AMAZINGWEBSYSTEM AWS project white paper


We are reconstructing the Internet's transport layer protocol, and we are redefining the Internet. Each user and each terminal is no longer just the bottom layer of the food chain, but should be the provider and co-builder of the Internet and services. AWS Amazon is a series of infrastructure for building a decentralized Internet. It is a distributed intelligent virtual network built on the physical network layer and the ISP network layer. AWS Tube Amazon uses blockchain, distributed network and asymmetric encryption technologies to provide a series of distributed services, such as automatic proxy services, multi-layer anonymous networks, IM instant messaging, pollution-free DNS resolution, and even CDN content acceleration Distribution and DDoS defense, etc.

Internet access restrictions in different regions, traditional centralized CDNs are expensive, nodes are limited, cost and efficiency have huge optimization potential, distributed network technology is mature, in recent years, the rapid development of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency technology, more Users can participate in blockchain network collaboration even if they don't understand technology.

· Document purpose

This document is a preliminary introduction to the AWS ecosystem, which has a certain reading threshold. The suitable readers are employees, investors or consumers who have a certain understanding of the blockchain industry, as well as those who have a certain understanding of digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. personnel.

· Document scope

Distributed network, infrastructure, communication protocol, freedom of communication, agency service, CDN, idle bandwidth mining, privacy protection, network security. · Abbreviation

In the website, documents and various articles in the AWS Tube Amazon ecosystem: AWS Tube Amazon abbreviation will be used to refer to Amazing Web System Tube Amazon and the entire project. AWS abbreviation is used to refer to Amazon Coin AWS - the only token in the ecosystem.


We are reconstructing the Internet's transport layer protocol, and we are redefining the Internet. Each user and each terminal is no longer just the bottom layer of the food chain, but should be the provider and co-builder of the Internet and services.

The AWS Amazon ecosystem is a series of infrastructure for building a decentralized Internet. It is a distributed intelligent virtual network built on the physical network layer and the ISP network layer. The AWS Amazon ecosystem uses technologies such as blockchain, distributed networks, and asymmetric encryption to provide a series of distributed services, such as automatic proxy services, multi-layer anonymous networks, IM instant messaging, pollution-free DNS resolution, and even CDN content acceleration Distribution and DDoS defense, etc.

Use the Amazon Coin AWS with a stable value scale--the only token in the ecosystem as the ecological "currency" incentive. It is a growing distributed Internet infrastructure built by infinite nodes around the world, making the Internet more open and more equal , More stable, more efficient, safer and more free.

Our philosophy: yearning for freedom. Freedom, openness, equality, and sharing are not just personal values and ideological preferences. These things are written to death in the basic protocols of the Internet and are the inevitable result of the design of early geniuses. The fact that a network can grow to the size it is today is not because of ideology and administrative relations, but a series of basic communication protocols.

An email sent from Microsoft can be delivered to Gmail because there are many intermediate servers that undertake the delivery task. This delivery is neither a commercial task nor an administrative task. It does not bring direct commercial benefits, nor does it exist. Any administrative affiliation. The existence of this open network, just because you want to participate in this game, you must accept the rules of the open game.

Internet giants, such as Google and Facebook, are all beneficiaries of the open architecture of the Internet. Whether in terms of benefiting all living beings or in terms of providing more business opportunities, the open and free spirit of the Internet will indeed benefit us a lot.

Perhaps not everyone agrees with this concept. In some areas, for some reasons, network services are more like a large local area network, not as interconnected, open and inclusive as the original intention of the Internet. We, as a group of technical geeks Although it is understandable, we look forward to enjoying an Internet infrastructure that is exactly the same as the original design, free, open, equal, and sharing.

Like you, our team members also need barrier-free, secure, stable, and smooth network communication services to explore the world through Google and Wikipedia, and share their work and work with friends around the world on Facebook / Instagram. Live, use YouTube / Twitter to see a lively and colorful world, not only can learn about the latest technological trends, academic research, cutting-edge information, but also freely communicate, discuss and collaborate.

The Internet belongs to all those who build and use it. The future of the Internet should not be kidnapped and controlled by any centralized organization. The billions of users around the world who use and participate in the Internet, as well as the experts who build and maintain the Internet, should have free browsing and freedom. The right to speak.

