Dalam petkata Seksyen 8, Seksyen 10 (a), Seksyen 26 (1), Seksyen 32 (a) 0), (.) dan (e), Seksyen 34 (b), Seksyen 35 dan Seksyen 36 Akta I(esalahan Pilihan Raya 1954


Dalam petkata Kaedah-Kaedah Petisyen Pilihan Raya,7954


Ddam petkata Petaturan 79 Peratutan-Pemturan Pilihan Raya (Penjalanan Pilihan Raya) 1981


Dalam petkata Peratutan 3, Peratutan-Perahuan Pilihan Raya @engundian Pos) 2003


Dalam perkzra, Perkara 45, 48, 49, 775 dan 779 Perlembagaan Pets ekutuan


Dalam petkata Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 bagr I(awasan Patlimen P.158 Kerusi Tebtau, Johot Darul Tzkzim untuk Pilihan Raya Umum yang diadakanpada 5 haribulan Mei 2013.





S\N 3RAF4XLTQSDO **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2. PEGA\yAI PILIHANRAYA UMUM KE.13 BAGI KAWASAN PARLIMEN P.158 KERUSI DESTAN RAKYAT TEBRAU, IOHOR DARUL TAKZIM



Petisyen QJRIC No. 571207-08-6171) beralamat di No 21, Jalan Suteta Ji.gg" 2, Tzrmall Suteta, 8 1 200 , Johor.

1,. Pempetisyen adalah seorang calon pada pilihan nya di atas dan Lryak untuk mengemukakan petisyen ini di bawah Seksyen 34 (b) Akta I(esalahan Pilihan Raya 1.954.

2. Pempetisyen menyatakan babawa pilthantaya umum telah dijalankan pzda hari 5 Mei 2013(selepas ini dirujuk sebagai "Hari Mengundi") y*g mana Responden Pettama, Khoo Soo Seang (selepas ini dirujuk sebagai "Responden Pettamarr) y^flgmew^kili Parti dan Pempetisyen, Choong Shiau Yoon (selepas ini di-i"k sebagai "Pempetisyen") yang mewakili Pati I(eadilan Rakyat adalzh calon-calon, dan Responden ke-2, Pegawai Pengurus Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 Kawasan Padimen P. 158 I{erusi Dewan Rakyat Tebrau, Johot Darul Takzim (selepas ini diruiuk sebagai "Responden Ke- 2") telah mengisytiharkan Responden Pertama sebagai calon yang dipilih.

3. Menurut lWatta Kerajazn P.U. (B) 222 betnil

Jumlah Pengundi 90,492

Jumlah kertas undi yang dikeluarkan untuk mengundi 79,835

C Jumlah undi oleh pengundi bagi setiap calon yangbertanding

Nama Calon

1. Choong ShiauYoon eI(R) 38,218 2. Khoo Soo Seang (BN) 39,985

Jumlah keseluuhan undian oleh pemilih 78,203

D Jumlah bilangan kertas undi yang ditolak

(seperti di C dalam sernua Borang 14 + C dalam Borang 15) 1,551

S\N 3RAF4XLTQSDO **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal E Jumlah kertas undi yang dikeluatkan tetapi tidak

dimasukkan ke dalam peti undi dan tidak dikembalikan

(sepetti di D dalamsemua Botang 14) dan tidak dikembalikan

(seperti di D dalam Botang 15) (B-C-D) 81

F Pemtuspengundian F /Ax 100) 88.2%

G 1,767


4. Pempetisyen rnenyatakan sepetti berikut -

Responden Pertama adalah seorans vans tidak lavak untuk dioilih.

Bahawa Responden Pertarna telah mernegang jawatan Senator, dan oleh itu adalah merupakan ahli Dewan Negata pada tadkh penamaan calon dan tatikh mengundi. Bahawa menurut Artikel 48 dan 49 Petlembag^^n Pemekutuan Responden Pertama hil"tg kelayakan untuk menjadi ahli Dewan Ralryat yang dibaca betsama seksyen 32 Akta Kesalahan Pilihan Raya 1954.

Butfuannya adalah sepeti bedkut:

u) Bahawa Responden Pettama telah dipilih oleh Dewan Undangan Negeri Johot sebagai Senatot bagi neged Johot dan bahawa tempoh jawatan Responden Pettarna sebagai Senatot zdalah dai 7.12.2010 hingga 30.11.2013;

(1i) Bahawa dalam tempoh betkempen, Responden Pertama telah dipetkenalkan dan memperkenalkan dirinya kepada orang tzmzi sebagai seorang Senator;

(*) Bahawa menrrut laman web yang betkaitan dati portal web rasmi Parlimen , yang beralamat di http://www.padimen.gov.my/ptofile- ahli.html?uweb=dn&id=399 membed maklum^t yzrrg sama seperti perenggan- perenggan di atas betkenaan status Senator Responden Pertama.

S\N 3RAF4XLTQSDO **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal PERL{NGGARAN SEKSYEN 10 (a) DAN 32 (a), (b) & G) AKTA KESALAHAN PILIHAN RAYA 1954

5. Pempetisyen menyatakan seperti betikut: -

Penvosokan Am fMembeli Undi)

Bahawa penyogokan runrrn telah bedaku secara. brgt" meluas dalm pemilihan Responden Pettama dan secata munasabahnya telah rnernberi kesan kepada keputusan pilih"n ny^ rrri. Pempetisyen mendakwz bzhawa tindakan memberi wang oleh ejen-ejen pati politik Responden Pertama kepada orang nrnat pada had mengundi itu sendiri merupakan 'sogokan' mengikut peruntukan Seksyen 10 (a) Akta Kesalahan Pilihan Raya 1954.

