CASE 0:09-Cv-00847-RHK-JJK Document 60 Filed 03/01/10 Page 1 of 72
CASE 0:09-cv-00847-RHK-JJK Document 60 Filed 03/01/10 Page 1 of 72 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF MINNESOTA Steven B. Cummings, an individual; Civ. No. 09-847 (RHK/JJK) John Gardiner, an individual; John Gardiner, as Custodian for Max A. Gardiner; John Gardiner, as Custodian for Paige M. Gardiner; John Gardiner, as Custodian for Jake W. Gardiner; David J. Gartner Profit Sharing Account; Gregory T. Hegwood, an individual; Blake Johnson, LLC, a limited liability company; Bryant Johnson, an individual; Peter Johnson, an individual; Craig Mandery, an individual; Joseph H. Ryan, an individual; Sandra M. Ryan, an individual; Ellen DaHaven (Peterson), as the beneficial owner and real party in interest of her Individual Retirement Account; Joseph Dziedzic, an individual; David J. Gartner, REPORT AND as beneficial ow[n]er and real party in RECOMMENDATION interest of his Profit Sharing Plan; David J. Gartner, an individual; Stephen R. Gulbrandsen, as the beneficial owner and real party in interest of his Profit Sharing Plan; J. Evan Johnson, as the beneficial owner and real party in interest of his Individual Retirement Accou[n]t; R. Thomas Lane, an individual; Elizabeth J. Lane, as the beneficial owner and real party in interest of her Individual Retirement Account; Mark R. Omlie, husband; JoAnn Omlie, wife; Gregory V. O'Toole, as the beneficial owner and real party in interest of his Individual Retirement Account; Guy M. Peterson, as the beneficial owner and real party in interest of his Individual Retirement Account; Jeffrey M. Petrick, as the CASE 0:09-cv-00847-RHK-JJK Document 60 Filed 03/01/10 Page 2 of 72 beneficial owner and real party in interest of his Individual Retirement Account; Sally A.
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