Ingegneria delle tecnologie per la salute

Fondamenti di anatomia e istologia

aa. 2018-19

LESSON 8 Digestive system and

13/07/2019 09:30 22/06/2019 09:30 13.6.2019 13.00 test in itinere Overview of the Digestive System DIGESTIVE SYSTEM

After this lesson, you will be able to: • List and describe the functional anatomy of the organs and accessory organs of the digestive system • Discuss the processes and control of ingestion, propulsion, mechanical digestion, chemical digestion, absorption, and defecation • Discuss the roles of the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder in digestion • Compare and contrast the digestion of the three macronutrients Overview of the Digestive System function of DS is to  break down the foods,  release their nutrients, and  absorb those nutrients (small intestine is workhorse of DS) DIGESTIVE SYSTEM

digestive system does not work in isolation! DIGESTIVE SYSTEM

Digestive System Organs

Alimentary Canal Organs Accessory Structures = gastrointestinal (GI) tract or gut = a one-way = aids in breakdown of food: tube about 7.62 mts (25 feet) in length during life  within mouth, teeth and tongue begin (10.67 mts (35 feet) after death, once smooth mechanical digestion, whereas salivary muscle tone is lost), beginning at mouth and glands begin chemical digestion  terminating at anus (between those: pharynx, once food products enter small esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines) intestine, gallbladder, liver, and to fit functional needs of the body pancreas release secretions (bile +  main function of alimentary canal organs = enzymes) essential for digestion nourish the body  called accessory organs because they  both mouth and anus are open to external sprout from lining cells of developing environment: thus, food and wastes within gut (mucosa) and augment its function alimentary canal are technically considered to (= vital contributions), maintaining a be outside body connection to gut by way of ducts,  only through process of absorption nutrients even after complete development in food enter into and nourish body’s “inner space.” DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Histology of Alimentary Canal

Layers: 1. mucosa, 2. submucosa, 3. muscularis, 4. serosa , continuing with mesentery

Throughout its length, the alimentary tract is composed of the same 4 tissue layers, varying details of their structural arrangements to fit their specific functions. Histology of Alimentary Canal

 mucosa = mucous membrane, because of mucus production of gut epithelium, consisting: a. epithelium = (in mouth, pharynx, esophagus, anal canal = non-keratinized, stratified squamous epithelium, in stomach, intestines = simple columnar epithelium); in direct contact with lumen: interspersed among epithelial cells = goblet cells, secreting mucus and fluid, + enteroendocrine cells, secreting hormones into interstitial spaces between cells; epithelial cells = very brief lifespan, averaging from only a couple of days (mouth) to about a week (gut). b. lamina propria = layer of loose connective tissue containing numerous blood and lymphatic vessels, transporting nutrients absorbed and also serving immune function by housing clusters of lymphocytes = mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT), particularly substantial in distal ileum (= Peyer’s patches)  immune system evolved as means of defending against pathogens encountered within because alimentary canal is exposed to foodborne bacteria and foreign matter c. muscularis mucosa (not to be confused with the muscularis layer) = thin layer of smooth muscle in constant state of tension, pulling mucosa of stomach and small intestine into undulating folds, dramatically increasing surface area available for digestion and absorption Histology of Alimentary Canal

 submucosa = lying immediately beneath mucosa, broad layer of dense connective tissue connecting mucosa to underlying muscularis and including blood and lymphatic vessels (transporting absorbed nutrients), with submucosal glands releasing digestive secretions and additional submucosal plexus (=dense branching network of nerves)

 muscalaris = (also called muscularis externa), in small intestine [= double layer of smooth muscle: inner circular layer + outer longitudinal layer  their contractions promote mechanical digestion, expose more of food to digestive chemicals, and move food along canal], in mouth, pharynx, anterior part of esophagus, and external anal sphincter [= made up of skeletal muscle,  voluntary control over swallowing and defecation], in stomach [= addition of a third layer, oblique muscle], in colon [= 2 layers as small intestine, but longitudinal layer segregated into 3 narrow parallel bands, tenia coli, making it to look like series of pouches rather than a simple tube]

 serosa = portion of alimentary canal superficial to muscularis, present only in regions of alimentary canal within , consisting of a layer of visceral peritoneum overlying a layer of loose connective tissue [instead of serosa, mouth, pharynx, and esophagus = dense sheath of collagen fibers called adventitia, serving to hold alimentary canal in place near ventral surface of vertebral column].

Histology of Alimentary Canal Histology of Alimentary Canal Histology of Alimentary Canal Histology of Alimentary Canal DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: Nerve Supply

 Intrinsic innervation = provided by enteric nervous system, running from esophagus to anus, containing approximately 100 million motor, sensory, and interneurons (unique to this system compared to all other parts of peripheral nervous system), grouped into 2 plexuses: myenteric plexus (plexus of Auerbach, lying in muscularis layer, responsible for motility, especially rhythm and force of contractions of muscularis), submucosal plexus (plexus of Meissner, in submucosal layer, responsible for regulating digestive secretions and reacting to presence of food)  Extrinsic innervations = provided by autonomic nervous system, including both sympathetic (fight-or-flight response, restricts activity of enteric neurons, thereby decreasing GI secretion and motility) and parasympathetic nerves (rest-and- digest response increases GI secretion and motility by stimulating neurons of enteric nervous system) DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: Blood Supply

 blood vessels serving DS have 2 functions: 1. transport protein and carbohydrate absorbed by mucosal cells after digestion (lipids absorbed via lacteals of lymphatic system), 2. supply organs with nutrients + O2 needed to drive cellular processes.  a) more anterior parts of alimentary canal = supplied with blood by arteries branching off aortic arch and thoracic aorta; b) below this point = supplied with blood by arteries branching from the abdominal aorta [celiac trunk = liver, stomach, duodenum, sup and inf mesenteric arteries = remaining small and large intestines].  veins collecting nutrient-rich blood from small intestine (where most absorption occurs)  hepatic portal system  liver (nutrients are either processed or stored for later use)  back to heart (during “resting and digesting,” about 1/4 of blood pumped enters arteries serving the intestines). The Peritoneum

= a broad serous membranous sac made up of squamous epithelial tissue, surrounded by connective tissue, holding in place digestive organs within abd cavity, composed of 2 different regions: parietal peritoneum, lining abd wall, and visceral peritoneum, enveloping abd organs  peritoneal cavity = space bounded by visceral and parietal peritoneal surfaces, with few milliliters of watery fluid acting as lubricant to minimize friction between serosal surfaces of peritoneum The Peritoneum

 visceral peritoneum includes multiple large folds, enveloping various abd organs, holding them to dorsal surface of body wall and containing blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves  5 major peritoneal folds  first portion of small intestine (called duodenum), pancreas, and portions of large intestine (ascending and descending colon, and rectum) remain completely or partially posterior to peritoneum [retroperitoneal organs] Digestive System Processes and Regulation

DS uses mechanical and chemical activities to break food down into absorbable substances Digestive System Processes and Regulation

Digestive Processes: 6 activities 1. Ingestion = entry of food into the alimentary canal through the mouth, where is chewed (increasing surface area of food and allowing an appropriately sized bolus to be produced) and mixed with saliva, containing enzymes that begin breaking down carbohydrates plus some lipid digestion via lingual lipase. 2. Propulsion = movement of food through digestive tract including both voluntary process of swallowing and involuntary process of peristalsis (consisting of sequential, alternating waves of contraction and relaxation of alimentary wall smooth muscles, to propel food along and also playing a role in mixing food with digestive juices). Digestive System Processes and Regulation

3. Mechanical digestion = purely physical process not changing chemical nature of food, but making it smaller to increase both surface area and mobility: includes mastication, or chewing, tongue movements, mechanical churning in stomach (creating an acidic “soup” called chyme), segmentation in small intestine (consisting of localized contractions of circular muscle of the muscularis layer, isolating small sections of intestine, moving their contents back and forth while continuously subdividing, breaking up, and mixing contents, in order to mix food with digestive juices and facilitate absorption) 4. Chemical digestion = starting in mouth, digestive secretions break down complex food molecules into their chemical building blocks, varying in composition, but typically contain water, various enzymes, acids, and salts and is completed in small intestine 5. Absorption = entering of nutrients in bloodstream, which takes place primarily within small intestine, through epithelial cells (lipids absorbed into lacteals and transported via lymphatic vessels to bloodstream, ie subclavian veins near heart) 6. Defecation = final step of undigested materials removed from body as feces Digestive System Processes and Regulation

