Stage Set for World's Series Which Begins Tuesday at New York.


McGraw Probably Has Better Pitchers, but Hitting Hon-or-s Are With Mack.

By W. J. MACBETH. NEW YORK, Oct. 4v The world's aeries is with ub once again. On Tues- day the Giants and .Athletics hook up in the first scrap of the annual dia- 1 ' " mond classic Both are worthy of the great honor and capable of Riving a rery good account irrespective of vic- r tory. As the popular pastimo on the eve of such an event is to prophecy tho AMD tWBN viHtN , SLPrfA (" AKt) TH6N 1 SHOOT lY - " WL'1 I an oar V v.cLP" result, the writer will stick in f " while the going is good. I think tho Giants should win, though I would jiot advise any of my friends to bet. too hcavilv on the opinion. Closest ob- dis- ' : ; servation of the prospective rivals : --- : ' about k. u closes the fact that they are just - as evenly matched as any pair that jr- Ad ""Bi over grappled for tho highest honors of the pastimo. However, I firmly believe New York ehould win, and win easily, as did the Athletics last time these teams met in 1911. las the stronger club, perhaps, outside the pitchers. But tho craftv pilot of the White Ele- phants, will bo sorely put to it for reliable men. Ho has only two vet- erans, Bender and Plank, capable of shouldering tho burden, with any fair degree of success. These two may or may not be on edge at the present moment. It is a fact that Connio had to work them too much in his fight for the pennant. They have rested up well the past scvofal weeks, but can they como back anywhere near so strong as in 1911? Two Seasoned Pitchers. Certainly the two added years have not improved the cunning of Bender's good right arm or the trickery of Plank's port-sid- e sling. , who figured so prominently against the Cubs in 1910 and against the Giants in 1911. has passed out so far as next week 's action is concerned. Mack is in identically the same fix as was Mc-Gra- whon'thcy mot before. He has 2-4-1B 10-- 3S 31- -27 18- -23 1-- 5 1524 25 IS 5--14 8 S only two seasoned pitchers. The 12- 'little FOUR MAGNATES ARE 22 8 1519 22--18 -18 -8 'S-- Napoleon has four and a phenomenal -11 28 23 1423 6 1 Z $ i'lH Hl recruit beside Al Demaree, who tops 2810 3 8 2718 810 5 14 6 9 21- -17 18- -24 '."Ic tho National league pitchers. The Two Celebrated Baseball Checkers 2117 811 The Athletics must be regarded hb GAME Hj very dangerous customers. They form Blaefc, F. A, Koyworth. Whiter N. H. 11 15 -18 10-- 15 20-- S4 10-- 14 BiF ( an aggregation of sluggers will commence-gB6B7li- 8l that At th. 25-- IE 23 IB 2925 1811 23 worry the best of pitchers. American 1 8- 11-- a 24 5--14 Hl Generals Who Clash This Week BiB13ii4l ment of a ame - 1216 723 M league rivals this year have scorod HJI'S 2723 25--22 25--19 31- -J7 24- -30 W many runs against the Athletics, but (pl 9 3,ack men occupy -14-- b 1620 48 -B 13--ir Hl0fillBl2 IS 9' 2419 22-- 18 3211 1911 iMrfiffl could not hold in check the willows nlS-'-'K-.- , Hj fl8fclfljpl5Bl6B squares numbered 1 614 1113 27 7--10 of the Mack men, 'I do not thiuk in Evers, Clarke, .. Dooin anH 12 IS 2318 IS H 14 7 ,!" tho Johnson circuit there was such .a CTIiliHSO to 12. The Whlto 15 12 1524 811 3 10 1519' tiB 25 9 23- -1? 20- -25 5734 classy hurling corps as McGraw can Stallings Think Giants men lh0S8 numbered pttch-in- g , 'jTj muster. In such a short series cjp2gKjH to play. 21 32, (a) 1519 here luds tarai H is perhaps the most decisive fac-to- r, to Black al" also goad. - Wwmmm Jtr1 and that,- I figure, should give Will Be Victors. ways moves first (b) Premature and weak: 48 Is ItA JB.!.) the Giants a great chance for the Wfclte""" GAME 15 "KELSO." Y. Black, F. A. Ker worth. White, O. D. BuBeVt Checkers and chess headquarters are at tho 39-- world's championship. 3015 17 18-- b 1115 1710 24 M. C. A., comer o! Flrist South and State 7- S0- BtrgcLs. 24 19 1624 .26-- 33 -14 -36 yMp$ Matty and Rube. PITTSBUItG, Pa., Oct .ri-- Fci. three 16 2720 6--11 26--33 24-- 37 . 