N Ottb ~A Let;. RUABON, &C
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N ottb ~a let;. RUABON, &c. r\attt'S - -- - - - --- Grocers, 6.c.-Cor1ti11ued. Gittins Elizabeth, Orerton ~va.ns A u n, Cefn Manley Thomas, Overton Hughes Evan, Rho~ymedre E\·an~ Evan, Cefn Matht:ws Thoma~, 0ferton Hughes Robert, ~t. Ma1·tins E\'an~ Thomas, Chirk 1\f orris Charle~, Rhos •Jones Henry, 1\J~rket sr. Rhos Griffith William, Hall st. Rho!! l\forri~ W1lliam L. Church !tt Joms Hezt!kiah, Hall sr. Rhos Grifri1hs Sarah, Urook st. Rho~ Parry Johu, Cl'fn Jones John, Pentre Hopwoocl Robert, Market ~t. Rhos Parry Mary, Duke st Joues John, Pn11key Hughes Ann, Rhosweil Phillips Edwa1 d, Church st Rho~ 1 Jones John, Chirk Hught>s Juhn, Cefn Phillips Johu, Ponkry : Jones William, Hall st. Rhos J ones Ed war·!, Cdu Pierce John, Ovrrton •Morris William L. Churcl1 st Jones Evan, RIJOsymrdre Powell Geor~e, B-ridge ::.t • Parry John, Ce 1n J one~ Thomas, G:u'th Poyoton William, Overtou Bridge Powell George, Bridge ~t J ones William, R11.ahon Price J onatbau, Pent re Pritchard Ann, l\1 ark et s•. Rhus Laycock 1-:lizabeth, Ruabon Pri•chard Hobert, Cefu •Pritchatd John, Cdn Lloyd Thomas, Chirk Pritchard William, :Market st • .R.hos Randlt>s Samuel, Newbridge Owen Eliz<~beth, Rhosymed1e Pngh J uhn, Cefn Roberts Joshua, Rho~ymed re Pearson Sarah, Market st. Rhos Hkh<urls John, High st •Rogers lsaac, 1\larket ~t. Rhos Pierce John, Overton • Hobnts Echmrd, Overtou Sava~e James, Rhos PritchrtrdZi:tchari~th,l\larket ~t Rho! Hoberts Edwa1d, Overton Sc~.vage Thomas, Punkey Roberts Edward, Rho::ymedre R•1berts Ed \\'ard, l\1 ountain st. Rhos *Shone Owen, Overton Hoberls Elizabeth, Ct!fn Hohe1 ts Gabriel, l\1ountain st. Rhos Wihon J o-eph, RIJosymedre Roberts l<:lizabeth, Hail st. Rhos Roberts John, Ponkey Williams Daniel, Hill st. Rho~ Roberts William, Cefn Hoberh Jo•eph, l\larket st. Hho~ Maltsters Hol!er::. Jonathau, Cefn Huberts J ushua, Rlwsymedre 1': rl wa.rd s 1\1 oses, the Lodge, n 1 • Cil irk SI rare Thomas, Cefn Roberts Robert, Poukey E V(lllS Edward, Rlwsymedre \\'illiams Aaron, Cefn Itoherts Samuel, Rhosymcd1 e Gritfiths Francis, Glt!nrid nr. Chirk Spelter Manufacturers Rogers haac, L:h u r eh st H ughes Arthur, Gledrid, near Chtrk Kenrick & ~on, Wynn Hall Sjldttr Rogers Jost'ph, Ruabon Price Richard, Rnalmn ·works, Ruabou Savage J a.mes, Market st. Rhos Roberts Edward, Overtou '5outharu Henry, Ruauon Spelter Savage Rohert, Poukey Swann Edward, R uabon Works Scott John, Overton Wright John, Pant Surgeons Smith John, Paut Millers Thomas John, the Lod~e, nr. Chirk Hurton Wi:liam, Hi~h st H ughes Thoma~. Escob, r1car Cbirk Va.lentice John, Ma1 ket st. Rhos Davies Si111eontveterinary), Market loues J:-.mes, Pentre \V1llia.ns Dauid, Hill st. Rhos ~treet, n hos \loses Richard, Chirk Miil Edmunds John, Chirk William~ John, l\larket st. Rhos Owen Daniel, Pant Mill Wright William, Cefn Eyton Ap Ellis, Overton Wright Willia.m, Garth Reeves Samnel T. Erbistock Jom·s William, High st YanJiey Thoma~, High st Milliners and Dress Makers Perkins Richard S. :r.I n. Overtun Yates David, Mountain ~t. Rhos Ed Wdrds l<~lizabeth,:Market st. Rhos Roberts Richard C. High st June3 Margaret, l:roes Hair Dre!isers Pri·chard Anne, Market st. Rhos Tailors Cnnuell Robert, Cefu Da1·ies Thomas, Hall st. Rho~ Davies William, Duke