


August 1999 Number 11


Glenn W. Storrs

Cincinnati Museum Center, Geier Collections and Research Center, 1720 Gilbert Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45202, storrsgwatemail.tic.edu

Abstract.—Detailed examination of the holotypes of all described plesiosaurs from the Niobrara Chalk reveals that only three of the nine named can be retained as valid. latipinnis Cope, 1869 and Dolichothynchops osborni Williston, 1902 are based on adequate material and can be recognized as distinct species of polycotylid plesiosaur. Of the several elasmosaurian taxa from the Niobrara all save snowii (Williston, 1890) are specifically nolidiagnostic; however, more than one may be represented by the existing material. Several holotypes once considered to be of Niobrara origin were actually collected from other units.

INTRODUCTION and sized hyperphalangic flippers (Robinson, 1975; Godfrey, 1984; Storrs, 1993). They also possess a relatively Sedimentary rocks of the Niobrara Chalk are an impor- elongate and have been known to paleontologists tant constituent of the epicontinental sea- and the public alike for many . Some of the most way deposits of the American western interior. Stretching spectacular representatives of the Plesiosauria, the giant in outcrop from New Mexico to and from Wyo- elasmosaurs, were first identified from the American west- ming to Minnesota, they are best exposed and most well ern interior (Cope, 1868a) before being recognized any- known from the Smoky Hill River valley of western Kansas. where else in the world; and, in fact, Niobrara specimens They form the classic unit indicative of a widespread, warm, helped form our initial image of these creatures (Williston, stable marine environment in the interior of the North 1890, 1903, 1906, 1914). American continent during latest , , At the most general level, however, the taxonomic sta- , and early times (Hattin, 1982; tus of many plesiosaurian taxa remains chaotic, and this Nicholls and Russell, 1990). Fine-grained, low-energy- particularly applies to the several species that have been regime carbonate rocks of the Member described from the Niobrara Chalk. Niobrara specimens (upper Santonian to lower Campanian) of the Niobrara are uncommon and are often incomplete and the histori- Chalk that were deposited in this seaway are notable for cal holotypes of such early workers as Cope and Marsh are the great range and abundance of marine gen- notoriously so. Most species from the Niobrara Chalk have erally well preserved within them. Occasional not been based upon with associated cranial mate- fossils occur also in the other () member of the rial, the most diagnostic parts of any specimen. This situa-

Niobrara Chalk, the Fort Hays Limestone Member. tion is compounded by our continued pool - understand- Among the fish, , , , , ing of the range of ontogenetic and individual variation in and other vertebrates of the Niobrara Chalk, occa- plesiosaur morphology that is only beginning to be ad- sionally are found the remains of sauropterygian dressed in recent works (Carpenter, 1996, 1997; Storrs and of the Plesiosauria. The plesiosaurs are secondarily Taylor, 1996; Storrs, 1997). Thus much of the plesiosaur aquatic featuring symmetrical, limb-mediated type material from the Niobrara must be considered (paraxial) locomotion through two pairs of similarly shaped nondiagnostic at even the generic level. These factors

Copyright © 1999, The University of Kansas, Paleontological Institute 2 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions

