Preliminary Options Report Scheme Assessment Report 1 - Constraints Report

3 Description of Alternative Schemes

3.1 The Study Area

In order to identify a route for the A5WTC, extensive consultation and investigation is required in order to ensure that all pertinent environmental and engineering constraints are considered and for this reason it is necessary to identify a study area that covers a sufficiently large geographical area at the outset of the assessment process.

In the case of the A5WTC the general centreline of the study area was largely dictated by the overriding requirement that the route should generally follow the existing established transport corridor, and in so doing link the main centres of population along the route (i.e. Aughnacloy, , and Londonderry). There was also a requirement for the A5WTC to link in with the A4 (which is currently being upgraded to dual carriageway standard) close to the village of Ballygawley and in so doing open up an improved East–West Link to Belfast.

The engineering study area was determined by reference to mapping, carrying out site visits and taking into account areas of settlement, very high and steep ground, major watercourses and the border. This boundary was an initial assessment and was refined during the assessment period to reflect a greater knowledge of particular locations. The environmental constraints study area was determined to ensure that all major constraints that could impact on or be impacted on by the new road would be identified and recorded. This study area crosses the border to allow the identification and assessment of trans-boundary effects in accordance with environmental legislation.

The process of identifying a route is developed in 3 stages each involving a progressive degree of refinement and this report deals with Stage 1. For the Stage 1 Assessment an engineering study area was identified based on the criteria that it should represent the area within which feasible corridor options are likely to exist and is shown in Figure 3.1 to 3.3 and in Drawings 796036-0800-D-00310 to 796036- 0800-D-00319 in Volume 2 and is discussed below.

3.2 Corridor Evaluation - Craigavon Bridge (Londonderry) to New Buildings

The existing A5 between Craigavon Bridge and New Buildings occupies a very confined alignment fitting between the River Foyle and playing fields on the west and the linear development to the east at the foot of Clondermont Hill. There is little or no land (that is not developed in some manner) through which an upgraded road alignment of dual carriageway standard could relatively easily be provided.

Currently there are a number of direct accesses for both side roads and private accesses onto the A5 with permitted right turns onto and off the road.

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Under a separate study, Roads Service is currently assessing the strategic traffic needs of the City of Derry and its environs including the traffic desire lines from the A5 into the city and the connections to the remainder of the strategic road network on both sides of the River Foyle. Until the results of this study are known, the future traffic movements and flows along the A5 north of New Buildings cannot be determined which in turn means that the carriageway standard required to meet future needs is not identifiable.

The current approach to this section of the existing A5 between Craigavon Bridge and the northern development limits of New Buildings is that an assessment of the existing single carriageway will be carried out in due course and further traffic management/ traffic calming measures identified and implemented to enable the network to operate as safely and efficiently as possible as traffic flows increase. Such works are considered to be outside the scope of the A5WTC project.

This assessment hereafter therefore does not consider corridors between Craigavon Bridge (Londonderry) and New Buildings.

3.3 Description of Alternative Corridors

The Design Manual for Roads and Bridges requires the Stage 1 Assessment of road improvements to identify and consider broadly defined improvement strategies referencing major features as appropriate. In the case of the A5 WTC three principal improvement strategies were considered namely:

• West of the A5,

• Utilising the existing (A5) corridor,

• East of the A5.

For Stage 1, these three strategies were developed into a number of corridors that could improve the link between Londonderry, Strabane and Omagh, and provide a strategic link between Co. Monaghan and Co. Donegal - refer to Drawing Numbers 796038-0800-D-00310 to 00319 incl. These corridors were each developed initially through a process of considering engineering constraints such as properties and topography. Engineering and Environmental constraints identified within the two study areas are reported within Chapters 4 and 5.

Due to the overall length of the scheme it has been decided for the purposes of this report to divide the engineering study area into 3 sections (i.e. Section 1 – New Buildings to South of Strabane, Section 2 – South of Strabane to South of Omagh and Section 3 – South of Omagh to Aughnacloy).

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To assist the identification, development and assessment of corridors a system of nodes has been developed. These nodes are shown on the drawings listed above and are referenced in the subsequent text.

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3.4 Corridor Evolution – New Buildings to South of Strabane

The following text describes the development of potential corridors within Section 1 – New Buildings to South of Strabane. To minimise repetition, corridors have been described by sub-section, namely sections 1A, 1B and 1C. For a graphical representation of the corridors please refer to drawing numbers 796036-0800-D- 00310 to 00312 inclusive and figure 3.1.

3.4.1 Sub-Section 1A: New Buildings to Cloghcor In this sub-section five corridor links have been developed, namely:

• West of existing A5 at New Buildings (node 101) to Drumenny (node 103) via (node 102);

• The existing A5 from New Buildings (node 101) to Loughneas (node 108) via Bready (node 102);

• East of the existing A5 at New Buildings (node 101) to Loughneas (node 108) via Eden (node 107);

• East of the existing A5 at New Buildings (node 101) to Milltown Burndennet (node 115) via Eden (node 107);

• East of existing A5 at New Buildings (node 114) to Milltown Burndennet, (node 115).

These corridor links are located in drawing 796036-0800-D-00310 to 00312

West of the existing A5 at New Buildings (node 101) to Drumenny (node 103) via Bready (node 102) - route corridor options S1A01, S1A02, S1A03

From a point southwest of New Buildings the corridor link extends in a south westerly direction past , with the eastern fringe roughly defined by the existing A5, with the western extents approximate to the boundary of the potential River Foyle Floodplain. The 1km wide link remains to the immediate west of the existing A5 to a point to the west of Bready. Continuing in southerly direction from Bready the link extends to the community of Drumenny where the link spans the zone between the River Foyle and the existing A5.

The existing A5 from New Buildings (node 101) to Loughneas (node 108) via Bready (node 102) - route corridor options S1B01, S1B02, S1B05, S1H08, S1H09, S1H10

This corridor link is centred about the existing A5 and extends from New Buildings in a south-easterly direction to Magheramason and Bready before turning south to a point west of Loughneas. The existing A5 is discussed in more detail in Chapter 2.

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East of existing A5 at New Buildings (node 101) to Loughneas (node 108) via Eden (node 107) - route corridor options S1B03, S1B04, S1B06

This corridor link extends in a south-westerly direction from New Buildings to the east of Magheramason before turning south in the region of Cloghogle towards Eden. The topography of the proposed corridor varies significantly as it climbs and then runs parallel to the lower slopes of Gortmonley Hill. From Eden the corridor link extends in a south-westerly direction towards Loughneas; its western fringe being defined by the existing A5.

