Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03789-2 — the Cambridge History of Music Criticism Edited by Christopher Dingle Index More Information

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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03789-2 — the Cambridge History of Music Criticism Edited by Christopher Dingle Index More Information Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03789-2 — The Cambridge History of Music Criticism Edited by Christopher Dingle Index More Information Index À Nous Paris, 669 547, 558, 580, 607, 610, 613, 615, A zene [Music], 434, 435 616, 656 Abbiati, Franco, 621 affections (as opposed to imitation), 95 ABC, 339 African American critics. See black critics Abendpost, Die, 598 African American press, 460, 461, 682–4 Abendroth, Walter, 420–1 Afro-American, 682 Ablaze!, 514 Aftenposten, 400, 401 Abrams, Muhal Richard, 478 Against Modern Opera Productions, 607 Ábrányi, Kornél, Sr, 424, 431, agents, 162, 191, 195, 199, 200, 245, 406, 433 543, 548, 552, 650, 673 academia and music criticism, 137, 154, 175, Agobard of Lyons, 10 184, 189, 196, 202, 204, 215, 236, Agostini, Roberto, 627 331, 332, 333, 336, 339, 342, 352–5, Ahle, Johann Georg, 107, 108, 112 369, 374, 379, 403, 404, 428, 431, Ainsworth, William Harrison, 156 433, 435, 436, 443, 446, 459, 502, Aïssé, Charlotte, 79 503, 517, 525, 526, 542, 572, 574, Aksiuk, Sergei, 584 575, 577, 578, 581, 582, 583, 590, Alaleona, Domenico, 614 609, 610, 612, 617, 634–5, 684 Albion (New York), 294, 301 academicism, 155, 162, 223, 374 Album musical, L’, 312 Académie française, 62, 65, 66 Aldrich, Richard, 313 Académie royale de la musique, 62, 64, 65, Alexander II, Tsar, 215 66, 70, 73, 80 All’Opera!, 625 Academy of Ancient Music, 98 Allen, Cleveland, 683 Academy of Music (Hungary), 433 Allen, Henry ‘Red’, 470 Acta eruditorum, 109–10 Allgemeine Deutscher Musikverein, 182 Adams, Sean, 515 Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung, Die (AMZ), Adderley, Julian ‘Cannonball’, 466 104, 124, 170, 236, 237, 277, Addicted to Noise, 515 427, 437 Addison, Joseph see also Spectator, The, Allon, Henry Erskine, 156 91–2, 93 Alsager, Thomas Massa, 152, 156, 165 Adé, King Sunny, 531 Alsop, Marin, 281 Adelhard, Saint, 15 alternative press (US), 688–90 Adler, Guido, 443 Álvarez, Marcelo, 606 Adler, Victor, 414, 415 Amadeus, 622 Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund, 591, 594, Ambros, August Wilhelm, 224 599, 621 Amelli, Guerrino, 613 aesthetics, 26, 30, 31, 35, 71, 83, 84, 94, 96, American Music Lover (later American Record 119, 131, 133, 135, 146, 151, 152, Guide), 252, 685 171, 172, 174, 187, 192, 204, 221, American Musicological Society, 684 223, 224, 233, 237, 319, 340, 403, American Transcendentalism, 301–2, 303 408, 410, 411, 433, 435, 444, 445, Amis, John, 631, 632, 633, 634 475, 481, 489, 492, 496, 499, 502, Ammons, Gene, 480 [789] © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03789-2 — The Cambridge History of Music Criticism Edited by Christopher Dingle Index More Information 790 Index Amore è un dardo, L’, 625 Asafyev, Boris, 574, 575, 579, 583 Amphion, 326 A Book about Stravinsky, 574 Analisi: Rivista di Teoria e Pedagogia Flames of Paris, 575 musicale, 622 Assante, Ernesto, 627 Analytical Review, The, 102 Associated Negro Press, 461 Ancients and Moderns, Quarrel of