25 19 S 11 22--17 27 S2 'JM"?1'M consecutive the world's series has PROBLEM 6. 22--17 18- -37 Mathewson has been pointing .up to--- . 3'ears SOLUTION TO 0 10-- a 3218 1619 JjMsv By Howe. 17-- 8 been won by an American league, but A. C. Brldsowater. 22 0 4 2313 1518 1433 ward this gigantic tussle. The marvel SO, 32. 17- 27-- Black 3. 5. 8, 11. 13. Kind 25. -14 36 8 13- -19 -10 S1 S"!g of tho mound has just completed one this fall the winning, streak of Ban 25- -22 -14 12- -19 7--14 2217 H..L, of his most successful years. Chief Johnson's organization is to be broken. 29- -25 10- -15 81-- lt-- U Meyers told me ul5 the other day he was Is moBtly favored and nfer. j At least, that is the opinion of four (a) 914 sure "Big Six" would be as effective (b) Appears weak; 27-- 34. 11. 2J-- 18. Bi as he was against tho Tted Sox last managers in tho National league, who 17 14. etc. is beat. w'.BFnfc fall. If he is the Athletics will be are enough to say year (c) 22 IS leads to a weak gam tor frank that this 30-- 26. lucky to win off' him. The Old Master (d) Looks like the loser. Ml i.vWC McGraw will pilot his team to viotory-i- 13 23, 2622. 2325, 2217. 1411. should have won every "start 25-- 30-- 36, 16--11, against the banner event. Tho commanders 30. 10, Boston. who are bold enough to pick"th6 Gianfa 2- 4- 27, 3223, 2519, 72, 1115, Wipmjuj j Marquard is a 1-0-7. drawn. H. McKean. greatly improved Cub's, Clarke of game was played at pitcher over 1911, has" are Evers of the the Tho folloivlnff tafKTbi and had the Pirates, Dooln of tho Phillies and 11 club on September 23: .T'IBiL to rank him, as .o.ue of the Stallings of the Boston3. If these men H P II GAME greatest world's series assets of all Black, H. ShaK. While, H. CK think way it is only reasonable to m 9- 10-- 14 35--10 31-- 35 that -13 time. He had all the luck Hug-gin- mm S- "-J- for against -U. g," bolievo that Tinker', Danlen and s 2-1- 17 32--27 27--24 - Boston and turned off two victories. 9 2- -7 19--18 19--23 hold the same opinion. - 7 13- -tl Hi In neither game was he greatly pressed, vic- 2-3-18 27-- 24 24- -U - McGraw, through his successive 1 1 28- -Sl 1- 0- 7 . 1 7- yet times, 1-1- 15 -11 18--13 he was effective at all and f 1 -, tories parent body, has forced 13- 31--27 8--11 11 perform-anc- in the -11 there was lacking in his e 30-- his managers respect his team. lio -15 11- -18 1- 4- 9 35 rival to iQi .Hg.Jft 15- 18- -18 the intense nervousness which 25--21 -9 13- -17 -M This is the third consecutive time ho is 22- "'? marked his work in 1911. Marquard, White 7, IB. IS. 19, 23, 27. Kings 10. 14. -S 25-- 9-- 6 -18 to carry the Btandard of the Rational 13- 17- -22 20-- 24 j filled with White to play and win. 27- -23 -17 confidence, is today at the 10-- S 6- 25- -23 ,'H4(a lcaguo "into the world 'e championship U 17 IS H 1 9 25 23 7 7 IC- -19 .24-- -2 pinnacle of 11- 24- -20 his powers. He is big games. his two preceding attempts 1322 1113 5 H 310 22 U 2- 3-16 IS 23 -15 '"JHT(i In 17- -31 enough and powerful enough to pitch White., wins. 1-2- 19 25--19 20-- 16 l- -ls ho fnilcd to come out with colors flying, 7- JM the entire series- - necessary. can-n- TIlOBLEM 7. "W 2- 4- 16 17--22 IS IS -3 if I is 16- -11 6- but confident of success this time. By K. Grabnra. 1013 55--1S 1- ,Lu: see how the Athletics, who 3.C are The other leaders also think so because Black U, 16. 21. 