East of the existing A5 at New Buildings (node 101) to Milltown Burndennet (node 115) via Eden (node 107) - route corridor options S1H01, S1H02, S1H03, S1H04, S1H05, S1H06, S1H07

This corridor link extends in a south-westerly direction from New Buildings to the east of Magheramason before turning south in the region of Cloghogle towards Eden. The topography of the proposed corridor link varies significantly as it climbs and the runs parallel to the lower slopes of Gortmonley Hill. From Eden the corridor link heads in a south-easterly direction towards Donagheady then on to Milltown Burndennet; high voltage overhead cables are present at the southern extent of the link.

East of existing A5 at New Buildings (node 114) to Milltown Burndennet, (node 115) - route corridor options S1C01, S1C02, S1C03, S1C04, S1C05, S1C06, S1C07

This corridor link extends from the eastern fringe of New Buildings in a south- easterly, then southerly direction centred about the existing B48, through the Burngibbagh valley to a point near Ardmore. From this point the corridor link continues, following the line of the high voltage power lines in a south-westerly direction to Milltown Burndennet via Donagheady. The southern reaches of this link contain a number of minor tributaries of the Burn Dennet.

3.4.2 Sub-Section 1B: Cloghcor to North of Strabane In this sub-section six corridor links have been developed, namely:

• West of existing A5 at Drumenny (node 103) to Greenbrae (node 121)

• The existing A5 at Loughneas (node 108) to Greenbrae (node 121) via (node 109)

• East of existing A5 at Milltown Burndennet (node 115) to Tullyard (node 122) via Ballymagorry (node 109)

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• East of existing A5 at Milltown Burndennet (node 115) to Ballee (node 116) via (node 120)

• East of existing A5 at Milltown Burndennet (node 115) to Greenbrae (node 121) via Ballymagorry (node 109)

• East of existing A5 at Loughneas (node 108) to Tullyard (node 122) via Ballymagorry (node 109)

These corridor links can be seen on Drawings 796036-0800-D-00310 to 00312

West of existing A5 at Drummeny (node 103) to Greenbrae (node 121) - route corridor options S1A01, S1A02, S1A03

Extending southwards from Drumenny this corridor link is defined by the River Foyle to the west and the existing A5 to the east. A prominent feature of this section is the disused Strabane Canal that runs approximately parallel to the River Foyle. The corridor link is within the known floodplain throughout its length, with overhead power lines crossing the corridor link immediately south of Desert.

Existing A5 at Loughneas (node 108) to Greenbrae (node 121) via Ballymagorry (node 109) - route corridor options S1B01, S1B02, S1B03, S1B04, S1B05, S1B06

This corridor link is centred about the existing A5 and extends from Loughneas to Greenbrae in a southerly direction via Ballymagorry. The existing A5 is discussed in more detail in Chapter 2.

East of existing A5 at Milltown Burndennet (node 115) to Tullyard (node 122) via Ballymagorry (node 109) - route corridor options S1C04, S1C05, S1C06, S1H04, S1H05, S1H06

From Milltown Burndennet the corridor link extends in a south-westerly direction, encompassing Sixpenny Hill, Sentry Hill, two overhead high voltage power lines and the waterfalls of the River. The corridor link passes to the east of Ballymagorry and west of Artigarvan, extending to Tullyard, adjacent to Strabane Glen.

East of existing A5 at Milltown Burndennet (node 115) to Greenbrae (node 121) via Ballymagorry (node 109) - route corridor options S1C01, S1C02, S1C03, S1H01, S1H02, S1H03

From Milltown Burndennet the corridor link extends in a south-westerly direction, encompassing Sixpenny Hill, Sentry Hill and two overhead high voltage power lines. To the north of Ballymagorry the corridor link crosses the existing A5 before passing to the west of Ballymagorry. Towards the southern extents of the corridor link is

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Strabane Canal which runs in a north/south direction. An overhead power line crosses the corridor link in this vicinity.

East of existing A5 at Milltown Burndennet (node 115) to Ballee (node 116) via Artigarvan (node 120) - route corridor options S1C07, S1H07

From Milltown Burndennet the corridor link extends in a southerly direction, crossing the Burn Dennet north of Killycurry, before passing east of Sixpenny Hill and Sentry Hill towards Artigarvan. An Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty dominates this corridor link, together with a number of local historical features. South of Artigarvan the corridor link turns to the south west towards Ballee crossing the Glenmornan River.

East of existing A5 at Loughneas (node 108) to Tullyard (node 122) via Ballymagorry (node 109) – route corridor options S1H08, S1H09, S1H10

From Loughneas and Ballymagorry the corridor link extends in a southerly direction and is centred about the existing A5. Immediately south of Ballymagorry the corridor link turns to the south east towards the east of Tullyard. The southern extremities of the corridor link are dominated by the Knockavoe hill.

3.4.3 Sub-Section 1C: North of Strabane to South of Strabane In this sub-section seven corridor links have been developed, namely:

• West of existing A5 at Greenbrae (node 121) to the west of Glebe (node 105), via the west of Strabane (node 104)

• The existing A5 between Greenbrae (node 121) and (node 112), via Strabane (nodes 104, 110 and 111).

• Tullyard (node 122) to Sion Mills (node 112), via Liskinbwee (node 116) and southern Strabane (nodes 117 and 111)

• Tullyard (node 122) to east of Sion Mills (Grevenue Bridge, node 118), via Liskinbwee (node 116) and southern Strabane (node 117)

• Tullyard (node 122) to east of Sion Mills (Carrigullin, node 119), via Liskinbwee (node 116)

• Liskinbwee (node 116) to east of Sion Mills (Carrigullin, node 119)

• The existing A5 between Greenbrae (node 121) to north of Sion Mills (node 112), via Strabane (nodes 104, 117 and 111).

These corridor links can be seen on Drawings 796036-0800-D-00310 to 00312.

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West of existing A5 at Greenbrae (node 121) to the west of Glebe (node 105), via the west of Strabane (node 104) - route corridor options S1A01, S1B01, S1B03, S1C01, S1H01

From Greenbrae, heading southwest, the corridor link remains to the west of the existing A5 within the designated floodplain with its western limits defined by the River Foyle and its eastern fringe by the existing A5. Thereafter the corridor link crosses the existing A38 Lifford/Strabane road and Mourne River in close succession. Other key features include a sewerage works immediately south of Greenbrae. Continuing southwest the corridor link passes between the western extents of development in Strabane and the Finn River before turning south, crossing the B85 Urney Road, where the corridor link leaves the floodplain, towards Carricklee and ultimately to a point west of Glebe.