 In some cases, a single organ is in charge of a digestive process (for example, ingestion occurs only in mouth and defecation only in anus)  However, most digestive processes involve interaction of several organs and occur gradually as food moves through alimentary canal. Some chemical digestion occurs in mouth. Some absorption can occur in mouth and stomach, for example, alcohol and aspirin. Regulatory Mechanisms regulatory mechanisms working to maintain optimal conditions in lumen needed for digestion and absorption, stimulating digestive activity through mechanical and chemical activity, are controlled both extrinsically and intrinsically and can be divided in: 1. Neural Controls walls of alimentary canal contain a variety of sensors helping regulate digestive functions, including mechanoreceptors, chemoreceptors, and osmoreceptors, capable of detecting mechanical, chemical, and osmotic stimuli, respectively  appropriate reflex furthering process of digestion, sending a message that activates glands that secrete digestive juices into lumen, or stimulate muscles within alimentary canal, thereby activating peristalsis and segmentation walls of entire alimentary canal embedded with nerve plexuses interacting with CNS and other nerve plexuses-either within the same digestive organ or in different ones: interactions prompt several types of reflexes: extrinsic nerve plexuses orchestrate long reflexes, which involve central and autonomic nervous systems and work in response to stimuli from outside digestive system. Short reflexes orchestrated by 2 intrinsic nerve plexuses (enteric nervous system) within alimentary canal wall, regulating activities in one area of digestive tract and coordinating local peristaltic movements and stimulating digestive secretions. Regulatory Mechanisms

2. Hormonal Controls variety of hormones involved in digestive process, secreted by specialized epithelial cells, called endocrinocytes, entering bloodstream, through which they can reach their target organs (gut and its accessory organs)

Gastrin = main digestive hormone of stomach, secreted in response to presence of food, stimulating secretion of gastric acid

[produced by duodenum:] Secretin = stimulates a watery secretion of bicarbonate by the pancreas Cholecystokinin (CCK) = stimulates secretion of pancreatic enzymes and bile from liver and release of bile from gallbladder Gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP) = inhibits gastric secretion and slows gastric emptying and motility. Mouth, Pharynx, and Esophagus anatomy and functions of

3 main organs of upper alimentary canal  Mouth  Pharynx  Esophagus

3 associated accessory organs  tongue  salivary glands  teeth Mouth

= cheeks + tongue + palate, also called oral cavity (or buccal cavity) lips, or labia (singular = labium) = at entrance, outer covering is skin, transitioning to a mucous membrane in mouth proper, very vascular with a thin layer of keratin ( "red“), with huge representation on cerebral cortex ( kissing!), covering orbicularis oris muscle (=regulating what comes in and goes out) labial frenulum = midline fold of mucous membrane attaching inner surface of each lip to gum cheeks = oral cavity’s sidewalls, outer covering skin, their inner covering mucous membrane (=non-keratinized, stratified squamous epithelium), between them connective tissue and oral vestibule = pocket-like part framed on the buccinator muscles. inside by gums and teeth, and on outside by cheeks and lips Mouth Fauces = opening between the oral cavity and throat (oropharynx) (like the kitchen "faucet"). oral cavity proper = runs from gums and teeth to fauces . Palate = arched shape of the roof of your mouth allows you to handle both digestion and respiration at the same time; anterior region = serving as a wall (or septum) between oral and nasal cavities, being rigid shelf against which tongue can push food, created by maxillary and palatine bones (=hard palate); post region= soft palate, composed mainly of skeletal muscle (manipulating, subconsciously, soft palate = to yawn, swallow, or sing) uvula = fleshy bead of tissue dropping down from center of posterior edge of soft palate (vestigial organ? serving to keep foods and liquid from entering nasal cavity and also contributing to snoring) palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arch = 2 muscular folds extending downward from soft palate, on either side of uvula, lying respectively next to base of tongue and behind it, forming superior and lateral margins of fauces palatine tonsil = clusters of lymphoid tissue, between these 2 arches, protecting pharynx lingual tonsil = located at the base of tongue Mouth: lip Tongue

= facilitating ingestion, mechanical digestion, chemical digestion (lingual lipase), sensation (of taste, texture, and temperature of food), swallowing, and vocalization, attached to mandible, styloid processes of temporal bones, and hyoid bone and positioned over floor of oral cavity, a medial septum extends the entire length of tongue, dividing it into symmetrical halves; beneath its mucous membrane covering, each half of tongue is composed of same number and type of intrinsic [=those within tongue, longitudinalis inferior, longitudinalis superior, transversus linguae, and verticalis linguae muscles, allowing to change size and shape of tongue, facilitating both swallowing and speech] and extrinsic [= originating outside tongue and inserting into connective tissues within tongue, mylohyoid (raising tongue), hyoglossus (pulling it down and back), styloglossus (pulling it up and back) and genioglossus (pulling it forward), performing 3 important digestive functions: (1) position food for optimal chewing, (2) gather food into a bolus (rounded mass), and (3) position food so it can be swallowed] skeletal muscles Tongue

Papillae = extensions of lamina propria of mucosa, which are covered in stratified squamous epithelium, located at top and sides of tongue and divided in fungiform papillae [mushroom shaped, covering large area of tongue, tend to be larger toward rear of tongue and smaller on tip and sides] and filiform papillae [long and thin, containing taste buds and touch receptors] helping tongue move food around in mouth and creating an abrasive surface Lingual glands = in lamina propria of tongue secrete mucus and watery serous fluid, containing enzyme lingual lipase (minor role in breaking down triglycerides but not working until it is activated in stomach) lingual frenulum = fold of mucous membrane on underside of tongue, tethering it to floor of mouth (congenital anomaly ankyloglossia = lingual frenulum too short or otherwise malformed, impairing speech: must be corrected with surgery) Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Salivary Glands =many small salivary glands housed within mucous membranes of mouth and tongue, constantly secreting saliva, either directly into oral cavity or indirectly through ducts (an average of 1 to 1.5 liters of saliva/each day): usually just enough saliva is present to moisten mouth and teeth, but increases when eating, because it is essential to moisten food and initiate chemical digestion of carbohydrates. Major Salivary Glands = outside oral mucosa 3 pairs of glands, secreting majority of saliva into ducts opening into mouth: • submandibular glands = in floor of mouth, secreting through submandibular ducts. • sublingual glands = below tongue, using lesser sublingual ducts to secrete into oral cavity. • parotid glands = between skin and masseter muscle (near ears), secreting through parotid duct (located near second upper molar tooth). Salivary Glands Salivary Glands Salivary Glands Salivary Glands Salivary Glands Salivary Glands Salivary Glands Saliva = essentially (95.5 %) water + 4.5 % [=complex mixture of ions, glycoproteins, enzymes, growth factors, and waste products] salivary amylase = perhaps most important ingredient in saliva initiating breakdown of carbohydrates (not enough time in mouth to allow all carbohydrates break down, but salivary amylase continues acting until inactivated by stomach acids) Bicarbonate + phosphate ions = chemical buffers, maintaining saliva at a pH 6.35- 6.85. Salivary mucus = lubricate food, facilitating movement in mouth, bolus formation, and swallowing. immunoglobulin A + lysozyme = antimicrobial epidermal growth factor

Regulation of Salivation • autonomic nervous system regulates salivation (secretion of saliva): parasympathetic stimulate - sympathetic reduce salivation • chemicals stimulating taste receptors on tongue  impulses to superior and inferior salivatory nuclei in brain stem  parasympathetic impulses through fibers in glossopharyngeal and facial nerves, stimulating salivation Teeth = organs similar to bones used to tear, grind, and otherwise mechanically break down food

Types of Teeth 2 sets of teeth (= dentition): 20 deciduous teeth, or baby teeth, first appearing at about 6 mos of age; between approximately age 6 and 12, replaced by 32 permanent teeth, moving from center of mouth toward side: • 8 incisors, 4 top + 4 bottom • 4 canines • 8 premolars (or bicuspids) • 12 molars Teeth: Anatomy of a Tooth

= secured in alveolar processes (sockets) of maxilla and mandible by connective tissue called periodontal gingivae (gums) = soft tissues that line alveolar processes and surround necks of teeth. 2 main parts of a tooth: 1. crown (= portion projecting above gum line, 2. root (embedded within maxilla+mandible), both containing inner pulp cavity with loose connective tissue inside through which run nerves and blood vessels [root canal = pulp cavity that runs through root of tooth]; surrounding pulp cavity is dentin (=bone-like tissue) covered in root by an even harder bone-like layer called cementum and in crown by an outer layer of enamel (hardest substance in body) Teeth


