0 T"i:EY f'i I A H Tl IT- - 1 'l ' mam? . i v 5 a U. A v? tw v4 e BECOMES F RST CHEATER mmeriga !s 1 1

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vol, xxvm., no. , HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY. 18, i AUGUST 189S. IKICE FIVE OR. sovereignty and public pronertv of the 'eurive building began to assemble! Hi Hawaiian Islands." As the King street gate was closed all In reply Mliii-.te- r Sewall saM: ntere.l from Rk-Uard- s street and Hotel j i Pre.-si.lr-n- t: '.Mr. In tht? name of the street sides. The President's ttaff. in- - j Unitt'.l Stau-.s- I accent the transfer of eiudincc Col. John 11. Soptr. Majs. J ; the Hov.erc;t,rnty and property of the George C. Potter and C. P. laukea. and ! 1 1 a v a : i a n G o v e r :i n i e nr. Capts. J. W. Pratt and W. C. Wilder, j "The Admiral commanding the were on nana to show notables and ! i niu i states naval rorces m these eitize :s to tne.r respective places. Fn- -' waters will nrce.-e-l to perforin the trail c to the balconies was through jTt Iuty ."ntru.--u--d to him." the m .aiiiai side, for convenience. Seat- - ; i Old . Glory Is Mow tiie E This dut v .s to rai.? the American e.l or; side ot the ohicial Piar- - nsign . for ni and both left and right of t h." Trie diplomatic corps, Government from driveway, was a deiuo mas - y I it and naval officials and distinguished hu-nanir- of all nationalities. tie Hawaiian slands. guests began to airive on the platform At the time of assembling, the .::;r:iiniJt-r;;':1r:- about ll:oO. President Dole, stall and grounds and buildin: were in charge .,:. CaLnnct arrived a'nout tw-ent- ompanis F, m 1 VA-- minutes F and Hawaiian reg Mr later. Minister Sewall, Admiral Miller ulars. Under Capts. Zeigler and Coyne .";-- "J- ! and staff, Consul Haywood, Vice Con- and Uieuts. Ludwig and Fvansen the - i 'l sul Uoyd. Col. IJarber, Capt. Wadleigh, companies received all visitors and tiii; oi.i r!..; r ago. "ow it is gone. Now the Govern- Caj)t. Hook, Maj. Langfitt, Capt. Lydig, ourtcously assigned them to their re ment of -- the Hawaiian Islands is part Capt. Griffiths. Uieut. Winthrop and spective jiositions. Parties in car- - ( I i ). others, forming a iages were Trail J. and parcel Government of the J )arty of American invariably directed t( the otth1 ; h.-r.-- ( I ! . officials, came I t v United.' states. C;;T"" next. roar ot the building, from which they 2Wvj nins ait !: un tne Duiiamg,i., the time were a passed ta rough to seats on the ollicial : A event cone on Sll- li.r.V.lfS tin- I:;itinl v. nil ; of tfeiuencous has i - number of American sailors to assist platform or the verand.as. r.-d- record.'- Never before has the United .- . m:l-itar- y .Vifl wave !'(: li O- i States so acquired territory-.'- Never in the Flag Raising and to raice the Tiie Citizens' Guard was th? first (I' - ' o'ff ViS ll'l i. standards on each of the two side tow- ?ody to reach the grounds. The - before, has United States acquired 1V I'Je- ll.iir of our emmf 'the - smdx Ha- ers. F. A. Czarneeks, chief quarter:- sixteen companies, under Senior Cap- territory; The 'Annexation of SIk 's u tli ft ld elm .t th waii by the United States marks a master. of the Philadelphia, was. ih tain McStock.er, marched over from the stars strciin! id range policy charge of the party selected to hoist Judiciary building and took their stand - s 1 in of American : : : the the And tin- stiiji-- v i a ! s . Henry-Ward- nil Government.' The country has out- the American Flag. John on tliJeft of the official platform. In Gt-org- C. I : A. And we for V n r i grown x.Ietnartrios, Corbett, front..vver..,the Sharpshooters and G. 1 dare Jut, am the warning or Washington. - til'' last lr am For ", Annexation a new, Stanley ilaiver. W. Johnston and T. C. 'sAC- - Jt-"-. to t.h e' right - a iolice c om pa n y 11 t' r marks 'Xcath tlm a ; nr uiit Bloomer were on the building. :The Capt.' Kanae, on drivo-Sva- - smooth and certain career, . though, under and the PRESIDENT M'KINLEY. flag raising party .was: INIaster-at-Ar- ms - i "of; Sin iip tlx IV - M.I t I allt- - there are a v number of serious prob--b to the left the :staud- was t he ,z ) r si si t t local-governmen- J. T. Newcombe; U. S. S, Mohican; Si alt scars t yet FirMattalion, First Regiment; N. G Si 1 ins in 'to be JS'n n i.--j fon blur on 1ht niu lit no stain Gunner' si Mate O. Pratt, and Machin- j.1 ones., v wa y, A fl airs. li'-- r yet f J Jn the drive Minister of Interior Minister of stars! lmndled. There is here much work - neJIa Hawaii with the Fnired Sf ifni .wi - - ist Rv U. Reynolds, U. S, S. Philadel- was 319, Finance, Jus-tieeAFj- rst Tin- Ptavti Idood of licrocs liath eii irist'Tt- for those who have carried forward dirUyhtpnt a 'battalion of Attorney General, Chief with other countries, are to un- party-lowerin- g from-1 - . remain vrl lier bars i Annexation -- movement, perhaps pnia. 'i ne tr.e:Hawaai-- 2 lie- Philadelphia and;-Mo- Associate Justice, Second changed till Congress 1 '. the or ex- Shc'w the ttat; of our country ' vcjf v an Flag were:- - Corporal T. Ivilhey, shall have tic should: be said the work Is for all H. libpn. tinker Lieutenant Commander.. Associate.Justice, Chaplain, American tended the customs laws regula- " and O. Winkler A. Spillner and Hi Myre, Stevens, ''':TaFV.l'ne - of. those who "wish Hawaii veil. , ictr the official Minister Sewall. Admiral Miller and tions of the United Stales to Isl- ' Company G. the GTRONG AND SOLEMrii Cere-.moni- es all of F. N. Ii. platform, directly in., front Staff, Capt. Wadicigh ands. 1;- The dayi for the Annexation c!.'the and officers of was cloudy till "the "Hawaiian wasoffered,r.alI. rising. grpn ads. is sed for rece p tion s to t he. Roy the Philadelphia,. Capt. Rook and of-- "Under these various the it When all was in readiness, soldiers ;was Ht&irs:.of S. This town attended yesterday only Flag came down and . there were light inlue, the Second Battalion, the Mohican, U. Consul Gen- Government of the Islands will proceed all at attentian;yMinister Sewall and FiiItegiment, Maj. McCarthy; and eral Hayvrood. TV, S. vVice Consul without interruption." tho Flag liaising. was sarue showers. So soon as the Stars and ' lo It the -- Stripi'3 were up the sun came out and President Dole arose, JEacing each oth- to the left Ot' these ..troops the guard AVt.A Porter Boy l, Mr. Dole, Mrs. (Signed) HAROLD M. SEWALL. in the outer settlements and districts er. The Transfer of Sovereignty ,was of t h "day, junder C a p t. v Coyne. ' Cooper. Mrs. King,' Mrs. Envoy for the rest of the day its rays were " Damon, Extraordinary and Minister it as on this Island of Oahn. There v)as unobstructed by clouds. made. Minister Sewall presented to "'The Hawaiian National Guard met Mrs Smith, Mrs. Judd, A7i,1ge Perry, Plenipotentiary of the United States the. President the Joint Resolution of thV troops Judge "Stanley, of Hi no doing of business. . There was uo Ceremonies for Annexation were American .from the warships Judge J. VAKalua, America. the American Congress and said: in --port at the" boat Jandiug on Queen Charge d'affaires for, Portugal, i? Tench Honolulu. H. I., August 12, 189S." hurrah like on other holidays. A few simple and brief and when they were - ended agreed very This joint resolution accepts, rati- street at 11 p'clock" and escorted them Commissioner: H. R.trActing Consu people did indulge in some private all that the best iritos-th- judgnlmitadj heen used in deciding Wies and confirms on the part of the grounds, arriving there about General, Consul for ltaJyHI. J. IT. SPEECH BY MR. jiverry-makin- i? cession formally con- Tn SEWALL. after the ceremonies at upon the manner, in' which the transfer United States the' 11: the battalion of American Eleve Consui,' Consul for Sweden and sented to and r approved .by the Repute tro6ps. wem.two sections of heavy ar- Norway, Consuls" for Chile;: Germany, - building. cvary f . the Executive About shoulahd" "made There was no crush ' ' - - lie" of Hawaii; - : This address was delivered by person who saw the ceremonies, and of attendance. 'Upon the grounds. wera tillery, the companies pa- Belgium; Netherlands," Denmark, II. R. Mi- i Do1s Teply, in firm, tones, ' M. Acting Vice' nister Sewall av a n P esidnt a? infantry. Consul, Cliin'ftse Con- the conclusion of d l the probably all of the people who did not H h! fi-ma- delivery the-- - I'm i if i ) v V. lu lii t nB m J of the Government in lront.oT Executive building sular Agent, Assistant Consular Agent, formal witness the felt the ocA-- i ""l 'a lunvciiiaii lsunuift iUiu na-- of .the la waiian'-membe- rs Mrs. Foci? Mr. Mrs. - transfer that h h SJiae luu alb .J of the and F. M. Hatch, Uv"- eri for the New Flag. t;VXh"wn "Fellow Countrymen : 1 congrni-"'"-lat- e transfc-- pAvaiian. Islands .to t hv . ITn i t etI S Laths of banft, sfjieexi in?numleT, were sq Mrs. J. B. Castle, Mr.iujd Mrs. Thurs- sion was a solemn one. The j was inet alFday: and al evening overt yon on JT ' j the tmiAJ iT-tlre- consummation J'herff'waV-appreciatio- America through MinlStrirsewalT ev'e ey d ton, Wll '. r&tcl - ttome'', the rits'tiha Mrs..JrL SelMisSdanjlSy ion was every way impressive of the solem- Ha-vyana- in I AWA'A-vlvlqnc- records; a consummation, not a change, fr'&'i,. 1 i he Flag was not play . Mrs. y, n ty bf h ' affair. Many . newspaper aiidvoUld the nationalvah-- Mrand Mr. and - of greatest strength. Few of those wio twenty-on- e- gnn?.T,- - ' Mrs.V-C-Wilde- the inevitable consummation of the na-- ' t Ti - ' thejn the lowering. r, Mr. and Mr?C;P. C. f j) , pre- liiore Thcre'ere re o e trn n sfer are be! ng - to in ;tc rtsoJ - was played hy Ha - tioiial policies and the natural relations-"- ' attended failed feel emotions ilr-lli-ese Hawaii Ponoi jhe tearsiin many eyes, both native ami Jbnw,- Mr. Bolte, H. Waterhpnse;- Sen- 'pare be truthf cdnnot between two "formal- tion. The spectacle was one of a lite waiian Government band minus the foreign, when the flag of Hawaii came ator Hocking,;: Mr. and' Mrs:- - G. W. the countries now . descrb"6;:Rnything in the rank of an ly indissolubly sixteen natives who" were excused down, but all rejoiced Smith, Mr. and-- Mrs.' P. W. McChesney, and united. time. It made a varying appeal. (Jld ;ordin4ry;";jjollifieation or celebration. and shouted 'Inevitable as has been - i ; The Hawaiian Flag? was hauled when, a MrAaud Mrs. Av TAAtlilnson, this union, pfiil : fewrnoments later, the Stars Mr. and C, Then was realization fully of the im -- we may lory has ulways had here the respect d u w nr t. As i t was' 1 owered. Chas. Kreut-- e Striposislowlyiiaseended rejoice that it will take its .7 port tf occasion, and all thoughtful and the hal- Mrs. Kahaulelio, Mr., and Mrs. Achi, )eople". 'has. the rv tii'c. I ov e n m. n n : cc t s , : lilace in history with the awakening of all So, the Hawaiian r t; ba d rn e t yards to topxif-ih- e flagstaff A. B. Loebenslein;vAlex'-- of U' l)eoph appreciates "flat tnere.was vast-- the on the Robertson, the American people to a sinnded "to the Colors!" Vj, Ten-ne- y, sense of their Some liave loved one Hag bet" iip tnd meaning in the Flag Raising. central tower Mrs. Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. D. responsibility Was moment. Many - -- nations, in the other. lint no man who. Thls the critical c- Mr. and MrsAAndrew Brown, Mr. that teiitran were jn-tears- . ' and Mrs. Atherton. Mrs. Lowrey, S. G. is a man escaped a pan of seutimitvt the-signa- l THE PRAYER. t iTHE! ACTUAL TRANSFER. Admiral gave for' Wilder, WVL. Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. C. HI or sorrow when there descended fr !lm the American flag to go up F. Peterson,: Mr. Mrs. W R;. Cas- ; and I'll?; NEW OATH. 1 ; As Flag was a ; i the State building for,, the last time the American hoisted ATb'is wh.v ih? invocation offered at tle. Mr. Tansicg, Professor and: Mrs. trumpeter from the naval forces sound 4 the. Hag of a nation that has so long At jhe',pioif r time Minister. Sewall. the "FJ a Raising A,ybe,.Rev. Q. L. AicxanderAMr. and Mrs. A. V.Getu i i;:: oxi.v cd '.'To the Colors. H.vLaws;Mr. Mr3.-j- ; oath. -.- J-:- - Mr. and Mrs. and 1) an honorable and notewort iy addrrfiihg'Mr. Dole, said: Pearson; ; c . . held ;;Theland'from;the' U. S. F. S. Phil M. Oat, Mrs. "McStocker. Mrs. Soperi' gre: U M 1 you cer- - ' place in the great family of the ij President ii tsent a t'dtlphla, phiyed .Star Spangled Ban Oh Lord Our Heavenly Father, the Mrs. Fisher, Mrs.. McLeod, Mri?. Pratt; itkMl ieiV--Tliei- . commonwealths. There were not xopy of a joint resolution of .the were three cheers. high and mighty ruler of the universe, Mr. and Mrs. A. Kennedy,-Mr- V I er 1 J. and do solemnly I - A Flag was who'.hast made of na- swear that nianv present to s;ee jA'ongiss of the united States, ap- merican saluted with (ne blood all Mrs. John Ena, Mr, and Mrs. . M. will support twenty-on- e guns. tions to. dwell upon ail the face of the and defend the l by-th- e on CookeAMr. and Mrs. Mendonca,: Mrl the Transfer of Sovereignty. ThefrDi:pro President July 7th, -- Constitution of the United Minister Sewall made his address. earth and hath determined the tlnir--s Wilhelm. Dole; Mrs. d 1 Marshal many wHo-ha- livj-- ;HS'.)s t led Resolution to p ro-- ' RP. and States of America agjinst all were present men - uu 'Joint The of fealty to United before appointed and the bounds of A.Mc-Candles- s. c- oath." the Brown. L. L. McCandless, J. V enemies, foreign and pleasantly and happily under the itbr annexing the Hawaiian islands States of America .was administered their habitation, we heartily entreat W. domestic, most it. Sims, Mrs. Pearson. . that I will bear true fa.th and Flag and who regretted thfe United States.' first to President Dole and then to Thee to graciously hear our prayer. Hawaiian jto Cooper, In thy providence Thou hast brought allegiance to the same; and' "Til is joint resolution accepts, rati- Ministers Damon;. Smith and that I deeply not that nnexatiou had couie King by Chief Jus tice Judd. us to'tuis.Mgtiificant time, the consum PROCLAMATION. take this obligation free- .about, for they rejoiced in this, I fies and confirms on th-- e part of the great ly, without any mental reserva- jit, All the troops" marched away, fol- mation of a and important event. purpose con-Wntt- tion or of saw a Flag of a People .formally id Let thy be upon, evasion: So that they low- Unittd States the cession lowed by most of the crowd that had benediction us and Help im-)orta- proclamation nt The read by Mr. Sewall Me God. ered. It was solemn, it was sad, jit to and ajiproved by the Repub- been on the lawns. The people slowly all. the interests'that center in tiiis makes a. remembrance that will dwil dispersed from the balconies and the hour.''-- ; May thy blessing abide was: ; rorevc lic of Hawaii." with Hawaii net. with a man p Dole "A treaty of grand stand. Remenlber ih'mercv There were two great moments br President said: ter institutions;; and .all her people. "To the Govern men t and the people political union having been made, and Bless her presidcritMier statesmen, of the Hawaiian .Islands: splendid procession of events begun at Jleeting periods in the transaction. Ope formally to by her Manila was when the Hawaiian Flag carafe the cession consented THE CEREMONY. itizens and all who hav .contributed "By th terms of the Joint Resolu- and which has now embraced k he having been to per present prosperity glory. tion by which the cession of the Ha- these Islands in its broad sweep. down. The other was when the Statrs - and accepted uy tne i nitca states oi ivmer- . waiian Islands and dependencies "You are no strangers to your coun- and Stripes went up. . The interest ,tte We most earnestly pray Thee to re their ticai I now, in the interest of the Ha At In o '(dock the First Regiment be member sons daughters. to the United States is concluded, it Is trymen across the sea, bound to them tension, was breathless. Ideas ahd - her native and thought images rushed and ;feurgM-- waiian body politic, and with full con- gun to assemble at the drill shed and 5e thou their friend and saviour and provided that until Congress shall pro- as you are by the achievements of their ds-"- !? 1 vide for the Government sons With the Old Flag wera endeared ' marched out promptly a half hour )y thy providential care may all things of Hawaii, all and brothers here, and by all the o the American people, yield up work together for good to them. May the civil, judicial, and military powers activities that make up a country's life. so iations. To many who looked itlfhp later. In the mean time those who had exercised by , . , , n,n Mril.. viiir representative of the ill the people appreciate the. greatness the officers of the existing You are no strangers, certainly not in ot the I'nite,! State, the secured seats on the veranda of the Ex- - f their inheritance this day. received Government are to be vested in such the momentous present. as Th ,,fXjjrnment persons, For it . md nay all works for justice and person or and to be exercised comes to every nation in th-- e dread or- to love it and cherish it . . .j .j--i that had come "s .$ .? o-th- in such manner, as the course of events 1 uin v t mercy and peace lie conserved and in Presiden: deal of war to test the loyalty of all its felt pain that the United - away tensified liv this change of national States shall direct. sons and the devotion of all its friends forced it life. "In the exercise of the power thus so they have tested you, tried you and Cheers went up with the Americim conferred upon him by the Reso- was a more beautiful banner Uy Thy favor, Oh Lord, bless Ameri Joint found you true when you refused to Flag. It ca lution the President hereby directs that listen to the ever to many and to all it tdhl , tne .Nation ot thy providence, suggestions of the selfish than which now becomes Our Country. the civil, judicial, and military powers and timid, .and at your peril, offered l.Ptir.'ith its folds there would vi in question shall be exercised by the uppermost the spirit of justice Pdess her in this addition to her broad up all thai these Islands bad to offer, lie fSi.rrry i Officers of the Republic of Hawaii, lis as spirit of liberty, of tolera'4 domain and to the number of her free a sacrifice on the altar of devotion all. the and noble people. May her banner it existed just prior to the transfer of to a. country you h.ol not yet fairness to nil. To see t"4at ? re- the right of absolute 9. wave here and its glori- sovereg'nty, subject to his power to ca i: Flag on the public Lur. forever under to oiir own. American u ous fold in all our broad land may move such ofiicers and to fill vacan-- " "And your countrymen mgs lit re w lis ii.il " c;es. can never many years, was w there abide our people a people who forget Chat this bnyaliy una devotion striven for for i justice mercv pea "All such officers will quired at 1 love and and ana tar opening of hearts and house manv had worked for early and May the union of these two Reprdil to take an-oat- of a fiance to : to our vonsistently and They United 'and all the rai. soldier joys that followed this. rewound to t:ty no nor in tne writ the States. war, tho eVvofion accomplished. Rut tl - - and the i ; : -- forces wiF be r'or.uired to :mi- :l first desire i ir of the pejd'-- and the a Ivar.o-;- nt hospitality, of Ani'Ticans, i though i,.n-- r went, out in sympathy to tin o w : not AII.IAV". .' eii i;at:ojtal pow r and trlorv. Oh i ,. were icb v-x-- this sweet m ' r e;j : v, :he;r tin ed. but cf men who i Av'iom tne nwniouui iiii.nn ! I tin1- bond to o A A ., .ml rememlie our Proved Preside sought a. ,7:!; t b e.'.' T?nmr-rif--- Unite: to be Amer cans ml had been jirought genuine grief a n Stares. 1, his Ca!int - tiie I- or-'iz- n of men wiio f;un ded a state Tiie ceremony of the noon hour oi may they wisdiim K v a f ' e "Tiie power of t'c Minister d a md have for ;h( Iurpo.-- e of admis em to was tiie culmination of v.m j, n- - N. Affairs" will, upon the transfer of the yesterday mensural" with their resent . men can and purposeful - the sovereignty and jsroperty cf Hawaii Union and had be: denied, scries of significant !!; our em: es and navit s and gi ' v (y i of men ho presented this strange years - iiy cease, acts extending over :h!past live "hem stti ce.-s- . and grant us p'-ace- a the United States sta-bili- tv spectacle to the world they stood a half. Annexation, insuring oeace sb. ill secure justice ;.. an so far as they relate to the conduct of that and that ready, as you to-dt- y, - gentlemen - Ha- about me of Government, internal Veace uu- ;s- d people. diplomatic intercourse b"twoen was waii and foreign powers. to give up office, and power and uid 'commercial .prosperity, Oh Thou Eternal God. Come Thou personal in fact by the simple iere- - and reign over all nations of the earth "The municipal legislation of Hawaii, emoluments and glory, for eyr-e-j- ful-- . the simple dignity of American citizen- with its three central ngures so; Mitl may thy will be done on earth as such as was enacted for the monv - ship. Even as you have given up a splendidlv set. President Dole, Amer- t is in Heaven through J. sus Chris; ''a:ent. of the treaties between that Mil- - ' ;!'H'--lV.--,A- i except flag you love, and sov- Minister Sewall and Admiral j 'tXT9zrw2 lUty's'Vs eir Saviour. A. men. and foreign nations, an surrendered the ican incon-isten- ereignty were the principals in the happen- - ".'i s is t witii the Joint of these beautiful Islands, lor ration, or contrary to the Consti- - that Hawaii may take her plaea, how- ing. ' -- - : FORT. Sovereignty was once A; ' , i 4i- ON THE PL AT to u cf the United States or to any ever humble that place may be, in the Hawaiian &J ?tWltrt protecting fansferred to England and was given ing treaty of the United States, is circle of sovereign American - i : in Congress of States. was once transferred - a inain force till the back again. It .iMv. Among these who had so is on the e. provisionally and h- United States shall otherwise deter-nin- "This is the consummation you wit- to the United States neeial platform were: ness today, which you and your child- V given back again. It was offered to a century SANFORD B. DOLE. The President, Minister of Foreign 'Tiie existing customs relations of ren's children will have the right to i the United States nearly half th s THE PACIFIC' COMMERCIAL ADVEKTISEH: HONOLULU. AUGUS X 13. 1898.