We are taking some actions, through a series of technologies and standards, to create a borderless, barrier-free and more growing distributed Internet infrastructure to provide a basis for user mutual assistance services, Not only includes the most basic interconnection services, but also expects to build distributed and secure content distribution, address resolution, security protection, and even shareable computing and storage services through mature and innovative technical methods. Of course, all of this starts with barrier-free interconnection. We look forward to your blessings and support. All people with lofty ideals are welcome to participate in building a healthy basic ecology.


AWS Amazon is the Internet's next-generation file sharing protocol. The current mainstream public blockchain platform focuses on computing tasks, but lacks cost- effective, scalable and high-performance file storage and sharing solutions. At the same time, centralized storage systems inherently contain many problems: Centralized trust, easy to be censored, high maintenance cost, locking effect, low fault tolerance

Main body

The AWS Chain network architecture includes several microservices, which are services for the user (to consume the storage space of the AWS Chain network by paying for AWS) and the provider (to provide storage space for the AWS Chain network by paying for RAM and obtain AWS rewards) services . The following microservices are running in the AWS Chain network.

1. State server 2. AWS hub 3. AWS Guard 4. pull pipe service

The state server stores the network system indicators used to improve the AWS Chain network. This data can enhance the functionality of other microservices.

AWS hub

AWS Hub is committed to providing storage tenants with the most reliable host on the AWS Chain network. The hub achieves this goal by using important indicators such as available storage space, host uptime and longevity, and proximity to file storage tenants to calculate scores for each AWS host. The hub provides support for host recommendations based on the preferences and needs of the tenant.

AWS Guard

One of the core guarantees of any large file storage system is the availability of stored files. When a file is stored on the AWS network, the file is Reed-Solomon encoded and then split into 30 shards and stored on 30 selected hosts. With AWS Guard, the host can be challenged with storage certification on a regular basis to ensure file integrity and availability. If the number of fragments reaches the threshold due to the host being unavailable on the network, AWS Guard will proactively perform a file repair process to ensure the integrity of all tenants' files.


AWS hosting services can ensure safe and reliable fund transactions between tenants and providers in accordance with the storage contract agreement.


Avoid gimmick innovation Although packaging some fresh concepts is indeed easier to catch the eye, innovation for packaging is not what we want. Innovation-driven development is a complex system engineering. In AWS system solutions and ecosystems, we advocate harmony Encourage innovations that can solve practical problems, improve efficiency, reduce costs, and solve problems.

Prioritize the use of safe, proven and mature technical solutions In the field of communication, encryption and privacy protection between distributed nodes, and blockchain technology, many predecessors have completed a lot of meaningful work, and some of the mature technical solutions have been actually verified in business scenarios. And the performance is stable. For example, the DHT technology represented by S/Kademlia DHT, which has completed multiple generations of updates, intranet penetration and node discovery and online update technology, reverse proxy technology, and a distributed file sharing system represented by BitTorrent. Acyclic graph DAG, Merkle Tree Merkle Tree, asymmetric encryption and decryption technology represented by RSA/ElGamal/ECC, and proxy technology represented by Open AWS ShadowSocks(r), SSL/TLS and IPsec For the representative secure transmission technology, chain block data structure, etc., these are very valuable experience and resources.

Technology serves industries, scenarios, and specific applications With practical as the main purpose AWS will prioritize the selection of mature and stable technical solutions, appropriate integration and innovation, to serve actual specific applications, and to solve specific problems in real-world scenarios with low cost and high efficiency.

Design overview: AWS Chain blockchain architecture Since 2009, Bitcoin has received great attention in the field of decentralized cryptocurrency ledger. At the same time, the PoW consensus mechanism is difficult to adapt to new demands and innovations. In order to maintain the advantages of the blockchain and make the blockchain lightweight, fast, and scalable, we propose a new design, that is, a three-chain-in-one architecture that includes two-layer blockchains (main chain and side chain) (Chains-on-chain). This new system can more easily provide cross-chain interoperability support for assets, data and information. In addition, the side chain only carries data storage and computing tasks, so technological innovation is not hindered. · Design overview The main chain is similar to Bitcoin and Ethereum. It stores ledger and asset information, such as status, transactions, receipts, and smart contracts. The main chain is suitable for storing small amounts of information because it is immutable. In order to support complex data structure and calculation information, we propose two side chains: ⚫ Data Side Chain (DSC), built on the P2P distributed file storage system, stores non- asset information ⚫ Computing Side Chain (CSC), which is different from Bitcoin's hash mining (PoW), is designed to solve real business problems and supports specific computing tasks of AWS Chain Virtual Machine (DVM). The computing unit can read the data of the data side chain (DSC) and write the result into the data side chain (DSC). After a job is completed, the final status, related costs and financial incentives are stored on the main chain by the smart contract. Intermediate state and task-level transaction information are stored in DSC or CSC. As smart contracts span the main chain and side chains, the entire system can maintain low costs on the main chain, while achieving efficient calculations and data storage on the side chains. · System structure