Buttrannya adalab seperti berikut -

(t Pada 05/05/2013 kira-kira izm 74:37, seorang lelaki yang dikenali sebagai Mohd Kamil Bin Selamat ((etua Cawangan UMNO) dilihat rnemberi wang kepada orang ramai (di mana, terdapat l

(n) Seorang saksi kejadian, Siow Ghun Fatt (I(P No 830811-01-5015) ("Saksi Pertama") telah hadir di lokasi tetsebut danbetlaya mengambil bebetapa ganrbat perbuatan di atas menggunakan telefon bimbitnya. Gambar-gambar ini secara khusus menunjukkan orang r:rmat beratur di rumah tersebut untuk mengarnbil wang selepas membuang undi mereka. Pempetisyen juga ingin menekankan bahawa tetdapzt 2 bendera Barisan Nasional dikibarkan di kedua-dua sisi pintu rumah.

(1r1) Selain gambar-gambar tersebut, suatu rakaman video yang diambil menggunakan telefon bimbit Saksi Pertama menunjukkan kejadian beli undi tersebut. Rakaman ini juga jelas menunjukkan bahawa sebuah kaunter telah dibuka di dalam kawasan rumah dt mana seorang lelaki dan seorang wanita, yang mengendalikan kaunter dilihat menyerahkan wang tunai be{umlah RM 1,00 Q keping nota RM 50) selepas mengambil beberapa maklumat dari setiap penedma. Rakamn tersebut menunjukkan seorang warga tua wanita, selepas ditemuramah oleh salah seorang yang mengendalikan kaunter, telah diminta untuk menandatangani namanya di

S\N 3RAF4XLTQSDO **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal atas sekeping kettas yang mengandungi senatai nama sebelum disenhkan wang sogokan betjumlah RM 100.

(ro 2laponn polis dibuat oleh Saksi Pertama pada 2013/10/05 (Lapotan Polis No SETIAIND AH / 00459 6 / 13 dan SETIAIND AH / 004599 / 1,3) dl Balai Polis Setia Indah melaporkan berkenaan kejadian tersebut.


6. Pempetisyen menyatakan sepetti berikut -

Peniamuan Am Membeli Undi)

Bahzvrajzrtuan umum telah begitu bedaku dengan rneluas dalam pemiJihan Responden Pertama dan seczta munasabahnya memberi kesan kepada keputusan pilihrn tayz tni. Pempetisyen mendakwa bahz:wa tindakan memberi wang oleh ejen pati politik Responden Pertama (*tok rnenampung petbelanjazn perlalznan pemilih / kos tiket) kepada ot^ng :-zmal. pada had mengundi itu sendiri merupakan kesalahan 'menjamu' mengikut Seksyen 8 Akta I(esalahan Pilthantaya 7954.

Butirannya adalzh seperti berikut: -

(t Pada Han Mengundi l

di tingkat 1, , di atas Restotan tersebut.

(ii) Saksi untuk kejadian rni, Zunal Hadi Bin Husin ((P No 710508-01-5809) ("Saksi I(edua") telah megambil gambar-gambar yang menunjukkan beberapa orang betatur di luar dan di dalam restoran tersebut. Gambar-gambat tersebut menunjukkan bahavra orang-orang yang bemtut itu tidak berbuat demikian untuk hidangan yang dijual di testoran tersebut. Boleh dipethatikan bahawa tetdapat bendeta Badsan Nasional (Pati Politik Responden Pertama) di luar bangunan

S\N 3RAF4XLTQSDO **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal dan terdapat beberapa bendera kecil Batisan Nasional dan bendera 1 Malaysia tergantung di dalam restoran tetsebut.

(*) Saksi Kedua juga merakam video yang mengandungi petbualan dlantzrt dirinya sendiri dengan 2 wztita, di mana Saksi Kedua bettanya kepada kedua-dua wanita tetsebut tentang bagaimana carzrryz untuk mendapat bayaran seperti orang-orang yang sedang beratut. Salah seotang dad wanita tersebut menjawab dengan pefilrny^a fl kepada Saksi Kedua sama a;da dta mempunyai tiket pe{alanan bersamanya supaya boleh rnembuat tuntutan elaun pe{alanan (upah') beliau untukmengundi. Seotang lagpwanta boleh dilihat dalam video tersebut (memakai baju kwung biru dan sedang makan kacang) membedtahu Saksi Kedua untuk pergi dan merujuk kepada orzrng yang betanggungjawab betkenaan 'betapa banyak' dan'bagaimana' untuk mendapatk an bayann tersebut

(19 Saksi I(eduz pzda, fi /A5/2013 membuat laporan polis papomn Pots No ULUTIRAM/002605/13) dibalu polis Ulu Tnam berkaitan dengan kejadtan temebut. Di samping itu, Saksi Kedua |ugz menegaskan dalam lapotan polis tetsebut bahawa pada had mengundi, di lokasi yang sama, beliau telah bertemu dengan 2 orznglelaki Melayu yang membedtahunya bahawa mereka juga beratur untuk mengarnbil wang trntuk menampung kos peqoJanan pulang rnengundi. 2 lelaki Melayu memaklurnkan Saksi Kedua bahawa rnereka pedu menunjukkan tiket bas meteka dan resit saluan mengundi sebelum mengutip bayann masing- masing. Saksi Keduaiugamenyatakan dalamlapotan polis yang samabahawa dra telah petgi untuk mengesahkan proses dan prosedut pembayaran tersebut dengan bebetapa orang orang dalam "bilik operasi" yang tedetak di hadapan restoran, di mana beliau telah dimaklumkan mengenai proses dan prosedur yang sama.


7. Pempetisyen menyatakan bahawa dalam melakukan kesalahan-kesalahan seperti yang dinyatakan diddam perenggan-perenggan di atas, Responden Pertarna juga secara peribadinya dznf attu menerusi ejen-ejennya telah melanggar Seksyen 26 (1) G) & (d) Akta I(esalahan Pilihan Raya 1954 apabila menggunakan rumah kediarnan dan rumah kedai sebagai pejabat atau pusat patti politik Responden Pertarna pada Hall' Mengundi tetsebut.