Company C, T. II I'etrie, Corn-Compan- y work of re-enroll- the companies HEADS OF VARIOUS mano. celebrate, and lot there be no mistake JOINT RESOLUTION the panv B; L. D. Timmons, 1); A3 to its meaning. It means the tri- began. AH not caring to swerve further DAY. Second Lieutenants Harry K!onim COMMANDS OF , among OF ANNEXATION. 1 re-- j Gu-ta- v Rest-- umph of no party or faction j were at liberty to drop out. he Company A. Company G; N TIOE you, opportunity for no personal Company H; C. B. Cot-trel- l, the suit was most satisfactory. Companies (1. W. E. Rowcll, j OHi. ers of Xavv, N. glorification or personal resentment, Congressional Decree Under Which A, C, F and G enlisted almost solid the the Company B; .1. A. Consalvrs, the confirmation in power of no author- Change Was Made. over again, every member of each pres- - and the Citizen's Guard. Company c; W. V. Ncrdham, Company o oo ity over you that shall not commend Forty-nin- e D. Resolution," ent signing over. members From the U. S. F. S. Philadelphia: itself to the sense of fairness and of This is the "Newlands of Company B signed over, this being Citizens' Guard. Republic of Hawaii: i N. commander-in-- Commander-in-Chie- f, A. M. justice of the representatives of the by which Annexation was directly about all present. Fifty-on- e members Rear Admiral J. Miller, Brown. In celebrating the event of people, but rather the burial Chief; Winter-halte- r, Republic of Hawaii; Senior American brought about: j of Company D took the new oath and Lieutenant A. C. Marshal of past prejudices the obliteration of enrolled. Five Portuguese in one of flag lieutenant; Lieutenant Captain, Division 1. C. B. Wood; Sur- the raising of the American po- "Whereas, The Government of the L W. narrow divisions and the ultimate the regular companies, E, refused to geon, Division Henry Howard; of the Republic of Hawaii having in due Philip Andrews, flag secretary; Cap- Adjutant, J. Batchelor; Quartermaster. litical advancement humblest the go on, not caring to take the oath of Flag, remember that only the citizen over whom this Hag .shall 11 oat. form signified its consent, in tain C. H. Wadleigh, commanding; W. H. Hoogs; Quartermaster Sergeant. provided" by constitution, allegiance to the United States. Seven r "But it is not for you to rest con- manner its na- Liuetenant Commander T. II. Stevens, G. R. King; Orderly Sergeant. R. to cede absolutely and without reserve members of H, four of whom were Captain. very best WINE should be tent in the enjoyment of free institu- tives, dropped out for the same reason. executive officer; Lieutenant 1. V. C. A. Peterson; Aids to Senior you help to the United States of America all the G. C. Stratemeyer. J. J. Kelly. W. R. tions. It is for to maintain Lansdalc, navigator; C. them, to maintain ihem in the spirit richts of sovereignty of whatever Lieutenants Sims. used. kind in and over the Hawaiian Islands BALL. YV. Brown, H. A. Field, T. H. Brown; Captains J. C. Iorenzon. C. B. Rip- they will be extended to you, in the to RECEPTION AND o and their dependencies, and also D. F. Sellers, J. R. Mona-gha- n; ley, A. M. Turner, Ed. Hingley, Geo. o o spirit you have sought them, in the s cede and transier 10 me unueu oiaa-- Medical Inspector Dwight Dick- Manson, Antone Perry, James F. Clay, spirit of fraternity and equality, in the fee ownership of all There was a little delay with the spirit of the Constitution itself, now the absolute and inson, fleet surgeon; Passed Assistant F. J. Lowrey, Wray Taylor, Jas. B. ' public, Government or crown lands, lights ball and reception last : the supreme law of your land, to estab- for the Surgeon, G. A. Lung, Assistant Sur- Copeland, Fritz Rowold, L. H. Dee. nubile buildings or edifices, ports, har too the geon H. A. a. lish justice, to ensure your tranquility, - evening, but before it was late E. Odell, Paymaster J. R. Jonathan Shaw, J. Gilman; Mounted bors, military equipment and all oth- j to provide for the common defense, to Reserve, W. F. Dillingham. er public property of every kind and j . . S rommery promote your secure Lieutenants W. O. Atwater, J. A. v welfare, and to description belonging to the Govern- - j blessings liberty to yourselves - Hassinger, W. C. Parke. Geo. P. Cas- the of merit of the Hawaiian Islands, togeth- S. B. A. tle, H. F. Wichman, J. Pratt. s' and your posterity. j er With every right and appurtenance T. Atkinson. A. W. Clark. Thos. Car- is work before you my J "This the thereunto appertaining; therefore be penter, W. Dower, Edwin A. Strout, countrymen and I bid you advance to i it B. Hus-tac- e, K may you go, you of ac- - Geo. Lucas. P. Zablan. Frank it. Hand in hand "Resolved. That said cession is M. 1. C. L. St fath- A. J. Lovekin, Silva, Ju the home race with those whose cepted, ratified and confirmed, and YV. generous Crabb, J. J. Garden, J. Short, X. P. er's land this was, and. whose that the said Hawaiian Islands and Jacobsen, P. M. Pond, T. F. Lansing. virtues have won for them the regard dependencies be, and they are ' may their Geo. W. Carter. H. H. Williams, F. B. u FILLS THE REQUIRE- of all mankind. Hand in hand hereby, annexed as a part of the ter- O. ll- - . Auerbach, J. E. Thompson, S. - you go with them as they carry with ritory of the United States and are liams, E. P. Mabie, C. H. Purdy, W. H. &- MENT EXACTLY. them their unfaltering love of country subject to the sovereign dominion Cnmmings, T. A. Lloyd. Jr.. James into the broad plane of American cit- thereof, and that all and singular the Hobbs, Frank Innis, Manuel Cabral, C. o o o izenship. property and rights hereinbefore Hedemann, H. C. Morton, M. G. John- - up- are in the United "Advance to the uplifting and mentioned vested son, I'J. isenner; .mouiucu itesere. vn- - building of this land to prove it worthy States of America. lam Wright, W. Chamberlain, C. II. . For sale by to share the Destiny of the Great Re- "The existing laws of the United Norton, quartermaster. public. States relative to public lands shall Sergeants H. E. aity. E. E. Pax-- lit "Km pi re may wait indeed, but no not apply to such lands in. the Hawa- ton. J. J. Egan. C. Bolie, V. W. Hall. Hf hand save, I lis who holds in the hol- iian Islands, but the Congress of the X. Wright, J. A. Ken-- yd special S. on Berg. J. low of His hand the fate of nations United States shall enact laws nedy, C. F. Wall, E. R. Adams. J. Car-- 5 can stay that destiny; for their management and disposition, "Cod bless you my countrymen! provided, that all revenue from or Zerbe, Chas. B. Dwight, W. II. same, except as re- Henrv Llmltod. "Clod bless the United States of Am- - proceeds of the Tell, Thos. Wright, J. F. Brown, . n. as may be it ri- erica gards such part thereof Janet, W. V. Storey, C. C. Rhodes, C. used or occupied for the civil, military V. I). F. t:uul- - The oath of allegiance to the United States, F. Herrick, L. Bowers. Stakes was then administered by Chief or naval purposes of the United ford, F. W. Beckley, Geo. Barlcer, v. or may be assigned for use of the local G. Moore, Justice Judd to President Dole as solely for M. Graham, D. T. Bailey, R. of the Republic of Hawaii, government, shall be used R. M. Macauley, B. A. Jacouson; ! "President the benefit of the inhabitants of the R. Atkinson. now a territory of the United States" educational and Mounted Reserve, W. Hawaiian Islands for George Angus, E. A. Mott-Smit- h, C. W. and to Ministers Cooper, Smith, Damon public purposes. and King, and the ceremonies of the other Dickey, Oscar Cox, Quartermaster Ser i "Until Congress shall provide for jeant. day were over. the government of such Islands all the ii civil, judicial and military powers ex- agsl COLOR! PRESENTED. ercised by the officers of the existing FIREWORKS DISPLAY. government in said Islands shall be persons, as Flag liaising the vested in such person, or display night After the First the President of the United States The fire works last SILK FLAGS, from 15c up! Jtegiment passed around through King shall direct; and the President shall was quite the most elaborate ever wit MUSLIN FLAGS, from 1 cent up! and Likelike streets and formed in have power to remove the said officers nessed in Honolulu. Bombs and rock YARD WIDE RED, WrIIITE AND sides of a square at the Waikiki and to fill the vacancies so occasioned. were set off constantly between three of the Hawa- ets BLUE BUNTING! bat- "The existing treaties 9. to BUNT- end of the parade grounds. The iian Islands with foreign nations shall the hours of 7:30 and To add YARD WIDE NATIONAL talion of American troops marched forthwith cease and determine, being the effect the exterior lights of the Ex ING! through King and Richards streets and replaced by such treaties as may ex- ecutive building were turned oil cur YARD WIDE COLUMBIA BUNT- concluded, formed on the parade grounds in such ist, or as may hereafter be ing the display. James A. Kennedy ING! between the United States and such was charge. is estimated that ' in It WIDE SENATE BUNTING! a way as to complete the immense foreign ' v . ana YARD troops natif 5,000 people were m the grounds RED, WHITE AND BLUE FES- square. In this position the "The municipal legislation of the SEWALL. 2,000 more in neighboring streets. presented quite an imposing sight. In Hawaiian Islands, not enacted for , the Grounds and Executive building were TOONING PAPER! fulfilment of the treaties so aUng-aishe- d, open to public and great BADGES, BADGES AND BADGES! iht center of the square Colonel Fisher .JZ 5 , 5 , .;Z 5 & & & thrown the and .not inconsistent . ith this si j ,5 & themselves of the op tnnk the oath and then administered nor contrary to the thrones availed joint resolution repairs had been made and the illum- Stanton, Chief Engineer A. C. Engard, portunity to see the latter in its ball it to staff, field and lin-- e olficers, drawn Constitution or ,lbc' 'United States, engineer; ALL PRICES SO VERY REASON- Con- was a grand success. There fleet Passed Assistant En dress. up together. shall remain ii force until the ination gineers W. V. Bush and C. A. Mc ABLE THAT EVERYBODY CAN AF- to time President gress of the United States shall other- were upon hundreds of in- Just prior this hundreds Allister. Assistant Engineers T. v. ON SHIPPING. FORD TO DECORATE! Dole and staff, Minister Cooper, Chief wise determine. candescent lights on the outside and Clarke, N. K. Davis, J. It. Selfridge; COLORS ap- - legislation be enacted Justice Judd, Mrs. Dole and others "Until shall designs, including an Ameri- Lieutenant of Marines C. M. Perkins, party in the square. Staff extending the United States customs several there were dec- peared in a in- fleet marine officer; Boatswain J. S Along the waterfront -- regulations to Hawaiian can shield in correct colors. The inn'Pratt carried a beautifr? silk laws and the Croghan, Carpenter J. A. Barton, Fleet orations on the craft in the harbor, the M. WEBB. flag. Addressing. no. Fisher, Islands the existing customs regula terior, everywhere, was a flood of light. J. 1 Pay Clerk J. J. Doyle, Pay Clerk O. G. wharves, dredger, marine railway and tions of the Hawaiian islands witn The decorations Jn the main hallway, Haskett, Naval Cadet R. Morris, Chap Camp the United States and other countries the Myrtle and Healani boat houses. Golden : Rule : Bazaar. StmrUo.Uiegiwent, being the in the old throne room and on the lain A. A. McAllister. l . L-- 1 1 Cf T I 111 1 1 1 L unchanged. l.r.it-l- r r r -IXM.i- - shall remain big flag waved from the pole on lioiuuiuil miiv naf, " of by From the Mohican: The of the Regiment "The public debt of the Republic stairway were placed the Misses S. M. Book; bunkers at the railway dock. Stmflered the thanks lawfully existing at tne uate Commander Lieutenants the coal aluu, the handsome token Fhe flag was Hawaii Afong, Mr. Hutchinson and Miss T. Porter, M. L. Wood, II . M. Dom- - Vnrrher off a bran new Stars and D. I... Naone of the passage of this joint resolution, taste- S. C. Clocks eived by Color Sergt deposi- Emma Davidson, and were very baugh; Ensigns P. Fullenwider, out to the breeze from Mantel immediately unfurled in line. including the amounts due to England. II. Laning and Moffet; Pay Stripes spread id was Hawaiian Postal Savings ful. Strangely enough two of the Only two colliers . folded tors in the E. Chaplain Thomp prison. the he Hawaiian Has had been by Gov- - master J. Cann; , .UK the Rank, herebv assumed the floral banks in front of mirrors made son; Passed Assistant Surgeon F. "VY Davenport and Sea King worked Alarm Clocks, ,jU wrapped ,f. jhen ? , the Spanish colors, but this was not Kate were loweml u,is Akott: Assistant Engineer A. Hart- - during the da'. They were both dis- Colors Uv of Ul0 Uuiteil states ln noticed by many people. Assistant Surgeon Orvis; Gun Ttive buildin? regard shall in no case exceed ? 1,000, The reception began promptly at 9 rain; charging at the Mail wharf. The Rob- f During the flag presentation Chief ner McDonell: Boatswain L. It. Bo Hanging Clocks, 000. o'clock and continued for more than - Lewers. Irmgard and Andrew . Justice Judd swore in the staff officers existing land: Carpenter B. F. Markham; Sail- ert beginning with Maj. So long, however, as the an hour, during which time there was maker J. Roddy. Welch had bunting from stem to stern of President Dole, government and the present commer- a regular A number of sosjety was audacious C. Following this the crush. thirst Regiment National Guard of and the steamer Gold Watches, George Potter. cial relations of the Hawaiian Islands men were drafted into' service as ush enough to fly "Old Glory" at the main and Silver members of all the companies were as hereinbefore provid Hawaii: up in are continued ers. The receiving party included Colonel J. II. Fisher, commanding during the day. The Inter Isiand of Gold and Silver Jewelry, sworn in. They were drawn line ed said government shall continue to Dole, flags lines wishing to take the oath President Dole, Mrs. American the regiment: Lieutenant Colonel Geo. fices were covered with and and those pay the interest on said debt. Minister Sewall, Mrs. Sewall. Admiral McLeod, Major J. Walter Jones, to which were attached small flags SILVERWARE. were requested to uncover and raise "There shall be no further immigra F. Nearly an tne nanus. Miller, Col. Barber. The President was commanding First battalion; Major stretched up to the high pole over the SPECTACLES. tho ritrht hand. tion of Chinese into the Hawaiian attended by his chief of staff, Col. McCarthy, commanding Sec- building. This had been done under up. The Hawaiian Reg'ment except upon such conditions Charles J. went Islands, Soper. eye of annexationist, o tiipn pscorted American troops may i. idp anuw.ii. i ond battalion. the that ardent Ar-- the as are now or nereairer It was democratic enough for any- Captain John Sehaefor, adjutant; L. McLean, the secretary of the FifRiti back to the boat landing. by the laws of the United btates; ami James Prices - one, this evening function. A couple Major Charles B. Cooper, regimental company. After the ceremonies yesterday Com- no Chinese, by reason of anything Manufacturing and repairing prompt- spread laid of thousand people xittended. Every- surgeon; Captain A. Gartenberg, ord- No decorations were on the Philadel- complicat nanv C had a magnificent herein contained, shall be allowed to everywhere. officer; Captain W. G. Ashley, appointed ly done. Repairing fine and the center of the the Ha- one was welcome The nance phia or Mohican. At the a specialty. on two tables down enter the United States from grounds were thronged till past mid- quartermaster; Captain J. H. Ray- hour the Hawaiian flag was hoisted, a ed Watches Print..w" was toast master rnnmA HI ' I ' Camara waiian Islands. Cap- was orderly appoint five night. The dancing, for the first hour, mond, surgeon First battalion; salute given and then it hauled and conducted the affair in an "The President shall ac- surgeon Second bat- Glory went up manner. at least two of whom was confined to a small space on tain It. P. Myers, down again then Old M. R. COUNTER. and agreeable commissioners, count of the great number of people in talion; Lieutenant C. M. V. Forster, again and another salute. shall bo residents of the Hawaiian battalion, Lieutenant 507 Fort St. Islands, who shall, as soon as Reason- the hall. Music was by the Govern- niimtant First THE "BLOUNT FLAG" to Con- ment band. Refreshments were served Ed Towse, adjutant Second battalion. ably practicable, recommend Captains C. W. Ziegler, Company IS UP AGAIN. gress such legislation concerning the on the mauka balcony. The ball was made notable by the F; J. M. Camara, Company C; Paul ry Y. Auction Sale Hawaiian Islands as they shall deem Company A; J. M. Kea, Com- author OF accessary or proper. great number of stunning party gowns Smith. OKI (ilory Lowered Hero 111 in evidence. pany G: T. B. Murray, Company H; An "Sec. 2. That the commissioners Company E; Olaf Berg- - LANDS NOTICE. UOUSEUOLD ap- The dancing was entered into with Arthur Covne, PUBLIC L Hoisted Yesterday. hereinbefore provided for shall be D; T. Kenake, UllIU 1 UillJ by President, by and with zest and was especially pleasant dur- strom, Company Louis Blount ordiit'd the pointed the Company B. Lieutenants Herman When 'Paramount the consent and advice of the Senate. ing the latter portion of the party, as 12 TUESDAY, AUGUST 16TH, 1898, . : .,- -r liov- - Tudewig. Company F; M. Costa, Com On Saturday. August 13. at liMiilril iliuvn from the 3 sum of $100,000, the crowd had then thinned out enough on the "Sec. That the Evensen, Company E; 10 O'CLOCK A. M., emmrnt Huildlng in Honolulu, or so much thereof as may be neces- to allow floor space for the ones car- pany C; John o'clock noon, at the front entrance AT a,-;- i iw. it was taken on boara William A. Fetter, Company A; Wm. of Mrs. A. Fetter, sary, is hereby appropriated out of ing most for the pastime. The floor - of the Judiciary Building, Honolulu, At the residence Doston 'and into the posses av furl vie. Company H; S. L. Keku- 219 Punchbowl street near Palace the re- - any money in the treasury not other- had been carefully prepared. be sold at Public Auction a tract . T.iwifn Vounir. he will I will sell at Public Auction the t innnn wise appropriated, and to be imme- contain- Walk, it with another. lieutenant expended of land at Aiea. Kona. Oahu. entire househould furniture compris- niacins con- diately available, to be at Youn? was possessed of an ahidinff the discretion of the President of the ing total area of 9S acres, lying on ing: viction that sooner or later there would TinitPd stntps of America, for the "pur sides of present main road. PARLOR CHAIRS, PICTURES, go up again. both be a. call for that lias to pose of carrying this joint resolution, j The Government main road to the BEDROOM SETS, BED LOUNGE, ho has carefully guarded it over RUGS, D. R. TABLE AND CHAIRS, :iml into effect. SO from this s r.oint tlio time when it would he width of feet is reserved SEWING MACHINE, BABY CAR- lie was Kiven com- sale, reservation is further RIAGE, needed In Mav last and and the mand of the converted Yacht Hist VETERAN DEFEHDERS. 50 width from CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, to Cuban waters. Just before made for a road feetIn FeavinV delivered the precious Hag to upper land of Aiea ETC., ETC., ETC., ETC. h tho re.tuest that main road to the Lorrin A. Thurston with to Geo. W. De Long Post G. A. It., of approved by the Gov- Mr Thurston use his best endeavors over a line to be rehoisted on the same tlagstatl this place, attended the Flag Raising Jas. F. Morgan, have it had heen hauled down. ernment. 4990 AUCTIONEER. WuRhinirton Mr. Thurston in a body. These veterans, honored Upset price. $10,000.00 Cash U. S. :r"!.4wPresident IcKinley and toKl mm wherever they go, made an interesting concornins tne nas Gold. of the circumstances approval oi group. They formed at their hall on BROWN, Auction Sale President's l.'x-onl- and received the rm l. J. F. x King street and under the direction of OF proposition. nf liana t- live the same view of e ma - Commander La Pierre marched to the Agent of Public Lands. als took . , . . . . - n--i t - ter ana conseiu i Executive building grounds just before 4097 HOUSEHOLD -:- FURNITURE Diirpose. indicated. noon. Those in the ranks were: -- ivn tho nresent Court llusso in i'in, . i..,:i.ii P. L. L. LaPie.rre; S. MONDAY, AUGUST 1898 was used as ttie execune i'mHag a Members C, NOTICE. ON 15TH, it was from its staff that the V. C, Geo. de La Vergne; J. V. C, J. N. lowered at that time. Copeland: Q. M., AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., t the same time that the Hawaiian Wright; Adjt., J. T. tlag was yesterday lowered from the Exe- W. L. Eaton; O. G., E. A. Strough; ARTHUR JOHNSTONE. ESQ., has premises No. COG Fort Street, on the ., At the cutive lluilding, its companion Guard, F. Sherman; Sergt.-Maj- Geo. this day been appointed FOOD COM- opposite the New Fire Station, I will Court House kept it company, and simul- taneously with the rising of the stars and Washington Smith; Wm. McCandlcss, MISSIONER AND ANALYST for the sell at Public Auction the entire house- stripes over the former building, "the Hag Manuel Martinez, J. D. Conn. hold furniture comprising: hauled down" rose proudly S. Hawaiian Islands. tint Hlount floated once more Visiting Comrades J. Rainior, WICKER PARLOR CHAIRS, to'its old position, and May, Geo. Dietz, Thos. Philip, Dated at Honolulu, August 1, 1S95. SETS, in the breeze from which it had been torn, Frank OAK BEDROOM over five years ago. P. Larkins, K. A. Klein, Jas. iiowara WILLIAM O. SMITH, SINGLE BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS. mi.. t,iir,in tinf will be preserved as interesting mementos of W. D. Braden. President of the Board of Health. MOSQUITO NETS, one of the most KITCHEN UTENSILS. STOVE, the occasion. making a Approved: ETC., ETC. Lieutenant Young has been RE-E- N LI ETC.. ETC., magnificent record for himself in Cuba, N. G. H. ST MEN' J. A. KING, knowledge that this flag has been but the he so Minister of the Interior. F. Morgan, used for the purpose for which Regi- Jas. give him as much Immediately after the First 3t -- AUCTIONEER. long preserved it, will scrap 4997-- 1994 3t 499G satisfaction as to have a successful ment N. G. H. was dismissed yesterday ADMIRAL JOSEPH N. MILLER, with a ot of Spanish gunboa.s. ! i:


BEAR THIS IH m THE EVENTS MIND. The BLICKensderfer J. Q. WOOD, vv. It Will Save You Many a n Attorney Law. Dollar and Is in use at the United States Lega- at ORDER Lot ot Trouble. tion in Honolulu. AND Kf v, V, - v ' A f trying remedies taut helped ''. you. PRICE. $40.00. NOTARY PUBLIC. 0 When you have tried "cures" that didn't. 1 ; OFFICE: Corner King and Bethel of Annexation in 45 When you are completr-l- stuck and Ctaoloiy in despair. Streets. " " If r... nr-- .J T When your poor back " still ache?. ' ""'' - - -- . . S ' lkeati.---o you don't to SJ Parasrapls. gvi dewa Dir. c. n. can. iii;ii, Try Dean's Backache Kidney Pills. m 3 5 The unexpected always happens. Dentist. 1? you to-- s Philadelphia College 1S92. litov If all night racked with Dental DATES AND THE HAPPENING back pain, liAsonic Temple. Telephone 318. 17 If you cannot bend over nor straight- en up. e- - . DR. A. C. WALL. DR. E. WALL Depend upon ir, it's your kidneys. Lr ' w 0. u " Stirringr Days of 1S93 and IS95. Kidney disorder rarely leaves or its uccess Scene Shifts to Washington. ov.-- n accord. H. E. WALKER, Sole Agrt Dentists. The tenant has to be evicted. Back to Hawaii. HOURS S a. m. to 4 p. m. '.- OFFICE i 7 Doan's Backache Kidney Pills do no'. Masonic Tempic. m Is the Butterfly which conipror.iiit LOVE BUILDING, FORT STREET. i ; I Or arrange for a new lease. chasing - men are and oc- -' all Th.- li which have Tay cure all kidney complaints. :o- - GKOSSMAN, D.D.S. which few catch. . . currvil tli.' for aimtxation This i.--' their mission and they luinil M.E. but ! i.-'- v.hic i have had a it. To Stock Buvers That is the reason why we all take off our hats to success. a Head how they fulhUed it in the Dentist. 3. January 11. lv:!-Liliuok- alani at-t.n;i- t.i This The Stein-Bloc- h Co., the famous case of Yonkers, X. Y., citizen: IS HOTEL STREET, HONOLULU. to ahru.L;atf Constitution by T. o;u-- . Mr. P. Sherman, of i:.',o New Main whole-al- e tailors whose label Z$ furcf ami pfoinul'ate a new Ofilce 9 a.m. to 4 p. m. ' Hours: I.'. January 15, 1 ;:; A Committ-- of street, employed by Smith & Rogers. you will find on all the good af'-t- n iiif-m- l or.an-i- z can ,' of thii'trt ifis, was dealers, savs We still offer for sale only a few v.." - ice have L'een :n clothes in our store, has succeed- ii l:.- to .c isi- - ways ami im-an- s - J symptoms to tli- Rutin's pruiiost-- action rotibled with of kidney shares of DR. A. J. JLXEKnY, ed in doing in a large wholesale ami ir-S- ! rvi.- the peace. r-:- plaint for several years. I had way at the minimum expense :. J.uuiary J:, 1:-- J Mass meeting of sharp, shooting pains n cress my back, EWA PLANTATION COMPANY, - citizeris in Honolulu aloptel resolutions accompanied by a stiffness in my lo;ns Dentist- what the merchant tailor does in a small retail way at ami condemning tli' action HAWAIIAN AGRICULTURAL COM- of the Cjiie.-- n and uuthorizinLT tlu Com- and a languid feeling most of the time. CORNER FORT AND HOTEL STS.. the maximum expense. Where the merchant tailor MOTT-SM1T1- 1 mittee of Safety to further devise such I did not notice it so much at first as PANY, BLOCK. buys one suit pattern they buy 10,000. Where ways and means as may be necessary 615; 789. the ;'. Telephones: Office, Residence, u f long as I was kept busy with my work, to secure the permanent maintenance KAIIUKU PLANTATION COMPANY, 9 4. merchant tailor employs one tailor they employ 1,000. of law and order and the protection of but on Sundays when I sat around the HOURS: to These are some of the reasons why these clothes, though life, liberty and property in Hawaii." house I became so stiff and sore thnr 1 WAILUKU SUGAR 4. January M. 1V,; Amei ican troops COMPANY, made-to-measu- re get up any as god as the best sort, can be sold at landed in Honolulu. could scarcely after sitting GKEO. 11UDDV, D.D.S. 1 HAWAIIAN II. one-ha- lf their price. EM January JT, lx:i The Committee of length of time. doctored and ELECTRIC COMPANY, Safety deposed laliuokalani, abroateu many rem- organized a Provision- different kinds of kidney HART & CO., the Monarchy and edies but could not get any relief. One L'T'D. Dentist. al (lovernment, "to exist until terms oi FORT OPPOSITE CATHO- union with the United Suites of America doctor said I had Bright's disease and STREET. M. HcINERNY. m have been negotiated and agreed upon.' advised me to give up my employment LIC MISSION. ;. January 1", 1 'rovisio.ial Govern I Hours: From 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. m ment chartered the steamer Claudine and but could not afford to do this. Clothier. ilespatched a commission of live to Was.i-inii'to- n "I had read in our daily paper about Hawaiian Safe Deposit and mi to negotiate an annexation treaty. Doan's Backache Kidney Pills and Merchant and Fort Sts. mi 7. February 1, 1S1M Temporary Ameri- DR. F. i:. CLARK. 4vl by as I had to do something I had my V can protectorate over Hawaii declared Investment Company. Minister Stevens, pending- results at wife get me a box at Geo. B. Wray's Washington and American flag hoisted drug store. They relieved my trouble Dentist. over (lovernment I'.uilding. in a they did me more GEORGE R. CARTER, Mgr. Progress 5. V,, M'3-T- lie anroxation short time and Block, corner Beretanla and commission arrived at Washington. good than any other remedies or pre- Office In rear of Bank of Hawaii. Ltd. Fort streets. ;t. February 14, Annexation treaty scriptions I ever took. I do not hes- signcd at AVaFhington. itate to recommend these pills to others oro 1. Februarv 17, lS'.c1, Annexation treaty 0 to the U. S. Senate by Pre- for I believe they will accomplish, all on transmitted Ti-- sident Harrison. that is claimed for them." JT T5T "W Vk. II. March 4, lS'.t?, Congress adjourned mm and Grover Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by all i! without action on the treaty, ii V Cleveland succeeded lienjamin Harrison dealers. Price 50 cents, or will be lie K Seem as President of the United States. mailed by Ilollister & Co., Ltd., Hono- 12. March 9, 13 President Cleveland lulu, general agents for the Islands. withdrew the annexation treaty from the consideration ot the Senate. Remember the name Doan's and take 13. March 31, 1S'.3 J as. H. Ulount ot no substitute. OUR OUR SPECIALTY IS Georgia appointed. "Special Paramount Commissioner to Hawaii. H March L'f, 3893 Commissioner Ulount REWARD OF MERIT. arrived in Honolulu on the Revenue Cut- ter Richard Rush. . At the CHICAGO CYCLE SHOW in 15 March 30, ls!i3 Commissioner Blount presented his credentials from President 1897, each visitor on entering the sanitary Cleveland to I 'resident Dole. Show was handed a coupon reading as 30 April 1, 1S'J3 American flag named STORE down from Government Building by or- below: SANI- der of Commissioner Ulount. There's as much difference between plumbing and 17 Mav 17. lsi3 Mr. Blount appointed "After viewing the exhibits, kindly TARY PLUMBING as there is between daylight and dark- Minister "to Haw aii, and accredited to the fill in the name of the Bicycle which Provisional Government. pleases you best as regards beauty ness. is August S, 1S93 Mr. Blount returned AND to" reported to the and mechanical merit, and deposit the the United States, and - O Anyone can put a lot of pipes together and run" them off President concerning conditions in Ha- coupon in ballot box near exit3.

ed " ap-noi.vt- Name of Bicycle anywhere, but with Honolulu's surface sewerage the essential W19.!" September 27, lP3-Al- bert Willis IN THE a-- Minister to "Hawaii. The "Shirk" received 17.4S9 ballots plumbing done in way makes lSl)3-Min- is;er point is to have the that the 20 November 4, accredited Jo Presi-Jillis against 12,377 the next 'highest. When Sanitary conditions perfect. arrived at Ilonoluhi Go.-.-ru-men- t, t'.v-- Provlsual it is known that all the leading makes dent Dole and - immediate'.Y began secret, of wheels in the United Stat- ere and LiliuoRalani for her re- Wm-Mk- Both) with on exhibition at this Show, the above r Sfet storation. TJ,nfa The HONOLULU i Ynvom nor li. i".". jj i rei.ort speaks for itself. N and Secretary ot State uresium.- - - BICYCLE CO. have secured the Agency N O FT j resilient i.irnium. for this strictly high grade wheel. o publifiTie!""" toration of Iiliuokalani 75-7- IT WILL FNTERE ST YOU TO CALL 9 KING ST. TELi NO. 3! 1SD3 - 2-- ' November 13. I.iliuokalani inv 'n SEE IT. No such array of beautiful and useful SiSTeii iu .mi. ""f n.w SHIRK is the best thing that tion leaders of the Provisional Govern- tib ment should be executed and their prop- ever hapLaed. Goods has ever before been displayed. erty conviscated. This caused Willis to delay restoration and seek further in- structions. CATTON. 21, 1S! of (, res-ham- 's BERT 23. November News RO Mo-now- ai. "let ter reached Honolulu by the 24. November IV.. 1M3 Mass meetirr in Honolulu protestincr against assumption by President Cleveland of any control Mew Hardware, over Hawaiian internal affairs; against restoration of Tiliuokalani, and pledge.!? their "support to the best of our ability to the Provisional Government in resist-im- v anv attack upon it which may be con- CrocRefy Groceries y and trary to the usase of nations." TEE 1 November 2:, IMC President Dole JV Importer ibnianded of Tdirister Willis lus inten- never before seen day- - tions toward Hawaii. Which have 2.;. December 2, 1M3 "Willis dechncd to answer inquiry. . Ioles 1S33 reeeiv-- d AWAI light in Hawaii will be exhibited for T December 11, Willis special instructions from.Gresnam by the llevenue Cutter Corwin, to proceed with of Public and the 1.U- the restoration. 3 Yr the benefit the 212 QUEEN - - HONOLU - N December IS 1S:3 P.oth Houses cf ST. huvln smacked the restora- use of our patrons (jHf they Confesstion' policy with preat severity, President exclusive Cleveland referred the whole Hawaiian Luclen Young. question to Congress wish to become owners.) .... I'resident Dole demanded of w,r an"immediate answer as to whether he v as negotiating with I.iliuokalam lor her ooo I'MUi.iuuii. . 4 '.. 1 v.t-- s Aimisier in:.? iTil-rtA.- -r Dole "in the name Consignment of these demanded of J 'resided V he United States Founders Mach HIS uS and by the authority of tv" . omptly relin-o- f and America" that he "pr!,,. o'kalani. books just opened up and Don't forget the location. quish" the Government to Iibfle.. . Dole 213 Queen St., bet. Aiafcea and Richards Sts., Enaolulu. t-- 31. December 23, ls;3 Presiden 'j to enmnlv witli Willis' demriTi. for sale by s-- " Jiilv 4 Tn'.U A (Constitution formula t Cnvlte Enquiries for General Ironwork; Iron and Brass Cast ed bv a Constitutional Convention was nrnelaimed orsraniziny: the Republic of ings. Ships' Blacksmiths. Cemetery Railings and 1 1 :i wa ii. 33. Januarv 7, lv"C Insurrection of J.i- - nn FP Crestings Made to Order: Samples on Hand. i linok-.'il.- ni and her followers at Honolulu TOD I! resulting in the death of Charles Ij. Car jSllIIII ull., REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. TEL. 410. ter. Mb OUSE All the leaders of the insurrection were convicted by court-martia- l, but have since Mill all been pardoned. Limited. 34. January 21. 1W Taliuokalani volun- tarily renounced all claim to the thron- - of Hawaii and took the oath of allei-arc- e J. M. MONSARRAT. to tlie Republic. 3.". June hi. P't7 A new annexatioi: 5 er avenev un-d- W treaty was negotiated at Washington biock President Ie Kin ley. The Senate, in i ice Bv mail 20 UN-I- t special session, adjourned without action. Pi m.t M 3'.. December Conirress conven-- Iln ll Ho i in re.crular session; Senate ensrasred extr eEAKCHElt OF 11KCOKDS AND NOTARY PUBLIC. f.ir several months in periodical discus- A iei sion of the treaty, in secret session. rOMMlb&lOKll OF DEEDS EOll THE STATES OF NEW YORK two-thir- ds btreet athrmativo vote not bein, AND CALIFORNIA available, vote not taken. ESTABLISHED IN 1858. LOANS PLACED AND :!r-riv- ed -- &, NEGOTIATED. 37. January 2". ivxPresident Dole 1 HUSTACE CO., in Washington in th.e interests of Caitvright Block, Merchant Street. Telephone 63. annexation, leavinjir Pebruary DEALERS IN CO, 3v Mardi 10. l.'s-Tn- aty' withdr;iwn BISHOP & C0FFS3 LANES for Sale or to Lease at Papa 2, Olelomoana 1, Kolo and from consideration of S-n- ate by Senator Davis. Chairman Foreign Affairs Com Kaohe 4, in the celebrated Coffee District of Kona, Hawaii. These Lands mittee, and an annexation Joint Resolu Wood and Coal will be sold or leased either in large or small tracts to suit purchasers. tion substitute,! in place thereof. . v "DORIC" ankers May ". IV's New- - ALSO Representative 1 FOR SALE. -- 50x100, King Street, at Kapalama. n n i V orr h ofc TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING Lot near lands of Nevada introduced an annexa "llULbiljlHt'IO. Black Sand 93-1- 00 tion Joint Resolution in the House of White and AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS House and lot on Kamoiliili Road. Area of Lot of an aero. Representatives. Grass : Cloth fin. Leased for $75 p. a. 4'' June 7 ivi-- n ne vn 5 n-- i Joint TJe- - Which we will sell at the very lowest S0x27S. solution adojded by House cf Represen SSLK HANDKERCHh. market rate3. House and lot on King street. Lot tatives ny a vote ot 2": to Id. alter lour i.las" debate. 414. oC Lands In , Oahu and . n Silk Shawls, TeV phone No. Commercial and Travelers' Letters 11. June 17, iv'.7.-1)rr.;L,.- Affairs Com FOR LEASE House and lot on Wilder Avenue. mittee r.f the Senate report the House New Porcelain Cup3 and Sausera, Credit issued, available In all the risoliiticn favorablv bv a vote ot ( to 2. Decorated Flower Pots, principal cities of the world. Pasturage nt Kullouou, Oahu. 4:2. June l'". lw beb';ite en Joint Reso Matting, YES SING TA!. lution hi -- an in Senate. Fvattan Chairs, July i:. "! Joint Resolution ppss-- 3 Tea and Dinner Sets, ditiiig, Wall Paper, Wicker Chairs and the I". S. Senate by a vote of 42 t 2b Crackers. INTEREST allowed after July 1st, 1 y Fire 41. July 7. President MoKinl-- 11 deposits: 3 3 per Resolution, Kinds of Furniture. 189S, on fixed months the annexation Joint cent; 6 per cent; 12 month3 r.. Auirust 12. l:-- Pres'dent Dole for AND lU'ILPKIl. months mally ceeded the iurisd ictioii and prop- - W0 CHAN CO. CONTHACTOIt 4 per cent. Daily AdYurtiser. 75 cents a Monti rty of the Hawaiian Government to the (. let Making and 1'ainting. lniteI States of America. 210-21- 2 JiurAKU Cabn ti tfHE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU. AUGUST I :j iso.S.