Figure 3.1: AWS Chain design overview diagram As shown in Figure 3.1, in the AWS Chain network, the main chain is responsible for managing the overall transaction and two side chains. The data side chain (DSC) and the computing side chain (CSC) communicate with the main chain through AWS Chain smart contracts. In addition, the data side chain and the computing side chain can interoperate through three-chain-in-one microservices, which include data and messages.

The design of the two side chains is to solve the efficiency problem of data storage and calculation. We expanded the block structure, stored more data in the block, and reduced the frequency of loading the entire chain. Each side chain has its own consensus method. The computing side chain (CSC) uses Provable Data Computation (PDC) and verification game (verification game), and the data side chain (DSC) uses Proof of Spacetime. , POST). The main chain and the two side chains perform different functions. Although these chains are connected to each other through smart contracts and microservices, physically speaking, these chains are still independent and isolated. Even if the side chain is broken, the main chain is not affected at all. The damage of the side chain is completely confined to itself.

· Main chain The main chain uses a data structure compatible with Ethereum, which consists of hash- linked blocks. A block is a collection of related meta-information, and also includes combined information corresponding to transactions, status, and receipts. These blocks are connected by hash pointers. Unlike the Bitcoin-based UXTO model, AWS Chain uses an account-based model to store transaction and asset information, including account status, cross-account transactions, and receipts. Similar to Ethereum, AWS Chain has two types of accounts: regular accounts and contract accounts. These data are organized according to the Merkle Patricia Tree (Merkle Patricia Tree) data model and stored in all nodes of the network. · Data side chain The data side chain (DSC) is built on the P2P storage network, such as IPFS and Swarm. The data side chain itself serves as an incentive layer, and it is not used for data storage. The data side chain (DSC) provides the foundation for the decentralized storage network. In this case, the advantages of the data side chain (DSC) include faster time setting, more efficient information retrieval, safer data storage, higher privacy protection and the ability to maintain transparency.

Figure 3.2: Overview of AWS Chain data side chain

Data and files are broken down into many small pieces and stored in a P2P storage network, such as the Interplanetary File System (IPFS). The meta information and hash of each small block are stored in the chain using a structure similar to Merkle Patricia Tree, which is called the file state. In addition to the hash value of each block and the file itself, we also designed a cross-chain URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) for the file itself, so the data can be easily accessed through the network and chain.

Between the data side chain (DSC) and the P2P storage network, we have designed a virtual logic layer, which includes storage task givers, file import and export miners and validators-we call this layer AWS Chain storage Floor. · Calculate the side chain The computing side chain (CSC) has a structure similar to DSC, which is also linked by hash, and also includes block headers, transaction sets, AWS Chain network contracts, and data distribution. The transaction still uses the Merkle tree structure.

Figure 3.3: Overview of AWS Chain computing side chain

Figure 3.3 illustrates the details of how the computational side chain (CSC) assists the map-reduce operation. The client sends a calculation request to the network, and this request is propagated through the network. Every miner uses a computational side chain (CSC) to get tasks. When a task is completed, the working miner sends a confirmation to the computing side chain (CSC) to update the task status and get rewards. The principle of miners running map-reduce jobs will be explained in later chapters. · Cross-chain communication Figure 3.4 illustrates the AWS Chain cross-chain communication protocol, showing the overview of cross-network transactions. Through the transaction flow across the entire system between the main chain, the data side chain (DSC) and the computing side chain (CSC), let us examine the communication protocol at a high level.

