Supplement íüo. 2 te Cfte Palestine <&wttz JBo. 1104 of 5tft %um, 1941.



IN VIRTUE of the powers vested in me by the Defence (Military Commanders) Regulations, 1938, I, SIR HENRY MAITLAND WILSON, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable , Companion of the Distinguished Service Order, Lieutenant-General Commanding the Forces in Palestine and Trans-Jordan, with the consent of the High Commissioner, do hereby appoint LIEUTENANT-COLONEL PERCY LESLIE MALINS WRIGHT, to be Military Commander of the Area or Place known as the Samaria District, with effect from the twenty-seventh day of Febru• ary, 1941, and until further notice, vice JOHN INGLIS CHRYSTALL, Com• mander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, on whom His Majesty has conferred the Military Cross.

H. M. WILSON Lieu tenant-General, General Commanding, 31st May, 1941. British Forces in Palestine and Trans-Jordan. (SF/917/38)



IN VIRTUE of the powers vested in me by the Defence (Military Commanders) Begulations, 1938, I, SIR HENRY MAITLAND WILSON, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Companion of the Distinguished Service Order,

— 911 — 912 —

Lieutenant-General Commanding the Forces in Palestine and Trans-Jordan, with the consent of the High Commissioner, do hereby appoint LIEUTENANT-COLONEL GEORGE HERBERT NORMS TODD, on whom His Majesty has conferred the Military 'Cross, to be Military Commander of the Area or Place known as the Samaria Dis• trict, with effect from the ninth day of May, 1941, and until further notice, vice LIEUTENANT-COLONEL PERCY LESLIE MALINS WRIGHT.

H. M. WILSON Lieutenant-General, General Officer Commanding, 31st May, 1941. British Forces in Palestine and Trans-Jordan. (SF/917/38)



IN VIRTUE of the powers vested in me by the Defence (Military Commanders) Regulations, 1938, I, SIR HENRY MAITLAND WILSON, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Companion of the Distinguished Service Order, Lieutenant-General Commanding the Forces in Palestine and Trans-Jordan ,* with the consent of the High Commissioner, do hereby appoint BRIGADIER LESLIE SKIPP LLOYD, on whom His Majesty has conferred the Military Cross, to be Military Com• mander of the Area or Place known as the Samaria District, with effect from the eighteenth day of May, 1941, and until further notice, vice LIEUTENANT-COLONEL GEORGE HERBERT NORRIS TODD, on whom His Majesty has conferred the Military Cross.

H. M. WILSON Lieutenant-General, General Officer Commanding, 31st May, 1941. British Forces in Palestine and Trans-Jordan. (SF/917/38)




' I, SIR HAROLD ALFRED MACMICHAEL, G.C.M.G., D.S.O., High Commissioner for Palestine, in exercise of the powers vested in me by section 2(1) of the Criminal Procedure (Evidence) Ordinance, hereby authorise you, INSPECTOR S. BEN LEVY, to hold enquiries into the Commission of offences under the Food and Essential Commodities (Control) Ordinance, 1939, to examine orally any — 913 — person supposed to be acquainted with the facts and circumstances of any such offence, in respect whereof you, INSPECTOR S. BEN LEVY, are enquiring, and to reduce into writing any statement by a person so examined.

HAEOLD MACMICHAEL 27th May, 1941. High Commissioner. (0/22/35)




I, SIR HAROLD ALFRED MACMICHAEL, G.C.M.G., D.S.O., High Commissioner for Palestine, in exercise of the powers vested in me by section 2(1) of the Criminal Procedure (Evidence) Ordinance, hereby authorise you, SENIOR INSPECTOR A. FAINBERG, to hold enquiries into the commission of offences under the Food and Essential Commodities (Control) Ordinance, 1939, to examine orally any person supposed to be acquainted with the facts and circumstances of any such offence, in respect whereof you, SENIOR INSPECTOR A. FAINBERG, are enquiring, and to reduce into writing any statement by a person so examined. .

HAROLD MACMICHAEL 27th May, 1941. High Commissioner. (0/22/35)




I, SIR HAROLD ALFRED MACMICHAEL, G.C.M.G., D.S.O., High Commissioner for Palestine, in exercise of the powers vested in me by section 2(1) of the Criminal Procedure (Evidence) Ordinance, hereby authorise you, SENIOR INSPECTOR P. H. LAWRENCE, to hold enquiries into the commission of offences under the Food and Essential Commodities (Control) Ordinance, 1939, to examine orally any person supposed to be acquainted with the facts and circumstances of any such offence, in respect whereof you, SENIOR INSPECTOR P. H. LAWRENCE, are enquiring, and to reduce into writing any statement by a person so examined.

HAEOLD MACMICHAEL 27th May, 1941. High Commissioner. (0/22/35) — 914 —




I, SIR HAROLD ALFRED MACMICHAEL, G.C.M.G., D.S.O., High Commissioner for Palestine, in exercise of the powers vested in me by section 2(1) of the Criminal Procedure (Evidence) Ordinance, hereby authorise you, SENIOR INSPECTOR J. R. BOLTON, to hold enquiries into the commission of offences under the Eood and Essential Commodities (Control) Ordinance, 1939, to examine orally any person supposed to be acquainted with the facts and circumstances of any such offence, in respect whereof you, SENIOR INSPECTOR J. B. BOLTON, are enquiring, and to reduce into writing any statement by a person so examined.