The existing A5 between Greenbrae (node 121) and Sion Mills (node 112), via Strabane (nodes 104, 110 and 111) – route corridor options S1A02, S1B02, S1B04, S1C02, S1H02

From Greenbrae, heading southwest, the corridor link remains to the west of the existing A5 within the designated floodplain with its western limits defined by the River Foyle and its eastern fringe by the existing A5. Thereafter the corridor link crosses the existing A38 Lifford/Strabane road and Mourne River in close succession. The corridor link follows the line of the Strabane Bypass immediately south of the Mourne River, to a point with Strahans Road whereby it heads due south towards Knockroe and ultimately to a point between the communities of Glebe and Sion Mills. The existing A5 is discussed in more detail in Chapter 2.

Tullyard (node 122) to Sion Mills (node 112), via Liskinbwee (node 116) and southern Strabane (nodes 117 and 111) - route corridor option S1C04, S1H04, S1H08

From Tullyard, heading south the corridor link generally follows the contours of the land above the Strabane area; the corridor link skirts the eastern fringe of Strabane towards Liskinbwee; including features such as Strabane Glen and high voltage overhead power lines. From Liskinbwee the link continues to head south, running parallel to the B72 to the east of the Mourne River to a point north of Drumnaboy. Other key features in this corridor link include a number of waterfalls, extensive sidelong ground and high voltage overhead power lines. The corridor link continues in a south westerly towards Ballyfatten Bridge, crossing the Mourne River to a point on the existing A5 north of Sion Mills. From here corridor links follows the existing A5 to north of Sion Mills.

Tullyard (node 122) to east of Sion Mills (Grevenue Bridge, node 118), via Liskinbwee (node 116) and southern Strabane (node 117) - route corridor options S1C05, S1H05, S1H09

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From Tullyard, heading south the corridor link generally follows the contours of the land above the Strabane area, the corridor link skirts the eastern fringe of Strabane towards Liskinbwee; including features such as Strabane Glen and high voltage overhead power lines. From Liskinbwee the link continues to head south, running parallel to the B72 to the east of the Mourne River to a point north of Drumnaboy. Other key features in this corridor link include a number of waterfalls, extensive sidelong ground and high voltage overhead power lines. The corridor link extends southwards with the B72 at the centre of the corridor link to a point east of Sion Mills at Grevenue Bridge.

Tullyard (node 122) to east of Sion Mills (Carrigullin, node 119), via Liskinbwee (node 116) - route corridor options S1C06, S1H06, S1H10

From Tullyard, heading south the corridor link generally follows the contours of the land above the Strabane area, the corridor link skirts the eastern fringe of Strabane towards Liskinbwee; including features such as Strabane Glen and high voltage overhead power lines. The corridor link deviates away from Strabane, crosses the high voltage overhead power lines, and generally heads in a southerly direction. The corridor link runs parallel to the Mourne River at a distance of approximately 1km to a point immediately north of Carrigullin. The key feature of this corridor link is the elevated side long ground that is prevalent throughout.

Liskinbwee (node 116) to east of Sion Mills (Carrigullin, node 119) - route corridor options S1C07, S1H07

From Liskinbwee the corridor link heads in a south westerly direction following the contours of the Knockavoe hill whilst deviating away from Strabane. The corridor link turns in a southerly direction running parallel to the Mourne River at a distance of approximately 1km to a point immediately north of Carrigullin. The key feature of this corridor link is the elevated side long ground that is prevalent throughout.

The existing A5 between Greenbrae (node 121) to north of Sion Mills (node 112), via Strabane (nodes 104, 117 and 111) - route corridor options S1A03, S1B05, S1B06, S1C03, S1H03

This link extends from Tullyard to a point between Glebe and Sion Mills, via a route adjacent to the Mourne River. From Greenbrae, heading southwest, the corridor link remains to the west of the existing A5 within the designated floodplain with its western limits defined by the River Foyle and its eastern fringe by the existing A5. Thereafter the corridor link crosses the existing A38 Lifford / Strabane road and River Mourne in close succession. South of the Mourne River the corridor link turns to the east and follows the west bank of the river to a point north of Drumnaboy. The west bank of the Mourne River is home to a number of community facilities and a golf course at Milltown Bridge. From here the corridor link meets the existing A5 and follows this line to a point north of Sion Mills.

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3.5 Corridor Evolution – South of Strabane to South of Omagh

This following text describes the development of potential corridors within Section 2 – South of Strabane to South of Omagh. To minimise repetition, corridors have been described by sub-section, namely sections 2A, 2B and 2C. For a graphical representation of the corridor links please refer to drawing numbers 796036-0800-D- 00313 to 00315 inclusive and figure 3.2.

3.5.1 Sub-Section 2A: South of Strabane to In this sub-section five corridor links have been developed namely:

• Glebe (node 105) to the north west of (node 201);

• Glebe / Sion Mills (node 113) to the north of Ardstraw (node 217);

• The existing A5, from Sion Mills (node 112) to north of Ardstraw (node 217);

• East of Sion Mills (node 118) to west of Douglas Bridge (node 204) via node 212;

• East of Sion Mills (node 119) to Douglas Bridge (node 218).

Glebe (node 105) to the north-west of Ardstraw (node 201) - route corridor options S2B01, S2B02, S2B03.

This corridor link runs typically 2.5km west of the River Mourne. Its key features are the village of Glebe, Glentimon Hill and the western slopes of Clady Hill, which has a peak of 140m AOD. Two B-roads cross this corridor, link namely the B165 from Sion Mills to Clady, and the B72 which links to Victoria Bridge. Approximately 2km west of Victoria Bridge, the B72 runs in a valley formed by the adjacent Whisker and Clady Hills.

Glebe / Sion Mills (node 113) to the north of Ardstraw (node 217) - route corridor options S2A02, S2A05, S2A07.

This corridor link runs typically 1km west of the River Mourne. Its key features are the town of Sion Mills, Glebe and Victoria Bridge villages and the small settlement of Seein. The corridor link passes over the eastern slopes of Glentimon and Clady Hills. Two B-roads are contained within this corridor link, the B165 links Glebe to the A5 at Seein Bridge, and the B72 as described above.

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The existing A5 from Sion Mills (node 112) to north of Ardstraw (node 217) - route corridor option S2A01.

This corridor link is centred about the A5 and encompasses Sion Mills and Victoria Bridge as well as the lower slopes of Glentimon and Clady Hills. The corridor link also includes sections of the River Mourne and its banks. B-road junctions within this corridor link are covered in Chapter 2 part 2.