Figure 3.4: AWS Chain cross-chain communication protocol 1. The task giver ("U") submits the task in the main chain. Miners in the main chain need to check the following conditions: ⚫ The block format is valid, including status, transaction, recipient and contract; ⚫ The order is valid; ⚫ Prove to be valid; ⚫ The cross-chain contract is valid; ⚫ The assets in the main chain are locked and transferred to the computing side chain. 2. The solver and verifier in the computing side chain (CSC) will load the code and data into the AWS Chain Virtual Machine (DVM), and execute the code in the AWS Chain Virtual Machine (DVM), which includes parallel computing tasks And verification tasks. Miners who calculate the side chain (CSC) need: ⚫ Check the format of the block; ⚫ Check the deduction, the deposit is valid; ⚫ Check whether the data and codes related to the task are valid; ⚫ If necessary, verify the task results; ⚫ If necessary, read/write data from DSC; ⚫ Summarize transactions and send them back to the main chain. 3. In the data side chain (DSC), the main job of miners is to provide basic data storage and data transmission across P2P networks. Write data miners store data to the network, read data miners retrieve data. Data side chain (DSC) miners need: ⚫ Check the format of the block; ⚫ Maintain the health of the data and ensure the availability, integrity and security of the data; ⚫ Check credit history to ensure that the deposit is valid; ⚫ If the assets in the main chain are locked, they are transferred to the computing side chain. 4. After all computing tasks are completed, data storage and transmission tasks will also be completed, and all transactions and assets will be transferred back to the main chain.

4 APPLICATIONNOTEANDECONOMICMODEL Distributed Intelligent Virtual Network

The existing physical layer networks around the world have been interconnected, and while ISP (Internet Service Provider) provides users with network access services, they can also centrally block and block some of users’ access. AWS can use the P2P NET distributed end-to-end network technology to build a distributed intelligent virtual network on top of the physical layer network and the ISP network layer through unlimited user nodes, connecting the world.

AWS Amazon provides a series of distributed services, such as automatic proxy services, multi-layer anonymous networks, IM instant messaging, pollution-free DNS resolution, and even accelerated CDN content distribution and DDoS defense. Use the Amazon Coin AWS with a stable value scale--the only token in the ecosystem as the ecological "currency" incentive. It is a growing distributed Internet infrastructure built by infinite nodes around the world, making the Internet more open and more equal , More stable, more efficient, safer and more free. Users who run service nodes use idle network resources to earn AWS, and users or organizations that require services use AWS to redeem and settle through the AWS CHAIN blockchain. When renting idle storage space, the AWS system sets a threshold for operation, and requires additional RAM to operate the AWS system. The consumption of AWS depends on the busyness of the current network system nodes and the storage usage rate of system files. Make pricing. The withdrawal of AWS mining in the storage browser of AWS EXPLORE also needs to consume the AWS value of the system for packaging processing, and initiate to the Ethereum network to form a multi-link transaction.

Monetization of idle network resources by users The comprehensive utilization rate of most household broadband networks throughout the year is less than 3%, and a large number of network resources are idle. These idle resource fragments can be combined by technical means to generate huge value. With the help of Tube Amazon, users participating in the ecosystem can easily run Amazon Tube node programs on computers, routers, TV boxes, and even mobile devices, even if they do not have professional technical capabilities, to share idle network resources and online time. The longer you get, the more AWS you can get, which can be used to exchange services you need in the ecosystem or sell on exchanges to realize the realization of idle network resources.

AWS Virtual Private Network AWS, abbreviated as AWS, is commonly used as a communication method connecting large and medium-sized enterprises or private networks between groups. It is a way to use the public network (usually the Internet) to transmit the network information of the intranet. AWS uses the encrypted tunnel protocol to realize the accurate, confidential and safe transmission of information.

In some regional networks where access is selectively restricted or blocked, since common proxy services (such as HTTP proxy or Socks5 proxy, etc.) have long been almost unavailable, AWS technology has almost become the first choice for traversing network blockade.

Just take as an example, tens of millions of users with rigid needs have not been well satisfied. They need services such as Google, Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter, and access to professional websites in different fields. They are mainly: ⚫ Scientists and scholars ⚫ Companies engaged in scientific research ⚫ Practitioners in the foreign trade industry ⚫ Foreigners in China (work, study abroad, travel) ⚫ Design company, film and television company, designer ⚫ Employees of foreign-funded enterprises (mainly for mobile office needs) ⚫ Overseas game users

⚫ Cryptocurrency investors, users and related developers ⚫ Other

The network environment in Mainland China is relatively typical, and the demand is concentrated and universal. In fact, not only in Mainland China, the demand for proxy and network traversal also exists in many parts of the world. For example, there are also ISPs in North America, Europe and northern Asia. Direct access to the line is limited or blocked. vnCDN CDN is a content distribution network. By setting up node servers everywhere in the network, users can obtain the required content nearby, making the content transmission faster and more stable, solving the congestion of the Internet network, and improving the response speed of users visiting the website.

Traditional centralized CDN services rely on IDC computer rooms or cloud service providers. The number of nodes is limited, servers and bandwidth resources are expensive. Although the user access speed of the website using CDN acceleration technology has increased to a certain extent, the main body of the website needs to pay too much for this. The cost, efficiency and user experience improvement are also limited.

