CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 Series - 11 KARNATAKA DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK u~rrARA KANNADA DISTRICT PART XII - H VILLAGE. AND TOWN WISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT SOBHA NAMBISAN Diredor ()f Census Operations. Karnataka CONTENTS P;l~e Nll. FOREWORD \'-\"1 PREFACE "11-\'111 IMPORTANT STATISTICS XI-XIV ANAL YTICAL N< )TE xv-xliv EXPLANATORY NOTES 1--1 A. District Primary O;n~us Ahstract (i) Villageffown Primary Censll~ Ah~·.tr~lct Alphabetical List of Villa~es r\nkllb CD.Bi,lCh Primary Census Abst ract Ank(lb CD.Bluc].; 3l 1--1 1 AI phahetical List of Villag.c~ Ghalk;d CD.Hlol·k -l)--Ul Primary Census Ah~t ract - Bh;tlk;d CD.Blnd. -1.'1-)) Alphahetical List of Villa~e~ ILtliy;tI C.D.HI'lel-. Primary Census Ah~tract - I-Ltliyal CD.Blnd Alphabetical Li~t of Villa~c~ Ilnll;lvar CD.Bluek Primary Census Ahst ract Ilpl1;t\'ar C.D.Blol'k l)( 1- I II I Alphahetical List of Villagc~ Karw;Il' CD,BIIKk 105- J(J(I Primary Census Ahst ract - Karwar CD.Hlllck 10.'1-1 1:'1 Alphabetical List of Villagc~ - K ullll a C D.ll I, Il'k 11')-121 Primary Cen~u!> Abstract - KUJ1lla CD.Block 122- I.17 Alphabetical List of Villages - 1\IUlldgod CD.Blllck 1-11-I-r~ Primary Census Ah~t ract - 1\lulld~lld CD.Bllll·k I·U-I)) Alphabetical List of Vi;;age~ Siddapur C.D.Blud I)')- I (I.; Primary Census Abstract - Sidd;tpur C.D.Blud 1(1-1-1 :--0 Alphabetical List of Villagl's - Sirsi C,D.Blllck I') 1- 1')() Primary Census Ahstract Sir~i CD.l3!llCk 1').'1-22:'1 Alphabetical List of Villa~e!> Supa CD.Blol'k Primary Census Ahstract Supa CD,Hlllck Alphabetical List of Villa~cs - Ycll;l(H1r CD.Bllll'k Primary Cen~lIs Abstract - Yclbpur CD.HIllel-; (ii i) (ii) Town Primary Census Ahslrat'l (Wardv.;isd Alphahetical List of Town~ Ambikanagar (NMCT) Ankola (TMC) 27S-2:-:1 Bhalkal (TMC) 27:-:-2:-:1 Binaga (NMCT) 27:-:-2S1 Dandcli (CMe) 27S-2:-:1 (Janeshagudi (NMCT) 27:-;-2:-;1 Haliyal (TMC) HOnLlvar (TMC) Kaura KPC Project (NMCT) Karw~lr (CMe) Kumta (TM(,) Magno KPC Project (NI\ICT) Ydfapur (MP) Sirsi UA B. Dislrict Primary Census Abstract for ~ehcdllkd l'~lsIC' C. Dislrict Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Trihes Appcnuix.1 • Distri{.'[ Primary Census Ah"tract - Tafuk\\i.\e Appcnuix-II - List of SdH:Liukd Castes and Sl'ilcdukd Trib,_." Appendix-Ill - Puhljc,l(ion Pian lLLUSTRATJ< )NS Map of Karnataka "howillg the Admini"lrati\'c Di\'isiollS Map of Ullara Kannada District FORE\VORD Publication of the District Census Handbooks (DCHs) was initiated after the )1)51 Census and is continuing since then \v'ith some innovations/ modilications after cach decennial Census. This is the most valuable district level publi<:ation brought nut hy the Census Organisation on behalf of eaeh State Ciovt./Union Territory administration. It inter-ulia provides data/information on some of the basic demographic and socio-economic characteristics and on the availability of certain important civic amenities/facilities in each village and town of thl.: respective districts. This puhlieation has thus proved to bl.: of immense utility to the planners, administratllfs, acadl.:micians and re::.earchl.:rs. The scope of the DCB was initially conlined to certain important census tables on population, economic and socio-eultural aspl.:cts as also thl.: Primary Cen ..,lIs Abstract (PCA) of each villagc alltl town (ward-wise) of the district. The DClis puhlished aftl.:r thl.: I% I Cl.:nsus cnntained a lkscriptive account of the district, administrative statistics, census tahles and Village and Town Din:ctoril.:s including PCA. After the ]1)7) Census, tWI) pans of the District Cemus Handhooks (P;lrt-A comprising Village and Tllwn Directories and Part-B cllmpri::.ing Village and Town PCA) were rek;lsed in all thl.: States and Union Territories. The third part, Part C of the Distri<.:t Census )-LlIHlhllllks clllllprising administr;ltivl.: statistics and district census tahks, which was abo tll he hrllught llut. clluld nllt hI.: puhlishl.:d in many Statl:s/UTs due to considnable lleby in compilation of n:levant lllat(;l'iai. In I()X I. ~0I1l1.: nl.:w features alongwilh the restructuring of the formats of Villagl.: and Town Dirl.:l:tory were introdll<.:l:d in the DCHs. Thesl.: wl.:re published in two parts for I.:ach district artl.:r thl.: II)~I Cl.:nsus. Whik ParL-A Cllmprisl:d Village and Town Directories, the PCA of villages and towns (ward-wise) including Schnlukd Caste and Schl:duled Tribe PCA upto tchsil!town level were provilkd in Part-B. To illustratl:, all thl: aml.:nities l:xccpl electricity, were brought togethl.:r in the