AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY READING GUIDE UNIT 4 – ETHNICITY & POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY Ch. 7-8 Rubenstein pages 218-253 Title: Chapter 7: Ethnicity

218-221 1 Introduction  Ethnicity is a source of pride and a link to experiences of ancestors and to cultural traditions  An ethnic group has measurable differences: avg. income, life expectancy, infant mortality rate  Ethnicity matters in places with a history of discrimination by one ethnic group against another A. Define each of the following: 220 1. ethnicity 220 2. race B. Explain why ethnicity is especially important to geographers 221

221-230 2 Key Issue #1 – Where Are Ethnicities Distributed?  May be clustered in specific areas within a country OR  Area inhabited may closely match boundaries of a country

221 A. Distribution of Ethnicities in the United States

 Within a country, ethnic clusters have 2 scales: regions of the country OR neighborhoods within cities

221 1. Clustering of Ethnicities

a) Southeast – b) Southwest - (largest % come from ______) c) West - (largest % come from ______) d) Southwest and Plains states –

223 2. African American Migration Patterns

 Clustering of ethnicities is partly a function of migration – the same process that distributes other cultural factors like language and religion  There are 3 major migration flows shaping the distribution of within the US

224 1) 18th century – from Africa to American colonies WHY?

Define: triangular slave trade

225 2) Beg 20th century – from US South to US northern cities WHY?

226 3) End 20th / Beg 21st century – from inner-city to other urban neighborhoods WHY?

NY Times Interactive Census Map http://projects.nytimes.com/census/2010/map Review racial distributions according to the 2010 census map with your classmates – locate the following cities (counties) & list the race represented by the largest % of people: Dallas (Dallas) (Bronx) Los Angeles (Los Angeles) El Paso (El Paso) (Cook) Anchorage (Anchorage) Detroit (Wayne) New York City (Manhattan)

“Why might this census not be 100% accurate?” Read Rubenstein pg. 226 1st paragraph of “Differentiating Ethnicity & Race”

226 B. Differentiating Ethnicity and Race

PBS - Race: The Power of an Illusion http://www.pbs.org/race/002_SortingPeople/002_00-home.htm

Video: William McGhee Sociology Lecture  What is the difference between ethnicity and race?

 Define: 227

227 1 Race in the United States

 One aspect of race relations in the US has been the discouragement of spatial interaction through legal means in the past & through cultural preferences and discrimination today  Plessy vs. Ferguson stated “Separate but Equal” was constitutional 227-228 Examples of “Separate but Equal”:

 Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas stated that “Separate but Equal” was Unconstitutional  Describe how “” occurred after Brown vs Board of Education

 Define: blockbusting 228

228 2 Division by Race in South Africa

 Define:

 Who created apartheid? Why did they do it?

 Other countries cut off relations with South Africa in the 1970s and 1980s because they opposed apartheid practices in South Africa  Apartheid was dismantled in 1991 by the white dominated government of South Africa – Frederik Willelm de Klerk was President at that time  In 1993, FW de Klerk and Nelson Mandela won the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to end apartheid in South Africa  Who became the first black president of South Africa in 1994? 230