demand that a review of Niobrara plesiosaurs be under- SYSTEMATIC REVIEW taken with a view toward clarifying the taxa represented. DIAPSIDA Osborn, 1903 This preliminary report examines the described species LEPIDOSAUROMORPHA Benton, 1985 and their holotypes (Table 1), but a fuller treatment must of necessity be deferred until better material becomes SAUROPTERYGIA Owen, 1860 available. Some of the forms included below were once PLESIOSAURIA de Blainville, 1835 believed to have originated within the Niobrara Chalk, but Cope, 1869 are now known not to have done so. They are briefly ALZADASAURUS Welles, 1943 discussed because of previous confusion about their strati- ALZADASAURUS KANSASENSIS Welles, 1952 graphic provenance. Figure 1.1 Some of the first western interior (Niobrara) plesiosaur ischiadicus Williston, 1906, p. 231, referred specimens to be described and named were those made specimen. available to E. D. Cope by his collectors in Kansas. Other Ogrnodirus ischiadicus (Williston); Williston and Moodie, significant collections were made for O. C. Marsh by such 1917, p. 61, referred specimen. individuals as S. W. Williston, B. F. Mudge, and H. T. Thalassiosaurus ischiadicus (Williston); Welles, 1943, p. 191, Martin. Indeed, the rush to collect vertebrates from the referred specimen. Kansas chalk beds formed an early part of the competitive Alzadasaurus kansasensis Welles, 1952, p. 80. rivalry between Cope and Marsh (Schuchert and LeVene, Elasmosauridae indeterminate; herein. 1940). Williston, as a collector for Marsh, was initially caught in the thick of the conflict but later became virtual dean of Holotype.—YPM 1130. the Niobrara through his professorship at the University of Accession Number.-884. Kansas (Shor, 1971; Martin, 1994). One of Cope's early Field Number.—Saurian 190. collectors, C. Sternberg, later provided specimens for Stratigraphy.—Smoky Hill Chalk Member, upper Williston, as did H. T. Martin (Rogers, 1991; Martin, 1994). Niobrara Chalk (Santonian to Campanian). Carpenter Essentially all of the Niobrara plesiosaur holotypes were (1990) was the first to assign this specimen to the Smoky thus described by either Cope or Williston in these early Hill Chalk Member, and his determination is confirmed years until Welles (1943, 1952, 1962) began his mono- here following examination of the fossil's matrix. graphic studies of Cretaceous plesiosaurs. Only Carpenter Locality.—Wallace County, Kansas, on the specimen la- (1996, 1997) has examined any of this material meaning- bel but almost certainly Logan County, Kansas. Bennett fully since that time, and the complete plesiosaur fauna (1990) related the history of the 1881 division of Wallace has not been reviewed significantly. Planned study by Marsh County into two parts, the current Logan County portion of his material held at Yale (e.g., YPM 1125, 1130, 1640, having produced virtually all Niobrara Chalk vertebrate 1645, and 1646) never came to fruition (Williston, 1906). fossil remains from Wallace County. A serious deficiency of information exists regarding the Collectors.—H. A. Brous and B. F. Mudge, 1876. biostratigraphic position of plesiosaurs from the Niobrara Material.—Sixty-three vertebral centra comprising 28 Chalk. Virtually all of the important plesiosaur material cervicals, 5 pectorals, 3 dorsals, 5 sacrals, and 22 caudals; from the Niobrara Chalk comes from the Smoky Hill Chalk associated spine and other vertebral fragments, rib frag- Member (Santonian to Campanian). More specific bios- ments, the nearly complete right rear limb (Fig. 1.1), 6 tratigraphic zonations are usually absent, however, although isolated phalanges, and most of the . The right Stewart (1990) identified most articulated polycotylid re- is partially reconstructed, and the right is not pre- mains as having come from the uppermost beds of the served. The pelvis was thought by Welles (1952) to have Smoky Hill Chalk Member (Zone of ). Accord- been lost but is currently stored in oversized shelving along ing to Stewart (1990), a few juvenile polycotylid propodials with the limb but apart from the vertebrae and other certainly came from the basal beds of the Smoky Hill bones. Chalk Member (Zone of pernicosa). A single Remarks.—This specimen represents a relatively small, holotype, that of Thalassonomosaurus nobilis, came from the although mature elasmosaur. The centra and other re- Fort Hays Limestone Member (Coniacian). mains are characteristically elasmosaurian but otherwise Abbreviations for repositories cited in systematic review: unremarkable. The pelvis and limb were figured originally AMNH, American Museum of Natural History, New York, by Williston (1906) as a referred specimen of "Elasmosaurus" New York; ANSP, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadel- ischiadicus and later referred by Williston and Moodie phia, Pennsylvania; KUVP, University of Kansas Natural (1917) to Ogmodirus ischiadicus. The material was then trans- History Museum, Lawrence, Kansas; USNM, ferred to Thalassiosaurus ischiadicus by Welles (1943) as National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.; part of the hypodigm of his new genus Thalassiosaurus. YPM, Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, New Haven, Later, Welles (1952) considered YPM 1130 to represent a Connecticut. new species of Alzadasaurus Welles, 1943, A. kansasensis (a Storrs—Plesiosauria from the Niobrara Chalk of Central North America 3 sentiment hinted at by Welles in 1943), and provided a Table 1. Summary of taxonomic status of Niobrara Forma- supplemental description of the pelvis and limb. Finally, tion plesiosaurs and others discussed herein. The genera Welles (1962) expressed doubt about the validity the spe- Elasmosaurus Cope, 1868a and Hydralmosaurus Welles, 1943 presumed to be valid Shale taxa whose original cies Alzadasaurus kartsasensis and the diagnostic quality of are Pierre descriptions are sufficient for generic diagnosis, but. their this specimen. type species E. platyurus Cope, 1868a and H. serpentinus fossil could possibly be assigned to Alzadasaurus, The (Cope, 1877), respectively, require additional but it is unlikely to be specifically diagnostic. Alzadasaurus characterization (new). (also requiring revision) represents a moderately sized elasmosaurid (compared to, e.g., Elasmosaurus and Thalas- Valid Niobrara species somedon) with no longitudinal girdle bars, smoothly convex osborni Williston, 1902 anterior pubic borders, ischia that are approximately as Polycotylus lalipionis Cope, 1869 1890) long as broad with uniformly tapering (almost pointed) Styxosaurus snowii (Williston, Other valid species examined distal ends, slender femora with a sharply truncated Elasmosaurus platyuru.s. Cope, 1868a" [restricted to holotype] posterodistal corner, and little or no epipodial foramen in Hydralmosaurus serpentinus (Cope, 1877)* the hind limb. The present specimen broadly corresponds Synonymies Styxosaurus snowii (Williston. 1890) to this diagnosis should be considered Elasmosauridae, but [Cimoliasounts snowii Williston, 1890; indeterminate. Many of the putative Alzadasaurus charac- Elasmosaurus snowii (Williston, 1890)] ters may themselves represent relative immaturity, and it is Elasmosaurus platyurus Cope, 1868a not impossible that this specimen is an immature indi- [Discosaurus cannai us Cope, 18686 ] * ?Styxosaurus sp., herein 7, herein). frag- vidual of Styxosaurus snowii (see p. The [Elasmosaurus marshii Williston, 1906; mentary nature of this fossil highlights the taxonomic prob- Thalassonomosaurus marsh ii (Williston, 1906)1 lems inherent in specimens that lack cranial material. Ple- Hydralmosaurus serpentinus (Cope, 1877) siosaur postcrania are notoriously poor for identification [Elasmosaurus serpentious Cope, 18771* Polycolyhts laiipinnis Cope, 1869 below the family level because, although highly transformed [Polycotylus dolichopus Williston, 1906] from the terrestrial condition, they are relatively conserva- Hydralmosaurus serpentious (Cope, 1877) tive with respect to each other (Storrs and Taylor, 1996; [Styxosaurus browni Welles, 1952]* 1902 Storrs, 1997). A good deal of ontogenetic variation within Dolichorhynchops osborni Williston, [ osbonii (Williston, 1902)] taxa also is probable (Andrews, 1910; Watson, 1924; Brown, Nomina dubia 1981). Elasmosauridae indeterminate [Alzadasaurus kansasensis Welles 1952] Leidy, 1851 Elasmosauridae indeterminate "CIMOLIASAURUS" SNOWII Williston, 1890 [Elasmosaurus ischiadicus (Williston, 1903); Ogmodirus ischiadicus (Williston, 1903); See Styxosaurus snown (Williston, 1890), p. 7 herein. Polycotylus ischiadicus Williston, 1903; Thalassiosaurus ischiadicus (Williston, 1903)] DISCOSAURUS Leidy, 1851 Elasmosauridae indeterminate "DISCOSAURUS" CARINATUS Cope, 1868b [Elasmosaurus nobilis Williston, 1906; Thakssonomosaurus nobilis 1906)] See Elasmosaurus platyurus Cope, 1868a, below. Elasmosauridae indeterminate [Elasmosaurus sternbergi Williston, 1906] ELASMOSAURUS Cope, 1868a ?Elasmosauridae indeterminate [Ogmodirus martini Williston and Moodie, 1913 ] " "ELASMOSAURUS" MARSH!! Williston, 1906 ?Elasmosauridae indeterminate [ gala Cope, 1872]" See Thalassonomosaurus marshii (Williston, 1906), p. 7 Plesiosauria indeterminate herein. [Piratosaurus plicatus Leidy, 1865 ] "