THE PACIFIC her with its vast industrial army, If the advertisements and "induce- whose pickets are hwxi already. The ments" offered all over the States to TIMELY TOPICS Commercial 1 Advertiser. world is better for it. tie sum or persons proposing to emigrate, are If Ml P xflfTIP human good is increased. true, ther; will be no lack of business J 11 j OUI lb N. ARMSTRONG EDITOR. "Territorial aggrandizement" means opportunities on the Continent for a v for America the mission of democracy hundred years to come. it SATURDAY Arc i 'st i::. and self government. These who desire, above all things, a tropical climate will find it here in July 27, 1898. v w v , TWO perfection. IT IS DONK. FLAiS. We earnestly desire immigration

cer-'-mon- from the Continent. e, as earnestly - The of the Flag raising At noon I'.st vnlA y th' lilt!- drop f f ye.stf nlay was dignifU-- and most, suit-abb- '. desire that no one shall charge any one Ham Hawaiian nationality infixed in ih'i here with making incorrect statements. M u Anu-ricar- i To the Hawaiian born it was Cigars ocr-a- anila vast of nationality. Misrepresentations regarding "great Thu map of the world was pathetic. To the American it offered There is lots to be fhan.'d severe simplicity of democracy, opportunities" have caused infinite said! in a minute particular. Sevral thou- the and, besides that, it was exhilarating. suffering in the States, during the last about harness, and especially j sand square mils of land merely a twenty years. be a to The trade winds, the winds of com- It would crime Still 4Hold handful of earth, was covered with a poor harness. Good harness! Out merce in the tropics, claimed their encourage people to strand themselves now tit!- - A small community, that I. ceremony. in this Paradise. has lawfully and prominently ranked snare, too, m tie sells itself wherever found. last, as a nation a mom; the nations of the As the strain of Hawaii I'ono: LET WISDOM NAME THE PRICE. trembled out of hearing, lie- - wind world, quietly subsides into one cf the There is a point in bicycle value to is To Burn" at Ha- There little to be said smallest territorial sections of the suddenly held itself back. The go below which means a cheapening in waiian flag as it left the truck dropped quality. Modern methods and large IJnlU'd about the line of w v States. output brings low price and high qual- harness we It is a transaction, an evolution, for and folded, and descended lifeless and quietly to ity together in STERLING BICYCLES. carry, except that our guar- the Kood of all, a rect.Hicat.ion of the earth. The American At present prices there is more value Hag on halyards, Imundarics by all existing climbed slowly its for the money in Sterlings than any antee goes with every set. it. other bicycle in the world. Pacific Cy- cfnditions, a necessity in tin; readjust- and just as reached the truck, the airy cle 6c Mfg. Co., Agents. ment of national fores. And in it the trade wind breaking from its leash, caught it in its arms, and rolled individual counts for nothing as SHIPMATES, ATTENTION ! it our to its full measure. aprainst tlu; henc-fi- to the whole. You are all welcome to make your CHEAP SINGLE HARNESS of yesterday was final Sa- (With The act the AIMHT IMMIGRATION. headquarters at the Commercial breast strap.) TOBACCONISTS. announce loon, streets. meat of the I'nited States Deretania and Nuuanu GOOD HARNESS WITH COLLAR that, a hundred years' of growth Strictly pure liquors and celebrated COk. FORT & MERCHANT STS. after Tl." present issue of this paper will AND HAMES. education, and storing up of Wieland Beer. and the go to many plates, and to many per- PADDY RYAN, material, they would now share in tw, SURRY HARNESS. sons in the States, who may be look- Manager. mission of emancipating the world WAGON ing t( these islands as a nursery of EXPRESS HARNESS. and despotism. Remington Standard Typewriter! from misni'; business opportunities. ' The Islands DUMP CART HARNESS. aggrandizement" "Territorial to the can maintain a much larger popula- THE DOUBLE HARNESS WITH COL- thinking American has a serious mean- tion than now lives upon them, after re- LAR AND II AMES. WHAT IS IT ing. It means vast and troublesome there is a better adjustment of the sponsibilities, those that Gladstone land, the jabor, .and the transportation DOUBL HARNESS FOR MULE A simple, compact, and durable machine, which successfully realized, when he doubted the policy of questions. We invite rather than dis- SPICE TEAM. performs the work of the pen, with a tremendous saving of territorial aggrandizement for Great courage any one wiio proposes to emi- time and exertion. Uritain. it means the extension of grate. At the same time, in order to WHAT WILL 1)01 Kood government, and wise laws, the o IT prevent misery, and perhaps suffering, It produces, with speed and certainty, in clearly legible creation of educational systems, the we desire to represent accurately the In fact there is not a har- promotion of free thought. printed characters, one or many copies of any kind of writing, conditions here. ILl ness made that requires out- excepting It is not, therefore, surprising that The great and profitable industry FE such as must be done in books. there exist in our country forecasts hert' is the production of sugar. It side purchasing on our part. TO WHOM IS IT USEFUL? of the future that are divergent and outlay involves a large of capital, and May come from many a source. We To every one who has writing do. significant in the new departure of the be only by large capital- to In business circles its can handled all enjoy a good laugh and when one desirability is assured. Lawyers Republic. ists. The rice industry is entirely in considers how easy it is to assume You can't do better than and journalists cannot do first-hande- xithout it. Professional and scientific men Then is no better exponent of the the hands of the Chinese. duties which tend to create ill health buy d. We can realize its worth to con-ierv- es younger, more ambitious, nd hopeful The coffee industry is still in its ex- it is not remarkable to find so many them. The author and thinker find it invaluable. It outloolv for the future than Senator C. perimental stage, but may be regarded who are suffering. save you money. the most potent kind of energy that of the brain by K. Davis, the chairman of the Senate as extremely "well adapted to farmers reducing to a minimum the mechanical labor of writing, and Committee on Foreign Affairs: These with some means, who do their own tt rr 1 w ran distributing it among all the fingers of both hands. Writer's are his words: work. Its profits have not yet been m a cramp disappears where it is used. It presents the printed "We are entering upon a now era. determined. As the product comes in appearance of the work to the mind at once. The Hag will not he lowered from Ha- competition with the coffee of all tropi- waii, and the fate of the Philippines is cal countries, it is only safe to state Close attention to one's duties, no II ft WHO CAN OPERATE IT?. linked with the destiny of the Repub- that its profits will be regulated by that matter the nature, sooner or later the iiin Irs Any one of ordinary intelligence. A very few trials enable lic. This Nation in the near future is competition. These Islands have no labors will soon become a task in this Limited. any one to write upon it readily. Thereafter it is only a mat- ( to become the leading factor in inter- monopoly in the coffee business, but climate. You feel tired, can't eat and ter of practice. J national politics. We cannot retreat to the article is of a superior quality. relish your meal; Imagine you are un- 307 FORT ST. our former policy of isolation. In the All of the tropical fruits readily grow fortunate and long for a change. domain of the Pacific, ours is hence- here. The banana ajnrt the pine apple, H. HACKFELD & Co., Ltd forth the paramount Power, and we the guavas do well. Whether the pro- SOLE AGENTS. cannot escape the. responsibility. The fits from theii. cultivation will yield Scjiooner Pfornia i E " ny kqqJ - JIMc fiiMStltf-Uii- "p more thtai fb ior- ' "I'mrn emprlt . Hie rfit'i"' West, that borders TiciTrtui til w oi iv in tne States has not West, the farthest Just think a moment and AT AUCTION. on the Rast again, lies in our hands. yet been determined. Brains and in- consider whether the cause of your ill feelings believe we shall be equal to this dustry and skill are just as necessary "I are not due to lack of tone to your can care of in the tropics for successful work as dMHDRSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1898, if responsibility. We take stomach, thereby overtaxing your all the possessions we may acquire they are in the temperate zones. The best work produces nerve force, which eventually wrgA AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, tre- the best results. ' WHOOPINQ COUGH, CROUP, and comfortably shoulder all the thft whnlfl nr.o-- m'3m mendous duties we may assume. AVe Nature here has the trick of appear- I will sell at public auction at the ASTHMA, CATARRH. COLDS W:.4,:-i.ft'-- ' old account of - shall find the necessary resources of ing lavish and generous, but in the end Fishmarket wharf for f4 CRESOLENE beins- administered by inhalation she is as exacting as the owners pives the safest and most effectual means of trea' statesmanship, the qualities of diplom- she is elsewhere. inpr the throat and bronchial tubes. Its efficiency itt Whooping Cou-- is The fruits that are raised here are anuCroup is wonderful. Its ant; acy, the strength of rulcrship that -- V The Clipper Schooner Norma septic virtues render it invaluable in contapior; .! in competition diseases, as Diphtheria, . our heritage. Tin; future1 broadens be- with the fruits of Mexi - "1 Ms EIX Scarlet l'cvr, etc. I(?n co, the Centn'l American States v&l criptive booklet with testimonials free. Sold l.y fore us in wonderful ways, which w Try a few bottles of a true and tried Capacity 60 Tons, druggists. 1 go uu: Diiu.iii tt iiuui's. 1J . oananas could not have foreseen. We may remedy which has no equal as a sys HOLLISTER DRilS CO., Honolulu, H. .1 of compete As she now lies with all Sails.Anchors, t'o .meet its destinies, calm, confident, Hon(ltirajervi(1.s in tem toner and health producer. Your Chains, Etc. The Schooner har tli markets of California secure iirvthe miht of the Nat. on and with the ba physician endorses it. It will build just had a thorough overhauling bj nanas from Messrs. Lyle is the justness of As purposes " these Islands. At present you up and make you feel well again. Sorenson and and in owing to the high rates of transpor Al condition. There is no better exponent of the U. S. tation, there is no profit in Terms Cash Gold Coin. ; thought of the educated, the thought- the cultiva tion of the banana on of The Norma is offered at private sale ful American, than Senator Ho.tr, who several the i disposed Buttermilk Soap Islands. In the course of time, 1 and if not of will be sold on in his speech that approved the an- th HF above date. freight rates will be adjusted. When nexation of Hawaii, used these words 1 rr o on c it is done, there will be an Has gained a r r m of popularity to of warning: outlet for Your druggist carries it in stock. If the large quantities of early vegetables, and not get super- years it nas Deen on the ' IT--- "If this country, tempted by the de- ask him to it. It has no Jas. F. Morgan, the Pacific Coast will consume them 49S3-t- 19SS-t- market than any sire to extend the market for its man- ior. d d AUCTIONEER. othr Soap uniy industrious and skilled workers Single 35 ufactures or to extend its foreign com- bottle, cents. made. JUTTERMILK will make profits out of it. The mar- Three bottles for $1.00. It TOILET SOAP merce, undertakes to enter upon the HAWAIIAN CARRIAGE MF6. GO 111 isjhe Highest Stand- kets here are now largely supplied with , Over 1,000,000 Ladie3 who. competition with the great powers of Or Quality de- - apples, grapes, oranges and lemons, ana 121 Queen ard in every have used it pronousia- it Europe for empire in the Eastern Street. the Best Soap in the World even vegetables ANIi-Yv'AGulN- tail and particular. with " from California, CARRIAGE tiUILDERS For the Complexion. Hemisphere, it will require very soon owing to the neglect of residents here You cannot be too cau- Excels any 25c. Soap. Asic a reconstruction of our size-sample- , Constitution to produce them. The Chinese are the RUBBIiE TIRES AND ROLLER your dealer for It. of great f!f tious about the quality of 12 ceats. Beware 9 and an abandonment our prin- chief market gardeners. HI - BEARING AXLES. of imitations. ciples of equality and constitutional soap used on your face or 1A The population of the Islands is 1U1LI1 UU & Cosmo Buttermilk SopCa. liberty which lie UHUU WILSON WHITEHODSE, at its foundation. It small. The supply of mechanics, of hands. Many of the so- - 64 AetMl Stdiit, CHICU j. will change the sentiments and aspir- - Sole Licensees Hawaiian Islands. merchants, of bookkeepers, of nrofes SOLE 121 Queen called "purity" face soaps AGENTS i Street. auous 01 ine peupie. controlling . - tt,n , i- - - thnr, uie sinnnl men is .renter- liiUiUUU. are nothing more than a mixture of harmful ingredients i passions, tne controlling motives, of The rule of "the survival of fit POWER OF ATTORNEY; 1. - .1 . 1 . I the put up in an our puouc private GUIDE attractive wrapper to sell at sight. and comiuct will be test" applies here, as it does elsewhere THROUGH ambition, avarice, glory, power, wealth. would be it not rieht or lust MR. W. MACFAIk, - 1 . X - ... HAWAII. 'a- tiiat mere are ueiier opportunities here will act for me under full pond r be found speaking of justice, free- - J?r PRICE, GOc. I there are on W X' 4.4, 4 torney during my " Ill than the M' Ar,;..U absence frzr dom, kindliness, love of country, slands. um iae BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. ENSON, oMITH & CO love land, with its immense extent of terri- - W. LIMITED of home,., public - , Tin- - nn,i nin,-nin.,- .i F. ALI snirit. education. v. tnrv i.kj I tcUUl L't imuiiiiuiitu July 23, 'OS. t f inanity, charity. We shall go - - SALE BY ALL, NEWSDEALERS what is i - i FOR Fort and Hotel Streets, alike the common way of the great empires and th-- great republics of the past. 01 0 Dress Gfl "There is the moral of all human tales; IMMENSE Mi, mmff m 5 k 'Tis but thje same rehearsal of the past, CLEARAHCE J First Freedom, and then Glorj- - when that fails, FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. Wealth, vice, corruption barbarism at ,kP a last. d'xr?. V-- !- - 1 1 i ii ti f And History, with all her volumes vast, . pL$ cents a yard. Former price, o cents, ine Frenchr-5rgandie- s, Hath but one page.' New Patterns, cents a yard. Printed Nainsooks, j cents a yard. On this soil of Hawaii will stand the , ' . a large all for a outermost picket line of the great army Fine White Dress Goods, variety, cents yard. of Occidental democracy, moving slow- All ly to its struggle, in peace or war, Thestlods are New and Stylish! Here Is Your Chance at Bargain Prises! with the unnumbered millions of the Orient. America called into existence by "gentle coercion," as Seward said, the t ?.-- f ) Qj aesO n 1 Japanese nation, that now confronts i Ctf r CD isa u iU i, 9 u

J !

"r' t T EHE r PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU. AUGUST 1898. :m: passim; nori:. LARGE r r VAR DEPARTMENT. - k "vu- not in ev:. . U. S. A. X a a is simpler X old. PROPOSALS D vav:va-.- X Bark Iolani Picks Up a COR RICE. X 1 of California. Olllce an I Pur- - "One an 1 Chief ON irisvparabi, sot an f. Commissary, X THE NEW ELECTRIC CAR LINE. ever." vaasiug Hawaiian Hotel. X South Sea Boat. Honolulu, H. I., August 0. 1 :. Scaled Proposals, in triplicate, be X i nis ;.s i .ag m will received X lear the United j States at this ollice until 11 o'clock a. m., X mainland and in the Haiwauan I I s August Id, ISO, and then opened for la mis. i X 25 Feet Lonjj and Hewn : furnish inr loiiuo miiimk mnrn iw 5 If Uncle Sam X From one Log Carried Back of nee, required at this station by the u X About all the Earnest Patriots got in Subs. stance S. or Department, I. Army. &r drops in on Friday at X out the even ;t there wa sn t to Baltimore. i'resh-mille- d Rice must be a goo.l, clean, v noon, X any rain. head rice of a white appearance. he will see an inspiring V sight: the lowering of X Government reserves right to reject in V one ting, X V ihe man who wanted to have general or any f)ids. In- - hoisting qf ENA whole jiart or all r the his own. On board the Hawaiian X singing or "Old Hundred" had an idea bark Iolani structions furnished on application at that was worthy there is a curiosity in a canoe a X consideration. native this office. PHILIP M. LVDKI, Cap- X made by some of the Pacific Islanders. tain and C S., U. S. Volunteers. Chief t Flags " X hile on the voyage from Honolulu and Purchasing Commissary. 4IX3 L' X cently and in order" had been giv will be the orJer of the Formerly the property of the late John H. Paty, just not August PRO PO S A LS FOR A N D, X en, but that was the way throughout. last for Hong Kong to load FRESH Pi: F F dav. matting for Baltimore an object was MUTTON Department of California. X purchased by us, and laid out in Office Chief and Purchasing J You will s,ee them every- X Perhaps manipulation will continue. seen in the water to Capt. Commis- ! the leeward. r- - 1 I - sary, u X illt" t tfi ft ri ii 'i rti An .t. n - Hawaiian Hotel, Honolulu. II. I., where; on house tops, on tree rr Angus: 0, Sealed proposals, in X party politics is aappily postponed for . tops, on the lawn. a mug eiose to it iounu. it to ne a mam- - triplicate, will be received at this of- X tew mor.tas. L .w KS3 motn canoe, lie had the shin s car-- fice until 11 o'clock a. m. August Itl. MAGNIFICEN L0TSra8 1SDS, and then opened for furnishing K X Perhaps no v. :he judgment of men penter put into the canoe, which was the fresh beef and mtitton in bulk, L Flags X who did not think the extinction of a nearly filled with water. When once iS,42." pounds, more W X nationality should be or less, required at of all shapes an J si.fs. turned into an inside it was almost impossible to this station by the Subsistence Depart- X of very large size. ordinary celebration will be dulv re ment, U. S. The dinky cotton one, the tin X spected. stand up on its slippery bottom. To Army, during the period commencing August 17, 1S0S, and end- one. the brass one. and some of X make his position more exciting the ing 30, lS'JS. Fresh beef Ik silk. X Now for the Commission, which may carpenter was seen fighting with a shall be good in quality and condition K X Si be a trifle formal, but not a whit K X . large fish, which was making desper- - lit for immediate use and from fore '1 less in ST earnest , X transaction of bnines:; I 1 I escape i and hind quarter meats proportionate- than the American representative who aie enoris 10 irom me ooat ly, including all the best cuts thereof. nr X U-- YOU will see many of a certain .Sove-.eient- hook was to car-- ur kind X acted in the Transfer of - . - shark thrown the Fresh mutton shall be of good a and upon the lappel of men's coats, JL penter, and it was not until he had marketable quality, from wethers over v X A Jt A ii L' H A large number of one years and upon the ladies' blouses, -- Gentleman's the ladies who The and under three old. Beef rJ cfnbhed fi?h seveml tlmM thnt it rrom tne nrst have been in favor of and mutton to be dressed and trimmed tt noticable because of the beauty X Annexation were cere- - tr X nresent at the I 1 and delivered as prescribed in circular of coloring and perfection on noarui a numuer or ; of X monies yesterdav and appreciated to noistea smaii of instructions. Proposals will also be finish. These are the kind tho fullest the meaning of what hap- - fish were found swimming about. The received stating price at which bidder tr X pened. will deliver fresh beef or mutton of tr we are interested in, and the X lnrre fish weished seven nounds. and tr kind you will want. Don't X 1 above be deliv- t--i 1 i rT-j- character stated, and to or! - 1 1 n f , . . V in V1V v. . v of for- . v monl. 1 . onw :i u Wl X 1? () pnr? 1 ' ered of temperature not greater 50 wait until Friday ,ve'll be closed Applications will be received at our office commencing i iiosu rn rnrrpnnni "I than X Ly - oarc degrees Government re- be- sending word the mail on Thurs- Fahrenheit. then, and it will be too late, X MONDAY day and giving a list of officials with The canoe is about twenty-fiv- e feet serves right to reject in whole or in sides wouldn't be surprised if MORNING, July nth, for the purchase of those part any fur- tr X a big mistake in it have not been here long, cut out of a solid log, with rear or all bids. Instructions tr were gone -. they all , , 7 X 1 . j. T A . I then, and we X AT i. 1 nished on application at this office. fine pieces of property. tr do so ' PHILIP M. LYDIG, Captain and C. S., hate to disappoint you. tiscr general;: has the news on time. . - . , tr jj w4 lit: w jj. iiuui a uittiii-i-- i ul ui l.a&L U. S. Volunteers, Chief and Purchasing tr five not a Commissary. 4993 X The price and terms are reasonable. ARTIIUK SEWALL, feet. There is semblance of tr X SECOND. iron about it, but along the gunwales t; X are holes in which lacings of hide tr Needless to tell you that X The Young Son of the American Hard Work tr X throngs were used to hold to and for It's tr X Minister Christened Yesterday. serving the oars. Places are cut out tr X The christening of Minister Sewaii's f0r thwarts, which were made of pieces Riding a Bicycle ts X baby boy at the American Legation at 5 of bamboo placed in the niches wMle tr X o'flonk' venter.; v afttTnonn v:i i tin UNLESS YOU ARE tr X elaborate an 1 attended affair that wet and allowed to shrink. There al tr X larly MOUNTED ON A Sells Them. BRUCE it may better be termed a reception with SO IS a place in the bottom to Step a tr X WARM the christening as the feature. Chaplain mast. i n X J',a,1K OI Ine --uonican i,er" Capt. canoe be tr X 4 , , VT "i McClure .1 1m'wn. i thinks the to sell a very luniifu in '.'itiiiuay. umnai jiineri. , . , ., ,, , , tr We don't disdain X LUC and Miss Xeulands stoo.l as d-narents. 1UU&CU lu auiilc Ui ciCica Ui nr cheaD one also, but then, that's X Rooms 7 and 8, Progress Block. The child was named Arthur Sewaii. after lingtang Island, in the Bashee group, flARCH tr another story. X the distinguished father of the Minister. - tr X I from the Iolani Was about twen- iieonle of the citv were fc X present. In fact the house was filled. The ty miles when the CUrioUS Vessel was 1 1 - i . , -, tr X cecmui. ui i hh n Merun was pnorm- . n? !- fioV. ed at the first landing" of the main stair- - UJ - u "o " THE X way. on a small stand was placed the COuld not be accountedi"1for. Baltimore FAULTLESS fct X jit)io ana prayt r t.ooi. anu a caiaoasn i of water fur the baptism. When the I Sun. AND tr X guests had arrived Chaplain Thompson tr X 1 descended the stairs followed bv Miss tr X cv Xewlands and a nurse bearing the child. FADLESS KIND. They were joined at the landing by Ad tr X miral Miller. Minister and Mrs. Sewall tr X tcok tin a position close by the stairway. 'hotographic v UZUUUZeUUiUia'ivto,ia'lii3 The rooms were beautifully j y lower dec 4 J orated for the occasion with asters, gold IT RUNS en shower and palms. After the cere- - "JUST AS EASY From Monday, August 15, monv refreshments were served, and the Its easy running qualities are the result THE health of Arthur Sewall 2nd was drunk. "Rerraeoiber rhe Philadelphia's band played on the of careful designing, perfect workman I WILL OFFER AS AN lawn. For a short time there was also Yews ship, and the best of material, SEAM music by a stringed orchestra brought LESS TUBING, FLUSH JOINTS, D- - down by a wagonette in which were en FLAG thtisiastie annexationists celebrating the TUBING, AND KEYLESS CRANKS the flaine" EXTRA SPECIAL Flag Raising. OF THE- - make our wheel as near Object of the

0 Co-operati- .Minister Sewall Remains. PERFECTION Palama ve Grocery Co. IS Minister R. wal! said last evening thai 6 i m as it is possible to make a bicycle. INDIA SILKS, he would lw.ain here and that his duties All repair work guaranteed. Is to enable the public to get would eontimiv to he about the paine. v inn groceries His position is ro-.- that of Special Aent WITH THE CHARGE OF THE their at something like (All Shades) for the I'nit. d States. Minister and Mrs. Sewall will still have their home at Mo- - EAKIN & WHITMAN reasonable prices. DP ina, Waikiki. "Moth of them are exceed 25 Cents Per Yard, until closed out. ingly fond of th- - Island and Mr. Sewall 314 Fort St. A trial order will convince you pleased ind'-e- with the work he has Next door below Golden Rule Bazaar. been able to do :i re for his Government of the truth of what our custom- ind for Ifawri'.. overeisrotY This offer is an exceptionally generous one, OF TH- E- ers say about saving money since as the duty on these same Goods under our new sover- Trust Williams to they commenced to deal with us. eignty ranges from 6o to 85- - per cent. OPENING HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Make Pleasing Photos. 000 May be obtained from PflLflftl1 COOP. (IROCERY CO NEVER WILL TUG AN E BE OFFERED AGAIN. Vfill rrn'f Tin o rliTnnninl Opposite Railway Depot, ed with the Photos that Will- - King o o o iams makes for you. I give my Street. best work to every photo and Tel. P. O. Box 60'J. Our other stock is rapidly finding its way into the that is the best that skill and r-- rJ - Bran, Ooats, Darley r OYnori'nnpD ron r ii and Hay. homes of Honolulu: o o o i Let me make the photo you want to take away when you ooo Bergstrom flusic Co. MiUU I leave for the summer. nnnnpep

1 emple of Fashion. Progress Block. CORPORATION NOTICE. AMERICAN FLAGS, M. G. SILVA. Proprietor. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT HOT PAPER LANTERNS the Kekaha Sugar Company, Limited, 1DI0. BAMBOO BLINDS, has been organized under the lawrs of US' MATTINGS (New the Hawaiian Islands by Articles of Designs), Call this evening and Se6 Association duly filed in the office of Fort Street. PORCELAIN WARE, the Minister of the Interior and has LACQUER WARE, Special Notice from the I. X, L. a new StOCk in a real flusic elected the following officers for the HANDSOME KIMONOS, current year: PAJAMAS, RUGS, ETC Store and hear some music Paul Isenberg President. ALL KINDS OF SHIRTS. COR. NUUAHU AND KING STS, A. S. Wilcox .... Vice President. J. F. Hackfeld Treasurer. SECOND SILKS! SILKS! as well. F. W. Glade Secretary. Don't buy until you have seen our E. Kruse Auditor. HAND stock. The Goods and Prices Such officers, with Geo. N. Wilcox, will Suit you. Otto Isenberg and H. P. Faye, consti PIANOS tuting the Board of Directors. WANTED. Everybody Invited F. W. GLADE, MURATA & CO. Secretary Kekaha Sugar Co., Ltd. p Hotel St., Oor. Nltanu. Honolulu, August 10, 1S9S. 4995 1993-3t- F Bergstrom Music Co. ALL KINDS OF HATS. BRANCH TONIG HT SALESMEN WANTED. PROGRESS BLOCK. HAT STORE, Kauana St. Telephone, 938. p. o. Telephone 321. Box 206. BERGSTROM MUSIC CO. WANTED A MAN RESIDING ON u 'a a Kauai and one on Maui, to represent a BEFORE com- KR0EGER, MEETING wholesale house in Honolulu on 9 DECORATE YOUR STORES AND HOMES. NOTICE. mission. Address X, care this office. BUYING 4993 1993-- 2t KIMBALL, Your A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE Furniture call at tha The U. S. Flagship Philadelphia with Admiral Miller has arrived to f f rvc t Vi irnriAl-r..- . C" . IXL and see the low prices - Glory.1 has one of largest assort- n-i- r In "Raise Old The IXL the stocks and best Cnmmn v p otVCl v t- - LOST OR STOLEN. CIIICKERLXG Antique Oak Bedroom Sete, FIREWORKS, AMERICAN PLAGS in Bunting, Silk and Muslin Iron Beds, ments of . bchacfer & Co., on Tuesdav, the Wardrobes, Chair?. (all sizes). Decoration Bunting (solid colors). Red, White and Blue Fes- ICth day of August, 1S9S, PIANOS. Rockers, Bureaus, Tables, Mes.t Stripes, Silk Ribbon, Etc., which at 2 p. m e tooning, Shields, Paper Lanterns, Stars and Object of the meeting is tc consider BISHOP & CO's. CERTIFICATES Safes, Stoves, Washstands, lea will be 'sold at lowest Cash Prices. an For sale for cash or .'on the in- Boxes, Etc. increase cf the capital stock. of deposit Nos. 27,397 and 27,900, for stalment plan. H. RENJES, $100 each, on which payments have Pianos rented, tuned or repaired. S. W. LEDERER, Secretary. been stopped. Please return to the Corner Nuuanu King St8. 535. Telephone 478. S, and p. 0. Box S. W. LEDERER. Honolulu, August 1S9S. 4993 banking house of Bishop & Co. 4993 P. O. Box 4S0. Tel. 478.