Decentralized, accelerated content distribution services that are automatically matched by online nodes across the network, with faster speed, more nodes, better prices, and transparent measurement. Traditional centralized CDN services have a lot of room for optimization in terms of efficiency and cost. Due to the limitations of IDC and cloud service providers, not only the number of nodes is limited, the traffic is expensive, and the centralized operation of the main body is often criticized. Data Fake and billing are vague and opaque. vnCDN integrates blockchain technology, distributed network and traditional CDN technology, and shares a huge user base with vnAWS, a truly globalized unlimited node, and more users can easily access computers, routers, TV boxes, and mobile devices. , Even running the Turing node program on the Raspberry Pi for only a few dozen dollars, using the family bandwidth unlimited traffic and cost advantages, sharing their idle bandwidth and storage and gaining benefits, making the Internet acceleration nodes ubiquitous, and at the same time making the need to accelerate Of website owners get a distributed CDN service with better prices, faster speed, more nodes, and transparent metering.

DDoS security protection

Distributed Denial-of-Service Attack, abbreviated as DDoS attack or DDoS, is a distributed denial-of-service attack, also known as flood attack, which is a network attack method in which network hackers use multiple compromised computers to forge a large number of normal accesses. Its purpose is to exhaust the network or system resources of the target computer, temporarily interrupt or stop the service, and make it inaccessible to normal users.

Through intrusion detection, multi-validation and filtering of traffic, it aims to filter the traffic that blocks the network bandwidth and allow normal access traffic to pass through, thereby protecting the target computer, website or service.

Make full use of the advantages of the number of distributed network nodes and the cost advantages of idle bandwidth to provide hybrid DDoS security protection solutions and services. More nodes, lower prices, transparent service, pay-as-you-go.


vnAWS Traditional VPN No VPN

Through the blockade Yes Yes NO

privacy protection Yes section NO Never downtime Yes NO /

Payment methods Pay-as-you-go Monthly/yearly /

Speed limit Unlimited Hidden limit /

price Cheap expensive /

Number of nodes unlimited limited /

User participation Yes NO /

Unlimited traffic validity period Yes NO / The use of global user dynamic IP communication, through regional technical blockade, built-in vnDNS service, to prevent the impact of centralized DNS pollution, complete user privacy protection mechanism. · Unlimited nodes The off-wall service node provides services, zero management, and realizes idle bandwidth resources; the on-wall demand node uses services, zero configuration, vnPAC technology automatically updates in real time, and distributes automatic proxy; the traffic is permanent and there is no use time limit.

Advantages of vnCDN vnCDN Traditional CDN Direct connection

Number of nodes unlimited tens of One

Speed limit Unlimited Hidden limit general

effectiveness high Higher general

price Cheap expensive general

User participation Yes no /

SDK support Yes no / · More than 10 times improvement in efficiency and user experience Share a huge user base with vnAWS, a truly global unlimited node, allowing users to use idle resources to participate in caching and distribution, and obtain the "sub-morph mining" benefits of PoT consensus · Family VS. IDC, killer cost advantage Provide SDK for website owner management access, based on blockchain, data is true and transparent, and there is no possibility of fraud vnDDoS security protection advantages VnCDN Traditional CDN Direct connection

Number of nodes unlimited tens of One

Speed limit Unlimited Hidden limit general

effectiveness high Higher general

price Cheap expensive general

User participation Yes NO /


AWS Chain is designed as a decentralized computing network. The support of the computing network is a decentralized storage network, which stores the calculation results and various intermediate states of calculations as files. Storage miners are rewarded based on their continuous contributions to the storage chain. Obviously, the agreement based on the Satoshi Nakamoto consensus, including PoW and PoS, does not meet this requirement. Proof of Space time (POST) is a good choice for verifying storage supply. The data layer is designed to manage storage tasks. The data layer is connected to the main chain to obtain rewards for storage miners and connected to the computing layer to store the computing state. Consensus agreement Since proof of time and space evolved from many of its ancestors, we will start with Provable Data Possession (PDP) and then move to proof of time and space. · Proof of data holding In order to allow customers to store data on untrusted servers and verify whether the server stores their original data without retrieving the data, a Provable Data Possession (PDP) is introduced. This model provides the first provably-secure solution for remote data inspection. Definition 1. The Provable Data Possession Scheme (PDP) is a collection of four polynomial time algorithms (KeyGen, TagBlock, GenProof, CheckProof). KeyGen(1k)→(pk,sk) is run by the client, using the probabilistic key generation algorithm (probabilistic key generation algorithm) to establish the model. It takes a security parameter k as input and returns a pair of matching public key and secret key (pk, sk). TagBlock(pk,sk,m)→Tm This algorithm is run by the client to generate verification metadata. It takes a public key pk, a secret key sk and a file block m as input, and returns verification metadata Tm. GenProof(pk,F,chal,∑)→V is run by the server to generate a proof of ownership. It needs a public key pk, an ordered set of blocks F, a challenge chal, and an ordered set of verification metadata ∑ corresponding to the blocks in F as input. For the block in F determined by the challenge chal, it returns a proof of possession V. CheckProof(pk,sk,chal,V)→{‘success’,‘fail0’} is run by the client to verify the proof of possession. It needs a public key pk, a secret key sk, a challenge chal and a proof of possession of V as inputs. For the block determined by chal, it returns V to be the correct proof of possession.