"ELASMOSAURUS" NOBILIS Williston, 1906 *holotype not from the , although once considered to be so. See Thalassonomosaurus nobilis (Williston, 1906), p. 9 herein. Stratigraphy.—Sharon Springs Shale Member, Pierre ELASMOSAURUS PLATYURUS Cope, 1868a Shale (lower Campanian). Cope (1868c) stated (from sec- ond-hand information) that the specimen came from be- Elasmosaurus platyurus Cope, 1868a, p. 92. low the type occurrence of Polycotylus latipinnis. This would Discosaurus carinatus Cope, 1868b, p. 68. make the holotype of E. platyurus also from the Niobrara Cimoliasaurus platyurus (Cope); Zittel, 1890, p. 492. Chalk. Williston (1902, 1903), however, considered this Elasmosaurus platurus Beard, 1901, p. 267. designation erroneous and listed the horizon as "Fort Elasmosaurus platyuris Lane, 1947, p. 309. Pierre." This latter position, in the basal Sharon Springs Holotype.—ANSP 10081 (not 18001 contra Welles, 1952, Shale Member of the , which immediately and 1962). conformably overlies the Smoky Hill Chalk Member, was 4 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions

Figure 1. Articulated appendages of Niobrara plesiosaurs in dorsal aspect; /, right hindlimb of Alzadasaurus kansasensis Welles, 1952, holotype,YPM 1130, here referred to Elasmosauridae indet.; 2, left forelimb of Thalassonomosaurus marshii (Williston, 1906), holotype, YPM 1645, here referred to ?Styxosaurus sp.; 3, right hindlimb of Polycotylus latipinnis Cope, 1869, referred specimen, YPM 1125; scale bars = 15 cm (new). confirmed by Welles (1952), Carpenter (1990), and Storrs Philadelphia by Dr. Turner via J. W. LeConte and pre- (personal observation, 1993) as the matrix is a gray shale sented to the Academy in 1868 (LeConte, 1868). The rest with abundant selenite crystals. (The holotype of P. latipinnis of the fossil was collected by Turner at Cope's behest. is from a chalky limestone in the undoubted Niobrara, it Material.—Originally the nearly complete vertebral col- must therefore in reality have been recovered below, not umn consisting of 71 , 5 pectorals, 5 above, the level of E. platyurus.) dorsals, 6 sacrals, and 16 caudals; also collected were the Locality.—Near McAllaster (probably at McAllaster base (occiput) of the , the partial rostrum, and the Butte), Logan County, Kansas, in a ravine 24 km northwest pectrum and pelvis. Only the vertebrae, rostrum, and oc- of old Fort Wallace. The ravine debouches into the Smoky ciput remain; the girdles are now lost (Williston, 1906). by the Henshaw Springs, according to the specimen label. Remarks.—This specimen is discussed here because of Collector.—Theophilus H. Turner, physician at Fort its significance, it being the original basis for the recon- Wallace, Kansas, circa 1868 (see Almy, 1987). Three origi- struction of elasmosaurs and because it was first thought to nal vertebrae were sent to the Academy of Natural Sciences, be from the Niobrara Chalk. Elasmosaurus platyurus is among Storrs—Plesiosauria from the Niobrara Chalk of Central North America the largest of all known plesiosaurs and had perhaps the species. Some confusion also has existed regarding what longest neck of any known taxon. If Cope's (1869) inter- material should be attributed to the type (Welles, 1952). pretation of both the pectoral and pelvic girdles having a KUVP 1302, which was involved in the numbering confu- median bar is correct, this would be virtually unique sion, also is an indeterminate elasmosaur but one of smaller among known elasmosaur genera. (Elasmosaurus) dimensions. The current status of this material has been morgani (Welles, 1949) from the Eagle Ford Shale of discussed by Schultze et al. (1985). The size of the verte- has also been described as possessing a full median pecto- brae numbered KUVP 1312 are in the range for those of ral bar, but the pectrum in this specimen has also been Thalassontedon Welles, 1943 (see also Welles, 1952, 1970) lost. Carpenter (1997) distinguished Libonectes from and perhaps Elasmosaurus. Currently, is Elasmosaurus on the basis of possible differences in the known only from the . Welles's (1952) trouble - complex. The pelvis of Libonectes morgani is un- with the E. sternbergi holotype illustrates the danger of known. using vertebral indices for identification. The seemingly Cope (1868b) once considered that the anteriormost short lengths of the centra are due partially to postmortem cervicals of ANSP 10081 represented a separate species, compression. which he designated Discosaurus carinatus. As noted by Leidy (1870) and discussed by Welles (1943), the types of HYDRALMOSAURUS Welles, 1943 Elasmosaurus platyurus and D. carinatus are from the same HYDRALMOSAURUS SERPENTINUS (Cope, 1877) individual, and E. platyurus has priority. See Welles (1962) Elasmosaurus serpentinus Cope, 1877, p. 578. and Storrs (1984) for discussions of Cope's handling of Hydralmosaunts setpentinus (Cope); Welles, 1943, p. 185. this material. It is doubtful that the species can presently be diagnosed from the currently available remains. Cope's Holotype.—AMNH 1495. (1869) description of the pectrum and pelvis, on the other Stratigraphy.—Sharon Springs Shale Member, Pierre hand, if accurate, may be sufficient for identification of a Shale (Campanian). Cope (1877) described the provenance distinct genus (i.e., girdles each with a complete longitudi- as Cretaceous No. 3 (i.e., Niobrara Chalk), but Welles nal median bar), as may the extremely elongate neck con- (1962) pointed out that it is probably Pierre Shale. The taining 71 cervical vertebrae. Carpenter (1997) has wisely matrix is a blue shale with selenite venation, quite unlike restricted the name E. platyurus to the holotype. Niobrara rocks but identical to matrix associated with known Pierre specimens. "ELASMOSAURUS" SERPENTINUS Cope, 1877 Locality.—Cedar, Dixon, or Dakota County, Nebraska, on the southwestern side of the between See Hydralmosaurus setpentinus (Cope, 1877), below. Yankton, South Dakota, and Sioux City, Iowa. "ELASMOSAURUS" SNOW!! (Williston, 1890) Collector.—E. D. Cope, 1876. Material.—Most of a skeleton (approximately 58 cervi- See Styxosaurus snowii (Williston, 1890), p. 7 herein. cal, 3 pectoral, 19 dorsal, 4 sacral, and 20 caudal vertebral ELASMOSAURUS STERNBERGI Williston, 1906 centra) but lacking the skull. The limb girdles are moder- ately well preserved, although the clavicular arch is absent. Elasmosaurus sternbeigi Williston, 1906, p. 232. Portions of at least two limbs are present. Some of this "Elasmosaurus" sternbergi (Williston); Welles, 1952, p. 116. material currently is stored in oversized shelving. Holotype.—KUVP 1312. Remarks.—Welles (1943) erected the genus Stratigraphy. —Smoky Hill Chalk Member, upper Hydralmosaurus to contain the single specimen of Elasmo- Niobrara Chalk (Santonian). saurus serpentinus Cope, 1877. This fossil was further dis- Locality.—Gove County, Kansas. cussed by Welles (1952, 1962) and may represent a valid Collector—C. H. Sternberg, 1895. elasmosaurian taxon. The prominent posterior expansions Material.—Two cervical and one dorsal vertebrae and a of the distal ends of the propodials, particularly tile hu- neural spine fragment. This is at variance with Williston merus, are noteworthy and seemingly allow diagnosis of (1906) and Welles (1952), who said that the vertebrae this genus. Also significant are the lack of any median represented two dorsals. longitudinal bar across the limb girdle fenestrae, the short Remarks.—Welles (1952, 1962) believed, on the basis of and unexpanded , the jagged appearance of the published dimensions alone, that these vertebrae were anterior pubic border, the relatively long and blunt ilia, probably pliosaurian, perhaps polycotylid. This specimen and the large epipodial foramen between the and emphatically is not a pliosaur but rather part of a giant . Although pectoral morphology is clearly tied to on- elasniosaur as indicated first by Williston (1906). It is, togeny (Andrews, 1910; Watson, 1924; Brown, 1981), the however, generically indeterminate. Williston (1906) sug- absence of a longitudinal bar in an adult (versus the sup- gested that the fossil required description by virtue of the posed condition in Elasmosaurus), may be diagnostic. large size of the individual. As noted by Welles (1943), Hydralmosaurus resembles "Styxosaurus " browni Welles, 1952 however, this is not a valid character for definition of a in regard to its very broad and may be closely