East of Sion Mills (node 118) to west of Douglas Bridge (node 204) via node 212 - route corridor options S2A03, S2A04, and S2A06.

This corridor link runs adjacent to the Mourne River. East of Victoria Bridge the River enters the corridor link. Its key features are the eastern slopes of Three Mile Hill and the lower slopes of Conthem Hill and Gillygromes Hill. The B72 linking Victoria Bridge to eastern Strabane enters the corridor link east of Sion Mills. The B165 from Victoria Bridge to Douglas Bridge crosses the corridor link further south. Notable watercourses within this corridor link are Grevenue Burn and Douglas Burn both of which join the River Mourne.

East of Sion Mills (node 119) to Douglas Bridge (node 218) - route corridor options S2C01, S2C02, S2C03.

This corridor link runs typically 1 to 1.5km east of the River Mourne and encompasses Douglas Bridge. Its key features are the higher slopes of Conthem Hill in the north. The B165 enters the corridor link west of Douglas Bridge as does Douglas Burn which crosses the corridor link completely.

3.5.2 Sub-Section 2B: Douglas Bridge to South of Mountjoy In this sub-section four corridor links have been developed namely:

• North west of Ardstraw (node 201) to Kilmore (node 202) via the west of Bessy Bell;

• North west of Ardstraw (node 201) to Kilmore (node 202) via the east of Bessy Bell (node 205);

• The existing A5, from north of Ardstraw (node 217) to Fairy Water bridge (node 208) via nodes 204, 213, 206 and 207;

• Douglas Bridge (node 218) to east of Mountjoy (node 214) via the east of (node 213);

An inter-connecting corridor link has been developed linking the existing A5 at Mountjoy (node 207) to node 214.

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North-west of Ardstraw (node 201) to Kilmore (node 202) via the west of Bessy Bell - route corridor options S2B02, S2B03.

This corridor link is very rural in nature and runs up to a maximum of 8km west of the A5 and the town of Newtownstewart. Its key features are the southern slopes of Clady Hill and the slopes of Forster’s Mountain where levels of 155m AOD are present. The central section of this corridor link is also characterised by dense woodland. The B164 and the River Derg cross the corridor link west of Ardstraw; the B84 also crosses further south providing a link between the village of and Newtownstewart. Further south Fairy Water meanders through the corridor link heading west to east.

North-west of Ardstraw (node 201) to Kilmore (node 202) via the east of Bessy Bell (node 205) - route corridor option S2B01.

South of Ardstraw this corridor link swings south-east towards Newtownstewart before running typically 1km west of the River Strule. The corridor link then runs to the west of Mountjoy before terminating at Kilmore. Its key features are the southern slopes of Clady Hill, the village of Ardstraw, western Newtownstewart and the steep slopes between Bessy Bell and the A5, where levels exceeding 200m AOD are common. South of Newtownstewart high voltage overhead electricity lines enter the corridor link; these are discussed further in chapter 4 part 2.

The existing A5 from north of Ardstraw (node 217) to Fairy Water bridge (node 208) via nodes 204, 213, 206 and 207 - route corridor options S2A03, S2A04, S2A05, S2A06, S2A07.

This corridor link is generally follows the valley formed by the River Strule. Its key features are the northern outskirts of Newtownstewart, the associated by-pass as well as the Ulster American Folk Park just north of the settlement of Mountjoy. South of Mountjoy the corridor link runs towards Omagh to a point where the A5 crosses the Fairy Water. Other notable watercourses are the River Derg, which joins the River Strule from the west at a point east of Ardstraw and the Owenkillew River which joins the River Strule from the east at Newtownstewart.

Between Newtownstewart and Mountjoy the eastern slopes of Bessy Bell fall quite steeply towards the existing A5 and then the River Strule. B-road junctions within this corridor link are covered in Chapter 2 part 2. South of Mountjoy high voltage overhead electricity lines enter the corridor link; these are discussed further in Chapter 4 part 2.

Douglas Bridge (node 218) to east of Mountjoy (node 214) via the east of Newtownstewart (node 213) - route corridor options S2C01, S2C02, S2C03.

This corridor link runs generally east of the River Strule except it follows the Strule valley south of Newtownstewart. In this section there are significant slopes towards Bessy Bell in the west and Liscabble Mountain / Deers Leap in the east. The B165

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runs down the middle of this corridor link as far as Newtownstewart where it forms a junction with the B47 (for ). South of Douglas Bridge the B165 runs south east in a valley formed by the eastern slopes of Gillygromes Hill and the lower slopes of Owenreagh Hill.

Other key features include a high voltage overhead electricity line which enters the corridor link east of Bunderg and ends east of the Ulster American Folk Park. Notable watercourses include the Owenkillew River, north-east of Newtownstewart and Cappagh Burn / Carnony Burn which cross the corridor link before joining the River Strule east of Mountjoy.

Mountjoy (node 207) to node 214 - route corridor options S2A05, S2A06.

This short inter-connecting corridor link facilitates an alternative link from the existing A5 corridor to the eastern-most corridor link option. The two main features are the River Strule and Carnony Burn with the landscape being generally level.

3.5.3 Sub-Section 2C: South of Mountjoy to South of Omagh In this sub-section four corridor links have been developed namely:

• Kilmore (node 202) to node 203 some 4km south-west of Omagh;

• Fairy Water (node 219) to node 210 some 3km south-west of Omagh, via node 209;

• The existing A5, from Fairy Water bridge (node 208) to south of Omagh (node 211);

• East of Mountjoy (node 214) to east of Omagh (node 216) via (node 215).

An inter-connecting corridor link has been developed linking the existing A5 at Fairywater Bridge to Killyclogher (node 215).

Kilmore (node 202) to node 203 - route corridor options S2B01, S2B02.

This corridor link runs typically 3km west of the existing A5 and encompasses the hamlets of and . In the north the B50 from north Omagh to Drumquin crosses the corridor link. Further south the A32 from Omagh to Dromore/Enniskillen crosses the corridor link. The landscape rises over the eastern slopes of the Pigeon Top before dropping towards the A32. Notable watercourses include the Kilmore, Gillygooly and Creevan Burns.

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Fairy Water (node 219 near the existing A5) to node 210 - route corridors S2A03, S2A07, S2B03 and S2C03.

This corridor link runs from the existing A5 in the north and skirts the western extremities of Omagh town. Its key features include crossings of the B50 and A32, as described earlier, and Fairy Water in the north. The landscape rises up as far as the north of Ballygowan before dropping towards the A32. In the north a high voltage overhead electricity line is contained within the corridor link as far as the B50.

