Omaha Monitor November 6 1915
.. _, 1, _,;. :~ '.' .'- ':.i"': -, " -'.....~.~.'::: ';' ';'~' :-:---'. " ",..:',: ,.(-.*,' .. :.' ,',.' " , :+~~;F~~;·~;::-·~-:~:·", ·ONITOR A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests'of the Eight Thousand Colored People in Omaha and Vicinity, and to the Good of the Community The Rev. JOHN ALBERT WILLIAMS, Editor $1.00 a Year. 5c a Copy. Omaha, Nebraska.. November 6, 1915 Volume I. Number 19 ,. Will Omaha-Permit "Birth of a Nation" Dixon's Photo Play? WeAppeal to Ou maha riends Condemned By Press "Th~ Birth of .a Nation" Condemned I to Prevent This Play The Kansas City Times, Leading By Many People Is Iflterdicted Dally Newspaper, Deprecates In Several Cities. "The whole tendency of the motion picture drama, 'The Birth of a Its Presentation in Missouri. Nation,' is to arouse loathing ajl"d contempt of whites against blacks." From editorial in Kansas cl1y Times. October 26, 1915. REASONS BARRED FROM OHIO A GRAND SCENIC SPECTACLE "Not only does it rekindle the feeling of sectional hatred, but it Proclaims Doctrines Which Cost War strongly tp.l1ds to arouse prejud ice a·nd hatred among the coming Has Tendency to Arouse LoathH'l'2 Justifies Klu Klux Atrocities generation against a race that is living in our midst." and Contempt of Whites Malign's Negro Race. From official report of Ohio S tate Board of Censors, October 8, Against Blacks. 1915, in barring play from Ohio, I "The Birth of a Nation," a powerful I ,\1\'hpn I.pading- newspapers of the photo play, based upon Dixon's 1)er- country, not given to hyst-eria, but niCious Ptejudice~'breeding book, The ", sane and sober·minded moulders of Clansman,' has been engaged for "an public opinion, sound a note of warn- indefinite run" at the Brandeis thea- ing against the dangerous tendencies ter, this city, The engagement, un- of a heavily-capitaliz-ed and popular less it is prevented", is to begin Sun- photoplay film, there must be some, day, November 14, The press agent thing wrong with that film, states that.
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