st. Huabou Nail Makers L loyd William, H1 idge st Dodd Z .chariah, Church st. Rhos Hodgkinson Francis, Campbell st. Povey Adam, Overtou Edwarrl~ David (anti draprr), ~t. Rhos furner Joseph, Ponkey Martins Simpson William, Market st. Rhos Painters 6. Glaziers Ed \' ar ds J a me~, Chirk Hotels Evans Char It's( &plumLt'r) ,Overton Hu~lies J11lm E. Rilosymedre Hand Hott'l (commercial, family & Humphreys Wl!liam, Ruabou Hught!S l\1e·h eh, Rhosvm,·dre nosting house), Elia~ Gritfith, June• Edwa1d, Hall st. Rhos Lloyd ~:d ward & Son ( & plumbers), Cbirk-See advert. Ovt'rton Jones Edward, Rhosymedre W1 nrrstay Arms(commercial, family, Jones Richard, Street issa W1agg lsaac, Overton aud posting), John Allen,Ruabon Jout's Richrl.(&draper),Hill st.Rh· s Iron W'orks Paratlin Oil W'orks ~1 arti 11 William, Ruabon & Hnghes William H. (founder), Pla> Crowther Co. Cefu l\for~an Samutl, Pentre Kynaston Fonndry Holmes Joseph, Cefn Platt Thomas, Rho~ymedre KE!IIYON I RO" CuM PAN V, LHHTED, Lamb F. Cefn Price Erlwllrd, L:hirlt Ruabon- Bobert L:. Wright, Photographic Artists Price Wrlliam, the Lndgf', Ch'•rk manager Bates John, Rhosymedre Rubert; Davirl, J\.ldrket st. Hhn!i r-;:~nv BRITISii IRoN & Cou Co., Let some Edwanl, Hall st, Rhos Tlrnma~ Jn•t·ph, C<~mphtll st. Hhos Trefynant, Roabon W1lliam Quarry Own~rs-Freestone \taug!JCill Willirim (& d1·:::per),Chi1 k Evau~, manager CEI'N & HuABONCo, Cefn-L:harJe, Taverns&. Public Houses RvABON Fovi"DBV CoMF.ANY (& Chat ham, m:m tger Rhosynlt'i.lre t'ugint!ers & millwrights), Huabou CEFN QuARRY, Ct'fn-Wi!Jiam R. An:IJnr, J u~~ph lhwte, Auchor, Hobert Davies, Peutre Joiners &. Builders Jonl'~, pruprit'tor H'ack Ho,Bt',\Villiam Robert~,(;rno·~ Edl(e Julln, 01·erton Oa\'it's & }lawd-Iey, Tir Vron l3lal k Liuu, Elizabeth Jont'~, ('t f•• f~riffiths Joh11, Hlwsymedre Quar y, n uabou-J liS, Mallalieu, GrUiths rlwma", Huabon mauagt'r l3yc1Jan [st. IU1·" Blne 1.3ell, Thomas Owe,,, M 1 ket Jar vis ls'lac. :\Lukt't st. R· o~ GARDDEN LODGE QuARRY,Ruabon, Hdckl<lyt'r~' Arm~, Ed"anl 0,,\'les. Pritchard Richard, Churcil st. Hhu~ G. J. \V alm~l ·y, proprietor lhidge st [Stn·et is-a T.bomas John, Cdu Saddlers &. Harness Makers 13ticklayas' Arms, John SttVLII•, :Lime Burners Oavies t<:atou! H igil st Bridge, John Boote, L:hi1 k Dickin John, Vron-Beujamin rl Ull.hesThomas,the Lodge,nr. Chirk firidse, Tho9. J uhnson, PoutyLlew Gethin, manager Lee William, Overton Bryuphys Arms, James Pa1sluw, Eddy Waiter, Vron Roberts Roberr, High st 0 •ertun .Edwanls William, frefynant Walker Thomas, Chirk Cuach & Horses, John Jones, RIH•S Wright William, Garth Shopkeepers and Dealers In L:ro~s Fu!IItS, Dc~.vid Jur•l:'s Clmrclr ~' Sundries Linen Drapers Cross Foxe8 1 John Negus, 0\'erton !\larked thus"' are al1o Woollen Dr.•Jlel'a (See also Grocers.) Bridge And, rton J a ne, Overton :3uttt·rton Elizalwrh, Cefu Cross Keys, Thomas Gr iffiths,Chirk Howeu & Joues, Cdu Javie~ David, G led1 id Cross K~ys, J OnHthan J oaes, Ctfn D.n·it·s Brnjamin, Paut i)a,·ies Johu, Duke st Cros.; Kt>ys, J oh11l\Iurris,St. Martins D.t'dt!~ ~:.lw,u d, ~tree' issa lJd•ies Robt'rt, t\larket st. Rhu~ Crown, John ls:ucs, St. Martins lJa.;ie~, Hn~<~he~ & Cu. Ccln Ja, res Tlrollld8 1 Cefu Du\..e of \Vt'lling1on, ~-1ro1h Joue~~ F:\OJII~ J1•h1•, Chirk ~~gginton Jolru, Pontc~darn Dube 8t. HurtrOrJ • 120 Ylp .