= (involved in both digestion and respiration, when food enters pharynx, involuntary muscle contractions close off air passageways) short tube of skeletal muscle lined with mucous membrane, running from posterior oral and nasal cavities to opening of esophagus and larynx; 3 subdivisions: superior, nasopharynx, involved only in breathing and speech, other 2 subdivisions, oropharynx and laryngopharynx, used for both breathing and digestion: oropharynx begins inferior to nasopharynx and continue below with laryngopharynx, connecting to esophagus, whereas anterior portion connects to larynx, allowing air to flow into bronchial tree; histologically, wall of oropharynx is similar to that of oral cavity, with mucosa of stratified squamous epithelium endowing with mucus-producing glands. During swallowing, elevator skeletal muscles of pharynx contract, raising and expanding pharynx to receive bolus of food, then relax and constrictor muscles of pharynx contract, forcing bolus into esophagus and initiating peristalsis, meanwhile soft palate and uvula rise reflexively to close off entrance to nasopharynx and larynx is pulled superiorly with cartilaginous epiglottis folding inferiorly to cover glottis Esophagus

= muscular tube connecting pharynx to stomach (running a mainly straight route through mediastinum of thorax, but to enter abdomen penetrates diaphragm through an opening (esophageal hiatus) approximately 25.4 cm (10 in) in length, located post to trachea, and remaining collapsed when not engaged in swallowing Esophagus

Passage of Food through Esophagus

 upper esophageal sphincter (continuous with inferior pharyngeal constrictor) = controls movement of food from pharynx into esophagus.  upper two-thirds of esophagus = both smooth and skeletal muscle fibers, with the latter fading out in the bottom third of esophagus  rhythmic waves of peristalsis, which begin in upper esophagus, propel bolus of food toward stomach, meanwhile, secretions from esophageal mucosa lubricate esophagus and food, that passes from esophagus into stomach at lower esophageal sphincter (also called gastroesophageal or cardiac sphincter), relaxing to let food pass into stomach, and then contracting to prevent stomach acids from backing up into esophagus. Esophagus

Histology of the Esophagus mucosa with non-keratinized, stratified squamous epithelium, with a layer of basal and parabasal cells, protecting against erosion from food particles + lamina propria containing mucus- secreting glands + muscularis layer changing according to location: in upper third muscularis is skeletal muscle, in middle third, both skeletal and smooth muscle and in lower third, it is smooth muscle + adventitia, most superficial layer of esophagus not covered by a fold of visceral peritoneum. Esophagus Esophagus Esophagus Esophagus Esophagus Esophagus Esophagus Digestive functions Stomach FUNCTION

temporary holding chamber = meal can be ingested far more quickly than it can be digested and absorbed by small intestine: stomach holds food and parses only small amounts into small intestine at a time; foods not processed in order are eaten, but mixed together with digestive juices in stomach (= chyme), released into small intestine. plays several important roles in chemical digestion, including continued digestion of carbohydrates and initial digestion of proteins and triglycerides little if any nutrient absorption occurs in stomach, with exception of negligible amount of nutrients in alcohol Stomach: structure

 4 main regions in stomach: 1. cardia (or cardiac region) = point where esophagus connects to stomach and through which food passes into stomach 2. Fundus = dome-shaped and located inferior to diaphragm, above and left of cardia 3. Body = below fundus, main part of stomach 4. Pylorus = funnel-shaped, connecting stomach (pyloric antrum) to duodenum (=narrower end, called pyloric canal, with smooth muscle pyloric sphincter located at latter point of connection and controls stomach emptying)  In absence of food, stomach deflates inward, and mucosa and submucosa fall into a large fold (=ruga).  greater curvature = convex lateral surface  lesser curvature = concave medial border  held in place by lesser omentum (extending from liver to lesser curvature) and greater omentum (running from greater curvature to posterior abdominal wall) Stomach: structure Stomach: histology

wall made of same 4 layers as rest of alimentary canal, but with adaptations for unique functions of this organ to: a) Muscularis = in addition to typical circular and longitudinal smooth muscle layers, muscularis has an inner oblique (= in addition to moving food through canal, stomach can vigorously churn food, mechanically breaking it down into smaller particles) Stomach: histology b) mucosa Stomach: histology b) Mucosa = epithelial lining consists only of surface mucus cells, secreting a protective coat of alkaline mucus + vast number of gastric pits dot surface of epithelium, marking entry to each gastric gland, secreting complex digestive fluid referred to as gastric juice; Stomach: histology walls of gastric pits made up primarily of mucus cells, but gastric glands made up of different types of cells:  glands of cardia and pylorus = primarily mucus-secreting cells  pyloric antrum = mucus and a number of hormones, including majority of stimulatory hormone, gastrin  fundus and body = (much larger glands) site of most chemical digestion, producing most of gastric secretions, due to a variety of secretory cells: Stomach: histology Stomach: histology

1. Parietal cells—located primarily in middle region of gastric glands (among the most highly differentiated of the body’s epithelial cells) producing both hydrochloric acid (HCl, responsible for high acidity [pH 1.5 to 3.5] needed to activate protein-digesting enzyme, pepsin, and also killing much of bacteria ingested with food and helping to denature proteins, making them more available for enzymatic digestion) and intrinsic factor (glycoprotein necessary for absorption of vitamin B12 in small intestine). 2. Chief cells—located primarily in basal regions of gastric glands, secreting pepsinogen (inactive proenzyme form of pepsin, with HCl necessary for its conversion from pepsinogen) 3. Mucous neck cells— (gastric glands in upper part of stomach) secreting thin, acidic mucus that is much different from the mucus secreted by the goblet cells of the surface epithelium (role not currently known) 4. Enteroendocrine cells— secreting various hormones into interstitial fluid of lamina propria (including gastrin released mainly by enteroendocrine G cells) Stomach: histology Stomach: histology Stomach: histology Stomach: histology Stomach: histology Stomach: histology Stomach: histology Small Intestine: generality

Chyme released from the stomach enters small intestine, which is primary digestive organ in body. Not only where most digestion occurs, also where practically all absorption occurs. longest part of alimentary canal: about 3.05 meters (10 feet) long in a living person (twice as long in a cadaver due to loss of muscle tone). smaller diameter of only about 2.54 cm (1 in), compared with 7.62 cm (3 in) for the large intestine. in addition to its length, folds and projections of lining of small intestine work to give it an enormous surface area, which is approximately 200 m2 , more than 100 times surface area of your skin: necessary for complex processes of digestion and absorption Small Intestine: structure coiled tube of small intestine is subdivided into 3 regions: duodenum, jejunum, and ileum Small Intestine: structure

 Duodenum = shortest region ( 25.4-cm, 10-in), beginning at pyloric sphincter, bends post behind peritoneum, becoming retroperitoneal, and then makes a C-shaped curve around head of pancreas before ascending anteriorly again to return to peritoneal cavity and join jejunum, therefore being subdivided into 4 segments: superior, descending, horizontal, and ascending duodenum.  hepatopancreatic ampulla (ampulla of Vater) = located in duodenal wall, marks transition from ant portion of alimentary canal to mid-region, where bile duct (through which bile passes from the liver) and main pancreatic duct (through which pancreatic juice passes from pancreas) join, opening into duodenum at a tiny volcano-shaped structure called major duodenal papilla (where hepatopancreatic sphincter, sphincter of Oddi, regulates flow of both bile and pancreatic juice from ampulla into duodenum). Small Intestine: structure Duodenum Small Intestine: structure

 jejunum = about 0.9 meters (3 feet) long (in life), [means “empty” in Latin], without clear demarcation between it and ileum.  ileum = longest part of small intestine, measuring about 1.8 meters (6 feet) : thicker, more vascular, more developed mucosal folds than jejunum, joins cecum, at ileocecal sphincter (or valve); both tethered to posterior abdominal wall by mesentery;  large intestine frames these 3 parts of small intestine.  Parasympathetic nerve fibers from vagus nerve and sympathetic nerve fibers from thoracic splanchnic nerve = extrinsic innervation to small intestine  sup mesenteric artery = main arterial supply  veins running parallel to arteries, drain into sup mesenteric vein = nutrient-rich blood from small intestine is then carried to liver via hepatic portal vein. Small Intestine: Histology

wall composed of same 4 layers typically present in alimentary system, but 3 features of mucosa and submucosa are unique, increasing absorptive surface area more than 600-fold, include circular folds, villi, and microvilli (these adaptations most abundant in proximal 2/3 of

(a) The absorptive surface of the small intestine is vastly enlarged by the small intestine, presence of circular folds, villi, and microvilli. (b) Micrograph of the circular where majority of folds. (c) Micrograph of the villi. (d) Electron micrograph of the microvilli. absorption occurs) Small Intestine: Histology

