 25 .1.1 III I I (iOO.O()) (2'1.'0) (22 I2l _nso.~ ..lS.S5] _lO.S') ((I.S'I) 7. MlIndgod 8-1 2-1 22 :10 () I I ( 100.(0) (2857) (21),) ()) _(15721 __l7.1-1) ( II') (1.1'1) 8. Siddap"r I'N 1>--1 7S 5-1 2 I (I0(lOO)_ t---. _ ___Q2.1 (d r:1'J.2()) (27.1-11 ..lJ.{I()) (O.SIII 9. Sirsi 222 5(, (I) 1>'1 I 1 (JOO.OO) (25.21) .l.E7'1l ___ J) I 08___. ___{_(IJSJ (lI.-L'i) 10. Supa II() 51) :1'1 Ix :2 1 (JOO.O()) (-1S.2SI 03.()]) ( 15.52_l ..Li.72 ) IILS(,) - 11. Ycllapur 127 58 -11 2:" 3 ( I()(l.()()) (-15.1)7) 1:l2.2S) J I') (,'!l __l2.3(») Dislrict Rural 12(>--1 3S-l J% .,')-1 (,S 17 <; ( Inn.!)!)) D(J.1K) (lUJ) D117~ _L';.3~q ( I.J-l) (lUll)

(xxxviii) cent in hilly malnad taluks of Sirsi (()S), Siddapur th.: pr.:dominance of small villages 111 the district. (71) , Yellapur (7S) and Supa (S2). However, small villages arc lesser in extent in coastal taluks. In (viii) Sex Ratio the remaining taluks, where the extent of small In a total popultion of ),220,2()O males are villages is well below the district ratio it is highest 620,(>')7 and rest of 5()'),5()3 are females. The sex in Haliyal (GO) and lowest in Karwar (29). The ratio of Ihe district is !)()() females per WOO males. intervening taluks are MundgoJ (55), Bhatkal (53), It may be noted that it is slightly higher 10 the Kumta (51), Ankola (4S) amI Honavar (37). MediuIll State ratio of <)()o. In the rur.d areas of the district size villages in the district form 3] percent in IOtal. the sex ratio is lJ()~, which is lower than the The dispersal of such villages shows that in coastal corresponding Slate rat in of ')73. The sex-ratio in belts or taluks such villages form more than half urban I()~alities is 95lJ, which is above the of total villages in Karwar, about 42 per cent in corresponding State ratio of ()30. At the 1!)~1 Ankola, about 40 per cent in Honavar, about 3,s census there wne 958 femaks for every thousand per cent in Kumta, elc., but in the hilly malnad males. It was kss than the thl:n State average sex taluks such villages arc lesser in number as less as ratio of ,)()3. Thus the ~ex ratio in the di;,tric~ has only above 15 per cent in Supa, 20 Per cent in improved over the decade I ()S l-()J from ()5K to ()(,(). Yellapur and like. Large villages of 2,()OO population It may be noted that the neighbouring, coa;,tal district or more are 7.12 per cent in the district. Mo!".t of of Oakshina K:lI1nada has been reporting a !\ur[1lu!". these arc concentrated in coastal taluks. of females. The sex rat illS in the C.O.Blllcks l)f the district are shown in Table-7. (vii) Density of population

Tahle 7: S,·x RaJi" r"r Rural l'upulaHull of The density of pnpulation In the district in 1()!) I C.D.BI<)d,~, 1<)<)1 is 119 per sq.km. It is still lower at () I in rural

areas and 1771 in urban pockets. The corresponding SI."\o. "\"I11e: of C.D.IlI11ckfr"luk 1"0. of kmaks per 1000 l1laks ratios for the State of Karnataka an; 235 for total, ------.-_--_- 1()6 for rural and 3257 for urban. Obviously, the 1 2 3 district is one of the sparsely settled regions in the 1. Anh"lu 2. 1l11atbl 101') State, as only about 11 per cent of its land is 3. Iialival ')37 cultivable and n:st is cm'ned with hilly tracts with ... Iionavar lOur) thick forests. The distribution of villages by density 5. Kan·var 'n')

IS presented in Table-G. (,. KUlllta 7. Mundgou 1;<)1 Tahle 6: Dislrihulion or \'illagcs hy d"nsily rall!!"s 8. Siddallur 'n3 '). Sirsi ,)S5 Range of D~nsity Towl no. of Percentage of I[_~!:.____+~C':'------+---]I). Sura ')S7__ (population per villages in each villages in each II. YellaflLlr 95K sq.).;I11) ranl'e ran lIt: f---- District Rural 1 2 :I -10 'J7 7.()7 It may be noted that only in Bhatkal and It-20 105 lUI I-1onavar CO.Blocks there is favouable sex ratios 21-50 251 I()~- 51-100 2,)(, :n.J2 for women. It is apparent that this trend is the 101-200 2W 20.S7 extension from the bordering district of Dakshina 201-300 67 5.30 Kannada where surplus of females over males is 301-500 89 7.().j quite pn:valenl. In the remaining C.O.Blocks, in 3 500 and above ')') 7.in Not known - - out of 9 there is improvement in sex ratios over All ranncs 12(,.J IOD.OO the district average. In the taluks or CO.Blocks where tht: sex ratios arc below the district rural As much as in 23.42 per cent of villages from averagc the variation is from K() I in Mundgod to 51 to 100 perons live per sq. km. In over 60 per lJSK in Yellapuf. The distribution llf sex ratios in cent of villages the density is nol less Ihan 21 and towns in 1991 is placed in Table-K not more than 200 pcrsons. This fact highlights

(xxxix) Tahle II S .... x Rati() fur TU\\ll.... , 1t)l)1 TahJl' ') P,-ul.wl"liuli of S\.'Iu.·dul",·d C ...... h.·!-o Pupuiatiul) In T()t~" Pupuialiull in \ illagt.·~. 1 t)t)l SL Name and Civil' "'0. oj" kmales Status 1\;:n._'clltagc of i'\o. J\Jl11ini~tration [1cr Willi \Liles 1\: n.:\.: Iltagc range :'\0. "r \'illagc~ 111 1 2 ) of Scheduled c<.Ich range villagc.:~ in cilch 1. Ambikana"ar _C'\\ICI") ,)~5 Casles population range 2. An Kola ('I"\lC) ')'n tu total I(ek 3. Bhatkal (TMC) [1oDulatinn 4. Binaua (N\l(T) ')2S I , 3 5. Danddi (CMC) CJ)() 0-5 151 ·n.H) o. (ianesh,wudi (1\"\-1CI") 9.15 (>-10 171) '.11.1 7. J Jaliy,,1 (T\!C) ')~S 11-15 ~7 II.S-l S lJonavar (TMC) ')S2 I(,-~O ~3 5.SS 9. Kadar (I..:I'C I'mj"l"( Culuny) ')JO 21-3U -l4 5. I)') !(\:\1(:1") :11 and above ~O 5A-I /\11 R~lJlt1C.\ 735 lOu.OI) 10. Karwar (Ole) - 'n!) 11. KUl1ltaJ.l\lC). 'nl I n a toUt! of 12()-l of populated villages in the 12. !\1a lfod Colony (."\.\I(T) ~(,<) 13. Y"llapur (MP1 <)(,(, district in only 735 villages arc found the Scheduled 14. Sirsi (("\IC) 9-j') Dist rict L'rban ')5') Castes. The proportioll comes to ahout 5X per cent. In the 73) villages in which arc living members Against the sex ratio of 1)59 in the district urhan of this communituy, in n\:arly half of such villages population, the sex ratio is below this average in they f()rm ,I porporlion of uptD 5 per cent only III towns of Sirsi, Magod C(,lony, Karwar, Kadra, Haliyal, Ganeshgudi, Dandeli, Binaga and the total popUlation of these villat!es. It is () to l() Ambikanagac Among all towns, the highest sex per cent in about a lJuarter of villages in tolal of ratio obtainabk is in Bhatkal, which is ]()2S, well 735 villages. \Vhen pn'pllrlioll ()f lhi~ cOllllllunity

above the district urban average of (51). The ot her goes above l() per cent or the total popUlation or towns in which the sex rat in is above the averagL: villages, the share of such \·illages comes .down by of district urban segment arc Yellapur, KUlllta, each successively higher range. The distribution or Honavar and Ankola. The abysmally low sex ratiu share of "Scheduled Ca~les communilY in population of 461) in case of Magnd Colony betray its temporary nature of settlement related to project work. of towns is ~hllwn in Tahlc-IO.

(ix) Scheduled Castes "-ahk 10: I'erl"l'nlagl' of Sd'l"! ("1"\1(") IKII1I5 2:\)') l2,')() Castes population 111 the total population of the __jL_ cl.illnav;'f il":'ICl _ _J(,I'l2. r-' (d 'J .1.t)l__ 9. Kadra (KPC Proj~l"l 25('.1 2~ ').1)

district, the share of this community in rur~d and _. . ci'0L<'illYl..D\!CT}_. 1--:;1022 urban population of the district is 7.29 and i'l.J2 10 I..:arwar (Ci\1Cl 2VH ~.(I.1 II KUlllta ("1"\1(:,) ~(>lS I 17S7 ().S:l per cent respectively. The distribution of proport ion 12 \bgod C"lony 7'm n2 I (,5-l (:\\Wn of Scheduled Castes population in total populat ion 13 Yell"[1ur (\1[') I~~S() I J() I 7.r,! of the villages is shown in Tahk-9. l-l Sirsi JC\ICj 5111-;<)5 71')() 1-l.I~ L I lISt rict L'r»,,,, 2'n~I(, 2~~()') S. ."l2

(xl) Against a total share of about ~ per cent of comes as close as to about half of the total popUlation. Scheduled Castes in Ihe lotal urban population of Although. Ihere arc still a!> much as ~ villages in the district, Scheduled Casks are forming as high which this community forms a share of 51 and abllye as 1().95 per cent in the population of Ankola, H).54 pern:ntage. The share of thl: community in thl: per cent in Magod Colony, 14.14 per cent in Sirsi. population of the towns in II)!) I is set in Tabk-12. 12.99 per cent 111 Haliyal, 11.01 per cent in Ganeshgudi, 9.18 per cent in Dandeli and 9. n per T"hl.- 12: l)cr~cnt"gc uf Sdl.-dll"''' Tribes "oplIlation in To" n.!o!o, 1991 cent in Kadra. In the rest of the towns thl: proportion is below 8 per cent. It is as low as Sf. "a me of Town TOlal Total Percentage 1 58 per cent in Bhatkal town. Similarly. in Binaga's l\"o. I'opu. Sche- uf population only 2.65 per cent are the Scheduled lalion duled Scheuuleu Castes, while the share is as low as 3.H2 per cent Trihes Tribes Popu- Population in the case of town of Honavar. latinll 10 TOlal Population (x) Scheduled Tribes I 2 3 -l 5 I. Aillbikanagar W6-l 7-1 1.22 Only 1O,I()S members belonging 10 this i(0:\lcl') community live in this district in 1991. They fllrl11 2. An~ola ('I"\1C) 1:150') 01 0.01 a share of only (UG per cent in the total population 3. Bhal~al (T\le) 31-l7K 22R 0.72 -l. Bin,,,,,, .(\:\1C~Il nSI OR (J.II of the districl. This community has a share of 4.26 5. Danddi (C\IC) 527(J1 237 0.-l5 per eent in the State of Karnataka. In the tolal (). Cianc,h"uui .i:\\IC U 3371 3() 1.07 of to,168 Scheduled Tribes in the dislrict 9,074 (H9 7. Ilali;-al (n'le) IKOnS 101 O..'i7 per cent) arc rural inhabitants and rest arc urban k. Ilunavar (T\IC) 1<>1')2 10 0.0(, 25()3 dwellers. The communilY forms 0.98 per cenl of 'J. Kadra (KPC l'rojcct OK 1J.31 Colonv) ('\'"\1(T) rural and 0.37 per cent of urban populati'lIl of the 10. Karwar (C\lC) 5W22 P7 0.25 district respectively. The corresponding State ligures II. Kumla _('1"\1 q Z(dSI 3-l (J.13 arc 5.24 and 2.06 per cent, which arc quite high in 12. \lagod Colony 7')X 20 2.51 relation to the district averages. In Table-II is iL\;.vICT) 13. Y,,"apur (;\11') 1-l-l5() 03 0.02 presented the distribution of proportion of Scheduled 1-1. S, rsi _1C:\1 CJ. SOH,)5 2(J7 0.-11 Tribes popUlation to total population in the villages Districi Lrhan 2')-151(, iO')-l 0.37 of the district in 1991. It may be seen that against 0.37 per cent of Tahle 11: "rup<>rtiun uf S~hcdull'd Tribc~ Pupulation to this comlllunity in the total .district urban population, Tutal ""!,lIlation in Villag'·... '991 the share i!> as high as 2.51 in Magod Colony. It may be recalkd that in this town the share of Percentage range i\u. of villages in Percentage of Schedukd Castes is second highest and also that of Scheduled each range villages in each Tnbes Population range Ihe sex ratio (4(J9) is lowest in all towns. All this to total Population put together gives a clear demographic profile of I 2 3 a town, which is erectl:d ,)11 some construction or 0-5 ')5 7(J.37 project work and settlement here is of temporary 6-15 15 11.11 16-25 5 3.71 nature. Other towns in the district having relatively 2()-35 (> -l.·U higher share of the community arc Ambikanagar, 3()-50 (, -l.-l-l (Janeshgudi and Bhatkal. The lowl:st proportion is 51 & ahove k 5.93 fnund in Ankola and Yellapur. All Ranges 135 100.00

In only about 11 per cent of total inhabited (xi) Literacy villages in the district arc found the memners of In the 1991 census a person who can both read this community. Such villages arc 135 in number. and write with understanding in any language is In over 70 per cent villages the share of the "literate". But, a person who can ml:rely read but Community is only upto 5 per cent. There arc only cannot write is not treated as "literate". It was not 15 villages in which the share range is (} to 15. required of a lilerate person to have any formal Only (} villages arc such in which Ihl: community

(xli) education or having passed any minimum educational CI.;Ill. Ot1 the other hand in talllhs YellaplIf, Sllpa, standard. In this census, all children of the age of Mundgod, Haliyal and Bhatkal the extent of male 6 years or less are treated as illiterate. Accordingly literacy is below the district rate. In this gruup of there are 689,278 literate persons in the district. The literacy rate comes to 66.73 per cent. It is talllks it is highcst in Yellapllr (71.65) and lowest above the State average of 56.04 per cent. The in Haliyal (56.87). In respect or females, as against share of literates in the taluks is given in Table-13. the 51.31 per cent of literacy ratc for the district

Table 13: Literacy Ratl's fur Rural !'upulatiun uf T"IIIk.~ rural as a whole, the rate is above this in the taluks (C.U.lUocks) by !oex, 1991 (l<::XcJuding children in Ihe age-group ().c,) of Yellapur, Sirsi, Siddapur, Kumta, Karwar. Honavar and Ankola. The luwest rate ill respect of fi.:ll1;tlc St.No. Name of Percentage of L.iterates TalukJC.D.Block liti.:racy is in Haliyal taluk (2S.71 per Ci.:I1t) as against Persons Males Females highest in Sirsi (61.11 per cent). The literacy rate" 1 2 3 4 5 1. Ankola 64.52 7(,.11 5233 for town" in 1<)')J arc providcd in Tahlc-14. 2. I1hatkal 52.84 (>..lAS -lI.W 3. lIalival 43.28 5 (dO ?~UI Tahle 14: Likral'), I{ale~ ror lown~, 19Y1 4. Iionavar (H.W, 75.1(, 54.')4 (l·xdudin~ l:hildn'n ill the ag(>-group tl-(» 5. KaIWar 70.57 81.49 59.53 6. Kumta 66.75 77.91 55.38 St."'o. T'amc and Civic Percentage of I _jtcratL'~ 7. MundITod 52.34 (,y,'! 40.5') ,\ulllinist ratIon Status 8. Siddapur (>').78 79.08 (>0.29 or Town 9. Sirsi 69.13 7(.. 75 (d .11 Persons ;\bles Fl'male~ 10. Supa 52.37 (H.9'! 39.?1 I 2 3 4 5 11. Yellapur 63.14 7 J.(,.) 5-1.20~_ I. /\Illi1ikana"ar (\:;\1(,"1') 78.S(, t>5.-12 71.85 District Rural 62.10 72.58 51.31 2. Ank,)la ('1';\1(,) 71)')-1 8(,.78 73.18 3. llhatkal (I'M C) S( .. 75 91.71 S2.()O In the rural population of the district the literacy 4. Ilina),(a (1"\,\;ICI') 77.-1-l 1>4.')11 (,').5(> rate is 62.10 per cent. The taluks having literacy 5. l)andeli (,;\IC) 7S'):; K5.08 (>(,.-12 (,. C,anesi1"lIui _(:\\ICl') S5.01 'J3.3U 7(>.()) rates above 62 per cent arc Ankola, Honavar, 7. Ilaliyal (T;\IC) (ii.7(, 7').-10 5'i.)(, Karwar, Kumata, Siddapur, Sirsi and Yellapur. In 8. Iionava r ('1''\1 C) S3.32 s'i.i'i 77.21 9. Kadra (KPC Pn)jel't SO.22 S7.V, 72.41 this category is not included the lone coastal taluk Col()ny) (\:\1("1') Ill. Karwar (Ole} SUO ') 1.-15 77.-111 of Bhatkal against other coastal taluks which arc II. KUlllta (,),\1<:) 81.S4 S9.78 n.75 included in this category. Incidentally, the literacy 12. IVl~goJ Coluny ')2.88 '18.55 78.-12 i(Ml(T) rate in Bhalkal laluk is only 52.84, SiJdiJpur, Sirsi 13_ Yellanur (\11') 7("J') 84.15 (,S,43

Sir~i (C\I<:) 8-1.0S 8').15 78.71 and Yellapur belong to malnad group of taluks, 1-1. ---- _. ---- District L'rban HI.IO 8H.I~ 73.7') which are hilly in most parts. Haliyal, a hilly malnad taluk, bordering the Dharwad district is lowest placed The urban litnacy in the district is considerably in respect of literacy with a' rate of only 43.28 per high (S1.10 pef cent) as against the fural one ((12.10 cent. Other lagging taluks arc Mundg;)d and Supa. per cent). But there arc towns where the rates As a rule in each and every taluk the males arc arc below 81.10 per cent. Tht:st: arc Y clbpur, proportionately more literate than females. Among Kadra, Haliyal, DanJdi, Binaga, Ankula and taluks the extent of male literacy varies also. It is Ambikanagar. Among towns in the district. the above the district average of 72.58 per cent in taluks highest rate is found in Magod Colony, followed by of Sirsi, Siddapur, Kumta, Karwar, Honavar and Bhatkal and Ganeshgudi. Tht: lowi.:sl rate is found Ankola, being highest in Karwar with 81,49 per cent in Haliyal town. As is the case in rural popubtion of literates and lowest in Honavar with 75.16 per in towns also the proportion or literati.:s among

(xlii) males is higher than what is found in kmaks. Their proportion 111 total pnpulation of the district However, the extent of male and female litcracy is 35.13, 3.65 and (>1.22 per cent rcspectivcly. The rates vary townwise. In respect of male literacy rate, corresponuing State figures are 38.45, 3.54 anu 58.01 against the district average of 88.12 per cent, it is per cent respectively. It may be noted that the

above this rate In towns of Sirsi, Magod Colony, extent of non-workers 111 the district is relatively Kumla, Karwar, Honavar, Ganeshgudi and BhatkaL higher. I n the rural population of thc district the In all towns it IS highest in Magou Colony and work participation rate is 41.88 per cent which is lowest in Haliyal. The district avcrage for femalc much above the corresponding urban average of literacy stands at 73.79 per cent in urban population. 29.01 per cent. The work participation rates 111 In Sirsi, Magod Colony, Karwar, Honavar, respect of rural units are set forth in Table-IS. Ganeshgudi and Bhatbl the female literacy rates arc even higher than the district average for towns. Il may be noted that in taluks there is variat ion In respect of total workl:r~ proportion in total Among towns the highest rate of female literacy is population. It is as low as :n.()() per cent in Bhatkal ohservcd in Bhatkal and lowest in Haliyal. Il may CD. Block to as high as SO.lJS in Haliyal. The wurk be noted that the town of Haliyal which lies ncar the border of Oharwad district is least literate town participation. rate IS above the district average of -lU18 per cent 111 CO.Blocks, Sirsi, Sit.!dapur, in the district. Mundgod, Ankola ant.! of course in Haliyal. In (xii) Main \Vorkcrs, Mal'ginal WOI'kcI's and Non­ each ant.! every taluk or CO.Block, the work workers participation rate of males is above that of the There arc 428,(1(13 total main workers, 44,4

Tahle 15: Percentage 01' '-lain \\'urkl'r~, 'Jar~inal \\'urkl'r~ an :\()n-\V()rkl'r~ for .{ural Population 01"

"1',,11111., (<:'1).111,1<'11.,), 1 ~~I

SI. No. Name of the Pen:cnlagc of Taluk/C.D. Block 'vlain \Vorkers to Total I\targinal Workers to Total Workers to Total :\on-Workcrs to Total Population Total Population Population P"pulation p M F P M F P \1 F I> \-f F 1 2 3 -1 5 (J 7 S ') IU II 12 13 14 I. Ankola 37.73 53.-10 21.20 8.12 1.-16 15.1(, 45.S5 54.S(, 3().3(, 54.15 45.14 63'(r-I 2- I1hatkal 29.')3 47.28 12.91 3.13 0.')9 5.23 33.U6 4<-;.27 n-U4 (,(). ')4 51.73 l:I1.8(, 3. Ilaliyal 44.25 57.75 29.85 (,.73 1.1-1 12.-17 50.98 5').O'J 42.32 4').02 40.91 57.68 4. I lonavar 32.25 52.W 12.03 4.22 0.')3 7.50 36..17 52.53 19.53 (1.1.53 4(,A7 80..17 5. Karwar ).J.03 4').78 17.% 2.20 0.E2 3.W 3(,.23 50.W 215(, (,:l.77 49.40 78.-14

6. Kumtu 35.0(, 5 i.(,2 18.75 3.81 0.78 (,') I 3').17 52.40 '].s.()(, (,(j.83 47.W 74.1-1 7. MunJg,oJ 41.1H 53.09 27.82 1.22 0.1)(, 1.51 42.-10 54.05 2').33 57.W 45')5 70.(,7 8. Siddapur 40.25 5'1.()5 20.30 8.55 1'('(, 15.()3 4S.80 (,[.31 35.93 51.2U 38.(>') (>-I.U7 9. Sirsi 43.9l:1 (>1..19 25,(>:1 5.21 I.U9 ').54 4').1 'I ()2.58 35.17 50.HI 37.42 (>-I.in 10. Supa 37..13 5JAO 20.75 J.7() 1.05 ().5E 41.1 ') 54.45 27.:>.J 58.81 4555 72.M) II. Yellarur 39.1'1 57.74 1'),82 l.OI 0:10 :lSI 41.2() 581)..1 2:l(,3 58.81J 41')() 71).,7 District Rural 37.12 5.J.21 19.H') 4.5(, 1.05 8.17 41.88 55.2(, 28.IJI) SH.12 44.74 71.94

(xliii) (48.27 per cent) in Bhatkal. While in case of female of work fJ

(15.25) and Kumta (13'()7). This rate is lowe~t in The work participation rate 111 towns of the Magod Colony. Being a transitory settlement. in this district is 29.01 per CCnt. AmDng males 47.36 per town the proportion of women is low as witne~;,eJ cent form total workers in towns and in females by pom sex ratio of 4()(). Therefore the female 9.87 per cent arc total workers in turn. The extent work participation rate in this town is abo lower.

Tahle 16: Pl"n'et)la~e or 'lain '\'()rkt·r~. ~lar~iual \"()rkt'r~ alld ~oH~\\"orkt'r~ ill Tu\\ II .... 1')91

SI.No. Name and Civic Pt...:rn.:ntabc: -uf Administ ration Status of Town

:\1ain Workers to \1:lrginal Workers tll Total \\'ork<:rs to "Oil-Workers td Total Total Population Total Population Total Population Populatioll I' M F J> :\1 F P \1 F I' .vI F

1 2 3 -I 5 (, 7 Ii I) 10 II 12 IJ 1-1

1. Ambikanagar (N:vICI') 27.97 46.07 8X2 0.11 0.06 0.17 28.0H -1(>.13 k.'I') 71.'J2 53.S7 ') 1.111 _" _.-_-_r- _ I-- - 2. Ankola (TMC) 29.4-1 4(dO 12.5-1 3.-1& I()& -1.9& 32.'>2 -1&.2<> 1752 (,7.llk 51.72 H2 -IS

3. Bhatkal (TMC) 21.% 38.2-1 6.1(, 0.42 0.51 0:13 22..1() 3s.7S (1..1') 77.W (d .25 '>.1..'\1

4. Binaga (I"MCI') 30.30 -IS.-I(, 10.73 0.37 0.1') 0.57 3().(,7 .1S.(,5 ILlIl (,').:n 513S SH 7()

5. Dandeli (CMC) 26.23 -1-1.&7 (,.73 0.51 0.52 U.5U 2(•. 7.1 -I5.:l'J 7.23 73.2(, 54,(>1 ')2.77

6. Gancshgudi (i\:MCI") :U•. OS -I-I.-l9 (,.3S 2(,.0& -I-I.-lI) (dS 73.')~ 55.51 'J3.(,2

7. Ilaliyal (TMC) 32.71 50.32 1-1.12 0.74 037 O.D :n.45 50H) 1:'.15 (,(,55 4')31 k·l.75

8. Iionavar ('fMC) :U,.75 -17.-1(, 5.!.(, 0.2') 0.22 0.:\(. 27.(1-1 .17.(,k (d)2 72.% 52:12 'IJ.'!H .. _ "._.-i----

9. Kaura (K)'C J'roject 21!.5(, -I().-lS 5.57 :2.2(. 3.05 1.31) 30.H2 525:1 (,. ')(, (>'i. IS -17.47 ').1.(4 Colony) (NMC"T) -- "-.--.- 10. Karwar (CMC) 28.27 45.79 ').-l2 (j.g') 0.')4 OXI 2').1(, -1(,.7) Ill.25 7().S-I 5327 S').75

11. Kumta (1'MC) 3.20 -18.79 l1.0S 1.1 ') 0.:>'> 2.02 :lLl') -l'J.IS 131)7 (,S.(l[ SIJ.S2 S(,.'rl

12. Magod Colony 52.26 74.-10 5.10 0.37 0.5S 52.(,) 74()5 S.IO ·1737 2S.1l5 ').J.')() (NMCr)

13. Sirsi (CMC) 31.13 51.48 ').(,1) 0.(,7 0.24 1.12 3 I. SO 5l.72 IIl.SI (,X 20 4X.2X S').I')

14. Yellapur (MP) 28.27 48.29 7St OA4 0.1-1 0.7(, 2S.71 .JS.-l3 K.:11 71.29 51.57 ') 1.(,1)

District Urban 28.23 -I(dSl S.H.J 0.7H 0.55 1.03 29.01 47.3() II.S7 71l.'1') 52,(>-1 0').13



The Primary Census Ab"tract furnishes, in a }1),)1 as well as the correspllnding eode numbers nutshell as it were, vital information on the basic assigned in 1<)S I) precedes the presentation of the demographic and economic composition of the village-wise PCA followed by the ward-wise PCA population. This statement, referred to as PCA, in respect of town~ and outgrowths if any within summarises the whole mass of data gathcred at the the jurisdiction of the concerned CD.Block. After Census. The smallest geographical unit with a thus exhausting all tht: CD.Blocks in tht: district, clearly defined boundary identitiable on the lield the town/urban agglnmeratiul1s an.: cnvcred one by that has been delineated for ensuring ccnt per cent one in the asct:nding order of their location code coverage of the area under the jurisdiction of various I1lllhbers without regard to the fact whether any of administrative units is the Census Enumeration BhlCk. these towns m pmtions thereof (eg. outgrowths) The details gathcred in the househokl ;,chedulcs in have already been covered under one or the other respect of each and every person enumerated in of the Comlllunity Development Blocks. As in JlJS I, each &Ul:h bloek have heen mdieulnusly tahulateu on this occasion too, the peA has been compiled to prepare this Primary Census Ahstraet. The separately in respect of the Schedukd Castes and tabulation has bet:n done entirely by manual Schedukd Tribes Population of the District. The processing of the data at the Regional Tabulation District PCA for Scheduled Castes and for Schcduled Offices. The village PCA is derived from the Block Tribes art: prest:nted after the PCA for the urban PCA and in case of urban areas, the Block PCA areas. The pattern of prt:sentati(lll of data in these has yielded the ward and Town PCA. In turn, the two statements is the same as that adopted for Taluk (Rural) and Taluk (Urban) as well as Taluk prcsentation of data in the Di;.trict PCA. (Total) PCA statements as well as the CD. Block-wise PCA Statements arc built up on the basis of It may be recalled thal in Karnalaka the term Village-wise and Town-wise data. This process goes CommunilY Dt:vclopmellt Block is nol in vogue" aflu on until it yields the data for higher and higher that its t:quivaicflt i" the Talllk Panchayat Samiti. administrative divisions, such as the District and the The jurisdiction of each Taluk Panchayat Samiti is State, culminating at the apex in the form of a coterminus with thal of the corresponding Talllk single line statemcnt for the country. Tht: entire bUl excludes the statutory towns. In other words, edilice thus rests on the information containt:d in tht: administrative jurisdiction of a Taluk Panchayat the household schedules lilled up by the t:nUl11erator. Samiti COVCfS all the villages of the Taluk (as listed out for the IW1 census) as also the villagcs or The District Primary Census Ab~tract is parts thereof which have been cIassilied as presented immediately after this Explanatory Note. non-l11unicipaltowns for purposes of the 11)1)1 census This statement gives the aggregate ligurt:s for the and the revenue villages or porlions then:of which district with the rural-urban break up, the aggregate havc been idt:ntified as outgrowths of statulory towns ligures for each CD.Block (with the rural-urban and have lherefore been cxcludt:d from the purview hreak up) and the aggregate ligure~ for each of Rural PCA. It is important to rel1lt:l1lber that town/urban agglomeration within the district. It is in this statement, the IJarliculars relating to thc important to note that the lowest unit for which non-municipal towns (such as those auministen:u by the data are presented here is tk CD.Block and MandaI Panchayats) and those relating to the not the traditional taluk*. Thereaftcr the outgrowlhs (places which arc not towns in their C.D.Blocks within the district arc taken up one by own right) arc repeated - for tht:sc appear onee one in the alphabetical order of their names. For below the concel ned CD.Block and again under each CD.Block, an alphabetical list of villages (which the 'urban areas' of the district. indicates the code numbers assigned tn villages in

" For purposes of compariso/l wilh 1981. daIU Ille Toluk wise District PC'A I\'illr Rural - Ur/J(JIl breakup is givell ill Append\: 1. The Primary Census Abstract has 21 malll So, in somc cascs thc namc or numhcr rcporkd in columns to furnish information about thc nalllc of this clliumn rcfcrs tll sUl.:h tcrritmial di\'i~iuns anJ the unit, arca, number of occupicd rcsidcntial housc!->, not tll administrative divisions. number of households, population, numbcr of pcr!->ons in the age-group of 0-(>, numbcr of persons bdonging COLUl\IN 3 : An~a or the Village in lIedarl's to Scheduled Castes and Schedukd Tribcs, numbcr .lIld or Town in S(IUare Kilollll'1I'l'S :- For thc of literates, number of main workcrs and thcir vil'lages, the arca is rcpmtcd h~rc in hcctarcs upto distribution among nine industrial categorics, numbcr two placcs of dccimal and for the towns, as also of marginal workcrs and the numbcr of non-workcrs. the wards or divisions thcrcof, the arc a figurcs arc In the District PCA, each column indicating the furnishcd in square kilomctn:s upto two places of data on population characteristics is sub-dividcd into decimal. It may hc incidcntally mentillllcd herc 3 columns in order to indicate the total as wcll as that for none of the towns 111 the Statc, the sex-wise break-up whereas in the villagc/town Ward/Division-wisc area ligurcs are avaibblc. If the PCA, each such column (with the exception of Total arc a ligurcs are not avaibblc for any rcason, a d~lsh Population and Pnpuiation in the 0-6 age group) is (-) is cntercd in this column. sub-divided into two columns to indicatc the !->ex-wisc break-up only. COLlIl\IN -t : NlIlllbel' of (kcupit-d Rl'sidl"ntial 1I0usl's ;- A 'Census HllUSC' could he wholly

It may be mcntioned at this juncturc that for rcsidential l)f partly residcntial or else complctcly each town/urban agglolllcration III thc district, non'rcsidcntial according, to thc usc to which it is information rcgarding the total population, Scheduled put. All census Iwu,~~s cnUJJlcratcd as cithcr wholly Castes Population and Schcdukd Tribcs Population or partly rcsid~ntial at th~ timc of the ccnSll!-> count of each census enumcration block as also thc arc addcd tugcthcr to g,ct thc data for the block particulars regarding the b()undaries of each Ccn!->us and frum th~ncc to dcrivc th~ data for higher unit!->. Enumeration Block havl: bccn compikd and arc Hou!->es found \aeant at the time of the eCll!->U!-> [uunt kcpt for the census data uscrs' rcfcrcnCl: in the arc nut rcckoncd as occupicd rcsidcnti~t1 housc.s. Library of the Officc of the Director of Ccnsus The information for this column has bCCll cOlllpil~d Opcrations, Karnataka. from the Abridgcd Hou!->cli!->ts.

COLUMN 1 : Location Code Number ;- The COLUl\IN 5 : NUllIbl'I' of lIousl'ilOlds ;- This location code numbcr assigncd to thc villagc or thc information too is compilcd from thc Abridgcd town as the case may be is cntcrcd in this column. Hou~clists. Thc actual tutal numb~r of hou!->cllllids including the 'normal', 'institutional' and thc COLVl\IN 2 :- Name of VillagelTown/Ward ;­ 'housclcss' thaI wcrc cllullleratcd at thc ccnsus count The name of the village or the town as finally is Illcntioncd in this column. (Jcnerally, thc number adopted for the 11)1)1 census purposes is cntcrcd in of hou!->clwlds in any unit would bc cqual tt) or this column. The towns and citics arc oftcn dividcd more than the occupicd residential ht)uscs in that into smaller geographical segments callcd wards, unit because of the Iwuselc~s households tll;lt onc mohallas or divisions for purposcs of administration. may cumc across in thaI unit and abo hccause of Such units bear distinctive locality names or specific the IKclsion;11 instanccs of two or more households numbers. IL i~ this name or thc number of the sharing a common ccnsus hou>.c. ward or its equivalent unit that is mcntiuncd hcrc in the casc of towns. COLUl\1 NS 6, 7 AN D X: Total PopUlation (induding Institutional and lIollsdl"sS Population):­ Irrespcctive of whcthcr a town is di\'id~d into Thc tlltal population as on thc rcfercncc date is administrative wards or not, every town is invariably furnishcd in column (i whilc in the ncxt two columns constiluted into territorial divisions for the conduct the sex-wise break, up is givcn. The institutional of civic elections. This ddimitation of con~titucncies population rcfers to such of thosc who wcre is done as an essential and prcliminary proccss of enumcratcd in instit utions likc hostcls, chull1l11crics, civic elections schedulcd to bc hcld pcriodically. hospitals, prisons ctc. Thc housclcs~ pcrsons

2 n:pn:sent tllllse who \\ere enumerated on till' night productiw \Hlrk. Thl: rL'krenee perilld fllr judging pi 2~th February )<)')1 at the pbn:s where they \\hether a per~on is a workL'r or !lot in thl: Yl:ar were found at that lime, provided lhey h:ld nol preceding the day \)1' enquiry. If a person had already been enumer:lled ebewhere. \\'(lIkl:d e\l:n for onl: d:lv during this l:ntirc pl:riod

he or shl: is l:ntitkd to bl: cbssilied as it worker. COLUl\lNS 9, HI and II : Population in the If for any such worker the peri\)d of work is ISJ age group (II - 6) :- The lotal number of children days or more then t hat person is a main worke r. helonging to the age-group of ()-(i in the total On the othcr h:lI1d, if ;,uch perind is kss than IsJ pppulation as also the number of males and fem:tles days then that worker is a marginal worker. In anHlng them arc reported under these three columns. column~ IS and II} thl: total number of main workl:fs Thi." information is of con,idcrabk sigllificancl: .\inn: is furni~hed sex-wise and a sex-wise break up of all such children arc regarded as illiterate at the these main \Hlrkl:rs according In the nine-fnlL! 'indus­ ]<)<)1 Census, trial clas~illcati()n of worker,,' .is pre~ented in the next 2() columns i.l:., frolll column 2() to column Jl).

COLUl\lNS 12 AND IJ : Scheduled Castes :­ Numher of males and females belonging to Schcdukd Cu lti\ ators Ca;,tes is indicated in thl:se lwo colulllns. Whl'lhl'r (Catl'gl)l')-I) :- Thl:;,l: two columns givl: out thl: a person belongs to a Scheduled Castl: ur nOI h:ls numher of nwk and fcmak workl:rs who satisfy the been determined with refen:nce to the Li\t of conditions bid down in the ddinition of a cultivatnr. Scheduled Castes in Karn:ltaka according to the A culti\'atur m:ly be an l:mplo)l:r, a ;,ingle worker Scheuukd Castl:S and Schedukd TrihL's or an unp:lid family wmku·. Partil:ipation in work (Amendment) Order )In() (Act No, ]()~ of l'n(» may hl: by way of physical Lthllur or by way uf (Sec Appendix). Scheduled CasleS may bc:lollg to supcn'ision and directiun. The Ltnds cultivated may either the Hindu or the Sikh or the Buddhist religipn. be owned by the househnld or t:lken un lease I'm payment in muncy m kind m share in the produce. Culti\'ation, as already emphasi;,ed in\'(lh'es pluu!,!hin!,!, COLUI\INS 1~ AND 15 : Scheduled Tribl's Number of males and females belonging to Scheduled sllwing and harvesting and allied aeti\'ities in the Trihes is reporled under these columns. Whuher production of cereals and millet crops, pUlses, raw a person belongs to a Scheduled Tribe or Illll has jute and kindru.! lihrl:s, ;,ug:lrC:lnl:, tapioca and oil been determined with reference to the 'List of sl:eds. Schedukd Tribes in Karnataka' accurding to the Sl'IKduled Castes and Schl:dulcd Trihes COLUI\INS 22 A1\iD .23 : Agr-il'ultul'al Labolll'er (Amendment) Ordl:r IIn() (Act N o.WS pI' I In(,) (Category -II) :- A per;,on who works in anuther (Sl:e Appendix for the list). Schl'duled Trihes Illay pl:rson's land for wages in mOI1l:Y or kind or ;,harl: bdong to any religion. and dnes nut have any lease ur contract un the land un which he or she works is an agrintlt ural COLUI\INS 16 AND 17 : Litel'ales :- Sl:x,wise Ltbnurer. In thi;, ea;,e too, the crop;, grown on the break up of the total numbn of pl:rsons who arl: lands arc quite pertinent ami the dillcrulce between litl:rate, irrl:spl:ctivl: of thl:ir levels of l'ducation:tI a culti\':ltor and an ;lgricultur:tI lahourl:r li<.:s in thl: attainments is givl:n in thl:se two columns. By fact that the fonner wmks on his own or leased in ddinition a litnate is a pnson who can buth rl::ld lands as an indepl:ndent workl:r whik the lalter and write with underst'anding in any langu:lge. It works for wages having no right wkltsol:vcr OIl the Ltnds on \vhich hl: wmb. Thl: sl:x-wisc hrl:ak-up is important to note that for purposes of the 1')1) I Cl:nsus by ddinition all children in the () - () age of such Wllrkl:rs is givl:n in thl:~l: two columns. group arc n:g;_jrdcd as illilerale. E\UJ if sudl a child is going to sehoul and has picked up reading COLlIl\l]'\S 2-1 AND 25 : Lhest(Kk, F(Jn~str.y, and writing a fl:w odd words it is trl:atl:d as illiterate. Fishing, lIunting and Plantations, Orchanls and Allil'd adivitil'S (Category - II I) :- A sex-wise break COLUI\INS 1M AND 19 : Total 1\1ain \\'ol'ken.:­ up nf the wmkers who Wl:rl: mainly engaged in A worker is a pl:rson who participates in economically acti\'ities cunIlectcd with livestock rearing, forestry and logging, hUHting, fishing, plantations, orchards COLUMNS 34 AND 35 : Trade alld COIllIllCI·ce cte., is given under these columns. (Catcgol'Y - VII) :- In thcs(.; two column" th(.; nU111bcr of malc and femalc worKcrs cngagcJ in wholcsalc COLUMNS 26 AND 27 : Mining and Quanoying or r(.;tail tradc in gllods llr engagcJ in dealing with (Category - IV) :- A sex-wise break lip of the insurance, sto(.;ks and shar(.;s, banking and finan(.;ial workers mainly engaged in actiVities connected with institutions etc., (.;ithcr as propridors or in any oth(.;r mining and quarrying is given under these columns. capacity arc indicated.

COLUMNS 28 AND 29 : Manufacturing, COLlJl\lNS 36 AND 37 : Transpol't, Storoage Proc~ss.ing. Servicing and Repairs - Household and Communications (Category - Vlll) :- A s(.;x-wisc Industry (Category - V[a]) :- Household industry breakup of the workers in establishments sllch as belongs to the broad category of 'manufacturing, railways, road transport, transport.ation by wakf-ways processing, servicing and repairs' and represents a or by air, postal and t(.;Jt:graphs, telecommuni· particular sector therein. Household industry is cations cle., which arc engagcd in transport, storage generally conducted by the head of household himself and nm1l11unieation activities is given in these or herself and or mainly by the members of the cnlumns. household, at home or within the village in the case of those dwelling in rural arcas and only within the COLlJJ\JNS 3S AND 39 : Other Sel'vices residential premises occupied by the household in (Catl'l,:oloy - IX) :- This r(.;~iduary call:gmy indud(.;s the case of those living in urban areas. A person i.:mploy(.;(.;s of th(.; Centr'll and State (Jovi.:rnments, may be a lahourer or a petty cmpltlyee in th(.; IDcal bodi(.;s and oth(.;r organisations and institutions houschold industry run by some otl1Lr housdwld. i.:ngaged in educational, sci(.;ntiJic, l11(.;dical and health By and large the houschold industry is carri(.;d on scrvie(.;s, rdig,illus and welfare scrviccs, community by individuals on a small scak with or without th(.; serviccs, rccrcational s(.;fvic(.;s, p(.;rsonal sefvie(.;s and assistance of family members all of whom work as oth(.;r miscellaneous acti\·iti(.;s not cover(.;d in the ~ unpaid family workers and the entire earnings arc cat(.;gorics specified above. treated as family income. COLUJ\INS ..to AND ..t1 : Marginal Worker"s ;­ COLUMNS 30 AND 31 l\lanufacturing, Males and females who arc workers but ha\"\.: worh:d Processing. Servicing and Repairs - NOli-household for less lhan 1S3 Jays during the rcfcrence y(.;ar Industry (Category - V[b]) :- A scx-wisc break up arc reported under these two colulllns. Such of the workers who were engaged in manufacturing, workers, irr(.;spective of the cconomic s(.;ctor in which processing, servicing and rcpair activities III thcy w(}rk, ar(.; considered togcth(.;r and rcporlcd establishments which do not qualify to be c1assificd here. as household industry as dcfincd above {category V(a)} is given here. COLVl\lN 42 AND 0.13 NOIl-wo,okers Irrespective of ag(.; and sex, all thos(.; who ar(.; COLUMNS 32 AND 33 COllstructioll not economically activ(.; arc non-workers and (Category-VI) :- Workers engaged in construction, a s(.;x-\vis(.; brcak-up of such pcrsons is given maintenance, upkeep, repair and similar activities in these two columns. The aggrcgalt: or the of buildings, roads, railways, hridges, dams, canals, main wmk(.;rs, marginal wOfkcrs and 110n­ electrical and water supply installations, COl11l11uni­ wDrk(.;rs would bc equal to lh(.; lDUt! population cation systems etc., arc shown under this category. of that unit.


Location Name of Total/ Area No. of No.of Total Population Total population Code District/ Rural/ in Occupied House- (Including Institutional In the age Group Number C.D.Block/UA/ Urban Sq. Residen- holds and Houseless Population) (0 6) City/Town Kms. tial Houses


(1) (2) (3) (4 ) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ( 11 ) (12)

UTTAR KANNAD District T 10291.00 217086 224470 1220260 620697 599563 187393 96139 91254 R 10124.70 163105 168400 925744 470332 455412 144920 74250 70670 U 166.30 53981 56070 294516 150365 144151 42473 21889 20584

A. C.D.BLOCK'S TOTAL T 10216.53 172162 177555 969425 492878 476547 152039 77934 74105 R 10124.70 163105 168400 925744 470332 455412 144920 74250 70670 U 91.83 9057 9155 43681 22546 21135 7119 3684 3435

1 ANKOLA C.D.Block T 911.28 14354 14430 77801 39922 37879 11357 5872 5485 R 911.28 14354 14430 77801 39922 37879 11357 5872 5485 U

2 BHATKAL C.D.Block T 343.69 15233 15665 97539 48312 49227 19596 9960 9636 R 343.69 15233 15665 97539 48312 49227 19596 9960 9636 U

3 HALIYAL C.D.Block 833.62 12139 13523 76358 39402 36956 13549 6905 6644 R 832.84 10745 12127 70294 36285 34009 12560 6408 6152 U 0.78 1394 1396 6064 3117 2947 989 497 492

100000 AMBIKANAGARA (NMCT) U 0.78 1394 1396 6064 3117 2947 989 497 492

4 HONAVAR C.D.Block T 745.94 23142 23424 129650 64616 65034 19463 10035 9428 R 745.94 23142 23424 129650 64616 65034 19463 10035 9428 U

5 KARWAR C.D.Block T 717.74 18348 19446 89260 45233 44027 11533 6057 5476 R 709.68 16221 17278 79416 40115 39301 9928 5187 4741 U 8.06 2127 2168 9844 5118 4726 1605 870 735

103000 BINAGA (NMCT) U 7.86 1522 1545 7281 3776 3505 1165 636 529 108000 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY U 0.20 605 623 2563 1342 1221 440 234 206 (NMCT)

6 KUMTA C.D.Block T 566.64 18562 18982 107963 54550 53413 16372 8323 8049 R 566.64 18562 18982 107963 54550 53413 16372 8323 8049 U


Scheduled Castes· Scheduled Tribes Literates Name of Location District/ Code C.D.Block/UA/ Number Ci ty/Town


(13) (14) (15 ) ( 16) ( 17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (2) (1 )

91990 46612 45378 10168 5221 4947 689278 400692 288586 un AR KANNAD District 67491 34273 33218 9074 4630 4444 484878 287476 197402 24499 12339 12160 1094 591 503 204400 113216 91184

71707 36435 35272 9257 4728 4529 513225 303505 209720 C.D.BLOCK'S TOTAL A. 67491 34273 33218 9074 4630 4444 484878 287476 197402 4216 2162 2054 183 98 85 28347 16029 12318

4876 2548 2328 15 8 7 42868 25917 16951 AN KOLA C.D.Block 4876 2548 2328 15 8 7 42868 25917 16951

11516 5720 5796 7319 3712 3607 41186 24718 16468 BHATKAL C.D.Block 11516 5720 5796 7319 3712 3607 41186 24718 16468

4983 2591 2392 374 191 183 28992 19229 9763 HAll YAL C.D.Block 4487 2335 2152 300 153 147 24990 16991 7999 496 256 240 74 38 36 4002 2238 1764

496 256 240 74 38 36 4002 2238 1764 AMBIKANAGARA (NMCT) 100000

6895 3466 3429 12 8 4 71574 41023 30551 HONAVAR C.D.Block 6895 3466 3429 12 8 4 71574 41023 30551

2621 1365 1256 93 50 43 55474 32097 23377 KARWAR C.D.Block 2194 1145 1049 77 41 36 49035 28463 20572 427 220 207 16 9 7 6439 3634 2805

193 102 91 8 4 4 4736 2666 2070 BINAGA (NMCT) 103000 234 118 116 8 5 3 1703 968 735 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY 108000 (NMCT)

6435 3226 3209 3 2 61139 36015 25124 KUMTA C.D.Block 6435 3226 3209 3 2 61139 36015 25124


Location Name of Total/ Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L CAT EGO R I E S Code District/ Rural/ Workers Number C.D.Block/UA/ UrbanI Cultivators Agricul tural City/Town Labourers

(I -I X) (I) (I I )


(1 ) (2) (3) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30)

UTTAR KANNAD District T 428663 325350 103313 141345 107575 33770 82283 46055 36228 R 345529 254967 90562 136300 103501 32799 78636 43609 35027 U 83134 70383 12751 5045 4074 971 3647 2446 1201

A. C.D.BLOCK'S TOTAL 358588 266038 92550 137288 104371 32917 79687 44362 35325 R 345529 254967 90562 136300 103501 32799 78636 43609 35027 U 13059 11071 1988 988 870 118 1051 753 298

1 ANKOLA C.O.Block T 29351 21319 8032 13573 10196 3377 4876 2585 2291 R 29351 21319 8032 13573 10196 3377 4876 2585 2291 u

2 BHATKAL C.D.Block T 29194 22841 6353 10022 7602 2420 4086 2161 1925 R 29194 22841 6353 10022 7602 2420 4086 2161 1925 U

3 HALIYAL C.D.Block T 32799 22389 10410 18853 13248 5605 7893 4138 3755 R 31103 20953 10150 18841 13237 5604 7657 3976 3681 U 1696 1436 260 12 11 1 236 162 74

100000 AMBIKANAGARA (NMCT) U 1696 1436 260 12 11 236 162 74

4 HONAVAR C_D.Block T 41810 33989 7821 12010 10371 1639 7671 4593 3078 R 41810 33989 7821 12010 10371 1639 7671 4593 3078 u

5 KARWAR C.D.Block T 29965 22462 7503 9433 6403 3030 4217 2255 1962 R 27027 19968 7059 9304 6299 3005 4161 2228 1933 U 2938 2494 444 129 104 25 .56 27 29

103000 BINAGA (NMCT) U 2206 1830 376 129 104 25 56 27 29 108000 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY U 732 664 68 (NMCT)

6 KUMTA C.D.Block T 38173 28160 10013 14650 11204 3446 8709 4886 3823 R 38173 28160 10013 14650 11204 3446 8709 4886 3823 U


o F M A I N ~ 0 R K E R S

Livestock,Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Name of location Fishing,Hunting and Quarrying Processing,Servicing Processing,Servicing District/ Code Plantation,Orchards and Repairs in and Repairs in other C.D.Block/UA/ Number & Allied Activities Household Industry than Household Ci ty!Town Industry

(III) (IV) [(Va)] [(Vb)]


(31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (4Q) (41) (42) (2) (1)

56937 49182 7755 5180 4101 1079 8275 6884 1391 24833 22585 2248 UTTAR KANNAD District 51357 44461 6896 4759 3734 1025 5674 4635 1039 10605 9322 1283 5580 4721 859 421 367 54 2601 2249 352 14228 13263 965

52331 45214 7117 4921 3862 1059 5857 4779 1078 11996 10636 1360 C.D.BLOCK'S TOTAL A. 51357 44461 6896 4759 3734 1025 5674 4635 1039 10605 9322 1283 974 753 221 162 128 34 183 144 39 1391 1314 77

2986 2813 173 813 691 122 568 467 101 778 714 64 AN KOLA C.D.Block 2986 2813 173 813 691 122 568 467 101 778 714 64

5096 4648 448 598 572 26 334 303 31 1608 1403 205 BHATKAl C.D.Block 2 5096 4648 448 598 572 26 334 303 31 1608 1403 205

1252 937 315 53 38 15 755 592 163 542 473 69 HAlIYAL C.D.Block 3 1245 933 312 53 38 15 749 586 163 488 428 60 7 4 3 6 6 54 45 9

7 4 3 6 6 54 45 9 AMBIKANAGARA (NMCT) 100000

9911 9137 774 506 456 50 1253 1033 220 2274 2051 223 HONAVAR C.D.Block 4 9911 9137 .774 506 456 50 1253 1033 220 2274 2051 223

2507 2359 148 612 454 158 792 667 125 1846 1765 81 KARWAR C.D.Block 5 2214 2104 110 496 368 128 772 658 114 1060 999 61 293 255 38 116 86 30 20 9 II 786 766 20

293 255 38 115 85 30 18 7 II 785 765 20 BINAGA (NMCT) 103000 1 2 2 1 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY 108000 (NMCT)

5156 4699 457 243 237 6 587 484 103 1553 1218 335 KUMTA C.D.BLock 6 5156 4699 457 243 237 6 587 484 103 1553 1218 335

9 DISTRICT PRIl\fARY location Name of Total/ I N 0 U S T R I A L CAT EGO R I E S o F Code District/ Rural/ Number C.D.Blod/UA/ Urban Construction Trade and Transport. City/Town C0ITlT1€ r c e Storage & Corrrnunication

(VI) (V I I ) (VI I I)


(1 ) (2) (3) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51)

UTTAR KANNAD District T 13814 12452 1362 38206 31572 6634 12489 11878 611 R 8705 7958 747 19934 15130 4804 6220 5772 448 U 5109 4494 615 18272 16442 1830 6269 6106 163

A. C.O.BLOCK'S TOTAL 10007 9032 975 21718 16668 5050 6912 6456 456 R 8705 7958 747 19934 15130 4804 6220 5772 448 U 1302 1074 228 1784 1538 246 692 684 8

1 AN KOLA C.D.Block T 376 354 22 2487 1171 1316 940 899 41 R 376 354 22 2487 1171 1316 940 899 41 U

2 BHATKAL C.D.BlocK T 1017 932 85 3195 2673 522 796 789 7 R 1017 932 85 3195 2673 522 796 789 7 U

3 HALIYAL C.D.Block T 227 210 17 793 676 117 166 165 R 166 156 10 641 574 67 149 148 U 61 54 7 152 102 50 17 17

100000 AMBIKANAGARA (NMCT) U 61 54 7 152 102 50 17 17

4 HONAVAR C.D.Block T 919 856 63 2687 2283 404 1144 827 317 R 919 856 63 2687 2283 404 1144 821 317 u

5 KARWAR C.D.BIock T 4685 4153 532 1746 1092 654 636 616 20 R 4188 3738 450 1572 980 592 541 523 18 U 497 415 82 174 112 62 95 93 2

103000 BINAGA (NMeT) u 318 259 59 131 72 59 88 86 2 108000 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY U 179 156 23 43 40 3 7 7 (NMCT)

6 KUMTA C.O.Block T 364 346 18 3193 2118 1075 761 741 20 R 364 346 18 3193 2118 1075 761 741 20 U


M A I N WORKERS Marginal Non-Workers Name of Location Workers District/ Code Otner C.D.Block/UA/ Number Services City/Town



(52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (2) (1)

45301 33066 12235 44494 5769 38725 747103 289578 457525 un AR KANNAD District 23339 16845 6494 42179 4937 37242 538036 210428 327608 21962 16221 5741 2315 832 1483 209067 79150 129917

27871 20658 7213 42537 5021 37516 568300 221819 346481 C.D.BLOCK'S TOTAL A. 23339 16845 6494 42179 4937 37242 538036 210428 327608 4532 3813 719 358 84 274 30264 11391 18873

1954 1429 525 6324 583 5741 42126 18020 24106 ANKOLA C.D.Block 1954 1429 525 6324 583 5741 42126 18020 24106

2442 1758 684 3052 477 2575 65293 24994 40299 BHATKAL C.D.Block 2 2442 1758 684 3052 477 2575 65293 24994 40299

2265 1912 353 4737 488 4249 38822 16525 22297 HAll YAL C.D.Block 3 1114 877 237 4730 486 4244 34461 14846 19615 1151 1035 116 7 2 5 4361 1679 2682

1151 1035 116 7 2 5 4361 1679 2682 AMBIKANAGARA (NMCT) 100000

3435 2382 1053 5477 599 4878 82363 30028 52335 HONAVAR C.D.Block 4 3435 2382 1053 5477 599 4878 82363 30028 52335

3491 2698 793 1831 380 1451 57464 22391 35073 KARIIAR C.D.Blo€k 5 2719 2071 648 1746 332 1414 50643 19815 30828 772 627 145 85 48 37 6821 2576 4245

273 170 103 27 7 20 5048 1939 3109 BINAGA (NMCT) 103000 499 457 42 58 41 17 1773 637 1136 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY 108000 (NMCT)

2957 2227 730 4117 426 3691 65673 25964 39709 KUMTA C.D.Block 6 2957 2227 730 4117 426 3691 65673 25964 39709


Location Name of Total/ Area No. of No.of Total Population Total Population Code District/ Rural/ in Occupied House- (Including Institutional in the age Group Number C.D.Block/UA/ Urban Sq. Residen- holds and Houseless Population) (0 - 6) City/Town Kms. tial Houses


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ( 11) (12)

7 MUNDGOD C.D.Block T 668.09 13052 13745 75046 39689 35357 13833 7122 6711 R 668.09 13052 13745 75046 39689 35357 13833 7122 6711 U

8 SIDOAPUR C.D.Block T 859.30 16319 16550 91646 46456 45190 12783 6633 6150 R 859.30 16319 16550 91646 46456 45190 12783 6633 6150 U

9 SIRSI C.D.Block T 1310.85 19613 19916 111188 56867 5~321 16170 8127 8043 R 1294.46 17820 18105 102040 52194 49846 14552 7308 7244 U 16.39 1793 1811 9148 4673 4475 1618 819 799

113002 SIRSI (OG) U 2.99 750 752 3699 1915 1784 693 358 335 113003 LANOAKANAHALLI (OG) U 5.67 299 300 1561 812 749 264 133 131 113004 KALKUNI (OG) U 3.20 256 260 1332 669 663 188 98 90 113005 PUTTANMANE (OG) U 4.53 488 499 2556 1277 1279 473 230 243

10 SUPA C.D.Block T 1910.50 9162 9398 46818 23940 22878 7808 4002 3806 R 1909.15 8352 8588 43447 22198 21249 7252 3722 3530 U 1.35 810 810 3371 1742 1629 556 280 276

105000 GANESHAGUDI (NMCT) U 1.35 810 810 3371 1742 1629 556 280 276

11 YELLAPUR C.D.Block T 1301.10 12238 12476 66156 33891 32265 9575 4898 4077 R 1235.85 9305 9506 50902 25995 24907 7224 3680 3544 U 65.25 2933 2970 15254 7896 7358 2351 1218 1133

111000 MAGOD KPC PROJECT COLONY U 0.65 155 156 798 543 255 124 59 65 (NMCT) . 112000 YELLAPUR (MP) U 64.60 2778 2814 14456 7353 7103 2227 1159 1068


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes literates Name of location District/ Code C.D.Block/UA/ Number City/Town


( 13) (14) (15) ( 16) ( 17) ( 18) ( 19) (20) (21) (2) (1) . 10673 5453 5220 463 232 231 32041 20415 11626 MUNDGOO C.D.Block 7 10673 5453 5220 463 232 231 32041 20415 11626

6213 3160 3053 76 35 41 55029 31491 23538 SIDDAPUR C.D.Block 8 6213 3160 3053 76 35 41 55029 31491 23538

11073 5666 5407 328 169 159 66028 37552 28476 SIRSI C.D.Block 9 9384 4792 4592 294 152 142 60483 34448 26035 1689 874 815 34 17 17 5545 3104 2441

395 210 185 28 14 14 2211 1230 981 SIRSI (OG) 113002 184 95 89 1052 595 457 lANDAKANAHALLI (OG) 113003 245 120 125 6 3 3 960 519 441 KALKUNI (OG) 113004 865 449 416 1322 760 562 PUTTANMANE (OG) 113005

3020 1533 1487 437 237 200 21347 13371 7976 SUPA C.O.Block 10 2649 1355 1294 401 220 181 18954 12007 6947 371 178 193 36 17 19 2393 1364 1029

371 178 193 36 17 19 2393 1364 1029 GANESHAGUDI (NMCT) 105000

3402 1707 1695 137 84 53 37547 21677 15870 YELLAPUR C.D.Block 11 2169 1073 1096 114 67 47 27579 15988 11591 1233 634 599 23 17 6 9968 5689 4279

132 89 43 20 15 5 626 477 149 MAGOD KPC PROJECT COLONY 111000 (NMCT) 1101 545 556 3 2 9342 5212 4130 YELLAPUR (MP) 112000


Location Name of Total/ Total Main N 0 U S T R J A L CAT EGO R J E S Code District/ Rural/ lIorkers Number C.D.Block/UA/ Urbani Cultivators Agricultural City/Town Labourers

( J -I X) ( I ) (II)


(1 ) (2) (3) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30)

7 MUNDGOD C.O.Block 30904 21068 9836 12028 9433 2595 13135 7098 6037 R 30904 21068 9836 12028 9433 2595 13135 7098 6037 U

8 SIODAPUR C.D.Block T 36883 27711 9172 13391 9842 3549 6947 3871 3076 R 36883 27711 9172 13391 9842 3549 6947 3871 3076 U

9 SIRS! C.O.BloCK 47915 34506 13409 14753 11235 3518 11835 6326 5509 R 44873 32095 12778 14573 11112 3461 11337 5955 5382 U 3042 2411 631 180 123 57 498 371 127

113002 SIRS! COG) U 1071 938 133 25 23 2 322 274 48 113003 lANDAKANAHALl! (OG) U 590 427 163 142 88 S4 146 76 70 113004 KALKUNI (DG) U 412 354 58 ~ 8 18 15 3 113005 PUTTANHANE (OG) u 969 692 277 5 4 12 6 6

10 SUPA C.D.Block T 17143 12629 4514 8366 6096 2270 2996 1839 1157 R 16264 11854 4410 8363 6093 2270 2890 1768 1122 U 879 775 104 3 3 106 71 35

105000 GANESHAGUDI (NMCT) U 879 775 104 3 3 106 71 35

11 YELLAPUR C.O.Block T 24451 18964 5487 10209 8741 1468 7322 4610 2712 R 19947 15009 4938 9545 8112 1433 7167 4488 2679 U 4504 3955 549 664 629 35 155 122 33

111000 MAGOO KPC PROJECT COLONY U 417 404 13 (NHCT) 112000 YELLAPUR (HP) U 4087 3551 536 664 629 35 155 122 33


0 M A I N II 0 R K E R S

Livestock,Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Name of location Fishing,Hunting and Quarrying Processing,Servicing Processing,Servicing District/ Code Plantation, Orchards and Repairs in and Repairs in other C.D.Block/UA/ Number & Allied Activities Household Industry than Household Ci ty/Town Industry

( Ill) ( IV) [(Va») [(Vb»)


(31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41 ) (42) (2) (1 )

459 441 18 15 13 2 529 382 147 647 533 114 MUNDGOD C.D.Block 7 459 441 18 15 13 2 529 382 147 647 533 114

10083 8477 1606 300 255 45 344 286 58 965 912 53 S!DDAPUR C.D.BlocK 8 10083 8477 1606 300 255 45 344 286 58 965 912 53

13543 10613 2930 281 240 41 430 339 91 B14 71B 96 SIRSI C.D.BlocK 9 13129 10302 2827 24B 208 40 340 267 73 636 560 76 414 311 103 33 32 90 72 18 178 158 20

27 22 5 11 10 54 50 4 29 27 2 SIRS! (OG) 113002 22 15 7 22 22 9 6 3 23 21 2 lANDAKANAHAlli COG) 113003 141 119 22 4 4 52 46 6 KAll(UN I (OG) 113004 224 155 69 23 12 11 74 64 10 PUTTANMANE COG) 113005

562 451 '11 1005 623 382 120 101 19 281 264 17 SUPA C.D.Block 10 559 448 111 1005 623 3B2 120 101 19 266 249 17 3 3 15 15

3 3 15 15 .. GANESHAGUDI (NMCT) 105000

776 639 137 495 283 212 145 125 20 688 585 103 YELLAPUR C.D.Block 11 519 459 60 482 273 209 78 68 10 330 255 75 257 180 77 13 10 3 67 57 10 358 330 2B

.. MAGOO KPC PROJECT COLONY 11100! (NMCT) 256 179 77 13 10 3 67 57 10 358 330 28 YEllAPUR (MP) 11200!


Location Name of Totall I N D U S T R I A L CAT EGO R I E S o F Code District/ Rurall Number C.D.Block/UAI Urban Construction Trade and Transport, Ci ty!Town Corronerce Storage & Conrnunication

(VI) (VII) (VI I I)


(1) (2) (3) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51)

7 MUNDGOD C.D.Block T 214 205 9 2004 1520 484 233 230 3 R 214 205 9 2004 1520 484 233 230 3 U

8 SIDDAPUR C.D.Block T 349 332 17 1878 1729 149. 390 383 7 R 349 332 17 1878 1729 149 390 383 7 U

9 SIRSI C.D.Block T 779 662 117 1716 1540 176 681 664 17 R 395 369 26 1294 1183 111 412 399 13 U 384 293 91 422 357 65 269 265 4

113002 SIRSI (OG) U 94 88 6 107 97 10 140 137 3 113003 LANDAKANAHALLI (OG) U 3 3 67 61 6 49 49 113004 KALKUNI (OG) U 25 24 58 56 2 29 29 113005 PUTTANMANE (OG) U 262 178 84 190 143 47 51 50

10 SUPA C.D.Block T 679 641 38 616 562 54 725 704 21 R 623 585 38 567 518 49 712 692 20 U 56 56 49 44 5 13 12

105000 GANESHAGUDI (NMeT) u 56 56 49 44 5 13 12

11 YELLAPUR C.D.Block T 398 341 57 1403 1304 99 440 438 2 R 94 85 9 416 381 35 142 141 U 304 • 256 48 987 923 64 298 297

111000 MAGOD KPC PROJECT COLONY U 6 5 2 2 (NMCT) 112000 YELLAPUR (HP) U 303 255 48 981 918 63 296 295


M A I N 101 0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Iolorkers Name of Location Workers District/ Code Other C.D.Block/UA/ Number Services City/Town


p M P M P M

(52) (53) (54 ) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (2) (1)

1640 1213 427 916 382 534 43226 18239 24987 MUNDGOO C.D.Block 7 1640 1213 427 916 382 534 43226 18239 24987

2236 1624 612 7838 773 7065 46925 17972 28953 SIDDAPUR C.D.Block 8 2236 1624 612 7838 773 7065 46925 17972 28953

3083 2169 914 5520 589 4931 57753 21772 35981 SIRSI C.D.Block 9 2509 1740 769 5321 568 4753 51846 19531 32315 574 429 145 199 21 178 5907 2241 3666

262 210 52 5 4 2623 976 1647 SIRSI (OGl 113002 107 86 21 5 1 4 966 384 582 LANDAKANAHALLI (OG) 113003 77 53 24 50 4 46 870 311 559 KALKUN I (OG) 113004 128 80 48 139 15 124 1448 570 878 PUTTANMANE (OG) 113005

1793 1348 445 1632 233 1399 28043 11078 16965 SUPA C.D.Block 10 1159 7n 382 1632 233 1399 25551 10111 15440 634 571 63 2492 967 1525

634 571 63 2492 967 1525 GANESHAGUOI (NMCT ) 105000

2575 1898 677 1093 91 1002 40612 14836 25776 YEL LAPUR C.D.Block 11 1174 747 427 1026 78 948 29929 10908 19021 1401 1151 250 67 13 54 10683 3928 6755

407 395 12 3 3 378 136 242 MAGOD KPC PROJECT COLONY 111000 (NMCT) 994 756 238 64 10 54 10305 3792 6513 YELLAPUR (MP) 112000


Location Name of Total/ Area No. of No.of Total Population Total Population Code District/ Rural/ in Occupied House- (Inc luding Institutional in the age Group Number C.D.Block/UA/ Urban Sq. Residen- holds and Houseless Population) (0 - 6) Ci ty/Town Kms. tial Houses


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11 ) (12)

B. DISTRICT URBAN U 166.30 53981 56070 294516 150365 144151 42473 21889 20584

100000 AMBIKANAGARA (NMCT) U 0.78 1394 1396 6064 3117 2947 989 497 492 101000 ANKOlA (TMC) U 7.42 2502 2560 13509 6763 6746 1736 915 821 102000 BHATKAl (TMC) U 5.23 3554 4067 31478 15525 15953 5380 2759 2621 103000 BINAGA (NMCT) U 7.86 1522 1545 7281 3776 3505 1165 636 529 104000 DANDElI (CMC) U 8.52 10466 10624 52701 26947 25754 8042 4141 3901 105000 GANESHAGUDI (NMCT) U 1.35 810 810 3371 1742 1629 556 280 276 106000 HAllYAl (TMC) U 5.49 3172 3391 18005 9244 8761 3009 1536 1473 107000 HONAVAR (TMC) U 8.86 2986 3052 16192 8171 8021 1944 1017 927 108000 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY U 0.20 60S 623 2563 1342 1221 440 234 206 OIMCT) 109000 KAR~AR (CMC) U 14.35 10102 10637 51022 26441 24581 6026 3091 2935 110000 KUMTA (TMC) U 15.34 4404 4585 26181 13281 12900 3652 1913 1739 111000 MAGOD KPC PROJECT COLONY U 0.65 155 156 798 543 255 124 59 65 (NMCT) 112000 YELLAPUR (MP) U 64.60 2778 2814 14456 7353 7103 2227 1159 1068

113000 51 RSI UA U 25.67 9531 9810 50895 26120 24775 7183 3652 3531

113001 (1)SIRSI (TMC> U 9.28 7738 7999 41747 21447 20300 5565 2833 2732 113002 (2)SIRSI (OG) U 2.99 750 752 3699 1915 1784 693 358 335 113003 (3)LANDAKANAHALLI (OG) U 5.67 299 300 1561 812 749 264 133 131 113004 (4)KALKUNI (OG) U 3.20 256 260 1332 669 663 188 98 90 113005 (5)PUTTANMANE (OG) U 4.53 488 499 2556 1277 1279 473 230 243


Scheduled Castes Schedut cd T r' bb L 1 t Cf dtC ..... Locat JOn

D'~tr'ct/ Code C.D.Block/UA/ Number C,ty/Tololn


( 13) (14) (15 ) ( 16) ( 17) (18 ) ( 19) (20) (21 ) (2 ) (1)

24499 12339 12160 1094 591 503 2U4LtI.~d 115216 9118~ DISTRICT URBAN B.

496 256 240 74 38 36 4002 2238 1764 A~SIKANAGARA (NMCT) 1000( 2290 1132 1158 9411 5075 4336 ANKOLA (TMC) 101O( 497 236 261 228 131 97 22639 11707 10932 BHATKAL (TMC) 1020( 193 102 91 8 4 4 4736 2666 2070 BINAGA (NMCT) 1030( 4B80 2432 244B 237 112 12') 3391B 19.:.rJ4 14514 DANDEL! (CMC) 1040( 371 178 193 36 17 19 2393 1364 1029 GANES~AGUDI (NMCT) 1050( 2339 1164 1175 101 50 51 10,,61 6120 ~341 HALlYAL (fMC) 1060( 619 297 322 lU 5 ') llB72 1>395 5477 HO~A

7196 3653 3543 207 106 101 36752 20030 16722 SIRSI UA 113

5507 2779 2728 173 B9 84 31207 16926 142Bl (1)5 I R5 I (fMC) 113 395 210 185 28 14 14 2211 1230 981 (Z)SIRSI (OG) 113 184 95 89 1052 595 457 (3)LANDAKANAHALLI (OG) 113 245 120 125 6 3 3 960 519 441 (4)I(AII(UNl (DG) 113 865 449 416 1322 760 562 (S)PUTIANMANE (OG) 113


Locati on Name of Totall Total Main N 0 U S T R A L CAT EGO R I S Code District/ Rurall lJorkers N\MTt>er C.O.Block/UAI UrbanI Cultivators Agn cuI tural City/Town Labourers

( I - I)() 0) ( 1 I )


( 1 ) (2) (3) (22) (23) (24) (25 ) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30)

B. DISTRICT URBAN U 83134 70383 12751 5045 4074 971 3647 2446 1201

100000 AMBIKANAGARA (NMCT) U 1696 1436 260 12 11 1 236 162 74 101000 ANKOLA (TMC) U 3977 3131 846 926 600 326 396 245 151 102000 BHATKAL (TMC) U 6919 5937 982 201 198 3 103 92 11 103000 BINAGA (NMCT) U 2206 1830 376 129 104 25 56 27 29 104000 DANDELI (CMC) U 13825 12092 1733 36 34 2 10 7 3 105000 GANESHAGUOI (NMCT) U 879 775 104 3 3 106 71 35 106000 HAllYAl (TMC) U 5889 4652 1237 1153 879 274 1067 620 447 107000 HONAVAR (TMC) U 4332 3878 454 182 181 64 59 5 108000 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY U 732 664 68 (NMCT) 109000 KARIJAR (CMC) U 14424 12108 2316 450 345 105 321 252 69 110000 KUMTA (TMC) U 7906 6480 1426 774 652 122 400 236 164 111000 MAGOO KPC PROJECT COLONY U 417 404 13 (NMCT) 112000 YELLAPUR (MP) U 4087 3551 536 664 629 35 155 122 33

113000 SIRSI UA U 15845 13445 2400 SiS 438 77 733 553 180

113001 (1)SIRSI (fMC) U 12803 11034 1769 335 315 20 235 182 53 113002 (2)SIRSI (OG) U 1071 938 133 25 23 2 322 274 48 113003 (3)LANDAKANAHALLI (OG) U 590 427 163 142 88 54 146 76 70 113004 (4 )KALKUN I (OG) U 412 354 58 8 8 18 15 3 113005 (S)PUTTANMANE (OG) U 969 692 277 S 4 12 6 6

20 CENSUS AHSTRACT 0 f M " I N ',I 0 R K E R S Livesto~k,Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, ManufacturIng, Name of Locatlon Fishing,Hunting and Quarrying Processlng,Servlclng Processing,Serviclng District/ Code Plantation,Orchards and Repairs in and RepaIrs In other C.D.Block/UAI Number & Allied Activities Household Industry than Household Ci ty!Town Industry

(I I I ) (I V) [(Va)] [(Vb)]

p M P M P M P M

(31) (2) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41 ) (42) (2) (1 )

5580 4721 859 421 367 54 2601 2249 352 14228 13263 965 DISTRICT URBAN B.

7 4 3 6 6 54 45 9 AMBIKANAGARA (NMCT) 100000 76 70 6 18 18 131 71 60 337 327 10 ANKOLA (TMC) 101000 100 96 4 14 14 147 142 559 550 9 BHATKAL (TMC) 102000 293 255 38 115 85 30 18 7 11 785 765 20 B I NII.GA (NMC 1) 103000 366 315 51 B6 74 12 94 80 14 7230 6665 565 D,l.NDE II (CMC) 104000 3 3 15 15 GANESHAGUDI (NMCT) 105000 221 200 21 7 6 184 141 43 350 323 27 H,l.LIYAL (TMC) 106000 501 471 30 9 9 152 134 18 669 647 22 HONAVAR (TMC) 107000 2 2 1 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY 108000 (NMCT) 1571 1468 103 35 30 5 1090 1002 88 1366 1315 51 KARWAR (CMC) 109000 791 641 150 45 44 330 298 32 650 563 87 KUMTA (TMC) 110000 .. M,l.GOD KPC PROJECT COLONY 111000 (NMCT) 256 179 77 13 10 3 67 57 10 358 330 28 YELLAPUR (MP) 112000

1394 1018 376 78 76 2 380 309 71 1854 1717 137 SIRS! UA 113800

980 707 273 ,45 44 290 237 53 1676 1559 117 (1 lSI RSI (TMC) 113001 27 22 5 11 10 54 50 4 29 27 2 (2)SIRSI (OG) 113002 22 15 7 22 22 9 6 3 23 21 2 (3)LANDAKANAHALLI (OG) 113003 141 119 22 4 4 52 46 6 (4)KALKUNI (OG) 113004 224 155 69 23 12 11 74 64 10 (5lPUTTANMANE (OG) 113005


Location Name of Total/ l~DU.sTR ~ ATE L R 1 E S o F Code Oi.strlct/ Rural/ Number C.D.Block/UA/ Urban Con,truction

City/Town St"lf'

CL IfllmJn 1 (at 1 on

(VI) (VIi) (ViI: )

---.--.~------P M D M D M

(1) (2) (3) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47 ) (48) (49) (50) (51 )

3. DISTRICT URBAN U 5109 4494 615 13272 16442 1p ),1 6269 6106 163

100000 AMBIKANAGARA (NMCT) U 61 54 7 152 102 SO 17 17 '01000 ANKOLA (TMC) U 173 167 6 665 629 36 386 384 2 '02000 BHATKAl (TMC) U 194 185 9 3293 32')5 38 347 345 2 03000 BINAGA (NMCT) U 31B 259 59 131 72 ,,9 BB 86 2 04000 DANDEl! (CMC) U 633 571 62 1775 1604 171 720 701 19 05000 GANESHAGUDI (NMCT) U 56 56 ,,9 44 13 12 06000 HALIYAL (TMC) U 370 302 68 1031 9(,1 114 467 41;>3 4 07000 HONAVAR (TMC) U 253 244 9 11.52 10bJ !2 299 292 7 08000 KADRA KPC PROJECT COlONY U 179 156 n 43 ... 0 3 7 (HMCT ) 09000 KARWAR (CMe) U 800 725 75 3071 2392 679 1187 1133 54 10000 KUMTA (TMC) U 445 395 50 1838 1612 226 6')4 639 15 11000 MAGOD KPC PROJECT COLONY U 6 5 2 2 (NMCT) 12000 YELLAPUR (MP) U 303 255 48 981 918 63 296 295

13000 SIRS! UA U 1323 1124 199 4055 3742 313 1786 1730 56

'3001 (l)SIRSI (TMC) U 939 831 108 3633 33B5 248 1517 1465 52 3002 (2)SIRS[ (OG) U 94 88 6 107 97 10 140 137 3 3003 (3)lANDAKANAHAll! (OG) U 3 3 67 61 6 49 49 3004 (4)KALKUNI (GG) U 25 24 58 56 2 2'< 29 3005 (5)PUTTANMANE (OG) U 262 17B 84 190 143 47 51 50



------~------1.1 0 R K E R S MargInal Non-W0rkcr ..... Locat ion W'orker-..., Code Other C.D.lllock/UA/ Number

Servlce~ CIty /Town

(I K)

p M P M " M

(52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (bO) (Z) (1) ------21962 16221 5741 2315 832 1:.83 ,)119Ub 7 791.,,) 129917 DI STRI CT URBAN B.

1151 1035 116 7 2 43b1 1679 2t",~~2 AMbiKANAGARA (NMC1) 1(,()OO!) 869 620 249 470 134 336 9002 3498 5564 ANKOLA (fMC) 101000 1961 1060 901 132 79 53 24427 9509 14918 BHATK.AL (lMC) 102000 273 170 103 27 7 20 5048 1939 3109 BINAGA (NMCT) 103000 2875 2041 834 269 140 129 33607 14715 23892 OANDH! «(MC) 104000 634 571 63 2492 967 15?5 GANESHAGUDI ( NMCT) 105000 989 751 238 133 34 99 11r~83 45"8 7~25 HAL! 'Al (TMC) 1060()O 1071 781 290 47 18 29 11813 4275 7531J HUNAliAP (T'iC) 107000 499 457 42 58 41 17 1773 637 113b KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY 108000 (NMrT) 4533 3446 1087 452 249 203 36146 14084 22062 KAI

3727 2738 989 341 b3 278 34709 1261;; 22097 SIRSI UA 113000

3153 2309 844 142 42 1(10 28802 10371 18431 ( 1)S I RS I (TMC) 113001 262 210 52 5 4 2623 9,6 1647 (2)SIRSl (OG) 113002 107 86 21 5 966 334 582 (3)lANDAKANAHALLl (OG) 113003 77 53 24 50 4 ,,6 870 311 559 (4)KALKUNI (OG) 113004 128 80 48 139 15 124 1448 S 70 8(8 (5 )ruTT ANMANE (OG) 113005

23 NOTE:

1. The area figure for the district given under column No.4 against "Total" represents "Geographical Area" and has been furnished by the Surveyor General India. The figures for the urban areas are either those supplied by civic administration authorities of the towns or compiled and supplied by the Director of Survey, Settlement and Land Records or compiled in thLs Direc­ torate on the basis of the available recordi pertaining to the delimLtation of urban units. Area figures for Rural Areas are derived by subtractLIlg the Total Urban Area from the Total Area of the District.

The total of the area figures of all the C.D.Blocks/Taluks in the district will not tally with the district figures (except urban), because the area figures for C.D.Blocks/Taluks represent the land-use area based on vil­ lagewise area figures as reported by the Local Officers. The total area of the taluk may not tally with the aggregate of the areas of the villages listed for census purposes for it includes the area of the statutory as well as non­ statutory towns, villages which may be fully submerged and reserve forests which may not form part of any revenue village, if any, within the jurisdic­ tion of the concerned taluk. The total area of the C.D.Block is derived by subtracting the area of the statutory town or towns (within the jurisdiction of the concerned taluks) from the total area of the taluk.

