Spring 2007 Newsletter
Dance Studio Art Create/Explore/InNovate DramaUCIArts Quarterly Spring 2007 Music The Art of Sound Design in UCI Drama he Drama Department’s new Drama Chair Robert Cohen empa- a professor at the beginning of the year, graduate program in sound sized the need for sound design initia- brings a bounty of experience with him. design is a major step in the tive in 2005 as a way to fill a gap in “Sound design is the art of provid- † The sound design program Tdepartment’s continuing evolution as the department’s curriculum. “Sound ing an aural narrative, soundscape, contributed to the success of Sunday in The Park With George. a premier institution for stagecraft. design—which refers to all audio reinforcement or musical score for generation, resonation, the performing arts—namely, but not performance and enhance- limited to, theater,” Hooker explains. ment during theatrical or “Unlike the recording engineer or film film production—has now sound editor, we create and control become an absolutely the audio from initial concept right vital component” of any down to the system it is heard on.” quality production. He spent seven years with Walt “Creating a sound Disney Imagineering, where he designed design program,” he con- sound projects for nine of its 11 theme tinued, “would propel UCI’s parks. His projects included Cinemagique, Drama program—and the an interactive film show starring actor collaborative activities of Martin Short at Walt Disney Studios its faculty—to the high- Paris; the Mermaid Lagoon, an area fea- est national distinction.” turing several water-themed attractions With the addition of at Tokyo Disney Sea; and holiday overlays Michael Hooker to the fac- for the Haunted Mansion and It’s a Small ulty, the department is well World attractions at Tokyo Disneyland.
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