BUMUIOQVYG # Heart of the City: Roman, Medieval and Modern Revealed by Archaeology... eBook

Heart of th e City: Roman, Medieval and Modern London Revealed by A rch aeology at 1 Poultry

By Peter Eldon Rowsome

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DMCA Notice | Terms Heart of the City: Roman, Medieval and Modern London Revealed by Archaeology at 1 Poultry: ISBN 9781901992144 (978-1-901992- 14-4) Softcover, MOLA ( Archaeology), 2001. Roman London and the Walbrook stream crossing (MoLA Monograph). by Julian Hill, Peter Rowsome. ISBN 9781907586040 (978-1-907586-04-0) Hardcover, MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology), 2011. More editions of Roman London and the Walbrook stream crossing (MoLA Monograph): Roman London and the Walbrook stream crossing (MoLA Monograph): ISBN 9781907586040 (978-1-907586-04-0) Hardcover, MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology), 2011. Founded in 1997, BookFinder.com has become a leading book price comparison site The Map of Early Modern London comprises four distinct, interoperable projects. MoEML began in 1999 as a digital atlas of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century London based on the 1560s Agas woodcut map of the city. MoEML now includes an encyclopedia of early modern London people and places, a library of mayoral shows and other texts rich in London toponyms, and a forthcoming versioned edition of John Stow’s A Survey of London. The project consists of TEI-encoded files in an eXist database. The location files use GIS tags to pin data to locations on the historical Agas map, which is delivered usi... Heart of the City: Roman, Medieval, and Modern London Revealed by Archaeology at 1 Poultry. London: MoLA, 2000. Print. The history of the during the Roman occupation. From the founding of London to the departure of Roman troops. The commander of the Roman troops was one Aulus Plautius. He pushed his men up from their landing place in Kent towards Colchester, then the most important town in Britain. The Roman advance was halted by the Thames, and Plautius was forced to build a bridge to get his men across. This first "London Bridge" has been excavated recently, and found to be only yards from the modern London Bridge! The Roman settlement on the north side of the bridge, called , quickly became important as a trading centre for goods brought up the Thames River by boat and unloaded at wooden docks by the bridge. Get to know the history of London, from the Roman conquest to the modern day. Discover details and curious facts about the long history of the British capital. London is situated on the banks of the River Thames. Up until the early years of the nineteenth century, the capital was confined to the boundaries of the original Roman city, as well as Westminster and Mayfair, and was surrounded by fields. Be that as it may, the Industrial Revolution drew millions of people to London, expanding the city. The heart of the Roman city, at No 1, Poultry. The biggest, and probably the most expensive excavation ever to have taken place in Roman London was this site at Number 1, Poultry. The site was a controversial one. In Saxon and medieval London, the wharves were continually bring rebuilt further out into the river, to reclaim more land for the warehouses. Because this land has always remained waterlogged, the timbers have been preserved. Here we see a wharf of 1026/7 – the date being given by tree-ring dating. Roman London was established on the north side of the River Thames. A new bridge was built over the river and excavations at Southwark south of the river, on the new Jubilee line, have revealed evidence for burning by Boudica in AD 60.