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The Johns News. St THE JOHNS NEWS. ST. MICHIOA.N. THURSDAY AFTERNOON. DECEMBER 29, 1898. Volume X.—No. 19. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR ! vMifekHi. If Jnds* Daboil b» wuci i—fal, Hwo. A. Wells has iwsBivd to advocate When so tasted and weighed aad a tbe (xuiss of (iovemor Plngree with bia UMful, iBlilHipwtand tboruuKhl.r im* iwitificat# /nmialied thsielor by said greater fervor than ever clnriigr the mm- wsighmau and iaspsrtor, settlement ENnHED THE RACE pMtbU —iflw to tba wbula utato. la aa SOME “RESOLIIES” ing tweivenioBth. WATER IS A FACTOR shall he had and payment made em the HUNTLETARRESTED aura to follow Maalartion. aafbr morrow lAtb day of the month following tbe de ­ Mies Neva Wiilbridge baa reaolveil to livery, for lisets dsiivereil daring the pre. ia to dawn. listen to Imt twenty-ty^ve teiephone c-alls I la the AlaMlactiire vions cgleiMiar montii a check shall be, Aiifioiiiices By mtn Who Will Their of Sugar Captured liy Slwriff Bum aad Judfre Daboil His i at once, instead nf nfty exUls, as lieretce sent by mail to the First Farty, if his j Way*” Next Year, i fore. frooi Beets agunt is not present at Um- fm-turr to ra. j Deputy Qage. Candidacy HID HER FA€E. i-iave the same. j John Chick has msdved not to wear THTAL aoLiraic ur t«b tim Said (’ompan.v shall accefit and pa.vfor { any ixillar under one foot in width here­ said bests four doilam per ton for liests i V m DAT RVUMINO. or Ctrry Oat RdOmis Wlilcii Have It Requires 2,000,000 GAllOOS Located lo a Lomber ransp For the Nomination for Justice after, -xintaining twstre per cent of sugar, luid i Been “Loot Needed.** • • • Day io the Work. a sum pro|iortlnnate to that amount for I Near Homestead. Supreme Court. “Why, what's tbe matter with it?” Dr. I'aiiiier has resolved to try rkxitt’s lieets ixMitulning n greater or less jier j “I elon't know, it looks as if it Kiiiulsion iuid see If he e-annot take on a •«nt of sugar. I If it is apfMsrent to the Comuany at were smoky weatbsr, hut sse how dear Q«araBlne FnraMMd That Tlwy WIH j HtUe rtcwli next year. PaclofT at ■oy City Oats ita Supply I Decay Latlars pal the Offican Ntxl lo tiplf ililt Aaaaraacc from All Part* of any time during a season that tW First { thestars are.” LmI TwUtc I fra« the Loko. i'arty is likeir to fail in fulflUing the ra i TiMir Mm. The abore and kindred remarks were J. T. Millnuui will dint for tbee-oining The Stale. year. Sgys he must ruduce' his e-orpu- j t|uirementa of this contract, either in pra | heard «>ii the street# Tuesday eveninR, imring the ground, plantiiig, growing. ooimeieined by a total eriipse of tbe lenee. They Bare Been Very Solemaly • • • It Nlcht PotsIMy be PeoUbte to Draw it <-ultivating, harvesting, or iMivering moon. Unde BO hetlstoacc When the Hsascefiy ■ostt of Warm Pileads WUl SUum I Uy- fhMi Artcsiaii Wdlt. such beets, the Company may, at it#, There are lota of people who derive a * Thoarhtfhlly Batered Into. Jiieige Merrill has rssnlved to spank ail election, put on a force of men flinid teams i Were ordered oa Hloi. ally by Him. great deal of interesting information naughty e-hildren this nsxt .vear, who and do whatever may be necessary to from iilmanaes, and these arere awniiinir seem inclined to i]uarrsl over the nrop- i-nrry out this contract, deducting the theepectaala; but tbe majority of people ’*De> Mil for eise rvpuliw fnrvgee (be purposs erty their parent# have arcuinnlated ami FI P. Waldron spent a day in liai.v (liy ixwt thereof, with intermt thereon, from Cbna Huntley ia back of tbe bnra at simpl.v thought tbe moon looked e|iieer That you rasttlvM to rifrcl.'l ' left tbeni. lust week and was shown through tbe the purrhaee price of the hcete deliveml; JndiP* Hharman H. Daboil han <‘oii- • • • tbe county jnii. aod then paid no more atteution to it. The dawning of tlie new vear finds Sugar fleet factory. He learned among hut this clause shall in no wa,v absolve Rantrd to allow hia namr to be pnwente«l Thoee who were iroing home from down many men witli inm reeolutiems nwuiy j (i. lecigti i*Mder ha#sworn off w’earttig otlier things that it requlrm almut the First Party from his obliinitions to He sitccesried in einding arrsst for to the comiiiK wtate ••onrentlon. at !