2. Outgrowths of towns in urban agglomerations are denoted by letter "OG".

3. The following abbreviations have been used to indicate the Civic Administration Status of town :

MC Municipal Corporation CMC City Municipal Council TMC Town Municipal Council NAC Notified Area Cuwnittee CB Cantonment Board SB Sanitary Board MP MandaI Panchayat NMCT Non-Municipal Census Town





2 3 5 6

Achave 1'/20/1/38 11/20/0010/0038 9/1911/38 09/19/0010/0038 2 Adigone 11/20/1/62 11/20/0010/0062 9/1911/62 09/19/0010/0062 3 Adl ur 11/20/1/18 11/20/0010/0018 9/19/1/18 09119/001 0/00 18 4 Agragone 11/20/1/60 11;20/0010/0060 9/19/1/60 09119/0010;0060 5 11/2011/17 11/20/0010/0017 9/19/1/17 09/19/0010/0017 6 Algeri n/20/1/85 11/20/0010/0085 9;1911/85 09/19/0010/0085 7 AndIe 11/20/1/46 11/20/0010/0046 9/19/1/46 09;19/0010/0046 8 Aversa 11/2011/68 11/20/0010/0068 9/19/1/68 09119/0010/0068

9 Balale 11/20/1;22 11/20/0010/0022 9/1911/22 09/19/001D/0022 10 Baleguli 11/20/1;83 11/20/0010/0083 9/1911/83 09/19/0010/0083 11 11/20/1/48 11/20/0010/0048 9;1911/48 09/19/0010/0048 12 Bele4o=.eri 11/2011;67 11/20/0010/0067 9/19/1/67 09/19/0010/0067 13 Belse 11/20/1/29 11120;0010/0029 9119/1/29 09/19/0010/0029 14 Berde 11/20/1/81 11/20/0010/0081 9/1911/81 09/19/001O/0081 15 Bhasgod 11;20/1/47 11/20/0010/0047 9/19/1/47 09/19/0010/0047 16 11/20/1/86 11/20/0010/0086 9/19/1/86 09; 19/0010/0086 179ilehoing; 11/2011/59 11/20/0010/0059 9/1911/59 09/19/0010/0Q59 18 Bobruwada 11/20/1/50 '1;20/0010/0050 9/19/1/50 09/19/0010/0050 19 Bogribai I 11/2011/82 11/20/0010/0082 9/19/1/82 09119/0010/0082 I 20 Bole 11/2011/;19 11/20/0010{0019 9/19/1/19 09/19/0010/0"019 21 Brahmur 11/20]1/39 11/20/0010;0039 9/19/1/39 09/19/0010/0039

22 Devigadde 11/2011/24 11/20/0010/0024 9/19/1/24 09/19/0010;0024 23 Dongri 11;20!l114 11/20/0010/0014 9;1911114 09/19/0010/0014

24 Gule 11/20/1/72 11/20/0010/0072 9/19/1/72 09/19/0010/0072 25 Gundabala 11/20/1/34 11/20/0010/0034 911911/34 09/19/0010/0034

26 Hadav 11/2011/58 11/20/0010/0058 9/1911/58 09/19/0010/0058 27 Halvalli 11/20/1115 11/20/0010/0015 9/191. 1/15 09/19/0010/0015 28 HanoJada 11/20/1/69 11/20/0010/0069 9/19/1/_69 09/19/0010/0069 29 Hat t 1 kerf 11/2011/80 11/20j0010/0080 9/19/1/80 09/19/0010/0080 30 Hebbul 11/20/1/7 11/20/001D/0007 9/19/1/7 09/19/0010/0007 31 Heggar 11/2011112 11/20/0010/0012 9/19/1/12 09/19/0010/0012 32 He99armakkigadde 11/20/1/4 11/20/0010/0004 9/19/1/4 09/l9/0010/0004 33 Hcg9arnikotebavl 11/20/1/78 11/20/0010/0078 9/19/1/78 09/19/0010/0078 34 Hegre 11/20/1/61 11/20/0010/0061 9/19/1/61 09/19/0010/0061 35 Hichkad 11/20/1/57 11/20/0010/0057 9/19/1/57 09/ '(9/001 0/OQ5..7 36 Hillur 11/20/1/35 11120/0010/0035 9/19/1/35 09719'7001010035 37 Honnebail 11/20/1/64 11/20/0010/0064 9/19/1/64 09/19/0010/0064 38 Hosgadde 11/2011/1 11/20/0010/0001 9/1911/1 09/19/0010/0001

39 Joog 11/20/1/25 11/201001010025 9/19/1/25 09/19/0010/0025





2 3 4 6

40 Kabgal 11/20/1/40 11/20/0010/0040 9/19/1/40 09/19/0010/0040 41 Kalleshlolar 11/20/1/13 11/20/0010/0013 9/19/1/13 09/19/0010/0013 42 Kamge 11/20/1/26 11/20/0010/0026 9/19/1/26 09119/0010/0026 43 KarTITlani 11/20/1(16 11/20/0010/0016 9(19/1/16 09/19/0010/0016 44 Kanagi I 11/20/1/56 11/20/0010/0056 9/19/1/56 09/19/0010/0056 45 Kanchinmale 11/20/1/3 11/20/0010/0003 9/19/1/3 09/19/0010/0003 46 Karebai l 11/20/1/43 11/20/0010/0043 9/1911/43 09/19/0010/0043 47 Kattinhalc:kal 11/20/1/8 11/20/0010/0008 9/19/1/8 09/19/0010/0008 48 Kavalall i 11;20/1/6 11/20/0010/0006 9/19/1/6 09/19/0010/0006 49 Kenkanishivapur 11/20/1/41 11/20/0010/0041 9/19/1/41 09/19/0010/0041 50 Kodlagadde 11/20/1(10 11/20/0010/0010 9/19/1/10 09/19/0010/0010 51 Kodsani 11/20/1/31 11/20/0010/0031 9/1911/31 09/19/0010/0031 52 Kogre 11/20/1/55 11/20/0010/0055 9/19/1/55 09/19/0010/0055 53 Kondige 11/20/1/74 11/20/0010/0074 9/19/1/74 09/19/0010/0074 54 Kuntgani 11/20/1/36 11/20/0010/0036 9/1911/36 09/19/0010/0036

55 La'Kkegul i 11/20/1/73 11 j 20/0010/0073 9;19;1173 09/19/0010/0073 56 Laxmeshwar ',/20/1/21 11/20/0010/0021 9/19/1/21 09/19/0010/0021

57 Mallani 11/20/1/76 11/20/0010/0076 9{19{1176 09/19/0010/0076 58 Manigadde 11/20/1/37 11/20/0010/0037 9/19/1/37 09/19/0010/0037 59 Manjaguni 11/20(1/63 11/20/0010/0063 9{1911/63 09/19/0010/0063 60 Marugadde 11/20(1/5 11/20/0010/0005 9/19/1/5 09/19/0010/0005 61 Mogta 11/20/1/45 11/20/0010/0045 9/19/1/45 09/19/0010/0045 62 Moralli 11/20/1/44 11/20/0010/0044 9/19/1/44 09/19/0010/0044

63 Nadibag 11/20/1/49 11/20/0010/0049 9/19/1/49 09/19/0010/0049 64 Navagadde 11/20/1/2 11/20/0010/0002 9/19/1/2 09/19/0010/0002 65 Nellurkanchinbail 11/20/1/79 11/20/0010/0079 9/19/1179 09/19/0010/0079

66 Poojgeri 11/20/1/52 11/20/0010/0052 9/19/1/52 09/19/0010/0052

67 Sagadger i 11/20/1/27 11/20/0010/0027 9/19/1/27 09/19/0010/0027 68 Sakalben 11/20/1/70 11/20/0010/0070 9/19/1/70 09/19/0010/0070 69 Shetgeri 11/20/1/54 11/20/0010/0054 9/19/1/54 09/19/0010/0054 70 Shevakar 11/20/1/11 11/20/0010/0011 9/19/1/11 09/19/0010/0011 71 Shevegul i 11/20/1/77 11/20/0010/0077 9/19/1/77 09/19/0010/0077 72 Shikliturli 11/20/1/75 11/20/0010/0075 91)91)175 09/19/0010/0075 73 Shinganmakki 11/20/1 /bS 11/20/0010/0065 9/19/1/65 09/19/0010/0065 74 Shi rgunj i 11/20/1j3i 11/20/0010/0033 9/19/1/33 09/19/0010/0033 75 Shi rkul i 11/20(1/B4 11/20/0010/0084 9/19/1/84 09/19/0010/0084 76 Shi rur 11/20/1/28 11/20/0010/0028 9/19/1/28 09119/0010/0028 77 Sunksal 11/20(1/9 11/20/0010/0009 9/19/1/9 09/19/0010;0009 78 Surve 11/20/1 /53 11/20/0010/0053 9/19/1/53 09(19/0010;0053




2 3 4 5 6

79 Takatgeri 11/2011/42 11/20/0010/0042 9/19/1/42 09/19/0010/0042 80 Talgadde 11/20/1/30 11/20/0010/0030 9/19/1/30 09/19/0010/0030 81 Tenk.anlc:eri 11/20/1/51 11/20/0010/0051 9/19/1/51 09/19/0010/0051

82 Ulware 11/20/1/23 11/20/0010/0023 9/19/1/23 09{19/0010/0023

83 Vandige 11/20/1/20 11/20/0010/0020 9/19/1/20 09/19/0010/0020 84 Vari lben 11/20/1/71 11/20/0010/0071 9/19/1/71 09/19/0010/0071 85 Vasarkudrige 11/20/1/32 11/20/0010/0032 9/19/1/32 09/19/0010/0032

86 lJadibogri 11/20/1/66 11/20/0010/0066 9/19/1/66 09/19/0010/0066

29 VILLAGE / TO\\,N pnll\IAUY

NameofC.O. Bh:k: ANKOLA: ('od~ No.: 0010

Location Name of Vi llage / Total/ Area in No.of No.of TotQl populQtlon Totnl Population Scheauled Code Town / ~ard Rural/ Hectares Occu- House- (Including In the dge group Ca...,tc..., Number Urban for vil- pied holds In~tltutlon~l ~ (f_1 6) lages & Resld- Hou,cle,~ In sq_km entlal pupuliltlun)

for rlou~(':-, towns and C.D. Blocks

(P) (M) ( F ) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

------~ ------( 1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5 ) (6) (7) (9 ) (1 (I) ( 11) ( 12) (13) (1,,)

------_ ------~----- 911.28 143)4 14,,3'] 77~u' )9',22 3/[\/9 113)7 )372 )~tl5 2548 2328

ANKOLA C.D.Block R 911.28 14354 1,,430 771;: 1 3~922 37879 11357 5872 5~85 25~8 2328 U

1 Hosgadde 216.61 131 131 601 301 300 8') 34 51 29 31 2 Navagadde 1014.05 10 10 54 2.. 30 6 2 4 3 Kanchinmale 1473.00 Un-Inh"bl ted Vlllage 4 Heggarmakkigadde 1431.03 43 43 301 154 147 67 33 34 5 Marugadde 1671.32 18 18 129 71 58 23 13 10 6 Kavalalli 4178.94 49 49 246 130 116 ':'1 16 25 3 7 Hebbul 1627.15 85 85 486 258 228 /1 32 39 18 14 8 Kattinhakkal 2294.73 60 60 315 164 ~ 51 51, 52 24

9 Sunksal 2824.57 175 175 8~9 ~S': 3'N ')9 ~3 13 10 Kodlagadde 2565.71 179 179 3~e :'19 429 115 68 11 Shevakar 2003.48 55 57 351 179 172 61 32 29 12 Heggar 1653.41 58 58 373 202 171 46 26 20 13 Kalleshwar 1309.60 36 36 211 104 107 21 11 10 4 14 Dangri 3253.61 114 114 606 310 296 88 43 45 15 Halvalli 3328.05 163 167 840 422 418 123 59 3 16 KalTlllani 1485.71 28 28 126 62 64 27 13 14 17 Agsur 1454.13 373 374 1972 995 977 316 152 6 11 18 1219.15 120 120 641 322 319 95 51 6 ') 19 Bole 614.87 194 194 1082 545 537 171 !JY 82 69 61 20 Vandige 189.68 405 410 2024 10.:..:. 9E~O 206 111 95 241 245 21 Laxmeshwar 52.88 178 178 928 467 461 95 5':' 41 27 21 22 Balale 216.58 168 172 844 :'35 4u9 122 72 50 56 51 23 Ulware 379.21 174 174 1002 517 48'> 1~7 71 76 2 3 24 Devigadde 226.23 56 57 376 208 168 70 34 36 25 Joog 214.42 88 88 568 285 283 94 47 47 26 Kamge 189.13 42 42 243 127 116 38 14 24 27 Sagadgeri 270.67 68 68 405 219 186 41 19 22 30 25 28 Shirur 894.72 267 270 1451 740 711 207 103 104 25 16 29 Belse 1394.43 501 504 2636 1356 1280 411 226 185 106 100 30 Talgadde 1252.87 125 125 739 389 350 126 59 67


1\:;1111<: 01 C.D. Block: A!\:KOI.A ; Code No. : 0010

Scheduled Literates Total Milln I ~ D U SRI A l Nilll1e oi Village Locat i on

Tr i bes lIorker~ TOl

(I - 1 X) (I) (I I)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) ( F ) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) ( 17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2 ) (1)

.-~~---~~------8 7 25917 16951 21319 8032 10196 3377 2585 2291 8 7 25917 16951 21319 8032 10196 3377 2585 2291 ANKOLA C.[i.block

215 158 157 61 25 69 5u Ho"giJddc 1 16 11 14 5 11 5 Navagadde 2 ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage KZlnch 1 nl1lfll e 3 69 31 81 28 72 26 2 Hcg'l,,,·,,,,,k k i gildde 4 23 11 41 9 39 8 2 MarugiJdde 5 56 19 75 38 45 26 KdV(-d


Name ofC.D. Bh:k : ANKOLA ; Code f',;(). U()IO

Location Name of vi llage Tot a l / C ATEGOR 1 E S o F M A 1 N Code Town / \,lard Rura l /

Number Urban Llve~tock, MInIng and M;H1ut;lcturlng, Milnufacturlng, Construct Ion

Fore'>tr'Y, Uuzlr-r-y 1fl:j r-f'

FishIng, Ser'v I c I ng ,md Scr'v I C I n9 and

HuntIng and Rcpa 1 r", In Rep~lr~ In PlantiJt lon, rlou,>ehotd Other thiln

Orchard,; 0. Indu~try Hou~ehotd

At (ied r ndu~ tr·y


(II I) ( IV) lV(,,») [V(b») (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (f) (M) ( F ) (M) (f) (M) (F)

( 1 ) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28 ) (29) (30) (31 ) (32) (33) (34 )

2813 173 691 122 467 101 71.; 64 354 22 ANKOLA C.D.BlocK R 2813 173 691 122 467 101 714 64 354 22 U

1 Hosgadde 3 5 2 Navagadde " 3 Kanchinmale --"------_-- Un- I nh .. ,b, ted ',1 tt ,-,gl" 4 Heggarmakkigadde 7 5 Marugadde 6 Kavalalli 8 4 4 7 Hebbul 3 13 6 8 Kattinhakkal 5 9 Sunksal 6 6 f, 2 6 10 Kodlagadde 110 3 2 11 Shevakar 12 Heggar 36 13 Kalleshwar 13 14 Dongr i 1 1 2 15 Hal vall i 44 3 3 16· Kamman; 4 17 Agsur 11 5 2U 8 58 15 18 Adlur 3 4 8 17 19 Bole 4 27 " 2 20 Vandige 5 23 2 26 47 69 2 21 Laxmeshwar 6 21 7 22 Salale 24 7 2 21 4 6 23 Ulware 42 11 5 2 24 Oevigadde 2 25 Joog 21 26 Kamge 27 Sagadgeri 37 31

28 Shirur 33 28 6 7 4 4 29 Selse 115 13 22 3 7 30 Talgadde "


IJ aRK E R S MarglnZll N(JIl'Wolkcr~ 'N3111e at Vlllilge / Locat 1 on WOI'kcrs Town / Wilrd Code Trade and Transport, Other Number C0Illlle r c e Storage and Services COfTlTlUnication

(VII) (VIII) (1 X)

(M) (F) (M) U) (M) U) (M) U) (M) U)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2 ) ( 1 )

1171 1316 899 41 1429 525 583 5741 18020 24106 1171 1316 899 41 1429 525 583 5741 18020 24106 ANKOLA C,D,Block

27 3 6 11 6 3 144 236 Hosgaddc 1 3 10 24 NdVi,gClddc 2 Un-I nhabi ted vi llilge Kilnch i nlTlill c 3 1 14 73 105 Hcggilrillilkk 1 gilddc 4 5 30 44 M.:.rug"dde 5 6 7 6 2 3 9 52 69 Kavalalll 6 23 9 6 3 2 69 84 Hebbul 7 1 59 118 Kilttinhilkkill 8 17 4 26 8 166 264 Sunksal 9 15 2 2 13 7 59 168 268 Kodlilgilddc 10 3 2 35 68 93 SheVilkilr 11 4 51 80 73 Hcggilr 12 1 7 22 29 54 Killle"hwal' 13 2 2 2 74 95 154 Dongr i 14 2 9 3 3 63 137 131 Ha I villl i 15 1 6 20 25 Kanlnan 1 16 37 12 49 16 143 433 484 Agsur 17 3 1 6 6 4 152 226 Adlur 18 13 2 11 5 4 10 279 404 Bole 19 60 5 41 104 33 14 88 485 804 Vandige 20 39 39 60 25 2 6 252 393 Laxilleshwar 21 33 9 8 33 22 10 203 307 Balille 22 9 21 4 4 22 200 214 Ulware 23 1 37 90 73 Devigildde 24 7 2 4 3 23 49 124 149 Joog 25 54 68 Kaillge 26 1 106 114 SilgZldgeri 27 16 18 5 15 3 22 178 309 361 Shirur 28 20 66 6 39 12 103 434 532 525 Belse 29 20 13 137 123 Talgadde 30


Namt:"ofC.D. I3Iod;: A;'I;KOLA: ('oJ,," :-';(l.: ()()]tI

Location Name of Village Totall Area In No.ot No.of TotJI populatIon Total Populat Ion Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Gceu' Hou~e- (IncludIng In the age group Cilstcs Number ur,ban for vil- p,ed Holds In~t I tut ,onal i. (0 . 6) lages & Rcsld- in sq.km entlal pUpUUlt' un)

for HOuSC~

and C.D.Blocks,

(P) (M) (f) (P) (M) (f) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

31 Kodsani 550.17 99 99 557 300 2') 7 96 53 32 Vasarkudrige 1113.66 179 179 9~(J ~61 128 b7 61 61 33 Shirgunji 771.67 133 133 52) 411 128 56 72 34 Gundabala 3040.95 152 152 826 .. 07 419 152 70 82 35 37 35 Hillur 3388.78 426 431 2126 110b 1020 32b 174 152 107 115 36 Kuntgani 2356.82 141 141 824 435 359 150 92 58 65 63 37 Manigadde 1371.49 13 13 89 50 39 17 11 6 38 4616.77 294 29.. 14[J9 71 .. 695 2(10 101 99 81 74 39 Brahmur 2549.06 87 87 479 243 236 73 42 31 40 Kabgal 988.75 22 22 120 60 60 26 16 10 41 Kenkanishivapur 906.75 55 55 328 183 145 48 27 21 42 Takatgeri 188.95 7 7 33 19 14 1 1 43 Karebail 235.27 46 46 217 110 107 33 16 17 8 11 44 Moralli 705.87 77 79 420 219 201 72 38 34 45 Mogta 373.69 148 148 758 391 367 105 60 45 78 64 46 AndIe 260.50 44 45 253 123 130 43 18 25 47 Bhasgod 49.24 78 78 294 146 148 32 16 16 48 Belambar 306.98 708 708 4212 2198 2014 735 394 341 49 Nadibag 45.06 79 79 459 237 222 73 36 37 50 Bobruwada 269.54 850 854 5016 2557 2,,59 615 324 291 114 106 51 Tenkankeri 120.07 245 245 1420 738 682 181 111 70 10 6 52 Poojgeri 80.90 89 89 478 231 247 54 21 33 53 Surve 170.12 74 74 319 168 151 23 10 13 51 39 54 Shetgeri 440.14 214 219 968 535 433 126 71 55 88 70 55 Kogre 44.33 63 63 311 149 162 56 30 26 92 92 56 Kanagi I 128.01 132 132 605 311 294 70 31 39 51 40 57 Hichkad 231. 07 218 220 992 512 480 125 70 55 b8 62 58 Hadav 246.98 134 134 727 392 335 77 43 34 59 Bi lehoingi 63.79 47 47 256 124 132 38 17 21 60 Agragone 275.34 178 178 905 458 447 141 71 70 39 42 61 Hegre 47.70 119 119 651 327 324 122 64 58 7 3 62 Adigone 282.14 118 118 641 329 312 83 38 45 4 2 63 Manjaguni 297.98 227 227 1269 641 628 247 132 115 12 10 64 Honnebail 710.60 132 134 907 482 425 131 80 51 7 5 65 Shinganmakki 48.28 45 45 230 115 115 24 16 8


t\allll'(lIC.D. Uh:k: :\t\KOLA; CoJt! No.: 0010

Scheduled Literate~ Total MiJin i N D U S T R I A L Name of Village Location TrIbes lJorkers TOh'n I lJard Code Cultivator~ AgrIcultural Number


(I - I X) (I) (I I)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) ( F) (M) (f) eM) (f)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) ( 1 )

216 156 172 67 101 52 16 3 Kodsanl 31 35B 232 266 114 212 88 36 20 Vasarkudrige 32 277 163 246 58 22() 12 11 Sh i rgun) i 33 236 156 238 39 162 16 36 12 Gundabala 34 707 479 637 253 327 110 164 111 Hi llur 35 238 153 249 12 220 8 5 3 Kuntgani 36 3 5 29 22 22 19 7 3 Manigadde 37 375 300 445 42 324 9 28 Achave 38 128 75 144 14 128 9 11 5 Brilhlllur 39 32 25 34 6 28 3 5 3 Kilbgill 40 Bl 44 100 11 90 4 10 5 Kcnkanl~hivapur 41 16 10 10 1 7 Takatgen 42 61 54 55 11 39 2 9 9 Karebai I 43 131 75 105 52 53 29 32 22 Morall i 44 232 177 215 57 133 12 63 37 Mogta 45 75 59 6b 21 56 18 AndIe 46 122 97 89 82 60 60 8hasgod 47 1237 617 1113 277 600 30 72 14 BelambM 48 139 67 119 32 26 10 18 17 Nadibag 49 2081 1632 1208 242 221 64 175 74 Bobrulolada 50 587 450 383 34 154 24 69 4 Tcnkankcri 51 191 104 140 37 80 17 4 9 Poojgcri 52 139 95 116 49 53 10 29 21 Surve 53 300 169 326 144 122 58 10 18 Shetgcrl 54 95 77 66 65 8 9 15 47 Kogre 55 254 164 167 80 97 23 53 43 Kanagil 56 391 273 282 155 120 60 27 45 Hichkad 57 228 103 169 5 151 3 3 1 H()d{)v 58 89 47 61 56 44 51 4 2 Bllehoingl 59 332 242 199 25 73 9 25 6 Agragone 60 152 75 161 161 131 147 6 b Hegre 61 227 127 170 29 103 4 42 21 Adlgone 62 424 251 334 71 87 20 51 29 Manjaguni 63 313 174 238 25 174 12 37 11 Honncbail 64 65 38 59 23 39 5 14 18 Shinganmilkki 65


Naml! of C.D. Block: AN KOLA : ('oJ(_' :\0. : O() I (I

---~- --~--" -~~- -~~----- r Location Name of Vi llage / Tot ill I ~ ATE G o R E S o F MAl N Code Town / l.Jard Rural!

Nl.IIlber Urban LIV('~tO(I<, MInIng and M;H1ut ac t '..If' 1 ng, Manufacturing, Cons t ruet i on

Forco; tr y, OUilrrylng Pr f..)(_L.. ·., .... 1 n9, Procc~~ i ng, F i"h i ng, Sl'rvlClng ,tnd Servicing and

HuntIng Clnd Rl'tJ,-! 1 r'::_,. In Rl'p,1l r-~ in P(ilntiltion, H0U,,>(.'hold Otn,,! t n,m

Orchilrd" i> !ndu~try HOusehold

Alllcd !ndu~try actl"itlc'_'

(III) (IV) [V(a)] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) ( F ) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

31 Kodsani 3 10 4 23 " 32 Vasarkudrige 1 33 Sh i rgunj i 1 2 34 Gundabala 7 2 12 3 35 Hi llur 35 4 5 17 11 5 36 Kuntgani 7 37 Manigadde 38 Aehave 63 3 3 3 39 ~rahmur 40 Kabgal 41 Kenkanishivapur 42 Takatgeri 43 Karebai l 2 -- 44 Morall i 6 4 5 45 Mogta 46 Andle 47 Bhasg~ 4 1 9 3 48 Belambar 351 5 2 4 2 49 Nadibag 21 11 50 Bobruwada 131 3 5 29 106 37 51 lenkankeri 3 34 42 13 52 Poojgeri 4 53 Surve 8 7 2 54 Shetgeri 1 171 63 " 6 1 55 Kogre 3 2 14 3 3 5 56 Kanagi l 3 1 2 57 Kichkad 50 2 43 2 13 1 11 58 Hadav 3 59 Bi lehoingi 1 60 Agragone 56 2 4 4 61 Hegre 4 8 2 62 Adigone , 8 63 Manjaguni 101 10 10 17 4 64 Honnebai l 10 3 6 65 Sh i ngarvnakk. i 2



(VI I) (VI I I ) (IX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (101) (F) (101) (F) (101) ( F )

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

12 3 2 5 1 53 125 137 Kodsilnl 31 3 11 6 169 222 178 V3~arkudr I ge 32 3 1 6 3 2 174 166 179 Sh I rgunJ I 33 13 3 5 6 34 189 13') 191 Gundab"la 34 29 8 7 37 19 59 231 .. 10 536 Hi llur 35 9 3 4 2 29 184 348 Kuntgilnl 36 3 7 18 10 Manlg."dde 37 6 4 8 259 261 394 Achave 38 4 2 128 97 94 Brahmur 39 2 28 24 26 KJbgal 40 2 83 13<+ KenkanlshlvClpur 41 1 9 13 Takatgcrl 42 2 55 95 KilrebCl i ( 43 3 2 1 40 114 109 Moralll 44 4 2 7 7 6 124 171 186 Mogta 45 1 3 4 2 5 57 104 Andle 46 5 1 9 18 57 66 BhiJ-;god 47 38 218 7 36 9 13 610 1072 1127 Bclalllbilr 48 30 4 8 5 118 190 Nadibag 49 177 60 146 2 181 38 8 1349 2209 Bobruwada 50 28 9 30 6 355 648 Tcnkankerl 51 31 10 12 8 1 91 210 Poojgcri 52 3 9 17 52 102 Surve 53 3 , 11 5 5 208 254 Shetgerl 54 2 15 3 83 97 Kogre 55 9 14 7 98 137 116 Kanagi l 56 6 13 3 19 22 31 46 199 279 Hlchkild 57 2 9 89 215 134 115 Hadav 58 10 3 63 76 Bi lcholngi 59 7 4 24 10 10 59 249 363 Agrilgonc 60 7 4 4 19 166 144 Hcgre 61 6 8 2 4 159 279 Adigone 62 37 14 11 6 6 2 187 305 370 Manjaguni 63 2 6 1 63 243 337 Honncbai 1 64 2 3 9 53 83 Shinganl11ilkki 65


NaOle of C. D. Block: AN KOLA; Coue No. : ()() 10

Location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Tot "I f-l'JPu l ,H I on T 0Ld POpul at.! on Scheduled Code Town I ward Rurall Hectares Occu' House' (I nc I udl '19 In the dqe group Caste ... Nl..II1ber Urban for vi I· pled Holds r n~ tit uti (In,, I 0. (0 6) lages & Resid' in sq.km entiat population) for HQuses towns and C.D.Blocks

(f-) (M) (F) U) (M) (F) (M) (f)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (9) ( 10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

66 lIadibogri 23.28 41 41 244 135 109 24 22 67 296.11 733 738 ':'169 2226 1943 643 335 3i)8 161 57 68 Aversa 472.55 779 785 4019 1%9 2050 513 2'-,1 21',2 139 160 69 Harwada 612.13 498 499 27.75 1407 1368 363 175 188 43 42 70 Sakalben 1813.85 269 270 1353 686 667 213 111 50 41

71 Vari I ben 795.91 9 <; 86 41 1~ 11 72 Cule 2458.06 15 15 121 55 66 11 16 73 lakkegul i 844.95 Un- lnh,-,bl tc'd V] II age 74 kondige 2014.50 7 7 6'; 34 30 17 9 8 7S Shikliturli 1162.82 2 2 17 7 10 5 " 76 Mallani 2045.99 1.; 14 4 3 3 28 8 " 77 Shevegul i 2640.55 7 7 59 3':' 25 19 15 4 78 Heggarnikotebavi 2770.75 4 4 23 12 11 3 2 79 Nellurkanchinbail 1048.64 14 14 77 ~ 7 30 12 5 7 80 Hattikeri 187.46 135 136 7bO 3',6 361- 133 76 57 2 .:, 81 Berde 1451.08 8 8 32 17 15 10 7 3 82 Bogribai l 914.82 33 33 183 99 8:' 33 24 9 83 Balegul i 180.42 60 63 345 174 171 54 23 31 110 112 84 Shirkuli 288.84 311 313 1531 787 744 179 97 82 124 111 85 Algeri 433.08 356 358 1789 90u 883 256 - 123 133 161 165 86 Bhavikeri 494.27 1434 1445 8005 4064 3941 1187 5'18 589 138 133

C.O. Block Total Rural 911.28 14354 14430 77801 39922 37879 11357 S872 5485 2548 2328

C.O. Block Total Urban


\,lllIc' of CD. Bloc'" : A\KO(.A ; emle \0. : 0010

Scheduled Literate" Total MaIn J ~ 0 U SRI A l Nallle ot Village Locat I on Tr Ibcs lJorkcr" Town I liard Code Cultlv~tors Agricultural Number

L~lbourcr ....

( J IX) ( I ) (II)

(101) (F) (14) ( F ) (14) (f) (M) ( F ) (14) (f)

(15) (16 ) ( 17) (18) ( 19) (20) ( 21) (n) (23 ) (? .. ) (2 ) (1)

79 28 87 72 79 6 Z b~ \.J;,ulbogrl 66 2 1387 805 1235 444 282 86 4 12 Be I cKel"! 67 1427 1070 1024 223 179 29 212 105 Aversa 68 970 594 742 426 294 151 46 52 H."wada 69 442 289 344 125 94 47 61 53 Sakal ben 70 2 24 13 17 1 7 12 ",If" 1ben 71 31 19 23 3 8 16 GUll' 72

- -- # - ~ ------Un-InhabIted Vlllilgc -----. ----_ Ldkkcgul I 73 6 2 17 11 15 8 ;: 3 (undlgc 74 2 .. 2 " Shlkllturil 75 7 9 7 9 Mal lunl 76

17 15 17 15 Shcvegul I 77 1 8 7 8 7 Heggurnikotebavi 78 2.9 10 22 9 4 4 6 3 Nellu,-kiJnchinbai I 79 272 169 191 37 38 16 20 8 Hat t i ken 80 5 1 9 8 9 8 Berde 81 51 35 44 44 38 43 5 Bogrjbili I 82 115 65 88 45 17 7 Bid egul 1 83 590 399 419 153 176 32 89 103 Shlrkull 84 602 346 467 88 181 16 22 15 Algerl 85

2524 1587 1989 883 827 256 21(1 215 BhdV I ~('( \ Bb

8 7 25917 16951 21319 8032 10196 3377 2585 2291 C.O. Block Totul Rural

C.O. Block Total Urbiln

39 \,ILLA(a~ / TO\VN PRIl\lAI{Y

Nam~ofCD. Blo\:k: ANKOLA: C"d..: ;\ o. (I( I J( I location Name of Vi llage Totall C A T E G 0 R ! E S o F M II. I Ii Code Town I \lard Rurall Number Urbiln L 1 vc~ toc k, Minlng ilnd MiJr1ufiJctur'lng, Milnufilcturing, Construction Forestry, QuarrYlng Procc:-.slng, Processing, Fishing, Se,'vlc ing ilnd Servlcing ilnd

Hunting dnd Rl'~.-j 1 r..., In Repalrs in PlantatlufI, H :Ju .... cho l d Oth0r thiln

Or'char'd~ (> ! fidl • ..., try HGu ...... chotd Alllca ! ncJuq ry


( J J 1 ) (J Vi [VI iJ)] [V(b)] (V J )

------(101) ( F ) (M) ( F ) (M) (F) (M) (F) (101) (F)

( 1 ) (2) (3) (25 ) (26) ( 27) (25) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

66 Wadibogri 2 67 Belekeri 421 28 St, 24 " 1 ? 68 Aversa 95 2 :_>l) 121 S7 () 69 Harwada 298 9 12 6 2 3 70 Sakalben 35 9 26 b 19 b 9 71 Vari I ben 72 Gule 73 lakkegul i ------Un- Inhabl ted Village _------74 I(ondige 75 ShiH iturl i 76 Mallani 77 Shevegul i 78 Heggarnikotebavi - 79 Nellurkanchinbail 2 2 f 80 Hatt i ker i 14 33 .:. 28 4 81 Berde " 82 Bogribai l 83 Balegul i 23 36 7 4 84 Shirkuli 2 6 8 13"- 85 Algeri 13 50 34 44 3 22 41" 8 86 Bhavikeri 624 35 49 2 19 47 5

C.D. Block Totat Rural 2813 173 691 122 467 101 714 64 354 22

C.D. Block Total Urban


;\al1lt: llf C.D. BI"~",, : :\\KOI.:\ : CoJ~ "'0. : UOIO

WORKERS MargInal Non-lJorker~ Nan~ of VIllage / Locat ion Workers Town / Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Number Coomerce Storage and Services COIIII1Unication

(VI [ ) (VIII) ([ X)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) ( F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

4 2 .. 8 37 IJadl bogr I b6 81 241 280 30 70 39 10 300 981 1199 Belder1 67 98 43 68 125 38 4 71 941 1756 Avers;) 68 24 201 30 2 27 6 3 238 662 704 Harwada 69 29 5 44 18 8 47 341 495 Silkillben 70 17 32 vilrllben 71 24 47 Gule 72

~.------_ ... --- Un-InhabIted Vi llage ---- ~ ------Lilkkegul i 73 17 19 Kondige 74 5 6 Sh i kl it ur l i 75 6 5 Milllani 76 17 9 Shevegul i 77 4 3 Heggarnlkotebnvl 78 3 3 6 24 15 Nellurkanchinbail 79 24 4 7 19 5 45 204 282 Hattikeri 80 8 7 Berde 81 55 39 Bogribai 1 82 2 26 8 11 85 115 Billegul i 83 16 1 11 102 9 163 368 428 Shirkuli 84 37 2 19 38 10 13 247 426 548 Algeri 85 58 333 23 3 127 39 71 514 2004 2544 Bhavi ker i 86

1171 1316 899 41 1429 525 583 5741 18020 24106 C.D. Block Total Rural

C.D. Block Total Urb;m






2 3 4 5 6

1 Agga 11/20/2/37 11/20/0020/0037 9/19/2/37 09/19/0020/0037 2 Antarval I i 11/20/2/8 11/20/0020/0008 9/19/2/8 09/19/0020/0008 3 Arvakki 11/20/2/18 11/20/0020/0018 9/19/2/18 09/19/0020/0018

4 8adabag 11/20/2/36 11/20/0020/0036 9/19/2/36 09/19/0020/0036 5 Bai lur 11/20/2/57 11/20/0020/0057 9/19/2/58 09/19/0020/0058 6 Bastigalmigte (Hadhin) 11/20/2/28 11/20/0020/0028 9/19/2/28 09/19/0020/0028 7 Bastigalmigte {Koppa 11/20/2/9 11/20/0020/0009 9/19/2/9 09/19/0020/0009 8 Behall i 11/20/2/54 11/20/0020/0054 9/19/2/54 09/19/0020 J 0054 9 Belalkhanda 11/20/2/5 11/20/0020/0005 9/19/2/5 09/19/0020/0005 10 Belke 11/20/2/25 11/20/0020/0025 9/19/2/25 09/19/0020/0025 11 Belni 11/20/2/48 11/20/0020/0048 9/19/2/48 09/19/0020/0048 12 Benandoor 11/20/2/43 11/20/0020/0043 9/19/2/43 09/19/0020/0043 13 11/20/2/60 11/20/0020/0060 9/19/2/63 09/19/0020/0063 14 Beshe 11/20/2/40 11/20/0020/0040 9/19/2/40 09/19/0020/0040 15 Bi lurmane 11/20/2/51 11/20/0020/0051 9/19/2/51 09/19/002010051

16 Chavathani 11/20/2/47 11/20/0020/0047 9/19/2/47 09/19/0020/0047

17 Devastanmegre 11/20/2/16 11/20/0020/0016 9/19/2/16 09/19/0020/0016

18 Gol ibi lur 11/20/2/44 11/20/0020/0044 9/19/2/44 09/19/0020/0044 19 Gorte 11/20/2/26 11/20;0020/0026 9/19/2/26 09/19/0020/0026

20 Hadhin 11/20/2/27 11/20/0020/0027 9119/2/27 09/19/0020/0027 21 Hadi I 11/20/2/50 11/20/0020/0050 9/19/2/50 09/19/0020/0050 22 Hadlur 11/20/2/41 11/20/0020/004 I 9/19/2/41 09/19/0020/0041 23 Hadvatl i 11/20/2/35 11/20/0020/0035 9/19/2/35 09/19/0020/0035 24 Hallari 11/20/2/20 11/20/0020/0020 9/19/2/20 09/19/0020/0020 25 Hallyani 11/20/2113 11/20/0020/0013 9/19/2/13 09/19/0020/0013 26 Hasarvall i 11/20/2/12 11/20/0020/0012 9/19/2/12 09/19/0020/0012 27 11/20/2/3 11/20/0020/0003 9/19/2/3 09/19/0020/0003 28 Henjle 11/20/2/11 11/20/0020/0011 9/19/2/11 09/19/002010011 29 11/20/2/53 11/20/0020/0053 9/19/2/53 09/19/0020/0053 30 Hojjil 11/20/2/21 11/20/0020/0021 9/19/2/21 09/19/0020/0021 31 Hudi l 11/20/2/10 11/20/0020/0010 9/19/2/10 09/19/0020/0010

32 Jolj 11/20/2/2 11/20/0020/0002 9/19/2/2 09/19/0020/0002

33 Kaggundi 11/20/2/42 11/20/0020;0042 9/19/2/42 09/19/0020/0042 34 11/20/2/61 11/20/0020/0061 9/19/2/64 09/19/0020/0064 35 Karikal 11/20/2/31 11/20/0020/0031 9/19/2/31 09/19/0020/0031 36 Kekkod 11 /20/2/22 11/20/0020/0022 9/19/2/22 09/19/0020/0022 37 Kerchittal ,'/20/2/,9 11/20/0020/0019 9/19/2/19 09/19/0020/0019




2 3 4 5 6

38 Kitre 11/20/2/7 11/20/0020/0007 9/19/2/7 09/19/0020/0007 39 Konar 11/20/2/52 11/20/0020/0052 9/19/2/52 09/19/0020/0052 40 Koppa 11/20/2/58 11/20/0020/0058 9/19/2/59 09/19/0020/0059 41 Kotkhanda 11/20/2/6 11/20/0020/0006 9/19/2/6 09/19/0020/0006 42 Kulavadi 11/20/2/39 11/20/0020/0039 9/19/2/39 09/19/0020/0039 43 Kuntvani 11/20/2/38 11/20/0020/0038 9/19/2/38 09/19/0020/0038 44 Kurandur 11/20/2/17 11/20/0020/0017 9/19/2/17 09;19/0020/0017

45 Marukeri 11/20/2/34 11120/0020/0034 9/19/2/34 09/19/0020/0034 46 11/20/2/56 11/20/0020/0056 9/19/2/56 09/19/0020/0056 47 Mavinkurve 11/20/2/30 11/20/0020/0030 9/19/2/30 09/19/0020/0030 48 Mudbhatkal 11/20/2/55 11/20/0020/0055 9/19/2/55 09/19/0020/0055 49 Mugl i 11/20/2/23 11/20/0020/0023 9/19/2/23 09/19/0020/0023 50 Mundall i 11/20/2/29 11/20/0020/0029 9/19/2/29 09/19/0020/0029 51 Murkodi ',/20/2/14 11/20/0020/0014 9/19/2/14 09/19/0020/0014 52 Muttalli 11/20/2/49 11/20/0020/0049 9/19/2/49 09/19/0020/0049

53 Nuz 11/20/2/24 11/20/0020/0024 9/19/2/24 09/19/0020/0024

54 Pur varga 11/20/2/46 11/20/0020/0046 9/19/2/46 09/19/0020/0046

55 Shi ral i 11/20/2/59 11/20/0020/0059 9/19/2/60 09/19/0,020/0060

56 Taggorgod 11/20/2/1 11/20/0020/0001 9/19/2/1 09/19/0020/0001 57 Talan 11/20/2/33 11/20/0020/0033 9/19/2/33 09/19/0020/0033 58 Talgod 11/20/2/32 11/20/0020/0032 9/19/2/32 09/19/0020/0032

59 Venkatapur 11/20/2/4 11/20/0020/0004 9/19/2/4 09/19/0020/0004 60 Vonibagil 11/20/2/15 11/20/0020/0015 9/19/2/15 09/19/0020/0015

61 Yelavadikavoor 11/20/2/45 11/20/0020/0045 9/19/2/45 09/19/0020/0045


Name of C.D. Blod : BHATKAL ; ("PJt:' 1\0. : (l(e()

Location Name of Village / Totall Area in No.ot No.ot Total population Total Populilt IOn SCheduled Code Town I \,lard Rurall Hectares Deeu· House· (Including In the age group Castes Number Urban for vi I· pled Holds Institutlon.]l & (0 . 6) lages & ReSld· Housele",> H) sq.klTl entlal popul ut IOn) for Hou<;es town'; and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5 ) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

T 343.69 15233 15665 97539 48312 49227 19596 9960 9636 5720 5796 BHATKAl C.D.Block R 343.69 15233 15665 97539 48312 49227 19596 9960 9636 5720 5796 U

1 Taggorgod 46.29 64 64 367 164 203 105 43 62 2 Jol i 547.27 746 754 5260 2562 2698 1117 598 519 143 143 3 Heble 716.69 1033 1072 7166 3620 3546 1503 762 741 821 789 4 Venkatapur 446.79 675 686 4105 2038 2067 801 403 398 159 185 5 Belalkhanda 320.01 177 185 965 481 484 206 99 107 6 9 6 Kotkhanda 419.45 160 160 903 449 454 157 85 72 2 7 Kitre 603.32 84 85 522 263 259 105 46 59 4 2 8 Antarvall i 206.86 9 9 54 30 24 10 6 4 9 Bastigalmigte (Koppa 177.86 2 2 7 5 2 10 Hudi I 961. 74 30 35 181 96 85 46 24 22 11 Henjle 400.78 22 22 151 71 80 40 17 23 12 Hasarvall i 631.69 28 28 148 71 77 30 12 18 9 11 13 Hallyani 578.33 50 50 283 147 136 77 46 31 3 4 14 Murkodi 119.60 3 3 25 13 12 422 15 Vonibagil 76.84 13 13 102 57 45 26 "13 13 16 Devastanmegre 7.14 1 1 1 17 Kurandur 384.34 17 17 101 54 47 27 16 11 18 Arvakki 472.50 17 17 121 63 58 23 14 9 19 Kerch i ttal 379.23 7 7 58 29 29 11 8 3 20 Hallar; 89.53 12 12 87 41 46 19 8 11 21 Hojji! 254.72 19 19 113 54 59 31 17 14 22 Kekkod 200.77 21 21 131 66 65 28 15 13 23 Mugl i 90.78 ------. ------Un·l nhabi ted Village 24 Nuz 829.09 83 83 555 277 278 129 64 65 23 13 25 Belke 1492.21 597 603 3735 1818 1917 815 412 403 740 749 26 Gorte 165.31 172 172 1081 537 544 212 110 102 226 222 27 Hadhin 391.91 223 229 1403 694 709 303 163 140 5 5 28 Bastigalmigte (Hadhin) 63.20 7 7 60 29 31 16 11 5 29 Mundall i 442.92 713 730 4895 2502 2393 956 491 465 703 642 30 Mavinkurve 25.11 200 200 1328 694 634 204 112 92 175 163


:"allIL of C,D, Blod, : BII:\TK:\L : CUdl' \U, : OU20

Scheduled Literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L Nallle of Vill age / Location Tribes !.Iorkers Town / !.Iilrd Code Cultivators Agricultural Number Lilbourers

(I - I X) (I) ( I I )

(M) (f) (M) (F) (M) ( F ) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

3712 3607 24718 16468 22841 6353 7602 2420 2161 1925 3712 3607 24718 16468 22841 6353 7602 2420 2161 1925 BHATKAL C.O.Block

69 58 80 10 18 TilggOrgod 1 228 230 1420 1276 1042 223 121 11 22 24 Jol i 2 327 327 1890 1067 1666 519 307 217 62 97 Heble 3 58 56 1307 1105 847 118 90 9 78 6 Venkatilpur 47 47 225 152 232 10 15 13 Belillkhanda "5 163 167 248 188 262 42 3 Kotkhilnoa 6 196 195 113 69 135 9 23 1 Kit I'e 7 2 3 2. 11 4 6 4 3 Antarvalll 8 4 1 5' 1 Bilstigalmigte (Koppa ) 9 32 27 34 18 51 8 49 4 2 4 Hudi I 10 4 3 46 3 46 1 2 Henjle 11 19 15 17 13 44 29 22 20 4 6 Hasarvall i 12 78 77 38 22 78 52 27 14 25 30 Hall yani 13 9 5 7 5 3 3 Murkodi 14 48 39 21 7 27 20 18 15 7 4 Vonibilgi I 15 Devastanmegre 16 2 2 14 3 29 11 26 11 3 Kurandur 1/ 8 6 32 22 34 3 25 1 8 2 Arvilkki 18 14 12 8 8 19 18 10 12 Kerchittal 19 3 23 23 21 21 Hililari 20 32 33 21 27 3 Hoj j i I 21 36 36 36 35 Kekkoo 22 Un-Inhabited vi llage Mug I i 23 106 114 65 37 138 14 118 5 20 8 Nuz 24 114 104 866 484 853 234 346 46 12 32 Belke 25 279 166 206 116 77 84 4 17 Gorte 26 346 216 314 50 119 8 32 30 Hadhin 27 4 7 13 4 Bastigillmigte (Hadhin) 28 1455 859 1159 227 156 68 63 79 Mundall i 29 411 221 358 63 Mavinkurve 30

49 \'ILL\(;E / '1'0\\'1'\ I'IU l\IAJ{Y

Nam~ of CD. Bind, : BIIATKAI. : Codt: :\(). : ()() ~ll

Locat ion Name of Vl11age Total/ C ATE G 0 R I E S o F M A ! N Code Town I liard Rural!

Number Urban Ljve~tock, Mlnlng "nd M:lr'tufacturlng, Manuf ae tur 1 ng, Construction

Fore~try. Quarrylng Pr-oc('",~ 1 ng, ~roce"'Slng, FIsh j ng. Servlclng and Sen'IClng ana Huntlng and Rcpa 1 r:-;. In Rcpa j r., in Plantatiun, H,..... ·u-.,d10ld JUlcr tnan Orchards 0. IIXlu~ t ('y Huusehold

All ied 1",ju~ try

DC t 1 1/ 1 t ll·...,

(III) (I V) [V(a) ] [V(b)] (V! ) ------(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1 ) (2) ( 3) (25 ) (?b) (27) (28) ( 29) (3(J) (31) (32) (33) (34)

4648 448 572 26 31)3 3 ; 1,,03 205 932 85 BHATKAL C.D.Block R 4648 448 572 2b 303 3 1 1403 205 932 85 u ---_---. 1 Taggorgod 5 2 8 2 32 2 Jol i 131 23 51 39 N 90 6 3 Heble 652 36 117 21 2 5b 11 60 1 4 Venkatapur 43 4 21 9b 9 77 5 Belalkhanda 9 3 37 21 6 I(otkhanda 167 17 71(itre 96 7 3 8 Antarvalli 2 9 Bastigalmigte (Koppa ) 5 10 Hudi I 11 Henj Ie 12 Hasarvall i 15 3 13 Hallyani 19 7 2 14 Murkodi 2 2 15 Vonibagi l 16 Devastanmegre 17 Kurandur 18 Arvakki 19 Kerchittal 9 6 20 Hallari 2 2 21 Hoj j i I 8 ') 22 J(ekkod

23 Mugl i ------_ Un'! nhilbi ted V1 llage ------_ ----_ 24 Nuz 25 Belke 361 121 51 3 7 26 Gorte 82 4 27 Hadhin 10 3 9 21 28 Bastigalmigte (Hadhin) 29 Mundall i 302 3 7 2 128 2 196 22 30 Mavinkurve 270 44 1 4 2 6


\:al11L of CD. Blod : BfI:\TKAL : CoJ..: !\;(). : 0020

'oj 0 R K E R S Non-\.J0I"kers Nnme of Y'((uge LOCution wurker..; Tuwn / W;,rd Code Trade and Transport, Other Number Comnerce Storage and Serv Ices COIIlIlUn i cat I on

(VI I) (VI I I ) (I X)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (101) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

---"--- (35 ) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41 ) (42) (43) h4) ( 2) (1) ----- 2673 522 789 7 1758 b84 477 2575 24994 4U299 2673 522 789 7 1758 684 477 2575 24994 40299 BHATKAL C.D.Block

5 6 5 b 1 lb 83 177 Taggorgod 1 345 29 46 118 129 12 116 1508 2359 Jol i 2 172 89 52 167 bb 36 356 1918 2671 Hcble 3 213 14 70 155 77 31 13 1160 193b Vcnkati1pur 4 71 2 12 54 .:. 2.:.9 474 Sel J I kh;:indiJ 5 20 68 24 187 407 Kot khzmdil 6 6 " 5 55 127 195 Kltrc 7 19 19 AnL,)"vz, I I 1 8

1 Ba~t I gJIllII gte' (Koppa ) 9 44 76 Hudi I 10 25 77 Henjle 11 3 27 47 Hasarvalll 12 2 3 69 79 Hilll yani 13 6 7 Murkodi 14 30 25 Yonibilgil 15 Oevtist()nmcgre 16 25 36 Kurilndur 17 18 29 37 ArVilkkl 18 2 10 9 Kerchl ttal 19 2 3 \6 20 Hallar 1 20 5 21 21 Hoj J 1 l 21 3 30 26 KCkkod 22 ------~ ------...... ~ - .... --- Un- Inhabi ted Village Mugl i 23 1 139 264 Nuz 24 24 29 23 26 5 20 375 945 1308 Belke 25 17 10 4 12 4 45 29 286 399 Gorte 26 54 3 44 22 7 72 380 587 Hadhin 27 1 2 5 8 15 23 Bil-;tigalmigte (Hildhin) 28 119 6 29 157 47 11 142 1332 2024 Mund"ll i 29 29 11 33 18 2 28 335 543 Milvinkurve 30


Name of C.D. Block: BHATKAL : CoJe No. : 0020

Location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I lJard Rurall Hectares Occu- House- (Including in the age group Castes Number Urban for vi 1- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid- Houseless in sq.km ential population) for House;, towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) ( F ) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

( 1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5 ) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

31 Karikal 45.87 51 58 377 196 181 88 46 42 92 97 32 Talgod 186.24 215 220 1413 690 723 277 134 143 132 114 33 Talan 471.95 137 140 824 427 397 190 96 94 1 34 Marul

C.D. Block lotal Rural 343.69 15233 15665 97539 48312 49227 19596 9960 9636 5720 5796

C.D. Block Total Urban

52 CENSUS ABSTRACT , Name of CD. Block: BHATKAL : Code Nil. : 0020

Scheduled Literates Total Moin I N D U SRI A L Name of Village / Location Tribes lIorkers TOl.ln / lIord Code Cultivotors Agrlcultur~l Number Lilbourers

(I . I X) ( I ) (II)

(M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) 1M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) ( 1 )

88 44 88 34 6 5 K3rikill 31 46 52 371 209 347 48 54 5 18 Tillgod 32 133 148 162 66 215 172 97 111 10 43 Talan 33 305 282 287 212 307 51 50 3 67 35 Ma~uker 1 34 87 59 117 75 115 64 49 37 23 22 'Hadvillll 35 16 6 54 1 53 Badabag 36 6 3 13 13 Ag9a 37 98 87 94 77 115 20 72 8 8 3 I(untvanl 38 4 4 7 4 46 7 30 6 12 1 Kulavildl 39 49 51 18 18 41 28 23 22 2 3 Seshe 40 172 149 58 27 112 58 74 43 9 8 Hadlur 41 10 16 6 b Kaggundi 42 7 6 35 22 58 32 35 13 3 16 Scnandoor 43 54 42 81 38 93 43 57 24 20 16 Golibilur 44 28 34 199 119 267 37 122 15 26 12 Yelavadikavoor 45 3 588 462 334 28 33 18 5 2 Purvarga 46 102 52 96 13 30 8 1 3 Chavilthani 47 453 277 406 137 12 3 45 6 Belni 48 1 263 147 251 147 103 79 16 57 Muttillil 49 122 143 125 64 212 130 123 97 41 21 Hildi I 50 78 84 42 31 47 32 12 11 6 S 1 I urmane 51 74 76 213 154 211 79 44 24 31 36 Konar 52 22 28 61 36 50 3 19 14 2 Hcrur 53 12 5 19 9 11 7 1 Schall i 54 263 165 139 22 17 8 2 Mudbhatkal 55 90 94 3903 3103 3022 666 833 277 281 238 Mavall i 56 1068 659 1241 294 760 73 85 177 Sai lur 57 587 510 567 285 729 30 481 24 9 1 Koppa 58 152 171 3249 2190 2681 931 851 313 496 394 Sh i ral i 59 84 80 1393 695 1614 541 808 264 243 170 Bcngre 60 67 64 1993 1216 2164 815 1015 313 323 304 Kaikini 61

3712 3607 24718 16468 22841 6353 7602 2420 2161 1925 C.D. Slock Total Rural

C.D. Slock Total Urban

53 YILLACE / TO\\'N PRll\lAi~Y

Name of C. D. Blod, : BIIATKAL : Codc' ,,, 1)1 ),2()

-~------Location Name of Vi ilage I Tota!! C A T E G o R E ~ iJ F '" A I N Code Town / \.lard Rural/ Number Urban l,ve,(ock, "1,n,ng zind "':,nuf ;,e rur, ng, Manufactur,ng, Cons t rurt ion

Forc,try, Quarr y 1 n-J f--"'r-'_I(C-..,:-.l ng , PrO((,~Slng,

F"h,ng, Sl'lv,c,ng (lnd SCI v,c,ng and Hunt,ng and Rl'pZll r..., 'n RCP':-ll r-..., 'n Pl unt<1t,on, H :Ju'->l'h0l d St hl_'f t h:tn

Orchard~ 0. I ndc.' t lOY rlc.'U'-d..'hlj l d All'Cd I fl.._1u' .... try

ac t 1 vi t 1 C:--

(III) ( IV) ~ \._ ( ,OJ ) ~ [V(b)] (VI)

.---~~-~------~----- (101) (f) (101) (f) (..,) (f) (101) (f) (101) ( F )

(1) (2) (3) (25) ( 2t;) (27) (28) 1('9) (3-: ) ( 31) (32) (33) (3~)

.------.------~--~--- 31 Karikal 48 6 4 12

32 Talgod 158 C; '3 ~ 2 '2 " 33 Talan 7 3 13 3 ~ 2' 23 3

~ 34 Marukeri 163 I 3 35 Hadvall i 25 3 2 36 Badabag 37 Agga 38 Kuntvani 19 7 3 2 2 2 39 Kulavadi 4 40 Beshe 15 3 41 Hadlur 19 7 6 42 Kag9undi 43 Benandoor 16 2 3 44 Golibilur 4 2 2 3

45 Yelavadikavoor 15 9 3 ~7 9 46 Purvarga 8 3 5J 22 47 Chavathani 2 13 14 48 Belni 196 45 S 12 35 49 Muttalli 6 1 20 20 50 Hadi I 11 8 3 7 2 10 51 Bi lurmane 35 14 52 Konar 93 14 13 4 53 Herur 13 54 Behall i 2 55 Mudbhatkal 2 11 26

7- 56 Mal/all i 422 9 DO IU 273 S1 77 " 57 Bai lur 116 38 1(; '>~ 8 ') 58 Koppa 220 1 2 59 Shirai i 356 21 30 Z 28 274 39 45 60 Bengre 231 4 124 21 " 18 4') 16 20 61 Kaikini 260 6 29 3 ')9 7 111 77 67 18

C.D. Block Total Rural 4648 448 572 26 303 31 1403 205 932 8S

C.D. Block Total Urban


"'aille' ot C. [). Blod; : BI! ATKA L : Codl' :-';0. : 00:20

IoIORKERS Marginal Non-liorkl:r~ Naille of Villilge Locat ion liorkers Town / liard Code Trade and 1 ransport. Other Number Corrmerce Storage and Services COIlITlUnlcatlon


(M) (F) (M) ( F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (44) (2 ) (1)

7 19 1 8 5 29 103 118 31 35 26 29 5 5 9 3.. 2 b6b Talgod 32

20 8 16 5 2 7 33 205 192 T (I L[If 1 33 5 3 12 5 265 SOb 34 9 4 3 2 98 134 H"dvalll 35 34 b6 BJdabag 36 14 20 Agga 37 4 2 2 63 110 138 Kuntvanl 38 20 42 62 Kulilvadi 39 13 32 45 80,11C 40 3 b 21 lOb 12 .. 41 16 KdggUrllJ 1 42 1 18 44 62 B'_'n,H1door 43 2 1 2 1 20 11 S 129 Gollbllur' 44 18 5 13 7 4 135 263 338 45 141 38 34 8 62 70 525 847 Pur'V

2673 522 789 7 1758 684 477 2575 24994 40299 C.D. Block Total Rur"t

C.D. Block Total Urban






2 3 4 5 b

1 t'ddi gera 11/20/3/99 11/20/0030/0099 9/19/3/123 09/19/0030/0123 2 Adk~ 1112013172 11/20/0030/0072 9/19/3/71 09/19/0030/0071 3 Agasalkatta 11/20/3/81 11/20/0030/0081 9/19/3/99 09/19/003010099 4 11/20/3/132 11120/0030/0132 9/1913/97 09/19/0030/0097 5 Ajgarm 11/20/3/118 11/20/0030/0118 9/19/3/83 09/19/0030/0083 6 Ajminhal ,,/20/3/66 11/20/0030/0066 9/19/3/68 09/19/0030/0068 7 Alolll 11/20/3/43 11/20/0030/0043 9/19/3/31 09/19/0030/0031 8 Alur 11/20/3/133 11/20/0030/0133 9/19/3/98 09/19/0030/0098 9 Ambewadi 11/20/3/113 11/20/0030/0113 9/19/3/78 09/19/0030/0078 10 Anbodga 11/20/3/12 11/20/0030/0012 9/19/3/7 09/19/0030/0007 11 Amga 11/20/3/1 02 11/20/003010102 9/19/3/132 09/19/0030/0132 12 Arnnankop 11/20/3/53 11/20/003010053 9/19/3/37 09/19/0030/0037 13 Antrolli 11/20/3/22 11/20/003010022 9/19/3/19 09/19/0030/0019 14 Arlwad 11/20/3/17 11/20/0030/0017 9/19/3/14 09/19/0030/0014 15 Arshingeri 11/20/3/64 11/20/0030/0064 9/19/3/64 09/19/0030/0064

16 8'abl ikop 11/20/31128 11/20/0030/0128 9/19/3/95 09119/0030/0095 17 8adakanshirda 11/20/3/110 11/20/0030/0"0 9/ i9/3/12S 09/19/003C/Oi2S 18 Badashi rgur 11 / 20/3/89 11/20/0030/0089 9;19/3;120 09/19/0030/0120 19 Baloga 11/20/3/126 11/20/0030/0126 9/19/3/92 09/19/0030/0092 20 Balshettik.op 11/20/3/88 11/20/0030/0088 9/19/3/116 09/19/0030/0116 21 Baswalli 11/20/3/32 11/20/0030/00j2 9/19/3/49 09/19/0030/0049 22 Bedarshir"ur 11/20/3/114 11/20/0030/0114 9/19/3/82 09/19/0030/0082 23 Belwatgi 11/20/3/37 11/20/0030/0037 9/19/3/45 09i19/0030/0045 24 Bhagwati 11/20/3/98 11/20/0030/0098 9/19/3/114 09/19/0030/0114 25 Bhanasgeri 11/20/3/45 11/20/0030/0045 9/19/3/34 09/19/0030/0034 26 Bhimanalli 11/20/3/97 11/20/0030/0097 9/19/3/1 13 09/19/0030/0113 27 Bidral I i 11/20/31123 11/20/0030/0123 9/19/3/90 09/19/0030/0090 28 Bogur 11/20/3/69 11/20/0030/0069 9/1913/76 09/19/0030/0076 29 Bomnal Ii 11/20/3/91 11/20/0030/0091 9/19/3/121 09/19/0030/0121 30 Bukkankop 11/20/3/75 11/20/0030/0075 9/19/3/67 09/19/0030/0067 31 Buzruk Kanchanalli 11/20/3/50 11/20/0030/0050 9/19/3/35 09/19/0030/0035

32 ,,/20/3/127 11/20/0030/0127 9/19/3/94 09/19/0030/0094 33 Chatranal 11/20/3/2 11/20/0030/0002 9/19/3/24 09(19/0030/0024 34 Chi bbalger i 11/20/3/41 11/20/0030/0041 9/19/3/29 09/19/0030/0029 35 Chil1l1lal I i 11/20/3/87 11/20/0030/0087 9/19/3/117 09/19/0030/0117 36 Chinaginkop "/20/3/34 11/20/0030/0034 9/19/3/54 09/19/0030/0054 37 Chotakanshirda 11/20/3/92 11/20/0030/0092 9/19/3/115 09/19/0030/0115

38 Dandeli (Rural) 11/20/3/77 11/20/0030/0077 9/19/3/133 09/19/0030/0133 39 Dodkop "/20/3/67 11/20/0030/0067 9/19/3/73 09/19/0030/0073 40 Dombera 11/20/3/131 11/20/0030/0131 9/19/3/96 09/19/0030/0096 41 Dongrikop 11/20/3/27 11/20/0030/0027 9/19/3/42 09/19/0030/0042




2 3 4 6

42Donshirgur 11/20/3/90 11/20/0030/0090 9/19/3/126 09/19/0030/0126 43 Dusgi 11/20/3/20 11/20/0030/0020 9/19/3/17 09/19/0030/0017

44 Gadgera 11/20/3/84 11/20/0030/0084 9/19/3/107 09/19/0030/0107 45 Gardoll i 11/20/3/82 11/20/0030/0082 9/19/3/101 09/19/0030/0101 46 Ghadiyal 11/20/3/52 11/20/0030/0052 9/19/3/41 09/19/0030/0041 47 Gobral 11/20/3/117 11/20/0030/0117 9/19/3/81 09/19/0030/0081 48 Golehall i 11/20/3/47 11/20/0030/0047 9/19/3/27 09/19/0030/0027 49 Guddapur 11/20/3/3 11/20/0030/0003 9/19/3/23 09/19/0030/0023 50 Guledkop 11/20/3/29 11/20/0030/0029 9/19/3/44 09/19/0030/0044 51 Gundoll i 11/20/3/76 11/20/0030/0076 9/19/3/66 09/19/0030/0066 52 11/20/3/104 11/20/0030/0104 9/19/3/127 09/19/0030/0127 53 Guttibai l 11/20/3/46 11/20/0030/0046 9/19/3/32 09/19/0030/0032 54 Guttigeri 11/20/3/1 11/20/0030/0001 9/19/3/1 09/19/0030/0001

55 Halsi 11/20/3/59 11/20/0030/0059 9/19/3/59 09/19/0030/0059 56 Hampehall i 11/20/3/31 11/20/0030/0031 9/19/3/48 09/19/0030/0048 57 Handl i 11/20/3/119 11/20/0030/0119 9/19/3/84 09/19/0030/0084 58 Haregali 11/20/3/116 11/20/0030/0116 9/19/3/80 09/19/0030/0080 59 Harnoda 11/20/3/109 11/20/0030/0109 9/19/3/118 09/19/0030/0118 60 Harwall i 11/20/3/124 11 /20/0030/0124 9/19/3/89 09/19/0030/0089 61 Havgi 11/20/3/6 11/20/0030/0006 9/19/3/3 09/19/0030/0003 62 Homnall i 11/20/3/18 11/20/0030/0018 9/19/3/15 09)19/0030/0015 63 Hosakumbarkop 11/20/3/106 11/20/0030/0106 9/19/3/129 09/19/0030/0129 64 Hosur 11/20/3/73 11/20/0030/0073 9/19/3/70 09/19/0030/0070 65 Hullatti 11/20/3/4 11/20/0030/0004 9/19/3/25 09/19/0030/0025 66 Hunswad 11/20/3/10 11/20/0030/0010 9/19/3/11 09/19/0030/0011

67 Jamge 11/20/3/35 11/20/0030/0035 9/19/3/131 09/19/0030/0131 68 Janage 11/20/3/103 11/20/0030/0103 9/19/3/51 09/19/0030/0051 69 Jatge 11/20/3/33 11/20/0030/0033 9/19/3/53 09/19/0030/0053 70 Jatgehosur 11/20/3/71 11/20/0030/0071 9/19/3/72 09/19/0030/0072 71 Jawalli 11/20/3/130 11/20/0030/0130 9/19/3/88 09/19/0030/0088 72 Jogankop 11/20/3/49 11/20/0030/0049 9/19/3/38 09/19/0030/0038

73 Kalbhavi 11/20/3/107 11/20/0030/0107 9/19/3/125 09/19/0030/0125 74 Kalginhatti 11/20/3/80 11/20/0030/0080 9/19/3/102 09/19/0030/0102 75 Kalginkop 11/20/3/65 11/20/0030/0065 9/19/3/65 09/19/0030/0065 76 Kalsapur 11/20/3/8 11/20/0030/0008 9/19/3/4 09/19/0030/0004 77 Kariyampal i 11/20/3/78 11/20/0030/0078 9/19/3/105 09/19/0030/0105 78 Karlkatta 11/20/3/56 11/20/0030/0056 9/19/3/56 09/19/0030/0056 79 Karwad 11/20/3/111 11/20/0030/0111 9/19/3/104 09/19/0030/0104 80 Kawalwad 11/20/3/30 11/20/0030/0030 9/19/3/47 09/19/0030/0047 81 Kegdal 1'/20/3/100 11/20/0030/0100 9/19/3/122 09/19/0030/0122 82 11/20/3/25 11/20/0030/0025 9/19/3/21 09/19/0030/0021


TALUK: HAllY AL-0030 C. D, BLOCK: HAllY AL-0030


2 3 4 5 6

83 Kesrodga 11/20/3/14 11/20/0030/0014 9/19/3/9 09/19/0030/0009 84 Kesroll i 11/20/3/58 11/20/0030/0058 9/19/3/58 09/19/0030/0058 85 Khamdoll i 11/20/3/42 11/20/0030/0042 9/19/3/30 09/19/0030/0030 86 Khurd Kanchanahalli 11/20/3/38 "/20/0030/0038 9/19/3/46 09/19/0030/0046 87 Kulgi 11/20/3/105 11/20/0030/0105 9;19/3/130 09/19/0030/0130 88 Kumbarkop 11/20/3/61 11/20/0030/0061 9;19/3/61 09/19/0030/0061 89 Kumbarkop 11/20/3/112 11/20/0030/0112 9;19/3/77 09/19/0030/0077 90 Kurigadde 11/20/3/57 11/20/0030/0057 9/19/3/57 09/19/0030/0057 91 Kyatangera 11/20/3/83 11/20/0030/0083 9/19/3/'00 09/19/0030/0100

92 Machapur 11/20/3/96 11/20/0030/0096 9/19/3/112 09/19/0030/0112 93 Madnall i 11/20/3/19 11/20/0030/0019 9/19/3/16 09/19/0030/0016 94 Magwad 11/20/3/24 11/20/0030/0024 9/19/3/22 09/19/0030/0022 95 Mainal 11/20/3/86 11 / 20/0030/0086 9/19/31106 09/19/0030/0106 96 11/20/3/11 11/20/0030/0011 9/19/3/10 09/19/0030/0010 97 Malwad 11/20/3/108 11/20/0030/0108 9/19/3/110 09/19/0030/0110 98 Matwadi 11/20;3/40 11/20/0030/0040 9/19/3/28 09/19/0030/0028 99 Matwadi 11/20;3/94 11/20/0030/0094 9;19/3/119 09/19/0030/0119 100 Mangalwad 11/20/3/7 11 /20/0030/0007 9;19/3/5 09/19/0030/0005 101 Mavinkop 11/20/3/68 11/20/0030/0068 9;19/3/74 09/19/0030/0074 102 Modalgera 11/20/3/122 11/20/0030/0122 9;19/3/86 09/19/0030/0086 103 Mugadkop 11/20/3/39 11/20/0030/0039 9/19/3/52 09/19/0030/0052 104 Mundki 11/20/3/15 11/20/0030/0015 9/19/3/13 09/19/0030/0013 105 Mundwad 11/20/3/54 11/20/0030/0054 9/19/3/40 09/19/0030/0040 106 Murkwad 11/20/3/26 11/20/0030/0026 9/19/3/26 09/19/0030/0026 107 Muttalmuri 11/20/3/21 11/20/0030/0021 9/19/3/18 09/19/0030/0018

108 Nagshettikop 11/20/3/48 11/20/0030/0048 9/19/3/39 09/19/0030/0039 109 Handigadde 11/20/3/36 11/20/0030/0036 9/19/3/50 09/19/0030/0050 ',0 Namalli 11/20/3/93 1t / 20/0030/0093 9/19/3/109 09/19/0030/0109 111 Ni [wani 11/20/3/74 11/20/0030/0074 9/19/3/69 09/19/0030/0069 112 Niralgi 11/20/3/129 11 /20/0030/0129 9/19/3/93 09/19/0030/0093

113 Pala 11/20/3/9 "/20/0030/0009 9/19/3/6 09/19/003010006 114 Pur 11/20/3/63 11/20/0030/0063 9/19/3/63 09/19/0030/0063

115 Ramapur 11/20/3/121 11/20/0030/0121 9/19;3/85 09(19/0030/0085 116 Rayapattan "/20/3/85 11/20/0030/0085 9/19/3/108 09/19/0030/0108

117 Sambrani 11/20/3/55 ',/20/0030/0055 9/19/3/55 09/19/0030/0055 118 Satmani 11/20/3/120 11/20/0030/0120 9/19/3/87 09;19/0030/0087 119 Satnalti 11/20/3/16 11/20/0030/0016 9/19/3/12 09/19/0030/0012 120 Shingatgeri 11/20/3/13 11/20/0030/0013 9/19/3/8 09/19/003010008 121 Shivapur 11/20/3/28 11/20;0030/0028 9/19/3/43 09(19/0030/0043 122 Siddapur l1/2r'~':~ 11/20/0030/0060 9;191"5/60 09/19/0030/0060 ALPIIAnETICAL LIST OF :VILLAGES'

TALUK: HALlYAL-0030 C. D. BLOCK: IIALI" ..\1.-003(1


2 3 4 5 6

123 Tatgera , '/20/3/79 11/2010030/0079 9/19/3/103 09/19/0030/0103 124 Tattigeri 11/20/3/70 11120/0030/0070 9/19/3/75 09/19/0030/0075 125 Tatwani ',/20/3/5, 11/20/0030/0051 9/19/3/36 09/19/0030/0036 126 Tegnall; 1 '120/3/44 11120/0030/0044 9/19/3/33 09/19/0030/0033 127 Terg80n ,,/20/3/23 11/20/0030/0023 911913120 091191003010020 128 Thakkar 8asapur ,,/20/3/95 11/20/0030/0095 9/19/3/11' 09/,9/0030/0',' '29 T; ImIapur 11/20/3/5 11/20/0030/0005 9{19/312 09/19/0030/1)l)02

130 Tippingcri 11/20/3/62 11/20/0030/0062 9/19/3/62 09/1Y!~.1f)31)/ ;"~,2

131 Vincholl i 11/20/3/101 11/20/0030/0101 9;19/31124 09/19/0'J)·,~/\')'2 .. 132 Vi tnal 11/20/3/',5 11/20/003010115 9119/3/79 09/19/0030/0079

133 Yedoga 11/20/3/125 "/20/0030/0'25 9/19/3/91 09/19/(1030/0091


Name of CO. Blod : HAI.IYAI. : ('oJ.: :-';P. : 003(1

Location Name of Village I Total/ Area ln No.vl Nu.of T0tal POPUldtlon Totdl Populatlon Scheduled Code Town / lJard Rural/ Hecta.e~ OC(u' Hause' (I nc lud, ng ,n the age group Castes

Number Urban for vll· pled Hold~ In~t1 tut ional ~ (0 6) lag",> 6. Re"ld· Houscles,

in sq .1<111 c'n t 1 a l popul ilt 1 on)

tor H(,U~C" town" and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) ( F ) (PI (M) (F) (M) (F)

( 1 ) (2) (3) (4 ) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (lU) (11) (12) (13) (14)

833.62 12139 13523 76358 39402 36956 13549 6905 6644 2591 2392 HALIYAL C.D.BlocK R 832.84 10745 12127 7u294 362e5 3~uu9 1256U 6408 6152 2335 2152 U 0.78 1394 1396 6064 3117 2947 989 497 492 256 240

1 Guttigeri 273.42 ...... -- ...... Un' Inhabited Vlll"ge 2 Chatranal 245.76 ...... IJn·lnh.,b'teo VIII"9(' 3 Guddapur 71.02 ...... Un·lnhdblted Village 4 Hullatti 599.35 13 13 52 32 20 2 2 1 5 T i IlITlaPU r 68.32 45 45 251 127 124 24 9 15 2 6 Havgi 314.51 262 313 1687 854 833 255 120 135 95 86 7 Mangalwad 308.16 ;.21 567 3539 18~~ 1b9~ ')W; 2911 291 b6 B Kalsapur 219.07 .:. 2 2 9 Pala 599.77 74 83 548 285 263 107 59 48, 10 Hunswad 524.02 175 260 1693 853 3~2, , J82 160 39 50 " Malwad 1032.26 13 13 79 42 37 17 8 9 12 AntJodga 520.6S 3 3 10 9 1 3 3 13 Shingatgeri 461.45 16 16 48 25 23 11 5 6 3 14 Kesroctga 2511.27 8 8 41 21 20 6 4 2 15 Mundki 1259.69 5 5 19 10 9 3 1. 2 16 Satna!! i 166.18 118 163 98;' 506 478 188 96 92 12 16 17 Arlwad 208.09 228 28U 1787 91J9 878 317 164 153 15 IS 18 Hoonall i 195.88 71 81 397 197 200 84 50 34 16 16 19 Madnall i 258.85 148 189 975 481 494 194 105 89 51 45 20 I)usgi 481.33 144 175 1164 bOl 563 199 107 92 19 20 21 Muttalmur i 323.00 181 187 1079 548 531 175 85 90 17 22 22 Antroll i 285.15 56 56 235 111 124 45 23 22 24 22 23 Tergaon 914.46 635 785 4349 2256 2093 683 337 346 111 106 24 Magwad 911.29 62 63 355 179 176 67 27 40 6 6 25 Kerwad 769.38 154 156 980 502 478 139 76 63 72 69 26 Murkwad 624.28 372 413 2451 1302 1149 434 214 220 135 137 27 Dongr i leop 335.06 Un' I nh.lbi ted Vi II"ge 28 Shivapur 1191.19 109 110 555 284 271 121 49 72 26 24 29 Guledkop 766.92 19 19 104 5 I 53 20 9 1 I 25 22 30 Kawa!wad 1319.78 370 427 2514 lZ95 1219 459 238 221 40 41


!\:alllL" ot CD. Bllld, : IlAUY:\L : em!.: :'\0. : OU30

Scheduled Literates Total MaIn I N D U S T R I A L N31Jle of VIllage LocatIon Tr i tks 1J0rkers To .. n I lJard Code Cultivators AgrIcultural Number Labourers

(I • I)() (I ) ( I I )

(M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) ( 2) ( 1 )

191 183 19229 9763 22389 10410 13248 5605 4138 3755 153 147 16991 7999 20953 10150 13237 5604 3976 3681 HALIYAL C.D.Block 38 36 2238 1764 1436 260 11 162 14

...... _...... Un· Inhabited Vi llage Guttigeri Un· I nhabi ted Vi llage Chatranill 2 Un· Inhabited Vi llage Guddilpur 3 8 4 17 3 17 3 Hulliltt I 4 38 26 75 8 75 8 T IIlV1IiJpUr 5 503 300 508 223 315 120 83 67 H.wgl 6 7 9 866 469 1053 432 755 315 135 92 McH1gill "ad 7 1 Kalsapur 8 131 . 62 140 14 100 7 18 7 Pala 9 353 118 480 344 369 292 47 40 Hunswad 10 2 3 28 8 22 8 5 Malwad 11 1 5 4 Ambodga 12 13 8 17 Shingatgeri 13 2 17 13 13 11 Kesrodga 14 1 9 4 9 4 Mundki 15 286 112 297 201 248 187 8 12 Satnall i 16 2 420 179 530 120 394 94 90 22 Arl .. ad 17 83 46 99 52 . 55 14 29 24 HOI101a III 18 213 132 255 151 130 54 53 76 Madnalli 19 337 133 369 310 249 196 73 108 Dusgi 20 274 94 349 294 276 217 33 72 Muttalmurl 21 50 27 67 55 41 4 54 Antroll i 22 2 1285 770 1302 475 745 199 229 179 Tergaon 23 44 16 105 5 71 7 2 Magwad 24 265 141 298 149 203 88 61 56 Kerwad 25 3 745 335 688 219 440 97 83 101 Murk"ild 26 Un· Inhabi ted Village Dongr i kop 27 97 50 195 40 183 37 10 3 Shivapur 28 6 30 5 28 2 3 Guledkop 29 654 319 698 275 494 182 107 76 Kawalwad 30

65 \'II..LA(a: / TO\VN PIUI\IARY

Name orC'.D. Blo<.:k : HALlYAL; ('",I<- ,,, 00."\(1 location Name of village I TOLd / CAT E G 0 R 1 E S u M A I N Code Town I Ward Rural/

1 Number Urban llvC~tock, MIn 1 r 1-1 'Ir I\._~ 1"1. ir 1\.1 t, I~ t ...... 1 r 1:1, M,!fIL.t:lcturlny. Cun:-,tr'uctJu,

F (jC'(''-. t r 'I J

F 1 .... hl ny, St.-..rv leI ng {1nd

Hun~ 1 ng "r)(J o('_'~d I,...... 1 n Plant:ltldn, OthL'" thdn

OrCfldt-d ..... 6. Alllcd

ac t 1 V 1 tIC .....

(Ill) crV) (V 1 )

(M) (f) (M) (i) (f) (M) (f) (M) ( F)

( 1 ) (2) (3) (25) «0) (27) (2~) (3 •. ) (51 ) (l) )

937 315 38 1103 210· HALIYAL C.O.Block R 933 312 1) 103 00 156 U " 3 o 9 5..

1 Guttigeri Un- I nn"lJi ted V III dcJC' 2 Chatranal Un- 1 I'tl,-Ibl tcd V 1 t \,,,ql.' 3 Guddapur vn inn


Name of C. D. Blol·k : HAllY AL : Code: No. : 0030

II a R I( E R S Marginal Non-Iolorlc.ers Name of Village I Location lIor~ers Town I liard Code T~ade and Transport, Other Nl.I1ber COOrnerce Storage and Services COIlIl1Un i cat i on


(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

676 117 165 1912 353 488 4249 16525 22297 574 67 148 877 237 486 4244 14846 19615 HAll YAl C.D.Block 102 50 17 1035 116 2 5 1679 2682

------Un-I nhab; ted Vi llage ------Guttigeri 1 ------Un-I nhab; ted Village -.. _ .. -...... -...... Chatranal 2 -_ .. - .. -_--_ .. _ .. -- .. -- Un-Inhabited Village ...... Guddapur 3 9 15 8 Hullattl 4 2 55 50 61 r ill111apur 5 14 1 1 34 9 4 207 342 403 Havgi 6 31 3 3 60 15 31 276 761 986 Mangalwad 7 1 Kalsapur B 13 5 21 94 124 155 Pala 9 4 2 14 5 17 116 356 380 Hunswad 10 13 14 16 Malwad 11 4 1 Ambodga 12 17 7 23 Shingatgeri 13 4 7 Kesroctga 14 2 1 3 Mundki 15 5 12 36 209 241 Satnall i 16 12 4 13 2 350 377 408 Arlwad 17 1 1 3 15 75 83 73 Homnall i 18 2 5 12 8 21 86 205 257 Madnall i 19 7 14 4 5 232 248 Dusgi 20 3 5 2 199 237 Muttalmuri 21 2 2 44 69 Antroll i 22 63 7 13 82 31 7 176 947 1442 Tergaon 23 5 85 74 86 Magwad 24 6 1 9 4 30 140 174 189 Kerwad 25 29 2 5 82 17 63 182 551 748 MurKwad 26 ...... - ...... ---~--- .. ------Un-Inhabi ted Vi ltage Dongrikop 27 17 89 214 Shivapur 28 1 21 47 Guledkop 29 19 5 5 40 10 58 360 539 584 Kawai wad 30


Name of C.D. Block: HAllY AL ; Code No. : 0030 location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town / Ward Rural/ Hectares Occu- House- (Including in the age group Castes Nl6Itler Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 0) lages & Res i d- Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and CO.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

31 Haq>ehat t i 312.78 92 107 690 351 339 126 66 60 41 37 32 8aswalli 333.43 78 91 588 334 254 126 74 52 15 9 33 Jatge 448.22 64 64 320 161 159 80 39 41 34 Chinaginkop 216.66 ------Un-lnhabl ted Vi llage ------35 Jamge 506.40 224 277 1549 801 748 300 164 136 33 24 36 Nandi gadde 449.43 136 181 1047 557 490 162 100 62 22 21 37 Betwatgi 1631.24 350 423 2721 1398 1323 487 253 234 97 93 38 Khurd Kanchanahatti 347.48 103 127 858 464 394 120 65 55 14 13 39 Mugadkop 277.73 31 33 192 99 93 41 21 20 2 4 40 Malwadi 363.71 78 90 525 267 258 68 39 29 9 9 41 Chibbalgeri 422.98 94 94 635 343 292 113 63 50 3 3 42 Khamdoll i 341.94 118 118 724 378 346 134 75 59 8 14 43 Aloll i 237.71 47 47 247 123 124 48 -- 2~ _ 22 7 3 44 Tegnall i 426.05 88 89 548 302 246 93 50 43 IS 9 45 Bhanasgeri 297.72 138 138 706 376 330 136 68 68 41 39 46 Guttibail 119.22 2 2 18 12 6 4 2 2 47 Golehall i 449.47 63 63 417 205 212 83 37 46 3 1 48 Nagshettikop 254.01 77 100 610 324 286 82 50 32 15 14 49 Jogankop 341.07 90 104 673 353 320 102 52 50 21 16 50 Buzruk Kanchanalli 863.99 357 437 2876 1499 1377 488 249 239 133 90 51 Tatwani 1032.29 181 201 1189 592 597 231 111 120 37 24 52 Ghadiyal 1025.37 29 29 221 114 107 39 17 22 53 AlIIII8nk op 228.91 125 149 805 398 407 161 77 84 66 71 54 Mundwad 325.00 195 228 1402 715 687 261 124 137 64 78 55 Sambrani 1362.27 205 205 994 497 497 151 72 79 25 26 56 Karlkatta 441.04 135 136 763 389 374 134 68 66 40 46 57 Kurigadde 480.98 41 41 239 121 118 46 23 23 9 6 58 Kesrolli 564.92 160 160 782 392 390 134 60 74 21 23 59 Hatsi 202.84 3 3 16 10 6 532 9 5 60 Siddapur 257.39 6 6 30 13 17 12 4 8 61 Ktmlarkop 287.31 18 18 120 67 53 17 7 10 62 Tippingeri 161. 79 47 48 307 158 149 51 21 30 63 Pur 134.20 6 7 30 17 13 532 64 Arshingeri 111.89 1 1 4 1 3 65 Kalginkop 685.82 218 223 1596 821 775 312 155 157 70 70


N,II11c of CD. Blot"!.: : HALlYAL ; Code No. : 0030

Scheduled literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A l Name of Vi llage I location Tribes Workers Town I ,"ard Code Cultivators Agricultural Number labourers

(1 - IX) ( I ) ( II )

(M) (F) (M) (F) (101) (F) (101) (F) (101) (F)

(15) (16) :(17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

180 77 215 48 175 26 24 20 Hampehalli 31 165 48 192 136 151 102 25 33 Baswall i 32 5 84 31 31 3 50 28 Jatge 33 Un-Inhabi ted Vi llage ------Chinaginkop 34 382 193 437 192 268 81 122 108 Jarnge 35 238 90 306 163 237 113 45 44 Nandigadde 36 57 60 512 192 870 281 670 196 113 68 Belwatgi 37 5 5 257 129 304 253 258 232 11 18 Khurd Kanchanahalli 38 36 15 63 48 49 33 12 15 Mugadlc.op 39 143 41 161 116 131 97 12 17 Malwadi 40 178 47 211 129 154 90 39 38 Ch i bbal geri 41 196 102 211 13 142 3 38 6 Khamdoll i 42 47 26 74 11 36 3 30 5 Alol I i 43 4 2 131 38 185 12 134 5 36 6 Tegnalli 44 3Ql 136 199 1 157 1 Bhanasgeri 45 9 2 5 3 3 2 2 Guttibail 46 103 23 125 75 90 58 31 17 Golehalli 47 172 79 189 127 110 41 55 82 Nagshettikop 48 186 110 192 116 85 49 92 63 Jogankop 49 648 226 907 353 637 160 181 185 Buzruk Kanchanalli 50 13 16 241 68 312 229 257 192 30 35 Tatwani 51 3 81 58 8 3 29 54 Ghadiyal 52 4 5 238 123 221 167 144 88 48 73 AlTlnnnkop 53 405 174 441 414 292 104 133 308 Mundwad 54 290 202 280 206 83 83 116 109 Sanbrani 55 199 89 207 91 120 53 26 10 Karlkatta 56 52 30 73 57 22 42 42 Kurigadde 57 23 22 202 124 234 160 77 11 112 141 Kesroll i 58 2 7 3 2 4 3 Halsi 59 4 6 7 6 7 Siddapur 60 24 6 39 22 21 17 22 Kumbnrkop 61 85 19 98 66 56 27 65 Tippingeri 62 10 8 7 7 7 Pur 63 1 3 1 3 Arshingeri 64 316 108 496 272 330 175 83 66 Kalginkop 65


Name of C.D. Block: HALlYAL ; CoJt:: No. : 0030

Location Name of Village I Totall CATEGOR I E S o F MAl. II Code Town I liard Rurall HUJj)er Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufactur ing, Manufacturing, Con,.;truction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Process I ng. Fish i ng, ServicIng and ServICIng and Hunting and Repairs In RepaIrs in Plantation. Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(III) ( IV) [Veal) [V(b») (VI)

(M) (f) (M) (F) (M) ( F ) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31 ) (32) (33) (34)

31 Haq>ehalli 32 8aswalli 6 33 Jatge 3 34 Ch i nag i nkop .... - _ .... --...... --- Un- I nhabi ted Vi llilge _------35 Jamge 6 3 36 Nandigadde 5 3 1 37 8elwatgi 3 25 10 10 38 Khurd Kanchanahalli 1 b 3 39 Mugadkop 1 40 Malwadi 2 8 2 3 41 Chibbalgeri 4 3 42 Khamdoll i 2 9 2 5 43 Aloll i 1 44 Tegnall i 1 6 2 45 Bhanasgeri 3 10 10 2 3 46 Guttibail 47 Golehall i 1 48 Nagshettikop 2 3 49 Jogankop 2 6 50 BUlruk Kanchanalli 8 7 2 16 3 51 Tatwani 7 2 6 52 Ghadiyal 43 1 53 Anmankop 3 13 2 2 7 2 54 Mundwad 6 2 55 Sambrani 26 16 5 3 56 Karlkatta 27 22 11 4 2 7 2 57 Kurigadde 6 15 2 1 58 Kesroll i 10 2 3 59 Hals; 60 Siddapur 61 Kunbarkop 62 Tippingeri 4 63 Pur 64 Arshingeri 65 Kalginkop 11 29 20 16 2


:'\alll~' 01 CD. Btnd, !lAUrA!.: CoJe No. : 0030

WORKERS MargInal Non·lJorker .. Nallle ot ViI tage Locat ion \.IOf'Kers Town / Ward Trade and Transport, Other CQlllllerce Storage and Services COOIIUlication

(VII ) (VIII ) (I~)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (10 (F) (M) (f) (M) (F)

(35 ) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41 ) ( .. 2) (43) ( .. "l (2) ( 1 )

5 10 2 3 20 133 271 Hampchal I I 31 4 b 3 1:.2 115 B"""""III 32 2 77 126 Jatge 33

-- ...... ------~--- Un-Inhabl ted VIllage ChloaglnkOp 34 15 2 20 3 58 36.. 498 Jilll\ge 35 9 8 3 32 248 295 Nandlgadde 36 25 2 21 7 2 250 ,26 792 Bel .. atgl 37 5 2 18 1 43 18 117 123 Khurd I(drlchanahall i 38 36 45 Mugadkop 39 2 3 2 106 140 Malwadi 40 2 2 7 132 163 Chibbalgeri 41 2 2 9 4 119 167 214 Khamdolll 42 2 .. 2 3 44 49 69 Alolll 43 1 5 106 117 128 Tegnill II 44 6 7 168 177 161 Bhanasgcrl 45 7 3 Gutt lbili I 46 2 80 137 Golehnlli 47 6 3 2 10 135 159 Nagshettikop 48 2 I 3 4 3 76 158 128 Jogilnkop 49 18 5 32 6 6 109 586 915 Buzruk Kanchanalli 50 6 5 279 368 Tat""ani 51 33 49 Ghadiyal 52 3 2 16 41 161 199 AIlIRankop 53 2 6 2 274 273 Mun

71 \'ILLA(a~ I TO\\,N PJUl\fARY

Namr: of C.D. Block: HALlYAL ; (\xk No. : OtUO location "arne of Village I Total/ Area in No.of No.ot Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Dccu- House­ (lncludi n9 in the age group Castes Nunber Urban tor vii' pied Holds ln~tltutional Ii. (0 - 6) (ages & Resid­ Houselcss in sq.km ential POpuliltion) for Hou~e" towns and C.D.BlocKs

(P) eM) (F) {PI '(M) (F) (M) (f)

(1) (2) (» (I.) (5 ) (6) ( 7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

66 Ajminhal 401.40 57 57 420 228 192 49 28 21 144 127 67 !)odkop 882.17 6J. 14 i.9b 259 237 89 39 50 7 3 68 Mavinkop 495.51 .------Un-Inhabited VI Ililge 69 Sogur 529.93 -- -. --. -. -. -. - _. - - Un-I nhabl ted Vi Ilage 70 lattigeri 752.26 206 208 1073 574 499 205 124 81 34 30 71 Jatgehosur 359.77 21 21 100 52 48 22 12 10 n Adkehosur 304.48 64 64 299 148 151 64 33 31 73 Hosur 411.53 73 78 375 199 176 74 37 37 11 11 74 Ni lwani 411.22 45 48 256 134 122 40 18 22 2 2 7S Bukkankop 119.52 68 69 379 207 172 73 39 34 35 33 76 Gundall j 304.79 272 312 1834 930 904 306 146 160 61 53 77 Dandel i (Rural) 24.69 ------Un-Inhabited village ------78 Kariy~li 527.43 13 13 100 55 45 26 11 15 3 4 79 Tatgera 544.75 45 49 212 110 102 42 22 ,20 8 6 80 Kalginnattj 267.08 -. _. ------. ---- Un- I nhilbi ted Vdl?g~ 81 Agasatkatta 476.59 37 39 220 130 90 51 29 22. 11 6 82 Gardo\t i 1098.86 107 108 531 254 277 115 S6 S9 3 2 83 Kyatangera 435.12 17 17 109 62 47 24 14 10 84 Gadgera 571.90 8 8 46 22 24 7 3 4 85 Rayapattan 1405.55 34 34 231 111 120 58 28 30 86 Mainal 430.05 22 22 148 71 77 49 21 28 87 Chimnall i 416.14 --.----_ .. -.-.--.. Un-Inhabited Vi llage 88 Salshettikop 756.52 33 33 250 131 119 53 25 28 89 Badashirgur 1291. 05 16 16 99 47 52 13 7 6 90 Oonsh j rgur 168.52 14 14 75 41 34 10 7 3 91 801Ma tt i 1337.41 57 57 260 128 132 49 27 22 10 92 Chotakanshirda 688.53 26 26 145 79 66 18 9 9 93 Narnall j 613.89 14 14 100 51 49 21 n 8 94 Malwadi 1345.38 ------.---.---.--- Un-Inhabited Village ----.------.. 95 Thakkar Basapur 184.74 -... ------.. ---- .. Un-Inhabited Vi Ilage 96 Machapur 1728.03 .--.--.-_._.-... -. Un-Inhabited vi Ilage 97 Shlmanal!i 854.55 30 30 160 79 81 40 24 16 98 Bhagwati 1529.17 251 251 1055 537 518 216 106 110 62 99 Adciigera 2562.46 23 23 140 69 71 26 8 18 100 Kegdal 727.49 89 91 395 206 189 70 37 33


Nalllo: 01 CD. Blod, : HALlYAL; ('odt: No. : 0030

Sch,'eduled literates Total Main N D U S T R I A l Hame of Village I location Tribes Workers Town I Ward Code Cultivators AgrIcultural Humber Labourer"

(I - I X) (I) ( 11 )

00 (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) ( F )

(15) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

73 33 108 94 105 94 Ajminhal 66 136 46 145 108 99 79 28 28 Dodkop 67 Un-Inhabited vi llage Mavlnkop 68 Un-Inhabited Village Bogur 69 7 4 277 112 349 205 194 106 124 94 Tattlgeri 70 2 30 24 19 16 8 7 Jatgehosur 71 2 23 3 72 52 30 21 25 22 Adkehosur 72 87 23 103 81 76 58 19 18 Hosur 73 77 40 84 18 40 5 36 10 Ni lwani 74 101 41 116 25 79 7 32 17 Bukkankop 75 7 6 484 242 566 184 410 37 96 122 76 Un-I nhabi ted Village Dandel i (Rural) 77 13' 8 32 13 16 4 15 8 Kariyampal i 78 5 3 27 21 78 56 29 13 30 25 Tatgera 79 Un-Inhabited Vi llage Kalginhatti 80 37 18 81 31 65 17 11 12 Agasalkatta 81 79 32 133 12 95 2 30 8 Gardol t i 82 19 4 34 17 16 Kyatangera 83 9 2 14 3 11 Gadgera 84 3 71 9 29 8 Rayapattan 85 36 3 14 16 Mainal 86 Un-Inhabited Village Ch ifllnal t i 87 31 8 79 43 49 30 43 Balshettikop 88 19 10 28 25 25 18 3 7 Badashirgur 89 15 6 21 18 18 12 3 6 Donshirgur 90 48 26 68 50 16 14 40 34 Bomnal t i 91 8 55 8 26 29 8 Chotakanshirda 92 13 27 25 11 13 Namall i 93 Un-Inhabi ted Village Malwadi 94 Un-Inhabi ted Village Thakkar Basapur 95 Un-I nhabi ted Village Machapur 96 40 37 2 Bhimanalli 97 271 135 286 149 33 17 20 33 Bhagwat i 98 41 37 27 26 Addigera 99 7 3 91 42 120 79 49 45 24 24 Kegdal 100


Name of C.D. Blo~:k : HAllY AL ; Coo.: No. : ()O.lO location Name of village I Totall CAT EGO R 1 E S o F pol A I N Code Town I Ward Rural/ N\.Mlt)er Urban livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, ManufacturIng, Construction forestry, QuarrYIng ProcessIng, ProcessIng, Fishing, servIcIng and Ser'vlcing und

l1unt Ing and Repit I r:-. In Repa\fs In PI anrat ion, Other thun Orchards 0. Indu"rry Household Allied Induqry


(III) (l V) (V(il)] [V(b») (VI)

(M) ( F ) (M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

66 Ajminhal 670odkop 8 3 2

68 1'Iavinkop - ~ - - -- - . ------. - Un' I nhilbl tl·o Vi llage ------69 Bogur ------Un' lnhabl ted VIII;tge -- --_-_-_- 70 Tattigeri 10 7 7t Jatgehosur 3 72 Adkehosur 16 b 73 Hosur 2 4 2 74 Ni lwani 3 , 2 75 Bukkankop 2 2 76 Gundoll i 2 29 10 2 77 Dandeli (Rural) ------Un' I nhabi ted Vi Ilagc ------78 Kariya~l i 79 Tatgera 16 18 2 80 Kalginhatti ------Un·l nhabi ted VII luge ------81 Agasalkatta 2 2 , 82 Gardolli 2 2 83 Kyatangera 84 Gadgera 85 Rayapattan 86 Mainal 6 87 Ch tflllla II i .. ------...... Un'Inhabited Village ...... - B8 Balshettikop 89 Badash i rgur 90 Donsh i rgur 91 Bomalli 3 92 Chotakanshirda 93 Narnall i 13 12 2 94 Matwadi .-.-.•... - ...... Un'lnhabited Villagc .. - ...... - ... . 95 Thakkar Basapur -"-"""""" Un'lnhnbited Village ...... 96 Machapur • . • ...... Un' I nhabi ted viII age - . - ...... 97 Bhimanall i 32 32 98 8hagwati 155 68 12 11 4 7 6 2 99 Addigera 14 11 100 Kegdal 17 7 2 11 2


l'I:am.: 01 CD. Bind; : IIALlYAL : C'nJc No. : 0030

W 0 R I( E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Vi llage / Location Workers Town / Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Number Conmerce Storage and Services Coomuni cat ion


(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41 ) (42) (43) (44 ) (2) ( I )

2 120 98 Ajminhul 66 2 3 2 29 112 100 Dodkop 67

~ __ w ...... _ ...... Un-lnhabi ted Vlllage ----_------_---- .Mav i nkop 68 ...... Un-l nhubl ted Villilge ------_---_ Sogur 69 3 2 2 9 2 2 8 223 286 Tattigeri 70 5 22 19 Jatgehosur 71 2 1 1 8 22 68 77 Adkehosur 72 2 1 10 24 86 71 Hosur 73 2 3 50 104 Ni lwani 74 7 65 84 82 Sukkankop 75 10 16 14 7 363 713 Gundoll i 76 ...... Un- I nhab i ted Village ------_------_---_ Dandell.. (Rural) 77 1 23 32 Kariyampal i 78 7 32 39 latgera 79 -- ... __ ..... _------Un-Inhabited Vi llage ------_--_---_ Kalginhatti 80 2 26 49 33 Agasillkatta 81 4 II 110 110 155 Gardoll i 82 13 28 33 Kyatangera 83 8 24 Gadgcra 84 41 40 111 Rayapattan 85 26 35 48 Mainal 86 ------_ ..... ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage ...... Ch ilJlllall i 87 52 76 Balshettikop 88 19 27 Badashirgur 89 20 16 Donshirgur 90 5 2 60 82 Bomnulll 91 24 58 Chotukanshirda 92 24 24 Nurnull i 93 ---- .. -.. ------_ .... Un-Inhabited Village .------.. ---- .... ---- Mulwadi 94 ---_ ...... -- ...... _--- Un- Inhabited Vi ((age ------ThaKKar Basapur 95

-_ .. _---- -... --~ --- -- Un-Inhabited Vi llage ------~ ----- Machapur 96 6 4 39 44 Bhimanall i 97 27 3 8 20 7 2 4 249 365 Bhagwat i 98 28 34 Addigera 99 6 2 8 86 110 Kcgdal 100


Name of C.O. Block: HAllY AL ; Code No. : 0030 location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total popUlation Total Population Scheduled Code Town I ward Rurall Hectares Occu· House· (Including in the age group Castes NlIltler Urban for vil· pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) ~P) (M) (F) (M) .(F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

101 Vincholli 1380.97 5 5 35 20 15 4 2 2 102 Amga 2272.35 -. ------.. - - - - - Un-I nhabj ted Village 103 Janage 1342.23 ------Un-InhabIted Village 104 Gutt i 979.91 7 7 39 22 17 13 9 4 6 4 105 Kulgi 1385.75 98 98 497 263 234 75 43 32 53 49 106 Hosakumbarkop 774.71 Un- I nhabi ted Village 107 Kalbhavi 437.91 8 8 55 27 28 15 8 7 108 Malwad 558.90 Un-I nhabi ted vi llage 109 Harnoda 1181.51 13 13 81 40 41 15 8 7 110 Badakanshirda 1510.84 265 266 1319 681 638 224 110 114 33 27 111 Karwad 682.07 121 121 604 321 283 98 57 41 20 16 112 Kumbarkop 67.72 ------.---- Un-Inhabited Village 113 Ambewadi 1365.01 150 150 775 385 390 157 88' 69 32 22 114 Bedarshirgur 268.17 47 47 227 115 112 '42- 19 23 3 1 115 Vitnal 523.69 85 85 426 220 206 84 41 43 10 7 116 Haregali 1066.97 23 23 121 66 55 29 18 11 117 Gobral 995.76 29 29 115 55 60 20 11 9 2 118 Ajgarni 1168.43 ------Un-I nhabi ted Village 119 Handl i 816.07 64 64 363 196 167 64' 26 38 120 Satmani 273.33 72 73 419 221 198 93 43 50 121 Ramapur 472.24 54 54 333 176 157 73 35 38 16 12 122 Modalgera 305.28 49 59 355 179 176 85 39 46 13 9 123 Bidroll i 204.44 84 108 740 387 353 111 64 47 13 14 124 Harwall i 209.00 ------.-.------Un-Inhabited vi llage 125 Yedoga 207.67 295 366 2096 1047 1049 374 193 181 123 129 126 Baloga 150.70 2 2 6 3 3 2 3 127 Channapur 94.11 3 3 10 6 4 128 Bablikop 72.11 -. ------. ------Un- I nhabi ted vi llage 129 Ni ralgi 301.42 82 109 672 359 313 127 65 62 10 10 130 Jawall i 394.73 62 65 373 181 192 63 19 44 4 2


Nal1l~ of C'. D. Bh:k : HAllY AL ; COOe No. : 0030

Scheduled . Literates Total Main N 0 U S T R I A L Name of Village / Locat ion Tribes lIorkers Town / liard Code Cultivators Agricultural Nl.J11ber Labourers

( I - IX) ( I ) (I I)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) ( F)

(15) (16) (17) (18) ( 19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24 ) (2) (1 )

,- 6 Vincholli 101 ------.. -_ ...... - ... -_ .... Un-Inhabited Vi llage ---- .... ------Al1Igi.l 102 ------_ ..... _--- Un- I nhabi ted vi llage ---- .... - .. ------Jilnilge 103 2 11 1 Gutti 104 3 4 168 118 125 36 49 30 Kulgi 105 ------_ .. _-- ... -_ .. Un- Inhabi ted Villilge ---- .. ------Hosakumbilrkop 106 16 11 Kalbhilvi 107 ---- .. ---_ .. __ .. --_ .... Un- I nhabi ted vi llage ---- .. -----_ .. _----- Malwad 108 3 20 1 6 Harnoda 109 338 186 36,8 90 81 48 79 30 Bildilkanshirda 110 177 92 181 70 24 2 73 52 Kilrwad 111 -_ .... ----- .... ------Un- I nhabi ted vi llilge ... ------KUl1lbarkop 112 3 4 187 136 215 16 14 80 11 Ambewadi 113 70 42 69 15 19 4 18 8 Bedarshirgur 114 81 44 136 64 10 6 12 13 Vitnal 115 7 4 34 23 9 10 1 5 Hilregul i 116 14 4 34 39 5 2 27 37 Gobral 117 ----_ .... -- ... ----_ ...... Un-Inhabited VitI age ------Ajgarni 118 44 11 114 61 96 52 17 9 Handl i 119 85 32 119 65 84 38 25 27 Satmani 120 54 16 108 68 84 45 20 23 Ramilpur 121 61 14 116 46 91 37 19 9 Modalgera 122 128 75 215 1 182 22 Bidrolli 123 ------_ ..... ------Un-I nhabi ted vi llage ...... Harwall i 124 523 288 632 497 456 367 84 105 Yedoga 125 2 2 1 1 Baloga 126 2 5 3 " 3 Channilpur 127 ----~------Un-Inhabited Village ------.. ------Babl ikop 128 167 74 211 148 146 102 41 41 Niralgi 129 122 64 108 87 76 67 17 17 Jawalli 130


Naml! of C.D. Block: HAllY AL : (,()J~ No. : OO:W

Locat i on Name of Vi llage Total! CAT EGO R I E S o f M A I N Code Town I \.lard Rural! Number Urban LivestocK, M1n1ng ano Manufilctur1ng, ManufactUring, Construct 10n Forestry, QuarrY1ng Proce~~1ng, Proce<;s1ng, Fi-;h1ng, Serv1C1ng dnd Serv1c1ng ilnd

Hunting and R('~t\' r:-. \n Rep

Orchards & Indu"tr y H Ju"dHJld All ied Indu"try activ1t1es

(I I I ) (IV) [Veal] (V(b)i (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) ( f ) (M) (F) (M) (f)

(1 ) (2) (3) (25 ) (26) (27) (2B) (29) (30) (31 ) (32) (33) (34)

101 Vincholl i 5

102 Amga . -- ~ -- - --. ------Un-l nhabi ted Vi II "ye

• ___ o __ r ______• 103 Janage Un-Inhabited V1 II age ___ or _._ t04 Cutti 7 105 kulgi 25 2 11 106 HosaklJllbarkop ·------0---- Un-lnhilb1tcd V1 II ag(, -- .-.----.---. 107 kalbhavi 16 11 108 Malwad .--._--_---_---- Un-Inhabited V1 It agt' -- -_ -.---.--. 109 Harnoda 14 110 Badakanshirda 7 6 102 3 7 111 Karwad 13 2 4 55 9 112 KlIIlbarkop .----_-._.------Un-lnhab1ted V1 Il


,WORKERS M•• lf yl f"j, ~ ,,'"l' u! Vr I I age / Locat ion

OWLI jo. t._·r .... T('wn / lIill'd Code Trade and Tran-.port, Other Number

Conmerce Storage ana $e-r \11 (l'~ COIIITlUn , cat' on

(VII) (VIII> (\ X)

------(M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (f) (M) ( f ) (M) ( f )

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

14 15 Vincholl i 101 ...... Un-Inhabited vi Ililge ------. ---- Amgil 102 --- ..... ------Un-Inhabited Vrllnge ------Jiln.lgc 103 3 1 11 16 Gut t I 104 15 4 4 16 138 197 Kulgl 105 ----_ .... _------_-- Un-Inhilbited Vi Ililge ------HU"

-" 20 v. b? b7 Handl i 119 2 4 15 57 87 76 S{)tfTlilnl 120 1 12 22 56 67 R,llllapur 121 1 1 7 46 56 84 Modalgcra 122 2 5 14 213 158 139 B idroll i 123 ------_ ... _------Un-Inhabited vi llage ------.. --- Hnrwilll i 124 8 2 32 15 2 5 413 547 Ycdoga 125 2 Baloga 126 Channapur 127

_ .. ------~ -_ ...... Un-lnhiJbited vi llage ...... - ...... ~ - ...... Babl i kop 128 4 5 1 148 164 N i ralg' 129 2 3 73 105 JalNa.( l i 130


Nanl(! of CD. BIOI:k : HAllY AL ; CoJ~ No. : 0030 location Name of vi llage I Totall Area in No.ot No.ot Total populat ion Total population Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rural I Hectares Occu· House- (I nc ludlng in the age group Castes NUlber Urban for vi I· pled Holds Inst 1 tut ional 8. (0 - 6) lages 8- Resld- Houseless in sq.km entlal popul ilt lon)

for Hou~es towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (f) (M) (f)

(1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) ( 7) (8) (9) (10) ( 11 ) (12) ( 13) (14)

131 OOllbera 282.62 23 23 144 70 74 31 15 16 132 Ajgaon 462.36 37 39 216 123 93 37 20 17 4 4 133 Alur 2415.74 58 63 423 229 194 79 43 36 2 4

C.D. Block Total Rural 832.84 10745 12127 70294 36285 34009 12560 6408 6152 2335 2152


Ambikanagara (NMCT) 0.78 1394 1396 6064 3117 2947 989 497 492 256 240

C.D. Block Total Urban 0.78 1394 1396 6064 3117 2947 989 497 492 256 240


Naml:' oj C.D. BI(lck : 1I:\UY:\1. : ('oJ", 1\0. : l)(UU

Scheduled Literates Total Main N 0 U S T RIA L NOllie ot vi llage I Location Tvibes l.Ioric.ers To .. n I liard Code Cultivators AgrIcultural Nunt>er Labourer's

(1 • IX) ( 1 ) ( 11 )

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) ( F)

(15) (16) (,.h ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24 ) (2) ( 1 )

22 21 36 38 32 32 4 5 Dornbera 131 37 16 77 51 60 39 14 12 Ajgaon 132 113 42 112 60 48 17 11 5 Alur 133

153 147 16991 7999 20953 10150 13237 5604 3976 3681 C.D. Block Total Rural


38 36 2238 1764 1436 260 11 162 74 Ambiic.anagara (NMCT)

38 36 2238 1764 1436 260 11 162 74 C.D. Block Total Urban

81 \'ILLA(;E / TO\"N PIUl\IARY

------Locat i on Name of vi llage ! .. ot a l J ATE G a N I E ~ v r M A COOe Town I loIard P. .... rdl/

Number Urban L 1 Vt l .., t. '( ~ • Mdnut ;,,: t Lor 1ng, M~nulacturlng. Constructlon

~ crt", r I 'y. '. _J,JI'f'y 11:[, 1"" r uC('·,"'" I ng. PI Ol e:-.~lng4

Sc r 1/ 1 C 1119 ana Serviclng and

th...Intlrq .I'I,:i P( I,'r . j 1 r '-, 1 r, Q('Pd 1 r"\ if'

PlLtntat 1\... :(1, Other th;H'

()rch,lrd~ ;. : I'., L.', t f ~ JIll ied

•• 1 I 'I '.1. I J (VI)

(M) (F) \M) 0) 1M) (f) (M) (F) (M) ( F )

(1) (3) (25) (26; (27) c>n (.58) (31 ) (33 ) ----_- 131 Dombera 132 Algaon (. 133 Alur 3':> ,'-. ' 2 I..