Butitannya adalah seperti bedkut -

(1) Bahawa sebuah rumah kediaman yakni sebuah rumah kos rendah berangkai dua tingkat betalamat di No 28, J^I^rL Nibong 48, Taman Daya, Johot Bahru yang dimitiki oleh Ungku Abu Bakar Bin Ungku Abdul J"Iil y*g betdekatan dengan

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pusat mengurdi di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Taman Daya 2 (158/41/18) telah digunakan sebagai pejabat atau pusat parti politik Responden Petama pada Had Mengundi tetsebut.

(ii) Bahawa terdapat dua bendera Barisan Nasional yang telah dikibarkan di sisi pintu p^gur. rumah tersebut.

(ut) Bahawa satu kaunter telah disediakan dalam kawasan rumah tersebut yzrrgm^n^ orang-orang yang betugas dikaunter tersebut melakukan aktiviti-aktiviti seperti yang telah dnyat*an dalampercngg n a Q hingga (iii) diatas.

(t) Bahawa Restoran Titam Comet Classic yang terletak di Jalan Cempedak Tarr,oLn Tiram Baru, 81800 Ulu Tiram, Johortelah digunakan sebagai pejabat atau pusat parti politik Responden Pertarna pada Hari Mengundi tetsebut.Pemilik Restotan tetsebut telah dikenalpasti sebagai Mohd Esa Bin Baba Ali l(han ((etua Kampung Tttatn & Ketua Cawangan UMNO Tkzm Baru). UMNO adalah satu parti politik di bawah pari politik Responden Pertama. Lokasi ini adalah dalam larak yzng betdekatan dengan pusat mengundi Sekolah Kebangsaan Ulu Tiram (1,s8/40/04).

(") Babawa tetdzpat bendeta Barisan Nasional (Parti Politik Responden Petama) di luat bangunan dan tetdapat bebetapa bendera kecil Barisan Nasional dan bendeta 1 Malaysia tetgaritung di dalam restoran tersebut.

("t) Bahawa aktiviti-aktiviti y-g dijalankan di testoran tersebut menunjukkan bahawa ianya digunakan sebagai sebuah pejabat atau pusat parti politik adalah seperti yang telah dinyatakan di dalam perenggan 5 (i) hingga (iv) di atas.


8. Pempetisyen menyatakan seperti berikut -

(t Bahzwa Responden ke-3 dibawah peruntukkan Artikel 115 Petlembagaan Petsekutuan berhak untuk melantik (employ) sejumlah orang untuk mernbantu dalam proses pilihan raya. Oleh itu, ianya merupakan tanggungjawab Responden ke-3 untuk memproses petmohonan kesemua pegawai Responden ke-3 supaya mereka didaftarkan sebagai pengundi pos (sebagaim^n^y^ng dibenarkan dibawah

S\N 3RAF4XLTQSDO **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal ,a

Peraturan 3 Petaturan-Peratwan Pilihanraya @engundian Pos) 2003) memandangkan tugas dan tanggungjawab yang akan dilakukan oleh meteka sebagai pegawai Responden ke-3 pada Had Mengundi.

(ii) Dalarn hal ifli, Responden ke-2 telah gagal dalzm memproses permohonan- petmohonan pegawai-pegawai Responden ke-3 menurut Peratutan 3 (3) Peratutan-Peratutan Pilihantaya @engundian Pos) 2003 dan oleh itu telah rnengakibatkan status lebih kuang 700 pegawai-pegautai Responden ke-3 ("pegawai-pegawai yang terlejas') di dalam kawasan Patlimen Tebtau kekal sebagai pengundi biasa.

(u') Bahawa Responden ke-2 telah gagal untuk mernberikan m^sa y^ng munasabah kepada pegawai-pegav/ai yang terlejas unh:.k keluar mengundi secara biasa di pusat pengurdian yang telah didaftatkan kepada meteka.

(") Oleh itu, hak pegawai-pegawai yang terle)as untuk mengundi dibawah Artikel 119 Perlembagaan Persekutruan telah dihalang ("deprived'). Selanju$rya, tanpa rnaklumat-maklumat atau dokumen-dokumen yang hanya boleh dimajukan oleh Responden ke-3 adalah mustahil bagi Pempetisyen untuk rnenyatakan secara spesifik samada kesemua pegawai-pegawai yar;'g terlejas telah dihalang dari hak meteka untuk mengundi oleh kerana terdapatnya kemungkinan pegawai-pegawai yang merniJih untuk tidak mengundi. OIeh itu, terdapat perlanggaran Seksyen 4 (d) dan 25 (1) Akta Kesalahan Pilihantaya7954.

Butirannya adalah seperti berikut -

(t Terdapatnya 45 pusat mengundi dan 763 saluan mengundi di kawasan Padimen Tebrau P 158. Setiap saluran rnempuryai 5 pegawai Responden ke-3 yang bertugas pzda Hzn Mangundi. Oleh itu, jumlah keseluruhan pegawai Responden ke-3 yang bettugas zdalah 815. Selanjutnya juga terdapat secara minumumnya, 2 pegawai Responden ke-3 yang bettugas di 'Barung' di setiap pusat mengundi. Dengan itu, jumlah pegawai Responden ke-3 di kesemua "Barung' adalah 90 orang. Secara keseluruhannya, tetdapat 905 pegawai-pegawai Responden ke-3 yang bettugas pada Had Mengundi. Namun begitu, senarai pengundi pos

menun jukk an hany a 299 otzng didaftarkan s eb agai p engundi p o s.

(ii) Bahawa Responden ke-2 sendiri telah mengakui kepada Pempetisyefl y^ng status pegawai-pegawai yang tetlejas kekal sebagai pengundi biasa kerana permohonan meteka untuk didaftarkan sebagai pengundi pos telah gagal diproses dalam rnasa yang ditetapkan.