30-- 25 14-- 32. -9 toss-ing- , 28- -18 j5V, usually easy good 21- 11- for southpaw his team is stronger every depart- White 23, 32; king. 23. White to play and 7- 16 -17 -8 t can possibly stop" in win. - the "Rube" ii-- if ment than when it prepared for the The followinc Rames 'wero played at the local ij34 io the Giants stand up behind him 'ills w7 iHe and 8 clash with the Boston Bed Sox. club and aro contributed by F. A. Keyworth: 2-2- 15 3 -27 4 jj get him a couple of runs for a start. GAME 14 "CROSS." Tesreau, hampered all season through Evers Favors Giants. Black, N. H. Barton, Whlto. F. A. Kcyivorth. (a) White unnecessarily Rla wildness, seems , finally to 1115 2522 710 2531 33 2C 1713 NtHt have 2Z1S 1015 3033 1519 control. Ho will - "Mr.Graw is my pick for the world's 1115 1713 bear watch- 2325 914 1814 19 2G 13 9 series." said Evers. "If ho does not IS8ii14 1521 18 9 15 IS 13 fi 2031 cop it this timo he ougGt 'to quit try- 918 2720 1 5 14 9 1619 9 C Mack's Great Infield. ing to win in his own league. It will 25-- 23, el518, 21-- 17. bo a sad blow to him if his men do not awwi..w.;10. 33, over-shadow- s 27-- 24 1518, l?ia.3Mri The Athletics infield Tlai McIveaU. because know have concealed under his hat, Last ifi- 20-- lfi. H. the take the title, I how he -ll. -27. drawn. Giants. Is acknovyledeed one of -10, 2--7. It when they lost Inst Tho Wednesday night brought the first (c) 19-- 16. 10- -7, felt fall. 15--19. the greatest of 3- 12--8. or all time. It will be win- inkling to town that tho as- (d) -10. 16. much stronger than two Giants will not have any snap in this d"'"" seasons back, ning, but looTt for them to score, be- tute Connio really did have some- for g I "Stuffy" Mclnnis will bo cavort-in- cause of qualities, thing up his sleeve. A little dis- around first base.--. their fighting their Notea. Harry Davis hit speed, their pitching and McGraw 'a patch from Philadelphia was to the Checker well that sories, but covered have prophesied concerning the this very moment smearing the eome of th little shrewdness. Philadelphia is D.- - effect that gentlemen who make a A report appears In itSSK chosen by By C. two-colum- more ground where J. series. With singular unan- country over with n ar- than his brogans many because of having several strong world's business of backiug their world's ataUns that Alfred Jonlan baa loit . rested. the grace of Al Burleson, p. imity, eightyhree of the sporting ticles to the same effect New series had learned that champion to M. B. The Philadelphia batters, but you mind what I say. those pick tho New York Giants as York. world's checker f quartette's claim heavy sluggers BYm. g., ninety-seve- n pages their celebrated townsman had not N. T. The fact la AUlrtA To will not shine m the sporting champion ono BlnKhamlou. distinction lies principally in hitting - tho baseball team of tho Two years ago of the great world all ho know. .lust did not - Keries, The only one who ib likely to pages come to office every day. - told the could not loae what he p0Ji- a j ability. New York is little inferior in this world. Eight aro positive that the discoveries the writers was so, thoy immed- assert himself is Frank Baker. He did Or those ninety-seve- n because that challenge the title j fielding skill, and doubtless possesses sporting Athletics will win, and the others made was that Jack Lapp was im- An open for r JSBfl so in the series of 1931. The bat- iately made the Athletics favorites. $1000 muat contain an greater speed. star pages, three are blood red. thirteen aro scattering and may possible as a . at least and far ters be set "What would our New York friends glvo or taVo traveling nvnm. JBJe seldom hit remarkably in a short are pink, ono is purple, eleven are Ath-lotic- The outfield is a toss up. Mack down in the doubtful and doubting was tho only backstop tho s something Connie's Issuer of Uio challenge Is really scrios. With a few exceptions they eight a say if the "P tho players WHy doubtless has a hitting advantage' here green, are ghastly cross column. had, they said, and ho could sleeve was good old Jack Coombs, meet and play the best never have yet and I do not think the on pink, and tho rest are tho of tho acceptor of tto also on what has passed this cam-raig- n. It is not strange that all these not stand tho distance. Tho prin- In erent ptoM coming games will be an exception. more or less white. come back? ulatlnc that tho match takes But is 's basoball writers should