Pebsham Household Waste Recycling Site – Phase 1 Environmental Desk Study

Prepared by:

Jacobs Miller House, Lower Stone Street, Maidstone, ME15 6GB, UK

Tel: +44 (0)1622 666000 Fax: +44 (0)1622 695085

Project Number: B0780600

May 2008

Document control sheet

Client: Veolia Project: Pebsham Household Waste Recycling Site Job No: B0780600 Title: Phase 1 Environmental Desk Study

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by


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1 Introduction 1-1

1.1 Background 1-1

1.2 Report Objectives 1-1

2 Scope of Work 2-1

3 Site Description 3-1

3.1 Site Location 3-1

3.2 Site and Area Layout 3-1

3.3 Site Reconnaissance – Current Site Use 3-1

3.4 Potential Contaminant Sources – Onsite 3-2

4 Environmental Setting 4-3

4.1 Published Information on the Environmental Setting 4-3

4.2 Published Geology 4-3

4.3 Published Hydrogeology and Offsite Investigations 4-3

4.4 Hydrology 4-4

4.5 Environmentally Sensitive Areas 4-4

5 Historical Review 5-1

5.1 Historical Map Review 5-1

5.2 Envirocheck Regulatory Review 5-2

5.3 Review of Local Authority Records 5-4

5.4 Previous Site Investigations 5-7

5.5 Summary of Historical Records 5-7

5.6 Potential Historical Sources of Contamination 5-8

6 Summary 6-1

6.1 Site Description Summary 6-1

6.2 Proposed Development and Assumptions 6-1

6.3 Potential Contaminant Sources 6-1

6.4 Plausible Exposure Pathways 6-2

6.5 Receptors 6-2

6.6 Potential Plausible Pollutant Linkages 6-2

7 Conclusions and Recommendations 7-1

7.1 Conclusions 7-1

7.2 Recommendations 7-1

8 References 8-1

Appendix A - Figures Appendix B - Photographs Appendix C - Envirocheck report and BGS information

1 Introduction

Jacobs UK Ltd was commissioned by Veolia to undertake an environmental desk study on the proposed Household Waste Recycling Site (HWRS) located in Pebsham (Grid Ref. 577010E, 108730N), East , approximately 600m north of the A259.

The purpose of the study was to identify actual and potential sources of soil and groundwater contamination that may have impacted the environmental condition of the proposed development site as a result of current and historical activities on site and in the vicinity, and to advise on other potential significant environmental liabilities as appropriate. This has been undertaken in line with the requirements of Planning Policy Statement 23: Planning and Pollution Control (PPS23).

The site location is shown in Figure 1 (Appendix A).

1.1 Background

A new Household Waste Recycling Site is proposed on currently undeveloped land to the south of the existing Waste and Recyclables Transfer Station (WRTS). The current recycling site which this would replace is located on the east side of the road; the site has a temporary planning permission which expires in Autumn 2008. The new site would give improved access for vehicles and provide an improved service with areas for different types of recyclable materials.

1.2 Report Objectives

The objective of this report is to assess any contamination issues and make recommendations for further work to aid the design and development of the HWRS.

The scope of work undertaken within this report is described in Section 2.


2 Scope of Work

This study has been undertaken to assess the risks from land contamination in relation to the development of the proposed Pebsham Household Waste Recycling Site in line with the requirements of PPS23.

PPS23 states that, “it remains the responsibility of the landowner/developer to identify land affected by contamination and to ensure that remediation is undertaken to secure a safe development”. This report includes information to identify the land potentially affected by contamination and provide recommendations for either further intrusive works, or remediation.

In preparing this report Jacobs has referred to documents including communications, reports and data obtained from various sources for the proposed site and its surrounds.

This environmental report covers the following:

• Site description and reconnaissance; • Historical review; • Environmental setting; • Local area study; • Conceptual Site Model (CSM) and Qualitative Risk Assessment and; • Conclusions and recommendations.


3 Site Description

3.1 Site Location

The site is located (Grid Ref. 577010E, 108730N), in Pebsham, . The site location is shown in Figure 1, Appendix A.

3.2 Site and Area Layout

The site is located in a largely undeveloped area of Pebsham. The subject site covers an area of approximately 0.3ha and is an irregular shape. The site is accessed via Freshfields Road, off Bexhill Road (A259) to the south. The current site is undeveloped overgrown land.

Immediately adjacent to the north is a waste and recyclables transfer station (WRTS). Beyond this there are mostly open fields, a pond and a sewage treatment works. West of the site are open fields, with a nursery and allotment gardens further to the west. South of the site is a football pitch. To the east is Pebsham Stream and Freshfields Road, beyond which is the site of the existing HWRS, and adjacent to the south of this is a playing field including a pavilion. The Pebsham Landfill site, operated by Biffa, is located north-east of the site.

The boundary for the proposed site will be on an area of grassed rough ground and adjacent to a hardstanding area to the south of the WRTS main buildings.

3.3 Site Reconnaissance – Current Site Use

A site reconnaissance was undertaken to develop an understanding of the site layout and condition, and current on-site activities, which could have an impact on the underlying ground and groundwater. This was carried out by Elizabeth Auger of Jacobs on the 21st of February 2008. The accompanying photographs and location plan can be found in Appendices A and B.

The subject site where the future HWRS would be located is currently vacant land. There is a steep gradient up from Pebsham Stream, the WRTS and the adjacent fields to the west. There is also an incline from this level up to the bund that runs adjacent to the west of the WRTS. Anecdotal evidence suggests this bund to the west and south of the WRTS may have been created from excess material deposited when the WRTS site was constructed, prior to the current occupation by Veolia.

The area comprises fairly dense vegetation over the majority of the site, mainly small trees, brambles and bushes. A flat area of bare ground is located towards the northwest of the site where there were some waterlogged areas.

The adjacent WRTS was accessed via an entry in the northeast corner of the site and was also viewed as part of the site walkover. The proposed HWRS cannot be accessed via the WRTS and is instead reached via an access point in the boundary fence close the entrance of the WRTS.

Historic activities on the site were discussed with the WRTS Site Management. The WRTS site was formerly occupied by Reprotech, who took in waste and under heat formed this into pellets for combustion in fuel burners (labelled on the site as a


destructor). It was reported by a former County Council Environmental Health Officer that when changes were made to the processes in an attempt to cut costs, an inferior product resulted which was unstable and contained dioxins.

3.4 Potential Contaminant Sources Identified by Site Reconnaissance

The following potential contaminant sources have been identified on or in the immediate vicinity of the site from the reconnaissance visit:

• Potentially contaminated Made Ground from ground raising or landfilling activities within and adjacent to the subject site. • Potential ground contamination, including dioxins, from the reported historic waste processing activities on the adjacent WRTS site


4 Environmental Setting

The environmental setting, which is based on a review of published information and intrusive investigations, is described in this section.

4.1 Published Information on the Environmental Setting

The information listed below was used to determine the environmental setting of the site and surrounding area. The environmental setting is important because the topography, geology, hydrogeology and hydrology of the site are the main factors that influence the way in which contaminants present in the ground or groundwater can be transported on or off the site. Information for this assessment was gathered from the following sources:

• British Geological Survey of Great Britain ( and Wales), Sheet 320/321 – and Dungeness, Solid and Drift Geology 1:50 000 Scale. • Groundwater Vulnerability 1:100,000 Map Series Sheet 46 – East Sussex, National Rivers Authority Policy and Practice for the Protection of Groundwater

4.2 Published Geology

The geological survey map of the area shows the subject site is underlain by Ashdown Formation (part of the Hastings Beds) over the Purbeck Limestone Group. The Ashdown Formation is described as ferruginous sandstone, siltstones and shales. The Purbeck Limestone Group is characterised by interbedded limestone, mudstones and evaporates with some quartz in places.

The geological map also shows the presence of alluvium associated with the Coombe Haven river valley overlying the Ashdown Beds to the east and south of the subject site. The alluvium is shown to extend up to Freshfields Road (beneath the playing fields and Biffa Pebsham Landfill site) and below the football field to the south, but its northern extent appears to have been restricted by the slightly higher natural elevation of the subject site.

The geological map also shows an area of cross-hatching indicating Made Ground overlying the alluvium to the south and east of the site.

4.3 Published Hydrogeology and Offsite Investigations

A copy of the Groundwater Vulnerability Map is shown in the Envirocheck Report (Appendix C). The Groundwater Vulnerability Map for the site indicates that Ashdown Beds are classified as a minor aquifer with high soil leaching potential. The adjacent alluvium is also classified as a Minor Aquifer.

The solid bedrock in the area is also faulted and this may produce preferential pathways within which groundwater may flow.

According to the Envirocheck Report there is a Source Protection Zone associated with a groundwater abstraction (Southern Water Services Public Water Supply) located at Filsham around 900m north-east of the subject site. No information is available regarding the abstraction depth or formation from which abstraction occurs. The Source Protection Zone III (Total Catchment Zone: the total area


needed to support the discharge from the protected groundwater source) extends to within around 270m north-east of the subject site.

According to the Environment Agency (screening opinion) there is a shallow groundwater table at the site which is vulnerable to contamination.

4.4 Hydrology

Pebsham Stream which flows south through the site west of Freshfield Road, is classified by the Environment Agency as a Main River. Pebsham Stream drains into the Combe Haven River, with flows in a south-easterly direction, and is located some 1.5km north of the site and 600m east of the site. Smaller watercourses in the area drain into Combe Haven, including a drain crossing the playing fields to the east. According to the information within the Envirocheck report, Combe Haven has a grade D (fair) water quality under the General Quality Assessment (GQA) by the Environment Agency.

4.5 Environmentally Sensitive Areas

A Countryside Park has been proposed which will occupy the land around the site. This will also include the landfill area to the east when this is no longer in operation and restored. A Site of Special Scientific Interest (Combe Haven) is located approximately 675m northeast of the site.


5 Historical Review

In line with PPS23, Local Planning Authorities are required to pay particular attention to development proposals for sites where there is a reason to suspect contamination. In this case, the desk study report assesses the previous uses of the site and the potential for contamination to result from these. This section covers the historical review and Section 9 discusses the potential impacts on the proposed development.

In order to undertake a historical review, a Historical Map Pack was commissioned from Envirocheck Group to provide historical Ordnance Survey maps. The Envirocheck report covers a 1 kilometre radius around the approximate centre of the site. The full report is reproduced in Appendix C.

5.1 Historical Map Review

The site was located in a rural area until development of housing c. 1899. There has been a refuse tip adjacent to the site since c.1974. The destructor is present on site from c.1990 and the adjacent tip is labelled as disused from c.2007.

A summary of the historic map review is detailed in the table below:

Date Scale Description On-site (HWRS): Open fields.

Off-site (WRTS and Freshfields Road): 1873-1880 1:2,500 Open fields with drains running across the southern end of the site (where the road is now located) and a track/footpath crossing southeast/northwest on the WRTS.

Off-site (surrounding area): Rural area. Only notable feature is a Railway located approximately 140m southeast. On-site (HWRS): No significant changes.

Off-site (WRTS and Freshfields Road): 1899 1:2,500 No significant changes.

Off-site: Some residential development now occurring to the southeast. On-site (HWRS): No significant changes.

Off-site (WRTS and Freshfields Road): 1909 1:2,500 A Tramway now passes across the site east to west in the south of the site.

Off-site (surrounding area): No significant changes. On-site (HWRS): No significant changes.

Off-site (WRTS and Freshfields Road): 1928-1930 1:2,500 No significant changes.

Off-site (surrounding area): There is now an area of open space labelled as a Recreation Ground adjacent to the east of the site.


Date Scale Description On-site (HWRS): A gradient is shown dividing the east and west of the site.

Off-site (WRTS and Freshfields Road): Various areas of excavation are shown across the site and there is a small pond in the central part of the site. Freshfields Road has now been constructed and the 1955 1:2,500 Tramway is no longer present. Both of the drains on the south of the site now appears to have been culverted under the new road.

Off-site (surrounding area): Adjacent to the southern end of the site there are numerous excavations to the west and a tank is shown approximately 40m east of the site. On-site (HWRS): No significant changes.

Off-site (WRTS and Freshfields Road): The pond appears to have been infilled. 1974 1:1,250 Off-site (surrounding area): Tank no longer present but this area of land is now labelled as a Refuse Tip. Three separate areas are located adjacent to the west, two areas as Recreation Grounds and one as a Football Ground. A small nursery is located approximately 160m southwest of the site. On-site (HWRS): Through the middle of the site north/south is hatched as scrub and the gradient is no longer visible.

1975 1:1,250 Off-site (WRTS and Freshfields Road): The WRTS is hatched as scrub and no excavations are now visible on site.

Off-site (surrounding area): No significant changes. On-site (HWRS): No significant changes.

1990 Off-site (WRTS and Freshfields Road): (extract 1:1,250 Destructor unit has been constructed on site along with some smaller unlabelled paired with buildings. 1955 map)

Off-site (surrounding area): No significant changes. On-site (HWRS): No significant changes.

Off-site (WRTS and Freshfields Road): No significant changes. 2007 1:10,000

Off-site (surrounding area): The area of Refuse Tip adjacent to the site is now labelled as Tip (disused) and shown as being a vegetated area with mature trees. The closest area of tipping is now shown as approximately 300m northeast. Pond is now shown to north-west. Table 5-A Historical Review – Based on Historical Maps within the Envirocheck Report In summary, the historical maps provide limited information on the past history of the subject site. They show some evidence of reprofiling of the land, but no clear indication of whether this involved any resource extraction prior to landfilling/land raising. The maps show that the land to the east of Freshfields Road was used as landfill from at least 1974.

5.2 Envirocheck Regulatory Review

Environmental and geological reports were commissioned from Envirocheck to provide environmental site sensitivity data. The Envirocheck report includes the HWRS and the WRTS (plus Freshfields Road to the south) and covers a 500m radius around the approximate centre of the whole site. The full reports are reproduced in Appendix C.


The regulatory information provided in the Envirocheck report includes groundwater abstractions, groundwater quality, river quality, known pollution incidents and landfill sites. A summary of relevant information from the report is provided in the table below.

Data Type Data Category Description Potential Relevance to the Site Prosecutions relating to None within 500m of site. None Controlled Waters Six within 500m of the site, the nearest at approximately 30m southeast, for spray irrigation. Potable abstractions are a Abstractions Four abstraction points at possible receptor. 860m and 935m northeast are for potable water. Seven within 500m of the site. Six of these relate to sewage Discharge Consents (final/treated effluent or storm Unlikely to affect the site. overflow) and the closest at Water 45m north is for surface water. No major or significant incidents within 1km of the Pollution Incidents to site. There were minor incidents classified as minor Controlled Waters incidents on site caused by and over 5 years ago. firewater/foam in August 1996 and August 2002. Nearest Surface Water Receptor to potential On site. Feature contamination. A zone III (total catchment) is located approximately 275m Source Protection Zones Possible receptor. northeast. Zone II is located over 750m from the site. One on or directly adjacent to IPC Registered Waste the site relating to production Sites. of fuel from waste within the waste disposal industry. One BGS recorded landfill. Previous activities on or adjacent to the site include a Two historic landfills within waste transfer station and 500m. production of fuel pellets Landfill Sites Three Local Authority from recycled waste. Waste recorded landfill sites within Landfilled waste has 500m. included: asbestos, clinical, household, commercial and Four registered landfill sites within 500m. industrial wastes. These uses are potential sources of Waste Treatment, contamination. Transfer and Disposal Five within 500m of the site. Sites Waste Management Four within 500m of the site. Facilities Sites of Special Scientific Interest, Sensitive Land Nature Reserves, No Ecological Designation None. Uses Protected Areas, within 500m Ramsar Sites, World Heritage Sites. Landslides, Ground No – Low Hazard. No special dissolution, Collapsible None; not a contamination actions required to avoid Deposits, issue. problems. Shrinking/swelling Clay. Natural Ground Compressible Ground None; not a contamination No to Moderate Hazard. Subsidence Stability Hazards issue. Running Sand Ground None; not a contamination No to Moderate Hazard. Stability Hazards issue. Shallow mining hazard Low None


Data Type Data Category Description Potential Relevance to the Site One located approximately Landfilling closer to the site, Integrated Pollution 65m north of the site, for this authorisation does not Prevention and Controls waste landfilling. increase the risk. Statutory Local Air Pollution None within 500m of the site. None. Authorisations Control. None as not deemed to be One former site located COMAH sites regulated under COMAH approximately 775m northeast regulations. Two within 1km, the nearest Probably none. Due to Fuel Station Entries located approximately 715m distance from the site. east. Registered Radioactive Substances, Prosecutions relating to Authorised Processes, None within 500m None Enforcement and Prohibition Notices, Industrial Contaminated Land Sites, Explosive sites One located approximately Planning Hazardous 825m east for liquid petroleum Substance Consents or None. gas. Only valid for during Enforcements 1992. One located approximately Probably none due to NIHHS sites 825m east. distance from the site.

Table 5-B Regulatory Information obtained from the Envirocheck Report

5.3 Review of Local Authority Records

Enquires were made for possible additional information from the local government authority of the Hastings Borough Council for environmental and planning information regarding the site and local area. Council and East Sussex County Council were also contacted and details regarding these enquiries are given below.

The following sub-sections within this section of the report refer to the waste management activities in the Pebsham area including not only the subject site, but also the WRTS, the historic Pebsham landfills and the current Pebsham Landfill Site, operated by Biffa.

Planning Records Planning Records include the following applications: • Pebsham Landfill site (February 1980) – erection of a wind powered generator in connection with disposal of leachate. • Pebsham Landfill site (February 1989) – heavy plant garage. • Pebsham Landfill site (June 1989) – development of landfill site. • Pebsham Landfill site (January 1999) – green waste composting facility • Pebsham Landfill site (February 2000) – construction and operation of gas utilization plant incl. 8.5m gas flare and electricity generators for conversion of landfill gas to electricity, plus a single storey brick building. Enclosed by 2.4m high fence. • Pebsham Landfill site (August 2004) – Construction and operation of additional landfill gas utilization equipment. • Former Reprotech Site (November 2006) – change of use to a waste and recyclables transfer station, depot and ancillary uses.


Environmental Health Records

East Sussex County Council has provided a site history for the Pebsham landfills (not the subject site) as follows: • 1930’s – site established. Initially was for land raising (as the area was prone to flooding) and for the placing of an airport. • 1933 – Hastings Borough Council started controlled tipping at the site. • 1950’s-60’s – tipping commenced in cell format. • 1971 – planning was granted for a new playing field, records indicate this was previously a tipped area and tipping had not been completed in the area at the time. • 1974 – operator transferred to East Sussex County Council • 1980’s – planning granted to extend the northern boundary and increase the height of the final contours. • 1985 – new access road was constructed over the Pebsham Stream. The stream was diverted across the site connecting to the Gorringe Stream. • 1988 – new access road reconstructed for the new waste derived fuel plant. • 1989 – planning granted to raise levels to a maximum of 36mOAD • 1990-91 – new weighbridge, connected to an electronic system which weighs each load and sends data to the head office. • 1992 – planning permission granted for private contractors to operate the site • 1993 – taken over by Biffa Waste Services Ltd.