HAROLD MACMICHAEL 27th May, 1941. High Commissioner. (0/22/35)




I, SIR HAROLD ALFRED MACMICHAEL, G.C.M.G., D.S.O., High Commissioner for Palestine, in exercise of the powers vested in me by section 2(1) of the Criminal Procedure (Evidence) Ordinance, hereb}7 authorise you, SENIOR INSPECTOR MOSHE MELAMEDE, to hold enquiries into the commission of offences under the Eood and Essential Commodities (Control) Ordinance, 1939, to examine orally any person supposed to be acquainted with the facts and circumstances of any such offence, in respect whereof you, SENIOR INSPECTOR MOSHE MELAMEDE, are en• quiring, and to reduce into writing any statement by a person so examined.

HAROLD MACMICHAEL 27th May, 1941. High Commissioner. (0/22/35)



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 9(1) (b) of the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, and by paragraph 4(1) of the Trading with the Enemy (Custodian) Order, 1939, and all other powers him enabling, the High Commissioner — 915 —

has been pleased to vest the undermentioned property in the Custodian of Enemy Property, and all the said property is hereby vested accordingly :—

All the property in Palestine belonging exclusively to any one or more of the following :— 1. Isaac Pinhas Cohen of Plovdiv 2. Yeshaya David Djerassi of Sofia 3. Eahel Edelman of Galatz 4. Chaim David Eirer of Wlodawa 5. Eudolf Gassmann, formerly of Bethlehem-Haifa 6. Isidor I. Goldstein of Bucharest

7. Menahem N. Gueron of Sofia x 8. Theodor Hajmovici of Bucharest 9. Josef Halpern of Barlad 10. Josef Klar of Bucharest 11. Bernherd Kaufman of Bucharest 12. Yancu Leibovici of Bucharest 13. Herscu Marcus of Barlad 14. Aneta Marcus of Barlad 15. Shmuel Nissim Meshoulam of Sofia 16. Joseph Bephael Mizrahi of Sofia. 17. Shabetay Bephael Mizrahi of Russe 18. Itzhak Bephael Mizrahi of Sofia 19. Israel Bephael Mizrahi of Sofia 20. Jacques S. Niego of Sofia 21. Wilhelm Staib, formerly of Waldheim 22. Sura Szuchandler of Wlodawa 23. David Schvartz of Bucharest 24. Estera Schvartz of Bucharest 25. Nissim Leon Shalom of Sofia 26. Behor Eliahu Silnikyo of Gorni Dzumaya 27. Marcu Simon of Jassy 28. Tchelebi Haim "Shemtoff of Sofia 29. Isaac Haim Shemtoff of Sofia 30. Joseph Haim Shemtoff of Sofia.

By His Excellency's Command,

J. S. MACPHERSON 29th May, 1941. Chief Secretary. (F/Cust/17/41)



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 3 of the Bent Bestrictions (Business Premises) Ordinance, 1941, the High No. 6 of 1941. Commissioner in Council has been pleased to order and it is hereby — 916 —

ordered that the said Ordinance shall apply to the Municipal Area of Haifa.

J. GUTCH 29th May, 1941. Clerk to the Executive Council* (Y/43/41)



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 19 of the Cap. 3. Animal Diseases Ordinance, the High Commissioner has made the following rules :—

Citation. 1. These rules may be cited as the Animal Burial (Amend• ment) Rules, 1941, and shall be read as one with the Animal Burial Rules, hereinafter referred to as the principal rules.

Adding a pro• 2. Rule 4 of the principal rules shall be amended by the in• viso to rule 4 sertion of the following proviso at the end thereof :— of the principal rules. "Provided that, subject to the approval of the Chief Veterinary Officer or his authorised representative and to such conditions as he may deem fit to impose, the Local Authority may allow such carcases to be removed to a licensed factory for conversion into by-products".

By His Excellency's Command, S. MACPHERSON 29th May, 1941. Chief Secretary. (A/18/41)



I HEREBY DECLARE that the village of Ad Dumeira in the Sub-District of Haifa and the lands belonging thereto which was declared to be an infected area by Order published in the Palestine Gazette No. 1084 of the 20th March, 1941, is now free from fowl plague.

G. B. SIMMINS 30th May, 1941. Chief Veterinary Officer. (Gaz/7/40) — 917 —



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by subsection (1) of section 3 of the Collective Punishments Ordinance, the High Com- Cap. 20. missioner has declared that the following villages shall be added to the Schedule to the said Ordinance :— Jaffa Sub-District. Hadar Eefar Sava (Jewish).

By His Excellency's Command, J. S. MACPHERSON 29th May, 1941. Chief Secretary. (Y/197/37)



IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that, in exercise of the powers vested in the High Commissioner by section 2 of the Land (Expropriation) Ordinance, the High Commissioner has certified that the construction by the Municipal Corporation of Nazareth of a reservoir in Nazareth is an undertaking of a public nature within the meaning of section 2 of the Land (Expropriation) Ordinance. A plan of the site affected may be inspected at the offices of the District Officer, Nazareth, and the Municipality of Nazareth.

By His Excellency's Command, J. S. MACPHERSON 30th May, 1941. Chief Secretary. (W/164/36)



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by section 99 of the Municipal Corpora• tions Ordinance, 1934, the Municipal Council of Jerusalem have made the following by-laws :— 1. These by-laws may be cited as the Jerusalem (Construction Citation, of Sewers and Drains) By-laws, 1941.

2. For the purpose of these by-laws — Interpretation. — 918 —

"Council" means the Municipal Council of Jerusalem.

"Owner" means the registered owner, the reputed owner or the person for the time being receiving the rents or profits of the premises in connection with which the word is used, whether on his own account or as agent or on behalf of another person or who would so receive the same if the pre• mises were leased.

"Premises" include buildings and lands of any tenure, whether open or enclosed, whether built upon or not, whether main• tained or not under statutory authority.