select Now cipal trouble with Jack Lapp, wo TU Stewart, that because Philadelphia can have its Bturdy strik- Some of pages country (as was done by most dependable sluggers the sporting are York. It has become a habit with wore told, was that ho couldn't and then should tho ehUMg'"i""m have ers, but I think they will find edited by one man, some by right down to it, tho land), 5.f) 'iV to live UT) to astperformancos. the two, them. Every time New York has throw to bases, and the New York- COMING play tho match on these i.iU.K?5 LH Ginnt pitchers tough picking.'7 others by three and. a fow as been a contender for ers would easy facil- which starts Tues- and tho fact Is manifest thRtJJLevCi0Bt, McGraw trio will hold up their own tho globe's steal with tho business Among high aB twent'. And every ono of eighty-thre- e who not mean n sport- day is a guess. Tho folks e fielding, and will outshine bunting, those ity with which a dissipated 'father In match .taking their Clarke Predicts New York. those editors and his "following: nVitifc---ar- rivals in speed-- In experience, too, assistants ing pages have been on the Giants. pilfers from his baby's bank. pick tho Giants have a way of fig- the Tho last was Jordan, a ew York has the call. Old-",n- "I seldom venture a prediction on the They never could sec anything to title Richard EffJrlcaMHB! ""Rube" uring their team to win and thoso ed this country and met the is world's aeries," said Fred Clarke of Pitts- it but McGraw. And they always the amazing thing came to ' jMJJM a onIv ck gardener burg, ers, some fleet and daring base runners, on do calculat- plan. C. F. Barker on twe who "but this Benson I will break a rule had the the figures BUT who aro Mack their 3 wiw.Bi0j3R has been thoroughly seasoned by name great fielders and many hard hitters. In facts and to The first throe or four according acoro being. Tt. Jordan, world's and tho Giants. I am unable to seo prove it. ing to their own moth wins; drawn. 39. series fire. Burns is the onlv how they can lose, 1b addition to all that he has taught them pussy-foote- d off unless It by Phila- of Giants who trailed ods. At this distance, tho only matches. .'.iKL Giant who has not been put to the acid delphia's heavy Htfck work. do not be- the art fighting and hustling, and that In International kaVSSSlSBK I is where they will come down towards second wero nailed guide in forming an opinion is to have been very badly lieve Mack haa the batters to trim such shine ln the 'big series.' year they to the championshipbtaUtIM ?tD71 Both toamn twirling as Marquard, THIS standing up, and thereafter Jack assimilate tho composite opinion of holders of tho Hj are very staunch behind Tesreau and Math- Dooin Giants Also. with tho solomu dec- those who are on the ground or ing countries are all Scotchna. SflOT,3d ewson will wive them, Tesreau in par- Lapp was admittedly some base Henderson: Scotland. J. .fuAfrSjfcu LH Si anything happen to should laration that McGraw is bound to near it, then to divide it by w. Penman:Fe'Vnt Mc-Lea- ticular be a thorn ln the flesh of auppose and Hyud; Australia, Bljp ChiefP'Mayers there is Long Larrv n '1 I ought to pick the Ath- thrower. - who the Athletics, for he has the meanest letics to win flag, win because he has tho bettor two. This mornincr we offer a TJio only player "JSjJ to step into the breach. He is moist ball of any the because they are Also that sa'mo year thoso poor, couple pages those opinions World's title wur.W u I have ever Heen. Of from the same town as mv pitchers. Also, they add, tho Ath- of of nntbl D. TatoJ. 1 2nCT.of-- , tho In0Bt liable club," snld s, Icon, tho lato n. 