6 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions allied. In any event, AMNH 1495 is not from the Niobrara exposures of the Kiowa Formation in Logan County. Chalk. Williston (1903, p. 7; 1908, p. 736) and Lane (1947, p. 305) listed the specimen as being from the Pierre Shale. De- OGMODIRUS Williston and Moodie, 1913 tailed study of the matrix and of its contained calcareous (Williston, 1903) "OGMODIRUS" ISCHIADICUS nanofossils may shed light on this dilemma. Nonetheless, See Thalassiosaurus ischiadicus (Williston, 1903), p. 7 the preservation of this skeleton is quite unlike that of herein. typical specimens from the Niobrara Chalk, in particular the Smoky Hill Chalk Member of Logan County, and it can OGMODIRUS MARTINI Williston and Moodie, 1913 be discounted as having originated there. Only the Pierre Ogmodirus martini Williston and Moodie, 1913, p. 120. Shale is exposed at McAllaster. Ogmodirus martinii Moodie, 1916, p. 402. Locality.—Sheridan (now McAllaster), Logan County, ?Elasmosauridae indeterminate; herein. Kansas. Collector—Joseph Savage of Leavenworth, Kansas. Holotype.—KUVP 441. Material.—Eleven cervical, 13 dorsal, and other verte- Stratigraphy.— (Cenomanian to brae, as well as parts of the limb girdles. Turonian). Williston and Moodie (1917) referred the ho- Remarks.—As discussed by Schultze et al. (1985), this lotype to the Fort Hays Limestone Member, basal Niobrara material cannot be distinguished now from other poorly (Coniacian) or possibly uppermost Benton; however, it is preserved bones also catalogued as KUVP 1329. All of the undoubtedly from the lower Turonian or upper material is nevertheless nondiagnostic and certainly does Cenomanian Greenhorn Limestone (Schultze et al., 1985). not belong to the Liassic genus Plesiosaurus De la Beche Locality.—Near Aurora, Cloud County, Kansas. and Conybeare, 1821. In many regards, Plesiosaurus has Collector.—C. Boyce, 1909. become a . Many poor specimens from Material—An incomplete juvenile skeleton consisting numerous localities around the world have been assigned of 51 cervical and 18 caudal vertebral centra, various rib to it, but few of these represent Plesiosaurus proper. The and spine fragments, and portions of the limbs and limb genus should be restricted to Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus and girdles. Most of the limb elements noted by Williston and P. guilelmiimperatoris, following recent revision (Storrs, Moodie (1913) and later figured (Williston and Moodie, 1997). 1917) are now lost, as are the girdle bones (Schultze et al., 1985). POLYCOTYLUS Cope, 1869 Remarks.—This immature individual represents an ani- "POLYCOTYLUS" ISCHIADICUS Williston, 1903 mal of seemingly intermediate neck length, but while the relatively short centra (compared with typical elasmosaurs) See Thalassiosaurus ischiadicus (Williston, 1903), p. 7. Leidy, and are reminiscent of Cimoliasaurus 1851 Scanisaurus STYXOSAURUS Welles, 1943 Persson, 1959, they are nondiagnostic. The status of the STYXOSAURUS BROWN! Welles, 1952 Cimoliasauridae as a valid family is itself in doubt. The species was named in an abstract (Williston and Moodie, Styxosaurus browni Welles, 1952, p. 69. 1913) as Og-modirus martini, but was unjustifiably emended Hydralmosaurus serpentinus (Cope); herein. to O. martinii by Moodie (1916). This error was repeated Holotype.—AMNH 5835. by Williston and Moodie Welles called the (1917). (1962) Stratig-raphy.—Sharon Springs Shale Member, Pierre species because of its youth (see and nomen vanum Chorn Shale (Campanian). Barnum Brown's field identification Whetstone, for a discussion of the appropriateness 1978, labeled the locality as Niobrara Chalk, but Welles (1962) of this term). The cannot be characterized on the taxon stated that it was probably in reality the Pierre Shale. Car- basis of the relatively poor type material and is a nomen penter (1990) agreed with the latter determination, refer- dubium. ring the specimen to the Sharon Springs Shale Member. PLESIOSAURUS De la Beche and Conybeare, 1821 The presence of diagenetically formed selenite crystals, a "PLESIOSAURUS" GULO Cope, 1872 gray shale matrix, and the general preservation of the fossil all suggest that it is from the Pierre Shale. Plesiosaurus gulo Cope, 1872, p. 127. Locality.—Mule Creek, Niobrara County, Wyoming, 24 "Plesiosaurus" gulo (Cope); Welles, 1952, p. 113. km west of Edgemont, South Dakota. ?Elasmosauridae indeterminate; herein. Collector.—Barnum Brown, 1904. Holotype.—KUVP 1329. Material.—A laterally crushed skull, 75 vertebrae, ribs, Stratigraphy.—Cretaceous. Reported by Cope (1872) as the fragmented pectrum, one front limb, and numerous from the Santonian Niobrara Chalk or Campanian Pierre quartzite of various sizes. Shale. Schultze et al. (1985) stated that the holotype is Remarks.—This is one of the better specimens of probably from the Lower Cretaceous Kiowa Formation, midcontinental North American elasmosaur, in that the although they were at a loss to explain the absence of skull is present, although crushed. As the fossil is not from Storrs—Pksiosauria from the Niobrara Chalk of Central North America 7