',Drain" means any drain of and used for the drainage of one building only or premises within the same curtilage and made merely for the purpose of communicating therefrom' to a cesspool or other like receptacle for drainage, or to a sewer into which the drainage of two or more buildings or premises occupied by different persons is conveyed.

"Sewers" include sewers and drains of every description except drains to which the word "drain" interpreted in the preceding section applies.

3. No person shall construct a sewer or drain within the muni• cipal area of Jerusalem without a permit or an order issued by the Council or their duly authorised representative.

Approval of 4. Where any area within the municipal area is certified by the a scheme to Municipal Engineer or the Medical Officer of Health, as not secure the drained by adequate and sufficient sewers, the Council may, with sewerage of the sanction of the District Commissioner, and, if so required by areas at the him shall, prepare a sewerage scheme for such area together with cost of property owners. estimates of the cost of constructing the same, and shall submit the scheme together with the estimates of costs to the District Com• missioner for his approval.

Estimate 5. The estimate of cost shall include any additional charges of cost. which may be incurred by the Council in respect of extra and expenses necessary for the preparation of the scheme and the super• vision of the work.

Liability 6. The owners of premises within the area of the scheme shall of owners. be liable, as hereinafter provided, to pay to the Council the costs incurred by the Council in the execution of the scheme, and the costs payable by the owners shall be apportioned to each owner of land within the area of the scheme in proportion to the area of the land owned by him. — 919 —

7. The Council shall submit to the District Commissioner with Provisional the scheme a schedule of the names of owners of all premises, *J^tto™6^ within the area served by the scheme, together with a schedule of owners the provisional apportionment of the cost to the owners.

8. On receipt of the approval of the District Commissioner to Publication the scheme and provisional apportionment, the Council shall of scheme and publish a notice in the Gazette and, at their discretion, in one or provisional apportionment more of the appropriate newspapers circulating in Jerusalem, and of cost. shall post a copy thereof at the Municipal Offices. The notice shall state the intention of the Council to carry out the scheme and shall inform the public that a copy of the scheme and of the provisional apportionment of the cost thereof is available for in• spection at the Municipal Offices daily between specified hours.

9. Any owner of premises affected by the scheme described in Lodging of the notice published in accordance with the provisions of by-law 8 objections. may within a period of one month of the publication of the notice in the Gazette lodge objection to the provisional apportionment of cost, based on the facts of the area only, at the office of the Council in such form as the Council, with the approval of the District Commissioner, shall prescribe. No objection submitted after such period of one month shall be valid.

10. The Council shall forward all objections together with a Decision upon report thereon to thé District Commissioner for his approval or objections, modification of the recommendation of the Council with regard to each objection. The decision of the District Commissioner shall be final.

11. The Council or a person duly authorised by them shall serve Council to a notice on each owner of premises within the area prescribed by inform the the scheme informing him of the approval of the scheme and of owners, the provisional apportionment of the cost and requiring him to pay the sum so provisionally apportioned on him to the Council within 30 days of the service of such notice.

12. When a notice or document is to be served under the pre- Service of ceding section on the owners of premises and such premises are notices, held by an owner whose name and/or address is unknown to the Council or a person duly authorised by them, or are held in joint ownership by several owners the name and/or address of one or more of whom being unknown, the notice shall be served on such owners whose names and addresses are known, and the Council or a person duly authorised by them may publish a notice in the Gazette or in one or more of the appropriate newspapers circulating in Jeru• salem, requiring any person who claims an interest in the said pre- — 920 —

mises as owner or co-owner to take note of the contents of the notice. Such publication shall be considered as effective service on all such owners or co-owners.

Default in 13. When pajanent of the sum provisionally apportioned is not recovery of made to the Council within the time prescribed in the notice, the expenses. sum so claimed shall be recoverable in the same manner as rates due to the Council in accordance with the provisions of the Muni• cipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, as amended from time to time.

Execution of 14. As soon as may be, the Council shall proceed to execute the works. and complete the works approved in the scheme.

Revision of the 15: On completion of the works authorised in the scheme, the apportionment. Council shall prepare a statement of the exact cost of the scheme and shall prepare a final apportionment of the actual cost between the owners of the premises included within the area of the scheme. The final apportionment shall be made in accordance with the area of the land owned by the respective owners in the same man• ner as the provisional apportionment, and the Council shall sub• mit the schedule to the District Commissioner for his approval.

Adjustment of 16. On the approval of the District Commissioner to the final apportionment. apportionment, the Council shall forthwith make any necessary readjustment and shall return to the owners the difference, if any, where the apportionment is less than the provisional apportion• ment. Similarly, the Council shall collect in the manner herein• before prescribed any outstanding sums where the final appor• tionment is more than the provisional apportionment.

Penalty. 17. Any person contravening the provisions of these by-laws shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding £P.20.

M. EL KHALDI llth May, 1941. Mayor of Jerusalem.


By His Excellency's Command,

J. S. MACPHERSON 23rd May, 1941. Chief Secretary. (G/141/38) — 921 —




IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by paragraph 7 of the Local Councils (Benei Beraq) Order, 1937, the Local Council of Benei Beraq, with the approval of the District Commissioner, Lydda District, have made the following by-laws :— 1. These by-laws may be cited as the Benei Beraq (Water Citation. Supply) By-laws, 1941.