 Circular folds = (also called plica circulare), deep ridge in mucosa and submucosa, beginning near proximal part of duodenum and ending near middle of ileum, facilitating absorption, because their shape causes chyme to spiral, rather than move in a straight line, through small intestine, slowing movement of chyme and providing time needed for nutrients to be fully absorbed.  Villi = within circular folds, small (0.5–1 mm long) hairlike vascularized projections called villi (singular = villus), giving mucosa a furry texture, being about 20 to 40 villi mm2, increasing surface area tremendously; mucosal epithelium, primarily composed of absorptive cells, covering villi, that (in addition to muscle and connective tissue to support its structure) contains a capillary bed composed of 1 arteriole and 1 venule, as well as a lymphatic capillary called lacteal: breakdown products of carbohydrates and proteins (sugars and amino acids) enter bloodstream directly, but lipid breakdown products absorbed by lacteals and transported to bloodstream via lymphatic system.  Microvilli = much smaller (1 µm) than villi, being cylindrical apical surface extensions of plasma membrane of mucosa’s epithelial cells, supported by microfilaments, combined microscopic appearance suggests a mass of bristles (brush border), containing at surface enzymes that finish digesting carbohydrates and proteins, estimating 200 million microvilli per mm2, greatly expanding surface area of plasma membrane and thus greatly enhancing absorption. Small Intestine: Histology

 Intestinal Glands = mucosa between villi is dotted with deep crevices that each lead into a tubular intestinal gland (crypt of Lieberkühn), formed by cells lining crevices , producing intestinal juice, a slightly alkaline (pH 7.4 to 7.8) mixture of water and mucus (daily about 0.95 to 1.9 lts secreted in response to distention of small intestine or irritating effects of chyme on intestinal mucosa).  duodenal glands (Brunner’s glands) = submucosa of duodenum, only site of complex mucus-secreting, producing a bicarbonate-rich alkaline mucus buffering acidic chyme as it enters from stomach

 roles of cells in small intestinal mucosa: Small Intestine: Histology

Intestinal MALT = lamina propria of small intestine mucosa is studded with quite a bit of MALT: in addition to solitary lymphatic nodules, aggregations of intestinal MALT (= typically referred to as Peyer’s patches, concentrated in distal ileum, most prominent in young people and becoming less distinct in elders, coinciding with general activity of our immune system) serving to keep bacteria from entering bloodstream. Small Intestine (and Large Intestine…): Histology Small Intestine: Histology Small Intestine: Histology Small Intestine: Histology Small Intestine: Histology Small Intestine: Histology Small Intestine: Histology Small Intestine: Histology Small Intestine: Histology Large Intestine

= terminal part of alimentary canal, with function:  finish absorption of nutrients and water,  synthesize certain vitamins,  form feces,  eliminate feces running from appendix to anus, and framing small intestine on 3 sides small intestine (large = more than twice  of small intestine, about 3 inches) Subdivisions = 4 main regions: cecum, colon, rectum, anus (ileocecal valve = located at opening between ileum and large intestine, controlling flow of chyme)  Cecum = sac-like structure, suspended inferior to ileocecal valve, about 6 cm long, receiving contents of ileum, and continuing absorption of water and salts  Appendix or vermiform appendix = winding tube attached to cecum, 7.6-cm long containing lymphoid tissue, suggesting an immunologic function, generally considered vestigial, but postulated a survival advantage in diarrheal illness, where may serve as Large bacterial reservoir to repopulate enteric bacteria for those surviving the initial Intestine phases of illness; mesoappendix = mesentery of appendix, tethering to mesentery of ileum]  Colon = follows cecum: ascending colon, right colic flexure (hepatic flexure), (with last third of this begins region defined as hindgut), left colic flexure (splenic flexure), descending colon, sigmoid colon (=entering the pelvis inferiorly, s-shaped, extending medially to midline ); ascending and descending colon, and rectum located retroperitoneally, meanwhile transverse and sigmoid colon tethered to post abd wall by mesocolon Large Intestine

Foregut, midgut, hindgut… Large Intestine

Rectum = in pelvis, near third sacral vertebra, final 20.3 cm (8 in) of alimentary canal, extending anterior to sacrum and coccyx, with 3 lateral bends creating a trio of internal transverse folds called the rectal valves (helping separate feces from gas to prevent simultaneous passage of feces and gas). Anal Canal = located in perineum, completely outside of abdominopelvic cavity, 3.8–5 cm (1.5–2 in) long, opening to exterior at anus (2 sphincters: internal anal sphincter made of smooth muscle, with involuntary contractions and external anal sphincter made of skeletal muscle, under voluntary control) Large Intestine

3 features unique to large intestine: 1. Teniae coli = three bands of smooth muscle that make up longitudinal muscle layer of muscularis of large intestine, except at its terminal end (tonic contractions bunch up colon into a succession of pouches = 2. Haustra (singular = hostrum) = responsible for wrinkled appearance of colon 3. epiploic appendages = small, fat- filled sacs of visceral peritoneum, attached to teniae coli, purpose unknown.

Although rectum and anal canal have neither teniae coli nor haustra, they do have well-developed layers of muscularis that create the strong contractions needed for defecation. Large Intestine: Histology several notable differences between walls of large and small intestines:

 few enzyme-secreting cells found in the wall of large intestine, and no circular folds or villi.  other than in anal canal, mucosa of colon is simple columnar epithelium made mostly of enterocytes (absorptive cells) and goblet cells.  wall of large intestine far more intestinal glands, containing a vast population of enterocytes (absorbing water and salts as well as vitamins produced by your intestinal bacteria) and goblet cells (secreting mucus that eases movement of feces and protects intestine from effects of acids and gases produced by enteric bacteria). Large Intestine: Histology Large Intestine: Histology Large Intestine: Histology Large Intestine: Histology Large Intestine: Histology Large Intestine: Histology Accessory Organs in Digestion

Chemical digestion in small intestine relies on activities of 3 accessory digestive organs: 1. liver = to produce bile and export it to duodenum. 2. gallbladder = primarily stores, concentrates, and releases bile. 3. pancreas = produces pancreatic juice, which contains digestive enzymes and bicarbonate ions, and delivers it to duodenum. Liver

= largest gland in body, weighing about 1,5 kg in an adult, also one of most important, being an accessory digestive organ and playing number of roles in metabolism and regulation.  lies inf to diaphragm in right upper quadrant of abd cavity, receiving protection from surrounding ribs.  divided in 2 primary lobes (large right and a much smaller left lobe), in right lobe, some anatomists also identify an inferior quadrate and a posterior caudate lobe, defined by internal features  connected to abd wall and diaphragm by 5 peritoneal folds referred to as : 1. falciform ligament, 2. ligamentum teres hepatis (both actually remnants of umbilical vein, separating right and left lobes anteriorly), 3-4. lateral ligaments, and 5 coronary ligament. + lesser omentum tethers liver to lesser curvature of stomach. Liver

human liver is divided by the falciform ligament into an anatomical right and left lobe. However, liver also has a functional right and left side, divided by Cantlie's line: a hypothetical line from gallbladder fossa to middle hepatic vein.

Each functional hemi-liver is composed of 2 sections: on the right, an ant section (segments 5 + 8) and a post section (segments 6 + 7) separated by right hepatic vein; and on left, a lateral section (segments 2 + 3) and a medial section (segment 4) separated by left hepatic vein and falciform ligament (not shown). Each segment can be individually resected. Black dashed lines show demarcations between sections. Liver Liver Liver

Diaphragmatic surface 1 - coronary ligament of liver; 2 - aperture; 3 - triangular ligament of the liver; 4 - sickle ligament of the liver; 5 - right lobe of the liver; 6 - Left lobe of the liver; 7 - Round ligament of liver; 8 - a sharp lower edge; 9 - gall bladder Liver

Lower surface 1 - Left lobe of liver; 2 - triangular ligament of liver; 3 - Rear (tailed) fraction of the liver; 4 - adrenal indentation; 5 - kidney indentation; 6 - proper hepatic artery; 7 - Vienna gate; 11 - right lobe of the liver; 8 - common bile duct; 12 - duodenal-intestinal indentation; 9 - common hepatic duct; 13 - Round ligament of liver; 10 - cystic duct; 14 - colon-intestinal indentation;

15 - Front (square) share; 16 - gall bladder Liver Liver

 porta hepatis = (“gate to the liver”) where hepatic artery and hepatic portal vein enter liver (running along with common hepatic duct behind lateral border of lesser omentum on way to their destinations)  hepatic artery delivers oxygenated blood from heart to liver, hepatic portal vein delivers partially deoxygenated blood containing nutrients (+ drugs and toxins) absorbed from small intestine and actually supplies more oxygen to liver than do much smaller hepatic arteries; after processing bloodborne nutrients and toxins, liver releases nutrients needed by other cells back into the blood, which drains into central vein and then through hepatic vein to inf vena cava.  hepatic portal circulation = all blood from alimentary canal passes through liver (explaining liver most common site for alimentary canal cancers metastasis) Liver: Histology