The existing A5 from Fairy Water bridge (node 208) to south of Omagh (node 211) - route corridor options S2A01, S2C02.

This corridor link is centred about the A5 and includes Omagh town centre and the Throughpass. B class road junctions within this corridor link are covered in section 2.2. Notable watercourses include River Strule and Fairy Water north of Omagh and Drumragh River to the east.

East of Mountjoy (node 214) to east of Omagh (node 216) via Killyclogher (node 215) - route corridor options S2A02, S2A04, S2A05, S2A06, S2C01.

This corridor link runs typically 3/3.5km east of the A5 and rises up the slopes of Rylagh Top before crossing the A505 east of Omagh. The A505 provides access between Omagh and in the east. Other notable features crossing the corridor link include the B48, from Omagh to , and further south a high voltage overhead electricity line and Killyclogher Burn.

Fairy Water Bridge (node 208) to Killyclogher (node 215) - route corridor options S2A02, S2A04.

This inter-connecting corridor link facilitates an alternative link from the existing A5 corridor, skirting the northern outskirts of Omagh. The two main features are the River Strule and the B48.

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3.6 Corridor Evolution – South of Omagh to Aughnacloy

This following text describes the development of potential corridors within Section 3 – South of Omagh to Aughnacloy. To minimise repetition, corridors have been described by sub-section, namely sections 3A, 3B and 3C. For a graphical representation of the corridors please refer to drawing numbers 796036-0800-D- 00316 to 00319 inclusive and Figure 3.3.

3.6.1 Sub-Section 3A: South of Omagh to

In this sub-section 13 corridor links have been developed, namely:

• Southwest of Omagh (node 210) to Curr (node 315), via /Moylagh (node 314);

• Clanabogan, southwest of Omagh (node 203) to southwest of Seskinore (node 301);

• Clanabogan, southwest of Omagh (node 203) to Curr (node 315) via Seskinore (node 301) and Letfern (node 325);

• Southwest of Omagh (node 210) to Curr (node 315) via Drumragh (node 312), Tullyheeran (node 313), and Gortaclare/Moylagh (node 314);

• Southwest of Omagh (node 210) to Derroar (node 320), via Drumragh (node 312) and east of Camowen (node 318);

• Southwest of Omagh (node 210) to Seskinore (node 301), via Glebe (node 309);

• Southwest of Omagh (node 210) to Letfern (node 325), via Tattyreagh Glebe (node 309);

• Southeast of Omagh (node 216) to Curr (node 315), via Tullyheeran (node 313) and Gortaclare/Moylagh (node 314);

• Southeast of Omagh (node 216) to Derroar (node 320), via Barracurragh (node 317) and east of Camowen (node 318);

• Southeast of Omagh (node 216) to Derroar (node 320), via Barracurragh (node 317) and Black Hill (node 319);

• Southwest of Omagh (node 310) to Derroar (node 320), via Drumragh (node 312) and east of Camowen (node 318) ;

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• Southeast of Omagh (node 216) to Curr (node 315), via Barracurragh (node 317) and east of Camowen (node 318);

• Omagh (node 211) to Curr (node 315), via Tullyheeran (node 313) and Gortaclare/Moylagh (node 314).

Southwest of Omagh (node 210) to Curr (node 315), via Gortaclare/Moylagh (node 314) – route corridor options S3A04, S3A05, S3A06, S3A07, S3H04, S3H05.

This corridor link commences southwest of Omagh. It passes to the east of Fireagh Lough and Lough Muck before crossing, in a south easterly direction, the Drumragh River, the B122 and the B83 near Drumconnelly. It then follows the existing A5 corridor link from Tullyheeran to Curr, having crossed the B46 at Gortaclare/Moylagh. The corridor link crosses the Drumragh River, the Quiggery Water and Ballynahatty Water.

Clanabogan, southwest of Omagh (node 203) to southwest of Seskinore (node 301) – route corridor options S3A01, S3H01

This corridor link starts to the southwest of Omagh and travels in a southerly direction. It passes to the west of Fireagh Lough and Lough Muck before crossing the Ballynahatty Water. It proceeds further south passing Stroancarbadagh, Kiltamnagh, Blackfort and Sessiagh where it crosses the Quiggery Water. It crosses the B122, running parallel to the Quiggery Water passing west of Seskinore, where it crosses the B46. The corridor link crosses the Ballynahatty Water and Quiggery Water.

Clanabogan, southwest of Omagh (node 203) to Curr (node 315) via Seskinore (node 301) and Letfern (node 325) – route corridor option S3H10

This corridor link starts to the southwest of Omagh and travels in a southerly direction. It passes to the west of Fireagh Lough and Lough Muck before crossing the Ballynahatty Water. It proceeds further south passing Stroancarbadagh, Kiltamnagh, Blackfort and Sessiagh where it crosses the Quiggery Water. It crosses the B122, running parallel to the Quiggery Water passing west of Seskinore, where it crosses the B46 before heading easterly at Freughmore. It crosses the Quiggery Water and B83 at Letfern before tying in to the existing A5 corridor at Gortaclare/Moylagh. The corridor link crosses the Ballynahatty Water and Quiggery Water (twice).

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Southwest of Omagh (node 210) to Curr (node 315) via Drumragh (node 312), Tullyheeran (node 313), and Gortaclare/Moylagh (node 314) – route corridor options S3B01, S3H11

This corridor link begins southwest of Omagh. It passes to the east of Fireagh Lough and Lough Muck before crossing the Drumragh River, the B122 and the B83, travelling southeast and following the route of the existing A5 from Tattykeel until it crosses the B46 at Gortaclare/Moylagh. The corridor link will cross the Drumragh River.

Southwest of Omagh (node 210) to Derroar (node 320), via Drumragh (node 312) and east of Camowen (node 318) – route corridor options S3H12, S3H13

This corridor link begins southwest of Omagh. It passes to the east of Fireagh Lough and Lough Muck before crossing the Drumragh River travelling east and crossing the B122, B83 and the existing A5 at Tattykeel. It then passes Camowen and crosses the B158. The corridor link crosses the Cloghfin River at Derroar. The corridor link will cross the Drumragh River, Camowen River, and the Cloghfin River.