Additionally they have supplied the following information: • Biffa monitors gas at the Pebsham Landfill site and there is a gas extraction system and three gas turbines producing electricity. • The site is not currently registered as contaminated land. • There have been some minor leachate outbreaks at the site where the original stream was located. The site was originally a dilute and disperse site (landfill built on permeable ground with no lining, designed this way so that the leachate would filter through and dilute with the groundwater). • Biffa monitor around 80-100 points on site and some off site for gas. • There are 8 leachate pumping points which the East Sussex County Council monitor for levels and send for monthly analysis. The leachate is collected and pumped to a foul sewer. • There are 18 groundwater monitoring points with a mix of shallow (up to 12m bgl) and deep (artesian – up to around 40m bgl) wells.

Environment Agency Information

The Environment Agency (EA) have various roles when it comes to the regulation of the various waste facilities in the Pebsham area. They have advised that the WRTS site first appeared on their records in October 1988 when a discharge consent was granted for the former Waste Derived Fuel Pellet Plant (operated by Reprotech). It was reported that in ‘August 1992 a fire destroyed part of the plant’, after this the site was used until 2004 as a waste transfer station. This date of the fire is considered possibly erroneous with other records indicating the main fire at the site occurred in 2002, (the Envirocheck Pollution Incident records suggest that there may have been more than one fire on the site including 1996 and 2002). In March 2007, Veolia were granted a waste management licence for the operation of a household, commercial and industrial waste transfer station. The EA are not aware of any gas, leachate or groundwater monitoring points on site.


The Environment Agency information shows that the Pebsham area has been used for waste disposal since 1933/1934, when the playing fields east of the subject site were a landfill. This area has been completely restored since.

According to Environment Agency records, the area of the current Pebsham Landfill (the landfill now operated by Biffa) was first used as landfill in the 1950’s when biodegradable waste was used to infill the southwestern corner. During the 1970’s the site was extended northwards. In December 1993 the site was licensed to accept controlled and special waste including sheet asbestos as well as non- hazardous biodegradable, commercial, industrial and inert wastes. Under the current extended waste management licence, the Pebsham Landfill is due to close in 2009. The current operators, Biffa, have to monitor gas, leachate and groundwater as part of the waste management licence for their site.

The Environment Agency has provided two reports in relation to the Biffa Pebsham Landfill Site:

Groundwater Monitoring at Pebsham Landfill March 2005-January 2006, Enviros Consulting Limited May 2006. • Groundwater monitoring is carried out monthly at approximately 20 locations (at the time of writing the report 7 monitoring installations had been destroyed but these may have been replaced since this time). • Leachate monitoring is carried out quarterly at 6 locations (levels may be taken more frequently but an explanation is not given with regards to this). • Surface water is monitored quarterly at 6 locations. • The water quality is generally good across the site but there have been various locations recording elevated ammoniacal nitrogen. One surface water point at Combe Haven is of lower quality than the others. • There is a shallow hydraulic gradient in the Ashdown beds towards the southeast. • A decline in the number of boreholes usable for sampling has meant less data.

Pebsham Landfill Site, Annual Environmental Review (01/01/06-31/12/06) • Much of the site has undergone some restoration and aftercare will include engineered capping, a restoration layer and tree planting. • The surface water from Pebsham Landfill is eventually discharged into Pebsham Stream. • There are no specific requirements for the discharge, only that there is no visible oil or grease on the surface and the water appears healthy (i.e. no dead fish, flora etc.) • The discharge point during 2006 had a neutral pH throughout. There was a seasonal iron, chlorine, BOD and COD trend of a peak during the summer months. Ammoniacal nitrogen showed a peak at the end of 2006. There was no oil or grease noted in the discharge during this monitoring period. • There are 11 gas wells which are monitored weekly and are located on the perimeter of the Biffa site and a further 11 wells monitored monthly which are off-site. One of these wells is inaccessible. Generally the carbon dioxide values are higher than the methane and there are some peaks in gas levels. Generally the gas levels are fairly low (less than 5% volume) throughout the gas wells monitored as part of this report.


BGS Records

The British Geological Survey has provided historic information on a landfill previously operating on the Biffa site. The records are dated May 1973 and the land is described as marshy and low lying. According to the application form, tipping commenced in 1933 and was at a rate of 104,108 tons per annum at 1973. Waste received comprised around 40% commercial and domestic waste and 60% construction and demolition waste. It was reported that Alluvium underlies most of the site with the northwest corner in contact with the Ashdown Beds. It is listed as being acceptable with regards to ground and surface water but there is considered to be some risk to the major aquifer.

5.4 Previous Site Investigations

A Phase 1 Environmental Risk Assessment was carried out by Symonds Group Limited in July 2003. This involved a desk study and walkover of the WRTS but no approach was made to the regulatory authorities and it does not cover the current proposed development site. The purpose of this report was to support the development of a waste transfer station and a new technology facility.

The report summary concludes: • The site was developed to its current use around 1987-1989 and the household waste recycling plant was damaged by fire in 2002, with refurbishment (at the time the report was written) due to complete in September 2003. • A site investigation was recommended to clarify the risks associated with the Made Ground.

No previous investigations have been identified specifically targeting the subject site.

5.5 Summary of Historical Records

In summary, the historical and regulatory records indicate that the land east of Freshfields Road, including the playing fields, was used for landfilling and waste disposal from the 1930s onwards. Landfilling activities in the area of the playing fields ceased in the 1970s and that site was restored to its current use. Early landfills were constructed and operated on a dilute and disperse basis. Landfilling activities continued north of the playing fields, culminating in the construction of the current operational Pebsham Landfill.

The land west of Freshfields Road, including the subject site, also appears to have been subject to land raising activities, although little detail specific to the area has been identified in the desk study. The boundaries of historic landfills included in the Envirocheck Report indicate that landfills did not extend west of the road, although the historic maps indicate grading activity on the site. It is plausible that the made ground on the subject site is natural ground from the adjacent areas initially stockpiled for subsequent restoration purposes, but not used.

Waste management facilities appear to have first been constructed on the WRTS site immediately north of the subject site in 1988, when a Waste Derived Fuel Pellet Plant was constructed on the site. This plant appears to have been damaged by a fire in the 1990s, and was converted to a waste transfer station in the 1990s. A second fire appears to have occurred at the waste transfer station in 2002.


No specific information on the history of the subject site has been identified in the desk study.

5.6 Potential Historical Sources of Contamination

The following potential historical sources of contamination were identified in the historical and regulatory review:


• Potential infilling and land-raising on site.


• The former Waste Derived Fuel Pellet Plant operational on the adjacent WRTS site from around 1988, which was a potential source of airborne contaminants. • The adjacent dilute and disperse Refuse Tip to the east of Freshfields Road and subsequent landfilling activities at Pebsham Landfill.


6 Summary

A Conceptual Site Model (CSM) of the site has been developed, utilising the source- pathway-receptor model to identify potentially significant pollutant linkages. Schematic conceptual site models for the site during and after development are provided in Appendix A (Figures 3 and 4)

6.1 Site Description Summary

A detailed site description is provided in Section 3.

The proposed HWRS is located on a previously undeveloped area with evidence from historical mapping of possible filling activities on site. A current waste facility is located north of the site which has been in operation at least since 1990. A refuse tip is located to the northeast and has been in operation from c.1934

6.2 Proposed Development and Assumptions

The proposed household waste recycling site will comprise hardstanding with unloading areas for cars and HGVs, recycling bins and a one-way ingress/egress road system.

6.3 Potential Contaminant Sources

Potential contaminant sources have been identified from desk study and site reconnaissance.

The following potential sources at the subject site have been identified as plausibly present based on the desk study, but require intrusive site investigation to assess their presence and concentration if present.


• Potential contamination in Made Ground (from infilling on site); potential contaminants will depend on the origin of the Made Ground but may include among others heavy metals; hydrocarbons including poly-aromatic hydrocarbons; asbestos from demolition materials; • Potential contamination from aerial deposition from the operation of the former adjacent waste processing plant, including dioxins; • Contaminated perched groundwater, with leachate from the Made Ground, potentially including among others heavy metals, hydrocarbons; ammonia, depending on origin of material • Soil gas – methane and carbon dioxide from degradation of organic material in the Made Ground


• Soil gas from the adjacent waste disposal activities; methane and carbon dioxide. • Contaminated ground waters migrating onto site from the adjacent waste disposal activities; potentially including ammoniacal nitrogen, metals, hydrocarbons.


6.4 Plausible Exposure Pathways

Based upon the geology, hydrogeology, proposed construction and operation of the site the following potential exposure pathways have been identified:

• Dermal exposure to soil during construction; • Ingestion of soil during construction; • Direct inhalation of soil dust; • Migration of contaminated soils/waters/gases during construction; • Runoff to Pebsham Stream by soil and water during construction works and by runoff following development of the site; • Dermal exposure to ground water; • Direct contact/ingestion of ground water; and, • Dermal exposure to surface ponded water.

6.5 Receptors

The following potentially sensitive receptors have been identified on, or within the vicinity of the site, during or following development:

• Construction and maintenance workers; • Users and operators of the proposed waste site; • Recreational users of the country park; • Groundwaters (in the Alluvium and Ashdown Formation Minor Aquifers); • Pebsham Stream and Combe Haven (controlled waters) • Building fabrics; • Adjacent WRTS facility and, • Ecosystems associated with the proposed country park.

6.6 Potential Plausible Pollutant Linkages

The following potential plausible pollutant linkages have been identified:

Construction workers and maintenance workers

Construction and maintenance workers may be exposed to potential contamination present within the Made Ground via direct exposure to the soil/groundwater, ingestion of soil/groundwater and dusts.

Potential sources of contamination within the Made Ground have been identified within this report and may include contaminated perched water. The extent of this potential contamination on site is currently not known. An intrusive investigation and environmental testing would provide further information on potential contamination at the site.

This risk from this potential linkage could be mitigated by adopting appropriate work practices. Site workers should be made aware of the findings of this contamination assessment, and working practices should be adopted to minimise contact with soil and groundwater and suppress dust during excavation and earth works. The risks can also be minimised by limiting the duration of exposure.

Suitable personal protective equipment should be worn at all times. The risk to site workers during the works and during maintenance should be considered in a detailed risk assessment, given the potential presence and levels contamination in


the sub surface. These risks could be mitigated by industry standard health & safety practices, such as those set out in the Health and Safety Executive Document HS (G) 66 “Protection of workers and the general public during the development of contaminated land.”

Site users and buildings

Ground gas has been identified on the adjacent landfill and it may be migrating to adjacent areas. The primary source of methane and carbon dioxide is considered to be the degrading material in the household waste site to the northeast. There are unlikely to be any permanent buildings built on the site and therefore the risk is only to underground services, site users and construction workers (dependant on the duration of the works).

Risk to temporary buildings/containers can be mitigated against by raising them off the ground leaving an air gap underneath. Risks to underground services can be mitigated by design, minimising the presence of underground voids or migration pathways. Risks to construction workers can be mitigated by ensuring that the workforce are aware of the potential risks and appropriate working methods are followed, particularly in areas where gas my build up, e.g. confined spaces or trenches.

Waters (groundwater and Combe Haven)

The groundwater regime in the area is poorly understood and therefore the groundwater flow directions and gradients are not known. Groundwater is expected to be present at shallow depth within the Minor Aquifers of the alluvium and Ashdown Formation.

The site is generally at a higher level than the surrounding land with an incline towards the north. Perched water may be present within the raised made ground at the site.

The adjacent Pebsham Stream and the Combe Haven to the southeast of the site may be affected by any migration of contaminated groundwater from the landfill to the northeast. Any contamination that has reached the Combe Haven will have been detected as there are monitoring points for the surface water and there is a leachate collection system that is also monitored. Pebsham Stream (adjacent to the east of the site) is not currently monitored although a collection point has been installed by the Environment Agency. Water quality in the stream is at risk from runoff from the proposed site and mobilisation of contaminated soil during construction works.

Migration of contaminants off site to the adjacent recreational areas and proposed future country park

Contaminants (if present) on the subject site may migrate off site to the existing recreational areas and proposed county park via air, groundwater, surface water run-off or physical transportation.

Surface water run off and generation of wind-blown dust should be controlled if soils are proven to contain elevated levels of contaminants. Stockpiles should be covered and contained where possible to limit migration of contaminants.


7 Conclusions and Recommendations

7.1 Conclusions

Following the completion of a desk study and site reconnaissance, a conceptual site model and risk assessment have been completed to identify potential contamination issues that may affect the site. At this stage, observations on site and anecdotal evidence suggest that there may be made ground present, but this requires further assessment through a Site Investigation and chemical testing.

Based upon the information currently available it is not possible to further assess the levels of mitigation required to manage the risk of potential contamination at the site to human receptors, underlying aquifers, buildings and controlled waters (the minor aquifer and surface watercourses) in the vicinity of the site.

Dependant on the results of the SI, it may be necessary to implement mitigation measures to protect site workers during construction. Appropriate mitigation measures include using mechanical equipment in excavations to avoid worker contact with soil, wearing of appropriate PPE, hygiene and dust suppression methods.

As ground conditions are variable across the site, it is considered that further testing of specific soil arisings destined for landfill disposal during the construction works would be required prior to disposal. The Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC) analysis provides information on the material suitability for various landfill categories and provides the landfill with the necessary quality control documentation. It is not recommended that this is undertaken until the soil requiring off-site disposal is identified and segregated.

There is a potential for groundwater to be exposed during construction. In this case, unless analysed for contaminants, it should be considered contaminated, and treated as such. If dewatering is required, appropriate disposal options should be assessed.

There is considered to be a risk of gas ingress into unprotected structures including underground services as gas has been detected at adjacent sites. It is considered that intrusive investigation and gas monitoring is prudent to clarify this further. If permanent buildings are to be incorporated into the site design then gas protection measures may be required according to Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) C665 (Assessing risks posed by hazardous ground gases to buildings, CIRIA, 2007).

7.2 Recommendations

Due to the possible presence of made ground and the potential for contamination to be impacting receptors, a site investigation is required to provide further information to better assess the risk. An intrusive investigation (Phase 2 Investigation) is recommended to reduce uncertainties about the ground conditions and install wells for groundwater and gas monitoring.

The key geotechnical and contamination uncertainties to be addressed by the Phase 2 site investigation include:


• Depth and nature of the made ground, including variability across the site; • Presence and concentration of potential contaminants; • Ground gas within the site associated with migration from the adjacent landfill site; • Presence, quality and quantity of perched groundwater in the made ground or natural ground.

It is proposed to address these uncertainties with the following site investigation:

• 4 boreholes on the subject site (dependant on access) to a depth of 15-20m with installations for gas and groundwater monitoring; • 2 boreholes within the curtilage of the adjacent building to the north, if access to the area is granted.

The actual number of boreholes will depend on accessibility to the proposed locations. Boreholes in the land north of the site should help to give a better understanding of the risk from migrating contaminants and ground gases.

Locations for drilling will be based on areas for overall site coverage. Services information should be obtained from utility companies and each location surveyed for services using a cable avoidance tool (CAT) scanner prior to excavation.

The soils will be sent to a UKAS accredited laboratory for environmental analysis and subsurface geology will be logged and recorded in general accordance with BS5930 (1999) and BS EN ISO 14688-1:2002 and 14688-2-2004.

Chemical laboratory testing will be carried out and soil samples taken from each location. Areas where visual or olfactory evidence of contamination are detected may require more thorough investigation.

In addition two rounds of groundwater monitoring and twelve gas monitoring visits over at least six months are recommended to comply with best practice guidelines.

For soils the following analysis suite is recommended:

• Metals – Arsenic, lead, mercury, selenium, zinc, cadmium, chromium, copper and nickel. • TPH (total petroleum hydrocarbons, TPHCWG speciation) • PAHs (poly aromatic hydrocarbons) • Asbestos • pH • TOC (total organic carbon) • Dioxins

For waters the following analysis suite is recommended:

• Metals – Arsenic, lead, mercury, selenium, copper, zinc, cadmium, chromium and nickel. • TPH


• PAH • pH • Hardness • Ammoniacal nitrogen • BOD


8 References

1. British Geological Survey of Great Britain (England and Wales), Sheet 320/321 – Hastings and Dungeness, Solid and Drift Geology 1:50 000 Scale.

2. Environment Agency Groundwater Vulnerability 1:100,000 Map Series Sheet 46 – East Sussex.

3. Envirocheck (22455638_1) dated 5th February 2008.

4. Symonds - Phase 1 Environmental Risk Assessment, July 2003.


Appendix A - Figures

Figure One – Site Location Plan and layout

Figure Two – Photograph Location Plan

Figure Three – Conceptual Site Model (during construction)

Figure Four – Conceptual Site Model (after development)





















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14 15



19 Site Location 12

18 16 17

8 9 10 1 11 7 2

3 6 5 4

Client Drawing title

VEOLIA ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Legend SITE PHOTOGRAPH LOCATIONS 1 Photograph Locations JACOBS Drawing status Miller House, 43 - 51 Lower Stone Street, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 6GB, England FOR INFORMATION Tel: 01622 666000 Fax: 01622 695085 Scale 0 17 MAR 2008 DRAWING CREATED ANB EA Project Not to Scale Do not scale Rev Revision Date Purpose of revision Drawn Checked Approved PEBSHAM HOUSEHOLD WASTE SITE Drawing number Rev This drawing is not to be used in whole or part other than for the intended purpose and project as defined on this drawing. Refer to the contract for full terms and conditions. EAST SUSSEX B0780600/FIGURE 2 0 A4L PROPOSED HWRS


Potential Perched Water in Fill FARMLAND Surface Surface Run-off Run-off

Infiltration Infiltration Landfill Gas Infiltration


Client Drawing title VEOLIA ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CONCEPTUAL MODEL OF SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION JACOBS Drawing status Miller House, 43 - 51 Lower Stone Street, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 6GB, England FOR INFORMATION Tel: 01622 666000 Fax: 01622 695085 Scale 0 17 MAR 2008 DRAWING CREATED ANB EA Project Not to Scale Do not scale Rev Revision Date Purpose of revision Drawn Checked Approved PEBSHAM HOUSEHOLD WASTE RECYCLING Drawing number Rev This drawing is not to be used in whole or part other than for the intended purpose and project as defined on this drawing. Refer to the contract for full terms and conditions. SITE, EAST SUSSEX B0780600/FIGURE 3 0 A4L PROPOSED HWRS


Infiltration Landfill Gas


Client Drawing title VEOLIA ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CONCEPTUAL MODEL OF SITE AFTER DEVELOPMENT JACOBS Drawing status Miller House, 43 - 51 Lower Stone Street, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 6GB, England FOR INFORMATION Tel: 01622 666000 Fax: 01622 695085 Scale 0 17 MAR 2008 DRAWING CREATED ANB EA Project Not to Scale Do not scale Rev Revision Date Purpose of revision Drawn Checked Approved PEBSHAM HOUSEHOLD WASTE RECYCLING Drawing number Rev This drawing is not to be used in whole or part other than for the intended purpose and project as defined on this drawing. Refer to the contract for full terms and conditions. SITE, EAST SUSSEX B0780600/FIGURE 4 0 A4L

Appendix B - Photographs

Client Veolia Environmental Services

Job Pebsham Household Waste Recycling Site, East Sussex

Photo 1 - Playing fields to the southeast of the site. A drain runs through the centre.