C.D. Block Toral RUUll 312 ~ .\~t 163 ~?8 :u


Ambikanagara (NMCT) 6 9 54 7

C.D. Block Total Urban b 45 9 54 7


:"am.: (It C'. D. BI()d, IIALI Y AL ; CuJ.: No. : UU30

101 0 R K E R S Marginal Non-liorKers Naflle of Village / location lIorkcrs Town / liard Code Trade and Transport, Other Number COIlIIlerce Storage and Services COIIIl1Uni cat i on

(VII) (VIII) ( I X)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) ( F ) (M) ( F )

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41 ) (42) (43) (44) (2 ) (1)

34 36 Dombcra 131 9 46 33 AJ9;)on 132 2 9 117 134 Alur 133

574 67 148 877 237 486 4244 14846 19615 C.D. Block Total Rural


102 50 17 1035 116 2 5 1679 2682 Afllbikanagara (NMCT)

102 50 17 1035 116 2 5 1679 2682 C.D. Block Total Urban






2 3 4 6

1 11/20/4/47 .·11/20/0040/0047 9/19/4/51 09/19/0040/0051 2 Adkekul i 11/20/4/84 11/20/0040/0084 9/19/4/82 09/19/0040/0082 3 Aduka'l. 11/20/4/92 11/20/0040/0092 9;1914/90 09/19/0040/0090 4 Ani 19oo 11/20/4/76 11/20/0040/0076 9;19/4/76 09/19/0040/0076 5 Apsarakonda 11/20/4/61 11/20/0040/0061 9/19/4/65 09/19/004010065 6 Arolli-Mundgod 11/20/4/24 11/20/0040/0024 9/19/4/28 09/19/0040/0028 7 Ashi ked 11/20/4/83 11/2010040/0083 9/19/4/81 09/19/0040/0081 8 Aur'lsall i 11/20/4/12 11/20/0040/0012 9/19/4/21 09/19/0040/0021

9 Balemet 11/20/4/82 11/20/0040/0082 9/19/4/97 09/l9/0040/0097 10 Ballc.ur 11/20/4/70 11/20/0040/0070 9/19/4/74 09/19/0040/0074 11 Begodi 11/20/4/40 11/20/0040/0040 9/19/4/44 09/19/0040/0044 12 Beranlc.i 11/20/4/78 11/20/0040/0078 9/19/4/77 09/19/0040/0077 13 Beroll i 11/20/4/27 11/20/0040/0027 9/19/4/31 09/19/0040/0031 14 Bi rangOd 11/20/4/80 11/20/0040/0080 9/19/4/79 09/1910040/0079

15 Chanaavar 11/20/4/9 11/20/0040/0009 9/l9/4/14 09/19/0040/()014 16 'Chikkankod 11/20/4/29 11/20/0040/0029 9/19/4/33 09/19/0040/0033

17 Dobbod 11/20/4/93 11/20/0040/0093 9/l9/4/91 09/19/0040/0091 18 Duggur 11/20/4/18 11/20/0040/0018 9/19/4/19 09/19/0040/0019

19 Gudemalc.lc.i 11/20/4/73 11/20/0040/0073 9/19/4/92 09119/0040/0092 20 Gundabala 11/20/4/31 11/20/0040/0031 9/19/4/35 09/19)0040/0035 21 Gunvante 11/20/4/60 11/20/0040/0060 9/19/4/64 09/19/0040/0064

22 Hadgeri 11/20/4/41 11/20/0040/0041 9/19/4/45 09/19/0040/0045 23 Hadikal 11/20/4/91 11/20/0040/0091 9/19/4/89 09119/0040/0089 24 Hadinbal 11/20/4/28 11/20/0040/0028 9/19/4/32 09/19/0040/0032 25 11/20/4/2 11/20/0040/0002 9/19/4/5 09/l9/0040/0005 26 Hanehalli Kabbinhakkal 11/2014/39 11/20/0040/0039 9/19/4/43 09/19/0040/0043 27 Heggar 11/2014/71 11/20/0040/0071 9/19/4/75 09/19/0040/0075 28 Heral i 11/20/4/87 11/20/0040/0087 9/19/4/84 09/19/0040/0084 29 Herangadi 11/20/4/46 11/20/0040/0046 9/19/4/50 09/19/0040/0050 30 Heraval i 11/20/4/54 11/20/0040/0054 9/19/4/61 09/19/0040/0061 31 Hinnur 11/20/4/77 11/20/0040/0077 9/19/4/96 09/19/0040/0096 32 Hirebail 11/20/4/33 11/20/0040/0033 9/19/4/37 09/19/0040/0037 33 HOdkeshirur 11/20/4/11 11/20/0040/0011 9/19/4/22 09/l9/0040/0022 34 Hosad 11/20/4/58 11/20/0040/0058 9/19/4/58 09/19/0040/0058 35 Hosakul i 11/20/4/17 11/20/0040/0017 9/19/4/18 09/19/0040/0018 36 Hosgod 11/20/4/32 "/20/0040/0032 9/19/4/36 09/19/0040/0036 37 Hospattan 11/20/4/65 11/20/0040/0065 9/19/4/69 09/19/0040/0069 38 Hulegar 11/20/4/38 11/20/0040/0038 9/19/4/42 09/19/0040/0042




2 3 4 5 6

39 Ja\wa\-Karki 11120/4/52 11/20/0040/0052 9/l9/4/55 09/19/0040/0055- 40 Jalwalli 11/20/4/53 11/20/0040/0053 9/19/4/56 09/19/0040/0056 41 Jankadkal 11/20/4/34 11/20/0040/0034 9/19/4/38 09/19/0040/0038

42 Kadle 11/20/4/13 11/20/0040/0013 9/19/4/20 09/19/0040/0020 43 Kadnir 11/20/4;10 "/20/0040/0010 9/19/4/15 09119/0040/0015 44 Kadtoka 11/20/4/6 11/20/0040/0006 9/19/4/11 09/19/0040/0011 45 Kakurve 11/20/4/4 11/20/0040/0004 9/19/4/9 09/19/0040/0009 46 Kankichitta 11/20/4/64 11/20/0040/0064 9/19/4/68 09/19/0040/0068 47 Karki 11/20/4/20 11/20/0040/0020 9/19/4/3 09/19/0040/0003 48 11/20/4/63 11/20/0040/0063 9/19/4/67 09/l9/0040/0067 49 Kekkar 11/20/4/7 11/20/0040/0007 9/19/4/12 09119/0040/0012 50 Kelgin-Idgunji 11/20/4/68 11/20/0040/0068 9/19/4/73 09/19/0040/0073 51 Kelgin-Mannige 11/20/4/75 11/20/0040/0075 9/19/4/94 09/19/0040/0094 52 Kelgin-Mudkani 11/20/4/50 11/20/0040/0050 9/19/4/53 09/19/0040/0053 53 Kelginoor 11/20/4/62 "/20/0040/0062 9/19/4/66 09/1910040/0066 54 Kervall i 11/20/4/51 11/20/0040/0051 9/19/4/54 09/19/0040/0054 55 Khandodi 11/20/4/42 11/20/0040/0042 9/19/4/46 09/19/0040/0046 56 Kharwa 11/20/4/55 11/20/0040/0055 9/19/4/60 09/19/0040/0060 57 Kodani 11120/4/79 11/20/0040/0079 9/19/4/78 09/19/0040/0078 58 KoOdla 11/20/4/57 11/20/0040/0057 9/19/4/59 09/19/0040/0059 59 Kot 11/20/4/89 11/20/0040/0089 9/19/4/87 09/19/0040/0087 60 Kuchodi 11/20/4/86 11/20/0040/0086 9/19/4/83 09/19/0040/0083 61 Kudrige 11/20/4/44 11/20/0040/0044 9/19;4/48 09/19/0040/0048 62 Kulkod 11/20/4/23 11/20/0040/0023 9/19/4/27 09/19/0040/0027

63 Madgeri 11/20/4/5 11/20/0040/0005 9/19/4/10 09/19/0040/0010 64 Magod 11/20/4/81 11/20/0040/0081 9/19/4/80 09/19/0040/0080 65 Mahime 11/20/4/35 11/20/0040/0035 9/19/4/39 09/19/0040/0039 66 Malkod 11/20/4/66 11/20/0040/0066 9/19/4/70 09/19/0040/0070 67 11120/4/8 11/20/0040/0008 9/19/4/13 09/19/0040/0013 68 Manda I kurve 11/20/4/22 11/20/0040/0022 9/19/4/26 09/19/0040/0026 11/20/4/59 11/20/0040/0059 9/19/4/63 09/19/0040/0063 70 Mavinkurve 11/20/4/21 11/20/0040/0021 9/19/4/25 09/19/0040/0025 71 Melin-Idgunji 11/20/4/69 11/20/0040/0069 9/19/4/72 09/19/0040/0072 72 Melin-Mannige 11/20/4/74 11/20/0040/0074 9/19/4/95 09/19/0040/0095 73 Mel irYfllJdkani 11/20/4/49 11/20/0040/0049 9/19/4/52 09/19/0040/0052 74 Molkod 11/20/4/67 11/20/0040/0067 9/19/4/71 09/19/0040/0071 75 Mugwa 11/20/4/16 11/20/0040/0016 9/19/4/17 09/19/0040/0017 76 Mutta 11/20/4/30 11/20/0040/0030 9/19/4/34 09/19/0040/0034

77 Nagarabastikeri 11/20/4/37 11/20/0040/0037 9/19/4/41 09/19/0040/0041 78 Nagre 11/20/4/25 11/20/0040/0025 9/19/4/29 09/19/0040/0029 79 11/20/4/3 11/20/0040/0003 9/19/4/8 09/19/004010008 80 Ni lkod 11/20/4/14 11/20/0040/0014 9/19/4/23 09/19/0040/0023




2 3 4 5 6

81 Nirwattikodla 11/20/4/26 11/20/0040/0026 9/19/4/30 09/19/0040/0030

82 Padukul i 11/20/4/56 11/20/0040/0056 9/19/4/57 09/19/0040/0057 83 Pavinkurlle 11/20/4/' 11/20/0040/0001 9/19/4/2 09/19/0040/0002

84 Salkod ",20/4/15 11/20/0040/0015 9/19/4/16 09/19/0040/0016 85 Sampoll i ',/20/4/85 11/20/0040/0085 9/19/4/88 09/19/0040/0088 86 Saralgi 11/20/4/36 11/20/0040/0036 9/19/4/40 09/19/0040/0040 87 Shirkur 11/20/4/43 11/20/0040/0043 9/19/4/47 09/19/0040/0047 88 Sulebi l 11/20/4/88 11120/0040/0088 9/19/4/85 09/19/0040/0085

89 Talgod 11/20/4/72 11/20/0040/0072 9/19/4/93 09/19/0040/0093 90 Tumbebi l 11/20/4/90 11/20/0040/0090 9/19/4/86 09/19/0040/0086 91 Turnboll i 11/20/4/48 11/20/0040/0048 9/19/4/62 09/19/0040/0062

92 Upponi 11/20/4/45 11/20/0040/0045 9/19/4/49 09/19/0040/0049

93 Vancloor 11/20/4/19 11/20/0040/0019 9/19/4/24 09/19/0040/0024


Name of C. D. Blo~k : HONA V AR : C'oJe No. : 004()

Location Name of Village / Total/ Area in No.of No.of Tot i) l popu t i) t 1 on Totul Population Scheduled Code Town / Ward Rural/ Hectares Occu- Hou,e' (I ncludi ng ln the uge group Castes Nl.Il1ber Urban for vil· pled Holds I ns tit U t 1 ona l & (0 . 6) lages & Resld· Houseless in sq.km entlat populatlon) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) ( F ) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5 ) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

T 745.94 23142 23424 129650 64616 65034 19463 10035 9428 3466 3429 HONAVAR C.D.Block R 745.94 23142 23424 129650 64616 65034 19463 10035 9428 3466 3429 U

1 Pavinkurve 183.32 165 166 1031 505 526 161 71 90 2 Haldipur 1443.06 1672 1678 9221 4587 4634 1333 688 645 468 424 3 Navilgone 572.28 368 368 2101 1066 1035 211 117 94 93 74 4 Kakurve 34.65 Un· I nhabi ted Vi llage 5 Madgeri 80.79 106 106 666 342 324 87 37 50 11 9 6 Kadtoka 547.74 520 520 2698 1343 1355 309 148 161 148 157 7 Kekkar 309.83 318 318 1759 881 878 249 118 131 135 128 8 Mallapur 56.75 58 58 261 129 132 34 13 21 9 Chandavar 2134.16 477 488 2881 1475 1406 481 246 235. 82 76 10 Kadnir 1777.70 74 74 413 219 194 58 .. 31 27 11 Hodkeshirur 1898.48 289 296 1560 788 772 256 131 125 14 20 12 Aunsall i 218.31 53 53 259 124 135 42 17 25 3 7 13 Kadle 822.11 293 293 1605 791 814 175 86 89 42 47 14 Ni lkod 688.04 141 149 806 403 403 93 54 39 4 5 15 Salkod 3700.10 736 750 3745 1903 1842 453 231 222 35 27 16 Mugwa 543.87 550 551 2818 1435 1383 328166162117115 17 Hosakul i 574.19 487 504 2767 1411 1356 305 161 144 142 136 18 Duggur 142.67 46 46 297 150 147 45 22 23 19 Vandoor 375.23 167 168 925 465 460 134 68 66 21 17 20 Karki 1149.18 1043 1049 5429 2731 2698 712 375 337 339 341 21 Mavinkurve 657.54 615 615 3335 1651 1684 469 230 239 45 37 22 Mandalkurve 22.46 47 47 288 143 145 36 21 15 5 7 23 Kulkod 134.82 153 165 917 448 469 139 65 74 24 Arolli'Mundgod 185.15 149 149 730 368 362 101 59 42 4 4 25 Nagre 219.99 206 216 1235 607 628 165 77 88 26 Nirwattikodla 23.14 19 19 112 58 54 20 12 8 27 Beroll i 204.28 114 114 575 292 283 69 41 28 28 Hadinbal 383.57, 384 385 2156 1076 1080 266 155 111 91 67 29 Chikkankod 273.60 340 340 1804 904 900 240 120 120 22 17 30 Mutta 244.12 177 186 1065 542 523 162 78 84


l\;am<: 01 CD. BII)l'k : HOl\;AVAR ; CoJ~ No. : 0040

Scheduled, Literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L Nallle of Village / Location Tri:bes Workers Town I liard Code Cultivators Agricultural Nunber Labourers

(I • I)() ( I ) (II)

(M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (f)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

8 4 41023 30551 33989 7821 10371 1639 4593 3078 B 4 41023 30551 33989 7821 10371 1639 4593 3078 HONAVAR C.O.Block

349 188 244 100 32 5 10 17 Pavinkurve 1 2940 2150 2307 669 777 123 370 314 Haldipur 2 816 589 . 570 151 246 15 27 91 Navi 19one 3 Un'lnhabi ted Vi llage ...... _. __ .. _.. Kakurve 4 234 149 197 146 57 16 87 107 Madgeri 5 1072 858 797 61 432 9 210 30 Kadtoka 6 439 399 464 115 134 1 196 86 Kekkar 7 98 71 74 14 30 2 19 9 Mallapur 8 967 781 786 129 223 31 111 61 ChanOavar 9 152 104 141 121 133 111 8 9 Kadnir 10 501 373 460 105 360 41 41 28 Hodkeshirur 11 91 74 66 18 11 1 13 Aunsall i 12 468 374 440 145 104 48 41 49 Kadle 13 314 273 192 17 8 1 19 5 Ni lkod 14 1300 1052 1078 56 69 6 18 4 Salkod 15 1012 737 782 172 8 10 3 Mugwa 16 1007 819 873 77 Hosakul i 17 85 55 80 40 21 36 18 Duggur 18 332 241 289 34 92 7 56 22 Vancloor 19 1864 1467 1391 297 367 53 312 158 Karki 20 1093 750 931 229 321 17 99 85 Mavinkurve 21 97 89 77 22 23 ') 11 10 Manclalkurve 22 308 230 220 32 Ku(ic.od 23 251 190 208 36 16 10 Arolli'Mundgod 24 460 339 336 24 39 Nagre 25 33 33 35 Nirwattikodla 26 219 192 169 11 58 1 Beroll i 27 742 546 589 178 128 35 11 25 Hadinbal 28 570 405 537 130 119 21 94 57 Chikkankod 29 388 256 302 32 72 26 8 Mutta 30


Name of C.D. Block: HONA V AR : COUe No. : 0040

Location Name of Vi II age I Totall C ATEGOR I E S o F M A I to Code Town I Ward Rural/ NlAJber Urban Livest uck, Mining and Manufacturing, M

(I I I ) ( IV) (V(a ») (V(b») (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) ( F ) (M) (F)

(1 ) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31 ) (32) (33) (34 )

9137 774 456 SO 1033 220 2051 223 856 63 HONAVAR C.D.Block R 9137 774 456 SO 1033 220 2051 223 856 63 U

1 Pavinkurve 113 9 6 20 9 2 Haldipur 329 6 2 56 12 96 7 63 14 3 Navilgone 154 20 7 10 3 31 2 8 4 Kakurve ------.----- Un-Inhabited Villilge ------5 Madgeri 1 2 18 19 24 6 Kadtoka 2 3 7 2 32 13 7 Kekkar 64 2 3 30 6 11 8 Mallapur 1 9 Chandavar 37 5 2 258 __ 3 13 4 10 Kadnir 11 Hodkeshirur 8 2 32 33 1 12 Aunsall i 32 7 2 13 Kadle 211 39 2 4 11 7 14 Nilkod 143 7 3 15 Salkod 838 29 3 6 26 4 16 Mugwa 514 105 12 7 62 1b 11 2 17 Hosakul i 740 51 28 5 12 18 DU9gur 2 19 Vandoor 125 5 3 20 Karki 68 4 3 81 2 91 12 129 7 21 Mavinkurve 136 3 69 67 180 36 3 22 Manda l kurve 16 1 2 2 6 1 23 Kulkod 37 5 8 41 11 55 24 Arolli-Mundgod 79 19 11 1 21 20 3 25 Nagre 233 11 3 23 2 2 2 26 Nirwattikodla 28 27 Serolli 85 1 2 4 2 28 Hadinbal 281 94 2 39 1 16 6 10 3 29 Chikkankod 261 26 6 10 2 4 3 30 Mutta 167 21 8 B 2


!\:alll<: of C.D. Block: 1I0\' ..\VAR ; CoJt: No. : 0040

IoIORKERS M3rglnill Non-lIorkers Name of Village / Location Workers TOloln / Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Number Corrmerce Storage and Services COIIIllUnication

(VII) (VIII ) (IX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2 ) ( 1 )

2283 404 827 317 2382 1053 599 4878 30028 52335 2283 404 827 317 2382 1053 599 4878 30028 52335 HONAVAR C.D.Block

34 62 8 1 12 6 4 261 ... 22 Puvlnkurve 1 237 64 62 2 315 127 37 889 2243 3076 Hill d 1 pur 2 27 4 20 40 15 4 24 492 860 Nuvi Igone 3 Un-Inhabited Village Kakurve 4 2 2 2 3 2 145 178 5 33 5 60 19 546 1294 Kildtoku 6 10 4 4 17 11 8 26 409 737 Kekkur 7 8 4 11 3 55 117 Mull apur 8 41 4 45 53 23 9 13 680 126" Chandavar 9 3 16 75 57 Kadm r 10 6 5 7 1 19 214 309 453 Hodkeshirur 11 5 9 3 58 117 Aunsalll 12 17 20 23 8 6 48 345 621 Kildle 13 4 15 4 211 386 Ni Ikod 14 27 1 13 74 15 79 152 746 1634 Sulkod 15 58 6 43 57 39 13 83 640 1128 Muglola 16 30 2 24 37 19 3 14 535 1265 Hosakull 17 21 22 2 70 105 Duggur 18 4 1 8 176 426 Vandoor 19 124 9 40 176 51 8 166 1332 2235 Karki 20 53 6 32 38 15 12 135 708 1320 Mavlnkurve 21 6 9 3 3 2 14 64 109 Milndillkurve 22 25 10 42 14 14 214 436 Kulkod 23 20 5 26 13 1 6 159 320 Aro I I 1 - Mundgod 24 12 2 11 11 9 2 72 269 532 Nagre 25 4 3 1 23 53 Nirlolilttikodla 26 2 7 11 5 123 272 Bcroll i 27 38 2 18 2 46 9 6 150 481 752 Hildinbal 28 18 2 4 18 21 7 121 360 649 Chikkankod 29 8 1 9 2 3 21 237 470 Mutta 30


Name of C.D. Block: HONAVAR ; CoJ ... No. : O()~(I

Location Name of Village I Totall Area In No.of No.of Total populJtion Total Population Scheduled Code Town I ~ard Rural/ Hectarc~ Occu' H0U~C­ (I nc l udl n9 I n the agc group Castes NlII1ber Urban for VI l- plcd Hold~ In,tltutlonal to (u b) lages & Rcsld· Hou-;e[ess In sq.klO cntlell POpul

for Housc~ towns and C.D.Blocks

------_----- (f') (1'1) (f) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5 ) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

31 Gundaba I a 937.86 20" 210 1112 5')0 ')62 169 82 87 2 2 32 Hosgod 856.41 31 31 214 111 103 51 28 23 33 Hirebai I 2170.33 101 101 5W 305 255 86 48 38 34 Jankadkal 3374.11 143 148 731 387 344 135 65 70 35 Mahime 8012.58 268 278 1532 802 730 23' 130 104 36 Saralgi 685.29 221 223 1285 6tA 621 193 Ill) 83 37 Nagarabastikeri 3726.97 529 537 3026 152' 1~i.') 468 229 239 12 8 38 Hulegar 565.39 73 81 362 190 1bb 68 36 32 6 7 39 Hanehalli Kabbinhakkal 535.81 58 58 2b8 177 91 ~" 21 21 3 8 40 Begodi 401.08 14 16 81 41 40 19 13 b 41 Hadgeri 3845.80 61 63 328 157 171 51 20 31 23 22 42 Khandodi 1825.18 30 34 252 137 115 :)6 19 17 43 Shirkur 1250.92 41 43 235 130 105 40 20 20 44 Kudrige 617.65 498 511 2911 143Q 1481 453 231 222 189 171 45 Upponi 205.16 262 275 1571 780 791 268 141 127 46 Herangadi 676.32 504 508 2907 1429 1478 568 284 284 131 114 47 Adkar 81.17 43 43 248 122 12b . 37 25 12 48 45 48 Ttm>oll i 932.72 14 14 77 :.2 35 , ,,, 5 ." 49 Mel irmudkani 237.28 118 119 578 301 277 42 38 50 Kelgin-Mudkani 118.36 115 115 638 330 112 64 .. 8 16 20 51 Kervalli 122.91 108 lOll 565 271l 287 84 ,,5 59 52 Jalwal-Karki 197.44 129 129 745 377 368 108 57 51 36 32 53 Jalwalli 874.40 402 404 2303 1134 1169 292 160 132 2 5 54 Heraval i 551.87 58 58 302 157 145 51 27 24 55 Kharwa 853.30 729 741 4270 2127 2143 629 318 311 45 41 56 Padukul i 172.19 99 99 556 283 273 72 38 34 57 !CoOOla 63.12 63 63 356 173 183 77 45 32 58 Hosad 135.36 245 245 1304 651 653 171 93 78 59 Manki 3342.55 2578 2615 14828 7169 7659 2687 1379 1308 846 975 60 Gunvante 1016.28 401 401 2337 1176 1161 376 194 182 61 Apsarakonda 81.91 67 80 4,)2 21') 237 77 41 36 9 10 62 Kelginoor 489.65 425 426 2263 109b l1b7 310 157 153 29 27 63 KasarkOO 391.23 1084 1097 6719 320') 3514 1119 560 559 6 10 64 Kank i eh i Ua 5.52 14 16 82 46 36 523 65 Hospattan 742.22 388 389 2471 1245 1226 439 241 198 47 36


N,un..: orC'.o. BIo.:k: HOt'\t\VAR: (\KI\! No. : oo.to

Scheduled literates Total Main N D U S T R I A l Nal11(' of vi llage location Tribes Workers Town I Ward Code CultIvators AgrIcultural Number labourer"

(I - no ( I ) (II)

(101) (F) (101) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) ( 18) ( 19) (20) (21) (2;> ) (23) (2':') (2) (1)

383 312 288 24 23 2 13 3 Gund"I,);, ( d 31 34 16 62 1 61 Hosgva 32 162 83 188 2 118 2 2 H I ("('bill l 33 219 124 255 9 14 3 2 Jankadkill 34 278 184 484 105 284 50 76 49 Mahll1lC 35 440 329 408 106 241 15 30 85 Saralgl 36 946 775 860 190 289 66 259 97 Nag;,("aba.., t i kerl 37 134 89 106 24 11 Hulcgar 38 110 22 139 4 Hanctlal I I ~ilbbinhakkal 39 7 4 22 16 6 B('9odl 40 67 51 82 42 39 Hadgcr I 41 83 66 78 24 44 6 32 18 Knandodl 42 10,1 68 71 35 41 17 14 18 Stllrkur 43 2 2 959 740 752 293 188 15 337 257 Kudr'lge 44 426 295 356 64 64 11 26 35 Upponi 45 780 542 680 191 207 44 128 124 Hcrangadi 46 S1 48 54 19 34 6 7 13 Ad"ar 47 30 20 25 15 3 Tumboll i 48 208 105 153 21 67 4 32 17 Mel i nrnudbni 49 187 135 137 56 73 15 17 41 Ket 9 i n-Mudkani 50 125 82 158 113 81 1 43 109 Kcrvilll i 51

250 169 185 77 98 32 31 38 Jal wid' Kark I 52 733 510 584 73 281 16 44 45 Jalwal I i 53 95 84 97 7 4 4 Hcravali 54 1514 1123 "02 203 368 25 133 139 Khilrwa 55 185 109 161 71 81 26 6 28 Padulcull 56 104 84 84 21 34 3 2 Koodla 57 444 340 319 52 37 12 11 Hosad 58 3946 2866 3205 745 1068 265 298 169 Manki S9 747 561 625 270 282 82 112 138 Gunvantc 60 78 58 104 16 32 3 7 3 Apsarakonda 61 771 629 565 141 180 25 84 74 Kclginoor 62 4 2 1920 1677 1570 759 140 24 43 14 Kasarkod 63 40 25 27 1 13 Kank i eh I (Cn 64 655 397 585 231 232 153 16 17 Hospat tiln 65


Name: of C.D. Block: HONAV AR : CoJt' No. : OO-lO

Location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town I liard Rurall NU11ber Urban li vestock, Mining and Milnufacturing, ManufacturIng, Construction Forest ry. Quarrying Processing. ProcessIng, Fishing. Servicing and ServIcing ilnd HuntIng and RepaIrs in Rcpa1 rs In PlantatIon. Household Other th

{l I I) (IV) (V(a)] (V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f)

<1> (2) (3) <25 ) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31 ) (32) (33) (34)

31 Gundabala 182 6 3 19 3 3 32 Hosgod 33 Hi rebai I 66 34 Jankadkal 235 6 35 Mahime 86 2 6 13 36 Saralgi 71 48 3 37 Nagarabastikeri 65 2 40 14 12 38 Hulegar 8 3 24 39 Hanehall i Kabbinhakkal 122 40 8egOdi 41 Hadgeri 42 Khandodi 43 Shirkur 15 44 Kudrige 21 12 49 c ··Hl ... 15 45 Upponi 74 16 31 37 1 10 4 ., 46 Herangadi 94 I 39 12 130 2 5 47 Adkar 8 1 1 48 Tunboll i 2 2 2 49 Melirvnudkani 37 4 4 r 50 Kelgin-Mudkani 4 16 2 5 51 Kervall j 13 11 2 52 Jalwal-Karki 22 10 3 '6 1 53 Jalwall i 186 8 9 23 2 2 54 Heravall 87 3 55 Kharwa 288 19 ')0 8 2 56 Padukul j 35 8 13 6 2 2 6 57 Koodla 14 5 2 7 7 58 Hosad 58 3 18 56 22 33 34 59 Manki 696 40 179 13 102 3 82 5 113 22 60 Gunvante 45 28 22 11 21 27 61 Apsarakonda 33 2 3 24 2 62 Kelginoor 45 6 37 4 106 10 7 . -J 63 Kasarkod 544 82 20 222 52 24 64 Kankichitta 1 3 65 Hospattan 27 6 7 20 12 196 29 8


!'\alll~' of CD, Blod, : HOl':,\VAR : C'oJc No. : 'l)t)-lO

WORKERS MargInal Non-I./orkcrs Namc of Vi llage / Locat ion workCr"'> Town / Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Number Coomerce Storage and Services COIlITllJni cat i on

(VII) (VI I I) (IX)

(101) (F) (14) (F) (101) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

16 5 21 11 4 2 258 536 GundabaliJ 31 49 102 Ho"god 32 1 117 253 Hirebai I 33 2 2 1 21 131 314 Jankadi:.iJl 34 5 9 3 3 2 74 316 551 Mah line 35 9 6 6 256 515 Saralgi 36 69 4 18 93 20 5 660 1310 NagiJrabas t I ker i 37 8 2 26 90 165 Hulegar 38 5 7 38 90 Haneh~lll Kabblnhakkal 39 14 19 26 Begodi 40 9 33 66 137 Hadgerl 41 59 90 Khandodi 42 59 70 Shirkur 43 54 2 27 31 17 2 40 676 1148 Kudr I ge 44 71 1 7 20 10 14 101 410 626 Upponi 45 33 3 6 26 11 12 97 737 1190 Herangadi 46 3 7 15 61 92 Adkar 47 1 16 35 Tumboll i 48 5 3 19 32 129 224 Mel inmudkani 49 4 9 7 11 38 160 236 , I(elgin-Mud",,!)] 50 5 3 2 2 5 118 169 Kcrvalll 51 5 2 10 4 2 60 190 231 Jalwal-Kark i 52 14 10 13 4 2 13 548 1083 Jillwalll 53 1 1 34 60 104 Her"ilval i 54 158 2 16 79 18 116 1025 1824 Kharwa 55 11 4 3 1 50 122 152 Padukul i 56 23 4 3 31 89 131 Koodla 57 19 6 24 28 10 332 601 Hosad 58 340 119 52 275 109 90 727 3874 6187 Manki 59 31 2 24 50 19 17 66 534 825 Gunvante 60 6 4 12 46 99 175 Apsarakonda 61 38 25 42 21 3 116 528 910 Kelginoor 62 271 59 91 308 215 219 5 9 1630 2746 Kasarkod 63 4 5 1 19 35 Kankichitta 64 42 10 11 26 3 33 205 627 790 Hospattan 65

97 VII..LA(a~ / TO'''N PIUl\IARY

Name.: of C.O. Block: HONAV AR : CoJ~' No. : oo~(t

Location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Totill populat10n Total Populat1on Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Occu' House- (Including 1n the age group Castes Nurber Urban for vii, pied Holds Institutional 6 (0 - 6) (ages & Resid­ House{ cs.;; in sq.km ent1al pc>pul at Ion)

for Housc~ towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (Tl

(1 ) (3) (4 ) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

66 Malkod 307.04 122 122 588 274 314 79 36 43 67 Molkod 91.24 234 234 1188 551 637 186 98 88

68 Kelgin'ldgunji 325.61 287 290 1480 70~ 776 211 124 87 7 4 69 Mel in-Idgunj i 673.61 268 272 1522 793 729 206 100 106 10 10 70 8alll:ur 487.62 518 519 2800 1430 1430 375 190 185 71 Heggar 33.33 43 43 217 lOS 112 23 11 12 72 ralgod 624.13 204 204 991 485 506 145 66 79 13 14 73 Gudemakk i 75.78 19 19 133 67 b6 22 14 8 74 Metin-Mannige 324.03 115 115 661 325 330 81 37 44 22 23 15 Kelgin-Mannige 28.14 9 9 40 18 22 4 2 2 76 Ani I god 103.60 170 171 981 494 487 HI 76 55 n Hinnur 408.17 94 98 585 289 296 88 43 45 78 Beranki 193.84 138 138 860 467 393 113 60 53 79 Kodani 466.55 220 220 1296 648 648 194 'H lUl 80 Birangod 321. 96 65 65 357 199 158 70 48 22 81 Magod 2994.24 262 262 1319 673 646 251 134 117 29 35 82 Balemet 698.35 33 33 195 101 94 40 21 19 83 Ashikeri 695.28 28 31 166 80 86 43 19 24 84 Adkekul i 1504.29 64 66 314 160 154 71 47 24 85 SaqlOl I i 577.45 24 24 131 73 58 26 15 II 86 Kuchodi 385.62 5 5 24 14 10 523 87 Heral i 737.09 22 22 147 77 70 36 25 II 13 9 88 Sulebil 420.25 13 13 86 40 46 22 10 12 89 Kat 509.99 52 52 283 144 139 42 22 20 2 2 90 Tunbebit 332.38 36 36 196 93 103 28 14 14 91 Hadikal 700.33 48 48 223 110 113 53 32 21 92 Adukal 642.80 109 109 564 284 280 105 58 47 12 15 93Dobbod 195.57 54 54 315 159 156 54 31 23 43 31

C_D_ Block Total Rural 745.94 23142 23424 129650 64616 65034 19463 10035 9428 3466 3429

C.D. Block Total Urban


:-';"111<.' \)1 C.D. Block HO:-';AVAR: CoJe No. : 0040

Scheduled Literates Tot<:JL MJin 1 N D U S T R I A L N<:Jme of Vill<:Jge / Locat i on Tribes lIorkers Town / liard Code Cultlv<:Jtors Agricultur<:Jl Number


(I . I)() (I) ( II )

(M) (F) '(M) (F) (M) ( F ) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2 ) (1)

212 198 144 15 23 3 6 6 Malkod 66 372 312 262 205 93 bY 8 73 Mol kod 67 472 358 306 27 66 2 15 17 Kelgin- Idgunj i 68 604 407 425 97 97 35 99 40 Melln- IdgunJ i 69 932 642 810 41 401 4 136 22 Balkur 70 76 61 2 23 19 1 Hegg<:Jr 71 322 242 281 63 93 24 85 29 Talgod 72 38 30 36 4 31 4 5 GUdemakki 73 196 159 176 10 23 16 Mel in-Mannige 74 14 13 12 10 Kelgln-Mannige 75 344 230 247 20 58 3 9 Anllgod 76 179 147 158 2 18 Hinnur 77 348 202 278 65 23 2 130 26 Ber<:Jnki 78 443 324 386 78 56 2 150 51 Kodanl 79 102 76 103 8 19 1 18 6 Bll-<:Jngod 80 338 256 380 24 174 6 75 10 Magod 81 48 36 64 4 24 19 4 Balemet 82 18 5 45 29 6 Ashikeri 83 36 33 83 6 61 13 2 Adkekul i 84 18 7 39 12 29 7 12 Sampoll i 85 4 1 5 4 Kuchodi 86 17 8 34 4 30 3 4 Heral i 87 17 5 18 13 3 Sulebi l 88 82 52 71 10 61 3 6 7 Kot 89 54 45 47 9 33 5 11 2 Tumbebi l 90 33 23 62 5 55 2 6 3 Hadikal 91 155 101 175 6 112 1 32 Adukal 92 105 72 82 19 55 11 21 4 Dobbod 93

8 4 41023 30551 33989 7821 10371 1639 4593 3078 C.D_ Block Total Rural

C.D. Block Total Urban


Name of CD. Block: HONAVAR : ('01.1.: No. : O()~(I

Location Name of Village/ Total/ C ATEGOR I E S o F M A I N Code Town / Ward Rural/ Number Urban Livestock, Minlng <:lnd M<:lnufacturing, Manuf<:lcturing, Construction Forestry, QU<:lrrying Processlng, Processlng, Fish i ng, Ser'vicing <:lnd Ser'v 1 c 1 ng and Huntlng and Repai rs in Rep<:lir~ in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(III) (I V) [Veal] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (f) (M) ( F ) (M) ( F ) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1 ) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31 ) (32) (33) (34 )

66 Malkod 71 1 13 3 3 67 Molkod 57 7 4 42 47 5 7 68 Kelgin-Idgunji 135 2 4 14 22 69 Melin-Idgunji 116 2 17 3 10 4 70 Balkur 142 19 11 4 71 Heggar 72 Talgod 78 4 8 73 Gudemakk i 74 Melin-Mannige 111 7 3 75 Kelgin-Mannige 76 Anilgod 136 3 4 3 2 77 Hinnur 109 2 ') 6 78 Beranki 84 22 11 79 Kodani 141 15 10 2 80 Birangod 47 1 6 81 Magod 72 5 21 3 82 Balemet 18 3 83 Ashikeri 10 84 Adkekul i 9 85 Sampolli 3 86 Kuchodi 87 Heral i 88Sulebil 1 89 Kot 2 90 Tumbebi l 2 91 Hadikal 92 Adukal 21 2 8 , 93 Dobbod 5 2

C.D. Block Total Rural 9137 774 456 50 1033 220 2051 223 856 63

C.D. Block Total Urban


]\lame' orC.D. BInd;: IlONAVAR: CoJe No. : oo-to

II 0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village / Location Workers Town / \.lard Code Trade and Transport, Other Number COITIIlerce Storage and Services COIIIl1Unication

(VI I) (VI I I) (I X)

(M) (F) (M) ( F ) (M) (f) (M) (1') (M) ( F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41 ) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

12 1 2 11 4 9 54 121 245 Ma 1kod 66 23 1 10 13 8 3 73 286 359 Mo 1kod 67 16 2 11 21 6 14 140 384 609 Kelgln-ldgunji 68 27 3 8 45 11 41 69 327 563 Melln-ldgunj i 69 39 12 46 13 2 9 618 1380 Balkur 70 9 3 1 51 110 Heggar 71 4 2 10 6 11 152 193 291 Till god 72 24 30 38 Gudemakki 73 7 4 10 2 16 148 310 Mel i n-Milnni ge 74 6 22 Kelgin-Mannige 75 14 5 16 13 1 247 466 Anllgod 76 6 ,1 11 9 35 122 259 Hinnur 77 14 3 4 10 12 189 328 Berank i 78 5 2 5 17 8 1 3 261 567 Kodani 79 3 5 3 8 42 88 108 Birilngod 80 6 14 9 7 11 103 282 519 Magod 81 37 90 Balemet 82 15 35 71 Ashikeri 83 3 3 14 74 134 Adkekul i 84 34 46 Sampoll i 85 9 10 Kuchodi 86 43 66 Heral i 87 22 46 Sulebi I 88 73 129 Kat 89 46 94 Tumbebl I 90 48 108 Hildi kal 91 2 4 109 270 Adukal 92 2 77 136 Dobbod 93

2283 404 827 317 2382 1053 599 4878 30028 52335 C.D. BloCk Total Rur-a 1

C.D. Block Total Urban




TALUK: KARWAR-(I()50 C. D. Bl.OC": "AI{W:\ R -()()5()


1 2 3 " ') 6 1 Amdall i 11/20/5;3 11/20/0050/0003 9/19/5/2 09/19/0050/0002 2 11/20/5/15 11/20/0050/0015 9/19/5/13 09/19/0050/0013 3 Arav 11/20/5/17 11/20/0050;0017 9/19/5/15 09/19/0050/0015 4 Arga 11/20/5/6 11/20/0050/0006 9/19/5/5 09/19/0050/0005

5 Baad 11/20/5/8 11/2()/0050/0008 9/19/5/7 09/19/0050/0007 6 BaithkoL 11/20/5./7 11/2u/005U/0007 9/19/5/58 09/19/0050/0058 7 Balemane 11/20/5/35 11/20/0050/0035 9/19/5/33 09/19/0050/0033 8 Belur 11/20/5/52 11/20/0050/0052 9/19/5/50 09/19/0050/0050 9 Bergal 11/20/5;53 11;20;0050/()()53 9n9/5/51 09/19JOO'iDJDD51 10 Bhaire 11/20/5/29 11/20/0050/0029 9/19/5/27 09/19/0050/0027 11 Bolsitta 11/20/5/25 11/20/0050/0025 9/19/5/23 09/19/0050/0023

12 Chendiye 11/20/5/5 11/20/0050/0005 9/19/5/4 09/19/0050/0004 13 Chitakula 11/20/5/13 11/2(,/0050/0013 9/19/5/11 09/19/0050/0011

14 Oevakar 11/20/5/36 11/20/005Q/0036 9/1915/34 09/19/0050/0D34 15 Devalmakki 11/20/5/48 11/20/0050/0048 9/19/5/46 09/19/0050/0046

16 Ghadsai 11/2015/24 11/20/0050/0024 9/19/5/22 09/19/0050/0022 17 Gopsitta 11/20/5/21 11/20/0050/0021 9/19/5/19 09/19/0050/0019 18 Gotegali 11/20/5/33 11/20/0050/0033 9/19/5/31 09/1910050/0031 19 Goyar 11/20/5/30 11/20/0050/0030 9/19/5/28 09/19/0050/0028

20 Halgejoog 11/20/5/27 11/20/0050/0027 9/19/5/25 09/19/0050/0025 21 Hankon 11/20/5/22 11/20/0050/0022 9/19/5/20 09/19/0050/0020 22 Hankonjoog 11/20/5/26 11/20/0050/0026 9/19/5/24 09/19/0050/0024 23 Hartuga 11/20/5/38 11/20/0050/0038 9/19/5/36 09/19/0050/0036 24 Hosal i 11/20/5/19 11/20/0050/0019 9/19/5/17 09/19/0050/0017 25 Hotega 1 i 11/20/5/23 11/20/0050/0023 9/19/5/21 09/19/0050/0021

26 Kadiye 11/20/5/43 11/20/0050/0043 9/19/5/41 09/19/0050/0041 27 Kadra 11/20/5/34 11/20/0050/0034 9/19/5/32 09/19/0050/0032 28 Kadwad 11/20/5/57 11/20/0050/0057 9/19/5/55 09/19/0050/0055 29 Kaiga 11/20/5/37 11/20/0050/0037 9/19/5/35 09/19/0050/0035 30 Kamargaon 11/20/5/31 11/20/0050/0031 9/19/5/29 09/19/0050/0029 31 Kanasgiri 11/20/5/12 11/20/0050/0012 9/19/5/10 09/19/0050/0010 32 Katar 11/20/5/44 11/20/0050/0044 9/19/5/42 09/19/0050/0042 33 Kerwadi 11/20/5/42 11/20/0050/0042 9/19/5/40 09/19/0050/0040 34 Kinnar 11/20/5/45 11/20/0050/0045 9/19/5/43 09/19/0050/0043 35 Kodar 11/20/5/4 11/20/0050/0004 9/19/5/3 09/19/0050/0003 36 Kolga 11/20/5/18 11/20/0050/0018 9/19/5/16 09/19/0050/0016 37 Kuchegar 11/20/5/39 11/20/0050/0039 9/19/5/37 09/19/0050/0037


TAUlK: KARWAR-0050 (' j) HI.< WK: KAI{ \\ AI{-()O.'io


2 3 5 6

38 Lande 11/20/5/32 11/20/0050/0032 9/19/5/30 09/19/0050/0030

39 Madhewada 11/20/5/11 11/20/0050/0011 9/19/5/9 09/19/0050/0009 40 Maigini 11/20/5/20 11/20/0050/0020 9/19/5/18 09/19/0050/0018 41 Majal i 11/20/5/14 11/20/0050/0014 9/19/5112 09/19/0050/0012 42 Makheri 11/20/5/56 11/20/0050/0056 9/19/5/54 09(19(0050/0054 43 Mallapur 11/20/5/41 11/20/(l050/0Cl~1 9/19/S/39 09/19/0050(0039 44 Mudger i 11/20/5/16 11/2(1/lIt1511/UU16 9/19/5/1<. 09(19/00,)0/0014

45 Nagekave 11/20/5/51 11/20/0050/00')1 9/19/5/49 09/19/0050;0049 46 Naitishvar 11/20/5/47 11/211/UL15lJ/'_iI':.7 9/19/5/45 1)9/19/0050/ L)(l4') 47 Nandanagadda 11/20/5/9 11/20/005:::/"',,') 9/1'1/5/56 09; 19/(J()50/0056 48 Nivl i 11/20/5/50 1 1 /20/ C1 05 ('/ UCI S ,) 9/19/S/48 09/19/0050/0Ll48

49 Savantwada 11/20/5/10 11/2C1/UOSO/iJCI1li 9/T9/5/8 09/19/0050/0008 50 Shi rye 11/20/5/49 11/20/00S0/00~9 9/19/5/47 09/19/0050/00':'7 51 11/20/5/55 11/20/0051J/(lU55 9/19/5/53 09/19/0050/(1053 52 Siddar 11/20/5/54 11/20/00S0/0054 9/19/5/52 09/19/0050/0052 53 Sunkeri 11/20/5/1 11/20/0050/0001 9/19/5/57 09/19/0050/0057

54 ladur 11/20/5/2 11/20/0050/0002 9/1'}/5/1 CJ9/19/:1050/0001

55 Ulga 11/20/5/28 11/20/0050/0028 9/19/5/26 09/19/0050/0026

56 Virje 11/20/5/40 11/20/0050/00:.0 9/19/5/38 09/19/0050/0038

57 I.Iai lwada 11/20/5/46 11/20/0050/0046 9/19/5/44 09/19/0050/0044


Name of C.D. Block: KARWAR; Coue No. : 0050

Location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town / Ward Rurall Hectares Occu· House' (Including in the age group Castes Nl.mber Urban for vil' pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid- Houseless in sq.km ential populatlon) for House" towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

T 717.74 18348 19446 89260 45233 44027 11533 6057 5476 1365 1256 KARWAR C.D.Block R 709.68 16221 17278 79416 40115 39301 9928 5187 4741 1145 1049 U 8.06 2127 2168 9844 5118 4726 1605 870 735 220 207

1 Sunkeri 70.67 Un- I nhubl ted Vi llage ------2 Todur 1430.22 237 237 1258 623 635 179 92 87 26 27 3 Amdalli 2323.43 847 849 4335 2191 2144 555 302 253 95 78 4 Kodar 971.36 354 359 1920 978 942 272 145 127 5 Chendiye 1438.66 843 849 4237 2099 2138 467 247 220 66 64 6 Arga 710.40 512 543 2637 1330 1307 330 167 163 53 62 7 Baithkol 189.27 7 7 58 32 26 6 5 8 Baad 233.98 2 7 35 33 2 2 2 9 Nandanagadda 62.87 --.------Un-Inhabited vi llage 10 Savantwada 263.44 91 91 351 170 181 36 21 lS' 11 3 11 Madhewada 424.76 259 265 1053 496 557 85 -49' 36 6 5 12 Kanasgiri 448.11 178 187 828 415 413 57 32 25 5 4 13 Chitakula 988.39 2032 2068 9701 47D7 4994 1205 666 539 57 S9 14 Majal i 1246.20 1476 1507 6802 3251 3551 799 431 368 4 3 15 Angadi 27.51 120 125 470 195 275 64 30 34 3 2 16 Mudgeri 1182.00 562 584 2426 1138 1288 247 124 ~ 123 23 28 17 Arav 406.77 179 185 875 419 456 124 64 60 15 5 18 Kolga 257.28 120 123 521 244 277 60 25 3S 22 23 19 Hosal i 142.19 143 150 738 351 387 79 40 39 20 Maigini 1571.79 20 21 81 38 43 14 5 9 21 Gopsitta 1056.68 147 147 696 340 356 59 33 26 22 Hankon 1237.26 339 341 1337 611 726 134 76 58 40 49 23 Hotegal i 981.31 308 308 1431 683 748 153 83 70 24 Ghadsai 554.48 492 502 2230 1069 1161 282 150 132 25 Bolsitta 289.22 165 168 759 358 401 81 44 37 26 Hankonjoog 253.07 91 93 432 192 240 59 34 25 27 Halgejoog 174.14 172 173 786 364 422 66 30 36 28 Ulga 609.74 416 423 1901 958 943 190 91 99 19 12 29 Bhaire 2690.28 304 309 1529 744 785 231 118 113 8 12 30 Goyar 2299.71 29 33 198 101 97 33 18 15 6 7


:'\"111<: of C.D. 13lo~'k : KARWAR; CoJc No. : 0050

Scheduled Literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of Village Location Tribes lIorkers Town / liard Code Cultivators Agricultural Nulllber Labourers

(l - IX) (I) (II)

(M) (F) eM) (F) (101)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

50 43 32097 23377 ,22462 7503 6403 3030 2255 1962 41 36 28463 20572 19968 7059 6299 3005 2228 1933 KARIIAR C.D.Block 9 7 3634 2805 2494 444 104 25 27 29

Un'lnhabited vi llage Sunker i 1 420 293 324 lIS 205 83 46 22 Todur 2 1495 996 998 266 419 33 207 102 Amdalli 3 609 311 476 283 159 80 IDS 79 Kodar 4 1627 1213 1004 432 314 171 126 66 Chendiye 5 965 667 615 302 149 95 55 36 Arga 6 24 10 14 4 Bai thkol 7 28. 2 31 Baad 8 Un-I nhabi ted vi llage Nandanagadda 9 141 124 58 35 17 17 8 9 Savantwada 10 394 337 187 134 73 69 34 46 Madhewada 11 319 277 193 130 54 70 29 24 Kanasgi r1 12 9 10 3574 3185 1904 592 166 137 173 159 Chi takula 13 7 4 2513 2015 1338 626 296 364 143 192 Majal i 14 143 180 67 36 31 24 2 3 Angadi 15 893 824 440 272 205 152 96 93 Mudgeri 16 324 268 180 40 89 13 20 21 Arav 17 184 160 114 85 40 37 20 25 Kolga 18 289 254 160 72 61 31 26 31 Hosal i 19 25 11 22 12 18 10 2 1 Maigini 20 245 178 181 83 139 69 24 9 Gopsitta 21 453 398 270 195 128 141 36 33 Hankon 22 507 388 331 300 301 263 II 30 Hotega l i 23 811 711 514 159 175 54 81 70 Ghadsai 24 273 237 139 23 47 14 20 2 Bolsi tta 25 136 133 96 101 85 98 Hankonjoog 26 305 258 149 175 104 133 26 39 Halgejoog 27 768 551 399 14 I 179 71 62 28 Ulga 28 491 354 324 187 232 153 36 19 Bhaire 29 22 12 52 7 46 3 5 4 Goyar 30


Nam~ of C.D. Block: KARWAR: Cout! No. : O()5()

Location Name of Village! Total! CATEGOR I £ S o f M A I N Code lown ! Ward Rural/ NUTt>er Urban LivestoCk , MinIng and Milnufa(turlng, MilnufilctUrlng, ConstructIon

Forestry, Ouilf ry I ng )J ,·o(e",,) ng, Processing, Fishing, ServIcIng and ServiCIng and Hunting ilnd RepaIrs In RepaIrs In Plantation, Houschold Other than Orchards & Industry Hou<,chold All ied lndu"try activi ties

(II !) (! V) [Veal] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (0

(1 ) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (211) (29) (30) (31 ) (32) (33 ) (34)

T 2359 148 45 .. 158 667 125 1765 81 4153 532 KARWAR C.D.Block R 2104 110 368 128 658 114 999 61 3738 450 u 255 38 86 30 9 11 766 20 415 82

1 Sunlceri ~ . ~ --- .. --- ~ .... -- .. Un' I nhilbi tcd vi II


:\anw ,,1 C.!) HI. ,d. : K:\ R \\:\ R : CoJ~· :\0. : ()(»)()

WORKERS Marglncll ~:JlIIC'I.t V,II"ye/ LOCilt Ion lJorker" Code Trade and Transport , Other Number

Coomerce Storage and Serlllce~ COIIlllUnI ca t ion

(VII ) (V!!! ) (I X)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (101) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (2) (1)

------.-~-.~--- 1092 654 616 20 2698 793 38G 1.. 51 22391 35U73 980 592 523 18 2071 648 332 1.:.14 19815 3U828 KARIJAR C.D.Btock 112 62 93 2 627 1.:.5 .10 37 257c ".':''i

Un-j nhabl ted Vi t tage Sunkcrl 1 6 2 11 13 7 3 3 296 517 TOdur' 2 36 99 27 63 22 1192 1877 Amdalll 3 14 98 12 Q 42 162 460 497 Kodar 4 53 72 41 68 30 7 1L'I) 109<,1 Chcndlye S 17 89 22 72 30 40 122 6/') 8113 AI g:, 6 2 2 1 17 26 6,11 thkot 7 25 6 2 2 B,'",o 8 Un- I nhabi ted Vi llage N,-,ndanag':ldda 9 5 2 1 13 7 5 112 141 Savilnt\o.f()da 10 10 4 3 26 9 8 308 415 11 6 20 12 4 222 283 12 246 138 113 12 338 120 49 84 2754 4318 Chltilkula 13 60 " 47 116 46 3 291 1910 2634 MnJat I 14 11 5 1 12 4 15 12 113 227 Angadl 15 10 7 53 18 9 27 689 989 Mudgeri 16 5 2 12 4 25 30 214 386 Arilll 17 4 1 14 2 3 130 189 Kolga 18 8 19 9 190 315 Hosat i 19 " 1 16 31 Maig\nl 20 6 5 159 273 GOp"lttil 21 14 6 2 33 9 341 530 Hilnkon 22 5 10 6 1 351 447 Hotcgal i 23 34 4 13 78 24 20 24 535 978 Ghadsai 24 12 2 14 6 219 378 Bolsitta 25 3 6 3 96 139 Hankonjoog 26 4 1 12 3 215 246 Halgcjoog 27 18 9 2 102 32 3 92 556 710 Ulga 28 12 2 8 16 8 37 130 383 468 Bhal re 29 1 49 90 Goyar 30


Name of C. D. BI

Location Name of Village Total/ Area in No.of No.of lotdl po~ul~t1on lotal Populat10n' Scheduled Code To~n I Ward Rural/ Hectares Occu- House- (Includ1ng 1n the age group Castes Number Urban for vi 1- pied Holds Ins[1 tut1on~1 I). (0 - 6) lages & Re'ld- Houscless in sq.km ential population) for Houses

to~ns and C.D.Blocks

(F' ) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (f)

,~------~ ( 1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5 ) (6) ( 7) (8) (9) (10) (1" (12) (13) (14)

31 Kamargaon 1615.98 17 18 130 72 58 22 13 9 32 Lande 2382.89 25 25 lOS 51 54 13 5 8 33 Gotegali 3649.44 279 284 1343 637 706 162 83 79 18 12 34 Kadra 3865.26 463 697 2880 1856 1024 376 184 192 77 65 35 Balemane 3496.62 49 49 221 135 86 36 15, 21 8 5 36 Devakar 4067.65 182 197 832 464 368 163 87 76 41 40 37 Kaiga 4055.88 322 376 1596 1341 255 97 49 48 39 16 38 Hartuga 1848.11 SO 307 1163 b98 4b5 188 92 96 58 41 39 Kuchegar 1787.41 34 34 145 72 73 27 11 16 40 Virje 2080.26 383 490 1747 1020 727 269 142 127 33 23 41 Maltapur 1259.82 294 340 1497 814 683 222 115 107 14 7 42 Ker~adi 497.55 158 159 774 383 391 88 ~7 51 14 15 43 Kadiye 305.55 101 107 522 247 275 75 33 42 44 Katar 364.60 180 180 711 314 397 73 35 38 6 5 45 Kinnar 1109.32 705 715 3295 1604 1691 413 222 191 2 46 lIail~ada 491.62 262 273 1382 632 750 173 90 83 61 70 47 Naitishvar 204.61 140 140 658 337 321 108 55 53 48Devalmakki 647.54 157 157 720 327 393 108 57 51 16 20 49 Shirve 2589.85 61 61 329 166 163 79 43 36 50 Nivl i 160.91 34 34 181 85 96 41 18 23 51 Nagekove 3954.03 67 67 372 186 186 92 41 51 2 2 52 Betur 1360.23 77 77 466 235 231 75 42 33 53 Bergal 451.51 78 82 441 213 228 72 42 30 54 Siddar 1112.53 239 241 1042 519 523 87 49 38 55 Shirwad 1974.06 416 470 2131 1088 1043 317 165 152 37 33 56 Makheri 80.46 239 258 953 437 516 112 57 55 15 16 57 Kadwad 1018.63 764 786 4155 2052 2103 571 281 290 245 236

C.D. Block Total Rural 709.68 16221 17278 79416 40115 39301 9928 5187 4741 1145 1049


Binaga (NMCT) 7.86 1522 1545 7281 3776 3505 1165 636 529 102 91 2 Kadra KPC Project Cotony (NMCT) 0.20 605 623 2563 1342 1221 440 234 206 118 116·

C.O. Block Total Urban B.06 2127 2168 9844 5118 4726 1605 870 735 220 207,


:\alll\.' "reD. BII"':!;: K:\R\\::\R: ('ode No. : 0050

Scheduled literates Total Main 1 N D U 5 RIA L Name of Village Location Tribes Workers Town / Ward Code Cultivator~ Agricultural Number


(1 - 1X) (1) (11 )

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) ( F)

(15) (16) (17) ·(18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) ( 2) (1)

17 6 34 22 4 1 KoJllar'gaon 31 35 8 26 9 8 Lande 32 462 405 287 248 14S 152 38 74 GotegilLI 33 8 5· 982 280 1506 214 70 S5 Kildra 34 74 16 107 12 16 2 Balclllanc 3S 211 83 303 53 132 10 22 4 Devakar 36 1057 82 1235 30 64 18 6 Kaiga 37 9 7 214 43 513 106 43 1 2 Hartuga 38 22 12 46 11 35 1 9 9 Kuchegar 39 6 9 615 274 736 121 56 16 24 9 Vlfje 40 584 355 488 61 153 11 90 29 M,j II apur 41 263 210 161 14 107 8 6 I(erwadl 42 177 138 104 93 59 35 91 Kadiyc 43 267 251 ' 159 51 112 39 KJtOf 44 1'67 840 743 345 534 176 59 143 Kinnar 45 466 410 261 147 150 22 39 BB \.Iai lwada 46 210 145 145 68 60 64 64 Naitishvar 47 235 221 143 30 19 70 15 Dcvalrnakki 48 88 27 82 60 56 39 23 16 Shirve 49 46 12 45 45 24 20 20 23 Nivl i 50 97 45 114 66 55 29 58 34 NageKove 51 162 81 113 50 43 1 65 47 Belur 52 128 82 97 64 59 5 31 57 Bergal 53 411 264 202 13 124 7 12 Siddar 54 683 482 563 91 108 15 48 16 Shirwad 55 331 270 187 44 27 7 14 18 Makheri 56 15'6 1191 979 189 282 60 20 38 Kadwad 57

41 36 28463 20572 19968 7059 6299 3005 2228 1933 C.D. Block Total Rural


4 4 2666 2070 1830 376 104 25 27 29 Binaga (NMCT) 1 5 3 968 735 664 68 Kadra KPC Project Colony (NMCT) 2

9 7 3634 2805 2494 444 104 25 27 29 C.D. Block Total Urban


NalllcofCD, Blod,: KARW:\R; ('"d<' \,,: (HI:)()

.------.-_ ._ ..------Location Name of vi llage Totilll CAT EGO K I E S o F 101 A I N Code Town I liard Rural/ Nl..mber Urban Llvc~tOl'. M.ltlutdctur-lng, Con...,tructlon Forc~t'Y. ~, 'J(L·:-...... lrl~. FIsh I ny, Sef'VIC In') ,md

HuntIng dnd I-i t..'~-',l 1 r '-, 1 n Rt:~;J 1 r:-.. 1 n

PlantJtl0n, t1 \. .Jl~..._ ...:t) ... ' l (j Othe' th;)1)


ae t ," 1 t 1" ......

(Ill) (\ V) (V(b) 1 (V 1 )

(M) 0) (101) (F) (101) (F) (101) (F) (101) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (27) (?'t ) (31) (32) (33) (34 )

------_-._----.-- ._.. 31 Kamargaon 2'1 22 32 Lande 33 Gotegal i 6 7 13 3 3 15 34 Kadra 19 12 62 1127 208 3S Balemane 2 79 11 36 Devakar 99 38 31 37 Kaiga 11 7 1 1094 13 38 Hartuga 3 8 2 2 431 102 39 Kuchegar 40 Virje 6 3 422 81 41 Mallapur 2 7 13 54 3 42 Kerwadi 12 10 4 4 43 Kadiye 1 1 44 Katar 3 5 17 45 Kinnar 33 4 20 6 4 4611ailwada 10 2 26 21 47 Naitishvar 7 1 2 480evalmakki 3 2 10 3 7 5 49 Shirve 3 50 Nivl i 51 Nagekove 52 Belur 53 Bergal 54 Siddar 6 13 4 55 Shirwad 19 29 8 5 69 3 135 16 56 Makheri 1 10 4 4 26 35 3 57 Kadwad 96 9 160 16 53 45

C.D. Block Total Rural 2104 110 368 128 658 114 999 61 3738 450


Binaga (NMCT) 255 38 85 30 7 11 765 20 259 59 2 Kadra KPC Project Colony (NMCT) 2 156 23

C.O. Block Total Urban 255 38 86 30 9 11 766 20 415 82


'-'.Hllt_' ct vi t (age I Location

oJ',; "I r ... t l,~n I w.-jrd Code fradc :ana Number

COOfllCrce Storage ana ')c,.'r.\l 1<: t.'''' COlllnun; rut ion

(VII) ~VIII ) ( I ~ ,

(M) (f) 0'1) (101) !.F)

------... _._-----_.. _------(35 ) (36) (37) (38) (3~) (40) (':'1) (1)

31 3;':

14 2 I' 1 ~ '1 ::;~ tc-q:JI' 33

89 ~ 1(11 • ~ 3~

22-; 37 : 7'~ 3~<; 38 t2 30 27 3 3 19u 6e2 'J I r I (' 40 23 9 137 320 622 M.lI I ilpcJf 41 0; r; 377 r. ...'rW.ldi 42 .. " '~7. " 43 5 I'> i2 44 25 3 10 )( ,-­',_1 45 4 ':'


-)[11 r \r't_' ~9 50

N,'<;C·j(()V(.' ';1

u-" 1 8\..'lur ~2 ' 53 " 51') SidCl"r 54 29 Sh 1 r".,o »)

Mald,cr' I 1/t:

980 592 ';23 ?r. /: "J ••'

" 12 , .. ~ ~:- , t_~ i ~lll'''p ("MCr) 3 , .11'.1 ~r::: r r;'idt Colol1Y (NMCT) 2

91 ? I,~

, :';


T A UJ K: K U \ IT ..\ -()()w C I) BI.O('l':': I\l \11,\-00(>(/

----t-~ .~------~~-- Sl NAME Of THE VilLAGE • :';' ... i C_ ~ ... ~l~ ':) NO


Z 3 4 5 6

~-----~~------..-r------~------~- AbbOll i 17/20/6/77 11/20/f :U60/0077 9/19/61112 11<;;19/00t.CJ/lt112 2 A9ha~;'~~'nl 11/20/6/JO 11/Zii/l ,,:f>O/fl01n ,..p:;/19/6/6 ()9/19 /OOMJ/ OOI_'b 3 Algalku,''vc 11/2'1 16/39 11/::"'/::,:h";',_:, 3« 9/19/6/34 09; 19/0u6ll/0054 4 A9 8 Antral/alll 11/21:'/6/33 1: r2CJ/,_")f:,f'/,",133 9/19/6/68 09/19/0060/0U68

9 Baad 11/2[)/6/7 11! 20/ (11)00/0007 9/19/6/3 09/191006010003 10 Banganc 11/?:'/t)/68 11/20/(J06\)/r,l)f,,~ 'I/19/6/1UO 09/19/0060/0100 1'\ Bank IKodl a 11/20 I I)U~'(! I') 11 b 9/19/6/15 UYr19/0060/0015 12 Bargl l' !2.1J/~/ ... '; 11/2f!/U ,!,~:! i~9 9/19/6/45 '19/19/0060/0045 ) , , 13 Barglgdldnl " /2"1 t,/~,> ,~. '_ ,/ I ~ ) ~ '~19/'9/(li'60/0044

,,, Ba,;olll 11/2l'I6174 , '1 ':: t li:l) / ... f 1.;,' t , ~ r _I t- .,,;; 19/ 11 1.. c,:1(111:l6 15 Bas t IKCrl 11/2' Ill'Pl 119/19/' IIV)I '/0113 16 Bcllangl 1112' '/6/'8 17 Benul \ "12"//:)/47 '..;/19;::rlt,U/iJlI,,3 18 BhanQlval 11 J ;;>I:'/C/?f\ UY/1C,/OObU/OOb'> 19 Bhall1kodla 11/211n/113 1'/(1)/1)'16(1/,,1 n il9/19/0060/0012

20, Bidragcrl 11(ZOn( 1 r~lf' 11/21~!/(I'_}tU/Ull)I_1 ,,9/19 j006(J/0C120

21 chatrakurve 11/201bl5? 11/20/0(16rJ; ()(J37 9/19/h! 33 09/19/0060/0033 22 Ch I I1.,iO l I I 11/20/f.,/67 11/2010, 'V' I' "]67 9/19/6/98 09/19/0060/U098 23 Chltragl 11/20ICn 11 I "lel/'" 't,rJ/i1"',:l 9/19/b/9 !J9/19/0060/0009

24 De1l9' r\ 11/2f]/f:J/87 111;1 1 /1,: ItJIj/I_'I,~~7 09/19/(IC6()(CII182 25 Dival I I "/20/6183 11/2U/UU60/0l183 9/19/0/116 09/19/0060/01' 6 26 Divg1 , '~/20/6/35 11/20/ (j1l6fl/(li135 9/19/6/ 7 , 119/1 9/lJ06(J / iJ070

27 C.okarn 11/20/6/99 1 1/20/"llt<:; ';:)99 9/19/6/11 1)9/19/0060/00" 28 Gonehall i 11/2n/()/105 11/2(1/1"~160/0105 9/1916/19 09/19/0060/0019 29 GlJdcangadi 11/20/6(6 11/28/(1(160/0006 9/19/6/2 09/19/0060/0002

30 Halkar 11/20/6/3 11/211 /0060/0003 9/19/6/8 (19/19/0060/0008 31 .. alvalli "120/6/64 11/20/006CJ/00b4 9/19/6/96 09;19/0060/0096 32 Handigone 11/211/6/92 11/?ll/on60/(I092 9/19/6/87 u9119/UOt,i)/0087 33 Hanehalll 11/2016/119 11/(\J/0(;1,1)/("19 9;19/6/16 rt9/19/0060/0016 34 Hal'l til 11/20/6/22 11/20/UUblJjII1)22 9/19/6/58 (19/19/0060/00')8 35 Harnlr ,,/20/6/8<;1 11/21) / i)ubU/IJ'J39 'tj19/6/8" 09/19/0060/0081. 36 Harod; 11/20/6/98 11/2l1/fJ06f l/L"J98 '1/19/6170 09/19/0060/0076 37 l1arumasker I "/2'J/6/115 n/20/0tlbiJ/011S 9/19/6/13 09;19/0060/0013 38 Harllall i 11/20/6/82 n/20/0060/0082 9/19/6;114 09/19/0060/0114 39 Hebbal I 11/201b/2 .. 11/20/0060;0024 9/19/6/60 09/19/0060/0060




2 3

40 Hegde 11/20/6/36 11/ 2U/l1u6u/ UU36 '1/ ~ -I/t,/ l5 :.I'i/19/0060/Uu73 41 Hegdehosalll 11/20/6/8U 11/20/006C/II·:80 Q/19/6/11J8 U<,l/ 1<,11 (jil6,i} 01 UB

42 Hegte 11/20/6/54 , 1/ 20/0CWl,' 1 _'~~ 'i/19/U: 19 !:'9/19/0060;0119 43 Hindbal1 11/20/6/78 c,//19/6/109 , (J9!19/0000/0109 44 Hireguttl 11/2016/109 11/20/01,6U/U 1!_I 9 9/19/6/27 09/19/0060/0027 45 Hittalmakkl 11/20(6/1 U6 11/20/006Ll/111 1)6 9/19/6/23 : 09/19/0060/0023 46 Holanagi.dde 11/20/6/5 11/20/0060/U005 y/19/6!1 09/19/0060/0001 47 Holegadde 11/20/6/86 11/20/0060/0086 9j19/6/8[j 09/19/0060/0080 48 Honogere 11/20/6/76 11/20/C)0t,(1/0LJ76 9/1916/111 09/19./0060/0111 49 Horbhag 11/20/6/8') ..;;19/6/81 LJ9/19(OU6IJ/0081

50 Hosad 11/20/6/00 9/1Y/6il17 09/ 1Y/i"lbl~/0117 51 Hoskeri 11/20/61117 11/211; .. :,6:,. )11 7 ";,'19/6/17 09/19/01,611/1)017 52 Hubbangerl 11/20/6/8 11/2U/ull(,r' /·1I1111l y;1

53 Kadekodl 11/20/6/91 11/2(1/(1I]bO/uiJ91 9/19/t./SS 09/19/0060/0085 54 Kadlme 11120/61118 11/20/0060/G118 9/19/6/18 09/19/0060/0018 55 Kadkod 11/20/6/14 11/20/00bU/0014 9;1916/49 09/19/(J060/(H149 56 11/20/6/9 11/20/0060/GOf19 9/19/6/5 09/19/0060/0005 57 Kalbhdg 11/20/6/4 11/20/0060/001)" 9/19/6/10 09/ 19/UrJ6(1/1)01 0 58 Kalker; 11/20/6/97 I I 120/011 bU/I)D97 9/19/t>/88 09/19 I IJrJ60 /0088 59 Kallat>be 11/20/6/59 11/20/0i)60/L)OS9 9/19/t>/92 09/19/11060/0092 60 Kalve 11/20/6/65 11/20/0060/006S 9/19/6/97 09/19/0060/0n97 61 Kanakale 11/20/6/63 11/20/01)(;0/0U63 9/ ~9/6/95 ,,_ -cicr/w/':'"bll/LJU<.i5

62 Kand .... al\ ; 11/20/6/61 11 j 2\ I} U"t'\\! ':(16 1 9119/6/93 u'l!191"l)60/00<.i3 63 Kark imakk I 11/20/6/58 11 /20/00bll;'" I'-,(l '1;19/6/91 U9/1Y/UUbU/IJl)Y1 64 Kava{adi 11/20/6/62 11 /20/uncU/ 1 "b2 9/ 1916/94 (J9/19/0000/0094 65 lCetagistala 11/20/6146 11/20/0060/004<:> ,', 9/.,19/91,42 99 / 19/ 0060/0042 66 lCeppekurve 11/20/1>/43 11/20/0060/cfoi{ 9/19/6/39 09/19/0060/0039 67 I(odambale 11/20/6/21 11/20/0060/0021 9/19/6/57 .09/19/0060/0057 68 Kodkanl 11/20/6/51 11/20/0000/0051 9/19/6/37 09/19/0060/0037 69 IColimanjguni 11/20/6/110 11/20/0060/0110 9/19/6/26 09/19/0060/0026 70 lConall i 11/20/6/95 11/20/0060/0095 9/19/6/77 09119/0060/0077 71 1I.\.o;alL i 11/20/6/')3 11/20/0060/0053 9/19/6/74 09/19/0060/0074 72 Kundguni 11/20/6/90 11/2(1/1 11 )61.1/011',,1.1 9/19/6/(36 [)9/19/0060/0n86 73 Kurigadde 11/20/6/48 11;2l)/00c>O/0048 9/19/6/:.8 09/19/0060/0048

74 Lukkeri 11/20/6/38 11/20/(l06U/0038 9/19/6/72 09/19/0060/0072

75 Madangeri 11/20/6/107 11/20/0060/0107 9j1?/6/24 09/19/0060/0024 76 Madkiball 11/20/6/56 11/20/0060/0056 9/19/6/89 09;19/0!J6U/00119 77 Malwalli 11/20/6/25 11;20/0060/0025 9/19/6/61 09/19/0060/0061 78 Manak i (R) 11/20/6/34 11/20/0060/0034 9/19/6/71 09;19/0060/0071 79 Manllcatta 11/20/6/2 11/20/0060/0002 9119/6/7 09/19/0060/0007 80 Masurkurve 11/20/6/42 11/20/0060/0(;42 9/19/6/38 09/19/0060/0038 81 Math 11/20/6/88 11/20/0060/0088 9/19/6/83 09/19/0060/0083



2 3 4 5 6

82 Medi nl . 11/20/6/71 ,1/20/0060/0071 9/19/6/1(14 09/19/0060/0104 83 Midla~a:r:ani 11/20/6/112 11120/0060/0112 9/19/6/29 09/19/0060/0029 84 Mirjan 11/20/6/'1 11/20/0060/0011 9/19/6/32 09/19/0060/0032 85 Morba 11/20/6/111 11/20/0060/0111 9/19/6/28 09/19/0060/0028 86 M~91 11/20/6/66 11/20/00bO/OfJ66 9/19/6/99 09/19/0060/0099 87 Mudnalll 11/20/6/72 11/20/UlbU/0C72 9/19/11/102 U9/19/U06U/0102 88 Mugivekanvad, , 1'/20/6/13 11/20/UiJ6U/U013 '1/19/6/",7 09/1',11 on60/00L. 7 89 MurDor ' '1/20/6/57 11/20/0i)60/1)057 9/19/6/90 09/19/0060/0090

90 Nadumasker i 11/20/6/114 11/20/0060/011" 9/19/6(14 09/19/0060/0014 91 Nagerbail 11/20/6/101 11/20/0060)0101 9/19/6/21 09/19/0060/0021 92 Nagur 11/20/6/15 11/20/0060/0U1') 9/19/b/50 09/19/0060/0050 93 ~aranapur 11/20/6/1 02 11/20/0060/0102 9/19/6/31 09/19/0060/0031 94 Nilkod 11/20/6/32 11/20/0060/0032 9/19/6/&9 09/19/0060/0069 95 Norse 11/20/6/69 11/20/0060/0069 9/19/6/101 09/19/0060/0101

96 Paduvanl '1/20/6/50 11/20/0060/0050 9/19/6/40 09/19/0060/0040 97 Pattubele 11/20/6/41 11/20/0060/0041 9/1916/36 09/19/0060/0036

, 98 Sando I I i -Muttoll i 11/20/6/19 11/20/0060/0019 9!19/b/S6 09/19/0060/0056 99 Santeguli 11/20/6/79 11/20/UObO/UD79 9/19/6/107 09/19/0060/0107 100 Santgal 11/20/6/84 11/20/0060/0084 9/19/6/11') 09/19/0060/0115 101 Santure 11/20/6/27 1'/20/00&0/0027 9/19/6/66 09/19/0060/0066 102 Savalkurve 11/20/6/44 11/20/00&0/0044 9/19/6/41 09/19/0060/0041 10J Shirgunji ,.1/20/6/26 11/20/0060/0026 9/19/6/62 09/19/0060/0062 104 Soppinahosalli 11/20/6/70 11/20/0060/0070 9119/&/103 09/19/0060/0103

lOS Talgod ' 11/20/6/93 11/2010060/0'093 9/19/6/78 09/19/0060/0078 106 Tannirhonda 11/20/6/40 11/20/0060/0040 9/19/6/35 09/19/0060/0035 107 Toppatgutta 11/20/6/30 11/20/00&0/0030 9/19/6/64 09/19/0060/0064 108 Toregazani 11/20/6/103 11/20/0060/0103 9/19/6/30 09/19/0060/0030 109 11/20/6/104 11/20/0060/0104 9/19/6/22 09/19/0060/0022

110 Ullurmath 11/20/6/75 11/20/0060/0075 9/19/6/110 09/19/0060/01,0 111 Uppinapattan 11/20/6/29 11/20/0060/0029 9/19/6/63 09119/0060/0063 112 Urkeri 11/20/6/94 11/20/0060/0094 9/19/6/79 09/19/0060/0079

113 Valgall i 11/20/6/96 11/20/0060/0096 9/19/6/75 09/19/0060/0075

114 Van 11/20/6/20 11/20/0060/0020 9/19/&/55 09/19/0060/0055 115 Yattinabail 11/20/6/52 11/20/0060/0052 9/19/0/46 09/19/0060/0046 116 Yedtare 11/20/6/17 11/20/0060/0017 9/19/6/53 09/19/0060/0053 117 Yelvall; 11/20/6/16 11/20/0060/001& 9/19/6/')2 09/19/0060/0052 118 Yennemi di ,1/20/6/108 11/20/0060/0108 9/19/6/25 09/19/0060/0025 119 Yeshwantimule 11/20/6/12 11/20/0060/0012 9/19/6/51 09/19/0060/005,