FOR SUNDAY SERVICES. k. M z-&- .rr -- .';-. o .19 r'. V - lif.-- ",-vo-t The t ti'- On:ral Union Church, corner 1 i - r -- pric- - raiiiaand llichard.s streets, liev. C. W. IlOl'P'S. - - - r,y Houses Sold on the Installment Plan acting paster. '.):j a. in., Sand iv s ' s Sine Hill, i. di: and the Real Estate thrown in. o tl b u s a a fhool; 11 :0j a. in., public worship and ft WE'RE MEYER ij scriaon; J : C J p. m., Y. P. S. C. E. pray- These houses would not do for you to live in, but they .ire just the ni'.-etinir- ; 7 p. wor- . . . er :".' in., publ.c th:r for your pet bird. We have them in painted wire, r.eat and ship aiul sermon. We Jnosday, 7: 'JO p. ? H did YOU EVER ; very cheap. Tren we have the sort, snre of which are plain WORRIED AND rn. prayr-- meeting. Paiama Chap-j- yr bras 15 a. m., Sunday school; :J0 p. in. SEE A SNOWSTORM in style and law in price and from this sort up to the fancy finished l service, A v.-e- co me-- f ones that the finest singers are usually allowed to Our Parrot About anything we Gospel have. everv service. and Breeding Caes are strong and neat, just the thiag you want for sell you. Y KNOW it has 4ta v the purpose. - the quality in it to jzive satis- St. Andrew's Cathedral Tenth Sun- X VV n.nvr-11,- : List v.- ha i1. jnth-.-'i..tl.':::-a- For in day after Trinity, August 14. 7:00 a. j) t ti.U th anything this line, try faction. We know it'll always m., Holy Communion; 11:00 a. m., of thf yeiir o will; If

p-m- a.-- it us credit. That's what morning prayer and sermon; 3:30 ., dari'lru:! that it Lkci K V. Pule Ahiahi; 7:30, evening prayer. it bid out in a rci;ul:i: E. O. HALL & SON, Ld. we've built up our business :. St Bere-tani- on honest Furniture and VL VL VL Methodist Episcopal Church, a No need ol this snowvtorm. and Miller streets, G. L. Pearson. () Draperies honestly sold. pastor. Tho public is cordially invited As the summer un wv-u'- melt the The verv best is hero .and to attend the following services: Sun- falling snow, so will 10 a. m.; 11 a. m., public the cheapest is to day school, r.) that sale SPECIAL SALE. worship and sermon, subject, "Jhe bu V. Kingdom of Heaven;" C:30 p. m., Ep-wor- th Ayep's ilslr Wlgor Take us into your confidence League, subject, "Giving to God," leader, Mr. J. McTaggart; 7:3o melt these flakes of r rulT in the when you are thinking of re- p. m., public worship and address, sub- It goes further than thh it rever.ts their furnishing. We'll save yon ject, "The Soldier's Duty." Wednes- formation. In addition to recent invoices from the United States, p. m., prayer meeting. wel- eon day, 7:30 A It has still other properties : it will res tor--. something. Pow Ten come always to all. le color to gray hair in just tn at of every ten case.-- . 0 Church, corner King Christian and And it does even mre : it fte.ls and nour- The Pacific Hardware Co. streets Sunday school 9:45 a. flodeHs Flower Pols. Alakea ishes the roots of the hair. Thin h:tir be- m.; sermon 11:00 a. m. by the pastor, subject: "Things that Are Due to comes thick hair ; and hort hair becomes have just receive direct from England: : Caesar and Things that Are Due to !ong harr. are perfect. LARGE SIZES. God." Sermon 7:30 p. m., by Profes riiRiur.!::' r.v oung People s c These sample Polished Oak sor W. K. Azbill; Dr. Jf C. Aver & Co.. lm-- Mass., U. S. A. Winsor & Newton's Artists' Colors, 12-in- ch meeting, G:30 p. m.; prayer meeting Chamber Suites and sample Ten Dozen Only, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.; women's pray HOLLISTER DRUG CO., Agents. Color Boxes, Academy pieces of Hall, Dining Room diameter, at o cents each. er meeting Friday, 2:30 p. m. Canvas, Board & and Librarvr Furniture are Vouga's o Seventh Day Adventist Public ser GOING IT BLIND. Palettes and Studies, models of the best makes vice held today, and every Sabbath, ) 10-in- ch Don't go it blind a Dandy ) Ten Dozen Only, (Saturday) in the Arion hall, at the and trust such Brushes, Wostenholm's Cutlery, and best styles. why eye-sig-ht That's 10 a. m. precious gift as your to nature diameter, at cents each. rear of the Opera House, from to v they're such big bargains at 30 to 12 m. hour occupied by Sab- unassisted remedy whatever defect Wade and Butcher's Razors, First may exist. It's a serious mistake that the special prices. bath School. A cordial invitation may extended to all at every service. have serious results unhealthy Open and Twisted Link Trace Chains. MAN I): eyes at least blindness perhaps. JUST TO Less per cent, for CASH. Those headaches, that dizziness, that (i) A New Line of Young Men's Christian Association nervousness, even indigestion may be Aid a full assortment of Gospel meeting for men Sunday after- traceable to eye ailments. GOLDEN OIK CENTER TABLES. noon at 4 o'clock. Speaker, Professor We give exact change to W. K. Azbill; subject, "The Best In- DOOR MATS. Very highly polished and new a cent. vestment." All men invited. in design. o ) Services at St. Clement Chapel. You can't appreciate what ) Morning prayer and Holy Communion, () a chance is offered unless you 11:03 a. m.; evening prayer, 7:05 p. m.; see the furniture. THE Sunday school, 10 a. m. By my methods of examination mis- Pacific ardware Co., o take is impossible. Examinations free. X Remember that our repair Y. M. C. A. Professor W. E. Howell LIMITED. department is run on the will speak on "The Carpenter's Son." savin-to-you-pla- n. We give S. E. LUCAS, PARISIAN OPTICIAN. Fort Street. you the best service for the 'J PEOPLE'S Band Concerts. least price. Kmma S'tuare at 4:00 this afternoon: OFFICE: Love Building, Fort Street. (UPSTAIRS.) March Annexation Russell Overture .Festival Iiach Kallad Adieu larie Adams STORE, Selection Ia Traviata Verdi Waltz The Syrens Waklteufel J. HOPP&CO. 1 'oik a A tlood Kiss Coote ii if The Star Spangled Banner. I H 1? 3 Makce Island 3 o'clock tomorrow .afte-i- - 3J3 ft Leading Furniture Dealers. I. D noon : at! H- - 11 1'ART I. Our stock of WILLIA r3 KING & BETHEL STS. Old Hundred. -- LIMITED- Overture Raymond Thomas Ballad The Palms Faure SUITINGS and Intermezzo Cavalleria Rustieana Undertaker and Embalmer. Masea?ni Reminiscences of Balfe (Jodfiey LOVE BUILDING, 534-53- 6 FORT ST. Flag Handkerchiefs and Q Telephone 810. PART IT. Kosldence, KlnsrSt. near IJlchards: Telephone SJO. Cornet. Solo That Soft, Low Refrain.. 8 ltzel ) Uai .,'ri...... -'-ti- . A VltoWlKii irti. .,lr ? LANTERNS. Mr. Charles K renter. Chorus Rienzi Warner Gavotte The Roses Burald TO THE Overture The Oath Auher LANTERNS The Star Spansled Banner. LINCOLN BLOCK, With American and Congregation. ! Second King St., nearly opposite California Ddnt Know It TIVOLI Hawaiian Flags. Chaplain Frank Thompson, of the U. Fruit Market. Late Saratoga, S. Mohican, will officiate at the ser- Waikiki. n n The same low prices with rirst class was loaded. vices of the Second Congregation of St. Finding out your error ia Mr. Karl Klemme begs to A dry scalp causes dandruff dan- FLAG HANDKERCHIEFS are notify the druff causes the clothing to becom Andrew's Episcopal church Sunday. At workmanship will continue. We sometimes expensive. Public of Honolulu and surrounding soiled. A minute or two each morn- "With American and the morning service, 9:45 o'clock, there better situated than ever. Especially when you po to Islands that he has undertaken the ing and evening devoted to the apply- will be special music by the choir, a the custom tailor. Same management of this well known ing of our Dandruff Killer does tht Hawaiian Flag- - Te Deum and anthem, and the prayer & clothes here and not work. for the President of the United States. Medeiros Decker, loaded clown with pric?. of service Wray Seaside Resort. Put up in one size bottles only. At the conclusion the Eincoln Blcck, King Street. Save expense of an error. Every arrangement has been made A Large Stock on hand to select Taylor will play the American Nation- for the of G:30 even- convenience Bathers and al anthem. At o'clock in the those wishing to enjoy ft THE SILENT BARBER from. To be sold at low prices. a SHOP. ing the surpliced choir will render It's some satisfaction to know PACHECO & FERNANDEZ, Proprs. full choral service with processional GOO KIM. that for every dollar spend, Vacation : at : the ; Seaside. Arlington Block, Hotel St. and recessional hymns. a hundred cents come back. Merchant Tailor. It happens here every day. ROOMS BY THE DAY, WEEK Oil Last First. MONTH. and 210 Nuuanu St., above Hotel. Whether clothes, hats, or He trusts may S zA K young Furnishing Goods, that he receive the CLUB o Silva, a Portuguese, THE STABLES Charles patronage Fine Suitings of American, you get value he will endeavor to deserve. (Limited) WAVERLEY BLOCK, has the note of being the. last man ar- for value. Free bathing for school children English and French Manufacture, every C BELLINA, Manager. HOTEL ST. rested by the police under the Repub- Tuesday. and Cotton Duck Suits, For particulars inquire Queen's Fort St., near Hotel. Telephone 477. lic of Hawaii. His offense was riding Linen at a bicycle on a crowded sidewalk and to order. Hotel, Nuuanu Avenue. Tels. 809 and EVERYTHING FINE 889. he was arrested yesterday morning. Fancy and Domestic Dry Goods, lively, BoafflioiiTsoles Sites. FOR THE TABLE. Eli Crawford, a young half caste, Furnishings. CARL KLEMME. laborer and member of Company G, Gents' TURN- Musical Instruments, PROMPT SERVICE, STYLISH Tender, juicy, home dressed meats. was the first to feel the stern hand Chinese Goods of all descriptions. OUTS, SAFE DRIVERS. ROASTS, of the law of Hawaii, U. S. A. He cel- 9 Hotel Street Waverlsy lilock. BEEF, MUTTON, PORK, too long yesterday We are especially equipped to cater CHOPS. ebrated afternoon to your trade. Fair dealing and good and .was arrested for drunkenness. Of- New Goods, ervice is what we depend on to get it. Everything fresh and good here. ficer Nigel Jackson claims the distinc- Real Estate For Sale. Dr. Rowat is always In attendance And prices are always very reasonable. tion of making both arrests. Agents for Dr. Deimel's Linea-Ms- h at the Stables. 6 COTTAGES AT KEYVALO. A good Underwear. Send for Catalogue. EX "ALAMEDA." Capt. Pederson Kememhered. permanent investment. A,' Club Stablesfack Stand CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. Captain Charlt-- I '.-.- . rsi.n .f the LOT AT PAL AM 50x100. Will sell r Xoeau was tin- - happy :t 4 cheap. Cor. Union A; Hotel Sts. 214 Nuuanu St. Tel. 104. o'clock yesterday afternoon of a hand- TENEMENT HOUSE ON KEKAU-L1K- E We Malcc Shirts to Order. (Old Dell Tower.) some silver ni) pi'csi-nt- i )y th- - ci;:x- - ns Street, containing 4 stores below Fish, Smoked Bloaters, Halibut and of Hilo in appreciation of his servie.-- s in takins? the lirst annexation news to the and 11 rooms upstairs. Rents for ?5'3 Herrings, New Crop Potatoes, Turnips CAREFUL AND WELL INFORM- Refrigerated Poultry hiir islanil. to-orc- c. tleekl. y made the per month. A good investment. ED DRIVERS. presentation in the presence of about a Riv- and Onions, Date 3 dozen friends of the genial skipper. The LOT ON KUKUI STREET, near and Figs, Edam FIRST CLASS CARRLA.GES. It er street. Size 40x75. and e'.ip is a heauty. has three handles. Limburger and Pine Apple Cheese, HACKS AT ALL HOURS. I'.etween the lirst and second is an 6 LOTS, 50x100 each, Kapiolani - Park Orders for Surreys, Wagonettes, of the No- an entering IJiio y. - Metwurst Sausage. Single or Double Teams at a moment's I'.etween tlie second andthird nr- the Addition. All kinds or Fresh Salmon American and Hawaiian ihijrs draped to- - 14 Kapahulu 50x n n LOTS in the Tract. Of all kinds. Iron fnce a specialty. otic nt hetwet the third and tirst 100 Breakfast Mush. New Assortment of HACKS N03. 43, Go, 70, 77, 97. 125 is tli-- - inscription, part tenia nzimr ' h each. Wo are revolutionizing the fence bus- CONSTANTLY ON HAND. token and the date Avply to Can Table Fruits, Jellies, and ISO. WILLIAM SAVIDGE, iness in Honolulu and guarantee to Jams, Etc., Haek-fel- you we can you C. BELLINA, Mgr. 3lnsic Store Opening Tonight. No. 121 Queen St.. next door to d convince tell the Lest Etc. 319. Stables Tel. 477. & Co. 4979 and cheapest iron Larc on earth, only Tel. If AMnnnlUnn T.Trtnf The Music Co.. Ltd., will H ti U U1UCUI 53 up per idCttl i open to the public this evening tlte c le- - cents and T.ot, erected. Now OUST Telephone 45. rant and comiil' itly stocked music store that we are American (be American) in the new I'rosri ss hlock. A Uire room in custom and replies your old nedg-an- d A SHIPLOADSSIlrZD:OF is occupied and there is on display the J. R. Shaw, D.V.5. Chickering. Kimball and Kroeger pianos. wood fences with a neat iron one P. J. YOELLER & Co. "a stringed besi'U s full line of organs and and show your grounds. We are hap- nnoiiiXTPTn J FEED instruments. The company lias a num-b.-- r NITRATE OF SODA auenej. s the viioumuiun of the best find is under py to say the citizens appreciate and & Hotel Sts. An management and in charge of men train Fort excellent Fertilizer for COR. FORT & QUEEN STS. ed to the business. krow a good thing when they see It. The public is cordially invite,1, to attend As we have sold in 90 days more and Early Cane, Telephone 422. opening evening. There will be than itattoons the this 2,000 feet of iron fence in Honolulu, NOTICE OF CHANGE. Dry music. And in the Season. which will soon be erected and an or- Importers and Wholesale Dealers The Hair Dressing Department of - 4 city. get from " , ; nament to Call and prices Advance orders filled as received RAINIER BEER ..... ; . .1 the the catalogue. the Woman's Exchange is no longer wharf. Is a winner with the "boys." They and In charge of Mrs. Dickson. The present For further details address MY. GRAIN. FEED. FLOUR. MEIL3. elG. drink as much of it as they like THE HAWAIIAN IRON FEXCG CO., manager, recently from San Fran- without fear of having a "large" head J. H. ANKROM. cisco, solicits the patronage of the Hawaiian Fertilizing Company next day. Rainier leaves no unpleas- Office and Infirmary, - 863 King St. Honolulu ladies and will do sham- ant after-effect- s. It's the most delight- pooing, hair dressing, glove and hat COOKE, Manager. TELEPHONE 796. The Advertiser, delivered to any part 9 m. 5 p. m. A. F. Our goods are always fresh. Island ful of all fine beers. On tap or in bot- cleaning from a. to Tel. P. O. Box 136. Honolulu. Criterion. Modern and Humane Treatment. of the city for 75 cents a month. C59. Correspondence solicited. orders solicited. tles at the


LOCAL BREVITIES. N. K. Neernano, Foreign Office, lost u his hat at the ball last night. 5 n IT y P U Janitor W. J. Smith, of the drill shod. fJ V-- i N J l)'-!i- vt-r- HEO.M. d I :h OA ;itnr--M- r. ill the Queen's hospital. P VIES CO Take th a nil a. at IV LIMITED A sak'sman is wanu-- a ;;t I Lieut. T. H. trie, of Company P. & Co.'s ilry o(k.s sion-- . ill with nvasie while out with Uon The day the parade yesterday and was taken Merchants and Commission Agents, lire works, with an Ameri- home. If you can Hag first, wci-- linv. need shoes buy them now. Napoleon A will given the Mor- Special mooting lo concert at won of Progres l battles because he never for Lodo mon on Puiu-hbow- waited the enemv: he Beg to call the attention of the trade tonight for work in secoml degree. church street at 7:30 this evening for the benefit of in- got there first. to their complete line of Mr.s. William Haywood is txpectfd digent Ilawaiians. to arrive on the Mariposa on the 17th. - Th- saluting of both the Hawaiian Business success is won in the same way. "Spaniard shoot all same fireworks," and American Flags was from the N. was the remark of a Chine.-- spectator G. IiatU-r- and from the guns of the or evening. We don't wait for stores to get the new in last s U. S. F. S. Philadelphia and the U. S. S. creations : u. Uoth the moant-- police and Capty Mohican. shoes, we get them ourselves. Come and see. t:E Ile.-y.-rv- llltl Dillingham's Mounted e looked Professor W. K. Azbill, who has well yesterday. several years teaching in Japan, H. j Killers & Co. have reduced the will speak to young men at tne loung ooo price on French organdies from 30 to Men's Christian Association Sunday PAINTS AND OILS. HO cents a Avard. afternoon at 4 o'clock. PI7MI7I) ni i Rev. C. W. Hill will omipy the pul- The Co. ir WPIflV OlIDDriLY pit for the usual .service? at Central Manufacturers' Shoe Union church tomorrow. The Oalm Cemetery Association will A fine assortment of Kitchen Furnishings. meet at the vil'ic? of Uruce Cartwright SIGN OF THE BIG SHOE. at- 11 o'clock this morning. GRAY AGATE WARE a Specialty Minister Damon, Minister King. F. DRY QOODS L-7- FORT STREET. M. Hatch and Is. A. Thurston were IKISLa,l."CLrLsiri.TjL .prominent at the bail last night. The: pFoqrESstvE;STORf Street. Officers- of the Government who did not take the oath yesterday may do so up to noon today at the Judiciary ooo building. v ooo A large number of Fwa people, in- Great FRENCH cluding Mr. and Mrs. Lowrie and Mr. and Mrs. Jennings were up for the ooo Flag Raising. AN D The military boys say that they will take more interest than ever in the 0 Regiment now. Still another company Alteration is forming already. Mrs. Alice Rix was an interested ENGLISH spectator at the ball last night. Mrs. Will give great C. McC. Reeve and Mrs. McCully-Hig-gin- s were present. Sale bargains in Photograph vi-ew- of th.e proceedings in connection with the change of sov- ereignty of "these Islands yesterday, WILL RUN FOR can bo had of J. J. Williams. Kim Ladies' audio American sailors added three hard street fights to last night's program. Is the most delicate of all delicate Liquor was at the bottom of the Two Days More and Children's trouble. There were no arrests. things, and is more subject to external ooo Yesterday's oflicial stand was dec- (MONDAY AND TDESDAY) influences than a grown person's. ooo orated by George V. R. King. It was "beautifully bedecked with American The quality of the soap used in the H O and Hawaiian shields and bunting. SIERY Reduced From 30 cts. to 20 cts. Per Yard, baby's bath is of great importance, On page 12 it is written in error that POSITIVELY THE LAST DAYS. for the next few days. "This is the birthday or S. N. Castle." because it means a happy, healthy The anniversary was yesterday, Flag ooo Day, and it was intended to so print it. child or a fretful one, with skin full ooo The Rergstrom Music Co., in the new of irritation caused by excessive Progress block, will have an opening the this evening. There will be a display II. s. Dry Goods Co. alkali in the soap. Also a large stock of of instruments and a concert. All are Mi invited. Limited. Curative-Ski- n Soap means much to F. EHLERS & CO Capt. Kekai was the lone occupant 520 FORT STREET. : HOiN OL, ULTJ. the mother. It is as pure as it i3 pos- LADIES' DNDERYESTS of the Station house during the Flag Raising. Policemen, clerks, and even sible to make a toilet soap. It will Fort Street. turnkey, were at the Executive the not cause skin blemishes, but pos- 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c grounds. SEQGKS Hives are a terrible torment to the Eifi 111 sesses a soothing effect; It cleans little folks, and to some older ones. M For a few days only. Doan's Ointment never fails. Instant but does not irritate. Try a cake. It any relief, and permanent cure. At is own Made chemist's, 50 cents. its best advertisement. James Dodd displayed during Flag for in America, too. Get it of Raising Day on the corner of his Fort Don't fail to get one of street premises a large painting show- i: ing President McKinley and President Dole shaking hands. the 50c CORSETS at Judge Stanley, Judge Perry, John A. CITY PROPERTY. Hassinger and Jas. A. Girvin did the HI "swearing in" at the Judiciary build- 1 LARGE LOT, 77 ft. frontage to Ku-k- ui in ing and Judges Wilcox and Peterson street and 293 ft. deep. On the lot K1SG & FORT STS. ALUMINUM WA E at the Police Station. there is a large commodious DWELL- The Lehua arrived about 11 o'clock ING HOUSE and OUT-HOUSE- S. The last night from Kalaupapa and Kau-nakak- ai. buildings are in thorough repair and ooo FOllT STREET. ER Ftr She reported all quiet on sgerato within 5 minutes walk from ,the Post its Molokai. There were no special Hag ooo raising ceremonies anywhere. Office. Will sell at a bargain. ICE CREAM FREEZERS. Commencing Monday, August 15, the ooo Temple of Fashion will offer the en- ooo 0111181(69 tire stock of India Silks, all shades, at oO Shares IIOXOMU SUGAR CO. 25c per yard. Mr. Silva claims that 50 Shares EWA PLANTATION. 4 4 4 f--H 4-- prices will never prevail again: f f f these 25 Shares Pioneer Mill Co. WICKLESS An almost boundless mob of native and Portuguese boys chased after the ."0 Shares Waimanalo Plantation. flags in the day fireworks set off yes- 100 Shares Electric Light Co. Q fought over them after they terday and 50 Sugar Co., assessable. e fell to the ground near the iish market Shares Oahu j Photographer llliams had seven 20 Shares Oahu Sugar Co., paid up. fc 120 - I . - ',) ' cameras in operation and secured 15 ZVIakaweli Sugar Co. 40-fe- !'!'- i! "Rlr: Shares et Day negatives. Frank Davey had (10 to Sizes.) OF DIFFERENT SIZES. Flag 2Q Pepeekeo Sugar Co. a big extra force of men about with Shares r'rpfZ?'- """"" S. S. p: cameras and secured a large number of 30 Shares Wilder Co. views. 30 Shares I. I. S. N. Co. police force took the oath STEAM COOKERS, That, ovei The entire 20 N. S. Sachs & Co. in the Station house yard at 3 o'clock Shares one burner, will cook at once Soup, yesterday afternoon. Judge Wilcox Meat and Vegetables. administered it. J. J. Williams took a picture of the force in the act of HARRY ARMITAGE. "swearing in." Real Estate and Share Broker. Today at 12 o'clock noon at the front entrance of the Judiciary Build- Cor. Kins & Bethel Sts. Lap Boards and Cutting Tables. ing will be sold a tract of land at 4-- Aiea, Kona, Oahu, containing a total area of OS acres, lying on both sides of the present main road. Stoneware, Hanging Baskets. The Chamber of Commerce flag, re- AH ceived from the Chamber of Commerce PRICES. of San Francisco, was raised over the roonrs on Merchant street when the regular Hag went up on the Executive building at noon yesterday. j u A number of bombs were set off in j the streets near the corner of Hotel ; and Fort last Friday. The matter was ' frequently reported at the Station ' house, but the police seemed unable Pearson & Hobron, to locate the real offenders. FLAGS Mr. II. Morgan, recently from Phil- Telephone adelphia, did himself credit at the Best Quality 312 Fort Street. 565. i dance last evening. Mr. Morgan is an Stars Sewn on. old timer in the art of the light fantas- to make Hawaii his 9 tic and intends k . f home. His appearance and dancing O was very favorably spoken of at the fi. W. Schmidt & Sons

last evening. -j dance v.iift, M g- c-- ssss Lrrr Miss Newlands, neice f Representa- Large Yariety Have not raised their prices yet on German, tive Newlands, of Nevada, father of the - Block, i O Joint Resolution of Annexation, was Hotel Street Robinson French and English goods in consequence of at the Flag Raising yesterday with P.O. Box 915. Telephone 973. j her friend, Mrs. Sewall, whom she is and Miss Newlands was present- Annexation visiting. STYLE 10 ed by the Annexation Club with a bou- THE LATEST quet and a Hawaiian pin the Hawaii- LOWEST and will continue to sell the same at closing an coat of arms. Q out prices. Woolen goods, Tailoring goods, PRICES. ents' Furnishings Flannels, etc. C$ TOR ONE WEEK ONLY. From America and Japan. o challies, all wool, 25c a K Pi Fine French In Silk and Crepe, White and Colored Silk Handkerchiefs, and r O yard, French organdies, printed nain- all Silk Goods, Lanters, Lacquersvare, Etc Etc 11 sooks, line white dress goods, all fresh WALL NICHOLS GO. 11U k lb kJ o goods and new patterns, go at 5 cents VON HOLT BLOCK. KING ST. per yard at L. H. Kerr's great clearing "Wholesale Dealers in Japanese Goods and Provision Merchants sale. 3""Your Money Savers. ; "... " JUtt $