Photo 2 - View of the Biffa site, looking towards the north

JOB No. B0780600 Miller House, 43 - 51 Lower Stone Street, Maidstone, JACOBS Kent, ME15 6GB, England Tel: 01622 666000 PHOTO No. 1 & 2 Fax. 01622 695085 DATE March 08 Client Veolia Environmental Services

Job Pebsham Household Waste Recycling Site, East Sussex

Photo 3 - Drain running along the eastern side of Freshfields Road.

Photo 4 - Looking west across the football ground to the south of the site

JOB No. B0780600 Miller House, 43 - 51 Lower Stone Street, Maidstone, JACOBS Kent, ME15 6GB, England Tel: 01622 666000 PHOTO No. 3 & 4 Fax. 01622 695085 DATE March 08 Client Veolia Environmental Services

Job Pebsham Household Waste Recycling Site, East Sussex

Photo 5 - Drain running to right of photo, incline to the left.

Photo 6 - Vegetation to the west of the drain, looking north.

JOB No. B0780600 Miller House, 43 - 51 Lower Stone Street, Maidstone, JACOBS Kent, ME15 6GB, England Tel: 01622 666000 PHOTO No. 5 & 6 Fax. 01622 695085 DATE March 08 Client Veolia Environmental Services

Job Pebsham Household Waste Recycling Site, East Sussex

Photo 7 - Waterlogged area in the west of the proposed development site.

Photo 8 - The waste and recyclables Transfer station, looking northeast.

JOB No. B0780600 Miller House, 43 - 51 Lower Stone Street, Maidstone, JACOBS Kent, ME15 6GB, England Tel: 01622 666000 PHOTO No. 7 & 8 Fax. 01622 695085 DATE March 08 Client Veolia Environmental Services

Job Pebsham Household Waste Recycling Site, East Sussex

Photo 9 - Inclined down to the waste and recyclables transfer station.

Photo 10 - Second incline upto the bund to the west of the WRTS.

JOB No. B0780600 Miller House, 43 - 51 Lower Stone Street, Maidstone, JACOBS Kent, ME15 6GB, England Tel: 01622 666000 PHOTO No. 9 & 10 Fax. 01622 695085 DATE March 08 Client Veolia Environmental Services

Job Pebsham Household Waste Recycling Site, East Sussex

Photo 11 - Looking along the bund towards the north

Photo 12 - Concrete chamber with manhole access from above

JOB No. B0780600 Miller House, 43 - 51 Lower Stone Street, Maidstone, JACOBS Kent, ME15 6GB, England Tel: 01622 666000 PHOTO No. 11 & 12 Fax. 01622 695085 DATE March 08 Client Veolia Environmental Services

Job Pebsham Household Waste Recycling Site, East Sussex

Photo 13 - The WRTS building, with former gypsy site in the foreground.

Photo 14 - Pond to the northwest of the site.

JOB No. B0780600 Miller House, 43 - 51 Lower Stone Street, Maidstone, JACOBS Kent, ME15 6GB, England Tel: 01622 666000 PHOTO No. 13 & 14 Fax. 01622 695085 DATE March 08 Client Veolia Environmental Services

Job Pebsham Household Waste Recycling Site, East Sussex

Photo 15 - Pebsham Brook

Photo 16 - WRTS site, looking south towards the boundary.

JOB No. B0780600 Miller House, 43 - 51 Lower Stone Street, Maidstone, JACOBS Kent, ME15 6GB, England Tel: 01622 666000 PHOTO No. 15 & 16 Fax. 01622 695085 DATE March 08 Client Veolia Environmental Services

Job Pebsham Household Waste Recycling Site, East Sussex

Photo 17 - Looking north between the WRTS building and the boundary on the west of the site.

Photo 18 - The recycling area of the WRTS in the south of the building.

JOB No. B0780600 Miller House, 43 - 51 Lower Stone Street, Maidstone, JACOBS Kent, ME15 6GB, England Tel: 01622 666000 PHOTO No. 17 & 18 Fax. 01622 695085 DATE March 08 Client Veolia Environmental Services

Job Pebsham Household Waste Recycling Site, East Sussex

Photo 19 - The general household waste area of the WRTS in north side of the building.

Photo 20 - The WRTS building and area of hardstanding to the north.

JOB No. B0780600 Miller House, 43 - 51 Lower Stone Street, Maidstone, JACOBS Kent, ME15 6GB, England Tel: 01622 666000 PHOTO No. 19 & 20 Fax. 01622 695085 DATE March 08

Appendix C - Envirocheck report and BGS information

Environmental Data Report

Historical Map Pack

BGS data

Index Map

For ease of identification, your site and buffer have been split into Slices, Segments and Quadrants. These are illustrated on the Index Map opposite and explained further below.

Slice Each slice represents a 1:10,000 plot area (2.7km x 2.7km) for your site and buffer. A large site and buffer may be made up of several slices (represented by a red outline), that are referenced by letters of the alphabet, starting from the bottom left corner of the slice "grid". This grid does not relate to National Grid lines but is designed to give best fit over the site and buffer.

Segment A segment represents a 1:2,500 plot area. Segments that have plot files associated with them are shown in dark green, others in light blue. These are numbered from the bottom left hand corner within each slice.

Quadrant A quadrant is a quarter of a segment. These are labelled as NW, NE, SW, SE and are referenced in the datasheet to allow features to be quickly located on plots. Therefore a feature that has a quadrant reference of A7NW will be in Slice A, Segment 7 and the NW Quadrant.

A selection of organisations who provide data within this report:

Envirocheck reports are compiled from 136 different sources of data.

Client Details Ms C Hitchins, Jacobs UK Ltd, Miller House, Lower Stone Street, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 6GB Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 576950, 108840 Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 1000

Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

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Where You are not ordering the Services directly from as set out in clause 6 shall apply to all users of the Service provided to Landmark by others, Landmark cannot control forward a copy of the Report to the insurers. Where such Radioactive contamination of whatsoever nature, deleted from these Terms and never to have formed part of Landmark, but from an Authorised Reseller, references to in question in aggregate and Landmark shall not be liable its accuracy or completeness, nor is it within the scope of policy is purchased, all liability remains with the insurers directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to or these Terms and the remaining provisions shall continue in "Landmark" or "We", "Us" and "Our" shall be construed so as to any other person. Landmark's Services to check the information on the and You are entirely responsible for ensuring that the arising from ionising radiations or contamination by full force and effect. to mean either Landmark and/or the Authorised Reseller as the d. All parties given access to the Services agree that they will ground. Accordingly, Landmark will only be liable to You insurance policy offered is suitable for Your needs and radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear context shall indicate. 10. Governing Law treat as strictly private and confidential the Services and all for any loss or damage caused by its negligence or willful should seek independent advice. Landmark does not waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel or the a. These terms shall be governed by and construed in References to "You/Your/Yourself" refer to the contracting information which they obtain from the Services and shall default and subject to clause 6.o below neither Landmark guarantee that an insurance policy will be available on a radioactive toxic explosive or other hazardous accordance with English law and each party agrees party who accesses the Website or places an Order with restrict any disclosure to employees or professional nor any person providing information contained in any Property Site. All decisions with regard to the offer of properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or Landmark. irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the advisors to enable the relevant party to conduct its internal Services shall in any circumstances be liable for any insurance policies for any premises will be made solely at nuclear component thereof. English courts If any dispute arises out of or in connection "Report" includes any information that Landmark supplies to business. The requirement in this clause to treat the inaccuracies, faults or omissions in the Services, nor shall the discretion of the insurers and Landmark accepts no Asbestos arising out of or related in any way to You including all reports, services, datasets, software or with this agreement (a "Dispute") the parties undertake Services as confidential shall include a requirement to Landmark have any liability if the Services are used liability in this regard. The provision of a Report does not asbestos or asbestos-containing materials on or in information contained in them. that, prior to the commencement of Court proceedings, maintain adequate security measures to safeguard the otherwise than in accordance with these Terms. constitute any indication by Landmark that insurance will structures or services serving the structures. "Services" means the provision of any service by Landmark they will seek to have the Dispute resolved amicably by Services from unauthorised access, use or copying. d. Save as precluded by law, Landmark shall not be liable for be available on the property. Naturally occurring materials arising from the pursuant to these Terms, including without limitation, any use of an alternative dispute resolution procedure e. Each recipient of the Services agrees (and agrees it will any indirect or consequential loss, damage or expenses i. Professional opinions contained in Reports are provided to presence or required removal of naturally occurring Report. acceptable to both parties with the assistance of the cause its employees, agents or contractors who may from (including loss of profits, loss of contracts, business or Landmark by third parties, and such third parties are solely materials except in circumstances where such "Landmark Fees" means any charges levied by Landmark for Centre for Dispute Resolution (CEDR) if required, by time to time have access to the Services to agree) it will goodwill) howsoever arising out of any problem, event, liable for the opinion provided. For the avoidance of doubt, materials are present in concentrations which are in Services provided to You. written notice initiating that procedure. If the Dispute has not, except as permitted herein or by separate agreement action or default by Landmark. those parties providing assessments or professional excess of their natural concentration. "Suppliers" means any organisation who provides data or not been resolved to the satisfaction of either party within with Landmark:- e. In any event, and notwithstanding anything contained in opinions on Landmark products include RPS Plc & Intentional non-compliance arising from the intentional information of any form to Landmark. 60 days of initiation of the procedure or if either party fails i. effect or attempt to effect any modification, merger or these Terms, Landmark's liability in contract, tort (including Wilbourn Associates Limited, and any issues with regard disregard of or knowing wilful or deliberate non- "Terms" means these Terms & Conditions. or refuses to participate in or withdraws from participating change to the Service, nor permit any other person to negligence or breach of statutory duty) or otherwise to the provision of such opinion should be taken up with compliance by any owner or occupier of the Property in the procedure then either party may refer the Dispute to "Third Party Content" means the services, software, do so; or howsoever arising by reason or in connection with this the relevant third party. Site with any statute, regulation, administrative information and other content or functionality provided by third the Court. ii. copy, use, market, re-sell, distribute, merge, alter, add Contract (except in relation to death or personal injury) If Landmark provides You with any additional service complaint, notice of violation, or notice letter of any parties and linked to or contained in the Services. 11. General; Complaints to or carry on any redistribution, reproduction, shall be limited to an aggregate amount not exceeding £1 obtained from a third party, including but not limited to any Regulatory Authority. "Websites" means websites hosted by Landmark and a. Landmark may assign its rights and obligations under translation, publication, reduction to any electronic million if the complaint is in relation to a Report on interpretation or conclusion, risk assessment or Any condition which is known or ought reasonably to includes the Content and any report, service, document, these Terms without prior notice or any limitation. medium or machine readable form or commercially residential property and an aggregate amount not environmental report or search carried out in relation to a have been known to the First Purchaser or the First data-set, software or information contained therein, derived b. Landmark may authorise or allow our contractors and exploit or in any other way deal with or utilise or Report on Your Property Site, subject to clause 6.o below Purchaser's Lender prior to the purchase of the there from or thereby. exceeding £10 million in respect of any other Report or other third parties to provide to Landmark and/or to You (except as expressly permitted by applicable law) Service purchased from Landmark. Landmark will not be liable in any way for any information Report. 1. Terms & Conditions services necessary or related to the Services and to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the contained therein or any issues arising out of the provision Any condition which is caused by acts of War or an a. These Terms govern the relationship between You and f. Landmark will not be liable for any defect, failure or perform Landmark's obligations and exercise Landmark's Services, Content or Website; or of those additional services to You. Landmark will be Act of Terrorism. Landmark whether You are an unregistered visitor to the omission relating to Services that is not notified to rights under these Terms, which may include collecting iii. remove, alter or in any way change any trademark or deemed to have acted as an agent in these circumstances Any property belonging to or in the custody or control Website or are purchasing Services. Where these Terms Landmark within six months of the date of the issue payment on Landmark's behalf. proprietary marking in any element of the Services and and the supply of these additional services will be of the First Purchaser which does not form a fixed part are not expressly accepted by You they will be deemed to becoming apparent and in any event, within twelve years of c. No waiver on Landmark's part to exercise, and no delay in You shall acknowledge the ownership of the Content, governed by the terms and conditions of those Third of the Property Site or the structure. have been accepted by You, and You agree to be bound by the date of the Service. exercising, any right, power or provision hereunder shall where such Content is incorporated or used into Your Parties. Any fines liquidated damages punitive or exemplary these Terms when You place any Order, or pay for any g. You acknowledge that:- operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial own documents, reports, systems or services whether i. Subject to clause 6.o below You shall have no claim or j. In any event no person may rely on a Service more than 12 damages. Services provided exercise of any right, power or provision hereunder or not these are supplied to any third party. recourse against any Third Party Content supplier nor months after its original date. Any bodily injury including without limitation, death, b. If the person communicating with Landmark is an preclude the exercise of that or any other right, power or iv. create any product which is derived directly or any of our other Suppliers. You will not in any way hold k. If You wish to vary any limitation of liability as set out in illness or disease, mental injury, anguish or nervous Authorised Reseller, they must ensure that You agree to provision. indirectly from the data contained in the Services us responsible for any selection or retention of, or the these Terms, You must request such variation prior to shock. these Terms. d. Unless otherwise stated in these Terms, all notices from f. The mapping contained in any Services is protected by acts of omissions of Third Party Content suppliers or ordering the Service. Landmark shall use its reasonable Any financial loss in respect of any loss of any rental, c. The headings in these Terms are for convenience only and You to Landmark must be in writing and sent to the Crown Copyright and must not be used for any purpose other Suppliers (including those with whom We have endeavours to agree such variation but shall not be obliged profit, revenue, savings or business or any shall not affect the meaning or interpretation of any part of Landmark registered office (or in the case of an Authorised outside the context of the Services or as specifically contracted to operate various aspects or parts of the to do so. consequential indirect or economic loss damage or these Terms. Reseller, to its registered office address) and subject to provided by these Terms. Service) in connection with the Services (for the l. Time shall not be of the essence with respect to the expense including the cost of rent of temporary d. Landmark may modify these Terms, and may discontinue paragraph e below all notices from Landmark to You will g. You are permitted to make five copies of any Report, but avoidance of doubt Landmark is not a Third Party provision of the Services. premises or business interruption. or revise any or all other aspects of the Services at our sole be displayed on our Websites from time to time. are not authorised to re-sell the Report, any part thereof or Content supplier). Landmark does not promise that the m. Ordnance Survey have undertaken a positional accuracy Any losses incurred following a material change in use discretion, with immediate effect and without prior notice, e. Any complaints in relation to the Services should, in the any copy thereof unless you are an Authorised Reseller. supply of the Services will be uninterrupted or error improvement programme which may result in of, alteration or development of the Property Site. including without limitation changing the Services available first instance, be in writing addressed to the Customer Further copies may not be made in whole or in part without free or provide any particular facilities or functions, or discrepancies between the positioning of features used in d. The maximum sum that shall be contributed by Landmark at any given time. Any amendment or variation to these Service Support Manager at the Landmark registered the prior written permission of Landmark who shall be that the Content will always be complete, accurate, datasets in the Services and the updated Ordnance Survey in respect of any Contribution shall be limited to £60,000. Terms shall be posted on our Websites. Continued use of office. Landmark or its agents will respond to any such entitled to make a charge for each additional copy. precise, free from defects of any other kind, computer mapping. Subject to clause 6.o below, Landmark and its In the event that more than one Report is purchased on the the Services by You shall be deemed an acceptance by complaints in writing as soon as practicably possible. viruses, software locks or other similar code although Suppliers exclude all and any liability incurred as a result Property Site the Contribution will only be payable under You to be bound by any such amendments to the Terms. 4. Charges f. A person who is not a party to any contract made pursuant a. VAT at the prevailing rate shall be payable in addition to Landmark will use reasonable efforts to correct any of the implementation of such positional accuracy the first Report purchased by or on behalf of any First e. These Terms, together with the prices and delivery details to these Terms shall have no right under the Contract the Landmark Fees. You shall pay any other applicable inaccuracies within a reasonable period of them improvement programme. Purchaser or First Purchaser's Lender and no Contribution set out on our Websites, Landmark's Privacy Policy and (Right of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any terms of indirect taxes related to Your use of the Services. becoming known to us; n. Where Landmark provides its own risk assessment in will be made in respect of subsequent Reports purchased Your Order comprise the whole agreement relating to the such contract and Landmark shall not be liable to any such b. An individual or a monthly invoice showing all Orders ii. Landmark's only obligation is to exercise reasonable connection with any Report, Landmark shall carry out such by or on behalf of such First Purchaser, First Purchaser's supply of Services to You by Landmark. No prior third party in respect of any Services supplied. created by You will be generated subject to these Terms. skill and care in providing environmental property risk assessment with all reasonable skill and care but shall Lender or any person connected to them. stipulation, agreement, promotional material or statement g. Landmark's Privacy Policy as displayed on the Website You will pay the Landmark Fees at the rates set out in information to persons acting in a professional or have no liability for any such risk assessment conclusion e. Landmark shall only pay a Contribution where the Notice is whether written or oral made by any sales or other person governs the use made of any information You supply to Landmark's or its Authorised Reseller's invoice. The commercial capacity who are skilled in the use of which is provided for information only, save where served within 36 months of the date of the Report. or representative on our behalf should be understood as a Landmark. Landmark Fees are payable in full within 30 days without property and environmental information and You Landmark conducted the same negligently, in which case f. Any rights to a Contribution under this Clause 7 are not variation of these Terms. Save for fraud or deduction, counterclaim or set off. You acknowledge that hereby acknowledge that You are such a person; the provisions of clause 6 shall apply. Notwithstanding the assignable in the event of a sale of the Property Site and misrepresentation, Landmark shall have no liability for any time is of the essence with respect to the payment of such iii. no physical inspection of the Property Site reported on provision of any such risk assessment conclusion you Landmark will not make any Contribution after the date of such representation being untrue or misleading. invoices. Landmark reserve the right to amend the is carried out as part of any Services offered by should carefully examine the remainder of the Report and completion of such sale. f. These Terms shall prevail at all times to the exclusion of all Landmark Fees from time to time and the Services will be Landmark and Landmark do not warrant that all land should not take or refrain from taking any action based g. In the event the First Purchaser or First Purchaser's Lender other terms and conditions including any terms and charged at the Landmark Fee applicable at the date on uses or features whether past or current will be solely on the basis of the risk assessment. For the wishes to claim any Contribution, it shall notify Landmark conditions which You may purport to apply even if such which the Service is ordered. identified in the Services. The Services do not include avoidance of doubt, the provisions of this clause 6n apply in writing within 3 months of the date of the Notice. The other provisions are submitted in a later document or c. We may charge interest on late payment at a rate equal to any information relating to the actual state or condition solely to risk assessments conducted by Landmark, and First Purchaser or First Purchaser's Lender (as applicable) purport to exclude or override these Terms and neither the 3% per annum above the base lending rate of National of any Property Site nor should they be used or taken the provision of any other risk assessment by a third party shall comply with all reasonable requirements of course of conduct between parties nor trade practice shall Westminster Bank plc. to indicate or exclude actual fitness or unfitness of a shall be governed by such third party's terms in Landmark with regard to the commission and conduct of act to modify these Terms. d. Landmark or its Authorised Reseller shall not be obliged to Property Site for any particular purpose nor should it accordance with the provisions of clause 6i above. the remediation works to be carried out under the Notice, 2. Services invoice any party other than You for the provision of be relied upon for determining saleability or value or o. Landmark obtains much of the information contained in its and in the event the First Purchaser or First Purchaser's a. Landmark will use reasonable care and skill in providing Services, but where Landmark or its Authorised Reseller used as a substitute for any physical investigation or Report from third parties. Landmark will not accept any Lender (as applicable) does not do so, including without the Services to You, however, the Services are provided on does so invoice any third party at Your request, and such inspection. Landmark recommends that You inspect liability to You for any negligent or incorrect entry, or error limitation, obtaining Landmark's prior written consent to the express basis that the information and data supplied in invoice is not accepted or remains unpaid, Landmark or its and take other advice in relation to the Property Site or corruption in the Third Party Content supplied to any estimates for such works or complying with any other the Services are derived from third party sources and Authorised Reseller shall have the option at any time to and not rely exclusively on the Services. Landmark, but Landmark's Suppliers may be liable for reasonable request by Landmark, Landmark shall not be Landmark does not warrant the accuracy or completeness cancel such invoice and invoice You direct for such iv. Subject to clause 6.o below, Landmark shall not be such negligent or incorrect entries, or errors or corruptions, required to pay any Contribution. Notwithstanding the of such information or data. Such information is derived Services. Where Your order comprises a number of responsible for error or corruption in the Services subject to the terms and conditions on which they supply payment of the Contribution by Landmark the First solely from those sources specifically cited in the Services Services or severable elements within any one or more resulting from inaccuracy or omission in primary or the Third Party Content to Landmark. Purchaser or First Purchaser's Lender as applicable shall and Landmark does not claim that these sources represent Services, any failure by Landmark or its Authorised secondary information and data, inaccurate 7. Contribution take all reasonable steps to mitigate any costs incurred in an exhaustive or comprehensive list of all sources that Reseller to provide an element or elements of the Services processing of information and data by third parties, a. Save where expressly provided, this clause 7 shall apply connection with the conduct of works required under the might be consulted. Landmark Information Group Limited, 7 Abbey Court, Eagle Way, Exeter, EX2 7HY Email: [email protected] © Landmark Information Group Limited Order Number: 24255638 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 2 of 2 Historical Mapping Legends