121 \,11..1.:\(;1<: / TO\\'N I'RIl\IAI{Y

Namt: of CD. Bh:k : Klll\.lTA : ('oJ.: ;";,,. : 0(1(1(,

Location Mame of Village Totall Area If' No.ot NO.Ol 10t"l \)fJpulath', 10\dl \JOpulot1 uf) ScheauleJ Code Town / \lard Rurall Hectilreo.; Occu' Hou-;c· (inc\ud1nc; 1n the dg(' "",,up

NlJI1ber Urban for v1l- p1ed Holds I n'-) t 1 t d ( 1 Und l ~\ (0 - 0) ! agcs & Res ,d- 1n o.;Cl.km l'nt ',"ll

for H(Ju~(""

to"'n~ and C.D.Bloch

(~) (f) U) (M) (F) (M) (f)

~--', - "---~ ----.-~------(2) () ) ( (1 ) (3) (4) ( 7) '" (9) ( 1") ( 11) ( 12) (13) (1 .. )

566.64 185h2 1891\2 1(,;'(,.13 5.:.'iSI) 53 .. 13 1d7? 1l~23. 8[1,,9 3226 3209

KUMTA C.D.Block R 'i6b.b4 18562 1~~Q82 1":',0) ,):'~'J'; ~3 .. '~ ltS72 ~)23 ~~:) .. 9 3226 3209 U

1 Chitragi 169.46 144 l)U tll1 379 1411 1(' 2 2 2 Manikatta 190,70 13 13 9u .. 7 3 Halkar 199.55 176 177 lJ16 520 191, '1'1 68 S9 4 Kalbhag 418.20 735 ~:',lB 21<,;l '>51 cl.. 5 450.69 662 678 378.:. 111111 )')2 2112 79 85 6 Gudeangadi 164.27 263 263 1477 1114 10) 75 <;(1 8 7 7 Baad 219.10 262 27~ 1~2b ?!5 7')3 173 8<,1 8 .. 123 131 8 Hubbangcr i 131.75 271 275 1/~? 9,,3 2b7 139 128 9 7 9 Kaga l 530.32 623 635 4U':'<; 20~9 1990 621 330 291 45 47 10 Aghanashlni 251.32 .. 58 46') 5,;71 15')') 151() ~97 193 20':' 14 14 11 Mirjan 623.13 461 477 200/ 1;.77 1410 228 no 12 Yeshwantimule 126.49 -. ------13 Mugvekanvad1 550.61 ) 1 51 h5 14 Kadkod 352.50 11 11 b3 12

15 Nagur 3426.02 168 168 lL'33 153 6{ '.,I, 4 16 Yel vall j 1549.6.. s()O (3 17 Yedtare 204.16 9 9 43 1'f 3 2 18 Bellangi 1996.85 73 73 404 21~ 190 56 31 25 19 Sandolli-Muttolli 1891.27 37 37 173 9') 78 21 lrJ '1 4 5 20 Yan 2528.02 59 59 312 1')5 157 .. 7 2(' 18 3 6 21 Kodambale 1473.19 32 32 18.. 97 87 W 23 16 22 Had ta 200.56 42 42 1<;9 119 80 23 17 6 12 ') 23 Anegundi 250.55 27 27 1};) b6 22 11 11 44 51 24 Hebbaii 1496.94 77 77 )10 263 5() 28 28 25 Malwall i 1016.34 36 36 207 1(\8 ~B 16 26 Shirguoji 692.81 62 62 1,81 2b 1 89 )1) 39 27 Santure 244.74 35 35 186 9'7 8l 22 1.. 8 2 2 28 Bhandival 116.26 41 41 185 102 85 11 b 29 Uppinapatt&n 194.99 150 1,)0 S30 432 398 109 ,)S 54 b') 30 Toppalgutta 6.82 5 5 34 lb 18

122 N~llk ore.D. Blud, :,KUMTA ;·Cud~ No. : 0060

litef:.t~s ,{

,.{IQrlcers T~ I.~rd Cut t i vators J;grlc.u! tur,al ,labourers

(I - LX) (I) (It)

\ (III) :(f.) , (tI) (f) '(M) ,{l') (111) (f.) ('M) (f) I ,,{15) (16) :tl~) (l8) (9) (20) (22;, el3) {24} (2) (1) a1>I

2 : 1 ',16015 lSt24 28160 10013 '11204 3446 .4886 3823

,2 " :J6015 !S1Z4 as 160 . tOOll 11204 3446 .~ 3823 (tlMTA C.D.Btoct .. 258 222 '145 17 29 18 t4 11 cnitragi 1 28 13 \21 16 15 10 6 6 'Jllanikatta 2 338 202 214 -61 76 5 42 28 lIalkar 3 1694 1191 lUS 417 336 116 207 135 Kalbhag 4 lZ62 952 362 lfJ5 ZI7 35 115 53 lIo{anagadde 5 566 488 '384 ~ 174 4 38 4 Gudeangadi 6 58S ·414 355 137 166 44 78 .61 Saad 7 6S4 509 4S5 H8 94 22 46 26 Ii.uI:ltlanger i ~ "'8 Ul4 909 283 295 122 101 46 Kagal 9 1109 7S6 775 273 359 74 136 ;138 Aghanashini 10 941 ,S63 725 267 l86 34 122 93 cf4irjan 11 ___ • __ ~ ••• ____ a~ __ tjn-Inhabi [·ed ' . village ------. Y-esawan t .i1llU I e 12 83 sa 80 4 68 6 Mugv6anvadi 13 11 7 17 4 12 1 2 3 l(aQI(od 14 390 2UI 342 142 216 62 56 78 Magli,Jr 15 257 220 189 2 22 30 velvall j 16 t4 '9 \4 7 6 5 5 vedt.are t7 107 58 139 57 48 4 76 SO Bellangi 18 74 50 63 l4 39 4 13 10 sando I t i ·1Ik.Irtol t i 19 111 11)6 97 39 ~'() ·4 47 35 Tan 20 '69 56 46 10 41 9 lCodantlale 21 83 <.6 TO 26 16 3 40 17 Harita 22 46 22 39 34 S 3 31 31 AnegI;I:1d i 23 212 141 155 62 10S 33 37 25 ttebbail 24 46 23 67 42 66 41 ''Mal wall i 2S 126 49 146 86 T34 82 9 4 Sh i rgtlOj i 26 79 49 63 10 25 1 5 8 Sant.ure 27 92 50 69 6 9 3 3 Bhandival 28 m 148 237 63 62 102 4S Oppinapat t,an Z9 11> 15 7 Toppatgutta 30


Name of C.D. Block: KUMT A ; Coue No. : 0060

Location Harne ot Village I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town I Ward Rurall Nunber Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing. Manufacturing. ConstructiOl Forestry. OVarrying Processing. Processing. Fish i ng, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation. Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(111 ) ( IV) (V.(a)} [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (I'l) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31 ) (32) (33) (34 )

T 4699 457 237 6 484 103 1218 33) 346 18 KUMTA C.O.Block R 4699 457 237 6 484 103 1218 335 346 18 U

1 Chi tragi 4 3 51 5 2 Manikatta 3 Halkar 5 3 27 14 8 1 4 Kalbhag 163 24 2 1 110 5 29 7 5 Holanagadde 192 12 32 57 8 33 6 Gudeangadi 55 2 7 9 78aad 3 1 1 14 7 28" 15 2 8 Hubbangeri 160 2 8 26 14 21 8 8 2 9 Kagal 318 17 10 18 18 13 S 10 Aghanashini 175 9 2 11 13 - _ _". 11 Mirjan 167 48 4 23 25 44 5 6 12 Yeshwantirule ...... Un-Inhabited Vi( lage ..---- .. - ..... _--_ ... --- 13 Mugvekanvadi 3 1 14 Kadkod 15 Nagur 57 2 16 Yelvatli 134 17 Yedtare 1 18 8ellangi 9 3 19 Sandolli-Muttolli 11 2DYan 21 Koc:fant)a t e 2 2 22 Harita 3 6 2 2 23 2 24 HebbaH 8 2 25 Malwatli 26 Sb i rgunj i 27 Santure 28 28 Bhandival 54 1 1 29 Uppinapattan 17 2 3 10 30 Toppalgutta 4


Name of C.D. B!o\.'k: KUMTA ; CO~e No. ; 0060

WORKERS Marginal Non-Uor1cers Name of Village I location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other NUIlIPer Coomerce Storage ancl Services Conmunicat ion

(VII) (VIII) ( l)(}

(M) (f)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44 ) (2) (1)

2t18 1075 741 20 2227 730 426 3691 25964 39709 2118 1075 741 20 2227 730 426 3691 25964 39709 KUMTA CO,Slock

20 6 14 5 2 9 232 386 Chi tragi 1 6 2 20 25 Manikatta 2 86 13 13 13 6 3 246 426 Halkar 3 133 102 63 92 2.7 6 14 1056 1760 Kalbhag 4 82 53 38 76 43 41 93 978 1605 HOlanagadde 5 38 20 9 49 20 320 713 Gudeangadi 6 13 1 15 35 8 418 616 Saild 7 30 31 27 35 10 9 60 439 671 Hubbilngeri B 39 65 35 70 20 0 86 1144 1621 Kagal 9 32 37 18 2 28 13 27 104 753 1139 Aghanashini 10 75 13 43 55 49 15 751 1128 Mirjan 11

...... - ... - ... -- .... --_. Un-jnhabi ted Vi llage .. ~ ...... Yeshl.'ant imule 12 2 , 59 120 Mugllekanvadi 13 1 12 14 16 Kadkod 14 4 6 2 104 200 245 Nagur 15 2 2 180 96 99 Yelvalli 16 10 12 Yedtare 17 2 3 75 133 Bcllangi 18 25 32 39 Sanc!olli-Muttoll i 19 39 58 79 Yan 20 51 77 Kodambale 21 3 3 49 54 Harita 22 1 27 30 Ar1('gunc!! 23 3 2 107 183 Hebbai l 24 16 41 41 Malwalli 25 2 40 115 94 Sh i rgunj i 26 2 15 36 62 Santure 27 1 6 33 71 8handiva\ 28 24 12 is 4 51 195 284 Uppinilpilttan 29 2 2 5 7 12 r appal gun a 30

125 Name of C.D. Block: KUMTA; CowN'o.: {)()()(J location NaRIIt· 01 'Iii lage, / Total/ Area in No.of Ne.of Total populatIon Total Population Scheduled

Code 1 ()M'Ic /. Wara Rurall Mectares Occu' House­ (Including in the age group Castes lluaI:let' Urban fof" ~it· PI~ Holds Institutional 8. (0 . 6) lages & Resid' Houselc"," in sq.km eot I al population) for House~ • towns and C.O.Stocks

(P) (101) (f) (P) (101) (F) (101) (f)

(1) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

31 Alkod 518.07 160 160 721 371 350 97 51 46 35 48 32 llHk 55 5' 8 3 S 7 6 33 Afttrava-H i 1256.76 254 254 1402 722 680 208. 106 102 23 19 34·Menald (R) 598.04 127 130 783 398 385 110 53 57 35 Oivgl 582.87 413 413 2538 1262 1276 478 259 219 43 40 3b Hep 1094.43 1299 1340 7695 3820 3875 1197 612 585 492 505 37 Cl'tatrakurve 37.29 39 39 252 143 '09 20 9 11 38: lukk~i Tl1.09 237 238 1934 100b 928 396 217 179 39 Atgalkurve 94.64 119 119 633 330 303 93 60 33 40 Tanntrhonde 46.01 2 2 13 7 6 2 41 PatttJbt-le 23.99 4 4 14 7 7 2 2 42 MasUf'kUf've 190.83 .. -- ... _ ...... - _.. Un'!nn"bl ted Vi llage 43 Keppel(Uf've 115.36 ... - ...... -_._ .. Un·lnhab,ted Vi llage 44 Savalkurve 56-.84 ._ .••• - •...... Un-Inhabited Vi I I age 45 Bargigalani 175.86 19 19 124 66 58 20 11 9 46 Ketagistata 61.22 .. - ...... -.- .. - .. Un~lnI1abhed Vi llage 47 Betltuli 484.70 260 261 r646 844 802 260 130 130 48 Kurtgadde 446.37 24 24 118 64 54 24 13 11 8 6 49 8arst 302.47 n, n3 1715 ~1 M4 271 135 136- l' 8 50- PadIlvani 328.23 256 256 1543 739 804 3{)3 149 154 51 kodlla"i 252.81 351 354 1917 951 966 251 125 126 3 3 S2 ~attinabaH 410.77 n n 3n 189 1M 61 31 30 2 4 S3 Kujal t i 500.12 278 278 157U 810 760 214 116 98 48 50 54 Hegle 257.22 52 52 384 194 190 80 39 41 S5 AhaH; 244.80 ~ ~ 5W 2m 2m 82 43 39 4 2 56 Madk i be fl 80,71 7 7 40 19 n 7 4 :3 57 MiJrOOl' 898.00 447 450 2368 T197 1171 265 135 130 109 T02 58 Kark i_k ; 1&9.48 166 168 1002 517 485 175 90 85 8 5 59 I(all abbIt- 768.16 235 259 1512 757 755 201 98 103 5 10 60 IIosad: 290.47 21 21 ", 54- 57 19 9 10 61 KandvaH i 544.30 46 46 329 158 171 66 31 35 7 5 6Z Kavatadi 883.03 39 39 236 llb 120 50 22 28 9 3 63 Ie_kale 551.76 18 20 147 76 11 32 19 13 7 8 ~ Halvalli 347.82 18 18 114 61 53 16 10 6 6S Kalve 1132.27 82 83 587 305 282 137 72 b5

126 i'\;lnw .. 1 CD. mo ..:!.;: I\.lJl\tTA; ('oJ.,. No. : 0tW

Schedut_ Literates Tota! "lain I N D U S T R I A L Name of Village I location fribes . Workers Town I Want Code Cultivators Agricultural Number Ldbourcrs

(1 - IX) (I) (II)

Ot) (F) (If) . (F) (1'1) (f) (lit) (0 (M) (F)

(15) 061 (17') (l8) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

282 228 20t 34 43 2 6 Alkod 31 5' 37 40 1 N i lkod 32 504 325 383' 92 235 b 105 85 AnHavalll 33 282 193 228 91 70 26 76 51 M"flak 1 (R) 34 721 433 629 301 237 80 50 41 Dlvgl 35 2559 1808 1898 950 896 527 340 251 I1cgde 36 116 52 76 4 73 4 Challrakurve 37 568 233 464 224 168 65 143 "4 Lukkcri 38 237 156 158 2 146 2 Algalkurve 39 6 4 4 3- Tannirhondn 40 6 3 b b Pnttubele 41 -----.------Un-Inhabited Village MilsurKurve 42 Un- I nl'ab i ted Village I(cppckurvc 43 Un-Inhabited Village Silvalkurve 44 48 29 29 14 13 2 Bargigazani 45 Un- I nhab; ted Village Kclagistala 4lY 622 427 423 156 78 96 90 Betkull 47 32 15 37 17 4 Kurigaddc 48 626 450 413 195 252 132 55 31 Bargi 49 536 40t. 322 52 114 28 35 W ?aduvam 50 674 528 445 134 122 12 51 63 Kodl:.ani S1 144 113 86 9 43 3 Yatt inabai l 52 550 389 444 101 191 26 71 45 Kujall i 53 91 59 92 1 7 Hegle 54 179 141 163 52 6D 29 11 14 Alvalli 55 14 8 12 5 9 4 Mild~ iball 56 844 659 687 137 124 16 177 71 Muroor 57 282 157 292 128 147 83 46 15 lCark iltlak~ i 58 520 412 438 34 133 1 93 17 Kat Labbe S9 21 20 36 17 25 15 2 l-IosOO 60 lOS 71 92 51 79 45 3. 5 I(andvalll 6t 59 17 77 61 66 42 10 19 Kavaladi 62 50 40, 45 13 45 13 Kanakale 63 26 24 40 27 35 25 5 2 Halvalli 64 148 68 175 34 149 28 9 2 !Calve 65


Name of C.D. Block: KUMTA ; Code No, : 0060 locat i.on Name of Village I Totall CAt EGO R I E S a f M A I N Code Town J Ward Rurall Nl.Jllber Urban livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry. Quarrying Process ing, Processing, fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in RepaIrs in P lantat ion, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Inoustry activitIes

(III J (I VJ (V(al] (V(b)J (VI)

(M) (F) {M} (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) 02} (3) (~4)

31 Alkod 49 3 2 4 9 12 3 32 Nitkod 36 33 Antravalli 2 3 8 34 Manak i (R) 30 1 5 18 6 35 Divgi 150 88 4 65 28 13 36 Megde 136 21 53 3 12 9 100 21 24 37 Chatrakurve 1 38 Lukkeri 43 29 3 11 33 39 Aigalkurve 11 40 Tanni rhonda 41 Pattubete ...... 42 Masurkurve ~ -- ,.. -- ~ -- .. -- - .. -- Un' I nhabi ted Vi llage - -

43 Keppekurve .. - - ...... ~ - .. - ...... - .... Un-! nhabi ted Village ------44 Savalkurve -----_ .. _- .... _---- Un-inh3bi ted VIllage - '" ...... -...... _ ...... 45 Bargigazani 11 46 Kelagistala ...... " ...... Un- Inhabi ted Village ...... -- ...... --" ...... 47 Setkul; 225 6 4 48 Kur i gadde 12 2 49 Bargi 17 14 10 14 2 10 SO Paduvaoi 149 1 2 51 Kodkani 71 20 33 9 24 9 15 52 Yattinabail 8 12 3 53 Kuja(t; 70 20 32 4 7 3 54 Hegle 79 55 Alvalli 60 5 3 2 S6 Madk i ba it 2 1 1 57 Muroor 241 8 2 11 30 19 7 58 t


Name of C'. D. I3lod : KU MTA ; ('()J~ No. : 0060

WORKERS Marginal Non'Workers Name of Village I Locat i 00 Yorkers Town / lIar-d Code .Trade and fransport • Other NLrnber- Coomerce Storage and Services COIIIllUI1ication

(VII) (VI t I) OX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) eM) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (lt4} (2) (1)

16 9 32 10 6 2 164 314 Alkod 31 2 34 15 17 Ni I ked 32 13 3 13 9 2 330 586 Aotravalli 33 1.0 9 10 7 169 294 Manaki (R) 34 49 53 32 1 29 10 10 25 623 950 Divgi 35 134 58 65 2 138 57 1 124 1921 2801 Hegde 36 2 67 105 Chatrakurve 37 21 40 3 13 20 89 522 615 Lukkeri 38 1 172 301 Aigalkurve 39 3 6 Tannirhonda 40 7 Pattubele 41

- .. ~ .... _-- ... ------_ .. ------~ Un-Inhabi ted Vi Ilage Masurkurve 42 . ------Un-I nhabi ted Village ...... Keppekurve 43 ------.. -- Un-Inhabited Vi llage - ... _--_ .... ---- .... _--- Savalkurve 44 11 5 7 32 37 Barglgazani 45 ------Un-Inhabi ted Village --- .. ----- .... _------Kclagistala 46 4 59 5 5 5 5 11 416 635 Betkul i 47 27 54 Kurigaddc 48 21 7 11 29 21 11 57 417 602 Bargi 49 5 4 2 12 2 417 752 Paduvaoi 50 45 6 29 46 23 505 832 Kodkani 51 4 4 12 6 103 174 Yattinabai l 52 23 2 B 38 4 3 77 363 582 Kujall j 53 3 102 190 Hegle 54 10 2 14 4 2 63 105 155 Alvall i 55 2 6 5 10 Madkibail 56 32 8 55 2.1· 2 50 508 984 MUfoor 57 4 5 10 2 .. 5 13 220 344 Karkimakki 58 17 6 13 7 5 19 314 702 Kallabbe 59 12 18 28 Hosad 60 66 120 Kandvall i 61 6 39 53 Kavaladi 62 31 57 Kanakale 63 21 26 Halvatli 64 2 12 109 118 139 Kalve 65 ,,'" ;1.--

129 VIIJ!.hGE I TO\\,N :1!RIl\IARY

N~ orCD. mock: KUMTA ; Code No. : OO(lO location ~ame of Village I Totall Area In No.of ~o.of Tota( popu(atlon Tot~( Population Scheduled CDde 'TGNn I ward Rurall Hectares Occu' House­ ( Including in tile age group Castes N\.IIi)er Urban for vil- pied ~olds Institutional Ii. (0 - 6) Lages & Resid­ Houscless in sq.km entiat population) for H()Uscs towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (f) eM) (F)

(1) (3) (4 ) (5) (0) ( 7) (8) (9) (10) (ll) (12) (13) (14)

66 Mudg; 144.14 9 9 51 29 22 16 10 6 67 tnillll10t l i 642.35 20 20 144 67 77 35 12 23 688angane 808.24 65 65 375 192 183 84 53 31 69 fIIors.e 2121.64 36 96 360 172 188 83 35 48 65 74 70 Soppi naI\osa I I i 408.98 36 36 154 76 78 27 12 15 4 3 71 Medin; 2678.28 29 29 222 120 102 52 32 20 8 II. 72 Mudnall i 882.42 32 32 222 103 119 37 17 20 73 Al_gar 101 .. 55 5 5 29 15 14 4 2 2 14 Basoll i 607.55 63 66 429 206 223 81 34 47 4 2 75 Ul{urmath 610.53 42 44 222 112 110 42 22 20 76 lIonogere 908.43 17 17 70 31 39 18 7 11 71 Abboll i 261.60 19 19 108 53 55 5 2 3 7a Hindbail 122.16 16 16 110 55 55 17 10 7 79 Santegul i 270.32 93 . 94 444 225 219 77 ~8 39 2 go Hegdehosall i 32.54 23 23 129 68 61 14 8 6 81 iastilted 21B.90 51 52 299 148 151 55 21 34 3 7 82 Karval I i 239.35 15 15 101 53 48 4 2 2 83 Divall i 816.68 132 134 767 397 370 155 7Z 83 9 10 84 Santgal 293.49 70 70 401 210 191 61 29 32 5 3 85 Horbhag._ 119.98 109 109 679 346 333 138 69 69 86 HoI egadde 392.07 352 357 1838' -942 896 226 119 107 94 80 tiT Devgi ri" 53.12 60 60 287 ,.14~ 141 40 20 20 15 5 88 Math 94.77 180 182 966 491 475 151 73 78 39 34 89 llarnir 121.21 72 72 413 216 197 79 43 36 51 49 ·90 Kundg1.I'l i 27.52 6 6 33 16 17 6 3 3 91 Kadekocii 154.89 65 65 419 218 201 61 32 29 29 30 92 Handigone 241.94 200 202 985 483 502 158 81 77 190 178 93 Talgod 272.93 147 149 839 405 434 100 51 49 15 16 -94 urkeri 292.32 156 156 776 397 379 96 49 47 76 74 95 "onal{ i 222.60 161 161 982 501 481 122 60 62 72 70 96 \tatgalli 247.31 210 212 1196 639 557 176 106 70 126 86 97 536.61 136 140 883 446 437 173 90 83 40 43 98 Herodi 105.12 90 90 572 292 280 119 66 53 99 GokMn 1700.14 2222 2275 12253 6189 6064 1745 875 870 250 277 100 Bidrageri 83.99 94 94 560' 292 268 101 57 44 12 11


Nalll~ of CD. BIOl:k : KUMTA ; C(lJ~ No. : 0060

Scheduled Literates Total Main 1 N 0 U S T RIA L Name of Village I Location Tribes lIorkers Tawn f liard Code Cultivators AgrIcultural Number Labourers

(I - 1X) (I) (II)

(M) (f) (M) (F) (101) (F) (101) (F) (101) (f)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) ( 1 )

7 4 14 7 13 6 Mudgi 66 20 6 37 34 37 34 Chiflll10ll i 67 71 16 114 44 91 4 21 40 Bangane 68 23 19 119 76 60 27 57 49 Norse 69 47 31 44 5 19 3 8 Soppinahosall i 7.0 20 3 72 71 Medini 71 44 22 61 14 33 1 28 12 Mudnalli 72 13 9 2 10 2 Algar 73 146 120 124" 82 77 46 20 32 Basall i 74 41 23 69 32 57 15 12 16 Ullurmath 75 18 16 20 3 20 2 Hanagere 76 46 36 42 17 40 17 Abbot I i 77 41 31 36 5 25 1 9 3 Hindbai I 78 151 130 134 19 62 5 21 7 Santegul i 79 56 39 39 10 36 10 Hegdehosall i 80 90 72 98 14 66 6 8 6 Bastikeri 81 46 32 32 19 31 19 Harvall i 82 234 135 228 5 137 1 47 2 Oil/alIi 83 125 77 126 94 107 90 Santgal 84 253 160 159 42 66 14 4 5 Horbhag 85 654 473 521 170 182 38 134 102 Holegadde 86 106 85 73 19 14 10 8 Oel/giri 87 318 225 243 135 65 20 31 45 Math 88 136 86 105 17 17 2 19 2 Harnir 89 8 7 10 5 2 3 5 Kundguni 90 159 110 116 40 S4 22 32 17 91 308 221 280 125 174 88 54 19 Handigone 92 270 182 202 41 43 3 56 34 Talgod 93 294 205 241 125 75 51 33 52 Urkeri 94 386 262 247 85 9'4 30 58 36 Kanalli 95 365 244 346 45 106 13 90 17 Valgalli 96 224 165 207 53 119 21 36 24 Kalkeri 97 103 51 146 89 77 48 14 17 Harodi 98 3952 3119 3194 1107 910 322 360 506 Gokarn 99 134 65 153 20 93 3 42 10 Bidrageri 100


Nanlt: of C.D. Bhl\:k: KUMTA ; Code No. : 0060

Location Name of Village I Totall CATEGOR I E S o F lot A I N Code TOW) I.Ward Rurall N~r Urban livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construct ion Forestry', Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs In Repairs HI PlantatIon, House-hold Othe-r than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(I" ) (IV) [Veal) [V(b)J (VI)

(101) (F) (101) (F) (101) (F) (101) (F) (14) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

6b Mudgi 67 Ch I IIIIIOll i 68 8angane 2 69 Norse 70 Soppinahosalli 9 2 2 71 .Medini 72 Mudnall i 73 Algar 74 Basoll i 3 2 3 75 Ullurmath 76 Konogere n AbbolU 78 HIndbail 79 Santegul i 6 3 8 80 lIegdehosall i 2 8' 8astikeri 10 3 82 Harvalli 83 OivaUi 23 2 3 4

84 Santgal 6 4 2 '- 85 Horbhag 72 1 1 86 Holegadde 73 17 13 4 20 6 87 Oevgiri 18 1 2 5 1 88 Math 60 3 9 5 89 Harnir 49 12 I:> 9() Kundgun i 5 91 Kadekodi 5 1 92 Handigone 4 3 93 Talgod 78 2 10 94 Urkeri 105 13 2 6 5 95 Konal!; 23 2 20 6 11 12 2 96 Valgatli 46 3 24 16 4 6 97 !Calkeri 4 11 2 8' 1 98 Harod; 16 3 2 19 18 2 99 Goltam 344 46 7 46 173 20 52 100 8idrageri


Name Df CD. HIll,,:!. : KUl\\TA ; Cooe No. : OObO

WORKERS Marginal NOn-\lorkers Name of Village I location Worlr.ers fawn I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other NQlRber COIlIIIerce Storage and Services COOlnUI11 c a tI on

(VII) (VIII) ( (X)

(M) (f) (14) (f) (M) (F) (14) (f) (14) (f)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41 ) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

5 15 10 Mudgi b6 8 30 35 Chln.noll i 67 2 70 76 09 Bangan" 68 2 36 53 76 Norse 69 2 3 3 32 70 Soppinahosalli 70 68 47 33 Medini 71 1 42 104 Mudnall i 72 1 2 4 10 Algar 73 4 11 3 2 3 19 79 122 Basal I i 74 8 43 70 UII urrnath 75 11 36 Konogere 76 11 38 Abbot I , 77 19 49 Hindbai I 78 13 2 10 11 4 48 91 152 Si)ntegul i 79 1 29 51 rl"9dehosa II , 80 3 3 3 52 50 85 Bastlker, 81 21 29 Karvall i 82 3 9 5 195 164 170 Oi vall i 83 6 3 1 1 83 97 Santgal 84 4 20 4 7 3 19 145 168 146 Horbhag 85 46 1 19 27 8 421 726 Holegadde 86 5 6 1 17 3 30 72 92 Oevgiri 87 50 67 5 15 3 37 248 303 Math 88 2 5 6 4 31 107 149 Harnir 89 6 6 6 Kundgunl 90 '0 3 1O 1 101 161 Kadekodi 91 13 14 18 17 123 203 254 Handigone 92 7 2 6 2 22 186 181 207 TaIga<:! 93 10 2 8 4 4 117 152 137 Urkeri 94 11 6 16 4 254 396 Kona! I i 95 22 1 10 26 6 38 225 255 287 Valgall i 96 10 3 6 11 3 22 135 217 249 Kalkeri 97 7 1 4 3 1 4 26 142 165 Harodi 98 471 75 51 4 7&l 132 68 224 2927 4733 Gokarn 99 9 8 6 139 248 Bidrageri 100


Name ofC.D. Block: KUMTA ; Coue No. : 0060

Location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code rown I Ward Rurall Hectares cccu' House­ ( Including in the age group Castes Nl.IIt>er Urban for vil- pied Holds Ins tit ut i ona I I> (Q , 6) lages & ReSld­ l10useless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5 ) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ( 11 ) (12) (13) (14)

101 Nagerbai l 147.30 1 102 Naranapur 67_43 4 2 2 103 Toreg8zani 26.88 34 34 171 85 86 1~ 7 6 104 Torke 247.99 219 229 1161 605 556 156 88 68 105 Gonehall i 127.51 55 55 265 126 139 29 15 14 106 Hi ttalmakki 258.67 64 65 320 163 157 35 17 18 107 Madangeri 305.66 226 248 1373 693 680 225 113 112 46 62 108 Yennemidi 83.82 10 10 52 21 31 8 3 5 109 Hiregutti 682.10 496 500 2588 1293 1295 365 175 190 225 215 110 Kolimanjguni 386.35 35 35 245 130 115 39 19 20 111 Morba 226.84 151 151 791 373 418 150 72 78 113 122

112 Midlaga%ani 204.56 ~ ------Un-Inhabited Vi I lage -.------.--'"---- 113 Bhavikodla 210.72 294 294 1794 901 893 335 175 160 2 4 114 Nadumaskeri 380.94 507 508 2944 1512 1432 579 295 281 40 41 115 Harl.lll8skeri 141.22 130 130 671 349 322 103 47 56 13 6 116 Bankikodla 52.07 118 129 096 339 ~57 89 43 46 12 6 117 Hoskeri 133.53 114 115 646 300 ~46 1)0 49 61 3 4 118 Kadime 169.17 141 143 795 407 388 110 52 58 4 2 119 Hanehal ( i 236.51 419 429 2008 987 1021 212 97 115 194 202

C.O. Btock Total Rural 566.64 18562 18982 107963 54550 53413 1637'2 8323 8049 3226 3209

C.O. Block Total Urban


Scheduled Total Main J N D U S T R J A L Nilllle of Village / location Tribes l.IorkNs Town / Ward Code Cultivators Agricul tural Number


([ I X) (I) ( I I )

(101) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) U) (M) (f)

(15) ( 16) ( 17) (18) (19) (20) (21 ) (22) (?3) (24) (2 ) ( 1 )

-----_--- 1 N"yerbal I 101 2 I 2 NariJnapur 102 55 33 38 25 "> Toregilzanl 103 388 250 315 100 119 18 40 53 Torke 104 88 80 79 41 75 31 3 Gonch,llli IDS III 73 70 29 29 12 21 Hlttallllilkk i 106

415 271 301 173 153 lU't 11 ~ Mdd"ngerl 107 10 b 14 13 12 13 Yennemidi 108 893 564 687 292 293 78 143 139 Hiregutti 109 71 45 80 42 68 31 10 10 Kol imanjgunl 110 207 125 184 97 46 16 ,,>1 55 Mo,-bd 111 ----- .... -_---_ ... - .... Un-Inhabited VIII age Mldl.,gClziH)\ 112 536 306 438 296 257 107 25 43 BhdVl kodld 113 927 555 693 251 189 50 143 100 Nadumaskeri 114 182 87 176 54 130 33 28 19 H"rum"sker i 115 236 196 164 10 100 15 Bilnkikodlil 116 161 118 153 122 77 4 56 117 Ho-;ker 1 ,,7 207 122 230 191 4 187 178 K"dlille 118 685 537 477 269 1 I I 45 113 140 Hilnehilll I 119

2 36015 25124 28160 10013 11204 3446 4886 3823 e.D_ Block Totill Rural

C.D. Block Tot,,( Urban

135 VILtAGE / 'I~H''''N PIU'l\fARY

NalOO of CD. Block: KUMTA : Codc No. : 0060 location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F MAl !II Code Town / Ward Rurall "\JIIber Urban livestock, Mill)uf,'ICtUf 11)9, Con"truct ion fore-.;try, Proces.."ng, Proce-';Sln9, F ,.;h lng, ServICIng

AllIed r ndLJ"~ try actlvlt1C:-,

(lll) (1,- ; [V(b)] (V I)

(M) ( F ) (M) ( F ) (101) ( F ) (M) (f) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (2b) (27) (28) (31 ) (32) (33) (34)

101 Nagerbai t 102 Naranapur 2 103 Toregazani 22 7 104 Torke 74 'I 4 105 Gonehall i 2

106 H\ ttalma"-k I 2 4 3 107 Madangeri 52 2 4 40 21 6 108 '#ennemidi 2 109 Hiregutti 80 18 5 27 20 4 110 Kolimanjguni 1 111 Norba 3 4

112 Nidtagazani ' .. , ...... Un'lrlhablted Village ...... -< ••••••• 113 Bhavikodla 140 114 Naclullasker i 136 21 3 35 3 17 3 115 Har\J1laSKeri 116 Bankikodta 2 14 117 Hoskeri ') 118 Kadime 1 18 4 119 Hanehal Ii 5 11 101 56 6

C.D. Block Total Rural 4699 457 237 6 484 103 1218 335 346 18

C.D. Block Total orban


~;1I11': 01 C.D, BInd, : Kl;\lTA ; Cod,' 1\:0, : 00(>0

W 0 R I( E R S Marglnill Nun-WorKcr" NallIe 0 t viI l ag(' / Locat Ion

lIon.cr~ To .. n I liard Code Trade and Transport, Other Number COII1lIerce Storage and Service" COIIJI1Unication

(VII) (VIII) (I ~)

(M) (F) (14) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f)

(35) (36) {37> (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

Nagerbai l 101 1 Naranapur 102 8 18 3 3 47 58 Toregazani 103 34 17 13 18 11 2 78 288 378 Tacke 104 1 3 5 47 98 Conehall i 105 6 2 4 10 5 11 92 117 Hit t alllk'lkk i 106 30 28 15 18 9 3 28 329 479 Madangeri 107 7 18 YennelHldl 108 45 30 18 43 37 67 605 936 HI regutt I 109 1 50 73 Kol illlanJguni 110 69 17 5 6 6 189 315 Morba 111 ...... Un-Inhabited VIllage .... _-- .... _ .. __ ...... _- .. - Midlagazani 112 S 144 3 7 1 463 596' Bhavikodla 113 128 65 7 32 11 3 39 816 1142 Nadulllaskeri 114 8 2 8 1 173 268 Harulllasic.eri ItS 10 3 19 8 175 347 Bankikodla 116 7 7 1 147 224 Ho,;keri 117 to 9 8 177 197 Kadime 118 54 6 69 27 20 68 1,90 684 Hanehalli 119

~118 1075 741 20 2227 730 426 3691 25964 39709 C.D. Block Total Rural

-\ C.D. Block Total Urban






2 3 4 5 6

Agad; 11/20/7/36 11/20/0070/0036 9/19/7/28 09/19/0070/0028 2 Ajjihatli 11/20/7/11 11/20/0070/0011 9/19/7/6 09/19/0070/0006 3 A!all i 11/20/7/87 ,,/20/0070/0087 9/19;7/83 09/19/0070/0083 4 Amatgar (F) 11/20/7/72 11/20/0010/0072 9/19/7/71 09/19/007010071 S Andalgi 11/20/7/18 11/20/0070/0018 9/19/7/13 09/19/007010013 6 Atabai I (F) 11/20/7J 70 11/20/0070/0070 9/1"', . / 65 09/19/0070/0065 7 Attangi 11/20/7;75 11/20/0010/0075 9/19/ 7! 88 09/19/0070/0088

8 Bachanki 11/20/7/3 11/20/0070/0003 9/19/7/38 09/19/0070/0038 9 Batehalli (F) 11/20/7/30 11/2010070/0030 9/19/7124 09/19/0070/0024 10 Balekoppa 11/20/7/64 11/20/0070/0064 9/19/7/57 09/19/0070/0057 11 Bappa Igundi 11/20/1/13 111201007010013 9/19/7/4 09/19/0070/0004 12 Bappalkattl 11/20/7/14 " /20/0070/0014 9/19/7/5 09/19/0070/0005 13 Basavankoppa 11/20;7/21 11120/007010021 9/19/7/12 09/19/007010012 14 Sedsgaon 11/2017 /68 11/20/0070/00611, 9/19/ 7! 60 09/19/0070/0060 15 Bekkod 11/20/1/57 11/20/007010057 9/19/7/52 09/19/0070/0052 16 8hadrapura 11/20/7/44 11/20/0070/0044 9/19;7/68 09/19/0070/0068 17 Bokangudde 11/20/7/55 11/20/0070/0055 9/19/7/'>0 09/19/0070/0050 18 Bommarshikoppa (F) 11/20/7/60 11/20/0070/0060 9/19/7/63 09/19/0070/0063 19 Borangudde 11/20/7/93 11/20/0070/0093 9/19/7/89 09/19/0070/0089 20 Byanall i (F) 11/20/7/23 11/20/0070/0023 9/19/7 /16 09/19/0070/0016

21 Chalger; (F) 11/20;7/79 11/20/0070/0079 9/19/7/73 09/19/0070/0073 22 Cnavadall i 11/20/7/24 11/20/0070/0024 9/19/7/18 09/1910070;0018 23 Chigall i 11/20/7 /15 11 120/0070/0015 9/19/7/9 09/19/0070/0009 24 Chikharvalli (F) 11/20/7/77 11/20/0070/0077 9/19/7/79 09/19/0070;0079 25 Chipageri 11/20/7/80 11/2010070/0080 9/19/7172 09/19/0070/0072 26 Chitgeri 11/20;7/78 11/20/iJ070/0078 9/19/7/74 09/19/0070/0074

21 Doddaharvalli 11/20;7/76 11/20/0070/0076 9/19/7/80 09/19/0070/0080

28 Ghanadahalli (F) 11/20/7/81 11120/0070/0081 9/19/7 175 09/19/0070/0075 29 Gotagudi 11/20/7/46 l' /20/00i''O!0046 9/19/7/43 09/19/007010043 30 Gunjavati 11/2017/32 1 1/20/0070/0032 9/19/7/23 09119/0070/0023

31 Halhar-vi 11/20/7/63 11/20/0070/0063 9/19/7/56 09/19/0070/0056 32 HaraganahaLli 11/20/7/50 11/20/0070/0050 9/1917/46 09/19/0070/0046 33 Hirehall i 11/20/7/16 11120/0070/0016 9/19/7/10 09/19/0070/0010 34 tloskoppa 11/20/7/56 11/20/0070/0056 9/19/7/53 09/19/0070/0053 35 Hostot 11/20/7/65 11/2010070/0065 9/19/7/59 09/19/0070/0059 36 Hudelkoppa 11/2017/94 11/20/0070/0094 9/1917/91 09/19/0070/0091 37 Hul ihonda 11/2017/34 11/20/0070/0034 9/1917/27 09/19/0070/0027 38 Hul ihonda (f) 11/20/7/92 11/20/0070/0092 9/1917/87 09/19/0070/0087 39 Hungunda 11/20/7/37 11/20/0070/0037 9/19/7/29 09/19/0070/0029


TALUK: MUNDGOD-0070 C. D. BI.OC": \11"IXiOD-()(l70


2 3 4

40 Indoor 11/20/7/39 11/Z0/0070/0039 9/1917/3Z 09/19/0070/0032 41 Ingalki 11120/7/43 "/20/0070/0043 9/1917/40 09/19/0070/0040

42 Jangeri 11/20/7/52 11/20/0070/0052 9/19/7;51 09/19/0070/0051

43 Kalaganakoppa 11/20/7/7 11/20/0070/0007 9/19/7/0 09/19/0070/0000 44 Kalhalll 11/20/7/83 11/20/UU70/ uu83 <;/lY;7/77 09; 19/0070/0077 45 Kalken 11/20/7/19 11 IZO/0070/001 9 9/1917/1 .. 09/19/0070;0014 46 Kalkoppa 11/20/7/45 11/Z0/0070/(]U .. 5 9/19/7/41 09/19/0070/0041 47 Kanchikoppa (F) "/20(7/71 1 l/20/0070/U071 9/19/7/66 09/19/0070/0066 48 Kargolli 11/20;7/28 11/20(007(1/[,;.)28 9/19/7/Z1 09/19/0070/00Z1 49 Katur "/20/7/85 1 1/Z0/(I, ;0,'/;), 'e', 9;19/7/81 09/19/0070/0081 50 Kavalkoppa 11/20/7/17 1 1/20/007rl/' ,'I! 9/19/7/8 09/19/0070/0008

51 Kodambi (F) 11/20/7161 11 /z%n70/U' ,k 1 '}/19!7/b7 119/19/0070/0007 52 Kolgi " /20/7/49 11/(':,/" J,:" , .. c, ~, "c.;/ :/ ... 5 Li'-l/1Y/i,rI10/0045 53 Kop-Gotgudi 11/20/7/47 'if 1,,17/ .. 2 eN/ 1'IjUU70/U(l42 54 Kop-Indoor , 1 /20/ 7 /.:.U 11/Z0/007l1/ 11'140 9/19/7/33 1I9/'9/007(J/0033 55 11/20/7/5 11 /20/00lr.' /',1'0:;'> 'i/lY/7/Z (19/1 Y i 1'1 '70/00G? 56 Kurl i 11/20/7/oZ 11/20/0l'7n /I,' ':.2 ';;"C;;7/b2 09/19/("171);0"62 57 Kusur "/20/7/29 1 1/2~!/'jI':"/ :'; '.., 1(",/7134 09/' 9 / 0 l1711/ (" 13 4 58 Kyadgikop "/2017 /54 1; /2':1/" lui 'j,)5~ 119/19/0(J71J/OiJ .. 9 59 Kysankeri 11/Z0/7/25 11/20/0070/0025 9/19/7/ZU 119/19/0070/DC20

60 Lakkoll i 11/20/7/9 11/Z0/0070/0009 9/19/7/1., 09/19/0070/0015

61 Mainall i 11(20/7/2Z 11/20/0[:/0/G022 9/19/7/22 09/19/0070/0022 62 Malaganakoppa , 1/20/7/6 11/2C·/OCJ70/IJOUb 9/19;7 /1', 09/19/(1070/0000 63 Malavall i 11/20/7/8 11/20/0070/00(18 9/1917;17 09/19/0070/0017 64 Malgi 11/20/7/48 11/20/1)')70/0(148 9/19/7/44 09;19/0070/U044 65 Margadi 11/20/7/89 11/Z0/uJ70/C'IIIS;" <.;;19;7/85 (J9/19/0070/008~ 66 Mavakoppa 11/20/7;88 1 1/20/0070/':(I13e 9/19/7/84 09; 19/0070/00e .. 67 Mudsat i 11/20/7/86 11/20/0070/0°86 9/19/7/82 09;19/0070/0082 68 Mundagod 1l(20/7/l 11/20/0070/0(JUl 9/19/7/0 09/T9/0070/0000

69 Naginkeri "/20/7/58 11/20/0070/01158 9/19/7/54 09/19/0070/0054 70 Nagnoor 11/20/7/84 11/20/0070/0084 9/1917/78 09/19/0070/0078 71 Nandi katta 11/20/7/35 11/20/0070/0035 9/19/7/31 09/19/0070/0031 72 Nyasargi ',/20/714 11/20/0070/0004 9/19/7/1 09/19/0070/0001

73 Oralgi 11/20/7/90 "/20/0070/0090

74 Pala 11/20/7/42 11/Z0/0070/01)42 9/19/7/39 IN;19/0070/0039 75 Pur 11/20/7/2 11/20/0070/0 00Z 9/19/7137 09/19/U)70/U037

76 Ramapur 11/20/7/74 11/20/0070/0074 9/19(7/69 09/19/0070 (IJ(J69


TALUK: ML'I\:IX;OD-0070 C D_ BLOCK: :\11 :\1)(iOI)-0070


2 3 'i 6

77 Raynalli (F) 11/20/7120 11/20/0070/002(' 9/19/7/11 09!l9/0070/0011

7& Sa\gaon 11/20/7/1(\ 9/19/7/7 09/19/0070/0007 79 Sanaval\l 11/20/7/12 '1/20/lJLi":_'/'_"_112 9/19/7/3 09/l9/0070/0003 80 SanavalLl (F) 1'/20/7/D? , 1/2('/, I~'/()' t_i? "/19/7/6.. 09/19/0070/0064

81 Soh i nganaha l l 1 11;20/7/9' 9/19/7/86 09/19/0070/0086 82 Slddapur 11/2f1/7/')<.; .;1917/')') 09/19/()(l70/01l'>S

83 Tamyankoppa

84 Tattihalll (F)-Katur 1 1/ ,--!, j / ,. ! ~1.-' ~ 1 .' .;-,' 1"'; I ;-' / ,~t 85 Tattihall; (Mundgod) 11/20/7/ .. 1 11/ Z{J I Ul 7.. .' . )~ 1 9/1917156 C)9/19/U07U/0036 86 Teginkoppa 11/20/7/27 11/2fl /onh)/(Jii27 9/19/1135 09/19/0070/[l035 87 Togralll 11/20/7;t.<.; 9/19/7jt:-.l 09/19/0070/(lClb1

88 Ugg; nker 1 11/20/7;31 Y/19/7/2S 119/19/0070/(lfI25 89 Umachagl 11/20/7/66 11/20/Uf)7ll/U066 9/19/7/58 09/19/007010058

90 09/19/0070/0047 91 Vlrapur (F) '1/20/7//5 II/{ '1/ 19; i; il' Lll,Ij 19/0070/0070

92 Wadagatta 11/;:>0/ 1/ Sl~ 11/,' 1)9/19/0070/0030

93 Yemagalll '1/7-'/l/')3 11/2' /0070/0C')3 9/19/7/48 09/19/0070/0048 94 Yereba; 1 11/20/1/35 0119/7126 U9/19/0070/0026


Namt:! of CD. Block: MUNDGOD : ('oJ .... ~(). : 007()

location Name of Villagc I Total/ Area In ~u.d NO.ot Tot,,\ popU\dnun Total ~opulatlon Schedulcd Code Town I Ward Rural/ Hectare~ Gnu' Hou,,-c' (Inc ludlng in the age group Castcs Nunber Urban for vIl· plcd Holds In,tltutlonal & (0 . 6) lagcs & RC~ld· Housclc~s In sq.km entlal populatIOn) for Hou,c,> towns and C.O. Bl oeks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) ('5 ) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

668.09 13n<;2 1371,5 7'):,~b 39689 35357 13833 7122 6711 5453 5220 MUNOGOO C.O.Block R 668.09 13052 13745 75046 .sc;blN 35357 13833 7122 0711 5453 5220 U

1 Mundagod 697.1.' lfl5ci 1"'~'/ ' .• -t. )~5<,i )(/51 1'165 1028 937 941 92" 2 Pur 272. 'I', VIllage 3 Bachanki 1550.24 245 1337 692 645 275 128 147 129 125 4 Nyasargl 712.13 201 109LJ 21U 105 105 83 102 5 Kundargi 262.49 22 13.:. 66 08 34 II, 20 33 27 6 Malaganakoppa 3')4.9' sri') 25)',/ 121)[J 1159 382 183 199 242 280 7 KalaganaJcoppa 146.03 71 79 ,,41 222 219 84 36 48 3 3 8 Malavall; 484 .65 94 98 564 293 271 111 57 54 26 25 9 laUol1 i 833.82 90 96 497 267 230 128.. 76 52 24 20 10 1219.97 298 308 1754 931 823 356 189 167 229 207 11 Ajjihalli 670.31 5 .. 55 372 193 179 61 31 30 40 36 12 Sanavalli 845.8') 110 Ill; 51;',/ 3[JO 259 113 56 57 26 32 13 Bappalgundi 384.97 5 5 )ii 17 13 o 3 3 3 14 Bappalkatti 448.:'8 Un· 1nh~lb) tcd Vi llag~ 15 Chigalli 882.19 .. 69 517 3055 15(1) 1498 559 292 267 127 116 16 765.05 1(J4 104 685 352 336 132 65 67 18 18 17 Kavalkoppa 510.55 73 74 433 239 194 69 32 37 2 4 18 Andalgi 857.37 91 92 :.7') 2:' 7 228 99 47 52 4 5 19 Kalkeri 857.09 118 141 699 373 326 130 82 54 13 16 20 Raynall i If) 330.65 un· Inhabi tcd vi t lage 21 Basavankoppa 795.42 27 29 111 04 ,,7 19 12 705 22 Mainall i 7962.73 505 516 2tlbb 1.:.3.:. 1382 0~1 325 326 81 79 23 Byanall i (F) 508.85 28 38 199 95 104 23 10 13 24 Chavadat l i 378.90 213 248 1~21 750 671 307 152 155 59 71 ~5 Kysanker i 195.72 62 62 324 165 159 52 27 25 32 43 26 Tamyankoppa 175.98 83 88 611 315 290 146 78 68 279 255 27 Teginkoppa 170.82 3 3 26 15 11 2 1 1 15 11 28 Kargotli 287.77 103 104 487 232 255 90 37 53 53 47 29 J(usur 483.87 346 352 1828 895 933 248 137 111 61 46 30 Balehall; (F) 625.76 22 22 125 64 61 24 14 10 2 5


:\alll~ of CD. Blud, : !\H.'!\DGOD : Codt: No. : 0070

SC,heduled Literates Total MaIn i N D U S T R I A L NallIe of village I Location Tribes Workers Town I WarO Code Cultlvatur~ Agrlcultur~l Number


(I - IX) ( I ) (II)

(1'1) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (fT) (22) (23) (24) (2) (l)

232 231 20415 11626 21068 9836 9433 2595 7098 6037 232 231 20415 11626 2106~' V836' 9433 2595 7098 6037 MUNOGOD C.D.Slock

27 30 3091 2336 2754 750 420 11 834 520 Mundugod 1 Un-l Ohabi ted Vi llage Pur 2 9 5 326 191 376 158 181 26 157 120 Silchilnkl 3

294 216 300 87 135 7 10<,1 51 NY~Silr-g 1 4 35 20 33 10 17 4 12 6 Kundilrgi 5 10 14 829 612 664 238 47 5 226 192 Millilgunilkoppil 6 155 73 139 58 82 45 56 Kalaganakoppa 7 156 92 170 149 70 55 91 89 Malilvall i 8 110 . 56 162 125 108 95 49 29 Lilkkolll 9 18 13 436 222 540 309 246 62 241 239 Sillgilon 10 105 57 124 102 108 15 Ta2 Aj j ihilll i 11 3 2 168 105 172 1 I 7 92 47 65 68 Sunilvalli 12 4 4 4 10 6 10 6 Bilppalgundi 13 Un-I nhabited Vi llage Bappill kiltt i 14 51 53 876 539 882 550 529 53 251 468 Chigillil 15 9 8 214 127 232 194 75 133 192 Hirehillil 16 145 76 140 75 115 40 8 29 Kavillkoppil 17 106 47 145 69 50 2 63 47 Andalgi 18 5 4 158 59 233 75 141 75 71 Killkeri 19 Un- I nhabi ted Vi llage Rilynalli (f) 20 34 8 43 28 38 22 4 6 Basavankoppa 21 316 133 809 2S9 378 39 397 207 Mainalli 22 5 3 63 73 21 30 38 43 BYilnilll i (f) 23 2 349 224 449 350 286 167 128 177 Chavadilll i 24 99 63 105 76 53 43 75 Kysanl


'Name: of CD. BI(x:k : MUNDGOD ; Cod~· \(), : 0(17(1

Location Name of Village / Total/ CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town I Ward Rural/ Nunber Urban Llve~tock, MInI ng ,md M;mufac tur lng, Manut ac tur I n9, Cons t ruc t i on

Fore~try, QuarryIng p,·ucC' ...... ;lng f ProcessIng, FishIng, ServIcIng and ServIcIng and Hunt i ng and RepaIrs In RepaIrs In Plantation, Household Other than Orch;)rds i. Industry Household AllIed Industry ac t I VI tie'>

( III ) (I V) [Veal] [V(b)] (V I)

(M) ( F ) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1 ) (2) (3) (25 ) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31 ) (32) (33) (34)

441 18 13 2 382 147 533 114 205 9 MUNOGOO C.D.Block R 441 18 13 2 382 147 533 114 205 9 U

1 Mundagod 113 2 I 12b 55 222 109 7 2 Pur ------Un-lnhabl ted VI II C,jC ----.---" -- 3 Bachanki 12 8 2 5 4 Nyasargi 7 6 27 18 3 5 Kundargi 1 6 Malaganakoppa 73 2 14 34 15 7 Kalaganakoppa 4 2 8 Malava!li 9 Lakkoll i 1 10 Salgaon 9 2 5 4 11 Ajjihalli 12 Sanavalli 4 3 13 Bappalgundi 14 Bappalkatti ------Un-lnhilbltcd VIllage ------.- 15 Chigalli 5 6 6 26 2 2 16 Hirehalli 17 17 Kavalkoppa 4 3 18 Andalgi 25 17 19 Kalkeri' 2 2 20 Raynall i (F) -.. -- .. -- .. - .. -- ...... Un-l nhabi ted Village ...... -...... 21 Basavankoppa 22 Mainall i 9 6 23 8yanall i eF) 2 24 Chavadalli 10 3 25 Kysankeri 2 26 Tamyankoppa 27 Teginkoppa 28 Kargoll i 3 7 29 Kusur 2 10 30 30 Balehall i (F)


Name: oleD. BIo.:k: MUNDGOD: Code: No. : 0070

WaR K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village / Location Workers Town / Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Number Coomerce Storage ana ServIces COIIITlUnI cat I on

(VII) (VIII) ( I X)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) ( F ) (M) (F)

(35 ) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) ( 1 )

1520 484 230 3 1213 427 382 534 18239 24987 1520 484 230 3 1213 ·427 382 534 18239 24987 MUNOGOD CoD_Block

435 27 107 2 381 115 9 23 2696 4264 Mundagod 1 ------Un-I nhabi ted vi llage -----_-_-_ .. ------Pur 2 3 1 2 8 9 316 487 Bachanki 3 6 2 3 10 3 68 250 385 Nyasargi 4 10 33 48 Kundargi 5 133 10 18 104 27 536 921 Malaganakoppa 6 2 3 2 83 161 Kalaganakoppa 7 3 5 5 6 123 116 Malavalll 8 2 1 2 104 105 Lakkolli 9 5 2 20 3 91 391 423 Salgaon 10 " 69 77 AJ j ihall i 11 5 2 3 5 7 123 165 Sanavall i 12 7 7 Bappalgundi 13 ------Un-Inhabi ted Village ------_ Bappal kat t i 14 27 2 5 31 19 678 948 Chigall i 15 2 4 2 3 120 139 Hi rehall i 16 4 6 5 2 99 117 Kava I koppa 17 5 2 3 102 159 Andalgi 18 8 5 3 140 251 Kalkeri 19 ------Un- 1nhabi ted Vi llage ------Raynalli ( F ) 20 .. 6 17 13 Basavanl<.oppa 21 11 4 7 9 9 675 1114 Mainall i 22 2 32 31 Byanall i (F) 23 10 10 5 301 321 Chavadall i 24 3 3 60 83 Kysankeri 25 155 118 Tamyankoppa 26 8 7 Teginkoppa 27 27 29 12 8 3 18 100 155 Kargolli 28 79 58 91 26 2 4 461 617 Kusur 29 37 58 Balehalli (F) 30


Name uf C.D. Blo\.'k : MUNDGOD : Cod.: No, : 0070 location Name of Village / Total/ Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Schedu.led Code TOilln / WarCl Rural/ Hectares Occu- House- (IncludIng In the age group Castes NlIllber Urban for vII- pied Holds In~tltutlonal & (0 . 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) ( F ) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1 ) (2) (3) (4 ) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

31 Ugginkeri 752.44 191 197 1105 579 526 228 122 106 56 S6 32 Gunjavati 1351.31 104 106 578 3.02 276 141 75 66 9 6 33 Yerebai I 2758.57 126 138 742 400 342 172 94 78 5 5 34 Hul ihonda 689.10 48 50 267 140 127 43 27 16 7 10 35 Nandi katta 2154.53 861 881 5092 3224 1868 706 370 336 380 351 36 Agadi 495.88 237 258 1291 685 606 251 133 118 362 325 37 Hungunda 1865.45 463 529 2859 1501 1358 535 285 250 60 57 38 Wadagatta 1303.98 212 224 1199 623 576 271 149 122 208 183 39 Indoor 1094.98 832 862 4347 2205 2142 699 348 351 333 282 40 Kop- Indoor 72S.74 324 351 1892 956 93.6 363 183 180 109 120

41 Tattihalli (Mundgod) 604.79 204 204 1565 1211 354 106 56 50 1 ~ 42 Pala 764.96 412 458 2784 1428 1356 522 290 232 78 71 43 Ingalki 276.91 Un-Inhabited Vi Ila9~ 44 Bhadrapura 396.14 145 145 717 349 368 144 73 71 65 73 45 Kalkoppa 541.85 81 83 500 256 244 73 40 33 4 3 46 Gotagudi 256.40 36 43 231 122 109 50 26 24 47 Kop-Gotgudi 257.95 86 86 468 231 237 102 47 55 28 26 48 Malgi 864.26 300 308 1566 798 768 304 149 155 216 217 49 t(olgi 306.82 76 78 366 174 192 66 35 31 19 21 50 Haraganahall i 299.33 54 54 251 123 128 64 34 30 21 24 51 veerapur 191.48 120 122 671 337 334 121 54 67 95 103 52 Jangeri 322.02 19 20 100 46 54 24 12 12 4 4 53 Yemagalli 167.27 ------.-. Un-Inhabited Vi (lage 54 Kyadgikop 568.44 32 32 173 92 81 25 12 13 2 55 Bokangudde 207.31 9 9 43 21 22 4 2 2 56 Hoskoppa 316.70 27 27 131 69 62 22 12 10 8 5 57 Bekkod 438.96 59 60 335 167 168 43 20 23 58 Naginkeri 236.00 3 3 20 9 11 5 4 59 Siddapur 677.44 138 140 682 337 345 112 43 69 38 53 60 Bommarshikoppa (f) 433.11 ------Un-i nhilbi ted VIllage 61 Kodambi (F) 757.53 241 242 1346 692 654 317 163 lSI, 40 30 62 Kurl i 1032.06 64 64 409 213 196 58 31 27 15 7 63 Halharvi 70.20 8 8 47 22 25 10 5 5 64 Balekoppa 320.27 39 39 195 112 83 27 14 13 7 5 65 Hostot 228.83 11 11 88 48 40 14 8 6


Name of CD. Blo~'k l\1Ur-.;DGOD: ('oJ.: Nil. : 0070

Scheduled literates Total Main 1 N D U S T R I A l Nal11e of Village locat ion Tribes workers Town / Ward Code Cultlvator~ Agricultural NUllloer labourer..;

(l - IX) (I) (II)

(14) (F) (M) (F) (14) (F) (M) (F) (M) ( F )

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (2:') (2 ) (1)

-") 185 65 327 124 1 '" 2\.1 136 lOu 31 3 119 70 146 8 32 102 S 32 100 41 224 93 13" 7 87 Ycr'C'b'-ll I 33 67 42 81 51 30 3 42 46 Hullhond" 34 2108 559 1158 659 542 239 235 212 35 9 14 183 79 398 295 122 56 236 23.:. 36 593 320 872 439 493 211 231 204 HungundiJ 37 241 126 366 123 15 125 92 W'Ic](lgl-lttd 38 7 6 1220 794 1243 821 527 262 400 40~ lnd'-..'v r 39 458 250 584 432 190 44 3112 387 Kop- I rh.. h:J'..I[ 40 1078 172 306 165 213 80 13 9 f.-j·n Ih"lll (MUfl<.Jgod) 41 20 21 771 , 546 781 157 404 16 18b 118 Palil 42 Un-Inhabited vi Ilage Ingalkl 43 118 97 171 97 20 113 94 Bhadrapura 44 160 127 153 14 99 5 38 8 Kalkoppa 45 70 31 64 24 37 5 21 19 Gotilgudi 46 124 74 138 99 96 47 39 ')1 l(op-GOtgudl 47 , , 509 342 416 245 136 56 124 ,~ Malgl 48 96 78 107 63 55 22 45 37 1(0lgi 49 33 26 77 55 16 6 51:> lidf'()ganahalll 50 145 85 208 108 79 16 102 90 Vccrapur- 51 23 16 23 6 4 8 4 52 Un- I nhabi ted Vi Ilage Yel11agalll 53 55 33 52 3 43 8 3 l<.Y',dgl k0p 54 9 9 13 8 4 Bok,lflguddc 55 21 17 30 12 16 HOSkOPPil 56 118 75 lOS 13 93 12 4 BeHod 57 7 5 6 3 5 2 1 Naginkerl 58 186 125 188 61 35 7 72 39 Slddapur 59

Un-Inhabited Vi Ilagc BOII'lIar~h 1 koppa (F) 60 16 8 274 11'1 371 80 237 27 49 Kodambl (F) 61 145 112 127 79 49 78 Kur 11 62 11 7 14 13 63 83 37 64 28 40 10 22 16 Bide"oppa 64 27 24 29 17 19 11 9 6 Hostot 65


Name of CD. Block: MUNDGOD : Cod..: 1':". : O()7{)

Location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO K I E S J F M A I N Code Town I liard Rurall Number Urban llvestock, Mlnlng .Jfld M"nutill-tuf'lng, Manufactur1ng, Cunstr'uct 10n

Fore-;try, j.Jr'0cc~""'ng, Fl-.;h1ng, SL'r-v 1 C 1 fig dnd Serv1c1ng and Hunt ing ,md R(:pal r .... In ~('pili rs in Pliln t:1t1on, Ot her than

Orchilr'd~ 0. I "du..; tr y Hou~ehold All ied Industry


(l J I ) ( IV) [V(il») [V(b») (VI)

(M) ( F ) (M) (F) (M) 0) (M) (F) (M) (F)

------~~-- ~-.- (1) (2) (3) (25) (2b) (27) (28) (31 ) (32) (33) ( 34)

-~------.- - .. ----~--~---~ ------31 Ugginkeri b 2 32 Gunjavati 5 1 33 Yerebai I 34 Hul ihonda 3 ) 35 1 1c; ? 1b ,., 7 36 Agadi 8 " C 2 37 Hungunda 13 18 b 8 11 38 Wadagatta 11 Hi S

')7 39 Indoor 15 16 d 40 Kop-Indoor 41 Tattihall i (Mundgod) 42 Pala 13 10 43 Ingalki 44 Shadrapura 7 45 Kalkoppa 46 Gotagudi 47 Kop-Gotgudi 3 48 Malgi 19 41 31 15 8 49 Kolgi 50 Haraganahalli 3 2 51 veerapur 9 3 52 Jangeri 8 2

53 Yemagalli Un- : nt"'.• lt) 1 tl-'U 'will L,-J>j" 54 Kyadgikop 55 Sokangudde 56 Hoskoppa 57 Bekkod ? 58 Naginkeri

59 Siddapur 9 '> ~ ') 60 Bommarshikoppa (0 un- I nh"b1 tcod V1 lldye - - -- __ -- --_ 61 Kodambi (f) 2 i, 3 62 Kurl i ') 8 63 Halharvi 64 Balekoppa 65 Hostot


Name of c.0. Block: MUNDGOD : CoJe No. : 0070

!oJ 0 R I( E R S MargInal Non-Workers Name of Village / Locat ion Workers Town / Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Number COO'I1lerce Storage and Services COf1I11Unication

(VII) (VIII) (I X)

(M) (F) (M) ( F ) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35 ) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) ( .. 1) ( .. 2) ( .. 3) (44) (2) ( 1 )

---~------3 2 ., 2 252 ,,02 Ugglnker I 31 3 1 2 150 268 GunJavatl 32 2 176 249 Yerebai I 33 1 2 5 ~9 71 Hulihonda 34 220 156 4 114 30 179 0 ~eEl 12(:3 Nilndi kilt ta 35 8 2 3 7 3 287 310 Ag(ldl 36 52 3 9 33 14 3 10 626 909 Hungunda 37 22 3 2 , 3 1 257 452 lJadagatta 38 177 113 5 73 41 9 25 953 1296 Indoor 39 6 4 1 372 504 Kop-Indoor 40 53 42 22 9 140 6 705 183 Tattlhalll (Mundgod) 41 55 20 ')') 18 3 647 11Q6 Pala 42

---- - ~ - - --- Un' InhabIted Vi I lage ~ ------~ ------Ingalkl 43 14 6 5 3 178 271 Bh"drapur'(j 44 5 ',1: ') 2,11 Kall


Natm! ofC.O. Blm:k : MlINOGOD: Codt: No. : 0070

Location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total populatIon Total Population Schcduled Code Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Occu' Hou~c' ( IncludIng In the age group Castcs Nl.Illber Urban tor vil' pied Holds Institutional 6- (0 . 6) lages & ResTd· Hou,.,cle,;,., in sq.km ennal populiltion) tor Houses towns and C.O.BlQcks

(P) (M) ( F ) (f' ) (M) (F) (M) (F)

( 1 ) (2) (3) (4 ) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

66 Umachagl 58b.73 21lS 24 30 4 67 Sanavalli (F) 714.0U 5L>1 171 49 29 20 68 Bedsgaon 110':'. CO 21 16 69 Togralli 1197.93 31') 3t~ ;. 2 1U7 , '.'L 7 70 Atabail (F) 291.03 31 32 133 61' 65 24 1') 9 , 71 Kanchikoppa (F) 755.37 .. 2 .. ) 189 11) ti4 2'1 20 9 ,., 72 Amatgar (f) 1283.80 , I 11 16 3 1 2 73 Virapur (F) 394.8b 33 33 2:_: ... 1 li6 '-18 36. 15 21 74 Ramapur 900.94 lS8 163 787 411 376 1?) W2 91 78 60 7S Attangi 1328.03 81 '>19 271 248 85 44 41 97 84 7600ddaharvalli 384.86 13 14 75 36 39 15 7 ~ 31 34 77 Chikharvalli (F) 116.88 Un-lnh;)bTted Vi llagc 78 Chitgeri 702.56 33 33 1';3 82 71 18 9 9 1 79 Chalgeri (F) _425.89 62 62 3t.? 182 18'> 101 SO 51 6 9 80 Chipagerl 930.54 26 26 1.5) 85 SO 17 11 6 81 Ghanadahalli (F) 722.83 2 2 12 4 8 4 3 82 Tattihalli (f)'Katur 534.57 3 3 9 ') 83 Kalhalli 246.80 Un' IntTdul tl."d 84 Nagnoor 1288.10 182 203 1,1:'1 527 514 22'1 11(1 119 314 297 85 Katur 841.60 293 347 1621 848 773 295 148 147 48 42 86 Mudsal i 385.11 97 98 606 315 291 121 64 57 33 28 87 Alall i 431.65 28 28 21" 121 89 35 18 17 21 17 88 Mavakoppa 221.49 4 4 9 6 3 1 89 Margadl 373.73 48 56 263 131 132 61 31 30 7 5 90 Oralgi 1211.02 237 240 1513 775 738 322 1')6 166 23 13 91 388.34 134 149 758 379 379 149 78 71 68 b3 92 Hulihonda (f) 188.82 6 6 43 23 20 13 8 ') 93 Borangudde 138.03 - ... ' ...... Un' Inh~bitl."J vi ll~ge 94 Hudelkoppa 310.50 ...... - ... - .... Un-Inhclt:l[ed VI I IC!CJL'

C.D. Btock Total Rural 668.09 13052 13745 75u46 3968'-1 35357 13833 7122 6711 5453 5220

C.D. Block Total Urban


Name oj C.D. Blo-:k : t-.IU1\:DGOD ; CoJ.: ~t). : 0{)70

Scheduled literates Total MaIn I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of Village / Location Tribes Workers Town I !.lard Code CultIvators Agricultural Number Labourers

(I - IX) ( I ) (1 !)

(M) (f} (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) ( 1 )

120 82 126 99 103 71 23 27 Umachagi 66 101 62 99 4 98 1 2 Sanavilll 1 (F) 67 108 72 114 19 78 23 15 Bed..,gaon 68 72 61 67 31 4 59 30 logralll 69 31 23 35 8 31 5 " 2 Ataball (f) 70 51 39 65 6 53 3 11 K,mch i kappa (f) 71 8 4 6 3 6 3 Amatgal' (F) 72 23 8 54 41 8 45 38 Virapur (F) 73 6 132 57 211 148 113 47 79 94 Rnmapur 74 133 58 155 47 82 17 61. 30 A tt

23 9 61 31 14 3 44 28 Ch 1 t gef"l 78 21 14 103 28 64 1S 18 11 Cha I ger I (F) 79 65 34 47 3 37 1 Chipageri 80 3 3 2 2 2 2 Ghanildaha II 1 (F) 81 3 2 5 3 2 Tilttihillli (F)-Kiltur 82 Un-I nhabi ted Vi llage Kalhalll 83 238 116 273 222 122 84 132 135 N

232 231 20415 11626 21068 9836 9433 2595 7098 6037 C.D. Block lOtill Rural

C.D_ Block Total Urbiln

153 VILLAGE / TO\\'N PRIl\lAnV

Name of C.D. BIOI.:k : MUr-;lX;OD ; ('0.1<.' r-;o. : 0070

Location Name of Village / Tot a l! CAT EGO R I E S U f M A I II Code Town I liard Rural/ ---.------Ntm:>er Urban Live~t0cK, Mininy ,Hid M.lnut

Fore"try, QU,if ry I fly ~ rULC~S lng, Proc,'s" i ng,

Fishing, Sl'[ VIC I ng and ServIcing and Hunting and Repairs In Repairs in Plantation, Household Other thiln Orchards 0. Industry riuu"enold All ied I ndu'-, try actlvltlC' ....

(Ill) ( Iv) [v ( .I)] [V(b)] (VI)

,.-----~ ~--~ (M) (F) (1'1) (F) (M) ( F ) (M) ( F ) (1'1) ( F )

(1) (2) (3) (25 ) (26) (27) «(Ii) (2") nu) (31 ) (52) (33) (34)

. ----~---~ 66 Umachagi 67 Sanaval I i (f) 68 Bedsgaon 69 Togralli 2 70 Atabai l (F) 71 Kanchikoppa (F) 72 Amatgar (F) 73 Virapur (F) 74 Ramapur 2 2 4 75 Attangi 4 7600ddaharvalli 77 Chikharvalli (F) ------Un-Inhabited 78 Chitgeri 2 79 Chalgeri (F) 18 80 Chipageri 5 81 Ghanadahalli (F) 82 Tattihalli (F)-Katur

83 Kalhall i ------Un- I nh db I t (.J VI II ,-lye 84 Nagnoor 5 85 Katur 24 12 b 3 86 Mudsal i 3 87 Alall i 88 Mavakoppa 89 Margadi 3 7 90 Oralgi 9 8 3 2 91 Shinganahall i 9 2 2 92 Hul ihonda (F) 93 Boraogudde ------Un-Inhabited Vi l (ilge ------94 Hudelkoppa -_------Un-Inh"blted V lllilge ------

C.O. Block Total Rural 441 18 13 2 382 147 533 114 2115 9

C.O. Block Total Urban


\01111<: o(C.D. Blo\.·k l\H:l\[)GOD CoJt: 1'\0. 0070

II 0 R K E R S Non-lIor"er.,; Name of VIllage / locatIon

~ork('r.." Town / liard Code Trade and Transport • Other Number COITIIlCrce Storage and Seni1 ce"

COCllnUfll cat 1 (In

(V II) (VIII) (I X)

------~ --~------(M) (F) (M) ( F ) (M) (F) (M) (F ) (M) ( F )

C~5) (36) (37) (38) (39) ( .. CJ) ( .. 1 ) (~2) (43 ) ( .... ) (2 ) (1)

--~------1 79 102 UlIlachagl 66 2 72 132 Sandvalll ( F ) 67

5 8 3 89 1.... 0 B('d~gaon 68 .. 0 6 .. Togralll 69 33 57 Ataball (f) 70 2 40 78 Kanchlkoppa ( F ) 71 ') 13 Amatgar (f) 72 2 52 57 Vlrapur (F) 73 7 2 " 1 ~ 29 18.., 199 RilfTktptJf' 74 2 -116 201 At t "ng I 75 16 35 Dodd,lharva til 76 ------Un' I nhabl t('d V I II agl' Chl'h"rvalll (F) 77 21 4(1 Cf] It ger" 78

2 79 157 ChtJly..:'r 1 (F) 79 2 38 .. 7 Chlpayer I 80 6 Gh

2 2 MilV,l~oppa 88 b6 123 Margildl 89 10 6 2 333 588 Oralgl 90 6 7 2 170 303 Shlnganahall I 91 13 20 Hullhonda (f) 92 ------Un-Inhabited Vlll"ge ------_------Borangudde 93

------.. ---- Un- InhabIted Village ------~ ~ ... - .. HudclkopP

1520 484 230 3 1213 427 382 53':' 18239 24987 C.D. Block Total Rural

C.D. Block Total Urban




TAl.L''': SIDI):\1'1 R-(lOSO C. I) 1;1 ()C" ,,11>1)·\1)[ R (H)~O


~ CH A'; N ',~ ., A: : .~" .: ~

( , __ 'l1lr II._~ t t_' f ; (r: ,mpute, )