= 3 main components: 1. hepatocytes [liver’s main cell type, accounting for around 80% of liver's volume, playing a role in a wide variety of secretory, metabolic, and endocrine functions; plates of hepatocytes called hepatic laminae radiate outward from portal vein in each hepatic lobule] = from their central position, hepatocytes process nutrients, toxins, and waste materials carried by blood: materials such as bilirubin processed and excreted into bile canaliculi, other materials including proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates processed and secreted into sinusoids or just stored in cells until called upon. 2. bile canaliculi [grooves in cell membranes between adjacent hepatocytes accumulating bile produced by hepatocytes: from here, bile flows first into bile ductules and then into bile ducts, uniting to form larger right and left hepatic ducts, which themselves merge and exit liver as common hepatic duct, that joins with cystic duct from gallbladder, forming common bile duct through which bile flows into small intestine] 3. hepatic sinusoids [open, porous blood space formed by fenestrated capillaries from nutrient-rich hepatic portal veins and oxygen-rich hepatic arteries, where hepatocytes are tightly packed around, giving them easy access to the blood] = combine and send blood to a central vein and then through hepatic vein into inferior vena cava (this means that blood and bile flow in opposite directions); also contain star-shaped reticuloendothelial cells (Kupffer cells), phagocytes removing dead red and white blood cells, bacteria, and other foreign material that enter sinusoids Liver: Histology Liver: Histology Liver: Histology Liver: Histology Liver: Histology portal triad = distinctive arrangement around perimeter of hepatic lobules, consisting of 3 basic structures: 1 bile duct 2 hepatic artery branch 3 hepatic portal vein branch. Liver: Histology Liver: Histology Liver: Histology Liver: Histology Liver: Histology Liver: Histology Liver: Histology Liver: Histology Liver: Histology Liver: Histology Liver: Histology Liver: Bile

• lipids are hydrophobic (= do not dissolve in water), before they can be digested in watery environment of small intestine, large lipid globules must be broken down into smaller lipid globules (= emulsification) • Bile = yellow-brown or yellow-green alkaline solution (pH 7.6 to 8.6) mixture of water, bile salts, bile pigments, phospholipids (such as lecithin), electrolytes, cholesterol, and triglycerides secreted (about liter each day) by liver to accomplish emulsification of lipids in small intestine. • bile salts and phospholipids = components most critical to emulsification having a nonpolar (hydrophobic) region as well as a polar (hydrophilic) region [hydrophobic region interacts with large lipid molecules, whereas hydrophilic region interacts with watery chyme in intestine: large lipid globules being pulled apart into many tiny lipid fragments of about 1 μm , dramatically increasing surface area available for lipid-digesting enzyme activity] Liver: Bile - emulsification Liver: Bile

• While most constituents of bile are eliminated in feces, bile salts are reclaimed by enterohepatic circulation: once bile salts reach ileum, they are absorbed and returned to liver in hepatic portal blood; hepatocytes then excrete bile salts into newly formed bile. Liver: Bile

• bilirubin = main bile pigment [waste product produced when spleen removes old or damaged red blood cells from circulation, including proteins, iron, and toxic bilirubin, transported to liver via splenic vein of hepatic portal system: proteins and iron recycled, whereas bilirubin excreted in bile, accounting for green color of bile, and transformed by intestinal bacteria into stercobilin = brown pigment giving stool its characteristic color: in some disease states, bile does not enter intestine, resulting in white (‘acholic’) stool with a high fat content, since virtually no fats are broken down or absorbed] Liver: Bile

• Hepatocytes work non-stop, but bile production increases when fatty chyme enters duodenum and stimulates secretion of gut hormone secretin. Between meals, bile is produced but conserved. The valve-like hepatopancreatic ampulla closes, allowing bile to divert to gallbladder, where it is concentrated and stored until next meal. Liver & Pancreas Pancreas

= soft, oblong, glandular organ lying transversely in retroperitoneum behind stomach: head nestled into “c-shaped” curvature of duodenum with body extending to left about 15.2 cm (6 in) and ending as a tapering tail in hilum of spleen [curious mix of exocrine (secreting digestive enzymes) and endocrine (releasing hormones into blood) functions] PANCREAS ANATOMY

• exocrine part = arises as little esophagus grape-like cell clusters, each called an acinus (plural = acini), located at terminal ends of stomach pancreatic ducts, secreting enzyme-rich pancreatic juice into tiny merging ducts that form 2 dominant ducts [larger duct, Wirsung, fuses with common bile ductus choledocus pancreasduct (carrying bile from liver and gallbladder) just before entering the duodenum via a common opening (hepatopancreatic ampulla)]; smooth muscle sphincter duodenum of hepatopancreatic ampulla controls release of pancreatic juice and bile into small intestine; second and smaller pancreatic duct, the accessory duct (duct of duct of Santorini), runs from pancreas Santorini duct of directly into duodenum, Wirsung approximately 1 inch above hepatopancreatic ampulla. Pancreas

• Scattered through sea of exocrine acini are small islands of endocrine cells, islets of Langerhans, producing hormones pancreatic polypeptide, insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin PANCREATIC SECRETIONS

1. PROTEASES (70%) Endopeptidases (trypsin, chymotrypsin, elastases) Exopeptidases (carboxypeptidases) trypsinogen trypsin activates all other precursors

enterokinase (duct walls) 2. NUCLEASES (DNAase, RNAase) 3. PANCREATIC AMYLASE (hydrolyse starch and gl;ycogen) 4. PANCREATIC LIPASE (triglycerides fatty acids and glycerol) REGULATION OF SECRETION

1. SECRETIN food in release of release of secretin secretion of alkaline pH stomach stomach acid into blood by bicarbonate (ideal for into duodenum duodenal cells by duct cells pancreatic enzymes) 2. PANCREOZYMIN (cholecystokinen) amino acids and release of pancreozymin relase of pancreatic enzymes fats in intestine by intestinal mucosa into the intestine into blood 3. GASTRIN food in stomach gastrin secretion release of pancreatic enzymes by stomach mucosa into the intestine 4. AUTONOMIC INNERVATION (vagus nerve) Pancreas: Histology Pancreas: Histology

islet of Langerhans pancreatic acini

islet of pancreatic lobe Langerhans

BV Pancreas: Histology


simple cuboidal epithelium

acinus simple columnar epithelium Exocrine Pancreas: Histology

pyramidal secretory acinus basal basophilia cell (rough ER)

merocrine secretion (exocytosis)

zymogen granules centro- condensing acinar golgi vacuoles cells blood vesicles vessel intercalated duct

rough nerve endoplasmic golgi reticulum apparatus interlobular zymogen duct granules Pancreas: Histology


centroacinar cell


zymogen granules


1. SYNTHESIS 2. SEGREGATION 14C -leucine + tRNA mRNA for chymotrysinogen ribosomes

14C -amino-acyl tRNA ribosomes mRNA polypeptide chymotrysinogen

6. DISCHARGE RER cisterna


transitional elements


zymogen golgi granules H2O apparatus

H2O golgi vesicles condensing vacuoles ISLET OF LANGERHANS

alpha cell (glucagon) vascular pole (secretion by exocytosis) acinus beta cell

beta cell (insulin) alpha fenestrated cell capillary blood capillary

INSULIN- increases membrane promotes glycogenesis decrease blood glucose levels permeability to glucose

GLUCAGON - promotes glycogenolysis increases blood glucose levels “ ANTAGONISTIC HORMONES” Pancreas: Histology Pancreas: Histology ISLET OF LANGERHANS Pancreas: Histology ISLET OF LANGERHANS - TEM STAINED ALPHA AND BETA CELLS

ALPHA CELLS BETA CELLS Pancreas: Histology


centroacinar cell

intercalary duct Pancreas: Histology Gallbladder

= 8–10 cm (~3–4 in) long, nested in a shallow area on posterior aspect of right liver lobe , muscular sac storing, concentrating, and, when stimulated, propelling bile into duodenum via common bile duct, divided into 3 regions: 1.fundus = widest portion, tapering medially into 2.body, which in turn narrows to become 3.neck, angling slightly superiorly as it approaches hepatic duct;  cystic duct = 1–2 cm (less than 1 in) long, turning inferiorly as it bridges neck and hepatic duct.  simple columnar epithelium organized in rugae, similar to those of stomach, absorbing water and ions from bile and concentrating it by up to 10-fold: no submucosa in gallbladder wall and wall’s middle, muscular coat is made of smooth muscle fibers [when contracting, gallbladder’s contents ejected through cystic duct and into bile duct]  visceral peritoneum reflected from liver capsule holds gallbladder against liver and forms outer coat of the gallbladder. Gallbladder: Histology Fat digestion Liver, Pancreas, and Gallbladder Anatomy-Histology Correlate - liver and gallbladder play important roles in digestion via the production and storage of bile; liver is also the major organ for metabolism and detoxification. pancreas also produces digestive enzymes to break down proteins, sugars, and fats. - The processes described above are the exocrine functions of the liver and gallbladder. But they also have endocrine roles, secreting compounds into the bloodstream. The hepatocytes produce albumin, fibrinogen, and thrombin, for example. The pancreatic islets produce insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin.