A Proof of Data Possession (PDP) system can be constructed from the PDP model in two stages: setup and challenge.

k ⚫ Setting: Client owns file F and runs (pk,sk)←KeyGen(1 ), followed by Tm← TagBlock(pk,sk,m). C stores the private key and public key pair (sk, pk). Then C

sends pk, F and ∑ (T1,..., Tm) to S, and S stores them. ⚫ Challenge: C generates a challenge chal and a flag (a flag that C wants to prove which blocks S holds). C sends a challenge and a sign to S. S runs V ← GenProof(pk,F,chal,∑), and then sends V back to C. ⚫ Finally, C can run CheckProof(pk,sk,chal,V) to check the validity of the proof of possession V.Overseas game users

The data ownership proof model provides a solution: send a challenge chal at the client C to verify whether the server S stores the file F. In order to prove that the server stores F for a period of time, client C must continuously send challenges to S to ensure that S has a high probability of storing F in continuous time T. · Time and Space Proof The proof of data possession (PDP) mentioned above is very suitable for cloud computing storage, but for decentralized networks, it has several limitations, such as private verifiable. The spatio-temporal proof model will improve the proof of data possession (PDP) model, making it suitable for a decentralized environment. Threat model

Sybil Attack (Sybil Attack) Attacker A has n witch identities: P0, P1,..., Pn, and stores F copies for each submission. If P0, P1,..., Pn store less than n copies of F, but produce n valid proofs, and convince the verifier V that F stores n independent copies, the attack is successful. External data source attack (Outsourcing Attack) When the verifier V receives the challenge chal (requires proof of stored data F), the attacker A obtains the corresponding F from another storage provider P*, and generates an A storage F Proof.

Generation Attack If the attacker A can determine F (can generate F in some way), A can choose F so that A can regenerate F and produce a proof of storing F.

Definition 2. Proof of space time (POST) mode is a collection of the following three algorithms (Setup, Gen Proof, Check Proof):

k f Setup(1 ,F)→(R , Sp, Sv), where Sp and Sv are the mode-specific variables of P and V that depend on the file F and the safety parameter k. f chal f Gen Proof (Sp,R ,chal)→π where chal is a challenge, R is a copy of f, and Gen Proof is run by the prover and generates a proof πchal for the verifier V. chal Check Proof(Sv,chal,π )→{'success','fail'}, check whether the proof is correct. Check Proof is run by V. If P stores Rf, V is successfully convinced.

The Proof of Spacetime (POST) system must be complete and safe. If any honest prover P stores a copy of F, it can always produce a valid proof and convince the verifier V, then the spatio-temporal proof system is complete. If this system can prevent attacks in the attack model, then time and space prove that the system is safe.

· Prevent witch attacks By processing n different copies of F, to ensure that the n copies of F are physically stored independently. For each copy of F, we can force the prover P to encode F: RFek=encode(F,ek), where each ek is unique for each copy of F. for

Eki! = Ekj, RFeki! = RFekj F We can check R ek instead of checking F's storage. Since ek is unique to each copy of F, F no more than one witch identity can be provided for the same R ek. This encoding F process must be reversible, that is, F=Decode(R ek ,ek).

· Prevent external data source attacks and generation attacks A time-bounded algorithm can prevent these two attacks. In the GenProof stage, the prover P must return the proof within a certain period of time, otherwise P will fail in the GenProof stage. honest v→p→v T = RTT + T(GenProof(Sp,Rf,chal)) adversary v→p→v T = RTT + T(GenProof(Sp,Encode(F,ek),chal)) Proof of spacetime (POST) selects an encoding algorithm to make Tencode >> Thonest.