2 3 4 5 b

~~~~------~--- 1 Ad" ,Ii I , ',/19/U080/IJI23

2 A .goq 11 f~l .. ~

3 AlnbilJ I 11,' ~UI '1, i ;:'.J ", ) '~U' ,~'.' t / '.., , -' I f / '..." '.) I ('Ii /1 4 Akkunj I ,1/20/8/12 11/21) '"1I,,'-I/UU1?

5 Alallalll 11/F./f'/119 11/20/uoeO/0119 9/19/8/91 U9/ 19/008U/' ,I ,,,,I 6 Algod 11/(!1i/8/1E; 11/? 11I080/0U1I> ,/1',1/8/17 09/19/0080/0017 7 Analeball 11/! 1~/175 '-1/.._ I·",' '/n1?,) 9/19/8/183 (J'I; 19/0080/0183

8 Arenalla 1"1" "! 1/? ' J lit..- \. / u'" .... '. u9/ 19/(1I1S0/ll126 9 A' "ndUf , '1(1'.11) 'UU' , n9!19/0()SO/OGZ8

10 Att lUlU' (j ~'1?':\~/'7t.. • ~ I ~ _,,' ; I, -'::!. _ /01 74 9/ lCJ/tl, 1~9 09/19/0UIlO/01'i9 11 Alla'guppil 11/2(J/1l .. ~? 9/19/8/1 9',1/ 19/0080/0fl01

12 Balekal 1" '?"l It) 11 l 09/19/0080/0169

13 Balekoppa !; . ~ Q {~/ .' 1

14 Balckopp" O(T/ ' , I 15 Balc"dr

16. Balgod 11/(!'l/l'..,',q , ~ / .' .,'.! .; .• ·f / ULt~l I, ,.'-tt

17 Balgull 11 /21 1/8/.03 11.1 /: I; 18 Balikoppa 11/20/1'/0;0 i'''I'/11;/''"),18n/UQIIIj

19 Ballatte f 1 ~/IJ!-I~O/l~C:~:~ 20 Bandl""r 21 Bdnnlg(> 11/2I.1/il/1~, i!Y,'1'-i.""JIlO/Olbl

n Bedkanl 11/20/8;17 11/('11/IJORO/I)')17 9/19/8/33 09/1 '-N," ,:~,I/O')3 ;» Begar 11/20/8/9b 11;20/l][,'" '/IJI)Yb 9/19/8/91l 09/19/U(J8U/(H. ,g 24 Bh,tnddrl

29 BT lege,d 11/2:118/8, i 1; 2 ': I. ,\~, 1/ 1 ~) 5 ,/19/~:S9 09/1rt/u0UO/(,;-IS9

30 BT 19i 11/2il/t!/11~ ',/19/1'./ ' , 'I9/'9i"ngO/Ol10

31 ChandraghatgT 11/2U/8/12C 11/2u/Ou[lU/u12u 'i!: 9!8/~El 32 Chappilrmane 11/2"/8/107 11/20/0i!80;:J107 9/19/3/1 ilb 09/19/008(1/ ,j 1 'ill

33 Dannall 11/2n/BI79 11/2C,/OUBu/UI'T9 9/19/815:. U9/19/008C1/Ct054

34 Delllsar 11/2('/1l/ 1 42 11/2Q/(JO[l0/U1~? 9/19/8/12? l"1/ 19/008u/0127 35 Dodmane 1112"/8/:", 9/19/81101 U9/ lrt/ul_!i5U/U 1(; 1

36 Dugd I Ie oppa 11/2"! 1~,.!; '1f? /' ::,'/l,'I'I~~ -I,' l'.f/~~/?t; 09/19/0080/0025

37 Gallingudde

38 Ghattlkai ",';>0/8/138 11/20/r)f130/l113tl CJ /1 9/1~ / 1• t. 1_1t..1 /''''; UCI~~IJ/:: 1 ')t_,

39 Gi jgi nl 11/2:'/":92 11/ n/C;',30/ Ur)92 9/19;e/bl (.1\,'/19/ ':~I_;/~~i:lb1 40 GI rgadde 11/20/e; L S 11/Z0/(;UilO/(1J.'.3 ',1/19/8/125 119/19/CIlJ80/0125


TAUJK: SIDDAPl'I{-OOl:\O C I> III tH" ,,11)1):\1'1 1{-l)""IJ


LOCAl 1014 CODE , A':" .[ f ,ULA T I UN (:l(if (Milnual)

2 3

41 Godlab11 11/Zl;/1!/!'i 1l9; 19/U':!~U/O(l42

42 Golgod 11/20/8/S) 11 / 2 ~ l '1 ~~. If) 5 091 19,"j, :l,'/OO .. 5

43 Gol1kil1 11/<'0/8/11, 11/?1 ! I " • ..) 11 1,' '119,u/ty 09/19/uUI1U/0069 44 Gubb.:Jgoo 11/20/8/'1) 11;2u/u(I/l.'1/(1 1';5 ,,/19/8/11 .. 09( 19(,)080/0114 45 Guddekop 11;20/811 5 11/20/u01\010015 9/19;a/0 09/19/001l0;oono

46 Gunjagod 11/201P119 l' /20/ 1)080/0019 9/19/,\/31 09/19/1' '~111/0(J31

47 Hadr i ""lne 1 1/20;fli 1() .. 11/ h' 1(, )1\;:l/l 1:) .. ' (J9/19/ nORI' /'-',)63 48 Halagad1koppa 11/20/8/48 11/20/008:,/f .. I' 49 Haldot 11/2018/140 11/Z0/I)CP,U/l.1 .. ' 50 Halegoufl 11120181125 11/2' ,leI0BUO 12'-,

51 Halegubbi 11/20;1l!fl6 11/21!/1I'-1~(;;Ij'J5t.> 9/19/8;',b riC) / .., ' .. / I Jflf~,

52 Ha!ehi"liia 11;?OI8/137 11.' 2_!/'JII(,1I/018,~ 9111/8/179 09/ ""~ , ~" " " 53 HalgerJ 11/211/B/tJt) .- l 54 Halknn1 11/!"J,~~/ 1 J tJ U't/l\1/UUI:l: 1"') 55 Hallibail 11/20/81198 56 HandiY;lnemilth 11/20/P!1",P '9/13(152 ~7 Hangarkhand l' /2"/il;1'l3 'r, 1 ., 58 HilnJ1ball 1 1/20/8/13

59 Harigar 11/2018/182 ; , 1'~! \~ ;1 ... c) 119 .. 19/[1[1110/" 1~) 60 Harl ikoppa 1'/2'\/\":'~~ './1';/1)/2Y U9/19/00S0/rl' ?9 61 Harsh1 katta 11/21;; fI;1 t,6 11 /211/11'J~~:'/lll~~ '-I;N/e/ 14 . "9; 19/0flflO/IIL"

62 Harsh1fl1ane 11/20/81167 11 / 2tJ.I I~' IJ,~~I-I,' : 1161 9/ 19/11!1t.? It;j 19/1li-,~3{1/{1 ~ .• 2

63 Hasargod 11/20/8; 1?t 11,'"'ll/ I' ill :121> 9/19;(,1'161,

64 lIasvante 11/20/8/60 11/2Ll!L,',;C:/iYJoi i; ~ '-.( I ~ I r'b :)9/19/0080 ;, ,tc

65 Havinbi I 11/20/8/103 11/20/ 1 : ~,11.' 1 ~ 66 Heggadde 11/2n/~/c" •. .~. 11 /cCl/d -'tJu/I)024 '1/19/8/5 /Y/19/0(l!'.()('" )

67 Heggarm 11/20/8/194 11/20/!)r;~lL1/ll1.;1 .. ; / ~ 91 'i'./ 1 18 68 Hegge 11/20/8/185 11/20/11iIEO/'IHl'j 'I, ',,/8/1S3 u9/19/n0° ','Jl',5

69 Heggekoppa 11{20/B/'i7 IJ'~ 11 ';/0080/0C82

70 Heggodmane 11/20/8/ .. 0 11(20/0080/00i,U (il19IB!1_) UIi/19/0n1l0/lWl ~

71 Hegnur , 1/20/8/178 11/2010080/1117g (N 19/8/176 '~'91 1 'N OCJ811/ 1 7b " 72 Hel"; 11/cn(Ei/7n 11/20/uue:; I ,01'(, 9nC;/1l/47 09;1"'/ '1_':~r_:/l_irI47

73 Hemagar 11/20/8/69 11/20/G05lljOCJ69 9/19/ 0; Hf_ ;91 1 ,;uOeO/OOBI> 74 Hemtemane 11/20/8/36 11/2U/,1I'''''-','' 36 "'-i/19/001111;:1111',+

75 Hinagar 11/20/8130 11/2[11 "~I'I 5· 76 Hirekai 11/2[1/8/151 11/Z:i/(I"ilu;J 1')1 11,'/1'1/0080/0135 77 Hlrekil1 11/211('3;1')7 ',. " ~ i I ~: " i '~I , "9/19/U1180/0191'

78 Honnel'1adda 11/21 I ('~ I' t,1) ~!19/8/hl i}Y/19(0080;l)1t.' 79 l1onnekomb 11/2'_;(8/1 v.! 11/20/UI:EII(Ul112 '1119/8/62 09/19/0080/0062 80 Hoskoppa 11/20/8113') 11/20/0080/0135 9/19/8/18"> 09/19/0080/0185 81 HOslf1<1nJu 11/20/8/111 11/20/0080/0111 9/19/8/71 09/19/0080/0n71 82 Hostota 11120/81183 11/20/0080/011'.3 9/1918/1:'7 (J9( 1 ';JClD80/014 7 83 Hosur 11/20/8114 11/20/0n80/1 1'114 9/19/8/0 [19/19/0080/ iJ 1)11 0

84 Hukl i 11/20/8/72 11/20/0nEIJ/UI!72 9/19/8/50 : :9/19/~:!: '8f:/IJI,"0 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF \,II..LA(~ES

TALlJK: SIDDAPl'R-(l()S() c. D. BI.()C~· SII>I)'\l'l R·()(lSO


(C'llnf_)ut('f) (l

------.- ._- ----_- 2 3 'i I.,

85 Huk II 11/211/8/1<11 11/20/0080/0191 9/19/{l;1'-,O UY/19/U08u/(Jl'>U

86 Hullundl:' 11/ ZUOOE!); 'J wo, 9/19/e/~'-I6 '·"N 19/008(1/(1196 87 Hu,>ur l' ,I? P,. f-,,' 9/19/8/89 '-'9/19/ on8r) /1 J08,{

88 Hutagar 11/21 '(".; 1t,3 9/19/8;137 09/19/0080/ IJl.)7 89 Hutagur 11/20/8/190 11/20/II:IRI)/llh' 9/19,'''/1:.9 09/19/0080/0149 90 Huvlnmune 11/2[1;~/116 11/2(:/U:::~';:'" 1 It

91 I (imane 11/2i1/B!11J1 11/20/0U~l'/Ol(J1 <,1/ 'Y/E/115 ('9/19/(\(180/0115 92 I tagi l1/?(I/P/1 18 11/20/0C!lI.'/(j118 '-I!19/iOt113 lJ9/19/uu80/0113

93 Kadvadi 11/20/8/93 11/2Q/'lu~'r',; "'-I~ 09119/008010102 94 Kalenal ( 1 11/20/R/1S0 11/20/uOeO/iJ15u 'N 1,; Ill; n ... 09/19/0080;0134 95 Kalgaddc 11/28/8/147 11/Zu/0080/u147 9/19/~I!n1 09/19/0080;0131 96 Kal kal 11120/8/88 11/20/01)80/0088 9/19/8/99 09/19/0080;6099 97 Kalkatte Hunasckop~1 11/20/8/ n ... 11/2n/or"~rl/()q4 9/19/8/186 09/19/0080/0186 98 Kallole 11/20/8/91 11/2u! .1I-'1~"/Ii'.I';'1 9;19/8/103 09/19/0080/0103 99 Kallur 11/20/8/61 11/20/0080/UIJ61 9/19/8/75 09/19/0080/0075 100 Kanch,kal 11/20/8/199 11 /20;OOBO III 199 9/19/R/156 09/19/0080/0156 101 Kangod 11/20/8/44 11/20/0080/0(l44 9/1'i/lj/18 09/19/0080/0018 102 Kangod·Kansur 11/211/8;137 11/2['/' <~,1/0'37 9/19/8/167 09/19/U08U/01b7 103 Kar Jag' 11/2(1/8/171 11/?O/u1,Il:J/UI71 "/1-./8/192 09/19/0080/0192 104 Kark Isaval 11/20/8/169 11/20/0U8u/u16<,1 '-'/1'-'/8/1.:.3 09/19/0U80/0143 105 -Kastur 11/20/8/47 , 1 /20/ f1 0BO/004 7 9/19/8/11 09/19/0080/0011 106 Kattckai 11/20/8/109 11/20/IJ08rJ/0109 9/19/8/68 09/19/0nSO/0068 107 Kaunsle 11/20/8/84 11/20/0CJ8"/(iI-IS... 9/19/~~!1'lU 09/19/005Ll/0100 lOB Kavalkoppa 11120/8/Z5 11/2(1/0080/0028 9/19,8/':'0 09/19/0080/0040 109 Kavanchur 11/20/8/7 11/20/0080/0007 9/ ,..,/8/27 09/19/0080/0027 110 Kelagin Sarakuti 11/20/8/201 11;20/0080/0201 9/19;8/118 09/19/0080/0118 111 Ketglnlllane 11/20/8/76 11/20/0080/0076 9/1<,)/8/94 U9/19/0080/0094 112 Keregadde 11/2'1/8/124 11/20/0080/0124 9/19/8/120 09/19/0080/0120 113 Keremane 11/20/8/75 11/20/0080/0075 9/19/8/92 09/19/0080/0092 114 K,bale 11/20/8/87 11/20/00ilO/0087 9/19/8/116 09/19/0080/0116 115 Kibball i 11/20/8/173 11/20/0080/0173 9/19/8/193 09/19/0080/0193 116J(itar 11/20/8/52 11/20/0080/0052 ::;; 19/8/84 09/19/0080/0084 il7 Kodgadde 11/20/8/146 11/20/0080/011.6 9/19/8/130 09/19/0080/0130 118 Kodgibai I 11/20/8/26 11/20/01)80/0026 9/19/8/37 09/19/0080/0037 119 Kodigadde 11/20/8/81 11/20/0080/0081 9/19/8/57 09/19/0080/0057 120 Kodkani 11/20/8/51 11/20/0080/0051 9/19/8/46 09/19/0080/0046 121 Kodsar 11/20/8/161 11/20/0080/0161 9/19/8/173 09/19/0080/0173 122 Kodsar-Halkani 11/20/8/133 11/20/0080/0133 9/19/8/184 09/19/0080/0184 123 Kolgi '1120/8/2 11/20/0080/0002 9/19/8/19 09/19/0080/0019 124 Kolsirsi 11/20/8/37 11/20/0080/0037 9/19/8/5 09/19/0080/00% 125 Konell i 11/20/8/1 11/20/0080/0001 9/19/8/0 09/19/0080/0000 126 Koralkai 11/20/8/54 11/20/0080/0054 9/19/8/81 09/19/0080/0081 127 Kudagund _- 11/20/8/121 11/20/0080/0121 9/19/8/48 09/19/0080/0048

161 TAl,! 'K: SIDIlAPl K~(I(I;o.;(1


( :' " ~ ... ' t '


128 "'udcgud 11/2, I~l/HS .. , .'.' ! I :~ _ ! ,Ill-, 129 Kul Ibid " (}'-'/R{bg , , I:" ' " '.1 I ~ H

130 Kunaj 1 131 KuPPa9;H 11 / ._)' ~_!" / ," 132 I(urvante 1 ~ ! ~.., , I .I j ) I-I P:1/ t 111 Z 9/19/8/711

133 I(yadgl • 1 , " '1"./ : f t / I I: ~1" I ( 1, It..,'

134 lakkabbcl

135 Madankal 11/2()/1'l/139 ., l/L~1 'll('~~l'/l ~ .~" ' " lJiI1/11l1 U9/T9, '(''lI,/,ll!F 143 Mandl ikoppa 11/20/13/39 vi 1';;/8112 1]9/19/ ,II'"", ! ' IIi 12 144 Manigar 11/20/8/Z00 '); 1918/1')7 UY/19/(i1 "~':I 111 ".! 145 Manikmane ~ 1/ Z' IS! lt~ -I 1';/8/1)8 U9/19/0ilR,'! -I' 'I,ll, 146 Manmane '

151 Mens 1 11/211/8/67 ')/19/1'/1\7 119 /19/0081)/0087 152 Mudhall i 11/20/8/148 'i/1'}/8/133 09/19/0080/0133 153 Mugdur 11/Z0/8/6 11/Z0/00BO/GI}!)b 9/19/8/23 09/19/0080/0023 154 Mulgunda 11/ZiJ/E/197 11/2U / OIIPI! 1 n 19? 9/19/8/181 09/19/0080/0181 155 Murur 11/20/81177 11/2U/O[l~~tl / 1_11? I 9;19/8/194 09/19/008ll/0194 156 Musllall j "/20/8/"5 9/19/8/80 09/19/008010080 157 Muthalll 11/20/8/165 '1/19/8/174 09/19/0080/0174 158 Mutmurd 11/2u/8/127 11/21_'/uu~~I'/ 127 9:19/8/122 09j19/008U/0122 159 Muttlge 11/20/13/Z0 11 /20/I"-'~U/VJ20 9/19;8/32 09/19/0050/0032 160 Muttige 11/2U/8/32 11/Zl i/IJ"r,I_;/I'U32 9/19/8/44 119/19/0080/0044

161 Nagarbhavl 11/20/8/65 11/Z0/0C30/0065 9/19/8/72 09/19/0080/0072 162 Naigar 11/20/8/9,+ 111 ?(J/O{lilU/u094 9/19/8/10" 09/19/0080/0104 163 f'jailgar 11/2018131 11/,\)(1,1 ~~,)/u031 'i/19/B/ .. 1 U9/19/0080/0041 164 Nandyane 11/20/8/193 11/ZU;:;ORJ/U193 9/19/8/18U 09/19/0C80/0180 165 Ncjjur 11/20/8/9 11/L'[J/f'I(J30/ I)u IW 9/19/8/26 09/19/01)80/0026 166 Nldgod 11/20/8/42 11/20/0080/0042 9/19/8/1 .. 09/19/01)80/0014 167 Hi lkunda 11/20/8/192 11/20/0080/0192 9/19/8/154 09/19/0080/0154

168 Hirgan 11/20/8/196 11/20/(\080/019~ 9/19/8/182 09/19/0080/0182 169 Hirgar 11/20/8/115 11/20/ll080/0115 9/19/8/67 09/19/0080/0067




2 3 4 5 6

170 Ni rgod 11/20/8/82 11/20/0080/0082 9/19/8/58 09/19/0080/0058

171 OJ agar 11/20/8/105 11/20/0080/0105 9/19/8/105 09/19/0080/0105

172 Paduvanbai l 11/20/8/64 11/20/0080/0064 9/19/8/73 09/19/0080/0073

173 Sampagod 11/20/8/160 11/20/0080/0160 9/19/8/136 09/19/0080/0136 174 Sangol imane 11/20/8/77 11/20/0080/0077 9/19/8/95 09/19/0080/0095 175 Sarakul i 11/20/8/123 11/20/0080/0123 9/19/8/119 09/19/0080/0119 176 Sashiguli 11/20/8/117 11/20/0080/0117 9/19/8/111 09/19/0080/0111 177 Shamemane 11/20/8/170 11/20/0080/0170 9/19/8/175 09/19/0080/0175 178 Shelur 11/20/8/141 11/20/0080/0141 9/19/8/129 09/19/0~80/0129 179 Shigehalli 11/20/8/145 11/20/0080/0145 9/19/8/128 09/19/0080/0128 180 Shiralgi 11/20/8/3 11/20/0080/0003 9/19/8/20 09/19/0080/0020 181 Shivalmane 11/20/8/186 11/20/0080/0186 9/19/8/148 09/19/0080/0148 182 Sovinkoppa 11/20/8/106 11/20/0080/0106 9/19/8/65 09/19/0080/0065 183 Surgikoppa 11/20/8/149 11/20/0080/0149 9/19/8/132 09/19/0080/0132 184 Suttalmane 11/20/8/73 11/20/0080/0073 9/19/8/51 09/19/0080/0051

185 Tagginbalgar 11/20/8/129 11/20/0080/0129 9/19/8/124 09/19/0080/0124 186 Talekeri 11/20/8/80 11/20/0080/0080 9/19/8/53 09/19/0080/0053 187 Tandagundi 11/20/8/189 11/20/0080/0189 9/19/8/151 09/19/0080/0151 188 Tarehalli-Kanswr 11/20/8/136 11/20/0080/0136 9/19/8/163 09/19/0080/0163 189 Taresar 11/20/8/181 11/20/0080/0181 9/19/8/195 09/19/0080/0195 190 Targod 11/20/8/113 11/20/0080/0113 9/19/8/112 09/19/0080/0112 191 Tarkhanda 11/20/8/108 11/20/0080/0108 9/19/8/66 09/19/0080/0066 192 Tumargod 11/20/8/41 11/20/0080/0041 9/19/8/15 09/19/0080/0015 193 Tyagal i 11/20/8/152 11/20/0080/0152 9/19/8/170 09/19/0080/0170 194 Tyarashi 11/20/8/16 11/20/0080/0016 9/19/8/34 09/19/0080/0034

195 Umbalmane 11/20/8/122 11/20/0080/0122 9/19/8/117 09/19/0080/0117 196 Unchall i 11/20/8/184 11/20/0080/0184 9/19/8/146 09/19/0080/0146 197 Uppadaki 11/20/8/35 11/20/0080/0035 9/19/8/9 09/19/0080/0009 198 Uppingadde 11/20/8/90 11/20/0080/0090 9/19/8/60 09/19/0080/0060

199 Io'adageri 11/20/8/46 11/20/0080/0046 9/19/8/16 09/19/0080/0016 200 IJajagod 11/20/8/78 11/20/0080/0078 9/19/8/93 09/19/0080/0093

201 Yelugar 11/20/8/131 11/20/0080/0131 9/19/8/162 09/19/0080/0162


Name of C.D. Block: SIDDAPUR ; Cooe No. : 0080

Location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total' Popuiation Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Occu' House- (Including in the age group Castes Nl.Ilber Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

T 859.30 16319 16550 91646 '46456 45190 12783 6633 6150 3160 3053 SIDDAPUR C.O.Block R 859.30 16319 16550 91646 46456 45190 12783 6633 6150 3160 3053 U

1 Kondl i 677.80 1250 1271 6663 3342 3321 866 440 426 222 232 2 Kolgi 341.15 38 38 266 140 126 24 12 12 3 Shiralgi 1209.47 358 360 1747 874 873 228 121 107 77 68 4 Balekoppa 573.58 33 33 127 56 71 16 6 10 32 40 ,5 Bi kkalse 122.16 31 31 160 81 79 18 9 9 6 Mugdur 854.58 190 190 1063 532 531 148 77 71 49 45 7 Kavanchur 746.30 237 249 1355 671 684 204 83, 121' 84 86 8 pugdikoppa 368.35 49 49 267 134 133 38 20 18 9 Nej jur 551.07 198 198 1028 503 525 183 91 92 105 110' 10 Arendur 592.62 124 124 701 338 363 112 45 67 11 Harlikoppa 153.33 4 4 17 9 8 2 2 12 676.70 169 169 1051 542 509 129 67 62 13 Hanjibail 245.78 80 81 474 221 253 .66 25 4 I 2 14 Hosur 477.77 583 596 3024 1558 1466 484 246 238 74 59 15 Guddekop 68.38 .------Un-Inhabited Village ------16 Tyarashi 686.69 267 267 1494 740 754 199 107 92 85 88 17 Bedkani 643. IS 282 286 1672 843 829 245 147 98 47 39 18 Algod 450.43 43 ~ 2n 1~ 148 37 16 21 19 Gunjagod 772.04 177 177 1128 579 549 142 68 74 48 31 20 Muttige 504.91 59 59 420 204 216 57 22 35 21 Bhankul i 502.89 51 51 338 174 164 36 22 14 22 Maghegar 331.75 27 27 162 84 78 18 11 7 23 Balgul i 308.46 41 41 249 129 120 28 16 12 24 Heggadde 108.15 3 3 14 8 6 3 3 25 Bidarkan 695.47 113 113 625 321 304 47 21 26 27 28 26 Kodgibail 259.06 68 68 356 183 1'73 50 22 28 27 Kuppagar 45.33 2 2 8 4 4 1 28 Kavalkoppa 606.52 104 104 496 251 245 86 65 21 3 3 29 Godlabil 470.02 90 90 447 222 225 68 34 34 42 44 30 Hinagar 58_48 13 13 66 29 37 9 3 6


Name of C.D. Block; SIDDAPUR ; Code No. ; 0080

Scheduled literates Total Main I N D U S T R I A l Name of Village I location Tribes Workers Town I Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Nunber Labourers

(I - IX) (I) ( II )

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

35 41 31491 23538 27711 9172 9842 3549 3871 3076 35 41 31491 23538 27711 9172 9842 3549 3871 3076 SIODAPUR C.D.Block

4 2640 2255 1804 517 248 138 83 142 Kondl i 1 110 88 96 24 53 17 Kolgi 2 514 334 537 305 277 124 152 161 Shiralgi 3 12 10 37 33 24 18 3 Balekoppa 4 57 35 50 14 40 12 2 Bikkalse 5 385 258 294 n 147 17 38 64 Mugdur 6 480 286 378 51 195 26 43 6 Kavanchur 7 70 29 80 4 66 1 2 3 Dugdikoppa .1} 255 198 294 79 199 51 28 17 Nejjur 9

174 88 205 37 133 22 14 15 < Arendur 10 5 7 6 3 Harlikoppa 11 316 182 274 91 212 62 17 26 Akkunji 12 185 159 127 9 94 5 5 2 Hanj ibai I 13 1132 781 842 217 205 46 103 96 Hosur 14 Un-Inhabited Vi II age - . ------. Guddekop 15 463 298 413 440 181 106 207 328 Tyarashi 16 595 455 448 93 192 44 56 39 Bedkani 17 85 76 71 26 52 19 9 6 Algod 18 368 254 343 113 174 74 29 10 Gunjagod 19 148 120 121 21 105 19 3 2 Muttige 20 131 108 112 4 48 8 Bhankul i 21 64 62 56 5 1 1 Maghegar 22 86 59 77 27 62 26 4 Balgul i 23 5 4 5 4 He9gadde 24 266 198 206 39 53 8 29 23 Bidarkan 25 151 95 116 30 11 5 41 22 Kodgibail 26 4 2 3 1 2 Kuppagar 27 184 159 150 16 51 35 4 Kavalkoppa 28 145 135 142 21 20 42 11 Godlabi I 29 25 30 22 3 5 1 Hinagar 30


Name of C.D. Block: SIDDAPUR ; Code No. : 0080 location Name of Village I Total! C A T EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town! Ward Rura 1/ Nunber Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(III) (IV) [V( a)] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) ( F ) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

T 8477 1606 255 45 286 58 912 53 332 17 SIDDAPUR C.D.Block R 8477 1606 255 45 286 58 912 53 332 17 U

1 Kondl i 45 27 12 5 30 280 11 65 3 2 Kolgi 38 2 3 Shiralgi 52 6 10 3 4 Balekoppa 11 10 5 Bikkalse 3 4 6 Mugdur 41 3 24 13 7 Kavanchur 4 2 5 84 13 8 Ougdikoppa 1 9 2 9 Nejjur 9 4 20 15 1 10 Arendur 1 23 3 9 5 11 Harl ikoppa 2 12 Akkunji 2 15 18 13 Hanj ibai l 10 4 1 14 Hosur 50 14 10 4 71 6 29 2

w ______- ___ - __ ., - 15 Guddekop Un-I nhilbi ted vi llage ----- ~ ------16 Tyarashi 10 1 17 Bedkani 108 2 6 11 1 18 Algod 6 1 2 19 Gunjagod 117 24 3 9 20 Muttige 10 21 Bhankuli 50 3 22 Maghegar 49 3 23 Balgul i 10 24 Heggadde 25 Bidarkan 94 5 2 7 26 Kodgibai l 61 2 27 Kuppagar 1 28 Kavalkoppa 46 6 1 2 29 Godlabil 67 2 2 2 30 Hinagar 11 2


Namt: of C. D. Block: SIDDAPUR ; Codt: No. : 0080

WORKERS Marginal Non-Yorkers Name of Village I location Yorkers Town I Yard Code Trade and Transport, Other Number Corrmerce Storage and Services COIIIllUnication


(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

1729 149 383 7 1624 612 773 7065 17972 28953 1729 149 383 7 1624 612 773 7065 17972 28953 SlDDAPUR C.D.Block

597 70 101 3 343 117 44 75 1494 2729 Kondl i 1 5 5 6 44 96 (olgi 2 19 2 5 19 11 12 130 325 438 Shiralgi 3 2 8 19 30 Balekoppa 4 2 25 31 40 Bikkalse 5 12 2 16 7 7 98 231 341 Mugdur 6 5 6 21 15 8 176 285 457 Kavanchur 7 6 60 48 69 Dugdikoppa 8 12 2 8 4 12 194 197 252 Nejjur 9 8 9 5 85 128 241 Arendur 10 4 2 4 Harl i koppa 11 5 2 3 2 3 46 265 372 Akkunj i 12 3 1 9 1 94 243 Hanj ibai l 13 201 17 21 148 35 2 6 714 1243 Hosur 14 ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage .. ----- .. --- ... - -- ... --_ Guddekop 15 7 2 3 5 4 12 323 302 Tyarashi 16 42 5 27 7 14 267 381 469 Bedkani 17 2 51 51 71 Algod 18 3 7 4 21 119 215 317 Gunjagod 19 2 106 83 89 Muttige 20 1 4 76 62 84 Bhankul i 21 3 3 3 41 25 32 Maghegar 22 1 52 92 Balguli 23 . 4 3 2 Heggadde 24 6 14 2 37 182 78 83 Bidarkan 25 4 82 63 61 Kodgibai I 26 1 2 Kuppagar 27 4 1 10 6 2 56 99 173 Kavalkoppa 28 3 2 3 5 54 80 150 Godlabi I 29 3 2 5 7 29 !linagar 30


Name ofC.D. Block: SIDDAPUR ; COOt! No. : 0080

Location Name of- Village I Tot-al! Area in No.of !-fo.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rural! Hectares Occu- House- (Including in the age group Castes Number urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

31 Naligar 183.49 20 21 98 49 49 5 2 3 32 Mottige 524.25 54 59 380 185 195 77 40 37 33 Golgod 436.37 57 57 338 170 168 33 14 19 2 34 B~ndisar 197.81 9 9 52 32 20 9 5 4 35 Uppadaki 41.58 7 7 39 17 22 2 2 36 Hemtemane 40.91 6 6 29 15 14 2 2 37 Kolsirsi 378.14 268 268 1539 784 755 212 121 91 38 Kunaji 362.96 73 73 353 166 187 38 20 18 24 34 39 Mandt i koppa 161.15 61 63 353 185 168 60 34 26 9 8 40 Heggodll1ane 350.53 56 56 275 132 143 39 16 23 40 47 41 Tunargod 190.86 10 10 48 25 23 954 9 8 42 Nidgod 741.64 100 100 511 265 246 88 50 38 23 26 43 1314.16 118 121 650 322 328 III 49 32 5 4 44 Kangod 708.87 348 353 1801 880 921 294 152 142 62 57 45 Ballatte 521.21 84 86 459 245 214 81 48 33 46 38 46 Wadageri 24.37 4 4 25 15 10 2 47 Kastur 422.'24 39 39 217 114 103 28 15 13 13 8 48 Halagadikoppa 118.50 30 30 182 88 94 37 21 16 22 24 49 Avarguppa 624.12 208 209 1197 598 599 375 192· 183 65 58 50 Balikoppa 381.95 501 505 2483 1275 1208 285 145 140 62 68 51 Kodkani 1904.65 162 162 826 430 396 111 56 55 52 Ki lar 611.52 59 59 290 154 136 40 26 14 53 Ma(avajappi 478.57 93 93 456 230 226 62 29 33 2 3 54 Koralkai 442.14 99 99 504 257 247 54 29 25 55 Musvall i 463.02 91 91 445 217 228 59 22 37 12 16 56 Malavall i 559.27 73 74 385 189 196 55 25 30 12 7 57 Heggekoppa 754.84 94 95 507 265 242 78 45 33 58 Manmane 512.19 215 217 1178 575 603 157 75 82 59 Malavall i 199.19 10 15 92 42 50 945 60 Hasvante 539.96 163 167 973 486 487 139 74 65 19 21 61 Kallur 620.77 132 135 808 396 412 134 67 67 62 Husur 1314.27 201 202 1100 547 553 156 80 76 52 55 63 Mattigar 188.96 11 11 82 46 36 12 6 6 64 Paduvanbail 354.76 11 11 83 43 40 11 7 4 65 244.93 19 19 93 48 45 17 8 9


Nam..: of C. D. Block: SIDDAPUR ; Cod..: No. : 0080

Scheduled Literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of Village I Location Tribes Workers Town I Ward Code. Cultivators Agricultural Number labourers

(I - IX) ( I ) ( II )

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(.5) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1 )

38 22 31 4 17 5 3 Naligar 31 93 85 111 31 4S 19 28 12 Muttige 32 151 133 106 34 10 3 39 26 Golgod 33 26 14 16 '2 10 2 Bandisar 34 15 18 12 Uppadaki 35 11 13 11 Hemtemane 36 505 299 464 305 281 208 71 78 Kolsirsi 37 118 90 99 37 47 21 22 15 Kunaji 38 52 25 109 82 44 42 1 3 Mandl i koppa 39 63 52 89 80 41 41 32 35 Heggodmane 40 14 11 18 2 2 8 2 Tumargod 41 171 117 147 29 69 22 38 4 Nidgod 42 169 120 185 141 131 101 24 30 Aigod 43 18 20 485 304 515 248 281 129 57 87 Kangod 44 115 84 153 67 91 36 24 26 Ballatte 45 11 7 12 3 7 3 Wadageri 46 39 20 79 45 57 34 10 8 Kast.ur 47 37 22 47 31 29 22 4 Halagadikoppa 48 383 269 354 198 167 98 47 80 Avarguppa 49 1012 806 656 170 100 18 19 11 Bal ikoppa 50 294 193 258 157 41 10 173 138 Kodkani 51 97 69 86 13 32 41 13 Ki lar 52 150 63 160 19 ,Q7 ,,. 5 , Malavajappi 53 145 103 133 • 40 90 24 17 11 Koralkai 54 165 136 152 30 23 5 1 9 Musvall i 55 98 47 118 34 78 20 15 12 56 138 71 138 33 107 16 20 15 Heggekoppa 57 433 236 324 81 222 55 19 21 Manmane 58 38 36 32 23 3 1 Malavalli 59 283 137 294 147 200 114 27 23 Hasvante 60 228 122 217. 13 178 3 7 8 J(allur 61 375 259 327 160 210 66 72 91 Husur 62 28 12 25 22 13 8 6 14 Mattigar 63 21 12 26 23 11 5 14 18 Paduvanbail 64 38 22 23 21 18 20 Nagarbhavi 65


Name of C.D. Block: SlDDAPUR ; Code No. : 0080 location Name of Village / Tota!/ C A T EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town / liard Rural/ Number Urban livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(III) ( IV) [Veal] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

31 Nal igar 4 2 32 Muttige 35 33 Golgod 47 34 Bandisar 3 1, 35 Uppadaki 9 36 Hemtemane 6 3 37 Kolsirsi 34 11 2 18 4 38 Kunaji 23 2 39 Mandl i koppa 4 2 53 33 2 40 Heggodmane 10 4 2 41 Tunargod 8 42 Nidgod 10 16 2 43 Aigod 6 5 6 6 44 Kangod 41 3 2 42 21 10 10 45 Ballatte 15 4 3 3 5 46 Wadageri 1 47 Kastur 8 2 2 48 Halagadikoppa 5 1 9 3 2 1 49 Avarguppa 35 6 2 19 19 3 50 Ba l i koppa 90 67 12 55 37 51 Kodkani 14 4 4 4 52 Kilar 10 53 Malavajappi 7 6 54 Koralkai 14 55 Musvall i 114 14 56 Malavalli 5 2 9 2 57 Heggekoppa 3 4 58 Manmane 13 10 39 3 59 Malavall i 4 2 60 Hasvante 17 5 7 22 7 2 61 Kallur 2 11 14 62 Husur 6 2 12 7 63 Mattigar 2 3 64 Paduvanbai l 65 Nagarbhavi


Name of C.D. Bh)(k : SIDDAPL:R : Coue No. : 0080

\01 0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village / Locat i on Workers Town / Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Number COIIIIlerce Storage and Services COITlIlUnication

(VII) (VIII) (1)( )

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) ( F ) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1 )

2 17 18 28 Nill i gar 31 2 1 5 82 69 82 Muttlge 32 3 2 5 4 5 74 59 60 Golgod 33 16 18 Bandisar 34 2 3 15 2 7 Uppadaki 35 13 4 1 Hemtemane 36 29 24 7 39 72 281 378 Kolsirsi 37 5 1 67 150 Kunaj i 38 2 3 2 5 3 71 83 Mandt 1 koppa 39 3 4 43 59 Heggodmane 40 7 21 Tumargod 41 8 3 2 1 118 216 NidgOd 42 5 5 3 19 61 118 126 Aigod 43 26 22 24 7 56 204 309 469 Kangod 44 3 2 7 58 91 89 Ballatte 45 2 3 7 I.'adageri 46 2 6 33 52 Kastur 47 3 8 38 55 HalagadlKoppa 48 25 11 29 10 6 17 238 384 Avarguppa 49 142 19 53 147 52 26 86 593 952 Balikoppa 50 7 2 13 4 2 54 170 185 Kod"anl 51 2 68 123 Ki lar 52 1 32 7 133 70 74 Malavajappi 53 1 2 7 4 3 56 121 151 Koratkal 54 2 11 2 45 65 153 Musval I i 55 5 2 43 69 119 Malavalll 56 3 55 126 154 Heggekoppa 57 3 2 13 4 27 223 224 299 Manmane 58 1 7 9 42 Malavall i 59 2 3 9 3 20 115 172 225 Hasvante 60 5 2 15 169 164 230 Kallur 61 4 13 3 14 219 379 Husur 62 21 14 Mattigar 63 17 17 Paduvanball 64 25 24 Nagilrbhavi 65


Name of C.D. Block: SIDDAPUR : Coue No. : 0080 location Name of Village / Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Occu- house' (Including in the age group Castes NlIlber Urban for vII- pled H'Jlds in,titutioml I; (0 - 6) lages & Resld' H,:'G',,,[css in sq.km ential for Hou,es to .. ns and C.O ."Hod;,;

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

66 lIalgeri 423.79 155 158 788 390 398 112 55 57 48 48 67 Mensi 328.05 58 58 275 140 135 48 24 24 68 Kul ibid 235.36 25 25 112 60 52 7 3 IS 12 69 Hemagar 658.50 75 75 462 221 241 72 30 42 25 25 70 Hejni 679.27 15 15 57 31 26 4 3 1 71 Malemane 652.40 2 2 8 3 5 3 2 72 Hukl i 590.16 25 28 156 81 75 21 10 11 73 Suttalmane 511.47 39 40 226 117 109 30 15 15 74 Masalemarki 39.47 5 5 22 11 ,11 1 1 75 Keremane 521.65 95 95 523 257 266 61 32 29 36 33 76 Kelginmane 407.11 64 66 340 166 174 36 16 20 19 16 77 Sangolimane 62.46 9 9 60 23 37 5 2 3 78 Wajagod 381.26 52 57 310 151 159 36 14 22 9 5 79 Danmav 986.58 167 168 921 478 443 128 63 65 45 46 80 Talekeri 798.80 27 31 133 71 62 15 9 6 6 5 81 Kodigadde 661.52 47 47 212 109 103 32 19 13 17 11 82 Nirgod 613.84 6 6 26 14 12 3 2 83 Bi legod 770.11 49 49 334 171 163 67 34 33 84 Kaunsle 659.25 67 67 373 192 181 56 3'J 26 19 7 85 Kudegod 735.54 46 46 229 114 115 28 1U 18 53 50 86 Halegubbi 13.13 -.------Un-Inhabltcd 'Ii llage 87 Kibale 561.82 108 117 642 334 308 181 134 41 88 Kalkai 319.18 74 75 525 272 253 80 42 38 22 29 89Dodmane 291.28 97 97 485 262 223 90 50 68 58 90 Upp i ngadde 22.09 4 4 17 8 9 4 2 2 91 Kallole 37.06 5 5 22 10 12 , 92 Gi jgi ni 734.66 37 37 241 138 103 40 24 16 93 Kadvadi 298.34 25 25 157 81 76 23 12 II 5 10 94 Naigar 567.68 17 17 113 61 52 11 6 5 9S Gubbagod 446. IS 96 96 496 247 249 70 31 39 36 29 96 Begar 352.59 53 54 285 127 158 28 12 16 7 13 97 Lakka'obexed 15.H 4 4 19 n 8 98 Balgod 557.49 83 83 485 239 246 64 29 35 37 39 99 Kyadgi 624.40 209 209 1200 591 609 155 82 73 61 63 100 Mavinkod 433.51 49 49 260 131 129 37 18 19


:-':al11<." (\f C.D. Bln..:k : SIDDAPUR; ('mit! No. : 0080

Scheduled Literates Total Main J N D U S T R I A L Name of Village / Locat i on Tribes Worker$ Town I l.Iard Code Cultivators Agricultural Number Labourers

(I - IX) ( I ) ( I I )

(M) (F) 'loll (F) (101) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) ( 1 )

301 232 229 108 111 63 24 24 Ha I gen 66 102 66 82 65 70 62 4 3 Mensi 67 46 37 41 9 10 12 8 Kul ibid 68 123 91 137 14 29 3 41 10 Hcmagar 69 26 11 25 :5 22 3 2 Hejni 70 2 1 2 Malemane 71 36 22 52 3 43 2 4 1 HuH i 72 54 36 70 35 24 31 2 Suttalmane 73 10 8 8 Ma~alemarki 74 159 122 168 37 17 2 38 28 Kcremane 75 101 90 109 17 31 7 30 9 Kelginmilne 76 21 27 17 7 2 3 S<1ngo I i nl<1ne 77 115 107 93 3 25 14 '-i<1j<1god 78 290 156 299 62 77 9 36 20 Danmav 79 34 28 52 6 2 5 3 T<1 I eker"l 80 47 40 69 24 24 12 10 8 Kodigildde 81 10 3 10 8 4 1 II i rgod 82 86 42 97 43" 70 26 3 7 Bi I egad 83 86 74 117 32 61 26 7 5 Kaunsle 84 47 41 76 33 20 7 33 24 Kudegod 85 Un-Inhabited Vi llage Halegubbi 86 179 141 213 14 34 3 44 Kibale 87 152 laO 152 16 49 4 12 3 KaH:ai 88 166 124 138 46 26 13 46 22 Dodmane 89 6 3 5 3 3 2 1 Upplngaddc 90 9 11 5 2 Kallole 91 69 36 78 S 37 2 2 Gi jgini 92 49 33 43 19 15 13 "4 2 Kildvadi 93 47 37 32 1 19 1 Naigar 94 95 2 162 123 145 17 56 4 40 5 Gubbagod 96 102 112 76 22 21 9 7 Begar 97 10 7 8 LaKkabbckeri 98 164 125 146 78 37 34 7 5 Balgod 99 424 379 337 183 67 43 118 117 KYildgi 100 96 67 79 51 57 38 10 6 Mavinkod


Namt! of C. O. BI

Location Name of Village / Total/ CAT EGO R I E S o F 101 A I N Code Town / Ward Rural/ NlJTiler Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, ServIcing and Servicing and Hunt i ng and Repilirs in Repilirs in Plantiltion, Household Other th<)n Orchards & Industry Household Hl ied lndu>.try activities

(! II) ( IV) (V(a») (V(b») (V I)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) ( F ) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25 ) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31 ) (32) (33) (34)

66 Halgeri 40 15 14 9 67 Mensi 3 68 Kulibid 19 69 Hemagar 61 70 Hejni 71 Malemane 72 HuH i 4 73 Suttalmane 32 2 74 Masalemarki 6 75 Keremane 104 7 4 76 Kelgirmane 45 77 Sangol imane 9 78 Wajagod 44 79 Danmav 170 30 80 Talekeri 45 3 81 Kodi gadde 22 10 82 Ni rgod 83 Bi legod 22 10 84 Kaunsle 45 85 Kudegod 23

86 Halegubbi ~ ------. - Un-! nhilbl ted Village _----_---_------87 Kibale 121 10 4 88 Kalkai 76 4 2 1 89 Dodmane 34 2 5 90 Uppingadde 91 Kallole 4 92 Gi jgini 26 1 93 Kadvadi 21 3 94 Naigar 12 95 Gubbagod 23 2 96 Begar 47 12 97 lakkabbekeri 7 98 Balgod 93 39 2 1 3 99 Kyadgi 92 9 2 2 100 Mavinkod 11 7


Name of C.D. Blol:k : SIDDAPUR : COlle No. : 0080

II 0 R I( E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village I location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other NUlllber COfIIllerce Storage and Services COIfIllUni cat i on

(VII) (VI I I ) (IX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

11 2 17 6 17 50 144 240 Halgeri 66 2 3 58 69 Mensi 67 19 43 Kul ibid 68 6 10 102 74 125 Hemagar 69 6 23 Hejni 70 3 2 Malemane 71 8 47 21 25 Huk l i 72 13 22 42 25 32 Suttalmane 73 7 3 4 Masalemarki 74 3 145 89 84 Keremane 75 2 7 98 50 59 Kelginmane 76 6 3 16 6 14 Sangol imane 77 5 5 2 6 84 52 72 Wajagod 78 8 7 3 16 197 163 184 Danmav 79 4 38 15 18 Talekeri 80 3 2 3 36 37 43 Kodigadde 81 4 4 4 Nirgod 82 3 35 71 85 Bi legod 83 4 2 51 73 98 Kaunsle 84 3 11 35 71 Kudegod 85 ------_ ------Un-I nhabi ted Village ------Halegubbi 86 2 8 2 16 119 278 Kibale 87 6 1 5 5 7 72 113 165 Kolkai 88 12 2 2 12 7 124 177 DodlllLlne 89 3 6 Uppingadde 90 1 2 5 10 Kallole 91 2 7 40 53 58 Gi j gi ni 92 2 4 3 34 54 KLldvadi 93 6 32 23 19 Nalgar 94 14 8 6 15 121 87 111 Gubbagoa 95 6 34 45 102 Begar 96 1 2 3 6 Lakkabbekeri 97 2 1 2 39 91 129 Billgod 98 21 4 30 13 12 62 242 364 Kyadgi 99 8 13 44 65 Mavinkod 100


Name of C.D. Block: SIDDAPUR : CoJe No. : OOSO location Name of Village Total/ Area in No.of No,of Total population Totill Population Scheduled C~ T O'oIn I Ward Rural! Heet(l' 'cs Oeeu' ~ '·,;'.e­ (l ne luding 11'1 the ilge group Castes NlXIber Urban for vi 1- pi cd Hvl us institutional ~ (0 - 6)

lage .. & Resld­ Housele~s in sq.l

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

101 II imane 429.96 38 38 207 102 105 24 12 12 102 Honnekomb 389.99 13 13 92 46 46 12 4 8 103 Havinbil 785.24 69 69 434 216 218 56 29 27 104 Hadrimane 58.19 12 12 85 31 54 12 6 6 105 OJ agar 33.94 9 9 44 26 18 752 1 106 Sovinkoppa 415.70 95 97 612 299 313 87 44 43 9 9 107 Chapparmane 459.13 133 133 714 368 346 86 45 41 69 62 108 Tarkhanda 508.67 125 126 885 440 445 123 71 52 7 6 109 Kattekai 371.77 67 67 413 225 188 72 42 30 9 6 110 Gal ikai 251.87 51 51 286 144 142 45 20 25 111 Hosmanju 436.74 91 91 548 288 260 86 45 41 10 9 112 Kurvante 65.37 11 11 83 44 39 17 9 8 113 Targod 797.85 62 62 303 146 157 48 27 Zl 32 38 114 Bi 19i 479.24 271 281 1416 700 716 2~4 lil 107 55 67 115 Nirgar 258.72 68 69 428 209 219 54 28 26 3 3 116 Huvinmane 313.35 78 80 394 188 206 4S 26 19 64 64 117 Sashigul i 287.40 58 58 314 173 141 37 22 15 33 34 118 1 tagi 918.65 285 287 1423 709 714 192 100 92 54 44 119 Alavall i 700.55 138 138 753 389 364 113 06 47 16 14 120 Chandraghatgi 613.40 38 38 189 91 98 26 12 14 7 4 121 Kudagund 415.65 46 46 287 133 154 40 19 21 13 21 122 Umbalmane 456.26 80 83 552 307 245 61 32 29 16 12 123 Sarakul i 460.08 73 73 471 237 234 53 26 27 124 Keregadde 460.86 82 83 517 275 242 67 32 35 125 Halegouri 26.22 3 3 22 15 7 2 2 126 Hasargod 661.75 129 130 802 394 408 76 36 40 36 32 127 Mutmurd 117.20 18 18 106 56 50 954 128 Adkalli 103.22 18 21 130 66 64 12 5 7 8 5 129 Tagginbalgar 67.33 11 11 68 35 33 8 b 2 130 Malenalli 175.45 38 38 221 113 lOB 18 12 6 131 Yelugar 390.09 70 7(J 440 226 21~ 5.. 29 25 9 6 132 Banni ge .~.• 211.90 35 35 245 125 120 30 19 11 133 Kodsar'Halkanf 111.01 41 41 192 98 94 24 9 15 9 13 134 Kalkatte Hunasekoppa 213.96 39 39 207 110 97 21 13 8 3 5 135 Hoskoppa 68.42 15 15 87 51 36 633


Nall1~ 01 C'. D. 13I(),:k : SI [)[):\PUR ; C()J~ No. : 0080

Scheduled Literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of Vi llage / Locat ion Tr 1 bes lIorkers Town / liard Code Cultivators Agricultural Number Labourers

(J - J X) (I) ( I I )

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) ( F ) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

70 43 70 29 14 4 1 7 14 Il imanc 101 37 28 30 13 8 6 5 Honnckornb 102 153 123 131 1 46 Havi nbi l 103 22 31 18 16 9 4 9 Hadr i lIlane 104 21 15 12 6 8 2 2 Ojagar 105 3 7 220 183 167 39 50 19 18 7 Sovinkoppa 106 255 188 250 74 50 5 6 2 Chapparlllane 107 296 217 266 179 170 137 Tarkhilnda 108 101 47 126 5 80 16 4 K3ttek,1l 109 99 55 92 6 61 3 5 GOllbl 110

160 87 166 6 129 6 19 HO~"I"rlJu 111 27 16 25 18 1 7 Kurvante 112 89 78 97 46 11 9 2 Targ0d 113 6 4 485 401 375 76 150 7 89 37 8i 191 114 166 140 115 14 28 3 4 7 Ni '-gilr 115 95 106 104 47 19 10 55 23 HUYlnmane 116 127 94 100 44 27 23 32 18 Sil~higul i 117 539 446 416 125 170 31 75 59 118 280 187 222 169 177 144 28 23 Alavatl i 119 59 46 64 34 41 28 4 3 Chandraghatgl 120 85 65 87 17 11 Kudagund 121 231 160 197 14 Ulllbalmane 122 176 150 152 68 5 16 41 Sarakul i 123 184 133 180 60 17 17 Keregadde 124 9 3 15 3 1 5 3 Halegouri 125 298 281 253 23 7 Hasargod 126 48 34 44 5 Mutmurd 127 49 44 48 3 3 Adkalli 128 27 25 21 4 Tagginbalgar 129 75 55 75 39 37 .22 9 10 Malenalli 130 167 137 151 16 53 3 43 10 Yelugar 131 106 100 73 Bannige 132 70 51 66 15 Kodsar-Halkani 133 78 68 75 12 4 2 Kalkatte Hunasekoppa 134 36 20 35 4 18 10 3 Hoskoppa 135


Name of C.D, Block: SIDDAPUR ; Coue \1), (lOS(! location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R 1 E S [) f M A I N Code Town I lJard Rurall Nl.Jllber Urban Livestock, MinIng and Manufacturing, ManufacturIng, Construction

Forestry, QuarrYIng ProcessIng, Pruc(,s~lng. Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and

Hunting and RepairS in Kept! ~ r..... 1 n PlantatIon, 'iousehold Other t harl Orchards & industry Househuid All ied Industry act! vi tie"

(III) (I V) [Veal) rV(b») (V I)

(M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F)

( 1 ) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28, (29) (30) (31 ) (32) (33) (34 )

101 II imane 39 1'1 102 Honnekomb 17 c 103 Havinbil 83 104 Hadrimane 8 105 Ojagar <- 106 Sovinkoppa 8t 107 Chapparmane 162 :;6 9 2 108 Tarkhanda 8t 3B 109 Kattekai 28 110 Gol ikai 26 111 Hosmanju 3 10 112 Kurvante 113 Targod 82 3.:. 114 8i Igi 18 3b 14 115 Nirgar 7') 3 116 Huvinmane 26 2 7 117 Sashigul i 35 3 1 118 (tagi 81 11 10 5 119 Alavalli 120 Chandraghatgi 16 3 '21 Kudagund 56 122 Umbalmane 182 12 123 Sarakul i 117 25 2 124 Keregadde 159 43 125 Halegouri 8 126 HasargOd 232 16 2 127 MutlTXJrd 39 128 Adkalli 41 3 129 Tagginbalgar 21 4 130 Malenalli 21 6 2 131 Yelugar 44 132 Bannige 70 133 Kodsar-Halkani 59 11 134 Kalkatte Hunasekoppa 69 7 135 Hoskoppa 5


Nal1l~ ofe.D. Bind;: SIDDAPUR; ('out: No. : 0080

WORKERS Marginal Non-Workers Name of Vi llage / Location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport. Other Number COIlI1lerce Storage and Services COIIII1UI1ication

(VII) (VIIl) (IX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (101) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41 ) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

36 31 40 II imane 101 16 33 Honnckomb 102 6 72 79 145 Havinbil 103 13 38 Hadrimane 104 14 12 Ojagar lOS 2 7 6 23 122 109 152 "Jvlnkoppa 106 7 14 7 118 272 Chapparmane 107 2 6 3 1 174 265 Tarkhanda 108 2 24 98 159 Kattckai 109 19 52 117 Gol ikal 110 4 8 51 114 203 Hosmanju 111 19 37 Kurvante 112 3 1 2 42 47 69 Targod 113 43 6 1 38 11 8 78 317 562 Bi 19i 114 2 2 4 2 15 92 190 Nirgar 115 2 4 84 158 HUll i nmane 116 4 6 36 67 61 Sashiguli 117 36 2 11 26 21 12 110 281 479 Itagi 118 3 2 12 2 40 167 155 Alallall i 119 2 2t 27 43 Chandraghatgi 120 1 6 64 40 90 Kudagund 121 3 1 11 2 2 82 108 149 Umba l mane 122 2 2 8 2 85 166 Sarakul i 123 4 95 182 Kercgadde 124 1 Halegouri 125 9 4 5 141 380" Hasargod 126 8 12 42 Mutmurd 127 3 25 18 36 Adkalli 128 3 21 11 8 Tagginbalgar 129 4 2 37 37 32 Malenalli 130 7 4 2 39 74 159 Yelugar 131 , 24 S2 95 Bannigc 132 3 3 4 22 32 57 Kodsar -Ha l kani 133 , 3 35 84 Kalkatte Hunasekoppa 134 2 11 16 21 HoskoPPil 135


Name of C.D. Block: SIDDAPUR ; Codt! No. : 0080

Location Name of Village / Totall Area in No.of No.of T(; t

    (P) (M) (f) (P) (M) (f) (M) (f)

    (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (1~)

    136 Tarenalli·Kansur 163.63 189 189 935 489 446 135 65 70 7 6 137 Kangod·Kansur 175.75 47 47 254 137 117 40 16 24 138 Ghattikai 178.48 32 32 171 84 87 14 7 7 139 Madankal 125.22 18 18 100 55 45 6 3 3 140 Haldot 158.02 18 18 95 54 41 11 4 7 141 Shelur 382.47 61 61 362 182 180 48 24 24 5 6 142 Devisar 400.20 60 60 376 197 179 31 17 14 143 Girgadde 582.68 88 88 482 239 243 81 32 49 37 37 144 Arehalla 391.65 55 55 280 147 133 41 20 21 30 29 145 Shigehalli 485.09 48 48 265 130 135 37 15 22 '-146 Kodgadde 335.20 19 19 109 60 49 14 7 7 2 3 147 Kalgadde 407.09 89 91 468 245 223 44 29 15 24 20 148 Mudhall i 254.63 23 23 169 85 84 31 14 17 5 5 149 Surgikoppa 142.85 10 10 52 31 21 10 6 4 150 Kalenall i 62.03 13 13 68 32 36 16 8- 8 6 7 151 Hirekai 420.02 51 51 241 120 121 31 17 14 13 9 152 Tyagali 446.20 119 119 591 300 291 72 31 41 63 68 153 Hangarkhand 50.16 22 22 118 62 56 20 12 8 154 Balekai 254.14 23 23 110 54 56 17 7 10 155 Malobalagar 26.00 2 2 6 3 3 1 156 Halkani 218.45 30 30 200 100 100 23 15 8 6 8 157 Hirekai 125.29 14 II. 85 38 47 12 6 6 158 Gavingucide 494.99 50 50 332 170 162 68 30 38 26 29 159 Mattihalli 878.39 84 84 443 234 209 56 29 27 4 4 160 S~god 902.68 116 116 612 318 294 72 36 36 6 2 161 Kodsar 348.10 44 44 252 122 130 27 17 10 5 3 162 Bhandarkeri 507.93 96 96 560 287 273 68 38 30 18 18 163 Hutagar 46.97 13 13 72 34 38 7 6 1 2 164 Mani kmane 35.17 4 4 20 9 11 3 1 2 165 Muthalli 665.45 158 159 931 472 459 128 75 53 32 28 166 Harshikatta 119.95 122 127 637 346 291. 115 58 57 17 19 167 Harshimane 53.38 13 13 61 32 29 5 3 2 168 Honnehadda 557.43 73 73 423 215 208 44 27 17 24 20 169 Karkisaval 409.01 91 94 532 281 251 57 32 25 41 32 170 Shamemane 153.69 20 20 130 65 65 13 6 7 2


    Name (lteD. Blo-:k SIDDAPL'R: CoJe No. : 0080

    Scheduled literates Total Main I ~ D U 5 T RIA l ~;)lIle of village Location Tribes Worker-, Tl'Mln / Ward Code Number

    (1 - IX) (I) ( I I )

    (M) (f) (M) (f) (M) (f) (M) ( F ) (M) (F)

    -cis-) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2 ) (1 )

    382 303 275 83 38 8 1.8 38 larehall i -Kan'ur 136 77 50 94 26 23 2 41 19 K

    119 96 133 3'1 ') 5 Devl ~ar- 11.2 157 122 155 ';'1 ,._ IU r 143 92 52 98 16 25 144

    85 64 87 ~ 1 21 145 42 33 46 3 l~ ? 146 177 160 169 32 ') 7:' 23 K,llgildcJ<: 147 49 33 5'> 33 30 ') 21 26 Mudhalll 148 21 9 20 8 9 6 Surglkoppa 149 19 17 18 13 2 6 Lllcnall i 15CI ';9 43 65 21 35 9 h:r'ckal 151 215 188 2(3 5.S 52 35 Tyagatl 152 43 32 35 ? 1 Hilngarkhand 153 42 30 33 22 1 Balekal 154 3 2 3 3 Me. I ob;ll "ga r 155 83 82 71 ,,7 Hal,,)/)) 156 31 31 5 157 125 78 52 5 158

    159 117 157 27 SC 9 7 Mtl ttl!"', !, ~ , 159 2 3 228 166 215 8 26 160 96 104 83 1,' 17 "c, 161

    ~, 183 144 III 51 (,_, 162 28 18 21 16 ) 163 7 8 6 164 ,- 312 268 291 1'"" ~) ')2 Muth:,ll i 165 252 176 192 !o 166 27 23 23 167 137 125 122 4 168 194 169 tS 169 57 49 I J ShdincnlarlC 170


    Name of C.D. Block: SJDDAPUR : Code 1\:0. : OO~O

    Location Name of Village I Total! CAT EGO R I E 5 C f M A I ~ I Rural! Code Town liard - ..- -_._------.. l.Il1ber Urban Live~tock, Mini~g and Manutacturing, M )r h.J t \.H- t uf I P9, Con ... , t ( u(. t 1 (In Forestry, Proce~"ing, ;'r'vC '_':-.~ 1 11:],

    Fj sh jng, Sl'I'v)(lng d"~-~

    Hunting and Rq:'iJlr" 1<\ ":·_·~.ld \ I'" in

    Plantation, HOUS('t1LJ ~ J

    Orchil"d,; & Indu-;tr~ All ied activities

    (II !) (l V) IV( a)} (V! )

    (M) (Fl (M) ( F) (M) u) (fj (M) (F)

    ----_._------.. _-_.- .._---_ .._------_ (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (32) (33) ( 34)

    136 Tarehalli·l(ansur 23 13 137 Kangod-Kansur 20 138 Ghattikai 10 b 139 Madankal 22 2 2 140 Haldot 38 o 141 Shelur 39 142 Devisar 94 24 143 Girgadde 58 7 144 Arehalla 5 2 145 Sh 1 gehall i 30 3 2 146 Kodgadde 27 2 147 Kalgadde 7 148 Mudhall i 3 2 149 surgikoppa 5 150 Kalenalli 1 151 Hirekai 6 2 152 lyagal i 115 13 5 153 Hangarkhand 28 3 154 Balehi 8 155 Malobalagar 156 Halkani 71 47 157 Hirekai 17 5 158 Gallingudde 99 50 159 Matt i hall i 88 10 160 Sampagod 92 3 4 161 Kodsar 46 e 162 Bhandarker i 63 20 2 163 Hutagar 7 3 164 Manikmane 4 165 Muthall i 127 106 1 166 Harshikatta 10 5 7 3 2 8 167 Harshimane 15 168 Honnehadda 24 12 169 Karkisaval 183 53 170 Sh8l!lefllane 31 7


    Name orC.D. BI()~·k SIDDAPUR: COlIc No. : 0080

    \I 0 R K E R S Marglnal Non-Workers Name of Village I Location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport. Other NUllber CQIIIlle rce Storage and Services Coom.Jnlcation

    (VII) (V" I) (I X)

    (M) (F) (M) (f) (M) ( F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

    (35) -- (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44 ) (2) (1)

    51 4 18 41 15 5 ) 209 368 Torehalli-Kan~ur 136 2 6 3 23 40 68 Knngod·Kansur 137 3 , 2 34 64 Chatt lkai 1:)8 4 3 2 11 31 Mad,mkiJ I 139 1 1 ? 33 Haldot 140 1 2 4 1 6) 124 Shdur 141 2 3 3 38 G) 10':- Dcvlsar 142 2 2 27 84 97 G1 rgi.dde 143 2 18 49 73 AreMalla 144 3 43 1(14 Shigehall i 145 2 1 14 39 Koctgadde 146 4 7 3 76 1C,1 Knlgadde 147 y, 51 ,",urJTldii, 148 11 12 5'... ;1'~ 1 \r',opp~ 149 3 1~ 23 "a l ('na l t ~ 150 13 55 87 HlreKiJ: 151 11 15 5 97 238 Tyi.g;, [, 152 2 2 7 27 42 Hangilfkhimd 153 25 20 31 GaiekiJl 154 2 1 Mc,( obal agilf 155 29 53 Hatkanl 156 13 14 29 Hire"al 157 1 2 60 108 Callingudde 158 2 2 1 4 16 73 166 Mat uhat l i 159 2 7 3 1i)3 270 Salllpilgod 160

    2 5 31 3~ 1\1 K0(i ...... }r 1b1 4 2 " 8 101 '59 tH1l.)OG,lr"'eJ' \ 162 1 13 22 Hutag<:l; 163 10 M:H) 1 ~n\,~rh_' 104 2 3 2 12 19 169 176 Muth,1lll 165 31 2 19 25 12 1 15~ 245 HafshiKLltt.l 16b 1 9 2b Ha r:-oh Illldrte 167 4 6 2 82 91 92 Honnch"dda 168 3 3 113 81 73 Karkisilval 169 6 3 33 ?3 22 ShJmemane 170

    183 VILLACE / TO\\'~ PRIl\IARY

    Namt! of CD. Blo~;k : SIDDAPUR : CoJ.: No. : OOSO

    Location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Occu· House- (Including in tne age group Castes NlJTtler Urban for vil- pied Holds Inst 1 tut lunal &. (0 . 6) lages & Reslcj· Hou.,('{ess in sq.knl enti,ll pupu l ,I t i on) for House, to .. ns and C.D.Sloeb

    (f') (M) \f) (~) (M) (F) (M) (F)

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5 ) (7) (\;) ( 1i) (i 1) (12) (13) (14)

    171 640.62 110 112 630 332 3,_ I~ 36 42 .5 3 172 Balesar 425.82 HZ 82 5 I'; 55 30 23 53 43 173 Kibballl 280.89 57 32 2) 30 29 174 Attlmurd 264.6 .. 2:' 15 1;: 10 11

    175 Ana leba 1 I 2<;11.35 213 ·,2ljil Z'• c., 94 63 48 176 Bldarmane 185.Ul 10 17 12:5 bl} 1f) 5 5 177 Murur 332.66 5,. 198 36 19 17 <,0 32 178 Hegnur 356.61 72 72 237 54 29 25 12 13 179 Balekoppa 495.72 102 108 679 384 yrJ 51 3<; 2 180 Ainbail 100.01 ~ 15 ~y S .5 181 Taresar 573.70 68 68 1.52 2L14 39 22 17 182 Harigar 618.64 82 525 77 3 1 183 Hostota 343.72 92 5~ 7 23 ZU 5 9 184 Unehall i 562.85 5(2 .. 7 39 129 123 185 Hegge 339.22 It. F 186 Shivalmane 982.57 ;1 i 5 5 11 187 Halehalla 149.~Y 20 lU 12

    188 Handiyanemath 361.01 )9 2~ ! 5 189 Tandagundi 22.39 16 16 I? 3; 3A 1,' lLl ? 190 Hutagar 437.27 .. 7 31~ 150 42 7 35 191 Hukll 12C;,.')1O 208 191' 72 33 39 192 Ni [kunda )) 3) r;6 101 3B 18 20 10 12 193 Nandyane /) b 37 16 21 4 4 194 Heggarni 265.95 lOt 115 551 292 259 95 53 42 28 24 195 Hullunde 525.75 61 61 394 215 179 46 32 14 7 3 196 Nirgan 603.23 62 62 393 201 192 59 24 35 6 4 197 Mulgunda 81.9.66 63 63 327 169 158 56 26 30 198 Hal I ibai I 2374.48 47 52 350 178 172 21 23 199 Kanchikai 548.78 75 79 561 CD" 33 18 5 5 200 Manigar 4~9.32 61 62 31)) 192 ~93 52 28 24 4 7

    201 K('lagln Sarakul I 76.52 17 17 1,1' .'. ~> ~ 2 3

    C.D. Block Total Rural 859.30 16319 1t550 Y164b 461.56 45190 12783 6633 6150 3160 3053

    C.D. Block Total Urban


    Name of C. D. Blm:k : SIDDAPUR ; CoJ\! No. : 0080

    Scheduled Literates Total Main INDUSTRIAL Nalile of Village I Locat ion Tribes l.Jorkers Town I lJard Code Cultivators Agrlcultural NlIIi:>er Labourers

    (1- IX) (I) ( II )

    (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

    (15) (16) ( 17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

    244 170 210 64

    35 41 31491 23538 27711 9172 9842 3549 3871 3076 C.D. Block Total Rural

    C.D. Block Total Urban

    185 \'ILLA(;I~ I TO\VN PIUl\IARY

    Name of C.D. Block: SIDDAPUR : ('oJ.: No. : OU~(J

    Location Name of Village Totall C ATEGOR I E S () f M A I N Code Town / Ward Rural/ Number Urban Livestock, M 1 n i ny 'HV.~ Mimuf~cturing, Milnufacturl ng, Construction Forestry, QUurrYlng Proce,~ing, Process lng, Fishing, Servicing ana ServIcing and Hunting una Rep ... i r" in RL'Pill rs In

    Plantation, ~ou~ehold Other thim Orchard, I- Industry Household All ied Industry activitle"

    (III) ( IV) [Veil)] [V(b)l (VI)

    (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) ( F ) (M) (f) (M) (F)

    (1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31 ) (32) (33) (34)

    171 Karjagi 176 62 t. 1 172 Balesar 158 43 2 3 173 Kibball i 119 25 174 Attirrurd 42 20 2 175 Analebai l 74 7 i. 14 9 176 Bidarmane 32 2 177 Murur 119 42 3 178 Hegnur 133 42 4 7 179 Balelcoppa 162 39 8 180 Ainbai I 31 181 Taresar 160 9 182 Harigar 92 17 183 Hostota 111 24 11 184 Unchall i 164 72 185 Hegge 110 6 3 186 Shivalmane 86 12 187 Halehalla 55 2 188 Handiyanemath 14 2 189 Tandagundi 3 190 Hutagar 20 2 191 Hukl i 11 192 Nilkunda 11 3 193 Nandyane 5 2 194 Heggarni 24 4 12 2 11 195 Hullunde 94 20 196 Nirgan 93 197 Mulgunda 77 8 198 Hall ibail 2 199 Kanchikai 12 2 200 Manigar 77 37 201 Kelagin Sarakuli 23

    C.D. Block Total Rural 8477 1606 255 45 286 58 912 53 332 17

    C.D. Block Total Urban


    Name' of C'. D. Bh:k : SIDD.I\PUR : Cmlt: No. : 0080

    WORKERS Marginal Non'lIorKers Name of Village Locat ion Workers TOl

    (VI I) (VII I) (I X)

    (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

    (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

    13 7 6 2 9 70 113 170 Karjilgl 171 2 11 81 87 122 Balesar 172 8 4 2 25 66 154 Kibbilll i 173 5 6 5 3 46 75 Attirnurd 174 106 6 49 9 15 287 488 Analebai l 175 27 22 31 Bi durnlilne 176 68 147 Murur 177 4 1 87 170 Hegnur 178 4 10 2 2 43 169 201 B,:I[ cKoppa 179 2 8 23 47 AinbJi l 180 4 1 12 132 63 61 Taresar 181 4 3 115 226 Harigar 182 3 9 3 103 247 Hostota 183 4 3 88 190 Unchall i 184 2 2 4 62 165 Hegge 185 3 2 2 55 122 Shivalmane 186 3 31 74 Halehalla 187 3 82 100 Handiyanemath 188 1 21 38 Tandagundi 189 3 3 3 62 149 Hutagur 190 1 82 180 Hukl i 191 1 2 48 93 Ni lkunda 192 4 20 Nandyane 193 18 2 2 21 6 1 112 232 Heggarni 194 2 1 11 79 76 61 Hullunde 195 2 66 164 Nirgan 196 63 137 Mulgunda 197 2 8 42 59 64 Hall ibai 1 198 3 4 3 7 35 86 92 Kanchikai 199 2 4 79 133 ~ Munigar 200 9 25 Kelagin Surakuli 201

    1729 149 383 7 1624 612 773 7065 17972 28953 C.D. Block Total Rural

    C.D. Block Total Urban




    The following n:vcnuc villages of Sirsi Taluk which haJ been ,Issigned location code numbers have since been classified as Outgrowths of Sirsi City.

    L.CNo. N;ulJe of Vil!;Jge

    1. Sirsi 2. Landabnahalli 1.. L Kalkuni 117. Pullanmalll:

    Hence thes.: \'ilbge~ do Iwl find a menlillll ill the alphahdical list of \'illa);es as \H.-II as in the PCA Stah:menl. This explains the gap in loCali()ll code numhers notin.-d ill the list of \'illagl:s and the PCA Stakmen! of Sirs; CD.Block. Bowen.:r thes..: units appears in the urhan category as part or Sirs; U rhan Agglomeration.


    TALUK: SIRSI-0090 C. D. BLOCK: SIRSI-0090



    2 3 4 5

    1 Achanall i 11/20/9/12 11/20/0090/0012 9/19/9/40 09/19 /0090/ 0'~40 2 Adnalli 11/20/9/198 11/20/0090/0198 9/19/9/89 09/19/0090/0089 3 Adwal l i 11/20/9/62 11/20/0090/0062 9/19/9/130 09/19/0090/0130 4 Agsal 11/20/9/1B 11/20/0090/0113 9/19/9/183 09/19/0090/0183 5 Aj jarni 11/20/9/164 11/20/0090/0164 9/19/9155 09/19/0090/0055 6 11/20/9/28 11/20/0090/0028 9/19/9/15 09/19/0090/0015 7 Amb\i-Honda 11/20/9/39 11/20/0090/0039 9/19/9/19 09/19/0090/0G19 8 Andgi 11/20/9/222 11/20/0090/0222 9/19/9/111 09/19/0091J/G111 9 Andoll i 11/20/9/114 11/20/0090/0114 9/19/9/187 09/19/0090/0187 10 Angodkop 11/20/9/200 11/20/0090/0200 9/19/9/92 09/19/0090/0092 n Arsapur 11/20/9/106 11/20/0090/0106 9/19/9/179 09/19/0090/0179 12 Audhal 11/20/9/153 11/20/0090/0153 9/19/9/226 09/19/0090/0226

    13 Bachgaon 11/20/9/18 11/20/0090/0018 9/19/9/2 09/19/0090/0002 14 Badanagod 11/20/9/213 11/20/0090/0213 9/19/9/100 09/19/0090/0100 15 8adgi 11/20/9/67 11/20/0090/0067 9/19/9/134 09/19/0090/0134 16 B.,kkal 11/20/9/154 11/20/0090/0154 9/19/9/227 09/19/0090/0227 1 7 Ba I egadde 11/20/9/122 11/20/0090/0122 9/19/9/194 09/19/0090/0194 18 Balekaimane 11/20/9/147 11/20/0090/0147 9/19/9/219 09/19/0090/0219 19 Balgar 11/20/9/27 11/20/0090/0027 9/19/9/14 09/19/0090/0014 20 Balwalli 11/20/9/64 11/20/0090/0064 9/19/9/131 09/19/0090/0131 21 Banavasi 11/20/9/156 11/20/0090/0156 9/19/9/47 09/19/0090/0047 22 Bandal 11/20/9/68 11/20/0090/0068 9/19/9/135 09/19/0090/0135 23 Bankanal 11/20/9/191 11/20/0090/0191 9/19/9/82 09/19/0090/0082 24 Barur 11 /20/9/23 11/20/0090/0023 9/19/9/9 09/19/0090/0009 25 Belale 11/20/9/108 11/20/0090/0108 9/19/9/178 09/19/0090/0178 26 Bellanakeri 11/20/9/212 11/20/0090/0212 9/19/9/102 09/19/0090/0102 27 Benagaon 11/20/9/77 11/20/0090/0077 9/19/9/145 09/19/0090/0145 28 Benagi 11/20/9/206 11/20/0090/0206 9/19/9/96 09/19/0090/0096 29 Bengle 11/20/9/166 11/20/0090/0166 9/19/9/115 09/19/0090/0115 30 Betkoppa 11/20/9/31 11/20/0090/0031 9/19/9/18 09/19/0090/0018 31 Bhairumbe 11/20/9/110 11/20/0090/0110 9/19/9/182 09/19/0090/0182 32 Bhasi 11/20/9/162 11/20/0090/0162 9/19/9/53 09/19/0090/0053 33 Bidrall; 11/20/9/180 11/20/0090/0180 9/19/9/68 09/19/0090/0068 34 Bilgalamane 11/20/9/44 11/20/0090/0044 9/19/9/28 09/19/0090/0028 35 Bilur 11/20/9/193 11/20/0090/0193 9/19/9/83 09/19/0090/0083 36 Bisalakoppa 11/20/9/24 11/20/0090/0024 9/19/9/11 09/19/0090/0011 37 Bisalkoppa 11/20/9(202 11/20/0090/0202 9/19/9/88 09/19/0090/0088 38 Bommanalli 11/20/9/49 11/20/0090/0049 9/19/9/172 09/19/0090/0172. 39 Bommana II i 11/20/9/112 11/20/0090/0112 9/19/9/184 09/19/0090/0184 40 Boppanall i 11/20/9/9 11/20/0090/0009 9/19/9/36 09/19/0090/0036 41 Boppanall i 11/20/9/53 11/20/0090/0053 9/19/9/124 09/19/0090/0124 42 Bugadi 11/20/9/70 11/20/0090/0070 9/19/9/137 09/19/0090/0137 43 Bygadde 11/20/9/15 11/20/0090/0015 9/19/9/43 09/19/0090/0043


    T ALUK: SIRS1-OO90 C. D. BI()CK: SIRSI-()I)l)O

    SL NAME Of lHE VILLAGE 19'11 U:,

    (~;,nua l ) (Computer) (Manual) (Computer)

    2 3 4 5 6

    44 Chickdugli 11/20/9/159 11/20/0090/0159 9/19/9/51 09119/0090/0051 45 Chipgi 11/20/9/4 11/20/0090/0004 9/19/9/31 09/19/0090/0031

    46 Danaganalli 11/20/9/209 11/20/0090/0209 9/19/9/99 09/19/0090/0099 47 Dasanagadde 11/20/9/116 11/20/0090/0116 9/19/9/186 09/19/0090/0186 48 Devanall ; 11/20/9/82 11/20/0090/0082 9/19(91150 09/19/0090/0150 49 Oevanamane 11/20/9/78 11/20/0090/0078 9/19/91146 09/19/0090/0146 50 Devaralcoppa 11/20/9/119 11/20/0090/0119 9/19/91188 09/19/0090/0188 51 Oevimane 11 /20/'9/ 71 11/20/0090/0071 9/19/91138 09/19/0090/0138 52 Dhoranageri 11/20/9/148 11/20/0090/0148 9/19/9/220 09/19/0090/0220 53 Ooddanall i 11/20/9/14 11/20/0090/0014 9/19/9/41 09/19/0090/0041

    54 Gadgeri 11/20/9/167 11/20/0090/0167 9/19/9/73 09/19/0090/0073 55 Gadihalli 11/20/9/21 11/20/0090/0021 9/19/9/4 09/19/0090/0004 56 Golikatta 11/20/9/171 11/20/0090/0171 9/19/9/58 09/19/0090/0058 57 Gol ileop 11/20/9/109 11/20/0090/0109 9/19/9/181 09/19/0090/0181 58 Gongatta 11/20/9/194 11/20/0090/0194 9/19/9/81 09/19/0090/0081 59 Gonsar 11/20/9/139 11/20/009'0/0139 9/19/9/213 09/19/0090/0213 60 Gonur 11/20/9/188 11/20/0090/0188 9/19/9/79 09/19/0091)/0079 61 Goudall i 11/20/9/6 11/20/0090/0006 9/19/9/33 09/19/0090/0033 62 Gudnapur 11/20/9/165 11/20/0090/0165 9/19/9/56 09/19/0090/0056 63 Gurvalli 11/20/9/145 11/20/0090/0145 9/19/9/212 09/19/0090/0212

    64 Hadalgi 11/20/9/225 11/20/0090/0225 9/19/9/116 09/19/0090/0116 65 Hakkigadde 11/20/9/87 11/20/0090/0087 9/19/9/161 09/19/0090/0161 66 Halgadde 11/20/91189 11/20/0090/0189 9/19/9/78 09/19/0090/0078 67 Hal I ikoppa 11/20/9/207 11/20/0090/0207 9/19/9/97 09/19/0090/0097 68 Hallusargi 11/20/9/96 11/20/0090/0096 9/19/9/166 09/19/0090/0166 69 Halsinkoppa 11/20/9!1 84 11/20/0090/0184 9/19/9/75 09/19/0090/0075 70 Hancharta 11/20/91101 11/20/0090/0101 9/19/9/173 09/19/0090/0173 71 Hangar 11/20/9/60 11/20/0090/0060 9/19/9/128 09/19/0090/0128 72 Hanumanti 11/20/9/51 11/20/0090/0051 9/19/9/170 09/19/0090/0170 73 Harehu{ eka l 11/20/9/124 11/20/0090/0124 9/19/9/196 09(19/0090/0196 14 Hebball i 11/20/9/11 11/20/0090/0011 9/19/9/38 09/19/0090/0038 75 Hebbatti 11/20/9/218 11/20/0090/0218 9/19/9/109 09/19/0090/0109 76 Hebre 11/20/9/72 11(20/0090/0072 9/19/9/139 09/19/0090/0139 77 Hedgimane 11/20/9/43 11/20/0090/0043 9119/9/27 09/19/0090/0027 78 Heepanall i 11/20/9/41 11/20/0090/0041 9/19/9/26 09/19/0090/0026 79 Heggar 11/20/9/90 11/20/0090/0090 9/19/9/159 09/19/0090/0159 80 Herepal 11/20/9/115 11/20/0090/0115 9/19/9/189 09/19/0090/0189 81 Honnundugudde 11/20/9/29 11/20/0090/0029 9/19/9/13 09/19/0090/0013 82 Hostot 11/20/9/50 11/20/0090/0050 9/19/9/164 09/19/0090/0164 83 Hostot 11/20/9/98 11/20/0090/0098 9/19/9/171 09/19/0090/0171 84 Hosur 11/20/9/69 11/20/0090/0069 9/19/9/136 09/19/0090/0136 85 Hudelkop 11/20/9/203 11/20/0090/0203 9/19/9/90 09/19/0090/0090


    TALUK; SIRSI-U090 C. D. BLOCK; SI RSI-()()')()


    2 3 4 5 6

    86 Huladevanasar 11/20/9/7 11/20/0090/0007 9/19/9/34 09/19/0090/0(154 87 Hulgol 11/2[J/9/105 11/20/00"'0/0105 9;19/9/180 09/19/lJ09U/U180 88 Hunsekoppa 11/2u/9/94 11/20/0090/0094 9/19/9/158 09/19/0090/U158 89 Husri 11/20/9/17 11/20/0090/0017 9/19/9/44 09/19/0090/00':'4 90 Hutgar 11/20/9/118 11/20/0090/0118 9/19/9/191 09/19/0090/0191

    91 Isloor 11/20/9/8 11/20/0090/0008 9;19/9/35 09/19/0090/0035 92 Itguli 11/20/9/120 11/20/0090/0120 9/19/9/193 09/19/0090/0193

    93 Jaddigadde 11/20/9/83 11/20/0090/0083 9/19/9/151 09/19/0090/0151 94 Jaganalli 11/20/9/25 11/20/0090/0025 9;19/9/12 09/19/0090/0012 95 Janmane 11/20/9/59 11/20/0090/0059 9/19/9/120 09/19/0090/0120 96 Janmane 11/20/9/95 11/20/0090/0095 9;19/9/169 09/19/0090/0169

    97 Kabbe 11/20/9/183 11/20/0090/0183 9/19/9/71 09/19/0090/0071 98 Kadbat 11/20/9/130 11/20/0090/0130 9/19/9/199 09/19/0090/0199 99 Kadgod 11/20/9/227 11/20/0090/0227 9/19/9/118 09/19/0090/0118 100 Kageri 11/20/9/20 11/20/0090/0020 9/19/9/6 09/19/0090/0006 101 KaHatti 11/20/9/142 11/20/0090/0142 9/19/9/216 09/19/0090/0216 102 Kalangi 11/20/9/214 11f20/0090/0214 9/19/9/101 09/19/0090/0101 103 Kalgadde Kanchigadde 11/20/9/149 11/20/g.o.'!OLQ149 9/l9/9/222 09/19/0090/0222 104 Kalgar 11/20/9/45 11/20/0090/0045 9j19/9/29 09/19/0090/0029 105 Kalgar 11/20/9/75 11/20/0090/0075 9/19/9/143 09/19/0090/0143 106 Katgundikopp 11/20/9/168 11/20/0090/0168 9/l9/9/72 09/19{0090/0072 107 Kalkai 11/20/9/37 11/20/0090/0037 9/19/9/7 09/19/0090/0007 108 Kalkardi 11/20/9/223 11/20/0090)0223 9/19/9/114 09/19/0090/0114 109 Katkoppa 11/20/9/161 11/20/0090/0161 9/19/9/52 09/19/0090/0052 110 Kallalli 11/20/9/76 11/20/0090/0076 9/19/9/144 09/19/0090/0144 111 Kall i 11/20/9/175 11/20/0090/0175 9/19/9/63 09/19/0090/0063 112 Kal ve 11/20/9/92 11/20/0090)0092 9/19/9/156 09/19/0090/0156 113 Kanbigar 11/20/9/99 11/20/0090/0099 9/19/9/162 09/19/0090/0162 114 Kanagod 11/20/9/30 11/20/0090/0030 9/19/9/10 09/19/0090/0010 115 Kanakoppa 11/20/9/185 11/20/0090/0185 9/19/9/76 09/19/0090/0076 116 Kanall i 11/20/9/97 11/20/0090/0097 9/19/9/167 09/19/0090/0167 117 Kanamuslci 11/20/9/143 11/20/0090/0143 9/19/9/218 09/19/0090/0218 118 Kandraji 11/20/9/190 11/20/0090/0190 9/19/9/80 09/19/0090/0080 119 Kantraj i 11/20/9/163 11/20/0090/0163 9/19/9/54 09/19/0090/0054 120 Karjagimane 11/20/9/121 11/20/0090/0121 9/19/9/192 09/19/0090/0192 121 11/20/9/26 11/20/0090/0026 9/19/9/16 09/19/0090/0016 122 Karsolli 11/20/9/36 11/20/0090/0036 9/19/9)20 09/19/0090/0020 123 Ketginkeri 11/20/9/80 11/20/0090/0080 9/19/9/147 09/19/0090/0147 124 Ketiginaonikere 11/20/9/125 11/20/0090/0125 9/19/9/197 09/19/0090/0197 125 Kerekoppa 11/20/9/182 11/20/0090/0182 9/19/9/70 09/19/0090/0070 126 Khurshi 11/20/9/66 11/20/0090/0066 9/19/9/141 09/19/0090/0141 127 Kirwatti 11/20/9/217 11/20/0090/0217 9/19/9/107 09/19/0090/0107


    T A LU K: SI RSI-009Cl C. D. BLOCK: SIRSI-()()l)l}


    2 3 4 5 6

    128 Kodgibai l 11/20/9/48 11/20/0090/0048 9/19/9/165 09/19/0090/0165 129 Kodigar 11/20/9/102 11/20/0090/0102 9/19/9/174 09/19/0090/0174 130 Kodnagadde 11/20/9/151 11/20/0090/0151 9/19/9/223 09/19/0090/0223 131 Kogod 11/20/9/174 11/20/0090/0174 9/19/9/61 09/19/0090/0061 132 Kol igar 11/20/9/13':' 11/20/0090/0134 9/19/9/204 09/19/0090/0204 133 Kondalgi 11/20/9/63 11/20;0090/0063 9/19/9/129 09/19/0090/0129 134 Koppa 11/20/9/123 11/20/0090/0123 9/19/9/62 09/19/0090/0062 135 Koppa 11/20/9/176 11/20/lJ090/017b 9/19/9/195 09/19/0090/0195 136 Kotekoppa 11/20/9/208 11/20/0090/0208 9/19/9/85 09;19/0090/o0B5 137 Kotgehall i 11/20/9/85 11/20/0090/0085 9/19/9/152 09/19/0090/0152 138 Kudragod 11/20/9/138 11/20/0090/0138 9/19/9/209 09/19/0090/0209 139 Kugtemane 11/20/9/65 11 /20/0090/0065 9/19/9/133 09/19/0090/0133 140 Kulve 11/20/9/22 11/20/0090/0022 9/19/9/5 09/19/0090/0005 141 Kuppagadde 11/20/9/211 11/20/0090/0211 9/19/9/104 09/19/0090/0104 142 Kuppall i 11/20/9/195 11/20/0090/0195 9/19/9/84 09/19/0090/0084 143 Kurki 11/20/9/61 11/20/0090/0061 9/19/9/132 09/19/0090/0132 144 Kyadgikoppa 11/20/9/219 11/20/0090/0219 9/19/9/110 09/19/0090/0110

    145 Madnakeri 11/20/9/187 11/20/0090/0187 9/19/9/77 09/19/0090;0077 146 Madralli 11/20/9/226 11/20/0090/0226 9/19/9/117 09/19/0090/0117 147 Malalgaon 11/20/9/196 11 / 20/0090/0196 9/19/9/B6 09/19/0090/0086 148 Malanji 11/20/9/220 11/20/0090/0220 9/19/9/108 09/19/0090/0108 149 Malenalli 11/20/9/107 11 /20/0090/01 07 9/19/9/177 09/19/0090/0177 150 Manadur 11/20/9/136 11/20/0090/0136 9/19/9/207 09/19/0090/0207 151 Mana j wa II i 11/20/9/46 11/20/0090/0046 9/19/9/30 09/19/0090/0030 152 Manjaguni 11/20/9/74 11/20/0090/0074 9/19/9/142 09/19/0090/0142 153 Margundi 11/20/9/221 11/20/0090/0221 9/19/9/112 09/19/0090/0112 154 Mashigadde 11/20/9/38 11/20/0090/003B 9/19/9/17 09/19/0090/0017 155 Mathadeval 11/20/9/103 11/20/0090/0103 9/19/9/175 09/19/0090/0175 156 Mattigar 11/20/9/58 11/20/0090/0058 9/19/9/121 09/19/0090/0121 157 Mattihalli 11/20/9/210 11/20/0090/0210 9/19/9/103 09/19/0090/0103 158 Melinaonikeri 11/20/9/127 11/20/0090/0127 9/19/9/201 09/19/0090/0201 159 Menshi 11/20/9/146 11/20/0090/0146 9/19/9/225 09/19/0090/0225 160 Modur 11 /20/9/ 128 11/20/0090/0128 9/19/9/200 09/19/0090/0200 161 Mogadde 11/20/9/152 11/20/0090/0152 9/19/9/224 09/19/0090/0224 162 Mudebail 11/20/9/204 11 /20/0090/0204 9/19/9/94 09/19/0090/0094 163 Mudgar 11/20/9/86 11/20/0090/00B6 9;19/9/154 09/19/0090/0154 164 Mug i 1koppa 11/20/9/224 11/20/0090/0224 9/19/9/113 09/19/0090/0113 165 Mugwall i 11/20/9/160 11/20/0090/0160 9/19/9/50 09/19/0090/0050 166 Mundganamane 11/20/9/79 11 /20/0090/0079 9/19/9/148 09/19/0090/0148 167 Mundgehall i 11/20/9/172 11/20/0090/0172 9/19/9/59 09/1''10090/0059 168 Mundgesar 11/20/9/35 11/20/0090/0035 9/19/9/22 09/19/0090/0022 169 Muregar 11/20/9/135 11/20/0090/0135 9/19/9/211 09/19/0090/0211 170 Musk i 11/20/9/141 11/20/0090/0141 9/19/9/215 09/19/0090/0215


    T ALUK: SIRSI-0090 C. D. BLOCK: SIRS1-OO90


    2 3 4 5 6

    171 Neiger 11/20/9/131 11/20/0090/0131 9/19/9/208 09/19/0090/0208 172 tlakshe 11{20/91155 11/20/0090/0155 9/19/9/203 09/19/0090/0203 173 Nerebai I 11/20/9/3 11/20/0090/0003 9/19/9/42 09/19/0090/0042 174 Haroor 11/20/9/158 11/20/0090/0158 9/19/9/49 09/19/-0090/0049 175 Navalgar 11/20/9/100 11/20/0090/0100 9/19/9/163 09/19/0090/0163 176 Navanger i 11/20/9/170 " /20/0090/0170 9/19/9/57 09/19/0090/0057 177 Neelkani 11/20/9/137 11/20/0090/0137 9/19/9/210 09/19/0090/0210 178 Neggu 11/20/9/57 11/20/0090/0057 9/19/9/122 09/19/0090/0122 179 Nerlavall ; 11/20/9/56 11/20/0090/0056 9/19/9/127 09/19/0090/0127 180 Nurkatakoppa 11/20/9/16 11/20/0090/0016 9/19/9/45 09/19/0090/0045

    181 On'igadde 11/20/9/84 "/2D/D090/0084 _9/19/9/153 09/19/(j090/0153

    182 Padageri 11/20/9/32 11120/0090/0032 9/19/9/8 09/19/0090/0008 183 Pura 11/20/9/13 11/20/0090/0013 9/19/9/39 09/19/0090/0039

    184 Sadashivall ; 11/20/9/111 11/20/0090/0111 9/19/9/185 09/19/0090/0185 185 Sahasral t i 11/20/9/173 11/20/0090/0173 9/19/9/60 09/19/0090/0060 186 Salkani 11/20/9/132 11/2D/0090/0132 9/19/9/206 09/19/0090/0206 187 S~khand 11/20/9/47 11/20/0090/0047 9/19/9/119 09/19/0090/0119 188 Sankadamane 11/20/9/42 11/20/0090/0042 9/19/9/25 09/19/0090/0025 189 Sannakeri 11/20/9/10 11/20/0090/0010 9/19/9/37 09/19/0090/0037 190 Sanna 1 ti 11/20/9/93 11/20/0090/0093 9/19/9/157 09/19/0090/0157 191 Santolli ,'/20/9/216 11/20/0090/0216 9/19/9/106 09/19/0090/0106 192 Sarguppa 11/20/9/81 11/20/0090/0081 9/19/9/149 09/19/0090/0149 193 Shigehall i 11/20/9/129 11/20/0090/0129 9/19/9/198 09/19/0090/0198 194 Shinganall i 11/20/9/126 11/20/0090/0126 9/19/9/202 09/19/0090/0202 195 Shirgun; 11/20/9/140 11/20/0090/0140 9/19/9/214 09/19/0090/0214 196 Shivagaon 11/20/9188 11/20/0090/0088 9/19/9/160 09/19/0090/0160 197 Shivall i 11/20/9/89 11/20/0090/0089 9/19/9/91 09/l9/0090/0091 198 Shivall i 11/20/9/199 11/20/0090/0199 9/19/9/155 09/19/0090/0155 199 Sirsimakki 11/20/9/40 11/20/0090/0040 9/19/9/23 09/19/0090/0023 200 Somanat 1 i 11/20/9/5 "/20/0090/0005 9/19/9/32 09/19/0090/0032 201 Somana\ l ; 11/20/9/178 11/20/0090/0178 9/19/9/66 09/19/0090/0066 202 Sonda 11/20/9/104 11/20/0090/0104 9/19/9/176 09/19/0090/0176 203 Songinamane 11/20/9/150 11/20/0090/0150 9/19/9/221 09/19/0090/0221 204 Sugav; 11/20/9/186 11/20/0090/0186 9/19/9/74 09/19/0090/0074

    205 Tatguni 11/20/9/54 11/20/0090/0054 9/19/9/125 09/19/0090/0125 206 Tattisar 11/20/9/133 11/20/0090/0133 9/19/9/205 09/19/009010205 207 Teppar 11/20/9/73 11/20/0090/0073 9/19/9/140 09/19/0090/0140 208 Terkanhall i 11/20/9/19 11/20/0090/0019 9/19/9/3 09/19/0090/0003 209 Tign; 11/20/9/157 11/20/0090/0157 9/19/9/48 09/19/0090/0048 210 Tudguni 11/20/9/55 11/20/0090/0055 9/19/9/126 09/19/0090/0126


    TALUK: SIRSI-0090 C D. BLOCK: SIRSI-0090


    2 3 4 5 6

    211 UI La! 11/20191201 1 i 120100901 0201 9/19/9/93 09/19/D09O/D093 Z12 Umblekoppa 11/20/9/179 11/20/0090/0179 9/19/9/64 09119/0090/0064 213 Urrmade 11/20/9/192 11/20/0090/0192 9/19/9/98 09/19/0090/0098 214 Unchalli 11/20/9/181 11/20/0090/0181 9/19/9/69 09/19/0090/0069 215 Uplekoppa 11/Z0/9/177 11/20/0090/0177 9/19/9/65 09/19/0090/0065 216 Urtot 11/20/9/52 11/20/0090/0052 9119/9/123 09!l9/0090/0123

    217 lIaddinakoppa 11/20/9/169 11/20/0090/0169 9{19/9/67 09119/0090/0067 218 Vanalti 11/20/9/144 11/20/0090/0144 9/19/9/217 09/19/0090/0217

    219 Waddal 11/20/9/215 11/20/0090/0215 9/19/9!1 OS 09!l9/0090/010S 220 Wadgeri 11/20/9/205 11/20/0090/0205 9/19/9/95 09/19/0090/0095

    221 Yechadi 11/20/9/91 11/20/0090/0091 9/19/91168 09/19/0090/0168 222 Yedall i 11/20{9{33 11/20{0090{0033 9119/9{21 09{19{0090/0021 223 Yekkambi 11/20/9/197 11/20/0090/0197 9/19/9/87 09/19/0090/0087


    Name of C.D. Bh:k : SIRSI : ('oJ.: :'\0. : (l090 location Name of Village I Total! Area 1r1 No.of No.ot Total population Total population Scheduled Code Town! Waf'd RuraL! Hectares Cccu- House- (Including in the age group Nl.IIlber Urban for viL' pled HoLds InstitutionaL & (0 • 6)

    lages & Ile"ld­ Hou~clc~:-- in sq.km entlal pOpulatIon)

    for House~ towns and C.D.Blocks

    (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (~) (M) (F)

    ( 1) (2) (3) (4) (5 ) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) ,,3) (14)

    T 1310.8~ 19613 19916 111188 56867 54321 1b170 8127 8043 ~666 5407 SIRSI C.O.Btock II 1294.~b 17820 18105 102040 52194 49846 14552 7308 7244 4792 4592 u 16,39 1793 1el~l 91484673 4475 1618819799 874 815