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9. Pempetisyen menyatakan seperti berikut -

(1) Adalah menjadi kesalahan dibawah Seksyen (3) (1) 0) brg seseorang untuk mengundi apabtla beliau tidak layak untuk mengundi. Dalam hal ini Responden ke-2 telah melakukan kesalahan dibawah Seksyen 6 Akta yang sama zpzbrlz betsubahat dalam pelaksanaan kesalahan sepetti yang dinyatakan di bawah Seksyen 3 (1) 0) tetsebut. Adalah menjadi tanggunjawab Responden ke-2 untuk memeriksa, mengemaskini dan meneliti senatai pemilih sebelum Hari Mengundi. Adalah juga menjadi tanggungjawab Responden ke-2 padaHart Mengundi untuk memastikan kesemua orang yang berhastat untuk mengundi dikenalpasti sebagai seorang pengundi yang sah. Kegagalan Responden ke-2 dalam hal sedemikian secara Iangsung atau tidak langsung telah membantu ("abetted') orang-ofang yang tidak layak untuk mengundi.

Butirannya adalah seperti berikut -

(t Bahawa seoreang pengundi berdaftar, Sho Huan Ying Q.{o. K/P: 850118-01- 5568) yang datang mengundi di pusat mengundinya iaitu Sekolah Rendah I(Ebangsaan Ulu Tiram telah dinafikan suatu kertas undi oleh kerana nama beliau di dalam senarai dafttt undi telah dipotong oleh Kerani 1 Responden ke-3. Beliau telah dimaklumkan oleh seorang pegawai Responden ke-3 di pusat mengundi tetsebut baharva kad pengenalan beliau telah digunakan untuk tujuan pengundian walaupun pada hakikatnya Sho Huan Ying tetsebut masih belum membuang undinya. Beliau telah melakukan satu laporan polis S.epot Polis NO. ULUTIRAM /002364/1, di Balai Polis Ulu Tiram melapotkan insiden tersebut.


10. Pempetisyen rnenyatakan seperti berikut -

(1) Betindak dibawah Seksyen 16 Akta Pilihanraya 1958, Responden ke-3 dibed

kuasa untuk menggubal Petatutan-Peraturan Pilihanraya (Penjalanan Pilihanraya)

1981 yang berkuat kuasa pada Disember 1981. Peraturan 1981 tersebut telah

dipinda dan mula betkuatkuasa dtipada12.02.2012 bagr pelaks^n^ n mandatori

perigguflaan dakwat kekal pada sesi pengundian.

S\N 3RAF4XLTQSDO **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal Q) Dakwat kekal yang digunakan tidak mampu dznf ata:u tidak mampu secara munasabahnya membolehkan ketua tempat mengundi memastikan tiada dakwat kekal ditandakan dijad telunjuk tangan kid ataupun membolehkan ketua tempat mengundi untuk sec^t^ munasabahnya belpuas hati mengikut peruntukkan Petatutan 19 (3) & (4) Peratwan-Peraturan Pilihanraya @enjalanan Pilihawaya) 1 981.

(3) Bahawa dakwat kekal tidak kekal.

{1} Bahawa komposisi ba.han kimia di dalam dakwat kekal telah gagal untuk memastikan sifat kekekal alrrlly ^.

('i) Tidak ada sebatang prosedut sekata yang dikuatkusakan bagi pemakaian dakwat kekal dan/atau secara altenzifnya ptosedut tetsebut sekkanya ada tidak diikuti.

Butimnnya adalah sepeti bedkut -

(t Seotang pengundi betdaftar, Soo Chin Ki*g Q.Jo. K/P: 550411-01-5159) di dalam lapotan polis fi.epot Polis No. SETIAINDAH/005144/13) menyatakan bahawa beliau telah membuang undi di Sekolah I(ebangsaan Tzman Daya pada jam lebih kurang 12.00 tengahan. Jan be[au telah ditandakan dengan dakwat kekal tetapi selepas mandi pa.da malam had, beliau mendapati dakwat tersebut telah hilang.

('i) Seotang pengundi berdaftar, Ng Chan Chai, No. K/P: 491011-08-5169) di dalam laporan polis S.epot Polis No. PEI,ANGIINDAH/002528/13) menyatakan bahawa jari telunjuk beliau telah ditanda dengan dakwat kekal semasa mengundi tetapi dakwat kekal tenebut dapat ditanggal dengan bersih apabrla beliau sampai di rumah.

(.) Seorang pengundi berdafta4 Abang Shahaile Btn Mazal (I.{o. K/P: 800904-13- 5019) di dalam laporan polis (R.epot Polis No. SETIAINDAH/004422/1,3) menyatakan bahatx,apadalam lebih kurang 8,15 pagi, beliau dan isteti Zar:rmth Binti Jamil $Jo. K/P: 900120-13-5190) telah mengundi di Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Daya 3 (Salutan 4).JuL beljau telah ditanda menggunakan dakwat kekal. Apabila pulang kerumah pada jzrm lebih kwang 10.20 pagt beliau telah melakukan ujian keatas dakwat kekal tetsebut menggunakan sabun pencuci penggan Econsave dan mendapati dakwat kekal itu telah hilang.

(t) Seotang pengundi berdaftar, Adik Shuhaime Bin Mazal [.{o. K/P: 800904135027)dL dalam lapotan polis $"epot Polis No. BDR DATO ONN/001374/13) menyatakan bahawa pada jam lebih kurang 8.30 pagi, beliau thelah rnengundi di Sekolah Agama Kangkat TebtauJohor Bahru (Saluran 3) and

S\N 3RAF4XLTQSDO **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal iad beliau telah ditanda menggunakan dakwat kekal. Pada jam lebih kuang 10.30 pagi beliau telah melakukan ujian dakwat kekal dengan mengunakan sabun pencuci pinggan dan dalam masz 3 minit beliau dapati dakwat kekal itu telah hilang.