13. JsOS. T f I E I'ACIFIC CO M M E RC1 A 1. A I V E K T1SE H HONOLULU. AUGUST SPECIAL nUSIN'KSS me Rmienisei Royal makes the food pure, Pais GoBici wholesome and delicion. Oceanic Steamship Company. ART AND SCIENCE. Columbian Exposi- V Issued Every Morning, Except At the World's thoroughly Sunday, by tne tion art and science was exemplified. The greatest achieve- M ) Y 1 1 1 1 i AN , A W A A N C AZETT E Ml' it ments of modern times were on exhi- Ynn Holt, Block, Kms Street. M TABLE: bition. Among the many beautiful atten- The F:r.. Passt-n.L'p- c! This Line Will Arrive at and Leave displays none attracted more :1 Singer ) that made by the i t ;s Lots at Kail a n. C. Hereunder: tion than C. (I. BALLENTYNE, Sewing Machine Company. It won the Meyers' n. Manager. SAN FBAKDiSCO: FOR SAH FRANCISCO: enthusiastic praises of all. B. Uerger-se- 2n;i 7 Lots at Kauai, a.ijoiu.u :uu. Mm f Agent, Bethel street. D. II. Kahaii'.elio's new Lastle. MARIPOSA AUG. 17 ' MOANA auu. n ; s : j : -,, . A ,. I- i;i-,-i nr. v r r Mrs 1.4 I I- - V The City Carriage Company possea MOANA 14 ALAMEDA i Cockett's premises. SEPT. bLi'i. only first-cla- ss hacks and employ only 12 Kalihi, facing Kame- - i in port. 4th Lots at OU . i- - careful, steady drivers. vessels IV Road, and in front of G. ALAMEDA OCT. 12 MARIPOSA l PES OB! Et & f?1 hameha Carriages at all hours. Residence, 113. NAVAL. Markham's NOV. 9 MOANA NOV. 9 Telephone PUWUM SGx200 of MARIPOSA S. ANDRADE. Wadleigh, ;UI1 th. One Lot feet mauka JOHN U. S. S. Philadelphia, Absolutely Puro premises at Ka- Francisco, August 3. the Catholic Church L S. S. Mohican, Book, cruise, June lihi. Cth. 10 Lots at Kapa.ama, iuus 28. ooo lOiUMILl'IMDM MERCHANTMEN. mauka of King Street, about m.. Nfwvwi i - aaja y hoyai the Kapalama Tramways , 0t (This list doea not Include coasters.) e'o feet from In connection with the sailing of the above steamers, the Agenta are Seminole, Taylor, Nanaimo, Depot.' Dy any i Am. bk. . passengers, coupon through tickets a-- - prepared to Issue, to intending July S. Trh Five Lots and nouses iaya- totates, ana VVHAHF AS1D WAVE. railroad from San Francisco, to all points in the United irum Am. bk. Chas. II. Kenny, Anderson, lama, situated mauka ot King btreei New York by any steamship line to all European porta. Nanaimo, July 10. and on the Waikiki side of Morris Am. bk. Topgallant, Lunvaldt. Nana- Estate's premises. imo, July Bk 'I'hi- - eoiiiw C. F. Crocker commences Srb A Lot of about half an acre For further particulars apply to TIME TABLE Am. bktn. Chas. F. Crocker, Piltz, to load ballast for the coast today. mauka side of King Street, about 400 Newcastle, July 22. shipment on of Lihha and July T.h siiMr nwaitincr feet from the corner From and After June 13, 1898. Am. sell. Reaper, Young, Comax, Kauai Thursday night was as follows: King Streets. The premises pro- TOO: Makaweli, $C2S per annum; G & 'Co. TRAINS Kealia. 4.nou: Koioa, duce an income of Wm. IRWIN Schmidt, San - Am. bktne. Irmgunl, 1,000; Waimea, h'.0, and iveKaiia, will sell for $3,500. LIMITED- Francisco, July 2.".. -- Davenport. Reynolds, Weather good. Qrv, or. T.nt; r.OxlOO teet in S. S. Co. x3 n Am. bk. Kate guards General Asrents Oceanic Nanaimo, July 27. The customs inspectors and Tract. STATIONS. Lonmuir, Newcastle, were excused from duty yesterday dur 25 Lots 75x150 in Puunui Tract. Br. sb. Euterpe, (Outward) S R 31. ing the ceremonies at the Executive 25 lots 100x200 in Puunui Tract. July ' Lowers, Goodman, building and also in the afternoon to C on street, -"Z ."' '5 j Am. sen. Robert 10th. Lots 100x200 Nuuanu p-p- Townsend, August 1. the oath of fealty. Ice . fci wa Port take right opposite the old works. acinc Mail Steamship Go. A.M. A.M. T.M. P.M. Am. bk. Sea King, Wallace, Nanaimo, The Ke An Hon, from Kuhuku last About 300 Lots 50x100 at Nuuanu at llonolii!;i 7:10 !:15 :J:l) 5:10 August 1. Eaie, G Lots. Pojirl City .:4- - 'A AW 5:.0 evening, reports a smooth bar at rear and mauka of the above 4:0.1 . 1 w Ewa Mill M7 10:CS 6:10 C. F. Sargent, Haskill, Nana- . 1 i - AND Am. bk. fim on the windward Oahu Waifimie j;'27 10:53 4 : I t .... weather . ? 11th. About 70 Lots in tne ivewiu imo. August 3. coast, with a Iresh nortneasL.i mo-i- opposite the Makee Waiaiua 1:00 5.:w .... Am. schr. Lizzie Vance, Hardwick, Tract, situated are 300 bags of paddy at Kahuku I J. Vi There Island Band Stand. It is admitted . r3' o3 Eureka, Aug. 4. mill. near Steamship (Jo. S ri 3 f . K. Wood, Hanson, New- for the Waiahole that it is one of the best tracts Occidental 0riental Am. schr. three- - fi STATIONS. ; vtS S Aug. 5. The Noeau reports one and the Waikiki Sea Beach. castle, dur (Inward) X R R Haw. bk. Andrew Welch. Drew, San fourths inches of rain at Hamakua 12th. About 300 Lots in the lvnpanuiu good weather . Francisco, August 7. ing the. past week and Tract. leave port 5 t uag . . : : of the above companies will call at Honolulu and this wri wx j. Steamers Wilier, Seattle, along coast. There are 4,uu tt.iiu-wan- , Am. bktne. Amelia, that -Arres in lvona, . 200 bags of i . ... , . . i. i A.M. A.M. A.M. l'.M l'.M. of sugar at Honokaa and about 100 Acres of which are good on or aoout tne dates oeiow mentioaea Waialua 6:12 :3'J .... schr. Concord, Hanson, Seattle, siierar at KUKiuaat'if iiHuiuu ship 25 are planted Waianao 7:1 lt):0'. 3:55 .... Am. Coffee land, Acres FOR JAPAN ASD CHI1IA: FOR SAN FRANCISCO: Ewa Mill r:;V 7:47 10:5'. 4 ::52 1J:45 Aug. 12. ment. with Coffee from 3 years up to 7 Pearl City 6:15 8:07 11:34 4:52 1:10 manager of hui now on 1G Honolulu 6:50 8:40 12:15 5:'26 1:45 Joe Puni, the years: there are two dwellings DORIC ...AUG. 20 BELGIC AUG. STEAMERS. operating the steamer Iwa, leaves on tVip new Government G. P. Demson, F. C. S.MiTir, MOVEMENTS OF nremises: the S u peri p tend tut. ('Jen. Pass. A Tkt.Ast. the Kinau this morning for a trip Road runs along the place BELGIC SEPT. 10 COPTIC SEPT. today and along the Maui coast in the interests A very good investment for a farmer. SEPT. Steamers due and to sail vessel, which sails on Monday COPTIC SEPT. 29 GAELIC as follows: of that 14th. About 1,000 Acres In KeaiaKO tor the next six days are next for Lahaina, Makena, Kihei and the land extends Upolu Iwa mn. Puna. Hawaii: Steamer ARRIVE, Keawakapu. The engines of the from the beach to about 2 miles Due hav.e I'.een completely overhauled and Volcano. earners From from the 2 - I.-- i a new mainsail. Will leave Honolulu at o'clock p. K- . ii ti ! m k ;i Aug. 13 she has 15th. CITY PROPERTIES, Etc., Etc Kauai Aug. 14 A Britisher with the unusual name m., touching at Honoipu, Mahukona, Mikahala Al- - Kawaihae and Kona ports, as W. Hall Kauai Aug. 14 of Brown, is reported by Detective Prices are the cheapest in the Market. follows: Claudine Kahului Aug 14 rich, to have stowed away on the For further particulars apply to For freight and paesage and all general information, apply to LEAVE HONOLULU: Mariposa Sydney L I troopship St. Paul, for Manila. He was Tuesday August 23 Moana San Francisco Aug. 17 employed for some time in the city as 9. Friday September 2 Kinau Huo Aug. 19 a mechanic, became penniless and some C. ACHI Co. ft w Tuesday September 13 - Aug. 19 boys pity on him, a Co Lido Friday September 23 I'polu- Honoipu of the soldier took O Op one of Uncle Sam's uni I. Tuesday October 4 DEPART. dressed him in forms and smuggled him on board. Real Estate Brokers. AGENTS. Friday October 14 Steamers. For Sails Tuesday October 25 Aug. 13 The little schooner Concord is at K inn 11 Hilo a cargo of feed ARRIVE HONOLULU: '. Brewer's wharf with C. Achi, our manager, has over Iwa Maui Aug. lu yes W. Aug. 16 stuffs from Seattle, having arrived m vpnrs pxnerience in Real Estate Friday August 19 Claudine Kalmlui She is about 85 tons Tuesday August 30 Mariposa San Francisco Aug. 17 terday afternoon. Business in this City. 17 burthen and was formerly fishing oft Honolulu, July 19th, 1S9S. Q Friday September 9 Moana Sydney Aug. September 20 19 the Grand Banks, then hailing from Tuesday at n nnn T.na Kona Aug. Royal mail Friday September 30 Aug 23 Portsmouth, N. H. She was bought Mon-iii- ! I and Kona ASSOCIATION. 11 i. Upolu Kohala last winter by Klondikers and brought OAHU CEMETERY Tuesday October Cape Horn. The party "broke Friday October 21 v ARRIVED AT UOSOIAUA1. around THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE on the Sound and the schooner was wan oe For freight and passage apply to 12. by Hughes Oahu Cemetery Association Friday, August bought for the island trade Bruce Cartwright, 18 from held at the office of THEO. H. DAYIES & Co., Ltd. Stmr. Noeau, Pederson, hrs. and Harris. Saturday, Aug. 13th, 1S9S at 11 o'clock Kukuihaele, 9 hrs. from Lahaina. liy2 hrs. a. m.. for the election of officers and AGENTS. Makee, Tullet, 1 Stmr. James trnsrpps. A . is re toil. fill attendance from Kapaa. Lodge Le Progres De l'Oceanie. 2." days quested. Am. schr. Concord, Hansen, W. M. GRAHAM, CHAS. BREWER & CO.'S from Seattle; 83 tons grain to St. C. NO. 124, A. & A. S. RITE. Acting Secretary. of above line, running in connection with the CANADI- Steamers the Syd- Sayres. TTnnnlnlii AiiSHSt 10. 1S9S. 4995 AN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouver, B. C, and Sloop Kaiulani, I'earl Eochs. ney, N. S. TV., and calling at Victoria, B. C, Honolulu, Suva (Fiji), and S Key Stmr. J. A. Cummins, Seajle, hrs. Wellington, N. Z., are York Line. from Waimanalo. There will be a special meeting of FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. 2 days from Hanali. Lodge No. 124 A. F. & A. Schr. Waialua. Le Progres ROUMS The will sail from Ko An Hon, Thompson. 0 hrs. M. at its hall, Masonic Temple, THIS THREE LARGE FRONT "CI New York to Honolulu on or about Stmr (Mosquito proof) in suites or singly. from Punaluu. EVENING, August 13, at 7:30 o'clock. On or about the dates below stated, viz: September luth. Enquire at Ad- t (N.Z.). & SUVA If sufficient inducement offers. WORK IN THE SECOND DEGREE. 4977 THE HOME T5AtS.l-.i- i . FROM VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA, B.C. FROM SYDNEY. WELLINGTON SAILED FROM HONOLULU. (B.C.): vances made on shipments on liberal Members of Hawaiian Lodge, Pacific ForSuva.Wellington (N.Z.) ana Sydney: For Victoria and Vancouver terms. For further particulars, ad- Friday, August 12. are 31 & Lodge, and all visiting brethren FURNISHED COTTAGE. 2 MIOWERA AUG. dress Messrs. CHAS. BREWER CO., Lavinia, Kannakakai. present. AORANGI SEPT. 27 Schr. cordially invited to be SEPT. 28 Kilby Street, Boston oc Schr. Ada. Makena. Bv order of the R. YV. M. WITH PARLOR, BEDROOM AND MIOWERA SEPT. 30 WARRIMOO C. BREWER & CO., LTD., G. CRABBE, OCT. 26 Agents. II. hnth in r.entral nortion of city is WARRIMOO OCT. 23 AORANGI Honolulu PASSENGERS. 497 secretary. wanted by a single man. State price MIOWERA NOV. 23 Gazette AORANGI NOV. 25 Arrived. Address "Batchelor," Hawaiian DEC. 21 OffirP 4993 DEC. 25 WARRIMOO From Kapaa, per stmr. James Makee, LOST. MIOWERA FOR RENT. Aug. 12. Mrs. Geo. Stratemeyer, Mr. Braddick, Mr. Spitz, Mr. Prosser, Mr. Issued from Hono lulu to Canada, United States and Fetter. A BLACK HAT AT THE BALL Through tickets Elegant Offices in tho last night. Return to 11. K. Neemano, Your Europe. ,, . Ml Fill For Freight and Passage and all general information, apply to RECEIPTS ISLAND PRODUCE. Foreign Office. BLOC We offer NEW PROGRESS Hamakua, per stmr Noeau, When you visit our store. From WANTED. so many desirable things that it will 12.-3- S. M.); Aug. ,240 bags sugar (P. many to carry all Single or en suite. sugar (H. S. Co.), F. A. take a good arms 1.21G bags you will want to buy. And an armful & Co.; 8S bags coffee, T. H. Davies & Co., Ltd., Gen'l Agts. Schaefer of goods bought of us costs less than Theo. fl. Electric Elevator. Electric Lights; Da vies & Co. A SALESMAN, AT B. F. EHLERS town. Kapaa. per stmr. James Ma- anywhere else in Lavatory aad Sanitary arrange- From 499 certain-to-Dlea- se bargains complete. to A'ar-iou- s. & CO.'S DRY GOODS STORE. ments kee, Aug. 12. U4 bags of rice which we are offering are 0 From Punaluu, per stmr Ke An Hou, KEYS LOST. Rooms ready for occupancy by the Aug. 12.-- 540 bags rice, Hyman Bros. BOYS' LIGHT WEIGHT WOOLEN Ex 15th of April. BILNCH OF KEYS HAS BEEN CLOTHING. I Captains. ia - Notice to Ship lost. T inder win piease reuun uuci- right weight for this climate For terms, inquire of ness office of the Just the XT. S. Branch Hydrographies Office, 499G HAWAIIAN UAZLliti u. New line San Francisco, Cal. COLORED AND WHITE SHIRT BRUGE I CO. By communicating with the Branch waists: Mil I ) E U TS C 1 1 E 1 1 G OTT ES D I E N ST. PROGRESS BLOCK, FORT Hydrographic Office in San Francisco, At a Special Reduction. of urreys STREET. captains of vessels who will co-oper- ate PASTOR 1SENBERG WIRD TO CLOSE OUT. II ERR . . . with the Hydrographic Office by am Sonntag, 14. August, vormiuussi ni i FOR SALE meterological observa- Uhr, in der Y. M. C. A. Halle predigen. Carriages recording the IvU.n-SULA- T. and by office, can have KAISERLlCH-DEUTSCliL- S L. E. TRACY. suggested the 49?,-- tions 5 OOO HOUSE AND LOT ON Y'OUNG at any desired port, J 3 forwarded to them ST Single STREET, 75x155 feet, townside of expense, the monthly pilot Four st.. nlmvi' Hint: Thomas Square. House par and free of NOTICE. 1 nmmings, Lamps, Harness Double contains charts of the North Pacific Ocean and lor, tnree bedrooms, with hall, dining information, regarding the room, kitchen, pantry, clothes closet, the latest ALL THOSE DESIROUS OF PAY-in- g For Bicycle Repairs. Whips and Laprobes. bath room, patent W. C. and stable ,i..nvnrs to navigation in the waters at accounts arc requested to rail g f. & zxx6j ieet with nay lort. Box etaii, ! v. v . - - which they frequent. Ml 1 J.1.V1 ' v. ' " CYCLERY, open stall and place for three carriages report to removed from Queen AT THE HONOLULU quarters. nice-- Mariners are requested to ()nUe lias been you can find an intelligent mechanic Fvtm flllP STIvCIIW IAPROBES; JuSt the thing! and servants' Grounds discovered, or any srrct't to our new quarter: Bike at Ivlalrl nut Enquire next door to the oflice dangers J. T. WATER HOC who will repair any broken which can be uti 99i price, and guarantee the tor rainy weatner. L. H. DEE, or other information Honolulu, Aug. 12, 1S9S. a reasonable seen our goods 107. correcting charts or sailing job. Don't place an order until you have P. O. Box lized for Eldredge wheels Honolulu, June 1, lfc'JS. J931 directions, or in the publication of the SEED. Sprockets fitted to SORGHUM will not break readily. 000 pilot charts of the North Pacific. that SOR--hu- m very shortly be in a posi- NOTICE. W. S. HUGHES, V CHOICE LOT OF FRESH We shall offered for sale. Apply to to bake, enamel and ornament I United States Navy. seed is tion onolulu I Lieutenant, Co., Ltd.. or telephone 1U13. with gold as when new. tar Dairv' LTD. ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING, STAR DAIRY CO.. Solid Tires for old style wheels. cutting shooting, or commuting have de- 12, 4996 ITT. trees, The authorities of Vienna Honolulu. Aug. lOS. Columbia parts, Rambler parts, larriage mm any depredation whatever, on th? lands if the owners of 1203 speci- parts, parts, Falcon m upper Palolo creed that s Stearns Crescent of KEKIO and KAEA, in fied "houses will replace them with new-structure- FOR SALE. parts, Warner parts, together with Valley, will be prosecuted to the full will be guaranteed a of common sense and Integrity Manufactory. 01 they L RGE LOT ON PROSPECT parts extent tne law. the payment of taxes for Punchbowl. Splendid to be had at the REPAIR SHOP of Per order of release from Street, Slope of 231 King street, years. This offer has been Honolulu, still, where BRUCE CARTWRIGHT, eighteen situation. . Bicycle Lubricant Is encourage the removal of tum- Apply GU3 SHARP, Bailey's Best &.W.ORIGHT,Propr. 49SS Owner of Said Lands. made to Prospect St. sold. bledown buildings.

h .J T u Ii y y


1 1 ac-- , i : . T.lh d r ill K h ti ioj.-- . .. 1 - . i . i . " he.-.- f : t !" To his w a ... . FIRST AND i :i t his. - st lie himself ' the GREATEST , -u ear--- f t ! U lib.-- Id -i id K k ii li ill til i.l 1 t i : i ! i i - ; W - I- - hieh he fr- it s hi . kuthe ...aj i t i i.T'd'-'-- u.-- ; l.tted KoTZe in illl lnlls s 1 a t ! : - s I " of c.-rt- tin IP.-.- -: i Hi e itla rm Sit v Ml- ' - ds, al that th- - i ! n t a t . i mine-cause- I" .1 S I t'.'' which then- th n.tde In th was Ml ! CHIEF RULER IN HAWAII b ni! ly is to phi. it ; of the lineal I hi; iot ha i . the n r t . 1 p-o- f t i K i ins SCOJe support of i v ht-- a t! h.i was son oi; arno'ies! fhes... and .f !''.e i . i i may t - - 1 pil! K w ir.stiin. be s- . ire viiia, hut it is kv.ow that his real other it'd to show was mo tie- - l;'-- hii- t 111 j i h. iic- - I SpeTit fathvr a Kah. kih, Who Was those the si ,iiitrt! which this ro had don't u..d-- l 17. ' .... 1 . I , f.-r- . i:; b: It is ;a vs e Ki' We -- T Ma ; a "e t .m t i . 1 1 1 quired,. ei'.ce IM'.e that d. n e to the aw. S S-- d pel.d-e'.- ! thrown stni.ru i in- leS i w n n p, . i up to il n M oiok lt, and h..se name means opir.aut of of ri. tic. which kind of tt..i , Pro! taJ 1T1 Howe-.-- - . I ie S r. s ; ftMlll.lil- - i V, . it four Thunder."' ;t; pro;. rial.- The Was lio doubt of the t r sak. rep. i i::ir mo it s t t the the name may Vil e be. n to t father. Wilt) tions of has p w r. tl.e tro:i . sound w a Is - . 1tf. .and - ! sens.- .. fia i .a. r d IIS W History Suggested By a Bronze Figure on 1 ..iverini as. of a!, to ciin uainsit the- fact that re ni th.. sot:. 'i. i.. rule e . : t 1 a inive m.itiy i'is'.iitii s. 11 he Visited tun i; Y. a that h Ti; ief Kiirr.e!ian n;i s !'s w!;.se eihey is re beft.re us. we had i'. . 1 ar-- riumd.-r.- ' say- - his domiui. w. tit i r i h th e efer. on "Son of It was a .lis. and abroad with sp.rr in .)f up th-lan- m ih luti. 'I ' df I a liair.a , n 177v. i::tr Kot.ebue. the Kussiitn commander, he raw how they ate Daily Here. me w n n r s. t View w i ith many otla r commanders of distinc-i- and th unlike nth. chiefs, he d !' i Th Wa: rior Iilllieli.mieh:l it I'd UiZ himself to ct this. lie ordered the 1 Ii Ve ' h i ti.ea who came contact with him. was coir teei r .m kn. St ;irs. hurled ln:n at .t- - be- ur.-at!- ' the and cultivation of fields so to provide T i ti:n struck with character - -- -- ' 1. - M t cd tli.- H ro a say forehand for his own subsistence and : t I'." I s t l'ele- (!ej trt llien Hawaiian that rr.o! t Th !!'"!' e!eW .d t w i . ! i ve of the t hiefs and p opie ho accompa- T iti Kutzt i.- of war canoe s of: Kohat la. hie which ad bu.'h nana sahtr tor ! i i i . 1 f i s v s t Wh, n eVpres-tha- t nied him. He planned the ore diiizalioa .id Th M ni'-n- ti wt.ir.en an the to tin Se Isles. i ill. Th ! - i ( r i t ! i . . 'A T i d i of Kine, "Ka- and preservation of th" eountrv for his The mam ii' n . d-- . !1 it! ori til' hieh-- sine is the , C have iiior thia child: ie;Ue j sandal-wood- - . . posterity. When the whn.h i Mf-.- Till- -! ! - su- o to have ii reeled t r i i ' w.-- mchanieh.i statu heir 'Oil I'lllH will p. t ; it t fie.- li. i what ii ys Hawaii afi-- the establish., ueht . say at such a source ot pr.-sejitin- formed that time s.-- : - 1 '. pr-.-n- Kam.-luni- to his nieniorv.' Tlie prophetic fie ofj d- - V I : th-i- a sp ad of lih- soure. s o of hit, throne!..-- it tile leath-.in- e present Pdl-- '! - i i lay". always lasting . country, was being and i - ! K. it"... omplisln d riches to the i - rs-- it hue is io thi Tills e i r: wlii.-- t- ! ration and r ill cornpii i will J . ii h, iiiilTl A hipehiui- - 1 h'-r- youne sap- r. sr . ei!-;t:- i ever be most tieure cred, lie commanded that th. will Iml'l t 1 must the stril i id d the int. of resident and favorably with I it i;t ii it ry j i . t e I i is T statue, though itn ill i lie in - H preserved. His - . tie- was lines be othcers said: rommap.'I th" ;itt. nti n of th visitor. Th.- it.trs m many o To ;i lloston. will be eeut--- in in history of these Islands. '.on moi'e h.St ltd' 11 i- - soon die, we - ..re:-..-.-- 1 of tlie tvpe W'llich elevates a n iit'' old and must and know ! n - 1 i i t ; 1 i i 1 W tt N i eomrn.-m- fl r it:i in th.e . KtriKtllf'S it!.- mod i s u s 1 it civilizations? tin to illh We litt'.e ti:e Italy: m.-r- f.u-- con- - sandal-woo- d here- n I tin'i. It w:is not by e and not whose will be the - orate? What shall ay? I w 11 'J'i:i-- ill'.- What but ou.-iin- - after." He iadieuitntly replieel and situated adapted to pres. nt a i v. o e e capacity that he became th rlf- "Hae contrast wit i.i. h vuiir own e e r- - belongs young i 1 a a and wa not sons? To them the ad minis! rat us and fin' it long time minds must laisy. y.-- r tor of nation out of the rude between this from sandal-wood.- " Had his successors been as . ting He elevated them that alb-ration- :tnd scene may i - tribes. will require but small The this it'id whitt have hit pro-e- wise as he, source of wealth might d Ju ;t?-ro- condition into national life. How this utiv-historica- re on hundred years ? We beauty of the 1 '.:: l Pudding and its he above his barbarous sur- have been preserved in our forests to this can iuiiiuine in 177, on the site wher ' W e inent stands at- ! i 1 , roundings! is not merely courage day. Aeain. another instance of his halo ' ui to make it are assi-mhled- a crowd of half-nake- d sa It courage distinguished him. tention to the future. It was always a one of the notable Gov I.'UM' lit hoUSoS of atrcs, minlirm' their loud. discord;tnt animal which great matter of Interest to the Hawaiians t was eminent - In was he I'.x-ecuti- anei.-n- he ve with the dissonant beat of the this eminent; world. the Wiiy from tin- self-denia- l, to possess the beautiful feather cloaks. tho Across rude Iruni. The smoke for a as- - also in his moderation, in his - sacrifice Iluil-lhi- tin- .1 I ry J:iiil-ii:ivr- . - When the birds wore caught for the sake is ii' ieia in his pur- regard for the welfare of his al- ceinls aml we aii picture an uplifted - lie would Hot - people- ;ts a thing above all de- of the coveted feathers having within its walls tlx- chambers of club lalline on ;i human vi tim to n. ;tt was his low them to be killed. He insisted that - sires and claims. What a marvel tin; ('in uit aii'l Sujr in.- courts, the lainl out his brains, where now the mallet or conquest organization of Is- they should bo set free in order that their pr. : - and tlese our rit s 1 thos-chiira- t worthv sid. to j.rc- - 1 might grow again, and be .flico, tho t;ix oilico, tho hurcau of onlv trik. lb- showed in his career it feathers there s.rve peace .eood-wil- l. ( ). s! lands! , and This, come him. - H'-alth- for those who should after l developed by tho ollu-- of th.- Jloar-- of tins stride from savitee disorder teristios which are His people recognized his wisdom and ( " IMuca-tio- n, . education, by of tradition tlu oili'.o of th- .niniissiori. l s of to our resent order, is soni. tlune' worthy by history. Hut no! It was from the moderation, and gave him their highest , - your and tho lair. iiii of A.u'i i ultur.-- tli- Im- of commemoration. "his age and surroundings reverence. And again, we must notice darkness of so-rail- ed '"JTic past one liundnd years have guide .and how Kamehameha this barbar- migration llin.iiu. Tin' roiiruls aro not brought many losses and sorrows to the without education, without the ous chief was quick to appreciate and to . r spur ami the history of great so lovely ;is l ho.--- of tho fi,rm-- l'ala .', of th.