2. Eor the purposes of these by-laws :— Interpretation. "Domestic use" means human and animal consumption, house• hold washing, flushing and cleaning, watering of flower gardens not used for purpose of commerce or profit. "Meter" means any appliance used to measure, ascertain or regulate the amount of water taken or used from the water works by means of any service. "Local area" and "local council" shall mean the local council area of Benei Beraq and the local council of Benei Beraq respectively. "Owner" and "occupier" have the meanings assigned to them in section 101 of the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934. No. l of 1934. "Premises" means any land occupied or unoccupied, and in• cludes any building as defined in section 101 of the Muni• cipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934. No. l of 1934. "Public fountain" means any fountain, standpipe, valve, tap or appliance used or intended to be used for or in connec• tion with the supply of water to the public and erected by the water authority and which is the property of the local council. "Service" means all pipes, valves, cisterns, cocks, fittings, and other appliances (excepting any meter) situated on any pre• mises or through which water flows or is intended to flow from the water works, used for the purpose of supplying any premises from the water works, and being the property of the owner or occupier of such premises. "Water authority" means the local council or a person or persons appointed by them to exercise the functions of water authority. "Water works" means all reservoirs, tanks, wells, cisterns, tunnels, filter beds, mains, pipes, fountains, valves, pumps, engines and all other structures or appliances used or con• structed for the storage, conveyance, supply, measurement — 922 —

or regulation of water which are used or have been con• structed by or on behalf of the water authority and are the property of the local council or which shall hereafter be used or constructed by the water authority.

Administration 3. The water authority shall have the custody and administra• of water works tion of the water works for which it is appointed and of the water and water supply. therein and the management of the supply or distribution of such water, subject to the general authortiy of the local council.

Power of entry. , 4. The water authority or any person appointed by it may at any time between eight o'clock in the morning and five o'clock in the evening, upon giving reasonable notice, enter upon any pre• mises for the purpose of examining, repairing or removing any water pipe, the property of the water authority.

Laying of pipes. 5. The water authority may carry any water pipe through, across or under any public thoroughfare or any place laid out or in• tended as a public thoroughfare.

5ublic fountains. 6. It shall be lawful for the water authority to construct public fountains in any public thoroughfare or public place.

Suspension of 7. It shall be lawful for the water authority, in an emergency, water supply. to disconnect, withhold or suspend, stop, turn off or divert the supply of water through or by means of any service or public foun• tain either wholly or in part, whenever the water authority shall think necessary or proper and without prejudice to any sums due or to become due under these by-laws.

Water rates. 8. The water authority shall charge for the supply of water the fees prescribed in the schedule hereto.

Meter. 9. —(1) The quantity of water supplied to any occupier of any premises by means of a service may be ascertained by a meter which shall be the property of the local council and shall be kept in repair by the water authority. (2) Where water is supplied by meter, the water authority shall charge the occupier of such premises meter rent at the rate of twenty mils per mensem.

Time of 10. The occupier of any premises to which water is supplied payment of by the water authority shall pay monthly to the local council the fees. amount due for the supply of such water and, where water is sup• plied by meter, the meter rent as prescribed in the preceding by• law.

Suspension of 11. The water authority shall have power to stop the supply of water supply water to any premises, the occupier whereof shall not have paid for non-payment the fees due by him under these by-laws for the supply of water, and of water rates. it shall be lawful for the water authority or any person appointed by it to enter such premises at any time between 8 o'clock in the — 923 —

morning and 6 o'clock in the evening without giving any notice to the occupier, and to stop, disconnect, turn off or divert the supply of water to such premises.

12. All applications for the laying on of water to any premises Application for shall be made in writing on a form which can be obtained on ap• water service. plication to the water authority. The water authority may grant, refuse or alter the application made.

13. If the water authority approves of the installation of a ser• Installation vice, the water authority shall supply all pipes, fittings and labour of service. required for efficiently connecting the premises with the street mains at the expense of the owner of the premises. As soon as the work is completed the water authority shall render to the ap• plicant an account setting forth the amount expended in material and labour and shall also charge a sum of one Palestine pound as installation fee.

14. The size of pipes necessary and the proper point of intro• Determination of duction of water to the premises shall be determined by the water size of pipes. authority.

15. The water authority may supply water through any service Application for to any premises on application being made by the owner or oc• water service. cupier thereof.

16. The owner or occupier of any premises to which the water- Owner or is laid on shall not alter, extend or interfere with any pipe or fit• occupier not to ting laid or fixed by the water authority. alter pipes or fittings. 17. No pipe in amr premises shall be permitted to become ex• Exposure of posed. pipes prohibited.

18. No ashpit, cesspit, manure-hole, or other unclean place Cesspit, etc. shall be permitted near the pipe supplying water to any premises. not to be near any water pipe. 19. No occupier of any premises to which water is laid on shall Waste of water permit any waste of the water by reason of any defective fitting prohibited. or by leaving any fitting or tap open. Any defect in the fittings shall be immediately reported to the water authority. All repairs or removals of pipes, taps, fittings or apparatus shall be made and executed only by persons duly authorised by the water authority and at the expense of the consumer.

20. No owner or occupier of any premises to which water is Use of water for laid on shall use or permit to be used any water for any purpose non-domestic other than domestic use without the approval, in writing, of the purposes. water authority. For the purpose of this by-law, the water author• ity may impose any conditions for the supply of water for purposes other than domestic use, which it may consider necessary and the owner or occupier shall be bound by such conditions. — 924 —

Eemoval of 21. No occupier of any premises to which water is laid on shall water prohibited. without the permission of the water authority permit any person or animal to remove from such premises water for any use what• soever.