Southwest of Omagh (node 210) to Seskinore (node 301), via Tattyreagh Glebe (node 309) – route corridor options S3A02, S3H02

This corridor link begins southwest of Omagh. It passes to the east of Fireagh Lough and Lough Muck before passing Drumshanley and crossing the Drumragh River at Relaghdooey. The corridor link runs parallel to the B83 passing Tattyreagh Glebe (where it crosses the B122) and crossing the Routing Burn at Tullyvally. It passes west of Seskinore, (where it crosses the B46) and then passes Freughmore. The corridor link will cross the Drumragh River, Quiggery Water, and Ballynahatty Water.

Southwest of Omagh (node 210) to Letfern (node 325), via Tattyreagh Glebe (node 309) – route corridor options S3A03, S3H03

This corridor link starts southwest of Omagh. It passes to the east of Fireagh Lough and Lough Muck before travelling in a southerly direction towards Tattyreagh Glebe, having crossed the Drumragh River, the B122 and B83, before passing east of Seskinore (where it crosses the B46) and Seskinore Forest, and crossing the tributary of Routing Burn northeast of Letfern. The corridor link will cross the Drumragh River, Quiggery Water, and Ballynahatty Water.

Southeast of Omagh (node 216) to Curr (node 315), via Tullyheeran (node 313) and Gortaclare/Moylagh (node 314) – route corridor option S3B02

This corridor link starts southeast of Omagh. It crosses the Camowen River and passes the of Camowen and Tullyheeran, after which it begins to follow the route of the existing A5. It passes Gortaclare/Moylagh where it crosses the B46. The corridor link will cross the Camowen River.

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Southeast of Omagh (node 216) to Derroar (node 320), via Barracurragh (node 317) and east of Camowen (node 318) – route corridor options S3C01, S3H08

The corridor link commences southeast of Omagh, crosses the B4 and passes Barracurragh. It heads south crossing the Camowen River. The corridor curves around the west of Tattykeeran, near Donaghanie, before crossing the Cloghfin River and passing Derroar. The corridor link will cross the Camowen River and Cloghfin River.

Southeast of Omagh (node 216) to Derroar (node 320), via Barracurragh (node 317) and Black Hill (node 319) – route corridor options S3C02, S3C03, S3H09

This corridor link begins at the eastern side of Omagh, and heads south crossing the Camowen River and travelling parallel to the Cloghfin River and passing Black Hill and Derroar. The corridor link will cross the Camowen River and the Cloghfin River.

Southwest of Omagh (node 210) to Derroar (node 320), via Drumragh (node 312) and east of Camowen (node 318) – route corridor option S3H06

This corridor link begins southwest of Omagh. It passes to the east of Fireagh Lough and Lough Muck before crossing the Drumragh River travelling east and crossing the B122, B83 and the existing A5 at Tattykeel. It then passes Camowen and crosses the B158. The corridor link crosses the Cloghfin River and then passes Derroar. The corridor link will cross the Drumragh River, Camowen River and the Cloghfin River.

Southeast of Omagh (node 216) to Curr (node 315), via Barracurragh (node 317) and east of Camowen (node 318) – route corridor option S3H07

This corridor link begins at the eastern side Omagh, crosses the Camowen River after which it passes Donaghanie (where it crosses the B158), Annagh, Dervaghroy, east of Gortaclare/Moylagh and west of Curr Mountain (where it crosses the B46) after which it begins to follow the route of the existing A5. The corridor link will cross the Camowen River and the Cloghfin River.

The existing A5 from Omagh (node 211) to Curr (node 315), via Tullyheeran (node 313) and Gortaclare/Moylagh (node 314) – route corridor option S3B03

This corridor link commences south of Omagh along the existing A5 corridor. It runs along the existing A5 corridor, parallel to the Drumragh River and passes Doogary, Tattykeel and Ranelly. The corridor link then follows the route of the existing A5 from Tattykeel until it crosses the B46 at Gortaclare/Moylagh.

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3.6.2 Sub-Section 3B: Seskinore to North of Ballygawley/

In this sub-section 9 corridor links have been developed, namely:

• Curr (node 315) to Longridge (node 304), via Tamlaght (node 310) and southwest of Beltany Hill (node 303);

• Seskinore (node 301) to Longridge (node 304), via Eskragh (node 302) and southwest of Beltany Hill (node 303);

• Curr (node 315) to Longridge (node 304) via Tamlaght (node 310);

• Curr (node 315) to Culnaha (node 326) via Tamlaght (node 310);

• Curr (node 315) to Tullylinton (node 316);

• Derroar (node 320) to Tullylinton (node 316), via Tullyglush (node 321) and north of Findrum (node 322);

• Derroar (node 320) to west of Ballyreagh (node 323), via Tullyglush (node 321);

• East of Letfern (node 325) to Longridge (node304), via Eskragh (node 302) and southwest of Beltany Hill (node 303);

• Derroar (node 320) to Martray Lough (node 324), via Tullyglush (node 321) and north of Findrum (node 322);

Curr (node 315) to Longridge (node 304), via Tamlaght (node 310) and southwest of Beltany Hill (node 303) – route corridor options S3A04, S3A06

From Curr this corridor link proceeds in a southerly direction and crosses the Routing Burn passing between Tamlaght and Dunbiggan towards Newtownsaville before proceeding to the west of Beltany Hill and Birneys Hill, east of Knockmany Forest, to Longridge. The corridor link will cross the Routing Burn.

Seskinore (node 301) to Longridge (node 304), via Eskragh (node 302) and southwest of Beltany Hill (node 303) – route corridor options S3A01, S3A02, S3H01, S3H02

The corridor link continues from just south of Seskinore where it crosses the B83 at Raveagh. It then crosses the Eskragh Water passing Dunbiggan and Eskragh. It proceeds west of Beltany Hill and Birneys Hill and east of Knockmany Forest to Longridge. The corridor link will cross the Eskragh Water.

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Curr (node 315) to Longridge (node 304) via Tamlaght (node 310) – route corridor options S3A05, S3H04

From Curr the corridor link proceeds in a southerly direction passing Killadroy before crossing the Routing Burn. It passes Newtownsaville and east of Tamlaght and Beltany. The corridor link proceeds between Tycanny Hill, Beltany Hill and Birneys Hill to Kilgreen and Longridge. The corridor link will cross the Routing Burn.

Curr (node 315) to Culnaha (node 326) via Tamlaght (node 310) – route corridor options S3A07, S3H05

From Curr the corridor link proceeds in a southerly direction passing Killadroy before crossing the Routing Burn. It passes Newtownsaville and east of Tamlaght and Beltany. The corridor link proceeds between Tycanny Hill, Beltany Hill and Birneys Hill to north of Kilgreen. It then proceeds easterly to Culnaha. The corridor link will cross the Routing Burn.

