New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 076, No 6, 9/1/1972." 76, 6 (1972)
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1972 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 9-1-1972 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 076, No 6, 9/1/ 1972 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 076, No 6, 9/1/1972." 76, 6 (1972). daily_lobo_1972/86 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1972 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ---1 The Graduate Stud'ent The recently expanded muse'um l Association of the University of will resume its normal hours on 37V.1!~ SUBSCRIBE TO THE LOBO New Mexico will hold elections Tuesday. These hours are 9 a.m. ·(YO for president and chairman of the to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday Z New Mexico ¥! and 10 a.m: to p.m. on U.h~q.W c Graduate Student Association 4 ~ OJ Council (vice president) over a Saturday. ~ V.l)& u > CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING two·day period, Sept. 20-21. i:!. h 0.,, DAILY~;;., c· Candidates for the two ;.I,. ~\ 8 1- UA'£ES: 7c per word, 20 word mini WHERE: .Journalism Building, Room positions, each of which pays Daily t;j 'Z&£' "' mum ($1.40) per time rup. If ad is,to 20G :prc!ero.bly or mail. 1 afternoons $200 per month, must subm1t an 10-5 run nvc Or more ~onsecUtiVC dn.ya Wlth Classified Advertising ~ no chnnge.<J the rate is reduced to 5c UNM P.O. Box 20 intention of candidacy statement '<: ncr word nnd the minimum number of Albuquerque, N.M. 87106 to the GSA office by ·not later words to 10, than 5 p.m. Sept. 8. Neither of the incumbants, j MALE HELP WANTED, part-time. Apply ll PERSONALS 51 FOR SALE in person. Der, 4201 Cen.. President Ray Schowers and tra! NE or 5810 Mcoaul NE. 8/31 . Council Chairman Jim O'Neill, is ~ MALE, 21~ Seeks l'DOm in house with other 1970 OPEL STATION WAGON, Brand ROOM & IJOARD in exchange for 20 hours How to Gross $30G ntudcnta. 255-5427. 9/G new rndinl tires. Perfect condition. seeking reelection. 16,000 mi. $1300, 260-2004, 8/31 babysitting per week. :Ensy bike, walk to great i FREE HAPPY, HJ;:ALTilY, Black Kit. cnmpus, Hours: 7-9 o.,m. M-F, plus Tu~ selection CJ> The Russell Concert tens: Call 242-0062. 9/l 1967 SHELBY GT GOO. F60 Po!yg!no tires, & Thurs 3-G, plus. 1 evening arranged. 428 with two fours. Best offer. 294-10bU. 266-3687. 8/31 personal !"" NEED SENIOR or Grad Student Room 0/6 The Maxwell Museum of ..... mateo to share house within bicyelinK 6) EMPLOYMENT Anthropology at the University of attention _, And Lose Money distance to UNM. $70.00 n month. Don, FI•:NDE!t DUAL SHOWMAN with Reverb 277-H53. 9/0 2-J .Jl.L. l5's two weeks old. Showroom New Mexico will be closed "'Nl condition. $600,00 Steve 344-8524. 9/4 1.lALE port-time Hdp Wanted, over 21 Yr8 111 Cornell SE RIDE OR RIDERS from Santa Fe to UNM, old. Afternoans & evenings. Snve-Wny Monday, Labor Day. next to the Post Office Tue~., Wed., and Thnrodays, Call 982-1131 MOUNTAIN LAND~-!; acre trnct.s. Only Liquor Store, 6704 Lomna NE. Pho. 255- $24,000 went towards the played by the Rev. Patrick in Snnta Fe, 9/5 $127.50 down Bnd $42.50/mo. Rathbun 2062. 8/31 By AARON HOWARD Real!ty-2669888, 877-9174, 266 9470. 9/4 promoters expenses; $5,000 went Henderson who is traveling with CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORqANIZATION llA!lY SITTER WANTED. Ocensionnl Leon Russell's favorite drink is 10·SPE:;;D !liKE. •rriumph, $50.00. Cnil · basis. Must have own transportation. 2GR .. for security; $3,400 went to the the show. mccta Thursdays 6 :30 p.m. m room 230 of Dave 2662828 between OM P.M. 9/4 Student Union. All nrc welcome. 9/5 3608. 8/31 Jose Cuervo Gold tequila. He will Popular Entertainment The rental, tuning and moving YAMAHA 350, 1970 R5, Top condition, not do a concert unless there are Committee; $3,400 went to the the nine foot Steinway cost $260. ANYONE who hns knowledge of J can $520.00 or best offer. 255-3978 9/6 7l !\HSCELLANEOUS EASTDALE THEATRE O'Connell thi'1 summcJ:' or her diary plcnec several bottlt.~ of Jose Cuervo in Physical Plant workers for Just moving the small piano cost contact the Lobo, Jour., llldg, Rm. 158. 