Texas Music Office (512)

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Texas Music Office (512) Missouri – Mobile Recording 151 Missouri City Civic Center Amy E. Mitchell Mixture 1522 Texas Parkway, Missouri City, TX 77489 4607 Clawson Road, Austin, TX 78745 (281) 261-4290; jsooy@ci.mocity.tx.us Attorney & Counselor at Law (512) 462-2611 Jennifer Sooy P.O. Box 49547 my-s@swbell.net Austin, TX 78765 Mark Younger-Smith, Owner/Producer Mr. A’s (512) 970-7824; (866) 514-3973 3409 Cavalcade, Houston, TX 77026 law@amyemitchell.com Mlar Records (713) 675-2319 http://www.amyemitchell.com 10110 West Sam Houston South Parkway, Suite 150 Tony Attorneys • Music business consultants Houston, TX 77099-5109 Austin Music Foundation (832) 351-3511 Mr. Cassette of Texas Entertainment Law Section of the State Bar of Texas Po White 4930 Burnet Road, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78756-2600 Austin Young Lawyers Association (512) 452-5050; Fax (512) 452-6441 American Bar Association Mo’ Ranch mrcassette@gmx.net Established: 2004 P.O. Box 870, Blanco, TX 78606 Carol Humphrey, Sole Proprietor Amy E. Mitchell, a sole practitioner based in Aus- (830) 833-5430 tin, practices entertainment law with a focus on emerg- Waymond Lightfoot Mr. E’s Electronics ing bands. Work experience includes reviewing indie 2818 Hillcrest Drive, San Antonio, TX 78201-7046 label deals, production agreements, and label shop- Mo’s Place (210) 737-6737 ping agreements, as well as drafting, structuring, and 21940 Kingsland, Katy, TX 77450 negotiating music industry deals. She graduated from (281) 392-3499 the University of Texas School of Law in 2004 and is Mr. E’s licensed to practice law in Texas. She is a member of Mo Jeloudarzadeh 2503 Gravel Drive, No. 19, Fort Worth, TX 76118-6904 the Austin Young Lawyers Association, the American (817) 595-1910; Fax (817) 595-1920 Bar Association, and the Entertainment Law Section Mobile Grandstands and Stages mre@mr-e-music.com of the Texas State Bar. She volunteers for the Austin 831 East Highway 121, Lewisville, TX 75057 William C. Everitt, President Music Foundation, Texas Accountants and Lawyers for (972) 221-7999; Fax (972) 219-1311 the Arts, and the Future of Music Coalition. Clients danielspeer@msn.com Mr. E’s Music Super Center include bands, singer-songwriters, artist managers, Dan Speer, President 1455 Arbrook Blvd., Arlington, TX 76015 producers, sound engineers, indie labels, and studio (817) 419-0353; (817) 467-8788 owners. In addition to representing music clients, she Mobile Masters Live Recording Robert D. Riska, Manager performs as a vocalist and keyboardist for several Woodwind Music / Buttermilk Records Austin ensembles. P.O. Box 1697, Buda, TX 78610 Mr. E’s Music Super Center (512) 428-8868; (512) 468-7175; Fax (512) 266-8873 1320-G Airport Freeway, Bedford, TX 76022 Mitchell Bros. Recording Studio texmusic@texas.net (817) 545-1103; (817) 355-1065; Fax (817) 283-2492 11726 State Highway 64 East, Tyler, TX 75707 Charles Bickley, Owner David Kelly, Manager (903) 565-6000; mitchellbros@prodigy.net David Mitchell Mobile Mics Recording Studio Mr. E’s Music Super Center 4103 Lexington Parkway, Colleyville, TX 76034 4413 Southwest Loop 820, Fort Worth, TX 76132 Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion (817) 571-3493 (817) 292-7614 The Woodlands Pavilion Terry Theiss, Owner Larry Clark, Manager 2005 Lake Robbins Drive, The Woodlands, TX 77380 (281) 363-3300; (281) 364-3010; Fax (281) 364-3011 Mobile Recording Services Mr. E’s Music Super Center ncox@woodlandscenter.org 865 Keller Parkway, Keller, TX 76248 Jerry MacDonald, President and CEO A Division of Studio Cerebral (817) 337-5882; (817) 379-1444 P.O. Box 271-113 Andy Schlabach Mithoff Advertising, Inc. Flower Mound, TX 75027 4105 Rio Bravo, suite 100, El Paso, TX 79902 (214) 764-6848 Mr. E’s (915) 544-9400; Fax (915) 