-The liver, gallbladder, and pancreas receive blood supply from the celiac trunk. One main branch is the common hepatic artery, leading to the hepatic artery proper that branches into left and right hepatic arteries to supply the liver. The right hepatic artery gives off the cystic artery to supply the gallbladder. -The pancreas is supplied by multiple vessels. The body and tail are supplied by the dorsal, inferior, and great pancreatic arteries, which all branch off the splenic artery (another main branch of the celiac trunk). The head, neck, and uncinate process are supplied by anastomoses of arteries branching off the celiac trunk and superior mesenteric artery. The gastroduodenal artery, from the common hepatic artery, divides into the anterior and posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal arteries. They anastomose with inferior branches of the inferior pancreatico- duodenal artery from the superior mesenteric artery. The same arteries supply the duodenum. -The liver has diaphragmatic and visceral surfaces which contact the diaphragm and abdominal viscera, respectively. Note the right triangular, left triangular, and coronary ligaments that attach to the diaphragm. Note also the bare area not covered by peritoneum. Anteriorly, there is a fold of peritoneum connecting the liver to the umbilicus called the falciform ligament, which contains the round ligament or ligamentum teres. It is the remnant of the umbilical vein that brought oxygenated blood from the placenta to the fetus heart. The ligamentum venosum is the remnant of the fetal ductus venosus that shunted blood from the umbilical vein to the inferior vena cava to bypass the liver. In the adult liver, the porta hepatis includes the hepatic arteries from the hepatic artery proper, the hepatic portal vein, and the hepatic and cystic ducts joining to form the common bile duct. - The portal vein brings nutrients and other compounds absorbed by the GI tract to be stored and/or processed. - Anatomical lobes: Note how the inferior vena cava, gallbladder, ligamentum teres, ligamentum venosum, and porta hepatis form an “H” shape on the visceral surface. It divides the liver into 4 anatomical lobes based on outer appearance – the right, left, caudate, and quadrate lobes. - Functional lobes: These are based on the distribution of the hepatic arteries, portal vein, and hepatic bile duct. The inferior vena cava and the gallbladder serve as the dividing line between the functional right and left lobes. - liver is divided into many hepatic lobules. Inflow to the liver involves hepatic arteries, which bring oxygenated blood to hepatic tissue, and portal veins, which bring nutrients and other compounds absorbed by the GI tract to be processed and/or stored in liver. Outflow also involves 2 routes – hepatic veins which drain into inf vena cava and common hepatic duct which joins cystic duct and empties bile into the duodenum. - Major characteristics of liver are portal triads (labeled “portal” in bottom left and shown in the middle) and central veins (labeled in bottom left and shown in the right). Red arrows indicate direction of blood flow within blood sinusoids flanking cords of liver cells. Note portal triad contains 1) portal vein, 2) hepatic artery, and 3) bile duct. Each has its typical appearance. The central vein is lined with endothelial cells, with perforations into which the sinusoids empty. - central veins lead to sublobular veins, which reach collecting veins, hepatic veins, and finally inf vena cava. The venous outflow of liver has no regard to the organization of the lobules. - liver sinusoids are shown in higher magnification in the bottom left. They are dilated, capillary-like vessels lined by fenestrated, discontinuous epithelium (labeled “e”). Interspersed among endothelial cells are Kupffer cells (labeled “k”), which are fixed macrophages within hepatic tissue. They have distinct cytoplasm that may enter sinusoidal lumen and function like other macrophages within body. They also break down damaged red blood cell hemoglobin. - In the bottom middle panel, there are many spaces between the hepatocytes and sinusoidal epithelial cells marked by arrowheads. They are referred to the space of Disse where exchange between hepatocytes and blood flow takes place. - Once again, in the bottom right, we review the Kupffer cell, endothelial cell of the liver sinusoid, and the space of Disse. - The liver lobules can be defined in 3 ways: - 1) Classic lobule – centered around central vein with portal triads at each corner. Shown below on left, the classic lobule may not always be hexagonal in shape. - 2) Portal lobule (not shown) – centered on portal triad, based on bile secretion, and approximately triangular in shape. - 3) Liver acinus of Rappaport – this is most functionally important classification. Shown below on right, the acinus is roughly oval in shape with 2 central veins and 2 portal triads on opposite ends. Based on blood flow within hepatic tissue, acinus is divided into 3 zones. Cells in different zones are specialized for different activity. Zone 1 cells, being closest to portal triads and hence most oxygenated blood, have the most drug- metabolizing enzymatic activity. Following that same reasoning, zone 3 hepatocytes near the central veins are most susceptible to ischemia. - As mentioned earlier, the liver has both endocrine and exocrine functions. The various proteins that hepatocytes secrete enter the bloodstream via the liver sinusoids. The liver also secretes bile in the conventional exocrine fashion. - The hepatocytes secrete bile into sealed extracellular spaces called bile canaliculi. The typical “chicken-wire” appearance is more easily visualized with silver stain. - Once again, inflow to the liver involves oxygenated blood via hepatic arteries and absorbed nutrients and compounds from the GI tract via the hepatic portal veins. - All venous drainage from the GI tract and abdominal visceral organs enters the portal system back to the liver. The overall order is as following: arteries → capillaries → veins → portal vein → hepatic sinusoids → veins → vena cava → heart. - In contrast, the caval system is as following: arteries → capillaries → veins → vena cava → heart. Obviously, this is the circulatory system within the rest of the body.

- The portal and caval system are not exclusive from each other. There are 4 sites of portocaval anastomoses: - 1) esophageal veins - 2) paraumbilical veins - 3) rectal veins - 4) retroperitoneal veins - If there is liver damage or cirrhosis – accumulation of fibrous tissue that constricts the sinusoids – there may be portal hypertension. This may lead to varicose veins at the 4 sites of anastomoses. - gallbladder found under right lobe of liver = function is to store bile produced by liver, which leaves via cystic duct. It also enters gallbladder in cystic duct, traveling retrograde when the bile is not needed for digestion. Note the fundus, body, neck, and infundibulum of the gallbladder. - Note the right and left hepatic ducts coming together as the common hepatic duct, joining the cystic duct to form the common bile duct. This descends to the 2nd part of the duodenum, is joined by the pancreatic duct, and empties its contents into the duodenal lumen via the major duodenal papilla. - The gallbladder is supplied by the cystic artery, which is extremely important to find during a cholecystectomy. In most people it branches off the right hepatic artery, but could also come off the left hepatic, proper hepatic, or gastroduodenal arteries. - Note the extensive folds of mucosa extending into the lumen, consisting of tall, simple columnar epithelium. The underlying connective tissue is comprised of lamina propria, with no distinctly defined submucosa. There are scattered bundles of smooth muscle in the muscularis. The adventitia has rather dense connective tissue connecting the gallbladder to the liver. - Finally, we will look at the pancreas. To review: The head of the pancreas and duodenum are supplied from both the celiac trunk and the superior mesenteric artery. - The body and tail of the pancreas are mostly supplied by branches of the splenic artery, namely the dorsal, greater, and inferior pancreatic arteries. - Piece of advice: It can be very confusing when identifying these arteries. First orient yourself, note whether the duodenum is in anatomical position or reflected (as it is on the bottom left), and identify where the arteries branch from and where they lead. - pancreas contains multiple ducts, but main pancreatic duct runs from tail to head of pancreas. There may be a smaller accessory pancreatic duct. They join the common bile duct to empty into duodenum. pancreas is retroperitoneal. - Histologically, we can see septa (S) between pancreatic lobules with interlobular ducts (D). As mentioned above, pancreas also has both exocrine and endocrine functions. Most of bottom left panel is filled with exocrine pancreatic tissue. Secretory portions are called acini. The scattered endocrine islets of Langerhans (I) are paler staining. - An islet is magnified in the bottom right. It is a compact mass of epithelial cells that receive rich vascular supply. It is typically very difficult to identify the different cell types in the islets. Briefly, the alpha cells secrete glucagon, the beta cells secrete insulin, and the delta cells secrete somatostatin. -Once again, most of pancreas contains exocrine acini. Pancreatic enzymes are very diverse, including extremely efficient proteases, lipases, and amylases. - Separate acini are shown left. pancreatic acinar or secretory cells are polarized, meaning basal portions are filled with basophilic rough ER. apical regions are filled with zymogen granules that contain many stored pro-enzymes. - Centroacinar cells, with paler staining, can be seen in the middle of some acini and mark the beginning of the duct system (marked “A” in the middle panel). They converge at “B” to form intercalated ducts, marked as “C”. The intercalated duct cells may be hard to identify, but they actively pump water and bicarbonate into the duct lumen. Intercalated ducts empty into interlobular ducts, marked as “small duct” in the bottom right, which lead to the main pancreatic duct. Peritoneum, abdominal vessel and spleen General features