    3 NarebaiL 375.47 53 53 296 154 142 5~ 26 29 11 13 4 Chipgi 599.03 179 180 878 1.52 426 102 48 54 17 11 5 Semana!ti 227.77 22 22 95 58 37 10 6 /, 6 Goudat t i 264 .23 85 85 435 2"2~ 211 102 56 46 5 7 Kutadevanasar 513.86 63 65 439 222 217 78 41 37 8 Isloor 578.61 119 119 626 323 5U3 ~~ )b 43 19 89 9 Boppanat!! 792.37 79 83 423 218 205 71 36 35 2 3 10 sannakeri 353.98 66 66 349 183 166 44 23 21 30 20 11 "ebbslli 381.86 53 53 297 159 138 32 15 , 7 7 6 12 Achanall i 566.74 75 75 395 203 192 57 28 -2ft - 48 40 13 Pura 195.34 22 22 115 59 56 17 11 6 14 Ooddanat (i 233.58 53 53 255 127 128 29 17 12 4 5 15 Bygadde 344.68 41 41 251 125 126 37 18 19 16 Nurlcalakoppa 214.69 35 35 163 84 79 16 10 6 2 17 "usri 711.09 75 75 415 212 203 53 28 25 7 9 18 Bachg301't 709.97 220 222 1183 569 614 224 104 120 34 32 19 Ter-kaMall i 665.58 159 159 834 429 405 120 65 55 11 21 20 Kageri 513.56 70 70 438 220 218 65 32 33 17 13 21 Gadihalli 392.02 37 38 200 ',9 81 33 20 13 9 6 22 Kulve 460.11 81 81 490 241 249 64 27 37 3 5 23 8erur 348.63 71 79 432 207 225 49 26 23 18 17 24 Bisalalcoppa 379.65 75 76 411 214 197 50 26 24 12 13 25 Jaganall i 193.37 37 37 212 95 117 14 7 7 26 tearoor 49.79 21 22 118 57 61 13 4 9 27 Balgar 112.84 27 27 162 79 83 13 8 5 28 Ajjibat 249.70 63 64 438 203 235 60 30 30 29 HOI'tnundugudde 43.22 11 11 60 34 26 3 3 30 K-anagod 429.33 114 114 624 313 311 70 22 48 6 8 31 Betkoppa 212.36 58 58 362 180 182 28 15 13 ,,9 57 32 Padageri 219.53 62 62 3~8 179 169 57 32 25 6 8

    198 CENSUS A:8Stf.RAC·li

    NaillI.' (II C. D. Hlod. : smsi : CudI.' '0. : oow

    Scheduled literates Total Main Marne of Village / Locat, on Tribes IoIorkers Town I Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural NUtltber labourers

    (I - IX) (I) (11 )

    (M) (f) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F)

    (15) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

    ,~-"- ,-_._------169 159 37552 28476 34506 134U9 1125', 3518 632b 5509 152 142 34448 26035 32095 12778 11112 3461 59)5 )382 SIIiSI C.D.BloC>. 17 17 3104 2441 2411 631 123 57 371 127

    98 68 88 27 26 37 24 Nilr<:bai I :5 I, 3 375 282 258 58 44 39 18 Chipgi 4 46 29 36 10 19 4 3 Somanall i 5 135 107 112 16 18 4 20 4· Goudall! 6 134 103 133 104 56 26 32 70 lIuladevanasar 7 222 183 190 37 73 4 83 29 Isloor 8 134 104 139 28 80 1 48 24 Boppanalli 9 120 81 111 42 52 1 21 25 Sann;:,kerl 10 125 83 84 18 b4 3 2 1 Heooalll 11 141 10:) 123 60 43 67 60 Achanal I I 12 44 38 38 10 22 9 9 Pura 13 93 93 71 8 15 36 6 00ddilnall, 14 73 58 78 19 66 10 11 9 Bygadde 15 47 39 56 17 28 2 25 15 NUf"K

    199 VILLACE / TO\\'N PIUl\IARY

    Namt:·of C. D. Blo..:k : SI RSI ; ('OUt: No. : 0090

    Location Name of Village / Total! CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town! liard Rural! NlII1ber Urban Livestock, Mining and "'anufacturing. Manufacturing, Construction forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantat i on, Household Other than OrChards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

    ( III ) ( IV) {Veal] (V(b)] (VI)

    (M) (f) (M) (f) (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (f)

    (1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31 ) (32) (33) (34)

    T 10613 2930 240 41 339 91 718 96 662 117 SIRSI C.O.Block R 10302 2827 208 40 267 73 560 76 369 26 U 311 103 32 72 18 158 20 293 91 .

    3 Narebai I 8 3 5 2 4 Chipgi 68 17 5 3 15 2 16 S Somanall i 11 5 6 Goudall i 6 7 9 9 7 Hutadevanasar 28 7 2 12 8 Isloor 2 1 2 2 3 9 80ppana It i 8 2 10 Sannakeri 35 11 3 11 Hebballi 18 13 12 Achanall i 9 13 Pura 4 14 Ooddanall i 9 4 15 Bygadde 16 Nurkatakoppa 3 17 Husri 5 2 18 8achgaon 12 4 25 14 3 19 Terkanhall i 79 8 6 4 20 Kageri 109 22 3 21 Gadihal t i 52 9 2 22 Kulve 68 5 3 23 8arur 22 9 3 24 8isatakoppa 13 25 Jaganalli 30 26 Karoor 2 27 Balgar 44 3 28 Ajjibat 96 21 29 Honnundugudde 10 3 30 Kanagod 13 10 2 31 8etkoppa 84 18 4 32 Padageri 92 17


    Name of C. D. I3lod : SIRSI : Code No. : 0090

    II '0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Worker" Name of Village / locat ion \,Iorkers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Number COIIIllerce Storage and Services COII1IlUnicatlon

    (VII) (VIII) (IX)

    (M) (F) (M) (fl (loll (F) (101) (F) (M) (F)

    (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41 ) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

    1540 176 664 17 2169 914 589 4931 21772 35981 1183 111 399 13 1740 769 568 4753 19531 32315 SIRSI C.D.Block 357 65 265 4 429 145 21 178 2241 3666

    3 2 4 66 115 Narebai t 3 23 3 16 2 29 14 194 367 Chipgi 4 1 1 1 21 26 Somana! I i 5 15 11 17 7 6 9 106 186 Gouda I I i 6 1 1 1 19 89 94 Huladevanasar 7 7 3 14 2 133 266 Isloor 8 1 1 38 78 139 Boppanalti 9 5 72 124 Sannakeri 10 75 119 Hebballi 11 2 80 132 Achanal! i 12 1 21 45 Pura 13 5 2 56 120 Ooddanall i 14 47 107 Bygadde 15 28 62 Nurkalakoppa 16 2 3 2 14 83 167 Husri 17 15 4 10 4 72 206 408 Bachgaon 18 4 4 19 3 5 179 261 Terkanha II i 19 2 , 2 3 4 59 72 117 Kageri 20 2 2 3 5 35 53 Gadihatli 21 6 3 93 183 Kulve 22 3 2 11 9 2 49 70 122 Barur 23 6 11 2 72 122 Bisalakoppa 24 2 34 103 Jaganalli 25 20 36 Karoor 26 1 33 74 Balgar 27 4 4 7 18 69 124 Ajj ibal 28 13 15 Honnundugudde 29 6 4 7 6 114 255 Kanagod 30 4 1 6 1 56 162 Setkoppa 31 4 5 3 42 73 104 Padageri 32

    201 'VILl.AGE I TO\VN I)Rll\1ARY

    NatTh: ofC.D. Block: SIRS I : COOc NH. : 0090 location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total PopulatIon Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rural! Hectar'es OCcu· House- (lncluding in tne age group Castes NUllber Urban for vii' pled ~old~ InstItutIonal & (0 fl) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Hou..;cs to.. ns and C.D.Blocks

    ------,,_---- (P) (M) (f) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

    33 Vedat t i 294.71 80 82 467 224 243 39 19 20 9 14 35 Mundgesar 248.40 51 51 333 164 169 37 25 12 5 9 36 Karsoll i 187.03 32 32 225 119 106 23 12 11 37 Kalkai 13.09 --.----.---.-~.--- Un-Inhabitea Vi tlage 38 Mashigadde 428.77 114 114 669 347 322 81 45 36 22 18 39 Allbl i-Honda 113.72 24 24 144 69 75 9 5 4 40 Sirsimakki 383.78 101 104 630 310 320 66 41 25 8 15 41 Heepana II i 242.90 81 84 512 267 245 58 27 31 42 Sankadamane 58.82 9 9 73 35 38 8 4 4 43 Hedgimane 238.93 44 44 225 105 120 27 8 19 44 BilgaLamane 42.12 12 12 70 33 37 17 7 10 45 Kalgar 345.76 60 60 320 163 157 65 33 32 18 14 46 Manajwal t i 460.22 86 89 487 244 243 71 33 38 9 - 5 47 S~khand 482.92 59 59 347 178 169 30 16 14 5 5 48 Kodgibai l 721.94 87 87 558 287 271 56 29 27 11 10 49 BOImIana II i 164.21 21 21 156 76 80 14 7 7 50 Hostot 483.83 104 lOb 600 308 292 81 41 40 51 Jlafll.lllanti 231.98 95 95 551 287 264 65 30 3S 19 15 -.52 Urtot 416.60 76 79 483 253 230 53 3,'," 22 53 Boppanall i 263.31 62 62 401 223 178 41 2". 15 5 54 Tatguni 376.34 54 54 321 164 157 44 22 22 55 Tudguni 511.35 73 83 547 278 269 54 25 29 56 Nerlavalli 354.87 30 34 231 123 108 35 19 16 14 1S 57 Ne9gu 699.94 104 110 650 322 328 89 39 50 1 58 Mattigar 842.90 185 185 997 490 507 114 63 51 52 51 59 Jaraane 493.81 169 170 828 422 406 91 48 43 34 28 6O'H8ngar 62.82 13 15 lOt 44 57 12 3 9 61 lurk; 243.75 53 55 395 197 198 46 15 31 62 Adwall i 344.84 31 32 200 98 102 40 21 19 63 lCondalgi 170.70 20 22 146 73 73 24 9 15 4 3 64 Balwalli 752.90 117 121 839 448 391 146 73 73 1 65 lCugtemane 185.01 19 19 104 53 51 12 5 7 66 Kburshi 1404.60 74 75 415 218 197 60 32 28 19 18 67 Badgi 633.74 53 53 318 157 161 48 22 26 6 12 68 Sandal 989.14 62 64 323 174 149 40 21 19


    ------,---- Scheduled L1 tE:~rate~ Total Mclin ! N 0 S 1 ~ : NJI1Ie at VIllage LocatIon Tribes To .. n J wJrd Code

    c\.. , t 1 "d t ' 'I" A; I \"~., t U I ,J Number

    (1 - 1 X) ( 1 ) (:: )

    (M) (F) (M) ( F ) (M) ( F) (M) (M) (f)

    (15) (16) ( 17) (18) ( 19) (20) (21) (2,' ) (23) ( 2) (1)

    181 171 157 bl 6 Yl'da II i 33 138 147 108 43 2 Mundge-;ar 35 93 75 75 20 2S 10 ,,,,'solll 36 Un-!nhJbl ted Vi llage 37

    245 191 183 16 65 2 9 2 '1;"h I g"ddc 38 57 bO 48 17 10 12 A,1Ibl, - Handd 39 249 246 196 2u Sirsimi'kki 40 214 113 178 64 20 11 Hc'cpanilill 41 28 Z2 20 S"nkildilmane 42 83 78 74 8 Hedgimane 43 17 11 21 18 12 7 2 Bi 19a1amane 44 86 53 111 59 b K:1f gar 45 179 147 14~ 68 43 1 L: 29 M"naJl>lalll 46 142 107 106 5 13 28 S -"!lpakhand 47

    198 165 185 33 59 ~"dq I ba I I 60 55 53 9 3 12 6 8,)nJHtlna l l i 179 112 200 55 50 2 50 233 154 189 36 ill 20 8 51 195 172 173 17 4 Ul'tot 52 112 143 24 2 53

    104 110 34 • I ~!j,-,n 1 54 239 207 186 14 2 1 LJJ,-)Unl 55 93 71 79 22 4 N"I'l avail I 56 240 194 202 33 10 1 2 Neg')u 57 386 349 305 92 43 19 M.-,ttigar 58 347 298 266 49 21 59 36 43 34 60 163 120 143 11 47 2 .. 3 Kurkl 61 68 79 69 9 12 8 5 Ad .. ,lll i 62 53 39 43 20 8 18 Kondalgi 63 306 203 245 58 38 18 68 18 8:,ll>lall i 64 45 37 31 1 2 1 Kugtemane 65 128 86 130 5 104 13 3 Khurshi 66 74 40 100 87 1 Badgi 67 113 56 103 24 88 23 Bandal 68


    NaJ1l~ of CD. Block; SIRSI ; ('()Je No. : OOlJO

    Location Name of Vi llage Totall CAT EGO R I E S (J F M A I N Code' Town I !.lard Rurall Number Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Milnufilcturing, ConstructIon Forestry, QUJrrYlng Processing, Processing, Fish i ng, ServicHIg and ServiCIng and Hunting and Repilirs in Repairs In PI antat ion, Household Other thiln Orchards & Industry Household All i ed Industry actIvIties

    ( I I I ) (I V) [Veil)] [V(b)] (VI)

    (M) ( F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

    ( 1 ) (2) (3) (25 ) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31 ) (32) (33) (34)

    33 Yedall i 128 56 35 Mundgesar 84 38 2 36 Karsoll i 33 37 Kalkal ------_. --- Un- Inh,lbl ted VI II il9(' -00 ______38 Mashigadde 55 5 3 4 39 Ambl i-Honda 32 2 3 40 Sirsimakki 144 21 3 5 41 lIeepanall i 12B ')1 5 42 Sankadamane 16 13 43 Hedgimane 51 8 12 44 Bi 19a1amane 7 11 45 Kalgar 87 53 8 5 46 Manajwalli 36 23 2 3 -1 47 Sampakhand 50 3 48 Kodg i bai I 97 19 3 49 B01llllanall i 33 3 50 Hostot 126 52 7 51 Hanumanti 7 4 5 52 Urtot 143 10 4 53 Boppana I I i 136 22 54 Tatguni 104 32 55 Tudguni 177 12 4 56 Nerlavalli 72 16 2 57 Neggu 170 30 1 58 Mattigar 178 55 12 16 59 Janmane 165 26 7 10 60 Hangar 30 61 Kurki 81 6 62 Adwalli 49 63 Kondalgi 19 64 Balwall i 94 16 4 65 Kugtemane 26 66 Khurshi 8 67 Badgi 1 I 68 Bandal 5


    i':alll<.:ofC.D. Ulu,'k: SIRSI: CoJ..: No.: 0090

    IJOR'KERS Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village / locat i on Workers· TOl

    (VII) (VIII) ( I)()

    (101) (F) (101) (F) (101) (F) (101) (F) (101) (F)

    (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (4 1) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

    3 2 10 2 18 66 164 Ycdalll 33 7 2 5 4 56 125 Mundgesar 35 8 6 3 44 86 Karsolli 3D

    -- ¥ - ~ -- • ------Un- I nhabi ted Vi llage ------_.------Kalkai 37 5 2 39 6 28 47 136 259 MashigiJdde 38 I 2 3 16 21 42 Ambl, -Honda 39 7 3 12 5 33 114 240 SirsirnnkKI 40 9 7 9 2 38 89 143 Hcepana III 41 1 4 2 4 13 14 Sank ad

    1 3 2 23 21 48 6o"lllan~j II I 49 4 2 8 10e) 237 Ho,;tot 50 12 4 56 19 98 228 Hanumanti 51 4 IS 5 1 9 79 204 Urtot 52 1 2 95 78 59 Boppanalli 53 3 1 2 64 52 59 Tatguni 54 2 2 4 143 83 112 Tudgunl 55 1 4 .... 40 42 Ncrlavall i 56 4 2 7 19 96 101 199 Neggu 57 24 4 25 II 50 184 365 Mattigar 58 20 9 31 16 10 33 1i.b 324 Janrnane 59 2 2 ') 10 52 Hangar 60 2 9 2 82 52 105 Kurki 61 3 21 28 72 Adwalll 62 2 4 20 26 33 Kondalgi 63 27 7 7 5 22 65 181 268 Balwall i 64 2 13 22 37 Kugtemane 65 5 21 88 171 Khurshi 66 2 57 160 Badgi 67 5 3 71 125 Bandal 68


    NamcofC.D. Block: SIRS! (\\,1<- ,\,). 1\"'1,,

    Location Name of Village / Totall Ar-ea 1" ~. " ~ Il , l ,- I t 1 1_' f ~ Tut~l Popu.at1on Scheduled

    Code Town / liard Rural/ Hectare. Occu ( :' .. 'J 11) the agC' grouD Castes

    Number Urban tor v11· p1<:u "'" J ~ ) I ages 6. ReS1d· 1n sq.krn cnt1Jl

    for Hou~,('~

    (t-') (I") ( F ) (P) (M) (F) (M) ( f)

    (1) (2) (.:.) (5 ) (6) (7) (t:) , 11) (12) (13) (14 )

    ------. __ .. _------...------.--- ... 69 Hosur 17 17 133 5'0 6 70 Bugadl 3 12 5 71 Devlmane 11 .. 4. '12 62 9 6 72 Hebre ) \78.99 1) 1 372 75 Db 73 Teppar 1<,'.,,3.12 197 22 27

    74 M'1n j aguni '>86.55 1.1 4~38 33 29 18 13 75 Kalgar 21b.77 13 68 33 4 76 Kallalll 1118.48 73 )93 19 .. 3 '17 ,.1 77 Benagaon 1~~?,.~3 ~5 513 <-,'''' ')3 b 11

    78 Devanamane 1018.27 h 19 ~. 3 79 Mundganamane ;>073. ,8 2b 3 80 KelglnKNl 1 t'? 28 11 81 Sarguppa '>25 ~ ~- 82 Devanalll 1'1.5.' . ,t, 899 12" 61 2' , 5 83 Jaddigadde 84 Orllgadde Zl) 85 Kotgehall i 6 8 ("11 r .. , 86 Mudgar 11) 1 " 'i 87 HaH 19adde 1",'2 80 88 Shivagaon 586.29 15;' :.36 1(J .~ " 89 Shivall i 985.88 213 741 .'( J sa 90 Heggar 301.07 12 12 ! 18 53 11 6 91 Yechadi 553.54 88 96 524 Z7G 58 2'> 33 92 Kalve 609.11 73 73 435 211 224 52 26 26 4 93 Sannall; 436.19 75 75 350 187 163 38 14 24 94 Hunsekoppa 464.82 89 552 285 267 77 42 35 11 95 Janmane 114.35 26 26 124 60 64 13 6 7 3 3 96 Hallusargi 198.93 18 18 110 53 57 11 b 7 8 97 Kanalli 296.72 39 39 25() 13~ 122 2b 17 9 3 98 Hostot 235.79 39 39 218 11 ~ 19 11) 9 99 Kambigar 722.2'> (J~ 582 1Y1) 25 21 20 '( '\.'lq. 1 .. 100 Navalgar 609.37 71) 389 2rS J 101 Hancharta 23[', 1211 )y~ 102 Kodigar 5/4. 7'> .:iu 15 1) '1 103 Mathadeval 97".tl 1~(J 870 ~! ) 55 ')6


    Scheduled Literate, Total M,l1" NJIIll' III VllldyC LOCiltlon

    Tribes Worker~ 1o .. " I Ward Code Number

    (I - I X) (I)

    (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) ( F ) (M) (f) ("1) (F)

    (15 ) (16) ( 17) (18 ) ( 19) (20) (21) (22) (2.5) (2) ( 1 )

    -"------"-~ "------~------"-"------32 19 25 11 69 7 5 7 70

    48 38 46 3 3 L '_ \." Int' 71 159 95 267 25 72 116 64 123 5 75 152 128 142 58 5b 74 20 18 24 13 7" 107 76 110 44 S Kd II" II i 76 163 87 199 122 14~ 36 Bcndg,)On 77

    38 37 37 13 13 4 13 9 Devan, HTI;H")C 78 202 157 188 25 54 6 29 10 Mundy,lndlll4 102 .:. S 51! 81 272 141 266 3'i It 1~ lb 82 6 7 19 11 ? 9 83 65 35 89 84

    58 35 52 14 k 9 KI : 'JI~ '), J l l 1 8') 48 31 37 9 86 48 34 48 87 312 243 266 18 88 547 461 467 8 Sh I vdll, 89 56 .41 41 18 Heggo r 90 203 157 176 44 Yechadj 91 121 121 139 9~ 3'l 39 92 147 106 124 6 55 t, 3 Sdnndlll 93 219 167 182 20 11 Hunsckopp" 54 50 44 6 10 J ;mfl)an(, 95 42 44 38 17 3 1 Ha( lusi1rgl 96 106 86 88 7 29 3 ') 3 Kilnelll i 97 85 79 79 17 ;> Hostot 98 142 121 119 54 99

    139 108 133 ", -- 2 21 100 ") 441 378 292 58 10 <.3 ~4 101

    58 43 60 12 8 ",)d'Q,"1 1 102 339 260 2<;8 3 5') 29 M,-Ith:ld('\cll 103


    Namt! (If C.O. Block: SIRS! ; (_\,J~ No. : O()'lll location Name of Village I Totall CATEGOR I E S o F MAl N Code fown / liard Rurall NlJI1ber Urban Live~tou, MinIng ana Manufacturing, Munufacturlng, Construction forestry, QUi,rrYI n9 Pr(iCe~slhg. Procossln91 Fishing, Servicing dnd Servicing and HuntIng and Repair, in Rep,"rs in PlantatIon, Housc~old Other than Orch,lraS & Industry Household All ic>d Industry act I V I t I ('$

    ( III) ( IV) [Veal] [V(b)] (VI)

    .---~- (M) (F) [M) (F) (101) (f) (M) (f) (M) (F)

    (1 ) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31 ) (32) (33) (34 )

    69 Hosur 70 8ugadi 71 Devimane 2 72 Hebre 27 3 73 Teppar

    74 ManJagun; 13 3 ~ 2~ 75 Kalgar 10 :} 76 Kallalli 57 I) 77 Benagaon 78 Devanamane 10 79 Mundganamane 81 6 2 3 80 I(elginlceri 23 1 81 Sarguppa 82 Devanall i 33 7 3 2 83 Jaddigadde 2 84 Onigadde 70 39 85 Kotgeha II i 13 4 86 Mudgar 26 7 87 Hakk i gadde 18 1 88 Shivagaon 48 15 9 3 4 89 Shivall i 296 52 2 9 90 Hegg-ar 20 91 Yechadi 167 42 92 Kalve 38 18 93 Sannall i 61 94 Hunsekoppa 67 17 95 Janmane 25 96 Hallusarg; 18 97 Kanall i 49 98 Hostot 73 17 99 Kambigar 116 52 100 Navalgar 63 1 101 Hancnarta 47 13 6 4 16 ') 18 102 I(odigar 18 4 3 1 103 Mathadeval 132 29 7


    l\;al11e 01 C. D. llIod, : SI RSI ; CoJ~ No. : 0090

    110RKERS Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village / Location I./orkers To .. n / IIQrd Code Trade and Transport, Other Number Coomerce Storage and Services Coornun i ca t ion

    (VII ) (VIII) (IX)

    (101) (F) (101) (F) (101) (F) (101) (f) (101) ( F)

    "-_- ---_-_._--_.- (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41 ) (~2) (~3) (:'4) (2) ( 1 )

    ------~-- ._------23 24 rtosur 69 :, BU9

    209 \,I1 .. LA{:.~ I TO\\'N PIUl\lARY

    Name of CD. Bh:k : SIRSI : CoJ.: l'Ou. : OU'/()

    Location Name of Village Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population' Total population Scheduled· Code Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Dccu- Huuse­ (Including In the age group Caste~ NlJl1ber Urban for vil' p'ed Hold, Inst'tutlunalo. (0 - 0)

    lages & Rh,d­ Hou~C'le~'S in Sq.klll en!1:!i pupui at' on)

    town~ and C.D.Block,

    (~ ) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f)

    (1) (2) (3 ) (,,) (5 ) (6) ( !) (8) (1(1) (11) (lc) (13) (14)

    ------_._-_.------.-.----- 104 Sonda 1267.85 177 177 78 72 37 3U 105 Hulgol 895.02 143 12,' 68 59 3 106 Arsapur 1W.07 19 19 b5 2U 13 7 107 Malenall i 269.17 42 1,,2 52 26 26 6 2 108 Belale 471.63 81 81 225 80 37 43 62 109 Gal ikop 81.14 lb 17 112 Sb 10 .. b 110 Bhairumbe 326.18 99 9'1 678 5.5t. 92 50 ~2 43 36 111 Sadashivall i 1868.61 305 310 175J 880 221 hl9 11:: 43 45 .) 3 112 BOOI11ana Il 1 552.75 110 11'. bb2 3S5 307 7b )6 ~U 113 Agsal 967.80 121 126 793 351 68 38 3u 19 18 114 Andoll i 379.07 38 38 219 111 108 25 15 10 115 Herepal 399.87 55 58 334 179 155 37 15 22 6 4 116 Dasanagadde 253.33 27 29 160. 88 72 24 ,·-t\}--, 14 10 8 118 Hutgar 510.21 378 378 1854 959 895 290 146 144 216 208 119 Devarakoppa 56.U3 21 21 113 54 59 12 8 4 120 Itgul i 365.38 89 92 548 284 264 77 43 34 32 31 121 Karjagimane 79.92 7 7 30 14 16 6 :l 3 122 Balegadde 617.27 112 112 298 287 ' 74 33' ~ 41 16 .16 123 Koppa 484.53 lll0 100 514 272 242 49 23 2b 15 14 124 Harehulekal 655.94 112 113 275 290 79 40 39 24 23 125 Keliginaonikere 583.49 72 72 235 22B 80 33 .. 7 17 19 126 Shinganalli 338.13 51 52 2<;5 153 142 36 16 20 1Z7 Melinaonikeri 485.92 94 9~ 411 246 225 5<; 29 30 19 12 128 Modur 121.10 1u 6U 33 9 3 b 129 Shigehalli 774.06 85 8) ~ 77 268 209 58 33 2) 130 Kadbal 575.76 103 104 602 310 292 65 23 42 17 12 131 Naigar 1167.28 76 76 485 250 23') 83 46 37 132 Salleani 182.33 58 58 296 159 137 30 14 16 133 Tattisar 242.14 63 71 352 178 174 48 26 22 24 22 134 Kol igar 609.29 104 104 628 330 298 68 38 30 27 22 135 Muregar 582.84 21 21 151 77 74 17 8 9 136 Manadur 696.05 82 82 461 239 222 63 24 39 137 Neellcani 285.40 10 10 67 26 41 14 7 7 138 Kudragod 2295.58 48 48 352 167 185 64 32 32 139 Gonsar 1382.07 59 59 384 197 187 63 33 30


    ~,tlll" of CD. BI()d; : SIRSI : CoJ", Nil. : 0090

    Scheduled Literates Total MaIn N D U S T R I A L Name of '\lillage locat ion Tribes Workers Town / Ward Code Cultivators Agri(~ltural Nunber

    In (II)

    (M) U) (M) . U) (M) (f) ' .. 1 ("'\ (F)

    (15) (16) (17) (18) (2) (1)

    364 293 5.. 4 114 104 310 260 258 81 33 105 61 47 57 13 106 96 63 9" 107 131 97 13 .. Beldte 108 51 44 37 5 1e 3 109 214 169 212 87 BhZlI rUI;,l>: 110 581 458 554 298 86 1.. 1 14 SJdc1ShIV.:lll i 111 274 193 237 85 4 2 2 BOIIJII.:ln;)Lll 112 332 233 294 84 8 57 Ag"al 113 83 62 74 48 9 4 2 Andoll) 114 133 99 129 52 9 3 Herepal 115 69 42 50 17 13 Dasanagaddc 116 2 4 639 468 520 140 7 .. Hutgar 118 38 3'4 30 33 9 3 Devarakoppa 119 194 145 156 61 16 3 I tgull 120 9 8 8 4 Karjagilll.:lne 121 199 155 192 47 35 .:. 16 10 Balegadde 122 212 155 196 81 40 13 7; 50 Koppa 123 196 180 172 60 55 .. 3'1 Harehulekal 124 136 99 155 89 35 13 12 14 Kel iginaonikere 125 119 96 109 31 Shlng,lI)<:J11 i 126

    173 128 162 82 15 8 Mel i naon 1 ker i 127 19 22 18 10 o 3 3 Modur 128 179 125 171 37 51 o 13 Shl gchall i 129 245 191 207 66 46 13 20 Kadbal 130 164 119 153 158 80 82 12 16 Nalgar 131 128 91 89 6 3 3 S;)lkanl 132 101 99 110 62 1U 26 28 Tattisar 133 254 209 219 150 88 lOB Kollgi)r 134 64 51 49 21 21 2' Mur'egar' 135 169 112 160 93 01 26 21 M,lnadur 136 8 6 18 24 14 3 N('('lkanl 137 13 7 108 84 61 4 81) Kuur ilgod 138 120 81 133 109 2 1 54 45 Gonsar 139


    Naroo of C.D. Block: SIRSI ; COUt! No. : 0090

    Location Name of Village I Totall CATEGOR I E S o F M' A I N Code Town I Ward Rural/ NlJltler Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, fishing, Servicing and Servicing and liunting and Repai'rs in Repairs In Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry act ivi ties

    ( III ) (I V) [Veal] [V(b)] (VI)

    (M) (F) (101) (F) (101) (F) (101) (F) (101) (F)

    (1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

    104 Sonda 146 11 9 3 2 4 2 105 Hulgol 166 45 8 3 2 106 Arsapur 31 107 Malenalli 20 11 108 Belale 57 47 109 Gol ikop 15 1 110 Blta i runbe 164 75 -.- 8 111 Sadashivalli 275 137 20 17 3 4 7 2 11 2 BOIIIIlanall i 206 78 3 3 113 Agsat 199 45 3 4 114 Andolli 58 39 1 115 Herepal 107 44 2 1 , 116 Dasanagadde 21 8 2. 113 Hutgar 92 47 21 10 2 4 35 3 69 8 119 Devarakappa 23 23 120 I tgut i 79 33 11 4 3 11 2 8 121 Kar jag i mane 8 4 122 Balegadde 116 20 5 3 123 Kappa 72 11 4 124 lIarehulekal 42 4 6 7 3 125 Keliginaonikere 98 59 126 Shinganall i 94 20 1 127 Melinaonikeri 94 43 2 5 2 5 128 Modur 6 129 ShigehaLli 88 4 3 130 I(adbal 122 29 3 5 131 Naigar 57 58 132 Satkani 53 17 133 Tattisar 60 32 6 134 Ko[ igar 103 8 2 135 Muregar 14 136 Manac:tur 68 48 137 Neelkani 138 Kudragod ~ 139 Gonsar 74 63


    N:II11c of CD. Bhx:k : SIRSI : Code No. : 0090

    W 0 It K E R S Marginal ~on-Workers . Hame of vi I I age I locat ion Workers ToWn I liard Code Transport, Other N\M11ber StQrage and Services C.aIIIJU"icat i on

    (VIl ) <~.111 ) (IX)

    (lot) (F) (1'1) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

    (3S) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

    ,.. 18 2S 18 113 179 284 Sonda 104 5 6 13 16 19 76 16l 283 Hulgot lOS 3 2 2 23 22 38 Arsapur 106 1 2 3 26 49 61 "'alenal I i 107 5 2 84 HI Belale 108 :s 10 19 41 Gol itop 109 10 2 5 25 10 6 49 124 200 Bhairumbe HO 14 12 19 22 15 102 311 470 Sadashiva\li ItT 10 J 6 Z 12 34 106 188 Bonlnana II i 112 6 16 6 2 19 146 248 Agsal 113 2 3 3 B 36 52 Andoll i 114 1 -- 2 3 50 103 Hcrepal 115 5 5 3 1 38 54 Dasanagadde 116 85 10 58 147 57 13 88 426 667 Hutgar 118 -- 2 7 18 26 Devarakoppa 119 2 1 n 4 25 64 103 139 Itgul i 120 4 6 8 Karjagimane 121 .4 12 13 31 143 75 97 Balegadde 122 1 76 161 Koppa 123 10 5 5 3 6 71 97 159 Hilrehulckal 124 1 2 2 12 80 127 Kel iginaoniker'C 125 1 7 3 3 48 41 63 Sh i ngana II 1 126 5 13 4 2 2 82 141 Mel i naoni ker i 127 1 2 7 8 16 Modur 128 2 13 2 9 97 163 Shlgehall i 129 9 5 33 107 70 119 Kadbal 130 1 3 2 97 77 Iofaigar 131 8 2 16 4 70 113 Salkani 132 2 1 5 2 68 112 Tattisar 133 5 2 2 19 29 110 147 Kol igar 134 28 S3 Muregar 135 3 5 79 128 Manadur 136 8 17 Neetkani 137 59 101 k'udragod 138 2 64 77 Gonsar 139

    213 VILLAGE I TO\V]\: I)IU~IAI{Y

    Name of C.D. Block: SIRSI ; Cod" 1\0, : 0090

    location Name of Village I total! A:Ld 'n ~~.ul No,at Tot ~l i iJ0pu l ,} t H)n SCtJ~dulcd Code Town I Ward Rural! "(·ct"" ", 'k,,'~' (InCiLJOlny In tht: "ye gruup Nl.JIIber Urban tor V 1" ,.' '," " '," In:". t J t u t 1 (Jr)tl l t. (0 _ 6) lage;' Ii. "." ,] ',0u"cl (,'"

    1n <;q.km er'l . , f.' 'rUl ,l( lon) tor HaUl,"" town;, and C.D. B lad,

    ("l) ( ~ J ( ~J " (M) (;) ("l) (i ,

    (1) (2) (3) (4) ( '.') , (b) (7) b) (L) (11) (12) (13) (l~)

    140 Shirguni 1214.71 25 165 74 91 22 8 141 Muski 2345.09 72 387 193 19~ 63 32 'S 1 2 1 142 Kakkall i 558.78 31 206 104 102 26 12 14, 6 5 143 Kananuslci 765.38 1f.8 75 73 20 11 9 6 5 144 Vanall i 492,(Jl 377 195 182 57 26 31 5 5 145 Gurvall i 11')0.15 81 489 231 258 BO 32 48 2 3 146 Menshi , 154 .60 )28 278 251) 73 37 3b 27 18 147 Balekaimane 947.61 1,,0 lOb 84 2... 13 11 9 9 148 Dhoranageri 1132.15 235 117 30 12 1B 149 Kalgadde Kanchigadde 1697.10 382 198 62 33 29 ,9 31 150 Songinamane 2494.26 287 31 .. 0 I, 151 KOOnagadde 1391.79 128 128 638 324 32 11 16 152 Mogadde 1066.00 30 30 217 116 ,01 1 .. 153 Audhal 1062.75 54 56 329 163 lbb 43 16 3 154 Bakkal '124.80 85 85 493 261 232 ,SlL 3, 3 155 Nakshe 394.00 51 Sl 328 183 " 145 39 2: ''I 156 Banavasi 740.27 9t;2 5290 2731 2')59 8b8 ~'J8 411) 5' -; 157 Tigni 779.83 195 1150 572 200 '/,' ,103 172 i92 158 Naroor .'9(,.13 173 95~' 48iJ 1151 92 89 58 45 159 Chickdugl i ~ ,~5. ;>'1 b 6 lb t 2 2 160 Mugwall i 33tl.~~ 132 772 134 bU 74 8 7 161 Kalkoppa 108 ... 1 282 _,0-. '-, 20 21 24 21 162 Bhasi 809.97 .. ~ 1 ~ 3 57 5D 77 72 \63 Kantraji 569.14 Bl 113 ')i 62 92 79 164 Ajjarni 413.65 108 105 ,. ~ " 82 43 39 197 152 165 Gudnapur 740.03 155 159 1uiS 145 66 79 16 17

    166 Bengte 930.09 187 187 '" ,,~! 80 102 106 104 167 Gadgeri 328.38 56 56 1 ,,_"J 29 80 76 , , 168 Kalgundikopp 171.23 3' 31 236 l1t; ~, 169 Vaddinakoppa 288.74 3'> 35 185 <;2 3; "'_-

    170 Navanger i 402.53 70 71 3b6 187 )7 27 :j: J 171 Golikatta 185.78 47 47 2u2 1 ~ i:' 2b 16 11) 172 Mundgehall i 290.28 28 28 140 b7 73 19 11 8 173 Sahasrall i 284,62 31 31 208 106 lG2 51 20 31 12 174 ((0900 130.10 20 20 121 b2 59 21 1\l ,1


    ------Scl1etiult"'d Literates Total Main J N D U S T R I A L NJ/JIC ot vll .3ge Locnt i on Tr i bE-" 1oI0rkers Town I loIiJrd Code Number

    (I - I X) (I) (I I)

    (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) U) (M) (f) (r-j) -+------('~ ) (16) {17) ( 18) ( 19) (? 3) (2) (1)

    39 140 83 73 Mv;k,

    6~ 60 1 .~' 142

    56 'i,: 1~3 144 119

    169 131 154 59 ~ , ~, ., .' j ~ '. :.) 207 148 165 47 23 7 27 146 79 46 68 2~ 5 147 95 86 79 14 6 148

    143 114 125 43 17 33 31 ",.lg"'Jd(: ~iln(n Ig,.ddc 149 191 159 190 165 79 11 57 75 Songlnalllane 150 250 208 208 35 82 5 25 19 Kodnagaddc 151 54 37 70 50 52 23 25 "1 (;gc,dcic 152 88 63 119 77 86 43 15 31 Audhai 153 19i' 152 171 47 8 6 13 27 BiJkkat 154 115 7'i 129 33 11 Nakshc ISS 7 1820 1381 1504 602 3~ 7 73 414 156 3.:.8 219 349 10 1·,,_1 151 T 19ni 157 32 290 51 53 93 1'i8 :; 6 7 1~9

    92 21 2)1 " 44 40 83 54 87 55 7 '61 389 274 358 143 284 85 162

    250 192 224 168 120 63 77 98 Kilntri' J I 163 161 97 207 121 75 30 93 82 Aj JMnl 164 325 251 313 209 243 185 7 14 Gudnapur 165 31S 219 317 1.:.8 12 1 It_7 1,,0 8,:n9\ c 166 95 104 107 81 37 8 37 b1 Gadgcri 167 61 55 67 35 15 31 26 Kat gundi kopp 168 S9 47 55 5 3 'II (_jod H)lj~. ,;.r LJ 169 131 90 111 52 31 4 2U 25 Nilvangcrl 170 75 49 62 47 22 8 25 27 Gol ibtla 171 35 25 46 31 24 7 18 2() Mundgeh ,,\ \ 1 172 54 27 58 31 32 12 24 14 Sahasra!! i 173 21 13 32 9 7 Kogod 174 VILLAGE I TO\VN I)RIl\IARY

    Namc.ofC.O. BklCk: SIRSI ; ('odc No. : 0{)90

    Location ~ame of Village / Total/ CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town / \lard Rural/ Nl.IIDef Urban Livestock, Mining and ManufacturIng, Manufacturing, construction Forestry, QuarryIng Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Serv Icing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards 8. Industry Household All ied Industry act i vi ties

    ( 111 ) ( IV) [V(a)] (V(b)] (VI)

    (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (f)

    (1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31 ) (32) (33) (34)

    140 Shirguni 20 141 Muski 91 14 142 lCakka!ti 35 16 143 Kananuski 38 5 144 Vanalli 77 15 4 4 145 Gurvalli 87 10 2 146 Menshi 103 7 10 2 147 Balekaimane 61 15 148 Dhoranageri 63 7 149 Kalgadde Kanchigadde 72 9 1~ Songinamane 48 78 151 Kodnagadde 78 6 4 152 Mogadde 9 2 153 Audhal 16 2 154 8akkal 140 9 155 Nakshe 110 21 2 156 Banavasi 73 8 7 34 18 99 5 41 4 157 Tigni 31 9 3 1 2 158 Naroor 15 6 8 -- 159 Chickdugli 160 Mugwall i 23 6 3 4 161 Kalkoppa 19 21 162 Bhasi 10 2 1 4 163 Kantraj i 2 1 6 5 2 164 ·Ajjarni 32 3 165 Gudnapur 14 , 9 7 4 2 166 Bengle 98 2 4 6 1 4 167 Gadgeri 20 9 2 3 168 Kalgundikopp 15 8 3 169 Vaddinakoppa 6 2 170 Navangeri 27 17 7 11 171 Gol i katta 4 9 2 1 172 Mundgeha lli 173.Sahasralli 1 174 1C0gOO 7 2


    Name of CD. Block: SIRSI : Coue No. : 0090

    IJO~KERS Marginal Non'workers Name of Village I Location lJorkers Town I lJard Code Trade and ,Transport. Other Number

    Conmerc~ Storage and Services comruricat ion

    (VII) (VIII ) ( IX)

    (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

    (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

    20 85 Shirgunl 140 78 176 Muski 141 3 13 26 57 Kakkall i 142 27 60 Kanamusk 1 143 13 17 6 1 11 75 133 Vanall.i 144 5 10 1 2 13 75 186 Gurvall i 145 2 14 6 7 48 106 155 Mcnshi 146 1 4 37 55 Balekaimane 147 5 16 55 22 49 Dhoranager i 148 2 3 73 141 Kalgadde Kanchigadde 149 1 1 4 97 112 Song inarnane 150 3 3 13 4 116 279 Kodnagadde 151 2 45 49 Mogadde 152 1 1 44 89 Audhal 153 4 5 5 14 76 76 109 Bakkal 154 6 1 1 16 53 96 Nakshe 155 240 24 32 176 56 5 17 1222 1940 Banavasi 156 1 7 6 11 181 212 219 Tigni 157 4 2 84 190 234 Naroor 158 3 3 Chickdugl i 159 6 4 3 2 4 50 113 186 Mugwall i 160 2 1 4 49 87 Kalkoppa 161 6 5 8 6 157 203 231 Bhasi 162 3 2 8 4 3 142 203 Kantraj i 163 5 2 4 126 157 Ajjarni 164 8 3 23 1 13 189 290 Gudnapur 165 6 2 17 5 4 63 197 311 Bengle 166 3 3 2 65 105 Gadgeri 167 2 49 85 Kalgundikopp 168 2 1 43 37 45 Vaddinakoppa 169 7 1 2 6 4 13 76 114 Navangeri 170 6 3 2 12 48 31 Golikatta 171 3 3 1 4 21 38 Mundgehalli 172 2 2 48 71 Sahasrall i 173 ,30 50 Kogod HI.

    217 \,ILI.:\ca: I TO\\'N PIH'I:\I~Y

    NamcofC.O. Bind;: SIRSI: Code '0.: ()I)'II)

    location Name of Village I Totall Area In ~0.of ~o.~! ''':'1.'-':

    COde Town I liard Rurall HectDr~~ Orru- Hou~c­ (1 nc l UlJl f1':1 ~ I •

    Nl.mber Urban for lIil- IJlcd H01d~ In~t I tut loncll ll. (0 6)

    lages I> RC~ld­

    In '>Q.krn entlill pupul .. tl0n) for House" towns ,mc C.0.8 loe' '.

    " . (,r) '.t') (foI) (F)

    (1) (2) (3) (4 ) (5 ) (8) (9) ( 1:) ( 11) (12) (' ~) (1 ~)

    175 Kall; 1/; 1 15() 3il 21 17 3 176 Kappa 388.32 31 99 91 17 '1 6 , 1 177 Uplekoppa '+45.3~ )~ 1 : 1J 178 Somanall; 13 179 Umblekoppa St', ..•• 12 ", , ,.5 180 Bidrall i 39". ,-,1 25 181 Unchalli 289.57 82 8 .. 7· 182 kerekoppa 78 -', \J 14 183 Kabbe n 43 184 Halsinkoppa 94.30 3'.1 31) 82 72 33 .~ 3 )7 185 I(anakoppa 151'.9(') L , 27 74 19 , 1 186 Sugavi 1003.09 142 142 t/;l 341 356 93 82 66 187 Madnakeri 306.14 73 73 421 22'> 190 S' 27 18 12 188 Gonur 870.98 118 118 364 3~~ 12<; D4 44 189 Halgadde 563.08 137 137 652 331 321 13' 66 65 190 kandraj i 665.68 83 1 ~1 23 '\ 2 3 191 Bankanal '-15.C3 75 82 23) 220 81 43 F 47 192 UlIJIlalile 118. i'~ 2U 2:· 11/ ')2 193 Bi lur 517.11 /j 2Z:S 216 62 33 5 3 194 Gongatta 262.14 32 32 97 29 ,7 195 Kuppall i 298.51 34 3" 80 32 . I 2 ;; 196 Malalgaon 686.62 133 13 .. 4fJ5 380 106 '( '3 197 Yekkambl 493.11 214 443 473 135 17 23 198 Adnall; C2i_J ? 1222.09 104 31" 296 81 33 ~ I .3 199 Sh;valli 1458.56 12'> 1 (~ 7U. Wi, , ) 200 Angodkop 427.06 2.'3 12~ 99 7 7 -, 201 634.87 )4 . It>7 180 5'1 23 3'

    C 'n 202 Bisalkoppa 460.43 103 1(J3 ), ~ 293 285 74 35 .)', 2 203 Hudelkop 174.19 51 51 268 137 131 32 11 21 56 204 Mudebail 123.71 15 15 76 38 38 7 1 6 0-, 205 lJadgeri 315.51 33 33 171 Oc 95 33 18 1') 16 206 Benagi 372.12 42 113 105 11- 7

    207 Hallikoppa 161.73 Z7 2l 187 1'"v, 80 3,' 17 13 .3 208 kotekoppa 163.72 16 16 123 70 53 22 10 12 209 Danagana II i 654.74 15G 150 919 472 447 172 96 76 72

    218 CENSllS. AHSTI{ACT

    ----....!.-.------_ ... -_._- - SchedUled lIterates Total ",,' r: ~ ~ J 5 T R I A l ",>'11.: of VIllage Location Tribes lowll I warCl COde ~~ u: t , ~ It..) r .... Al.j· • ~ ....; i t l.i r' .) l Number

    (I - Ill) (1 ) (11 )

    (M) ~F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (f) ('1)

    ------_-_. -_.- --__ .. ( 15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (2(:) (21) (24) (23) (24) (2) (1)

    ------_._---_. -.------.-----~ ..~------..---.------1(\4 B8 14 63 11 17') 74 6L' 23 11) 176 119 B5 F .:.1 177 52 22 17 .118 55 51 58 'r. .., 3 :; 179 80 62 74 9 52 dldr ilt [1 180 182 89 189 48 4~ 1f) 3i" unch;,( t I 181. 129 112 93 5(; ~g ·7 22 33 18l 13'6 75 125 6'+ 88 38 11 2LJ 183 49 39 40 26 31 19 5 ,ut··,,, •. ;·pp.l 184, 55 35 37 28 18 15 12 "dllakoppa .185

    218 18~ 215 71 81 63 Sugavi 186. 144 97 141 11') 77 63 35 44 Madnilker 1 187 26 26 216 163 117 135 3 62 113 Gonur 188 2 5 212 159 2')c' 87 52 12 67 61 Halgaddc '89 125 113 118 "6 IH 35 12 1.. K,lIldraJ j 190 141 89 127 41 r8 13 31 22 [L,n. '-Ina I 191 51 40 33 28 24 22 192 155 107 139 116 123 193 63 54 ~1 53 29 194 63 35 67 4') 54 38 10 b 195 221 131 244 219 11,9 123 -;3 196 306 253 256 61 26 3~ 27 y ,;kk illllt) I .197

    250 167 218 192 49 54 1 9 Ad"" I I 1 198 290 194 251 166 84 67 13 30 199 70 42 72 29 19 23 I, 20.0 91 82 107 50 23 8 iJlliJl 2Ul 227 194 175 3r~ 36 Bisali


    NaJneofC.D. Block: SIRSI; Code No. : 0090

    location Name of Village I Total! CATEGOR I E S o F M A I N Code Town I Ward Rurall

    N~r Urban livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, ~onstructlon Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Sen/icing and Servicing and Hunting and Repaj·rs in . Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Househo{d Al Lied I ndustl'y activities

    ( III ) (IV) [V"{a~J [V(b)J (V I)

    (M) (F) CM) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (101) (F)

    (1) (2) (3) (~) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

    175 Katli 9 3 176 Koppa 7 7 S 1n Uplekoppa S 2 178 Somanall i 7 6 2 179 Umblekoppa 18 10 180 8idrall i 9 7 4 181 unchal ti 8 2 1 .'.J 182 ICerekoppa 12 1 7 . 1 . 183 Kabbe 7 S 11 1 184 Katsinkoppa 2 3 185 Kanakoppa 13 7 186 Sugavi 3S 1 6 3 " 181 Madnakeri 19 5 183 Gonur 189 Ralgadde 28 3 r7 .. 2 190 Kandraj i 1l 5 2 -- 191 Bankanal 4 192 IJImIade - -.. 193 Bi lur 194 Gongatta 3 195 Kuppell i 1 196 MalaLgaon 6 1 2 2 2 4 197 Yekkambi 58 8 28 5 13 8 198 Adnall i 167 128 199 Shivall i 145 68 200 Angodkop 29 7 20t Ul1al 67 15 -'. 202 Btsalkoppa 93 t9 4 203 Nudel kop , 204 MucIeba it 5 1 -- 205 wadgeri 7 2 J 206 Benagi 3 2 11 207 fiatt i kappa 8 8 1 208 lCotekoppa 1 209 Danaganall i 2 3 2 4


    Nam~ of C.D. BJo,k : SIRS! ; (\x1~ No. : 0090

    WORJCERS Marginal Non-loIorl

    (VII) (Va 1) (IX)

    CM) CF) Cfe) (0 eM) (F) (foI) (f) (101) (f)

    <:sS) (6) (37) <3a) (39) (40) (41) '(42} (43) (44) (2) (1)

    4 84 U6 Kalil 175 2 36 68 Koppa 176 1 73 55 uplelcoppa 177 1 36 29 SOlllanal1 i 178 3 2 8 35 62 Umb I elc oppa 179 :} 1 4 52 44 56 Bidratli 180 9 5 3 76 2 91 156 Unchall i 181 6 1 5 1 7 115 1St. Kerekoppa 182 2 5 2 11 90 97 Kabbe 183 42 46 l1alsinkoppa '84 28 37 Kanakoppa 185 lt Z 11 5 45 125 240 Sugavl 186 8 2 83 81 Madnakcri 187 Z 1 164 227 Gonur 188 16 : Z 5 ...... 14 5 17 128 217 Halgaddc 189 5 4 28 73 115 l(andraji 190 5 1 7 5 15 5S 93 124 8ankanal 191 32 24 Unllk,dc 192 8 3 81 99 Bllur 193 1 16 38 50 Gongat til 194 2 2 38 33 I(uppalll 195 3 9 161 161 Malalgaon 196 :SZ 4 6 44 18 192 411 YCkkilllltJl 197 1 106 104 Adnall i 198 3 6 4 77 139 129 Shivall i 199 11 52 70 Angodkop, 200 4 ",:' 1 4 32 60 130 Ullal 201 .q 2 18 118 254 Bisalkoppa 202 1 59 67 Hudclkop 203 . - 8 29 Mudcbai I 204 T -,':": .. 8 35 77 loIildgeri 205 ~... " ' '1 2 1 41 53 8enagi 206 3 37 47 Ifallikoppa 207 34 2t. lCotekoppa 208 11 4 2 216 390 Danaganall i 209


    Na~ of C.D. Block: SIRSI ; Code No. : OOqO

    locat i on Name of Vi 1I age I Totall Area In No.of No.of r ot~lI pupul at ion Tot ill f'opu[ at Ion Scheduled Code Town I Ward RUf'all Hectares Occu- ,HoUse­ [I nc 1 udl n9 in the age group Castes Nunber Urban for vil- pled Holds I ns tIt u! 1 {)n,) I 0. (0 . 6) [age, & Resid­ In ~q.km ential POpuli,t Ion) for Houses

    and C.O.Sloeb

    (t' ) (M) (f) (II) (M) (F) (M) (f)

    -----,------,-, - el) (2) (3) (4) , ; [q) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14

    ,-- ,_ ------210 Mattihall; 288.31 29 34 1~l7 9~ 8

    ~} 1 -. 211 Kuppagadde U" 410 1S2 78 107 11.

    , 212 Bellanakeri , • ~ t, ,.5 ... u 33 41 51 213 Badanagod 9) :.' • '/ ,lb. 231' 227 141 15:

    214 Kalang; 4C2.B~ .,':_ :_., '») 56

    216 Santo I I i 395.36 9~ ''''* 46 46 90 9 217 Kirwatti 351.36 11 31 21 123 101 218 Hebbatt i 580.26 ;"; 1 72 149 161 , 219 Kyadgikoppa 336.04 51 5' '4 9 14 3

    220 Mill anj i 5')7. ~14 99 "-. /f :- , ~ ~ , 10 1, 221 Margundi 1419.31 219 581 ,SIB ',13 9.1 r 2' 222 Andgl 617.26 18.:. 99 9' 223 Kalkardi 561 . ~~ 44 41

    224 Mug ,I koppa ~ 225 Hadalg; 24')" 119 20 35 226 Madra I I i 684 )'>1 35

    -r') iJ­ 227 Kadgod i ,_." 13,' 13 ?

    C.D. Block Total Rural


    Sirsi (OG) 2.99 750 752 3tW 210 18!

    01 -, 7' , 2 landakanahall i COG) 5.67 299 300 1St1 c.',- ,.' 95 81

    3 Kalkuni (OG) 3,2 J 2bU 133? 12~

    4 Puttanmane COG) 2')50 1277 1279 ~/3 41~

    C.D. Block Total Urban 16.39 1811 :'673 le18 519 799 874


    !\;alll,· "I C.I). Illod. : SII

    Scheduled Literates Total Haln i N D U S T R I A L NClfllC of \I ill age Locat Ion

    Tribes Yorkers. T(.",n I 1.Iard Code Cuttl,atnr~ Agrlcultura. Nl.lIl1ber labourer.;

    ([ n) (l) ([ [) ----.-- (14) (F) (1'1) (F ) (H) (F) (14) (F) (1'1) (f)

    (1') ) (16) , (17) (18) (1Q) ( 2 ) \ ~,? )

    -----~--~------"-~ ------~----.. ------~-~------63 ">7 .. 8 6 39 :, b M"ttihalll 210 209 137 252 234 172 149 71 81 Kuppagaddc 211 127 69 120 30 67 8 3b 19 Bct l()n;)KCri 212. 25 16 764 494 771 2'6 ~!:~ c, )~ 2~~~ i'),_. 6.-' J("ln,'lgl")d 2n

    202 147 180 2~ 1.. t t ~!.: 1e> ~'l [.-Wl'-jl 214 160 1L18 150 51 122 34 21 10 IlfIII,J'J,j,l. 215

    143 110 172 126 95 62 58 62 Sdnt "I l 1 216 116 61 121 60 74 25 47 35 I(lrwilttl 217 214 153 282 9') 184 19 97 75 HebOatt I 218 35 28 44 37 24 20 1t~ 17 Kyadg 1 kappa 219 193 H4 ,..., 16U QP, .. b'> 1i.b Ma\anJl 220 291 205 359 236 2'1 12') B3 t/) H;.rgundl 221 269 161 292 196 149 9 115 17') Andgl 222 132 96 123 62 85 43 21 17 Kalk,)rdl 223 5 4 5 5 Mugllkoppa 224 72 68 79 54 49 29 25 24 Hadalgi 225 13 11 273 192 215 117 177 79 21 37 Madrall i 226 89 60 84 48 51 29 1'-1 '_,1\1YlHJ " 227

    152 142 34448 26035 32095 12778 11112 3461 59)5 5382 C.D. Block Total Rural


    14 14 1230 981 938 133 23 2 274 48 SI rs I (OG) 1 595 457 427 163 88 54 76 70 landakanahalLi (OG) 2 3 :5 519 441 354 58 8 15 3 Kalkuni (OG) 3 760 562 692 277 " 6 6 Puttanm[lnc (OG) 4 17 17 3104 2441 2411 631 123 57 371 127 C.D. Block TotaL Urban


    Na~ of C.D. Block: SIRSI ; ('Oue No. : OO<)() location Name of Village / Totall CAT EGO R J E S o F M A J N Code Town,/ Ward Rural/ NuItler Urban livestock, Mining and M,lnufactur i ng, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Process i ng, Process iog, fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards &. Industry Household All ied Industry activiti£''>

    (111) (IV) [V(a)] [V(b») (VI)

    (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) ( F ) (M) (f) (M) (f)

    (n (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33 ) (34)

    210 Mattihall; 3 211 Kuppagadde 3 2 -:1' 212 Bel.~ana«f:'ri 7 ;> 3 213 Badanagoo 14 11 5 28 12 214 Kalangi'

    215 waddal . l·O. 1 21-6 S~tot ti , 9 2 217 nr~ni 2t8 Ketlbett". 219 I(yadg.j:k~ 220-kalanjl 1 .. 5 3 221, Hargi¥ldi. ':, 48 28 2 2 222 AndlJi 5 3 4 4 2 223 Katkardi : 14 1 ' .'t .. -...... Z24 NugilkQPP8 ' " - ''', 225 Hadatgi 2 ZZ6 "Madrall i 8 227 Kadgod 11

    C:O. 810ck fotal Rural 10302 2827 208 40 267 73 560 76 369 26


    " SiJ:"si .(:00.) . 22 5 10 50 4 27 2 88 6 . 2 :(a~~l'lah8tl; COG) 15 7 22 6 3 21 2 3 3 :l(aHtl:ll"l~ (;6G) 119 22 4 46 6 24 1 4 Puttanllll"e. COG.) 165 69 12 11 64 10 178 ~'!

    C.D. Btock Total Urban 311 103 32 72 18 158 20 293 9~


    Name of C. D. I3lod : SIRSI ; CoUc No. : 0090

    II d R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Vi llage '/ location Workers Town / Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Number Conmerce Storage and Services 'Conmunication

    (VII) (VIII) ( IX)

    (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (101) (F)

    (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

    8 45 36 44 Mattihalli 210 1 _J. 4 2 1 155 175 Kuppagadde 211 1 23 92 142 Bellanakeri 212 70 4 10 52 18 614 1060 Badanugod 213 2 2 131 273 Kalangi 214 3 2 1 14 123 171 Waddal 215 2 5 2 98 143 Santolli 216 73 108 Ki rwatt i 217 -- . 1 19 173 351 Hebbatti 218 30 38 Kyadgi k'oppa 219 5 1 2 10 6 105 119 Malanj i 220 6 3 7 9 13 114 209 233 Margundi 221 4 2 11 5 4 192 277 Andgi 222 62 81 99 Kalkardi 223 3 1 Hugilkoppa 224 1 40 72 Hadalgi 225 7 59 136 157 Madralli 226 2 48 67 Kadgod 227

    1183 111 399 13 1740 769 568 4753 19531 32315 C.D. Block Total Rural


    97 10 137 3 210 52 4 976 1647 Sirsi (OG) 1 61 6 49 86 21 4 384 582 landakanahall i COG) 2 56 2 29 53 24 4 46 311 559 Kalkuni COG) 3 143 47 50 80 48 15 124 570 878 Puttanmane (OG) 4

    357 6S 265 4 429 145 21 178 2241 3666 C.D. Block Total Urban




    SIl""~'OF TliE '11llAGt '1'991 CENSUS 1981 tMSOS "iii() lOCATION COOE lOCATION CODE LOCATIGNcCOOE 'tOOAlUIN cooe (Manual) (COInpUti!r} , fManua L ) '(C~te")

    f 2 ',,3 4 S '6

    Akhet j', 11/20110/89 \ ,'j 11/20/0100/0089 '9 n91 Hl}l.06 rw I W,O tOOl {)'06 2 11/20/10/3;J 1U20(01oo/oo33 91't9110/17 '991 19iO tOO/oOJ7 3~.'_r't\te 1 1120) lO128 1112010"lOO/OOl8 ''91 t91 'O/:n 09,. 19,0tOO/OOJ2 4 Ambiel i P/20Jl0/l : 11/20/01 00/0001 9/1'9/"10/1 09}'1,9/0tOO/OOO 1 5 Afnbpll i 11120110/79 "1112'0/0100/013'79 9) "91101'96 1:19/19101'00/0096 6 Amsfolet '1T/ZOJ10/9 11120/01,00/0009 ,91 't9I1Q/11 WI- 't91'6100/Q011 7 AI'1mI)d '11/20)10188 11 /20f.f:llOO/0088 -9}19)19/1QS 09/1910 tOO/-() 105 B Ans"i '11/20/10/18 , 11201'01'00/0078 '9/19/10~ 091W/0100i'O!1'>S '9 Asu 'U/20/10/101 11120/0100(.1)1'01 ·9/19/10/118 ,09 !l9tO 1'00/0 11i8 10 ·Asull i '11/20/10;142 1J/~OJ01(0)U042 J9 i WI 1-Of47 :()9,1 't9/() 10010047 11 Atle 11/20110/119 11/201'0'00;01,9 ·9/'1-9.1 '01 l.}7 ,69/19l0100/0t'17 12 Aveda 11120/10/19 111i'Of'0l()O/'OOW ·91t9/10/21 '09/19tOl00tOO21 13 Avedapoj)alawadi 11/20/10/110 1 f nO/01OO{OHO '-9/19/1.0; 118 i)'U t9(O fOO{() t 28 '14 Avurl i ' 11/20/10/60 11/20/0100/0060 ·9/l9/10/17 Jfl9J 19/0 100/0077

    1S '~ad!,und 11/20}tQ/20 ' 11120/101001<0020 ,9/l9/10/Z3 ()9/~W01OO/OO~3 l6·,Sadpot i 11/2'0110/81 11/20/-0100/0081 ,9/t9/1Q,48 t)Q11910100/009'6 17 8C111111aWad i 11120110/4 11/20/0100/00e4 9/1<9/10/5 091 t9/0 10010005 18,Sandoda 11/20/1-0/112 , lIZQ/OlOO/OHZ -9/l911 Ol1'>l'O ffiIWtOlOO/OHO 1'9 Bapeti '11120/10/37 ' 11/20fOHJ0l0037 ',9/19/tO/29 091 't9 !()tOO 10029 20 Bazarkunang 11120/10/117 11/29Y:0100I'0117 .-9/W/H)JH5 '09, W/O1 001 0 't>35 21' Bhedasgadde 11120/10"68 ", 120/0 HlO{0068 ,9/l-9/10/85 091 19r01O(J/Ooas 2Z Bidol i 1l12DI"Oln 1 1 f2~/Ol00/01iJ77 ·9/"9/101'94 09jW/01'90/0094 23 BirkhQl 11I2Cn01 ts 11120/'0100{0015 '91l91l 0192 091 '1'9/0100/0092 014 80rega li 11/20/H)/100 11/2011)100/0100 ,9/1'9/10/117 ~i19/0100rot17 25 80ri ft I2(V t 01 tOl 1 TI.a1t'Ol 0010 102 '9/19/tOI1l9 09/'1<9fOl'()()/OH9

    <6 Chafer ,11/20110167 11120/0100/0067 '91 t9) 1DJ'84 09/WtOl00/0084 27 Chandawadi 11129) 1'0/96 11 (20/0100/0iW6 ,9;'t9nO)'tn J6911-9t0100/0H3 28 Ch;tpak"and l1J20n0!S4 11120/0\00/0.054 ;Q/l9/HUl1 09/19J'(l WO/OO'11 29 Chapat i ,11/Zonoi53 11/20/0100/00S3 >9) W 11'0} 11'6 09} 'I<9/-01GO/OH.6 30 Ilhapoti ,(A) '",20/10/99 H 120/.()tOO1O(199 <9/191\.0/70 :99IWf4'IOO/~ 11 Chapel i ('al,aai) , 1l/29!10f49 11/20tOl00rOOtr9 9!l9/10/65 :'09}Wf()1OOrOO6S 32 Chinehkhand 11 t i201 Hlt63 '1 tl2GlO'l-OOf0063 19/1'9)1-9/80 69}19P6'tOOJooeo

    33 D~rjye '11120/10,.48 ,t 1/20/'1)1'0010048 <'9}W/14Jfl64 : Cl9) 119/0100/0064 34 Dewlt i ( Joi:da) , 11/2011'0150 t 11~f'O tOOf.oOSO '9!1WfG1b6 ,f}9}WrotrolQ066

    35'Devulli (Tenat) < 11/20/11'0/93 U iNtOl.OQtJ0093 "91 W/l'Ol HO ,'tW)t




    2 3 4 5 6

    40 Gangoda 11/20/10/59 11/20/0100/0059 9/19/10176 09/19/0100/0076 41 Gavegal i 11/20/10/27 11/20/0100/0027 9/19/10/31 09/19/0100/0031 42 Ghavane 11/20/10/109 11/20/0100/0109 9{1911 01127 09/19/0100/0127 43 Ghodshet 11/20/10/83 11/20/0100/0083 9/19/10/100 09/19/0100/0100 44 Gund 11/20/10/61 11/20/0100/0061 9/19/10178 09{19/0100/0078

    45 Hebbal 11/20110/71 11/20/0100/0071 9/19/10/88 09/19/0100/0088 46 Hudsa 11/20/1 0/56 11/20/0100/0056 9/19/10/73 09/19/0100/0073

    47 Ivol i 11/20/10{108 11/20/0100/0108 9/19/10/125 09/19/0100/0125

    48 Jagalbet 11/20{10/3 11/20/0100/0003 9/19/10/5 09119/0100/0005 49 Jalawa{i 11/20/10/86 11/20/0100/0086 9/19/10/103 09/19/0100/0103 '50 11/20/10/51 11/20/0100/0051 9/19/10/67 09/ 19/01 00/0067

    51 Kalambull n/20110/87 11120/0100/0087 9/19/10/10,- 09/19/0100/0104 52 Kalamkhimd 11/20/1 0/32 11/20/0100/0032 9/19/10/36 09/19/0100/0036 53 Kalsai 11/20/10/82 11/2{)/0100/0082 9/19/10/99 09/19/0100/0099 54 Kamare 11/201101106 11/20/0100/0106 9/19/101123 09/19/0100/0123 . 55 11/20/10/120 11/20/0100/0120 9/19/10/138 09/19/0100/0138 56 Karanjoida 11/20/10/40 11/20/0100/0040 9/19/10/45 09/19/0100/0045 57 Kariyadi 11/20/10/64 11/20/0100/0064 9/19/10/81 09/19/0100/0081 58 Kasarle 11/20/10/105 11/20/0100/0105 9/19/lO-/-122 09/19/0100/0122 59 KasarWadi 11/20/10/12 11/20/0100/001'2 9/19/10/14 09/19/0100/0014 60 Katel "120/10/47 ,,/20/0100/0047 9/19/10/63 09/19/0100/0063 61 Kateli 11/20/10/46 11/20/0100/0046 9/19/10/62 09/19/0100/0062 62 I(avale 11/20/10/36 11/20/0100/0036 9/19/10/40 09/19/0100/0040 63 I(evarle 11/20/10/114 11/20/0100/0114 9/19/10/-B2 09/19/0100/0132 64 Khodl i 11/20/10/25 11/20/0100/0025 9119/10/28 09/19/0100/0028 65 Konda (Haliyal) 11120/10/21 11/20/0100/0021 9/19/10/24 09/19/0100/0024 66 Kondape 11/20/10/22 11/20/0100/0022 9/19/10/25 09/19/0100/0025 671(onshet 11/20/10/95 11/20/0100/0095 9/19/10/112 09/19/0100/0112 68 I(othalli 11/20/10/74 11/20/0100/0074 9/19/10/91 09/19/0100/0091 69 Kudalgaol"l 11/20/10/15 11/20/0100/0015 9/19/10/17 09/19/0100/0017 70 KUllbhel i 11/20/10/57 11/20/0100/0057 9/19/10/74 09/19/0100/0074 71 Kunbral 11/20/10/5 11/20/0100/0005 9/19/10/7 09/19/0100/0007 72 Kunagini 11/20/10/94 11/20/0100/0094 9/19/10/111 09/19/0100/0111 73 11/201l0{85 11 {20/0100/008S 9/19/10/102 OQ{19/0100{0102 . '" Kurandi 11/20/10/2 11/20/0100/0002 9/19/1'0/4 09/19/0100/0004 75 Kuveshi 11/20/10/1 18 11/20/0100/0118 9/19/10/136 09/19/0100/0136

    76 Malambe 11/20/10/10 11/20/0100/0010 9/19/10/12 09/19/0100/0012 77 Mava l i 1"1ge 11/20/10/23 11/20/0100/0023 9/19/10/26 09/19/0100/0026 78 MiraskUlllbhel i 11/20/10/8 11/20/0100/0008 9/19/10/10 09/19/0100/0010




    2 3 4 5 6

    79 Nagari ' 11/20/10/55 1,'/20/0100/0055 9/19/1 0/ 72 09/19/0100/0072 80 Nagoda·' \ 11/20/10/39 1'1/20/0100/0039 9/19/10/43 09/19/0100/0043 81 Nandiga~ 11/20/10/62 11/20/0100/0062 9/19{10179 09/19/0100/0079 82 Neturge 11/20/10172 , 11/20/0100/0072 9/19/10/89 09/19/0100/0089 83 Nigundi 11/20/10/80 11/20/0100/0080 91t9/10/97 09/19/0100/0097 84 Ninnur 11/20/10/111 11/20/0100/0111 9/19/10;129 09/19/0100/0129 85 Nuj j i 11/20/1 0/84 11/20/0100/0084 9/19/10/101 09/19/0100/0101

    86 Palde 11/20/1 0/90 11/20/0100/009l1 9/19/10/107 09/19/0100/0107 87 Panjel i 11/20/10/38 11/20/0100/0038 9/19/10/42 09/19/0100/0042 88 Payaswad 11/20/10/97 11/20/0100/0097 9/19{10{114 09/19/0100/0114 89 Phansol i 11/20/1 0/31 11/20/0100/0031 9/19/10/35 09/19/0100/0035 90 Pisose 11/20/10/116 11/20/0100JLll1b 9/19/ 10/134 09/19/0100/0134 91 Pradhani 11/20/10/26 11/20/0100/0026 9/19/10/30 09/19/0100/0030 92 Pushel i 11/20/10/18 11/20/0100/0018 9/19/10120 09/19/0100/0020

    93 Ramanaga 11/20;10/123 11/20/0100/0123 9{19{10/0 09/19/0100/0000 94 Rangaruk 11/20/10;<;1 11 /2u/u 1 (il. j :,, ,';11 'i 1 19/ 1U!1 08 09/19/0100/0108

    95 Samjoida 11/20/1 0/52 11/20/0100/0052 9/19/10/68 09/19/0100/0068 96 Sangawe 11/20/10/29 11/20/0100/0029 9/19/10/33 09/19/0100/0033 97 Sannamag 11/20/10/35 11 ;20/0100/003') 9/19/10/39 09/19/0100/0039 98 Sheval i 11/20/1 0/65 11/20/0100/0065 9/19/10/82 09/19/0100/0082 99 Shindhol 11/20/1 0/103 11/20/0100/0103 9/19/10/120 09/19/0100/0120 100 Shingarg 11/20/10/14 11/20/0100/0014 9/19/10/16 09/19/0100/0016 101 Shiragur 11/20/10/113 11/20/0100/0113 9/19;10/131 09/19/0100/0131 102 Shiroli 11/20/10/34 11/20/0100/0034 9/19/10/38 09/19/0100/0038 103 Shivapur 11/20/1 0/70 11/20/0100/0070 9/19/10/87 09/19/0100/0087

    104 Talasgeri 11/20/10/76 11/20/0100/0076 9/19/10/93 09/19/0100/0093 105 Teral i 11/20/10/41 11/20/0100/0041 9/19/10/16 09/19/0100/0016 106 Timbol i 11/20/10/6 11/20/0100/0006 9/19/10/8 09/19/0100/0008 107 Tinaikhand 11/20/1 0/58 11 ;20/0 100/0058 9/19/10/75 09/19/0100/0075

    108 Ulvi 11/20/10/73 11/20/0100/0073 9/19/10/90 09/19/0100/0090 109 Usoda 11/20/10/1.7 11/20/0100/0017 9/19/10/19 09/19/0100/0019

    110 Vade 11/20/H)/104 11/20/0100/0104 9/19/10/121 09/19/0100/0121 111 Vadkal 11/20/10/69 11/20/0100/0069 9/19/10/86 09/19/0100/0086 112 Vaijagaon 11/20/1 0/ 11 11/20/0100/0011 9/19110/13 09/19/0100/0013 113 Vaini 11/20/10/45 11/20/0100/0045 9/19/10/61 09/19/0100/0061 114 Varande 11/20/10/44 11/20/0100/0044 9/19/10/60 09/19/0100/0060 115 variewadi 1'/20/10/92 11/20/0100/0092 9/19/1 0}109 09/19/0100/0109 116 Vatle 11/20/10/121 11/20/0100/0121 9/19/10/139 09/19/0100/0139 117 Vel iefkl.lllbel i 11/20/10/7 11/20/0100/0007 9/19/10/9 09/19/0100/0009 118 Vi lwedabe 11/20/10/107 11/20/0100/0107 9/19/10/124 09/19/0100/0124

    231 C D. BuicK: SUPt\-OJOO



    2 3 4 5 6

    119·V;rat 11/20/1Q1115 11 {20/01 00/011 5 9/19/101133 09/19/0100/0133 120 vir~li 11/20/10/24 11;2010100/0024 9/19/10/27 09/19/0100/0027 121 viranjol 11/20{101122 11/20/0100/0122 9/19/lO/140 09/19/0100/0140 '122'Vtrnoli 11/20/10/30 11/20/0100/0030 9/19/10/34 09/19/0100/0034

    123 Yermukh 11/20/10/66 11/20/0100/0066 9/19/1Q/83 09/19/0100/0083



    Nanit: of C.D. Block: SUPA ; COO\! No. : 0100 location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Topl population Total PopulatIon Scheduled Code Town I liard Rurall Hcctares Occu- Hou~e- (Includlng in the age group Castes Nunber Urban for vil- pied Hold~ In~tltutlonul Ii. (0 . 6) lagcs Ii. Resid­ in sq.km ('ntlal popul ilt Ion) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

    (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12) (13) (14)

    T 1910.50 9162 9398 46818 23940 22878 7808 4002 3806 1533 1487 SUPA C.D.Block R 1909.15 8352 8588 43447 22198 21249 7252 3722 3530 135,5 1294 U 1.35 810 810 3371 1742 1629 556 280 276 178 193

    1 Antlel i 2705.34 25 25 134 68 66 26 14 12 2 Kurandi 642.00 8 22 93 53 40 17 11 6 3 Jagalbet 432.07 403 409 1885 951 934 315 171 144 59 62 4 Banmawadi 370.67 17 17 78 45 33 .B 5 3 5 KlI!Ibral 210.71, 8 8 67 40 27 16 10 6 6 Timbol i 679.57 1,7 47 293 154 139 63 34 29 12 13 7 Vel i ef kll!lbe I i 531.38 23 23 133 72 61 23 13 10 8 Miraskumbhel i 522.87 24 24 143 73 70 30 14 16 9 Amshet 750.20 68 68 386 194 192 93 52 41 10 Malambe 863.20 51, 54 341 170 171 56 ,-35 21 11 Vaijagaon 575.38 44 44 253 129 124 '. 50 28 22 12 Kasarwadi 219.93 8 8 38 17 21 11 5 6 13 Durgi 240.38 15 15 104 51 53 28 12 16 14 Shingargaon 1770.64 85 85 432 210 222 62 31 31 12 16 15 Kudalgaon 1197.56 35 35 236 109 127 40 12 28 16 Donshet 766.12 2 2 12 5 7 2 I 17 Usoda 815.83 104 116 451 243 208 83 52 31 30 22 18 Pushel i 498.47 7 7 42 17 25 5 4 19 Aveda 716.60 61 61 325 166 159 49 25 24 ·20 Badgund 1042.13 23 24 130 62 68 24 13 11 21 Kanda (Haliyai) 407.95 2 2 11 3 8 1 1 22 Kandape 848.72 42 42 190 96 94 28 II, 14 32 33 23 Mavalinge 606.70 84 84 435 231 204 83 49 34 103 87 24 Vi rampal i 2659.50 171 175 891 434 457 149 68 81 32 32 25 Khodt i 1653.89 II 11 45 21 24 6 3 3 26 Pradhani 618.98 69 69 313 158 155 40 20 20 3 2 27 Gavegali 2667.53 118 124 704 358 346 151 75 76 19 16 28 Amarde 267.34 15 15 58 26 32 5 1 4 29 Sangawe 1327.78 72 73 366 192 174 68 27 41 1 30 Virnoli 1951. 12 145 153 709 375 334 126 65 61 22 '23

    234 CENSUS A~stRACT

    :\am<:olC.D. ll.loc·k :.SLP:\: Code No.: 0100

    Scheduled Literates Total M

    (I - IX) ( I )

    (101) (f) (101) (101) (f) (101) (f) (M) (f)

    ~--- .. -. ----- (15) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2 ) (1) --_._-----_.------_. ------237 200 13371 7976 12629 4514 b096 2270 1839 1157 220 181 12007 6947 11854 4410 6093 2270 1768 11?2 SUP A C.D.BlocK 17 19 1364 1029 775 104 3 71 35

    26 17 35 7 13 11 Ambcl i 1 8 5 34 18 8 1 Kurandl 2 2 4 591 436 485 206 139 72 119 lOu Jagillbct 3 21 2 27 17 15 11 8 6 BarrlnaWild r 4 1 18 14 18 14 KUlIlbral 5 41 10 94 83 90 81 4 2 T ilnbol i 6 24 3 38 9 32 4 6 5 Vcl i etkulIIbel i 7 27 )3 43 27 29 16 14 11 Mlril~kumbhcll 8 59 26 99 64 57 49 31 15 Am,.;het 9 102 59 96 89 81 85 6 Malanlbc 10 49 27 68 61 43 44 10 15" Vaijagaon 11 10 5 8 9 8 9 Kasarwadi 12 13 4 26 18 23 18 Durgi 13 138 112 119 129 91 1(17 13 lb Shingorgaon 14 36 26 b4 41 59 38 3 Kudalgaon 15 4 2 2 1 Donshct 16 68 51 44 20 141 109 54 36 26 2b Usoda 17 8 7 9 9 8 8 1 Pu,he l i 18 98 40 100 19 53 7 30 5 Aveda 19 19 14 30 6 23 3 6 2 Badgund 20 2 5 2 2 Konda (Hill iyil[) ?1 11 16 34 10 63 35 40 17 21 18 Kondape 22 120 48 120 70 38 47 68 Maval ingc ?3 261 135 235 50 121 24 11 10 Virampali 24 13 10 13 10 10 10 Khodl i 25 104 63 100 62 46 34 11 7 Pradhilni 26 156 74 190 25 120 2 39 4 Gavcgill i 27 12 5 15 4 9 2 3 1 Al1lilrde 28 94 44 101 55 46 24 31 12 SangJwe 29 136 64 217 118 72 38 36 19 Vi rnol i 30


    Nallk! of C.D. Block: SUPA ; Code;> No. : 0100

    Location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town I Ward Rurall NlI1lber Urban livestock, Minlng and Manufacturing. Mal'l\Jfactur ing, Construction forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing. Fishing. Servicing and Serllicing and lIunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards &. Industry Household All ied Industry activities

    ( III ) ( IV) [V( a)] [V(b)l (VI)

    (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

    (1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

    T 451 111 623 382 101 19 264 17 641 38 SUPA C.D.Black R 448 111 623 382 101 19 249 17 585 38 u 3 15 56

    1 Ambel i Z Kurandi 22 13 3 3 Jagalbet 37 "5 19 .. 12 4 Banmawadi " 5 KU1t>ral 6 Tinbol i 7 Vel i efkllllbel i 8 Hi raskunbhel i 9 Amshet 2 -- 3 10 Malambe 3 3 11 Vai jagaon 4 9 12 Kasarwadi 13 Durgi 3 14 Shingargaon 9 15 Kudalgaon 1 16 Donshet 2 1 17 Usoda 15 11 28 29 3 18 Pusheli 19 Aveda 2 20 Badguncl 21 Konda (Kaliyal) 22 Kondape 2 23 Maval iote 7 1 19 24 Vir~li 10 2 23 9 57 25 Khodl i 2 26 Pradhani 4 20 18 3 27 Gallegali 21 9 5 8 28 Amarde 2 29 Sangawe 15 13 3 30 VirnaL i 8 5 78 48 "


    Nallle of C.D. Blo.:k : SUPA : Cout: No. : 0100

    WORKERS Margin

    (VII) (vql) (IX)


    (35) (36) (l7) (38) (39) (40) (41 ) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1 )

    562 54 704 2"1 1348 445 233 ,1399 "11078 16965 518 49 692 20 777 382 233 1399 10111 15440 SUPA C.O.Blo.ck 44 5 12 571 63 967 1525

    9 2 33 59 Ambel i 19 22 Kurandi 2 47 5 17 86 23 2 39 464 689 J

    237 \'ILLAGI~ / T<}\\'N PRIl\IAJ{Y

    Name of C.D. Bl

    Location Name of Village I Totall Area In N··.d ~ ..,.vt Tut,Jl 1-'0t.,Jut,]t 1 'r: Sltl'.:'UUl'_·.j

    C;j:-,tc..:. < Code Town I Ward Rurall Hectare~ Occu' H""j',l" r' thl' tlge gr.,u;~ NlII1ber Urban for vii- pled HCIC, lages & RCSld' in sq.kfll entlal for Houses

    ---_.. _.------. (P) (M) (PI (M) (F) (M) IF)

    ------~. (1) (2) (3) (4) (b; (7) Ul) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

    31 Phansoli 1217.3D 89 93 49 44 32 Kalamkhand 2057.29 33 AmagBon 12';3.00 69 Z7 .. 2 14 5 9 34 Sh i rol i 886.2; 138 71 61 24 12 12 13 18 35 SannamagB 1001.69 \': I t ayl' 36 Kavale 1250.37 ..... Un· Inhabited Vi tlage 37 Bapel i 433.93 60 bO 2) 7 '29 47 22 25 6 8 38 Panjel i 1658.48 55 bl 357 lbJ "~ l 55 30 25 3 39 Nagoda 819.70 55 55 312 11>1 151 31 29 2 9 6 40 Karanjoida 6618.36 133 133 664 351, 310 111 63 41 Terali 3421.68 '03 ".'3 ...." ,, 215 226 1,14 57 57 .. 2 56 42 Asulli 6180.r5 '7\ 8Ub 406 .. uO 193 90 103 30 32 43 Diggi 1507.90 49 .. 27b 218 97 59 38 44 41 44 Varande 405.98 ,". 35 3:. 9 c- +-- 5 45 Vaini 921. 32 58 168 . 57 24 33 2 46 Katel i 1749.09 236 236 1; u,' ,:>..,:. 176 86 90 5 5 47 Katel 550J~ 19 90 ~: 12 5 7 48 Deriye 817.0t. 129 68 tol '6 8 8 49 Chapali (Kalsai) 2685.30 90 6['7 346 341 yb 51 39 15 10 50 Devulli (Joida) 250.39 8 8 33 17 ') 2 3 51 Joida 1968.12 440 460 221:. 328 163 Ib5 126 115 52 Samjoida 348.72 26 20 123 ')') oS 25 13 12 3 7 53 Chapal i 152.05 28 28 158 93 65 31 17 14 4 3 54 Chapakhand 256.85 15 15 65 32 33 14 5 9 5"5 Nagari 1140.99 37 37 202 103 99 44 25 19 11 14 56 Hudsa 1710.47 74 74 349 iEO 169 72 37 35 2 2 57 Kunilhel i 808.55 3 3 29 1" 15 5 3 2 58 Tinaikhand 92.52 4 4 25 16 10 8 2 59 Gangoda 2727.39 1;9 69 261 89 46 43 35 37 60 Avurl i 1346.76 37 3',1 i13 8b 26 14 12 5 4 61 Cunei 2869.21 5G 5() 1.:.1 141 59 32 27 62 Nandigadde 217.76 99 lU', 2vt:: 180 58 29 29 7 9 63 Chinchkhand 128.0D 10 10 50 26 24 8 S 3 64 Kariyadi 738.61 31 31 161 78 83 12 B 65 Sheval i 2126.02 41 ZlP. 114 104 31 15 lb

    238 CENS.US AnSTnACT

    '\alllL' "I t·.I). 1lI,', k ~\ '1'.\ : ('.'i.k· "". : OIOU

    Scheduled Literates Total Main I N D U S T R I A l N;UUf! 01 vi llage / Locat i on I , Tribes Worker; Code i -_---_._--- Lut t lVdt.:,r:-, AgrlCul tur'~t Number

    (I (I) tl i) -----"--,- (M) (f) (M) \ (f) (") (n , ~,'

    (16) ( 17) (18) (19) (20) (21) i .- •• ) (( > ( 1 )

    120 57 129 24 7(, 31 Un'lnhJbited Village 32 4 17 2 t 33 3 2 28 5 49. 30 34

    Un· I nh db I ted . VI II d~(, 35 Un- I nhabi ted VI II ,lgl'- 36 46 36 70 ') 3C 20 3 B"IK'II 37

    94 79 75 6 ~c 32 1 f':I[\)ICl, 38 79 55 63 7 27 " N 2 Ncl\.,I..Jdd 39 106 39 141 3 11!: K.ll"iIJlJL·ldd 40 17 17 68 26 110 39 5~ 2 '> T.... Ii' 41 110 27 232 46 13t. 1'> 4 A'ull i 42 2 124 26 163 61 68 5 2 2 43 2 27 10 25 4 2 6 Vdrand(' 44 90 45 83 74 65 _1 15 32 Valrll 45 368 269 261 63 122 27 12 4 K:ltell 46 19 5 22 22 Kate I 47 58 21 32 29 Deriye 48

    166 93 188 ') 178 Cn~p'l\ (K~I~al 1 49 11 4 14 8 12 6 2 2 [lL'vulll (J'oIU.1) 50 712 522 425 77 137 1.. 5;) 7 JOlda 51 7 4 19 15 30 6 17 4 12 2 SallljoidJ 52

    21 14 27 9 60 20 17 9 6 Chilfj" l I 53 14 6 20 14 ') ChOpdkhand 54 46 18 51 1 33 17 Nagar i 55 76 19 104 47 4() 2 9 2 Hudsa 56 5 9 11 9 11 KUl1Ihhell 57 13 4 13 12 13 12 T \fl"i Id1iIJ),j 58 124 78 146 171 128 152 14 14 Gangod" 59 37 n 39 15 22 3 9 12 Avurl i 60 69 39 70 11 44 2 5 Gund 61 145 79 117 38 13 39 19 N;)ndlg.ood .. 62 19 14 17 6 11 6 Ch 1 n("hkh,H1d 63 63 59 55 5 39 2 11" 3 KariYJdl 64 88 74 70 62 6 Sheval i 65

    239 VU .. LAGE I TO\VN PIUl\IARY

    Name of t.D. Block: SUPA ; Code! No. : 0100

    Location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R ~ E S o f M A I N Code Town I Ward Rurall Nunber Urban livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manutactunng, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Process1ng, Fishing, Servicing and Sef"lll c i ng and Hunt1ng arlO R('pai rs 1n Rcpa IfS 1n PlantatIOn, Hous('held Other than Orchards 6- Industry Household All ied I ndL)t;t ry activities

    (Ill) (I V) [Veal] [V(b)] (VI)

    -~---- (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

    (1 ) (2) (3) (25 ) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

    31 Phansoli 36 18 2 4 2 32 Kal amkhand -. -...... -...... Un-l nhubi ted Village ...... _ .. -...... 33 Amagaon 11 1 34 Shirol i 45 28 2 35 Sannamaga _-_-_- .. ------_ Un- 1nhabi tcd Vi llage ...... 36 Kavale ...... Un-lnhubi tcd Village ...... 37 Bapel i 9 3 2 38 Panjel i 39 Nagoda 40 lCaranjoida 41 Teral i 50 36 42 Asull i 78 42 43 Piggi 89 S3 44 Varande 45 Vaini 1 1 46 Katel i 21 2 7 3 12 3 47 Katel 48 Deriye t 49 Chapoli (Kalsai) 3 50 Devulli (Joida) 51' Joida 35 6 8 5 3 52 Samjoida 53 Chapal i 2 32 7 2 54 Chapakhanc;! 55 Nagari 56 Hudsa 50 41 57 KlIIlbhe I i 58 Tinaikhand 59 Gangoda 60 Avurli 3 2 61 Gund 5 1 6 62 Nandigadde 38 10 63 Chinchkhard 2 64 Kariyadi 2 65 Sheval i

    240 N:II11c of CD. Block: SUPA : CoJ~ No. : 0100

    Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village / Location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Number Conrnerce Storage and Services CO!IIlU\icat i on

    (VII) (VIII) ( I X)

    (M) (f), (M) (f) . (M) (F) (10\) (F) (M) (F)

    (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44J (2) (1)

    -7 , 6 4 3 2 115 189 Phansol i 31 ------.---.-'~---- Un-Inhabited Vi llage ------Kalamkhand 32 10 40 Amagaon 33 2 2 22 37 Sh; rol i 34 ------Un-Inhabi ted Village ...... -...... Sannalllaga 35 ----~------.-- Un-Inhabi ted Village ------_ .... ------.. - Kavale 36 3 2 2 40 58 83 Bapel i 37 3 85 191 Panjeli 38 2 5 5 98 144 Nagoda 39 3 3 213 307 Karanjoida 40 10 105 177 Teral i 41 3 174 354 Asull; 42 2 2 113 157 Diggi 43 8 24 Varande 44 1 69 94 Vaini 45 31 3 4 46 27 29 172 272 310 I(atel; 46 40 15 13 Katel 47 1 38 35 22 Oeriye 48 5 4 6 174 152 162 Chapol; (Kalsai) 49 2 9 Devull i (Joida) 50 52 2 4 125 52 46 B1 65B 927 Joida 51 25 62 Samjoida 52 2 33 45 Chapal i 53 7 12 26 Chapakhand 54 1 11 45 41 53 Nagari 55 2 2 2 7 5 69 117 Hudsa 56 5 4 KUlllbhel i 57 15 4 Tinaikhand 58 4 5 115 90 Gaflgoda 59 .- 2 1 8 38 63 Avurl i 60 1 2 3 15 6B 115 Gund 61 12 12 7 89 141 Nandigadde 62 9 18 Chinchkhand 63 2 23 78 Kariyadi 64 44 104 Sheval i 65

    241 VILLA(;t·: / TO\VN PRIMARY

    NaOlt: ofC.D. Bhx:k : SLPA; C",k \'). : lll()()

    .... ------•.. - _------' location Name of Village Total! Are.J in ,"' . . ,_,f ~' .• "t T ,-' t ,I l j. '-'\.~ ~ d t ' '·;.Il>.'dulccJ

    Code Town I liard Rural/ Hcctarc~ r ! '-, r rio ,j~t: 9 r ~" ,; NlJllber Urban for vi 1- p'l,d H(;[d~ ('; (j [ages I> ~"ic.l·

    In sq.krn t"'t ld~ >J'JpU l ,', t I un)

    t or ~'L'u'-,C'~ town;, and


    (f) (M) tf) (P) (M) I,') (M) (f) ------_-_._----._-- (1) (2) (3) (4 ) (5) (7) ( 9) ( 10 ) ( 11 ) ( 12 ) ( 13) . '( 14 )

    ----_ .. __ - ----_ - ---" -_ ..... ------,---- 66 Yermukh 2206.09 gO gO 217 118 c,,) 20 67 Chater 1279.10 8 8 22 22 8 ~ 68 Bhedasgadde 244.58 8 8 24 23 b 1 69 Vadlcal 988.70 n 13 73 35 38 23 7 16 70 Shivapur 388.93 29 29 136 71 65 16 ' 8 8 71 Hebbal 1076.53 14 14 91 50 41 5 ~ .~ 72 Neturge 556." 7 ,~ ) 20 23 7 3 I. 73 Ulvi 949.16 95 534 ~82 48 6 4 74 Kothall i 1056.75 16 16 84 38 40 9 4 75 Bi rlchol 3440.45 344 344 1212 788 424 151 08 83 1· 76 Talasgeri 710.30 2 2 6 3 3 77 Bidoti 5097.63 49 51 234, 106 128 37 14 23 13 9 78 Anshi 8584.78 118 124 61$ 303 312.. 119 55 64 6 7 79 Alltx>ll i 5139.27 110 114 795 401 394 136 76 60 80 Nigundi 2729.16 38 38 195 101 94 36 20 16 81 Badpol i 1961.75 27 30 164 82 82 26 1.1 IS 82 Kalsai 3062.15 102 102 766 379 387 128 6¢ 59 8 2 83 Ghodshet 590.51 43 .. 3 253 134 124 32 16 10 2 84 Nujj i 6784.41 97 97 570 2Bb 284 88 46 ~2 9 14 85 Kundal 3955.62 35 33 317 157 160 69 34 35 86 Jalawal i 4956.22 25 25 187 95 92 30 14 16 87 Kalambul i 2438.88 692 7t.l 2781 1450 1331 442 217 225 241 230 88 Arvnod 2129.21 135 135 575 296 279 100 49 51 12 6 89 Alcheti 1514.71 78 79 454 221 233 64 32 32 28 34 90 Palde 1233.98 37 42 249 120 129 42 24 18 91 Rangaruk 1047.32 16 16 113 62 51 17 12 5 92 Varlewadi 1291.25 30 30 170 80 90 28 14 14 93 Devulli (lenai) 4461.03 195 236 1163 602 561 201 97 104 14 16 94 Kunagini 349.70 16 18 102 55 47 22 13 9 95 Konshet 804.81 82 82 455 234 221 87 49 38 3 2 96 Chandawadi 1012.29 56 56 277 142 135 44 27 17 97 Payaswadi 1262.73 68 76 356 180 176 73 37 36 24 20 98 960.33 17 18 130 64 66 21 13 8 99 Chapel i (A) 830.83 19 19 123 65 58 27 19 8 100 Boregal i 336.64 29 29 167 79 88 30 19 11


    Nallle of CD. Block: SUPA ; COlic No. : 0100

    Scheduled Literates Total .Main I N 0 U S T RIA L Name of Vi tlag.e I Location Ttibe~ Workers Town / liard Code Cul1ivators Agricultural Number labourers

    (1 - IX) ( I ) ( II )

    CM) (F) (M) (F) (M) ( F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

    ( 15,) (16) ( 17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (?3) (24) (2) (1)

    150 83 138 2 69 5.8 Yermukh 66 12 3 13 13 Chafer 67 21 14 12 10 2 Bhedasgadde 68 16 13 22 3 10 Vadkal 69 48 31 47 ' 1 29 1 17 Shivapur 70 33 19 36 12 34 12 flebbal 71 8 7 13 2 11 2 2 Neturge 72 219 161 116 14 43 6 6 Ulvi 73 15 21 27 13 27 13 Kothall i 74 545 159 608 38 138 8 46 8 Birkhol 75 2 3 3 Tatasgeri 76 32 20 69 47 65 44 1 Bidot i n 115 70 137 19 68 31 7 Anshi 78 -- 165 '88 212 39 134 33 59 2 Ambolli 79 37 25 60 31 57 29 Nigundi 80 48 18 31 16 14 Badpol i 81 222 174 195 99 130 58 56 38 Kals9i 82 93 46 66 3 54 4 Ghodshet 83 137 73 164 143 129 102 6 3S Nujji 84 39 19 84 61 83 60 Kundal 85 27 15 54 40 47 39 4 Jalawal i 86 44 42 1111 740 675 47 19 2 2 Kalambul i 87 193 97 175 104 71 71 43 27 Arvnod 88 154 104 138 92 110 72 8 13 89 52 14 63 11 49 1 9 6 Palde 90 13 4 36 5 34 5 2 Rangaruk 91 33 13 47 5 47 4 Varlewadi 92 337 137 346 73 128 1 22 8 Oevutli (lenai) 93 35 17 27 13 5 Kunagini 94 151 77 141 67 61 40 63 Konshet 95 100 70 90 44 61 2 25 40 Chandawadi 96 3 2 74 26 95 8 28 2 Payaswadi 97 42 19 36 42 34 33 2 9 Ourg 98 11 30 24 23 19 5 5 Chapol i (A) 99 38 41 42 33 34 27 6 5 Boregal i 100

    243 VILLAGE I TOWN PRIl\fARY Name of C.D. Block: SUPA ; Code No. : 0100

    location Name of Village I Total/ CATEGOR I E S o F M A I N Code Town I liard Rurall NUllber Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing. Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Process ing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household AI tied Industry activities

    (I I I) (IV) [Veal) [V(b)] (VI)

    (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F)

    (1 ) (2) (3) (25 ) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

    66 Yernukh 9 67 Chafer 68 Bhedasgadde 69 Vadkal 70 Shivapur 71 "ebbal 72 Neturge 73 Ulvi 6 4 74 Kothall i 75 Birkhol 4 384 14 76 Talasgeri n Bidoli 78 Anshi 19 4 t- --~ .. __ 5 79 Amboll i 8 5 80 Nigundi 81 Badpol i 82 Kalsai 83 Ghodshet 3 .. , 2 84 Nuj j i 2 12 3 5 85 Kundal 86 Jalawal i 1 87 Kalambul i . 13 10 14 28 3 88AIlIIOd 9 13 89 Akheti 1 2 3 90 Palde 5 4 91 Rangaruk 92 Varlewadi 93 Oevulli (Tenai) 18 lS 11 7 28 2 94 Kunagini 9S Konshet 2 3 96 Chandawadi 3 97 Payaswadi 24 14 5 980urg 99 Chapoli (A) 1 100 Boregali 2


    Nallle of C.D. Blo~'k : SUPA ; Couc N(). : 0100