Villagl.: Directory and if an aml.:nity was not avaibhk in the r(;('l.:rent village. the distance in broad rangl.:s from tIl(; nearl:st place having sudl aml.:nity was given. Infllfmation un soml: new items sueh as adult litnal:Y cl.:nlrl.:s. primary hl.:alth :-ub-u:ntITs and ullllmunity hl.:alth workl:rs in the village werc provided so as to l11el:t somc of thl: rl:quilTlllcnts of the Rl.:vised Minimum Nl.:l.:ds Programme. Similarly, information on approach to the villagl.: was also pro\'ilkd I'm· thl.: lirst timl.: in thl: Village Directory so as to gi\'l.: an idea about thc number of inaccessible villages in each district. In eaSl: of Town Directories also, keeping in view the rl.:quiremenls or tl1l.: [\1inilllum Needs Programme, a Statl:ment IV-A on slums was provilled so as to enahk the pbnners tll chalk out the programmes for providing better civic and other alllenitil:s in the slulll:-. In this Slall.:lllL'lJI tletails on ei\'ic and olhl.:r ;tmenitil.:s W(;fe reported for the slums or Class I and Class II towns. Apart from Ihis. on<.: column on the Schl:dukd Castes and Scheduled Tribl.:s population and ;lIlothl.:r on adult lill.:racy das'l.:s/cl.:ntre:- wl.:re added in Statements IV and V rl:spectivcly. The manner of prl.:sl.:ntation of thl.: DClls for the I()<) 1 Cen"us i" hy alld largl.: thl.: samL' as followed m ]981. However, the format of peA has bcen rcstructurcd ~Iightly in thc IlI()] Cl:Il'-.U'-. I'm the hcndit of dala Users. Nine-fold industrial c1assilication of main w(lrkl.:rs has bl.:Ul gi\'l.:n a~ again~t four-fold industrial classification presented in the III~) Census. In addition to this, the sl.:x-wisl.: popUlation in the 0-6 age-group has also been included in PCA for the lirsl timl.: with a view to I.:llabling data users to compute l110re realistic literacy rates as all children below 7 years of age haw been treated as illiterate at the time of the 1<)1)) Census. It is expectl:d. that the abovl.: mentioned Illodilications will help the planners in chalking out nHlrl.: cffl.:ctive devdopllll:ntal programmes. (v) One of the most important innll\'atilllb ill lhL: jl)l)j CL:nslIs is the CllllllllllnilY DL'velO[llllent Block-level presentation of data in the VilLtge Direclury and PCA in~lcad pf the tr;,ditiunal Tahsil!Talllk,TS lc\d presentation. It is expecled !lUI till' l'rc,~cll!a!ioll of Village Dircclilry .JIlt! PCA data at C.D,Block lcn;l will help the planners in forlllulatillil (If miuu-!cvcl (.k:vcloplllenlal plans. a\ the CD. Block is the low..::-.t administrative unit for developmental pl;lIlning. In order to facilitate the task of administrators, planners and researchers intending to usc Village Directory/PCA data, either from the magnetic lapes/lloppics or from the puhlished records, both the computer and manual codl:s for cach village have been providl:d for the JIJl)] Censll~ along with thl: corresponding eodcs of 1()S I. This publication is a joint venture of Ihe ~Iate (;O\'l./UT atill1ini\lration and the CeJl\lIS Org;lIli\alioll. The data have been collected ami c(\lllpikJ under tl1(: dirediol1 (\1' 1\1s. Sllhh;, Nanlhi:-';lll, Dire(lllr of Census Operations, Karn;,taka on b..:half of the Stall: (;OVt. administration which has hlH'lle thl: ellst of printing. Thl: task of planning, designing and coordinalilll1 of the puhlicalion wa:-. initi;,ted by Dr.K.P.lu;lln;ln. former Dl:puty Registrar (,l:neral (Social Studies) and Shri l\1.l\1.Dua, .Inint Dirl:clm. For the :-.ake of uniformity in prl:sentatiol1 of infmmation/dala and fl)r preparatiull l)f analytical nute depicting the salienl features emerging from a micro-level analysis of Censlls/nol1-CCnsll!o> data, a modL'l District Census Handbook from each State and Union Tnritmy wa\ thofl)ughly scrutinised in thl: Suei,,1 Studies Division under the guidance of Shri M.KJain, the presl:nt Deputy Rcgistrar General (S.S.). This task was carried out by Shri A.K:.Singh, Deputy Director Whll was assish:d by S:Shri Y.K ..lain and Hariram, Investigatm:-. an~1 stafr. Technical guidance in the preparation of thc maps was initially provided by Dr.B.K.Roy, former Deputy Registrar General (Map) <lnd later by Mrs. Minat i C; hosh, the prescnt Deput) Registrar (;eneral (l\1;tj)). I am ihankful to all those who have contrihuted 10 this rroject. )'o;cw ))elhi A.R.Naml:1 june ll, (')n. Rl'gistrar Grllf:ral, India (vi) PREFACE In the fon:wonl to the }lNl senes of the Di"trict (\:II<;U\ Iblldhuuh, Sri A.R.NallLb, l.AS, the Registrar (ienl:ral ano Cel1!-.us Commissionl:r, India, has traced the hio.tory of the Dio.trict Cl:nSllS Handlmllks.
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