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Author: Heinen, R. Title: Soil legacy effects on aboveground plant- interactions Issue Date: 2019-12-04

Chapter 8

Chapter 8




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Heinen, R., Biere, A., Zhu, F., Van der Sluijs, M., Schrieks, J. & Bezemer, T.M., (submitted). Dissecting the effects of plant traits of conditioning and responding species on plant-soil feedbacks

Heinen, R., Van der Sluijs, M., Zhu, F., Schrieks, J., Biere, A., & Bezemer, T.M. (in preparation a). Dissecting the effects of plant traits of conditioning and responding species on plant-soil feedbacks and cascading effects on aboveground insect herbivores.



Heinen, R., Hiddes-De Fries, J., Vandenbrande, S., Steinauer, K., Jongen, R., & Bezemer, T.M. (in preparation b) Herbivore- induced soil legacy effects alter subsequent plant-insect interactions in a grassland community.

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