-s- Islands, but let us hme'e of tradition seek te inquire for himself and his peo-ol- e come predecessors and their works that this fiiriiiK'. at the blessin.es that have with the hero cam- - forth panoplied with force, tin skill of the white men in the me These witnesses, looking i.lowai ship-mome- nt th.- - low-lyi- .ludi.'iiiry high capacity. and Al chanical arts, ami especially in la front of from the w;ills of our hall, wilt skill and Caesars it came f building, that - great from the p- coii-ipierin- exanders have done deeds, but what hnihliny, on a h ;ivy 'h st;il is the liur.-o- help us to review the past. See the under his notice, How quickly sprung s. in had they not of backing in traditions ana a dark man, with an np-r.ii- il arm and hero, his royal feather cloak ui) within him. as with Peter of Russia. the l'uhikapa of the olden warrior time. education. Here was a man as isolated stops to tho majesty of his attitude accentuated He beyan our century with savape war from the civilized world as if his sphere to acquire and learn tne art oi - constructing (hem. He goes himself, and ly the. poldt a oi- yellow cloak of the and massacre, and yet lie was chietly the ot life had been oast m tne moon, wno young men to Vancouver to destroyer of cruelty and superstition, and came forward and fulfills the character sends his ancient Hawaiian Alii or chief of hih men who with so learn. He takes the shipwright's tools in L waded throueh human blood for the sake of eminent started degree. The .statue is that of Kaniehame-hi- many ad vantiuges. Kamehameha was not his own hands and assists and encour- of peace within his native Isles. s endurine new-being- ages his young men in their work. Again, He will always he re- He was to greet dis- wonder-stricke- n and abashed by I, the Orcat. anione; the lirst the implementsth' behold him when in the position of Caes- garded as the first of 1 "olynesians. In coverer Cook on hoard his ship in 177N ami their vessels and ar, when he desired to invade Riitain hal-anc- Tlie encounter of Kame- fd when off Lahaina, and this Hawaiian of destruction. to invade him were nicely put arid carefully great mind, though a mere youth hameha with Cook was, no doubt, a de- when he too. wishes another few chief's island, and has no war vessels. He goes ahout all the elements that a then, well appreciated the mighty changes termining influence in the future career with is own men into the forests; he ac- says the n, tlmcH in a century make one man the that must follow after the arrivel of the of the Conqueror. Piianaia that companies them as a master-workma- strangers. met destiny with hero appreciated the Knglish commander and directs superior of all his fellows. Truly he was white lie hos- and builds and launches a a was to the th--bluf- f will the mind of a philosopher and a patriot, as friend, and adverse licet. Or again, when he stands, on f Kindly quality and esteem of him and Kamehameha, the barbarian con- tilities that ended in the death of Cook. at Kohala, as represented in one of prow apace time confirms and deepens queror, welcomed tho new era with the He lamented the death of tho white com- its Though bold, skillful and suc- these tablets where he organizes and the impression of his miht in statecraft spirit of an enlightened statesman; he mander. trains them, teaching them to form rap- made the white men his friends. cessful as a warrior Kamehameha loved idly into effective line of battle from a and war. He was a conqueror, hut Jit the "Xext look upon Iaholiho. his son, the. peace better than war, and the good of a. previous condition of apparent wreck. His man of the people. Kamo-hameh- bold, headstrong Prince, who. the is country more than many victories. He fame time a after peace and to suppress character as a man in the domestic rela- 1 place in the history of death of the conqueror, goes on with the fought to secure tions, is most pleasingly set forth by Van- has his work of peace and enfranchisement, and turbulence. His wars did not originate in tho iiKcs and deserved it and earned it a noble period in Hawaiian his- a personal ambition and a love of con- couver in his a count of the reconciliation marks quest. He was into them, one of Kamehameha and Kaa huniaiiu ; of his and will hold it. tory. Xeed we glance at anything more drawn loving to bring emotions are quickened in than the breaking of the tabus, and es- after another by the force of circum- artifices it about and his Thoughts and wo- stances. When we read of Asiatic, Poly- happy feelings at the reunion. His mag- of the pecially the restoration of Hawaiian Ki-haha- wai. the presence, of the reproduction men to an equal condition with tho rest nesian and Indian heroes who have been nanimity is shown in this instance. figure of this man. Tribute hy all is read- of their race? To be a woman before, great conquerors, we find that the spirit a powerful chieftain, had' feeding in an outer of eonouest held oossession of them as a fought him determinedly. He was de- ily and willingly tendered. was to lie an animal never the feated and he. with some followers were upon the statue eonsid- - keniul; but laholiho tramples on the mania; that they relaxed conquer- Those who look cruel superstition, and the woman of slaughter of their fellowmen so long as brought into it he presence of the it ;l TlprfeCt. work of art. It is the these Isles joins her lord and her lover at there was an opposing force tf be over- or. The vanquished chief said: 'Here we roduct of the most discerning and best may on his bosom as thrown and destroyed. P.ut in the Ha- are, and if you command us to lift up our nmn-ufaetu- ro the feast nl rest up. you say trained desiKidnK and of the highest she feeds. waiian conqueror we behold a ready dis- heads, we lift them If bow skill. Jt has an it peacemaker. Tin-r- down in the dust, then we bow down. or constructive "Xext we will ga7.e on the benevolent position to become you one does not at till ...... nrria- is a in his And if say die, we die.' Kamehame- odd fault, hut that face of Iuiikeaouli. he who portioned Tjjm " Hi in j p.. traditional savine orieinatine per- - nt detract and that is seldom noticed out his dominions to his people, and who times, that th- pre-emine- result of his ha bade iiis fallen foes return in peare to haps almost l'orjeotten. The artist famil- abdicated absolute sovereignty in behalf victories was 'that old men and women their horn. s. In no particular, however, iarized himself with the Hawaiian type of the majesty of the law. Ho too, like and children were safe reposing in is the sagacious character of the hero of of physique and there is besides every the great founder of the Kingdom, took This tradition.il saving, who h Polynesia more markedly displayed than reason to be assured that the likeness of worthv white men into his confidence: has never been disputed is illustrated in in Ids relations with white men. and in tho subject is excellent in every detail. Richards, Haalilio, I.ee. Judd and I H&& ml one of the tablets which adorn the ped- his advice to his successors and followers and . upraised hand. The - statu.-- a condition of to maintain forever friendly relations The Haw is with the - Wylie helped worthily to illustrate the estal of the Such Hawaiian gesture, is always math- with enlightened reign of Kamehameha. II I. affairs had never been known before in with the new comers. He. who had tens the palm of the hand downward. In tins "And next behold the face of the second Hawaii so far as wo know from .the of thousands of trained warriors at his ens.' the itiilm is vmward. ami gentlemanly record which hits come down to us. His j command, and Siiw the whit" man only Judiciary buildinjjr is laholiho. the courteous I1 an organizer of, as a chan e stranger, yet he understood The statue at the Prince. How his heart yearned for the life Mm conduct as a ruler and power a replica. The original is in the district and welfare of his people'. This love of the Kingdom must command our highest! and appreciated the of the foreign of Hawaii. The orig- by our respect. Jn this respect he resembles Kg-- j race, lie would not oppose them in vain, of Kohala, Island King is illustrated m4 - a Hawaiian was shipped from Kurope in the ves- will as a berr of F.nsjT.md. who United its seven like- savage Indian and Asiatic chiefs. Ilia inal noble hospital, which stand - self-comma- - sel O. F. Haendel, which put into Port proud monument of the benevolent Fa-mehame- ha Vtmoloms liffnrp Ids time, the will f PJM ideli- e and Were Con- religious or super-- 1 spi uously shown in tlie case oi a loreign Stiinlev, Falkland Tslnnds, in distress. IV, and his gracious spouse, the chiefs and certain revenge The Haondal left her bones down there who is still with us. stitious fanaticisms had filled the place commander who had, in for mi Kamehameha was upon of law. ejnly was a crime v. hi. h injury him. etic.il alongside of his and the stated of "We will look now the resolute That l i.ee broueht up from the sea. with other face of the King with the strong arm. annoyed or injured the great man or v. ss. and wantonly destroyed a hundred w A chandl- P.ut imposed up- and twentv natives of Maui. When a piect'S of cari?o iind recka.ee. it.. ...:ive what Hawaii needs, a vigorous Kamehameha , and wt 11 foi on himself and chiefs, laws suppressing small vess.-l- which also belonged to this er bought the bronze at auction administration: and it will be by peo- it in of his establishment, i,..,- - o, ;i d authority, so violence and wrong calculated to restrain; man, had been seized some of his placed front i... led be si I!.:;':;-:-:'!- ; ' int ;.' 1 i ::i !' ple, arid th'- two exceptions. it would in a later no hnmeha V. - - - :dxVt.'V.. the powerful, and to benefit the common erew,with thinkiu.e' by Ka .- ' little that forcibly illustrattd h. w ww.nmr . . eon. a sion;i t e K'o to the I'ar-oi- 'f Islands to which it comes Where is the nob! people. In spite of his eminent pr.vd mass.K r.d. h" took care of time "Who next? t ' ii ii, that, was first consigned. It is not here, where i ami absolute prowess and genius, he did P' and ordered th" face of I.unalilo? - Vi -- i I i up on On March '.'.'K '2. the r.ritish sliip ihttl i,...ii.i l... l.nr nil the more conspicuous not make his own word the sob- found old be hauled the a'-- i (i ll in and the . ' - ';' : ..oT.i4:i---.'"-ny.'- tion of these new laws. He had Hi- - wis- by awnings until its of Dalhousie arrived llon.dulu by absence, like the statt i - to our minds 'iv..-,,,.,,,..,- ,.,. - S i Ol ..it,"- it away, soon spead it had aboard u me i dom to select superior men as his eoii:.- to fetch rumor about that of I'.rutus. wnen irom i,''":t(.i,ii::;1 ;;.ciii ,;r i'- b Md a rtfrmmitm. good sense to him- istie of this Hawaiian damaged and lost and recover. Rome, causing I'.rutus to "''"ii.Ue.ii.iii cillors and the rarrv ' the :ir pre-emine- nt rour-lol'e'ii- st vis- r.eioo 1 general ini-- hd'( iml: s a man of of Kiimt ham. ha. Those who in every h. art. W i;.1 j self in accordance with the r more i .' t - statue present all the I: i ' . irud.-t- of correct judg- saw the piece f .. f, t I of their advice. And more than this: of ited the vessel er'iit iai,.i he awai an i.eopie im : i I t it at presents In something I'l-ow- of a is handed down to us by the traditio-- of humane spirit, work in the captain's cabin, lie was of the blood those on.- - who. v.c-a- .and a mutilated as gods. atid his own people that he gave for. io his the ei'iii'i nt character of the worse for the were on.e esteemed i ill ;; ii::! ii story-wa- s that - ...... ittrm 11 captain's - .iin--.-v- i ot Ha- laws by uniformly obeying them himself. Wit: it i. or to the whole human race. hand rpiite prominent. The ' in the hearts i;in' arn He' to he shouM b lie had called at the Falkland waiians. avwiy like, a Ii;, said Vancouver that I that He passed u;, ; .ii ; Vi.l.i illUdl tl iU .1 H ;tit id ii.i: ll liiiiiiiiiniuiisi:: U.iiUiii He th. Kurope, ... . iiiirt44illil lit so ililpf Islands for provisions and had seen the coming tne gut oi iiign- - . the hist person who ought 1e violate th.. jiower of but his broueht country ! that we find the Monarch of statue in front of a "junk shop." As it politi 1 privilege to the people. established regulations of the er .iu governed. His power of self-restrai- nt was Ihiglaud writing to him ii letter was known that he was on a voyaee to now today, it the end Oi t!ie iiunuiei I. styling him 'Hi Majesty, tlie King Honolulu, he was urecl to buy the tieure vears. we Iac to face Willi Mill; STATUE OF KAMEHAMEHA indeed one of the marked eharad e rist if s. stand foi- - con- of the .Sandwich Islands.' accom- on speculation. This lie did after much the sev nth of the royal lnv He qualified himself being the - a. Kalakaua self-conque- panied by tin- pn s. of vessel, thorough st. nt and hiiRSilinK. At the time of the visit here found r. His Majesty ascended queror of others by a til.-- from the vote be- assuring him that he would cause of the ship Karl of Halhousio, W. X. the throne amid a storm, but this reign All that we know of him Armstrong was acting Minister of the In- ..; pat!'! ory, and honor, tion of the work, th" skilled lingers of tokens this . His calm and dignitied be- commanders to respect the Hawaiian Hag ; n 1 era have splendid onport iimtu s: ex- - thi 1 is r terior and determined to secure the statue privilege, as the and f i r a 1 ,C- our advanced Italian artists will b" employed. It havior on board Cook's ship: his prompt wh. revi thev might meet with it. is Kalakau's ; i for it pecte el oe m for tho Hovernment. The captain lirst annointed King ot nawau-an- s civilization mat me statue win uniMiru 9 e ?2,oO') treasure, lmally crowned and " Mid now I have rn .de rnv appeal. 1 the early part of this year, and will he asked tor his but to become the foremost of Polynesia, Leghorn, proceed by way accepted $1.2'. Public opinion heartily nav even of all aboriginal Oceania. And h ave it with vou, Hawaiian shipped from to cndorsetl tliis transaction and while there which we have Nobles and 1 As you care) of Liverpool, Glasgow, Bremen or IJoston was no appropriation for such a purpose, is "not this history at vour eountrv. vour nationality and en oute to Honolulu It is to be placed planced worthv of some commemoration. for , govern- proper arrangements were made and the keep epochs and their vour independence-- you win neeu it, itwi in the enclosure in front cd the ad- Ml nations their in a Building Aliiolam Hale. money paid at once. The captain I from her foundation, let your patriotism nnd expression ment lie had bronze eras. tome dated commemorate the most not- will mark a mitted that boueht the r:.-o.r.- o games, monument to The erection of this statue .....I from her Olvnmie Ice e great- from the chandler in Falkland Islands for Isle, ji while able vent hi your history, and tlie new and interesting era for Hawaii. It $;0a. The statue was set up on Hawaii land, the dreary, frozen little est of your her enlightened advance; and ceremony ago celebrated her thousandth year since illustrates a with much under tho direction I description of the older and enlightened nations will feel . her discoverv and settlement: and a King An excellent detail King- f Kalakaua, the late klne-- great nobles and statesmen from lor-- I statu.? has been published in Thrum's deep interest in observing that the replica, now standing in front of and in Annual, Hawaiian handbook and as it dom of Kamehameha, which sprang from The eign were, pleased to take part the - Judiciary buildine'. was received m lands great of t'nllv detiicts the work and the arrange- its progress on the the the celebration. The centennial tin- - barbarism, indicates Honolulu per .Liie ship Aberaman, Febru- i America and its celebration are fresh in meats lor it. tlie article is given completion of its first century, by calling ary, 3. lSX our memories. Ry commemorating not-- j abridged: upon the art of the highest civilization to "Murray Gib- renew as they re-- i In our Annual of h;7f we mentioned that provide a noble and enduring commemor- Tt was to the late Walter aide periods, nations h-T- S ac- they Legislative Assembly of had son, so loner a movine", striking and view their national life. And mark the provide for a ative monument. fieaire in the court of Kalakaua, that commemoration witti some monument made an appropriation to - was February 17,, the statue tive the was a tempie, monument, to commemorate the centen- It that a - now, the idea of statue to Kamehameha first or memorial. Usually it x was- unveiled as it stands here and , oi me iaw Mr. a ven- statu-1- or a medal, mouem nines, nial ot the discover- greatest Honolulu eocurred. tiibson had almost or a in i '.-- ViT-'li- I - ' , , ma- t.:. L .UOK and ' " "7 - n eration for the founder of the remarkable eras are marked by exhibitions of i. mi". 1"r,v - a can ever Know, was uunug tm- oto-natio- 1S7S. art. .Icarry worn, tne nnriointed it gen- works of out the Ka-Nawa- dynasty. It was July "'. that Mr. terial progress, as well as hi festivities and was one of the as neglected our opportunity special committee Mf ?rs. (iibson. All buildings Gibson member of the Cabinet, offered "We have . uine events of that period. p.-na- with in the Ietrislature the following-- which for an exhibition of our material pro- Kaai. t "leghorn and were in gala attire and the town had was once adopted: gress, we can mark the close of our t.owers to act tluring the recess of the weeks. The Ju-dieia- rv at but Assembly. been holidav dressed for Resolved, That the sum of $in.r.Yi be in-sort- ed epoch bv some work of art. building was especially marked in the appropriation bill, for a "In proposing this resolution, I have not Tlie Hon. Walter M. Gibson, chairman and ornamented with Hags and banners to commemorate centen- made up my mind as to the shape in of the Monument Committee. and the and a tremendous concourse had gath- - ; monument this our commemoration should mani- mover and originator of the cen- of Mr. Gibson nial year of discovery and that a com- which util- chief cred. Again was the hand mittee of live members of this assembly, fest itself. Some would appreciate a tennial commemoration, negotiated vit! at the helm. His opening was: j two be and itarian monument, such as a prominent an eminent p.oston artist Mr. T. It. Gould, throe Hawaiian and foreien, others, a building for instruc- design a of Kamehameha, "Your Maiestv, Nobles, and Gentlemen:; a ed hereby appointed ns a centennial com- lighthouse; for of statute at-lirm- are tion, or a museum: and I highly appre- Conqueror, as the Commemorative The Legislature of lsTS by resolution mittee to determine the kind of monu- in- the monument, commemorative! ment and to take ohareo of the expendi- ciate the utilitarian view, yd I am Monument. This artist had acquired fame that a a work of art. And what lite-lik- e of the discovery of these Islands, should ture of the appropriation. clined to favor as the author or" an admirable a Committee to M. is the most notable event, and character, " ar he erected and appointed WAIT Kll GIRSON, portrait statue of the celebrated tnf--e work, and Voted it PUT!! Aliiolani Hale July 3 InTS. apart from discovery, in this country for Governor" Andrew. of Massachusetts: nf tho else m-istf-- ronc-entio- or money sum of ten tnousano uuini: to What . - - - - a Hawaiians commemorate? 4l i l V A. Cl. . . l" The resolution was seconded by "W. Ti. of the archipelago i for "its execution. The occasion when; Castle. but the consolidation marble of Shakesp.. are's Cleopatra, and com- bv the hero Kamehameha? The warrior o works of art. 'this vote was passed was the centennial Those named for service on the chief of Kohala towers far above any titer discovery. The Committee quiciy were: Walter Murray Gibson, A. preliminary negotiations w of the me-- , mittee one his race in all Oceanica. His After the i appropriate S. IM. Kapena. Simon K. other of arranged by Mr. i. a contract w h concluded that the most Cle.chorn. John . vi.-- thoughtful and a statue j w.m-.- character, in of w a s morial of event would be Kaai and Jos. TC. Xawahi. These lands. This appreeia- - the artist for the of the statue this career cates Gibs-m- , noble minds of all Ksq.. and of Kamehameha L wdiose the eloquent remarks of Mr. I hope to promote drawn dr. W. Austin, discove ry. A , tion of Ids eh.iiraeter. , rm-r rcsid-i!t- O i from period of the ; M. l.'.r. f. the speaking to his resolution: my f. p-ti- win K. snsppeu with and nis iame n : th'-me- S Li:itue was procured, a.n "'i' f.-- Ha v..iij aetir.-- t "T do not wish to see the Assembly of raised as memento Hawaii. ecked on th'T way but with the sum , 1 1 VTi -- 1 1 1 w--- i e sv-- t Committee in p7S close without sayinc ;i v.ard in 1" T!,-.;vf- . i ts. cia v veil roc d bv wav of insurance a replica ': t y w.as stipulated overt i half of tho commemoration of the intro- I lawiiiiidi N r.d lb pres. been produce d, which has at'-i- ar- . has e e f i ..f bronze. h' h hi UtuhvI-odir- e r. tl ye pede.-ta- J.n.' j duction of this nrehip. e to th i.n-- i rived, and is now on its TV it in v t 'a dollars, pre sen t triis of the civib'e-- wot Id, one lumored ie-n- . Committee are now ready to 1 ! d ui-- rial aero. T shall r-- - trr. t. and T feel that g h a. m morial statue to th.e Hawaiian peop.i vo.irs ge 1 i j :1 fri- o ot 1 ii wa i iii '; s "w.e: t. e e : 1 . i r. :Pd m the artit As chairman ot all thou . - . i through vour Maiesty. 1 : h regret, to the cent- - tit. tl of d : s You nve n ver yet ontrib d Hawaiian tl..- - Committee, is now my t. erasing j it ion, hav 1 1 i r s st'.'-- a or'gitial Kotz. r.-ad- for cry pa ss y Ihodt noti towa cnmiemorati'm. - 1 : f.utv to the st..tt;e i t ; h un-- j '"Tli 1 1; V r 1 ; s i 'i ' us on tli. se walls were gifts, or. of Hon. your Maj ty to ere are use villi ill at I ' r and inUto -- ; t i ;' ' . T'! n com mem on it n , as there ma IV to be m t ri o'.iors from various '.' rait veil it." - ti-'- o"!-c-r-- s-. i - a found wh.o will mock at verv s nthn- Tit 1'rilish Parliatm at and tne Air- V of Humont interpreted hop-productiv- e ! 1"P'.; every thr.t is i m med ; I . ly a r.d other representative bodies of dd photogra, Tho Hon. J. M. Kapena and - ! - h;'-e- e.-o- b. , ( e- 1 l p. y .Tihii liter,, 'd sdat. s. d un- i'd" s. . al Ii. tir, lysiea remarks of Ills Lxcellfncy in the J.i-a.1- - of due result shane of vf royal e 1t-t,;w.- p f,t.v WH:.ah HIS si.v for monu- ancient ti , , I I of dollars the . . . u you to com- dress of thousands ' . - . i e. Hut what ask t -- dollars. ; r- -. pre co. ,. .! lie.- suti.u--- great chii fs ami ti cle . o linveil you n h to their H . memorate ITawa iia gislator? ments feat her e.c;.. wit: e Hawiiiian helmet. '""'i-- C'di--sig- ns i w a You, representatives of the people gath- such as Niipoleon, Wellington, Washing- i a! d and belt i worn by the taneotiflv as the statue was fired IV-n- Th.e re ancient the public view, a lloval salute ered hero in orderly assemblage in this ton, Howard. and with of'the ' band struck up 11a- - WALTER MURRAY GIBSON. ohle hall, panopli d with the insignia. Hawaiian I.egislattire must now prove its Haw from the battery, the i S.,1, B i ,i il . -j-. .--.- . , . -- -1 .m . -Hr I tt. i. I,... ft !.. ia- M.. ni.ii ... - fc T 1 V "if. in, - f- tn , , it...il,ii.n - .i. ...ww...... im. fr n IT. Mr .il nf t m.i- -l ,..,. t ,r f ., . nirn mr.T-- '",rit"tiQ.ji. U i(imTH IMiillil "if i ,1, r. ...-- .,:.-.-i , !.. !. J.Mj. ..g (.,i,fBAlma. ,J. J f, f. Jwei,,i....M.MW


