(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,045,140 B2 Motterlini Et Al

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,045,140 B2 Motterlini Et Al USOO7045140B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,045,140 B2 Motterlini et al. (45) Date of Patent: May 16, 2006 (54) THERAPEUTIC DELIVERY OF CARBON FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS MONOXDE HU 211 084 B 4f1990 WO WO 91/O1128 2, 1991 (75) Inventors: Roberto Angelo Motterlini, Middlesex WO WO 91/O1301 2, 1991 (GB); Brian Ernest Mann, Sheffield WO WO 94,22482 10, 1994 (GB) WO WO95/05814 3, 1995 WO WO 98.29115 7, 1998 WO WO 98.48848 11, 1998 (73) Assignee: Hemocorm Limited, London (GB) WO WOOO,56743 9, 2000 WO WO O2/O78684 10, 2002 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this WO WO O2/O80923 10, 2002 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 WO WO O3,OOO114 1, 2003 WO WO O3,0666067 8, 2003 U.S.C. 154(b) by 384 days. WO WO O3,O72O24 9, 2003 WO WO O3,O88923 10, 2003 (21) Appl. No.: 10/143,824 WO WO O3,O88981 10, 2003 WO WO O3,O94932 11/2003 (22) Filed: May 14, 2002 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Furchgott, et al. Blood Vessels 1991:28:52-61 (65) Prior Publication Data "Endothelium-Dependent and -Independent Vasodilation US 2003/0064114 A1 Apr. 3, 2003 Involving Cyclic GMP: Relaxation Induced by Nitric Oxide, Carbon Monoxide and Light'. (30) Foreign Application Priority Data Wang et al, Biochemistry, vol. 18, No. 22, 1979, 4960-4977 May 15, 2001 (GB) ................................. O111872.8 “A Correlation of the Visible and Soret Spectra of Dioxygen and Carbon Monoxide-Heme Complexes and Five-Coordi (51) Int. Cl. nate Heme Complexes with the Spectra of Oxy-, Carboxy A6F 2/02 (2006.01) and Deoxyhemoglobins'. A6F I3/02 (2006.01) A6 IK 9/48 (2006.01) (Continued) A6 IK 9/20 (2006.01) Primary Examiner Carlos A. Azpuru (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Nixon & Vanderhye P.C. 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O.11?. 0.17 O 21 0.42 Fig. 4(b) 120 |(55&=Å «N ~ ~ [[]ÈS 3&8ºg –E q???????????????????????????????????????? —E? HÄNSSN· –H INNS» O §NNNNNNN 0.08:S 0.21 0 &----¬33 0.42L.),~~~ ? 0.84 RuCi (mM) Fig. 4(c) U.S. Patent May 16, 2006 Sheet 6 of 17 US 7,045,140 B2 CO-RM(-) 2 vehicle (--) O 1 C O C 9 O time (min) Fig.
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