= a thin serous membrane that line walls of abd and pelvic cavities and cover organs within these cavities •Parietal peritoneum -lines walls of abdominal and pelvic cavities •Visceral peritoneum -covers organs •Peritoneal cavity - potential space between parietal and visceral layer of peritoneum, in male, is a closed sac, but in female, there is a communication with exterior through uterine tubes, uterus, and vagina Function • Secretes a lubricating serous fluid that continuously moistens associated organs • Absorb • Support viscera relationship between viscera and peritoneum

• Intraperitoneal viscera -viscera completely surrounded by peritoneum, example, stomach, superior part of duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum, vermiform appendix, transverse and sigmoid colons, spleen and ovary • Interperitoneal viscera -most part of viscera surrounded by peritoneum, example, liver, gallbladder, ascending and descending colon, upper part of rectum, urinary bladder and uterus • Retroperitoneal viscera -some organs lie on the posterior abdominal wall and are covered by peritoneum on their anterior surfaces only, example, kidney, suprarenal gland, pancreas, descending and horizontal parts of duodenum, middle and lower parts of rectum, and ureter

Intraperitoneal viscera

Interperitoneal viscera

Retroperitoneal viscera Interperitoneal viscera Structures which are formed by peritoneum

Omentum = 2- layered fold of peritoneum that extends from stomach to adjacent organs Structures which are formed by peritoneum

Lessor omentum 2-layered fold of peritoneum which extends from porta hepatis to lesser curvature of stomach and superior part of duodenum • Hepatogastric ligament -extends from porta hepatis to lesser curvature of stomach • Hepatoduodenal ligament Extends from porta hepatis to superior part of duodenum – Contains common bile duct, proper hepatic a. and hepatic portal v. Omental foramen

• Behind the right border of hepatoduodenal ligament • Superior-caudate lobe of liver • Inferior-superior part of duodenum • Anterior- hepatodudenal ligament • Posterior- peritoneum covering the inferior vena cava Structures which are formed by peritoneum

Greater omentum -four-layered fold of peritoneum, the anterior two layers descend from the greater curvature of stomach and superior part of duodenum and hangs down like an apron in front of coils of small intestine, and then turns upward and attaches to the transverse colon. If an infection occurs in the intestine, plasma cells formed in the lymph nodes combat the infection and help prevent it from spreading to the peritoneum. Structures which are formed by peritoneum

Lessor omentum

Greater omentum Structures which are formed by peritoneum Omental bursa Position-situated behind the lesser omentum and stomach Walls • Superior-peritoneum which covers the caudate lobe of liver and diaphragm • Anterior-formed by lesser omentum, peritoneum of posterior wall of stomach, and anterior two layers of greater omentum • Inferior-conjunctive area of anterior and posterior two layers of greater omentum • Posterior-formed by posterior two layers of greater omentum, transverse colon and transverse mesocolon, peritoneum covering pancreas, left kidney and suprarenal gland Structures which are formed by peritoneum

• Left-formed by the spleen, gastrosplenic ligament and splenorenal ligament • Right-formed by omental foramen The Omental bursa (lesser sac) communicates with the greater sac through the omental foramen. Structures which are formed by peritoneum

Mesenteries or mesocolons-two- layered fold of peritoneum that attach part of the intestines to the posterior abdominal wall

Structures which are formed by peritoneum

Mesentery -suspends small intestine from posterior abdominal wall • Broad and a fan-shaped • Consists of two peritoneal layers • Intestinal border-folded, 7 m long • Radix of mesentery – 15 cm long – Directed obliquely from left side of L2 to in front of right sacroiliac joint

Structures which are formed by peritoneum Structures which are formed by peritoneum

Mesoappendix • Triangular mesentery- extends from terminal part of ileum to appendix • Appendicular artery runs in free margin of the mesoappendix Structures which are formed by peritoneum

Transverse mesocolon -a double fold of peritoneum which connects the transverse colon to the posterior abdominal wall Sigmoid mesocolon -inverted V-shaped, with apex located in front of left ureter and division of common iliac artery

Structures which are formed by peritoneum

Ligaments -two-layered folds of peritoneum that attached the lesser mobile solid visera to the abdominal wall

Ligaments of liver • Falciform ligament of liver – Consists of double peritoneal layer – Extends from anterior abdominal wall (umbilicus) to live – Free border of ligament site of ligamentum teres Structures which are formed by peritoneum

• Coronary ligament -the area between upper and lower parts of the coronary ligament is the bare area of live, this area is devoid of peritoneum and lies in contract with the diaphragm • Left and right triangular ligaments -formed by right extremity of coronary ligament and left leaf of falciform ligament, respectively Structures which are formed by peritoneum

• Hepatogastric ligament • Hepatoduodenal ligament • Ligamentum teres hepatis Structures which are formed by peritoneum

Ligaments of spleen • Gastrosplenic ligament -a double layer of peritoneum that connects the fundus of stomach to hilum of spleen. In this double layer of peritoneum are the short gastric and left gastroepiploic vessels • Splenorenal ligament -extends between the hilum of spleen and anterior aspect of left kidney. The splenic vessels lies within this ligament, as well as the tail of pancreas • Phrenicosplenic ligament • Splenocolic ligament Structures which are formed by peritoneum

Ligaments of stomach • Hepatogastric ligament • Gastrosplenic ligament • Gastrophrenic ligament • Gastrocolic ligament • Gastropancrestic ligament Structures which are formed by peritoneum

Folds and recesses of posterior abdominal wall

• Superior duodenal fold and recess • Inferior duodenal fold and recess • Intersigmoid recess -formed by the inverted V attachment of sigmoid mesocolon Structures which are formed by peritoneum

• Retrocecal recess -in which the appendix frequenty lies • Hepatorenal recess - lies between the right lobe of liver, right kidney, and right colic flexure, and is the lowest parts of the peritoneal cavity when the subject is supine

Structures which are formed by peritoneum

Folds and fossas of anterior abdominal

• Medial umbilical fold -wall contain the remnant of urachus (median umbilical ligaments) • Medial umbilical fold - contains remnants of the umbilical arteries (medial umbilical ligaments) • Lateral umbilical fold - contains the inferior epigastric vessels • Supravesical fossa • Medial inguinal fossa • Lateral inguinal fossa

Structures which are formed by peritoneum

Pouches • In male- rectovesical pouch • In female – Rectouterine pouch -between rectum and uterus – Vesicouterine pouch -between bladder and uterus Structures which are formed by peritoneum

Peritoneal subdivisions The transverse colon and transverse mesocolon divides the greater sac into supracolic and infracolic compartments.