1962 VW Bug, Very good condition, 68,000 VARIETY PHOTOGRAPHY SIIOW. Mar his dressing room before the mi. $450. 268-2994, 8/31 gery Mann stolcctlon, At Quivirn Gnllery, Eastdalc Shopping Center Candelaria & Eubank NE cleaning and setting up. $100. The All Points Moving crew HERE IS AGORA AGAIN. Not cxnctly a 111 Cornell SE. 8/31 show--it's even specified in the Barry Fey took home $7,000 gets $35.95 an hour and the job dear friend, but a group of people who GREAT SAVINGS, name brands, receivers, contract. nrc ready to talk nnd listen to your prob .. amplifiers, tnP<l recorders, record chnn~t· Announcing Our l\'Iatinee Classic Series for his part in the concert. did take three hours. Jems of living. Call or come in NW errs, sp~akera, used and dcmo9. The Hil"i When you're a rock superstar So Hogg is examining the Corner Mesa V!stn, 277-3013. trn I»use, 3011Monte Vista NE. 8/31 'l'he Greatest Anti-'War Film Ever Made playing for $15,000 a night, there It's about *9:30a.m. * * on the day placing of the pianos on the stage ASTROLOGIC HOROSCOPES cnst & rend 1966 BSA VICT0~4·1l-Good c~~dttion, plus future ycnr. 2G6-71GG. 9 /1o $350. Call 266·5142. _ 8/31 are certain things you can ask for of the concert and the University and it reminds him of a story: the 11 in your contract. When Joe WHY RENT? BUY/ Equivalent to a de AII Quiet On The Western Front" Arena is almost empty except for PEC had to move the piano from 2) LOST & FOUND luxe apartment. 31' Travel Trailer, eelf Cocker appeared here, his three or four workmen who are the Union and a super trouper LOST: White gold d~t.-m-on-d:.-::E::-lg~ln_w_n~te:-h. contnined, 1U72 Holiday Rambler. EI\!JY Lew A9ers contract specified that two cases pounding nails into the risers on spotlight from the Arena for a Girlc;' locker room, Johnson Gym. Senti itnnnc!ng, 242-9839. 9/G of Dom Perignon champaign, mcntnl value. Liberal reword. 2~6-8667. LEATII:;;R GOODS-JACKETS, PANTS, the huge stage being completed on recent show at Johnson Gym. It 9/0 !lAGS, IJt;J,TH, JlELT POUCHES, " ... this is the flick our parents saw which sells for $15 a bottle, had the floor of the arena. cost $205 just to bring these two HATS CAPS. SUN VISORS. When you to be provided bPfore the concert. pieces of equipment from one FOUND-Three paPerbacks In Mil 220, 11vt out to lmy yourself some lt>athcr when they wrre in college-if tht•y hau There are several tables upstairs Wed. 3:30 p.m. Identify & claim. Rm. The two cases of Dom Perignon place on campus to another. 205 Joumnlfum, dothc>s rou should be prepnrc:l to apend on the catwalk where women are morl' tim(' in the flC]l'etion than you would remrmbered Vietnam might not have sell for about $600. registering an occasional visitor 3) sERTic=E=·s~---------- !or n fBbrie item. Arter all, its n choice * * * you might Jive .vith the rrot of your lire. happened." Susan Feiner, Nyack Spec- Dealing with the world of the for classes in the evenings at the Contracts for rock stars are PAssPonT, 11\!MIGRATION, IDENTI.FI Mnl<c the rll'<ht choice at the LEATHER rock star, it seems everybody has Albuquerque Public schools. basically the same: short pieces CATION, Photo. FMt, inexpens1vc, IlA<'K TURTLE, 10~ Romero NW, OLD tator pleasing. Nenr UNM. Cnll 265-2444, or TOWN. 842-8490. 9/4 Aug. 28 thru Sept. 1 enormous egos-from the Tom Hogg, assistant to the full of legal terms which bind the come to 1717 Girard Blvd. NE. t!n 1972 HONDA 600, 3600 mi. $1250 or best superstar himself to the roadies Dean of Students is surveying the parties to an agreement. It is the TuNEUPS by ENGiNEERINGSTui.iENT offer. 2~9-3280 after 3 p.m. 9/4 Showtime 1 & 3 PM-l\:lidnight Flick Sept. 1 & 2 (those who travel with the troupe scene from the catwalk. He is riders (addendums to the at mY home. $14, V-8; $12, 0-cyl!ndcr. '69 KAWASAKI, Mnch III. Excellent con- and a're responsible for the complaining becausl.' he just contractj which are interesting. JncludP.J new point.'l plur:n ('Ondcnr;C'r dition. 247-4~3~. lnbor. Cnrburntor overhaul nlso. Cnll 299- fast. S725. Call D/1 t('chnical end of the show) to the received a phone call before 'rhP contract for the Joe 6230 !or appointment. 9/6 Iti-;I'RIGEHATOR-Dorm size, 2.4 cubic ft.