the, 97–8 Association de la critique dramatique et André, Yves-Marie, 66, 71 musicale, 348 Andy Kirk, 460 Association of Contemporary Music (ASM), Anglès, Higinio, 332 573, 575 Année littéraire, L’,78 Atalaia nacional dos teatros, 322 anonymity. See critics: authorship Atalaya, 488, 492, 493 Anschluss of Austria, 269, 408, 601 Athenaeum, 160, 162, 167 Antheil, George, 596, 673 Atlantic Monthly, 466 anti-modernism, 365, 412, 496, 598, 601 Atlas, 166 anti-Semitism, 187, 189, 411–12, 420, Auber, Daniel, 354 421–2, 595, 601–2, 634 La muette de Portici, 323 Anwar, Rydwan, 550 Aubert, Louis, 659 Apollo (Hungary), 434 Aubin, Tony, 654 Apple Daily, 556 audiences, 29, 45, 48, 55, 59, 63, 65, 68, 69, Approdo musicale, L’, 623 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 78, 79, 91, 106, Aprahamian, Felix, 632, 633, 634 122, 154, 159, 167, 169, 171, 184, Apthorp, William Foster, 303, 305, 306 186, 190, 194, 195, 200, 214, 267, Aranovsky, Mark, 583 295, 301, 307, 322, 341, 342, 347, Arbeiderbladet, 403 356, 359, 367, 368, 369, 444, 459, Arbeiter-Zeitung, 414, 416, 417, 419, 603 460, 474, 513, 541, 551, 555, 572, Archer, Thomas, 312 573, 574, 600, 612, 626, 637, 649, Aria jazz, 342 653, 658, 683, 687, 688, 699, 700, armonia, L’, 193 702, 703 Armstrong, Louis, 467, 478 Augustine of Hippo, Saint, 25, 27 Arnaud, François, 76 Confessions,28 Aronowitz, Al, 509 De musica,25 Arresti, Giulio Cesare, 51 Aurelian, 15 Arriaga, José de, 324 Auric, Georges, 351, 352, 673 Arroio, António, 324 Austrian State Treaty, 601, 602–3 Arruga, Lorenzo, 622 Austro-German tradition, 232, 237, 239–40, Ars et labor, 195 365, 491, 678 Ars nova (Italian journal), 614 Austro-Prussian war, 183 ars nova (polyphony), 34, 35 authenticity (integrity), 233, 243, 246, 248, Art Ensemble of Chicago, 473, 477 282, 283, 439, 465, 500, 510, 521–3, Art et critique, 348 526, 528, 533–6, 537, 538, 539, 572 Art musical, L’, 353 authenticity (performance). See historically anti-Wagner stance, 359 informed performance arte melodrammatica, L’, 195 authorship. See critics: authorship Arte musical, 329 Avanti!, 620 Arte musical, A (J. M. Barreto), 326 Avesgaud, bishop of Le Mans, 14 Arte musical, A (M. A. Lambertini), 326 Avison, Charles, 81, 95–7, 99 Arte musical, A (Montepio Filarmónico), 326 Essay on Musical Expression, 81, 95–7 Arte musical, A (new series), 327 Axle Quarterly, 507 Arte pianistica, L’, 613, 614, 622 Ayler, Albert, 471, 473, 479 Arts Desk, The, 647, 695 Ayrton, William, 151, 156, 159, 164–5, 167 Arts Journal, 691 Arts Spectacles, 659, 660 Babbitt, Milton, 686, 689 Artusi, Giovanni Maria, 38, 49, 51 Baby, Yvonne, 663 As farpas, 324 Bacarisse, Salvador, 334 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03789-2 — The Cambridge History of Music Criticism Edited by Christopher Dingle Index More Information Index 791 Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, 112 Basevi, Abramo, 193, 611 Phillis und Thirsis, 122 Basie, Count, 460, 461, 467, 469 Bach, David Josef, 414, 415, 416, 417, Basner, Veniamin, 584 418, 420 Bastianelli, Giannotto, 204, 206, 614 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 112, 115, 119, 123, Batashev, Alexei, 586 151, 153, 167, 179, 211, 257, 375, Batista, Fulgencio, 488 435, 463 Batteux, Charles, 72 Cello Suites, 269 Battle of the Books, the, 97 Goldberg Variations, 250 Baudelaire, Charles, 