Ordnance Survey County Series and Ordnance Survey Plan 1:10,000 1:10,000 Raster Mapping Ordnance Survey Plan 1:10,560 Ordnance Survey mapping included:

Mapping Type Scale Date Pg Sussex 1:10,560 1878 2 Sussex 1:10,560 1899 - 1900 3 Sussex 1:10,560 1910 4 Sussex 1:10,560 1938 - 1951 5 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:10,560 1962 6 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:10,560 1967 - 1969 7 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:10,000 1976 - 1978 8 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:10,000 1987 - 1989 9 10K Raster Mapping 1:10,000 2000 10 10K Raster Mapping 1:10,000 2007 11

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 1 of 11 Sussex Published 1878 Source map scale - 1:10,560 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 2 of 11 Sussex Published 1899 - 1900 Source map scale - 1:10,560 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 3 of 11 Sussex Published 1910 Source map scale - 1:10,560 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 4 of 11 Sussex Published 1938 - 1951 Source map scale - 1:10,560 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 5 of 11 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1962 Source map scale - 1:10,560 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 6 of 11 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1967 - 1969 Source map scale - 1:10,560 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 7 of 11 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1976 - 1978 Source map scale - 1:10,000 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 8 of 11 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1987 - 1989 Source map scale - 1:10,000 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 9 of 11 10K Raster Mapping Published 2000 Source map scale - 1:10,000 The historical maps shown were produced from the Ordnance Survey`s 1:10,000 colour raster mapping. These maps are derived from Landplan which replaced the old 1:10,000 maps originally published in 1970. The data is highly detailed showing buildings, fences and field boundaries as well as all roads, tracks and paths. Road names are also included together with the relevant road number and classification. Boundary information depiction includes county, unitary authority, district, civil parish and constituency.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 10 of 11 10K Raster Mapping Published 2007 Source map scale - 1:10,000 The historical maps shown were produced from the Ordnance Survey`s 1:10,000 colour raster mapping. These maps are derived from Landplan which replaced the old 1:10,000 maps originally published in 1970. The data is highly detailed showing buildings, fences and field boundaries as well as all roads, tracks and paths. Road names are also included together with the relevant road number and classification. Boundary information depiction includes county, unitary authority, district, civil parish and constituency.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 11 of 11 Historical Mapping Legends

Ordnance Survey County Series and Ordnance Survey Plan, Additional SIMs and Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:2,500 and Ordnance Survey Plan 1:2,500 Supply of Unpublished Survey Information 1:1,250 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 Ordnance Survey mapping included:

Mapping Type Scale Date Pg Sussex 1:2,500 1875 - 1880 2 Sussex 1:2,500 1899 3 Sussex 1:2,500 1909 4 Sussex 1:2,500 1928 - 1930 5 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:2,500 1955 6 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:1,250 1955 - 1956 7 Additional SIMs 1:1,250 1955 - 1990 8 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:2,500 1970 9 Supply of Unpublished Survey Information 1:2,500 1973 10 Supply of Unpublished Survey Information 1:1,250 1974 11 Supply of Unpublished Survey Information 1:2,500 1974 12 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:1,250 1975 13 Additional SIMs 1:2,500 1977 - 1987 14 Additional SIMs 1:2,500 1986 15 Additional SIMs 1:1,250 1988 16 Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:1,250 1993 17

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 1 of 17 Sussex Published 1875 - 1880 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 2 of 17 Sussex Published 1899 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 3 of 17 Sussex Published 1909 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 4 of 17 Sussex Published 1928 - 1930 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 5 of 17 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1955 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 6 of 17 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1955 - 1956 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 7 of 17 Additional SIMs Published 1955 - 1990 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 8 of 17 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1970 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 9 of 17 Supply of Unpublished Survey Information Published 1973 Source map scale - 1:2,500 SUSI maps (Supply of Unpublished Survey Information) were produced between 1972 and 1977, mainly for internal use at Ordnance Survey. These were more of a `work-in-progress' plan as they showed updates of individual areas on a map. These maps were unpublished, and they do not represent a single moment in time. They were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 10 of 17 Supply of Unpublished Survey Information Published 1974 Source map scale - 1:1,250 SUSI maps (Supply of Unpublished Survey Information) were produced between 1972 and 1977, mainly for internal use at Ordnance Survey. These were more of a `work-in-progress' plan as they showed updates of individual areas on a map. These maps were unpublished, and they do not represent a single moment in time. They were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 11 of 17 Supply of Unpublished Survey Information Published 1974 Source map scale - 1:2,500 SUSI maps (Supply of Unpublished Survey Information) were produced between 1972 and 1977, mainly for internal use at Ordnance Survey. These were more of a `work-in-progress' plan as they showed updates of individual areas on a map. These maps were unpublished, and they do not represent a single moment in time. They were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 12 of 17 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1975 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 13 of 17 Additional SIMs Published 1977 - 1987 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 14 of 17 Additional SIMs Published 1986 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 15 of 17 Additional SIMs Published 1988 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 16 of 17 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1993 Source map scale - 1:1,250 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 17 of 17 Historical Mapping Legends

Ordnance Survey County Series and Ordnance Survey Plan, Additional SIMs and Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:2,500 and Ordnance Survey Plan 1:2,500 Supply of Unpublished Survey Information 1:1,250 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 Ordnance Survey mapping included:

Mapping Type Scale Date Pg Sussex 1:2,500 1873 - 1880 2 Sussex 1:2,500 1899 3 Sussex 1:2,500 1909 4 Sussex 1:2,500 1928 - 1930 5 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:1,250 1954 - 1987 6 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:2,500 1955 7 Additional SIMs 1:1,250 1955 - 1990 8 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:2,500 1970 9 Supply of Unpublished Survey Information 1:1,250 1974 10 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:1,250 1975 11 Additional SIMs 1:1,250 1988 12 Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:1,250 1993 13

Historical Map - Segment A8

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 1 of 13 Sussex Published 1873 - 1880 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A8

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 2 of 13 Sussex Published 1899 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A8

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 3 of 13 Sussex Published 1909 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A8

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 4 of 13 Sussex Published 1928 - 1930 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A8

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 5 of 13 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1954 - 1987 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A8

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 6 of 13 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1955 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A8

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 7 of 13 Additional SIMs Published 1955 - 1990 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A8

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 8 of 13 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1970 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A8

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 9 of 13 Supply of Unpublished Survey Information Published 1974 Source map scale - 1:1,250 SUSI maps (Supply of Unpublished Survey Information) were produced between 1972 and 1977, mainly for internal use at Ordnance Survey. These were more of a `work-in-progress' plan as they showed updates of individual areas on a map. These maps were unpublished, and they do not represent a single moment in time. They were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A8

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 10 of 13 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1975 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A8

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 11 of 13 Additional SIMs Published 1988 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A8

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 12 of 13 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1993 Source map scale - 1:1,250 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A8

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 13 of 13 Russian Military Mapping Legends

1:5,000 and 1:10,000 mapping 1:25,000 mapping Key to Numbers on Mapping

Russian Military Mapping included:

TQ70NE_Hastings Mapping Type Scale Date Pg Hastings 1:10,000 1976 2 No. Description 2 Depot (Railway Carriage) 5 Factory (Gas) 19 Post Office 30 Water Pumping Station 31 Sewage Works

Russian Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 1 of 2 Hastings Published 1976 Source map scale - 1:10,000 These maps were produced by the Russian military during the Cold War between 1950 and 1997, and cover 103 towns and cities throughout the U.K. The maps are produced at 1:25,000, 1:10,000 and 1:5,000 scale, and show detailed land use, with colour-coded areas for development, green areas, and non-developed areas. Buildings are coloured black and important building uses (such as hospitals, post offices, factories etc.) are numbered, with a numbered key describing their use. They were produced by the Russians for the benefit of navigation, as well as strategic military sites and transport hubs, for use if they were to have invaded the U.K. The detailed information provided indicates that the areas were surveyed using land-based personnel, on the ground, in the cities that are mapped.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Russian Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 2 of 2 Envirocheck® Report: Datasheet

Order Details:

Order Number: 24255638_1_1

Customer Reference: Pebsham

National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730

Slice: A

Site Area (Ha): 3.48

Search Buffer (m): 1000

Site Details: Pebsham Household Waste site Pebsham East Sussex

Client Details: Ms C Hitchins Jacobs UK Ltd Miller House Lower Stone Street Maidstone Kent ME15 6GB

Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Date: 05-Feb-2008 rpr_ec_datasheet v31.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Contents

Report Section Page Number

Summary -

Agency & Hydrological 1

Waste 20

Hazardous Substances 30

Geological 31

Industrial Land Use 34

Sensitive Land Use 36

Data Currency 37

Data Suppliers 41

Useful Contacts 42


The Environment Act 1995 has made site sensitivity a key issue, as the legislation pays as much attention to the pathways by which contamination could spread, and to the vulnerable targets of contamination, as it does the potential sources of contamination. For this reason, Landmark's Site Sensitivity maps and Datasheet(s) place great emphasis on statutory data provided by the Environment Agency and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency; it also incorporates data from Natural England (and the Scottish and Welsh equivalents) and Local Authorities; and highlights hydrogeological features required by environmental and geotechnical consultants. It does not include any information concerning past uses of land. The datasheet is produced by querying the Landmark database to a distance defined by the client from a site boundary provided by the client.

In the attached datasheet the National Grid References (NGRs) are rounded to the nearest 10m in accordance with Landmark's agreements with a number of Data Suppliers.

Copyright Notice

© Landmark Information Group Limited 2008. The Copyright on the information and data and its format as contained in this Envirocheck® Report ("Report") is the property of Landmark Information Group Limited ("Landmark") and several other Data Providers, including (but not limited to) Ordnance Survey, British Geological Survey, the Environment Agency and Natural England, and must not be reproduced in whole or in part by photocopying or any other method. The Report is supplied under Landmark's Terms and Conditions accepted by the Customer. A copy of Landmark's Terms and Conditions can be found with the Index Map for this report. Additional copies of the Report may be obtained from Landmark, subject to Landmark's charges in force from time to time. The Copyright, design rights and any other intellectual rights shall remain the exclusive property of Landmark and /or other Data providers, whose Copyright material has been included in this Report.

Natural England Copyright Notice

Site of Special Scientific Interest, National Nature Reserve, Ramsar, Special Protection Area, Special Conservation Area, Marine Nature Reserve data (derived from Ordnance Survey 1:10000 raster) is provided by, and used with the permission of, Natural England who retain the copyright and Intellectual Property Rights for the data.

Ove Arup Copyright Notice

The Data provided in this report was obtained on Licence from Ove Arup & Partners Limited (for further information, contact [email protected]). No reproduction or further use of such Data is to be made without the prior written consent of Ove Arup & Partners Limited. The information and data supplied in the product are derived from publicly available records and other third party sources and neither Ove Arup & Partners nor Landmark warrant the accuracy or completeness of such information or data.

Peter Brett Associates Copyright Notice

The cavity data presented has been extracted from the PBA enhanced version of the original DEFRA national cavity databases. PBA/DEFRA retain the copyright & intellectual property rights in the data. Whilst all reasonable efforts are made to check that the information contained in the cavity databases is accurate we do not warrant that the data is complete or error free. The information is based upon our own researches and those collated from a number of external sources and is continually being augmented and updated by PBA. In no event shall PBA/DEFRA or Landmark be liable for any loss or damage including, without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage arising from the use of this data.

Radon Potential dataset Copyright Notice

Information supplied from a joint dataset compiled by The British Geological Survey and the Health Protection Agency.

Report Version v31.0

Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Date: 05-Feb-2008 rpr_ec_datasheet v31.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Summary

Page 501 to 1000m On Site 0 to 250m 251 to 500m Data Type Number (*up to 2000m) Agency & Hydrological

Contaminated Land Register Entries and Notices

Discharge Consents pg 1 1 8 11 26

Enforcement and Prohibition Notices

Integrated Pollution Controls

Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control pg 12 2

Local Authority Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control

Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls pg 12 3

Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Enforcements

Nearest Surface Water Feature pg 13 Yes

Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters pg 13 1 6

Prosecutions Relating to Authorised Processes

Prosecutions Relating to Controlled Waters

Registered Radioactive Substances

River Quality pg 14 1

River Quality Biology Sampling Points

River Quality Chemistry Sampling Points pg 15 1

Substantiated Pollution Incident Register pg 15 1 1

Water Abstractions pg 16 2 6 (*1)

Water Industry Act Referrals

Groundwater Vulnerability pg 18 Yes n/a n/a n/a

Source Protection Zones pg 18 1 3

Extreme Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences pg 19 Yes n/a n/a

Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences pg 19 Yes Yes n/a n/a

Areas Benefiting from Flood Defences n/a n/a

Flood Water Storage Areas n/a n/a

Flood Defences pg 19 Yes n/a n/a Waste

BGS Recorded Landfill Sites pg 20 1

Historical Landfill Sites pg 20 2

Integrated Pollution Control Registered Waste Sites pg 20 4

Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Landfill Boundaries) pg 21 1

Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) pg 21 1 3 1 2

Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites pg 23 1 1 1 1

Registered Landfill Sites pg 23 1 1 3

Registered Waste Transfer Sites pg 26 2 1

Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites pg 28 1 1 1

Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Date: 05-Feb-2008 rpr_ec_datasheet v31.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Summary

Page 501 to 1000m On Site 0 to 250m 251 to 500m Data Type Number (*up to 2000m) Hazardous Substances

Control of Major Accident Hazards Sites (COMAH) pg 30 1

Explosive Sites

Notification of Installations Handling Hazardous Substances (NIHHS) pg 30 1

Planning Hazardous Substance Consents pg 30 1

Planning Hazardous Substance Enforcements Geological

BGS Recorded Mineral Sites

BGS 1:625,000 Solid Geology pg 31 Yes n/a n/a n/a

Brine Compensation Areas n/a n/a n/a

Coal Mining Affected Areas n/a n/a n/a

Mining Instability n/a n/a n/a

Natural and Mining Cavities

Potential for Collapsible Ground Stability Hazards n/a n/a

Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards pg 31 Yes Yes n/a n/a

Potential for Ground Dissolution Stability Hazards n/a n/a

Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards Yes Yes n/a n/a

Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards pg 32 Yes Yes n/a n/a

Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards pg 32 Yes Yes n/a n/a

Radon Potential - Radon Affected Areas n/a n/a n/a

Radon Potential - Radon Protection Measures n/a n/a n/a

Shallow Mining Hazards pg 33 Yes Yes n/a n/a Industrial Land Use

Contemporary Trade Directory Entries pg 34 6 14 n/a

Fuel Station Entries pg 35 2

Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Date: 05-Feb-2008 rpr_ec_datasheet v31.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Summary

Page 501 to 1000m On Site 0 to 250m 251 to 500m Data Type Number (*up to 2000m) Sensitive Land Use

Areas of Adopted Green Belt

Areas of Unadopted Green Belt

Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Environmentally Sensitive Areas

Forest Parks

Local Nature Reserves pg 36 1

Marine Nature Reserves

National Nature Reserves

National Parks

Nitrate Sensitive Areas

Nitrate Vulnerable Zones

Ramsar Sites

Sites of Special Scientific Interest pg 36 1

Special Areas of Conservation

Special Protection Areas

Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Date: 05-Feb-2008 rpr_ec_datasheet v31.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Agency & Hydrological

Quadrant Estimated Map Reference Details Distance Contact NGR ID (Compass Direction) From Site

Discharge Consents 1 Operator: Reprotech (Pebsham) Ltd. A13SW 0 1 576960 Property Type: Undefined Or Other (N) 108900 Location: Landfill Site - Pebsham, St. Leonards-On-Sea, East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Supplied Reference: P01859 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 14th September 1988 Issued Date: 14th September 1988 Revocation Date: 11th May 1993 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Controlled Sea Environment: Receiving Water: Controlled Sea Status: Pre National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date < 01/09/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Discharge Consents 2 Operator: Reprotech (Pebsham) Ltd. A13SE 1 1 577020 Property Type: Sewage Disposal Works - Other (N) 108780 Location: Pebsham Waste Treatment Plant, Access Road, Freshfields, Bexhill Road, St.Leonards-On-Sea, East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: P01939 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 18th October 1988 Issued Date: 18th October 1988 Revocation Date: 14th August 2007 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Freshwater River Status: Consent revoked: Discharge ceased (Section 37(1)) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 3 Operator: Reprotech (Pebsham) Ltd. A8NE 3 1 577070 Property Type: Sewage Disposal Works - Other (SE) 108610 Location: Pebsham Waste Treatment Plant, Access Road, Freshfields, Bexhill Road, St.Leonards-On-Sea, East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: P01939 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 18th October 1988 Issued Date: 18th October 1988 Revocation Date: 14th August 2007 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Freshwater River Status: Consent revoked: Discharge ceased (Section 37(1)) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 4 Operator: Reprotech (Pebsham) Ltd. A8NE 42 1 577120 Property Type: Sewage Disposal Works - Other (SE) 108580 Location: Pebsham Waste Treatment Plant, Access Road, Freshfields, Bexhill Road, St.Leonards-On-Sea, East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: P01939 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 18th October 1988 Issued Date: 18th October 1988 Revocation Date: 14th August 2007 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Freshwater River Status: Consent revoked: Discharge ceased (Section 37(1)) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m