>«*. town at H oVIoek bad a chance to view to slaml battle with tlieir insidious foes, ' clothes, ox-er seventeen minutes eiut of 'J.iNNi.iKMi aaJlotie of water a dB.v in the to theCompan.v. tweot.v-five «laTH nod had tbe trsmend- a ver>’ lieaatifol epeptacle. At that lime the “small view* of daily life.’’ With a; style. jirtN'ess of ixinvertiiig the lieet# into Provideil. however, that if the leyrisla ona advHiitnge of sevenii .lays' start of troit. for the nomination for .lu»tki* of the sky was dear and the right side of e»f amiiMir. some of tluwe heroes i • • • I sugar and this featuix- is. of «-ourse, an : ture of the state of Mk-higan shall re- the ofII*x-n*, hut some mighty sbrswtl de ­ the Knpreiiie Tourt. the me Min showed a mae like ml nod the staiiel really for the fray <um I only await { II. J. I’atterseiii has resolved to kuis-k iin|Mirtaiit one in the question of IcMxit- jieal nr amend such art so as to rednee tective sork hy Hlieriff Dana and IJiiiler left a c-laar silvery rrmn-nt. \ few mo ­ tlie apiwarain-e- of tlieir elmiel ixtemy to eiiit the drain law. ling a fai-toiy. The lla.v tSt.v -xim-ern I tlie iMiunty to lie juud by tbe state, or If It hae lieeii know'ii by tin* .liidip* ’** inti- ment# later a doud sweyit aemas the at oiie-v forever e-ffiM-e- it from tliesuHaex* • • • gets its supply from tlie c-ity water i-rih | the le^slatiire sh^l fail to makeappro- riheriff (iagi- resultrxt in his .xtpttire near maD- ar<'quaintanree for Mevenil weeke, roiMUi and bhl the show wlien it wa** at of the- earth. Tlie following an* a few of ' lot-ateil out in tlie iiay. It was allowed ; priation ami to provide for the payment Homestead. Tuesday aftertaMio, und tba its liest, and the edijNie was all off, so tile mild rssnliitions which will stand Dr. Sleight lias sweim eiff moving away fnun Cliiiteiii exiunty. Sa.vs it is to (xuistnirt an inlet pipe, ami given the j of such iNiiinty, tiieii this ixintrart, shall officers arrived hunie with their jinsoner that he wa* i-arefully »'Oiii«iderinir tlie nd- far as Kt. Johns was conoemeel. liy the] e.x|sNiiin> in the- piililit- jiriiit: water without chargi*. It* maintains. ! bevnkl. j giMMl etieiugli for aii.v etne hW*-. last evening, on tbe 7:> ’Ml train from thn viaability of a IIow Iiik hie uam*- to lie time- tbe doud nilied away the tiuMin j ... had ce'iised hlushinu over the incident | • B • CeMintj ’ Clerk Smith Imp* r»xiol%-eii to I east. Hard in thin ronnwiion. and at tbeeam- The- Klertric Light liemni has resolved and was merely c-iiicaged in distnhnting | allow no divom- |ui|M*rs to Is* tileil in his i llunlley struck ont for tbe lumlier miMiiilight as usual. Su|swstilions jsse | tei Is-at the moon this year, eir go out eif | eat nolHtation of w arm fnende in vari- otfte-e tile l■omitlg year, lie says it is not | immiin in northern Michigan, immedi- pie who hadn’t leanieel that an exHijss. exuiimissiein. only a iwid pme til-e*. hut lie feeim seime of I Tba bvnnrh at gr»eo ately after the asaniilt, and wo# a week oua parte of th*- state. Im* dei i«l«l this I was due oxmlied the* old phrase as hliMKl them might Hn- the- huileliiig. Of war so iMWa he *ia«s reacbiiig th*- jilan- where he wna at work w«wk to annouiK'** hie mndiilaev. and a on the moon as inelioHlive of tnnihle ami ... I MA.NYTREASI RES RI R.N'ED Bt-.bin bia pars rc«*i thimra sstssa i when arreste«L He was going under the wen- ejuite sun* that the rosemi presagixl Hsa toe and nauabt w* • hop* ! name of F'rank Wheeler, and thedis- <-lcaii. etroiiK famimiini willliei-ondurted some KTsat disaster. Mayeir Travis has swoni off drawing j ibai •• owl his salary. .Says he will not touch a i IN A KINK HOMK IN KAUl.K TOWN- Htsaiix-of this alias, which was tox-ured Most of the world had an oiiiKirtunity ' 4 AV liana gitts tnsn iiino ‘a siyaaarios* in his liehalf. to view the exHijsie. .Voatraiia was the' cent of it tile coming year. i MM 11'. •bora hy H clever ruse wbk-li the officers are not making public, gave the tip as to his Jndr-of «»ffi«'** laaba onr trnsBas «n*n«a only <-ontinent not elowii in the nliniui- atsd wherealiout#. acs as lieing jiermitted to witness the Su|s.rintcndent Tows hasresolretltlmt The handsome residence of I#»vi Part- piree will lie a rnndidnte for OMilertion, lie will only immp water to those who low, in Lagh*. wa# hnrneil last week, lo- Monday morning Sheriff Dunn and earth jilaying tricks on its satellite.
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