· Coding selection

In order to satisfy the condition Tencode >> Thonest, we will choose an encoding function with the following characteristics: 1) Must be reversible 2) Output from an encoding should determine the key ek 3) Information between copies should not be compressed 4) The running time of coding should increase drastically with the adjustment of parameters In the cipher block chaining mode, the use of block ciphers can reduce the speed of Pseudo Random Permutation (PRP). We will use it to encode the f function.

· Zero-knowledge proof and public verification Public verification. The proof of space time (POST) model requires the public to be verifiable, because decentralization requires every participant to verify the validity of the transaction. In a zero-knowledge proof protocol, the prover declares a proof to the verifier. In addition to claiming that the statement is true, it does not reveal anything about the statement. This protects the prover from malicious verifiers trying to obtain more than expected. Knowledge. The protocol can be interactive or non-interactive. The key difference from non-interactive proofs is that all interactive proofs contain a single message sent by the prover to the verifier. We use symbols: b=g NIZKPoK(α, β): a=gα∧b=gβ

To represent a non-interactive zero-knowledge proof of value: a=gα and b=gβ All values not contained in parentheses are assumed to be known to the verifier. When we use non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs to verify auxiliary data, the resulting pattern is called the signature of knowledge [14]. Basically, the signature of the knowledge model means that the problem x holding the solution w has signed the message m. For the above NIZKPoK, we use this symbol SoK[m](α,β) :a=gα∧b=gβ

To represent the knowledge signature about the messagem.

· Proof chain

The Proof of Data Possession (PDP) mode can only prove that the file F is stored within a given time. In order to ensure that the file F has been stored for a continuous period of time, the verifier must periodically send a challenge. If the verifier sends the challenge at a higher frequency, it has a higher possibility of continuous storage. However, the proof chain provides another mechanism with a stronger guarantee of continuous storage. The proof chain is a verifiable data structure that connects a series of challenges with the proof chain. For iteration n, let chaln be the proof of iteration n- 1. Given a randomness r and a collision resistant hash function H (collision resistant hash, CRH), a proof chain C is constructed as follows:

1.chal0 ←H(r);

2.chaln ←H(n,Vn−1),


4.C0 ←(chal0,V0),Cn←(chaln,chaln),

5.{‘success’,‘fail’}←VerifyChain(C0)=CheckProof(chal0,V0), and

6.{‘success’,‘fail’}←VerifyChain(Cn)=VerifyChain(Cn-1) + CheckProof (chaln, chaln).

A proof chain can provide proofs that are stored for continuous time without requiring frequent verifications, and the prover can also prove storage offline. Data model

AWS Chain not only provides data storage capabilities, but also provides the flexibility to retrieve files in a more granular manner. Let's start from The storage format of AWS Chain standard files began to be discussed, for example, text file or binary file type.

· Structured text data

More specific forms of text files are structured formats such as CSV, XML, and JSON. These types of formats can all be represented by AWS Chain. By defining the data schema (schema), AWS Chain provides filtering and search functions that support most data exchange requirements.

· Binary data

Although text is the most common and typical source data storage format, AWS Chain also supports binary files like videos and images. However, AWS Chain does not support fine-grained search of binary data. AWS Chain supports both schema-on-read and schema-on-write operation modes. The schema-on-read mode allows large amounts of data to be quickly loaded into storage, but this data needs to be heavily marked to ensure that it is universally available throughout the network. Data storage in schema- on-write mode requires more pre-preparation and online data conversion, so data creation and maintenance are more expensive, but its advantage is to store data in a more standardized and consistent manner. schema-on-write is a mechanism that supports privacy protection. In the following file, when the file is loaded to the network, the column name and SSN should be encrypted according to the provided mode. When retrieving files based on descriptions, the mode provides us with a flexible way of operation.

Table 6.1: Description of how the data model works.

Name. SSN GENDER DESCRIPTION James Bond 123-456-6789 M Spy Larry Page 234-567-7890 M CEO

… … … …


M Spy


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What is AWS Token? AWS pass is an encrypted digital asset officially issued by the AWS ecosystem. AWS can be used as a value circulation certificate in the AWS Chain network, participating in the leasing and use of various resources in the AWS network, and it is also an essential element for realizing the pass economy. In addition, in the AWS ecosystem, AWS will serve as a proof of effective user participation in addition to being a transaction medium, and is widely used in the fields of public chain ecological governance and community management.