Pollution of 22. No person shall :— water supply (a) bathe in any part of the water works; prohibited. (6) wash, throw, cause or permit to enter into any water works any animal or any clothes, material or thing; (c) wrongfully open or close any lock, cock, valve, sluice, tap or manhole belonging to the water works; (cl) erect, dig, construct or instal within the local council area any reservoirs, tanks, wells, cisterns, tunnels, filter beds, mains, pipes, fountains, valves, pumps, engines, or any other structures or appliances for the purpose of the storage, conveyance, supply, measurement or regulation of water, without first obtaining an order or permission in writing by the water authority to that effect.

Penalties. 23. Any person contravening any provision of these by-laws shall be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds for any one offence and in the case of a continuing offence to an additional fine not exceeding two pounds for every day during which the offence is continued after conviction.



Eees chargeable where no meter is installed :—

(a) for the first room in a building 80 mils per month (b) for each additional room in a building 40 mils per month (c) for each shop or store 50 mils per month (d) for each butcher shop 250 mils per month (e) for each bakery 400 mils per month (/) for each restaurant and cafe 100 mils per month (g) for each workshop, carpentry or locksmith 100 mils per month (h) for each flour mill 500 mils per month (i) for each factory of aerated water 750 mils per month (/) fof each factory not using water for industrial purposes 250 mils per month (k) for each horse, camel, mule, cow or ox 25 mils per month (I) for each sheep or goat 5 mils per month (m) for each bus or truck 100 mils per month (n) for each motor vehicle (private or public) 50 mils per. month (o) for vegetable gardens per square metre 2 mils per month (p) for each square metre of building in construction 50 mils per month (q) for each fruit bearing tree 35 mils per year — 925 —


Fees chargeable where meter is installed :— (a) for each dwelling per month for first five cubic metres 20 mils per cubic metre• for every additional cubic metre over and above the first five cubic metres mils per cubic metre (b) for each factory, bakery or butcher shop for first five cubic metres 40 mils per each cubic metre for every additional cubic metre beginning with the sixth cubic metre 8 mils per cubic metre (c) for any vegetable garden 3J mils per cubic metre (d) for any citrus grove 3 mils per cubic metre (e) for each square metre of building in construction 20 mils per square metre.

IZHAK GERSHTENKORN President, Benei Beraq Local Council. Approved. R. E. H. OROSBIE District Commissioner, 12th May, 1941. Lydda District. (G/23/41)



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with section 16(1) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the town planning scheme within the Town Planning Area of Tel Aviv, known as Scheme No. 64—Seashore Improvement Scheme, has been provisionally approved by the Lydda District Building and Town Planning Com• mission and deposited together with the relative plans at the Municipal Offices, Tel Aviv, where they may be inspected by any person interested between the hours of 8 and 10 a.m. daily. The boundaries of the scheme are as.follows :— North : Northern boundary of parcel 157 of block 6916; East : Along the eastern boundary of parcels 157, 142, 141, 140, 139, 134, 133,132, 234 of block 6916 South : The Municipal Boundary; West : The sea. — 926 —

Any person interested as owner or otherwise in the land, buildings or other pro• perty affected by the scheme may lodge an objection thereto with the Local Build• ing and Town Planning Commission at the Municipal Offices, Tel Aviv, within two months from the date of the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette.

R. E. H. CROSBIE Chairman, Lydda District Building and 30th May, 1941. Town Planning Commission. (Gaz/8/40)



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with section 16(1) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the town planning scheme within the Town Planning Area of Bat-Yam, known as the Outline Boad and Zoning Scheme, Bat-Yam, has been provisionally approved by the Lydda District Building and Town Planning Com• mission and deposited together with the relative plans at the Local Council Offices, Bat-Yam, where they may be inspected by any person interested between the hours of 8 and 10 a.m. daily.

Any person interested as owner or otherwise in the land, buildings or other pro• perty affected by the scheme may lodge an objection thereto with the Local Build• ing and Town Planning Commission at the Local Council Offices, Bat-Yam, within two months from the date of the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette.

R. E. H. CROSBIE Chairman, Lydda District Building and 30th May, 1941. Town Planning Commission. (Gaz/8/40)



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with section 20(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the parcellation scheme within the Town Planning Area of Tel Aviv, known as Scheme No. 120—A. Eliezer and Partners land parcellation, has been provisionally approved by the Lydda District Building and Town Plan• ning Commission and deposited together with the relative plans at the Municipal Offices, Tel Aviv, where they may be inspected by any person interested between the hours of 8 and 10 a.m. daily. — 927 —

The boundaries of the scheme are as follows :— North : Parcel 8 of block 6217; East: Existing lane, registered as parcel 11 of block 6217; South : Parcel 10 of block 6217; West: Existing lane, registered as parcel 12 of block 6217 and parcel 10 of block 6217.

Any person interested as owner or otherwise in the land, buildings or other pro• perty affected by the scheme may lodge an objection thereto with the Local Build• ing and Town Planning Commission at the Municipal Offices, Tel Aviv, within six weeks from the date of publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette.

R. E. H. CROSBIE Chairman, Lydda District Building and• 30th May, 1941. !1own Planning Commission. (Gaz/8/40)



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with section 16(1) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the town planning scheme within the Town Planning Area of 'Afula, known as Scheme No. 1—Outline Town Planning Scheme, has been pro• visionally approved by the Galilee District Building and Town Planning Com• mission and deposited together with the relative plans at the Local Council Offices, 'Afula, where they may be inspected by any person interested between the hours of 8 and 10 a.m. daily.

The boundaries of the scheme are at an area of approximately 1|- kilometres from the centre of the town. Any person interested as owner or otherwise in the land, buildings or other pro• perty affected by the scheme may lodge an objection thereto with the Local Build• ing and Town Planning Commission at the Local Council Offices, 'Afula, within two months from the date of the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette.

