Pre- & Prevention Sixth Paediatric Trauma Conference Clinical Education Centre, City Hospital, Friday May 4 th

Kids Trauma Conference 2012 is a multidisciplinary scientific & educational meeting for Therapists, Nurses, Doctors, Researchers, ACC staff, Policy Analysts & all workers in the fields of injury treatment, rehabilitation, research & prevention.

Guest speakers: Dr Tony Bell, Children’s , Starship Kathy Bublitz, Social Worker, Paediatric Intensive Care Unit & Children’s Emergency Dept. Julie Chambers, Trauma Coordinator, Policy Analyst, Starship Children’s Trauma Service Dr Kathryn Edward, Paediatric Rehabilitation Specialist, Wilson Centre Dr Helen Evans, Starship Gastroenterology Brenda Hughes, Specialist Paediatric Pharmacist, Starship Dr Eewei Lim, Paediatric Rehabilitation Specialist, Wilson Centre Dr Gabrielle Nuthall, Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, Starship St John Ambulance Simulation Program Mr Richard Wong She, Director National Burns Unit,

REGISTRATION First name Surname


Position / Profession

Organisation Email

Phone Mobile

Special dietary requirement (specify):

Payment: $95.00 Paediatric Surgery & Urology Services Cash or cheque only, please. Room 4.138, level 4 Please make cheques payable to: Starship Children’s Hospital “Auckland District Health Board”. Private Bag 92 024 A receipt will be provided. Auckland New Zealand. Registrations accepted on a first-come basis. Phone: (09) 307 4949 ext 6381 Send registration with payment to: Email: [email protected] Jillian Fleming

PROGRAM (preliminary)

08:30 POWHIRI 08:50 OPENING 09:10 POISONING St Johns Ambulance Set the scene

Tony Bell A case of Tetanus

Helen Evans Paracetamol induced Liver failure and Liver transplant

Brenda Hughes Approach to prevention of poisoning.

Kathy Bublitz The Trauma of Child Trauma in an Intensive Care Unit

10:40 MORNING TEA 11:00 CAR CRASH – HEAD INJURY Simulation Program / St High-speed car crash, multi-trauma, resuscitation Johns Ambulance Gabrielle Nuthall Safe car seats for Bigger Kids

Julie Chambers Starship Car Seat Service

Kathryn Edward & Rehabilitation of a child with a traumatic brain injury Eewei Lim


13:15 BURNS & VULNERABLE ROAD USERS Richard Wong She Burns: Acute Care and Outcome

Sam Burridge Road cyclist versus motor vehicle clash

Mathew Morreau School kids hit by cars



Towards a Child and Youth Trauma Clinical Network

Invited guests

Round table discussion



• You are invited to submit a Poster to display and present at Kids Trauma Conference 2012. • Posters on any topic related to paediatric trauma will be considered. • Posters will be displayed at the conference venue. • An opportunity may be provided to deliver a 1 minute presentation on your poster and answer questions. • The timing of the presentation will likely be during the lunch break and will be confirmed following acceptance. • Authors must be registrants at the meeting to present their paper. • Closure of poster submission: March 31 st • Please email a brief abstract to Jillian Fleming at [email protected] • Please register for the conference


Address: Clinical Education Centre, Level 5 Hospital (ACH) Park Road, Grafton Auckland, New Zealand

Transport: Public transport information available at Buses run along Park Road.

Parking: Public parking at ACH. Staff parking is on-site and in Newmarket.

Accommodation: Newmarket and Parnell are within walking distance or a short taxi ride. See for hotels/motels information. Good quality budget accommodation is available at . Auckland City YHA is within easy walk of ACH, just across Grafton Bridge.

Fee ($95): Includes program, lunch, morning and afternoon tea. The fee is kept to a miniumum through the generous support of sponsors and the pro bono work of the conference organisers. Any surplus goes to the Starship Foundation for the trauma management, research, advocacy and prevention activities of the Children’s Trauma Service


Auckland City Hospital

Level 5 Front Entrance, off Park Road