1 KBR-KBX Law of Christian Denominations KBR History Of
KBR-KBX Law of Christian Denominations KBR History of Canon Law ** Class here sources (collected and individual) and general works on the development of Canon law, covering all historic periods to ca. 1900 For Canon law from ca. 1900 on (Pope Pius X, 1903-1914), see KBU Bibliography Including international and national bibliography 2 Bibliography of bibliography. Bibliographical concordances 3 General bibliography 4 Indexes for periodical literature, society publications, collections, etc. Subject bibliography 5 General (Collective) Individual subjects and topics, see the subject Early works, e.g. Repertoria, see the author in the appropriate period 7 Personal bibliography. Canonists. Writers on Canon law (Collective or individual) Catalogs, inventories and guides to manuscripts and incunabula collections in public libraries or archives. By name of the library or archive Including university, museum, cathedral, religious order and other institutional libraries or archives 10 North American, A-Z Including US and Canada 12 Central and South American, A-Z European 14 English, A-Z 14.5 French, A-Z 15 German, A-Z 15.5 Italian, A-Z .A73 Archivio vaticano .B5 Biblioteca apostolica vaticana 16 Spanish and Portuguese, A-Z 17 Other European, A-Z 18 Asian and Pacific, A-Z 19 African and Middle Eastern, A-Z (20) Periodicals, see KB 21 Annuals. Annuaires. Yearbooks e.g. Annuarium historiae conciliorum 1 KBR History of Canon law--Continued 22 Monographic series Kirchenrechtliche Abhandlungen Theses ad lauream in iure canonico (Pontificia Universita lateranense) Monographias canonicas Penafort Oesterreichisches Archiv fuer Kirchenrecht Studia Gratiana Official gazette of the Holy See (25) Acta Sanctae Sedis (1865-1904), see KBU Superceded by Acta Apostolicae Sedis (26) Acta Apostolicae Sedis (1908-), see KBU Official acts of the Holy See Including Apostolic constitutions, and decrees of the Roman Curia (27) Bibliography * Early or discontinued collections and compilations Bullaria.
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