R. S. CHAMPION Chairman, Galilee District Building and 30th May, 1941. Town Planning Commission. (Gaz/25/40) 928 —



WHEREAS a scheme within the Regional Town Planning Area of Jerusalem Dis• trict, known as Scheme No. RJ/3—for the realignment of the Jerusalem—Jaffa Road, near the Motsa Bridge, was provisionally approved by the Jerusalem District Building and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the office of the Town Planning Adviser was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 1076 dated the 6th February, 1941;

AND WHEREAS no objections have been lodged against the scheme;

AND WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed has been produced to the Chairman, Jerusalem District Building and Town Planning Commission, and signed by him on behalf of the said Commission;

Now, THEREFORE, it is hereby notified in accordance with section 18A(1) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Jerusalem District Building and Town Planning Commission have approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme will come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been de• posited and are open for inspection at the office of the Town Planning Adviser.

W. R. McGEAGH Chairman, Jerusalem District Building and 22nd May, 1941. Town Planning Commission. (Gaz/3/40)



WHEREAS a parcellation scheme within the Regional Town Planning Area of Jerusalem District, known as Scheme No. RJ/2—of Rev. Issa Elias Bandak, near Sur Baher village, was provisionally approved by the Jerusalem District Building and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the office of the Town Planning Adviser, was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 1071 dated the 9th January, 1941;

AND WHEREAS no objections have been lodged against the scheme;

. AND WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed has been produced to the Chairman, Jerusalem District Building and Town Planning Commission, and signed by him on behalf of the said Commission;

Now, THEREFORE, it is hereby notified in accordance with section 20(6) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Jerusalem District Building and Town — 929 —

Planning Commission have approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme will come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been de• posited and are open for inspection at the office of the Town Planning Adviser.

W. R. McGEAGH Chairman, Jerusalem District Building and 22nd May, 1941. Town Planning Commission. (Gaz/3/40)



WHEREAS a parcellation scheme within the Town Planning Area of Jaffa, known as Scheme No. N/223—M. Masri land parcellation, wTas provisionally approved by the Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Jaffa, was published in the Pales• tine Gazette No. 1087 dated the 13th February, 1941;

AND WHEREAS no objections have been lodged against the scheme;

AND WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed has been produced to the Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission, and signed by him on behalf of the said Commission; Now, THEREFORE, it is hereby notified in accordance with section 20(6) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission have approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme will come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been de• posited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Jaffa.

R. E. H. CROSBIE Chairman, Lydda District Building and, 30th May, 1941. Town Planning Commission. (Gaz/8/40)



WHEREAS a parcellation scheme within the Town Planning Area of Jaffa, known as Scheme No. N/281—Ibrahim Nubani and Partners land parcellation, was pro- — 930 — vision ally approved by the Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Jaffa, was pub• lished in the Palestine Gazette No. 1078 dated the 13th February, 1941; AND WHEREAS no objections have been lodged against the scheme; AND WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed has been produced to the Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission, and signed ;Commission ׳ by him on behalf of the said Now, THEREFORE, it is hereby notified in accordance with section 20(6) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission have approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme will come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been de­ posited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Jaffa.

R. E. H. CROSBIE Chairman, Lydda District Building and• 30th May, 1941. Town Planning Commission. (Gaz/8/40)



WHEREAS a parcellation scheme within the Town Planning Area of Jaffa, known as Scheme No. N/284—Salim el Masri land parcellation, was provisionally approved by the Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Jaffa, was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 1078 dated the 13th February, 1941; AND WHEREAS no objections have been lodged against the scheme; AND WHEREAS the scheme with the ]dans annexed has been produced to the Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission, and signed by him on behalf of the said Commission; Now, THEREFORE, it is hereby notified in accordance with section 20(6) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission have approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme will come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been de­ posited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Jaffa.

R. E. H. CROSBIE Chairman, Lydda District Building and 30th May, 1941. Town Planning Commission (Gaz/8/40) — 931 —



WHEREAS a parcellation scheme within the Town Planning Area of Ramat Gan, known as Scheme No. 14—I. L. Goldberg Estate land parcellation, was provi• sionally approved by the Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Local Council Offices, Ramat Gan, was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 1035 dated the 8th August, 1940;

AND WHEREAS the objections lodged against this scheme have been considered by the District Building and Town Planning Commission; AND WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed has been produced to the Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission, and signed by him on behalf of the said Commission;

Now, THEREFORE, it is hereby notified in accordance with section 20(6) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission have approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme will come into force fifteen'days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been de• posited and are open for inspection at the Local Council Offices, Ramat Gan.

R. E. H. CROSBIE Chairman, Lydda District Building and 30th May, 1941. Town Planning Commission. (Gaz/8/40)



WHEREAS a parcellation scheme within the Town Planning Area of Benei Beraq, known as Scheme No. 1—Keren Kayemeth Leisrael Ltd. land parcellation, was provisionally approved by the Lydda District Building and Town Planning Com• mission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Local Council Offices, Benei Beraq, was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 1054 dated the 31st October, 1940; AND WHEREAS no objections have been lodged against the scheme;

AND WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed has been produced to the Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission, and signed by him on behalf of the said Commission; Now, THEREFORE, it is hereby notified in accordance with section 20(6) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Lydda District Building and Town 932 —

Planning Commission have approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme will come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been de• posited and are open for inspection at the Local Council Offices, Benei Beraq.