r; 1. I: Illl-T- i : Is WOMAN'S EXCHANCE. to I . ! jut. ::ts.-"- - ABOU OLD f..- I!:-.ik- . 215 Merchant St. FLAG OF Hp.Wmi I GLORY .1 t ;:; e:h . Just received from "Morning Star" lit 1 i v I'. ;..f th. i . Isl- d it a'th W ! S a fine lot cf Gilbert and Marshall v. i and Mats, Atvick3. Tols, Baskets, t i : I : i 'J. . Spears. Corals. Shell?. Mother of Pearl Hooks, Hats, Cord?, etc. I ; Flai : ! Floated Ii) UUlLiU re-open- That Has B, iiiUl UUillLLl HUH Hair dressing department ed AND a LIFE FIRE f I' l ii t Tel. C59. WJ !' to rid Over Tliese Islands. jr'l ii.- Mdilj no 1A i.:-- ; - P it - !;i i. t H d- 's LVLI- A. DICKHV, st;t !';'. i i :i:ly. UL ri.--.- -r has !! ;! To Attorney at Law and - 't - - . rh- ! i LT i J i 1 i h l HISTORY OF NATIONAL BANNER ' FROM TIME Of .i.i' :,( ourit i K ane1 ; t II: ii 5 K'ln the r.ritish to th- - Nov, - w Notary Public. I;i The departure was An v a a 1 1 Telephone S0'3. AGENTS FOR . and bethel S:s. ) d l.y ; i:w j an ni'l this was during the in th aft t!a Kins t I 1 i.k P. O. Pox TS6. War i!' 1ML' twf.-- the rated States an British ho ist. d ? Fnnlnnrt Mnlnnl MIp tarnnrpfin Ii iit Britain. The Russian pointed out Pecently Compile! Account Claim of Paul ; oi.-- . w it n t hi 1 vn rds lit aw, t JHystery h - toll LliUIUiiU JIlUIUul Lllu bk'Ul UilUU UJ j t Concerning Design Mentions of First !.. the .!on.ir that display of the Rrit- siarri n. the k t of Wl:.-:i- ;a i -h or ag -- - i tlag lore would indicate sympathy Jones-Fl- Has Age An Inspir- ius nihark.-'- vi.lv nth u !sl l to AVILLIAM c. rAiiKi:, Use The Suggestion - OF BOSTON. i Act of a a.lli;iti .' with that nation in the war then liyiiiK a. lor i f s T :: v. - f th. ir oIrs h.-iri- K'am-tiamf-h- ii fon-t-o- v;m'-- l. saw the ing Emt!em. in siuVit of lari'l: i v uiiii Atn.-- i i- an - - lut : Russian. - . this at one- ami hastened to make- a s..l.ii.r. Van AiS'hil.- hv iiitin--- vliriih. i TTORNEY AT LAW. ii Insuronce GomDony .i - Hie (.harm.'. th.- i- tor. lown th-- ' oft'. 1!U . AND v j; ;tn.i s.-- i i ue mui s an., mi ipes ai-u- . FAIR AND FIRM. Iii!l view of th.- squadron. AGENT TO TAKE AUKNOWLEDG- - OF HARTFORD. It is !. however, that the M.i-- r MEXTS. it had been Mown in N'.-- York earlier i:i All Anecdote of Kanielianilia I, th.- - day. At sunrise a local hoarding Office: Kaahumanu St., Honolulu. the Warrior Kins. hous k. r. wnose nam.- historv d- CO., not ; to have preserved, ran up the J I'D. (Thrum's Annual). r t .and Stripes i 1 Sta over his residence. His r. unninir-tli- e CHARLES CLARK. Oari: action was ported to C : : 1. The following story, illustrative ol ha m. 1 Jritish provost marshal, who Queen Street, Honolulu, II. Ol-- ' ie) d the reb--- i ensiirn dow n, as th- - I nuinners and customs of the olden uarrison claimed military possession up Attorney Law. AGENTS FOR - - dis-i-- . to th.- hour of noon. Th.- b ing at I times, narrated to us a shore time since, order Ono-me- t'iiril'"l, Cunningham came in to 121 MERCHANT STREET. Hawaiian Agricultural Company, a is interesting, as showing remarkable haul .'.own the Mag. Befoiv tie could Honolulu Hale. Tel. 345. Sugar Company, lloaomu Sugar t touch it the mistress ,:,f the house ralii.d Company, i traits in the character of Kamehameha a Up Stairs. Company, Wailuku Sugar to its defense with broomstick, whicn Su- rf I, the warrior and which, we be- she wielded with sui'ii vigor and Success Waihee Sugar Company, Makee Kiri. that the provost marshal retreated jn gar Company, Haleakala Ranch lieve, has never before been in print. confusion, with th.- - loss of most of the CIIAS. 11 Company, Kapapala In earlv days of foreign inter powder in Ins wig. F. PETE SOX, Ranch. the 1, ! May 17:'", brought the Mrst change in Planters' Line, San Francisco Packets, course with these Islands, it was the Bos- j the Stars and Stripes. Vermont and Charles Brewer & Co.'s Lice to custom that all trading with the vessels K'-ntuck- had been admitted to State- Vttorney at Law. ton Packets. r j Congress should be done first with the King, then hood, and decreed mat the tlag AND Agents Boston Board of Underwrit- Chiefs, according to rank and j should thereafter contain MfUen stars and the their lilt. en strip.s. It soon became evident NOTARY PUBLIC. ers. i station, and alter tnem trie commoners. that the continual addition of new States Agents for Philadelphia Board of At the time of Captain Barber's visit BY FKKDKltlC VAX ltKNSSKKA Kit would destroy the symmetry of the Mag. 15 Kaahumanu St. and it was Captain s. K. "livid, of the to Honolulu, in the brig Arthur this UFA'. Cieiu-ra- l ( rl "hi urn's Annual, l'i.) famous privateer Armstrong, who custom prevailed, and in accordance 1 ma v suggested to Congress upon "The star spantrl d banner oh. n: the plan . M. K A.!N E A KUA , LIST OF OFFICERS: - Wo oxc.'.dinRly P'Kt'ft to roport an therewith, a short time after his ar- it wave which the Hag is built today. April :, J li the liistory of tlif by Kamehameha, O'er the land of th free and the lion' or i 1MV, saw the restoration in perpetuity or P. C. Jones, President; George H. s.ari was n fr rival, he visited i thirte.-- pr:-.-n- t - the brave'." the stripes, ami provision mad" Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Robertson, Manager; E. F. Bishop, llatc of th.s.- Islands, th' tim'1 of where a number of foreigners were lor ine audition oi a new star on every M.s adoption am! tin parties int r stcij in testing .lauding the good qualities The mysterious influence of patriotism Fotirth of July succeeding th. admission Treasurer and Secretary; Col. W. F. and Office: In the Occidental Hotel, Water-hous- e, its formation; hut aft.-- r iili nt inquiries has its fountain head in the jlajr of our j of a State to the I'nioi. Captain Jteid's Allen, Auditor: C. M. Cooke, H. of the Captain's rum. which he had for wife the rlag corner of King and Alakea streets, s voy-;iK'- S, upon us the made first with the original G. R. Carter, Directors. and rt'Si'iirrl through volntn of trade. On the King being seated, he country. It gleams from number of stripes, and with twenty stais, Honolulu. pt nianu-scri- to by; t liistorios, and early negotiated for and concluded a stars; it is fastened oifr existence arranged in the form of one giv-a- star. Honolulu, July 1S9S. journals durinj tin ji.ist thr. purchase, the same to be delivered him the immovable, unchangeable stripes. Its j "Old Olory" is among the oldest ot CLAUS SPBKCKKLS. VM. C. IRWIN. wo t!n- us Mags, although we are one of the young-e.- -t jc;irs, havo to acknowl. dco main the following day, but before leaving, brilliant red teaches to remember the The present Mag Spain lo'-- of nations. of & fa ft t in ol.livion, wliih rtl'ionoo desired to have a couple ot" bottles of heroes who brought it into existence to was adopted in 17v; th tricolor of Ki ancv P. SI LA A. CLAUS SPREGKELS CO., tlnroto in various V((y;if,r''s and historhs-ii- the rum. which was readily handed svmbolize the birth of freedom. Its c-r- in lTi'i: the I'nion Jack of Cn-a- t Britain, oonl'usinK and con tradirtory. ulean blue is emblematic of truth, of hon- i n ld; the banner of I'ortugal, in ivi; him. presuming it to be for the night's Italy, in lvl anil of Km- - 1 of the (lerman Bankers, Tli.-i- n ri I i r of trlory - is a ral idoa and use in a carousal. Kearly the next day or, of and of that kind pire, in 1V71. It is claim, d for the Stars AGENT TO TAKE ACKNOWL- many of our old tho .' Its spotless white jind no Mag edgments to - - - i. rnnoiiK Ilfsidnts that t he King came aboard, accompanied by which everlastin.tr. and Stripes except tnr Instruments, District of! HUAUbULU ii. s l nc-- if-- nt ll.iwaiiiin lias; was niado hy th.-lat- typifies; :hc purity of purpose which ac- ie or the British can possibly dis- Kona, Oahu. At W. C. Achi's office, SAX FRANCISCO AC KNTS TH F N N his retinue, with his arious containers, pute- AL-x- . - the claim that it has been in more VADA BANK OF FRANCISCO. ('apt. Ad;ims hofor..- his voya who conceived it. , King street, near Nuuanu. and seated himself in a chair on deck, tuated our forefathers battles, and lias waved ve-r- mote v.c-t- . in freedom; its s.-- to China in tlio hrii Ka;ihumaiu, f:.? to superintend the transfer of his pur- "its stc.rs are the coronet of lies em land and than any banner DRAW KXCIIANC. K ON ;ind was ly liitn lirst llown not only in watching the operation stripes, the scourges of oppression. in the world, and tie re is not a Kuro-p.-a- n SAN FRANCISCO The Nevada Bank of - - chase. After standard for which so many C. L. r f i Chin. so waters, hut on th.- coast, of Wherever it appears, it is the symbol ot mn GARVIN, M.D. San Francisco. closely for a short time, and perceiving have fought and di. d. Something 1 Ke im- power of safety; who LONDON The Union Bank of London, California. Others aiiin have the a difference of color from what was and the shield a million lives have been laid down, that (Ltd.) a t!.it,r trom to not the tyrants on the Stripes might Office No. 537 King near 't f pression that was hroiintit shown him, he dispatched an attendant elintrs it, all the Stars ami continue to street, NKW YORK American Exchange Na- we can iratlw r no In- c an protection. T1k re wave over the land of the free. ldna ly him; hut of obtained the day tear from its L'ntil two years ago Punchbowl. tional hank. to was for one the bottles more august, there can tie all the American 11 3 p. CHICAGO Merchants' National Bank. formation corroborative as who on receipt of which he sus- is no inlluence flags us.-- in the army and navy of the Hours: 8:30 to a m.; to 5 PARIS Coniptoir National d'Kscompto to design previous, which the Hag m.; 7 8 p. m. authorised in Chinese waters pended the measuring operation, called no holier thrill than that United States were manufactuivd at the to de Paris. a lla for this, even small kingdom, of our country inspires in every patriot's Brooklyn navy yard, but they are now Telephone No. 448. RKRLIN Dresdner Rank. for a glass, and received some of the also made at Mare Island, San Francisco. HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA-ITonpr-k- ong though the d. s. ri)tion Kiveii. viz: A St. open cask, breast." At these government factories the work Shanghai Banking Corpora- er rum from the then and VoiKe and St. Andrew's cross in the c An American poet has aptly termed our been reduced to an exact science. tion. glass he poured some has , 1 another ! tt !( I in with blue, with a held con- into banner the "Scarlet Veined." It scema The bunting is carefully weighed, the O. a. TKAPIIAG-JSN- NKW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA from the bottle. These he placed through which the heart colors tested with chemicals, the star?, Bank of New Zealand. sisting id' red and white stripes, shows up like a channel and stripes measured to the breadth of VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER Bank Jle-feMii- by ARCHITECT. iK side, held them almost virtually the Hast India lla.tr. side throbs of a mighty nation impel th life a hair, and every stitch counted witn of British North America. to Capt. Adams' journal, we tind to the light, smelt of them, tasted giving, liberty loving fluid of Its people. minute exactness. The Moor of the meas- cooly "Barber! here 223 Transact a General BanKinq s Excnange Business tiie following mention only, that touches them, then said: It generates the atmosphere of freedom uring room is a geometrical problem Merchant Street, between Fort closely all im-absor- b; which might puzzle a professor of math- in "April 1M: no all the same," eyeing him we it creates the higher and Alakea. Ap- upon the points question: saw was that breathe; ematics a sort of mosaic combination of Deposits Received. Loans made on K'imr of these Islands, havinpr the while. Barber he detect pulses which we it speaks to the polished brass, wood, and arith Telephone 734. Honolulu. H. I. proved Security. Commercial and Trav- the i oft' j hard er attempt to palm what he of Exchange stfon.ir passion to purchase the bri.ir (t'or-rest- ed in his highest and to the most lowly in the metic. The "hoist" of the standard tins elers' Credits Issued. Bills had weakened, but endeavored to paci- power, steadfast- - must, to the fraction of a millimeter, tie Bought and Sold. of London) and expressing the same even tone of of ten-nineteen- ths by assuring him it was - precisely of the length. B. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ACCOUNT- same, Cat. Klbotts and myself were ac- fy the King ne of unalterable and unqualified prom- Before the beginning of the present war T. CLAPHAM. ED FOR. him, some mistake, and he would have a with Spain, fourteen women were kept cordingly dej.uted to treat with but ise r, t cask of the better kind brought up. prophets or busy stitching flags; now then are forty-fou- VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST he would not purchase her without purpose, Tradition asserts that the and it is curious to see them work- would enter his service as her command- This, however, was all to no old were no more directly inspired than ing as diligently upon the Mags of Spain be-jn- jr Kve-r- OFFICE: HOTEL STABLES. er. I result intrly acquiesced, the bri.tr for .the King ordered all his containers was our own Washington in its selection. as upon the Stars and Stripes. to be emptied back, and his people to men, our national I'nited States ship carries a full comple- Calls, day or might, promptly I kiveii up to him at Kealakckua, and 'Picture those grand ment of Mags of all nations, and of signal I was canoes, and thus left the vessel, were gathered together answered. 1 called by him Kaahumanu their creators, as they Mags, made1 m by own Mil and all these are our accordintrly honored on takin.tr command telling the chiefs they might trade if in that grim old Philadelphia chamber, government. Just now Spanish Mags are Specialties: Obstetrics and Lameness. LIMITED. with the llatf of his Majesty and a salute they desired, he had got all he wanted. to consult and agree upon the adoption in especial our ships are even say, was searching the high seas for them: of eleven (runs. But. strange to no trading of a national emblem, as they had been a new design in which Robert Leweri. F. J. Lowrev, C. M. Cooke Ha-waiia- ns. There is the Capital Yen 12,000,000 general he- - brig Arthur by the do by Continental Con- Mag Subscribed This certainly refutes the done with the directed to the workers have made a special cllsplay Up Capital " 7,500,000 Ii. the fkiK was made by Capt. gress. There were as" many designs as of their skill the President's Mag. It lias LEWERS & COOKE. Paid that in never yet appeared upon a battlefield, nor Reserve Fund " 5,461,000 Adams, own shows a tkiK On loss of the brig Arthur, were solemn conclave, r, as his narrative the there nun at that Moated above a man-of-wa- but the Importers and Dealers In Lumber and to have been here before him: hut whetn- - October, 1790, on the southwest point and yet to Washington, upon whom all may come when an American chief mag- can- name. every making the- - grand our Building Materials. Office, r the present one or some other, we of Oahu. which now bears his rested, all hearts dei.ended, istrate, tour of YOKOHAMA. seriously troubled thought concentrated, there was not territory, may take it with If m to Cuha, 414 St. HEAD OFFIC1 not titer, for it is evident that there Captain Barber was conveyed ma Pico, or to Philippines. Fort por- of the na- among them one which to Porto the lias been more than one. in another at the thieving propensities heart's exalted hopes for the luture ot 4!M tion of his journal is an allusion to a tives, taking not only what drifted his country. BRANCHES AND AGENCIES: Mai; but also without description mat ashore, but appropriated to their own He alone submitted no design, lie hac. BUILDER AND STREHCTHEHER. HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. has no doubt rise to the idea of ins imagined many, but was satisfied with London, Lyons, New York, : use whatever they fancied from the Kobe, making the tlay. where, at wainy-a- none; and at last, perplexed, he rose la Shanghai, Kauai, at whLdi port he had touched stores-stoc- k of trade, or portions of the his place, so to state. Just thea the sun- Steam Engines, San Francisco, from Honolulu tor supplies. yi route tor his trouble he came light streamed through the diamond That is the Term an Ottawa Lady Applies to Bombay, Hong Kong. 12, 1MT Cave vessel itself. In BOILERS, SUGAR MILLS. COOLERS, China, he notes: "March seek from paned window of the gablv, high above the Kim our ciisinn to hoist in li.u or up to Honolulu to assistance their heads, and f 11 upon the table be- BRASS AND LEAD CASTINGS, Transacts a General Banking and it was on account Young, together tney con gleams begat Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. the liussian. who said John and fore him. The prismatic And machinery of every description Exchange Business. of his haviutr no otlier." cluded to set out for Kailua, Hawaii, colors and resolved themselves into shape many (Canada) Specie Bank: It be borne in mir.d that the allu- eyes. The framework of the Among in Ottawa made to order. Particular attention Agency Yokohama is to Kauai, and whither Kamehameha had gone. Tak- before his vion here is to the Kin.tr of window separated the bars of light in and ihe vicinity who have been bene- paid to ship's blacksmithing. Job New Republic Bldg., : Honolulu, H. I. ;, not Kamehamyha. as Kauai was under its ing a boat, they set sail from Hono- th.ir descent, so that when they met l- ot way by use work executed on the shortest notlc. '' own Kintr till -l. atid his possession lulu, reaching Kailua at early morn. again upon the table they became stripe fitted one or anothe the lla.t: whih- - the principal town white-- . Washington raised his a liussian passage. of red ami Journ- -- was occupied by a Kussian colony, was after a somewhat tedious iu eves, and through the window saw the of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the THE- no! strange. find that the King was in the woods blue- - dome of heaven beyond, where so al has learned of the ease of Mrs. Gil- M. W. McCHESNEY & SONS. v ot Capt. battlefield, lie ; these theories A.ans directing his canoe builders. Off they rnanv nights, upon the ha V. of by his own writings, Instantly christ, wife of Mr. T. Gilchrist, : authorship exploded to lay complaint, and watched' the glimmering stars. ,H : search was made in other directions, with started their he saw the Mag of freedom. Hintonburgh. Mr. Gilchrist keeps a Wholesale Grocers and Dealers in Leather and VI the followimr result: Vancouver in his came up to the royal party about noon, Historv has not recorded the words in last visit. IT'.i.'., when he assured Kame-hameh- a just as the King was dividing rum which he gave the fruits of his inspira- grocery at the corner of Fourth Av-e- . Shoe Findings. lie An W of Ihiland's friendship and pro- was tion to that august assembly, but with uavo him an Kntrlish Mat;, which around among the workmen as suggestions were adopted, and Cedar street, and is well known tection, one voice his V Will Collectiyour Accounts for we find bv Archibal.l Campbell, in Ins said to be his custom passing some to on 14th of June, 17... Congress as Agents Honolulu Soap orks Company 1mh;-1SIJ- and the to a erreat manv neonle in Ottawa ," ar- - Mag "voyaj-i-o 'round the world. Young on learning their errand. Bar- resolved "that the of the I'mted and Honolulu Tannery. you a Prompt ancTSat :,t ihcs;.. islands Doeemnei sea and States be thirteen stripes of alternate well as to the villagers of this suburb in i fo r he ber feeling exhausted from his th:it lie Kntrlish colors were used. i. red and white; that the Cnion be thirteen Capital. Mrs. Gilchrist states "Tii.. ICinti's residence built clos shore trip, desired Young to ask the stars, while in a blue field, presenting a of the & CO. isfactory Manner. ,'.',',',,' ill., shore and surrounded by a l:il a drink, as Thirteen has proved a down" condition WING WO TAI - King if he might not have new constellation." that while in "run IH...H tht hind side. was distin- and could not to be America's lucky number. 214 NUUANU STREET Viished bv the r.ritish colors." he felt, indeed, thirsty, It is onlv fair to add that there is an- during the spring of 1S97, she was I1: r.rv.. stMtrs (n. '.'ii). deseribintr the per-- understand why he had been so slight- account of the source from which up by tsn;. of tin Matr other Stripes was greatly strengthened and built Crocktry ..Lout sneaks ed. Young replied that it would not the pattern of the Stars and - Ivory, Lacquer, Silver and FOUR ACTIVE COLLECTORS are v ii i viz. : of- Pills. r uimil.-- r to the nresellt. so. (Bar- drawn an account that is less pictur- the use Dr. Williams' Pink Ware3, Screens, Vases, Rattan continually on go, and others will ' union with seven alternate,! red. do for him (Young) to do he. esque, but perhaps more historical. It is Sneaking of the matter to a Journal the "I'nuUsh stripes." This, however, ber) would have to ask himself. So, Washington's coat of Chairs, Crepes, Silks, Cigars, be added with the increase of business. white and blue his pointed out that renorter. she stated that while able to is not corroborated by Lord T.yron in mustering courage, he asked the King consisted of stars and stripes, ami was from Etc., Etc. Returns made on all bills collected f the l'.londe in M'.'i. in which he either he or, more probably, some go about at the time she far 1 to that ls-ii,- ) collection. .i,,:..'..-n..- - days if he might not have a glass refresh sub- - the day after tli.. thitr as follows: "cn all other member of the committee mere well: her blood was poor, she was of i : st hoisted a mu e Special rates for special classes ..r' ii... imlwich flair is him, so long travel in uie vidence as to the individual ie-rt-. (in A Inrl ISfnfnr U.fnrln fln and after actual to headaches, and felt tired after nn nil n Ondn ...i the forts! it has seven white sun. Kamehameha looked at him originator of the design adopted th.se IISU UUIBII dUliil HU1G1 bills. ,.;i. ii... I'niivi .lack in the cor- - you heraldic emblems as no less appropriate the slightest exertion. She had read mm uu.f No. 256, or call sternly, and said: "O. Barber, no com- Ring up telephone f PP- - the of the army he nr different times of cures effected by ner." l felt for banner LIMITED. 210 King street, for further 1 tm i Mlmost the Kast India llasr like rum; you like water." Barber manded. of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills around at .l..-i- l the use I ore ...il Mtnl eOlllUSCS IIIC seat, mi of former action keenly. Be this as it may, historians agiv" that, Information. the rebuke his or" try them. She wa; Esplanade, Cor. Allen and Fort Sts. ;i f as to when ine seeiai some time during the first days that and decided to i ter truth King, however, passed him the - changes took iiac II Jarves is correct The eventful June, Washington, accompanied benefited by the first box and con- Hat,' . and ho certainly bottle. After the noon meal, and the of the committee, u - i in the he describ. no bv other members tinned tiieir use tin: ii sac nan um-- HOLLISTER & CO., AGENTS. WM. G. IRWIN & CO., i u;is in a position to know whereof King hau learned the particulars of the called upon Mrs. Klizab.-t- Boss at her- wrote, it is a i.piivc crror.lll 1 lO recoiorr object of Arch street, 1 'hilailelphia, and from a five boxes, when she considered LIMITED. 1 Arthur, and the - pie-pu-- ed of voya;-;-. ."of the Monde to trive so loss of the rough draft whicn he had made sn-- self ouite recovered. Mrs. Gilchrist ' the UVS- - cooly Barber to go - h-- m-ii ii tT..v..n t one nine years later. The his visit, he told th.- first Mag. Washington's savs she always strongly recom- LEWIS & CO., and Manager s - that Wm. G. Irwin President ... i.,..- ii:i eii-h- t strines repres Captain wished Young to contained stars of six points, but 1 Tho Vice-Preside- nt , ..;.'.i7f white, re back. live- - mends Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a ! Spreckels i I .i. ni,i of the uroun King and know his mean- .Mrs. Boss thought that points would Claua i blue, iiwith Cnion Jack in the corn.r entreat the make ihe in more symmetrical. She com- builder and strr.gthenet', when any o? W. M. Giffard.. Secretary and Treasurer md m the l.;ise. ing, remarking: "Are we to get no Mag in twemy-iou- r hours, and fliil Retail Grocers Hunt,., who was here pleted the are weak or ailing. MBOle Ci.ot. ft - her friends Theo. C. Porter Auditor lisk in 1M-- is said to nave cna.eo help for our pains: an mis mp 101 ii was reee-ive- with ei husiasm whoree- pills cure not by purging the - relative position- ot the colors ot tn. Young said there was disnlaved. "Betsy Boss was manufac- These 111 FORT STREET. bv phuin.tr the white on top in- nothing?" But turer 'of Mags for the government for system as do .ordinary medicines, but SUGAR FACTORS strii.es - bottom, though there is no help for it; there was nothing left many ears, and was suee.-e-dY- by h- r strer.gth- - 240 : : P. O. Box. of 'at the ad-din- enriching the blood and Telephone, stead of ir re- bv AND n of this beintr the time do but to obey. They t hi'.dren. - possibility .yr.n for them to e n l n g th-- nerve-- . They cure rhmma- a I the eitrlith stripe. J arves and therefore, to Kailua. and found A volume could be written upon fhe , only s.-ve- Capt. Hunt is turned, early liistory of the Stars and Stripes. tism. sciatica, locomotor ataxia, para- COMMISSION AGENTS luentionintrI with .Icsiur.iMtr the royal the boat had been already provisioned There Iras been much oontrove-rs- as to troubles, erys'p.las and all H. MAY & CO., ? aecredit.d shoving oft. appearance on field of battle. lysis, heart standard now in use. for the return trip, and on its lirst the Ladies will find ; bun- "My hand hoisted the first American forms of weakness. i a native, bearing a small, white .loin s, pug- medicln? for nil AGENTS FOR THE t Mag." declared John Paul the them nn unrivalled j ? 1 sheets, where lam-ou- s ';' '" dle, sprang on the stern Scot who afterwards became sex. restoring ? m'--. nacious peculiar to the Sin wm (Thrum's Annual. speaking to any one. as captain of the B.mhomme Rich- ailments Oceanic Steamship .Company t he sat. neither th--- . vigor. is no other lie b n one of and There have h -:-- contained an article trip. On the ard: but this must halrh : The Annual for P'i nor sleeping the whole earlier banners, as the final pattern had medicine "just as good." See that the -:- - 9S FORT STREET. Of San Francisco, Cal. lla.tr. which, thoutrh reaching Honolulu, he was the adopte d when Jon.-- s was ing on the Hawaiian boat not been Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for : O. In- ing-Alfre- d. full nam0. 22 : P. Box, 47t unsatisfactory from is to leap ashore, and was lost sight as lieutenant on the jcevoiuuonary on every you Telephone, as first ate John Adams claimed th" Pale poop! is pacicage was as full and reliable Barber's things i ROOMS. completeness, of. The next afternoon honor for a New Knuland o nicer. as ViUV. BEAVER LUNCH al- - our disposal placed - the time ami means at were all being brought in and " h- sai'i. "that th- - lirst American .Toll- -. ?rrd by all drt'er in medicine I,. KO:SG- YKB. St., Opp. Wilder & Co., r'V-- ' Fort lowed. side by side at Pakaka. Robinson's bv Captain Manly, 1- Hag was to (I. - Ksq.. British struck ' courtesy of Cihnan. of rope, bolts and and the tirst s : J. NOLTE, Prop. i I'v the wharf even to pieces was a Massa--hnett- sui-o- " II. i h s or ldrn" Manlv - res. arch, - Tailor. kind one - B- 1 .if Boston, and the The silent voyager had been who-- , s- hoon- r, the e. captured the Merchant .' nans. - woman - . . - I , ,1 1 i'i gin- - There is onlv fine admiral in s t Mntt-Kmith. ommis- -v ' a t ii-i.- t Opp. Stables. ss Hawaiian 1 1...... liritwh almost at the St., Club First-Cla- un V I.,., t n IvlllU s s o hju Nancv r- - 6232 Fort Lunches Served I' resi- - Tie ..f war. His ensmn was pr :he world, the Queen of Greece. She "Washington, both former to up all the l- jfonrr at a rovafcommand deliver o-- i!au of w h n following ex- - with ,i.i of the nine tree navy, TO ORDER AT REA- With Tea, Coffee, Soda Water, t I dents of these Islands, the belonging to the wreck of the brig different patterns were t'own a hol.ls this in the Russian FINE SUITS t ' v - :11 IsC, several Ginger Ale or Milk. Open ..., iu.-.... Tolvnesian of May early as the battle ot Bunker Hill, an honorary appointment conferred up- SONABLE RATES. tract, uoin Arthur. 1 j 3 a. 10 p. m. ... ' - as athxin.tr tlif lr was i.rohaMv at ort Schuyler, then - from in. till JS valuahh- in nil his intercourse Czar, cleaned and repaired, Satlt- R'V.ll.1., i.'ninmoiia British, that the Stars on her by the late because her Suit3 - latest ly tin j 3 iiuui"..--,,ll,ni'ivltlfin.' of dealings" foreigners. showed 01 . guaranteed. Smokers' Requisites a Specialty. i time ami IvnO de- - and with and Stripes us "'.ipi'.. - father held the rank of high admiral. faction which, in the Annual of friend Til'.' h.le:;guered patriots had some ditfi- Tmro i he was ever their 4 3 i ted its hat fined the period as is and cored ) Hi