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Quadrant Estimated Map Reference Details Distance Contact NGR ID (Compass Direction) From Site

Discharge Consents 5 Operator: Mr Martyn J Jarvis A13SW 45 1 576900 Property Type: Unspecified Tip (N) 109050 Location: Pebsham Lanfdill Site, Bexhill Road, St Leonards-On-Sea, East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Supplied Reference: P06608r Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 1st April 1997 Issued Date: 1st April 1997 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Freshwater River Status: New Consent (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Discharge Consents 5 Operator: Biffa Waste Services Ltd. A13SW 45 1 576900 Property Type: Household, Commercial and Industrial Waste Landfills (N) 109050 Location: Pebsham Landfill Site, Bexhill Road, Ste Leonards On Sea, East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: P02695l Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 5th December 1989 Issued Date: 5th December 1989 Revocation Date: 31st March 1997 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Freshwater River Status: Revoked (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 5 Operator: Biffa Waste Services Ltd. A13NW 59 1 576910 Property Type: Unspecified Tip (N) 109070 Location: Landfill Site At Bulverhythe, Hastings, East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Supplied Reference: P06599r Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 1st April 1997 Issued Date: 1st April 1997 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Not Water Company Discharge Into Land Environment: Receiving Water: Into Land Status: New Consent (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Discharge Consents 5 Operator: Reprotech (Pebsham) Ltd. (Hmip) A13NW 59 1 576910 Property Type: Undefined Or Other (N) 109070 Location: Freshfields, Bexhill Road, St Leonards On Sea, East Sussex, Tn38 3az Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Supplied Reference: Ap0062 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 1st December 1994 Issued Date: 1st December 1994 Revocation Date: 31st March 2004 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Controlled Sea Environment: Receiving Water: Controlled Sea Status: Authorisation revokedRevoked Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m

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Quadrant Estimated Map Reference Details Distance Contact NGR ID (Compass Direction) From Site

Discharge Consents 5 Operator: Reprotech (Pebsham) Ltd (Hmip) A13NW 59 1 576910 Property Type: Undefined Or Other (N) 109070 Location: Freshfields, Bexhill Road, St Leonards On Sea, East Sussex, Tn38 3az Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Supplied Reference: Ag8691 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 10th May 1993 Issued Date: 10th May 1993 Revocation Date: 1st December 1994 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Controlled Sea Environment: Receiving Water: Controlled Sea Status: Post National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date > 31/08/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Discharge Consents 6 Operator: East Sussex County Council A14SW 392 1 577390 Property Type: Undefined Or Other (NE) 108910 Location: In Respect Of Pebsham Farm, Landfill Site, Bulverhythe, HASTINGS Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: N02852l Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 1st May 1979 Issued Date: 1st May 1979 Revocation Date: 31st March 1997 Discharge Type: Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Not Water Company Discharge Into Land Environment: Receiving Water: Into Land Status: Revoked (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 7 Operator: Mark Sayer Worssam A12SE 407 1 576450 Property Type: Industrial Parks & Estates (NW) 108970 Location: Pebsham Farm Bus Units Bexhill/Sea Pebsham Farm Business Units, Pebsham Lane, Bexhill-On-Sea, East Sussex, Tn40 2rz Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Combe Haven Reference: P13127 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 16th July 2007 Issued Date: 16th July 2007 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Not Water Company Discharge Land/Soakaway Environment: Receiving Water: Groundwater Via Soakaway Status: New Consent (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Discharge Consents 8 Operator: Mr E J & Mrs A L Rodriguez A12SE 411 1 576450 Property Type: Recreational & Cultural (W) 108880 Location: Pebsham Riding School, Pebsham Lane, Bexhill, East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: P04926 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 15th July 1993 Issued Date: 15th July 1993 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Not Water Company Discharge Into Land Environment: Receiving Water: Into Land Status: Post National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date > 31/08/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m

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Quadrant Estimated Map Reference Details Distance Contact NGR ID (Compass Direction) From Site

Discharge Consents 9 Operator: Southern Water Services Ltd (S) A7NE 460 1 576450 Property Type: Undefined Or Other (W) 108680 Location: Pebsham Council Estate, Phase Ii, Pebsham, Bexhill East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: S02154 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 26th January 1973 Issued Date: 26th January 1973 Revocation Date: 30th September 1997 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Freshwater River Status: Pre National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date < 01/09/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 10 Operator: Southern Water Services Ltd (S) A12NE 484 1 576579 Property Type: Sewage Disposal Works - Water Company (NW) 109374 Location: Bexhill And Hastings Wwtw, Worsham Ridge, Hastings, East Sussex, Tn38 8ay Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Coastal Offshore Reference: A00857 Permit Version: 5 Effective Date: 9th March 2007 Issued Date: 9th March 2007 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Water Company Discharge Controlled Sea Environment: Receiving Water: Status: Modified (Water Resources Act 1991, Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Discharge Consents 10 Operator: Southern Water Services Ltd (S) A12NE 484 1 576579 Property Type: Sewage Disposal Works - Water Company (NW) 109374 Location: Bexhill And Hastings Wwtw, Worsham Ridge, Hastings, East Sussex, Tn38 8ay Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Coastal Offshore Reference: A00857 Permit Version: 5 Effective Date: 9th March 2007 Issued Date: 9th March 2007 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Public Sewage: Storm Sewage Overflow Discharge Controlled Sea Environment: Receiving Water: English Channel Status: Modified (Water Resources Act 1991, Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Discharge Consents 10 Operator: Southern Water Services Ltd (S) A12NE 484 1 576579 Property Type: Sewage Disposal Works - Water Company (NW) 109374 Location: Bexhill And Hastings Wwtw, Worsham Ridge, Hastings, East Sussex, Tn38 8ay Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Coastal Offshore Reference: A00857 Permit Version: 4 Effective Date: 20th February 2007 Issued Date: 20th February 2007 Revocation Date: 9th March 2007 Discharge Type: Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Water Company Discharge Controlled Sea Environment: Receiving Water: English Channel Status: Modified (Water Resources Act 1991, Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality

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Quadrant Estimated Map Reference Details Distance Contact NGR ID (Compass Direction) From Site

Discharge Consents 10 Operator: Southern Water Services Ltd (S) A12NE 484 1 576579 Property Type: Sewage Disposal Works - Water Company (NW) 109374 Location: Bexhill And Hastings Wwtw, Worsham Ridge, Hastings, East Sussex, Tn38 8ay Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Coastal Offshore Reference: A00857 Permit Version: 4 Effective Date: 20th February 2007 Issued Date: 20th February 2007 Revocation Date: 9th March 2007 Discharge Type: Public Sewage: Storm Sewage Overflow Discharge Controlled Sea Environment: Receiving Water: English Channel Status: Modified (Water Resources Act 1991, Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Discharge Consents 10 Operator: Southern Water Services Ltd (S) A12NE 484 1 576579 Property Type: Sewage Disposal Works - Water Company (NW) 109374 Location: Bexhill And Hastings Wwtw, Worsham Ridge, Hastings, East Sussex, Tn38 8ay Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Coastal Offshore Reference: A00857 Permit Version: 3 Effective Date: 22nd November 2005 Issued Date: 22nd November 2005 Revocation Date: 20th February 2007 Discharge Type: Public Sewage: Storm Sewage Overflow Discharge Controlled Sea Environment: Receiving Water: English Channel Status: Modified (Water Resources Act 1991, Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Discharge Consents 10 Operator: Southern Water Services Ltd (S) A12NE 484 1 576579 Property Type: Sewage Disposal Works - Water Company (NW) 109374 Location: Bexhill And Hastings Wwtw, Worsham Ridge, Hastings, East Sussex, Tn38 8ay Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Coastal Offshore Reference: A00857 Permit Version: 3 Effective Date: 22nd November 2005 Issued Date: 22nd November 2005 Revocation Date: 20th February 2007 Discharge Type: Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Water Company Discharge Controlled Sea Environment: Receiving Water: English Channel Status: Modified (Water Resources Act 1991, Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Discharge Consents 11 Operator: Southern Water Services Ltd (S) A12SE 499 1 576390 Property Type: Sewerage Network - Sewers - Water Company (W) 108740 Location: Long Avenue, Bexhill-On-Sea, East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: S02057 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 30th December 1971 Issued Date: 30th December 1971 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Public Sewage: Storm Sewage Overflow Discharge Controlled Sea Environment: Receiving Water: Controlled Sea Status: Pre National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date < 01/09/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m

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Quadrant Estimated Map Reference Details Distance Contact NGR ID (Compass Direction) From Site

Discharge Consents 11 Operator: Southern Water Services Ltd (S) A12SE 530 1 576360 Property Type: General Construction Work (W) 108730 Location: Residential Development, Seab'Ne Rd/Martyn'S Way, Pebsham East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: S02023 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 11th August 1971 Issued Date: 11th August 1971 Revocation Date: 11th September 1997 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Freshwater River Status: Pre National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date < 01/09/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 12 Operator: Hastings Borough Council A14SW 520 1 577560 Property Type: Undefined Or Other (E) 108780 Location: Pebsham Sports Pavillion, 302-304 Bexhill Rd, St. Leonards-On-Sea East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: N01582 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 10th May 1979 Issued Date: 10th May 1979 Revocation Date: 31st March 1997 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Controlled Sea Environment: Receiving Water: Controlled Sea Status: Lapsed (under Environment Act 1995, Schedule 23) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 12 Operator: Southern Water Services Ltd (S) A14SW 564 1 577600 Property Type: Sewerage Network - Pumping Station - Water Company (E) 108800 Location: Bulverhythe P.S., Hastings, East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Supplied Reference: A00275 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 30th October 1989 Issued Date: 30th October 1989 Revocation Date: 1st February 1994 Discharge Type: Public Sewage: Storm Sewage Overflow Discharge Controlled Sea Environment: Receiving Water: Controlled Sea Status: Authorisation revokedRevoked Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 13 Operator: Southern Water Services Ltd (S) A12SE 547 1 576340 Property Type: Undefined Or Other (W) 108740 Location: Long Avenue, Pebsham,, Bexhill-On-Sea, East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: S02078 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 16th March 1972 Issued Date: 16th March 1972 Revocation Date: 11th September 1997 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Controlled Sea Environment: Receiving Water: Controlled Sea Status: Pre National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date < 01/09/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m

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Quadrant Estimated Map Reference Details Distance Contact NGR ID (Compass Direction) From Site

Discharge Consents 13 Operator: Southern Water Services Ltd (S) A12SW 588 1 576300 Property Type: Undefined Or Other (W) 108730 Location: Long Avenue, Pebsham,, Bexhill-On-Sea, East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: S02078 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 16th March 1972 Issued Date: 16th March 1972 Revocation Date: 11th September 1997 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Controlled Sea Environment: Receiving Water: Controlled Sea Status: Pre National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date < 01/09/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 13 Operator: Southern Water Services Ltd (S) A12SW 637 1 576250 Property Type: Undefined Or Other (W) 108730 Location: Long Avenue, Pebsham,, Bexhill-On-Sea, East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: S02078 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 16th March 1972 Issued Date: 16th March 1972 Revocation Date: 11th September 1997 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Controlled Sea Environment: Receiving Water: Controlled Sea Status: Pre National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date < 01/09/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 14 Operator: R.E. Bishop Esq. A12NE 567 1 576350 Property Type: Undefined Or Other (NW) 109220 Location: Greenacres Estate, Pebsham,, Bexhill, East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: N01576 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 15th May 1979 Issued Date: 15th May 1979 Revocation Date: 31st March 1997 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Controlled Sea Environment: Receiving Water: Controlled Sea Status: Lapsed (under Environment Act 1995, Schedule 23) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 15 Operator: The Occupier A7SE 592 1 576510 Property Type: Undefined Or Other (SW) 108310 Location: Hurstwood Close, Off Martyns Way, Bexhill, East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: S02171 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 24th April 1973 Issued Date: 24th April 1973 Revocation Date: 31st March 1997 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Controlled Sea Environment: Receiving Water: Controlled Sea Status: Lapsed (under Environment Act 1995, Schedule 23) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m

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Quadrant Estimated Map Reference Details Distance Contact NGR ID (Compass Direction) From Site

Discharge Consents 15 Operator: Southern Water Services Ltd (S) A7SE 620 1 576480 Property Type: Undefined Or Other (SW) 108300 Location: Claxton Road Extension, Claxton Road, Bexhill, East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Tone Reference: S01293 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 13th September 1963 Issued Date: 13th September 1963 Revocation Date: 30th September 1997 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Controlled Sea Environment: Receiving Water: Controlled Sea Status: Pre National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date < 01/09/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 16 Operator: Biffa Waste Services Ltd A14NW 607 1 577550 Property Type: Other Landfill Sites Taking Special Waste (Inert / Defined Under Sewer 96) (NE) 109130 Location: Pebsham Landfill Site, Freshfields, St Leonards-On-Sea, East Sussex, Tn38 8ay Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Combe Haven Reference: P11970 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 29th April 2004 Issued Date: 29th April 2004 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Trade Effluent Discharge-Site Drainage Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Combe Haven Status: New Consent (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Discharge Consents 17 Operator: Clearwater Land Ltd A12NW 609 1 576300 Property Type: Domestic Property (Single) (NW) 109210 Location: Plots 1 & 2,Happy Landings, Bexhill Plots 1 & 2 Happy Landings, Filsham Drive, Bexhill-On-Sea, East Sussex, Tn40 2rx Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Combe Haven Reference: P12288 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 7th February 2005 Issued Date: 7th February 2005 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Not Water Company Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Unnamed Trib. Combe Haven Status: New Consent (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Discharge Consents 18 Operator: R.E. Bishop Esq. A12NW 634 1 576300 Property Type: Undefined Or Other (NW) 109270 Location: Greenacres Estate, Pebsham,, Bexhill, East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: N01576 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 15th May 1979 Issued Date: 15th May 1979 Revocation Date: 31st March 1997 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Controlled Sea Environment: Receiving Water: Controlled Sea Status: Lapsed (under Environment Act 1995, Schedule 23) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m

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Discharge Consents 19 Operator: Southern Water Services Ltd (S) A7SE 657 1 576490 Property Type: Sewerage Network - Sewers - Water Company (SW) 108240 Location: Storm Water Overflow, Pebsham Pumping Station, Bexhill, East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Boyd Reference: S01382 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 8th January 1954 Issued Date: 8th January 1954 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Public Sewage: Storm Sewage Overflow Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Freshwater River Status: Pre National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date < 01/09/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 19 Operator: Southern Water Services Limited. A7SE 671 1 576490 Property Type: Sewerage Network - Pumping Station - Water Company (SW) 108220 Location: York Rd Bexhill Wastewater Pumping, York Road, Bexhill-On-Sea, East Sussex, Tn40 2lb Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Combe Haven Reference: A01265 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 19th December 2006 Issued Date: 19th December 2006 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Sewage Discharges - Pumping Station - Water Company Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Via Drain To Combe Haven Status: New Consent (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Discharge Consents 20 Operator: Haven Leisure A14SE 658 1 577700 Property Type: Undefined Or Other (E) 108790 Location: Combe Haven Holiday Park, Harley Shute Road, St. Leonards-On-Sea, Hastings East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: N01486 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 26th November 1981 Issued Date: 26th November 1981 Revocation Date: 31st March 1997 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Controlled Sea Environment: Receiving Water: Controlled Sea Status: Lapsed (under Environment Act 1995, Schedule 23) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 20 Operator: Murco Petroleum Ltd. A14SE 684 1 577730 Property Type: Retail Filling Stations (E) 108780 Location: Murco Petrol Station, Bexhill Road, St Leonards-On-Sea, East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: S01959 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 25th September 1970 Issued Date: 25th September 1970 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Controlled Sea Environment: Receiving Water: Controlled Sea Status: Pre National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date < 01/09/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m

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Discharge Consents 21 Operator: Southern Water Services Ltd (S) A7NW 710 1 576200 Property Type: Undefined Or Other (W) 108640 Location: Long Avenue, Pebsham,, Bexhill-On-Sea, East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: S02078 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 16th March 1972 Issued Date: 16th March 1972 Revocation Date: 11th September 1997 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Controlled Sea Environment: Receiving Water: Controlled Sea Status: Pre National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date < 01/09/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 22 Operator: Pebsham Community Association A7NW 768 1 576130 Property Type: Undefined Or Other (W) 108670 Location: Pebsham Community Centre, Seabourne Road, Bexhill, East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: S02216 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 2nd October 1973 Issued Date: 2nd October 1973 Revocation Date: 31st March 1997 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Controlled Sea Environment: Receiving Water: Controlled Sea Status: Lapsed (under Environment Act 1995, Schedule 23) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 23 Operator: E. Batty, Esq. A12NW 790 1 576130 Property Type: Domestic Property (Single) (NW) 109270 Location: Bungalow North Of, Buckholt Avenue, BEXHILL-ON-SEA, Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: N03294 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 20th September 1979 Issued Date: 20th September 1979 Revocation Date: 31st March 1997 Discharge Type: Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Not Water Company Discharge Into Land Environment: Receiving Water: Into Land Status: Lapsed (under Environment Act 1995, Schedule 23) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 24 Operator: Mr A V Fuller A12NW 792 1 576110 Property Type: Domestic Property (Single) (NW) 109220 Location: Ericeen, Buckholt Avenue, Bexhill On Sea, East Sussex, Tn40 2rs Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: P06229 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 10th June 1996 Issued Date: 10th June 1996 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Not Water Company Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Freshwater River Status: New Consent (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m

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Discharge Consents 25 Operator: Prowting Estates Ltd. A12SW 801 1 576070 Property Type: General Construction Work (W) 108790 Location: Residential Development, North Of Seabourne Road, Bexhill, East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: S01310 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 9th November 1962 Issued Date: 9th November 1962 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Controlled Sea Environment: Receiving Water: Controlled Sea Status: Pre National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date < 01/09/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 26 Operator: Messrs D.A. Davey Estates Ltd. A12NW 886 1 576000 Property Type: Undefined Or Other (NW) 109170 Location: Greenacres Estate, North Of Pebsham Lane, Bexhill, East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: S01311 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 9th November 1962 Issued Date: 9th November 1962 Revocation Date: 31st March 1997 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Controlled Sea Environment: Receiving Water: Controlled Sea Status: Lapsed (under Environment Act 1995, Schedule 23) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 27 Operator: Southern Water Services Ltd (S) A14NE 892 1 577800 Property Type: Water Treatment Works (NE) 109300 Location: Filsham Water Treatment Works, Harley Shute, Filsham East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Supplied Reference: A00522 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 1st April 1991 Issued Date: 1st April 1991 Revocation Date: 16th March 1993 Discharge Type: Unknown Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Freshwater River Status: Post National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date > 31/08/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 28 Operator: Hicksens Developments Ltd. A11SE 918 1 575960 Property Type: Domestic Property (Multiple) (W) 108740 Location: 1-8 Ian Close, Pebsham, Bexhill, East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Supplied Reference: S02065 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 25th January 1972 Issued Date: 25th January 1972 Revocation Date: 1st July 1991 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Freshwater River Status: Pre National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date < 01/09/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m