(") Responden ke-3 sendiri mengakui bahawa tahap nitrat perak ('silver nitrate') harrya 1 petatus tetapi eflgg tr membenatkan ulian ke atas dakwat tersebut. Responden ke-3 kemudi^rrflya cuba untuk menerangkan penipuan yang dilakukan sengaja dengan mengatakan bahawa tahap nitat petak telah dikuangkan untuk mematuhi kepetluan syadah dan bahawa a, telah dinasihatkan bahawa rn fl^- manz tahap niuat perak yang lebih tinggi akan meniadi "catcinogenic" dan memudaratkan kesihatan pengundi.

Pempetisyen bethak untuk mengemukakan maklumat lanjut semasa pendengatan petisyen ini.


Selanjutnya danf atza secara altematifnya kepada yar'g dinyatakan di perenggan 1 sehingga ^pL 10, Pempetisyen rnenyatakan bahawa keslahan-keslahan yang dilakukan oleh Responden Pertama secara sendirinya dztf atzw ejen-ejennya dan keingkatan yang dilakukan oleh Responden ke-2 dan ke-3 secara keseluruhannya telah menyebabkan pilihantaya tidak dijalankan menrrut prinsip- pdnsip undang-undang berkaitan pilihantaya. Justeru, terdapatnya ketidakpatuhan tethadap peruntukkan undang-undang dan telah memberi kesan keputusan pilihanraya dan adalah merupakan satu asa untuk Hakim Pilihanraya untuk memutuskan bahawa pemiJihan Responden Pertama adalah tidak sepatutnya dilapotkan sebagai dipilih oleh Responden ke-2 danf atzu Responden ke-3 menurut Seksyen 3Z (a) @) & (c) Akta I(Eslahan PiJthantzy 7954.

JUSTERU ITU, Pempetisyen memohon kepada Mahkamah Yang Mulia ini:-

4 Deklatasi bahawa Responden Pettama zda,Iah tidak layak sebagai seotang calon pada hari pen^m^afl calon dan hari mengundi dan Pempetisyen diumumkna meflang t^np^ bertanding;

b) Deklatasi bahawa Pilihanraya Umum ke 73 13 Kawasan Padimen P. 158 Kerusi Dewan Rakyat Tebtau, Johot Darul T^kzLffL adalah tidak sah;

S\N 3RAF4XLTQSDO **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal c) Deklatasi bahawa Responden Pertama tidak dengan sempumanya danf atau dipilih atau dilaporkan sebagi telpilih dan f atau p emilihannya terbatal;

d) Pengesahan dan perintah-pedntah di bawah peruntukkan Seksyen 36 Akta Kesalahan Pilthantaya 1,954;

.) Sebatang pedntah atau telif yang difikirkan zd:i. dan saksama untuk diberikan oleh Mahkamah Yang Mulia ini; dan

I(os bagi Petisyen ini.

Betadkh pada 71 haribulan Jwr,2073

Petisyen ini difailkan oleh Tan Poh Lai daripada Tetuan P L Tan & Tan, Peguambela ba$ Pempetisyen y^ng mempunyai alamt penyampizn berdaftat di No. 731,, Jalan Patrlawan 1, Trman Ungku Tun Aminah, 81300 Skudai,Johor Bahru.

TeL 07-5575991 Faks: 07-5565991.

S\N 3RAF4XLTQSDO **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYAAT JOHOR BAHRU



In the matter of Section 8, Section 10(a), Section 26 (1), Section 32 (a) (b), (.) and (e), Section 34 (b), Section 35 and Section 36 of the Election Offences Act 1954


In the matter of Election Petition Rules 1954


In the mattet of Rule 19 of the Election (Conduct of Election) Regulation 1981


In the matter of Rule 3 of the Rules of Election @ostd Voting) Regulations 2003


In the maffer of Article 45, 48, 49, 775 and 1,19 of. the Federal Constitution


In the matter of the 13d Genetal Election fot Padiament Constjtuency of P.158 Tebrau, Johor Darul Tekzim fot Geneml Election held on 5^ day of May 2013.





S\N 3RAF4XLTQSDO **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2. RETURNING OFFICER OF THE 13TH GENELA.L ELECTION FOR PARLLA.MENT CONSTITUENCY OF P.158 TEBRAU, IOHOR DARUL TAKZIM



The petition of Choong Shiau Yoon OIRIC No. 571207 -08-6171) of No Z7,Jalaa Sutera Jngg 2, T aman Sutera, 81 200 Johor Bahnr, Johot.

1 I. Yout Petidoner was a candidate at the above election and is eligible to submit this petition undet Section 34 O) of the Election Offences Act 1954.

2. Your Petitioner states that the election was held on the 5th day of May 2013 (hereaftet

tefeted to as "Polling D"y") when 1" Respondent, Khoo Soo Seang (hereaftet refered

to as "1" Respondent') teptesenting Badsan Nasional and your Petitioner, Choong Shiau

Yoon (hereafter tefened to as "Ped.donet") representing P"rti Keadilan Rakyat were candidates, and the 2"d Respondent, Retuming Officer of the 13ft General Election fot Padiament Constituency P. 158 Legislative Assembly Seat of Tebtau, Johor Darul T^kzifi fteteaftet teferted to as "2"d Respondent') has retumed the 1" Respondent as being duly eiected.

