1. the Pčinja-Krajište Cross-Border Region …………………………………

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1. the Pčinja-Krajište Cross-Border Region ………………………………… Preparation for implementation of the Area Based Development (ABD) Approach in the Western Balkans BASELINE STUDY AND STRATEGIC PLAN FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE CROSS-BORDER REGION “PČINJA-KRAJIŠTE” BASELINE STUDY AND STRATEGIC PLAN FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE CROSS-BORDER REGION PČINJA-KRAJIŠTE “This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group in South Eastern Europe (SEE) and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.” This document is output of the IPA II Multi-country action programme 2014 Project ”Fostering regional cooperation and balanced territorial development of Western Balkan countries in the process towards EU integration – Support to the Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group (SWG) in South-East Europe” 2 BASELINE STUDY AND STRATEGIC PLAN FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE CROSS-BORDER REGION PČINJA-KRAJIŠTE Published by: Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group in SEE (SWG) Blvd. Goce Delcev 18, MRTV Building, 12th floor, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia Preparation for implementation of the Area Based Development (ABD) Approach in the Western Balkans Baseline Study and Strategic Plan for development of the cross-border region “Pčinja-Krajište” On behalf of SWG: Boban Ilić Authors: Suzana Djordjević Milošević, Predrag Marković, Irena Djimrevska, in cooperation with stakeholders from the region “Pčinja-Krajište” Editor: Damjan Surlevski Proofreading: Igor Stefanovski Design: Filip Filipović Photos: SWG Head Office/Secretariat, Suzana Djordjević Milošević, Predrag Marković, Goran Milenković, Saša Kuzmanović CIP - Каталогизација во публикација Национална и универзитетска библиотека "Св. Климент Охридски", Скопје 352(497) DJORDJEVIĆ Milošević, Suzana Preparation for implementation of the area based development (ABD) approach in the Western Balkans : Baseline study and strategic plan for development of the cross-border region Pcinja-Krajište / [authors Suzana Djordjević Milošević, Predrag Marković, Irena Djimrevska]. - Skopje : Standing working group for regional rural development (SWG), 2017. - 150 стр. : илустр. ; 30 см Публикацијата е во рамките на проектот: "Fostering regional cooperation and balanced territorial development of Western Balkan countries in the process towards EU integration - support to the regional rural development standing working group (SWG) in South-East Europe" ISBN 978-608-4760-19-1 1. Marković, Predrag [автор] 2. Djimrevska, Irena [автор]. - I. Milošević, Suzana Djordjević види Djordjević Milošević, Suzana а) Локална самоуправа - Меѓународна соработка - Балкан COBISS.MK-ID 103427850 3 BASELINE STUDY AND STRATEGIC PLAN FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE CROSS-BORDER REGION PČINJA-KRAJIŠTE LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ABDA Area-Based Development Approach CAP Common Agricultural Policy (EU) CB Cross Border CBC Cross Border Cooperation CBD Convention for Biological Diversity CEFTA Central European Free Trade Agreement CSO Civil Society Organization DG AGRI Directorate General for Agriculture EC European Commission EU European Union EUR Euro (currency) FAO Food and Agricultural Organization FF Family Farms GDP Gross Domestic Product GIZ German International Cooperation HACCP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points ICT Information and Communication Technologies IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development IPA Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (EU) IPA CBC Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance for Cross Border Cooperation IPARD Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance Rural Development ISO International Organization for Standardization JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency JRC IPTS Joint Research Center of EC, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies LAG Local Action Group LEADER Liaison Entre Actions de Développement de l'Économie Rurale (FR) LED Local Economic Development LFA Less Favorable Area MK Macedonia NGO Non-Governmental Organization NP National Park NUTS Nomenclature for Territorial Units for Statistics OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development 4 BASELINE STUDY AND STRATEGIC PLAN FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE CROSS-BORDER REGION PČINJA-KRAJIŠTE OECD-DAC Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Development As- sistance Committee PDO Protected Designation of Origin PGI Protected Geographic Indication P to P People to People RD Rural Development RDA Regional Development Agency SEE South Eastern Europe SHG Stakeholder Group SIDA Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency SME Small and Medium Size Enterprises SRB Serbia SWG RRD Standing Working Group for Regional Rural Development in South Eastern Europe SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats TBC To be confirmed TBD To be defined TO Tourism Organization UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNESCO The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization USAID United States Agency for International Development WB Western Balkans WWF Med Pro World Wild Fund for Nature- Mediterranean Protection 5 BASELINE STUDY AND STRATEGIC PLAN FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE CROSS-BORDER REGION PČINJA-KRAJIŠTE TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. THE PČINJA-KRAJIŠTE CROSS-BORDER REGION ………………………………….....................08 (Introduction)...................................................................................................................................08 2. BASELINE ANALYSIS OF THE PČINJA-KRAJIŠTE CROSS-BORDER REGION...…….................13 2.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………...........13 2.2 Position and size of the Pčinja Region…………………………………………………….............15 2.3 Municipalities proposed to be included into the region…………………………………....….…16 2.4 Reasons to include selected municipalities into the Pčinja-Krajište Cross-Border Region.....17 3. HUMAN CAPITAL ..................................................................................................…….................20 3.1 Demography......………………………………………………………………………………….......….20 3.2 Education………………………………………………………………………………….……......…23 3.3 The civil and private sector organisations…………..………………………………...….......……26 3.4 Social exclusion………………………………………………………………………………........…28 Social life ……………….…………………………………………………………………….............28 Cultural institutions. ………………………………………………………………………....……....28 Recreation and sports………………………………………………………………........................28 4. NATURAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCES ............................................................……................30 4.1 Geography of the region …………………………………………………………….……...............30 4.2 Climate…………………………………………………………………………………………...........30 4.3 Natural resources………………………………………………………………………………..........31 Geological supstrate.................................................................................................................31 Soil...........................................................................................................................................31 Water.........................................................................................................................................32 Vegetation.................................................................................................................................32 Fauna........................................................................................................................................32 Protected natural resources......................................................................................................32 Preservation of the environment...............................................................................................33 4.4 Cultural and historical heritage.................................................................................................34 5. ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES AND POTENTIALS ...........................................................……...............36 5.1 Traffic infrastructure and connectivity……....………………………….......................................36 5.2 Communal infrastructure……………………………………………………...………………..........37 5.3 Employment………………........................................................................................................39 5.4 Important sectors of the local economy …….......................………………………………........40 5.5 Land use – agriculture and forestry…...………………………………………………………........41 Agriculture................................................................................................................................41 Livestock production................................................................................................................43 Typology of agricultural households.........................................................................................45 Forestry.....................................................................................................................................46 6 BASELINE STUDY AND STRATEGIC PLAN FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE CROSS-BORDER REGION PČINJA-KRAJIŠTE 5.6 Tourism.....................................................................................................................................47 Health tourism (spa and wellness)............................................................................................48 Other forms of the tourism.......................................................................................................49 5.7 Other sectors…………………………........................................................................................50
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