Curr (node 315) to Tullylinton (node 316) – route corridor options S3B01, S3B02, S3B03, S3H10, S3H11, S3H07

Following Gortaclare/Moylagh the corridor link continues along the existing A5 corridor through the mountainous area from Brackagh through Kilnaheery, Knockbrack and on to Tullylinton, via Garvaghy. The corridor link will cross the Routing Burn.

Derroar (node 320) to Tullylinton (node 316), via Tullyglush (node 321) and north of Findrum (node 322) – route corridor options S3H06, S3H08, S3H12

From north of the corridor link crosses the B46 between Beragh and , before crossing the Cloghfin River. The corridor proceeds by Kilcam and before passing between the Slievedivena and Crockangorm mountains. It then proceeds by Fallaghearn sand and gravel pit, Dunmoyle Forest, Tullyglush and Killymorgan. West of Killymorgan, the corridor link heads southwest between Findrum and Cavey to tie-in with the route of the existing A5 corridor just south of Tullylinton. The corridor link will cross the Cloghfin River.

Derroar (node 320) to west of Ballyreagh (node 323), via Tullyglush (node 321) – route corridor options S3C03, S3H09, S3H13

From north of Beragh the corridor link crosses the B46 between Beragh and Sixmilecross, before crossing the Cloghfin River. The corridor proceeds by Kilcam and Altamuskin before passing between the Slievedivena and Crockangorm mountains. It passes by Fallaghearn sand and gravel pit, Dunmoyle Forest, Black Lough and passes east of Altnagore, Tirnaskea until it is just west of Ballyreagh. The corridor link will cross the Cloghfin River.

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East of Letfern (node 325) to Longridge (node 304), via Eskragh (node 302) and southwest of Beltany Hill (node 303) – route corridor options S3A03, S3H03

From south east of Seskinore the corridor link crosses the Routing Burn and the Eskragh Water passing Raveagh, Corkhill, Dunbiggan and Eskragh. It then proceeds west of Beltany Hill and Birneys Hill and east of Knockmany Forest to Longridge. The corridor link will cross the Routing Burn and Eskragh Water.

Derroar (node 320) to Martray Lough (node 324), via Tullyglush (node 321) and north of Findrum (node 322) – route corridor options S3C01, S3C02

The corridor link passes between the villages of Beragh and Sixmilecross and crosses the B46 before crossing the Cloghfin River. It proceeds by Kilcam and Altamuskin before passing between the Slievedivena and Crockangorm mountains. It then passes by Fallaghearn sand and gravel pit, Dunmoyle Forest, Black Lough, Tullyglush and Killymorgan. The corridor link will cross the Cloghfin River.

3.6.3 Sub-Section 3C: North of Ballygawley/Augher to Aughnacloy

In this sub-section 10 corridor links have been developed, namely:

• Longridge (node 304) to Moy Bridge (node 308), via Lisdoart (node 305), Cavankilgreen (node 306) and (node 307)

• Culnaha (node 326) to Moy Bridge (node 308), via Crossboy (node 311), Lisdoart (node 305), Cavankilgreen (node 306) and Glencull (node 307)

• Tullylinton (node 316) to Moy Bridge (node 308), via Cavankilgreen (node 306) and Glencull (node 307)

• West of Ballyreagh (node 323) to Moy Bridge (node 308), via Glencull (node 307)

• Longridge (node 304) to Moy Bridge (node 308), via Lisdoart (node 305) and Cavankilgreen (node 306)

• Culnaha (node 326) to Moy Bridge (node 308), via Crossboy (node 311), Lisdoart (node 305) and Cavankilgreen (node 306)

• Tullylinton (node 316) to Moy Bridge (node 308), via Cavankilgreen (node 306)

• Martray Lough (node 324) to Moy Bridge (node 308), via Cavankilgreen (node 306) and Glencull (node 307)

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• West of Ballyreagh (node 323) to Moy Bridge (node 308), via Cavankilgreen (node 306)

• Tullylinton (node 316) to Moy Bridge (node 308), via Cavankilgreen (node 306) and through Aughnacloy

Longridge (node 304) to Moy Bridge (node 308), via Lisdoart (node 305), Cavankilgreen (node 306) and Glencull (node 307) – route corridor options S3A06, S3H01, S3H02, S3H03, S3H04

This corridor link proceeds from Longridge in an easterly direction past Keady, to the north of Annaloughan Hill and crosses the A4 west of Drumcullion and the Ballygawley Water at Lisdoart. The corridor link passes Drumaslaghy and crosses the existing A5 at Cavankilgreen. It curves east around Aughnacloy, crossing the B46, B128 and A28 before returning southwest towards the existing A5 where it ties in with the border of the Republic of Ireland at Moy Bridge. The corridor link will cross the Ballygawley Water and the River Blackwater at the border.

Culnaha (node 326) to Moy Bridge (node 308), via Crossboy (node 311), Lisdoart (node 305), Cavankilgreen (node 306) and Glencull (node 307) – route corridor option S3H05

The corridor link continues from Culnaha passing Crossboy, Lisdoart (where it crosses the Ballygawley Water), Drumaslaghy and Cavankilgreen, where it crosses the existing A5. It then heads east around Aughnacloy, crossing the B46, B128 and A28 before returning southwest towards the existing A5 where it ties in with the border of the Republic of Ireland at Moy Bridge. The corridor link will cross the Ballygawley Water and the River Blackwater at the border.

Tullylinton (node 316) to Moy Bridge (node 308), via Cavankilgreen (node 306) and Glencull (node 307) – route corridor options S3H08, S3H10, S3H11, S3H12

This corridor link proceeds in a southerly direction from Tullylinton along the existing A5 corridor and around Ballygawley. South of Ballygawley it continues along the existing A5 route passing by Drumaslaghy and Cavankilgreen. It then passes north east of Aughnacloy by Glack and Glencull, crossing the A28, before meeting the border of the Republic of Ireland at Moy Bridge. The corridor link will cross the Ballygawley Water and the River Blackwater at the border.

West of Ballyreagh (node 323) to Moy Bridge (node 308), via Glencull (node 307) – route corridor options S3C03, S3H13

From Ballyreagh this corridor link passes east of Ballygawley and Martray Lough where it crosses the A4. It continues south, passing east of Cavankilgreen and Glack, and east of Aughnacloy crossing the B35, B128 and A28, before meeting the

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border of the Republic of Ireland at Moy Bridge. The corridor link will cross the Ballygawley Water and the River Blackwater at the border.