3. According to the Govemment Gazette P.U. (B) 222 dated 22-05-2013, the tesult of the

13n General Election fot Parliament Constituency P. 158 Legislative Assembly Seat of Tebrau, Johot Darui T^hlzim is as follows:-

S\N 3RAF4XLTQSDO **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal A Total Voters 90,482 B Total ballot papers issued for voting C Number of voies by the voters foi each 79'835 contesting candidate

Name of Candidate 1. Steven Choong (PKR) 38,218 2. Khoo Soo Seang (BN) 39,985

78'203 Total aotes by electors

D Total number of rejected ballot papers 1'551 (as in C in all Form 14 + C in Form 15)

E Total number of ballot papers issued but not put in the ballot borand not returned 81 (as in D in all Form la) and not retumed (as inD in Form ts) (B-C-D)

F Percentage of voting (B/A x tOo) gg.Z%

G Majority (highest votes - second highest votesJ \767


4. Your Petitioner states as follows:-

The 1" Respondent was a person disqualified fot election.

That the 1" Respondent was holding the office of a Senatot, being a member of the

upPer house of Padiament, tlre Dewan Negata on the date of nomination and on the Polling date. That by virtue of Article 48 and 49 of the Federal Constitution he is disqualified ftom being a member of the Dewan Rakyat read together with section 32 of the Elections Offences Act 1954.

The detaiis are as follows:

S\N 3RAF4XLTQSDO **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal (t That the 1" Respondent was elected by the State Legislative Assembly of Johor to be a Senatot fot the state of Johor and that the 1" Respondent's term of office

as a Senator was from 1.1,2.201.0 to 30.1 7.2073:

(ii) That dudng the campaign pedod, the 1" Respondent was introduced and

reptesented himself to members of the public as a Senator;

(ut) That the televant web page of the offrcial web potal of the Padiament of Malaysia, whose address is http://www.parlimen.gov.my/profile- ^t ahli.html?uweb=dn&id=399 provided the same information as the

preceding paragraphs on the status of the 1st Respondent's senatorship.


5. Yout Petitioner states as follows:-

General Bdbery flote Buying)

That general bdbery has so extensively prevailed in the election of the 1" Respondent that it may be teasonably supposed to have affected the result of the election. The Petitionet alleged that the act of gti"g out money by agents of the 1" Respondent's political p^fty to the public on the Polling Day itself do constitute bdbery' according to

the ptovisions of Section 10 (a) of the Election Offences Act 1954.

The details are as follow-s:-

(1) On 05.05.2013 at apptoximately 2.37 ph, a man identified as Mohd Kamil Bin Selamat (a Kenra Cawangan UMNO) was seefl Sri.g out money to members of the public (of which, there were apptoximately 30 persons) who were queumg

at a double storey low cost link house beadng the address of No 28, Jalan Nibong 48, Taman Daya, Johot Bahru. This panicular location was within the proximity of the polling station of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan TzmanDaya 2 (1,58/41/18). The house owner was identified as one Ungku Abu Bakar Bin Ungku Abdul Jalil. It was obsewed that the left index finger of each of the

S\N 3RAF4XLTQSDO **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal persons queuing was marked rvith indelible ink, thus indicating that they had

voted ea.rlier.

(") An eye u'itness, Siow Ghun Fan $JRIC No. 830811-01-5015) ("the First 'Witness") was present at the said location and managed to capture sevetal photogtaphs using his hand phone of the above acts. These photogtaphs specifrcally showed people queuing up at the said house to collect money after casting their vote. The Petitionet would also like to highlight the fact that there

wete 2 Badsan National flags flown at both side of the house gate indicating the said house was used as an offi.ce or as a centre by the 1" Respondent's political


(*) In addition to the photogtaphs, a video recording which was recorded using the First l7itness' handphone, also showed the said vote buying incident. The

recotding also cleatly show that a counter was set up within the house compound

whete zmarr and a woman, who were manning the counter was seen handing out

cash in the amount of RM 100 (2 pieces of RM 50 notes) after taking down some

infotmation from each tecipient. It can be seen in the video itself one senior citizen lady after being intenriewed by one of the person manning the countet, was asked to sign het name on a piece paper containing a list of flames before

being handed the RM 100 bdbe money.

(1") 2 police reports were lodged by the First tVitness on 10.05.2013 (Police Report

No. SETIAINDAH/004596/13 and SETIAINDAH/004599/13) at the Setia

Indah police station on the said incident.


6. Your Petitioner states as follows:-

Genetal Treating ffote Buying)

That genetal treating has so extensively prevailed in the election of the 1" Respondent that it may be teasonably supposed to have affected the result of the election. The

S\N 3RAF4XLTQSDO **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal Petitioner alleged that the act of g-.ing out money by agents of the 1" Respondent political paffy (as to cover the electot travelling expense/ticket costs) to the public on the polling day itself consdtute the offence of 'treating' as per Section 8 of the Election Offences Act 1954.

The details are as follows:-

(t On the Polling Day approximately on 3.30 pm at orie Restaurant Tiram Classic

Corner situated ztJalan Cempedak Tarnan Tiram Baru, 81800 Ulu Tiram, Johor, membets of the public (which wete estimated at apptoximately 20 petsons) were

seen queuing up to teceive rnoney/payment. The owner of the Restaurant was identified as oile Mohd Esa Bin Baba Ali Khan (I(etua Kampung Tiram & Ketua Cawangan UMNO Titam Bt"). This patticulat iocation was vrithin the polling station of Sekolah Kebangsaan Ulu Tiram (158/40/04). It is noted that the Bilik

Getakan UMNO for that area was located on the 1" floot. above the said Restaurant.

6) The witness for this incident, one Zunal, Hadi Bin Husin G$RIC No. 710508-01- 5809) ('the Second Witness") captuted a few photo$aphs showing people queuing up outside and inside the said restaurant. The photographs would show

that the persorls queuing were riot doing so fot the dishes sold in the said

restaurant. It was obsewed that there was a Badsan National flag outside the

building and t}ere were several Badsan Nasional and 1 Malaysia flags hanging inside the testaurant.