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Discharge Consents 29 Operator: Southern Water Services Ltd (S) A2NE 933 1 576430 Property Type: Undefined Or Other (SW) 107810 Location: De La Warr Road, Glyne Gap, Bexhill, East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: S01250 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 10th July 1964 Issued Date: 10th July 1964 Revocation Date: 30th September 1997 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Controlled Sea Environment: Receiving Water: Controlled Sea Status: Pre National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date < 01/09/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 30 Operator: Southern Water Services Ltd (S) A15SW 951 1 578020 Property Type: Sewerage Network - Sewers - Water Company (E) 108790 Location: Industrial & Residential Dev., N Side Of Bexhill Rd E, And West Of Harley Shute Road, Hastings East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: S01348 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 8th May 1959 Issued Date: 8th May 1959 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Controlled Sea Environment: Receiving Water: Controlled Sea Status: Pre National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date < 01/09/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 31 Name: Biffa Waste Services Ltd A13NW 64 1 576918 Location: Freshfields, Bexhill Road, St. Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN38 8AY (N) 109079 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Permit Reference: CP3033LL Original Permit Ref: Cp3033ll Effective Date: Not Supplied Status: Valid Application Type: Application App. Sub Type: New Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Activity Code: 5.2 A(1) (A) Activity Description: Waste Landfilling; Greater Than 10 T/D With Capacity Greater Than 25,000T Excluding Inert Waste Primary Activity: Y Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 31 Name: Biffa Waste Services Ltd A13NW 64 1 576918 Location: Pebsham Landfill, Pebsham Lfs Freshfields, Bexhill Rd St Leonards On Sea, (N) 109079 Hastings, East Sussex, TN38 8AY Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Permit Reference: Bv9870ig Original Permit Ref: Bv9870ig Effective Date: Not Supplied Status: Application refused Application Type: Application App. Sub Type: New Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Activity Code: 5.2 A(1) (A) Activity Description: Waste Landfilling; Greater Than 10 T/D With Capacity Greater Than 25,000T Excluding Inert Waste Primary Activity: Y Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 32 Name: Onyx Uk A9NE 569 2 577679 Location: Bulverhythe Depot, Bulverhythe Road, ST LEONARDS-ON-SEA, East (E) 108612 Sussex, TN38 8AF Authority: Hastings Borough Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: Not Given Dated: 14th April 1992 Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG1/1Waste oil burners, less than 0.4MW net rated thermal input Status: Authorisation revokedRevoked Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 33 Name: Murco Petroleum Ltd A14SE 713 2 577753 Location: 286 Bexhill Road, ST. LEONARDS-ON-SEA, East Sussex, TN38 8BH (E) 108805 Authority: Hastings Borough Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: NOT GIVEN Dated: 31st December 1998 Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG1/14 Petrol filling station Status: Authorised Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 33 Name: Glyne Gap Service Station A14SE 715 2 577763 Location: Bexhill Road, St Leonards, TN38 (E) 108781 Authority: Hastings Borough Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: NOT GIVEN Dated: 31st December 1998 Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG1/14 Petrol filling station Status: Authorised Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Nearest Surface Water Feature A13SE 0 - 577010 (E) 108729 Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 34 Property Type: Landfill/Waste Disposal Site A8NE 0 1 577100 Location: PEBSHAM (S) 108500 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Pollutant: Miscellaneous - Fire water / Foam Note: Fire At Pebsham Recycling Plant Incident Date: 12th August 1996 Incident Reference: 596230 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Not Given Cause of Incident: Waste Tip Leachate Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 35 Property Type: Waste Management Facilities A18SE 720 1 577200 Location: Pebsham Landfill Ne Corner, Bexhill Road (N) 109700 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Pollutant: General Biodegradable : Biological / Non Sewage: Landfill Leachate Note: Not Supplied Incident Date: 26th October 1999 Incident Reference: 3311 Catchment Area: Cuckmere & Pevensey Levels Receiving Water: Potential Surface Water Cause of Incident: Containment Failure : Other Containment Failure Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 36 Property Type: Other General Premises A9NE 758 1 577840 Location: Garden Of 239 Bexhill Road, ST LEONARDS (E) 108720 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Pollutant: Miscellaneous - Unknown Note: Dead Worms Bleached White Where River Rose Overnight; Domestic/Residential Incident Date: 23rd December 1995 Incident Reference: 595264 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Not Given Cause of Incident: Miscellaneous/Other Pollution Type Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 37 Property Type: Transport, Storage, Communications A2NE 888 1 576500 Location: GLYNDE GAP BEACH (SW) 107800 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Pollutant: Thermal Mineral Residues : Other Process Ash Note: Not Supplied Incident Date: 28th October 1999 Incident Reference: 3313 Catchment Area: Cuckmere & Pevensey Levels Receiving Water: Potential Surface Water Cause of Incident: Unauthorised Activity : Other Activity Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m

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Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 38 Property Type: Water Company Sewage: Combined Sewer Overflow A4NE 963 1 578000 Location: West Of Combe Haven Overflow (SE) 108000 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Pollutant: Sewage Debris/Litter Note: Sewage On Beach Incident Date: 11th June 1997 Incident Reference: 597171 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Not Given Cause of Incident: Plc Sewage Other Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 38 Property Type: Miscellaneous Premises: Other A4NE 965 1 578000 Location: Cinque Way , Harold Place , Warrior Square (SE) 107995 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Pollutant: Storm Sewage Note: Raw Sewage From Outfalls Incident Date: 6th August 1997 Incident Reference: 597239 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Not Given Cause of Incident: Not Given Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 39 Property Type: Boats/Ships A10NW 963 1 578100 Location: Foreshore, Bexhill To Hastings (E) 108500 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Pollutant: Oils - Other Oil Note: Extensive Yellow Sticky Substance Incident Date: 30th November 1993 Incident Reference: P00533 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Not Given Cause of Incident: Oils/Related Products Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m River Quality Name: Combe Haven A14SW 401 1 577364 GQA Grade: River Quality D (NE) 109036 Reach: Mouth - Powdermill Strm Conf Estimated Distance 3.8 (km): Flow Rate: Flow less than 0.62 cumecs Flow Type: River Year: 2000

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River Quality Chemistry Sampling Points 40 Name: Combe Haven A14SW 640 1 577670 Reach: Mouth To Powdermill Stream Confluence (E) 108830 Estimated Distance: 3.80 Objective: River Ecosystem Class 4: Fair Quality Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Year: 1990 GQA Grade: River Quality Chemistry GQA Grade D - Fair Compliance: Not Supplied Year: 1993 GQA Grade: River Quality Chemistry GQA Grade E - Poor Compliance: Significant Failure Year: 1994 GQA Grade: River Quality Chemistry GQA Grade E - Poor Compliance: Significant Failure Year: 1995 GQA Grade: River Quality Chemistry GQA Grade E - Poor Compliance: Significant Failure Year: 1996 GQA Grade: River Quality Chemistry GQA Grade E - Poor Compliance: Significant Failure Year: 1997 GQA Grade: River Quality Chemistry GQA Grade E - Poor Compliance: Significant Failure Year: 1998 GQA Grade: River Quality Chemistry GQA Grade E - Poor Compliance: Significant Failure Year: 1999 GQA Grade: River Quality Chemistry GQA Grade E - Poor Compliance: Significant Failure Year: 2000 GQA Grade: River Quality Chemistry GQA Grade D - Fair Compliance: Compliant Year: 2001 GQA Grade: River Quality Chemistry GQA Grade D - Fair Compliance: Compliant Year: 2002 GQA Grade: River Quality Chemistry GQA Grade D - Fair Compliance: Compliant Year: 2003 GQA Grade: River Quality Chemistry GQA Grade E - Poor Compliance: Marginal Year: 2004 GQA Grade: River Quality Chemistry GQA Grade E - Poor Compliance: Marginal Year: 2005 GQA Grade: River Quality Chemistry GQA Grade D - Fair Compliance: Compliant Substantiated Pollution Incident Register 41 Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Sussex Area A13SW 0 1 576934 Incident Date: 25th August 2002 (NW) 108823 Incident Reference: 102982 Water Impact: Category 3 - Minor Incident Air Impact: Category 2 - Significant Incident Land Impact: Category 4 - No Impact Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Pollutant: Contaminated Water: Firefighting Run-Off Substantiated Pollution Incident Register 42 Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Sussex Area A14SE 712 1 577782 Incident Date: 30th August 2002 (E) 108739 Incident Reference: 104032 Water Impact: Category 2 - Significant Incident Air Impact: Category 4 - No Impact Land Impact: Category 4 - No Impact Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Pollutant: Contaminated Water: Firefighting Run-Off

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Water Abstractions 43 Operator: Quadron Services Ltd A8NE 29 1 577100 Licence Number: 10/41/111003 (SE) 108600 Permit Version: 101 Location: Point A, Pebsham Recreation Ground Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Abstraction: Sports Grounds/Facilities: Spray Irrigation - Direct Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a single point Source: Surface Daily Rate (m3): Not Supplied Yearly Rate (m3): Not Supplied Details: Pebsham Playing Fields,Thickly Outlined On Licence Map Authorised Start: 01 May Authorised End: 31 August Permit Start Date: 6th November 2005 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Water Abstractions 43 Operator: Onyx Uk Ltd A8NE 29 1 577100 Licence Number: 10/41/111003 (SE) 108600 Permit Version: 100 Location: Point A, Pebsham Recreation Ground Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Abstraction: Sports Grounds/Facilities: Spray Irrigation - Direct Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a single point Source: Surface Daily Rate (m3): 20 Yearly Rate (m3): 1600.2 Details: Pebsham Playing Fields,Thickly Outlined On Licence Map Authorised Start: 01 May Authorised End: 31 August Permit Start Date: 6th November 1995 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Water Abstractions 44 Operator: Quadron Services Ltd A14SW 564 1 577600 Licence Number: 10/41/111003 (E) 108800 Permit Version: 101 Location: Point B, Pebsham Recreation Ground Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Abstraction: Sports Grounds/Facilities: Spray Irrigation - Direct Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a single point Source: Surface Daily Rate (m3): Not Supplied Yearly Rate (m3): Not Supplied Details: Pebsham Playing Fields,Thickly Outlined On Licence Map Authorised Start: 01 May Authorised End: 31 August Permit Start Date: 6th November 2005 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Water Abstractions 44 Operator: Onyx Uk Ltd A14SW 564 1 577600 Licence Number: 10/41/111003 (E) 108800 Permit Version: 100 Location: Point B, Pebsham Recreation Ground Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Abstraction: Sports Grounds/Facilities: Spray Irrigation - Direct Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a single point Source: Surface Daily Rate (m3): Not Supplied Yearly Rate (m3): Not Supplied Details: Pebsham Playing Fields,Thickly Outlined On Licence Map Authorised Start: 01 May Authorised End: 31 August Permit Start Date: 6th November 1995 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m

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Water Abstractions 45 Operator: Southern Water Services Plc A14NE 862 1 577780 Licence Number: 10/41/111001 (NE) 109260 Permit Version: 100 Location: Point 1, Filsham P S Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Abstraction: Public Water Supply: Potable Water Supply - Direct Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a single point Source: Groundwater Daily Rate (m3): Not Supplied Yearly Rate (m3): Not Supplied Details: See Lic Map Authorised Start: 01 January Authorised End: 31 December Permit Start Date: 1st June 1989 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Water Abstractions 45 Operator: Southern Water Services Plc A14NE 862 1 577780 Licence Number: 10/41/111001 (NE) 109260 Permit Version: 100 Location: Point 2, Filsham P S Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Abstraction: Public Water Supply: Potable Water Supply - Direct Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a single point Source: Groundwater Daily Rate (m3): Not Supplied Yearly Rate (m3): Not Supplied Details: See Lic Map Authorised Start: 01 January Authorised End: 31 December Permit Start Date: 1st June 1989 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Water Abstractions 46 Operator: Southern Water Services Plc A14NE 934 1 577840 Licence Number: 10/41/111001 (NE) 109310 Permit Version: 100 Location: Point 3, Filsham P S Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Abstraction: Public Water Supply: Potable Water Supply - Direct Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a single point Source: Groundwater Daily Rate (m3): 2545 Yearly Rate (m3): 227270 Details: See Lic Map Authorised Start: 01 January Authorised End: 31 December Permit Start Date: 1st June 1989 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Water Abstractions 46 Operator: Southern Water Services Plc A14NE 934 1 577840 Licence Number: 10/41/111001 (NE) 109310 Permit Version: 100 Location: Point 4, Filsham P S Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Abstraction: Public Water Supply: Potable Water Supply - Direct Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a single point Source: Groundwater Daily Rate (m3): Not Supplied Yearly Rate (m3): Not Supplied Details: See Lic Map Authorised Start: 01 January Authorised End: 31 December Permit Start Date: 1st June 1989 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m

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Water Abstractions Operator: Hastings Borough Council (NE) 1797 1 577900 Licence Number: 111002 110550 Permit Version: Not Supplied Location: HOLLINGTON HASTINGS Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Abstraction: Impounding Abstraction Type: Not Supplied Source: Surface Daily Rate (m3): 0 Yearly Rate (m3): 0 Details: Spring Ditch Authorised Start: Not Supplied Authorised End: Not Supplied Permit Start Date: Not Supplied Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Groundwater Vulnerability Geological Minor Aquifer (Variably permeable) - These can be fractured or potentially A8NE 0 1 577103 Classification: fractured rocks, which do not have a high primary permeability, or other (S) 108499 formations of variable permeability including unconsolidated deposits. Although not producing large quantities of water for abstraction, they are important for local supplies and in supplying base flow to rivers Soil Classification: Soils of High Leaching Potential (U) - Soil information for restored mineral workings and urban areas is based on fewer observations than elsewhere. A worst case vulnerability classification (H) assumed, until proved otherwise Map Sheet: Sheet 46 East Sussex Scale: 1:100,000 Groundwater Vulnerability Geological Minor Aquifer (Variably permeable) - These can be fractured or potentially A13SW 0 1 576926 Classification: fractured rocks, which do not have a high primary permeability, or other (W) 108725 formations of variable permeability including unconsolidated deposits. Although not producing large quantities of water for abstraction, they are important for local supplies and in supplying base flow to rivers Soil Classification: Soils of High Leaching Potential (H1) - Soils which readily transmit liquid discharges because they are either shallow, or susceptible to rapid by-pass flow directly to rock, gravel or groundwater Map Sheet: Sheet 46 East Sussex Scale: 1:100,000 Groundwater Vulnerability Geological Minor Aquifer (Variably permeable) - These can be fractured or potentially A13SW 0 1 576926 Classification: fractured rocks, which do not have a high primary permeability, or other (W) 108725 formations of variable permeability including unconsolidated deposits. Although not producing large quantities of water for abstraction, they are important for local supplies and in supplying base flow to rivers Soil Classification: Soils of Intermediate Leaching Potential (I1) - Soils which can possibly transmit a wide range of pollutants Map Sheet: Sheet 46 East Sussex Scale: 1:100,000 Drift Deposits None Source Protection Zones 47 Name: Filsham A13SE 274 1 577297 Source: Environment Agency, Head Office (NE) 108934 Reference: Su397 Type: Zone III (Total Catchment): The total area needed to support the discharge from the protected groundwater source.

Source Protection Zones 48 Name: Filsham A14NE 776 1 577710 Source: Environment Agency, Head Office (NE) 109220 Reference: Su397 Type: Zone II (Outer Protection Zone): Either 25% of the source area or a 400 day travel time whichever is greater.

Source Protection Zones 49 Name: Filsham A14NE 818 1 577744 Source: Environment Agency, Head Office (NE) 109245 Reference: Su397 Type: Zone I (Inner Protection Zone): Travel time of 50 days or less to the groundwater source.

Source Protection Zones 50 Name: Filsham A14NE 934 1 577840 Source: Environment Agency, Head Office (NE) 109310 Reference: Su397 Type: Groundwater Source

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Extreme Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Flood Plain Type: Combined Tidal and Fluvial A8NE 0 1 577100 Boundary Accuracy: As Supplied (SE) 108625 Extreme Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Flood Plain Type: Tidal A13SE 0 1 577010 Boundary Accuracy: As Supplied (E) 108728 Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Flood Plain Type: Tidal A13SE 0 1 577010 Boundary Accuracy: As Supplied (E) 108728 Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Flood Plain Type: Combined Tidal and Fluvial A8NE 11 1 577110 Boundary Accuracy: As Supplied (SE) 108615 Areas Benefiting from Flood Defences None Flood Water Storage Areas None Flood Defences Type: Flood Defences A8NE 6 1 577084 Reference: 07418K1020101R01 (SE) 108587 Flood Defences Type: Flood Defences A8SE 167 1 577233 Reference: SC23 (SE) 108290

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BGS Recorded Landfill Sites 51 Site Name: Pebsham Tip A13SE 0 6 577030 Location: Bexhill Road, ST LEONARDS ON SEA, Sussex (E) 108735 Authority: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Ground Water: Information not available Surface Water: Information not available Geology: N/A Positional Accuracy: Positioned by the supplier Boundary Accuracy: Derived Historical Landfill Sites 52 Licence Holder: Hastings Borough Council A13SE 5 1 577043 Location: Pebsham, Sussex (E) 108739 Name: Land North of Gorringe Stream Operator Location: Not Supplied Boundary Accuracy: As Supplied Provider Reference: EAHLD20384 First Input Date: 4th April 1979 Last Input Date: 31st December 1979 Specified Waste Deposited Waste included Industrial and Commercial Waste Type: EA Waste Ref: Not Supplied Regis Ref: Not Supplied WRC Ref: 1400/6204 BGS Ref: Not Supplied Other Ref: WD104, WR 2-151 Historical Landfill Sites 53 Licence Holder: Not Supplied A8SE 120 1 577094 Location: St Leonards, Hastings, Sussex (S) 108311 Name: Bexhill Road Operator Location: Not Supplied Boundary Accuracy: As Supplied Provider Reference: EAHLD19918 First Input Date: 31st December 1989 Last Input Date: Not Supplied Specified Waste Deposited Waste included Inert Waste Type: EA Waste Ref: Not Supplied Regis Ref: Not Supplied WRC Ref: Not Supplied BGS Ref: Not Supplied Other Ref: 7-026 Integrated Pollution Control Registered Waste Sites 54 Name: Reprotech (pebsham) Ltd A13SW 3 1 576947 Location: Freshfields, Bexhill Road, ST. LEONARDS-ON-SEA, East Sussex, TN38 3AZ (N) 109025 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Permit Reference: BE4614 Dated: 24th November 1998 Process Type: IPC minor (non-substantial) variation to previous variation Description: 5.3 A The production of Fuel from Waste within the Waste Disposal Industry Status: Authorisation revokedRevoked Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Integrated Pollution Control Registered Waste Sites 54 Name: Reprotech (Pebsham) Ltd A13SW 3 1 576947 Location: Fresfhfields, Bexhill Road, ST. LEONARDS-ON-SEA, East Sussex, TN38 (N) 109025 3AS Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Permit Reference: AV5306 Dated: 1st May 1996 Process Type: IPC minor (non-substantial) variation to previous variation Description: 5.3 A The production of Fuel from Waste within the Waste Disposal Industry Status: Authorisation superseded by a substantial or non substantial variationSuperseded Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Integrated Pollution Control Registered Waste Sites 54 Name: Reprotech (Pebsham) Ltd A13SW 3 1 576947 Location: Freshfields, Bexhill Road, ST. LEONARDS-ON-SEA, East Sussex, TN38 8AT (N) 109025 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Permit Reference: AP0062 Dated: 1st December 1994 Process Type: IPC minor (non-substantial) variation to previous variation Description: 5.3 A The production of Fuel from Waste within the Waste Disposal Industry Status: Authorisation superseded by a substantial or non substantial variationSuperseded Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location

