REFORMS IN THE ARAB REGION The Advisory Council on International Affairs is an advisory body for the Dutch P R OSPECTS FOR DEMOCRACY AND THE RULE OF LAW ? government and parliament. In particular its reports address the policy of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Defence and the Minister for European Affairs and No. 75, M a y 2011 International Cooperation. The Council will function as un umbrella body with committees responsible for human rights, peace and security, development cooperation and European integration. While retaining expert knowledge in these areas, the aim of the Council is to integrate the p r ovision of advice. Its staff are: Ms D.E. van Norr e n , T. D.J. Oostenbrink, A . D. Uilenreef, M . W.M. Wa a n d e rs and Ms A.M.C. We s t e r. A D V I S O R Y COUNCIL ON INTERNATIONAL AFFA I R S A D V I S O R Y COUNCIL ON INTERNATIONAL AFFA I R S P.O.BOX 20061, 2500 EB THE HAGUE, THE NETHERLANDS ADVIESRAAD INTERNATIONALE VRAAGSTUKKEN TELEPHONE +31(0)70 348 5108/60 60 FAX +31(0)70 348 6256 A I V E-MAIL
[email protected] INTERNET WWW.AIV-ADVICE.NL Members of the Advisory Council on International Affairs Chair F. Korthals Altes Vice-chair Professor W.J.M. van Genugten Members Ms L.Y. Gonçalves-Ho Kang You Dr P.C. Plooij-van Gorsel Professor A. de Ruijter Ms M. Sie Dhian Ho Professor A. van Staden Lt.