    W~RKERS Margiral Non-IJorkers ~ame ot Village / Location IJorkers Town / IJard Code Trade and Transport, Other Nuntler Conmerce Storage and Services , COIIIIUIlicat ion

    (VII) (VIII) (IX)

    (M) (F) (10 (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

    (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

    2 2 2 77 176 Yermukh 66 9 21 Chafer 67 2 10 23 Bhedasgadde 68 5 2 1 .. 13 38 Vadkal 69 1 24 64 Shivapur 70 2 14 29 Hebbat 71 7 21 Neturge 72 22 Z 2 31 6 3 165 235 utvi 73 11' 33 Kothat t i 74 25 2. 10 5 58 179 328 Birkhot 75 3 Talasgeri 76 2 2 6 37 31 44 Bidol i 77 3 2 9 7 28 57 138 236 Anshi 78 4 4 30 189 325 Amboll i 79 2 2 4 34 37 29 Nigundi 80 11 13 40 69 Badpol i 81 3 4 3 17 100 167 188 Kalsai 82 2 I 2 4 2 64 "9 Ghodshet 83 1 2 7 3 122 141 Nujji 84 2 30 71 69 Kunda I 85 2 2 16 39 36 Jalawal i 86 68 6 457 10 63 25 10 3 765 1281 Kalambul i 87 20 19 5 121 174 ArYllOd 88 2 4 7 5 63 83 78 Akhet i 89 41 57 77 Palde 90 17 26 29 Rangaruk 91 33 33 52 Varlewadi 92 14 3 47 77 37 82 256 406 Oevulli (lenai) 93 9 28 46 Kunagini 94 31 2 4 2 93 154 Konshet 95 1 2 52 91 Chandawadi 96 5 15 4 4 85 168 Payaswadi 97 28 24 Ourg 98 2 35 32 Chapa I i (A) 99 2 6 35 49 Soregal i 100


    Name ofC.D. Block: SUPA ; C()d~ No. : 0100 location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduted Code Town I ~ard Rurall Hectares -Occu' House' (Including in the age group Castes Nunber Urban for viI, pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid' Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

    (P) (M) ( F ) (P) (M) (f) (M) (F)

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ( 11 ) (12) ( 13) (14)

    101 Asu 530.80 142 142 793 400 393 113 60 53 19 19 102 Bori 681.24 15 15 67 33 34 12 5 7 103 Shindholl i 450.50 50 53 319 166 153 59 34 25 104 Vade 408.41 22 22 120 55 65 20 10 10 105 Kasarle 552.47 6 6 46 21 25 13, 3 5 106 Kamare 1831.98 57 57 268 128 140 29 13 16 12 7 107 Vi lwedabe 993.43 47 47 231 116 115 40 19 21 8 15 108 Ivol i 2175.61 28 38 174 85 89 27 13 14 11 11 109 Ghavane 255.27 ... --...... Un' Inhabited vi llage ..----- .. _------.. - .. 110 Avedapopalawadi 993.40 22 22 7S 37 38 8 4 4 111 Ninnur 412.14 ...... Un' Inhabi ted Village _ ...... ------112 Bandocla 539.82 3 3 12 8 4 ~ -- 113 Shiragure 563.47 .. 114 Kevarle 534.70 ...... Un' Inhabi ted" Village ...... 115 Viral 550.40 11 11 84 37 47 17 6 11 2 4 116 Pisose 336.39 5 5 25 11 14 5 1 4 117 Bazarkunang 2089.93 98 98 370 187 183 75 .40 35 38 29 118 Kuveshi 2027.84 48 50 260 128 132 44 is 19 1 119 Atle 1521.75 ...... Un' Inhabi ted Vi l-lage, ...... 120 Karambal 953.69 37 37 206 99 107 39 23 16 121 Vatle 838.49 44 44 230 100 130 41 14 27 122 Viranjol 1557.93 23 23 123 59 64 15 10 5 123 Ramanagar 1965.49 979 985 5465 2763 2702 817 421 396 211 186

    C.D. Block Total Rural 1909.15 83.52 8588 43447 22198 21249 7252 3722 3530 1355 1294


    1 Ganeshagudi (NMCT) 1.35 810 810 3371 1742 1629 556 280 276 178 193

    C.D. Block Total Urban 1.35 810 810 3371 1742 1629 556 280 276 178 193


    Naill": of C.D. Bh:k : SUPA : (\xil.! No. : 0100

    Sdheduled literates Total Main ) N 0 U S T R ) A l Name of Village I Location Tribes Workers Town / Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Nl.IIIber labourers

    ( I - P) ( I ) ( II )

    (M) (F) (~) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F)

    (15) (16) ( 17> (18) ( 19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

    196 135 185 16 121 38 10 Asu 101 -. 8 6 19 1 12 6 Sari 102 90 27 100 42 72 25 26 16 Shindholl i 103 5 3 34 16 28 7 6 9 Vade 10,4 14 6 12 4 9 1 2 3 Kasar Ie 105 89 56 82 79 72 68 9 8 Kamare 106 58 23 79 48 75 47 3 1 Vilwedabe 107 59 36 47 10 36 6 8 4 Ivol i 108 ...... -...... ~-~.--~------,Un-) nhabi ted Village Ghavane 109 22 10 22 22 Avedapopalawadi 110 ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage ...... Ninnur 111 2 6 6 Bandoda 112 1 Shiragure 113 --.------Un-Inhabited Village --_ .. _- ... ------_ .. --- Kevarle 114 14 7 20 17 19 17 Viral 115 5 2 5 3 5 3 Pisose 116' 79 40 105 56 27 2 7 5 Bazarkunang 117 76 44 71 66 Kuveshi 118 ..... _------._-_. Un-Inhabited Vi llage ...... - Atle 119 54 34 60 44 49 34 8 10 Karambal 120 63 44 61 55 36 31 22 24 Vatle 121 16 17 35 32 22 22 13 10 Viranjol 122 40 29 lb32 995 1366 697 568 306 316 268 Ramanagar 123

    220 181 12007 694r 11854 4410 6093 2270 1768 1122 C.O. Block Total Rural


    17 19 1364 1029 775 104 3 71 35 Gancshagudi (NMCT)

    17 19 1364 1029 775 104 3 71 35 C.D. Block Total Urban

    247 VtLLAta$ I TOWN ))RIl\1ARY

    Name of C.D. Block: SUPA ; C()d~ No, : 0100

    Location lame of Village / Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F lot A I N Code Town / Ward Rurall 'NI.abef' Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Iotanufacturing, Construction forestry, Quarrying PrOCessing, Processing, fishing, Servicing and ,Servicing and lIunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards 8- Industry Household Allied Industry act i vi ties

    (III) ( IV) [V(a}] [V(b} ] (VI)

    (M) (F) (M) (Fl (14) (F) (14) (F) (M) (f)

    (1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

    101 Asu 2 102 80ri 103 Shindholl i 104 Vade 105 lCas.rle 106 1C8IIIIIre 107 Vilwedabe 108 Ivol i

    109 Ghavane - ..... - - .... _ .... ~ ...... Un-Inhabited Vi llage ----- __ .. _-_ ...... _. 110 Avedapopalawadi 111 Ninnur ...... Un-Inhabited vi llage ...... 112 BaOOoda

    11J Shiragure c~ 114 Kev_rle ...... ------_ .... -. Un-Inhabi ted Village ...... 115 Viral 116 Pisose 117 Bazarkunang 66 48 "8 I(uveshi 2 119 Atle .. ""'''' ...... Un-I nnabi ted vi llage -----.--- ...... 120 l(arMDaI 121 Vat'le Z 122 Viranjol 123 Rilmanagar 9 2 20 13 11 2 68 7 44 15

    C.O. stock Total Rural 443 111 623 382 101 19 249 17 585 38


    Ganesnagudi (WMeT) 3 lS S6

    C.D. Btock Total urban 3 15 56


    N;unc of CD. Block: SUPA : CoJc No. : 0100

    WOR~ERS Marginal, Non-Workers Name"of VilLage I Location Workers T.own I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Number Conmerce Storage and Services \ COll1lUli cat i on

    (Vii) . (VIII) (IX)

    (M) (F) (M) (-) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) \

    (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

    4 6 13 5 215 377 Asu 101 14 33 Bori 102 66 111 Shindholli 103 ". 21 49 Vade 104 9 21 Kasarle 105 3 46 60 Kamare 106 8 37 59 vi lwedabe 107 2 38 79 Ivol i 108 ...... ------Un- I nhabi ted Village ------Ghavane 109 15 38 Avedapopalawadi 110 ------un-,l nhabi ted Vi lIage .. ------.... - Ninnur 111 2 4 Bandoda 112 Shiragure 113 ------Un-Inhabi ted Village ...... Kevarle 114 17 30 Viral 115 6 11 Pisose 116 3 2 82 127 Bazarkunang 117 57 132 Kuveshi 118 ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage ------_ .. --_-- Atle 119 2 14 39 49 Karambal 120 39 75 Vatle 121 24 32 Viranjol 122 14p 12 52 3 138 69 19 21 1378 1984 Ramanagar 123

    518 49 692 20 777 382 233 1399 10111 15440 C.D. Block Total Rural


    44 5 12 571 63 967 1'525 Ganeshagudi (HMeT)

    44 5 12 571 63 967 1525 C.D. Block Tot~1 l,.r :)d f






    t 2 3 4 5 6

    1 All>!aq 11/20/11/53 " /2010110/0053 9/19/11/54 09/19/0110/0054 2 Ambag&QI'\ 11/20/tl/16 11/20/0110/0016 9/19/11/16 09/19/0110/0016 3 Anatgar 11/20/11it03 11/20/0110/0103 9/19/l1/118 09/19/0110/0118 4 Angod 11/20{11/50 ,11/20/0110/0050 9/19/11/38 09/19/0110/0038 5 Arbai I 11/20/11/10 11/20/0110/0010 9/19/11/10 09/19/0110/0010

    6 Baginkatte "/20;11/27 11/20/0110/0027 9/19/11/28 09/19/0110/0028 7 Baichgod 11/20/11/60 11/20i0110/0060 9/19/11/77 09/19/0110/0077 8 Balekani 11/20/11/104 11/20/0110/0104 9/19/11;120 09/19/01'0/0120 9 Balgar 11/20/11/34 11/20/0110/0034 9/19/11/31 09/19/0110/0031 10 Bankasali 11/20/11/120 l1t20/0110/0120 9/19/11/64 09/19/0110/0064 11 Baragadde 11/20/11/41 11/20/0110/0041 9/19/11/43 09/19/0110/0043 \ 12 Barball i 11/20/11/26 11/20/0110/0026 9/19/11/30 09/19/0;10/0030 13 Bare 11/20/11/22 11/20/0110/0022 9/19/11/22 09/19/0110/0022 14 8elgeri 11/20/11/49 11/20/0110/0049 9/19/11/50 09/19/0110/0050 15 Belkhanda 11/20/f1/109 11/20/0110/0109 9/19/11/125 09/19/01 I 0/0125 16 Bellambi 11/20/11/72 11/20/0110/0072 9/19/1 I /88 09/19/0110/0088 17 Benadgul i 11/20/11/20 11/20/0110/0020 9/19/11/20 09/19/0110/0020 18 Bendigeri 11/20/l 1/121 11/20/0110/0121 9/19/11/66 09/19/0110/0066 19 Bharani 11/20/11/78 11/20/0110/0078 9/19/11/95 09/19/0110/0095 20 Bharstanalt,i 11/20/11/70 71/20/0110/0070 9/19/11/84 09/19/0110/0084 2-1 Bhomnall i 11/20/11/122 11/20/0110/0122 9/19/11/67 09/19/0110/0067 22.81dralll 11/20/11/91 11/20,,0110/0091 9/19/11/106 09/l9/0110/0106 '23 Bigsr 11/20/11/28 11/20/0110/0028 9/19/11/26 09/19/01 10/0026 24 Bi jankop 11/20/11/74 11/20/0110/0074 9/19/11/89 09/19/0110/0089 25 Billd 11/20/11/125 11/20/0110/0125 9/19/11/68 09/19/0110/0068 26 Bisgod 11/20/11/38 11/20/0110/0038 9/19/11/39 09/19/0110/0039

    27 Chandgul i 11/20/\1/110 1'/20/0110/0110 9/19/11/124 09/19/0110/0124 28 Challatti 11/20/11/88 11/20/0110/0088 9/19/11/97 09/19/0110/0097 29 Chikkotti 11/20nl/127 11/20/0110/0127 9/19/11/55 09/19/0110/0055 30 Chikkumane 11/20/l1114 '1/20/0110/0014 9/19/11/13 09/19/0110/0013 31 Chimnall i 11/20/11/32 11/20/0110/0032 9/19/11/27 09/19/0110/0027

    32 Dabgul i 11/20/11/11 11/20/01 TO/0011 9/19/11/11 09/19/0110/0011 33 Dehalli 11/20/11/37 11/20/0110/0037 9/19/11/37 09/19/0110/0037 34 Devargadde 11/20/11/100 11/20/0110/0100 9/19/11/114 09/19/0110/0114 35Devarkallanalli 11/20/11/61 11/20/0110/0061 9/19/11/73 09/19/0110/0073 36 Dongar 11/20/11/4 11/20/0110/0004 9/19/11/2 09/19/0110/0002

    37 Gadijogadmane 11/20/11/123 11/20/0110/0123 9/19/11/65 09/19/0110/0065 38 Gerat 11/20/11/40 11/20/0110/0040 9/19/11/41 09/19/0110/0041 39 Gharwas 11/20/11/5 11/20/0110/0005 9/19/11/4 09/19/0110/0004 40 Gopadmane 11/20/11/6 11/20/0110/0006 9/19/11/3 09/19/0110/0003




    2 3 4 5 6

    41 Gotgul i 11/20/11/44 11/20/0110/0044 9/19/11/45 09/19/0110/0045 42 Gullapur 11/20/11/13 1 1 120/0110/0013 9/19/11/14 09/19/011010014

    43 Hatgad 11/20/11/59 11/20/0110/0059 9/,9/,1/75 09/19/0110/0075 44 Halsinkop 11/20/11/63 11/20/0110/0063 9/19/11/104 09/19;0110/0104 45 Hamsangadde 11/20/11/3 11/20/0110/0003 9/~9;11/33 09/19/0110/0033 46 lIarigadcie 11/20/11/96 11/20/0110/0096 9/19/11!1 09 09/19/0110/0109 47 Hasalmane 11/20/11/71 11{20/0110/0071 9119/11{87 09/19/011010087 48 Hasang; 11/20/11/62 11/20/0110/0062 9/19/11/74 09119/0110/0074 49 Hastakargadde 11/20/11/105 11{20{011O/0105 9/19/11/121 05> /19/0110/0121 50 Heggapur 11/20/11/115 11/20/0110/0115 9/19/11/63 0.9/19/0110/0063 51 Heg9\M11bl i 11120/1 1/98 11/20/0110/0098 9/19/il/115 09/l9/0110/0115 52 Hemnadi 11/20/11/77 11/20/0110/0077 91'9/11/93 09/19/0110/0093 53 Hiresar 11/20/11/85 11/20/0110/0085 9/19/11/107 09(19/0110/0107 54 Hiriyal 11/20/11/35 11/20/0110/0035 9/19/11/34 09/19/0110/0034 5S Hitlalli 11/20/11/90 11/20/0110/0090 9/19} 1 1/99 09(19;0110/0099 56 Hitlasar 11/20111/58 11/20/0110/0058 9/19/11/76 09/19/0110/0076 57 Holemadu 11/20/11/99 11/20/0110/0099 9/19/11/113 09/19/0110/0113 58 Honagadde 11/20/1 1/ 18 11/20/0110/0018 9/19/11/18 09,/19/0110/0Ll18 59 Hosall i 11/20/11/119 11/20/0110/0119 9/19/11/61 09/19/0110/001>1 60 Hukl i 11/20/11/43 11/20/0110/0043 9/19/',/44 ,09119/0110/0044 61 Hulgaon 11/20/11/102 11/20{0110/0102 9J_'9!)~/ 117 09119/0110/0117 62 Hut tarmane 11/20/11/66· 11/20/011O/Q066 9/19/11/78 09/19;0110/0078 63 Hunsemane 11/20/11/64 11/20/0110/0064 9!l9/111103 09/19/0110/0103 64 Hutakmane 11/20/11/2 11/20/0110/0002 9/19/11/36 09/19/0110/0036 6S Huthkhand 11/20/11/112 11/20/0110/0112 9/19/11/127 09,,9/0110/0127

    ~ 66 Idgundi 11/20/11/7 11/20/0110/0007 9/19/11/5 09/19/0110/0005 67 Jlehalt i 11/20/11/89 11/20/0110/0089 9/19/11/98 09/19/0110/0098

    68 Jadd igadde 11/20111/65 11/20/0110/0065 9/19/1 1/82 09/19/0110/0082 69 Jaklcoll i 11/20/11/67 11/20/0110/0067 9/19/11/79 09/19/0110/0079 70 Jogadmane 11/20/11/8 11/20/0110/0008 9/19/11/6 09/19/0110/0006 71 Jogalepal 11/20/11/17 11/20/0110/0017 9/19/11/17 09/19/0110/0017

    72 Kalehe 11/20/1 1/24 11/20/0110/0024 9/19/11/24 09/19/0110/0024 73 Kalsoor 11/20/11/114 11/20/0110/0114 9/19/11/58 09/19;0110/0058 74 Kan.,l i 11/20/11/52 11/20/0110/0052 9/19/11/52 09/19/0110/0052 75 Kanchanahatli 11/20/11/118 11/20/0110/0118 9!l9/11t)9 09/19/0110/0059 76 Kangod-.8alehadd 11/20/11/87 11/20/0110/0087 9/19111/96 09/19/0110/0096 77 Kannadgal 11/20111/48 11/20/0110/0048 9119!11{49 09/19/0110/0049 78 Kannenahalli 11/20/11/83 11/20/0110/0083 9/l9/l1/101 09/19/0110/0101 79 Kannigeri 11/20/11/46 11/20/0110/0046 9/19/11/47 09/19/0110/0047 80 Kannor-Heggarni 11/20/11/79 11/20/0110/0079 9/19/11/92 09/19/0110/0092 81 "anur 1 1 /20/11/23 11/20/0110/0023 9/19/11/23 09/1910110/0023




    2 3 4 5 6

    82 Katt?ge 11/20/11/36 11/20/0110/0036 9/19/11/35 09/19/0110/0035 83 Kawdi\ker i 11/201111107 11/20/0110/0107 9;19/11/123 09/19/0110/0123 " 84 Kelashi 11/20/11112, 11/20/0110/0012 9/19/11/12 09/19/0110/0012 85 Kerehosalll 11/20/11/126 11/20/0110/0126 9/19/11/56 09/19/0110/0056 8Q I(j rwat,i 11/20/11/117 11/20/01 lU/Ol 17 9/19/11/60 09/19/0110/0060 87 Kodall ii 11/20/11/25 , 1/Z0/U11::;/CJ2S 9/19/11/29 09/19/Q110/0029 sa Kodlagadde 11/20/11/15 11i20/011U/u01S 9/19/11/15 09/19/0110/0015 89 Kol ikeri 11/20/11/47 11/20/0110/0047 9/19/11/48 09/19/0110/0048 90 Komadl 11/20111/9 11/29/jJ11O/0009 9/19/11/7 09/19/0110/0007 91 Kotemane 11/20/11/81 11/20/0110/0081 9/19/11/85 09/19/0110/0085 92 Kundargi 11/20/11/75 11/20/0110/0075 9/19/11/86 09/19/0110/0086 93 Kundur 11/20/11/93 11/20/0110/0093 9/19/11/111 09/19/0110/0111 94 Kusgul i 11/20/11/92 11/20/0110/0092 9/19/11/105 09/19/0110/0105

    95 Lalgull 11/20/11/45 11/20/0110/0045 9/19;11/46 09/19/0110/0046 96 Lingadbail 11/20/11/33 11/20/0110/0033 9/19/11/32 09/19/0110/0032

    97 , '1/20/11/116 11/20/0110/0116 9/19/11/62 09/19/0110/0062 98 "'agod 11/20/11/97 11;20/0110/0097 9/19/11/112 09/19/0110/0112 99 Malalgaor' 11/20/11/111 11/20/0110/01'11 9/19/11/126 09/19/0110/0126 100 Matkop 11/20/11/54 11/20/0110/0054 9/19/11/53 09/19/0110/0053 101 Marahalli, 11/20/11/21 11/20/0110/0021 9/19/11/21 09/19/0110;0021 102 Mavinamane 11/20/11/19 11/20/0110/0019 9/19/11/19 09/19/0110/0019 103 Mudangl 11/20;11/57 11;20/0110/0057 9/19/11/72 09/19/0110/0072

    104 Nagarkan 11;20/1 1/39 11;20/0110/0039 9/19/11/40 09/19/0110/0040 105 Nandoll i 11 /20/11 /1 08 11/20/0110/0108 9/19/11/119 09/19/0110/0119

    106 Puratbhomnalli 11/20;11/124 11/20/0110/0124 9/19/11/69 09/19/0110/0069

    107 Sampekop 11/20/11/73 11/20/0110/0073 9/19/11/90 09/19/0110/0090 108 Sankadgund i 11;20/11/86 11/20/0110/0086 9/19/11/100 09119;0110;0100 109 Savagadde 11/20/11/42 11/20/0110/0042 9/19/11/42 09/19/0110/0042 110 Savane 11/20/11/68 11/20/0110/0068 9/19/11/81 09/19/0110/0081 111 Shigemaneummachagi 11/20/11/84 11/20/0110/0084 9/19/11/102 09/19/0110/0102 112 Shigepal 11/20/11/106 11120/011010106 9/19/11/122 09/19/0110/0122 113 Shimala 11/20/11/55 11/20/0110/0055 9/19/11/71 09/19/0110/0071 114 Shistamudi 11/20;11/51 11/20/0110/0051 9;19/11/51 09/19/0110/0051 115 Somanall i 11/20/11/113 11/20/0110/0113 9/19/11/57 09/19/0110/0057 116 Sulgar '1/20/11/101 11;20/0110/0101 9/19/11/116 09/19/0110/0116

    117 Tarena It i 11/20/11/80 11/20/0110/0080 9/19/11/94 09/19/0110/0094 118 Targar 11/20/1 1 /29 11/20/0110/0029 9/19/11/25 09;19/0110/0025 119 Tatgar 11/20/11/1 11/20/0110/0001 9/19/11/1 09;19/0110/0001 120 Telangeri 11/20/11/31 11/20/0110/0031 9/19/11/8 09/19/0110/0008




    2 3 4 5 6

    121 Tolgod 11/20/11/95 11/20/0110/0095 9/19/11/108 09/19/0110/0108 122 Totadkallalli 11/20/11/82 11/20/0110/0082 9/19/11/83 09/19/0',0/0083

    123 Ucnageri 11/20/11/69 11/20/0110/0069 9/19/11/80 09/19/0110/0080

    124 Vajralli 11/20/11/30 11/20/0110/0030 9/19/11/9 09/19/0110/0009 125 Vanalcernane 11/20/11/76 11/20/0110/0076 9/19/11/91 09/19/0110/0091 126 Vatger\ 11/20/11/56 11/20/0110/0056 9/19/11/70 09/19/0110/0070

    127 Vedall i 11/20/11/94 11/20/0110/0094 9/19/11/110 09/19/0110/0110


    Nami! of C.D. Block: YELLAPUR ; Cod\:! r-.;o. : 0110

    Location Name of Village I TotaLI Area in No.ot No.of Total populatIon Total Populiltion Schcdul~d Code Town I ~ard Rurall Hectare~ Occu- Hou~c- (IncludIng In the age group Castes Nl.II1ber Urban for vIL- p,ed Hold~ ln~tltutlon

    lages & Resld- Hou~e(('~" in Sq.klll entIat Pvpuliltion) for House", towns and C.D.Blocks

    (P) (M) ( F ) (P) (M? (F) (M) (F)

    (1) (2) (4) (5) (0) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)' (13) (14)

    T 1301.10 12238 12476 66156 33891 32265 9575 4898 4677 1707 1695 YELLAPUR C.D.Block R 1235.85 9305 9506 50902 25995 24907 7224 36~O 3544 1073 1096 U 65.25 2933 297U 15254 7896 7358 235112181133 634 599

    I Tatgar 603.11, 50 ';1 285 136 149 30 ,12 18 2 Hutakmane 438.18 24 28 lS7 92 95 17 9 8 3 Hamsangadde 599.18 26 26 182 91 91 23 '12 I I 4 Dongar 754.99 70 70 430 219 211 52 29 23 5 Gharwas 76.89 11 12 73 36 37 95" 6 Gopadmane 116.95 5 5 25 15 10 3 2 7 Idgundi 479.75 151 151 747 376 371 105 49 56 27 25 8 Jogadmane 172.33 13 13 86 39 47 14 6 8 9 Komadi 336.07 18 18 116 b6 50 14 8 6 10 Arbai l 3342.75 202 216 1076 539 537 139 '-l.D_ 69 2 5 11 Dabgul i 197.45 7 7 54 27 27 \ 5 3 2 12 Kelash; 197b.3tJ 38 38 231 124 107 23 14 9 13 Gullapur 168 171 800 422 378 116 75 41 23 21 14 Chikk1.l1l8ne 30 30 131 62 69 20 7 13 15 KOOlagadde 434.72 55 59 348 176 172 42 1a- "- 24 16 Ambagaon 908.58 34 34 183 90 93 26 15 I I 17 Jogalepal 56.74 6 6 24 9 15 1 -- 1 18 Honagadde 383.27 42 42 207 104 103 19 14 5 19 Mavinamane 5915.98 256 256 1469 763 706 203 97 106 14 17 20 Benadgul i 381. 51 25 25 130 61 69 26 13 13 8 8 21 Marahal L; 1456.96 23 23 166 85 81 41 21 20 22 Bare 2937.83 123 123 735 350 385 143 58 85 23 Kanur 517.22 18 18 78 46 32 13 8 5 24 Kalche 2504.56 264 264 1422 711 711 185 89 96 39 40 25 KOOall; 305.18 65 69 305 143 162 28 9 19 26 Barball i 631.63 104 104 472 235 237 51 23 28 6 9 27 Baginkatte 260.98 23 23 163 85 78 11 9 2 28 Bigar 251.84 36 36 221 108 113 15 7 8 29 Targar 273.84 25 25 187 99 88 21 12 9 30 vajralli 620.76 104 105 558 288 270 74 35 39 ') 3


    Name of C.D. Blpck : YELLAPUR ; Coue No. : 0110

    Scheduled, Literates Total Main J N D U S T R J A l Name of Village / Location Tri!bes Yorkers TOlin I Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Number Labourers

    (J - J)() (1) ( II )

    (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (f)

    (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1 )

    84 53 21677 15870 18964 5487 8741 1498 461'0 2712 67 47 15988 11591 15009 4938 8112 1433 4488 2679 YELLAPUR C.D.Block 17 6 5689 4279 3955 549 629 35 122 33

    107 88 68 15 45 20 13 Tatgar 1 68 54 55 35 19 Hutakmane 2 72 62 63 57 6 Hamsangadde 3 170 129 141 45 89 3 5 11 Dongar 4 30 28 19 4 12 2 6 1 Gharllas 5 12 6 11 11 Gopadmane 6 280 215 230 87 65 3 64 68 Idgundi 7 28 26 23 19 10 12 18 Jogadrnane 8 52 30 37 26 17 18 25 Komadi 9 23 16 352 274 337 34 209 45 13 Arbai l 10 21 15 16 2 16 Daogul i 11 81 59 73 6 68 6 5 Kelashi 12 261 168 193 65 27 1 12 6 Gullapur 13 35 22 28 5 3 4 Chikkumane 14 113 75 110 51 40 1 70 48 Kodlagadde 15 63 66 54 15 45 9 Ambagaon 16 9 10 8 2 8 2 Jogalepal 17 83 85 64 5 61 2 Honagadde 18 467 315 471 362 376 292 49 32 Mavinamane 19 38 35 33 35 33 35 ilenadgul i 20 33 11 51 40 50 6 34 Maraha II i 21 193 138 223 211 154 146 58 61 Bare 22 32 20 25 11 20 5 4 2 Kanur 23 2 536 427 403 54 287 21 Kalche 24 99 104 92 10 62 4 26 4 Kodall i 25 180 138 129 24 86 36 20 Barball i 26 68 49 52 30 21 Baginkatte 27 87 80 58 2 40 16 Bigar 28 81 55 59 1.1 18 Targar 29 221 160 159 39 60 2 37 26 Vajrall i 30

    259 VILLAGE / TO\\'N PRIl\IARY

    Name of C.D. Block: YELLAPUR : Cooe No. : 0110

    Location Name of Vi llage / Total/ C ATE G 0 R I E S o F M A I N Code TOOln / Ward Rurall Number Urbilfl Livestock, Mining i)nd Mclflufacturing, M

    (I II ) (I V) [Veal] [V(b») (V I )

    (M) ( F) (M) (F) (M) ( F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

    (1 ) (2) (3) (25 ) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

    T 639 137 283 212 125 20 585 103 341 57 YELLAPUR C.D.Block R 459 60 273 209 68 10 255 75 85 9 u 180 77 10 3 57 10 330 28 256 48

    --~------1 Tatgar 2 Hutakmane 3 Hamsangadde 4 Dongar 2 5 GharOlas 6 Gopadmane 7 Idgundi 12 3 6 4 15 8 Jogadmane 9 Komadi 10 Arbai I 15 2 25 "12 2 11 Dabguli 12 Kelashi 13 Gullapur 4 5 70 41 11 14 ChikkllTlane 3 1 1 15 KOOlagadde 16 Arroagaon 17 Jogalepal 18 Honagadde 19 Mavinamane 8 12 20 4 2 4 20 Benadgul i 21 Marahalli 22 Bare 3 23 Kanur 2 24 Kalche 4 9 5 2 25 KOOalli 26 Bar"ba II i 27 Baginkatte 28 Bigar 29 Targar 30 Vajralli 14 10


    Naill\.! of C.D. 131m:k : 1'1,1 I .-\"l R : ('oJe No. : 0110

    ------_.-.. _. --- \I0RKERS M

    lJorkcfs ;,_ .,f) / Wu/'d Code Trade and Trilnsport, Other Number Coornerce Storage and S('rvices COIlIllUni cat; (,'1

    (VII) (Villi) (l X)

    ------(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) ("I) (F) ("I) ( F ) ------(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) ~ ? , ( 1 )

    ---_ ..------1304 99 438 2 1898 677 9' 1002 14836 25776 381 35 141 747 427 78 91.8 10908 19021 YElLAPU'. C . r . 9 LoC k 923 64 297 1151 250 13 54 3928 6755

    ._- .----~----- 63 13:. Tatgar-

    37 95 HlJt,"!K.'I"'·"'" 2

    28 91 H;1ill""l0~:. ' L; 3 43 30 78 166 [JOf]\..b r 4 1 17 33 Lhl1r.,ci·. S

    4 10 Gop,-ldmn r •..., 6 28 8 28 12 2 146 282 1dgun--' . 7 16 28 Jogi"lafllc1";' 8 2 29 24 KCrJl(1dJ 9 15 6 18 6 8 43 194 460 !orbai: 10 16 11 <; D,d.J:]lJll 11 11 80 40 21 Kclil..,h1 12 16 1 6 42 15 26 23 203 290 Gullilpur 13 7 3 4 5 1 4 3 30 61 Ch i kkun!;,'1(' 14 2 2 43 64 78 KodL agJ·_ki~: 15 9 6 35 36 43 Ambaguc'i 16 13 JogalcDdl 17 3 3 63 40 3S Honagildc<:. 18 4 15 12 36 291 308 Mav 1nnrn':-lile 19 28 34 Benadgul i 20 34 41 Marahalli 21 2 5 3 127 174 Bare 22 9 21 12 Kanur 23 6 7 62 53 308 657 Killche 24 2 2 51 152 Kodilll i 25 2 3 4 106 213 Borball i 26 1 16 33 62 Baginkatte 27 2 13 50 98 Biger 28 6 40 82 fargar 29 13 21 8 129 231 Vajratli 30


    NamcofC.O. BI()<.:k: YELLAPUR; Code No. : 0110

    Location Name of Village / Total/ Area in No.of No.of Total population Tot;)l Population Scheduled Code Town / Ward Rural/ Hectares Occu- House' ( Including in the age group CasteS Number Urban for vi 1- pied Holds I ns tit uti on;) I & (0 . 6) lages & Resid' Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and .C.D.BlockS

    (P) eM) (F) (PI (M) (F) (M) (F)

    (1) (2) (3) (4 ) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

    31 Telangeri 1193.16 126 128 716 363 353 87 42 45 " 2 32 Chimalli 895.05 57 57 293 146 147 35 19 16- 33 Lingadbail 550.91 22 22 124 63 61 11 5 6 34 Balgar 1307.43 93 93 601 322 279 80 47. 33 35 Hiriyal 603.21 42 51 272 148 124 35 19 16 36 Kattige 2307.17 80 88 472 246 226 60 30 30 37 Dehall i 1015.65 61 74 364 181 183 39 23 16 3 10 38 Bisgod 551.07 86 112 545 27" 271 63 21 42 9 6 39 Nagarkan 1486.55 25 25 128 61 67 26 11 15 40 Geral 610.27 239 239 1144 569 575 188 94 94 89 88 41 Baragadde 270.27 18 20 118 64 54 13 7 6 42 Savagadde 495.61 33 35 253 136 117 33 20 13 43 Huk l i 339.03 22 22 112 55 57 14 4 10 44 Gatgul i 430.85 9 9 43 23 20 4 ,2 2 45 Lalgul i 5049.30 89 89 413 207 206 61 28 33 46 Kannigeri 1886.06 59 59 253 128 125 35 18 17 47 Kol ikeri 1047.12 97 97 544 272 272 94 44 50 17 12 48 Kannadgal 3558.15 250 275 1462 776 686 197 104 93 26 15 49 Belgeri 692.38 52 52 289 154 135 37 23 ~ 14 -.. 50 Angod 2406.79 133 145 863 445 418 90 44 46 51 Shistamudi 593.23 41 41 246 129 117 18 10 8 52 Kampl i 2315.02 433 436 2174 1072 1102 296 147 149 113 120 53 Alwad 414.50 50 50 281 143 138 30 17 13 11 6 54 Malkop 424.97 58 58 277 134 143 49 23 26 3 7 55 ShimaLa 1393.57 70 70 413 221 192 58 26 32 56 Vatgeri 893.46 15 15 57 31 26 8 6 2 57 Mudangi 1179.14 15 15 75 36 39 15 6 9 58 Hitlasar 239.88 32 32 205 109 96 23 12 11 59 Halgod 59.15 6 6 30 15 15 4 2 2 60 Baichgod 266.35 29 29 163 77 86 20 7 13 61Devarkallahalli 135.31 11 11 65 27 38 11 4 7 62 Hasangi 855.56 165 165 906 443 463 130 78 52 41 40 63 Halsinkop 232.30 23 23 135 74 61 21 9 12 3 3 64 Hunsemane 162.29 13 13 73 32 41 10 3 7 65 Jaddigadde 195.75 21 21 101 56 45 8 5 3


    NaI1l<: ot C. D. Block: YELLAPUR ; CoJt No. : 0110

    Sci1eduled Literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L Nnme 6f Vi llage / Location Tri bes, lJorkers Town / lJard Code Cultivators Agricultural Number Lnbourers

    (I • I X) ( I ) (II)

    (M) (F) (M) .(F) (M) (F), (M) (F) (M) (F)

    (15), (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

    223 175 227 90 94 2 In. 84 Telangeri 31 107 84 90 11 83 3 5 6 Chimnall i 32 52 37 40 31 19 11 5 5 L i ngndbai l 33 255 189 206 176 58 73 112 73 .Billgar 34 97 57 78 14 27 21 3 Hi rIyal 35 189 147 131 1 82 40 . Kilttige 36 131 113 97 5 47 32 Dehall i 37 207 168 169 53 73 12 35 24 Bisgod 38 36 27 39 13 20 19 11 Nagnrkan 39 349 227 266 182 56 6 24 13 Geral 40 43 33 35 6 21 1 13 5 Bilragildde 41 96 55 77 31 48 2 27 28 Savagildde 42 41 18 32 22 21 10 9 12 Hukl i 43 19 '9 15 11 13 9 2 2 Gotgul i 44 127 69 118 66 68 26 25 31 Lalgul i 45 77 60 82 40 17 10 51 24 Kannigcrl 46 107 57 166 166 6 152 156 Kol ikeri 47 495 267 439 7 325 66 3 Kannadgal 48 86 48 90 4 52 16 3 Belgeri 49 347 269 280 83 208 36 52 34 Angod 50 113 86 72 2 66 1 Shistamudi 51 2 2 786 707 581 133 172 211 106 Kmnpl i 52 90 73 92 21 47 3 41 18 Al\.lad 53 71 39 84 55 32 3 50 52 Malkop 54 133 78 138 23 98 4 37 18 Shimala 55 15 9 21 1 19 1 1 Vatgeri 56 12 5 23 2 20 2 2 Mudangi 57 64 47 81 8 46 35 6 Hitlasar 58 7 9 7 2 2 4 2 Halgod 59 40 33 56 51 48 31 7 18 Baichgod 60 16 19 18 7 5 13 6 Devarkallahall i 61 264 253 244 138 57 157 130 Hasangi 62 39 18 41 27 24 9 17 18 Ha lsi nkop· 63 16 19 19 15 13 8 5 7 Hunsemane 64 38 24 31 6 23 4 8 2 Jaddigadde 65


    Name ofC.D. Block: YELLAPUR ; CoJe No. : 0110 location Name of Vi II age Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town I liard Rurall N~r Urban livestock, Mining and ManufacturIng, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying ProcessIng, Processing, Fishing, Servicing ilnd ServiCIng ilnd

    Hunting and Repai rs In RCPill rs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Hou~chold All ied Indus t roy activities

    ( I I I ) (I V) (V(il») lV(b)J (VI)

    ---t--'T-- (M) ( F) (M) (f) (M) ( F ) (~1) (f) (M) (F)

    ------~------(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (23) (29) (3U) (31) (32) (33) (34 )

    31 Telangeri 4 2 32 Chimnalli 33 Lingadbail 34 Balgar 35 Hiriyal 26 8 3 36 Kattige 4 37 Dehall i 4 2 38 Bisgod 40 9 14 4 39 ~agarkan 40 Geral 2 173 158 2 41 Baragadde 42 Savagadde 43 Hukl i 44 Gotgul i 45 Lalgul i 7 9 46 Kannigeri b 2 2 47 Kolikeri 4 2 2 14 48 Kannadgal 5 ~ 49 Belgeri 2 3 4 50 Angod 2 1 51 Shistamudi 2 52 Kampl i 23 6 15 5 53 Alwad 2 54 Malkop 55 Shimala 56 Vatgeri 57 Mudangi 58 Hitlasar 59 Halgod 60 Baichgod 61 Devarkallahall i 62 Hasangi 2 6 63 Halsinkop 64 Hunsemane 65 Jaddigadde


    Namt: of C.D. 13lo<.:k : YELL.APUR ; CoJt: No. : 0110

    W 0', R K E R S Marginal Non·Workers Name of Village / Location Workers Town / Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Number Corrrnerce Storage and Services j:orrrnunication

    (VII) eVlll) e I X)

    (M) (F) eM) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

    (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) .( 1 )

    5 8 4 4 136 259 Telangen 31 1 2 56 136 Chimnall i 32 16 15 23 30 Lingadbai l 33 35 30 116 103 Balgar 34 1 2 70 110 Hiriyal 35 5 115 225. Kattige 36 2 10 4 84 178 Oehall i 37 2 4 4 105 218 Bisgod 38 22 54 Nagarkan 39 3 3 3 5 303 393 Geral 40 29 48 Baragadde 41 2 59 86 Savagadde 42 23 35 Hukl i 43 .. 8 9 Gotgul i 44 1 7 7 89 140 Lalgul i 45 2 2 3 1 45 85 Kannigcri 46 1 3 2 3 106 106 Kol ikeri 47 16 3 8 3 337 679 Kannudgal 48 6 6 64 131 Belgeri 49 4 14 11 87 165 248 Angod 50 3 1 57 115 Shistamudi 51 61 2 16 72 23 491 969 Kampl i 52 2 51 117 Alwad 53 50 88 Malkop 54 83 169 Shimala 55 10 25 Vatger i 56 13 37 Mudangi 57 28 88 Hitlasar 58 8 13 Halgod 59 2 21 35 Baichgod 60 1 9 31 Ocvarka II aha II i 61 8 14 5 199 325 Hasangi 62 33 34 Halsinkop 63 1 13 26 Hunsemane 64 25 39 Jaddigadde 65


    Nam~ ()rc.D. Block: YELLAPUR ; CoJe No. : OliO

    Location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of TotQl population Total population Scheduled Code Town I IJard Rurall Hectares Occu' House' (IncludIng in the age group Castes NUllber Urban for vil' pied Holds In~titutlonal & (0 . 6) lages & Resid­ Housel('~s in sq.km ential populiltion) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

    (P) (M) (F) (P) ~M) (F) (M) (F)

    (1) (2) (3) (4 ) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

    66 Hullarmane 135.40 6 6 41 21 20 1 67 Jakkoll i 685.06 48 48 235 115 120 31 13 18 6 68 Savane 439.83 23 23 122 69 53 20 9 11 69 Uchageri 1278.87 131 131 653 334 319 122 69 53 10 70 Bharatanalli 781. 35 212 213 1006 512 494 .70 33 37 73 71 Hasalmane 121.86 4 4 22 9 13 ,2 1 72 Bellambi 615.89 38 38 199 100 99 26 14 12 73 Sampekop 50.19 8 8 46 19 27 6 3 3 74 Bijankop 478.35 26 26 150 73 77 15 8 7 75 lCundargi 515.53 50 54 315 166 149 29 19 10 8 6 76 Vanakemane 87.52 10 10 58 30 28 4 1 3 77 Herrmadi 1312.91 138 138 738 377 361 103 48 55 22 38 78 Bharani 604.06 75 75 362 195 167 51 30 21 3 2 79 lCannor-Heggarni 337.53 30 30 176 96 80 21 7 14 80 Tarehall i 1715.78 170 170 924 477 447 105 42 63 10 10 81 Kotemane 169.82 29 29 190 90 100 16 8 8 82 Totadkallalli 283.64 36 36 204 119 85 17. 13 4 15 14 83 Kannenahalli 358.35 29 29 161 82 79 22, 8 14 84 Shigemaneummachagi 278.34 150 153 766 392 374 125 56 69 60 61 85 Hiresar 258.77 30 30 174 92 82 20 12 B 86 Sankadgundi 86.45 6 6 36 22 14 5 4 1 87 lCangod-Balehadd 325.58 47 47 245 115 130 22 6 16 23 34 88 Chavatti 699.32 96 96 442 223 219 60 30 30 1 89 I lehall i 1894.54 53 53 354 183 171 58 33 25 5 3 90 Hitlalli 1404.31 147 148 766 408 358 115 74 41 21 2S 91 Bidrall i 355.22 35 35 170 91 79 26 17 9 92 Kusgul i 291.27 60 60 364 170 194 51 24 27 18 23 93 Kundur 209.42 24 24 136 66 70 18 9 9 94 Yedall i 88.75 14 14 93 41 ')2 16 7 9 95 Tolgod 910.69 60 60 303 160 143 48 23 25 2 2J u 96 Harigadde 716.49 42 42 217 104 113 26 11 15 ; 97 Magod 2157.57 73 73 409 207 202 50 27 23 98 HeggUlllbl i 1135.88 39 39 219 118 101 25 18 7 99 Holemadu 85.81 17 17 88 46 42 16 9 7 100 Oevargadde 531.66 47 48 304 160 144 31. 22 12


    N:lln~ of C.D. OI(lI:k : YELLAPUR : C()J~ No. : 0110

    Scheduled Literates Total Jotain I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of VIllage I . Location' Tribe. Workers Town I Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Nl.Rber Labourers

    (I - IX) (I) (II)

    (14) (f) (14) i, (F) (14) (M) (F) (M) (F)

    (15) (16) (11)' (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) ··(23) (24) (2) (1)

    16 14 14 5 12 3 2 2 Hullarmane 66 85 61 74 18 60 16 1'- 2 Jakkoll i 67 51 32 38 9 35 9 3 Savane 68 139 110 189 39 111 55 31 Uchageri 69 370 286 28' 128 79 13 112 89 8haratanalli 70 5 10 4 2 3 1 2 Hasalmane 71 52 42 65 6 39 24 5 Bellantli 72 9 15 11 11 Sampekop 73 36 27 48 16 35 13 16 Bijankop 74 118 99 101 23 51 35 17 lCundargi 7S 28 15 13. 4 7 6 4 Vanakemane 76 239, 182 212 1 177 34 HeI1III8di 77 144 93 122 8 77 27 6 Bharan; 78 77 46 66 2 62 4 1 Kannor-Heggarni 79 322 219 292 110 100 21 173 83 Tarehalli 80 80 79 57 33 29 9 22 21 I(otemane 61 78 49 64 2 38 2S Totadkallalli 82 64 54 55 2 42 4 I(amenahall i 83 268 197 199 119 30 5 79 89 Shigemaneummachagi 84 69 53 55 34 36 19 14 11 Hiresar "85 16 9 13 1 11 1 1 Sankadgund; '86 91 73 72 65 37 19 29 34 Kangod-Ba!ehadd , 87 168 123 122 61 45 9 5S 48 Chavatti . ,


    Name of C.D. Block: YELLAPUR : Code:! No. : 0110

    Location Name of Vil·lage / Total/ CAT E G O.R I E S o F M A I N Code Town / Ward Rural/ Numer urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing. Manufacturing. Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing. Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hlnting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

    (III) (IV) [V( a)] [V(b)] (VI)

    (M) (f) (M) (f) eM) (F) (M) (F) eM) ef)

    (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

    66 Hullarmane 67 Jakkolli 68 Savane 69 Uchageri 7 70 Bharatanall i 4 3 ·15 10 4 71 Hasalmane 72 Bellamj 2 73 S8q)ekop 74 Bijankop 75 Klndargi 4 4 76 Vanakemane n Henmadi 78 Bharani 5 .. 79 Kannor-Heggarni 80 Tarehall i 11 3 . 1 81 Kotemane 82 Totadkallalli 83 Kannenahall i 8 84 Shigem&neummachagi 28 13 7 2 2 85 Hiresar 2 3 .86 SankadgLndi :87 Kangod-8alehadd 9 88 Chavatti 6 2 89 Ilehall i 90 Hitlall i 18 3 91 Bidralli 92 Kusgul i 93 Kundur .. 94 Yedall i 95 Tolgod 3 96 Harigadcie 9 97 Magod 98 HeggUlbl i 99 Holemadu 2 100 Devargadde


    Name: of C.D. 810ck : YELLAPUR : Code: No. : 0110

    WORKERS Marginal Non-Workers Name of village', Location Workers Town' Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Nl,IIlber C_rce Storage and Services COIIIIU'Iication

    eVil) \ (VIII) (IX)

    (M)' (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F)

    (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

    7 15 Hullarmane 66 41 102 Jaklcoll i 67 31 44 Savane 68 11 1 4 7 145 280 Uchageri 69 21 3 3 34 17 230 366 Bharatanalli 70 S 11 Hasalmane 71 35 93 8ellambi .72 8 27 Sampekop 73 2S 61 Bijankop 74 8 2 51 64 75 Kunctargi 75 17 24 Vanakemane 76 1 165 360 Henmadi 77 4 9 2 73 159 8harani 78 30 78 Kannor-Heggarni 79 6 3 184 337 Tarehall i 80 6 3 33 67 Kotemane 81 1 55 83 Totadkallall i 82 1 2 27 77 Kannenahall i 83 18 3 8 24 8 8 21 185 234 Shigemaneummachag 84 4 37 44 Hiresar 85 9 13 Sankadgundi 86 2 1 3 43 65 Kangod-8alehadd 87 4 9 4 19 100 139 Chavatti. 88 2 78 162 llehall i 89 3 3 14 6 2 171 269 Hi tlall i 90 42 56 Bidrall i 91 3 2 3 3 80 163 Kusgul i 92 3 3 2 30 59 Kundur .93 2 19 42 Vedalli 94 56 118 Tolgod 95 2 39 96 Harigadde 96 4 71 196 Magod 97 3 50 83 Heggumbl i 98 2 19 38 Holemadu 99 3 73 133 Devargadde 100


    Name of C.D. Block: YELLAPUR ; Cod~ No. : 0110

    location Name of Vi I Iage I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population scheduled Code Town I Ward Rural} Hectares occu- House- (Including in the age group Castes NUllber Urban for vil- pi~ Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) (ages & Resid- Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

    (P) (M) (F) (P) 'eM) eF) eM) (F)

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14:

    101 Sulgar 216.6'5 18 21 137 67 70 10 7 3 102 HIll gaon 39"34 22 22 132 72 60 15' 13 2 103 Analgar 76.41 14 14 84 40 44 7 4 3 104 Balekani 411.90 32 32 186 96 90 15 10 5 ,lOS Hastafcargadde 144.94 9 9 62 30 32 6 3 3 106 Shigepel 28.54 6 6 42 26 16 6, 4 2 -, 107 lCaMfikeri 147.41 31 31 147 81 66 6 3 3 108 Mandol t ; 475.62 90 90 459 236 223 44 32 12 7 4 109 Belkhanda 370.37 36 36 219 104 115 19 9 10 110 Chandguli 3331.40 218 221 1179 578 601 151 72 79 38 33 111 Malalgaon 784.61 25 26 138 79 59 16 10 6 J4 13 112 HUtttkhand 2480.11 175 176 983 496 487 139 78 61 1'0 17 113 S0IIIINI1' j 150B.21 53 53 288 155 133 35 16 19 114 lC_tsoor 1345.60 46 46 266 136 130 4~ - - -2, 20 11 17 115 Heggapur 280.33 11 11 64 26 38 17 9 8 7 It 116 Madnur 7585.04 569 570 2946 1489 1457 549 278 271 56 66 117 lCirwatt; 3324.47 648 696 3553 1890 1663 606 ,312 294 142 110 118 lCanchanahall; 7463.45 256 256 1564 812 752 333 ~83 150 119 Kosall i 1381.34 266 266 1471 761 710 287 133 154 64 71 120 Bank... , i 1468.47 2 2 11 5 6 312 12t Bendigeri 553.51 9 9 38 22 16 431 122 Bf'ronnal' i 319.37 15 15 61 44 37 633 123 Gad; jogactnane 451.45 5 5 16 8 8 312 , 124 PuratbhOllf'lltI ( i 569.81 7 7 25 13 12 954 125 Ii lki 1517.95 43 43 281 151 130 54 26 28 126 lCerehosalli 664.48 44 44 217 116 101 36 18 18 3 :5 121 Chikkotti 1030.55 61 61 324 151 173 55 24 31

    C.O, Block Total Rural 1235.65 9305 9506 50902 25995 24907 7224 3680 3544 1073 109~


    1 lifagad !CPt Project Colony (liMeT) 0.65 155 156 798 543 255 124 59 65· 89 4~ 2 Yel tapur (MP) 64.60 2718 2814 14456 7353 7103 2227 1159 1068 545 55~

    e.o. Block Total Urban 65.25 2933 2970 15254 7896 7358 2351 1218 1133 634 5~


    Nltm~ of C.D. Blo~;k : YELLAPUR ; C()d~ No. : 0110

    Scheduled Literates Total Main N 0 U S T R I A l Name of Village I Location I Tribes Workers Town I Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Number labourers

    (I - I X) (I) (I J)

    (It) (F) (F) (M) (F) . (M) (f)

    (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

    48 46 41 15 26 7 8 Sulgar 101 54 37 38 4 34 4 4 Hulgaon 102 .... " 36 31 23 2 21 2 2 Analgar 103 79 68 62 4 51 3 6 Balekani 104 21 20 13 1 10 2 1 Hastakargadde 105 19 9 16 2 10 4 2 Shigepal 106 73 36 44 12 30 7 9 Kawdikeri 107 197 172 137 14 83 32 9 Nandoll i 108 90 78 54 4 43 11 Belkhanda 109 375 290 362 167 248 102 79 52 Chandgul i 110 55 37 44 10 32 2 8 8 Malalgaon 111 275 230 286 120 187 44 84 62 Huthkhand 112 66 44 90 23 69 11 20 9 Somanall i 113 69 23 70 3 52 14 3 Kalsoor 114 10 6 14 4 12 1 2 3 Heggapur 115 536 327 850 282 ~29 148 288 113 Madnur 116 37 25 1055 556 984 199 161 10 469 144 Kirwatti 117 127 57 432 219 260 120 163 97 Kanchanahall i 118 185 72 465 181 252 11 150 166 Hosat!; 119 4 2 3 1 1 Bankasal; 120 10 8 11 6 3 8 5 Bendigeri 121 36 16 27 12 15 4 11 8 Bhomnall i 122 4 2 6 3 4 2 3 Gadi jogadmane 123 8 7 7 5 2 Puratbholllnall i 124 77 33 91 42 46 Bilk i 125 63 37 76 12 45 4 29 8 Kerehosall; 126 106 84 99 27 63 4 34 22 Chikkotti 127

    67 47 15988 11591 15009 4938 8112 1433 4488 2679 C.O. Block Total Rural


    15 5 477 149 404 13 Magod KPC Project Colony (NMCT) 1 2 1 5212 4138 3551 536 629 35 122 33 Yellapur (MP) 2

    17 6 5689 4279 3955 549 629 35 122 33 C.O. Block Total Urban


    NameofC.D. Block: YELLAPUR; Codc No. : 0110

    Location Name of Village I Totall CAT E G 0 R. I E S o F M A I N COde Town! Ward Rural! Munber Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Ouarrying Processing, PrQcessing. Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

    ( III) (I V) (V(a)] (V(b)] (VI)

    (101) (F) (101) (F) (101) (f) (101) (F) (101) (F)

    (1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) <31 ) (32) (33) (34)

    101 Sulgar 102 Hulgaon 103 Analgar 104 Balekani 2 3 105 Hastakargadde 106 Shigepal 2 107 lCawdi keri 1 108 Mandell i 3 2 109 Belkhanda 110 Chandgul i 2 17 6 4 2 111 Halatgaon 112 Huthkl'land 2 4 7 2 113 Somanall i 114 Kalsoor 2 :---.... 115 Heggapur 116 Hadnur 11 2 1 6 1 117 lCirwatti 154 9 12 23 2 5 118 Kanchanahalli 6 119 Hossll i 15 17 120 Bankasali 121 Bendigeri 122 BhOl1l'lalli 123 Gadi jogacinane 124 PuratbhOlll'latli 125 Bi lie; 126 Kerel'losalli 127 Chikkotti

    C.D. Block Total Rural 459 60 273 209 68 10 255 75 85 9


    1 Magod KPC Project CoLony (NMCT) 1 2 Yellapur (HP) 179 77 10 3 57 10 330 28 255 48 ;

    C.D. Block Total Urban 180 77 10 3 57 10 330 28 256 48:, :1


    Name of C.D. Block: YELLAPUR ; C

    WORKERS Marginal Non-Yorkers Name of Village / location Yorkers Town I Yard Code Trade and Transport, Other Number COllllle~e S,torage and Services COImIUnicat i on

    (VII ) (VII I) ( IX)

    (M) ,( F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

    (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

    6 7 26 55 Sulgar 101 34 56 Hulgaon 102 14 17 28 Analgar 103 1 2 26 32 60 Balekani 104 11 16 20 Hastakargadde 105 6 10 8 Shigepal 106 1 4 1 6 2 31 52 Kawdikeri 107 2 14 5 99 209 Nandell j. 108 3 50 111 Belkhanda 109 3 2 4 7 159 216 275 Chandgut i lID 1 6 35 43 Malalgaon 111 6 3 2 39 209 328 Huthkhand 112 1 3 10 65 100 Semanal t i 113 2 59 66 68 Kalsoor 114 -- 10 12 24 Heggapur 115 9 1 2 9 12 3 639 1172 Madnur 116 55 4 36 69 29 906 1463 Kirwatti 117 2 1 1 380 533 Kanchanahalli 118 13 3 8 8 3 23 293 506 Hosall i 119 4 Bankasal i 120 11 10 Bendigeri 121 17 25 Bhomnall i 122 2 5 Gad i j ogadmane 123 6 12 Puratbhomnall i 124 2 60 129 Bilki 125 1 40 89 Kerehosalli 126 52 146 Chikkotti 127

    381 35 141 747 427 78 948 10908 19021 C.D. Block Total Rural


    5 2 395 12 3 136 242 Maged KPC Project Colony (NMCT) 1 918 63 295 756 238 10 54 3792 6513 YeLlapur (MP) 2

    923 64 297 1151 250 13 54 3928 6755 C.D. Block Total Urban




    SI.No. Name of lh~ Town I')'J I (_\:n:-'lI~

    Location ('mil' L.ocali,lI1 Codc Locilion ('odc Lm:alillil ('odc (,\lanu;l) (lDlIlpUIl."r) (l\bllual) (CIlJ1lPUll"f)


    1. 11/20/1 I 1/20/1 (1)000 ')/ I '):1 mill)/! 0(1)

    2. Ankola II. 20,'11 ' 1 1:20: (() 1000 '):1 11:11 Ot),'IiJ/IOIO

    3. II '2()'tll I 1:20.' 102000 I); 11)'111 m: I 'I,' 1020

    -L 11. 20'1\ I 1; 2(), 1mono

    5. Dalldcli 11/21l,V 1 120' I(J·I()()() II; ~'I,I \' ()<)i I II, I03() fl, \ 1/20VI 1\,'21)'1\),,\)\)1) I}'),I'),II)-\I)

    7. Haliyal 11,'.::'tl,'VII I 1:20,' IOI>OO() IJ,I'I'VI 0'1 I'),' 10:'\0

    H. HOll:lvar 11/21)'\,111 I I 2()' I 1)701)0 I) I')'VII 1)'),' II)' lOW

    Kaura KPC PrnjcL 11,'20,IX I I, 2()' I()S()O(J

    10. Karwar II '20, X II, 20' II )')(Jon 'i'I'IVIII 0'): I'),' !O70

    II. KUlllla 11,20XI II, 2l),lllH ~)H ')il')'IX ow I'): 10XO

    12. Magod KPC Projcl"l II/.::I)'XII

    13. Sir~i (TMC) II 2\1:XIII I I 2\i I \_,\i\l\i (1'): 1'): 1110

    I·t Y cll"puf L L 2O,XIV I I.' 21), I 121)00 'liI').'X I \)'),' 1')/1 120

    .::'77 TO'VN PIUl\IARY

    Location Name of Townl Area in No. of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Ward Sq. Km.s Occup- House- ( Including in the age group Castes Number ied Holds Institutional (0 - 6) . Reside­ and Houseless ntial Population) Houses

    (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) ( 12) (13

    100000 AMBIKANAGARA (NMCT) 0.78 1394 1396 6064 3117 2947 989 497 492 256 240

    101000 AN KOLA (TMC) 7.42 2502 2560 13509 6763 6746 1736 915 821 lH2 1158

    Ward 1 449 463 2695 1335 1360 346 186 160 466 526 Ward 2 408 408 2301 1154 1147 380 198 182 135 139 Ward 3 817 853 4297 2225 2072 580 30,1 279 408 361 Ward 4 468 471 2321 1098 1223 211 112 99 117 125 Ward 5 360 365 1895 951 944 219 118 101 6 7

    102000 BHATKAl (THC) 5.23 3554 4067 31478 15525 15953 5380 2759 2621 236 261

    Division 1 648 689 4726 2346 2380 770 398 372 35 45 Division 2 865 981 7226 3784 3442 1160 592 568 142 149 Division 3 1529 1623 12462 6003 6459 2282 1140 T142 59 67 Division 4 235 346 3189 1560 1629 521 292 229 Division 5 277 428 3875 1832 2043 647 337 310

    103000 BINAGA (NMCT) 7.86 1522 1545 7281 3776 3505 1165 636 529 102 91

    104000 DANDEL! (CMC) 8.52 10466 10624 52701 26947 25754 8042 4141 3901 2432 2448

    Ward 1 3407 3483 17078 8766 8312 2565 1294 1271 674 664 Ward 2 2605 2619 12850 6645 6205 1960 1018 942 681 663 Ward 3 978 1001 4578 2334 2244 736 383 353 238 242 \.lard 4 1245 1261 6307 3226 3081 982 517 465 67 n Ward 5 1201 1218 6500 3242 3258 975 508 467 390 443 Ward 6 1030 1042 5388 2734 2654 824 421 403 382 363

    105000 GANESHAGUDI (MMeT) 1.35 810 810 3371 1742 1629 556 280 276 178 193


    Scheduled literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of Town / Location Tribes, lIorkers liard Code Cultivators Agricultural Number Labourers

    ( I IX) ( I ) (II)

    (M) (F) (M) (f) (101) (F) (101) (F) (M) (F)

    , (14) (15) ( 16) ( 17> ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (2) (1)

    38 36 2238 1764 1436 260 11 162 74 AMBIKANAGARA (NMCT) 100000

    5075 4336 3131 846 600 326 245 151 ANKOLA (TMC) 101000

    974 790 6~9 291 204 127 138 97 Ward 1 684 484 570 261 290 183 27 25 Ward 2 1654 1328 956 111 74 3 61 24 Ward 3 956 988 537 116 9 6 Ward 4 807 746 439 67 23 12 13 4 liard 5

    131 97 11707 10932 5937 982 198 3 92 11 BHA HAL (THC) 102000

    6 4 1774 1629 1045 124 87 75 9 Division 1 3 4 2859 , 2238 1420 322 76 4 1 Division 2 12? 89 4473 4360 2388 374 31 9 Division 3 1215 1221 505 81 1 2 Division 4 1386 1484 579 81 3 2 Division 5

    4 4 2666 2070 1830 376 104 25 'l7 29 BINAGA (NMCT) 103000

    112 125 19404 14514 12092 1733 34 2 7 3 DANDELI (CMC) 104000

    42 42 6279 4689 3964 738 7 3 liard 1 25 23 4982 3745 2886 332 2 liard 2 13 19 1609 1102 1075 168 Ward 3 3 2 2217 1710 1525 239 14 2 2 Ward 4 23 35 2312 1746 1436 131 3 Ward 5 6 4 2005 1522 1206 125 8 Ward 6

    17 19 1364 1029 775 104 3 71 35 GANESHAGUDI (NMCT) 105000

    279 TOWN PRIl\1t\RY

    loc:ation Name of Town I CATEGOR I E S o F 'I A I N Code ward Nt.mber Livestock, IItining·ar'Id Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Canst rvct ion Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting & Repairs in ReP'lirs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household Allied Industry Activities

    (II l) ( IV) [Veal] [V(b}] (VI)

    (M) (F) (K) (F) (M) (f) (M) , (F) (M) (F)

    (1) (2) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) ,(33 ) (32) (33)

    100000 AMBlkAMAGARA eMMeT) 4 3 6 45 9 54 7

    101000 A,",OlA (TIIIC) 70 6 18 71 60 327 10 167· 6

    Ward 1 14 1 2 13 24 33 2 20 2 Ward 2 15 2 2 30 27 38 3 6 ward 3 11 1 5 15 2 92 3 100 2 Ward 4 21 2 7 9 5 104 2 27 2 Ward 5 9 2 4 2 60 14

    102000 BHATkAl (T1ItC ) 96 4 14 142 5 550 9 185 9

    Division 1 25 11 2 120 1 30 Division 2 1B B 14 1 136 3 66 2 Division 3 50 3 6 116 204 3 85 7 Oivision 4 2 39 - 2 Division 5 51 3

    103000 BINAGA (~T) 255 38 85 30 7 11 765 20 259 59

    104000 DAIfO£Lr (CMC ) 315 51 74 12 80 14 6665 %5 571 62

    Ward 1 103 14 33 4 20 3 1733 146 237 26 Ward 2 '30 3 22 1 17 4 1611 105 172 19 ward 3 1 , 1 1 978 150 11 3 Ward 4 44 6 5 26 2 800 70 72 10 Ward 5 113 14 6 7 662 48 61 4 Ward 6 24 13 7 6 10 4 881 46 18

    105000 GAN£SHAGUOI (MMeT) 3 15 56


    IJ 0 R K E R S Marginal ilion-Workers ·Name of Town / Location Workers Ward Code Trade afld Transport, Other NLMl1ber CClIIIIIerce Storage and Services COOIllUnication

    (VII) (YUI) ( I)()

    (M) (F) -(fII) (F) (14) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F)

    (34), (35) (36) . (37) (38) (39) (40) (.41 ) (42) (43)

    102 50 17 1035 116 2 5 1679 2682 AMBlKANAGARA (WHCT) 100000

    629 36 384 2 620 249 134 336 3498 5564 ANKOLA

    81 5 45 79 33 15 73 691 996 Ward 1 51 4 34 77 17 12 84 572 602 Ward 2 172 14 181 245 62 92 163 1177 1798 Ward 3 180 5 53 121 98 12 15 549 1092 Ward 4 145 8 71 2 98 39 3 509 876 Ward 5

    3255 38 345 2 1060 901 79 53 9509 14918 BHATKAl (THC) 102000

    475 12 53 169 98 17 7 1284 2249 Division 1 658 22 101 . 1 339 289 43 26 2321 3094 Division 2 1274 3 151 1 462 355 16 19 3599 6066 Division 3 401 15 43 79 1 1054 15411 Division 4 447 25 47 80 2 1251 1961 Division 5

    72 S9 86 2 170 103 7 20 1939 3109 BINAGA (HMCT) 103000

    1604 171 701 19 2041 834 140 129 14715 23892 DANDELI (CMC) 104000

    789 101 208 5 831 437 29 38 4773 7536 Ward 1 231 15 151 7 650 178 50 35 3709 5838 Ward 2 29 4 10 45 9 1258 2075 Ward 3 233 34 111 4 218 110 4 11 1697 2831 Ward 4 221 9 142 3 220 52 18 • 23 1788 3104 Ward 5 101 8 79 77 48 38 21 1490 2508 Ward 6

    44 5 12 571 63 967 1525 GANESHAGUDI (NMCT) 105000

    281 TOWN PRIl\fARY

    location Name of Town/ Area in No. of No.of Total population Total PopulatIon Scheduled Code lJard Sq. Km.s Occup· House· (Including in the age g~oup Castes NUIlber ied Holds Institutional (0 - 6) Reside­ and Houseless ntial Population) Houses

    (P) (M) (F) (Pl (M) (F) (M) (F)

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)' (12) (13j

    106000 HALlYAl (TMC) 5.49 3172 3391 18005 9244 8761 3009 1536 1473 1164 1175

    liard A 659 687 3441 1776 1665 537 261 276 257 269 liard B 916 948 4740 2438 2302 816 426 390 463 45"8 liard C 459 486 2852 1451 1401 456 224 232 131 119 liard D 484 568 2777 1451 1326 405 227 178 16 10 liard E 654 702 4195 2128 2067 795 398 397 297 319

    107000 HONAVAR (TMC) 8.86 2986 3052 16192 8171 8021 1944 1017 927 297 322

    Division 1 573 589 3070 1492 1578 361 196 165 49 50 Division 2 772 778 4055 2054 2001 504 262 242 75 87 Division 3 474 500 2545 1277 1268 285 151 134 22 23 Division 4 583 597 3394 1775 1619 469 247 - --222 38 44 Division 5 584 588 3128 1573 1555 325 161 164 113 . 118

    108000 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY 0.20 605 623 2563 1342 122 I 440 234 206 118 116 (NMCT)

    109000 KARIJAR (CMC) 14.35 10102 10637 51022 26441 24581 6026 3091 2935 1221 1143

    liard 1 1156 1292 6434 3570 2864 no 365 355 74 54 liard 2 1654 1671 7845 3936 3909 967 504 463 102 96 liard 3 1205 1430 5862 3045 2817 749 355 394 195 171 liard 4 1145 1194 5504 2959 2545 653 348 305 214 203 liard 5 1759 1779 8826 4478 4348 967 512 455 391 376 liard 6 1898 1922 9317 4771 4546 1178 607 571 151 146 liard 7 1285 1349 7234 3682 3552 792 400 392 94 97

    110000 KUMTA (TMC) 15.34 4404 4585 26181 13281 12900 3652 1913 1739 916 871

    liard 1 921 977 6567 3304 3263 1080 590 490 11 7 liard 2 905 956 5341 2716 2625 684 357 327 330 320 liard 3 721 738 3822 1959 1863 474 227 247 176 168 liard 4 774 792 4548 2271 2277 558 286 272 128 127 liard 5 1083 1122 5903 3031 2872 856 453 403 271 249

    111000 MAGOD KPC PROJECT COLONY 0.65 155 156 798 543 255 124 59 65 89 43 (NMCT)


    Scheduled Literates Total Main I N D U S T R I A L .Name of Town I Location !Tribes lIorkers liard Code Cultivators Agricultural NUlilber Labourers

    (I - IX) (,I) (I I)

    (M) (F) (F) (M) eF) 01) (F) (M) (f)

    (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) {2} (1)

    50 51 6120 4341 4652 1237 879 274 620 447 HALIYAL (TMC) 1060DO

    9 10 1345 960 913 186 44 4 72 36 liard A ~9 21 1672 1219 1177 293 92 10 95 97 liard B 7 7 878 585 ·736 229 246 119 65 44 Ward C 1000 732 754 221 214 61 136 111 Ward D 15 13 1225 845 1072 308 283 80 252 159 Ward E

    5 5 6395 5477 3878 454 181 59 5 HONAVAR (TMC) 107000

    . 1 1164 1097 ~63 111 Division 1 1658 1455 997 106 64 11 2 Division 2 4 5 1073 991 616 93 5 Division 3 11.91 815 878 82 34 24 2 Division 4 1309 1119 724 62 78 24 1 Division 5

    5 3 968 735 664 68 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY 108000 eNMCT)

    84 43 21354 16754 12108 2316 345 lOS 252 69 KARWAR (CMC) 109000

    18 11 2840 1755 1953 382 55 12 63 15 Ward 1 23 15 3132 2579 1816 396 156 73 48 25 Ward 2 3 2 2356 1950 1670 280 6 2 liard 3 10 2410 1855 1436 317 7 10 1 liard 4 7 2 3789 3256 1752 385 17 7 23 4 Ward 5 23 12 3781 3023 1908 228 4 1 4 1 liard 6 3046 2336 1573 328 100 11 104 21 liard 7

    21 13 10206 .8231 6480 1426 652 122 236 164 KUMTA (TMe) 110000

    6 3 2413 1834 1615 403 298 57 54 44 liard 1 9 5 2071 1646 1329 302 33 2 24 13 Ward 2 2 2 1550 1211 1020 239 . 98 24 47 35 Ward 3 2 2 1851 1591 1143 192 101 14 ·68 39 Ward 4 2 2321 1949 1373 290 122 25 43 33 Ward 5

    15 5 477 149 404 13 MAGOO KPC PROJECT COLONY 1110~O eNMCT)


    Location Name of Town I CAT EGO R I E S o F MAl N Code Ward Nl.IIIber Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction ~ Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting & Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards 8. Industry Household All ied Industry Act ivi ties

    (" I) (IV) [Veal) [V(b») (VI)

    (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F ).

    (1) (2) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33)

    106000 HALIYAL (TMC) 200 21 6 141 43 323 27 302 68

    Ward A 34 4 34 17 68 8 34 2 Ward B 54 7 4 28 10 81 1 166 .50 Ward C 30 5 15 6 46. 2 41 13 Ward D 28 33 9 48 2 18 2 Ward E 54 5 31 80' 14 43

    107000 HONAVAR (TMC) 471 30 9 134 18 647 22 244 9

    Division 1 42 5 5 8 5 249 4 43 Division 2 64 2 33 10 158 46 1 Division 3 12 3 3 21 45 26 5 Division 4 324 16 54 1 8?- 9 88 Division 5 29 4 18 a 107 7 41 2

    108000 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY 2 156 23 (NMCT)

    ,09000 KARWAR (CMe) 1468 103 30 5 1002 88 1315 51 725 75

    Ward 1 616 49 3 2 36 4 106 6 63 7 Ward 2 38 3 11 2 359 9 168 5 91 8 Ward 3 69 \ 6 3 104 2 174 ,11 117 15 Ward 4 109 3 5 97 3 166 7 166 29 Ward 5 129 4 5 145 63 267 11 106 8 Ward 6 223 6 2 82 6 217 8 131 6 Ward 7 284 32 179 217 3 51 2

    110000 KUMTA (THC) 641 150 44 298 32 563 87 395 50

    Ward 1 436 85 33 3 87 6 34 7 Ward 2 65 21 5 104 11 144 22 146 28 Ward 3 44 29 7 24 4 118 25 39 2 Ward 4 33 4 1 41 5 91 3 57 3 Ward 5 63 11 31 96 9 123 31 119 10



    WORKERS Marginal Non-Workers Name of Town / Location Wprkers Ward Code Tr~de and Transport, Other Number Conmerce Storage and Services COI111lUnication

    (VI1) (VIII) (lX)

    (M) (0 (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) \

    ,(34) (35) (37) (38) (39) (40a (41)' (42) (43) (2) (1)

    967 114 463 4 751 238 ,34 99 4558 7425 HALlYAL (TMC) 106000

    327 42 146 2 154 71 13 22 850 1457 Ward A 29i; 32 93 1 268 84 7 1261 2002 Ward B 123 23 67 102 17 715 1172 Ward C 98 5 68 111 30 6 20 691 1085 Ward D 123 12 89 116 36 15 50 1041 1709 Ward E

    1060 72 292 7 781 290 18 29 4275 7538 HONAVAR (TMC) 107000

    113 to 54 • 1 149 85 3 828 1464 Division 1 278 10 77 2 266 78 6 t2 1051 1883 Division 2 313 13 70 4 121 66 661 1175 Division 3 147 31 36 . 82 23 4 12 893 1525 Division 4 209 8 55 163 38 7 2 842 1491. Division 5

    40 3 7 457 42 41 17 637 1136 KAORA KPC PROJECT COLONY 108000 (NMCT)

    2392 679 1133 54 3446 1087 249 203 14084 22062 KARWAR (CMC) 109000

    428 199 314 5 269 83 3 1617 2479 liard 1 265 30 158 26 522 215 82 67 2038 3446 liard 2 564 89 134 10 499 144 14 11 1361 2526 liard 3 392 65 63 6 421 203 12 13 1511 2215 Ward 4 277 33 172 4 611 250 35 41 2691 3922 liard 5 268 85 195 2 782 113 15, 9 2848 4309 liard 6 198 178 97 342 79 91 59 2018 3165 liard 7

    1612 226 639 15 1400 579 52 260 6749 11214 KUMTA (TMe) 110000

    388 133 119 7 166 61 20 116 1669 2744 Ward 1 304 22 125 379 183 2 10 1385 2313 Ward 2 212 14 123 3 308 103 6 30 933 1594 Ward 3 410 19 124 2 217 103 17 18 1111 2067 Ward 4 298 .38 148 3 330 129 7 86 1651 2496 Ward 5

    5 2 395 12 3 136 242 MAGOO KPC PROJECT COLONY 111000 (NMCTJ


    Location Name of Town/ Area in No. of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Ward Sq. Km.s Occup· House- ( Including in the age group Castes Nl.Il1ber ied Holds Institutional (0 - 6) Reside­ and Houseless ntial Population) Houses

    (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10) (11) (12) (13)

    112000 YELLAPUR (MP) 64.60 2778 2814 14456 7353 7103 2227 1159 1068 545 556

    Ward 1 636 644 3326 1760 1566 494 284 210 129 128 Ward 2 811 813 4011 2014 1997 631 328 303 87 102 Ward 3 706 723 3677 1825 1852 554 ,273 281 95 94 Ward 4 625 634 3442 1754 1688 . 548 274 274 234 232

    113000 SI RSI UA 25.67 9531 9810 50895 26120 24775 7183 3652 3531 3653 3543

    113001 SIRSI (TMC) 9.28 7738 7999 41747 21447 20300 5565 2833 2732 2779 2728

    Ward 1 1323 1335 6935 3484 3451 901 463 438 ' 489 460 Ward 2 596 625 3317 1690 1627 381 196 185, 60 66 Ward 3 1803 1858 10199 5269 4930 1599 k~la 781 789 737 Ward 4 1497 1561 8146 4242 3904 1155 574 581 666 664 Ward 5 2207 2295 11388 5843 5545 1321 665 656 547 595 Ward .6 312 325 1762 919 843 208 117 91 228 206

    113002 SIRSI (OG) 2.99 750 752 3699 1915 1784 693 358 _, 335 210 185

    113003 LANDAKANAHALLI (OG) 5.67 299 300 1561 812 749 264 133 131 95 89

    113004 KALKUNI (OG) 3.20 256 260 1332 669 663 188 98 90 120 125

    113005 PUTTANMANE (OG) 4.53 488 499 2556 1277 1279 473 230 243 449 416


    Scheduled Literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of Town I Location 'Tribes Workers Yard Code Cultivators Agricultural Number Labourers

    (I - IX) (I) ( II )

    (M) (F) 'I(M) (F) (M) , (f) (M) (F) (M) (F)

    (14) (15) (16) (17) ( 18) ( 19) dO) (21) (22) (23) (2) (1)

    2 5212 4130 3551 536 629 35 122 33 YEllAPUR (MP) 112000

    2 1282 992 839 112 126 4 24 5 Ward 1 1530 1346 980 151 28 1 15 Ward 2 1321 1056 '826 107 90 7 34 a Ward 3 1079 736 906 166 385 23 49 25 Ward 4

    106 , 101 20030 16722 13445 2400 438 77 553 180 SIRSI UA 11300(

    89 84 16926 14281 11034 1769 315 20 182 53 SIRSI (TMC) 11300:1

    5 8 27.67 2416 1691 249 17 8 Ward 1 12 12 1424 1277 940 117 37 2 6 1 Ward 2 2& 18 3954' 3135 2655 398 122 7 84 32 Ward 3 , 19 19 3283 2715 2097 289 51 3 28 10 Ward 4 23 25 4758 4108 3121 661 69 8 40 8 Ward 5 2 2 740 630 530 55 19 16 2 Ward 6

    14 14 1230 981 938 133 23 2 274 48 SIRSI (OG) 11300,

    595 457 427 163 88 54 76 70 LANDAKANAHALLI (OG) 11300~

    3 3 519 441 354 58 8 15 3 KALKUNI (OG) 11300(

    760 562 692 277 4 6 6 PUTTANMANE (OG) 11300~

    287 TOWN PRIMARY location Name of Town I CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Ward NlI!ber Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting & Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than orchards 8. Industry Household All ied Industry Activities

    (I I I) ( IV) [V( a)] [V(b)] (VI)

    (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

    (1) (2) (24 ) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33)

    112000 YELLAPUR (MP) 179 77 10 3 57 10 330 28 255 48

    Ward 1 37 18 3 31 6 78 7 41 2 Ward 2 67 24 3 21 3 126 8 84 16 Ward 3 60 27 3 3 81 42 3 Ward 4 15 8 2 2 45 13 88 27

    113000 SIRSI UA 1018 376 76 2 309 71 1717 137 1124 199

    113001 SIRSI (TMC) 707 273 44 237 53 1559 117 831 108

    Ward 1 149 38 3 27 5 191 8 122 4 Ward 2 32 6 10 24 4 129 8 34, 7 Ward 3 167 70 18 52 9 411 0,]1 249 19 Ward 4 123 18 5 25 11 ,322 19 144 12 Yard 5 194 136 8 97 24 450 48 266 64 Ward 6 42 5 12 56 3 16 2

    113002 SIRSI (OG) 22 5 10 50 4 27 2, 88 6

    113003 LANDAKANAHALLI (OG) 15 7 22 6 3 21 2, 3

    113004 KALKUNI (OG) 119 22 4 46 6 24

    113005 PUTTANMANE (OG) 155 69 12 11 64 10 178 84


    II 0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Town I Location i.lQrkers Ward Code TraCfe and Transport. Other Number COIl1Tlerce Storage and Services COfllllllnication

    (VIl ) (VI I I) (IX)

    (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) JF) (M) (F) (M) (F) \

    (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (2) (1)

    918 63 295 756 238 10 54 3792 6513 YELLAPUR (MP) 112000

    246 15 83 170 54 5 17 916 1437 Ward 1 315 21 105 216 77 3 6 1031 1840 Ward 2 238 11 66 -209 56 999 1745 Ward 3 119 16 41 161·, 51 2 31 846 1491 Ward 4

    3742 31} 1730 56 2738 989 63 278 12612 22097 SIRSl UA 113000

    3385 248 1465 52 2309 844 42 100 10371 18431 SIRSI

    428 41 293 8 453 145 9 23 1784 3179 Ward 1 440 16 86 10 142 63 4 1 746 1509 Ward 2 692 43 449 12 411 175 13 27 2601 4505 Yard 3 743, 58 296 9 360 149 8 36 2137 3579 liard 4 896 80 289 11 812 281 '8 12 2714 4872 Yard 5 186 10 52 2 131 31 389 787 liard 6

    97 10 137 3 210 52 4 976 1647 SIRSI (OG) 113002

    61 6 49 86 21 4 384 582 LANDAKANAHALLI (OG) 113003

    56 2 29 53 24 4 46 311 559 KALKUNl (OG) 113004

    143 47 50 80 48 15 124 570 878 PUTTANMANE (OG) 113005



    Location Name of District/ Total/ No.of Total'SC Population Total SC Population Code C.D.Block / U.A./ Rural/ House­ in the .age gl'oup Nl.IIlber City / Town Urban holds (0 - 6) with SC members

    (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

    UTTAR KANHAD District T 18375 91990 46612 45378 16361 8307 8054 R 13584 67491 34273 33218 12460 ' -, 6321 6139 U 4791 24499 12339 12160 3901 1986 1915

    A. C.D.Block's Total T 14450 71707 36435 35272 13234 6727 6507 R 13584 67491 34273 33218 12460 6321 6139 U 866 4216 2162 2054 774 406 ~68

    ANKOLA C.D.Block T 1017 4876 2548 2328 723 378 345 R 1017 4876 2548 2328 723 378 345 U

    2 BHATKAL C.D.Block T 1862 11516 5720 5796 2204 1128 1076 R 1862 11516 5720 5796 2204 1128 1076 U

    3 HAUYAL C.D.Block T 1073 4983 2591 2392 877 458 419 R 955 4487 2335 2152 783 416 367 U 118 496 256 240 94 42 52

    100000 AMBIKANAGARA eNMCT) U 118 496 256 240 94 42 52

    4 HONAVAR C.D.Block T 1384 6895 3466 3429 1287 672 615 R 1384 6895 3466 3429 1287 -- 672 615 U

    5 KARWAR C.D.B.lock T 616 2621 1365 1256 434 217 217 R 522 2194 1145 1049 348 168 180 u 94 427 220 207 86 49 37

    103000 BINAGA eMMCT) U 39 193 102 91 38 23 15 108000 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY U 55 234 118 116 48 26 22 (MMCT)

    6 KUNTA C.D.Block T 1329 6435 3226 3209 1171 584 587 R 1329 6435 3226 3209 1171 584 587 U


    Literates Total ,Main Workers N 0 U S T R I A L Name of District / Locat i on C.D.Block I U.A. ( Code Cultivators City / Town Number

    ~ to IX (I)

    (P:) . , (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) ( J1) (M) (F ).

    (tt) '(fiZ) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (2) (1 )

    37949 2352'1 14428 3551\ 24174 11343 5073 3765 1308 un AR KANNAO District 240,3· 15426 8587 28145 18591 9554 4805 3553 12'52 13936 809~ 5841 7372 ' 5583 1789 268 212 56

    26080 16651 9429 29526 19628 9898 4848 3594 1254 C.D.Block's Total A. 2401~ 15426 8587 28145 18591 9~54 4805 3553 1252 206,7 1225 842 1381 1037 344 4Ji 41 2

    \2360 1515 845 \957 1418 539 166 146 20 ANKOLA C.D,Block 2360 1515 845 1~57 1418 539 166 146 20

    47'16 3035 1741 3483 2678 805 182 136 46 BHATKAL C.D.Block 2 4776 3035 1741 3483 2678 805 182 136 46

    1771 1220 S51 2156 1399 757 550 380 170 HAll VAL C.D.Block 3 1470 1041 429 2026 1287 739 550 380 170 301 179 .122 130 112 18

    301 179 122 130 112 18 AMBIKANAGARA (NMCT) 100000

    2317 1489 828 2504 1802 702 471 419 52 HONAVAR C.D.Block 4 2317 1489 828 2504 1802 702 471 419 52

    1112 696 416 1041 762 279 35 29 6 KARIJAR C.D.Block 5 933 591 342 903 655 248 35 29 6 179 105 74 138 107 31

    59 37 22 73 51 22 BINAGA (NMCT) 103000 120 68 52 65 56 9 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY 't08000 (NMCT)

    2233 1456 777 2759 1746 1013 415 298 117 KUMTA C.D.Block 6 2233 1456 777 2759 1746 1013 415 298 117


    Location Name of District / Total/ CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N IJ 0 RICE R S Code C.O.Block / U.A. / Rural/ NlIl1ber Ci ty / Town Urban Agricultural livestock,Forestry, Mining and Quarry Labourers Fishing,Hunting and Plantation,Orchards & Allied activities (II) ( III ) ( IV)

    (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F

    (1) (2) (3) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (2.

    UTT AR KANNAD District T 13384 7355 6029 5102 4076 1026 ' 1184 877 31 R 12682 6949 5733 4660 3752 908 1122 825 2' , U 702 406 296 442 324 118 62 52

    A. C.D.Block's Total T 12766 7009 5757 4781 3830 951 1136 837 ~ R 12682 6949 5733 4660 3752 908 1122 825 2· U 84 60 24 121 78 43 14 12

    ANKOLA C.D.Block T 795 436 359 36 34 2 331 278 R 795 436 359 36 34 2 331 278 U

    2 BHATKAL C.D.Block T 63 26 37 2273 2069 204 22 19 R 63 26 37 2273 2069 204 22 19 U

    3 HAll VAL C.D.Block T 1034 556 478 68 63 5 31 24 R 1031 553 478 68 63 5 31 24 U 3 3 ~ -. -- 100000 AMBIKANAGARA (NMCT) U 3 3

    4 HONAVAR C.D.Block T 1186 720 466 419 306 113 81 72 R 1186 720 466 419 306 113 , 81 72 U

    5 I(ARWAR C.D.Block T 169 106 63 72 70 2 68 35 R 169 106 63 69 68 67 34 U 3 2


    6 KUMTA C.D.Block T 1570 873 697 113 86 27 83 80 R 1570 873 697 113 86 27 83 80 U


    I N D U S T R I A l CAT EGO R I E S Name of District I location C.D.Block I U.A. / Code Manufacturing,Processing, Manufacturing, Processing, Constructions City I Town Number Servicing and Repairs in Servicing and Repai,rs in House-hold Industry Other than House-hold Industry [V(s)] [V(b») (VI)

    (P) (M) (F) (P) (14) (F) (P) (M) (F)

    (29) (30) 'b1) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (2) (1,)

    96~ 552 411 1707 13~ 339 1706 1339 367 UTTAR KANNAD District ~79 427 252 725 540 . 185 682 565 117 284 125 1~ 982 828 154 1024' 774 250

    720 455 265 801 594 207 1028 797 231 C.D.Block's Total A. 679 427 252 725 540 185 682 565 117 41 28 13 76 54 22 346 232 114

    120 60 60 27 25 2 82 73 9 ANKOLA C.D.Block 120 60 60 27 ,25 2 82 73 9

    13 10 3 133 76 57 58 40 18 BHATKAL C.D.Block 2. 13 10 3 133 76 57 58 40 18

    166 116 50 55 49 6 31 26 5 HAll YAL C.D.Block 3 166 116 50 51 46 5 28 24 4 r- 4 3 3 2

    4 3 3 2 AMBIKANAGARA (NMCT) 100000

    15 9 6 40 34 6 62 54 8 HONAVAR C.D.Block 4 15 9 6 40 34 6 62 54 8

    141 86 55 29 22 7 331 251 80 KARIJAR C.D.Block 5 141 86 55 19 14 5 258 196 62 10 8 2 73 55 18

    10 8 2 47 32 15 BINAGA (NMCT) 103000 26 23 3 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY 108000 (NMCT)

    92 48 44 245 154 91 21 20 KUMTA C.D.Block 6 92 48 44 245 154 91 21 20


    Location ~ of District I Total I o F M A I N ., 0 R K E R S Code C.D.Block / U.A. / Rural / NlIItler City I Town Urban Trade and Comnerce Transport, Storage Other Servic~ & Communications

    (VI I) (VI I I) (Ill)

    (P) (1'1) (f) (P) (1'1) (F) (P) (1'1) e'l

    (1) (2) (3) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (~

    unAR I(ANNAO District T 1691 1124 567 907 872 35 3800 2846 ~ R 866 433 433 445 427 18 1479 1120 11 U 825 691 134 462 445 17 2321 1726 . 51

    A. C.O.Block's Total T 1013 543 470 480 462 18 1953· 1507 4< R 866 433 433 445 427 18 14,79 1120 3/. U 147 110 37 35 35 474 387

    ANKOLA C.D.Block T 44 39 5 161 154 7 195 173 R 44 39 5 161 154 7 195 173 U

    2 BHATKAL C.D.Block T 515 133 382 37 37 187 132 R 515 133 382 37 37 187 132 U

    HALlYAL C.D:Block T 15 15 12 12 194 158 R 10 10 11 11 80 60 u 5 5 114 98