R. E. H. CROSBIE Chairman, Lydda, District Building and 30th May, 1941. Town Planning Commission. (Gaz/8/40)



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 3 of the Roads (Width and Alignment) Ordinance, the High Commissioner in Council has ordered that the said Ordinance shall be applied to the roads specified in the first column of the Schedule hereunder, and the High Commissioner has further ordered, in exercise of the powers vested in him by section 4 of the said Ordinance as amended by the Revised Edition of the Laws (Revision) Ordinance, 1937, that no permanent work of improvement shall be carried out within the distances mentioned in the second column of the said Schedule, measured from the centre of the respective road. And the High Commissioner has further ordered, in exercise of the powers vested in him by section 5 of the said Ordinance, as amended by the Revised Edition of the Laws (Revision) Ordinance, 1937, that the aforementioned roads shall be widened respectively to the widths mentioned in the third column of the said Schedule, and that the alignment of those roads shall be in accordance with the respective alignments of the roads as already constructed.


Distance in Width of road Description of road metres from in metres centre of road

1. 2. 3.

1. Kharabata—Na'alin—Beit Nabala 10 20 2. Yibna—Rehovot (Junction with Beit- Da jan—Gaza Road at Km. 11.5 approxi• mately) 10 20 3. Zarnouqa—Junction with Yibna,—Beho• vot Boad 10 20

J. GUTCH 31st May, 1941, Cleric to Executive Council. CUSTOMS TARIFF AND EXEMPTION• ORDINANCE, 1937.


IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 5 of the Customs Tariff and Exemption Ordinance, 1937, and with the approval of the Secretary of State, the High Commissioner in Council is pleased to order and it is hereby ordered as follows:—

1. This Order may be cited as the Customs Tariff aiid Exemp­ Citation. tion Order (No. 6), 1941.

2. The Schedule to the Customs Tariff and Exemption Ordin­ Amendment of ance, 1937, shall be amended as follows :— Schedule to the Customs (a) by the substitution of the following items for items 16, 17, Tariff and 25, 61 and 138 respectively :— Exemption Ordinance, Serial líate of 1937. To. Commodity Unit Duty׳ Mils 16 Rice : Rough rice (including paddy, loonzain and cargo rice) Kilogramme 0.50

17 Clean rice and broken rice Kilogramme 1.50

25 Rice flour Kilogramme 1.50

61 Dates, fresh Kilogramme 1 138 Dates, dried or compressed— (a) in containers not exceeding 5 kilos Kilogramme 5 (b) in containers exceeding 5 kilos Kilogramme 1.50

(b) by the deletion of item 50A. J. GUTCH 2nd June, 1941. Clerk to the Executive Council. (C/204/40)



THE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that schedules of claims to land in the villages and settlement areas scheduled hereunder have been posted at the office of the Assistant Settlement Officer in the village'concerned, at the office of the Settlement Officer of the Settlement Area and at the office of the District Officer of the Sub­ District in which the village is situated, in accordance with section 24 of the Ordinance. — 934 —

Persons having any interest in the lands of the said villages should examine the schedules and should take the necessary steps to ensure that their rights in• cluding mortgages, leases for a period of more than three years or servitudes are examined by the Settlement Officer.

Office of Settlement Village Sub-District Settlement Area Officer of the Area (Office at)

Najd Gaza Gaza Gaza

Indur Nazareth Nazareth Nazareth

M. C. BENNETT 30th May, 1941. Director of Land Settlement. (Gaz/1/40)


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the schedules of rights to land in the villages and settlement areas scheduled hereunder, and for the registration blocks mentioned, have been posted at the offices of the Area Settlement Officers concerned and at the District Offices of the Sub-District in which the villages are situated, in accord• ance with section 33(2) of the Ordinance.

Settlement Settlement Nos. of Village Sub-District Area Office at Registration Blocks

Beit Nabala Bamle Ramie Jaffa 4488

Majdal Yaba Bamle Bamle Jaffa Masha' shares in respect of the locality of Masha' Diib- bana (Muzeiri'a detached)

'Emeq Zevulun Haifa Haifa Haifa 11622, 11623, 11624 and 11625.

M. C. BENNETT 30th May, 1941. Director of Land Settlement. Gaz/1/40) DEFENCE (FINANCE) (AMENDMENT) REGULATIONS (No. 2), 1941.


IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by Article 3 of the Emergency Powers (Colonial Defence) Order in Council, 1939, and the Emergency Powers (Defence) Act, 1939, the High Commissioner has made the following Defence Regulations :—

1. These Regulations may be cited as the Defence (Finance) (Amendment) Regulations (No. 2), 1941, and shall be read as one with the Defence (Finance) Regulations, 1940, hereinafter referred to as the principal regulations.

2. In the second line of the proviso to paragraph (3) of Regulation 4A of the prin• cipal regulations there shall be deleted the word "so" between the words "been" and "granted", and in the sixth line of the said proviso there shall be inserted the word "so" between the words "been" and "granted".

3. In paragraph (2) of Regulation 7 of the principal regulations :— (a) between the words "price" and "which" there shall be inserted the words "specified in the order or directions being a price" ; (b) the words "Such price shall be specified in an order or direction made or given not later than five days after the date of the order or direction by which the securities were transferred" shall be deleted;

(c) at the end of the said paragraph (2) there shall be inserted the following proviso :— "Provided that where the High Commissioner has by an order made under this paragraph transferred to himself securities in respect of which returns had before the date of the making of that order been made to the Bank of under an order made under the last foregoing paragraph, then, if by an order or directions subsequently made or given under this paragraph the High Commissioner transfers to himself securities which would have been transferred to him under the former order if such a return as aforesaid had been made before that date, the minimum price at which the securities may be transferred shall be the price specified in the former order subject to such reduction as the High Commissioner thinks fit in re• spect of any dividend or interest payable since the date of the making of that order, or a price which in the opinion of the High Commissioner is the market value of the securities on the date of the making or giving of the subsequent order or directions, whichever is the less".