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Integrated Pollution Control Registered Waste Sites 54 Name: Reprotech (Pebsham) Ltd A13SW 3 1 576947 Location: Freshfields, Bexhill Road, ST. LEONARDS-ON-SEA, East Sussex, TN38 3AZ (N) 109025 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Permit Reference: AG8691 Dated: 10th May 1993 Process Type: IPC new application Description: 5.3 A The production of Fuel from Waste within the Waste Disposal Industry Status: Authorisation superseded by a substantial or non substantial variationSuperseded Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Landfill Boundaries) 55 Name: Pebsham Landfill Site A13SE 33 1 577014 Licence Number: 19620 (N) 109043 Location: Pebsham Landfill Site, Bexhill Road, St Leonards On Sea, East Sussex, TN38 8AY Licence Holder: Biffa Waste Services Ltd Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Sussex Area Site Category: Co-disposal Landfill Sites Max Input Rate: Not Supplied Licence Status: Active Issued 10th December 1993 Positional Accuracy: Positioned by the supplier Boundary Accuracy: As Supplied Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 56 Licence Number: 10154 A13SW 0 1 576900 Location: Maresfield Camp, Batts Bridge Road, Maresfield, , East Sussex (NW) 108900 Operator Name: Veolia E S Ltd Operator Location: Veolia Environmental Services, Poles Lane, Otterbourne, Winchester, Hampshire, SO21 2EA Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Sussex Area Site Category: Household, Commercial And Industrial Transfer Stations Licence Status: Issued Issued: 7th March 2007 Last Modified: Not Supplied Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 57 Licence Number: 19626 A13SW 18 1 576960 Location: Pebsham ( Hastings) H W S, Freshfields, Bexhill Road, St Leonards On Sea, (N) 109040 East Sussex, TN38 0AH Operator Name: S I T A Environment Ltd Operator Location: 21 Freshfields, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 1NS Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Sussex Area Site Category: Household, Commercial And Industrial Transfer Stations Licence Status: Transferred Issued: 3rd May 1994 Last Modified: Not Supplied Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 57 Licence Number: 19626 A13SW 18 1 576960 Location: Pebsham ( Hastings) H W S, Freshfields, Bexhill Road, St Leonards On Sea, (N) 109040 East Sussex, TN38 0AH Operator Name: Veolia E S South Downs Ltd Operator Location: Onyx House, 154a Pentonville Road, , N1 9PE Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Sussex Area Site Category: Household, Commercial And Industrial Transfer Stations Licence Status: Modified Issued: 3rd May 1994 Last Modified: 21st April 2006 Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m

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Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 57 Licence Number: 19620 A13SW 29 1 576940 Location: Pebsham Landfill Site, Bexhill Road, St Leonards On Sea, East Sussex, TN38 (N) 109050 8AY Operator Name: Biffa Waste Services Ltd Operator Location: Head Office, Coronation Road, Cressex, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP12 3TZ Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Sussex Area Site Category: Co-disposal Landfill Sites Licence Status: Modified Issued: 10th December 1993 Last Modified: 21st April 2006 Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 58 Licence Number: 19636 A9NW 362 1 577500 Location: Unit 1, Bridgeway, St Leonards On Sea, East Sussex, TN38 8AP (SE) 108400 Operator Name: Boardman Michael C Operator Location: Unit 1, Bridgeway, St Leonards On Sea, East Sussex, TN38 8AP Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Sussex Area Site Category: Metal Recycling Sites (Vehicle Dismantlers) Licence Status: Revoked Issued: 18th October 1996 Last Modified: Not Supplied Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: 18th August 2001 Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 59 Licence Number: 10161 A9NE 587 1 577695 Location: Bulverhythe Road, St Leonards On Sea, East Sussex, TN38 8AF (E) 108621 Operator Name: Veolia Es Uk Ltd Operator Location: Poles Lane, Winchester, Hampshire, SO21 2EA Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Sussex Area Site Category: Transfer Stations Taking Non-biodegradable Wastes Licence Status: Issued Issued: 25th May 2007 Last Modified: Not Supplied Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 60 Licence Number: 10158 A18NW 778 1 576900 Location: Freshfields Road, Off Bexhill Road, Pebsham, St Leonards On S, East (N) 109800 Sussex, TN38 8AY Operator Name: Veolia South Downs Ltd Operator Location: Poles Lane, Otterbourne, Winchester, Hampshire, SO21 2EA Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Sussex Area Site Category: Transfer Stations Taking Non-biodegradable Wastes Licence Status: Issued Issued: 30th March 2007 Last Modified: Not Supplied Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Local Authority Landfill Coverage Name: East Sussex County Council 0 3 577228 - Has supplied landfill data 108273 Local Authority Landfill Coverage Name: Rother District Council 0 9 576935 - Landfill data has been supplied by another authority 108600 Local Authority Landfill Coverage Name: Hastings Borough Council 0 5 576935 - Has supplied landfill data 108600

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Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites 61 Location: Pebsham, Pebsham A13SE 0 3 577042 Reference: 2-015 (E) 108740 Authority: East Sussex County Council, Waste Management Group Last Reported Unknown Status: Types of Waste: Not Supplied Date of Closure: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Positioned by the supplier Boundary Quality: Moderate Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites 62 Location: Pebsham, Hastings A13SE 1 3 577005 Reference: 2-015 (N) 108890 Authority: East Sussex County Council, Waste Management Group Last Reported Unknown Status: Types of Waste: Not Supplied Date of Closure: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Positioned by the supplier Boundary Quality: Moderate Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites 63 Location: Land North Of Gorringe Stream, Pebsham A9NW 401 3 577503 Reference: 2-151 (E) 108603 Authority: East Sussex County Council, Waste Management Group Last Reported Unknown Status: Types of Waste: Not Supplied Date of Closure: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Boundary Quality: Not Applicable Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites 64 Location: Ravenside Retail Site (Old Gas Works Site), Bexhill A7SE 842 3 576329 Reference: 2-100 (SW) 108074 Authority: East Sussex County Council, Waste Management Group Last Reported Unknown Status: Types of Waste: Not Supplied Date of Closure: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Positioned by the supplier Boundary Quality: Moderate Registered Landfill Sites 65 Licence Holder: East Sussex C.C. A13SW 0 1 576989 Licence Reference: 007V (007F) (N) 108883 Site Location: Pebsham Farm, Bexhill Road, St Leonards On Sea, Hastings, East Sussex Licence Easting: Not Supplied Licence Northing: Not Supplied Operator Location: Sackville House, Brooks Close, , East Sussex, BN7 1UE Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Sussex Area Site Category: Landfill Max Input Rate: Large (Equal to or greater than 75,000 and less than 250,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Status: Record supersededSuperseded Dated: 1st April 1977 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By 165/1 Licence: Positional Accuracy: Positioned by the supplier Boundary Accuracy: Moderate Authorised Waste Asbestos - Amosite Asbestos - Chrysotile Asbestos - Crocidolite Bulk Non-Haz.Liquid Wastes Bulk Non-Haz.Sludge Wastes Clinical Wastes House, Com + Ind.Waste Prohibited Waste Special Wastes N.O.S

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Registered Landfill Sites 66 Licence Holder: Hastings B.C. A13SE 26 1 577057 Licence Reference: 104 (E) 108740 Site Location: North Of Gorrings Stream, Pebsham, St Leonards On Sea, Hastings, East Sussex Licence Easting: 577300 Licence Northing: 108800 Operator Location: As Site Address Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Sussex Area Site Category: Landfill Max Input Rate: Very Small (Less than 10,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Status: Licence lapsed/cancelled/defunct/not applicable/surrenderedCancelled Dated: 4th June 1979 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Boundary Accuracy: Not Applicable Authorised Waste Excavated Natural Materials Inert Waste Registered Landfill Sites 67 Licence Holder: Biffa Waste Services Ltd A13NE 371 1 577200 Licence Reference: WR/2-015/L (N) 109300 Site Location: Pebsham Landfill Site, Bexhill Road, St Leonards on Sea, HASTINGS, East Sussex, TN38 8AY Licence Easting: 577200 Licence Northing: 109300 Operator Location: The Grange, 80 Tamworth Road, ASHBY DE LA ZOUCH, Leicestershire, LE6 5PX Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Sussex Area Site Category: Landfill Max Input Rate: Very Large (Equal to or greater than 250,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Status: Operational as far as is knownOperational Dated: 30th July 1999 Preceded By WR/2-015/L Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Boundary Accuracy: Not Applicable Authorised Waste East Sussex Cat A 'Excav.Mat./Some D East Sussex Cat B 'Non-Haz. Slow Dec East Sussex Cat C 'Putresc.' East Sussex Cat E 'Some Difficult' Gulley Emptyings Some Clinical Waste Street Sweepings Prohibited Waste All Other Clinical Wastes Asbestos (Escept For Bonded Asbestos With < 1% Free Fibres) Compressed/Liquified Gas Finely Divided Mat'Ls. Lead/Acid Batteries Munitions/Ordnance/Explosive/Pyrophoric Material Plasterboard (Exc. Sao In Admixtures) Poisonous, Noxious, Polluting Wastes Spec.Waste (Epa'90:S62/1996 Regs) Waste N.O.S.

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Registered Landfill Sites 67 Licence Holder: Biffa Waste Services Ltd A13NE 371 1 577200 Licence Reference: WR/2-015/L (N) 109300 Site Location: Pebsham Landfill Site, Bexhill Road, St Leonards on Sea, HASTINGS, East Sussex, TN38 8AY Licence Easting: 577200 Licence Northing: 109300 Operator Location: The Grange, 80 Tamworth Road, ASHBY DE LA ZOUCH, Leicestershire, LE6 5PX Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Sussex Area Site Category: Landfill Max Input Rate: Very Large (Equal to or greater than 250,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Status: Record supersededSuperseded Dated: 10th December 1993 Preceded By 165/1 Licence: Superseded By WR/2-015/L Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Boundary Accuracy: Not Applicable Authorised Waste Car Fragmentiser Waste East Sussex Cat A 'Excav.Mat./Some D East Sussex Cat B 'Non-Haz. Slow Dec East Sussex Cat C 'Putresc.' East Sussex Cat E 'Some Difficult' Gulley Emptyings Oil Contaminated Soils Some Clinical Waste Street Sweepings Tyres Prohibited Waste All Other Clinical Wastes Compress/Liq.Gas Fibrous Forms Of Asbestos Finely Divided Mat'Ls. Lead/Acid Batteries Munit'N/Ordnance/Explos/Pyrophor.Mat'L Plasterboard (Exc. Sao In Admixtures) Poisonous, Noxious, Polluting Wastes Spec.Waste (Epa'90:S62/1996 Regs) Waste N.O.S.

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Registered Landfill Sites 67 Licence Holder: East Sussex C.C. A13NE 371 1 577200 Licence Reference: 165/1 (N) 109300 Site Location: Pebsham Landfill Site, Bexhill Road, St Leonards on Sea, HASTINGS, East Sussex, TN38 8AY Licence Easting: 577200 Licence Northing: 109300 Operator Location: Sackville House, Brooks Close, LEWES, East Sussex, BN7 1UE Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Sussex Area Site Category: Landfill Max Input Rate: Very Large (Equal to or greater than 250,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Status: Record supersededSuperseded Dated: 1st September 1990 Preceded By 007V (007F) Licence: Superseded By WR/2-015/L Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Boundary Accuracy: Not Applicable Authorised Waste Bonded Asbestos Products Car Fragmentiser Scrap Clinical Wastes E.Sussex Cat. A = Inert Wastes E.Sussex Cat. Bi Gen.Non-Putresc E.Sussex Cat. C = Putrescible E.Sussex Cat. E = Difficult Gen.W Non-Haz. Liquids & Sludges Sewage Sludge Shredded Car Tyres Unshredded Car Tyres Prohibited Waste All Forms Asbestos - Except Bonded Cadmium & Compounds Chlorinated Solvents Compressed/Liquified Gas Contaminated Excav./Demol. Waste Finely Divided Mat'L Horticultural Chemical Wastes Incinerator Ash/Dues Lead/Acid Batteries Liquid/Sludge Wastes Mercury & Compounds Munition/Ordnance/Explosive/Pyrophoric Organotin Cpds Pesticides Plasterboard Poisonous, Noxious, Polluting Wastes Special Wastes Registered Waste Transfer Sites 68 Licence Holder: Sita Products & Services Ltd A13SW 26 1 576950 Licence Reference: WR/2-125/L (N) 109050 Site Location: Pebsham H.W.S Freshfields, Bexhill Road, St Leonards on Sea, HASTINGS, East Sussex, TN38 0AH Operator Location: The Pickeridge, Stoke Common Road, FULMER, Buckinghamshire, SL3 6HA Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Sussex Area Site Category: Civic Amenity Max Input Rate: Large (Equal to or greater than 75,000 and less than 250,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Operational as far as is knownOperational Dated: 3rd May 1994 Preceded By 184/1 Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste East Sussex Cat A 'Excav.Mat./Some D East Sussex Cat B 'Non-Haz. Slow Dec East Sussex Cat C 'Putresc.' East Sussex Cat E 'Some Difficult' Prohibited Waste Clinical Wastes Fibrous Forms Of Asbestos Finely Divided Material Munit'N/Ordnance/Explos/Pyrophor.Mat'L Sludges Liquids Waste N.O.S. Special Wastes N.O.S. Waste N.O.S.

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Registered Waste Transfer Sites 68 Licence Holder: East Sussex C.C. A13SW 26 1 576950 Licence Reference: 184/1 (N) 109050 Site Location: Hastings H.W.S, Pebsham Landfill, St Leonards On Sea, Hastings, East Sussex Operator Location: Sackville House, Brooks Close, LEWES, East Sussex, BN7 1UE Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Sussex Area Site Category: Civic Amenity Max Input Rate: Undefined Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Record supersededSuperseded Dated: 1st March 1991 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By WR/2-125/L Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Bonded/Cement Asbestos East Sussex Cat A 'Excav.Mat./Some D East Sussex Cat B 'Non-Haz. Slow Dec East Sussex Cat C 'Putresc.' East Sussex Cat E 'Some Difficult' Lead/Acid Batteries/Cases Refrigerators Waste Oil Prohibited Waste All Clinical Waste Contaminated Excav./Demol. Waste Finely Div. Powder/Dusts May Cause Exp Horticultural Chemical Wastes Incinerator Ash/Residues Liquid/Sludge Wastes Munitions,Ordnance,Explosive,Pyrophori Poisonous, Noxious, Polluting Wastes Pressurised Containers Special Wastes Waste N.O.S. Registered Waste Transfer Sites 69 Licence Holder: Hastings Borough Council A9NW 475 1 577600 Licence Reference: WR/7-010 (E) 108550 Site Location: Bulverhythe Depot, Bulverhythe Road, St Leonards on Sea, HASTINGS, East Sussex, TN38 8AF Operator Location: Town Hall, Queens Road, HASTINGS, East Sussex, TN34 1QR Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Sussex Area Site Category: Transfer Max Input Rate: Small (Equal to or greater than 10,000 and less than 25,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Licence has completion certificateSurrendered Dated: 1st April 1993 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Abandoned Motor Vehicles Cement Clinical Waste/Sharps In Cont'Rs East Sussex Cat A 'Excav.Mat./Some D Empty Containers Max.Waste Permitted By Licence Metals Paper/Cardboard/Fibreboard Plastics Solid Tar, Pitch, Bitumen, Asphalts Street Sweepings Wood/Wood Prods Prohibited Waste Waste N.O.S.

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Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites 70 Licence Holder: Reprotech (Pebsham) Ltd A13SW 0 1 576900 Licence Reference: 160 (NW) 108800 Site Location: Freshfields, Bexhill Road, St Leonards on Sea, HASTINGS, East Sussex, TN38 3AZ Operator Location: 2 Cecil Court, London Road, ENFIELD, Middlesex, EN2 6DB Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Sussex Area Site Category: Refuse Derived Fuel - Solid waste derived fuel Max Input Rate: Large (Equal to or greater than 75,000 and less than 250,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Site now IPC authorisedAuthorised Dated: 1st June 1990 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Approximate location provided by supplier Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Animal Matter Cellulose Wastes Collected Household Wastes Cosmetic Products Empty Used Containers Floor Sweepings Leather, Natural/Manmade Fibres Max.Waste Permitted By Licence-Stated Metals Paper Plastics Pottery,China,Enamel,Ceramic Wastes Soap & Other Stearates Vegetable Matter Wood, Wood Products Prohibited Waste Asbestos In All Forms Clinical Wastes Finely Divided Material/Dusts Etc Liquid/Sludge Wastes Liquified Gas / Gas Under Pressure Munitions/Ordnance/Explosive/Pyrophor. Special Wastes Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites 71 Licence Holder: M C Boardman A9NW 261 1 577400 Licence Reference: WR/7-064/L (SE) 108450 Site Location: John's Autospares, Unit 1; Bridge Way, St Leonards on Sea, HASTINGS, East Sussex, TN38 8AP Operator Location: As Site Address Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Sussex Area Site Category: Scrapyard Max Input Rate: Very Small (Less than 10,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Licence revokedRevoked Dated: 18th October 1996 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Max.Waste Permitted By Licence Private & Light Goods Vehicles Prohibited Waste Waste N.O.S.