    100000 AM8lKAMAGARA (MMCT) U 5 5 114 98

    4 HONAVAR C.D.Block 43 34 9 29 24 5 158 130 R 43 34 9 29 24 5 158 130 U

    5 KARWAR C.D.Block T 35 27 8 20 20 141 116 R 24 19 5 19 19 102 84 u 1I 8 3 1 39 32

    103000 BINAGA (NMCT) U 4 4 8 4 108000 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY U 7 4 3 31 28 (NMCT)

    6 KUMTA C.D.Block T 54 51 3 26 . 24 2 140 112 R 54 51 3 26 24 2 140 112 U


    Margtnal Workers -Non-Workers Name of'District / location C.D.Block / U.A. / Code Ci,ty / Town NLIIlber

    (P) (M) (1' ) <-f» {fit), (F)

    (47) (48) (49)\ (50) (51) ,(52) (2) (1 )

    2961 ,429 2532 53512 22009 31503 UTTAR- 'lCANNAD District 2670 343 ,2327 36676 ~15339 21337 291 86 235 16836 6670 10166

    2704 345 2359 39477 16462 23015 C.D.BlocK's Total A. 2670 343 2327 36676 15339 21337 34 2 32 2801 1123 1678

    389 32' 357 253fl 1098 1432 AN-KOLA C.O.Block 389 32 357 2530' 1098 1432

    ~50' 108 542 7383 2934 4449 BHATKAl C.O.Block 2 650 108 542 7383 2934 4449

    207 22 185 2620 1170 1450 HAlIYAl C.D.BlocK 3 207 22 185 2254 1026 1228 366 144 222

    366 144 222 AMBIKANAGARA (NMCT) 100000

    369 39 33.0 4022 1625 2397 HOt+AVAR C.D.Block 4 369 39 330 4022 1625 2397

    34 5 29 1546 598 948 KARWAR C.D.BlocK 5 33 4 29 1258 486 772 1 288 112 176

    120 51 69 BINAGA (NMCT) 103000 168 61 107 KADRA KPC PROJECT COlONY 108000 (NMCT)

    278 25 253 3398 1455 1943 KUMTA C.D.Block 6 278 25 253 3398 1455 1943


    Location Name of District/ Total! No.of Total SC Population Total SC Population Code C.D.Block ! U.A./ Rural! House' in the age group NUTber Ci ty I Town Urban holds (0 . 6) with SC members

    (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) nO)

    7 MUNDGOO C.D.Block T 2102 10673 5453 5220 2304 119ci 1114 R 2102 10673 5453 5220 2304 1190 1114 U

    8 SIDDAPUR C.D.Block T 1382 6213 3160 3053 1010 493 517 R 1382 6213 3160 3053 1010 493 517 U

    9 SIRSI C.D.Block T 2258 11073 5666 5407 2054 1043 1011 R 1934 9384 4792 4592 1711 858 853 U 324 1689 874 815 343 185 158

    113002 SIRSI (OG) U 85 395 210 185 65 36 29 113003 lANDAKANAHAlLI (OG) U 32 184 95 89 34 18 16 113004 KALKUNI (OG) U 50 245 120 125 57 29 28 113005 PUTTANMANE (OG) U 157 865 449 416 187 102 85

    10 SUPA C.D.Block T 704 3020 1533 1487 558 285 273 R 622 2649 1355 1294 502 - 25(> 246 U 82 371 178 193 56 29 27

    105000 GANESHAGUDI (NMer) U 82 371 178 193 56 29 27

    11 YELLAPUR C.D.Block T 723 3402 1707 1695 612 279 333 R 475 2169 1073 1096 417 178 239 U 248 1233 634 599 195 101 94

    111000 MAGOO KPC PROJECT COLONY U 28 132 89 43 25 15 10 (NMeT) 112000 YELLAPUR (HP) . U 220 1101 545 556 170 86 84


    Lit~rates Total· Main Workers I N D U S T R I A L Name. of District / Location C.D.Block / U.A. / Code Cul-t i vators City I Town Number

    ( I to IX (I)

    (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (f) (P) (M) (f) , (11) (12) ( 13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) ( 19) (2) (1)

    2941 1987 954 4983 2982 2001 1306 942 364 MUNDGOD C.D.Block 7 2941 1987 954 4983 2982 2001 1306 942 364

    2014 1190 824 3082 1970 1112 339 219 120 SIDDAPUR C.D.Block 8 2014 1190 824 3082 1970 1112 339 219 120

    3788 2343 ~445 5252 3248 2004 1007 738 269 SIRSI C.D.Block 9 3115 1931 1184 4600 2804 1796 993 726 267 673 412 261 652 444 206 14 12 2

    216 130 86 131 112 19 3 2 SIRSI (OG) 113002 106 62 44 65 46 19 5 4 LANDAKANAHALLI (OG) 113003 128 64 64 77 62 15 2 2 KALKUNI·(OG) 113004 223 156 67 379 224 155 4 4 PUTTANMANE (OG) 113005

    1311 831 480 1032 727 305 238 169 69 SUPA C.D.Block 10 1068 699 369 949 663 286 238 169 69 243 132 111 83 64 19

    243 132 111 83 64 19 GANESHAGUDI (NMCT) 105000

    1457 889 568 1277 896 381 139 118 21 YELLAPUR C.O.Block 11 786 492 294 899 586 313 110 89 21 671 397 274 378 310 68 29 29

    100 73 27 59 58 MAGOD KPC PROJECT COLONY 111000 (NMCT) 571 324 247 319 252 67 29 29 YELLAPUR (MP) 112000


    , Location Name of District / Total! CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N II 0 R K E R S Code C.D.Block / U.A. / Rural! Number City / Town Urban Agricultural Livestock,Forestry, Mining and Ouarrying Labourers Fishing,Hunting and Plantation,Orchards & Allied activities (II) (III) ( IV)

    (P) (M) (f) (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

    (1 ) (2) (3) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)

    7 MUNDGOD C.D.Block T 3228 1645 1583 49 49 15 13 2 R 3228 1645 1583 49 49 15 13 2 U

    8 SIDDAPUR C.D.Block T 1526 908 618 829 534 295 68 53 15 R 1526 908 618 829 534 295 68 53 15 U

    9 SIRSI C.D.Block T 2458 1307 1151 821 535 286 119 83 36 R 2386 1256 1130 733 476 257 111 75 36 U 72 51 21 88 59 29 8 8

    113002 SIRSI (OG) U 43 37 6 1 113003 LANDAKANAHALLI (OG) U 22 11 11 4 4 7 7 113004 KALKUN I (OG) U 4 3 1 42 33 9 113005 PUTTANMANE (OG) U 3 3 42 22 20

    10 SUPA C.D.Block T 256 151 105 31 30 191 110 81 R 248 146 102 30 29 Wl-.. _ 110 81 U 8 5 3

    105000 GANESHAGUDI (NMCT) U 8 5 3

    11 YELLAPUR C.D.Block T 481 281 200 70 54 i6 127 70 57 R 480 280 200 41 38 3 122 67 55 U 29 16 13 5 3 2

    111000 MAGOO KPC PROJECT COLONY U (NMCT) 112000 YELLAPUR (MP) U 29 16 13 5 3 2


    INOUSTRI A L CAT E G 0 R I E S Name of District / Location C.D.8Iock / U.A. I Code Manufacturing,Processing, Manufacturi ng, Process i ng" Constructions Ci ty J Town Number Servicing! and Repairs in Servicing and Repairs in House-hold Industry Other than House-hold Industry , [V(a)) [V(b)] (VI)

    (pj (M) {F) (P) (M) (FJ (P) (M) (F)

    (29) (30) (31~ (32) (33) (34 ) (35) (36) (37) (2) (1)

    33 29 4 51 50 67 62 5 MUNDGOD C.D.Block 7 33 29 4 51 50 67 62 5

    59 40 19 6>5 57 8 ' 15 1,5 SIDDAPUR C.D.Block 8 59 40 19 65 57 8 15 15

    57 40 17 73 60 13 277 187 90 SIRSI C.D.Block 9 17 13 4 43 38 5 58 53 5 ,40 27 13 30 22 8 219 134 85

    17 17 1 13 10 3 SIRSI (OG) 113002 4 1 , 3 2 LANDAKANAHALLI (OG) 113003 5 4 5 5 KALKUNI (OG) 113004 19 9 10 22 16 6 201 119 82 PUTT ANMANE (OG) 113005

    22 16 6 32 32 12 11 SUPA C.O.Block 10 22 16 6 29 29 10 9 3 3 2 2

    3 3 2 2 GANESHAGUDI (NMCT) 105000

    2 51 35 16 72 58 14 YELLAPUR C.D.Block 11 22 17 5 23 19 4 29 18 11 49 39 10

    MAGOD KPC PROJECT COLONY 111000 (NMCT) 29 18 11 49 39 10 YELLAPUR (MP) 112000


    location Name of District / Total / o F M A I N II 0 R K E R S Code C.D.Block / U.A. / Rura l / Number City / Town Urban Trade and Commerce Transport, Storage Other Services & Communications

    (VI I) (VI II) (! X)

    (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) ( f

    (1) (2) (3) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46

    7 MUNDGOO C.D.Block T 57 51 6 22 22 155 119 3, R 57 51 6 22 22 155 119 3, U

    8 SIDDAPUR C.D.Block 34 29 5 27 27 120 88 3 R 34 29 5 27 27 120 88 3 U

    9 SIRSI C.D.Block 141 100 41 33 33 266 165 10 R 46 35 11 17 17 196 115 8 U 95 65 30 16 16 70 50 21

    113002 SIRSI (OG) U 6 6 8 8 39 30 113003 LANDAKANAHALLI (OG) U 9 8 2 2 10 8 113004 KALKUNI (OG) U 5 4 1 4 4 10 7 113005 PUTTANMANE (OG) U 75 47 28 2 2 11 5

    10 SUPA C.D.Block 26 20 6 83 79 4 141 109 3: R 25 19 6 83 79 4 73 57 1, U c·_, "'68 52 1,

    105000 GANESHAGUDI (NMCT) U 68 52 1,

    11 YEllAPUR C.D.Block T 49 44 5 30 30 ,256 205 5 R 14 13 1 13 13 1'3 50 2: U 35 31 4 17 17 183 155 21

    111000 MAGOD KPC PROJECT COLONY U 58 57 (NMCT) 112000 YEllAPUR (MP) U 34 3D 4 17 17 125 98 2:


    Marginal Workers Non·Workers Name of District / Locat ion C.D.Block J U.A. Code Ci ty / Town Number

    (Pl (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

    (47) (48~ (49) (50) (51 ) (52) (2) (1)

    .58 8 50 5632 2463 3169 MUNDGOD C.D.Block 7 58 8 50 5632 2463 3169

    339 44 295 2792 1146 1646 SIDDAPUR C.D.Block 8 339 44 295 2792 1146 1646

    26\ 36 225 5560 2382 3178 SIRSI C.D.Block 9 242 35 207 4'>42 1953 2589 19 18 1018 429 589

    264 98 166 SIRSI (OG) 113002 119 49 70 LANDAKANAHALLJ (DG) 113003 14 14 154 58 96 ':AlKUNI (OG) 113004 5 4 481 224 257 PUTTANMANE (OG) 113005

    89 25 64 1899 781 1118 SUP A C.D.Block 10 89 25 64 1611 667 944 " 288 114 174

    288 114 174 GANESHAGUDI (NMCT) 105000

    30 29 2095 810 1285 YELLAPUR C.D.Block 11 16 15 1254 486 768 14 14 841 324 517

    73 31 42 MAGOD KPC PROJECT COLONY 111000 (NMCT) 14 14 768 293 475 YELLAPUR (MP) 112000


    Location Name of District/ Total/ No.of Total SC Population Total SC Population Code C.D.Block ; U.A./ Rural; House­ in the age group Number City / Town Urban holds (0 - 6) W1 th SC members

    (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

    (1) (2) (3) (4 ) (5 ) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10)

    B. District Urban U 4791 24499 12339 12160 3901 1986 1915

    100000 AMBIKANAGARA (NMCT) U 118 496 256 240 94 42 52 101000 ANKOLA (TMC) u 463 2290 1132 1158 326 151 175 102000 BHATKAL (TMC) U 95 497 236 261 72 33 39 103000 BINAGA (NMCT) U 39 193 102 91 38 23 15 104000 DANDELI (CMC) U 941 4880 2432 2448 875 443 432 105000 GANESHAGUDl (NMCT) U 82 371 178 193 56 29 27 106000 HAL lYAL (TMC) U 470 2339 1164 1175 426 215 211 107000 HONAVAR (TMC) U 123 619 297 322 78 40 38 108000 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY U 55 234 118 116 48 26 22 (NMCT) 109000 KARYAR (CMC) U 478 23&4 1221 1143 391 193 198 110000 KUMTA (TMC) U 343 1787 916 871 245 139 106 111000 MAG<>D KPC PROJECT COLONY U 28 132 89 43 25 15 10 (NMCT) 112000 YEllAPUR (HP) U 220 1101 545 556 170 86 84

    113000 SIRSl UA U 1336 7196 3653 3543 1057 551 506 " 113001 SIRSl (TMC) U 1012 5507 2779 2728 ,114__ 366 348 113002 SI RSI (OG) U 85 395 210 185 ' 65 36 29 113003 LANDAKANAHAlLI (OG) U 32 184 95 89 34 18 16 113004 KALKUNI (OG) U 50 245 120 125 57 29 28 113005 PUTTANMANE (OG) U 157 865 449 416 18-7 102 65


    Literates Total Main Workers I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of District / Location C.D.Block I U.A. / Code Cultivators City / Town Number

    ( I to IX (I)

    (P) (M) (f) (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

    ( 11) (12) ~ 13) ( 14) (15) ( 16) ( 17) (18) ( 19) (2) (1)

    13936 8095 5841 7372 5583 1789 268 212 56 District Urban B.

    301 .179 12~ 130 112 18 AMB I KANAGARA (NM·CT) 100000 1426 809 61t 687 494 193 61 39 22 ANKOLA (TMC) 101000 293 150 143 136 110 26 2 2 BHATKAL (TMC) 102000 59 37 22 73 51 22 BINAGA (NMCT) 103000 2326 1438 888 1252 1011 241 DANDELl (CMC) 104000 243 132 111 83 64 19 GANESHAGUDI (NMCT) 105000 1042 670 372 800 562 238 81 56 25 HAll YAL (TMC) 106000 448 235 213 155 128 27 HONAVAR (TMC) 107000 120 68 52 65 56 9 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY 108000 (NMCT) ]567 891 676 693 539 154 3 2 KARWAR (CMC) 109000 1083 622 461 634 430 204 19 16 3 KUMTA (TMC) 110000 100 73 27 59 58 1 MAGOD KPC PROJECT COLONY 111000 (NMCT) 571 324 247 319 252 67 29 29 YELLAPUR (MP) 112000

    4357 2467 1890 2286 1716 570 72 67 5 SIRSI UA 113000

    3684 2055 1629 1634 1272 362 58 55 3 SIRSI (TMC) 113001 216 130 86 131 112 19 3 2 SIRSI COG) 113002 106 62 44 65 46 19 5 4 LANDAKANAHALLI COG) 113003 128 64 64 77 62 15 2 2 KALKUN I (OG) 113004 223 156 67 379 224 155 4 4 PUTTANMANE (OG) 113005


    Location Name of District I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N \oJ 0 R K E R S Code C.D.Block I U.A. I Rurall Number Ci ty I Town Urban Agr'"icultural Livestock,Forestry, Mining and Quarrying Labourers Fishing,Hunting and Plantation,Orchards & Allied activities (II) (III) (I V)

    (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) ( F) (P) (M) (F)

    (1) (2) (3) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)

    B. District Urban U 702 406 296 442 324 118 62 52 10

    100000 AMBIKANAGARA (NMCT) U 3 3 101000 ANKOLA (TMC) U 199 115 84 19 18 4 4 102000 BHATKAL (TMC) U 7 7 3 3 103000 BINAGA (NMCT) U 3 2 1 104000 DANDEL! (CMC) U 1 50 40 10 16 9 7 105000 GANESHAGUDI (NMCT) U 8 5 3 1 1 106000 HALIYAL (TMC) U 231 129 102 21 19 2 4 3 107000 HONAVAR (TMC) U 9 9 108000 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY U (NMCT) 109000 KARIIAR (CMC) U 30 27 3 110000 KUMTA (TMC) U 110 50 60 40 30 10 20 20 111000 MAGOD KPC PROJECT COLONY U (NMCT) 112000 YELLAPUR (MP) U 29 16 13 5 3 2

    113000 SIRSI UA U _ 141 95 46 237 159 78 12 12 c- 113001 SIRSI (TMC) U 69 44 25 149 100 49 4 4 113002 SIRSI (OG) U 43 37 6 1 1 113003 lANDAKANAHAllI (OG) U 22 11 11 4 4 7 7 113004 KALKUN I (OG) U 4 3 42 33 9 113005 PUTTANMANE (OG) U 3 3 42 22 20 ~

    306 AIis11tAcr ~ FOR SCHEDULED ~ASTES

    1 • D U S T RIA L C~TEGORI It S Name, of !>lS.t. iIi:t I Location . C.D.Block I U.A. I Code M.... f~t,.,.i"'-Processing, Manufacturing, Processing', Constructions City I Town NI.IIlber Servicit1lJ and R.,.irs in Servicing and Repairs in HouSe-hold Indus.try Other than Nouse-hold Industry [V(aH ' tv(b).} (VI)

    W) (M)

    (29) (30)' (31~ (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (2) (1) \. District Urban 284 " " 1:25< 159 982 828 154 1024 774 250 B. , 4 3 1 3 2 AMSU;'-AGARA (NI4CT) 100000 8] 35 52 34 33 1 71 71 AHKOLA (TMC) 101000 J_ 16 16 3 3 BHATKAl (THC) 102000 10 8 2 47 32 15 B1NAGA <"",CO 103000 17 14 3 61.7 521 96 93 71 16 DANOELI (CMe) 104000 3 3 2 2 GANESHAGUOI (HMCT) 105000 18 \10 8 24 18 6 176 132 44 HAlIYAl (TMC) 106000 8 3 5 18 13, 5 9 9 HONAVAR (THe) 107VGJQ -- 26 23 3 KAORA KPC PROJECT COLONY 108900 (NMCT) n 11 61 31 31 69 55 14 KARIJAR (CMC) 109000 :n 26' n 23 19 4 17 11 6 KUMTA (TMC) 110000 '" MAGOD KPC PROJ£CT COLONY 1t1000 (NMCO 1 29 18 11 49 39 10 YEllAPUR (MP) l1iWOO

    50 31 19 1_73 145 26 459 318 141 SIRSI UA 113000

    10 4 6 143 123 20 240 184 56 SIRSl (TMC) 113001 17 17 1 1 13 10 3 SIRSI (OG) 1130ga '4 3 2 1 lANDAkANAHALll (OG) 113003 5 4 5 5 KAlKUNI (OG) 113004 19 9 10 22 16 6 201 119 82 PUTTANMANE (OG) 113005


    Location Name of District I Total I o F M A I N ~ 0 R K E R S Code C.D.Blocle I U.A. I Rural J NUJber City J Town Urban Trade and Commerce Transport, Storage Other Services & Communications

    (VII ) (VI II) (IX)

    (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

    (1) (2) (3) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46)

    B. District Urban U 825 691 134 462 445 17 2321 1726 595

    100000 AMBIKANAGARA (NMCT) U 5 5 114 98 16 101000 AN KOlA (TMC) U 51 48 3 42 42 119 89 30 102000 BHATKAL (TMC) U 14 13 5 5 86 61 25 103000 BINAGA (NMCT) U 4 4 8 4 4 104000 DANDElI (CMC) U 68 55 13 59 54 5 330 240 90 105000 GANESHAGUDI (NMCT) U 1 1 68 52 16 106000 HALlYAL (TMC) U 71 58 13 32 30 2 142 107 35 107000 HONAVAR (TMC) U 38 35 3 4 4 69 55 14 108000 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY U 7 4 3 31 28 3 (NMCT) 109000 KAR~AR (CMC) U 87 81 6 67 65 2 333 266 67 110000 KUMTA (TMC) U 91 71 20 39 39 244 154 90 111000 MAGOD KPC PROJECT COLONY U 58 57 (NMCT) 112000 YELLAPUR (MP) U 34 30 4 17 17 125 98 27

    113000 SIRSI UA U 353 285 68 195 187 8 "-__ -594 417 ·177

    113001 SIRSI (TMC) U 258 220 38 179 171 8 524 367 157 113002 SIRSI (OG) U 6 6 8 8 39 30 9 113003 LANDAKANAHALLI (OG) U 9 8 2 2 10 8 2 113004 KALKUNI (OG) U 5 4 4 4 10 7 3 113005 PUTTANMANE (OG) U 75 47 28 2 2 11 5 6


    Marginal, Io'orl::ers Non-tJoricers Name ot District I Location C.D.Block I U.A. I Code City I Town NLIltler

    (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

    " (47) (48) (49) (SO) (51) (52) (2) (1)

    291 '86 205 16836 6670 10166 District Urban B.

    366 144 222 AMBIKANAGARA (NMrT\ 100000 132 3{t 98 1471 604 867 ANKOLA (TMC) 101000 8 ~ 6 353 124 229 BHATKAL (TMC) 102000 _J 120 51 69 BINAGA (NMCT) 103000 55 30 25 3573 1391 2182 DANDEL! (CMC) 104000 288 114 174 GANESHAGUDI (NMCT) 105000 1538 602 936 HAL! YAL (TMC) 106000 463 168 295 HONAVAR (TMe) 1070QO 168 61 107 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY 108000 (NMCT) 15 8 7 1656 674 982 KARWAR (CMC) 109000 21 4 17 1132 482 650 KUMTA (TMC) '10000 73 31 42 MAGOD KPC PROJECT COLONY 111000 (NMCT) 14 14 768 293 475 YELLAPUR (MP) 112000

    43 6 37 4867 1931 2936 SIRSI UA 113000

    24 5 19 3849 1502 2347 SIRSI (TMC) 113001 264 98 166 SIRSI (OG) 113002 119 49 70 LANDAKANAHALll (OG) 113003 14 14 154 58 96 KALKUNI (OG) 113004 5 4 481 224 257 PUTTANMANE (OG) 113005



    Location Name of District/ Totall No.of Total ST Population Totat ST Population Code C.O.Block / U.A./ Rurall House­ in the age group Nl.IIIber Ci ty I Town urban holds (0 - 6) with ST members

    (P) (M) (f) (P) (M) (f)

    (1) (2) (3)

    UTTAR ICANNAO District T 1704 10168 5221 4947 2179 1100 1079 R 1455 9074 4630 4444 1960 973 987 u 249 1094 591 503 219 127 92

    A. C.O.Block's Total T 1497 9257 4728 4529 1981 990 997 R 1455 9074 4630 4444 1960 973 987 u 42 183 98 85 27 17 10

    ANICOLA C.D.iHock T 7 15 8 7 2 R 7 15 8 7 2 U

    2 BHATICAL C.O.Block T 1045 7319 3712 3607 1602 794 808 R 1045 7319 3712 3607 1602 794 808 U

    3 HALlYAL C.D.Block T 87 374 191 183 71 34 37 R 72 300 153 147 64 29 35 U 15 74 38 36 7 5 2

    100000 AMBIKANAGARA (NMCT) U 15 74 38 36 ' --7 --,-- 5 2

    4 HONAVAA C.O.Block T 5 12 8 4 2 R 5 12 8 4 2 u

    5 KARWAR C.O.Block T 24 93 50 43 23 13 10 R 20 77 41 36 19 10 9 U 4 16 9 7 4 3

    103000 81NAGA (NMCT) u 2 8 4 4 2 2 108000 KADRA KPC PROJECT COL()NY U 2 8 5 3 2 (NMCT)

    6 JeUMTA C.O.Block T 2 3 2 R 2 3 2 U


    Li,terates Total Main Yorkers I N,n u S T R I A L Name of District I Location C.O.BloCk I U.A. I Code Cultivators City I Town

    ( I to IX (I)

    (P) (M) (F,) (P) eM) (F) (P) (M) (F) , \

    (11) (12) (13) , (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (2) (1)

    2803, 1884 919 3603 2654 949 1671 1201 470 unAR KANNAD Oistrkt 2266 1544 722 3271 2361 910 1646 1179 467 537 340 197 332 293 39 25 22 3 I

    2382 1612 770 3340 2417 923 1646 1179 467 C.D.Block's Total A. 2266 1544 722 3271 2361 910 1646 1179 467 116 68 48 69 56 13

    5 3 2 7 7 ' ANKOLA C.D.Block 5 3 2 7 7

    1739 1196 543 2487 1848 639 1456 1044 412 BHATKAL C.D.Block 2 1739 1196 543 2487 1848 639 1456 1044 412

    117 69 48 159 106 53 57 37 20 HALlYAL C.D.Block q 3 71 44 27 . 135 87 48 57 37 20 46 ,25 21 24 19 5

    46 25 21 24 19 5 AMBIKANAGARA (WMCT) 100000

    10 7 3 5 5 HONAVAR C.D.Block 4 10 7 3 5 5

    21 13 8 43 31 12 KARYAR C.O.Block 5 12 8 4 38 28 10 9 5 4 5 3 2

    3 2 3 2 BINAGA (HMCT) 103000 6 4 2 2 2 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY 108000 (NMCT)

    3 2 2 2 KUMTA C.D.Block 6 3 2 2 2


    LoeatiOA Name of District I Total! CATEG'OR I E S o F .N A I N IJ O.R, IC. E R S Code C.D.Block I lirA. I Rural! tk.Inber. :d City I Town Urban Agricultural Livestock,Forestry, Mining and Quarrying Labourers Fishing,Hunting and Plantation,Orchards & Allied activities (II) . (III> (IV)

    (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) en (2) (3) (20) czt) (22) (23) (24) (25)

    unAll !CANNAD· District T 631 354 In 539 486 53 ,57 37 lO R 619 347 272 532 480 52 54 35 19 U 12 7 5 7 6 3 .. 2

    A. C.D.Block's Total T 624 350 . 274 532 480 52 54 35 19 R 619 347 2n 532 480 52 ' 54 35 19 U 5 3 2

    ANKOlA C.O.Block T R U

    2. BHATKAl C.O.Btock T 308 179 129 517 465 52 9 9 R 308 179 129 517 465 52 9 9 U

    3 HALIYAl C.D.Block T 54 30 24 -- R 52 29 23 !-~- U 2 f tOOOOO ANI KAftA.GARA (JIlIICT> U 2

    4 HONAVAR C.D.IHock T R U

    5 KARWAR C.D.Block T 2 R -- 2 U

    ',03000 SINAlOA (,.,.,cn . U tOSOOO KADRA KPC PROJECT COlOllV U (MMeT)

    6 KUMTA C.D.Bloclt' T R U


    IN D U $ T R r·A L // CAT EGO R I E S ~ame of Oistrict I Location C.O.Block I U.A. / Code ~pcturing,ProcessfD9, MaJ:lufacturing, processing, CQnstructions City I Town HuRler' ~rVieing and Repairs in Servicing and Repairs in House-hold Industry Other than House-hold Industry . [Ii(b)] (VI) - \ - .. , " (P) (If) (M) (f) (P). ("'\ ' (F) (M) • ' (F) I . \ ' \j '" .1 31) (32) (33) (34)' , (35) (36) (37) (2) (1) (29?, I1 3() , : 1 ,I, 80 ~3, 17- 119 107 12 -, UTT AR KANNAI> District. 42 '31 , 11 8'7 80 7 38 3~ , 6 32, 27 5


    56 ' I: 19 37 53 38' 15 91 S3 8 C.D.Block's Total A. 56 119 37 42 31 11 87 80 7 '.,i 11 7 4 - 4 3

    ! 1 AMKOLA C.O.Bloc~

    \ 1 " \--

    .- - '8 i - .. 18 7 7 56 55 BHATKAL C.O.Block 2 18 18 7 7 56 55 1 __

    6 5 11 7 4 2 2 HALIYAL C.O.Block 3 , 6 5 1 1 2 2 10 6 4 -r, - 10 6 4 AMBIKANAGARA (NNCT) 100000

    HONAVA.R C.O.Block 4

    24 17 7 KARWAR C.D.Block 5 22 16 6 2


    KUMTA C.O.Block 6

    315 ..-=-~ ...... ' mlfllll8- ,

    I.GCIIdlll'{- .._, of' ~'.n'ttt I Total I Of M'A' J N ~.{) It K'. f'- R S- ~ C.D ••..., I U.A. I It'Ur'al I -- ...... tlt¥ I Tt.T ~ Trade'~CC"'lce T.--port·; Storage Qther 5erviees r. COIiaunic:ati ons

    (V~~) (VIIH (IX)

    (P) eM) (F,) (P) (tt) - (f) (P) (M) (f)

    (1) (l) (3')' (38.J (39) (40) - (41) (42) (4-3) '(44) (45) (46)

    unMrAIItAD District T 97 91 6 82 81 i 2~7 212 55 R 56 Sit 2 38 38 . 14t 98 43 U 41, 37 4 44 43 I 126 114 '12 \

    It. C.D.tloet's Total T ,,_ 56, 3 40 40 185 137 ·4. I 56 ..S4 2 38 38 141 98 43 u 3 2 2 2 44 39 5

    MICOLA- C.o..8tOElif T 3 3 R J 3 U

    2 1UlM1C1M. C.D .8torclc- T 33: 31- 4 4 79' 52 27 t 33 31: 4 4 19 52 27 U

    IIAlUAl ~Btoek T 3 3 24 20 4- R 3 3- 12 8 4 u 12 '12 1-----.. _'.

    11lOOOG ...~-( ... n U 12 12

    4 IffMIWM C.n~8loC1t T 2 2 1. 2 2 R 2 2 .2 2 u ....

    5 KMWM- C.D.B\ock y- .2 2 15 11 '4 - t .2 2 12 9 3 u 3 2

    10RJ0U IIItt111M (MeT) u 1 10e000 ~ «pc' ~ COLOflY , U .2 2 (tIET).

    6 1lUft'A' C.D.Btock- T 1 , R 1 , . • 1 U

    316 •••tIJOl, __

    ,_,'Of Omrt:.t II ,C~lhlloH ,1,UJ.. , .city l't.«I

    (fl) '~) (f.) ';If> "") /, '(f') '. ./ , '(.fil) ~ (49) '(50) (5't-): (59) ('2) ('1) \ ,aft' I.' WI ... ,.2!M 11tO UlfM4IMIIM) ,Otstri1:t '31<5 '*2116 'S418 2i4O 3248 2 ~\ ,2 7!0 )a9.8 .462 I ',}fS. 19 .a6 M02 i228Z C.~tl.:alock I s lata t

    ., "e 1, 7 ,~ .c;D ..t~k 1 ,8 7

    ,,,-, m 29 268 ,&5 t&l5 ,2l9O fJMJl(Al C.O..8loek 2 297 J9 ,268 4535 ts5 2100

    ":9 9 2t6 es 1'21 MUJAl C.D-,,8tock 3 ./II 9 1" '66 90 50 t9 31

    10 19 31 'A"'U~f4tlltT) .,....,

    1 3 4 '1IIIMWiR I..1l.ah.k 7 3 4 "

    50 19 '31 ~ C.D.lltock )9 13 :26 .. 11 6 5

    5 3 2 1-1..,. , (tltCl) :1GJQfIO .. 6 3 3 '~JIC "OJfCT COUlfY ._ (..,f,)

    t ,GIItiA C.12.Alock 6 1


    Location Name of Districtl Totall No.of _ lotal Sf population Total 5T Population Code C.O.Block I U.A.I RUrall House-. in the age group . \ NUllber City I Town . Urban holds (0 - 6) . wi th ST member.$

    (P) (M) (f) (P) (M) (F)

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

    7 MlINOGOD C.D.Block T 90 463 232 231 100 49 51 R 90 463 232 231 ,100 . 49 51 U 1

    8 SIDDAPUR C.D.Block T .21 76 35 41 16 5 11 R 21 76 35 41 . 16 5 11 U

    9 SIRSI .C.D.Block T 70 328 169 159 60 37 23 R 61 294 152 142 51 30 21 U 9 34 17 17 9 7 2

    113002 SIRsf (OG) u 7 28 14 14 7 6 113003 lANDAKANAHALLI (OG) U 113004 lCAU(UNI (OG) U 2 6 3 3 2 113005 PUTTANMANE (OG) u

    10 SUPA C.O.Block T 114 437 237 200 89 45 44 R 105 40', 220 181 f ---85.. 44, 41 U 9 36 17 " 4- 3 10$000 GAN£SHAGtJI)I (MMeT> U 9 36 17 19 4 3

    11 YELlAPUR C.O.Block T 32 137 84. 53 22-.. 11 11 R 27 114 67 47 19 10 9 U 5 23 17 6 3 '2

    111000 MAGOD XPC PROJECT COLONY U 3 20 15 5 3 2 (MMeT) 112000 YEllAPUR (MP) u 2 3 2 1

    318 Literates T~t.l Min W~ 19D U S T R l A L Mane of District I Location C.D.3Iock I U.A. I C~ Cultivators City I Town IkDber _

    ( I to IX. ) (I) '\ I (P) '(,M)I! (F) (11') '.. , I(P) (4) (f) , i (III"" " (F) :1 '.. , ' ",'

    (11) : ! (12) \ (13) ., (14) (15,) (16) (17) (18) (.19) (2) (1) \, '. ' .'.. '150 103 47 181 '116 65 ,34 30 4 MUNOGOD C.D.Btock 7 150 \ '<13 181 no 65 34 30 4 \ ~~ \ , , I 41 22 19 27 21 6 8 " S 3 SIOOAPUR C.O.Block ,8 41 22 19 27 21 6 a -.. 5 3

    ' , 124', 74 50 154 \ 93 61 42 32 10 SIRSI C.O.Bloc~ 9 107. 67 40 143 .\ 83 60 42 32 ,10 17 7 10 11 \ 10 1

    13 5 8' 9 8 SIRSI (OG) 113(1()2 lANOAKANAHALLI COG) 113003 4 2 2 2 2 KAlKUNI (OG) "3004 PUTTANMANE (OG) , 113005

    , 128 85 43 199 128 71 47 29 18 SUPA C.O.Slock 10 1$4, 70 34' 187 120 67 47 29 18 ,24 15 9 12 8 4

    24 15 9 12 8 4 GANESHAGUIH eNMeT> 105000

    44 38 6 76 60 16 2 2 VEllAPUR C.D .Block 11 24 22 2 59 44 15 2 2 20 16 4 17 16

    17 14 3 14 14 MAGOO (PC PROJECT COlONY 111000 (NMCT) 3 2 3 2 YELlAPUR (MP) 112000

    319 ,BJS11mICT fRHIMMRl' ,0ENfltfS

    loCation Name of District I Totall CATEGOR E S o F M A I ~ II 0 R K E R S Code C.D~lItoct I U.A. I Rurall N~r City I Town Urban Agricul tupal Livestock,Forestry, Mining and~uarrying tabourers Fishing,Hunting and Ptantat i-on ,Orchards & Atlied activities ([I) «( II) (IV)

    (P) (M) ef) (P) (tI) (F) (P) (M) (f)

    (1) (2) (3) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)

    7 t4UtIOGOD C.O,,8toc:le. T 85 46 39 6 6 R <85 46 39 6 6 U

    8 SroDAPUR C.D.Block T 4 2 2 3 3 R 4 2 2 3 3 u

    9 SIRSl C.D.Blocle. T 89 41 48 2 2 R 89 41 48 2 2 u

    113002 stRSJ (OG) U 113003 LAtIOAK~~Al LI (OG) u 113004 KAlKI:IN I (OG) u 113005 PUll'AtIINANE COG) U

    10 SUPA C.D.8lock T 64 35 29 2 2 42 24 18 R 61 33 28 2 2 42 24 18 U 3 2

    105000 GAfIIESffACUD I €.!JIMCT) u 3 2

    11 YELLAPUR C.D.Btock T 20 17 3 R 20 17 3 1 u

    111000 MAG(lI) J(f>C PftOJ£tT COLONY U (tIMeT) 112000 YEllAPUR (flIP) u

    320 I N·D U S T R I A l CAT EGO R I E 5 Name of District I Location C.D.Block I U.A. I Code Manufaeturing, Processing, ManufactUl'ing, Processing, Constructions City I Town NUlDer Servicing and Repairs in Serv.icing and Repairs in House·hold Industry Other than House-hold Industry [Vee)] [V(b)] (VI)

    (P) (M» (F) (P) (~ (F) (P) (101' (F)

    (29) <:50)' (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (2) (1 )

    27 11 16 2 2 3 3 MlJNOGOO C.O.Block 7 27 11 16 2 2 3 3 ..•

    SIOOAPUR C.O.Block 8

    Z 4 4 SIRSI C.O.Block 9 2 2 2 2 2

    SIRS) (OG) 113002 LANDAKANAHAlll (OG) 113003 2 2 KALKUN) (OG) 113004 PUTTANMANE (OG) 113005

    2 2 2 2 2 SUPA C.D.Block 10 2 2 2

    GANESHAGUO) (NMCT) 105000

    29 18 11 YEllAPUR C.O.Btock 11 29 18 11



    location Name ~f District I Total I o F M A ) N II 0 R K E R S code C.D.Block I U.A. I Rural I NUlPber City I Town Urban Trade and Commerce Transport, Storage Other Services & Communications

    (VII) (VIII) ( IX)

    (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

    (1 ) (2) (3) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46)

    7 MUNDGOI) C.O.Block T 8 7 5 5 11 6 5 R 8 7 5 5 11 6 5 U

    8 SIOOAPUR C.D.Block T 5 5 6 5 R 5 5 6 5 U

    9 SIRS! C.D.Block T 2 2 12 10 2 R 5 4 U 7 6

    113002 SIRS) (OG) U 7 6 1f3003 lANOAKANAHAlLI (OG) U 113004 kAlKUNI (OG) U 113005 PUTTANMANE (OG) U

    10 SUPA C.D.Blocle T 3 2 24 24 11 8 3 R 23 23 6 5 U 2 5 3 2

    105000 GANESkAGUDI (NMCT) U 2 5 3 2

    11 YEllAPUR C.D.Block T 2 2 21 19 2 R 2 2 4 3 1 U 17 16 . 1

    111000 MAGOD KPC PROJECT COLONY U 14 14 (NMCT) 112000 YELLAPUR (HP) U 3 2


    Marginal Workers Non-Workers Name of District / Location C.O.Block / U.A. / Code City / Town Nt.nber

    CP) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

    (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (2) (1)

    5 5 277 116 161 MUNDGOO C.D.Block 7 5 5 277 116 161

    2 2 47 14 33 SIDDAPUR C.D.Block 8 2 2 47 14 33

    2 2 172 76 96 SIRSI C.D.Block 9 2 2 149 69 80 23 7 16

    19 6 13 SIRSI (OG) 113002 LANDAKANAHAL~I (OG) 113003 4 3 KALKUNI (OG) 113004 PUTTANMANE COG) 113005

    238 109 129 SUPA C.O.Block 10 214 100 114 24 9 15

    24 9 15 GANESHAGUDI (NMCT) 105000

    61 24 37 YELlAPUR C.O.Block 11 55 23 32 6 5



    Location Name of Districtl Totall No.of Total 5T Po~lation Total 5T Population Code C.D.Block I U.A.I Rurall House­ in t~ age group Nunber City / Town Urban holds (0 . 6) with 5T members

    (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

    B. District Urban U 249 1094 591 503 219 127 92

    100000 AMBIKANAGARA (NHCT) U 15 74 38 36 7 5 2 101000 AN KOLA (THC) U 1 1 1 102000 BHATKAL (THC) U 43 228 131 97 56 33 23 103000 BINAGA (NMCT) U 2 8 4 4 2 2 104000 DANDELI (CHC) U 47 237 112 125 41 19 22 105000 GANESHAGUDI (NMCT) U 9 36 17 19 4 3 106000 HAL1YAL (THC) U 26 101 50 51 24 13 107000 HONAVAR (THC) U 3 10 5 5 1 " 108000 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY U 2 8 5 3 2 (NMCT) 109000 KAR~AR (CMC) U 39 127 84 43 25 17 8 110000 KUMTA (TMC) U 10 34 21 13 9 8 111000 HAGOO KPC PROJECT COLONY U 3 20 15 5 3 2 (NMCT) 1120QO YElLAPUR (HP) U 2 3 2 .1

    113000 SIRSI UA U 47 207 106 101 45 26 19

    113001 SIRSI (THC) U 38 173 89 84 36 19 17 113002 SIRSI (OG) U 7 28 14 14 7 6 113003 lANDAKANAHALLI (OG) U 113004 KALKUNI (OG) U 2 6 3 3 2 113005 PUTTANMANE (OG) U


    Literates Total Main Workers I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of District I Location C.D.Block I U.A. I Code Cultivators City I Town Nl.II1ber

    I to IX (I)

    (P) (M) (f) (P) (M) (F) (P) (H) (F)

    (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) ( 19) (2) (1)

    537 340 197 332 293 39 25 22 3 District Urban B.

    46 25 21 24 19 5 AMBIKANAGARA (NMCT) 100000 • 1 ANKOLA (THe) 101000 58 47 11 64 61 3 21 20 BHATKAL (TMC) 102000 3 1 2 3 1 2 BINAGA (NHCT) 103000 120 69 51 63 55 8 DANDElI (CMC) 104000 24 15 9 12 8 4 GANESHAGUDI (NMCT) 105000 45 27 18 31 24 7 HAUYAL (THC) 106000 8 3 5 3 2 HONAVAR (TMC) 107000 6 4 2 2 2 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY (NHCT 108000 (NMCT) 80 57 23 49 48 KARWAR (CHC) 109000 15 9 6 9 8 KUMTA (TMC) 110000 17 14 3 14 14 HAGOO KPC PROJECT COLONY (NMCT 111000 (NMCT) 3 2 3 2 YElLAPUR (HP) 112000

    111 66 45 54 48 6 3 2 SIRSI UA 11~

    94 59 35 43 38 5 3 2 SIRSI (THC) 113001 13 5 8 9 8 SIRSI (OG) , 113002 lANDAKANAHALLI (OG) 113003 4 2 2 2 2 KALKUNI (OG) 113004 PUTTANMANE (OG) 113005

    325 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS location Name of District ! Total! CAT EGO R E S ,0 F M A I N W0 R J( E R S Code C.D.Slock / U.A. /' Rural! Nl.IIlber City / Town Urban Agricultural LivestocK,Forestry, Mining and Quarrying labourers Fishing,Hunting and Plantation,Orchards & Allied activities (II) (III) (IV)

    (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

    (1) (2) (3) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25 ) (26) (27) (28)

    B. District urban U 12 7 5 7 6 3 2

    100000 AMBIKANAGARA (NMCT) U 2 101000 ANKOLA (THC) U 102000 BHATKAl (TMC) U 103000 BINAGA (NMCn u 104000 OANDElI (CMC) U 3 2 105000 GANESHAGUDI (NMCT) U 3 2 106000 HAUYAl (TMC) U 7 4 3 107000 HONAVAR (TMC) U 108000 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY U (NMCT) 109000 KARWAR (CMC) U 110000 KUMTA (TMC) U 2 2 111000 MAGOD KPC PROJECT COLONY U (MMCT) 112000 YEllAPUR (MP) U

    113000 SIRSI UA U 3 2

    113001 SIRSI (TMC) U 3 2 -- 113002 SIRSI (OG) U 113003 LANDAKANAHALlI (OG) U 113004 KAlKUNI (OG) U 113005 PUTTANHANE (OG) U


    I N 0 U S T R r A L CAT EGO R I € S Name of District f location C.O.Btock I U.A. f Code Manufacturing,Processing, Manufacturing, Processing, Constructions City I Town NlIItler Servicing and Repairs in Servicing and Repairs in Ifouse-hold Industry Other than Ifouse-hold Industry (Veal] [V(b» (VI)

    (P) eM) (F) (ll) eM) (f) (P) eM) (f)

    (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (2) (1)

    4 3 38 32 6 -32 27 5 District Urban B.

    10 6 4 AMBIKANAGARA (MMCT) 100000 ANKOLA (TMC) 101000 3 3 4 4 BflA1KAL (THC) 102000 2 1 BI NAGA (NMCT) 103000 24 22 2 6 5 DANDElI (CMC) 104000 GANESHAGUDI (MMCT) 105000 4 3 2 HALlYAL (TMC) 106000 HONAVAR (TMC) 10rooO KAORA KPC PROJECT COLONY 108000 (MMCT) 6 6 KAR\lAR (CMe) '09000 3 3 KUMTA (TMC) l1ilOOO -- MAGOD KPC PROJECT Cr" ~ •... 111000 (NHCT) YEllAPUR (MP) 112000

    9 7 2 SIRSI UA 113000

    7 5 2 SI RSI (THC) 113001 SIRSI COG) 113002 LANOAKANAHALlI COG)' 113003 2 2 KALKUNI (OG) 113004 PUTTANMANE (OG) 113005


    Location Name· of District I Total I a F M A I N WaR K E R S Code C.D.Block I U.A. I Rural I NlIltIer City I Town Urban Trade and Commerce Transport, Storage Other Services & Communications

    (VII ) (VIII ) (IX)

    (P) 00 (F) CP) (M) cn CP) (M) ef)

    (1) (2) (3) (38) (39) (40) (41 ) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46)

    B. District Urban U 41 37 4 44 43 126 114 12

    100000 AMBIKANAGARA (MMeT) U 12 12 101000 ANKOlA (TMC) U 102000 BHATKAl (TMC) U 8 7 2 2 26 25 103000 BINAGA (NMCT) U 1 104000 DANDELI (CMC) U 7 6 10 10 13 10 3 105000 GANESJlAGUO I (lIMCT) u 2 1 1 5 3 2 106000 HAllYAl (TMC) U 4 3 2 2 11 10 107000 HONAVARI (TMC) U 1 108000 KAORA KPC PROJECT COLONY U 2 2 (NMCT) 109000 KARWAR (CMC) U 10 10 15 14 17 17 110000 KUHTA (TMC) U .2 2 2 "1000 MAGOO KPC PROJECT COLONY U 14 14 eMMCT) 112000 YELLAPUR (HP) U 3 2

    113000 SIRSI UA U 6 6 14 14 19 18

    113001 SII~SI (THe) U 5 5 13 13 12 12 113002 SIRSI (OG) U 7 6 113003 LANDAKANAHALLI (OG) U 113004 KAlKUNI (OG) U 113005 PUTTANMANE COG) U


    Marginal Workers Non-Workers Name of District / location C.D.Block / U.A. / Code City I Town Nunber

    (P) (M) (F) (P) (H) (F)

    (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (2) (1)

    2 2 760 298 462 District.Urban B.

    50 19 31 ~MBIKANAGARA (NHCT) 100000 ANKOLA (TMC) 101000 164 ' 70 94 BHATKAl (TMC) 102000 5 3 2 BINAGA (NHCT) 103000 2 2 172 57 115 DANOELI (eHe) 104000 24 9 15 GANESHAGUDI (NMCT) . 105000 70 26 44 HALIYAl (THC) 106000 7 3 4 HONAVAR (TMC) 107000 6 3 3 KAORA KPC PROJECT COLONY 108000 (NMel) 78 36 42 KARIIAR (eMC) 109000 25 13 F KUMTA (TMC) 110000 . 6 5 MAGOO KPC PROJECT COLONY 111000 (NMel) YELlAPUR o(MP) 112000

    153 58 95 SIRSI UA 113000

    130 51 79 SIRSI (THC) 113001 19 6 13 SIRSI (OG) 113002 LANDAKANAHALLI (OG) 113003 4 3 KALKUNI (OG) 113004 PUTT ANHANE (OG) 113005


    APPENDICES: I - DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT· TALUKWISE II - LIST OF SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES III - PUBLICATION PLAN APPENDIX -I DISTRICT PRJI\IARY CENSUS location Mame of • Total/ Area No. of No.of lot~l population Total Population Code District/ Rural/ in OCcupied House' (Including Institutional in the age Group lIunber Taluk/UA/ Urban Sq. Residen· holds and Houseless Population) (0 . 6) City/Town Kms. tial Houses

    H f F

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

    UTTAR KANNAD District T 10291.00 217086 224470 1220260 620697 599563 187393 96139 91254 R 10124.70 163105 168400 925744 470332 455412 144920 74250 70670 U 166.30 53981 56070 294516 150365 144151 42473 21889 20584

    104000 OANDELI (OMe) U 8.52 10466 10624 52701 26947 25754 8042 4141 3901

    1 ANKOLA Taluk T 918.70 16856 16990 91310 46685 44625 13093 6787 6306 R 911.28 14354 14430 77801 39922 37879 11357 5872 5485 u 7.42 2502 2560 13509 6763 6746 1736 915 821

    101000 ANKOLA (TMC) U 7.42 2502 2560 13509 6763 6746 1736 915 821

    2 BHATKAl Taluk T 348.92 18787 19732 129017 63837 65180 24976 12719 12257 R 343.69 15233 15665 97539 48312 49227 19596 9960 9636 U 5.23 3554 4067 31478 15525 15953 5380 2759 2621

    102000 8HATKAL (TMC) U 5.23 3554 4067 31478 15525 15953 5380 2759 2621

    3 HAUYAl. Taluk T 839.11 15311 16914 94363 48646 45717 16558 8441 8117 R 832.84 10745 12127 70294 36285 34009 12560 6408 6152 U 6.27 4566 4787 24069 12361 11708 3998 2033 1965

    100000 AMBlKANAGARA (NI4CT) U 0.78 1394 1396 6064 3117 2947 989 497 492 106000 HALIYAL (THC) U 5.49 3172 3391 18005 9244 8761 3009 1536 1473

    4 IlONA VAR Tat uk T 754.80 26128 26476 145842 72787 73055 21407 11052 10355 R 745.94 23142 23424 129650 64616 65034 19463 10035 9428 u 8.86 2986 3052 16192 8171 8021 1944 1017 927

    101000 HONAVAR (TMC) U 8.86 2986 3052 16192 8171 8021 1944 1017 927

    5 KARWAR Tatuk T 732.09 28450 30083 140282 71674 68608 17559 9148 8411 R 709.68 16221 17278 79416 40115 39301 9928 5187 4741 U 22.41 12229 12805 60866 31559 29307 7631 3961 3670

    103000 8lNAGA (NMCT) U 7.86 1522 1545 7281 3776 3505 1165 636 529 108000 KADRA !(PC PROJECT ColONY U 0.20 605 623 2563 1342 1221 440 234 206 (NHCT) 109000 KARWAR (tMC) U 14.35 10102 10637 51022 26441 24581 6026 3091 2935


    Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes literates Name of Location District/ Code Taluk/UAI NlI1ber City/Town

    p '" P M f P H f (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (2) (1)

    91990 46612 45378 10168 5221 4947 689278 400(192 288586 UTTAR KANNAD District 67491 34273 33218 9074 4630 4444 484878 287476 197402 24499 12339 12160 1094 591 503 204400 113216 91184

    4880 2432 2448 237 112 125 33918 19404 14514 DANOElI (CMe) 104000

    7166 3680 3486 16 9 7 52279 30992 21287 ANKOlA Taluk 4876 2548 2328 '15 8 7 42868 25917 16951 2290 1132 1158 9411 5075 4336

    2290 1132 1158 9411 5075 4336 ANKOLA (THC) 101000

    12013 5956 6057 7547 3843 3704 63825 36425 27400 BHATKAL Taluk 2 11516 5720 5796 7319 3712 3607 41186 24718 16468 491 236 261 228 131 97 22639 11707 10932

    497 236 261 228 131 97 22639 11707 10932 BHATKAl (THe) 102000

    7322 3755 3567 475 241 234 39453 25349 14104 HALIYAl Taluk 3 4487 2335 2152 300 \53 147 24990 16991 7999 2835 1420 1415 175 88 87 14463 8358 6105

    496 256 240 74 38 36 4002 2238 1764 AMBIKANAGARA (MMeT) 100000 2339 1164 1175 101 50 51 10461 6120 4341 HALIYAL (TMC) 106000

    7514 3763 3751 22 13 9 83446 47418 36028 HONAVAR Tatuk 4 6895 3466 3429 12 8 4 71574 41023 30551 619 297 322 10 5 5 11872 6395 5477

    619 297 322 10 5 5 11872 6395 5477 HONAVAR (THe) 107000

    4985 2586 2399 220 134 86 93582 53451 40131 KARYAR Taluk 5 2194 1145 1049 77 41 36 49035 28463 20572 2791 1441 1350 143 93 50 44547 24988 19559

    , 193 102 ,91 8 4 4 4736 2666 2070 BINAGA (NMCT) 103000 234 118 116 8 5 3 1703 968 735 KADRA KPC PROJECT COlONY 108000 (NMCT) 2364 1221 1143 127 84 43 38108 21354 16754 KARYAR (CMC) 109000

    333 APPENDIX -I DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS· location . M8RIe of Total/ Total Main N D U S T R I A l CAT EGO R I E S Code Districtl Rurall Workers NUiber laluk/UAI Urban Cultivators Agricultural City/Town Labourers

    ( I-IX) ( I ) (" )

    p M p M p M F

    (1) (2) (3) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30)

    UTTAR KANNAn District T 428663 325350 103313 141345 107575 33770 82283 46055 36228 R 345529 254967 90562 136300 103501 32799 78636 43609 35027 U 83134 70383 12751 5045 4074 971 3647 2446 1201

    104000 DANDEll (eNe) u 13825 12092 1733 36 3.4 2 10 7 3

    1 .ANlCOlA Tatuk T 33328 24450 8878 14499 10796 3703 5272 2830 2442 R 29351 21319 8032 13573 10196 3377 4876 2585 2291 U 3977 3131 846 926 bOO 326 396 245 151

    101000 ANlCOlA (YMC) u 3131 846 926 600 326 396 245 151

    2 BHATlCAl Taluk T 36113 28778 7335 10223 7800 2423 4189 2253 1936 R 29194 22841 6353 10022 7602 2420 4086 2161 1925 U 6919 5937 982 201 198 3 103 92 11

    102000 BHATKAL (TMC) u 6919 5937 982 201 198 3 103 92 11

    3 HAlIYAL Taluk T 38688 27041 11647 _ 20006 14127 5879 8960 - ·4758 4202 R 31103 20953 10150 18841 13237 5604 7657 3976 3681 U 7585 6088 1497 1165 890 275 1303 782 521

    100000 AMSIKANACARA (NMCT) u 1696 1436 260 12 11 1 236 162 74 106000 HAllYAL (TNC) U 5889 4652 1237 1153 879 274 1067 --620 447

    4 HONAVAR laluk T 46142 37867 8275 12192 10552 1640 7735 4652 3083 R 41810 33989 7821 12010 10371 1639 7671 4593 3078 U 4332 3878 454 182 181 64 59 5 lD7000 HONAVAR (TMC) u 4332 3878 454 182 181 64 59 5

    5 KARWAR Taluk T 44389 34570 9819 9883 6748 3135 4538 2507 2031 R 27027 19968 7059 9304 6299 3005 4161 2228 1933 U 17362 14602 2760 579 449 130 377 279 98

    103000 BINAGA (NMeT) U 2206 1830 376 129 104 25 56 27 29 t08000 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY U 732 664 68 (NlttT) 109000 KARWAR (CMC) u 14424 12108 2316 450 345 105 321 252 69


    o f M A I N W 0 R K E R S Name of Location Districtl Code Livestock,Forestry, Mining and M~nufacturing, Manufacturing, Taluk/UAI N...mer fishing,Hunting and Quarrying Processing,Servicing Processing, Servicing City/Town Plantation,Orchards and Repairs in and Repairs in other & Allied Activities Household Industry than Household Industry

    (Ill ) ( IV) [(Va)] [(Vb)]

    P M F P F p M p M

    (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (2) (1)

    56937 49182 7155 5180 4101 1079 8275 6884 1391 24833 22585 2248 UTTAR KANNAD District 51357 44461 6896 4759 3734 1025 5674 4635 1039 10605 9322 1283 5580 4nl 859 421 367 54 2601 2249 352 14228 13263 965

    366 315 51 86 74 12 94 80 14 7230 6665 565 DANDELI (CMC) 104000

    3062 2883 179 831 709 122 699 538 161 1115 1041 74 ANKOLA Taluk 2986 2813 173 813 691 122 568 467 101 778 714 64 76 70 {) 18 18 131 71 60 337 327 10

    76 70 6 18 18 131 71 60 337 327 10 ANKOLA (TMC) 101000

    5196 4744 452 612 586 26 481 445 36 2167 1953 214 BHATKAL Taluk • 2 5096 4648 448 598 572 26 334 303 31 1608 1403 205 100 96 4 14 14 147 142 5 559 550 9

    100 96 4 14 14 147 142 5 559 550 9 BHATKAL (TMC) 102000

    1473 1137 336 60 44 16 939 733 206 892 796 96 HALIYAL Taluk 3 1245 933 312 53 38 15 749 586 163 488 428 60 228 204 24 7 6 190 147 43 404 368 36

    7 4 3 6 6 54 45 9 AMBIKANAGARA (NMCT) 100000 221 200 21 7 6 184 141 43 350 323 27 HALIYAL (TMC) 106000

    10412 9608 804 515 465 50 1405 1167 238 2943 2698 245 HONAVAR Taluk 4 9911 9137 774 506 456 50 1253 1033 220 2274 2051 223 501 471 30 9 9 152 134 18 669 647 22

    501 471 30 9 9 152 134 18 669 647 22 HONAVAR (TMC) 107000

    4078 3827 251 647 484 163 1882 1669 213 3212 3080 132 KARWAR Talul: 2214 2104 110 496 368 128 772 658 114 1060 999 61 1864 1723 141 151 116 35 1110 1011 99 2152 2081 71

    293 255 38 115 85 30 18 7 " 785 765 20 BINAGA (NMeT) 103000 1 2 2 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY 108000 (NMCT) 1571 1468 103 35 30 5 1090 1002 88 1366 1315 51 KARWAR (CMC) 109000


    LOCiltion Nilme of Total! ) N D U S T R ) A L CAT EGO R ) E S o F Code District! Rural! NlI1tler Tilluk!UA! Urban Construction Trade and Transport, City!Town COIlInerce Storage & C0IlIIlUIl i ca t i on

    (VI) (VII) (VIII )

    p M p M p M

    (1) (2) (3) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51)

    UTTAR KANNAD District T 13814 12452 1362 38206 31572 6634 12489 11878 611 R 8705 7958 747 19934 15130 4804 6220 5772 448 u 5109 4494 615 18272 16442 1830 6269 6106 163

    104000 DAHDELf (OMC) u 633 571 62 1775 1604 171 720 701 19

    ANKOLA Taluk T 549 521 28 3152 1800 1352 1326 1283 43 R 376 354 22 2487 1171 1316 940 899 41 U 173 167 6 665 629 36 386 384 2

    101000 ANKOLA (TMC) u 173 167 6 665 629 36 386 384 2

    2 BHATKAL Taluk T 1211 1117 94 6488 5928 560 1143 1134 9 R 1017 932 85 3195 2673 522 796 789 7 U 194 185 9 3293 3255 38 347 345 2

    102000 BHATKAl (TMC) u 194 185 9 3293 3255 38 347 345 2

    3 HAllYAL Taluk T 597 512 85 1874 1643 231 . -633 628 5 R 166 156 10 641 574 67 149 148 1 U 431 356 75 1233 1069 164 484 480 4'

    100000 AM81KANAGARA (MMeT) u 61 54 7 152 102 50 17 17 106000 HALIYAl (TMC) u 370 302 68 1081 967 114 467 463 4

    4 HONAVAR Taluk T 1172 1100 72 3819 3343 476 1443 '119 324 R 919 856 63 2687 2283 404 1t44 827 317 U 253 244 9 1132 1060 72 299 292 7

    107000 HONAVAR (TMC) u 253 244 9 113~ 1060 72 299 292 7

    5 KARWAR Taluk T 5485 4878 607 4817 3484 1333 1823 1749 74 R. 4188 3738 450 1572 980 592 541 523 18 u 1297 1140 157 3245 2504 741 1282 1226 56

    103000 BINAGA (NMCT) U 318 259 S9 131 72 59 88 86 2 108000 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY U 179 156 23 43 40 3 7 7 (NMCT) 1Q9000 KARWAR (OMC) u 800 725 75 3071 2392 679 1187 1133 S4


    M A I N WORKERS Name of Location District! Code Other Margina{ Non-Workers Taluk!UA! Nl.Illber Services Workers City/Town


    p F p M F P M F

    (52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (2) (1)

    45301 ~3066 12235 44494 5769 38725 747103 289578 457525 UTTAR KANMAD District 23339 16845 6494 42179 4937 37242 538036 2fb428 327608 21962 16221 5741 2315 832 1483 209067 79150 129917

    2875 2041 834 269 140 129 38607 14715 23892 DANDEll (CMC) 104000

    2823 2049 774 6794 717 6077 51188 21518 29670 ANKOLA Taluk 1954 1429 525 6324 583 5741 42126 18020 24106 869 620 249 470 134 336 9062 3498 5564

    869 620 249 470 134 336 9062 3498 5564 ANKOLA (TMC) 101000

    4403 2818 1585 3184 556 2628 89720 34503 55217 BHATKAL Taluk 2 2442 1758 684 3052 477 2575 65293 24994 40299 1961 1060 901 132 79 53 24427 9509 14918

    1961 1060 901 132 79 53 24427 9509 14918 BHATKAL (TMC) 102000

    3254 2663 591 4870 522 4348 50805 21083 29722 HALIYAL Taluk 3 1114 877 237 4730 486 4244 34461 14846 19615 2140 1786 354 140 36 104 16344 6237 10107

    1151 1035 116 7 2 5 4361 1679 2682 AMBIKANAGARA (NMCT) 100000 989 751 238 133 34 99 11983 4558 7425 HALIYAL (TMC) 106000

    4506 3163 1343 5524 617 4907 94176 34303 59873 HONAVAR Taluk 4 3435 2382 1053 5477 599 4878 82363 30028 52335 1071 781 290 47 18 29 11813 .4275 7538

    1071 781 290 47 18 29 11813 4275 7538 HONAVAR (TMC) 107000

    8024 6144 1880 2283 629 1654 93610 36475 57135 KARWAR Taluk 5 2719 2071 648 1746 332 1414 50643 19815 30828 5305 4073 1232 537 297 240 42967 16660 26307

    273 170 103 27 7 20 5048 1939 3109 BINAGA (NMCT) 103000 499 457 42 58 41 17 1773 637 1136 KADRA KPC PROJECT COLONY 108000 (HMCT) 4533 3446 1087 452 249 203 36146 14084 22062 KARWAR (CMe) 109000


    Location _ame of Totall Area Ho. of No.of Total Population Total Population Code Districtl Rurall in Occupied House' (Including Institutional in the age Group IIU1ber TaLukJUA/ Urban sq. Residen- holds and Houseless Population) (0 • 6) CityfTOWI (ms. tial Houses

    p M p M f

    (1) (2) {3) (4) (5) (6) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

    6 KUMTA laluk T 581.98 22966 23567 134144 67831 66313 20024 10236 9788 R 566.64 18562 18982 107963 54550 53413 16372 8323 8049 U 15.34 4404 4585 26181 13281 12900 3652 1913 1739

    110000 KUMlA (TMC) U 15.34 4404 4585 26181 13281 12900 3652 1913 1739

    7 MUNOGOO Taluk T 668.09 13052 13745 75046 39689 35357 13833 7122 6711 R .668.09 13052 13745 75046 39689 35357 13833 7122 6711 U

    8 SJDOAPUR Taluk T 859.30 16319 16550 91646 46456 45190 12783 6633 6150 R 859.30 16319 16550 91646 46456 45190 12783 6633 6150 U

    9 SIRSI TaLuk T 1345.80 27351 27915 152935 78314 74621 21735 10960 10775 R 1294.46 17820 18105 102040 52194 49846 14552 7308 7244 U 51.34 9531 9810 50895 26120 24775 7183 3652 3531

    113000 SIRSI UA U 25.67 9531 9810 50895 26120 24775 7183· 3652 3531

    113001 SIRSI (TMC) U 9.28 7738 7999 41747 21447 20300 5565 2833 2732 113002 SIRSI (OG) U 2.99 750 752 3699 1915 1784 693 358 335 '13003 lANOAKANAHAllI (OG) U 5.67 299 300 1561 812 749 264 133 131 113004 KAlKUNI (06) U 3.20 256 260 1332 669 663 188 .98 90 t 13005 pUTTANMANE (OG) U 4.53 488 499 2556 1277 1279 473 230 243

    10 SUPA Taluk T 1910.50 9162 9398 46818 23940 22878 7808 4002 3806 R 1909.15 8352 8588 43447 22198 21249 7252 3722 3530 U 1.35 810 810 3371 1742 1629 556 280 276

    105000 GANESHAGUDI (NMCT) U 1.35 810 810 3371 1742 1629 556 280 276

    11 YELlAPUR Taluk T 1301.10 12238 12476 66156 33891 32265 9575 4898 4677 R 1235.85 9305 9506 50902 25995 24907 7224 3680 3544 U 65.25 2933 2970 15254 7896 7358 2351 1218 1133 l1tOOO MAGOD KPC PROJECT COLONY U 0.65 155 156 798 543 255 124 59 65 (NMCT) 1t2000 YELlAPUR (HP) U 64.60 2778 2814 14456 7353 7103 2227 1159 1068


    Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Name of Location District/ Code Taluk/UAI NlMllber City/Town

    P M P M F P M

    (13) (14) (15) (16) ( 17) (18) ( 19) (20) (21) (2) (1)

    8222 4142 4080 37 23 14 79576 46221 33355 KUMTA Taluk 6 6435 3226 3209 3 2 1 61139 36015 25124 1787 916 871 34 21 13 18437 10206 8231

    1787 916 871 34 21 13 18437 10206 8231 KUMTA (TMC) 110000

    10673 5453 5220 463 232 231 32041 20415 11626 MUNDGOO Taluk 7 10673 5453 5220 463 232 231 32041 20415 11626

    6213 3160 3053 76 35 41 55029 31491 23538 o:DDAPUR Taluk 8 6213 3160 3053 76 35 41 55029 31491 23538

    16580 8445 8135 501 258 243 97235 54478 42757 SIRSI Taluk 9 9384 4792 4592 294 152 142 60483 34448 26035 7196 3653 3543 207 106 101 36752 20030 16722

    7196 3653 3543 207 106 101 36752 20030 16722 SIRSI UA 113000

    5507 2779 2728 173 89 84 31207 16926 14281 SIRSI (THC) 113001 395 210 185 . 28 14 14 2211 1230 981 SIRSI (OG) 113002 184 95 89 1052 595 457 LANOAKANAHALLI (OG) 113003 245 120 125 6 3 3 960 519 441 KALKUNI (OG) 113004 865 449 416 1322 760 562 PUTTANMANE (OG) 113005

    3020 1533 1487 437 237 2PO 21347 13371 7976 SUPA Taluk 10 2649 1355 1294 401 220 181 18954 12007 6947 371 178 193 36 17 19 2393 1364 1029

    371 178 193 36 17 19 2393 1364 1029 GANESHAGUDI (NMCT) 105000

    3402 1707 1695 137 84 53 37547 21677 15870 YELLAPUR Taluk 11 2169 1073 1096 114 67 47 27579 15988 11591 1233 634 599 23 17 6 9968 5689 4279

    132 89 43 20 15 5 626 477 149 MAGOO KPC PROJECT COLONY t'11000 (NMCT) 1101 545 556 3 2 9342 5212 4130 YELLAPUR (MP) 112000

    339 APPENDIX ·1 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS location Name of Totall lotal Main 1 N 0 U S T R I A L CAT EGO R I E S Code Oistrictl Rurall Workers Nulber Tatl.lkJUAI Urban Cultillators Agr4cul tural City/Town Laboul"ers

    (I-IX) (-I) (II)

    p M f p M p M f

    (1) (2) (3) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30)

    6 ICUMTA Taluk T 46079 34640 11439 15424 11856 3568 9109 - 5122 3987 R 38173 28160 10013 14650 11204 3446 8709 4886 3823 U 7906 6480 1426 774 652 122 400 236 164

    110000 ICUMTA (TMC) U 7906 6480 1426 774 652 122 400 236 164

    7 MUNOGOD Taluk T 3090A 21068 9836 12028 9433 2595 13135 7098 6037 R 30904 21068 9836 12028 9433 2595 13135 7098 6037 U

    8 SIDOAPUR Taluk T 36883 27711 9172 13391 9842 3549 6947 3871 3076 R 36883 27711 9172 13391 9842 3549 6947 3871 3076 u

    9 SIRSI Tatuk T 60718 45540 15178 15088 11550 3538 12070 6508 5562 R 44873 32095 12778 14573 11112 3461 11337 5955 5382 U 15845 13445 2400 515 438 77 733 553 180

    113000 SIRSI UA \) 15845 13445 2400 515 438 77 733 553 180 113001 SI_RSI (TMC) U 12803 11034 1769 335 315 20 235 182 53 "3002 SIRSl «)G) \) 1071 938 133 25 23 2 322 274 48 113003 lAHO~NAHAlll (OG) U 590 427 163 142 88 54 146 76 70 113004 KALI(UJU -(OG) U 412 354 58 8 8 18 15 3 113005 PUTTANMANE (OG) U 969 692 277 5 4 12 6 6

    10 SUPA Taluk T 17143 12629 4514 8366 6096 2270 2996 - 1839 1157 R 16264 11854 4410 8363 6093 2270 2890 1768 1122 U 879 775 104 3 3 106 71 35

    105000 GANESHAGlJ)1 (NHCT) u 879 775 104 3 3 106 71 35

    11 YELLAPUR Tal"'" T 24451 18964 5487 10209 8741 1468 7322 4610 2712 R 19947 15009 4938 9545 8112 143~ 7167 4488 2679 U 4504 3955 549 664 629 35 155 122 33

    111000 MAGOD KPC PROJECT COlONYU 417 404 (MMeT 11ZOOO YElLAPUR (MP) U 4087 3551 536 664 629 35 155 122 33


    o F M A I N ~ 0 R k E R S Name of location District/ Code livestock,Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Taluk/UA/ Number Fishing,ltunting and Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing,Servicing City/Town Plantation,Orchards and Repairs in and Repairs in other '·Allied Activities Household Industry than Household Industry

    (III) (lV) [(Va)] [(Vb}) P " , F P M F· P M P H (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (2) (1)

    5947 5340 607 288 281 7 917 782 135 2203 1781 422 kOMTA Taluk 6 5156 4699 457 243 237 6 587 484 103 1553 1218 335 191 641 150 45 44 330 298 32 650 563 87

    191 641 150 45 44 330 298 32 650 563 87 kOMTA (TMC) 110000

    459 441 18 15 13 2 529 382 147 647 533 114 MUNDGOO Taluk 7 4S9 441 1~ 15 13 2 529 382 147 647 533 114

    10083 84n 1606 300 255 45 344 286 58 965 912 53 SIDDAPUR Taluk 8 10083 84n 1606 300 255 45 344 286 58 965 912 53

    14523 11320 3203 326 284 42 720 576 144 2490 2277 213 SIRSI TalUk 9 13129 10302 2827 248 208 40 340 267 73 636 560 76 1394 1018 376 78 76 2 380 309 71 1854 1717 137

    1394 1018 376 78 76 2 380 309 71 1854 1717 137 SIRSI UA 113000

    980 707 273 45 44 290 237 53 1676 1559 117 SIRSI (TMC) 113001 27 22 5 11 10 54 50 4 29 27 2 SIRSI (OG) 113002 22 15 7 22 22 9 6 3 23 21 2 lANDAkANAHALLI COG) 113003 141 119 22 4 4 52 46 6 KALKUNI (OG) 113004 224 155 69 23 12 11 74 64 10 PUTTANMANf (OG) 113005

    562 451 111 1005 623 382 120 101 19 281 264 17 SUPA TaLuk 10 559 448 111 1005 623 382 120 101 19 266 249 17 3 3 15 15

    3 3 15 15 -- GANfSHAGUOI (NHeT) 105000

    n6 639 137 495 283 212 145 125 20 688 ·585 103 YELlAPUR Taluk 11 519 459 60 482 273 209 78 68 10 330 255 75 257 180 n 13 10 3 67 57 10 358 330 28

    1 .- MAG(}Q KPC PROJECT COLONY 111000 (NHeT) 256 179 n 13 10 3 67 57 10 358 330 28 YElLAPUR (MP) 112000

    341 APPENDIX - I DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS location Name of Totall 1 N D U S T R I A l CAT EGO R [ E S o F Code 'District/ Rurall NUlber Taluk/UA/ Urban Construction Trade and Transport. City/Town COlllnerce Storage & Conmunicat ion

    (VI) (VII) (VIII)

    p M p M p M

    (1) (2) (3) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51)

    6 KUMTA Taluk T 809 741 68 5031 3730 1301 1415 1380 35 R 364 346 18 3193 2118 1075 761 741 20 U 445 395 50 1838 1612 226 654 639 15

    110000 KUMTA (TMC) U 445 395 so 1838 1612 ZZ6 654 639 15

    7 MUNDGOO Taluk T 214 205 9 2004 1520 484 233 230 3 R 214 205 9 2004 1520 484 233 230 3 U

    8 SIDDAPUR Taluk T 349 332 17 1878 1729 149 390 383 7 R 349 332 17 1878 1729 149 390 383 7 U

    9 SIRSI Taluk T 1718 1493 225 5349 4925 424 2198 2129 69 R 395 369 26 1294 1183 111 412 399 13 U 1323 1124 199 4055 3742 313 1786 1730 56

    113000 SIRSl UA U 1323 1124 199 4055 3742 313 1786 1730 56

    113001 SIRSI (TMC) U 939 831 108 3633 3385 248 1517 1465 52 113002 SIRSI (OG) U 94 88 6 107 97 10 140 137 3 113003 LANDAKANAHALLI (OG) U 3 3 . 67 61 6 49 49 113004 KALKUNI (OG) U 25 24 58 56 2 29 29 113005 PUTTANMANE (OG) U 262 178 84 190 143 47 51 SO

    10 SUPA Taluk T 679 641 38 616 562 54 725 704 21 R 623 585 38 567 518 49 712 692 20 U 56 56 49 44 5 13 12

    105000 GANESHAGUDI (NMCT1 U 56 56 49 44 5 13 12

    11 YELLAPUR Tatuk T 398 341 57 1403 1304 99 440 438 2 R 94 85 9 416 381 35 142 141 U' 304 256 48 987 923 64 298 297

    111000 MAGOO KPC PROJECT COLONY U 6 5 2 2 (NMCT) 112000 YELLAPUR (HP) u 303 255 48 981 918 63 296 295


    It A I N WORKERS Name of location Districtl Code Other Marglna\ Non-Workers la\u\(/UAI Number Services Workers Ci ty/T own


    p M F P M P M

    (52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (2) (1)

    4936 3627 1309 4429 478 3951 83636 32713 50923 KUMTA TaLul< 6 2957 2227 730 4117 426 3691 65673 25964 39709 1979 1400 579 312 52 260 17963 6749 11214

    1979 1400 579 312 52 260 17963 6749 11214 KUMTA (TMC) 110000

    1640 1213 427 916 382 534 43226 18239 24987 MUNDGOD Taluk 7 1640 1213 427 916 382 534 43226 18239 24987

    2236 1624 612 7838 773 7065 46925 17972 28953 SIDDAPUR Taluk 8 2236 1624 612 7838 773 7065 46925 17972 28953

    6236 4478 1758 5662 631 5031 86555 32143 54412 SIRSI Taluk 9 2509 1740 769 5321 568 4753 51846 19531 32315 3727 2738 989 341 63 278 34709 12612 22097

    3727 2738 989 341 63 278 34709 12612 22097 SIRSI UA 113000

    3153 2309 844 142 42 100 28802 10371 18431 SIRS! (TMC) 113001 262 210 52 5 4 2623 976 1647 SIRSI (OG) 113002 107 86 21 5 4 966 384 582 lANDAKANAHAlll (OG) 113003 n 53 24 50 4 46 870 311 559 KAlKUNI (OG) 113004 128 80 48 139 15 124 1448 570 878 PUTTANMANE (OG) 113005

    1793 1348 445 1632 233 1399 28043 11078 16965 SUPA Taluk 10 1159 777 382 1632 233 1399 25551 10111 15440 634 571 63 2492 967 1525

    634 571 63 2492 967 1525 GANESHAGUDI (NMCT) 105000

    2575 1898 677 1093 91 1002 40612 14836 25776 YEllAPUR Taluk 11 1174 747 427 1026 78 948 29929 10908 19021 1401 1151 250 67 13 54 10683 3928 6755

    407 395 12 3 3 378 136 242 MAGOO KPC PROJECT COLONY 111000 (NMCT) 994 756 238 64 10 54 10305 3792 6513 YELlAPUR (MP) 112000




    List of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Trihes as per the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Trihes orders (Amendment) Act, 1976, (No. lO8 of }ln6 dated the IHth SeplemlX-f, 1(76) adopted for the 1991 Census. SCHEDULED CAS'IES :1(•. (jaroda, Garo 1. Adl Andhra :'7. Godda 2. Adi Dravida 3H. Gosangi 3. Adi Karnataka :W. Halker 4. Adiya (in Coorg District) 4H. Hal"ar, Hasbr, Hula.'.var, Halasvar 5. Ager 41. Handi Jogis 6. Ajila 42. Hasla 7. Arutmuk 43. Holar, Ya.har 8. Aray Mala 44. Holaya, Holer, Holeya 9. Arunthathiyar 45. Hokya Dasari TO. Arwa Mala 46. Jaggali 11. Baira 47. Jamhuvutu 12. Bakad 4H. Kadaiy.m 13. Bani (in Bclgaum, Bijapur, DharwaF and Nnrth 4'). Kalladi Kanara districts) 50. Kcpmaris 14. Bakuda 51. Kniupulvandlu 15. Balagai 52. Koosa 16. Bandi 53. Koracha 17. Banjara, Lambani 54. Korama 18. Ba[hada 55. KOlcgar, Melfi 19. ,Bcda Jangam. Budga Jangam 56. Kudumban 20. Bellara 57. Kuravan 21. Bhangi, Mehtar, Olgana, Rukhi, Malkana, 5X. Lingader HalaUchor, Lafhcgi, Balmiki, Komr, Zadmllili 59. Machala 22. Bhambi, Bhambhi, Asad

    345 76. Mavilan n. Irlliar 77. Mcghval, Mcnghvar I·t Jrllliga 78. Moger L'i. .ICI1U Kuruha 79. Mukri J(). Kadu Kurllha SO. Mundala 17. Kammar,l (in South Kanara District and Kolkgai 81. Nadia, Hadi Taluk of Myson: District) 82. Nalkadaya Itt Kaniv,ll1, K;myan (in Kolkgal Taluk nf Myson: Disl~ict) 83. Nalakeyava 11). Kalhodi, Kalkari. Ohm Kathodi. Ohm Kalkari, 84. Nayadi Son Kathodi, Son Katkari 85. Pale 20. Kaullnayakan &>. Pallan 21. Kokna. Kokni, Kukna 87. Pambada 22. Koli Dhor, Tokn: Koli, Kokha. Kolg.ha 88. Panchama 21. Konda K"pus 89. Panniandi 24. Koraga 90. Paraiyan, Paraya 2:". Kota 91. Paravan 2(>. Koya. Shine Koya, Ra.ikoya 92. Rancyar 27. Kudiya. Mclakudi 93. Samagara 2X. Kuruba (in Coorg District) 94. Samban 21). Kurllillans 95. Sapari 10. t'vlaha Malas,lf 96. Sillckyathas 11. Malaiklldi 97. Sindhollu, Chindollu 12. Malasar 98. Sudugadu Siddha 1~. Malayckandi 99. Tholi ~4. Malenl 100. Tirgar, Tirhanda 15. Maratha (jn Coorg District) 101. Valluvan 1(1. Marati (in South Kanara District) SCHEDULED TRI8ES 37. I\h:da l. Adiyan 1K Naikda, Nayaka, Cholivala Nayaka . 2. Barda . Kapadi'l Nayaka. Mo(a N'lyab. Nana NaY"lka 3. Bavacha, Bamcha :N. Palliyan 4. Bhil, Bhil Garasia, Oholi Bhi!. DlIngri Bhil. Dungri Garasia, Mcwasi Bhil, Rawal BI;il, Tadvi 40. Paniyan Bhit, Bhagalia, Bhilala, Pawra, Vasava. V;lsavc 41. Pardhi, Advi<.:hinchcr, Phanse Pardhi 5. Chenchu, Chcnchwar 42. P'ltclia 6. Chodhara 43. Rathawa 7. Dubla, Talavia, Halpati 44. Sholaga 8. Gam it, Gamta, Gavil, Mavchi, Padvi, Valvi 4'>;. Solig;tru 9. Gond. Naikpod, Rajgond ,ul. Toda 10. Gowdalu 47. Varli 11. Hakkipikki 4K ViII Ilia. Kotwalia. Barlluia

    12. Hasalaru 41). Yerava Appendix III - PUBLICATION PLAN

    The 1991 Census tables wili be p.uhlished in :n separate snics of volumcs for All - lndia and for each Stale and Union Territory. The puhlicalilln series is as follows:

    Series No. 10. Jammu & Kashmir 23. Tamil Nadu 11. Karnataka 24. Tripura 1. INDIA 12. Kerala 25. Uttar Pradesh 13. Madhya Pradesh 26. West Bengal States 14. Maharashtra Union Territories 2. Andhra Pradesh 15. Manipur 16. Meghalaya 3. Arunachal Pradesh 27. Andaman & Nicobar Islands 17. Mizoram 4. Assam 28. Chandigarh 18. Nagaland 5. Bihar 29. Dadra & Nagar Havelt - 19. Orissa 6. Goa 30. Daman & Diu 20. 7. Gujarat Punjab 31. Delhi 21. Rajasthan 8. Haryana 32. Lakshadweep 22. Sikkim 9. Himachal Pradesh 33. Pondicherry

    In each of these series (for all - India and e'l(.'h St;lte/l! nion Territory) Ihe different series of lahks (A Series - General Population Tahlcs, B - Serics - (;encc;tI Ecollomic Tahk~. I:tc.,) will be hrought out as different Parts. Apart from these, District Cel1su.~ Handhooks will he published for each district in tbe country. These will contain the PCA dala for the distrid, the village anti lown primary census ahstract and the village and town directories. The lalter (.'lll1lpri~e C!lI11pililtions of S{iI.islics, external 10 \:ensus relating to the villages and towns, which in conjullction with census data will he very lIseful to dal.1 users.

    For all - India and for each State and Union Territory, the census tahulations and reports will he published according to the following plan:

    Part No, and subject covered Sub-part No, if any, and the topics covered 1 2

    Part I - Administration Report Part I-A - Administration Repllrl Enumeration (for Oflice usc only)

    Part I-B - Auministfatinn Report Tahulation

    Part II - General Population Tahfes Par! II-A . (ienera! Populalion Tahlc~ - A-Series

    ParI lI·B - Primary Census Ahstract

    Part III - General Economic Tahles Part III-A - B-Series tahles of Erst slage which will be brought (lUi on 10'/(, sample in respect of ma.ior States ami on full count in respect or smaller Stille::; and Union Territories.

    Part 111-13 - B-Seric:-, tahles of sCl'I)Jld "lage which will be hrought out on full cuunl. The data rdating HHI. OW, I\targinal \Vmkers and NOn-W\lfker~ seeking/available for work will he enlered on full l.'oUI11 basis. Pari IV - Social and Cultural Tahlc~ ParI IV-A - l'-SC'riC'~ lahles "f tirsl ~Iage covering ilge, ~C'x anti marital st'ltu~. composition of population, single year , !'>('holll allendilnce and hilingualism.

    Pari IV -B - C-Series tahles covcring mother longuc, religion of population anti household composition.

    Pari V - Migration Tahles P'lrt V -A - D-Sl:fil:~ tahks nf first stage covering lahlcs h

    Part V-B - D-Series tahles of second stage covering o(Tupational dassific.l[ion of migr'1I11 workers. These tahles arc hased un full count.

    Part VI - Fertility Tahles F-S,-,rie~ tahles (If first stage which will he hrought out on lIl'-; samph: In respcct nl" major St~llcs and un rull COUIlI in n:spel:l Ill' ~Illalkr Slale~ ilOd Uninn Terrihlries.

    ParI VU Tahles on Houses and H - Series tahles covering census how,es and the uses to Household Amenities which these arc put. construclion malerial of w<1I1, roof and noor of the census hOllses occupied by houscholc.ls, tenure sl'llu~ of Ihl: hOll~C ucr.:upied and "umher of living ft""n~. housdlOld sizl:, hou~ing f'Kili,ie!ol likl.: drinking wate-r, eleclricity and tnikl availahk: 10 households and the fuel lIsed hy Iht..: hOllschold for cooking. These lables will also cnvcr 1.lllles 011 Scheduled C;ISICs ilnd Scheduled Trines. Thi~ volume will nmla;n anulvtical noles also.

    Part vm - Special Tahles on Scheduled This part will conl,lin SC ill1d ST series of tables for Castes and Schedulcc.l Trihcs Schedulcll ClSles and Scheduled Tribes rcspcclivcly. The d'lta rdating 10 Scheduled Castes and Schctlulcd Tribes will he enlcreu on ,'ull coum basis in the thirc.l stage and SC/ST tanks will he processed on (he computer tm full counl. These will cover pnpulali~n ()f each Schcdu~d CastdTrihc. industrial calegories of main and marginal workers. non-workers seeking/available for work and thosc who Ill.:ver worked hcfmc. educillinnal level, school allent!;lIll·c. age, ~'X ,lIld milrilal slalus, cumposition of

    Sdlcuukd (_'asll:~ ,lilt! Schcduled Trihes. In addition (0 (hl;~. (h.: ferlilily tables rdaling (0 SC/ST arc "'S(l cuvcrcd.

    These whlc~ ;'11s(1 C\lvcr 1m Schedukc.l Tribes, their C\lIl1PH~ilion by rcliginn, mother longue .. nd hilingualism.

    Part IX - Town Directory, Survey Report Pari IX - A - Tuwn Dircclory on Towns and Villages

    Pari IX B Survey Report nn ~ckcted Towns

    f'art I X C - Survey Report on selected Vilwges Part X Elhnllg.raphic nnh:,., and "'p':l·ial "'llIdi.:~ \1Il Schedukd Ca~h.:~ and Scheduled Trihe,.,

    Parl XI - Census Atlas Unilln ,11ll1 SI,ate/tJnion T~rri(!lry Census Atlases

    Part XU - District Census Hamlhook Pari XII - A - Viltag.c and Tnwn Dircdory

    ParI XII - B - Village and Town wi"e Primary Census AhslraCl

    The following special papers arc also planned and will he puhlished as and when they arc rcady as 1991 Census papers :

    (a) Special studies taken up by the Din:elOrs of Censlis Operations

    (b) Special Areas Surveys

    (c) Special Tabk,"S for Standard Uroan Areas

    (d) Language Survey Repurts

    (e) Posl Enumeration Check Report

    <0 Age Tables (g) Life Tables

    (h) Reports on estimates of intcr-cenS4tl binh and uealh r'llcs U!'olll!,! II)S 1-1(1) I life lables and age data ..... (i) Development of Vital Statistics III Indi.t

    Besides these special papers, some monographs b,lsed on 19')1 Census data on subjects of topical interest to be prepared by scholars will be brought out as 19'}} Cen"us monogr,tph".

    It is also proposed to carry oul some special studies of )991 Census d~lla in collahoration with other organisations and the results of such studies will be puhlished ali occasional papers of the lYl)l Census.

    It is also proposed to disseminate censu... labulalinns and the b

    The District Census Handbooks wilt.he availahle for sale at the Government Central Press, Bangalorc and the other publications at the Office of the Director of Census Operations, Karnat~tka, Bangalorc and lhe Manager of Publications, Civil Lines, New Delhi - (J_