the Niobrara Chalk, little need be said here, although the taxon be considered valid, although presently only the limb and girdle elements are closely comparable to those holotype can be considered to represent Styxosaurus snowii. of Hydralmosaurus Welles, 1943 with which it is likely to be The possibility that other specimens from the region may synonymous. The great posterior expansion of the distal be referrable to S. snowii should be explored more fully. end of the humerus is remarkable. This is relatively larger than the expansion of Hydralmosaurus selpentinus but may THALASSIOSAURUS Welles, 1943 be an ontogenetic effect. The Styxosaurus browni type is that THALASSIOSAURUS ISCHIADICUS (Williston, 1903) of a larger individual. Welles (1952, 1962) provided the Polycotylus ischiadicus Williston, 1903, p. 10. only discussions of this specimen. It requires further study, Elasmosaurus ischiadicus (Williston); Williston, 1906, p. 231, some of which is being undertaken by Carpenter (per- type specimen only. sonal communication, 1994). Ogmodirus ischiadicus (Williston); Williston and Moodie, STYXOSAURUS SNOWII (Williston, 1890) 1917, p. 61, type specimen only. (Williston); 1943, p. 191, Figure 2.1 Thalassiosaurus ischiadicus Welles, type specimen only. Cimoliosaurus (Elasmosaurus?)snowii Williston, 1890, p. 174. Elasmosauridae indeterminate; herein. Cimoliasaurus snovii Cope, 1894, p. 109. Cimoliasaurus snowii (Williston); Williston, 1902, p. 242. Holotype.—KUVP 434. Elasmosaurus snozvii (Williston); Williston, 1906, p. 226. Stratigraphy.—Smoky Hill Chalk Member, upper Elasmosaurus snowi Williston, 1907, p. 481. Niobrara Chalk (Santonian to Campanian). Styxosaurus snowii (Williston); Welles, 1943, p. 188. Locality.—Plum Creek, Logan County, Kansas. Collectors.—B. F. Mudge and S. W. Williston, 1874. Holotype.—KUVP 1301, on exhibit in the University of Material.—A young individual represented only by 19 Kansas Natural History Museum, Lawrence. vertebral centra (3 presacrals, 4 sacrals, and 12 caudals), Stratigraphy.—Smoky Hill Chalk Member, upper the ischia and ilia (pelvic elements now lost), and the Niobrara Chalk (Santonian to Campanian). proximal end of the right . Locality.—Hell Creek, Logan County, Kansas. Remarks.—Originally described (Williston, 1903) as Collector.—Judge E. P. West, 1890. Polycotylus ischiadicus, the ischia of this species are clearly Material.—An excellent, largely uncrushed skull (Fig. elasmosaurian, and the fossil was transferred to Elasmosaurus 2.1) and 28 to 30 articulated cervical vertebrae. ischiadicus by Williston (1906). Williston and Moodie (1917) Diagnosis.—Elasmosaurid with low, thin sagittal crest, removed the specimen to Ogmodirus ischiadicus on the basis subovate supratemporal fenestrae, strongly posteriorly slop- of its presumed status as a structural precursor of Elasmo- ing suspensorium; preorbital and postorbital areas of skull saurus. This course of action cannot be justified currently. subequal in length; external nares greatly retracted; ante- Welles (1943) erected the genus Thalassiosaurus for KUVP rior teeth large and interlocking in alternate fashion. Dif- 434 and referred (Welles, 1943, 1952) many other speci- fers from other midcontinental elasmosaurs by greater mens to this poorly defined taxon, but later (Welles, 1962) retraction of external nares and general skull proportion abandoned the genus and species altogether. This latter (relatively shorter preorbital area in Libonectes, course is appropriate, as the fragmentary material is com- Hydralmosaurus, and Thalassomedon). pletely nondiagnostic below the familial level. Remarks.—First described (Williston, 1890) as Cimoliosaurus [sic] (Elasmosaurus?) snowii, the specimen THALASSONOMOSAURUS Welles, 1943 was transferred by Williston (1906) to Elasmosaurus snowii. THALASSONOMOSAURUS MARSH!! (Williston, 1906) Welles (1943) created the genus Styxosaurus for this speci- Figure 1.2, 3.1 men and then abandoned it (Welles, 1962), calling the Elasmosaurus(?) marshii Williston, 1906, p. 229. material insufficient for diagnosis and the name a nomen Elasmosaurus marshii Williston, 1906, fig. 4. vanum. The skull was generally well described by Williston Elasmosaurus marschi Pravoslavlev, 1916, p. 333. (1903), but it is one of the best known for any elasmosaur Elasmosaurus? marshi Hay, 1930, p. 118. and is therefore worthy of renewed study in light of recent Elasmosaurus marshi Kuhn, 1935, p. 90. advances in our understanding of sauropterygian phylog- Thalassonomosaurus marshii (Williston); Welles, 1943, p. 189. eny and cranial anatomy (e.g., Brown, 1981; Sues, 1987; ?Styxosaurus sp.; herein. Storrs, 1991, 1997; Storrs and Taylor, 1996; Carpenter, 1997). While the specimen is not directly comparable with Holotype.—YPM 1645. many other holotypes, comparison with the skull of Accession Numbers.-2062, 2083. Hydralmosaurus serpentinus (which has a shorter preorbital Stratigraphy.—Niobrara Chalk, Yellow Chalk, probably area, among other differences) indicates that it bears no the Smoky Hill Chalk Member (Santonian to Campanian). probable relationship to S. browni contra Welles (1952). Yellow Chalk is an archaic lithostratigraphic division of the The excellent quality of the material demands that the Smoky Hill Chalk Member that is actually based upon 8 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions



Figure 2. and mounted skeleton of Niobrara plesiosaurs; /, skull and anteriormost cervical vertebrae of Styxosaurus snowii (Williston, 1890), holotype, KUVP 1301; 2, mounted postcrania of Dolichorhynchops osborni Williston, 1902, holotype, KUVP 1300, mounted skull is a model; 3, skull of Dolichorhynchops osborni Williston, 1902, holotype, KUVP 1300; scale bars = 15 cm (new). Storrs—Plesiosauria from the Niobrara Chalk of Central North America 9

degree of weathering and is invalid for stratigraphic pur- Stratigraphy.—Fort Hays Limestone Member, lower poses (Williston, 1893, 1897; Stewart, 1990). Niobrara Chalk (Coniacian). Locality.—Logan County, Kansas. Locality.-4.8 km west ofJewell City, Jewell County, Kan- Collector—H. T. Martin, 1889. sas. Material.—A moderately sized partial skeleton currently Collector—B. F. Mudge, 11 May 1874. consisting of 14 vertebral centra (cervical, pectoral, and Material.—A relatively small elasmosaur comprising 27 dorsal) [Williston (1906) listed 32 or 33 vertebrae, but the vertebrae from throughout the column (some complete difference now cannot be accounted for]; numerous spine, but most preserved as isolated centra or partial centra) centrum, and rib fragments, the left (Fig. 3.1), plus associated spine and other vertebral fragments, nu- numerous tiny girdle fragments, and the largely complete merous rib fragments, the right scapula minus the dorsal left forelimb (Fig. 1.2), which is now housed in oversized process, the posterior flange of a , both ilia, nu- shelving. The type probably also includes 4 additional and merous small additional portions of the pectoral and pel- certainly elasmosaurian vertebrae labeled Brimosaurus. vic girdles, and various limb elements (the right femur and Remarks.—Described and figured as ?Elasmosaurus marshii parts of the other propodials; epipodials, mesopodials, by Williston (1906), this very fragmentary specimen never- metapodials, and phalanges). theless possesses a nearly complete scapula and forelimb, Remarks.—Elasmosaunts nobilis Williston, 1906 as origi- which are noteworthy. A broad, median suturing of the nally described was transferred by Welles (1943) to ventral plate of the scapula to its former twin is evident. Thalassonomosaurus merely on the basis of the possible This condition was also reported (Cope, 1869; Welles, presence of a supernumerary epipodial. Welles (1962) 1949) for Elasmosaurus and Libonectes, but a prominent, considered the material to be nondiagnostic. The taxon is sharp posterior projection of the ventral plate's midline in certainly nomen dubium because the type material is so YPM 1645 may not have contacted the coracoid to form a fragmentary. It can be considered Elasmosauridae indeter- pectoral bar as in those genera. The adult nature of the minate yet is somewhat similar to young adult specimens specimen may account for this projection relative to the currently assigned to Alzadasaurus. For example, the weath- scapulae of other Niobrara-Pierre fossils. Watson (1924) ered scapula displays no midline pectoral bar and little suggested that the length of the median bar projection in median contact with its neighbor, just as in putative elasmosaurs might have been ontogenetically controlled. Alzadasaurus, and may form part of a growth series for The very remarkable, perhaps unique limb with its sigmoi- typical elasmosaurs. The holotype (first noted by Williston, dal twist to the humerus, large epipodial foramen, and 1897) is, however, notable for its apparent recovery from distinct supernumerary elements, however, clearly distin- the lowermost (Coniacian) member of the Niobrara Chalk, guish Thalassonomosaurus marshii from Hydralmosaurus. from which vertebrate fossils are relatively rare. By itself, Williston (1906) believed the presumably reconstructed this fact is insufficient for diagnosis. positioning of the limb elements to be largely correct. Welles (1943) recognized the uniqueness of the fossil by Williston, 1908 creating for it the genus Thalassonomosaurus; however, he DOLICHORHYNCHOPS Williston, 1902 reconsidered (Welles, 1962) only to suggest that without DOL1CHORHYNCHOPS OSBORNI Williston, 1902 knowledge of the limb structure of Elasmosaurus, the fossil Figure 2.2, 2.3 should best be identified as ?Elasmosaurus sp. pending dis- covery of better material. It should be noted, however, that Dolichorhynchops osborni Williston, 1902, p. 241. Styxosaurus neither possesses girdle nor limb elements and Trinacronterum osborni (Williston); Williston, 1908, p. 715. that assignment of the T marshiiholotype to S. snowii is just Holotype.—KUVP 1300. as likely, perhaps more so considering that the Styxosaurus StratigTaphy.—Smoky Hill Chalk Member, upper Nio- holotype is also from the upper Niobrara. If synonymous, brara Chalk (Campanian). S. snowii would have priority. A large forelimb epipodial Locality.—Logan County, Kansas. foramen is known (Welles, 1949) in Libonectes but also in Collector—C. H. Sternberg, 1901. species of certain other taxa (e.g., the putative genus Material.—A nearly complete skeleton mounted at the A lzadasaurus). University of Kansas Natural History Museum (Fig. 2.2). The nearly perfect skull (Fig. 2.3) is maintained separately THALASSONOMOSAURUS NOBILIS (Williston, 1906) in the vertebrate paleontology collection of the museum. Diagnosis.—Dolichorhynchops osborni Elasmosaurus nobilis Williston, 1906, p. 232. Williston, 1902. Poly- cotylid Thalassonomosaurus nobilis (Williston); Welles, 1943, p. 190. plesiosaur with elongate head, facial region much in size, Elasmosauridae indeterminate; herein. attenuated; teeth nearly uniform slender and sharp with prominent distal carinae; prefrontals and postfrontals Holotype.—YPM 1640. distinct; parietals extending into a high crest; supraoccipitals Accession Number.-581. separated; internal nares small, included between vomer 10 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions

Figure 3. Postcranial elements of Niobrara plesiosaurs; /, left scapula of Thalassonomosaunts marshu (Williston, 1906), holotype, YPM 1645, here referred to ?Styxosaurus sp., in ventral aspect; 2, left humerus of Polycotylus dolichopus Williston, 1906, holotype, YPM 1646, here referred to Polycotylus latipinnis Cope, 1869, in ventral aspect; 3,4, dorsal of Polycotylus latipinnis Cope, 1869, referred specimen, YPM 1125, in left lateral and anterior aspects, respectively; scale bars = 5 cm (new). Storrs—Plesiosauria from the Niobrara Chalk of Central North America 11

and palatine only; palatines broadly separated throughout; Carpenter (1997), that the short neck of polycotylids is not large pterygoid vacuity anteriorly; quadrate process of ptery- a plesiomorphic character but one that had occurred inde- goids short. Distinguished from Trinacromerum by its shorter, pendently on several occasions. Carpenter (1997) allies rounder supratemporal fenestrae and a vertically oriented the Polycotylidae with the Elasmosauridae on the basis of suspensorium. Neck slightly longer than head, composed palatal and basicranial features, concluding that polycotylids of 19 or 20 vertebrae; all presacrals of nearly equal length are not pliosaurs in the traditional sense. and moderately concave, centra only slightly higher than long; neural spines short and blunt, uniform in length; POLYCO'TYLUS Cope, 1869 and scapulae free; interclavicle with anterior and POLYCOTYLUS DOLICHOPUS Williston, 1906 posterior emargination, the latter forming part of a large Figure 3.2 interclavicular fenestra. Anterior border of pubis convex. Polycotylus dolichopus Williston, 1906, p. 235. Ischium elongated but somewhat curved. Sacral end of Dolichorhynchops sp. Welles, 1962, p. 66. ilium spatulate. Podial bones and phalanges cylindrical in Polycotylus latipinnis Cope; herein. section. Length approximately 3 meters. [Diagnosis modified from Williston, 1903, and Carpenter, 1996.] Holotype.—YPM 1646. Accession Number.-780. Remarks.—Named in 1902, only later was the specimen described fully and figured (Williston, 1903). It is one of Field Number—Saurian 194. Chalk. Member unknown, but the best preserved of all plesiosaurs from the Niobrara Stratigraphy.—Niobrara Chalk and as such is sufficient to characterize the species. most probably Smoky Hill Chalk Member (Santonian to Williston (1902), however, erected a new genus, Campanian). Locality.—Wallace County, Kansas. As discussed above, Dolichorhynchops, for the material. Later (Williston, 1908), he acknowledged the suspected (Williston, 1906, p. 234) this material is most probably from the present Logan Kansas. synonymy of this genus with Trinacromerum Cragin, 1888 County of Collectors—H. A. Brous and B. F. Mudge, 1875. and transferred D. osbarni to the senior taxon. Welles (1962), believing that Cragin's (1888) Trinacromerum bentonianum Material.—One propodial and several small fragments holotype (the genotypic species) was lost and unavailable of a limb girdle. Remarks.—Williston (1906) designated the humerus (Fig. for diagnosis, returned T. osbarni (and all other polycotylids) some mesopodials and epipodials (these latter to Dolichorhynchops. This is inappropriate and, in fact, the 3.2) and of YPM 1646 as the type of this holotype of the type species Trinacronzerum is now to be two groups now lost) of a second individual (YPM found at the United States National Museum in Washing- species but figured the femur ton, D.C. (USNM 10945) where most of it was deposited in 1642) from the Niobrara Chalk of Trego County. As a 1967 by Welles and R. A. Long (personal communication, result of this figure, Welles (1962) considered the latter to 1993) following its rediscovery at Colorado College, Colo- be the holotype. Williston (1906) suggested that both indi- rado Springs, Colorado. Portions of the specimen were viduals were conspecific; however, neither specimen is suf- already residing at the Smithsonian (USNM). Recently, ficiently distinct from Polycotylus latipinnis to justify erec- P. dolichopus must be discarded. Carpenter (1989, 1996, 1997) has suggested that Trina- tion of a new species, and The prominent epipodial and supernumerary facets, large cromerum and Dolichorhynchops are distinct and must both be retained. As the most recent study, his decision is ac- distal expansions, and slightly sigmoid nature of the shafts Polycotylus, and in cepted here, although some of the characters used for indicate that both propodials belong to separation require further examination. It is possible that the absence of other distinguishing features they can be perceived differences in the postorbital region of the skull regarded as Polycotylus latipinnis. and suspensorium are related only to preservational or POLYCOTYLUS LATIPINNIS Cope, 1869 specific variation. The teeth of the two are far more similar Figure 1.3, 3.3, 3.4 to each other (relatively slender) than to Polycotylus, contra Carpenter (1996), and the vertebral counts are nearly, if Polycotylus latipinnis Cope, 1869, p. 36. not, identical. Given the ontogenetic control of limb girdle Holotype.—USNM 244534 and AMNH 1735. morphology, apparent differences here are also suspect. Stratigraphy. —Smoky Hill Chalk Member, upper However, pending a thorough reexamination of both taxa, Niobrara Chalk (Campanian). Carpenter's (1996) judgment identifying Trinacromerunz and Locality.—Approximately 8 km west of Fort Wallace, on Dolichorhynchops as separate genera is adopted here. As the plains near the Smoky Hill River, Wallace or (here currently constituted, Trinacromerum is known from the again, perhaps) Logan County, Kansas. As the holotype of Cenomanian and Turonian, while Dolichorhynchops occurs P. latipinnis is clearly from the Smoky Hill Chalk Member, in the Campanian (and probably also the Santonian). it must have come from below, not above, the horizon of Williston's (1903) thorough description of D. osbomi re- Elasmosaurus platyurus, as noted above. Cope (1869) con- quires no further comment. Of particular interest is sidered that the reverse was the case, but Carpenter (1996) Williston's (1906) suggestion, recently reelaborated by concludes that he mistook the locality as west rather than, 12 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions

