Critical Vote Near on Income Tax
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4i n. Distribution M* i* ««l*fct, *Hh st»w,n Today •r tbuadersbowen. High today 21,275 la the 7li, low tonight is the ) Independent Daily f Mi. Tomorrow, partly cloudy, Mgh In the 7»». Thursday, fair. DIAL 741-0010 See weather, page 2. VOL. 86, NO. 33 Iciued dally. UondtT through Frlflty. Becond CUM Posui* Paid u Red But ml u Additional Milllni Odlcel. RED BANK, N. J-, TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1963 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE McNamara Stumps for Test Ban Treaty By ERNEST B. VACCARO tiye strength." But the skeptics Facilities for atmospheric test- that exists iri the world today," parties to the Moscow agreement, At another point Rusk said: "I- WASHINGTON (AP)-Secretary want the views of McNamara and ing will be kept in a constant he added. has peered "into the pit of the believe the United States must of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who of Defense Robert S. McNamara state of readiness so the United He made clear he expects the inferno," Rusk said, and has a maintain a very large over-all nu- continues administration argu- will testify later in the week. common interest in putting "at clear superiority with the ability States can act quickly if Moscow Soviets to keep the agreement, ments today thit the limited nu- Rusk, appearing before the For- since it is in their "self-interest" least a little lid" on the arms to strike back and destroy an ag- clear test ban treaty will not im. eign Relations Committee with violates the agreement, Rusk said. to do so. race and taking a small step to- gressor." pair U.S. defenses. members of the Armed Services "You don't stake the life of it The Soviet Union like the Unit- ward avoiding a ftuclear holo- He said continued underground The Pentagon chief is the sec- and Senate-House Atomic Energy, great nation on the confidence ed States and Britain, the other caust. testing would enable it to do so. ond Cabinet member to testify be- committees sitting in, said the fore the Senate Foreign Relation United States intended to main- Committee in President Kennedy's tain its "very Urge nuclear su- campaign to win Senate ratifica- periority," which involves a heavy tion of the ban on all but under- margin in tactical nuclear weap- ground blasts. ons. About 12 hours before McNa- The treaty, he emphasized. Is mara was scheduled to go to Cap- based on "trust of Russia," but itol Hill, the Atomic Energy Com- on U. S. ability to detect explo- Critical Vote Near mission announced that a nuclea sions In the areas covered by the test of low yield had been fired bin—the atmosphere, outer space Monday at its Nevada test site. and beneath the seas. It was the first U.S. test since the United States. Great Britain and First Witness , . Hie Soviet Union signed the treaty a week earlier in Moscow. No un- On Income Tax Cut PRACTICE SESSION—Dedication, determination and derground tests by other coun- WASHINGTON (AP)—A prppos- made in other parts of the tax January were estimated to net a the committee's rejection of a 5 tries have been reported. al to out most Americans' income program. $10,320,000,000 reduction. per cent floor under itemized de- two raw eggs are ingredients for this picture of two 1 Faces Query taxes an average of IS /] per cent $10 Billion Cut Thus, the administration re- ductions. This provision would would-be CORE pickets who underwent training in San McNamara faces searching approached a crucial vote today have cut down itemized deduc- As unveiled 'Monday before the shaped its rate reduction propos- questions on whether the nation in the House Ways and Meant tions—for local taxes, interest, Francisco's Golden Gate Park. Some 50 members of the committee by Secretary or the als to come up with approximately can afford to forgo atmosphereic Committee. charity and the like—by allowing Congress of Racial Equality practiced civil rights picket- Treasury .Douglas Dillon, the re- the same net result after taking testing of big megaton devices, a The plan was worked out by into account changes made by the only the amount in excess of 5 ing for posiibls use in the Bay Area by treating one field in which It is believed the vised proposals would result in a per cent of a taxpayer's income. the Treasury to complete a tax net reduction of $10,645,000,000 in committee in the President's rev- Soviets have an advantage. By rejecting it, the committee another to the insults and disruption! that are sometimes bill the committee has been put- individual and corporate tax rates enue-raising proposals. Secretary of State Dean Rusk, wiped out more