1 15 -18 10-- 15 20-- S4 10-- 14 Bif ( an Aggregation of Sluggers Will Commence-Gb6b7li- 8L That at Th
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, '4 THE SALT LAKE TRI BUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 5? 1913. SPORTING SECTIfM- - A FIS EXPECr HARD Jeff Could Umpire the World's Series Now -:-- By "BudK BATTLE THIS WEEK Stage Set for World's Series Which Begins Tuesday at New York. BOTH TEAMS KEYED UP McGraw Probably Has Better Pitchers, but Hitting Hon-or-s Are With Mack. By W. J. MACBETH. NEW YORK, Oct. 4v The world's aeries is with ub once again. On Tues- day the Giants and .Athletics hook up in the first scrap of the annual dia- 1 ' " mond classic Both are worthy of the great honor and capable of Riving a rery good account irrespective of vic- r tory. As the popular pastimo on the eve of such an event is to prophecy tho AMD tWBN viHtN , SLPrfA (" AKt) TH6N 1 SHOOT lY - " WL'1 I an oar V v.cLP" result, the writer will stick in f " while the going is good. I think tho Giants should win, though I would jiot advise any of my friends to bet. too hcavilv on the opinion. Closest ob- dis- ' : ; servation of the prospective rivals : --- : ' about k. u closes the fact that they are just - as evenly matched as any pair that jr- Ad ""Bi over grappled for tho highest honors of the pastimo. However, I firmly believe New York ehould win, and win easily, as did the Athletics last time these teams met in 1911. Connie Mack las the stronger club, perhaps, outside the pitchers. But tho craftv pilot of the White Ele- phants, will bo sorely put to it for reliable men. Ho has only two vet- erans, Bender and Plank, capable of shouldering tho burden, with any fair degree of success. These two may or may not be on edge at the present moment. It is a fact that Connio had to work them too much in his fight for the pennant. They have rested up well the past scvofal weeks, but can they como back anywhere near so strong as in 1911? Two Seasoned Pitchers. Certainly the two added years have not improved the cunning of Bender's good right arm or the trickery of Plank's port-sid- e sling. Jack Coombs, who figured so prominently against the Cubs in 1910 and against the Giants in 1911. has passed out so far as next week 's action is concerned. Mack is in identically the same fix as was Mc-Gra- whon'thcy mot before. He has 2-4-1B 10-- 3S 31- -27 18- -23 1-- 5 1524 25 IS 5--14 8 S only two seasoned pitchers. The 12- 'little FOUR MAGNATES ARE 22 8 1519 22--18 -18 -8 'S-- Napoleon has four and a phenomenal -11 28 23 1423 6 1 Z $ i'lH Hl recruit beside Al Demaree, who tops 2810 3 8 2718 810 5 14 6 9 21- -17 18- -24 '."Ic tho National league pitchers. The Two Celebrated Baseball Checkers 2117 811 The Athletics must be regarded hb GAME Hj very dangerous customers. They form Blaefc, F. A, Koyworth. Whiter N. H. 11 15 -18 10-- 15 20-- S4 10-- 14 BiF ( an aggregation of sluggers will commence-gB6B7li- 8l that At th. 25-- IE 23 IB 2925 1811 23 worry the best of pitchers. American 1 8- 11-- a 24 5--14 Hl Generals Who Clash This Week BiB13ii4l ment of a ame - 1216 723 M league rivals this year have scorod HJI'S 2723 25--22 25--19 31- -J7 24- -30 W many runs against the Athletics, but (pl 9 3,ack men occupy -14-- b 1620 48 -B 13--ir Hl0fillBl2 IS 9' 2419 22-- 18 3211 1911 iMrfiffl could not hold in check the willows nlS-'-'K-.- , Hj fl8fclfljpl5Bl6B squares numbered 1 614 1113 27 7--10 of the Mack men, 'I do not thiuk in Evers, Clarke, .. Dooin anH 12 IS 2318 IS H 14 7 ,!" tho Johnson circuit there was such .a CTIiliHSO to 12. The Whlto 15 12 1524 811 3 10 1519' tiB 25 9 23- -1? 20- -25 5734 classy hurling corps as McGraw can Stallings Think Giants men lh0S8 numbered pttch-in- g , 'jTj muster. In such a short series cjp2gKjH to play. 21 32, (a) 1519 here luds tarai H is perhaps the most decisive fac-to- r, to Black al" also goad. - Wwmmm Jtr1 and that,- I figure, should give Will Be Victors. ways moves first (b) Premature and weak: 48 Is ItA JB.!.) the Giants a great chance for the Wfclte""" GAME 15 "KELSO." Y. Black, F. A. Ker worth. White, O. D. BuBeVt Checkers and chess headquarters are at tho 39-- world's championship. 