Supracolic compartments (subphrenic space)-lies between diaphragm and transverse colon and transverse mesocolon Suprahepatic recess lies between the diaphragm and live-the falciform ligament divides it into right and left suprahepatic recesses Structures which are formed by peritoneum

• Left suprahepatic recesses – left anterior suprahepatic spaces – left posterior suprahepatic spaces • Right suprahepatic recesses – right anterior suprahepatic spaces – right posterior suprahepatic spaces – bare area of live (extraperitoneal space)

Structures which are formed by peritoneum

Infrahepatic recess lies between the liver and transverse colon and transverse mesocolon-the ligamentum teres hepatic divides it into right and left infrahepatic recesses • Right infrahepatic recesses (hepatorenal recess) • Left infrahepatic recesses – left anterior infrahepatic space – left posterior infrahepatic space Structures which are formed by peritoneum

Infracolic compartments - lies below the transverse colon and transverse mesocolon • Right paracolic sulcus (gutter) • -lies lateral to the ascending colon. It communicates with the hepatorenal recess and the pelvic cavity. It provides a route for the spread of infection between the pelvic and the upper abdominal region. • Left paracolic sulcus (gutter) • -lies lateral to the descending colon. It is separated from the area around the spleen by the phrenicocolic ligament, a fold of peritoneum that passes from the colic flexure to the diaphragm. Structures which are formed by peritoneum

• Right mesenteric sinus -triangular space, lies between root of mesentery, ascending colon, right 2/3 of transverse colon and transverse mesocolon • Left mesenteric sinus -lies between root of mesentery, descending colon, right 1/3 of transverse colon and transverse mesocolon, its widens below where it is continuous with the cavity of the pelvis Structures which are formed by peritoneum

Supracolic region

abdominal part of esophagus stomach duodenum liver Extrahepatic Biliary Apparatus spleen pancreas ABDOMINAL VESSELS

Abdominal aorta • Continuation of thoracic aorta at aortic hiatus of diaphragm in front of T12 • Terminates at lower border of L4 vertebra by dividing into right and left common iliac arteries ABDOMINAL VESSELS

Parietal branches • Inferior phrenic a. (one pair) • Lumbar a. (four pairs of arteries that supply the posterior abdominal wall) • Median sacral a. ABDOMINAL VESSELS

Visceral branches • Paired branches – Middle suprarenal artery – Renal artery – Testicular (ovarian) artery ABDOMINAL VESSELS

• Unpaired branches – Celiac trunk – -a short thick vessel that arises from the front of aorta, at the level of T12 – Superior mesenteric a. -arises from the front of aorta, at the level of L2 – Inferior mesenteric a. -arises from the front of aorta, at level of L3 ABDOMINAL VESSELS

Celiac trunk Left branch Left gastric a.

Right branch Short gastric a. Common hepatic a. Cystic a. Splenic a. Right gastric a.

Proper hepatic a.

Gastroduodenal a. Splemic branches

Left gastrioeploic a. Right gastroepiploic a. Superior pancreaticoduodenal a. ABDOMINAL VESSELS


Middle colic a. Superior Mesenteric v.

Inf. pancresticodudenal a. Superior mesenteric a. Right colic a.

Ileocolic a. Jejunal and ileal a.

Appendicular a. ABDOMINAL VESSELS Inferior mesenteric v.

Inferior mesenteric a.

Left colic a.

Sigmoid a.

Superior rectal a. ABDOMINAL VESSELS

Colic marginal artery ABDOMINAL VESSELS

Relations of abdominal aorta • Anteriorly (from above downward) – Pancreas – Ascending part of duodenum – Radix of mesentery • Posteriorly – Upper four lumber vertebrae • On its right – Inferior vena cava • On its left – Left sympathetic trunk

ABDOMINAL VESSELS Veins of abdomen and pelvis Internal iliac vein • Parietal tributaries: accompany with arteries • Visceral tributaries

→superior rectal vein→inferior mesenteric v. ①Rectal venous plexus →inferior rectal vein→internal iliac v. →anal vein→internal pudendal v. ②Vesical venous plexus →vesical v. ③Uterine venous plexus →uterine v. ABDOMINAL VESSELS

• External iliac vein– accompany the artery • Common iliac vein– formed by union of internal and external iliac veins in front of sacroiliac joint, end upon L4~L5 by uniting each other to form inferior vena cava ABDOMINAL VESSELS

Inferior vena cava • Formed by union of two common iliac veins anterior to and just to the right of L4~L5 • Ascends on the right side of aorta, pierces vena cava foramen of diaphragm opposite the T8 and drains into the right atrium • Conveys blood from the whole body below the diaphragm to the right atrium ABDOMINAL VESSELS

Chief tributaries • Parietal – Paired inferior phrenic v. – paired lumbar v. (four) • Visceral – Right and left renal veins – Right suprarenal vein (left drain into left renal vein)

– Right testicular or ovarian v. (left drain into left renal vein)

– Hepatic veins : right, left and intermediate ABDOMINAL VESSELS

Relations of inferior vena cava • Anteriorly (cranially to caudally) – Liver – Head of pancreas – Horizontal part of duodenum – Right testicular (or ovarian) a. – Radix of mesentery • Posteriorly – Right crus of diaphragm – Upper four lumber vertebrae – Left sympathetic trunk – Parietal branches of abdominal aorta • On its right – Psoas major – Right kidney – Right suprarenal gland • On its left – Abdominal aorta


Hepatic portal vein General features • Formed behind the neck of pancreas by the union of superior mesenteric vein and splenic vein • Ascends upwards and to the right, posterior to the first part of duodenum and then enters the lesser omentum to the porta hepatis, where it divides into right and left branches • There are no functioning valves in hepatic portal system • Drains blood from gastrointestinal tract from the lower end of oesophagus to the upper end of anal canal, pancreas, gall bladder, bile ducts and spleen ABDOMINAL VESSELS

Variation and anomalies of hepatic portal vein ABDOMINAL VESSELS

Tributaries of hepatic portal vein 1. Superior mesenteric v. 2. Inferior mesenteric v. 3. Splenic v. 4. Left gastric v. 5. Right gastric v. 6. Cystic v. 7. Paraumbilical v. ABDOMINAL VESSELS

Portal-systemic anastomoses 1. At the lower end of the oesophagus Hepatic portal vein → left gastric vein → esophageal venous plexus → esophageal vein → azygos vein → superiorvena cava 2. At rectal venous plexus Hepatic portal vein → splenic vein → inferior mesenteric vein → superior rectal vein → rectal venous plexus → inferior rectal and anal veins → internal iliac vein → inferior vena cava 3. At periumbilical venous plexus Hepatic portal vein→paraumbilical vein→periumbilical venous plexus→ – thoracoepigastric and superior epigastric vein → superiorvena cava – superficial epigastric and inferior epigastric veins → inferior vena cava ABDOMINAL VESSELS

4. Portal-retroperitoneal anastomosis Between the retroperitoneal branches of the colic veins and the lumbar veins, pancreaticoduodenal veins with the renal veins and the subcapsular veins of the liver with the phrenic veins twigs of colic veins (portal) anastomosing with systemic retroperitoneal veins Lymphatic drainage of abdomen

Lymphatic drainage of abdominal wall • To axillary lymph node from region above umbilicus • To superficial inguinal lymph node from region below umbilicus • To lumbar lymph node from post wall of abdomen Lymphatic drainage of abdomen

Lymphatic drainage of abdominal viscera • Lumbar lymph nodes – Lie on posterior abdominal wall, along the abdominal aorta and inferior vena cava – Receive lymph from kidneys, suprarenal glands, testes, ovaris, fundus of uterus, ovary, and common iliac nodes – Right and left lumbar trunks formed by efferent vessel – Paired viscera-drain to the lumbar lymph nodes Lymphatic drainage of abdomen

• Celiac lymph nodes -situated around the celiac trunk • Superior mesenteric lymph node -situated around superior mesenteric a. • Inferior mesenteric lymph node -situated around inferior mesenteric a. • Intestinal trunk -formed by efferent vessel of celiac, superior and inferior lymph nodes Lymphatic drainage of abdomen

Thoracic duct • Begins in front of L1 as a dilated sac, the cisterna chyli, which formed by joining of left and right lumbar trunks and intestinal trunk • Enter thoracic cavity by passing through aortic hiatus of the diaphragm and ascends along on the front of the vertebral column, between thoracic aorta and azygos vein • Travels upward, veering to left at the level of T5 • At the roof of the neck, it turns laterally and arches forwards and descends to enter the left venous angle • Just before termination, it receives the left jugular, subclavian and bronchomediastinal trunks • Drains lymph from lower limbs, pelvic cavity, abdominal cavity, left side of thorax, and left side of the head, neck and left upper limb Spleen

Location: lies in the left hypochondriac region (between stomach and diaphragm) deep to the 9th to 11th rib, its long axis corresponds roughly to the 10th rib Shape-reddish in colour Spleen

Two surfaces • Diaphragmatic: smooth, convex • Visceral: concave, hilum of spleen Two extremities • Anterior-wider • Posterior-rounder Two border • Superior-has 2-3 splenic notch, which serve as a landmark on palpation when it is enlarge; normally it is not palpable • Inferior-rounder Functions: considered to be important in: • Formation of lymphocytes and monocyte • Phagocytosis of bacteria, inert particles and white blood cells and platelets • Destroying effete or abnormal red blood cells • Making antibodies


Erythrocyte storage Phagocytosis Cytopoiesis Immune responses Spleen Relationships of spleen

Diaphragmatic surface -diaphragm Visceral surface • Anteriorly-fundus of stomach • Posteriorly-left suprarenal gland and kidney • Inferiorly-tail of pancreas and left colic flexure Spleen: Histology Spleen: Histology Spleen: Histology

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