(*) The Second Witness also did tecotd a video containing conversad.on of the Second Witness himself with 2 women, whete he enquited from the latter on

how to get paid like those in queue. The women replied by asking the Second

lVitness whether he had his travelling ticket with him so that he can claim his

ttavelling allowance ('.rp"h') fot voting. Other women seen in the video (wearing

blue Baju Kurung and eating nuts) told the Second rfi/itness to go and refer to the person in charge on 'how much' and'how to get the payment'.

S\N 3RAF4XLTQSDO **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal (19 The Second $Titness on the 17.05.2013lodged a police report @olice Report No. ULUTIRAM/002605/13)aI the ulu Tiram police station pertaining to the incident abovementioned. In addition, the Second lTitness also averred in his police report that on the polling day, at the same venue abovementioned, he met with 2 Maiay men who told him that they were queuing up to collect money to cover their costs of travel in coming back to vote. The 2 Mzlay men furthet

informed the Second Wimess that they needed to show their bus ticket and voting channel teceipt befote collecting their respective payment. The Second

Witness also stated in the same police report that he wellt on to conflrm the said mode and procedure of paymeflt with several persons in the "opetation foom"

situated in ftont of the testaluant, wherein he was informed of the same.

BREACH oF SECTION 26 (1) (d) AND 32 (a).(b) & (c) oF THE ELECTIoN OFFENCES ACT 1954

7 ' Yout Petitioner states as follows that in practically committing the abovementioned offeoces, the Petitionet also states that the 1" Respondent in his own accord and/ot through agents have bteached Section 26 (1) (c) and (d) of the Election Offences Act 1954 by using a dweiling house and shop house as an office and cente of the 1" Respondent's political party withifl the constituency on the poiling day itself.

The details are as follows:-

(t That a dwelling house, namely a double storey low cost link house beadng the addtess of NO. 28,Jalzn Nibong 4S,TarnenDtya,Johor Bahru belonging to one Ungku Abu Bakat Bin Ungku AbdulJalil, which was located within the proximity

of the po[ing stadon of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Taman Daya 2 (158/41/18) was used an office or centre of the 1" Respondent's politicilpoq on polling day itself.

rii) That there wete 2 Badsan National flags flown at both side of the house gate.

(*) That a counter was set up within the compound of the house where the persons manning the countets were involved in activities as detailed p^ragnphs 4(i) to ^t (iii) above.

S\N 3RAF4XLTQSDO **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal (19 That one Restautant Tiram Classic Comer situated at Jalan Cempedak Taman Tiram Baru, 81800 ulu Tiram, Johor, which was a shop house, was used an office or centre of the 1" Respondent's politic^l p"tty on polling day itself. The

owner of the Restautant was identified as one Mohd Esa Bin Baba Ali Khan w-ho was at the matedal time, the village headman of Kampung Tiram and the branch head ('Ketua Caurangan') of UMNO Tiram Baru. UMNO is a political parry

within the 1" Respondent's political parry. This particular location was under rhe

polling station of Sekolah Kebangsaan Ulu Tiram (155 / 40 /04).

(") That thete was a Badsan National flag outside the building and rhere were Badsan Nasional (1st Respondent politic"l p"rry) and 1 Malaysia flags hanging inside the restaurant.

(", that the activities that took place at the said Restaurant indicating that it was used as a centre ot office of the 1" Respondent's politic"l p""ty were as detailed in

patagtaphs 5 (i) to (iv) above.


8. Your Petitionet states as follows:-

(t That the 3'd Respondent was empowered by Article 1,1,5 of the Federal; Constitution to employ a number of person fot the process of assisting in elections. Thetefote, it is the duty of the 2"d Respondent to process the application of all officen of the 3'd Respondent so that they would be registered

as a postal votet (as contained in Rule 3 of the Rules of Election (Postal Voting) Regulations 2003) as these officets would be on duty on Poiling Day.

S\N 3RAF4XLTQSDO **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal (ii) In this regard, the 2"d Respondent had failed to do so and therefore caused rhe

status of apptoximately 700 officets of the 3'd Respondents ("the affected

officets") of the Tebrau Padiamentary consdtuency to remain as a normal voter.

('") That the 2"o Respondent had faiied to provide a reasonable amount of time to

the affected officen to vote in the usual manner at their respective tegisteted poliing centers.

(t) Therefote the affected officets were deprived of their dght to vote. Further without the necessary infor:rration and documents which could only be provided

by the 3'd Respondent it is ptactically impossible for the Petitionet to specifically

state that all affected officers were deprived thefu dght to vote as there could be

offlcets who chose not to vote. Thetefore there is a breach of Section 4 (d) and

25 (1) of the Election Offences Act 1954.

The details are as follows:

(t Thete arc 45 polliflg station and 763 voting channels in the Tebrau P158 padiamentary constinrency. Each channel should have 5 EC workets on duty on the Polling Day. Hence, the aggtegate total EC workers on duty at all the voting channels would be 815.In addition, thete are also a minimum of 2 EC worker placed at the 'Barung' of each po[ing station which bring the total number of EC

wotket placed in Barung'in Tebrau P158 constituency to 90 people. In total, an estimate of 905 EC workers was on duty on the Polling Day. However, the postal

electotal toll shows only 299 people were tegisteted as postal voters.

(11) The 2"d Respondent himself admitted to the Petitioner that the status of affected

EC workets remained as norrnal voters because their apptcation to be tegistered as for postal votefs could not be ptocessed in time.



S\N 3RAF4XLTQSDO **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9. Your Petitioner states as follows:-

(1) It is an offence undet Section 3 (1) 0) of the Election Offences Act 1954 for a Person to cast votes at any election when he is not entided to vote there at. Your Petitioner alleges that the 2nd Respondent had committed an offence undet Section 6 of the same act by abetting the commission of the offence specified

undet Section 3 (1) 0) abovementioned. Your Petitionet believe it is the duty of the 2nd Respondent to check, update and scrutinize in detail the list of electors

befote the Polling Day. It is also the responsibility of the 2"d Respondent on the Polling Day itself in ensudng all persons intending to vote, were properly

identified as a valid elector. By failing to do so, yout Petitionet alleges that the 2"d Respondent has directly and/ot inditectiy abetted persons who wete not entided

to vote to cast votes.