500 St Matthew Passion, 374 Baughan, Edward A., 154, 155, 167 Wohltemperierte Clavier, 123 Bayreuth, 308, 350, 422, 591 Bache, Constance, 156 Bayreuther Blätter, 324, 423 Bachtrack, 647 Bayreuther Bund, 422 Bacon, Richard Mackenzie, 151, 156, BBC, 259, 266, 507, 633, 635, 636, 637 157, 160 BBC Proms, 281, 633, 695, 702 Baez, Joan, 282 Desert Island Discs, 631 Bagge, Selmar, 186 Juke Box Jury, 697 Bailey Seymour, Charles C., 299 Radio 3, 265, 266, 270, 531, 633, 636, Bailey, Mildred, 462 697 Baker, Chet, 403 Record Review, 265, 266, 270, 636, 697 Baker, Janet, 280 BBC Music Magazine, 264, 265, 266, 267, Baker, Josephine, 366, 491 637, 647, 695, 697, 701 Bakst, Léon, 491 Beard, David, 233, 234, 236 Balilla Pratella, Francesco, 625 Beat, 402 Ballets Russes, 367, 491 Beat Instrumental (formerly Beat Balliett, Whitney, 466, 470, 472, 473, 477 Monthly), 506 Ballo, Ferdinando, 616 Beatles, The, 242–3, 263, 502, 506, 507, 514, Ballo, Ivan, 450, 451 644, See also Lennon, John; Ballola, Giovanni Carli, 621, 627 McCartney, Paul Balther of Säckingen, 13 ‘I Want to Hold Your Hand’, 243 Baltimore Sun, 286 Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, Balzac, Honoré de, 140 263, 644 Bambini, Eustacchio, 73, 74 The Beatles (The White Album), 263 Banfi, Antonio, 617 Beattie, James, 95 Bangs, Lester, 503, 509, 521 Beaux-Arts, 654 Baraka, Amiri (formerly LeRoi Jones), 461, Beaverbrook, Lord, 638 466, 468, 471–3 Bechet, Sidney, 465 Black Music, 471–2 Bedford, Arthur, 85 Blues People, 471, 472, 473 Beecham, Thomas, 633 Barban, Evgenii, 586 Beer, Johann, 107, 117 Barbieri, Guido, 326, 622 Der simplicianische Welt-Kucker, 107 Bardi, Giovanni, 47, 48, 50 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 129, 142, 144, Baricco, Alessandro, 625, 627 150, 152, 164–6, 167, 173, 174, Barilli, Bruno, 617 175, 176, 178, 183, 187, 194, 211, Barnett, Morris, 160 236–9, 241, 276, 300, 301, 302, 303, Barreyre, Jean, 659 308, 324, 357, 362, 363, 386, 387, Barrington-Coupe, William, 268 388, 389, 416, 421, 435, 574, Barry, Charles Ainslie (‘C. A. B.’), 154, 155 596, 600 Bartók, Béla, 314, 328, 418, 424, 434, 435, Fidelio, 603 436, 438, 439, 448, 449, 500, 574, French appropriation of, 363 632, 633, 673 Piano Concerto No. 5, ‘Emperor’, 252 Bartoli, Cosimo, 44, 45 Piano Sonata No. 32, Op. 111, 387 Bartoš, František, 447–8 Symphony No. 2, 175, 395 Barvík, Miroslav, 452 Symphony No. 3, ‘Eroica’, 300 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03789-2 — The Cambridge History of Music Criticism Edited by Christopher Dingle Index More Information 792 Index Beethoven (cont.) Besant, Walter, 159 Symphony No. 5, 176–7, 236, 415 Beuve-Méry, Hubert, 661 Symphony No. 6, 164–5 Bevir, Mark, 150 Symphony No. 9, 162, 165, 238, 269, 350, Bewley, William, 101, See also Monthly 363, 416 Review, The Béhague, Gerard, 484 Beydts, Louis, 659 Bekker, Paul, 388 Beyle, Marie-Henri. See Stendhal Belafonte, Harry, 529 Bhatt, V. M., 535, 536 Belinsky, Vissarion, 208, 211, 581 Biaggi, Girolamo Alessandro, 611 Bell, Clive, 384 Bianconi, Giuseppina La Face, 627 Bell, H. P., 312 bias, 44, 101, 190, 198–9, 205, 209, 220, 280, Bella, Ján, 445 290, 306, 356, 374, 383, 385, 388, Bella, Rudolf, 418 419, 552, 679, 682, 686 Bellaigue, Camille, 362 Bible, the, 13, 86 Bellingardi, Luigi, 621 Bidon, Antonio,
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