than two-thirds ol met with on picket lines. Shown are Richard Siller, ting together for most of the by 1965. Kennedy's proposals A major factor, Dillon said, was who testified Monday, said the the $3 billion pickup In revenue AP year. The House Is expected to left, and Lois Bonzell. < Wirephotol ban would not damage "our rela take up the legislation early next the administration counted on in month. Action may take longer its original tax proposal. The com- in the Senate, despite President mittee did restore in a sense a Kennedy's pleas that a tax cut pickup of about $500 million by be enacted this year. dhallowing certain state taxes, Ivy Cancer League Hopeful One key member of the com- principally those on gasoline, cig- mittee said a vote by the. tax arettes and liquor. ; writing group would come soon, Confirms Need perhaps today. Several said they The pattern of economic devel- Of Krebiozen Battle Victory expected agreement on rates ap- opment since the President's mes- proximating those proposed by the sage In January has served By AL HORAY delegates from New York and though the American Medical As- Treasury which revised its owti to confirm the need for a net tax sociation objects to removing the earlier suggestions to conform reduction of $10.3 billion, Dillon OCEAN TOWNSHIP - A crack others from «" sectlons * the ban, individual physicians an Dean Rusk with changes the committee has said. has been made in the wall f country' o coming to the fore In asking tha "While progress so far this year opposition to the release of rhe Support From Doctors it be lifted. has been somewhat better than controversial anti-cancer drug, Local members were led by Although the ban went on in- earlier expectations, the outlook Krebiozen. Mrs. William Hodnett, presiden terstate shipments of the drug in for reducing unemployment, In the So said Mrs. Irving Friedman, of the local chapter, and accom- It Isn't the Sewer, absence of substantial tax reduc- July when the federal Food and past president of Ivy Cancer panied by Mrs. Friedman, first Drug Administration enforced tion, has certainly not Improved, League 117, on her return from president of the unit. Marchers, new regulation on the product he said. the "death march" at the White all dressed in black, carried the story began in World War I The tax rates advanced by Dil- House last week. signs calling for the ban on in It's the Humidity in South America. (See TAX CUT, Page 2) Mrs. Friedman, of 1000 Bender- terstate shipments of the drug SEA BRIGHT — Councilman Harold L. Schnabolk, owner of mere Ave., Wanamassa, told The to be lifted. Yugoslav Doctor Frank Van Duzer last night told Badminton Court, a recreation Register that a reasonable "For the first time," Mrs. Dr. Stevan Durovic, a forme: Borough Council that an odor area on Peninsula Ave. with tmount of success was accom- Friedman said. "doctors who medical officer of the Yugosla' which has been hanging over the furnished bungalows at the site, 9 Offices plished by the march, in which have used the drug wired their Army, was released from a pris- community Is caused by heavy said the condition is detrimental two busloads of local area league support to our objective to the on camp in Italy where he had humidity which will not allow ex- to his business and is costing Broken Into members took their stand with President." She noted that al- been held as a war prisoner. He hausted gases from the sewer him money. went to. South America to pur- plant to escape into the atmos- ____ ' i • • ' ' ' "I can't do business under the sue, hi^ Interrupted', .research phere. On Broad St. work. '.!":.'"''." '•"•"' "'" "' blanket of odor surrounding my "There it nothing we can do business," he said. ; RED BANK — Police are in- (See KREBIQZEN, Page 2) Plan Formal Action about it." the councilman said. Councilwoman Cecile Norton vestigating the theft of an esti- "The humidity causes the gases suggested a new chlorituitor lie mated J375 as the result of nine to hang over town in a pocket." purchased to add to the capacity breaking and entries of profes- Referring to the smog-like ir- of |he existing one, TILT) — An allegedly illegal pinba.ll. machine, one of fwo sional offices on Broad St., over the weekend. On Bond Ordinances ritant which has been the sub- "It won't cure the problem;'' wiled by New Shrewsbury police, ii inspected by Chief — The Town- ' Public hearings are scheduled ject of local complaints for sever- said acting Mayor John Foreman, r Police. Chief George H. Clay- Ja'mei H«rririg, left, and Patrolman Getehel McCall be- •hip Committee is expected io on six bonding ordinances cov- al weeks, he said the fault is "but it will help." Mr.