4. For Regulation 7A of the principal regulations there shall be substituted the following regulation :—

"Power to (1) The High Commissioner may, by an order made by him exempt securities generally with respect to any description of securities, or by a cer• from provisions of Régulation 7. tificate given by him or in his behalf with respect to any particular securities, exempt the securities to which the order or certificate relates from the provisions of Regulation• 7 of these Regulations, and any such order or certificate shall be deemed to relate not only to the securities specified therein but also to any security to which the owner of the securities so specified may become or has become entitled as such, either by way of bonus or in consequence of any conversion operation, amalgamation or reconstruction.

: (2) Any order made by the High Commissioner or certificate given by him or on his behalf before the 5th June, 1941, for the purpose of exempting securities from the provisions of Regulation 7 of these Regulations shall be deemed to be an order or certificate made or given under this Regulation.

(3) Any certificate given under this Regulation may be revoked or varied by a notice served b}^ or on behalf of the High Commis• sioner on the person to whom the certificate was issued. (4) In this Regulation the expression "security" includes a de• posit receipt in respect of the deposit of securities".

5 After Regulation 7A of the principal regulations there shall be inserted the following Regulation :— "Custody and 7B. The High Commissioner or a person authorised by him or disposition of in his behalf may give such directions as to the custody and dis• documents of position of documents of title relating to securities, or relating to title to securities. any class or description of securities specified in the direction, as appear to the High Commissioner or to the person so authorised to be expedient".

By His Excellency's Command,

J. S. MACPHERSON 3rd June, 1941. Chief Secretary. (CS/464)



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by Regulation 57 of the Defence Regu• lations, 1939, the High Commissioner has ordered and it is hereby ordered as follows :— 1. This Order may be cited as the Natanya (Precautions against Hostile Attack) Order, 1941, and it shall apply to the Town Planning Area of Natanya. 2. —(1) Every person (hereinafter referred to as "the person") employing or having under his control in any one place fifteen or more persons, shall, within 14 days from the date of the publication of this Order, prepare and submit to the 937 —

District Commissioner, Samaria District, for his approval an Air Raid Precautions Scheme for the protection of such persons against hostile attack. (2) The District Commissioner, Samaria District, may approve any such Scheme or may approve it subject to such alterations therein as he may deem fit.

(3) Where the District Commissioner approves of any such Scheme, whether with or without alterations, he may by notice require the person to carry out the Scheme within such period and in such manner as may be specified in the notice. (4) The District Commissioner may at any time subsequent to the approval or carrying out of a Scheme require the person to give effect to such alteration of the Scheme as the District Commissioner may deem necessary to render the Scheme more effective for the protection of persons against hostile attack.

By His Excellency's Command, J. S. MACPHERSON 2nd June, 1941. Chief Secretary. (SF/460/40)



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in the High Commissioner in Council under section 2 of the Taxes Collection Ordinance, the Cap. 137. High Commissioner in Council is pleased to order and it is hereby ordered that the collection by the Government of Palestine of the amount due in respect of any such loan as is specified hereunder, together with the amount of any interest due thereon, shall be subject to the law for the collection of taxes :—

Any loan — (a.) which has been made to a citrus grower by an approved company within the meaning of the Short Term Crop Loans (Security) Ordinance, 1935, on the security (whether as sole No. 27 of 1935. security or along with any collateral security) of a charge on a citrus crop; and (b) which has, whether in whole or in part, been guaranteed by the Government of Palestine, and (a) which has, by reason of such guarantee, been repaid by the Government of Palestine to such an approved company as aforesaid.

J. GUTCH 3rd June, 1941. Clerk to the Executive Council. (SF/94/41). — 938 —


IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 94 of the Cap. 133. Stamp Duty Ordinance, the High Commissioner has made the following rules :— Citation. 1. These rules may be cited as the Stamp Duty (Amendment) Rules, 1941, and shall be read as one with the Stamp Duty Rules, hereinafter referred to as the principal rules. Amendment of 2. Rule 7 of the principal rules shall be amended by the addi­ rule 7 of the tion of the following paragraph after paragraph (/) thereof :— principal rules. "(g) the stamp on any bearer security (whether or not such security bears the signature of any person) which has with ׳, the written consent of the Accountant­General been des­ troyed or in any way rendered unfit for use."

Amendment of 3. Rule 9 of the principal rules shall be amended by the addi­ rule 9 of the tion of the following proviso at the end thereof :— principal rules. "Provided that no such deduction shall be made in respect of bearer securities destroyed or rendered unfit for use under paragraph (g) of rule 7."

By His Excellency's Command, J. S. MACPHERSON 4th Juno, 1941. Chief Secretary. (OS/46­1)


IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by the proviso to item 775 of the Schedule to the Customs Tariff and Exemption Ordinance, 1937, as enacted in the Customs Tariff and Exemption Order (No. 0), 1940, the High Commissioner has been pleased to order and it is hereby ordered as follows :— The Order by the High Commissioner dated the 20th November, 1940, made under item 775 of the Schedule to the Customs Tariff and Exemption Ordinance, 1937, and published in the Gazette No. 10(50 of 5th December, 1940, shall be amended by the insertion of the following at the end of the list of approved insti­ tutions appearing therein :— Goods for which exemption is approved "Church Armv All goods excluding tobacco and intoxicating liquors." By His Excellency's Command, J. S. MACPHERSON 3rd June, 1941. Chief Secretary. (C/136/41)