Trinidad and Tobago
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○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ COLUMN Grids & Datums THE REPUBLIC OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO The contents of this column reflect the views low in the southern part and hilly to carried out by Capt. G.M. Latham, of the author, who is responsible for the facts its north. My children and I found R.E., and a party of the Royal Engi- and accuracy of the data presented herein. the shallow coral reefs to the south neers in 1923. A base with a mean The contents do not necessarily reflect the of Tobago to be spectacular! distance of 2,162.3741 ft. (sic) official views or policies of the American Soci- In 1787, the Spanish Governor of (~659 m) was determined from three ety for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Trinidad signed the first Instruc- measurements with the Trinidad and/or the Louisiana State University. tions for Surveyors. The last sen- Base Measurement Apparatus. The Trinidad and Tobago was origi- tence reads: “All which shall be main net of the Tobago triangulation nally populated by the Igneri, a rela- faithfully and punctually observed, was adjusted by the method of least tively peaceful Arawak subgroup, as has been provided in these in- squares. and by the cannibal Caraïbes. structions, of which an attested “In 1925, on the advice of the Colo- Trinidad was discovered by Colum- copy, under my hand, is to be given nial Survey Committee, it was de- bus in 1498, the Spaniards estab- to every surveyor, making him sign cided to adopt the Cassini Projection lished a colony on the island in at the bottom of this original a re- for Trinidad maps. A suitable sheet 1577, but Sir Walter Raleigh de- ceipt, in order to convict him as system based on a grid for the whole stroyed it in 1595. Occupied by the necessary (emphasis added).” island has been evolved. The projec- British in 1797, Trinidad was for- (Signed) PEDRO DE IBARRARTE. tion used for both Trinidad and To- mally established as a colony in The first triangulation of bago is the Cassini, Clarke (1858) 1899 and was a member of the West Trinidad was carried out from 1900 Spheroid. In Trinidad, the Standard Indies Federation from 1958-1962. to 1903 by E.R. Smart, M.A., with Meridian is Long. 61° 20' 00" and the Tobago, in contrast, was not colo- third-order extensions carried out point of Origin is situated as Lat. nized by Spain; it has had a most until discontinued in 1911. The Or- 10° 26' 30" on that meridian, the Rect- varied history, and experienced a re- ange Grove Base Line was first laid angular Coordinates of this point for markable 31 changes of possession out and then measured three times convenience are called N. 325,000 before finally being recaptured by with a Gurley 300 ft. steel tape. The links and E. 430,000 links. In Tobago, the British in 1803. The first oil de- tape was certified at the U.S. Na- the Standard Meridian is Long. posits on the island were discovered tional Bureau of Standards. The 60° 41' 09.632" W and the point of Ori- in 1866, by 1908 crude oil produc- mean distance was 8,085.034 ft. gin (Mount Dillon, Trig Sta. L.) is situ- tion began, and in 1912 the first oil (~2,464 m). The triangulation was ated as Lat. 11° 15' 07.843" N on that refinery was established. The first then carried westwards to Battery, meridian, the Rectangular Coordi- international boundary treaty be- Port of Spain, the Longitude of nates of this point for convenience tween two sovereign nations that di- which had been accurately deter- are called N. 180,000 links and E. vided the mineral resources of the mined by telegraph by LCDR. Green, 187,500 links. ——o0o—— Brigadier ocean bottom was signed by Venezu- U.S.N., in 1883 at Orange Grove Me- H. St. J. Winterbotham, C.M.G., D.S.O., ela and the United Kingdom in 1942. ridian where f = 10° 37' 33.412" N, 15 October 1930.” Note that 8,000 Both Trinidad and Tobago, and Ven- l =61° 22' 30.920" W. The triangula- links = 1 mile, and 1 meter ezuela are parties to the Geneva tion then proceeded southwards to = 4.971014137 links. Also, for the Convention on the Continental the Harmony Hall Base Line; a dis- Clarke 1858 ellipsoid as used in Shelf. In 1954, marine drilling began crepancy being computed through Trinidad and Tobago: a = 6,378, 293.6 off the West coast of the island in the unadjusted triangulation of 8.4 meters and 1/f = 294.26. The origin of the Gulf of Paria. inches was equal to nearly 1/11,500th the Old Trinidad Datum of 1903 is de- The Republic of Trinidad and To- part of the Harmony Hall Base. Lati- fined at the Harbour (sic) Master’s bago became an independent state tude