The detaiis are as follows:-

(t A tegisteted votet at the polling station of Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Ulu

Titam, Sho Huan Ying G.{RIC No. 850118-01-5568) was denied a ballot paper because her name in the electotal roll held by Clerk 1 of the 3'd Respondent was

crossed out. She was infotmed by the EC wotket at the said polling station that

het identification card has been used (voted) whereas in fact Miss Sho Huan Ying had yet to cast her vote. She made a police report (X.eport No. ULUTIRAM /002364/13) at the Ulu Tfuam police station reporting the incident.


10. Yout Petitioner states as follows:-

(1) That acting undet powers confened by Section 16 of the Elections Act, 1958, the Election Commission made the Elections (Conduct of Elections) Regulations,

1981, which came into force in Decembet 1981. The said 1981 Regulations wete

10 S\N 3RAF4XLTQSDO **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal amended with effect ftom 72b February 2072 to implement the mandatory use of indelible nk during voting.

(2) That the indelible ink used could not have andf or couid not reasoriably have

enabled the ptesiding officet to ensure that no indelible ink has been marked on

the elector's left foe finget and ot enabling the presiding officer to be reasonably satis$r himself pursuant Rule 19 (3) and (4) of the Election (Conduct of Election) Regulation 1981.

(3) That the indelible ink was nor Definanenr:

(a) In that the chemical composition in the indelible ink did not ellslue petmaflence. (b) That there was no ptocedute affected to administer rhe ink and/ ot altematively if there was such procedute it was not complied with.

The details ate as follows:-

(t One Soo Chin Kiang (ltlzuC No. 550411-01-5159) in his police report @olice Report No. SETIAINDAH/005144/13) averted that he voted at Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Daya apptoximately 12.00 pm. His finger was marked using the indelible ink. Latet the same night, aftet showeting he noted that the ink on his left index finger had washed off.

(ii) One Ng Ngan Chai (T{RIC No. 491011-08-5169) in his police report police Report No. PEIANGIINDAH/002528/13) states that his finger was marked

using the indelible ink dudng the voting process and once he reach this house, he

managed to successfully remove the said mark.

(*) One Abang Shahaile BtnMazalQ{RIC No. 800904-13-5019) in his police report

(Police Report No. SETIAINDAH/004422/13) states that at approximately 8.15

am he and his wife Zanaiah Binti Jamil O{RIC No. 900120-1,3-5190) voted at Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Daya 3 (Channel 4). His finget was marked with the indelible ink. Upon reaching his house at approximately 10.20, he tried to remove

L7 S\N 3RAF4XLTQSDO **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal the ink using a dishwasher detetgent (Econsave) whereupon he discoveted that the ink did indeed w-ash off.

('") one Adik Shuhaime Bin Mazal (I{RIC No. 800904-13-5027) in his police report (Police Report No. BDR DATO oNN/001374/13) avered that ^t approximately 8.30 am he voted at Sekolah Agama Kangkar Tebtau Johor Bahru (Channel 3) and his finger was marked using the indelible ink. Upon reaching his house at approximately 10.30, he tded to remove the ink using dishwasher detetgent whereupon he noted that the ink disappeared completely from his finger within 3 minutes.

(") The 3td Respondent admitted that the level of the silver nitrate was only 1 pet cent but refused to allow tests of the ink. It then ptoceeded to atrempt to explain

away the ftaud it had knowingly peqpettated by saFng that the silvet nitrate was teduced to comply with syariah tequirements and that it had been advised that any highet level of silver nitmte would be "carcinogenic" and detrimental to the health of the voter.

Yout Petitioner teserves the right for further details dudng hearing of this petition.


Further and/ot alternatively to what has been stated rnPatagaph 1 to _, 1lour Pedtioner states that the offences committed by the 1" Respondent, through himself aad/ot agent as well as the

bteaches committed by the 2"d Respondent and 3'd Respondent cumulatively caused the

Elections to not be conducted accotding to the ptinciples of wdtten law relating to an election.

Hence thete has been a non-compliance with the provisi.ons of the law, affecting the tesult of the

Election and a basis fot the Election Judge to declare that the election of the 1" Respondent was not suPPosed to have been tepoted elected by the 2"d Respondent and/or 3'd Respondent, in

accordance with Section 32 (a) (b) *d (c) of the Election offences Act 1954.

t2 S\N 3RAF4XLTQSDO **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal THEREFORE, the Petitioner applies to this Honourable Courr-

a) A declaration that the 1" Respondent w-as disqualifred as a candidate on nomination and polling day and that the Petitioner be declared elected without contest;

b) A declatation that the 13ft General Election for Padiament Constituency P. 158

Legisiative Assembly Seat of Tebaru, Johot Darul Takzim IS VOID;

c) A declamtion that the 1" Respondent was not appropdately and/ot duly elected

or reported elected and/ot his election is cancelled.

d) Confi.rmation and otdets undet the ptovision of Section 36 of the Election Offences Act 7954;

e) othet ordem ot relief deemed to be just and equitable to be given by this Honourable Cout; and

D Costs for this petition.

Dated on 11June,2013

This Election Petition was filed by Tan Poh Lai of Messts. P L Tan & Tan, Advocate for the Petitionet having its registered addtess for service at No. 731,JaladL Pahlawan T,Tarrtan Ungku Tun Aminah, 81300 Skudai,Johor Bahru

Tei: 07- 557 5991 Fax: 07 -5565991

13 S\N 3RAF4XLTQSDO **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal