For Index to These, See Pages Xiv, Xv.)
INDEX Tnrs Index contains no reference to the Introductory TahleH, nor to the Additions and Corrections. (For index to these, see pages xiv, xv.) aAC AACHBN (Prussia), 919, 954: tech- AnYsSIN IA, air force, 633 nical schools, 922 - boundary, 215, 264, 631,898, 1034 Aalborg (Denmark), 785 - commerce, 634, 899 Aalen ( Wiirttemherg), 963 -King (Negus), 631, 632 Aarau (Switzerland), 1313 - leased territory, 264, 632 Aargau (Switzerland), 1310, 1312 - milways, 634, 899 Aarhus (Denmark), 785 - religion, 632, 633, SOil Aba (Belg. Congo), 268 - roads, 634, 635, 899 Abaco Island (Bahamas), 333 -- trade routes, 634, 899 ·Abaiang Island (Pacific), 423 -treaty with Italy, 631 Abancay (Peru), 1181 Abyssinian race, 632 Abdul Aziz ibn Sand, King of Hejaz Acajutla (Salvador), port, 1262 and. N ejd, 645 Acarnania (Greece), 965 Ahdul Hamid Halim Shah, Sultan, Acchele Guzai (Eritrea), 1033 (Kedah), 184 Accra (Gold Coast), 257, 259 Abdullah, Sultan (Pahang), 180 Accrington, 14 Abdullah Ibn Hussein, Amir of Acha1a (Greece), 965 Trans·J ordan, 193 Achirnota Univ. Coil. (Gold Coast), Abemama Is. (Pacific), 423 257 Abercorn (N. Rhodesia), 223 Acklin's Island (Bahamas), 333 Aberdeen, burgh, 17 Aconcagua (Chile), prov., 718 -county, 17 Acre (Palestine), 187, 189, 191; port, -university, 22, 23 192 Aberdeen (South Dakota), 586 Acre Territory (Brazil), 697, 699; Aberdeen (Washington, U.S.A), 602 rubber, 702 Aberystwyth College, 22 Adana (Turkey), vilayet, 1321>, Abeshr (Wadai), 892 1327 ; mining, 1330, 1331 ; Abidjan (French West Africa), 904 town, 1325, 1330, 1331 -wireless station, 906 Addis Ababa (Abyssinia), 631, 632, Abkhasian, Soviet Rep. (Georgia), 635, 899 1257 Adeiso (Gold Coast), 259 Abo (Finland), 828; university, 828 Adelaide(S.
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