544-9426 mark@markrobbins.com 3701 South Cooper, Suite 125, Arlington, TX 76015 Peter Fraire, Creative Director http://www.studiocerebral.com (817) 419-0353 Mark Robbins, Owner/Producer Scott Lakey Mitrxxx, the Mad Scientist Mobile recording studios • Record producers 4302 Rainier Street, No. 110, Irving, TX 75062 Mastering • Record labels Mr. Gabe (580) 678-6205; heatcreator@hotmail.com Established: 2000 1305 Hidalgo Street, Laredo, TX 78040 Delando Morrow The Mobile Audio Recording Services of Studio Ce- (956) 725-8625; Fax (956) 726-1810 rebral are widely known and recognized for world-class, Gabriel Goldaracena The Mix Lab audiophile quality professional live, on-site recordings 1113 Langford Street, College Station, TX 77840 “at your location”. A current client list, which includes Mr. Jimmy’s Coffeehouse House Concerts (979) 204-2087; (979) 229-0191 the renowned Turtle Creek Chorale and the annual North Texas Rock Rally is available on our web site. 13461 Pond Springs Road, Austin, TX 78729 keithsewell@gmail.com Also available from our web site are MP3 podcasts of (512) 258-2871; mrjimmysmusic@sbcglobal.net Keith Sewell recent recordings and whole concerts! We specialize Jimmy Johnson Mix Master Productions • Styles and Sounds in classical and choral performances, and enjoy a great 546 Scates Drive, San Antonio, TX 78227 reputation “word of mouth” in those circles. We also Mr. Music • Brownsville record local and international talent in rock, blues, (210) 674-1278; (210) 744-1967 1425 East Ruben Torres Blvd., Suite I jazz, country, music festivals and other “stage band” Brownsville, TX 78526 info@mixmasterproductions.com performers. We also have many references for record- (956) 542-2503; Fax (956) 504-1258 Juan Almaguer, CEO ing I.S.D. School Music programs (band, choir, orches- Joseph Sevier, Owner tra) and provide personalized CDs of a performance Mix Wiz Disc Jockey Association with a photo of one performer printed directly to each Mr. Music • Harlingen P.O. Box 14250, Houston, TX 77221-4250 CD ordered. We record digitally up to 24 tracks and 2000 South Expressway 83, Space G-5 (713) 748-7060; (800) 440-4192; Fax (713) 748-1334 provide full mastering services. Check out the web site Harlingen, TX 78552 Tommie Langston, Owner for more information and music samples at (956) 425-2731; mrmusic1@sbcglobal.net www.studiocerebral.com and drop us an email for a Joseph Sevier, Owner The Mixing Room • Jim Taylor Productions free demo CD of recent recordings. Also at 656 County Road 2054, Nacogdoches, TX 75965 myspace.com/busterrecords. When you need a con- cert recorded in Texas, we are the first word in On- Misty Records (936) 462-1043; jimwill@lcc.net Site Audio Recording! P.O. Box 2733, Onalaska, TX 77360 Jim Taylor (936) 646-3218; donjones@mistyrecords.com Don Jones Texas Music Office (512) 463-6666 music@governor.state.tx.us 152 Mocha – Morgan Audio Mocha Entertainment Group • El Paso’s Urban Groove Monday Rose Productions MoonHouse Records is an independent label owned P.O. Box 6041, El Paso, TX 79906-0041 567 County Road 4877, Pittsburg, TX 75686-9151 by Christine Albert and Chris Gage, professionally (915) 757-3024; Fax (915) 757-3024 (903) 577-1278; Fax (903) 572-7097 known together as “Albert and Gage”. Originally cre- mochaeg99@aol.com mondayrose@bluebonnet.net ated to release the duo’s own music, MoonHouse Moni Merriweather, Entertainment Manager Harry King, Vice President Records, based in Austin, Texas, is now home to four recordings by Albert and Gage, four solo titles by Ms. Model Forms Agency Monfrey Music Albert (including the “Texafrance” series), and re-re- 5319 Gulfport Drive, El Paso, TX 79924 5525 Blanco Road, Suite 101, San Antonio, TX 78216 leases from Gage’s still-popular 70’s country swing band, “Red Willow Band”. In 2004, the label expanded (915) 759-8654 (210) 340-3764 with two outside projects produced by Chris Gage in Harry Assad, Owner John Monfrey, Owner the couple’s home-based MoonHouse Studio. Cowboy Johnson’s “A Grain of Sand” (a collection of Mickey Modern Beats, Inc. • MPCsounds.com • BuyABeat.com Monkeyshine Entertainment Newbury songs) was well received around the globe P.O. Box 342736, Austin, TX 78734 2519 Stoney Brook Drive, Houston, TX 77063 and Michael Austin’s bluesy “Thick ‘n Thin” bring the (512) 255-5999; sales@mpcsounds.com (713) 208-2130; Fax (713) 532-8294 MoonHouse catalog to an even dozen. Focusing on Kyle Kee, Owner / Director of Operations jeff@monkeyshine-entertainment.com Internet distribution and marketing and active tour- Jeff Fetzer, President ing by the artists, MoonHouse Records is an example Modus Novus Musik of a successful entrepreneurial enterprise created by 4510 Abbott Avenue, No. 51, Dallas, TX 75205 Larry Monroe’s Segway City independent artists in today’s changing music busi- (214) 528-0605; (866) 635-1358; Fax (214) 528-7358 2500 Burleson Road, No. 111, Austin, TX 78741-5605 ness world. modus_novus@mac.com (512) 462-4950; lm@larrymonroe.com Taylor Ireland, Founder Larry Monroe MoonHouse Studio P.O. Box 41021 Bill Moffett Productions Monsterbit Media, Inc. • Moksha Records Austin, TX 78704 16140 Kuykendahl, Suite 126, Houston, TX 77068 P.O. Box 684970, Austin, TX 78768 (512) 707-8341; Fax (512) 707-1763 (281) 440-0044; Fax (281) 580-3227; bill@moffett.com (512) 656-6756; Fax (512) 494-8882 moonhouse@austin.rr.com Bill Moffett, President hello@monsterbit.com http://www.albertandgage.com/moonhouse.htm Mellie Price, President Chris Gage, Producer / Engineer Mojo Christine Albert, Creative Director / 2nd Engineer P.O. Box 3463, Beaumont, TX 77704 Monte-Ray Enterprises Recording studios • Record producers (409) 840-9433 P.O. Box 790494, San Antonio, TX 78279 Established: 2000 (210) 363-7340; Fax (210) 403-9089 MoonHouse Studio is a professional, home-based Mojo’s Coffeehouse monteray@satx.rr.com recording facility featuring a state-of-the-art Digidesign 2714 Guadalupe, Austin, TX 78705 Ray Rodriguez, Manager ProTools HD2 Accel hard disk recording set up. We (512) 477-6656 combine modern equipment with 25 years of record- Wade Beasley Montgomery County Music Center, Inc.
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    4040 yearsyears ofof coveringcovering SSouthouth BBeltelt Voice of Community-Minded People since 1976 Thursday, January 12, 2017 Email: mynews@southbeltleader.com www.southbeltleader.com Vol. 41, No. 49 Dobie parent meeting set Dobie High School will hold a parent night Thursday, Jan. 12, in the auditorium at 6:30 p.m. for incoming freshmen for the 2017-2018 Almeda Macy’s stays; Pasadena goes school year. School offi cials say they cannot ex- nate more than 10,000 jobs – 3,900 directly re- is pleased with the announcement. press enough the importance of this meeting, as By James Bolen tive or are no longer robust shopping destina- The Macy’s Almeda Mall location was spared tions due to changes in the local retail shopping lated to the closures and an additional 6,200 due “We are delighted the Macy’s list has been they will share important course registration in- to company restructuring. published, and as we expected, the Almeda formation with parents and students before they closure this past week when the retail giant an- landscape,” Macy’s CEO Terry Lundgren said in nounced the sites of 68 stores it plans to close a statement. Opened in 1962, the 209,000-squre-foot Pasa- Macy’s is not part of the nationwide store clos- register for classes for the upcoming school dena Town Square Macy’s will account for 78 ings,” Felton said. “Macy’s has always shown year. There will be an update on the new fresh- this year in an effort to cut costs amid lower The announcement came fresh on the heels sales.
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