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Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites 72 Licence Holder: Hastings B.C. A9NW 521 1 577627 Licence Reference: 027 (E) 108614 Site Location: Depot At Bulverhythe Road, Hastings, East Sussex Operator Location: 44 Wellington Square, Hastings, East Sussex Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Sussex Area Site Category: Baling - Compaction Max Input Rate: Very Small (Less than 10,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Licence lapsed/cancelled/defunct/not applicable/surrenderedCancelled Dated: 1st July 1977 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Positioned by the supplier Boundary Quality: Good Authorised Waste Waste Paper & Card Environment Agency Waste N.O.S must give specific authorisation for this waste to be acceptedWaste requires prior approval

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Control of Major Accident Hazards Sites (COMAH) 73 Name: Haven Leisure Ltd A14NE 774 4 577722 Location: Combe Haven Holiday, Harley Shute, ST. LEONARDS-ON-SEA, East (NE) 109137 Sussex, TN38 8BZ Reference: Not Supplied Type: Lower Tier Status: Record Ceased To Be Supplied Under COMAH Regulations Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Notification of Installations Handling Hazardous Substances (NIHHS) 74 Name: Haven Leisure Ltd A14SE 823 4 577846 Location: Combe Haven Holiday Park, Harley Shute, St Leonards-On-Sea, ST. (E) 108881 LEONARDS-ON-SEA, East Sussex, TN38 8BZ Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned in the proximity of the address Planning Hazardous Substance Consents 75 Name: Haven Warner Ltd A14SE 824 5 577846 Location: Combe Haven Holiday Park, Harley Shute Road, St Leonards On Sea, East (E) 108886 Sussex, Tn38 8bz Authority: Hastings Borough Council, Planning Services Application Ref: HS/HZ/92/00486 Hazardous Part C, Flammable Substance (Not in Parts A&B), Liquefied petroleum gas Substance: held at >1.4 bar where amount held is greater than or equal to 25 tonnes Maximum Quantity: 88 Application date: 21st September 1992 Decision: Deemed consent granted between June 1992 and November 1992Granted Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location

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BGS 1:625,000 Solid Geology Description: Hastings Beds A4SW 0 6 577599 (SE) 107546 Coal Mining Affected Areas In an area which may not be affected by coal mining Potential for Collapsible Ground Stability Hazards No Hazard Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A13SE 0 6 577025 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (E) 108728 Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Moderate A8NE 0 6 577100 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (SE) 108600 Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Very Low A13SE 0 6 577025 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (E) 108728 Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Moderate A13NW 78 6 576875 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (N) 109075 Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A8SE 143 6 577200 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (SE) 108300 Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A8SE 151 6 577150 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (S) 108275 Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A8SE 154 6 577250 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (SE) 108325 Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A8SE 158 6 577275 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (SE) 108350 Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A8SE 175 6 577100 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (S) 108250 Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A8SE 194 6 577325 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (SE) 108375 Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A8SE 202 6 577075 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (S) 108225 Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Moderate A8NW 218 6 576700 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (W) 108700 Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A8SE 239 6 577025 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (S) 108200 Potential for Ground Dissolution Stability Hazards No Hazard Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Low A13SW 0 6 576900 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (NW) 108975 Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Very Low A13SW 0 6 576900 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (NW) 108975 Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Low A8SE 156 6 577225 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (SE) 108300 Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Low A8SE 156 6 577175 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (S) 108275

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Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Low A8SE 172 6 577275 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (SE) 108325 Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Low A8SE 175 6 577125 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (S) 108250 Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Low A8SE 203 6 577325 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (SE) 108350 Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Low A8SE 227 6 577050 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (S) 108200 Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Very Low A13SW 0 6 576900 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (NW) 108975 Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A13SW 0 6 576900 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (NW) 108975 Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A8SE 143 6 577200 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (SE) 108300 Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A8SE 151 6 577150 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (S) 108275 Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A8SE 154 6 577250 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (SE) 108325 Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Moderate A8SE 156 6 577225 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (SE) 108300 Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A8SE 158 6 577275 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (SE) 108350 Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A8SE 175 6 577100 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (S) 108250 Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A8SE 194 6 577325 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (SE) 108375 Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A8SE 202 6 577075 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (S) 108225 Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A12SE 206 6 576650 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (NW) 108900 Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A13SW 208 6 576700 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (W) 108725 Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A8SE 239 6 577025 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (S) 108200 Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A12SE 240 6 576650 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (W) 108750 Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Low A13SE 0 6 577025 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (E) 108728 Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Low A13SW 0 6 576900 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (NW) 108975 Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A13SE 0 6 577025 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (E) 108728 Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Date: 05-Feb-2008 rpr_ec_datasheet v31.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 32 of 42 Geological

Quadrant Estimated Map Reference Details Distance Contact NGR ID (Compass Direction) From Site

Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A13NW 192 6 576875 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (N) 109200 Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Low A12SE 240 6 576650 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (W) 108750 Radon Potential - Radon Affected Areas Affected Area: The property is not in a radon affected area, as less than 1% of homes are A4NW 0 6 577425 above the action level (SE) 107875 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Radon Potential - Radon Protection Measures Protection Measure: No radon protective measures are necessary in the construction of new A4NW 0 6 577425 dwellings or extensions (SE) 107875 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Shallow Mining Hazards Risk: Low A13SW 0 6 576753 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (NW) 108859 Shallow Mining Hazards Risk: Low A13SW 67 6 576753 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (NW) 108859

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Quadrant Estimated Map Reference Details Distance Contact NGR ID (Compass Direction) From Site

Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 76 Name: Coastal Cleaning Services A8NE 42 - 577172 Location: 422, Bexhill Road, St. Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN38 8AS (SE) 108459 Classification: Cleaning Services - Commercial Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 76 Name: A Cut Above A8NE 67 - 577195 Location: 416, Bexhill Road, St. Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN38 8AS (SE) 108470 Classification: Waste Disposal Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 77 Name: Refrigeration Services A8SE 54 - 577102 Location: 481, Bexhill Road, ST. LEONARDS-ON-SEA, East Sussex, TN38 8AT (S) 108379 Classification: Refrigerators & Freezers - Servicing & Repairs Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 78 Name: Biffa Waste Services Ltd A13NW 64 - 576918 Location: Freshfields, Bexhill Road, St. Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN38 8AY (N) 109079 Classification: Waste Disposal Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 78 Name: Reprotech (Pebsham) Ltd A13NW 64 - 576918 Location: Freshfields, Bexhill Road, St. Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN38 8AY (N) 109079 Classification: Waste Disposal Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 79 Name: Coleman Construction & Utilities Rail Division A9NW 249 - 577389 Location: Unit 2, Bridgeway, St. Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN38 8AP (SE) 108430 Classification: Railways Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 79 Name: Elva Recovery A9NW 257 - 577396 Location: Unit 5, Bridgeway, St. Leonards-on-sea, East Sussex, TN38 8AP (SE) 108415 Classification: Car Breakdown & Recovery Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 80 Name: Auto Agents A8SW 259 - 576937 Location: 498-500, Bexhill Road, St. Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN38 8AY (S) 108253 Classification: Car Dealers - Used Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 81 Name: M-Tech Bodyshop A9NW 296 - 577418 Location: 2, Bridgeway, St. Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN38 8AP (SE) 108530 Classification: Car Body Repairs Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 81 Name: Bridgeway A9NW 308 - 577441 Location: Unit 4, Bridgeway, St. Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN38 8AP (SE) 108495 Classification: Cabinet Makers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 81 Name: Bridgeway Cabinet Makers Ltd A9NW 308 - 577441 Location: Unit 4, Bridgeway, St. Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN38 8AP (SE) 108495 Classification: Furniture - Reproduction Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 81 Name: Saunders Abbott A9NW 314 - 577440 Location: Bridgeway, St Leonards On Sea, East Sussex, TN38 8AP (SE) 108524 Classification: Garage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location

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Quadrant Estimated Map Reference Details Distance Contact NGR ID (Compass Direction) From Site

Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 81 Name: Performance Automotive A9NW 319 - 577448 Location: Unit 5,Bridgeway, St. Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN38 8AP (SE) 108514 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 82 Name: M Pulman A9NW 307 - 577444 Location: Unit 3 Bridgeway Ind Est, St. Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN38 8AP (SE) 108474 Classification: Car Customisation & Conversion Specialists Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 82 Name: Panther Motors A9NW 309 - 577449 Location: Unit 7, Bridgeway, St. Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN38 8AP (SE) 108438 Classification: Garage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 83 Name: Senlac Property Services A8SW 312 - 576814 Location: 26, Bexleigh Avenue, St. Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN38 8BB (SW) 108374 Classification: Cleaning Services - Domestic Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 84 Name: A S Cleaners A8SW 312 - 576926 Location: 559, Bexhill Road, St. Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN38 8AX (S) 108189 Classification: Cleaning Services - Domestic Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 85 Name: Complete Cleaning Services A8SW 400 - 576769 Location: 64, Bexleigh Avenue, St. Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN38 8BB (SW) 108255 Classification: Commercial Cleaning Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 86 Name: Motorhaven Peugeot A9NW 416 - 577511 Location: Haven Service Station, 323, Bexhill Road, St. Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, (E) 108618 TN38 8AJ Classification: Car Dealers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 87 Name: Terrain Vehicles A9NW 482 - 577547 Location: 312a, Bexhill Road, St. Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN38 8AL (E) 108693 Classification: Garage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Fuel Station Entries 88 Name: Hastings Service Station A14SE 713 - 577753 Location: 286 Bexhill Road, St. Leonards-On-Sea, East Sussex, TN38 8BH (E) 108805 Brand: MURCO Premises Type: Petrol Station Status: Open Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Fuel Station Entries 89 Name: Glyne Gap Service Station A2NE 805 - 576437 Location: Hastings Road, BEXHILL-ON-SEA, East Sussex, TN40 2JU (SW) 108018 Brand: ESSO Premises Type: Petrol Station Status: Open Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Quadrant Estimated Map Reference Details Distance Contact NGR ID (Compass Direction) From Site

Local Nature Reserves 90 Name: Filsham Reed Beds A19SW 781 7 577634 Multiple Area: N (NE) 109404 Area (m2): 214500.84 Source: Hastings Borough Council Designation Date: Not Supplied Sites of Special Scientific Interest 91 Name: Combe Haven A19SW 675 8 577491 Multiple Area: Y (NE) 109430 Area (m2): 1491339.6 Source: Natural England Reference: 1001853 Designation Details: Local Nature Reserve Designation Date: 1st October 1984 Date Type: Notified Designation Details: Local Wildlife Trust Reserve Designation Date: 1st October 1984 Date Type: Notified

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Agency & Hydrological Version Update Cycle

Contaminated Land Register Entries and Notices Hastings Borough Council - Environmental Health Department August 2007 Annual Rolling Update Rother District Council - Community Services August 2007 Annual Rolling Update Council - Environmental Health Department June 2007 Annual Rolling Update Discharge Consents Environment Agency - Southern Region October 2007 Quarterly Enforcement and Prohibition Notices Environment Agency - Southern Region January 2008 As notified Integrated Pollution Controls Environment Agency - Southern Region January 2008 Quarterly Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control Environment Agency - Southern Region October 2007 Quarterly Local Authority Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control Wealden District Council - Environmental Health Department January 2008 Annual Rolling Update Hastings Borough Council - Environmental Health Department November 2007 Annual Rolling Update Rother District Council - Environmental Health Department November 2007 Annual Rolling Update Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls Hastings Borough Council - Environmental Health Department November 2007 Annual Rolling Update Rother District Council - Environmental Health Department November 2007 Annual Rolling Update Wealden District Council - Environmental Health Department October 2006 Annual Rolling Update Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Enforcements Wealden District Council - Environmental Health Department January 2008 Annual Rolling Update Hastings Borough Council - Environmental Health Department November 2007 Annual Rolling Update Rother District Council - Environmental Health Department November 2007 Annual Rolling Update Nearest Surface Water Feature Ordnance Survey October 2007 Quarterly Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters Environment Agency - Southern Region December 1999 Not Applicable Prosecutions Relating to Authorised Processes Environment Agency - Southern Region January 2008 As notified Prosecutions Relating to Controlled Waters Environment Agency - Southern Region January 2008 As notified Registered Radioactive Substances Environment Agency - Southern Region October 2007 Quarterly River Quality Environment Agency - Head Office November 2001 Not Applicable River Quality Biology Sampling Points Environment Agency - Head Office September 2007 Annually River Quality Chemistry Sampling Points Environment Agency - Head Office October 2006 Annually Substantiated Pollution Incident Register Environment Agency - Southern Region - Sussex Area January 2008 Quarterly Water Abstractions Environment Agency - Southern Region October 2007 Quarterly Water Industry Act Referrals Environment Agency - Southern Region January 2008 Quarterly Groundwater Vulnerability Environment Agency - Head Office January 1999 Not Applicable Drift Deposits Environment Agency - Head Office January 1999 Not Applicable Source Protection Zones Environment Agency - Head Office April 2005 Variable

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Agency & Hydrological Version Update Cycle

Extreme Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Environment Agency - Head Office October 2007 Quarterly Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Environment Agency - Head Office October 2007 Quarterly Areas Benefiting from Flood Defences Environment Agency - Head Office October 2007 Quarterly Flood Water Storage Areas Environment Agency - Head Office October 2007 Quarterly Flood Defences Environment Agency - Head Office October 2007 Quarterly

Waste Version Update Cycle

BGS Recorded Landfill Sites British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service June 1996 Not Applicable Historical Landfill Sites Environment Agency - Southern Region - Sussex Area October 2007 As notified Integrated Pollution Control Registered Waste Sites Environment Agency - Southern Region October 2007 Quarterly Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Landfill Boundaries) Environment Agency - Southern Region - Sussex Area November 2007 Quarterly Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) Environment Agency - Southern Region - Sussex Area November 2007 Quarterly Local Authority Landfill Coverage East Sussex County Council - Waste Management Group May 2000 Not Applicable Hastings Borough Council - Planning Services May 2000 Not Applicable Rother District Council - Environmental Health Department May 2000 Not Applicable Wealden District Council - Environmental Health Department May 2000 Not Applicable Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites Wealden District Council - Environmental Health Department December 2004 Not Applicable East Sussex County Council - Waste Management Group May 2000 Not Applicable Hastings Borough Council - Planning Services May 2000 Not Applicable Rother District Council - Environmental Health Department May 2000 Not Applicable Registered Landfill Sites Environment Agency - Southern Region - Sussex Area March 2003 Not Applicable Registered Waste Transfer Sites Environment Agency - Southern Region - Sussex Area March 2003 Not Applicable Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites Environment Agency - Southern Region - Sussex Area March 2003 Not Applicable

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Hazardous Substances Version Update Cycle

Control of Major Accident Hazards Sites (COMAH) Health and Safety Executive October 2007 Bi-Annually Explosive Sites Health and Safety Executive August 2007 Bi-Annually Notification of Installations Handling Hazardous Substances (NIHHS) Health and Safety Executive November 2000 Not Applicable Planning Hazardous Substance Enforcements Rother District Council July 2007 Annual Rolling Update Wealden District Council July 2007 Annual Rolling Update East Sussex County Council - Development Minerals & Waste September 2007 Annual Rolling Update Hastings Borough Council - Planning Services September 2007 Annual Rolling Update Planning Hazardous Substance Consents Rother District Council July 2007 Annual Rolling Update Wealden District Council July 2007 Annual Rolling Update East Sussex County Council - Development Minerals & Waste September 2007 Annual Rolling Update Hastings Borough Council - Planning Services September 2007 Annual Rolling Update

Geological Version Update Cycle

BGS Recorded Mineral Sites British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service October 2007 Bi-Annually BGS 1:625,000 Solid Geology British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service August 1996 Not Applicable Brine Compensation Areas Cheshire Brine Subsidence Compensation Board November 2002 As notified Coal Mining Affected Areas The Coal Authority - Mining Report Service January 2006 As notified Mining Instability Ove Arup & Partners October 2000 Not Applicable Natural and Mining Cavities Peter Brett Associates December 2005 Variable Potential for Collapsible Ground Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service November 2006 Annually Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service November 2006 Annually Potential for Ground Dissolution Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service November 2006 Annually Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service April 2007 Annually Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service November 2006 Annually Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service November 2006 Annually Radon Potential - Radon Affected Areas British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service May 2007 Annually Radon Potential - Radon Protection Measures British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service May 2007 Annually Shallow Mining Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service August 2002 Not Applicable

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Industrial Land Use Version Update Cycle

Contemporary Trade Directory Entries Thomson Directories November 2007 Quarterly Fuel Station Entries Catalist Ltd - (Fuel Station Data) December 2007 Quarterly

Sensitive Land Use Version Update Cycle

Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty Natural England (formerly The Countryside Agency) November 2006 Annually Environmentally Sensitive Areas Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA - formerly FRCA) June 2006 Annually Forest Parks Forestry Commission April 1997 Not Applicable Local Nature Reserves Wealden District Council January 2000 Variable Hastings Borough Council September 1999 Variable Rother District Council September 1999 Variable Marine Nature Reserves Natural England October 2007 Bi-Annually National Nature Reserves Natural England October 2007 Bi-Annually National Parks Natural England (formerly The Countryside Agency) October 2006 Annually Nitrate Sensitive Areas Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA - formerly FRCA) December 2003 Not Applicable Nitrate Vulnerable Zones Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA - formerly FRCA) May 2007 Annually Ramsar Sites Natural England October 2007 Bi-Annually Sites of Special Scientific Interest Natural England October 2007 Bi-Annually Special Areas of Conservation Natural England October 2007 Bi-Annually Special Protection Areas Natural England October 2007 Bi-Annually

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A selection of organisations who provide data within this report

Data Supplier Data Supplier Logo

Ordnance Survey

Environment Agency

Scottish Environment Protection Agency

The Coal Authority

British Geological Survey

Centre for Ecology and Hydrology

Countryside Council for Wales

Scottish Natural Heritage

Natural England

Health Protection Agency

Ove Arup

Peter Brett Associates

Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Date: 05-Feb-2008 rpr_ec_datasheet v31.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 41 of 42 Useful Contacts

Contact Name and Address Contact Details

1 Environment Agency - National Customer Contact Telephone: 08708 506 506 Centre (NCCC) Email: [email protected] PO Box 544, Templeborough, Rotherham, S60 1BY

2 Hastings Borough Council - Environmental Health Telephone: 01424 781066 Department Fax: 01424 781608 Website: Century House, 100 Menzies Road, St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex, TN38 9BB

3 East Sussex County Council - Waste Management Telephone: 01273 481000 Group Website: St. Annes Crescent, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1UE

4 Health and Safety Executive Telephone: 08701 545500 Fax: 02920 859260 HSE Infoline, Caerphilly Business Park, Caerphilly, CF83 3GG Email: [email protected] Website:

5 Hastings Borough Council - Planning Services Telephone: 01424 781066 Fax: 01424 781608 Century House, Menzies Road, St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex, TN38 Website: 9BB

6 British Geological Survey - Enquiry Service Telephone: 0115 936 3143 Fax: 0115 936 3276 British Geological Survey, Kingsley Dunham Centre, Keyworth, Nottingham, Email: [email protected] Nottinghamshire, NG12 5GG Website:

7 Hastings Borough Council Telephone: 01424 781066 Fax: 01424 781608 27 Wellington Square, Queens Road, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 1PL Website:

8 Natural England Telephone: 0845 600 3078 Fax: 01733 455103 Northminster House, Northminster Road, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, Email: [email protected] PE1 1UA Website:

9 Rother District Council - Environmental Health Telephone: 01424 787878 Department Fax: 01424 217869 Website: 14 Beeching Road, Bexhill-on-sea, East Sussex, TN39 3LG

- Health Protection Agency - Radon Survey, Centre for Telephone: 01235 822622 Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards Fax: 01235 833891 Email: [email protected] Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0RQ Website:

- Landmark Information Group Limited Telephone: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 The Smith Centre, Henley On Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 6AB Email: [email protected] Website:

Please note that the Environment Agency / SEPA have a charging policy in place for enquiries.

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Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Plot Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 2 of 2 Site Sensitivity Map - Segment A8

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Plot Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 1 of 2 Site Sensitivity Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 1 of 3 For Borehole information please refer to the Borehole .csv file which accompanied this slice.

A copy of the BGS Borehole Ordering Form is available to download from the Support section of

Borehole Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 3 of 3 Flood Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax: 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 2 of 3 Groundwater Vulnerability - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 1 of 3 Source Protection Zones - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax 0870 850 6671 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v29.0 05-Feb-2008 Page 2 of 3 Sensitive Land Uses - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 24255638_1_1 Customer Ref: Pebsham National Grid Reference: 577010, 108730 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 3.48 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Pebsham Household Waste site, Pebsham, East Sussex

Tel: 0870 850 6670 Fax 0870 850 6671 Web:

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