Longridge (node 304) to Moy Bridge (node 308), via Lisdoart (node 305) and Cavankilgreen (node 306) – route corridor options S3A01, S3A02, S3A03, SA04, S3A05

This corridor link proceeds from Longridge in an easterly direction past Keady, to the north of Annaloughan Hill and crosses the A4 west of Drumcullion and the Ballygawley Water at Lisdoart. The corridor link passes Drumaslaghy and crosses the existing A5 at Cavankilgreen and proceeds to run along the western side of the existing A5. It crosses the A28 to the west of Aughnacloy before tying in with the border of the Republic of Ireland at Moy Bridge. The corridor link will cross the Ballygawley Water and the River Blackwater.

Culnaha (node 326) to Moy Bridge (node 308), via Crossboy (node 311), Lisdoart (node 305) and Cavankilgreen (node 306) – route corridor option S3A07

The corridor link continues from Culnaha passing Crossboy, Lisdoart (where it crosses the Ballygawley Water), Drumaslaghy and Cavankilgreen, where it crosses the existing A5. It crosses the A28 to the west of Aughnacloy before meeting the border of the Republic of Ireland at Moy Bridge. The corridor link will cross the Ballygawley Water and the River Blackwater.

Existing A5 from Tullylinton (node 316) to Moy Bridge (node 308), via Cavankilgreen (node 306) – route corridor options S3B01, S3B02, S3H06, S3H07

This corridor link proceeds in a southerly direction from Tullylinton along the existing A5 corridor and around the west of Ballygawley. South of Ballygawley, it continues along the existing A5 corridor passing by Drumaslaghy and Cavankilgreen. It crosses the A28 to the west of Aughnacloy before meeting the border of the Republic of Ireland at Moy Bridge. The corridor link will cross the Ballygawley Water and River Blackwater.

Martray Lough (node 324) to Moy Bridge (node 308), via Cavankilgreen (node 306) and Glencull (node 307) – route corridor options S3C01, S3C02

This corridor link passes between Ballygawley and Martray Lough, crossing the A4 and Ballygawley Water. The corridor link proceeds south towards Cavankilgreen where the corridor link crosses the existing A5. It then passes west of Aughnacloy by Glack and Glencull, crossing the A28, before meeting the border of the Republic of Ireland at Moy Bridge. The corridor link will cross the Ballygawley Water and across the River Blackwater at the border.

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West of Ballyreagh (node 323) to Moy Bridge (node 308), via Cavankilgreen (node 306) – route corridor option S3H09

The corridor link heads south from Ballyreagh, over the A4, towards Cavankilgreen where it crosses the existing A5. It proceeds southwards parallel to the existing route, passing Dernabane and crosses the A28. It continues in a southerly direction around the west of Aughnacloy before meeting the border of the Republic of Ireland at Moy Bridge. The corridor link will cross the Ballygawley Water and the River Blackwater.

Tullylinton (node 316) to Moy Bridge (node 308), via Cavankilgreen (node 306) and through Aughnacloy – route corridor option S3B03

This corridor link proceeds in a southerly direction from Tullylinton along the existing A5 corridor and around the west of Ballygawley. South of Ballygawley, it continues along the existing A5 corridor passing by Drumaslaghy and Cavankilgreen. It proceeds through Aughnacloy forming junctions with the A28 (twice) and the B35 and B128 before meeting the border of the Republic of Ireland at Moy Bridge. The corridor link will cross the Ballygawley Water and River Blackwater.

3.7 Preliminary Cost Estimates The preliminary cost estimate was established in May 2008 based on cost plans undertaken by the A5WTC delivery team. Cost plans were produced for the following standard of road:

Cat 5 – dual carriageway with priority junctions.

Cat 6 (lower) – dual carriageway with at grade roundabouts.

Cat 6 (higher) – dual carriageway with compact grade separated junctions.

A baseline alignment was developed using the Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and the limited information available at that time. The principal quantities were calculated and a schedule produced for pricing. These quantities formed the basis of a high-level bill of quantities for each road standard. Assumptions were also made on the number and length of road structures. The bill of quantities was priced using current prices from the market.

For elements for which quantities were not available, allowance was made based on costs per m2 from a database of highway schemes. This formed a composite rate for the purpose of high level estimating.

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3.7.1 Land Costs The land take requirement was modelled and an assessment was made of the proportion of agricultural, residential and industrial land required. Land values were based on feedback from current Roads Service schemes under evaluation in Northern Ireland.

3.7.2 Other Costs Contractor’s overheads and profit were included at 15% of the construction total. Employer’s costs for preparation and supervision were allowed at 9% and 5% respectively.

3.7.3 Risk It is considered good practice to identify and manage the risks on major highway schemes. A risk workshop was held on the 5th of March 2008 to identify the major risks inherent with the scheme. The risks were identified and scored in terms of their likelihood and impact. The top-ranking risks were highlighted and proposed mitigation measures identified.

3.7.4 Optimism Bias In accordance with the Director of Engineering Memorandum for Major Works Estimates, optimism bias was applied to the total scheme costs. The optimism bias is a means of allowing for a general tendency to be overly optimistic when programming and estimating the cost of construction works.

The optimism bias for a standard non complicated civil engineering project is 44%. The optimism bias can be reduced as the design develops and the costing becomes more robust. In order to establish the appropriate level of optimism bias, the project team reviewed all the management practices to ensure the appropriate tools were in place to effectively deliver the project.

Optimism bias is applied to all scheme costs with the exception of land costs.

3.7.5 Cost Summary Because of the difficulties associated with robust cost estimating in the early stages of the scheme development, it is considered good practice to report the range of costs from lowest to highest. This can be established from the range of potential carriageway standards, confidence levels of risk management and the range of optimism bias.

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On the basis of the above the scheme estimate was calculated to be £650 - £850 million, based on Q4 2007 prices. This makes no allowance for future inflation and excludes VAT.

3.7.6 Preliminary Options Report Stage 1 (POR 1) Cost Estimates The design team developed a number of alternative corridors for consideration at POR1. Due to the number of route options and combinations, a method was required to assess the cost of the various corridors without the benefit of detailed design and measurable quantities. The major factors that would differentiate between the various corridors are:

• Length of route, • Land-take width and land category, • Specials, • Major traffic management requirements on on-line sections.

Specials are defined as construction features or constraints which are over and above typical highways construction requirements. They include major structures and extraordinary earthworks (major cut and fill volumes).

The land-take required was estimated from the earthworks profile and the proportion of agricultural, residential and industrial land was estimated within the sections.

The number and nature of specials were identified and the effect on the costs discussed at the POR1 workshop held between the 22nd and 24th of July 2008.

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