AWS issuance and distribution plan

According to the distributed storage ecological network, we set the total issuance of AWS to 590,000,000 pieces, with the smallest unit of by (1AWS=10000000by), and ensure that the total amount is constant and will never be issued through smart contracts. To ensure ecological construction, AWS adopts the following distribution plan:

Early ecological participants 59,000,000 The mainnet releases 531,000,000 coins through mining; Block time 120s Release cycle Initially 525,600 blocks, then the number of blocks produced in each cycle increases by 3 times, For example, in the first cycle 525,600 blocks began to reduce production, and in the second cycle, production was reduced after 1,576,800 blocks. Release A total of 8 cycles are released for all AWSs, and 66,375,000 AWSs are released per cycle. Mortgage In the first cycle of the main network, bare mining will be 100% profit, and in the second cycle naked mining will be punished by 45% of the profit. Starting from the third cycle, naked mining will be punished for 90% of the profit; from the second cycle, mortgage A certain amount of AWS can get 100% revenue in the main network. The amount of mortgage currency is adjusted according to the calculation power of the main network and the amount of currency produced. Penalty 50% of the coins penalized by the main network are entered into the foundation address. The foundation does not set up pre-mining, and the AWS ecological promotion fee will be provided by the foundation penalty coin; when there are fewer and fewer token holders in the ecosystem, the foundation address More and more coins will be accumulated, allowing the foundation to have more funds for market promotion; when there are more and more mortgage holders in the ecology, the ecology will become more and more healthy, the foundation address income will be reduced, and the miners will get more Multiple mining rewards. Destruction Every time a block is produced, the address of the foundation will have a chance to obtain a new AWS for ecological promotion. The foundation is obliged to actively use these AWSs and promote the ecology. In order to encourage the foundation to actively promote the ecology, the coins retained in the foundation address will be used. Half of it will be destroyed in a certain period; this approach will encourage the foundation to more actively use AWS for ecological promotion and serve the AWS ecosystem. Crit 50% of the mainnet penalty currency will be entered into the foundation address, and the remaining 50% will be used as an ecological bonus to enter AWS's first mainnet reward game pool. AWS accumulated in the reward pool will be used as a bonus. The next full mortgage miner will Will get all the AWS retained in the current prize pool, allowing full mortgage miners to get more rewards. 8 PARTICIPANT Pioneer (DAO Organization)

A fundamental difference between a blockchain community-based autonomous organization (DAO organization) and a traditional company is that it was initially positioned as a giant mesh organization, which is a global, distributed, and non-linear expansion and development. AWS relies on blockchain technology and the concept of token economy, adopts a decentralized node management method, autonomous communities are highly autonomous, and provides a series of voting mechanisms. The voting results are combined with smart contracts to automatically adjust the business share and credit rating of the business. In the Oracle ecosystem, there are roles such as nodes, supervisors, developers, contract users, consumers, DAPPs, and communities.


The governor of AWS has decision-making and governance powers. AWS is responsible for operating the infrastructure of the public chain and providing computing power support for the AWS ecosystem. Only one AWS node is needed, and the AWS-Chain system will never stop the Internet.

Supervisory agency

Important participants of AWS, they can be institutions or individuals. They supervise, audit, certify, rate, and arbitrate business activities in AWS. Third-party service providers: third parties that provide related business services based on AWS.


Important participants of AWS, they can be companies and individuals. They provide development services in AWS, including the development of smart contracts and the development of DAPP. AWS requires that any smart contract deployed in the ecosystem must be registered in the governance contract and signed by the developer. Consumer

Individual users who use decentralized applications or services on AWS through DAPP, Web applications, wallets and other channels.


AWS values the power of the community. Through the use of the community, AWS will attract technical talents from institutions and individual communities at home and abroad to provide power for the realization and iteration of AWS technology.


The quality and innovation of DAPP determine the vitality of a blockchain ecosystem. In order to help developers get started with DAPP development faster and accelerate the creation of a developer ecosystem, AWS will rely on its rich resources to incubate commercial DAPP applications in various industries on the chain. Was born.


When thinking stops moving in repetition Do you have the courage to break the old Reshape the future Take time as a mirror Faithful to the guidance of change Before the appraisal Explore the unknown never tried Transcend the unsurpassed wish to see Our small step Is a big step in rewriting history Root the values of fairness, transparency, trust and cooperation in all aspects of future life Born for the future, come for subversion Start with small changes Make a huge change that hopes think!