3015 17 18-- b 1115 1710 24 M. C. A., comer o! Flrist South and State 7- S0- BtrgcLs. 24 19 1624 .26-- 33 -14 -36 yMp$ Matty and Rube. PITTSBUItG, Pa., Oct .ri-- Fci. three 16 2720 6--11 26--33 24-- 37 . 25 19 S 11 22--17 27 S2 'JM"?1'M consecutive the world's series has PROBLEM 6. 22--17 18- -37 Mathewson has been pointing .up to--- . 3'ears SOLUTION TO 0 10-- a 3218 1619 JjMsv By Howe. 17-- 8 been won by an American league, but A. C. Brldsowater. 22 0 4 2313 1518 1433 ward this gigantic tussle. The marvel SO, 32. 17- 27-- Black 3. 5. 8, 11. 13. Kind 25. -14 36 8 13- -19 -10 S1 S"!g of tho mound has just completed one this fall the winning, streak of Ban 25- -22 -14 12- -19 7--14 2217 H..L, of his most successful years. Chief Johnson's organization is to be broken. 29- -25 10- -15 81-- lt-- U Meyers told me ul5 the other day he was Is moBtly favored and nfer. j At least, that is the opinion of four (a) 914 sure "Big Six" would be as effective (b) Appears weak; 27-- 34. 11. 2J-- 18. Bi as he was against tho Tted Sox last managers in tho National league, who 17 14. etc. is beat. w'.BFnfc fall. If he is the Athletics will be are enough to say year (c) 22 IS leads to a weak gam tor frank that this 30-- 26. lucky to win off' him. The Old Master (d) Looks like the loser. Ml i.vWC McGraw will pilot his team to viotory-i- 13 23, 2622. 2325, 2217. 1411. should have won every "start 25-- 30-- 36, 16--11, against the banner event. Tho commanders 30. 10, Boston. who are bold enough to pick"th6 Gianfa 2- 4- 27, 3223, 2519, 72, 1115, Wipmjuj j Marquard is a 1-0-7. drawn. H. McKean. greatly improved Cub's, Clarke of game was played at pitcher over 1911, has" are Evers of the the Tho folloivlnff tafKTbi and had the Pirates, Dooln of tho Phillies and 11 club on September 23: .T'IBiL to rank him, as .o.ue of the Stallings of the Boston3. If these men H P II GAME greatest world's series assets of all Black, H. ShaK. While, H. CK think way it is only reasonable to m 9- 10-- 14 35--10 31-- 35 that -13 time. He had all the luck Hug-gin- mm S- "-J- for against -U. g," bolievo that Tinker', Danlen and s 2-1- 17 32--27 27--24 - Boston and turned off two victories. 9 2- -7 19--18 19--23 hold the same opinion. - 7 13- -tl Hi In neither game was he greatly pressed, vic- 2-3-18 27-- 24 24- -U - McGraw, through his successive 1 1 28- -Sl 1- 0- 7 . 1 7- yet times, 1-1- 15 -11 18--13 he was effective at all and f 1 -, tories parent body, has forced 13- 31--27 8--11 11 perform-anc- in the -11 there was lacking in his e 30-- his managers respect his team. lio -15 11- -18 1- 4- 9 35 rival to iQi .Hg.Jft 15- 18- -18 the intense nervousness which 25--21 -9 13- -17 -M This is the third consecutive time ho is 22- "'? marked his work in 1911. Marquard, White 7, IB. IS. 19, 23, 27. Kings 10. 14. -S 25-- 9-- 6 -18 to carry the Btandard of the Rational 13- 17- -22 20-- 24 j filled with White to play and win. 27- -23 -17 confidence, is today at the 10-- S 6- 25- -23 ,'H4(a lcaguo "into the world 'e championship U 17 IS H 1 9 25 23 7 7 IC- -19 .24-- -2 pinnacle of 11- 24- -20 his powers. He is big games. his two preceding attempts 1322 1113 5 H 310 22 U 2- 3-16 IS 23 -15 '"JHT(i In 17- -31 enough and powerful enough to pitch White., wins. 1-2- 19 25--19 20-- 16 l- -ls ho fnilcd to come out with colors flying, 7- JM the entire series- - necessary. can-n- TIlOBLEM 7. "W 2- 4- 16 17--22 IS IS -3 if I is 16- -11 6- but confident of success this time. By K. Grabnra. 1013 55--1S 1- ,Lu: see how the Athletics, who 3.C are The other leaders also think so because Black U, 16. 21. 30-- 25 14-- 32. -9 toss-ing- , 28- -18 j5V, usually easy good 21- 11- for southpaw his team is stronger every depart- White 23, 32; king. 23. White to play and 7- 16 -17 -8 t can possibly stop" in win.