i, '

M i i :

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down in the business portion of the here, mostly frame an. I the material have a large retail house on Beretania gan Stove Company of the "Mammoth Chicago is noted for its number oT IN THP RIISV P.ITY city. The first place we stopped at is all imported. The tirm of street. called the Citv Feed Store. Garland Stove." They have a fine new wheels .vcen daily on its streets and la a i III WUWI was a large white coral building locat-- i Leweis A: Cooke largely control where a large business is hand ed. Mr. line of aluminum ware, refrigerators the parks, but for its size Honolulu Will e in large yard enclosed by an iron the lumber and building material in- - T. J. King is manager and treasurer. and ice t n am freezers and carry a compares favorably with it. On tho fence, This building with many others terest in Honolulu. On their wharf ami (Veil Brown president. Captain V. B. large stock of the Wilcox Gihhs and road to the Waikiki Beach can be seen vice-preside- ' - of likt character near by is occupied lr their warehouses you will lind thous- - dodii l'V nt, and C. M. V. Automatic Silent running sewing ma- hundreds of wheels daily. We are able to Chicago wheel v II A: Company Limited, one ands of feet of pine lumber from Forster secretary, of the concern. chines. rent our favorite honclnli as HackfeM planta- - '"The Sterling" a much lower rate It Appears lo the of the largest wholesale hou-e- s on tiie lsl I'u tret Sound, redwood from Although there is much difficulty in They are agents for several at r, grow in Life. home, trom the Pacific Cycle ago Captain H. n.- - California: glass and corrugated iron 'ing hav or grain certain fruits tions and do a large business than at and. Fiftv vears Hat - You can bii.-he- Belgium. in cul- Represent- Manufacturing Company. feid est d himself here m a Hit from England. Germany and here abundance. Heretofore the Fire and Marine Insurance. Eyes of In-- Visitii Americans. dry .store. They eairy a complete line of mattings tivation of fruits, especially the pine- ing the New England Mutual Life I purchase a wheel from this company at retail floods and notion This same you can from mo small store gradually .,')' w into a from China and Japan and have two apple has been carried on in negligent surance Co. of Boston and the Aetna the price four-maste- freight s d Chicago merely added. larger one. and during la :er vr.-ar- into large schooners. the manner, but the Island people are jus; Insurance Co. of Hartford. firm with - story build one uf the largest wholesale establish- Robert Lewers and the Alice Cooke. beginning to grt a move on them- Having had occasion to purchase They occupy a large two These schooners on their trips to other selves about th development of thei: some fans we drove up lo the two story ing "cm .Fort street and do their own ments in the country, with a branch bicycles; UP TO DATE BUSINESS HOUSES European house in Bremen. They now ports for lumber and other goods carry fruit industries. building of S. Ozaki who occupies enamelling and in fact build - ; a have eight vessels plying between here thousands of tons of sugar. This com- The largest fruit dealer is D. large store rooms in the Waverley to order. They have quite largr . i e i one of men putting wheels together and Europe, also a number 01 iarg pany occupy a large building on Fort Ci. Camarinos of the San Francisco-Californi- a Block on Hotel street and found force sailing vessels between here and San street where they have their offices and Fruit Market, who carries of the most complete Japanese outfits, and on repair work. The Sterling has; th? Uuite Like Rest of United States. salesrooms. Here you will find a com- the largest and finest line of Califor- consisting of ladies' embroidered tea prestige here equal to any other wheels. that met our was a larg sales- - plete stock of builders' hardware, nia fruits, also a full line of canned gowns, some worth fifty dollars which They carry in stock the well known Cold Climate! Progress Amid - a room, running tne iun lengin oi me paints, wall paper.- and matting. The goods, frozen oysters and provisions. are a dream being all hand embroider- Morgan and Wright tires and full Tropical Verdure. building, neatly filled with samples of above company is composed of Robert Mr. Camarinos ships to the Coast tons ed, also handkerchief cases, gown, bu- line of bicycle sundries. Mr. T. V. -- C. M. pine-apple- s. cushions, goods ev-er- description. To Lewers, F. J. Lowrey and Cooke. as reau scarfs, doilies, sofa etc. King. Manager of the Cycle Company drv of - oi the native fruits such the left of this room is a large office They have a large trade also through- alig.it or pears, mangoes, bananas, co- The display of Satsuma. Imai, lviitany very kindly furnished us wheels to vis- where quit a little army of clerical out the other Islands. coanuts, bread fruit, in fact all the tro- and Cloisonne china is of the finest it the beach at Waikiki. What a de- We reached sight of land Many new will be pical be on Islands. assortment. China sets, silks ami lightful ride it is: We started early the about force were as busy as bees. We heard frame residences fruits to found the be T,:'.yA) a. m. Remington erected on the Island especially in the He carries none but the choicest Cali- satins of the finest quality are to in the afternoon and passed a number The first view was a low the familiar c.ck of the very prices. Mr. among Minis- type-writ- er during the next goods are had at reasonable of beautiful homes them range of mountains looking a dim and learned that this com suburbs of Honolulu fornia fruits and his canned years ago and pany not only used several in their twelve months on the new electric car of the finest brands. He does the largest Ozaki came here five ter Sewall's which is not far distant gn en light. , . i ... at present ad- we spent in the early morning The own oinces, out were soie agents r..mi lines. Buena Vista, a property formerly wholesale and retail business on the has been established his from Wright's Villa where mountains do not seem to reach a great belonging to the late John Paty. has line, and is well known dress two years. He has also two the afternoon bathing in the surf. Tho this standard machine, which is known Island in this liq-o- ur as best yet been purchased and laid out in magnifi- in the business circles of Honolulu. other stores here, one a wholesale proprietor and his wife received us in height and are rather regular in their throughout the world the a provision house. and made us put upon the Mr. V. YVolters, cent lots for building purposes by Orders received through the telephone house, the other a most hospitable manner formation. As we get nearer the town market. com- At he has stores and his They have a large one or trie company, wno o me a Bruce Waring & Company. This are promptly attended to. Kauai three feel right at home. slope down, sub-divisi- on call- goods represented all over the overlooking ocean which the mountains gradually has won a host of friends by his cour pany have also a new Almost every residence in Honolulu are veranda the tract, of about twenty-seve- n is always crowded with guests watch- forming a gentle declivity almost into teous and genial manner, personau ed Bunahou bus n telenhone. There is only one was next very popular the city. The houses nestle among the conducted us through the dilterent acres on Wilder avenue. The telephone company here, "The Mutual The Honolulu Iron Works ing the "bathers. This is a plain the man electric car line will also pass by on on visited. Here they employ several resort and many of the residents of trees, which have a brilliant green hue buildings and made a Telephone Company, Limited" the men and by the clang of ham- during tho ner which cms enormous uusiness two sides of this property. This is of and Merchant streets. hundred Honolulu remain there and it looks as if spaces had been open- in a and many corner Alakea mers and the general rush all through warm months, away from the noise and was managed. We passed from one charming spot for home It is the only telephone system of its we ed between the trees and the houses an have already completed building, real- - single their works, we soon realized that heat of the c ity. Guests can be accom- large building into another, and kind in the world, being the place in town. and re- in there, so branches floors of each filled with a izing that the rapid transit will make "Law had struck the busiest modated with bathing suits snugly laid the other, the resi-- wire or what is known as the is the steam engines, sugar everything possible is original position different line of goods giving one tne this property valuable for private ! System." This system gives excel-- ! It here that freshments and would resume their a They are now filling the lake mills, boilers, coolers, iron, brass, lead done for their comfort. impression that they were visiting denees. lent service to the public and the rent machinery of every de- and partially cover the houses with houses, instead of ' of the Cyelomere Park which comprises no one castings and The evenings here are generally number of wholesale for a machine is so small that scription is made. It is very interest- just enough openings to show part of one. We walked through avenues, each about 10 acres and when completed will need be without one. The rate for a pleasant and the moonlight surf bath- ' go through works. We j of ing to these sur- out in lots, and lies mauka -- Wright's Villa cannot be the roof, and here and there a green side of which were barricaded to the be laid house telephone is two dollars and a a large shop where ing at Ameri- j Queen street car line. This tract first went into passed. This place can be reached by nainted shutter at the. window. As the rafters with fine European and the half per month and for business houses some thirty men were setting up sugar can goods; through cellars lighted here is part of the original Kewalo purchase. and offices, four dollars per month, so street cars, carriages and by wheel, the steamer crept up to the wharf we were manager of Bruce Waring machinery and mills. Then through by many, and after and there with electric, lamps, tilled Mr. Desky is ; at that low rate everybody can afford thirty latter is preferred greeted with shouts of "Hi-Hi.- " Look- & Company, who control the real estate into another room where about kind one has an appe- with wines, champagnes and liquors oi to say "Hello." The first time we had re-i.M- ir a jaunt of this on Island. They are locat- more men were doing all kinds of can only be appease! by a ing down we found about a dozen boys all kinds. This firm has a branch House business the j occasion to use the telephone here, we tite that Hawaii, ed in a handsome suit of offices in the nnd iob work. Then into the By the way mere is in the water with forms erect and with in Hilo also one in Kailua, looked around for the "slot" to drop shop where twenty-fiv- e "Dutch lunch." and many retail stores on tne cinterent Progress Block. our nickel in, and were very much blacksmith's no brewerv here but they do not need a considerable; nart of their shoulders very men were engaged in doing heavy & Islands. They handle about 50,000 tons It is rumored that in a short j surprised to find there was no charge one as Macfarlane Co.. importers and they such new road will be erect work; we then went through several in wines and liquors showing. How maintained of sugar yearly and employ tnousancis time the electric i for accommodation quite different wholesale dealers cars a thing ot the the other shops and then out into the large car loads of - - - high sugar plantations. ed and the horse on hand at all times an nnriirht.j ". J nosition and stand so of natives on their to the system we were accustomed to in ninety men have 4 boiler yard where at least -- made. apparently no They are also sole agents for thirty past. the States. and Schlitz beer, he beer that nut of the water with one large build They have now a fine electric plant were busily engaged in pounding famous." In Milwaukee coffee plantations, and in on immense boilers. These Milwaukee motion whatever of their, hands, is ing is devoted to coilee and contains which the Hawaiian Electric Company One of the principal banking houses working there is a garden called "Schlitz Gar- more tlnm we can understand. They one nnsn established five years ago. This com- the citv is Clans Spreckles A: Co., who iron Works eomnare favorably with den" it is a beautiful spot filled with a large coitee mm. io buuum banking and ex- States, they do not were trying to induce the passengers isiting this special part of the busi- - pany furnishes light to the whole city transact a general the largest in the trees, flowers, birds, music, and at all ... .i - : i. AT.--v is located as tney .i t7 the exception of the Government change business. This bank have to solicit business nae cut flowers decorate tho to throw them money and as soon as ness. it as inueeu iiueie&uus. with Merchant and can comfortably do times choice took an elevator and went to the top buildings. We had a very pleasant visit on Fort street between ore than they tables. No stranger ever visits Milwau- il coin was thrown into the water that buildings and Mr. Theor-dor- e Queen street. The firm make loans without solicitation. I ney employ floor of the building, here we stepped through their commer- shop kee without seeing this garden. This is one instant about twenty-fou- r brown heels a room directly under tne root Hotiman. the genial manager per- on approved security, issue about fifteen men in their pattern here, which is not at off into us through the power cial and traveler's credits and buy and and eight in their drafting room. 1 hey of the favorite beers showed where the heads formerly called the drying room. Spread out on sonally conducted partner- all surprising, as it will be remembered ice-maki- ng and cold storage sell bills of exchange. The are the sole agents of the National was a slight ripple on the the lloor were thousands of pounds of house, that at the Philadelphia Exposition in stood there parchment, we did plants. In addition to lighting the city ship consists of Claus Spreckels of San Tube Works Company of New York World's Fair in Chi- in a tew sec coffee still in the W. G. Irwin of Honolulu. a large filled with '"7G" and at the water then all was still not remain here long as it was the and homes with electricity they also Francisco and and have warehouse cago Schlitz beer received the first twelve heads appear again and electric plants and generators Their San Francisco agents are the iron nines, fittings and everything that and nds hottest place we have as yet found furnish of San Fran- T award for purity and excellence one holds up The coffee coming from of all descriptions and have on hand a Nevada National Bank belongs to heavy hardware. the lead in every the owner of of them in Honolulu. and cisco. Mr. William u. Irwin connect- foundry is a very busy place. has since maintained his hand showing the coin between his the other Islands is nearly always large stock of wire, chandeliers competitive analysis that has been saving thoroughly dried electrical goods. ed with this firm, is also President of thev cast from ten to fifteen tons of otner neers. finfrors to illustrate the that the damp, so it is first firm of Wm. G. Irwin & Co., Sugar daily. We were surprised to see made in competition with irives up its treasures." Then the in this room before it is discharged In connection with their electric the iron Macfarlane & Co., are the sole' agents "sea re Factors and Commission Agents, as the large number of liawauans at. coin is deposited in his mouth as of down on the next floor into a large light business they have an ice and "Oceanic on for this beer. ng representing the plant, and floor is the the ice-maki- well as work throughout their course they do not have a pocket in the hopper. On the ground frigerating plant. In Steamship Company." we found, they were very Opposite the Arlington Hotel a ice inquiry that y rloth" around the middle of their coffee mill. The coffee is thoroughly department, they have Fricke they excluded grounds is a handsome three-stor- and we got oft the machine, capacity fourteen tons of ice Honolulu can boast of several large proud of the fact, that bodies. As soon as cleansed from dirt and dust after it lo- labor, and employed basement brick building occupied by every twenty-fou- r hours and one hun- business blocks and especially one entirely Asiatic we took a walk up town and then "up-to-dat- e" steamer, is thrown into the hopper and stor- on Bethel and Hotel streets natives wherever they could to their the firm of J. Emmeluth as wjO got out a little it seemed to us to passes down a chute into a huller dred thousand cubic feet of cold cated Company makes a spec- ice manufactured is strictly known as the Waverley Block. This mutual advantage. There are more & Co. This ho tlin most beautiful place one could where the parchment is separated from age. The building and Company, ialty of porcelain and enameled hath Most of the houses are set passes pure as the water is boiled twice is a large handsome stone Hawaiians employed by this conceive. the bean. The bean then freez- occupied by three of the best any one on tubs, marble and porcelain lavatories back from the street and the grounds through another chute into the polisher and filtered five times before is now than by other institution every description. plants. separat- ing. How the soldier boys did known firms in the city. the Island, and a great many, in their and toilet fixtures of in front are set out in tropical and from there it goes into the & importers and deal posi- They been in business here for spread beautiful is distributed enjoy this pure cold water, and Ordwav Porter, employ, are holding responsible have Immense palms their ing machine where it kept several ers in furniture and upholstery, oc being remunerated as highly as the past twenty years and formerly various pockets the Electric Company tions Nuu-an- u leaves over other bushes with and thrown into six different water for cupy the large corner store where any skilled mechanics. This occupied a store on Merchant and ( some a bright crimson, of bean. At- clean barrels well filled with other oiored flowers, according to the size the stay Hono- a fine display of furniture company of but few share- streets. The first floor is used yellow some are bags which their use during their in thev have consists of- some blue, some and tached to these pockets ice plant nf nil kinds. Thev have been in the among whom are the owners as a store and salesroom, with the white. Cacti of various forms are to receive the coffee which by this time lulu. The whole output of the holders, large, every sold to the People's Ice Company. furniture business here for the past of some of the principal plantations fice in the rear. They have a be seen in every yard, while few is ready for the test room. In this is street, but of busi- by electricity. On the spread find many Japanese The cold storage is an immense build- five jears on Hotel their here. The increased amount elevator run vards the tall cocoanut trees room you will sep- inorMSPfl trade compelled them to compelled to make the is a 'fine display of in every direction, what you would ing divided off into a great many ness has them second lloor there their long branches women sitting before tem-neratu- re spacious quarters. ranges, manu- up branches sewing machine, but arate rooms which are kept at a seek their present bold step to remove their entire works "Superior" stoves and and looking to where the first tnink was a 4G they use secur- they tree about twenty or investigation we found this machine of from 32 to degrees. They occupy two floors which to a larger site which they have factured in St. Louis, for which start from the on for rlps: nnd samnle rooms. Here you ed near the harbor, where, in a short are sole agents. The third floor is twenty-fiv- e feet from the ground, there a large musnn nana on wmui Here you will find real Alaska weauier the to have you had your seal skin sack will find furniture of up to date styles time new and modern buildings will filled with sheets of copper, iron and you would see the cocoanuts, forming a the coffee passed back and forth betore and wish worth up completely a great they operated the with you. In several oi the large rooms Thev have thousands of dollars be erected and fitted tin, and hero you find a busy repair cluster all around the tree. In these women while were hung of stock, in their warehouses, all of modern improvements and ma- many of grounds also on the with their feet. It was won- hundreds of dressed beef with all shop. The basement is filled with the machine along on pulleys, in the other rooms the latest design, which they import chinery. They carry houses, is a climbing vine with a dark derful to see how quickly they would leading Eastern factories, and stock and sdove repairs. some- - and cast it were tons oi uuciei , cnccsc, hhilo, nv. from the The wholesale district as in other a of bath tubs as will be groen leaf and a light blue flower nick- un the vellow bean large room is de the vast amount of furniture this corn water as fine line "forget-me-not- ." per- pass minitrv. and one large cities is down near the Rockies. thing like a The aside while the good bean wouiu oysters. The pany handle, enable them to sell found this side of the l fish canned oldest and largest from-al- Mowers was simp- on a large bin to be put into sacks voted to and merely front. One of the Nearly every one rides either horse fume these into company to rooms are about 18 fnnst nrices with cost in locality is the firm of M. ly perfect, and as we walked along we readv for the market. This doors these members of the firm this back or in carriages which go tinner quantities, inches thick and weigh 1700 lbs.; they of freight added. The S. Grinbaum, Ltd., on Queen street. They saw a Japanese man and woman water- also handle rice in large A. Ordway and K. 1. 1'orter. the undignified name of hacks. plantations. are made of mineral wool. firm are G. This company is what is caneo a clos- only by one horse and driv- ing their plants, they were dressed in being agents for several warm the former- are drawn costume, the man and Nowhere in the United States will The weather here is so that J. T. Waterhouse, importers, ed corporation. They have been in the en by Chinamen, Jap, Portuguese or their native blessing, were of - gown wrapped around you find such a well equipped whole- ice plant is indeed a for ly of Queen street moved into their commission and importing business white man. Yesterday we saw- a woman with the of not manufactured here the cost pretty new stores in Waverley Block in the same house them as we see in their pictures. Ve sale house. It would take a book ice 'eneral merchandise Chinaman taking home the bundles of pages to even mention in a brief would be so great that it would be last Tuesday and already their old and for the past thirty-thre- e years. In for washing he had collected in a phaeton. almost imagined ourselves in Japan till manv perishable them. im- senses very wav volume of business this com- impossible for all to keep many new customers have visited mer years they were compelled to A great many carriages are sold here. we were brought to our the any length of time. The milk was estabuoued by John from Europe but forcibly by hearing a little kanaka pany handles, and yet their system is goods for This business port all their stock The Hawaiian Carriage; Manufactur- is on with and butter here is greatly affected by Thomas Waterhouse in 1851, who since the United States has gone into school boy at the back of us whistling such that the work carried Many gone Waterhouse, bought line, a ing Company is a large and reliable -- a well adjusted ma- the extreme heat. have died when J. T. Jr. manufacture of goods in their lo- On the Banks of the Wabash." the regularity of on Isl- the are house in this line They are music. chine. into the dairy business these out the other heirs and continued sreat many American products on Queen street and occupy four This Paradise is not without the loss of much time, He also died in 189G and the shelves, i ne cated a burst of experience was simply a" ands, but after business. found on their nac buildings and employ from twenty to You can at all times hear The above labor and money have given it up. firm now is composed of his four sons: large floors, well stocked with all .song from some open shutter, or the commencement of our surprises at the is S., and Fred. three boots, twenty-fiv- e men. They manufacture some in Hono- There is now established here what Earnest C, John, George kinds of merchandise, shoes, goose dray, and carriages and sweet tones of a piano or native way merchants do business as The Dairymen's Association, T. P. Waterhouse. In their new store (Havana, Manila. and Am- the neck mnsirnl instrument. Anything in the lulu. We, like many in the States, had known hats, cigars, phaetons of all styles. They are ex- . with on the ...... : . . . . V 1. ; i t m offices on Fort street, they have three departments: tobacco. This r.iHr Mild. who have erican), also American or sheet nno m. clusive agents for the Rubber Tire way of a musical instrument a cniiereni opinion ui A. E. Weirick as manager. This Asso- main "floor is a grocery, which cannot company is composed ot m. t. urin-bau- miuic cm be had here. A large music people. We expected to see houses witn greater part of the city and compares Benjamin, C. Wheel Company of Springfield, Ohio. build- country ciation supply the be equaled in this M. Louisson, A. J. are now generally store located in the large stone low thatched roofs, small population of this city with milk, cream favorably to the finest in the States. Gartenberg. Having been These rubber tires Progress Block is the Berg- and very slow people. Instead, Bolte and A. accepted as quite as much an economic ing called stores and butter. Their plan of carrying on They have a full line of Armour's so long they are well known and con- Music Company. James V. we find that all Honolulu really lacks pic- here necessity as the luxury they were strom is somewhat different and canned goods, Heinz's a not only now-place-d manager of Com- street railway and a cable. a dairy business meats have established large trade a few years ago, and are Bergstrom, the this is an electric in the States, but as it has proven kles, baked beans and tomato sauce on the other Islands. sidered pany is the son of John Bergstrom, These, it will both have before many than goods. The here but on all the modern carriages. a success many of the dairymen on the and a fine line of English Another firm located in the whole we saw a num- who is well known in San Francisco moons. of grocery department is 11. In the large stock room Berg- re- Coast have adopted the plan this manager of the sale district near the harbor is Theo. made by this Pipe Organ business. Mr. We next visited a wholesale and formerly of Seattle, company l ber of beautiful carriages in the They receive all the milk Mr. M. F. Mayhew, & Ltd. This ex-Quee- n's Pacific association. Davies Co.. c among was the strom was formerly in business here tail hardware store called the lo- grocery department original- ompany and them a The main floor and butter from eight large dairies Washington. The the successor of the business phaeton surrey with royal blue for himself but has lately formed Hardware Company. cated on the Island and deliver the which is also on the main floor is fill- established, in a portion of the company which is composed of one immense room filled from floor arti- ly and gold trimmings a very handsome stock is de- milk at less expense than the dairies ed with handsome pieces of toilet at present occupies, by some of the leading citizens of Hono- to ceiling with hardware of every ware and premises it turnout. This also had the rubber tires coulft themselves. The cows of these cles, brie a brae, Haviland Starkey, Janion & Co. in 1847. Wilson lulu Their display room is filled with scription. In the rear, slightly elevated eight H. above mentioned. Mr. and are offices. In dairies number about hundred. choice parlor lamps. The second floor In May of this year Mr. Theo. very kindly con- niiioborincr. Kimball and Kroeger from the ground floor the milk this association deliver hard- with Ho- Mr. Whitehouse instruments. of the room there is a large The that is stocked with a full line of Davies, for so long associated ducted us through the buildings pianos and other musical the center to the public is strictly pure, and con- ware; the crockery and hardware de- nolulu,' and this business in particular, This company make a specialty of Ha- open winding stairway leading to the poor pasturage, management England, and the and explained the detail work of music. The On the first landing is a sidering the heat and partments are under the died in his home in carriage making which was very waiian instruments and second lloor. compares very favorably with the pro- and J. W. Pod-mor- e. company now are, T. is the manage which can be seen from the of John T. Waterhouse directors of the interesting and perhaps more so music department under large palm duct from the Coast. Rental for Under these stores is a large Walker, F. M. Swanzy and T. Directly back of Rain . us, owing to histori- ment of Mr. Frazer, who was formerly doorwav and street. is very high indeed, and is filled to the & Co. of is a large warehouse pasturage here basement, one side of which Clive Davies. ,.,,tiTi,Pii with Sherman. Clav this main lloor the cows tortured continually by an spices Tilman & Benders of company is agent for several cal references in connection thereto. This house is not only full of heavy hardware, plows, agricul- with from This of four buildings which San Francisco. mills, insect called the "horned fly" soon die San Francisco and the balance of space sugar plantations, and is also intimate- One the as thoroughly equipped as any house of tural implements and even wind coffee they occupy ns a paint shop and oil". 10 cent-- ? and packed to the rafters with boxes ly with the rice and i-i- you can famous Cyclone Butter is per pound is connected ;t on the Coast, but rent among which is the new oods. Directly back wood working department was owned month, buv one on the They also have a large stock and milk 10 cents per qua't, and when one and bales of industries. 50 liv the mill. to be met with, store m the yard is a large by a Kamehameha and is over years plan or make any arrange are sole agents for the famous vacuum considers the difficulties of the main It is also agent for Fire and Marine old. therj in present -- As its installment prices are CO Tee roaster: this company are agents represents it stands for music with this house that oils manufactured by tne acuum vu in this business, the above Insurance Companies, we very low. for several plantations and roast all a large business in condition could hardly realize that you would be able to do with a house Co. of Rochester, N. Y. On the second - Lloyds, and does walls had over sheltered the Duke They a very feed 'here, their coffee for them. The just treat- an its of like character in the States. Moor there is quite transformation. There is little raised nave extend- - mercnanuise oi uesuiininn. of Edinburgh. The floors are now all a of the latest first room we entered was filled but the California Feed Company im- meat this firm alwavs company has branches in Hilo monthly bulletin The The r. and nothing remains to issue heiT we ed to their customers h as made tnem i t., worm eaten popular music and control the trade with artists materials and port tons of hay. feed and grain from and in other parts ot tne lsianu.-.-ri aio show any signs of royalty. The part but ship a large found anionsr a complete siociv uueci the States of Oregon, California and very popular. sailing vessels running to its not only on this Island - and largest firms has used as their blacksmith shop was goods to other Islands. from England: NYinson Newton's Washington. They do a large whole- One of the oldest consignment from San Francisco and amount of the - & us as having hfien one is the Castle Cocke, Limited. Canadian-A- pointed out to connection with their salesroom Artists Colors, color boxes. Lanvas i e am retail msmess. not oni nei- here Liverpool, and is agent for the In j Importers and commission merchants. of the cottages in connection with this hnvp a department, under Academy Board Pallettes and Youga's but at Hilo. Kailua and Hookena on ustralian Royal Mail Steamship renair a They themselves here a halt renowned place and in which Princess . West, Studies." Directly opposite is a studio the Island of Hawaii. They have established of business this firm the management of Mr. H. century ago and grew up with the coun- Co. The volume Victoria had spent many days as a has had a large experience in that and here, quite a number of ladies were large packet schooner, the Mokulele transacts is simply enormous and one who decorating china. On i these try. They are well known throughout guest. The old bellows puffed too and line ofwork in Faster n piano houses busilv engaged (flying ship) which plies between they carry a full cannot appreciate what a large concern spot "same floor there is a large art j ports. Among the four large buildings the. Islands and as they spend some hours go- fro over the where the Princess and factories. this assortment of plantation supplies to it is until ad slept, but the blacksmith went on The city has the appearance of one gallery filled with beautiful paintings. which they occupy, is the old Custom ing through the different buildings they pic- j suit the various demands, control that with his work heedless of the fact that garden filled with tropical fruits It is here the artists bring their House, which they use to crush their Their occupy. lire pretty tures for exhibition and sale. There j barley in. and the old armory which is trade on this and other Islands. he stood wn what was of historical nnd flowers. The hotels have expressly for Isl- Opposite this house is the well known is a fine painting called "The Volcano," i used for storage and warehouse. This steel plows are made value. The old quarters formerly little cottages attached and the grounds parts and the: I fir:n of Allen & Robinson. importers beautiful. The prin- by Hitchcuck on exhibition now and company have given some attention to and work with extra coal, and occupied by the servants of Kameha- around them are by Mrs. but line of cultivators, cane knives and dealers in lunik r and some pretty little water colors the raising of hay on the Island, , meha are now usod storing wood cipal hotel in Honolulu is the Hawaiian be ex- a.-- kinds of building material. They for most Kelley. In connection with the art found it was not feasible. There is a agricultural implements cannot An old used by which is located in one of the celled. They have just opened in the i.trol the coal trade on mis materials. carriage spots in town. The peo- room" is a framing department where caterpillar which nips the hay or grain secure im-fro- m Kamehameha a relic of the past we charming aie can be Waverley Block a household supply other Islands and inten- any style or size of frame had. when it is two inches from the - ple who come here with the about adjoin.-thei- . use quantities Australia found in one of the buildings covered a fur- and officers of this ground. a few success- department. Waverley Block tion of remaining usually take The stock holders There have been new de- and from British Columbia. They with cobwebs; it is a quaint looking in connection company are the leading men of this ful crops raised after a certain amount main building. In this - the nished cottage either partment they have the Garland stoves are also atrents for a number of schoon- old vehicle in comparison with or in some private city and the house is considered the of rain fall but this is very rare. This office is situated more modern ones manufactured by the with a hotel any of company nine and ranges, and any one who has visit- ers and barks. Their ground. ' most substantial cf its kind on has been in existence Chicago nn Oueen street adiaceilt to their lum- - company, and which we had just ex- - our arrival here the Islands. years and is the only exclusive feed and ed the World's Fair in will The morning after They remember the e.hibition of the Michi- - ber yard Robinson's wharf. amined. we took a carriage and were driven There are many beautiful homes grain company on the Island. THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, AUGUST 13, 1898. mm Till death, in 1S94, Mr. Castle con- ON A BIRTHDAY tinued an earnest and consistent an- S nexationist, and hop-- to sop its ac- E JORDAN Gome to Attention! complishment, but his eyes elo:-e- d a. J it arrived. He joined the Annex- I FOPT ation Club, was an earnest supporter rJo. 10 STREET 1 of the present ; -- on of a Government and did LIMITED- Flay Raising Anniversary what his failing strength permitted to j OOO advance the cause which grew dearer! RUGS. tim minds of tin; people are 'absorbed i At this when the Annexationist. as years whitened his hairs. But Offer with greeting and aloha toward the army of visitors, attention Pioneer through all the years he remained a A large assortment of for Sale: wants. firm friend of the Hawaiians, which Center Rugs, Art Squares, Reversible, should not be forgotten to personal Note the attitude was shown in various wars. Sofa Rugs, Fancy and Fibre Door Mat of the soldiers when attention is called. They are all business, Hall and Stair Carpets, Hassocks, ttc. REFINED so should be is called to Japanese Rug3 and Straw Mat3, SUGARS. the civilian when attention their S. H. CASTLE AN EARLY ADVOCATE A .MAN OF ABILITY. Floor Linoleum, Oil Cloth, personal needs. Newspapers are the medium of attention and Hall Linoleum and Bath Mats. Cube and Granulated. thought and through them we call the public to attention. Commodore Melville. Engineer in PARAFINE PAINT CO.'S Shoes need attention, vour feet need consideration. We have In Days of Kamehameha HI and IV. Chief of Navy. BED SPREADS, shoes to suit everybody in price and style. We ask your At Home and Abroad Once Was A Washington special dispatch to Marcella, Toilet and Honeycomb, Paints, Compounds and Building patronage. (for Double Bed, Three-quart- er and Papers. attention and Sharply Rebuked. the New York Tribune pays tribute to single.) I the value of the work on the Naval Cheapest to best. Board done by Commodore Melville. TABLE DAMASK PAINT OILS, The dispatch states AND NAPKINS It is a matter of history that Kame- that it would be impossible to forget the achieve- A splendid Assortment in all qualitlei, I.ucol Raw and Boiled. hameha III negotiated and signed a that widths sizes. A. & ments of the naval heroes of pres- and Linseed Raw and Boiled. E. MURPHY CO. treaty of annexation with the United the ent war were made feasible by If death had not interfered, it the Island Orders Solicited. 205 Hotel St., Arlington Block. States. triumphs of engineering exemplified in TOWELS. LNDURLNE, is likely that Hawaii would have been American ships through the progres- Turkish in Linen and Cotton, Opp. Elite Icg Cream Parlors Water-proo- f cold-wat- er Paint. In- American territory years before the sive character, wide experience Turkish Bath Blankets, and Damask side and outside; in white and Civil War. Destiny ordered otherwise. high professional ability of Commodore and Huckaback, Perhaps has been better for Ha- Fringed and hemstitched. colors. it Melville, for nearly twelve years the All especially good value. waii, for during all these years the Lngmeer-m-Chie- f of the Navy. Dur- country has been growing into a fitter ing that period his importance in the C U RT" A I N great Re- S. FERTILIZERS. Vs. ? condition to unite with the Navy Department and his fearless ac-- ! Quality A big tir.r.c , i i choice in Nottingham Lace. high-grad- o public. In those days Hawaiians did 1 ii Alex. Cross Sons' Its all right to shop .... . i Also Creton by the yard. su- talk about not understand the full meaning of umy wun tnose ot tne emet engineers Worth inspection. Scotch fertilizers, adapted for the good quality of this Carriage constitutional rights. Today the na- at the throttle-valv- e in the engine-room- s gar cane and coffee. Ppf tive is far better fitted for democratic of the great ships afloat, fur- Come early get HI.ijLj or that Surrey, but if the qual- and first choice. & fertil- government than in 1S51. I3ut there nishing the energy for their operation N. Ohlandt Co.'s chemical finely ground Bone ylJJ ity is not behind the recommen- were a few then who believed that to and driving every mechanism upon izers and S Meal. dation what happens ? One be taken under the protecting wing of which the activity of their effective E.W.JORDAN'S power depends. NO. 10 FORT sale PERHAPS and no more. the great United States would benefit Famous for the daring STREET. STEAM PIPE COVERING, Hawaii in many ways, and among spirit and dauntless courage which I marked his gallantry in on fully guarantee my goods for S. N. Castle, who was trust-- the Arctic patent sectional pipo those was more than one occasion, with a re- Recti's elastic the reason that i protect me. markable record of zeal, bravery and covering. the manufacturers . endurance throughout his active ser- CI vice afloat from the outbreak of the FILTER PRESS CLOTHS, Civil War until a few years ago. Com- Bmm& modore Melville's greatest triumphs Linen and Jute. D01MDlYCIUIIEOHIIIESINri!YLI? have enduring monuments in the peer- FOR HATCHING. less cruisers, battle-ship- s and other From the following PURE-BKE- D CEMENT, LIME & BRICKS. it .a m naval vessels which are propelled by Fowls of the choicest strains at mj A full line of the marvelous engines of his own de- Punahou Poultry Yards, viz: 13al sign. Leghorns, Brown Leghorns, Wnlti For years he has been the foremost Leghorns, Black MInorcas, Andaluil Fine Double or Single Harness, Saddles, exponent the world over of high speed in an, Barred Plymouth Rocks, Wja AGENTS FOR fighting ships, and this solution of dottes and English S. G. Dorking the problems of enormous power with WESTERN SUGAR REFINING CO., Whips, Lamps and Lap Robes greatest Perkin Ducks and Bronze Turkey. the economy have had the ap- upon San Francisco, Cal. proval of foreign navies is shown in Prices furnished application Always on Hand. the avidity with which the novel fea- Favors from the other Islands will r tures of American naval engineering celve prompt and carefula ttentlon. BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, A few choice Fowls for sale. have been closely imitated. The splen- Philadelphia, Penn., U. S. A. did triple-scre- w cruisers of his creation WALTER C. WEEDON, SCHLJMAN'S have furnished the type of engine 314 Fort St.. Honolul which European navies have seized up- NEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL CO., on to the exclusion of all others in (Manf. "National Cane Shredder"). AND battle-ship- s now THE BEST CARRIAGE HARNESS REPOSITORY under construction, New York, U. S. A. S. N. CASTLE. its obvious advantages requiring no ar- THING IN TOWN. jC27"Islani Orders Promptly Filled. Fort St.j above Club Stables. gument among the armed powers keen- This is the birthday of the late S. N. ly competing for the supremacy of Eu- : MY GENERAL : N. OHLANDT & CO., rope. : Castle, whose memory will be hon- REPAIR SHOP. : San Francisco, Cal. ored so long as there remains in Ha- Today Commodore Melville is fight- waii a vestige of sign of civilization ing the battle of faster ships practical- Typewriters, Lawn Mowers, and society. He prayed and worked ly single-hande- d among the bureau RISDON IRON AND LOCOMOTIVE H. E. McINTYRE & BRO a chiefs of the Navy Department, al- Sewing Machines, Locks, etc., put WORKS, and wished for flag day, and it is though supported by nearly every East Corner Fort and King Streets. pleasing coincidence that the Stars hi the best possible condition. San Francisco, Cal. ensign of fighting man in the service; the latter, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN and Stripes float as the however, are so busy just now in the the country on the day Mr. Castle Caribbean 90 years of age. He and at Manila that their would have been counsel is not easily available. Mel- J. T. LUND'S, may be called one of the original ville has advantage Provisions and Feed of demonstrated the Opp. Club Stables. Fort Strtt. roceries, annexationists and at the time of every knot gained in action, and the Telephone 398. his death was the man here oldest force of his proposition to make the General Agents for the Sanitarium Brand of Health Foods. in years, as an advocate, for the new battle-ship- s two knot faster than good of all, of the union of Hawaii their predecessors stands out strongly "and Goods Receivedoooby Every Packet from California, with the States of North America. in the light of the permanent occupa- New Fresh tion of the Philippines and Hawaii. Eastern States and European Markets. MMMMMMMMMMM, speed Standard Grades of Canned Veg etables, Fruits and Fish. This difference of would enable freely a gain of more flfteen hours from Goods Delivered to Any Part of the city. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ed by the King and chiefs. He San Francisco to Hawaii and of more Island Trade Solicited. and openly declared his opinion, and than two days from San Francisco to PHOTOGRAPHIC Co. P. O. BOX 145. TELEPHONE 92. placed the matter before the King in Manila, a difference wmui in time of LIMITED. every light, in order that he might war might prove invaluable. This Company is fully prepared to :::::: weigh the" consequences and know what take Instantaneous Portraits at thair it meant to surrender his position as Snub Not at All. Studio. All work done by first class an independent sovereign. There Don't snub a boy because he wears workmen and nothing but high class were many who opposed it, and among shabby clothes, says Great Thoughts. wTork executed. Portraits after Rem- them the young chiefs who were in When Edison, the inventor of the tele- brandt and Bartolozzi mezzo-tint- s. of succession. But in 1S53 phone, first entered Boston he wore a Sole proprietors of the Bas-Reli- ef and hat manufacturer, the line Iridium processes. Mr. Davey gives mLMBmmi Prince Liholiho admitted that the day pair of yellow linen breeches in the personal attention to all sittings, does KING Next to Castle & Cooke. depth of s ST., must come when Hawaii's best inter- winter. not wish his patrons to take photo- If ests would demand absorption by the Don't snub a boy because his home graphs that are not entirely satisfac- ques- is plain and unpretending. Abraham tory. We are prepared to make groups JAPANESE FIRE WORKS, United States, and it was only a at residences, flashlight or daylight. come. Nat- Lincoln's early home wTas a log cabin. to order. tion of time when it would Copying and enlarging specially at- Of all descriptions made urally, oir the death of Kamehameha Don't snub a boy because of the ig- tended to. Life size portraits made in A Model Plant is not complete with- was a change norance of his parents. Shakepeare, oils, on porcelain, finished in water out Electric Power, thus dispensing III there and Liholiho Sepia, Crayon. HATS JAPANESE LANTERNS AND MATTINGS poet, was the son of a color, or We have with small engines. PANAMA ID NAIVE desired to be King and not a pension- the world's the largest and most artistic collec- er of America. The treaty was re- man who was unable to write his own tion of Island views. Samples of our Why not generate your power from SOLD AT VERY LOW PRICES. called and Hawaii continued independ- name. new work, known as Lifo Size Parii one CENTRAL Station? One gener- Don't snub a boy because he chooses Enamels, the latest process in Photog- ator can furnish power to your Pump, ent. But that Mr. Castle still retained raphy, can be seen at our Studio. confidence of the chiefs, was shown a humble trade. The author of "Pil- Centrifugals, Elevators, Plows, Rail- the Amateur printing and developing ways by frequent conferences with him, grim's Progress" was tinker. done with neatness and dispatch. and Hoists; also, furnish light power a 15 and on the accession of Prince Lot, Don't snub a boy because of his and for radius of from to 30 miles. f as Kamehameha V, he became a mem- physical disability. Milton was blind. Hit::1 111 Electric Power being used, saves the ber of the Privy Council, a position oc- Don't snub a boy because of his dull- Such Hogarth, cele- It's labor of hauling coal in your field, also cupied by him till increasing age in- ness in lessons. the brated painter and engraver, was a water, and does away with high-price- d business advances in duty from 25 to 50 duced him to resign during Kalakaua's A Convenience engineers, and only have one engine to used in the harness reign. stupid boy at his books. of possession by the any one; not be- look after in your mill. per cent from and after the day actual All of this time, however, he con- Don't snub alone wagons may outstrip you To have our bring all the Where water power is available It United States of the Hawaiian Islands. tinued an earnest annexationist, and cause some day they is Bread, Rolls, Biscuits, Cake and Pastry costs nothing to generate Electric expressed views, al- in the race of life, hut because it frequently his you'll need every morning, fresh Power. ; kind, nor right, nor Christian. though reoognizing that it might not neither HAWAIIAN COM- OOO any during oven. Saves you THE ELECTRIC be opportune at time the W C. T. U. from the all the PANY is now ready to furnish Electric stock consisting of Riding Saddles, reign of Kamehameha V. That his trouble of baking. Insures having the I will sell my present views were always frankly expressed, Plants and Generators of all descrip- Saddle Felts, Stirrups, Horse Brushes, Saddle Girths, Spurs, without dissimulation, probably ac-coti- nts HE WAS COLONEL THEN. lightest, most delicious Bread, etc., it's tions at short notice, and also ha3 on Leggins, Elliman's Embrocation, Etc., at the former prices, but for the continued confidence of The Literary Digest is authority tor possible to bake. hand a large stock of Wire, Chande- the Kings and chiefs. When Kame- the following: Soon after Andy Burt liers and Electrical Goods. cannot hold out any inducements after the stock is sold. hameha V died in 1S72, not having was made colonel of the Twenty-fir- st All orders will be given prompt at- Take advantage of this offer. It will pay you to visit my named a successor, and Mrs. Bishop refusing to take the throne, Mr. Castle colored regiment he informed his men, tention, and estimates furnished for store when in need of anything. again felt that the time had arrived, then at Chickamauga, that they must GERMAN Lighting and Power Plants; also, at- when annexation to the United States play ball an hour every day in order The BAKERY tention 13 given to House and Marine should be the national policy, and so Wrirlng. to get hardened up. "And while we 833 FORT ST. expressed himself. playing," said he, "remember that FRED PHILP is in charge of the Manufacturing Dept. In 1S73, while in New York City for are TELEPHONE 677. THEO. HOFFMAN, Manager. a few weeks, at the request of Mr. I'm not Colonel Burt, but simply Andy Field, the editor of the New York Burt." During the first game the col- i Evangelist, he wrote an article on Ha onel lined out what was a sure home GLANCE AT THE WINDOW OOKALA PLANTATION CO. waii, and again presented the subject run. "Run, Andy, run, you tallow-face- d, of annexation, showing was nec- When passing the store. Af- that it knock-knee- d son yell- essary, not only for commercial pros- of a gun," you wil greasy coach- ter an examination COLLIN perity and the well being of the Ha- ed a black soldier at the agree that the display of possession ing line. The colonel stopped at first waiians, but that of Hawaii DIAMOND RINGS, Subscription Lists for the increased TELEPHONE 662. King St., near Mann St., Honolulu. was most important to America. When base, got another player to take his O. BOX Company now P. 496. the paper was received in Honolulu it put on an- SOUVENIR JEWELRY, stock in this are open place, his uniform, and (Native) aroused much comment and ill feel- nounced: "I am Colonel Burt until at the offices of on part of the Hawaiian party, as ic r?d Hilo, Hawaii. ing the further orders." Is as handsome any which was evolving the idea of "Ha- town. waii for the Hawaiians." Some of the JAS. F. MORGAN, HANDSOME PEARL NECKLACE. papers spoke very bitterly of the Castle This is the second time in the his- Queen Street. Legislative family, and in the session tory of United States an army the J- that 401 -i FORT ST. 1 of 1ST4, which followed shortly, it was Or HARRY ARMITAGE, proposed to banish them all, but the has been landed on foreign soil. The was 1S47. A R Corner Bethel and King streets. ill proposition got shelved in some way. first at Vera Cruz., Mex., in JEWELER.