in fact, east of Fort Wallace, putting the locality near the TRINACROMERUM Cragin, 1888 border with Logan County. "TRINACROMERUM" OSBORNI (Williston, 1902) Collector.—W. E. Webb. See Dolichorhynchops osborni Williston, 1902, p. 9 herein. Material.—Twenty-one vertebrae (one or perhaps two at the American Museum of Natural History), a partial ilium PLESIOSAURIA indeterminate and other pelvic fragments, and parts of a hind limb (distal PIRATOSAURUS Leidy, 1865 end of femur, possible , several tarsals, metatarsals, PIRATOSAURUS PLICATUS Leidy, 1865 and phalanges; thirteen of the smaller bones are at the American Museum, including the nine figured by Cope in Piratosaurus plicatus Leidy, 1865, p. 29. 1869). Plesiosauria indeterminate; herein. Diagnosis.—Polycotylus latipinnis Cope, 1869. Polycotylid Holotype.—USNM 1000. pliosaur with extremely short, amphicoelous vertebral cen- Stratigraphy.—Cretaceous, formation unknown. Leidy tra (approximately half as long as high). Approximately 26 (1865) provided no stratigraphic information on this tooth cervical vertebrae with deeply concave articular faces. Dor- other than Cretaceous. Williston (1903) suggested that the sal vertebrae with raised, central mammillae on articular specimen, from a marine deposit, had probably originated faces and relatively pointed, narrow neural spines. in the Niobrara on the basis of the associated fossils listed Longitudinally ribbed teeth short and squat; dental ribs of by Leidy (1865). This placement is by no means certain, equal length. Coracoid with complex, crenulated margin. and later Williston (1908) was less definite, echoing Creta- Anterior border of pubis concave. Ischium very long and ceous. narrow; posterior process pointed, relatively longer and Locality.—Red River of the North, Manitoba, from drift less curved than that of Dolichorhynchops. Ilium long, slen- of Red River Settlement, about 80.5 km south of Selkirk der, and recurved; sacral end sharp. Propodials with slen- Settlement, in Red River Valley region south of Winnipeg, der shafts, expanded distal ends; distinct epipodial and Manitoba. Williston (1906) had mistakenly referred to the supernumerary facets, more so than in Dolichorhynchops or tooth as being from Minnestota. Trinacromerum. Epipodial bones much broader than long. Collector.—Unknown. Podial bones and phalanges subquadrate (blocky). Material.—A single, isolated tooth. Remarks.—As with the first elasmosaur it was Cope (1869) Remarks.—This specimen, considered to be crocodilian who described the first good material of a North American by Leidy (1865), is quite probably plesiosaurian, but is short-necked plesiosaur. This specimen, the holotype of certainly no more diagnostic. The name must be regarded the type species, is very fragmentary and normally would as a nomen dubium, even though Williston (1906, 1908) be considered nondiagnostic as, in fact, Welles (1962) suggested possible synonymy with Polycotylus. regarded it (although Welles, in Welles and Gregg, 1971, accepted its validity). The vertebrae, however, are extremely SUMMARY short, and several of the dorsals possess a raised, central Sixteen species of Plesiosauria have been described from mammilla on each articular face. In both of these charac- the Niobrara Chalk, but only nine of the holotypes now are teristics, the vertebrae can be distinguished from those of known to have originated in this formation and of these Dolichorhynchops and Trinacromerum. It thus appears that only three are considered here to be valid taxa. Those taxa this species should be retained as a form of Niobrara that may be retained are the species of the family polycotylid distinct from Dolichorhynchops. Polycotylidae Dolichorhynchops osborni Williston, 1902, which Williston (1906) referred an excellent specimen at Yale is founded upon beautiful and well-known material, and (YPM 1125, from the south side of the North Fork of the Polycotylus latipinnis Cope, 1869, which, although incom- Smoky Hill River, 22 km east of Fort Wallace, Logan County, plete and relatively poorly preserved, has been shown to be Kansas, O. C. Marsh collector, Yale College Scientific Ex- distinct. Furthermore, sufficient referred material exists to pedition, 1870) to P. latipinnis, and this material aids greatly diagnose the latter species. in the characterization of the taxon (Fig. 1.3, 3.3, 3.4). Only one of the several confirmed Niobrara species of Without a doubt it is generically identical to the type, and the family Elasmosauridae is based upon material that is no characters exist to suggest that it is specifically distinct. good enough for specific diagnosis. The holotype of Styxo- Numerous other partial individuals are known; for ex- saurus snowii is significant because it preserves a complete ample, a limb in the Kansas collection (KUVP 5916) that elasmosaur skull. It is to be stressed again that cranial was figured by Williston (1903) and additional, undescribed material exhibits the most important features for the diag- material from the Upper Cretaceous of Texas. The pectrum nosis of taxa and for the establishment of hypotheses of and pelvis of YPM 1125 were illustrated by Williston (1906). phylogenetic relationship. All plesiosaurian skulls, either Carpenter (1996) accepted the validity of P. latipinnis on partial or complete, should be regarded as being of special the basis of Williston's referral of YPM 1125 and relied interest, and that of Styxosaurus should be redescribed. upon it for his descriptive review. Other genera (such as Alzadasaurus, if truly distinct and Storrs—Plesiosauria from the Niobrara Chalk of Central North America 1 3

not part of a growth series, and a larger form such as preparation of this paper. I am especially grateful to Roger Elasmosaurus) are perhaps questionably represented. L. Kaesler for bringing this review to a happy conclusion. Aside from the type materials discussed herein, other Kenneth Carpenter, Gregory Liggett, Thomas R. Holtz, Niobrara plesiosaur specimens can be found in the collec- Makoto Manabe, and Robert Purdy graciously supplied me tions of museums around the country, and some of these with information on relevant comparative specimens. Larry are of very high quality. Numerous referred or undescribed Martin and Desui Miao, and Mark Norell and Charlotte fossils of this sort are to be found not only at the institu- Holton provided access to material at the University of tions listed above but most notably also at the Sternberg Kansas and the American Museum of Natural History, Museum of Fort Hays State University in Hays, Kansas. respectively. Michael and Pam Everhart and Jerome "Pete" Future study of such specimens will likely aid in the Bussen provided invaluable assistance during field work in clarification of the composition of the Niobrara plesiosaur Logan County and turned relevant plesiosaur specimens fauna as well as the biostratigraphic positions of taxa and over to my care. S. Christopher Bennett, Elizabeth L. aid in understanding the interrelationships of the Nicholls, the late Samuel P. Welles, and an anonymous Plesiosauria as a whole. referee kindly reviewed the manuscript. This research was supported by the Yale University Peabody Museum of Natu- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ral History, the Department of Geology of the University of I thank S. Christopher Bennett for organizing a Society Bristol, the Leverhulme Trust, the Natural Environment for Vertebrate Paleontology symposium on the faunas of Research Council of the , and Cincinnati the Niobrara Chalk, which provided the stimulus for the Museum Center. 14 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions

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