'rf LH backstops to course, It all depends upon IiIb control, Manager Dooln of tho Phillies. inexperienced youngsters with tho the opinions of votoran ball play-or- admit that gH bo Mack has depended a great and I think he will "But if letics can 't hit as well as they did big A on won't you keep till and have that, Judging I were to do that I would not bo giving their bosoms wore to bo of successful managers and of h only polllcly asking what deal all season from his recent in 1913. Thoso two aro tho ' on. Schang. He has work. Besides h!a pitch- my honest opinion. The Glunts will win things made monkoys of by the tried vet- youngsters. You may road them to demand? And ho concod JJs been ing, McGraw has run- sole pro-se- Englishman, Airred wJm a dandy catcher, and everything the fastest base because tney are fast base runners and and only argument they erans of Now York. Well, what and seo which you liko better. fers to meet tho "Ml'Of, ners he has d said of recruits goes for him. had for years, and all of because McGraw has the twirlors. These in. support of their happened in 1911 is history. you thorn, you England. - . jH thorn are conslatont After have road tho T. M- - v. CM'-jj- . . 1 McGraw batters and fighters. are two Important features ln a short prediction that Connio Mack may eighty-thre- e tho local club at the bettor provided That Is why am Last year the pa- may recall the fact that one thing and che ln wbstittitoB. The best I lnollned to pick the Berles. Pitching ln particular Is what as well go home and 'tend to his pers told us how bA- - checker, tribute to his Giants." counts. If tho twlrlers aro effective it Matty waB fairly is probably true, although thoro bo strength is tho presence, on the bench Is pumpkin harvest. goine to slaughter the Bed Sox. tVSn'c,oirr on 'Too "A5irMffi"firtS almost a safe bet the club Is going Those of you plenty to deny it, and that is that of such a mighty man as Charlie Hor-- Expects Close Contest to win, and I think there is whoro the who wero alive two Thoy figured Marquard a fairly the American league ball playors will surpass years ago will recall that columns good second, what I know pf Giants th0 Athletics. Connie but Matty was the hold it over the National league Bumming up, then, the teams are "Fim the A.tMetlcs Mack has aomo excellont hitters, but In upon columns of words wero print- real Kazinlc Tt is easy to write ball playors, individually and iust and Mack's methods I think this year's Tesreau, MathewBon Marquard ed about how soft was going to ??ou TO??- in piainjr. Mack 'has series will be about as keen as any ever and they it down the number of Matty's vic- LH best hitters, played," will find three of the best. In the gamo. bo for Muggsy. One magazine, en- tories against tho "Red Sox, my in but McGraw the more said George Stallings of the Besides, Because it has been lot Angoles-- Mack's twlrlcrs do not seem to tirely devoted to baseball eighty-thre- e way lo visit 5?e?" Ti,e catchors are oven up, but Braves. "It Is rather difficult to name a be any too strong, which Increases and its Thus faT tho have lifo mostly to tac with tho under on hlo to LH McGraw baa winner, but T am Inclined to Mc- the multitudinous ramifications, gave not a distinct advantage in think chances of McGraw's club, on conceded Connie Mack much of dog, I am going to pick the Ath- Finished. t Graw will win. Judging from the way which over two wholo issues to proving anything. Thoy Kodak Pictures PtcrllnK strength. That and his speed team won his there am atoiuly hatters In Burns, Doyle, grudgingly give letics. I may also add that this Salt 'K LH moTO ttan off80t superior the flag ln our league. In my Snodgrass. Murray, "Fletcher, Shafer and that thcro waB nothing to it ex- him credit for being a baseball act of mine will doubtless prove to Mail filmB. LakeKJ estimation his team Is any-wher- a, LHH, iittir prowess, of tho White Elephants. not weak Meyers. That Is some bunch for a cept the Giants. The most prolific genius, but never a word does one bo hcaviost handicap Connie Suroly CoJ 159 Main for he the " haa a set of reliable pitch-- twlrler. to face." 'Contributor to that magazine is at road Mr. m&yt ' about what Mack Mack will have. ' V flKB