was determined at both bases Flagstaff where: Fo = 10° 38' 39.02" in 1962. In 1968, petroleum discover- by meridian altitudes of North and North, Lo = 61° 30' 38.00" West of ies off the East coast propelled South stars, and the results showed Greenwich, and the corresponding Trinidad to the enviable status of reasonable agreement. Azimuth was Cassini-Soldner Grid coordinates are: the wealthiest nation in the Carib- also determined at both bases by ob- N.436,366.91 links, E.333,604.30 links. bean. The highest point in the Re- servation of circumpolar stars at According to John W. Hagar, “In public is El Cerro del Aripo, at 940 and near elongation. The adjust- 1942 the Coast & Geodetic Survey m (3084 ft.). The island of Trinidad ment of the triangulation of put out Tables for Computation of is mostly low plains with some hills Trinidad was carried out by the Plane Coordinates on Lambert Grid: and low mountains in the north; usual approximate methods. Trinidad. I would guess that these while the island of Tobago is also The triangulation of Tobago was CONTINUED ON PAGE 1308 CLIFFORD J. MUGNIER, C.P., C.M.S. PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING & REMOTE SENSING November 2000 1307 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Grids & Datums COLUMN CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1307 that happened to be on both the Old Trinidad Datum of were part of the general contingency planning of WW II. 1903 and on the Naparima Datum of 1972. Thanks to David Anyway, they are Lambert, Clarke 1866, yard, latitude of Doyle of NGS, I received the WGS84 coordinates of all sta- origin = 10° 25' north (lower standard parallel = 10° 10' tions observed. I performed a simple three-parameter north, upper standard parallel = 10° 40' north), longitude analysis of those two points and derived the following rela- of origin = 61° 30' west, scale factor = 0.99999054, FE = tions: From Old Trinidad 1903 To WGS 84, DX = -33.250 m, 120,000 yards. I don’t have a false northing but cannot DY = +232.675 m, DZ = +484.542 m, the fit was good to conceive of a U.S. military grid without same. Never saw about 2 meters in each component for the two points com- any maps or coordinates on this system.” puted. From Naparima 1972 To WGS 84, DX = +0.332 Just across the Gulf of Paria, Ing. Dr. Adolfo C. Romero meters, DY = +369.359 meters, DZ = +172.897 meters, and initiated the redefinition of classical triangulation for the fit was good to better than a meter in each component the northern expanses of the South American continent. for the two points computed. The small Venezuelan town of La Canoa, just a few hun- In 1986 I was retained to study the relations of the dred miles from Trinidad was used as the origin of the various Grids and Datums of the area, and I traveled to Provisional South American Datum of 1956 (PSAD 56) the islands and mainland to research the original data. In 1987 I was invited to present the results of my analysis where: f = 08° 34' 17.170" N, l = 63° 51' 34.880" W. The el- lipsoid of reference is the International (Hayford 1909 or and development of the 7-parameter Bursa-Wolf Datum Madrid 1924) where a = 6,378,388 meters and 1/f = 297. Shift relations of all coordinate systems in the Republic Earlier work in Venezuela had made connections to the of Venezuela and the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to island of Trinidad through the assistance of the Inter the Minister of External Affairs (Secretary of State) in American Geodetic Survey (IAGS), and classical triangu- Port of Spain. A new International Boundary Treaty was lation on the Loma Quintana Datum of 1911 was extant subsequently signed and ratified by both republics. The across the Gulf of Paria. The PSAD 56 coordinates were defining Datum in the Treaty was the PSAD 56. Next subsequently also carried over to Trinidad through the month I’ll write on Venezuela and I shall list the various redefinition by Dr. Romero, the IAGS and the U.S. Army transformations among all four of the classical Datums of Map Service. the region that includes Trinidad and Tobago. The basic triangulation net of Trinidad and Tobago be- ............ gan to be re-observed and adjusted by approximate meth- ods in 1963-1965. The U.S. Army Topographic Command accomplished a subsequent simultaneous least-squares adjustment of triangulation and traverse through the “USHER” computer program for horizontal control sur- veys using the Variation of Coordinates method. This is known as the Naparima Datum of 1972. The point of origin is station Naparima Hill where: f = 10° 16' 44.8600" N, l = 61° 27' 34.6200" W, and the ellipsoid of reference is the International.